PITTSBURGW_GAMMI i 'That : / mast work, I thank - thee, 'God! I ham that hardship;' toil and pain, - Like, rigaroas.winter,in the sod, "Which doth mature the-hardy . Calls forth idman his noblest : posers; :-,Therefare hold my .head erect'. -,- 1. - And amid life's severest hour, Stand Mandan in my selt'..respe I.thank thee, 00d, that I mast Ton ermined slue .otlineage high, game-law lord Who inms.the soil, na.so free a man a 5 ,1.1 wears the fetters -of Ida' clam -•- -,Wealth, birth and rank lime .tredged him in; I heed but this, I amlaLlMan„- - ' And to. the peat in man akin! *-- Thailk - dad; that. like the mountain oak, = My lot is. with- the storms of life; Strength-grows from oat the .temptst's shook;. __"Atul patience in the daily.st ri te.:, • .. Thea!Oruy..ltand, the. farrowed/brow, • not, 4 howe'er sloth - may deem; Ta.this..de g rade ,nritupy,and bow, And ape : vice we disesteem:' . . . . Thank God for t,.011, for hardship, whence • Come courage. patience' •hatdihOod, And for that Bad. =perk: ' Ice :Which leans-t 5 tearstforothere wo! • ''Brother in toil, Irmipect•Oyself. • Ana let thy st:ftUsat..iirtoe show Thu an is nobler far than pelf! 'Or all.that fortram can bestow. lima God for toil; nor . fear the Ace Of Wealth, oar rank; fear only sin, That blight wh_ch mars all outward grace, -- And'diaus the light of peace within! care on thy Mid, my brother, gips , Thrliard and toil endaexl hand to me;.. We are no dreamera, we shalt lire • • . . 'A..brighter,..better day to seer • Elkana. -' If I Inn erred in gingliarfor the light; - • That Arm:meth ttu the harplf *olden portals. - the from,the gplitymight.' That broPletti the tribe of airing morteiel—r hare greamerat elude*/ tree and Air Mt In Whitens. grain Oboes, upon! toe. 'fbleting the tree. the light, the good Work theirs - ;lireernaghttpbreat the swell In 41:dch they homed Mei la her! forgive me. .• If lucre over found a bitter rear. . _ • Conning down cheeks with Pier winner palling. Asitlethrso rai.or.i4 to.picture there • : Orbits/le glory thLough the griefdrope.filling flteroheardtmond hnmen.e.hoir,.. • one tone with earrotee inuobtaken quiver. . .• AO potted all Pandemic the answering Inv. • • 'Handal sweet Malaga* iharode touch to hare ever tuinal with withering Scorn._ . • API Prank not saliently the titter' cue . Which Than In lose hoot Trot/mad. unreplainr, , r If I have learned pot from earth's ilograt .- To'boar lee thoinandille.lts Wrongs, lie eerrows, Am but-the Wham fleeing from the dot, The disky,herald of waterloos morrow, • ' Fatheri.lorgire are. . • Ahd obi if I here ever cloned a sigh. • In any hearttor own boo loirdlo,chrdah, ' • A..9.4S the tamer of liamOrtallty. , • , Mdtbailklr lel" when ell.eround seilsh Vorgire thle;—for iii smarttUngir. Was nave thonghlam deed.'each light. Word content Time, Mei. our dinkthe eyes we love tP,es • • • • Itrd tearsiwbich eve hid of deep/am:dal= broke , To Karr Bans raox Picrzso Pstra,.—AS the season Is coming on for thedepredations of birds I beg to report mrexperience of last - year, when I oared my curnats and geosoberies, brwinding colored worsted rotted and across my. bashes, and my cherries, by hanging WO' rewind pieces of tin with strong threadin the'different trees, two pieces being hungneer MiOnghtogetber - to clash with the wind, which gourd, with the bright re- : flection of the tininehejsum mattalzdy frighten ed them away; and i brd my*O.' share of fruit,' which, the preceding year: I wits obliged to le' Hncreish to thent.,—..dyrkultora/ Garrtu. 01t1, , HANS' COURT MLR, . of Valitablf%•hiporty ty orPlitoblergli. .1N "TRW ANC& 'of atiOrdei:of tao Or itti b Af=4,l!l=,'.`tn=d-t.lit: Istatit t hird in the City U. of ktneberdb, and eoll the =re ter one third trash, one third in oat year; vith 'Waren nonithe der of sale; and one third in two years. Nthin verret from the day of.le, end parmente to D. .ern by lends end roortnager, with mond todlrlds up_ into leo or 6nte puts, end eell the saw parte moo:hewed. tiny Ma or atore Weald Di.. of wound as mar te deemed =ado etre to the Lateran ot the Wide: , • All Ulm certain lots idea of ground. being part of lot No 11, ittJarom Adana' pert of Mewl= of Northern Llbertlcs. now 6th want of the city of Plashargh; bounded and domited as follom. Itegintalogan Penn .trees as the &dame of teem two foci di lathes from , Adams Moat, thence along Perm =net atontrwardly, twenty in-. en feet de Meth. and extending the same width bath to: timing alley, one hundred fie; on which eected. two two story lame r deing homes, with too Me montenk Wild Lam, soloec to a montel real gm Lam of Afty. dollars per eanum. murahle poariady to Janne ams., bleheare end " roo ' n-_ Ell oft[ certain lot or fdoce of.'gro • ad. MUM la the 6th ward be Orr of Phtsburett being bole tice , 134 and IM is the plan of pandelm between the hems of John end /Mary Jelin-No 014 Deeember Term. 1111. Comm. Picas of my Camay, Loot b eginn in g AI mi • 61; 839.thowled as fathom e etthe caner of .Pnlakltitmd Lamest air thane alcagJearea Omer am /toothed ead Matifysle feet to LaMar rtreen thence eadwardly them'Upton; fi lth debt , fan and .Menee by Alla. parallel with Loma /meet eatherndly. oat hmthed and twenty Mx feet to Frartitha Werra theme • Mammal/ aketzFatalthe street, linty eight fat tallosan earne,the place el Cognizing, ma which are greeted Co two Am/ Ohk...llTellieg - Mout/wen Fmaklia siren. . one Me story 'frame' . house. and one tern Mkt elling home. fronting on ; Logan etreet-hetee the 0 0• which IL a. Collin, aud 1.5,, , 14y deed dated • June PM.' 11315, mended la boot 31/. Oh. col Id. In &TA a.trrai the mid Hobert Qatar. Ea. • ; . Aim-All theteertate lam plea eat gained &Mt. le the bet Went of the City of Pittelmegh. thins tart allot No 3041 a the plan of mkt nity, .bounded awl deerhad BLS 1111101/00ta br Ththt stree t, by Om. =17 :4 11;.: /Atm halt of lot No by lot o Mont Cu Thinit treeta.litty wooer lon.nrore or heek. with the m=grie . l an aim three Pet wide, a4gdning.lat No ZZA, about Z.) feet bsek. flow. Thirst straf e min Ing bang in th e 85 feet, mai .less. and.eo Met in wfdthelatt . enear of which emoted sacral name deal- LYlr-Tth that tertian - it . ..es . lie 31e.; o r e plan of Pitteburgb, diluted in the Ist weed of std coy. kende.' sad dabel as followty • beginning.. itard mast; se the corner of lot N 0.31. thence Man Third ztreet towatds Markeretreet ft:KIT OA" feet, more a hem thence Me parallel linsWithltont street.matheardly delay dm Get, mare or foamce in • Perellet taleahh 1 . 1 street eastwardil bet. tome or lam end thrum in • Ithe mallet with Waal street, amthwarilr. d e nt thlay fire feet, enem Or law, to the brickplaceof lntoo t amended two three story dwelling houses, with store tome in Moen Pert cd' the 'a.* l;,n.a..tt -Ij"i)fi.42"'l'3rlree.tr='i:bitg'or' "14' A lfdllda i demand. _being Ifitt Pee mourn doodrot the Me ham o the meld Rim 'Jam '.Bande. cad Ana her death, theaeld Egliped 00.1 ht payable to Um beim of the mid All that cabin 'Piece 'of rOnteLpartefiANo. •o. la the plata 01,Pittoeur.h. altaxte 10 First. j , e , ILI of wad city, twornehitilead ..g.nbed as Ibllowe, _Ms: be z on Fourth street. at the canter of Lot No. Z.M. theme Moog Mourne street mertwetedly 4Ohet, thence senthwerdl IT Lod Minitel with Market =eat Mt AM, theme eastward 1/ and parallel with Pewit; street 40 fat to the lime ofLot No. asl az.robe.-arrlthatere by the mmenotrtheardlyend Pendleimith Market street BO feet to the'pleat of beet., Jur:wader sad subject to thepaymentof salaams' ground rent of 1190 forwnw to John And I ierantheireand ;Gelman ea whieh s erected ma twoetorfbrldc deellibl Led one thmestori frame 40.D10g bow. Also. All flea certain iota piece ef mental attests% the SemW Ward of the City of Pittabratria. bounded and de ,dim.; m follows, rim beginning on Vomit. street. at the istance of W. feet mstwaraly from the earner of Cherry alley end Fourth area, theme outwardly along Your street 11 Get to lot y of Robert Woods,feed e thenee alone the same muthwaall to m m Third Mreet Salm. or leo, mama westwardly la a line ls parallel with Rktrat Knot= feet, there* alind . Ltat. - Young's lot AS Let mono[ Ma. to the place 0r .ut, the right to the nee .I.lloi . eilem of th e y ia there..of Uss lot were,/ Wat.frell to WM. lot= Mmg th e whole rem of and PA ta Charm Miry. on whichls erected ethremitory Mick direlllog boom: Alm; All that aertain pleceof ground, shuate In the First Want of the elty of Pitudmrgh, being Pen of Lot Ne. 311 la the plea of mil eitl. bounded and dumbed as ibllowe, el= begloalog on the 'demand at N ark distance of Meade r lona the comer of the Diamond anet lased. • westwardly 18 feet, theme meabwardlf Ina parallel him with Market drat 0.41 Unto en elley four fret erne, theme anwthlly Ina line pars/lel with the Diamond Meet ang. them* northarently m a parallel line, with Dlarket streak :d Get to the plea of beeitothun with the privilege of the ... 012 . ran, bad mated tithe yearly[ ud rem of be4o i rlie and fora aseler; 00.0 ag= ri= " , rg,L a t, . • • .1., .A 1 thatOertala plea of f;rould shun. b fl...Fira Ward of the city M Pltteburgh; helm lot N 0.814, Wend ed arid deamibel 01 Wows. env beettuartgatthe toner of .Distoond Mier and mouton sontbatently along the law wed Boma at feet mom oe Qom. Perthel .ith DW mood: alley weetwarttly Pal Met mom or ten lesattor • mat, thence Clone mid etrat ai feet more or lax whirr mood allud e mud thence Moog Inlationd alley .eastwanlly ' /03 feet more or lead to the plea of begionior whoop be. erected one Ishm thane:tory brick Terme name. wllit tarzextbl ui e l t z . and re prostarr trick Tavern. Lot No. 11* to the MU , : tbe a nnty . ., ‘" geb.4o, l'4 ;ll nate m. water street.in the Second Recd of 11.14 city. bounded by Water street. the other half of the aeld lot No. 109, by Vast str;t . , , r by the , Tee of Lot N 0.250, de, L'ai,irm3".llMeere Mont a the men eld ' aeltrattlaTelat erected!. Our Ma/ Mink warehour ti i cli - _ ' L7Exectilair. Babart E Ctaisty • For of or ;. ILCbrinjm.Ab, Once of Um nttebmgli compahr. • - Pitu/mrsbollgit:l. l & sl .. pp AILES:-40 doz. ;lay Rakes, for salt by Lib etern • • ' S. P.YON BONN/10118T a CO. • fORN--(o).bu. Shelled, for sole, by NJ. or= J. s. Dux - coma co. APPLES-200 bu. for sale by . MOLTER russNert, IEIKITASH- - -14'casks for sale by.. - ENaissa swevErr. &mod. sod ISt TIM at. CODLIVER OIL-30 galls. suirriorlYlkite, for or/.1.1 . snyl SELL/ X. 5.15 Wood mt. 11130TATOES-20 bids. • licTilyannocks; - for I. la* bY :a711,.. 9.7. CON BONMIORST - DIG IRON-66 torte Forge and ;Vo ddry, L en 1:614.11,12; Or We IT mOO. JOAN WATT t 00- ERR r SKINS-3 biles fur sale by mrr MIST; MliTtlinlitCo. D3l LEA.I4. 90 pigs Soft Galena, for Ciao ra by y 7 UTLEY, MATTIIEWB & IG METAL-465 tons for sale by ' lay 7 • ItTrEr. mArritra IL CO. :4. :1 :R.l' 1 7:,0r • a • ' -nagr,mAntecwsaoo, • ODA ASH-430 casks [vo u L9 for Sale by • el end) . to-arrive, t•thr ismer awl ITl,B=soll*oo., YE IiVHISKE.Y- 37 ,bblAlpure4 for sale IiTAII.g--3W. kegs used, for sale by say 7 ~,• ' A. CULBERTSON a in. • VWJar d t pr " _ • ~y,..,~,~'x x pro•.::•+,nr+-= ~ ~y}, :mac y B;lt3S: • • W ILtABRARD, km removed tie bah V awn of hltvWlltd IST Good s. t. 80. vs iht:ka gnat, near I,ll=lll pertosui botit,a ouf tII and Vetted,' are renp...ltelqwkro "b.' — lO4 atatutile tu MR. to eirma up bit bulb2ett by pf..of Joe. • Safi* ant Ventilation. livrE,,Aßl:gtaltill-,APFARAITS: for Roam;nratro_t_ttlteiniiittetai,wirsamdmut6e. sum umeekstorer,rartarits. llodratArit= i r=riottonata . temperature. eitturaorlow, (I.lted; .W 1 kr W... P=o,Alksr.lososod= 12c4 Wfil mosn nomftily b..ud nplu aa thb plan Masten% Cennak, salts mettut susug • Irbetnatos. =darns kW, aoh re.luiteo silts .12eator Koh amoureml adie.ty now*, , 6 -- g, 10103011 OKELY. -- • Lewial Patent: }Unmade: Water Pater :• • : N OW to ti , seen la tpepion TAW! CO.%obrstao: //ft mitt , ki p ela, FA Ntlelo MlMct netWklibborgb... Thlr Winer hatrondloi a Gold Medal tram tor Loteramo Irotltata. ot Vow York, o.tmata teamvlit poraltus zt rraala wm is tor p.„mmulta ttite P % allod h il• wr af& tie tillowitsfo= p rti r .ii tE i l .: 014 , er , ..VettrotaPatmtto ntOommeod to.ttio' lorera of trl P Terbr Ms: ' .raja[ yard me rt . them """ gr e To .l4' atp oatili, termaal a Nd l LiOtof o4 18Z Aar ' The PlairOttairrifbl Motorflterw l" arit ' iMrt Mr. • lltmael law*, sod roe lir woo. mantis at my taints reddroceo it aWou port. . 0 0kt wub.. therators ormakterit a go hank It ia toy power to Ftft..WFPd,ltito ;it Mai JONAS P. V tot •le lt, „ Timor Mari' era wititottal to n tik l a ß gertr 11 or tarte,wNch ariao Jim dacomored animal or mots. tosttln.tot water. , %ter ars- warranted, to tut two ram wilnt o slai ratory nsp cow will -last leat' aod remlo afOI. nal= .• • • TZS :arch maw& Philadeohlta. -. • , Pront Brick and House fide:.. rillHE undersigned is now e t ir rn ainufacturiiiwit: • his Item in gym, the. - b a = l l , ftrt=e4fa lionz psens•lnit perfeetlyedren, aquae' edges, uni • Eb .a . 4 , ita smlsna; Ow , no dust es opt. Auld ramp, • hanPosne. - ,elear, bright appeennee, aeon in Bev. Mr. ado t :l tr ad b Wonth littsrusin ,l lll,d,W=ien it niaing I.SSr tenet angsis.r. et r lislrum . . The india et . anything like • genteel nom, be of pressed • Cortitiastes in ray bow oisesunent 0. . Agents, And Mehl ' who hue nnal sisalar.briek • tensisely, acidify tothetranperkeity etdength, Mushy-. ity,,nshanee totrostor•ter,fire, to. • . nocrsc nut. :W. by an ablaysa. 4 g2= "4lth stL i Vr a y bad bandabied abgtbout obtball tbeespecne. mozios_Mucc . . : 301);(10C(tilicanott Ihric.l—sixoniith, . durability, az. CA.Muteed, Price, 1310 1400,5 t. UN arts.- , a 919 . —IBAILI I UREOG. TUT RECEIVED—AT - DIGIStS ty .401 Liberty 301 Xis. L. 4 sum -6 ixtee colcald awl black EEC IfaU . 36Bllakeret , .. ibr . /I.e l lenakkais# 4 int . at !Alreilla sad 141112:. Domestio Qu eenaware. •_, 00BWARD; lILAKELY4, - C 0..; -y.y. %diatom-a hoehlnwhato and Yellow Cane W. ! - Lifferfatnnle L Leaner, MTh and Law , t7 ave.. tuna. Comb bald g.) entrance cast door to. J. k. IL LL.L Oar extensive Work iroatdeni to fill older* panaiptlr.. A waniattent , hwillawt• bane_ constantly tam ployed. atro. an al:des as tote!" pant withal' the new and IminweeKt Water rita, firdthomjitehera.raneyStria:MonWft.fles.: Mew Vara. Uohleta. Mantel Ihnantents, atel haolt lam and articles tor danicstie toe. in great mkt!, Imra3rtersi , ,Toblzrk' aid Retailers in GOODS, .• . 62 • and Nark's. street, ,Pittsburgh, . Pa., ANNOUNCE' to their friends and the pub entwerally, that they aro now prepared to extblt twlteetwed meet carefully Wade' nook et IDSTIDDLY HMS' GOODS, they. hare tree °Swett /a elly..ecteVel at tho =at Oratire l a ' ff ' = • elf - • -•zowrsr POSSALE P.R.larg • at wltkli avail emote eold to any. et the Ea:ma Gillet - Their two lowa reesteotas be &yawed ascloateelY to retell tradwoett Doled,. engaged In Deyeatawatt, via - .SD the rent awl Dohlatab =es Impanel Dile tome. Goodi De;iartnient.: : • okiikeAngo6,4¢.s.HeracecTr.um.D.ragsdo ana. - Net,eo,oes, Da Leine., Lewn.a. Deana Cambric:4 Jeerer elts,Drenadlace,.lio=batinea Alpena. &a Shawls, Vizettes, ,te Cantos Cars, pals sal embroldesed. Also. Demur, 'Mat De lalae,_l..lamere. 54slas. flawed do, sad atlas Eihara Ylattes, Hada.. v.".. , . se. Hosiery and Glove Department wm abrais le (wad eassplete, tle.bsot makes of Calms sad Silk /kskr/. Was bed Hld Wows shays ea Lineri Department • 54. IA sad 54 Mae Linea Lass Elating, riDesr Cue Limas, DaDes, bleschel sat Imam lass. sa.Toselllaa Maar,. • . White Goods.- Checked and Dotted CaealdisM Mull, Fein. Molt and Wainscot Muslim: Victoria wad bishop Laworpof every , realty azalea Alma Curtain llaternals, Meow Leal Se• Embroideries, Laces Trixaminia, &c. A complete umetroret. Atsq /111Acesa, Flowerc, Saks. /la ?eructs or all Mole. Boursets of at thew...tar.. Domestic Goods Department Ta probably cow or the most estenstre Matte counter. ea bnrjn known as domestles. toolklent that, frith their Logone Escilitles. mad attnweive sewele. and unurtodlr low r.rtee, a r tier cacao% 611 te• eve scrftet • Made pezeteessre are respectlaWr 66vmedi6ae r will Os plawed to receive their orderly at lay time: goods at moterrewricew also, to dvpllutr any muse till of ew and faehlocable Goode will be received COOILIIIiir th..s"""""'Ohx PRI CK &Ur. IIirCLOTH TABLETCOVERS—A large marlakeiit of myin D rlbraalabd Was. Maud and Bureau Coven of dlflter.=eru. not to be sarramat by say jai In tbenity. Milan and camp an Invited tall sad tnallne br LtbemaelpTet Iron -7 'IV? mums' Jayl4 TALLOW bble. for p ale by ary6 ROB UM LIT= a co. • ratlA 'RUBBER AIR BALL'.Jciat re. a , ..gd SW dozen tab:feted inzsa'Alr is. 1411 the vitofesida Eastern Woes. • • 'TOBACCO -1 hhcL pritte &Tor Leaf; "a - skle . WATILIIAN 66:113, • lord' old Water, sod C 2 Prone id. of"bble. pare Lihseed, foi sale by: ers (1 -• • • L. a WATERMAN .% BON& . Q,ODA ASH-20 casks Klutz's brand, for cols • S. W.LIARBAVOIL' . G LABS--SOO bases sad alien, for tale by bbf r a l e ffilTurall. L i g l3lEl) 2s lL—la m i*TsF rim al o a r it ale Ff : ,l2glo . b?le,B , .••F e :..; a fc;;al im = n. H runworrrrzi-v , TIOTATOES—WO Backs for a nARBA /10170 N-1,50, bales for sale 137 !kJ - =Ts. -•' - • - ISAIAH DICELit a c:c. • Daign • no. • • AMU DI KEY l 00: ROUND NUTS-15 Racks for wile by G mrs - . - - • ISALUI DICRZT tco UTMEGS-1 bbl for sale by CASTILE SOAP-20 easel kr i ple_b 4 l 3. " CREAM I'AUTAB-900 has. ferrule bf J. KIDD !CO, VA&SIA—ISO7bs. (in mats) for sale b mys J. KIDD a (Xl. 11.111 d, DAMAIL-1. ease (to arrive) for sale VC br salro J. KIDD* W.. CtirWad rt. TtrANTED-A good SecondUan — dgdirA v v YOUNT. Enipar• of MILIEU sBZNNETT, BK . ITALIAN CRAVATS—Of Blithe difforta antist,jott feed by • - .111111tPlEIL EtURCIIVIELft :-Anrassort - moot of atm. Gaodx. 'ar Wks. tram LTf, coots to tiegiletoesis 40. latripliettl and Maga= toed LT WV. . SLIACHIIKLI). B OYS'ACASSIMEItggr-44)f 'various - color!' myli • • 111.11W11 V t BURCIDIELD. STAR CANDLES- 7 4:i boxes (10 to 40 Itn, , evb) tor Pale J. D. WILLIAMS • SPSR3 I DANDLES-10 boxes4's, b"a, find 6 . Ibr ed• IT • • J. D. WILLILLMS2 CO. .11L' -tgalt eleab auf oolon ' sayS ''V.".*i rcit r t c ° li t it Banker awl Ekehruege Broker. Fourth et, WESTERN 'FUNDS BOUGHT, and rho blend timikst, price p. 14 kr SILVER WWI . ..b. Eidll7.ll Bank Mask for sate. VRESII BUTTER-4 bolif Table Butter, FY w.d f'reariiLi. CO. latCrt7:4: QPIRITS TURPENTINE-10 bblx. in goCKI A 7 ceder, for sale tri S. Y./MLLES.% - • • Ca Waal et. VERMILLION--62.1ba:. (TtiestQ'tor sale C.IIRESE--sQ7lxTies for:it:Tie sr -R. DALZUL CO.: Libra) R. ph.P.ER * ,--300 reams hied. and Crown Wrap- On. for sals low L 3 eloiti JAIL DALZr.I.I. 611 stir _ . DRIED REACILES-600 bu. for sale by I • * CELANGE ~19.11174:4 and LW, idshestral u ar rid far lb. "22- ' , ammo Market Lad Tiara ata. HIED APPLES-75 tor: for salol 4 D susioupoie*lNOUßMl SAL3ION,-01) . bbls:tOld . bf. bbb. No. 1, for HERRING -10 bbla.No.l ( A nal) for Bale by SirAl3--10 bbls..No.l_kiew)J:or sale by stiztqtT i o It i lnext& t. ipAPER LIANGINO-S—Frora 43-14cta. to ir*Mul !Jun" . ookii. Rthn-400R i xanea$ for sale KRA -4 / 01 !=eg No. 1- Itosi4; PodAnd ' lo. - fiZar , was --TRANSPORTATION _:. ~.: _~ LOJI WOOD'S czieweiand;Piltonirgliaiittaguynt &pro& Es line nine in connection with riving ... F.To, Acilfp=f2a W..t . n Adamu iter,rAtu d , barlitalllVitualaaco of — et all otheif fades at con vey... ta ortAtea.oll4l Exam, frlll esab of au abate meatkrtzt Tasect. atm.4ys. mar. ...I 1 1 3 n11 l' ite l e a rg aafi t VA M l , package"'"di a nt t, Os Salmi= !lactate; Pa, Cuyahoaa Faits I fi * ee kr .h kk ufk*f. Ntt 1)W14 11 " gol " iire ' , "' ' ' W EE alton. IfUlentruth. Vroiarklaburgh, tilsbargb, iroll.fon: Hachette?, Wooater, bo os To. lenalla. Bolin; Dahou, litoutaTille, Maul* Canon Wellsthle. AVlrizolaburata Cficial rata, Trfiziamilla, aar LlfboN NomtonFalla, New 'Withal:6la, Nor Coatbefla4 Gold. Wm, Dank Not.. Jewel , T. and fAt.fr tai pools ftatred asa tomatat .ten' d.,Psfrh- , Tbff.r. uos oth EMIL alta_aral Accounts, TroMPflY . . . • • • • • - " .-- J.- D. LOCKWOOD, Pmpriatat; eArti/ . lspetweer .111 Imre llsseillon on •11toclari of .lieWrW , willlmes Clerrllmlon Th 0.4,314, .1 1 . ..1/obb, L . p gatrgra w igith.,; . iii.- 1,6,L1t V . ,11 a .....,..31.ssemuu.• Clark s Parks, jur.;; 2 7 4. 5117 ,... , N i. :60 /5 h. r „i k: f .4 . 4. 16, ,,,, t... , . z . }kT.,,,r.0rt,w174_ 'New Lake Superior Line.-=lB5l . 1111}.. new steamer NORTHENER, Capt. B. A. Elttere, basing eve/T.:oak= Lmpronaht for 11 and comfort lam alereletad en AWAIT:the:SI of Jur a= t 5 op. her ll= trip—aral treeklar thereafter m YAW, at Ma o clock P. M.. for the Taut &a alarie.... tea T e k :B=y4÷,ivege. , ,6 4 rlat=em Snarler. eh the arrival et theeleamer Northerhermakt= Olen :MU.. throeg!aVhe imam. hew= PP W. et A. TBRAtt. 'Clartdind. 0. ATM 115, 1851.—tf 1851. jail WEE ARMAND NICKIGAN, 0N; TEE EXTENSION bAN.A. tioninctau. 11111.E.P.ROP4IfETORS of this'Old.anaVell known Lbw . would Winn Om 'public that flay ars now In wpamUco for the went moon, and hat. cm:we and taxi t og Vnight and Pomaasarm, which theTaraltollY Part to carry •to powu °albs Elotal. and Lab/LIM khlwan, at the lowest calm. Om of the Dada of WA Lim will he constantly at tha b below tha Mama obeli &Vim 6ltto l.6lollEY s ...ign.a: cor.ST ater slat Ssoell ta. PI burgh. R lathen= ornaine..m. New Cast* Pa; ' • • • tr. c Maim. a.* & Sharochantls. • Wm.-Actlte On, °common • win. Henry. llsortgalri4 ' • a= " 3'= "111; ' - o.lt. Irallbtidsc.linflaio. N. Y. apl P:44 , 14 . 0viA:1L,:cti0cr.17:%4 1851. SPRINGLARBANGESINNT.' 1851; . Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. ••; { Forty-four holm to Baltimore. • -VO miles Railroad-103 miles Canal. . Two Tally. / l ines Brims Packet &Mo. igtega tEXCIAJSITKLY yaw egsernasusa,, .WA S . TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND 9=theripenin of aruil Navigation. Two . Daily Lharstihn Packet =no lease for Any =nos by Rained to ' HOLLIDAYBIIIIIIIIH, • • NEW:• ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Two Mind=and& s ei L tellea die= to ' Time thrOugh voarr-stx. Boors. Ara to Phthd , ll4o,. 110. Fare to Baltlin= mama on this route an net,and of the maxi anon, el sonetrOetion,tde cos i= and attety. • racketa Inthe weary =ma= hreethdy Tashi a•clOeh. and eynT mhthitarth, same hOor. Piuminwers - for Baltimore; " On arch) Carrat thnrithurg. tote the You nod Came =kW thdnonl • Snow hatched) direct to =I ,11T. (dr.Jus four mar=' Ttroa, FOOlt bourn • Ni, "charge for handling Baggage on LIU roots. The th erm= Speed =tea thls tin nue nathatable • este and desirable mute non to th e Last= thtna. For podone or Worn:tat= apply - &T. RoLMES, Agent,, • • 4 Mon=mtulaffoum . Or to . • D..LEECII it CO.. Canal twin. Pena tined. N. D. the lit sr Ja.IT the Sen , •l] , totta Unit= .:111 be Tedthed to Ida which tool =nen mina. Unmet SLT boors. „ •.• Pittabandt. febroarYtt. • 1 Kan 's Line. giggo -1 5 - 1 suip tka uß L . ll .6 : ltE • Is no.l3].n.lgairecti.i Eh and IW grstppianr, to a• short a= at as-low rattor a; any B atbe the • arronstmento bar alto bent =de for ord,llOlt •Way heeled to Plalr‘vlll, Johnstown. iledlt.lat slum ItVli t Z7,'llice, ! -t 'Z'a t ="'. n'..l===t rr a Otntrt=a=r a ntlit= the liatltthd. • awl= kotte-of kon eons= ft= ithJolato. =n on • renularity to shlionentx, 1 the alarm= J. at the binr, awe, easy be thlthl TG sootr,stsissenn. . Was-o Liberty theht.lll. Sedoodl dear son of the 1". HAVING DISPOSD .OF HALF ITY.IN TYRES? IN RINGS LLVE. to my Mabee. • L BINGHAM. Ma boiloemat iltotbuivit vilifier,. alter b trailided tinder Ihlf Stile of "Wm Mlochom A 0o.." • - [Mehl) • l WU. LIMI/11.111. 13inghame ' • Line; ffait.4ogP' 4 51.....Mittil PITTSBURGH k. TH PASTERN CITIES. aI[IIIE CANALleing notibpen; we are tea : dy. to nodes sad forvor4 PombilY: Poo4o ry tad =Lanais. mat mad wrst. • •• •• • lenghts allegro at lowed rotes dowsed by rerpoonble Embus and MerrboadoCll brreAred ant fonruard out kW most wbbool soy , Ammo ter fonnerdiAS laming Ansbt. ennadoeke, o”torner• • • WA of Loll ed Erdal sad dlreotiou Iblthfullo A:Waded to Addl.. & • WM. MEG AM * atioarßada, Corner 1410.rty_ood littabarob. 8111011.1111 DOC ISS Morkot As, • r . between Fourth sad Y . eta, 11.1.44th0bi0. JAMES WILSON.A4*.e. • Mo. 111 North • lborord stran._llBltamare. JAMES 111110111.11; Ea. 10 west • • 1.11 1 -row Ymt: .. . . MAN . 1851 'ZERO . 4,1. ' s ti r ; 51T.iili U Cliiii ililitAli..43 . A1;1. OR PHILADELPHIA DIRECT—WITH oar '.4'. Me.+VITILTIC I co, c.... 1 B.l*, ' We P 0......• P VIMPNEAT3IO.II, Coot.. aka. amid it,.. nil,. adap_hu. . W.0.P.1.1•4 CD Meliv 11 4rgo animist atelloo !AM= t all d =t=% `l l . r..T g. b : .111 '. Sea amp than Law P.n....0w= . - .1111"2.,11. Tto lammed number of Nneks prodded by the ems. Commisdooors , for otrrylog our Of on tho loVig n s= l :6g6 o" gtklua - gt z.,.. - ," .... Via '. 185 t • To . SlitioPens ofllleroluinase, Prod* . LIAM U T lfCtall. • • TATION , LINE. ATKINS A PI, Proprietors, No. = Mute. nal 64 Comae soe otr.e. Philsdelohls • , • , BELL it LIGGETT, Arent.. Coos) Ludo. Pillsiairsh• • Jul. TAYLOR A BON. Agents, Italtimora • • We in Impart< oit' the opeolog of the Peonsylvonla Nord, to contract— tor Foright VI kl• an 4 Mapper. as tooth despatch sod are as soy Was Woe. febt.P.lsa • . • MIS —roan rtiTatilL . 314:FAD - EN — & • CifirODE„. - fllikereseare ton.fohn llshuien tenj Canal Basin, Ansi Street. • Penna. Sail Road C0.,-Central Rail }kid. THE at; tocribera having been appointed' aulaiaaa tiorele for I.lu, Penneslssole or Q•utral linel;lofinm the putnlntlen no are one propene' to re eelve merchandise or melee* to shipment ewe Guth opening of the easel. • • • • • floods vie We sante, VIII be evrMdtbrnnhha Op SIM nil all conelened to us be nen inlet! nee of comma. lon us chug. Lit advances. • 'um or rmairr arnrsve natanearlu SID 7111WIIIME. • Brylktfelt , Elms. Boo . lcr.Btaltwary,Betle!7.oaufi. 1:1"..r• Hardware, queensware. (Jemmie, Pant. • LestherNlOirar Timotb y and paw °mut Bacon. Bait Pi,rk. Butter W 4 Lard 08, inbtetnt . coa..jalio.f. um!. qua uwx: As be", amble (rtousb) Trr. Part', Itogin; ' 1 '1"? BOSIMII., 1.1.10 McIJADER A.Ct VO/41.. • • _ agriAP_, 1851.„ tz'a Pittsburgh Tratogxeation Line. JAMES O'CONNOR A CO., Carial Rasta,PlWLnitth.' JAIIRS A Co.. /elute Broad and Cherry carer. am/ No. 3 South Fourth West Lotweet, Market tual Cleat nut Arcot., Philadelphia. • O'CONNOttli A CO.. lieNoratatate. Daltituore. ' ILIAVING fully • completed 'our armage bulk, italtherte, Philutelp Now York, Drawn, Cue elututicloultiallo. St. Laub all the Cart aid Mot. at lower rates nod with mon dirpatch arid care than any oat or Line. AU goals shipped by our Line aro fully covered by lurorauce, without soy cLuao to .woos. a protection slot really a ctor ad Ly art/ other . . All cruattualeationa add:AAA to ourulrra aircot.. flail A Co.. Cincinnati: A. Wobb;LoulcoUlo, and Low. A. Osborne, St. Louts will wet with Mae atteuti o . - - ors. R Our Lin. hut paconetectiorimbateror with the Plilladeletht and /garniture, TrourniArtatiou Lluo or At (AM Ibm, Wobl, foi sale TVINF AIUILEInt a CO . CI!LORI . Dr . OF LIME-150 B eask log alo Ca AL SODA—WO casks for sale by 1..7 .plB BENNhTt DaRAY a co. SUNDRIES-- 8 tales Deer Sting 6 eels Drlal Yeachwq • • 3 • Gime= 3 " Yeattms: joid. reed and fur vile by ar.2) , A. CULBERTSON • CO. rDIA RUBBER BELTING.—Avery him° attle of India Rubber nimbi. Belting Oth he th mince from 12 to 20 inr-ba , • This belting Ls so- Perin to leather at anT other. Sir ell open halts tar the Rd lowing Kneltr of widthand thicknese whidi It will eain. 2 No best under 3)0 degrees. Fahrenheit ; Inhume, it, end it rental= lealble let SAY deg swicr sold , • • 211.0 ei great strength end durability end nose not wd =l:ll=er=tls a . allflorziwarit= Ws es is the ease with leather or any caber. -- kei wide belting the rose le tench belay. that a( Leath at other. - 7 peinaldete iita direction., for um ant lia orOmmi,ti. gather with Wing leather end centred for •Jaintoireilirvi on haul sad for ftle at Na 7 and v Woad ye; _WO ..• J. g IL PHI.LLIPL.' SYRCIPS; - 11*.--Undormit'a Itno - Leawlk BM% Uuderroxf. suo.tita 11 , 4 2triostif,t pa 10,01!°!er tirit.A.Ahamiiioto - **^DRY • Ik4ltwar. IeiIi..ahCIEFIELP have ivld rw,„6Fif?„7, "4Z11.0.2 r • ER'RIMACK PRINTS-Now styles fan- Mmirruek Lip> Rini!. Also, inipoior .vh.,.• kr.%dtelinVilluisu). VITIDE SHIEIETIIIeS—A full assortment f &Merit& 104:11s and tett , mTI. MIAPEIT & • • z 4 I 'l, I urphy 4t, s arc. - Bold - Units tiwetteaUcasof blayrnto %dreamt:sent o 171{ooratio Yo► _ . Hoskiy;' Tr Immingi,.: and Lice Goods. H. EATON, 63 Fourth aim, between Harlot and lined. ln.itn an =nal= f 'chant . wall Wien W hin L a and nail Mach:din/I' • Ontan, 1311 k and Makno II". halt ilk.. and Gial.a lion is Kkl Ulaval and wain, Mut. ; Figmed and Plain. Zonand Ribbong • mat mit Tellattain and Inot team Dcosa Buttons snd. . • , =MEdC B s lw ""a!'6.=ii...Wrigilletrckta rd entry Uric _ rt.l . Crande, Dl'JedntritiTien and Let.r, r,"a 2 .4 .. TAT nem wog Mar and Tettbnenthagemam n Ina and common lana._, ,and Raman Zephyr mud M,am Yatternsi. /WOW rhontars, and Ereabdol• W ad., Ishom a"Tanew of small wares and meal Yana; Artklao. 1r ha .cdramoh. 'any either far. eta• ajnaand mem. 'ILK :POPLINS---Now• opening, at A. 41-1 0 4 , agg.A....o44.totaniripwak a tn. ari.: . . R.LETON TRIMMINGS:4:A. Misoll oc, t.ms reed pm twatsr. largo agnartoilvt Triscualsao.... -ftes. le. •Ser3 ttOSIERY GLOVES --Now opening at A. d. MASON CVS; • Nil •••+thiP•at of 11.4n1 M .W, .: ROI4GUT COLLARS CAPES-4RWA . i x:um:4 at 11 : 61 . 1");! , 074 • grar rigito -7 P — ABASO LS—A.choioo lot' of he latest styli* tat /alb A. L. MASON 00. • ate. 2 mud eters:lam& IttACTIWCKS—We offei 7 f7WinleTell!v, co inrytad Drke t. A. OASSIMERES-90 pioes farizirmssamblock, m fi uss LAWNS 4 eases peLetel, great. ..11 Iriii•tr . of Patterns Gm Ws: BERACIE DE. LAINS-2 apli l""."" C. taxes dinizable iIIIBBONS--300 pa Bonne; 250 Cap, for Le, debt ' areV O. AREIUTIIIi= TEST REC'D AND NOW. OPENING AT , - '7lnlZUZlriVto:ila t lldartr .0117.1 Mtleargtrear "ad.n %ag tag arrest Arles la ADM' ie.. 8 • oneson verr stdradkl assariassat •aad Cloth , of fors Easliloosibla abadriod color, _vide thordid , ri u Vrs n tsk=roulaettrall Roby lr= dada dot of ther'AlleTh=alVrp,atbe Is datiradoed to' WET at and prkee as Isla coa l = who two Itha srltte assn. that oot soli Ow moat raPsdad Ciottdast Ls 'at at this establishment. aol ata , ed o .* V=Virtekalladagillasrasioutad. atura.d. la lac 'best ponablookaoar, sod at LW shortest =O.. • Straw Bonnet and. Hat Warehouse, No. 105 Maccrr Snem, . . . . _ t H. PALMER offerer for sale, at very Icar view& toll aseartmedt of Strew sad 11:13110- 5 03..1. foreign sad daorkaajplates sad teary ge..34,CidDo.iisepOdllkko, Leee,lleb.Pelaald,Leg- V1T974, 31 1.% h 11 jtis WPM WI VT =L.A. ?EAU. Etna . . MR Imp; Uwe, sad Nam' 0...a1ef..)73 1 1 tr, sad other v.* Ii " .11 - ar r s—Ind t , Boated wad Snit ale.% Saito antl Ter m gittOraltrtgalragr ;TePar:trede=alitte Cetten Netts. STRAW TRLNYLKCS—Corde,TIiade. Butane. Baekie. Pki.l4l3llV, le, - e. PLOWX/15—Fresel setd /marina .13prias, baaetee sad 'Writar 31realtret42=-01se.. Ora de N. idee. Om de Mae. Ilonezaw, and other Kyle, coned nelltiorind calm: • SdfLYS—atedevel mall. sad color. Bas es; also— dr, to- Klatc sad Ida: arleecl Pesetas ead 121)abra ll maidea, Dead CARPETS, OIL CEDE R S, 81. e. W. It gM2=C Is non constantly rsorbins h n tprlns Stock of CARPETS. OIL CLOTH% & TRIMMINGS Cosanchlng In pastille fillowlntranyletiar CARPETS. Mara Banc Velw4 PO. Calvin de. 4ex. l'apedrl nein do. do. BradoLg vitro wow.: pip wperdw 3 Pin Own* own too do.; dm do.: comma do.: rottoodo.; .14. 34. cret,...114 tw Wed Irenltion: 44.' 34. 64: .66 p. 1.10 40444.34, 168, awl :A Wont =I cotton do. BUGS; AUT3;.OII. CLOTHS, AC. •Xxtrs Chentlio Rye tow do; dd; antra 40.1 6no do, dowonowon do. C We • Pow ]told taltrd do. do.; aol ..p skin do. dn.: Adelaide 40. LW: Than do. do. _ 'tnnet , Moe. Weldon 4.04. owl 24. rAttwa Oil MM.,- iroL to 111. y asa nom 64, 74. 0-4. 54.4-4. I. OtiClatiA. ST AIR RODS. , BLINDS. TABLE COVERS. AC. A to—etair unit. all slow CW4,4 land ew-nt.6t0dd0.,.. =1, ,,c dt134 WartinaX Tnido Onwl, and m oor_} Window Bad WinglaWiloilandr, ttsM i t=l:ndwoold ilaw; Cow. rd da TAW. do: do. dined, do: Warded Tabla do. 11. ,inn _ixotod and pardAnned oar sw.l Itton tbo loaaadoW:l 4 ll.ete oll rlow, betas of Ch. 0.4 Waau =LF . / 71 maulers at X. as ut#rst &PI C41341 an pparetpawd'gwLLlm :40- W afW ( I . 4=t Wats .11 Wadi and Wrasdlao otai at The • Carpet Wisrebcrase, 85 Fanztratreet. mcb: 9 • W. IdcCLINTOCK. L•• DRESS , GOTIOS-:-15 cartons at the wort faablvatie Size 4 nor oNe&I At A. A. N & Also, esaw• Ber. Ages, Poplins, Cambeire. ud isometta. spit ja-LACT;.. FONCJI CLOTHS --Mvarirr • anamizu , hairy AOI , OOSIS Abitlr SWAN supple ei rs4lll Clot 64 set -o vent ewe. anY Invite the dl. of Neat Uncut erlAINg w rupply theloselm meet I . OTTO :s' GOODS-2 cues Cotton pant Ij OM!. 1 rNamtou7. 67 FLAX—A. small lot for sale by LYGu u 1 DIMMEST, "at= 121 recood. and 161 NM. stmt. MISCELLANEOUS. undo Laboritory. 76,92 1 11., ht. Va - dypr l iklll 161.1 1111 11, 85 99 Per cent. EliretiOi. ,LO WELL TtETOEIER Man dictu m. a AU:01101 , Pore 14411, Cdogos aidarsa• Coppa-DistUied.Vapos Widslus Own am Wu& Coma of lilac lisoS inent•troM, Mama:. ucio. immin cedes I , con Mabarth will to K omar 1111•1 at toren mutat , - - Waal Wft= and Lio=. N 0,15 . 7 Late" at;erackff — fadeli• D. /IR/LUX Ofritt6ll7l4) Iran. 11, a 0.. e. • • .. _ 10143KE1 SEN k STOUVENEL, respectf4l2 „AT u. ros ' 81 ; Ind their trirlionat.ErtrahOm hr Amt. J• rea d were bay • fon ormlamani Use hest stost—lsomiael Thrteott rod as 4 sUte nlea, erembelatir *M.O. Bryan., or sos Mam4 MMus* /mom sus, itmlsad flod,l.elia.Wtastur,ch...grAd.r=lagg hash sato*. sursoMZlO A Winans, ae. .-almoa=o 4 t= Perstugs, Wm sod I.lrobarnb Mum. • All atO Ms? sill sell, wholesale. or "Mai, an tramsostmessable tunas. Om of the wham% It,. atomerel. tIU eaullsolow hapoctstiou Imam. to the Mrs' . N rota. the alms OM othera to sell o. observe IMO • totem ankle ths* 111 house In chh , clty. ens. Elm us • mil, ben. roa purchase elsewhere. • 'fireman* suppll.4 he. N.otm elute. sal k the .4 . - IIARD.—I-Jmve removed to my new afore, ilbrwe doom below.) nearly oppoel(o the Soak 'of album)). whet* I wlll be gaol to IMO my MOW) amf Oeb Hamm. ond rawly@ a .b. Of the&