, . . . , ' • . • -., LOCAL Sitine:—.4l.seing-I;iiiiiii the eountty 447 yestphY, - Itenpil the fairtifof our . reidenr al* eietin tur tar not giving our aaaal isrfAty of .10001 news I The !endue of Mr. Moir Litt trinning,-together Pith thntarn?sitions,.4 initirother, of the tricks of : the rappers --;for tricks,they 1111-: gnestiOnobly dfixtifectly Interntitig.= Hi is 'a Lie scholar, and. et: men of eeientT,;tuid. spoken of by oome,ofone itto4resiietatao Wan,. ;oho kturir. Ltm well, cc man of probity tunkhonor. Thle etenistietileetuto concludes the Course,,aud,w4 we 13114, Icy - all the spirite;,of that Mai, in Pitt:shingly He in about cc hard hpork ?apple, spirii as Mr. Gongh was upon ar- . : . . Anrotranzu SALL -TllO .bsklanee of tie lots bologna toYhe, estate ot itesißbook, ly ing - 11 the mooth.of Liberty ntul.Water . Strieta;:, ttlll be. !SOO far oole 00 to marrow, the 24th . irritant, at 8 o'clock,. .Those: Orbiting to auxhose ishosibilio the re*, st: they .141! Gm*AiAassivii of ias CuioIELALD Paw immum, cam=i—TnemaY, msy eemblymet-thie Itimm-hi& and idler the areal re.. - Aeons exercises, which wore Mind:amid by Ur. (1.-Qboilletts; of Tin. " - they primMled to bo .:.'siuseii. Ths . day was prlacipalfy occaPied in , the :I:Militias' end adopOnn,of the of the •- The erotualitie on oiertnra presented the fol.- lowing - resolution'• -which was adopted', by. ' the AYewbly , . • . `l:tiisolyiThnt it- is the fleece of thisGesersi that'to - mate, boy, Or use- as • Waage, say spirituals _ or Intoxicating liqnsm, '-:Is in Immorality;. that It is: not ooly.zumntheri 'i lied; bat forbidde by the Word 'of Mod, We do tar:Wore recommend tothe several eirarehienn .', der our rite to abstain irtmlly from they' est,- lirsr , gs.rEsiumzEm - Truniuwr, -Hay -4, Th Synod met this morning. pennant to id . :;ionionient,s - aini Ina opened by .prayer. Laprzte mexpera . ;wise present as beXcire; viith the addition of Dr, 4adrevrkreron: The minutes or the- list meeting were read and approved. The pdodeiator announced the strendin,Com -Mimes eilklOtie: ..Th i.eeipllres—He Dr' Willey L;hlr-fitertitr i t and Foreign cadtliimaence—flees. i;:1444 - theLLTinies—Heva - Geo.- Scott, LEIno Insit„ll.llaritet Ithick;Alr: James . Hiehmcant. r!. , Theological Aeniluaries—Her. lir. , ifoisast;- -..-.lohildellasters, Sarrenel - --Wylle; T. -klave..l,,A. - . 4f- Sterrett, A. G. 'Wylie. . - ~;.__Pristryteriat Heporti—i Rey. - ' peril;Satline;lobit Memnon& -Deroditud Exerases—D. C. Cooper., T.-Doug '. less; R. Lhintlelvg,:Lit. Hutcheson.. ...Supplies-41.am H. Menifilsar, A. Clerk„.T.w. • ..!.. - „4.14 7 1.14, ELStirrai2; G.L. M. Lamb. • .. The Presbyterial reports , area called tor; sc wept land - ;steered. . .- -A.• ; very Interesting &Sense:ion arm on Hor la; committee on a pastoral letter;. 11' 7 : . rotting the addeets of el very,, societies ::sad temperance, It *bleb the Rm. Dr. Herron, ;H. McMillan, A. , -W. Black, _ Jahn -Bledsaters; -Dr..)lOLets:4 Mr: lon Fleming others, ;par ' " _cTacurr COURT OF TEDIUNERD. STRIA ; . TOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT bF PRI4FAL: , 'Elleal. Bloomer ms. - McGnewan and Douglas. '.":' - -Store es:Brilliant. 'Dilworth. : flassits a= Mason, . - :-Bose; end Bunting: Bun vs. Tames lalinpr.. :'.litame.n."..A:: and J.D. - Kelly., Fame n. Bober! .- -and James IEII. - - Berne NS: George . Draher.:: •":" ' : '::Before hie toms, Judge Gann and a Jury. ', •,: - The Plaintiff et , tho Novemlber Term; last of', '".`this Court, tiled Ids bill of complaint against the - ,. .sbase 'retitled 'Defendants, for using; without license. theplaiting muchinepatented to William Woodwortb, on the 27th day of December, 18.8 . .. - •-•"-exthnderr. to his ' administrator on the 16th ; : : Alay . of Norember,lB42,YoWeennyears from and '. • after the 27th day of December, 1819-cite d ••' '44 farther by mead: act of:Congress. oPProved an th 'Atha! Pebruary,:lB4s, =Lathe patent of - e width, Atte:raid last enossion, was Aurrerler , el, and agnin reissued on Bth day of July 1845; ' with new and taromded letters" pateet," . bearing date on that day. '• •. - --` • • • " The Plaintiff, as the sasignee - of tlist portion • Of said patent, covering the Western Piston of Peimumiraniu, among =hens; charged that the Defendants were using 'aid patentol ~machine without his license or consent, and prayed that :Are= said enern Defertilantsi, who were operating '"` 'tailli "serersily in different parte of Pittsburgh, and in the eitinity,, might be restrained kiln- The Defendanto admitted thatthoyinre using the machine which was' patented on -the. 27th :`.:dal of December, 1828, to William Woodworth,: . " but_.they_denied that Woodworth was the Inna tor: TheY Alio, severally insisted that the get : ' Inn" •' December -27th, 1828, and the rolnrind patent of July Bth, 1845, "were for different in ' eenticustr, and that s'.frarbi had•been committed •. - Wpon" the public by the Patent Office In deliver- . Jag to the Administrator of Wm. Wocisiworth, the amended, letters pateriL' .Noon eohearing of -tie' asteral motions, en of. the Rhin .:tip for. en interlocutory injunction' against the 1 7 .111dd -Defendants; surreally.: the Conk': judges Grin' and Irwin prodding. decided that the De . fesidens had a right to he heard on' thnpait of •'-this defence which related to the originality of ...tile innintian- of William Weadweithi: 'inl4llo . . upon the question of the identity of the =chin • . dwieribid in the tent of December 27th, 1874 and the potent of July -8t.14 1815. be * -:" That cptestiona of mightelity . en d id ty being ' . ..gueitions of fact , the teathnony, if upon .affidairits, would becentradictory, as .'usaal, "srul that nth - Musaliceis would be tried by . z a jury with the witneases before them In person. ,:,..Istasa wire therefue ordered to be tried atth° Iltay,T • •-, :., Wu liiillism.:Wordwortie th e- % original Inventoitif "the machine patented by hint, =the •• ,I.T7th:of :Dec.lB2B t •., . ..- •‘"" ' " '- ' --• -7 ,., liewand—lrs' th e niriestied patent of Jul y Bth, '. `.... - 1045, for the sinielinention, intended to have • • bean patented by the paten:tut Dn.1.8281 ",.., ". 1 -Mut the Line be regarded for all . parposas of Waits Ithaca= at law, and:that. the Defend-• 1• 'anti be reviled to give notice of all matter, - of - defineilni evidence,:to be by them offered"ln ... Ake tin= -and .1121Mier pnrvided for by the-13th . "..iseetiest;of ' the act of Congreas, of July; 4th, ..Y..Theetrseral cases were called en Sendai, tie 17tlid Vey, 1851, and A juz3 o , eraminnelled to • ..", . The trialeramnennsd on Monday the 1 9th, and " . 9 . 174 contiesold until the 21stday of My.' ••• - _ -"' - 12M..Plektiff pat in =ideate the pliant issue to Wi ll iam. Woolworth, dated 27th of December, , '.l/08-the Waned patent of Bth' July, 'BO. and letiers'of Administration op ir the 'estate of ':Willis in Woodworth and the two extmasion. of tle . :litigators:drools:di& vise. - • •-• del .. - Tbe defendants among other points of enct•• •, - introduced two French patents... -, .- - -.. . ":"•-Letters patentor fifteen years, dated th e 15th . ~ of Mirth, 1817; granted by the Government of Piens to Louth . Victor Joseph More Bcgain, I'.•': _tha• a machine to pleat wood of all kinds and di * •" =dons and to make,* that substante grpoiee, tongue, end mouldings . 2nd. Letters intent - for an improvemerit sani :..:. addition to the preceding pstent, , but built upon a la::er =le, dated Muth 80,1818, th:Louis Aut,&e Gabriel Itoguin, assignee . of LoolaNictor Jawmh Mare Bora.- : :•:, -. . ~., Letters patent for fifteen peace dated March 9, 1825; to Leonora Thomas De Mananitlit, of St.. ' . Quentin; for two : machines to plan, and tonne • 44 4 groove, , and to redact to an equal adekuss, • S...emod for flooring, as well as all kinds of boon* whitenr their dimension may be. •._ The defendants. offered several : witnesses to thew that the French patens were for machines In"all respects lite the •• machine patente,d to Wll- ,- 11= Woolworth, and also that the 1828 to Woodlice , * end of 1845 to Woodworth's adralidstrator wen ,differerit, machines, "sad': In addidanti the witnesses predated in snider'= - ' lead the depositions of W. B. Johnson, of Wish , Intipi city, and Edmund Burke, Esq.,: late Com , miadoner of. Patents, giving It as- their opinion • - ;Oa th ths optin"patentswere for a machine soh stantlally like the the Woodworth •inachins, and that the specificaileroi of the Woodworth patent ,wee r not alike. . • •.• : : - . ' " :. ' ; :.• The defendant' also pet in nidenee a potent granted t o Woodworth in Noveniber4BBt3, - for A maim for the Janie. purpose as the patent of - . . : - . The plaintiff proved the originality of theme aline patented on the 27th of Decestiber; 1828, by the testimanyn sevens' witnesses :who knew -Woodworth "Vereorallyi previous to - and, alter 'mond else that the original =like; which was emotes:l'4l'Bll6°n, and. efterriardsnmered to the =MO Sew York, was effective, - andplan .: ed =I otherwise dressed Wads and plank in a plaintiff offered in evidence sModeleilthis °Meer machine, ,haunted to Willis= 'Wood , Worth, ea' the 27th - of December,.lB2B,: which Was depokited in the roams of i the Pruitt= In -•••••• , saute, at Philadelphia balm, to tibudit ic"se-. pat of .Ita lama. upc.m, lots bnatiag-:_!..!,-• 1:1: , .Thep ,.lattlia. "lei:, -:proired that theAwtrapecth-_ , ''' t •,-rirititinalfotufof'!ltiliaa#l44A-.0,1! patent`of Woodwort>i. was for ti' • .. ideation of known - cuping,thetrunients, with, pressure , rollers; or anyinishigolitAlevice to prevent the boards from! being drawn tip by the plate; when- cutting upwards, or from - the reduced or Ideated to the unpinned seem:et:awl among other wit neaten . - produced wax Professor Tom; of ein e'', ti, who' testified to the great *aloe of the intention of Woodworth, and that be hid been acquainted' with the UII , MMI since the year 1830, in which' year it was introduced - into ,Cin elaaatl. libel in the" year 1844 , bli attention trae parkieularly called to the machine, and the, '. Writtra'Arpeciftration, and the driving. accom panying it, to obtain his opinion in sesta in the Omit, - that ho thereupon Ted the same, and the spear:ado* .and ,d ge atten tively; and 'since' 13.44 had hien f ilitirlritiC quainted therewith; , he considered that the Co., serithdpartiOf the loodirorth e, were manic the combination of rotating planes an pressure ' zoiTea!, by. which a new and distinct! feature was given to a branch of industry as extensive' as tiny Other: He did not say that Woodworth invented the rotating eating tools; nor pres sere' rollens,..but hit Invention. was a .combi nation of. several wetikaown devices, the plank' and rotatingplanee moving against each other, and the pressure rollers to hold the board and plank In position,, while . operated, upon, .produc- Ing a plane on the face.of the board by truces sire 'cute; whatever the' Inequalities may be, operating like a broad adze, and at the rime time tonguing and grooving the bond if requir ed: , The old specification - was obscure, the,: new speciftcrition Is inelleient:' it - contains the' eta- . meats of both a hoiiiontil and vertical machine;' Professor Locke explained and demonstrated 'very. particularly.: the maim operandi of the ' Woodworth • cutter as used in the Woolworth mix otter, -vin-liy. *welting In a direction to cut from the "planed or finished to the enplaned or rough surface. - lie - dein onshvded . that the cut ' brin the forthof a curved wedge or lunette that ~ the finiabingentia diet/we:dot the board's taco is exceedingly thin and ddidde; but the abating increasing in thickness ~ 1111 .it.advanCea;:till it reduces erasion:lns timber rapidly." Theuilit the same cut : iithe finish of ilia emnothing plane, and the power of thettio. • That he did not. consideri. *6 - raga Punted,to -Woodworth .in", 100 fort e Xante..objecCu 1 the patent of 1828., It leaemnbiaation of circular'saws and ate-. flattery planes, with rllera entiieljAifferent The outs valuable and the other is worthless= haisixaminedthe.Freach patents granted to it. Itoguiri.' "Thereon twomaeldistel described sad Ishowfri-the' cutters of one of the machines are arm cutters, which are not propadjtoole to op , trite upon weed, being more appropriate to op anthem upon unit, - The-second machine has, has cutter which trine:roes in li' carriage, ever, a sta tionary bed, the boards beinglield down by dogs. The Totten of the cylinder and.the catis, the op-- poeite of the Woodworth eat; being &omits un-' planed to to the planed, unlace; cutting through the gritty matter at eich.succeitive ;revoldtlen and ittackof the cutters. , 'Neither of the Prinelt machines ; are practical:. machines:- -Prefeisor Lock'e examination closed the evidence: . -. ' The Judge charged the J nry ia Mimi: (iserrunant or an 3trav—ds hat' been stated by thicounsel for the 'plaintiff, the banes in this case were arderedbyroe sitting''on the !equity aide,of_the Cant, to aseertalti=Pint. Wee Wil liam Woodworth the original inventor - of the as- Chine patented by him on the 27th of Detlember, .1828?' Second - Lithe reilssned patent of July 'B, 1845; for the invention, intended to have been patented -by the patent of December ,27 18281.Thia'patent has been before me sci alai ,and for; so lona time,'.that It hen become_ stie- reavned. In a recent case tried by me - at Phil- ' isdel - 0.1a; under the'appreltension that tliejni7 might notagree„." gave them a month to Consid er, lost-they _decided the 1;1110 by.. rendering a ;verdict in a day. ,if the acme question should again striae,: I wo u ld not - make a like order, be. ce se lam now, perfealyestisfied. The' first question you will isk, will be, what did Woodworth lariat? -Tat know' that tOentl tie =inventor to a patent; his marline must be both new and riseful. -The intellectual produo- Clod muse differ from all others—it butt have a distinctivecharaeter. It is plain, and the fact is admitted thatWoodwerth did not invent ciron '44cattem, rollers, nor cog work, that is theater gearing.hich has been !Token of—nor an end less._ cludn--nor did - he invent pressure by a Spring 'or by.lams: Did.Woodworth invent the machine patented' to Min en the 27th of Decem ber; 18.,TYS, as .it Is in combination! Trim did; then he is entitled to the patent;--to. the monop oly as i reward for his disecieri-:-he was enti tled to fourteen years,' and in - thin-case there have been two extensions of the patent, each for seam yearst, making in the.whole„rietity-eight Much Is frequently said - about the word pin cliple,.in the trial of patent= anticnis... It may be Considered as thefonlulaion oreery Invention. It ht -however,. a slippery imal—mesaing the media f operendl; or mode'of operation. ' .:. _../lari we any manna of :a .patent , or means to.' effect the same object-4o do the name work as is effected' by the machine' of Woodworth? A hundred Was have been bad, including almost if 'not quite every circuit, but the patent his never' successfully 'been aratila:.-there - is no pretence that WOodwath was the inventor of the mechanical means detailed; builds claims cover a combinatioh of tools which' do the work—all the numerous attempts for a like purpose moved with the board or plank and failed to' dethe wori—aany persons came near being saeiesi . ftil, ;but: not one . succeeded .natil , the Aim! of ... . Thiele of printing .was; not discora.red until • very recently—it was mealy perfected, but it Wee voct successful until the fifteenth century..- • The art of panting calico preceded it, with : the desire of intelligence echialravl by each genera &oz..; It may be considered remarkable: • It is thcsamtsiith many other Inventions, which bate 1111C0 ban added to thesrts. ~People may befoura who will.swear that' they know all about it,' al ! Parton can, be found to corroborate inch testimony.• It is Pape' perhaps for Coen eel :to do all - that nen be done, but such evidence cannot anti against the fact.of invention;and the isscutet patent: ' Inthitrials which Malmo had in other Circuits resort babe= made to the Inventions of Bentham, Bremer; Muir, anctilio; Emmona. In, the issues the Counsel have abandoned the repetition and claims of the per;- sans named—thecheat. of Emmons Is 'palpable —he cheated Woodirardieut : of 'orb half of his patent The Counse lhate abandoned at g tn g that objection. The French patents were only Matters tha Pdeldred to hear about.. , They are, however, Aefunet things, dug out of-the archives of 'alb* sign Offici.... Neither :of ;tha' contain ele; Mated theWoodwatlspatent. TheleansedPro. haw Italie has 4Splanted to 'you .the several -daises contained in the French patents. and the difforexce.betweenthe Woodworth out and the cut of ' the French inventors • He hatSem. plained the matter fully... 'Woodworth invented, as I have already said; a ambination of cuttea land pressure rale:sib effect en Object—it accom plished the purpose—no man can appropriate the machine without authority. The presare rolleri In his machine maybe graduated as may bade:. arable.—the essence is to combine the whole to produce a beneficial result. • The Frenchmen have been tryini4.but they arilikeßentlum and Banish and Mnir=they bare done nothing. The next question is--Is the re-issued patent of July 8,,1846 for the acme invention, intended to . hare been patented by Me patent of Denim; ber 27,1828! If the patents were alike It would have been aselese to hare 'mode the' inininder: My tcrother Story examine:l the old patent,' and he informed the Counsel far the patent, that the ingenuity of the !opponents of the. paent would defeat It; if not amended- In consequence; or that inggestion„ it was surrendered, and st' new and_ amended patent applied for and ranted— , The Court has examined the old patent and find it to be hipelfect. Yon will ask what machine did Woodworth send to Pittsburgh in 1880? Was it a vertical machine like the Dry Dock Machine which was at work in 1828, and all the world were, attuning. to 'look al or way it hort rental machine of the same kind? The, tools In Me find machine were the same:! as at present used—they were not quite so pert fact as the tools which were put into the boric:Mal machine." Every mechanic would see the want' of such tools.: The Washington witnesses; whose depritiOl2ll /4WD been read, have supposed thst the two patents must be alike.. They have mist; apprehended2the subject. fthrely of the flea patent was imperfect; be had a right to sumo &sit. The question, therefore, is, what land of st machine - did Woodworth: invent! Ditilhe Vacillation attached to the Patent carceVaid' with the 'machine I — If not, be • had a right- to correct it, I have eery , little doubt amt. the goostio; andi think that-yon; should not • If you agree intim affinnetive':yntrarill.so , say by ; lidding "yea" to the first question—ad the ; same. Iffirmatire will be added to the Second' question: The case; however, is'witlf you. 4 The jury retired. and after an absence of ttn't minutes, returned- Into Coort, affirmiug both' questions, and deciding that William Woodwoeth was the original inventor of the machine paterit.' ed by Ma; December2T, 1828. And, also,lhit the re-Issued patent of July 8,1,845, was for the' same intention intended to - bare been patented by the patentof December 21', 1828. • .Bhaer Stanton;Near and O. SI. pickles, of New: York, counsel for plaintiff, . Danlop and Loomis counsel for defhMants. Mika& Life Insurance Company. CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. OFFICE, wyx 76 FOURTH STREET. Preeddeset—Anse P. llocra. OMB.Luc.' e samtuatunt i...aottar part of thla paper. „•':lcamets!aartres! ItECT THIS - XORNINO, per Expretie- - - • all the largre4 ard man 4011.1. F. chndraielNixey; tisisl ° W m. pc vieet.ll4 abomerotr ,- "r•WIT . Pia= BY 'TELEGRAPH; M2I=EI 1iP0=1,70i . 114 Aims Fa:7i?c~ a:;:f~i~) any: r~ a:i:~i ~}:a: Y ~A The 'Praidentind mite left here at 10 o'clock tble morning for New York. : ALnAlrr, lay 2 The President is trpectedlo anise here at 2 o'clock this aftemoen.• Very little excitement . pretax, and our streets - present a quiet appear sure.. Flags are flying from some of the public building, and reirM • the Knickerbocker banner is stretched across State street, haring upon it in . lirge letters—". Our fen dear Fill more." 15137030 DLIPATVIL Ammar, May 22 The Pr esident arrivedthis afternoon; and was arradly received. Ha lett In the erasing train for New AnarvAL OF THE STEAMER OHIO. MI NEW 0111415.118 ABD'sev LIL =11:121=1 ' • The steam ship Ohio,: Capt. BehroseS, arrived at this port .lue utght , tryst:New OrtesSi and Havana. Chalets New Orleaas,oh - the 17th bat. The Ohio, spoke, .60 milts • from • limns, the steamer Genes, from New York, bcrond to .Hance; and New Orleans • The sloop of war,. Decatur, was at Hanna, awaiting the arrival of the Albany from Pensa cola... Th ibeatscr Pale= 'arrived at EITSIIIII from Chsgres on the 16th, with a largo =Maher of passengers for New Orleans. The Ohio 'mince the California mails, and MT one mt lion of dollars in gold dust on freight, besides a large artostutt in the bands of OF ,11:11..131 3 / 1 14 - filt. • Bosros, May 22. In reply to o Meitation to.speakderting the IHwesettt unsays, Mr. Hamner, writes as follows: imams* to be obliged to:dulls:eye= It is not in UT povei to mingle, ac timely in the ttat: which now interests, u vnim all, the Blends of freedom bat althOtlFX tIY.TEIiCO mag . not be hunk my heart will be With you. '1 *mt no pal= will be spared to se cure the -elution of his Paltry, the able, honor oble and infiellible candidate of 'our party. His &meter commands . the admiration of all, it shauld. timinind their votes also. lib person familiar with pia public sentiment amongst. us, Mat Of Urban:treats of Boston, eon doubt what ever Maybe ithe profusion of politicians, his well known opinion on the vital questions of the day; find . a ',response in the bosoms of a well known majority of the good people of this com monwealth.. ilia triumph, with that ofDdr. Ban ton] in an adjoinitig district, will go far to con solidate the opposition in Massachnsetta, against the ealsttug Whig national administration. Such inen, while oaring the Union legally, and in the spirit of.thditathers, will never forget the true principles of the Constitution, according to which freedom, sndnet 'twisty -natitotal, while sla vr_ry, era riot freedom le sectionaL" NEN,. SCHOOL OENEHAL ASSEMBLY. 1 , TUatca, Y.,) May 22. The ‘New 'School General Auembly bad an animated debate yesterday, on the alertly question, arothasjust rejected the amendments, and passed the Committees' fepotte, lasing the Churehjustarrere she was placed by the action GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ST. LOUIS. o Creeoe .y .In the Gene Assembly of the Presbyterian Church attic •, on Saturday, the 17th inst., the tailoring aeons were elected Directors of the Western eological Seminary at Pittsburgh. erron, Swift, Paxton; Molleaine, Stockton, and Alexander. •. Eiders—Al der Johnson, and Benjamin Iffßiam . . The re m the delegates of correspond ing bodim were then enbmitted. The aubjeot of the publication of a cheap reli gious newspaper was then taken up and discuss ed at length by Mr: Kamm and Dr. Grisham in favor, and Dr. Leland inoptical- tion. Plically a resolution was adopted, by Itiallß, parr deciarteg that'' 5110 the desirableness of the object mai rentemed by 111; In the present elate of the Chi:ash and Board at Publication, it is not expedient to take action upon the sub ject, and the whole matter be laid on the table. The Convention then adjeurned till Monday. /SABSACIIIISETTS LEGISLATITHE Borrow, My 22. The. Florae of Representatives, by nearly a party vote, putted a bUI calling a convention of .the' people to maul the Co:satin:4ton of. the State. The bill, before It goes Into effect, eto be trubmitted to the people, for approval or re- the BMus bF s yes and nay vote, also pissed, to be angeomed, a bill concerning the sale at In toskattlng drinks. -The bill is more stringent than anything Oaf hes yet been upon our stat ute batiks."' ' • - . • A QMCicT,III. FRAM NEW ORLXASEI Aril' Tow., 8.Lv722.. The - stestoshipWintleld Scott urinal hemithis morning, in six deli and six hours from Kew Odom% bringing news two days in advance of the mails. She-brings 400 passengers, and $15,000 in epecie. Among her passengers are A. H. Holbrook. of the Picayune, who is on bin way to Eu rope, u Special Commissioner from the State of Louisiana, to the World's Pair, and James D. Reed. Esq., general superintendent of the O'Reilly ,Telegraph Line, which extends from New York to Na Orleabs. DINNIIRTO MIL WEBSTER . . Yhe dinner to ME.:Webgter at the McMinn lime, Went off with spirit.' Oen. B.. Riley was among the gnat& • • r. After a complimentary speeclt_b7 the Mayor of the city, Mr. Webster addressed the company In an animated • Minner. " - remarks were principally complimentary to Buffalo, and the whole state of New York ; and theolfaioniane were highly dittoed by them. New Toss, May. 22. A London (Int of- the Commercial nil that Mr.. Bow a resident of Cincinnati was stricken'down with wapiti*, at the Exhi bition. The conunindoners had him removed to St. George's Hospital, where he remains in a fee ble condition.. . PHILADELPHLI. MARKET. Pinsiarari, May 2'2. ylonr-The market is active, and inlets are Bales for city consompeon it $4 811® . 4 871 for fair brands, and $4 62435 for extra and choice brand', .: Coin Meal—Salm at $2 7511 bbL pain—Whatt is , in fair request, with Bales of 900 bush OA and prime Penn's white at 100 e, 101o,,trkof good , at tif.e96o VA bush. Bales of EOl2ll , rye at 700 bush." Corn , has slightly dielined.arith sale 8,000 bush, at 800. A Belo OrPetm'a oats at 44e 'ft bush. Grocerica:—There is bat little activity in the market, and operations - have been limited. PrOvisions,-Mattetdull for the season, and prices are 'without clmp, WhLikey is steady it. 280111 gal. . HEW YORK MARKET. lemusa nerves. New Yuan, May 122.: Flcommon state breads are arm, at 9,25 'tl/ buret . • Grain—Corn is firm, at 619 for mixed and yel low. Pork—Supplies are accumulating, and prices are less Arm. Hemp—American dew rotted Is quoted at $l2O 111 ton. Cotton—The Africa's adtices hare paralysed the market. sytfiia ItZPORT New Yens, May 22. CottonL . -Prices have declined since the seri *dor tbe'Afrio* with sales of 1000 bales. 'Flour—The market is .steady, with silos 8000 bbls common to straight state, at $4,25, and of fancy. Ohio at $4,60®4,62 %l bbL Orain-Rye has advanced to 750 afloat. Corn is lower, with sales 7,500 boo at 69@600 for mixed and yellow. Sales 6,600 brothel Ovume wheat at'llsclll bit. • " • Provisions—Pork has declined2sa bbl, with sales of COO bbts at $l5 for new mess ' and $13,25 for new prime; Ihrd Is , active , with sales 1,20e1 bee at 81e It lb. ' 1. Whiskey-:lts dull at 280 331 CINCINNATI *A.BRIE'' T. May 22. , Extreme dullness chsraciterltes every d4art• meat at trade. . ions--The market Is quiet at •$4 46® 4 50 ? barrel—the former being the lending - .Whist market opened' to.ur at . .100, buts:: equatd.erible criantity remains unsold, for 'Welt 171 trai the highest der mad,. Nothing worthy or notice was doing - in gni aeries snci Theriver, has Ann 17.1.r1y.. six inches sine! list report: Thewintherin warm. •• ' ' • . . • PUIL*Dr.LPIII•, 'Slay 22. Beeves—The offerings of the week wero 1600 head, including 800drivento - New York. The demand wan good, and prices , steadily- maintain ed at vgs,so per • H. liogo--Trices range fr0m,8 . 6,25 to $6,75 pt.!. ORPHANS'. COURT . rtatLlC pliionanee of a ile• eneof the Orphan.' eo , met of WaaloinatattrOonntre also of decree of the Orphans . Court of AllElitle.7 Countr. the umlerdgned,_Adonelstrator of the Dilate of NON Bleck. 11m, lam of Weahlugton Ottintr deed, will, on the 24th day or au, kut, Li); 1851 at 10 Odosfr. 0. /L, on the :anima, la the city of Fitt:isfrati, ens. to % a le beWtte4t fU of that am tfr &nate at the month of Liberty and Water Wats,. inas Immediate 'trinity of the terminus o . 00 LI P " Mt ' h tlyt Igrig Vents'. the rioter wool refer to hand buls thetran eafe r = v geala k 4l::=%li u9 1 1 ,T . ,_41: IS, 9,10. a. 12,13, and 14. VI fronting Oh 1.11741 '. r. mos, and Front stmetg•those an Liberty and Water. range from 20 he 28 feet front,_vith the excepUoa of It fest, fronting on Water street. • • , • Temps of Balm One half of tlit i rtrelanie money 0.14 on the dm. of nal& aW the no thereof lo 1 Mr, with isframt fr.= ty— - secured by' WWl= =tar - the ate, N... Mech. Ese,glee d. Spectadesl ONE of the most inestimable blessings eon .l • hosed bf ext. noon civilised roan, Ins the discoieff of apertarJea IVithosit their assistant*, the ineototerdencee molting from the defective vision of old sae, restos:am other caw., vrcsa/4 be irremediable.. •, • , news lotto Impedance. sod a thersugh knowledge orthe edeace of optics,' ere are premed to suit On defectlwrtsr• icaa Oar &ha, tririrageetsclas, of ' all kisale. • Sad ' the( best ‘ ll6l%coastaatly. on hand. Also, &etch Pelthie Leas, Ilated cosier. New Glance Uteri la old Weasel. Ootbcal butttistieuta for sale, to. • • • age—Dr..l4.lll Self Acting Eye and Ear Fticus- W. WILSON, =l3 -Muter stmt• comer of Yourth.. Second Large Elupply.:l AA. DIASON - & Cu. `would reneatfully e dl the alteaMmi Of the* Msdoitera soitht yup 6 is am EMxt at art oo h oo& mot to the LAMM Mar tota,_and breed 04 • out to-. duelims tomy Meow yak*. To tboovytacboOloy Irholo• sale;. ma an 'row proymeol to ottyr yooto at modelower pion thaw omMi s tion toonsuretwool i at . cull 10 Mu mum.. -• • ta mgo ;• ! ' Pine Dress Goods,' per &resit.' A. MASON have d this thorn •l/nc=4/41fr. a spleraild nd Armental ea 4 ilat4 foxy maned plain Ttanne . .beeniMVat %T 4 made =l . l • Z:t Ira t tuari seem aa they 1611 ba Ittld , piantally low _Taklei. wtatle ale or relsl4.ll Noot. 62 =164 Markapt. awn . Promissory Note Toni , i .vrISsORY 'NOTE, drawn . . by . Moss, On Ca- dated May Tth; to the order . of An. lel r. at four mouths data. round in Woad After. Tbe owner esa astartn7 aalUaLeit taw store of • -.• 7. LL ar.LLOE. 81 ood at. : • W. W. WlLSON..Wittakillaker,, .1410. 67 Morika, Corner of Fondrka, rt.,' Pittattro - lA, XIEALER -in FM WiTCREA, • Jtvria.ty. &bar Wars. MIR.) ,RoWa L boon. and %IWO ii.%,La.aand Table Warw. lanierr.UsaWna, au:0o /Rm. Real Inatrat=eatu ated • great - . Aar nrae canna Panalonable itonta: aerial and ornsauntas. Watch Pork MVCSItIWI b a napetiar annum, sadatial Dr the boat Easitah awl Preach 'workmen. • tap AI RAKES-40 doz. for gale by sr: A. 7 . TON ACCiNIMPAIT A CO. SAFETY FUSE , -4 bbls. in etom;• at - to arrfirc for oils Ly mrl J. ft. DILWOIII4I tCO. T l'IRIM) PEACHES-29 bolaon on ly min la sal. by myr , • MIMI DIMLY • CO. BUCKWHEAT FLOOR-1000 lbs., for sale by e;al ItOBIBON. LITTLZ t CO. SSENOES I= EXTRACTS , for kriaroribg - "ri,o, c ""' A irtoon Notionx . V=1112; by "e4 14. 8.11:C11104 CO., ' mrl • 356 Llbat, K. CIDER VINEGAR-50 MLIa. Oast ) for gala by tayll ROBISON, TTLE4 OIL ; VASSLi-100 Mate for rale by I) woo scuoo.wheEn m.O Wad sti LATHS—:S.OOO Sassed Laths, best coal m,„Sor 4. Of ROBISON LITTLE , No.= Laver 4. FLOUR -100 bbls. eitraTamily; lm - r 5 BROO3IS-50 doz. 6in'ey, on conmn t sal Or nla by ZOlllfsoi LIME a i IM en 11berryiL . 0 - ILOUR--2.10 bb Extra and S. F. [or laic by my 6 - L. A. WATERMAN .1 SONS. D RIED APPLES-320 sacks for sale by my* L P. WATERS! AN A PONS. OTTER—In boxes (fresh) reed daily by J.D.CANYIELA 111.EARLS-20 bb for Bale by 50,7 J. U. oaraird.D. ufsEND bps: for sale b_ .r* Li mei CANITEL/1.. ALERATUS-100 bit. end 10 bblb. pure, eala y mYJ J. B. CANNIELIII. •VIIEESE- , -100 boxes fur et& by xj mrr J. II CANFIELD. WELSII FLANNELS.-419t , have receir nidltional fapply of &bone tool, (so dons.' blot on account of Owls nonarlanbl• qualityd .4 a v.. nous gaud. of annex awn* and allk Warp YU. war. Slannidlna do.; sad • full anourament of Dotoratle. IWO 1113ItYllY t CECIIYIELD. INDIGO --4100 lb kegs Manilla; 3 Cava coClneuk or Rug quality. to or- RNeE mill De eoW fra . otrion cosa C lat E os Indigo.r.tt Iee. MLA r K l Taco. Wateaw Prong eta ' ' NDIA. RUBBER TOYS—Just reeiiicia saeortrieat orb:tail, Rubber Toys, a beautiful w le, for sale at tbelterert Emote. pre.. J PUILLIPS, India Hebb. Depot. , m 6 7 .4 916ciet Mt B - ACON —l5OO lbs Sidles;Boo " $11091.1698; 600 " Warm Jultim.itvott .4 kr We tot • • • 8. V. VON CONNEIONST Cad 93 and 96 Fratt 9t9. 10 . NGLISR SPLIT. PEAS—Received and ,juj Ibr ale ' WM. A. 31eCLCIIG 111 ap•A • Omen and Iva Dea4lll.' ... isa— __ • • • letd. N 1 a , :lcio n; t .a) a. 0. N0.3 Mackerel; 35 bid° do do .10 do Na 1 Wormed Fbad: od earl 'alit tc W. b r (030 . JOHN WAIT iC 0. RES.II LOBSTERS-- . • , - • add for SAL In bcrmetice- I;el4nt basii,, ago b . W. A. ReCLI3IIO l C 0.,, VUXSEED OIL-10 bbls. priine; from Senarset coanti• tor JOIIN WAIT k. OD. 11IITTER—fi bbls. Fresh. for sale by., JUIP ap= J. B. Duaroarn s VAUIT-200bu..Dried Peaches; a pp J. STEER'S OPODELDOC-0 eross superior, ft' , bTS. N. WICKEI3BII23I, • &Tin ' . , earner Woed tad Rath streeto. APPLES--7:bble, Dried Ap i lles for sale by D RI A D APPLES-300 DRY WHITING—.SO bbls. for Bahl by. aos. J. ScHoDNUAXxitA CO TACONETTS. & CAMBRICS-A. A. Mt- Co. have jest received per ugress area csale Lm elm:matte awl Cambria.. , • ; mar, , MOCHA COFFEE—For sale by KAT . . WM A. NoCLIIICU 4 4.0,0 m ., 11RANGE9—Half boars, very eraperior, and convenient lased packages for faasilbrojapr ale by = WI :. , , , , VILA. IIoCLUTICI A 00. VEIROME 'YELLOW-4 panes ree'd and fo v._.l ale bY 4,3 • 31.. E. BELLEIII3. PRIM) SHAWLS--Chshihere, Thibet, 'ma enwneei.e br • - 4 . : •• • MIIRPEW DUROIIFIELD. ENNY LIND PAPER HANGINGS— The like that of bar pulats glib. 023 ','":7{I,bATLTKItr.D9BSI4I,Tfi ARIL PEPPERMINT-15011 1 6a, (warranted 1...) fo? sale by. nisi R. E. SELLERS. GRALN--200 oak; spill 100 " Err. r' 71:(1111.8 It ROE. QIIAD AND HERRING—Niw Baltipipra stua and 11e7init, nal and fou.s.b , bv ' , Apia .• OuNIVATT MANGANESE --54 bbla Ground, for Glint Makers, for Ale BENNETT.,BEItitt CU. anlti sta. stn is. HOES -1.50 dos. best cast steel, for sale by se L.l/. WATERMAN A ERNS, BUTTER -25 kegs for 'sale by - ay= • EAIIIBON, LITTLE A CO, : 4 WRUIT-500 be. Dried Peaches; I: ley " ' no pa V HESTNUTS-30 bu. for rule by cim ROBIBON. LITTLV. k 00. BROOMS--350_d oz. fancy and common, f. Wby .DT L. 8. WATERMAN A BONS. VilliFFE GOODS—For boliro' dressed, Y V .l 1 the mina. Max used—Mall Ihr , la. 404 N.'"‘o" y tlalta'l apa Q. 11. DIOLASSES--20 d • " °6 '!". sh ' dtiaiMeiVlstabh MARINE RAILWAY—Four Shares Ma risu Ballirsy sad Dri Docker gal• b 4 apl2 COTTON -42 bales' now landing:from str. MOtt.... kr .1* bi MIALI DIGIV.Ir ► 01). Wsur sod Vast sm CILASS-400 boxes Window.. ass'd,*CO us by . t ve: s. Y. VON BONNIIOUST *CO. SUNDRIES -7 casks Cheese; .• 300 1,14. Drlol An , l.c . 600 bls. W. brso 01...., d McKean. I Eller. bort'. • 100 bra. 806p,rteeivInx and Ibr 0./.py. • ' i . JAE. DA T 7. , os Wsur arse,.:: PG IRON-250 tons for sale by ic on BOBIISON. unix * co. BACON ,0 00 lbs. Hams and Shoulders, baoluboule, for Aal• O b_ • • HUISCLI.IMLS i CO. ";- •DZI • For Bale.. AVALUABLE PALM, eieuhted sales tawsubil l caulati. Pa-,, - 3 to/lei fiam ei.emixert. au the 1. FA al, =Wang 210 ..Lealyir, which 0, thaw Rirclllog .11.0.0, two ..11cas, ogoikmaa 1=1:=1=.74 Whidi tbe pfladoe, la John 15.144 C '~rs FW Eq., Fourth oinet. WPM. PHILADELPHIA 1 . . o the Druggists; Hardware Ilitaleg, 1 1 - utarzirErroarrernals or - Prrrastrnan. & " EILLIPS . MAYERS beg most respect i. ' , Avizl o rb , - - r e r.vir,:r ,b ltiAtoalt tl f t... A ~ to apprAixt parties Or tht We of well. utilrerteal sr 1 vmentioz Wwd,Stant.Chlos,'Mus, Iforble..r.ortl7, 1 ~rare, Lt9o.lMatooptAttierratatotics. Al.o,th* .ii' . , ~..- .FAALMY PRLEND, 1 ABOlogrrefaratlvoonnetreding Yoloit—posloologllstit. I rtrallt = r/r U ne goo ' W NAY t.''" ll=,rotlt stable Erna. - - ~ Tourth ittroo ... m .arROMA& WHITE,• BONNET MANU . YAMER, 1.j.t.: 41.-130ta Mood: (Own estut. out sids,)llllladelphts. lbbls:l7 Vt It. VOWfID AGALEY, WOODWARD & Co„ Orocen,Co rn lifurkit Pbtlidelplda. ..041 INX=2M! A. 1111=2.. WALD, DlfortAß .00.,. Tobacco Ortortlrthrt - Marthortt No: 41 North Rotor drat. a 0..16 North WU:" P ..Iptila. sue EIMER L- ANTE I;. General Commis ckst Merehanta, i. lad. • Liberal • NEW YORK. office far Fontign , Pablits, . .1(0..6 st., N. York, and 166 Flat at:, Maim rIIIATENTS-FOR INVENTIONS procured to Grua Britain, France. Belgium. Holland, Lid all op thane of Zame—• (madam, Cuba, - sal flat Br. Yll ldartaalleal =Me dem co be bee br.ednodu I Wall atalart..Nor Yak. :'Fire•Works for Fourth of JAr t. 11361.: OSOAR ,JOLLEY • t CO., ISO itham Ert.i Tmeci Imparter. of Englithr a.' Man TOYS and .FAMOY GOO OHH DS, mai mannhosnrers and t man M.P.! at that 14 40tabllsbw1 bon" am =mina 0000 dePeriptlon of aultSble r . Willa or ,mall eabitMiona. on tba mosrmasona. Isms. O. J. t Co. allein It nuneamary Way stMlzug to Maim of tbo Yin Warta furnished Num, as ref. Vaready. estabneraL Mind* bP.S 4 m , lbltlon men au r Radiate, Itoman Tnabollions, article., S.W.. Caama.W.i" Pollens uric rats; Pin 111 0,, zV3croalx,Vi r aVes7=4%Elt=gtat , Ofdam mataot Po tad. ' ' myMlMmariter y E eriotalack Writing and Copying 10. EMPIRE INK, 87.Nnoiran rtreet, rihL Ehlidlowe, N.. Tort.. Ver.chis-----61 60 6 os. row 60 I". • o ).*' title le the..hget Ftier • sanuleagrert le a hoed .WM6 1 /1—.4 writ ophorrrode. Mould. ,oreelphate or dweer..itsseeree all the quelltles requir- Map Will mdge: for. theQOW, trephred to t teak et• 1T DDpet d. oitr ti'=. - Y1.411,=. if= NZ or gs are dulled, airs it hett •1 0 t 4 .3- • ""' ! ', WIWOVIA JW '• • Prcifealor• A. C. Harry* Tiieophitrims, - OR ' MEDICATED COMPOUND, for Mortal'. Prwa . eturr awl beautifying tit. We, melee, tavureart and dandruff.- and curios Monaca of - the . 841 britic/tt, tbulta enu,, bralsos, orblt been lorOrtalne4 by experiment, that Darryl TrkoPb• mos bat produced the same •a.4t10 mina Omura of tbe Ado. me. °tab. boreatted all th• salmi hitradoca., TM tblloarox trthaonlaiNnalect.l from 49000.11 of sbnilar I=l :I==allouvountnt cirm It • Walt atteracal. r a g a , ' Pam ittau—llear Slr—l be. . • ate taboo. oraoa of Ilt• warp, of argort agararatod char outer, bre last of yoarartuat dUrtM that Wird bum had the advice of mut of Ma roost =Ann_ pbrid. crane.-and bare Wad all the prerwastrour Iv Um hair awl Otto dew town, without the 1711= I was utyleod by • bind to try - r your Theo:be I did in, as • lout TxThl 1,1 atorinro= 8 b at ill. ikdebar l itntel Sheller th at at timer I was pa;rally bllud. Reepectlfutly. yours; 0 al HAM ' Columbra Met. Snroltlyni Bra' Yam, Skt. ZS. Ma: P7Mr• BaaXY-3ii Dar \R lac, Yno r laid s=r tuft oat • 'great drat, mad hid wa doh watt darktruff. 1 aro told by a (dead to trl7atrll44sober r.irw,2= tegoy d =data r ;al mbar fa Ina W"" I Tar Nlia""ai . I! ani h, o reutlamart doobta autbe , R via lslave, they wilt Oredar ea/1 at Ildlasor A 0 °Zoe, c: Bradawl, Ner Tait, carobs artll tacaluo• whit . the blitir and Wheal Argon Nov. O. WO le no rr-T to the prnnanent corn of l bellows fnd di... te. exam.. _thnt twoderd ie porru r •Ainvell hi the varlet enema Proftwour Darry's crone. or Ilialksted Canyerard. It le el. tenderly weaNl by the upper dad. al the ramoturdty; In el...teem nursery to the land It le nerd In janderetwe to 'other lateens of du kW. It lau.ro 'ism in the mew. a the heir, end thne growth to a temarkable de. pm It dedroJll Qs deudroff and scurf. and woad the. - bdifinte awl Mo p. It will roman awe. or the scalp. sedth of mid head. de• worm. and otter oboodone deter of the eaten 1.1 cheap:woe as well aeollteary. It shads =ldeally& It is Irold to large Wake. prim Zonis. at:ea. U 7 alt.:WaTr. and at the Dnuddeta grodalle, throughout the Unltnialand and CJIMII6 ap.Utf . .PRRITDING lIF C iiIISISON & Ca w No 13 Spruce Street, I R A PRIL T alfil l "7lot4'n'l,ll.4 11.""Li b 4" i1504881=Jrza.,..,3,4 ar.=iets=arZe.ia 4hskirt'a deb eau and pittoano.r to work sa=to say otheelsaAwr -10 .In% , v7t.1 1 s .14 to NA P4lb, caned Ipk;of VTIMT Vto37 Tarylng tram 111.00 to aa/DOW lh .3d9ksztl ME= WM. WAKEMAN, & CO., N0..79 & 81 (Lite 76) Hang LiKz, ESSITE3 Directly trim:vim 0,8 Old Stand. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS. of OLVTISJI.FSS PL7O7SIII2:a 4107CE.Z.4, mst- Platern—Hearr anCLUbt.*o4 tls. Etat.. Back. Unino sad Cotton, Domeiale and Y a sny., kcd% EkcaNuina *34 tan , / of an stilts and analldea. - . - can a l a l Vilard , lllack , of evert kind. is=lll . 3 " .14 " %A " tkalitga. E° M ast WI. e. • Vornee Hdiatincia. - I.lnan o , :sabrta, Sardera—Yranr4i and tagarb, Danseztla Glr=l.olllE; . l.lnes..ibraid, and the 'haw of fr i rt a TAtticat ie wm.2 jakx.4 °3 " . Velvet. Whimatkil , l4 Paaneh and • Ihngra far searginnan and ladles—A rasietrof .. IY R•trid Bets . sitnuotim .• , Salt Inltt N. loartlasau ariestkna do t " • r rnriS=JlN richlnutfla). el Innido • Shaw . 1 and /tth;tilla WiiiehouNZ FlN*Mend ttest assortetenta 'b MID A SHAWL tie EI :eve* Ware teeeteed.. dim j LACE 1111.13L1N and all kinds of SILK 31.011111.414 . 15eerM4. n• sal toss the LIASSi Part &std.& resedeed by the stame n sod partionlarly adapted to IV um. lA/ 1 1A so , ' ts. " of = bl and edked note= .cndsilk end ?nen n end _Cotton end Op am Ihnbrallen. pl whktt be Wend et t ratermly law . prizgZe , =es invite onTiVonernnienda to ex. ami, snow irMlTZ;.tditihi g sh..l,;.4 Mant...• pot nip in ors tar ttenamtation. fetal:St Zurty's Setf6eeltng Advatistar, Erma. NO. 263 MADI ST, NEW TORK„—. . Themilmtriber b sollol=tke Patt on norm , Me Millet/10 maT whieb tilt • rt i rw artiste ht that h The a ll of years bee *steals their superiority to paz! all ones .160. sad be contidmatly refers baths teelluto :authose bagasse men who has. wel them suraloom, to his rapidly bocreaslng sales. es proof of thear meal- TM Miming are a. few of lb. urns kW thuds pope- . '. LL 011 the place imeopipl hr the Oil. 0 puma may We his name, burins, and eddrew. Margioammir min beentindir embomed, sabred FUR. .11S egortllng mar. fact metaitgamtiost Fraud. 9L rpenut ismdclem malsot he _ opened without being de. Neither was nor veers an moiled to wed thud lth. Amu the solacaniam, of • kttarth• seal lassnalts lmmedLsts return to the sender, towed of Wog halo, months In the Deed Lena Otars. 71 1...harelolme aro inuuktan amort. prmme_ueas ones. , Mb. tech letter culled le • moot effective ad sure to Minket Quetta:olio. of al through mhos rosy We Tite Wavle( le a list of pricer for Dim, muirmed on Wen, and which saltiest far yearn sad of Earstorss, the areal doe, either white or bOl of irowl 1.8.4 sad made so shore, with name, addromit.: t'nem Ma. Primo qf Pivelapt4 mode as tdi letterset abate. 40 to 8,00 to to 80 .. .1000.:...«.. . ........«««...1J,00 }4 l l, lhTir il;;l«.7 l ,ifVfra;:a" - 1.7.117.F 1 0den. ) per mai m 0n0...a • ntareore arelpeAssis New zest Loom will he or:Molnar- All orders will meet with promst wnd., If addressed. WM. lIIDIPDY, No. 26111sdison otrest New York. Dolan nlll ho idtmalmt to loolidly •• if left .t the storm of Simms. a Mott. ISMS sum; ar of Mesors.ll. Jerolloun a 0.034 William oa. N. 73.—Buslossa Cards. embossed la Weds. from tame Dies, at 81.0.00 Per thormand far lam CHICAGO, . THOMAS HAW • - FOItiVARDINO CONCiIIESION MERCHANT, CIONTINUES his nannl facilities to receive s "ritr . . Tau lento nIA dock Itlm. Ileyrrnect—Mk•nro. Loma. sterling & Cq 31;714;1°,,:1'2.`.?,ati ST. LOUIS ik ST, JOSEPH. t : : 4et: :1 i MIDDLETON, RILEY it 3I'GEE, Produm, Comuloden, and Porwszellor Ilerehneste, ou the Levee, St ward, Me. TWAT to Alexander (ludo% latex, etcrUa A CO. Pitutmrth o-Or pAVID C. , Attantay at Law and Comzolaloner k Loa* M womtaw anwarna. . 0011117 401 IN H. RANKIN, , Attorney and Cot:m -.lot a r aturlporiato e, fi l m th i t ) Btat• 'Tr I =-111.sbutitt: tn. . PrXiloto9h= • Moe, hl'Candlent M4turo, John E. Pula, B gltl • Ihnople, Mcllnd Co, ' BOSTON. A10111,10A21 HOUSE. • • 11ANOTElb 3111ZZT, BOSTON. TlEmidenigned • having entireir r°"2 . % abov• exteaulve tablisti • satal.aMatulultm la MI about three mma,m and rooms, ould mathertfUlly alesaotto. that It Ls nem reed. eammusdbr. fat the MeDithe ....a.a4.noa of - thy jusrellizug AU maenad udiesof the Muurpamedemmutdenomettila lltcN ticlteuml soyerthamas, r the -meaty villa, ham hema ouul. cahoot, be.hrutarlT drta In erletztimuuent. hake tt to my, tm expoule has he" spend W Mule. sky apmtmeut pe erpeeutt rfect. Th. furulture Imamate esuremly momdbmi.. cam mad certain tertew tomm, , rill be foetal to be of the mom beautiful utanuf. tom -The MIME roam me 157511011., and Lb. loan So smav4. sato rag thy mrientelm of tte • /*tic • gymd flmlt. , 4llt.fMnrstd Is on umiyingente% somM I -uut tepriltor I*am I.lf m t v A tbs mmo= nom aestemay Trim:Dahl •th. 4.44.5*. MEM I .I MS, FARMS, 49. ,THE VIRGITIA'IIOUS:g acconi- i g tinkbaing Dm*. Apply ba - m,le c a, GEO. COCHR/LN., To Let, THZ well fi ' hill and furnished Store, mt. on Third near th e Pont:en, at preset Wit .cuided Dr Mr. ano 73 n, 'molly - Store. appl . X. D. GAZZAD M at.el- —. . nt,. 3 ele Rost, Tribune. and Dirpatch 1np7.1 . *ORBit• ~' AFURNACE, at Dresden, Muskingum co., Ohlo.ll miles )Scat Zeoesnlle,ln Ina imolai order, ..1 ~,,K i i : , St.= Engine, mal l . of ruasan. oat I tons of ' Iron per day. Mann an abundant manly of Dee In tea toethato vicinity.. It le connected by a non. tuna with the Xtusklnatun ricer,. which Is Inclireble for stew:Ands the Mater Den of the year. thereby eironlbst faduun aor ablplnna to Zenentlle. or to any point On the Ohio ricer, 00 low rated of freight The /ion bentolDr• menufacturti Li WS Burr. bas. been . consumed In ',' 261.611.' ' 'WV Etiß,Zsurinill hlo, or to ' .. ULM A FEBDLETON: Baltimore. ' roylanodam .1 . , . , • Valuable Property for sale. , - .ZOIIK.LOTStin Allegheny 'City, fronting on the South Ommou. houiedlately in *mkt of Dr. Pre Church. peee Lots we seer the Depot of the Ohio and Penosylvenis ftellroutond ere well .krago travarehmules,ors*ltekOsmlin¢fsetariegeortabli.harent. .1117111br ASDItEIY LEECH. Jr. . . ; • ; •1b Pinner& OM ACRES Fanning and Grazing niur Lauda. In Warm countr, located on the river. Elkin tvelve cella of tie New 'fork sad- Also-I.oce. ie.!. la Elk county, forfrodi acoarteaccts tins term. E 114121111 at A. WILELIB It CO, earl • earner of Market and Third de. '1 To Gardeners. NIT ACRES of Gardening Land, a].. y nyder Road cult/rutin, wain me molt pf Oral to sold fot SSOU arry—om third