PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: PURLIEU:MD BY WRITS & CO Pl'/TBBURON ,FRIDAY MORNING, MAT . . • • : county Convention. , r The Whigs and Antinuusoni orA/le warms satordsr nu, au: of - • pea- t.bo anal Oats at holding -- tb SoiciWpi (t.D.Uralr .1 3 o'clock. P. d t iorrard . vr dho. ..nti t ar=Thl uat il. o'eket.,:..m. a 9.1. b4d: 1 1 3 1 : 0 .13A A. /ter cat Wednadar, the locadagices wemaker to ats na t=6 2.1 7 y) mote. datgellt to UM Stats 070 Maim; to meet toitelr : intAL • aft a ax.w... ,OMO Amm-113971153/LVABI.6 . • fen* PlV . rdneace to . the IbEowipg !nape?: tent intelligence in relation td our iteetern Rail= 7 ° 1 ',4 which - we find in the AY. F. Tribune, of tut; m6rhy; and which will 'cheer the heart; of :cor.citheas. Om readers are awarethat Oen. -..-',ltoirtaaow has Weak the. East for some weeke;' on matters connected with par , Railroad. haeextended It!spinney no far negintbec, Where lie made - the 'Mist eatistactiliyamitgepie4ts for „the rapid tnuasmission of the iron , which has been"altipped from 4ogitind. to that point, and which in Intended for the line between Alliance and'. Ibutsillort... it will De delivered' on the ground lithe time it is needed. ' But the post IMPortant brainess transacted is in the following artiolo from the Tri; Go. Daimon, of Pittsburgh, President of tit; Ohlo and Penzuybards .liailroad Coripany, Unmet his agents, Meant Winslow, Lauer & .Co., iris, within a few days - past, completed • the - negotiation, on favorable terms, of all the Convertible Mortgage Bonds of that Company,. .-°.; which remain to be named. "_'his sale amounts to upwind of MOAK; attach, with the Bonds • - &Toted of last yens, .farnishes all the means mcoswytoprovvis the irountilt, chairs, spike', cars. locomotive engines, he., ha., for the cam .... • pletion of their great work. The bonds have seen taken by, capitalists of high standing and influence, having estenalve foreign.connections. is anderstood that a largo portion of them will go abroad for investment • . . E • The moans derived from this sale are applies. ble to littinompletlon of the second division: . Watling from Massillon to the Westerarterminna - Bonds the road atCrestllne, astirGallion, Ohio. The - Bonds issued by this Company limit year the first division of the road, commtmeing at littabargh and extending to Massillon -.on .the • Ohio 'hare been principally ab;orbed in thlifeotintry and LSD:trope. far investment, where they stand desFrerily high as ti,ftist'class - 'The _capital atocleof the Ohio ind.pantyl. • Tanis Retread Cconplusy latge and is being increased; which, with the means now ,provided, , will enable the Company to praa forward their work with cash means entircV, and without the slightest necessity for delay. Tke heavy Tea% - CO Ms to the ,yard, sulnehmt for the track from Pittsburgh to klassillon,lolmileerwaspurchas ' edlast yea, and is now on hand and in coursed - densely. 41. purchase of 2,000 tons more for the section between . Massnloa and Wooster; utiles, hasjost been made by Gen. Robinsort, de . :• liverable =the reed during the summer and an •, tantatf. the present year. . - Creittline Is the Pointitheie the Ohio and Perm ' sylsestia Rad tottchei . the tlereland, Ottleunbus, 'and Cincinnati Wailroadtp , etthis point commen, eta the Bellefontaine and Interns Ramat This_ latter work is now in 's sexy forward. state , of construction,. and it wlll probably be com pleted nextyear. It extends Westward to the Stateline of „India* 'where commences the In., disitspolle and.„Belleftmtaine Road,. about. 80 miles of .which is now;in operation - and the Fai due being. rapidly, etnitincted,'ruatudng -thence to ,Indianspalisc , .lseitt , :*mtnrimes : the Terre Want and -Richmond Road, which wilt' be com pleted: this year, and Whichextends the line to -Terre liant,•,:front.". hence .to. St , - Louis Com ., *des hire been organized, surreys-made, and the work.willbo.comnienced at on early ' , period,. thus Completing the great chain of Railroads , connecting the cities of New York, Philadelphia The Ohio andPenasylvania P.oadwill be preao „ od. forward to completion without delay.' -From - ,"Pittsborghlo Bearer, 20 Mile"; the road will be completed and opened far travel in July next , to Alliance, where it .intersects the Cleveland and Wellatilleilead, it wilibe openedin October noxt; to hiimilma on the let of November next; to NirciOnter early in the Spring;• and the whole line .L :af, the road from Pittsburgh to Crestlina a die- A[l4M onBs miles, wiltbe completed and opened trail, in the Antumn.of -1862. ..Brent energy and ability has been numintated tbrMLAbontby Pen. Robinson, the President, and Solomon IV.. Roberta, Esq.,,,the.able and effielent ;Chief,..Engineer, seconded by the -Board of In ',rectors,. who are among themes: substantial and , energetic meet* the West. - The contract for 2,600 tens of heater the Ili - ,- ,wision of the road between Iffunillon and Woos - mentioned -above; we',underatand has been Concitted with:the liragy's Bend Iron Company, the Allegheny river;-abase-this clty,—the ~..-,eatnecompany which ft rnished the iron for the • section between this city end Beaver . ; We . . are ~. • glad to fuel that no much Of the road _is to be ;laid with the Ade:dein iron,. which is of a wery. -superiorcharacter, and we think it highlypro ,bable that the eamo establishment ant' fteliish theist for the iiMiLdtw a the read. 'MeiElision Of the road between Wooster and Elrennin* will roost probably,be advertised for - s .. letting to contractors next week, and as the work :_.l;isioostlyllght, it will be prepared fee; the Rails Milli:nett season.`lt is expetied that by the "lirisitthetinck loyere reser gasidloa, Which"will be sometime in November, that every thing will '- - is ready for them tomed to Wooster; and by the time pre they reach' Wodirer, next ISpring; they will find tile trick ready for then' to go forward to its ternlnation. ' It most likely that . - : at ._B l 4ing of the track , which no* 1 4.0 8 6 4 4, 1 g ~.' betweersthis city and Beaver,'. will be continned - .. without intermission until the road ia finished to 8. W. Roberts, Esq., the Eli neer_ in Chief, Ras been over the line between, this city and ar, lis Bearer,,this Week,and he ink o -as that the work is all in a state of fOrw elm; and -Oitt nothing will prevent the care 1 ciniit,g peer; the s 4.Oad betweiniPittsbnighandßrightMo by the.lit . r, of inly, but tho want of Moss sties. ' ..Ths. Coil ': ,tractors have gofer failed to meet the4 , tegage, ..-, claire, bat the officers. oftissi.,6trviinr 'are do . .. . .. . ...... _. .. . .._ ing everything in their power. td,'remedy the dit- . Unity, and we the! Pretty enfelsvirOnslid.zigercr =Wass railroad ride to Brighton indre or six , tocomorlyze. , . With the =wpm railroad% , winch already traieree eery section of the cannery,: and Which -are so, rapidly on „the increase, the Minding of locoMotires has bcome avery Important branch mantdaitures. - 'lt is One for which this city , adroinbiy ada - pted; and ire doubt not but that whoever may be fortunate enough, to take the initiative in this Imelness here, with sufficient capital and skill to . make it what it ought to be. be highly successful; ,The abutdanie and - d9tnm of material, fuel, power, and indeed - emerr thing essential; would giro the Pittsburgh manufacturer great &damages over all ann,e., The width of track on ;the Wester's Made is iggenne from that of the eastern roads, being 4 - .. feet 10 inches, while.that of the Central Road is , foal 81 Inches, and that of the New York and: Erie road is - 6 feet; 'eonsequently locoincsire a for - the use of. the.western rends cannot be rani 'over,: eastern Made from the eastern cities, bit mast he transported at considerable expense. Bit from this point to all the net work of roads which will soon trevente every - part of the great tesfiettnartlt I{nd Irettit tite:olo river,from Pitts . burgh - to theatississipPi, the can tsar et.* ite own power, all these. roads, being of. the same gene.. This la a material adrantageto the '• - '.eittebtugh builder over his easteracompetitnia. - Nor hi this ail: By the rirer he can Supply the toads-in the South-western States, with almost equal facility We speak of this matter now; because a gen : serum posseming the highet t testimonials for pro. bity, and for Skill; and experience in thlsbasliess nowhere, desirous of establishing iitianafao- .. . locomotives on an extensive smile. This gradlemiukluts teen the operstire head - of outer :the most:latoons 'and sticeeeshal establishments of the kind in the United States. Ilia dq3iii to forma copartnership or jefiit'steek ennipatiy, , : , - Witlf - nMipital of itamt one bandied tionmand4ol. pat ap - attitable buildings ! and bsee,ereiy "2ikint aecrossry to constitute le-first rate teat, llsbmepd;. Ire tecqit Ite will notimcuiprow . pelt. eleeMheiw 'for' and oith Pcthipe . tomer; ifigfati;jf,:eldibliehed:heiy 11 1F'0 1 one In: Titration; are' , coot tolm'pleked-14;?#4i 4.7;aoal.mpFku.wlio this. t o otsb l 4 ll an eFt,i*t hitt iriteeelatil beehehre 60 not efteri Thhe is, also. 'lest the !deli:of tiozi,:tor . thejeitabgeliatent of . : the balite* The-Mii; the glee, mid the time Me ell that can be desir ed. _Whin ere the capitalists whe 'dekko:oaks safe end profitable ineestmente? . Parsii Sill ON Me PACEFIC.—Ena thing Per' alnngi Califor n ia seems to partake of the wild extraiagiuninf online] ninanci. 'torn years ago it was associated In our minds withNann- Cheeks, ratagonin, Or New Zeslandi now we rank it with Virisconiiii?, lowa,' and Tenni, and no longer think it so rosy far away. Then it was almost a terra incognito, with a vane, turpro duitint poprdation, whose existence was rarely iliought of; now it is one of the moat important Stites of our great Confederacy. Then its wa rns were seldom disturbed by the prow ea res. eel ; now its BM andlutrbors are whitened with the eallinf. all 'alike* Indeed California has made. a greater admit, in. five years than ever Was mode by s European nation .or prcnince b;; But what strurins With the moatsoipris' ewes the following statement of the team vessels now emploped en that side of the centinemt: ' - of Ton; ATenge Tet/ 474 /" la/14, tonnage. sesibilumrs, 22 14,/uu 648 Lanza stet/niers, 46 4,847 708 Many nf the , old *ions of Ear - 4e. cannot toast of anything like emelt a steam marine as this; and if Borne of them can beat as a littleat the Great Fair;'we can May compensate onr aelyes ti pointing to some things which we can not, exhildt, in` the, slip palace, bat which are moze:wondarit4 than anything there. GENERAL AMEIEBLY 01. THE ctmni-aim This body met et lltiel on Thursday- of but week.., - • The opening sermon was 'preached by De.:bIIDDLII of thin cityi moderator of the - last Assembly - .On Friday Di. Itinnts mad'an affecting letter desetiPtive of the death scene of the late Dr. Erskine Mason; plata of the " Bineket street eintrch, New York,'Which was folloSeed with re mark's by several gentlemen. • Be,.‘- Armairr blatmes,-. of Philadelphia was then unanimously cleated-15f6derater. idlers brief "actmowledginent of the honor con ferred upon him, declared the iniembly or- Some ditWassion was had upon the ecelesiasti- Otl relations subsisting between the General As. ! seMhly'and the ,CongregationabAtemeistion. It steins that there is inniadirmulby,the nature of whiCh we emmtfally gatherieol;the mufti:eta.) us bet itteraltery temperate etareletatien of the matter; the committee on the subject come to the conehision that "these facts'suggesta . doubt, a painful _apprehension; 'that the co:rresiguiclenee failsat present to conduce to bermonyandmutual Oillietion." After some farther conversation the repOrt, was informally hid over. - • We. subjoin a few items from tie report before . , . 1111.14 von the reading of the isdn- Jae! hs the etteetioan, moved the thliovin' it mg. ..liesolved—,That in recording the 'Proceedings of this General Assembly, the clerk be &meted to amontinue the use of all literary and greet. siesta titles in.conneetien with the names of the members% and where it is neonate:y.4o desig natethe official standing, the names-of their re . speetire ?Sees be used. • • • • Alr;311113 urged that it wouldatxridge the toin ateOltat such titles were naseriptneal, and of. - tan: endorsed the , blunders of half fledged col leges:; He laded ,that the Modderator, just ejecta, .reftmad to' wear each titles, 'and that on the Immo principle,Captain and colonel andother usllitaryand tine titles should be axed- lie had no objections . to their 'social and common Dr. Biddle said rather pleasantly--1 hope the brother may be gratified. 'qr . meat make my brOther_to offend, I will est no morel , and if my - Weak brother le offended with .such titles, I will wear them no more. . ' • Hopkins adrocatedthe retaining of those titles,' as is done in other similar bodies, since they,carry soma measure of influence with them. As we hare men of distinction this honor should Idr. Ketches 4 of indiaaopolis, .sald that pos sibly the brother from ancumatl might wish to get rid of the title of Dr. seedbed to him last everting by mistake. He had no doubt that the geitlemart who have the titles in question who hare the titles of.D. D.. L. L D, and Hon , - have well earned.thrm, sad haute they ebouldbeee. Mr, Drills rejoined, that it was only in run ring records and not the statistical reports; and that he advocated the 011:11113i0t1 of. titles He cited alio the example of the Presbytery and Synod of Cincizatti ageing titles.- . • . Borne others joined to the craenuirm, and the resolution vas finally lost. • A ;vote or thanks by the Assembly, and sn ipers: fora copy of the Moderator's sermon was tendered to-Dr..lliddle.. .The city.- of Wialdngtcof was appeimted man homily as the next place of meetiEg'for the As ; Bey, L Mcntllan's report (tent tether 61A3 cm se . delegate to the; Cumberland Prtsbyterisu Church) Mlle read, and spoke of a ray cordial reception szurkind tntatoortM by that body, that mani . lestod ray. grert Madensess of speech, as to those who might differ from them in doctrines The' kayoing Ripon Was stut4e to the late Stittitito Coatreittiatt at Cu:cinema,' . by i Com mittee'apPaintid at. !hi previous atutial ineeitiag 2b the 'American Assoeiaast for the Adiernameni v./Science. , The Committee appointed ..to manorial* the Legislature of Pecusylvinds in referenee to the :publication of the Final GeologlearAport of • - Re roar That the important subject wntem. . plated in their appointment has been so far ao cumplitheitlud an etc was paned by thelegls. Ware of ;Pennsylrassia. at lbs late *wain, and apprtured by the Governor; authorising the pub lication oft-he Final Geological Report, In a style worthy of the scientific importance of the subject, and the geological wealth of Petnelliania. It contentplatesen expenditure of thirty two thou ethyl dollen for the purpose, and the work is to be done under the superintendence of .Frefessor Henrys): Rogers; 'the able geologist by whom the survey was made: The passage' of the act is in a great measure due to the efforts of Thos. J. Bigham , Esq. of .71tteburgh, the member of the Legislature having charge of the BM The Chairman of the Committee, appointed by .the -dumb= Association, having gone to 'Eu rope ;. the - undersigned Reporter, whose name stood second on the list of the Committee, com municated to Mr. Bigham during the section of .the LeglsLithre, the views and Wither' of the As. iodation_ in -reference to' the object'-which has thus been accomplished. ; • Respectfully 'submitted, on behalf of the SOLOMON W.' ROBERTS, Civil ',Engineer `Csicursan, May 816, 1851 hoot the N. Y. Colomord9l of 1 faado iltornoon,ll.9 19 TEE itcrEoDln =WE CUE. The. United. Biateni Circuit Court room was thronged at an early hour this morning with per sona desirous of hearing the argument in the controversy between the Methodist Epincopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church, 'Smith. Among them:we noticed several clergy men of various denominations, and the 'gallery was occupied by a number of Indio. - Judges Nelson end Betts took their seats on the bench at ten, erloch, and the counsel for the parties soon made their appearance, at the bar. ' Southern clergy present, Rev. Dn. Early, Pierce,. Staltb Northern clergy present, Rev. liors. Scott, Bur 131N. Peek, Kennedy • • - The title of the cause la ifenry R. Bescom'and Others, 'II' George. Lane and eatery and the complaint is Med in equity for the purpose of enforcing a division of the funds of the Meth- Odist Boot Concern. ' The Hon. litevienli.Tohn. ann,Of il!lihilcre: and Daniel D:Lord t Esq.: of this. aPPrirr& far ' the , complainant, Mr.- Waster, who is also engaged on the s a me side, being absent,. For the defend:tatty apieinied the Ron: Bane Chaste; of Mainsacliusette, and Geo. W00d,A544;444.4iy.. ilen—Thcenei Ewi ng Nu also present,. lon being counsel for' defend anti in to ninillni salt against the branch Meth atilt Book Concerti of thichunitt: '' opened Lord M'S casts iith.A. Mief do. MD °lithe metal facie and etteumstances of the case: Thetieldett of this cnotswscrlyis what is detunalnated "Alio DooleCancarn!f in tho city of. Now Tork.. the !Linda of Which amount to $760,- 000 - D the earlyldianey Of. r thi Methodist de picse woe resorted WesleY, for tte'pnitif Mitemitostings : The ill:Wane iherestahlishonsatht WI mut try was in Philadelphia, wheaceitwitieetailftt* I removed to New York It became :Ultimately a concern ofsvreat Magnitude. In 1836, their balding was burned AOWailitt was noon `and the Concern'graduallY In creased in Ito operations until It-reached its pre . sentlirmr extent. -The pro fi ts of the fend were devoted to making up a provision for superannu- ated preachers;' the widows and orphans of de ceased ministers, Au The affairs of this derunnination are governed by what are called anneal conferences and a general conference.. In nB4, there was but one annual conference, Ind afterwaris and for a long period of time, there were seven. ; The , conferences consisted of all the preachers who "travelled" a particular circuit. In 1844, there were 32. or 33 annual conferences. The general system of the Methodist clergy is to itinerate from one church to another. Many of these were unable to pay their ministers, and the con ferences provided for them as soon tut they could. When the conferences were too poor to provide for them, a deficiency of course weir red, audit was to supply this deficiency, in part, that the enrphts hinds of the Book Concern were appropiiated. In 1808, the power of the Gene ral CohTeretne became so absolute, that the more conservative members of the denom ination began to • fear that It . would be dangerous, as it might even . alter the; don. trines of the church, and a change was then made in Its organization, providing that it thould be composed of delegates • instead of all the preachers, and a number of restrictions were imposed. Among other things they were restricted from dividing the supine furl& of the Book Concern to any other purpose than the support of caper. I annated preachers ho. - I A great question arise in this cosi as to I the effect of this restrictive mile. It grew out of I the subject of slavery The Methodist denomin ation at an early period took high ground on the subjects of temperance and slavery. They ex cluded from membership anyone who boirght and I sold human beings, for the purpose of enslaving them and these provisions were found to 'be so impracticable that they were rescinded at the . next General Conference, and the matter was left to the various states in which the members resided. About the year 1836 the net-tion of abolition began very seriously to disturb the Methodist Church, The bishops and conservrtive clergy endeavur ed to soothe the agitation. But in 1844 the mat. ter became critical and Aecisive, and a state of things then occurred which necessarily led ' to a separation of this cinuch into two parts: - A min biter named Hording, had been complained of as posketing slaves, and thelialtimore conferenm impended him, although it was impossible far him to manumit them under the laws of Mary land. He appealed to the. General Conference,. and that body confirmed the suspeusion. Ano ther difficulty occurred in the case of .Bishop Andrews in Georgia, who had two slaves, botkof whom it was impossible to-Manumit. Tire 'aim- 1 Utica spirit was up, however, and it was defer. minedto attack him. Without trying him, they passed a resolution thath he should suspend - his episcopal Mastic= until he &Cum:rated bls slaves. .-. These things convinced the Southern members of. the church Chit it was unprofitable for them to go on in connexion with their Northernbreth ren. They presented a document to the General - Conference of 1844, protesting against the action taken in the Mises' of Bishop Andras and the Rev. Mr. Harding, and declaring that if it was persisted in, the Methodist Society in the South; would be extinct. Sixteen Sonthens Conferences , elected delegates to a Conference of the Metho dist Church, South, held at"Loassille, in. 1845, and they resolved to orginire themselves into a Church independent of the North. They appoint ed conunlseionees to meet commissioner of the Church North, and arrange a plan of separation.' But the Northern body had, In the- meantime been overtaken by constitutional scruples, and refused to recognize the action of the Loulssille Conference, notwithstanding it had been held at their Own suggestion. The Louisville Conference adopted the whole creed and discipline of the Methodist Church as it had existed in this country lance 1781, aculdid not change a single doctrine. The Southern claimants to their share of the profits of the Book Concern are, therefore, just an orthodox as I they ever were, end just as much entitled to their proportion in the fond which has 'been acctunc- Wed t the joint exertions of their fathers and husbands. - Mr. Lord: then. read the - ..compLaint. After which Mr. John.son. (e eon of the Hon. Rev- - eniy Johnson, we betiere,) read • portion of the answer, and Mr. E. L Fauber concluded:the reading 'of the Mac. The reading of the appli cation was dispeculed Mr. Lord here stated that Bishop 13ascomliav ing died since the bridging of the suit, he had obtained a consent from the siefendanta to nut. stitute the name of the Rev. Vim. A.' Smith, as one .of the plaintiffs, and an order of the court making each substitution, was accordingly made. Mr. Lord connummed his argument by ita tingthitt Emory's History, the Book of Disci pline, the printed Journals of the Conference prior to 1899, and other documents, ware to be introduced as evidence, by'agreetnetit 'between t - e then read extracts front the Book of Disci plane of 1840, page 198; *Dr. Emory's History, under the year 1800; the Articles of Religion; the Bit Restrictive Asticlen Wesley's Letter to Dr. Coke, Me. FISIZthI Asbury, and the in North `America,' Ac., and' had not reading the authorities upon which his argu ment is to be founded when we left. OITICLIL. pLPLIST7I23I 07 SUIT, W11413.171gt00, May 18th, 1851. j Information Bas been 2i:calved from Harvey Gleason, Esq., U. N.' donsul at Chagres, N. G., of the death, within Ms Consular District, Of Witzux A. lissutros, of Pittsburgh, Penn's. In conformity with the law in tmchnumsmade and provided, Mr. okaams has forwarded to this Department, an Inventory of- the effects which came Into his possession, belonetig to the estate of the deceased, and also an account ebonies what disposition was made, by him of the maid effects. - .105"1Ve . agoiti ieEer our traders to the ad nutlaelueut of U. O. 'Farrell's Amato/ Zoisionot, vmhtoti peals In azothor ookusus. MI by .bleb you trill moo It Is WAIT recount:mated sad thio IA sot alit ho recoloseo orr- Met. of Lbw oho Dm cool it asof osperlosoodllo boo oadd offoou oa tbdr aa• psnons. rho eons anantiasr ly Tay rosmartabba eel at kommt the wale!. to worthy of • trlaL W. adrf..alflu so to the aroot..• bo farulmh •laustAkt Froths, 'outhatufaa . tosof valuable ocelpoo tat du treatment of eattima to. • toilbalamtala per• Deafness, Noise in the Head, and dia. airepable ðanol trans tbo Ls, speedily and mums steal) remark. piano( pan or bientaresiirseVs by ILISTLET. Prinslied of the New Yuen Eye and Eu SUP. wry; 64 North 93erepth And.' near &writ, Ptdildelphln [loan of astendaneo, from 9to Z. Consultation .by letter or other/4245L AU convect•»:nest when osnlinination dose not .eb., • surl9l( stiy•No Family should bo without Dr. Md- Lends Liver Pills. The Meath! casket-tie of diseases that . have their origin to named gets of the Liver; Annabel al/marine to a Brat. er kat e.t.a itt Adana air/ hot' DrePePelth sick heedsebe, obstructions of Um osenme, !cm and Orm. pal= In th• Aborit6 drY. kw king mos b. an all the reettite of Hostig dersogernent nod jib? them, Dr. Wham& Pills ere • sorereirn ma:WY. Ti..; hr. Deter beat known to 1.11, sod they should be tot et as ham by temilles. - • Dinettemet—Take two or three rd./ to Uhl. every ser• and or third night. If they do not purge two or thrm thaw 'by zees morning. tan one or two room. ' A .Brit brattiest should invariably *Mow their nee. The Liver PlO mu he need when purging Is simply 'ne. ne.mry. As . onti.hilkno purgative they ere InStrior to 00. In doms of two or throe. they ire sambaing re• to eat headmen, ala to ellaht dertogenants of the 0b..... WV. are Tentstoe without the fae-dattla of to on7o4.oo;sslazature. 7....„1.07 • 1. RIDD m7174i.r111-.o' No. 00 Wood .1. Petroleum I Ssaiturzsmoi, lluntinydouco,Ps.,ll,o./. 4, IL IL IL Hurs..-Dass Bin Yam &auburn!. workiesiwou. ders In this ridnity; tberelhre w. would th.ak rots tosoul so two dos. by O. Pmusilvsuli Itsibusd. We sr. ou. out, aa4 It 1 being i0u011.4 for Wm , * .no cur. Your., rupeetfull4, JOHN 1,030 • 00.! , _. Mamma, J4bliu4 am. 0.. Much 10,.01. • 'IL b. Emp—Deu Kr. Your daoul, • 4 , 5 , "rub sir , os. 1.11 with us four dosnu likuk CUL whirl:, we bare: sold. P1...a forward to as ds dosed immettistsly. Your stsdkins 1. wortluir wormier. to this mem. w. . t: t4la y arr o :ral .. ezeallnt outitlest...wll.rowu.d=l,... Tor ale by Romer AMeDowell, 1b Wad Moot M. E. 13.m.m.AT WoOd etnat; H. A. /shunted. t ON tam/ Weed end Yreet street 4 D. M. Carel, D. A. Zillott. Joseph Depths...A M. P. Settrarts, Allegheny'. am b 7 the zoo B. M. 11.1E.11, AtAMLAV Cana Basin.Semoth et. Pittebenth. Poieigu and American Hardware. LOGAN, wasoN & CO., No, 129 Wood Stmt., WATS NOW IN Bioll.ll . A toll soctiostploto stock of FOIZEION AND AWRZICAIt HARDWARE; . ..itak fat the MU% tracts. sod which Cloy &n pzimmd to after to 0O bacon st tarts that *III most* tasorsblr Irlth soy of the natant ciao' : Citizen's balnaLC B ,Company d ruubtigh • ENCOURAGE. HOME INSTITUTIONS i5 i, 2 941c0 No. 41 wan Ar t. lath* voltam" Om U. 0.11. limier. W. Maw, Thu preptattl to lantreall mettbattgLlali' In dere, aod In truulto, Tortlehr do.• •_ • • • ha =eh hahrhaty tits ability Introity at tbi Lartithaett, hp &Yarded In the thane:GO Of the Dims" • who are. all "dawns nt Pltusbargh. well had thrarably kOOl,ll to the commticity 'Or Arndt"... I.6lllAnteo; Jr"i'Vair,, ItLWairteghte;2;ll6ii, Joao llazwortb. trust& & Id. •, , it e m , eknisTi,B v sroa An a d. n row b. -D s.uao utican, , for o . f ttrsi.th wwl.cur"r jarleswiaq mad Wh Om. • Azeptinar.—Thos. Petineyiof thp Botougk. 9133 txprproted IhcAntiataaank sat w h , - ;":" 4,...1..1.ta'pr izetuatloa 14.• *lf dm Amiecia.7. - • royl4.ll~V . ' — iissocistVliniesE—Thantune in ti friends alma, =MAU ofdlondwo rt .a ty , t om ea na.g• - 1. th•Aliattalaimia sad Omar .Coalralstiao. - * • Ow =unmak to oak. of -turnoodrJnagn of the °not of Quango balloon Kr.' tioktargowstwonneo la public owooo., lodwl• ntotal assober of the Slav Legingtont tor the puled of kowon and Mod with gown antonalrinty tn. as. at tu tt ytim a t' Ins Land Otto dtologllow.lntogfoadminlo• "tottion—sod Ma knowledge at tho Oarsman losoroog .. well se his stand toottom moor, 112.7 taw' W flT T .q u 1 hi= CO !I , ll,lkid 411:0 rat aselvtowits Pa Juixts.,Thomas IdQ~let, Jr. of Pa•bLe• tommblp, will b• • eusdklat•bdonTilb• si,P•••./. i nt wigs and Anti-Mazotthe Comatkns, Ibr tbji albs of Asuittlau.hutr• the. Court orlAxasoca Scabru, dm. sad mill De SlDlnerke , a i bo t kV" l =rl9.AlmntaT • lowa us, ..celerT. • • .Aastiatit.-:4l.*ould recominendd _ John- Ner i th fared* Unraddp, {ykat. and Mee letWa tm l4'6 " ,""lt.l. P 7 A,r irecc g r 'g . mrl3.-Irlar-(s.••) lisconnen.—Jamee Oorm ly slll be *candidate Ea She °Moe al !intorno., sultkot to tho oaten of thole* 'ffithade and In • Oannettion. to be held on the elth Ercoknra.—John McGill, of Dud . Deer Tomah , . will be • esadidate the the '.7.41 -- . - PLOOD. OIL C.I.ARHS..4L lazge . atock , _of i ?kat on Clo th s. dt width. ~,,,v then Xto 4 It. . .re t, sett at lows nod V 01.." paretiam=s..s4.. kldebtato au boor Gagman mutated to call =I mad= oar daft listiourdodtm i • - --- -- -- --- rNN ,... 7.4.9' 04-2. bbleitratedp9l", . la 16 _ _ RICE -20 tierces Carolina, for sale by mot ' JAlll:l3A.llincm3OX ik co. COFFER -150 bagsßio, for sale by sayla J A. lIINCERSOnt CO. VEN. BED--15S.VIvAggi= i itle by 1. ._-01 CLOVES -2 bbls. for sale b 7 a ccL m 71- satoom.m, SUP. ..SODA-10 gr i ll: sale by sayl6 34 ' 151** 42"71•1: Q MAR I ! '-' umbb "Malar& bT .06 n• nct QIIOIILDELLS-32 cub for sale'by rule . HALM`, Jana !CO. 'VIRE BOARD PIIINTS—For sale by m 71 6 W. P. ILIRSHALL.II4 Wool st- JHEAP WALL PAPER—For sale by IC r,eawaa m 'PESTER CENTRES—For ale by_ mayll3 W. P. MAltsanz„ 115 Weal W. LARD -3 bbir.* 8 kegs No. I for sale by — so is btt"LigianootiorizZoittio COMF,IOO-bagis B o, for saierbby 'm I.IION-100 tomuntingdon co., for bay by . mybc :JOBB RAW ti2oi. • - :.Clocks! rr open excellent excellent aseietitent , or MANTZL •Wtrom 0 to $24 WI vans* . to taco nod Wu. . . 'AA .Illoo—ftio timid Clocks. So WO omakosid wTaL .4 — P.t.oP ittloWs toiat ow 114 f nly room. - : n u . . ... W. VP..WILSON; GI JfidurtiAti. LEM moo PLARS' SWORDS—Mut reed, a lot of t" Tao*. laratatortatau anal.= at the EOll SALE, to close consi%rxt:—.so ILL Jz% 140 , DA . JIMI. .15 Xe. 7 CO. • . 1u cornerPaassea sine=gmbagh. RIED YBPT7-Peaches; ; h''PVT wcz.oßcilto.,c -. . . . • Ifttes 'two= Baelrata. IMPS . • Oedar Late, DTP b.x e. - - : -wm.":ciaxEdik Ui EMP-23 bales 3fissoari, atom, m l ipent, 11 gad 13 , 1 , 41.117 ' Aura. tionttif. mJta • No. 334 Print 0: COTT° bal,slatblig Cos sal: by_ • mfg. • N. 131 livet Q AGAR-:4ofib& prime N. Q.. for sale by sun, .4.1117=111011 !Cu: -EAD- 2500 pip Galan;:: , - "Amu wx) 12 % ° '" , 1 / 4 6 11t k oaqusort ea). HEMP. - 45 tone Mint D. R., for oak by' ix frau mumuannorttacer aO. iIIICZ-100 tierces for saki Di: - • • 11l water xi ACKEFLEL-50 bble. No. for sale by INS. =l5 'BMIBICEDGEk 130021.11 L LOAF SUGAR-150 bbls. ( ass'4lNos.).for. se. by • - EMBRIDGE INCIRAM, =rib - • n o s was. at. 1 MBES' 01L-30 bblz. (warranted pure) AA kr sae by J. ECIIOO3SA.V. &00, r ei.H.ROKE YELLOW & 0RM `1,2"4"7 13C 11{".*SMAX . 131 *1:0 Et RAS , A Ll3l-50 bbls. for ado by 11.mrm r SCHOOMIIIIISII VG. V_ENTI RUBBER GLOVES &AMENS: LI —Theo .olono -no of peat =Mr ta :WV of Teak ober. to the mein& at &Moo ocektna• We, an 1ah11164 ottoad7 &VD.). ' - Wl5: J. PUMPS.' ' INDIA RUBBER COTS—Au 1 ,, rP0 i .Et COT esths !a sore enamor corm AdtelLbsensiall 10. to air or Inter; Ea AU. at Nos.. and 9 woal .. /L 5 J.& IL PIDELLIPIL XEEW RIBBONS—A. A. Maas & do. Are' .L.N raw iweirtnit a Iwo weetiswas of .bwagel new aViagosaat !Mom at all Nion. would elao eall atlas:Um to Utar tarylazaa amply VADIPKD TABLETONS—Just • received this M r :ad rkaw opos 10 =toes of lba,nry tkatnibl• icrietoos oor Smoot Unlng. The unalo. or mrpconavencit.4. BLACK BARAGE for , Motirrkint.yerls, ?mono or moot= myl4 "scrum Etuunnnsw. WgDOW CURTAIN Wain of aim . W emoamo. 1t0.03.4 aardsmter Timakswgm:Elmesomtdmmost 141/4"."”7"'Alulasiiinwariiim' TARIM)ANWS...4) baits in starg jar .LIF trr a. v50.4..tc0,, SUGAR -180 hhds 1.7. 0. Suer for sae by MO7. A qwB-500 bbls N.: O. • EL for mu by AUCCII DALZILL S IL . BIOLASSES-100 b.bl4 II& R. E. ftersiss:Lof P rov i WN= bedtetket haling mat it • lbw the tut *cm erieve mina 'T =t rzet tbe mW t=zableti other pasnahctosem lowa • Told by dre Prepereb n bad teti embeyedly. odd bY R.N. RICURRISrar AA ACREFR ! ...7S bbls N 0.3; Zn salt* SHAD -10 bbia new for sale . llEnos 10 bby novrfrestpleA‘. VIACKEREL--200 DM - No. 3, (L a *. vzbbroLt b..-t AS-5O Lt cheat!) ounf a tyson; 12.. 011 1 ' 'F'ulatitona. SAI4T PETSI4-75 sacks Crude, for We by urn I MIMI DIP= lk CO. • MZQEMffI I.IUTTEII—Tresh 801 l tar isle ran =tau DICK= OW m044-coa-- - .514 Mug Beaars - TRIcOPHEROUS-12 dm.-for githoo gage. ( B. warranted_pure) iur awn LIST*, (we) for male by mil 3 • KIDD A - 00.. 00 Wext rt. 1311 , 11 C ROClT—boalbc for sale bb• =.713 . 'J. SLIM aOM w • ACKEREL-120 bbla. No: 3, for sale by zoo . a w.naaaavou. VICILASSES-100 bbliaTtir sale b n. ' 411. FOIL _ , R.PIZOIC ACIP-75 OIL fcrr age by miss• B. d. /I.MIMTME 00. .StO . NM•7-20 1 14 A 5 . . 1 er • a zA a g. mAxbrA zin f or salela TONE PIPES-340 Iv:attar sale by : S M 713 PICIL A MeCANDLM. M.WIMEI,-1301:114s. 8;_ - 'sr .31. myl.3 . WIC[! MaCALNDLIkIa. ‘elltd) . 12 bblo.rn. I, for sale • ?•••, • lorla • • / WICK II.Q.4. DIAS& ROOMS -210 Corn; fiir-oioh-7117:81-7- InTER--30 kegs for sale by , ALP mrl 3 WICK WoCAXELISS SCINCNIN4S--5 ciao No. for sale by wia WICK s atcoutauraa. TAR-118 bbh. N. C., for *0 :by ; m 713 WICK & KWANDLESS. RICE FLOUR; " Prepared Corn; hew;myl3 Ifrokac. ATT Vntit:3lkunmi co, them et ERENCK GELATINE, IViAviA ,nol red; . lid Coi• bumf= kcebukuty.Tymm llama l, le bw A. ottesre l" r a reett ee . VlllRKES—Roftleaur.Prone bFigtaseartt MACKEREL -100 bble. N 0.3 f c ,g e b y mria •; _ ,A. II Li r e Ws. 111_9„1 (to arrive) for 114. flu by myl% ccbMTSON Cet Flio BA COO-37 kegs 6 twistAsopetfcirGi Wit mylb A-COLIhoSbON *CO. 11 MAW ROBE6--All geodes kept eon ') etLattr on bud and ear l . Intro soylaCO CO. grikaMAN 4LAY4MXI boxes for Bald by myl2 - LOW= &CO, librety MEM-0 US ! . W.S. CNA*. for Well Ei son Lawataulren.--. TIRY MDEB-200 (prime) far a l ALA-- rem titsw. 1 . ABIUSEIIIENT S. 'SPALDING,. ROGERS - & CO.'S PEOPLE'S CIRCUS! EQID=MUr, DRAIIATIC AND ZOOZOOMAL ! Circuit Theatre! .Mettegarlet A 01310121.410 S 4. Two EltobllaWnwitAlwool 'nowt tie* zed,trit Azzercet CIBCT3t Ord soulor Use owpwviskosWf YE. EMIL UAW. Proprldor of Enna MOSI.LCIe .Co sa, WOl be ozbflAtod thi Clti Of Pttlabcri.b. io Pod f • Evoy Aflonviois our bight; at 2 and 7 o'cloek, conamoduari MONDAY. MAI 41;18=4 tr. W a r., 1.1 , 7 sarticulars isTil rep ' lB * l eJ.r 'AI 11., co wads,. bbla. (extra) for tale 17 /YARD. AMMONIA-600. lbs. for aala by II .1 milt • ' . imp am rg RAT.T.--A good. Podript...Cragot4 in. ' mn 3P d "i" 4l ' . iVroSatxi....easoidir. LARD 0111-0 bbls. Winter Strains& fO2 by. y l2 TOL 11L1J23,47 WOolst. Erdj a SEED-5 1 far bliklime, for sale PIRAMES GREEN-8 cases for sale . B.A.T-mamma= a 4 SIIIINTIMBEII.-150 lbs. Paced:for sals by Ili )12 . B. X. ILUIIILSTOCIE. 03.- • ore e . rid cIV.N. pr.' ANA* of:MgLITTITMNMNFII 11 =dm first Eats, for ode by j)OTA lE-1& Eneke ppuitttt, for isale ckpannas s flag= Comaff- , : p - rEummATE-430 bss..Boat',,traEliale by wu WICKIIIIIXAMILESS. 01111XPED 'BIBBONS . --Assatted , widths 1J sss sows, not ss suss= ed. sss , . Ai" aka. Etho2442lTOloti ti&EMU WORKED OOLLAILVF[onto tre:MO* C.SortthAtoll moristailstof Loa ti la Pm opining tb• Um" . A IR BALLS-rAlial - assartninitjtua Teal 11 u 0 Sr avia P. EL RATON. tOTTOH.B.OB.IEItY. EILOVZSA fall ameokort at all eat= LW vukattootth asurttaant at UAW Tbramf, Naiad Ootbos Glom " 7: 1 ;11 "Qt ! " . IeEZATOIIi. CieMilk ;1. ' li s% BE-37 1 " )1" mil%Fau:i WIFTS bbla. and 88 /irbbbl. Ixessis by - Waterardizon :HATE.on baad a .Igge, , assOrtmeit - of WINDOWAXMNICKB ant .T.llllf as suer , aitsliTovicalta theltlit. -Was. G UM COPAL VARNIBIL , —For sale by CONFECTION SENNA-401bn. far tale by CO t ztt - • • ••• -r - INLIAIPMI-151111s . V m u rroc ide b 110110W'D EXT..LIQUORICE-1 can forsala br 'rut B. A. PAIMFATOCIC &CO. TIOARSE SPONGE-400 lbs; for rale by tug aA.IAILSLB OCE h. 00. act... 4 LIMPED RIBBONS—Jost reed pie ex- Vri.--Z callow of them wry , desirable Crimped Ihr Trieueleg. esobreit• ve all the annul widths sad ea.. The attention Webtaleshe memo* le re. npeetthllT Diced to the tomes tentive emetmen. 488111-400 lbs. for sale 4ca: ..T7 9 Alt p4 . F.al i tg lbs. for sal: el: I • : 1.11. 9LL .BUTTEII-4 bbhr. fresh in cloths. i; ~: ., ,.:,.:,: t.. ._..............: : . E R 0 1 (trb il )dep. a co. RUSSL&N BLIIE S =uses No. forSala raas - B. A.70,11111=01 &SU IQUORICF. ' ROOT-450 ;Rte. Pcved, nu Dl . =kyr mammarxxsoo. In* t • ~M: tAmmisTonie LIIE. AL4SS-05 Ibe for - • BAqS TA A. AtOT IQUORICE • ROOT-1200 lbs: for gal* try we B. . MITIMMIZ a 00: _ _ ~ v 1~-+~ ~t~1:19 %i: Y ~ ~ Y ~3+:~17 a ~f it"~'r R~ . Pre& Arrivals of Wall Papm, f TIM MS ?VAMP, N 0.55 Ilaricotstioet, y..o = t robed frau th. Eat. hiroban• Soo* tare kmiriced Cbsatt.PnVor. mu* , - . y~n:a~~' ~} u iH~ ~ rir~ I~'s~~c~:~`rhi+ TAPER MANGLERS '.:-renth !mist-2410er vas ALTY.P. P. 116 Woc4ML• " ' F ll - 11;a : Orman Ikad Tanta7q, AHD AIL-15 bbl!.'fo! l sale 17- • - •- W MBE highest pries i n t W ailt pnici-foridelbe •4. Morass psdesof dam viabol u ika t a • - - ra... I ,7t;* '::":7•Ti1T,"...;': . ...;,,. - ..;... 140/021sbed tielr otockotabovetatch.tati titi • w — sepaior•ardele of melb—tts• burr irarrairtad n • • MY-26 HOll2B TO- CELEVELVID. &SAM 1.851.: diWAN SUMNER ARRANGEMENT ItrZWiEw ' PITTSBURGH-AND OLEVELAND. r.PRES S sPaalcakde t and R AE, ai )lr7O ad iina Mtuosr bug O h sd,a EßeaAaaaNW.&laa olessANN mtvcpro..lerjar Clarks.itrksto.trom Serra tr• '4 17404 lod PiU•th , RER 41,1.4.14:""F44.41* ...... - ...:—..........r... , . • .•. -LLA191A150A11......,..—. ...Shamn an weir 4 —.a=*....,•1: t.xe • Haase at 9 itakett, CAL with M. Barns. which will lama bascallidely etwi•tii Ammar. larriwins at learnota bk thaw lb wi ngs I=elp C raka gn retkdu ttn l t . 'A Ih r "di " Ca BUlltlau and Dii2lt4lr. cod tba Milwankiit sakaera t g E r, MW n NW t taq4 R V iilicatal ttu: UAnIDW . Lcue.. mutt, . • • !lik°°73VlTtaitiViec -01 '77' 8,12, dd and M r. ' , 4"Ai. TB5 L UNION LINE on the I*nnyhirlaiii. and witaz4 T/318 11 known lage is now NV! CU% hnotemeroight nod bud 11. D, to .t toted on the Cane sad Tb. Ineinttolot tn. Line on mammon le ntunhozen7 111. end athatity , of Dada. a-Minn* or C1D. ,044 - ... *' .. ILKto Batt oo4 . l . ttsbnish ond.CrevelcoddtaliM WlTE=llazn, wadi Lnn ot tostelses (leopstint and noon) on the Lao. ena A Ow, A. Mk larsaxs ° isnx.xi x Minna' a cZ n intslifx, H. L. 11th,. Polk - " Willlsott • 0, . dm. n..ctibhot nanDs./1./4 apt . ooi. wear wax SW • • notatnit . ... Itrandiesi. Wirott,',ft.. ...' - . . Ll.AVlNG:cottpleted arest grzents- if& Ileassalst &sinus essi tans Lasopcsa Me % ts .....b. as lay ?a, / %au enabled lo ar a te rtilin"llingl. LIQUOr MMeatism: !AP ini piton hoax tat, &dna.— • - - 110 . . ls'gslud sise4irssassix.sa4 ,ikastcsiormisma 5 011.4. M s.se tee ltst - ' , 7 sadVirtas tagMr 7 ss , " 1 . 1' "!-! k r a *re II qr. asks Staasissa, of is;ssydid,;, :' !- -- ', , A LSI -" - Pers-wtenk A t yerr cm 2 ilut kola:4', ...1. 3oci Nast. 814 M 141 1 024 = 4 14itSworsil /mown briatc= Sos sow Oust various basal, sad stsuma, Ts ==.='!r•17."5:,,q,": lAm old 1i.u.4 ..e. ethrruaiotict. s , , ',-!. =,--i. 1.....bau10ia axt.h ..d hid, Wltiat,'-) -• •4 -", ." , MlVolar Old Junks Ea.-- _ ~.- ' S .n o superior Issesksk, Iles.n Bloat sislEcolell :lU‘, iblaibt /4211eharlidigitr ". Charrina 9 .../ , ._. Al) Yr Mut at HAW& SlVAliErialsiis sig - • '' „ . 1 4 1 ....741 . 1 = 2 f5wzr . ......, ig l aniii ~.. ---A.-7., walazatre . „ „ram=