The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 22, 1851, Image 4

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CH"P, ItI4BT-4.130f0.
• '
, . .
-• i kf l,lark4yea lore,
Ptirtteirli seepeliog the . Vest ,
rove* •
Oh elagpixteta thiihrobblng breist,
Aroi fettso koor the holy:Ulla- ;
Thir teeseigoO-to Ortf,loi'LVer:
jr;adniglat, the an bCez on rtee
'r *ad Yet Pl•e;. .„,
m itz ' ssing
wPeld en l ,l-meen;
1-04 - t fate thee' Irell,'the Lie= is near, .
Lensy not lingei; 107,4 one, here.,
~ •
tot an I to,-o - h . . bay
-ustthou teen 'yonftn4ll.l../.
AltaLllo9aini wilt repeat p'or
•:':t~ifn-wildsndPoredeHgh4d. until
We meetspin , Stlthi{ ~
And'addy bre4 ll (,k'l siOt - ggs 4l- Bigb t. . •
: • -•- tiostertgle,iournal• .
-, •
TcFi r
hanunanired from , flloaVl Easton Omer he
trainee! the'neietuw u faran they bare-yetoome
-f-lithinietartuternitieei illthe etbnitiesOtthe
fitaie,-nreeptYfebb;il'hartan; 'Fannin, Ontlsoll,
Benton; Cook in t lL-Collin:'-'llhe.;thdity,pturhi t u .
inipiilintion o fthu.nninties returned 131181,M0;
owl of aljresis.62,so 6 ;;; -- 35,000 lel' i rolisbly a
Dolenteertltunte din ;white pordstion of the
countielithare'nnthed;2.srid 10,000 for theslare
..1%11 -.will mike • the total white .
ponnintiop State, - In round . numbers,
168,000; and. the -Aura ; XOOO t. By. adding
three-fifths of tbe slaves,'nituely, 87,000 to the.
melba 16 13 % . 000, we hare;'sayn the New:1205,000
- U oux:po tion entitled to , representation * in
Congress, ur will secure
. ta CO members
to the lower: r - ' •
, . -
=Ale " Tin of or run Pacrit
anan.;=The character the 'country . ..upon the
Unapt the PricliultellwaY,' la this Sten?, is pe-.
Cullar ed interatingt. • it 15 for the . ine't Pert
a good agricideMet country. ~4„ .also well.
timbered fame . ; pit: of *betray, and .the
western - poilion it isdierisified with fertile pp:
Ties.- - Idaerat,eubstancia of varionsvid. - are.
found nearly the whole . distance. - The 'Mineral
region.Commences".wftlin. about . fifty. to slaty
miles of Louie, and soribthinktif the chaise
ter of the mineral depasites maybe- aeon in the
collectionswhieletherdnineers of 'the eimpany .
2 '
;'hare pieked rep On their - surreys andreterneti . to.
the office:, Fat assunple; tem are apeciretena
the rich dr= ore of the lierrimacir.; copper and'
lead ore ',and - Ire Clay freer' Franklin.. minty;
gypsum:Mit Osage and:lacihsonconneies: lead
ore from Versailled cermet' coal from; different
points; _ come apecintam'af reeral :fiord the,high . ,
point of Tibzc . foviht; petrified wood, flinticbett.
glasstiff; sulphate of. bauble. &c, oil :from
the line of the There are probably,
mines of greatereallleyet undiscovered,. some Pt
which will be developed by the mere tonstrUe:
v. don of thin road. • Vheie products of the mines,
agriculturs„mid of the foresta;brouelt with
'facility into our city, wlll have - the „inevitable
effect of meitinteging the establishment of man , '
• ufactures, and of enabling our city tote the eel.
ler, instead of the buyer, of innumersble articled
now importedifrom nbrOw3.-34. Louis Repels
' can,
A Noble' Dieft—Dr.ll. 3. Anderson, of New
Tort, who was associated with the Dead Sea Ex
pedition, under Captain Lynch, bus made the
generous. donation of gone thousaiLd dollars to
the fund whlclthas been islets' for the hewefit of
the orphan children Of Lieut.- Dale.;;.
, ,
- Junes MeAlli.ster
was killed by lightobj daring the strata of
.Tuesday, at Chesapeake . .
City. • Ho was. going
to his housti- and his wifewas at the door to meet
bim, when , ho:was sniidenly etraek down: His
hats and boots - were torn to atoms, and his death
wee instant. Cani,_lPAig . .
Smoking Vesitie:—tticriViliniiikkon., DEL, Re
publican learas thak atilM,Srog Wilmington, N.
C. eiery sessel Is searebe:flunk gawked, in 'pit
ons:me of a lair, - for Which - Ake naptain .bas- to
pay three dollard.: precaution is taken to
present slaves from liming earrimi off imsesseis
wading to that
.- -
As, Am - corms .APrZAL.—A teemed counsel- .
ler, In the middle of an affecting appeal to court
on a dander mit, let dy "tile following illett.
...Slander, gentlemen, like a boa constrictor
of gigantic site-end immeasurable prapoitions,. 1
wraps the coil of its .emleiddly body about its
unfortunate victim - ; and heedless - of the shrieks
of agony that come from the inmost depths of
its victim's soul, lend - and - reverberating as e
mighty thunder that rolls in the heavens, it thfi
nidly tweaks its 'unlucky neck upon the iron
wheel of public opinion, foreinghim to despera
tion. then to marines, and .snally crushing him
in the hideous jaws of - moral death. Judge give
to a slaw of eobaeco.7, -
. . ,
StGaston or ran 31Onithatt Cnnactr.-4.. enrid
ingto the published accounts or this layer der
'toted Cbrietians, we find they hate thirteen OAS . •
sion establishment us follows: • .
Tatah... St a. Maslen.
Danish West Indies; :1782 . ' .- . ` :8 20
Oreedead :1733. 4 23
North Ataerien 1783
Surinam 1784 9 63
South Africa ' • —1736 9 58
Jamaica • 1754 13 29
dallies 1756 7 21
Lahrsder ' 1770 • 4 30
Bt. gib Ins 4 IQ - :..
Tobago '1790 '2 ' 4
Central America: 1848 1 4 - - •
New Holland . 1850 1
pleking a total of 69 stations, on which are
employed 282 missionaries, male and femalel,
ins one station -and one missioneary, 'more
than in the precious year..—The•report for this
does not glee the mindoer of members: hat
1a,1848 there were nearlyserenty thousand.
. Trot Poos'Bor.-Don't be ashamed, my lad it
you hare a patch an your alb*. It m no mark
of disgrace. It speaks well for your industrious
mother. Per cur , part, we would rather see a
-dozen patches en your jacket, than hear 'one
- profane or vulgar word escape from your lips.—
' No good boy will shwa you, because you - cannot
dress es Ten companions; and if a-bad
• • boy sometimes laugh at , your appearance, say
• nothing, my good lad, but walk on. We knoll
many • rich and good man who was once as poor
as you. Be good, my boy, and if you nre poor
you win be respected a great deal more than if
'you Were the son of • rich man, and were ed
dieted to bad habits.-:-0/ior Braanch.
." Coffee as a Maztal , Stimulant --Schiller, during
hours of composition, kept at his aide a bot
tie of Champagne or Rhenish vd.nej, or a cup of
strong coffee. Horace Valpcdoi3wrOte,usually
' fromlo tot o'clock staled always having strong
coffee by him. Sir William zones drank a great
dial:of coffee to support him in his nocturnal eta
dies. Baron de Grimm states that Voltaire, a
fewdays prior to his death, withhis character
lade activity and enthusiasm, attended the re
, heated of the Academy, and Insisted on the pro
duction of a new and importantt edition of their
dictionary. To this project many objections
were started, which be determined to obviate in
an elaborate discourse.. To strengthen himself
for the task be swallowed a prodigious quantity
of strong coffee, andlben continued to work for
upwards of twelvq hours without intermission.
This hider:relent effcrrt brought int:imams
' don of the bladder. For the purpose of relies
- Eng the pain, be swallowed, with hisosual impa
tience, a large.quantity of laudanum. .Tbe con
sequence was, that be fell into a lethargy, fro..
which he never entirely recovered.
reweitg of Life.—Dr. Franklin gives a eingu
iir dory of a fly, which, having taken up its
quarters in a pipe of Madeira, lay torpid there,
for years, and ultimately mane to life, when . to
ken out of the wine, and placed in the rays of •
Philadelphia Sm. A still more marvellous In
stance of resuscitation occurred in - the British
Museum. An Egyptian anail, which hod been
glued dOwn to a card for four years, confined.n.
a close glees case, actually came to life, and was
found crawling about In its narrow domicile; to
the great astonishment of its curator. . .
. . .
4 Very Partirsdar Ifan.—Not long . -
:ago, on
the Mart of arks, a captain was going totkroW
one of the crew that was dying, overboard, be
fore he was dead. Bo the man says, 'Yost ain't
a going to bury me alive, are you 1' :. 'Ott, lays
thnuoptein, lots needn't be so , very particular
to a few minutest.'
• Mrs. Gibbons exhorted me to devote,Myttelf .
to the Law. I cannot repent of having neglect-
ed her. advice. Few men without the epee. of
necessity have resolution enough to make their
stay through the mazes and thickets of: that
gloomy labyrinth.—Gps' Ant. .. ..
Addison says, I never saw a Man of good 1211 ; ,
ALTStindillg, a general favorite with Women;
some singularity in his behaviour. some whim in
his wayof life, and what would have made Aim
)11.1mArus sarong men, has recommended him to .
the otheraez ;'..t
... ~.,,.
The followthr, aro the number of farms in the
Macre' States as reported by the Assistant Mar;
ahals who were engaged in taking the last.
.2.llrir yank . 174,284 I.2dariland - 21,9'50.
Peanayhania ' 127,788 :New Jersey - 24,504
Ohio -' - -- 146,821 "Delaware - :622 5
Indlarm -.- 101,978 ' gOehigan - 14,69
76,793 WiFonsin - .
mmHg* . 71,062 lairs - ..- . A 06.2
..- 4 6 , 50
. .
. .-
31: IL has remoyedtbe bal
aue StagriltcetZ•V# 0.1 7.1 1
~Pb ri'd. dalsas
; figalroihlaz.;ott>.lon . .. z . t h e nst o r ilotoet. NYA
Woo in are sailawina.lMtledad old
ma& vrtilmst.t;i4oKso hit ?..I.qo;
. . • .
and Ventilation. '
8 In UoLel,Couri Sootox, Lecture
;Nat Osom, i=a aa Hrolsried. ki.PlUds.ard
=ll=r . far attriggr. ... 1 . 41m4 M
I"'W. Votl i . th r . i. l 4l7. k t.Vbra 74'asd .:
"aold tn.dom fro.. PAU
LCI:IOSr. wakes, dador stes% .N
S 14 1;0 8 ;4 14 irater; -30 - .l:eletea .
_, , iii . ,..-oitiati th e6:trVit
,MIS nria=nrars72loll it . 15 . 4
. ph its ;11rd;r:fTvi r ir Yviij
s th"
14" "' 'lnstitut. of rtaltho,
...a a owin.a.s.... tbe. 40 ,..
.. b . t . z.tra4 ,
~:.1 r =4: , e ltiem 14 ~... n".id.OFIE;i
" . Id 4 OP "w,s %ft ~,VV.;.iith.167.1., '
...C. LtniM r ikt inte e r= zn roanistainii .rma Ataji_jo u laten ta ... w at
- . ncn I nn. L.Amo Mating mate oat of tan sarir
al saaaibil. lam casalitint to Jody, of MEI!. niece.
-ogoloien PUTT. 17;5_1144 1 MM. , 7
" 2ba raunt Tu4iram. vilf..?"'" , 7, ..1.47,
Satin 11. Levin, mil Wad iiTX.1....? in 14441.9
me ntaidanotnirAi ACii , ' P!!...1 3 anro i, i_
cinaidclar It it Vinienti, I:, o tat t i ir . 7 7
...i , tsk 4h , Pub. :: • - 45 , a„... ninatoar strectr
',. tillia; , kiiali an' .irrugth to titcoa, ..Erzeou or
tuts inn= 15M Ilift Oar. detamind. Wad vs
l izt..s;
th'''.=rnith";gq-.1471.04,aPut. nimbi
l= l ifssratabt , wi.clizai' . tin .
:, ! l ‘..::gsklathdrid.rhiudenh ,
Wl:at - BHA' ant {Hasa Vie.
rinauliaettaned n or '
twatm. eft% la Mrmahlih= the Saab
mosume ittick‘hur timpes ph: ytW
1.11.11 44144-4.1. to .••• 444
...ranue isWee. ezdat
Wed 11%r , that
Led (31,:%h th."'a=ti tet.e. it
OIL% i ter t
tapdaxturrdt t 734 g rat" IhM. of
..74=14tr. v.. Xmas ria
be of ox
ARM., .1.1 IF% :rho hs. *mod I. USW ex
tansinar, emittr mttr>t sap :44W M.:4:4
rmistchmt . hart mstm..
noro! TILT.
Al** MLM662l"l4Werth= ant=
fungisl.l. red "
IbOilt aortal: the earp:4o.
osiekn duablitr.
ar.. Alw SOO= d a
rllO th•=6 -
Nov , ORE,G.
JE(ST RECEriti[)-- , AT
laidemsPreach Liasea,llw , • •
10 Dudish and /ta.&Drsp d Yte. 110. sum
- 6 ta..46,-.4.a.d.14*.p1cup entrru,
A otenalk nts iamassii.libm Seel.
ytn - rirtne +win inClkiaittilleAdueerliNnim:
'v' i '" d 'lre." ° " 4146 " ca r wi F e ?.
-L trireunaru. ithiiii siete wa'xsirmi
Math bng } elnll2l. brit door 0- Ja g
- (h. extemilys.
ei.git 'as' to 4121 . Liaan r e.ils.
• ecaapeteat daslll. , 1.14/..0.24..dr ego plo ..i. •..
.ta. l .. to !lib an U. sum andt.mwoTai styles
... a W Q ran• l' d 6..- - . Vt....k i r i,ii'<i r. , ....61.i0 D , ;:' ,,. . , t
.Loorer Tam, Goblet& Ma nte l Panel
µ ‘ , -bas ant
?war Jazil.a.rtrll4 ula - u , .!eil , 1:k gnat. wq . l.l . rty.
, , -"
AL IL -10180 N CO,
Importnrs, Jobbers, and Wailers in
GOODS,''' ;
lrot.- 62 'and ,64.‘Matkee Pia.s6ur2hr,
• their ...
• Ile obeiallt„' that they am nod moaned to te.h.thlt
the matt and meet carefully eeteeud „
tive r eertodeoed in tat. eitt,"ainpyted of the Mast'
deb. and.fliehteroble fabehn: aretetreathe tom. 00.1000.
at wawa itoods tab tof.ossia exty 0..00
_A:l=th' Gnu,.
r• Their o lower salientoosaleitt te_ delotetleapetheffidT
tnde, gaol 00. Koala setatma lauPeparlmoentaoth
' -
eu iti• ae r .oa easosib s : 6 lo Navei!..4tidilis — Anz
looldicyg . tin best actAeatd - anw f•
.Dress Goods:V.ment. , •
thieNtrialat Pciallahneradoe,' Demi , de al.e,
Clutowee, Woo: dawns,' , Csaatetes,
lim b
Alpacas, Se.
' Z anat. Crieir, Oath .04 ecettroldeite. -. .ll4thath;
Thlbet, Law; .ftehmere, dilkiiralse,rftra 00., awl
"atter Shawls. Al" titan" raw... *solltlae, ie.
• Hosiery and (HoTe•Deparissein , • .
Steer: iness sois_plete,' with .bet eel ! Malei .
Cot= sno hfihMsdert. me-ten wilt Wows always ea
j Liiien:Detortmeit ,
34, 44, 004 54 sera. lam, Llan Thecting. 'Mar
Cott Lisa" Zishldhs,'Doslies, thAshrf ant 000.0 Ds"
Att. Towelllor.AUlPl ' •
• Goode. -
cleans ahl Dana Comte" 0411, 81103, Itch eta"
Natural Idtudior. Ttettoia Insley ot. styr_
= MY "'d /t7 ., ": 99"
• :Embroiderice, acer,.
• A. eoargete mortmeat, Alen Itibtiositc .E
f : .l..H•daotantdtida. hoottece etaLtthe tt,
• • Hornet:id GoodO.Doperirdeat
Is pabottis Ow of the mat eitasta lathe shiffsrf, sea-
bracht katms la Oolosetteir.• -
feet antilden Um; with thetrthathesi
sad setraettea Itastsuallytoer
littt - ott they Motet WI to
Whol ozeinsei e
r re en pn ed t r66alni ttemtiuc.o..
6a e pa p ed to read a lnw.oioTh al or
. rot
at eastern gdoer. also.' to daplicese est eateie bill
of goods tho mho eestera tabs .i .... ;;; , 4;;;,:i •
- _•
gifisaiortrouts of superior flaishaTabli:Stiod and
Dorms Corers ofollEteremtpattomsaot tolof surpassed er
.14 In the city . Agereboota. Mlle. errs others ere
melted to sat emolszardsto Soo therosoolves et the stan
nous &the soarttoO:No.,.7.lho_Wmol et_
torli .l", t a.
- .
TALLOW-3 bbls. for raltrbi - •
T. . soma; crrisi
=iv.% am dams mated sifts AtsWald:me will
TIOBACCq+I h6d primeSeprLeg,:
4adibt " 0. waraßmax t sass. -
mid .61 61 NMI% mt Pratt mt.
° P I T ria+V
ODA 'A2II-10 'casks ;Kurtz's brand. rOl
sak lw yogi " W. WARDAVOIL
LASS 600 txmas wed rises, for no by
r , a vr..ahrauvart.
Aftrf 011,-50 Ibis. for solo by
ons a a w. wawoool
U SEEI) 2S II'--I(l " ca e: 4P = lftrU!ale
wirmß—soo s F ., Or
-11: CPO , _ • 3.
, f w
Wa. ,18-30 casks 14rux . & Swift's S. C., for
• " m i s . e .°UMW] .
ITAWBS-2 00 sacks for salenlity
,lOTTON--15 0 bales for sela b
31,_104 .I9A.TALI DI
B RlED wa F t r D 2ri
air 6 '43
414417ArlaillIgila .CCO.
IIIND NUTS-1a sacks for sale by
sus . Haiku DICKEY a W.
, - , e .y
ASTILE SOAP-20bs for solo try
.Y 5 . j J. KIDD k
EM a a
..DA.MAR--,1. cost (ta arrive)) far sale
ILA br mye • .I.BIDD aa. Lm NV nod et.
ILV.r:A:NTED—A good , AigridNand .801.)A
v v FOUNT. 'tootles of ailLl3ll;.f BEIMETT,
mr~ Deeooa at.
BLACK ITALIAN ORA A - 7Tg ---- • .-0/ all th e I
"di*"'"'"uue'"girigarli, eUBCIIYISLD.
e 000 a / 4 Ler 14414 e, from 12% amt.
111Varereenr=is do. low Deteel ...1 11 ...te5e. 1 • 4 " 4 by
BOYS' CASSIMERES--(lf. various colors
" m r dikr'Llrujirst_' afi.m.tto_ Ittytt),__
STAII CANDLESL4S , boxes (10 to *fibs.
.set) fora. bp J. D. WI LLIAM '
• eoron, Warrilsod 'UM sis.
CPERII CA.NDLES-1. 0 boies4's, s's, an
1.7 for tar by J.D.WILJAAUCR CO.
. ,
h•lf chats Chttlan •rd
. : 20 boxes 1113!0,0,146..Wit5ika.
H. D. MG"
Banker and Wane Broker.
lydlimirmk:at vgres.ipLVEnt
FIRE6II 7- BUTTEII;.-4boxes Tabt
Sluttbr u ds:ltaiii x a ec k
• ua
1 - 7 '"dmi2.4. 1 . , b7 • ' E. est,
ITLLIONL62 tb,. (Trie T LIII 4, 1 d u rt 11.7.4
C HEESE SOboxes'receivin&t.
pIPER-300 ?NimbilidCiOjrn
ping, tbr mkt.* beim, donsliralad.t_J•
PFACHZI3-600 btu fo'
- __ ; 311110 *).
wArin:D. kda'..:Maffs
. .
DRIED AI'P,I,N9-75 budorit i q
ALMON-30 bbla. and IX. WeilT No. I
CO ,
by alb 701:11t Wi
1 - 2 • 4410 t... 1
Q11.4,847,10.bb1e:1id: 1 jpevi) foti sib by.
,1- P
4p .
S O4P-110boses Bask* = • -
~ ; ,,, r ,~~r..
- - -------77 -, . ~...,•, ~., _,
1.85.1•1 8 0 1, :
c b3vek.34146 - . F rghitmaiinotßigps.l.
r a l . !ltne rill's :in connection Kith Living
. . v.v.. -n no. Zadern, Western. Poutlarns , end
at Cleveland. and Ada& k We at Pita ,
burgh. [l e advantages canal other modes of
manes la Nathan tittla• Aid Lamm all lean eva ot
the above mentioned.plaorsi uODaaTs. Weinman tunl
ftel u t i n e , ...141.rge0l trata sal rannotar il ln= s ,
- ~ ' . ,... 1 4, m: linkages . ,
errien,v.ii.; .: Bala* -,..... : : elinlE . Valla t
Manoton,,; ',. Inn Mari Pas . : , :rialll e 1..:.
Warrai.`;,.. Naito* . , . ' muntonnith
Vratatettargb, WaanlativYli4 '''''''' .
-.llaoherter.. , ..Wo os ter Wheeling, P.
Vreatilla, ',''''., : • Bann.. ' ' • Talton.
ilteabenall*. i I.lvenoll* , , . ..Zoar r ,
Matas,.' ' - Wellnills. . , .. War...bunt. 1
Canal vows. - Urtebnita; '". ' . New Mao, , _ ,o.
Enetonlas. _ Hew 5 hilatirlphis. Ne* c . ...T,7:6
Gold...Ellsre 'Bak hate* Jewelry. and - other •
Ibrearded lath dealad" Tb.,,,T1 .1 , 1
=irgAt.ftga....odsA...u.P . s.'°.,l?- , 47-.7
` 4l ::___, - . :
'a anatta iness nut lean ifamillonas Tatriliqv .
each mak. Xannang...lll l Nan Ci.rJ , .. 60 0 . 7' . 'l
' SWh„.lPar.l . .f , PlLAWri;alrrliona l ltid . ‘ ,
' livleb."..triin. , s , ~....aniMAC'trif.t.tltlNor.aNtirl
''''''''V.- A. f-CliaPtileviionliiiis:Wro. VLndukaireva.
rflanniaikrostMniel,Norrell.ilann,"t l.OPh
. + , Sew Lake Superior lane.-165L.
HE new stenmer.NORTIIENFA, cope. B. 1
, . trirrarlzrir.striettiZt lAtegrure..lft
a ity hart. otr tree -hst 1.2.--ead. weekly therneKt 4.
"MO. st olli o'clock.r..m...for ' thee...Va.:3W%. , , ,
The steamer DILNILiTTAN,,Cept. gone ctunrsmostll
11:1""I'. M 'argielC*;
a':'se4et'srieTty. Ittwathroushont the leasonAeterma
9e.lamt *ad the CoPPTVerTmara pr .. r ,,...... .
--- __
, Cletnelecel. Oe A ll'llialer-lt
' • '
. . .
__. .. ..... • •
41&41E2 , • 48 5 ti.:, - .: - .: . .. 4 / 1E:al
=.1.43..Ftig aft__ .3ilcunieirliFA: , !, 1 ' • .Or4"THE"..b.s.TE243ION 'CANAL. ,;.
' L . !OUR= Yvaiss a CO., Itopcm , m6 P•MWSrMiI., ,
TrIS 'PROPRIETORS of this 614. find well
. . knimr Log. Would trilbroi 'the pollio tbs; tbwilin
now In oterstion me tbasnmentwawm, awl tome ammor
owl Tweiving inight •nd r.....5.5..h1th Q.T.. ft&
mfarprwho.4==thilne oCe f
ti• Bostitof M.
Mor sin Do montomilr Agile lax4l•M below
Ow !Rama
g.b.4.1"16".'"'!..... 70111rt:CtilaIIST;AInt,
• • Wm, mt. w sta. ad Swab 10.5., rtmsbonh..
E. W. Cwonl•ghg. N.. eg,tlP, tat •' •
' . WC . 41.0 , ... ki, F . 4. . ' . ' .• : .
JA.CeMlinl...M4BhambUttwitifi i•.'. , .
, . Wm. Adz... Oa fireen . W M . ,
. ' Wt . 11.47 z. lle r
Conn m .
C. M. heed.
- , U. B. W•libnog. Darla, N.Y. ; -• 1 -
. - . I• ,
Yorty-eix. hours to Philadelphia.
'. •Forty-four-hotri lolialtimare... . .• '..
230 mileeltnilvindlo3 miles Canal. .-.
Two Wy .Lines Express Packet 'Boats.
. :. .'• . -...—.......,
. . (Escseetcxis von. pAzarsans.) , . .
. .
•QN the opening cd„ i anal Navigation, Two
Daily lima NKr Parka &au will kn Or
7 'MIAs, therm , br Rofir.d t. •
rt.:,•tisi.g lb.' -• . ..- , '' ' f ' ..
Too linzullad.Maiandloa dlrod. to . , , .• . ,
Timn'through vownr-atz Houle.-
vwe to Ptdladelptd. 1110. - r.. to
c.CMS On t 2. eln in no.. sot"
a , •
ow too. :
Fou tiarrls
ho b ... arc tat. tio: York_
.. 71 et t m:
.' . 'PluiseViril -Baltiiiore,- ,
Wiand Railroad. (ordo radanad)direet R. that Tith laishlY
No elta . rite for IniAling t it a tErgo 01:.1.11 , 0z0 i 11 b t , , , ,
:slahllid.intt.,,,,r.4.— . ultb. s., ,, :iiva mues t .
r ' rw. '""`lablEd , AEtnt ,
, • , D:LEEFIrk . CO. - '
• ,- , CantlHadan d'ann
_N. 11. On throat .af Solr,'
Its rannarlaanin Railroad
rill ba i
o irdahrd k to laaport. 'which MR Owe.. the Raw
iF?%IrM":. ."IMrl
agiigaga .4ssl: _ '
that tbi.t Tai:m.4 anterelr of Section Ood.o.
Is now in Nil wlth -tad... to <any In Lary.
gomditT of frotO tto Phil .44,llLio =1 Redman, onse.wt
trantitioo.4 in a.* sheen tone, and at so tow *OM. an 7
ctlareOtalu Una.
ep•eiol.vennto blow also been =So for =SI=
VilerirraestiAlet=th' ""d'nh
. reteroburgh. ontineon, 1....
Creak. New amitton. MoTeytown, terwistown, XUSin,
ra• {r ' = Lo ' . 11aU WIL.' _pol r rtilisVt="trnres '''' ' lnt'clt . :
..a5 . . , ... , . laving. re=loods a Iron ...-a<44 , .. ,
" 1 0a.a4 ran; u_slj!,•=auttrrl nts:i
" m _-
_."Wre=V 7 .o;ZrAt.
searovearast lb*Tat. :
.- TEBIST 11/i/V/Lif.Lifga. rer;lV.. j'..
' idtra 130=1 lialer tho ityla of “Wifibd=a di
i•W s- ' '.." :.. , . laiddi.. ,• . .-.. U. 130.1 i •,•
' '• -Biliiiiiii=WTATlSiaTtatL*7 - ..,' ,
gigiNMP-.485t. --,---T4-
00Bugan..t ore EASTERN CITIES.
: CANAL being now open, we are rest
' dy La naive and lia , aid lamiPPT. rradope al4
estladmilaireast and ant .
s 7.lghtt PW.:4 kraut rates charged al tiaiimdbl*
‘ LI FV.4 . dee and licrehandlas will be recelard 11311111bi1ni. 64.
Mid and iraill.withottry chugs far ranrarainarad•
1111 l ag r uoieg m r .o.ra l fornreeneestatatelir
"4'4.lts'.AWol`l.l:Mlwa CO,
CM.' liiii. '
:•-••• • ' . V4P 5`, z iddel,`litittirri=,.
• • it. aavia dad Yinalita,ildladryam
' ' :*".. Atitili= vat,
. . ..
litiggr 1 '. /MOM
: .meitbor
185 Ti.sigtati... Ljne, ;,:-
it. OR E DIRECT-41 ,-,
A. m.quixr k Ca. C.. 1 11.1.. 40 6 .1 . F..!!!•
4109:41;110II; Oaltra Illoit.Alaa;lliaa.Vh Els.
.. prael ' ' ..4;T•ala Clitil.itaa. Atcaahadia
ANI ire/ . to aup alliks Ala . q lAA amais 10 MI.
elp is. XS all 10b.m..4. 4 ago.V lop? , r . 0.... .4 I.
las time Ma I. Ir=l ,, g4= T i ß ek, i ,, v iu.,a t „,
thilWarmationas fa arlibit ~ ...a ... Oa
~_.!/:_cauli bb iu. of &Ca At
'''m iia l rY aW. ,
C. A. MeA c.atsa.
atega l
Zoi3bippere of lf ercbAnoure,'ProdW, &a.,
_1•0 OD OM. Tirointt, T 50.4,2441.1111104.6 AND R. mat:
otn . Waft.
w 'grrt u inorr ♦ Y 4 .9. TAYLOR & r
,s. form& b
""frfitizzi a COVODE,
. - same... to Jan tilefod.
• • Batin, Penn Street.
kehia. Rail liinislgo.-11.040 lb* Rota
I.E. sawn - Hien , bavktig ,I , een awpoilited
••,otienibtvgrut, TX:API:I44' =rig!
Mee szy rfteretouallse or !Ttum/or 4,orant aest oaths
Trearl ' IRAs ro u te Dili be.earriedtbriolahlo,t e a art '
to all eldwnel to we grill be rorwardel Ire, or LI. mg.
ton or chart,* for odeawere. •..• , •-- t. C.
• • •
. , . --- - • ''"
"uteri of raridirt arrWldd! rrmagrass,
F' i gtm , :ri —k o -, A= 1 ,41 . 7, , E , „,,... ,-
..%,....... a,..
. Qum:dream °keret. Palite,.Dse eeeffe. o QA.
. le=rAtiorr7, Wial.Trearta l . awl outer Orem mare,
9000100. ,
nano' Beet Port. BOW Lel Oil. T Went<
• Colf:e,:rallow• Limn mai*. ' itoes lou d .
Asher. marble '
(rough) Tar . doo• frootaXeradak tnee,
- Mimi ie. .. Lal , lag
485Pittitnugh,TraniOrtatidn .
.. nllO O'CONNOR A CO., CsSolßalda...PM l
aharEa ..
. o. ECUS, ;AMES t 01. Dapota Broad an d cn_ r
.aod N a Maga Yograt atom!, batorptl
eoaron and ucd.p.•
MUNN • • AKSO.:7o2torckwerert, • • or!. •'
.fi'AVINCP. fully 'elixopl4ed arranm
Morgf..Vielrci=t4p reggt
r m k"aAilli.Ee l* alf= 2l.".ad e ir
triziztimnwatrhurx. ,, z - S
• prot.U.F .
liilaVlste Met: =V I *ton .
lArni;gg.. arid meat ;a prwayi stwation.
restate& pi=„6,—rAfrpiTatrif.luVit
YrWLFE•t: p i t; Wool; Or — oils
`;b` -Ibo - IdonPus s
Y.,-itelcs for tale
ei AL SO - 4,ENNETt "I"w.
, Pfsli Ve rledl4 4 ; 1 7
• i" lfitrg k;jte z roll is;Trti
for Uu
• VIDIA, EMBER. BELT ING.ll,yery Urge 1
• Eacti • otuati• rtak,e .saah....satalio. b...
th ranging , ISM 12 ,to in Weber. %Ma , ting u aa.
pgring In leasiorpr anr.tart r ! . 4.45..!.. t!.........
W l th iNd. gn i.W AigeOly ' el ' isOii43i4 illii.t. it.
' - 7- 14-1-4.-ILi.i... &lime/ mid. 4r 2
. 11 4 . 1T...1. guagganareg.gurainiltr and=
'alla OntrthPnallereednthlA4l2,Sra VnAM. II . '
84 7 .a b t=sr t i s tr In''''l.3a7; Varr,""k".
4. in ~___,O balPpi.taka.t i. enpch bdow.tasi of 1,61.1 i.:
S't!piiith a iridia.i ix ut via /*. sergkea,th'
/ther sag 'seism lea th er and ancient list thang,a..y.
an Meal aid ger& at Nth T and is Wadi, r• • , • , .
for anl9by
• yittipS, ac.,—Underwiral a Ono lemon
liiialikoll4. ea a co
-202- . •
y_!1i4f:.:44~ t.
. -
___ _ _ _.,., ,
UU lir a x & BURCHFIELD hsveredd
t ruEz , 1 1 . 1 . )A , “7:04itri.z.10b0. go.
-. . .
Argnj u kCK PRINTS—New qtyles fan- '
er lamb ~,iitiagt ilaodati—cp Print& Alm; tont=
vour. MEETINGS—A f rt ull twortorrkt
TT a faire....l`!idthirairy&ZWE:i.
511PERIOR TICKING-i-31nrphy k Barcli
4. 'Sad Invito,ll. atteptlan,al purr, taw...1..,
loikery;Tririningigri and Loki Goods.
EATON. 62 VouTth.stroii,:betwien
Market and WoW e lirable r ttik" at tentift of apple.
and salad boyar. to I. UM' and well adatidamera
. *mon. Silk andlterbie Tram, hair Ilona end dieTnd
Bess Paris Kid Ulaseiasnd Simms DOH; _
"Nanarid and Plato laninet Ribbing • '
'Mak SSA' Ittmasbas and Member Lam' •
Anus Buttons and 'ftimMissars„. •
Lam Cayes. Undsrolerrtet Wad Nellie,
-.drench Worked( lad Coda
Inserting. V.dgex. no7 ere,
S i glictrin. De ante
nne SIAM, Undeadaretamtrand
rine, Need laa 'Tana "roams, and • =em.
and Horn Camtkc Flair TrethE Pealrunrnen•
and...anion Taus agiriri trkr Warded Canso
eritnnaid satiety of lard a':rM
'awful Isper Artlsbd. ankh be offers at Um lowan rays
*der for cub or appeased credit.
/ .1.
.MASON if CO ., No. 62 and 64 Mar
otcP=gro.=l;:ol ob."'".: , "rra th "; ,
. ..41 Co.lari ewe O.- vplrf.obor munfimessf of
km IfizongniM Lit.f• f ,, f,ff,
•ROSIERY k 4LOYP—Now opening at
MASON t arg, aWI sarmol Umim
.altataataast. at A. A.:11.1,E0N CO% soar awor
InD PARASOLS--A choice lot , of the
leentetifeklbr salt br: A. A: MASON Is CO.
BLACK SILKS--We offer for Isla every
emee,toereeet of tbe dlaeteet Enke. orbtaek lOW
so= '!“ 13) * * 21" t"
ASSMAES9O pites fanag .4 b ar lee .
sa ma. -by
Dieggrf,ANlNS-4 eases printed, a great
..liatT P. o ".!°' c. asarrirnar.
ititERAGE .LAINS--.T:cami.dezirabl?
kilf 9.1.1 bi . ARB,rnivi.
,eIB-------BONS-3C:oo3pnet. 250 - Cet for
.• . WM. DRUMS, 1ia.136 Watt rurr, •
, mai large and =ran= stoek of Vsabionolle tads.
' fgt;lettletii=slrr6ltuir&"*.'', ,VIS‘ a
'A=4 Ligetli=g 10bW:tIATS:
v vim . ] 1.4 well enstsalloduded km* of 1t. , 1 NADU
CLOILUNO, castes due of lb. Wait sad best selected
', trdt=elt 2i • t t Sp i rtl t I'l l4 l° o=
=Pirioldit h ite&blial..". ll4rAtk.r"
'lran trtai ll...sanded. mania. la tas
' test lowitd• toansver sod as the short.' oak. • ' •- •
' ----' ••••----1,--....-,----....... ____ _7—
Straw Boniet daHat WarehoumN -
R e.,
No. 105-3b.autti SIM?
Ei.. PAL foi sae 'at very
. kTtl.foo4iapsortmeot of Straw ' had itldlid
.3lNN 7S--iorodirs.l.nd .104,,V4._ydsla "s.i4lLlia7
Stray. 1tn1.41349,!.9.?,112.14/:!.. pA ,, , P.2.11.10g
.M... te.. i, n i t ie. ..j4=h...tri 1 ,„
wit.,,,,,,,,,,u3cn5ametr.,11 leabn _ _
Cbta.4".1".g.." naa'sri:
• Mans' tilmiey, Jeragec.4 11, ...• V"'" ,
•ty of lamp* .aa
81.1100:r9—gletk Donnit al:id Me.
kf Liu and Tat
ot.aSTRAW 1111111MING13-s.bagassorb, anaaaa,laatai ,
rw i l l i tia:r 7;±1 7 and aatera a a --
. . aina p r . had .
"'"Vit'sni'',vridierll,7/iinv u .4. 414;. do N.;.
per, 1ita...•r.k.e... an d z 9 ail. monad
1.4= .AzzgeAtle. ai r.,,al ,& . .
CARPETS,. .011 , C :
.. .
J.: comiftight. 5 81.3 i of
7 . . CoairttOtiqs parte*
Extmitoyal I eir
eednetP!lo . Wits
. fl i t a s = 3;7,1
:I.:rig:nit...US Loo dor too r...;,...494
44.14, a.e....4 2+ mitha Yount .= M. M. m• muck.
plats 50.:44.M. VI, DM OIL olttoo 4.....,
1. Jim, tivrs, Cat . Hs,- ft: ,
ii..•ci...abimm:frt.aoldotel.kai.4 ii_dt 1
i t
to. do.: mom= 414. DUI. P..%A P....„... 0. , i
otr.etkolloola. di, A *4= I. 72tr i z..i. i
=beet OilrgUe'cot to et " rlitio halve avast .
5-1. M. M. M. 441, awl 3-1 Otl.
, • t...kir.4.4 of .11. 3 4iter. Ciatifil 1121=1
laTtretil=toxit da iz
"112nfts1V.=.1. atir 1.• I X '
1 rwinlta , e
..,..rAccrobsooft o 21.1aLroct booth*
most MU. Y bolos a iattot•l34 0n...Y0 - ,
F=noo •
4."tg."r7e!..Z.a_---- 4
--.fa all to Os?
r .laot WM,*
"4ekZy rtg.o tral &l ehua.O ow stet id
The. rarehoue, 85_Forath stet.
. 1 Oi 9 : 141I:MCL
' '
katho mock whkaabli al." no*
t ca_K Au*. a ties /qt.
arm Potait owl Juanita • • plf
.13 LACK FRENCH. ,CLOTE3T-Ifftrannr
IttncreLLlD Nan open than Opens inapplinfj
wadi %Ann selostonnlingnit ado, sad Wens Loo
ono of mann= 'siding to soPTAPULL.FMILIo Con,
ir4 Orr(00 S-2 ---- ctule,l Outlaw popt, Put melial,spd Pt I** brumpoi.
• 1.2 i
Ohio Lalmday
• •;• • • ,
- •
......11V11 .:-VO.IIIIII
• cent: stnDgth.• . •
JOWEI.LFLETCHER k CO.,.ldenufactu-.
Teri at calllols rai•Sphits far Odoips• sadThx.
Cam sof Vino streala.Catarnn. =a- •
Lt/Eirn/11.1=sa thbarzh , yrIII prosopt4 Old
V• - .
WinerLignon:. -_
.Yo ,157 Matt 0., ii . ern . H ill ty Danis crackerfadary.,
a: mamas, of 1144 , 1744 - 7.1.1 4
VIOKEISEN k STOINEtn, re 4 el .
-I MitrythittigaVaga rlhraMitata
MIOOI4-81011R at ear short Mad:where they 'ball al-
rZtagral.atirro agio f Vt.:4l,ll=kt a m
gi " l l' , net WalitetVaa= j aVal l.
alba most Iparlat l, .
=nada sad rit All °ter tkwY
will arwholtoale. or Wag.. mit is
• e" lar s qla b n . rit=
Lll Pllll j 1 theapar ani a boiler article dam 001
other haw. la tan! FAT. Yleseaeva a.. call, bears You
grYittoglks Opp.W, or ria ebony, asel at, tn.
AACARD. -1 have rewort,e4 A. proystore, 1
(three doors becarJ preM 0pp.04.• lt , Aka of
where:, mere I wlll be glad Op •••0 MT Meade gad IL+ . 1 •
low Olathe, Ithei twelve a rb:AA their orodolai j• i til .
leg,6ratriraprloscrilora, Arlon atti Ina . Maus.
rex Seidler ela. Ilolthers, sad glow ' *theta Qat..
Cotothereawe, add OltaSaU; Window glawers, of nog we
r(oty; Door Plata and ewer? article urrodly found la the
mot, maw:wire estaglithmeate of lath& ~ Nen[uDectr
fall' (elicited and Mort oroepolly. a led. '
1 _ , .1 ? 1,. • _ WM.IIO
,L 1(... Third Am&
C oTTO,N—giibOe3.#44lpF from atr. Cape..
• g}•, int tot nle op ,v• .
-' 1 " ' • I_,--184.1 D ICF:EFM---
ti/DiGSPNItANTP *.fi e .g. :-..
3 bso Ciltummm' - ' . ,
• 19 '' • 1410. P9w lend g sad kr .I , l* .7 -
, . 48,194 DE 1171i1KY 4
m.l 00.
r irsior 644 Yrotd , .tx
F E !71 11E11.-11 bacsaf"it:Agi tV.
. 14 ,
' 4;•l;
. 80 WA. BOA. &mud & 11/ Motu.% •
. .. 0 Pl,lo.loat Suipr t •tuldirg i snd f
Li or MU by
..- iagL ._ , . . eslut.r Mint $4
,ras rt Mi_
- 0) pd. forib .. , ! ..: ,
Ai ousrs cairioniegv?
- kV& 'DOCK ROM— b&us
, , and Tor W
ii ic.; ..4`
... f . :
, 'robin, ft*? Powder. the:m.ld* so&101
,r piltrbil
lal• by " giCol sis&:'
No, for itilF , '
. _
and it d su •
13 - with 11 "! , bWs anit k c Wie
• .
64 : ind 64 = 401trui
Mu lr t
Lewis' I=4
1' • .
• Workk
. 'lli
Aug r e,d
aur 6 6 =e " C "' F r
L.& LsoNs.
• •-. • awl WIN star, ardltarant it.
laroe(*-71Y00 Ibe. Hof -Round,
Eke kr**lP,7 ,anniA
SZTairnilES-1001114t yew
..-00 10. •
oati • - J 10.4 , ...1.:85 1 4 e .11;1 4
ApliklitEL-50 bble: 1;7. a'.
Ma's 25 /at JA
L UTILS-riteceired and for sale bir
LCOHOL-1.0 bbis. for, sale by
car . P.
fIORNSI) bbL Shelled, IQr sale by
ar.s• w. a twirsoa,sa Ima
ta i tr.vsli I --402
.4752 JAMS 'a SIDOII Ca
, .
- &r iti,,fitubwoh,
sits. ana to arrive this
of Lb. mot matt 1.55 0,,
• matt nmosable 1.116 .
125 aoseo Pstent,Zl. Ninah
.m;.... twjA . ,
25 " ohueseio ."
1 1 1. 1 . U. /LI M " .. •..*,
va . kaido_lknya
-25 . 1454 u=xn
• Fr:wave:lE2o4 .
550 1145.5sedleangs 0 . 10,,
50 arm. 5,071155 Slim
, j,,,, Blau= Pre=
Clam 111 . 1 r. amr:
Cit.rows.- ~
12cles-iithirjAs ss 4" '
I Dbl. Mg* C 5 . 1 % ,• f
1 rid vgatißilic% • ,
R: t'• - M u ir ta BiirT i
1,4 1 . ,400t; ' :' ,.
no non Beal
11,11.110ar Balph22: ;
1 16=X2 M tl a' s:of 7.Mi014
Raw ouad Vatdlls.
5 " „ reF.5. , 0,505 5, :, . •
k c o nict !food and - ,
ik,YX lOW IN ST(
•• • • =g al =ort
116 6.61-kli pima Oran
I.6tiPtstitl dn. -do.
61 af C4 ' 1 "'
-1 , 6402.621 d Jam
60 0.66 tr
lomptr, )6 andll?
bb1i.h0n1114.13616.k .
60 &kW!" list , lolG
Lico 6.112 s maidol•
rt . Pas2 0 tosal'•
6 . 49.01 . •
1 Pima=
, Clomr,
•-•271146. 0 8 =6=4.
6 , 63=6 . 1g1aCk 1261
1o) lb. Mee Floor.
100. 11.M.4 -
LOl4Ol. hog -
Olass. N6116.=
rk . b V'. Vat e
: sualur:
jr,:blas ra w M2 T =l4l
inre. ; 36 tesuElm
*.166 --b"ult art
b 47'ooeeslaah6 . 4s
11d.1 "
,3.93 r.G. - GIO,TATA
ICO gross . sad Pt.
ro o . haf n IgrnOcese.
• bo -
too kelpH.IL. Odd
1 ttliV: r eri' 011: - •
N; O. Bum ItobussE:
=Y• and
auartmait of gads • •
. For lola by ,
Loji,t,÷ by.
QALERATUS--2 5 bbls. (Adams') for sale
rr ' -417 J. tlt (Adams)
UTTER-' Bo h i fiil2;44 - 6.
A10(44--247t:lidin—e.,,Sides, and Shotil
dm for Ws by apIT J. &B. FLOYD:
WOOl,-3 sacks Coalman, for sale
spIT J. k 11.1)
` bbh. SmaU WlP:.j.°lrr.g.
W. 0 91 0 11,14--75 doz. Corn, for,.,eilt
Iforris'a Tea Mart, "
jr!the Diamond, second door from Dia
in . This stnrs Is Waal Gar selling Oa beat
?as tom '
Pictsbargb. • ,an. 114
IQ/LOON-400 0 lbs. Iloz EMILIA. for !silo by
uxu - s.L. P. MITIITIJI.
OLASSES-775 bble. to arrive. for sale by
i~astall • . .
4 SUGV --- F - 7 -- EO ti
tb t, , N pelp.
N O :.0 14 .
bbln JAKIIM A. II 111130 X CO.
i. s.
utrrvai San%
son (braille by
- • •
fot sale bv
0. SOCI A.
mrue Xt--25 blb.
. J=aD=LTXU.m wr.c
Noe. tit k eg . N o . I La
ZILL d. and 2
CO. blda'
oo ,oub by
QALEIIATUS-125 boxes ancl.lo bbls. for,
,1.7 oda by& DAITELL l CC4. • •
•• •
. Iso
• , ,•
toc ,e,m,p m9+obuca-
..; , •
rub Comic
bbL NutENSIX 1444
76 Eta. I„,N „td oLLEM
ytl . 11.111oxed, sad 181 Yr=
112 ')
- *3 tam to- Ur Lost enpal
7, ..Q4u. LW Clarified SynljA.
:'/./312.4"P1MV0r ,
sachZ , Amami:. Bt. Louis Sus.
OAR--92 bade: N. O. so arrive:this (lily..
Yd st , l_...,•isats *
ctiAssEs-40 bble. N: O. for sale by
Wal3s—A fear bbls. (fresh). for stile by
AND-10 bbls. 75 kgs. No. 1 Lard, in
LA ass/ us, Ins sale by
=tat EL W. BARIUM 11.
11110 E-30 tea. prime, new crop_, for Bale by
Alb 010 WU_ j ) EnXPATILICK._
DAPPLES - 100 Dn. for mile by
D R DAPPLES - 10 0
'0,3111:1P MO , for
~ agebr ' " &&& 1 , ' V 1 .4 Y. IMEP t ! .
itACON-4 5 CaSki Maws;
- " r '.l .', " .1• teDICILiIa CO.
UNDRIES-72 30 bu. Drie4utp4f,?; ,
• ••40 bblz. Pestl
" c"kararli rll/0 krt
-lIRANS-400 bu: 'WhiteYo, prizae7attick,
i". ‘r ''
~"'44!°."116ia1l a nalixiir.
VlBll=l7lo*, -- NYte . i l P;,
Us. for utak; . 00
ihta =a Ana.
SO bageßio , f or E leb Taco.
bu. pnxn JOe halveaffar ulo
• b r . • HN WATS & 00.
.Q.----TARCII--15 boxes (Fos's) just Toed and
1.7 aff
,f.j.l B 4 , alelovrb
SALEITATUS-13' casts and 5 boxes . 611
yrigramerst, warty Ailed Era ma as sale low by
INDIGO--3 cases Moslills; for sale by
aye,' 1' ' scIacoNAWURA Co.
TEA - 4 0 Vrge::Y.: 8., for male
rota • , rk Ems A..
&time N . : O.; •
phyri__ol• kale
ago pllOll7l a LiatIPAIRILS.
IkiIrOLASSES—IS O bble. N. 0.;
M • .
Ilso;fx . tifittellttr/s.
eIILS--011 lemon, ber: cloven, onto
W menenerm • • - 'd • .b
I O I, B , ACCOz ez 2 S kegs evil: m ei:l.:ft forirle
OFFER-160 b prime Rio, for'ordeliy
, t 3 4 USLINS,-Now recetritk
of l:/1.-moterpl:.':almoe nee elk* Lago s , A:
ACON HAMS-14 cake di hand; fohs'ajß
hurt, So valebr cal tB. UAU DICKEY/100
ALTPETRE-60 bao crude cat head; fo . r
pH by ~2 6 „ICAyktr DICK6Y 00:
BRIMSTONE-4 2 bbla on hand,
tut.ulf. et , 18.111AII , DICIUM a CO
IOttITTEV-2Qvrocki.and Jars, for sale by
LP ' 4 ' . +.^ Wa.1414A8 a co.
CIg°T4ES Mils3} Voies dae - bq • •
sof - • ' 417 1 7 1 ,ra4ats
TANNERS' 011-15 bbts. (to arrive) for
*. tab by apl2 J. KIDD I DO,
URKEY UMBER-1000 lbs. (ta arrive)
tar We by .013 KIDD 00.
bble for sole by
• J. KIDD t 00.
sp26 00 Wcodstreet
BEE DE SIENNE-100 lbe for
---- 1411 FRE LOWERM—A. 4 114724.01q4
hiNg t relTed:r C4...071):0
07 N bales to arrive per maytral
2 6 • 7 IV 3 ,7 Irn c
far g s Y a eowma 4%,
OLDEN fiStRUP-401 y,
f. bblo. for sale b
" S ij orO ) 11 ' .11 .`! OfFilarjr°lll27
BAUD Ret.r.Mitct-a
NllTS,!..a.bales - reed and far sale
11.1-0 - WM. A. Me4llllRO 00.
.--t bw. aa:41114.
iro. fiLnCR, n 01 DM_
t Cq , T _gi!:llw.t_t±r
,su•bt . one , 41.7
IpIitESTORS 1./LF ILAOTS-4Amosi,-149.
OD YISI,r7-10 casksLikt.l• 4 .#4. and forsa,
Ste.l: o /V;=
.31,ARET I "
, . 3 6„;..allinnubT j i ,otnarrsos &co.
CforocruNlib sale
W 6 T -96 btliVieTd per !tr. Cie.
vi p eo.two Pf .1015, ALinarim 00.
L' bbls. fresh iftermie '
sa4 Dscoo4st
State.ithtllll -- 7 Pire ' /.49r.ant* i COM ' PS2/1,.. :
. ---
BitANCff OFACF.,-N o: Beritteillt.Stites: t,
. Prrnom to
aati. May lat,Dial.; -
r. best • evidence of the suceeils of the
Directors to codmvoring to auks the STATEN - qv
PISS INSUILANCE.=wes tts manta of
the oonurotoDY. U. Lb* otaattat.o Lla .
which tom boss draurChatlal iantod. 7 PoDolo!doolas
the u r*sar thorKni=.„ SO"li=
tgoa: tolall lb and rtrTIO .. ~.tFdrtd
Vholarialfrrodrol44:::;: .::: .. I,sico ..-, :,..
_Do. tka.riOntadd ' • 'Dr, - -I. • .
Ds' o. In f0ra0.w...4.4 . .... , ..-.-.,.-.....:, Vtad.„,' ".....," '
emotes , ot . Provotr ettieedia• — '-‘ , ' - ' ...,..
. m.. eseeeteeitietgo2l4,erebt44l ol =t o - • '...,,
DoOnse-,..,....r..:. , .....L:....- teSSAai
Do. AV.:alum Siotea-..:-....,....:...... 114176 BT '
.. , ,\
Do. monied . tanalostotasphad, - DYT.1 0 ...
Do. In 1t05....,-..,.......4....-....-.- " „ , VilAddh.
Do. Cash Premiums arisivoi.--- UAW{ . ..
Do. 'do do. c_.S; :
. ,T.II Y,I , .
Wbola sn't lass. and grottos - oald 41W. 41. • •
Balance in Law orate 0., ot twat - - VA' te.
ya dty or 0.1.127 triateb.U4 144 , 1 , ... of ...._" U at
and belated and coostry.srataatntt la Waved tosao.. -
Isar affords Mrs:data In point ofoblOsaalk...sdatood
sonsity. Inferior to saloon:arm °Solon DA 1c500....r . .
Omdoctod ono the equitable andtarg.l7 . I .=
of Clastfoottloo i or Maks eselWlngoal _
analog only a limited aaseami la eat as
1.0 11. NN IM`...
ending the !massy and ocanlyallpi of WV oros. moo
Oro on both the Book sod MOSS Sao, it T=
ass Soo obrapoent mad scoossocdatlon Of
but sagas {he hosand bos e =alto Drank ~
. D rains--d P. SEen•Mrd.; Judatiii.r.j.
Siouan LiDartirs Yhtlo O. lama 0r05,010 1
Klots,.loon D. Dukes John B. Itathslont.. , - • ,
• G , ',. 4..Y.4IOTHERYOKI),.PreiddaIt....
A: ii. Corona e
N. D.-.A Strip oiktial'oilblont yet reaCa'Cratind
MA bum der-land by the Dtastors sod LIDOS n.
. cobra& st thloOdldo lot yeartay. us inforstriblobtosdi
'at the sad or Idoety day.. • • L. A. CalElni ikr. ..
. . . ....
.1. cask Sal Boar
• 011. sa soelLlll
itoo buatt.R..n.r.shl s 4 I
8,000 15.Alt000dE _ • -
25 bair. Bezzli N.CS ..
25, , Mg , WOrutry x
50 . " .-
Uround Nut; ' •
• TV d=4lM .a ,i i a.
. at . ,Tessdio oCar
. to
... rilr...Vuusa.4
So . Znallingsil
10, , X;11*PrinelP. etarn
Pere:, . . .
........sia. -
NM blz. WIWI. Rota awl .
Pi'Wain Piro biglol= Of ./21 11 0 9, - '
ThIRECTORSODharIes iF Itucferi Geo:
P ukh. " 4 4.. -I. .J..l4 4 gf i tst= l / 4 0.. "
toter, Adolph.
C LYS I. BSYLSLY/L,!11#300 , .
Rbb COMP•ST condo 10 olotorsoottatotott=o
or notuot..omottotottt.
country, at rates •• LOW MI 11.1.1M......p....1 4 6,
45 4:::X bc' Ulett tbaoDatimanati,..=.lsu ibs £ eV Ot
• arm,A,'
'SW titre . ittee e. •
100 sees C S. D. tier
0:03 bout Boat Notis
" D. t I.l.Candles;
%LA. Castll•B:zusr
t j,.... ft la'wespideg .
Ei td
IrtU , • .
r_ nit tn an, lins.
• &Ord, 50 161.110nt, sit !.
411.211.1011 ADli
.131 me Mac lainaDtkai, Daiod'of yam Owl
Iwo yak! urriruda clew 40.110t1S
Wasp Lam Dy ttuaDr. LOIN
alvanada of Inn ~u well'raul,44. r aldlity sad dlr . .
paitionamad Tim aoss a padas labi.
ARMISIL Witrua. Ave.
DPW stew 114-adart of Wad ad Dd
• ... ' et - VI . • MrrA t er
e 1". • i! •re lA'
' (eeJ. num,.h. Jltd 8 ,310 . 1 7 0 4 r .
°TU. be
dl'imonl ument of petnez d me=
-deny77n`liel% •
• -
ntub '
Marine, Fire, and inland TnnisillFllitla 3.
erIBE laeureace Comre y Norte
. gym
s.sre 000,000.
Aar: ,
arratari /A? 60 .
or bw
~.1 9 =.7 . 1.....74w try baubdusommtaionoca
ilithura. ccdia. 11'Irst Tip%
0..1w 't:u.ll
Wasb, '
cauks IVIor. r
=lda alma .
b lz fr.vis i a;
res=V =
rlak.• V.:lstreg , ls .
. Arai
024 40. 141 NE464..41..
American Life: ad ,Health , itearace-Co:
Agesifor PittiburiA: :tiffika' , D. 70 WIA
ollies,ll7 Tlftbaboi•
hatphldn cogianlagja weet.n1405221X12".1
obtattnd st the dam • 347altf
WesteiannuluM Company of Pjltelruigh.
c 4; ffrrei , ssomocCit. mILLE_Ja.,
1 Wm at om . ItZ ........,
MI Mms will b• .2thauxl pr•cday lAA.
• bawl Insitention-0...g.d by 14..ux• gra •r• •••11
3mowst in til d ara, ~,.:01,711i7t5. tr . a y...,.u.ku,,,
'ecicr........ , ..&m. , . r .p f ..... um"
. .......r. . 0 , c ,.., , ,,6„2.w. „„ 0 ... N.
Moime.. J r.. Wm.M.M.M...IITIMM. tiva. W. /MM.
Wm. M. LyaiIk..L.MIUMMM Mar !AWM.O4;MiII
Auk,. M fr x. mullet.. ibta.ll.o4t• c
.• _ _ _ . _
I)%c e. N. 09 1144.? 0:2..r, C•rmt...pecor 0..
Irs.ster.32o.A.b.__ 3.4= .
Delaware Nubia SafetrlnsuranceCosrip'y
an/ as, NORTH ROOM OF, FT IE r.. 7 ,7
, 114.CIPS 6 R 'tldtd areet. ..Lee
= " E ' ft i trii 0 ' . I
iLsarrs IsiVILO TIM' 1 ...... Y.W 1., .. C. = ,
sad /Malt. S=o . MiMe..., MM Mm
1 paidas.a• ilu Plar “irs• __ u ____.....
4 1 .1. , Ir., 1 .71 . 7+• , .. d
IMmabantil. b lie V girr a 's Olt <eV moot liberal tam.
Memou—ipMA M. SoM, ' mi .11,M1MX4E., , ..
Pooris.. Robert varm. J A. ~ il.
mc..r.7vr N D . N. 11004 Jaw 0:
'um,„, L. J...=1. arg
f" " 6 l;o l arn:3ol=. 7 a ..7 ,B•lbollh '
kan0mu..,,,V=_, : c1g. , i 4 , 44 "WO ACridt.
Jet MP,: •r,...t.. &Xi. 11414;d -
Wx.twa Proldrat. •Titmo. ,
= to a th. Company, N. IS Irmo amt. PIM.
bc " Loel slI ASgis.
MOW Nffll.%
' ll 3 45C5 C° V 5 .11 1. 16.4. 5*. N Y l42l"4 .lmastaulatedmartia.
1,„ /510.11 maim. saw=
telt 1 4 .P.A
lathe ` bm
Watt 4 akl P.MT.OI42okT.
'AgßpegloglAl ti rd Beast°, Zia .,
Apl .
NiIYrICE is hereby gayeAlks the fib:o'll°ll-
or .14 Compaay, taLsk thavi
Woos I Wt.:a: Ttumr.s..l2.
/Mill.oo nets mhate of th. &C o* aiR the LW
.a.t4 tb.aiht,..,
rat, ll,utit - 157x md ii 24... 49413.401
.21n their
OLOTII—Y I O pude stiparior
?lit nal,
i lsok4.k%;wii
D EAD. YlPE—Cornell's improved , patent l
Yip We illitmts.
Aka QZl?..i.d inpvgrriaglax. Viateßpoii.
menutt - 4 ' .• - Pi 14 6' An"
L.L.IVTIZON'have removed to No.
3.lllr.idcreco. ad , rti and 14T Yront Datum woxt
1011 OVAL.-=E
it a Lis n & Brim rer, ',We;
gr" 4 ""% p liiiirAV , wq"lrld .
mit:WSW, E'llubmlM; • • . pagKIL
• Seed Store Ilithove4.
rirbolnifteriper has samOvOd his Seed Store
Masa irthid 42.0.113114 reeently «cagaa
WS ars Totlufpwanet, shwa
loalttaxieepp , s4 4
'RQE MIK has remelted ,
sad. tb• galena 1te0....1 _
WANTED.,"ASitualion aA,Book-teeper or
11 V CleTk scwrewitUe or rikrarboarrer
Utiateptionable <IVi Wen... will ow give. Uwe aik.
411w#4,Witi. Www or u<Ua4•floe..l/1 Weir
11 1 %.A , ILERS
ANT w. 0 ,1, a „ ga,Cotku.
, ra the malt ,
W'""gin WLtLlA e f0r..7d00.4! 146. Pte
kaki= b""tu tl ."l. tar 41 , 4
rkuutts cf
opileeo4, ,
ANDp u r l= IY km°
In 4w " L l ' a il tbligtlesupt t 2 their Imam&
n. t F Ve r g P a ' 4l:ti ra ,1 1 1S11 Mot
litradZV;'''..4,7. .=.4;
it o , satli'sl+ atilte.d.Vß. sf&k &law !t , , I!!•lat&
j0iew0 1 .1 1 ....:
W, Frkii-rB:"0: ShaAleit and Willi=
' i .nri:27 " -mtirre. t ... w lta ll t i Vatt
Eked. buims...--. Zj i llnit e g IL C.."...-.
Sx &
0 ."' l'4.l?,..F.MiSti.v WittltriiWas.i!
'C'ARTNERSHIP-Theaulaugibart hp I
t }
-- t
vasaratutansatt g anan am arm or IWh,
A , , ~ i KA L IL/11%
: f - etiV3 - 2641niee` ‘ '"-
xit - AERY, - nErG - 8
4 4)0. - , Trag w.ti ttara of
~,,y,, law, Botiotp.tkostOtoott,State WI
aara teklAter" . Baiktierg, CoaVadors,pitatbera, at Ur
la. nal tttal ha
t o tiarar - caantuvit s a t lgn i iin
-pun, aril:l4m is. a ta. tat Ltd
..._.211..Etr 114. stal, litt l lt PIO tn th. • Ac t =
ip,lit,r , • "W. : • - ..i '
Wa11,...., ~.---,..ii, -r Wr ;
1 . • . .....,„„•,..
M Mlrg ir i • t tettaiirt Wu Mato to tok
141 r^ o . Inn lOtotadviattP
Belosatet tt to their itatot sothistlot tot tototo—sod
1416ThirPtothit411.4 th e :r
,-** °WIT,.
...4. 0..1 PABST' U 0 ••• • CO.
wr,, fir at+ AWN anitir 1,44.: ‘ ~ - •
ra.Am•Cloodltkos tat Drum% of Oh. latort . %.
too tad owl Otto Orots ou llrit. , . 4 '
Z l4 " , L Rain at yam aaa ma:tn.:a
, •
° q
oLeawinuairs, - pIiANTIVERE4 !
At2VierreATU2 1,...-
U Mlftwaild w muutomg lawman
'''M'il " " gor 4mrriaaArA
' . i::
ii l "; 4, T .- 4
AMP HALL.—Ttybigt"ap .6
Ebbw licam wad gl:g7: gti dterg,
gv• g No l.l =Wen stock d I:kgagligg Lb.'s Bolas
Lard Isagge—the hest glattriali dd light
how In tg. Park.. fiu=toleta tb ., IL.a.
gad Timm Light Chant in al
and vwd I. Set. W-w•IMBON.
111_AS MANDEIXERS ygriii&urL
khnt. 644? thocityo.4
_ W. •
firr)10018t . :
Blimmlbres at ChAstisa Nattn
art tarcdadloa by Yazavad Lamm, D. D. w.l:
tbr Itlabojnot re-Ltrss..lba. 1
paaslti.l Watt. wg 4
met to gals b a...llllPlaltS;
IS Apollo 8•1341ng.. Youth 4. \
:KLEMM, hes"just_receiTed.- ,, = v
carr Lanes adek•bld &MO os=.3- . . \
R• J
ai raptmas wawa, Ossimet
lb* /Lig of au Can; Maim' &mg, by N.Waise.
7:l+cpa=m oft&
. ioaen
w - 1.11. 5 w" 1- - • •
'My •10 Easlloollo2ool4omayaled by Xr/1,11. W 111"
k i gr:—S a rt r. . llc ~•
61,11011•0 and mum Moir, .10. 01
102 0 •,. 1310:011b110
I A.ll,4lW,Pll3.lTettehers attd.-
4tud rif ,
I vimtnes - bins to_nnawnhig.-
46 av i re ab lv i zr ia l3= 7
pm Iktuessicosst Scalrltory,•Odates Dr , ' • u ar
Mow =par of ilseitat orpot /oa th as. T 144
nmal,' i•Alwad dada up, . Till Li Tot tb•
"r" " '''''' ' t IQs•l3l•4lcas. 10 , ••40E6 1-1- ied ,
fat •at fast,. Oa dtitiagtbis vela, .0011. , , -1. • -
. ,
gfirEIIIICASTONAI4/00 I. aroll..'--Thig,:litares
=rum tarruist.r:. It, ?IA hat .
BOOKS 11.- - Buttemes Oriek,Orem
. verlbr the Pei andsh =boat. sad
P Borman. arrhol sad enl.lPd pbb.1. 1 " . 7
Ikatossa Tistulatad tecatt.l34
Vresb tel bh "a. ,
gra: l ll.l4.;xl.oe= rag:
...mute& Immo/um Neet&eivpaemrieiemsier
c•Ct r .,iii.;ciaiiial46miisiioraitiii tea.
sancitil uedissew:".
e.Fuseismem,d eet Woßk:
. %, 7-- • 4011Gpina Orpet.,
tOOKSI. AOOKSI-•-Ctulimer and Oonntai
c= ,m,‘"
Ituroistoart cb• ii •Cly - T rfe - 14 . 17,717 .
4.74ettutsitatis erafttidlix
IZlO R. JlV i soclr ati rsoitbo'
ttto Wo2ltoplppoW4 tilec the OpatITOY
ILL Mauro.. Run .n u of thalloesem
tribe!. N. 4of sbauxeeumn - Tort boo tom roodred at
Mame Litny pert, 711.44 o,o f raps Ow F at offlar,..
MMUS .M.A.GA2Vojuia4 Second
of " *Vitt argii
Ixond (=York Thu liousu D% ant
. •
WetistersDAta •
7 7. 1 . "'" :14W07 - 1.14 9 above vrOri reed by
• =ME. , JOll3 /I.IdELLOISIVIrocittd-
SW' SOOK.SI-44;= 0 Let u ir - ;„.
.4 (l l' ''‘' ! - -i,'•: , ' ` at ...: ~
v.. 4 '
tau Ado of s Haw '.. , _ , th ,. 1.16,
W 0.. ., • , i '. 7 "ff.P 4asm 7 . _
__... t.
tglati n iat;.';ith. i. ;:,,,d,.. t a 1 '"g" = , 1 7 .1 ,
inej= ol ,W4.4 — gease. mar ;,. a ,
• pa
OSTON S4g,SPPAgE b at tc ,„.,
- _- , r ,i IL O. KTON, 4 1141.7tat ius
. 4 3 - 6 : ,,
i I reed at h0LMAr.4 ,10, , 0 5,r 7 : , ...', Va '
_.. . .
1.. .13110451=-I.of as laps 0 • Colonial
• 1el"""iii (149.!,. ..... .Peol.en ,
-i=d tiuna%platisin.ty : - ; 11146, 4
& ot tbe HAW; by fleatilltlaug 1
tietares Woodeptge lloreat• over allblsat,. . ~
'lther of Peep at Baton; 1 vol,llaeo, amw •- ` ..•
Aeolian forytery du inleat, ocyndletlfroospettnit-
ft , so r f , il==zie gol U.N .
„.I. :X li k by
lb. lotthor atlas Stollo boakg I aitu.
11-breor sad Latin orthe ~1 T Oar
meths Biblical Made.. Brea lm pmts[ Was tlesialua.
:.k.. ,
li Bare. lain Toetames% by 2. ..r,lllail.,' tow.
Omelet@ Yoetleil Works of &bat , Bum, with 051E4
war antirmi* , nail a* ltkat the itelbet; 14 ./. .a,
lank; 1 "1.,.' law. -
C , lispoletzsaioctbliiilr. lirLl'ateidi, Srcls,l7an
awes 13 th Mca r a 644. ,
of cmesolot
. B. " , *PTPI * P"
, liallorilifarei tea ketaberlailfalltiniabil- ,1
• Jam mete sad for y ..,‘,.,, t•-. , '
, •1., .. R. Yladls.lll * yea 'Radial:l.T.
NOTES War IDRAFTS:=E ,Irett, and'
Straxonksil 140twodTasttia: armaß tiautlfuLdo•
lrelhat r i uraiilNVAL m lnaloall
• j•atc: Car.
in Rad •
Hama a Oamaaaad lat—allat,iaash
haahearalaa ' mak:,.,s: Mvsai
SMITH'S ,_. .
• 1,r 1 :. ,' 1 6,;.." .Ml'. ,:t, •,... ,
is l Avi f. ,
y ,
fir= '"'' d . niiana. •
.aw occr4 ma itib..
°lti = b7
bratztic m i Catbkont tio= ~,,,t&'
abh.14 . 0=2 1 . , 0." 3Nal
_,.. 1... „. , , -
ti and ccemougaga.....,—t :
:. . •
_ .. .., 1 4 4 ....
_, • o f 6,36..1.01 .."o f enreetwai 15
'mamma qua fa*
._ a 51,,a1.1r , _
1 . ""'"
. tb rie.62l. ' - 'Pviir o sg.t ,D outitp
" 1 " .no. 0, ''''' ?fa a ,
00KAND JOB PRINTING- 4 very tf4; 1
- t wasg, tw :
g. tu e a..4 2. ..rm. - 86...b.e..mvaa,
• Zr=roffio.y.4o Third 0, .TX.b. ,,,, u !dsate, saieprff,
' aetemet obi IAS4 rata gar
apejla this auriulf, _*P frrcm
article lit MOW CU 0104 MIDW V4W. ISIS
SALta:lolLz—ilat Bordea4'Sweet, Oil,
eresbdostabed sbd Iby 1.1. by
gAZIN'S Oraccestotto E. Ronnell) JENNY '
LIND Men. 1/1083-4 New sad -valubla•
massing had smcothlnig Lb*Datr •I*NNix
-.l_Pt.• beau-
Inset% et. Zed.
apl6anuraizon wmtaiit.•
ii-OLL-BUTTER-10 blils. fresh reerivini
JUL sod Oink by . ' 11. Dela= sax
Anis .4. l errsr .Itr.
HZE9E-4t) boxes .W. R. receivint aui
.somuty: . k. wm:LIA co.
• • ;11,X,Vie
ibi try
lIOAR--35 0., fbi sale by , -
: - .a.crisearsori am,
A1L9—,309 begs itia r 'd, for sale by
:Alas A.:CCILBYRTE I OI 4 LC*: 1
r- -- ' - •
100 Ortepact.Con:
•••• 100 =l4r4tnE
intsg r Pl 4 l7 l:
E Q-.7
4 btitt.O. •11saun
,arbiaßbli thatert
40 bta.k.....iMin-Ludorsgod.faisslia:
rmalittatitmliA,NtwlogEs- wmos•
, SIN WALL Para—hoot thil bast eelstirstal flo
e tb.•l:. tido, tsins lerbrlir p = 4l Deal -- • • 1,03,
I , Y4T - iido -- '.
- tie , • -.--.
?., 1 211...4 S" ki- i' l l .ll -''
g .
2pa ,e i.,A1.6.)
11111 .. 3 . % . I
43( -!
.f. , 0 4 g 4" 8"142g-1 -.,
Et - PIES. mittlreßTS ,, ;Fnah Chetheg,
- , tia vii.m.A.tup boa* .._,miu3.._...,m.=
.laurer .or lb. trait. A
n*et 0.2 abmiloludisetanalrreachrb..ibrallid.
Mama IL*Atim; actr w t t g.,—n A 0 2541.1tatrot. -
,--- .eb l l: i!-." • ~--,.."
..._.,.,_'' -, i -.-- 4 - z -- ' wzi .
1101=- . 7 . 4. 6 7 . TEry ... .
'HITE WAX-lerineyelsd'arid for 'deb,
DattlefolpYrl,-(p0 jbs. forag
• Xs.
a. tv . mum
gaitimOre; ;,,!
zuum, p§„,lB24Ll4l.,
a i
....4flu**.b. , 'fttarsea
PST retailed at zio.-.2.56 , lam* 'street,
E ='—'"WarArts.rqmitau s a -
, areistashleitiaser,
;,, rg:27ute'TNl,
.44 ; ttal.;'...
CAW . X?/' l •••:.3phr sale lax
... , --). SCIICIONV41:21& co
9. ' "FII PA "
100 bbleiea'd•aad fel sale by
~ , ,;., whoa ea
VW .6
JL • Oak -
tiliiitTie *SLILPMUCI
untex-1 Wa i r us. =
"`''s tirs
11)MIU t •AREI-- • • • for sale by
J. - uri - W. Y. 11118011. ltr Ihmt It
bbls. White, for Bale 6j
IP L ow Err W. aP. WILSON. I v. et
B ACON -4,5 4 0
0 0,1 !!! . pipe • &bite%
. 2
W 1 • 11 . Wm.. pit •
let of D.t. taratllll pstlass, in ha pa
gay books% Vas bal Man.
atm ON el& MIL t siliaano
. ' - Needles' Celebrated ' . ~.
'-' 11'" than tvimP."de=ife"els=l . .........•7 ba.
=An ani P nriabtadaa Kaitcr a aelanal
ebbe= a the lat t ... 1 . , 04. I. utalf their
• kw been thir .or ted.barr given 11... a al le retherirtha our all ali:i . br et"
I r4. 3ld invailSentS arg w ir eas th. prth, wft
lrVrith ellaniar . 7•
ri;, r ata bread.. rani tenth lerathabralithid%
watt, and Weal paths Um various nereendan
=lx the bnar. `their L.Ws.l rbareaser la a Mog _
_ a .m. at te, Ila • Meat la Lox.
Vu. pm d E r tatrul jitaell t. TAI2= .
j .....
1.. teen DM. manic.=
areelorbea am in the yeet.inad ski% semlll2 .
41mat ance• stniss, If th• kidnap. A*.
=gm al Atha pintas bateVSS
vela, ba ..... ,, , e. athatheaniel,..eier
'Veal'''. 110 'Th ean7eWerabg. vi - trtha eaaridebt albairel
r ULU the, berbelleisl egraILIIIII to flm . r . rwty li?eld,<F4l
1 . For eale.,roqlllllsll Tslmil • tg_ •• •
, 'Saba _, . li., re..P..T.vita. Ed Wood*. , 5 •
45E4 ibe shieWsartital slays So lasio"Mvaliss.
' ° INA: [Ar m. L ' a l l i t
1,4 1 ==
Erlgeolakt ' ilmlibal ib llg . loowtousiw sr -
?wood: Wis. Sus Sow fit tba Maas
or lona . wads, sad in this MO tsp.-Laos will
.10reslised: ail no sassettlaci is Sand ofter as IsesFlpS
*Z . S.—Oser Ch. "111 do Wei &send digt, ‘SCSP->
17 should er-Idtheas It. - - ,I; '
gr.ig...n...m,P.Ltet a k ei ... 1 1 Ra • 67 w.. 1 a. - .
1 '
:„...moo aro deetomptot
rif,v/RTuEs 9 ttf+l.:ZelLlA:kelAd tercet tr; i
f. kat Ma meets :it toottalt tenet Word . 1
;hie mum' Wm to beetgos % i ts, uutak. !pima lo i
5 § 1.4 .
Prric t" lM d All ereoolod hots a troll ie Wm 0teiq8 , .. 3 .
1 7 *oh of lb=
a y
%. toto , usadttleore,o% '
.tei without way %. th owt,bet.= ,
=rOm: listoWn Orast to=l ta . 7 .. . it
...wog 0.. moan of town` lif i
c t.....t.r. . s Teen sty many le tee A++,,,l. '
. ~,,t,,,, , , It losooll. adah * tbo ....iillt i - J ,, '= i
stw i lo SOZ7 • a 4 1: 4 . I.WVaiIII • g ea ' , ..j" - {
. t of
Na detteell m it up Iztottleult etevents.' •_..,;( 1
: oteletit. tool - soVoi retook:. 4Ftsti - 71boV: : •,p ;
-letotil. los .an Lodkooko , !NILO.. Toter* oottostkr •-:: 1 - . ..i i
'IV ootr =md roali: a. 74: ..3. :t 1
b. - - ; - 7 ., ,, ,.. ,,A . . t „.
.. oottedoos that tip modlelott an mom not tut '. . -
in UM Know who .afar, ad wish to be . .'-' : i
• go do Dot aloha ea It s entronalooplitatkittla "_ .
; It. Is Asozi u ve i llW.. Jtau%V .: % - bot . '",
~ ca ' i
Mlrrl.....m,,HOSCalth'llkfatiratPTlON., (to tit 4, - : •i .
tinTA,T. drieliar'„Da=tr., i "'''' '"
'.., , ,... 4
,puilargi:oil Polite to tU bolt at
Vd.l.V6oh ea tld ' W . o . '''''''
"la Rinse 'B'
Oa. to. te** at dA ty. oenilleopilMa=.ll _ l ift 1
.1, rill :: " o t o t& i'" ' ''' lO 't MO mad . 4.1A , ¢:, k,%.E !
snob owl. Im toed erol.. to . :,.
reetlerlLlTW•glooeto and • ° = r 1"
'et ii i'Tb• propstoter twos of .meal PIM a „,,,,,,, k i
ralandt"Vtt''U=thrlar, a 211 an. .b
.11driVra===3.,:sliimi c ,. 3:11 , :ii # 454. ..,.:.,
~ 1?
.1361"11-'i WV Otool pkt 494 .
... . melody IdTholetet 6tt a al..•
E .Ow , all =en eiho are met end. afflicted'
dfsaee of iho Bladder and Manna. w
thf ith:bast
latioa titcY itPtot wine... old sorothVat
eztan a L g o
ui pleitaylthla dces pot malattThthat it, Iv fbrweiticelatio.
Ts 'a Nee Zitiii, b7Aers — cersiannia: ton . _...,....
wr i. two Letrourtainal In 6n 7 tan recoadir m
ane coin, , :, _, US
.6 nc .61I2:0461 6.6l(erng ftr ' , ..,
k' ba."'IPLEMI 'Pr q W 66626 42 1
andael It ants mylttMla tonsbl 6 trial Mk Pero- , ~ .
Immix= cantun—no anpanad, put unto. the papal. . i ~,I;
of tronslng au thronnsoluzyt bot a t• 6
tat by an ea or DAtureono pqrj=l._7; ; ,511
tam of ode cona:4•ln an Mg= Minlad of. ,
. f. 6 . 6 g . nPg i 'r .. ',..947,-M."'r, s 111
"its . "'=Jite , ,et.4 other toetatis6 bli4fnii..4 6 4, - t , s = , l •
under 66T nacf.alt Ins.enzei Abet , . .. 61 :.. ~.
mating. th e— c orn *corn and 0616,P.6m ~,.:.._. .. . ~, . • • .
,Emsurecl' Mocnbroni 06 6 or W.> data-le or.
ok aro taarstors, foartArb.. , 7 0tba..11.1 ,1 n , c - ,
bum Of no 6.11.• 46 • bull nne al.nunn .66 ,
t codas, Ltl6 bean amp onyannUed ''cnn or olnlocut , ~ . ;
L-To bun. a. ...WI na sed trtn em Pot.
In 6 lin. smanaour. ontoubtod Outmn:, en be Maly. • ,
e 4. . n an t truth ontal
u , n In
-• *bon fit. b
Tyir :
m oVi m -Lt"4n!aYYlla'.lr34l4, q:.
zr ti...4i,.gaip.e
.0 v
.nes. Jobs Rost. lbs== ..11
... 1MM i15„. . , ....; ., i 0,ti
the king=
."'eMaw.nd' far
-ass a sbasi a., ,,, ..1
del l % OM =WA bblsSam• babla#l, , j , ...,
orsassts sr ths UrilmsilyAMl to, ,2 L,c.'
• T ur *""dr' b ' m '..lremetbe:
, 8,1. ..- • •
n ' Eibs e sA g*tk'k A__..fgAT .
:1, 1 ...'... Ls e t ' 151e5 ..11 .,T,„,;=. - i -.11 ~,-:
..„.„„- 1 ,,,, 1L,.--= ... gts UM ~ ;-•
1nt......,..5. 7 VI t.t bY tb; a 3,: • ,
w t ,
I "lrligra , i ' "';billvbssust4;a:Slbnlit ' :, ' •-'
mor tivir " rfil t... .Siga;
."....., *M tb. 4l les y wetla=l: 4 P ...• ,:: :
~ :
salbsbills Pr
.64 tsslaSssYlsl !;91%14, - , '
Os =A
Tbs Mt:sang tavi %lAN Vs, t, se 6 M .
aeratio. sib As* • -•
fi11t*,421,4 12 V 4. . - 1 ~
i... A- = . ref 45 . 0 .404 e ..,,1
CLIKE AS i CTED sill belcnind bk..'" :-....
D%sett c. .. ncrummilsilamni22 : .- , ';...
the la ot
o t i rftbsitartet t a lui. 'IL 11•1 teudiU t to.
_,. •
_. * t own , imatrof tr•oad. ,
*hat. fits lad CZ -.. •
~It hsa c tt Is of =tog map 7
* that
sace other tdistedAbria/oorsi Ma not. '
Aw0r,_ .... 0r .. ...rr 7:=J?i,.. r ; e li- b. :-v. ~.. •
thZaTirs a:artielhas almorceld ',,';','. ," ''
1 a
the lledkio‘tha t. l ot asal
, lazily yes sale. or undt .4. 7 . 7 . .. i ^
It lr= iefeed,Ll. #naek,brill.4l :l l . li; gar.
IL /I, leo Maros. Usa.i.tobst .I.llladiattelr.. d. , :71
-1.11 Th. IL rm**. Zsl., th tlitor of %MVO
Pr si!.. b lsi l fetis m 4 1 '5 iii..iiy "m
:,,,,,,:zm. 5 ....,,,,, 4 . _ 6;.„ci
on,stmedsedirrOut * thr srar*orl_ts` v .
..4.1. ateloolitgl=4 8 . 1 .1 Z W •*,
41MiligaglrEi 41 1" '
'H. Aosc atliV j. " ZkenTelfa l".ll''n'"' bri=; , .'
sores, asal e* the paha and sch.* &hal deb Is ta - •
a.... been sold without ~.,,idit. ..
sa sash astmlsWod tom, after MI tea -
.0e.711. as would Kaiser belle; had **Doi
ofkoodotad to oar p****4 C., siroogre Dolliblr an.
• Ws andldos. or name's eemalre Pls*Vsroa team , _
stabiaa.ler *Waal as mall aszre i real b
. ju t ra=
l a P :===., HMm ascdb, sad
W onosiodls arketkms. diem*, of the liiterm sod
ww• or *roes, bora *basest can* , u soft
Par rittsbursii.ete% Wawa. tea!
C.. Odd% i Earned= sod h 7 u* **el DrotV e., :
M MIli. it
"I') b . b . '. - " " nalrhats 'r
To the - Biltit . xri if the Piiikurgbeeietti ...
TRIBLIC:•ATUNTION io.roopeettliWick:, .. -.
,JL - vitortalli. bthrrnur wadi.: nd.Excnokn,.... Mid= nn .. •.. ::
' `. l Rot= b lir unt evAlw.etbi4.4 A ..-'
, year age dace 05.4 Irma /45=40. ILIMI t
.., .
C oW 4 6 .4jet tit. =:t t Milit-T i ter 4' .
mavral ' its , a , .. , ...,.. : 0 t optthwnt , .. .' s
, ronu r ..i xtrirr . - -4. -..
[ au Z i tilostrami lam D.:. O.Irita , LTI.P.V O 6IO6 is
.Motel Ball.47:1 ,1 1. 1.0... EAti cant,
1,11p -a . It=wart. 4, v . ===.=.
1 lia = == i -
e t.
Illeac• ca lb ; .. 4. m •nrr i v r
ri.k/a1,.. 7 .7.agbi tafarimr ---- ;*7•241= -- '
us m tan of th.i.,.. a....• ap not, ,:-
MO ttdr.ln an anz10n...17 . 11. , z o , ...=h , rdiax to .
Mil i V r ; .h"4l D.
1;2.= a, the 'hLtgt'telt -
ka:.-Esferan nian-(netsturpar be socrunad ,
in carilor Lerizeilita.t.,4bia;...r.kUlP,l9 , 44llh ,
Itu al tae P.INI. in.
with,. = a z= spathe ti,..4 detamei , •
Wh* " . ' . k irtineite 0 I" ege . 8".
1111. m.. ietaria4: '
_.._67 faurverfau.,..,,*.l..... as. th44l, 1 Ir.-^.
1.46.. -117.-14.-7/01 • ,' • :
. 6 , 14 .... 1 4%... , on
n Or Ekl4
Tottsr, -•
L„Fil ".6 lat peos.lThlA• Weir stwl
._ frA44.4 aim& 0.10...A*01.2.111c1 k' n
' 'int
,hr,_orredoater s, guawo num. 10 coo- '
4"lhtm.'"%7=4ll.l:}o;_ittfii:iii,d4A. i „;d• Iti;i..,. -
ClkorEd r itianWlM.X. l .4.l • POitgaxrof Bum! ~•
• gil 4. 4 . 1 .1 .‘a scuassa : twa l p.b., .. ..
wet somelad. tbst. I.° .....a., ,
, 11 . L. .. : = To ar i vrr. krtit. .
SaallitC4 .1". _ _ ~'..7'11
2 '.1=6. -- gr it " 4. wM bw ‘' ilf '
I. unit plum.- . Thom who .611174 - Ambd...r.7, ;,.... , :i. ,- :'::
f 2. A..-Ta-V. l WIW"".'. - - .I.;.rianCloittit-
ledP F u the rms.
tab bLi •
magma a atgakilo aroUlt, -
IL coastnort JQ1.6,0.n 1
=A Mk's, W i
V to.alst .
;—ltifi,abo w Mtn& ILWICIAL - 130441 7. 11 g
$.7 1 . a su=aaattl : 4 2, . -
bt....t. R. aptisti,ZlO &Imam-wallow ntisei 1 -
=tort to temeimigno• ...ats, not eakeifintme , :=--
reer to very linker
ammo abeat 70117 111 -1 t " 7 3 1 '
•• le to gr i VI. 4,1 M to.w Iwnitik"; r; I
1.14 .. 4 to cl'._ mid do itOit .
Wiles that 411.0rouit4 Now,.
' PsrlaWbgait notselititiar - tea in Mtn Ms, '-' :..
' . 04 11 6 0.„... wh. 0 : 1 b. 4.4 . .abssw.ub*i.oustr.'"".-.
7" .-- .l.l.litointr-.±' .7 , ; - 111fr.:01[Mt1ii.,,....
, ,2 . 03, ' kilY.o4o,libi Dt•ar4llieciati-' .'"
- __,..._....
4074.trNuelgeINES,tte.—Altai es ib e le .."
i t u l e a i lift i ,ll,llbersllnr, N yin, ,1 ,1
barevAdd - , ~ ..„......l i Tataid‘..l .H.I
..; ...
. ..""dr. l 4 -• o g„ . iftilaiut
" ' itett,
...:'. 1 , 4 , ;t Dith r t
~.. . ,
~,,,, Etvorstist .fift..l6i- its. -.
1r..1 • " 44) TholIde : ..111a.enlittrit - .
=,-, ..
am (Kamm In Tour isii:wit4s4 l'i Pm
rz , V=iastcre =l;lll.A om uoten • .
1 1=0 Haan . liolden Tlacarno
Haim Oil
1ig0n"...._ : • A Eton. Powder ..,
At the LIM Mon 0. B. K. WIC
wok maw at Wood •m blzth strati.