PITTSKRG;IIFGAZETIFFr. flea. us Pitida;k s 'oigreoa f i t•otide' Paneyenta 1.: .Nyhoeirerreals. Uniffeti*i "London "LS bor and the London Poor!?- - r_vrill he sur prised and horror-struck at the amount of ignorance, viceindwintouitii'leas prerailing "tong theloWireO4iOf ih r e great metio polis. But the ignmance, vice and•degri dation of-London issnlyn'grea' ter scale thin that of other cities generally, :toll don itself is greater.'-,-,Pazia end - other con tinents! cities 4Ti:t4f : tria proportion to thcir populatiori, . and proles bly worse Nair the' :larger : places in our own ‘nOt:liiitiff.elrelitions to the rele. These is a well - founded alarui: felt among the thoughtful; ?the' increase or crime, vice and paniieris7M; .. e t ipie Lally in our hirger `llinch.lof• it -indeed, is imparted from abroad.-- ',But cannot bodenied that we are rapialYT:iMrnifi4arilthe.matarials for it' at liciare.' (*soil, - busy and Oa*: ing,city, : 14 9 4°1 g 6 tOrta ehirteter we need ‘-:l:4_E.einvq; we "are say, has in these late _days _loskrill her former reputation and' here are fon , Cities in the Union, neiroilicre vice and c r ime are more rampant *We' iiajittebergh, . There has, no doubt,* hate. years _ been an intlak of loateris . m 'and villainy from abroad, tending to the come - sin of our Morals but we also feai. that much of it is home born and home bred. , Norll the prospect better_for the time to. 'come, unless . more effectual Means are ,Aevi....ed for .the Prevention- of eductition in crime.,. There is an awful pro. pertion ofthe younger jteneratien in train ing for the :State priso n and the Oilers.: Crowds of itoys and half-groun lads roam our streets,apparently unrestrained , either by law or parental authority, playing petty gores, quarreling, %Miming; using obscene Iriffooges and_ eolumitthoi4Olous, up on"the property of (tallies; especially in the Ede:ilia of _the - as well as annoy ing-and disturbing p - ciaceable children; who do net mingle with.theM . —•somotimes even " • • in' their Own. isourt4itids ; or before their' • doom, • This being the state of things, to a Vetter or Joel. eztent every large tetru • and city, it becomes:l serious matter of in quiry with;throe parents whose consciences will:not let them - tcan their children into ' the streets be wander at will; how to age them at e liome;-So as ,to avoid other coils. It in hard to,IOC; therojirtProquea in the house 'the time, To name no other objection, their health is likely' to suffer by:Cech a comm. But even where this can be avoided; as where there are • small yardi or . -4ardens attached to the houses, bow difficult tt ieto attach the boys to,circumscribed sphere, wile° they see others. "running at large. With. ' many, we Preiume; this woad be regarded es' an impatisilaty. Indeed,. it may, be that some - 40 - not, think - desirable. We have known even professedly pious people to send their to , the streets, charg ing therdent to ,come home till night, in order to rid : themselves of noise and iron ide. Baleen intelligent and rosily nil . • gums parenfa, or persons who ha ve , a rel . amble Ole for -the,,lwellfare of their of spring, can reconcile it to themselves to lei - .their children run at large, without know . . _ tug where - they are, ac What, compary,they keep, is &mystery we cannot 'fathom.. o_ those who wish to keep their children from evil associalkus, it is ;highly desirable to .find som&,nreans of - interesting- them ; at home, and.'„the ease means will not do in, 'ames. Ilkarents; abonld cultivate :the love of reading in their =ll - ply them wither:amide books. - Itat. boobs will not answer iciall,'rior even for'ene, at all times: . If Seltildshould be dispesai . .3 --to read all the time, be should not be per-. mined to dOye.T.conething - heT. sides lxolts:mid, jeadiUg.- :shnidd be supplied, if porisilde, 744,th mechanics' toeis of the meat simple: d; logether ,l Tith materials` it WorVilith. Same boys have a great taste , for .meciumied pursuits!, and it is developedvery:early,. .I,et it be en. cBBlBffed, for Filmy:remelts; but among , others, to;keep them off the Otreet& 7411 1 others, some kindof bemore effect:al. ',lf the homeisit all suitable for these things, they ehotdd be 'imittlged.in 1 them to si Ireasszaable- _extent. Canaries, rabbits, a dOg,Towis - of ehoiceNarieties,fre. —various things of thin iattriu, wherever they can to afforded, should be placed around them, 'arid ~they should he - taught to taker a*; ..iam;, them. ~It will in most -cane have a: their future -- .Charieter: There is fie r quptly toolittle' attention paid to' things of this, kind, foi the entertainment and atattrement..of , children, :- -especirdly heys •who are ier...inriehLnairrw. *apnea to evil • • imfltteneeithati - 4irls. -,The people of this cotailry;it not,:rilmualtiredined , to' "pets" so those of some other coimtries. - A writer in thehurt number of the Albany Cultivator reMarks upon,the striking difference -observable between 'Americans and the people,of many other countries, as - ' to a forsiasais:fov'ariipags; or. witst are termed c AMei,Pete:, and ;for which we .• as a people incrar.aureare very little. In 1.. deed, we acutely admit more than a selfish . fellowship with the dog, aa brit, toOlieldom - (fees our attachment even for this faithful. compturiorti beyond 'the reackof . the omniPatentdollay.7 InEnglandr - ;he: "ercatinuei, andin other parts of Europe; a lave ,for :•J with the attendantt - perssmal care necessary to their comfort, is clammed from child hood up, as having a headers' I influence on _ the clutracti-i. -- -To the puma iris anothei occupation, full of v&ried interest, added to the list of hr/me am+tents and attractions, so desirable, mad sometimes so difficult to It is certainly very desirable, by all - pioper means, to render home. attractive. That is the- most Perfect home, in this respect, wherein the hhildreu find more io ': , :interest, please, and gratify, than they find ,abioaa; and every parent should make it an object ofi ambition and of effort,_to 'acne as neiro this .standard as possible. - With 'some, it maybe difficult to make sip reaehtu' Sowards ''t • boat great BPP -1888 Y could do much rime' Omit they dO. To set thought :ist - werk, A na to prompt . : to effort in this departr,sent, is the object of these hasty' : remarkS. vie 181 boy should *lgai? -16 a,:-Cr9n , if stre B t -18868 e 'and id eu t-ot these simple suggestions, it would.be a high fptirfleation.: And we have be done. We "have oniLMnd's eye, a ,:very respectable yount'll 8 ": 4 7 1 ."P3 18 8 '.IF, very respectable Priiithrirltciiale,ts l sr ho lf - fe l ? yeas ago was is...tee th 2 m8 88 .0 8 24 6. Vestl7.7o§lo4-Zetef 01; In * company, ,Lad ,it not ° ' 7 . •brctra ctF 43 , 0 la to v.,i4 % ~ . ..1 ' I • .. ." tatalregolts.- Bet hiscilumseter was'changed by a well devised t)of this kind. A. pair of little pets itit to stay at Lorrain his lejstire hen*brit: gave him en . thiiiie( - 04 - riiei . e , ire , in tome, in working with liis . pe* firing their how* . find 'Watching eyer..then; inieh 'as he never had before:: - Ere was recovered from the snare, and the result is a: we beim said. the streets. e ar o Parents, keep y f f , Find innocent and pro fi table entertainment for them at linnie: . . . . MISCELLANEOUS. re i 8 Va .lVt il Age Water Filter S Now: to be ...ix to op e ration wm. 1 1- " T" °l'Bl.2"°'""gtaßvan 471761 AirlOcd t areartt i 14.12,k1his ruwr Imaremyed • Oold Wahl from the lattltate . of try_lorit. aad Oattbeate Qom the . i ltddmme tt_rmtmlOt Pht. Smite endadmit ir Mrlmm‘ntlar,l7,lLrat: arrstaratee bore thme lam m "*h" Tath.lBsl. It ertm ebtlitreat 0•1111L.i. recomtoro4 to tho loren of dem maw. the Patent Iteretelble o f bdterer,Lb vented by Ala Lew% /1.1411 . mded one of them for eater al th:%"=',OTbORWSWIVRIr.BNr ob altlfee—L.- yreasitterem 10 ' 411 ' 4 Mr. 8.1V.1 id. br LOP for loam monlbs 1,4 oetsate reshbrombL a 8 that - wbk..4 rONAS P. rmuc uM„ Timm .FBteri ore wamatbl to take out nay at tartedrhtch t h e m*Me Mau decramosed animal ar We matter In vela 'lderY abe drarrantal blast Id. Mara, sad with b e ore ‘lll last tem aad rtmala only to be tem to be app , S=io Arch almot.Phlladelohle: Frimit 'Briek and •House Tge. pliE' litiderii . iiiedis now inan . ufaiturin, at ..t. , hi*Etranv - Dzielc. Prue; la Biretpue, the Eutd• mamma Front Britt , Ilona* ever need. which he :will toll at onethird to oate.helf less n hatatmede; nnel hossomina pertentlyeien, equate mites, and a emooth. Wei tshed *mime, theaddet. no Meet or mot. end lonore n handamie, clear ht amount re, •se seen In her. Mr. Encode anareta. MUM:Mtn the contrast totereen It' and other bedlam:, beam. very 'whin!. Tdo kith Dec mated tee much Imperice to the Stamm. The front of anyttnns. life a genteel honeerdmid be of proceed brick. -the etienee toin#_n" ,, t ,, a4. OertMentoe In my pmm , .., from nrernment OVlrtel4 Agents, and Aishltetts. who have toad shelter beck et tawdrily. Certify to their mnalidrity In etrentda &weld]. ity. Maisie... to Iran. meter, Etc. te- , 110U96 TILL .• • - AL* anciufacturtna, • rup-¢ uttelet of Tile. eta: br an mamma anallab Arttato:t. nroorlot to tilato naCtfortdobed oboott otterhatt ostootto. • A1ia;300,005 Oarnmesi Itrick,—atrenttb. actability. gmazateed., - Prbia 011 1000 q therWarkm... IWO . ISLO TUST RECEIVED—AT WM. MORT'S, 0, 101 Libutik6666--„ ;10 *.'", ••• tosltsh — rurkremeh 67esp d' Lte nen . emir 02616 6 &en colored 1.6!l black auk W.rn aubnier.u., fiz Fpmmuct Ilazsefaes tag Linea 'Cm /*Chile _um and :Domestic • Amami= wooDwARD, BLAKELY it' CO., BLin _Tv; .fidup ts. l'Arklnsbasn sad Yellow Cam Ws" girdaropla ]]((omen, enemy anal . I.llentY , Masud Cburcl, buildiam) *Menses neat dna 'to .1. & IL Floyd.Wleolanle (Iron" • • ' • Our extenairaWan b =ll• ne.tO Ell calanateaaPUl: eampeseat designer constantly cumin aleo en able* las to Lc* sacs rills all the net atal isnynved Aran enaSpi AtrLen, any Meer Vass. Galan, Dlantclr Mellen* and Saadi Jan: an , rye domestic ane. In great entail, A. A: mescusr & co., Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers in DRY.GOODS, Nth. 62 and 64:Market stred, - Piitzburgh, &OUNCE to their friends and the pub. Ile morally. that they aro w , w. preparal to txll.lt t and mat artfully' retorted otack of • - I • • 3:K TittELY 000DS their ha.. Otte :ad la ibis atty.atm& of tto, moot and fottlottabt• as wen a. more comm.. and trblorit will be attanst al -Lowszsr POSSEELk PRICES' ..}l.amgrrer ma t" W'kt e cluatZ7 tetall trade, and tbir arroatai to pe.tskotenti, tmea her bat makes hill= h Cr . - I Dress' Grp& Department ComprignaPlini..2ss...Bers, Ca.l.t.slot, Da Lamm, Lawns, 51 a.lloa. Caaft - 1., tiratotiosey.l3colbasluee, Alpacas, to._ • • • • ,bawls, Tizettes, &c.. arlam Crao. plain and 'embroidered. • Also, Damask. Thbss. Luton tnehoer., Palm. Mavred di., and Wier Shawl, Also, Vionte, Passim., Mantillas, Str. Hosiery and Glove Department • Will lava}" 'k. Analoomclotwith the besratakes Canon and MM. Salem The bat. tilorbralwa-s Linen Department. • • art. 44, an! 1.4 Linda* Mon. - X... , i Thei - tinn Tose' Liner.s, Nanking, Molls+. bin abbot ant 'smelt, Ens: ast,loweirster. loaves, Le. I • ' Gonda. tlevkal Dratted C. t t l "01.11, 0.10. Ls.l 15 - ainsook It :aiding Tiesorla and Biabow.Lawn, or Cad . ? .dl , n.e. Also, Cassaba llaterats, nano WA Embroiderrii; LaneEi,•Ttinirainga, &e. -.4 ...Sete asscrteeinat- Mao, Ribbons. Ilso era, Tabs,' Paraasts of all MM. - honest, at all the latest styles. - .1 - - DomeatieGoOda Department Ls Timbal; mud Moe mast erbium:do In the entintry, sm. 'Thy net= feel torddent that,. with their badness Minlitten sod: antsweblvw Make ant ttansually low bbory nowt Stile ohs, perfect aat isittetion. WWWh . olesale saandtssars are to .Wssity Inibrated that +} . r01.r.,4z do. Swum I+K .ma lop. ..313z. Furore. .all; dzlo.. — roix ear. Zoo do, COO do 4, =room do.; eat. 4.44 44:34. 64..4:4 Yclottioro.'44. 34. 3 - 3.. ood tdolo Or 44,34,64 wad . A 76,10.11414 eat., A.. RHOS, MATS, OIL . CLOTHS, &e. retrt arsine Mar - , tar daio ortni t 0114.1.134 Zoe do. 31144.11.011 latellitit inkrci ?LICK ward slorop Ado da. Co',Adetaid. J. do.: Zbrato do. &- Limb Clotho , feltiod do. 13.Z.1nz 10.6 a. wad :4. Aloo—.haft On C.LW.W. cat told sag cue Loll or row. 64.74, 64, 44,44. sod 34 Ott (AWL, 'STAIR RODS. BLINDS,' TABLE COVERS, &e. Aldo—Stolz ~ all Avq: Coma Biodlosc List Pao ;coo Ess do tl,44.sadS4 lionloraz.loWo LlotwS Qz . b oltrlflzzei.=-k mg.n=i'L'== Carom 40. TWO do. do. Nand 434 Worsted WO Itatheriamertesue sutetkeme oar otakdlroodtroort to= crloWstra, Settorks, betas ot tee west sod =et W. Forza rtflri sad c043 - 3,, , r0 a.. pzeportd to roll to our nierolo owl concur. la .oa7 " ar Puy to roorek• curd is - say Ns .baziOna Odi. • • It - o ronlittly MI to colt sad ozoottno r our idiot at; 'file Carpet Werelouse, 85 Idurth street. meld° W. McCLEVTOCK. GOODS--15'CLITtOlii tha matt Itahioattle nowt". ow opettiag at A. A. a COT. Alen wet of new Ityle pa /Alm. Bet_ ay. lino. Catobrsae; And JamAttl.t. • &pH LACK FRENCH CLOTHS—ldateirr BruAna. amr . .prgi ibaLr tDriair fa t47 - .1 moth Cloths,' Kleetsd 'Nth greet cam =a Wm. tbe &Is graticomat vigil/1w to .K 1417 Cihr., COTTON GOODS---:4 cases Cotton put lJ rtufron_n rewired awl far eml. • siussar OD. FLAX—A amaU lot for sale br mama a kV:N[IT, - op= 121 kgeontl. god 151 tint timt. MISCELLANEOUS Ohio Lahorool7. 76.. ,gar---Am • 80: itER ). . - an . . . . . - • Per cont. - Strength. . • : 1 T-DWELL PLETCHER*. CO., Menufactn; von V ALOOLIOL: Par•Elplaite N. Oalogro =I lILDIP . • Copp,: Dl.inied. Vapor WhlsD•7 wwa.ta . b.m .4 p.m." a Vq.• l owl }tont stmts. c9:CILIATt, OW. . 11g= P1 , 13,8D 11:1u D DZtA , .= , Wines and liqupra. No blerty ett., Fortier!, Ards erackerjadory. I..nouum,casuarnrsa : norm...! 21. T. VICKEISEN 1c STol3VENEkreepectfully alumna , . atL Yablloilannagf , nad theft •frtca& 1 , 1 , 4411 . 17.1 ,... 2z .b. 2 .a_ 1b aLwir btr a ~ kap a fall in w earia ... ofylar=do..Uu JrandllTtragolorda.mua.a ng bars p• mod ice Pna ualOadedrait la& %O. Haas andALIATITIin-diato., =teet.. arbolaal., or tilantod mamba trona Ono of Um annor..ll , StoSlatial, math . ,.Nr latarallca In the city of logic:La Oars dra is etablod to all a cheaper and a tater anal. than raj otlallona. talc tit., Maw era 0.1 mall. bans TM whaalloo .mOO Ears of *Era abut% and the shawl Wks CARD.-4 have removed to to ray, ' new pi~ie(thr. dscre belene.) - nossll f• the 11. Of Mena, ethers I • will glad to s O ee sa PlXal e Mende k. Sae low delsensosset metre as. el thole easOnn. I - will keep • tete lupe esoortment of Ushobdem Noll ad Bs+ dlnaLenfigl Seen. Bon. ooWn and Husk Matsu eas Pato Dada Bolsters. and Ylllowie Puttees. Qullte. stkentas; Window Shades,of emery toe I geTrl ' 2.lco eta and evert attain ustu/lp .Ibtreel In the met extesdre eztabllttnnents of lb. kind. slenerefeePeote &lan. 4:dia wool ` COTTON -43 bales lauding ream str. Cape May,isad ibr asle y& . ISAIAII DIMLY A CO. • .• iNgSENG AN BAGS,- bap Glastrom• : • 13 " 11•8; onw landing out Ibr WaterKE! 41 ... • - • • nod Trout i t s. - - - ale b y A1 , 7- P s--s : baf t fol l i cia y.co.. UGAS,VOLASSES, bhd.. N. O. /21= 34 B. it : ita , 1 . 5•12: =ow; lasullnicand bn• 'ad WittraireeXrati FITAXSEEI.I-:-VARLloilele bpj U cur l 1 JAMES DALZELIe 10 xc lq=t i ttElize d of N i tLLOW and bar We by S. WICK letbillid, 4". Eble Agent Is Western theanzyleanlx, say) ; - • caner of Wood and Elytta atm.' ' WRING WI'fIIOO9,LABOII-20b1s. Sur TWA 1?6•31 moan. the munisrlMtr•e4 la by 11. 57 Waal street. mrs C ITALE-40.bble. for sole by Aar/ • q E. 41 , - • PedLing 'Wig= . A .„1„ . 1Li t 1 7 ,1"1 "'*!. 4 : 1 sulcna"lll/.7l"lehjordon6Tithst:.tr • 146 boi.mg 66 sal tl., Jane { . Le.l. taziat :S Le, PataenrAnW : Lumr,W•amrial otr.V. brat tly • *. Robert limes • *. 'T . . Elcmas • 4°' - Cd. 6...jselcum .• Jart rtcAl cm umlitra . Amu klebmand MMlLT4tram ammxfocturera upd fa' • • .• . Ju B. yr ATEILUAN*SO266. ; 6 and 61 Water. awl C Prost Et. 11/ACON-10 011 : 4 : 116 g: Rowid;iviiirhit 2,1003 fur gala by ,3410101 -3 / 1 1237.1. 3143 • 1.01 Weer afect. BVNTRIES - 1 00 ga4_ ! ' • 10 bai. /0313.11ichb.% 3 c riabd- .3srp•blby , . JA137.3 Ds O 7r , CI3 ly.bey bbls. , No. 1.1 3 blf,do,, A.'117 LENTILS, -Received and for sale by spir;A:xtatraci - LCOHOL--10 bblk. for gee by; voE.N,to bbl. Shelled lot Ede by ILa le Slat a. SUOT-400 'go Galena Load; _` SOCEtES; &o • & Val, • snuu, • mogu l/1e :::. , s t :. : . :?:; : v . .. 24.4, e tsa w Ath .Por .. .. i b li elmca ealastas - A • btlx.l . l: M01e.% io " Clulasn STruyi Om•E W. *al . . 'Ciiraer of Ifpod arid ' AVE NOW IN S e 1r0515,045.5.6 . • • -1 , 05415 unerna on 115 canY 1 4. 1 ... P 6l .* Un.s Tex • 5562. an& tin do.. 46 ocadong Chula: baol , l. laaalnandlan 60 boi P ewand 1D 3.11 15644 nw. 1 soda 11sek -20 Nand A( do:145: I do:' 4 and.% no. tialmoto 6015.55 5.4551 Marin= 1300 dm extlll 145551047.. Clang e s p2rr .5.110155; " • 1 " " P517155P: •• Pimento. lU kfp 45 bora Monier 1.51 . 511.5 5 . , IRO 100 . dalitt=sßls.sklar , l 100 155.50perane lUe• Mar. IGO I. OI IVX 553 dts, ink; 150 " Com 8r00m... _ - Olsen 1:5114. WWI. load. 620 Ma. mama Pandeag 60 drama anarrna A !PA i t . / .. t Bordeanx Pne . ne , . bola lab Cedar. Cloaca eitnava Mena A Olbaealatc Cattily A 1030•111 Beate 12 dn. r Snag 1 bbl. ann. b./PAK , t ea P Ames Ai m 2 and Reamed 1 A • Peet; 15 ? tpt h i l lo • • triplant; 1 1 a aw P of Lemon, and Saallla; no Sugar; 1 net 84 1391.1 gni Oli, se: toeb23 300 bu. .1 24 bales ista. tit U 34 ND4tye k l ii... ; . 14) but. AN , 6 47j, r b. and • 700 drams Flo* 60 evo, Tin dracksr; . 6" Prams. , • 6 ' Lemon Boot • • So . • Toossto KsteSolo SO Wooer 61 , 00. " .•' " Ilr. Ll Vogul ,• o,oooDindps Eesr6,_ , - • . CodElsg lusrunll•a .. 2 4.444. madder; r • . • 4 too ascoes 414 egO,Zw . i 60 =WilltaYsper, 60 tr.bls.No.l.2llactml; kits 90.1, 2, '2(6) 4441, NAY, sal dsnl 2 , ..5.nr gall. Woo OIL . • 106 dosAhrtets; Tube; II.O.11:11iisa.. • MI Us. Water, etyma WM EEO b.. "islittlid'Alc 100 gross ens 11 4.D. totoses: =es Rosin 5.W.... :10 4 . D. f. M.Canwer. P.S 154 a Cardin Orcssast eltlear 1" /Thspt oitibrus aeto- Await a plC.NNirrr, • &mod. and Al Front as.- •N. 0:8u. tlid *Amer aratrhattll " Vat " = "" Md. " LO .O I 2 :JR-160 bbla. agtrrrla byLogco IALERATUS-25 bbls. (Adams') for irale by all. i.&B. FLOYD.. UTTER-8 bbis. Roll , for lode by ~w l7 & IL noll:1 ACON-247 pa. Hams, Sides, and 8hot:11- '4as, the salary eat J. & &LOYD. itr4solL;:=3 sacks Common, for saleTby NAT a. IL. 714111. LIP golf' J. & n 7L4ID. B IiVIS-45 dos. Corn, for gin). • Norris's Tea .Nart N, the Diamond. seemid door. from Dia mond 047. Sth dm is sated k a waves, ratilbarsb. 04/ Bale AC 9 N-5") "enAinliorre. Round, b 1 11,IOLASSES-75 bble. to arrive, for sale by IVY apl4 = BUILIMIDOI.IINOII2IIIII. GI UOAR AND MOLASSES -1,7 76 hbds. 21,0. 400 bbls. Xo solo pr ambla - .111113 A. /I 1111XM 1 CO. OAF SUGAR-' X 1 ble. Small, for sale by man JAMES A. MIZMISONA CO. - . te L e y bbb .N. " mao 7 QACERATUS- 7 125 boiee and 10 bbls. for L.7e.p br N. DiLITU. & CO, UNDRIES-- if 4) row. Wrlyming PIP.I Zoo . 11. =. i. i';,.i..;. - . 4 . - ;i.era.-: i bbl. Si ottavesrc ... WA, Viotoicor. to MOM sad for Kok or_ . V.01.115/1111Y.V.. .. /3 Smoot. sad 101 trout *nod. • IIiarEFINED .SUCIARS; iL ID bolts D. B. Lan+ loaf Suva: !a: It4s. Crusbod haw: •• Powdered • sad Liatihr4 STZULC • "'" S-11. :0 111 my *Assam, fur glut . , Pi A. IIUTCLUESI/t CO, AS.L. St. 14als Ss.ssr Saks tioAl4 , -`98thd1.1.7. 0:to arrivelhtsda y rJr salt br t0ck..24 E. tW. UARBAtiIII. 10LASSES-140 bbls. N. O. for sale by s. a W. LU811011:114 E - 04:1SLalew bbli. (fresh) for sale by • s.aess • • .a. a is. Hasusartits. age. No. lard. in RICE— 'A .1 tee. prime; "nevem, for sale by svie BROWN _£ "PAMIRS. nftIEL) APPLE&-100 Ina. for sale by CY spo BROWN a fr.ruirimma.... Thu?' MOLASSES-251 bb!L S. 11.. for • • R.t f. W 11.505. ROLL likli c kt - - 7 17Ab1i... (good) for sale sr so JOICS WATT a CO. _ . B ACON -Z cash Hams; 13 Shouldmr: for PO. by 6310 104.1.4131LICJUni • CO- SUNDRIES -200 bu. Dried Apples;, ~ .0) c We. Pearl Alh; 10 - • • • arts Potash, tor 0010 . • • a:MUSH a ItEANS--100 Wilite, E 'rime article, aseira and for gala br 12401 MM t HL.YF6TC. " arlD . IZI , Femme. Fel 151 Orel, street. _ F i - 841-50 IS 4 , ao Ho. b Markerel; rale by DICSKY t CCL 10 bbln.fleY' . L ARD OIL isAIiDimATt.F.L COFFEE --50 bags. Rio, for sale by, .plO . IseuunmeLYa oo. r ACIIES-500'bu. prime halves; for seo JOITH WATT A CO. TARCII-15 (s) inst. rd sod .0 its ssis so J AB. .s..uutcitirox co. ~ . s O . I-50 bum fsts.alenlawillm A (O. MMACKEREL -40 .bbLs.- No. Large. for by - RA JAZ. MITCHUM: •O. sALERATUS-13 casks and 5 boxes on bospa nsignabsautOrarraataa pure SCII.O O issa ILAILY tbe ads Jl AO% law, by _ INDIGO--3 =ea fbr see by J. ecitoonuicca co. /Rss-8O pkgp. Y. 11., for sale by ISLIAII DICK & CO, •&910 NSLr rem{Rs. SUGAR -40 MAJ.:prime - N. O.; -•- - m Agaitied: au al* bz_ , , BROWN a KIRILPSDRICK. Jitiffilkl3FiNS-- 150 bib. N. 0.; • Izo;v7i tird ita4llll. 110143- 4 :61 lemon; berom . 4, e cloica," Ve a""T". "dal24'.4 . ingrve.Y r ZtACCCt v -;? kegstbrp,toi;isaL), COIM--U0 bags prima Rio, for salob AWNS 'AND MUM:INS—Now receiving ` ; LT Li. Mini Co. woo of swor ATIco Lwow owl ACON .HAMS-14 csks on hand; for gado br a1,0 .. ' - "" ISAIAH DICKEra CD I ITELTIMIXTUJi: NI on • Mad; k t neletry Eat MINK DiONXT lt CO ALTP ETBP,-60 bags crude on hand; fur -.A b 7 se% ' MAW" DICKIT t CO . • 10111OLL BRIMSTON bbts on. M LIL le by . lbe ma AVM , ISAIAH MO i c o n' U it TT..E.) crocks and jars, for CO. e by, i.. 14 .. 7. D. c o eLQ .44‘i 8 PINS , -31. a. b r cr o. za . for lig TAM NERS' OIL-L-15 bbls. kcir;tee) or I.T q[aRIKEY•UMBER-4 .1. 0(0 Hisao arrive) Ibr tab Or I pl2 1 • D 00. INSEED 01L-20 b 4 .45 for sale by I mext .Nn GO Wool Meet - T ERRE DE SIKNNE--1.0 0 lbe for Bale by LHE 'y SIVE CLOTH-200 'yards superior 2 iettut to solo by yeA • j.BaD U). — RENCII FLOWERS!—A. A.fd . Asox_ Co. 6.. jun rn.Ate..l :cm . . 4 finwh Han= OTTON-9 bales fo . eive pork,Vam bY :01 . 6 -I—O g oidli SY R 01!-1 . 011f , . a. t a l.1: : for et Gy., Q UMAC-25 bags Sicily, for sale by: B. A. YAMMTOCS 09 & 0 irALA.I.MSMICE - - 4 . l ray's Sozco: for &red' s " . 4ll.T.VeleatircV.. iLitarrir VOCOA N bales reed end for es aOO " WM. L. 1tc171.17/10 00. ItENCti OULDPALTitTOR, RARLOBS r.besutlial srticle.Jost recokaad Bo at. br „ MO& Z.1.1.11EK. Na 63 Make it COUJOYNTH COMP'D-40 Cor. tiyle br . 4 9 - 4A. Itell3=oClr. a 00. RESTON''S EXTRACTS—Lemon, Rose, nPy Y.onn.: auvo. •iCoD 7 —,loiroAk - -elju . st re . al aricl.forialp Q,ALLAD 011,-20,Baskota ►0 rjr pie by "CWAY A. CVMSTSONAt CO CLARET WIND , -109 btt.eis clprice.brancla .01 • • A, commix*: sm.. :11:1c1IIN74/1.L.--16.0.1he: for tale • WHISILEY-Afk" blit,treed cliv; 7 IDIB-- Lonlimlliv.far.kale. INSUWCE- &ate Mutual Fire Inintranee Comptay. BRANCH OFFICE-No.i Sarum= Mawr, Prrresoaml., Parssoado, atm Asa , HE beet evidence -or the muccest -of the •Dhattors In andeatorlog to Ina Ilia ATAT3 NUM EMU:MANCE COALr,SNY'sneet the wants tO the tanatonnitt..- la tha aON.lslott ihnotott tt Gadw which to bean don 4 /tattoo lamed 7,900 Polka. data.ol tha past ysay; lbelahr taddhtt faro tut.ooo to the Inn. Nwer an th.ro.p.rty Is of the cleat Mod 10. aaj/ tiara. atai large Deoportha faNnd hale i Po t l lerst .1 -7, 9 h x t Wld.d a n.toaya ..tat e n'AMT....« howll : . AA • ; o. Amotta of AIWA-Mr imurod«.- • Da, eantelett,tennlasteahaalt=thl h0f0,t1(47-77.. , W. ease yd, WrmtoaW,ckattedv G'.,. 03977 Do. Do. ' Cath Premiumsnweived--... 6145714 Do."do. do. eanesled.—.... 2.212/ 90 Whole =llamas and ettossenaol,V3,4ll Wit, AM7.924 eltA f - " oolgy head rs dwelling% and : lsolated and omittlyyr. It it , btlitnadthla ono sway adotds altantarna isnot ot ebelpnee‘pasty, and mouthy, Infhdar to Ine whb otreaoonopa i ntlettltteenant/7. of TIVAt= Nt w a l s. azdZ4 all .11 , r P rriatVg . ..... : ming Mira =WA Mental. In ant one t-lhat t••• - _ olodinig (A,Mig wry . aad. 3l ooMonsto Of lons,l7rA Aso. a/so on WO the awn tad uttud'Plan. It tr . = wow the theapneas and annatotoolatlon ot-toth Ott aoUtlea tho Insured to • particifths watt. Dote A, P. Rol Aft T.rlonea Shan A, Owen: PhnOC=AitralaiJOZAlN AWL Slots. Johan. Pocket, Jobn D. anstortfsnL ..:!J. P. Proddent. bahatat7.: A. A. %A AA.* Aquas,' • ,Stott7 D.—A Serb Dltidend ot Ottani nit eint:On policies has losatteeelarsd by Ow Dlratlons. nag tonott tr. oeltable at fhb 095c0 jot rtnewals, 00 le relemanla %daub It the end of ninety data . • ' •A. I‘. CAIDIVA, Ant. . Rl4 &khans. 7griitat '"g• V4E.Vic Insirince &ot 'PMlad's. nIRECTORS: -Cheries , W. Baniker,,o6ol; it i lan% W iTt a fte 7 13VWV4 ttr i rhi l grt,. Jacob rt. ItattaiSur c ria Cactus Ce. - 114;c0Wegd,:, 206444.11104,14i .Thlo Company casein:late Imam Ilianutral4 penntgicht: 'co Wand, on avery deseription of ts torn and country, at Wes ca low as ar• oonsistent Lin oemari!q. Ti... Compan7 bar*: mane& • large dfamangent . fund: .mbleborith Ow, Csaltsi sw, LWOW...* 141.; do It°'"''':.f`''.f),..l%.thkr,tl"hd'untrT3st. 16kpnb.." th. Cl 1 1 57....1• 1. 4 9.1, • Martazins. " 'SALM fa, . 84.477 Mr 1.313 0 • 9 11. eigo If • • Raw their ineorpOrition, j a verb! M 21 ye= hare t old upwards of Orm Mina, /our Ustadred Dollars LAILI. by Yin.ad.c , ij+t;_i=rant edronsame Immrowe, cc watt as wen. ty Wei 11t psition to not tr;th DraM.o 0.4 00,11 tA11 , ' • ' nuNxn OOP/ an Agent; • aniti °floe& X. corner of Wood lect - - . . . Ran Mang Life •Pisuiriumi.Co:Miliora., *DENTIN. PITTSBURGH,V.ILDAV/S, (vies J. Panay. le.. desseas4) No..= illsotr *ost.. .. as Ms better vouves.batir or tenonl "ran 4 / 2 * - 6r Use 4 .1. Lossessatof Or eny; Ms Isms nlscolve bat:mad lt. , from 11 id LC sad 14 No st JJa•connliss J.Schoontan acco.., No 24' Wool Lovvont, stsis vs.. ' any tolormaskaseadvonandoccsaninos 6 om ty attended to. Ponlybleso ovslannks the .6 1 tsevOta of 116 Innozance,ll.l bloat toms r on soslievllos. • ennui luck gem poxixo and eavonnnUT I..ioning; - Pronto dlvidosi sanps/iLossonsot thoni Istuivvl.lm9l6._ • Pittlaszton.Jos.4l: 1501 , -Al/1 . .... . ...... i.; , .;.!. -.. /Wine, , Ere,:and Trawartation TIM Instriici t uaeom of North Amaricd WW32.0 "4"4 bolkimp and ULM. la Wm std 7 .1. as the Lab= a. Fre, . ck. 4.;" NO. W..Tamm, r"Jasa.New John A. Draws, -1 WM= Worth. 8..00 litmarla Miami Rama., , ArLatra l t llaarla• Tarim, ' Wm. Orwm... • Amtmma hira . DaarZa Thmrua, - Jarmo N. Morris Waln. Lt. D. therra, INer. • ;Labia Meolieniarm rd marn OM.= Istrm UMW baiter. . it 1 rAlMiblbAttuttlirm"="4 m . WI, _I mar ha mmasdara4ogarit i mta a y muri JONY4ll_ra trat , i ' No. 141 Mat scraar.' ' Americau.Life •-• Healt.li'lusnianco Co. OF Pm DELPHIA. Agno for Pittabwrgk' r fain. D. TOWLE, Pachhitta • thittalahtiVtTeenatit=a cBl oltaloa4 at tha edam - f - ialTaltt WestenansuranceeompanydPitlibutgh. CIAPITAL 16300.009. President. 1. M. Odnion, &a.m• laws wake. all Plata. lido, Ara and N.H.. All be liberally adjust. .alwataPlT bona lastllallow—lasnagal by' Pima. wno art wen /morn 10. tba .anwanaity, .ad who. we datonalaed? Mitand II t o maintain etnut W rlaraafte& onitint Unita. Co ON wbo,laelre es Inaarol.. • - • Jr J{.. -- Ueo. Dia.., J. R. Batler police, r.Orra. B. Mt... 17: Eatawa,•thsb..l7i.'Jsetean. War. Lyall,Jalasil UMADeatt,ll2oll:l l Nth.; man JW• A W." 4 . c a 1 41. 6 =+... ftii , s ay etaia.} ET , b..x.i r .! • I . 124.1.11 Delaware Maul 4afetylarmranceComp'y CIF . FICE, NOME . ItOO3I..OP•VIE EX= eu=aaing=veirx.=. !..„ atber ..to town an& country. lamed malt. koe = T by fire. at Oa lowast ease at. pr0n1aen..1 , _..... MAYOR lascluaca-11.7a1.0 atat Preltbta ttaelaa or' , newiraisa, atalew open a Won. Pa Damn ThaNaPois, aatlraasarad T. They 111.11Mie I rethUdig , Triad byVairenacm.htld ears' Oaaal .t aga r and Us= Waken sivank art . 4 A n _ a th teima gu,114.4 11=6- n Wand kdarelle. o,parc . C4 Mayor rdwpni i llfarVinwN, li• Men Well. Jolns Naa la. • 1 1 .. as Naas. U. Jae.. Pk.; I " lsigraalg. titans . 8. T 0... lea , b;l., J . u. Joan Panora Wm. Erne, . _ Drama. . Yrressclia—D: T. Uelon.'Utrab 'WSW. Stalt.C. ILxA . nee I'rae.4 lane.ba Carry, ft. 4 2 Rat. t, Mlle. We, met. . ( L•SIEDNIP.A.-14Palt,. FAINEIMUTUAI:ZENETIT IVETNSTIR ANcE °caw No. il pxlat.tixeat..•Nrolzk; !;.11'4 :44...r. , N u n 0,. .... v ..= itubictibit will rwiliTs wwinwawcw. • tom... Ca rest=r.si Ilwcw.illyliriir; the whole Tr 4 ''' .TVl ' i ~."M lifiiilli'iwiiii `i • olioS ,' I , ', i'. 140,441.F9A1Pum- ' SUSCE LANEOUS.-'", Temperando4stand - Noblerbranf 11tc91t Cava! Sto&tiott: NOTISK 1 u{d 2l.ergit :to to frocla At Ihtotta,Trettaurtri otthe il atalt i perilt Itf4 tlalmo einatt thamalt.theLosort - oty .44 bookwolar nett and every mouth Itercallet, oath the vrbol• mut 14 paitt fn full—as 74,/in•U isdbrklied bl . JOT 4th, 1115 i. Idekbo;den+ MILICOO4 kk Pr'44.01.41-""-1, VV. r attlitt.Pros46•llt. , . ; EAti W PlPE4liiiiitlPs improved paten t .. , AU aimm ma balmt to Etrarmal k lbj u i npoN.. _ meLl7ll I— • / Yr.mte , ML - • '• 11211017/4w :" • t k P.' Nlhirve , ranoved:to Na • 1118Feand sod ICLI s.e.• ike4 LtEMOVAL.ExamintAlbwiErry . Wliole . see timers end3Nealere Preinas, tide named or. 1= &mood, ate =Rid sia.MlWorat sad . Mailedield Pittsburgh. - • • 4an3v Via Btatellexama"" iimoirettbls Seed 8641 . 0 tronisi , ea street to eilttielemtnemitl, mended . Led as a Talks Shop. cm Teri stave, almost imp msdlatell opposite tte Poe-Dem AEMOVAL —OEO. F. MUM 'hah ittnoved nu Dry Cloodi 'Sue Van Not MS hiorket rtnet, to i~ Mn terSt i ltre.i= t ht trilAtaxr. . 1 4 , 1 0 .7= oud the ad& inateteUr.. • Men= . _ WANTpII-A Situation as Boak4ce2V Gait in Voexceptionable terwwww, vgliV= 11Ww ad , dressed . 41,..11., caw et ltwe, read. Wad, C L . A - UN R 8 E.Y, COMMUSION. IO . II V CHANT pr tin Wiz, afillroolsti, end - Cabo Lv WcoLitmo. Ord.:salt.' u abtal. botfcM7igit4tlmi d wed: iiiiiitO-PARTNERSRIP HERETOFORE AWArag°474,,thirtla urns sVtig ANDRYIif 1/ROWIG, Voter...lT or 8.8. Tlroarkiir Is aalborLsol th• a the lors Arm to du. masons of theft twines.. ZSSOLUTION OF P,ARTNERSIIIN= wausibb benti+lg kat tr.*" l44, ratberk sly!ler t Ceorru rad am the arr% ast AsnanaElal, by =MY corr. mai 1/2.lmr of lin spbaufbins - wiU attend to, ortulai th. wtdpess cod aliell*truartred to woo lb. WM* rd theft anal AV that paryarr4, '4o 101 Werra Mon, • . y ~ . • Magary 11,'41. • ' THUS. it. W and;Williissn atTantrAtli n fid — Yarttir .i Prassoottils storm lassly sgol r rd by Bbslitr 1 cit WF010.41. I • •• .8. C. BuAusiarr. • iIYSL.PAYSIN. 1110-PAILTP—The: save -1 4#.## o##ll.. 8 Tr' rIII ARRA; HAMM& CO., Pro rietorsot thy ha r d. ftmut•auaa Statt b.; to Warn astildas. Oztrolon,. *ad others, at 1,, %Merlins, Z mur mall, 4 , -. mtzttosT Witt or 4: ri. ..,1 . Lataix:f, I Mato l ub.0411.M., t,..' 0,,,,,rd Slaw. , it„2 , ~,d., pt Ma . tea ••• l'usl. um= ,k Ca, aro ciaa i trueggri II gal % % : I A 'giro. la _ th. t nest galas so do ~ to t•O b. , . WhOt 9I;T Tort. Cl. m at !.. t:a. aai, bcaltattaa In 1121.1d0S • wribair and handanaelt , compktatott as tolao Po , " real b a at ' =: toactatemd Sete Elates to by vat on lallti at Wding, •=llt•at aratatir* aa the contract= sad macro of b ecrooor. os u, tad t• Wks and s Mt. kil. Pam Ow ot tbo 0i....... , ... wr •4 Stow at "It= 4 . 7- " 4 I hei r ' 4 " ” ' ''' .. "giTna • CO. CHANDELIERS AND ELVTURES; • ksfive chandom esid Andes. o(tbi Istestetrlee;, too and oaa light OrramentalwYe. zrytlts. leiret torhl6 cornet: of Yotarth and Market eta. OLAR LARD LAMIL'OHANDELIERS, , Ornala.t.l 6 4 4 Plain 8 la r radon.lampstcreCh.d, aibiamteart t lf alto, aut Diroillsg..Abc} Der utlbeaar s , - VI,. P 111.1 .. 4..—Haviag fitted, up a Atm seo. Boom tu.' i zet=m mJr 1 sgiag-I.l.natariA Iworiainurl antptl Mo t lama. Parkw if lwa Sad , Mo Tama Light Ohar, lat ettrast,""9l. o.:PA's' AIA : 4 - 4 'FIXTURE piii•ltillke 11161110711124 BOOKS., WSW. &c. gnus' 'l..rirt . PURITY ,— The NW.iue L ead. illemdsowi of Cbfittlaa Pulity; by Say. IL IL rater w sw. latecdtwacto Zawpowl &Jams. D. D. woo ot tea Itsbbf the M. V. LTnxch. 1 •01,Inia. BrOsVet=lfTlerbanbw at . ingius Wt . k. 64 re , Jasi riei scoutti jit i .lloP a glNS, Apollo Bnllo . lno. tolugh.d. Rut anrBlo., (Kr.,,tasEtt has 'tvzst received • _ • e Amer Lob's ' eu.e.eat 'We , 67,trAr - tvt Naito t nracyr. bIW. V. %%Wee " Wilma sr* the Mende of ray iwa • llooesholdWeetle. sr Illmtley. Tberpreeller, by.l3. Moyer. . Tbe Unite, s patio& wag, demolut. to thi Whenother Ite . ride ere rotted thee. rr2l ddti r, 'rem ultl b =. 4t"'"' • I'll thine or thee et eeralde. _ My New YsigleseltAcoh.n . eceeposel . by Dim A. Wale. mut lir Aßem edi. g27llsttafiv i i i 4s"trNatti l tMo.V l ehet4nl'e a a nkk Maps. 4 ,110.0 • , 4 , ! 1 = 1 4 1 , illecticm'of ZO Ote.: urtr, (lunar end Violin Meek, ' Le" brontl Tbitoll " tti4er“ WA/ I Mem i VARGA]. BTeachers - ina: , .. j - fi - 7 Ascalon srWang ioporobsso valor Li!!! b fobool Books, Clossla Text ,„„ seal pod bansalus by calling fossmoolotof yat • she' Mutational Hook Moro, sd}oinfos R: Slos=. Afank. oomes of Market and Moorth gr. This afoot Is ,sboat, closing sip„, and will k 77 orrof Obi obOoli mr• con. _ _ _ mum mit:neat foFk r•Asum coms. Cal Ming the prom; week • . . . . giiir:EnucAnissaL.liont stoic 'room kr rum for Irma. m 71.. ., It hu jag been relined Pith ••beautiful front. it. r.w, BOOKS !!-Blifitlian'iGiiek Oram 'km.. for the 1m Rajah roboods sag. oMraraitokr., Buttadial.t. - Wriest erat , eulatrged btruelort. .- , Iluttloan. Translated from theeasbtoeuthuenroad odWoraf by rawara Bobble:mu , • • • ' AU Irish ooulltratea uld the Lebelllon of Mk hr The Anioblograhimf iheraorian or Captain Obadiah Cougar. Art Mr pars mar w uearT iner sad Almada , trceri ot .KN 9 M 6 i 4 OFT,t7 tauak./ 14 . 1 4 . 3 =l4 of Lomb. Labor sod the Lagoa Pow. wortspait Sitelted moll* aak.bL. STOCKSOni . ard3 .1 .-. . 4,0 Xarket knit, 0010!.BOOKS!--Charma and Ca4ntnr Chanar. Nor e4drt C sr frt.b . Centat7; 8:1". Td4 V.l. lam AMU.. 7x.. _ . . DONDON LABOR AND THE LONDO . 'P al L. the NineteesthlXiliatnt A cr,N=Ag Modal kW Um hillritish=il=ccittritti 1.12. costittry.._ Ily . .11. hl lir With ►o wn of tbsitenesiodpiershitinti. Mt.e.sl,llladitikblgthenitiotz23Mbisacteds.Mt II AB:PERWMAGAZINE---VoliameSeicond I et Una aeinent cork win p*, enahletai Ms** Pawn' • • to bsra use wort. eau hare n • • • (24.Norkagrie silnllWUTeeFf D.S4 : Webssers Onaluide4Pietaamari WEBSTER'S ENABRupttED DICTION ; um y Aux.l at. totted .4 5h.m.ua6.4u11 6 , 60 . In liasda ttlf, burl and olam, NEW BOOKS t-'l4lelnents 'of ...btlytical. ..od tha Dttbiraatat aad Minas' Cal culus. by Chas L00t55a,A...11,...: • .. NIL Notes a • Wassail. Wags , " • Yrarbacoda atm . ; by the anthar a tha Soltßoths. Load= Labor sad thsldriaii Pas: by liattriblafianr; ~lthdatlaarraatTa• =gram:O.-Satan by Heard. rut I. Us awns b?assjast rsed and ear eats by s rsebal, .* • S. C. STOCKTON, 4. - Mar= OSTON SIIMISPEARE, Nos. 35 atid.36; .t &Warr 1.444 ThlartrsetAV t• Ito Pad Cam 09 .XTEW BOOKS!—Louisiana:: ite, Colonial A.lliot o aid limieam: by etas. O.flm ; 10 . _ `"&" maod'eroman iwasoiono.or b7Tlsmielam: 4 lent :Ma. ill l Bards al .the bible by Gee - Nbeam' s Wamters.orecd's sus am ail his work.i; blithe Pater at Pep at l'isaurr, 1 vol..lSma. eau-. Eseilmg* Sur miry ay In best,sempilea Stasi tin wilt, .hhcf=l,T,Norat W m metre d the walla boar. moo. • • nacre sea. Ls= Les.lemet Cal•Tteament, Inn the Cables ; " Irma,:bo Istie of We: Goemius..• Decal o.llo w. Teamsra: by T. ileor,liam, osepitta Pceeea Mats of Hobela Bora, lib ',was snd abasartal mam sato Ilk arta alathan•by lab. • ' ' . lX attletTatalhis o 3j ' ag;kl . l.ls; b y. 7. - F. Malty; iita.to.' Tiiitetasif Metbailika m tillt um .• • - Tim Deal:m Ilvay =I a clams astir- Le the Barg ei lrir Tabermale,by Res 1 4[ararp. D a -7 IfsmaesLtt Apoil Numbersalways ors ban/ AcsaloCuiblimm. im;iatk • 1 1 1kTOTES L AND - DRAFTS.Engrared and. IA .3e...snot Negin ad Dias,. of :met beealfalle. Zttt L AN cf Ca.r. /Make sma :kw: 4 sec., [Amen®' Jotirasi. sea lm male '• ' : 1 .. RlTlNG'lNlianioct's Wean; FliatA; totat's 41knaleal /Mild sad Bed Ink- 'A Oolastactutalt—sed and black. _ _ , 4 - rompcner Oopaseerclal ' 10-111. X. Moan. hen& duica b;X...rOi lab Di. , . W. P:. /U.V121. AMIE BOOB& —Bll:l*,S.-11LA85IC.AL7:DICTIONARY; 6 nee deeded diellooary-ed-ateekeed-Droses her 11 , 1 e a tn e tr: tant. by lIILLIAM It..Th - rh"Weetiertr oNWA sod Boman Antigattiet. and ortlrsetetel Doha, lhograybr end Mythology: tertnd..erldt =Mem" eamdices and eddlloook by Charles datbas, dkordner of :tle. peek sod Lain lasuptsdeeht Debtatehe : ' • .rhs , Lib sad aeowdeds4 /lONA t edited D hie scathe him elthwFe hoothsy. Le Ca rat. of Ploneblatet,Coreberie?ht.- itdl . *lota, with -rri,t's' ithwt =nosed trUh the - repel soceseton , of Grestitethdar Aimed /Mahood. author of the Urn at the queen. 1111=1:itreetrli• • • end in the Broaderey eberastili. ea Redonda; reeered: elete U. br iittrrer: Masher woksjust meted, sal for• . , , BruCTOX. Sac' uarkrt si: , . IDIVOK: - .1.1S1) JOB. P.R.I.NTING—.Ssery de-. ItVPLmL CaanatattaL Stematoaketatal taaL iatlag. - assaaaal a t altcat Wan tad m it* ITATIO ERY.- 1 116. - 8.-liavao., corner 'of . Swami ant Itsrie sr tar ago' so larseint caw !Luxe bum kia Alai) 011.-Beet 'Bordeaux: vrxet et.4.434 , 1 , 24.i. 4 sale. kr aD/6 14-CLIIRQ 111: ..... AZIN'S (successor to E. Emmett) JENNY ju IIND. 6 OLosS-4 Fe. , .to .otias vnroefnea anstbething the 11141 lostreOlcil DOM growing , . • et ale - . W _ itOLL HOTTER-10 fteab'f!keM::i. ' ,Is7-DA_LteLLAt lIEB3B-,50 bozeo - W. R. receiving',` rift C. 45 l• Lass:msou; fiRANCLES'4O' bat_ -x .o:j!4-Teedied ‘jr,:fbraal• DICIAnAuu A DIOLIRAIC QUIDAE-45 klub, N. 04 R , r sal° by = 1.7 - muisaTsoN OCI. AILS-300 kegs aged, for tale by - , 1: spis - 7 • APCOLIMILTEON SIINDRIES IDD twacc,in.ai.t.i. • • babas litry Iftiktbrg . • , / 4 bl 4. hem A➢DIM 14ttmtn 8 icisaia, N. CO/ eIIIADELPIIIik, NEW BE. and 808- T..C4 WALL PAY 7.141 the mai Cel•faatedlllD , of respell's eltfes, betn4 reanalatti wand RA 66. Martest. b.l (.4.3) • THOS- P 4,103. DOPPEK STOCKS 41_, a* darn Aral . ico " “ ated " Douai.; Lioughton di>.4.4• - Tor rite at the /tanking Elecor vTtsnaa q.-" - • - ' .-" nap 'earner /Jut t•C sad FOH PIES ANii - TARTS—Frestreberriety 1 ..a.n.u.1.1 up in tbalr ovainloklmnaglb" flavor ct fruit.. Also—Ctoixes, VW liend Ataium auscanroFltuctataiN faqeilins. risebl2 A. M LEM at.,254.14b.tir 1311:I - A -Avery eupenor quality, sek1!)1 haportoklanot ra - 'd sllb4•Asle_by tat. iIeCLUNA .Dens cisirecd and for itali innWAX-7 L 1 10/0. Lt!O i rCE, ROOT--FOOT ALOES--50 far Isalettl) rltltlll(.4*--18 bble. Baltimore; • • hoses 3S Labe ftegif44' i. 1 ( 1 . • • .414/44. --- /:10. 4A.111 TB ROOM°. , , • landau Pic.kles and Bneez ~, ~ JUST received-at lir: 250 Li street, a. uscatumat of Croix 1 lithcbrell's aptl,l . :,itArt]MeX 1. and booms. lommit whia ... , ; w b•SApi, .. _ , , littled Gestic., • te i.. 4 1 . W.. U. ,,, i zaluN, net 311.4,,,c,.., Walnut redivair. . .... AL • IVI,L 6.114LU1t0 CO . §? ,AP- I. langgizab3l 7 i :, ' zi, tjAESONATS ABLIIONIA-1. cask just IDOWDER OF-01NOER-4 but': reed and. JL Ole 67, ' • - • ' I • VI V " M ELA= doSULPHURIC A IDS —Ori BE-1 1811000 Bal° t7l et goa .DlC!` I,..pciaatalX.A.l3 reiWasbot..4 . . , . ILIEARL ASII---9 casks for &slob, Sot vt, WILBII.N. in fn.,* 1114mER-20.b615: White, for sale.br , . pan • W. fP. WILSOS. IoT Yost is • BACON-,25,V00 ib!.primaStkoolders; aar 1"* ; - -; llainitlVlLTol7, ALL PdPF .&-~ Ju~tredd.aeothatl_s~s? NEW )M88! LOUID:-100 rec'd and Tar sale by , . , . w, • I.wasum, irr Froats2.. MEDIC - At: Needl!s! Celetratza COMPOUND. MEMLOOK PLANTEB,. o _. neinnhishly Piedicated plan.. Dere been made I x . D 1 year& .tdeb-time Limy. E.. reputation, no. tte mont eiflcasions riconnitErning Maw.. tared. AM ..... El. Me.et emfnenrr, t•J elwat their annanoni. Zion has berirmabialtEed.- heap ginen foe mren tim anchor lat. et. all etc. plea. le. bald. ' • inirendiente of their 03211positioll. nrrr,carernur and nornelly ocroblicel, render them peculi.ll applicable to porno= rolierins pith piilmcmall•diereee. • • . itor i qs In Lap Errant. resulting from prntractel wide. touch, and local pains In ith.eie in U. toodrAlad. leonetieneUl eb rarer. nenuelr ie arecier fa Vienikea or &cynic — Al a'Temrd7ln bn.ut u Da alo b itracf g u llsigAni o ng= Vor wane. and paha in the InaclL. able, nanitman from metre mai= danes of the kidnap, to., their ran ru= ' 'gel *th7 Pc S rre l le ' d k" atac . a . tlon. :To :Lan U. tibactbeir ben rb =rtibiV ` reelI tth be bola ecrT decide-in - for ea.. Irtioicsils retall,b7 ' lathe &Y.-BLEU:VS. Wool st.• :DEAIMIONT'S PATENT STARCH POL MU, forgiving a lesuilfni .kes IA Llano: Slaallne. brim Colftre, Shirt Boma and all kinds of mints nee primal theism teem adhering to the Lirms,atal dog *ma ariekinmil•amtains .1101121IICITIntrious to clothes am nned-' Tnelsdtee hare- 1(.6 elm, felt the peeesaltr of inch an article. and ils.thle abate ee mignon will be tel. lir rtalmed. as a 9 .compeution , Is Learyl'atter ex impartial 11..1-Orsei Cake windy thlsty•dasinaa clothes. mad no *Would be tritium:tat-4 • • . • /2.6 , renn per (lac' Cskeillthrtell dinetbsna set by .s,ascbart iII.LL 1111. 67. Wuxi M. ;`, TETROLIIIIV 011 , BACK OIL. 7 ....Theteers - triore thins, &he n Zvi earth. " 'Than nreilreatept nt In ph=phy" - . , r,VinTP.M..9 I ttas remarkable/erne .41,'init.the ecristent application far Sthe mrri [ .1. ,;/aLl u mlotta him t n o th ir=st .a t i ns ,„ in ies, with IS Tb• naiT.CiGnSi C' is procured frau a ,ell is SW/ o min; itierg d epth lib ' cr .1`` Wnd ....Alk v.r.--61.,..1, ra. tow, front Natnre's ti r rat Lehrstore I That It tantalise =nanbtAS * =neer lit *ie.... Is so lama • noccoaeunt= are mans moat in the &r -ata of.s= t re 30 Whic if known, might he of vast nail* lira In ' asi „naorlitg, the o.h= ot heath and vines many a rodescr. •• Long baba She pro miew thrash% ;ening It unto bother, it hod • reputa tion for the non of dame. Ihe comsat andtfalr wool tin; ells f:s it, and several senuoli.Ole. aura It tar pa; V= me Noland of -iti a.W repo pniaity and w ,Wedanot .dt to mate•lowgaats of curtplates. we we cassolons thst thetnedielne am man sork its wa tab the Lira of those who ado, and wish to be Whilst we do not she. for it • asthma eneteatat in mr.rar4........tiv5=2.14:0:21 in Lizonber t,.. anisnataba-el &rases of the purous bum", rel a/ . VIIIIONia imoNcurns., co:ma:Fri N, (In its 0.17 1 stsite• degitlf4 n od. eii a1...... A nt. LIN. arldIST pIaSPEPtIA, name. Ls.. of Os _., Madder and iidniet., , Pane in tar Bah at hkia .Ncronts Disesterr, tiontasksaidsf,Rhataalo l'ai .,.. .iont,igsysiii• , AM. Slam, Bluvrarma, Bunts, b.,44., lild pre.S, to St. In oases a awit7. T...Juaz ktirragaarsetrd i s sof ... 7 , tlzia c w:lt AM In snai l' esses,.. ° 1111=1.car ° anti NI as "d A to • ..., .roamisuir, the .foitaisat, shun anise di . .. , ' , ;nf' s '' bent ' .. amstitn mad east; isenstend sad Maned ~sr the. or 1.120 , The ;mad= tome of mama. c u rv e. of PLIASI OsS leaded eant_other trattoria, et well tinder the en. , oite PZTROLVITsi fa a .hurt time. Tho an De wto any aes n who dires ft anscoke withoutthe siesstoze of the yzoorktcs , .. ! - s mnmf I.IOS, Osael neap/yea I -.- '- ALl,' ‘ tft-ati,.... in at :' wiatx, h. - coma Woo:lstria sal Viten *flelt * WO =radii Lb teroluif adoiated *ash, NOW in 4 men whit aro. sick and aifEcte4: - aitlalaeve tat abilllielfir ',US Shiners. with rhe a . palarla eaer...ca. limbs, Mitt jahrttold socarunnuw r-=thangigtbr PETEt .e i . vma Ti lto ogge_ or au 1= 0.07 00 that IS las 'tar= .3: 2 Vrad2 jpsY.l,tringr.44 "''i troaridisa ll ut ""* ' etittr,pt repel : y.lp 43q.!pf ft/3 a l wra iispint It asti seri tutu to Laib, a 0. 1 . , 'TWA FUIrO : learn la to raistore-nor®MW, Vamp Ibr the punts* of Irepostag on the ematutUry; but it Ls a rauely game. led by the untater bard ofnttoo.. ad bubt/setlP tram th. =ajl i ...l.lb.r t r u r agua r, p d /t La• =gal Ifilas. Liter other maidats bar. Edltri to Maier ear rel:er ' It has carol Mutant:lam. Of loos - : szarattuit aria of the enrt arat wet patehri character. It .rerl Cholera Morton,. hy Lo i zt two gloweg. It boo curet/ old rates of Mantas. Cif curry btlara .etur u t itarbeeo ot sto anal. As w LOC maul hunos seals, it ta better.thertany croilealcceueourate or obatouut duty* kn. , 'lt will ante chilblains arid *card lee; loM kw By ylkstiaroc usdeubted tastlescuy earl be famish ed of the truth ccutaloal in the above stateoueut try rill•. ivf .15ANII/tIL It K 1 Fit Cabal Bath, Vereuth street oz -IyaerTMolalhleorrker. ataeesaid 'alter; 11. F. hollers: NlWool street' A. Whet and ah Quay, Alleghent city. are taw agent, • IMPOR'TAIiT TO TEE AFFLICTED. pR. ROSE'S CELEBRATKD - REMEDIES. ,Iseta Rom the illscorerer sad We WOOdetof IlLe r 91.1=4 4 tr. .420, 100 ho effect:Mx care of game., was deaf of that, =toms ahrsiciask Doetoc khyste, sad Is a gradaste of the lirr.leerstic of Yearlaclrsowaaad for dhoti ram no. has hero eacce.,sl %kr; larratigatkro of dis ease. sad the appticatioa a Tatted.f thereto Od d Lb/ we of tit Inflati.g Itcroalutia Bum azd laf recrtediell= gaissal an unparallolea embus= manor . thaw az/ fatal mals.:tes: Tuamotu. Comitinotlow, Cancers. acrofoLi. all Wads. Llama Szys.falas, ma all those obethtate dl. We. pecur.or to trod.. 13111.3. ereiy folm of downs smote. under She wear 0.4 1,...A1c5. Ithkh tp 1. bar- ar41 , 7 the sue-of wt ecnapsand 4.1 T, for is looatspaehle with Fticsiolop&l. law, hat nr the ase , hL rotoefoce. olaptc.l to. awl preszsbal for, each wear.. Alterstlre PIII.a lam ma. lavarla• bly Isdknoslalsel to be rnyal. or to ell °them. neenTa. tire or herr pal: tasnapcti l# they lmn tpe t°..l. 7 ., *My foie frees motheaten u also hinds =are lllltUttli7 111. anteteoP•mae. =Ur ted to Math disea,,n but betas satin: theta hare Uhl is ralcdon to tetat.ben ntret Us been. d, lathe :minds of The ethdeted ate .217ba , t , n tb; send, „ t , d bprra a entalsrens) cue et the Doctee's pearphlet.,,ghtag a dew. etepont or teen heated's: end no viands= Tee nde bz the loi l leants.es yell as byrsod &sut tee aten Ore era 4 YMA a.% -'J: DL Townsend, . Market et. Pt* A. &Want. Wu the Yost Oaten Intake Joseph Bleklel,lnellaataa, Beaver annetr, John Ellioe4haton ^ ” 4 earldbilr -'• COMFORT AND - RELIEr TIIE.A.FELICTED..wiII bololllld 111.2 • Dr:Dewitt C. Kollin:Loves INFALLIBLE LOODNIT,, or mid Ehekt.vbleh Let .tool the Ust of thlrt . y years C. , - M ri ggin! ' it t onltt e ie ra elstf d 2 t otid b ="3: actit " 1,1 oilmen:l ebarseter of Abeam We feel' that re hatad'oo- ' tasay.. thattbts to the only tuella. that. has bons tamed to tbe aratett:a,thttlort.lo eras score of lb. wood. '.' It etusd. med esple arming cons theme. thug medicine offered for rale; he aro not try mho= • - • or mid. orhr Eat mama • • •Al ro:wand °Waxwing proof of.the.sbom. o f Ins. Uhrooly =ho, %Imam et/pooled ha the from of of t he thzt bottom heel= ed . smi revel yemily Alediclne eTor o ODr tiale, or mod by eny of - Th liar. l- The Boa. Moe.. IL Grinnell, late M. C. 'e liar. BabLr •IL 111mA late Norm . John A. Mr. late IL 8. Beas. • :Teed IL ` otherLarL. Edltor of the Writ of the , • boot et 4lntotatelted deism, of Neer •• S=o t tere te. hore_forToltrod taa .-a a it Is veil Mora that Pategt,Nedkiare n ' ot= • .., 41Sirtri'mdoodLbOLII"r,i'''.410.`"". lad ldlte tight fkol conetree blear orb. ,Thummotor ensektog Compound her helm howir . tev .u .gt z tere . tr=L_ gt.Z i l=l. l.o fge , oli; an 0ri0..1 sattelaolnif. of Up mon* torfeltion and outathre • pnalltis ••=0 ..4 1%411... ,, :rre0g=, orooduad ar . tre pew areischei relleir to.' *net, IMOD° bottket, hem Teen .old Vrtthont tom/AM; easthere setoclettros my. • _SNOT ell Mb!, amedloehme teJled, as - honld "homer baler, bad en hot offerma, end fa oar Pion, the tuohgt.A e e!,/ , • romlkaiks. imtore'a remedy. , Mmii . ultimo etAmes. *a Sacral! e a r l- il en exterosl 'lt arts drect -I,l4lr.tbe Weer: hitirlar ithesirrod mouth.— mtll==elfeelloisk Menem P AL the Eltlorys, I n n mils err feres/e, IN= orhaterer masa It num • , U r l *"L o fittehttita.LyiLE. Sonei4. Kaaa : = ' ;V ' a°l7 : 4l4=_..r„. t 4" .. eta tem etAlltrtrtr, To the Reiiierl'ef the Pittsburgh Gazette., QnLca ATTENTIObi is respectfully it P..-a71,,,t1 mDrt 17 to the dared= tmths.set forth ht Malicia to of modem tim • V111311)•111/1Ma th t,• It 6 not othre that ow Yew .ago Wave this great was brought bete. the I. gm the relief sod cure of tilsesse. I.te grea:zrwers both !mesoderm proem fullt4 ,. the ...matitt, sal In that the or It le the maw thyme he bare ors& Ur the the rem edy of • day, got :010 pomade of triallug meow; boot °wawa e. wlOl war th og to be .101 whoa. I.ll zw athrems hate furgotte.• The Pelrelertur Ls ' Iloothey, elaborsted to the *Wm of that earth • by a renew . ad agrary th st halt. .ssu, .11 sus.. , o. 41W 1t . .. JAL: ca: di t =aw .r e .. alcezi t r a. out EIX , I; r latal dectlve thew elm may trust our want or ofit oath. L _ .law Itatezothts the Wet are very ma to weir y - I= ll tbst wthalseserlird foci Oberr • dory t tea' wrought tO =ewer e objem of guy. img ejtrum roma of them. how, we dorm d•etye. to do litho we,. anzkom .17 that. the truth lo reletleet to oar y .beed4 btohl.lo order to seams for It • nye -0.1 gay aluglo article to the Metals me& let. Belo suremlehatfecte-feets that may bemoan eV city mut reighbothoo+ bur ample tortitoray to fa• Molar the ayt- two wombs, tweet ou? own anisette, who were t..Uy lUive two to to data. der ma maw of tlMimes. to the State of Ohio, h.,. *calm& med./so. the orseels wattematalo bower ehthty- There ere other; hut - thew abe awe hew- Lome, mid may r te by w oeg odems who have doubters:l "r` Pd. - Thew cum ore cored after they hadisou •Wm. ed be gtlyelethas bow leer. n. Petroleum will thre. rhea awd ep writtnencam-blarrhom•Dyeester7. liatt .a. wtoosrert.U..t. rthethigiekuption ou the Moe it oar iturfwe, thrombi Vaa gres, Measures, Tatter. pathe to the than n id eget, oil roue, Meer, Agee. threat. CoUrts. Asthma. bronchitis. sal alt Pathumary Wheelie= wf • throttle salon% tending to oth. , - home rirst e.diathees of the Bladder and Kidney; A . Char irped Llamas; groothdad Ithruitet. throe and Winton. IThet, It IS IMOSZI2 Mammy. tuzaa, arid tea been triad ...mod.ot the show diem* vlttdo the wet rest with tb• met Weber camera: Ca- I— 00.0 ..cas t with hi . 1 : the herds of ter . W g tor.V trill taka plix rare to show- V b. hate M rri l intherl ally T W ay .bent tt .1.11,11... the st; Release= le they .aert leutedy of the ea, I ri rsaC 13 te 'i :Ve ento fr t i ' t a rag:l 1: VYIt (. t'y "‘ lrcl3loli a td.=ll ."' ai , tiompriler to withertedge that the o..thifront is-the great. , .."..didith OW discovered- War raf WitOkAlk sed tt Woo, 1.l ^ sErsaa a blelkli eta., the Weed a. Sellers, 67 Mod street; D. M. thwry, Jow•h Dentria• dike Woe U.r a 1... 610 X. Cams &the. 1. tenth street. tithe and 1)..5. galumemeit'S Uo. Wood sod /nut goer V L ELLT,IIS" IMPERIAL - 001.5011 SIRUP. dap, to likta'sridlAthly teleactust."-. , LialleirL.lly- Walrus Into oteers, Ism b.. lmtottt to ttstakts assets sad attiial omit &tiers= natedkor to vary' llats 1 . tiossests sty, yone,,tauta Sttss La ;anti* traL t szti-tottosid sus Is %sr tasSbatt sty.= rtZteletgica sat It 4as arra anal to atts the= ^ / tun asaststendel lt lID7 ssigtasta do ID • tatatiettelsoly, barns tall. !Its %Mutat csash isturstsit: '- • lit sotzettt welt children to- oaths teas taus: rh® MO iF ti, be calm 1, • brats st this 1 1 31 P41»ls4Saltiii SEI: Rood art Dra.detl4:2ls; gesentllt. Latecaleg ala • • &Aar Sd m2,3410s Ltalmult ' 04C•Sehleet Maier • P.Ll!"efibb":', M nON ~T/45~:::(' ==fflE ' S,icz.-,Alarge stock err ourit,bberal torsokrll% , ' Araftarte roar • Batartater ity. Balm. do Math& • - - - Cliratoorr Elixir of Ifesplf • Carpener' Extr*r_ of - Bortlt Court Plutet ~ - f/sibyl, Corroloitho Drioarottro - Syrup, for Ito. • eon of Ktor's Milt, &Sof • ala,Brrlbilo., &e. • ' Exert of • .., • nommen lawm •• Larrodor •• • Cores . ... . ... Ir• ' : WirtenOrror ", .... I.l,suee. for Btat, l alret " Or h, ,, Mem Powder - I!L.N.IIILWLITILeILLIO r 'Of Waal alms Waft araidit.4..r