The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 20, 1851, Image 4

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---;• ' •-. aAve.L . , For. usual . . .
-- avv,7laxsltag
- .. . -Bureau of construcrion, Egoliniu,ja, ,
: - --:- trod Bipair, 9th .Ifay, 1851: •
'Q EALED PROPOSALS, "endorsed f•Proptatels
0.7 for Naval Supplies; (naming the elan and
—.' yard for which the offer to mode) will' be 'received
at this Bureau until 3 o'clock, p. in..i of thelsth June
. next; for the furnithing end delivetingoteder con.
tract, at the n:laxative Navy Yards hereinafter ne
tted, the several articles specified fu Usti advertise*
_meet. One-fourth" part Oren the article* required
'-.; ''
Al anchor cam Navy . Yards, comprising al ace pre
pottrou of each kind, must be delivered on or be
' -- . tore thefiret of September peal; one other fourth
• t _Plixt on or before the first of 'December next; one
' -';.•
ether fourth pin on; or before the first 'of April,
"id the remainder; on, or before the thirtieth of,
• •I'_Jane, eighteen bundled and filly-two. ''
- - price . le accenting offers, Dal elf“s things. including
, .. e end quality, being equal,) preference will be
.. , given ,to article, of the -growth, produCtion 'and
„ • manufacture of the United States. • 1
- Penchi* whose” offers - Mow be accepted will be'
- , ; required to enter into contracts which, bentdea '
',7 t other, conditions, will exprestly provide that, in
• • , ..cote they shall, so, any respeept fad ta perform the
. • reatram, the seme• may be, - at the option of the
',"•• —United Stater, declared null and void, Without at
- : ' Leming the right 'of the aald Betted States, to re
cover for defaults which may have occurred; with
. the atipolation that, if default 'distillate mid: by the.
- . . ‘csof actor in delivenng all or any n 1 tie articles
' • cantric:ol for of the quality and at the times and
. places turned, that, then and In that case the con
tractor and his sureties will forfeit add pay to the
United Sines, as: liquidated damages, 41 ram. of
money equal to twice: OW contract price, which
-- -liquidated damages may bo recovered .fram time_to
time as they occur. t : •' I
Preposils mast provide for famishingand deliv
-1 . Male terms and conditiont; ,an I additional
quankty or qaantities of the articles contracted for may be required at either, .cf tier said Navy' ,
Yards before the expiration of the focal, year end.
ink OA the raid thirteenth of Inne,'Oghteen hon.
deed and filly-two, en filteee days' previous notice
" l ' from the Bureau cr the commandant ca the Wad
where the articles are to be delivered. i _.
- - -- BIDS - musr .BE - SEPARATE ; AND DIS.
WHICH THE BID , IS. MADE. Tee coat of
earttitem .must be distinctly carried out, alita the
- aggregate of etch clew correctly footed up; whir-6
" ..- 411 material to • fitue comparison of bids.
No extension of time for deliveries under any
. Contract will be granted, and penalties for non.ful. -
fitment will, in all muse be rightly-enforced; bid
: ders are, therefore, requested to oiler for no more
thin they are sure they can furnish 'within the
time specified. • ' e„.
. . . All articles most be of the very besifftuality, con.
• •'.farming to samples which will lie exist:kited on
• appiliestlea to the commandeer et thyard at
which they are to be deformed.' They matt be
in good order and condition, in reliable vessels
or packager, am the care may be. All articles,
- vesula, and packages to be aubject to the Inspection
. of the yard, ,whera they are received, and bete
oil respectstO the satlisfamion',of.the commandant
thereof. • •
• -- Approved taroks In twice the estimated amotmt
,- -
' . 'Of each contract will to required in the manner
set forth In that instrument, anti-ten per Ceherlet in
. . 'addition will be withheld from the amount of etch
, payment, as collateral &county for Its faithful pet- -
;-formance. Ninety per centum of each bah ap.
proved,in triplicate by the respective domiosedants
of raid navy yards, WILL BE PAID BY THE
RY, within thirty days ewe It. presentation to
„ • t -. - : - Every offer must fro accompanied by i ritteo&
guaranty, (the responsibility ot the guarantor or
guarantars to be certified to bye NavylAgent or
ether official person ' or by some one known to the
• : . Boman) that, if the otter be accepie , the 'bidder or
bidders will, within ten' days after • the receipt of.
• the contract at the - poet Mike deroignited, execute
the same, with good and imittleleat sare4es, to Inntish
the article proposed, agreeably to the terms spec.
Main this advertisement, or tottleb 'amity be ern
" bodfed in the contract. The law of :10th,:10th, of Au.
gun, 1816, forbids the considers:fort of all proposals
• net ecoompented by such guaranty. I
, , Bidders are particularly cautioned to ENDORSE
THEIR OFFERS- as shoes required, that trey
. - may be distinguished from other business letters,
.. t in order to ..prevent their being opened before
•• - -the day appointed.
All offers not mode In strict conformity with this
-- adiertimment, in every particular, eel be cm:aid.
ered or rejected at the option of the Bureau.—
'.. "Those only whose offers may be et:repented wsil be
notified; and contract. forwarded ;melon delay.
' Persons offering are directed to designate, the post
• . dice thrnegh which they desire to be &dammed,
and the. navy agent to whom the contract shall be
sent for oxecetton. - ' ' t
. '
All editors antherned to publish thls edvenite
... ,
.11110eni;illfin; spCChlly no:fi l ed - 1;y - tie Ennio.
Ni,,, others will be pea' for its Insertion:
.• • • ' FORM OF AN OFFER:
. 1 I hereby agree to farooh and deli ter at the No .
. Yard at —.---, in - conformity with the. re.
qutrements of the advertisement fn m the Boma
of Conwriention,. Equipment, and Repair, of the
~---- .;---lilth May, 1854 the several &wicks embraced
- ,kt (clam, Na. -v) or alstses No. and No. kr
thatlysrd, to, wi t -
-.IDs. dzyiarhite legiat cts., 111. $
„ .... fel. " . lampbladk, at no.
—, 1b5...., red lead, at do
' , ....3-.- Bs. "" lithuge at do
,1 , 41(e. sperm oil, It els. per cal s
jes. r ep: candles, at - do.
I also agree trr fitrolish and deliver it the" said ie.
Vy pied any
,addittorial 'quantity oraafd articles
put may be requited, before the expiration of the
•&midyear ending 30th Jone.lBs2,ori 15 days' pre.
'RAO notice -from the Boreauor thq commandant
et said navy yard. , ' ,r
•if my offer he accepted, i'desire M be addressed
through the oostcface at --,, and the contract
to be, lent to the navy agent at for exec , .
rapectfally, -
A. B.
To COIL COAL. Wx. Baum:a,
Chief of Boman of Consttemiati, dte.,
Wo. the undersigned, residents of -, is the
Smut of - hereby guarantee thst, in else the
LfiimgolPft hid —be accepted, that ---
within ten days after the receipt of the contract st
the past °Zee destnated, execute the same, with
: good and sal l:lent sureties, to furnish theinpplies
embraced in said bld, in Conformity With the terms of
she advertisement ander which it was made.
E. F.
of My know!.
ismarantors are
finer Agent.
. I hereby - ce.rttri that, to the beat
J_- e dge and belie 4 me above.nlUMEli. If
geed and endlelent. H.,
imam invekopo transmitting I
"Proposal+ fa'r . iNaral (r
0f best ritiatity ofAmetizaimat
'5,000, lbs. - , 01,11 *luar''
.3,000 ", 1
'3,000 " • '‘
2,000 -0 20 "
4.000" _
10,000 " 1116
10,000 "1
10,000 " 13.16 "
20,000 - 1
10.000 " 11 •
'.10,000 - 14 " "
5,000 ," -- . 2 !
5,000 ".
5,000 " . 3 0 .
2 4 00 6 fal 1 inch flit ir
2,000 5 by ; I
~2,000- " " 4l by,.* "
1,000 " 41 by 4 -
2,000 ",4by I 0 , I
1,000:. 0 31 by
- Rte" 31 M}
lama @t.,--per lb.:
' 7,100 ibs.. I :10016603 sapper
14,000 " 1;
5,000 ." ", • 1
6,000 1.5.16 "1'
8 . 000 ; 10 " "
44,000 Ib4.—per pound -
CIO* , No. 1 —Baszonts'l COPITIL
10 'beets 32 etz. brasiers' copper 6 leit
3 feet.estiinated atibrasiers'36o lbs. per lb. E r ..
•10 sheets 34 es.; braziers' copper, 6 feet ?
0 1 0 feet, estimated at 351:1141. per It..
10 sbrets44 es. braziers' cornier, 6 fee.
-.. - by 3 feet, estimated OS' n)s. per 7ti
olAii No. 2-1,
,••• 3 narrow do
2 - r;trotagets• adzes do
coopere . adsos
s'l '2 Irratex ia and ' bids • 08 blits)
. gaol tanned heed
• 2.1=2 Ixera : 2
I do f 40? tn. h
2.taapene "I 3 Psm
COOPen e
Urge Wuhan
10 doz. cMp s.w .io
rxdog; band ' S W hom a k4 :
weber Puget; handled;
-r1 -44-2 inagf,
dos. s pike Fours
1 a oldl.l.'_-
aupentesi'o'Pnfea• -
• • a or tr% - _
- •
; itoll
per impale each
11 do
waled do per kt
died do
.do -each
'du -
. Per dal
4a '
ack pel It
do I do
• 46' etch
' do - ito
1 coopers' low jointer • do do
- , 1 ... .do- short do do
do do
' 5 drawing knives do
- 3 putty -keyed do do
2roanding 'mires . do do
5 tail knives -do do
5 bomber helves do do
5 cheese knives do do
I patent lead do do
100eal1 needles .... . do perloo
do do
100 seaming do
do do
100 marline do -
100 Bthread do do . do
100 64inead do -do do
10C 4 thread do ' do do
200 lb iron cut nail nutted do per lb.
200 lb iron wrought nails do do do
451 scupper calls ' do per rd.
2 pair pincers do per pair
. ,
2ma . payers do .do
2 000 pets• black plows do tomb
- 3 knoothing do . do do
3 grooving do . do do •
do , do do
3 teouldiag do . do do
3 plough do "do do
2 astrigal do . do do
5 wood rasps ' do . do
3 '1% 1 41 9, g rods do do
101bs hose rivets ' do per Ili. '
.-25 costae! scrape rspikos s-' _ .
assorted _do each
100 Ihis iron deck do per lb.
31riedd dived do each
3 lets thr scaki(arnented) do per set
3 bread shads - - do each
I.lron ails , do do
10 grow 4 No. 9 iron screws do Per geno
3 do 3 Inch No. 24 iron do do do
3 do 3.inch No. 24 brass do do do
1 pit saw , do each
1 croon cot saw do • do
2 dove tail saws do' , do
2 tenon saws . do do
13 bend saws do do
0 hack saws do -- do -
'' pad owe do do
large screw plate and taps do do
1 mall do do do do
3 Vet' squares - . do do
4.fry pans -, do do
2 shovel and tongs do do
2 spoke shaves do do
2 can shaves do do
2 inshaves do do
il large bench vice do do
2 email do , do
'1 hand vice . do , do
3 seta Lead weights,l oz. to 1 lb. do . pouch
-, '3 emew wretches do
1 brass square , do do
50 51 iron tacks -. do per lid
200 lbs pig zinc 'do per lb.
10 boxes B. D. XX tin 17 X 14 ler box
,' - Cuss No. 3 —arkazwarr. &run.
150 bolts hammock wad per sample per bolt
(42 inches wide; 50 yards to the bolt)
01111 No. 4-Bair Cnalizeidr.
- 4 doz hickory brooms per sample per dos
4 des corn do , do do -
: 4 dos whitewash bmahes - do do
4 dos paint bresher,No.ll do do
, 2 dos nand scrubbing kraal= do do
2 dos clamp do .do do do
1 dos tang handle tar •do do do
1 dos abort handle do do do
10 pieces bunting, each, or
white, ',leaded red, 40
.1 yards -lone, 15 inches
wide, says 3 0 pieces ; -per pleas
, 5 silver calls , do ear.h
- -30 yards bleached cotton, i wide do per yard
-8 rolls worsted binding do per roll
'1 eel truss hoopsper set
100 DX Wed for roPe. do ostioodod
' to weigh 10,000 Wes pet lb
100 feet 2r-inch lead:lc-Those do per foot
72 f
leet station hose r* do do
10 aides pomp kali:ter, estimated
to weigh 200 labs do per lb
25 sides bellows leather,estimated
- i to weigh 17511 m do do.
10 sides boa leather, animated
to weigh 200 Un : do do
.50 lb' lamp wiek yarn ;
do do
,2 tape lines do each
.10 corks limo do per. cask
100 dozen Russia mats do perdoz
60 gallons whale oil do per gat
30 gallons tar oil do do
200 bbls Sent tar per bbl
10 bbts coal tar do
30 gallons ocamfoot cal • per gal
20 mounted roping palms ' do each
20 Teaming plums (mounted) do do
3 grindstones, estimated to
weigh 20016 s do per lb
• 10 Lbla pitch yet 601
5 bbla mein . do
100 lbs flax sewing twine do per lb
50 labs whipping twine r do do
25 lbs seine twine . do do
25 lbs yellow beeswax do do 1
'3 lobis turpentine, soft per 1661,
lobe mop yarn • - ~- do per lti,
Cider' No. s—Eames AND 011.
5,000 lbs pure dry white lead
500 lbs dry and red lead pure
200 lbs Iltbarge
25 lbs ebroina yelkry
10 lbs Caboose vermillion
10 lbs Prusslim Moe
. 300 lbs lampblack._
1,000 lbs raris - whits'
1,000 whiting, Spanish • do
200 gallons spirits turpentine Pr
500 do raw Dutch United do
CLass Nd. 6—Ersua Carrnssa.
10,000 pure somm caldles, short slut per lb
Slearine accdles will i.tbe accepted in :
.10 ums Manilla hemp.per ton of 2, 2 4 0 lb°
, - - ' elan No. 8..--STATIOICIIT.
50 memorandum books, large p ro sIiMPI6 each
--- 50 - - ,do - do;-small •do - do
10 blank books,2 soiree do 'do
10 do . - 3do . do do
' 2 order books, 4do .• do do
'.2.lettet 'do 4 do do
2 day do 6do . do do
2 requisition do 4 do do do
20 places Indio rubber ' . do per pbace
60 halt.phat bottles black Mk do per bottle
10 .do do red Ink do do
20 inkstands • do sack
! 1. ink standiab - do do
10 penknives do do
, 5 mina log paper " .&Per Maul
10 do fbolacap paper , - do do
10 do letter do ,do do
sdo enveloped° 1 - do do
,2 do blotting do , do do
30 sheets drooping do do per skeet
60 cards steel pens do
per cud
5 parallel rulers : do each
-, 5 mood do i do do
5 gat do do do
.', 5 rolUng do , do do
20 dozen slate pencil' I do per do don
20 dozen lead do , do . do
'25 comers hair do ' do do
3000 guilts do per 1000
.10 nod boxes . do each
:301bs sand . do par lb
10 double log slates s do each
10 single •do - do do
.., 2 boxes water calms . do per box
10 lba wafers do per ea ch
50 pipers Ink powder; do each
'6 boxes and pounce - -do . do
4 Hunter's scales . do do
4 wafer seals - ' do do
.75 bolts red tape ....,. do per boll
10 paper olden- do each .
1 box mathematical instruments do per box
101 b. sealing wax' do per lb
29 bolts motel , do per bolt
. - Ccaas No. 9.-Woos.
-• 75 cords mixed oak -Weed
Cuss No. 1-Iron. •
Best American Hammered Iron.
5,000 pounds 6 by Lineh fig iron
SAO do 6by I do
5,000 do ~ .51b1 1 d.°
5000 do 0 1 by 1 "
5000 do - 5
by 1 do
5,000 - do . 5- by f . do
0000 do •• 44 by 4 . do
5,000 do 4* by • do
5,000 do 4by .4 do
' 5,000' do 4by f . do
„5,000. do 31 by 4. . do
5,000. do 31 by #
5,000 -do. 3 by -do 65,0005 4 1 Pd
Beet American rolledron, bars not less than 10
feet long.
3,000 ponds 10 by I.lnel AU iron
3,000 do 10 by f do
2,000 do 9by * do
• 3,000 do 9 by 4 do
2.000 do 9by t do
3,000 do Iby i do
5000 do 41 by 1, - do
5,000 do 4by do
5,000 do . 3* by f do
3,000 do 3by f do
3,000 do 5b do
3,000 do 5 y 7.16 do
3,000 ao sby f do 42000 Rife TV
Bert Buisia slit - Bods..
'3,000 pounds 14 by 4400 / 1 ail iron
3,000 do If e. do '
3,000 do 11 by- e do. ,
3,030 do le by. ; do '
3 ' ooo ' d° 14 149 dols9oolDsgella
Bert American roiled iron, bars not less than ten
fed long.
60 0 0 pounds le-incb squire, iron
5,000 'do If do
5,000 do 1:.: do
3,000 . do. . 4 • ~1„,
5.000 do. 4.8' do
5,000 do.. 7.16 do
5,000 do e
- 5,000 -do •546 do 41,000 IN folli
5.000 -do -.2 - do
4,000 do 14416 do
5,000 do • *' do
3908 .dci do
7••‘' 3,000 .1
do 5.16 do '
^'• - , •
8,000 dti' - ; do
3,006-.dd.,: :3•1670,'... - (1 do 64%0 r64; 105 9-.1-
. - . 20 amour irt..oderialroorP4,ooo
.12 do linv 11.440 Os
'4bundbai nctosit iicto No Leal 936111
4o do .. - .9a 12487 920911
apoo do 11 whale bunt iron -
5,000 do . 10 do
6,000 do 10
. 2,000 do 11 do
500 do 1
3poo do 11 . merchantable Loop iron
2500 do .11 do
2500 do If do .do
4,000 do 1 do do
1,000 do 0 do do •
500 do 1 do do
Cuss No. 2—Copper. '
3,000 sheets 31 os hot rolled sheath* copper -2?
3,009 do 32 do do
1,500 do 30 do do . 1 1
.500 do 28 do do " •
SCO do 24 do do Ril
500' do 18 do do I ,
'MO do 14 do do
1,000 pounds I.inch bolt mpperl
3000 do 58 do I
6,000 do. 11.18 . do 1 item lb' 4 , ih,
6.003 do 13.16 do
10.000-do 1 do . . .
24 40 'pound sheets brasiers copper r.
31 35 do do ..1 2
36 32. do do . WO
12 26 do do - t•
CLAM No. 3—Thirdinter ardi
1000 Tto B inch Bordon's pressed iron
spikes per pound
1,000 do 7.ineh do .. .do iron spikes do
I,ooo' •do 13 inch do - - do 'do , do
. 500 do 5 inch do do do do
200 • do '2od'wro't iron boat , -
nets &amnia per pound
200 do 12d do do do do do
400 do 10d do do do do do
400 do 8d do do do - do do
400 do 04 do do do do do
100 do , 4tt do do do do do ,
200 do 1 . in. iron dont do met do do
500 do 404 iron cut nailo do do
500 do 20d do do do - do do
2,000 do 124 ,do do do , do do
2,000 do 10d -4o- do do do do
1,200 do 8d do do do do do'..
900. do 61 'do do do do do
600 do 4d do do do do do
100 do scupper nails do do
10 M 6o: Imo cut lacks do per /a
10 do Baz do do do do do
10 do 10 oz do do do do do "
10 do 12 do do do do
20 do gimp tacks do - do
10 do 1 inch Iron cntbrads do do
10, do f do - do do do do
',20 do * do do do dodo
20 do I do do do do - do
10 do 16 do do do do do
10 do 15 •do do do do do
300 pounds 20d copper eat nails do per 51.
300 do 12d do do do do do
400 do 104 do do de do , do
400 do Bd do 'do do do do
200 do 6d do do do do do
100 do 44 dl do do do do
20 M * inch copper cut ticks do per X
20 do it do do do do do
10 do i do do do do do
10 do f do woes do do do
10 do f do do do; do do
20 do * do do do do do
10 do 1 -do do do do do
6 cupenter'a arizes,handkd do each
3 do do hollow, do do each
6 cooper's do do do do
6 cupenter's broadaxes do do do
2 cooper's do do do do
3013 peel wood axes do do Jo
24 brad awls - do do .do
12 wire do do do do
1,2 shoe do do do do
—4 chum bowls and dreams, cam- ~
pieta for water closets do do
• 3 wood braces and bits, (48 bits) do do
6 carp's. Imvils, (steel tongues) do do
3 boos borers do do
3 tap do do do .
3 loon braces and bits, (23 bits) do do
20 pieces wonted binding (for sail
makers) do do
12 IS low: 'scale beams do do
12 Windt do rlo, do do
18 yards brass jack chafe, No 12 do per pod
6 pen loch brass fixed wheel
castors -- do per per
6 4o 1* in, brass socket wheel
"castors do do
6 do If In. brass socket wheel
castors do do
2* dozen 4 In. bolas dash bolts do ' p dos
/ dozen 14 inch brass plate be.
tons do do
1 do 2do do do do
_I do carpenter's eampassea do do
4 do firmer chisels, t to 2 inch
assorted, bandied do do
3 do socket chisels, Ito 2* inch
assorted handled do do
.do inch buns tub cocks do do
do 4 do do 213 ~.
100 pounds white chalk do per 2
pairs most callipers do per parr ,
caropOilltoa atop cocks for man.
log hose do each
moues crows do do
coopees crows - , do do
gleter's diamonds do doi
eau divide= for oallmakers do do'
dozen pairs Mass table toutengs •
per pattern do Per WI
do 14 inchdnefilat files do per dos
do 12 do do do do
do 10 as do ' do do
do 8 do do do do
do 14 do fiat heard files do do
do 12 do .do do do
do 10 do 'do do doh
do 8 do do do dos
do 14 do half round do do do. ,
do 12 do do .'do do,
do 10 de do do do
do 8 do do do do
do 10 do mond Iles do do
do 8 do do do • do ,
do 6 do do do do
do 5 do do do do
do 4 do do do do
do 3do dodo do'
do Bdo taper fil es ' do , do
do 7 do do Ji do do
do , ":: 6 do do do do'
.do 5 do tdo do do
do-. 4 do % 'do do • do'
do 3 do do do do
. do 14 do wood rasps do - do.
•do tall gimlets (assorted) -do.: do ,
be ,pike do do. ' do do
d° drm , " lons* handled, is.
tented, *to 2 inch do do'
do locket Pugm, handled, I, to •
. 2 inch assorted do do
e --. do carpenters gauges - do do
6 do pain 4 by 4 inch brass bail
hinges do do
3 do pairs, 3 inch lfran bet
blues do do
15 &pairs 2* do do do do,
1 do pairs 2* do table flaps do do"
2 do pairs 34 by 3* inch tell butt
h in g es do do ,
2 do polls 3 inch do do do
2do pairs 2 inch do , do AP
1 doe* inch upright mortice looks r
American'wrought bon '
. frames, compoodthon mottot.
his do do
26 do brass eyes , for I ineh wire _ do do
/4 do 9 loch iron cheat handks, Oat do do
6' do beat C. 8. claw hammers, ,
handled . do . do
1 " do best screw wrench do 16 In do ' dO
.1 do best 0.8. hatchets, hazd'd - do' do
- 3 cooper's marking irons do each
3- do beck do :do do
6 dozen blank composition keys
-e• •
door lock do per dos '
42 do Monk iron kayo and lock do do
12. do 2 Inett ntahoorty 'mobs doper doz
10. do I do bras* do, do do
4 do unmakes's knives .do .40
24 do blank iron drawer lock ben do do
* doll loch drawing knives do do
do putty knives do do
. do glue kooks, copper do do
s do Iron pitch kettles do do
2 do shoe Sofres do do -
1 do botehees knives do do
* 4o cheepe knives. • . do do
1* do 6 loch Iron dead locks do do
' 25 do 4by 2* Inch Iron closet locks do do
12 do 24 loco iron drawer do do do
1 ,do 2* do brass book case do do 'do .
2 do 2* do brass cupboard do ,do do
1 do 3 dm iron cheat do do' do
6 do 3 do iron padlocks do do
25 doll do • do do do
1 do 3 do bran do do do
- 3 do 21 do do do - do .do
6 do chalk lines .• do do
40 panda British losfre doper lb
6 carpenter's long jointer'. planes, '
double Irons ' do each
; 12 copenter'e short jointer's planes,
double irons sample each
3 smoothing &nes do do do
3jack planes , do do ".do '
6 plough plueltand bits, 8 bits
• to a set do do
1 - dosPers pincers (carpeOtees) do per du
1 do "do plyers do .. do
1 rpm sand paper, assorted def_per ream
3 coopers' lug Jointer planes, -
dottblo (roe,
' 3 do. short do , do do do
2 do block planes' ,do do - . do '
2,00011 inch sheu rivets(froa) .do Ver
1,0002* do do `do.. '
40,000 American wan cooper risen, as. - .
84 des 1 backfires ccutitiri sing" 0, per dos
4dol do do _screw .."do do. :do .
- 50 lbs copper boat rivets ' do_. _per lb
9du g toot roles, 4 fold. do per dos
- I dot do •do• 2 no - do • .do,
1 do
Paging. do' -do
• 10 poet bat Iron bosom, inch,' ,
....add Nos dopester=
10 . do do:.:'.' do
10 do - do:11 do' do
10 do -do do I ,do .do. _do ,
.10 do no- do If 'do do' , :.
10 do do' . 'dole do do 'dor
• do ao'2 do. do .-
17 do do ;do 2* do -
5.d0 do „do 2e. d0:.. - `do -
1 do - '1" do. . do 111 'do • ...1*; -lo
t do do do 3 da .d 0.,.
do do ;do sr do :do • do,
• . 1 0 do do. . •do do ' do
5 d° do' f, do ,do
5 •do - .do do 1' do : do do'
5 di*" do 11 , do del tif,
_:do 0i do • •
do dot do do" , do
• do do 10 111,
46riiiinaiilia`pririgi I do per dos
3_ ;Air • &atom piny do do
10 hinging lamps, completer do each
20 dozen doable tube larop,hcreara do per des
20 do,' fining screws for lamps do ,do
40 lbs speller solderi • do per lb
3 wow drivers do each
6 weelyards to weigh 250 pounds do do
3 .orn'a patent bounce, to
weigh 500 pounds
6 )mod sawa
6 wood saws and frames
2 sub save
2 mid/aim , .
I do do
2 comminute do . do
2 keyhole 'awe and pads do do
6 tennen uws do do
2 dovetail saws ' do do
3 jack screws, ll feet long do do
11 spoke shavesdo do
6 bey quality Turkey oilstones :do do •
3 eviner,ones, best quslity, say. _
600 pounds do per lb
3 bucket shaves ~. ' do each
3 can shaves • . do do
10 dos 0. 11. shores, best quality •do • per dos
6 do spades .do .do do
3 sallroskers' brass Naves do e ach
12 bread slaves ' do do
12 do 11Dorela do do
12 butchers' steels do do
200 Itts best east Steel, awned do per lb
200 do German do ' do do
2.CM. - do ~ !glitter steel l. do do
.. 1 3 screw plates - and ups, small do cacti
3 : do , - do for lames do do
3 =era . 'iron ease ' do do
2. do plaatahlog stakes do do
12 iba beat quote' shoe thread 'do per lb
3 tape hamlet 100 fret- do each
3 do 30 do - do do
3 beach Tiara, 50 1/2 60 lb. do . do
'6 hand/Ices' Jo do
6 sets Iced weletar; 1 a 13116 do per set
6' do Iron ,do Ilb tot Ite do do
200 pounds }lna buss wire sample per pound
12 gridirons - do esett
- 9 griddle, do ' do
16 iron tat kettles - do' -do
6do ladles, for ecob do do
16 &plug ruts do do
50 stew do do do
8 seinaltotals, tongs and pokers do par set
150 pounds benumb,' trooper's"
• glue. do per lb
25 poinds cane seating, first quality do
5 do do binding, . .da . do
120 Bets black walnut chair trim.
elms do , per act
200 yards Brussels carpet do per yard
400 do blue damask =mica do do
300 do do worsted gimp
do do.
150 do tivred do - do
25 places is in blue worsted bd'g do -preen
20 pounds due blue sewing tied . do per lb
25. do do -black do do' do do
25 do do white do do do' do
25 yards black broadcloth, 54 in do Or y'd
42 do 30 in bblr cloth, bait q'y do do
42 do 24 in. do do do do do do
300 pounds pure curled halt do per lb
Cuss No. 4—Lead and Tin
rolls B ibs mWad, sheet lead, say
• 4,500 pounds per pound
"2 rolls 44 ibs milled sheet lead, ay
1,000 ponndsdo
500 feet in. medium lead pipe, say
1,330 pounds do
100 feet 1 in. media= lead plpe, , asy
.400 pounds do
500 'pounds India tin do
25boxesSDXtin per box
35 do I C do , • do
Cr st No. s—Composition Nails, .te.
6,000 pounds If inch composition calls, 120 to the
• pound, (sheathing) sample per pound
500 pounds R Mob composition
, she:l66ll3g ' do d 3
50 pounds If inch boa spikes,
composition do do
50 founds 2 inch boat spikes,
composition do , do
50 pounds 2; inch boat spikes, •
composition do do
poundsl2l Mahood spikes,
comptisltion do - do
2 dozen Shack magazine lens sample per dozen
1 do 10 do , do do do
2 dei patent deck lights, 31 by
1 10 (Debi li inch thick do do
2 dolman& deck Lghts, 3d by
11 inch, 11 Loeb Attica - do do
2 do lights plain glass for bow..
sprit lanterns , . , do do
3 do globe single lanterns do do
100 (cot double 'Meknes', Redford
crown glass, 7 by 9
100 feet double thickness Redlord
mown glw, 8 by 10 . .
100 feet doable thickness ar.
crown glass, 9 by 1 .
100 feet double thickness ford
• r rown stir Is, 10 by 12 4- do
100 Gmt double Inickr.ess Radford " -
crown glass, 10 by 1,4 do
100 feet double Mickness Redford
mum glans, 11 by 1S do
100 feet double Wetness Re herd
crown glass, 11,br 7 do'
108 feerdouble thickness Re ford " - .
'crown glass, 12 6 1 112 ' . do ,
300 *et double thicknesi ford
. ' Mins 1[1124,12 b" 18 . do
200 feet double thickness Redford
' - troop glass, 12 by 16 do
110 feej double thickness Redford
crown 'bum 14 by 20 do
50 feet double thickness Redford
crown 0.10,16 by 21
Gums No: 7—Pas Calras.
-- -
50 bolls of Aix Cove* No. 1 , sample per 504
150 do do do /I°o do do
150 do do do do 3 do do
150 do do do„ dog do do
100 do do - do • ,do 5 d 3 do
75 do do do . do 6 'do • do
200 'do - do - do do I do co
50 do do do do 8- do do
Ev3s bolt to contain 40 yude, 20 Inches aide.
Cuss No. B—Cotton Conru.
25 bolts No 2 woo* 'cum samplo per bolt s
50 do 3 do do do
125 do , 4 do
200 do 5 do do do
60 do 6 do do do
50 do 7 do eo do
25 - .. do , ' 8' do I ' do do
25 do . 9' do do - do
50. do /0 do yi L do do
Each bolt to eontEn pods to loostb, and to 83
IS tootles W I 1414th. I
CLAN No 9.
100 bolts of ,tnettoch attar'. 'ample per bolt
Each bolt to ocotillo 30 yards in length, aid to be
49 tootles In width
30 bolts of cot (cou stotT, 50 yards in leogth, and to
be 30 wide
' ' Crass No. 10- 7 Twina •
2,000 poiindi Aix lowing twine tamp!' per 16
.1,000 -do :- cotton - do do do
20 do i Whipping. do do do
25 do `.seine o do do
Mara Nix. 11—Ship handier', tee.
10 pounds sal amortise sample per pound
10 do borax . do do
• 500 do brietwax. •do do
3,000 yards twilled bagging far
breadbegs do . per yard
2,000 do. bagging tor coil bags do do
100 10 cylinder bricha i do . cacti
160 13 do - ~ do do
100 14 do do do
200 16 do do do
100 20 do do i ' do
100 dos best corn broom do per dozen
50 do do hickory do do - do
25 pieces 18 best scarlet
- ' bootleg do per piece
25 .do 19 in best while , do do
15 do IS in do blue do do
25 do 12 in do aurtet do do
25 do 12 in do whine' do do
16 do` 12 in do blue' do do
25 do 9in do scarlet do do
25 do 9in - do white do do
15 . - do 1 9in do blue do do
25 -do 44 in do amulet do do
25 do 41 in do while do . do
• 15 do ..41 in do blue do do
10 do yd wide white muslin
- best quallil say 900 yda do- par yard
2,000 bent quality "Min credits,
between!, assorted do per 100
10 poun ds crocus mania do per poond
too sthomi in chain, shod link
proof, say 1,050 ponede do do
,f/ !Overcall/1 for boatswains do each
:600 lbs aptin cotton for caulking do per pound
10 boles light raven's dnek do per bolt
5 do Russian dunk do do
10,0001 in yellow pine deck plop do per M
10004 in do do do do
3,0004 in do do - do do
10 pounds coarse emery do ft 15
10 do fine do do do
250 sheets largo middle born do per sheet
24 dos mut hoops. averted, 8 to
121 n, sten 3000 inches do per inch
25 collo - moat hatUrds, assorted
sty, 3,l3oo;przteds do per pound
250 fin k knob. largo cyckasso'd do per 100
20'cortjacket. hie preservers do ,earn
/. 3 . - dpep een lioel; 11 inch, 300
faltioins each do do
: 6- - do do laic, 200 do do do,
'l2 -,- do do 1} in,200 do. do do
cositittglines, 1 'in, 120 do do do
8 do 10,100 do do do
14 do -1 In„ 80 de do - do
25 hand lead Ones 50 do do do
2poo poundamarline' , per ponr.d
0,000 do batobroUno do
2,000. do housellno dq'
555.55h1ng Una, snorted. 3 lied
5 pininda woo do-per -pound
1 '2,600 will seaming needles -
s • 'do ; per:100
1500. jail • toptat • do eaorted -` • •
to 8 Wes — .. do
• iootalloal ask oo -
••,• do oritaxo ' ' •
Fl nuacer oil
• 10 dolour muitudeVpalmo,
amain' tad ropingtnunpla - Per dozen
wood bad pluotia do ••••• • do
55 , do wit Co oino gonpan.
t'.' Iroa halm ,
I,BoolBOboattallow , per
50 bom
de,b bast q
'do tar , o s o uay
,0 -40: Wm!
t. do 1 -s Pidt
loom. chilftoi an terPoodd
cumozroit i oloti yds
-o,exrproaorpoo•agyolootood‘• 1 ,1 1 : 24
• •
401:1. do' chrome green
10 do, . chrome yellow
5 do . Chinas. vermillion
100. do Vanillin red
,5 do Chinese blue .
500 do Spanish , brown
5:10 do do , whiting I &
5 do ludian red' _ '
i 5O
.25 do rotten stons, lumps ' do
5 do pumice do do • do
400 do Turkish umber do
4.000 gallons pure linseed oil, rats .. • per DE=
500 do spirits of tnipentioo do
10 do towels vuntidi ' do
'5 do coach do
' - 5 do copal do "
20 ' do brown Japan varnish -
150 pounds patent dryer'
5 .do Prunian blue
100 do Iltharge .. , ~ . ,
OULU No. 13—Sperm Oil asd Nati
3,000 gallons pure winter endued sperm JI.
8,000 pounds pure sperm Candles short ,
1 mixes pei.pound
Stearin° candles will not be accepted In Ilan of
- CLASS No. 14—Stationery. 8
let cc books, 3 quire!, cep sae, ''. I .1.
, :.
• i bound - . par maple each
38 blank do 2 quires, cap alp .L. .
38 do do "1 do - half bound do • -do
half bound - do ' do
72 re c tr do ' 1 quire and loops do do
72 - . do'.l .do with lea.
throatier, . - • do do
24 Ivory paper folders ' do do
8 dopint bottles black ink - do pir dozen
3do blade petalinises , let quality do do
12 do ill pint bottles black ink do ,aO • '..
Ido all do red do 'do 'do
3 cues matheinatical instruments do '' do • .
3 dos papers lok.powder , -do do •-6
do luetal inkstands, with covers do do
4do pieces ladle rubber - do ,do
20 reams cap paper, faint lined Inn •
qualityd o per Pam,
5 do cap paper, revilatiosixaled do ~ do
15 do letter do . faint line, Ant ..
quality do do ~
5 do lanfrenvelope paper do do
2do blotting do do do
Ido log . do do., to
1 do folio post do illinsd do ido
24 sheets [elephant drawing paper, I
but prated do Per skeet
1 M slate pencils do r per 100.
2 gross Faber's best lead pencils, 1 J - --'
Nos.l and 2 do purge:ea :
3 boxes water colors complete do ; per box
20 peas aillott's eagle pens in boxes
of 1 dozen, settla bolder do der grop,
10 ivory pounce boxes tilled with
pounce . do ' each
Ihi quills No BO 'do . ' per hd
0 waterloo!" do • each
4 dem bait pint papers black sand do .0 des
24 send boxes herd wood do each
3 slates i do 1 - do
34 legalities ' do - do '
3 grou red tape do -IP Von.
3 den rolls allk taste ,_ do p COX
lbs beat scarlet sealing wax - ~
do per lb.
4 do do . wafers assorted do de .
CrAu 15—F4awood
300 cords (of 129 cubic (get) of sound
yam; oak mod
CLAM No. 16—Leather
200 sides best civility bellows leather,
sample per gibe
250 do do do riggingleather, do do
25 do do do heavy althea&
40 , 00
upped pomp leather do do
do s heavy white oak
tanned sole leather do do
5 ! do do do oiled tanned do• do
0 , do do do harness, do do
10 do do do buff - do do
1 do do do lacing ' do • . do
25 do do do sheep skies to the
, stool
- Cuss No. 17—Broobet.
25 dozen beat extra while wult
broken sample per, doe
1 dO do long handled tee \do do
1 do do short handled do do do
1 do do varnish do do -db
I do do painter'o deeg do. do do
1 do do band dodo do do
1 2 3 .. 000000raint do do
000 do do
6 do 000 do
.do do do.
3 do: 00 .do ,
6 da No 6 sub tool do •• do
d do clamp tomb bandied -do .do
do do band do do • do
4 do do French Mahe, do •do do
_lO pounds bestltuaalabristles —do P
CLuss No. I—lron.
,000 pound. If inch round iron
GOO do 10, do do
do Ido d/ d
o do
.000 do• I do d
000 do r, do d
440 do 1 'do
200 do I. do d .
206 do 1 do Naar* Iron
8,900 pounds per postod, (beit ,!lattuicab gunattfaca
Ciau No. 2—Pig. Iron.
50 tone No.l, beat Arnetieatt grey pig ingr per,
tonof 2,210 pound,
aim No 3—Capper.
50 abut* copper, 73 ineboa loop, 40
torara wide and anti
teanth wears thtc.k, say
pound*, pound • .
40 *heels copper, 12 inch long, 36 In
chea lonia and. 50 on mid
roped—bay 2250 pounds per 01
• 5,140 pounds par pnand
Curl No. liiardware.
100 pounds No.l Iron woo
100 do No. 2 do
100 do No. Bdo
400 do best EaglisOblister steel do
2000 do 8 loch wrought boo ,spikes do
2000. do 5 inch do do • - do
1000 do 8 penny do awls . - Aho
glues 2 Mal Na.l4 Iron screws per grow
10 do 11 Inch No 13.,, co do. .
2 dos pair. 21 by 2S by „inch Troy bap pures t
2 don psir`2 by 3 rock iron fill locke t psi doser[ „
I do 6 inch iron °Nowt locks ( 8 right and
let.) pro dozen
1 do swooned Won yid locks, kept° differ, No s—Lead and TiO. • ,
2rolhi Canted poiruta' to ahe f00t,,-say .
1,000 pomade,. per pound . • ,
2 rolls-mailed lead, pounds to . the_
1,000 pounds ; per pound
.20000 pounds Baena , or East India no, per pound
5 boxes double x no, 131 bei7 liscliesper bre
sdo Imola z tan • • do .
Cr t ass No. 6—Ship Chandlery. '
1,000 pounds beat °sham , per pound
10 bagels pitch - per barrel
5 do to do
100 pounds speller solder (I'g granted) per pound
50 do relined borax do
' Cum No 7—Palnts, &al
1,000 patinae pure While lead in o 0 pu paned
1,000 do do mid lead, dry do
700 do do BPaniab whelps do do
400 do do Spaolah beam' do
300 do do lampblack do do
100 do do lidiarge do do ,
120 galloon •do !loped oil raw, per pl.
10 do beat Opal varalab - do
100 do. do Water Wodned sperm oil do
'"— . •
Cram No: I—liot,4o be of the bed quatitY, Am.
eri mazogaerate. '
800 poniulo • I oh some Iron ~ per potiod
1,000 do 5.18 do do •. do .
3,000 do . Ido do •._ ! do : '
500 -do 2 'do do do
.1,000 do 21. do - -do do
1,000 do 21 do do du
500 do hg do do •6)
500 do . 4 do ! do 1 • do •
1,000 do / do rotted iron -do
1,000 - -do . 0 do do ! do:
2,000 do i do do do
AA> do .948 do do do
11p00 do I do do ' 'do
15000 do , 13.16 do do ! do
! 3,000 do 1 1.16 do do d;
2,000 do 11.4 do do , . d
1,000 do 3 do do i
1,001 do 3.1.4 do do
800 -dot by 5-16 do lir Iron
400 do 1 by 38 do do
200 dol 4by 540 do do ,
1,000 do 1/4 by 3-8 do do ' ,
5010 do 112by14 do do
1000 do 1 1-2 by 3...tid0 do -' - -
500 dol 1.2by5.16 do , do ~
NIO do 1 64by 3.8 do do .
530 do 1 .1-4 by it& do. ;do" .
300 do 2 by 1. do .do !
300 do 2 b y y 7I do do
1,200 d 2 2 do do ^ •
1,500 do o 2 1 64 by .2 do ; do -
900 do2l4by 0.8 di - , - do-
500 do2l2by 14 do ' do: ~
1,000 do 2 1 2by3B dodo
1,000 del 1-2 by 1.3 do ! do !
700 do 2 1-12 by 74 do do '
3.000 dy 212 by 1 do . - do.
.1,000 do 2 2 2by 11-446 , ! do.' r
1,50 1 7 do 3 by 12 do ' dot: •, -
500 do 3 by 113 do' do ' .
500 do 31.4 by 3.8 do do '
.1,000 . do 3 Dab}, 1-2 do do ._
20* do 4 ' by Id do . do '
1.,000 do 3. by 2 dq . do
SOO .do 41.2 by 3-8 do do . .
500 do4l2by36'do do
. .:t -
533 d04120y1 do 410
1.003 dot 12 by 1 1,4d0 . do
200 :dot 12 by 'To do -
2,000 do 4 1-2 by 2 do do
dq 4 1-26, / do ,do
400., do 5 by 3.15 do: do
.2200 do 561 17 1- do do
• 1,025 'dos • Lid do -- •do
1,000- d 0512
.2,000:do5lOby / do do 300 do 512 byl lado . do ":
1,C09 do 214 03 , 1 Ha..
-_too . doe by 1.2. do - s" do
- do
Per Pun
. a
p_kiileis Igoe trea,llfela
- te,"svo, say I,ooolli pot lb
- Pfetil; .410. airy . *albs .du .';
Izseplasi be et the bat isallspt 1// k isereep t.
labs made Thenehostepadoekti
Veripoluses keep le.e. l lb7. l 4!indli ib
ii ooo No . t—Corria,
42121 poem& 11.18-look bat i/OFFir
10022; do 1346 .
.3.010 do, 13.10 Ad. •
UGO 'd01.146 , 'do'
0,100 do 1.7.10
vx. mecum oN domthipionigho7 =i lm
500 do 14 es shis2l2ls
dyer' Xi — id 7 los as
I~W d u o
100 00 dOol sisaddit a do=
10 gnu ptijofhe A so rdas
30 by ao [debits, day lia
IA "do 'brislart eoppoi. 23 , 7 = 6 "..
• - 27.60100kei.10
. 20 di *40.4 eoppet 7‘ 22 . 4 A2 004 '
306 r 601ftehas,Isay Sly MO 4 .
31 do briileth
1 7 81 4 ,0 1. 1 .•
do de
.-,!OVrrgg'.. 2 4l "*"` do
7 El% or 7
10 , do oitiOsiO•
00223 ° a i l:1111,1%V eligoir,pi .
- -
cuum No. 07-7attawom
do: wood axes pa simple pOr'doied
5 do towing awls, handlod do do •
.2 MI r do do ,
do clump bisidow ,do .d o
1662 hood serootdog brosito do
tnottoOldunew de do o
6 do pains brisira (03301n0
7411 e. e d iditeslCOC26olls•
-grOord l ' •
.4 de, •Wedool ) brush.:
2. do comas hair de
do'bustory brooms
110 4o :ore
ao go
4. do
do do
do ao
do do
• -1 do: caopenlossl basil ant aths r-
1 42 2 131 1 - _ . do '
1 d4-Iron braces 'anilsits OS bits) do • do
co bash 00121/, pee place
I4OP .COIDDRID/V ailipti/D/ do pis du
do Owen% seanc D es ,
dp callipers palsied •
do per Auto
. 19 1 06 Ashur class's Is/sorted sad
handles, from bait hrth so ."
Ido silver awl,. ••' . do. •do
d do, brase,eocks-11 don I • • -
2 dos I. Inch,l dos flesh, •
• • teas 4 mob Co ••do '•
Masi Jenne and Syszas,3s , .•••,.
• lain coepat's compasses . • do' pet dozen
•••16 &wane do • • • do , do
6.2.11•1nch14rt hulaxd Met - Dudes
6do 14. . do , •do: •do
6do do do:.: • , ^- do •
6do do 120 Eat do 40 , . do .
6do do do do " do • •
4212 do; do do _ do do:
_ do. 6 dal nand do • do do
• ,040'1 2. do', do d0:...... d0 do
6.011 • no, do do dsl• •
' 3do Il• • de! - do ' • ' do ' • drt.
12 do nail stortsch assorted : .-
_;ado :
9 do Inner
blotrages, hselded.,
I dd toast goadeS, • •
2 do cavaliers , 2111126 do - d0
/do sadhers l luunsosts:-_.. ' do - -
• •st do claw teassarts, !undid • do do
tdo tesehert , do • . do
609 sheets korn,luirau sire , -do "air sheet
20 des Isms sez hooks. da per dozos
200 parts 41n& time hall
N ets%
31110 331 1 4/17.2 Dins do pec }OO pairs
MIS do Sl'ineh brass Matt
with shifting pins - •do ' "
321 do 3 Inch hiss. Ws Wens,
with abitung Dias : -• , •• do '
20 do 03 s 1 2132rth 1 • •
Ls . .• - In; wine,to opens) made do paper •
1 dos posy knives. do per dens
..2 do aluccnsteth do ;
I do long bomber's tnives do do'
3do• co sail do do ' • • - do
Ido banshees dieser, do .do • ;
l'do kettles - do co ,
0 do Ming lines, assested soma
do do
2 313011 2 20232,4011;date rtilltool2 do paspiees
_ idonlag.llnas do •• per dossm
do do • "
Va l? bt P larileelta, inches • do ,
* lortc,4 Inches wits 1 .
. $0 de loon padlocks
6 do Colron elms hrtY2,4 Inches X 2711 12 di5U.
'long, IS inches was ,
66 do iron drawn • 114113, 10
Inohda long, 111 n. wide . do do
ON seamixig nealles .9to pet 100 •
'lOO Mars sewing cusedics r do paper
do 124 cat axis 'per prt
2, M
do 10d do do do
2,002 de 69 do do. do
dal do Sid wsooslo do - -
350 do 10d do do,
300 do 61 do do'
1130 do tad copparettdo
600 do./24 do . do
/MO do 104.. do do
300 4' Ed 'do do'
300 de '44 •. do 'do
CC de Od . do" dot ordeal wits
N l4 14 O do 1
Loeb .
4106 do 1
do do 3Co beau •
. -
11 dot do •Co \ : •
• do 14 do 61, .':, I. • • .
do 3 ropthi 3 4 . 3151 7 :" • •
mounied perm3pki pet dozen
da sesiodag peen, ,
. 34 sa/pdeten , do do ,
Ico Oars • do'
•1 de elsooilles planes " - o do
1 dolan dO IMMO.' do do
do do do • o. ' ..., . -
• k
Ido donors' alionJoisood pkass do . . - do
0 Ilia, assul paper , per Mot
15 dozen btu, Sue this • • do per desso
3do 34645 14101,a 4 00kee . do to
- 13 poatt. bon revela, xlaned,p bell
pit pamd
1 dosais ssealruds ,' ' . ps; dozen
.30 do. heal admen, IrOoliesidlei do' • -40
3.4 onndpwl: do do:
- I de' ' key 00100 Ind puttaire 'do .. - •40 • •
• ' 1. 40- Mee • . i de! ii• .• -do
' 00- M 1ine31.503 01116354 c ' : - ' •• . • • • Per./1
;. 1 d9thattd 'alma .., ~ . ~.,- •ID " imr:44,
1151411irs saisc4dst•
lassos breast 414010
12 from diaolitroo surds, Kos.
/ 2 ; 13. 1.25. / 0
ttnwa sets. pat
111 do • 3.1222 lassi Milers 44•2112, ; - ;
4do II iraditersi/ . 01O:1 3 . . do ,
10 do 1S -do . 1200.11,12,14• po .
• I '9.17 r suag•P;grOsa
• idailosssaiingespssodod6llol;ll• 34142110
330 isen Voided 'ldiot" airetssd 100
• 1001110 cgs pasop saes. po,
IS do tdoolt topper est SUOMI • do _"
op oodo
:d o .dosf ode do .. des
coac... , ..,4* ; do 40 d°
72 do 12 as ma' - do - 40 - ~ do
.. drio ii 1- do do do --
33 do 12 do -Co s 1 , a•
1 dosola (2IMI] 20 1 , 0 2 Y105105i0 3 3 4 0 •
./bs.l 1 ; p0rp3024
owned - potaelpNgat des/0
esti:sine weif t ha, iftsmOi sos•
O Sets ltonsseddkds. from 1,.13
05{.101.32 dress 1 e214 ,0000 • . '.• ' 1012•110 4 1
20 posadiscppts wir,126411 ' ^;.: per posist.
16 do Go • do , e
Neslo '
- 20 do do ;.do , +met disaster •d 4 ,
43 do brass do 3.., do:
00• 10, do do .• 1 4 .
.do . Itoo do; - •
22 do do do '
3s - de • •do . • .
600 do csslides l ,lll ll olt*nd sods/
dendLepppor tea kettles per 808034 1
2 do Iran do
3 -do ,• bora sisd pans (Is
' i .
~ do• dloidusto 10dri. el ..
rio:.4--Lny LO2 Tui.
soo piaaOs lamed kid, nTba to 1 ibot pox pound
1;000 ,da sheet leak 4 lb, 44 1:44
720: , do: .idteelload, 6 I Ibts , : do'".
4,1300 . do shod Wu:4olh bo Ifoot ,:.-, ~...440.1a
4PO .413: that' 7Me tgol foot ...,,,,, ~...,,,kt„
'pop -do Alton 1 Moto ifoot . do
lOC foltdollffilood , 1 Inch di; '
. ..
1.7.0 .. do draom kid ptpo, 71 took at.
170.d0 damn lead pipe 0 [nal di.
;ooopoo b..btaneo,Eleek tin. ...." perDocal
IMO do shoot sineohlekneos of amplo do
3 Ca '
r . •II borettX ua per box.
ISO pundit-A.6 aimPoiltion affladibillaa - Per lb
:pm do ' +'l•W ocutposidoa destiloll".sto' do' •. 1
a,OOO do 11-ta compadrJan allattldox soils do
M C° dc!.' ; ll . neonp o0 0 0 0aelain sous do
. . 1 *„ N0.16;-Glats.
leo teeibeitdiabls Wok eon' It bill Per foot
" CrAsiNO
log bolts No.l Sax camas:.:; pet wimple. per toe
do do
• 6 do " ,".•
+do ..7 do, -++ + .. ".dir
1.17) do 6 •do • +Ow., •- to
(Ruh bolt
10 eoteals d 0 golds lentN, amd,bss 111
flO bolts 610t7On:10 s -pet ample :per boil
Al No, El—Centoii Coates.
.100 bobs No. 4 Sabin curie,
,persoiselet ler 064
Adod bali ) te ~F4.4,14WP length and . be 70
• 160 bolts box:meet caiiOas ior simile per boil
Steep bolt so condo 60 Todd is lesstb, sad e• 40
loehes ortdol - .
SO toile bag easels :pet sample per bell
• (Soiled, musk, 42 beats wide) .•
• Mew No. 10,Flas sad Cocoa
300 pound. lex soirtoverino . , . :peered
SOO ,do • do 'whipping' teethe
- Sam do • du rebut twine
Cease No:le—Ship Cbsterert.
lOC barrels 0141.1 tor
SO.. do: •blaehlar
ICO. Pbeb
d d soft tore's:See (A , diodl l o). '
4. - 2,..q30 peozobs Oest iellow lee Obi.) Ler
, 2 0 Apo tot Mine a•
bowfin amp/J . 460s IS lb* evet4 . . 40
-101aidis oodlias (ise)
' - o 6 ebtstooln - - • Plebe)
50 00 4:011. 1111 '.
_ • ; „do
. Cuss No. it.'nono cod ' Pao., '
*ppm pima/. rani dry widuilood •
000 do , a 0 do lidddidr.:: t
do do doTaOlaiut •do
Lod" do tog do nalreabto , .
voo . Air .dozoldporod7o' ,
00 do Modsted Rod -
4dO • dioUddesoverodlllos" . - , -
XXI do do 40 dodos - peas --'- as
it,odo do ' do , do oom pimps) do
, do Spoulitooldsoorpotoso ,
do o 0
dOr soutottlow
- •do
T'm - - do -';'sogiret Mid
ii4I4IMSII/111111106111111C , Ottbllll/;,_.
SOOdo ,do spirks
do- 'grit. of wise
do.-. - mine -latter,
44 Caulks.
3poo rallons test•griaser Janina sperm mil • guild
6,020 I da... de .xplirre euellat the. , D urib
&marina ealuilep .111 not be aseepted labs* of ipem
Cv~a N. 17—Li*
20 0 bellows tauter. (Wb. t• - •
sallaasee au) pa !ipe, Dyl,lo
100 Wa qual gng
lecher, buy maul
ID aides best quality tally leaibu • : -gar aid•
14 do do. 'do brittle do
N do'-do: do harness do '
33 back *kir.
. .
so ototep skins ( In wool)'
ISIS feet amigo hose, per aluopio.
100 foot. Loilas do .do
dims No. 14 .;Dry Ooods.
0001irdsOreen balsa , Psfisla
40 yards blast sou= salsa pss maple par.yald.
SO doom spools coat - % NU. s 4. do t nn ' 22th
SO somols thoo toread Par Pound
—1 ps. black aairehntr.ld iss m
, IDs. b4 a et
a haai s rrloih,2 4 / a ctos
100 rolls monied Ending do ." do -f, •
73 poss4lllinuabs cflos sad lons)- -So :.pad '.
•.; .Cute Oro. 15-2192021417 ,. .:
ildeuxo meounsarloss books, bomber bitter'
per nig& pada=
Ido cow warps boeddei ion. • do _ • ,-
Ida lgutre Mack do ' , do
et do 1.411r0 do ito. : vat.,, ,
sea= 11013111 T mums do ;RUTOO",
do. :weary CO do .
~do - blank - rkquidlians ex. •
pit;l1211.1 Luluoptlier2Otosses
• - 40 pe no
A deiedieitat baeder bleat - . 2?1
k 1 :do plat. do - std , :. . dodo. - .:do 110 •
0 1 . do ~oPoodi, : POdo o odirlito is ddi ..t 4 44
.• 4 . do
do isehboitedil_k htaildo: bon o
,- do ,v 1.7 piper 1a... ,
..SO Rama eisality 9xdsesp 9sper, sok& with
2 6010 .
- • onagtual hots Per. d ags P 9l
10 do ' beseqe do aOrr , taco
Lllor to , do
do .do do r inieirPeloße! do --
. grosi .do steel. wos , . - 2.2 g00 . ..44
11 do 'AO Co Idoet lead iiersells,-
. , porogeodsaied - •:, Co
doses Carsioatords paten: rolllog ndars per doses
2., do boxwood send boxes . do
di) s.gio 6) -d* do
1. di. Csiasee Beeler.:
2 do wary _pease., boxer - ' fitted •
19 91Orbis bestrisrellty, red sesta. . P 119 9104
-:: loosen conawailtemedeal lostroputos Per Cue
. .1> do .9rasing R05e..... . pdx doses
*do • seems boots, feltbound . • -do•
1 MO
•: ". 'Oben N 0.14 :f2tera -
t sheet NO;10 brass, say .43 pond. • per.onad
9 do 40 .19 do
• -
100 cords re d-onknlesicif pieen wood end •
amiss, w ith berls en - -.•-. , 66s 66 . 6,
- 'Vans , ; ;
60 p6tent composition ,bmshes, .frep' I.w if lath
13 Inch oats
3* oil ens. sln, Oa held 3 tells)
04 esrpenters hasehete
3 dm ying needles
115 lb* I-Inch Iron wine
- 0 messy wienehes
Cum N 0.2 Citacotszr
160 paint' braille, owned sizes ,
60 serubbinl bnisben • .
21 abort Ladled tar bruhes -
12166 slaws . • ,
10 6016 coal tar
Cuts 2.--Cona3 Cams.
23 belts Ne.. 2 cotton eIIITILI
20' do - Na 3 - do -
'• 15 do N 0.4 - do
20 do No.ll • do .
2o do No. 0 do-
• 20 do Nalo do .
Zook bals sob 60 yards is lentil' and 20 [nags aids
60 paassio lax tore . , par scorad
. 60 do tattoo roans
• O nc e
1,033 Yamodslare white Wodlo oil
100- do chrome gres (dry)
203 do - . Pipardsh whlSay
. . ImobloOk
'CLaa Na:47-21,
Ox . ..hect
latieta 16 oz .UWIII4 copper, ury
Jo. a. -7:12 a1.'1, 1 11 ° . ° 416:, ;ay "-al4.
do 24 oz g e hopper, say .. 'Smashin
100 rflol lams:kW' copper, sax
190 do sheaucof copper, fry - d o
potaddluazion . cooPI7. CO
. • to dm cleat :
600 di • If bob
do kdlltooppci :1 1 0 .
otat do If' do r•
doe do' • 7 - .do compco
. dlO7d dare. • •
dco • d.
.14 do tosopatitiscabcolldlig. 2rl
tdo do. •;..1f:. ,da:2 do.- 4: .401: • do
900- lf 44. - i de/ GO- . . • I C !
KO • do copper beat nails •.. : 2 _co:
COq Co • •ooniposidon
• -• locfhf ;s
• •.• Cuss ••••.'
. . . . - -• • - . • ~ • .. .
7• - , . (Bost AmellOd4 itaddlootord-i -- •
• aid& peomdoll locli. tsroad Will ..''." .
. 1 .10 1 d . .:. do do - • •', ''
. ~ . .11. , ,
• tto - do -. ': - do ''- 'do . '•
as ,ei -sit do
ii ' .do
„, NO do, 11. by isch jot iron - • -,, ' •
SA .elo .do . do - • -': ' . r:-: : :;-
' so.' do ' • 2;b7 - do' - • 'do
. ..
4 1 1 9 L0, ° 4 ; 11 by =kep i = * L i r
410: ban tivort=hes)orlir i lath
100 do ,iron rims. to:IMOD:1g, 3.16
' etato li u r e;AVooi:
i air e orb i ro bd.... z• 1 7.1 ; :per ' cord
100 do pins w00d,0, - .7, f.; •i bo
Mods. too atom at LEAD-PA Ititauccoxst,
Omni am yards, beerivrla. 66.ft.:mind-0M ma-.
oMteed o= l tsiter 'uP T Lii .d stre ?Chi atizi=cgraiu,,lif
mist 149.ntageols.Cqr, 9s.pqalastgl:!
. Idsyl6=lrl4,o"
%OW Patent . .. 1 / 4 Wateri Etter
TB NOW to be tleill, ik opeiation , aI,IVM.
1 1"113 fpcti,
_ A a; ketr llu lt h ataVAVlVM___AP ..
:io."taaurw "ElVabarstr,Jble finerhisrecorrmk
*Odd Vida rtva t 4ao=6 . lbratas at Z4=
hallatute or
%r ata 14" 7.- ' 44.1.4. b7/4 1:4 1=
!! 1- _ W . . ,! '' .. ' ...f. .- I. 7: . =trtninbill/Cii.lll3G-",.
it 0 in, in.:, —}lonxitto rwaamakdJo the /0M CI
'gam itsztr.ltraamt Mil.MsWlL,ll.liarer.f..
by b. Lorts. lirrtr s r _WOW farmmr
la sorstOhl,a ambled to j or /Mr 1111bervr ~. ~•
'.. - • pxoesa-r, ,I . . et u lgu4=set •
.166 L
.no Prir ' rat.iirieXdbTrZMrer. 'Unease', bl;Mr•
an. 2.1 ff. Um/4 , arkl, arm vy Ente 11 r rob. matted sr My
. 111aktisee: /at alt s & ue libtt i„ MT L -penion uvula wialx. , I
amaldar it a . to nom. It in napalm? to
1 1... it tb Cdr.. -,- JONAS P. YA , - ... - R,
.-; , 1.,N0. 8 thusonet newt,
itin.' Patin!' at . iriresniett to lake out.say smell or
tide vkle
th II may slim Wm tlacatemot Kemal or woe*.
Ito mstbli• ter lee*, •olue .oeueeleketee le be tee
rats. not ardioarr es. mat lan talq Lai rsustzt
maly to be sem tobe splatatlNgL ,: r • . . •, . , . .
de •
. . . . .. .
Front Brick inuillanstaikw
iniastiesa is now issauristssitw
~11 1 E 1 ,- 2 11 PM; -111 frinialai tm =l2o ,
Masa Mont tor fratomon Mgr which ba
;Sill millet In °Wit= fril handstudg sad
, uhga .
o w .. vit . s, tt411610:44PA1.
andanas, vas, t a,,e;, es sem in Ilay. frit
,iez d al:l ,, ltt= p a Pi u istre
Bo a 4 i r t l c cfro . VA . = Mt
=Mad arm mach facto the frenter.. Ttat front of
Iw italltclist .ku Wm a ...m. e .,4 osfrit t All be otter haus.
..: frandfrates Jassy Asa &ennead Mem
.4glibt sad MAI eds. who have used dailies Mks aa
7. certifs . to their nverketty In stonisth, darsbil.
lin minimal to 'So4 slam, are, as. : .. ._ ~.
AtataartfratishattZt. ankle of 'frfr.lfrostotta•
ord.. an eintrient , McAllen. royal. to Met.
lad ralatfrovit at about cm Unaware;
.re i r
- 'COIN* 111 CL: . ,
=' ,exu'Vr 11
IW s2 l6:Lttut "‘".
s, 10 *on Frateso o s '
"10 " Ittiebb. lrw-0 lka➢d rte. sae.
0 tame aearaCaad
' :♦Ar.lopod. partore 0 Marseilles pod rat
,}looviniwca and ,Domestie latieenslgare.
IIITOODWAUD , )31 , iMiraa r 06 :; ~la sn .
ueltryoulick aed Tare cam wr"
t 'slin=„th__- wrier lasi lixt:uiertslarasur.
airs•=- .„) 'maws atm daos.ter. A. 41.
-..onissmosmarka b re , tßelbadas
.0111AUT irro
. :Al4.srpree• Of swept «mos
Sow Turk Ootans. asimred
teed Jan.Wr a9 C 1 . 04 .14
Orden re reingrat. . a r.
' Fink bunizawm CO: - .2ctilillaxra.
p wp utcoTollB: Chariest W. '13,14 - ehar' „Geo.
_ m.. adol""Zt
Siausat= zwsl4 11. *mut
thattelOtt fir. ..
doettplicit Frowsty In taink
tOttitri at tsto Vv. seen oklattroott vault secoxisk .s.
Idkittt ilw' ttadr NW " "NrnA ilad Prota * li Zt. '"'"*". ••••7 ItMettalo
alma smolt ttotectlas to Ito usarta. 1: 1• -- •
lb& •
I. 3•3llxpter of thaw
sotn== Lunusaatr br ' ,141 ladPZUFPlatt
witl T. coot 741 A proaplaiSTrf•4'
.111 a r eett tcc 4 = r ag Ind
Pum Muted Ufa.
•A. t7'A• • •
._'~iaaa.oa a iooao'yoe4 as
_ _
. .
. . _
.- ' •
.. : ;
o k iewid, PittOmigh daltiisilkai Express.
ris line 1 raft in exinnection h
- , rk .,n.c u e Cris Itucts
e. aar&siftstb Ce'a ra "Inat Cl
ome go . l.ltottoiencoloo of ana•
moan a.loaribern Obba An oval lean eon of
the atone znentlonot Vamp. Wrlnantan 1.4
CridatadziasrPot frp: 7 4.,..1. 0 21= 0 . 4
Et. viz mein aml WWII'
gOatalD. /OS
Ravenna. • nnos.
ileinictst w.inbarsa. &dm.
' n.
• •
wzt,va- gmitAiria , 54t' °Mnb cirjito
,00.1 6 11.0.d .8U = . P." j garaigth ," lbs
uons Nous, Bum, asmonta4=mth *toad
%CA am. 42.1% a=nEn.
s ° .th "74l' 2 ==litgiths.
.Cob wsr ,
1-ruk,. .I . 4lA•bimr=2*.o4 7 l
X=ol4 nottrizOrts. n. Curb.
New-Lake - Superior ,111151.
icor atealner NORTIDINER, Capt. B.
.fivrariz i azi7davitit= l3 4
Mrnut. on her frit Ct)r+md "
nwift ng St. na thole* al. SI.
linstansei MASI UNMAN , Cutulher w l ,
, 11,1 !4:z . nts. Marto, fat tha diftlat
on the arrinslox tbn Xonterann making
E l = meg , la w
asa l& . nnuon4 banes
1401403 _ 431D.2a .
ciacui .
,L, auEmo g, Nam a 00 4 Eacastentaatrlonata
PrecePROP.IIIITOZIL thiatld and well
nnt Lttie..lV. tha WM. that the/ tze
optett vt.rfrret aa aor ta,
paltrm tleaeau.&l
Ve.....l7l.t.tetteat tatta_ 9..01... of this
teth =dour at the tanatatt,betor tha
g'"'"'"!'"_-_ lath taAttlthri. amt. •
:toeux ; 'eot;walue;ad ataltaltaht as, Ploaharah
• ' C0Z13102112.5: • .
, .
. '
• •,.• • 8. 8814 6 ,82.19.1 0 ,M, ,
f T tficla H .,% din
• • ; =me. NOP _Mt
18.51. ,
Forty-six hours to Philadelphii.
Forty-foir hones to Bolthriore.
ZSO miles Ettilrosa-10.3.;4 1 4,,Cana1.
Two Daily Lines' Ezprest• Ticket Biala.
• cosolosinopt Too Puocoonsa
' _ "NEW . YORK.'
the l lll Tl37:s l 1 1 1 1 LI M IZ W Itre °
JWmOsrn. thews br mmgiSC7
sadAMmlElms dtnel So •
' 15me throngh.rormatjloprs.
Itraloi &hmmy. la.Th• •
• -, _l s Cirr * i as tato Lr M ro ' r =OOP* =at Warr.
mmrtrartrom Am comfort ord w okoty. •
=Rabat testa ono, mocWnarrorOytt nor rfflock.
=dorm taming gotta aroa oo=•,- .7:: •
-PlLLUngial fOr Baltimore,
Oa arrlvg of Corr sk llorriatora••• tala Oa York and Com.
umao.„ Mara , ...).lllact t9ttutt city, WOW
No -done for harang Biala on this route.
Spred maims Oda MO Mort oaaßatokla,
sofa sal tearable rattrOrcar to tas Bram Mtirm
Toe pram or trarroarkorArpli% 4en
J. P...fielMS,
D. Lir & CO.
Oti the Utof.Jar. •Tvirnexl.ta Ulna%
will be tabb
ffiSed to .which the time
th Oticesb.=EYl.9. - ,Z+l
MlLlllltadaretli jibe.
185 / Mat
ULU ttatlX6. aimaxod .12 1 I , of &Mi
any . Batts,
stkarla to Itc
=1 3 , 6 T , frar r at Pa,azgid .ukag
seamzitra..,M,4l.!!,..a,t,„ll,r RUN LI ILIT
arrsaramia itsispabla tbr
"il46 Ca~aa p lV ,.
li ri == arr. a
barg, • ••••
Vl=4 IVA I= e of Ina &wad Ihm
staelaitra:kA ' i i ty = „ l, ..d?
:11Kaiddoccwitaf tb•
• ter jp:gareeatitrite ler!
X 1100us.m..TU h warm* 1
ter. 4 ?_. t . ,7f',11W, Y!.. 8 !. 7 . 1
.fie. -41-11 Atioutfir . i
aP 3 gli44o , . It 7T AI :- . /be .
niggINENII66Su &Mit
. , CANAL 'Whig now epee, we are r o , I
' - tl so milli sot tuna! 14464.171. itsdae• all
.lagt Va4.o:ritii:ci. . brffir
E yL
rip mad * .a s lend **rod
' l ll =KM r us# A X tharst:lllai lftw erri
meat Night. . 0711$031"
. Hula a • . sere:risdi amteueseeeesaithrear;
- 4 2 4 °• 41°, " •..• • .• V, ON cema ituase, . '
:•,....olam , ~ iv s yd voc me t ruge. i.
: 4 1 2' ••,.. •• l ineTh . a4reestatite. .
—: r j kic, cartaV a paltdman. ,
. .
lagial - nI . IBFIVANNE
~...:xerairiiii Atikiptstbm Lime,. •
ti nintrisnau: cia.u.s 411:1
,c INAILMI „ JMI . . '
• umcgwilig4 t
`liait4r _l , , .. Fean
- - Ohatistiiiau.Eicsy...lolmartnet, .
VASt r r==.'nr.:loll e grsiZtrein
'lard= ls= pmII.I.I.IOMS .. . e
i li. 31 , Sat= rt i s . voridaoct bi
"Stzta loin Mar
~., C . L , v i
JaMitanal. a
-.185t- Omit
To 131411eTs oaf Merchandise, /h&c°, 4
13'.E=TE IMEMOTlr"riNsroii
. • ,
arms ico4 p . wad.
177 36 A1C47:titati . ...PIttsbet.
JOS. A a* S..AA.AA
41, ` 17,== ' AilbrartiF111 , 6, 11 91 7 4 1 / 1 1
dampen taaisvAIILMAt4LIA en_ "Alsdkur Lim
.2 . 02L1f Y7A1 , 11:..".... • cipm:
tb:uw:.,. , .t.totakw4a , r , s — am]
Penns: Sal Bead 04,4eitna Rail Bede
THE' erubscribers. Wing: been
n iarbirtbVt um"th 'sn imams" *e
celve say menbscidls• or pr:Khzei 021. gammas ea WI I.
' Goals via this rout: caniediErnicat ' lathe*
...xlsad to arell.l be foreietel ll at CatlP
kas arttwas for Measces.
; rum alma= Trrnsatiaccustrsui . IrTnCia I
DIL. I OOO dINM . . Leak 8 WoWeithigatt
• 0• 00 04.1 1, 0424 41.1te. 111,- 'lStit:
'EVr4.q ,oo ..Zs.etccaisa, ribts.o7. -0 I •
o:o7Ttr. - 11.X.ThaKay sat cella arm
3.4kt e.1. 1e. To9t
Meltable (raegh,),Tee. Gamma 0/
iligagg . 4851- -Mei
on ,
AMand lan A
ems, Wawa Mara sod l 3
- i ltarOCVntanrci 0:4 - 842 .
foily coin** am alts
.wfuavnv.nd übondasos+
4r.'d2nlthe 0 "14 t
al 3
,Eyph4moOdisztm4 p lrca.v
7 a
er i6 e °a r . l
" 74 40 i N47 4 231
ltrdttiis lfswi,a2ratial
tvaiz aV
,e 0 • ,
. 79 pl
• Itowerhiewavokt
u sstze g i . t .
--, • =Left ft= u to=
mj:o loatbsz agr ath - tacpat
arwidgtiad' ttealmoiltier.4
Itoder_aXi.: /ambit :Ira
. ..aiiea l: 24/sLttr cc itSj
. nos =Wm
.M blZZibmet. "4'
sad at palm,
.. •
i . t 7 :
caakslor sale by_
, 81212117:S. lairaz s at