The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 19, 1851, Image 3

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Tits CANAL. Datoca--We almost daily hear
complaints from our country subscribers, min
tiest team wretchedstate of the 'bridges crossing
the mud, oa•the Pittsburgh and Freeport road.'
It_ le, we belleve,the duty of the officials connected
with the canal to attend to these bridges, yet,
notwithstanding they hare frequently been re
minded of their dangerous condition, they hive
not'entrred in the matter, and the bridges con
tinue great nuisances to all residing on that line
of road. It is utterby impossible for the farm
-no in Indiana, Eist Deer, and the neighboring
.thimahips, to bring their produce to marketi—
One gentleman assures us that, owing' to thin
cause, he has lost at least one hundred dollars
on his hay, not haring been able toilet it to mar
ket,during the whole winter, and it Is yet in his
barn yar•'v here it must. remain . until the re
pairs are ,mpleted.
ona whose busitime it .ie to make
repairs attend to them.
Will the I .
the necessa!
Bentrn Ltrnoust,ssa.—We aro indebted to
that eminent lithographic firm, Messrs: Wegner,
Sneakier tr. Mueller, for a very beautifully exe
cuted likeness of Kossuth. It is really a floe
specimen of their artistical skill, and reflects
the greatest credit upon them. Their establish
ment ,Ls situated on Market Street, between
Third and Fourth.
Present the Honorable Honivrell Hepburn,
President Judge.
Charles Watt, vs. Watt & Patterson, No. 55
April, 1847. Affidavit filed, and on motion. of
John N. MeClowry, 'Env, rule to show muse why
non pros should not boast aside.
Commix' vs. Walker, No. 189—November. 1860.
Motion by G. P. Huoilton, Esq., defendant's
counsel, for a new trial, and in arrest of judg
ment. Reasons filed.
Carter cords, Seq., High Sheriff of Allegheny
County, after due proclamation, acknowledged
his deeds poll to Thomas 111. ISlereball, Esq., - for
all. Abe right, &c., of John Hannon and Henry
Amen, to a lot of ground in Manchester. Alto,
a piece of lend in Ohio Township, containing
nine acres.. Also, thirteen lota 'in O'Harasville.'
Ccomideratiozi 81,800 00.
McKinney vs. Fowler, No. °oo—November,
1849. On motion of Joseph. Kiox, Esq., role to
'hair cave why judgmentehould not be set aside.
U. 41112) STATED Cocur.—Before the honorable
judge Urier. •
The United Status CoUrt met ea Saturday
twang, but no cases being ready for trial with
-the exception atone, in which a'jnry was sworn,
the Jurors is attendance were discharged.
The remainder of the day wan occupied with
notions and arguments of no general interest. •
Ouisprait Lovely, of Me
x, was on Saturday ant:demi from hlo
p of hie half sister, lass Lovely, who
claimed his discharge on the giounde of alleged
ill treatment.
Hamm Coates.—Charles Leughrey, accused
of killing a German in a disturbance on tfie Char
titre Banned, was last week brought before
Judge McClure, and discharged :on burl- We
believe the evidence against him is very slight.
• Calms Pose.—The Court of Common Pleas
will commence its session tO-dsi.
Wonui's otierre by the east
ern Tapers that the Mayor of New Fork has sent
two policemen to the World's Pair, to keep the
American rogues, who may 'daft It, in order.—
Police officer Fox, who is the teror of all reseals
in Western Pennsylvania, catdd aid them mate
rially by his information in police matters, if
many dishonest persons should go there from
this quarter of the world.
other of the apparently intertainable traits be
tween the assignee of the Viloodirorth pate rat and
those who are alleged to have infringed it, will
be tried today, before the Honorable Jadge
Basemsonn.—A young Ind mimed. Duane, who
Pleaded guilty to stealing a cloak from the house
of "CoL Black, was on Saturday sentenced to the
ROOM! of: Refuge. He is a eery young lad, ap
parently not over twelve years of age, but is
Said to be an old offender.
Thursday evening, a number of the
workmen engaged upon the Chortler" Railroad,
between whom and some:of the contractors, the
most friendly relations are not existing, took it
into their heads to make a bonfire of a cart and
• large number of their wheelbarrows. Police
alters, Fittmorris, Randolph, and Rook, went
oat° the scene 'of the disturbance, and have
not yet, we believe, returned.
HAIII46IICoB-Pll3.—A little boy about Sae years '' ,
of age, the eon of Mr. John Small, of Main
Totmeldp, was brought before Judge McClure,
on a writ of habeas corpus, an Saturday, at the
Instance of Mrs. Small, his mother, who has!
*pirated from her husband. It was alleged{
that the child was not properly attended to, butt
after a hearing of the ease, he wan returned toy
the crostody of the father.
Jag RAZLICIAD DEPOT.—We UnderltA2A that
the workmen will commence building the passes
gel station of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
mos 4, thie week.
HUD TO BAIL.—An Itnii s a, named Anto.:,
nig COIL, was on Saturday brOughtbefore Judge
.McClure, and admitted to bail at the sum of
on. handled dollars. He woo obliged, onaath
of countrymen, Mr. D. Palmate, with taking
amount of money from him. Thu bal
anvils at the time intoxicated, and most probi
ably htistaken, as he was, it is 'alleged, take
boats by Calla, and not in a cond ition .to
Mow what he eras doing.
-Intruo.--We are glad to learn that Mr. Wil,
son's flouring mill, near the city, on the Browns
Tills road, which we noticed as having been
barna, lag week, was insured to the amount of
two thousand dollars—about halt its value.
. .
• •Dlowsmx—A young man residing near the
Ifentingtan Rolling Mal, was drowned, on Yeti
; day afternoon, in the Monongahela river. He
`bid bean drinking with some of hiti companions
amilaid a wager .that be could swim with hie
clothes on, ft= the shore to the sand bar.--
linen in above the landing the Croimsvilie:
packets,.. he struck out for the . sand bar, but
• When shout half way Over, hi sank. His COM.
.Plianal at once went in boats td his . asaistanO,
bat "
were too late, and 'could not even re
cover body.
Brierrnax, .ICas .r.,.c.r.nros.—Missra. C. C. and
H. Bpsr have arrived in thie city, and will corn
.lllnnee; OA Tilesclity, to give an explanation of
.the: Spiritual - Knocking imposture. They .are
,prepared to explain the whole matter, from be.
. &en to e n d. to advestisement„ containing
the prognusune, will appear, in the Gazette -to
t T , FLANNVAL-, We harir
• .4 in addlt
att.& ionil runpl rot alnmi rood& (no dedra.
• on am= va.
ram nradaaof Inammn ai, Osage and silk Warp Plant
nWsi 6Lmading 064 and a (sal amortomat of Dowel.
my 6 JAWLYIrIf • 6 UnCILMni.D.
INDIGO -4100 Ibiegi Manila;
3 Censsull'Casamn irwskqwwlitY,
libwolamplbt vaticas wakiluar Lpal •
which wIL te mold low tvm the maewpled.
- ll3AlAlwi DICKEY a CO.
. , Water mad Front sls.
rfariA RUBBER TOYS=jcat received
arcalzoost:pruital.4srr Tom • bentl.l4d
We stse I est Eagan plias.
J •Il Nill4aJ1 . 3,1•••11••••• DC6sts
_Darn. 7 sad 9 Wood Bt.
ACON-1500 lbs Sides; c
a z . zold . er. 4
.0 .. 4
& P. CON 1:10tiliOltST ik CO,
and 96 /net sta.
'UNGLIB4. SPLIT -PZAS--Received add
6 hi • M1.A.114L1180 a co
V/SR--,' • 1
_ _L•
bblo No. 1
-, •
4E:3 311.
• to:a Id do do
On Wbyd 4° . (4,30) N°. U.itilltPararnd(lo+l
MARINE RAILWAY—Fonr taboret; 810,
Ivy els Rainy sal Dry • for We by
Q 14,• OLASSES--20 ibblei. Battle Ground,
tor ma "! °: "Yiltratireeie IT rt. I
CASSIA—WO Math for sale by 1
J. aCHOONILUSER OD. 04 Woak et
:•.:A i` t "o V 4 1 .6
Sluseerteasat of Ito Lanvin qu*ltles, Including
Tay t
• • • uffitfirlt IBITICCICITELD.
r: MS-350 doz. faecv and common, bpi 1.. 6W• BONS.
IIGGTSITE GOODS—For Wien' dresses,! of
kllids a re7.ll4lblusl 15.1011.:
'aurae MOlWlrnalitaM.
COTTON -42 boleti bow landing front au
gootower, de to' ILLS DICOM I OD.
CiLASS-800 boxeslirimicrw. Red, fin I
1 , 7 - • r.TON BONN. ROUT CO.
Mkt Como
TWO WEI= Lena nom cm.nrommu.
ticw -Your, nay 17
The steamer El Dorado arrived at the quaran
tine at 6 o'clock this rooming, bringing two
weeks later news from California. She lett
Chagres on the 7th, and Havada on the 10th
The El Dorado waited two days for the mails
and specie by the Panama, which arrived ►t Pa
nama on the 2d, with 200 passengers and one
million in sold. dust. The Panama left San
Franciar.4 in company with the steimer Isthmus.
The Isthmus has 300 passengers, and about one
mtllioa in gold Mat
All was quiet at Havana when the El Dorado
The Whig candidata for Governor of Sea Fran
cisco, is Major Pearson 11. Reading, a native of
Philadelphia. The Democrata will nominate Maj.
Roman, the present State Treasurer.
Several charges of bribery and corruption have
been brought against the member, of the Legis
The raining news is as favorable as ever.
The Indian Commissioners had nearly sae
(=dad is pacifying. the Indians.
(From the Alta Calltoralal
General Summary of Event?.
Tho boy claimed as a slave in San Francisco
pas set at liberty, there being no further evi
dence-sgainst him, than that he was Mr. Qallo-
Wars slave in Missouri.
Judge Morrison, of the Quarter Sessions, has
resigned his office, although three years of his
time remains unexpired.
Some of the San tkancisco streets have beeni
lighted' by the subscription of citizens residing'
or doing business upon them.
Montgomery, Merchant, and -other streets
ire thus made passable, safe, and pleasant, at
The examination of Stalin, amused of amine
idol; of Capt Jarvis at the Mission Dolores cau
sed great excitement. A rash was model to take
him from the bands of the police, but with no
effect. The prisoner was committed to await tho
action of the Grand Jury.
:1 Two men were shot at Sacramento, while at
tempting to commit a burglary, by the Captain.
Of the Watch, who was expecting and waiting
for them. Ono of them, George Ogden, was
killed on the spot. The other, named , George
Morton, was shot in the leg, and had to have his
leg amputated, but subsequently died. Capt.
Ward, of the Watch, was cleared of all blame_
Someeffort has been made by Mr. A. D. Mer
ryfield, to obtain the privilege of supplying thee
eity with water, by introducing it through pipes,
'prom a lake three miles distant.
Nothing particularly new is elicited respecting,.
the Indian Commissioners, and their progress
and treaty with the Indians.
General Bean has been authorized to raise GO ,
tnelpy . to protect the people of Los Angeles against
the incursions of the Indians, through Cajon
1 The steamer Oregon arrived on the afternoon.
Of the 2d, bringing news from the Staten to Feb.
128. The report of the probable appropriations
iby Congress for the benefit of California, had a.
great effect in momentarily running up'the va
ue of state scrip, but it was very soon ran down
glen. Percifer F. Smith has been ordered to
Texas, and ma come home in the steamer.
A great deal of dissatisfaction has been felt
and exhibited respecting the issuing and circu.•
rioting of private coins below their face value,
land width the coiners refuse to redeem. It bi
looked upon as an infamous swindlo by . the cam •
imunity. The banks have refused to receive in
at its real value, and the merchants hive taker, ;
somewhat similar action in reference to it. Thii
Legislature has a bill before it, introduced by
Mr. Miller, to oblige coiner. to receive their is • I
sues, and to make their refusal to do so a misde •
meanor punishable by fine or imprisonment -
Great efforts are being made to induce Jenny ;
Lind to visit California, and letters received from‘
Mr. Barnum induce the hope that the object may
be effected.
A new charter for San Erancisco has been ,
passed by the Legislature.
The robbers and highwaymen, in which Cali- I
fornia abounds, have been making the sallies in
the vicinity of Monterey. their theatre of opera-,
lions of ,late. Having the poWession of tho
whole country, they are atealiug homes and eat
t/e, and creating a fear that Monterey Itself may
be sacked by them, in the absence of the men,
Who are mostly at the mines. '
The Legielature having refused to authorise 1
the Attorney General to enter a nal proaccod in
the case of the squatters; their trial would have I
tome off on the 6th lilt, but no judge being
present, it did not occur.
There has been more lynching at the mines. 1
This state of affairs is lamentabie. The Alta
California Cautions their friends at the East;
against judging them by the same criterion they ,
would there. They cannot fully appreciate , their
condition without seeing and feeling it
The eityattorney's report shows a tremendous
amount of litigation—amounting to over two
millions dollars for the peat year.
Politics have been rather ;brisk of late, and
both Whigs and Democrat, are doing their beat
to ozzazdza. They were preparing for the mu
nicipal election which was won to come off.
Account& are coming in, of new discoveries
of auriferous mines in various parts of the coca
try. The recent rains have also had their effect
upon placer diggings—helping the Gulch Dig
gings, and for a time, driving thefts engaged
upon. the rivers from their positions.
In connection with the above, we have to no
tice the discovery, near Benicia, of a coal bed,
said to be of a superior quality. It is located
within a few miles of the Pacific Mail Steam
Ship Company's depot. Many coal' ' beds hove l
also beenicliscovered in Oregon, so that the Pa- I
cific Steam Marine is likely to be soon well sup
plied with this important article.
A bill has passed the Legislature, establiehing
a State Marine Hospital at Sacramento, and ap
propriating $30,000 from the State Treat:my
towards that object
the two houses of ;the Legislature had agreed
to adjourn on 30th ultimo.
The prospects for the miners and agricultural-
ista seem better now than at the sailing of the
last steamer. The 1111113 which have 'fallen have
very much increased the certainty of good crops,
besides securing food for the poor beasts, which
would otherwise have died of thirst and hunger.
The steamship, Gold Hunter, was at Acapulco,
taking in passengers for Panama, on the 23d of
The gold dust and malls were lest on the Isth
mus, by the El Dorado, slier having waited at
Chagas for them two days.
The steamer Columbus, brought down to Pa
nama $1,000,000 in gold dust, and the Tennessee
sl,6oo,ooo—making $2,600,000, besides a large
amount in the hands of passengers.
The Sarah Sands arrived at San Francisco,
from. Panama, in 34 days.
Thakealth of the country continues good—
We hear of no prevailing diseaaes in any part of
'the Olate. The rains in various parts of the
State have had a very beneficial effect upon veg
It is asserted in the California papers that the
Supreme Court has decided upon an opinion
that the city of San Francisco is not bound to
pay for buildings which have been distrryed in
arresting the progress of foes, for which judg
ments have been obtained in the lower courts.
The ruiners on the north fork of the Ameri
can River, are doing well. The diggings there
are overstocked with goods.
A gentleman from Bedwell's Bar, on the
Southern MITI, gives a' gloomy picture of the
returning miners from the snows above—they
being in a moeideatitnte and famished condition.
The average of a miner's daily wages, -on
this bar, is notmore then three dollars.
Great distress Is said to exist among the miners
working on the Gold Sluff, owing to the scarcity
of_yrovisions, and the immense quantity of tmow
winch has fallen. It is said there in at least 80
feet of Mime an the route to the mines, and
numbers of persons have perished in the moun
tains from the Inclemency of the weather.
The Stockton Times gives some interesting'
statements of the discovery of rich quarts veins
In the southern mines. A letter in the Times,
from Sonoma, states that quentz mining is at
present very prosperous.
The newly discovered silver mines in the Sou
thern district, are becoming very profitable.
On the 72d two lumps or gold were found in
?Wirt*" at the mrue place. one Weighing 4f
pounds, and the other worth 13.81'0.
We hare received files of the Polynesian to
March 14th; also a letter to the same date.—
It would appear that the French had Dent In their
ultimatum, and &Ten to the 20th ultimo for the
Gcriertunent to decide whether to accede or re
fuse. What was to be the next step, in case of
• reftisal by the Authorities does not appear;
but the supposition is, that a blockade of the
port will be declared, or perhaps something
more Immediatelyeffectire resorted to. file
AlmCalifornian, says, that if either, : the one or
the other be attempted, that moment trill be the
signal for running up the flag of the United
BMW with the ' This le no pas
work, it connate ae in the most positive form:
It lute been 'determined 'upon by the Hoa g end
his tpiyistrrtithat if Frenchattemptto bloct-:
ado ps possessicp, styyeEloterrunegtwill boLit,
tllllCaiiiii*atadlun , ittlitaricittid
Waif Oiii- . .tutticiatilaiirisi gallicwitiathe
consequence of the inability of the islands to
c on t en d against the forces which France might
Bendtheene most entire ;
alegaimtethen" and also from the fact that
intereet of the Islands in the
hands of foreigners are those of the Americans.
In Honolulu, at least three-fourths of the for
eigners are Americans—their number being at
least 200: while in the same place the number
of French subjects ii only about a dozen ; France
cannot fire a shot into any town of the HMW6I/112
Kingdom, without destroying the lives and pro
perty of citizens of the United States. The mo
ment she does eo, ebe will find her account with
the United States, and a strict reckoning will be
demanded—and will be had.
There is no use in beating about the bush in
this matter any longer. The French must avoid
a collision with the Ilawalan kingdom, or they
will oblige us to assume a responsibility not all
flattering to them.
Government despatches inregerd to the French
difficulties for the United States and the British
nivel commanders in the Pacific, ere, we under
stand on the way. .
The American sloop of war, Vandals, was
at Honolulu, and had been visited by tie King
end all the notables of the Government and king
The United States mail steamer, Columbine,
Captain Le Roy, arrived at San Francisco,
on thy 14th of April, from the dolumbia River,
after an absence of one week.
The Oregonian has raised the Hag of General
Joseph Lane, as the people's candidate foa Con
gress. Dr. John McLaughlin is a candidate for
Mayor of Oregon City.
The brig Halcyon, which arrived at San Fran
deco, brought dates from Vaxidieman's Land to
the 29th of January. The papers are chiefly
taken up in discussing the policy of receiving
the transported convicts of Great Britain; and
the question of inter-colonial steam communi
BAN FeJacisco,April 14
Flour, in fine order, is selling at $lO,OOOlO,
60, for Hamill and Gallego. Chili flour has de
clined. Boots and Shoes are plenty. Bricks are
active. Coffee has declined. Coal has advanced,
and Liverpool is held at 16e020 per bushel.—
Corn is active and firm. Lumber is doing well.
Metals are dull. Provisions are heavy.
The issues of private colas are generally re
jected, and cannot he disposed of, except at s€`l,-
10 per cent. discount.
Flour—The market is very quiet, and only a
few hundred barrels western were sold at 414,25
rpl bbl.; sales in lots for supply of city dealers
at s4,Bl}s
4,40 4,40 V bushel, for common and se
lect bran&, and $4,6 2 _}6,00 for extra and
fancy brands.
Ilya Flour and Corn Meal—Rye Sour is steady
at 13,50, and Corn Meal at $2,75 la bbL
Grain—Wheat Is steady at $l,OO for white,
and 95®96c for red. Sales 500 bushels Penns.
Rye at 70c V busheL Corn is in fair demand,
- with sales or 700 bushels yellow at 62c, afloat.
Sales of 1400 Penna. Oats at 44e, tiff store.
Groceries—. There is mote doing in groceries.
Sugar is in good demand, anh prices tend up
ward. Sales of Cuba and Porto Rico at ticte.6l.
Whiskey is less active, with sales in barrels at
22. V gallon.
Ler The friends of the Hon. Waiter For
ward hill present his name to the approarittott Whir awl
Antiotesonic Contentlott 44 the Presktentry of the ptettlet
Court of Allegheny Conaly.
ASSEIBI.V.—Thos. Penney, of thr Borough
of MoKeespiirt. .111 be pre•rotol to theAnti.3lavorite sod
Whig Contention. se • carailate for tuonitistion on the
ticket tor the Aosetibly' myllict•site'T
_ . _ . .
Asernecr.-1 weinid recommend Joe. John
non. of North FayeVut township. to the Anthllasonie and
Whig Coutity Comm:Woo s as
• suitable person tn nipetwera
w. the neat Leal•laturn. th..•
RS:CORDES Gormly will be a candidate •
lot the dike of Bet:order, subject to the meio of the Anti- -
31mm. .4 WM, Contreotloo t to le bold. Lite Atb
June twat. IT.te friends will please bear b. let miod .the
Primary Meet... myl3:daertrA.
RECORDER.—John Melia!, or East Deer
re.wavir. will b., a eandldals tbr the °tare of Reemler,
Cubject to the tlecitlub or th e entl.3le..ale sad Ma,
ourty Convetakat. I.ttlewae-T
giarCOUNTe MC-
Knight. of the Ninth Ward of the city of Pltuburgh. will
Le a candid.. before the Anti4huionie and Wt. Co.
ventkon y for the offue of Conn of Cononlatiorws
tny,ellwa,"l .
ger Corwrr Cur we !tom:R.—Major Jouu
Wu-ie....0f the first Ward,Cite of Pittebueltb. will he a
mandate before the Allti-M•9.11.111e tad Whig Canute CGS,
vretion, fur the °Mee of cuuutr uantatzsiousr.
je . CLZRIG. Or TUE COCltta.--Jared N. Brush
will be a casulidate for the above ofsm. subject to the deer.
awn for ensuing Antbldasertale and Whig daw ,a Count ,. Co.
— Der CO CNTT itiozsttu.--Alextulder Rich
ants., a Ms First Ward. Allegheny City, nut ne • ata
dliatte fs We etre of County Re gister_, .o.lfti tr. Ute Yu
caipa of the Whig sad Ann-51101.M0 County Convection.
RZCORDE it.—John Conner. of Upper St. Clair
toornahlp..lll M support/RI for the oar* of - Recorder, on,
tort to trio Alechion of the Aoth3lsoonic sedhatrot County
ASSEM Porter. of the Borough
of Tomato. 111 be • candidate farletakne Oee
AuesoblE, oubjeet to the deobion of th W blo end Aatt-
Ilasoole Count, Conetotton. tutthztawlet
Cousrr Cox MISSIONZIL.--Gabriel Adams, of
thn Mint Wool of the City of Pittaborgb. will be • midi
data for the *My of-Coettobetotier. Katona to the &dation
of the Whig and Aintl-31•soule Cosaht7 Chh•ctttiwt.
IHE undersigned would respectfully inform
tb• Antidhowna and WMn or dlioebont CW.t.
n would ba happy U. semQom another tem.. tb•
oflldst podtkat whieb. throneb. tbetr foraer kinduaw, 0.
and arbl h'' lat b r alud '"7" uldwo ut bona to " lrat .
duties udisni hia ram. le disobarging them
L.. be. nenarally acaptable.b• venture, to pro.ra Mat
kn. honored w.f. duds cool:donee, LW desire to do
rtat shall not ba oboe. .04 that. whll.t Ma WIWI..
..11111...k. Woo.n podtion noon econfortabla be will be
weal that a. fa possible fu publia abdal tot
benset of U. Vory raoreettelly,
nod 7. , ' earrr.
terliscoarate—l will be a candidate for
the aria of Firosinier, ruled to the dedilou at the Mai
aad araia"":"
(boat: YAIL`iIiSTCCS.
Pittatrarzb, April 38.1861,111• UP
ititCOUNTY TRIaLatTRES—We are author
ixd b asseouese that 3. W. Baxter. of tb. 01 Ward. OW
a Pittsburgh wit ha a madidate for the otos of Coma,'
Tressitrer. gut:. to the tea of the AMC gLmoitio aml
Whis.Costet} Mee= apolguicao.
WYCrzac or TUE COURT.—The name of
John Mawr, a Wilkins tonnahllll be prosookon
Ilaamrek . = kntiossoonle sn4 County Conon..
lon to tho Mhos of Cart of tb. Carnet
~.-t ea
.4erebtrlfTY RILGIBITIL—The 11111310 of JOHN
Mocorztr. of thebed Word dtr of Pitfall:G:7h. Vtll be nab.
istittoi to the Ant4.nooonlo aM Whir Co.tY caa.aoUm
to,•ccialbisto fbr tbo Moo of Raglan, and 0111 bo oornost-
arCovlcry Riatraz.—John Kaoster, bC
Baldwin township. Ell be GI usdktta'far Beer" Won
Om ensuing Wats.=ln and Whig Conaty COILITIMMILL
_ serAssmiscr.—Robert Abrahams, of Eli
sabeth &mush, win ottralt, bill zoom to do Antl-slamoolo
Band Whit Cona te. =CO m ovou . t b n. as saudiehtte ootoLoar
00. to Um 21.11tv0t61l
COUNTY itrourrsp.—Pleagie annotffite
Owl IL J. Lnwg, of Allegheny Clty, will be Csudliate
for the ofhee of Register, subject to the desist= of the An.
11-11sanne arul Whig County Conseutors
Cane or out Comm.—Henry Hannon, of
Allegheny City.-• 111 be • cesdldete foe nomination to the
glee of Clerk of the erreral Courts of Anthony County.
bbarethe Autt•Meeoule ant Whig County ventlen.
f the Ninth Ward, City of Pittetrorgh.wEll sea:Aldine
before the Whig sad Antl4losoole Convert Um, for the
eat of County Cmothodoner. oxyhtiaggeg
SerCoturrY Tams u Rut_--Jo hn y. Rowland
of Upper lit Clair toeneship.Plll be s nuclide* for nerd.
nation Po Mb once, before the Wblg awl AutPifesoulo
Comae Conventicle. mciciclawdedi
Jr., of the Zoo ed Wero City of Alleebmtr .11 1 •• • ,•••'
dilate before the Autblizoonle end Whig uounty COUTO,
Lion be the eke.b3 of County Catomioloner.
serCorrarrr Cowszentopaa.—Robeit King.
of Um &wreath Wad, OW of Plttsbursh.O. recommended
to the Whig sod MAOlssotdo Curdy Convennon, a/ •
candidate for Cooney Commiesloner. by
mytgdserteSB Mute Pursue.
piarRICORDZIL — are-authorized to an
nounor that Wn. Vonusa, of Ellretetb Borough. will
I. a candidate for nomination to this ofnue of Recorder, be
fore the AntiAtanotaic and }We County Convention.
gfir ASSOC lATZ JODOE.--4dam tintithOrti,
of Blrtninghanaiurill be a made:late nondostion for the
ogre of Associate Judge to the Court of Quvter Yrionnus
Allegheny County. Wore the Antl.)lssonle and Whig
County Convention to =rot on the 4th or June.
• natiltsdarruns3
SPRING SlLAWL,4—eashmere, Thibet
and ay.. received tn .
JEThe d.oolatitaa pupal, like that of hot parlorslt the
onotogabela Mor, for sale hr
IVO LTh'it P. alsithllALL:
op% 06 wood at:,
Pure) to sale by mll IL E_
IaRALN-2.00 bil. Oats;
Er;r lf i :o b i
" ns a ROL'
QIIAD AND. lißitßlNG—New Baltimore
split abbd bbd MM A.& be tud Ihr ale by
ANGAN ESE-54 bls 0 round, for Glue
Milkers. far tale by BE b
e• 11 5 Wear street.
OES-450 dog. best cast steel, for gale by
Rea L.B. WATE Ind AA eons.
itUTTER-25 kegs
BIS O for sale by
na= RN. LIT= t CO.
FRUIT --500 bu. Dried Punches;
lIESTNIITS-30 bu. for sae by: .
IO IRON-750 tons for sale by
1 ACON--45,000 lbs. lima and Sboulder4
SSENCES. & EXTRACTS, for Flavoring Kl2oll.o 1 , 41. 0 ... jc v i, 4 of 3 tawsr. , :l - .Z.*
ta; •
PAC:WREN, No. 41 South ii.orol Street. (above
. Ut. allot aide.) Philadelphia,. rehlk-IT
-'- r . g I — ;1(41; , ..
. a. Versovuo D
& 0..
4 ....... —Jut 0 llf•
Jur wile Warn, No. =1 Matter at, Pluladelplta *0 1
A. I. ULTIMA/ ENCL. 114..
REALD, BWKNOR & CO., Tobacco
Oltombadoo 31embaute. No. 41 North Wider stmt.
.'o. 16 North Wharves, Philadelphia. . Wall
MERCER & - ZZTELO, General Commie-
ILL Merebauls, PhllaJelphia. Literal savant , .
oovnigurneuta Of Produce generally. • .1 iau9.lo.
= =
Office for Foreign Patents.
No. 5 Wall at.. N. York, and 166 net et., London.
in Great Drlto., Pr.cnro, Bef,7tton, Hottattd, ina
er porta a Europt—the ennulse, Cuba; ou t the Etnr
Full 'Mon:antics oo the above csn , l7
A bse i gar . eaaina
tn7l,4lrn C, Wall Kiwi. tire York..
Fire Works for Fourth of July, 1851.
New You. importers of Erigilehi Fre”xlii nod Gem
man TOYS end FANCY 0/1011& atid nionnfeetorcre and
itabortrre Firs Wort
WORKS. hisehni rueeoteloil P. le Volum
in the Firs Wort inteinees, and ovule] theniseleoe of the
nut mourn,' of that ions ertebllahret house, err note pm.
per .d to furnish every den-11;10m of work, ornitehle (or
luso public or mall exhibitions, on the moot reaeonsbir
toms. O. J. t Co. deem it nuorce.Plry to uyanftbin¢ le
oral,e of the Fire Work• farobbed by them...V. ol r
utation le sireedy reablielied. They Include beeides
the exhibition pit., the tegen Reekrts, Roam
Candies, Turbulliont, Vertieles:Benarole% Caprice, Weirr
Pots. Colored Fires, Chine.o Rocket, 0 lobe, Double limb
11 "" ei . iX o P e linreele, " Vgr e llgt:
...Illness Crackers, Jostle or Punk.
Ortlen rniipeednily eolieited.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
IONE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Nassau street,
d Sun Building, New Tort.
i 00 4 0z.•...... 52%
62.14 2 •• . ...
On draught, per gallon.— oz. - 31 news. 25
ml. la Um best article manufactured. It Bowe Mal—
ls • coed COPTINCILy--•nd will oat comin uguid. s .
VP l =it7z;. lok=S, len t r h tbr gar, Ara,4
solZbly adapted for the Steel Pen.
The undgned is prepared to furnish to thu trade eF
ther ter export or home couguroPtloW at
low prim, put up az per order, and delivered to any part
Of thit vit) freeof eharge. Na charm for rue, Muse.
or kegs are charged extra at pett cwt.
57 !Memo zt.. Plin
.5,-.Enr YORK.
Quarts. per dbr..-
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopheroos,
tglnilTooo.ul Vd b g;,'of Ilint h cV r gelg.
L lana t lrol nmo i lz a ttl y nf i =ruLJll coin. te. It
crone has produced the germ effort in curing 41searc - iak•
kiu, eta of the %.1 1. 1g11 ttb=ll2:=l , or iv an;
har_et. wee I n
the valor. of tho preparation.
. 1 .. 1 .th It to held br Who
• NIMI Ton.. Sept. r.. Isbo:
Fan.. Panay—Dear Sir—l hare te•en alltletal
taneoug eruption of the scalp. of a moat astirrarated that ,
arter, for the lan idatern Tear,, amt d...e that rerlod
bare hod the advice of Lome of the mostemlnen,t phyrd
dans. and Wee tried all the prep...allow Syr the hair and
OLIO note known, wi th out the tart lamella I ..gradrlstd
by a friend to try roar Triropherow. I did PO. so a last
resort. and, to my gummy. and irratilleatio. found mmelf
natal in about tao Months. tturh riolenee of the
disorder that at time.. I rag yartially
H.glgertfullY. Mtn, I' NI HAPELYE.
lid Columbia Are.. fyttotlyta
Sea Vcra,ckt. aux
Pet, BlJillT—My Dear elt—Abota two years ago my bar
r•Mt Ola •
_gret deed. .61 my head ream roue+ ataleted
with ..laolroff I ream 14,141 by • Mood btr > your Inman.
trad a n ro o l t eadd.
l ttoh e m J aanritmnaale b d m is e anmarye her ream
as the
head amore show, foriteelf
. . .
With el,peet; I urt TO. obeet Per•l.
8 TYLLADIVELL, 6e3 BehadwAY.
It any lady nr eetitirolao thmebte the eathrolleitT et the
.hore, they will hlewe tall at Ppd.... A 10.•=7 • oner.
Elrcedway, New Ica, when. he will Rdune the
. ,
Airoui the and Naval Algae. nIT li44.
Men le no runs
tar the pertumrott rare of bonito..
Lad dienma of the attain= gettemili. that b. natehed
the popularity enjoyed bt the article bloat, a. PrOlia9r
Parrys TrlnoplArrtua nr Medicated
It la ea•
tentively 11-1,1 by the upper clam," of the community: to
ell:unit ever,- pureet7 In the Wad 111, WO In prefertmor to
mecca rbelee of the bold. It impart, 'War to the rodeo!
the bat, and the protontra enneth to • remarkable d
ate, It dean - , the dandruff and 'curt and MO if* the
hair fine end It oat cure all dimwit., of the snip,
each ecald head. dew norm. End ether ohnoslocui dieer.
'ten. of the atm. in cheap
saeftleary. It dands
t h e
It le e..,1.1 In large 1.11, Prlce , •lcent , .
1.37 tirades,. and at the bruaglata generally, thron,Lout
the Lulled elan, and eariads ap . 2.> 11
LiIkUTCIIIN SON Co., No 13 Spruce Street,
NEW YORK, Wboleeale pl ts.. re ra of the bat
EMILIA!! PRINTINO aun fur Steel and Litho.
amphl Prln.log.and tar rue Del and Job Wart. +bleb
hey aireant to Le ntmpreed of time puma matniala and to
work etotl• upon all ordinary pm....
Themtainationt In three ltaa. ansuch utogive a ctrl.
tler•au,l yermaDessey to work superior to an/ other into w.• m
ave. raid at prin.. varying frt. 7E, cu. to s4,ou per
tat up In rang. and I.,ratranted 1.7 coder.
11. a Cu. alma/Lou bettare colored Inks of el err eliale and
%unlit, vary ins Th. 11.0 u to =GO mr lb. metal :Au
No. 70 S. XI (late 76) MAIDEN LANE.
Daredly oproxile Me Old Siam/.
yV I GE2rTZ.R_VX.Y.S" FrII-575111.7 , 0 yencr. cow
`" ; 4 2. ° .7;tlLi Lich%
Lql.ll.kri. BOA. Mari. ud lixtnu. Dutuetie end Far.
'Ulu Fill. Mode; liumbulu and of alt
et, leo I.l7levaslitles.
.Isrels and Tier—ratlee awl Black of ewer, find.
and Buemo—Or all Mud,
ware Slit and SeJn. Hear, Em.lieb
wise. halloo. tritiew Albert IP/rather, Twilled Indian
Aletet ZrarwarrchlesCru, Linea Cambric, te.
Saept.....l4,,—Frueb mod T. 141.11. Pty Descrestie
ettl ortis,
Glms—Xl& 00k. liven. Thread. awl all the lave of
Mrol. MIS. Linen and
1/..emirr Coarse—Velvet Cashmere, hagfish. /relish sad
rte. .;" . .ttrotal for ;ratios:um atai latil.e—a variety of
se Rkti., Betts of all qualities.
We troukl lusita particular attention to our Domestic
7v SI Meilen L• 2111.
- Shawl and Mantilla Warehom.
. (U o R. 1.. ). NEW YORK. In 'now Opc Max ope of
PeNIWIL SlNWYPotz " t;pl P rri "
,l o rd " ; " AND
31 UAL! N and an kinds of 111.0. wANT....l,S. A tkrna l l.
red from in. lar P p ta , tuton;.. t
0000 z Ina Wanner,
tt.l.llo . "4,lrk:ltuf'.l=indce="o Al;
low {wk. todatia ' lly Inane mu Wader° &all no aa•
r inhibiting absorb and
D o h ' ?gre a • o a 4. I hDA
Uoo.uwnpnrt+ fobildd
Murphy's Sett-Sealing Advertising &mei
114'0. 289 MADIS ' iI eIL ST.. NEW YORK.—
The sulawriber willetthe the Patronage .1 all who
ma ~rat itit."srtl:nor6"ur. of 1006
expiricum of years bee eetablith '' ci t z their nthertoritr be ,
road 4 tuvtion. Ind h. conlizienUr refen to th e Loam.
endf thaw Outruns men who have used them envelopes,
to tde raptellp humming wars. as proof a their
The following are • few of the rewone for their - pop.
In 00 the place occupied bp the
, gel, parson t 3
have Ma name, liminess, and Odom. imemPlcmoimiT
testa-Maly emboseed, colored or plain. thus affording per
fect semisity withal Mod.
WI. The Envelopes cannot be opped W 112,0110 belt'da.
stray 3d. Neither wax nor wafers are required to we/ th em
4th. Upon the mbicarriage of letter, the coal Insuweetts
inamdlate return to the eender, Instead of being Luria!
mouths In the Dead Letter Me.
6th The ,Envelopes an tureltholl 4 aliMet the was
"rb."Zet:A:er4 . ..a.a
mere to attract the .11 000 of all through whom, hands It
m gailitlowt ng it - 11Mof prime for libm, engraved on
braes, and which will lad for rearm end of E 331.7311. of
tbe umal size, either white or buff, of good P.P.. moil
rode as oboe, with 0000, address. Zr.: Din.lPrwes v./ Enticicsim mar a
. X lettere or lam .11,00 atom.
Lel to ......... 540'100n
00. " •
40 bt 00 libbt.
00 to b 0 . 1. 00t :'1 1 a ........ . .........._._.... 13 ,00
NO to 100 12,00 OXtO t 13 m 00
When It-I. not convenient to farmraid .010000 of order
11:07:217ra 0 . 0 .w.rezr:nre4zr:",':iing r A
attentleum If addrenmed. W 11.11011140.
No. 263 313.11v0n street, New Yort.
(Warr win be attended to promptly, If lell at the earn
of Ileum &bell A Mott. WI Wall street. or of idersre. IL
.Imrollmaat co.. 131 W 1111.3 mt.
N. 13.—Bustnems Card, embecovel in cutarm. than rune
Dlestat $lO.OO mr tb00.300. feb=d3to
VONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
su cm Homes. Sole. sod Tronsbipment, .11 Merehandia -
consigned him. Boats leare his dock daily for Poin ,
on the Wm. and the 1111001. Canal and Itiver.
MerNeores—Memrs. Lorenz, Sterling at LW
Ideerrb. JonesQutnr.
Mr. John A. Candler.
Produce. Ckgruniasicc, and Forwarding Misto.baut, Int tb
Lever, dt. Joseph, bio.
Bete to Altura:tar Gordon. and terms. n
Pittsburgb. • l y
AVID C. TUTTLE, Ati,nry at Law
amt Coratalorionor fur Yermyl+aum,
communioation+ promptly atunorryd. uennly
TOIIN IL RANKIN,- Attorney and Conn•
Poaollar at Law.'asul sio Calnallartarwr Ilic Plato o
ntorlvtiols., Bt. Louie , Mar of ritrioors.o.)
tbef.rrorco—Pltuborg o
h: tiro, Si,W. Fortr•td, llcsoptnn
31trodlots A McClure. John .
&nor', McCord a Co. ii Tir e
--- .9111113.1CAN HOUSE,
lIE undersigned haring entirely rda ,
bullt andenlarsed the above external, stabllsh.
the . t, containing In all eboot throe beetle d tlfty
rt/onte. noald *nix/afar the notice eh.{ lt Is now eedy
for the morellos, and accommodation of the tree... Wen
An extended tuattorof the unantpear.l nonvenlences of thin
Qonw le deemed enperthlotts, es the nnteerone Itehrhva•
moots wields here been shade cannot be properly even In
an adevrt.leisnent- • Beam It to *ay, no expense hul • been
spiel to rendea OCT apartme nt perfect.
. 4 heLtlriMernet=e 37 , 71= 0 . 0 7.0=
rooms, nal Ix found be of the toast bessitifel reanuface
turn The Dlnlngrooass are apries. and the hour. Ibr
meals edit he ec. wronged es to null the convenience of the
early end late.
ET•I7 departmentwUl be eneducted le en tuasueptlonn
bile =rd., and tbe..pinnelltor pledsva lainowlf that the
American mew shal;Wrn/y the Traveller's lime.
felehdaerdamillmT , LEW/0 RIDE.
1 " .1 I ' WO. Tea
I 'trots &Do Dlvanfactory in Baotou XlOO foot lodio Itab-
Irrdrrr rgertoNayloiratilotorti
lootDor. r Dydrsoto..o4.lort.or Yoe= Porrooi
b We ortrh tt to Do 6141044 irodorotood that mai isorb et
Dorat Eon bola MU ettabllgnment. la miasmal the
W. c=rieVlVlJ'anttrlga.wrif,,mown.4l7.
ITEAM PACKINO-*-4000.poundi razed,
Plan an 4 Nu. India natant :Puldsta lgatio
e thicit,warriZl toto %army bait
Valuable Property for. Sale. •
FOUR LOTS in Allegheny City, fronting
on the Ranh Cuentoon, liamedletelY In fn. , of Dr.
Iforhirone Church. There Lot. are near the Depot of the
Ohio and Yonogyleunia Railroad. and are well calculated spite fora Illanutecturinaestabliehment
eTo Farmers.
Forming- and Grazing
A moo Lt? '" RJ " S"F '71" OT ir.„Nor7=
E6 lkilaykr, within twelve to
llso-1000Amm Ln Elk r0un11..,,?f,k,;
o: y.
Sint term.. Enquire of .1; "giTiari;i rd
myl turner GI
T ToGden WENTY ACRESa o r tra f
Gardening Lund, a -
, r.dr dhder goal euldralloh, d•tain Olt O
. for a. 1.500.4 three rem. Poe
put ,,.. eui... .a d LI
" d " " th e u ""'"' "`"" IV - ILEZNS AM.
ml, l rv,nee of Market and Third sts.
A Very Desirable Residence for Sale.
HE undersigned offers for sale, one of the
owt desirable nwiderees in the town of Massillon.
..Larkounty. OlthL thntalning about six acres of land,
with a tar. and ethantodin. Reich Dwelling Ro th e, and
at bo o . , •bd good sopply of ettedoe fruit and ahrub
bery. One of the best schools in the couott7 viddv •
short distance, and when It is rervathered that In sin
from this time it will be within four hours' tidoof
Pittsburgh. it will be soon that hero is no wadi Induce
ment for thy who desire a damp and elegant retreat from
.ths - vitY. either th • summer retirement or • permanent
residence. Alpert or the whole of the land will be wild
with the bald loth. This property may now be had for tro d
than the build loth cost I will also pracura title and con
vey. without. theme. • lot of PIO TO than two situated
(on th e bank of th• Ohio Canal, and abort twentl rode
mm the Repot of the Ohlo and Pennerlythia Railroad. to
any =Wallet or conipthy who .111 establish thereon •
mannfertorry OAR Cotton, or Wool. which that
• thphal of Lot it borne in mind that )thsvillon
ivono of the most healthful ad thriving town, wed of
Pittsburgh. Coal, thd atl the meths of living. as well as
thole. on he pr.:oriel hen cou rse. so ,
withy Pant G. 06
Lo n manufactured can. o great cue, be
tnasported by Canal or Railroad.
Rushton. April 17, illbl.--f•P=3.
For Rent.
A , Small well finished and completely fur
./.1, zdAted &oft.. dd 0-, ....tdoc. t° th. V II "'
.. D. GAM,
- No. 73/dberty ot between .3.1 sad dtb ta.
apP.l Mold and Tribune onwt
Desirable Suburban B.esidence for Sale
T ILE subscriber offers for sale the housetuad
where bellow resides, sltuatolon Park M o bt
low "'" lns ' gli.:Alicothenr. and stet 2.1 minutes' walk V=
the market of this clty. The lot Is 140 It. front on Park at..
molting back het, man alley—coutaltdng tieMIT ono
acre of ground. and la bounded an treet7 Ode ,DT 0 1. 0
tote, adorned with trees and thrubbery. The holm is
nearly new, large. and exceedingly well arrsruod.
• trout of 10 feet. and &depth of 72. and 'mutants fourteen
room des bells nine fort wide. s tar- proof i• b the beet
sad m o nourable manner, and has eroof, and
contains all the modern ecareolencea. Two PeditPtl 'with
po unfailing
lyre bud and soft wrier , m it s. e dear.
00 the Pmetises the necessary etsbla.
end Ac b . j “ .. , t a i ru gl ad+ are . laid out as a
ahrn ' ist, currants, gooseberries. moberlies. t o and a ateali
rdsn, The fruit is of the hest kind s and the teem am to
their prime, god yield enough Me the wants of an ordinary
rb..1...10. of this P , P.A7.. mei
subtoban comforts,
With wsugour the cite.
to not surpassed by 007 residence is this vicinity. It has
• view of the Ohio Myer for arm • mile. of Temperate.-
1., houth Pittsburgh, too city, the two Them glad the
Mil. aroma& f orming OtelMtbee • Pammentic
which th e eye norm semis. Every boat wilder= el
(OWL cum tea pert of Pittsburgh on the Ohio. pasem
full Mew. The residenoe and grounds am also completely
sans flub any stutoyanee of dust. so destructive of
coutfort and vegetation, and
a retittoneert as quiet
and ceful utif icataled in wine Quist to
the country.
Theppoty will be staid •bargale, mot tatecesiou glens
•hnkeeer dyed. Paquin al the. tiasette °Mee
apt-^dtf D. 70. WHITE.
For Sale.
MILE members of the Fairmonat Fire Com
... pani, calor, their Engine It b tood or
.7 will b. gold cheap. Exuanh, of
7 writ. step.
To'_ 4Yr Psm street
'OR RENT—A Dwelling House nun .
Third Most. above wad war to EmlthtSeta. It
a• gas ttxtorsa. largo rard, 'rata Dolma &a. Will
to mutt loa.aod Prarasrlot , even
Also—Pot Oak or Les.. soc. lots la the Math Waal.
betmeoo Pson =art awl Alloolasor 11111,
aF B.N.Darlingtoses. Fourth stmt. war Wool.
Valuable - Real — F,statz for Sale
lIE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale,
farost,lo toms, the following Keel EMate,fo
T.l t r ofPittsburgh. It.
No. I. Three rat natio threw rtory brick duelllog bowed,
between Marlon anal Ferry street, the
lots 1.1 6 IY feet (rout bT Ile deep.
the Trani Preehi
which Is • acted oat:
four non Mick house, t eed as • Printniti 0014. •04 One
two TO Lehit warehoune.
No. S__Teeo lots In 7•llrtim. Bearer comity, being
N,.. S and 4, Ming about 100 feet mume,ou which leveret-
N we blia of Gat frame dwellings, and one sewn.
frame duellist.• all two stories high.
N 0.4. One lot 00 feet front on Beek Amt. Conan* the
above, and estmillus to the top of the It 111.
No. hTwo bees.lom each till feet front. and mouth.
from the road blow water mark, om the Kin Deere ,
\o. W 0 water lot, bud feet on Wheel Ham,
with Mu alarm, water {meter attached.
Nix T. One lot °pundit the water lot. Xi fert front. suit
extending to the top of the hill, en which in ere
eted <roe
two Amy brick store mid warehouse, by . 50 feel; LiSOanre
dwelllon, two stories 040.
No. h. OD. 1101 n lot to New - Urighten, Seem renunti.
tug shout 140 feet on Rnadwey. end about ROOnet deep.
umudoing acre, on which are erected two lame haute
dwellings, and nee small frame house, wed an wit dna.
TM. property was formerly occupied by Ilr. T. C. Gould.
end is very pleased:My located, Ina ImmedlatelloPlimire
the MM..
Noi. D. One wa.r lot. Immediately below Vidirten Bridge.
being shout ICei feet no length, and extending from Water
idmet to low water mark. or towing Mini.
The shore property will be .014 ma eery freorstile terma
.lippl• at the boot Stumpf It. C. STOCKTON, corner TILM
met al strewth 4011..1 FLY.MINO. Agent
metal thiurnal and Post coltl.l
For Bale.
BLOCH OF BUILDINGS. on the comer lOW •
to, soot Penn Wee/to, .ml front:lag cm the
Frivol:Jo Curial, In We !My of PlCUboonb. The Donn.
one Dal:Anal And Mot tow feet on Perm etteet, one
bookend Lod nine had nine Inches en Wage Moo,
Veenty feel 611.7, Ineoue of
N 0.106 Non LL
V TOR ISALV—Tee, berg, neer Nllle and • Sam 311110 n
the Power Creek, .elth de. uftvotarr water peeeer. .11"
*ell Intproved V.vto leorrtnecoounty. Islool..-
Aet. • 1,370 of 116 suer, on the Olio ere,' Wee mile*
b o k,. for 1143e1- A 1,,. one of 11.0 wee, on the
Ohio river, 6 mutes helot. Peeve, to CZ per wee. .11.,
Lee. mete.. Me SI/ per acre. Alai anna of 110, 135. and P 6
fm V. 15 per etas. Al" 1.1 wee for 112. sad V/
aeon r 111 per seri, esgethe eeith many other. of ear/
one elate and pike. Xisqutle of
N. P. it O. L. B. FETTERMAN.
A Mist Furnace for Sale.
THE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale hie
BLABS VULVA= eithatael in Ow soggy, Georges.
known . the °A.llatooa Tun.... with all the out
butino me. PAW arid 0/11ST 1.44 and sum thing
00 cum on tic Smeltingo
of Ors It itss 1.400.
.the. of Laud satactst, with as stub mom adjoining as
oooba onweeary. Utah no be Ithet (lota the, to 4:: yet
were. It Ma the meat favorat4l anallon in the tenth. few
making Imo , having the on, Meths oneetialf to one calla
Mr, in aux Wm quantal., easy to mime, and yielding
from 50 to .5 tar cent. It is ona mita soda Loaf U= the
Mowab Itolllng ethane • ready sale can be fund for
all It. yostute of Pig Metal; sad Is two roll. from lb.
Western sod AtlanticUc
Itaithed, width is one of the lirm
of named. connecting
_the Terionsee Ulcer with the bu
Dom a which has Os User a( milninrn muslin . out foam
14 Indated and tinder eantran. rninsiliti 02,
,Sitti=ria G ry,Vbree h wlT: , ?..t: nin
~111 Wash workathby ' , nor power. Mtb fall of 15
fait an a 0110.1 . Paling Mean. sad Is the man baalthr
Lathe Booth
nus may be Milriuni tome at. Etowah. Co.. en, Us.
or I can be aim at thy time on tba warning.
Arnamaiis itIL7ACC,,Mareb I. lent.
Idgind offers for We s a lsa. number ef saluata•
rer, rii4N L "=,7 ! " lr.
Iteb IlfruCend Larth.rau.....ureb.
The rabid growth at Dirollosbna pepulatlett axed
maanferturi wealth...a Cs. rearmible priors at whirl
lota .
111 be sold. will render them a late and prentable tn.
nen:amt. Vila bested. Terms hoorah's.
Sorprilsult. and terms. Meat Orana
the e of Oswego F. Gilman. ont Mreet, Plat
hurt . between Third end stmt., or of St lllLm
Smear area N. Patters= Ws. Ist then alms In Birta.
mem. 4.21 NOUS P. EATON.
VOR RENT—The huge
iFcn". and commodi
ibiiLUft irfV 4 7ze ntntA arsk t : 7ll
iwd "" "" 1 Al'i7 two rll : aM
4' taf,D !11177C0, t.
50253/ No. GO Water FL
FOR RENT—The Dwelling Iloue:gona
tba earner of 'Ettottb .od West Colooloas, 1 ely
occopted by T i troaso . Attgalle j =l. w l i • zae . Emt, Wm.
' littlrit e bol; Cot ton Worts, ALlathaor. aPittf
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
FOR SALE-,-That 'wade Lot of 'Ground
situated et the corner of . idarlia g . l t.d . TTer
" '''"ied 7 nr•k 7 t`o-1 a Netted 11=
house. erica • Mon ar e •
• Thlrof !ir,,t°,2 3 4 ° 111' le C ;o .* W.T . k.
merir templed t.r Mr. Jos. Tomlinson es e Ship Torii Kir.
um (mot of 131 - fect rh; Inches oo the alononish Ms.
Sr. sod running tack au feet to Omenoush sine .
{imam.. &MMus of miretuudtit an metre further in
furaietion 400 R. C. STOCKTON.
. No. 47 7derhet rt..
In the new town of Latrobe, Westmoreland
. County, Pa.
The Loyalhoona Depot of the Priin'a Rai/rood.
THE new town of LATROBE is beautifully'
situated on an almond level plain, on th e tank of
Lnyallison. River, when the Yearleylnnis Rallenad
crones that stream by a handsome atone bridge of three
spans or 4t feat each. It Is 40 unless ear. of Pittsburgh, 9
expt of llreenzhark 11 west of Ligoolor.l2. mouth of Moira
villa. 3 north of A oungstown. and T with of Now Alexan
dria Ilse lannetdoonfu Railroad will lee opened to the
r o nnerm, terminus near the town. earn Co Rormoimr
on'. to ...nue. with tho southern turnPlaa Thabeten.n
der dt VW ry ttosts will slop to take • meal at the new and
ost. golL RAIL. Itthtls lb an. now lo manna of nen
. sn the evehre ht the town. directly opthelle the Rca
rood ~,Arny's 1 h ,M, Ila,, :;lati3O. INrihe Mow. du, to
tor •re ( f •••1 1 .... ...ate!, the lute Imo offend fur ale or
i n .. are e 0 fe..t trout on en , is to ath wide, d MID bath
too trot tr. a 1,. feel all. t. Ott, 11l thona In e•fnanl 3o 1
ore era,, ereonlioc tu then t oeltitin. none o the rotten
tome. than nes tnnle feels the lthdroad Depot. which in to I
the rents• of the bleu ulut. outflota and Idttil. Of
erred au
there art. ntweral Lauds...melt , sun athttli the
hank of the riser. elll he ?sold on favorable rm. to int-
Ow tvithine to hosld lb , eithatv of this cm la do
llghtfol, the as os ry round the town le serf'
of artful and.
rotothlte. end it will no doubt be a plow gnat .Im l
Dom the rittni to It le in the midst of the !then sarong and bunting realune In tole bast of the Ranh UnosoM
inducements offer themselves at thin point for Mithmes
cern manufacturn, nod mechanics, to some and mettle:
they ' s. Cud Immedlote busions and ibis
pent will be the point to which the Iron and Mitha trade
Ur lthouler vela will .ithall& acne, by • UX•
l e h illrni. o 4llflh=74 '` AulLtrer t 3:tljeri.. l !
rie t rerfgC:b . ; an i th 'i lr At agn the tll: 4l a t ir b' f 'd til M -
rflhatma taro & Dummy or tiwo g oi.:it. w ater,' .oct um.
Lost of roe can be bad Moro to the abandonss
tinsels cicee at hand.= LonhatiMildo amply of all kith.
of Onlldiog materials, lime Mom end timber. •ner and
thist mill are in full operation. with plenty of waler pum
or wit ln MO yards of the now, an extensin Welt
yard also in operation, will furnish • loop number of sir
perk. hatch A.D. M. Wraith moan. The oil is drop
and Melt. sad .11 Wound hg ooltleation, gardens, ice.
The Wm.. , thl•of lots Will to auds lißoolloo son.- swoon or by tenants thogutthrlber. or his t p
lt. R.Vrt.M. Or id the aka its IaTROILL when it
of th t te may ba arm OLIVER W. BARN
IL X A MOM , ale of 60 lotemill tekeplanthlarecon.
garb m . In the Mottlll ye Jana, of width d.ARA nothe m g
l tO
gloo ifp3MlYwAlt.t ' :
Of Forty - Tama Lots in Etut.Liverpool, .0.
rrilitlrecent unprecedentedsale of Lots in
&wit MV.I.Ire.V.2.I"Zr=
the tinaotisral boa bum V e tto lay out • looratlai
bit proyortyia toy* latt aad omit/moo Oa
ottow .r atemmo utas =act to mod tha 'tom of
thaw h
at lastagata
at Mal al Um Icuu saa prorpooto• ott baA r Vu
outlakoogY elotorfbed la moot aouruomosata) Wotan
tats our oachunora loft aamoos domed. Mods.
owl Una yosttood by
,tos 'Malay to lams O
lasow" ru AlV a iloaisdiak
914-4" isaisdiamoV a"
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root,
iCCUPIES the front rank among the pro
prieLorr mod/door of this country: for coo/Plorrlr
,4,11,1. Couto!? lia/t Lbr rom i r,Xyftlfola• f . &Tr e l ofba=
a; 7 l 7 r Comglor.Catarrh.4-sp4ala, li s es,l/tsrloask
r. Sorel:lora nod Tlghtursm about Me Most. Bro.,
c lee,
or bosrstorm: drrar•a,and • Utltllror ratantlon
a ut altool4 1.14 UP•4 Witb anpreo•lent.lsomx.
lo all rue of
• • • - •
,Frpale Weakneea Gebrrui Debilay.
Strengthening the wealteresi body, erring tone to the
wk.. mans, and Invigorating the entire system.
II the testimony of thoneandscf livingsane., hon.
11 e 0 io o e c u ' rlT2 . ...ft o ffil ' og. ied an:l 4" dinf " =
Itoand broken doss constitutions. It le pones Vec e ta
ble In Its mmporition. and ea accurate/ m.blnad In Its
proportions that th e eherniutl. botanical. .Iml medial pne
Writes of each Ingredient harmoniously unit, to
Purify the".
Is has removed many Zbrunied Meuse... hicti hose Weed
the skill of the hest physicia. and bas also cured Canker.
fiat Rheum. Ery elpelas and Sanfola. which Parsaparilla
ly failed to mare the least imp ion non
" groll ' iX:en tested In many of M U CA.NCEpdps u
MOBS. The moot platitude an m oers have been mired b
this medieltio. We say that itvaluable medicine in
In 1111.1011.4 COMPLAIbTO. lit removes all olostruenens In
the eirculatlon. marring the Liver free, artiv. and heal
t. It 7.190 T. Palplation of the Mart. analistipsan
Massa of Asthma, and may be used In .11 alma • . and
at all seasons of the year.
ThltZrup yl=l .
,1 12 , 1 A 0 1 -C . ...tjazy tg0 ; .. , 1 102
retath by 24 {VICKI:ELL,
Ohl/ Agent for Weide= Penneylvania.
myl.y Warehouse. eornerWaril .4 Path
The malt Extraordinary Dl:emery in the It
the great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast.'
TIIE miraculous cures performedby the
Arabian rhysiciatis in the days. of old, were then
ed apt= es the remit of magic. but since we have be
come luta:nate with their history we can thia amount for
theireurpriring rower ever airman Their attainments in
the knowledge of medicine 'Fero the winder of the
while M the mum time the Oedema of Chemistry, whic h
with them had its origin was to the rest of the world
eealed leek." And in Ibtankt they were the most valour of
student. In the beautiful groves which skirt the devermoi
Arabia. abound rare plants and *moms woods whet ek are
obtained thosearonatie gurus and fragrant bale:MIS; of
which this incompekthirr %aimed; I. composed, and by
l'"o'rth',_•lrseNrsi.ProluVtionneo'"ir Ark=
..t=gh the woo.. n rums Fmk., alleyinfthe nod kn.
tens paha in the Incredibly abort time of 10 or minutes.
Ita action la prompt, powernal and <rethink without the
lima usage, It penetrates the Ersh to the tone, relaxes
eputrected made, restores use to Limbo width have been
'palsied for years, musing the rkuireled genb to gem out
slid deb blood to drentale through Ita TOOL It mime.
the hymnist Yie or Water, and i the ason
by it has been ld
co u j n oint iversally succendul MU
In s
curin re g ell
dilemma of theJointx In chronic affectlora of the Brine.
Liver. Lungs and Kidney,, this great Arabian remedy
stands unparalleled; for Anne Cake or Enlargement ol the
Splovn It lea epectne and br Rheumatism it lam perform
ed mum of the most sztrsontimur.mms on rscoul: also
for Cramps, Swelling, Paine, Wounds, Chilblains Burns.
Whin , 5..111.0. Twice/v.lle te. It le equally
direase of Animals. ouch llstula, - Pol I Keil, Sweeney,
turr Cerciphdnt, itimemper,fiacyllputism,Brulam,Wountis
eithers. WiMlManit.
_• And
obit. early all
disesees, ein man nr bust. which no/ ealvr
nal applicaUth. this liniment stand. at the bead of all
The following Is from the principal accountant of the
wealth( .4 high!, respeetable bonze or Tuts Dati,, of
Noria. and oreacnts one °Teo mist sncoredful cures In
the annals of Medical history:
1(r. u. Q. Farrell: Dear bir, Actuated by • senseof gnat:-
feint:as, I submit the f0i1... La an instance th e WM
ity of your great medicine. My child,three yrwrveld,was
sadden!, stuck. with a tertible disieue i whkh, in he.
than sic hours. prostrated It to toad Aelp...mat. The limbs
Limon. rigid th at net Joint meld be Gent; the flesh
tunied black and told. and .finely deg:wired afftrling; the
yes hoed. pertially closed and altogether hbed... Follow
ing this was deejne. to ell goon the spine became con
tracted. End wi corral. that when laying ou its lark. the
Ap V ed and lusts may W.A.& indeed, the Otranto.l
e miptarartee of being du. Immediately on the
114, the 6.17 physician war called 14.4 thr three me..
Iv labored to restore It to feellnabut v 1 to vain. although
It was Metered a dosen dma., and egylonsrubsfacient lio
talents applied. A consultatlon of physicians etc then
held. but to oo purpme. The ow* was then 'brottght bee
for. the Medical b.:My, but tithingeonid be anggested
whirl: had oat already been done: and the doctor then told
me he mold do nothing more. We then anomencid fly
piling your Liniment Ilea, over the entire length of the
spina and you may lmagine• parent's • , ••• • •It••• •
few applicaUclia, refaroung camegrias mar Tbu
"id hi rapidly rxrivered, with the exception of eight,
which did not become perfect for nearly a month. It le
low hearty .4 Robust ea ma..
Five other cases of the saineltimil carnred Ina neigh.
hothroxl prertouida all of. which died; when.: no doubt, if
your laulment bed be. amd, Uwe:would have ncrieerld.
Peoria Muth I, MI. lIENDT CLELAND.
Zirrr Complaint, Eryripolim, and kerma:is
f:Arlttc, Lark= Co. ya liar 27. 1343.
Mr. U. Al raatat.t.—llear Sir 1o nr Linnient IA aelllim
eery well. and doing • *ail deal of gond mtangthelnea
pie. It ime maw , • bed care of EryNipelas, and an caber
41/ bad palm In the bre•AL A lady, woo notinnad
herbed Gs eeveral auntie pita/ Liver Complaint and Ador
ing/ of the Heart. ••• entirely cured br the tat a your
Arst.l. Liniment. Atm asid tbe doctors mild do her MD
It Imo been appHed to • fresh ent.andeured It in
• /hurt time. 1 hate been &Metal with Ilbetinottlam for
• long Jae i end just before a Iret . z. , ll , IA palm/4 me au
stl rem
rnalel h. t . mltt ' ing od awl t d /t h UI i lh t . int h et
!Afore I Pea done robbing. boo pun 2:11044.
Stiff Complaint, &mem*, Diztimper, Cork, and
Sore Rya Cured. _
tit. Intone/I. Atetztooter at i tot Fulton Voltage, 111,
"f r
r. IL 0 = Fiala Ttmr Arabian tinlinent I. highly
OtTtrptain W t e b -- 4 - 11 h.e ,v ,, ?4 g =g21
El "d tsta. °' s:trad ' hu " hi , ree Were ff aen jo' t4
Man a tolt that hod the ittstemper were bed, laid marl it
Inanvilately. lays It is 4..1011> the. trreatest horse
medicate he ever used. There has• been uttushom nand
of Fore Zyesswith beet end It • Teri valuable medicine
bath fa man and
Beare of Counterfeits. '
TI) t3tIABD rti LteINIST 121P061.T10N READ TUE FOL.
b LOWING cauxua.x.-
'The',.Publle eye want:duly motioned *salad • Dale
°nodular which tan lately made int .porn to end it
celled by the lm leteter *lb makes It . in B PerrelVl Arabi.
an bleb:mot^ Tble il IL 411111[1.111 (rated end more liable
et dearly* born hie beating the name of Yuma, There-
Lif• tiwpartieular error to nail fin. it In reee name - Ferreira
Ltalment. - for unprincipled dealers will iiiinvile the .PC.
R 10E4 etesturee open you 000 the intuit. but Wooer ask
for - 1.1. C. Fereitts Andean Lesteenth . sod tale ,ee 4.?,.
se the genuine oheete bee the lettere IL G. brfore Vartell'e.
, e 4. ortreVl:re . ll "o. lot b irtV:= th
ll '"t i e t. (714*. - .11,, a r .
eater.nt toevery lon. Vdteort ered ilettelet ht
the United Mee, In olarh one le net wetabllsiiitaL ADO,
tib tenet to 11. G. Farrell, Peoria. 111-edth good tebrtote
to character. tvrepooslblity, 00.
0:11 ore the anent who .111 furnish Free of (earlnte a
It actetainhatt notch ealoshle Ittfortestien ter every clot
of ninon.. .
• • .
•Plons.-3.seates. GD route. auk one dollar per battle.
neeeene fe matureeturol br H. 0. tarrell, Inge
Inventor Ara proprietor. ea•l wholeolo diunglen. No. 17
Aboln =wet, Pogue. 111... and for eale erlealenale and realist
Pnnytintor's price by SALLANS.
sobiter.b o. 371V00d street
Fold by D. CUP.IIY. Allegbeny CM,. •
The Human Body Must Perspire, '.
SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy ap
pearance; and persons who de not parents, ,an Untie
to • meet din:hang btlii Jorai
Chmillogl hap cam. • free nereplmhes, did at this mane
hoe end mittens the akin. giving tt 'dm mature
of an Infant . %
getrivy halt itheum and Berea eh not only haled. but
Cured byi ts umi, ...t lemt 7 nhyeiriaas In is. tort tn.,
Pho cue It in such CllllOl. and End It on , Hug—. a lso, In
imples. Blotch.. freckles. or any other .tin disease. The
reader le hem . . that this la no helms, puffed rionnutu. ty
roe trial .ill pro.. I multi enumerate at least eighty
ham. oozed of emu head, 1.211 legs, RAO beard.
bey it—ousd reader Is mph msured 1 would ther m
dl well it for the above, unless I Amer it to be all I state.
thoien who ar• liable to chafed. cracked.. chapped het.
will and this not only a curr...tait • preventive, mid I ma
now only add. that anvoiteiahliei .1 with any of the above,
on them., ail. and even more Watt
table In It. properties) thou I state.
Mist. reader, th g MM. d hooded with imitation+,
%ad be sure you ant ten Jona' itellanebemical hop—and
buy it only of I VY. JACKIiON. only Airent the
bead of Wool.
Pearly White Teeth;',ancl Pure Breath. to
bibad for 41 c.a.—Pemba abo have either. are boraks•
bly wand that if theft breath I. rear ao WaL or their
path decayed, dark ar yel ow. add encrusted with tartar,
that a 24 ant boa of Jour Motu Tooth Pasta trill maks
the tooth sui veldt. a. no., and the breath odoriferously
fold only at JACKSON'S Um.% :40 Liberty et. head of
Weald. •
A Scientific Hair Tonic, Restorer and Beau-
Stk.—Trial Dorthe..37% gents. Thete who bin mewl
/ogre Corsi Karr Restorer. know It, earellent qualities—
Orme who hate not we astute It to poss. the following
allnlliber.--It 'Killer's the bats to grove anipart where
nature Intended her to grow: two It falling oil: enterer:al
0r dandruff; .11 make SAM. nsi, or gray hair grow dark.
Cos rendering the heir era And silky, nothl. eon es evail
tnakenit truly beautloll. and kisga It re, 11 is. In
deed. the moat econonalenl—yet aoperlor:-artlde for the
hair. • '
So only at Md. JACKSON'S Siori. 270 Liberty street.
held of Wood, Ilusburgli •
cents. 00 cent, awl dl. .
JONye,ES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human
Ilalr D Ihr the changing cr whine. or dray halma
be...tiff - el brown, ea black let colr, fin aln minutes.
lcei—SU cen4 and ft.
Enid. try WIL - JACIBON,24O LlArrty•trev..loolof Wool
llttat Ural, . • •
JONES' LILLY WHITE.--Ladies are eau
_ .
tinned ageismusing the Penman, prepared Chalk.'They
me rug swam log. frightfully Imusioue It ta to the .kird
•hog cram, hug rough. hog edlnw, yeller, and unheallbj
the Min appear. after using prepared Ch.l/4
‘ MlTtilta "n' premreit ''''" a • btf.Mit ' Vg. o b f le i gde.iehishere
toll Junes- ommish Lilly Wbtto.
an d
i t innorent icing puris,d-4 all de/clerk.
coalition and it imparta to the skin a natural. healthy. set
epartar, clear, living ghltr, at tbe same time acting as cos
metic op the making_lt and emoolli.
Bold Or the Agent, W Y. JACKOON, 200 Liberty street.
head Wood. Pittsburgh. Orion. 25 seat.
Fides= A. C. Burro Tridopherous,
testimonial 111 from Me. Mono. Editor of tbe
hountigt American. Comment on such ,mhlenge is mt.
Brit Yon. Feb. 24.1619.
:Barry's Ticcopherturs is in article that we take plemure
in awarding the highentrommenditious. We do not do it
übon the recommendationof others. but teem ourown per
Bonet knowledge of its effects upon We bait while it tends
to keep It beallhy. soft,and sire*, It also removes dam
o. drtlGrow. ,
ersonee% %,
A p only nestle o use no bottleo be emviniew
hold In tottleA r prios =rents, at the principal office In:
n ratlnsl . rban . , prkAe rb
nu. at, &en
cos by
my& No. 57 Wood el.
'MUSSES, of all kinds and sizes, for the
"Ziilief and radina van of limas, or Itoptore:roo
VoDOIVELI4I4O Wald st.
SLIOULDER BRACES, a a new and an
pan kladjunt reortred and f
O by
Err.a .1; eDWELL,
,ap3o. .
40Wool it., PitUburgh..
veal' nod aro them.
Great Cure for Dyirpepaia!_
r ts . Do. lingitoM Porton. the true diming gold,brOth
o juin, a a real Disponi& Curer. pored f rota bemet.
or tin fourth otos:oath at tin a. titer merlons of BM.
Lubl il l,..e mt la v tl r lent Chemist. be .1. IL Hough.
' This to . Milo ,fonderful retnesit ferjosil i gesstion..l)a
ClVtofotralter " or=t ' st eT;sTbTiaos% on
or tao=l " .l l :l*sp_.
_bat Strosi IS boater. _
syst or dismiss _Ate soututtan roan*/ in about two m ar„ ,
ant of the stoma,
T ing. sric Juin to the mstoolvont of the hal. the M
erg mooning. It agent of tin Moments and
Waft.. Without It then can te no
ottMon of Vaal into blool—no nutritionoW bier; but
nth:WM. totlad . ip painfol. ounl A ts= conslitton of 1
/eel suma "U proluces no owd 00.0 sf Jails, noA aead 7.,::
,j3 = , ; . itillesk ail: = I ttzT ,, EICE Min; !tie d i sh
2 1: b l:rho a. hoax the stomachs ' =heals no
liEs the na=Ouule Joh% tit i =4 l l.' W L ,' . .%
trreelitot=="" 6.4 "'"'' -
magint dlepurtion
bas long been lumens to - stoio , D r. p al , 11 ;
clam utaypehth E irgouftr
the or. or tn a WOO and Et=
; head She esitlmmat Dim...- ' EL cat.
i e W ria irri e m ra hidi r .. Mi, hrttedal
Fefrona the MOM. aILMWEOSitt trug=ttut b.
sada micas artle bo3; u meat sadegamorill
lart%vt , ==ansch- 1"1"' " ft", I:4'
dams EWA gm IttsChssestdimeolaahnn•S chat.
Woo .lt ditn_taWfor 'DTA:peon:ft ' rmr tow*
et sba photos h , MMX.-bears the whom etznators of J.
E.. „Fo.!•l.:s4.4o!:tevrktor-- Prb.o9.aDsW.Y . 7
.r . Sitgiabbiiiiinitalitiolletitatiaitislatebilibnia.Ai!
!"- I - 11 '"l''-e 9 liailitis' 4 x mir.m..._r.m , t-=. •
Of 'Valuable Proporty in the City of Putabuegh.
N PURSUANCE of an Order of the Or
pheus' Court of Allheny dated AMU "AL
1.1 will expos to pub ale at the Court House. in the
City of Pittsburgh, ore Ith Monday. =al day of May,
MI lo o'cle.t A. M., all the following dem.. Baal
Estate, situate in the City of Pittsturglo and sell Um wag
for one third cult,, one third in Gm year, with lot eat
from the day of ode, and one third to two yours, with IN
truest from the day of gale, said puniente Pa be secured by
Imo. did merlins/mg with pmer divide up into
wire p.m and - sell the game in parts go divided. any one
or mom he
p.m of ground as may be deemed coulte
elm to the...est ofthe urine.
All that certain lot or niece of ground, being part of lot
No z, jam. Adm.. part of un a pt. of the Northern
oth wan! of the city Pittaburgb, bounded
Ve:/demli n ass fo ll ows. is Beginning on Penn street
at the distance of twenty two feet six inches fn. Adams
street, therm along Penn dreet southwardlY. twenty er
ne feet alt inches. sad extending the same width beck to
lion. alley. am hordned feat.. which Is erected, mo two
tramatorT dealing homm,. with two two nary back Wild
pa t to • gr.'. rant for ever or fi tly dollars per
Ingeble gaarterly to James Ada.. his helm and
Abo—All that certain lot or Mem of pro lid, situate in
the otb ward of the City of Pittsburgh. being lota Noe 134
aul 135 in the plan of p artition between the heirs of Jo.
and there lewen—No .IDemember Term. 1534, Common
gess of Allegheny (Amity. and recorded in book 3d, AI sof
04 o. 530, bound. se fallow, elm begittalngut the corner
of Franklto and Logan need{ thence along Mg= sheet
one hundred and twenty six Lot to Decatur Meet thence
castwarity along Decatur. street iorty eight 1.4 and
theOoe by alt e parallel with Logan Meet northeindlY•
one hundred sul twenty si s t reetto Franklin dre. theme
mestwarily along Franklle Bony eight fest to Ettgair
rtes., the plam of beginning, on which an muted on two
nary brick dwelling bone. fronting on Franklin street,
brickne story frame dwelling house. and one two story
lisa=hTchb Looting
June 17th, 1545. recorded In book W.,. vol 70. P. 53 0.
conveyed unto the geld llobert Christy. Eau
Also—All tint certain lot or piece of ground dtuate In •
the Ist.. of the City of Pittsburgh, king part or lot-
No 329 in the plan of add city bounded and demerit. es
follow, elm by Third street. lOy Leuse,
other ball of lot No IS. dui by lot No 319. mud. In
front on Third street, Wm mem feet mom
lop, with •
it.. privilege of dram Wu feet wide, ...Wg Lot No
SZ), extending about 30 fon tuck from Tiald stmt. in
y ri t been, in depth. 85 feet, mare or less, and CO Net in
width, in the rear of which la erected emend frame dwel
ling houses. •
Also—All alit certain piece of ground• mu of lot No
ieels c egie pia
000 Pitte tad d ebt=si=d4rh , Lln g
Thiel ree, the eon. ofJot No 31f, g. e
Third g n u miming Market oth. sirty oat fet. more or
lem, theme Ma penlleiline with Wool areetthirthneedi,
eighty fiso feet, more or less feet parallel the with
Third street eastwardly forty one mom or 1e55...1
thence in a the parallel with Wt. ateret• latedlraeralr.
eighty Ave fent, more or h., tO the place dw e lli
ng lm. on
which are erecteelbtwo three dory
thee )brck lli hons.
with MOM roomsin front: Part of al.earrrealaz
lac Nett to th e partnent of the inter. of rah red
dollars to Mrs Jane Sands. 'endow of
dermaed. being $36 per annum, during the Illb time of
the add Mrs Jane Band.. anal after • her death, the told
bpalmm I. Payable to the heirs of the
Also. All that piece of gmund, part or lot No.
360,1 n the pl. of Pittsburgh. silage in the rink Ward of
t ail d llggal b = d at lletVie b rof " l!3l. l ;=l: 3 anYthe ' re
along Fourth dr. westwardly 40 lint, theme neWthwm 3 li
ly and pudic' Wthmidarket street BO feet, theme es...
ly .4 parallel with Fourth street 40 feet to the tae of tot
1..351 aforesaid, and thence by the uuneetouttrw.ily.d
paemllel with Market deed. ...Ito the place of teginw
im: f etr o. .d sety . egt j o o thertuneutof lieu.. ground
Unnaim.d and.;
on which I, erected one tie ' .-erlek. dwelling hum,
Alone them-dory frame dwelling home.
so, All that certain lot or pine of ground .1000 sin the
Snood Ward of the City of Pettaboyeb. bounded and d0 t...1
t...1 of f ollows, de beginning on Fourth street at the
dinance 9d feet outwardly Pm the calmer of Chem
alley and Munn street, theneweastwacily along Fourth
duet Y 2 fmt to lot of Itotert Wcois e rsq,thmmalong the
same southenthily toearda Third ettest 65 Math. or len,
thence westwardly in • line parallel with Fourth street 22
feet, th rum along Wm. Toungs lot 85 fed more or 100.10
the platy of ...ix. with the right to the nee and prb
silece of the alley In the mu of the lot gold by Wm. Bell
to Wm. Toeing, along the whole rear of aid lot to Chem
alley. on which Is erected athrowstery brick.relling boner.
M. All th at =nada niece of ground, Wt.. In the First
Ward of the City of, being part of let No. 344
in the plan of said city, bound. and dumbed as Dhow,,
Ms beginning OD the Diammd at the dhrtance of 60 Mt
from the of the Dimmed not Market street theme
I weetwardly 14 feet, thence aoutirrardly to a parallel llne
with Market gtreet 26 Beet th an alley four feet wide. theme
emtwardly in line parnliel with the Dlanumell3 feet,.d
thence northward', lim with Market .cat
10 feet to the place of
,uning VW. the Prirllge of the
alley In the mar, and so to the yesrly_geou rent of
146 90-100 forum. pay. helf YearlY I.lne hof
heirs and well= . which 1i cr.. • three-11.7 brick
Also. All that cateln plece of ground gituate in the First
Wethil of Math, of Plttiburgh: being Lot No. 346, bon..
nod dueribU as ilellum, sir- be go the eetmr of
Dimond' 4101.6 musing goutliwardly along the Dia
mond Poo., 60 Pet more or leo, thence paraltel with Dia
nn. flee westwardly lin fee MOM or len to Demi.
rug. /bath along dud street 60 met more or lau to Dist
.d theme along Diseamd alley mete ardly
123 fed more or leas to the place of beglnolo on which
ereemd one large threettary brick Tavern Wu x with
lar&elhe, tb .t:-. l rd erne territory brick Tareno
rtaln piece of ground, one-half part of
uLoatNo l 9
Water s .tree la the .dWoP t o sb nu mb ci s y
mu od m d
by Water street bithe other half of then. at
No 199. by Fern nrht • and br cb4 lira of Lot N 0.2110, tee
ing roe iscsfront on Water street. and extending thmugh
to First premed.
'wickame width 160 feet, on width Is
erected • fietir 'Mel willthemm.
Nemo.: of Robert Cluirty. &ed.
For farther urtumbers enquire of JJ . M. Christy, at th e
(Mine of the .12bornte lie Company.
Pllubsunto May 2, 1851. myAddllicitS
Willow Liked Farm for Sale.
ri.E persons who were highest bidderefor
the Willow O c toberu the mouth of &or Creak.
cod co, Tu. he lamb dating Celled to ostonlY with
tbs. terms of sale. the subscriber will agatholler for sale
inthe premiere. al. public auction, to the bight. and bod
dder. Thunder. the lath der of July. et 12 o'clock.
sleet 232 Arms of add ferns. including all the haprosve
menu. consisting of • cam er a storT Brick lufde
buil ,
in the mon sotagentlal and well fluished
with • well of used water wiloinitig..• d•iry. and. line
orchard of good fruit. also. a largo era enbethetial done
sad brick. building. formerly winless distillery, with •
weer falling erring near It silo, a black mite
atop and
other Luildthge. Also. thew the prembet. 01.0Mar seise
mud Paw nill 1. goad repair. laming two Iwo of stone and
ono ea, with abundance of coal thd liollatmee, end the
privilege of th e nee of ••rain:eel far the transportation of
lumber. cog. es, to th e river. to th is knew there ans
'bout 125 were' , of cleared bottom lath of peat fertrility,
about of clawed upload. and the thoe well We.
The whole is In the beg condition, ated antler pool
orfurther particulars. and Ihr_usiew of the prelloheeas
ePPIT Ise the sube sh criber. on th e spot. •
Tersth iwyment of two thousand dollars lo he
mid down. and the rem.lluder in Iva annual Payment..
with Interest fro= the dee of We—the Waiver CO the
whole to be settled rip at each amortel parilverlt.
nirlTnetsbn 11.11. NoTAUGART.
A Vegetable Compound.
ysente, an infallible reme
y for I:d.rbna, D Bowel or Cann
paella d
Of Widow and adds. A perfectly sae and Sommer
' nee
remedy under all olrethastanres. hes been wed
ash bapy and stroer erns. by sothe ono owed
forpooontloners of medians. whew= introoneed.
for tho LW too or throe years. as per oerldnestee smogm•
psnytno the thedinths, In Pamphlet fano. Untarede of
eases, of both Children and Adults, haw boon cured and
relieved by the eh*. balsam. efbor noniT other fonlod7
had trean tried to vain.
. . . .
The !•I.1•••1•• V • eryLvortiCeste relstlre to the
'Het J U . YOOoo.Vito Uttbo:irtgkthajgal
if,. horror: Mr. I deem It due to you to . tbat for se
veral months I ham been trying mar rm.dle. fur DM ,
Olt% but olth Ltulo sumo; btuatessirig of your row:4n
I posund sus bouts, whist, I hare used, In m family.
mW great summs, and I fsel Itm to noconmand It to the
Lublic, to • 'stumble medicine for Martha:a end slmllar
Yours, truly, J. 11. POWER.
Cincinnati, Juno ,M,1050.
The atom dyrup or Balsam Is preyored am{ sold obolst
salt scut retell at BADLIEL C. &NEWS Drug liwre.
northmet mow of Orchard aud MM , streets. at th e Oms,
of tiardarcr It Ca, on Main =vet, totoseut &math and
Ewan street; met ckle, and at du Mixcital Drug
other atoms In the West um:orally.
glam Mr mile by & li.WlMarshanc.Plasbursh; Joseph
DO IIIOSSIS Ifilgsbany; W. licClalland. Moist-stem John
Facgsrcid. &apt PlUtburglo Wm. J.Emillb Temperance.
lloJoba emith, at a. Blimmthem Drug. Mum. Mr
mlughalm Leightlly t Gregg, West:O nstom
Elisabeth: Perry Baker, bleßemPicl• ms-warrs
Q, TRAY MARE.—Strayed from the
„ W z ,
kJ asherriber, ao the . = Inst. • S.OIIIRZIL WWI'
about 10 hairdo birth. not 10 or 12 rare old, with s our
and ship. hald Mars was hairy with rah. Asy paws
WRWS be.' 2, 2 , . 4 2 , ..." 2 .4 boo to ohs ottbortiher=
arded. --
Int: tuto baton:o4ton where to ss t. her . , will be 11
Eslt Work;:rinn:inxis Post them.
Emit Dver ty, inetheny co, )tar
LIUBLIC SALE.—In - ca of a de
of th e Orphans' of Washington Gindilie
ale° of • dams of lb. • Court
thellq. Deny
Oman the eirdarnigned e _Ad taistnitor of ratan, of.
Roes Dwa, p.p., late of WashinkthriCotteil7 { _defd. .m.
u- ou the g , ;:g.,,.my..g.r . citi abri:= A.
br vendee, or outlay. the Dillow ' described
oral taws, to wit ell the potholed . . ram of 1. alien
tetsotruler lot, rituals at the mouth of Liberty and Water
.t=eeth in the immediate etetmtr of the Wade. of the
pert ekntrel Peitneyleattla Railroad. tut within 60 frueof
tbe derot of *aid wad. ror partundoe description of the
propertr, the subeeriber .amid prfer to handbills that eon
proenred at his store. No. 38 West Olds of the Instrion{6
Pittsburgh. The number of lots an followg 7.
X 0. 10.11. 12.13. awl rt. all fronting on Liberty. Water.
ad Taft:rot these
fit =ro i l Rlerbtl7.ll
feet frotlet{ on Water street
m e
of Wet thee ball of the purchase ISlOrbe• to I.
reid on th e der Of we• aad_tbe residue thereof in l year.
with Interest hum 07- eccured by Loud and
=usage cm the proar.tTio n atzt= ply eory
apitetrS thsErsct iaaw Math. deed.-
W. WALLACE, 319 & 321 Liberty st..
• v • ameba Sana. Tattaburab.
Marble Thattelt. ttnaamente, Teml, Table UN.
trumebetitrei by toacbatery, sad bald at naluctd
IDLASTER PARIS,. for Land, be., for sale
w iztr one. IV. W. WALLACE.
HYDRAULIC CEMENT, on hand at 319
Litertr street. W. W. WALLACO.
mAtiltgi=giitUoulv prima.
Wirt and Fa. =1 Cod%
'',,ie . ::o 3 tinVetrind r"- gare , ej raisgn.nd made to order.
Allgagraten attended to ate . &I:l,l,7tex=
LEX. W. FOSTER, Attorney and Cour,
:co. 47 Four:
James E. Brawling, ,
YILL continue to transact the Wnottaits
oat Gomm BUSINESS, aettte old das,l, .N 0.151
street sulatkvass•B
BURLAPS.—The beet article always on
6aad, and for a 1 .t the LMM, tr. wood et
Executors• Notices
*LL PERSONS hiving'. claims viand th e
Rotate of John Bell, Itte ofTrankllutonnehlooledd,
D them duly euthentladed du. tett/exotan ead
thou owing the told estate, Win Clal with Ether tithe =-
denim:ed. sod belle the MM. • • •
Administrator's limice.
var cE is herehrgivea 'that the under
of lb*
pti. p a. w rig Plum teernaliiii.
a g ainst mid mistime routmeteil to unbent =At"'
men; and time Indebted re q _Mred to mete immediate
payment to the anteedber. UT:1011-VAVIJISON,
lleitaintsmatot. Plum te. •
kiOTICE.--All:persoas*ho are indebtedto
the *gate of the et Lorre Eh
e teewhe, deed, are
ettellstell with the rabiertber 7 re=rhahmemr ,‘"." 4
and all perseattlebs levet to easeeir "etth W..eow no
At' ealactloa. - OirII.4.IGIL Atter.
• New Hope irmleh Et. Cate tp--Arti.l Iso.
Comm of Third WI Itutw arum atutel L. A.'
Tb• may Mauna bawltut•M tbia bad bt IM:t.
raclas,4eror Tioaal. rffidr l . la gm
O. lit. Maaswar. IMPWI/ATEMAMMIW lama.
Ms Campaett , .. l .
Luau= U. Wamm. Zot: tort* '•••A ID. m •D dia
liam __
,==. nea ll =cl44 tn. 21
Mom ptata• Etwa. • 1.. t. p t . /. m.
Jot. And..tgl. em. J.M. w.m•D.4i rim D .,
• Oawarms.-4MA T. Coarse. Alamo
lam /sm. Tawm. atretoutt. 8. -- .14 TIMr• /A:ma:twat, ~
atadw/Wlssa emir
_Nwittatles WART lbw atli . ::
mehre• dram. larbia
a Ilkald h. InitesernA, ',mi..
A_ did steamer MAINLOWER, Heal*
master. win leave toe Me gave late
medial* ports to this Say, the lath d, at 4P. X.
Por height or homage .144 T on tao. 4. Mt 14
EaR ST. LOUIS.—The splendid
nd Euit summer J. J. CItrIVENDEN,
W ix terto ""ster ecliabi . it 10 1.
For :Melt or I,2222‘iyi.KPlA;Mitsr t.
VOR LOUISVILLE—The e len- -7--
did steamer NAVIGATOR, Cay,R.
;I leave foe the above andall Ude
arts eh this day. the MR Inst.; 1110 oatee.l., A. H.
Foe feetght or Damage •OVIY vat lacavA ea •
ta7/8 J. MACK: ARGO.
=70 4 5'1, 9 1,
so.disto porta or. Ibis day. at 4 o'clock, r. v.
For freight or pa... 4, •PPII ork dnad. myle '
eteatur 2, A. S. Crane.jsurter.
will leave Pittsburgh ihr Hbwrillig e wild Swart,.
wry WednewlayandliattrelaYw.Mo'ouleb.. Parwartgare
*sod Woven esus depend upon tide boat running regularly
dories: the low water mown._
For frei g ht or gamma apply on boar& =7/0 ":
=lngham , Vele rplerulid boat... Wit 0
the omen of the atramer loon Newton, and other; for
the Cincinnati and rittabowith Packet trade, and will him
every Weltnerdity kw Cincinnati, in plane or the No a . Inna ,
had N 0... Par freight cr * T . t sop! ea tba rd. onto
'`. •
RYIBILAR: PAM - LT.—Theepleteild
feet tanningisteent boat CII/ESTAIN. B- T.
Mina Neater. learn the end of the Okl Allegheny BM"
(Sr. Clair street.) emery home, commencing et I/ o clock. A.
and confirming until the Gardens cloee. She grill lend
co the Allegheny side, for the econsontdation of was.
gera elso. at other point. Kir Extra Trig 0Y ig on
clock. P. M. mr2
.1851. kali
T HE new
a I. e. n"a ll it ute ru r n
g. n lt i slt r ;ral l' .! E O:.
.„,...,,,elletrurg, Wheeling. Badnatort. Patanot...3.l
Suntan Paaata-lenrea Plttabtagh every Waltandal tt
3 rielnek, P. 31_ far Wbeellng .4 1161..rt....4 3 orbor Calatinn and Swath.
1,a,,. boaFalt Monday at 10 o'cleek,A.
nand Wlreling arm Monday and 17norVo1r. at
4 — FTSC .
For freight and passage apply on bad, ar to
soda 301224 MAC. Agent
OlL—Tbeteltdraughtsteamet ARE- 4 / 4
D. P. Mtruuy, masted, leaves Weaning. emery MdudaY.
Wednesday. Rad Friday, .1 , 8 M., For YAW Mr
<wool, ()Imola, McFall.= • landing, De a
rer. and
burgh. Leaves Mietsburgh every Tuesday, Thursday, and
6aisarda7; dr 10 o'clock. A. M.. for Bearer, SleYerrarea Land
ing, 0 hums. East Liverpool. and Wellsville.'
For freight or panda, apply CUI
new gasket steamer DIURNAL, Calmer "
ger, La now peen:inning her rgearr trgnreklyhirsi between
this city and Wheeling, lee Pitultmgh et la clock
Eloriner, Wednesday glider,
Innweek. I.l,,yrrr=tri
nolB Ans. ON a gausZEIL, Agents.
ItCOPOFIT.—Tbe Mesmer PACIT/04 •
Os, master. will less« for the slows sod
. modiste ports every Thursday, st o'clock, V.ll.
F or frotppt ammo , SDPIT or ,
T.lf 00118 !BON,
matt° Ne. d 1 Warr, sad 61
steamer WELLATILLE. Cant B. Yo= l Z
emt as • regular what between Pittsburgh. Wheelhige
Bridger" and Smash, tearing Pittsburgh enmities=
afternoon for Welbrettle. Mantel:Mlle. =a
mem Thareday aftermen Eteubanere, g =llitg.
Bridge:me, Catricina. and Malign retoratog. harm Millie
port and gunge, emery Tuesday shaman. and sun=
army Friday afternoon. Pmteightee.+PPlT an
boad. or to fleb2Sl WHP. AIAnA
March 14, 1851,
IT BEING DESIRABLE to subtAitutelocks
and keys of same other. kind for. thane new . In are Ibr
iiihhhaaa mad emir's, of the United State., epedectest leeks and.
keys, with propmto furnith the same. will be received
and mouldered at. Th e Pos Otto Dem.r.ent, until the la
dy of July net. different IoW will be admitted to
a canamirtion for examination and report. Upon this re
port, tract, will, as loon as praeildble. he contend into
6ir turtleback nth keke end keys for four yearp.arith the -
dila on the tart of nom r General kir the time
co extend and con the contruct in forte for en
odclidonel term of four years. by airing to the .....or
written notice to that effect, not more then nine nor lea
them cis months before the tertaluation of tae tarn Dermot
tour years.
With a view of procurtusithe test leek at the lowest Pe.,
no kind of look le
kind astthdardi Chnlizsortaterd
relying for a eeteellon on the Mechanical skill
It; which a Isar competition, now Invited. marten
It is. however, proper to stets, that a lock imitable for
cell service thonld poserts the fullowteg dse
rability. uniformity, lightness. and etre
For the purpose of dlspledurt slat all the
mail lode end key. sionnr in wise , cheat thirty othand
new locks and twenty thousand keys pdapaed thereto. will
be required to be furnished b y the contractor within Oren
incrnthe after the contract eked hart been entered intrt
terwarda the annual 'ripply will depended: the darablllty
of the locks and keys adopted, as well as the the...l the
mail lemon but It will probably deer exceed in amount
three thoussed of the timer and one thousand of the
o led be cordklered If It. be P k.any ahrsdy In
r N triad i aTiarl ' o r w:d nU toTartr cell, or ' h .
f=To t rl C t o
ek ' ft
key. similar to thane contherted for, for any Wise Snort
or sise Nam theta! the Poet Clethe ueporamat. -
Tba kind of 1t , ..t..00p0.0m0.tte patented. ..a the pa
lento* trill be requited. on entering into contgact. to
ludgument of ht. patent for th e arid". use and tete
t of the Department. if th e Itetmartar Gerenral shell
demo suck requirement essesthil to the interlines of the Kr
An. to map of tine failure of the oontractor at any lime
to fulfil faithfully the toms and conditioned tde olintract.
the PothodisterGeneral shall hare the right.beedasayee
to the penal remody.herainafter mentio.d. to 119120.1 Seel
courted and to contract anew with way Dative:
rt. as he may an AC far faraigdas dmibircad
ra deddias upon ma y rotiesleand e a t
Postmaster General darts it nrtpt to vela< for the
through malls the leek done bidder.ssolfartbe way mails
that of datum. He reserve.. therefore. the right of con
tracting with differed individdls for each dlea• kind.
of locks as he may meleih .. and deo the tight to er
the speehnens and pro if he shall der.
that came
for the interest ef that pertinent. The party or partirt
contracting will be required to OM Dead. - with ample ee
entity. In the sum of thirty thioneand dollars Par • fsithM
parformance of the contract The contract to tow ctel.
midgems for the doe and mow inthection of tha • locks
and UT; and also fox one:ding against their at
!Ltepttel hands the ten. of dart strrtido dr a t-.
between the Department and the snart,
•• elsauld be accepted. •
NoapplicationossrUl be omeidertedif uotadoothattled with
ItZtag=all.l . le no trn . ror eoe tbyeassacur at tag bid`
IV. K. HALL. .eatinaster GeograL
Giwzßar. LAzrz , 0/Tb:ft:April 4„ . 1851..
taon made militant., tar information larelatlan to •
manner to +Mal Land Warrantu nailer the err of
fah of Beptemba. NW, doubt be Mated. the follmeteit
Lamas thereto lan been :vested. to IMt:
nearer. three amila by tab& these locations Met la
made: ir y a wn. , • • . •
la. By the Warriatce In -
m. By the Warrantee through the agency af this dike
3d. By at Agent or alaallleY. • . •
IZ the first or ibecelid mode Is adept:4 tho:l4opllcatlen
mast be made !nacelles, tas tract, mon district
ar natant cf cou
ry. . the 4,04
be emeroperded waren tbe d 7rUireitas
Wiese the third erode 's winded, a Itc.wi , of 4ttbra.Y,
must be produced, aerated by the warmatee is too l
f ineß
axe of a eltuesn, ectordad to Me Marling
which tower al attarneyemet be acteconectgal.ey
as lotm
the care nay be. heft , . e some dacer antbaiad fate
tbeacknowlelament at dads, acordlag to ram N. 3 ere.
In di mak the Patents tall be trarscaltrat to the Lead
Nike wham the location le nude, tarilemasl dlnectleas
ta the contrary be glee. J. BUTIERY/BLD, •
Foax No. 1
. . .
STA= or • - 1' . .
Coorrr or
Hee. me (rieJathee of the Peace mother otiose author
had teethe athdaritt persooslly appatir4 the. et the
tuntiol of wasthetee. wbe beteg emi Marra' &Neal sad
sere, that be is the r. antral there Insert nwitetal war
be e ) to whom traftatat eh. —. far throb Wader the
Act of fie mbar. 185 e, was Isosed as the .--- day of
—ale. sat who 1001 0 applies to locate the moo.
/ileat's stgetherwl
Swam to sad subscribed bafere ewe Me der of - , ....w....
Via-. .
Vence. elvish...]. .
. .
Foam No. 2.
Know all men ley these polecats. that L Reim the
awned erarraatrtA of the teeirtty --eeee. and bort e of
do hereby osturtituta awl appcint ot
IDT tr. ant lawful artortoey. forme and in car Melte Land Warrant fop
laud, tebleh tempi ander the dot of September. IbOO. •
[Rower of aohttetntlena mar be inserted if dertrall
Signed In preeenee of •
. .
[warrantee's siv.turel
Foam No. 3
Cooarr or
thj. rb,7 a -,..—. h 1 the Men —. penoseny
Fred Dere bunt came 'of .ensatee.] Imo .41m:wt.
the teithin Power of Attorney
hie act and deed.
I eettlfr. that I well know tbe [ben Want the
name of werrabteej sad that he le the same presou .he
it danibed ha the lettbk .Irover,and who ea sel:led th e
...Otileeee elenatuna , .
ConitrY or ' • • • •
I birnby eritlf),erat on thli-- day of -•--, in the
Twee —. reisUy curie before toe Dere haseitthe name
of witness, sad /hers Linn the name a 11•21141t.C. azd
the cal ere insert the name of witneva.) bet m well
known to me. wee duly , morn by tn.: aZa 0 . . 1 oath
declared and odd that he well tram the raid Der Insert
the name t e l e g. orrantee,) sad that he was the same PITIIOII
described cad who essented the within Power of A,
tomer. and teeth:coos to nis actlelbetory evidence
of that tack sod the said insert the alms of WISTU
teal thereupon ern.. the raid Power to tt• Ws art
and deed.aplind • ,
lawerr. - lOttioreceledeatore.i
neegAY AND' 3I ANTRE - FORKS—.42s'doi:
Harper to& eelebrebri Her and 'Malian Torte,
tram the eneardartarmirbiledolabi t e x TeMiart
mend sad la D RD,;
Far aretaese et fed& end irdziarie raimi,' Magda
mu., b. atoned: and the law brim Umtata an
mkt. mrat Ware their tab.:helm, - • •
uGgp,--.59 hhde. prime gr male by
. 3 ,21 JAS. MI ZEL L .6s Walsrat.
MOLASSES -20 hf. bbL 8.7 EL; fa? gale:by.
atM /A& DALZELL. a Watma..
oNEy-14 fer..kbu
EtIED PEACHES 50 sacks‘foreala by
HITE. WA2Ce4-1 , cane
('OR N-25
AKISS-50 do:: Ha for sale by
a. Y. TON SONN ROMS 100.
VORN-500 bu. Shelled, far SO O.
gi.J sem - • - s. In SOO.
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ifirber,praadkarrns the Parecilnals '
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dal. , Ltr,vitz' Houlik. b!k,k
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