The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 19, 1851, Image 2

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MONDAY-MUM, MAY 19, 111361
o:rtrttp Convention.
air The Viridge and AnOnaeons of .Alle•
attar County L
}ill meet -on Saturday. the 31st of 3i.y,
ptos.., at the naval tilacci at holdlognrinstry untetinec. In
the Townships rerpectindyen 3 dokuk. L. and in the
Iteeeril Wards and Boronata at: .dolcik. P. M., to- soled
two delegates back each election Dlstrich to ► CountY Coo-
;rentsoo. to be. liel4 at the Count Howe, on Iteduesdal. the
,fts. of Aura next, at 10 o'clock, I:14. to make the County
Innohnzdonaluenazatory to the nett Chun's' Meeks, and
'tee. to Motu/ delegate. to the. awe. Onarchtion. to tied
,caater.nnthe 34th of Jona. .
. , .
: Wit. c. riwni, giei. ..
Oen of Camsattt.
• L ' ' ' ''sollial. ' '•• ' .
. • '" .__
To the . , . '
of P .. . .
...- , e nns yl v ani a
• Sir A..B7.ATE CON; NT/ON len be held la the City
• - , nr Len=ister i.A Ln TUESDAY.JT jAlh. Mita ~.=
,- • trefuN l O , and W alas Sor e Jedlem. 7ot• tre Somme
• ' Ilklart. •-•- - ttEhIELY M. YULLER,ChalrEnsrh
~ '— ''
I . , j 7r oo `iii Th t . zi '' == r
,_: .. yr.:. tillutho. el.nel B. Thome.
John 8. Broem,
''' . . ...• 2: ‘ atbl a
ele B l . 2llnUter, . . T. Taylor W.rth.
Wro. J. Itobluson... Alexander Z. Proem.
!Word. Ye. Preston. rrerin. Baker,
Thom, Z. Corbran. . _ Wm. N. Watts.
-. ' p..t.,..::.7...v..=... i=gt;t ll.l.4 ,
• • oanrs. ems. Edwin C. Wileon.
D. A. tinter, John AM./.
r at 0, Leong., Daniel aleConin
" John Bauman, .. • Oeorfe Meson, .
• - • Wm. 'gran., Alex r hr. McClure.
- John C. tlerUle, lersenle Jordut. ,
. 8.. 11. - JNDLE , 8111111. Nocrotax7.
page-434w Xork Correepondence--ru ,
ginia Convention, etc.;
• -,Third page—Home Matteraelegraphic. ;
Fourth Page-Lliartlti.: F.' Tupper, etc.
. • • . . .
RAp..IIOAD MASTS= SAT EBIL-00r readeri
already aware that an unavailing effort has been
made at Erie, , to unite the' two companies w rich
-are endeavoring to construct a Railroad from
that place to the Obio State line. What elect
'..this may have upon the Pittsburgh and Erie
- Railroad Company, we 'cannot say, but it scams
••pretty Clear from a letter of John . Galbraith,
Rig.; President of the Franklin Canal Company,
`that the project he has in hand is to go ahead.
learn from this •letter, that the Franklin
Canal Company has located its road, alter Beare
" fel : survey, between Erie and the Ohio line; that
'the right of way has been obtained fram the i Lland
"(niters for seven-eights or more of the ole
distance, some paid for in cash, some in tene
ments to be paid fo‘when possession is taken,
others at a future day, and some in certifintes
. .•• •
ofitock. in the company issued and : delivered ;
I,.tt a contract has been entered into with the
Cleveland, Painesville, and Ashtabrila - llaiiroad
Company, fora radon of the two companieslon
four foot tan inch gunge, the entire distance. be
tare= Oleteland and Erie, extensive and minute
baits details, highly advantageous to the entire
line, and mutually so to both companies, add ir
revocable but upon the consent of both, based
upon jail and honorable principles, and contrib
uting Magely to the successful prosecution of the
work, and bringing with it important aid and
'influence from extensive western. interests: . In
pursuance of this contract, a mortgage haei been
executed by the Franklin Canal .company upon
Its entire road between Erie and the Ohio litie to
secure, the payment of four hundred boncia of
este thourind dollars each, executed by the
Franklin Ceinal company, payable on the let of
Febrnaiy, 1864, with seven per cent. interest,
payable semiannually, and farther secured by
the guarar.tee of the Cleveland, Painesville and
Ashtabula Railroad company; one hundred and
thirty of these bonds have been negotiated in the
inuchase of iron rail and money to prosecute the
work, , , and a negotiation is most probably com
pleted by.which a large portion of the remainder
of - the bonds will be transferred for money, at
par, for the prosecution of the woyk. In Decem
ber last, the entire division between Erie and the
Ohio line, was put under contract at cash prices
to responsible and energetic contractors, who
have been prosecuting the work with aa,muclo
rapidity as circumstances would enable them to
do, and who have made all their arrangements
fora vigorous prosecution of the entire work,
and from the arrangements which have been .
Made, Mr. Galbraith is cofuodent, that the
Work will" be completed, and Mocked and
ready for active business, much within a
yeaefrom this time, indeed by the - first of Jen
s:Lary. Grounds for the depots have also been
purchased; partly by payments made in money,
and. partly by agreements for the payment in
money hereafter. •
From all this, there can be no doubt that the
Franklin Canal Company is resolved to proceed in
its modertakthg, despite of the action of the last
Legislation, or of any writ of injunction which
:May bang over its head. That the whole pro
ceeding is a. fraud upon the state does net admit
of - much cmeati on, but high handed outrages
sometimes succeed from their very boldrtess, and
this may prove to be one of them. Thegreateat
luirdship will, however, fall upon the peop',.e
along the route of the projected Pittsburgh 'toad
Erieltailnad, as it is hardly probable that
wGI Man secure Railroad communication;, if the
,f,',AXight of way . from Erie to the Ohio stars line is
unconditionally secured. It is their 4ue T to see
/ nothing can still be done to rote.; their rights
`to& the rights of the state. _
-‘-'-':-‘, iw Cosrmarrion or MAlstrAdo.__The 1 ---.• smart Mar • *war
To eraccomosalears th. alma"
CW"cati94.l°' amend th e C4bSiikkron of Nary - I believe that the men who think everything
land, have closed their labor% and the revised wrong, North and South,-who think th rue
constitution is to be submitted to. the people at tel . not worth living in, and its itustitreti:ns " fiot
the hext general election., worth pnmerving-I believe drat, if they would
The basis ot rePresenthw is not; as With tis, come here, they w e e " hear taa gee Indo. vourii
,diffuse a Emile of comnlaere '
in Proportion to poprilatioa; but each county, Tintige among them. - el e'er the wureut
'"whatirrer maybe its populatiOn, is Mbe entitled Gentlemen, - I cannot' d e w, ' y ou en ough not
Pa Senator, and - the city of Baltimore, w hich is "We e ' ' me recelellens but for the innumeMble
greatly More pope4us this any of the counties, erineWittraf ionndene'e and esteem which nave
is also to have one Senator. methyl'j from this. • community. I thank you.
, e e rrough Yo r.., e'd the citizens of New York.
'The members of the House of Delegates shall te
.., Aleut distirretims of y:-countsymen slthe
neverexeeed eight ' 1a .., °amber' nor, ' ea ' than ° '!or and all attathed to the Union of these State;
,atty-five, to be appor tioned among the counties a id to the Conslitution-they. are entitled to my
aodcity in the tritio of ,Itteir population, excer Most cordial thrailts and affectionate regard.
shame county s hall bare lass than two, and „ t e " The applause was so enthusiastic and no con
' city_ of Baltimore iallleteed, got member? - ' d ' tb deliveryof Mz . Wbe r'
E , Ori , "MOUS smug a r. e t! s
than the most perilous count ' speech, that it wen impossible to hear all that
Salleadi i 3 • free to all whin , cider - et of the was said, but the above outline will give some
. ted'fitites; not even re!lairinGt - ..7e Penn- idea of his remarks. At the close Mr. Cfitt.en
the Paimea t ct' a steAlle - - tt , — thy den was milled for, end in compliance with the
The mid provision; as to teitist
°mu' -- - meral wish, made a brief - address. Ile said:
Tile 3ttdges dal! the cova. Km% &c. , q
Theledges 0 ( the c.v., c are ode elective. ~ ,___l kn ea o n w y
r no ur t, Ito " evjacknwo_wledge the many
then greet ue on every
,saussber, to Aold theta, 1 Appeals, four in ! ten "
hand, but to call en me to make a speech, is a
wars, orvorta thay...serf •cm for term s - et te n cruelty to which I must object. After din who',
or This.inan;t,to es at the age of ecoentg tilt! addressed you what is left for me to say f
satiii.`oterae, ' ALTO appellate jurisdiction what a ge my ? only this, that istheazry,
p t ic a l
11.9844..),.- o judge, $2,50b annually,'
Gaited States saluted , tialuted, not with
ad each, ch tar - ' divided into ei g h t, ©-Luna -' the adulation which is addressed to the rulers of
Och a judge learned in the law 'other countries, but with the hearty exul
.0 peenlehl,tations
.he Ailed' These are called (Tired CA1:1218, 'of patriotic feeling, such as a free people may
h i , er i ezt 7 , which shall told court at least twice proudly give, and . • Ulm patriot
i .trt ier. • ear in each county of bis district. These 'e th s'i n i awi llt:ML
f P e rej T e c e onfedersor , is not the
be*,shall be taken from among those who, man to shrink from maintaining them at all haz
ier' - 4 the other qtetilßeatleae prescribed, are aide And, gentlemen, if we should ever cease
. - AO distherailhed for integrity, wisdom, and to feel that law is liberty, not the means; but Bb
sound legal knowledge," elected by the people of erty itself, what would become of esof as a nation,
districts, and hold office during and what would seen you,
their Seapectiee Citizens. NeW7ork,
be, if law and order were pit down ! You are
.the terms of ten years. Salary $lOOO.
~,, the representative of the whole of this great
Dohernsterial t e m tear years . Baw l , s 3 `•"'" Union. There is not a tree felled in the forest
per annum. - there is not a grain of corn or wheat planted in
The 1112,11, COllStalltilltl abolishes imprisonment the prairie, th at does not ultimately effect your
for debt ; mho *ow the Legislature the p ewe e interests . You are the product of the Union, and
the partite , to eeetr i a sublime monument of what law andllberty and
to grant divorces, leaving • : order can achieve. Whitman would give up such
th ra rera dt e . i d the courts of justice. and p ro l • destiny for himself or the country.
vides for the total 'abolition of:lotteries at as When' the' sun first broke forth in all its du
early a day as practicable. The Legislature iti sling 7, at the flat of the Omnipotent, IS
stowing the rd . , t c u r i tl e d i : b. not have
c laim s much m u m: . tri admiring
ons arc-
Won of master or [and] slave, as it now exists in gate of the nations of ountry lre earth. Itoman legions
' ' I conquered tar and wide ; but what were all their
this State." .
------- I cow:testa compared with the mighty develop- I
meats of the New Worlds Theirs were conquests ;
necessary to be maintained by the sword. Ours ',
is a conquest over the principles and intellects
o r irat odoci, teaching them Om worth of liberty,
and the roid to prosperity and happinesa. ' I
Already our influence is beginning to be felt 1
in Europe. But a little while ago we had to!
bargain for liberrtrof commerce with other na-
dons. Now they begin to buzz our shouts, they
begin to fed our Whence. Yon have all read
the letter addressed by your Secretary of State
to the Austrian Charge; 1 and you see in that, the
young thunder that begins to reverberate all
lover the world. In qty]mas more, if you hold
this Union together-d Ido not believe you
can dissolve it-in fifty years there will be
100,000,00 0 of freemen; in this country! Well,
can any human beteg calculate the political
of 100,00%000 freemen,' with all their mighty
faculties suntan alum. the world? Our rail
roads, our steamboats,. and ,our canals, 'have
dons troadenu but our last:dation and example
have doe sadmid do wait. -.• '' , . . . .. . .
Bel nun . atop .tam aftsid . l. ban almost
de k oaeoh. -: Like. the :Indian, I ought to p
p i a, sai,conee u p my tracks; bat il. him not
Leratitegagryedvat, andeonelade by ehaaldag you
The Artists' Journot is the title of a wraps,
per, printed on a fine large sheet, in Cincinnati,
and devoted to the promotion of the Fine Arta.
It is pnbUshed monthly, by the Artiste Union.
It is editod with' tact and spirit, and till prosea
powerful anslilarY in the nobie cause for which
Union is established.
Boards &. Tnoussos's Involnietzu Bios --
Well" hid the pleasure of examboluil several
sambas of new edition of the Bible, in quarto:
gagy with illusntuilons in 01l oelcms, which is new
pia** by:a*an fir. Thompson, Of Philadel•
Obi: The piatillg d papa is of the finest
lidid,.d t.fie Illristranions sre :unique tab+ ,
52115 tork,vhadadablid„. mike every
lino aid MOO ornarnanted tamtly Bible. The
idols • iambi!: bigruart iillas!Mith:s4- 101 l
4404141 siionit haed.
printd bilOnaisthers, 4t 25 anti par
- affair aezdAaamathl9.,..-212,00:4 , peary
IkestilAtoor, car= at DiazPand;libOtett4
v,- - e'rezrillootimil car Tem . .PEZIODZIIT.'
v r.,:: ea , niti Tote. $. .i - ,' ......
4 0111 - : • Nevf l - lork. letters speak of the imPecmg,
i I.
u nati m th ut dustie pageant at that city, en Tues .
day lam, ° l n the occasion of the reception of. the
President landir ' members of his Cabinet.
.The steazaer bearing the distinguished visitors,
'arrived aka:die 'Garden, from South Amboy,
about noon, where an immense crowdhad assetti
bled to welcome the President , ,
, „ . , had
'Bo manias the.ipplause :Wielded Mayor
Kingslandatepped forward and read the follow
ing address:
Mr. President—l shall ever consider it one of
the most acceptable honor' of my office, that by
my orsupancy of it, at this time, it becomes my
,pleasing duty and my high privilege to be the
stet welcome yon home to your native
state, in the ° first hour when you tread its soil
as the Preaident of United States.
It Is not many months (I bilieve it is hardly a
year) sinceyan were last on New York ground.
You left then, not as a private citizen, but in an
lionortibth office—szi office second to but one in
Almeria& I t
. By :the act of Gokin removing a venerable
patriot arid hero,—whose _death you as well as
we and the whole nation yet lament,—you have
been since elevated from that second elation to
the highest in she Government of the United
State. j
We, your fellow citizens of New York, proud
of your elevation, and cordially approving of '
your conduct in it, now meet you here, on your
first return, to give you a glad and hea rty "wel
come home." • • --
Arid with you we joyflly welcome the illus. '
trions members of that able administration,
with which you have surrounded yourself,' .
among ahem we recognize the eloquent deft:rid
er of the Constitution, the glory the:borat of the '
nation. I `
.Newyork this day opens to you a new route
from the ocean to the lakes.
The Mayor then turned toward the assemblage
and !midi "Fellow citizens: crud President of the
United States." •
This !Introduction wan received with renew
ed cheering, and the President responded tut
I followis itt ,
• . . iNt
Mr. Mayor and fellow citizens—l have neithth
the rola -nor the language to express the grate
ftil emotions of my heart for this cordial recep
tion horn the citizens of ray native state. If thls
be a deg on which you have reason to congratu
late perukes, how . much more reason have I,
the pent of a city which is the grand emporium
of the Union. whose commerce whitens every
sea, and which is now connected by iron bands
with the great lakes of the west. I congratulate
you, fellow citizens, that we noirtibuid on con
secrated ground.' Here Washington took his
first oath to support the constitution of the Uni
ted Stither; here the first Congress assembled,
and here I see the same city and the sake spirit
of patriotism, as bright and as brilliant as oh
that auspicious day. If I could for a moment
appropriate these honors to myself, !should feel .
overwhelmed by my feelings; ,but I know they Ma- Weems's Itirts.—The folloving is the
are not intended for me. 1 now that this exhi- reply of the Honorablt Damn.' Weestrr.a, to the
bition of feeling and patriotism is only an evi- invitation si gn ed an d . • Wizens o ,
deuce Of your devotion to your country, and Of by s i x thous
your legacy to the Union. New York to address the people . of that city:
Mr. I Mayor, you have done the noble spirits I IVaanterrroa, May 9th, 1851.
with whom lam associated no More than justice, ' Gtsrtswrs i—l have received your coma:mini
in attributing to them all that I ,liave been ablel
cation by the hands of Mr. Williams, and I ac
to accomplish for the benefit of our common knowledge myself overwhelmedby this new, proof
country; and, sir, I beg leave to return to you of regent from the city of New York. an invi
and through you to the citizens Hof this great el- nation to visit that city from se =say tbscisends
, ty, my most grateful thanks for the assistance of .friends of the Union, without distinction of ,
which:they givens underthe most tryingcireurn- party," as much surpassesmy mesh as it exceeds
I eta:lca—at all times true to theMselves, true to ray expectation. I have read the names, and as
the constitution, and true to thb - again you suggest may be probable, many of them are
return you, andaherir-zny most grateful selmnw- I known tome, and I know them to be, men of high
ledgments. , , I honor and character, of business and industry, i
During this speech the President was fre- of great stakes in the country, and active ImP
quently interrupted with loud and enthusiastic Porters and props of all the instit oticm! of benev
. olence and charity , morulity amt religion, liters
cheering. Incessant calls were made for Daniel . . , .
I z and science, which adorn the great cotomer-
Webster, and yielding to the imperious desire Of cial metropolis of the United /States.
of the assemblage the great Statesman at length ti
Geommen, I have no wish to appear in public
came forward. nd said : r for purposes of ceremony or. entertainment ; nor
Fellow citizens of New York—Under the sir- can I feel tb a necessity of •any occasion at pres
cumstances of this occasion it will beve
per. for cut to exPe ess my sentiments in regard to pub
me to say what I have to ray in a very few I lie offs :','All that I th.krik, and all that I feel,
words. Yon have assembled here to give a Car- on the IC :eat topics of the hour, is concealed from
dial welcome to the chief Magistrate of the coon- nobody.. But notwithstanding ell this, and not
ing, and in the invitation extended to him you wither oiding that my public duties are likely to
have been pleased to associate those who 'have ,tieree . ad my attention. rather imperatively for
assisted him in the administration of the
maw z weeks to come, 1 yet ciumot persuade my.
ernment. It would neither be graceful or deco- eel'• to say that I may •not, at no distant time,
roue, gentlemen, for me to speak of him—of his 52 eke an effort to meet my friends in New York.
merits—of his devotion to the Union, and of l ' One thing, gentlemen, is certain: that if . 1 ad.
that singleness of heart with which he pirmeA dress you at any time, you will hear no change
wha t ever he thinks calculated to promo's' the, I
of tone, net any faltering voice, e ar
support ec
honor, the interests and therenownof 'ale eau,- j that cause which is dear to your heart and to
t r y, But for those who have assisted 'hi m , may : mine.
I perhaps be permitted to say that ' on o il 'great I With grateful aid profound regard,
national questions—in everythibri; touc hing the 1 remain, gentlemen,
peace, the harmony and welfar e o f our c ountry, Your friend and obliged humble sernant,
the.e tehilitFaed perpetuity of the Union and
, the Constitution , there has •,,,,,. beenthe ei g ht_ T o Messrs. GEORGE GRISWOLD and others
est difference between his,, and one o f us. .
Gentleinen—ln znaY,g progress from the
South to Lake Erie, v e , h ave come as everybody
must come, who ie. Wind Northward or East
ward, to the city 'A' New`york.l We must pass
through it and we muistitbreithe its air. For
many months, it has been an air which I have
delighted to' breathe. It is la patriotic athlete
Phece - ' Cw.nstitntional breezes fan It every day,
and ten rnousand flowers of patriotic feeling, of
22 t 1 , 25 ' 2 , .4
hopes and national purposes spring up
she 2 :mi:lli beneath Its balmy influence: Every
',,r that loves the Union, loves to come to New
/ 1- ' 4. In thstrespect, gentlemen., your =gat,
',est city is i.
e —a 10311Stil, Ala tin breath seem an,"
And so may it ever be. Long may this vast me
tro Polis, counting so many thousands of hulas
trimus and happy peophs--long may she continue
to Maintain the character she now enjoys. I
wish that those unhappy spirits who are diesat
tified with our glorious Union, would come here
and see this scene of activity an industry, et
generous feeling and patriotic glow. I think
they would be benefrtted by it most essentially.
I think that they
sind the accidental honor that . . bemieonf . erred
-I:!rnae. • . . ,
- bfri.Crittendin mai loudly p .lauded, and ....
Orpcaltion was manifested to .. out the other
'members of the Cabinet presto but at this mo
ment Major. Cienaal‘Sandfcrrd appeared In the
Central aisle, and, addressing . a President, said,
Sir—Five thousand citizen soldiers of New .
York, organized to defend the Union and the
laws, are drawn up on thettery, waiting to
receive you as Commanderin bier of the. Anny
'and Navy of the United States.
I r.
The President and suite th proceeded to the
Battery, where the troops were viewed by Gm.
Wool, arid after thin imposing eremony the line
of march wan taken up. i
• - •
?Seethe procasidon reached its termination,
this distinguished guests proceeded to the city
Mill, and the President was conducted to the
Goren:toes room, &mix whence he proceeded to
.'the balcony, and addressed the crowd beneath
as folloirat—
Fellow Citizens—l wish I had words enough
to thank you as Ifeel, from the bottom of my
heart, that I would if I could speak. This is
the proudest day of my life. On this day, In
which I have been received by the citizens of my
own native state, I could have well exclaimed,
as I pained through your city and !streets of
merchant princes, "thin is my own my native
He then retired, and was escorted to the bring
Howe. where an excellent dinner was served up
for one hundred and fifty persons, by order of
the Common Council. • The President remained
at the table until eight o'clock, when he with
drew amid great cheering.
On Wednesday morning nt Mx o'clock, the
President and Cabinet, and a large number of
invited guests, departed by steamboat for .Pier
mont, where they took the cars of the New Vork
and Erie Railroad for Dunkirk, where thq ar
rived on Tursday, having staid at Elmira all
ME. TUPPER'S poem will be found re-published
on our fourth page to-day. This will enable us
to supply these who failed to procure copleis on
Tux Wastaxoros Mosewlsr. —The whole
estimated cost of the Washington Monument Is
$1,250,000, of which only about $150,000, has
yet been collected. The work upon the monu
ment is rapidly progressing. The !structure is
uow eighty feet in height end will reach one
hundred and fifty feet by the coming autumn. It
adequate funds are promtly supplied, the shaft,
it is thought, will be carried to its destined alti
tude of flee hundred and sixteen feet, in eight
yours from the present time. The corner stone,
it will be recollected, was laid on July 4th,
PROGHTS 9 or Teasers FLIIIIO,I.—Two ladies
dressed in Turkish pantaloons have attracted
cowdderable.notice in Broadway, New York, for
the last few days, where they parade for several
houre. They are intellectual looking, and their
skirts hang as low as the knees. At the abolition
coirventiou at. Syracuse, N. Y., the following took
"Mrs. Burleigh and the two Misses Burleigh,
the wife and daughters of the poet Burieigb, en
tered the meeting. They were dressed .in the
new costume that is now being adopted by the
ladies. The upper garment was close fitting,
and reached to the knees. Underneath were
loose trawlers, reaching to the ankle. The feet
were enclosed in buskins, end gipsy straw hats
crowned all."
, A waiter in the Steal:el:Mlle Herald makes the
following statements concerning the. comparative
Tuttrece between Philadelphia and Cincinnati,
by different route=
From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia the distance
V s 858 miles, and the whole distance from Mod;
'Asti to Philadelphia eia. the Steubenville and
Indiana& Railroad is therefore 659 miles. '
By the Ohio Central railroad, the distance
from Cincinati via. Columbus to Wheeling, will
be 276 miles end from Wheeling to Oreensburgh
Mr. Knight tulles ,
tulles; add to this the dis
tance hem Oreensburgh to Philadelphia 324
miles, and we have from Cincinnati to Philadel
phia via. the Central Ohio . and Hempfield rail
road 681 miles, 12 miles more than by °w ay of
Steubenville and Pittsburgh. But "it is'belier
, ed that Mr. Knight's estimate aisle distancilie
-1 tween Oreensburgh and Wheeling is at least 10
miles short of the practical line between those
points." Be this as it may, the character of the
two routes will bear no comparison with each
other, for the Central Ohio railroad between
Zanesville and Wheeling traverses an ereedingly
broken and difficult country passing four or five
summits with high grades and sharp curves,
while the line of the Steubenville and Indiana
road Is equalled by few others in the country, in
its capability for easy, cheap, and rapid trans
' portation, anti passes but one or at most two
[ summits between the Tuscarawas and the Ohio.
- -
Far the Pittsburgh Gentle.
EDITO2-Berreral days ago, the following
notice appeared in all the city papers, ffom the
Superintendent of the above named place. " All
lot holders of the Allegheny Cemetery are in
formed that there will be no admittance to the
Cemetery hereitfter, on Sundays, except hy spe
cial ticket, which can be obtained at the office,
on the grounds." This notice may be designed
to check an evil unknown to the' writer. and
would be very proper to keep away those who
have no right, known as mermy visitors; but it
seems to be an infringement upon individual
right., which no corporate power has a
,night to
do, of those who bold a claim, as owners of lots.
If, however, it is thought the best and only plan
to check an evil, it is requiring too much of
owners of lots, to go to the office of the Cemetery,
when the proper place would be the managers,
or some officer of the company, who resides In
the city, so that if any who may wish to visit
the graves of their families, or friends, can do
so on the Sabbath, without the trouble of riding
or sending for a ticket. Many cannot go easily
upon any other day than the Sabbath, and how
are they to do? Hoping that thisnotice may
be rescinded, or modified as suggested, either of
which will oblige A lAOT HOLDER.
Pittsburgh, May 16, 1851.
nmre convindngly the little importance attach
ing to the menden movement of old Palmetto
dom, than the fact that, immediately after the
throwing down of the glove by South Clio Una,
the President and half his Cabinet set out on a
pleasure trip to the North, to be present at the
opening of one of our great internal improve.
rnente, =fleeting the East with the Watt, and
the North with the South. These iron damps
are more efficient in preserving the Union, than
all the efforts of sensible men to convince fools
that they are in the wrong. It is the mildest
atol most agreeable Lona m which cold iron can
be aced to counteract the effects of nalliOcation.
[Phaaddphia Ltdger.
MILLJJCZOLT Accrosar.--Abount 6 o'clock
on Monday evening, intelligence wee received
that a:deny:rens, and probably fatal &olden;
had befallen Mr. Horace Wells, the well-known
type 'founder of this city. W. Wells was
mehing a visit at Orford, in Batleicomdy,
of "widen Ticinity, he was, for many yarn,
a restiented &item and while walking in the
tVe hotel, the' seddental
aimed' •Me in the hands of a oung M
aimed'ma balle d:deb enter ed his body
kid Wow: the Idl p i pe a , sad dowsnrards and
lodged &Vibe 'lssadVior the bank. Mr. Weibe
-..---.- ,- • 1.!.. • - . • _-• 'i -... , . • - ~., .A__- • - , „' ^
An trianinitficot of hie wound lefilittle bopeof f ' ' ' F or at". ,
Me ultimaterengrgr3c At / 0 o eltcltYeeterdlY.l.lll l Gß VIRGINIA HOUSE, on aecom- me
,;,,,, . pled by Me.. Pb.. EirdAZik , L"dir l i t s t"ovr
4_ 0 0 41 j t fr f - Walls was ran living. - 1 A nutmeg nortot ' aso4r I% m co cnE A N, itill_
P. S.—We learn from Col. Wham, of the !`l' ile'..o --- --
OxfordGronibna L that Mr. Wells was still 1 1 • To Let.
• alive at 11 o'clock yeaterday morning. The ball , r . well finished and furnished Store, E.S.
bad not been extracted, as he had declined the ne Third .b. ,,, ,, , L..."h . „ ' M. gr' w g l l,7,4=.
services' of the physic ians of the town_ Dr.
Polite, of thin city, had been sent for, and had 1 ...i n T . n d pinata cOpy.l •
responded to the calL--Cin. Gazette. !
A general meeting of the Society of the CIN
CINNATI was held in New York, the Bth day of
May, 1851, the seTgety-fitth year'of Muffles: ,
Independence. ...rho following members were
elected members, viz:
President General—(enrol IL A. Dearborn,
of Maassehnsetta.
Vice President General—Honorable Hamilton
Fob, of Now York.
Seeretarylieneral—Alexander W. Johnston,
Esq., of Pennsylvania.
Treasurer General—Colons' Joseph W. Scott,
of New Jersey.
Assistantilleeretari:Geheral—Thomas MeEnen
hi.ll. of Peansylnuna'
Assistant Tetsuo:war General—John 11. Mark
land, Esq., of Pennayirania.
The Society after transaeth2g the business of
fered.for its nonsiderotion,.tutiottrood to meet - la
the city of Baltimore, Md., on the third Wednee ,
day in May, in the year 1854.—N. Y. Courier.
Noise in the Head, and dir
dhleharges !rata the E. Veedll.l •
nentirrerrored, mithout t he
or Ineonverdrare. hi' ',-
HARTLEY, Prindpel of the Stan rock tr. sad Era E 1.."
gory; 94 tiodth Mom:lth street. 9.9 , 4rL,.PhllddPhi►
flows Of attendance, 4am 9 t 3. COSUWWI2IO3O by letter
or otherwise, $l. All oassanaxeatfederhen malfarmation
does not exist- t071.9df
sarNo Fomily ehould bit without, Dr. Mo-
Lane's Liver Pella . Tho (rigida] catalogue of disrame that
bare their bright In • diseased state or the Lrer. resalfied
tlienlielres to • greater or Inn .:taut In alteart eery fear
Dytpepela. Wet hesdarhs, obetroettora of the Inennel.
ague and too.?. Palm to the site. wtthdry.haultlng oough•
are all the results of 'Hepatic derangement, end for there.
Dr. Ifelane's PIM axe • gamete. retuedr• Thor ,Illare
=Ter been known to MI, and theyihould be kept at en
time by Walls.
Directions P—Take two or tine going to bed. cr./ lau
oral or third night. if they do not purge two or three
time by neat moraine. take moor two more. A eight
I becalfart ehould Lorartsbly fallow Muir we.
She laver Pill may be used where purging 4 Went,' or
'weary , At en antl-billaunporirstlve they are Inferior to
won In doses of two or
they Wee netoniattlog re•
lief to sick heedseht. oleo eight deownsenntota of O.
istreneeh. •
Obecrve, none are genuine without the fseelmile of the
Porde by
iWe again refer our readers to the ad
vertimetent O. Forrell'e Arabian Linkmen, bleb on
peen =Dam colronn, and by which you will ear it le
highly fended: and thin I. not all: he OTtaincb..r"
titmice of thous who hare laud It and esperienced its ben
glacial affect. on their own terms. 'f h. torn ere ruts!.
ly very resaukable, and at lout the nedictne la worthy of
• trial. Re adobe all to no to the or, Oat, who wla furnish
• paraptdet [etas, mai:anng man; naluabb , awelPwrib ,
the toratment of cattle. en tsritass,2wn
&QUMMO, nUntlagdost P... March 4'51.
P. M. Ilmm—Desr Ely. Tour Petrole am le marlin
den In this stelalty; therefore we .on
/d Maul. Ims www ,
us two /own by the Penasylmala Beam& W. am P.
flrely out. and It Is being Inquired Yrs altaug oresl dm.
Yours, remeetfully. JOlrl WIWI 4 CO.
, IlsiwymMs. Aahland co, 0.. Mush. 10.1 1 -
5. If. Etc.—Des: Mr, Saar AVM, a few mote sham.
left .IN o. four dorm Rock OIL whish hgm sold.
Please Ibrward to us six Bona tormedlately. '
Your towage. Is Wosigag wonders In Mb IMO on. We
ma °Mato Dowel excellent sertiMatas. If you desire MeV.
Sonrs. Se., W. V. 500 PT.
Pox sale by Kansa t IleDowell. 10 Wood itreet; R. P.
began. 5T Woxl street B.A. Pahneetooo.A Co, earner
Wool, and Prong Knobs. P. )I,Casyy, D. A. Elliott. Joseph
Douglas...and U. P. Schwartz. Allegheny. also the Pro
p:War, S.M.:BEER.
soiI:JAVA . Musa Itaalw Seventh et-. Pillabunth.
Market Street Store for Rent
yOR RENT.—Tke Store, 118 Market
thosessool doss [roux the =sera )Marketa
I.loorty Moods. cove idossparen 111. tit of Moil
DAVID lils=0„
stast...oll2olsoof - 106 Polio st.
Citizen's Insuranne - ije - mpany of Pittstinrgb.
Odes Ito. 41 Water twee, to Ms warehouse of C. LL.
C. 0. Hussar, Presldwat—...A. W. lbws, et .
,5,11,1(.5=g I=tre,..tra.sitLlnsura all tosrebaodlrs
an ample snarauty for the ability and Inuourltt of ifs,
Ituuttutfasa L. afford.d Ila Ms character of the Llsuctora
belr VI auifjrublr ,
and Inurglity.
Lnsaoro.—C. 11. Ilnora. PI m. Eau-oer. %Cm. larinStr,
Jr- Walter Ilrfant,.. Onob C. Kin& Hl wool litadotte ,
Job n Ilaruorth. b. narbanot....B. N. Mau • boli!tr,r
I " Foreign and A.= lean Hardware.•
• 80. 129 Wtiod Street,
Lutz New re noon ..
A full andeompktsstoek of AMMON AND AJLEJLICAZI
flultabls t 1 f tM spring wale, and which ttl4er or. propaisa
to aler to purchaser. at rat= that .111 ocanutar.
larboublr with ray of lb. oastaoubltlea
On SatoNay morning, Air Ints, of Lim ConyJinni-,
Ma Jun Urns. of Alegbouf city.
ASK/CM= J 111) CL.—T 110aing 'Liggett, Jr.. of
W. 13
eb' 4=.10, will bo •.d l otto boloolTelo approach
ing Wbig Lod Anti-Disecelo Comm: aim for the one. of
Asoodato Judas in th• Court of Common Pleas, Orrisr
newton!. itc., and gilt oriPinntod nicntrf
BOW Boob, just receive
CREEK GRAMMAR, for the use of High
&boob rood Usleermitler. by P. Bottmeolo teeter'
Thel by els eon, Aleroader bottrosord 8 To. dip.
Irleh Conledersb'" Lod bebellloo of 179% by Heir
ry b. }UM IMrto. moo
The Ardobkseasphy rued Memorials of Coptals Obedioh
Cougss,for Effty recta 1111.1i.7 sblproarrer fOOO the
port of Pao fork: by tee. U.S. Cborrer Mae. 001.
For role by It. 110PKIPS.
orylO IS Apollo Dulktlnro Fourth et.
QEVERAL active Mrs, of business habits,
Po= tr o =ragr_,Aviv i a . =
Ea/manias. Apply to (MOROI us.N LES. at Ids of.
ISCIN third door. aeon . of tits Diamond and llserat si
fitIYSQTT'S Yellow Dock & Sarsaparilla
LI 1 Am" Ow ul• 67
inr.l 1 J. KIDD I W.,
CO wood A.
IIATISTAWS Balsam of Wild Cherry—
v e rew. art ads 111 mild J. KIDD* W.
EMPSEED-30 bble. prime, for eale -by
c STE11:011.- .yii 5 bble. No. 13(DTD1)1%euil.
PINK ROOT- 2A OO lbs. for sale by
132719 J. KIDD t CO.
GOLDEN SYRUP-12 half bbla. and 24
Ivg• OoldAt Firm% lot We
mylto JOICS A. 1111180,1 1 CO.
DIES, of difforant daa, 97P ado a tha Inds Robber
p7 3 . u tac 7 add 9-Wood aC H. PHILLIP&
MAPLE SUGAR-2 bble: very cL
IVA ple huh., tuft ree'd and for rs3t, by.
royl9 Orotent and S. Dealer..
: , --- (:IITERING'S SUGARS—DoubIe Relined'
Crabbed. Pulverized ohd Pardon:4. 60.0h07
oh and 6,r tale by the banl. retail, at the lowed
rat.. IT WU. A. IteCLURO A
.60.16 Marti
VPthe Honorable, the Judges of the Court
Omura rater Union. of tie Pram. In and for
The v elrgt o f Ilartm., of the town
lime. In the county aforesaid. humbly sbewetb -,
Wag your petitioner hath prodded hereon with material.
for tbesomcomcdatlon of traveler. and others• et her duel.
gnu house, In the Tp. idaroneld. aulip t erathe: your boners
of nut
dnment And root Petltlonet, sa In dote board
- IP oe
Trubecribrna citizens of tbeToen.hiPenrmall•d °
certify that the stove valianter I. of goad manta for hon•
cety and temperance, and In well provided with homes
Imo and oonvenlencet for the aecommodation and lodging
of streamers and travellers, and that salt Warn la =Sew
" Yam Von Oktiero, John WOoda i Jr, Chan Minh, IL Phil.
ht. Wm. Car e
Peter Kemal. down!, elegem D. Unger,
Jr Potts, J. McAllister, John Woods, 'Martin Eldred.
• Colonir.ationiffeeting. •
A MEETING of the citizens el Pittsburgh
41-.triinAittganire, Ai , ..t."q e %
1,1 Sroltbrield and Seventh strew ley, th e e PAh of
hiey. t attfi oirloek. for the mom an
on:an of a Colonisation
Sock T , susilisry to the "Pennsylvania Colonisation ho.
dety: euD
Addresses will be made, and a plan of Ornmshntkin
By order of the Committee amiolotnt at a former meet.
State Mutual Eire Inetuakiee Company
BRANCH OFFICE-Ne. 64 Rivonmin Brune, .
Prrnsuano, May let, 1661.
THE beat evidence of the sums, of the
Directors to roderaning to make the STATE MUM
PINE INSURANCE COMPANY meet the vaunt of
the community, le the unparalleled amount of Dram.
the&a be. do. having lamed 7,900 Polk. &Mt
t o te t =ear. Meg by, eld u bg &lb 11160t024d1: of the
rarest khatnnallTiala and e llarge I.Portra
Wholeifo.oiroiteire leveed_ ...... 7.900
Do. do. erant.temnisleted. cencelu. PS .
Do. dA in tom-- ... _ ........ . 7.803
Amount of vonovtr 87 . 860 . 3"
Do. cenceled,oeomlooted,eopireAsMl,72B 00
D. In Arco 746011
Do. Pretal.o Now
Do. ...rad. termirated, expired_ 67710
Do. In Arce .19 OD3
Do. Ca. MM.. receiv 61,667 14
Do. do. do. ed--
cenodul 321 a061.Ct6 90.
Whole suet learn and rawraes pald-V41,411
Beaune in favor of the Co., In mho- $2781016
To ray or country Inerchents, end rasters of dwelling%
endnT insleteecolmtra Property. It is Mier. Ws ram.
emdradrantakee la point of drat.U, era. ral
mority,hatrbas to 00 Immix., 0313.4011 in Ude country.
Oomi.ted on the equitable .dim lmyrond rade.
of nuiniaostioo of Maks, raeluellna all ecial haut
Ming only a limited mount in soy one locatieDihne
d u aimg tb. fervor? and more.. of bute 131. esel
ZOll both the Okra Mad !Masi pl., it sot 1..1=
u. useurares and arammodation of both
but curium the Imared ho a portioisodoonio the Dr.o.
Direstbra-Jols P. Butherand. 1.. J. Gitett,A. T. Jou.
am. A. Curter, Philo C. &Orrick, &mai Jon. Rob t
- glom John B. Parksr.Jabse 8.-Rutherford
A. A. Calm= UMW. mys 7
11.-A Berta &Maul or AM= ea opt ao ralAfha
Dade. has bra. oortorod the Divoncoi. and le nor re.
Meld& at thla QOM Au Dmeeb. or
a. redeemable in cs&
•ed Musty days.
flUZCoormi t olding the tes of Arr
Meat ageents," ap
tly the M of 0t . 022t. Wl3.
SOUTT. as the 221 tat, will meet at my calm, ca..
nrr of Third sab Anatolia antes, Y lD ry, the nth
Wt., at 022,222,P. IL JA LIAtioP,
1 . • las Cosasitt.e.
Per Bale, _
AtQUIETts and safe Fala
A er o ces
, Ile!ass 147 kip,"
LOOR OIL CIALIS.—A large stock 0
3103 r 00 Cloths, of vidtbn raog/nt Ihintl: to
to tell an low as TA. Mate gaols .03 be
pt:re MararoEnst. Illerebsott awl bows ken nee
'Knotted to tall sad onsnd. ouretr i t Wore
elntwbere. J. PHI Pg.
m"10 land 9 Woad est.
ANTED--Situations for good School
-I,Book.toeper. wm.rettonewouna.
god Or several young awn-a wholesale or retail data a
...try stoma aim. tor Waal young mut es agents:
lat Raters. arkeeper', laborers. 6rmers, kor era Ibr
two or mu men with wiruaad Mm—Wanted,
phic. 10 ear., at trade*, a.. MA. bol•
M.o. tor smut good housekeepers. sestrutteetwa
wet and dry nurses. Waned—fweeral good 000ks,aodwo.
Men au' gide tor all worlq Mfg, good a s m a mat. A.
oloe young woman a two want-to go at as maw.. ato
,@uak All undo a agenda attended to for moderate
charge/a Plum call at ISAAC MAME
Agency arid Intelligente@ Oillua Matt ete,
mtltakte near Market and Bt. Clair Its.
- -
THE DAILY GAZETTE; and-all our Pitta.
L burgh Willi, and ant of our Wyatt, and .bout 100
boo Exchange awiroation, from most of oar air
dila find tau; 610 lama Orminterielt Da
• .
lad ahartm .bite Umatilla Lail ...Vat ai
bed cord& rope and tiring 2100 .mall 00k 000000 .
rota gign4rtfrutbdiletlerpit=ivilL4taut
itif O-It• Agent anti Com Merchant. Liberty st
NERS' OIL—ZO bbls. warranted pure,
N r
Ala by
myl6 07 Niroal st.
VRROISIE GREEN-5 cases superior qual
It t, for hoax, ordi steamboa. rent po, for sale br
ICE-20 tierces Carolina, for sale by
mrie JAMES A. 1113TCHISON 1 60.
OFFEE-150 bags Rio, for gale by
m,16 JAMES A. • & CO
YEN. RED-15 casks (Englisb) for sale by
CLOVES -3 bbba for sale by_
m 716 J. ECHOONB WIER .1k CO.
QIIP. CAREL SODA-10 kegs for sale by
04 Wood et..
.. •
no MA. vb. T‘4 o. Ma tx for yea by
m yl6 bbin- INOIIIIAM.
QUOULDERS-3 2 crake for sale
mile . HARDY. JON
-100 bbl,. B. H. Matson m
lo " " Pa
10 bbls.Gold r so Syssos
8. 11. dols"; for Pals Dr
Ws Water A.
~:~~.ri ~S +t ~.~ yti7n~ ~S~
3. KIDD a CO..
Na CO Weal K.
HEAP WALL PAPER-:—For aide by
. vale W. P. MARSIDILL, BS Wm.! O.
myl6 .W. P. )1A.11.311iL1., Watd
ARD-3 bbIL & 8 kep No. weir sole by
myl.6 ..101IN t CO.
bbly. .4110 bf. bbla. No.l Baltimore Herd=
10 6
00 " Lance No. 3 Mackerel - ,
bf. bbl.. Lae Superior ] . 1.31330t0 for asb, by
mylB .WAT 3 a CO.
COFFEE -100 bap Rio, for sale by
1G IRON-100 tons litin_tivion co., for
nla br mll, 1% ATT A OD.
the Honorable the Judges of the Court
Ileaeral tourter carter
Of the P. la and for
• County a Allegheny.
The path= of Jar. Demel.of CYO ItosdA Elisabeth th. —
iv the causity amnia. humbly ebeweth, that your Wi
tt:Jeer bath proeidad lamself wlthturterials for the mem.
of travellers and other, at his dwelhus
the townshipsformakt. and prays that rm. Ittnwirs will at
, pleased tp Kraut him a
ta tweps Publie Dame Oren
! tertaimurAt. And your retttioner, as 10 duty bound, will
PT dr
eitimas of lb. toc;itpit aforesaid.
gliketatitY that the stove petillaaer Ls of mule. for
tweedy and temperance. and M well ed with boas*
tom and cormenkunot far the acrommodalkor and lodgailt
a strangers and travvilers. and that eald tam= in mew ,
." 4: Anal.. John Brod., J.Torrvoce, J. Pears. irJoOloo
Woods, Alga. A. WOMO. Wm. Woods, G. W. We ddle. J.
Wearer. &malls. Usydeo. tr, Jarrws Torrence, John J.
O F bb,
at Dresden, Muskingum co.,
14 toll. from Zanmeille. in U. running coder,
le an
stems, ktmine, capable of ranchur out
Wm s
ne of bon per day, There abundant eupply of
tem In its mediate vicinity. It la conneemal by a Mort
canal with the Muskingum river. which Is teeviguble for
s W tracaboxt• the greater part of the year, thereby !morning
hitt. fur dto apping Zanesville. or to any point on the
Ohio riser. tot low rates. of freight. Tb• Iron heretofore
tragmfaitured at this Pomace. ben 69•13 consumed In
Zimemille. For terms akVbr
YTFA. DLETOZ ' BVI= r re th .
m 11:volflm
~.,CkPck !
UST openinF—a very excellent . . maartmen ,
iur• tx MANTEL (-LOCKS. at from SS to Sat. all • arrant
''Jti'ro—k"gram'x'ilrartol. Mao. fo
iID r Sl.
r 75 0 mob. Wit warrant
h tr.% s li. ont, et
tOllO 'mason. of Vance+.
EMPLARS' SWORDS—Just rec'd, a lot
Irot,,,,aidcrj:supl.v.ll.rardA. with the emblems of the
W. W. W11.30N.
IIOWSALE, to close consignment-50 elm
eons ASH, brageg . lavelgert ^sc ne
at 15,535Nylvsnla 1151..1 Depal,
15 corner Pesatathd Wayne gleets.PUtsburskG
• Heating and Ventilation.
tu.tio, by Steam to IleteLl.43ourt Rooma.L.eture
dtoraus, odleea,lfterealieescalee, Lloepitala sad hallo
e. thllf i azAl peirae: i dgeo. r. Lann•
tMt latt I: d ctlow ,L lir deed; and far the.
"F=PrrsV.t/i=bd. Maral t er manned meszla .111
earar deaceipdons =atoned to
meet hgtl
eatecestullp heated open this plan la Lute= wee..
as the teethed Wans a whole... =add= heat. at uld .
ex.pulred tempetatare, with entire Ilealcaa heck ma.
seta, d , / dampness. and rarely rlOl9 tre.
TIRIED FRUlT—Peaches; Plums;
' rDy sale by bieCLUTal"6`b"TkL
lb Omen and T. Desk,*
-, r Buckets. boob tobt.l7
Varblbh.d llnekbts
Extra SU., :Nast/4717.7Pb
Cod. tibelers . ,)usab bound;'
Vs:01010bl 7
ml ; ""b ' ' N
y Ws b WT.T.Pgter b A CO,
pEw FOR SALE in the First Fresbyteri
a. Church, Oto. 70.) Enquire bt Liberty at.
To the Druggists, Hardware Dealers,
PHILLIPS beg most respect,
fully to harm the above parties that AU. L. FL Ph*
bps ertli have the honor of welting upon them In a Pro
dr. to appoint v.*. for LS n s a l e otticeth untthrath Y.
For cementing Wool, gOnea, thaw Glass, Marble, tarthr
covet, Leon e and many other
FAMILY Flt N Alen, the
Dating Preparatge,
=Ltd tr1 " 11/1:46 effPtil ' ar r ieeelT, onwhona roma
stable Bred. la North Fourth
myth fbiledelm.2a.
R"E-100 tierces for Rale by White Goods for Drama
116 VVeter et weertment of the raziace kindle of White Chxda
IA Dreaa+ .' t°eh ae
esonri, on consignment
H"P-22 bales
Aux% ocoRDM
and far by
min No. MI Front nt._
COTTON -25 bales (Batting) for sale by
myl3 a w .13 0R 4 Prong et
SCIGAR -240 bade . prime N. 0., for sale by
LEAD --2500 pigs Galena;
WOO Ho. Dar for os/ARy
myls . . 4/131L23 A. 111.7CHISON t CO.
II EMP-45 tone Miee. D. It.. for sale by
Xll. myls JADES A. 1117TCLUSON a CO.
- • •
ACKEREL--50,bble. No. 3, for sale by
LOAF SUGAR-150 bbls. (ttes'd Nos.) for
caylb 115 Wail. a
LINSEED OIL-30 bble. (warranted pure)
rn 21 Word et.
-15 cases fax sale by R
OPPERAS—`2S bbls. (g ood 'for sale by
AA LUM-50 bblx. for sale by •
toytS J. 801IOONIIAKER t CO.
—Th . alllore•• are of. t atOlty aka. of
work *hers hztechou to the Banat
tO rgalleannith
VEZILL tem:dTZ; Nal
toyifi J. t PIIILLIPB.
I — NDIA RUBBER COTS—An excellent ccv
IL cling Sji .or. engin ar eon& selfadharloil and In.
Terri... to Cr or water; la sale at Nos. 7 and Wool
raylt J. & It. PHILLIP&
I V, ENV RIBBONS—A. A. Maws & Co. are
11 ewe receiving day warty:ma of bnatlllll
je. ltro=thetr re .ovary
Porm l 71....bere all quelltles clav be obtallVa r ruf .t very
prlc. No. 62 Markets, layl4
this morp,aad taw opm to auto. of thois:. sere
desirable Oho /Visions Dr Bonnet It sue
motion of roll nets le respectfully solicited.
men A. A. MASON B W.
BLACK BARAGE for Mourning Veils.
received at the More of
V e.Tir lb ""'"'" k ablittAZZltiliV y
pARASOLS!! PARASOLS!! of newest
DRIED APPLES-40 bap irk 'store, for
ale by ' R:7051.7.ELL &CO
myl4 Liberty M.
SUGAR -180 bhda N. 0. Sugar for sale by
m 15 as Water la
MMOLASSES-600 bbls N. 0. S. H.
sale by atyl4 JAMES DAIZZI4,
W M. M. GARRARD haa removed the bal
of 1.1. dock of DO7 Goods, to No. 113 Market
trot. twt IJbe.t l.
ittatdabtcal ar* ba nan a, to call and cattle.
tc• "claims to ohm yap hisby Dr l im
it of June.
Sll. MOLASSES-100 bble battle groued
8. lb". Ade by , JAMES DA AMIX
Wee Pustule. Ve., Ott. 4.1e47.
- Ms E. E. /Ingens—Of row gegoll7Oge, 7 WY wd__,,thdel
b,,,,itelon tut, baslon wed h. extewletay MT Peed..
Dr the Da four or heeler.. 1 think 'lda:Welly we best
yrepsnelon of the kind of which 1 have wo knowledge,
othoogb 1 base heretofore tow/ the of seenni
other tassofsetteers. Jyr otys
pretend end sold by R. Z. ULU:BS, 67 Wood et, nod
saki hr delgleld. geneed - - - -
17. myl4
X4ACKEREL-75 bbls for laige No. 3 male
IV.B, by & r. WILSON,
411 llll &mod A.
SUED -10 bbls new for sale by
W. 7. WIIB9N
H. N(I-10 bbl* nevr4masfe
amortawatormi Matelot Cabbed SpAte. Wad end
m il Corm otiter=4,... o ha te7:
ha tee el sad owe. we
Wlia — be on imam. lex tteanietwee et the VIM
ateavittlee losastemair. X co. 7 • 11,446,..
muminctir •-
06HNER ut ERolowArAini
Obisz ND co bruirre.
("APT. JOS. R. CliObriraa. wonl2
..9.11ar .41:1011±. to bls Masi. and ths
Il e e , ==. lb/agan taken charm
The BROADWAY HOTEL ha. hem ularoughly Mittel
.id Te r emblems with the latest salm.s.
:IMAti t le a Lsealsra city otels. An estelnite nibs
bas sib been meoPletelL
The locatkm Is <moral to the buddies pat! or tr
and Is mire courninit to thestesmobit laudthrl.
allot mid depot. thm bar other erst Mos hotet
mil. The rooms are pleamot aml +hit. the Whh
mei simommodstkrns are uoiLsorgebsed au/ eldhlial
meut to cm largeet tides. lth strict attention to hls
gsmth ehE melits iscliltbs. for making his house a quiet
combrtable Mem to. travelers. Dm Itmprietcr
It MD retain lb Sumer pigullohl• " • Uthrta thhi ' of
teent....l.l me of the mast *MOAK dad attattlee busies..
men to be baud.
HESII.7 LUTE, the BookAssper for CaphCromerell. Is
oubmAllT.Polutisr. bid b Imams be and wide ss • gm
. Hem. mu bum kir the dawn he occupies.
J. a. aIICIT.--- .- ' .011514.--.----alto. =cu'.
Storage,Shipping& C‘ni:tx[thsikiarerchatits ,
yirilOLE RALE dealers in Groceries, Glass,
lob Ult., Fluter . et., No. 70 ma Dock. and MS
vex simat:Clamdsoo , Ohio.
Cub drama made on somalaamems.
Agents for MI Steamboats sad Mnallers to the lake Sa•
parlor Wm.
Itetsr to—Wm. A. Otis it Slo.,Clesalseak
Niles 2 WNW., Ba.ftlq .
- T. M. Hole, Cashier, Pt usburgh.
sayltam ..-----=
Spectacles I
ArINE of the *et inestimable blessings cote
% ir {Mei be art op= civilise aria, wax the dUever
other causes. would be Leneutollable.
Fro lout e.t.d.. area thorough knowledge at the
miaow m
of otic., 'eel are prepared to sett all detective Ns-
_ .
VerajnaliTiectaries, aadat
tikelfrieny = ,T=.
do—Dx •orrsVariefix w=a.Ur Ihnex — '
mita. W
mrla 67 itarket street. eorner-WoMo.;
Second Large Supply.
A A. MASON k CO. would.: rmeeenny
oil u. u. stteotkrst at their turtroteadtbagg r io
bb ~enenll
AND gllaltAli lt lvß aVadared Irgh gnat
doetbittm fortoo=ro Mon ga.roalat hole
oak, fa are owl, prepared to °ger gooda lamb gnaw
t. e n lMlrer i or th re y Poet e =Xlirrient • WM.
The Wkion nunbrs Ilusbind; • hommoutbonaL
The there of Peentaster. ••
meal, 1.1 ,
The Countem of Rodolatadt; by iihnine
The bidet; • morel, by the outbid of "Veethae
)In. Caudle Curiae leoturne-tern edition.
The Molan-tirterr. bl Kra noutlniunt6.
The Bantre• WU* by I. IL Arthur.
sporu In the Wean by by The Comodetionar • men novel by 0. P. IL Jame. P.l.
Apylotou'e klernanka asnazine. Zia 5.
llortkulturnt and Cultivator. for may
manifold Mil, • Illetorlad Ihnomice—complato.
ACKEREL--20 0 bble. No. 3, (Large)
Newb "" m h ' P ' l girrOittr.
tor We b 7
Ward:mum P.. Ratlmet Dew;
coma P.ea Ana NW.* wt.
T EAS --50 bf. chests Young Hyson•
6 • Blzek 1561a_ag 71646 - .
lior talc by - DICar.Y a Co'
atyp WWI and Troet6t6:
SALT PETRE—TS sacks Crude, for sale by
ml 3 ISAIAH DlClalt a co.
25 taw Ilya'. s'g
25 , - J. tec
E h ttrar T nri f trittot
is dare ad fay sale by
myl3 1151.1.11 DICK= t CO.
BARRY'S TRICOMEROU 3 -12 doz. for
ale by R. E. SELEBA.
m 7125 7 Wad R
011,-600 galls. Flaxseed (wiussupure
far We - aul3 B- IL BILLIas.
GLASSES-100 bbli. for Bale by
OIL CLOVES-2 0 lbs. for eale_by_
myl3 D. A. 7AUSLITOIX. t CO.
FARE MANNA-15 0 lbs. for sale by
`PONE PIPES-340 boxes for gaiety
1.4 ACKRREL-15 0 bbls. 3;
" RIME r. rea.
bbls. No. 1, for sale by
BROOMS -210 doz. Corn, for sale by
PUBS -08 dos. Beaver, for sale by
mi 7 3 mum a bIeCANbI.EBa.
BUTTER -30 kegs for sale by
wt., WICK * kb:CANDLESS.
QCORCILINGS-5 casks No. 1, for sale by
mrl3 ..
A.SIS-10 casks for rale by
myl3 ulanyt Itcxyrt h. CO.
UTTER—Fresh Roll for sale by
(Title ACID-600 lbs. (pure) for sale by
en , l3 ' J. KIDD a a).. 6o W e a..
A ACKEREL-120 bbla. No. 3, fOr sale by
, • myl3 &_1A.
ENZOIC ACID-75 oz. for sale by
mayl.3 R. A. FLONEBTOCK a CO.
All-118 bble. N. C.. for sale by
Prepared Corn;
194 A. !MUIR° CO.
256 Liberty .t.
lig, rah.;
/or 4%
ILENCLI GELATINE, White andeolored;
Ass Coowe• Amnia. Maids.. rm....
at.. k 4. "". N.M. L. DICI.ITCO a co,
V,713 Grows ard Tea Desires.
lIGGINEE---Bordeaux Prunes, herass m, jars;
Very malice ta
- -
11k4.ACK.ERf,L-100 bblz. NWATSO I £ CO for sale b
1~1A .m./
114 Utestr greet.
ERRING-126 bble. No. I (to a.rrivlt)
sly by miL3 A. CULBERTSON AW.
I . l l A b e y Co— . -3 ; keg' Itg t t
N rloM . for
BUFFALO ROBES—AU krades,kept con•
?dull !a:Lollaq
darns alga and embnikhanat
Nauazok Musllux
Queen:ea Lawns, &a.
Allo—Prlnurd Jscanalg Musllus *Rh 441 emtrrokkrri
newest styles Much Laynx and lane saratineat as
taakdralabl• Timm Hamm. Onnualines..a. m 712
20 per Ont. saved to Country ifeerchaatt.
WM. J. KING, Dealer in BOOTS AND
Ty MOSS, No. 46 North Second miner, PtakLW%
hm. just reed from the mannfamory en extensive k.
telected stock of the *Dom goods. which wilt to fold at 33
lor cent tem than con be purehmed In the city, for cash
" a t oilcre I t lrd c o ' vell to all beton purchming
myrthn • „ •
ERMAN CLAY-200 boxes for sale by
mfr: It. DALZELL & CO.. Melly et.
lIELSE—W bu. W. R. Cream, for sale by
mr l2
DR Y AIDES -200.2 S. IDES-200 (prime) for sale by
_ .
L 1.151-50 bbls. for sale by
J. KIDD 60 Wood it.
fILUE-40 bble. (extra) for Bale bT
kfi myl2 J. KIDDa CO.
ARB. AMMONIA-6001m. for sale
CO. by
OR SALR—A good Pealing Wagon, in
c o mpho zugui . *ar o do., to Wad st
ARD OIL -1 2
BE. B 0 bble .
. Winter Strained, f
Li We by sayIELLE/MX Wcod
11.011'SEED-5 bbls. for sale l ams.
P. TURPENTINE--16 bbl. prime, for sale
1.0 by ../12 PIELIXB9.
IrROME GREEN-8 cases for solo by
lIRNT MABER-150 lbs. Pow'd. for sale
RACE GINGER. bags for sal by
a 1712 8.A ./JUN=OCE aOO.
Q ALERAT US-42 casks prime, for sale by
io rayl2
PEARLS- 11 ciuiks first sorts, for sale by
Po m ill casks pure for sale by
1 =all WICK & mocatimates.
- HAMS-312 S. C. Canvass, for sale by
,ftdDEIS Bale tierces for 0
il, EIO—CCLATE )30 Ins. Bost., for sale by
Associated Piremees Insurance Rock.
pkWES of tholirsz i tscribed stocZ
pEDIPED RIBBONS--Assortedl widths
and 'eakal, reed by ma. this day. dlda black
01..1E* Dram 81A3011..
mylo . LI. ' ell Foaßß '
LL LA . {Ol., Than,
lag: =Moor sod CoVta stall asmotomata Lem
oPYMmg st dm
mylo • UTCEN. ToMYM it.
AIR BALLS—Arun asuortment lust :eel
olad W. by m7lO 11, kaaN;
sm iuna t ie w. eakcs ia zWa t at i aa=
1 .14117 iss
lIREBE-47 bozos for sale by
IsolD lama moon a cci.
wIIIT.E FISH-381M'. and 38 ht bbla
Ws at Isalagyina4l: cp...
W. Vr. IV tUM 04, WiAch' ,
No. 67 Naiist, Ciente, kf /bird. a., .A24bur9h, , -
RIALER in FLNIr, WArcuss, , Juittar, S
&Um War% Matsu °oak Lund sad Rath+
Too gad Tut& Wu% Valley, 010.oes, la.; Gold bon.
ig .r.,,...l lnybromonts, mad • vet Yandey of rich.
dodo= hashicdabto indais, wed sad ankaasoonG.
..ork mdoted In =radar masabeT. misted by
tbd bud Exigllsb and Ireneb workmen. myg •
14.1/E on hand a lasxe assortment of
1 -nairlyapposlts the Pat. MB.
mylo ISAIAH DICIM 1100. .
CONFECTION SENNA--4 0 lbs.foreale
V nog H. A. 7.1015113MCK CO.
Elle Dress C3ode, per RcPreW - .
A A. MASON & CO. haps zeo'd this morn -1
. 7 - . .
%I. ai:;, - , - , l — M - oa• - ire friU worth tbe etfeuttoo _, , fl e tho vill b. sad .t mnonally low 0 . ...... 1.. . 1t.. 1 .' EQUESTRIAN, MIL= AEI/ ZOOLOGICAL i
. 1. " " 4 " " • N '''' 63 " 6 " ''*"..
_...." ' Circus! Theatre! Menagerie! .
=re -
-----,------------------- A. c--.4.1.-ts. of T. listetalumote. band opoi U.
lad wider Um iota apervisim of Efl. MN& &War
/tepid= of Protcs a 31,X0u.Cla's Cato.
Will be asidbitai in the cur of Pittitaaab. in d^na 0'
Every Afternoon and AV:, at 2 and 7 o'eloot,
Coronendme off MONDAY, MAY :Cab.
lode met DemipM "A
elib nemeetal nit. [Pct peifitmlus me fie.
.. '
TOIIIN,CORN ST/LECH-5 bxe. forma° by
NDIAN RED-150 lbs. for sale by
J by KIT. LIQUORICE -1 can k
CO. far iale
lay 9 B. L. FAMMTOCK
OARSE SPONOE-400 lbs. for sale by
ANGANESE-6 casks PoNed Salmi,
for We bT [my9] B.A.PAIOLITOCK 2 CO.
VRIMPED RIBBONS-4ust rec'd pet tx7
prea-25 cartoOs of them Iron dodzWo; .Wlmood
tam for Trion:lnt. cab:san 01l
_ft° alltorent widths
Lod colon. Th. =entice of or b g
01..3. customs to ro.
.IPoctf .117 kalted to the store intrusive anortatoot.
sol 9 MASON t 03.
V ASSIA-400 lbs. far O Ai r la m=
1L) mro LT
MARTA& EMETIC-50 lbs. for sale by
0.1. by u 0791 H. A. YAILZIZEITOCS A 03.1
ROLL BUTTER-3 bbli. (freil) in cloths,
ned bad far de by R. DAIS=.4 . &
)11.0NEGGER & CO., Importers of Wines,
Lk." sad Swims Chem, 181. Eladttda Wort.).
wawa tilxtb and Serastll.
UCKNHEAT FLOUR-1000 lbs. fe
SILK POPLINS—Now openinz
Mama lb, .tam ausamief BirlaWW of dr
=mat aria.
New Barages, names, Wks, Lawns, dba.
(e... Yor.) at hasrlaam data
1.41. =Metes 5111%, Lam &Nampa
.i irat . r hotted ta cal lain paid= tbeirr , Amws
Goads atbolasals to T. as stabs. Mil
Box or Prerrocass, ELT 4 . 1/IS. '
zE President end Directors of this Blink
h.. this ea r &dwell olltyldrad of sato on coin..
t t % 4ja 21=4 e 0i2 o low. ots on= = ti t
nun* — 7I7IIaIVDISS.. Odder
Promissory Note Pound.
&PROMISSORY NOTE, dram by Moss,
a= a Co., Mdol*g.lealYiatowora 1,4=
Ii anbay. a. f.... .4'.•.a
malt by eallina Um Mon of
myli J. ii. NELLOC. 81 'Komi 4.
EROOT-40 Ihs. (fresh) for sal e
At 00
2 V
A. FAIIN case for A
s No. I, sale
by ous a EISTOCIC A O
IQUORICE R9OT-150 lbs. Pow'd, for
Ws by mayB D. A- FAUNA:VOCE A 00.
ARIS GREEN-30 cans for sale by
LIQUORICE ROOT-1200 lbs. for sale by
PTS. TURPENTINE—aI bbls. for sale by
& A. PA= ffil'OClC t CO.
Fresh Arrivals of Wall Paper.
THOMAS PALMER, No. 55 Market street,
Jeui yeakved from Om Y.K. a haredmabe mate
mast of tourprieut Chamber Paper. Ma
at Tic, L. 5 Xaket Mavet. atig rery rdere Atin ar PAPER
by _ _ _ .
PAPER HANGINGS—French and Am •
lon. ft= 13j omts to te_perooktor solo bi
mys ALTER . P. MAIMWOL...b6 Wocd sc.
LbC r ""'` . RO
Orierr• and Tea Der..
No. 3, rem/
CS apa. rt.
and to ado 1 , 1
LARO 01L-15 bbla. for gale bY
MITE highest price in Cult taid.fot.allthe
. 17n , w usu. et els= wastuid n izilis Int
Bonnets! Bomuta!
.11EC'D THISL MORNING, per Express—
f,!..f = bruins all nomad azgl Emidatrshp
our tram.
A MT Win af ChtiamesOismy,lll..7oll , o,
3.24 Braid RUA
iba attention a jorrehuers la particahrlr
abon gmdA OW L 1 MASON CO.
Woolen Goods!
61 CASES Green Wised Jeans;
Al 2 S
" hu
G ^
1 " Black Ilread C1:421;
' 1 " Cot= ouis.
Tbst akar" goodaan joss rota from eastern
rms. =,?, wad 271. male keg anarab
myl MURPHY t a=
LSOLM.O. Bric o t s h Lrrl a zza d =l i rl d . m..
Fri"4l3l. roar ANK"ia'3". 9 t lI oZ b i 10 ger"
THE Merchants' and MailleadtUrefle Blink
or Pittsbara Lu thi. day &eland a dividend of
ton rsa cam. (on do capital atoak of mg hank) oat of
th. mats of tba Wt sconotta, sayable to Mt itOtte
holders ar that leaal raproadotatt
_et, as or attar tba
lust • yr. 11: DX:frit, CYhla•
littobaddtt. Ifay 1311611151.—IsoYMv
t • :4: • : : • .
DY, suitable tor trie*::::4lromm,
1 4.4 rt or Batt* at Noma' DirStart., ""Tib.
ha the Disaaand.
HEREBY OWEN that an Eleetzon for
y Diroctani. mad tto opohttoarat of =oh
of may be deemed noromarY tor croutullas Um !maim= of
the "Mosmotakela Mang Company,. claw:rad la mosso.
snot of au Act of
of la. Mb day of March.
IAII. 11111 Da WM at the Bt. Chula. goad, Pittabmot. oo
Wednesday. th• 21st day orlfay. . I). UAL Ostrom Um
boors of 10 A. kL maid P. M.. of mkt day,
WO. La orarro h..,
11 .. . k E s l i r t p d
W. 14. DAM. •
*go ;:i;.y I ae ve ligalrl
• " Tarr. • .r. w. - • ea MUM OM Moalltu sa4
_ _
.inLi22 SHAM' IS—Rids en day, per
co. au too of "
them Tory dootrabla plain owl
=TT '
7 64r.r1 ab 4"" 1 4 : Timm a 00.
A111:0—= lege No. 1 Leaf, for sole by
iIfRIRD FRUIT-150 bts. A 4 s;
soo P b 7
RICE -10 tierces (freak)
urn s a for sale by
mama. 00
rey7 233 Liberty strlL
TEA -50 hi. chaste Y. H., Imp., and BIRO
Teas, far Bak, by
AY RAKES-40 dos:for'eale by
isk77 E.l. TON BONNUOMST a CO.
AY FORKS-50 doz. for sole low by
BROOMS -150 doz. for Bale by
my: ssoaa co.
raWDER-1000 lbs. Blasting;
3°o ke° M. it t voßT 00.
SAFETY , FUSE-6 bbls. iu store;
to arrlyr br bY
tart •-• s.inororla a co.
BURLAPS -A superior article 40 inch, for
al* by u,T; lIIIMPIIT LSE.
1.400 ;IV. BAGS, I.I%f:LEL
de. for
-21 baba Cotta=
bbL Na Mari.
3 Dted Applar.
tti:=. Paled:
16 nets read .%
Olinenz Y Cram denter
• Y
isAun DiCalltlrwt
RAISINS --100 born, „ (fresh Bunch) for
Or =7l O J. .11 DICKEY W.
UTTER-2 bbla. and 1 keg (fresh ) for
m t. maylo ISAIAH Diet IT It W.
OFFEE-50 bap Oreen Rio, for Bale by
COFFEE -100 bags prime Green Rio, for
sale by JOECT WATt CO.
aulG Liberty amt.
4s , ALERATUS--50 boxes, ir superior arti-'
Na 2 Mackay:V. Baton I.4" , ctiow
" No. 1 trimmed Bind;
bkls. No,l
im •
In • 1041 L
• II • ' A 0 dqz. eitra—an.
FORKS-7i dot. beet cast Hay Poring;
Gann Waft for deb 7
BLED APPLES- 200 ha for s :g r ds b
mr2 mum&
pOTABII-14 e s skt i for sale
nlll IZlfejtontVEriast.
ODLIVBE 01L-30 litzT r tior White,
sr mri
;ATOES-2D bblr. Neshazinocks,fo
ale tor 7.E && YON DOXIIINOW &CO.
1G _ON ON-66, ton Forge $ E Foatutry
B - E SKINS-3 bales for sale by
Pia LEAD--490 pgs_Soft Gslda, for sale
IG METAL-4a tons for sale by '
pfi1y:131;4:25X177=1: tn•riri
0 , 1:!4 .1 1 ASH-60 caskilcalfor rieay
TOES -100 bu. (oaktjano_ aniTe,
..1•In• =TT cwx aco.
DYE WHISKEY-37 bIl ml : st : 4ffe. for asla,
6. I 00.
N1.4!.--300 kegs ass'd, for gale by
A. COLMTS O74 a at
"'"' • 6 tells Derr 8
owet. Dried
6.41.6 Bacon; Jaz& reed and Ibifinie
. A. GUIANA .11.19 et br. AOO.
DRIED PEACILES— bbls. on consign
=ea ibr • 17 mum „ Ta d ! a co.
my: - •
DRIED , FRUIT-400 bu. Peaches
• . aircitriniS7
HAMS -2000 S. 0., for enle by
SEINDKIES--2 tierces, grease;
21110 do.
2 4e ay govaM • .
A •
10 ack. &Oho%
2 do.' ro
Now loodbag ban stem. for BLIO by
SUNDR 503 1E5--
tO ba. Oxen . ntlw'
1 lbs. Dam lialn •
...Itzwrrar •
az I =SICINItt, far
asla law to Icer, by • . D.WI & 00.
• sari -• • • , • cartwe Pad cod Illth
A. 6. MCh
um& ~ Lm on had s complete f or
Emcees sal Canasta.
i r t OTTON-.56 bales nowlandingf_rara *Mr
.030 Warty azdirobt
• - -•---
Mama t Cri. have received 1 , 1 /MP IC* d , Vt 7 SW.
Meek and Pater Sllka.
CORN -500 bu.-for sale .
J.S. * CO.
JiIACCO-13 hhde. Ohio Leaf, for sale by
CORN -35 bbls. for sale by
m 3-6 • CC mut 96 Irani st
ISON—Por sole try ---' D. WILLIAMS CO,
LATHS -25,000 Sawed Laths, best , iv
ty tor sale by ROBISON. LITTLE A CO. '
263Llbett7 tt.
I'LOUR-100 bble. extra Family;
mrs too - sa i ma i maz
114.R00M550 doz. fancy, on conaignmen
..1) and Sr aide b 7 ROBISO'N,LITSLE
nty6 ZS labaty
Witches: • -
UST returned from the East, and how
Q roo
apathy tty lamest wad tined smart:motor Matelot.
jealm tr ad er. Might lo=ttr. I f tt=ea uw are
pool, Paris. ao4Vorve. and warrantr . equal (alal m s
."'== y lVe t ral=a ' ' An ele ' ae;a '' ‘ '‘'L aat ek ie tke
La Inventlortfas AAA eltarlken =LAM
soortment or .11UUS [Atter. ikgr Maar.a. ras7a..S
prim awarding to auslity, kora 130 sod agwaroa• All
gnareAtaYl►taproseated, and warranted as to timaere
0073 comer Market, sad You th ste.
FLOUR -240 bb la. Extra and S. F. for ode
tor my 6 L. 8. WATERMAN 80N73:
DRIED APPLES-320 s a c ks tape for tale
ALILI T ER:---I . n boxes (fnmit) E. dl by
. .. or e .T
larn OIL-20 als. I . cleala by
ALERATUS--100 bxe. arid lObble.,
EIEESE-100 boxes for salela gi - 11 ;'i . i•
our • J. B.
Hamburg Pas. •.,-•=
KLKBER, No. WI Third street; basjpt
Polka, one of the teas Peptday and lies*
Wet Polkas eras published.
Farewell, .014 Cotbur,.. mitten and eompaled ru Al vn. l.a..
Faster, end detested to ens. Itangazda,ut
Once I Loved Thee_ Nas7
_Dear. LC. Torter..• -
The Little 'Led Hiding noel; by TM
The Mountain Dehr '
%Ir M ße T e.; =jenny Lirulh vier man-
Fly /WIN Zeph
BYmost the Bad des Wares,
songs,as ran[ by Jenny Utidli—tee of
Teravell, If veer imam prayer.
And an estandre Vann eraser Weltsee, NiFivys
-44°A.2""r". sifiN vino: 1306E11 84117.
aftabaratelav, co the Lk of ban a tale Ityllama
TN. WM. aa T. B. Arthat ,
Her antes
On tTrator th
aatama— at
Third End. crowed. rho
-I=6 .M *bd . % VII bold Its Austad m,soto
11(.1rtyrdsslasks as dkjaulL.strmi
- Lida [madly to tbo m am
use ass rotosstod to att.&
fart J. Z. J. loo.Psoloss..
Th.IIE ANNUAL MEETING of • the-Stook
boldas of the Oldo ?mho* Watts Camhew,ll.l
be kt at the Mee of sal C.=heay tete City of nu.
bonh. ert Mohan'. 222 s 2. 2 2 10'21.2 . P. 21 .
. 4 1 W. 12..KLItTaks.
la IRE BRICK-85,000 (Coal Grove ) Fge
1 , 1 : t h i ck' °"°^ 3. 4 6 tr t° the. B ° llnr * 6 ‘ )
n bud sad tor war
;VAL OTOED a co.
UgiBUM 1851. &ilia
XPRESS Packet 'and Bailioed Linn for
CloweloWl. niikonid Nap. by Mom= bon
tO Donor, in cm:icy:tn with tho
toned Simons roasts or Gloat% Porto Cor., from Darn
to Barman, awl m b olonati no d Prt rite
Eineeoni Plitoorsh Bouro co o m
Edelm an mr
Ie their faadlaggete the X
Ma. at 9 [Mock, J. IL. man with ttre=ta
Bearer. vhlsh •111 lava InuanUttalrtm the arrival of lb.
au...or...miring at Ravenna la this. fbr theEttemaTola
of Cars for Clemland. Pa be this has MTlTalgt
Cleveland la Us. to take Om
10 Railroad Ursa or Stmosirs
fix BUFFALO and DTROIT, out Um steamers fur Chien.
Iflltrantle. Toledo, Eandnaki:2, Dunkirk and
s wa o r r ar,onto train of ears Columbus, Tonkin sad,
diiiianau GUMMI. (X, Proprietors,
SP. B-110011.1%
' • ,Odlas sack Bt Maks
Mee nada Maampakelsllonag
oPI earner al ExpMo , ld Wet4. 8 2.14i .
PI 1.0
1851. Aid
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
OUR= PARRS •....Rocandra, Pa,
CLIAIW.LIN, CHAW/1313D - iii) . .-. 0
HIS well known Line is now prx•W to
c teM i niat e 3,1 paararinerLtmal or the Una ara P =Psallnl k r a 4.4 '
UT. nad awality of Dada, sapainner a n
Leary of Amts. • •
Ono Ikat - bares Pittsburgh cnb.a
In nonnarUon with Llnor of stranannds brinresaVgt
LOBAR and BlWllat. ad • Lbw of lirstdarsairallmts
I Marna and rawer) on the Lat. - •
Parka Tonardonal. 0.; ' •
11.111151,1ffssnra,Oiau: • • •
A. A. If. newton
e. pmnal,Barsann.
Brayton RILT=I.I, 04
. Kraut/Mama I On. Yrankllk.O.;
iL CnnballM Frill. •'•
Insoles . . Lee On. ==.
Pse ß V M' ial n* CitY'
o O.Willis= l i d i. s . t . nn mu .7 , 4earr.
014.F/11), Casio, f -
• I - der. iraler sad InnithW. . pV:
• .
Resales, Wines, Ike. •
AAVING completed arrangement, w ith
Hours Bordosno lad attar So.nomPtion, Ibr
amotioa :Isord 4 .. ontlaas ea to ofia to
ig a nflkrlrLl " 74l7l, re . Wo 1=7=3,816 W-
Vroos temeaseen Ross ;Matra. ;
attoodoo WOW to ata lin, so beim
110 itator=fr.tod 4 l4 . Btalika.
71 4 and r Eak‘iadbrown Elioniac
crucaor Fes. D o t sado.
Port Rime. lost ma old gad amnia ,
wino apartling Chanyagoo, rell lowan latada. , -
GOD ban. COM NI , micas broads sad alotop4,
r 1 = 3sotornand sad sod Chan nr """ " " .
ailao Old Holl !anode=
74 samba= Okl &Mb sad teak latdoloy..
.4 • • gumbo. Old Joaoka Rao ,
la in onialaufor hr:do , a aria atoocad
M OON Inalthaamcoo,, Aaalsato, Chem n L '
lar‘stook HATILVA SWAM alwiplon!t!ail.
ADM • Ilnit aeler at nay aromaa4 . •
it= "" " th . .. I ;rlMi l r q
nro - V •A • '