The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 17, 1851, Image 3

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' • • inrrazo mom CIRCUIT COURT.
Before the Honorable Judge Grier.
Ma honor. Jndp Grier, charged the jar' in
cite of . Charles Thome, es John Walker,
Havarti Kennedy et el, PrOprietors of the Na
'lload Stage Company. We had prepared
"afhll report of his retilerha, which we regre t
that a press of other Matter prevents rut, from
The jory - , , L after an absence of several hotirs,
zteWraed.with a verdict of TX& 00 for the
' . •
. .
Ifechiuilor' Bank „ of WhOrtiz% vs. Lisp). &
' l3eirt-;4ctiTtl on two bills of exchange. ' Verdict
'id $i 3 0(19 .10 for plantiffr.
• .1. • FRIDAY, Mayll6.
• Present the Honorable Hopewell Hepburn,
President Judge.
&Vile case of John . Wills' executors, vs. Jas.
• ~.illbson's adudnistrators, et al, the jury returned
a verdict of two hundred and, forty _oat dollars
for the plaintiff.
Chaa M. Heytiolds & Co., 're. Bell & Liggett.
-No., 180, November, 850. Penny and Sterret
for pliintlffs;Wills for defendint Action of as
- sanipsit for freights . and commissions. The de
, .Dandants paid one hundred end thirty dollars
Into Omit before the jury retired as a tinder.
No verdict..
hoof) Soles; Jr., vs. Daniel A. Haines, ,et 4
Na`bad 1851. List No. 64. Shin
Collier for plaintiff, Morrison and:Jones for
Vatandant. Action. for , money borrowed by-the
committee:of Port Perry Church,. at
'_Lock No. 2of the Monongahela river. CaSe not
4 .: eavacu Rsornagn.--The First Beflinneci
..Presbyterian Church, fter. John Douglass', pas
to;, y; ! iabe reopened for public worship,
his recently been thoroughly ,tnatted
and "Paired. The painting, and fresco !ark,
Jtt . parriculnr, are rery beautifully executed
, .. .
-Veteran= Emma Lore:—We refer] Our
renders to the edrertisement of valuableh;l a i e d .. - ,
. . lots, offered for sale In Birmingham, at
o`doele Shin afternoon.. They are ,s ituated in
this immediate neighborhood of the mgutufto
'..' Met of ' Wood & McKnlght,': Mulriny, C om p: bell. &Chess, 'and others; and belong to . the
I,24s:sta.' Gregg. An extraordinary inducement
neared- for their purchase—the proprietors
guarantee that en Increase of fifty
,per crier in
-- their rate, will take place within the next dire
• :.-rtalm, the increase during the part sre years,
baling been freed one to three hundred per cent.
The locitkui of the lots is a very delightful One
they'being situated on the eecond bank, fronting'
the riser, With good. water, and 'offering every
lodusement for, persons who desire tohuild fine
rseldences, .to purchase. One of the best pub-,
Jib schools iathe county is near, and
Ire& not bane of a more desirable investment
I.4:siastr:its Coat. CalimAirr.—At ii . metiing of
„Ike Stockholders of ibis Company,,held Mayl6,
the office of the Company, at Coal Ilex
-, -boriehe following gentlemen i were elected Di
;, of the Company for the ensuing year:
• . Thomas McEkath, Platt Adams, Thomson
1. -Prket , Geerge Parole, Michael Jones. •
.anheequently, at a meeting - of the Directors,
',tie Waving of ficers were chosen:
','Prinddent-Thomas McEiratb,
Parole, '1
:',4, - ,'-.*Tivasurerlehn Thompson:
. .firecretery-13. Watson Carr. • •
• 'lChletEnginear- end SuperintaubintEllwood
.41snsart_lifarcrt:—The following is , the result
cricket "mateh yestetdai '' • .
ley, 2 bowled by W. Johnson
E Thorp l do:; B. Morrie,
J. Eamon, 15 de. ' Johnson,
- 0 do. MOMS,
8. Hatteraley, -.6 do. . ;_, ; , Johnson,
.0 do. Morris,
' •
W. White, - . 2 Mo
• Mo ni rris s, a
Itstinison, 0 do. . Morris,
do- Morris,
'-A T W izova , rly, 1 4
do. Johnson,
• '
rr 2211: 0 1XXINGS. 1 r , r
Hitter %ley, N mu ant by J. cwr.
tA:.l3.Lorp, - 0 not out
J. Gamma, 16 esulert. byW. Johnson,
nowara, . 17 bawled by Monis,
Eatterilsy, ' • 1 do Morris,
;swift, • • 0 leg before wicket,
J. Caldwell, 2 nought by. 7. Rant.
• - I W.Whlbs, • b do W. Johnson,
B. lisurdson, . 0 bowled by Morris.
W. Martin, 9 do , W...johnson,
a Tim y, I do t W. Johnson,
Prrreotrotte, let •Ixtroos. '
W.:Johnson, 1 bowled by iHattetaley
6 do J. Jewitt,
10 not ant; :
•-f„ ''„ 1- bowled out by J Simms
Sant, • 1 caught by 13. Atlonloon
T.Jttleiberliii, 2 do 3. Somata,
0 bowled by • do;
:/Vtdarziott., , 1 do . JHatte Kiley
_ 6 eangbt do •
BAND, , 0 bowled by J. Saunas.
Wide Bills, 9
lag Byes -1
Zan Tnmos.
W. l obd , obasol . :', c :gbt by 3 &Walley
cal gamma
L Ituat; 0
Eirobertit' , 0
Johann. . , 0
, Marriott, 0 .
'IL Monti; . 0 ' • •
• •
B. B ro wn, 8 bowled by J Salmis,
Wida'Balls; • 10
• .
Info Ball, 0
t 4; Bxes, : _ I
Besting tba Cincimuitisns one, midi six meats
OW- _
•Ihinno OP: TEC Covent:rm.—The Select and
••• • Co nun* Councils mat on .Thursday.
.••5..4 • lithe Select Crincil, Mr. Rebell was chosen
• President pro'tempera..
..dt petition, •signed,by a number of paeans
~tillblinSt the grading of Jefferson street, was read
mei - referred to the Committee on streets: .
Action concurred in. : • ,
• petition; declaring a pond of water on Lib
: 'aliFirtreat , in the Fourth Ward, a nuisance, wm
erred to thitOotamittee on Streets.
A petition asking for improvements in the.
femy. boat landing, below the Chestnut
street bridge, was referred to tile Committee on
- • - .
• Actoll 'o:matured in. • . • .•
'-The City Regulator presented a draft of the
• ;;Ouress and drains now erecting by the Ohio and
Atetinsyinazds Railroad Company, cm Ohio lateen/1
. • ; listlfre:strie4 said - sewers and drains not being
Indltattoorhs . g: • • to th e plan of streets adopted by
11* Pity . • Referred' to the Committee 0111310ete•
ie Common Council with the following , emend-. .
. .
.:. That the ' Street Commissioner .be instructed
-• • lortheith to notify the maid. Railroad Company,
and esquire them to build according to .the plan
"Ilifittteett adopted by the city. , Amendment se,
8 . 0 1 , •
' • ' , Au eminence relative to taxing 'catchall' wag
'ems was passed, and concurred in by the
Alio; an Ordinante relative to the erection of
isdehbulldinge, - and recommending the appoint- i
metat of a Committee on wooden buildings. Ref. 1
eek to Committee to report an Ordinance pre.
the erection otwoodea buUdings Ailed in
Or Otollo.
Ordinazw.e•authorizing the grading
sAdjeering of the south east, west, and north
. • Piddle grounds, . embracing .side walks,L, street',
led other improvemente. This ordinance was
debated among the members. Laid on •
the table meeting... • -
An Chdinance relative to grading and paving
the streets, inconformity to the Act passel at
ilia last Of the Fennoylvanitt Legislature.
Thai Ordinance. aoth nted the grading and pa-
Ting .t he following streets:
BeTweretreet, from the South Comma to the
: CRT line; Carroll street, from and to cad;Jef-
Mean , street, - from eneto end; lazert7 street
: fetelttheXast . Common to Eau Lone , also, Übe'
vastest, frenxtßaltt Lane to Chestnut' street; Rot.-
..iMeMatreet, from Federal street to Aiderson et.
Federal st..j . from the eolith side le ;the North
c,,ierseozi;:to Carron st. '
Ohio et, from Webster street to the Eastern
city m c Fitt Alley, 3ri. Ward, born the Dia
, ied4.o. North Common: :Adopted; cost in
bi C.
raajitsjor was authorized to draw a warrant
infinie of theist, 2, and 4th Ward Fire C,ompa
.l** fit , :quirterly appropistials, ($87 , 60 to
`esizis;gestYst*) ' •
• TWoDowing . petition woo roe; ••• '
As; fiaist , luid Common qoxacas. Of Alle.
CeMbittee' Ott:4lthair vs.
OcatriPeonont4baik4o o 4
-7, 1 /imill(t"4 44 ooo o trosi
• '
of a neitomintionse.thtissedlihly. al
the attention of your himorable bodice to
state of the road•leading to Federal st. ;Your
Petitioner respectfully request that your honor-,
able bodies would have measure:sl3km to secure,
the. of the street in front of the meeting ,
tome to Federal st
'4114 riF in duty bound' will seer
COmmittee on city property made a , re
=ring that they had visited Duquarie
and ,learued that the authorities of that
place contemplate running a street from the Al
legheny liver to the Perussylvania Canal, 20 feet
of which they contemplate taking off the city lot.
Nothing lias yet been done towards its permanent
location. ; Your committee have no recommend
ation to olfer, and ask to be discharged. Report
accepted,fand committee ordered to see to city
The &Sowing Report of the Select Committee
on the grant of four acres of ground on the West
Common. for the erection of the Souse of Refuge,
wan road;
The CoMmittee to .whom was referred UM om
munication from the Board of . Managers of the
House of ;Refuge respectfully
That they have carefully examined the ground
proposed as a suitable alto for said qouse of Re
fuge, by Said gourd, and that they suggest the
propriety" of the Councils of the City of Alle
gheny acquiescing in the.wishes of the Board of
. Managers', foethe following reasons, vita
let That the 'location is exceedingly favor
able, andlpeculiarly adapted to an instinadon of
that kind, being adjacent to the Western'Peni
tenders,tind no constituted as to be not easily
adapted to any other purpose. . ..
- The grOtmd presents a front on Ohio street; of
'202 feet, running to the centre of the Pennsyl
vania and Ohio Railroad, and thence back to the
North Common 747 feet, thus containing an area
of the Moist suitable dimensions for Inch at pnr-
12d. Thnt as citizens of Western Pennsylvania
we are deeply interested in the establishment of
bath an institution, and as-the brtildinkwill .be
in ornament to our city, and will redound to our
credit, yob'. °ea:mitts* eitgiest its adoption
3d. Th ground presented, has been appropri
ated by the Legislature of the State of Penn-.
sylvania, for the above purpose; our refusal to
accede cannot be withheld without, a palpable
violation a our compact as citizens of the Siete.
1 Th g ef eso?v rt'P.
i mon 0-41-w
-ed, That the Select and Com p
ells of Allegheny city do hereby 'assent to the ap-
IproPriation on the part of the State of Pennsyl
nob, of !ground named above, to the Board of
)imagers of the-Western Pennsylvania House of
Refuge. II 3
. , This lotion was freely diaccuscd, and Wee
negativedlby the following vote: \
iyes--MoSit, Moore, Psinter--S,
lisys—Soreload, South, DalseLl,Grahams,Sul
font Canipbell, ,
'Absent4:Messrs. Robinson and Dehaven.
• lieeolvd, That the Committtee on Rate post
poputthelaying of water pipes de smeet
for thn . preseat Adopted.
' COSMOS 'cotrsca. I
Mr...114d, President, in the chair. '
A petition from citizens living on Bernice& at.,
ad ward, praying to have water pipe laid in said
street, was referred to Committee on Water with
power to het if they deemed it necessary, provi
ded the length should not exceed iwo hundred
A. petition from citizens living la the Second
Ward, preying to have the water pines laid alimg
. Lane, toward Water, wee referred to
Water Committee to report at ru l meeting of
Cannella, I - •
A petition from the city tax collectors, pray
ing Crum* to increase their com don from
threw to Eve per cent, was ref to Committee
Pintule I
A petition from Citizens living ortlizell street,
to alter the grade of said street,
wee rehired to Committee on Surveys.
A petition from - citizens living on Liberty
street, asking Councils to grant the necessary
power to said street graded said paved, was
.The report of Committee on water was read
and accepted, and the following resolutions were
Resolved, That the Committee on Water ' be,
'and are hereby authorized to advertise for the
coutmction and erection of an engine and pumps
at, the present works similar to, those now in use,
and pipe necessary to put it in complete opera
tion, and ,That they be paid the city bonds.
having teh years to run, and report the cost to
next meeting of councils.
Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to
draw his Warrant in favor of 'the following-per
sons for Om sum sot opposite their roamer
John Hein, 826,00
. Samuel Still, • 26,00
Mr. Bo rshoda, 82,50
Wm.' Taylor, 26,00
Wm. Mullen, , 26,26
Mr. Parke offered the following resolution
witichwai adopted. ' .
That a special Committee of one
from the' Select, and two from the Common.
Council, te appointed, whose duty it shall be to
ascertain as near 113 practicoble, the cost
of giving the proper grade to the North, South,
East, and West Commons, and also submit a plan
for the laying out of the name, including the
width of dirtier side walks, and report to next
meeting Of Councils.
Mr. Bay offered the following resolution. which
war adopted:
Rello/12, That the Street Commissioner to
and is h by instructed to notify the property
owners on the north side of hemlock at., from
Fleming to Boyle, to pave and grade their aide
LS IfE L OEBY GIVEN that the following
- ramed persorti hove Mod. in the Reglater's OCim of
erty Ciourd=ust.L i f o th=al i t=
gannets trill presented to th. OrPheAs' court of tho
Osilis t tsibreseld, for maltrmattos sad allorance, ca Plot,
th ilateader PA= l ff. " Ei..r of 4 JITt Romborts, 'doed—
gest acceem#
Thomas fat Ego., &deft of Jars Mato, deed:
Jame. Timm% her of Jsmoto Thomptem. deed:
Wm. T. Bonny Mm's of W.T. Room, deed:
George W. Dunlap. Agtiog Ex'r of Mon Veurrruo,deed;
Dsuiel Toaeg, Adger of Catherine iteCzumdeo'd:
' Wm. Beam; Eol., Adoer of Jame Albereml, deed;
Om ,leMsry Aecort . r d. of faunal Rolduson, Adios
Jesus IdeOla r try, Vart d ., - .loeleg E:er or Joteph Meltnight.
- James tgraniggt, conning Vet. of Preutis Plefitfigt:C.
deed; I . •
Dodd licaulre, /doer of Rezturd Daugherty. deed;
Ranh A: Prentrt,Adoet of Alex. Restart. deed, '
Juses What:old, Ey'r of Wm. Rome, deed;
rgitzi Neel and IL B. Cochran, Ex•ts of Mergaret Gm
John W rah. Ex.'r of Juno Ridden: deed;
Bela Orbs.. Ado* of Jame Brant, deo*
WAR Heller, gAm't of John Ksteleedsed:
Let . Ploy, Adm.,. °fir.. lity, deed:' •
Osmtde, MAR. of Jena Wilson. deed.B. C. Timm= sad Merril Jests. Fates of Allehatit Tur•
two, doled'
I irrH il owin i f,'CLV i e l
nill } d i
of r i t ,,, a 411: 11 ulleate d i4
Norma Colltos.'fiumellen of Joseph it guar. -
Joseph Onamett, Clomxtiou of LeWJA Nicholson;
J. T. McKnight. Omar:Um of minor heirs of James Al
berloo, dee'd. - JOILti sacrrr, Register
fat tuts fees, Mar ]at. VW. [Mr ,Ms.,rsis
Executors' Notice. • •
LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of
Abild Ramsey, late or ths cate of littabtmah. dm%
an typo:Mal to mate tramallato mama, and U.a
elalms at• mounted to mascot tamdaly When.
. 41 70112PPIALIPr
atylmatt.9 d- 11. NVXLELAND. Mem
Orl_haas' Court Sale.
By, VIRTUE of a_ ,n Order of the Orpliaas'
onto. of Ultimo%) County, to me dhigt. , l
cmcee tolniblie de, on the ortmlam. Must. an the
reng Beam, Rood, Ot to to.meldo, .bone Ave and a belt
owe, from the My of AlleOgoy, FORTY ACRES of the
lor Taylor. Mm'd. The uni t y of ro o d
and,he els °Mon line opporto any pm
'eon dealrOns of obtaining oh eligible location for fuming
" LW,Vyylday, the wit, day of Atm. 11151; sell) te.
clock. A. 31, Tema, rash. /ma moral. as soon ea the W.
Dun 5....
7 °lqr, O g :r - iiragli.l2lMALL A.,
1032111138 1 COMM. •
.I„VO . SALE;—.In pursuance of de
, of the Oros.? Court of War/btton County,
also: of • deem of the Orphans . Court of .IDeabenT
Cothitytheandertlebt/11,3dmintetrator of the ele.te of
Doe MN. a., late ea Waahlo3ton ounty, deed, will,
on the TAI day of May nett, D, 16.5 at 10 o'clock, A.
L b. to the tool of Pittsburgh, expo. to
YU by ytildio wrath., Or p il e , ' ibllowing d
real eatate, to of all the as peo of that ream
triangular lotodtbate at month of Liberty and Wet..
eireetly the innindiate eirinlty of the tenattitle Of the
thf: Central Tenneylvaida Balieweek and within GO feetof
Ito depth of bid road. dooor
hW b lztan of the
1 toot ton
=tlwlT: his Mora Nab Wea lOb l
Bide of the Dlainthni,
13bobtagli. The number or Jots are ae 5010... d 7
8, 0,10;11, 12,13, and 14, ail frantlng on Liberty. Water,
thel Twat etreetin'ththeso m =g,v4 t 4 S o MMTN
to so It bet boot, with , •
feet, baldric op Water etteet. •
Tame of 1010 Ono bell of the potolutee mp h be
bad on the day of rale. .rd the re•ldue thereof 15 1 year,
with talereet from to_ -•-• •••:•• 000 red .PA as
=Kap un the wore. , eon. Iker•buer. to ray thee." ,
cy Vs ACki, 1:L Aniettaturof
- rAa., d.ea.
Executors' Notice.
Lix, PERSONS iiulebted to the estate of
Mama Tompkins,Pitt ttnrob!”. $l 9 . br"
t "" ara rtfq tr.. ' tiVrocant ' t=. "
aamtla , mett. witber of the sagt-oritort, to to Et.. xi?
itjawayEars, Fourth at. '5llOll. WILLIAMS,
' bareata, April 'sl.—apr.aarttB klannit
Inti atia.
BG,.4APS:--.-The best artiele--abraya on
btW, arid to le at the 10... A ',flue,
.I=ll2jittimriB J. 4.lllWAtilitti, / b Wood st.
• jletTiera -
titaszßY . GIVEN that tllo-undersigned
• may'tbe tritally el:antidotal Athuttristrators of tur
r t *mt....shots. Iran nt UK, of Pittsburgh,
dsettL - All protons haring elstuir asslnat the said km...,
bligutry requested to umlaut theta fat rettasuent wad
LI twit= Indebted thereto afis ., t=ired tomato Iroutedtste
O n r' l rr l t I P " DAV rtli, •
SDltyllt,S • ' Administrators.
t r... 1
Laud for Sale.
Aubsenba offers for sale; on the pre.
. nsamen *polar, MO 21Ith of RUT neit. iit 2 o'clock.,
PA Voltukbk sod moll known Nam, nittatad In
Ot iIS useonntrostoutenos
rss nom can; on t1 6 1 " Z! . ' MnaWig to llartoony. owl
oporao fc 6 tito old less Alla Neig, eoutatolog 106 A...
snip tb. os3Ml. -.About 70 otiorand.ll oftrNettan:
• lia . iidottl:=Mt!=grt Wiliam kg ,
Ilt ta....too s j= •qta.
47 ,1:4-7.. -ver,f4a.
- Great preparations are making here for the
reception of President Fillnihre and suite. The
steamer Mayflower left this morning for Dunkirk,
having on board the Mayor, the Common Cowl
:nil, and a summer of other public bodiee Our
city presents a gay appearance. Flogs ars
waving from the docks, and every public build
ing in town. There is a large amount of ship
ping in the harbor, and every vessel is decorated
w ith fags and streamers. Indeed, the city thro ,
out, wears the garb of a national holiday.
-Now Sena, May 16.
The Evening Post, of yesterday, says that a
private telegraphic dispatch to an eminent mer
cantile name in thit city, was received from
New Orleans, to the effect that advices had been
received there that the steamer Gold Hunter,
which left Ran Francisco on the 22d of March,
for Tehuantepec, had violated the meantime
laws of Mexico, by landing her passengers, num
bering 68, without the requisite previous permit',
sion, and that the passengers had been impris
oned by the Mexican authorities. At the date
of the advices received, no .further particulars
were . given. Tehuantepec is not apart of entry.
BOSTON, May 16
Mr. Sumner, Senator elect from Massachusetts,
has published a latter; which has surprised and
disappointed many. in relation to the office to
which be has been elected, ho says: "I accept it
as the servant of-the Union, bound to study and
maintain, with equal patriotic care, the interests
of all parts of oar country; to discountenance
every effort to loosen any of those ties by which
our fellowship is held in fraternal company; and
to oppose ill sectionalism, whether it appears iq
Unconstitutional efforts by the:North to carry
so great a boon of freenom into the slave States,
or in the inconstitutional efforts by the South,
aided by Northern allies, to carry the sectional
evil of slavery into free states, or in whatever
efforts it:may make to extend the sectional do
mination of slavery over the National Govern
"With me." heaays, “the Union is twice bless
ed; first as the powerful guardian of the repose
and happine+s of thirty-ono sovereign States; and
'next, that all—embracing federation of States,
by which unity, peace and concord will funny
be organized among the . nations. Nor dot be
lieve it possible, whatever may be
the delusion
of the hour, that any part thereof can be per
manently lost from its well compacted balk. E
Pluribur Vaunt is stamped upon the national
coin. The national territory, mid the national
party, though composed of many parts united
into one, the talon, is separable only by a crash
which shall destroy the whole.
Nsw Your., Mity 16.
The steamer Washington arrived this morning,
from Southampton and Bremen. She brings
dates to 3d of Thin but no later news.
Riamosp, May 15
Tho Convention, in Committee of the Whole,
voted down the Mized Basis Resolutions by one
majority. They returned the compromise =port
in select committee by ot= majority; also 'Dote!,
compromise, by Vl= =glorify.
Paornraca, May ]6.
Returns from the election held here on the
14th, show the choice of Mr. Burgess, (Whig)
for Mayor, by 14 majority. Also, the entire
Whig ticket for Aldermen; and 21 Whigs nod
8 Democrats to the Common Council.
I3crrrAto, M 7 Id:
A serious break has taken place in the Wa
bask Canal, which it will take fifteen dap) to re
pair. Thin will out off the receipt of corn to a
great extent.
CoL Benton has arrived in tills city. Ills
i health has much improved. Ile will remain here
.for several days, when he will dejsart, with his
• family, for Missouri. Geo. Ramsay 13 also
here, but will return immediately to Minnesota.
Mr. Hodge, Aesistant Secretary of the Treas
ury, has left for New York and Boston, on busi
ness connected with the customs In those cities.
Capt. Kennel has been avointed , command.
lint of the Pensariela Navy lard.
The Treasury commenced paying the Mexican
Catunissioners to-day.
It is reported here that the Mississippi Eldon
Convention has nominated Gen. Foote for Gov
ernor. On the first day of the Convention about •
200 deligates were present, and the greatest en
thusiasm prevailed.
Patt.tDzlrcrit. May IG.
Flour—The market is dull, with sales of 600
bids., mostly western, for shipmeat, at $4,65
orn Mear—Salei of 000 bbls. at $ 2 , 75 per
Grain—Sales 3000'bn. of good Penns white
wheat at $l,OO, afloat, and of red at 96c per ha.
in store. Rye is steady at 70c per bu. Corn is
in gisod demand, with sales 6000 bushels southern
and Penna. yellow at 62e, afloat, and a small
lot Ist store ►t higher prices. Oats are steady
at 44e per. tritsbeL
Whiskey—Pales in bbls at 225...."1} per gallon.
zoos sZPONI.
New York, May 16.
Coto:La—The market is dull, with tales 100 biz
middling Mobile, at 9c 12 lb. .
Flour—There is some speculative demand, but
prices are unchanged. Corn it in light supply,
with sales of western mixed and yellow, at 68G,
00c, and Southern yellow at 601 e 12 ho.
Provisions—Pork is dull, at yesterday's de
cline. Cat Meats are declining. Lard is heavy
at 9tc. .
111Wcey—Prices are declining, with as at
23 0 VS III .
Batter , -Sales of Ohio at 1061.'dc 'l2 tb.
• • NM YORK, Mny IC.
Cotton—The market is steady, with Bair 1000
bales middling lg. 0. at.41.1c.
Flom. Is firm, with sales 13,000 bbl,, at $3,56
04,121 for common to straight State, and 3,94
04,121 for inferior to good western.
Grain—Wheat is without movement. Corn has
advanced, with sales 60,000 bus at 681659 c for
mined, and 60 @BID for round yellow.
Prolisions—z.Pork is'quiet, and no sales have
transpired—new mess is bald at $16,12 >CI bbL
Lard has declined, with sales of 800 bbla prime
at 90 per lb. Bacon bas also. declined, with
salei 20,000 lbs sides, at 71 per lb.
, Groceries—Sales at auction this morning, of
1200 bags Rio, at 81®10c, -dosing at the. latter
Lead In dull; Galena is held at $4,76 per cwt.
Whiskey is firm, at 231 for Ohio and prison.
New OaLewes, May IG.
The market generally is very doll. •
Cotton—Sales 2000 bales at easy prices.
Flour—Small sales at former prices.
Mess Pork—ls dull, with no change in prices.
Barrelled Lard is steady, keg is dull, with sales
in bbls at 91.093 c, sad in kegs at 10i011ic.
Coffee has declined, with sales of Rio at S®b k
per lb. Sugar bas also declined I. per lb.
The weather is scorching hot.
C18012511A11, May 16.
Flour—The market is quiet at .$2 60G2 pc, V
pound. °
Whiskey—Salts at 171-0:171 per gall.
Provisiona—The only sale wan 100 hhda bacon
shoulders at 6t packed.
•No change in other articles. • Business is
dull, and the weather warm.
The river has fallen 12 Inches since last report.
ceived and tin SALON. in &nautically scaled boat, re-
Bala by
2.46 I.llweor
I, I I LAXSEED OIL-10 bbla. prime, from
juSomerset county, for sale by
ityo) JOHN WATT* CO.
1Q UTTEIL--6 bble. Fresh. for sale by
F? 00-200 bd. Dried Peaches;
Apple, Sn syby by
al= J. R. DILWORTH & CO.
4:1 TEER'S OPORELDOC--ti grove sum • ,
APPL ES— w 7 bble. Dried Apples
Jo far sale by
Iry m. uNsroic
D R IE D APPLES-300 bn. for solo by
IRY bbls-foriii4ey
gy J. SC '1_3•1110,
11 - AGONETTS & 041151BRICS—A- A. MA
son t Co. bon Jost reexived yo.prer thneamo
OCHA COFFEE—For sale by
.INJL splT wx.l. McCLUBU s CO. Grcort.
V/IROME lELLQW- 7 4 cases reedtsxdfa
bY , a pt B. Z.ST.II CKB,
lemon, -tAteltprel , lugs
sp iagearnomktieurl earistby
'UO3IAS Bona ,T
.ACTUIt E R. 31 South ECecond 'Strod.•(sbove
ent,«Ast feblklr
. .
j) tale alone. No. VII X.rket ort., Ptdbuielipi. qdl
D. C. Wr.o[llloN 4. 0. WWII.
LIsEALD, 11110KNOR & CO., Tobacco
Comotoion• hlerchonts, No. 41 North Warrigreot,
0.10 North Ithorros. Philsdelphio. awl
IIERCER & ANTELO, General Commie-
Joe Nlerrluda, Philadelphia. Marra advances
ou musi g orneuta of Produce ucuerally. EjarAdera
Office for Foreign Patents,
X9..5 Wallet, W. York, and 166 Flint at, London.
au Great Brit a in, Prance, Ethane, Lfa(load, mud all
.°e .. parts of };,,pp,.—th e Carmdso, Cuba, and dm Dn.
Fall infarinatlon °tithe abort tan Le h.! by .ad.r.rouu
turf:2m . Wall Meet. Na. rota.
Fife Works for 'Fourth of July, 1851.
OSCAR JOLLEY & CO. 180 William et.,
Yohe r lnitierteriCrif Engliahr Fiench, 'turd Oers
man TOYS and FANCY GOODS, and mucufacturera and
Important of FIRE WORS, haying oucceeded P. LVtlii.
In the Fire Wort Laraine., and aralluthew...lva of the
cast ra t ow Of that lOng ettutillsbed hour, an. nos , Ws'
l l a e a
00,—. aJ. CO. dorm It unnecetsary to tat-
OM's , of the Fire Works funalahod tor them, se tit Wto
citation it already Mt ablished. Thee Include tide.
. the exhibition pieces, the out
snootier itraketr, human
riandlte r VerGelca, Bengal, Caprieery Water
ott, adored Picea, Churose Glotera,
01, Flower Pole, Grate fpoert, Torpedoes, Pull"' 1 1 1 .
roow, Pin Widely Penal., Triangles, Salons, Binalillicb ,
Chineae Cracker, Julie or Pun k .
rearectfully solicited. owflidlmieltfP
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
JONE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Nassau street,
.nn Handing,, New Tort.
our!, nor . d0z....--61 60 de: per :ion• .40 60
dia — ught. per Man
'this b the hist article manufactured. It footHear—
to n goat COPTINO INE—and will not cors, mould,
woJpitate or dfmy, end poncacs al the qualities requir.
tot Mr a goat rtldng ink aultable for the Qulll, and
mi.b17.4.0.11hr the thei r..
The undostigned it prtmarect furnlah to the trade el.
Hier ler export or home eououtoptuum. on. the shore teri
14.1.1rku.._ F u u p as per order, aml dslivsred ang part
e cry tree Or Chllage. No charge TOT MM. DITTIaI
or kegs are charged sztta at nett cost.
• • Nmeau at: snit thilldings.
Ruh,' W YORK.
Professor A; C. Barry's Trioopherous,
storing. sorrserrl. and bemitlfang the halheesillow
fine scurf and donde.. and enmng awe. , of
erom Me trend l x .l 01 . 114 W elfrefin miring Maumee of
•kin, etc. a theum. all_ the a.m. kinrp.gfr dom. is The
following testimonials, wile. d from hundreds, of Medlar
i n ' iTih t i's es . i t ' l l =n tllni ' PM 72r
;Men It trial
Nor rong, Sept. 22,1550
PLO, 11.4., —Dear Sir—l - Lare boen adlieted with a eto
in ter, f
of Ms "calf , . of • nmet_
arter, for th e last sixteen ;mess end dom. Wet yes..
bare had tho Melee of tome of the most encloe
Moms, and hare tried all the preparations Mr the hand
shin now known, without the least .
beneLt. I was dried
M a Wend to try your W.p.m. I did eo, as • loot
rehrt. and. To my urpri. rend gratllimilon found myself
cured in stout two mot Mach was the violence of , the
dietntlre that at limn , I sem parktsllll: - .
Ile , ProtrolclYs rows , n'Attar,
Unimnbla i s Benoklyll.
Z;or isso.
11...1m —My Dow Elr—Avanttao ',emit= my bear
mine out n_gfrat desJ, and my bead was Willeted
with dandruff. I wax told by • higml to try Yonv/VimPimv -
I did es, and to toy mtonlsbosent, hair was
Emit - tooted, .dall the clatulrintf disappeared, ma the
head now a.. for heat •
• witi — n.p.4e, r ob..rt t-_
_ _
.. y
cc. JST o 2YADIVErj., GN/ limultfry.
.. I.o... tl=it . oaT the atiLbutltitT of the
oaf '4"'" b. *th.
di'roto the 3nlikary A,OO, Diug
flto no rghWr for the permsoeurcure of holdone
thedlseesee of the croolum .1/tonally, that has readied
the popularity enjoyed br 'the article boremen o. Protean.
Triontherous, or Slane/Mod Compound. It le tx
tcosnslr unel hi uppEazlamvs th e community; In
abhut every nu rees7 In hie toed Ill* nusl vete:eon be
other artielre ot the kind. lt liooorte rigor to the mho(
the hair. rah phenols,' ntgoth go reothkable de.
hue. It deehoyette• dandruff nue( *c.d. arsl •outhea tbe
ha. ntw and unman.. It erill cure a/I hbeesei of the Sohn.
hart ar , matt head. tr o t worm e 'androthar °boohoos Milne.
dere of the Otto to diets ooth amell h Olney, R shod.
unthollect. It I. coil to largo bottle e Ph. '23oents. so Nu
Itroaderag, nod et. the Druggists gentraltv; throughout
Abu tufted Stales adleanotla. • • . ap2lntf
UTGLIINSON A. Co. No 13 Spruce Street,
NEW- TOM Wholewil;nowallemenns et taw ton
rwaii MOM& anrtfor Fin Book aat 4ob Work, which
thoy worrant tuba eoraiwwwl or the prownmateriam, and to
work m ar upon al ordinary pomp.
• The ambinationk In those irks, unmet. mlogiew•
moo SIUI trrweluucr to . ernt puN rior tour, other Inks boy ,
10 me. :cold en, price. riu7 ft= 75 on".
put up lo ems, and form mleit to order.
H. 4 Co. sloe manntrturs oolored hats of crery 211.3..+1
sarsloßlmat sLoar 123,01 pro md,z3.2m
No. 79 & 81 (late 76) :IfAtows
Directly oppwite the Old Siena,
GE".71...C.1(17Xr IVILV7SHING ARTICLV.S. enn•
tot an in part of
Vadrr S,.a-te and Deaneers—heard and Unlit. Wcol. An
gola. bltiker, Butt, Merino and Cotten. Dameatk and kn.
Silk. Modr: Bombazine and Uwe) of all
!tyle, andnnalltie, • • • -
- re7l and Ttr.e—Fan , 7 :Wt. and Black °deem kind.
adAtes nsut Borfrae-,f kinds.
Cr.rratt—rane , and Satin. iineT Fn,,,11,h Main,
Fwlea, r . run,e Albert Barattera. Twilled USU.
labs At- . . .
Linos Cambric., le:
.51/.-yendert—lunch 3.41 Engll.ll, orm rtTlr, DomrH lr
Caort.s--Eld. Silk, Llurt, 7hxraJ, /Lad 41 40.404 of
Fmtub and Loh imparlationa.
s ay-1111.,4.4e.11,1m. Lamb'. Wcs4,s4k, Linettand
8(0 , 11i8J G.erat,',Telret, Cashmere, ruslleh. Fend, sad
elbe! actin. " "
Vernafri, Om= Or Bnalrecedt and lactlea—z 'misty of
Stutia. Natz.811.314 ail Ore would Invite partioa.tar atteotien to Got Wit : melte
Knit twinr-dalete, Deverre. llo.lere.
W.lllll3lAti A CO..
ructilfe&AClO 7u A 61 31stian Laze.
Shawl and hiso 411 a Warehouse.'
• (Ca Elelre.) NEW No
iore meninx too
, of
13111, I 1 4ds-VP:tt - a, — t4f."Titai.A.Z°.
(111.51.1 N a= all !lode of SILK AA NTlLLiiit miseniface.
re] Prom the latest Porte feeldivit received br the ireeetriere
al r Aorteoluir cdeptiel to th e Pont/pada.
Bp.Eruvolf,u,ll4 d (goatee.] alein L idavil cotton
gleek tod ai l . :vt: A P i rtlit . l h r : V a r . d .r =l . l l nod Gil
!g in p:l7 , e ' t
Rode zprlellyis=oar Wedera fredeletc
WIRE 0/10W Si . TNltit 1 1 . 1 ; esbllitting etemla and
Pal lo cotes foe truaaortatiou. feblLtf
Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel
'140.0. 263 MADISON ST., NEW YORK.—
The enbscriber. Ist soliciting the petrol:mg. of all who
=ay me this edentirement, feels none of that iseeltation
with winch a neve article It brought befcre Ile :labile. The
ryperience of years brae established their superiority be`
good all someone, and he confidently refer. ho the tastinto.
The following area few of the reamed for their popu
Ist. On the pima occupied by the sad, a perm may
here his name. tuatara. and Alin., coutplemasslY erm
beautifully embalmed, colored ar Oahu the, attending per
feet Security against fraud.
gd. The Enveloped cannot be opened without being de.
get. Neither wag nor wafers are required nomad them
4tb. Upon the talsearrisge of a letter, the see] insoneraitr
immediate return to the render, Instead of helms buried
n' ot t . '" lta tt rovelopee are thro re
ttled at attand the stone
price am plain andra
(lb. loch letter mailed I, • wet effect!ve advertleement,
tore to attract the attention of all througharbeee hands It
' l 7 /? following. le • nit of priors , ' for DEM tee. &Tared On
Oro. and which will last for yearn and of menres, of
um tonal dra, either white or buff, of goal paper, and
made as above, with name. address. 10.: , .
Primal/ Met. , pew uf Zordeges made as
21 lettere or deb...:. 14,C0 • e abort. '
NO to 40 '
10tora. 8,00 WOG • '' 10,50
80 to 100
When it Is not aenverdent ta fad:it - ad innoun ' t ei order
per mall or ewpresa, a rotenone@ to a respectable New York
lat ent will be suMdent. All orders win meet with prompt
attention, if addressed. W)l.:3luurnY
No. 2.83 glad late street, New T rek.
Orders will be atterded to pttniptly, if lea al tha stores
of Mum. =bell at. Motto 20 Wall dreg. or of llama. 11.
jendlontn t Co. 134 lrilll.m et.
N. 21..../111.1160.11 Cards, embomed In adore. from tonem
Elea. al. 110.00 per thousand. :fels=l.lln
riONTINUES his usual facilities to roccive
F . LJ J w hl g 7 R'a n t: L o ra 1g =Vs
on '.. toltte• and the 1111nolsCotal end
Itotatnaota—Monan. toms. Sterlint t CO4
Motors. Jones Qulgo
Mr. John A. Csathey. opttm
Produce. Commission, end Pomading Mochas,. YU tie
Levee. Bt. Joseph., Mo.
Reed to Alexander flosdon,lLlXl Loren; Pt i bug, at co.,
Pittsburgh. e id 1 1
PAVM 0. TUTTLE, AttOrney at Law,
Lod Commisdmer PeransTlyabia, .1, 1,111, )10.
ommoulcallona promptly Annreml. NATO,
TORN H. RANKIN, Attorney arnt• Conn
ram et Lim, sod Circoatlnclunce 'or the Mace o
Louis, Mo., Oslo of ru,Lorulg.)
Reforrucra—ritulcuratu lion. W. Fora Rol, I loo.Plou
Miller, M'Coadlcsc McClure, Jon Y . Facto. lboalln
&mole. MoCord a Co. auglalr
He:feria STRELT, nonTOPI.:
MILE undersigned having entirely ro-TM
b alit amt enlarged the abort ex!mei e tnblioh.''id
moot, containing in all about three hundre d nod
room, would rEndlotfully idea notice that it I. now reedy
for the recention "and strommalation or the tramillog
community. ,
An extended notice of the unsunamed marettlames cif tide
nous. le %healed mapernuona, la the numerous ImProrm
menta which bare Lien mathroinnot be properly Olen in"
sp sdrettimmeriL Bullica It to tay , no cabana hat , bath
mired to render any apartment perfect.
the furniture was made expressly to order. regardless
Met. and Certain millions el' the
coon, will be found to Le of the t,
mo especial mostLeautind. 9ube
tore. The Dining room. are ropactone, and the hours for
insult nW bst so 1{.12151,4 as to suit the ocrimunicrice of the
early and late.
Every &MLitt:mut will be conducted In as uncuiptions.
Ida manner, and the proprietor Velum himself that the
Anterlon House etildnetruly tbsTraeoller's Maw.
feblmleavdaschoT LEWIS ILICE.
no: : :"..llosETMlSEfifirinTire'd
Iza= the blantd.tory in Barton, a O 4O fuetlwils nub-
Inas 1i0.:11 " = " 1" 16 4 4, 2 ti tha WletugrLi
mrbanNyant COUCMlm urtly uneW F %frit=t
lami that goo amo Itstathsaustszt Ss warnatted for
tlV , lMgal=gaWn!rrana
• - • P S. rumu es.
rstEAld PACKLNO- 7 4000 pounds
Plain wewePow loah, Va. PseklatAtiakE/
iava thkimarnught to tha oar beat rrMga
p 4104 Agrazi=ari.d.
.Iw.„ as,: vsst z salt
4k..1 . 7 azigugußk_
Valuable Property for e Sale.
ydouß LOTS in Allegheny City, fronting
• oo the south Comma, tottordiateir ih (war or Dr.
.ogete . Church. neer Lore are rear the Deporof the
rthlo arat Femur Ireola RallroA. and are ..41..1.4344
torwerytonlere,or • elteforl.l•ol2i.tUritlgeetal.lhbmeur
r03 . 7.2w ANDREW LEECH. Jr.
To Farmers.
00 .
ACRES Farming and Giazing
LIM% In Warren count) \ I:mat:4 en the
sith.T river. vritlith twelve miles a ta. at... I ark see
Erie nelirmil.
lwi -L4 .000 Acme la Elk mauls, St: Lade on arnammts ,
Ong terma Enquire at A. WI LkaNti a CO..
_ '9,1: corner of Market end Third sla
___ ..::.:_...,_
To Gardeners.
ACRES of Gardening Land. 01/od
/od ceiltivatich witkia one mete tu• the
for $5OO an sae—one third cash and the
T., wad threw years. , For ...nista en.
Ina limee of
A. WILII17:6 A LW..
Corner of Alert. and Thinl stn.
leairable Residence for Sale.
ligned offers for sale, one of the
le rerideneee lo the town of !daunt..
to. coutainnu about PIS Wlr of laud,
°Plow Prick I/WWl** MU*. and
o , iirla; 7 iii - ..4 : wood supply of choice fruit and anti.
ben • I.otee of the beat rebnolenn the conutry is within a
short pistan.,and when it is remembered that In eit
moot. from this time It will be within four hours' rite.'
Pito-Minh, it will be nee that her. is no small Induce
rilent ilm any wbn deli. • cheep and elegant retmt from
the city, either se • summer retirement or • permanent
irigenow _A van or the whole of the lend w lll to. sold
Iseat ;IL t : b b large. ,, T i bbe i gmr , L , may cow be
i h . adfor lees
S * [bout
Olio of more than ter Prxn =w ritusted
ma th bank of the Ohio Card. and about twenty rode
from t e Depot of the Oblo and Pennsylvania Itailland. to
any repltalbt op ennainny who .111 catabilsh thereon a
mmulbetory of Iron, Cotton, or Wool, which thall worloY
• cauiri Of 150,(Ani Let it borne In Mind lint ainsilion
le ono of th e most ...if. and theater , thel. west er
Pflieb raie. Coal, and all the larawtof living. m well lsr
14.10.13111 be urocurtil her ao low as ot any pant. Opale
stor . t,Wanufactured cm. oi emu.. 'wi th are... , be
u''''r" by c ''''" K '''''''''' DWI ' OfIT JARVIS,
Ins. Pion, April 17. 1351. -- illan 2 w
For Rent
A • mall well finished and eontpletely fur.
/I, tabbed Arm, on n 4 ,rt , toolelc i re A tb ec*-
! Nu Liberty 73 Libey at.laereem 30 and 'att rts.
.. L - (Post and Tribune...) ,
De ble Suburban Itesidence for Sale.
F subscriber offers for sale the house and
irPondi where be now resides, enured on Park at , Im
lay , m ono Allegheny, sad about 25 minutes' walk tram
t h' .1 . 0 . 4 atbill eitY. The lot 11 40 ft, tr. oon Pan M.
running back 253 fret to an alley—contabilng
acne aground, and I. bounded on every ride by/arge open
lota, blurted with trees and shrubbery. Th. bog. 10
.../Y low., Inge. arid camedinaly wall arranged. having
trout of 50 feet. and • depth 0f 72. and Coiltaall fourteenmar, budges hello nth* lest wide. It Is bail% In the but
wad M.O. durable manner. and has • Pre-proof mak snd
midair. all the modern cowevniences. Two paw., with
an nand/1U aanly of bud and ran water, are at the door.
tin t an premises are the wawa. out building( sable,
mintage - home, At The grim. are Dahl ont mostly aa •
lawn, covered with choke Omit tree. ever.... powering
shrubt currants, gotheberrim ramberties. tan sad Kama
garden. The fruit le of Un and tb• trim ars In
thalr prime, and yield enoug P a t h.wants of an
family. The Mutation of tillsproperty, as to dna=
suburban comforts, combined with contiguity to the city,
la not surpassed by my reside.. In this vicinity. it Ins
• view of the Ohio River for over • mile. of Tampers..
villethmith Pittsburgh, the city, the two rivers, andty, the
Lilts emu.. funning wtegeth. • theionntio, „valves of
whit& the eye DST. wearies. Every boat WII/C4*•III*Illor
Vora the part of Pittaburgh on the Ohl. pewee In
d fuTtew.' T. residers and grounds are also PamPleten
removed him any wthoysa. of dint Pa detractive of
maalbrt and vegetarian. ml emu 0 retirement as quart
add peweful mil located In iecime waletnooklutheoooll,VT.
The proberty 'HU be told at a bar p.c.. posses.* given
whenever dergred. Pnelnire . the tn.tte db.— •
For Tale.
Pint, members of the FairmonntFire Coro
, =fir
. I.b d eo. - Es p. gh l so, ti .ha f . It 1.14 gotoi or
's ;M/fit. Seely,
EOR RENT—A Dwelling House ona
Thud Wad. alma sod near to Smithfield. It
Ware, Isms Tad dub horde, to Will
b. noted Ir.. and Torestion rime Idemedlatdr. •
llso—Yor We or Lesra. same lola la the Ninth Ward,
blerem It® stmt and the Allasterar deer.
at 11.j.DarlIngton . ., • Fondle Meat.... We d.
Valuable Real Estate for Bale.
11 RE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, ona .
favorable terms, the following Rad &We, In
e City of I,oltaburgh, ls:
No. 1. Three minable Miee story brick dwelling harms,.
Second street. Ltd.., Market and rem tams. Um
lam being . each 19 feat front by 60 deep.
No.:. Umtata 17 feat Omit on Thiel Moat adjoining
the Third Prtebytiatati Church. whkh ie mmsed o.
Pen nom brick bow, used as • punting alive, and one
two story brick warehouse,
No. 3. Two Irde in Fannon, Beaver econulf Ming lots
N.,3 and 4, being about lOU bet entiam,on which leered.
ed ooe block of four trams dwelling', sad are mparma
frame dwelling. all twit Wades hith.
No. 4. One lot 10 feet front on I.WI threat, onweate the
atom, and extending to the Sep of the hill.
No. Id Two Leech lots, molt 50 feet froa, and swath,.
from the mad us low era.. .Mark. on this Bearer.
No. 6. Om valuable Pater, lot, 100 feet an Wheel ham
with ten aborts water Power aidathed ,
No. 7. One Mt optswite the water lot, so fret front, and
ettending to the top of the MU, on which le erected one
two Rudy .brick Own and watchcase, 2.1 by 60 feet, Limo.
frame dwelling. two stories high.
No. S. One fart, lot in New heighten. Deaver
jog clout ltu fact on Broad.r, end .bout boe‘ dent
coutainlag 110 ogre. on width ere ,senates Pro Win flume
dwellings.... one small frame boom, usei as an ool.o.
nth property was formerly
_cce_upkd by Mr. T. C. Gould,
cud ie .cry plastantly Motet, mom,' immediately oPlamte
the Fthoon Wing ,
No. V. O. water lot, tunnediately below gsllstan Arida+.
Min g about 100 Met in leng th , and extenang thin Water
garnet to law water Mark, toying path.
The shone property .111 b or .
add on eery f.umbla terms.
zu tkAt . tk.s
t iuhmbure of 11. C.
0. 4 - TOCKTMeornerThird
• ctotl• _ (Journal thd PoL capy:l AC‘nut-
For Sale.
•.rmocs'or 11V1LD17039. on the earner of Weak.
In and POmt streets. and frontiag on the Pe
TLe a t
=deed andiVgy Gtr
recto MVO. Mid OW
hundred and nine feel ii Inches oo Wash.testort steel
to a meaty feet eller. lodotre of
ertentera No. 103 Pena 4.
0011 FALF—Two I MT. Floor MM. •°, to,. Min °
as Dearer Creek. with the necessary wan., power. A
a well Improebi Van It Laweveweeetonty. Pri•oe 115000.
Als4 a Jana of 115 arr., on the Ohio river, tom tulles
Ohioßeaver. for $1,211. Alto. one of 140 anew, ina m t
iver, miles below Dearer. for 1512 peened".
fen arr. for SIS per acre. Alma [arms of LW; 135, end
arfel, t VA per we. Alma 175 arm for 312. sad 10
urea for 115 per together • Ith mar others of
On Abel anal prkes. otwe of
5.510 Anon:eye rt. Law end Real state , Mode.
7io 107 4[21 letstrunth.
. : :a. o
IRE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale his
BLAST FURNACE: dented to Ca. em....fy,
known ea the . Allatoon• Faresee,'• with all the
Malteds SAW and OIUST MILL; and every thing et
a.svary to carry on the Suiteltted of Ore. It has 1.400
Attu: of Land littached. warn as mush more .4101 00 u
would be eareuary. Web min be bad from Me. to $1 pee
.. J. It has the most Unmade loran., In the South, fm•
• eg /roe. haring the ore withle ore-balf to one mile
no . in very Mawr Questing'. easy to mint, and sit:Wing
60 to TO par um. It la one mile wad • half aam the
E ah Ilellnt /Mk where • readysale ma Im found for
• its products of Pis /dotal; Lea to two miles from the
-: • mil Al/4MM hoßtod. which h awe of the Neu
o railroads moneetind the TM... Meer with the em
- id, which has Sts lieu of ragmen mumiled oat damn
I tubbed sad wader mete... passituotheaugh all the lap
Mut Towns awl Mew In Georgia, where a ready sale ta
ed he Pie Metal, Mmbleern Noll. Ware, a. It 1s
ov le blUts !naked by water Ponca . wlth e
Lathy 15
nem muted strum, mil to
moot healthy
oft South.
Litters may be Unused to me 1M Etowah, Casa eo.. Ga..
lean be men et coy time an the preset's , . -
mucosa Frasier, Match 1. 1.61
meb2o - 42tineem
adgsed oders foe sale a lanni ,stember of valuable
b . a s
to the ad tome jelirleftra b ble site, o a . r a mura
nee l;
o itialne ecboolnouve and Enged ' i ' athereeChemb•
be mold growth - of Bimiliadhada in popalation and
o • ofecturied menh ir =I Ma reasonable prices at "Mich
11l be Mid, oUI resider them a tee end profitable
• •• ;• L . Title palm. Terme [mumble.
Poe particulara and teems. unser then ndtanaosel, at
tee otter of Ovoru on Grant street, MM.
orb, between Th ird wad Fo urth Mere., or of N fillace
• e
and N. Patterson. lees, at their onlrea in Mese
• ham. s
-1 011 RENT—The large and
floe.. on
oat iloe on Penn street, (letelY ossuPled
t Edwaris,) With an entire lot knoteint •hlch la
" AnD-4 1frinfU)T., 270 ° 011377 - 00 1: ., '"fr"
apOloOf Na MI Wider M.
OR - RENT—The Dwelling Rouse, of
I the eoreer of South and Wait Comma., lately
• • hod by Thom. Arbuckle. .
LAMM a Joollak
AI tell. Anther Cotton Work., Allegbeey. 010.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
1701 i SALE-That valuable Lot of Ground
.0 situated at the corner of .111,1 rat ital Water streete,
ht present ireopled by 31uhrsay Lesilic i t. Ulu. Wanv
ouse, having a front on Market Mat of a c.d. 11 Ich.
es, and on Water street of 35 feet Inch.
41.—rte, Lot of oeuevl ahuhlina the Ou Work.. for
party tzeupled by Mr. Joe. Tomlinson sot a blidliYardi hav
ing a front of 151 feet 4M Inch.. on the blonottashola
ed. and running bark 34J feet toGreenough street.
Persons desirous of punlassing du receive farther in
formation from IL C. hn/CKTON,
apl4 No. of Markel. et
In the new town Of Latrobe, Weetmonland
County, Pa.
The LovaMann?' Depot of ths 'Pau'. Railroad.
TLIE now town of LATROBE is beautifully
idtuai.d on an elevated level rtalw on th• booth or
Loyalhfi..4 River, where the Perineylvarda Railroad
menu that wearyor a handsome stone bold., of three
mans of 40 feet sash. It Is 40 relies mid of littelamb, II
met of Greensbeett. 11 were of Ligotder, 12 Muth of RIM.-
Mile, It north of Youngetown, and 7 moth of New /I.lmety
dein The liwnyhertia Railroad will be opreed to the
temeneerr terminus on, the town, eel/ in„„.Novertib o t
ilea ,
to ~.durst olth dm eoutbern tunitilee 'toe P•men. -
gent .0 ...17 train 0111 Flep to take a meal at the new lino
eli,11,1•1` RAIL totolt ot.TE.L. now In proper of ere,
tom, to the seems of ton mere. directly opposite the Rail
ro..l ”,,,,,,, (o(.r-I, ir.a., mail., klipilut HO., d , .... to
be ',Ann' imotebst,s, . 'I be I..ts to's. offend for rale or
Ilia :Al fivl 0 ..... 100 .110tm .4. Lyt wide, and runback
PM i".l. ii, ant pm 'die, 11. 4 ..011 mop' in plicefram WO
onward.. ezoortitos to t brit t.o.ith.o. None of lb• Masan
~,,,,,,, thou on
role in. Me lualmed Depot, whist' ie In
Mr velre of h plot. uubleM enil rettage Mof
.81,4 Wen' Me " me s) boodeomely ',tamed slan gbe
boot of the Hy,. trill 1.0 .old on f..enreblo tett= to per
"ono ebbing to httild. Thr chalet° Of this region is dm
!Island. the neurry room] the town is eery heentifal and
end It .111 no &odd be 0 plate of greet resort
Iron the Atte., of it se lu thement of the Watt
.ref hunting rectiotte 10 M. part of the Stale. U=
lndurement. oiler Wm:meltee at this point for bush:ten
lIICOO taanufmturers, and mechanics, to come and ...Mir.
Wry can bed liemedfaie bade.. Mad employment's. this
Perat will be the point to which the Moo and alltbe e
of Lundder yeller will usturelly come. hr a M.. k•
, Omagh the Loyelhanok gap of am Cheetout Ridge and
Ile phetk reed of three milm Irons AlesanderJobmtom M.
to tn , Repot: ea 00111 abet that of the neighborhood of ew by a plank rued along the valley of the T.
gluon. Them le plmty of the permit eaten and lbe
'huntcoal can be bad clews to the town, in 'Mundane'.
dem Id hand, an inethawUble empty of all kind.
of Wilding inekrriala, lune. none, an
W d Umber. • ea. and
gristmill am in full opt-mbar', with ent/ oh 'rte.' T ..
er within NW yard. Of the Dow, awl an extensive brick
mullet'. ill opmation, will turnkh AWN. ....a.' of ...
part°, brick auxins the rooting mason. The soil Larson
laded'. md Tat adapted to °Wheelies', mardlote,ae.
ph, tents of OSltt of Jots 0111 ba made known on appllrer
Lion. II person et by better, tithe eintemibm. or ht. agent
In.YolosttOWn. r: at the other ill LATROBE. tetteres tOI
00 7M1 ? " 1 TURD sVe . Of SO lantern take PM. ut 7 . 0700..4
emly In the month of June, or which due notice will ha
aim. areibMsibbw:Lksta
Of Forty Town Lob in East Liverpool, 0.
I'M recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
Us above thrtolas Town havingneatli exhausted
ttoolouslr Isla oat, ana me demand atilt oantbanlng,
the nulatalanod ham boon ;Caucato lay out a portlon of
Ida towartyin ton tt lots so obove, and oteraamain , oala
at Om Watteau that cannot fall to WO lb. Ito.. of
thaw visiting to parch saa. ltfa mdloza to atko =Lathing
of the 'motion of Lb. Town anti =theng Imo
anfti4l7 danythed learnt tt
othor than
that Clef cs hbadowl las nava rooently obanant tottata.
sad boat natcbanal by thin,* wishing to woe., &ma:
The abon Ida aro smote the mat alligble luta datable
to taw slam, =VIM nolsotoottr ;mita O , .Pf - centrivr
chow tsLot
let toms*. anav e t i tionikete
.4t1 1 194 it% /AU* '
. _ •
Compound Sirup of Yellow Dock Boot, the front rank among the prt.
prtetory naciliclne• of this country fox completely
noloaeariker t Salt Rheum. El - pipets. and other diet
e Leer C o n ng from iMOUlVbkldr. AL.;
coo ex, wig Ttghtniwit about the Chintz Brow
china, tte boareenew, &friers, and a tickling itent•l
Iboot tip throat: Aug le hied with uniintwitlentwrlntwWwi
n all rime of
Female Weak,lc. and Qenered Del oily,
Strengthening the weekened body. wiring bilmbto the
eerione organ, and Invigorating the entire erettna
If the terrtimonr of thong/ode of living trimmer, from
W park of the rant'', can he relied won, d Is ringular
if ettleedeue to raring an !foam., and rettering debilita
led and broken down nand/Pito ne It la purely I meta
hie In it.coklkaltian, ewentateli tonithined mint
prpayrthins that the et/embed. laen/cab anti medical pro of 'itch Ingredient harmoniously unite to
Purify the Blood
11 hail remorel maul' ehroolediwwiaes w hlch taw firmed
the skill of the hest ph/widen, and iutile* cared Canker,
arraipelatand , ID. Lcroful i a, whkh twrkaparilla
MOSS. Tee meet °Latinate. Ceneere here lawn emelt be
this medicine. We ray that It ie
the firer
ell olartruetiona
the circulation, tendering the Lire! flea. ectlia, end heal.
th It remove , . Palpitation of the Heart, and roller.. in
all j ermile of itathamAtul may be used in, ail climate, and
at ail ornhe year
Th/a Syrup la prepared otay by C. HORSE 4 Co. .t ltd
Fountain street, Proridence, Ft L . , end *old, • Loltwal, and
retail, N. It. WICKERSILaII,
(ittly Agent fur It extern Penneylistna.
r 5 r Ikarehouse. worker lintel and Sloth 'to. Pitt'.
.. •
• .
• .-1 1 / 4
„,0 9 .
ornat rttruay.for Cbaskinpace :Sdion
" • " - -"
WE do not wish to trifle with the livea•and
v health of ttei ofllloted. but ere Anomie' dodo oop
*lees to make IP , emotion se to the vitiate of thdt: crdf
dna. And .to hold no hope to eutletihrhumnaltr, 'riga
bets PIU not warrant.
, .
The blob of Iceland, and the Pine mid Wild Charm az
imatli celebrated • for lb. cure of all Mamie. of lb. .long.
end Lirer. which am u fearfullizinriabint in all floith ar .
latitudre. From a combinatiOn of ribmicil eptracb, pro ,
rimed tram this boas 11211 i thaw Tress; D.. RLiu'. Bu
il. or %Tun Cimaar b chiellY•Mtnicd.
wa-Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry La i fins 1621. t
antrecraw .ompow,i withely of mid . Cbem Mitt and the
bombe lodand Ilreit.(thr Wier iinported Mires!) Sir fhb
pnepoes,) the rani medical bruin of which ax. abed coon'
blued by a now chemical prone. with theca - tract of Tat—
lb.. w•LithiL'irilt Cho whole compourri tha moat, certain and
eflicarlon. mud, mar rilswircred for the
coNscxrnom or lIIELtiNGE.
Mt: of Wild Cherry,—Tbe following mow ofJordatala
'griffin of Constuaptiod Wm of his brothers sod sistora ha.
shag died of Consumptlod) la truly wooderful:
Prams= Rm.; lissolinat ea, Erpt,Tf,"'LO.
J. D- Para—Dear Sin I. take the /lied) of advising you
of the tenett I have devised from thn um of Dr. WlMies
Balsam of NUM Cherry. I was prontrand by that terrible
setntga CousumPtion, in Way bat .Zhe attack was tint/.
horrify - lotto ma Tor are of our family, (my brothers and
driers) had Cod of Consumption- I was attleted with
tearlyiall the worst Psaturea of Um three, I bad a distresis
log *dish, and expectorated a jowl find of blood, beetle
forer. adore pains In the dd. ant same, odd chills, sited
waling with tubes of heat.
I was under the elm of • Allful :aim:deist, from the
time I was tares alek until about alx reeks alum; being
then dime helpless, and tar Maids emolderad my ease
bottled- or at:least beyond our physician's skilk advised
the Ole of Widaea Datsam of Wild Cherry. Wlthont my
kOescledge.tuy father proemial its mil ®mend admis
hiding it to me, and from lbw trot day I oommeneed tak.
Int It my health lanproral. and In two weeks from ths
time I commenced using It, I woe all. tote out sad arm
see my business: and tutor, widen I silkonalinoe to do. I
ham taken four bottles of the modirloes and oow =tads ,
¢iypelf veiledly welt 12. , 01L100.
.44A9 9 ; 1 4
Cann Pan, Lae co, Ii:, Jaw . .4(1.
Jana D. I' —Dear Slm In'July i lS4o. I nag attache
with • fever of typhoid:character. whlchjeft toe In a. very
debilitated lab, Vb.. In lb. Allowing winter. I van ta.
km with • ware cold. width reduced roe la such an a
tent as Vilely* meths agpeartinceof a conlbltedniusumli
tire. I lavred under lama augh—eglatorated iannat
deal. and nag troubled ulth cold feet and night meats. I
am frequently raced Mond Rom raj lunar. I banana
In this incite. gradually asking tater the db.., until
Jana/0147, when Iv. •italo ittacke4 leith fear. 317
fr?irsledeepaiticl of my ills and tar lama... thought I
could survive hot • short time Sly extradite, carat]
ly my bah Nen coned.* coil. and almost lat. their rat
ing. Under them clivairtencee it may he truly sail was
• Dela fable.. I finally determined to quit taking me
Mane greseribed by phyviciat i and try by. Wlstago Doh
am of Wild Lberry, and from the fat week that I coo-,
namitaklqg it, I eau 'date • gradual tecoivrY. l'oallts!"
ad its arta mohtbb at the ea of which lime I Vas cur.
yd. mat mond vied health era e........ 1 chemicaly re:
cannend the Debar to all thoneallictal with elbow of
the lungs. and goal ay to thatits nab at
to be divairaged if two or,tb . bates do non effca a
r itzy:mating
arm bill he:metre. ay. I are do , and I arc a doubt
but rim, came 411 of ten, wall th.bkneed with rtznred
Math as I have been. hcerectiftdilryonna' ' : .
brat s so ran arriterni Irlill DISWILi or al traog
Flom Dr. luso. Splturf.l4. W.M.sto. Co‘wifri
• • • Srlarroiste, As., Slay le ;'4ll.
Ilecara :denied d Parherel take this opportunity of in
forming you of • molt nmikkatle cure- performed upon
ma by Was use of Dr. Wistar's Delman of Wild Cherry•
le lb. year lead. I was taken wittian ineunallonof the
homely which !Selma' under for eVx weak. a hen I grad
ually rocovenea In the fall of 15411 was attacked with a
scam- whkh ended itself upon nly large, and for the
apace of three fitalS I was confined to my bed. I Wed all
hinds cd niadlcirsa and army variety of sad, withoise ben.
et. arid thus I. insisted ,loos matlL,llis. winter of, legs,
when heard of Dr Wistar's Denim of Will Clime). WY
fitted/ persuaded me to give tt o trialilhengh I bad . Cif oe
up all hopes of reprery. Krell:ad pravainal myself for the .
change of another world. Through
Inducal to make us* al the genuine Wistaria Balsam ui
Itihl Chem. The effort elk truly astonishing, Atte
chfoe years of afllktion and 114/Mins, and . after, britlog
spent four Or 1,, blailarrd dollars to no purecee, end the
twat cod moat nopectable physicians had proved anavall
ing, Issas sointscatored tamers health bitter blessing of
001 and the use of Dr. MOW, Salaam Of WII.I Chorea
WAY the blessing of LW rest npni tth. pooprietore of or
valuable a onelleins as liLatar's Balsam of Wild Christi
. Vow me.offoll/. ,
'dna by J. b. Pais. isoccosone In Sanford a Parh../Pont'th
and_Wainnt rtieets. Cmoinnati, Chia Goner./ Agonl(of lb.
South and Wert to whom all enters mart bo Maitland
J. Kidd A Co_ D. A..lshaerbiek A Co., J. A. Janes, L.-
ro., Plttsbnigh; Lee A. Deekhara, Alleghony City;
1. 7.' , Unieell. Washington; L 11. Cowie, linlontown, 11.
Welty, Greensben-g; S. Konnts.Simenett boon t Gilmore,
CedfoOdineed t lion. Ilantlogdern hirs.Orraiollidaysbung
Ilikleirrand A Co.. Indians; J. K. Wright
Crawl d Co, PwooLeillat A. Wilson A Son, WaYnooldnrin
MeSataind a Co. N. Callender, Woodville: Cartriii A Co.
Eziot Graham A Porter, 3.larsell James Roily A Co, Bob
Ism Si. Smith. Mall= J. o.Snminerten, Wayne.; F. L. A C.
E. Jolter, Condemnor, P. Crooker, Jr.. brovenreille.
The Human Body Must Perspire;
Cq SAYS NATURE, to bare a healthrar
pearsacs; and persons who do r" . 19 1 ,.. .e liable
to simost dint:Wing litho Dimems. how, JOT. Italian
ChaMIM Soap ama , I bee pomplration, and at the [lllllll
elms pacallfice toot suns. the skin, toeing It the texture
of a 0 saa,r, Balt * •
het., and Bares, tie not ' only heilOd, but
eured by Its nee, 0
al least 7 physlchom N. York' Snow,
whore It to such ameo, and und it unfailing—as alsoin
Pi ,
mp es, Blotches. Freckles. or IMMothor shin disease.
made Is assured that MU is no useless, peilled Masonsto,
one OW will pro ve. 10007! cemotarate loam daddy
peradM cured of sore head son legs, and sore tenni '
Buy It--sod the reader is lola mond 1 would' n'otono
B II e
Tits. 1: 1 forth. u :tre e,. maims I know B..t . o c ileolg
will onl y
tills not only a core, but. preventive', and 1 cm
only add, that mar one •Bllctorl with ans of Me abase,
p s .p s air otamaa., 101 l and this all, and oven mare ladoM
sable In Its prossoilse) La. I atam.
SP/Thot, reader, We stores an !laded with Imitations,
assd be my you ask Par Josue Itsllanebeeoical Beep—and
hue Monte of Wa1.440.Kb07, only dernt la Pittsburgh,
head of Waal.
Pearly White Teethi' and' Pure Breath. to
be hod for 20 ombt.—Pirsons who bare either, are honor«
bly inured that if their breath in mix 06 foul. or their
teeth dmayed, dark or yellow, and enornsted with Meta;
that a 23 cen white Jogre' AMber Tooth Fasth will make
the teeth asas anow. and the breath eloriferauslY
• seet.
Sold only at JACKSON'S Store, 240 Liberty sr, bead of
A Scientific Ilairrionic, eturcrand *au.
Bottim. Sagana u ri Those who hare used
Joan' Cooed !lair Iteetarce. 14 no-lima (SWIM.—
those who have not. ora mare I to yo ore the following
Wtalltles—lt will forth the bole Mom ow shy Tart when
mature Intiorded half haven stop It fa il logralP ru nett
or, dandruff: and make light. red or gent both ' imsif
Yor rendering the hair mat aud Way, noildog ma mond
tidoi-it makes it truly beoutiful, aW keeps It ts.
deed, the moot momsaleal—yet guyerior—arthie for the
La o
Do only et WM. JACKPOJPS Slotwil:4 o Uh•MY . 10 . 4
head of Wood, Pittsburgh. f.
2.144-37)‘ eents,6l.l emits. arid
JONES' Solution of Jet,. a Liquid Human
Mar Dys, foe the ehanglug of wMte, rod, or grey hate, to•
beauthul brow black black Jet orlo4 In • few La th Moe.
Prteeo.-40 an and 11.
fkdd by Wu. J 01011,210LIbgrty Mree4 bead of Wood.
Moat orglu
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Ladies rut eau
rr..4 atop the conrsou prepared Chalk. - They
s not mare bow frightfully William It I s In the akin!
uw ciaami, how rough, how salline, yellowandunbtaldie
the aldn appears. altar using perwealChalk: desides, dis
Inju.riona containing a lure anatitity of lindl
It hare prepaMt • hcautdul vegetable arndo,whieti we
call Jones . Bpaniah Whits.
It la peel:ally hutment. b.iog mediator all deleterious
muddler, and It linpart• to tha ski s a meural t. el.
Medea clasp, living whiten at the me .01100 tocap
casitt.roa the alai atuaking It soft and .tomb.
bohl by the Agent. JAClint/N, 240 Liberty Alyea
hes 4 t Wool. kilinthuntb. Prim PA cents.. •
Great Cure for Dygeral
-11.„ Dr. lloughtoes Puna. We truedigestlea Mula/orasie
tric Jule,a Givet Pripefelo Liner, prepared from Helmet.
or Oa fourth stomach the O. threctiora of tato.
t i tro i Ly:Elulmicul Cheuilas J. flough;
U td.' "i s wArfla reatrifElor fruliersilia
nd 0
the amide Jule.
MU • tea l,. of PM.. Infused I. water. will di.
amt or anal , . /re roue/UV roost bof rth o , nro
out of the stouseeb.
The Gastric Juice Is We
Lai.. of the foodithe tue
merreing, stim tl Lai.. tiara of the stool:ouch awl
hir th gri
larpla=.sislitatrustlx of
thn hale Urdaedlaeue,ddr:al''arldtgrliirle"llVU4k4V4
Hut this watt ria.le
tirefiririelPl. amm Mil .0f WIWI re ,
ffktrkr:=s=o=l ritsVert em. wd
furigifil... OuroOlete Pereut sillistaute a.
Th... r f pirisruiluir the process of dlittiltlOlS
.se bog been know tie ,PardEktoglsta Diu linsientee
thaw the merit of melting the sispllaifieie,itafrie — ,„
th l4l o'. ll%=tiftl2=T 6 == ble t' i7 ,,,.
brutal wart art Animal tammlettn
nod umbel
tii , the IGaarle Jai f -- he
prepared tram Oa mum. membrane oft he dor= lb
mat. In which various ardelesattcd u m t
be n. ebemAred. and j u n Ar..L , ra ill ,
tiersher e= belti eu. h qh
Wad tb• Alma for fultber erkl at . siudlirclier
got. &
later. lt &fog wonders fors. % /Milian. •
o e f =an
SafilitbilMailiMlUSief ftsysltt.l,
'fa i l=7.r. Wl= et,
cat j
• • e"
Of Valuable 'Propos. ty in 414 City of Pittlinirylo.
XN PURSUANCE of all . 01319 r Of the °D
olmas' Cou rt ,of,Allsitheny /Wed April 1.45,
ml. I Mil expose tombhende at the Mort llows. In the
City of litt.burgb on tho :Mb der of May,
1551, as 11. o'clock Iblionne ...rib. UM
• Estate; eta.. in the City of Pltgbargh, and sell them.
for Ma third Mb, ono third In one year. with tote..
nungthe day of males and one third In Iwo yea., with
tare. rum Lb... ors.. said payments to be moored by
booda axal morttnes Maiup 1014 two or
WU, and sell trie NU. IU Parla 411,484 f. anyone
more of waidnlecee of groom a. MST he deemed mdu•
dye to the Interest of the snag.
All that rata. lot or pieta of ground. telt. mit of lot
No 25, In Jame.
part of the pl. of the Northern
Mcrae, n sth wanl oft. ray ofPittsburgb. boned*.
and thnetitig ae follows, lleght rang on Penn etre..
at thmlnitame of *mug tiro feet al: loeben from Adam
meet., therm along Penn street mothwardl 'son' mt
.v feet etx Maim and extending tlletante Width hark to
Sprlng Poealley. hauls. feet, on whteh bi ...M... two
awry Younedwelllng homes, with two two rt.rybaek
bug., evaders to a ground ma Irr ever of Nay dollar/ix,er
annum. payable quarterly to Ja1:0. Atle.64 his heirs sad
that certain lot or piece Of gm. ml. 111001. in'
the dab weed of the City of Pittsburgh. being lc. lion 134
:end 105 In lb* plan of part.. binwern the holm of John
nod lterrr 12wIn—No 214 Dr-ember Term.lll34, Common
Pies ' . of Alleglimr Caaoty. and recarded In hook 3d. 31.1
01,. 530. houud•tl OW vill begionlog at ate comer
of Franklin and Logan se m. theme along
one Marred and leenty glx. font to Deadm easel: thence
astwardlr along etteet,,...ll eight *eh and tLenn. by • lip• parallel with Lostin street northwardly.
bundftd and teentr rix feet to Franklin "Wet; theme.
weetwaAlly alorop Franklin street, Erg eight - Peet to hymn
"that- th e pi e ce bolouing. ou which are erecter on two
story knot 3walling hone,' fnmting an Franklin...,
ane story fret. dwelling home. and our two story
beet dwelling ten, hooting on Log. street—betutt
sloe same obkb 11. in. ColUm and. eale, br aced Wed
rum 1711, 1845. minded In hook If. 3,1 .1 :0.0. 339.
eonterta_no. the said Hobert Chatty. Eve.
All tt o irg . esa i ln liat. or Pere of ground situate In
No In rice plan ef crt g y. thb ="gaVvr A Cl l re
br Third .3.1. by Channerr Lane. by the
bent 00 Thlna 'sat °not 1 . 1 4.4 by No 3 . 1 . 1 vontainlng In
Atreet tut
3E* petal.. arm
exteultur about nrfet back from Third ;?'' L t vaid °
Id b.l" l3.l:4l d' re P ar th af L' whle r" h t. Ire ad ' sa i'' veir d l trod:Mtgolf
'lug homer.
also—Allthat certain plea of ground, of 1. , 1 No
318, cit y. e Pl. of Plarbur. situated in th e let wd - of
eald . bounded and deasibni fotio s ,,
I. Third Brea. at the .othow af lot lio elf. te i t S cutl
' Third Meat towards 31..4 theet, fatly cue Bet, more o t .
1. 4 K thegeta
fi n} W T I wi t Wood otreet,nothreardly
eighty 0. feet, mare or le. thence in a parallel line with
Third Street, eastwardly fart y one feet. mom or leas. aml
thence In a line parallel with Woolththebtthwardif
Ati. Aver., =we or len. to the r on
which sth metal two three to ,
with store roadie In Berne - Path of id. abor t Pre - lErtte.
L , ttivatdre r. thir payment of J.. intern of m g %
doresthelc_eig am tla
snircust, dat ' in the life tinutn
the saki 3111 dant P.A. • any after her death, the WA
=pal germ is payable to the heirs of the
Also. All that certain piece of ground, part of is No.
VA In the plarrof Pittiburgh, situate 10 the first Wad of
saki dty bounded and dn. - bed ulbllo, beer..
ma fourth ,at the corner of Lot t o u r N WM th h nce
Mang fourth street westwardly 40 feet. n northward!
ly and parallel with Shred street 60 feet, thence eastward-
IL.Apaallei with Fr h irb st b reed . 4o Bet r , tl i o4llnelief Lot
parallel with Market d
street 243 let to tb• ply of beltintr
thin under and =Wert to thepayment of en annual ground
rent of V., forever, to John 110dle his helm .d meg.
Sadwhich he erected ow: Brostorr brick dwelli. house,
one three-story frame doodling bonne. • •
Also, All tbar. certain lot kof situate in the
Second it ard of the Utf Pt.burgh. baututhil and de.
seribe...s follows, v. beginning on fourth street et the
distance of 00 Itch easSwardly [tom the owners& Cherry'
alertd Fourth Street. astwarily ilthg Foutth
feet to lot of Hobert Wendy fere. thence abng the
same southwardly towards Third street 86 feetmOre lat•
westwardly in • line parallel with Fourth street 74
feet, thence clout Wm. Young's lot 66 feet more as I.e. to
the place of beginning: with the right to the use asuipth
thoge of tho alley In the mu of the lot 0 14 by Wm. BaL
to it tn. Young, along the whole reef of told lot to Cherry
whlehb erected *three-Amy brithdlrelling house.
Also, All that thrtain piece of ground, eituate In the Firth
Wanda( the City of Pittsburgh..., part of Lot N 0.044
la the pl. of .61 city, bounded and de thrthel as followe r
vim tertioning on the Diamond at the of 81 feet
tram the center of the Diamond end Market street; thence
weetwardly 18 feet, th ence southearll7 In • parallel line
with 31.ket eteset a, feet to an...four toth wide. thence
eartwardly la • line para ll el with the Diangentlth feet. and
thrum narthwardly to a patallal ilue with Martel. street
1.41 feet to the elem.( beginnintp.with the elisilege °Fib.
alley In the rear , and thlajoet to Me yearly CTIMMI rent of
Ste 90-Ico forever, Datable half yearly to John Irwin, hie
here and wham eta which Is met. a threeetath Melt
building. •
Also, All that certain pieee of ground dtuate in the Flat
Ward of the (Sty of Pittibutsill; being Lot N 0.340, bound
ed and d e.Thed as It:Hoes, via beginning at the corner of
Diamond alley and ranting eonthearily along the Dia
toond Maitre 80 feet more or Bee, thenoe parallel with
mond alley westwardly 123 foot moth m lees to Decatur
sweet. thence along mid greet f/3 feet mom or less to Dls
mond allay, and thence gong Diamond alley eastar.dly
120 feet mere or less to the place of beginning; on which
is ereeld b ro=htheatntw bricigNe47 . l efslcise. with
All certain place of ground, onZtaly put of
Lot re a 1133, trithe plata of the mid City of Pittsburgh. sit
uate on Water street, In the Beamed Ward of said city,
bounded by Wider street, by the W. A. of the told lot
No. 149, by FLIT: street, and by the line of Lot N 0.230, to
log 23 feet front an Weser strtht, and extending through
to Ft.,
the same Web DM Bet, on which Le
meted • four sthry 4rlek warehatuss
Stem.. of Robert Christy, dee:d.
For ftather particulars an of 7. 31. Christy; at the
Oftim of the Pittsburgh Gas Company. •
Pittsbergh, Meth 2,183 L nitytdltifthftS
Ea~~:~:14:~: u: (e~;~s~ild~:H:r.Y~~:~~!
-Parr Orrice Dr.rearkfCri .
March 14, IW.
fl[e.T BEING DESIRABLE to stibbbiktitelOckB
and key. of thine other bind for those now in Om for
mail orrice of the United Kates, specimen locks and
ksra, with emote'. to furnish the some. win be reecieed
and coliaiderM at the Part Mee Deparithent, until the yet
day el.lel neat. The different locks wW be sninnittod
conunindou for emardnation and morn . Upon Uth re
port, [reooo will, ot soon as practkable, be entered into
far famishing sock locks sod.Oa* for Orr ym.ia,with the
iliikVelturiad o LTV=c2, i`r ttrit i • f "70
sdali term of both yes" by io.;iog to the oantractor
r. written notice to that emot more than ne
nor l
than Mt months beitth he f t
ervalotiopuf t
tier yearn. h (e el temn of
With •rim of racc)lattngthe buttock...Ube eat ,
on bind of kck =loathed sen standard; the ent
relying for a selee on the methautcelthig thd Mono.
ICY whiek • fair competiti tow
Lotted, m
It la, hoover:Tow han d that a Olt. roiteldefor the
roil meek* should boos the @glowing qualltimbrim du.
tothibrudtr. lighthem. mak Strength.
For the Do key displacing eastaaaaecastr_ au the
mail theta sod keys now la nse. - *bon: thirty 11:101ilird
row locks and tweuty thousand keys adapted thethte,
be required to be lionolsitedhrthe contractor within seven
=Mho after the contract shelf have then et wit luta ad ,
thrwanis the annual supply will Opend on the- d =ability
of the locks keys edepted.,_th wallas the Worcester the
mail lotionbutHist!! probabir moor famed amonut
three thousand of 'heath:ter and onelhotrand of the Lat
.. •
ho leek will be considered if tete like my alrtsly in
general use, nor will anyone with whom the .ntrate omY
be male be allowed Menke. oil!. or furabla an, lock , or
her, Melbas to thorn contracted foe, for my ether pbrposs
or me than chaser aortae Ofbce Petertabott.
The of-leeks Weida mum be pangs& and the ig
tentee will he molted.= entering Into contract. to maks
endgmaent. of -his imielegkettuteleinotre amend bete
'eat -of the lermartinent,' If the Popregster General chili
.deent .tick requirement essentlel to the Intexatsoftbo me
site, In me of the Wore of th e madmen, at any date
to fulfil faithfully the Mims and conditions of Ids I.ll2trACt,
Partassater General an Ime the right,buldea relart
to the penal remedy liete th lnaitee mentioned, to amni a
contract, and to contract mew with any other party or
tartlet aghe mar see et, for funilshing similar barbs and'
7tdeciding port theimmcgalsal
Postmager thiiend may deem It t to select ko'the
through mailethe leek area. bidder.and bertha way Mails
that of another. Ile reserece, therefore, the theta of con
tracting with aliment IndhednaLs far each different kinds
tf locks , m he zeal= and elan the right to reject all
he epecimeas and e, If be shall demo th at tonne
Lathe interest of e Deparnmmt. - The wily or. parties
tontracting vat be reholrod to glee hood. with ample se
entity. to the sum of thirty thinned dollers, bra adth.fta
performance of the contract. The contract Is to, mamba.
protbeats for the doe sad. MOM' Imbetilon of the loci mal kora, sad Leo be terms , oh' th ihr.Mmg
ese tenrrbions their into
tajmer s a d sr-
between the Department and,the suracenbslbiddtto heb
- I: .. ehoulde aceepted. • -
N oapplications .111 bcconsklerel if not amomparged ',bib
astbfactory .rid eme of the trostworthyehitacterof thebe
dm and of hU ability to futfd ß the ondrart, • '
ALL. Postionstrr (learnt
trmli=ditwhlVS -
131M - 21at. LAND Orrrcz,•aprii 1;1001..
hem made ta idle dike lnr htforamtiott Inrelathaq to
Sidmoaner la 'which Land Warrants, under the art of
Mth of September, ISM, aboold be' treated. the rolloolhg
Imverert therm° ham boot ptepared. to eh,
There aro three modes Dr...which the m e 'motto= mar be
Ist. By the Warrantee in persimi• '
91. By the Warrantee through the agency of this ofilce
34. By an Agent or Attorney.
11 the fast or eecond mode to adopted, the application
mu.' M-14°.in air the tract, land district
or *Whim Of muntrY/ to wawa the Location ia desired, and
beascummuned by an adidarit according to the billowing
A nis o.
- Whore the third mode is - adopted, a Power ogAtterney
must be produced, *matted by the warrantee In the.yrem
etaw of.aminiew, macchling to the fallowing; farm No. Z
which power of Attorney moitlemknowledged, orpromel
as the cam may be, Wu* bra li edifier authorized to take
the acknowledgmentuUdaeds. according tolorso No. Load
hi cal man, the Patents will be transmitted to Um
Oaks when, the location la nude, Palms eclal diem-Ikm/
to the contrary de even. . J. BIMILItelE1J).
FORM No. 1
Sian OP , 1
Calmat or . • I
•Ikforo nue (a :low.: or the Pewoe mother elleer outbid
fowl total. Watseka? nersorally appeared (hers insert the
MI. Of , warrant., who bedog duly sworn. depots and
says, that be Is tbo &nth:a l Chore Insert rums of worm
toed to wham wonroot No.--. for— orree,under the
Ad Of Septembers 1650. Ira, booed on the nor of
—, 114-, and.oltu :low applies to loofa the same.
• • • • •l .[Afllaant rlonslonal .
. fherm to and gubseribedlefcsa me ads., day . of ~
MO-. I ; . .
[olllser's stanatoro.l • ---
FociY N0..2.
Ytnoer .11 men by them prmenre, that Idhone insmi the
name of warnamed of the Count/ of 880.• of
do bomb/
-..11.42.81.V,A=Nt..mey. /FL nta md in my
Sa laud. which Memel under the Jtert of September. /840. of
[Power of dubs/141Mo/ may lo inanzied if dmired./
Biped in presence of
Wsrrantnt's algantws.)
Fool' No. 3.
STATx or
Ctitrorr of
o u ehr s carthe
ii nes
tart ' b d Rhin Poer wt
ot • *l'
W ey to be act stfd dad
and 1 .gurr. tom 11 '
wvn Imo. the we [b..,
d&te a of searrantee.l end that he le the essos puma who
I. described in the within Power, and who as .ceatied the
[Oaten eigneture.)
Font Iso. 4
hereby certify that on this— dey tb.
before awake. iniatthe name
of whom, and hoe insert thous. of warrautegl end
We meld era the mama of witom4l ks well
known to toy wee duly sworn by- nut, sod en itie ip oath
'declared and said that he Well the raid [bars tueert
the aszaeof sod that beams the sans person
dwieribed ht. and vim assented the within Power of Ap
torney. and hie testiato u nre to ma satlsfoetraywrideore
of that Wt. ...Kith* Raid VII, truest tbe name of awn.-
tea) thereupon ulnae Fed the mad Power to be his set
and deed.
efaildiasschs • 113fOrreelicztaturel
OTTON-42 bales ! riont landing Coin sic.,
uirouver,rar tila bY — 75A1dli Di Y o CO.
awl° ' "... r Water and Plant sts
GLASS --800 bates Window. aes'd, Car sale'
er - ' T.TON ZoNNUOItsr
SUNDRIES-7 casksCbeatal •
We be.Delst
.mw. las..3lB.6eraf. Elfer.
heart'. b 8183 8 ,1:
.P 22
S% AII-6 ., 9 hha t.r gie oc"afr le by
WASSES-420 hf. bhl. S. H., for sale b - y,
JAS. DALZELL. 68 Water sf.
p. 21
ferkias (Crea) for s:ae br
1C 5t.29 WM. U. Jonsstaft.
DBLED PEACEIES-50 sacks' for sale by.
•am : • WAAL JOICBB/03.
TIMED REACHES - 30 0 bu. for sale by
W IIIT,.E, WAX-1 eabe ara i lrr sale by
VOltlC-L-2.5 bbls for
L): __ " a..P.'403 BONINMETA CO.
ORN- 40 0 sha . for •
VOR iplendidja d
1 . and fmt..uswer J. J. eitt 'n . rst&V. ,
ederling.natoter.adll tenet rde the abeCe and
waxen...le notes on Sunday, the nth kat., at 13 A'
fieight of Da..:4! , j :1&9 7 . 0 .1013 05 ..'0L . 10 4
'Olt LOUISVILLE—The' splerrr l
steAVICIATOR, Cart. Due,
wt Lwow Write wltore taut all tnterairditta
freight or
the in... at 10 (ideek, •
For freight or thae4o er•PIT twwrd. or to
• ; J. FLACK. Agrkt.
rykudid oew steamer GLALCCS: Cap.'
ben. will levee for tbo above .4 oll.bwtea
mediAt.i.n. 0. , hh don at 4 o'clock,
• Eur frelobt or &SO'S. board- , - lu
livers PIMINIIO Er SWElnt—
be Mew. PILOT No. 3. S. Crum. motes.
-3111 Lease P 13313.33 for Wbr•allox, OrpOus and
Tu , v d. Friday, at o cbrii 3. ler nettraln,
learnt Sant44 Lr Ch3tior. Wheeling 331P1331 , 33g3. er
rry Fednerdayara Sztardayat 10 o'clock., 3. Parrorigsra
.33 3313terreart depend op= this beat rusa333mall[l3
4 Torlrelght or 33.33.30. apply CIL 3c33i.• 'min
kronnebean Thte eyhtbalhastwasbuitt
the owners of the Mesmer lone Newt=h, snA others. 6r
the Cincinnati and ittsburgh Putet trale, srA win Im e
every Wiensetahty for Cladanati, au, a the ?few Las-
,PACICET.—Ibe aplecll.l
ban retool rig - stem Wet carcrrArr, 11.. T.
WWI', Muter, letiry tha end or the Alleitbec, BMA..
(St Clelr aver, bcsr, Cr.,-ZahriCLlZ It v o elect, A.
1.: cud matt ata uc(11 the Garieus dere- Oho sin laid
octbo Alleybecr Oar. far the .ecornmalarloo Or fa%tr.-
are also. lat all abet po.nte. , v c'•
• ___
ripllE new and fart runningstr. CASHIER,
J. S. 316111333, Marter—B , Jrults Actin:He;
_Wellrbrag, Wbrellas. Philp:Fe- C3303‘ 4.3.1
Suntsh Partet—kares Prttobsar3l3 . eyea7 1T332.cr1a7 zt
3 ,I<inelc. P. 31., far Wheelinr 031 113333rp0rt, .1 3P47 P. 31- far Captr. wad Surctsh. netc3s333,
leaver 33131343 every lllart il ay skt /0. otlor.Y. 6-3143 d
BPI/ ireperf. 433,13311.441133 cram Monday 3.3 d 11 . 333133;41
4 P. M.
For fkel&bt
33 and
_Wane 4 .0D/im , b 33 r. 3 1
meta 0111 i .3.C11., Abrt-
11Tholiglitdmght grentmer ARENA.
...0: P. EloitirTi muster, lenges Wellsrlils
....Ur. and hiitar, Y 6 o'clatk, 1.L..f0r,Eg i tt Lir
Gigsguir. • let'urrnit's Lawilug, Riser. grid Pitts
burgh. Leger. Pittsburgh eterr Incas r.
Saturday, stloo'eleck..A.W. far r..v“..• II Ciente. Laul
01t.g0., Esst Liverpool. sul ." .
Fur freight or tisiessgs.spplr oti begirt.
pac WREELING, PACKLEc—Ibo tplendid
new ket otrainer DIURNAL. Conwell,
ter. In now wan:dna her ronulor trtwockfc trips betworna
'Lb amt Wk. , . Ron, loam, Pftninorgii. at ict tfri.k
IcresT ondoE, tEnonewLE and krid a y. and raturnlng,
Icon" Whittling every Towdof. Thhtnd E a " . "/ . 4
to each weet Tor freiEht or p 0..• alarm Eon Louth or
m]!' • ditaIETRONO Cl OZER. ALTial.:
I:oY TbeL aT -
roWor;x111 lure for tloo abort and' s,
to tato porto every 21.kraltr .
171 r r ' .;‘, D . ' • 611 r 3cri llt ccl E Tc'ts. ' ,
51111Y191.1 PACKET—The frgy.t entViz e"
summer WELLSTIIII:, Capt. 13..Inung,
run as • regular peace between linaborgh, Wheeling,
.ftridgeport, and Santulli, laming Pittsburgh even - Monday
/fttrilolll6 for Walley - illy, Stanbentille. and lirldrepre t, and
every Thanalsr afternoon for Stenbenyille,
Bridgeport Captina.and Starn.hl returning, lear.ikidiny
poet and Annfteb ever: Tempter aftemoo, Suva*,
mar Flida)afternaon_ For tnight,str.noty
board. arm Ifeb2.3) •. W. li. , WTivv Awar-
The Mat Extraorauvy Diarovery iri as World is
the greet
.Arabian Remcd!j for )fan and.Bexe.'
. .
IILE miraCulous cures _performed,bythe
Arabian physicist:. In the dans of old. wen' then
Incs upon as the it of magi= but since we hate he.
came Lomate: with , ids Indent wa sera shut nocount for
thelsnutlOnleg hewer over anon= Their attaintnerdsln
the knowledge rat =KIWIne were the weeder of the tt..
while at the same time the enema! of:Chentbdt - n.sehMit
with them heal Its oriepn. warm the rest of the. world "r.
sealed bock.. And In Band they' were the meet ieulota of
student,. In the beautiful motes which sant the deeensut
Arabia, abound rare plants and odorous stools where:en.
obtained % m=
on amaste Toms mot fro balsams, of
which this incempartible linismurt is composed:4W by
hem stLatulating unctuous. penetrating
pmrxru. to. when el/plied. Inatuutanuouslt daused
through the whole =emus engem, staying Usa - ment in
tonsetedu In thednonalibis dart tinned IP or lb lulnithrS.
he adieu is.pnotopt. powerful' and effectual. wiLbout - the
I hest deeper. It penetrates the Posh to the bune,terJattes
pntnreed nods, restores cop to limbs which-banshee=
alsied for ream causing - the - dulcet.' emit to CM. out
And Pity bloat to circulate th rough its rules. la Tested.
eh' idor Joist:Waist, antl shit Is thee won
, th
• T
it hen been eo no:tonally rdectoshil in =ming all
of the Joint= • /11 ehnutic attentions of the SPIon.
Liner, Lunn Ind 'libluess, Mts . crept Arablau_rmordt
enuods unparal eat ton Acne Cake or relent-mental the
Spice= it ie a en-cife. and for Rheutpatisat le /ma 'perlbra
ed POMO of the most mtreordinary cures on record; des
ft , Crun., Woordie,42bilblateosterne.
White tissillnits, TunnanCe=de. togenlr=llynklossi
In discuss of Antonia inch td Cl tnle ISo brU,nwee . n i
-Stitt tbmplaint,Dletnaper,Snrey,Stnatus.llnalet=9lo
Menge. hpant:. atal kr; u c utr. al
dineese either In min et beast. =hide roduir=an =ants
red angle:on.. this' hutment duals or th e el all
The following la !rem dm reineitsed atuanittut el the
wealthir nod highly ritusectable lidosevisNrus Stin e of
Peoria, out tirwrente. oar AM. medt uctuagtil cures in
the annair of medial! histetr: ' •
ldr•-tt. G. Fanelli Vets Ur, gotutal lir itemiseetiettte
fuluen, I submit the follootor to an leatester,ct the nriF
11 T rletre great lord teine. ifirchild.thrte treid•raa
eudd y utter-kW! 'tithe vomit 'dieted, re hr tem
U. *a down. trated !tie Wzdalecidientetne
bunked that red c*-1.1. Cr the grab
tortudorid ealde tad oodireiwileporleed fetlfuLthe
ere, pertlailtr_cloacd end tidoUthw W.d. • T"...."
Our this war deofneer to all pounost; tee ulnae beceouleon
head tt se <owrtd; nalt on ,tV.24:11.T.. We=
uuT •c 4 ,13. 1 ... of being dead: lnamediately
the' at
tack. the Tunny libel... wan oslied ItTotintituderatealrAr
he labored to moire it to
i f all inreilualtugh
it *an battered it doe. timer. and rat•iouruhaforiont
Wootu sCraut.. eantetitatitu of tiskriddeaussuu , t
held, hut to purpose.
mse nu then brought be
fore the died &duty, but hothin^ could be anagested
, rwadistrg,, o ol thedoetorthentold
tor L. mull do netterig fre. then quarienord ap
plying you Waal,t freely orer the enttorkingth etthr
4 11 - tal=oll . 3=SZl T = 4 ..
eh thu
ihr reddilly recetered: with am marmot dlb
which tad not beau. perfect for nearly , 'month, Bit
now hearty and mho. ureat s . • • 1:1
hol=rt th' e r rio o" Tor
y our Limo. t nu . bemi Zesi too votod our tworwered
p.m, urn. ' n 1,1E51: . •1 Tr ' , ray o.
- .Liver Complaint, 'Eltripelat, anci r
Darwirik. Marta Co,
Mr. H. 0. lours,—Dery Sir Your theirocat I. isatnag
very waU, sad dean a rest deal et geed amour the Per
tire or the Dear; was entirely cured by the urn qf npd
Arabian Liniment: Ste loathe ducted" mod do bar no
soh /t has been .he
tea freak rat a sal Mill la la •
a ort alma. 1 hare been afflicted with Ittichmelfert for
a ler= tiros, end just Wore • wet spell It period. :km to
lanai that I bad no Sato alidair arab:t this nicht lirant:
re.eieed bethink and rubbing with yotar I.dairoMittirlia6
behre I woe drum rabbinc, the polo ceased. -
She, 6nrpkint, Sweeray, Dittemper, CoAs,:and
Sore Eye, Cured. '
CM - Mitchel, Portmaster at Flat, Fulton Conity:
31r. IL 0. Fated= Tour .Atableri Malaria la highly
prised her lee card one of my naishborst bora: or the
1111 nay Connpiabat by stout For or fire ap•ollcationti. and 1
eyeared of my en Oahe Sweeney , Our Sher=Jo=
Dykes. cured his Immo of a bed Cork with le be Qip
it on Belt that had the DistemT•er say bild, siad cored it
iminallairly. lie +eye 11 is decidedly tire amid horse
medicine be cm iased. There have been nambers mind •
of Sore Dyes with It. I Sod it • very valuably medidne
Beware of Cormtpfrit... - r
boiviNG emu:rutty.
The l'ablie are particularly cal:Wooed egalatt a Row
am/Wreak which has latch imde lu an mud La
caller bribe Irotioitter wbo extra it" ' Fartenre *obi-
Lbithatent." This ia a dangerous ha abii mane Wtble
to Omelet horn his be tbm- acme of Farrell... Ther
efore be particular on, to cal for 11 wilt Oa NUN r'larrl's
Lanimelat." unraineipler dealers harreelle SPF
RIGGS Misture Upon rou for the genuine. but deserpa orb
fur "IL G. fin - Mrs Arabian Liniment," .4 Ulm no Ow,
am the moult:to always bat the loners WC. Nacre I arrall'a
him nguature .I.a alao oa the imweide erapixa. add lime
wortim bloon lett]. glaas bottle —"ll. Fro - rei:s rtrabiem
- • -
do.Y7Nral - t7d - In every Town, 'Pillage and.Uatelat In
the Onitod Statea. in which one 1s not established. Apply
by Iw o , b 11. O. Yarnell, Yeorta,llLi with seed:retry.e
ho ellavooter. mama/0W.14', ae: 0
Call on •the agars who will feral. Tr. (awe, •
bock ...Way ranch raleable lalone.ion 4: every clan
of citizens:
farce—Y.scents oents. and one doll. per bottle
The aarYYSaSarli Ls outnuf.wtored br 6.-ralrtb sole
Inventor and proprieter.nd wholesale' dre..—zist e
Ifapasset. P Ill.; and br salo wbolesaleaud'reWlat
-proprietor's price by /L. E. SYLLYILti,
ylal ftsra 01 Waal atynet
• Bold by 11. M. allillY.'Allestheall MY- ' ' • --
• Professor A. C. Barry's Tricapharoiti,
lowing 'testimonial is from? r. limixt.iditar ad.
Scientific Ammon. Comm= ma cacti evticaci Lum
namesionr .
Neee You. f01..1.1449.
Bersy's Triroybetnns Sea. urLtle Met ere eb. We yieleure
seArdirot the highest ecturuend.o , ne We do nettle it
open the reeectioeuestloaef other, but from .11,1112' per
aortal treroledee elite effects pon the bale; vbile
au___AteeP It beelf.b Y. Wt , ar4 r. also Vitalre..4.•
arpix,preveataKezy hair, earl 'mum:. it. gliWth t
Maaner UireplaaiNl by soy ether enuncaltiou known to
oe.. A per.oia only prole to 116 c ,Ec bottle - to beeourere . t
of thietratb.
Sold la botthebbrbee ttorgebeet`d _
m ßr"a bb b l y d ' ll 7 l•o " lee "r brtlea k. , price 2.5 mak,
s,; yrod*Ye
mye: • So: 17 Woel rt.
TRUSSES, of all kinds and sizes, for - tho
?Wier and nalcal curt orllcrilat oc tur , urt.
gra " hand
111`17Eill VriJOITEI.L.I4O Wml tt.
HOULDER BRACES, - of wiseiw - 4:1 - su
P.rior Mud, Jastsa i l* b rcs : Earl ,
• ..p3o /to Wan klltabus4b.
aircei and me
Front Brick and Howe Tile.. "L
. .
rpm undersigned is now uoptlfiLCbtlrifidAb
1 jL •
bi. Sus. •Itrielt lee's.: Etralribberti:rl •
t Brice. for Masco or orionload. bs
..;;;;T0 onotsit lu than binds:lab, and
tau .quans estiOn. and tutoconrUP.
tend "Reo, arc nosh no data or tow-end nrearree
bsoonao. oicea orrearsuce, a. seen re Ers.itr:
Keel's etterett. cosmic ittutburght the =Mon • *nom It
beddlogs being very . elating. 'au- loitintroo
...sloe sr. much to the former. ns (Mt Of
sortbion tits • gentsel sou. .bosh oftoteert Wien,
t b s .thlitsecal expense being ea trintte. •
c, t einretes my frau, overtime:al
Ascots , amt Arobitecte. elm tiros sluff Singlet Welt es.
~o tt eely, artily to their entwine' ty-In grsagtb: durelni•
Ur. resistance to iron, i 7! - 5 -
• , ",•riciun. ktj.
.m....zszawinz. poor=
crd. by en actinonnUe Atettbnoblorpettltarelorr,
fitrulahat as*mat, ons ball bbsenntrestn`-
, • COMM:: BRI6L
'AI.. 300.000 Ccammr'Orkk-antar32,.d*VM, to
goarsatted. 02, WA.
101 Liberty street—, ; ;
10 pie!es Yi n ta i lLlTA r =24l4 2o:
Ea. fut4aon
=:ori.a Dlsai CAit4l4, fay
A splatellAssamtmeAt cf aud
Rmokiiltema and Domestic Queen
V V ntastcawl
cos sp .41A
stairs us to Mcp 100*
Majr %lb lftNlastta rlkbs tATlLY. 711 M
laa r 4 SPAr { 14. 001 4 1 Pa14 •••