The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 16, 1851, Image 3

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The annual meeting of the Pittsburgh and Al
legheny Orphan Asylum was held on Manley
terming, at the First Presbyterian Church, Pitts
Honorable Hopewell Hepburn, :melded and
Wffliain . . , Hikewell, acted as Secretary.
After o p ene d
the arrival of the orphruisl the meeting
tras eneti with prayer by the ttev. W. Pax
The children then sang the 234 Psalm.
The', annual reports of the Treasirer and Se
cretary were read by the Secretary las follows:
?daiy Robinson Treasurer in accoitnt with the
Pittsburgh and Allegheny Orphan Asylum.
r Da.
To Bs!ince in Treasury, May 1850, $240 G 5
Amount of Gentlemen's subscriptions 1384 00
Donations subscriptions andfines re.
ceived. 652 19
Interest and ground rent received 385 00
Boarding of children 62 00
Proceeds of concert 10 75
• - 2634 69
By am't er pended by visiting committee 1461 28
Emirs to house
568 07
BA y and wages paid 316 74
Amount . paid marketing 117 00
Amount'paid teacher • 100 00
Board paid for child 14 00
„patinae in Treasury May 1861 67 60
Liabilities of the Asylum amount fo $279 00
BiLine in Treasury 67 50
. . . .
The return of that period when your Mana
gers • surrender to the Society the powers with
which they have beeen vested, is always to them
Occurrence 'of interest. Mixed with that
sense oldeficiency and disappointment which at
tends the beat endeavors on earth; they yet have
the consolation of sincere desire to do their duty,
and the reward of comparative success.
_This annual meefin is, however, more than
erdinarily worthy , of note, because it announces
the completion of theeffort mentioned at the last
annifentery, which by the co-operation of a
number of gentlemen, has secured a permanent
Income of nearly fourteen hundred dollars; of
essential Service in the financial department, and
which which the annual subscriptions of the fe
male members, will supply the expenditures of
the institution, without encroachment on the
principal of the permanent fund. A valuable the resources of the society has been
Lady made, of a hundred dollars from Mr.
Sehtmley; fifty dollars through the medium of
Mr. Arnold and forty dollars from a young lady
of Pittsburgh.
Palle, however, the revenues of the society
are illereO3ed, its Cryttliel have been enlarged in I
an equal ratio; not only from the greater num-
bar of orphans, bat also from the high prices of
ns, and the necessity of employing more
'help. It is peculiarly important, that
th Board be able to offer sufficient inducements
to secure a woman of worth and respectability
Y. Ilstron—that responsible position which alike
:,requires firmness and tenderness, judgment and
activity. Your Managers hope therefore, that
the subscribers will not for a moment suppose,
that the donations of .the gentlemen should su
persede their patronage and contributions.
The Report of the Treasury proves the truth of
this statement, when a balance of sixty-five dol
lars; is all there Is to meet liabilities now due, of
more than'three hundred dollars. Besides pres
ent. s=pends, repairs to the building arenecessa
s7 - from time to time; a wash-house would be a
great accommodation, as the kitchen is very in
convenient to wash in, from the size of the fami
ly, and a cow stable of brick. is desirable, for
the sake of security. , For all then; purposes,
the Board would 'suggest the need of continued
end rigorous action in the collection of subscrip
tions, which are so invaluable even apart from
their pecuniary amount, as the free will offering
'of the members of different churches numbered
In year 'link and !sanctified by the prayer of
/kith, from those who present them to the Lord,
for this department of his treasury.
There are at present forty-eight children in the
arylum. Four have been placed in suitable tam
lies; ten have been returned to their friends;
sad one little infant has been removed by
DSias Vsnith still continues their kind and
lmteitfal instructress, and is ever ready to lend
her important aasietance on emergency, In mat
ters not embraced in lierpeculiar department
USW: licOutian preside., in the nursery, and her
pod. managementmust be evident td all who
t it.- The situation of matron, seems
larder to MI satisfactorily; but the present in
tattobtait promises fair', to prove efficient andJo
The health of the children has been generally
good, as their appearance testifies, but though its
the pride and pleasured of the managers to erhib•
it their happy animated countenances to the So
duty on an occasion like the present, it is at
Acme that they are seen to the best advantage.
That happy home—secured by your efforts and
presided by your bounty—where they are taught,
And clothed, and fed; shielded - from pollution,
and trained, as your Board fondly hope, for use-
Mums in this world, while they are taught the
tray to everlasting ; life.
What mother eein behold the infanta in their
necking claire Or cradles, while the air. older in
mates of the nursery ore gambolling on the car
pet, or stretched in.childhood'iysweetcat slumber,
without a thrill of gratitude, that these little ones
kite been gathered from the bleak storms of des
*orlon, and sheltered under the protecting roof
of en Orphan Asylum!. .
. .
'The medical services of Dr. Dale, continue to
weameto the children in your am:Maury, the ben
eits resulting from his professional skill: and
the religious instruction of the children, still ar
mpits the care of that little band of disciples,
through whose instrumentality—in part at least
Vl m 2tdpit exercises of the church have been
to the three elder girls; who though they
have left the institution, will, it is hoped, carry
with them these good impressions through life.
occasionally, the tidings come of the pros
perity sad good conduct of those Orphans, who
hare been transplanted from this nursery of love,
to* different families that have chosen them,
rut , ' board feel encouraged in their arduous
Varit, and desire to adopt and recommend the
Apostolic exhortation, "Let! ours also Brun to
maintain good works for necessary apes, that
they be not unfruitfuL " By order of the Board.
N. W. CAMPBELL, Bec'y.
May 18th, 1851.
• Rev. 11r. Clark next delivered an interesting
NW eloquent address. •
A, B. lifeCalment, Esq., who was expected.
also; to address the meeting, rose and stated the evening was far advineed, and the
:time stwhieh it wlts proposed to adjoarn was al
rpsdypassed, and the orphans seemed to be very
trod, he did not think it right to detain the met t
hyrby• delivering hie proposed address, and
, toped that the audience would see the propriety
tgbildeclining to do no.
Thallatretary then read to the meeting, a pa
per which had been handed to 3lsr. Robin
son, Treasurer, during the evening.
"At "eetitig of a uommittee from the Wash
liti&ninro Company (old organi.tkaa) Held on
Monday evening the Lth inst., the following tee
' elation yea unanimously adopted •
- 2terehed, That we donate one hundred dollars
out of the funds of this Company to the Orphan
Aryl= of Allegheny City.
JAaote s LOCICILUIT, Sec'y.
' The tuadersigoe4 as a sub committee are
authorized to pay the BUM donated to the Treas
urer of the Asylum.
On motion of Rev. Mr. Paxton seconded by
Wm. McCandless Eeq, the reports of the Trea
suries and Secretary were accepted and ordered
to be printed.
On motion of Wm. Bakewell seconded by Mr.
'Piston—Resolved that the thanks of the meeting
be tended to the Washington Fire Company for
their donation to tho Orphan Asylum
The meeting here proceeded to elect the fol
lowing ladies, who were nominated as managers
of the Asylum.
Mrs. Bidwell Miss. Holmes
Miss. Barlow Horn
Mrs. Brunot Mrs. Irvin
Mrs. - Campbell Mrs. Logan
Mrs. Denny Mrs• Robinson
Mrs. Edrington Mrs. Wilkens
'Mrs. Gazzam Mis. Steel
Mrs. Gibson • Mrs. Stockton
A collection was then taken up for the benc-
St of the Asylum.
Oat:notion of Thos i Bakewell Esq, it was re
mised that the city. papers be requested to
publish the proceedings of this meeting.
The Chairman announced that the newly
elictad Board of managers are requested to
meet at the Asylum on Thursday next (the 15th
hut) at three o'clock to organized and transact
Dr. Clarke been ' pronounced the apostolic
benediction and themeeting adjourned.
Wm. Baru...ell, §ecretary.
MA6AZIRRS FOR JONI.--Godey's Lady's I Book,
arsham's Sarrtaiit's watt the Ladies' National
Magazines for June, have all boon received at
Holmes' Literary Dipot, Third Street, opposite
the Post Moe; also, Dictionary of Mechanics
PIOT. E. 8. Newton, of Cincinnati . , will lee
ins* agai, this evening, at Philo MIL at 1}
'eakiek, on the subject of Eclecticism: Ho will
also exhibit end explain the of many
tenni rentecEes, esped4l7.thase need byEeleetio
Oloaledinei hrthe plane of eslomeL Ladles snd
seats roSoottrt4 l7 finite to attond.
Topper. the poet, has arrived in Pittabnrgh, and
is stopping at the Monongahela House.
The trial of the case of Charles Thomas vs
Daniel Moore et al, action to recover damages
for injuries sustained by the overturn of a stage
coach, belonging to the defendants, was con
The jury was addressed by Messrs Bhaler and
Staunton for the plaintiffs. and Loomis and Frew
for the defendemts. At the conclusion of the
speeches. the Court adjourned. Judge Grier not
haring charged the jury.
Present the Honorable, Hopewell Hepburn,
President Judge.
In. the case of Benjamin Contain vs. John
Walker, the jury returned a verdict of Mx hun
dred and thirteen dollars and eighty-fivo cents
for the plaintiff.
. .
John Wine Administrator, vs. James Gibson'a
Administrators, et al. No. 663, November, 1847
—List No. 245. Wills for plaintiff, McCandless
and Williams for defendant. Case not concluded.
PULLED Dows.—A portion of the Cathedral
wall, on Grant street, was pulled down yesterday.
BUTLER PLARK ROAD.—We understand that
the managers of the Allegheny and Butler Plank
Road Company have closed a contract for n mil
lion feet of lumber, to 'be delivered when the
Allegheny River rises. It is thought that the
entire line will be completed next year.
$2634 69
ble, presented by the State of Kentucky, to the
building committee of the National Monument,
was orought on the Brilliant up the Ohio river,
on 'Wednesday.
Rior.—Lient. Dunbar and John Coulon, of the
Night Watch, were somewhat injured in a riot,
which took place on the wharf, at the Mononga-
hela river, on Wednesday night. They did not
succeed in arresting any of the rioters, who were
all more or less intoxicated.
Anattrren. l —illessrs. N. P. Fetterman, James
Ross Snowden, .1. T. Cochran, J. F. Kerr, of
;the Pittsburgh Bar, and William Stewart. Esq.,
of 3lercer.Coanty, have been admitted to prac
tise in the Circuit Court of the United States,
within the past few days.
HABEAS Conrcs.—We understand that T. J.
Foi Alden, Esq., counsel for Joseph Howes, in-
V.ends to make an application to the Supreme
Court, now in session at Harrisburg, for the
prisoner's discharge, on the same grounds as
those overruled by Judge Lowrie.
ed Robert Rain, was yesterday committed to
prison by Mayor ,Guthrie, 'charged on loath of
Frederic Krouse, with assault and battery with
intent to kill. Be is accused of haring been con
cerned in the recent Mot out the Fouth street
DI9CLURGED—SaII3IOII Austin, convicted dur
ing the present term of the United States District
Court, of passing counterfeit coin, was yester
day discharged, upon a motion in arrest of judg
ment. There are several other charges pending
against him.
gar The friends of the Hon. Walter For
will present his name to the approaching Whin and
Antivassonie Convention. for the Prosidener of the District
°aorta/ding...s County.
Asszinnx.--Thos. Penney, of the Borough
of Macaroon., will be preriented to the Anti.lineenie and
Whitt Convention, sea landless., fur nomination on the
ticket for the AremblT• mrletietracVT
A.ustunir.-I would recOmmend Jos. John
no. of Nora/ Fayette township. to the -Mal-Stesonse .3/.1
Whig County Contention, unsuitable permon to represent
no In the nest Lrgislartm. Ao Otn W obl.
&anonym—James Gormly will be a candidate
for the alas of Recorder. Pahject to the no of the Ant/-
Masonic and Whig Convention. to be held on the 4th of
June next- Ilia friends 'rill please /say Litnk in mind at oh,
Primary Mooting.. torl:44ll.lclea
RECORDER.—John MOGill. of East Deer
Townsbin. will be s vandidatn CO We PM, of Rpconler.
subject to CO decision of CO Anti-Nlaftonie sal Whig
County Convention. ' ,Anyl“lawneff
DirCOUND( CoinfINSIoNER.—WnI. 31. Me
lialight_ of the Moth Ward of We oft, of Ptttehoesh, will
be • candidate the Antl.Masoole and Wt.; Coo
-0.20022. Or the ofdne of County commirdo.r. '
• ov>74lsw , tc - T
WoraorS, of the First Ward, CO y a Pot/xon, . be
osodidate team tbe Anti-Masonic mod Wllix Colony Con
y:lotion. tbe °Mee of County Conondosioner.
AW-CLEac or roc Comm/I.—Jared H. Brash
wilt be t tht Melee for th e act< ogle, waded. to the ilea
rim of the enealith Anthslseothe end Whist Coonty.
vention. .alirdsur te
Corm - REGlsTEß. — Alevinfler
=hm, of the Pint Wen', AllechenT *lll
did*. for the alit, of County Itoginter, rubject I.b.
damn oldie Wlug and Art.ltannale liroverktv.
RECORDELL—John COnner, of Upper SLCinir
township...Hl be supportoi for the oOfoofitecontsr. tab
.ost. to the
derision of the Sub-Masonic anti Whig County
Coneention. by nags Von..
ASBEIIBLY.—John M. Porter, of the Borough
of Taranto.. .111 be• candldr for nomination to the
Aneothly. .10.1 to tho dec. o of the Whig aud Anti-
Manonlo County Coaretaloo. out 120o.:o,T
COUNTY Comm issmczn.—Gabriel Adams, of
the Third Ward of the City of Fltteborgh. will be • tand4
dete [or the oftles of Commtexioner. subleet to the derision
of the Whig sad Antl.kleson.lo County Cormeottati.
THE undersigned wouldrespectfully inform
the Anti-Masons end Whigs of Al'eaten)" County
he would he happy to terve them another brio, In the
official position which, through their fanner klniluurs. he
has the honor at present to occupy.a County Register;
and whilst he Indulges • hope that his attendance to the
dealt., assigned Min, and his tomess he discharging the.
has Amen generally acceptable, he ventures to Promise Mist
win honored with their confidence, his desire to do
right shall not be abated; and dist, whilst his esperipoe
would make hieown position more einufah•hia kiii - Srio Iw
estaful that as far es possible the publit—shall have the
benefit of it. Very - respectfully,
myl2 JOUN hOpTY.
Mir-RECORDER—I will be a candidate for
goo - wired' ne-erlo, ottere a the d.cision of the wma
sad Alatlaulamio Covntr (Axacnatra
Pittsbnewh. Aprit 35,16.51.1,1hrta
tar•Comgrr nucetst-RER—We m author
's.' to announce that J. W. Baxter, of the 2d Rani. Cdy
of Pittsburgh 1,111 be a candidate for the edam of County
2Yeasurar. euili o ect. to the do/Axton of the.Antl Hagan le and
'Willa County neentbn. apeito Out,
SeirOzer. or SAE COUlt7.—The name of
John Horner, of Wilkins townplap, will be prenente4 to
the soon:aching Antinumonle ..nd Whig County Conve.
tient for nomination to the °nice of Clerk. of the C oO',
terCouNrr ReourrEa.—The Dame of &MN
3f.octohrf,af the 3.1 'Ward dt Pittaborgh..lll be...b
-it:it:Wl to the Antl-ktuottle met r
Whitt County Convention,
Ihr tit. office of Ite4ster, sod grill be wows.
IT oontotted by Toff FRIVID4.
IarCOUNTII RraleTEß.—.John K. Foster, of
Baldwin townehlp. will be • candidate fur kept, before
the extextlag Atit.l.3lisntle awl
jiiiirAssimbhs.—Robert Abraltabla, of Eli
zabeth Borough, sill attbutit his name to the Anti-Maconk
sad Whig County Convention, as a candidate for notnina•
tltna to the Legislature. • 2.644.,,r
SerCOIINTY REOISTEE.—PIeese announce
that 11. J. Lsaezt, of Allegheny City. will be a modidete
for the ofsm of ILegieter, eubject to the &de. of the Ao•
11,11asonic and Whig Count, CA s Otreoto , o•
CLERK or TUE COURT.-11eUry 11111111011, of
Allegheny City. will he a eandklate for slocalnallswe to the
caner the
of the eeveral Comte of Allrghrny County,
before the Antl,llvionle end Whig County Conventicle.
Dia ... COUNTY COMMlnelObtElt.--Jtie. McCune,
Of the Ninth Ward. City of Pittsbargb.villbo•estuthinter
before the yDlq and Anti4iroonle Convention; for the of-
See Of (holy boombvdoner, mybdanlcS
seireovsrr TREASTREIL—John V. ;Lowland
of Upper at. Clair Inane/rip. will be • =dicta. for enrol.
nation to [66 oflllee, berm the Willa end anti.]laeouir
County Convention. to Zdawae:s
Jr, of the Second Ward, City of Allegheny, gilt Le • ran.
dilate before the Antbiluonie an/ Whig County Convect.
Uon for the aloe of County Conninioner.
mylnhortte t tS •
IaarCOUNTY COMllleSlONEß.—ilObent King,
of the Seventh Ward. CST of Pit Wonleb, Is reennunnn,W
to th
Whin e,
and Antl.sle.nir County Convenuon, n.
canate for Chanty Cocoreomionrr. hT
my64sictr , 9 • HA., Faiere.
sey-REcoaDr.¢.—We are authorized to na
no.. that W¢. K. ragging. of Climbeth Borough. wsli
be a amolglato for nomination to the oMoe of Itecomier, be•
fore the Anti-.llmonla awl Whig County Conveohon.
Car ABPACIATZ eh:DOZ.—Adam Ilenthorn,
of Birmlnghato. will ben candidate for nomination for lb*
Mace of Associate Judge in the Court of Quarter Vesehme
of Allegheny County, before the Antl..llA.onie wet Whig
4,4 motY Convention. to meet on the nth of June.
QPRING SllAlVLS—Cashmere, Thibet
1.7 utd crspe. received Ay
MURPHY & 131:11CIIFf E 1.,.
• . _
Wit ITI': )01 , S•--F, drPsne, of
T kll 1.1”, too t.m.
Naancok . .. qur..tre.
111ENNY 1.1 \li lIANIA IN J 5
The iimnrilitan h:.•• 1;; ;
11 ' ,j1,71 , 6. I' A LT,
. per
' 4 .' 4 4
.`l-2 1 22.._"") tbrna . l . 11. I: ,f1.1.1.:1<,;
QIIAII AND ti Elifil N. --N , nv ltuhuuuru
ilheol ana it.rrtc,.r. ,, .l and •al.•
• kph %%.riT k
M ANGAYESI.:--5-4 1,16 liroun4l, for If Ito•
Makers, for W.: tor VENN t.TT. Uhltit V 0 CIL,
110 ES—It be. , t. C.O. toted. foI . fu - Lie • ity
Le. IV AN 0 SO , , -
RUTTER-23 kegs for N. de
arat, CO.
Iw A l ,O, for
.% rah. a
a • 11011W.IN, urn c.o.-
PIG IRON-250 torts for sale by
BACON--05,000 lbs. Hama and Shoulder 4,
..JP mamocaboaft,for pie
The great train, with its live freight of dis
tinguished 'men, Stn., arrived here at 7 o'clock
last evening, having come a distance of 183 miles,
notwithstanding stoppages at every town on the
line, where crowds bad assembled to see the
President. The reception every where was warm
and enthasiaatic. This morning, the great ex
cursion party left again for Dankirk, at which
place a grand reception awaits them. ,
The President and suite hare just arrived.
No accident has occurred to mar the festivities
of the celebration. Cannons are firing, and
people are assembled for miles around, to wel
come the President and guests.
The Ship Chandlery of White and Roberts, on
South street wax destroyed by fire at 5 o'clock
this morning. The loss is estimated at $25,000.
Other mei:Tants lost about $20,000.
Bosros, May 15, 1851.
The Cambria arrived here at past 8 o'clock
this morning.
The young man, Day. who killed his wife on
Monday evening last, by shooting her, was fully
committed for trial this morning.
Flour—Sales of 900 bbls fair and good brands
for shipment, at $4,25 per bbl. Sales for city
use at $4,31®4,40 for standard brands, at $4,•
62@x$5 for extra and fancy.
Rye Flour—Sales 250 bids at $3.50 per bbl.
Corn Meal continues dull, with sales of Penne
at $2,75(iii2,811 per bhl.
Grain—Wheat meets a very moderate inquiry,
with sales to day of 400 bushels prime and good
prime white at 100€,101e, per bu, and some red
itt 950Cti960 per by. Sales 6000 bu Corn at 62
Eti2ic. Oats are in better demand at 44 cents
Groceries and Prorisionm —Sales hare been
light, with no change in prices.
Whiskey—Moderate sales at .2,1 e per gallon
Beeves—The offerings during the week were
about 1600 head, including 700 driven to New
York. Prices are steady, and the demnnd good
at $7a8,25 per cwt..
Flogs--Sales 860 at $6,550 - ,46,7.i pet cwt
New York, 15.
Cotton—The market is unsettled, and no miles
into transpired.
Flour—The market is steady, with sales 400
bble common to straight state at $1,06 bbl.
Grain—Rye and oats are dull, bat without
cbmge. Corn is active, with sales 20,000 bush
els mixed at 58®584e
Provinions—The market is quiet, but steady,
with males of mess pork at $15,50 for new, and
$14,50 for old. New prime in Felling at $13,50,
and old do at $12;50 bbl. Shoulders are dull
at and bums at Ne.S; to
. lb. Lard in
heavy, at for prime.
New YORK, May )5.
Cotton--Prices are lc lower. with sales DO 0
bales at Sic for middling Uplands.
Flour—The market is firmer, with sales of
hhls at $4,06a,4,P2 for common to straight
State, $4,25614,3 . 1 for Orleuns, $1,5ife.54.75
for fancy Ohio, and *4,1.240,4,1N for mixed to
favorite Western.
Grain—Wheat is quiet, with sales of Michigan
at 100 e. Corn is better, with sales 40,000 bu
mixed at ISiS(O;Atic per bo.
Provisinna—Pork is 25c lower, with sale> new
Mess a t and of new prime at $14,14 per
Lead—Sales of Spanish at $4,02 per cwt.
Linseed Oil—Sales 20,000 galls at lie per
Whiskey—Sales of Ohio at '2slr per pallor.
Flour—There ts a moderate city demand at
..$3 50 for good brand., and $3 62 for choice.
Whiskey—Sales at 17 3 , and dull.
Butter—There is a good demand at I
for fresh.
Provisioms—Sel6, 20 bbd clear bacon siae+ nt
9, packed. Selee 1000 kegs Lard of 1010 for
Tea—The tea sales were well attended. and
the bidding was spirited. The whole 000 pack
ages went off at full prices.
Coffee—Sales 100 bags Itio were sold at 10i
62301. c, 90 days.
Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
IS NOW to be seen in Operation nt W3l.
CO.'S. Plumber. No. )0 Fourth we.,
, Ferry and Llbert• ota- and at PR 0011 A WILErc.
Nu la Market Wm.!, Pfttontirph. nu Filter hum:et...l
a Gold Medal Qom the American Inrutute of New tort.
atul • Oertifkata from the Franklin lost:tn. Pb
phi. for Ito euperiortty In an eleanting 8881
eertincate. trout thoarbaving them In noe in Philadelphia.
of which We following are example.:
. PmtanaLrtua. Mooch :lath. 1041
It give e meat pleasure to rec.:omen:l to the Vv.., of
rentedlear water. We Patent I:avertible Wa4r Frer. In.
re by Mr. Levi. Haling eisul on. of them fo r rear
months, I am enabled to WIN , of their 01 dae.
GEO/111E PLI 107 Walnut otrret
March Yhth. 11,1
The Patent Revertible Water Illtervr. invented by )Ir.
P4mtiel It. Lewis, cad wed by me fbr nom. month. at me
Pfleute nwidence. IA all that .8 8 88 . 88 . 81 d 8 . 12 ›./
therefore conski.r It • privilege to bate It In me tuu
recommwd It in the public. JONAS P. VAIRLAMR.
No 8 Summer otnyt. -
Those Filters are warranted to take out any omell or
taste whieh may aria. front o ee - etw
On. matter In the water. They are warranted to r
Wt two
Tee and wilh ordwary ear. will hoot bug an.l remain
only to Ibr ruenlagbe appreciated.
toylAlf Z.V Arch •Ireet• Philadelphia
SSENCES & EXTRACTS, fur Flavoring
Jelliee. Ore Cream...,
Caw.< Lemon. Extract of Nutrm:cu
Jam. Mager:
Vanilla Dean,
For male by W3l. A 3LeClAlill I Co_
MI" • Liberty
B ACON -1500 Ills Sides;
Sal bbnultlers;
Bunn 45,1 rre.lved .ml for
rale by 8. F. VON BON 5110887 • 110,
AVM 10 and OS Yr.nt
W. b APAR IL r
I,A -1 1ka1e . ( . 1p141: .. .71 . 14;A . for
• splhl Oran,. rc sad T.s
do SALMON. Is berweltrally outaird Invr, r...•
buvral and fur rale by
.1.29 AAA Liberty at
FLAXSEED OlL—to bbln: prime, from
'beak fly
)011N KA7TB CO
BUITEit--G bbls. Fresh. for male by
al./ J. P. Ir t l-WOll . lll A Ui.
RUIT-200 lt. Dried Pe lehes:
am -- AR, dm for Kale by
arr.: .1. 3+. 1,11.W1111T11 A Or
4,,, PEER'S OPODELDOC—ii gross superior,
L. 7 fur rsle by 3.3 N. WIT.H.EItr!IIAM. •
• ap= (~rner W. 4.41 sod Club rtry,rn.
,i PPLES---7 bblo. Dried Apples for hale by
sp'.!, u"!l. if. JOLINMION.
iiIiIED APPLESL3OO bu. for side by
_KJ ap.4.1 . FAMUEL. P. siquv Kic :
1 ) in; , wiirr I NG-351 s ) c l i t. , f4i , r t
K iii& . b4 ).
I/ IT A(V hays rust rrmirrd prr rti.c.••• , rbr" -,...^.
tow J ' aconetut aud Com briro. ' a 1,17
sale b
WO. A Mal EMU A I 4 0.. 4;41,41114
apl7 it. A IrCLiiCO.
ROME YELLOW-4 eases rood and ,
I_/ 61
sato by so . K. E. SELLER:.
ILS—Oil lemon, bergamot, cloves, ank
durawny in original packagas medand D.t nne• lii
eta, 0. E. SELLERS.
11aracco--2.5 kepikd i jr S twist for sale
by ar.n; JAMES
AOFFEE— 15U bags prime Rio, for sale by
ILAWNS AND 3lli iLlNS—Nowreceiving
IbyA. A. ilaann En. ‘na J n. af atyln, Innsm`Eno.
ACON 11 01S-- 1• k T
• 011 , 4.r
sr q,.; TAU DICK et.
61E SWF:ET I.I,TATOF:S--7 bbls
I-1 rl le by 1,01' 11,11
ba .,y ,
, 1
-LINSEED Of i.- r.,
rrEItILE LIE SIENNE—D IO lbs for , a l e by
Allll2 s
ADII.W. 3 IV E yartlA superiur
, t „„ u ~, .1,26 J. KIDD 111.
1.. Z 0) 14 bozeN No. 1 re'l.loralil7
AU, s.:,.,AntAt4,.
tt• L'l?rt.ul",l7Fevls,"“""d thZ,V,"
. . • .
_ •
1 1 t UTTEI 1—.20 crocks and jars, fur sole by
.01 3, .0. WILLIANIN A CO.
. V LOTIIES PINS - 31 !saes for mule by
1./ .1.14 J. b. WILLIAIIB 2 CO.
...I.riIUBACCO----S kegs Ntil :1 Twist, UedgC T s
JL 1, ..d• , M../VIIIIC yew'l4,lll.ton. and fr.r sale by
$,12 --JAI , . DA VLELI, bNiratur al.
lII,NANNEICS' 01L-15 bbl, (to arrive) for
1. ..ab. by .141 . 1
---... " J. KIDD a CO.
VIU . LIKEi: 11.1111!!.:1 7 .1090 Ille in it an ogveY
bu. Cor dale by
0001130 N. LITTLE
Etamix, N. V., May 16.
CURSING, May 15, 1 p. m
NEW YonE, May 15 1851
N 065 nrroßT
PACTURF.It, No. 41 &al M e4cond Fixet. (above
14.44441 441.) Phil44l4lphla. 641.15:11
78.n0 ..
111 0 At; ALE Y. iV00DIVA111) r 11 .. 1 e"
IJI 140. 3144kettn.. rbihuWohi. 40]
A 1 acritNna • . 11.0
4,E ALD, ISUCKNOE & CO. Tobacco
Commis•ion Merehants, \ n. it North Water street.
.'n. le North Wharves. Philadelphia.
ERCER & ANTELO, General Coraloi. -
11/ sinn Merrh.ts, Philadelphia. Liberal adflkrOell
Emir an nran.l.ments of Prudttec arnerally. [janik,dem
Office for Foreign Patents
No. 5 Wan sr., 11'. York, and 166 FL rt st, London.
In qr., Mitoon. Fltianer. /Hp., 11;17.2. 4 4. 0 "
tit parts ..f Europe—dm , esnaass, Cobs, and the
Full Infotanalion on the above can he had
R814.0N be
mr.4m 5 Wall atn Sant.
st, New
Fire Works for Fourth of July, 1851. •
\SCAR JOLLEY & CO., 180 IV illiam
1.5 Nor gra, illl,mrtern of English, French, and iler a t
matt TOTS and PANCT 11{011+. and manufacture. Ana
importers WorkE WORKS. haring succeeded P. L. Voltee
In the VI. !dulness atal railed themselves of the
last resourees of that log established hot., are now pre
end a, famish every decrription of works, suitable for
large public or smalleshibttionst. on the moat rtagroabla
terms. It & Co. sl,m It uuneoceattry tosar aaTthirig
prat. of the Fire Works furnished by them, WI their rep.
le almady well established. They in be
the exhibition g,.rro, the molt superior Rockets, Roman
Candles, Turbulliono. Vertirles, Ileogolas, Capriceo, Water
Pot.. Colortd Pins, Chine.. Rocket", Inch, lambic Tread
er, Plower Pots. liras. 'topper, Torykdook Pullers, Sta
m, Pin It'beel", Mmona, Blum Lights,
Chi...peered.... hulk. or Punk.
Uniers respesdfullr solicited. layfl:dlmirlt...l
Siieriprßlack Writing and Copying Ink
J)NE'S EMPIRE INK, 8, Nassau street,
Sup IlnildinKs. Nesr York.
g aLte . , per: . dos.. .....
oo ) ....... Sa„,
6.13 i 2 oz. 2.4 •
draincht..per ...... relate.
Tbf.. l a the best artieie manutatUred. It flow. freelr—
...god C.NiPYING INK--and will not corrode, mould,^ or decor. end pII,I(.IVP all the qualities requir
ed for a meal Writing Ink. suitable for Abe quill, and ad:
'nimbly adapted for the Steel Pen.
The under... Mood lo prepared to furnish to the trade eF
ther fer export - or boon. onornmplion, of the aboee Ter]
per opted, tl i t7red In arir n =
crr of
k. , vg A r in: at .::to
Norma nt;i,..l,44.RyfouAlp¢gh
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherous,
g I
It muninw. land lemutifying the
On:.turf and klandrull. and eunng ht i
t t . k
e b
ernni ha• proJoredsame egret ruring Mae...settle
in., and all the animal kingdom. The
following leatlmoniala. ardertsd from boodnal• of similar
a k a r :S . 7ll; e.n..[ t nß fihaw.uhop
given it a tn..): .
NOV 'Sum Bent 22 MO.
Poor. B.GT —Deur Sly—l have been afflicted with • cm
tememi o eruptlon of the main. of • moat aggravated char-
L 5.1 the ir,:,,n,!.cr:.1:°,1'.7,1„ax',..4,.'.htt r
Rio p hy
men, and hove tried all the gmettaratlone nu Ake hair and
now avow, without thy loan benefit. I we. advbrd
by n friend to try your Trimnherona I did Po. me • lad
and. In my murpri* and gratif cation. found myenlf In about two month. Such the violence of the
di.order thnt at hum. I we, partially blind.
Nat , Vox, OatCdt,
Itur. Maar—Sly Par Fir—Atitiut tarn anat.., my hair
ratan nut a gireat drat, and ray brad vat mutilt
with dandruff. I watt told hr • fractal irtarr rourTrltatniteirti
nun. and I dal iwt. and In la" u-Ytttti`hmr . nYit my hair
Crmlr rtiotital. 1.10 all Ihn dandruff dliawlitataxed, u the
had now .b.... fur Itwilf.
" nteeft n.ret.
If • y I.dt or in-nth-man douhte the euthentleity of the
the! will plea.. .all at Ihn-feeene A C Darr?:
111-naavre4 , Nev lurk. .here Iw will plutun,
Ent. Ow %Mary and Naval Arvvv. Nov P. 1,0
Yltrn Iv no rvmeal, tor lb. pormanout cure of
and do.r.sat.. of the franitim gencts7l3 • It. , h. , ft. - h.
P.T.l•nt I f.. utteta knot. tu Proa.tor
Itarrt , T.-0pt:0n.... or Vltvltoansl Vt.t.oond.• It Iv ra•
tonatmly nvord to the uttftrr elan., a tit, communnv:
vlnu.t ..... noraory In titv land lila ctott-t1 In prvterent, to
otlker arttvfv. of the tool IL unitart, •Icor to the n...0f
tto. !Lot PP romoen itv v-rowth to a retnarasalt do-
It deatrova tht. davalraff antl a teurf, and lona. tn.
Ivor tin. tont tovvf It atlt eury an dim...v..1 acaltt.
vf,dt: ourso. and other obtovtoto
t I It at
4 4 n
I I 1.1T ,, 17 ,5 1 . 1.1 ,.. 5f i )N wi 4. , C0 3 .. : No IZ . SprueP r S th tre , ei i
PLZINTIN6 IN n iiltr. u kr " :l:7 ' 4:04 LlZ
vraphl In, larul ft, Vibe .0 J. Wgat.
th., .arrant of Om rcarrxt tua4rial•, and kJ
- ,
..ra u, , al all artlinarr Prelal.s
entelbinatl.aa. then. Pats. az , •oeti utrglt e • rieb
an I ik.rm anew, to va:ra.auper,r vlbar Mks [mar
uft , • Id at prim- van 14, fl , O /1".. 4, it.. or lb..
oot oto.. koo •rl.l.
II •
k 0 oroolutortur. mlm.d ink' , of neryo.l
!ma, flAni t.111.1a , per lb raehMlte,
itg Nil IVA L.
No. 7'! (13t, 761 MAIDEN I...NNE,
btrre-el; ti... Old .4tand •
•--- - - -
A\ i e la l V„ n
ri B IL T I. S C:4 f
to put of
t , ttff Pmtot - rt—ll , arr and Llzht. WnoL Art
rt-tat, Motto, and Ult... Gomel., and Pot-
vane• .Ilk nn.3 r n. llrari
rylwue, Pritp, Ath..n I,ratbrry, Tv,IIN latluan
uol En',!oh. 1,••
NA. Linen. uW all floe latoft of
Morns*? Genews—TATet..C....braerr. YuKlllh. Prvoth
Should.. EMS, fur jr•taticso. and 'misty of
/.um nolsog Felts of m qmaltimot.
W" u”..0 P.f.cutot •ttootint, to out Domestic
eol.r-slorts. Drsorrs. and lloio,
I ILA II. N IO ro t CO..
t Fl
rb 1
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
1 4 , S. MILLS, Na. 6 COIVI'LANDT ST.,
A. (Ur .Ilto NEW YORK. I. f riwat , dt osw .i tif
. Alrn LACK
MUSLIN nod all kml. of SILK MANTILLAS. manufctu-
J from th. lair.. Par. Sulam, erreelaral by thy neat:arra
partirularly ulartwl thr
AL, err, epleudhl rlark of PARASOLS AND DR
DRELLAW. ennelatlnd cf hirwrrel .11,1 .11ow
and .11k eurl Turk Satin Paramoln. wad COlOn anal fling.
Umbrella... All of which will et .or
H.. earwielly Invite entrWertem frlroris to ea.
unlne our
.tack Tenn purrharioa.
ST fet a r x i.g s l t hltlos Sh i vatt f rul
Itiurphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envoi-
whirl. a orw ankle 1. I.nnaght brforr the piddle. The
rdrrrirne..... of ,ware ber. r.tahlkhrd Abrlr eurrrldrW.l
Trod all oorota.n. and hr orondrollf refer. to thr twatlow ,
rf bownrew me, 1W hal herr ward the, enerloped..
awl to Id. rapidly Wert...m..lnd rah-s. m. proof of thrtr excel,
Th. f.,llotrlog ate a few of the rea:Ame for their popv•
41 the plan. r...enate.d by the ...l, a person may
hate i,t. m. 0... huthae., &al aftdraws„ ton.ydrunv.lyaud
b,autlfully roh , red thus affording per.
bitaerorlty again. trawl
. 1.,1 moon{ le opened without being do.
I N,ill,ro war per wafer, an n•quirod tn peal them.
4th. poti the talwarttage of • I.lloh the real tamorealto
Imtnetllitt , r. turn to the Moder. truhad of befog boned
month , . In the 1/..1 loner Um..
,th The hotelope• aro fort:tubed altond tb. mama
rrier at plain oar+.
fith letter reallearle .nnt adtvrt)oehtent.
ur+ ottrart the attentino of .11 through whom hand. It
' Vh!:77llowlna Ipll.l of prima . for hum. engraved Qa
brae, and which will •
last for ream and of Earnorra,
W. Iowa! are, either white or haft. of grad P.P.% and
mod... a 1.., with name, addre.n, .fro:
When it k not conseniont to forward amount of order
per mall r, express, • nferrom to • respectable New York
Muse will ,ulbetent. All orders will meet with prompt
attention, will-Pp...J. WM. MURPHY,
N., 201 Madison street, New Yin*.
..-. • . ,
Orden. will be a11.r0t1. , .1 I. pn.olvtly..
If 101 l at the otos,
.I..m l llinaf. A 4 . t4l,
i 4 11
EH A 1 W 14d
tll t, la m ;Ai
..1. I% al l street, g at of Mee... IL
0. _ .
N. 11.--11ue1m...... Cartk, emboenl In colon. from um*
1/1..n. RI $114" Nor 1.1.. , t0.a..1. faal:d:lna
Iltrtoool. 11.1.1N01P,
, ovri MIES his usual facilities to receive
~” hal.. am, Tranahlprarat. all \hrrhatalira
,anaial 14ga. laara hOlf far
alltalus ,
ao th g e halt,. awl Ca. Ca la nal awl th Ma,.
hr.rnot, ,tiling C
51Harra. JOIIM, Qui=
Mr. A. Caudle,'
- -
M I , I)ILETON, RILF,Y , 31'1
and Varerardina 31ert al, •
t. llraaml , t(iortion. and • +
I ) 1111:;,
II r(emingo and
vativn• pr(ttniAly «now.
011 S 11. RANKIN, roun
.t law. Mid (. •
trnuia. L LOlllll, .11, (lat. , (.1 Ilut(xl,
1t(.1.1.4.(...--14l(Aburgh: Mo. W. E.., (q. 11(.,1(.1(
Nt'..oprllreAt A McClure, John Y., 'ark,
!( . 11.0(1,1 a Cl 4. y
undersigned having entirely . re-E
ill nil enlarar.l the above extensive entallieh..lll
meet. 1.1,11.111i11{{ . In all Mead three hundred and fifty
ell resiee.tfully give notive that It Is no. mar
tor the reeepoon and accommodation of the travelling
An extruded notlreof t nnetirrno.edconerniencre of thin
I..l..ented enpertluena, ea the numerous improve.
menu. aineh have been naufacannot he properly gleam In
an selverthe.ment. Oleo it 4. ray, no eapemm leTn
spet.el to render any apartment perfect.
The Inman, V. nide expreeely to order. regerdleas of
met. awl c , rtain portion% ol e•Pocr Dra a l n a
roonta.e.lll toe f0n...1t0 he of til. Wt.
tee.) manufee.
tore. The Innina rending ore eapacJoue, and the hours ha
meals ill be le, stratt4ed tA, 81.1.. the convenienes of the
early and tto.
Nee, department veill eondoeted la ut
hle manner, end the proprietor phelges himself hhat Use
American Houre shallTearnly the Traveller). llonia.
feta.3aeoliwomT LEWhe RICE.
j tui jlran the Manotactory to feet India Rub.
r Ilm.,"lee* ' , teeing Mtn !‘tan Y'.lnehes In diameter.
This Huse le far etsperlor to Y luee voaaaaa'ar T a
leather. for hydrant, eotnjuettne,or Fire Morin. P.n...
We wiah it to he distinelly understood that every Inch of
hose that goes from our ndalliehasent in warranted fur
the purpnwev Intended. or the mo.y reftindral. Ward 1
IL Co. talent ilia India Buhl., Dn... Na 7 a at
enact 2.1 t 11. PHILLIP&
OTEA.M PACKING-4000 pounds mixed,
Plain Pla and Bata India Rubber Packing Rom 1.12 to
li. Indies Illckoirarrantrid to he the Teri but Pnekiiiiiti 01
iwy now in use. for the. following Burrow.: klanbola
Plater, Arlon Ile Meant Joint; mono then+, Cylinder
Heads, Stuffing Beres, kr, tr. Per sat at the rwlia Mgr.
be: i=t,rgT root ;Howl atm .
Valuable Property for. Sale.
::OUR LOTS in Allegheny City, fronting
nu the :loath Common. ltrumndlately ill front of Dr.
.Igerre Church. Mean Lots arenear the Depot nf the
Ohio and Penury Imola Earned. and arc well calculated
Cr warehnufer.or a elle fora nuanufart mina ectahliehnieut.,
my7..21v ANDREW I,EDCII. Jr.
To Farmers.
1, .000 ACRES Farming and Grazing
Littltif. In Warren county, located on the
Aurgheny rims, within - twelve miles of tie New Sort and
Erle /lathy:W.
Alan-I,o°oAm. , In Elk roman for sale on arrommoda.
anE mekm , Enquire of A. WILKINS CO..
myl ' corner of Market anArblrd eta
To Gardeners.
TIENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al
ldy ander trial raltirathin, wighin one code of 011,
city. will te ecoM for sern—inge third null. and the
Wtabu:tee In one, twn, and three years For partieulan
at the Banking House of
A. {WILKINS it CO.':
my 1 corner of 31arket and Third ets.
A Very Desirable Residence for Sale.
IE undentionesi offers for sale, ono of the
most desirable resideneta in the town of alaisolllon.
Shirk county, Ohio, euntaininit 'taut ols acres of land,
with • large and commtelloas Drink Dwelling House. and
out house, and • gas! supply of choice fruit and ohruls.
ben . . floe of the hest ochools in the country I. within a
short distance, and when It le remembenel that In six
mouths from this time It will be within four homy' rideof
Pittsburgh. it will be wadi that hone In no small induce
went for oar who desire • cheap and elegant retreat from
the city. either as a summer retirement or la permanent
residence. A part or the whole of the land will be wild
with the Wilding, This property may now be bad for less
than the balklings gat I will also proeure title and con
on,without eloart,e. • Int Canal than two twenty4sl
othe bank of the Ohio and abouode
from the Depot of the Ohio and Penneylvarda lin/trout to
any eatiltallet or egur y who will eotablish thereon •
manufaelory of leo °Don, nr Wool, which shall employ
a capital of 100,000. het it borne In mind that Maosillon
lo one of the most beautiful and thriving towns west of
Pittsburgh. Coal. aml all the of living. as well ae
rent, can he proennd here out lows at any led. , Onmis
when manubirtured msn. of mum, with great es, be
trensrorted by Canal or liallrowl.
Massillon, April 17, 1e31..—f
For Rent.
A Small well finished and completely fur
nbled Na.., on 3.1 at.. nest , door to
No. 73 Liberty Ft. betworn 3d mad . tth eta. (NW. and Tribtom coo')
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
TDB subscriber offers for sale the house and
T ' r7 u'a t.:ll4¢ft b en' ' ' ' ' Zu r r atel . t .l ls u =s i re ' lrgn;
the market of this city. The lot is 140 ft front ate Park ct.
running back 252 feet, to an alley—contalning pearly OM
acre of glOond. and It bmnuled on every elde by large open
lota, adorned with trees and shrubbery. The home Is
Lostnew, large. and exceedingly well arranged, having
• front of 60 feet end &depth of T 2, and contains fourteen
R besides halls nine feet wide. It ts built La the
co d
arid L 114113 durable manner. and has • Arelnonf inuE
wedelns all the modern ccoveniences. Two pumps. with
an onfatilog supply of Lard and soft water. are at the door.
the the premises are the nonetsary net buildings. stable,
carriage bow, Oe. The grounds an , laid out mostly se •
lawn. coveted with c is do Dna trot, everanwmt, flowetinfl
shrubs, curranut gooseberries. rotTbenfeaanottal •
garden. The fruit la of the best kind. and the trees are in
their prima and yield enough fee the wants of an ordinary
!welly. The anus/Jon of th is property,. to ulubrity and
suburban comforts, eeMbliad with nottiattitY to the city.
is not surnamed by any residence in this vicinity. It has
s slew of the Chin River foe over • odic, of Timm...-
via. South Pittsburgh, the city, the two riven, and the
hills around. funning a l together • ratMtaatic Pronto. et
which the tote never wearies. Every boat whkh enters or
Seturts from the tort of Pittsburgh
[mod. ' t
Ohio. paves In
full view. The reddence and arounds ars aloe completely
r e moved from any annoyanae of dun. en destructive of
comfort and vegetation, and sficmls • retirement ea Quist
7 ' n• f e 'l y I::Vlr"'"H — Wll4=""bV,7:le7n
whe whe never desired. Engin. ' at wet hatette aloe.
natal D. N. WHITE.
For Bale
PILE members of We Fairmount Fire Cora
der tm
and o null I. ..fkr•
nold cheep. ttwir EnginEnquire of e fne owls. It le In goal or-
J burnt. Peer.
&AU' 400 Pena stre.t.
1 4. '01t REST—A Dwelling House on
Third rtreet, above and oear to Smith Sell. It .
trw fixtures , large riaii. wash house, to WIG
he tvoted lee. and posseasion anon itontedndeir
Atro—For tkale or Lease, mme lots In the M
between Peon street and the Alleicherty riveroth Ward,
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
THE SUBSC SABER offer* fur Sale. 013 TT.%.
favorable terms. the following Rea/ Zstate. •
City of Pitts. via
N I Three va burgh luable three Kay hetet dwelling house,
on Peeond Arend. between Market and Ferry street, the
lob beingeaeh 10 feet front by LO e. 1..
'.o. a. Coots/us la feat troutan Third street adpining
the Ttstrd Presbyterian Omni, oo .bleb a etectsd one
four story brick house, used a.. printing °lnce. and one
two story brick warehouse.
5...3. Two .lots In Val/an:on. Raver County. being lots
Nos 3 and 4.. being about 100 feet arlustra.on whirls te erred
et: I.e block of our frame dwelling; and ono werstraa
frame der•Illog..11 two sorbs bleb.
S. I. One lot feet front on Mark atreet oPPLoalhs the
above. Lod *stealing to the top of the hill
No Two heaelt loo, b 30 feet trout...tad running
boa thy tad to low water mark. on lb. Rig Bearer.
No. o, one valuable water lot, 100 bat no Wbewl Race.
wr al ten shares water power attaehed.
No Ono lot appal. the a.m. lat. SO feet front, and
twoto the top of the hill, on which Is erected one
two fn., l.rick store and wareboute. 'la by 30 Lea. almone
frame dwelling. two stark, high.
Na a. One large la In Newllrigbton,Beavereounty. be
ing about Ito feet on Brovialwar , and itimut &et &eV.
dw..Lining 13, arra on which ar. .tote two 111410. 6.20
ellinna and one mall frame house, used am an MT.,
This property wao earned occupied by Mr. T. C. Gould.
and Is very pleasantly located. being immediately ortwwins
the Vallston Bridge.
No. IL One water lot. immediately beim. Fallston Bridge.
twins about Inn fat In lenatb. and *standing from Ulster
street to low water mark. or towing path.
The above i k. idr,T
f It. C. OTOCIITO N, cause Third
ti P ..rU l lt o e i r stave ' . 6'*r.* 40110 VLE&LING L
roebTl ' Penrnal and Tat sspy.-1
For Bala
BLOCK OF BUILDING& on tbo cornet of Rub
ttt.buoah. Tb. Lot !mots
hundn, nod forty lour hot u a.l, to the City of
on roan st.teot. asul one
m1r...1 and Woo feel Woo to her on
f«.l laintre of
No. (06 Non 1-
' V 1 . ) Ltr
v FOR 3.ALF—Two large Flour Milts and O. Milton
the Beaver Creak. with aka neeesearr water power. Ain,
well Itoymeed Form In Lawreveecoaritr. Prmw 34000.
fan. • Varnaof 11% .re., on the Ulan river, Um. Wine
Irdin• Dearer. fbr Alwa one of 110 scree, on the
Ob. rte.,. 6 failed below Bram, kr ll= per env. Alan.
Lec aere• for SIR pe e c. Alw, fame of I* 13S, end
erre, for gn per ll.O. 176 wore for 312..4 30
err. for 816 pr arra together with many others of •ari
"45'r". N.V. uiret of
* U. L B. nrrERNAN.
Attorneys at Law and Real Mate Agents,
feblo No 107 4tb .0. Pittsburgh.
A Blast Forams for Sale
IIIE UNDERSIGNED offerr for Salo hie
LILA NT YCIINACE. eittoited lo Out conVe. Goor,
knogro u the - .Allatoona Fornme." with all the out. Aa.
bothlinire SAW and ORIST MILL. and over, Wog na
ewes., to carry on the emettirot of tire. It has 1.44/0
acres of Laud attached. •Ith as moth mot. adjoirtina
would be neswasary. •hlch roe be hid from 75e. to V per
coolt i It has the nowt favorable lotallon In the South. for
makng 11.311. bark. tba ore wi th in ono half to one mile
11. vett lan. quantities. easy 10 ming. and yielding
from .50 to .5 per cent. It Isom. mil* and • half trom the
Fiowah Rolling Mill. where • nod sale am be found for
all Its omits. of Pie /Jetzt ansl It two milef from th e
Western awl Atlantie Railroad, which Is one of the lines
1 railroads 141113e1.13g U. Teammate Rim with the Sea
Dowd, which has els lime of railroads running out then
tt finished end under rontrael., paselna thrutmb all the Im
iorlaat Toe. and Cities In Georgia. where • ready
f 01304 tor Ply Alathinery, Hollow Warn. Co. It is
now in full blast. worked by water weer. with • fella 16
feet. rat • never Gilitto etream, and In the road healthy
tart of the Mouth.
lettere may he addressed tome .t Llowish. CAM 03.
or I ran be seen et thy time on the premises.
ALLVIVrINA Vraasre, March I.
Bleeel offers for rale • largo number of walciahle
iC% lots. and lannamy &Arable for mantas,
brie, in the Ihneangh of Illeininy;heru, located near the
new Public Schaal House and Eniflieh lentheranChnreh.
The rapid growth of Illrmlubarn Iv pupulation and
tnanufseturina wealth, and die reguainahle Dn.+ whinh
lots will La will render them • oaf. and profitable
Tltle werfert. Terms favorable.
in F e o nig. " 2li:= l g f a V.iiTZXErul ti llnul . " l=Vgt
burgh. between nird and nnart " street, or 44
Spume+ and N. Patterson, Ewfa, at their Mine. In Dime
inaharn. jnTl MOSES 9. EATON.
OR RENT—The large and commodh
0114 Ilene. Pent 'tree, (lately on up
eled hr
E 4 dwards., with ao entire lot 41jOiLlillff• which is
need we a 'ant. Aleo.--etabllng 6.r two h. Enquire
of EDWARD& 110FLEIN.nreer CO..
are..lslf ha 59 Water rt
'OR RENT—The Dwelling House. 02
mrner !tooth aml.Wrst Common s, lately
.mooted by Thomas Arbucltle . , dred.
en lentordlstely. Enquire of Jewish Wm, Eagle. or Wm.
31. Bell. Attehor Cotton Work.., Allegheny. .n_16:11
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
OR SALE—That valuable Lot of Ground
situated st tbe earner ,tf Slarket and Water streets.
st present oceupisd by Mulvany l.Jllema Glass Wan
hour haring a front on Market street of als feet II ill elr
and on it au, street of :16 feet If 'orb.
. -
Abr.—The Lot of ( 10 outul•Aiolu , OLI t.t. ,, •• Work..
alert, occupied by Mr..lna. Tom!talon am • hip Yard; h. , -
41 • (runt c.f 131 fat .13.,; Inehe• on-the Mouougaltels Ril
e, and running buck 34:4 fret to tiroeuouttit street.
Venous desirous purchroins Ir. further
formation (rum R. C. STOCKTON.
at• 11 No. 17 Market It.
In the new town of Latrobe, Westmoreland
County, Pa.
The Loynthanna Depot of the rends Railroad.
TIII. new town of LATROBE is beautifully
ititate.l on an eleven...l level plain, on the hank
hoyalhanne /Derr, where the Pennsylvania 11,11nwl
Crolo.l , {hat stream by a handsome stone bridge or three
span. of 41 fat. arb 1115 40 mil,. cast of Pittaburah 4. o
71t e .
de l in 'Pee /Inesideeson liourmid will ho Opened to the
iom,rur. terming. near thewwn. early in November
to. Oh tie southern turnpike
...op to take a meal at the uew mad
,t.k I 11..1 L, nuw In pro.greas of ere,
n. directly opposite the Rod
, . . • 1.00 now offered for role or
wMle, and runback
~.. , .10 e I. Prim rm. WO
so to. 111 losUroad Depot. whith is in
• . r• 4). s and nottage ails., of
win... Li .. tr. ~• . I y -.lusted along the
101.< I 11. II o. weld.. terms to per
.-1 to t. uol I . hurd. n 1 ",I. region is dr
.... toe , root, tho town Is veri beautiful end
rowan , en.) ot di uu doubt he a plant of anat. mart
Dom the cit... as It is In Ito int.t of the (meet flatting
awl booth, real our em this min of lb. Hata. flow I
ledluraln 011. r themselsre at tills point for hoeltre
men. as tore,. told eirrhanice, to come and mt. 0.
the., can and immediate business and employmentw this
Depot will be the point to winch the iron and all therm,.
of Liguni. r valley will naturally coma by • tortoPike
through lb. albomna imp or the Chestnut Ithige, and
plank modal threenol.. from Alexander o's.Jobn•Wn.E
the Depot. as also that of the neighborhocel of w
Alexandria. by a plank road along the valley of the L./-
animus '1 h. re is let, of the puree, rah, and
Not of mud can be hod close to the town. in abundance.
There is dose at hand, an lueshaustiblesupPllof al ith.ds
of building materials, lime, stone, and tanner. A MAW sad
grist mill Ore to full operatkon, with plenty ot water Pow .
r Olthin WW yards of the Depot, mei extenitive brisk
Yardala. to oprrotloo, earl, furnish • large numb" of so•
perior brick during the comingsterna Tha soil is deal ,
and rich, sod .01l adapted to oultlrstloot
Übe Urdu, of sale of lots will he made known on •Plnine•
hon. in person or by latter, to the aobserlber, or hie anent
in launa•tarra, or al tba alike In LATROBE. arber,a plan
of the lute may be seen DLit Mt M. DAILISYS.
N A public sale of 60 lotswill take place at LAMY..
evly fa the Month of Jona of which due notice will be
given. .011 ralbe Lterrit
Of Forty Town Lite is But Liverpool, 0.
llE4soent miprocetlented isle of Lots in
the above thrlvlos Ton. having nearly exhausted
previously held out, and the demand still continalon t
the undendaned has hero Induced to lay out • Kelm or
hii property in toe u lota as above, and tarn them for ale
at prices and terms that mama fail to meet the vimni of
Mom • bihlug to purchase. It le bedlam to MLY hbYthhiirr
of .the location of the Town and iv roe f Wrenn bee n
',l:adeptly described I. romp{ salvc.t.) otbn i h al
that over one hundred lots have nernUT atterMbd hambh
and been purctimed by time .141101 to_ P.M.. • &Mr.
hie home.
The abate lots are upend the meet eligible Ineddedrablo
In the plan pod an genitally kora Lei the centre of
ttimei recently al&
lurormatkia apDl to rheMnPrhart
M.. 1111103 I.llately. Nag... Fourth street, liittabarnib. •
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock pilot,
CCUNES the frent rank among the pro.
rorojt , 'Crln i ttl7ag. V.'4.47rTniZlitTagl
07 .. .; =mg : 3 2. . I . pure ea. of the blood. Alets
Cannho, Snernere and TlWtrer ' lla 1 n7 4 tra b a t
chile, or hoatweaanw. dryntas, and a tickling nennation
In all
the :Tin.;
le toed with unprecedented suerear
Female Irraknuit and General Debility.
Strengthening - the weakened teem to the
ration% orinuas, and hirt ,pirating tho entire system.
If the testimony of Uman& of living witness., from
all parts of the country, ran be riffled upon. It Is Ping% AV-
Il efficacious In curing all /funn•rs. and restoring debilita
ted and,broken down constitutions It Is pur combinedely Vegeta
ble in, I 4 position, and Kr accurately In Its
proportions that the chemlial. Whiniest, and medical pro-
Perth. of each ingredient intrinonlonaly unite to
Purify the Blood. •
It Mtn removed many anode dinecene which have bellied
W e skill of the bent physician., anditan aim ennui Canker:
Salt,ltheurn. Eryaipelaa and Scrofula, which Sarvaparilla
ern,. entirely railed to make the
II ,cot hanreation upon.
'lt haa been terted in many meta of CANCF.IIOUS
I.IOIIS. The 0104 olatinat« Canoe-re have been cured by
Oda medicine. We nay la • valuaodkine
It it
remove. a ll o
otmntruetiomin ll
thelation.' rendering tho Liver hve. artire. and bell.
thy altremoves Valpitatien of the Heart, and relieves in
ail ances of /Athena., and May be utud and
t all semen. of the
This Syrup in prep year. ancl only by C. 3101L91: CO.. at . lol
Fountain street. Providence. It. I, and mold. wholesale and
retail, by S. h. WICKERSHAM.
Only Agent for Western Pentaylvania.
myruy Wareham, corner Weald and Mirth eta
mut remedy/or Ow Amp; Afrolo.
the Lirrr, Asthoin, Thin! or Maws: qf
th Brmig or Luzon. and oar" okra:Now ¢r dpi
WE do not mint to trifle with the liven and
health of the afflicted. but we eincerely pledge our
ftiVES to make on askertion an to the virtnee of Ude medi
clue, and to hold no hope to eufferink humanity, whlth
facts .111 ant warrant.
The Blues of icelond, and the nod and Wild Cherry, or
justly eadebrated for the cum of all dlecwee of the
and Ideer, which err so frarfullY'cot In oil Norther.'
latitmlea. From a eombination of chemical extracta pm'
cured from this Moes and thaw Tome. Dlll.. Fume's flat.
scat sr W Cozen Is chiefly formed.
ZGIT - Wistar'• Balsam of Wild Cherry is • floe er.oat
compoeed entirely of Wild Cherry Bark and the
eennfue Inland Ma% (the taller Imported exruysely for this
purponej the rare medical virtues of which are Wan mm.
bleed be a near chemical onceses. with the extract of Tar—
thus snodering the athole compound the most certain and
etticacious remedy seer dlecovcred fur the
sent of Wild Cherry.—Thr followitm rase of Jeremiah le
grigg. of Consumption. (five of his brothers and sisters hr
ring died of Consumption.) le truly wonderfni:
Pusses, Rroor.. Hamilton to., Sept. 27.
3. D. Paso—Dear Sir: I tate the Ilbwrty of advising you
of the benefit I have derivni from the nee of Dr. Wistar's
Balsam of Wild Cherry. I vow prostrated by that terrible
srourg, Consumption. In May larL The attack was truly
horrify Mg to me. for five of our finally. (my brothers and
.1.1011) had dial of Consumption. I was altlirtral with
mealy all the worst Psturesnf tha Won, I hada distress
ing rough. and napretorated a goon dad of blood. beetle
fever, revery pains io the odde and 0b.., toil chills. alter
nating with fitn.hea of hest..
I wu under the ran. of • skilfUl p"3ysicia.n. from the
time I was taStun sick until about MX meta since. being
then about bsiplese, and my friends eonsidend my ewe
bopelero.'or .t fra.tb,ond our PhYairian's Add: .1.1.. d
the use of Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.. Without my
Incrwlesimcmy father procured it s and reumeneed
ls.ritug It to me. .pd (rum the first day I.commeneel tak
ing It my health hoprosal. and in two weeks from the
Ume I ennamenced ruing I; I was able cobs out and over
see my boxines. and labnr. which I still s oantinue to do. 1
hure taten four botthw of the medicine. and now consider
myself yeefeetly
;;;;4 4 ; 4 4
Gown Poor. Lake Co.. In. June 15, '46.
Joust D. Pant—Deer Sir In July, 1040, I wa. attacks
with a raver of torholilkharectee, which left me In • very
debiliMted emu, when. is the following winter. I waa ta
ken with •severe cold, which redupe4 me to ouch an ea.
tent a• to glee me the arrewronce of . oentrand ionsomle
tire. I labored ander • were cough--axpestoreted .great
deaL wad was troubled with coLl Piet and night swears. 1
aloe frequently raised blued tram my 10.0. 1 .satinuM
In Ohio igMtn. gradually 'nuking under the dieeue. until
January. 1847. when 1 was torain attackal with fever. My
friends despaind of my life. and tor phYe/eitatami thought
rovW aurvive but a short gran. My extremities. especial
ly my feet, were eonstantly cold. and alrobet lost their
Under these eireurostanoes It may b 0 truly Will was
. living skeleton. I finally determined IC quit taking me
&eine. preterit...l by phystelans. and try Des Wistar's Bal
m of WII4 Cherry, and from the bred weak that I DM
mewed taking It. lam date a gradual recorery. I renatlce
aced It. wee six month, lathe end of which time I was cur
ed. and enioyed good health ever And, end chew:bully re.
comenttid the Cabala to all lbw...Meted with of
the lump. and would say to three earcutriencing It. use. not
to be discouraged if two OT tMr bottle do not effect •
cure; but persevere, aa II have done, and I have DO doubt
but nine awn out of ten, will be blessed with renewed
health.. I bare been. Respectfully TOM,
3051 1 71 JACESON.
10T0T100 TO 011061 LTTLICT. Ixllll 01011 07 Sot 1..5.03
Prom Dr. Dale, Spring - held. Washington Count/, KY-
Pratwortet.o. KY.. May 14.'49.
Mea.ra. Stanford g Parke—l take this opportunity °fin
forming you of a m markable Car, performed iupon
me Cr the out of Dr. WI tare Balsam of Wild Cherry.
In the rear 1040. wet taken with an suflamation Of Chi
luwels. which 1 laborrd under for Ms wooka when I grad
ually recovered. lu th. tall of ISAI I was attacked with-a
severs mid. arlitch prated iteell upon my longs. and hoe the
spine of three years I was ...Ind to my bed. I trial all
bind. of medicine, and every I a+40 , 1 of aid. without tena
nt. and thus I wearied along until th.; winter of 104 0 .
when I beard of Dr. Wlotar's Dalsam of IVIld Cherry. Mr
friend. persuaded ma to giro It a trial. thOugh I had Kiran
op W hetw. of rm....T...1 had PraPartfd inytulf for the
• of another world. Through tlieir solicitation. I wa.
Induced to make use of the genetic. Wistar'e balsam of
Wild Cherry. The effect war truly astonishing. Alta
three years of &Slab= and autterfug. and attar having
spent four or lee hundred dollar., to no purpote, and the
beet and most respectable physicians had proved unavail
ing. I was soon restored to entire health by the blessing ol
Doi and the ow. , of Dr. Wistarbo Ilabam of Wild Cherry.
May the bleak., of God reat upon ?the proprietors of so
valuable a mediums as Witt.", Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Tours rmi.m.firllT.
W. H. (lain.
boldby J. D. P.A.a (urcasmor to Bamford L Park,) Fourth
and Walnut Wee., Chachanall.Ohlo. General Agent for the
South and W oat, to i'bun all orders mutt be addressed.
J. Kidd t Co.. H. Ai rahnuertock A Co, J. A. Jones, L.
Pittellurglu Lem A. Beekhstn. Allegheny Cur.
L. T. line:Kn. Wmidngton; L IL Howie. Unlontown, IL
Welty, Greensburg. 9. Kounts,9utnersoeU Scott A liihnorrN
liedronl; aced A bon. Huntingdon; SI rn. Orr, Hollidayshttrll
Hildebrand A Co..
Evans A Co, Brookville: A. Wllffion A boo, Waynesburg;
!deliver:6d A Co. N. Callender, Meadville: Burton t Co.
P.rlc Graham A Fortier. Hem, James Kelly* Co. Dub
ler. B. Sudt.b. Borer, J. O. gutomerton. Werren: P. L A C.
S. Jones, Coudersport: P. Crooker.Jr.. Bntornsville.
The Human Body Mist Perspire,
SO SAYS NATURE, to hove, a healthy asp.
Pmarental sod perm,. who do not perspire. are liable
to the mad dlegonting Plan Mem.. Now, J oats' 11•11.
Chemical Sap caw. • haw pemplratlon. and at the same
time month. end mite. the Ulm MTh]. It the texture
of an Infant's.
Reprvy, halt ?theme, and Some, are not only healed, but
cured by Ite um. les at lewd ^ phyrkians In N. lork know,
who um It surh em, and and unfallloo— L ye also. In
Illotebet. Frawklee, °rimy other ekindiamae. Tb.
reader I. Wand ILIAC tide Is no med.', puffed nostrum, as
one trial edll prove. I mold enumerate at, least eighty
Perrone cured of
the rimer
OCReless, and eon , :want.
Day It—and the reader I, Kaman mound I would voter°.
ally sell It fur the aka, maims I anew . it to be all I Mate.
Thom who are !table to eluded. crarked,or chapped limb,
will Ilnd Ude not only',• cure. but • preventive: and I can
now only add, that any one atalched with any of the Man,
or droller Mature, still laud this all. and even mum, (admi
rable Lit Its proy l ortle4) tlmn atate i
amiTe ll eVr; yon ..k gr ' ra *- 111 . ItaliatiChemleal taxtp—aP
bay It only of 05 31. JILCKEON, only Agent le Pdtabura.
heed of IV ood.
Pearly'White Teeth, and Pare Breath, to
he toad for 25 rents.—Prrrons who haw. Otto, are honors
hly assurol that If their breath In sear en foul. or then
tooth dp,myed, dart or yellow, and nnoruntod with tartar,
that • 25 neat ten of Jornr.V.Anther Tooth Panre will male
the teeth KS whin• a• anew. and thi breath Warden:outy
bo .
ld only at JACKi•ON'S :tore, 240 IJba.rty at., head of
A Scientific ilnieroriic, Rextorer and Beau-
Ifiar.—Trial Bottle.. 37h, Den. Shown .ho have uari
Josis . Conti Hair Restorer, know Its excellent qualities , —
these who hay. not, we manse It to mann, the following'
nuallttex—lt 0111 fora the hair to tnow , on any panwhere
nature intonded hair toff grow: stop It falling tdi: stow senn
Fdandru, and make ROL rcd-or poor Lair grow dark.
or rendering the Lair tuft and milky Feet nothing ca4texcetri
thia—it mak It truly beautiful , ant. It et , la is. Or
dnal. the most ectmonucal—y et eu'ocrior—sitar for the
So only at WM. JACKSON'S Stun, ilinitar,rty street.
head of lh littaburah.
l.ioes-417,t a cent, OU Oa., and $l.
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid MIMI,
Ihdr Dp, for tbe chandincdnebu ,. . red, or drey hair. ma
brown. ur Lb., k Jet ,odor, to • for minute.
Perro-IA/ rent., and $L
Sold by W3l. JACESON,24OLiberty rtrzt, howl or Wood,
JONES' LILLY mre cau
tioned againstnelneihe eugateun prawared,Chalk. They
are not aware how Trlghtfttlly Injunon• n I. to the akin!
how mart, bow tough, how wain, yellow, awl unhealthy
th. nnh"nt e r nann PIKEVCheIk Ilemdem. W
call lone? opaujh tally Mule.
It I. wyerretly Innoe•ut, b•lnn PnYIKe .I of all delehqiun•
qualitlY, and It Imperte to the yt.o. • natural. healthy, al.
&heater. direr, nylon white; the mane Cm . at,. Le roe
ramie on lb. olon,Nnaltlow It fon and wawa,
told by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, :W Lll.ll, otnvt.
Infeul Wnwl. l'ilt•borgh. Peke. ht ant.
an-GA..I,S —_
• Great Cure forpripeyeia! --
Or. Houghtons reren, the true cyrreeti n z fhtid,or Bee
? lita r itg ' ille Bons o l fligt
iarbil the gne , l , !' i lAseeal toeroßt, by J. S. Hough
nrhi. truly wonderful remedy for indigestion. Dyl.
rgy i. ,.e j u . giValter L ' ' ;r:t r u ( n• l n ' er?liter .l =. l V k:ago.t
went. the Outric Juice.
fill t..s i sonnoful of P.., Infused In water. will di
gest or di...dee .1a pounds ef roan tee/ in about lee hews.
Jficre. b the greateeAvent urine food. the pte.
version of lnto blool—no
ut the ied7; 0%
reeler • fo ul,orpid, Waal. and destructive condition of
the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead tr 112.
peed stenos Prolutav no Gastric lea.
theditesee. &AMY:and debility which etude. '":"l
But t this weed may be euPPlied hr esietl the Mee
tire rciple, Prtain.
~,V e the ebemegla of eal. re
It:ell g turrrt(l=Juiltfltil.h; d j 4 . r, en, 7
yorniehing • complete and perfect entsLute sur • .ad
The art of perterning the IITX•al of digestionsztifida7
tme long mo l tmon to HO reloloatite. ryr, if oo• h.
tber th. .oralmion or thielirt to
hee the d 2:nUlls lign tarro gb bb, oelit
heated work on Animal Chernliery, says . — An Artißoial
Ditatrn Fluid, anelagooe to the 0114/I
Wraltrout UM mamas membrane of HI! 'a or b. !
rhich eatiaossztlcleeof Ladoga me:tiLl
b, metaled, tams: man•
" that tirt . 2o j e=;,. ' bV
Cal on the Agent ta r athereektermaofe cha .
"ern. It Is danwp,pdara Ste Drapeptfea. E• 47 NW
tb. read.. IWW.Befee the written exalter* ot-.1 •
B. Houghton, .11.. /Lomb prim Litho
• Nonlife% containing icientllie evideorett Itanluejor
shawl by agate grate. - • • -
• KHYBER. k McDOWELL. Arnett,
1 , 40 Woodtts
Deeteethimgebitdet=l 4.“1 b'gb.
. .
Of Valuable PrOporty fot the Oily"Of Pilled urgh.
IN PURSUANCE of an Order of the Or-
ll...l.i h gre? '"' tt ; NI -7 .='&l: 30 11 4 "u'o'X',:
Potot.lsl!!2ffor•Anih..l,l ,"L' l rgit%;l',ll , 6di 11
Elora state° in th e City a e Piladeburgh, and .011 the mom
for one third awayWY thad In one ye.. with Interest
from the day of ale. .d o+. third to too fem.., with In
terert hum the day of ode, mid partnents to m tlecTutel bf
bonds =I mortgagor, with folneer to divide ap_nno too oz
m ore pa rt s, and Dell the same In parta'so dlndeed..y one
or 00 . 00 [.old phees of moiond as 111.11, be deemedcondo
dre to the Intent ofthe i F.
All that certain tot or p of o . r f n i o d . ba ng ~.„. ~., lot
No 23, ln James Adams' of the pin of theWrthern
Liberthm, now 6th ward of the city oflelttsburato. bounded
and described ma follows: cla Itertrusieg . p ruu r e r . r .r.
at the Mrtarece of twenty tVia feet tlx Mama from Adams
street. then. along Penn stdect wouthwardlf. tar.tY no'
. feet do inch., and extencling Ito same width hack to
Spring alley. one hundred net,. which 15...c10t, two two
Foxy frame dwelling house, with two two 50...7.a bulki
to snhject to. ground reht for ever of fifty dollars per
.. nu , puyable qua rt erly 4 James Ad.'s, his heirs and
antennae. .
Also—All that certain lot t .
piece of gm nd, damn to
the 6th ward of the City of Plttsbiagh. tortnglots No 134
ni 14,10.4%If_gTrou=bofT:.:71rZgl,tig
Pi. 0.11 of Allegheny County. and recorded In book ad. NI sod
61. o• . A3O. bounded as follows. sin beirnmitlg at the coma,
o r p eye ,gli u and Leann arm., e thencs along tan. Knot
one hund.l and twenty Kix feet to Decatur nava thence
c .twardly along Masan street, MT eight feek and
the hundred alse wallet' with Log. street
one and twenty na. ket lip Yranklin streek t he
Noywestw along Franklin Area, forty eight feet to lowan
street, place of beginning. on which are erected on two
story Meek dwelling house. Manna on Franklin anted,
Eone stooT franse dwelling known and one two story
rick dwelling . hour. flouting on Logan street—being
the same which It. M. Collins and win, by deed do
June 17th. 1043, retooled In balk W. ade nol 70. P. 1.39.
coorteyed unto the said Robert Christy. Man
Ano—All that nertsln lot or piece of mound situate In
the lot ward of the City of Pittsburgh. being part of Fat
No T-M in the plan of said city, hounded and desnibeel as
follows, elp. by Third Mart. by Chancery La.. by the
our halt of lot No .Y_l, and by lot No MM. contaboing in
front on lard street, filly °wen Ikea. more or lan, with
the prhile par of at ow them feet wide. adjoining Lot No
31. M, eaten ug stout are feet lark from Thnd street: mid
!..t wag In depth, SS or lent and 00 feet in
width.. the rear of which is erected seversl frame dwel
ling km...
AI All that attain pleas of grcood. part of lot No
310 iso thenb. of PittaborgLsit.ted in the Mt ward of
diilt;.'rn.r d so Lf of l:f"Vo" . .T . f. ü b4 =lfoZ
Thadettect towards wisrket almet r fatty°. fmt. more or
hart thence Inla pare/lent. with Pr cal Mixt, northwerdly
eighty Ma feet, more . leak thence in a parallel line with
Third snort. eastwardly forte one fret, mare or In. and
thence In a line parallel with Wood street. noothwardll.
* ll fen . nv.
a. ettiarr Ih i '''' V h *r f ?IN S f, .. t .lll7lfgr"
with store moms In I% oto part of the edam precals:s. bee
It subject to the payment of the 101,0.0 of six bonded
dolls. to Mrs Jane Ilands, wklow of haul,,
deemsede being TO per lennnin, during the life hum of
the and Mow Jane Sands.and a ft . her death , th e mid
rimiest soon isolable to the heirs of N. raid
Veo. All that certain piece of grOund, part of lot Na
356 In the plan of Pittabstro. athlete In the First Ward of
sa Fourthand deshed hotol vie: beginning
on unmet:t the earner 0N0.331, and thence
along Fourth street weetwardly 40 Mat, thence north's . .. 4
Jr and parallel with Market 'greet SO Met, thence eastward-
I h r o a . l . l l rarallel wit n tic , l b uLtLert b nee , L4o feet to tlr liner Lot
parelle/ with 3larket street 60 Let 10 Lb:III:of be:V
ine: nod. and .46ect tothepaymentofanannual ground
which lab forever. to John Findley his helm and rewignx
on erected one twoattory dwellihn lasue,
. 4 1 4 m r r ,,,, = o,7 = e oe Welling house.
armai trier of ge atr of ' PrttalngehTiVrar
scribed es follows, Tin beenning on Fourth street. at the
chstance of feet matwaelly from the tanner cf Cherry
elley and Fourth threat. thence castwardly along 000
at Me feet to tot of Robert Wood", Eaq.,thencealong th e
uthardl Unearth. Third etr.c 65 feet roont or It..
thence wmtwardly In a line parallel with Fourth str.t
feet, theme along Wm. Young s lot ha feet more or lea, to
the place of beginning: with the right bthe use and pri
v,i w.e of the alley in the rear of the lot void by Ft m. Dell
Wm. Young. along the 'choler.. of said lot Co Cherry
allja . ,4m A w ll lie . is erecsal Ilmeewtory d, brisk dwelling houce.
t certain piece of grounotuate It the First
Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. being part of lot No. 344
In the plan of raid city, bounded and deserted as folluo,
cornern the DLuctond at the Ratan. of 60 feet
from the of the Diamond and Market street, thence
westwardly 10 fret, then. tooth...wily In • parallel line
witla Mutat atreet 39 feet to an elle/four fret wale. thence
outwardly in a thao parallel with the Diamond Difeet,and
thence northwardly In • parallel line aith Market street
26 feet to the place of&Vora,. with the prirlio Of the
alley In the rear. and to ect b the yearly ground rent of
1146 00.100 former, payab • half yearly to John Irwin.
helm and aesignse on width luereettl a th reethory brick
Also. All that certain pima of ground eituate !tithe First
Ward of the My of ?Mathieu being Lot N 0.346, bound.
ed mend escribe as follows, .11 beginedng at the comer of
R alley and running southwardly along the Dia
mond Mature CO feet mare or low , thence pate ll a' with Dia.
mood alley westwardly .treat more or leea to Decatur
street. Mose along saldsl Met mom or le. to Dia
mond alley. and
akar. Diamond alley outwardly
133 feet more or lees to the Pl.. or to,nnoinr on which
is erected one large threwelory Imck Tavern louse, with
large stable, to— and one twottory brick Tavern.
Also, All that certain piece of ginned, one-half part of
Lot No. 190, in the plan of the aid City of Pittaburghorit 6
nue on Water greet. In the ' Bunn! Steel of said atty.
tounded by Water street, by the other half of the said lot
No. 139, by First Urn t. and by the line of Lot N 0.330. ho'
Mg 30 Mat front on Water strat, and extending through
to Firm. prescreing the same *kith 110 Met" I.
erected a four story brick wamhonse.
Executrix deed.
For further particulars miofnim ofßobert
J. 51. Ctuie Christy,
ty, at •
Office of the Pit.hurgla Das Company.
Pittsburgh, May 3,1351. tny344otheit3
March 19, 1851.
T BEING DESIRABLE to substitute locks
and keys of
other kind for than nOlr loo ks
je mall Dern. of the Urdted dates, nedmen looks and
keys, with proposals to furnish the same, will be received
and cond.:lend at the Poet Mad Deperent. until the Id
day of July next The different loc. will be eubmitted to
a commiteion for examination and report. Upon this la
m. con tr acts will. as non u practicable. he entered Into
for furnithitig such locks and keys for four years, with the
right or, the part of the Postmaster General for the time
being to extend and continua the contract in Acre for .
additional term of four years, by dying_ to the contractor
a writte notice to that efft, not mare ulna tor lees
Wan Mx n
months before th eeorniluetf. ofthan
the fun teem of
Wi r th view of prentringths bestlockattheloseestionee,
no kind of lock is preee . ribedu a • thelonnent
Its er " lres ' f=petflion ' . are ter n may el=
It is. however. proper to state, that. a look snita'ble for the
mail env - ice should peer the lidowing uallties.r. do-
rabilitr uniformity, lightness, and a
For tire purpose of diaplacing ainoultameroaly all the
mall Locks and keys ore in use, .0000 thirty thousthd
new look. lo b `
.enty thousand kn. Meet. thereto% will
. ..j . ed= u, forniabod d liz i tzntractuithlio ineve . R
terwards the annul supply will depend on the durability
of the locks and keys &dodo*. as well %ethernet.. of the
mall emersion hot It will probably never eneed amonot
three the:iser. of the former and one Wound of the lat
No lock will to emeklared 11 be like any alrudy to
=Vown hor will anyone with whom the contowet may
s be allowed to maks, eell. fordeb mty lock or
key, simlher to eh.. wantracted for for any other purpose
or nee than that of the Poet GE. *merlons*.
The kind of looks adopted noun be patented. and the po
tont.. ke rmoni pate n ttering Into contract.
an assignment of hor the exch.. 11•1 boor
aft of the Department. If the Ponmettar General .hall
deem such requirement meal:lel to the toterensof the ea
.dome to cam of the balmn of the contractor at any time
to fulfil faithfully she teems and constithena of Ids attitnnel,
the Postmaster Gerard thrall bare the right s bo.tes a :wort
to the penal remedy hereinafter montkeled, to mend said
contract, and to contract anew with an other
L udes a• he mar see Ihr furnishing l odes
I:deciding upon tbeproposalsd=hineneoffered, the
Postmaster General may deem It e nt to felon f the
• rough malls the trek done bidder. and for the way malls
that of another. lie menet therefore. the right of car
training with diffetent Individuals for such diftwrit kinds
of Locks m he may we and .le the right to neck all 1
the sowelinens and If he shall deem that norm
for the Inter
.„ The . prl or pries
I'loTrir.MelLi o e ntirty d
thogend dollars, ter evreiLTl
perfornance of the contract. The ondract Is to otrotain
,rovirlaill for the doe and proper Inspect= of the lone
end kent , red alesi th for t rudiVraguinet their remeirtiate
i f e liZt!.; twee the lee
If a *odd be accepted.
Ne ... a .i ications will drobrisblerret If notaccompanled with
. ended...of the trustworthy character of th e Rid
der, and o his ebilly to ffil the conalrect. •
IL MALL, Portmuter CtrueraL •
GIZNIYAL LAND Of, f ICT„ April 4, 1851.
been made tend office for information ho relation to
n manner in which Land Warrante , under the act of
reth of September, IMO, tidal b,o heard. the following
answers thereto have byrepared. to wile
Mere are three moles which these locationa may be
lei. B 1 the Warrantee in beirmn•
MM. By the Warrantee through the sgerLey Of thisoillee.
.By Agent or Attorney. • •
If the first or manta male In adopted, the application
must be made In writing. specifying the tract:land district
or section of country, In width the Imition Is desired, and
be sec t
by an alhdarit according to the following
than. Nu L.
Where tt;e third mole Ls adopted, • Power ofA y
must be produced, executed by the wartse the pr:r.
enoe of • witnees, according to the following form No.
which power of Attorney must be mknowledged, or proved
fa the cue may be. before mac afiker authoriced to take
Um acknowledgment of detd... a.mordia.l , .. form No.D. ..*4
1. all Me. the Patents will be transmitted tolhe Land
Office where the location le made, unless ir gecial direction+,
to the Onarair be gi , *4- J. 0 ENFIELD.
Poem No. 1.
STA= or
• •
Courr or
Before IMO [a ]natter of the Peace or other of author
ised to take attldarital personally apPrarod I here hn'ert We
IMMO Of VOITOOLMJ •11:ko being duly swore. &poss and
aay 0, that he the Identical [here Mont name of learnt.-
tee.) to whom warrant No.—. for —ac..under the
Aet of Snot.ember. 1050, Imo Word on the— dey of
and who now &pone* to lcrata the same.
[Atrial:kV. mignaturol
Sworn to and rubserrtect before me thlae—day of
lelfrker's rignature I
Foam . No. 2.
Know all men by the, ore/tenth that I, [here Moat the
nano of trarrautreo of the Coun of and bnatZ of
do hereby eementute sod —. appoint of
my nth. and lanful attorneys for me 'and In my
name, to locate Land Warrant .o. for —"acres of
land. which tensed under the Art of BeldeMher.
Poner of Subentutton may be Inerrtod If &stmt.)
Signed In presence of 1.
Foes No. 3
Cod N .- 1 -r or 1.
0 ,, t hi s —,1.7 of -. lo the year --, ye Hall
• of warrantee iael admiral.
Sati V.
1 the of Attorney lobe his sat and deed,
awl I rertily. thatl well know the &Lid [here insert the
f warrant re,) and that be L the earns person who
1. dewribed aim within Power. and who executed the
sataf Winner's signature.)
FORE No. 4.
CorETT or
I hereby certify, that on this—day of In the
rear—, ronallr came berme me [hunt [evert the name
of 1nt0..., and [here insert the toms of Warrantel
the odd [ ere Insert the name of wlleneas] below II
k oow . to goe, le. du sworn by me, and on his oath
&eared and gad that be .noll lose. the mid [here Insert
the name of warrantee,) and that he vu the MI. person
&wilted In. and .ha eseeetted the within Power of Al
and his teaUtoon was to
!frclolefael.. and th e mid [lens [part Use
ILAj I . T . EPon aolltEeelledEal the Sad Powor,,to bolas act
aplfiallaweelw [Offleer'arlikre;iturs.)
COTTON -42 bales now landirilfrom sty.
Mayflower, Tor ule by ISMAIL Dlt T t CO.
aolG Water and throat sts.
GLASS -800 bozos Window. gaso'd, for sale
SUNDRIES -7 casks Cheese; •
a* Du. Vnied AIN*,
000 In W. Citu.s. Mannigua I EN,
heart's bond;
100 ball. SoNposeol , loo sod &t ale by
&On JAN. DA LZELL. LA Water glten. .
S UGAR -9 hhdn. 'me N. 0
.7 Ems* by.
" ' w
Mhf. bbl. S. IL, for oak by
TIONEY-14 forking (fresh) for sale by
5p.23 WU. 3011118 TOR.
TIMED PEACILES-50 sacks for ode by
ThRIED PEACHES —300.1 m. for sale by
WHITE WAX-1 club sup., for sale by
fIIORN-25 bbls. for We by
'NJ:4.342 B. 1. VON BORNEIBT 00,
110P-AKES-50'doz. Haißakes;'forleali by
iRORN..- 7 59 Ira. Shellea, for sale by
dhl et...wee NATill ATOM CIO.
leave for the eh.. end ell lute
Seo . .„: „ T fr, th ig le h tl t a
o y r , th r. e ,. l6 , th a lo m et r, fit c. l bc.m o
splendixl new steamer GLAUCCA,
e o +pll
n pastt "
For Cretan or passage anntr ors board. myl6
a... 4 lularaled.toprt on this-day,
at o'clock.
For [Malt walk, >WY os hlalsd- • . anti
etessur PILOT N 0..," A. S. Cum, mar*,
will km Pittsburgh for Wheeling, enntins,..y g oo fi s b.
yo co day wad Friday, 00 - 2 o'clock e.. us return/01
letorre Sonnet for Carting, Wheeling lintfabo f e g b,.e.
a u Wedrueday wad aturayat ludeloorivi. Pawns,.
and ehippert 000 depend
the beat rimming regtdarly
Una low water moon.
or Or panaana aunty on board. ntylo
irteingbon. Thla oplendid boater. built b
the owners of the recover Iwo Newton, and Wier. eta
the (Ineinnati and Fidel:mesh Packet bade, and leave
every Wolneedap for Cincinasti. in place of the Weir Ping.
mY9For frtlght or
G ---
HYA/ULAR PACKET.—Tbe oplendhl
limt din ne r esta boat CLIIEYTAIN. IL T.
Mu, lames the end of the Oil AllegbenT HYMN , .
treet.) treetT bone. comotencind at 9 o A.
lA, and motioning until the Garderm dom. She rolland
on the Apeemoy Ade, for, We accommodation of pastime
Seek alno.At all other WO, SIT- Exits Trip At Thi
lock. P. M.', • -mY-
. 1851.
TIIE new and fast runnipg str. CASHIER,
.7. S. Manua, Itasier—liei - nlar Eta.
bens - 111S. Wellsburg. Wheeling, Alvidgeport. IhNetina. arid
Studlsh Raabe-leaves every Wednesday at
3 o'clock. P. IL, five Wheeling and Bridgeport. and .r. 7 3 P.M, for thspuns and Sunnsb. Returning.
leaves buntlab term Mondaylo \ eclat, A. 31. and
Bridgeport and Wheeling every Mondayand llatusday,
For freight and pumice nPir on hoard
meta - JOHN iLACIC. Agent'
11.—Theligtddraugbt !domes ARENA.
D. P.Kinney. master, leaves Wellsville every, Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday, ato'elork. IL, for' East Lie,
erpool, Ulasgoa. lieFerran Llosding. Ewer. and Pitta.L.;
burgh. Leaves Pittsburgh ever) . Ineata,Tv VhnrniaL .04
Saturday. at IU o'elock.A.AL. forßraver.WeVerraWe tam
ing. (ilasgens. East Livens:ed. and
For freight or passes, apple on board. Asa_
R _
orwparker rtoraorr DIURNAL Coorrell, , _
ni r 7rl n i n - ii r- , 7 —i vit .... " .,F1L 1 , - , r p,....=7: .. vi1L001u0k ...
Igy ca 11 - Devlin/ orrr7 Tu.d.r. Thum T...1,......,' . ."`ZL
ill nth week. 'or freight or parrAgo.p.p_tor .... u.
roll ' AIIMAIDUNN t utualiß.Agrat .
INPOItT.—The Poe etesaser PACIFIC,
IAIIOI. oot.ter. pill lease for the share and I
tannedlate ports eret7 Thursday at 1 tido*. P. L.
For treh tla P u...6 ' " PIT PON.
No. 61 Water and 63 Front xts._
I,I F IT I FFA R P.SAI I-E q ll 2ris A run i n
steamer WELL. Capt.l3-Your t, !=
ran ls regular packet between Pi h, Wileeihtit•
llridgenort. and Sunfish, leaving Pitrabnegh ver/Mendel'
eiternoon tor Wellsville. Steubenville. lleidgepou, and
every Tburodav afternoon for 'Steubenville, Wheeling.
Bridgeluel, Ceptlne.and Suntela returning. belVllall
port and nonfleh every Tueeday afternoon. 134*:
every . F o lty et t e r w. Yocvf.rtinuarrimmly
The met Extraordinary Ditrooery in the World a
the grew. Arabian Remedy for Man and Bean!
• •
• • H. G. Fairell's t
miraculous cures performed by the
r t li A i Tabista ph rticithe In the day. of old. were th en
lou sel ur. as the result of magic. bat einem we have bee • ,
come intimate with their hlthory . ewe thus account be.
their carprising power over dixithe. Their atiehasnants W. 1
the knowledge of rirttieice were the thinder of the thrt. . f
while at the mune time the science of Chendstsp, which
with them bad its origin wag to the rest of the world -*
sealed c.x.x.^ And in liatany the)" were the meet t l m l f l l. lll,
students. ln the beautiful grorth 'which skirthne dtherts at
Arabia, abound rare plants end odorous words srturtheare
obtained Mote anthatie gums and trumnt telthms. of ' 1
which this incomparable liniment is compaeod, and by ,
whose sthartdatln- nnetooth. penetrattng and Anodyne 1
trz M1t,:t107., 1 -”',Pe'l r , tl:,'"M. .711 1 1 .111 4 ..
rene:palo in the incre 'e slibty snort Rule m 10 or lb rtiontes. 1
Its action le prompt, powerful and olfectnal, without th e
least r =er. It r. ortrates the Pooh to th e bonei relaxes
3 s the to limbs which hart been
=led for there, causing the shriveled flab to grow out
tnd rich bland to circulate through its seine. It restarts • '
he dynorial Fluid or Joint Water, and this le the reason' 1
by it lath been so universally successful in coring all
dimness of the Joints. In chronic theetiora of the Opine, ' i
Luno7r.rallgoLYPordrt this
cg7"`r Enirth b . th p rt aa l " ?Nit •
Z ' Zt• • ir is - 1
el thane of the minat extraordinary math on record: also
for Rthrills, Swelling, Pains, Wounds, Chliblaboa,lharte.
White Swellings, Tamers. An Lc. It Wenn/Lily efficacious l
in discs. of Animal e., such as Fistula. Poll Evil, fisreeri
Stift Oimplaint,Dietemper,Farty,i l prains,ll.thealgon
Manua Cowrie. Wlethrtlis, Plaint and for nearly '..
Lithaert, either in man or beast, arlitch rthutr o an thter
application. this liniment stands at • the had of all
thallthies. . .
windn is from the principal accountant of the '
whighly rethectable houth of. Veers A• Rao., of
Peoria, and erasenb one of the mat .o cures to-
I the annals of meithal history: —, , - • • ...
• Nr. EL U. Ferrell: Door Sir, Actthted by ...el =ate. ' •
' fain.. I thbmil the followingn, as an instance al the nth. .
ity of your gnat medidne. II child,throe years oltheras
suddenly enacted with a terrible dithers. which. in lath
than as lunar, pithtrated it to taut belpitheness. The limbs
became Ito rigid col d. and
a thint could be 14e04 the Pah • . •
turned black end cold. and entirely .! effectieurtho • .
eyes fixth. partially closed end altogether &gr blind Follthr-.
bag this Ir. death. to all mu.: the oiling boosnereen•
started, and so curved, that whh hfihit oo IUI thok.
letht cod Artio raZy !oaths& Indeui, the child me •
every nmusnee of being death Piimelieleig on the st
tuk, . family phyvician was called baled tor throcrwahr .
be lab th
ored to restore4t to fthling.but all in thin. although •
It was blistered a dozen times, and verkmartatheartent lin•
Inmate applied. A cothulmtion of phrtichins this then • •
held, tint to no petrpthe. The cnothi ue was then brought tth ,
fore the 3lethal :Saner, bet ng mold he etargethad
which had not already been done. and the doctor then toil
roe he could do nothing more. We then eorauseneed ap
plying your Liniment freely thee the entire length of the
• thing and you may imagine a parent's joy, when. aft. •
few applications, retaarrow onathatees ion oZPPrtag. The
child rapkily recorered, with the exception or the sight,
which did not become perfect got nearly's, month. it Is
non hearty and robust es can be. 1
Five other awes of the same kind onmed In mr neigh•
borhoc4 previously-01 of which 01.'• .whin,.. doubt. If
your Lintmtht had been oral, trtay wmaldbeine essecieestd.
Nods. /larch 1, . 185L. ILE..)IIIP G. CLELAN/r.
Liver. Complaint, Erystp etas,: and:2acznantion
Rano.. Station Co. 1iy,..giAT.136...
' EL G. ?askant—Dear Yourlfso t tfillti•
very frelloand.doitz vast deal of zod among molter
pt. It kw owed bed core of Ilryphselas, =felon
et bad pain in the breast. A luir s oho fru onsitsed
herbed for several months with freer Comploint and Area
non of the Mort: Ira.
oozed by the nee of your
AV kid.. Liniment. he said e doeton coal do her no
good. It has been applied to frost vat, and cured ft in
• dfort time. I have been oftletrd vitt Ebounsatista far
• lour itne, and Snot before a 01101.1111 potted mu so
much that I bad no pmee olidayf and in U.llloll'l cont
. =need Lagting and rubbing with your •Lhaintent, and
beton! I way done robbing, the rota maser.
sty Complaint, Swamp, Distemper, Conti and
[3l. 3.litchalliPoistmaster at Flat:Puitela Cwitity,
.WIL b. YMMLIt . Your Arabian Liniment ie . highly
glVelzi.isl v e, ' ,V,— ° =7.7. l r o gg ' 4ll7.2l. ° 7:2l b l
cuN one of my own of the Sweeney. v. Sbetift, Jo=
Dyte% cured Ms horse of a had Cory with it he Wm
It on a colt that had the Dtatemper very WI, and nand it
immix/lately. Ile mys it it iloadallynta greaten horse
medicine he aver need. There hare been numbers cured
of Sore tyes with it.. I find it a very valuable mediclue
both for roan and beast
Beware of Counterfeite.
The .Pnblle are particularly cautioned SlglioBl. a Bast
(b.nfrricit frideh hao Latety made ito.appeuranni end is
adiail by Um Imposterwho makes it "W
m Liniment." This is dangerous frond atui more table
to &drive from his bearim Usenm ee of FirselL here
fore be rerr i eo l as war t o d ill fie- by nasay . Parryli's
Liniment: . for unprincipled driest, impooe.the .51.1 b
11101 - 0 foulest upon you for the .13[1.0i12, bat always ask
for ...ff. G ibrnlls Arid ben I.lnisornt," and take nib abler,
the genuine alienist hasithe letter+ u. G. bebn.Fare.W.,
hie vignmirsto aim on the outride wrapper and Mese
words blown in the gluts bottle- - . 1/. G. tm ok. Irobian
Linieve wanted in Lets at,
wanted in every Town, Village and Irandet la
the ueinsii states, in which cue is not nftabitahaL Apply
by letter to 11. G. Farrell, Pozgle, reorotivP
id rharsoter, rearsinGbility,de.
Cali on the agent who will furnish Pres of Chardy, •
taxt containing much valuable informatiau kir every elan
of sitluf..
Pracf—.2searst, 50 cent, .12 , 1 one dollar per totlle.
The on/o gamier In manufactured by U. Yarrun,pie
AnTentor and &nutlet... and wholtde arnAgist. No. IT
Main street, Peoria. 1114 and far ogle` holesale and retails/.
onprietor'S {Olen by
taylalkwin SRLLSitd.
Wcod Groot
Sold by D. N. CLUir..Y, Micelle.) City bl
Professor A. C. Earrfs Trieopherons,
lowing icsnmonial Whom Mr. Munn. Editor of ass
Scientific American. Comment on snub eviciance. 11 no.
NU" . Yong. Feb. 24,1849.
Barren Trlemblierous le= all/ele that ve tube PkwatbW
t wino the highest Wantnendatlona. We do not do It
kno repp d
uinundaonof other, but rm. 100-
_ant) wledge of in. effect. twon the halt: whlle lewda
tu s koon It bealthy, WC, and glowy. It sten remotes, date
fn7nnfrun; U u7% Y d oti ' mr vig'‘ roal . tefresVt:
Parton only nelarto ype oneOottle let .n
of tbla truth. •
Sold ha bottles, 7orlee 2:leants, at the tuliaeirsl cdee
Broadway. New York.'
Bold It large bottle, btiew lre ellte. etprpprik.". btl•
eel by R.
my& N 0.67 Wood rt.
TRUSSES, of all, kinds and sizes, foi the
relief and radical 6tre of Ilorola.'ot Itupture, wt.
stoutly on boast And for sale I
aAda E.E.I"SEII t MODOW7-LL, 140 Wool rt.
BRACES, of a new and ell
;orator tisycljuet rewired and for rale by -
WWI and an them
Front Brick a.nd ow Horse Tile.
llETundersiined j.n
his Meson Brie Prne, in Shimizu:ham. tbend
nee. Prone Brick, for Home, ever fieciduoadt, 'Minh h.
will .t 011eibled to us
loss than bandonsif .M
portiesalng Perfeetif eve. *P.M migin,nrd • rrooOth. Doh
wised .m om. they meth no dust or soot. Ind mea - sea
handsome, Meier, bright Illpplamzee, as samba Bev. lir.
Knox's Church. bomb
the nonuser between It
mot other buildings being Very Tbs brick now
making am Muth superior to the limner. The-front o
mottling. like • genteel bons. should bit of pressed Miele.
Gm additional expense being so trifling.
Certtlfeates inlay moment., from Government Deem
Agents. mkt Architects, who have used sindlar brick ex.
inanely, many to Uttar superiority in itrmegth,dorabG.
By, mists.* to frost wider, it.
• .
11008 E •
Also resnafseturing, • supmlor article of Tilu, •
owl, by an eminent English Arotiltect; named. to • •
seal famished at about one-half the expense. —i
Alio. 500,000 Common thielt--ittenVbidarattllty. et..
ttostanteett. Price, IWO, et the er
split - ISAAC GREGG. '
fl 101 Liberty street
-10 please 'tench Limns, kr PstatO
'lO " knoatt Lad peens", flrsp d' Ere. for ru
mar CO.r.
6 pleope colored sod blsik bilk Wary Ca..rata. for
A ob?ertdid assortment of Xviellles and. Linen Vest
. a g Domestic: figeensware.
lf &Waren of Kcal/tab... 4 ya. , Cow Wore;
ovroor Pixel oad Libeitf irroorr.
(Round! Church Orating.) entronco suit fon to J. &
Floyd.Wholosolo Grocers. . ,
Our wand.. Worth enable xi then OtMcoptly.
A potent &dyne , Was oortotintlt oth al so or.-
*Wes no to beep poor! orttlx all tlibownrog4 low
of thee day. •
thr.o, F.Taonoaltrolortln
Flower Vase.. Goblets. mantel
&sof/ Jus. sod for dockootio troc.fn VlOVroriert. -