?:,r5' . '4:1. , ..5; ,- • -,.. '::;,1.,3;,t,...:... PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PII,IILISHED BY WHITE ♦ CI! M333:13333 FRIDAY MORNING, MAY IG, 1851 County Convention. .16P,The Whigs and Antinnnama of Alle alway Camay will meet on Saturday - , the 31st r.f May. prom, at the usual places Of holdthn primary meetion, iu he Township, respectively nt 3 o'clork. P. M., and iu the reiend Wand sod %roughs gal . .. o'clock, P. >L. to ..eleet I no delegate* from each electiothlyLarirt. to a Om uty C 4 vrolloto to be held of the Court noose. on Wed ueeder. the 4th of J oeth, at 10 o'clock. A.M. to wake the Coonty ritrtminaiwme preparatory to the nest General Elertiou. and .Pltolottloletod,s t. the State etnet.otion. to nowt at I.norager. on the 21th of June. JOSIAH KINO. of Grumailt. WV. C. Vitino. - To the Whigs o Pennsylvania. Jai- A STATE CONTENT)/ N vill be Lehi in the till Of lianciut,, on TUESDAY, .1 ne .2.11 b. I a:il, fio r the no , Courtof ...inning emiallilatel Iti the 0111..... of (lover - m*lml I:anal ConaMloilimer, and al for Jinlxem of the Sol.reme Court lIEN tt M. FULLER. Clialrianti. J0...3)h R. Flaninen. Simnel Nle ) lenatur, a V. Knos:Mortou .C. Thom.on Jou., t Wm. ILSllonluti. Samuel D. Thonme. Esinnel Bell, Jain S. Drawn. • Nathaniel Y.lllnalter, T. Taylor Worth. Liii_llW6 l . J. Itoblniam. Alexatiili, E. linarn. • • Wordeti E. Eregon,Wm. Baker. — " - Manisa It. Coribrun. . Wm. M. Walt, . 11.11 . 1 J 0614.017, J.. , Clark, Charles U. Wittman. Sherman D. Niel, a g r . .4.rigT u....Elir in C. }VII ,t,. . _e. T t h 'inqtd, ~.u . John Bauman tleinye rio, Wen. ants. . Alex r NI. Sli ck 77Jciliti C. Neville, " Fratiri,i Jordan. It. RUNDLE SMITE'. l. The Wheeling Gasette.copies an article Iron, the Pittsburgh Garette,'entitled •Itai!roads or Hirers," and exclaitue: .4.:ourietent from your own month." Then arks us' how we can dare to approve of the suit against the Wheeling Eridge, or ••reconalleit to our conscience to approve and ilefentlthet perjury upon this question, elicited from out triblestes," he,, adding a great deal of abuse and blackguard attempts nt wit, with . wbich'we will not Insult our readers ..The simple answer to this is that see have not contended that the bridge is a nuisance on 11.C.C4) ant of the Cincinnati packets on/y." build large steamboats for the Mississippi trade, and some times build ' and rig sea vessels. liloreovir. with the improvements in navigation, see will employ larger boats on our trade than have yet been cant acted . Notwithstanding the influence ;Chi the Railroad may have on Cincinnati rack ets; tlntbridge will become a more intolerable nui sance the longer it remainsat its present height. This the Wheeling Gazette knows as well as w do. In reference to the reckless charge of petjury brought against the witnesses for the prosecu tion, antthe bratal vituperation poured uptua as, :it is scarcely necessary to say anything, when :the circumstances are considered. ' The unhappy wretch who controls the Wheeling Gazette. at a - time of life when his character should be a tem ple in which he could take sanctuary from all miefarnme and peMecntion, finds himself crush • ed beneath the wreck of a misspent life. That Imehould become more desperate than ever, and strive to bring others down to his on - a, pitiable condition, is probably a natural result, but it is much to .he regretted, whenlthe path of duty is atilt open before him, were be willing th tread in it. fie is luvond the reach of shame, and neith er reproof nor legal punishment for hi• libels Can reach him. We are surprised, however, that the people of Wheeling., 4tiolcini; the, things, permit such a moo to 2,llEnv the position of an organ of .their interests. PEOORESS OF THE PRESIDENT--AT HALT NOEL Ilia 'cieellenny, MILLARD Ftnn.dm, the Pr sident of the United States, ae,empaided t. Hon. Daniel 'Webster, SecretOry of State, John J. Crittenden, Attorney General. 11.,” m A. Graham, Secretary - of the Navy, Ilan. N. K Ball, Postmaster General, left WaPhington at I o'clock on Monday morning, out arrived at th Mount .Clare Depot, 13shintore, shortly .before o'clock. The approach of the tmin was aunourk 4 .114 a national salute, fired by a delsehment or the Eagle Artillerists, and aa the train drew up at the depot, the land notes or welcome, esss the Ealtimore American, were raught up and re. echoed by the enthusin.stie Shoal of the multi tilde who hivine,emhted to witnr,s4 .he arrivul (the distinguished visiters, ' Besides the official passengers named 'di, the President was accompanied by his family, •• Mrs. Fillmore, Miss Fillmore, tend Mr. Fillmore, Jr.; and the lady of the lion the Piistmasfet Others!, was also at the party. A. Committee of Reception, consisting great number of distinguished men, were wait ' log at.the Depot where the President and hi, ealte were welcomed in the following term., by the Mon. John Barney: • President—To the venerable and venerat ed Chief Justice of the United States, the Citilen. of Baltimore had assigned the distinguished bow • eitif Welcoming your arrival among them. In hie stwence„ I have been unexpectedly placed in this enviable position. • = JoinUy with my friend,. Ur. Thomas, of the •""• lr City council, I will have the honor to introduce "•,, to you the,Mayor and corporate authorities, sod - will only detain you to say, that your pure, able and consciencious discharge of the elevated dutite assignedyou have won the confidence, respect and affection of all parties, who Will sustain you heart and hand in every measure you may adopt to advance, perpetuate and preserve the happi new, prosperity and integrity of the Republic The flatters were then conducted to the car , riages and started for Barnum's Hotel; the Pres ident, accompanied by the Mayor, riding le an open barauche, drawn by four splendid As the carriage left the depot, the cheers of the multitude again broke forth. On'arriving at Barnum'a, the visitors were again greeted with the hearty acclamations of many who hail gathered there, and, in charge of the committee, were conducted tie the parlour of the hotel, where the members of the City Coen ' • cil. and anumber of other citizens were in wait. •• ingto receive them. After being introduced to those present, the Mayor addressed the Pres', dent and the gentlemen accompanying him the following remarks, the appropriate eloquence of will be generally admired. Mr. President—lt has been made my pleas. •• lag duty, on the part of the corporate authori ties of Baltimore, to meet you on this occasion, and to _tender to you, and the distinguished members of your Cabinet who accompany you. the hospitalities of our city. We deeply regret, sir, that your visit should be but a passing one. We would like to have food an apportunity to show inn more public manner to the people of the whole Union, mad to the world, our unfeigned respect for the high office you so honorably fill, and for your own not less exalted character. Sir, as citizens of Baltimore, and ns part of this • great Confederacy, we would like to express, in a more public manner than circumstances will • now permit, our high appriciation of roar de cided, patriotic, and independent eont,e in the great cause of the Union and its recent comiror zaise—prinetplea, -which, we are glad to know. yon have - over advocated, and dare maintain.— In you, Sir, we recognise with confidence a firm friend to -the Constitution and the perpetual Union of these United `States. Permit toe t., • say, (and lam sure I but express the universal sentiment of Maryland,) that you enjoy . the un limited confidence of the people in the high of , . lice you fill; and, sir, should circumstances ever require it, (which I trust in God mayt never hi. the cane,) the patriotic; One of el, Maryland will rally to sustain you and aid you in your et • forth to preserve this happy Union. Aye, in the beautiful language; of a departesi we pledge you our lives, our fortunes and oei sacred honors." We ate, indeed, Ueioo MOD. hie: Presidano- -[t 14 the wish of all our fellow without distinction, that you will, en your return to the seat of government, spend at least a day in Baltimore. 1 therefore, in the name of the corporate authoritito., tender .you, and the members of your Cabinet who as company you, a public dinner, to be given 1111 4 your return, at such time as you may be pleas ed designate, I trust, sir, that At may be in I your power to gratify us, and that see shall be honored with your company, 'for at least one J day. s In reply to the remarks of the I%lnytir, Presi dent Fillmore spoke to the following elect. Mr. Mayor—The worm and flattering reeep ' don you have given me, leaves me no cords to express my feeliogs. All that ha, been raid in the i regard to the influence or my:public course in r preeervation of the Union, I canupt approp t i„ - ate to myself. To the mei:l2We of my Cabinet, .;to the patriots in Congress Snit of the Union at 'large, to those who by their exertions originated and consommated the great meastires,whieb bare tended to the preservation of the Union, is to he awarded much of the praise which you have so lavishly bestowed on me. I have performed but tualmmble duty and if io the discharge or that duty I contributed.to the glorious re sults to which - you have referred, it is to me a matter of hunible congratulation and of thanks It has long been my wish ioineek the people of Baltimore, sail it affords me great gratifica tion to thus mingle with you at this time. The ldnd and cordial invitation 014 yon have ex- tended to acceptspublic dinner:on my , return, 'would at once receive a most hearty acceptance, * could I at this time say whether it would he in illy power to do so-I. This visit, until within a few days since, irss entirely utexpebtedi its ob ject is not here, but is to be nought in another city—until that object Is accomplished I cannot enter into any engagements which circumstan ce., might render impossible forme, and those of the members of my Cabinet by whom I am ac compnuied, to fulfil. , I have again, Mr. Mayor, to return to you, I and through you to thecitinni , of Ilaltimore,.my I mostcordial and sincere thanks for the unerpect el sod kind reception which you hove been pleas ed to extend to me. After spending a few moments in conversation with the gentlemen present, the President and his suite were conducted to the breakfast room, and as it was their desire to pass on to Phila delphia by the 9 o'clock train, immediately after breakfast they resumed their seats in the es.r. riages. When the :President appeared at the Calvert street door of fhehotel he was greeted with hearty cheers, which were continued until after his departure, As the Honorable Daniel Webster took his seat he wan likewise saluted with repeated dwell!. The party, accompanied by the Mayor and :attendant committees, then proceeded to the Philadelphia depot. Here the party were again greeted with hearty enthu siasm es they passed to the cars, and these manifestations were , continued until the train was rapidly carrying them on their journey northward. A large committee of escort, attended the dis linguisbed guests as for as the Susquehanna river. After a pleasant two hours' ride the train" reached Ilarte..le. grace, and the car containing the President and his party was passed over on the steam-ferry boat in order to avoid the change of seats which ordinarily takes place. As the boat drew near the Cecil shore, the moment of reparation having arrived, the Ron. dons BAR :ins, on behalf of the Baltimore Committee, tia dre'ssed the President in the followini terms - Within the brief morning hours it has been my happy privilege to welcome yout arrival, on be- I half of the citizens of Baltimore. There is no bliss without alloy, for even now I have to bid you an affectionate farewell. A sexagenarian—memory thrills with bright reminiscences of boyhood when joining in the throng that greeted the immpt tal Washington on his advent among us—nod while every bosom glowed with admiration at the chivalric deeds in arms, •and the noble and patriotic sentiments which breathed in all his writings—yet his ma jestic port, commanding stature, and dignified demeanor, carrying the stamp and impress of Nature's nobility—won all hearts. trnm the pa..t we !blame Carta the land. And lights long het again do meet .7 ie. The Chief 3lagistrato of the Republic mast ever continue -to be an object of respectful curiosity and intense interest to his entire con stituency. Age loses its repulsive feature from the advantage it has afforded me of a personal intercourse with each and all of your illustrious predecessors; and in truth and sincerity I can aver that no one has filled a larger space in the esteem, respect and confidence of the Confede- Trawmillity has been preserved by the mode ration, calmness, wisdom and firnmess with which all discordant jealousies have been compromised. giving al...ranee that internal eommotions and foreign ixrasions will be anticipates/ and sup pressed ere they can grow into importance. In this expression of confidence there exist no par tv divisions—a Disunionist is yet to be seen among as. The party of which you and your able Cabinet are the expounders, the orators and the guardians, are the Unionists with which Bal. throes-, and I may add Maryland, emphatically belong—one and indivisible. 1 will not detain you Mr. President, for I could add nothing to me appropriate and elooneut ad sire,s of my friend and associate, our estimable Mayor. Gathering .•,urageTfrom despair. I do nut re linquish the hope that on your return a more protracted opportunity will:be afforded to my fel low townsmen of enjoying the honor and grat ification of an universal welcome. The President replied in substance as follows In behalf of myself and the distinguishes) mem- i era of the Cabinet, to whom you have alluded. return to the citizens of Baltimore our sincere thanks for the kind and nattering manner iu which you hare rented upon us the hospitalities of your city. It is. sir, ptxuliarly ratifying to me to be favored with the society of one,_upon thi.s oceasion, • lin has bet a the associate of Wash ington—one who lam set by the side of the first President of the United States, and is still here to represent the attachment of the city of Balti more to that Union which he reared and defend ed. ;day the day never come when there shall cease to be a President of that Union to be wel comed as Washington and his successors have been. iu your benutital city. For the high en comiums whiebynu have been pleased to bestow upon. my official conduct and the services of my constitutional advisers and associates in the Government, I beg you to accept my profound acknowledgements. I take to myself no part of the credit of what has been done during the last few years of our history. To those , with whom I have teen ossociated, all We honor is due. and to them let it be awarded. Be pleased, sir, to receive for yourself and the citizens of Baltimore, who accompany you, and to bear back to that city the assurances of my lively gratitude for their hospitality, and my regret that I could not' longer remain to partake of it. The Committee then exchanged parting tabu cations With the President and the members of hi.. Cabinet_ and the train took its departure for Wilmington amidst the cheers of the Committees and the crowd of assembled spectator 55'e refer our Manufacturers to an advertise ment of the Navy Department, on our fourth page to day %ay of the articles advertised for, ran be furnished by our Mautifactarers mud arti sans, and we should like to see them have the job. ALLIOULNy A-VD BUTLEII PLANS Ronn.—We learn from the Butler Whig that an experienced and skilful Engineer is now engaged in the sur vey of the Southern end of the Allegheny and Butler Plank road, and it is expected that the entire location will he completed within a few weeks. The Managers have closed a contract for one million' feet of lumber, to be delivered as soon as the Allegheny river becomes navigable for rafts ; at which time the work of laying the plank will he commenced at Allegheny city, and pushed forward with all possible dispatch. It is confidently expected that from lire to ten miles of the road 'will be completed during the present 5C141011. and that the whole line will be open for travel by the fell of 11152. • IIrATING av STCATI.—Our readers will ASP by an advertisement of Messrs. SCAM, ATKINS., 9Katcv, whose establishment is on Second and Front streets, between Market and Wood, that they have' introduced the manufacture of apparatus for the heating of public and private dwellings by steam. We examined the appara• tar, as put up by them, for beating the laundry rooms of the Monongahela House, yesterday; and as-tared enmelves of the, entire practicability, feasibility, comfort, and utility of this mode of beating. It is more uniform, more cleanly, more pleasant• and takes far Ices fuel, than any other mode of heating. It is also perfectly safe, us the safely valve can be mule to blow off at a low pre•tsu're of steam. The only thing which con prevent it, general introduction, is the first cost of the apparatus, but this should be no con . sideration• in public buildiags where a large amount of fuel is consumed, and where the keep. inc up of tires is SUM:ldea with labor and incoa raieure. There is also far less chance of a 'alibiing taking tire. We would advise all per runs interested to call and sem•the apparatus. The whole operation or washing and drying clothes, at the !itonougahela Bonne, is done by steam. iu ei.,mm,t convenient and expeditious manner. Sheets, pillowslips, etc, can he waddl ed, dried and mangled, ready for use, in twenty 111111 Ult,, and the labor attending the operation is very small, when eunipareil with the plan ago ally in rope. Now , YORK M. E. ANS. AL COSirrltalt.K.—Al the sitting on Sa briny loot, ,do out of tbreeven delegates were elected to the General confer ence. The following ministers were elected on Sent ballot-Rev. Geo. Peck, I). D., editor of the Chrixtian Advocate .and Journal, Itcv. P. P. Sandford, lb. Rev. A. Dl. Osborn, and Rev. Phineas Rice. On the second hallot,, the 'Rev. J. Iloldich, D. ; D.. and Rev. G. C. Lyon. A. ballot was takeutUr the remaining delege i tes, arid re mitted in (1 tie vote between the' Rev. Daniel Smith and, Rev. J. Z. Nickolv. Vie S. T. Com mercial Faye, that these elections isre j pretty sig nificant evidence that the great bbidy of the cler gy-in the New 'orbConferenceltave no syrups:. 'thy it - Ith thaltreism embodied 1 . 5:1 the. late reeo... lutlons of the preacher . ..v.. meetiiig, . i o that sity, oa tbo Fugitive Slave taw: . . -- . Sorts enemas), Corressrnos.--There seems - t'l Tug Wistersa Nontirarmith Vntotsta.-...We to be some confusion in the public mindin eels- Stated yesterday that &large and enthusiastic 'don to the Secession Conventions, past and pro- Whig meeting hail been held In York county, Vs., spective. As we understand the true situation at which Iron. Daniel Webster was nominated as of affairs, it is as follows: The Convention which their candidate for the Presidency in 185. , They met lately, and which adopted the Address and also call upon the friends of the Union through- Resolutions in favor of secession, which we have 1 out the country to rally around nod support him. published, was composed of delegates from the ; The meeting also expr e s sed its Jeep gratitude to various voluntary State Rights Associations of I President Fillmore fur the patriotic manner in that State. It had no official or legal character.' which he had enforced the compromise measures. The effect of it is wholly on public opinion, which , particularly the fugitive slave law. it brae no doubt driven still nearer to the dread- I . ear. &LEST i..offiere Niassacetx.—The persona ful precipice of open rebellion. I arrested for the murder of the Cosdeu family are The legal and official Secession Convention is '. undergolog an examination at Chestertown, all , a body created by the Legislature. The mem- , ~i na i l wayof being unravelled. The Chestertown News, find t ix that the lamely mystery is in a fair hers of it have already been elected, and a large , majority of them consist of the very hottest of of Saturday, says Anti-Union men in the State, nod a majority "A man named Jolio Bedeell was arrested are in favor of immediate secession. This body yesterday at Cantwell's Bridge, Delaware, and l cannot meet except at the call of the Legislature, 1 brought to Chestertown jail, charged with the which is to assemble in November, and it is ex. I murder of the Coralen family. Then are nine pected it will call the Convention together in ! altogether in our jail, charged with the murder. January or February. There is no hope 1 via: Abraham Taylor, Thomas Drummond, Wm• o aril James . f the Shelton, John Redwell, Wm. Wehater, Nicholas Legislature receding from its position, . it is , Murphy, John Ford, Samuel Sills the same ,Legislature which passed the Act ere- I Robert." ating the Convention, and every moment tends ; Tae Washington Republic, of Monday, makes to increase the Anti-Union feeling, mad to fa- ! the following announcement: . miliarire the public mind with treason and re- Mr. Corwin has entirely recovered from his re bellion, and with all the horrors which may rent severe indisposition, and will resume the spring from them. ! duties of his office this morning. Mr. Stunt bas returned from hie visit to Virginia. The puma ittheutive duties, in the absence of their associ- Tue Reveries., ItathtiOsu.—Chas. Inlet, Jr., i ' has been appointed Chief Engineer of the Hemp- I ates in the Cabinet and of the President, will de field Railroad, and he is expected on the foie of i voice on the Secretary of the Treasury, the See the, road iu a few weeks. To encourage suit- ( rotary of the Interior, and the Secretary of War• scriptions to the road, the Directors have agreed , The Cleveland Herald, in giving the finale of to allow interest upon all monies which shall be the Spirit Rapping controversy in that city, 1 comes to , paid by the stockholders from time to time, until t h e following conclusion : the road is completed. 1 ' '• In a few words, the Spiritual Rappiugs are PIifiCEEDINGs OF THE SOUTit CsnoLeas Coo- ' joggling tricks, and the mediums impostare.—. Their supporters may, soma of them, be honest 1 in their belief, but where you 'find such a one, vrarion.—The debates of the State Rights Con- vention come to us in elaborate reports, for 1 you cannot name a humbug of the last ten years which we have not room. The letter of Long- which he has not endorsed. - ' don Cheers, which woe laid on the table on ac- , • I. , : e se_ i t.r c ic — on, May 15 51. ~ 18 . CoLLECTOR's OFFICE, k count of the moderate action recommended, is P, anything but a moderate document. Mr. Cheves' j Ni,, wiiii,—L S The ft:Mown:qui a com offence is affirming that it will not do for South( ! parative statement of the tonnage, and amount Carolina to secede, alone. lie nays, however. , 1 of tolls received at this office, from the Ist till that he feels so a - citizen of the South, tun . ..ilia" ' the 15th of this month t also, the amount of ted into the very dust" Ile tells us that the I tonage since the opening of the Canal up till the Whip are the oppressors of the South, and links : same time, and amount of toll received, showing Democracy and Disunion very closely together. i li ., lerg e , c increase of or th er e it year. d The at com . pole:e llen is an extract. Iti totements bus iness on 't were given by me, for the benefit of the public, Lei the democratic party, then, which rallied ' and cot to incur doe displeasure of the late under the wise guidance and foresight of Jeffer - r')ollector from Greene County.— i eon, and saved the South, again put forth its t T'. esr Toll strength. It embraces the great power of the ' tau Iran is co loth 1.1., 1..15. 711 inane ei States. Even the whigs of the South are dem- , !Paw '' loWS.oef aeiva la oceans; though in a false position, in widen ac- i cident has placed them, and freed of that, they will appear sander their old flag. The Whig par- l ty is now no longer that of which they were members. It was a party founded on the details I of the politics of the day, on the comparatively small measures of the moment, and upon the i candidates for federal offices. The present mo mentis one of life or death to the South. and 1 that party in not now contending for these old ob jects, but to conquer the South, and to abolish , tier most important and valuable institutions. If there are whigs at the South who will adhere ' to them they are few and can be spared. We shall ' be strong enough, if true to ourselves, without them. It is only necessary that the democratic party act vigorously. zealously, and persevering. . ly, and the principles of the South will lie ten' • amplified. If we hare souls !in our lofiums ran it be otherwise ` From the following paragraph, in the third Jay's proceedings. it would appear that the Chi vary were not ssurderly ns men should be. who undertake to dissolve the American Cross, 1 • Governor Richardson t President) rolled the attention of the Convention to the fact that she , proceeding, yesterday, were marked by repeated sbullitions of feelings, which wore not ion ex act accordance with that spirit of order and de- 'iteration which should govern so grieve 00 as semblage. He !should, therefore, exertar his authority in the suppreasiou of suet, outbreaks • -limiting expressions of approbation or disap probation to totes and speeches (Applause) The following extract from a speech by Mr Maxey Gregg :is worth reedit.? Spoakini! of South Carolina, he soya She stand alone. And even within her owu I herders. a submission party ta.asts of the pro- gees, it is making. Ile would call none salmon I sionista bat those who, w hit ?they profess to love South Carolina. were still in lace with this Un ion, so detestable to espy true South Carotin. 1 ion. (Applause. The chair called tr. order.)- We have three parties in this State. A 7 .1. 0. DILWORTH A CO. f i g A YET): FIISE—O bbls. in store; 1,7 m,... - y 5. arrivv:,4.... ra,ly-ty • J- 2 , DILWORTH .1 M. I. t URLAP4--A superior.article 40inch, for 1) ale by - 1 boy 7 MURPHY .11 LEE. ; ,,, O y L 1 , 3 ; ;1 7 0 S. f i e v a n ds ity rnadn, for 1400 ~! SUNDRLYS— ttni "e l " ta ' N laNlA pphl PPlm Pet het. • • .27M , / I: l4kert; 11111. m g ., landMg hum stiamm. DICKEY a CO., la • Fraot sod Water atra • AISINS--1 0 boxes (fresh Bunch) for mkt.. by mob WOAD DICKEY • CO. UTTER--2 bbls. and 1 keg (fresh) . for ji male nr mylo issisu DICIEST s Ca). IOFFEE--40 bap Green Rio, for ealO by moo ISAIAH DIKE t 00, bbl?. for rale by m!10 I ISMAIL DICKEY it CO. ~ OFFEE-100 bags prime Green Rio, for I.J .alemylo Wby JOHN AI ertY T 2. (I), Llb ALERATUS—,SO boxes, n superior nrti cis. on consignment and for solo by ' myll) WATT Ca IMMI- X.' 100 thls. No. 3 Mackerel; Bona. / . .M.ctlOul 10 No. 1 Trimmed Ehad: ttzl. bills. No. I Yam . llLjlertt r cork) AMIN WAIT a Clir. Q, CY T liE SNEAiIIS-50 do . ooxtru and rauma, tavola at manaberurer . • prim% ET E. 8. WATERMAN A aONS • • ycinKs-75 doz. best east steel 1.1.ni forks; teenaged au ra FaTkr. 6'r h ri. S. WATERMAN *SONE. D RIED APPLES-200 bu. for xale by ' ENGLISH a DENNETt. poTAsit,-,14 casks for salo by - aaniasti niorrisrr, .Y 2 l= Semxnnt, Sod 151 Ent st CODJAVER 011.=-30 calls. tt2tricir varl )1. 671V."1". . . EER SKINS-4 bales for sale by _soy7 RIM% DIATTILLWS OD. 16 LEAD-490 Ogg Soft Galena, for sale by 11,...,1 AIUS, 11ATTILWAC8 1 CO- 1)1t1ED PEACHES-29 bbls. on consign 'Art end "le br MAUR DICIET2 CO. RIED FRUIT-400 bu. Peaches; " Apples. far sale by II J. U. C.L.9 FIELD. UTTON HAMS-2000 S. C., for at by =y7 .1. B. CANTIELD. S UNDRIES--2 tierces greaSe; bbbi 2 61, dry apple% do ng~• 2 Now !wading fromsteamer Vert Pitt,rara a • Off *P3 B .• IBAIMI DICKEY' ux SUNDRIES— • .• • 50b..chesth.tm 150016 e. Deer Rub: WO dol. Cora Beacom . 2 bbls. Hickory Nub; eist oosaignmobt. for role low to eke, by J. D. WILLIAIB 00. mys corm. Woof .41 AU ob. rE JACONETS AND •OAMIRICS- A. A. Meson Ca. hare on band a neenderta ineek of ue Jeennete and Canktniea ran fIOTTON--56 tales noselandingt . %stmr L; Fat pits, thr sale by 1.11.611.11D1 bCO Wain. sad t BLACK AND FANCY, 814.11 47 ,-A, A. MB Mae= k Co., have readved a land iota var mpg nor Black and ill.ney . aos MORN-500 bet. foi sale by - • - 1.1 my 6 J.B. =worm CO. TOBACCO-4 hhde. Ohio Leaf, foredo by - ¢l3ll J. 8. DILWORTII CO. CORN -35 bble. forgale by " s. P. VON SCLNTIONSTR CO, m 593 amt RS Pront TIMED BEEF, MUTTON RAMS, Jc VEN JILM ISON—For salsby 3. WadS CO., my 4 comer d Mb Ms LA2'HS--25,000 Sawed Lathe, beat quail tr. far wla br 10131SO1:LITTL k • rt. LOUR-100 bble. extra Family: • m 5 WI "' 9uvr2u~G Iht pats 6i. B ROOMS -50 doz. fancy. on consignment and fo E A r ssle by ROBISON. LIM my 6 No. 2SS Liberty irt wanted. di SOBER, industrious Mechanic; who can turn klndo of Ilona, and roll part of his tl.l at * Hole. Tor ' ***tk'il"* 0 0. &cum 00. - - - . Watches! TUST returned from the East, and now 0 opening the lomat and !Men symirtMent of Wet 2e, Jewelry, Se., ever brought to the city. The Watches are from the romtreputable manufacturers of London, pool, Pals. and Geom., cod wsmanted opting (aml mom oo Obeoe eeetee) t ‘ e ' r r l t arritleh l VtLlV en ''r ateluee of - th e Into dirp:lllhlg With her. 11l loilothnrY 'mut • arooroneut of venous perterne Odd Wanton, moylog to Prim memo:Ong to quellty, (corn. MO and umutMs. an gooceoteed at togrevoted, nod wernostml on to nom and guallty. W. W. WILSN, myS coiner Merkut sesl Fourth Mo. Omnibus for Sale. - AFINE FOUR HORSE OMNIBUS, in oom plae running order, Our We by GEO. Annum enmer of Fourth and ittoithfula etib If not sold student. rule. it trill be sold et DOW Auction Room. car Hafurday, the 10th of Mer. GEGEOE AIITELGEB. torbcit. LOUR-241) bbla. Extra and S. F. for by m!8 - L. F.. WATERMAN& SONS. .RIED APPLES-303 sacks for toile by m5ll LP. WATERSI6I.I& Boa UTTER—In boxes (fresh) reed daily by mr.- B CAMELD. PEARLS -20 bbla. for sale by my 7 a.a. catrvmn INSEED OIL+2 I m 7 7 forfor b 7 CJI , c isru iaALERATUS—).OO Ina. and 10 bble. para, 10 for ule by my 7 J.ll. 0A.147121Z. CHEESE —lOO •:es for sale by mY•- J. B. Haxatrolg Polka. HKIPPER, N o. lot Third areat, biajust . revel - red— , • : ' he Bamberg Polka, om of ma most pomummo boa ' Wel Polka* ever Rublahed. by 80 Farewell, Old tutnuim Fader, and delimited UV Mrs. /Wry ll Mb _okeii,rvim • To m n... 11 Lev e l FL, * d " PUII:Ve =ma Daley; . brita l ey, ung b the Alleghenian*. /7:2l7may, AS by y Jenny Lind. Mill OM amour paulesente. s.tn, Ta Zr&br.• - 'Air th e gad des mew, M sang meg pre3,raim e, her meet beautiful mugs. • , garewell, If ever lbaulest pram And m ettenalve mleetlon Ind new Wslttel,:*is, *or ACM OF THE GOLDEN ELAVIP. 1 EW IBOOKSI NEW BOOKAU—The SlotliOrhrisic or the Isle of mfr, 0 lulu by Roma 11 . 4 i. bouthoorthi. • The lisialicrs WIN. by T. H. Arthur. ci Mechanics hisiTuirte, No. A. Horticulturist. fu Say. -• C •• Amara at HOLIIES Li rust Third stmt. opposite tionSiMis. XIIE FESIA.LEBIBLE SOClETT'oePitta bun& and 'Watt,- 999111 bold it. Aidioal =atlas ota ar, (Mar RIO, .td dated. P. ld9. 11l art /W... Ito= of 1099 rind Preabytaxian Church. Butoclibers dad Lodi. (mildly to the ware ar J relocated to lord ' • . r.. Sar-Pranaa. TIII...ANNUAL.NEETING . of theSteek holder% of the Ohio TraltEnck Mining Company will eld at the aloe of mid Convent . to the Citrof bate!. on 'Monday, Joao 2; at 2 ea3ek, 31. n..T6 F t lF. BRICK-6%5,000 (Coal Grose) Fire on Brick. equal (If man mrszior to the Mani .lek.) andsak my 6 WALLINOTORD &CO. WELSH FLANNELS.—We have teceiv-' .Idltkeal .= bi atr i xdic Ca t o t i fitt. ble-on acccront of their sax tt rioas &rad. of flame= also, Osage •od 11111 4 Weep nut •elr, rmang da; mad • fall smortment of Drown!. mr3 MURPISY 111.1IICELVIISLD.. 100 lbegs . 15A124 TIC/Ori Maur ed Rvnt W. INDIA RUBBER: TOYS—Just received a large anortment ollaika Rubber rays,•beWltul ur , for sate at the loan Lotera prints. PIIILLIPS ladle Rubber Nye, mys '7 mad la Weed et. ONLY 28 HOURS TO CLEVELAND. W! ler " 185L,Maii ' SOLVER AIMANGESIVIT BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND ?CLEVELAND. XPRESS Paola and Railroad line for .a.ue to, d MM. he airanmde Ikam Ferboob to lleares, to cannmslon with the elegantly fin ished Remiss Puerto of Clarke, Puke a Co, Cum Horror to liirmuna, and um splendid now bummer WOO the Cleveland and Pittaborgh Halleced Co. to Clare/amt. ' • YLOWT.A., tit.awn. lasve tziiiiiZaing - ;Fpc;az.the - 31.0 1 . 0 .' Mule. Q corn.sams vine the Pickets aV Maver..ol.l will leave hotoodiately theurival of the steamer, errfittor at Narcoses in Moe this IMPrimiTnist• of Liars Mr Cleveland. Pembroke, by this lima - lustre *V Cleveland In time to take the Maimed Line of Stamen for BUFFALO and DIMWIT, end the devisers for Chloe Tole r darlandlisk i r r oa. r.datax= Chschatiafl7 "B L . LARAZFAILELI 00. " VOlaitak, Itcracmat. • W. H. atooakep,- 01666 nada 6c Clarint mak 001... under Houou.r M. stela 116665 J. A CAUGBITY. comer of Smithfield snd Water streetr,_ PITTSBURGH. •1851', ; yam UNION LINE - On the Pennsylvsais and Ohio Canal*. PROPRIETOIift: • CLARKE, PARES it 00,--. Rocarists2, PS. LI 1.21 CILLILLIERL, CRAWFORD 2,..-ClNVldann, - 0. Fr lIIS well known Line is now ve r gzed to ACTATtr,,,nifk'eNV 7 . 1 WI a The tarilitief.f the Line ane unsurpuesi mixibm.kval ity, and rapacity of Deets, experience of Captains. Sad el. Pram , of Agents. one Boatlemm PRlFbnigh and Clemlillid POT1 t t ' in mensal= with a Line At steamboat. between BURGH and BRAYER, arid • Wee of Ersl eines stemillMMS (prtirriler and t-sels) ..the Lakes. CONSIGNEES: Parka t Co., Youngskek, 04 ' M. B. Tall., Warren 0 A. A. E. Chair, Nmetrin MIA ; C. Prentics. Raven.. • • ' brash= CA, Raven., 04 lient,Orintiel t 132, FrAnkliAD.; 11. A. MWer, Cal al:gem /MD, 0 , . = ' Wheeler. Lee 2 AM.. 0 : . limadersorf A Pettlhoffie, Bend.kr MN, Mi Pecklasm A Scott, Tole,. . • • - • • O. William. a Co, Detroit. klishlMM. Dewed,. f.,llllemak.it , Gma A. Gibbs „ Mine: 1/14 ' • sr, • . . dSaionMa spL eo. hater an mithield P • ..• Brandies, Wines. die. AVING completed arrangements ; frith 11[. Homes In Bordeaux and Other Eu m thw gpe . on. or, Sr e execution of my _orderst o L . . hled Heal ef t e ocull adnoLs at0..64 Di" iiir. Brisotteelorb, itdcfroß ' f"'"i Matadi to Invited 10 my Pat.. babe, ' : 110 ,yaerzs&-r=d,Lozx..artacbellqbc.qsm 71 111;4. and qr. mks porauld. and broom Mark% fla* and medium quality. . st qr. maks Bode rt. yin o rant Wines. post v.nT obd and onictiatt. ; MO Clare t kling Cbstatairne, ell Inaverta brands. ooa bone. Wines. various brands and vintage. •100 moot Pouter. and Bunn, trinto‘,lB46-7. 4.1 oaks Boutique and Claret - 16 pipes Old Llollxod and &bard., cd,,, 10 punched. 041 bc:inta and lrlab Wldebey, 4 - eopertor Old Jamaica Bunt. ' • ' on cooks ouperior London Brown Streit and Smith Os. , With • contort oupply of Imported Liquors, each of Absinthe, lloratchloo, Curacao, d ~.. at. 4, c h .„, dT~ foyea, fleck of HAFANA SWANS shays pit ill of *Web I atilt aror on very tovorable terms. - Older , wall be euented altb &mach, am i Mattdpfeal at leered rand. A. C Imparter and Dealer IL , 30 Me Warted Situnk I 10 - lin•Qxurto 10biladelobla. d du do do by .; 1.. 10,.% i 10. 1 Ilintated j SiaMpa i liatid /01 ti 8420 1110 IRON-s 6 tons Norge and FatTdirl. on conAlgozaca, lka tale bT joilx 7]OTATOES--20 bbls. 'NeshannocW,for- I sole bi nut H. Y. VON HONNTIORNE.tarz a WEB VINEGAR-50 bblit. bat) Toriliall ‘J bT ars 3 0 81 X 4 1. LW IX-4-914