The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 15, 1851, Image 4

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    .TH0WA541 1 .4,10. 1
.--472Chti2N1P4e 3 "71F°It%
• • !eh Vthered to hot song;
The Echoes who o frolic love.
/' The w29le dhl.prolong. '
The hada and beasts in snob a rate,
in cattle r wirn drew near;
Assei inspired brayed out apace,
,',;Aid showed•the humeral ear.
Attracted by the:roar and mil
gull flew on the wind,
And cawing to the nightingale,
~ .:He uttered forth his mind...
The sancstritsa was tit first dismayed.
Awl backward she did pull;
”Yott need net he afraid,
I'm nothing but &gull."
Of all the blrde that' fly or flap,
• From eagli Mato wren,
• The gni! iS much the shrewdest chop,
, An 4 most esteemed by men.
everytrade, thries, and arL
' • In every aim and deed,
la Church and Stem, saloon and mart, • ,'
, • The galls alone!enceeed.
'lie held her gently by the claw, ,
• 'And wondrous marvels told: western climes let us withdraw,
- `The land of gulls and•gold."
A sOft and tender note she drew,
He gave the loving hug—
Sty p uree will long the compact rue,
O music mad humbug.
Journatiti Commerce.
. A Paailm.--Tbe following prayer wee offered
r. by the Rer. 13r Gtwions on the last meeting of
ihe South Calollllll Iretra3ioll col:mention:at Chan
!L! Almighty God ! who boldest in thy hand the
Tdestinies of thy children, and art aquainted
with all btu. ways. We would begin,. continue,
and endial things in thee., Without thy bless.
log, we feel:oar:mina to be poor, blind, 'and
miaerable; but with thy blessing. we may hope
TOT the happiest !enema of everytrial and every
', • .",We invoke a Itivine benediction on the as
sembly which is here' convened. As they arc
egos *bent to retemi to their friends 'and their'
home, may they parry with them the conscious
nese olt they hive aimed at the best dourest of
their imatediath constituents, and et the beloved
State benea , tt whose, sheltering wing we all re
pot.. ;
the spirit of sound wisdom and pa
triotism trade their deliberations , whether
togeth, or apart, Whether in larger or smaller
bodies, rind wilt thou sanctify the influencie
'wthrelf they may siert over their friends and ,
felho ". w-citirens.
Father ! we pray for , th e peace of our deret
Salem.- For our brethren and companions' asket
.we will soy: Peace be within thy _ walls and
.. prosperity' within thy palmq.. May no woven
; prosper which is.formed against her. Fulfil, we
"beseech thee, the promises of thine ancient prii
phett- In thy righteousness thou diet be estab
rothed;:thou shalt be far from oppression, for
thou shalt not frail and from( terror,.-Sir. it
shall, not clime near thee." Distrusting the, arm . .
'of Public tlah. may we realize the precious
truth, filet our is in the name of the. Lord
who'reade the hi - wens and the earth.
!• i
Most merciful Gotl ! Wilt thou be pleaardio
bless us inShnsariousrelations of life, and t
. pecially do we ask all needed. light and aid ,
reference' to that:alms of our felloirheinge wham
. I
thy wise providence entreated to the care of our
fore-fathers, and who have been bequeathed to
• the present and future gem ore es a greet, !ei
'solemn, and a resPousible inheritance and, de
- wit. May 'we teams from thy sacred word our
special and prescribed duties in regard to rid In
end may we be enabled so to guide and rule
themes to contribute to their temporal and etir
ne.goed, to our own peace and safety, and the
to the general benefit of mankind Restrain
we beseech thee, an - righteous and .unhallon - , 1
, .ed interference of those who can neither under -
smut nor appreciate the nature of our iced'-
time; andgrant that everycommanity, orunelv a
mong the , rest, may faithfu ll y explore. n
- p and
:rectify rectify its own evils and develop t o
i t
own true destiny. May those States whose n
ititntions and interests sympathize with our o u
truces/fully combine to secure, our guaranteed
rights and privilegos.
• • " And yet, oh god I with fond and lingering
•• hopes, we presume to implore thy bleeding oo
the great Confederacy of which we still form a I
part May the letter and the spirit of that re- I
nowned Constitution, which was cemented and
• sealed latheir blood and toils, be faithfully re-
. Terme and fulfileilhy every party , concerned I
in it.: May the kind advances and concessions,
which we have received from our forefathers and
~ which ire' niade by ow portion of our fellow-titi
sena, be generously interpreted and accepted by
the others. Dispel by thine Almighty and be
nignent PrOvidence, the cloud which 'now seems
Ml i t m on p-e nhadmorn y our
dd e j s u t s in i i c e e s pervade
r of
- lion of our common' country . . May we all be en
. &bled Wanes with one eye, to feelwith atm hetet,
. and te be impelled in one direction towards the
common' good: Whilst taidatainted and defehd.
'Dig what eachpert/ may believe to be the Sight
grant thatill Parties maybe preserved from
. , nth' counsels-trout' precipitate 'action—from
. . magnifying' inaginations—from ,exaggereting
'I - fears; seafront self-destructive .purposes. And
- blow than; from thine own heaven. some Wind
. ,*tors, thaprelingeessels of' our. counquwealth.
• whirls May speedily right Ler, again on her on
wad couree,Wo that the bleedings of -civil and
•••• - religions liberty, of public and private ',order, et
' indvideld, , social, and political eelf-garveniment,
- end - et-pure and tuidefiled religion, may!, gat
,- -.1 ambit:tete place
„us in they= of the nations ot
.. the ear th . , And not unto ui, 0 Lord,not I onto
- ins, hat unto thy name alone, through Jesus
~'+,: ChriaStati Isird; he the - praise, • rite glory, and
' ' Lthe-daininion,-forever and ever ! Amen." - , ~
T 43,1,07. 3 bbls. sate try'
.kid. . r tk A i
Im ItUBBER. AIIt - IMLS—Just re
ethaam= dus Air nal..•
wholesale Xastun
hhd. prime Seger Leaf;
mud 81 and 81 Watr, au' G 2 rroai
bble. pure Linseed, for sale tioi
3,j_r Jarta.,l* emir
SODA ASH-:-20 casks Kurtz a bran — a - 1 - , or - . S. At W. IIARBAUOIL
G LASS --GOO boxes aged sizes, for sale by
_ARD 01L--50 bble. - for pale by I
=IC 21. t R. IIAIfUAIW 11.
W (priine) for sal.,
it by - my& k. . lIABBAI3IIII.
:F/A3 W —4OO S: 3l s. S. P., for sale by;
mrk , B. trAItBAUGU.
,11AMIti=-31.1 casks .Este; &AM, far
jj - Myr+ ' 9.L W. 1101.8.W10
MATOES-- 0 00 axiuwmael ) l
S. t W. 11/MAI:011
COTTON-150 bales
i fol i sale D b i j
sAfi irev CC.
" b9=ll= AA."4. bT e_a A co.
tui bu. Diu
G ROUND NIEITSIf,_ ka for solefq
NIITIVIECIS-1 bbl. fur rate by
." 6 • .I.!E'
yVASTIL.E C013..fl for Kale by
.1 miSs % J. AIDD
rot by
CASSIA—ISO lbs: (in mate) or safe by
1:45, J. KIDD s w.
DAMAR-1 ease (te 'arrive) 'for Rale
z • J. KIDD S W,6011 cod sit-
ANTED-‘ , A good SecondMO: . SODA
WTown.. Pap olio of !NO BKNNEIR,
d"r•Tf. Tl 44 ""gulid ir e BuRc6lEl.l).
mr.EINEN IiDKI/S—A&=l;
"" At I.o:pr Iwln. from
land and fl...llttty.tet by
IIY a !Witt:MILLI).
liptoYeifiCS---ctt* variotai color:
b Ymtnieny a mincing ELD.
4g,TAKIJANDLES-- 4 S boxes (10 to 40 lb!
osebi Jaz Wm by J. D. WILLAM4 At W.
al& earner 'Wad >334 711111 Au.
lIIPEttM CANDLEB 91.0xes4's; 5'3. and
atbr . 4 . 1 4
a co
bset•Cboo ,
Hanke•'"A' Exchange Biller. Pottrth it.
OIN VI/N . IM BolltiliT,e i Ld . tl .2 l: .
osyrk.l prior WA jig AMPEX w
• tzli..o-0"18)E fiCi/ Butter,
I "e W . P iLitzra (W. 14baty
br 4
4 — pt nd et
for mde
grid Cro sate ,
1 4 11regg --- 7 45 r az4.. x.-! , b!rt
-300 i'0 8 1 26
444" F Ada
4al " ' ' ' JAMM
forst" byrkßrool pmAc
_ll./ "74 '' 1 co.
PAR a BMW ' 5
wAsTco. est the blehtst ilut i
pad Third et•
ig5,....,85,.. 1
H.,Lockwoop,s ..
, MS line raid iliciinikeeticin with kiting
' stab, Tar" A CM. luterN, Wedeln, ffintborn and
at Cleveland. and *WU' A Co'Aat Rlttr
totdßb. ir4l.•idnadage* near all othef mobs of ...._
..= Or :
„;,,,.. 11=3 I , r , itj .. tisz y vvrt:
ced.,, In eßvrke of trusty
1a valll receive and &fiver partakes al. ' =lna
Lbrker. F.. Nana Coyatvaga nab.
v&Ovorloo,, Neo cast!.. ft- Vd9"....
Akkm. / , Newark. Moot Ile,
Warren, ' Pultork. Ildkovbargh.
Fdle, Ravenna, at arm,
Veedvrivkaborgl, Wellvburak, Vo, - llndavv,
POehroter, Wootar. ifloollna, v.-.
rissactin. Bolivar, Dakon,
Svenbenvlke. klaigooda, Zoms- -
Voodoo. We faille. Wairteddkß•
Easual Dover, • (Riot:own ,le
.New U" , ...•
N. ,,,, t0. rat; i.. Pbtladeldda I , eo Cotakerland,
Roldg Silvan Bank Notre, Jewelry, and other valuable
ed gad ftoorsolot *kb drake'. The vollev
=d7.l, iniwtols?t..... , A'......'u• P"'" 4l ' "U'd.
J. e. LOCKWOOD, Prodriolor.
A special coonanerr WI lento /Japonica on .:lays ol
, a. vr.e.-• Ratorningivelllteava C . ! f arsd Div Th
A 11'. tpo
c.l.l.ltvee4glMOnstk Baker r io 4 . ,rtivo, kftto
Onrork, 7.11. N . a 61., Massillon, Govt. Puts: t Ikv.
RothAdarl. N. Park , t=r....: „,vritykr; I.
ni..A4:34 Atm.. &Wei licarell! .: ltinbOvv, WM. Mint
. 16
. ...
....-----_---,—, -
Nee Lake Superior Line.-I&SL
rnew eteainer NORTITENER, Capt.:l3.
i gijeuel6l,heltizlrc= napmem.t, for
a May nort....boherot trip—end elerc}B,..h= 51
yew, el 6y•eieek,. Y. 11.. fort .ea th BL.. Med. '.
Tbe Awn. MANHATTAN, Cypt. Jo. C
leave Sant Ste. Mart, far the dirtereyt latelly !
Soyerloe on thearrtveluf theothuncr Norher= hi
I,_e, !!!:11.147,rtlauti ft l ton n tbe ere.% 'between
!-'7` . . - r , .a A. TUKNE .
. Clerchuol. 0., April Z, 1351.-4 f . n " Pr"`"'"
MIMES 1851. gag
Cf.l•Rfir, PARK'S tininlngnnln-
MEE PROPRIETORS of this old and well
' herrn Llee; *Geld Infirm the public that they are
bow In opifetion for Wm preterit neaeon, and here ecairoll
, eoi reedy :mg ilreit ht tut Pseeneeers, nteleh they ere Piny
I I=6rxran"'a u.'"gl=M.'ll.7:rtirdik=thi;
Lt. edll be entarbuit. at till leading. befog the 110004'
gaels Bektg.• " .r.." Jo fr"' "A. L CAlatillEi Agent.
Ogee, eor. Water all'Sllittilleld rts...tilnieurith•
COSMO:fig- 9 i
•0. W, Cannheshene. New Oldie. Pa:
11•11tore t Poleakl. Pa: -
W. C. Moles, diatom
J. • 13. Hon. bhur.burebL
Wiet. Adige • Co, 0 teend...;
Wto. Weave,
9 l e lm gm Mtme llly'Wm. Pnter,"..lMn
R li i deltWAlmee.tralm
N. 1" 1
Forty-siz hours to PhiladelpSia.
Forty-four our to Baltimore.
ESO miles Ittaroud-103 Exiles Csrll.
Two Bally Lines; Express Packet Boats.
: •
N the opening of Canal Nailgation, Two
Thdly'LloositslEtttreoe Parket lloate l .lll learn fn .
fo)nstotru. theme by Railroad to ... "
There Wang tie
:rio Hundred ant r ir o
Time through Toarr-six MOWS.
Faso to Philadelphia. Slit Dare to 13 Mithaoll, VI.TS. ,
The Coot on this route are neat. and of the moat aPPrsv - '
.1 eanstroetion forcoutfort end safety.
leave everrunsontsa . r.n . vitvir at rUht ee4lts
and every . ..ohm at tha raw boor.
BasSeriem . for Baltimore,
On arrival of Cu. .liarritloulr. take Os* York and Ono:
berlaod fUdbosid, ttow nuitheilldlrert 10U.% oily. (ei,ht7
four mites.) Time. FOUR hoots.
I /No charge Tor handling Baggage on this route.
The locriaa 4 hived makes this the mint voulfortaLle.
sate and desirable route:nose to the Corlett Cates.
.Fospiirsage or desirable ,
aypiri E
J. P. LIOL S, Agent,
Monongahela Moss.
Or to . D. LEECH A . CO.
Canal Basin. Peon garret.
the let of July. the Pennsylvania Railroad
wilt be finished ro Lock - port. which trill shorteu the tuns
thnnagli SIX hoar,
Plttlborch.lrbroarr 10. '5l
I Manufacturer's Line. -
HANME 1851.
Siffril;lail E . ;111 1 1R .? T, INFORMED,.,,
.I.r, n.
~....9,... hi ...hart time. awl at as lowr te
rates, as any
othg=siar ta..
arratigroseuta have also hem tuaile fee oartlitag'
Way Freight to Blairsville. .iohattoven, lisehtlageber.
Water Street,
_Alesiandlia. Peterthordt. IluatirstrOpu. Will
Creek. NOW Hatulitou. Mtitrevtown, Lewistown. UMW,
Newport. Clarit'r Perry. tlardthorg.Colusottiti.usl ail oth•
I er Bttagorats On the Pertawlvases Carat and {Wel
-1 the ..
Yerlars ' t pr or a=a r l ' le . el ' t= i r ' g a= n
the afore.= valuta, at the Went rates. hut be 4tal
J. MITCHELL YOOTT, Proprietor.
Warehoolthilbertp. .
utchlSW Beesad Boor leeett of lb. hiLL.t!t
111AVINGI I IIIIII . Ep rs Ora..F.,M b I rn iti .
MAWR BINGHAM. the liminess at Pittsburgh 1,1111.sta
:1 el l b..
i-'."Witt'Allir the
'lt' 111... " ZINtraltr ,I
• Abets4llll' Transportation Line,
alaggiA- 1851. Maga
luta CANAL being now open, we are i ' •11-
lir to
tereart lad Ibrwant orentletl Prooloo.
azimuthal east
troloba Alva. at lama rate. etearte.t by raientelble
Produce .td Macbideellta wi/1 b rocaral and Ai:naled
cast and vat. eellhout any am.. for foreman, ad•
ea.-1U Nagle; ootoolsaion, or aware.
' DiD. of Lai:Wm forwarded and all direction. fiithflolly
attended to. Ann.. or areli ato •
W 11.• DINOCO., Canal a •
Carlir=rgie"l,ls64= Nad4,l
between Reath oat Winn ax,Ptilladelpica,
• ' • • No. North Howard Mart, Baltionorer:
Welt a-
New York.
Algae 1851 Allgi
Merchants' Transportation Line,
A. MeA...NULTY A CO., Canal Own. 4O Penn greet.
Pittsburgh.. . .
CILAULURATNOR, Central Meek. Brood meet. Phitt
~, 6 .., srivared to re,ive • luge ereint niersteliee
And Vogues tq adp . the opening of lge tbe Calulo to eb Mt.
&Wits, azeleglint.medose places st lona tatty •.1 at
k.°° ,
.thf°4lPlifter Pefair
en a ces
Tracks p • by
the Car y l ,itainiage . re of earning our boats o ete
ralt ßall
0.,14 , rx g1...g6,,,e,r,z2,14. p of
iffigalgß 1851art . - s7- - - . .m -
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, dr-,
AB AB" fl3l lattnicrta itxp Y. Tna2.
ATKINS - A W., PrtwnirAll. ALutet, otd 64
BELL TIMAThi,I.Vats, tMtial Molt, Plltaborgh.
JOS. TASLOU 6061. AP... Baltimore.
We are preßared, on the opeolnit of the Ponloata
GALL to rontroct for Yrwlght at se low nem wo gt4w
ehlypor. 44 touelo dowpawb cod core as •BT l/tßmali,l6
ttiuramor• to John Ileradto Cod
Canal Basin, Pain St
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
THE aubseribers having been appointed
fadVals:l4B;Vatigi P :7. 11 = * . F . 7. o c ir'Vto ß e2
mice any merchandise or pn:Ler ebilbeenf eint Oathe
opening of the metal.
Vold. Oa this mote will be care., through iv Ora day
nd all consigned to ufewill be, forwartol free of corntbl
i 01) or charge tar ottani.. •
, --
rat! a, MOM IaIMAM ratatata• .00 fararali.
ETT Ooodb, Ur's, area. Book, etatkaarr,elairfr.on 6,
ary; lirtiltorrrathcra. potraturr, broom. 11.1/4.0a.
Paddlary. Wool, se. Le. 1100 VlOO Po.'
IlardwareAjoreurrase, Urania. Paints, Dyr otuffa, OA%
aahrr,Clora, Flax, Timothy sal aar Gam arai.
Ate. We VI 100:i
gana. Beer, Pork. Iltatrr, Lvd. Lori Oa, Tobacco bast
CoPre, Tallow. Bra. ) an Raga. Our VlOO
Arbro, ltarbly Moab Tar. Pitob. Parka. lierroau Clay.
8.,., ,0. Well IPG
1.0)10 fIePAPEN 0 CirTllbk.
giffACA 1851 •12iii!Ma
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
. JAMES O'CONNOR a CO., Canal Nein, eutaborcl.
"tilitut; JAM MS Cu. Depots 0,00 and Cherry Ana",
and No. 3 &nth fourth street, hrtwren 31.1tet and Claret
slut tereetty
°VIM N ORS t W., 70 North ferret, Baltimore.
UAVING fully completed our arrangej
Mo.rit t a.7:L. L- tt.'"Z;Uf;,l; , t e . 2 7 n gfAit:
borab, Baltimore, Ptillabliibis. New Vera. Barton. Liu.
eittaati. lemberille. Bt. Louie and the. Eon tool Writ, at
lower ripe and with mom tlubtarb aod rare thaw ray vile
br LW. All coals shipped by oar Lt. are rally cot reed
y Inattranor, without stsyLeberate....ntrre - e , V r P t ` di "'
net really afforded by sap other sArtei °
All crounutdratkaut addressed to owner,n up wear.
Ilan a W.. el.donatt It. Webb. Lottlnille, noel thy, A
Osborn*, lit. Lugs PR I towel with prietapt armution.'
Awn. B. Oar Lltot boommertino whatever wi th th e
tins A lh lecouttletcs and bittrbergb Trasispuiatlon Liar or At.
FIPWINE-500 lbs, Wool, for lode by
j„ WM . MUlL`fili 41 W.
i 311LORIDE OF LI3IE-150 casks for Os
1 . ,
' ‘IAL SODA—LVO cania for sale by
s bal.. Deo Ski..
4 web lnied Ye.cb,
3 - Fea rater.=
ther.; i
A. ot rred 0.4 for mi. 10.
:11.• "fork of Ulla Hobber'sosehlue Setting
eradth nailed bow 12 to 11/ butt. ml. titus a ,
wafer or say other. for ell opeu belle tor lb. let
serried &quaky of width seul_thlekseoeybkle
ntato. - •
2. So lad -amber - 102' &grim rAnoset ore.
K. and It hteetahre fieslble wef ntoef eolel-• •
2. tear . strength •set doroltlity ar44 ,o =ot i
rhrt Ited."lngglisit7.4.itginiorriordre;alters:
pod or, la caw with leather or ant raw-
ri&beltists lb* COO 41 190[111:44110.barof
Vet pam Ph late lith. &notions for nee sea llst of Vetoer, to.
pear , olth 'Was Icabor and foment for rolttios. wri
oho aLS pr tat. a Nora oha [Mood rt. • •
rwood's Bne ;Lemon
do{ A lv‘ -
ori 1! , ./ 84 /a? 4 i. Ing. A. liziAMlCl,it
. "Xaf, °lrintr.l2ltrA
mERRiff ACK PRINTS—Nor styles
Ilenizosek sad Corhioo , :ri t nit d
L ebo. 1.0. 1 . i
\VIDS SILLETINGS—A full assortment
• alErererst yrialtb. and bnn mak, re'd by
• tort - - MURPHY
br field tbe attealtion of byrera W i t=f3T
7=l:•tijal=talZapltla gouda generally.
- mil.. -
Hosiery, Trimmings, and. Lace Goods.
H. EATON,. 62: Fourth street, between
• Mutes and Wood . Invites do attratton of ramie
e sod retail buyers to his Woe and sell orleead sitrora
men!. of
Cratton, andVerloo llofe.balf lbw, sal Woven
hyrt Part. Ohne. sad Hiding Llabito.
►i ml lad
Tr P inTrletttte =jr.
oon 71 1 =
YI Ir boor:
Button. anti Trintnonor
VnjtCrl l : l l QXt
I DTVlNkra t eorstolk trre‘ g
(Jenne Cravats. De Joinvine Ties and mar,
Hoe Shirts, Under Osernents and Dressing °argon
Pins, Nordics, Tale, Wattone. And Braid: MIT.
and Ilona conibr. tier •nd Teeth Wntrbeg rerfnmerr Curd
and [9.01[120D /1124 sad Par-sang Zephyr Worded (Somas
and Patter= Ladles' SUPPor , Onnr , ". nod norrintor
Walking Shofar, with s Valietr of mall gross and
tneful Fancy Articles. obleb be offers at the lowest...ha
ebbe,. for
- 11:I 4 5 14-7— t C°., Ai.---R;6.-1-,=, - _ tar-
A.....„.4 1 :,... -..--1 t,, us nary our " ulat: c ........Aresz u. , ..zur z ber
S Lluta.lS•Wt•, a.
rt." . t. NTONTRIMMIIsGS—A. .Ik,,hiasiobn
d per azure... • lartia s....fta . f
4:*"4 l2zer ' . lama. E. 50.1.• k.'• _._:-' .....
iii-----0 jEITYCGS UWES--LNOW.6I/14iiitig Ili
* - 404130 , 54 WS, a Ml' saart.mauVof j la.vtrr
T per endear.. et A..A. MA....ON' CO'S, • todt wort.
to , ot of the Above goods. ap23
LINED PARASOLS—A choice lot of thci
hdrst styles, for mle by A. A. MASO Market C.
so= DS nod S 4 ed. •
n LACK. SILKS—We offer Tor Bale every
gYhte and prin. of the. .111hrent Inele9 of ldasit 81IE
ap:111 A. A. M ASONE (NE. blArltet vt.
90 1744. A.--f
lASSIMEItES—t, ,aney' awl
J for ,ale by spit! C. ARBUTHNOT.
nItESS LAWNS-4 elates printed, a great
JIJF variety of Pattern, for r ale
UralAtlE DE LAINS-2 cagey deeirn t ble
irtylee fur sale hr
S--300118 Plmet : :2s( 114
kaale by .. elo : rrl 4 .
RM. DWELT'S\ No. Weary taarrr.
A Ten lis o rge rurrior . :toek rasbionsiEle tronds.
Uele'Z' f l y Uentlrm
mta, • very vpleuilid vesurtocent of Vetting, and Cloths
of every faehlunable Atoule and colon viblch,tuErtber with
• large ml c asonfaetrired Mu d of READY )lAlit.
CLOTIIINO, make, one uf the hire., and beef relertal
noel. weer th e AllegbeuieN all Al whleh th e Proprishir
it determined with ffer at such pion as will ovarltioe all
Clot favor
t ollb ith a call, that ball cult the :no. ,urerter
'Clothing It toll at thi,ettabliihnient, but ttl , a at the low •
oft prim, in the city.
All caller. in Hut Tailoritut line executed. at mina, in the
treltgr a itle wanner. and al the abort. note..
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehowse,
1.1 IL PALMER offers for sale, nt very
1 1, . low mines. • full am-est - meat If lStraw and Jlillm
'1(111, In: Foreig •III• 1 AlArrimu plain and (anis
Vera, Braid. elms, Wasp, Slill,n. Lare. Item Maisie. Lea
liorn,Ae.. le.
HATS—Mett's Youth.% and Roy . ? I,phorn. ν sad
F., t ri''ir...V:ll7 . l,Zgrt:lt." 0 Ltp d . l l . ''..f. 6 "....Lii:f s '.
we.,. ,a• Jenny Lind, and other Con, In Freat rat ,
"'RoLipg.VS2lllrlxelkr;V•St and !RIM. plAlti ...aT'4l-
feter, all Maths aal enlors: laws' Mince and Mime Can ,
LACES—PIIIo and ILented white lied colored :Sal. and '
Cotton Nett..
STRAW TRIMMING.S—QmI., Ta5.414.1:10111,06.8ri.d.
Priers.; de., le.
FLOSS RIL9--Freneh .04 American Ispnits,louu hes and j
Ivrans. rinds and tinsel style,
" BONNET SILKII AND . ore de Ha- an.
ph.. MO. dr Rhine. Florence,' and other .14 let. semen) -,, US
dualities and color,
—Amerd qualities nal
Alee—Rlch 10d 011 rim% Parasols •rul Umbrella.. 11.1
Dnxra, are.. he crielrlS
Is now mn.tattly meeirlng hi. Pining Mock of _ _._. _ _________
Laa &c.—
C,..11.1.100 In rartehn f4lbrartne catictir, lIL I 1M leares .R. LaO f
1 ,15 bhla. Mv.hed aurae,
l'o - I'Mrdernl
Rare lima! iirlyet I'll. CSlVrtr: do. do. Tape.", Red- '0 .. Clarified l'
eeII, do. do. Muaseles extra super. 0 ply, superfine JO); ! 17 0 ' Hoiden and Clarified MenPe
do. Itmraiie extra. nue do 4 dm do: mammon dn., eratund,l I ,64 r E. 11. err. , Stalreree.-, for -,le 1,4
44, P.-4, fr., and twilled Truitince 44. Ad. 1.•-b, and 54 • • JAMES A.: 1.11; reitis,E, 0 pu.,
plain dr..4.44,3-4, 5-0. and . d 4 noel and naton .1.. meld:s Asti:W.o4. Loto• eager hence,.
RUGS.' MATS, 1)11. ey rots, Se. I , QUI.r.A R-92 landa. N.'(.l. to arri‘e this doy
Extra Chenille Itujrn Enr do; do: emit tufted de: doe 1 ii - 11 torl.ale ley cneli24 -e.dW. II 41:11dIMI I.
dj , ...r .. 1 , ,.. k. .ir0n0n ., . Cheadle 11,44 ',lane lofted 4., 4.,, , -
do. 4 '.,' Adelaide dr , doe. Thrum do do 1 ArLASSES--1.411 has. N. (I. Mr a;sie 1. t
Crumb Clo th , fel . tirts dr. Ineldne odd, r-4, sal ,• . , , , r„,,,,,,, e AM , 11A4-1,12•111.
Alae--eln..t tid Lietto. rot 10 lit la, Ilse l•*11.• r.stn. , 4 _ .
1,4,:01, W, 64, 44, and 3.4.,,SitClutio. '
lz" -
t few (fresh) for snls hy
STAIR RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS. *.e. i, , ~„ ' 3.1 M. II Aral ve,1,1
~,i,....—:...b. F . LA,. a all Jeer Carpet tralalr , drlc,enc, 1 -1 , 0,,
pHs. Mordoe te4.4-4.and..-4 alldnar,T le Unsure a• , • •i - 73 kits. No. I Lust in
and Impsn lluckebusk do. Trarmarent Window 11..4..,... ~,,,,,, . 1 ,,,,,,, ~,,,, , .
Ilull Window Rolland , : %milieus Blind:. Lintra.led Paino 1 ~,Mm - „e , te . , s a 1 5 .,,,,,,
Idoeerte. do. Table doe ..In Man., tlnd Worsted Table de. , . . .
I nn , ing im0 , ...3..-IPa4ehsani 4 . 7 ` l .4lr''` ,l^.. P 4 : IrCE--3 11 tcs., prime. new crop. Im 'ale by
most alobnand Farroti, tormS or W. lutes... 4 etuuat- ~,, RI:4MS a KIRK l'Alltleli.
proved style. met colors, we ve prepared to sell ler hur , . .. _ . -
llrklui• and 4 . 4 ,..tu m r 4 1 4, d'' - ' ....... 1101, 00.. , "T . ' ' '' 11 #4EI.) APPLES--100 Au. for nob by
1 "'it4=y-lcrrms on co es . ll . olor elorouor our 'root or 1 . -F-9'in BROWN k RIRKPATRICR.
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street. . czYI'IUP MOLASSES—St e t`.`. AAA. S. II" li.:
' r Alchl9 W. McCLINTOOK. .0,4 , , ~A, WAE. M 11..•• ON
, -- •
10 l cartons 1 RO , L 1.11.1 r alit -io bl i t ii,V;l ‘l 4).
a fo , r o nal,
1. - .3 of the carat taahloa•nle bluets. sow op.+lool2s lit.t A. ; . __ 7 -- .r .
' IAS ' IS . C.L ' ' '''' A 4 ", c."L''' of " 10 ' 1 L 0 L."' '''''.. li t AVON -25 casks Bruns;
ares.Poplln...M.antelm. and Jan:wile apl4. ,
I Id •• :Shoulder,. La I,j
31cRFHT & 1 ldu lillAti DICKEY aCo
. _ .
i1j',8.'„1, 4 ".....,,,,,b.. %.11,° 0 ;.,,t.n.? . .'f,„ •° ,P,,,,, Pi i.,,, ,° ' i SI:LJNI/RIES- '2.001)u. Dried Apples;
calls of 4:el:airmen 5r1.1,100 In enrrtr InOS. lO, with hen I . • ' :../ Md._ Pearl Mlle
4, rusk, rotarde ne rale 1.4
''':' ' spilt , IiNtILISII A RION fra
- 11 , ,,.,N5......,,,„ 144.41111 e. a prime er tusb
1[1 . 0170N GOODS-2 --
boss. Cotton pant!
%_,, 'amnia reeerast a 0404 JIM hy me ._,,,,,. „.,,, , t.. artire .01 r...alepi a.isa .
~,,,,,i i, .
itis . l'. .__!,..... . ,
, 1010 1112 !won... •10 , 1 I r.. 1 1 ' E.r•t Wrr,
FLAX—A small tot for sale 100 _
ElitiLtSll It RENNETT, FISH—AI MA, White FiEly.
aie_S 121 Second, sea 151 Vint Meet. i ,
OTTON-13 bales landing from str. Cape
31.5, and for sdle by
mil ICAIAII DICK LI • I.M. . 1
-3 ing. '"lr'
' - -1 13 ^ "
It., "' now lanai. and for Pale Si
, mil Watm....llrout at,
FEATIIERS-5 bags for Pale by .
mil 12A1011 DICLKY • co.
7 5 tini a. N. 0. navir. I
Pd bbla Battle Ground 0. II Moist.,
Lo LLD. Loaf :vase landing and Mr mic bi I
mil CS Water. and Ti Vint at.
FLAXSEED--titi ba. for tiitle by
MORSE'S Compound Syrup of YELLOW
DOCK 11017 Y—M bodes Nun reed from Pzoaidence,
nd for sale nl. N. WICKER.tH .
all .
Cole y /4mA for Welter. l'enroilvxnla.
myl earner of Wood and 210th Me.
minim'., r,..,nr. th. pennon article j n, octria,l
and for vale or a. it sunta
.13 Id Wood ortCret.
gr ., lIALK - 40 bbl,. for Mile by '
/.2Olill IL E. PELLEKS.
Pedling Wagoil.
A Large and entenantial two borne iv n
ni with iron axle, for elle on favorable term. Ki
• 8422 KY W... 1 rdraet.
A: CA RD.—l have removed to my new store.
(three doom below,l nearly optmlie Una Dank of
itdaburch, where I will hr glad to see my frimele )1.13.1 tel.
low citizen, and receive a Me ..5 their nodom. I a ill
Keep a
Cobolverylmperaoortment or Uplinlctenl.llcdcat..d 1 , 1
S evoc 'S ktt 11 1 :1a: "ger:M.U.l 141 ' 10 " ; ' , ' ,, 5. li s ta2Ket , s idta " ,,
Countermine., and Corniorts; %Coulon ,Lahr., of evory va
riety, Dime Mats, and every article 131 , 11•11 r fi.... 1 to ~ b.
%lII;Zig , CIZ elablllwev. of it0 4 1. , p4. order, respect.
eel so
S. IlieKl.;111.1i, Third .115.1.
Ohio Laboratory
iiiiT Nth 195 NIA ),
Q r.,
(3° 9 9
Per rent. Strength.
iLOIVELL FLETCIIER & CO., 31anufactu
rPro of Al,(111101.4 Purr nt.irirr fee Cokqink
mJ ono-
Copper Valmr tiblaker shearm nu hand.
C.,rurr of Vine and tmnt stew G. CINCINNATI. 1.11110.
isa, All orderr from Vitt.barrit will tor promTrir filled
at lormAt market P 6 mr.
Wines and Liquors.
N0,1L7 Liberty rt., Formerly t rack,factory.
rt. nth..., of Plttsbura.l It. r stoUvrakt., of N. Y.
Jr to thepuhtle . generally. tint their fyietute
tellyYY h
ate a FY. W WIND nod
ware ksep a fall arradtment . Pf the burtetock—hreeelle and
Wrench rcd awl stalls Wines. Also. Voltrh dark and pale
Brandies. of the choicest slater,. Joao.. root, !Ottani
itltie‘gtsfix'ttirdhttrlstrproVifftt,ladebg: e'hirrtry:
and muscat it" Abrestho he A leo, esnllncrt
One of f lll ofI"
ue partnere. Mr. Stottecarl, a t,
rnattoulatr hut
Importallou Inarinese to the oil T of N 'tart, the shore nen
=a u : hVaseWll7l's 'ollW.P.Fetratanogi:et'aft t r m "o l l l ' . ' tiebf7tn. toy
pulthsesr elsewhere.
Asn-s.rdn. roPPlied free of errs Charm and .1 Ow
shortest eP.I
2. Im cco bose. Se mad se. Job. A Levert' tram!:
2.5 - fip, Putnam Lnud;
20 A LA. Dude V..
2.5 A S It. Lump, Warwick A O.Y. Leap&
Ruben Marti.
a 0 .. 01, T. J. FebeArVe
I% .. Ga. A. Jerboa . .
M A Sol, P. L. Inadied'e .
Juin reed cm con.dgameot trona Blehmond and Lynchburg
" I:B. b ir ALTERMAN A iioN e . - •
- 1... • nal rlO sad al WWer, &sal trt Stout rt
1/ACON-70001W. nog Round, recAiing
/ jli and for rale ST JAMESDALZELL,
aO2l 00 Water greet
--- ---- --
SUNDlttlig:-101.) nate Corn;
Petchts., o,
le GT
•IP3 JAMES DALZELL, CA , Jio;to7r, st.
MACKIRgL--50 bble.
arm hlf dce.j4l3 DRALMII,7
L "TlLS—Rfteired rind fur Hale by
int. A. McCLURO* CO.,
.ore sad TPA /WAWA
0 210 L-10 for ra!irl_..,.as.
tOEN—ZO bbl. Sbeiteil, fur sale by •
Vi apIS W. • P.P7IBOX. /a
..E#D 8110'1'--t figa Galena Lead;
. JaLlai AtTRIZMVIrr. bY
i D : WELISAIDI.Iv CO., . .
Corns of IW:gaggigigr g tli Siiieu, Piltd,,i rg X,
LI A VENOW ,IN STORE, Ond to axiive this
~ week, the Yellin, 'yards, or( the most moan impr.
talons, which., • .olmod on the moat reasonable terms:
116 catty boxes prime...oam 1= do,en Parent hiorc Wash
To. lkoanlm
45 ht. chests do. do. 60 toms re ma Starch:
40 . 4 (rook.; A Chula. 115 Saleratme,
100 bags It), tkalem :5 LIAR. N. 0. Moho,.
15 .. U.". and data: 16 r. S. lb .
• ,o, to., e'.. u '., 1. and lb ll." .01dett Syron.
lump Tablas 3s " 1 leool. Crusluil, and
CA blobs. boa. 1 ands Slack. l'oellerral Sum:
reel' 550 as. eeedlcos lialslo.
Myli and ndo. Yo. I do 50 drums Smyrna ri
v e
0 „
awl 'a ~,,. ~a,.0 , ,,,. :gyve Bordeaux Prona e,
55 Lass ,, Boded nesting; 59 110. 0 led 0
1090 lb.. extra Madder, I 5 Won fleck Candy:
3 tads Card. 1 - Gams Cdroo c
1 - Clore< 10 - Cocoa & Cimcolate.
bags Pey•per A Allspire; 5 " Cadlie A Almond
1 LIM S otaleg. ag
2 ~,,,,u , .,4 o,og a m 10 dm. 5.110a50 5,,0t0
1 .. - r e , 1 001. sup. Corb. Sod.
1.. .. lonent,c I 1 - Cream Tomo;
10 kegs " Mustard: 1 caw road Sam.
Ito .. - Carol. 3 .. Irlovlo,
II " .. Clue= 3 - Sir., and itatned
3 (:lust's Snuff: L1.01••nr o
46 box, (:lust's Stearin Candle, i I
1 - Arrow Iliad:
TO - Star " 150 Rath 'Met:
_. .
10 • Sperm • 1 661. /lour Aulphy';
1/V dozen Pleancen Clarkinm 100 u ec , r: Match,
1.00 he. rupertina Rice Dour, 10 dca. Estract 61 Lamm,
100 • S.F. Indium Ikam. and 'Vanilla
I W) MA. lot: 6 • Lemon Sugar,
1 cart Sal
It) • Ltam Broma,
Ulm, 60.11 a, White Lead. Lent OW dc. Sato,
1. 347 bira. prime R. Calf., 301.1 bad. M.R. AL. Itnialn,
-I' pkgl. V. IL. Imp% and ;MO lb, Almond.;
Black Ten, 26 bah. Brazil Man
150 but, 6'. Lump lb. and ....., - Rug. Walonbe.
We Roll Tobared, ' 60 - Banal Nunn
'2O ten Rim • 200 Inane Viper,
6000 lba. Cralllsh: / 60 raw, YIN erackern
' IOS ra7.24."Lr.61%... 6 - Pruner.
, 6 . Lemon Sagan
1 60 '" Loaf • ere E.,,,e1 30 .. Tomatrateuttny
, 100 P.n.s Havana 6',. 2s2ani; ili '• Pssorrsaus,
1 bird*. Itladdrr: t!d .. held.,
4 relocam (Intim, ' 50 . WIWI dmeat
-350 Loa Intlo, 102121:Ian.: 10,000 Principe Sean, .
(" 63 M ' t . r. '' ''hlre 1 1 : 1 'ne l p ".1"' 3 1 " 1,1 ' Pl i t. " = ::
6,1 qr. tot, Nn.1.2 kackerel, 11 0 0 .M. 11...n a n ..
20 ILltd, No. I, 2,, .. ,10 bk. ta ' ater: Sugar and
300 keg. Nall.. Ivied 1.40 P. Rutter Crsetn,
300 16., ll' hint.. 330 bla..., , tattb . 4 . Alp
40 bbla. Turman.. 1 111; lOO groat U. a. D. Toldn , PM
1000 paII. Lamp NI: w .. tlnr rut •••
100.1dr. Racket.: , ',V boxed IbPlttl.and
01 •" Tubs: 1 2.0 - P. 0 01.17audlel
25 - entilo Span.
N. 0. 'du par and Mola....Per, BPI eonIP. Onound and In:
round enierp C.. , nlag., W ran.: nnd Wrannlnd P.P. ,
Cuttun Taron Rattimn•Candle•Vek and Taint: •Ith • nen.
rral ...nation of good. umall, Itrid In our line.
'rap vale by EMILINII a BENNETT.
utrlt4 , IV. :proud. and 161 Viand Its.__
FLOUR -150 bbls. sup. Family, for sale by
al=-. 11011IFON. LITTLE t 1 . 11,
(aA Lintarrus-25 bib. (Adams') for sithi
1,..7 by apl7 J. d 10 LLOYD.
it UtTER—S bids. Roll, for oak. by
La apl7
.... J. a 11. ILOVh.
,11 ACON--247 plO. Hams, Sides; and Shout-
Lp .I..em, fur sal. by '4,17 J. a R VliltY P _
tir 00 . 2... ; - - 1 3 sacks Common, , folt i i . 6 , l l e u l
j iy „.
' .
v !
'DEANS-4.i bbls. Small White, for 221 e by
ID ma; J. 01:AELC.11
11E0051S-75 doz. Corn, for sale bv
1111 apt"! • -..1 .r. R. FL YD..
Morriss Tea Mart,
AN the Diamond. second door from Dia
'. n d alley . . TI n. lane, ~. td 1.:•011 fur ...lbw; the boa
lea.. mo
In Pdt.borpti
B ACON -5000 lbs. flog Round, for sale by
Ali wlt . 2 AMU Eh P. SUR! VFIL
J..tESES-751llaitorridd ,i rn aI byM.;, .titi,i..6Tui,„L
... k 'i ii . ,
j 1R.1 . A 5 R ,.. ..1 . !i i,6 1 m 2
, 5 5 10 0 1....A5 ,... 5 , E5,
, 4001.1,1... •• - 61.1.,... , P 6.1.n1e by
men_.. J 0 0 1 K, a III:7C111,0:. 2 et)
, } b .' :01..; Aft — .. e. m - 1 1 „ 11! , 9. 11 54 c d , 1 i t,_1: , df . 5 , , d , 1 , e by
l" '' .
. -
11C . . SUGAR-25 blots. for sale by
11 : la,boi JAS.. IdAI2F.LL. 00 natar et
20 kegs No. I Lard. and '2 libi,
L i t, .a., Lard. tnr +alt. to R. 11a.L71:LL 2,C. ,
4 . ..; Al ERATUE:-12:5 boxes and 10 1)14. far
1.7 .41
..hy R DI LZEL L 0 co;
Lltprty Aped.
ipp pip:. Dept Co N•.
pp ten ,xtperp,Trbnr - P,
pip, Orme,
P me* Caul..
. 1.1.1 N1M11..g.;
Fn.+. otn.
1 ARD UIL---10 Glib. fo Bale by
.L.l Oll AI/ A li _
ater and {'roil .
ir AOFFEE-50 bare Rio, for sale by
, v,i aylo . . 1001A11 DICKEY ACO
PEACIIES--200 bu. prili . e n l , iii ,„ l . N A . e i l i, le tec r
by , M
I TA - RCII - 15 boxer (Foi's) jll,ll. reed LLI
A. ,Al. A • A 100 A alircins"N aCo
6.11)A1 3 --3(1 ',DV:. for Gale low by.
L . 71 .0 , . , JAS. A. lIIITCIIfe...IN t CO.
IACKERET.--.10 i.bia. NO. 3 Large, fl lv . ..1., b, AO JAS. A. iirromoN A CO.
4AI4ERATUS--13 cask, awl 5 b0k....,
~.- 3 ronolanewcrt. warranted rure. and fur ray. low . by
.r. .1 SCHOuNMAKLIL a Co.
INlll6o - 3 arisen Manilla. for Rale by
0 J ..:C110 4 3N MAKER a co.
I , EA.—N.O pkgs. Y. 31., for sale by
1001011 DICK EV. co_
aplO It tree and Front .1..
LI Ull A it-40 lthdo. prime N. O.;
.29 - Clurißed. for .1.1.1. r
.00 'mow
iti OLASSES-15 0 111,18, N. 0.;
/ T JL II ; far .sla I.t
OT TON-42 baler to arrive per Mayflower:!
- 11,1111. for .411.. I I
1,01,111 1.1.1,1,1
AO I Wm,. nu.) Fet,ro 4.
OLDEN SI li.Ul —lO Al. bltis. for urtlrt by
NI tot" tr.. F. r.1)....00.
A1:1-2.5 ho pe Sicily, for ante by '
17 NM r.. A. PAIOIO..T..ICK A 0.1 :
SC LAD SA ll fit;-41rtly's Sauce for drew , i)
t.ta'4'4 p,
- OOCOA NuTs-2, balsa reed and for role
V.) t r &put WOt. A. hIrCLUItII &
L• —A benutiful 1,01144 for oak, by
. rc TllOO. PAIAI Eli, No. 0. Martel rt.
XT. dil - .00; NT COMPID--40 lbs: for
BA rale by B 4 AIINLSTOCK A 01 :
.2_ tart counts. 0r st. br
d 101) F SII-- lUtlitaktt jultt rr.?tl twit for sato
A CU I.llElatiON A
114 Liberly...treq.
OIL- 20 Ltaaketa jumf reo'd and
kJ P.r.le by I •PVI A. C111.11r.1..V401 A C..
ILARET WIN E-Ifl . l.boxelt choice branda I
tt.J•nn nand and fur 'wt.. by
. A. CI:1,111700N A Co
ti 0011 NE AL--150 lbs. for tittle by
J ayy K. A. FALINESTOCh ft CO.
IIIgKEY- 96 .bbla. reed per Idr. Cin
rin041....d for nAle. by
WALLlniFilltll A CO
11,AI 1.0,--11)0 1,1.6. herb Looisville, for :at.
E W V.
117 Finn. And 10 Fns nit n.
AAIIA LS—Printer's cop-
Inn se.t !I Ir.. galley, ft.rnltur.s,
, bo. voLal ml.l lueltnr, quoittA tine. , double. awl
treble 1cc01...a rah, te, an. pale. , 4
W. M. 11A VENT,.
p r ipo o p. Mee. 3r.1. between Mut. nod Ferry
Plat Am.rlcar, cup,.
LACT LICA RI M—English imported, for
sale by Doh, 13. A. PAINEFI , XE A CO.
PUTTY—In bladders, in assorted sized
_IL packages. ler .0. LI
reetol B. A. PAIINESTOCK at CO.
ariliDfei VIM( OIL:LIVOrra - nted pure, on
J drought Rustitym a tlas .
i tla N C
irs rSal i lellg i f , ar
.0A moor Ft and Wood rts.._
JI IDES--100 DRY 1111)ES received and
for Ws az mutl A. It W. lIATIIIAUOIL
etHAMPAONEiiIINE Ileidreick, and
N_,/ calor favorite brands kept motaraly m Lamle/id
air sato by (spa] .A. CULBDDTY.:OIi 1 . CO
- DIG IRON' - 200 tons Forge, for mile ii - y
_ _
NIULES. dr, HORSE-2 fine Canal Mulee,
nal 1 Dray nom, for eak by
G LUE- 2 bble. best White;
•KO eto co lr a sol t gan k
rEIth'UALEILY—JiaI rcc'd, a very choice
eseortmet of rnloinery, vie Davey SOILP. Fines Oil,
',Meta RR the Iletakerohlef, Pander, Tooth note end
Powder, le. at the draitistone of
B. el.
son • earner of Weed sad,
' tioder's 14448D* Ibr
Inbarcis •
[Wes rd ne
a Lb .
14 Forral w o of
124.1 0n.a."4:7.
Franklin. Fir e , lnnwitav Co. of Philad'a.
1 - 11BEGTORB: Chailt.. W. Bancker, Geo.
ITI , Mp
Jacob IL Maim, morri• Potto 'n ur.
CllAltLkgF. PIASCKEN. Preddeut
Chants &mem, FoeroMr.r.
This Compauy moths.. to make
In tormanot4
on .I,,iptlon rm.,47,
pt... %tar I=olll 4 . 1:4;
which, rritii Cap . ltr and Premiums. safely
afford simple protection to My sosmnol.
The tarots Of the Comp.", on Java., let.lnt. es pub.
orroouhly to Um Art of .trormur. foam. ,
nm.P. , MY
or. ,
Carl, 4.
$1,212.7011 44
Sin, their Incurporation, a period of 21 yeah., Met
tow pant upwards of'llpe !ill:Ilion Yourllundred Tbouaand
uoiiars r. , , by alre, thereby atiordlna evidence of the
.4cantmis of Insurance, ut well . tbvie ability and We.
oeltann to meet. arlth prompt:m.4r all liabilities.'
J. uARDNEE WV/IN, /tent.
&phi office S. E. corner of Wood and lid sta.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
TIE hest evidence of the success of the
Directors In e ndeavoring to mike the STATE MITI ,
. r ir
PANE INSURANCE COMPANY meet the wants of
the mat Unity. is the unpor-Atielec amount of tinahmes
whieh h been done: hating lamed 0,21 . b.Cial Policies
. noir to than .104 month, adding ovrr 8 90 . 00
cspitalto he Company. The Diroctorn aro proud to say,
that nearl all i t roperty intoned 41 of Or rafreit 010 In
small eats. and o proportion insur.l bir only ow
kumber of Policies issued, - . 5,0 . 0
Amount of property insured, - :6,139,490.0 0
do. guarantee premiums, • 57,900.79
do. cash premium's, .- - :12.,194.24
do. guarantee stock, - , 90,1144.03
• do. losses, 1 4,100.09
- .
To be deducted from the above nalamie. the Incidental
•stwnsem of the olllce.
To city or country merchant., and owners of deFelllntle,
and ieolated and country property. it It Indicted Ohio
pony allorda advantage.. lu point of cheapneis, safety. and
...My.inferior to no lawman, l'renpany In thin country.
C.ln.turtral on the eAtultable sad greatly Itopro , w lo /s o ,m
of Clawllleatlon of 'helm. etelndltM dl
.ring only • limit,l amount In any one loeatitY• , .Y"P , ;
eluding the fortuency and Ortl11,13 , •• of large On , sod
afro no both the Shut and Mutual plan, it not only Po. ,
e.wee the ehrepnesx and accommodation of loth method,
but entitle,. the ismured to n partimpation lu the profits.
It In under the outgo , ' of Me following Ireetors--lobo
P. Rutherford. A. J. tilllett. John 11. Packer, rl T. Boone.
MOIIIO A. Carrier, Philo C. bedgwlek. Robert Klote.
J. P. RUTH P.IIP(Olilt, Pretiderst.
A.. 1. tiILLETT, hecretary.
A. A. Cottons. Actuary'. feb47
• -
Penn Mutual Life 111811113/I.Ce CO., Phil!ra.
A uEL th L skr IN PITTSBUItG 11, NV. 11. DAVIS,
F:ettey.3r., de ar. 3,1 LtLerty strvet.
Yor the better reneeniettre cd person." madlog itt the
lower part of the city. the swept may ale° he found
,rou II to atel 1: to ::tiek , oll.. at the ,vu dint( 4 .:
.1 :teheemtnalter a lb, N61:1 {Veal ftreet, Itetv ell twee,
.cer, toh.rusation veillla Rivet, and contruonlmtieno pmtapt
; ly utletele,l to, retool:let , . explaining tbe 0 .- 1
of luettranre, and blank rotate furnt4.l
k neer 5.X1,000 nod curt:43olll I:tetTe o,ll g.
Prettre 0)1,101 nrwmtally atnuoget thnee poured I , r AI,
l'ill.ture h. Jett
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
riitiE Insomnia. titimpaily o f North America
111111.1. , InhIn—Cbarleq , 1
January 13,1 , 0. $1.001.,-, 60. Will 'nate Icrurann•
11.10,1100 an , l nr,nlentat, In thb, dr, end viciulty:
pinp,ty ..r doper-10.1.n. rhir , pral ler ntr.m boat
nnd ollarr Alb, by Inlsnd transpnrtattems ~ r en lb
Arthur 11. Colts. l`r,:t.. Tbomn• P. Cop,
,urivel W Jon... Jobb ii. Neff,
14word •'mllll. 14:6.1 P. Wm.&
Jotku A. Itmwv, 11 Musa Welab.
Samuel V. Smith. in. 11.41 n,
Chubsßru. , .. , Atp.titi Allllcoe,
Churl,. '1 a ylo, lN m. N. Iforrla.
Ataltrno.e. %Chi, lieorge.A•plu.n.ll.
Jamb 'NI. Thom., ,I,me. N. lilrknou,
S. .nn(., 11 11 za.,m1 , 1, Soey.
"Tble le 11, Atka troorwarelialp.piuthr Ungted ?te
,mi from Its high Astullvar. lon. es,rierrre, le
mul sruallt, *ll t - 1.4. of xn ritra hs.u.n r r. character
may an ollnilm, ra t 7: ,.., ,,;, , i . r. t z:, , ,l b
tic. 141 Front Janet
Agrnf for Pfttoburgh, SAJIL. 1). TO WLE,
trelle.p. 07 Flfth rt. Own,
Par:l4o4Ol containing all lareca..ari Information can be
obtalnt•trat thr 10,17a1f.f
Western Insurance Company of Pittsimrgh.
fcIAPITAL $300,000. R. MILLER, JR.,
Cr.l.4ent, F. ocmtion. tc,rertal7.
111 Irmo?. yndont 411 kind, of 1.1 A., Fire Marfytt.
311 4+Lai 14(11 IA libet - 4/11 cillunlrd and Pnnn9/7
A tt...ato I L.Utution—mActa.vtd by 111re4 lora who are 1 , 01
tuuan lv Itio. tanutnnaltr. JotennlnrlTT
Olin deon.
Inaro.:4-1 4 311111, Jr, (lon. Blac J. IT. natl.,
1101ro, m
Jr., N. o. 11. Ifolza C k, lle. IT, Jultaan
II L, an t Jalift , 111,11.613rA1..1.1.,(5. Dusk, .141tt.
. I .rektOuvet Of EP.4.Z i
o 1
tcp .talra,) littntitrOl
Delaware Mutual Safety Inatu - ance Comp'y
, ,11.16.00 E, Third
tar. Itl3l . aa a reLand.7.
• Nif t witt 1tt•01.‘3,11 slAt Alettre
a.. P n..14.1kfa fospo,n ouler
11jllr.1:.•••••7'orittt.,3 1.117..7..1.0 10511, Itemhand , ...
traar,,rted r0a..1 car,. Oanal
t.. rll. no Itp
nurv.a. Yrairo....
I 111.... eaoldlna. Soar* 1.tr00..., 11.arj
01..+10. Hurl. 1 1 oe, tAt..rce eterntt, nro.aftaz Itclly.e.n, I
Charin J Km. Fla, Dr pt. Thorn , .
John 0e13.1.. IVr.4. Err.. Jr
lAntc - ittal ar Firlol.l4o , l—D T Horgan. Hunt. Craig,
1 John T.,
tl 11.1.ratt II krirts, PnAtlnnt 711.. C. Two Pr.-1.
dant. J, ~..entary
Sir,rrr, Cnr.0...1, No. 42 {l star atravt..
t 11111.1145. 50.Att
t Luna, t
_ .
CoMPANI. Nlark.t rtrort,
1. J NA 11 11 1,11 :freer, N Arranaulatnl
alitsl,,a/a.Otas.,ll.llln. 1,...14 ran. rent
The .utra - r11..r rraa - I , e artylinstlettst for 112,13116. We en
0,, 1. at. at.", 10.1 , unocullnapany; Ell. •tu le
No I 41 , in0 . 0t Ittrodt
Temperancerille and Noblestowu Plank
Road Company.
VOTICE iii•retiy given to the Stockhold
" .4e Owl mist u
'" c " m '"' b iaft
'O4l Ifrl."1;,1.
I P"„I'Lt d ,1""`"""
tbrlr .r
I EAD frIPE--Corneirt. improve-il patent
by II Ikhaut,
II t..1.1,111'
I t
Nu I Mackerri: I,r y .
12,11A1l DICKE
-- 1U T & F. WILSON linvo re moved t o N o .
in lll ttefoort at ,..111: Fr..... t...ltreen ....1
mll .
1...1t1 . .11
. -- - • , -
- ' vi Em0,...,,..._t:,:ni.,,,u tt BENNETT. WIWI , -
I ..,,E.0rN....r,, and 1..E1.r. In hredtoro. too.. rottpo tot
, 1.... W. 11., : , ...E......1, ar..l IA 11r.... L. tr...... 5ic.....1 0.1,3
-. I traithll4. l Pillthollui, t hat .,
I . Seed Store Removed.
T.: ~,,,b,..,, , b, r hoe reinovli 11 . 14 Seed Store
from t , ..corOttrthrrt to thr Gull.hat; rtottotl, oCruht . ti
I, Ir. 1.4.1 a...1t...10.p. nu 11.........1, taw.. nu,
...lately upr.r.Or the 1......,.
I 114
1 il ESIOVAL.—GEO. F. I/1111\1 In. rem°, .1
,' Ili. b.' Or, tit.i4s Mot,. troth N.. 111 Slsrl..l ...wt. 1.
' Nt.. 0 1....1 . .. 110., Ir/...r...1. 1a.trannr,1......r INuo ,L
1F1.... to. will 1... 0r.... 4... r.. ..0 1011,..... rt.lntut.
- ' and the pnblir 'Tn..... ar.Z.1...
.." •
r: o .
l/67.1,mp11t.411,1.1.1,11 y, will glven. A to ti K. rat.. 1 , 1 M.11‘11., rrrety.. /al
CHANT, lid the rate of D1,1114-dle. ‘‘o‘4 , ll, and Cottoo
t0..1,. No. I'l Woo,' Moe. Vitt,hurctli.
M., t 111.4 at 'non noun. or nli, d.irrrlptiup nf W
O ~
len Nlnchtnery tetoll
.1.i.. b......n the sutnniner., motor the Aisto,
I ~,,, Ft. ming 11 0., It thl, do," ....Av.. by roull
COOP., I ll A 111:1ISEY,
11 .' 1, - . El:CiflSal -
Ir . o f or brut.. Fleming ke autho7trod o. nee tn.
nam of the late in the seal. 41riat at thoir b0‘t0...1
pertnersido heretofore existing between It
worilwre. under the ,byte of hharklett &liblte, tr. do
role., on the Ora day of January, 'Ka. br Inutmd ,
mni I:lomr..i the eub.cliburs will attend to writing o
" Luelueon, and are authotifed toner the name of the tat
Lin for that Intrraoe. Wood street.
V t rattry 1'..,• 1
XTEW FIRM—B. C. Shacklett and William
Payne, Imarral partner.; and FaAktamid til, rig
ll;;. ' il l ortlt i b ' u h l i nt UV"; tileilirt:DVlrg' Atearct!.;.
,b,rr 10.11 ocruglied by Pbai , lt..z . l t
el itnlia k iv; 101
Cii:PARTNERSIIII',The enbeeribern e
fenternd C.Parmerabliv.vdy. R . ? n Peal!,
Atlrr,d ow:.
13.1.1tRY, 111.101IES & CO., Pruprietotr of
tit. 1,4 h Avow. iato.airaFtin nth Guarre•s,
- r• Infnrm Thilldern.COntractor, and other., at Pot -
burgh. Wheelina , Clnclohati. do.. that the) hare•
LAchol.ta. of pift..burah.their Ag.ot, who in no.
(Jaunt , '
to undertake of
for 110.,13un with thoir 1.e.1
(Jaunt , ' Slaw ,
l'aaat. II couhs Co., are in pce.,..,10n of the Left et..l
11•110,1 1 . Male Quarries In the 0014.1 Ststn.....-th,
chair Slates 1.. , tu
l al. If not, alga:nor, to the bnet WO, t
tlict.'ll;:t.g ll r tri }'T i n ‘‘ f
hokitatioo In locution • parfentlr water-lin . ot tol, .all,
and han.lathael,
, eatij i bl w aleil ... . at a. rea.onahle •• ori, 14.
raeotomroi Ihnlr tn
not on lath Ln,tetal or ah*tlon. whirh will 1,...vr
to the coutrattoro oral ownervol Aal
llr fereuren sa to thalr platen and ninth. rAnt , cetn
o on ,
Hr. nom. Purr i
one of thy mallow". on" -
.ill4l ID( thOr 44.1 . 0 LOCV. eornor of Eto•
PARR V, 111 , U110 ,
. .! ‘4 =into hoofs hrorOPtlt ranaire..
k.i Parlor Chandelier , and Brackets, of the robot nth ,
4 . ..,. tw o s ad our light Organittital Prudent.. at ...oitero
rim ,
lualilli W. W. WII-Will,
comer of Fourth sad .Market eta..
_.. . .
lij Oman:mutat and Plain suttiorition Laiiiir liirChur.L
oft...7tbnfilltlitoridaVe7:i'atl: at 1 i, 1 1;:57 L00p.7.1i I
of thaPt”irellcil maigtfactura of Coruellur a Co.. 1.1 at
t aigas prices. giehl.s W. W. WI LON E
JAADIP HALL.—Voting fittedup a tie
Oboe Roam on th e record MOM over .olj !tore, I
h= 'IV. n't11:=P1'i.117,...„..k145.c0n.":tra1t.,":,i 'li,rt
e"l4°'''Lailrei'MVCA '67 e..l,l';A:::,,..Tearlf; r 4Z ,
cr.: arid at ttll'lWriv,.... ff.'w.,,lLedfi. '
apli i
LA The larApat Ebel in the <it's. an! Went pattern,
apl7 IV. W. WIMON,
-1...7 !NOS for Pular, met Oren ion sod Yel
..Den=reeeetSaper. ntadk
Wend,. eel loudly gegiti—jnet e'd VZ
an nocotrannianos %mu, by TllO9 —MUER,
.017 86 /bakalstred.
Christi . ..P.l4l by R.
slthan Introduction by Edmund IS. Janes. D.D.. one of
the Blsbops or the M. F.. Church. II vol. 12tn0.. 75e.
By, N o or Ilsne.r . • New Monthly,
IS, roe . % Dlrtionst, Methank, Engine Ror k. awl
ginv J enng—No.
wt the mi. by
Dukseller autl
TS Apollo 111111c1Incm. F..artb
- -
111 K
j L o E . B , F. 1 . t N t rg: i i „ v so ed s..
twr w!th nadnrouo apulaure at her Coneert in P.ltylnary.h.
The nail of n . tr Enhnit NallunalSong, by W.l slitter
The Pone bailor Boy.
llourebohl WErni am the M a, by ou onde of nay yth.
The Caralitr, by S. tiloter,
The Natioind taint., • ha tong, dedicated to the
non. !leery Clay.
it hen other friend!. am round thee.
I'll thirst of thee at.eteutide.
Sly New England Home: cotoYaeLed hy ' , V .1 .. ' at
Allegheny City.
/1.14 - d..—Ererg - reeti, Lazy. Rough
and Ready, Pet. lleurietta, Waterier, Yretty Little, de.
Sheperd'e valet Step+
Crclagl's baiter Preceptor.
Torten ••
' •
Together with a fn. selection of Watts March ,
Quirk Steps, Varons, Eng,' Lon Lc. AIM, II Ono
.lultar and V lolla war. Thin] ~.traet.
ap", Sian Oval., Ilan,.
It A 1:14 AIN S!—Teachers and A:
II Fstuillea wirhlng u, purchu.l . lllll/,
bi” School Eooko, eiwir. Teat
tlnd barn,dus eal lotltutel yat
[dr &Walkout litut Slorr, adjoird. Dr. Thorn's Drub
Mum, nurner of Mwrket Fourth xts. l'iw• establish.
wort is about eloAng up, end will .11 an,. thn utuvu
works at ct. 41,.
Als-arter vulu.ble gook!, anpcmllent atbck
for kale at met. Coll during Ow Prr`+nt w.rc Dols.
tOntri nor for ',tit. 'pry low. tt Lw lust bowu n . b‘t , ` ,
wall l beautiful frout.....
T EW BOOKS 11—Guttman's Greek Gram
mer for tbe vr• tOkli ...hoot! and tuvirem. , bY
It .
T au. I[.ri-.•
tollortu•I by ht...., Abs
trow theoluLteentAtierumn ethtbiu.
111 tuns.. I'nnAou.l
Ikbrard ItotAnnun.
The Itooll Cottroderatre, toad tho nobvlllou of 1798, by
II•, 01 1 11. Field.
The Autobkozrophy aud nuouuriaLs uf CaptaiLl
Conn or, for fifty .biptumtor fn. lb
p•ot or vork; ilenr3
'-Ti,. 111m11/1 IVertil of the Pori. , awl - The It bal.. audliil
ej' lV . : 4r; ;;uutt o rrot..••llla floor. by LI, outtboraf the full
Book ,
W. 3 and -I of4l
1..1nn I.alro and the London POO
The above wort:s,loi. reeetred
No. 46 Market attwet.
R OOKS! BOOKS!—Charms! and Counter'
Marta Molotoah.
toe eL1,001.10, fi.o. 0, Sl:eta...a of the Three-fold Woof
Ma= a AL!, eI the 17th Century; Wll. F. Tett; 1 to!.
tiouar, of Mr,hawirx, Na. Ilblirart reed and far
*ale byI4OPKI. R Fourth 1.4..
dlo Buildloita
Potllt, the a nd 1300.1.1; • .eYeloPn-dia
I a. :q.i:4l eortAllt.” and karnlnge of POorerCla , wa
the 131 - ,..1a Met ropt•II, conovetlon , nth the ouuntrr.
11. e l. Mw. IVith ougravlow , of the ...nee toad Perao,b
erril.x. Na{ of th, earwllent work ha 4 lwett rorelTed
Litrestr, Third at., notowlte Ito heel OM , "
prow Cr No app
- •
I.lof this eteulant work lon be rnateleted is • ft ,
n) a l'etmons wishing la have the work. ran have I
4oual (Now Sark styl e ) at 110L5114. , 14f...racy Depot, Zn
etreet.oppowite the It.tAVAI
Wensters Unabridged Dictaonary.
Ally, bound in their. 14.12PP , Inartn — Pri e e
Same work boutol in, Bums calf, eroboe,d hack and able.
veer ehgant—Slll.o).
A taro , ropply of the cheer work reed ST
nwhlS 10111, 11. MELLOR. 51 Wood rt.
NW BOOKS !--,Elements of Analytiea]
(h.osn,try. and of the 1116erential and Integral Ca:
Nilo Notes of a llowadjt.
Wolin, n rwwwini, hr the author of the ItoD
London later and the London Poor: by Henn' Maybe.'
with dawnrurott he oneraytne, taken liy heard. Part!
The alone hnokr.tuyt reed and tel sale by
mehn B. C. tif(PCIE.T. 0N,17 Market et.
HosToN SIIAKSPEARE , Nos. L', and 36.
SJP reed at MIMES' Llterarr I:Wrot. Third rtreet•oi•
poe:te the I , et
- IVEW BOOKS!—Loniaiana ; Ito Colonia
11 history sad ante., hy LLu. Ilayarrw, 1 vol,
Lord Holland's Y011'110:1 Itemlooreneer, by Henri Richard
Lowl Holland; 12mo-otitis.
Buds st the lads! 4Y 1 sul..l3ito
tisture's Wnntlevote Oars :ore dyer all ht. vorlog
stuthOr of Fsd , St Nett., vol., Itaun.. Lunn.
latradln•te Pa...eery day in Lent, complied fro. the srri‘
'9l:A.lnlie7tfours‘lionri 11,71, 1 :T0t • c 7 17;e seriea,b
nuthrt of the Loth, bolo; I Y!.
U. l.l.Lrear ma Lexteen of the didTrstament.lnelud
i t mtltsßiblieal Chald-s.. Vom the loan of V, m tieasuln
1:1" Itnbiason: On.
11 , a , Latht Testament by T. Der st . ltirno., tans.
os t urots Portico! Works of !Ober, !turns, filth saris
pul,y sod 411ousriol twos and a Itre of the author, by-la
Comic 1 r01..1 - 2ton.. 'OOO •
Nar t ohan and Si' Marshal, br J. V. Ileadlr
11, roe. Dletiemary 3leehaMem No
The D. cllnent and Me ra aa addre , deli
eyed In ll.Elraulera HerN. !tlnamf.D.
Harper'. Magazine for Arrlq Nunnl,realwayl on hart
Ju.t Teen..., and ler rale by
ap.: h. lIOFIC.LNS. Ayalln Fourth PI
I , t.ret,-my N
N Ni)D
ttea OLI , I Cyan., nf tams
gny. Its or ly.und rarvans ontka.
yan.•l 11A1 It
lank lkok She,.
~r. fldrLet aml .Y.e.eond eta
I y.m. Henn. Joarnal. ami
i? t , - IT Nti I NK—Arnold'. IVr . riti ci f ; Fluff.
ring and 11.4 -
llibberfnl. - bemeral 11011 ALA Red Ink.
,altisontan Int —lyad and blmrs.
Tb.mine.m , Commercial Ink—Mark, Pearl
nen Carmine Ink. For ea). by
_i‘C. P. ILA VY.S
---- - -----
A t,,, ebkalcal ~lictintahry a 11n-cl_ khd Wm. 14 ,
a fi r. bartba4mry apt! p,...rlptir. vw , i r . h... 1 ur...
halal" ol I:osuwa Llaugrapta, anal , Ira .0 0 , .
VIIITIVII eamtla L1.,•ta.ed3141 . 1.1f the thatutaart..l , ollin+LY
a ItothlSLl Authatutina, am) of tireeklaad Itobaku lhaqraytar
. Mythology - , reeled. wi th batmen,. nlirreeaol.4 ...)
41 .llvol.
Lan.OL Ababa.D.; Prolen.rcr Of „Ur
k saw L h aruAge•M &Wheat , . College.
h , Life lsOde...a-reApoqaton. of lUxharl. :•,,authey ; c.ll e 3
tli s mng.thr P. Char).. Cuthbert ibu th e/ •M. ,A.• Ca ,
re of riambluml: Cumberlabd. Full bound cloth. arltb
r. rall.
o, al of the Lk am) Correcpombraire of Robert bob
td the Qureux of Scotland. and Erigllth Prince ,
.onner.rol with thn rrgal runeruadoia of Oral Britain.
/1010.11Itrkklarat. author of tio. --1-trea of the Queen" el
rt.:land. 01.1
11:e 10, Iin• of roNLoy stvi its ciuDn: an /Wren de!ls
lesl In lts bmadrof il..
a.roach, ota Walnea4a) rtes
J S.
. lb, by lb.. N. Van., D.
The above honk. lan re.wilred, and (Of sate. - by
)3.50 C. 1 , 10:11.1N. 70. 4 311. rket
o.,m3e . :naLlgelf o n t hal , t, Can7nl mit
• br.,t manner. by
e r i n th, g Thh , l L•twe.n Market awl Ferrr
Q. TATIIi;;iERY — W. S. 11Ave....5, corner at
110 Second andilatket :ma., has 4vr cal. as tart e a.. con ,
yd. to an arsortmvnt of flay vtatlonert as hws vv.' beau
oia.nal In this Market. Mewhants supyli.l svith eve,
arucle in this MI,. on the no,t favorable um,. Sala
-- —__.
t, {LAD OlL—Best Bonleaux Sweet OP,
1...7 trt7t..josl v.....'d and f, sato Ipy
aplo WM. A. 51.-i'LLEO a co,
It li/..lN.tStsucces...r to E. Itulisell)d - ENNY
.1) In `SIC lINIII 1.41.0. , 5--A New and valuable article
04100.1.0 and tnuathinc the halt, and to impart a Ivan-
Idol Ilion. tr... now araaslovay. For sob. bi
oq.lo ILL. S ELLEMS, 0: Wood street.
. ----.
1.20. LL BUTTER-1. 0 bbl, fresh receiving
dia. :ind Or viN I, - It DALZELL L CO.
fdr. Liberty at.N.ct.
ifo Ii.EESE.SIFISVcces W. k 7
• h LA LZELL a Co.
- - • - --
41 kIIA.NUES--,50 hones just received acid
Njr for val.. br 11t..1.1 , C41. 4 / 1 : On ritl/IltA-11,
art, INS Maier stmt ..
QULIAIt—.... , Mids. N. 0... f or sale by
1...7 apt:._
.... A. ( C.LISFJCISON 'a
1V ;V I LS -- ..;o ' u kegs ....s'.l. or sale by
11 ....i, A. COLBEIITSOIIa CO.
S I 11ND , 1t , 15.: ,..
.. - te...s. ••
1... - . •• Por. :- , ale.otne.
- ., Pearls,
c, - 10n...A c.i.
-,..., Lo hels Inv ocarbev; .
' ..
APO., .
V,.t.lieh C. NLtlcu
LLIo Utp.l
logre. in •Ic.restml ft.r 1.1
)111 LADEI,I9IIA, NEW' YORK and 130:
[ M
,[4lse crrjective , n•gulArl, re, .....
, 1,, P/11,11VI:
(, it il'i . EiNiTOCKih --
:hat ..hiasiComberAer, /Lining Comnri
1., 'A. Ah.g
..:-. - Alperliiiin ~ ...
tA, .• I.ll,ill.Nie= do. do:
Cm F 6,ile at the Ranking Rowe. 0
A. WI " ss a ox,
so corner Merkel. artiKr.,....lard str.
OR PIES AND TAILTS--Fresh Cherrii 's
,_, -.... „
and Plume, rit up In their coriordie, tdreereinii*„„
Yinal tlaeor or the fruit Afro —Looper a celebrate.
r EI L EVOLVERS--4ust received, an addition•
tbsn and rhroi I nee tae. and trench tielaurie, lorJellieh . ''' ,
Mane Menke, tee. Mr male hy al 'Kipp foi sal Colt'.ll i I Allen
' ''''
r "u
11 7 1" . .VILSON '''
wail . , WM A . Maid:BO A 01.. :MOUNT', at. teroirere. fetal
- •
- 11,JIMUNES-7-Avery superior quality, seldom 11.4 RANDIES. WIRES , GINS. &C.
_l_ imported, pod rwa and for 'kale by . . Rjr 35 trlLlPplpeo Ceohnine Brandt.-Pala Fad Dart..
aid- li, 51,JL. MolAll BE ACO .. '2,1 Libtrty .- 16 cake k qr. halo do do - Pale, rano. einea
10 do do, and wont celebrated brawl..
WIIITE WA X-1 case recd and for sale by rt . V.Pg b r 1 . U : 11411 W d i Lth2 I: skileStrii.b.nZlElkh?
ali.i E. E. SRL LERS. .• do Junkie. awn, '
LIQUORICE itour.-600 lbs. fur 811.16 by to bhlr. N. E. do.
Eh tir. ranks Port Whin.
anlfi R. E. SELLER , . • ;IS do Madeira Wino.
-... IiOW'D ALOES-50 lbs. fur solo
'E ......, 4 ,, Fast sisisas wlas
f-, as liry ,r,, , do. do.
*PIO IL E. SaLERS. 10 do hhe Wine.
25 boxes &Wow./
in atom and for aide py JOHN PARKER A CO.,
Iphl 231 lAbertr iiihret.
H ElTial,,,,,—. bbln. Boilimore;
tE , Doc.; Lubre Smoked: In rtoreand
for foLIe by uplh I,OYIAII DICKEY a co.
London Pickles and Sauces.
1 UST received nt No. 256 Lil,erty street,
0 an Mrorlraortt of env, I IllnekarlYs ct•leltratesl l'lrk-
I." ''' ''''''''.
r '''' "kh
0'5). %T. M RTlttlre wort..
I'lol.l (I. ITV,
- W shitit, litatliag
I . .tulitloarf, Ilarre, ..
Shed Ptrkly, Walnut lielehur,
A 0... r l'alte, Mtlebn.#lo ..
IF,, e.I Ant - itto.lell, Yee sale by
solY oDwor ,, and Tea Dueler.
t 1 AS TII.F. SO A l',--;!.0 Inn. 6cr sole II
,/ 401 . J ECIIOoKMAKED. a Cu',
IA lt lit* AT F. A AI3ION I A-1 cask just
-1 1.1 " 1. ... ""1 46"
" b'
3. t.C1100:13166 ER 6 Co
LIOWDER GINUEIt---4 bzs, rec't and
Ltut rah. lo t It. F. SKLLEFIt..
tt gatt • No. tit Word rt.
111,1 4 1L0U11--11K1 iee'd and for sale by
ap,4 I% a F. IVILI4.IN. 147 Vroot
.0i5 " " ..1 ' HENN &TT. IfertßY & CO.
180 00 BRICK-1 kiln good mer
cliant.blelllick to, 01. 7-1741.711.
• H. PLO TUCK'S Owle IV atelumt.
" 17 iat t
uth stmt.
PEAR'. ASll--9 casks fur rale by
sa l; W. i V. WILSON. 147 A nut st
pLAStEll—'al bbl.s. White, for gala by
,pi: AV' t Y. IVIL/SO 4 rime at.
BACON-25,00 U lbs
WALL PAPERL-Juot rec'd, anotherige
lot of taattra Paprr. of bravtlful pameris, end 4l
.677...pra.5, tor Ixd atambtera, diolug ructu.s, halto. of.
Am. an &pH , nwa. retstraid4
..-., • .11/ISKELLANEOUS.
111111F,D .AI'PLES--130 log. T. "rue, for sale
L/ br rrrbsr • s.•Nr. tsidTsl:ll((,,
if 1_01) FISH-8 casks reed and for sato by
ki metalH. t_W. Ia
W. lIAILI.O.M. •
6.). ALMON-4 bbis. No. 1. forials b; ---
)..7 oreh2A _ K Da4.1•11.1.. t Cu.
' g ' l2 ' for ' Tl 'i ti.J;rl.t.s co
ioBACON-5 itialsirime Ilam
I. do do 00001 ln mom told
r oalr br --...__ -?-trj- 1 1 . --. 0 -l ' A.q'
VENISON HAMS-93 for snle toy
T niclil3 . J. D..W/14.149 In a1...r:!„ . _
rIIIA-NYEALS OIL--1.0 hbis.u . rran Bl Ted pure,
un it
. ..a: for ok;a by , 1 tortt • fl- E. ~
EriftERRYIkETORA-L,S • b Polisii. Soap
• Ho7drio, siad Effervercloor.kpponnt.fertolebi ~
i °..h2 F, .. ... r !: t"% b"LE" ' ' """ "' ._
ICE-10 tea. (fresh) for_site by. . .
IL..mio . . niaIUEP
L P. t, lIRI% Lit
LARD -34 bb 1, in stOr for for sal
11. e by
torte, i. No. H
. a Cil lAUti
(4 LOVERSEED-8 Ws: for 'ale by ' -
I m. 04-1 WICK t MoCANDLEF4 9 ._
VilltrEit- - er MI prime Roll, for sago by
L., • went% WICK t MeCANDI2y,SH._.
A ItyllAbne of tb, Law of lAnd Olneo Titles In Penn - •
ailraitlat by Joel Jon" rre'd mad for NOP br ute
1.1115 i,
.:, A; Market st.
4.11.101tT5--300 bu. for sale low to close con
isi algnment, by SAMUEL, P. SHRITER.
50 dot. Onekalis lu dna. Tutortfor ran. by •
iti o
iLo BUITEI- bbl. just Lt...nnd for
u,' o,a,
1 In lister .t
LA Itl) 011.-26 bbl. No. '..,,,L' just ree f, ' and
for tale ow by - IVALLINUYOItD A CO.
11110051 S-50 doz. for sole by
.1.31 fAlLnErt A FUCK F.T.ION.
' _
. .
I,d l ki 1.3 S-7 Iblerfremb, fur sale by
V/ 0..1,0.1 , SA It UKI. P. SUMTER.
BuTTER-5 kilgs packrd,lfor sale by
Waal SAAIUUL P. Sli kit T En-
DRY APPLES-10 bbls.rec'il, fur sale by
, 1[1111111 ) PEAOLIES -- ' 25 bu. for sale:b . y
Jjl u55:31. I 5A.511.4:1. P. 811 KIN to
J jEt tor.b ICE—Z5 tierceß landing} tor sale by
i lIlLbAtIll it .11ICKSIliON. ;
II ROUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly put up
in a ., ..r . : . 0 a
0, 6 : to 10 ma. lll4.atzfonhiell .re:
• Illack. Yellow ras a, wtn,
' Terra dr Sienna, PRO/ 1011 u, ,
Umber Flaw. Umber Burnt. •
• rtrlil'l rorm-r Inset and Word oda.
-100 '
`AND CRUCIBLES— nests for sale by
1.7 racht2 Jam_
ALCOHOL -12 bbls. for liale big . :
metal a. r..MELLY.E.Q...67 some.
fen :ale bT lll . -A. FAIIIMTOCIC t 00.-
mch9 . I
- ;lish im
" bT
OLL BUTTER—A fevi bbls h
.on and and
I=:h.,. snd 151 Pint rte
B IitED;PEXCLIES'-5 0 ba. for sale by
. ROMION, Lir= k. co.,
maal men, et.
SPIKES-r±e i i mpr o
J formac b — mcbl9 ele .HATfILIWkCO.
1G ME tons fur oak byC U
mettle RUM' MATTUEVe a
4.16,GA-B. HOUSE 110LASSEs-4 0 (Ns.
1... y IL Louis Retue - rT, In bee'. eud Or ..i. tir,,,.,
.."b4 MILLER k ILICFL . .. N.
1. 14LLOW —2le. promo, 0 bbo, for Sale by
.: mc.424 F. k NV. HAIM era IL
4PLES-20 bbls. Itilssets.and Pippins,
for gile by E. Y. TO BONICLIORET ZO.
1 , WEET 011.-2 eaglislouperior; for Pale by
ti tuelaT2 IL Pe PELLF.RP. Vi Wool at
.Vl/.ALL PAPER—Lnrgest assortment in
`V the Weeheondatina , Jf Preach and American Pa-
Paa u j n al , ,, ire• tzt . : lits. Paaiora, and (11 3 ar ,,, httri ; at larked
deth2l 4 ''
V. n l l : ' .r .,. .ltlgllSLle ba Wood a.
WHITE WINE VIliTGAIt c;,, or T superior
hand afraVaiai'lr'''',A4 k micidtui s cor 00
• , • " 4 • limners and Teta Dealers.
VkIRAPPINO PAPER-501/ reams Med_
t‘71.V:1,11%1F,„ P g.4 :J.74 ''PPiT
...h'_s W.& lIAV 6.:ear.6eocol antl Shake.
-11RIED PEACHES--50 0 bu.:for sale by
g , I.IVESE-50 boxes for vale by .
'SIII) f:.:,:tn r f:+'"Ata.1 ,,,,, .1.!.
t WOO D. 7 70 FON. •
9SIN-100bida.. to aTr w t rw d emi o . r ic. .,a e
tat 4-4 ,,,
VAIN; bbiq. (Cider) for sale by
Ineb24 R. lIALZELT , l CU.
PR IN TINli PAPEr —7O Reams' for tale
11 for to rlo crl.l.anen- by
cht.) J. VelloONILIOili.R W.a Woar
rrIA NNERS* bhl •
LINSEED UIL—.-30 bib. fur sale by
10E-15 tierce,. CArolina, for sale by.
n.-ht. JANIES A. lit/TVIWON
4 t o g 3 .
e.B o .. slen l
10 Lest Shot, tidaorted: for "tile br
atelr2s JAIlLit A. 1.1 WYCLIIPON At 0).
r GROSS Rtohton, piark Pennine
t'4.l Liter tl. for sale b r J. K 1 D LO..
enehlu Wi•noi
11,11.1 M OPIUM -1 . case for maltA by
LA • mehlti 7. KIDD t COI,. Wotal st.
r. manufaeturr, or 'lla• boot branch.. [ law by
tathil IdAIALL DltiKkib a 00. •
S UNDRIES — I , c ,,b as L e E, t , !u . t:lfielse;
I bl.- Leib Battle Corte
1 cam Lnivwil C B K a l j t :1 l,aullta.t rec
and fr .ale by S. S. WoddadAsl,
.chit irer dbithtta.
EAItLS.' —l4 easkis (first Sorts) for sale by
I,ONt DER—tiNic.l Veg. llazar,Ps
111 10. rolls for,-de
4 L • mado
New Minic.
cIRAND POLKA DE On:- 10 " c
„ • la
jr ... Cbtl' , „ at, prrf . ortnedyy Franit:ln . tr.
V: C.ll:n•re d oe ' sn ' grtylt .P V ' . lkr alro te,
AI., a prrettl variety Inert rompooltlono UTth pone
author •
And all Ate late popular Rude. waded by the . eaatern
Inatlb.hor, odeldv..l and 10 tale by
nt twr Cliwiterind /Unto.
meKl bl Wood at
11 •
Ew MUSlC—where are t e-trlende of
The •
Hold. , .
I'm think.. d'er
New Enc.:laud Ilona. a oda pow., delieated to till
Lade.. et New bugland.
She I to far Away. I.
Oh. mbet me on tea Miter blow.
sothe Nairle Lea—Wowlbarl.
Idly lthey. br S. C. Fcdter.
red lett m Native 1'111.40..1'111.40.. Lp 0. Markus
The btorit 1/onl-.
Lou Adieux. by Iluer. ' ,
An exid.rwwo collect.. (new Polkas, Waltubs, Varia
tion, Lc.
Al.. .new ruprly of 'New Groin. Wm' , Cantles
I.lmll, and an eaxelkat work, canna dm .. ).leludiat:
a eellerteda of rwrulor an wrist amnia , ha...lionise:l and
a reado by 0 1. WabbaSal W. Ilande.—conMdered one of
th.• anrh. , et er publObwl. 11. KLE/11:K.
rebid laklon Llarp..Nn. 101 Tlaled ob.
DitY 300 boxed (fresh) for
...h. by WICK t NIeCANDLKSA.
fi, mehl
15 UK's. Haut Katurne Wine;
" in atnro,fbrale by
1.111.LE1l A.KICKKTOta.
- -
DIA RUBJ3EIt PASTE. 4 gross of that
an, verb article fur hoots awl Rows, notdrrlna then
' st a r s wat and vu • mr as a f This
article warranted to answer tbs puns.. rearwarntal.,
the .03 Iffr refunded. For rale alsolesaie and solidi, at 1
and a Woad Arret. 13 0 1 J. it U. PHILLIPS&
IPSITA - I — Firc\ kg-1'4308h b American.Britan
n. Tea M. 0.; Plamel do; Platad Bat tate, Camdleltialase
butler". 00l Trey., CLMed Crum beet qualhrleore Bal.
auto Batelle Tata. laßlerr, titer Kock, B,„
ter K.siver, P 11.4 and thall3lltl Player Yorks amid Ppm.,
Table Mum Tea Train or Hoe Birmingham taattamfarture,
toed,- Croon..rated; Plated Tans of lusagifail pattern.,
A area raperior Pomace for cleaning mud ladirblort Dialed
oare. Breaches for elcatalng. Mamma l'eatber
, le,
/Lir/ Ls. Bactomote=Poyer's aelebrated - Slagle Karbala,
about lb wire ors hst, , whieb mill Make coffee, coo k beef
'teak, u) eters, or my thing elm In a fro minut es.
Col al* , W. O. WILSON.
LL:LI Car. Ilarket and lioartia an
iti. x lE a/CAN WOOLLEN GOODS.—One
boo teal and fdlix prs large aired B.llaankets.
am Crib Blankets,superior ankle.
IMO do Plasma Boat ribbon boubd.
MI do limy Wang Blardotr.
too do arab do do do
10 do lane do do dp
3 taros Black Blanket Cloth.. 10
I •do Bearer War !Caul, "do
a doo
a t l om wo o Bereekd Fr
omnco+lo .a
3 do into, asoorted colors.
do Careamorra, black ud tarcycolcos'
I doßethune, block and mr mixed.
' 3 do labile Tonkel Ilbukorl, yard leada. •
do Cm. barred -• do • - -do • • „
The oboe • deocrileat alma. mr• slim. lreamliimmita l li
•nuions trade manutiact ast and =I are Lbr tas.
liberal ten or tt. thrade. at imam re PIMA.'
prime Shoulders;
Hama kr oals br
IIdaLLS i 001:.
I "lif IN Eti xxceivinge for sale by
•• saebo PAB/1014
... • Hebilee .Ctlebtf4a ' ll
COMP4StrSII lIEMLOCK PlisigiEß....
hied, wsellasted olsotera haw hewn
an L then twenty years. dratiog wtibn blue they Nan
, r ,o . remanent McMillen, se tti. wort oilleidkase
I ramatir Awl Strend th eniom Phicter •ref send. fdiy
',,„hy 03.1dmhsait iatibinwe. so nlaentheit
.: n ts b. :11 . 17:/=;1• 1 ::14 fi;i ' it t " i ' l ' l=
yi,.. iwongents of their rendxwillovirwsbonfali gni
, b etiy ownlatiml, realer Dam feet lair to
..,,,iyenne with pulmonary dice... _ _
1 , .. pains in the tawnwt. nwiltissrfroct •3 , lW.lntbginrin.
sraboaic much. and local pet. intl. canons womb&
ii....• in the Daly, these bearliebil ch./gigot. Want
rVfagetrniirr t ri . iyrtokltfott% i tsfeh b L .l' .%srVatsa *. tt
' len:eel.= fully earroborowes bythenissynanielnneed.
For weeknaa And kens, in the lank Aod side, molting_
In. re amain. divas. of the kidney.. a'...U.W.1 ,
he u rLogy i. orer all other tautening. teen_wsboly=sd u by
100 To
e Om% CUM IL.C4 Teller
..plie A tion. To eeeti'untiller with rhurnatie pen; theme
Owner. are treseionended, with the ant:dna mom.
(net then tenctirial effects will b rapid my derided
tor nib, w Wend.. and MAIL Le, • • • - • , I .'
mels6 li. E. 'SELLERS. hi Ifood le-,
Isla,for Pried a beautiful class to Idnetisliegtil.•
Cellars. :Shirt Bissetne, and an klub of litintkete
s purer. the In.lam adberitu the Lltialsiariddint
seirklien it contains wailed ion nieua to
. I.4he , * • s
of respect The ladies bare loud slue felt the
such m article...A In thli their mnrctatkat trill be
y realized, as tio omietition Is learnt alter m laspletid
N. 4.—U.• Cake w11n10t1..1317 derail pf without It.
• nice 125icenta PT Ca.. rake wI lb fall alseetkitt.
For $.l eby • ow I.S. IL C. ti t.1.LE813. at Weal et
45`i 0:W A Diu.r, trtlitt :qll t I
bera ore monithinga ill foment and eid - th•
-Thou an' dretisiot of In philatoirtir."
rill: VI MIAS of this rewarkablie ieme
hifirg:Tr t Orttlif. W '
for Ilir benett nie _
Th Del
e , PETROLEUM SO women] from a well o=W E
et a ryth of four hundred .feet, la a Ram.'
ny i t wighout any throdeal change t _butdnot as I
do. from Nlilll[o./. a
ll Lobratoryll Itrohtsbag
pr awn,. reaching number, of dimwit :s. a RR
matter of uncertain There aro moor
. b a k =
rano of nature. which. If known. might be vast tkel'ob
udiding. and mending the bloom 'of
Isralth llo an e ID d
rigor to luau/ • nkrite. Tong, beton, k, rtii.
vrketta th•heit of Ridgiug It up in kitthai.llbailwrdint
tlou fa' the cure pri* , Thr marmot bud daily initteld
,2, r01l for It. add reves' troutkaLte. eon. ltiMa law
tOholimtioni pf Ita kWh. toßniorltrsaiti
de lorrad applirattuniti thr cure of dbrant. ' •
'' We ' .do not rod] to waken ling kith& certilkatial
r are roundout that the moth:lye ran aeon net Als a im u i
into dir flliOt of thutii who run,. Ltd vrigt h
11 hilat we do not Oahu for It unikrad Widaiathitt
iviner. we
It ray. that In n. imah•in:
Chronic. hiresera It la unnealk4. diem marl.
renuoiratod—oll of Or miteona-tionsee
CHRONIC IIitUNCIIITIR. thldßUll2loll.. do nidir
• irafl. l ll l .l'i."NeEtlr= r
and Aildnet -. Patna In the Bark or g iienirts
ut•otmit. Neord Ebel, Paine, Gosh Emily.
ohm, Tette-, diddiTt. Mithieri.f.dd Imam
a•. Lc. t• cwt., of drtillity. nieulting from expMlll.l.o2
lung iduk protract:4 noel of aka. , this - medicine - dal
befog nihrf. lt will art vs n general TONIC and Ahtlidi
ATIVE in nub eines, trowUng Wu. oak • -.imam> th•
irtiot• halm, otdlructiom . ..oti'fidid o= l llllgh
rut:idiom, wairti oiloo..ll.eare and a
t on
and Odour Iticreoiaal mut renewed gnaw to onto
of We The proyrigtor know. of retrral ennui 1 1 1 P
that rerktrd other tiroarimit, get well under IR V*
of the PETROLPX.II for a 'hod limn. 1.134. zroof as.A.
' 6 ll%, th irt7,r.r.r.'l7. t a =Tat— of
bold l 7 tea ntpmk
g.. Et, Gad Basin, near Pe gtreil.
gain, by 11.
LESSEREItd. -RI Wend On'
• and
• mrner Rocd shut Ord 'Virgin oho .ara,
noTeAlr • Illeronii•nr appointArl AVMs. - '
NOW all . inch who are - sick aim] a . didied
with &rear. of the illadjer awl Kidneys. with thew pains In tack or limb, etilT none, romMojk
aloud, cr,_ that th'r enn ho cured by taking the YETAU
LF.U3I. You may talk about its below • tworruthontoneh
n 37/0 Meth, but this does not make It e{ frr-Valia6 , o4
is no , taw of an honest community.,that It has wlrtue•
w ho
are not thntalned so,. otharr.m 4 lY• -The Sm.
who is reeked with ca l's. nod sofferinc treandlare . =
for Mr emu. wet relief room any of the Ills th
Iterelml it rats Very little to Make a trltd. , , rat woo
lenm if no mixture—no erwasothd. pat op O t t;
of Imps*. on the community; but LOU unlikely .
MI Id the toaster hand of .state. and bubbla up
bwom of our mother earth. In Id cecina end or. •
tn. to at:Merl:ad hmthnity a ready remedy. • ..eatotmind •
thean cure. •
It lam eons! rile, +eta . other nuttictries both Laned to
&r thy wlief. It Int. Rheumatism.. of Atm/
sta n delin - ni of the worst and most painful character. It
Las co gd . Pardern Morton, h) IMP or two dOsek.rlt
cured old meth of Piarrhon whkla oivry otberaSiadt.
hat been of no avail. Ate `hoot readily in Mirth •••••
scald, Ills better thane y medical eompoundsoraintmmat
that we know of. It mil ears chilblains andlearead .. Smkt
In a few applimtion, undou Lied testimony n th he
ed of the truth oantelnel In the shots
etattelsent,7 . 4
Inc SAJIUKI. 11. hlhlt. canal Ikeda. Seventh atnret
t l.
sy.;sd _9120#
stroth , o..s. Jas. soku...
Carry. Allegheny city, are Um emote.
• Y-Do.. Jar. limo, the theatorcrer and olepeogreictor
mop vitals. and benracial medlaims, stall.'./0 •
the imentor of thy celebrated instrament for taatieg the
Lonfoflllhgfe:ti I . ng , t, ,s eAr i ra
.I =eray .. .ms& . 3 tat;
4' nmtlylte of the Iffirebity of l'ennsylethle.&7ferthlft,
yearsainee lam been enraged in th e bayeetlita4. 4tr
mae, and the application of maned. there. .
Through the um of his teaming lobe, arrometbigrak •
hie ProphyVrup, and o th er of hb remediesse
Hared an &led in enram there ful
ami fatal ire .Tnberenla CaustimPlidna Caadn
Scrofula. Rhecanstimo Fever sod leneellmerse
all thee. chronic thystoelm. and all Dube act.. die
raft.l , peculiar to Erma. indeed, every fonct or *we
vanish. under the um of hls rettadiec. to which homenle
hor—act Lott he use of mule op.. rallto*tA2,
le latetemtible with Phyaological Lae, lint hi the.b.
hi. rerneties , adapted to: a. pr.Mthed (of, each *Mlle
..form of
Dr. thee& Tonle Alt
be tillaathet. need, .3; bfida ,
maamriedged to be .o erimeth ell otherk :0 0 01‘ , Talo
tire or liver pill. lmameth riche
lomat. helm.
betty free from maven.; m &bolds liolden FAO ad
mittod, by the toothy. to pekes ',Molter terTallithOder
ted toleamly Demme but being catithel Slat t bereartal
L. eadlelent to eetataile :hat her be. Pad, In thy attedsol
the most eLmaral.
The afaimmi are inated to alma the igeml, pm.
em amount of each remedy , (math. one of the Docto
arcl as &r& pam polleephlets, , orlran g•Mtati
pm T oy by the folloein& ea well as by men FRT.
. feboonmathr lt Co.. at 'mg •
3. IL Tommie., Drocari.t, 45 Market eta .
lee k. Berk.. Dr...a' mar the. Wei Ottica e /WetTbe
nr city. • • . . •
Jo.:ePh Emlby.Darllnten, Dearer manityy
John Elliott. hotion Talley, • •
T. Mame. Leaver.
atter-511y •
f - tri.s: rat;. 13 -----
1 Y
J 861 " 100;11.0111ti Cu
JJ bt
is. in store, for solo by
nttnn 1-11.1CKEVON._
. _ _
hh4s. Bordeaux.;
.0 tete. Nedor;
OR THE AFFLICTED otill lie.foita in
Dr. Dewitt C. gelllnger's• INPALLUILIA LIPMI.Vrei
agile Fluld.whleh has mod (Witco."( WM-MO ear
rig fr tli n nit ' s 4 Or iliValls ' orgiti; be"'
uals, n t wren
thingcharacter of Doerr. We feel heard woe
thing I:tearingthat thls ie the only othdignit theuhleallweta
offered th tbs that does, in !Till Mlll...ot,thw Wools
what it Pi told for. -
boa ~auto and le thpable of earl mg zoom diem. than
any other medwineolliwal fur rale, we ea. as
m by /r6wt
ails or gild. or by what auto. ' •
Asa strongconalactiag proof of the 'Omaha,*
'that tt Is the only article that bat liptwered in the 4= of '
went Medlcine that has Hoer been patroulted - andthotivr
:if the praise of the ebbs aenetnLls, met arrecille
Fatally . Midlohlt ner offered Tor rale, or used 'by any of
them, wits .
The Ilens)lcces. l l. Grinnell late U. The - Ilin. Rat.
late Maroc. Ilan . John A. boo. late rg'llesnee
tor. Williun Prater, Esq., Laurie of the .13ptrit el the
Timer, and a Wet of other 1,1113.3. 04 New
York, who hare fully voter, Ib tuatltr, tiarlitactscated the
pr prattar to refer to thrush
As it it well known that Patent Medicine" are notsareino •
ally yratronile.lby the lcarnwl, wealthy had wallureirelee.
we have unauubtedly a light to Wol ounc=e. hub', Fri , -
Beret. The Wouder eiwaing t anlyound Laabant rwerl7
eaten year. berme the rahlk, la trot frlenda are tkenr
etzangett and tart nix most urolonbled/Y . tit end
eontludoo, posit of Rs general grefulneet and. emigre
qunlitica is sot eerie Reed y for all nervintedisesaa
a ,, u r m , att . ; T ett
Omer 1.003.0thl T.ttlept hare heen eold without ramplaint,
and hart pert/rasa reel] issonlalung eurea r Atterletwther
tornedisa hare failed. as would f taglM. pelet, had we not
offered, and
in car the .puthigen`powdble
Thu inelleine, or riatiffe's remedy, It prmired teosvm•
etablew tor Internal as well as ethereal lowa tat..weet.
ly open theobawad prt—oOrlest It health osal etdtath
lt o thee core Ow Diarrhea; Craere, Dineen rAteliet etnt
all evnervelle elhedune. diwares et the Kleinert, sad
Weakens in meteor female, from whatothw canewlt snap
haws oriOnaliel.
Per seta in lblitabargh. by IL R Seller, Mama: , KUM it
Co. end Ott ' ilusirden; and by the retalhDrugaine
• °orally. •ll pot up in four, two, and iotiih&tg hop
To the tenders of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
PUBLIC' ATTENTION io reopectfully
.iod to th e hollowing truth, , eel Lerth hi Motion to
Our of the most bana remedies of modem timed
PETROLEUR O KRUCK Wig it to Oct runewthan
, son rton tido mat rcmnl7 moo brought before the
pistil, for the one( and reap of Moine. Ith , greett wirers
to bed, hare, knot. them Lomas fell y. spithtelated or the
commutate. awl we allege that the looser It le tried the
more certain will Its great fame Friona.- It la not the rem.
e a, of . d o r, got Op tor the pole po th ole of thithing =mem
but. one, which we morn lee, will =none io tOdeed when
: " K o :=7l ' t r t
otL; hate
Irs.Teen P i g l org=
Goa power and agimey that laughs , to . to= MI tam=
battle. It la one duty. when ...tits abOrtt • medi
ate, that we writo the truth—that we, ootolwatoo
three who mat hetet Oar wordier Rut eon&
dome its so attire:tent, sick me very ninth each at
as , thing that promisee relief from diens, 'A Aden , ean
hardly he tro Webb - wrought to answer tho oidect of Ruth
tau or heuthemem mute of them.. Now, we de leatMeeire
to do ads; we sao anthoto only that the truth to relation to
mei memoir about' he fold, in elder to seentelbr it it type-
Mine tar Periodie: our :le article In the naterla mod.
its Plain unease/libel farth—fsco that may beam:unlined
In our rots and neighbothood. beer maple tostimemplie
tor of the Petrolrous. .•
Withh, the peot two mould, too of our own galena.
also were totally blind. hate lien wommil to sight. lam.
mist eases f bliodaitho. In the Endo of !)ide, bar...bean
mind. Andra, Use roe of • gentleman 10 bother eottut r .
there are °them but the* ere wet bear. Lome, amay
t o by our ',nitro, wholes,o doubts tot the sub.
jest Thew cows wee mired after thee had been a me
ed by plu Ninths as hopeless. • Thit:Pettnletrna Hilt
•beri tool wording todlrections—Dianimm'Dysen
Illsountathte. bout. Newnn:la. Ecn t gl oootto tho
Pimple. on the tam. Chronic hem L'7, Ringworm, Tett,
& o dd R ea d pains In the tapes aud Joints. old wane.
Wen, 0011 r. Chnodc Ctheate..tetlima, Monoliths, mt iTh d7n
mummery aftemlone of • chum& nature, tergiUss m IWO
dem Coasumption.
Burns sad :Made, dimwit. of the Bladder sad &Riney;
Chapped Bands, Pagethated Nipplue. theme atud •Ittankna.
to fact. lit L. • OVIAT ostrigath tautnr, and hubs. tried
In nowt of the oboe., di—wawa within tht , p3.lst pest vitb the
rood perfect moor. Certtneetegtbal astowleh see /a
the bands of the proprietor. w bowel!take plea.= In thaw
ingthete to the al:Meisel or their friends. , -
over other, may raj gholl, their reeilioblien. the
Petroleum is the greatest hamiedy of the eon - :PhYsiderte
lf high misoiling to th e theuniesiiin are turtartilitte to nest
a their practice. Than who It nrst Isolol em: doubt
amt unicertaint y, are willing to avant It dos html. mei
omedderation. Bonen another Tear rens roved, all .l
compelled to setthowledge that the liesraleold b do beeb
cot ,Pralltrille ever diviners...l boo rale. v hathiale. wed OP
K liTglll a Phi,
uu =-E. Pellet& s.ts, town, EL I
'F.l=.lizert. Mtg.. A=l , -CiAj b latALP.M..:
LII, and It. A. Fthrodoct Co. It oal and Pruitt
—lt I.
th'''''''" l u.
` Trtr . rtf°giP r b * lrir....
Mr It E Bellow—Ey children, Irk.. others. ham tom
Padded, to troublmotoe com.M. mid Lacing paid different
remedied to very httle porta, I Pao loluced hy dem
timinicrat• about Poor Co
and V tip t° gi"_"d i t t ri
rare It to two of Pry tor , . Imo m an dough...rm....rat
diffet cut litileffi, and It
filled ao ewe them.
1 ban monammaded it to 19T udet....... do ..rt
offeredithat. IL La the br it cough turtle:Pm
Nat tms -.IT Mrs to the pobllL
4..r0t0r Antnitobra.
Pandit+ Mould not permit their ebildrcn to roger hem
.ouub. I. b.. n third map Lo Milo/ by iiidt et. Midis of thee
Prepared .4 .041 br ii• X.:SEI43LS,
rnehli V Waal at. and Dnfulat era. mu,
JILIATENT MEDICINES, &e.---A large 'dock
. More, MA Mr rale rot rho prod 'Moral Lam., T ir.
odki ' n s Outintrot • i ult. • •
Lamm Aral b...".=
}... offal Fall of fialaaos 40
Nome =llona rodosont glotalr. , :Ns BLit, vf Health
1n100 . ,e., Carp atLesExtrartof Bait*
yrlla, Antehilloor E r f,r,,llt .t 'r ".
. Andenemre Prporattre Syrup, to lb•
. Hoop,' mile r f King's End. Enrol
- Lad • tun Dpindnie nl. P., phllp, A t i,
..Leans' EI4CD,Of Peppermint
Plaalto 1...t0 " 0..1=
- Crinalaarkar • " Lamoo
thaw. Lavaralarst
Illue .. Cloaca
Q 1211 3 1 .
POlrd., 8,41 I ^' , MII= 1"n
.." - 6adilt , -r...ft Hen
_Bow Clotaput gm Totter Eye Wairr
Urcast.bauing Yuma" llarilessfaLlatimmr,
I..litril racuces tiallrefr OlnUal
Tzall=l nalnua Uolcian Modulo ' r
Warm U. . "r ftemllo a n d dcr ''''
At r
ite Drag laze* .1 - AIN. wicatsstuce.
.roa coma a W.* sad Ms* stmts.
'WASLI-1.0 esake,
. I. ' warranted peek ittg
mukig.6 .grogigh,
.r.— '-ic