=IS HOME MATTERS *rim eTATES COURT • Before the Flonorable Judge Irwin • - Judge. Irwin yesterday sentenced Johntbeet if, !convicted of passing counterfeit five frsne pieoes, to two years imprisonment in the West ern Penitentiary. UNITED BTAT CIRCUIT Comm Before the Honorable Judge Grier. The trial of the case or Charles Thomas, es Daniel Moore et al, was resumsti,Lhat had not pee to the jury when the Court adjourned. . DISTRICT COBBS. TIMIDAY, May 13. Present the Honorable Hopewell Hepburn, President Judge. Ben j. Courain, vs. John 'Walker. No. 189, November term, List No. 849. Burke for plaintiff', 0. P. Hamilton for defen dant's kition'of covenant. Cane not concluded. COZONWS IHQUZST.--Conmer Artllurs pester ,day held on inquest on the body of a newly born idLut, which had been thrown by some person over knee, Into the yard Of the Western Peni tentiary. The jury returned a rerdlet of "came to its death by causes unknovni to this jury." WWI apparently been suffocated. .Fin.—The flouring mill of Mr. Wm. Wilson, near this nay, together with Ma haws and two dwelling hopes, were yesterday burnt to the §.red. The loss is between $4OOO and $OOOO. triKu'nitsu Tut CRICKET MATCEI.The match between the Cricket Players of Cincinnati and Pittsburgh will be played en Mr. Denny's ground, near the Western Pa. Hospital. , The game will commence st - II o'clock, A. M. Cincinnati Side--Colors "Blue."—T. Alters ,ley, 8. Attersley, W. White, G. Howard, T. Tur ner, J. Mortimer, J. Colwell, J. Jewitt, A. Thorp, H Temperley, J. Sands. Pittsburgh—Colors "Pink."—W. Johnson, W. Jut* R. Monis, T. Benn,' T. Atkinson, 'R. Return, = - .1. Hunt, J. Cliff, T. Johnson, W. Mar -riott; Kimmerlin. . Pauton.--Caspar Fink et al, accused of being concerned in the late riot out the Fourth Street Moedortire brought before illayor Guthrie, in *teed- a:Alderman Major, as we inadvertently dated yesterday. Line IselinAscs.—We understand' that Mr. ihory.Sproul, Agentfor the Harrisburgh Mutnal Lite -Insurance Company, has paid over to Mrs. Patrick Delaney and her children, foar th - ftaand Wars, being the amount of the policy which the deceased had secured on his life. „Attioassr TEXPTILISISCE Assocurtos.—A :Special meeting of this Society was held on Tuesday evening. May,l3, 1851, in Rev. A. W. Slack's church. The opening prayer way offer ;tlf. by Itev. Dr. Elliott. • The minutes of preceding meeting were read - '4d'approaed. .The Bev. Dr. Rodgers presented a report from :the Committee appointed to prepare a paper on .the subject of political action. Mr. McConnell also preseited a preamble and resolution on the same subject. The report of the Committee presented by Dr. Rodgers wee accepted: On motion— ' • Resolved, That, members ofother Temperance 'associations present, he I invited to take pore in the proceedings of this Meeting. ,; „Dr. Rodgers' report offer having been dismiss sillies amended and adopted as follows: The Committe e. appointed at the last meeting of this Society to prepare a platform on which the *leads of Temperance can unite in politiCal . action, would respectfully report. That we eonsider the following principles settled, and they are the I principles which we have resolvedin future consietently to main- Ada:: • , E 1. That Intemperance is a great aril—whether 'regard in a Physical, Moral, Religious, or Social point of view. ... 2., That to the &inkl i ng usages of society, hy vidch we mean the use uf intoxicating liqaors aa a beverage, is to be ArtiiMitedthe evil of intem perance; consequently, if Drunkenness Is ever y to be , suppiassed these usages must be abandoned; andtrsnn therefore recognize no man 1111 %friend of TeinVeranee,who lends his influence or exain lle,` directly or indirectly, to the keeping up' of these inswe. k. 8. That every man hvit some influence for go od O or evil—tither to advance or 'retard the cause of Temperance, that we regard this as particularly 'the case in respect to our civil officers, whether legialative,judicisi, or executive—their example and influence Meat materially strengthen the hands of the friends of .temperance, or retard and nullify their effort's to !Oral:tea thi, good , .4. nit in view of this undeniable truth, we ;e preen it so our clear' and honest conviction, 'thatno true friend of temperance can consistently • east his vote, ane thus assist in elevating to Of , Ace any .other but reliable temperance men; that 'is, men who are not engaged in the manufacture, or traffic of intoxicating drinks—men who will not Ithcrwingly rent theirproperty for the accom modation of drinking establishments, or do not . practically ' discouetenance the drinking wages ' of SCielltty. Suchare the princiPles which we would re commend for the ruloption of this Society; and now. as to the mode of carrying out these pried ples into political actior4 we would recommend ...the adoption of the following rewind= 1. That we disclaim the idea of organizing a niwpolitical party; this We would consider equal ; IY . unirise so uncalled for. That our object is to induce existing politi cai organizations to give us such men for our sof ' tram as above described. 'They, are certainly able to gratify us in this 'reasonable request, and , if.they will not do so, to the friends of intemper ance and not to ns, they must look for support. • 3, Mein order to carry out these principles as far as in our power at this time, we pledge outstiives to vote for no candidate for office in this county unless his character and conduct are "stich"as entitle tat to be regarded as & reliable temperance man, and we also recommend sister • Ilsodations throughout the county snd State, to adopt the same course of action. .1' That in order to give all due publicity to these principles and this course of action, as well as to secure the co-operation of the friends of temperance, a copy thereof be sent to all Bird- Ise associations throughout the county, and as 'fir as in oar power throughout the State ; that copy be furnished for Publicailon. in the differ ent newspapers In our two cities, and also that copiesbe sent from time to time to the different tionlinsting conventions :of the existing political organization& ' The Committee appointed to confer with the -Tacos Men's Temperance Society, of Pittsburgh, 'reported that they had in interview with the ex. =Are committee, in relation to the subject of sending &Temperance agent through the county, ant that committee would bring the matter be . iota their Association at its next meeting. A collection was taken and the meeting ad jettraid to bold its next meeting in Dr. Presslyle church. Closing prayer by Rev Dr. Rogers. T, F. DALE, President. H. B.. Davis, Secretary. TAITMLN LICCISEI.—The following is a list or the persons who recelied licen4es granted du ring the piesent term of the Court of Quarter Bunions First Weed—Mary A Murray, Philip Sharpler, Leopold Sehl,Jane,Little. A Shoehl inter, Josiah Bell, J 0 Klrkehener, Second Ward—Darid B. Miller, Wm Scanor, Joseph Alberts, .1 WD Crosse, James Reamer, .Atticustas Faller. .Third Ward,L W Smith, F Hauptman, C Haswell, John G Eleanor, Michael Possum. -4ourth Ward—R /3 Daily, S Hare, Geo H Bell, Jahn Bravo, Benj Trimble, Jae Sterling, C W Bennett, V Febl. Fifth Ward—Salvador Slocum, A Richardson, Richard Turner, M ICinentz, E Holtbouse. Sixth Ward—H Rhey. • Seventh Ward—None. . Eighth Ward—Wm! York, F. Freyrogle. .'Ninth Ward..l.,Liltell, Wm. Tucker. ALLtaII.YY corn That Ward—Wm. D. Newell, Deiderich Hush. . Second :Ward —J. d. Arbuthnot, Ellen Thorep ipso. Francis Boyd, Jbbn Allender. Third .Ward—E. W. Hays, Sabi Brown. 'Fourth Ward—Peter Atkinson, C. Silbert, Michael Crawford, IL LeacOok. , neimuods. lisapth—James NMliken, Daniel Saner. Laarreneeiille—Jan Young. South Pittsburghl-LL Del .hoover. ,Dpqaeann—S. Jankson. --,ll4noingbam—GeoL Krug. t: Birmingtuun—idam Lippara. .--?-flimentum—J.,fratlabberger. TOWNSHIPS.. SL Clair-J.Amelia Gardiner, Wm. !P. Applagats„Wm. Be'tabourer, IL Sansbury, , D. C. Jones. , 114*—Jas. McAleer, J. Mileil; J. Colbaugh, yr Tbomna. • . Itoldtman—Geo. Hatfield, Jas. Irvin. Hiserre—John Otterson. inintdin--#. W. Warren. Penn—M. Metrker. WUVIna-4. A. Wearer, Green, H. Chalfaid, Parebineat, S. Shepard, Jos. Allshonse, Writ. Moon—Jamas Soon • I/hitt-4°lm Hay, J. 11. Little. ' Dytle, John Cossn, James rgo Rolattonse, = W.-WkfiudaiL Peebles—C. Weed,layer, 11. P. Kieffer, John Oile—Limeed Is steady, no 78e per gall. Heider, J. Guilder. Iron—The market is quiet, et lilot i:2O per Plum—Dash Tomer, J. Summerville.t on for Scotch pig, on time. I Fayette—M. McMurray. • Whiskey—gales 250 bbl at 22.1e.25 . 4 per gall. East Deer—Saml. Stiffer. I for prison. Mama—Thos. Jessup, Geo. Moore, Henry 1 Heagy. Upper St. Clair—W. 31ilhollend. Shaler—Thos. B. Patterson, J. C. Bryant. ' Elisabeth—Nathan ?degree, Robt. Himmel. Pitt—Jas. Kerney, N. Mum', Patton—Thos Campbell, A. Taylor. BY TELEGRAPH FOREIGN NEWS, Cam Meal—Soles at $2 75 - pi bbl. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP i Grain—The demand for' wheat continues lint- CAMBRIA. ited with sales 300 bushels good Perna, white at 100 e. Sales 1600 bushels rye, Milord, at 70c 10 Three Days Later News from Europe. I ewehisecelow bush i io steady demand at 62,1 1 . at _-'Josh were sold. Gets are in limited OPENING OF THE WORLD' FAIR. request, at 43(ii.44c 7pl bush. Whiskey—Tfie demand is less active with sales HALIFAX T f LECIIIAPEI OFFICE, ) in bbls at 23c 1? gal. Tuesday, May 14, 1850. t Wwisn' — : The British steamship Cambria arrived at her , CINCINNATI MARKET. dock this evening, at 7 o'clock. She hatn.hirty 1 CINCINNATI, May I. passengers, and bringSEsoo in specie. She left , Flour—The market is inactive, thought the .. . . - - Liverpool, Maya. receipts are light. . Bacon—Sales CO hhds at Si fur hams, ti for The British continental news is unimportant. , , The all absorbing topic in England is the Great sides fii for Shoulders--mostly at CO days. Lard—Soles 0 70 bbls No. I. at Oc, and 200 Exhibition, which was opened by her majesty on' kegs do at 100 - .{..l Ib, port at 60 days. May day, in the presence of 30,0 I 00 persons, . Whiskey—Sales at 17 i€:l7 .3 - e l gal, with a without disorder or aecident. good demand. On the second instant the Russell ministry Groceries--Sugar and Molasses are tlrm, cof were defeated by a motion by Mr. Hume to con. I fee is dull at 10@.10tc. fine the operation of the property tax to one 1 year. The river has fallen 26 inches in the laid twenty-four hours. The weather is clear and time. The Jewish Disabilities bill was read a second I enty-four , p leasant. Emigration from England and Ireland- con times unabated. All danger of a ministerial crisis in Paris is over, and the old story is current. that Louis Napoleon was making great effort to prolong his I term of office. The Portuguese insurrection had subsided. Au.stria and Russia had demanded of the Sultan that he retain Kossuth and his fellow patriots for two years longer. The Sultan Is inclined to re fuse, and throw himself upon the protection of England and France. Nothing oewhad been received from Germany. roil ZANESVILLE —The fine ett•arne EllpllELid,Coa, muter. trill leave hore and intermediateporta 01:1 till, day, at 4 o'clnek. For freight or paean, apply nn Favu.d. myl4 EGU , LAR PACKET BE- TWEE,: PITTSBURGH k SUNFISH.— , t r i ll iteatnr PILOT Nn. 2, , A. A. Crane, manor, ' trlllleare Pittsburgh fur Wheeling. Caption end Sunned, eeery Tu.tday and Friday, at 5 n'elock r. a_ returnl, iray.-5 Futariall tor Cantina., Wht.ellng and Pittabor i th. el- COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCER. cry Wedneitlay and Saturday. to Idn'ilnek.a. a. Pa..a.in g t.r. LIVERFOOL, Roy 2. r-rA:,'Tigrl o e n .u, , ..tr w a .r... !hie ht.( running regularly Cerrox—There has not been much fluctuation I Fn.' frr i lh' or 0 ....r.'0r i ". b"°r`r .rio since the selling of the Arctic. The decline during I jtEG U L Ay.. 4EDNE S D A Y tha week is itoid on American descriptions.— 1 6., PAClEsErygsp i riyTl, Ca The sales of the week were 2,250 bales, the , sas, o:sfres of the ijante ,r iall haat a V aaVuet ob b . - . 1.," Ina° Newton, and others, tor market closing tamely. the Cincinnati and Pittnburgh Packet trate ? and will ip t ite, Trade at Manchester was extremely dull. , n r i l a ‘ e v .' l° 7. l :• e re t :Tra ° = ' sKr' ''' . ,4 l ,pi t ,e t ts L 7t'sroi? Exorn—The market in without change. i tneM IL H. MILTENBERGER, Aggitt. Gears—No alteration in corn, and the demand If 1 KEEN IVOOD A ROSEDALE ryz. is slow. Wheat has declined 23 14 TO tbs during 1 IX RIMITLAII PACKET.—The 'Octal.] .1 .., ..., fxt rum:Lin t , am CHIEFTAIN. IL T. " the week. mare, muter. lama the end 01 the Old Allegheny Pridue. ••••-• ---L.. e ta rennernllT doll.— . (t. Co F ir Fur,.,seen hour. entinn,.ni.ie et it ...A.-, • The India mail had not arrived, at the sail ing 'of the Cambria. Paovxmoss—The market is generally dull.— 1 iai7tiarrlir-i;I:rinVeTI,Z,";,,ML::a"c,Z7I - 474;i7i. New s eern pork commands gceod prices. Ila- I l'e.tig l i=fi,r, t ilth 6 .• T l e;:"th l M,—'7 - 0r,... ' ' '.'..V con i held 'firmly. Lard has advanced Gd per syra ..... at an other rein.. ant- EL er a i , 11 , . , tin. , clock. l' 11. ta cwt. Stamm—The market is doll, and prices ! I NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR lower. Navaz Sroass—Common rosin 'is quoted at 3n 1 J- 44411. 1851. AiSst .1. • ThrPentine is unchangfvf , sod wavy light' FPHE new and fast running str. CASHIER, Gnocriuns—Sales. are extensive at an advance l 1 J. e. 5101.... 51mt.e—Regolar Well.,11!, stee d6d per cwt. Molasses is doll. Coffee is stea- ' '''"l l l, , ,4 4 4 . u'bu i f.• r lA";:r,',. 4 ' 444 . - I"'T`i r c 4,-44 '"'"''' dy at last week's prices. I a'f,i'mk.i , .;',!..7R,..ii,a ° .7.11`.4,,,;: d :re d :',.,•:;' Afoxar aro &rocas —EngiiSh Stocks are 14 . ,- 1 f..".e1f,;:k.5hP;;;21 . 11 - o . l.,L;;lX'n'?A',..h, rlr.M tinting. Consols closed at 56,11q.tric for 11C- , BlTti r ta,ut and 0 luvling ertry 3lnsulty awl Thurulay. at COCCIA, WO 9QC for money, United Slates Se- , 4 1 ;2 - ,4,-,„ 10 ,,,,,,,,, ,„.,,,,..r0.,. no ry,..,,,i , „.. to curtsies remain unchanged. Money is rather xual7 JOIIN VLACH, Atc.nt - - . . . . mare in demand. i ti L EGUL.AII PACKET BE- W - —..-- -- .TEEN WELLSVILLE AND rives LATER FROM CIIAGRES. ,' (.I.llL—Thellghtdranabtat.mer ARENA, . D. P. Emery, inapt, leave. WellEmille errry 'Monday - N O .. y op. „ - m,,,, 15. Wadonaday. and P . r . ldny. LE El o'clott. A. M. for Fart lA, The steamer Brother Jonathan, Capt. Howes, =.l u lts7:l4 s t=i=4 l .Y.:ls ik. . 2 '-ig;rtil ) . ' ""vt which railed from Ch on the 4th ult., sr- Saturday. LED tielt-Eck. A M . rm. Bear, afrVerran..YL:Od riyed here at 10 o'clock last night. She - left the ' ''''; ' ,.:', , 4 2 , - ,i,r - r,,. - 1 .- - -- . - .. 1itvz,!,,24 1 " . Co m D e o o rad me o Ki at tn C artt hagr eed es. at Panama on the It Eli [MAR PITTSBURGH AND, ateln' The er stevi El IVIIEELINO PACK El-711. aplannlid let of May. nrwpackrt anlumErr DIURNAL Conyall. mar Jamaica papers of the 7th instant bore been :t t '."A ° 7,,,nr.' l llF, b lZ:'TPiljal k .V.Vej o b 77,7.;. received. Many daring burglaries have been every idonay, WEED:tend-ay and Friday. and rrturnina. committed °lathe Mend. 'var. WlEreling every Tneala,, Titur,lal and i.sinrilal • In Emen nee, for frvlcht or wage at o you .or to Public thanksgiving had been observed, and nola AIiMIETII.ONG i illiklZElt b'" , Aarata meeting' , to voggest mesas for the remora! or 17011. M -1111 ETTA I.NII I 110C1' - .I a the cholera have been held at Spanishtown and INGPIERT.-11.• no. steamer PACIFIC. o ..iart.gill Passage Fort. terani.i . := " vt-eVrint e 4l7 ° ",,J'it°ll. I'. 3t. : The Brother Jonathan brinks $2,000 in gold Foe ftel.ht urns..., arnEr on ILE , Ed...rn , dust an freight. and $250,000 in the hands of ' m , i ,,,, i; N o. at „L,zaz, t,.V. , ,, passengers. • FUNFISII PACK VT—Trar reo!t. runotor RECEPTION. OF THE PRESIDENT. , 'roamer IrIa.LBSILLN. Car. B. 10ung..111....-- rn paeltet trtlrrrn raraborh. Ne . 1-" g• Nay ! Tir, 4— tV,;gT,s'lZ l .ll The reception of President Fillmore and ! orrri Thor,Lay scum.. for eici,bsavulc, nacelles, net. YeeterdaY afternoon. TOO moat enthuntaafte! : i c d t ' ruiligEreft •=- w slie ' ru, '"' , l ll:l " M d ir , l7 and the military parade was large and imposing- ern,. Friday afternoork. For freight or loos., .1 , 9 1 1 ,, n The evening festivities were purposely made , w Ll-ate; w. ww"u"" F. " ' brief, on account of the fatigue which the dm- tinguiahed guests had already undergone, and . 011.11WIS' COURT SALE. . . the necessity of being up by atomise this morn- 11.111URSCANT to an Order of the Orphan,' I tog to depart on the railroad from the Umlaut to ' IC Court of Allegheny County. there will Iv ..,--1.1 the Lake shore. One of the editors of the Coro- OW, by public ermine or outer// et the Court flour, to mercial Advertiser, who accompanied them. V o clTfll27t',fiftt.,T. l' l '.lt. th rici' ' ,i, vtr...l.= , writes as follows from Pftrmont : and chum of Janie. 11. Sarver. minor child of Philip tier. r. deceased. of, that sod In the Mllowing described real e "We have just arrived here after a very plea- 10, t...t0 .11 that cvetaln kd 1 . ..7 pave of $1 . 0110411 1 111.... s a ne trip . There is a large crowd in attendance, , ~ , i t,„1.,,,,, v :;zr,T,:zr0 f ,, w 1, 7 : -., , , . .,, , , , ,„Ldaw , and the cheering is immense. We have about ...nod mut. c.tall Alen le recorded In Peed llool,S ol 64.1 1 600 persons in company. The President seems - , • =1 1 7 1 , ald••••olo i l,a' '0" , ..... , ..e:ei1 , ,5 a 11i,V,7i40 . in excellent spirits." , thence 4,lnm:sling in front on Carroll street ....warily :1. , lest, and Inds pth northwardly preserving the .1. width , panne! with Ilraver street IVO feet to Jederpon Meet,. on DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. • Which le erected • two storied frame dwelling hon., 1 err. mute known at nide. J 11 AMU'', PIIIIIDELPIIIA., May. 14. 1 torl4 waT Guardian of Jae 11. Yam, The large plaining mill of Jacob P. Wilson, at TO the Honorable the JU(b+Ct3 of the Court the foot at Washington street, Southwark, was i of u...ra mart : : 50...... of ;Ks Peace, in sae fa entirely destroyed by fire at 8 o'clock last even- ' 11, 1 '. ° Allio`g A n i; s ll,'„lioble of bone Et. Claimed Batt. , ing ; also the extensive steam raw mills of 3ler- ' aht tn._en4ti1tr 4.. 1 . 0 , _tte t, , , ,, ,, 0ni .. ) 4 :1,_ ~ I lc.rhenY. homily I eer & Pectin, adjoining. The fire is supposed ~ gr7,2„,74. n r.,,,i, r ,,T,A,,;1`'„„,..., ,A" n ,,X,,„,7,,Ft?4,,,,,.g„"; to have caught from the engine. The tom is , a rot.—tint he bile pnprided bltmelf with necensarice 6r the convenience and aerxmartiodatam of traveller* and gran. about s4o,ooo—irattrance $3,000. ' awn. Ile therefore pra l s your honeta to gout him • 11 imt, e. :v to keep a house of publk entertainment and he will ten y • DREADFUL EXPLOSION 1 "4?.711 r ; eoloccertify, that trillium Noble. the chore a appiicanL in of good repute fur hotirmy and teper- Lars of Al le. suer. nd is well p r ovided with lamer nom and convenlem iera for the Mena and accommodation of otram.,..re a nd [hie 14 7 15. i ‘ - 'l ..l ' r* T..lloAntilly, A. 11. Smith. Jonathan heelr• Eli About 4 o'cloc k Ulla IlItel21001:1, a terri bl e ex- • Neeid. John Noble, J• 113.1 Itrawdi , John Doolittle, John plosion took place on the wharf of the extensive I tf,,l; n r r eflj o tali,e'ruel'am• l'.r l'oall,;• J.f...,J•zr 31 .- .0....,t T works of I. P. Morris & Co., at Richmond, near , Philadelphia. The workmen were testing a , Notice. steamboat boiler. intended for the south, It *may WIFE, Phoebe Conner, laving; loft weighed about I tons, and was calculated to bear , iv'. my Iml 001 loard. on the 20th of Abe ll 1• 4 , with -200 lbs to the square inch. The explosion was ! V t l,,,l.t.rajl, he r o b ,fi e n a , di n ,e,l o ir,,,."" o r i fi;;• i0 n ij , ... „ .147 . teriffte—shaking the buildings at some distance , arida:teT ttsrllt AS CONNER, AeTerson tp. around. Large fragments of the boiler were I thrown a distance of 950 feet. A laborer. no . e ll 011 N CA RN ELI. re. MART. l , 0 ...,, ,, „ AN CAIIELL—In the Court afoul- ~..- Affo , teed Hugh Sweeny, wasinstantly killed, his MOP Pleas of Allextieuy looney , of Ihvenr 4' y .....„. head being blowed off, G. 13. Reynolds, Wm. , bl i T,:no,; Ll o '• 1510;Z:,,,,,0;n, And now, .„, M. Sheppard, and Philip Schram were dreadfully I to wit: April stet, !hal, on motion ol 111 e....... ,1 , t'el..t . scalded and otherwise wounded. Their recove. A.PPleton. the Coon . Pl aint N. Petteram, ...IRV , . reg. l i:ommlosione r to take dryceillons ar witlamara on part ry is doubtful. ...t I; Haat. to be read on the trial or up above cone. end Aired that notice of the time and pile.. of the nation the eta same b. given by prr n mis publication Inonenreekly new., Pllll.ftini.rniA, Mny 16. , 1 ,..:',Z,`„°;,'1',1"" 11 " th e C,V ro ng af,AAt,gl.. , . for 0, '' , . , The Pennsylvania Railroad Company have I floodi Ilitrl, Prottey purchased the fine property known as the Pow- I Tom... caul., Reepondent .1.,.......a elton Estate, on the west bank of the Schuylkill, • 1... ,,, ..u :/ ..1.: . 1 , 12 ,1 ,,t= i ,, , f n u .. ,:1zi , , ,, , ,, ,,, , , , ,L..,:t i with the intention of using.it as a depot, work- d i P tr:• .i.T.. , 0t..., al it. ~... or tbr IlleTaid. will le shops, and all the other purposes connected with : taken at: W. otlten i fiVa d tl fr rner. , . , lz . er!te , , :o?u , l . f the business of a great Railroad. It contains Ni , I Itc,nr i .Tr 2 Triel7o7rek. P. )1.. of sal; dny, hebre the raid acres, and was purchased for s3so,ooo—ground 1 N. Pallern, fig., when and who: you inar attend. If rent redeemable a ft er two years. ''lttrtet:g4, : aootaros. Att,rne, P.r I.ll.ellant =MN 1 DUFFS BEERCJIANTS' COLLEGE. DEATH OF DE. ERSKINE. VI E. CORNER OF MARKET AND NEw YO.K, May 15. t ill . TIIIRI/140.-I.talglrhotl In 1549. Nnw rnrror.lnd The Rev . D r. E rr kir kr . Punter of r h o m„. k • 4 11t... lalerlattx, Of With .1 0011011•1111. C(ll.loo2tht .lini..rn '.." er .. and nr171..//ro. • street church, died thin morning. FACULT V I.!" . ', P. DUFF, Prost:tent Profromr nr linos anniunc and • Gann...vial co., SEVERE STORM. t , / jHATCA l E p , th P e o so on M0.0t,4, I4an P...." •I". 1 ... 11 .muuur., Mu, lb. The thunder storm last night cut off ell tele- i graphic communication with the north, It has .n nno and In/nuntaiten thn ," Cit, 1 000 been • unmoor of Y °• " °lnc° '•P"'i'•°'/ 00 n.4l . nn Slenliaptn. and n. odtGn DEATH OF OCN. MARRIAT. anakßif ) BALTIMORP., May !h. PROCLAMATION . General Marriat Collector of the port of I 13 Y I'IRTUE .0/ A PRECEPT UNDER. Baltimore, died very suddenly last nigh t the hate& of WM. 11 SIeCIAII, breeldent of the nnr/ of Com... Plea, In and for the Gth Jentleinl hear. ~.... of Pentiaalranla. and J ugly. of w. Court of term and Ter iner, and Menem! Jall Ihelltery. In and for .aid Inatrlet. THE REFORM CONVENTION. soil SaIIII.IIII ifAll. and Wen. bon a , Ma n s.. AsumeastaJeadmee Basrrittote, filmy to. `,l 4 sZ Lt'....ll l lt u rti i ,rigi r , V o i "t ( i".,",tr"o f t' u ts.' . l The Reform Donvention at Aonapolin hove ‘7.4.1 1 .'7,7%,."Lr.t h :P.,41';',A;',.. ° 4'2,5Y,",.;i . „71,1,,,rii:. 1 ,!. adopted a new Conalitriliop, which provides for , f:s) , !_tßl , l ?",it . )74il , l , )l•) , Psstrt Hone, In the City . of . P,oße the election of Judges; abolishes iMprilonoment ! Lurch. on i,,54,17;g-in1i'11'it.,,V,,..“=;,,',,:,“„t. tel debt, and provides a homestead ere= ption of L frrat i tig I:ni.thlmi, of the town All.stiz( , , , t= 1 5500. It also apportions the State so so to give . u., mom. ~,,,L),,,ia,,Z=ittaV.Zyft,A.,,,,,,,,,,,... a mor °equal and uniform representation. The % — tvd ,". , , , ,d, :b rz r ......,.... ); . : .th,51 Ja 5 a i l u zj a Convention was to have adjourned final.ly during oii`i otoo,ut. tts. orrL 6 ll%t . o * ror " , or cro4 - I.,lwthe last night. . Jall of said c omit, of Allerbeny, to lie"tben and then. to . prowrate aimitnet them as ii.all borne. 111,13 under my hand, In Nesbitt.), th is 21 , 4 dor 4 April. A. I/. I hiel. and a the Commonwealth lb. 74113. .007 i ILI w till' UAIiTER CURTIS. SherilT I °UN CARNELIA i.e. NIARI- t itr e wg AN CAILNMLI..-... 1n the Own of Chub ~.? ' j i lt: hePh.. of Aliezlotoy roUltl{. of laman-e; rb enn. 'MO. No. liA. ei ',..... a... Libel In diaorroomm-ole mate:awn, And e . 0.. to Wlt: awemotion of r",-, ~,,,l. ~i. , , spol.ton, A 1 tort,' 1:14: 11 , 11‘111, .1.r..f • XII, amens !sr. on.lr that s toß.e and Rose subenee. b. /11301 i in t /IV abuts ea... mot returned /accordion to IR , ttnti dial lite 4..f.:0hi50.. Martan Camel!. In said mme. mull not ______ - . it. found In the County of Allmiliem, . It It ordered that NEVI YORK MARKET. 'ter Slone! of raid Cootie small came ores. to h.. sae.), ' on In one newa t e.per, prlnn.l In the City of let.hunth. In CYLNINti IMPORT. : Cold Count,. M.r four weed. anereamienly, prior to the brat e ,n.l day- of June neat,ronulrlng the Naar VOti.,, May 14. 1 ma.id.i. tfr . ll o l i . i e'elppeor on the raw day swer to the .. ' 'b et t (From the Itnentahl: ''''' Cotton—The market is t:mitt:oft, with onlog 1 " 4 ''', ' r ,IE.I. ~ ILA Y:4, Pro - - • MEMO NEW YOllll MARKE:r. New Cork, May 14 The market., are generally quiet, wader the Matutriee of the steamer's Lew, Flour is dull, et $4,00 for ennituun to straight state. of 900 tales at a shade lower. Floor—Tbo market is firmer, with mien 10,0110 Ws at s4'oo for common to tarsi:T.ll4state s4'l2 for mixed venter°, and $4 60(7 . 9,4 75 for fancy Ohio. Grain,Whest ie heavy, with noir, 5000 be. Genesee at ploc per bushel. etero it, better, with ales 60,000 bushels at 56.3. for western, nod 604 - for northern yellow. Provie.ons —Pork has decline 1,1.2e27. per hbl without aver sales of intpmrsnee. Lard is heavier, with sales 250 bble at tie per lb. Cat meats are qplet, at 81®9a.for 14 ban; and r(Ltic Botta In good demand at 10618 for Ohio. Grearieis—Coffee has declined; with :idea of lib vie 4/0 per . lb. Mobinesle 1140 ;New Orleansb d nasettzall. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PIIILADELPIIIA, May 15. • Flour—The export demand continues limited With sales 700 bbls standard and mixed brands at ? bbl, including u lot of a better brand at $4 31 - e bbl for city use, prices range from $1 3116, 4 37 per bbl, for fair brands Pennn and w,,,t er n, and $1 44(,455 for select lots. Rye Flour—There has been an increased de mand with males of 500 bbls at $3 343 50 per bbl. STEAM BOATS OR CPI. LOUISVILLE--The 0 n ary forarar .uner Octl—, I, 01.CUS. an Capt. E,rn.. l win 'e ..t the Inter. nogitatr parts on this day. at 4 n'elock. v. For freight or plumage apply on hoar] IntnA lIEGITiaiI WHEELING AND • ' a I n.= Z 3 An-mini :A . ' and “Wer:ruagPtramlsoitt ' To )1011.01 CAILYCLI. nr•Tonlldop, .sg, n . m , : VIM an , brrt-by roquirod to 011ie. berOin the Paid Court, ~,,, e h rt Monday of J uott. iota. to aura, to tho root ; plaint of the ahoyo oaantal thwllant. utt.loolltsiaT C. CURTI:I.:Y..IIft _ I 1 N the matter of assignment of Louis Shrum 1 . i To John Bartow lu "thet Court or Common Helve of Alltabroy Counti• No- o Term, 1,5t ,i .. „.. .5.,,,,, „dd. .111 ' wtt .i tyTi7t 'l Z:l7,tUtentat properly r'utboutleattal 'for ail::: moat, Ilild 0.. inthobted aro rrpurwod to make !moonlit JNO CARTON. A 511 0 ,.. .. '4" .:ll 7 .rf'a iinreN. 63 tth Marra _ For Sale. I .; ..A,,,V.A.,,,L0.11:1:I.:F0.00,1:,A,n1:1:31,50:::::te2(110 iLl:e ‘. : .. —. 1., : ‘, .., ~,.... Jolla nutt.., r.ki..gw.. vw.., I atilt,. tnwlWltlp. Alloahruy noway. Pa-. 3 mllas trtatt IEA M PACKING-4000 pounds mired, whirh ant Ihrott hwelltua ortn% twu llama. and Warr 1. ~B ow hka.warnauutl fob/ Um very bad Poo lug • . 0 ,,,,,,,hu 00 , Au. cootuthha r ga Alf "Web hot our Bow In uor s for lbw folk/win purpairear-taabolo 00 lload hymned Inth- For further .4oru stsSr. on . Plattahlllstou hods, Steam Julat, atom udisui, Cylthder tho prembed, to Juba oder: 6? to +moth C Husain. Hew] r. IStuftins Noes, se, te. For =livid the inMs. Rub . 3...., &oath strict. ~,:, „. u.piugt. r9stwa. , 'tor deV, Sio. I sad 9 - Wood gnu . • PI II HOSIAS WHITE, BONNET MAND rAcrutmt. Nn. 41 &alb Se , otul (bore rftgt frb1.5,1, AY. I .1.161.1 T JOHN - a..l.rwurs. ILIAAJLAT. AG . A . LEY,.:IV . i? .. 9 i I v & Co., IV hole- lIEA LI). 4fil*NOli. & CO., Tobacco N0!1TR. 1 ,7,t'". - I;:f,"'Zl:at.4,l,l' lh """''''7`• ,_ vi.E Etc F: it A A NTELO, lieneral Commis '''. , nton Mora.ant, Philadelphlo. 1.110n.1 ultnnoes umelo on rou•iguno.n. of Prviuce I.7l , 9PliiiV. 1 janil.th. NEW YORK. Office for Foreign Patents, u. r, IVall el., X. Fork, and 166 Fltel en, London. ATENTS FOR INVENTIONS procured Vo On, Franty, Er/ount, flotland..l3.l .11 pwn., of Eurorr--the ("analog, Cuta, atla the Bra. Ala Full lufortuation an the above cart 1.1.4 10 Fuldreralog ). A. PIRASON. rn vtlam h Anat. Now York. Fire Works for Fourth of July, 1851. O SCAR JOLLEY & CO., 180 Willinm sot., Nisi You. Inizirteri of Engibb, French. and (ler leen TOTS and VANtA 1100 D O, sod manufacturers and Importer, of FIRE WORKS, haring meneedrd P. L. Vultee In the hire Work !Ando., and &tidied thew:etre. of the cast re.nurees of that long establislud houre. are now pre. pared to turnieh v,,ry deseriptiun of works, 'unable for large public or mall exhihitionr, on the meet reasonable t ee n, IL J. Film, It unnereexa toint prelim of the Wort, furnished hy ry thew. r . (heirsop utation t. already well ertablishod. Thor Include braid. the exhibition plcre, the mat exterior Riwtete. Roman e Turbullion, Verlicirs, Cant.", Wet.r Pole (7.ole.red Err.. Chine.. Rocket... fired. ire Rowe.. Pot,. Warr llot , perr, Torpidly, Puller, Ma nama. Pin Wheela, Yeroala,'Priangle,easona,lllue Chioelieentekeni. Julie. or Punk. Onion , rooreetfullr whaled. rorfAlloo.rlter Saperior Black Writing. and Copying Ink. LONE'S EMPIRE INK, ti 7 Nr . issau street, J Ourt Buildinar, :row York.. $1 50 u oz. per dcra -SO 50 n a t rts, per dos !I a. • - -7 Oa draughtDer ...... Thle la the boat article trutaufacturrd, It Bowe freely— IA a gond (X)PYINti INK-and VIII not oorro4o, mould. Peerialutto or derv), and pa.... all lito qualltka {r ed fore good Minting Ink, suitable for the gal, and .4 mirahly adapted for the .are l'etx The under.lcued le prepared furulah to the trade el thor export or home runeuratothm, at the oho , n rerl low micro, pat . per order, aud dellreml an " uat e i: of the city or tr. of charge. No eh.. fhr eases. or kep see rhery;.d.ratm " °'"' FIVEODORL 17 Nareau Pith Sundials, yr:r SNIP TORN. Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherons, ,MEDICATED CO3IPOUND, for r0%,5 %,5 stoting. pre...nine and beautifying the hair,ersdira tint, scurf and damiruft. and curing disease , . of the alio, glands and tauseles. etlngs, cut+. brut., sprain., etc. It has heen aarertalord hy,apetinsent. that Ham's b n. rn.dueed the sawn efleet. In raring diteassa of the •1:In. rte. of the horse. and all the animal kingdom. The teftlutonials, selected from hundred's op aimilar iturert. will serve to show the TSOII. Of lb^ preparatkaa. and thr rstintatautt in which It la held by those who have en It a trial: . . . . Sow 22. IVA Inter. BeßlT— Drat air —l have been alTIMed with Reit DirIPOUM eruption of the scalp. of a mrati akgravated ch aetor. for the lan Plit- t roan. donna that port al have hal the alrice of wane of the nowt anunent pity sl eistna. krul bare tried all the preparations Ow the hair and skin now known. without the least benett. I won added by a friend to try your Tricopherous I did ro. isti a Intl rerort. end. F. my sorrel.. awl gratinration. 0.111 myself eunel about two mouths. k'mh was thrrioleuee of the deem., thatat 14/310 , I Vs, blind. I:eget-trolly. tout,. i• 11 BABEL% E. lan Cohan hia street, Brooklyn. Yosfa. Ort. 101 t't.fa , Bunt —My Mar efr—Atettt.ro 'ram mru fay hair INlne out a ,rent dial. and my brad vas much aMlcted an dandruff. I was Mid by a Weal. try Tour Trionyberl 'ff p , . and 1 did miff M my übmenf. or hair 1.011 rot,l. and all be dandruff non dlaappear.d. am the I:f•ad now thon• far Itself With ',rye..., I ar e t r kaarlill i fir . .;l 3 If att, lad, rr ff.ntleman fluubm the anti,entlfett! of ' lb.. .W.e. tin, .01 cal ahem rolemor A C liaZi• • uff6.e. 131 New loft, bro will produce the nrfgi nal frYt.yrar ; rm. the NUM., and Naval Aran, Nor 9. ISLO ; no,. to nu remedy tor tha pettuanent Oltre uf end alamsee of lb. cranium general!, that ha. reached enjoy,4 bv the article k 0 0 ,411 Profee.r Barr, • Tr. Theron., or Stedtratol (maYound. It la ex• uee..l by the upper Haw. uf the obnomunlty, In airman everr nuraery In Use laml tan.. 1 Pnletnnoc. ctn., article. of the kind. It Impart+ ticar to the roc. cd the hair. and thue promotes its growth n• • tymartable de- It dealt's), the dandruff and ocurf, and makes the hair fine and ph.y. It cure all dtaeatwe of the enaln. 'Ludt a. crate head. den worm raxl other obnoxious ditto.. den of the skin; In a..fflon.-y. It cdanda n nrivallod. It oral In large bottles. Deka ISeenty, at No. In and at the Drug.t.—leta genenally, thnoug bout the United States and Canada. .thtlf PRINTING MRS. 11001,=),\,-Thitmco;01,:.,-,!3 S firt tru n, c o o; Street, ILA ENGLISH PAINTING INKS, atr 111.tet•I mad Litho. grapttl Ptlnto, and Ike Ftne licalk ad Job Wart. which they aarrant to be rstatpone.l a( Gleamy.. hhatarlals. sal work ma l . upon an twain.) . petatttra Thr esnottlnalloan in tbs.. tufa. smooch aa Waive a rich t-te and p+rtnant.o t trurit auporto to atlvrteatt how :told at pdn..,. o vary (roam ai :0 eta to SIP, par lb.. put up fu .A.A.R. AAA P,rattalln! to onlct U Co. al..omaottlarturr minted Intact( earl 'bade and ..1.11110 tr.,. 11.00 in 1'70. 0 4 P1b. 1'70. 0 4 . , .hall.. ICE MOV A L. W. WAKERAN dc CO., Nu. 7i ,k ill (lute 76) MAIDEN LANE, NEW TORE. apposite Me Old Stand. IJA7IITPPT'Nt'aiiE RS oC ~:,7L/,,,.t -Tark.rg of Draars-111.17 sa.t WEIL, Wee!, Av. got', Shal,r, Bud.. .Merlon and Cott., Drackndle and Mr.!, D , ..atarlea nei fancy of an tf in and qtaanite. and I"..s—Fann.. Filk. and Mack of even' kind. t .liart and 8. , ....t-41f all inds. V....v.—Fan Silk awl satln. Ileavy I:nallab l`nurr Altwrt I , rullarrt. Twilled Indian rati. d. IQI, Bawl: err)..,b—Corse. linen Cambrln, Loglo.b, urn Dampen. And Fornlyn Gkanne—Kid. — lk ' n unk2ll, 2.1 211 ate latest of • .. Tl known 2.1 6anll2lA _ nnu—Slank ere% Mnrlnn. Lamb , W 001, , ukk kmk EII2I3=EI MilMagg Morro Rioting Lterts or all qualities. Wvwould invite particular attention to our Doinestle Knit Urvirovhirtv Droner, and ilrolery 1011. WAKE:VAN 1 CO, oirtilntha(it) IV t 01 Maiden Loot. Shawl and Mantilla Warelouse. S. MILLS, No. C CORTL.ANDT ST., :„7701 ) r, n ri l k of St:3Elll,u SHAWLS ewer beton. rerelvm. Also LACK MUSLIN And all binds of SILK MANTILLAS. martufartu. rod from the Lslen Paris faehion, rorelrect b r the simmers and particularly adapte,l 10 the Spring trade. Also, • Tvry rplendiol noel, of PAILtSOI.9 AND VII• lIIIELLAS.musIttIna frtnire.l 11/3d plain edg.,l Maori anti .111 asul Turk Slain Parasoln.and Cotten ham nahrells, All of .111 , 11 will Le otTeml at extremely prlee, 1t a eme.elally Invite our Western frientlato ex 'Arl-1:;," VI ' ll " i i ;t11701r syrurstlntl't; exhibiting shimia Mantilla, pot op In nu.est for trets,nrtalion. febllnf Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel opes. O. 283 MADISON ST., NEW YORK.— Tb.. eul,eriber. In Imitating then tirrmamlo,l duih. 71;irT 6 a , tVe . err=l " . ' l . .m f' ullTal,,T o e f j ",t7,,._M etnerien, e or )ran Imr 'eetabilsneal then superiority be total all burin aml he minfalently refer. In the teeth.. try ol llaosens• men who have tired these entalopes. are/ 10 bit rapidly loam/ins sale. u prod of their eAgel. MiliE • . Irn tin the plan• wettploa GT the real. a prrann may ht. mull. huularaa, and aAltirnar, rounpionmalr ono I. ' ,.!:t r tn fug riol_ , ,r . ...7t i z , ,l d nnni or plain, Ulna affording Pet` f ''';!:47l 9 l l. ;' fr..t;f:,.....L0t. he oPon4 .ItlAota 1 4.4 de' • '- 1 1 ." , •Ithrr wax nor 'raters am rrnalr.l to theta. , I ~n t vdlate t r "er lr o e t I n it u b= tr,,"l,7ohUttr'lltr: . . . fob The El elope, ant forafabol at almost the Kato, Lai , ea plain nu.. Gob. Lark, hater mailed 1. a meet effrottro advertisement. aura to attrart the attention of all through whom banes It .endOIDO le • net Of priNn. for DICe easTavad bra ••birh !ant for ran; mod of . liavittOriS. of the unualelm, either whila or WT. ,t goalan , mad. , an above. with name, white., de.: Pt's , . Id 11 0 0. P0i.... of EntvinlTra mode at 20 letter. or ter $4,001 alnre. 6,tailoOo . $l.OO, . . . , 6.00 ISM; 40 l 4 li a t ,.. tri . .it , :j: 5.101 3000 , - .1.. .1040 Col) 111 SO . ... ..... . 111.00 1.1 1 'JOU (0 to lin) 14Llitilf.000 1000 Winn It in not nootenitrit to forward NAIOat of °Nor per mall or ...pro. • roferoo on to • ronpoctniblo No. `a nrit llouto will to rultioient. All mint.. will moot inttliproimpt attention. If a/tiros...J. 1051.•11 Y. No. 2rlo lilailloon ntroot, Now York. Oolovi will 1... •ticollud to promptly, If 101 l at tho ntoren of Monet, ?Abell fi Molt. 'X Wall stmt. or of Loom. 11. Jerolltri. Ii Co., 104 William nt. N It—thorn...... OM., rtaloootod In 001013. from name Plow. at $1.00., per thonnotal. fuhltlidilto CIIICAGO, ILLINOIS. THOMAS HALE, FORWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANT, CISICAIIO, ILL! NCIIIS. IONTINIJES his usual facilitit, to 100.0100 nu Onto, :al, awl Trucial:HO...all erchan4l. ruo , ,,ord b.!. Iron, hit dock .1.11, Ihr all points .41 L.A. , . and tho Caned pod /liter. 11.-fureneun—Nlerrro. Lonna, nlerllng t Co f",l Ilornua Jane. ( Nair: Mr. John A. Cuoubuy. ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH, MI SOW. MI DDLETON, RILEY & 31: , i Comrals..lon, and Vorwardlng Men 1....—. lien, to A lutusaLcHor r Jol l b l L a . . Pttborule ! .1" jr)AVID C. TUTTI'E, 1.,.1v, and Cornmiaslonrr fur Pannaylvool....-1. Mo. conmunhallono prnmpnr analrunul. JOIIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coon!. aulle at Law, and Cornlnk.fogur b.r I. ... ...ma - Irani., FL Lou!, Ito, (lat. , of 1nt1a1...411.) ltc[..rence,—.llL R aburgln un. It l'orvonl. lint..lon Miller, M'Candleas Fleaure. John C. Parka, 1....110 Sumnlu. Nli-C...1 t en. aualtly • 130S'I'ON. • AlaidoAß HOUSE. tteritlVLß STREET, BOSTON. FrHE undersigned having entirely built andel:43llnel the above ex terotivemablish `Roth eutdrelonor lu all about three hundred anal any me.l4 would rerbertfully Men notice that It le now read/ h. the meeptlou and arrommodation ur th. trnyell l . l coAu munity. m extunded halm of the uneornverudrnot'''d'''"*"ll. Ileum Ls deemed Importunity.. ne the sumer°. Improve. , fount* which Lave lam mule cannot he properlY learn tree' as tuiverthement. Eufbre It to ear... e.twn.a 4s. barn spared to realer any ornament perfect of Thu furulture wan mule evoreesly to ordentninnth._ met. urtai portions of 14 orterelelly the hthwthg rooms, ,wi llwi ha found tot. of the most beautiful Manua. tom. The bluing room. am eapadotte, and the hem. for meals will I. so arranged as toeultille amerolonee of the early ,rat late. r h 1 . " 173:Ltr '"Lt trjlt t e p b. riv " 4 " pal i nea n ft ' l ' in u ve n l= lll % American shalLosvrtut the Tramline' , thane. febbulawdtwelaT LEWIS RICE. trs - E - Firystfiliusimi-- -- ------ t ----- reed tram the Man ofartorylo Boston. Vall) fret foal. hub _. r loee, nlaen ranging from to . 1U Inches In diameter. Th 4 Hu.e In far autarior to any 1/...e manularturol OP leather. fur hydrant, ..doesoe, or Eire &Wire, purpose& We irinh It to be xlint.l.faetly untleratr.n4l that etery lush of hove that gop front our eftahllnhmeot In warraote4 be Ite r or rze 4, l , odol,f‘r the roomy refurelq u tt a trj . Oho Ind!. It ul.bre Dtlalt. o n,:ai - -- .a1i..1 . 1 lILLII^, EIMMZii=OI HOUSES, FARMS, &c Valuable Property for EOUR LOTS in Allegheny Cr. fronting on thr heath Common. hamndlately fnunt of De.' re Church. There ruts are near e Depot of the hie and Pennsylvania Railroad. atnl arm calrulated t.evarehouvra,or • site for atuanufarturiniertabiltbutent. my7:2te ANDREW RECD. Jr. To Farmers. /I ACRES ACRES Farming and Grazing allllJAJ withi n twelvearren county, I , wated on the i tittiloy river, within Mil. of la haw 1 art and Airo-1,000 Acres in Elk counti.,f,9railg=licalla Una ten.. Enquire of To mydm o:lard roar o f Market awl . . Third !te. TWENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al rewly under wood cultivation. wekhinnne made qf tar ory. will to mid for IMO au aart—one third nub. and the balance in one, two, and three Trap. 7 . P . ...U ..1. " eo quire at the Email. done rd Third a co.. A Very Desirable Residence for Sale. lIE undersigned offers for sale, one of the most desirable rex:Menem , In the town or %wino, wink.Yor trout', Ohio, containing about dal acres of land. 'mg. ond commalions Mick Dwelling Douse and i out bow., and • Kuod mutely of choice f ft nod And, ben. One of the bat echoobe in the mut I. within a short Odeon . end when It le remembe that In ex Pittsburgh. fro this time It will be within fo boon' Mao( Pittsburgh. It will be men that here lea small induce ment for an, who desire a cheap and eleg t retreat from the city, al m m • eummer mtlrentrin c •partuthent reindeer+, A ,net or the whole of the I =perm be mid with the buildings. Thiel property nut' be b.d for k" than the bulMlinere met. 1 will also promthe Otte and con vey. without thug°. lot of more than Deo •Mes. situated on, the honk or the Ohio Canal, and etherett,,twenty sods Mai the Depot of the Uhl. and Pennsilvthla Railroad, to any capitalist or company who will eetabliste thereon is Manufactory of Iron. Ootton, or Wool, which than employ capital of 11150,900. Let It borne In mind that Ilmaillon leof the ot beoutiful and thdrhue to west of Pitts one burgh. Coal, end 01 tint mean. of living. KJ well no rm., ran be procursd here fee low as at AZT point. Goole when manufactured can. of mune, with great Mom be transported by Canal or Redhead. DW ,9.froatilleno. A pril 17. IBM .—1 an2D9wIGHT JARTId. For Rant. ASmall well finished and completely fur niehed &Oft. on 9d at., neat door to the posboglee. D. GAZZAId, No. 79 Liberty et. between 3d and 4th sta. 'ap3-f (Poet end Tribune .1 , 7 I ' - A. WILHLN) romer yr Ibuket Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale. TILE subscriber offers for sale the honse and t=lo m n i t: • Argia b ,`o rsoM i tTitVtgrerP: k triCt .- Lo w e market of this idly The lot is 144 ft-fronton tart St, running rock 202 fort. to an on nearly ens nom of ground, and le bounded on every Udell/lane Oro. MU. adorned with trees and shrubberY. T b . hnuoi nearly new, lut e, mid exceedingly well smagod. having a trout off.° feet. rod a depth of 72, and 7512714.1.1 nvinci, besides halloCanna et a n d ft built In the Pod and rorot durable , and has a en-0 , ..0 .00 'contains Idl tbo nrolern coneenieners. Two Maps, with the en polo of bard and soft water, are al th e 11 door. lite inereleis are the necessary out buildings. stable, carriage hou The grounds are Did out madly as a lawn. rovereTwlliler fruit Crum evergreens, flowering ru shbs, rorranni. berries. raspberries, te-Mod garden. The frog tof the best kind, and the trees are in their prime. and yield enough for the wants of an ordinary 103114. The roue*n of thug proyerty, •J to 4001117 and eubsirban oomforts. combined with contiguity to roe city. I. not surnamed be an/ residence in this vicinity. It has a view of the frolo ktir Mr over it Win of Teutperanoe -0010. South Pittsburg ve h, the city, the two rivets. and the hills around. forming altogether a mooramte pron.' of which the eye never wearies. klvery Nut which enters or departs from the port of Pittsburgh on th. Ohio, prows In full view. The residence and grounds an also ouspletely rromos4 from roy annoyance of dust. so destructive of amnion and vegetation, and sellouts a retirement se pellet rod peaceful self located it PlAlle quietuook in the enunliq. The property will be mkt al a burl. and proseselon given whensser desired. Enquire at Duette altos. ao=hdtl D V wurrr. Far Sale 'FFIE members of the Fairmount Fire Corn '. rani, often their Enene tor .t , . It is In gool or dr, and wllloo *ad En,ulro of J SMITH, Seer, oplvf No Ng Penn ntroet. KOR RENT—A Dwelling Hoare unfit 1111n1 mbone and near to !..tcdtbOold. "It 1.4 flntmot. Imreyard. Inull bongo, te. Will routedknl. 004 roonnn-nna C.,(13 Al.o.—For MU or Loa., nem. lot. In lb* Ninth Ward. 6elaeen Peon 0".4*.4 at Benj. Darllnatnes, A:mirth street, near WooL ineltanti Valuable Real Estate for Sale. lIIE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on 2. favonaLle the Beal CAM, la lty of Iltistrorxh. No. I. rta......lunbi. mon hon., . . . on Srtmd 'tract. between Market and Ferry etteein, tb. tub being each 19 feat front by 80 den- No. 2. Oontalna 53 feat twat an Third strew( adjoining the Third Preebyterian Chon-h, on which t. neeted one ger 'Wry brWit how., taed as • printing Oh*. and one two Rory brick warebonam. No. 3. Too iota in rattan, Beam county. being lobe Nos. 3 and 4, being idaut 1.00 feet obosre.on whkh harm. ad one bloat of boar frame dwelling, and one ingrate from. dwoillog. all two Mabee high. No 4. one lot SU Act front on Reek etroet, opposito the atom, and etynding to the top or the hill. No. b. Too beset WO. orb bC. Let toot, and running toot the road to low wale" 'mark, on the big liniver. . • • ••• • • , • 10. a• One valuable water lot. 100 feet on Wheel Baca with ten ,b.,.. water power attached. No 7 one lot opposite the water lot. SO feet front, and extending to the top of the bill. on which le *read one two story bricking. and warehouse. 23 by 00 flog ahoone frame dwelling. two storks high- No. S. One large lot in hew Btigbton. Beaver county, be ing about 140 feet on Broadway, and about =I feet deep, d " Vtlr 'g a ''' sto ow alT hi tzline ' ''. 67 .1.4 ne5, two ~ ..1 7 4,1f r"'I t! Thir property was formerly occupied .y wows, arrd ia eery pleasantly located, being itrunollatelyopptelte . tlko Fa 11.51.00 No. V, 01,a water tot.lmsowllately Fallston RAO,. .a p fwity about lOU !walla length. and eatandlai from Water attwel to low water twar iti o t. tow i r: AT pr, a ar ' lZ To. V r flra a 1t...T. STkli r 7ON, tvroerThloi Slarkot Mort. JOIIN Agent enehle.l [Journal atal Post copy.] For Sale. THE UNITED ST AT ES HOT= I. BLOCK OP BUILDINGS. on the corner of Wash." . lagtoo eni Penn Amis, and fronting on the ei lanais Canal. In the City of LlDA:arab. The Lit front. mei hundred Rwty tour fert Prov Street, and one hundred sod aloe feet nine lobes on 'Nub/neon etrent. to • twenty Re, alter. Incannu DAVID Olik.R. 00.100 n st. V ALUABLE MILLS. FiRM 9, ANDII:II'S y FOR +Al.o—Ton large Plant 31111 s and • for 0111 on the &seer tirtuk, with the necessary water power. • Also, Alell Rosin - nod Fano in Lawrence-wooly. Prier MOW.— so. • I yak of i ll aems. 000 the Ohio river, three miles Ohio Deaver. f iles beloor Waal Alen, co* of 140 am, on Mr Ohio tie,. 6 w Dearer, fur 1300 per acre- Alma. opu ulna oor liltper acre. AI, farms of 1 6 0, 133. and 96 acres. for r- per sera. Alm, 176 acres for 3PI, and in acres for ill per sae together f with many others of sari. rime. ulre o !/‘ D. le. B. YETFXIOMIO7I. Attorneys at law god Real Etta. /Wrote, feblo No 107 soh et Pittsburgh. A Blast Furnace for Bale. TIIE UNDERSIGNED offern for s Sale tin radar altitst.l Chmonn4, Gecepats known ea the 'Allatonna Weinettee. - wilt all the 00.. laildime, SAW awl IinISS MILL and every thing ow esesaro f tcarrf on the Smelting Of the. It has 1.400 Acres Land attached. with as moth mom atninning would he nenwary. whish ran be had team The. to MI per making t I rhon. tha y mo g t th vo r r ewith eon ch n to on . . fo tf. In very ... large gasoline, easy to aloe. and yielding from IA per cent. It la ono mile and • half front the Etowah 'telling 11111. where a ready wale can be Mond for all Ito product* of Pm Iletal; and to two miles from the Western and Atlantic Itainesed. which It oae of the floe. i.f railroad* conneeting the Twines.. inner-with the Sea hand. which hoe *la hues of railroad. running oat from t. Minimal and oodet twateac4 passingthzuti all the too I=6.l.7l7lrali,ll7cliTn6el7r, a mall wad* ‘ll* now in full Liamis worked by water pewee. with • (allot Met. on • never rtream, and in tba nowt healthy part of the South. lettere deuced be addneeed to me at I:wwah, Caw, Ga. or I can n at any time on the premises THOM Ad P. STOVALL. AllArdelA Inavart. March 1. corlVAlreArorrAn trILEAL ESTATE FOR SALE—The under glorml often fur rale • largo uutobor of valuable s lots, and e o sur. roof d•Orable sit. for =maw , Itoni.oltig'l (don 4. l''' ..td ItgLlteTl7; ' ),lTT.Ut i tr ' r•Ve ertu " g. h. ' the rapid growth o f Artnlnalutta In populaUoo asal lota wraith, and th e rrarouablo priors at wtskh lota • ha Auld, will render tam • Imre and profitable th rees:nut. Title perfect. Tenn, favorable for Wanda. and trona enquilauf Ole tuatendanod, at. the °throat throrpe 011utore. Esq., ort Oran! Atm., Attn.- - burst, betworn TlOrd and Fourth strode., or of William Sytumus and N. Patterson:F.o4 at • their nalres Illnts tu!htdn. SIONNS S. RATON. I RENT—The largo and conimodi- FIOR . 00. noo. n,or, grm, Oahor U T Ins . Edward,...) with an entio. adrohOna. *Waif u. ofas • rani. Aton—Stahllng_lbr two bora.. Erulair• of RI/WARDS, MORRIS CO.. No. to Water rt. VOR RENT—The Dwelling Rowse, on • the torn. of youth sod Wed Commons, lately occupied by Thom. Arbuckle., deed. l'oeerealooki , • 4: • 14 " .1r 1 A I :Ng; \r*Volk4n .d Ar b lala K bete th fr . . V."le kaff '. Valuable Real Estate for Sale. POR SALE--That valuable Lot of Ground eltoated at lb. corner of Market and Went street; Pflneutt umupled by klule.y L Win. .5 •Olosa Ware boom, having a front an Ilarkek.rest of 38 feed n lack at. and on Water atm. of 35 not 1 ti loch. tut of tlrOoud adjoining tbo Gas Wolin , , for lourly occupied by Mr. Jo. Tunillnaon sa•nblrclroad: bak ing a front of 131 feet 4% loch. on lb* klonondabala Rlr. Cr nod alumina hack 343 feet tante...kb attn. Persona &alto. of purcbsolon can rend. fur th er In formation from R. C. 13TOC/ITQN. .14 N 0.47 Market at TOWN LOTS FOE SALE In the new town of Latrobe, Westmoreland County, Pa. • Thr Lelia Manila Diroi of thr Penn's Railroad. TILE new town of LATROBE is beautifully ted keel heln, on the bank of t1!.. - 4:4 l ;•=n a n " s t' it " o47: 4 ! " ;;liere lb. VvinniTlfithia 11.1100.4 erwoos that stream by • handsome Mame bridge of three span* of 41 feet eselt. It is 40 miles Pfttabugh, 9 owl. of elresuabura. II west of LlPuteri .111 r, 3 north of kuungotow. sod 7 south of New Meas.- Tho itmnrylrowia Railroad will be opened to the tritiverri i i 14171.11W near the town, only in Nownowe io 1...44444,44444 lib Ilie southero turnpike. The pawtr in bad • meal at th e now and .444144. 44 X 111 010 1100 10 11,1 • Fiaii VOW //1 pnwreto erec- , , 4 „. „ ,44 4 4,,4 4. 41 irootly opposite the R 412. , ~ 1120 04. offered for'sale or 0.. i i . nil 1..1 wide, and run book Li .111 tiirigilllllll . leAh/111111:30 tepsora , oesienh o .4 Weir 1i0.11.µ.13. . r uin of the lota are MO. [l.lll ,sol• Ircla Ike lioliroad Dept, whkh le In tie. 4.44.4 f the 11.111 ilt- WI and cottage sites. of slim 14 bore 44oretal handewely situated along the 1444,k .1 11.0 rig 0. aili le wad fseemble lama to per ish- 4-bals ta 1,101 The climate ee this region is de lightful. us. vourro round the Woo it VC() beautiful and resiante. slid it Wit no doubt le • blase of greet resort fnan the dues, u it I. IEI tho nildiit of the tine fishing & hunting resigns in tWY part ef the . 01 4 0 . 4 4 rthmmal Inducements ogee themseless at this point for bruin.. men, mauufacturerr, and mechanic+, to come sal eettle; they can end immaliala business and employment.w this Depot will be the polot to which the Iron and ail the teed. of Ligonier valley will naturally wow by • turnpike through the Loyalhano• gap of the Cheetont wil • plank road of tines miles fromAlexanderJetu4iistc4tbrAg9,4 to We Depot; es 00111 also that of the neighbortuked of New 41.01111 4 / 1 0 . by • plwk wed along the valley of the Lays Whams. There to plenty of the purest water; and the best of evi can be bad close to the town. to abundance, There le doss at hand, an laexhaudielonspply lino kinds of building materials, limvotone, wed timber. and grist mill are to full °pet-ahem. with plen ty =l with! . pow. or within MO yards of the Depot, arel eensive brick Yard also in operation, will furnish • WO number of su perior brick during the coming season. The soil Is dew and rich. and well adapted to cultivation, peens, se- See terms of Mit of lots will be made Woe.= applies. tioo,lo person or by letter, in the eutostribe,r or his agent 10 Tounwtown, or at the °Mee to IJiTRU tire wlaw • plait of the lots may he seen. 01.11'0'11 W. HARNIth. N. D. A public tale of 10 bit , will take place at LAM... early in the month of June, of which dna moths will be siren. an9o:l•l4s4.sent.k.gg ADDITIONAL SALE Of Forty Toni Lots in Pauli Liverpool, 0. rthiE recent unprecedented sale of Lote in e above thriving Town 'wino ntorir rrnnttrud too previously laid out, and the demand athloontirthing s the undersigned has too Induced to toy out. • portion of his property in too o lota as *hove, and o f them for We at prices and tarsus that easuot fall to meet the it... of those wishing to purchase. I t is needleas to try 10.3th1.11 of the locatimt of the Town and proopeeta (It having bean inalkiently deveribed in rfteut adveretwouthte) other than' that over ourthuminsl lob bare reorotly doused bands. luta bean porcloont by thew 'Oohing to rnrioro *non. ► bit. home. , •• The one lots arat smog the mint olloblorattarritablo Att theLittnet. ottd ot•PttoriPotly‘loattril In th e omits of for M4Mation stiyarteltbointiri.* in 1 4 ,147004 tom Joer Dlottely, youthwort; urrthoy.h. 4=l fk DLAILIZY. iingookPbanialaL. - • febedt•tfil. MEDICAL MORSZB Compound Syrup Yellow Dock Root, grkccuPlES the front rank among their°. wiener medicines of this country for compkillY .I.ll'stkce'irot En gat i t ‘ e Ne l tex ' al th . '" Ag weer &an Catarrn, Aa r e ' tat Headaches, ikalness, Coughs, Soreness and Tightness shunt the Mesh Ikon ehlta, or hoarsen., drTness, and a tickling salvation about the throat: and used with unprecedented sawn. In all cases of Female IVeaheae and General Debility. - ,litrengthening the weakened body. Siring tone to the alf Neo:girg.ovoif.;tzwgt:lltr.,:i.= from au parts of the rountry, ran la renal upon, it is singular ly eelous In mating oil .11towars. sal restoring till and broken thorn constitutions, It I. Ocular Ter.. Lk. In oomposition, and so ewe combined in Its proportions that the chemical. botenicid, and malleal pro pert. of each Ingredient hannonionslr abbe to Purify the Blood. It has rseutieed inimribrnededlesamarliiche baffled the skill of the IRA phi/Mans, and has alsoeunal Canker. Salt Rheum. Ensiled.. and &retitle, which . samaparilla syrups entirely &Hod to make the boot Impmesion upon. It has bee tested In can. of I:AS.0.1110UB MS 'MORS. The n moat obstinate !Cancel" have been cured by this medicine. We gay that ILIA Anduablernedleine 'nail BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. It removes all glisten...thins in the simulation. rendering the I.lver free. active, and heal th,. It remove Palpitallon of the Benet. and relieve. In elf raFell Aathius. simil mono toed all and at all ream.. of the year. This Syrup Is prepared Duly by C. MOHSE hak e .' t acid entail, street, Providence, IL / 7 and told, ie acid entali, br S. b. WICKS:BMWS. Only Agent fur Western Pennsylvania. my bir Warehouse.. mow W ood and Slath sta. PUPA. • "At c - i• : k:V.*.F, - 7 owed rroudxfor Cbantahpelon of the Law, APction, the Liar. Atthena, fironchitio, Pau or ifeheiners y / . : the Breast or LItAV. and other hf Wdo not nigh to trifle with the lives and l E teslth of the abided. but vre sincerely plains oub selves to make no tosertiens as to the virtues of this tordl eh:would to hold PO holm, to suffering humanity. which farts will not Intrust The Mom of Iceland. and the Pine mid Wild Chem.'s oats celebrated for the cum of all dismiss of the LOP and U.. which are M feerfullYrremlent in all Northern loiltudew From . combination of chemical extracts. pro camel from this blow and those Tows, Da. Iftwrstei Bste eat or Wan Cnstexr I. chiefly formed. Myr WletaYs Balsam of Wild Cliess7 is • One ostaait ratspoeed entleely of Wild Cherry Bark arid' the genuine Ickand Mei, (the lattrr hisported exyrenely for We Yorpww.) die rare medical siftsea of which cry alto cam. bitted by . neer chemist/ priswee. with the extract of Tar— Csa renderins the whole lanapotted the moat cerium end elfteseloue remedy ever discarenst for the CONSMIPTION Of TIME MINOS. HEREDITARY OORPOMPTION Cared by Wlstsy's Dal mom of Wild Cberry.—The following to of Jere:stab Is off U. of Coorsuardoo, (g. of Ws brothers sad sistats ♦lna filed of HortousaptbmA) Is truly woodyrfal: Punts. Run; Hamilton co.. 6ept.l7, J. D. Pau—Dear Sir. 1 tab. the liberty of advising you N the benefit I tun dsrlvot from tha us of Dr. Wistar's balm= of Wild awry/. 1 vas nroetnaed by that larrlbla ow,. Consumption, In May lit. Th. attack pia troll horrifying to am thr hoc of oui - faanliy. (nay broth... and .tnt.nl had dial of Oonsumpliwt. I va• aglletad with .early all the worst features of the Meow. I had • &Ares* la. cough. nod gapertoralsal snag flaal of bloat, beetle Goer, seven pans In the side sal cold ibil4 altsro natlns with dada. of beat nme under the re. of • ettlful Ortatiah from the time I etati takan sick until about...7nel. eines. being then about help... and cly friend. '...ilenat toy eitoo bopele.. or o least bred our phyeician's advbied the use at Wietar'n Itabo.? of Wild Cherry. Within. .7 Inuroledge.m7 father pncutod It. awl otionte..l It to me, and hum the fret day I ,00ttunciescd log it m 7 health Imprierni. and in two works from the thne.l or.onenced using it. I nu able to be out and or., met soy Lod 1•11.1.1ilah I .111....it1a0s to O. hseetote.four bottl.• o the gNiriue. no no. I.llAlati myself pertietl7 well. JEREMIAH ISGRIGH. 4;;;; ; ; 4 ; E=l Joan D. Pam—Dear Sr. In dray, 154 P. I wee attack. with • fever of trphoblicharecter, which kit me In • very debilitated eteln.7ben. In the Miming winter. I ma ta.. km with • .eves coLL which minced me to malk m 00. tent aa to give me the appease:mot • conlharted commer live. I labored nesder• never Morgb—expectoraml serest deal and waa troubled with mid feet end night rants. I also freadently raised blood from my loam I .Otimeed to thin etate, Bredually finking 'ander the dde.ie, until I when I ...min attacked with fever. My friends despaired of my Ilte. and my phyeiciens thought I mold eumtve hut . short time. Sly extm enthse. mnenini ly my feet, were constantly raid. and alMcgt lat. their feel ing. Under these drcurrudetices it may be truly mid nu • Dem, skeleton. I Melly determined to unit Midas me divine Pruserlb.l by phY✓ lotane. and try Dr. Winter's Bat- OM a Wild cherry. and from the first 'reek that I crone mowed taking it. I caudate agralnal Soarer.- I contin ued its row de menthe. at the end of which thee I wan Clll , Pd. and gamy.' gad health ever dam. and cheerfully iVe• commend the Beduin Mall Wow, alDirted with dimes. of the lungs, and would snot b time oommardng Its me. not to be discourage.' kf two or three bottles do not effect a corm but pereeeere. ea I have dine, and 1 ham no doubt but no. mace out of ten, will be Um./ with rewired heelth as I bare been. Barpectfully yours. JOSILBUJACIIBO3. mama, TO 011003 alpaca. V= [QUM= 01 T. =GIP ?SD CRUM rro. Dr. Baker. SpringUld. We'd:Mgt.. County. BY. graturronn, Kr, liar 14. '49. Mount Stanford a Parke—l take thi•orm.aaitr 01 .0. hanalag lea of a "met remukablo cum Performed upon me by the ow of Dr. Wister's Baboon of Wild Cherry. In the year DUO. I was takers with m intatuattenof the bowel, which 1 taloned nod, for six weeks, when I grad. trolly reeovemt luthe &II of 1041 I was attsnliod with a gemre cold , which seated itself upon toy lungs. and Au . the sparse of three yeus I .as confined to my lost I tried all kinds of medicine. and evert variety of eid..lllool gr. and Lbw I wearied along until the winter of 1041, when I heard of Dr. Wister's Deana= of Wild Cherry. Hy Dimas perranded me to give Ira trial. though I but given up all hopes of recoverysand hail PMPued myself for the Mange of mother world. Throu'Fb their mlidtatione Ims induced to make use of the momine Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The effect aloe:Wetly astonishing. Alta three years of affliction and sußermg, and after haring spent four or gm handed dollars to no pure., nod the beef and moot respecteble pleydrims lead mewed neavelle Mg. I .00 roan restored to entire beettli by the bleeping.' Gal and the one of Dr. Wleter'eDalann cif Wild Cherry. Hay the blearing of Ors testiYam !the proprietor. of m valuable • medicine e. Wtstar'e Delmar of Wild Cherrre boon respectfully. Wst. 11. Pisan. Hold by J. D. Pass, (sunward to Hanford t Park.) Yourtb and Walnut Atm., Cl orAmmU,Ohlo, General .tuent.for`ara South and trust to whom all enters ton.t J. Kidd t Co.. B. A. Fakutro.ock t Co.. J. A. Jonas. L. Wllcoa.jr.. Pittsburgh; Lee A. li,ekbasti, A BrghaaT CUT: L 7. Rural'. Waghintion.: 1.. 11. Bow/e. Cnlonto.n. IL Welty,Greenstourz A. liour.l.2.:loverset i4xtt a' Oilman. Bedford: Ito r+l k A.m. Huiatloutlon.:3lra.Orr. lidliday.bora Ilildel.l.l a Co.. Irullmoki J. IC. Wright. Itittantftoit Eras t Co. Brookville: A. Wilnon & Son. Wersitur, MeFarolo.l k (N, N. Calesoter..)lesd•lll, Burton a Co; Eric Graham k Darker. Mem, James hciir A C. Ma lan H. Enallb, Beaver: J. O. Foutonertoll. Warren: F. I. a C. Jon, Coudersport: P. Crooker..i.... Br:martin, feblkdaw(ln)i -7- The Human Body.linst Pervire, S 0 SAYS NATITRE,,to have a healthy ap peerneeK andpinona wbo do not perspire. are liable to the moat disgusting skin MMUS. how, Jona? Italian (Memleal damp mama • Lem parepiratlon. and at the I.ll* time roollifles' and &Ana the atm kirluil It the Want* of an Infands. Emmendalt Ithertin, and &mot are not only healed. bat etuetl de um, ea at kart 7 plonk-inns In N. York Mu.. wbo me It In nth mem, end end It entailing—as lkiP.F. in Elomhee. /nab:a . ..MY abet The winder la vented that Ude Ls no wale.. polled matte., en nue with tr eed pron. 1 could enumerate at Nut eighty Petem a cu of ware heed, eon Itua and tore braid. the reader le nein wound I would not ern. elly eell It for the .bore, lank. I knew it to be all I Mate. More ho ate liable to