The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 15, 1851, Image 2

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County Ccmvention.
Aar The Whigs and Antimason, of Alin
inaly Comity will meat on Saturday, th. alt of Mar.
Pann,na th. annual planes of holding primary oasatlne, In
LlarTmanihlys ropeUrelyat 3 o'clock. P. 11, and In the
Wards sad Boroughs it T. o'clock, B. M., to select
- two Aclegoios Goof ouch election District, to Ourotf
Jention, to he bald at the Court Rouse, an Wcalsoulof, the
lth of Juror next, at.lo o'clock, A. to mote the County
soluhuelloas sentwaioaT to the oat Guar.! Blection„ sof
aloof° appaot delegates to the /Stale' (lourentkcs, to most
Itt Granular, oft the 24th of JUDO.
To the Whigs, of Pennsylvania.
or 4g r AM2I I °III ; EA II I, gpAib be , lig In the
C La uf . ....omulldate• for
of moyarnor,,s o lm
r, sod 0.30 for Jmlde• of the Kum=
Coon ' r M. VULLFIL (Tishman.
iusztt . ll k lirdi O.* Momel Ikllsouroy.
C. Thomoon Jour".
Wm. ' ll ' . lillusAff. Mrsourl IL Thom..
Imonnol TALL Jana 2 Urovz,
Nathaniel Elktukket, T. TOJIOT Worth.
Wm J. 2001 mom Ala:under E Bowls,
Warded P. !Acton, Wm. Baker.
Thomas E.Corbram Wm. 11. Watts.
Homy Job Boa Junes Clark,
Males IL Dordroan, Sherman D Yholpa,
..... 6. 1.42 M C. Whoa,
D. 2..1ia.r, Jolla AMP.,
C.O.Loomis. Dunk] McCurdy,
tah'irgrl/4. mon, 3lr so,
Meer 2 McCoy.,
Job; 0 Nevillt. rr... 1 " J " d "
lair First page— , Circurartantial Evidence,'
Home. Pictures„ , Commercial News, .4.c.
' Fourth page—lnteresting Miscellmiy.
ithird,pageLtelegraphie News, and llama
.F!'"rua Cirsurs,—We understand that the Su
,pertn' • tendaM . of the Nation Census, Jos. C. G.
- -Exastnr, Est., is about to visit Europe to se-
Information in matters relating to the
pertult work be boa in hand: Ilis object Is to
effect an arrangement with European nations by
which may, simultaneously, be prepared !tails
. heal tahles similarly made up, so far as the facts
Wilradtalt, in eider that compariams may be ea
, t lily instituted.. This is an object of great inter
' est, 4 and we are gratified to learn that Mr. Ken
tmdyltaiencottraging prospect for the undertak
in regard to England, France,
.j Belgium anti Prussia, lie has in view. also, a
latter acqualailace with the European modes of
. taking their statistics, and to becomy
tingitith tita manner of organizing the statisti•
.',,ci t iElortatat,:as welles of thehistory of their
sos opandons:
' No rasa is better fitted to acquire rapidly
.''outdo Information of this description ll= Mr.
.To's Mese, logiral, and, if we may use
ttiaterai,a statistical mind, be adds ardent enthu
,y:,-elossi In such
.. .researches is he :,is migaged in,
- ''';` l -ftiiireetiblitig him to accomplish well n not deal
Wirk.SO W.small spites or time. We have LO
..4 doabt thet.thia visit , to Europe; sill Mashie him
• much nine to the elaborate report of.the
~ e.Misturi of 1850; . which he is preparing, and
ha the mast perfect of ite kind ever
in this country, r and probably in soy
Tur.. Srnusvm. Coareovria.vr to Cnerclasu
, =Eee F. e. , Estou, s New England clergyman
:::pnbllslies a statement in the Cleveland Herald
Art 'two Mterriewa which he had with the "epic
its," by the aid of a female --medium." Ile first
went to a house on Cheshire street, where, the
knockings were carried on, 'and where many bad
~ - . i.l.,'assembled to gain news from 'their deported i
,and to bold converse with immortal
• spirits. Mr. Eaton asked whether he bad a sis- I
ter In the spirit land; and the spirits rapped I
' affirmatively. This wasran lunfortunate mistake,
for his sisters were all Eying and welt Of
course . , all the answers which followed, were
. • built upon this error and served to show the i
humbug mare completely. Mr. Eaton then asked
other questions,. in the same way,-and receiv ed
luceresei, aiiswers, 'We presume the `'medium"
org4th.riz&uo*siiiu ,
coneMning persons who are about to visit her,
; -and has - confounded Mr. Eaton with somebody
'else: , - At. a second interview, he' Stopped the
IthOcicings by insisting that the medium should
keep her feet on the carpet. The reverend gen
.. • tleman appears p have been very perserering,
.and to have gained - a complete triumph over the
"The ,General Assembly of the Cumberland
• . Presbyterian Church, in the United States, will
• cen*ene innitrr: Mr. Bryan's church, on Sixth,
• betneen Smithfield end Wood sm., on Tuesday,
20th Init., at 11 o'clock. A. M.
'The opening sermon of the, occasion. will be
bei moiled by Bev. Karns Barrow, of Tenn.
4 /a tie matter of Joseph Down.
When ds - osssa charged with au offence In ono State. Mee to
subther.'sod Is pursusd whl arrested there without Iry
mot, end brought hack. he duxest set op the illegality in
• • time toode'of the serest a. a griaoll for hi. , 1 beherge.
To a. Habeas Corpus issued at the instance of
762mph:flown, the Sheriff returns that the !aria
. onerisheld on two warrants of commitment—one
tuned out of the Court of . Quarter Sessions of
this county on an indictment-for forgeiY, and the
oteer issued by Alderman Steel of this city, on
the complaint of W. Thompsori; for obtaining
money under false pretenees. The offenc s in
both cases are charged to have been committe
about 2years ago.
The prisoner had fled from 'justice, and had
''ever since resided it the StateUf Michigan,where
' was recently arrested under the followingeir
cumstancetr.—His wife; being about to go a Jour-
Ley, took her passage at Detroit . - on the steam
shoat Ocean, bound for Buffalo. He :accompen
; led her to see her and her baggage all properly
aboard. Being there, the officers of the Ocean,
• 'with:other prevented him from going ashore,and
-' • carded him off to the town of Erie, in this State,
- and there, delivered him to the Sheriff of Erie
twenty, who bad hint delivered to the Sheriff of
this county for the purpose of standing Ms trial.
There is acme mystery' about the original arrest
for there does not appear to have been any war
rant to authorise it, and our office deny that
they had any agency in it, or knew any thing
' it, until they received a telegraphic despatch
from Detroit announcing the fact.
" Mr. Alden, far the prisoner, insists that the
Court cannot sanction an arrest made in open
violation of the territory ofa sister State, and in
41elation'of the constitution of the United States.
• ['Art- 4. 2, 2.] The peace of the Union is in- j
- .valved In the question, and demands that ouch
arrests should be repudiated. The order of
'events plainly shows it concerted - plan. by which
the prisoner was to be arrested and imprisoned
without warrant. Been it oar officers were not
parties to the original arrest, they will not be
.• allowed to take advabtage of the unlawful act by
which the prisoner s was brought within their
power. If our citizens were contented in the
arrest, it would be a cause of war. So it would
belt • the unlawful act were adopted by oar an.
therlties. Will the Court lend its sanction to
such a scions invasion of the rights of another
State? Authorities cited: 14 Pet. It. 549, 668 ;
.2 Brook. R. 606; 4 Johns, ch. B. 10th. 2
law Journal, 161; Ram. on Judgment, in,
Mr. hlsgraw, contra. Our officers had noth
ing to do with the original arrest, nor do the
!facts prove it. They found him in this State, I,
and arrested him without inquring how he got i
there. This is an immaterial question. No
right of the prisoner.was infringed by the arrest.
If the rights of the State of Michigan have
been invaded, that la a political and not a Judi
eta question. These positions are b ay supported
by the.. calm SYSOJIIIO Scott' 9 B. and C. 44G,
and the • ease of. Brizooler, 7 Vermont Rep.
121. If stratagem will invalidate an arrest,
our great rogues trill never be caught. When
the State of )fichigan. complains, it will be
time enough to vindicate her dignity. 'ller
demands will be duly honored if ever they be
;Opinion by-bowie, Juitire. •
. - ,.. -- Where a man, Charged with an offence in one
. .State, has led to *nether, and became a resident
.. t - r• , ' , thereof, and is, without warrant, arrtsted there
and carried into the State whence be fled, and
. ~ • ' there delivered t 4 the proper officers--is the de
",..._. ' „feet in the original arrest a sufficient reason for
. ...'Z thisprisenefta demand his discharge in a K n .,
: fi
• - ,-- '-'. • sis the question Presented by the facts and
.7.' : . -signed - by the enamel and which is now to be
'... decided. „ Dian. be obsemed that the proposl
- ..
* it'll does not connect our State othcein
with the OrieeM arrest mode in violation of the
savereigittY of Michigan.... Bat the 'counsel for
the prisoner seeks to mettle' this minnection..--
• Thst, by Inferring it, sit MittiM - of heti frost the
' certainty of the whole .pioceditreand. from the
... .
. , -,:-...... saran, tage accepted by our officers therefrom,—
~----- ~,,, ..,. g?a μ b 7 Fhetteg, we matter of law, the
--.^ecc-tr-,t.-.:.1,-.lf?',4tt!! prignsal arrest epee all the subs.-
... ..... .
. . . „ ..
j . -'1 id - #:1 - ••) L-ri - z , -- , ;
-,;. , .f.:",. • 'lt'.'.. ' . 7
these the prisoner has no‘elieneeiof reach ,
lug the conclusion desired by him; and it may
be that, Wren granting them both, the mat'
don would not follow. We may, therefore, se
a:lasi the tFruth of the premises, in order to test
the validity of the conclusion. The protraltion
to be auddered, then takes substantially the
followinglerm i , -.- .1 •
When a linen, clamed with SD Offesce In this
State, is pursued into another state and t here
arrested without warrant, end brraght here, mop
he here demand his discharge on • Habeas Cor
pus, on th'e ground of the illegality at the mode
of arrest I
ASSERTme that the rule is the same le criminal
as in civil ' cases. The principle is, that when a
Party is brought, by a violation of his rights,
within the reach of process, that Proces s will not
be eibmer" e o be executed, mail he is first placed
substantislly is ma qua ante. He is not dis
charged oh the ground of the stratagem or vie.
~,, in the arrest, b
but simply because his
rights were first violated, in order to effect his Pater, ec -We have mode Inquiry of several
arrest. Ifarmers regarding the effect of the hue severe
Thisprisoner stand charged by indictment with frosts upon the fruit, and are informed that it
forgery,and had fled from justice• Noright of his has been mostly destroyed. There will be, they
was yarded by his arrest. for the pendency of say, a few apples, but peaches and cherries will
the indictment Is a good cause for his arrest,and hn still more rare.
t o o civil' ction, could be pleededin bar as aka- The wheat in this region, although suffering
tifiration hy &Private person acting witho u t wa r- , much from the long continued cold and frosty
rent Tile difference between arrests with and I weather, is still safe, and promises an abundant
without warrant in such BS operates rather harvest- Wooster Dema - rat.
on the evidence of justification than upon the
rights of the prisoner. With warrant, the party The noted Wash. Gay, one of the gang of ?di
etaries the justification in his hands; without chigan desperadoes, died in Detroitjail•
wartantsbe UMW. prove guilt or a probable cause A yoringlady recently appeared in male attire
of suspicion. at St- Louis. Her disguise was so perfect that.
The f that the prisoner was arrested in an- ,if she had lad a little more modesty, she might
other slaps , does not change the conclusion. Ile have passed for a men.
was subj tto arrest there, and to trial here.- mpr
tsar} '
~,,_ ~
tt AMIE CITY CIiARTER.- The new charter
His sigh s are not violated wben the result is at- -7 ~ k . ,__ be ,,,
tabled. Itl is not for him to dictate the mode of submitted to th"rdere of N-w au ie. -
rejected by 718 majority.
arrest. 'That a particular mode is prescribed by ,
the constitution, does not so far emlude all other The first Locomotive was pot upon the track
modes, its to give him a right to my they are tan- i of the Orange lied Alexandria Railroad on Tuts
lawful, and therefore i n efficacious. modes of I day last, and WAS run over the lino from the
arrest are adopted for the order of society, andnorth end of Union street to the tunnel, on Wilkes
not for the benefit of criminals . They are direr- I street The 'performance : was good, and gave
tory to officers; but not essential, as a peers' I general satisfaction..-Nol. Intel.
rule, to the validity of their acts. I "My eon," said Mr. Bath to his boy who was
It mar be that, in this proceeding, the ferrite . • devouring an egg-it was Mr . Smith's desire to
ry of 2.1 &igen h I
as been unlawfully invaded; but instruct his boy-"my son, do you kn
Chowtw th
the prisoner , even though he be a citismi of Mich - chickens coma out of eggs!" ••All, o y,
igma, cannot relae the question, because histhee said young Hopeful , ail thought that eggs
rights a c rere not involved in itHis violation of , came out of chickens." The elder Smith drew
our, law, made it his duty to be here and stand back from the table sadly, and gazed upon his
his trial., His rights ere not invaded by the en- eon, then put on his hat and went to ha work.
forcemeat of this duty. The modes of enforcing ~
it--the foam of arrest; are not for his sake, but The following assamption o. womanly dignity
for the 'order of society, and he acquires no right wan 'l in
c f ew brad re onet in f
,of complaint when they are not adhered to. la n d on e --• wl et Anil y,
If the order of the State of Michigan has been managing woman. John —, husband tome
offended, that State will know how to redress (he .7 ma n g le;
wrong-1 It would be little better than judicial
quixotism, If I should undertake to defend the Market Street Store for Rent
1 dignity' of Michigan, when she has not disiover- L'IOR RENT.-The Store, 11S Market
ed that it is iejured. I have no right to do so at ty ~,„, th e . 0 .„,,,, now m g . t h e ~,,„ e ru ee k e t
the instance of the prisoner. &at I.ll7rirrtnet& moo .. o°n n 'l,lattrlgn,
rt. Ito tare of
Rutherforth, (Institutes 2,2, G.) draws a die- rw ptehil lud Penn et.
traction between the judicial and the executive citizen ., i nsurance winpeny eit pitts' blirgh
departMents of goeernment, calling the former
I the letemal and the latter the external' ex
tire, and these terms are gag appropriate as in' u ANT .
Otter No 41 Rater strut in the caret/000 etc U
dicating the functions of the several departments 7,11-I.tgostolet -
,•,., i, , ,,4 , ;;L: p ......Z1,,, p .,
is such a case as this. If the sovereignty of t o „,„...,„mi t ,,,,,,, ,, „r=,..„,,,„- -
midd e n is offended by the mode in whia the u,lzis4= E , = A uf p nv,l l lt o r n .
~, int,l
arreatxres made, her executive may clan the ono a all Mum. ot PaDluareh wet avi rrronlas
properredrevs through our execative, Oral it will .aarratteManannunn S a . tb. w cr ...., n.i.n. o . " *.
no doubt he promptly granted. I suppose 'she I teamose-G n nurser,
D m.limmler, ilmi lArloirr,
may even sue for it in our court. Perhaps her 1 -14,,,A=Aoritplipts.t Ain,:,•,..... antra.4.
Attorney General may claim it on • habeas tor- - -
pus. Foreign and American Hardware.
, But, until she presents her complaint, we can- . LoGAN, w r i soN 8 , ( x ).,
I not almume that she has experienced any serious I
Igerms !or injury from a mere formal irregularity No. 129 Wood Street,
:in &exerting a substantial right. It is not be- a k in SON LN Slunn
1 yond the bounds of probability that she would • A foil usdcompletestookof Ittillitti.a - ASO AMESICAN
prefer to , forgive the injury for the sake of the I HARDWAR.E,
benefit accruing to herself by being freed of such ...'
mast. .... the Onus trans. aria which may are premed
a eltifen. , to after to pureituera at moss that will campus
The prisoner is remanded. I • tamable with oar of the eastern eines.
Da" was
then conveyedto prison . ' We an- - farMelaAlaVS Team? ear-- -The popoleri
demandthat Messrs. Alden and Hamilton, his I ~, .. t, ,, A mi . pp „„,,, h ,...,„„ 0 p. 0 , ~,, ~,.,,,,, v ,,,,,, 0 ”,
coward, will bring the ease before Judge Grier.. , 0 ,,g 0, p a a . n reee . ep t t ,„ e e th ,, e , a 41,, Te e a or ua ,,,,,
inations. hiebte tecpertable rittactas of Allegheny eat
core lop TEE ellaxtmwdgeallieete pgeygg, , Boma 00111. e. hare wet this Tersuittue is tLeir feud
~.., ._ lies. and oiler the anurstied a( its great statical veva..
To the radon of the 2ratitrlllli Allinlyllifer. i Juan Stratton, !mush used Post. Pitte . hurgli ci
OFITLEILEN . lebOtila Bovaish yen, VW would 1 Wor 3 Sioduos - .. :
Ibe willing for ' myself, to - beheld held atrietlY re - , alari ma" =`.„.,,,.„: ty
spousible for the statement that the east of pow- ; Ap .„ ~,,,,t „ ,. ~,,,,,„,,,,,. 0‘ ,.. ~.,,,,,,,,,,
er in my elearCemagatic ettgines Is 'bps km- g e ,„,,, e , L •h d e ,
dred lima" less than in those heretofore essayed . I sea. Burt. Simnel Hal
It. nay, ea investigation, be found to be 99 or : easuaeure. • -
101, Or even 90 times leas, and I should regard ' rant. he
it a sigma triumph if I had reduced the coat ten ' _55LlL°5llr-e _1 _ -
or elan fire tunes; nay, cent one-lialf. The : Petroleum!
So:abate Press of the 6th instant, in coma:teat- • lossarcurao. Houtiusdon co .Ps . Marche. '5 I
tug litllazt the athelsmats Illowlthbi'ltasie in your i tii. Kuac-Dear tor, Tour i on le wkork.r.errea _.
I Paper, Wimpyitetkne of eeHela ins- , ix, ' 1 : 1 2 ~..., i ..... g. , 1 Ta,,, Ton es ,it junomp, yEti,,Cow A oftEEN__
leer.ferten rinCtPt"releting t° ade °dr " = i.t.,.„ 7 6.„,.4.„..,-..-, 4., , x- , ,,,„p"""."''''' J . solo ,„„„.. e ,,,,j
jeal In the first place, the writer states that ~,,,,, ... j00 ,„,,,,,
„,,,,, p , ~ so. o _ , „ A b p ,.. , ,., , (10PP ERAS-25 bids. (geod) for sale bv
than has been no doubt for tbe last 12 or 15 I
yeses among scientific men that any amount oft e st, 1ea,... D.,..w. Yost Ap ee t. e p ee eee h e e a.., 0 L . ..!
_milk _ J SC/100S41A1CRIt A Mr
power oouldbe exerted by clearer magaetism," I left with we dor douo auk Oil. "Mee or have sou. I A LCM-50 bbls. for sale by
and that "the difficulty las been that the cost was Pleat* we
ant tot L. , als &Aro earavtavir ' na torte J sae aCO
Jour meallent le wurtlng woniers in the , mum. We ••• . •
A. great as to render it unavailable for use "-- .1
‘,..,,,,,,,,,,-,...,,A.,„....„,,,....,,,,,,,,e„,0,„„, (I.tAT S RUBBER G Latl% ES d: 51iTTENs
Audios farther rays "that this (eit the cost) is the , , La -ettre, mv. are of ereat nUllty In all kinds a
lours, At., n n• aC nTT I work .hen prow-um to Hu itsll44 I. motored. such ac
only important item in the cue" I have frequent - i FOAM!! br Messer A McDowell, WI Roo] etreet R. E driving, pardestne.amino, in rhea/kale, Sc. Alen, an
ly heard men of science remark that the power , sena.. et tenetrivet: B s. Falinedoel. A Co. ...nee . Inn/IDE/it tem.ii tor chef,. laamie
could be increased by the nealtiplication of small I wad and I , cl/casts/c.c. D L Curry. D. A. atom Joseph t - .". J AII PHILLIPS
engines, and theoretically: this might be well ; &mars ma it e Schwarts.-Allealuoy.ahoo or the or. INDIA RUBBER COTS-An excellent cot
enough.; but with those really mientific in the, tsiscr. sOl men, , rains Cr sore lingere or mu, oelfsehertne out tut
: apllciterl
_Caul Bann Seventh et. Vittebunth. twrHott • to tameo "Ater: far awl. at Nee and V Mood at
matter of electro-magnetient the great difficulty ,__ _ __ __ - --- - 1 _ tayli _
__.l a it euils.ter
has been upon this very point, the cost being a I ear The friends of the lion. Walter For- BROADWAY HOTEL,
subordinate question. By cost, I m ean the acts' , weed will turret his name to the ssero.toos Witte anti I CORNER Or BROADWAY AND ;MOONY SIRE/ re
' al amount of zinc consumed to produce a given I ootimormio commute& roc me varrivor a tar Dletriet ' •
power. In fact, the question 'is not yet settled I fauna arattear Gotta ,--- Cilleizmati, Ohio.
' r l APT. JOS. II CROMWELL ...cold
whether we c°tl I f
eirriegeeti_O,_erre' Assunite.-Thos. Penney, of the Borough ' U ~,,_ •
nut y anl3.lllire to toe Dictate awl thr
ISay of one t h ousan d 001 . 5
. pollter, arwooo e at , a MA...pult, will be presented to the Anti Mama& and ' ~,,,,,e n e ' e ' t , e een i , 0, 0 0 h e has ado te e,. c h arg e of
any rue. I feel quite ce that, if it can be , wive comuottos d • mut.. fUr n i r ...or. ~..„,. rureitutotrot
shown that this power costa three times as much I ril.." th. a'"Vr a ria ' w
.Ll7,l,l,tioniatia,l.itirrtArlr, =I , It n .,,„,, ~,,„„...,,,
~ ~, ...,
,as the dearest oterstnengines, it would be intro- 1 Assestrox -I would recommend Joe. John- I appr.ews little uf coutern city hotels. An *Helots,. mane,
0 dueled immediately, provided that the cost were ' Hun, of bore Faye. towszhipuivhe Anh o llaeordc and I ofileo=ra......l=to t,...b=n,Letal.
the only difficulty. The editor of the Southern t„,rbgite,n,c= 'i k v0,,,,,N1,.. °' , ..4 .. —oven/eat. tharteamhuet =s c ifa., ft rri c r o l
Mike acme depot. than any other beet chew hotel Int:mem
Press himselfsaid to me in my laborstoo , several ! myl3 irterleAr) Heti Thr room are ploaeaut and eltr• while the troir
rears elect that, if I would show a single horse I RECORDER -James Crormly wolf be a =Write I and rreroaramolailuto are not ',trammed by any ntabllsh
. wo u ldw costing Urine Faa =Web IM steam paver, be for thecdfluoLitecouter. intlyeet to tlo .. acth . rn tif .. tbe . .t!iti r • i
......zr....irztuf,., ~,Lith.a...sriceb,.ttek.n.„.rou,,to.l,
wold raise the means forthwith to go on with I t0.:Zei_.°07,=,..wiri.A,,,,w,„:„,:r,0.,01an;z1,7, I t a t
ill:alai:Mate t=1 „ 41 , 11 • 71 , , , the resonator
rb bolt
the enterprise upon a large; scale. As to th e In- , Lemur ovettairi __ _ et, , :,, p . ‘ 1,1;',„ .° '.
creme of power by the multiplication of small -
11 -'')BP I4 . --- l'h 4 ifeQ lo, of En" Deer I FRANK COLER T LI.I eti/
' C r e=tter of the ratablith
1 engines, the difficelties occuring at once to th e roaodds eta or o
. e .t
t ai,..frktp,t•C l g of 12,"Trt , ,,,,,0,e,..a o. or itu. 0,001 o u e no„oi eu ,.„,,,,. a,,,,„„,
I practical:Mind amount tom absolute probibi- t ', „ ' , Or,", (3=‘,., " ••••• ,"4..,Th..i. 's I men to be fiund
.•• 0 HP. fiend
LUTZ. tl. Ilcot Kcepee car Capt. Cromwell, le 0
I lion Imagine a steam power of one thousand I--
O.TC - lal:NT; Coutesteere.-We rd. Me- I ='0","„k,1,=•,,,,,t7,,,1-,1-.- --
I abates , hon to he made up of one thousand engines .
Knight. a th e Ninth Ward of thr city of Pittebunda. will pule ' '
;Mr • one-horse power! It has tang heap known or s-canalidate beforectlor,,,o,ll,ll=itioev, ••etc Coo ,
~,,,„. ~,,, - atcr eisctsc.
the miniature electromagnetic apnea give , on
pn t . .!-L a tl,, r ' ,-,
a far wester ratio of power than large once : -____- „ 1 HIJSSEY & snsreLent,
This is tine of all plans hitherto adopted, 1
~i, oar eou.sty Costetsion-Illarr Juno •
mum or the Ent Want. City of Pt/tutus . otil be. a , SLOrage,Rl.llppillg &COMM/LT/10D MeichaUUL
with the exception of that upon which I am , „.. a ud a . odor, me setettswel" set nth. no ot c 0 •' ! " , 11THOLESALE dealers in Groceries, (Hess,
noire pplying the poser. and thus far the tar ' I 7 " ' Tr/ Ade " 1r t c- th . T S.' . ct
Crwery evme'lsn''''
V V ebb. Salt. Plaster. et, _ ho ltr ,n, Dork, and 1n•
Rim meet C.a....Lunt. Ohio
0 er gei ; M I /. k l u v gines e .i re o th" 3 , f7 = the p lo p eee p i am ge e eo r r ro a te 1 pery - C ,
,rit,r,,,CtdtM.ttrufrah ti , e ,, h . t.1 ..
~, , e r n mszeleb n,e n
twelve -horse power upon One eagine eolotelts - I :ir.,,,, of the enwning Atal-Alseonic sod Mat tlnunly Con , F an "
Itel f er i ltWm A 001% 0 Co .Cireclan I.
0 lag only a single magnet, and I believe that nom. apArchteru s T sties & R heel., Duffel.:
I a beam"' three times the site would give r tosser RECIISTEIL- Alexander Rob ~,, it .: Of flo es , Cashier, Patal web ( )
cm about one hundred horse power. Theoreti- , 1efe1t,7,Dx5,%V.,,, Jllztv . ly G1tia , 7 . 1 . 1L , 1:71:1... I _
catty it should do so, but, allowing for imperfect . ° .=.71; Woi e r Art Atttiklhalt '4 •P , c'"'a Scott Meeting.
insulation and loan by induction, we will be coo- ! aiWL.ditirtel -- - - _ . T IIF, COMMITTEE OF INVI fATION, t
tent with eighty-horse power. It has been fully Ificoarma.-Jobn Conner, of Upper Si Lear
~ ,Ainerci,lMo,,,erte,,t,littut:riar..o,..„:,..,,,,
di,....... that the axial force, tar that force Mendip, will he eupparted for the once of Ittcorla,e • cUk at t h e e a,. or tfu. poor Atuenran, ;Lortser ol 1 .. ....:1•1 nti
1 Ja 1..
, ln ..
. 1 LI f lir a .0 . b ,.On of the AntiMatonic and hie I < unt/ I ~,, , t te
n ' '° ' ''''''' ' T ‘ ti - g ' rutatt , con•let• of tiro inane., cent/recut
impelling my magnet, is as the square of the
quantity of galvanic curreut coilitwicaT ' tio /nruatona-Sltn-re 7 I Iltinam too ti Faro tart
moo ham- John T o one . it cry
Next as to the cost of the power. The South . AMEMBLY.-John 51. Porter, of the 'lorour , ll , I 11t0t,,,,e,,,,,Lbt,ane,...,, s. _ ~,......„5„.., ~,,,tr„.
ern Press says, it has been heretofore shoot ten , •=t r os,,t . t „ , , , ,, i ,, 4 r, , t a . ,:ta e r, i t,' e r t•k nak n e Z ° ; ‘ , o l 0 se) n .o 7;l;plouttm J 0... Jr
dollars a day per horse power by o
bi' s'
rig 1 Alseratic County Convention mylltalaw tr T ; T . I IlltALAll.rlultm.o
natiam. ,Theehorse power in Jacobi's engthe - oncert at Greenwood,
Lovers - Coe etesiovea.--Gabnel A l. of I
root tWeld.L 4olr dollars . P er . da y: and . _ if be , had tor purl Wepl of ter cote or totottorie, sin & eruct (AN THL ItSBAT EVENING, May 15th,
made a horse power insult' of 0110.13111 ROM ' dute for the onka , of OcconAsaioncr, imbed to the decision SU B 1 WHITE 5 BRASS RAM) ,
power, it would have cost him somewhere about I a thf„,,m2,,vo. 54.7.< (....., .... iTo mottulace at a o'clock. The R
Dam her landlos at the bereinnine of each hour . Street
eighty dollars per day The best authority at I -
present upon this subject is Mr. Jaule, whose in i A Card. , al crate urylt it
vestigations hare been confirmed by Mr. Hunt, I T H. undersigued would respectfully inform I N'” RIBBONS - A. A. MASON 4.4. CO. are
Mr. Scoresby, and Oersted. Mr:Joule consumes 1 . gie ta , i i !!%on. ao 1 Whit
. . , • , f , tU t e4trgy ,,. C .. .ir t ill l i i re r „...imu.. toe ~..„..,..,0 ,
~,, bo. .,, isd
forty five pounds of sine to one-hone Po wer thr official Rion whitr=th ibeis Arise , Lißilsis s,
~ ,i.' 1 'l ry ' att 1 1 11.. e. ..111.ntruqii their I T, lam aupPlY
twenty-four hours, which, at the highest price . Iztr t, .:. , ...Jf . pz i ee , rit :o h uvul a " „ aa , , ,, Cl' , ur d i n fl o, /r th. : • of' Payee/le where all olusrltlea can be ohtalnect and et verY
for sine, would be four dollars and a half, and at ,lour , weed him, and hie munews In :IVhsraftne Mut I ' n• _F n `:''' " 0 ! ' 'l.."`"`"n _ myl4
the minimum price, &beaten° dollar and .tuft. : 1. i rr ,r t......
NJ •
r,f,r^l':,rll;•."' r4 . ,,g., -- .T.P.7:.'c t-, :.1 , d , RI-51PM) TARLETONS-Just received
ter per day for magnetic horse power, But sft. I , t el t r. d. II not be abated. and that : wElle
d t
t:,,:,..,„..rjrz I la m ; neuing, T tia l l , rj , ige , hae ,, ,a , ailte ,, c ( l: , /lior i t, , • =
Joule's experiments were conducted upon * Eth a n --pi ,- 7 b,,, , „-g.,-.1-t-Arg,,.l%,it, .11,.,.., We I tAintlurt of mlll Hen i• nmectfully sollcitaM 1
Male, and, had he, made his expeditor:tits with 1 Ull a ri • i' ; .. Irm reetactfulD.
. nov4
seln , my It A A M 15 0 .1 Jr t O
an engine of an actual halthonse power, he . WO 0
. 11 1 LACK BARNA for Metalling N'ells.
would have come out somewhere Dear Jacebi's ' amuses-I ts ill Le a can dilate for nrelved at the rtorc
tip., -
engine The rule generally
shi re , receid is that by a,,, o _ o r p,„,0rt,,014,,, ~ t i p , *o w a of th ,, ~,,,,,
____„,,,,, _ _ Oi l_
.. ppt , pL „,,, ,1 ,
Mr. Hunt, who, about a year ce before the, ind " " tab s . 44" .'""TI.I. VAIINF‘Tti,h I WINDOW CURTAIN NIUSLINS of no,
Society of Arta in London, came tit the toothy -' liitut rah. /tail 71,1451 AA Oh 01
an I lausoloune oty l / 5 . anal at a low prim, roc J by
Ic,i I l MIJEFIIt A IllOttilklLLl/
don. after having , quoted Mr. Joule, Scoresby, • -
Kiel Oersted, that electrolluMtn etm Po wer " nits I l aa , to
. ~. DUSTY TRLAIIOOZN -WO art, author-' 13A1LASOGS , I PARASOLS!' or newest
.1 .. r i4a.,,, , ,, b ,, ..., ,,,, , ,.., . 1e ,. .5 . ?„ ,,.. ,,, ,.: 0 : ,,,,,y ,,, ,, , , ,,,, ..,, ,, 1 , ,, , , , ..„ , , , , 1
iihwil!i fr i. . „) ,„,,,, : „ pp o r -i L tr E;sit_A t itrrh.tag. . t , Ritnitt,:tt:r.t , ,, .. s
one hundred and fifty times anima as steam . - _ _
The horse power for steam has no fixed aost It ! =t oe ea°,
o u
varies hour , e ten
„ . rear
i f . M a : . ; a. CLERK OF rue Cuture-The name t . or i -1-7 m7 i . ish . hf
Jobe it. rt . . ot Winch. township, will be pre/anted Liberty et
Hunt's coacladon was posed upon • Inthatu r. 1 the sp. bins AuUmasouie and Whitt CRthiZ ei." , .. a . SUGAR -la blots N . O Sugar for Kale by
I M 1.... ., DALZELL
experiment with an electro-magnetic engine , uon . sor e 3.o ,t ie
~ arlocio the oak' or clerk of the mart
mi I”,
jot the ordinary kind as compared With the con- I --.. ~--. _ re name o r Jon, . Water at
I sumption of Cornish steam engines I pray ittetaree.- ine na 1
a routorrot, eau te rot- 1 Iti OLASS. , y S.--500 bids N. 0. S 11. for
I -the cheapest in the world-his rule for larger ' g li t uzgetrid,ll 0 hie C.i.f.,' Coeuni.iss . I . an- "` a I't no II JAMES DALLELL
I engines ought to Lave bees atheist one thousand to env' sat. the oars of flarleMter , plot Ti11,....."' S 11. MOLASSES-11M bbls battle groiLnd
&tor 1.4[111. i
time, ats the cost of electromagnetic power over l i s ":"fii istVe"7 ,ri It Motu., for eel. by JAMES DA " LL
- - - ' Purer Ptruom Ira Ort. 4 11447
From my own experimets, Ido not think my I pLie °L
- hip. will be a candidate for Register. before to:eltralon u...i.i.,.... Wit ' g ' n " le ' r in l' I pTu f y rw=
Me"'' Instead
""" a " a anY times
- NTY Er.cisree.-John K. k'ester, of • , p p o u.,,,„ • . , t
horse-power can cod Cane twenty center per day, lus r e' us Anti Must& ILIA Whig than Waver/Boa i fee the
ht f o y,. Or. 're" i thiP;IL
the ten
and, in order to here the question fairly settled, ; _..eir•._".tEB- preparation of the kind of who li I bare easy knowledge/
itithourth I have heretofore need the non of revere/
I have
a scientific commission of (behest I eldrAsegentv.-Robort Abrahams, of Eh- I °our n t anufacturers Your, ttureestn ri,,,,,,„ ~, p
report Whew of the w ' uuth7 t ° sloth. and I ."..,,, ve h a nw r o t. st' o .-.' w aa retw v.aor n a cw . ° Toart r w ott . oPe stouti.. -ak I Preiand and wild by It. C. swum& i•iiil;OT - L - ma
report which they will do soon after the close of I =', r'- - -;- - - Irdastar -r--- " . - a Shdaw UN add or &ea...le...racy ' mils
the Cincinnati Convention. ' - - ----
ltri ACK ERE L-• 5 bids large No. 3, for sale
I do not allow double friction from the slew- '
n . friction of the car. or the power over and ~ . •A F WIL. , -ON.
nessofthe locomotive engine, as the 1.,,,,,„ i A M/ 4 " • 11l Second rt.
LUAU-10 bills newfor solo LT
end above the usual estimate required to keep 0 Melt Wa V, misers
LIiERRING--10 bble new for sale by
Et In motion, is duets , the friction of the engines
themselves. When the engines are uncoupled 11 Milt W. AP. WILSON
from the drivers, the ear runs
easily O IL CLOTH - TABLE CVVERS - - - A large
I s inew any other car, though the friction of both en- aureoeeteeroi of very superior nohlosl 'table. bias , ' sad
sad ear is greaten - . Iron theneweess of the Bureau COPRIII of dillema WWII., not to be surpeeeel br
work, than =Cann% 0.111 Dad lo the city Merett.ta, real.. erai o men. are
Invited to call mut mama tar WalitooiT. at the /tar
I In coaclueion, I must express my fall coufi- morns of the nuonfactor). NA 7A te µ cen t e h
deuce in being able to,introduce electro-magnetle M 714 J A II PHILLIPS
power for certain purposes as soon AS Isbell have
I the mean of beading good caging and suitable
batteries. I have the vanity to be paled with
my progress in 'this subject, end 1 hope the
(friends of progress will be liberal In minim
ills my state ta. A full description of the
I ' rengine will be p • beders long, and show for
itself wherein th advantage lies.
CL oflo ultt..
`1 sr
• •
Two antique Mai and • boll, all of enormous
wise, kayo been e4mt toFw3llnd by Lolidd." 'r[r.
Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad has opened'
spring business with a !tattering prospect. The
travel is rapidly increasing. The Empire. State .
brought i 2 through passengers, who left Mein.
uati on Wednesday morning, and were at break-
Curtin this city the next morning. The morning
following, the, saute passengers could, if they
wished it, 'breakfast in New York city, having,
within forty eight hours, overcome a distance of
more than nine hundred miles, without the lose
of a night's sleep.—Buffalo Courier.
Tuatwina.—An etlitorout somewhere on Lake
Michigan felicitates himself on the increased
prosperity end rapid growth of the place es fol
"Trade and commerce are rapidly increasing;
• schooner under full sail pourd our village yes
ass & announce
istriscirenra,siu ooicinsie
• subject to Al.
deetsloo of the Mr
11110110 V, of
a eantlkltte for noutloattoo to the.
feral Courta of Allegheny Oman' ,
•Ittut iThig (booty Uonventloo.
r of Pittrbor,h, will lx o moll/tote
itl•tfaxonie Cooreatioo. for the of
toy REV.—John V. Rowland
h*en a Aut ) Mo n r o o w oo
• • my War.lteal
...OXVISSIONEIL—David • Blair,
City of AUrgbenr, will he Law.
n es - . W. is and V. blif Cotauty COUTO.
tarpga n ..= 3 VMOIStbAd.r. •
CoinalfielONZAL—Rolort Kitig,
'or the th IVard, City ot PittobohtbOs regrotomarolot
to the Kb* sal Asa 1.314.31 , 3 C.. 11
pTyyi.leacandidata for CoblitY thanuttardobor. by
11l ,
.-Oirßacoaaca.—We are auti;riaed tu
nous. that WA. H. r LUST.. of Elisabeth Barough.
to the able or Kamilla. Se.
-i t ey-Aisomeri' JuDam-L-Adam Henthorn,
of Strotlashoro. Jud o s v • consiklat• nomboottoo for Lbw
orOoo of Artrortok tbo ourt.of Coqorter tool
my ttur dottAlsoonte a nd W a brr
County OooreoUrro. to moot the 4tb of utko.
yllotts , ottfolf
Star We again refer our readers to the uti- .
vertlacment of H. 0. Pumas Arabian Eiatiment whlch ay-
pears in member column. Ana by which you gill see It it
highly remminsended i and thl< la not all , behrounoreoee
Ufleates of timee alto hnie wed It and experienced Re ben.,
rods! effmte on their own Page. , The tun'. are certain
ly mary rernarksble. and at leap the mettkine la worthy of
a HUD. ' W. sdatse all to go'ito the agent, who ntil yurpiy•
• 001e00D1 graph containing .111fanlualile recipes for
the treatment of cattle, it..-4 . ' millulanMain
giiir Deafness, Noi . in tlie llead, and dis
.i.,71...ia. owessrpo trossthe sae. eteedity and perma
nently moored. without nor inonnvenience, Or Dr.
HARTLEY, Principal of a New York Eye and Ear nor
eery. .1 North Eleventh a L near Arch. Phillalelphln
11,mre of attendance. from to 0. Cansultotion by letter
or otherglae. $l. All /mere uarantiel lettere unlfnrmailon
does not exiat my Isar
a he
r L o
to 1.
Public Lecture.
ROY. DAVIS,. o 1 Rochester, N. Y. and
X Dr. hallTII. of Philedelphira will lecture this arm
jr.r, 01 PHIL() HALL. at 1% deloek. 0100 c o me
mohject of
al...heal relational. The> will point out amt. of the er
or.. and ablates ascribed o the Old hetawl Orin. end
r em ain the mer l t. of the Iwo ',Mew from setualstnall.
eel retain..
ti Mho is a subject that ...rely loteretts am commuolir
et imam teed rofesalOu • . the public are nepectfolla im
e rr e d to ettaid--both Intl and gentlemen. on . ?
ItEV. MR. BRY 'S eIIURCII, which
by haft under prom . of halation, an, will be open
r public woradp nest I. . lath. It is expected that IMMO
f the ministers who will at the Assembly, will reach
bah montioli cod nerving infl V a
- - -
.FURNACE, at I rewlen, Muskingum co.,
Uhl, 14 miles from • myth". fa
fla roman. order,
A auperior Pamir Ent .e. capable of mooing tout ,
u"'"litsvl=rad.:Linl 1-7 " 1: 0 hr :41:W41,711
z„, , L ,,, ,,,,, the Horkingu.. neer, ankh In amiteole fur
t „...b ee4 th e meter po
the year, than., whaling
(whale, la shipping to ' marine, ato coy point on the
Ohio ray, at low too ra freight.. The
co brretofore
tanrufactured at thle F ...are, lam Mn costumed ha
1 ~f,
1:....c.0. Ple, :TON hal 113 rr
4.'"' , " h.
. For
r iIF ILE .T y r A 1 ' l o ,Za w arille , ,Oh t l i o. o r to .
I. ' !
UST opening—a - cry excellent assortment
1 of MASTEL CLOCK: at from 15 to a7l; ea .sang
1 e0 .... k. 347: 1 3.1r1.;1 Clot; for sLfb each, ant etrmot,
rd—cheApvnovati'to,put oat in evert nem.
V WILSON,G7 blereet et...
writ aro.. of Vona),
Or " TEMPLARS' SWORDS—Just recd, a lot
of Ktarilds Templar' Ktrorls, al Itb the emblems of the
b i r'ri 'l4 r."r'. . r-l 1;. W. WILOnE.
. 1
Heating Ventilation.
Ai r ... ki i, il ,, tE
hr 11 , A4.1 ,,,, N i c i . , 0, 1 1. PP4 r 1, , RA . T , US f o n , :
l ore
o f Vselorie . a. flropitobbsid build:
Inn of ererydtseription. public and print. Aiss. Lame
driesi nEd Drying Boom,' for all purr.n whon• regular
normsohnst, tither bishop log, Is desired: End fbr tbete
purrs. no other method le shoal to It.
Buildings of the various dsteriptiona mention. 11 ,
Ipoßt stroresefully heataottlx plot In Eastern Worm
se the mottos' lunar.. • holesome, uniform boot. st any
nonrated temperothre. ,kith smite freedom frogb WOOL.
-.Tooke, oshoylord. or dostparso, and safety from the
VOICSALE, to close cotoigutuent-30 ells.l' supeelur ..11DA A3ll, beheld . . r•Stetlrt:_smi "Do Ilt
lens:* Allsfi td .INU. llct Alin, a Co..
• st Perostelmoolo Itaiiroml Depot.
myl:, stator Non and Wayseattetht,tinsboroh--
- •
11)RLED FRUlT—Peachesi I:lotus;
ly Charm,
1 %or sole by _ 4-iit.l. mcc, c..,,
m 715 Ong.. mid Tea Deals..
TO -
ODE ---- N
ARE— -
I •
• ceer Doane. bra. thus);
Tonsielatl rturOtts.
Extra Firodd RdrILILUI. II hoax,
Cedar Rearm- toys Wool.
Vandatord 't -
Worittto Tab, Id do., 111 III...)
Coo mit 1-7 . WM A- IleCLEItt) t Cu.
myth VA Liberty st
' DEW FOR SALE in the First Presbyteri-
L on Churrb, 'No. 79 •1 Erato,. at No. Ell Liberty Ff
. to7lEht.
LIESIP---= bales Missouri, on eausipament
ij sod for tole by ALEVIt ist)RDOIN,
PP!? So lit Erent it
- --
d lurruN-9.5 bales (Batting) for sale by
No. la. Front d.
QUGAR--240bhds. prime N. 0., for sale by
11l m 71.1 Jallgt - , 1 lICTIMIRON a (01.
L EAD__f...5O . pigs Galena;
lb. Ron, for sots by
m 715 -JA)MtA.IIUTCIII6 , sti A el
IIE3IP-45 to n e 5144/. D. It., for sale 11 ) y
1 01714 JAIII:M i. TIVTCHLW:_ S a
.____---------_—. — .
tICE - 100 tierces (or 0110 by
m 715 115 WI.. re
_ - --
XI ACKEREL - 5 4 bbls. No. 3, for .7n14 by
kv.i. .0.1 'warn:mai:a 1N4111....141i
1 OAF SL'Il All--150 bbls, (aos'd Nos. p i,
LA sole br PlitilltiDalt a Pit; MUM.
. ‘
mil) 116 tVotor . 9
. lINSEEDI INSEED OIL-30 1,b1,. (warranted par,
41 far salt by J OCLlttabibtlEralt a Cu.
•0r716 •.•-•1 Wood ..,
___tin ill NnJi~
TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court
of General Quarter &tenons or the Prato, 10 and Ox
Th°e2Tortft;o-duA4*=. Wallow, I lb. Fourth Wool.
Plltsbunth, to the county elms:Lid o , huutbir ehowelh—
nun your petitioner bath providel Monett' with rusturials
flo the itengtorodallou of travekw• Otherl4.2his
low house In the Ward aforesaid, awl PM'S OM poor horn
are will be plthaed to grout him iirrnme to ktup • puolk
bow./ of tottertslutneuL had your latitiouee. w• In doll
Woad, nill 9001. ' •
We, the sal:earthen., eateries of rhe Word oforesakt,
rertify that the above petitioner is of road Grob er boa
rds CM tam. erstar,• owl' is well provided w Loam
room hod ea..l4rtleo fur tbr secouotosistinn and lot glow
Arawrrs 4441 I.lloeilers. anal that mad Uorenyte wear
Venn. la Radon, 11. e Utuilh Alkb
set ittdr. Thos. 13.4. haunch I D. %truer. nblih T.
,~~ . -
• Notice.
Wm. 111. GARILI_RD has removed the bal
ance of Ida dank of Dt1 00 . 1 . 3° 112 1"A44
anwt. ntat - Litany. parson , hsfina Lim.
• : mina, nn. an !equated to prem.% awn farthwurth; and
..""'btrt Ver
a snl rauds:4 to tall sad rattler
rt. be wirdr. to alm up ala bashnas by - the tat of haw.
raY l3 .l.:logs)
- - • -
PARTIsTER inn safe and profitable man
,. w6 ."feloir businese. with • cepital of $5OOO. A pwr
ot o pre cent will be with ' a ' a n ' Of
wwilth. . 6 twe upw•l. The burin , . •n
-%wean. one, an a 4 a our th•t la new Liar nnitathorhowl.
with "r of wnaprtition, nod the product greatly in der
Addrese Part OfOn, Box nt."
fiNE of the moetinestunable bleseingscon
• F leered by art upon civilised man. wits the discovery
of Spectacle... Without their emistance, the
; teems Nova from dcfeetive vision of old age.vreetness, or
other reuses. would be irremelleble.
Fri. long experience, exol • thorough knOuleditu of the
pltnn prepare]
lola to suit ell defective
Odd, an otlae d
Steel' of elf-iiituls. and the
l.•et Gleam; annatantly, on hood. Aloo,' I t Pobta.
lonts. fitted to order. New Messrs titled In old frames.
stead Instruments for sale. gr.
sode—ll, Powell's Pelf Acting Rye WILSON, Nan Foun
tains. W. W.
61 Style. otreet. corner of 'Fourth.
Second Large Supply.
A. MASON & CO. would respectfully
dl Me &Mini:lon of their ructomersontf ttooNotthe
ma In tho Eastern morkots. and purchased. at • h o le-gra duction from former miom. To Mote manhunt,/ at w to, •a n, o i re i or Izy b a . t r e. o . lier =Lori, beer
prim Chao
ra71.3 • 11 1 .2 u snd 61 Market st-y
street" opipoeite the Post
e Wife i Suter, or.the Forbidden Marriage. • novel.
Thu Widow Rugby's husband: • homoroue novel.
The Ileire of Diwerentw•ter. . novel. by E. L. Blanchard.
The CP:ultimo of Rodoletwit: by lieorge :rand.
Mrs. a
• 1201[1, by the author of `Walcott:le
Mrs. Caudle i • Cortaro Liecture•—new
The Mother-In-Law; by Mr, duothworth.
The Barikerli WHO; by T. S. Arthur.
Wild Sports w Um Weeh br Maxwell.
The Comudostoner: a new novel by O. P. Iti Jame. Esq.
Applionn's Illueloodew Ilagestne. No. 6.
ilortieulturist erul Cultivator. torllay.
gutatirld Mil, • illeturical lionasticw—romplete.
- ' orri s
:19, ACKEREL--200 bbls. No. - 3, (Large)
. sisssurrport IrupootlinAto i t zr o tt zi eg . l med
tot tor sals br
Wombat:me, Pa. Railroad Depot.
torl3 MM. Peva and Warns iota
PrEAs - -
,0 Id. sheets Young Hyson;
5 •• . Black Sam{ flavor;
rot. :1 , 111, IBAIAII DlCKair A CO,
tiratsr and front sta.
4 1 ,,1 ALT PETRE-7.5 sacks Crude, for sale by
kJ mrl3 13.51.511 DICKY a CO.
I. AMS--I 0 mks for sale by
UTTER—Fresh Roll tur sato by
:Y - J. liar , Vs . .
Ns .. ther.rucd's V. and S'n•
- -
Lad.", 6'. flag Bola
`w"."'a 2'.
my /....
B"1 -I'.s TRICOPHIEROUS-12 doz. for
onto er R. E. ISELEM.
n 0367 Wood st.
I L— ;0 O.IA. Flaxseed (5 dA
furgal. by uyl3 IS. 11. FELL
I►TITRIC ACID-600 Ihs. (pure) for sale by
11 m)
13 J.'KIDDA - C0...171W0zd 0-
I - I
PINK ROOT-2000 lbs. for sale by
1 a myr, J. HIM tCO
NiAol}3TEf= - Frfw;
Is. No. 3, for Bale by
mI IS S. t, W. II A ItIIAUO R.
m O . L. t i ;; SSES--100 tit by,c.n.
ENZOIC AC— ale 75 oz: for Bby
m/1:1 fl VAIINUTOCR tkoo,
. / CLOY IbA. for tulle by
mut:. B. A. IVAIIIikSTOCE. A CO.
FLAKE JIA NA-150 Ibe. fur Bale by
ntyll B. A. rito:C.STOCK A Cu
_ ,
Q 4 0 .141 FIFES-340 boxes for vale by
N4CKER.EL -- 150 bbls. No 3;
.4.A - to - No. .2: VI/ gal. hr
usrl3 trim a
6111A1) 17 1'21,1417.No1. .7,,T;;1e1 ,,,,
vt ROOMS-210 doz. Corn, for sale by
ij, Fay 1.1 WICK A 3I<CANDLC2 ,
rrifillS---41S doz. Bearer, for sale by
4 tayl3 WICK A Ma:AUDIS-QS ,
n u7"f .:R-30 kegs for sale by
44 own WICK A oloe.ettoosse.
Qcoitertisiiti--4 casks No. 1, for sale by
' PAR-11S Itbls. N. C.. for sale lir
4 atria ruck a weal:cos.: ,
FLOUR; fro;joatvol Corot;
sots, arsaort: ,
Fur rule to II 11. A. 31e :LC I WI.
' moll 're Liburty et.
I I.4 I BENCII GELATINE, White and Colored;
Nord W. ....fir. bawds. fur usakioe , raluss
sasar ter,br sobs by
m•l3 Orszetra sod Tan Planses , '
13RUN ES—Bordeaux Prunes, in - glass jam;
Very 'sown, . , fusser buss"
.- throws Yrunus. An soloby
susl3 ' W3l. A. MrCI.UNG AW.
. . .
\L ACK ERELo-100 ,. ti c ILls. il . O. 3. l l . or e s o ale by
4 suyl3 116 Liberty elev.-
' 2 . Tali. No.l (to arrive) for
I Irit ititNa toh l y atria h A. COLISKIWYON a Co,
§NOBACCU-37 kegs 0 lyrist (superior) for
solo t, 51511 A. CULIIEKTSON • W.
BU.FF,iIL.OhIi.OI2IS---111, grades keprocon
cartZ , . '4 ..r. ZOLAWAIIIION • CO.
To the Druggists, Hardware .Dealers,
13111LLIPS & 1114 1 YERS beg.utotit respect
Its . 6 :ll ) itri o'nlit?touZ:tno.
. 1 1% .** ti ( pa h'` a u n r 4i L i rj V
Jur, lo Appoint pesruess for she sale of anor ' uusve:sal •
- - -.
F.......-mentlua W... Lime. Chum I.lls, Marble Earth
nware. iron end man other mlaptanc.r.. AIN, lie
A Usklos Prrparatlae, pope reedlog ,ea.4--poduritur light.
nutrition, "rect. Jlg...tiv.- Whin. ..s Brown Dread, at kaa
s ort sad to ahorter time than heat,,_ ouvrboleeoma. unpal
atable Smut- - 74 North fourth stmt,
rl4_ . .•-•_ - -
- - •
White Goods for Dresses.
ig a l o t l P it Y .1,
.0 ,
o t f l F L i p mt l , m , v ,h e r it e , c , d
url es' p o r :irs37: '`` h
plain .0.1 etabzokh red.
Nalovnk MopllnN
..aueetei Lemon. 10.
Jmeouetr. vrtth mibtot..tee/.
.111.` 1 %*twL UMW o luge ..rtaert of
t X h , webe T.ete. Uro,e,,uaur,
le. eel 12
20 per Cent. saved to Country Merchants.
Dealerin „„
1w0... reed Man th „,d
e manufactorY e.t.rtulee
releend Jacek of the ehoTr
I.> rohl t Iv
mot- Igm• Dtli. , hae , lln the eit r , tor s
reit,' =mi.... ,
De 511411.111. 1 0 well to roll Mare parehmsiog.
V, ERMAN CLAY-200 boxes for sale by
1,12 It. DALZULL 01..1.1bert1
i s 11}.1.51.--.20 bxs. W. R. Crewe, fur sole
!I.) csyitt s. AW. LlAltßACrill.
RY 1111.)E-2t11.) (prime W ) fur mile by
. Itl arl2
't4LL—a bids. tor stile bY
J MUD A CO. CO W.0...1 In
1 LIOE-40 bbls. (extra) fur snle by
. I myri J. KIM, A CA).
K fo i r vi l al e w by
v . ) =or , .
00}1. SALE—A
E goo i d
n P f eilling Wagon, in
Ivo a co, co Wood •t.
LARD 01L-10 bbls. Winter Straine.l, for
.mar m)l2 a R. K. lIELLERS,Gr Wonl rt.
IJEMPSEED -5 GLIB. for Hale by
Inyl: IL. C. : 4 ELLERS
LP. TURPENTINE-10 bbl. prime, for stile
t 7 be my 1.1 R. C. lIELL):RS
e i AJIROIIE OREEN—S canes or nn e y
%._) olyl2 D. A. YALINESTOCK it CU.
i f U [INT 1.1:11.11ER—ISO Hu+. Poyetl, for sale
LI by min U. A. FARNESTOCK a Co_ .
1.1, A 1T12 " BINGER— tI. a ba ri s fi a
fi7 sale by ,
Q.. .I.I,ERATUS-12 casks jarime, for sale - by
i_y . > 1.., MCI, * MeCANDLUS..
iI.:AR LS—II cools first sorts, for sale by
I JOT ASII-18 easks pure. for sale by
L myr.: • WICK /t IdyCANDLSB2..
RAMS -312 S. C. Carivass, for sale by
If lODFISII--- - 10.tierees for sale by
g 1 IIOCOLATE - ‘ 2 130 his. Bost., for sale by
11.) soli _ WICK A nrCANDLEBY-.
To Business Zen.
11 . 'TAKE THIS METHOD to inform my
foindm tato hair entrusted business tomy are) and
1111,11.1 men Rascally, Oat will snot on >loudly, the
bib ins-. for onions mints on the Ohio rivet and In the
111101141, and request them to have .11 acesses7 laam
',awed by that date. will attend to the mranninit
s ending of any telnd of balnem mansard with my prts
gessions lAdlortlng, EzaMlnetlon of lamas, le,
I"'w"" Ti l l ' arta ' r /tit' f e t ' N, Attorney at
olalMrd Warn on Fourth mt.. abase >Wallas.
Associated Firemen's Insurance Stock. —
SIIARES of the first subscribed stock
the lesadated Firma's Insurance Co., Au
1 111 Tr I r ( w cash by 11'. A. BIWA CO.,
'span/ No. 64 Wool st
11:1RIM PEI> RlBBONS—Assortedwidthn
=ld rotor., reed by apnea this Ale , U.. ,
and e n c ore d 811 k Intro Button/
no.lo Y. It. EATON, Fatah st.
_ . .
ing. Elgin, and Cutts, wit
h • WI emnitrantof lam
now opeolos et the . lorwill •Y. H. EATON, Fourth
IR BALLS—A full usortment junt reed
and for sale by nolo O. 11. EATON.
c i OTTON 110S1ERY & tILOVES—A full
oosootoooot or .11 colons sod goolltko or D o rbols 000
trus7l:7•COrgaslrltlftbl". 8110.01 L''''''' Uh '..` . '
10 I
to '. 11. EATON, GS! north 0-
_ 3 r
ILAVE on hand a largo naaortment of
porton...lto csololso. WM. NOBLE,
:opt , 0 . ,0 • 1 7 oProolto the Trot 001 re.
WHITE £l3ll-38 bbla. and 38 hE bble.
• , tor rale br Issittll DI OKDir £ 00.
0710 Water sot Trost isto.
ItEESE-37 Inizes for gale II
L.l mylo 12.4.1AL1 DICKEY & CO.
, _
W. W. WlD3(n t W atch Malt " , 1 Valuable Cant = l'rePer4 'it Public Sale. I
No. 67 Market, Corner of Fourth st., Pitteiwrrh, , wits, be offered] for sale. at Auction, at 1 .
. . , Tv the Baltimore leseban. terra
DEALER in FINE Wercuss, Jrirrikr, .IL NE. at 1 a'elcek. P. 51... the atln - rd --- nee k jyrl l*3"l. . •
sii „.. w...... mi l i,„„. G oo n, Leta. and Mandel- ..* the PATH MX) ADAMANTINE ' CARDEN AND 1 .
tiro, Tea Lod Table Ware. Cutlery. lien.. AM lieddlNW•. LARD OIL FACTOR I - . Illa , Mpertr i. he tee slam .1. .
Watbernalleal loom x es. sod • meat variety of etch. aud situated st Cud.. On the raters. it...r the Lot
meow faeh/omble g=te • awful sod onestamtal . muss =so feet et, CLlntou street...l runnin:Lart.vith 1.-
Watch wort execano to a Mertes =MOM merited by 1 .0 unlkorm width. to MO. knnitte gtVC depth of tt .
the beet Et:Ellett and Freud. workmen. -env, 070 feet. with • mabetantlal WILLER Eand WW ll
ater PrtMlerre
. the Port Warden's LIM.
Fine Dress Geode, Per &Pram ' ' arigrargrgel t in . , n th7-7 a
.1,- 4.1-..OLIASTI caska A, V u o , LB ,__ _
A A. MASON !E. CO. bare reed this morn- I Tn. rscroar,, , a9rataer t. beato,L7E.6 , ml
.. , - --___
"'"' W"'''''''Pl".4'd'""u"' ar ''''"'"' I Vat= ttu t` r. h .'gro...i . r , st , i.l half
0,, M. 130T-'I7fIE9L-100 Lir. Itmlerts) t97Crrire,
d5 . r4 , ... B a biwk" hkk r' klkklk .._ e - ,.tata two ...ler Rooms
. tte: all su tantiallytrußt t tern, for sale by mY7 k • F. l .4'..! .kelNg `
elate farrer d = l .ll,== i t . --- I with . late roans Abel stab's, Cooper and (.IWportee , -. 1 - irwiligitt-37 itige. pure) fur sale
Vbe .pe ts trend a. well worth the serail. o Rawls shin., t. nit.. 4 .trb p t ..% - llt , n „, A. CULBERTSON a CO.
re, as tl ' rey will ' iw.ld at untaually law dare.. whole- i „,.. i ,...... r .„ .. ..„,„,,,,,...,,a,,,,..,,,,,,,.... ,
or retell. at n9s- b 2 wol " kkkkk• 0 .- ~...1..,,,,,,,,,,, e....,., a demeragn Bordering ltalnen- ,' \TAILS-300 kegs ass'd„ for sale by
.01 A- CULBEETSW. k W.
Only poo tit ti or Cllr of Baltimore. end sae •I iNI per
- ' - ----
tonad ' e ' d by other exterolVtrectoeles l nf mks... Med. M. I -
._, ' -•''
ins menth e mum derivable locariares Med. the IuoMMI i -(... UNDRIEs—
a Me Menton Company. and ha roe midst of • .4.1.1 y lea- . f", Pt maks tliosettm
peering section of tbe sabot!, I=ortlt Ma. t . teae- I - , ~. ~,,,L , ,, 5 z,,,,
non U. liiiiinfaettarrl and estd Da meets Dried resale.:
newo-Onwhalf emb; balm. to de and tereuretricettitut. , 6 k. 11.03. Jun re,AI and Er sa.Uter
Otte Intarear. K 0 .,, L k . - A - 1 v ..., ,LL .: A w m2 c..„, ,
,_. ou7 " ""
toyllallawit (AMON:* CO.adretlowern.. I
Chartiers Coal 'Company.
N 0 TIC E!—Allpersons having demands
against the Chartiere Coal Cotripany. will Om. Pe
sera them for settlennot. Z. W. UKSIINUTO:4,_
insiratt Manager of the Chartism Coal Co.
ENOLIISII PLATED AIS D EitowN.—honte4tsunn
. Eluded. 0 round, Bloc, Omen Purple. hobs . , Manger
Union and other colornl Window Gloss, far reviaeneroic
steamtnatia private nninai,An, just received from litradnor
liana Eirsktiand, and for sale AL J. J. 0 ILLES PI E.
myisot :a Wood streeL - atinve Fourth.
'DULY. CORN STARCH-5 bxs. forsale by
ji. ravg B. A. FA RNESSOCK YW.
tiIIIAN ♦ ItEIY- , -150 lbs. - for sale by
- 1130W'D EXT. LIQUORICE - 1 can for sale
70A.103E SPONUE-100 lbs. for sale by
"WI N , ,ale br
cus e:-
of them ver lesrbl• ap,
10 so .,
forTmmlu m z, embrmiux el y
the diftereut widths
midcolors. The , attvotkoi utiolaale mu/touters La re
epeetfully invited to the above. extrusive M smottmeei.
A. A. ACON (X).
GI ASSIA-400 lbs. for sale by
k exyli B. A. PAC's ESTOCH A CO.
TARTAR EMETIC-50 lbs. for sale by
tore It A. 9/LEINE:STOCK A 00.
sole by Imy9] B. A. rAmm•rocK t co.
ROLL BUTTER —3 bbls.(fresh) in cloths,
1.4 reed and to tile by B. DALZELL Oa..
friNEGGER & CO., Importers of Wines,
Liquors. and Syn. Chaco, IGI stasat. Iv"
twenty nanth and ,aranth.
HK . §.—.l2S dog
Ramo 2 Co. relarratal nay and Manor* Fort..
O from Mr rosoofnctureL Pblladrlphla. an ems*.
mot and Po Ms by IL W . POINDEXTER:
Wator Street
Fur ms. of Ankh .0 Intrinsic Tlitir, Mere Forks
mano berammed: and the kw price et obkh Our ar•
Md. mot hours their IM...barrios. nOIRI7
l o t UCKWIIiAT FLOUR-1000 lb.. for sola
SILK POPLINS—Now openin' at A. A.
!doom 4 Co. a tar, astortmeot of 8114Poplho 0 or the
.4144 Allah ap26
New Barages, Tissues, Silks, Lawns, (te.
W . p'HY b. BURCHFIELD have this day
. (from Neer York.) or. and tuthigeste ATI.
I,ll l ?,: r Afa . ligor:r i,r p . ne... /Wks. Black do.. Frtisch
~..I .= are t0t1t...1 to Lllbrtetr• coalltut their iurcher4.4
Cool. xi wholesaltt In roocts'up share. MO
Box or thelltroth MY 6 , 1261 - -
'KITE President and Directors of thts Bank
hare We day deelattri 46141kt:id of toes 700 ciml.
on he capital stack. fur the kat di modthe. 44 7 4h14 tett
the Nuchholderx ar their le x* repicwitaturer thrttimith
ai "lc JOILN SNYDER. 044.14 r.
. --
Pronussory Note Found.
4 n PROMISSORY NOTE, drawn Mass,
co..a dated Ma 7 Ith, IBM to the ontwo
fol enemy. as font ouratto , bete. Mood street
Tito owner can Ism it be rtlinfritetavie,o&a et
E RGOT--d 0 lbs. (fresh . ) for sale b
I Ett..s.S. CAN BLETE-5 oases No.l, for sale
I IQUORICE ROOT-150 lbs. roved, for
A mte bi m 79 H. A. YARN CEITOCK A CO.
DAR'S GREEN-30 cAMA for axle bv
B LUE MASS-65 lbs. for sale by_ •
ao•s B. A. FAIINESTOLZE it CO- 1
LIQUORICE ROOT-1200 Ilya. for sale by
mr9 B. A. 4.IIII9MMOCK A CO_
. _ ... . .
YTS. T 0 IiPENTIN E--20 Ghia. for_sale by
io om A B. A ra a a r.sroca • co.
Preah Arrival., of Wall Paper.
THOMAS PALMER. No. 55 Starketatreet,
Am just rmeleAd from O. East, A hamMome avant
co.ot of A...rm.! Chamber rover. • toyS
to At N. S 5 Martel smeet.f. d. atom mAdmaffpnem
G‘ .1, THOSIA6 1.41..31Y.1s
For Rent,
:r i ar t t •fla GAP.or. ! Misted on Pena Caws.
hank., ``""'
mre,nt Z.R. fIt.WINGTON.
tow, from Cl.oats to So pp view. Cot nkb. by
yo, A M ALTF.It MAJASUALL. Ai Wood st.
Mikekerrd, •
Kati Mx 1 IlackerAy
Balfbnon, Herring;
Codfish. OLG
For Plar by
'WM. A. fIrCLENU A I'o,
1:001 lirocws AAA Tea D.A.1.A0.
A ACKEREL-30 ibis. No. 3, receiving
and for wk. by JAMES DALZELL.
toysY WAtrr
LARD 01L-15 Lblr. for iede by
lIE highest price in Cash paid for all the
iliffonot groloo of dean woob.ll , TooLby
31C , ftrIll" LEE,
• •
Bonnets! Bonnets!
ytEe'D TIIIS MORNING, per Express—
/ maw, mabrwcio all the new.. and :next dtairsble
, of Bonnets now Worm
A .ery largeaw.nrUnont of ChiLlressUtper, fluksltilsay.
Ara+ and thicillst..
The latent/am purchaawn. 1,1 puticalartylovited tattle
boye foudn,. fmr7 j A. A. MASON k (XL
. _
- _
Woolen Goods!
2 CASES Green Mixed Jeans;
- Wart Rtoad Ciotti
1 Ovum (haw
fromo eastern numufactu.
alom &mi.. me- 0 .
gmoafor R P'IIV:rEE.
-- Iscrt.Nor or Yrrnoulart.. Mar O. 1551..
lIIS BANK ha:e thin day declared a dzvi-,
desc mi l c.l roc. rim on T tstrri c er o lumrable
rnr7rJrr Cubler.
rrilE Merchante' and Manufacturers' Bank
,of Pittrhorgh b. tide
almaece diellend
root ram era, the capital of raid Bank., oat of
the profda of the !sat six months, pantile to the Wet.
hoiden or their boat reprementative. on Or after the 15th
loot. W.ll. DI-NN V, Cvhier.
Pittahargh. May eth.1.351.—i mI7Y2.
DY,IubI.• for mediehnlargegi l la . t m e by the
Quart er . Dottie,
iv the DlamvvJ.•
lIIEREBY GIVEN that art Election. for
Flee Dimmers. sod the appointment °crush ogler. as
memory for conducting the bustnme of
' t ' lle r2, 3l.=el ' a !Mateo Company." ctuartoted Its pun.:
Imre of an AM of Asworibir, gamed the 'Mth der of Much,
1431, will be bold at tha St. Charles noted, Pittsburgh, no
the dist dnr of
_Slay, 3 , 331, between the
looms of 10 A. 31 sod 4 P. M.. of mid day.
W. W. 1301.1.50.
Slitting Ktedins and /rill Linens.
Ivielreleolfibel their tucker above gond., mid moi .
'4',l:M,nig:`,—%`latiok,:me:_.7.:=l:;;,. and
hbeetinet of id. the different width% toneh theY nuet
the my 6
is RAPE SIIAIVLS—Ree'd. this day, per
U.4:=1,74.3=r4 tho 7,l c re ; i . e ""b l " l `4° r ' d
.1T i' A. A.l MASON CO.
r 1 Leaf, fol. gale I%
HIED FRU l'r-150 be. Apples;
goo - rssia.or ths rska .
IDY. IIEY. .11.tringle & LX.
E . -40 tiercesalg . kf i a i r .. 4 r le a bl o,
i 5.37 asz.i . agsts sheet.
1' EA-50 hf. cheats Y. 8.. Imp., and Blac
T.:so, for oil*
HAY RAKE-10 doz. fur rale by
HAY FORK - A—LSO doz. for sale low by
BROOMS -150 doz. for sale by
I)OWDEIt-1000 lbs. Blasting;
ml 7 910
k ""PErbiriVoifiki . Vr "
SAFETY FUSE'--t bbls. in gore;
tI, IVORT snilm
I 1 it f
J DIL or
CO. rale by
B triy:
URLA PS—A superior article 40 inch, for
we by 112,7 MURVII 0 LEE.
i Anti WOOL BADS, ready made, for
1..1151./ mle by my 7 , MURPHY 0 LEE.
UN15R1E3 .7b „ ..
bbl.No.l t;nl.
- DrioLIAPPIo.
3 Lblo.
Woad.. PeaU.s:
llospanorn and for gala In.
wren Prnnt and Water NIL,.
11AISINS--100 boxes (fresh Bunch) for
LE sale TI m oo ISAIAH DICKEY a Co._
B UTTER--27bble. and 1 (fresh) for
swlr br ao
111PFPEE-50 bugs Green Rio, for sore by
Alt—loo CA/IS, fur sale by
Gvi,kiFFEE--100 bags prime 'divanßio, for
polo by JOHN WATT k CM, •
"mylu Liberty M.A.
4.IdLgRAT2JS--50 boxes, a superior aril
cle oo consignment and for sok by ,
JOIIi.WATt" tab
IVO bite. No. 3 litseiterel; Boston ItniPeottnni
" No. I Trimmed UM:
• a) No. 1
J a ke lierritur.
It) " " Jake sale by
SNEATIIS-350 dos. extra and
ccauscgott, lbr We at L e IN i nbettaeroopr. bp
api • L. ATEII PONS. -
FORKS--7:..d0z. bestsazt steel Forks;
. !Pk •
immemme l ommr
~INPURSUANCE of a Sap plemeatAa the
A,r. no ta: SlMlCRY.l2ED.luitritin -
AD g , 1(7-4. " *.appnrnd the 14th day 1,1
rnlitt Zd b =f i rTnid e rei: I=grpm222 ."' N. 2l nn
oloctioatm Prootdont sof Manern, of
M M uomrpatirtil
Le bold on TIVOLSDA2. Qs =ll day of Mu gnixt_ln 2amt
o re 2 , on tbe wood tom of the Sandial,M2Woed 13 ,22 1 2 0
o mablitnc, in the cur of Cbilmlelpam, So. 23 Ifeoth
K. W A DV iii.'. '
. HOBERT 21 4 156 n,
. J. VANMEM.. r.
m 25430 anatne.2-1 .
l i iXEC - 13TORS ZOTlCE.—Letters testa ,
kA mentor" on the estateof John Meek late otWllkina
township, Allnbeny oal= z ATMli a tf=rnt ial
la the otatersiinata. ta
pavane Itulebted te sahl W. are mo to aned mate par
at without delay, sod all baeLne claims against the
mow, will preeent t he Prtverli.autbmticated for whin
oient. DUNCAN itssityrost.
atileawettin .Ihreoutor.
Professor L C.J Barry's _ one
lotting teetlmonfal b from air. Munn, Una nitro
aige Amens. COLIIIIIaIt oa t roar evidence b ore
Nnr TOIL Feb. 24,1540.
Ratty" Ttienoberons l an article that we take pleasure
snarling the highest cotemenclations. IS. do not do It
uwn the recommendeslonof others. but fn ® barons pep
1111 knowledge of Ise effect. noon the hair: obits It tends
to keen It healthy, eon, I andglossy, It sin removes' 'dab
&off, prevents gray hair. and Invigorates Its growth in
=aner ortegnelled by •any other compontion kronen to
as. d person only needs to nee one bottle to be cal:Minna
nf titian - nth.
bold bottlekynice 25 cents, at the bend* Oillee
Ar.d.r.. New kork.
• ' bold in an.. bittlee, price 25 mint pa t :Ws prb
co by
able N 0.157 Woollet.
PRING SElATlLS—Cashmere, Thibet,
" can l br UITILMIY t ntracunELD.
- VI - 1111TE GOODS—Far Ladies' drvues,
v .il the 'rufous Idols , osed 7 llnll . ltullt d
'l'm'''. " 7
' tic apite"7 Eiße.uvisa
The dosorstlon elk. tiutof her wk. 11.
43 Wegxl at.
{~l J~19• +1 . 1111.`4 FS~7I~-~~~•«~.«~~nz~
100 •• Rya; for tale o bi taz
EL&D AND IiBRRING—New Baltimore
Sb.d ..411Mbig , nped and ter ette by
snlq JOHN WATT 2 - CO.
VIANGANEW;- 54 bbl Ground, for Olin
e ! coton, for 0.03 by BENNETT. BERM" CU, -
Water st--,e,
HOES—ISO doz. best - east steel, for sale by
gr aWASEUMLN t 60 ta.
IrVITOSSES — , of lan kinds and sizes. for the
relief and mdfealerne of Hands, ar Bottum oon.
ktantly an hand and for sale by KG
_] .SLR t 11eD01171LL. Iso wees
Q 'MULDER BRACES; of a new and en-
P.i"r Ifiv b irma.
saga 140 Wood et, Pittaborna.
teCall and Fee them,
_ _
Rockingham and Domestic. iineenswara
OODWARI). BLAKELY &' CO. bi e n-1
7 V Whew," or liockinginat and Yellow Ostia Thu,
Lase Arnim! , Ohio.
ALV-Satuele. Worm .corner Birth and Llbertr strata..
Mound Churth bUildina.) entrance nest door to a, t It.
Our extensive Worla enable rut to Allorders
A auto iwtent dechnur nein(
.conetanrir wittrun en
abka us to hoer, peen with all the new and imaressetery lee
°fee a 6.
Flower MiTta ' Pin e' b tennianut h'" a r
teV )"*E". .ui au=
eaufrJass, and ankle" for &amnia ore, in great varlet) ,
ord,rs mr.xtrunv rachdiert
BUTEM-251 keg rfgfittearrie 4d6..
- 7E'
<IIL al
IiIIESTNUTS - 30 bo. for sale by •
YII.IItON-12.50 ions for sale by
. I. ..11.0BMN. LITLLS L
nACON-45,000 lbs. Rams and Shoulders,
Smot.eboatri, Lr sale by
LtC.II nosisor. LITTLE a co.
APPLES-200 bu. for mai, be
ll --wyt 3 KNoctsit women:
1110TAS11-4 casks for sale by . 1
Emmen a usrsErr,
11,91/LIVER 44L-31.1 galls. superior W.Mt.o.
Li ter de by I mit R. 7... MLL111.11.57 Wool! N.' '
ErSSENC.C 4 S A: EXTRACTS, for ilaYol . llig
Jellies. Ire Cirame, Le. ,
Amore Leitiory ErLrset of fi Armed, .
•• Yanill • ••• JIM. 011:1Zen
. ' R..... V Anilla betnic
For rode by . . A. IdeCLIJAO & Co, --
mr2 - Irll.
ma Liberty rt.
D ACON-15 1b Sides; • "
Hamm at reselvial and for
..ale by
8. V. VON 1103311083 - 8 f W.
83 8.193 Ynot 818.-
QABSAPARILLA - 1 bale (Honduras, ) Toi
10 We la 8028 R.& MIA HUM
rah. by _
ap2S Caren and Tea Dakhla
_ ^
do SALMON. 10 hermetical . ended Man; re
red and for sole by
op= R: A. 00-
VA Liberty a.
The most Extraordinary Direorery in the Warlda
the great Aration. Remedy for Mariana Beast:
ID. G. Farrell's ••
iTIIE miraculous cures peifurrned by the
Arabian phiskiard to tke daya of, old, :ere the: .
their ti r t:ryi power over dime:. Their attaltunenta in
the knowledge of medkino yrn thy wonder of th is ago, •
while at the nata.tline th e science of Chemistry. which
with them had Its migin. wen to the ret of the world ^a
pealed bock." Aydin botany they ...ugh* most M.o. of
&Ardent.. Io the beantifol groves whieh skirt the aborts.
Arabia, abound m om matlan and odorous woods whence.,
ebtained thowe atic gums Mot fragrant balsam. of
which this intomparable littiment in
end by
whom sthrtulating unctuous. Paindratinir and nooda. ,
peopertiee It iv ethean applied, inettantanmend) ,dierneed
through the whole uthrous grater:4 allaying tho imp. Ls
tense win in the incrulibly short time of 1U or In easnotew .
its melon Is mutant, powerful and eflectuel. wi th out th e
low danger. Ibuthetwes the limb to the Wotan-lama
contracted ourdr. I restates use to limb. which ha. been
Premed for ream...ming the shriveled fiethi to grow oat.
and rich blood tO dem:date thrOugh its
this I
tho timenvial fluid or Joint Water. and this la thermion
.why it has lawn la) unlcceMll7 ente.-elul In enthelet all
Know of the Jolute. i l ea thraule tdbetioces of the Pat.,
Liver. Wore erg Kidneys, this great Arabian minds
etemis unparalielub tor tithe Cato or Falargemitent 01 the
Patera it. ie • melte; and for 'the-mention It boo perform
ni P.M .of the wet extreoprdinary rams on retool; 100
foe C`,...p ' ,... swelling, Paine, Wounds, Chilblains. Bath,
White barellitursiTometo. au As It is equally elSeamone
in disease of Aturnals, such as Fietals, Poll XV11.5_1 ,. ...1*
Stiff Complaint. ll,irtempreFarerTdMminadtrobees,wourota
Mange. niweine, Stiodot be, bplint ,• out he madly all
dipeasea. either iti man id - beset. which require an ator-
DAI . 77 110.1 h.. f lan liniment stands at the heed of all
Th e milowiriglis ham the prleeltml neconhlwth of the
wealthy raid highly respectable hoax of Cuts a her., of
Pria, and onmerito ono of the mow somemfal cum. in
thantal! nf toedicat blether ,
Mr. 11. 0.-Yar; Dear Sir, Actuated by • sense of grate
fulness, I submit the Kneeler. as . toetanceot the utlf.
toy of your mat um.licine. 3ly child, three ye., 01d...
suddenly attacked with w tenible db... which,. in Inv
titan son Moor. prostratedit to Wed turpburvers.-The limb.
became .so rigid that v. et Pm. amid be bent) the Mehl
tinned black and cold, arid entsre/o du:mud af feels.; the
rpm. nerd, parttelly dosed and altogether blind. Polio,
lag this was amines, to oil Found; the taint , WM. r mn
traded. and so 'curt., that .ben laying omits trek, the
/Wed allft ktLf I . 6the talSaid. 1121WISU the dal , Pumonwi
inOrr appearance of Mug deal Immediately on the et.
tack. the family Ithyalelan sew =Hullo and fort/free corks
le labored
it to fthiltue.hat 81 . 1 in valo; Whovatt -
It was blistered adoten Wow. awl rarinus rubtfadatt Ifn applieLl A ...Kati. of a s vas then
held, but to nn purpose. The Thet a
was then brought be
fore the Ml:diva Societe, hut nothEng could be Mktg..)
which had not already been done; and Sled...tor then toLl•
ie he could MS nothing mere. We then commenced am
yintryour Liniment Wely mar the entire length of flll
111, mot feu May imagine apron, )07 , when. en..
for aPPlientieniei rettannep animation a.. 0 .13 , .... , - Th.
child rapidly recovered. with th e a:caption of the sight.
which dill b. Moome perfect for nearly • mouth. It is
now hearty arid I reboot es can le.
Etre otherwes of the maw kind metered in m neigh.
bortiond prireiowly. all of which dad; when, y-
no doubt. if
Tour Liolment had been wed, the y would have neovered.;
Peoria. .More
1, 1351. HENRI' 9. CLISLAND.
Liver Comp glint, Erysipelas, and ibieumatam
I Cared.
Starnes, Merlon Co. Ky.. Marti, 1839. •
eerydoll ,
U. VAIIIIII-110.8.1 . Nil, Tour bindowit ts willing
eery troll, end atolow• • mot deal of mod =ow the now.
ple, it has mew • had caw of Erysimbia,avd 0 , ; ,.. a .
of • hot pun is the lamest. A Maly, who wee emulued to
herbed Gwreeend months with Liver emaphodut and Agee
tion of the Ileake, wee ClitilVlT the. by thee we of OU/ .
Arabian Liniment. kbe mid the donate maid do her (10
0001. It bas 1,,,.. applied to tenth rut. and eared it In 1
a shod, lira I herr Well &Pict. with Itheturitlens for aa long time, and jut Wore. e. wet wine, Ledned 'me .
moth that I bell no n. all day; and in the night I cyll,- '
. p .,,,1 tp.01.0 an d s rubbing with your Liniment. end
Whew I woe dope rubbing. We polo mitred.
30113: lIIICKIIA.S.
Comp( int,
Sill Sweeney. Distemper, Corks and
Sore Eyes Cured.
IM. Mitchell Protrossur at Flat, ?KIK. ttanty. In,
~! n. 0. 7.00. cm YOUr Atablan Llni tli bight/
Rtired hem. We maul one of my ruelithbora' hems Of Me
owl ComplelolLe Mattebur Or dm applirallons, and I
cured oue of to own Sweeney. Our Sheriff, JoithL
Dykes, cured I, home eta bad (kirk with It; he al. W.
it.=,..11 th e litharmper ...r x bw, .4
WI,. 1 e tart 111 drawled's use tumult bons
welkin,. ha eaer ord. There hare been ountfrre rued
of tom Elea tett!. it. ]land It a eery ealnahli medicine
Loth Pr EYac nod beset.
,Beware of Counlerfeitt.
The Public e particularly cautioved ad it Rate
(bunter/a which hut lately made lie apiceenvo• hod
~l i•
the imucaterwhouvkes 1t..11' Farrell . , Arabi.
an Lialtaeut."lThiele • dangerous trawl and room battle
to dealer Man his Dearing the wave of Farrell. Tbet,
fore be particular veer le crdi fur it to Cts eves "ReVel/..!
Lictivent.. for unprincipled deal.: will 4 uine; l,Rfrjß°
APIAG.. FlgrrelninarLitgq! elk tole no ether.
se Me t ate
g:perdue Waage hart,. lettara a G. tebrr Farrell*.
Ured deoature] aide ou the outside wrapper,apd them
'whim bknrn the glass bottle—`lL G. Iderrare etrobeas.
Attests wattled In every Town. 'Mlles. and Runlet . l n
the Rutted !Mk, to wEttch one la ant
ad APS?
by triter to 11l O. Farrell, Peoria, MD. with rad Mamee
as to character. rerponsibllity, Se. -
Call on the asset who will rundsh Tree of Charge, a
boot odultelnin[ much valuable latuvatungur every dame
etcy—retate. DO vents. egg aro gado.
to Wale.
Tat oats
a t ] p r Is manulectund by 11. AVM'. sole
tuvettes v a t ]propietor.
wholesale dOlggiall Not 17
Mate street, Ot•tue.lllc and Car tale wholesale sad et•ilat
: pretvietegleine. by DV:. I.3]Ft,LTR
;~ _ -
a ~>
EER SKINS--3 bale* for Aldo by
my: Rt11:1'. MA71114.10 Co.
10 - LEAD- , -490 vigor Safi Ottleris, - 4tr sale
by • my: • cIItSvMATTIIVAVS.t CO.
JO tons Rir sole 1.7 •
m 77 4M1!..Y..:M..M1LEM.4 a CO.
EiFTHERS-,-8- isks:pime ti..,foffiste by
51 -
MED PEACHES-29 bble.. oa ccinrign
..77"`"' BAi.O
lytract pßurr-400 W. - Peaches;
APpitr. tor ra.t• by
J. b. ca.,:
MUTTON 13.015—'2400.8. C., for 'tale by
.mr7. & CAN/ [ TM
LINDRIES-...2 tierces gre - a-i;.'
2 bdolA b ' • do. -
drY •Prat , -
le alba. fothcr4'
1.1% .0 1../Itsg friar. deamer Forßhshrtitakutir.
. • . IMO lbs. Nor
• bbls. Illokory Noir, ort rorodonmsot.' for
sale lo dose, 'J. D.WILLIM &W. '
• tny.s corner irarlor-d lbth As — _
1 - 4 -
jj d. £ Mama tOa barn on band a =Wee at(_b
Jananata anal Cambrian _ , ; of
CCOTTON-56 bales Iscrwlandiogfrom stm
Fort Pitt, for oalo by DIMEY CO
Water mahout it
wn** at.., lave received large lot el . Teti p
nor X.& sad Ma Wks- • . •wo
(TORN-500 bu_ fur sale by
A" au6 J. 8. Jo/WWII:ill LOO.
rroßecco-4 bhda,Ohio Leaf, forsaLf<by
X m 76 J. 8. DLLWoRTIII 001
CORN -34 bbls. for sale by •
• S. F. TON 130NRIIORST l CO. "
m 6 - 93 and 95 Front 9t:
/807A—ror ale by S.D. WILLIAMS a CO4
1:2) ' . attner Wad and nth AL. .
ATHS-25,000 Sawed Lathe, beet Vali•
1.4 t 7, •~ br ROBISOSLITLE. lt CO, -
02/3 Liberty sr.'
_ .
FLOUR—I:PO bble. extra Family; '
:era Vara..V.t..irxt.r. l2 l. co
BROO3IS-50 dos. fancy, on conFia.pme .
and for ale by ROBIEON. L k.
.Y 5 Mandy at
A Wanted. SOBER, industrious Mechanic who can
Cara all 2.1r010 of Roll., and roll ;art dials flea at
Itor partleulass asply to — •
mf.TIOS.- ._. • NIL /SAGAISTAk-so.
• Watches! - L.
JUST` returned from 'the'East," - in& now
opening the largestand then ailartmant Watchea,
ewer), ad, ever Would. to the city. The Watch.t are
hum the mod reputable manufactosera of Lando:4llm.
hoot. Pasta. and Comm and drasystated meal fmadt. some
rowdor) to any' hithertoanted isrthiatstarkat _
Chronometer Lam Width,: toefiencan Woo-writ the
late inventioactutingarith hey. altramther. sad 11511
semi:lw= our patterns Gold Waidias,
according to amagt 1, Mtn t.O and upw= g Algt
gehrehteed ne myrmardcd. cad warren ..A to to tlma and
quality. W. W. WlLfaidt.
mys • t • carneihinckat and Fourth St.
" • Elinitrus for Stile • •
b,. gala br OEO. laRTMIRS,
(11.PItto running order,
'corner a Fourth and Pmltherld atit f not p ata
war. i t 'du be a:a .t Ihvi Auttion Roma on rrnardar.
the lOtty.of Mar.. GEORGIC_AATII9IIIL
J zim l toun ttrr. •
RIED APPL 'S-320 Burke for satrtty
mre S. is ATI: MIAS E SONS.
( fi tO ß l e g ri VlY, by
RLS-2.0 bbts. for_sale by
INSE.EP 011-11) bbls. far sale t4d;
ft“j e bi" J r . WCA- 2 ". raF•
Fm ESF : boXe!I fur ejat
•' ••• iitunburg, Polka. • -
tt'SU RER, Ni).Thirtl i etri , e4 - •higjuarc
. received—
he Hamburg ?Oka, one of the.moit pdridaihad Law
ttfulNlicas ewe published. 4 . •
Farewell, OW Cala= euitteu and . . aa1umi1......17 11 . C.
roviare,.d dedkated ha Mrs. liarlVVWfautrmousah.
alum Loved 'i' ickz .thaT Daft SAL Roder. .41;
The Little /LA Dea r toter. • ••.:, .
N r ii• MOUALIgII Meier.
lir Use Dar. deux r the
i Meet AA sung by Jenny Linde with
111 the 0.l Sea swop, as sung .by 'OM Lind-..rie" et
Ler mad beautlfulrowe
Vermeil, If ever ferideet pttier. "
And au extender election new ITaltsiie Rats, P.
myt „ OP=ZOULStY lIABP. -
KW • BOOKS! • NEW, BOOKSI4-v•The or the We'd' Iluirt • Cae asnYttuota
The Ilankor•, by T:S. Arthur. '"
• Mechanics it wa No
Horticultunst, nay .
Becelvni at
• • tarsi) lexul ',ideate loth bold Aimee) on
' looklar. (thkr 6th) ate o'clock; P. 14.1.0 the'
Rocka.of th e nest theebyterith Chunk.Allesbe=sead
1411104 thendlp to th e cues teiikcetecithe
t:alders of the 011ko Trap Rack WWl= Oompfiaterill
b. 14 at e office of =ll c.e 5....7 ja r ‘city . o!r%t t.
burgh. 0. Mond. Y• J "'""" - I d IP:VILIRT;Nr-
IRE BRICK-35,000 (Coal :GrayelFire
eam ad (or otaos traacttor we raoltratVitabt)
111rELSIIFLANNELS.L—We. have recall . -
", V ot sitadditioral fmtly goods, fiodefir.
ble on•coonot of their aluthrinkablo oloaldr.) sad of 111.
emu drodft of flame. •1•• Usage and ICY W.T.
nelr. Chew:Wag do 4 and • foil zuortarent or Dedne•tio.
mye. .IdU/1.1111 4/11DICIIFIELD.
13IDEGO--4 100 lb kegs
3 Conlon Cu..= of good goolitt• to
IsltTa f iWir i Pic 4 n
trw Vogh '"i6*' l 4'''Uld"
: ZIATIV liltott4 C 0
mya • '' ' wmcr
NDIA RUBBER' TOYS—dust -receiited a
largn lamortment of Wars Rubber Tors,aiiiiiitlful ar•
, e, for sale al die logrolit Emden, prima. ..
J &IL leaf% RubberDoret,
tole • . • 7 sod 1 , .W00d Bt.
ONLY 28 11013813 TO CLEVE:LAID.
XPRESS Packet and Railroad-Line for
Ciaealand. seirralvann a/ der". br Steamers from
burgh to Beaver, in ertnectkin with the alrEantly as
faked Erma. Cachet• of Clarke, Barks a W freta-Braver
to kfaveoas, and the - rplendld neer 14.s4eager ears of the
Cleveland and iltiaborab Bailroad Ca to Cleveland.-
PENESYLTANILL--t . .. Borman.
• MANYLON • •••C lthown.
Ena.. lave thelifasthing camomile the Slot=ela
noose. at 9 o'clock. A. arnaectirte !oith the at
Deaver. Thar), .111 leave Immediately on the art:lnlet the
Reamer. artheinn at Ravenna In time tar thaltrpretaTrain
of Cara for Clevelad. Parveugars by ILIA tn.
11,012 at
Cleveland In tinte to take the Rtn,..,a Lino -of Mame.
for BUFFALO sad DETROIT, add the stelawn, La Chin.
Alilnankta Toledo, nandualer Car, Dusthlrk arth Ari a ;
Oleo for ...nog train of Ras far Columbus. _Enda. uad
Cincinnati, CLARRE, !ARILS WI PrOrietOra,
' AOENTS: - • - '•-•
• - v',
R. R: moon - tram
_ mules L 1311•011.141;
• tilliccoaider Mole
• * corner of EntiAtillelA Rua Water
1.851.. •-h i g a g
On the Pennsyliania and Ohio. Cam&
CLARKE, PARKS t C 0.,.. alssen, Ps.
TlllS'weßknoim Lim noi , prepared to
transport freight and Pa..4414 - crx (ma PIWSBMIGIi
a CLEVELAND, to aril Pa nt an the (Baal and Dakar.—
The facilities af the yW are nosargaued ntunbar. goal
its; and rapacity orilsath imPesistias of C 514.1.4 nad
beas of Agens.
Mt a
Boat lea t ve. PlUdnirgh and Dkrrsgand
in oontiestlmtvrith • Line al stenntsats betvara
EDECIII and BEAVEIt, and • Linea Snarl.. stestaboars
(Propeller and epoch) tut the 1. u. •
P k. a es , v ggo
_mat u
Taylor, Warren, r
A. 4, If. Clark, Newton Pain
C. Prantlan Esse.. .
'patina A Co.. Ravenna. . ,
heat, Ortnnel Frintalln. '
ILA. Millen Curahoira Yalta 0
Wheeler. Lae • Cr, ..
lend.= a Pettibone, Pandu 'y,Ctty,
Peckham So; Das . .. '
O. William.* 0., a•twa, Midas.;
Douseman t Cu, Manua/in i\ 114
lien. A. Gibbs U - ;
PoviTt.tratollEY. ping.
, v`r- _ -
11.4. v 'NO completed air - angemetttit , witit
Houma In _Bordeaux and Ober %meows. 014 44 . ik
tm cutouts of ass orders. alp Una anablaglo offer to
Once" at • mall Wawam over haportation tact, 8i116.14-
DIM WINES. nod Uffylla c h' i t . faiark 4sagglowp.
fm'" ! A4otro tstreitadlo my Ilat,as below: •
110 pa-kago• (Jaguar. likadesta, and Itoehelle &allies. In
hi hi and la pliog r ale sal dart.
. 4h. , oog cod e aad . brav ■
k nd
Matins; o7evary q.
In • Port Wins, part Tarr add 614 rasa:alas.
.SOO basket" Sparkling Chanipligra% k nasal...lg
600 boles Claret Wine., rarlona brand. tad kinks/res.
IVO moo 511114 , 141/ and Banat. vintages
46 auks Sauterne WWI Claret Irina •
IS p i m e llolland and achurdainflin. -
1S pimelasoakOktlaggeh nal Vi Mk: L ey. t
•• rpee*. Ohl Jainsied Baia
•fn tads ruporlar lona= Brown stout and Rostra Ale.
Witt, a ~,,e4 g inapr=
, rgred Llgunra mob as
4 n f iMeru.. Cleerry Boor
-I A Nage la
truck of 41.4e.Lii.1 ESGA L Rifilargriuk bast.
of what, I lOU offer on serr favorable la
~m aa a da h '
Orders will bireseented alta arkPaiea rndeomawppeQ
at loran ran lm g._ • - •• a. • ' •
porter sad De r, 31/ Walnniatal•ii
aplOilsg•Zniggp) • . •
L . ^ PkflaMlpttlf
14 — NTSU— "
10111. No. I,4aNma. d
ti&N " tiarek •
afdo Jo y do
10 do No. 1 lailairsed filial:' on - hand and
.13K11 IliON--66 tons Forge and ferindry,
oewswarat. bay saJa by ,
.am_ - . 10/Z9 ITATVA CO.
ur sale by
ricaa ,
Third street. vomits the rm
ITATOES-20 bble. Neshinaktig for
aver sa76 E. P. VON RONICHOCEC CO: