The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 14, 1851, Image 3

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A public Ireton. on tile Eclectic, Synteyn of
lirodicine,lii 'tar eitised in our, by
Prof. ft. S. Newton, of Cineinoad.
We understand that the workmen on the Ohio
and Pennsylvania railroad, will commence lay
ing the rails near the depot, to-day.
Taw &LAUDING Case.—We regret to learn that
Christopher Och,the German who was so eerrerely
stabbed at a pie Die. on Monday afternoon, near
the Soho bridge, is still suffering much, and
that his recovery is considered doubtful.
Two persons named Casper Fink and A. Korn,
were yesterday arrested, charged on oath of
'Frederick. Kraus, of Pitt township, with being,
concerned In this disgraceful affray.- They were
taken before Aldermari and held to bail
in the sum of one thousand dation each, for their
appearance at the nett term of the Court - Of
Quarter Sessions.
JURORS DISCILMIGSD.—The jurors in atten
dance upon the United States COUrt, were yes
terday discharged, the criminal business having
been finished.
Before the lionerible Judge Irwin.
The jury in the case of the United Staten'vs.
Be. L ori Austin, tried on Monday for passing
counterfeit half dollars, returned with a verdict
of guilty.
f • The prisoner wisoomnatied.-
Before the Honorable Judge Grier.
The case ok XVlfireman vs. Robinson, et ILL,
Banton for plaintiff, Robinson for defendant, was
taken up. It was shill in olunmery to stay waste,
gaged tit linve been committed in digging iron
ore in 3lercer county, On land belonging to de
tendant, but the mining right!' of which are al
leged to have been conveyed to plaintiff. Node
Francis Wilson's Lessees, 713. Samnel Mc-
Bride et 11. No 13, November term 1847. This
wu nu action of ejectment, brought to recover
200 acres of land in Hickory township, Mercer
After a =Tiber of, wit:l4es had been examin
ed on both sides, the plaintiff took a non suite.
Chas. Thomas vs. Daniel Moore et al, propri
etors of the National Stage Company. Action
to recover damages for injuries alleged to have
been =gained by plaintiff, owing to the overturn
of one of defendants coaches. The jury was
'sworn, and the Court adjourned until 9 o'clock,
this morning.
TiManst,liay 18.
Present the Honorable Hopewell Hephirn,
President Judge.
The Court met, but there being no bus i n ess
ready, wan adjourned until nine o'clock this
At a regular Matting of the Firemen's Asso
elation of Pittsburgh, held at the _Neptune Rail,
on the 12th inst., the following persons were elect
ed officers to serve the ensuing year:
President—R. B. Roberts,
Treasurer—Chu. 11. Paulson, .
Seentary—Adams Getty, -
Ist Chief Engineer,-Darid Campbell,
2nd do. James T. Shannon,
Brd do. Fleury Chignon.
Committee of Conference and Inspection:,
Adams Getty, of the Eagle,
H. Chignon, Allegheny,
' B. B. Kate, Neptune, '
Edward Kaye, Niagara,
James D. Alexander, Vigilant
James Newhouse, Duquesne,
A, B. Keevil, Good Intent,
W. D. Bitten, Relief,
D. Mercer, Independence.
Lewis's Patent Reversible Witter Filter
LS NOW. to be' seen in operation at W:3l.
TATE t 'CO.'S. Phuoberti, No. 10 Fourth threel
os market .11 Ltherty ista.. and at 717.701 t boa
Fa 10 Erect. Pittsburgh. This Filter ready
a Veld Medal from the American thrtitute of New 1(0% acid a Certlbota from th e Franklin lortitute of Pbtisktel
of which the followin•
•-"g are examples
Pintabrimtra, Muth Z 3110.18
It emit tost great pleasure to racommerut bit elo 92l.l athe of
Atm. clear thou. the Fateot Reyersible Water /Ewer, isc
matted by Kr. Lewis. ilthing tool one of them for thmr
al month,. lam enabled to vole, of them value.. .
GEORGE 7L/IT. 107 Walnut street. 7
wPumthrtheta, Mach UM, ita1.....
• The Patent Reyereible Water 1111ther, invented by alr.
, Semual .11. Loris, amt lath by me for tome months atom
wires naddettea, 1 all that thy persaarLl wiehl 1
11teratkire consider It a priyilcth to hare it I my power to
twothimead It tothe public. JONAS P. .10. Wit
. No. li So mar 0000 0i " Them Ritmo the warranted to take outthy emelt or
Rata whkh may arise from demo:owed thiMal or vegeta.
itthmatter is lb .star_. They are warranlat to lath two
P.M sad with ordinary care will lasi te • and recoil,
ouly to Wawa to be athredated. -
titybkif . .....10 Arch atreeLP • • lola's..
Eureka Itiniqi‘ompany of Michigan.
FIVE 'Stockholdill.of the Eureka Mining
. 1 . 30=17 4 :f y ts } tfutAnd
on thee:wild dock of the Eureka Minim Company of
2 0 0 -1114... PeTahle nithin thirty days from this data. st
the eiMca ofme Company, In the Isaac, occupied by
Palmier. Hamm .t Co, Pittsburgh.
.71131E8 11. CHRISTY. Sec. and Tram
MiHenttlantA Eureka Min. Co. of 311ete.
27 bales 02030
1 bbl. lio.l Lard.
F. " Dried Apnea; i
r ' s° it., : ' l it . Nxi...x
3 bbl 3. .. .
lel 23023 rea03270
• 9 • 113.03 •
2 •• G 1333770 10403 from 02333er
024331903 ' and Ihr &ale by I
mylo Front and 0 7 00 0.1.
RAISINS --100 boxes (frekh Bunch) for
ale by , ntylo ISAIAH DICE EY & Co.
BIITTEE-2 bbls. and 1 keg (fresh) for
Ede by mylo ISMAIL DICHEY • cu.
COFFEE -SO bags Green Rio, for sale by
malo laaldll DICKEY a CO.
TAR -100 bble. fur sale by
COFFEE -100 brigs prime Green Rio, for
sae by JOKY WATT .k CO.,
=7lO Liberty street
S ALERATUS-50. boxes, a superior arti
gric nracre anuda . nt and foe 7 , 1; 11 1
100 bbl,. N. 3 . 11er.karel; 110000 /0 0 00010 0 0:
' 10 No. I Trimmed Ebad: •
• 00 U. b!:1 :1
a. 0 41
=lO "I"
l'on MATTa a
101 Libiirty strait
-1100 p "
mazo. l ifil id' aniTVZZlT., zt, for
00ilonzl blkek Silk W.rp Cuhmerete, for
amendid'essintment of /areal. and Linen Vest
ing, 00710
Bennett's ,Manoenromatio Depository,
•Ma 1.1- e. Painthths—rThe . Garlen of Gethsemane,
aml the — Cemetery a Scutari." .72
GEO. E. ARNOLD & CO. have tide day ne
iodated with the= JOUN U. SCULLY: The etYlii of
the Seth will be se !urethane,
Pitthbargli. They let. 18.51. imr2
fIEORGE E. ARNOLD dc CO., Bunkeis:
ILA Deem to Exchange. Coin. Bank Note., to., 1 0.74
Fourth nowt, oast doer to title Rank of Plttaborgh. Cot.
lentlorn earefuLLt attended and the pr.:redo monnled to
WY Dart of the Union.
Front Brick fund House Tile.
MITE undeisigneti is now manufac.turing, at .
hie ate= Brie le Press, In Birmingham, the Fend
moat Trout Brick, for (louse, ever prod oced. which he
will sell at onethird to onekalf lea than bugle/nal* and
Dee s Perfruily even. square 140/1. and a emooth. Pa.
magi Lee. they catch no dust or moot, and pm:tree a
handsome. clear, bright appleme.or, ea men in Bee. yr.
KzoVe Charch.South.littsbargi. the <entreat Mime. it
and other buildings being very visible. The brick. now
anythingAk a m . u g ch e u e p hu r
se to sh ould The froat of
be of pressed brook,
the additional expense being m trim
Cerildalslesln my Pasesagoi, Prom Unnerament Officem,
Agents, and. Architects, who have need dmgar brick es.
tenstrely. certify to their superiority in strength, dnrabib
ity, resistsam to trust, water, Are, ge.
le of ?Ile. p.a..'
Also maanfictating• • ...ri•• • 00 . , Fu t ..
aed. es., ..10.00 .no, .Archlicet, ea .
lacalalled at alma cataball them...
A.lah, 900,000 CAMlrtall Briek—ktrankth, dursbillfni
gaarantchk. P00.,53 1000, at tha Work,
apl9 1.9AA0 GREGO
Profeseor A. C. Bany's Tricopheroun;
g •
111 icairlvg twilaannial U Grp lir. 11.14 Y4ltor of the
Igni Took. Yeb. 24, 1842.
' flax:2B, lkitopherous Limn erne, that we take pleaeure
awarding the hlghegt. commendation We do not do it
the IVIOITIEICIWPUIRI of others, but from =row., per
nonal•knowledge of Ito effecto upon tho hair, white it tents
to he. it healthy, aoft, and glom'. It alm mown., fun.
drolf., Wanda gray hair, and indoor des Ito growth In a
=mance unequalled by - any other mmtaditlon kmiwit to
th Poreom op i 7 needs to um one bottle to be cosniFeil
Bold In bottles, prier eento, at tbn prlnelfial office:LW
2 . 848 1 4 .2. New lork.
cn In large bottles, price 24 xents, at proprietor's pi
mkik • It. X. 8141.X.11.9,
• No. 57 Woof tt.
SPRIG SHAWLS—Caahmere, Thibet,
n , ivemlred
*pm mtriwur & =mem&
E GOODFor Lodi& drissesTof
Wall the tssicome Ueda used—itull ?duel!. 19Ess ' at;
Nette.,ege Queen's la h ifetwiltiragia
Th. deeonglotk Gaper, Biro that of bts varlets at the
comothela Mom, Go• solo br
WALTZ@P. isensnaLt.
06 Wood st.
OIL PEPPERMINT-150 lbs. (warranted
pure) tbe sale by blyl n.r ZELLERS.
RAIN-200 bu. Qats.
.Are: for sale by
1-)44/3 bleoll..LB t ROC.
Q.HA.I.) AND LiEKRING—New Baltimorelo slum oust ust - riss. reed and ft* we.olB JOON WATT k CO.
MANGANESE—S 4 bbls Ground, for Glass Makers, far mac by OEN NETT,DEILON tab:
OES-150 doz. best cast steel, fOr sale by
SCYTHE SNEATfIS--gTro z . extra and
ea..., for rale at clatoractorry-,ri rer
WATLrirrAlt r9N9.
_ _
"FORKS -75 doz. best calm—;we----"11.3n. Forke;
" (auk pro
Amos Toats. Ask, b 7
.t. a. Wen:UMW son.
[Owielt to the seeeroetene along the line lest
evening We have drtelegraph news from the
Clieffixerri, Mayl3, P. M.
ha 4 a severe thunder storm this afternoon
secompinied by hail. Iris still very warm and
Float—There is a fair demand for the home
trade an& city.consumption. Sales 1000 bbls at
$3,63 and 250 bbLs at $3,55 bbl.,
• Provisiows—Nothing'vras none in provisions.
The market is generally very dull.
demanW d idskey--liales at 17 . 2,„ gait a good
, : s,
Groceries—Sal. 100 hag fair 4
Coffee at
I - 10c a l b; Sugar and mo es are dull.
::Dried Fruit—Sales of ap les at $l, and of
peaches at $1,50 87 bn.
The river has fallen Iff In hes since last rr
port. •
The following satiele contains facts and
:thoughts of great interest:
tion is now sitting at Richmond, to revise the
constitution of Virginia; and one of the moat .
Important questions before it is the basis of ren
reaentation. The western section of the State,
containing& majority of the White population by
, more than' 100,000, contend for an exclusively
white basis. The eastern section, containing a
minority of the whites, and nearly the whole of
the slave Population, contend for the mixed
els, now existing. Under this basis, the minors ;
ty of the White population elect a nnajority oft
the.,,,Legialature; and the majority of the white
population very naturally oppose this anti-repnb arrangement, and contend for equality of
rights. Henry A. Wise, a delegate from Acco
mac county, in the eastern region, has made a'
speech, in which he contends very earnestly for
the white leasis, er the western side of the queai
tion; and for this he has been roundly abused
by somata the newspapers in the eastern inter
est. Mr.' Wise, who is, we believe, a alavehold.
er, contends for the perpetuity of slavery, but
admits that yielding this point to the west is ifte
only step by which such perpetnity can be main
tained. lie says that, if it be not yielded, the
west will secede and establish a separate State,
and that such secession would ruin the east. He
denounces this attemptof the east to control the
west, as an attempt to perpetuate a "moneyed
and negro aristocracy;' and he describes such an
aristocracy and its prospects of perpetual pow-.
er, in the following terms: ,
If it (a imineyed and negro aristocracy) were
not a aerie,us violation of our rights, if it were
not a grievous oppression, if it were not an ut
ter obliteration of both the letter and the spirit
of the Anedrican law, laid down by our fathers
in this des iced, torn and tattered bill of rights,
one could absolutely do nothing in the world but
attired and Tough at it. A moneyed aristocracy
at this day in Virginia! Was there ever anything
more ridicalints!! Why, your industrious wealth
is gone: pin have no commerce to bring you
wealth; yod have'no mining touring yqu wealth;
and you hafe, with all the immense piker of the
Tames River to turn millions upon millions of
spindles, and make the cotton lint fly all over
the earth, no manufactures to bring wealth; and
not one hdlf your agriculturalists know how
their work is done. The overseers get rich up
on their masters, and the masters get poorer
every day.
We mots admit that Mr. Wise understands
his subject. , And well he may understand it, for
it is the history of Virginia. That State, like
Maryland and the Carolinas, has ever had a rot
ten borough constitution, under which the minor
ity, through this mixed basis of representation,
has always governed the majority. In Mary
land and Viiginia, these majorities have become
Impatient under the injustice, and will not en
dure it much, if any longer. And as like
causes produce like effects, the same contest, in
which the injured party will resort to the sated
remedy, will occur in the Carolinas, Tennessee;
and Missouri Slavery cannot lire upon moun
tains, and eventually impoverish plains: and 03
each of these States, like Virginia and Maryland,
has a mountainous and an anemia! region, each
of them mist renek.the condition already reach
ed by Virginia eta Maryland, a majority of the
white populatiori in the region where slavery
cannot live. Then will come the.contest for po
litical poirer, in which the majority will CTlalto
- And then elavery, deprived of its
political prep& must be left to its natural re
sources; and bow long they can sustain It, is
written in-ever page of its history.
Virginia' Will be divided, or the white basis
will be established. Hit be divided, the East
portion most continue to sink till it becomes
a wilderness, or must throw off the dead weight
of its ensnaring institutions, if the white basis
lie established, the political influence of slavery .
is ended, and it will come to be asubject
itupyifying agitation. The people of Vir
ginia will then see it tllrough its real character
and not through factions of passion and prejudi
ces, excited by personal interest. And as they
see it perishing through the influences of manu
facture., commerce, agriculture by free labor,
and other departments 'of scientific industry,
they will make some efforts to accelerate its la
:naval. The enlightened portion of the South
clearly see that alavery is incompatible with the
prosperity of the free States, and that one sure,
though slow mode of killingit, is to cultivate
those resources which have filled the free States
with so much prosperity. The Georgians, a
wake to this, are applying their exhaustless
water powecto manufactures; and - Mr. Wise,
with his eyes open to the whole subject, points
to themillions of spindles that might be turned
'by the waterpower of James River. When this
question betirean East and Weet is settled in
Virginia, and ea it will be, in favor of the West,
then will Virginia, cense from fighting about
slavery in Congress. For then will that refor
mation at home be accomplished which all this
fighting in Congress is designed to prevent,—
PAZ Ledger.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the most eccen
tric thinkers and writers of the day, on this
aide of the Ocean, delivered at 'Concord, the
place of his iesidence, on last Sunday evening,
bin views of the Fugitive Slave Law. Be has
been invited to repent his discourse in Boston,
Cambridge, and other places, and then to pub.
lish,them in p ampblet form.
Eivrozarre Foacmay.—On the 2d day of Apr il
Butt, says the Atlas, a well dressed man, whose
face was familiar to Mr. Lc4arick, the Cashier,
but whose name or business he was unacquainte,d
with, called at the banking - horse of Burnet,
Shoup & Co., corner of Third and Walnut sm.,
and negotiated for the discountieg of a note of
$1,097 90 dated March 17, 1651, at 60 days,
signed by the well known firm of Southgate,
Hawthorne tr. Co., and endorsed by McKenzie 4
Reed, another: respectable house pf this city.
The man endorsed the note "T. 11. Reed," (the
Cashier supposed him to be one of the firm of
McKenzie & Reed,) received the proceeds in
bank bills and left, and has not been seen or heard
of by any of the parties aince. On Wednesday,
notice being sent to Messrs. Southgate, Haw
thorne &. Co., of i a note of that amount failing
due the 19th of this month, led to the discovery
of the forgery, they having no such note
out. and never Mitring given a note of anyamomn
or description to Messrs. McKenzie 4 Reed. On
calling on those gentlemen, they knew nothing of
any ouch note, and on examination instantly pro:
nounced it a forgery. The imitations of both sig
natures are excellent, and might deceive even
those well acquainted with the true signatures of
.these firms. No clue has yet been obtained to
the identity of the perpetrator of this bold swin
dle.—an. Car.
A. A. ,KASON & CO.,'
Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers in
Nos. 62 and 64 Market greet, Pitiobuigh, Pa.,
&NNOUNCE to their friends end the put:
Ile genera ll y, th.t they are haw yrepeeed c am,
vest sod mosteirefally eeleeted track of
they hare are, offered t o
as a Mb city. roznprieed of the mart
rich mad fashionable fa rice, well as the more common,
and which will be'offefed at the
'at which accale mai be phi in any of the hada= ChM,
Their two lower caleermene will be dented each:Mealy In
retail trade, and the made arranged N Delahrthcehia
Silk Department.
All the new aml fa•binnable irate:Med this radian,
Including thr I ..114.• of Illyrk ?LB..
Dregs Gontl.g Department:
comp:bd., l a v e ,
t.r., Demme de Lain,
Cullman, •Ite Leib., lave, a: thanbrica, damn-
. , .•
ettd, throddine,l!..,tazior... Alt , ore..
5113111,, iletteS, &C.
Canton (yam plain Kn.l Alrn. Daindek,
Thlbet,.De Le.We Combhu.rr. I,t, 1 rinvr...l du , and
other Etualrls. V Nlentili., de.
Hosiery Unit GIOVe Department
odwayrEe roundl...rt makes of
Cotton and Silk lionierr 1 , ,t A ahoy' .
3-4, 4-4, and L.-4 Line. Sla,tina,
Lyaa d4apkins.. Idvac.d aud Dun'
White Coeds.
Checked and bostrd Cam brinc Malt . • La wri w .,., Err,k arul
Nallucok Nitall,,,pc Viet.ll. .nd
quality and prior. Aln,. Curtalu •
, •14,11.6-
bla Coysni. tr.
• -• •
rteEmbrol..l••eP, Lacts, Trimming=,
A complete aarsattosiat. At.u. MU..., • 1,,5.r. Tat,.
Sc. Parasols of all told, L645t5.5..,1 all IL. lairrt . rt,
Domestie:A.:oocts lit•partim•nt
j apro i n m,r,n.c.f the. tooth extensive In the "sours. so,. ss aremythhag known as dousraths.
The Prossietors fesl tool:theta that. with their Lomas.
facilltles, Law and at retir e stmt. modoussuall,
Arlon. 0.7 cannot fall to Ora aatialsrtlon
Wholmale porrbarerl am resprettulls lorsthool that te
sthth be pleased to mil. their others, at thy time, Sr
scuds at prima. 41" to dtthilsato any aartero.bill
goods at the rams eastern rates.
Nat and fathlartable Wads tetthhe recelleel mutter:tie
through the merlon.
51.29 • A.A. MASON A CU
1110 M-1000 lbe Rained, for sale by
ILO era &
A. MOM= i CO ,
steamer EMPItESS,Coa. man,. will 1..1,0
abov. And lotermetharepart , oo thla Oar.
at 4 o'clock.
• Far freLicht or pox." 000 1 ,' on bokt4.
yoßci N. 1... LOUISVILLE--The
Iphindhl new steamer OLAUCUP..Copt•
hert. gill leave for the above rd all oder.
mediate:porn, on Thunder. .440 , 19. A. P.M,
for freight or p.0.e./VT on board. 11,12
F 'ss
liggt draugh
the`Strr PARIS. Greenlee,
reactor, Will leave for aLore and all In
m,,,,,,,, yore, on thikdY, tho , 12th I nn., at 4 P M
For. freight or toaege •PlitY on bard or to
arid ' D. WILK INS Ant
Ta - EEN plrrettuituit & BUNFISII.--12.
piestor PILOT N 0.2. A. S. Crane, MM.,
will hare Pitteburnti, for Is A na and Seinfbh,
er ri . ;;VAT ft. de.; V.: irb 3 . l r 'l°", r • Pr ' e 'tur''"
r;V: e .i„ a nd go t u rdly . at lu W ' rto ' r7. a. it ' . ' lt r ,..Ti;.47.;
ea o admen" can depend town ilia bolt running regulvly
during the low rater fra.otl.
for fnaight or pawage, nuns on loam. in 10
- - -
PACKET, CINCIN l•ATI, IN.ptain A ohniand
ndnghani. This rpleudld teat Newton, by
the owners of the atearner too, and other, for
the Llncintrati and Pittsburgh Parket trade, sod will Wire
every Wednesday fur Cincinnati, in plate of the New Eng
land hi 0.12. Portreight or miKetißty,,,o . r4hu ß anl .
ic ;r2. t o
.L 11.121ULAR PACK F , T.—The opleudi4
ilow,,rounlng atr i um boat (311E}TAIN. IL T. b
lea t er, the e nd
, of the (1111 ,, A11eii..7 Bridge.
(AL Tot
M, and continuing un T til . I.b?.: * fiarde ' n e a n clo r .; ' .. " St:Vjfili t l i t
on the Allegheny ride, fo r
, the scoonoundatiou of ptofen
tin.ailwisiat all other bomb. Are Extra Trip at .. Fi.„ o'.
185 1. lad
THE near and fast running sir. CASHIER,
benvillr , iCli ell!=la a al%T. " r l W4er:Z. n ati ill tits!=
Pinntigb P .
AL, Plttaburgh every Aredoelehy at
; o'cleck, P. AL, for Wheeling nod Brktgvport.. and erery
garnrday. at 3P. 31.. for Catgina and Sound, Returning.
leaven dundrh every 31,ntday et 10 o'clock. A. IL, and
I , 3rneport and Wheeling every Monday and Tbureday,,st
For freight and apply on board, nr to
cartel JOYIN FLAC. A.ernt.
W TTS. LtN 4[t7
311.—The.light draught steamer ARENA,
D. P. Kinney, master, 1 • Wellsville every Monday,
Wedneaday. and Friday, at 8 o'clock. A. M., for. Eats. Lin
rpool. lileagosv leFerrates Lending, Beaver. and Pitte.
burgh. Leaves Plttshrtrgh every Tuesday. Thunder. and
Saturday, at 10 o'clock. A. MBe
.. for aver. Mclen-ases Land.
EastLlverl'oul, and For freight orpassage. anolv on board. ay9
I'ACKET.—The sphaulul
ter, packet et,secer DIUNAL, Com, mac
e t tr i Ira
0d1:5.4"42104,11 h e r g .
.13 " u g a l ri d o t
c k .
lea ' Or Whmlinff " rove, TunKlar, Tharrity and Aatun ,; lp.
In `-"b
f"' N ' A ` .4 3 iftiMrtinizTß ". . ALV;ltc. '
. .. -, ..
ENTGPOILT.--The flu ammo, PACIFIC,
z, muter, will lout for the abooe audio • •
Urtandlate ports every ThamlA,. - 04 oA,lnek. P. M.
For freight or pumago apply 0 n .... or to
.. .
Pachlo No. 61 Water and 63 Front sta.
SUNFISH PACKET—The Got runnlngiMt2
steamer WELLSVILLE, Capt. IL Young, will
Bn as a gular pa c ket betweva Pitteburgh, Wheeling,
ridgeportand Sunfish, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday
afternoon for Wellsville, Steubenville, sod Bridgefaaand
every Thursday afternoon for 64ubenetilo, %I he e lin g ,
Briagenegt, Cantina-and Soulloh: returning, loaves ilridge
port and Sunnah every Tuesday afternoon. and gurtnrth
every Friday afternoon. For freight orpassage. apply on
board. or to (feb23] W. B. WIMP. Agent_
The mast Extraordinary 'Ammer!, in the Wadd
the Brea! Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast!
EL G. Farrell's
HE miraculous cures performed by the
Arabian physiciansin the dares old. mere then
noon as the result of magic, but time we hare b..
tome intimate with their history we can thus ays w. me
theirentorming lower °ter disease. Their attainments tu
the knowledge of nue/Leine were the wonder of the aer.
while et the male timein. the relearn of Chemistry. which
with then hal its orig was to the rest of te world .. e
sealed back." And In Botany they,were the mos h t reatone of
students. In the beautiful grovel; which skirt the deserts°,
Arabi, abound rare plants and odorous woods whence/se
obtained those aro-cock gums tool fre...^rint balsams. of
hich [hie incomparable liniment hi compowed, and by
whose atintodatingl3.l.ll.l.lMl per/antic& and Amain..
properties It Is. when appli/d. Instantaneously .11111,1.1
through the whole nerxem system. allaying the most in
ter...palls In the itterolibly short time of Prot IS minutes.
Its action to prompt. powerful and elL.rtnal, without the
eleen danger. it penetrates the flesh to the lone, planes
contract.' cord, extorts use .to limb.which Lowe hewn
palsied far year, musing the shriveled Gem to Onw out
and riot thsal to circulate through Its rein, lt,restmes
the Nynovill Fluid or Joint Water, and this Is the re
& ason
tamer of t y ft has
he e J boints.n so vol./enm
In chron y ic silo of the
etuweeatol In maie
Spine,hng all
Wee. Lungs and this great Arahlan',unedy
stands unparallelet for Ague Cats or Enlarg.inent nt
Ltsizt...l , tp t trpectlllt:lft illhenniel.L. hastrov: :
for Cramps. It'otltaT/ThLiblaine, horns,
White :welling, Tumors. te- kr. It Is eutiallt egkamons
dleraer nf Animals, such Ise Vistula, Poll aril,:weene,,
P:ad Complaint, Distemper. Lamy .Spralc, ITininds,
lunge. :parlns, :phut; and to nearly all
diseases. either In man or beast, which /Nair • an ex.,
nay &pollen., this liniment stands at the teed of all
The lbflowing It from the p[l 'Dal arrounant or the
ereslthy anal highly reopeetahle home. of I sal , . Mute of
Pauli. and presents one of the girt usetwaeful twee to
the annals o f medical hietnry
Mr. 11. U. Farrell: Dar:hr. Actoans,l by • feneentgratw
Morn, I submit dm following ae an bigamy of the 01,1.
Ity of roar great mettleion. My eh ILL tbre, ear* ol 1. •aa
Suddenly &Larked with • WIWI.. di..., which, in lee
than Air toners.orcatrated it to 4441 It•lplecrnesa Tb. both ,
tet•ame fet rigid that OM a ono ld the neeti
WM. idea and cold. and 'ann.). aleyrtmd 21 ',wow; Oho
eyegnted. tart/ally doted and altos...tin, egad. Vediow I
fu„ this was .frvfn,ri to all anind; the tome towatiar ma
trocto.4. andfu caned. tbal when lay ins to IG loot, th e
Amid and Pooh only touched. Indwed, the child {a - erected I
reet7 ante-am:ice nf teeing dear IminedianPly on the at
tank. the family physician was rallt.lln.and for flow weet t
he Weer.' to restore it to feellng.but. el , m ea.. •lthonten
It tax blietered • dozen times, and earn...rubel:view 1..
ifnena anolod A woutultanan of platelet.. wee: Wen
yid. but to rio porta., Therat then hrougnt
Nl* Mulkol erulrrY. bur nothing mold to ettgewded
wrJelt had not already teen done. and doctor then told
roe he had
do nothing more We then cancieticed art
plying your Liniment freely over the entire length of tint
Prong and you.mity magma, a parent's 101. •
few spoliation, reno . ntnif anfendmo tete,
child rapidly neioresnl. with the ricer tom of thy right.
which dtd not become , perlert for nearly • month. It le
1.• bonny and roblat the
can ha.
Vire Wien c•••• a the same kind neared in toy neigh •
tgabOod pavionaly. ati of ethiett died. when. no doubt. If I
your Liniment hod boon used, the] would ha, few:mend.
Peoria. March LfENRY ti CI,LAND
Laver Comp Glint, Erystpcku,
Marion Co, Ky. . Mai'.
Mr. IL Mr Your Ltraimeut 3 Klima
veg . 17 . 11. an =l ,, n: t ., /ast dm , d , ;Ir n t. , : i s re ,d 4 7 ge o me r
.r „„ or tan &mixt,' was entirely eared by e 1.. a ~ur Li
rho mid the locum .:Judd do her no
gomi. It has been applied to a (rash mt;and eurri it In
• ohort. time. I hare been arthrted with Rheumatism Mr
• luny time, and Jost before •
*veil raiz,
much that I had no pewm alidar and to the night I co
menced bathing and rubbing with four and
beam 1 was done rabbi:id. the rain trued . .
Stiff Complathe, Sweeney, Distemper, Corks and
Sore Eyes Crired.
131. Mitchell, Partinarter at Fiat, Foltoo County. 111..
" W. IL O. Faint: Your Arabian Liniment is highly
prised here. We cured one of lay neighbors' horse. of the
tllld Complaint by about four GT Ave epnileatione. end
one of my own of the :Sweeney. Our tlberitr,
Dyke...cured tam horse of • 1.4 Cork with It he al., treed
It erti a colt that had the /Nampo, very 1.1. said cured it
unenedlately IJe lull. to t. decidedly the greatest horse
•e he ever used. There here been numbers rut,'
o' •-• Eyes with It s ` And It a very valuable medicine
• •tlabr man and
Beware of Co.terfetts.
The Public are particularly cautioned against a Bore
thenterfat which less lately made its• ce and Is
called by the Imposter who makes It - W Verrell'r Arabi.
an Liniment." This is wdangernus fraud and more liable
to deceive from his having the n of Th e r e - fo
re Le pa rt icular new/O=U /or if N ame
ew name - FarrolPs
Linimesit." for unprincipled dealers will lopcsw the AN ,
RIOL'S sPoters upon you for tbs. genuine. but ahstoo oak
for "if G. Farreirs An:Lingo Lintsmreef. and tai. no other,
me the ',ermine rawly. bit, the if G. before Farrell's,
Ids ekgnature elec. on the outside wrapper, end these
words blown in the glace bottle—^H. G. Farrell' s Arabian
Liu/aunt, -Peoria."
ACM! wanted In every Town, Village aral Hamlet to
the United Slat.., In which one Is not aublishwi. APPIi
by Paler to ILO. Ferre/I, Peoria: 111, with good reference
41 (0 character, responsibility, go.
• Call on the agent who will (ur nith Free of Charge, a
of itisecut.
book contang notch valuable Information fur everrehue
ipi4.f.:lsronts, 50 cent, guild one dollar per birtfle.
Pa anti , genuine Is mannfeetored by H. (I. Faroell.enle
Insular and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, N. 17
Mahn street, from, 111:and for sale wholesale and retail at
proprietor's price by IL IL PELLYII7.
N 0.67 Korot cunt
Poutby D. M. CURRY, Allegheny car.
TRUSSES, of all kinds and sizes, for the
relief and radical tun. of Horn* or }WOW , . em.
4 17,gr °n rEPn ' E "I II.: VeDOWELL,I4O Wood rt.
Q, BOULDER BRACES, of a new and su
t.J Pnr/or kind,just ereeired and for we bs
140 Wood et, Pittnlmunlt.
ail - Call and WM them
.Rockingham and Domestic tineensware.
uracturera of Rockingham and Y. 1101• C., Warr,
Ear Livraroot, Ohio.
firliample Emma. COMET Birth and Liberty' 'treats,
Floyd. Wimietude Ortmers.
(Round Church building.) entrance next dour to J. &R.
that extensive Works enable as to 1311 orders promptly .
competent designer hal na constantly emplo f ed.
keeppuewith all therpee and Improyed stflea
of the day.
Warm firm, gMtoons, Pltcben.Papey Tom, DrasortFote.
Theme Vues., Goblet.. Mantel Oenaineolis, Medicine amt
Earl Jan. and articles for domaatic use, In great 'moiety.
Orders remedisiily tainted. andsrelitf
BUTTER -25 jcp UTTER-25 kegs for Bale b i L ,..x.
FRUIT --500 bu. Dried ,. Peaches;
.p...^2 I° ' " non App lee
CHESTNUTS -30 14 . 1 , g .4 , 4 1; 5 !ut i ig
117 E A Co.
1316 IRON —250 tam 7;lr Pale by
j: AD= LITTLY: 4 co.
BACON -45,000 lbs. Hums and Shoulderp
Emnlnaotaw, for u. 1.,
apaa LITTLE & Co.
11HIED iI'PLES-200 ha. for sale by
_up m,2 — gsumen a figs:Yr:rt.
-- - •
I.IIOTASII—L4 casks fur sale by
1 2 ' Senovl. stul •I
COULIVER OIL-30 galls. superior White,
for W. by my I N. tg:LI.IatS,C7 Wood .t.
. E 4 l& Cr.... Re.
tiwure I,m n. Extrzwt of N came,
Jam I il4g,
For ornb• by tCII. I...IIcCLUIIO *Co'
I.ll..erty - ,
- -
B ACON-I:1'0U lbs —
" Mawr,:
9. F.
and to:. Yrool
ARSAPARILLA-1 bale (Honduras.) for
141 SPLIT PEAS—floeoirod and
1.4 tnr.alt. IVSI.A..IIeCLLIMI a
. vtiUnxtr....l
McClAlid d CP.
- .:50 Lib g
RhD PRECIPITATE--2.5 lbs. for sale by
sari R. r- SJELLERB.
VACTUILER: No. 41 South &coal /Mime% (alxive
elout. earl 414 a) PhildaPhia
6. 4VL
11% 6“41
alit. W°OLINARO & a {Wl
No. Mart., in, .4
R'EA LD, BOCK NOR & CO., Tobacco
tinamlitioti Mora... No. 41 North Water street.
a hi North Whams, Phlladelphia .ask
& ANTE LO. Geoeral COMMiS4
o Merchant, Philadelphia Mend advances
e raniiisoinso.ote of Prixititai meherlll7.
Superior Black. Writing and Copying Ink.
I ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Nassau street,
it Sun Hui Ne• Yg:rk.
SI LO tot. p, dor.-
...... . . poi. " .......
On draught. Per Kan°. wut.'
la the ankle manufactured. It So.. freely -
IA 51.0. T COPYING INK—aral will not corrode. mould.
prvelpdare and TX...Y./Sall the qualities n..mlr 7
ed for got.] fit
Ink, 'tillable for the 1.10111, mud ad:
In Pi:1,3.,,,,0h,0
tbTr for es eNtoW
or home mount:option. at the above very
lov prier+ , put up per order.dellvert..l In .17 Putt
of tl.e car free of charm, No charge for CSATI, tlverta
or b.p are charged extra at nett matt.
yart.. w~,i~,.
~ m~..
e ~~. ..
m 53.4
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopheraus,
%',1`7:;11,r.17 k n a i r ir=3:
gland. and munnle, mum,. rut, bruin, .p rat's, ete. /t
lane hewn aerertalned by experiment, that Barry'a Trirahh
eron• hnr prnbaned the eau. curb. d iaeseea of the
etc. of the horn, nod all the animal kingdom. The
falloaing tertimutuals. meleetad from hundnda of rimilar
•• to
the rah.. of the hrenatsnoh.
and the r•thhation t o which it In held by those who bate
Firer It a trial.
Paor. Naar—Dear Sir—l hate tnnen T 2, 1850.
glinted with •of the tb. antOth 4a moat nonrated than.
atter. fur t nirteett roan, and doting that
harn hal the adrift of tome of the mcot trial phyol.
dour, ...I bare. tend all the preparation, for the hair and
okin now known, without the kW benett. 1 gnu advised
by • frtnad to try your Tricopberoun. I did, wa an • Iturt
reran. and. to my surpriwe and gratitca4an..fnund
, urrll In about two months. Sorb wa• the 'minor* of the
di ordnr that nt thong 1 was partially blind.
Iltwpocrfally, yours. 0 V5l RAYBLIT.
110 Columbia .teat, Brooklyn.
litar Taxa. Oct 22. MO.
Dan. El OLAY y Dear Sir—Abouttleo yearaafto mr hair
uune nut a great deal, and
mint ad was touch dilated
with dandruff I wars told hi a fined trr rourTricepbc,
a,lr and I did I, and to tny aatmtlYhmera. my b
rand. and all the dandruff disappeared. to the
II oa ladr nr gentleman doubts t 6. authenticit{ of the
abore. the, vdi eral. Professor A C Barri • office,
13: Idreadvay. New Vark. where he will produce the engl.
nal letter.
T<hcrnlehrhe 31illwr and
',war , A rg.. Nov. 4, i A. 50.7 article known as rota. , than lye r."'""4
t,..n.ivelv ~ rbl. "'`' . " 4
"Z 'r' t;rt
a .
, IPPV . dames of the rominuril mlentt>d. It "
fair th e I t dandruff a. 'whom to ' s. of "le
der , of tl.e tile;
unrivalled It heept -en wf f .7. ' ll " e ' ta l‘ nfs .
PfTe l slTa . l:-T ' " the I)ruyylno lto
Iv nennrallr. throng
UTCHINSON & Co., Nol3 Spruce Street,
NEW YORK. Whole.le rnatufsetna•rs the hest
ENGLISII PRINTING kr Steel and Litho.
graphl Prinritar, and for rine laak and Job Work. whkh
they warmat to I, romywred of the surest malarial. and to
, work ea.ll, up..o all ordinary Dieu... Tbeeornbinationr . In there Inks, aro sorb est. give a rich.
nes.. and Eertuaneo," 10 work superior to., otherinks now
In u,.. Sold et pEave varying from 73 caw to, $4.00 per
t 1
IL Ai uIO oast,, and t
1 ;rect. nal ' Tut o f hale and
quality varyin.: from $l.OO to 1125a0per 11. 004003 m
WA. AN &
No. 79 a. 81 (late 76) 51atots LANZ,
Mortly ippoalle the Old Stand.
u /Zekrif:r
owl /newer Heavy and Light. Wool. A •
g. shaker. hock. Mena. Domestle and 3,7..
ILkuntaztae tad faJxy of all
ofyl, and
Mtrli and 144 . ,—PanryFnt aral BlAtek of emery Kul.
rldlura all kind*.
I Vrt Faucy Silk and Sati. Heavy fogllah Iladraa.
Prton ISorathers, Swilled Indian
lativi ,
Ptal , finntilmeLpef—Con, ',ono Caanbile. tr.
arn.l Euslifh. tLew Domestk
Silk., Shr.W . and 0111. hr lattert of
r,ca.l) and Encli.ll
Nr0n1,11k.1.122.11 and
Crl....Caskon.,. English; Frs•ncti and
Shnutirr Pre,/ Int o,om -ion and ladiesi—is twisty of
1.1.•na Rub, 1,1 or all onalitira
W. would 10•14. partteutar attention to our Ditaittate
Fold tlOosb:rte D"." l ' A n4 • ft)
tnYLlL,Aitifoi Iva bl AlatilYn
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
r. tt p atatrai NEW TOP.R. tio• trtitiyjna i onfi
ftragrf.jt" yittetagh'e7o7="'refeti'leir=
111 yLI N cool on I.ltni• of SILK ILA!qTII.I..Att vaittollartto
0.14 an the Lot, Part. &floor, tiorailvoi Tit Or Wittman
iteiityoha t ty .4,1.4 to the Spring trait..
Aiw a tort onliiii4l.l snyrk cif YARAathhs AND L'Ah
IthtLl.A.A.rhy'Alatuttf. iif ad taaot otAton
.110 and and Torii Cott., and
Lam Captions, All of . In a he offrnial at littztointily
e Inane
atiltittloc , hav I. and
3lAuttlistt. put up in -.A.. for tran: ti Liotatiott fetil 1.11
- - -
Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel
I. A L TO. 263 1A1)1.t.. - 0 . 1% ST., NEC YORK.—
1 The au tirainlair. m rolletting tit+ { - warrant:ea.) rho
wiyertisetortit. foel. none of that hafitation
with ohm a now artwile ta tirtio,tht before theaintille. Th.
eat...rano, of pow. eititabliyhol Weir Le
y iota all att.-y[so, alai hy riatillentl) foram to It.. taistintof
of Mow. busineLi inen oho hate osial them. rystvetraww."
Ito hia Inerratiltt9 tab.. anaof thrlr art/h
-n ,
-1.- On the plan• ooroolad by the aeal, a pen.° may,
have h. name. and Wein... 0) g. and
&toy,' or plant. thus alkotlintr per.
Ye, ne,tett{ agaJnyt fraud.
tot. The Knecht,* c.osol 'ha awned vattlodat being di.
•. nor ••ferp to ...hate. ,
Ott. rPon the tel...rm., of a letter. the real
the rettlin, inate.4 of being burled
=wall. In the Dead Lotter
rib The hovels,. an. funvlsh.l at almost the ..M
{n... plain 04.-
dth, Lath letter tuaifetl los mot effeetl..adierti•ecnent.
Imre to attract the attention of all through whoa* bands It
' 4 7 he f , dlnalog I. a list of prices For Dtzn, eratrawd on
byes.. and which VIII last for yesrs and of Far Ilorm. of
Ine usual etre, either whiter Lull, of pouf taper. ad.{
mule, with mod. i
. whrrs. ar
Peaces bvs. cv
'X letter* raL
fnilnylor. on. • IF.r y U. rruon. for 044 1.1.,
oll z t,
10 • _
I. 1,11
iTti;;rrif to,f rn't'TOf-'frr
per mail or 05pr05.% • rerferonm to • r e q. cab Now lork
oufilciont. order. win rnr,t wlth prtmapt
•.1.1.00ti0, if adds - I-awl. %V)! NIC11.1•11Y.
No. 211:151.11..00 otrort, New York.
Order, .111 Le attend...l 4. prooliptli. if loft at 41041.•
Iltssre. .4,6.11 )lott, X otreet, or of Meow/. 11.
Jorollmano 4 tti., 4L
N. 11.—Buoinol. Cards. embossed lo col Ora. from Aug.
Dlea, et AlO.OO prf thou.nn.l. fele:l43m
_ •_ -
fIOICTINUES hia tumid fi,cilitigB to receive
n o Stererre. Fah, knd Trarahlpmeet. Merrletrdiee
rottehrned him. Baste leers hie luck daily fur ell PAW.
tetthe Lakes and the Canal 11.1 Rift,
rerenera—Merere. Laßue. Sterling Ca;
2kkbdrll. /ours Qlvr;
?Jr. lobe A. Cm:whey.
ST. JOSEPH; 1411380118. L
Prato., CommMalon...l Forwardin g Ilareh.ta.. the
Lame, St Joeoph,
Itefur to Alexander (Jordon, and Lott., nlyullng k
Pittsburgh. aplay
AVID. C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
.d Commlutoner for Pen.yleanla. St. Loul;
mural alignpromptly .mreren._ , no=ly
O eel. at Law, and Connehaloner for th. State o
Penneylranla, ht Lens, Mo., (late of Pittsburgh.)
Itelanamee—Pitabnyght lion. W. Forward, Hampton t
Miller, 11.Candlew It McClure, John P arke,,ewila
Same', McCord k. Co.augl4:ly
rir HE undersigned having entirely re -2
I bunt and enlarged the above extensive est•Llieh. "1
61.4 .rsittilning an all about three hundred and ORy
ros., would reel - wilfully glee notice Chat It le now ready
for the reception and arowninvilatlon of th e tearelliwa
eninrounlty. - ,
ieleXteleftelnotlceof theunsurpamf cSneenleneeserthie
House is deemed euperfluous, as the niftnerove iper•reve.
mate whieh hare been nuelecannot be proper!, , iir
an seleertleentont.. Suffice It tr , in expenf- I.•e• lee.
eparal to render soy spartrnentperfect. -
The furniture was made expressly to epler, reger,lle-e of
mat. and certain realms of it, espeelelly tl.e I e :ne
rooms, will be fnudj to tie of the moot benutilvtl
tun, The Inning rooms Aft capacjoy, cud “..
meal, will be so serSafrod aa to suit tb” uf
only end late.
' Every depnrixornt will he CUIId natal in .n
hl. , menner and, the propri.tot pleda.s that ti.
American lion.. whellantri.dy the Travoll.,
fel, l / 4 .l.ood&wCmt unvai , iavv.
J. Wilson & Son.
NvIIOLESALE arid retail
ears and dealers lu Ilia• and (lnie. No. DIA
Mond street. third deer beher Illamend Alley, Pitt.
!mesh—vie, th.y offer a teell . .d complete ate..l. of thus
and l'Ap• Of their men and Kesler° tnanulartun,nt every
quality and atyle, nholentle and retell, and Invite the
attention of their euxtocear• and the pitfall, assort]. theta
that they •11/ sell on the cruet reasonable term.
TAMES WILSON has removed his Hat
• Dia 1,11m40ti4 N 1 % 4 11 , ./ Flor” Nn. 91 11 , r
d Atrert. third door south
40: PA 1 :TNEICSIIII'---llaving taken toy
V! I°o. FAWILIA Wiles, In. pertnershlS thet
lap wY ur fastness. we .111 hereafter do hualn^A•
tool, tb.. of ./ 1, 111 ON a SOS, et 91 11od street.
P. 1 11Isnn sralleuen the list and t).p stars.
N., a !mien, scro.. Allealesui CII,. lately kept by r. 11•
OSE! HOSE!! HOSE!!!—Just reed
,n. the Olean/scary in Boston. 30 , 0 tent India Rub
l+nor t, an) non mantis lurvl of
lenther Er hydrant., cowl urtinu,ur tiro huninepurnoase.
I le s so h. le dist/unit, untlvrstund that every Josh of
a that goes from our establishment it warranted Ler
rs e tarp.* Intended, or the mon, refunded, Just Or
It- For sale ut the India /tubber he , t,
Nn. 7 9 Wtsoll st.
-(."-rEA111 P AOKINO.roman pounds mixed.
Pia. and Pure India 1101,1er Peeling nom 1...12 to
I lushes thlekoreerrudat to be the stn . , best lark be
aalf no. In us, for the rollevotur Surp.. 9 •• ea hOl •
Plstas. Polon hobs, Net. Jt.lnta Steam tbs.., Gyllruler
th. e 4s, Stuffing Ilexes:As., te. For sale at the lots Rah.
ber dep.. No.l and w IVoadstnet.
st.JO J. .1111.1•1111„LIPL!.
IVOBACL6.-50 boxes W. H.Grant's s r e,
J. for male by 4 CULBERTSON 4t.
/14 Libf2l7 Id.
Valuable Protezrty faaale.
EOUR LOTS in Allegheny City. fronting
on the Nonth Comma, lormedl tel In front of Dr.
Chturt. Theo. Lots :ear f in. Depot of the
oleo and Pencurylvonln Railroad,:nd*ln n141.0011111.a
for nor•hoture.or
rn writer.. mounfortarlngeookbllehntrot
To Farmers.
• Ii
.000 ACRES Fanning and Grazing
_ Land. twelv e rin county, keared on the
etheny rier. within milt. of Me New York and
Erie ReJlroad.
Alm—l,.ultu Arms in Elk county, for rale on acconstnods.
tiny termer Enquire of A. WILKINS A
m y' corner of Market sad 'Mini Os.
To Etardeners.
VYENTY ACRES of Gardening Lind, al
"WUnder goal cultlration, tornin one oar or the
to said for MO an acre —ant third rash, and the
balance to one, two, and three year. For particulars en.
anise at the Banking House of
myl r of Market and Third eta
A Very Desirable corne
Residence for Bale.
rip: undersigned offers for rule, one of the
most desirable meld...ours in the town of Massillon
&ark on., Oldo, roman:dun about Ida arras of land.
with a lartm and commodious Brick Dwelling t House, and
seer. One :11k: Ml' choir. I";,rltre,:
short distance, amt when It Is rezneranered " lhat In wa
manila from this time It will he within four hours' ride of
Pittsburgh, it will be seen flat hen le no small induce.
ingot for any who desire • cheep and elegant retreat from
the city, either mi 1.911:1121[1. nalrement or • permanent
midden°, A poet or the whole. of the land will be sold
with the hulidings. This property may now be had forte.
diaw the buildings cost, f will IdlO procure title .rKt coo.
vey.vrahnut charge e , I. ot of more than two •cors.situated
u the book of the Ohio Coital, and about twenty rode
from the Depot of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, to
capitalist or commty who will establish thereon a
manufactory f I , Cotton. or Wool. which shall rropMy
• capital of W a lt.,. Let it borne in tulnd th at Massillon
Is (MO of the mon beautiful and thriving towns west of
Pittsburgh. tom, and all the meats of living. as well as
wnts. ran be procurtd here as low as at ww polo!. 0 .. 1 .
hen manufactungl emu of worse, with great maw be
Lc...ported Ly Canal or Roamed.
DlVlCilti . JARVIS.
Nam!llori, April IL 11131.—lap=ir
For Rent.
ASmall well finished and completely ar
ounio Store, on &I et., next door to e post-aka
No. 73 Liberty let, D. GAZZA3L
between 3d and 4th
ap34f (Yon end Tribute pope) eta.
Desirable Samba' Residence for Sale.
riTHE subscriber offers for sale the house and
....ft: o ridit where he new residelartnated au Park Ft, be
low nt, Allegheny. and about 25 minute.' wait from
the kat of thie city. The lot is 140 ft. front on Park O.
running back 2a rim., to an alley—containing nearly one
cul and is bounded on every side b y luge open
lots.= ;with try.. and abrubbery. The house In
, nearly new. lame. and exceedingly well arranged -IM,Ditt
about of 50 feet, and a depth of LI, and contains ` Andean
room, beeldee halls nine 5. wide. It le built in the best
and rant durable MATO., and hue fire-proof roof. and
CODIPOOP all the modern convenient.. Two pomp, with
en unfailing slimly of hard and soft water, are at the door.
On the premlows ore the nentemary out building. , stable ,
carriage how, Re. The round, are laid out mostly ass
lawn, t or e nel with choice fruit tyre, evergreens, flowering
shrub., entree,[, gonseberri.. ...edema, and • small
garden. The fruit in of th e best kind. and the trees are In
their prime. sod yieLl enough for the wants of an ordinary
fatally. The situation of tido property, uto aalubrity and
euburban .tufurts, natubintel with contiguity to the city,
i e not lonydalod by nay residence in this eidoity. it ta•
view of the old. Oiler for over a intle a sq I'mp
aera nce
elite, South Pittsburgh, the city, the two rlve.,'and the
hill. around. forPOL9. altogether • twooramie pr... of
which the eye never weariee. Every tart which enter..
„term. fnm the port of Pittsburgh on the Ohio. passes In
fall view. The reddens and grounds Sr. obo compleMly
removed from any annoy.. of dust, so dextruetir• of
comfort nal everted.. and .Su e d. a retirement OP quiet
peaceful soil located in fora. amid mot In the country.
The pmperty sew heold at • bargain, and possnedun glum
whenever dOOPPd. the Duette pence.
a pre...,Dl D. N. WHITE.
For Bale.
THE members of tho Fairmount Fire Com
- pant, offers their Engine tor tale. It 1. In good or
, and tat mold dump. grun . ll4 i tr ni, •
No . WY Penn Must.
FOR RENT—A Dwelling Rouse on
Third 'tree. abory . ail . nrA h r to ennitltteld in lA
bo " rrITZI 1 " 7 . . * 0 ind=oston o Xen b = " edite
Also—For hale or Lusa. maw lute tothe thattn Wad.
betwern Penn anew! nod lb. Allagltray river.
Darlington; Fourth .nowt, near Wood.
Valuable Real. Estate fox -Bale.
1 T HE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on . g .
favorable Ural. the Sollovios Beal &tat. In "
Cit of Pntaburgh, rho
No. I. Three valuable three story brick dwelliog hones*
Nosond etrael. between Market and Terry street. the
1.. Whig each larwak front by BO dee.,
No. 2. Contain. DT feet thorn on Third otmet adjoining
the Mini l'reebykrlan Churth, on which is cooled one
four .tiny brick house need as • printing ones. and one
two otory brisk warebinme.
No. B. Two lout In lantana Beard county. belt. lots
\c..9 sod being about UP fret ecnare,on wbSob le erect.
~el one block of four frame dwellloirs, argil one errand*
!my. dwelling, all two Marie. blab
Nu. 4. thaw lot SO fee,t front on Back atrort. tor Prent• the
abore, and extkuting lo the let of the MIL
N 0.3 lat. bob lo*, verb .5. feet IMO, and running
from the maf ni low water mark, on the Mx Beaver.
Ne. O. rm.. valuable water lot. 110 feet on Wheel Ilan.
with Om there.. water ',war attached.
No. T. (Me lot oPimettathe water RO fret roma, and
extending I. the um of the whiohle erected rev
Atory brie k store and yam-house. 2.% by :Al feet. also one
frame therlitno, two Envie* high.
No. k. large lot In New Brighton Beaveronunty.
Ind Oval 140 fret am Broadway, and shoat ILO Lwt deco,
towitaining IN arm, on which am emoted too large frame
dwelling. and onr frame house. nenl as an ogle,
WThis poverty way formerly °erupted by Mr. T. ,:meld.
la very pie...My loc.ted, betng ustmedlatelyatooeite
lb.. Yalliton
tii . . „. 00 , , , , nawr lot, Immediately below Falls,. Orkin,
; • u liet In length. nod exorod.tog Om Wnter
',not to low •oter nark, (
,r toning oath
The abo... property .1 1 l nad on .o .y . Omani grants
Lr i i.V . r k r;t wk Stare of C STOCKTON torten
JOIN YLK.41.N15, Agmot
tschll t' (lottros.l em Post cow.)
For Sale.
atAx . e. OP BUILDINGS, on.the corner of West,
loge.. and Penn newts. and noon. t. the P.m
the C,, :,f Pittsburgh. The Lot Won.
eet., ber4reed wad feet, hoer fa. on Peon Atreet..and one
hundred and M. 1,1 nthe loch. on Wadden-tan Area.
be • twenty feet alley. Inimm of
DA tile GREER.,
mehtem e No due Penn at .
FOG SALP—Two tame riot". Mille Sod a Saw 11111 en
heel creek, the none., truer yetret. A 1...
• wll Infreve.l ham in Law renceneunty. lenne
Aleo, • P.m ..1 Ile acre, an the utibe river, three tude•
le,. fie., fur able. Alra, a.. of 140 on the
eerer, ndle. bele.. heaver. for L. per arr • a' Alsu,
t . .• I belt I bet eta teer arra A 1,.. fan. of led, ISS, and MS
ace., few SlO per erre A 1,., 171. enre. be lEL sue :U
arr. for ell per leare,nweether with many °them of not.
use •el end urn.. boomer of
Attorneys at Law and Beal Estate Agent.
feLIO No 107 4th st. Pittsburgh.
_ -
A Blast Furnace for Sale.
TIE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale hi.
BLABT FURNACE, Mtn.. In Mrs mug, eorynt, known as le .. Allaton. Fornam with •1
,” 1 fr the out,
budding., SAW and tißleT MILL and evel7 thing..., to carry on the Smelting of int. it LW 1.400
Arrese of Land .1.1.1, with ma much more adjoining as
would neeteasary. which cam Le had from :he. to ale per
acee. It h u the meet favorable heathen In the !oath. for
malting Iron heelmt the ore within on.balf to one toile
0. 01 • e, 1 00 0. noeutilica. neey eremime, and yielding
tram 30 to 14 per pub It la o. melee and • half De= the
Etowah ifrehog where • ready vale can he found for
oil Bs product of Pig Metal, end is two mil. from the
extern and Atlantic hallroed, which be one of the Beet
ralln.l. my .eting the Tonne.. River with the Bea
Bowel, which ham Oa ilue of rallroade o.olng out from
11, fatithed and under confrere. Inewinee through LI , th. bee .
now in fell bl.t. worked by enter power, with fail of 13
feet, on • never falling stream, and In the moat healthy
part of the South. .
letters may be Warmed tome at Eterwth.Cara co, C/a.,
or 1 can be eeen at any time on the premise,
Abloom,, 011.1,C2, March T
L. Ml
elgood offers for ule • large number of val.hle
eel log lota. and some eery demirable tit. for maned.-
tort., in the Borough or Dirminghena, located near the
new Publec School House and English Lutheran Church.
The rapid growth of Birmingham to population .d
raantlflularlpg wealth. and hemuonae prima at which
11, ta will L. pold, will made, ••mile and profitable in
voettnent Title perfect- 'P.m. favorable.
, -For_particulart and terms, enSre of th e undersigned...
tl ctn. of (rearm, ).61thicom, on Grant are., Pit.
burgh, betwmen Third end Poo streets, or of le kiln.
Arno,. and N. Pat.... Eau's, at their once, In Berm.
methane. pal MOSES P. P.ATON.
OR RENT—The large and counnodi-2
one lloote on Penn street. OetelT oceoPiwe bY
Edwarcial wi th an entire lot adjoining, which ix
u e yard. Afro—Stabling fur two home. Enquire
• 'alleetf N 0.19 Water tt.
VOR RENT—The Dwelling Ilouse, on
the Two. of Booth and Went Cogennona lately '
bi Theme. Arbuckle, deed. Polowancingiv
I ttet.ttl:l; dt ..o . B : l l7o o r l ke j ,ltitilT4 " .
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
VOR SALE—That. valuable Lot of Ground
ju &Homed at the corner of Market and Water Arcata,
et preunt occupied by Mulcahy t Ledile. aanQIW Ware
hem., having • (tent on /lark. afreet of .13 feet 11 Ind,
ea, and 00 Water, street of 3S fret 111y1. Inch,
Afro—The Lot of-GrOtind adjoining the Ou Werke, 160
lugmerly own pied by Mr. Joe. Tomlinson u a hhlp Earth leer
ing ••front of 131 feet 4% loch. on the MoneregabeLa
er, and running hark 3411 fa. toGreenotegh Meet.
remone desirous of purchaaing n m
. rier s tra.& ) trer
formation from
_ - -
In the new townof Latrobe, Westmoreland
County, Pa
The Loyalhanna Depot of the Puttee Railroad.
tI7IIE new town of LATROBE is beautifully
situated on sal elevated level plain, on the bank of
e Lope Manna Elver, where the Penneylvania Railroad
cross. that strewn by • hatelame •tona bridge of three
spans of 4b fact each. It le 40 mil. east of Pittsburgh, 0
e tuf Oroc.horg. 11 vest of Llgotder,l7:vouth of Blaine
dale, 3 north of 1 onnifstown, and 7 south of New Alexan
ria. The iteinvyleatun Railroad will be ognal the
teloporary terrointof nets the town, rsair November
neat, lo aolimot with the math.. torartike. The puma
'rot o PI ..tap take • mad at the new and
•le, 0 , 1 J. , A IthTEL. now In program of ...-
too. 11,e ...tar...l LI.. loam. dirtetly opt:mita the Rail-
I 114— sO.
offered for Pale ar
lewe wftle, and ran back
h. , rt 1.. 3, 1 5 , ..1 051 1 , aol sta.., In price from $.30
mama., .“,..,,tm a to that N /me of the lots..
4 1 1 0 5 m he Itullrouil Depot, whkh is in
o.ntr• tlo. 1.,. pi,. and
l e d long
huh Ile.. u.o .1 INau.l....melr of
along the
loot oi or rt,o r. •HI 1., farnruble Wring to pm.
• 5 •1 5 • 11 14.11 1 . 155 Thr. daunt. , .4 1114 I+ooo de.
1,1111111. 1L.... • 11. the I..wn if/ reel . beautiful and
nonontm aml .t to, doubt I I!• uf dreat meat
Irom ihe cal., ea It. It In the sulart of the iturut fishing
no d hum.. rralun. tbiat p•rt State. Rommel'
iodneements ,fter themmicee at this point fur Intain.,,
theymumfacturers. and mecluatica to raffia
ear, find leunntiale buutners and employmertLa• this
0.,01 will be tha point to which the /rogue! all !let:ado
n f 11.1,onler Talley will naturally came, by • fcantlike
through the Luyalhanns gap of tbe Lheetnut Ridge, and
toroad of three Milos from Alexander Johnstoil, grefs ,
to cm. writ, . frill alto that of the neighborhood of Sr.
- Alexandr hy•• plank road along the valley of the Lor
athanna be re le bbd doer the Imrert wter; and the
lent of awl can cl.e to the town, In abundance.
There I. close al bawl, ao inatheustible 'apply of all kinds
of building material, lime, stone, and timber. Arnaud
vist mill am In Rill operatan, with plenty at water pow
er within WO ysele or the Repot, Ittli an extensive brag
Y•rd *Nu In otyrattml, firrol•6 • ILlto_p.l9tVr 0 1 . 0 '
MTh.e heck during the mink°, 11.p{1. TL ,ell I. Joel ,
tonne well adapted vilitivation,
The of or lot, will be mule kn./nem •piolicre
lion, in perm or by litter, to the subeeritarr, or hi... ,
to Vo013,0{11•1n, or at the oilier In LATINA:IP., where,. plan
of the lota 111111) . OLIVER IV. E
N. It A puldic nue n
of tab 101 A neattaknplar ,
early in the mouth of June, of which doe non. will be
1" •
Of Potty Town Lots in East LiverpooL 0.
srrecent unprecedented siiio of Lote in
Ito above thriving Toon having neor lf •th•••.'
Date Pbtrtothdr lidd out and the dentand conthanney
undersigned has been induced to laj out • nerd...
protenly In town:lets as above, and o thon for gab
at trle. stut terms that cantwttall to eat the views of
those Fishing to purr:hod.. It is needles. to'say .3 - thing
of the heath:a or In Tenn and peon.. (tt having been
sultielently derenbed Want Weeniest:tents) other than
that ore, one hundred lots hare recently dunned horde.
and been numbs-m:1 by Omen ebbing to Precast a d.tth.te
hie boute.
Mr oboes lota &mune.; the mad ellgibleand desirable
tn tho plane, and ave rincipally located tp Itu , centre of
Nose recently solt
Tor htdotttt•ttott •PDIT to theyrotnietor Ist Lirarpool. or
to Jam. morals. Zoo., non.b moo; Pittsburgh.
Xeg Lireissol. ht. Zo4. 6444:04,
Com e ound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root,
the front rink amon g the pro
111".T,T;AkArg. W;17. - z 7.0,Tr.1171V11.1 .
LIZ ICP,lZr,=.'s,onr . t: . ltLlth b ral/i .
Coughs. Mrenewt nod Iluntuha about the ,hent ' llnaw
chit, or boa/sorra, and• n tickling nervation
about the throat; and In wed with unprecaleuteal fuer,.
In all nava of
Female Wet:A-nese and &nerd/ Debility,
Stteoatheolog f o r weakened Lex tow to the
varioto mezzo. and Invigorating the...ill, eyetem.
If the tertimorm of thototands of living altmeare, from
all parse of the mutan t , ran be relied upon, It be ainaulart
IS eflicatioup in marinate all filmgoer, and metoring
led and Mateo down rooptltutioro. It b. purely Vegeta
ble to its oomputition, and so emoratolt combioed to it..
P./partiale Beat the chemical. botanical. hod medical pm
P , rti. of each Ingredient hartootdouply unite to
Purify the
it hap removed many chroniedltrapet. which have baffled
the AID of the eyana.and has la, cured Canker.
Ralf neut.. Rrysipelae and Scrofula. abkh NareaparllLa
pp eur y, useemly foiled to make the leapt impression vppuu
It hu m been boded to many cams of CANCEROUS 1111.
)lORS. The moat obstinate Cancer, bare beeo cured by
this tuedhloe. Weeny that It le avalKehle molitinelo
BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. It retrovea all obetruntio
the cireulation, modeling the Liver flee. aud ree uu r ea palpitation of the Heart. cod relieve. to
illi.2! of futhma, and may to used to all climate!, and
at all Pl.lOflS of the year.
Thla Syrup leprepaml only by C. MORSE CO- at 102
Fountain rtmet. Providence, R. 1.. and add, abelmaleaM
Mall. by R.::. WICKERSHAM,
Only Agent for Wentmo Pentoylveola
reefer Warehouse. menu Wood arid Sixth sta. Piteg.
.. . . • ,
••• J . , •
,:e.“. .!;',. ikkt "c--",.•' ~ :" 7- -- - .....
, , •,.• •
.... : Leo , !' , :•
.. . .a - iris x , 1 1.
~7.- - - - -. 4 7 , A\ : • . •
Tr a
grant angular:don f th. Luna. Armei.
the L. Asa's, Brchsehitir, halo or Ifisapess
the Breast or Lungs. and other Oh:firm hf the
H.l.escnwyy Ch7xnu:
- -
WE do not wish to trifle with the lives and
h m i t h o r the dektxt. hot we ehteendy pledge am
selves to make no wisertion al to the virtues of tide meth
eh" and to hold no hope to surfed,. humanity. •hiai
fees will not warrant
The Mos of Ice Laud. tad the Me and Wil Chem,
ugly celebrated far the rum of tit Macaw o f tbe Lou
d . labial are en BrarfuLtyprevaleat In all North
latitudes. Prom a romblnatfor of dam:deal extracts, p
wed from this Mom tad this* Trees, Do. Wurrsa's
• or WI. Como b chletly
if•Wlstar'a Balsam of Wild Cluny I. • floe mat
•••• -• • -
werenat. compoewd entirely of Wild Fberry 74h an - cl . th . •
Genuine led and dloaa (the latter imparted expressly for tole
peen.) the rare medical virtue, of which ant .Len can.
blend by a new chemical prow.. with the extra; of Tar—
tlets rendering the whole cartooned the moat certain and
eticettioto remedy ever dircovered for the
woof Wild Cherry,—Ths following moo of Jeremith Is
IMAM. of CthrromPtlon. (Ore of his brothers and idstinn
ring dial of Consumption.) is truly wonderful:
• Pumps," Moos. Hamilton ca P0pt,27.'60.
'4. D. Pam—Dear Ho. I take the liberty of Writing you
of the benefit I hare derived ersonth)/lit of Dr. Wthat's
Balsam of Wild Cherry. I was prostrated by Mot terrible
scourge. Consul:optic, in SUS bat- The attack vas troll
borritymeto mu for Ire of our badly. (my brother. and
sisters) had Mot of Corthroption. I tem *Maid with
nearly .11 the storm features of the Often, 1 hada distress.
ins rough, and mpectutmood a gnat dint of bloat, berth
fever, rem. pains in the aide * Am*, mid chilies alter
outing with noshes of Mat.
1 wo cuter the cans of a skilful Owning foam the
time I wee taken riot ...ulatout min Peeks shim, bolus
then about helpless. aged sop rimed, ' , wit' ler , / mr our
hopeless. or at /east Myortd our ph yeldasele akin: advised
the sew of RletaYs Balsam of Wl4l Cbcn - r. ITlthovu ml
- father procured 11. en/ ommencol admin.
burins It to cm, and Amu the Wet day I onmunced
Ins It my health troprowd. 001 in tan.meeks runs the
time I tommeneeed wing It. I was able to be out awl wey
memy buelnees, and labor. seltech / erll.otentinme to do. I
ye town four bottle, of the matettine, and war madder
ell pert otly
;; ; ;
Omen Pew; .
Laka C. It.. Juno lb, '46.
Jong D. Pass—Dear Fir. IN July. 1940. I wa• attacka
. with • fever of IPPladelkbaractwe, utak/ilea m. Ina very
deh[litaled alma when. In the Rd/owing winter. I seas ta.
ken with • saran cold. which reduced am bench an ea
tent as to glee me the appearance of i confirmed ronnuntw'
Wee. 1 labored widen...rye. tan-wmpectorated Parent
dead. and was troubled wlth rdd feet and night meat.. I
also frequently raised bind Dom my lung. I continued
in this crate, gradually eluting under the. dime, until
Juaury. lan% .hen 1 war again attacked with fever.
Mends dw.paind of my Ufa. and toy pipe/Men! thought /'
...old sorely • but • abort lima. liy ontdenduea especial
I .r my het, were mMaullf cold . Pad almost lent their Led.
law Bader thews dronnetanate itnmy tee truly said I was
• being stelen.. I finally determined to quit Wing me
dldna Prearilwd by Dbrairlaria and try Dr. Wigan'. Bal.
ram of Wild Cher,. and hunt the Brat wait that I nute
merited taking It. I can date ugradual recovery j coo tin..
owl ite rowel. months. at Lb. end of which lima I was rur
al. and ennued gnat health .Fee alma, and cheerfully-r.cnmmend the Balsam to all three afflicted with dirty. of
Um lungs. and wouldimy Co dims commencing he inec. ml
dwrouraged if two or Ulmw bottles do not effect a
r.O but twreeverc. ea tune dam. and I beer no doubt
but nine mats out of ten, will be bleimed with renevd
health a. I have Leen. Respectfully your,
• Li. TO inc. /MLR= WITTI Cluub Or T.
gram Dr. Baler, Ifprineffiehl, Washington tonal', O.
OpuEongtq KT. Mar It. 'fr.
Mee. , gtaagxd 0 P.rk•-1 Mae thleOPmrturkitr Oft.
eurnat. yen of a mut remarkable eun performed upon
me t, the use of 1/r. Wirt., Balsam of wad Cherry.
In be yr. INA; I eu taken with an ingemaxSon of the
r, 'elite]] I laborod outlet for rt. lteors. yam., grad
uelly reouvered In the fall of 1.1 1 ea. •
sever cold. e hur, se•twl itself upon my hunts and L.l the
.4400 Of three tearer vas confined to toy lest, trod all
al of ..diem., and ',err verlett of Lid. •ithout tette
fir and thus I soserle4 along until the winter of Ineft,
when I heard of Dr PI Istar's Balsam of Wild Cherry Sly
pernualed to. to give It • trial. though I had g”en
op all, hetet* of retverry. *ot had prepared myself fur the
shone, of .otber world. Througb their solicitations I ea*
indused to mule we al the genuine Wister's Balsam of
Chen.y. The effort v. truly astonishing. Aft.
-three years of &Mirth= Lad guttering, and after having
.pent four or five hundred doff.. to Oh purpose. and the
!vet and Moat ....Motet& physirians Lad provtrl unavail
ing, I vas anon rettared to emir. health by the blessing of
Ckslarld the are of Dr. Whaler's [MI.. of Wild Cherry.
Mar the blAmmkay Of Goal nod upon Bh. proprietor. of so
valwthie • medicine La %Sister. Dolan of Wild Cherry.
Toon respectfully.
iy.g. Attn.
. . •
SoLI by J. D. Pam (rameemot to Bengal i rark,)Vourtb
and Walnut tura.. Ctelltansti.Ohlo.Orraral Agent for the
Booth and W. to whom all orders matt he addressed.
J. Kidd t Co.. Id A. Itaberatnek A Coo J. A. Jones, L.
Wilcox. yr., Pitteburgh; Lee A. Beckham. Allegheny City;
1.. T. /Weevil, Wraltramont L 11 Bowl, Uniontown. 11.
Welty. Uswensburm S. Bonnts.Somerser. Bratt • Gilmore.
Bedford; Reed Jt Son. Bun tingdom Mrs. Orr. Hollidaysburg
Hildebrand t (b.. Indium J. K. Wright. Bittanning,
Erma • Co. Brook• 111, A. Wilson k Nort. Welnralorm
bleSaralnd • Co, N. Callender. bles.ralllet Burton • Co.
Erie: Graham t Berber, Mercer. JLtues Kelly t Co. But.
Ise, S. Stattla. Bearer, J. O. ormomerto, Warrant T. L. & C.
N. Jon...Coudersport I . .. Croaker. yr.. Brownsville.
The Human Body Nut Perspire,
Q,O SAYS NATURE. to have a healthy ap
pearanet,,kod pent.. who do nokpenpite, are Ilthle
to the most distrust., 191110 Dlseseees. Now. Joetell
Chesueel &tap moose a Ike* pereptration, and at th e mkt
thaw ondllflas and Battens the skin. tdelltit it the Web.*
of an Infant'.
denrey, daft Ithettni l thd
. Iforee. are not only healed, tot
cured by Its
I nesas at re* phythda. la look know,
who tow It much ease, thd nee It unfeillng--e• alao,
Pimples, Blotch,. knelt*, or anyother skits dlsethe. The
reader le assured that thla bl no uselm, pthed nostrum, ea
one trial will move. I pout! enumerate ..b least eight/
penwate eurnt of sore heed, pure lege, and /cm
Boy It—end the reader ts egatin patnred I would Mate.
ally Nell It for the above. naives knew It to be all Mate.
Th.. who ate liable to'chafttl:ctaoked.or chapped flesh,
ad not only • coo., but • pmfrentlee; .04 1 een
now only add, that any one elloted with thy of the above,
or eballaz dloesses,olll end thla La..* enamor* than'.
able In Ha pertlss) th at . l state.
4/Yr : a n
reWer. the gon ate floated with halltillm
and be wan you aek fur Jona' ItallanCheallad
buy It only of Nil. JAChiSON, only Brent In Mt. urgth
head of Woad.
Pearly White Teatl, and Pure Breath. to
b. bm for 26 outts.—Persoria who have linter. are honor.
bly assured that if their , breath Is ever ea foul. or their
teeth red. dark or yellom, and encrus tartar,
Mat with ar,
Mat • cent box of Juana' Amber Tooth Nate will make
the th a. white as mon. and the breath alorifortately
Wood.ddlr At JACKSON'S Stu., ZiO Idarty At., had of
A ' ientiflo Hair Tonle, Restorer and Beau.
Wm. Trial Houk* 5734 tents Thcee who have teed
Jorge' Coral Hair Restorer. know /*excellent nualiths—
those ho Lave not. we *tore It to patens the following
gosh st— it will force the bath to grow on any part where
tutu intent*/ hair to /crow; Mop it fan oth cam /mai
or dandruff; and male rel. or may hair grow dark.
For ref :ming the Loth wt sad talky. nothing can exceed
this— mak* it truly beardinal. and Memel!. /t in
deed, e most ecorimalcal—pet mtherics—article for the
Po only' at WM. JACKSON'S Stare, TAO Tthert7 meet
head of Wood. Pittabornh.
Pricee—/Mgcente. htt cot% .4 51.
JONES' Solution of Jet, a .Liquid Human
am, ay.. for cbanglorr of while, rod, or y hair. to
bcrotiNl brown. or black Jet color. In le. colourck.
Eo i d re b — W I JACi n ON2
40 Llbertretrftt,beador Wood.
tioaeileggairat wing the Common prepared Chalk. They
are not /mare haw frightfully irrynatuus it la to the skint
how aurae. how ennui, haw tallow. yellow, and unhealthy
the skip •Irla.ara.aftur owing prefarod Chalk! guaides. ills
InVirtous. euntallitng • lvtre quantity uf lure
. 1 1 , ...ri 0 1t5; II: rd ,
L t.
I ltonal . vegetable ankle. which we
It la A n t
innavid. being analfled all dtit.tiot.
qualtik And tin/Part. to the akin a natural. healthy, al
abastai, clear, living whitei at the , ata° ``. ^ K "
wale on the akin, making it radt ad
Sold by the Agent, WM. JACEiAIti. :au Liberty cheat.
head .f tread. Itttaburgh. Prim. kb cants.
sp..llalawly,ll - _
Gnattdure for Dyspepsia !
ix Dr. Ifoughton'sPerem, the true dlsestlwe nail or Gus
the oleo, • Orval Ity opened. Corp. e prepared front nennet.
or fourth stomach of the ox, after directions of heron
Liebln. the Freat Ptiyeloh.gieal ssendet. b e J. S.
ton M. 11,1 hlledelphi.
pptTIM. Is
av trui
• r
Weer lTtoZdbLo r tflgesibdt. .
.0001. the 4orlJ* Juice.
nd U fo
Infused In weir, will
yen or dissolve ...p.n.s el mad ro about two hours,
out of the rooms..
760 Outrsc Jut, Is the great solvent of the food, the so ,
rlfy pm-Fenn:a. Film Matins agent of the etometh *rt
Intee ielthout It there can ...digestion—no eon.
version of fond into bled—non ouition of the body; but
torpid. painful. and destructive condiUon of
the whole dlx.entles •pparatos A weak, half dead, or In
fu,,, s t o m a . pro , lc, no meal tlastric Juice, and horde
Letimes, dlotreg. and debility which ensue.
thls mat e supplied by extracting the dig ew
ties principle, Pr . from the stotnarhs of anintala
....piing man, thus forming • Digestive MU& precisely
like the naturnlgsettle Jake. In Its chemical powers and
ing •od por feet substitute for IL
N inezt of performing the processor digestion artillcially
heilong be. known bb Physiologists. Dr. Houghton
idms Hie merit of corking the application of thu d
the cure of Drepewia. Ina perfect and syrmeable itsol the wnentille rvklencorl Baron Yebig, ill his ark/•
bridal work on Animal tisendstry, says: Artl
Dldestlve giukt, misladous to tbe Gastric J ,nice Parry
prepared from the mucous membrane of tbelintuach f h
celf. In which various uticlesof lood s lis Meat Mid fgt. ° trill ' •
ealltrned, changed:at:di dlgsthd, Jut let the a •e % --
ner as th,y would be in the hunt. stertnach.”
Cal on the Agent far further elridettae.Of &shall char.
whet. It le dathg.vanders Dm Dyspeptics. H e , r r i,,,, d ,
nf the =mine PLPSIN hem the utit4
Ni siturs,
S Hou gh )1. Danis proprietor.' p,if
bottle, ar per
Puro P hiets,di fidtanggidetillhegriiience of its calue,for.
Waited by ovate gratis.
• = Z kIeDOWELL. Agents,
Dalai DYniated at 140 Woodera st. Pittsburgh.
Also, Or Ws by J l .o= l a ri wood rt. ay.%)
Of liduable Proporty in The ,City Pitt.b uv i,
'TN POiLSOANOri of an Order or din Or-
Vbil ne' C net of ga b :Jar dior d tit d i Al eat
Citr of Pittsburgh, on the 4th blender. Midi My of May
1.1. at lb o'clock A. 91_...1 theAdlowing demritml Real
Estate situate in the City of littrhursh, and mil. theme.
for one third emit. one tided In me yew, with totem.
Rom the day of nele, and one third In two years. with ie.
t e net fr,thr. day of with mid payment. to be soured by
bonds Mod mortgagee with power to divide utile. two b on
mere and aell the Milo In partivao divided. my om
or more of mid pieces of ground as may be deemel condo
dm to the Intereet oldie Mate.
Ail that certain lqkor p.m of gromd. bete beet ef 1 .
No :5, le Jam. AdiMs' Met of the ppan of the Northern
Liberties, now sth ward or the city of Pitt
sburgh. boueded
antileseribed as followe Derineleg ou Penn street.
at the distance of twenty two Eat hum Adama
: I n,.',,tilr.,•l7 4, jr447li'zsi"=lfdwildtatern;
Spring alley, one uundredfreet,on which Us corned, two two
story trmie dwelling home., with two two rim. bark build
Inge subject to • ground I rent for ever of filly dollars per
mono. . payable quarterly to Jam. Adams, b. heirs met
7 • ,
Alm—All that certain hit or Pi.e of gm not. eft.. In
the 6th ward of the City - of lota Nee 134
mill* in the plan of pmtitkin between the helm of John
limey I,o—No 114, Licurrober Term. 1534. Common of Allegheny County. and recorded in book 3d. 51 vol
530, Wand.' as follows, sic ...tying at tb. corner
of • raakile Wad L....mete thence along Logan street
eue hundred and twenty ail feet to Decaturateset: thence
s.tati o llY Decatur street, Way eight fret and
theme by• lime parallel with LORILO street noriMearilly,
one hundred and twenty feet to Franklin street thence
...W.Y along Fran kno Areet, eirty eight feet 03 Loam
street, the place of beginning, on which ate meet. on two
sm. brick Mettle. house. fending an Franklin Stmt.
or ee story frame dwelling house axel one two story
Erickdwelling house. treating 00Li L. stt66l— doted
the men. which 11. 91. Coln. and w ,by deed d•
June 17th, 1845, rem.d in book 11(..11: vol 76. P. I. l lt
coeveyed to the said Robe Christ.
A Isc--A u ll n that he rt
or piece of g am round Rites. In
the let vetted of the City of Pittsbergb , bring mrt . of hit
No in the plan of mid .city. bounded and demob..
follows, vie by Third street by Chancery Lame by the
oCher huh of lot No 11.1. h r lot No tuntaining In .
f a T e nt eg,ton, 01.0 &ult . :ea feet. ono. o: l ' , lzmargh
tateernt about 33 . feet back I . s s lt , 'ltr ' d elm& IA
let being indepth. 65 fee.. more or leas, and thlteetin
width, to the rear of which, is net ted emend Creme dwel.
Ii eu
Alto—All that certain piece orriroutd, part of Lot NO
318, In the plan of Pittaburab, situated in the 1. ward
rity, bounded ...described se Milows, ...Mg on
Third street, at the corner of lot No 317, thence Woe.
Third dry. towards Market etree_t, forty one (mon re or
lesc thence lea p.allel line with Worl streetriortlawlrilly
ItTlA'ett rlA7 z .r 'fo"riit'o';`"feTt.. tf:e ne tir i with
, nod
thence In • line p:rallet wen Wool street, cuathwardil.
eighty Ore het, more or 10.0, to the place of beginning: on
which are erected two three etarf brick dwelling homes,
with store mime In fro.: pet of th e
I d e o tlibi t tr o ct , t i o r. th, partied of
deceased, being *36 per ima am sands:
m, dining this Mk time 1:7 1
the su ed
Mrs J.. Sande and a ft . bee death, the eal6
gt . izlpal rum is payable lot. belt, of lb. mid --
Also, All that certain riece of ground, part of lot No.
3501 n the plan of Pillaburch, eituate in the First Ward of
mi Fourth[inulel and demi.. tui follows,beginning
deer& at the corner of Lot Net 151, nod thence
along Fourth street westwardly 40 foet, thence oorthwald7
ly and perallel with .11.1.1. street 80 feet. thence eastward
r and parallel with Fourth street 40 feet to the line of Lot
No. 351 aforesaid: and theuce by the
southward.. sad
parallel with Market street 110 feet to the pima of besiun
ium order and subj./to the payment of ma annual grout.
rent of 680 ~ f orever, to John Findley, h. helm thd aarigni
rtic .r te 7 d fr om t d sr . ortl i z brick dwelling Muse,
Al., All that certain rot or pleee of ground situ.: in the
greand Ward of the City of Flitsburch, bounded and do
acribel falowe vizi letrimaing on comereet. at the
distan. of 06 feet eastward. fee. the of Cherry
alley and Fourth street, theme eastward, y along Fourth
street nitleet to lot. of Robert Moods, Leq., thencealong the
e souttermlly towards Third etym. B 5 feet moreor /
thwestwarilly In • lion parallel with Fourth street
feet, thence 0100 Rm . Young's lot &5 feet note or less. to
the place of be . With the right to the use and pri.
vile se of the aley in the rear of the lot old by Wm. Bell
. Young, Song the whOle rear Of said lot to Cherry
Way.. ethiehtsevinted tithe...tory briekOhreillturheme.
Alm, All that sertelis piece of ground, situate le there.
Wood of the City of Pittsburgh. being part of Lot No. 344
In the plan of eald city. bounded and describe! no follows,
hle beginning on the Diamond at the distance of 80 Met
orn the corner of the Diamond and Market stmt. thene
westwardly 18 feet, there. witithwardly In a para ll el Una
with Market street:. feet to an alley tear feetwide. theme
eastwarilly Ina line mullet with the Diamond 18
them norilmerilly in a parallel line with Market etreet
26 fmt to the plate of tett.= with the While. of M. ,
g t eUr t i c thr u vr= t r. and . i . the yearly irr h ould'rent of
aides Lai ta Y wnith 2n=
Alm, AO that certain piece of ground 111001 e to the First
Ward of the City of Pittsburgh: being Lot N 0.346. bound
, ed wad devietibal es Gnaw. via: beginning at the...rot
Diamond alley .d. running eouthwardir along the Pb' mond Square 60 feet more or him thence parallel with mood alley westwardly 133 feet more or le. to Decatur
street. thence alonir said street 00 fat more or lib to Dia
mond alley. and thence alms Dtuncind eastwerillY
13) fret more or le. to the pims of beglanithir, on which
is erected o r
huge thirmetery brick-Tavern thou., with
1.. stable, an. cut one two.tory brick Tavern.
A 1... All that certain pie. B ald mou. onehalYpart of
Lot No. 199.10 the elm of the City Of Pittsburgh, mit
unte on Wan. street. Le the Second Ward th e city,
bounded by Wider street. 17 the other hell of said lot
No. 10, by First etnet, an by the line of Lot No. 210. be.
rg Ai Get feet on WILL, street, and extend.g through
in Piro. preserving the .0001 width 100 foe, on which is
motel a four story brick warehome.
Executrix of Robert C hrist , y, deed.
For further particulars enquire of 3. M. Christy, at the
Unice or the Pittsburgh CIL. tomhm.r.
Pittsburgh. May' 1651. roy3id4ldlin4tB
Itl4rch 14, 1851.
IT „BEING DESIRABLE jo substitute locks
and ken nf some other kind for Mon now in the for
mall ennin of the United States, Lie
w i ll lock. and
ten. with iiropeimlit to furnish the same, will be reecived
and coiicred at the Prot Mee Department, gaol the lat
day nfJoly next The differcialocks will be thbealued to
• it 01103V1111450/1 for examination and
Uponothis re
prt. ivintracte will.. ergo ea practicable. be entered, into
for furnishing aunt locks end p t
a for bur yelre , with the
right on the part of the
tie General for the time
being ~fend and continue the contract In form for an
additional term of (nor ye., by giving to the eontractor
• written notice .fort ellen, net mum than nine nor lea,
Nan os montna before the
of the firth tent of
Ki ea
th a The of oncoming the ben locket tbe laically/id,
no kind of lock Is prescribed ae a . atusdart the Department
relying fur a aelection on the mechanleal Mil and Math.
. It, which a fair competi tion. noe invited, may develops.
It ix, thereat., proper en., that sleek suitable for the
moll service .boob! paean. th e Ibllovilna qualities, via: du
rability, uniformity, lightnesa.El strength.
. ror the
of disphis : rimultathotnely all the
Mall lake and key. now in about thirty tluanand
tv.i. Lok. and theists . thooastadikera adapted Gnome. will
be vespithel With furnithed by the oantractor within seven
• months after the theitran .ba ll Dave been intend loth af
terwardsthe annual supply oil( depend on the durability
of the inks bute adopted. no .ellutheittenamporthe
mail sessionit .111 probable never exceed in amount
thine thousand of the Sooner an one thousand of the lat.
No lock will tv considered I it be like any alnady in
nocrei oni nor w ill thy one el /a wheat the contract:thy
im• m e a d , I. allowed t, mar. eel ,or furnish any lock or
or u
key. simi l the. th at of t ar to thoe•
he Is. Otto. D contracted for,
L,1•112[10 for .1 other purpope
se ot.
The kind of lock, adopted mum he patented. amt the pa
nuns. will be reel tined, on entering into *many. to nab
an theism:in. of hi. patent for th e exclusive the and ben.
dnt of the Department. if the Postmaster depend shall
en, each nomoment essential:to the inthrethi of the me
rice. In case of the failure oftly „ • , contractor at soy y time
to 10101 faith the tenth and Minn= of hi s contract.
the ' , ann.., Genera/ ahal I bay the right. beside* a resort
to the penal remedy berelthfter mentioned. to anal maid
cootie., sal to contract thewl with any other party or
o.ruesth he may see St. far furnishing oodles. locks and
in deciding upon the propthaliandi specimen. offthed,the
Postmann tenwral may deem itimpellent to mint for the
through Moils the Inca one bidder.thdfor, the way mail.
that of another. Ile reeerreis there . the right of mu.
tracting with different individual. fee eh different kimia
of locks th he mar sa l s ad also Lb right to resat all
the minimena nod pro if be real deem that tonne
for the interest of the ent Park,' Or Pmties
contracting will be tad move Lai • I, with ample me
eurity, In the rum of thirty 'nonfood 4 • lan • fere• faithful
Pertnemaiine of the contract. The con tla to =man
provienno Ihr Um du an proper non of the lecke
and keys. and ale fur guarding against. their passing Into
, hands, th lim tenth of t thow p Won r to id
It ~.„ ~,, 1 b 1 ,... 17 b
.. . Departmen t and tim ticreutta bidder
;In applintiona will it conaldethllf not • • ress ,
satisfactory evidenceof the trustworthy c t•
der, end of his ability to fulfil T i e nu
N. K. /JAL • ter I.
GENERAL. LAND Orrih, A .rit 4, 1851.
Iran made to thir Mike farllnfo • don Inrelstionto
,e mthner in which Land Ima. under the set of
nth of September, 1 KM. should 1.. Ito. following
anther. then. have been pre .to Ito
There are three moles by which thew, dons may be
lot By the Warrantee In tenon. i
' 3By the Warrantee Gann/ the any of this alien
d. lir th Agent or Attorney.
If the trot Or record mode issslop the application
must be
of in writing, apecify:tg t4act, Land dithriet
or ration of country . , In which the I at, desired. nod
• be acamoaruld by au affidavit to the following
fortru Nix I.
Whereat. third mode Is adOpted. a Darer of Attorney
mod be preettlCed, executed by thew in the pres
ence of it wltnem, areordbm to the folio. me 100. /... 2.
which power of Attorney must be acknow edged, or proved
La th e nee may be: berme e taker a thorimd to take
the thkthwlrdgenent Of eels, dcthwiting form N 0.3 or IL
In 111 ones. the Patents will be transmitted to the Land
Othe where the local]. la made,unlme direetkon
to the contr.,. be &nen- !J. B MUD:LB,
Fong No., 1.
Courry or
Remo me (a Justice of the Pethii or e or offror author-
OW thbthe Madavit.) Perwsnallr it Ram Insert the
name of warrant..? whm being 'pay nt , 0.F.w... d
ram, that he I. the dentinal (hens Bunt e o warren.
teed to whom warrant No. Ow sern•under the
AM of September, 1000, war tuned nal the day of
--, lES-, thd who now applies to loolde the Lame.
lAdimith -
da ys Swam to and mibieribed be 'me this —dgnal a I
U y o urn f ---,
(Olathe. aim:atom.]
FORM No 2.
Know all men by these porno that I; [here Insert the
name of warrenne,Lof the County of —,—. mid State of ,
---. do herrby constitute and appoint —, of
my true thd lawful ttorney. ft me and to tof
e, to Lamm Land Warrant s No, —. f three of
land. width Moned under the Act of Se bar. 16.60.
• iPowir of Substitution may be fair If desired.]
Signed in pmtence of 1 ' .
crir,.... g.,,,.tur..)
F lostx No. 3.
‘ 1 1 !.
••••• - 3,--.
Zlnth:a —day of —.ln die Try, ti it
al la* fn
IVd7;& ` ,,ZVNITIVIITZ - ,
...„ f rerdyr, that I well know Oa aald (hem in,rt
de of warrantee.) -and that 11 , 4 the uma ',amen •ho
deßrrihed in the within I,3wer arid wt., exec -v. 4 the
Aoe. Naeteg.tiodture.]
Form No. 4. •
' . •
CoUNrr or
I hereby eertilX. the , ou this —dm' of - the
year ti e came beans 4. [here inserlthe name
id witness, and [here Insert the mem of warranterl and
the mid ere insert the num of witutsw.lnelmt. well
known to me. was duly sworn bit Me. and on his oath
declared and said that he well knew the mkt [here insert
•i-e name of wareater.) and that hews& the samenereon
ed in. and who
us ed the within Power of At
and his textlutz f e h was to me otatisfastotTerklenee
tam and the mid ere Muert name of Warsaw.
'snit , . =know ked the skid {barer la he hi. act
[ ser'sahrnature.l
VOTTON-12 bales n
°II/T i lling from sm.
GLASS --1800 boxes Window. ass'd, for sale
by apt= E./. VON /1019!/11011.57 • CO.
SUNDRIES -7 mks Cqese; _
'AA) AL Dried-Applar.
. 600 lAA IL el IN McKean. t Ebrr
heart's IZNI:
100 AAA &op, tynelvint and for We by
caUGAII-49 Ude. pDrimq N. 0.. foi•mtle by
MOLASSES-20 hi. bbi/ S. IL, forosale by
IVI.I . JAS. DALX/11.1.. t. Water rt..
RONEY-14terkine 01,417) - For sale by
ga2le _ w)f. JOHNSTON. .
REED PEACIIES-50eaokB 'for sale by
RIED — PEACILESL -311 bu. for sale by
•21 5...1117 - EL P. SHILIVEK.
CORN-25 bble. for sale by
np22 S. F. VON BON:MOUT* CO.
AKES=4O doz. Hay R. es, for sale by
lA, gal a. F. TON HONNHORST s CO.
COLIN :a -500 bu. Sh.
pLAXSEED 014-10 bbla. prime, from
Jl4amairart voiroty, for rale by
BUTTER -6 bbl. Fresh. for sale by
.raa N. b I L ICOR Tll 4 CO.
1r LI IT-200 ba. Peat:bee:
(a TEER'S OPODEEI)OC--6 gross superior,
IJ tor rale br. S N. WICKERSIIAX
%tat ' corner Wool and Sixth Arnett,
A PPLES-7 bbls. Dritul Apples fuias
ap. IVII. H. JOUNITON. - .
Ay RIED APPLES- 300 bu. for sale be
a p2I 91NUEL e.switn-ER
DRY- bbls. for stile
soxt Cu. bare just rreulrest ler entree. tbuseasee
taw Jaeonetts *ad beim na7
aplt Wm. A,mcccprol a t.0..0.0.2;‘,
• -- - -
boxee, very superior, and
P'" V " si? r AV grail rco.7:
11"1HR031E YELLOW—I cases reed arid fo
able by Ina ULU-8 iLS-pil V
lemon; bergamot, cloves, anis
l_r_bb - . 1 caraway lb brlgbmi 'd sad for ellb
TI B, '--
•y 6 (ICd fd e ill'S D . A BI -7 1 ;12 aI e
COFFEE- - 150 bags iiincgY;forby.i;
N 11 AWNS AND 3IUSLINS—Now receiring
4 try A. A. !loam d Co. ewes of now otyleo Lawn, and
- - ap26
ACON HAMS-14 csks on hand; for sale
by exo3 /SALM DICKEY. CQ-
hand: for . nale by ap"Al ISAIAH DICKEY CCO
ALTPETRE--60 bags crude on hand; fur
OP sale by &Nil • ISMAIL DICKEY aCO
OLL BRIMSTONE-12 bbls on hand;
Su axle by .we ISAIAH DICKEY CO
LINSEED 011—.20 bbls ar sale by
6626 ' 'ita 60 Woodareet
TERRE. DE SIENNE-100 lbs for sale by
avx KTDD t CO.
ADILESIVE CLIISITI-200 yards superior
quality for sale by abDi 3. KIDD CO.
EIDLITZ 31IXTURE.--150. lbs, for sale
kJ by ar2 R. A. FAELNESTOCK ..t CO.
SOAP -114 boxen No. Vreed. sale'bY
pus s. a W. 1141t9A PO If.
H FLOWERS!,—A. A. Xl.scug
co. h..e umt reoeived. per expme-103 dOit. of the
French Fljowr+. ay=
. -
UTTER--20 crocks and jars, for sale by
gal J. D. 'WILLIAMS t CO.
fiLOTILES PINS-31 boxes for sale by
FrOBACCO-8 kegs No. 1 Twist, Gedge's
brand, ies.irins peilVa/M6K166. 66 , 6 636 646 br
ayl2 JAS. DA=ELL. 68 Weer 86. •
I _ we OJL-15 bbls. (to arrive folr.
We by 8812 J. KIDD 1. OD.
TUU .v Ej . t-1000 1! , 3 . i
s it c ) to )
a Vve)
tor gale ti UMBER-1000
UENT SENNA-600 lbs. (to arrive) for
1. by - apl2. J. lITOD t CO.
XT. LQGWOOD-2000 lbs. (to arrive) for
E sale br apl3
• J. MOD 1 CO.
ARSENIC—S kegs Pow'd, for sale by.
TAR k ROSIN-25 bbts. N. C. Tar,
aza ^ RAMA: for sale by
JA4LES MSC/1150N kW.
FOR SAMILA good second hand PEDI.SIen
WIG.. Enquire of J. KIDD .
.017 00 Wood st.
Morris' Celebrated Teae.
.". mond, al door rnrot.DLemond alley.
The liner kinds
Ptaery r g "t . - mid
the Old Country at 4 and ne. and are Fold nadir
this .tabliehrnent at 50- and .se. "O B. Thew Clod. ot
Tea.. cannot be obtained at any other store In PittAttruh.
ig OAP-30 ',boxes Rowleas & Co.'s im proved
LJ extra t3tcara Soap,.for sale by ' .1
apl4' 1 Yin.llllWaterxtreet.
D RIED APPLES-75 bu: for Bale by
ALMON-30 bbls. and hr. bbls. No. 1, 'Tor
ij by JOHN WATT & CO.
HERRING -10 bble—No. 1 (new) forsale by
Bunnathnt L\ 0111LAlt
fE• 1 •b s. ro. (new) or e , e' by.
apls lo.ll6.lcateretreet.
APER HANGINGS—From 6 14cts. to
sr, fur oule by WALTER P.SIA-RfilLiLL.'
apls • RS Woad rt.
SNARE ROOT-400 lbs. (Seneca) for sale
by a 7115 H. E. SELLERS. 57 Wad M.
SOAP—HO boxes No. 1 Rosin; ------
75 Whad•or on eds4m.
- ent And for sae by 11. CUNNINGILAM, -
K' l6
No.= Liberty rt.
RAD.VALERIAN-250 lbs. for sale by
&l R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wond
_ _ _
r eI n;i: 4IF IIIIIMIC.I4OOMr37 - 7: -. -71
INK ROOT-200 lbs. for rile by
F . ......
ENNEL SEED-9311m r
reed andfoeale
by vpl6 R. E, BELLER 111
PENN SHEETINGS reduced to 8 cents
apt) •
ur..N.Nzpr. Ctol-115 t CO.
. .
FIGS—I%O bxs. B'ch Raisins ;.
THOMAS PA VIER, No. 55 Market street,
NPerhan metal! mergpd a m bearol nr:Zentag . ll ,
J u "`"'" .a " a aa "NiINGFoRD t CO.
ITANILLA BEANS—hist received, a very
superior ankle. WM. e..IIcCLT:ItO k CO.
•ZO. =6 Liberty et.
- - - -
BOXES Cincinnati Palm SoLjnat
r. 7:/ wised and for ode by ' EOIIISOY,
p% O 1.1 • r
apaniod with
- ttrof the bkr
39KEGS NAILS, assorted,.tin store
. 9 rat for üblr by RORLFON Is6 LITIIt CO,
English and Irish Teas.
HE subscribers hate just rec'd an invoice
mei hereafter keepaconstantsupply of tbo above
57 Peso. fro .Teas,m
the - Old Chun the ii 24,0 1. of which Woo gene y
ma rally pretend "
ti - Price, 50 and 75
coats it lb.tu. and b man! other..
- The bon e erbfell haabeen advertising an exclualce .
-napoly of these Teas, cannot continue to do as with any
shoe of tru th ..
We bare also on band a large assortment of In Teaa, .
of all grades and every &script., whirls we belles . can- •
not be excelled In Pittsburgh. •P
arca= andrea Dealers." .
Young Ladies' Boarding and Day School.
MRS: Id. P. GREGORY will open a School
of the store deemilitiora l at 246 Pena Mut. Mts.
nna La .s' t s ' Al' N a". trio '261 5 . 1 .
b.. implying mamba,
Further Information mar s, e alstahstal at the rtom
IL Engliati a en., Bookseller Woe
■ TN PURSUANCE of a, Supplement to the
]] `[[aide ildallbr OM, that a meeting of cos h6e.e.20/ders
In the said Sunbury and-IPie Railroad Caro=7, and.=
to hal lreoo lg e TIMRSWAY. tl bad i r e=r o o f f May ' Ve rn
Po 2. on the second hoar of the Reading Railroad Comp.
or's in the Mr of Philadelphia. Ran 73 booth .
• . .
Fire Works for Fourth of July; 1851.
ft SCAR JOLLEY fr. CO., 180 w illiam at
Xrn Yost, EnsU.h, Weeds, and Orr
man TOYS ood YANCr GOODS, ood mthutecturers .4
Importers or Ms HOPES, having memodsd P. L.Vnitee
in the Win Work business, and rtvled themselves of Um
enst smarms of that lotus ethelsllatied house. am mow pm
rr'd gato r ? "2,lWrz.ll:."triu".' w.
trims. O. J. a Co. deem It tuansemmr7 le MY thrththe in
praise of the Pim Works furnished Cy them. not their my.
orntion is elrernly well established. They include besides
the thhtbition pteees, t er mat superior Rocket, Poznan
Candies, Turb Yerticieseßensolos / Owls.. Water
I' , -;11tor , od Ivor Chinese Honker', Globes. ill:able 11.14.
.p,. rjr, 41:4=o,mgTzTd.„—..,1311L,Ir:a'tt.
Chthese Creek ere, Julie or Prink.
Orlers reeperthilly sohcluth
AN CARNFJ.L.III the Court of Com
te= Pleat of Allegbetty Gourd 3, of Detour
ber Term, A.D. 18.511. N 0.93. tr. 4. 4 ‘`.;
Libel ha ;home et rintoold, do dud now,. r
ter Iris: Alert' :Mt, Ital. mu motion et IL E.
.Apyletoet, the Court appoint N. Petteretou
!a - 6We toqr:',Llrti,lP:27,l',:=7:al:,:,'
direct. t hotJee of the sod poor of the Wong th e
Mn. VC. hy Prertouspubllotion !melte weekly seem
paper pa lletted is the Cm:arty of Alletthohr:Od three tee
mole. Weeks. [nom the hotottla
GEO. S. LUIS, Prot/4.
. .
To Mama Canton. flanandent stove i
Tata none., that in purnanor of tin ateno tale, Oa. .
dalaantions of mintenn, to be mad In evidence on ft/atrial
of tb..t.,,...tua5, on an part. of L.
In will to •
I WI. at th e Deka of Ni Patten.. Eat., In Lb a om ou h e e
innainakan. on On day of June. 1131. bent
boon of 2 and del.. .
.P. of r'
da befotagitan.
N. Pattern. Eq., . ben andarbera aoune
11fdi O. E.-APPLTI:27."
Ammo.). for Llbellant.
rthe Honorable ; the Judges of the Court
of General Quetta , &Moho of ire Pence, in and Poo
Coonoty of Alieghenr. .
The petition of Elliott Seaboirn, of t eeth rayetto tin,
ffieniettorille.) in the dainty aforesaid, humbly theweth.
eb e , tone petitioner bath tidal himself with materials
for the Secommod.tlert of 'tartlets and others, at hie dwel
ling hchee. In the Tp.aforweilld sad gran lbw. yonrhotiewie
will bt pieeeed to gnat him a to keep • putlie hot.
of entertains:tent And roar petitioner, as in duty. lento!
I prop.
we, the subwribersoitizens tbe Township aforesi, do
acetify. that the Wane weblike:ler le of wood repow tor baw.
...ty and lempensewe, end ix well provided with boo
ream and eciaverdeowe e Err the maw:mode/Wm arm lcdedairi
otstruwen and taseellm. sad that mkt barer. la mem.
"creamele Cogan. DWeid Welleoe, Jane:allies, D. Deed. D.
MeCrurr, ob. eed, D. Dom D. 6.4erw,,
W.F. Dakey. Richard lekaa Joe. Campbell.
Wrnshom. • ...eberatiT
I_lM. bL WKNIGHT; tenders his Bermes
.. au. a . a Pfusbursb Lcd •
~ ,,.,s tneve uoloesloe sod Cooe:gver ii. 6.41. d
Countleg . ifell l ng and rentlag Wm/41 ~•
drawing of deeds, bands, soestooess, sod other bastramenta •
olltilmd. All badness lu lass I/ De attended Le With , •
pseppeolese sod ears. -
• holes to tt, E. Weans. Edward,lohn Ilderlasesi•eS7 7f . . I •
617. 4 i ns • moyed,ies,
studeysA oeta tlocNew Coort Baum • •
• .
Eliv., for sale by
'for sale by
buxom' i co. •
LBS. Sugar Cured Dry Beef, just
rropiTed sza fnr Ai! ky
ROBISON, LITTLE & 00_ Z. 5 LE:extra-
. B. KANE,.
J. 0. wArmorait.
v i AIT' R A siril