The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 14, 1851, Image 2

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County Convention.
jiarThe IVbigo and Antimasons of Atte.,
Omar amity PM met, au ./Saturday, the Slat of /lay,
Pros_ et the utualpLetes d 11.14i16Ptiossn' te/clitatec, Ist
the Toortuatipe reopectiver at 3 o'clock- P. 31., end Iv the
at 7 o'clock, P. 11.,,t0 soleet
tie deLcAstes trout each thAtloo lAstrkt. to .oAm:dr Coo.
es aloe, to be 1 at the Court ILA., on 11/cdoesoaf. the
eth of Jew oast. at 10 o'clock, A. 11„ to make the lkunty
aw .wohs t e preprawy b the oral Ornend EhrUou, end
elsO td spictlet daclPAce to the put &
at use-Aster, an the 2.3 th of Jules
Wll..Ctfillale. Seer.
orklaite. 7 -
To'lltelgligit of Peranylvania •
of t• A SetAlMolol:;ll,lbbe.itial e e l b.. v t . i t 1
tori.cifalt.:La=klates i ' ll;. j o u leva 0f f t , ..1-% 0.-:V::
Court. '- - lig. and q)7l" ' IL FLL7ENs chelrsauu.
i lfe . R.h DidElreruldel, Mel nEtnatuy.
WM. 11. hllthithei , lialnuel B. Thomas,
u heumnelEell, ' . John 0. Drown,
Natb.kl NUnisher. , T. Taylor Worth.
Wte..). Kalman, Alexander E. lime,
Warden 0. Poooloo. . Wm. Esker,
Thome, E. Corbruu, 00. 37: Writhe,
'llan Jubruon. Janaea Clurt,
U. 00000000. /thermal , D. Yheltu.
tiettiAhhhel. Edertu C. W11..0,
' .
D. A. Moor,
C. 0. Loasule, John Allluao.
Daniel Sletmly,
John Eshaaan,theorgi 3100.0,
E. En.. Aleu'r 111. 110Clure.
Jam U.NrOlllO, Ershele Jordzu.
It. RUNDLE MUTH, Surret.h.
e6r for tnterestiog miscellaneous artirlee
tee fire awl fourth pages.
.The Pittsburgh Gazette seems greatly cons
aimed about the prosperity of Steubenville, in
case the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad
should connect with the Ilempfield Railroad vii
Wellslintg;lnstead of adopting the,grand cireum
beadibus idea nf Its editor. We had all along
supposed that ides all s sham, no foolish does it
appear, but the pertinacity with which the G -
zette adheres to it, inclines no to
. think it real{
Is sincere In its delusion.
, Supposing the “Circumtcadibus" made, it is
altogether probable that not much of its bunineis
would be done at Steubenville. The citizens of
that place would hare the satisfaction of seeing
the cars on their way to Pittsburgh, and that
woad be the amount of it. If, on the otherhanll,
the road comes down wine Creek, or Wells'
Rue, Steubenville would be the terminus to all
intents and purposes, as well as the grand depot.
In "such Case it:would not matter much to her
after she had secured all • she could, where the
road crossed at, or how. But it is useless Ito
waste Words in so bald a case as this. One con
sideration alone is sufficient to decide the mat
ter. By the cirmunbendibus tarty miles the
longer mate to Philadelphia, Steubenville woad
hart to build all the road; by Wellsburg, she, is
,not expected to subscribe a cent—lFellsburs ,
We do not wonder that our Wellsburg friends
fear e "eircumbenditms." It will be a death
blow I to all hope of seeing any portion of the
Western trade passthrongh Wellsburg. -The very
{argument made use of in the above article, which
li e .intended to operate upon Steubenville, abeam
ithe Utter folly of the project as a part of an
astern, and western line.. By the "circumben
dibu3," Steubenville would have the pleasure of
seeing the cars pass—showing the facility for a
rapid and - unobstructed communication. By the
:othei route, Btenbenrille would have the control
of the trade, and after snaking the most of it,
could then let it pass on as best it might. What
sheer nonsense is this! Does the Wellsburg
elitir suppose that the western trade and navel
Is to be stopped at Steubenville, obstrurted by
- the river, while the good citizens of that thrif
tag borough collected their toll, and then be seat
,I, ovthe river t w o Wellsburgb , there to be subject
s o
farther annoyances, with a prospect of a
de i ay or transhipment on arriving at the Hemp-
S:1 i l line, and again at Oreenebnrgh . If this
s • acious policy is carried out, the Steubenville
and Indiana Railroad will find its line a solitude.
.-.. Vle can assure der Wellsburg contempomry, -
that we were never more sincere in our life than
in the support of what he calls a “delusion."
but which , will prove to Wellsburg a .•fized fact"
of the most formidable character. The I \
and Pittsburgh Railroad Company are now sur
veying the route between Wellsville and Beaver.
When that is finished there will, only remain
about seventeen miles to connect Steubenville
with Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New Teri, : Bahl_more,
more, the Lakes. and the whole western country,
by. Railroad. Does any sensible man believe
, .. that this gap of seventeen miles will not be filled
. I up! .
. We have a question or two to ask of oar Wells
borgfriends. Whereabouts will the Wellsburg and
Bethany: toad connect with the ilempfield, and
will this connection be made in Virginia or Penn
'. sylvanis, and what assurance is . there that the
connection will be made at all T ;Thertquieslions
are quite interesting to Steubenville, if there is
any' serious intention there of connecting with
the Wellsburg project, which however, we do not
believe la the case.
Cirr CELOASYSS.—Twenty years ago,
out population ,numbered about 12,000, a few
publicaturited individuals thought the old two
storied taverns of Main street were not sufficient
ly convenient and extensive for the accommoda
tion of strangers, and therefore urged the con
struction of the Louisville Hotel. The wise owls
of the city rldiculedthe idea. They saw no need
of more tavern room. The city had outgrown
the business of the countiy, and had abont reach
ed its zenith. But the hotel was builtand filled.
Then the Galt House was started with the same
sort of croaking'; bat when it VW completed it
Vas filled with crowds of strangers.
A. little' afterwards came the commercial cri-
El 9. Merchants failed, banks suspended, busi
nessmen staid at home, steamboats laid up, and
hotels were empty. Then the croakers had it
all their own way. Um population; to be
sure, hid got up to 20,000, but the rent of Main
street stores had fallen from one thousand to three
hundred dollars a year, and many were amen
' anted.
The crokera said to the men of enterprise,
you see that our predictions were well found
ed. We told you that the trade of the country
never could support a city hen of twenty thou
sand people. Cincinnati will take:all the trade
'of this valley."
Well, rents have gone up to old , prices: the pa-
Isolation of the city has since doubled; and a
now hotel is proposed. The croakers; however,
are shaking their attire heada, and, even when
stumbling over the piles of brick and mortar
with which our streets are filled, declare that
all this improvement ' folly, that city lots are
at enormons prices, and that it is perfectly ab
surd to build another -hotel.—Lostirrille Jour.
By striking out the word “Louisville" and in
serting .Pittsburgh" the above remarks would
suit this lecality. esectly. There have - heen croak
_ 'ire in Pittsburgh ever since it was a city., and they
are still firm in the faith that impeavements are
rosining beyond. the actual wants of the people. , No
attempt. to advance, however trilling, bas passed
rte infancy without these malignant spirits being
in arms to destroy IL They have -learned to
despise dreamers and theorists, and, therefore,
regard any effort to change as the offspring of a I
vision. They forget that it requires a dreamer
of the worst stamp to stand still in this age of
discovery and advancement, and that none but
a very practical mind can keep pace with the
times. We remember well the first Steam fen.y
--1)0st which crossed the Monongahela. The ,
croakers affirmed that the farmers would sViev
miter her because they were afraid, that hopes
would never stand while steam woe Issii•E
around them, ief fine, that a steam-ferryboat could
moor make money. The boat had to depend for
support upon tanners coming to -market with
their wagons, and we firmly believe the croakers
Pvlanaded these good people that they mow be
afraid of steam because they lived in the coun
try and that if they did not display any fear they
would be acting very inconsistently At all
events, the ferry boat ran back and forwards for
days weeks and months, hut the country peo
ple avoided her as If she had been a contrivance
of Satan. Had the enterprise been backed with
• sufficient capital it would,,have certainty sue.
peeded, but the proprietor...could not keep the
boat running for nothing, and after a fair strug
gle shewas withdrawn. The croakers then “bas.l,
it all their own way," as the Journal says. It was I
an established fact, that , owing to the timidity of
farmers and farmer's horses, the None-hunt (an
improvement on the fiat poled by negroes,) was
the great mid of all advancement in ferriage.
This all hippeired less than twenty years ago.—
When the last of the Horan: Boar s disappeart, we
cannot exactly sty; but we think it is about six
yeira ;since sari cate of there quiet craft,
with its blind propellers starting by the aid of
vigorous appeals from
the pllot, and, stopping,
with singular infP4tY at -the Olgbtes.t tap of
bell hung near..their ears. Bin dren , tits .far ,
men, horns .trav*raiOt entedisPili.aamevand
the fanciers, thothaselvela-.desperatitlyntlitiltiMula
and the stetson ferry lxiats are jostling one anoth
er in every direction, except in the immediate
vicinity of the bridges,
It is true that a few rathuilasts calculate
too deeply upon the Isavanceeent of our city,
- they haye n ese'. Zany ny harm. .On the
othe hind, the Croakers have been, and still are
n curse. We are not sure that they are not the
cause of any disposition to run into the opposite
extreme of anticipating too much. At all events
they have sirs enough on their beads to warrant
n conspiracy against them. They tuthe done a
'great deal to check the prosperity of Pittsburgh.
Through their disposition to make safe invest
' ments, and sneer at those who were able to see
beyond their noses, the Iron City has been fore-
ea to come in as one of the last, if not the very
last city io the 111110 p to harness the Iron Horse
upon the Iron Highway. We might bring for
ward other humiliating truths, but in doing so
we wll,' merely weaken our argument. This
single evidence of dull conservatism furnishes
only too forcible an outline, and the tamest im
agination requires no assistance to complete the
. We do not wish to give the slightest encour
agement to the reckless spirit of specuhthion
which is, undoubtedly, a great evil in the United
States, but we would urge a more active employ
ment of surplus capital than has hitherto been
considered among Pittsburgh mer
chants: However great a virtue economy may
be, and however much it may be neglected by
Americans generally, we regret to see it enforc
ed so far as to make mere hoarding considered
more praiseworthy than actual production.
Taken as a whole, the American people are
too reckless in mating investments, and have
.rot a sufficient sense of the disgrace of bank-
ruptcy ; and as Pittsburgh is made an exception
to tins rule by the characteristic closeness of her
capitalists, it cony be thought that we should be
content to submit: to the less dangerous extreme.
But this is hardly logic. We hays our surest
guard against both evils, in securing the imprem
sty of a policy fciunded upon a noble enthusiasm
of advancement, and protected by a just ap
preciation of the real extent of oar resources.
The great iiierease of oar wealth and popu
lation within the last few years, in +pill. of those
whose influence has been most needed, in, in
truth, but the beginning. The census of 1860
will show results that will throw all former ad- ,
vancement in the back ground. Instead of rest
ing after our rapid growth, we are just leaving
the precarioui period of youth, to expand into
all the vigor of manhood. This bffing the fact,
it behooves our capitalists to go with the tide,
hutted of struggling spinal it with childish
obstinacy. By doing this, their own best inter
ests will be subserved, the natural prosperity of
the city will receive no cheek, and the work
which must be done, will be done by our own
citiceni, mod not by strangers, ready to take ad
vantage of our supineness to advance their own
It seems that there in one Union paper in
South Carolina, and only one, and that one has
been lately started. It is called, the Southern
Patriot, and is printed in Gretterrille. That pa
per of April 26th, sire
• "Already many of our bent citizens are pre
paring to leare the." sinking ship," and many
others have elpressed a determination to send
off theirproperty if South Cazioirut does secede.
We know a gtntleraam of this place, one of
the largest slaveholdera, if not the largest, in the
upper part of South Carolina, who is now pre
paring to quit the State, where he has resided
for thirty years, before our troubles commenced,
and take up his abode in the upper part of
Georg - in. There is a merchant of this town, who
has R branch of his buzincs in Augusta, and
who has away,. heretofore ordered his shipments
to CharlestonU3 recently directed them to Savan
nah, in order to keep clear of lour troubles I
These are only indications of what mischief siud
ruin we may erpect to follow in the train of - te-
The mime paper says that it is not among tie
Id men, and the moat wealthy and prudent, 'ha
.ecession is rife.
The most prominent. in this secession mos
meal have been young men, inspired with m.
fiats of personal honor to be defended end indi
viduel glory to be aoquired. They seam to think
that a Stateor a whole people are to be governed
by the same, punctilious code of honor that would .
have influenceds hot' ehecalier in the days of I
knight errantry. %Sy, too, are panting for
fame and military laterels. This feeling might
be well enough if they did not involve others in
their madness. A revolution brings with it, and
has always done so in every country on earth,
war, devastation, and human suffering, involving
women and children, as well es men, in its
I sus con s equences.
The ode holders and office expectants, hunt
era after popularity at home end in the Legis
lature, who: supposed the Slate was determined
on secession, were clamorous as to our wrongs,
and anions to be a little hotter than any body
else in attempting td redress them. Zeal is not
always patriotism, and impulse is never wisdom.
The editors. of newspapers, greet and small,
have been pre-eminent in South Caroline as lire
eaters, disunionista and secessionism. It is their
vocation to Med public opinion, and we suppose
there is a sort of esprit de emps which makes our
brethren.Of the quill anxious to see who can ad
vance their column the quickest But let them
remember that there is such a thing es being so
far in advance of their commend es to be inter
cepted and cut off without the hope of rescue or
The New York Commercial Advertiser, of Sal
urday, in giving the programme of the great
celebration of the opening of the New York and
Erie railroad, says:
"On Wednesday morning Ito -day) the Presi
dent and Cabinet, the directors of the Erie rail
road company, the Mayor and Common Council
and the invited guests, will leave the city at six
o'clock for Piermont, whence they will take their
departure for the West, in ten cars, with extra
locomotive power. Wednesday's excursion will
end at Elmyra, where a universal hospitality
awaits them. We learn that every hoitheln that ,
beautiful little village will be thrown open. as
, well as the large hotel there, which Is a second
Astor lionse—a modicum of praise that few ho
tels are entitled to.
On Thursday morning, the company will pro
ceed. in bankirk, the western terminus of the
road, and gladden their eyes and hearth with a
view of Lake Erie. Here, we are given to un
derstand, the President will yield to a very cam-
Mendable impulse and pay n visit to Buffalo, the
city of his residence when elected to the Vico-
Presidency, "and will return to Washington by
way of Ohio. The members of the Cabinet,
however,' will return by way of this city. Gov
ernor Hunt too, we believe and hope, will be of
the party.
On the evening of Thursday the company will
return to Binghamton, where they will spend the
day. and com
Our e readers will h have down to tis city a
fatll on he follow
ing account
of the celebration.
As the President is to return by the way of
Mid, it is possible he may come through Pitti
urgh. 'He will find the railroad and canal to
Beaver, and the river to this point, a pleasant
route, and in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania his
reception will be as hearty and as warm-hearted
as in any portion of the Union. We hope, if it
comports with his arrangements, he will return
throughthis State, passing along our public
works, and experiencing a genuine Pennsylvania
welcome. Pennsylvania cost her vote for him
for the Vice -Presidency, she trusts and honors
him as President, and will delight to extend her
hospitalities to him 15 her guest.
THE CONVENTION AT Wooers --From 1 e Sc
ums we receive, there is every reason to ex
pect Omit the convention, to consider the pro
ject of ! building a railroad along the Allegheny
Valley; to be held in Warren, Pa., on the fitla
of June next, will be very fully attended. The
-Warren Hall" says:
One 'hundred delegates have been appointed
from Venartgo county and an equal numberfrom
this co. Wear/ assured that Canaragins coun
ty will also be well represented, and doubt not
that such will be the Gase with other adjoining
counties. The grand celebration-over this com
pletion of the N. Y. and Erie railroad will be held
at Dunkirk on the lfdh Instant, so that those
In attendance can come almost direct from the
scene Uf one triumph, to engage more enthusi
astically in another undertaking of the Milne
The friends of the project in Allegneny coun
ty hale not been idle, and we can safely manure
our northern friends that we will send a !strong
delegation, hacked by the wermsympsthy of the
majority orourbusiziess men.'
aTtoi Newyork Commercial Advertiser, is to be
enlarged and improved. That paper is one of
the very best in New York, and we sincerely re
juice Ito learn that it is prospering to a very
gratifying degree. If any of our readers wish
for a 'safe, judicious, always reliable Whig and
l ereial paper from New York, we reeoronend
Larded Advertiser to tam.
ohs Anderson, Cl. I). Cincinnati; Wen H. Hoare
.nd Co."
This is a popular treatise on the History of the
ructare of the Earth,.and the History of the
reation, bye scientific and leirned geologist of
Scotland - ,-. The work is divided in:
a four parts,—the Geology of Scotland, the Ge
logy of England, the Geology of France, and
lngland; and several chapters on grieral princi
iples. It is written in a popular and pleasing
tyle, and the reader is led on by insensible gra
lotions, until he finds himself entering with or.
or into the pursuit of this sublime knowledge.
vein of piety runs throughout the work. The
uthor's remarks in his preface, that all the ge
logical phenomena that have passed under his
view, even in the deepest and darkest place r s,
uniformly led him "from Nature up to Nature's
God, and have inscribed upon them in the bright
est ckaructers-- ) Bruedichos sit nomm Dc,.
The work in its style of execution does great
honor to the western publication house, compar
ing favorably with eastern publiactions of a
similar description. The same House lately pub
lished Ilugh Miller's Foot Prints of the Creator.
thus affording pleasing evidence that our Western
population understand and appreciate works of
sterling merit. We wish them most abundant
success in their enterprse of publishing valua
ble and instructive works.
FL B. Bosworth, Market street, has the work
on sale in this city.
—The New Toni Son publishes, on the authori
ty of Captain C. Ellery, formerly of the steamer
Ursa.; and who has just returned from San Ju
an de Nicaragua, some very important news from
Central America. Contain Ellery left San Ju
an in the English steamship Severn for Chagres,
on the 14th ult., and left the latter place in the
steamer North America, which reached New
York on Wednesday. The Sun sajt he brings
the gratifying news of the entire withdrawal of
the British naval forces It ;San Joan, the pro
bable immediate abandonment of the ridiculous
Mosquito protectorate by the English, and the
surrender back to then Nicaragua government
of the port of San Juan, and all the territory
over which the British have so long unjustly held
The odious negro police was to be done away
with in six weeks, when, it was reported, the en
tire government of the place and control of the
territory would be given up to the Nicaraguan
At San Carlos, the Nicaraguan authorities
were preparing a detachment of soldiers and the
proper officers, to move down to San Jaen as
soon an the English'evacuate. As a preparato
ry step toward withdrawal of the present sys
tem of city government a grand mass meeting
of all the citizens of San Juan was convened at
the new English custom house, on the 15th of
April to adopt proper measures for !the peaceful
i and quiet government of the town ail soon as En
authority withdrew. The chief speaker at
this meeting was a Mr. Martin, an American,
from New Orleans, and a lawyer by profession.
His address was listened to with tht utmost re
spect, and received with great applause. He
proposed the formation of airegular city govern
ment, on the plan of the American cities;
the passage by the people of snob laws as
were right and proper, and the election of Al
dermen and other officers to carry the laws into
Among those present' were Mr. Green. the
British Consul, Capt. Foote, the Captain of the
Port, who coincided entirely wfth the speaker.
joining hear e and soul in favor of the movement.
It was resolved dist Mr. Martin be appointed to
draft a series of regulations to be adopted as a
future meeting might direct. The nomination of
Aldermen was then proceeded with resulting in
the nomination of two Americans, two English
men, and one Frenchman. They will probable
be elected -when the proper time for voting ar
It was the determinedon of the inhabitants of
the place to petition the Nicaraguan authorities
to permij the continuance of the city- government
now forming, and it was generally believed that
no objection would be interposed The utmost
gaol feeling prevailed among all the people_ on
the prospective formation of the new city regula
tions, and the final, though tartly, restoration to
Nicaragua of her long lost tertitory and rights.
Among the English and Amirican residents
great satifection is manifested, is neither party,
agrceable to the Clayton treaty, will assume
control, that belonging to the Nimyeguan govern-
The new road from San Juan del Lad, On the
Pacific, to POint Itlirgin, on Lake Nicaragua. .12
had been commenced.
The *ant of proper mail arrangements with
the United States ii the subject of much com
plaint at San Juan, no letters and papers for per
sons iteCentnd America are forwarded to Pana
ma, where they areThllowed to lie. A way-mail,
to he 'brought up bi t the steamer from Cbagres,
ix earnestly 4or.
Capte.i. confirms the statement that $lOOO
had been Offered for. the arrest of an American
namile J, Calvery Hall, who in charged with the
murder of &Nicaraguan police officer at Granada..
Hall, it appears had been guilty of fraudulently
obtaining money, and swarmed was issued for
bin arrest. On the officer presenting himself to
conduct him to prison, Hall'shot him dead, and
made his escape. This bathe fellow who recent
ly arrived at New Orleans, and told no many
base stories about the Nicaragua., stating that
Weir esteem for Affiericans had suddenly chang ,
to hatred, &c.
FROM Clll3. -,-Through our California ei
charges, we learn the particulars of a difficulty
which had occurred at Amoy, China, between
the American Consul at that place,,llr. Bradley,
and the public authorities. It appears that the
former had demanded the punishment of a man
who had beaten a converted Chinese boy, then
in the service of an American missionary at j
Amoy, and that, the ju ri sdiction oi the Conseil
was not only denied, but, daring ,a conference
between him and a magistrate of the town, the
latter had taken offence at something which fell
out, and, turning his back on the Consul, depot ,
tool without the usual ceremonies of leave taking.
Mr. Bradley, it Is said, proceeded at once toCan
tun, to obtain the assistance of an American
man-of-war, but the Charge d'Affaires of the
United Staten, not regarding the case as one
which would justify any such interference, re
fused the relief asked for.
t!IICAN BOARS) or Couttissiormas roe Fort
una Missioss.—The Anniiersary of the above
Board was held on Friday morning, at the Broad
way Tabernacle, the President, the Hon. Theo
dore Frelinghnysen, in the Chair. After preli
minary exercises, a statemept of the proceedings
of the Board for the last nine months, and of
which the following in an obstruct, was =de by
' the Rev, S. B. Treat, one of the Secretaries:
Receipts from August I, 1850, to May, 1851,
nine mouths, slB6,soo—an increase on the cur
risponding mouths of the previous year, of more
t •an $17,000. Number of missionaries appoint
c since October 1, IMO, 1/1; nine were appoint
s in the corresponding meeting of the previous
y ar. . .
The Rev. Hen. R. Huisington, of the Ceylon
h hlsion, delivered on address, urging increased
e•orts in behalf of the Boned. Missiovs.—At the annual meeting '
o the General Missionary Committee of the hl.
E Church, on the 2d and 3tl instant. $167,000
were appropriated for the ensuing year, av
laws:—Foreign Missions, $69,1.01, German Alin
o. in the United States, $35,000; foreign
population, (not German,) in the United States,
$10,660; Indian W 5510115; $11,200; Domestic
English Missions in the Conferences, $39850;
for special contingents, $1,000; Incidental ez.
pauses, $4OO. The total receipts for the year
were $126,471 31, of which $94,434 87 was
lected by the Treasurer in New York, and $32,-
036 44 by the Treasurer in Cincinnati. This,
however, does not include balances 41 the Trea
sury from hat year, amounting to $4,944 90 in
Sew York, end $1,901 20 in Cincinnati. The
increase of receipts during the peat year wan
$21,891 77.
itreoUNTY Rini:MlL—The name of JOHN
!W.. , of the 301 if city of Pittsburgh, will be nab
mitt, to the AnthSlasoulr and Whlsi County Convention. 1
ioe eloollilate fur the office of negates, ie.! will be earnest.
1 , , upw rtest by my • Slott Yin - LIDS
a piio-dairtriti •
sierCOUNTY REUISTLIt. —.I ohti K. Foster, of
The Haeenneb Republican of Monday says: ti::;°“=ttehre!!`. Ur.ttr.rt=iilil,l,
"Prom recent accounts from Florida, we are ou Viiilawle:s
lanced to believe that the alleged erpedition to gialrissentity.—Robert Abrahams, of Kli-
Cuba has been abandoned. Persons who were „„h e th Bemuse, vat submit to moms to the Anti Meow:tic
understoal to be engaged in it, have returned to siol Whir Cottoty Conacntaos. a• a undid*. f o r n 0....
UOU to tbs'brgh•lature. • 11aliter-1,8
their homes, and the impression to general that --_,___,, , _.... _._
it ., ( t ether
will be
_,_ t leas t (or t h e JairtiOUNTY RKOISTER.—PIease announce
=aim, la
that 11. J. Lamich of Allegbrey City, will be • candidate
present, to invade the ishuid. It is raid that the fn ,...,,,,,.., of . e .4..... u bj,r to the „k e ig e „ of the it „,.
[readers in the movement in the South have gone ti-Masonle and Whig County' tionrentlon
. . . ... ... .. . . -.
west. We know not how true thin is, but we
feel certain that the prompt measure. taken by CLERK or suf. Cocar.—henry Hannon, of
the government have had the street to prevent sous ettf . did be s rao ‘ didste fur nosolostios to the
;krt. of llert of the assent tom. bf Alle&b.o1 Ustrdr.
the sailing of the expedition." ttpne the Jtotrblsoorde sod Whig bounty emotion
The Nairsicosh News also says, that on Ellitur,24.. °P s :4" l r : '..
day a considerable number of men, supposed to'COMilli COMlllasioszo,.—Jws. McCune.
be conaeetik with the Cuba expedition, arrived at nia Moth Word, city ot Putotw,oh,
iff OM CUT from do &nth. befcce tbe W orkblosoute booregt, al
beit of Coodl7
M. Gaanos's SECOND Smicr.;—We published,
a day or two ago, an unfavorible report taken
from the Commercial Advectis4, of M..Ganclon's
finstexperimenla iu New kork.
We observe that the Cournir des EMI, I r nia takes
the very opposite vim, and affirms that the ex
periments were successful, and warmly applaud
ml, in spite of the bad conduct of a few who
strove to disconcert the operator, and force him
to attempt feats which he never pretended to
perform A second exhibition -is announced, in
which M. Landon promises to explain publicly
the system which he has invented, to unite two
minds as one, in a manner invisible and intangi
ble. ills explanations will be so clear that each
auditor may test them by immediate experi
ment." lie also Bays that his explanation will
-assist the public in guarding against humbug
somnambulists, fortune tellers," itc` Should this
prove true, M. Landon will certainly deserve the
thanks of every good citizen. lie is himself,
however, under thecbarge of charlatanism, and
his explanations will have to be given satisfacto
rily before his triumph can be complete.
A MINGuLna CASE or Ronntar.—The jewel
ry shop of John Klein, 1.:17 South Third street.
Philadelphia, was robbed of property valued at
$3,000, on Wednesday nlght--being nearly the
entire stock. Albert and Joseph Klein and
Abraham and Isaac Landis, sons and nephews
of the proprietor of the store, have been arrested,
charged with the robbery. Isaac Landis was
discharged, and the others hate been commited
for trial. The property was found on the prom
hies of Abraham Landis. Ile has made the fol-
lowing statements
alleges that the robbing of his uncle's store
was first suggested to him by Albert some two
months ago and that he refused. Again and
again the cousin returned as well as doeeph, and
insisted upon his entering into the conspiracy,
as he was a locksmith, for the reason that they
were determined to be revenged of their father.
The appeals at length overcome him, and the
plans were devised. Albert took an impression
of the key hole in the store door, and a key was
made, hut iv wouhttiot answer the purpose.—
The next day Albert came hack to Landis and
informed him of the whereabouts of a key similar
to that of his father's, and it was procured_ A
second attempt was mule that evening and fail
ed. A few days afterward Albertcame with an
other key, and after remodelling It, the door
was tried a third time with the same result
Thee ions, .with a perseverance almost maps
. .
alleled, concocted a scheme whereby the younger
son obtained from his father some red was and
took an impression of the store door key. This
was taken to Landis, who altered one of the keys
formerly manufactured, and on Wednesday even
ing the attempt was made which proved success
ful. The defendant further stated that the
young man having charge of the store was enti
ced away by Joseph Klein, end after be (Landis)
and Albert had followed the brother and watch
ed the boy up Third street and down Willow
street to St. John, they went back and robbed
the store. Then the jewelry was taken to RA
' chel street and deposited in a keg and buried
some ten inches below the surface of the ground.
Landis, who has a family of four children, also
states that he was employed:by Brink & Dabin,
in Water street, and could easily make $l2 per
week when he worked. The case es represented
seems to bear out the fact, that he has been made
the victim of his coasine' revenge.
The New York Colonization Society celebrated
its annirernty at Tripler Hall on Thursday .
night. According to the annual report, the re
ceipts during the year, were 526,000, of which
about 1 , 24,000 were expimded. The society is
represMated al icing in a most flourishing con.
dit ion.
Neu Pcespe Regulations.—A circular from the
Postmaster General di recto the postmasters
throughout the _Union to reduce the number of
separate packages or mails required to be made
up by mailing, and post billing all letters direct
to their destination, if same within the same
state or territory. as well as all other letters
which should not pass through a distributing of
fice in their route
Market Street Store for Rent.
FOR RENT.—The Store, (IS Market vitt
Elf.7k i tn . :Lr d r d ..r.:. ( AT.V , :ang , l,
heat loqutreut UAilu .en .o r
thell3 106 l'6lll2a t
Citizen's Insurance company of Pittsburgh
Other No II x.tet atreet, m the warehouse WU U.
C.Pr+.l.lent - A lt Hag.,
Thte Company Lamm re
ppared lowWwww3ltnewk.han4W ,
eturo. and iu tratuuta.
An ample au-assay for the attlity coo Intawror ot the
InOAtattotu adordol
If the awartartor Dig turr.
Ott are all rittaeuxllM:burgh welt . •w 1 ta•LOWT
Itho•u to the rommutotr for their yruJehet , .tellteenOw.
auJ totewtior
W owe—C. Itu-eey. Wm. HAJOrole, Wm. I.neo.r.
Jr , altwr aut hush 0. kLtoot, !Award Ileaelehot.
Juno Hayworth. S. Harbatewto 11. Err. aPAAH
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
£ full mot ,ompl.We ftcek n( FORVG.Y AND A !MK IVAN
A 11,1)WAItE,
for the giwn. trwlw and which th(.7 wryFrepwrod
to odor to yurobawerg at Mt. that will wwupwrs
favurati( with nn, of N. Autossi
y&-Nle L t's V Ent !Miro— r lie populari
t,- wldeb tbi. Ervdietu. bu luNuirool la 1,. ..(u
"WM. guArmit. .1 Th. tollowing
mentlouwu.biabll re, ritlarno of (111,,thoor and
sww..l 1t,,. Venni.... In Owl( (mul
ti., mot al.r the mwuraufw of 1. growl medical
Jmn. t(owtton, Yourth w.rowt that. Pitlatwwwb
11v Burl,
11 ..... rousitY
ewrsh Ilmbortor. Ilwncl.w•tor, noel P.t.Lul ,
3plar.wwwt Lind!, ,
Jam. Burt, dwuurrl 11111
£OOOl Burt,
For wt.
. .
_ -
Dar 1t will be seen by referring to our ad
vrioNui columns. the II 0. Farrell'. ).til MAgghd
Ar.blzo Llahment to at WI met. It. appearance among
ag Ig 01.11 the Intrcaltsetianhf thlg oglrgarglnarg and.
lane Among tug friend.. a• A mil bleming - , It is raid to
be the newt entaerfte preparation ever digeoggrrd, tying
~,,,,p011.1,1 of ' s esame and gums prculigt to Antis.
pliorming cure wherever it Gi es ' the elordsb even
the most scientific of . the medical heultT. We Otte el
tunnies to se b
Weis Itostedlately,sest g M pt dkv•
Petiilenm 1
f'utstsveranto. HuntingdonPa., !larch S, 'SI
ht &yrs —Dear Sir, Your Petrule= is wesitinit •
2.. 0 , 1 0 ,h,, ~.H..t, ther,fore we would thank ,outosend
os two dessu by thy Penosylssula lishrusl We •es en
tirely out, Ala It I. being Inquired tot alulart et
I , ur,, reApectlull y, ' JOHN 1.010 e
Iles camas, Ashland To., to elereb
:-. NY Mrs' —Dear Fir, lout Agent, • few wee
left with us four ,IL:sr, Hoek All. which we LI
Please forward to us Ft( dozen imatedtateir
bout 61141.131 It working wonders In this reg
I• 12 Üb‘4llll ',feral eseellent o.rtilleates.if you dr.
Vont', er W W SCtY,
Fit ride by Keyser e Mahwah. leo Weal street; It. E.
.tiers, S 7 Wood otheet: LI A. V.hoestock, It Co, earner
Wood sod Front sinwts, D NI. Curry, D A. !alum, Juaepla
Douglas , sod II P ,h•ortr, Allegheny'. also by thy or,
prietor, P. M. Rite,
x1,11,111,1' Carolllasio.9.yeuth at.. Pittsburgh.
RECOHDYR.--J oho CODlter, Of Upper St. Clair
township. will be aul,Portsd tor the ales of Itot•rder, ant,
y eet to the decision of the AntS3lavale
m nod Whig County
e t ; o T
Con tilwf.;,b,Li. a, Yearns
ASSEII/31 , ) . —John tI. l'orter, of the Borough
~,,, Tt “,,,, will be . rsislidate for noroination to flit
seeerribl6subqt to thy decision of the 1. 1 A .. ! ,,,,, p nti.
m (..\ :l'*1•171:00:11"1::10:Elt.—Gab'riel Ad w a ' rn e. m, of
the Thad W Mere the CDT of Pitb.burgh, will Le a came
-1 dote for the .,1 CoonLiasioner , sublect to the derision
of the Whg end Arai Slssonie Couttlys'ousention.
olyl . 2.daw teT ..,._
llllanderai geed would respectfully inform
th. Anti Ma'am...n- 1 Whig , of Allegheny County
he would happy to eery. them another term,ln the
teoliti. , n which, throuth thetr former kindnos,
ha n . l llno atobrp..",fli t'S, c & - .72.7T1,11;„'
, as.l his au(00,.. disehargiOn them
haat...en uenerally acceptable, he venture, to prr.tniw• that
if m cw. with their confidence, his &An- to do
right shall not t . e , abated; end that, whllxt hie experience
make hi.own p.301t10” more comfortable, he will he
..areful that far a. toible the public shall Tate the
itt of It
JOHN ewry
- - -
Verltccottorn l will be a can ddiate for
it..eorder, ruin.. to the deciaion of the Whig
.0.1 Antimaeonicronotr UonrenßAWtkut
Pittsbureh, Anr,l•o',.l , l4.l,JAate: l
1523 . 1.:0CNi 1 / 2 * TRZ.IIVREft — We are. author
taannunor 'het J W Raster,ta the '2,1 Ward. City
19tnhorch Rho a candidate for the Whew of County
Treasurer . pained, to the 6.1. - ClM4l$ of the Ann 11.eonie and
Whig Comets loneeption , Op4alrVe .
mar eisurti or THE COCRT.—The name of
John Hume , .1 01 dun, townahip, will In presented to
o ry, Antimawalle and Indic County Cotten.
Hon Cr nomination a the calm of Clerk of the Lourt
of Upper ft. Clair township. will be • candktate fur
nation to this °Moe, before the Whi and
Coority Convention noydolarracat
Je of the &enrol Ward, Citrof Allegheny, will to. mean
-4.111t. Info, the Anti-dlasonle ld ooo lf c. 0... I
Ism the the oars of Couuty CoMmistiotier.
SeretiONTY CueltiaslONEll.—Robert King, , ;
to the Wijir h ail e girT " nr eufei%l 7 eTtrotiT•m a t
.iiiiidate tor County (boumtgatoorri
IWlincoltnea.—We cite authorised to an
onaer that We. K. Vuanthiif Ell...Loth Borough. will
j • candidate for nomination to the care of lierorder,
ane the Antidlasonle and Whin Coniatl CooTeotloo•
WrAOBOCISSE, ju 00g.—Adair] Renthorn,
V:J72' . =l4 7 .l l L'i7elu "
of Allegliron County, 'fore the
' anti-nlasooir and rims
County OmPlentloo. to mod oo the 4th of Jut.,
mylintinditn e d
• s
sirCOUNTI( CuitillaSlONEß.—. M. MC
oinht, of Ile Ninth Ward of the dtr of Pittedoirah. •
Le • candid.. before the Anti-MVO:Mk sod What Con ,
* guy taloa, in ino oohs or count) Commledemer
i slawdel .
. - . _ • sr •
Mr COUNTY ColllllBslo:dEft.—artr JOHN
WITIOCI, of the Pint Ward Citr i of Plttrhuru will be a
fo i rtroge: AolViur -°,112,0010
rru •
aire LER!: ovrue Core:N.—Jared M. Brush
will bee candid.. fot the shore ogle, no b lest to the dein
of Co. .000100 Anti-M.:Mac and Whittlbunty_Con
trod., aldindawitc•T
- Co . curt . REUl•Tinit.—Alexander Rich
, a rias:sof the Find Word, Allesbetty City will bee can
the de
` rat t Tee al' "..,('`',;:zl -1 1 - 6 , " l et ".
• • • • Y MM. On.
ttsi lb. 7th lu t., br [he Ray. Dr. Airehukey. Mr. UM
T. MIUM. or Luck No. 2. to Minx bIAnT J.OlO C 1•20. 0
WNt Ale....trla SYnstdrigtuv mu.t7. Pa
Scott Meetin g .
amaAtanl by Oa me+tMit of the 22 4 tat,......4 4
&DAY I:TEMMI, the loth lent, at eloF
at the can. 1 , 1 . the Daily Anterlotta, c.orner of limal and
Vie Committee ronviste of the Iblioring gesyttemea:
on ',mita/Ma-51 , er. T. J . ham, Yre.L O. galr,Capt
mylU tvoi j"".
REKovicee.--John McGill, of East Deer
reecAtike, will be howlidate for the office of Recorder,
nolowt to th. decision a the Authllwlook owl Whig
{homy Convention. to,l4:dawthroT
_ •
Concert at Greenwood,
THURSDAYk...s-EBVREN.4II;;OpMay 1.511,
.Baillueure 81 8 u'cluet. I fbe xtenlver C3llEB'l l / 1 18
.t the beslB‘B.lB a of Lour. Bthe B
.8.1.8•111, .111 be observ.Bl. .A 18818.8.88/. theamoert.
Public Lecture.
PROF. IL S. NEWTON, of Cincinnati, will
thu.uentha, at PHILO HALL. m. 7% o
'Nut tn• outuoct of Medical 6oleettclalo. 11. vull point
VT;eGl!', l 7l:Tliror d o:CLlTtlrj r cr/4 . 4 'figt
actual stattatical taaulta thla It a tlnhject i tnat aeeply
tutor... the Noununlty lama. prateulon and the
pualle .00 respectfully Invited to attend—both ladles and
Icollencm. cayl4
Cincinnati, Ohio
(:APT. JOS. 0. CROMWELL wculda
resp,ctlially marionette to hi. friends Anil the
u. taken
The OMOADWAY EL hoe been thoroughly refittod
and refurnished. in accordant. with the Latest mid most
of rargItIWI.T.I.V.V=Ir.; r"'
The loose.= is antral to the business parts of the
t a
&ref I. more COCITCIIinit thestaamemat landings. raioed
0fa. , ./andierri. limn any other test clam hotel in Oman-
natl. The ruin. ere pleagant and airy. while the table
aral accommodations ore not surnamed by any establish
maul to our hire.. cities. With strict at.ntio•
to h.
, mid maple facilities fOr making his boom quiet
arhbte home for travelers. the Proprie h ope,
Lt sill retain Its former popularity. and a libera l .hare , of
AMU COCKIICLL lo the manadrr of tbr
.. and one of the most o b li g ing e nd business
tern to be found.
1111NRY LUTZ, the Pock-Keepri for Ca pt. Cromwell. le
nnioortelly popular. and to known far and 'ride to a
tons orell OMNI tat thr statima he occupies.
HUSSEY & socum,
ran sLaCtOll
torage,Sbipping&Conunisaion Merchants,
vw - 12 b LE e.1. A1 ,4 1:
Riv, street, Cleveland. Ohio.
anar, ote.. No. 00 en iltrk, nod 133
CJI, advances male on ron.:lnTmentr
*yenta lot all Steamboats and Propel
ye lers to 1100 Lake So"
Desna Line.
Ile!, to—Wm A. Otis A Co.. Cleveland.
Nibs a Wheeler, Brady:
T. M. Howe. Cw/114:r. i'lltaburgh
ea, 14 rim
NEW RIISBONS—A. 31anoe d. Co. are
now reriVaz • fine maortromot of beautiful net
.11;;',..!:',:%,AR.1,Znaxttsa!ottlontil.:, 03011 very large / 14 14 4 1
a I' arvical, where all qualities can be obtained and stash
pri , ve No. 61 IA Martel et 11104
g ,ximPEu TARLEVON...S—Just received
thu morning, and 000 open 10 cartons of thane tool
dealable Crimp. Terletone for Bonoet Lialug The at
tention of main:Lees It respectfully wilielted.
LACE IiARAIIE for Mourning Veils,
"it"" "the slur
-Ivl Dow C It'r AINJIUS LI ofTr, b e NV
'YlVelritt'lt-tAl'lrllflliar..l.. D.
ARASOLS . . ! PARASOLS ! of newest
1 1.1 "1" " prio l . l . oFlPll 1. DC KLI7S
1110. , 16 , 1) APPLES --40
WO/ Lthett,
1..:6 -- lou N. U. Sugar for sate by
WWI:. W•ver st
IVULASSES--500 bide N. S: a. for
11 wt. by mOI4 .105121ri DALTELL
. .
11. MOLASSES—IUu bbbi battle ground
II 11 La • for Fate JAMES DALIELL
_ -
rotas Massa. 041 4, jai:
Sla E Stataaa---tif your V erunode, I ray without that , haring tied It extensively lo pesetas ,
tor the last four Of are years. I think 11 doe-W.lly the brat
preparation of the Mud of which I base I• 117 ktriONied.,
eltlonigh I hare kooetofore used the preparation of several
..ther mann...item Y.oure ns,pertfully,
D. COUCH. 11. D
I'rolarnl •111 Pohl by IL E. SELLERS. 00 Wood ed, and
•old by di uggists geuerally.
my A
1\ II i ACK EREL blob larF,e N 0.3, for mile
iv by W.AP WILSON.
oy4 lll:sensed AL
`lloo—lo , blolm new for malty byj
iI.ERRINII-11) bills new f ,T ur a nu y le w h l L N
v en, 14
L f
anortment nf l TABLE ' UV ERS—AI
r ( ..nlehed Table, mau l rg yni e
bureau Corers of different pattern, not to be surpend . by
any ed 4 lo the city Men-held, Pedlars and Ouzel" 0.1,4
.aOl l 0 ran andexamine be, theca:els, at the ware ,
""Nod n.
t the No.'
a I
Valuable Canton Property at Public Sale.
be offered for sale, at Auction, at
V in. Battarnere Exchange, on TUESDAY, the 1.1 of
" the kje;Ml'O' 51., the erprEkmu,
1.4.111. 0 lA,. 013. r. The rror.rtr it Ideas 4411.31,11,
and situated al Canton. ma th. Yawls.° the Lot
{manor; leet on Clinton street, mad rosining bac*. with
at uniform •idth, Co ragarn Avenue. eying • depth ef
T.l) feet, with substantial 1% HARP and Water Privilege
W the Port Wyden't , Line
blob. *O-40 feet each. ono do. two Welts and a half
h'eth&tetestottter alfstalbtli:iallybullt/b7itt
with slide .00005. Also, Vtahlea Cooper and Carpenter
The Earn, is tined with martin:wry sod utensils roar
plep. fur mattutu - turing Candles and Lard Oil upon an ea.
151010 wale. and to great eilwantage. Bantering tnatuaLl
ately upon the Ikons of the City of Baltimore. mot stir
m onded by other ettesielse Isenrie• a various kinds, he.
one of the mod decirable 14:callow
the property
of the Canton Company, Lod ha the midst of • rapidly
proving eection of the suburbs, It presents great Induce.
=Ms manufwAtirors and capitalists.
'Terou--one-half cash; balance In sin Lad twelve months,
with Interest - 11.ILLIAMS.
No. G 2 Bachantesn's Wharf
I.IIIISUN ACO, Auctioneers
Wetiier Furnace, Flasks, Tool' & Pattern,
a Laieren, vs. Jack stn a Maier.
N Obedience to an Interlocutory Order,
mw, in this mum, ai the April Term, of the
nee a CAurt„ at Clartwilit, Montgomery Count). Ten.
negeee. I will, 00 Monday, the •Mth Oar of July ntx . t, offer
a, 'we. the Walow , t;tr rtritxce. and land. MUche'd .. rtl he.
irtf, 'or." The tst " Pi u gTeily Lef.!
ed I .111
sell all the Flea, Too ' bt. and Patterns,
LI. rat al.tit the Furnace.
The Web., F11r12. 1 to finely located. beta thort
tonre frcru the Cumberland River, and one of the moat
0 :011.110 Iron Mort. edabliehnient. 1. .the
wishing to embark In the Iron business, will god it
to their interuet to attend the wile.
' The will Wee place at the Webster Furnace. on
c redit of 12, It, and 24 month. The purchaser will be
lon to execute nob •Ith two gorxi eseuritie., a nd g m e .
wlll be retainot on the lual Lod improvement. for the
P""l"..' C. A 11.
Tenn , May ft. '41.--lithmT
I3URSUANT to an Order of the Orphans'
Court of Allegheny County, them will be exposed to
Ly pub:lic vend. or outcry, at the (hurt Home, In
rD(; ' a d traitetpd, irire . gnir o gi
au - claim of Jame 11. Sarver . , minor child of Pollip Oar
s, decenxed, of, In and to the following described real es.
tote, to wig till that certain lot or piece of ground eituate
In the City of Alleghroy. being Lot No-Nu in aim. Ledliei
plan of a ruldirision of out lots Nos. 174 and 171 bathe to
wardly ride Of .0 the corn:r ot o Lot No. 81,
thrum extending In front on thrroll Menet westwardly Rd
loot, and in depth northward', Pr ,, ..rTi.g tho name .11th
parallel with Beaver meet 100 tent to Jetlerion area, on
which is erected a two mead framed welling house.
'fermi node known at isle. J. 11. 11811211,
mylgotht T rioardlan of Jas. 400000.
Fro die lionorahle thqudges of the Court
of Genital quarter .0.11011. of the Feu, in and fm
the County of Allegheny:
The penning of Ilarrieon Graham, of the Fourth Ward.
p t uatough. In the county aforesaid, humbly sheweah—
that four petitioner bath provided himself with materials
fi.r the mcoutrucdajlon of travelers and othern,athli
g nitre in the 11 ard aforomid, and prays that rota hots
o'rs w h in Le pleased to grant him a theme to Imp a publit
houre of entertainment and your petitioner, La in duty
hound. will pray.
We, then lieerlbere, citizenn of the Ward aforesaid. do
e e rtify that the alageg petitioner is of goat repute for loon
nor and ammonium. and 1, well provided with home
mon and rol2l.[lleace. for the scooramodationand Went;
of strangers and traveller , and that .a4l tavern is weer
" R; A. I ma, Li
Egan U. W. a.AkIA Web-
J. P. T.
" rFyrift"
`i WIFE, Phcebe Courier, having left
X tar 1.4 and board, ud the SOU. , a Aunt alth.
fgil [v., I berabr uQtly all tmereaua or,t to brunt her
alter this date, as I all: par no debut 0 ner rontrarthai.
torl4-Irdrt HATIILAS CONNEK, Jederada
Office for Foreign Patents,
No. k Won at., N. York, and 166 Fleet CI., London.
su BRIM.. AVM, ik/gllO , l, Holland, wad all
.doer parte 0 Kurope — the t..rsatlar, Cuba, and the Bra.
Full lolonuatiuu ou We Shur,. reo Ix , bad by add , ldluil
tayG3Lu A Wall tire i llWro;k.
Associated Firemen's Liiuianee Stock.
I tub SIIAHES of the fast subscribed stock
to the W.W.I Illtulueles lueoraor. ,ar
pleteYANd oat UT W WILL Is CO.,
.14.1a1r No. G 4 Wood.,
ASSIMBLY.--I would recommendJoe.dohrt
tm.,.l != c P: o orette toeVerziltto.btri/toti.
reoo ihlrr.tacr...aouil
on lo lb ' . next :;;aLure. OtaXoto.
It ecoaorm.--Jsmes Gormly will be • candidate
for the eke of .Recorder. otzh,et 14 the motion of the hut}
%townie and Veld. Coeesatou, to be held on the 4th of
June hest. Me friends will plea...bear him In mind &taw
Primary 3leellooa. toylldaw,ter
WM. H. GARRilbbbas removed the bal
ance of tile suck of Dry Owls. to No. 110 flatlet
Meaty. All perms, basing no, clams
KA .' Tle t ur . t bins. n, requested to present them fortbuortlu =I
those Indebt , :lane resnectroor requested to call mod sale.
in , he wishes to dos op Plo basins bT the Ist of 'done.
1.113201i..9) .
PARTNER in a safe and profitable wan
business, with • capital of 14:X100 v. .pr
ut o per cent. will be guars:Mal. with • of
41) per cent. and upwaril. The bruin.. a re
spertabf• tale, and ova that Is new In this neighborhood.
with uo eompetltlos, and the product greatly hide .
Address 'A. Piot Ofges., Boa 324.
Spectacles g
tNE of the most inestuuuble blessins con-
P flared erer7
‘/.l•=iflT wouldefective flelon of older.. wmktnlaGr Irreniedlalde.
From long experlenoe, amd a thorough koonedge of the
eie me of optics, we are prepared to mkt .11 defeetlm ne
m! on mlentlee prinelplea
Gold, SlWur. and Steel Spectacles, of .11 Mode. and the
ben emotautly on bead. Alm, &Mule -Pebble
Len. to older. New tilamem fitted In old frame.
u l, i fr .d etre Prall'e O r.
WILSON and Ear .
W. W.
Inylfi G 7 Parket /Meet. corner of Vowel,
Second Large Supply.
A. MASON A. CO. would respectfully
. r.,!"4%
." to h it r " ullA t p"'"`r.`ll. -4 .171=
Mr " brItINU AND IeUMMKIt Utruuee p et/acted nth great
In the Pastern markets, and purchand at • great te
dretlon bare fbrmer prime. To Mo. purchasing at whole.
le, yr are nor prepared to ogee gado at marl lower
pricell than they could bare been puretmead Test early In
the uvmn. royl3 - 02 sod 64 Market AL
rtifiVO:ErtV. o t r b ibt.Yo biddr;liarriaget tUlTrl.
'The Witting Ru g by's iluabaLd . ; . humor°. raweL
The Heirs of DTVlrentwatee. • rowel. by It. L. Bluchard.
The Counbeas of itudolstadr. by Omega Runt
Tb. Sidefc • novel. by the author of -Valentine or.
tiandlet'e Curtain Leclunis—new edition.
The Mother.ln-Lavr, by .
S . Routhworth.
The Banker', Wifec by T. S. Arthur.
Wild Hurts lo the Wean by Maxwell.
Tbe C01331:141140111/1 , nen novel by O. P. R. Junes. Esq.
A uo letan• to llausine. ho. I.
lindieulturierand Caltivatar. fcr Mop.
,ltanileid Hall. a Illsunieni Runanne--calluplate.
. -
1, ACKEREL--200 • bble. No. 3, (Large)
newbureptir inapeetiOtk bright Pariah, prat reed
au tut sale by IdeFLDEN A COVODC,
W srehapre. Pa Railroad Depot.
utrili , corner Penn and Wayne ow.
grEAS-50 hf. chests Young Upon;
ti •• - Black Oolong Flavor: .
r.r bY
Water and FITALI 0.
`ALT METRE-75 sacks C rude, for sole by
1..7 vail3 LEIAIAII DICKEY & CO.
11 A ; 11 , S I T1.0 casks for i l t aLt i la icKgr k
u UTTER—Freeb Roll for sale by
illt mita ISAIAH DICK.P.I( S 00.
bnzca )Inc.
Zu gg
LottleYo D's. Plug Mt
oton. anU far sale Dy
kl sale by R. E. 7
L-600 galls. Flaxseed (warranted pare)
for gale by bayl3 lit E. SELLER&
1V , ITRIC ACID--600 lbs. (pure) for sale by
1 1 myl3 J. KIDD a - CO.. 60 Wood e-
IPINK ROOT-2000 lbs. for sale by
myl3 J. KIDD Jr CO.
1% ACKEREL-120 p bb s le i isl i :o il lar , g.!? . by
X. 00mOLASSES--100
s ell:1 to yla bbls.
ENZOIC ACID-75 oz. for sale by
OIL CLOVES-20 lbs. for sale by
)1;0: N AT : I2
i MIS N . for se: by t:
" TONE PIPES--340 boxes for sale by
NI ACKERE L-150 bbls. No. 3;
CANDLES for oak VI
bbls. No. izrz f g: o 3l lo b Z
i 7 mll y ro.Es.
ROOMS--21.0 doz. Corn, for sale by
TUBS -6Mdoz. Beaver, for sale by
mos wIcK i MeCANDLESS.
Buri . Eß__3‘ , ko:!s for sale by
c ..
CURCIIINGS—. S casks No. 1. for sale by
aria WICK A' ihk-cANDLns.
rip.A . tt y — , I I:5 bbls. N. , C , l „ .. i l i trr i. i. , lll A l t.
I ' _
F.. r..'4'10
, .
,NREN CH GELATINE. White and Colored
And Coopera American !Myriam; fiir mat ingJellir
'n". • ile4 s4ll. A.Nre1..13130 a co-,
Orneem mil Tea Dealer,.
... - .
13 111) N ES • -Eoriieaux Prunes, in glass jars;
Vrty ouperior - OkIWY t.....
.1,10 kierman Ptlnter. terby
Wll. A. 31.CL1,11 . .11 A CU
M At' li EI:EL —lO0 A
. l i /Vs. Nu. 3LBZ ;i f i or co lsa , e by
14.5 Men/ . .tx...t.
111E@At b lii bbls.
( tto i.B l g l i to arrive) for
ooh '
riIOBACCO- 3 7 keg! 6 twist (superior) for
Yale b • myl3 A. CULII6IiTSON t CO.
UFFALO ROISES--All grades kept con
t.) Ossoly eu hood .tot a•le hy_
torla A. CULBEIMON • CO.
'0 the Honorable the dodges of the Court.
of tionend quarter Swodow of the row, m load for
the Comity of Allegheny.
'rbe petlllon of Um. huble, of Lower Chdr zed WA
townalilpa. in thr Cointy of Alkitteol. tut‘tlY
.lOor-t 1,. Tb.t lour totitioott U derivow of keeping • pub.
he bows or torero. in Ms boom. lanee in the to...whip.
ha. provided himmlf with neremarirs for
the conveuirom and towommodatiun of traveller.. .1 rtrati.
11. then-On prof . your brown to vont him •14
to beep • Anus of public eoterMlument and be will
e Pm th,
We, esu L.,
bacribor. da ,vrtlrr i the %VIM. Noble. U.
Nr lodging .14 wrcomxtu of straarirr , am%
June* hloannlq, ani d lth Jonathin NntlY,
Neeld, John Noble, Jan.* klrawdi_Jahr , .
Illrawd,, John Cunningham. Pe nr1nt, ,. . 1 / 3:. . 31 ,
nanr. John Israel.
11111101 Fl. MY.
paiLLips i MAYRRS, General Import
er...l Itsuuthetureru No 74 North Fourth strut
air Acul al 102 Ircol stmt. C177.1 4 .. 70 7 4 - ruTl2
To the Druggists, Hardware Dealers,
AND vsairry hTUILE KIEEPZIIS or Prrtssimott.
DRILLIPS.fc MAYERS beg most respect-
L fully to Inform the amts parties that Mr. L. IL Mil.
to nit the home of waiting upon M.
da to appoint ponies fur the sale of their universal ar
tic rr.
For crineraing Wood. Rom, China. lila" Marble, Earth.
e..., In. ad alloy other robrtawert Mr
I h 4
p.k,or Preparative. ropermting tr.r.—Pmd‘trt.lif
Lutrittoul, liw,44lgefitlve Matte or Llrrtru Bred, at lesS
e r dm, tharl
W. 7 1 4 tr , rjor , p4orcrrae. uripal
ntrl2 Phtl=k,
OS. WEAVER, Attarney nt Law, Foortit tho Mame. Ottt., - Plttrbarth, Pa.. Cal
lortiour Ltteralrd to promptly.
White Goods for Dreues.
BURCHFIELDhove reed a
l e t e Tfull assortment of the vertotts thode of WhiteGotate
Mull Dl=
- plain and embroidered:
Neruook Muslin
Ql.ittn.l te.
Almo—Peirded Jseopetm Meelitts with cord embroidern
20 per Cent. saved to Country Merehantn.
Wm. J. KING, Dealer in BOOTS AND
v v PIIOSR. No 40 North Second Meet, Philadelphia,
has iust seed from the manufactory an extensive and well
...Scud stock of the above gocde, which will Mr sold at 24
cent leo. than eso be purchased in the city, fop 'ash
or ob . acceptant*.
Deniers will do well Wall befoie Putehming•
EERMAN CLAY-200 boxes .for sale by
mrl2 R.. DALZELL It CO, Liberty rt.
V HEESE-20 bas. W.R. Cream, for sole by
V myl2 S. tW. lIARBIO6I/.
tiRY HIDES-200 (prime) for sale by
.__.. . • . .
A LUM--50 bble. for Bale by
11 uay 11 J. KIDD CO, GO Wool W.
ARB. AMMONIA-600 lbs. for sale by
myl2 J. MULL* CO.
FOR SALE—A good Pedling Wagon, in
ycmplYtY ”Y•fr . E T! Zig, 4;w., 00 Wool et.
mil 2
LARD OLL-10 bills. Winter Strained, for
gala by = _ 7k2 E. E. SELLERS. 57 Wood st.
H _
EMPSEED-5 bbls. for sale by
SP. TURPENTINE—IObbI. prime, for sale
by myl2 R. IL SELLERS.
CHROME GREEN-8 cases for sale by
my - 12_,_ B. A. FAUN MOCK a CO.
BUKNT UMBER — 150 lbs. Pow'd, for sale
ts woe. a. A BARNESSOCE • LX/.
1011 ACE GINGER-8 bags for sale by •
SALERATUS--I2 casks prime, for sale by'
PARLS — i I casks first sorts, for sale by
myl2 WICK A 21cCANDLESS. _
• pOTASII-18 casks pure, for tale by
. _
HAMS-31ti S. C. Canvass, for eal_ t i. f .Ei l2
myl2 WICK l a, ,, ce,vp
.... _
NJ to, I:2 iitecCbADIXEM
I I LIOCOLATE-1.36 "'llsAu'llost., foiiiieby
wick A 110CANDLVES.
I, J myll
CRIMPED RIBBONS—Assn Tted widths
and color, ter'd by earns* UAL daY -Lb. ' a. "
and nolorud Silk Dam Battono, I
my/0 F. IL MAXON. 6: Fourth d.
lk - r — MIME WORKED OOLL*RS Flocnc
wg; Edging and entfrorlth•full taaortOrent of Laat
Goods, POW °runs. at the 'taro sr ; •
_aryl° F. IL IthTo3, Fourth q.
IRDALLS—A ND assorts; nt just ree'd
„„, U.s 1e ,,,0 EATON.
Prepared Corn;
256 Liberty
LUE 10 bbls. (e a) fo • . •
To Brisioess Me=
TAKE THIS IifETHOD to inform my
a rt. , tub terba hare antrartal boalaexa to my ea.) aad
a „. a o ,„ffauy, flat I wUI start on Maaday, the
wtt, yor polar. tbe 0919 thee e. 1,4 19.
t¢terica., end rintlefe than IA hare .11 neetuary papers
Vbrd bY Nut dos.. I wIU 044=1 to th!smaains
° =7: , ." th ager, of = m7 Pry
Ileferenee—P•Uri. SAIDA lko.
rnoittrroo MON. Atterosy at L.
taylo-tt Woo ot Patti rt., atm. loattlatli
IL . " .rtgtt o o l r .l ll,t ° T7 ," . " l—Tit a cl=l . 7, l°'
'`' t;lii h''''''''''"u i. b ll. EATON. . nurtb EL ".
LHAVE on hand a large ssortment of
rEEE, for curt Mas. IEII. NOBLY,
nlylo nearly opymelte the Yon OM.,
%ir t L IT w E . FISH-3S sA tir l l3.4..t , Ji i l r. :l v S ., llg...bbls,
mylo 11'ster • • Frunt ma.
i IIJSI COPAL VA#NISII -- or sale by
VA ea 00 ' lOOlOll D CILEY 0 CO.
gl lIEESE-37 boxes for sale ..y
1„ . ../ mylo 1001011 D CYLEY 0 CO.
(RUSIPEb RIBBONS-4us reed per ex
/ peeta-23 melons of Maw very , adeable rimped
In team, for Trimming, embracing ell tne different wkithe
and colon. The attention of wltoleaala evatomere le re
nyeetfalif Invited to the above extetudvi amortment
tnyff A. MAN A CO.
W. W. WILSON, Wa . Maker,
Vo. 67 Market, Corner of Fourth st., Pittsburgh,
nEALER Frir. Werccs. JEWELRY,
ILY Slim Ware, Militaq Gou.bu_Lsious sod Chohdi
iota, Tea and Table Ware. - leutleiy.E•atnei.ati tiold Yana
liathematleal lautrunienta and a 'mit variety of rirb,
curious fashionable male, awful sod ornamental.
Watch work emeuted in s anperior Manner, ...Wed by
the beet Eugliah and French workmen' mt 9
_ _
Eine Dress goods, per Express.
A. MASON &'CO. have . ;ee'd thin morn-
gf2 e , P ,Tra r"=111= black
and A ht Luny colored plain Tbom . beztful tc plalo and
abo a Villa e s ars . :rl7ll worth tbs;ttentlo e d porch.
sarrs, as the, be .old at uututlallr hor
_prices, whole
vsle or retail. at Nos. 6 , 2 • • d 64 Maker st.
ChaitieM Coal Company.
VOT IC V—All persons?Fing demands
1:1 agalrud the Cbartaers Coal Ca m yortli plearseprlc
scot them for settkoneuL Z. . REILINUTONs
sayVnt Managenof the Chortler, Coal Co.
ol. Shaded. Ground, Blue, Green, POD!, Ruby, Orange,
lagoon, and otbey colored Window GU" toe reiddeuces,
scambaat. private offloaa, An, j rut bred from
bans. EnAland. and foe sale by GILLESPIE,
mrind W. 0 .1 t. above Fourth.
YULV. CORN STARCHESbxs. forealaby
INDIAN REWLISO lbs. for sale by
mre U. A. PAUNESTOCk a CO.
'DWI) EXT. LIQUORICE-1 can for sale
1_ by my 9 U. A. VALINESTOCE t CO.
COARSE SPONGE-400 lbs. for sale by
cusks" Poled Saxony
for br lsalOl C. A. P4IIISESTOCK t CO.
'ONFECTION SENNA-4.171iba. for sale by
ASSIA-400 lbs. for gale b 4,
ms 9 B. A. FARNI.STOCK tr. CO.
rAILTAII EMETIC-50 Its. for sale by
mug B. A. PAWINV-sTOCK k CO.
giORROSIVE SUBLIbLiTE-25 lbs. fur
ILJJ itale by 1m19 . 1 B. A. FAUNESTOCK A 00.
DOLL BUTTER-3 bblsi (fresh) in cloths,
111, just reed and fur rale br 7t. DALICLL &
.TV Liberty et
HONEGGER CO., Ilorters of Wines,
Liam, and Swims Cheese , 1 SainhlleM street, be..
wean Elzth and &m nth.
harper t Co's eek.brnted tiny end m.we Turk.
rot an for
neuved d
eslo by the manufacturer i npuirr :s t i at T cfrrn .
Water Street.
For neat:two of Web end Intrinsic rain, there Forks
• not be eururssed; and the los, twice et which they are
diLmnat Insure their Introduction. endear
UCKWHEAT FLOURL—, 1000 lbs. for side
I by 'bp '_' ROBIOON. LITTLE. t CO.
opening at A. A.
la of Ellk Porli...r the
L,7 Mason a Ca. a Una ..rt.
clewmt .totes
Greenwood Gardens, . , I
0 and a half miles laeloa the City, on
olden, bank of the Ohio river.' an Ornamental Mower
'olden,and a delightful munmer retreat. Cream,
Confectimarle, Crude, Temperate Iniulm. } chit. for
the accommodation of visitor, Slan, a farce amortment
of Shrubbery and fa...blooming vont. for sale,
The steamer Chieftain Imam , e foot of Cat street, at
the beginning of each hour, froLO , o'clock A. M. until 10
P. W., landing at the Darden. [ Closet on Sunday.]
myauf Pispideh Pod copy.]
New Barages, Tissues, Sas, Lawns, &c.
URPIIY & BUEPIIPELD have this day
it et g0!'n..1.17,, N
T. 7
Lawns, India ath rilta tr.
Buyers are invited to call Dektra making thellpurchases
Gads at wtobwoe in rams 14p stalro.
Brag or Ptrrancaow 3 / a y 6. I&3L
President and Directors of this Bank
Jura' One day derlared a drelieral of FT. nth cast.
ou plus k, for the last ell montlo, payable to
the Storltholdere or their legalrepro/ram/ R. ow forthwith my9 .
• JOB. 83tYDE, Caahiee '
Promissory itde Found.
APROMISSORY NOTE, drawn by Mosa,
i n co. Co-. dated May 7th.l 1501. to the order of DLO
aughey, at four months data, found to arood street
She conga . can bath It by calliat the- stAwrof •
tura J. S. ELLOIL. alWool lx!,-
RGOT-40 lbs. (fres i) for sale by
mya • IL A/ VAILDIESTOCE. A (3).
"'PRUSSIAN BLUE-5 eases No. 1, for no
by soya . b. Al VAAINEATOCH a CO.
IQUORICE R00T,450 lbs. POted, for
A ea4 br m y% B. Ai FAUN EBTOCR A CO.
PARIS GREEN—SO cans for sale by
myn B. Al FAUN MgISOCK 2 . 00.
BLUE MASS-11S lbs7for sale by
IQUORICE ROOT-42.00 lbs. for sale by
.1.4 cum YAW:Mt:IOK A CO.
Q YTS. TURPENTINE-3i) bble. for sale by
Fresh Arrivals of Wall Paper.
THOMAS PALMER; No. 55 Market street,.
hue But mired from the Fart, • handsome mut
ruent of Ann priced Chamber Ilene myS
at No. 55 Market etre., fir uglout eyry tuguteruk pricey
by my tg TllO3lAn PAL3LEIL
For Rent.
(trl CI .' amt Wp 1.
Bunker. Conf:ettoner. Wont itree4 or of
mra y s Z. W. ILEMLNOTON.
PA PER HANGINGS—French and.Amer
eaV" VATrltt o lfhlTßl , llll , t r . eTA R ood st.
Mess Mar.k•rek I
uman. ra Na 1
tkda.b. Far tale Cr
AT, Drocers and Tea Deal,
ACKEREL-30 tioble. No. 3, receivin
myB TE Water u.
LARD OIL-15 bbip. for rale by
• W. l r i!
T HE hilhest price 1p Cash lai d for alithe
diffnen gradel. Of delp AMeticd Wool by
MUBP/iY 4 me.
Bonnets 11 Bonnets!
6 nun, carving the newest nod matt &lira*:
a of Bonnets now worn. :
A 'erranatrtrotnat of patalsrt'aßlpary. fano,' Gimp,
Straw and Braid fiats.
The aftention of yurehase Swftinni . 6.l4, l 3 tolte LB*
aeon hood. OnT7l . A. A. MA.. 16 CO.
6) CASES Green 3113 ed Jeans;
, r , 2 tt Blue . •
3 " Black Broad 'Cloth:
1 " Cotton 60 14 • e t
The .been good, Ire just reed from eastern manutaetu.
Amu - able time.
duudd'uu"d ' cud
tu NTl27l. u Ptiit t LEE.
Vac Wt. 1166 x of Pirruttoz, May 0,1861,
%VMS BANK has this day declared a divi
la 4 " d of 00 " 0 " `"l' on 0 115 r 31. 4 1T0
on esaana. Cuhier.
THE Merchants' d Manufacturers' Bank
of Pittsburgh has this day declared a dividend of
rota ru ctn. (on-the melte] pluck of add Bank.) out of
holdrofits of the tut 115 Irrionthe, payable to the stock
bre or their legal representatives, on dr after ths 15th
ty. DbiNNT, Cashier.
k..7 DT.lmitable for mettichml parpme for we by the
Q.. , or Bottle. at MORRIS blvt.
m 7 in fie .
IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Election for
Five Dtrectats, aml eta appointment. Ofett:h oh ern ar
may be deemed beremary for cooductina th buium;of
the "Moarnstahrla inning ComtwaY: cbarteml to
of of A. , 31 , 11. Me ,71;:r.1
Ibbl, will be held el the t. 'hart. Hotel, Ititts
Walarwlay, the :let day of May, A. D. tall, betweert
boars of 10 A. M. and 4 Plll., 01
v 7lll . az itimEn, , ,..,
H. D.
llliridng Moline and Irish Linen&
rapleasbed their wk el &bale and le. rex
Th P :Pre Val! ' rl ' ,6A * l.l - 1 o 43147 ett %lir!
Shteting, of ell the differ*. .1 . la th‘, uhkb 131.7 , °ger at
the lowed here. ant
CMAPE sit7o%Ls—Rec'd this day, per
ono rut. of thasa Assirable plain laul
• craw Shawls, at WI vices.
mN A. A. MASON &
ARD--2:1 kegs No. I Leaf, for sale by
FRUIT-150 Ins. Apples; ' •
WOrea.%ea: tor tale Ey
ft - ICE-10 tierces (fresh) for sale by
my 7 STS Liberty. rimer.
111EA-50 hf. chests Y. H., Imp., and Black
I Tea, Re We by
myr ROBISON, Lintxi co.
HAY ItAKES---10 dn. for sal. e by
F. .
til - kyTORKS-40 doz. for sale low by
mu 8. i VON BoNNItORSV tO.
B- -
BAO3I 3 15 0 doz. for eale by
mf 0. F. yoN BONNIIORST t.B).
pOwDER-4000 ihs. Blasting; ,
• 3W
I"'" PT. ' biiTigifte b ' "
lay 7
i w.
s AFETY FUSE — Ii bids. in store;
orriee for ,slo by
. my 7 2.'
./ N. DrLWORTII t CV. _
UURLAPS—A euperior article h 0 inch, (or
MP ale by m 77 SIORPHY tLEE
1-400---7117—'00L-Gg;—r—ead—y MWe, for
We 1:7 sgui MURPHY At LIE. •
1)EEll SUSS-4 bales for sale
myr RITZY, MATTHEW a oci
kjlG LEAD-490 pigs Soft Galena, for sale
iIIG METAL-465 tons for nalo - by
• rly7 RIMY. 11 &TT tIRW3i CO.
• iEATILERS—I 3 sb. piano lie., for sale by
my 7 ,RESaT, marrlaws a CO. '
ft( WHISKEY-37bbls. (pure) for
b y y 7 A. CO LBLICEEON t CO.
AILS --300 kegsaser . d dr for stab/.
neklo Musesk
6 bales Doer Sklar,
30fackz Mind Pa•SCUM
6 cuss 11.65 r. }on ree'd sad 6r .161# SI
uzy7 A. CULBERTSON • 0.).
)RIED PEACHES-29 bbls. on consign
b y
itTED FRUIT-400 bu. Penoheo;
LITTON II !S-2000 S. C.. for
CANFIELD. sale by
.77 FL
.NO U DRIES-2 tierces grease;
il 2 blar
4 4. d r 0,,,,,..vp:1m -
- do.
IIVO ort SC to
Qum tretroar =
F for We
• ' a n ti. bICREY s co.
i 7 50 bu. Mertzluta
1500 lba. la. Halt.
100 das.l.kna Brocaac• •
S ., A Illeto/7 lV 00 0/ealgosual. far
~,i, low to dot by J. .1/WILLIAMS a CO.
corner 0:411.1 illlh sta.
.V 5
A. A. Itasca A Co. boo. on hand a completi atxt or
o'u Jaconeta'and Cambrlea ' 111*1
f lOTTON-56 balesnowlanding
. For
Mt, Or We bp MAW" Di=ir IVO
so.lo Water and Frost at.
- - -
r l ,o _ll D it i znr i a, bat mead lorgo lot ot 0007.47.
ir4PRN-500 bu
‘,/ awe
or sti . : . b i L iorzu
TOBACCO -4 hhda. Ohio Leaf, for age by
mr6 J. s. =won't A co.
CORN -35 bbis. for sale by
93 sad 95 Front st..
jr 180 N—For We J.D. WILLLIAMS a),
says arm. Wood and Fifth ft.
Sawed Lathe, beet q. •
n°.I3I2°II,_LITISN & CO,
no. 2:61 Mort , " a-
X.AVI i for de bT
FLOUR -100 bble. extra Familn .
to 5 10° "
8 1M§, f rliTlA b i CO:
B ROOMS -50 dos. fancy_ on concontentmint
and for sale by INWID3OI4 NLi
urriz a OM..
rcirN o. ZNS ...
SOBER, industrious Mechanic, who can
turn all alas of Bolls. sad lull part of lab tbaa at
a 6'014. Tor D'a'an" n i' lr.t * AoALEY a CO.
lIST returned from the East, and now
opening the largest and guest matt-mane of Wateheg.
in, is, thee brought to the city. The•Watchee ate
from the most reputable mutual:sutural. of Lends., Liver
pool. Faris thd Geuevs. and warrthted equal (and, th em
superior). to thy hitherto .dared to this market
Chronometer Lever Watcher. futhienove Watch...t the
late Invention; with kept al then, mad .ftal
asthrtmeot of us patter.. Gold
eq.. according thality, from 010 and curelV S All
gthrthisecolthavyresented, thst n it wurrted Us to gibe MA
qualitT• % • W. IIZON.
mys . wroth Market and Fourth stn
Outlaw for Sale. •
Plea . running order, for de b OEO. ARTEMIS,
corner of Fourth ad Smithfield ast If not told et private
sale it will be sold at Dade Auden Rad. ass Redtha.
t „ he lOtts of Met. GEORGE. ARTERIES..
FLOUR -240 bbl. Extra and S. F. for sale
RIED APPLES-320 sacks for sale by
II UTTER-1n boxes (fresh) reo'd_4l4 . l3. by
my7 CAIYM%D.
- -
PEARLS -20 bblsf for sale by
lar7 • J. B. CANIULD
LINSELINSEED OIL-20 bbla. for gale by_
stl . .a%Tus-2) bis.
CHEESE -100 boxes for as eby
15.77 J. CLNPTELD.
_ ,_. Hamburg Polka. •
ER, No. KA Third street, has just
e recelvecl—_
t. nottburil Polka, one of the odad maw' ...lbw.
tifal Polkas everll3=el ;r6 .... l
...p.m bT . B. cL.
Farewell, Old
rooter, and dedicated in Mra no iski mvr randsant Pltteaasta
. Once I Laced Th_ ,ee Mary Dea S.C. Yoder: •
The Little Rod H: by • •
The Mountain Dello: bg Linlei. _
the dike heed..
i3 lr eeTgatte, is th g l :oy Y Jenny LIU with 000 1111,361-
Fly Swift, ye ZepElyell.
Ely the Sad Sea Waves, as sung by let.) , Lind—OS. .1
her meet beautiful an= t,
Farewell. If ever
'Tv . -
And an extensive acteetbsn n ew iTalttes, Po lk*, 8.
riatkees, Preceptors, de.
, royu ,
SION OF TILE 001..1)8.5 ILLIP.
ifotherirelasi, far the Isle of Re, r. • tale by Emma
N. fioutbworth. -
• Tho Boa.. M., by T. &Arthur.
Machold. Magazine, ria. b.
Ilerticulturist, fir ay.
CulUvotor, .•
Received at
HOWES' Lit.T.A. i VA6
Third Arte‘. oPP.4. Na •
burah and vicinity bold Its Annual reniting
lac May. (May nth) at 3 o'clock, P, kt.. in U. Lecnsisi
Rec. of the Inn Presbyterian Church. dubscrlbers am!.
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the. Stoelr.
bolder" of the Ohio Trepiteet !Lining Poteritaa y milt
be Id at the on.. of old Ilompany In the City of Pitts
burgh. on Monday. June:, el 2 o'eleFly
• • •
FIRE MUCK-45,000 (Coal Grove=
Rect. (soul (kr not imperior to Its Bollnw
on hand sod los was
IVEI.III FLANNEe ,;( —W4 have ( rerif
ble on stoma of their usTuiltsbls quEr d jts oral of es:
eons grates oftwatiosw also. Owns atul CU Warp hut
Llfll4 Ettoodlog IA; and • full wlsorttoent of Dossestle.
1 I NDIGO -4100 lb kegs Manilla;
3 Cerenew Posen; of toot , Sollti to ow.
, f or .1, samplsamples of ~,,uwt s kss ystry of
which will lie soW low from to • ado l icra
y co.
INDIA RUBBER TOYS—Just received a
large easortment Ogled* Bubter Tors, a beautlftkai•
r, kr sale at the lowed ELSLOSI • riot:.
aW4Vi_ 1851.
BXPRESS Packet and Therm' Line for
Cleveland, Iceboat On of *co, by !Ranters trona
burgh to Beaver. In cooneetion with Oa elegantly Be
label Ravels Nada of Clark*, Parts At Oa, Rao nea.a.
MITSIS2II4 and tne pplatlikt UMW Pasernger Rasa of-tba
elates:al and Yitteburgb Railroad Co. to Ogerelasal.
NIAOARA- .....
Efts.. Dare their lan d ing ophodriithe
aft. ot
, at 9 &clh. A. 31.. ccothaetift with airlt
Beaver, which will leave tharentatelredi the ethirth. Otthe
defter, arriving at ESTCOD• In time fttha Egyaft Taft
fWs far Cleveland. I . ..engine , bi Nft DDa grtita et
Cleveland In time to take the Railroad Line of Itheathere
for DIiFFAI.O and DETROIT. and the strums for Mks,
go, Milwaidle. Toledo. hamthody City. Itholdritftil lithe
Lo for erenitg Wain of care for Columbia. deal.. Lod
Cincinnati, ' CLAJIKE. PARES A CO., /Var Pe.ietal%
died under St. Charles Untah.
Ofilw under
C6UGHR o •
earner et Smithfield imelWeser idaJele„
ONES 1851. AEA
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.'
TILIS well known Line is now-,prewed to
st C i ffTLIND, gaay aad =on tke t tMOM M a Ulte ni
The facilities of lb. Lbw aro topsurpkeed in atimberoloal
ter, and eafacitp of posts, experience of Oaskaink and kr
timer of-iO 4
Me no tionno Pittsburgh and ClevalandkaßracakAlß
In connection kith a Idris of atatinboata betwew •
notion see REAVRR, and a Line of aril otakokalßada
(propeller and ressels) on the Laken,
B. Tartar, Warren. O.; •
A. k. N. Clark, liortok 741%04
Ll7yatir c tvrar.
Rent, ()thane Co., Frioa44
'IL A. Mlle:, Coq;
Wheeler, Lea A Akron, 04 .'.'
Flendelson a Dalt Sam l urk acy. O.
a. ' Nf L i liTga a r ,Ve r ott de
Doßsemak Co.,_alilkaukte, WD.; • •
flek A.'oibba OP., Moak., •
apl eor. Water and Parathbeld PD. Ot"
J: : .. es, — lnes, A C C . •
AVING completed arrangements with
Homer In Borba= andMbar lorolooM at'.., gm •
modem of my orders, I am Wm enabled to afros 65
Dealer', .t . MO @dram. owl hstWUkt. I. 11L . -
M . •
DI, WINE and L14111.0/48, of Ms nand denorrYnMar,
from amierensfros Amon an.. tl &mo.
Atrantlon la Inrltod lo /AY _di t fgY Thltrint.t...t. • _
110 packages Cogac : .M.
b bli2" . ''''' li Pi " C'. d.r. fImoTMM . dna
75 and qr. arl. . se w" ' a broom .
. and meggn r.t.
o t l y.
ryfrak, .
t''' . `` c " k. Yoe Winos, ;:r . l. 0217 0/0 add IMPrfloY. .
WO barkatal3yart li ng lansmagen, well koonM brands.
400 nom, Caret Winos, TleoVl W5W...4 ...1.4111.
100 eases smoter , n o o . gni . Itos:t w oln..lagra . 1C45 , 7.
tt seta
(/ ' fflitillot and alTrLd
9 Pu.',!...."?4,,,,agL Jam/. Rom. ••
. .. .
00 carts rororior lonsdon Broom Mord aad Sookh Al. •
- 1r Itts a constant ruyoll of 1 ..k . .....P.rX,... =ell .2
I, briatb.,,
r ea . . no ta nne s ....r 4 , o ,n.n. •
. .
Alf orrirdrh Ilrilfclio(folAtl• Womble ga 'n'•
it O lw em d mMrI br mentoinlln ffeogov:arrellaklypd .
Inyorter and D e aler. ll f Walnut Chef. • ~1
anlfolandor (2M' • Pldadtlybln .. ~
. 2 t o Na ., l Wp
:55 tam; . • ,
00 b-t
d° do do No. Nlockere
10 do • No. 1 trimmed A bo-1: cmo hand and
f, .ale t OrlOl . JOILN WATT *OM
IRON-6G tons
Forge and Foundry
aoomit t ak by p
•VOTATOES—W Neshannocks, for
age bT mytl G 7. VON BONSHOR,ST t CO.
Cg"lr i
mt GAR-50 bbxbsi=locrosals
ta, anise,