The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 14, 1851, Image 1

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• WHITE - . .t CO. ' - . Drmits. and manufacture. of Wbtt• Lead, Itcd
I and Labarge, corner Wood alrecta s Pitt...
ltuatnai HAMM benc h. l'.. maa
Oa. O. SEE .1 V. C. •maw.
hEY& McDOWELL, (Successors to
t „ i c,.,., ,i, 1[..,..e.) Wholcsale and Retail Dreg and
.:n.1,410,, ,t 0,... eurner of Wivat Areet and Virgin alley.
t'hysiclans . neeerriptiona carefully rompon,,ded ui,d,,,,m4
• •
or nes oI T 6.1 irrascr. CoOlary T. efer OTTICZ
ymiLir—p e ree dollarr per annum. payable Dal! YearlY.
Pm if card na a dvance.;
WEICK lA—Ter...l.4lmA per annum. in advance. Ctn.
In be eupplied on the fulbrerlng conditional—
brv.vier Per b CM
copies ‘lc I/ or
ane pocket elr pincuau{ ' elsen Club w rer7a ,
a - nreeaett to one . perm
aw ,
to bee paid invariably In advance. Na Club Yawn will
b 4 ,,,, a r after the year rapier, unless tbe money Li sent far
• renewal
00. kocce 110 [Mee of Nonpareil or lees)
00e.......... 0 50
Do. earl) addltkonal inaertion.. h
cm, I 75
110. weeks "
floethem weeks: __. PO
Do. one month, fa tee
Do. Iwo mouths. 7 MI
IkL four months I'l%
Do.. InOtalle
tereler moothe IS 00
Siamling4irri( s lines or wr 0000.- 35 t .
D oe DOW Am earn additontal
Dee Sipacte, changechle at (demon. (per Le-
Mani eseluaite of the miper 05 00
For esehulsiltlonal moor., howried over oae month. still
for each tidditintfal leinare 10u-rto.l under the iearly rate,
AoYertiannenle werectllng a moire. and not titer 51400
these. ebarged ris a Clam and • half.
Publielnimage arraturitable' far legal cdrettimane o te be
. TOW the W.VA . rhombi far their publication.
A0001.111160R candbictre for ogle, to be chealte4 the mei.
ea other advertlemento.
Admatieemento not marked on the copy for • aprolfo4
number of lament...ololl becoutirmol hll tabid,rmil pay
ment emitted Keno:Jim:lg
The prlrilege oratinual advattoem attletly limited to
their own Immediate. Moine.; snit all aileertmemento for
the benefit of other Perseus, omen...ail attreatLeements not
'lmmediately coommed with their own bushier* nod all
elanoot of advertiommita,ia 'math or otherwise, beyond
the Molts ensiml, vitt be otaintol th e usual canoe got
all ouch trannent'earectiadoo, will
"rile"selilisetan44enta tfaVr*Zri"talteeltaTtitutioiM, lire a . m.
rdee townebitc and.
Pa other public meetings, and
ouch Ifbe, to be charged hal f Pnichle tia-rie s lT ha ad.
sforrfaiti jahiMici talo'ch.irgeil 50 ants
Death nothwe inserted . w lthout charge. ultimo mammy..
hied by funeral• incitation. Or otanntry uonces, and whet
maccompanied to be paid for.
Hagen en adverticeme and all others vendingcomm.:tea.
ions, or repenting noncre &tinned to MI atteriticot o
lain, Soiree. Concerto. •or 100 - public entertainment,
when elpargey ate Incite Lx nlinittance--101 Palm of pi
aster aseonetkene,every notkediwignoi 'to tall attention to
pirate eutemitLeah calonlatoil or totembol tn promote briar
ethos! llama, mu only be(lorrtoi with the understand
ing thane. maw PILO be told far. 'lf Intended to be Mr
mead in the local column. the tame twill be charged st the
e ate of not less than 10 mom per liue.
Illshop Or dir Notice-a to be champed triple price.
Tama 1401000 gctitiouting each.
Sul Estate Agents' and AcitlioneetrY aricertimmenta nof
I to ebeased 00300 yearly tater. but to be' allowed a Or
count of thirty three au.l - 143) thing per L eant. from the
amount of bills.
NM= lIIATF[ pang Penn,
One BoanOhneelnocrtion,..— .. ......... 50
Do. r ••roch additional tuaection.. .. . 37
• • Marrrreergurni venal 1.1 . P15.
One Square,
not Memnon 50 mots.
Do. each eddiambl Irwrilon mnv.
All troucket cdeerticionente to be paid In advanoc. •
101 IN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth
0 woil; rezio Woe, Iwtsr.a Vilma .d Walnut- All
baeincus4pwasptltictergirvi to.
"31.14. mama., ; I
" 'mato r on
1 3 1.1 P .A.:SPIL•' ' IAYLOR, At torneyn at
() LI
Lale-01134 on ' , north ftreet, No. glifn taranen Wood
and Ernithlield carom liatelintah, Pa.
Oliphant la Ckrtannesioner for the Redo of
r n. mutcc
LIINN - tc. COLLIER, Attorneys at Law—
Moo on Fonrsh etriirt. shore Smithfield.
W. *ILITE, Attorney at Law—OF
gt, r.t r b t,. 0v .. 1 aFroet... near Fourth. it Artirh,l7:ll3ltlld
JHARRISON SEWELL; A ttorney at Law,
Ohio State Com oaLvitinfit for tAitioc =ado.. Act
nowlvizernooti. of Doods, to. Oeteo—Yo sixot, oho,
liimitish.l4L •
11hT P.& U. L. B. IEr.CERJIAN, Attor
. nese at Lab arsl nt.te AMA , : 110. 107 itla
street Pitts/meets , feb 0
:11-A31}.35'..1: KUHN, Attorney at Law, om
in TllDbinan INII. earner or Grant oDvet mud air
..„, Pitloborgt, ja.l
JAMES F. KERR, Attorney at. Law—Os
on itli ot., between SmithDoLt wait Grout: Pitimbo
_ __ _--._—___
N 0.170 Smartt. akr.t. Pitzsburgh.
ETOWL %L. Y. 10a.
~.. 1= Ec. WATSON, Attorneys at
Na.:110 touill Ftzent. Pitlaburgh.
..11,51amter ODo John Rider. 12 , 44. '
ma, Mcripbry...o - ON Wm. Pl. 'P user, John 'Fleml..r.
count.* Om. IV. .1 sek,n, Pitt‘bargb. , .p.o1:1
DWA4D T. JONES, Attorney at 1.1
(11 100 !or ri irthstreet , between Wont nod Eno Or
JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney. at L ,
No. FO Fifth street. Pitteburoh. Ps.
CO., Ban
and Era/mum Beal M, North Fartcomer of
and hal atreata rittsbUrt.h.
An tradootionm mad.. tat dibrral tonna sod eon •
Malady attordot Op. • !
ILD-KlNG,Banker and Exchange limiter,
Fourth aired, Dealer in Dank Not.. BIM of Zs-
Gold and filliod. StOek. broscbt and .Id.
She kind:inn market pd. paid in - premium for Am ea],
Dullard, and Ileadan and epaulet , Dollar, In
7ER, JR.,l3anker and Bro r,
.rdi. adjoining' lb* Dank of Picebu h.
orrA Co, Exeltanga Brok_rs.
irner o
rar 'Minima sten!. All
'niers] le.
& SON, Dealer:, in Foreign
Del. or lizenance. Certifirate of De
dal Sped, No. 69 Market Jerre., Pots.
UM. mnde en all lbe principal cit. ,
ited Stated.
lleellet! in Pareinn nd Dortertie
,llertie of 11,01ne. Cann Nolen—
:bird nn 'Want directly opponin
'HERS & CO., Banking House,
Pitinburet Carrera 31one , ra-
Cnilectlont mule on nil the prinelpal
DAM& Ili • Commi, bieretante
and 8311Bronen ?s la neconl street. Perennal end
Estate menfeltia from lte, In 110,000 Risser, on kneel
gas.. gum. 11,AA fl 6. EAST.
ALMER,;IIANNA• t CO, Successors to
I:town-mons C 0..• BA, C. Exam:gm Intograt,
dealer Pri , lgri got home , E.dainge, Certificatig
940.:11,n,8tri`;=.'1.14,7.1qth "lerot74
soft Sight frbeekt for fat., and roll nut made an near
ly *ll Os* principal pnint. nf the Uri if tittes.
rut prtrguni for Panto and Ativitimu
litvgitegiltutdegs contignmrsttcreProStice,thipped egg!.
W: TAY L 04CommiEsi OD er nod Bill
IJI &Arr. .3 mll nrert. Enid aftenttoly t
cl=trcLAln at:;l 4 -1.2 0 to L. or cAre.
ocvnd t
notice. -1,50:11corl nogoth.d
ablAterms. „have.. miuu. it
0e. 2 •
la C. STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stock
tau. Bookseller, Etstloner. Prlntee, and Binder, •
ot 3iorket sod third ra.eels, Intreborob.
JAS. B. HOLNES' Cheap Literary t pot,
Thini Alert, oppreite the Pnct ;C,. Bonk,
eesved daily 67 tam,. recriTed la .7 cf
tba Maga-dap or,, puhli,had at tbe publisher'
ITOPKI.3.S, Boolseller.nnd Station - 1,
NoTtiVentli etrret: mak, nuildtago.
BOW jp..; WI - 101mil and Retail
134.2 Confmtienrr. Fon rtb Afoot, l'ittobnOfh
eddins Moo. sad 'Fncy Cotntionory.aliraym on hoo'
All colors pooduall onoorlol
VeLINTOCK, Mann a.cture r and fin
C.l2thp, Etf Ape Trim
Wood ritto..h.
' T
' - ‘V. POINDE:XTEIi, corner of Watcr arid
Slarbet et? t$ PAULI:I,OI. Cooern, e at. yoa.
reatotan nom, and for tbe purrba. lad stele of Flobr.
Western Predore , Iron, Nll`j, lavr, and tee man nfarstmol
articles of PlOtsbnroh gourerre. •
Alas—Agent for the +oleo( IL Harper t Cou'and I. Wll.
mon'o eelebrated Manure mod Hay Forks,of Plasdelphi,
pricer; and Jonal. 6 Co.W.p.ri, packed tem. abLAI
V A. MeANITI7I'Y 60—Tran
6 / r.Yorrarllne ind Gurtmlmlon M•n/thult.7. °
405 Prnn l'lttsbnrgh. f.bib
• and CcamPthot, Na. GI Water amt.
-11. JOHNSTON, Forwardingd
•Copartfasim Men:bunt, tim 115 Seam
JONES, Forwarding and COM
misidoriMenhant, lk.slery Prndlune
nrs 31•412fartnnat hna! 13.1 n, rte. Rev •to
LILARDY, :fifilsrf§k co..
wool, Jones k en., C. , runk•lon gni raveling Me
&sing rittelnrgh ltienurgelgrei fined& Pll
C. SIIACKLETT & CO—Wholevtle
Dreesln P.orel. and DomeAtlT Dry 0.04, Vin: lnt
ocgi meet. Dittabtxrelk. Db 74
...... r.A,111.1,
AA..MASONI& CO., Wholesale rind Retail
D...slsrs Easiey not 't54.1.3 Dry tioodS. 62 , W ,r t
t. Pittsburgh. 1,,
and Demi to , Ilmsts Msrchanta, craws Of Fourth
im.ll atkat strs..ts. Pitteburish.
c.0.7.r.cs C. "mania.
gERSEY, F CommisFiion
Merchant..—For the gllo orDouvi , tir. Wor!lor, and
o (R o b lo
r ell , of Tallors...Trimm•
. ~trr o t, door fr. klftb, Piny
HUNT. Dentist, Corner oi ForArth
I I mad Deestir'st4 beirrE.Nlsrk.t mut Ferry.
WIL ,Witches, Jewit, Silver
Warr, sad vile.:~ Goods. 'o rner of ket
stivera b r.n.-w.cma. o a owcts
1 KIDD & CO., Wholesale Dravida: Deal
"rili•iit;" - . f LEE'S snEy: 'No. W. corner 0 (
ninth otreets, virtabursp. Onlers N-1111. carefulll 1..1 ,
ad, wal f ur vran.l..l.lll , 4upstell.
W0...1 t
SDSLPitt.burgh, ud.
14 .
IM+l 101,
VICKfIRSLIAM, 'Wholesale Druggist
to And Dealer in .Snede , and Agricultural l lmplement..
Nu*. .
IGI and 1.3 Word atm, corner of Walla.
XiRAUN & MATER, Wholesale and =lS Retail
DryggistA, corner of Liberty and Pt. Clair sta.. Pitts.
milt), k . i.•
I SCIIOON MAKER & CO.,lVhuleiale Drug
." eio, No. til likvad ,t, Pittabureb. •
tt F. \V I LSON. W holesale Grocers and
• C.Drltikflorl Merchants. nitro. for .1. or 1.4
Pon t's Powder, .No. lle 11...e0nd, and 147 Front eta .Ibl
I L. SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commission
el • Merehaut , aml dealer lo Pap, and nag, corner of_
l'enu and 'row streets. Pittsburgh.
‘, 'AMUEL . P. SIIRWER, Wholesale Gro
k 7 err. Produce and CommLssion Merchant, and Deal
ers in Pittaburoh Manufactured Artiele, Nos. ISO and 1.33
Berand street. Isetonen Wool and Sznitldleld, Pittsburgh.
Dlll/0.11 01.11 010/01.fl.
tIeOHN S. DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale
Grocers, Produce and Conanhodoo Merchant, and
nto for award Ponder Co.. of Ilasardrilie, Guano No.
31 Wood st... Pittsburgh. •
-Lt tIRBRIDGE & INGRAHAA ,r. a esal e
IJIP Ortswre mid Coto Merchanm, No. 116 Wrts
street. and.lso First atroet, ititttbursh. -
411EY, MATTHEWS & CO., WhOifin32o
Oreeers,Commission and Forwarding Morehantet, and
nt.l for it •ri r ghton Cotton Yams, b 7 Water at,Plrtabingb.
4OHN WATT & CO., Wholesale, Grocers,
Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pruitt, and
I rtsborgb ManufactUres, :SO. .ISI Liberty SLINet. Cit.
B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
genentl "'h°l7
Pearl deb. ar ' d 1 %mess Profuse ty. Watepr o etXd,
Irtviem Smithfield toot Wood. Pluelfurglh
LS. WATERMAN & SONS, Wholesale
. lirceers. Coromlasion tanl Rewarding Merchants.
In all kinds a Produce L 334 Pitsbnrgb Minufacra.
red Artirles. and Agents for the sale of Richmond and
Lynchbutgb Manufactured Mao., Nen Saand 81 Water
street, Pittsburgh.
eV Gro N cers ß ,
JAS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Coo
roludoe Merchant. and Dealer la Pledoce and Pltne
burgh Manufactures—No. 70 Water at, Pittsburith..
.1. DIM.
s_ mt.*. Corosointion Merchants. anti Dealers in Produce
-2,3.1611'1iter. and tut Front street. littlaburgh.
JULE., lii.X/Sr.
, NGusu - BENNETT, late English,
Gallagher & Co, Wholesale Unwed, Conanismon and
orwarding Merchant+, and Dealers la Proluon and Stn.
:burgh blanufacturen No. I= Second et. and LD First 51...
between Wood and Smitherld.
armee, sea brnorters of Brandies. Wines and
trAts. - metier of Gibed , and d e n lrwi . P
burgh. Pa. Iron. COUOCI Nand, Le.,, on . ads
en band.
Jalts le4lll. ..1.0.1 D. 1eD11.1.-....1".1.M C. ROE.
Ai'GILLS & ROE, ' Wholesale Grocers and
CoDDIDISSititI Mr:stunts. N. ZT Liberty irtreet.
ItOBERT 3100 RE, Wholesale Grocer.
Rectifying DiKUler, dealer in Produce. Pitriburgh
anufactures. and all 161:14 of F 031.11,11. sod Do ineotle
Wines end Liuors. No. 315 Lll..rty street On hand
YIWTNI ;r;ot ' l d o 1„:: 3 70T".7.'d m" — g . b"• W7'"".
Grxers.Cntonniaelon '. , logcliant, dealer , in 'l4”thllT
sod Pitubargh Ilannfactares. No. 333 Law_Kr
Produm, Forwarding. and Conunirsion Mer.
I. srt.l Dealer to Pittaburgh lianufacturaw. No. 310
Liberty stmt. Pittsburgh.
BAGA_LEY - 1 ' 65., .hole 10 Oro--
LT v N ne. IS and . 31 Wood street. rittsbrd,..h.
_ .
'ICK & INIeCANDLESS, sueceasSors to
L. A. J. li. \Sid, Who Joule °moo% Yornanfing
tanii.oion Merchant, d..1.1e, in Iron. :Vail.. Olio,
Yarn, and l'ittsburgla !ilsonfacture..
Ar of !Non! and Vintor stze.eo.
. rorrs azi4 , Comonirsion Meorlanta, Dealers in Po"
. ma PittAboxich.,lllnnufacturol Artla Liberty
greet. Pitobarei. FA.
i. P. .111.. • BUR.
ljD. WILLIAMS CO., Wholesale and
• Family (hum , . Formarillnit Mid Commimlim
eelisuan. ap.l twain" in Country Produce Iltothurgh
31anufs,tunO: corn, of Wool?...1 Fifth PO., PittAbu rytt.
goarimmt TIIOI. ISMS. SAX,
Liberty street. PittAburgb, Viboleskie Orono , . en ,
are and enmmiwtion MoN.hantA,anda..alrrn fu PitObitcyb
- -
meg no=
& R. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers,t'om—
. .!anion Mercian., sad Dealer. in Pru...—Rocked
archfronting ott 1.16 . nr. Wood, Ana
JOHN PARKER S. CO., WhOlewileGroee
Dealers in Praia, Forrilmi 'Mum. Limunio. OP )la
notirahmix and Itedite4 Whiokoy—No. ti, Commercial Ito
Liberty rt.. Pinot:mirth. ,
MUSICAL nrsumwrs.
JOH N H. MELLOR, Dealer in Pinin/ Fortes,
atu,k, )iumml Instruments. Scloonl Hooka and
cuMlontry.: Sole ann. far Cblekrrines Piano Fort , . for
Wastsm l'oonsrlmuna — : , ol Wool n.
ENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Music,3lu
%Arum..., and Import.. of Italian :Arnica
601 { q t t for
KT.; cAtr,!:
NENNEDY, CHILDS & CO., Nflo4rufactu
rerVof very superior !healing. Carpet Chtan ,
~ Twin.. and liattnut. r+un Still. Pitt/Or:ire,
%LOX .11M1:1 J08.,F.
ONES & QUIGG, Manufacturers of Spring
dlh.tar .neel, Plough Reel. 51.T+1 Plonglm Whnn ,
A.Ch Elinti , Ertno. Ilutonernd Ir. Astor. and
&Jet, Mallrabl , , Castings, Fir. Engine L•u111".... 4
Conch corncr flo.B am Front sts-,
Pintaborgb. Ps.
--- . •
net, Ban k Manufacturers Manufacture of &xis Ash, Bleach-
P(Zlowdena3lu ea. W etatic Oulphurio della Warehouse.
ALTER P. MARSHALL, Successor to
nel C. lial—D.Pst? SOS Dealer in Frac!,
and\ Ampriesti Paper Ils.eritiCsnd Dord.".
'IIV. Fe hr,o .....av,ra°4.,N°ll;
and DI httsburxeb.
TEA DFArnsi„
ItOBER MORRIS, Tea and Wine Mee
chant. btote side of the Diamond, Intuit:wee ,
WM. A- M'4URG k Grocern and
Tea Orders. Sp. 2.'dLiberty CO. 4reretbov. Wood
have always on hand a I e aitotineent of CllteeGrreet.
lea and dine Tea.. A amigo Yellin. and :who, Whole
ode and retail. Deniers en plied on the lowest term.
;ent for the Lake
e ver and the Lakes,—
leld O.
Fain land Mich lg. Line. t.
Vac+ , Cal th. corner Water 1.10
111 LEF.CI.I & 00., Tnlnspoers by Canal
thralran.llon Herniae.. corneet Penn street'
_ _
A. BROWN would moat respectfully' form
the public that be It.te on bandetble Rand on th lewd
de of the Diamond, Allegheny cur. • ample... • •Pr
of %nano blinds: area Venthan Shutter, are made W. r
In the beet /drip. women ted entud eny tbe Uni
Vt. 111. 131Intle ran be removed without the
driver. Having porebsewl tbe 'dna tool, end wwnd
of the cabinet ertabliehment of !tame. A ldeClelhend. I ern
Pletevedvo larnlnh their old cuetomere. we well u the pule
be at fire. with every thin, In their line.
dgslaFT,Zio. 6 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
r5ir....Re.1.1.1317.c0r0r of MIN stre.t. and En.. 4
men.. A11,1, , 1s
N. 74,,rtar. for ludo.
ant nahk- qou I:
.i,l • pr* , -
of Tunnel .Invt 11,nr,lv , 1.,
. ,
.VIU It PITY d, J.E.I: Wtoa.
Q & W. - M,•reitnntn,
1/...7 Wile r+ In Flinn an 1 'in.. , ronnrn . and nn
warding aud (Ininninnlnn n lin Ng, I inyt Arent.
and 1 Id Swion
-NEVILLE 301 IN 1N E i. , , , rltv er. on 11"....d.
Philp Ball. Ift.D.l .ne-, , 1.1,n. .orch, l'...—r'leaq cd
al ding. Marhinrry. 11,..a1, ..f Nee•t.,?,. Dil ~..5.r......7...
dram andA•wslaf t00,.W.i..,. ~,,nio . a .- .. , n ,he f ,,,, AS la
of art...La at the 10w , ...t prin
-1 IITILLI-11.‘i 5(...' lII] CI I MA. Isi'S Liu togr3l
1 1 v It F...tablDhroent. Mint rtrwet. or.prfite the Pot
. i. BittAburgh. Blmo..,Lamiora,c.. l'rrc_. cit. irh... 1.511 r;
Dilihra4% Draft& Bond. I.ated& Arrhinctrral and 16e1., I ,
Drawing& linainesa and Vl.ldng C•rdn. to, ePlers...l i.r
drawn on SUM, and {.Anted In .00kac, Gokl. Brow, or
Black. In lb, watt urcrca Orli, .>tl at the mod ...-
......, —4—.
... •
JOGAN, WILSON & CO., Importers and
Wbotrftle Dealers In hardware sod lmtlerr. Na. taro
l Pittaburyth.
JOIDI nrcrismnot
" 01IN FlTzsi NioNs & co.. Manitfactu
gd7:"; l'AC.lll7:47tllY?liaPir;Nttii':Atn2l.lTlLll);':i.:nn"di,'‘l::
• . .
thorn desirous of having tut•h work dono. Ilttl [her am
Yret.arrit le.lo it et the lone. T.olble ream at the aTiort.
at untie, and In the ',Amami, at thrit rstabll.thtuent.
m .. • .
Srtol ntroM, Canal BM ,
ao.near ttm Worim.
Twee Iron] , tor 1111ok aml Itlmt Yarrw., roam,
farturrA at Om abort•rt nstk., and at lb. lowort
All km& of Jobbing dorm as abort m. 0.,
1. Fitting.
Frout twt...en 0.1 and
t " ? uuTtf `' .7lo,llt '' , ,“ Lfi ',',..l ; -,. . ,,,
wfurtawat of
handrlters, i t • eulasaa. urararh,
ttr .1 . 73 tr o u oj: '
tin aral moot revovabl. teUnfx.'
Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's
.PIIE ABOVE El R. 51 respectfully muumuu ,
Si then. friends and U. public pens 11 that 1.1,n
nil, ,
TPrrno r r4h t o ' n . . l• 74 ,"-
and PrPre,qppnal Carda:M ß spe:Cherts. Utnel, ie.
Their ertablishment is at No. fin Market stn... I•etae. ,,,
Third and Fourth etrreta. tip etair ,
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp's,.
GLOVER, KIER& CO., Norearrotts
T • - • •
BE SUBSCRIBERS, having been ap-
Agent. for the stove nante - t1 chueern. 111
They are MAO . prepared to nekive onlere for rani Brick. to
be matiednsme and. ettape to snit parch:own. which *ball
promptly tilled.
be Wettonot deem it neorseary to enumerate the msnr
tag the 134111•111. Fire Brick poem.. ll oth that
have bern_acred for tale in the United States. their enter
riority being well known to alrowt all pentoro woo , oe
Tire lirirk. The proptionom ke
bay, non that the
Brick t.hall'he. none of their pn.Fent rIITIAMP reputation.
d that no expenee ddl be spared to matte them even
better than thek have heretofore teen. Thit. to the only
establq , bmout now marinfacturingtrain k ch j ilt N tlear.
meta Canal Basin. Seventh et. Pittaborgh.
— Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tnbe Works.
Frit E undersigned have just completed their
and are now maltufarturbut all att.. of ti AS PIPE. Lo
comotive and other Flue, and all mtee.of
which they oiler be lode at the low,t perces. They are
now prepankt to execute orders, to not extent. without de
lay. SVANit a Co_
N0...U1 end ,2 Water atevet.
feht 3m PITTSIII2 PM
VVILMARTH & NOBLE--Citv Flouring
Mil, No. MA Liberty roe of tt
. l'ltteunth
NICHOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer,
Ihltnghtantan.r. and rmetani Minim.; Agent. tlaiet
raghte of Model, for the ratout "thee. detogn. of Mach,-
ry kr, Maier, Water Work. Rolling 3lttle..te. May he
&Una beret. 10 A.ll. and d P. 1.1, at h? reO.leoco. No. _1
MarlitriLtreet. Plnaburuh.
A. 3IAUEIRA, Agent for Delaware Mu
and Safety lrootranee Company. ti Wiaor rirrrt-
J 1 GARDINER COFFIN. Agent for Frankl in
Vire Imo:trance Company. north ea. , . rum
and Third onset,
M. GLESS, BOrti. BINDER, Wooti street
oecorid dcur - frous the corner nr Thud, ',burr ,
Pnr.t..i do ere, - deserlptsun Bindno., auk, nem...
and durabillty. Blank baias ruled any rnd
bound entatantiatly. lino. -.
in nuctl,. or 6. lee A•
bound forerun, or repaired. Nantes puton 10 gill
Tbeare oho h.. brruh. aro lull., to call. Pricer loa.
'coßll,t, co., Yheletale rind lietail
idauniocturer, and Peak, In It., Cape and ore.
corner 01 W.. and Fitt:A....a. PitUburah. Where th,
offer a full and n.ple. .lock of ll. Lu. Cape. Fur.. Gf
every quality and style, hi I,l.lceale and hew,. and in.
eite the attent.ton of their rwtort,ere and purthawre
arm r
amunta the= that they ern! roll nu Ole moat sducm
w a Ld
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
M. A WHITE mouid
If 11 . 1
to 11, ie 11 IRI h . t,
reete ,
Kn.... they at+ hole coa:Llng RIO
order. for ever'. ,l
ti etrelphou
1. too. Chartn.
1.1.t0te., Re.. lee- 10,111 , h Nin they
17. r ITZill7,_",b`.4"A" . .7' , `r !",%,`,';.,',l;';.:"';' .
.._t .`
hayi . up oartleulto . .[[,norm to the a4e , ti
i. ou of rintermh.
n 1 h
•";.°V1!"]Cr.',7.1',=`;.`",.''',3,..'"=`'.....-.u lEt
manl rvaannakle 4,1114. j.-11
la of iNotel nth., Iltt-nurvb. ) , leototo atn. hurt.:
Tombe. Ilev4otouer, ae ktkrarl Cent,. aka
Pier Top...lna: , on hand, nut M., 1.. uttl• r.
N D. A thole. , neleetioh of Drawing, on h.nt
t orn
I,lAltltY,Cit.are' L
,In all o
trod. of SLATY: lon iFINti
ALEX. LAI:1it1I.1 k. Apt-eta tknal.
At Water Work,. 11110 ,,, r,J ,
SPrSlate Ron!, promptly rehlue4.
A CARD-1851.
IVIORPHY & ELI). North F.nyt
auto they thaukn to they el...tomer , land the put.. grarr
ally. to. the. late.• ru..ton, extend , 4 n Flom. and
tante the emit:num:re of their talon, neerth,
rulargel anti ituppor4 lbesr rtnou. the: areet,•: , ima to ke,
ta, hand very ellenAte a,gilthet.t atel
ulll have the. I:avant...Re of pleat, ol 11014 a.,
pord, and make their RelerUntia Thßt mokoy
the: .th
e n , a* tar se hroettent , l, V ASIILV
RTILE, hen , every aniele
In the In, line. 1...4 0 4
for the unto,. of fautlllek ran 1.. pro , ur..: . ct rl they
mot:hued erkr. ti, the lent
51 6. 1 " t1y "O:ltsrytrtbf"acr'Rh"!""elll',ltTi.,l?"cZtl'iur " "
WIltiLF-SALL ttI:PINER ill eoutihool
et. ha., up statrs—entrahte from 4 t h otreete or thnotoiL
lower rouni.
.1_ Comer a Third and Market •treem She mly ehar
coked Innitutkoa of the kind in Pattenor Ingh
Factirr.—Johu Fleming, Principal otmehlr In the
Orden , . it AOVOIOO. ,
0 K. Cbuoterlita, Pnufermr Pen= Mercantile
Clommitatinn, he
Ale. M. Wataon,l . . l l, Lorton , on l'ontrnevial Iss.
Tho.e derirtng a complete knmoolnlce of hank heeninK.
mod appltratinn to ever, - hranrh •le.
4.51...1 rapid pentitanetop. are invited eail and e.o.m.
Lae the arnement,.
Leetkna on Commercial Lao every linodal.. , eoinn.
litlcrenroo to .r or the rendiont city merchant:. [de=
WILKINS. No. 245 Liberty at.,
• lulul of Wood arm., rlu.sUurFb. I.
ill,-' ate!.°3lflce:=l,tu'n"atrFt;'"luni:..
alway• ou Lan.l and unit,. of 1.,..
rtoii....t Mnrhi...4 uud ~, T., u•duu...l
orirrs. A thAce itAaltm g/Urcrariugs .11
I f . Th. tlnud.., __. ......,
• I • , -. 1 1
from Ital),
I _I
. . ..-..
Lino. Ilarmar Dunn.r aTk
J ' otrh liarper.
lion. Judge la
Jahn enoc , EMI. Ca. - :a t.
uns, Broker..
1....0magh Hank. I aratuurr a halm. 00.
3.11. hlmanberger. EW- 1 ( 111 dur* , • d''
McCamllam Ea/. - d o .
Hobert McKnight. 61. Wm }lU n. k rCo.
Joe. McKnight. Eau. Ilmalata - - D. T. Mogan
ham. Jorhun Ittkolor k Co Frolt'rr
i. Lotbrop, Allokbroy.
R. mateful for the yeti liberal ',manna, r•
exlved dual. a...en amn In llo• ant. havana had
loKrt•pd beg Job, rntruptol t• , Mrroor up to Oro prrrers
Um, and will paaleator to r..nda: eattatartion heruafter.
facturwr, Ware-room. tr 7 SIL Third rtreet.
'. reopeethilly informs his friends and
an d that to Liss nms completed the largest
and !Meat stock of household furniture ever heron- are,. in
this city, am ha la debertelund to uphold oh. qmtlity with
well.essonal fastertals, Lest workmanship, and newest de
mow, and from the extent of his orders and tilit> id
manufacturing. halt enabled to pralure warranted furni.
ture,.at the lowest priors.
U. has adopted lb, principle of Idimtifying Lhe custom.;
one Interest with his own. 40 quality and prier, sod aeepa
always on hand the arrat...t variety of berry dew.riptin of
furniture. from the ehearest and plainest, tr. the nowt
ow. aro! r.stly, that hOUN. or an , part of .1, .0'
lo c 1 from hia stock, or inantifoctured :.sly
color. Ile therefor. a.lieits an inspection, that tlo, whom.
Mors of id. eaMbin,lanent mar he known. Ti.. following
ronai s t, m part, Of Ws whhth w richness of
style and finish cannot be iurpas..,l in any of the sateen
l•arlor. drawtng. din and bed-room chairs, of every
variety, ronsirting of rtwew.rool, mahosna I' 00)0 0, ..
Enaahetben. Conaervotnire and Easy Chairs, of every des
criptlatu Couch, hoh.s. Teta-a-tete and Divans of the Istext
Wo,nell nod Moorhen pattorme Ta.hee, What.Nota, nn
Wk.' parlor Writing Desks of various Ainda, Work Table,.
and fancy inlaid stands. rnualeeMndr, and holders. oted..
my, mahogany. rowewool nod walnut ,ntre rod roil., ta
bles. es terOdOn all sires of the Moot Improrid.
and dewaledly ash twat kind made; Peruhrolia ha/1 and
- wardevlsa tatlatea.l. and ora.l.mnda of each r i rrr
.1.‘,..15, cribs
and era,
lea se. se. ke.
Ire and irobior
articlea In Weir
Mo.!) . Stirg. , tl.
. . .
. t'
frr ~ I , r flartarn nr Irr'/1,1,, ,, n. , 1,,,, , 1ir Easiness Notice.
G EORGEE. E. A.R.ISTOLD4 CU., i L i, pEit...9l . \ti having Wein... , with the
1 eii .iie.i.ial,,, h...Puble. , /1 ,,,, ,,untnnt., in.trumr
, 1.: : 3 .: , :n .... , , : i . , :x3 ,!:,....,“, r. .,-, : rf:, , , , ..:,.., , ,: :, !,- : : :, , ,, ,:i f , :r 4,„ . ,11 0 ::, , , ,:,,•,:! : , ,h,;,.. 1. k . - -..z.
b 5t r ::. , :;‘ ,.... ::
7 , tL.., f. ,,,, X , ( h:r 1 ,.. ...6 ... N z G r E , , ,r:, C .L 1 1 1 ,,, , t ,....;
q 1 , 1 ,,, y 5...1} ; ..,, T , r. 5 ,,, , :t . 1.. 1 ‘I .. :,.• I rr; , : , , , , , , , , :: . : , 1 , ,
~.n' 11, ,, , . .t r , r : ,,,1 anx : i m..;
.I .,: n a l t;
d0. r . 1 . :: tn . pc-
r.'4 , ..1.• 1.,.r14
rr,1,1 nn ""Inmsor.Vo. Y..,;..1. ii, 'tt . '
_ _ .. .
1..1, 11 . 1. tr ........... ...... ......... . -roam , rnistrt. I Paper ,
camiTLEi a COLVIN, Cual Alerehun , 1 'VINT] NG, W Rill No. and WRAPPING
Kj ~,,, 1,-,,,,.r. In ur , .},,,,,u,r,rnerrn.r. Ina, and N. 11,,, I . 1'..4.1 . E1L— ,, 5 ,, many, 24 by ~,, Moll. Pawl:
, rt.., ..r ...Irani ~t r...rt •u.l W10.1,1,,,,,,n I • SISTIptke ilgssi \ ' 301, 24 hr MI -
T." , - ,,,, •,,,.. nr•1N,.1.4 , ..1. - I , I\
._ L.. " Pi by 2.i. 24 by V' 24 by 3 4,. VI
, ...n.,",,,an ......,,,,, I by 41. 2a b, - 45:
n. mrnsinr.,,•yr...... .... .. ..... . ........ ...... that' , . 400 '' Blum. Warn , ry Vannr:
JIITTSBUROII CITY GLASS WORIS. I \ 12.0 MIS. Final , . Crown 6trarr rag,'
K. CCN ri INGII.OI iS CO Ununfaritirors of WINII , II. , "" 410 " Doubts "
LS,. N. 26 Hark.( 5:“..,1.1.,,yrr0...n l'ir,t and r , , , , ,,, n,1. , OL.I . Medina, .
Pitteleireh. Pe. Mei e Ilectlitufteideinitte.Crieirnltutt.
• Partlenlxr altr4,llnn rti.l In odd rim-, Alpo---I , •kra in : Th. no , r•dirrml ka-epa mostantly on band owl err Nat
Ylle, , I.lles V151e.1.1(1.4. S.: da•S
• '
Molt,, Cap WY Ilat.tnero. and 7 ,, ,a rapers, B‘lnnat
.Q . A up pETRE— , ,, siteloi'hir Kite by ", n it,".,. "' d dh ,. ' ,72,g,.,d 'ad:. a bard'
a 1 •,,. i r e AIA II 1,11;1y:y i l', , : t4;7;d1 g . ,, V. , X ,
X/ ERALLLI.UN-75 ILA Chinese, fur sale by i Paper
, v —,.. oas ~ X A.LIUMBTOCE. sea J.=
- - -- I
t. : 7 ' 7 /
il I . I .3.111/IS.
100(6. I •K 1
Unit." Slate. otf-3 ; Kis - ill - in , 3, Lho A Juir
,41. Wet . ... ~. __ow . i 024, WO lint Vali& Ang
P.1 . 1u., !Irani.% 43, .-ion indvlos I ot.Jan &Jul/
IN.. fi, 1,,,,,J 08 US lot. Feb* Aug
,11 ....3 c, 6, 'lOO. too I 92i10t-MOY , NOT
IN.. m0,0%1,1100. 101 1 ~,, do
Do. c011p.d . T..0...1i1. , to I do
l`ittAurgh di, 1., .... ,'... hal 90 gl lot-Jao &July
. IL ., $ ''`'nn• ~,. ihll -- 'too 94 1 ¶l7 . do
A lleent rlty 6, Ito. .. i ¶1:1 lot.llay & NOI
Co.D r0n,6 , , Phil- 102 07 !,, ' do
Conk 0
or rit.burgh , r,.,. 'tz IDIV-MSY 41 , r d
rd..rrhant,e A Manor Bonk; Lli ..
E•rhange hank to i . . 1 ~ SO ki! do
Allegheny !Caving, Bank, ~. It 2 170 . '
Monottatt s in 7.104; i ..., 1 .!! "' 'DI, Moo 4 lot
. Yt. Clair 1 4 1. Ilrtd., :,.A; :,,, , ;Bs Div. Jun.% pr et
Maud :q Ilrid,. 'NW 40 41
Nortlwro 1.16.rtn,... ...... .. SO , 111 10
Wilham,port Ilralge i 1:.,, I, ... ,
; IGtii
Wr/lern In•uran, Co
C 113, 0, Insurance Cn
fiemanal , l Yinustml.
11124RAPM I
PaCglln. , • au 45 InvAlr.3 pr rt
Plitaburkh. Lodirrlll...• 50 47 45 , do
Laa• En. 'An :di I 1[65.4 Dr d. 6 Van
......... 50
no, atAdknataal,
Pit lehurg u lnad jk 50. 54 Jak. 5 Pt d
' B i n ' n ' aTirnt b ' ety-Vek ' ng.! 40
I`,olCa telltki4 140 Road 445. 44
Chu, r.tni c 4411404.,40 411 ,
Melt. S 001. Call R 11, n 0 40 T
Morton N. Way. Dry IlnrktlOu in 'MN Div. 4 pre
Pay... , Marna. ..... 40 40 3u
Ern , Canal Ronda, ndd)..... IL. 40 40
Do. dn. (oda. ),. , I 00: 5 7 . , 40
Turtle Cr. 014 Plank koadl y
Anna Per, skink Pk Rd 25, -
Tu . rNar ...
Char.., Coal 1.0 11,
Pill•purgh d lionWn
N,krt tk A mewl.
N,prth •
Ina. Ill,' •
Oh. ILypl
OWo Tip
(Formerly the Exchaoge,)
Corner of Penn and 'St Clair Streets,
rirll is spacious, central, and most convoni-
Jr_ entl) heated HOTEL. haring teentomnletelY
sleled, au..l thorough] r releLifed .uln ow open the wet...4°,lB[4cm or the putate.
The eulueritret, lee.u. , and proprietor of the ST. CLAIR
nu.pectfully inform. hie friends and the public
that he h.. furnlebwl It In the meet. le”nt and rotator.-
hie .relo. and employ ed eompetent wn.
ea. and attentive
and faithful servant, haul that he will .tare no exert on
to make it equal to luny hon. , Ina. souutrY•
Th. well tnnun eentral I.eation the •0.1 MD
•.lrrnmlto arruu,emeute, froth:nog It the mnetdeetn
I.le elf her to traeelere tlt tormaneut hoarier, Induce/. hint
to euts , it and hope fl.n. It a liberal share of tutrunagiu
ar..±3l r NVIISSN4R7
Law Notice.
rptlE npptdntment IV)! 13 31c , C ,, LCILE
M ln tt,tti:Lnx . E. a r
elm z t ' MN 1.1.1(}- Tie untima bu
5tet... , 1”1 , 6... abraded it by %It 31,Can•11,0
N't I 1.-.Ars
H NlreLl
fir Orie, r. moTe.l wm ! Ihrnitluq 'louse, Nu ea Prsua
mar the reT n a;rlL•ErN NI , C \\DI FuS
no -,1
- • _
1 I;S. A. LEECI I 111VIOn1 tine often-;' S
T nt h • 1 n I of 14 I ; q >9
11 io .areif;
rod C.p. 1 rench Plower. aol s listid.on, sonilineot of
wnl.. 1111 ,Flit older,. Pt* and Uwe 31.1411145, and
cnnt mato nth, in her I .lnr
P —1 nr four gook 111111orownoted
fp2l No 11 Flith Ore..
_ .
Lombin - Patent Lever Watches,
11 ItiCii.kiti , t4 )N SI Market gtreet, in
1 1 • Ow ..indrult.,, DIXON,
..1 Ont.ll King Wtuare, Go.
Tl,l- ....r l o.r. ...,noipenrinp Witteh, N./
t . thlre. 411.1 12.W2teh
/. c.... o 4enno, 1 1 4
....0a... , I.2rn.e u.. ng.natur.
We %, fa, tloni In the at
1.12", n the I , unit...en WM. DIXON.
4.! A .11.1:1. ItoEsEN keep , . o,.n.t.antly on
hint n ...nrino.nt of lf ..1 Beth 1 1 1 131,
041. or Ono.
WA-1. s i'hurn• N1.4.111M. an.! Ploof
1,40 i 1..n0..n 1 rin r 1.11‘...4 1.1. 1t,,.
11.11. I in h PiitOnirgh. P.
Stcambdat Agency, and General Commis
sion. Receiving and Forwarding.
11.1 , W IN, PIA' NI ER A el 1., h:lve Win
C!V r re
nod ! k rwanlin2 in 0.1.4... r .1,, nt
1:11.1.11 11., PIA 11/.lt
L...ti015...14 - 11 12 1,1.
14.2 Row.
Ice Cream! Ice Cream!
I) 11. lII.NKER. having removed to No.
tt . ll.lltortr t.t .11V I...ate , old rt.., wilt ot.t,
t, Ito Jai. =lt , / but In
rt.,. t.tilog,. nott forritth tt, thmett.l ottttl
11. .0.1 I.l.ttt ..f ot•I • tatt-lt UM.: I: ad 3.11
titelt 1,44 Itud tutu. tx - dor rts th,t,
Itl t, Intl Itttud, flvelk rTstry wet,
4, Extt rill Abtl , att2l
ft, u currox,
I) At I.A. Tilototia6 110 l 1•••• e nor mot •trtott owl 6,
neoti•r All, It in Italortoll Imo love aprolutodrotorot
tom', t•kr, rt. n,,0r1..1.nent.. . for :re
York. Mar, lona V•r•ttztto. 411i1n. Nlooottn. I. •
itlettf. At..l ••ttoo• trate,.
CPI,II. “Vit.. tit•k• .1.11.
1 !lON CITY TACK FACTORY. —The set.-
' ulsnlifyturr. adl Arn , m! , ..At1l 00 .1 A..dl
SAil• •A,A liarr.l Muir, CrA, , .04
NAO. l'att.r. alwri gionortedALA,
(111 , Cu..
.o'. Arrln-As*e. 54 NV ater
Pr the seuonnuoitation of .I.ltura The Itee.."ll nl
t e ulsee hue berg tuner, tsaprove4 hy the addittou
rboint rhrubbery end Firmer,. A large rolleeteou of ever
1.1,..u0n0 Pious ~I Shrubbery, •1 the clunreet kinds, are
Ir rrt ,r' l . , r nl:ater 4‘ .. " Fru " 7 , l7.. h. l . :::pt In the mi nor urnal.
heinete te.eterulle put up at ehort untie.. •
7111 nest Awl rotn - fortahle eleambnat (11111 , 31 - Af leave.
tLe landing, Iretvern vtrert atol the 01.1 Allegheny
Bridge, at the I.egtoning of every peer—ltem
uPtil 10 P. M. OrEe extra trip every eventing. at.
elettlnz the Finolty City a.te 100.4 to pay •
eloat to
Our ~.I.+l Plower itarteru
The , I.N•n tv kept Tetuleu.ttee Priuc , P1e.... 1210104
on StUlder apltutf
p4.~R. J. J.
000. a nd ss ,du s s. porner uf Diorlinslons sow. no.
'ncsi stnat nee dons alms.. Sinithhold at.
lie pi,e. hsn on
liseated In Paisbotsb, and
will sttend to the duties .4 hi. Undesslon. Ile will 111.0
ppertlen ha atunoen to SC.KAL en., asid the dn.'s. of
nedera and rhildr.n. spitnrAn
Tuition on the Piano
11, F. 11A11B01111T would re
, ~,,tfally Info= theclllactuof Ettr
fitril am, All,hru , lb.( 1,, 14 n•
rer,..l Ist , . nwre pupil,. on the Pla
n,' •Isrl Sum.,
Stning, Ern., Ilenrt Irwin, F.,. M..
(Fourth .to „ _! )dune Vretel. nyt6:ll
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
rfillo:slAS PALMER i. daily receiving
rrova 0. r...tren cmM. *t tAn ohl Maud,
••• • •
Between Tiara anal Fourth atrutz, Pituburyll,
nt In ml. m.rke
for • Ion.; m.r10.1. The pattern.. Krt. entlrnly ne. kb
pm rhantel nr..l the In rn.11.1 of du
0 k n0rrn0.....1 krink 1., upward,. thr. rrl
Tr. 11.11 n rrrrr tiv..1.,1 kmAn...1•111 , 11.1km"..
14. !onkel' I.y •Mill tlmn derwriptio
ratrnitnu runtrelanta, and tion
Ilu. kr...pnrs Inrn...rn
fully ...Sled
Board of Underwriters.
T a M..etriTT; of the Board of Ifniterwri
-1..r.. frbllrn•lng reu.lothm vre.o uoanlmonoly odor
and nsiorral In Iw published:
firv.ls4l, Thel trim and oft, the imbllrstlon of thlo no
liar. awl. tar Kink, whythor unwinal enntlhnsh sh•II
takank Iry say Inonsame OM.. In Ihts
tads' the prrnaltm Is held ct...
Ily ,inter; A. W.
9verrlftry of . I.
- -
A Card.
ItAVE FITTED UP, (on the York
0311,1 very roperior Waren...kir 11 . I
Curtain, and every thin: .. ...
tb.. faklsinuable parlor. awl have .p,.' , a
t' rupern ik.i.rtinent of Falls. Ile t...,•, .
Frew.) , awl heroail lianuoik t .1,
lilaronno. Turkey 11"111.•.13
evvry klral. Lae.. Curtallui, tupireil owt 11 , , I,it. 1101.
pr,litferent kt , 111"., Cornire,, I.
and Orli, lifk, kW, Window
Donlon - a awl Bawl, Curtain ~,,,
Cont. SI4 •0.1 Wur.,l", Cblut awl Frrniii.i.
kelllea awl I,mitraaterCotiult.riknik . 114 i , :er lll,
C..itt ikrl4. Matialuvo. !kilo i‘eintilik.
All i•rlera thankfully rKelvol awl prompt
.4,10 11. Nitlll,li, Thin
W ] nirt.kt
, .
eticattat natio,
J ,
uf rlrrr,
oultPur, t:wir
, Irpnr ,
at tlr City of
A M BE LL 4 CHESS have thin (lay, Al.
1,1 110, 50....w.awl with Ownt 711W1-1. , M , K ' , mw
I..lottrww 111 remOntwot wider Ow gtyl.. Fp, ump.
1011. Chow ,a 0., ,pl9.lin
. •
, ( ICE,.—AII venom!. indebted to the
,o% t,• niko. awl io eb.l..
'ainting in Oil.
1., gil!
n tp
` l•
~t .
~`~ ~
•f all elm& for paper manufactu rer. ‘ 6ll.4tta order on enost mak&
• J.L. 811.FX
. corner of Pion aullnrin se,
- -
Baguio. Alawcax.—Advertimen 4 awl 5ub , V ,1 14 1 ..""
Pm thi, paper teethed and faxxxrded fret of tapemt. from
01. "111,..
- -
REVIEW OP nu. prmistrEcia YAM?.
liENEltals REMARKS—The market during the week
plat dosed has been moderately active. but a fair general
business has been doing, and onr last week's Quotations
generally have been maintained. The weather has been
very utteettled: we have lad frequent hairy rebus. end an
other mad tine In o river. during the neck. . bkb b. '
kept up a lively b ooses on the wharf. She river is again
recding, but there still • flueelege of water for ail Inuit
nee, purposes.
The limatisylvan Canal onition. In goal order, mal a
heavy bnanteits is a 111 gulag on th rough that slithueli The
amnuut of tonnage nd amount atolls during tbe toot
w"k . 1 ' 1 " , then • eery Battering increase over that of
loot iris, and the aggregate tonnage from the °Pen , . b'
the Tilt May, showiest Incr e ase in tonnage of 14.3-19,521 The
being nearly it tome than the than the tonnage of lest
year up to lb. same time, and notwithAandlog the ni,the-
Mit Wells this year. (being nearly Son all ...h.°.
sails.) the receipts will compare earl farurithir wlth le'it
icier. The following Is a comparative statement onto. La
sines m„ ~,„
donedurLat t r
during the
fool west of May, with that of a
BSI from till 7t6 Mar. inclusive. ' Male KIWI 1U
850 do do 6.618,786 6,102 OS
isAtsbes opeaug .......
14.320,52 t
The boding of flect4otatle, Novlelorte. and Geetteetlee
.ree. doting the week. hov e bran moderate. and mitre In
e market herr been tern otalotelord.e/Ith some drape.
• oboe o(t h e leading artlelrs of mallet and perlelotts.
ASUES—The market maintains Its usual tnetnew.wiih
but env variation in prim. The pinvipal bueinesa 100
been in Soda Ash. some SO tone of which, to various Irak
has been disposed of, at time. The is.'
tat to fart) aupplied both et foreign and dew:wane Soda
Ash, with a air muter demand at tooted Mtn.. The
ninplies of other destniptkins are *boat eq.' to the de
mand. with nate.. In small lots at the fallowing rstine -- Peeel
ash agetti; Went. hgeiiii potash 4, 43404%; as in nud
I Dtv. MO. 111
AL hare no amine to tcltina to
pan week. Ws notice a fair buquesa et prince rangin from
14 so. Ineloqad. for common lo extra qualitlea.
ALOOIIOI,-9aieu recolarlY et 504LlXn. llccorditl; to
BACON—The receipts a bacon dating the week hove
t•Vn plenty thin, but owing to the Imo quantitin dbl.]
sad the savanna:this market have been barely suffleteut
to the &mad. An immense bantam bee teendona In thin
martin sine the opening of Um eeseou. and :air print
along have been steadily maintained. Owing to the to ark
.l Improvement In the different onion markets from
whence en melee our myelin, add hem he... "Tr too-
tensity Improved dartng the vast nook, with a still ad
vancing Innen", Daring the vast, and since
the Wrenn. rho des amounted to enure 35 to 40 du al,for
. 0 4 ,1 .. 7, dn. NI Mad hams at Elie. II h. bales of
sugar curd dimmed hams st lu tea Country am '
Nteem has come forwent sparingly. and hare ben
75i0 7 %e hogrond. From smoke
boon wales tome bleu quite brisk In mull lot. at 7. Itlt.
too eleedders, dee and ham.
OCTlTER—Reeends have been moderate. and belugmo.
It for enter° shipment...Valles ben nn conetelmdml ,
ngilb and good grins an obtained. Re quota obits and
extra di ad mint from Mod at 14 106 add of mmmm.
end mime qualities at 1041 M b. Keg butter b nomi
nal. and we can repent no des of mn.lutno , •
BRANS—Ter, few has tome fansenl. and the market e
limited In supply. We quote cholas qualities of white of
67x441.71, and cortatem and 11,:f5dal,ffIc IdeLt I
from store.
an Ip.
1311,0051,-116e market overstocked. and pnce.
gin.; In=,1:441.30 A dole, aitaaduag t.
DUCKETR am 1113.5-1 1 . ,4 0. kr... , lib'
erally.and the marl:at N fullyaupallth. yao. from
Ora hand• J br bucket.. and $ f.r tut, 1
frnta Mc. at V2.1'2 , ,ia2.2.1 for butt.. awl $7.50(a. , tor
taw VI dos. knowsll Lair
lINOWN 3llNTlNoltl—Prims of Pittsburgh men as. tur
ed bare been minced, and Penn libertines are now hlliug
Ikt le fur No I. andll.l , for Nonalnek.
CRACK ERS--The following Ls a Het of the roattufertue
Sere prime
Water Creek.,
tl=r tYwe . lusrs, igiipTrod.
CANDLES-84km of.tar cantles at rer, of mould
.11, at bk.mkS ierainkt.t V. P C.
ClLlELESR—lbeitilogdnetstitheriort here irwn oe.ters,
rod togrpliel sew plated- We quote at 0%47, so eteo.t.
the Miles pri4EA.IVe64-ra Newer,.
OfllLDAteNeywootlee no e_Nlne si
ela neesio the , •"ou.
&Aides unaer Tbe folio...brls a Wt of the quo
ta-mos: _ _ -
3 II BOR. bY
ddrut ...
' 4 7;"
rTI Hop, by m4I
Itr. do cut
'king Y'r, 80
cu man,
41,74/LLAIWA.7 S i 1 dac
VI D., 11 cod
mars.l , o.l
(~1•1•Ell —The regular Puutomb r , -
of tnwwvi. •n• male. braser• , •wl
.henthiug oa•li •••1 bine. and or old onirr it
17e 11 r,
Colts IttIAL—Wo attn. • nweleralo demwthl In the
twariset. with .mall hum hrst hands at 4•44 , WW, awl
ft+ •t.•, at If tw•Woo
ViYTTON —We hoar of onto, of • few .mall lit. at ,t,,u
Int o } L tuy•lie. in thla niariet are limit...
iIITTON TARNS—W. notion • mlnetion on print
yarn, of nne ern, Li L. The following Is • eorrectra list n,
No. Ca 10i a
n le- :
= .......
No (Mu „ ot, " Coverlet ,'%
4 '• • lraq " Tirtne
........ " k 112. 13
DRIED Efltill--iiince the advance et Cincinnati. con•
'Menhir nuentlibm have bvn shippgri to that market. and
rocelpta In the - mesa time baying been ICIOd<III4O. supplies
In thia mark. 4 an linalted. We quote, as the present
rangy of the market al stow :57 Gar Wachs , and 75 for
apples morn Oral hands and 111199 for peaches. and 7.5 c
%WlO from story. Th. demand, If any thing iv leas active
and prim.* are rattler 'neut.'.
DRIED 15525—With limited gni:mike-hi the market, we
come. aroallsales of prim...sestet - a cured et •iy 1 b.
acv HMIS—We find no
2.1 fn
Amy..... ......10
4 0 11
Agurfu.U.. ....... 10 11
1141sazu Irso4
BrIIIII.Ar 4344
cutoptiur, ref 'll 45 400
Chlodilt a 4!i
Turtar ...... -25 (91.11
Coperas , 1 Sfs, 2
bbts 1 4 ! , !..3E4
(14.04 204100 40 475
110 m ..... obu
Our. Travieluth—.6o @Lig
110 m Sli.llue... ...... 15 5410
1.. p.aa
lu• DT. 440
”us . 1.. t •
1171.04.11 . 0121 Liverpool. ltbn
the AMP/11,1U vultmer An4 l.
senor of a further tlortluo In
Inv a ourreertocellnu Jecltor 1
Io ecru. botravor, that °eau
the aletonto of
err, little from het vreok., moot The mo of the reviipta bT
river have l;ivro for ohltuncut cuct. but hvan the gamma...
of prima. seo thfor that odevtuato aupullea mu left In our
market. The no the wharf Lava beau Malted. Prot. ,
h i, not ..,eirialaig 10X, hbla at a range of $ 3 . 15
-1 ht.!. Nate. tura, !guru soil UP 8.4 hbte at 1. 1 • 0 7(4 7 . -
40;41t,b1. umully; 0 city trade. Pricus orcltT mllla flour to I
ibis are eta 0,1.411,0de ailvatim un the above prim, hi
..cquenc. of which it is hanctly . 1,1 out t.l the mark.t.
The proptir.r. of for city mine uuc .t.Ut doing[ n art,e
..tell bucluens cwt for extra. azol 111.11 fcr vomn..ll
FlPtilt—The rtvelpiii of ern 'flour are light. out
cupplirc limlhd. We quote frutit fret hands at =l5. tild
from goro 0 L1.X741/ 3 Q. bbl.
FRUIT—The dentaud le Ulm. with ulecof Raisins st 52,10
;;1 llnuqule cc lILKUgn:a ce 5; of Groom! Nut. 0
o rither4lat Sc! ' of Cr.= Nuts ut 65
1,11:. at toic.ilie, mud of Eitalieb Waluute
.1 1,,o1.11.• v.thie of Orange. et 34.2531
sir 'puff, ill
tort lumlu '2.,efflue in it
..61a1.111.1...1 nt..r et l'Autnl
edblphla.'lll.l[ll.,. nod.Neuf York.
Le or ... Jug of the Caput W. pre...,
8.,.„, Laid k Lard Dil ? rwt
Voter and Tallow. do
olton do
Itr on.
and Cork, ?do Ltd
Whitney. do
Solaro.. viblo In Lhdr) ? eat
do I ..... may) do
do iin bars) do
Athes do
Dretwax do
"71"iladidn skins do
ors a Pritrore do
Htarrh do
Dry dn
illoire Fr uita. do
113:areo do
d medicine. do
nose A Candle. do
Woad • Vratbers tin
Atu , P Poi. do
thuds do
Il l Ep (nded/ do
Chet-se do
lihuteware . do
Dry Ilidrs do
Omni do do
r 4 lrr done do
inrnitora do
Edrawursz. do
Leather th.
Eon. • Harm. do
.11 cd p (mot bided) do
Hardnur do
Costar ed ,
krt. nt fall vire-'. Sale, hare been ronfinml ho
1.10 falluwloo raten—No 1 ms t..n.1 SIN. No 2 dent
Nonllo, wJ at 10,U1501,n0 it LW, .malotan It) - #4 barrel.
and 13i.b2.0 IA 00 .e heniue 1624,4,nd. No I Into.
med. $l2 00, white 0.b17 Z. m 111.411 jt cwt.
FEATIIF.I44—.We tutu, n fair demand in the market,
with Fah'' , is naSit Sf.t. ih.
,malNT:—The market LI without any material ehan,
since hurt week. lloctipts hare been licht, and rater mel
t; confined to small lota. About 220, bo, wheat hoe•
Soon taken at the city mall u1a1,t , 2 for Mediterranean ttn,l
red 00J Ct lur ArteNtra article 01 white would
tat. to the city 705072 e 11 bra. Itye is .11i010 at 4.
lion at 204034 N and (late a 0304.210 from 1.1,1 haude. Co,
sklerable num:ditto, of Barley have arrlyrd, LaeinK brrn
pux-haard nut nettle market. /yenta,' hhhl o huthntalt at
U'S6u 11 hp.
OttLlCY.lllti—hughr to buoyant, with co nie aeltatre lu
Prin ., doting the week. The pale!! of the meek ram up to
about lOU [ohs t at 610 (hi' ohoittWlo. aW 4-0047.0. 1140..
fur fair and pritue gemlttleo. 3101.Nen rental= hrut with
no torith.l ch.,. We note a rale of 175 tad, reloallel in
Of urea,. Kai4me. Saler of .lime N. (hIM 4 .
270i4A0, to rill and country trade. tutteldra htmatutrituusr
at 4S4batc - 11 ad, In mall lot,. Cu l L
le. dull Lad lower,
We quote Rio It 11.0,0,0114,A11e naf Sneer
lug at 8!..net14,01..0 lb according thihte. Sales of 14
th, him at 1 , ,,011'.4.4% hei in quahly. re/ 10 0 at
100110: all.ploe at It, out camia at 410705.
Ul,Abtt—The Flock, of window Klan , ari• [wary, and Orb
ern are down. We quote city brand. *l.llOO
1:I.2010 by 12 and Ftgrofurlll by IL Country loading by In
wad at $2,70,43, and other proportion.noPS--balee boort rartern anti, INXI. at .1:3:f02S0 14A.
ltAY—ltegular rater from wagmt at $10(411 14 too for
1111/KS-.. —Saleor dry hide., at 1L1...,
2181,490 $1.211 12
:::: :49,817.0117
goal timothy.
IRON Aro rmbmlo A lirt cf roue
the principal ertielm
11 , ,N—flat bar
Round and equare bar.
Melts--10 to ar won',
The etvrepricee are Oren. enbjeet to a dioenan for eaoh.
LARD—Eripnlie9 In ash market err , limited, and elm
barely worth nothing. We quote small Wm in Min avid.
and fri kegs at 9 tic
LEATRER—We maim n regular demand. at Rill prim..
fur all ertkiri , under this head. halor of Baltimore role at
ilak=e, and of New Sort do., et 1Em.1ta,12..
LUMBER—The preeent prices at tho yoridare—Boardar
$11412 for enramau.and E . Z2hi9 I fir clear, tI 1000. Skin.
Eh, are Pali at $2.90 , 42.7h 1 If..
LEAD—Then to n regular imm.) in the market. at LN
for pig. and :die for her.
Lean 1100—The per-'out 000 p. ad miens le 4014, acoonl
lag to riza
Sum Lean—ltrffulaz Mil, thc hy thif sheet, and f?,“ ,
D, when tut.
Wore. I....—Pure Lem! in tatting. at $2, and N. 1 a
.MALT—IVe bear of na larce Pales of malt. Wo quoted
/Id bp
OlLS—Slier hos been a docittott Imocoretu..ta In Intl
On. and It l• non held firmly. with sales et Onnlliuc f..r No.
1. aril CZ.. for No'.. Llosea.l ...Mott lo ®all 100 0191.19
lig.c'e Salrr rf tat:Lavin oil at *1.C.0.1: hr 61.1.
Flu METAL—We have Ito t.alos to reprlrt., nur ant
chart, UM witting ratttt. Small lots of littnging IttAtt
ocattlutullr arrive. but turPtb'tan bullet.
POTATlM.:,—Suppller arr 1 IW. Gorol Nrahannarkr
Would briulo2.Lvaa• and 1:n131,150c Per Lu.
POWlLEll—llahanl. Dupont, k :tnaltb ,
rnwdrr may Le qurmal itt large quantal, at 54.7 h: awl;by
aiogle hog. at 14'.2.:Qt.L.50 i 1 Lrg. hLrh road, at 1:14 ,. .)i
to S:Lhd, La large and tmdl guantiLe,
iLht,;.i.--I;a,are wL.rth ht. , Jr 0.011 mixed with
a grand doluand
IltlStT—Su.rr n( .O bbla at Fl.h). Salra in smaller loL
NEV.,lnt—the burr nothing In mport Clovrr an,l Tito.
otli, rend. Ilahor-1-1 may In quoted at 51.L0 , 41-tr:4' hu
hALTr--tale-, lu a rrgular way at which
the rre,ulatlr ratablleltrd price •Cr..IL
,1.1(.71:2 , --s'otaarg $l.-1Ch4.1.3h;
tql.rt-`air.. at 51.r,tr,17.1 , tr,. and kr,
61.11t1T3 TURPENTINE—S.IJ ,, In LLLg nt 4:4 h-A:1
•rtn chart:,
, . .
TIN PLATE--the 1 . 1111137. Prim, of the Inn.rkol are .311.. k.
nnl bi, I {/7“.—in. for .101. 14tr k un'l.l
kt 25.- an nt.n.
TAl.l,olV—tale: I.bla.t 70,7'v. ca,lt .4+ , 4 dm , .
tuarlo 0.1 nenall eal.F
qunt.• rertet..l !nr1.11 . 2e. "01. .01.1 lino.. •
Wo4ll.—Beln; UK, v o r. thr
dip. Irynn
r able s),
anythill . llll.ll..
,0 1.. Op. c.,ning 1.111.0 wafter. Th. 1.,..nn.r,1nn
that'im.” , 0111 in Ter, - MO, 41sferk, tb..•1....f the
op-,11, ri Lut >re,. •
The Philadelphia Commend:Ll List or the Huh
instant, gives tho following remarks io relation
to sruul. whirh, coming . as tlesy du from one well
posteil an this subject. will be road with iuter
est by uur country dealers in this important
..IM •
.1 1 ;
I. •
In accordance with our CUStollf at this
period of the. year, we toir hike oecarion to re
view the Wool liii,iners of the pl,t, and offer
Some remarks on the respect of the coming sea-
Last season the opening priors obtained for
the new clip of Wool in June. remained nearly
statiOnary Until November, when there was an
active demand on the part of Manufacturers and
dealers. arising front the belief that the supply
would be inadequate to the consumption, which
cat Med an advance of b to i cents on the opening
rates, and reaching the highest point iu Februa
ry: sthce which period the market liar brill lan.
guid, and prices have receded to 2 or :1 cents per
lb, with n tendency downward.
An the slack now in the hands of de lers clear.
ly demonstrates that the prodnetion aided by
the importations of foreign weel during the past
smienti will he fully equal to the co.mumption,
manufacturers are , 1401,1 , off, being unwilling to
buy even tty the present redaction, fr o m the fact
that nt the low prices at which their .rottd, have
been sold thin spring teamed by the 'henry for
eign importations of all descriptions of woolen
goods.) they fool It Impossible get a new dol.-
tar for an aid one. This has already caused
number of them here, anti 1119 n nt the eastward
to step their mills, and unless there should be a
decided change either in the price of good., or a
a still greater decline in wool, many-more will
be compelled to suspend operations.
We ere 6t present hut spoor prospect for notch
if any advance in the price of good+, notwith
standing the great abundance of money, and the
ghneral prosperity and ability of the country to
consume LM unprecedentaly large amount this
spring. There is still a heavy steel: of goods
left over, and prices for most descriptions
halo slightly declined.) , • I
Under these circumstances it wenld appear
that the only hope for our manufacturerais, to
reduce the production of goods, either by run
ning short time, or by stopping their machinery*
We regret that we are not Ode to avail our
selves at'preavit, of the census returns of 19,10
(not yet published) to enable us to ascertain cor
rectly the increase of sheep in the United States
since 'gill. In 18411 there werel sheep.
which atlthe moderate yearly increase of In per
cent would give us at present tibent fv5,000,0011 of I
sheep, which nt an average of 2t tits per tierce
would yield Ift1,2:r0,000 Ihn of wool. We are
aware that there has been a large increase of
machinsry within the past ten years, but from
present Indications it secum probable, that this I
year's prodnetion and importation, will exceed
the comoimption.
We hare called the attention of our wool grow
hag friends's° often to the necessity of unusual
card in having their wool well washed, and other
wise put up In good order, that it seems hardly
necessary to touch upon this subjeet. but will
I simply remark that the experience of the pm!
year or two, has taught mnrinfortnrrri to dis
criminate more closely thm they have Irefendero
19r iNn
as. The follovrine I. • 01,11%,
Madder. Upthro— 4.1.60
V1171417 "k"....-- 1 ' :7 1 :4!1
lambert, 4cil
r l / 4 1 tipt4
14 ilil
Tarts& Arid 40 1150
..... 6:11
Cato Tool, In 41.14-51
7 5
0: 01. 4, 00
l d pr 5
011,&gior, N 011.44 45‘01,00
L4rouo . 2.4041.1.00
11 - 1;11g=7 , 1!:::. VAto%
Quloom/ 4.0C44.50
kly txport. wc-hava bed Iwo
Bridal, stomata Europa. azat
1 both of which balm, tut... 111-
nriaulotufia aus-
In east.rnmarkeL.. It .111
to the light rinicipt.
v. demand, our quotation. to-
4 1 0.1. 11, shorto
tatott star of water
Isats In thaArtate
ort at, am low, and
M• 1.4. .11 . Ins dry pasta.
le l'lt t otast, W Saab
ing aro Oa regain
and Itatirmaut to Ph
hall took. elleet utam
' I'2' , • u:!;; N Y
it; r.;',`,4 '4
1.. i.,. 1.51
1.1 00 1.13,
8.. 1
! e ' rit:i 9 $
530, 591 75
I. L t'L . 52 2 1 1 7. 33 173-
723, 725, 1,00
7`.331 1h 1 1.0 , 1 3
' IS'
117 s .753,
0 . 2. 1123. 75
6311 i 52 1 / 2 ' ,5 5
I'd'. k 5
64.4 as; Vi
*2), t li!N:it
.9. ..1.
No. 10 Wood street, bolo yen lint and Sceondati.
fi, %IA NUFACTURER of' every deveription
1,01 af COOKLYG STINE.% of the wort aporotal net
aud such as •lltrender the Loa
Abor—PAILIA/Ir trrov's wtoo,-.0l b,0 , 00d
ijo: /retell it Itoot4 celebrated folding-dour , reeler Meta, ben,
Matra. HodlalOrn Franklin litoretaplain anti Ibucptinstre.
BS' to which we Invite the igtelninit or tuildenr. Kettlea
Hollow are: Wag= Buse, tr.: to all et which 'retort.
tob the attention of &aim before a/umlauting ebterhere
.5 . ..5, if, , ,,
f2S U.- `-•
W 11.• r-N.
1 2 1. .
58 521;
ea ea
at p 1 1
- -
.. 4 r
to Y wavy—..... ...
6 to P .OO l
4.011 Y
4 Iwuny
3 Mon) .
ot 3 to 4S Inch
cuts to C
Cut G to 7 Inch
- .
Jouo initho'Eml,tion their wool, I.:tin:y.
attention to its ranititiiin and c.•tiu:; that
which vas holly Latnllal except lit 3
reduced prlce
n. 111,9,!. aL.l.•tit3
nold et 1,:0,c7
nyttlry—Tbct , wn.n 1.1/01,/ ELEcre:E.Ec ElEr E•EEEEEEE
bowl, Ow .c.EIEE. I. Ely, EtEE.I •11,1 Et rcEIuEIyEEE
city botch., EYLE my, lEEEE lEy• r nEIE , EIEI EEEEEE tirnytE
MS< 1.
Iwr4 tbe r••••• •••••:, 41if111.:
h••••• 1 , •••••torlin..4 7,
artrrn N.... Yon, .4. , ••••••. •••••1 •..•
1. • ••• Ole, nod Inruh•
11.4.1 . ••••• ••• 1.4 , r r••••••••••• ut,l pri , ••••
twolat•titsed. ••••1•.• ttorn •,. ;44 T.. •,., , r
prier for empvelor ••••••,,),
••••••• 1,1••••—,.•••• •-•'.• • •••••••.V.
4•12 ..1.40.1 c,.• from
11r4,--Arc 1•• e•••••,1, fla e o•:.t 6A. , •••••: ,••
Sheq , sn. fron 3 ,
and it,. Int tor it fn. Si • • • • v
• •
-- • --•- •
Geo. It. Eichbaurn, Civil Engineer, —1
ii/11.L ATTEST). in , any part of the eoun
‘l7,..,'iilflll-,V:.';,';;`vii." alau..."l"e
IhtniA, AV, for ...a or elackir &ter ~ h 3hhh.ah.l will Inn
t . Llrt. r.,,eltientlon, and eAlittaten of roof of any of
Ile 1r11 . 1 . :1.L * attend to the divisloo of land. had laving
ouL .wn Pl a ta volt lug d
rr• of randhh. for l'uteral CI:
dor, drootthh , of mnehtherr• &e.
001 , iu tiak ,, Are twilaino. Cruel . t-, w.r.tbe C.ort,
lio, rittrlour,h.
Refeere.—llor. . NT. Ineenic. The. Marvell. 1"
teTlll4 U. Crtlih LN•, Wre. Kleh,berun, e.,,, ' l '.
arm. r, feet 0 hada.a ha ebaurarl. br
Tart. lant lermilast, ant at a stand
Sliehlinim. Doh, Deaver.
Athakt Doatiza•Do. drovrosTille.
J. Aletiee, Ilendrickaan. licKnegtert
Woalward. Drnrupt• DD.
Urilliant.Drsee Cincinnati
Pao lave« Dox. Eanr4v Me.
3lorp. El Lor+,
.C.:ll4.r.'!it<3lllllD, Sontsh.
Midair.. Dole% Beaver.
lieaver. Lionlon. Ilea.,
lintkinnits, Brownsville.
J. WK.', liendridinon. BfeKeeoport.
Thnii Ehrivrr, Bailey. West biennia
itrililone,iginl, Brow - ruralle.
Batchelor. Opel omit'.
J. Bploon.'3li.ore. Wheeling.
Teoranien. Munlnek,.
", Kin..., Wellsvill.
II tor Shunk 11101441 n
D Lereh A Co 's Pecker 4etee daily at 8 a in and
W II CEINO —DiurooJ.
It It I WT--CsalLicr.
CINCI. ri A TT—ClocloasU.
For. thacisizatt—The splendid hacksr attar
liapt.John 1111 - 41athasnorill leas. for Clacirinati, this
saoraing at 10 ticket. Show gratin is that direction would
do wet to trod baud, lest they should miss a rare chance.
F. Itionoidat 'flan Witialogo.—Tbe tine clad Coble,:
Capt. 31rMillan.i wlll laser for above and all Intermediate
puns thle aftarnoon et 3 eelork.
kca waaratso.—Tbe regular pocket etsor Diurnal. Capt
W. S. Cana..ll.rill bare this morning at 10 o'clock.
Fn. Z/07,TI2IS,—The regular racket. odor Ilmpress.Ckpt
Cot. will [cake Far Zauegmlllo thU oftercoon at i o'clock.
tereorrs BY arm.
CI3ICINNASI—Prx bn mderJ Mende= 23
biol. bacon 1 bx trclve W Illngbam gOP 37 bbls
P C Martin; II lAdo pearls J 11 Conneld:l bbl trotaxtc 13 ?I'm
barber OD Millcobergrr; 2bf bbl lead J Hidd • co- el.
row J Richardson:l . l , x mire Dr W Bearer 1 bx mint. H.
Oral! .1 Cos 7 blob!! lob Clark& Thaw; 29 etc prod... I bbl
ban.r. 1 do 3 clot cinceroc3forphy wrhon e Co; zabbl.
hams 76 lox du bbl do I to; ro;le IleYoden AL Conde. Irk
rd‘troda 1 bx rodre 6 bc. , wool 2 bxe elorldny 1 tom% do 1./
Coc 111P0 mat IDi n vae T. bank
,torts Da
..2.0;115111.1L P 22 Excx bbdstab D Leech Co
In MIA rob W WOrgbaln; 100 empty it bl3tay bblo J 1? Ver
n': Xdo mol r rks do W T t.VO empty Tour
Wilmortb a Noble:l7 lads lob W Johnston; 159 ...ko
b - loacehcnbn PapCJ Wou1o: 243 oarc lek bacon 2
blip lord 3 ski drb4pesebeslo bbl. pbbWoor Copt O W
Co.; 1 bbl egle W
M itchell; 2W bbl. Tour for oblpiurnt
WIIEELIND—Pak.Iss Nkts2a--12 eke bacon 1 bz Baker
& YorslN 2 lilt bbl irons owner . D 1 Ws lob 11 rls
10ah1r . A.9 . 71 &CanyNrlk paper .1 11 Duffy; 1 bbd baron
5 hLt 1 d our
NirLjatrick, 17 Wads Dawn Clark &
Thaw: bbl dour W Daub..
811NTIS714ra 141.71 Eo 5.4. 7 1 1%, corn Stuart t 5i11:471
hbd9 [Lb D ttbds o ark
leath, Yoond. 300 bbls dourd V CI
Dinkhan7 & Co; 310
WELLSVILLE—Pm Atrw.--12bblapotatoe•Arsostrour,
k Crr,anr. In oho hunt; J O'Ccuaor t Co:s eha oats do roa
Ors potatoes Cum.:li= t datlttu eta
awn J 13111 , 137 Lbla dour 2 oho &Rd aPPIna canal boat
in Inv °ula:aboard.
WF.LLI Iv, baton Robe rt
pont, bbls flour Clork lhav; Ido lard J
Watt S Ca 1 11 b1.1 I blf do fb.h W tl Feattb.; 43 bhla hour I
bin; bat.. J Aol lord M Martin: /6 whedn Phduheen
Fniner. eto Imre M llodkitorota 1 canal bna
lo c i nv ram, hrhh; 5 1,1 , 1 s dour 7c+ canting, owner, &boon!
I dal JW Cilhnun; Gbh; butter Capt Shudoth.
..-- -
,441 . 310 of i flak 01l Port of LOov be. I
etiskarrs ItieparCat ilepart,.."llolllDir 101
. 314.rart. .... illa - 3 7— S INev — TWATßritain fkr a St.
rhirala. ' 'llay le New York U. States Savannah
Lvferviioe.tilaV.l'i litilladel'a U. States Lieerpool
Ikeifie. ..... .Plas 10 .Now York V. Staten Liver Pool
iieergis Akar 12 I New Yorkilii. Ski. Chaarei,
... Akerkai3lay It !New Yorlii!...Stabill ChSgrft .
litnisseeity;)ho (0 ,New York ft. Stains fihaansi
li 0, eitlko ((at in jNew York Urs
U. ete. Chacres
'a.... ... Lila, 14 !Ikrion itl.fhitaln Llverpeol
ti oft; ;mei,' w ' , lay 1, I Phllaleri (I.llrivilo Livetpool
L0i.5,.... (lay I , N ew 1 ork U. Slaka, N. ()Ilea.
tieei kerne, Mny 1 INew York, C. States) Charleston
Ileriasou .• 'lay L New York!ii. elate. Bona 1 Seat
ton!ru..... ila, 7. ,ist: Tvrkal. Itrilain Liw•rrodni
I+ r.--... May iii INew YorklU. Sta. Liverpool
Cioniersa.....iiii le alieson • lil.llritaln I.lverpool
eno,klin... liMay 31 'lace Verklli. Stater Havre t 4lbto
Ali (.;ter and ....papers hand far Englaud. Ire—
land and Malatal. 2:Clat by. the teat steamer. no matter
el what hne.
Letaen. tolthe caw:Woe or Enrol:. by. t. s e . Cenirant.'
ren.c M is paid (twenty. one tent. • single rata. eareprie
neluire.l to Pre mid In felt.
Letter..the Continent Of r.groe the Cananl Irr
Inn.. he t. Two firs ntnts a single rate. script ta thy
requ nal to be .Rnauld in tull.
- .
EntoPA—Lodlea flour LlTerpool for New York, P•truday,
111%?.( 2 .::5—..5.i1t , 1 from Ilremen for New York, FrIM.T.
Clllll,-Maiird from Liverool for Renton. liar S.
meßlvps AND DEPARTURES OF BA.IIB. Um. radian:, Clietaber . Eava. rEllnial-Phi ,
New lurk. '
tern, tientire 1.111 Nortbero p.a. of N. lock,
li..lassm... es derail - . and tba IdS ?ids England Stanne.—
the nritisb rrovince, of Comer Canada, Nova &all% ant
New Druax wk. daily. Arriies .Ir. 1..; EvParte at .P.a.
Nor,. .ivcy Elalreville odd 11.411dayshurg, Pa-,
i..ladkna rho mantle, of Prodford.CantWia.llorutre,Chtr
tog, Janie,. L,..oadug, dliniln. - McKean. Pott_ re . itm-r,
To,. linE . and part of Weettaandarld. via Laren:tom
Morns, evil e, ~...M•MA Mt LAMM. Nes Aleaandlta, and ladi
aux.rouidy 'A rril.e. doily, rtorpt Monday, at 3a. a.; dr.
{n I . t P. it .
tut —II Butler. Pa" terrent Crust/at atel dean , .
manner, 11estirn parlor New York and upper Cartuda,dall.l•
Arvin, at P. N.: and depart,. 8 1. I-
Pocvnnav MAO IV setra..--117. WEshingtaa. Pa.. Cliarn.
Fad. tie. Itery.el, part of W..........1and romp. llrliitile.
Maryland, althoore.W.hington City, Southern and Atri
parts 0 ohln and indium KentaeltY. 1 1 11001 E Tnnao
attir.x.: riddepintaatd , ..... -
Er. . -.. 0 1 il‘t- 0 )) FaTette, Eamon. Dattinto4
f10mn..... Paris. Pa., llolbdays Cove, Ts., dellerson, Ilan+
...u...1.trr01l llolmec and TLLS,2II.T. GOOMMM.OMIO•dADr.
Armee at ll r. o.: depart.. 7 A.M. .
Naaili 11zstras..-117.
Clveland. 01iti.....-
/ , STff A . .. , I . M. Columbiana. Trnnabull, Portage. Ena./ . ..
A.htal.ula„ niart,llayue, Medina. Cuyaboordasonit,EnEe.
Plehland. inrein. llama, Ottawa. Erin. liandaeky. W 0.4.
and Lununti.., Olio: the esti...roe narthex. conntien
et the :Leh of Indiana and lliinmE larluding 411111cl:6..
:n. loua„ and W.....01.30.0..1.121y. Arrives at 11 A. s.; Ur
... at a 7.. a.
Nix, ciala.--117 . I...Tdolabarg. nowt°. Eprintield.hren.
tun, Freel , ort. 011tantuttg, taikiminitas, Artattmair. Car . '
km. 04 1 Clearfield wood., daily. rt.:pt.. Eanlaia Ar ...
Tit' , .1 7 P. a. and departs .08 P. 0.
Mtarmr-i--dy ForrTnrille, Wegibnl. rellernple. Porten ,
rid, llatlinebarg end Nes Lai,. Ervin. T 4.1.11,
. , r,,avidayl, and :zinnia,. al aP. 0.; deport 0.1.3,
11...lne0bida and I a. a.
- • •
sitarrtra.—by SturgeOn'e Llall,Flnleyvill a, and Hog
esrsh-to. CPT 'Forwlaya. re'sdalv, at 6 r. ski de-
part, \ Vette/dors air Sta . tantayg . .. at se.
'non. Cookstown Coal Call). C ,
PorrropolLs. Fool. Llbertp. WK. it ,
ton, Pe. [Arrives oundays and Thursdays,. at a. 56 6..
parte Mood. s and Tburs.laysost a. N.
n 6.-44. Walker', ntillklioblentirrn. Candor.
Porzsatseown, as Crosk 'Mane, Patterson intik
bethany.,To. Arrows Sundays
a t Thar:slays. at 10 1.
6,partg iloudass and Thursday, at le.. •
—Br Cantons dlordOcksvtlle.
tows, akTort Pa., Fairview, a. 'on
a 6 P. &Tartars Patunlay. al 66. Z.
North. Washington. sari Apollo,
Pa. 1.1,11ez Wed.:dais, at ar. it., tlepartr on blander
atA is:
16.ronsts.6.—By Lopes FCSTy. Arrives on Irktril. at I
r. -ts ori ltaturdar. at a. tr.
.—hr'llarrywrille, Wexford, Ittratorek. Oglo.
I Proerve.t. Whlnistown, ilielnd/n.g.1% Ulna allal Werlanto
s ononerl Artistes daily at T iv, and departs at 6s a.
b o nen. for tbo dally mall roust be Inwaumm onehoor
I, their drairturt letten for , ttw tri-werk/J. vento
weekly.,edieveldrmailkmust be In the Otilee half an boor
betot, troll- slepsaturs.
1 RATES OF tram - in.
Dm, rot Tut rmutruau 0 UM; BT
N. HOLMES .t. SONS, Bankers.
, .
-NO. 17 I,lfer.tat if, bete," Third .red fhto•thaft. Attrbterph.
. 1.4N2511.N ‘N lA. IBranch at Maanlßon--....- I
Bank ~f Patabur a h.-....tar Branch at IVcerter---._-__cio
CachanN , Bank ord.. ,or Branch at Xenia.- do
Mar asol 20,1 , . of .10._..,..p, „ . z 9hrane1l at 1 outototown.---,t •
Bon', an t '.4 t•on iNts• Bert. CinctnnatL d,
8.,r.t... , 1 heath Aotero-a.-par t;vd.ofonal Bk.Ctattutatt do
Rant: otNortten I.ld.rra.a.par trankhn Bank.
11,t,..f Penn.. i1.11,-....1 LOA, etto Bank..--- tit
1,...0 4 , P..on To..hip on.-tar obio Lao In.. a Trutt C0.,4 1
1.t.0.t .4' the 1 nit.... 1 sutra l" Wo,ero Itwrarre Bank—do
ll, tol hark 011 ',. _ lur Bank ..1' 31.11110 n _do
Itarno.r. a Mech.:ma' VA {r4l :111.111201.- ..... ....----...d0
I ottani A:.t.).. pa, NF.O' ENGLAND.
0...n•t0n0 at bank tar• All advent lianka.------ 1
II styllll, Si?, h Rank_ par, N CIV VOILIi.
~,,,01., Haut iatriNew York City.t•-••••---1
....0t0i.... Onnk-........lorillalttntore ----.par
lnota-11L1e... haoL par.CtontrT . ,
„..,,,,,, B an , _ .._,-...par N.JELnhli WM.:LAP:ARE.
~,,,,,,, ',, 0,,,,,.....N0ran- I All ...tient Lanka.._._.... I
11...1,•1f Clo.ter Countr._par ,
.. lattlilNlA. ,
I tt ' llk . .i t f lI).Tt-tln, 1.11.4„- I ZIBT4V i lt i ga n gettnx.tai 1
hank at t...rtoont..en par 1',1,.. Bank, Va., No r . fr.11.-. I
1 ,, n t., - 0..,,,..t.. r, h... - I Fat - mere Bank of N trgmfa I
Book I.? Los - 51eroltants• a Meth. Bank a
itaur. I North We,tern 1,
1111 wavory IV Bank...-oar Brestelaaa I
arhal, ook. I tltnak of CaPo 1e5t_.. ....-. - 2
~,,,n , ,,,„1,1, n. - Itrnl,.. C.t.1•0 0 Ilk of ht.. of N. C11,./.6..: ...
i, ito Ba,,k___,..._. pa /Commercial Ilk. N•llndneu 2
E a .toin hq.u1...... ..... ..._...par Nlotninuato• Bank, Newltern ..
ran. 1'...0k I SOUTU CAROLINA. -
Fartitort' ttk of 110.. k. Co..par,flk of the SL of. d. Carodina
Fano , : ltk of 1 AnV.,tor.paellank of South eakoltna-.-
I ',own' Bonk wit...hag Poo Bank of Chub:wino__
Faroe p ro. ot sohn.lkill Ca par Planter"' A Morhatdon' 11. t
~,,, Wyno , hurg. I GORGIA.
Franklin Ilk, M aeldngton par Augusta lea d Bankine C o
llorritharg Bank_ _...... I. I
lk ~,,i,u , ,... —. ,.
I 1,111.140 ik.k......-...... I' Ilk of Boman irk. - August; i
Lan,...ter !tont Pao TEN:NY-CH.B.
„,....torttoonty Bank-par All entreat hank.._ . ..._. -- -- 3
L..•haturn Bank tot. KVSTUCKY. ..
'h.. r,' Pant of Pottsllll.. I Elko! Krutuckr.lotalsellle I
}lnutotalialallank...-- twill k of Louiorlll,Thutaton I
0., Warp h Bal, I Northern Ilk of.Kentnekr I
kr Toriang ilk;Wllkesharropar Southern Ilk or lientuokT I
l oak
It••hof Not.. ..- I Bk. of Btate of )1 Famish.-- I
own: — 11.1.120fe.
OW Male 8ank,.»..........-. I,Atale• Bank and bratarbee-fet
Rm.?, at. ALron----.....40 Ituk of 1 11iu0ia,.... ..... -...i6
Itraneh at Athenn- do WISOONSIN.
B ran c h a t 8ridgap0n.........d0l Marlow a Fire I rot.en. chks 6
ranh t Ch•ltrothe._ to MICHIGAN.
Branch st Clo,.land .tniFarraoro . 3feehnie•• • nears
.?recut wt. Tol.lo. ..... -.__ do.giov.rnment stork Dant - t.'
Branch at
Branch at De imam do,lnruraneoCootrani--• - •• - • I.
Branch at ( olumba, dolttlate Bank
ill'"rrtt :1"-- lo t L .
of R.N. Atnetiea.Torouto 3
Branth at, 51anotield----.1t., Bank of Montreal., Tomah/
A illolk of Montreal
Brune, at Rlple)"..• ' -- "' -n . fil C.I.A.- Toronto/I
Brant,,...ti_......d0r , PI TE i c ,, v iatt liN „
Brant+ at r01mb0e._..... th•
Na ~_,_
a _ ,
~mart at traOdogtoo .'''' t cr h r i ;a7, 4--- •• ) ,,t ,
Branch at (Noll. ..... .----do a, P o l ka.. , 4.. .-- .
nr 'il,..t
Planet .I.9".'u'''.jil'i7:::f.l",
.. a wk.. L sTitt sicifeziai x
u,a, at Newark-. -....d0 Louissille--,....__._„,„:_i
4,,,.rcr'r,,h at ~tE p i r, ,,,,,66 .. - e - kt- --- :,- - . A do ° t ' ; '" l/I ' .I.I ' AN U D briefs: - it - A - L - 1,11
nraoeh at Stara.ttio__ ...... elo Doubloans,Bpanhak___l6,,,w,
un .,,,,, ~r Tr o w.._--........./0 do Patsiat-........16,30
Brandt at Mt. Pagle,ohl---..—.-10,130 1
Ilranehat LaneWellle....a.4 lfighs,neW-......1,............10,00 ,
0 1 VredoOrkad'ura-......- TAO
in-aorn a ptv.,-...-..-de TreThaters.-....,.......... TX
,Branch el Portarrou . • • Unlttette......,---......- 603
- Brastob mt. 8....1.-.-= 4, -.lfo . . ~.1............,
Branch at at Ravenna.- -....d0 enLI .i I. -..----. 4.00
Branch el `tavola:Ma -t.-...-.......... EX
Branch at Cu •• • .. Dunda...-...-..............., 3,16
ENCIL&ND--THE'ffitE&T BrinznioN.
Vorer_spomlorew W lbe New Trek Commercial Menthe. ,
• t9VDON, April '25, 1851.
Lord John Baser-Ifs proposition- to !educe the
British force in Canada meets with a storm of
opposstron from all aides.-- IL it mergers no
o th er purpcse.,:it at least serves to Wl:agent**
sentiments of the English rails regard to ti*
power of the United States.--Lard7ohn opposed
the proposition for reduttion of fortes at' Ms
Cape of Good Hope, and stigmktized it as a dLs
graceful abandonment of one of the most Impor
tant dependencies of the British Crown. 'lb,
papers therefore, very significant/3r sahlow the
minister's argument holds together;; - -'lf the
English settlers are ,greatly outratralidrea be
native population at the Cape, how mlich more
are they outnumbered by a population far great
er in power in the Canaries t. To the South of
the St. Lawrence, rays the Chronicle, is a neigh
bor infinitely more formidable than the . Coffees.
" If, therefore, the reduction of the British
South African force, to the bars amount .neees.
nary for affording protection to the Caps colony,
would drive the Dutch settlers into the.arms of
liolland—wLat in the name of consistency, is
to sore us from an analagious catastrophe in
North America?"
. ,
The death
of Lord Langdale known personally
alkhe was to many members of the Americtdi
bar, and revered. as be has beeri our leading
statesman of both political parties so - a
Man, not
only of the purest and most unsulliedieputation
but as one who, through the whole course of hit'
life, was ardently devoted to the cause of liberal
opinions, willbe noticed with regret by many on '
your side of the Water. It is scarcely a month
since, as Master of the !lobes, he took hii Stud
leave of the Courtand the bar, over. 'which he
had long presided; inhepe that rest and chee
of scene would give his system Strength to rally
from the exhaustion, occaaioned by over attint ,
dance upon the protracted session of the Chan-,
eery. Court Not unlike cases which have occur-
red in our ;term country, however the remedy ft..'
self seemed to prove fataLandhislordship's tic- • ,
attics, which had remained • clear, vigorous and •
unimpaired to the last moment, of his jurEctal
duty, collapsed undei repose hichif it should •
have tome at all, came too late. lie married, .
late in life, the Lady Jane Harely, eldest.daugh
ter of the late Lord Oxford, by 1r bombe leares
a daughter only—ridding another to thafrequent
ly recurring instances of an extinct peerage,.:
The fact of the arrival at Liverpool of the
mail steamer from the United States in nine in
stances out of ten, at some time between Bator!
day's sunset and Monday's sunrise, may 'not
have been brought as distinctly before you as:
we, see -it here. An evil connected .with these
arrivals has been the subject of much complaint_
by passengers: The custom boitse officers would
not of course be in attendance on Sunday, and
as the trunks of the passengers could not beds,
livered until after examination,. great inconveni- . .
ence has arisen in conseduenCel To be tore it .
bas been customary for the officers on board to
furnish a - thange of linen to those who asked for
it, but this, as any one Oa readily perceive, has
been attended with much annoyance. Those
who are about taking passage in 'these steamers
I will not be learn that the inconvenience
of this system has been represented to the Otis
toms authorities at Liverpool, and that a sada- -
isfaetory arrangement has been made for the
mutual security of the interests of the reveal:le, - .
and the removal of:the inconvenience, , -
The number otAbiericans has increased every .
diy—ln the register kept at the comieffiasion to
the industrial exhibition, several hundreds have
already signed their names, and the cry is still ,
—they come—. From, what I know, the. great
Majority here pay quite twenty dollars per, week,
for their board, and many far more than that:.
Indeed, while that is about the minimum-tit
which decent board and lodging can be obtained .
here; $5O per week can very easily be spent in .
that way. Around Hyde Park it 'one'
but ne
crowd of gin shops.. taverns, hotels and restau
rants; and from every prospectnow, the environs,
of the Industrial Itrlibition are tote a perfect
I have before this spoken of the anomalous'
position in which. the United States contribu- . .
tors found themselves upon their arrival here,
in consequence of no appropriation hiving been
made by Congress to meet the expanses of pre- -
paring the portion of the building al:bitted tons.
The only remedy left to our cominissiener,Edward. •
Riddle, or rather the only alternative. he had
from immediately rezbipping the polite the
United States, was to raise the money necessary
and bold the goods for repayment It has not
cost less than 510,000 to fit up our portion of
the Crystal Palace, and for that amount oar
goods stand pledged. Will Congress stiffer
thus to be taxed for lack of an appropriation,.
when there is not smother nation represented
I here, the expenses of whose contributions are
not paid by their government ! In France, for '
example, 635,000 francs have already been To
ted by the Chambers to meet the expenses of
the Exhibition, and there is not a French con;
tributor here who, to place his goods in the most'
advantageous light before the juries of &Ward, -
is taxed to the value of a single sons. -
After the departure of the Last steamer, much
excitement was felt for a day or two, by the' an
nouncement of the Royal Commissioners, that,
the public would not be admitted into the ethl ,
bition. until after the ceremony of the state open
ing had been performed. This was a sore dis
lappointment to those who had puiehased season
' tickets at three guineas each, as mueli perhaPs
for the purpose of seeing the Forgeons ceremony
of the opening, as for after visits to the exhlbi
tion. The complaint was load and bitter, and- I .
did not discover any more temperateness oflan
guage and excitement in the British, than. there
would have been in the American press. The
result has proved too thatthe , preas has no:less
influence here than with ua, for it is antutuneed
this morning that, the decision. of the Commie
sinnersis reversed, and the publiFirilllia-adt
bed to the ceremony, at
leant that portion -sm of
which has purehteed-season tickets. ' .
. The ceremony of opening is to 1)0
you'd precedent The parade through Hyde Park
from Buckingham palace, tothe North entrance
of the Industrial Building, will be a shoat worth
seeing. On the North side of the transept, be
neath that moat beautiful arch in all the world,
a platform is to be raised, and the chair of stale
placed. Thither the Queen is to propeed after
she enters the building.
On the right and left upon the platform, - the '
Arehhitshop of Canterbury, Her 3lajesty's 3fin
isters, the great officers of state, and the For ,
eign Embassadors, and Ministers, Will take their
places in full drrits. Opposite and around the
platform, the Royal Commissioners, the Lunn. ,
tive Committee, the FortignCotitheissioners, and
others -holding office with re.ference to the exhi
bition, will be ranged.. Filling the galleries, the
rave, the bays,--end avenues. will be the beauty
mid wealth and splendor of England. I shall
send you fullparticulars. - • •
As I am shoot closing my letter, a handbill is
being posted along the streets, announcing that,
.in consequence of the great demand for season
tickets. Weir. rice had been raised to four gui
Dena, that is one guinea adiatice uponyeaterday.
The power to do this was distinctly reserved by
the Royal Commission at the outset, and the at- -
solute justice of the changoeannot perhaps be
questioned, under theeircumstlinces that reader
it necessary. lint that it Will 'produce loud com 7
plaint, disaffection,-distrust, and great excite
ment, there ctn be no doubt. The payers'of the
advanced price, however, have ho one to blame
but themselves. . L. L. E.-
• •
IFIIRDEB. AHD easort ur, woaciimsTEA :co.
Correspondence of the Baltimore l'atrOJl:
SALIMICItT, May firii.
In Worcester county, about twelve miles from.
this place, the house of Mr. Carter Dixon
burned, and his wife burner-lin it, and it to scip
pored she was murdered first. The circumstan
ces, es near as I can learn them, are ad follows:
All the family except Mrs. D. had left home,
and about nine o'clock aMr- Jannis. a nOOr
neigbboe.went out in tho. yard and iliscosered
Dixon's house on fire, but before he strived the
flames had progressed so far shit he could' not
get into the house. lie sew Mrs. D. lying on the
door apparently dead. A gun 'was afterwanle
found lying in the yard. but . it Lae not yet been
ideritified,;and no clue has been goi - of the guil
ty parties. I understand suspiciois attaches to
some connexion of the unfortunite.woman, but
we hope it is not true. s.
Tan Palatal - O. TOILNAINI AT lIALLIda, •S. C.
Tie Raleigh papers come to tit, with full :details
of the terrific storm of wind which passed. over
'that city on Sunday afternoon- last, nPeendinff
ruin and devastation before it. The :Register
gives a list of the sufferers, and soya:
It seems toluvre been confined within a belt
of a hundred - yards, or perhaps more, in width,.
sad passing through the city from southwest to
northesit, trampled every obstacle • to its, pro
gress, within that compass, underfoot, with the
velocity of lightning and the power of an army
of glantit-:-upropting the largest trees, seer
throwing chili:nein and fences, traroofiiug •
houses, and, in three instances, actually, lifting
the houses, themselves from their foundations
and Shivering them to the earth—besides doing,
in tiller ways 'very eonsidemble'damage-hi. pros
pert'''. Fortunately there was not a single' fti
afanett 'el. - serious • lierSonal . injury. • We ' blare
befit of iemsksble news, and. one or:
two bete Aim. erre; ell•rd 4 hire
be ze no one lolledoAlmestrmaccoimtsbie„l,2l",.
track of Oe the idaim — liadiptiiii
its rage, was indeed as appalling and a dreary