- ,R4r494,lstril&P)4 r~~: ~.~ ! PHILADELPHIA. T s THOMAS BONNET .MANU FACTIIItZIL, 1:9. 41 6.411 err.. '..buy , _taut, esAt _ . 4, _ e. R00DW11115... . ... .......... AGALEY,W64SI3.(kAiti) ct Cu., Ids Groom, No. 211Ntarket rtathalflsh ar4l . :5=7 ...... - 1) BALD, & CO., No.ll North Wator Arse% So No. le North Whares. Phlladelphla. - lama ItAFERCEICS: ANY ' Er.o,..Gencrai Cunnnie- NEW YORE. Superior Black Writing and Copying IL. jO , IS6.EMPIRE INK, 87 Nassau street, s Ohms. New York. .Fret role. to TEX funk doom, petdog-...-...51 boa. per doz... ....... So td flo draught..per gallon.. ..... ep, Tbls L , the beet artlrle Inanotarturri. It flow. . good Will!.:11 IN Tr tpd 01174.ir lartipttato or derWy. and pdateasor all the o ,d far It gdol ll' , lnntr ink, suitable for the quill: , nd od. b•lr adopted for the Elora Pets. b • updershconl la prepared $0 furnieb to th. :trade ther roort or home conouthOtlon. ll.' 0 6 0 , " 'err law prIO., pat up a , per nrkle . r, and deltvt,l to aor port . the ed Imo of L ids b 7 , WS Mad TRANSPORTATION 18 5 1 . LOCKWOOD'S MEM Cleveland, Pittsburgh &Massillon Express. TillS line runs in cunns.ctioti with Living ft.. Vago, a CO. Easiern. Western. 44,uthern end tuieda Pixy", at Cleveland, and Ad.'s' .4. co's. et Pitts burgh. oleiv o II adwentee... nrwr all other enol/.1 of rrei Il o j• * a n lo7au .' r " tnrill ' o 'n u ' n I ° , t .t.e. A %o r ata r' TZ 15 9 .:1=7%..;:' Friday*, In when, 4 trusty and norntwtwrit U, 111,1 4 ... ^. 11.. wilt ryes,. and 4.11,10 ptektuu.s at las following Vn i- Z1,.. 1 1..r. Pa.. ...a.m. Cuyahoga rallo Codneton. l o t 0..11, Ps, Voungelown. Akron. Newark, Meadvill , Warru. Fu 41 ltnn. 111wreborf b. Er.. h,,„,,„,,. Nsvarrw, Erwd.rick.lair,li. 11 ellebur,li. V. . llenleou. Itorb....tor. . Wiee.ter. Wliwellut. I'a • Fran Shu. linlirar. osms. en I...torif .., Nb urnlia. lal .le u Cann, Welrolte. New wboo, - Canal Doe, lrich/fn.. S. (r.. ' l " , 1 ;1 ) ..et. BLIT .1.g..44.1.4'!;;, No. gi ' Ti be :lter. " ioe V00LI? r...-:tern_s . nd tors ' arden wall iwnettfh- b Tbf ,141, e^ tion of Not., Rine. brafte..w.l Account. pm:oldie etlsnd . Ito J 1 1 LOCKWOOD. Propri,dr. A 9.....11.1 nuotwen...r will lover 413.1110 n on Tuesday's .) ...eh meet. itwtOrning. will !rave Cleywhwd on Thuraiare. for 14... p0rt...... of tall,. pseleafiew of Money. le. • AUCNT ,1, C Cunt, Clololand. Baker it hirlythe. Pitts. burgh, .1 It. tee-31 .k Co.. Itamillon. Clark, Park-, a C t: o.. Enc 1...., E N. Parke. Younliniown, WW . H. Taylor. ar. rvu. A. 1 . 41.C1ark.. Nwerton 401. Wm. Ward, hsv tun, E lias.nu. !ker.:4.1 1 03 1 cl Niorrell, iliobwoA.Wrla. a.l.l " urke Canton. apLN __ New Lake . Superior Liue.7lBsl. new ,teumer NORTILENEII., Capt. B. Swgz2. haring ever, modem improvement for s et, and comfort. wit less. Cievelau4 FlithtY• the: 2 u.at. ou her firm trtp—aud weeklY inen.nwer an • r b4, .1 o'ehrt.. V' NI.. for the :Au( ri Jlap. The tGatner NIANIIATTAN, Capt. JO.wilt •.t , ent Ste Sisrle. for the differaut lauding* no Lab u,rtor. on the arrival or the steamer Northerner; cnskitoe reguist weetly line, throughout the ..691121, Lelw lettlau.l sod the Copte so d Iron TU Min.. S. 1. RNEIt, huPri.tort. Clevelsud. IL. April 25. 14111.—tf 1851. lag LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE, ON THE EXTENSION CANAL. CLA Oct. RUCNT..ISIIOI.. lIE PROPRIETORS of this old Bud wel I known Line. would Inform the puhae that they ROWiu operation for the ` , recant wawa. and M eomme end reeeivirnt freight and Paeoengera, which they are full prepared W carry to all point,. on the Canal, and Lake Eri and Michig.., et the tout at rate.. thse of the Boat. of Line will be co...tally at the landing. het.. the floor gullet& hada, W reel4nre kright. f.„r WPtirjr°lllStiltUtellitV. £'o). . Eittehurab CONSIGNEES'. N. tl. Cunt...ham, New Ca..tlo, P. U. C. SI athewa, Pulmat. Pa: %Y. C. Mids. Shut.. J. a B. Well. Bbarrobond. ,v.o. Aches a Co.. theenwill, Ina. Henry, Barlett... Wm. Power. lbrtnesulallle; C Reed. Erie, Pa: Walltdidae. Buffalo. N Y. all PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD If-51. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. lh Forty-six hour's to Philadelphia. Forty-four hours to Bnltimore. '2O miles Railroad-1113 miles Canal. gTwot Daily ge Lines Erpress Packet BBoats.aifii War (EXCLUSIVELY FOIL PASSE:WELLS.) TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK 41,N the opening of Canal Navigation, Tw j Duily Ex'brrms Psekvt ibyab , fray! G. nnb,yru..bruN by Port•ite Ibbaro•d HOLLIDAYSBURGH, There latanK the YEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, rue 111natrwl and Forty-are dinwt to PHILADELPHIA. Time throne. ItaRTY-air Holm. Fare to PlilladolpLla. flu. Fare to Baltimore. 1.11.7:. The Cara on ta rout. aro new. and moat ..f the mt WV. , ...I construction f hl or mmfort sa n e parer. 7.,Paelteo leave ra , rl mornlnS Prweiaell Hugh) 0, / ,, 5. .uleranlng at the, rite, hour Passengers for Baltimore, tlo arrival of Can tat. Itarrlabunt. Lake the Tort and Cum rtand Railroad. tuna. CantatualS direct WOW 011.leightl bur a 'fun, YOUR Lour, No cburge for bundling Baggage on tldi route. ino liareaaed 'peed naskat able , the aunt runi.atatta eat, and dexuaLL. route:noar an the Eastern Cole.. 1.., Pa'n'e 0 1 1401 - WWI,. J. P. .141 0 113111 S. Agent, Nlotinnvahcla Boon.. Or to D. LEECIi Pa Canal 8., n, -trodOn In. let in'''. the l'eunta Iran. tlaiwaad L,...1..0rt whi:b wall qtorten th.. tutu w. ".I Pnt.Lw 0b..l I=l rl=9 Hanufilettirer'k Line. RISZ lB5 tflkiSEA ,S .r to , 111FPERS ARE HEREBY' INFORMED to it ap•ratinn. Irian tannin., to •7•••, • itt•ti , quint's, of Rua Et PtahJelttlais sun Eiltirnara. rranthianann, in to el. - nano mai at as lav ran, a• tan, atter tagulat sa-rangarauts Ent.lraGAmolt fa . carrroax War FreixEt to Blatrartilt• JattantmEt. liotialayinarw Wawa' tt:srlart. tala-zanarta,.terstnagitt, Lloctitaa - ]gin. blab Loan •tto• ttatollan. 31:Ver.C. Stitrun Claales Pan-, lilrrotura.Cotunabta, ani cat interuaeatata unir.t• Pernay taant• Canal nni pon t:it. Railroad. Having rcturn loans of Iron ! e a r n fr= tn.. Juniata, nr.r.ptncto and m ount/ in •11iGn0...• tt the 5t.r.,..11 gra., II Mt layman rstes.'l3laT Int upon. J. NLISCHELL Kt/TT. Paw:tie= , • ICarebausa.LibartTnatreat. Second door treat of the Goal. HALF MY /lc - DISPO SED OF , s 1111 .A,,v,TA tri2riP4P;h ; lite: qr 3 " FLA ' nr..ftd. L.MI Cc , transportation Line , /iingll34llB 1851. killaCe. • BET irEEN PITTSBURGU S TILE EASTERN CITIES. THE CANAL being now open, we ore rea dy rxeive taKt fc.rward PTcau , ... 6l S teast vf...t FTeight , kiWll.7l , RI lewent nte- cbarged Di rerWv{tlr Lines Product and s.lerrtttahra wtll G ree•arg.tand forwarded ta.q. and voett. without any charge for fixwarding nr tsarina freight.. 1.31921104, or ntcrage Bill. of lading t forwself.d, and all direr.. 441011.11 y tvoded to. Addrena Or apply to 1111. BINtilElOl CO., Canal Bari. hornet Liberty and Warne Pittentrih. BlNtllla9l a DOC! 193 Market et, Lerween Fourth and Fifth to.. Philadelphia JAILEN WILSON.Agent. No 192 North llowanl ntreet, Baltimore JAME 3 BINUIIAII. No 10 West rt. Now Bora. 1851 gta Merchants' Transportation Liue, (VIA PENNSYLV AN IA CANALS AND RAILROAD].) FOR PHILADELPHIA. DIRECT—WITH, OUT RE-SHIPPING. C. A. WAN lan A Gt. Canal Ram, 40A Penn etre.. I:IL • • Alt .4. 4 RAY NOR, Central Block. 'trout street. PhD* delnhia. Ire are prepare., la he a huge amount cuenelmalit. PAds sod produce 0. atty. on the opening uf tho u mash. to and all Intertuallate place. at Inver ratea. .54 to Ida duos than any previa:. ow. go.. 7.2 3 =11,'= Vrm- b ;;;, 1 . 1. 7#' 00 lb tLe'C a Sta.. Itallratels, sill tit...tent soy poLlowty of delay • .haltatow llolidayslnitg or Columbia, this mums. CA. MoANULTY C 1). Canal Bantu. 1 8 5 1 y. To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.. RttrAVrafigrairiViNs3Zit TATION LINE. ATBINI4 A CO.. Trawl... , No. M.:7 Market. and Commerce Street, Philadelphia. BELL * LIII(lErt; Agents, C.. Bmitt, Pitteburgh. JOh. T.4YIMIt 8 SON. /Igen.. Baltimore. lye are nrepai,d. •.s the o,,ling of the Penneylrattla Canal. to euetract for Freight at an I oiler mad Ore ahipwra cmteh deepatch and rare aa any otter Line. febl2:Cm.. fly ./e1,1;1.1 J0.3 WYO.. McFADEN & COVODE, I S ' lver AN, to Job n Made o A Co.) Canal Basin, Penn Sired. • Perna. Bail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.. tIE subscribers having been appointed r.tdpping aront^ for the Peroupturda or (karat 1411 Inform the puldlc that we Are zwor prepan4 to re. merc h.phae or produce Tor 3:Moment mat °nib« opening .r the canal. r"tthZ route will lm 'r'4ri'h to (fee d~re u on t a roharororadroncnfr „I • GATII OF ISCIGHT OZTIOTIN 11111.12,32111 i LTD PROSBCIOII. Dry (loral., Shoo, Book.. Etationary. Calory. Confer tlo.ry, Fruit, Fea th er', Furniture. Druck !Widnes, Saddlery, Wor.l, tr. le. $l,OO /1100 De ll...guar, Qt....WV Gneerles, Paluta, Dye Stull.., Olla. LeatLer,Clovrr, Flas.Tlmottly wad other Gram. Peed', L. (000 14 100.. Barre, Def. Pork. Butter, Len', Lard 011, Tobacco Leaf OZ., Tallow. Grdn'aud_Raga, DUD lOU Ashes, 51.01,1, ....ugh/ Tar, Pita.. Burin, riertnan City. Ekrotu..kr. bOe / Ci ty. - iauLu COTODIEL • ------ 1851 Pittsburgh Transportation Line. JAMES O'CONNOII a LX).. Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. JA )I ES a Co, Debota Broad nd lo.:. South Fourth mtmt, berwren )lantet and Ctim.b " ll'& 4 Vog i S 'l M. P . l 4ll .- Nortti arm. Baltimore. RAVING lay completed our urrUng P..els, we will to prepared uou the otoralPl2 of the !vTaLmra-.. eanntl. Rt. Louie and athe E.Leika.t Weet, at. ..init.:2 - 3:w via, mot. dl.k.ii lcAni re titan It.] . er Li.. All 6661. shipped by our Idur ar• full y r° ._._%' " ....awe, •Ithout our ehuge to owner". a Pro.ec.. o uot,rirally Jhged u tLeaz i rtlerr 1.1 , 1:.... , ,.... , ur ,1 A Co.. Cluelatuta F. Webb, Loulreille. and Lowe a 0.... It 16ula will tueet with prompt ...ion. 4616-S. It 1, .. Liele h. aocouoretir. whatever with the Philadelphia awl l'itt..rgh Tract...tall. Line of At kin+ A tl6. ' fehli., ------ - - • rills' INE--.300 Ito, Wool, for male by ate IS MURPHY a CO if CH Loki DE OF LIME—ISO mirk, for oak. h 11,zt.i brir tIe.S‘NRI . T. BEltkle ACO 1 {..! AL SODA— 200 riiitico for wile by . ~, BENNF.TT HERRN 6 Co. SUNDRIES-- We* 14er Skin, tp Drled l'eu - h, • unto Feathers; pazt el mod tcr. ,1.1 A. CULREUSSON ApZI CO. N DIA RUI3I3EIt BELT ING.—A very hirer icoek of lodso Rubber paschal. Mawr co; baud; If ML moving. Irion,l2 bubo. Thai bolting puke to leather or in, other, Wr all open belte far We 4.1. lowing mama: I. The perfect amain, of width and buckseco whieli it 11. 1 :.::o beat wade •00 degrees. . Fahrenheit injures it, unlit ri,,C411 5;4 bl• in par deg mof cold. d. It 1 of ausat strcagth and durability mad does not allo no the ruflarsxmasemicatly • WM. officiwerb‘ddiatuidi .1 when activated to colebinery. does not require alters. Moom the rase with leather or any Mho, 4. Io wide beitatic We coot is much below that of bath. or any ter. Pauchlete with Mimetic°. for use and lietof grits, to gather with lacing leather and ceciieolfor paining. .1..0 ma head Kid for ale at. Nos sail 9 Wood et. ab:ln J.ll IL PFILLLFP27. caRUPS, &e.—Underwood'e fine Lemon Syrox; tindenrad's =pm da fitrawben7 pig T.33= bum: pa vile DRY GOODS, &c Parasols. i MIMI! FIELD line. re 'd er'LL TZl3l,l,';'ll`,7.`„t; One .- ERILIM ACK 1 3 1fIN . TS--N...w,:tyks fan- MLItPIII 6 ktuuchil ELL, SUEE'FINGS-4 full n.csuru..ut ifirtrrrnt width. tie. rr'd coy I SPIIPIIT , mar. UtIIVIrLD UPEILIOIt TICKING-3lurphy 1:7 11.4 , 1 Inette the al.caloo or belp,tf.tt.‘r ur in,errha Tlckit..part rrtvivrtl. Plll..er M., hirl.C7 y iterpaur... nod ion,. ,T.ere.ll, . Hosiery, Trimmings, and Lace Goods_ ILI 11. EATON, 62 Fourth street, betwee n hLrket t ' s tVe ' rs v t oa.ut of l!ution. Sill end Mo.ris. lIGN, bolt Hue IMl===== Yrynrl ..d Plain 130.;,:t ..•..••• . • • • .. 6111. Trimmiow and Floun , log Drnis Buttane end Trtmminv; ws. I.are Ca Uudernienres and VVIL. erub'd 111.1trh WorkwdO C hemin..., nod Out!, insorting. Edging and Lama. of er ,, 'Y MO , Dimity Banda ad Wrought Ylouu&ue: qeutar Ceara.. Tire and ~toeka: Fine Under Dal...Vaud Dreaamw. PluA. Nedle, Tape. Dutton, end Braid: t , hal. Ivor, and Rum Comb, fluff and Teeth firsisln, Perfuturr>. fin , and i , 013:161011 Paw au d Parasol, Zeph) Worsted Cant., end Patten.; Wire Aim., th.lwrP. nod En ,., d^do , Welting Shunt with e vreat iariety of melt wereo end useful Yesmy Artirtea. which he otter. et tb , low , t rates Ath ' r fur •Pnroyed A. MASON & CO.. No. 6•2 and 64 Mar • krt stmt. env now openitot, iwr exyrrn, soother Crape Edusols. sult:d. damask. and Odin snti lARLETON 'f RIMMINt).-- , A. A. )la.scou u. Co. boor reedrapreep. • Isr, •--,ortment of vie_ v 'frit:minx, Lane, Edging , OSIERY .ti Nno:trueSen'f'iltio'r%t so Worn., ItOUGHT COLLARS &CAPES--Ree'd y or th r , ear:2 ; :! . .. i. , !. A. SlAttiN tt.). , new aawl I ISIED PARASOLS--A choice lot of tile 11_4 latest otylea, to na, I.s A A M AtON S. CO sp2l and .11 Markrt.l • lIILAPK SILKS—We offer for sale every itr& nt prin. or A. h diners.ot make , of black all ap', va A. A. 11A6ON A CO.. Maricet _ • . ILIASSIMERES--90 pivot fancy and Mack. / for sal. by 0. AItHUTIINOT I I RESS LAWNS-4 eases printed. a great -a " nnett 4 I.4 '"` " " U. ARBUTIINo P:_aPT. ERA/)E DE LAINS--'2 eases desirable . 1 styles 6.ir ale by ta2 Bolltlet. 2.50 Clip, for tuale by Alll3O VIINOT t jUST REC'D AND NUR" OPENING AT Flt UIUUI xu Wxurt txut. ‘l, ail:;t r ett r I t ' effet s igt:uTlViisi : T ' or k ie3p ' ring: td tong f 4 r sblooablr rhxlr awl aloe bleb.ttuuyy a ib.,.lll. ...CS." west of 01. Aleeatietue, all which the I , OPthdiet is determined to Wirer at such Draw at wilt nisi/Ds. oil who favor him with a mil. 01st hot 0511110 wait eutictler Clattaltut 10 sold at ed. atablL.lnneut, but SW St tbS 'oAlcril=se=tltliolltit 500-001.1 u the , Lest piaiwilletavitter, aud at the therteed waive [ utchla Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse No. 105 111/dixEr StILLET H. PALMER offers for sale, La. very a full a..ortinent ~f straw And Mills. , .."t oo.!;. oN'N'A.7 B 7 f Font ti UAW, le. 114 T..ti—Mecie. and Ltdy e Leghorn. father and plAiu Hrtdd. Kra., l'Anants. nnd Colas lout in found inborn. tlrsld. Snit, Chip. tthnt , und 111..e.'Littoey, Joa n / Lind, Awl tub., prod tar.' e'r ß o lllllV-41 1 .1e: o UL t l i ' ll end lenrf. plAin Satin And T. , feter, widths and odlntty. taw, tiAute • VES--Plalp and figod;al ladle awl un.l Cottdn Netts. I r TR IJIMI :11:0 —Cdrdt,ds.".el, Arn.dA Pelerines. It.. Sc 110 WElill—lranel .54 Amen. nu :Trier •nunchet and Ott sal novel BO.V.VEr SILK!? ..Lrit mvs-411., tint de N. lieu. de Rhine. Florets,. nnl ,dher duallties and • 21.7V3—Afterted dualitiet and mad,. Aloo--Likti and low yelra.dttar,,,ls and Unita. It, lions Poxes. Ar. andtis CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, S.:, EMIMEI =ff==l Cum Dn•ml.fl ra ern•[i CARPET:: Extra tu.ya.l tit. tle t'.1.41.. , dr. ttr , 7 .1.'v- 1 1 1 -1 t• tets tru.t.l. ._tat 4.144.11L0 J. Ir..gralc.•ttra el, /0 . •-1 34. 2.1. and 24 t1it111....1 Venitintl: 1-4 34 IS•rs r.. 1111 rutt.A. Rude M4T6. OIL CLOIII6, &c. sri. 0, .0 J... Choll/111• i)OS tatt..i th..trt. tl.4r. du 1. A irlaidt. .4. Crµmb Cloth. Feltmc dr I,csiat., 12-1. ANlto--Etset . 0.1 Clat, :at , tit ...at utt.h.t.t .:-1,Cr1.1.4. ,-4(fil Cltfht STAIR RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS', ‘5..< .µt,—stair Bud+. 00 L 11142 1, Carpet 110,0 LI, rot, Rag and :,.• Matttru.^.. Table I.inorx cr.., 1 anJ Diana - . Iluckebuct fraornArent bad Windru - Mind , Etabomed Man Coon, do. Table de . do. Nand do.: Nit...U. Table 111. - eta,. I=usbud and y - alblaa.u-.1 oni nucladb., loon cud crleb:abul Tarurke. Lving of the tor , aud ..tul 4 nylee and color, we are p.mait-d u.ll to [ll.olldl and cask:sets at rm. .1.11 1 14 . . CU, v. 00 .the C ccr.b.7.1.10 batik- .1.11 to rail and The Carpet 'Warehouse, .F,5 Fourth street . mebl9 W. MeCLINTOCK a. DRESS GOODS-15 carton tr the mat fAtiu , A•Lic Ft.6 l `. ^7 , - , A•A M A A ASON COA •tri •,e Luactos Bet Cska7.l4l--$. And NAArAtin • 444 PtLACK FRENCH CLOTHS--Minutre . Btagenrd. Caresow open tbair ...Pell' ad ch Cloth,. selected , eith ;mat can asal {Oll4l alt calls et eeldiumer. tibing lendlT themselves 'nth seer coats. tr-2 Cdf OTTON GOODS--2 case , Conan pant ' dull.just tennvon atul Int nnln t., et. ILL:kPIII n 1•1 F LAX -A em.ll lot for ntde ENGLisx fIENNI.TL. IZ2SPcood, tml In Fin,lftre, MISCELLANEOUS cr oPON-13 bales landing from str. Caps jtsMrtY. awl Y'Y Y'd. nr I,AI-01 DICK s ANYItAGS—s L.g. Owen, It IPAnI A lan 1±1,1 . f.,r 1,11:61 . 45 W. .r Ind ' , runt era- Lr VEATIIEKS ---5 Lags for Lule ITGAR, MOLAS S ES, &e— -:1,1,1011. • 0 yr bbio 11.111 (400.1N 0) _ or Lail. Lend Itairst, 11114,1 , 4 DA LZEI.InVI is .. 11'.1er. toll Fula 1. 4 '1 AXSEED—no hu. fur ~de by AMU LA LZEII.I.. ORSE'S Compound Syrup of YELLOW DOCA boxes yuk reed frnm Yrurtalerwe and kr nal.. by WICKARSIIA NI. Al., Agent kr Western Itenutql,anta. my' ranter of Wood and Faith tt.tt. WAIIING WITHOUT LABOR--20b1s. Hobbit's Soap Poontrr. the pmuane ortieb , 'Tit reed .04 for sole by It F. z1i1.1.1..R, _zuy3 Li We..l nrevt lIALK-10 bbls. for eni.• by I_,) my! IL E. SELLEIL Pedling Wagon. A Large and sub:amain' two horse wagon it. with Boa wale, fir ..a rs.re6l.• nor ARBUTHNOT. .21 atl Wool Strat. ACARD. -1 hove removed to my new store, (three door. b.10w,) lamely oan , dle the Bank' of ilatratk, where 1 will beglad to eve ley friend. and led low titian., and receive abate of their ruihdo. 1.111 keep • very large aunetment of lipholotery, ited.and Bed , ding, Curled Mgr. )10., Cotton and Mug Metes, SOA Feather Bede, Bolgters, and Pillow, Illanlods, Counterpane., sad Comfort"; Ntlialow Shad, of ...err ea. deer, Door .11ata, and every article urnally found in tbr most ,atenslte establlabloant. of the Iciud. Ord.. ter trot N"yc'd - 76 - ft 9% I . 80 Nth I 95 hi m . - - 85 99 Per cent. Strength. J OWELL FLETCIIER & CO., 3ialtllliliall- of ALCOHOL: PureSpirite f,Cningne and bran Copper Distilled VIII4r IVldekey Mire's on hend. Corner of Vine sod Frollt otreete.thentesn. Onto All orders from Pitudnirgh will ie promptly s 1 lowest tuerket prime apl7:i =MEI No, 157 Liberty sr , Formtrly 1.1.111-rarkrr Pl. torn . p. nrctasci, of Pitteburg•l p. sant vcNci.. or ". ICKEISEN & STOU WEN El., reapeetfull T , Kaman* , to the publo gauerall, •nd friend , d. wt crr vc ,, g eep .ornyivme.ot hen ara -Srcraelle and whit.lnes o, Errand, .Irackrand pale Orandh, of the etwicrat vintage, Jam alga run, llolfan I ain, Irish Irhiskey,champang aud sparkli S ng ho k weroc. /Atha Oraost approved brads, port wines lavin, sheen a natAboranthe, Or Ala marditiee llollaud Owlet ren Llranburgh l'bee" , All tf winch will sell, wholesale, or retall.an the most re.omale term. (Inc. of the partner, Sir btoorenel, still rontaaning ho Importation business in the city of N Lurk, the above firm leenabled to cell a cheaper and • Vetter article than unT other bow. In this cat please /Der a a tall, b.f." . Yon purchase elsewhere sarFanailin enophed frea of extra clicrr and a ~t the .bortest notion T _ ACCO 4, bbxel W and 5, Jobul A I. 015' Lrpld. e. Putnam brand. Tb. Lump, ICar•4cl, n 0101 , Hawn 010151. • 40 '• 0.. T l Edwanr• lb Le. A JbetAro P L. ' , udder. Junmed 00(c.urrqouieut Gumltiehmr..l and 1 , 5. bLuri , rum.ufweturer, end fr, to.L L n.1. - ATI - 115JAN .5..4 . 0:5Z, 156:a 5 4150 , 1A1 and 0 . 2 Frocd ACON -7000 Th-s. Rog Round. ree.ivinv sad tot .sle by .TASIES DALZI.LL ' alas id %Via, `UN DRIES encl. Corn. to Ids Pned riseno— JAMES DAI.ZELL, MACKEHEL--0 , l= DALZELL - I EN'fILS- -P,etived mid for otde Li , T , l A . 11k .13 121 linu ll ts acideCLl P. DrAders ALCOHOL --10 bble. fur ,ale by • 11D25 CORN -Su tbl. Shelled, for ink be as= Nv a V IVII4ON, 147 Vint at LEA O & SHOT -1 pigs Galena aV Lead; 1.461/* JAME/ Ar Mdreo".. 4 ----GROCERIES, • • J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Own , al Woad and IVA Patalatrgh 1 AVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive thi jag veral...4 the up ea r. -ent ham! . 1 to ~,, hull are arlensl um the must terms' prune t.rpeu 125 duly, Pll , atit Zlur Wash da. .10, 5? boles : extra pure Starch: '• 1 / 4 /eratu, 1,1, I:in Gas. , 75 tads. N O. Mulame4 1.. ra atal Java , B. awl IPt 1? - ,sulden Sy rum bh, N... I au.,. Slack , L'4 Powtt e eral ruA S 'i urr . r. 550 lbs. needle. Rapq, drums . i.sarrna 11 r ": ;!..1211„1t. ' lan Bordeaux PaL hArruar, .50 15. • tt. s•atra 31a.Ider 5 boxes hock Carat,. ••. Cass. thaws eitrota, iu Co•tas enuto istr Pe All,pi,•r P C.,411,‘ Almond 1 14.1 Nutmeg, , oav: p.utpl enn:er. 112 L. 31iluary i Peprwr 1 LW. tup Cart. 5,4 1 1 not a: • tt,tara; usu. Peas I Sago, • ass,. Irm,hos, L. •• •• P , mly and gertm.d Parrett • Sum!. Laiva i rP4 tsotes rteartu Caudle, I • Arrow ,a,a; - sr.sr •• 1150 Bath Brick: bbl. Flour Bulphur. 1..1.400 Mr,..*, tslarkict, 100 grass I.uebas 10 dor. L A trar , t . tf lv lLLm i ia i t : , Indlgs 5 ? Lemon Sum ts„•• Corn Bps,o, l u rk Sal P: 4 •111: tilts-. Nada. WWI, Lea.l, Lard OIL to QUNDRIES • kr, 3-17 K lalp I. and 1313ek 140 Lug, n , Lump lb .nil Roll T..1...0n-r, 30u bll.ll Hsi L , /taislitr, 3,0110 be. Aintunde; 25 bates Brasil liutai it, :: t,l " ll‘ ` ,l,t ut" - '''''' ..--- — I 700 drutoe rig , . ''''' 6000 rei L .... i t,. • 60 rages Fire Cracker"; 6 . !iron, 5 - men Sugar; TO ' 44.''. l ' ao l tl ;:c . ,l,lugsr, 30 ° TO[ll.2oKettlolo, Sr ret,,,lll.v.luk .1.. : 1 ... , 61% : tI :: I:lV .. Sauer, 15 0,0 01.11t'r. ,{,, I`. 001.41-811,1,. 1 vrnou, I m 11.0.. - ~w b,. ,0, 111x02 Ulm.: lax. rtittal.S.Rlll..lll 0, pp. , . tit siel Pt. Flank!: 0,000 Ilav?tta • . le..ee W lute Pile- 15011. 1/011n. , bl, S.. l2l li e 2itereP ICre-M. il.tipan. ••• .50 [O.• Nu. I. 2, •• 100 Lis. Water, 1.... u", a,Ol Butter Crarkreet toe 0 , • • ,01, " I '''''' .4.1,0 10. 0 WWI. 330 PIs....IEOIILN" Ale: 1 40 la., 'I auLvt, I/11. .100 g rust C k. b. Tobaresr. 1001 s ell lett, "0 I 21. , ii fine rut .- 10,14,1 1014.1,...i., 710 L.ore Melo &tic . 1 } . 1 . ? ... I. k 51.(ariitlas. tile Soar, _. :1 o -ra g a, “ ‘ Bed ' eorttr. Oround and B -. ipe, i Lritleie; Writing rail Wrapping w, I t r ii r . ' tli l lir ' li.. -" eitiiiii; l'andleerirk cu d Twlity . ith • Rein I ..101 '''''''''' " 1 ' ..4. ""IMAgi l .".,."`YENNkrr. ro t eel.. Li ! u•. o,t 122 ,eoetad. strut 151 Fount ate. 14 . Loui , , r , lis F o l , u l i_ly,lc s _ege by A,l, J }: T —'2) 14,15. A ila a ur . , ) ,, t o u , F b n r t. B U - fur , toak 010 gin, B A CU X , tl OO . ul- VS'INII. sale bl : 1 00.•1, 'oomni, , fo k r It hLuh) SO. II W by 1 1 • ftß=lplS- m doz. Coro. for :de by i g ar' J It PrAtlll N bit t0.,..t •t", n..trd ..111uoc le. I.; I:at.la:rch it IIIIIN -30.1 1 11, by : „,y r L O;, k 4 SS ". t t r i • c 1:;;3 . .... 4 .t m 1e 111 4, 1 I1(1.‘ It A NI. )10 L ASSkIS- • J 7,1,1. I• N Li JANIE, CU OAF SI ti Ali 21K1 1.1, Small, fir sale by mda, J A M ill"R:111SON1C1 . 140 Ii St Ii Alt . s I Ali I N,. I Lard, 3n , 1 2 1.1.1 s A 0 It. bILY.ELI. a Co 'I" A Lb It All 5- StiNDRIE.S r n M ;lll ' ll ‘ ..N " 4 . • t , u^ , .3.•• mats Cp.,. I y. 1.1 Nam. R EFINED SUGARS, e te],••• D x lauge 1,41 nura.z. •. Pn.derwl ' •.. ima.l ••.] rule , • • 11 13.ru]. ec.le olr., A 111 .cur Axon:, ,t Low • roar _ _ ;.% it-- Y bads. N. V tc arriv.• y s r, • Ire:At 11 . (.1,1141 1)1,1 2. ..Ns.so,imio,rrludGeahy 1111 , bbk. & 75 kgs. No. 1 Lard. in ,c2l tux PT _ 113 EC F.—o tc, pnme, neer ,rop, tor sale 117 littOWN e KIRISPATRIM RiEl ) APPLES--100 Cu. for Bale by BROWN lURSPAIRICL I COFFEE -5.1 hugs ' gC e d. " 4 co. Ohio Laboratory. Wines and Liquors. 1 •,,, Morris's Tea Mart I „rtul Pat.stury h, .1.111.. .TO S 1111:, °tn.. 0 Verb .4 D abuts . antbbolni Pamphlet, catanaluip 0re...! Information :sort er • l•Lalitat4l St the nth.. Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh API'FAL 000,000. R. MILLER, JR., v ni l'bleur, V NI nro em...tory s*oure anpainst ail kind. ' a mote, Fire and MUM , - WY, will G. alintsted and promply paid A Goma lustltution—cummaged by birn char. •bo are wril anr , •ra In the nollrOtlllitr, mid who am determined b tnocuptue •• and liberaidy to muntanu the tharsol. whiols t hr. bib 0,1•1113.1. brOttY - rdrm to, ,lonlre th be nnYureal • luau-ohm—lt Jr, nnyr Black. J. to Butler. Holm., Jr . It Udine% C Oen. Jacknon. Ir. Lyroo ‘ Jaanon Lnpvsnorn boo, bare, Junes IP inttOct.!. y ttreh ae of • ha i p n r , l o op staled Plobu Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y OFFICE, NORTH ROOM OF THE EX IL/ CITANGE. Third Philadelphia. fro. lOSLO...STI —llllll4in, NtOrOtOOOth , O. not "tin , P , r.rty, In townd OollOtrO. torment •1113.111 rt lona or mammon by CS, al tr.n. an loot! re, of premium . Amcor loonier.—They atm lam, Yomels. Cargoes, and Yrrlghta. 6selen cm onneammeo. under 0,1:1 Or eprelal Ch. awncruf may deans, The.lrusp --also hantre Merehaudlee tn....tont br Mahnno:ltall reel rara, Canal boot, sod rum. lobo.. in risen and lake. on the mutt libmal t Draserims—Joweph ki.13.4111d A. Eowler, Jul., C. ta The, Hobart Curio. John II- Prowl. Samuel Garrard, .t-r,r_sfillt;jln,D‘J'ate." i Lund. b hilt. Pauli/amt. It. J unes Limo., ileum • t="wi l k ' m o , .337 X nl ' ll7ty p 7T4 ' fl 'i T c r= John &Alen, k‘ra. Lye, U. Jr Drama. no Prtretintau—D T Morro. Hugh rheta . ;oho T. L04..M0 W .U. Maar", Preellent. Trim C. Vl Pro., 1. - 1 S Ul' :MOLASSES - 5 1 bbls. S. H., for LIZOL JOS"! .„ - p herOrnce r of . b . ,o Compact,. No. a.. Water etre.. Pitta. vie llr _ , I lamb. . P. A. HALLIKA. Womb OLE'BITTTI:R - 1 ,1 bbl (good) for sale rKIIE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR LIL t • •rs CO ANCY. COMPANY, No. 1:..1 Mark. Street. Newark. BACON -25 casks Hams, nod No. II NI all Street, .N.l. Accumulated manta rnl hhcaddirt; for titer by 11.M:1.0W. diettllch . prom 3.1.111 per mut prnet aithum op; ismApi Dirpaa The outenertbar wtu rectum applicator. for insurance es 1/vr• la the above Fueeenanful lunturanorComPanor the whan remits bins divided among tho araltrad. IVILtIA-4 N o. JONES. Airerlt. 141 Funat We, Itft totoxt, and Ito bltlot. for It tootLit:Li. ot Loooorto •Irwel . .!..r. stui 1, -el< b• 111.,N0T. 111 . n.. nu t .14 I>lirout 5r.T.1.1 6,‘,S—A fer. - 1 , 06. (fresh) fez sale be tr-112. 9 a. S%. icaassatvda === QI. 7 NDRIES.--2.00 bu. Dried Apples; 7.0 bbir Petri Ash: mato PI:MA, 1 nit 0- t TAI. White, a prime article. t aal for bale 0 , ENGLISH a BENNETT, .41. IZI Sawnd, and 11l PYr. are. hbas. White Fish S. 31.Lerob w. by D.AIAII MEM a CO. ,tp,i. OIL-10 bble for Bale by 1 I 0 I WASAWII ater Welte and of ma r 1. ACHES-2(X) bu. prime halves, for mile u. .ve JOILN WATT k CO cal.Aricn-15 bores (Fox's) just rec'd and u, JAb A.111.110111150X a Co. •I!A P.--50 boner for sale low by JAS. ,111.7PCIIrSON A CO. I ACKEREL-46 bbl. No. 3 Large, far hy ,00 JAS. A littall.E4Ns CO. EItATLISLTIJ casks nod 5 boxes on -/ „ I Nii16";::1 case Manilla, for male by 4,, J hCIIOONItAIIER A CO —AU pkgs. Y. 11., for sale by isais i tila r citiss - a isei,th. I ti; A it--10 lih , d . !J. prime N. O. elsriled: for raise •0• 0 ' • BROWN sKIRKPATRICK. OL.I S.SES—K . O , bb .. ls. N. 0.; ( hales to: n rrice per Muyftw e a w. 4BAIYIrIia% NY 'CO.. W•tin• and rout rts. ( 01.11 EN SYRUP-10 bf. bbla. for mite by w. a P. WILSON. UM AC-2.5 bags Sicily, for sale by Z. A. YAIINNSTOCICA CO. (.Z ALAI) SAUCE —, Gray's Sauce fir dress 1 - 7 .ae ea.], juyAn , d and for W. by WM A. 51,CLURCI C.X.?.. :56 Liberty la. lOCOA NUTS-2 bales rued-and for sale I_,/ IU •910 ICM. A. MeCLUAO i CO. I/NU:NCH GOLD PAPER FOR PAILIJORS trtlrle. just reed:m.lZr no, by TIIO6. PAU/F.ll.Na. 55 Martel :O. I FX COLOCYNTII COISIP'D - 40 lbs. for .T. by ap9 B. A. PAIINESTOCY lt CO. PRESTON'S EXTRACTS—Luionn, Rose. 41 t '1 V." 1". t.y a)A. A FAILNEATOCK 1.51. COD FISII--ill just recd Ind boreal.. A CC 1.111: I,RT,SON A CO. t • oreet . _ 4—:MI Rackety just rer.'d S `ALLA 1 1 ) y ( 4i La, m"l I I.,\RET WINE—IIe) boxes choice brands V_ I hand snit for .ale by Abb A. CU idiersoN A d -150 ILs. for sale by Al,ll 11 A I , AlINE511.00;- - ti , EN' V .104101. eat pm y.le by ,' ITALLIZOiOWit.C(i.. _ . IL ---,- I IM I: 100 was. liesh Liii.titViltei.:.tot egad 4 ~, - : Wz *1 W11,1".0N; , . AO TAT il . r,t, sat US Elmrixt .f.. ~ ; Ilk I N'll N(1 JMATE RlALS.;.Piitt4e_it ap. gic - igallei.lurcattre, - G. 1,7 x ' . ::. ' .47 ' .., 4 l 4 it i k k ory ' quoins. a&di. doubl• M. I'T.Aug oiliee ?,,,i.laswiiin MaTiciimaien7 01 - • AcTucAßLUM—toglish imported, for mchS : B. A. reicacrocx & co. 101111" FY—In bladders, in assorted sized f ' i ' le : b7 11. A. V tRYESTOCK 6 CO. OD LIVER OlL—Warranted_ pure, on •tranlzht FLl2,htnif.ll.rkt.:it,cglziklitzsts, ly wt.% earner Pinot tad Wcodgt. Tir ß i Histflv.receiLlord PHAMP AG N E WINE- c idrri and ..th 111 . oritr trAndl , kept novrtattiv 11111 band 4,91 A CliLitEiMON & - - - P 11; I RON—WOtone Forge, for sale by JOILN WATT t CU U LES :C. HORSE-2 fine Canal !finlas 111 „"” Dr " IThrrr ''''" } J'lms einn *ea G LI 'l.- 1 3 , bby . White; a. %W alt ' a co. pERFUMERY—Jwit , reed, a..yery choice • P rfr.tran , r r Tamifkmz, Stars On, L.nrsar 11.4kerdaut - Pomagl,4 Tooth Rfte A. 06 .1d„ ,ram of Waal lud Einta VI Aux/A:NE:, tUR APRIL • Iv I I,Crder• Ladpt Am's, tar April: rare: rsbAdi Ain't r IJA Hag - 2Z= d ` d .alc at HoLlavg /A Third OPP:dd. IT.StADVPA INSURANCE Framidin Fire Inihrance Co. of Philad'a.. IRECTORS: Charfes. Baucker. Geo. ThoeZliart. 'lltiolaral D. teeth Tobias AJetphe a Dorn, :nuptial Uinta, Dail/ a Drown. ''""‘ inssains U. BOsicriza. &amatory. This Company motivates to utak. Imusranms, D. ¢t es honied. eft every description of /imparts in turn and lOw as are consitiont with sacurit ° V;, t e r ftir..X . tow ',marred . tars. mougew Lai which. with ttuir Coping and Premiums. safely invested. adorn ample notion to nbe annand. The Lanni of heCompulsion Jana., le. MI. akinie lethal agratiaLl to the Art of Assembly, 1.1 - e as follows. sir—t Ne ot t Tem Loans • Dash. Le.. !915.194 55 .... .. _ 1:35511 .. 61,5511 00 . ..... 51.212407 ei :Ann. their luccrporatica, period qf scam they have said upard, of One 31111lazi Foci. Hundred Thouaand Dollars Leave by Fire. it/nimbi ofiorithig r b•kbnibe bl the admt:nog of Insurance, ea well as th ability and Mr toeitlon to meet with brininess . (fAIIDNER COFFIN, Agent 403 Ofilee S. X. corner of Wood and 3d State Mutual Fire Insurance Company. BRANCH OFFICE—No. 6d Slarirrizio _ . PITTSBURGH. THE best evidence of the success of the Director's In endmiTuring mike the STATE MOTU FIRE IS'SCRANCE COMPANY meat the wants of the community, Ls the unparalleled amount of businesa shish has been done, having.lstrutor over SAM Policies ist A little more than eight months: and adding over AIKI,OOO capital to the Company. Tbe Directors spe proud to say, twit nearly the proparty Insured L 9 of the safest kind m .mall sista, and a large proportion Insured fur only 0.0 YellX Number of Policiei issued, - 5,005 Amount of property insured, - $ 039,490.00 do. guarantee premiums, 57,909.79 do. cash premiums, - - 32,194.24 do. guarantee stock, - - 90,104.03 do. losses, 4,100.00 To be ded cted from the above balance, the landeutal extedmea of a °Mob To city or eountry merchants, and owns of dwellini7. aud Isolated and country property. It Is be red this emu- Pans effonis advantages In pant of clicspl.o3l, aml security, Inferior to no Insurance Company In HMO/W..7. Ca . .ndueted on the equitable sudsy - ready itnedve dq rn of bin/Lain...lon of Risks, excluding susrly. only a limited amount In any Ann y. that per eluding the frequency and occurrence of large filen and Also on both the Stock and.llotual plan, It not only eves the antenna and accommon of both method~s. but entitles the Insured to w participatiou in the profit.- It Is under theasordnd of the inllowing Dlrectorn—Jobu P. Rutherford. A. J. Uillett, John B. Peelter,Tt. T. Jun.. 01.114 A. Carrier, Philo C. &derrick, Robert Riots. J. P. RUTHER POHL, President, IMMZIIMM • Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Fhibsd' • A GENT IN PITTSBURGH, W.H. DAVIS, low,z part of 413... en>, the •40.114 Wry ELIO tutu' now 11 lo '2 to 3Velcer. st the. rountiug rot= pi .1 1 4 ....htr.Unaaho . d Ca. Nu 24 11.0.1 rarr lufonuallun will el mid rutomunlextmpus pt, pt itteu.l.4l to Pamphlets ..‘4.lamiukt In.urunre, au.) Manic forms furnsot.l ot. mul turrPorl.it I.loll. 6 .llTltirvi XUMIXiIy alaouß.4ia,u llttellaugh, Inn 31, 1.61.—,•.^.4 Marine, Fire, and Inland Traxisport.ation Insurance. Insuranee Company of North America, I.bilo.ib.h.a.l..—obluften..ll:Pl Jantiery 11 b.:.1,11.1.004 . 2: , to Will make lusara.bee uu build..., Ana tAelr tablet., to tr...../Er sal IN, of ileacriphou. abhor...a ,r Ober for oulsnd trathorbsol......f .•P tn. ArtbUt Outll, Prn't. rt.amas cup, Edward Oguilh. Mel:Lard W.I. ILA. A. Brown{ 111111ast Novuel F.ll.ltla. Eracterla ,a.tnuellltvntt e A Alll6ll*. tastles W. C. Ltuvreu, JambNl. Thom., Munit WAla, L. Shrrterd, 1.1 trio u 1.1,4 I Ptliryllef Uu l . 4 b.! from tt, high ...din,. awply •114 avol.llug All r1.1‘.. of ax rxtrs haranloul. ch tb. ar,: r, a it.. y. o t p west Ir ~.A l it Fsvul American Life and Health Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA MISCELLANEOUS Temperanceville. and Noblestown Plank Road Company. VOTICE is hereby given to the Stockhold -11 en of said Company, that they make payment to Doan a darkent.Trosurers of the odd Company. of gt•zr,..th =l=', o 4a . t whole t ie aid In inny-ea the mad os Ceded and bridged by th, 1151. Thy steaming:se sae requested to be preempt and punctuel In their payment. mehltitt bl. B. blatitrai, President. EAD PlPE—Cornell's improyed patent AA Lesd Ply. for VuriX, a il=le Esau . . tlrterns,*. All ohms on band and le &flak far saik M aws. 134 Front street t:r{;tl)ilA & F. WILSON Lye removed to No. I,zb aSeco . eel 147 Root et., between W.rd . . LP4EMOVA.L.—Exousu & BENNE*, Whole- ails Osman and Dealers Is Produce, have ret M. 1= Wend, and 101 /lest BM, bet•ems W ood w ind Smithfield Fltuhttrgh. • Jana, _ , Seed Store Removed. :IILIE subscriber has removed his Seed Store (p m 8.010 street le the building resestll em - tiPled i tr. Recta es a Tailor Shot,_ies Midst street, almost ite• medietely appetite the Peet w ee. eye li. L. SNOWDEN. NIREMOVAL.-OEO. F. DIM has removed We Dry Mods Aare from N0..114 Ilwritot Wert, to O iwott.'s Row. Irwin istrort, four dolor below Dann rt.. where he will ba plawird to writ on hit! former custoniert • sod the public or.nerallr f • .palm WANTED—A Situation as pook-keeper or V V Clerk in mercantile or (.111111•Ctming bonee.— Corti:entic:table city referenoes will be giren. A line ad Oersted to 11. fl. ease or McGill. k 11.6 e, will receive elixir • ..... IRA liE It 9E Y, COMISSION BIER. CHANT, for the sale of Dontattlx °oleo, mid Cloth. tta Na I t s. Wood street Pittsburgh., Orders 1111.1 at short notice for soy t lessaigtaxn of Wo o l. len Machinery. febl7 ryllE CO-PARTNERSHIP fiERE'rOFORI: existing bemeen the culaertherx, under the style of I ar e, Headed A Co., ls this day dissolved by mutiml onment. IRA IllittBKP ANDRRW FLRIIIIIII, IL K. YLEMINO. „ Ire Hero.! or 11. K. Fleming to authorised to um the name of the late arm in the settlement of their Mutate. febl7 • •tSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- The partherthip heretofore extellog_betw een th , mu here, under the style of Ehaeklett ei White, waa 'solved on the first day of Jentiary,ltad. by mutual coo Nen, Either of th e auttacritera win attend to Nettling kt the latiabarea, and are authorized Louse the name of the la. term for that humane. No. 101 nopittreet. 811ACKLEI7. THOS. R. WHITE. February 12. '1 `MEW FIRM--B. U. Shacklett and William a e r:l3 . lll . lL "' " ' t;:et' l te.da Ilaninesa under oh. Om of B C Bhactlett Co, jba an., lately uccuyiral Witr 1111 PANE. cf-P ART N EItSII I e subscribers have W lota {;oPertnerthl , under the firm of Srall+, y 9 k. 1 70 JA‘IES ATKINSON, JOHN OKF.LI SLATE ROOFING. y-Et & co. Propriewre of e gse hi vbandr.n." (manses, b«: Conj.raetors, and other, at vat, Wvd.u., 0n0...4 , that they hay< eppom, yk4CatINIIINS Pitt*argh,thor Agent, ' , oho le no. mot,. Soasdesteke eoutneacpa Rooting .Ith their bast ° VS/ r d litaset,k4 ile to posx•elo? of the beet and iCgi&q/I"TaVir the Uoh.d 0.0 tee eg Pot AliperlOr. W tba best Webb sig.—they eotPle7 nOttelOthrYboo , experomerd and pre tdatcta to do their work. consequeatir they ha. , • • battalion in insuring a perfectly Yrote4l`tightYoO4 Goa completed, at brakele a Sam Ptr . 4 tfrit oi=ta anlinlh. S u recommood their Slates to be pot co lath merhich vall beat ednatage to the =date m ' td creaersof balding. Itcforeamoree to their Oats" sad slating mabe mos,..emd Mr emus Berry, one of the company, ow a m b o nat ., their agents omao comer of Erna at aaa 0 . 2 .1 • PARRY, lIIIOILE3 &CO. tabslha larlifsbe AWN nnhoprvmptly maim. Is CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURES; lulu Paler cbandetkra and Brackets. of the lateetetrier.. aLo tea a L t one Meat Ormeraental Pendrag eastern trrlea. W. W. ~,„,1,15 corner of loarth and Market eta: SOLAR LARD LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, Ornamental and Min 13¢...ension liccipalbrOmeh. dteataboste, anAPaelliznt- Chiw now and Wan. dial pattern. at Center Table, buind, add Study Lamm all at the tuntesilad nisnotsetary °tea:menus ager* prima. • rata • • W. W. IVUSON. bAMY' HALL—Having fitted up a fine Rum Bow ors the ssamd story, overt my I larie .sidootalsta stock of Oorszellus t'co.'s war 11:1:"4:4e%""'th4.sv. 7witt. nnd :r . " I=biartfchagaer, ct, u .rwim.. . salT iIAS CHANDELIERS & FIXTURES -1177t .oThel7 W larva stock in the eitr, and,W lateet. . IniffON, §PLENDID FRENCH PAPER HANG. lIOS Ibr Ndartind rtrLEASCID..-- 43 .klaredVel• Or = s of C=.18111.40 a Wk. and P nitra . :(.. Lir. C1Ue..,:gra.44,1721.,tt .1)17 . . le Sidlitil4lf. , BOOKS. MUSIC, &c H )3W BOOKS: 4111t1STIAN PURITY.—The Nature and ea.Frato,to, f Cbrtstinn Purity; by Rev.& S. foetti nth . Intredoction by Edmond S. Janes, D. p., one of the Biybope of the M. E. Cbureb. 1 voL Neof Nsw Monthly Itygasine. Bi Byrne's ettcivry of kleelaktilee, Engine Work, sal Ese igineesnag—k , Just seen (Or eels by A HOMAN°, Bookseller and Stationer, rue: 79 Apollo Buildings. Feurtb et. NEW MUSIC IiLEBER has just received JZIEST Lmn's celebrateefilD 5050, es sang 0 . . er with rapturous applause at *morn. Pittsburgh The Fled of per Union; kationel Banc, by W. V. Wallace The Poor Bailor Boy. Where are the friends of my youth. Household Word, by Startler The Cavalier, by S. Waver. Bede Natio Clayl. Tbnal don, a patriotic mug, dedicated to the Henry When caber friends ire round thee licitly Nig. el l breesin dart.. Would 1 wereh thee. think of thee at eventide My News Engisnd Ham, eampoeed by Mrs. d. Wade. cf A VT.e. " ln a rr l. griien, Hem . Limy, Village Bells, Rough and Betely, Pet, lienrietta:Waerriey, Pretty Little, to Biceperde Quick Med. orcares Galan Preneytor. - I to Together with a SU selection cf C r Marches. Qat& Steed Venetia., Lamy Leman, o Also. sane let of Hinter ami Violin disnde. 50.101 Third street. epV Sign Golden MIT, pA RO AIN Sl—Teachers and . m , Families wishing se 'purchase valeta- l• . e &boo' Books. Classic, Tart hooka: , hu. will find hargahm by calling brimedlarsoly at the Feltioatimsal Book Store, adjoining Dr. T cook Drug More, corner of Markatsund Fourth eta This establish. mvot is about eleclair op, Yid will cell any of the abova , works at cost. Also—Carter k Dro.'s valuable Books.. n on [ dock for sale at met. Call during th e mascot week oolv • earEDUCATIONAL BOOK STORE.—This store room Is now for wait, 'nay low. It lon J !wen refitted with s bestalfol front. do. PiEN BOOKS !!—Buttman'e Greek Gram :mar for the um of high whoole untreraltles. bf p Rottman. Revised and tedarged by his Mormon. Translatal from tbeatehteenthOenruoi e ditio n. by Edward Robinson. . The Irish Cantederededi„ and the Rebellion of Ma, bi Kew -yid. Medd. The Aotobiogranby and inetnorial• of Copula Obsdish Coos.. for fifty rears mariner and Adomaster horn the rent or New bore; by .41e Mary T.Claw • utbor al 'ILA blew* World of the rid., ani'eThe ' W r haL and hie p i~eerjeehoot: a Frarwiwilartory, by the zutlicsof tb• Rolio No.. a and 4 of London Labor and the London Poor . - The show- works Jolt receiv ed ioad Sir Fahrby R C. STOCKTON, aii23 ho. 40 Market street. 16jagfBOOKS!—Charma and Countpt bMarla J . Mrlutush. br Shoo ot: or :latch.. ot tbr Ths......fuld Lib o Ma; a +tor, 01 b. 1714 ervturr. F. T.n.: " too. " Itirt;onit ' r, 14 Medianln. No. 'JO. Jung read ;m1 Mr , ale In II llorliLV. 7,1 Fourth nt., an2O Apollo BulLtunta. I ., .INDLIN LA BOIL AND TIIE LONDON PUtht, In the Nineteenth Century:. Crrinf.Tnn .•, I e. ow•ial CouJitiou and Igarninna of the Poorer I:Lame, ig. the I.hin.l, Metrotoraia. to ornaertlon with the eountr,. it, 11. Mnbew. With eru , raring. of the areruoanal pen.., de reribe.l. No 4hl the. excellent work bee been ...elven et llohne , Liters, besot. Th. rt . &try...rite the toot offer. prare 12), per No. • - - MP V. RAltl'E RS' 3IAGAZINE--V.,lume Second of Una eanplleut wort .111 he roundel.] In a feo . rem... tatnbriug trb hnee the *wt. rall hare It bound (Nen Tort ul•le, at 110L.WIrn . I.lterary DTI... 111.1 .treet-ont.nte the P 0.10111,. apt , : . . , - --- • - , Webster e Unabridged Dictionary. 1 IVEBSTER'S UN AB lUDOED DICTION T T ART. bound In sheep. litann.9o•rro—PrnTl s,lo . Same work losocul an Ittnnt& calf, enaborand hart and Orde• ler, elerrant --slll.uu. . arge ruDVIy...•L• sbove work Rea by vu lil. JOHN R. NIKLIAOL 51ifbodAft. EW BOOKS!--Elements of Analvtinaf amoiof tLY Diff•ryotl•l old loteig4l Cal " k 1;: . U. e• W•lbo, • Franroto• Ntory; by tho author of the 11.4110 Ibok, Lor•lou LaLbor arol lb. LOLIOLI Po.: by Hem, o 3 .Igl .1 t d" :1 (. YT ‘ .r b i l"'t1 1oef::1::.;:ZV1 t tore t t . SOCKTON.. Ilerkut nL p p - ()STUN SII AKSPEAKB, Nos. 35 and SL sw'd et 110L311,' LiO.r•ry Ek.yot, Third Meet- os r•od teN. 1.0. t OM, •D'Y NEW BOOKS! —Louisiana ; its Coloniol Hot., atol lbazaaro, by lama Oaystr, Ira. by. mos Lord 11°Ilends ronasti Itesooieceoato by Henry Richard Intl Llollan.l. 11:mo_ taus. hard' otIL. Bible. by 0.1 Gi 1 . Nature's Wonder.. bora ears over all hie sash. Lithe " i hoe° 4. ' 73 ~'`I,.",;:;".I1.1.`41 6100; i ' trir.. the writ hisbapJervaay Taylor, I vol mus. Slaty Belk • Frahooolaatory the ath eel of the orties.b° th. author of the Rollo tsuk.c lama, moa liehers sod Latin Lealcon of the Old Testament inellti L o, the Biblical From the 10110 of Wm thamiti, by tds Itoblneoe. Ito Begs , Lauri Testament . by I Pkg.; Mao., mos Complete Poetical Worts °Shubert Bonn. with °rotas.. atm" sal Glossarial notes and a hie of the author. by Jr (airrir. I vol.. I=loo., cow . Napoleon and hie Ilarshahr. b77. nmalr Byrals Dictionary of 3Sechaaira 2:etki No. The Decline of Poperyd. ite muses, an addl.'s. deliv. erediti the P.roalsayTabe sa roar.3e.by Her ii. Mummy:D. D..— for Arril; Numbers always ou hand. J 1331 . iI, NTI for eat. LT S,..an Ilaildlacs. Fourth at TOTES AND DRAFTS.—Engravad and Fbrrougrartt Nub" and Drano, of mutt beautiful de :aint " n a lri=lMar=k%=. F" , t attift coo. Market and &anal at. [Muerte.. Journal. and Pest rm.) WRITING IN K—Arnold'e Writing Fluid ; Copilots and red ink.tu.d lot Ilarrimaris columbuo Ink—red and btrk. U , Nrati • ibmampuo'. Commercial lett—black,esrlet and rod. d. Carmine Ink. Far sale b r HAVLN. FEW BOOKS. I SSIITIDS CLASSICAL DICTIONARY ; A new eleasiced dictlwary of Greck'and Ronan hi, g r a t ginr7:Pbt g le un '' et =Lux r " a e liT r as b n a l o ttnYe th , ‘ by D'llllani Smith - La.. B. editerofwe wior y tiotOrwe 'T n wage:hen Antiq uities. and eiGneek nod itomw Biography wil Mythology, rcrtsel. with °unscrew corrections and additions. by Charles Anthem. LL. B. Profever of the Greek and Laths LanaoWee in Cultural. C. The Life and Correepoendenee of Robert Swaney: edited by kW we:LAW Rev. Charles Cuthbert Southey. 3L A. Co. care of Plumbland:Cuinterland. IDsll bouwl cloth. wlth poNo. rtrait -1 of the Life and Ofweipondesloe of Robert Sou they. Lbw the Quo°. of Scotland; and EngliAh Thinetulte , re with the regal cuceeentou of Omen Britain. by Agiscel jai . ti author alb@ - Liere csf the Querns of Enyland . 21 , 3g . Irlite of Du l e i y=Ca t ym; anarli y rita= Jan 11. 11A1, by Res. N. Murray, D. D. The stow books Rut loseived, and fox aelaßoy iaulsi R. C- STUCTOIY. NA 47 - Market ct. BOOR AND JOB PRINTING--Evory de orrlptiort of lAol.,OnfonerciO, Stesniteet, Camel sad nen Mad Princiw, executed at dart notice end In the ben manner. by W. S. ILLVEif, Prim ng Office, GO Thiel st.. between Mallet end Fem. Jain TIONERY—W. S. aLirlig, .corner of .:Botosid .pd hatter .t., boo for solo as .Is mid com p cut m atioirment of faitty euitionery 00 boo over ban or oat; MOber earth. In tU titignhi PtditY, •Dd rs sutra/Lug humeral a ready remsils • hnstw tad It has crawl Piles. after other inedicimes have failed to cendsr h td .iiy-ite Gad gefh.lo.l4.:=Rittiztit=rlotta o OM data it has, rid oil easel pf 1101004¢411 h i s rt stir eZ 1 " has. belt .rata. It gat7l,ilsaltpine • = Arftid . ter laeat, that we know of It stilt sure ebilbland and frosted het, mAT:Egttr2::v-.l.gna.,,nutzwevitc reiKr eacts. SI 1.17,11.,0Ca5tal Eovcolh rtjer, Koper ne =en, minter of Wood street and Nnt Idler 11- F. Selina. 57 Ward Street D A Elliot and . Cum.AllsgtoncreitYseinsthe agent., IDEEWITLYT TO THE • " OVID. , - R. ROSE'S CELEBRATED RE•.IIEDIZO.:: :. T —IM. /coos • Ram; the dieenemeir mod mole proprietor •. ,_ em moat maim and beneficial ainclidnek =Malan .i .. lh y i p: en of the celelasted tmetruent for tonaftif the/ f Lin 'effect/a& a cure of Chiron: l adeetum. - me • Mad' don of that cotiociat yhmitiata. Dottie PhYaley and 1. ti, - - a aradoete of the I.7nivereit7 of Penoryleanik and to: YAM* . ~, Peas Mice to.. been mentf , cd in the InmettoMinn of Atte— ' Tiiood the o.oati th " ne, of his in Patios tot h e=ittd:tmoUe.iittit 550 Prophylactic Byrom and either of Ina remedies, h• hair raltoodan noporalleled emineme to mike those dasedfolt. a a mal, fatal maLvilim Tubercular Concompthro. Canniali ... i, tiorottits. , llbermieriaik Anflack. Power and 400., Pawnee nn Itinds, Chronic Ermilmiar. mil ell Mom oteum,assl,l mom pendia to ifetnale Indeed. every form of dame ... , mold. ander the me of his maandlek to which Imomati , :'• ty te hetr—not by the me of one emicound min far •tha4: e !a te incromatible with Physioloawal Lank but Si tati =COI , y 1 his ismedtek adapted to. rod preamtbed for. earl Femur • form of direare. r • imnite ' '. 1/r. Roice's Tonic Alterative pin:, whew amt. are '.. . tile aciarlrodad too. r e rnocLo oiLotba t t as art.; • ...' &3117 free ' him costimaTear, eralso its ClOrdon PIM am P ir .'' mined. by the faculty. to pitmen ;emitter pIOPMS•4 1.441iP! tad 0.0 fimate diermen bot befog eadiefrod all ..b.• Misr , ie cotticient to eittatinet, what hen been said, to the adadeof the room McKim!. . .. The addicted are Melted to all mom the agent and Mai• i el r) ow of-the Doctor'. pancliblerkirivini n Mae& t el iirico tof each remedy. and me appikanon. For th e following swots, oe erell as byasost drew ' Mete then t the column , . .. ~ ~.., ...,,, J. &I maker a Co-, 24 Wood ..t-. hug:ant,. • J. di. To aeon. Drogairt, 4.5 //Waft er... Lae ..f. an, Llngsdrt. near the Pala Onke.hliezhe tly city - Joseph Bartley. Dar grin Deaver emony, Ps. . John Elliott. Conon Valor, .. ••• . . - 'Auncl9nil7 •• , • COMFORT AHD RELIEF • . - ' . EOH THE AFFLICTED -will be found in Dr. lz...in c. 11.1ibuirt MALLS= LINIMENT. agle fluid. ar hid' has stood the teat of thirty nue ex• rodent., and b.s. bated of be. the means of say. Matto liwaa of thousands of individuals, to almost gem? . clam sod of of dlr.. ire feel that re beard be. -'. imam sa ost at this ix the only =bitch:Le th at hashes* wyered to • afflicted, that does, io. every mom of Marva, s whet lt is told Ice. ' • : . It has cared, sod le capable of eating more abeam that any other medlotoeoffered fir pie, .o am hot, by whim came or sold. or by vehst Loam, As,* t he sad seervioeina proof of the that It le the ottly'artkle that has ersoassol ha the ix. of o arre gV o 2ll, " lite i tela . :4ll b rVi= "4 .4= - -. Yu:oily Medicine ever offered Or tale, of used by shy of . air.. - - li lion. Moan 11. Grinnell, late 31. C.: The Ihm. Mr. 11. oniklste Mayor. L HoEm... ter.! Willi= 11. Porter, Esq., =tor of the 10itit. of the Tiam; ad • had of o th er &Wog - misted eitttaas of Ifeer L• TV ho tom folly tatted lte merits. have .mitred Ihs pm f or to retry to the. it te yell [vent that Palest Medlars are not an patroolsed by the team & wealthy sod Polito -we bays andoobtedly sAlt: feel orinem highly ply, ....,_..---,... c-- ---........-- ---.- as - VerreSTer wa....saboTisi;;l7il7/1 - 1. - I" — bs sub : ' : meal yea - abeam tbinblio. Ito test frauds am mar w._ rtrobseat asd bosh This Moet Undoubjtany is strong aad ; • masyintina proof of its genaral useein and amallya qualities. It la a mambas remedy for an nervous rhattmatic band, amsfulous owentotru Ihrt=t aarea, and an the paint lad arises that !Lashio boa to. Over IJ/04,000 bottles , have bras aold ultarad mandahutr; an/Omer berfocted such alb:sum l mer. menedlea tram as wuuld Amp: f, bad .+ net' '• garbed. 1114 In our termemacm, the strongest audible arls den*. This mead.. or nature. rem.ly. Is proud from veg. lisliem for Unusual as wen erternal ore. It acts y Amu the disesaedhart—raring It health and strerrallt".• • It is • sum cum for Mamb., Ciampi 1341 ams Chola, and.; ap.mostio affeetioas, dimmer rear ldne7sh mul irGOSIESS In male or female, from whaterer mum It %al= itsbnrab b UAL o ld . Ou. ' s r uad • °alma a Boarer,. =I byte .ta ra:rDragglata Eexrally. It isitut %In lbw. tact aratous; hot• To he Readers of the Pittaburgh Gazette. vitIBLIc - ATTENTION reapectenAin, oiled to the thiknhos truths, art Ihrth In to tate of the most importantoratedirs of modern FCTSOLEII3.I OR SOCK :01U it Is met more than one year ago elute thie f reur di vat v illgia IstaXll4l4 rat t r i ,T r ume, ath em become Dilly . th=r o td ta 10 ..2 ; strusa c trg%rl ellefej . th=oniftr i p, i o : „ Ilf the tm.. edy of a day, got op eta Vaal sae pupae of making tootaTl but, one, which we concave, wilt Continue to be mod atitta all ether nostrum. have been to Pante= Li ter or a paw, 1411607 that laughs to. moth husust•. • name' Utica. write our duty,hen of trate. aboutAntedi-- .- 6.: tut re the troth-thole" say lathing eaban 1.4 litative thaw tmrs 00T ' , Kftd or Vat deuceta statements.. The oak sse eery apt Janata at • - e tJ {Wag. that prombet relief from: diseur •- A story ant, • hardtly be Ma latiarvernotthl.th +notes the china of • 1. : 4 thghaGGm 0i - ftr It s rept:- cotton fat ateedlag any Mosie article in thtammema t am. • los- Pisan tuavauthed facts- that may he etearlathalL orty and neighttalMod. he.. ample temlutoay to tor f the Petroleum. thin the two months, two of oar own atthetat who as WALT Matt late been reannsl tosigha • Ell. , trarkll.• of hlludt I. the Plate of' Ohio. have hat . • c ,„ ra ti. And,atm, the tuse •guatheain beam Waal , There are alarm bat them are ewes. itear lama sod rata - • in neared lob eof Ptriont who have doubts on th e mat': tat 'these ans. were moat after they had bettanhatatap,. ell by playa:dam et hopeless... The Paroles= tali - ;1 4'6 C d =Tat kett;aiii & .' R . jll% . emirs on the Ime, Ctuonm Both yek niaavon.„. ‘""b •rattaa - Sod Head. paw la the boast itral pants. off sores, Illeers; wat, Ague, Cbreale Omaha. Asthma Droachltia and all ppintonery sifecUosu atomic mot...tea/Dag th•lTts d 'irl, L . , ==.l disease. of the Illsidar eitsl4.ltitteMa: anted' Ethottoted ffhiPlea, Corti and Babloai... la It Is mast Mamma ltpdaui t sad. /As team tatd--- , - la of the *lmre Mantas within the peat year wi th am . , Man. rfest aumeta. Man tes that'alll wool& ore ita the bpnoth orate prearietorothowili glessureht Ikea; tog them to the siltheted or their Mead, Whatever others may . . say %boot their medicines, the - " Detroleum is the greatest Remedy of the ear. Flusittlans - If higirstarsung in the proration an teginnlng tt n antic ptactice.. now vim at tout looked nu lath doubt'' . and bacerlalaty, an willatur to ewer 1 It due waist anti -• amaderetlon. el soo th er year roll: =ma al will - • coothelled to acknowledge that the Fetnleute is the moat. eta medicine ever disarrema. For ads. wholesale mad . hy - lihYDER C McDOVIt.f./.tho Wood Alto-lt_ I. Dollars, at Road avert t D. 11. Cony. p E IVi in h . in w iL ki tll a tt, - ait h b ' Fget. th = oargb:.d 11. A. Fahiteaock Co.. ljnett and Clout slat - tolll are the friends o ELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP. !LT boleti.. and Mlli, - temetona. , &simian . Crtv.3lortb VAT. 3131. R. K. EIIICTIC—RT children. cam. M.'. tam subject to Moubleaome cough.. and Doi Loa umal d.tacrent, remedies to my Lula purpme. , l thdnd b 7 Ont. ryT, rtT boot dideretitiim ' es. mitt boo never fallen ie cure emu I hoes mcommanded o y tied Ilion. sad do mart ecti•Meneudody believe t hat. it to th e 1. et cough 11201.11156 ttiat has veer been offered to the pulalo. • . . Patera, .bout ootperitut their ettitaltta to • ••61.i freo. etrot,b, oho, they toil be cored by • 1:.6 et battle of Ws Prepared awleold br SELLERS, ' clehtto 67 Wood et. and Drunter PATENT MEDICIN etar, and f ral or e an L.. Ointment I moo Reid • Enle of Nam and Hone Liniment Opodeldm. Steeree Pultimont7 be.= Pip.ttreStliona • - _ lkora's icor!. Aatillswatl , , " Evan? " Tacesto Crumbstkees man Blew " Quint:so ... t .. Rom Ointmen far Utter aereW.bardag rasters ow. liaagn iu t . At tbe.pi4 Boras. 1%1 41 ' -10C Ul3' "a7.sai Mktt-• ES, kx.—A large itock tee moat 12Seral was, vta. Beaman', D• balsam at Math. = l 's LULU !LW* wp.ater's Extzzaof Roam ;Court P.l.t.er Verainstivo relmnalr.% - Syrup. lor cure at hang's FAIL, East b:1 111 .4 p lL rppirrtiailit I /....Daman Tcuter cityrrs • • Eye Water , proce, for Bea unicoolt 60611:nrs eard.tal Geige . Thtetan• JR.WIC I.l l lt, of womird