The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 13, 1851, Image 3

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The following is a description of this magnifi
cent etructure:
The building is 1898 feet long, by 908 feet
broad, end tki feet high. The long line ie crossed
by a transept 108 feet high, which will enclose a
row of elm trees now minding at a point so near
the centre /13 to divide the length into 948 feet
on the one side, and 900 feet on the other. In
addition to the timber for joists, flooring, &c.,
the glass, and supporta of iron, eemprise the en
tire structure. The columns are simile/in form
throughout. The same may be said of each of
the sash bare, and of each pane of glass. The
number of columns varying in length from 14
feet 6 inches to 20 feet, is 3 , 280 . There are
2,244 cast iron girder for supporting galleries
and roofs,. besides 1,129 intermediate bearers or
binders, 838 wrought iron tresses for supporting
reef, 84 miles gutters for carrying water to the
inhamms, 202 miles of sash bars, and 9499,01X1su
per5cial feet of glass. ' The building etanif.s on
about 18 awes of ground, giving, with the gal
huiev, en exhibiting airtime of 21 acres; but pro
vision Is made Pir a large increase of galleries, if
necessary. The gallery is 24 feet wide, and ex
tends nearly a mile. The length of tables or
table space for exhibiting is about eight miles.
.An Idea may be formed of the anprecendented
quantity of materials that is employed in this
edifice, from the fact that the gins alone weighs
upwards of 400 tons. The glass roof consists of
a emits of ridges and valleys, exactly eighpfeet
Alongthe sloping aides without and within, the
inter - is conducted into gutters at the head of
nth column, whence It escapes through the col
or= themselves: In no instance has the water fur
ther than 12 feet to run before it is delivered into
the Tilley!, The provision for ventilation is,
according to Air. Paxton, a : very peculiar part of
his plan. The whole building, he ban, will be
fitted with Leone, or luffer, boarda'ao placed as
to admit air,. but exclude rain. The roof and
eotith'sido of the, building are covered with can
'vase, and Livery hot weather it maybe watered,
and the interior kept cool. ln the tranaep
alone; there are above 6,000 superficial feet of
ventilators provided. By covering the south
idde'aad roof of the building with canna; a
gentle light will be thrown over the whole build
. ing, and the whole of the glass of the northern
eddirof the building will give a direct light to
• the Interior. An already explained, the exhib
iting surface will occupy a space of about 21
acres. The total cubic contents of the building
are 88,000,000 feet. The total amount of con
tract for nse, waste, and maintenance, is .919,-
800, or very little more than nine -sixteenths of
a peony per foot cube. The total value of the
-building, were It to, be permanently retained,
would be £150,000, or rather less than one
iielfth of a pennyper foot cube.
r From the London ,hmes, dprtl
The Crystal Palace is now, for the aecond time
In its brief history, emerging trims chaos. Pirst
it struggled into architectural symmetry and
proportions from piles of ' timber and intl, col
lected for its orderlyconstructioa. Its pillared
aisles, its terraced elevations, and its mathemat
ical details and outlines women evolved from
huge masses of materials, which at first sight,defy arrangement. That conversion
was executed with a speed and success which
excited general 'estoniatiment. Armies of gle,
den and painters surrounded the anatomy of
the vast fabric with a vitreous covering and dec
orated the interior with brilliant and well chosen
colors. Thegalleries were run up, the flooring
of the basement laid, and the industrial world
had Ite limits and divisionscarefullydetermined.
In this early stageof its existence, when forges
occupied the centre aisle, when the ringing of
hammers filled the ears, and everything seemed
rough and unfinished, the 'Crystal Palace might
be compared to a new creation—lts foundations
hardly settled, Stn- security - doubted, rut anon
copied territories still remained to be'peod
and wide fields of labor to be occupied. Hu
Industry bad found a world to inhibit, but
it had not yet taken possession.
In that state of matter' a deluge of packing
cues and contributors flowed in upon the build
log,. add all was once more confusion. Chaos
seemed to have come again. Forearms time the
task o; arranging those vast piles of material
leas continued without much apparent effect.—
But new actors appeared on the scene. Every
portion of the interior had its occupant Na.
*tonalities became realised. Each man pat up a
stall for his property, and the whole available
area of the building was disposed of in an order
ly mamier. Now contributors begin In earnest
to furnish and adorn their respective allotments.
Haring made every suitable arrangtmegt for
the change, they hare commenced to cast their
shells, and to come out like so many butterflies
in their best and brightest colors.
lilt will be seen by referring to our ad
•eradhr columns. that If. 0. Foorrairstustly celebrated
Asablealiedusiat has at hat made its meow.a mon=
as. • We bail the intrcdneelon of this extrannliwary med.
bine among par nitride,. a vest blesethig it is add to
be the tutu wonderful preparation era discovered, being
anspowsLof ULT..= sad gums wail= to Arabia, and
Perbritilie ewes where've it goon, that astonish !TM
the awat, locientll3c of the medical Gunny. We =else all
SatElSletiike( a bottle Loomedlateinand it way see much
• Etztarracwo, Ilwatingdou co, Pa.. Numb 4,n , .
B. N. ILuna—Dear Sir. Your Petroleums is working wear
day Ls Ude delnitft therefore wo woad thank you to eend
se two dozen Dr the Perudayftunla Banned. W$ are or
Direly -trft, and It Le being inquired Err almost rroxy &T.
....P..trUM/. Jog LONG a CO.
nardem.La Albland ea. 14'63.
8.;3. Ktur—Desr 81r . Lour Agent.. O. weeks dews,
Lett filth ue fun r Axon Sock 011. wldett .* Dare inLL
Plows treerwil tout douen Immedlatalr.
TOW' fteilodur to working wonders Duthie region. Wo
can obtain wren/ ewe/lord certified., if you desire theft.
Toon, de.
For sale by Kuser d IltDowell, 140 Wood drat B. E.
67 Wood dratt B. A. Fahrordoek, .Co, corner
Word sad Preen sneer; D. M. Crary. D.A. Joseph
likruglear, end U. P. Echwarta, dileghonr. also by the pro.
artllulkorrP arena Badn.Seventh Pltbliww.h.
• lisconnzn.—John Conner, of Upper St.Clnir
meow, will he surxrted for the Clot of 'Weenier, =b.
=the &deem of the Atatt-.llaeottle and Whig Costuty
Lion. Dr • '!tart Vertu
Awatur.—John': Porter, of the Borough
Tarentura, bo • candidate for noarbuttan to Ors
`T 4i t?o:PrTalN : egrag e6''" " 141dg "
CdusTY ColmsexoNEE.---Gabriel Adams, of
tpe Third Weal of the City of Pittsburgh, will be candt•
dots Itiv the other of Commissioner, intblect to the decision
of the Whig end Antt•ltavan4e County Convention.
A Card.
undersigned would respectfully inform
itt Antl.thman mourn, or Alleihkir Omar'
0 zondj h.PDT them another tem in the
aerial plainoo whirr, through then form¢ kindisese, he
hog the honor at present to oreupy, COnztr
end he Induipes.• hope that hit attendanee ß VlTZ
&Min holgsmit him, and bit surceso In disebuning them
has beeri neneratly aaseptzl, be ventures to wail". that
. u amain honored. with their enarldence, his denim to do
Mghisball not Isr abate; and that, whilst hla ellZZahoe
, would snake bl; awn position more comfortable, he will be
\ metal that as Gar wn ptenible the pnblk 0..01 hare the
lbandtt th Tory resprrtfolly,
IfititrcoaDra—l will be a candidate for
tr. , of:am! Iteacrtler, subjuct to tbe decision of the Whig
."A'2o3l°°k Count' PAILNESTCCH.
flibbutstb.slyuril 33,1651alkIncti
bErCovarr Tazasezza—We are author
ised to an:miaow that J. M. Baxter. of the 2d Wadi Mr
of ilttaboradi will be • eandalate for the omen of
Widt.Coae CountY
Treamse, o=to the decbilon of the Anti Alamode had
ty apoitatello.f:
OP TEE COMM.—The name of
Horns at WI/Was tolraship w will be pramtad to
ilireoincre Baialirrza.—The name ofJonzr
Maceme, of
than tab Ward elo of Pittabefah.Tal Da aa?
=URI to the ti4leaaale ead Wbhr Ce.uar
madhLshe far the Moe or Register, Muirl be earnest
ly a=7 , ...rry wam
ilerOotatrr Itsourrez.--John K. Foster, of
Baldwin •• • sin be a ate aids as ' • •
1611•42azionor.—Robert Abrabanis. of Eli .
ashith Itoroses, trill rabcsit Ws name to the Asti-hissoals
sad Wide .• .at Casuatioa... e esadklattlor scsoloss
serComerr Ractsna.--Please ~announce
uses 11..1.1traxVidiair OM will to:4 samildato
tbe of I
U4ladock W Goirr i ' d t°th '
tiLII2E. or VIE •.Coro.r.—lfectry Hannon, of
Anoobor City. 1.1:11 be • candidate Le oosoluailem to the
Mmetee Or
th. telAti f t , h . e .i •ojtze , 1 4 f t ozr ‘ t r NUN= Coale ty.
etiZetilleetail .
AP-Com:Tr Commustaxtu.—Jas. McCune,
d tbeltiotia Went, City of PlUeborgh, trill be amen:tate
Wen the Whit(anti Anti-X.OMo Calmatlon. tot the of
ha. of County Loonnnsionen m ritlatele_S
ifirto uNiTTatastrame.—JohnV.Rowland
or upper £4 Clair township. 0111 ho &candidate for &ma
&Won to 0111 odier. Nacre tho tlt/-111020.1S
County Cnavanikza, bla A
• .•
• ,
SartpouiiTr CLll(3ll6.elONElL—Daviu Bluiq
Jr., of ILlSilkasid WYPi • eay Al!evrl.enr, VIII Lv • nin•
tht Atal-.ll.mutr. an t Cowev.•
Ikna SLie catc' e Colluty Couutf.Aknicr.
171 C
.81arlktiaiTy 11%
or Use dnr...,11, ut) • : r. otutuentlo.
110 1:1/11441 Ll.A. l lolthAl t to
CaalklAt, R.i GyntAt) . t7.illtll/IMI.
.I,GAmete,:l It •ry
it Aril ittitliOrizeil to so.
K. Iteminieb. will
twi • rwneitliite. iminitini h.,. to the. ik. Iti..e.iMer,
the Ana.m..„,.„:, linnwel.ition.,”it-, •
d plruairillon, Le.. e...eteilblon. for ....telnallon for Iht
oder of in th..l. , enri iet git.ter
Ailogheno ii,re the, AL li- and
wwwty on the ef
jervo,NTy GiLN LesioN %VIII. M. Me, ot IL. Aiuth ha,r4.a Mr. 6L,, - aatle (.11, SW
ahthhtte beh.n: Aut..nlatonitt ttrel
ca• Cut,
the Mitre of t gmk.tlletsimaLtSiuin•r.
my, c2T
, ,
Mar I.:OUN.TY CollltlettltlNEtt.-31:' JOHN
ittrq he, ht lltt&but- , W:11 he
teanditittle tteCtre the An ktAl eo:
tx the oaf, of 0.41.ty ouutr
salt .lawthr.T '
Apirt. LEM,: OF TILL i, UV ICTS.--4 tired X. rueli
IgiU be a 1.2 , 114211 k for lbe what W Wm Lt.%
Ogg of U. euneu .taLeß•enue taut ,
vmtloa. • •• • • apa,larmcit•
Sir COW= HIC I4 / 22,— "AleXandidt.
.alads 2oo
2 1 oltb•-lirst Waxd. 41.11 Lltr, boarga•
aft. afthaik,ll da,
.11 ii toWaiii,oiva4401a130tainal Ogin
• .
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Abase, the render has an opportunity of seeing the interior of the Transept, as completed. The sextons tiers of east iron columns, tie diagonal bracing, the lattice cut iron girders,. the
bridges over the central aisle, the
s messiva semi circular ribs composing the framework of the roof, together with the ridge and farrow glass covering, are all distinctly shown in. the above
New Yeas, May 12-9, 4. M.
The British steamer Arctic arrived yesterday,
bringing four days later news from Europe.
Livtapoot, April 30.
Cotton—The Liverpool Courier of the. 30th,
says:—" The cotton market has been very dull
during the . past lour days On Saturday, the
sales reached 5000 bales, which includes 1000
fr American, on speculation. On Monday, the de
mand became languid, buyers wishing to learn
the advicee brought by the Baltic, which arrived
here on that evening; and the sales were limited,
amdbiating only to 3000 bales. On Tuesday • the
market opened verydrilL and continued so through -
out the day—transactions amounting to only 2000
bales, eve decline of id - 6 lb. The sales of the
first three days are 10,000 bales, which included
600 bales Surat, at 4€sd; 107 Egyptian at 7i.
®Bd; 220 Peruvian at 7.iti; 70 bales Bahia at
7ider,73d: and about 9000 American at, for fair
Orleans lid; fair Mobile Gi; and fair Uplands at
sid V lb.
Bassnsrerrs.—The trade has been mach de
pressed; owing to the anxiety of holders of 'Flour
to realise before the setting in of hot weather,
and prices have given way .fid to Is V'sack.
Wheat has also declined fully I s 70 lbs. In
dian Corn has met little inquiry, though offered
at a reduction of fid V quarter but Boating car
goes are not easier to-day. United States Flour
not being so much pressed as French, the prices
of Friday are maintained. The quotations of the
market yesterday evening were as follews
Geste—U. S. Red wheat Gs Gders.3 Rd; white
do Gs 9d®.63; Crmedian . red and mixed
8d; white do is Bdee Gs lid V btishel—yellow
corn 30s fid®3ls, and white do 33sCA34s id 'l9
Ewell—Western Canal is quoted at 18s &107.19 s
&d; Ohio 19err20s; Philad'a Balt. 2055 20; CA;
Orleans, 1830,1936 d bbl. '
Cows dfxsi—lndian Core Meal is selling at
14srpl6s Ql bbl.
Paortarose—Bricon meets a fair inquiry, but
the present high rates are acceded to with re
luctance. llama are Is®23 V cwt lower. Lard
Lin good demand at fall prices. Fine Cheese
would bring full rates, but ordinary quality is
very dull, with rates at 40 ®42s V cwt.
Rica—There is a good demand for Carolina,
and prices are rather higher, in ccnsequence of
light supplies.
Moaner Usurer—There is still a drain on the
bullion of the Bank of England. The decrease
set for the last return was £247,738. At pres
ent, the stock in Bank Is £13,342,398. The re
served notes amount to 46,887,180, whilst the
note circulation is represented as exceeding the
bullion by 46,604,082.
Alluding to the bank returns published in Fri
day's Gazette, the Economist of Saturday last
says, the run continued during the week, but the
amount taken is not yet known. Large arrivals
have taken place this week, and they should go
into the next account. • Several receipts of the
same magnitude were received in timcrier the
present account, but they have not brought the
decrease much under a quarter of a million.
Bullion does not necessarily pass into the Bank
of England immediately upon its arrival, and
there may be some of the receipts yet in private
hands. It is confidently anticipated that the
lane intinx_of visitors attracted by the National
Exhibition will put a stop to the export of bullion.
At all events, there will not be any further re
daction in the vaults of the bank.
The amount of specie brought to Southampton
by the West India steamer Thames, and the
Bailie from New York, will assist the next week's
husk returns.
1 1
1 I 1 1, `
The Baltic, Capt. Comstock, arrived at Liver
pool at 7 o'cloek, P. M. on the 23d. The Baltic
daring the entire run encountered severe weather,
having to meet heavy northeasters, as well as
series of adverse storms.
Meeting of the Pratretionietet--The Great ExAtha
. .
‘l , - .4" ,
The Protectionist meeting, h ld in London on
Tuesday, was well attended, a out 3000 persons•
being present at the Drurye Theatre; and a
eupplemmitary meeting of the same party, who
*mid not gain seems to Theatre, met at St.
Martin's Hall. The Duke o e f
Richmond presided
at the former, and Earl Spencer at the latter
meeting. The usual Protectionist doctrines were
embodied in the speeches delivered.
Every exertion was being made to open the
Gnat Exhibition with eclat The Lord Chief
of the Queen'. Bench, however, refused
to a peed his court for the purpose of attending ,
on e first day.
The Turkish frigate, Tie= Berri, Capt. Shansi
Bey, arrived at Southampton on the 20th, from
Constantinople. She had on board 207 packages,
containin44 5000 articles for the World's Exhi
bition. She had also no board, as passengers,
Gemeledin Packs, a near relative of the Sultan.
of Turkey; Vice Admiral Mustaphn Pachs, an
officer of the highest rank in the Ottoman do
minion., and M. Constantine Murmur, the new
Embassy of the Sublime Porte to the Court of
St. James.
Accounts from France do not possess any. new
or important feature. General De I'lllll4lole hod
been reprimanded by the Minister of War, for
hla conduct relative to the capture of the village
of Selloom, in Afiica.. The Press, approves the
It Is said that this act on the part of the
President will work greatly against his chance
of a re-election.
- •
r At the request of the Government of Spain
the Netherlands hod undertaken to effect a me
citation of the difference which has subsisted ev
er slime 1828, in relation to indemnity moor.
for Spanisheessels which were brought in.
There is little intelligence from Spain. Ac
counts from Madrid announce that the Charge 4,
Affaires from Portugal had made another ensue
mural attempt to induce the Spanish Govern
meat to agree to an armed intervention:
The Propagandists hare returned three ou
of the fire candidates for the city.
The Viceroy of Egypt has definitely sane
Doted the construction of the Alexandria, Cal
re, and Suez railroad. .
- •
M. A. Deplantu, the Federal Commiesioner to
the canton of Teesino, has given in his reeigna.
than. The Hungarian Refugees are awaiting
in the canton of .Neufchatel, the reply of the
French Government relative to tttir plumage
through France to America.' The cola of their
transportation is to be placed at the charge of
the Canton of Teseino.
. . • .
The Neapolitan nuthorities are mid to subject
all travellers entering the Neapolican territory
from the North, to a quarantine of 21 days, in
consequence of the plague at Genera.
We learnfla Berlin, that notes have been
addressed by atria and Prussia to the Govern
ment of Denmark, insisting on the regulations
of the Holstein question.
It la now stated that Prince Schwartzenburg
will not proceed to Dresden, the Conferences
them being to all appearances abandoned.
His Royal Highnomi, Prince of Prussia, ac
companied by tho Princess mad family, and Prince
William of Prussia, arrived at London on the
the 28th of April. .
WA1111.11,01 . 017, Mey 1,..;
Brest Fillmore, Mr. Webster, Mr. Conrad,
Mr. Crittenden; and Mr. Hall left the city - nt 7
o'clock this morning for Baltimore, on their way
toL attend the opening of the New York and Erie
Railroad on Wednesday next.
BALTISIO., May 12.
The President and his traveling companions,
arrived hero at by railroad at I, o'clock this
morning. They were enthusiastically received
at the outer depot, and a grand slate woo fired.
lion John Barry on behalf of the committee of
reception, addressed tine ['resident iu a ,peeeli of
weloomi ; to which he replied ton hrief and
happy manner. They were then conveyed to
Darnam's Hotel, where Mayor Gerome addressed
him on behalf of the citizens, to which the Pre
sident replied:in a courteous unit appropriate.
manner. The party then partook of orenkfast,
and were afterwanls escorted to the depot. The
President riding in on open homiletic, and re
putedly acknowledging the cheers or the euo
rounding multitude. They left at 9 o'clock nir
President Fillmore 'arrived here about tour
o'clock, this attecooon, and was most enthusias
tically received.
Mr. Webster also rectiTed marked attention
throughout the route of tl3e promuslon. The
day was, Airy pleasant, aranhe military, although
few in number, mode o eery beautiful display.
Mcw..Yosts, Slap i 2.
The Isomer Genia,,, ,, with the . California
um* with iintr 200 puaangera
for Ppm!.
Msky 12, P. 31
...~.~ ~,~5.»...~,...
IyAnaznaTon, 11.7 12.
A despatch received rat the War Department,
gives an intervin7 between the celebrated Sem
inole Indian Chief, Wildcat, and Cols. coop er
and Semple, American Commissioners in Texas
Wildcat expressed great friendship, and spoke
warmly of his old friends, Genls. Worth and
Wasumnrnst, 11114 12.
General Winfield Scott arrived in this city
from his tour west l and south, on Satnniiy.
The vote for members of Congress at the late
election in this State have been counted by a
committee•of the Legislature, Thursten, ...Dem
ocrat, and King,' 'Whig, are declared elected,
the former by nearly 2000 votes, the latter by
PkiILADELP/11/1, May 12.
Very little was one is the market to-day.—
Breadstuds of all descriptions are very dull.
Flour—Flour iv in limited demand, hut pri
ces are without change, sales 200 bbls standard
brands for shipment. at $4 23, and for city use
bra at $4 31+ (s) $4 50 for common and selected
New York, 51ay12.
Cotton—The market is heavy, and nothing of
importance has transpired. •
Flour—has declined 6c per hbl with sales of
4600 bbls at $4 for state, and $4@,.4,12 . 1 for
Grain--Wheat is declining. Corn is tending
downwards, with sales of 86,500 bushels mixed
at 68c for mixed, al 60 for round yellow.
New l'oaa, May 12.
Cotton—The'market is steady, with tales 700
bales, principally at pie ioc for middling up
lands and Florida .
Flour—The market is active, with sales 10,000
bbls at $4 for cowman to straight State; $4C,i)
4 12 for Michigan and Indiana; $9 to 4.25 for
common to choice western, and $4 62@4 75 for
fancy Ohio
Grain—Wheat is dull, and prices nominaL
Corn is lower, with sides 70,000 bushels, at 68
for mixed, end 600 foisonthern yellow.
Provisions—Pork is 'Anil and heavy at $l5 62
for new mess, and'l4 62 for old do. Prime is
selling at $l3 87 for new, and $l2 87 for old.
Lard has declined, with sales of 300 bbls at 93c
per lb. Pickled meats are steady, with sales of
hams at 8/, and of ehojolders at diGgaic per lb.
Groceries--Sales Rio Coffee at 5/. Sales of
Orleans Sugar at 5,1 per lb.
Hemp—American der rotted is held at $ 12 .,
@SIM per too.
Lead has a downward tendency. Sales Galena
at $4 75 per cwt. '
heavy at Tic per lb.
Whiskey—Stiles of Ohio at 24 per gaL
Flour—Sides 1000 bbl . Flour to-day . at y
$3 55
(.I.3emand. 60 per bbL Receipts are adequate to the
Whiskey—Further safes at 171 per gallon.
Prorisions--The market is quiet. Sales 6000
lbs bacon shoulders at 6}e.
In other articles transactions are limited, and
prices unchanged.
The river has fallen 32 inches since Saturday.
The weather is very warm and dry.
NXw Osizass, May 12.
Cotton—The market opened dull to day, and
only 500 bales were 801,14 at former rates.
, Flour—The market is dull, with no export de
mand. Sales of Ohio ati53,80€03,90 1/1 bbl.
Bacon—Sales 200 casks at 8c for prime sides,
and ic for aho ulders.
Mew Pork Is dull, at 015 V 61:11.
Lard —ls unchanged, with sales in bbls at 9G)
Corn—Sales at 48c for prime yellow, and 50c
for white.
Groceries aro without cluinge.
Lard Oil has advanced Ito 75c per gallon.
Tobacco in dul', and sales are mostly on .pri
vate terms.
The steamer Winfield blcott, from New York,
and the Mexico, from Chigres, have arrived.
.01 rostayAr Oxancartiors el the Zee or. Afothoo
Hu adisma.fhwitroidt, Ansa or Weinceset
the threw or looego, and day afederes if the.
Polooreory frrorteth
WE do not wish to trifle with the lives and
h„.l of the .daidyli, ba i t vre sincerely Pin/go tow
velvety to make no assertion as to the virtue. of this mod'
.cine. and to hold no hopo to Weltering humanity. which
facts will net warn..
The Moss of Iceland, and the / s ine and Wild Cherry. ar
many celebrated for the cure of all &pewee of the Lamm
and Liver, which are eo fe.fially prevalent In all Northern
'atitudna. From • combination of chemical extrtete. pece
ored from this Mo. and dosel Treat DI. Whew'. Dm.
ot or Woo Conan is chiefly farmed.
ae - Winads Balsam of Wild Cheror le a Tle /mean ,
romicad entirely of Wild Cherry Tart Ond the
'rei•ndlioes,(the latterhaportederpressly dm QM
.arpos...) the rare medial virtues of which me .tat
bleu. by • new proem; with the extract td Tar
thus rendering the whole compound the most certain and
egiudios remedy ever illsooronal forty
cosseurnos or, me Lamas
run of Wild Cherry.-The falloising case of Jevenahlt Is
grieg. of Conroinlithro. (11ro of hi. brothers andatsters
'lug dial of Ginsumptioa) 1. trot/ wondorfalt
7LL111.7 Moot Ilimilton co, Sept. 27.'50.
J. Ix pair-Dear gin. 1 tale the Welty of addrlng Iva
of the benefit I have derived from the unt of Dr. Whiter's
LW.= of Wild Cherry. I was prostrat e d by that terrible
douree, ( s onsumptlon. In May last The attack was truly
horrifyingto me. for fire dim. Ifssully, (my brothers cud
Asters) had died of Consumptloa I was MOW with
nearly all the worst features of the Ware. I hada distress
ing rough. gal expectorated • Oust dhl of blood, beetle
ferrr, sevens pains in the Ode and A.+, cold 0001. alter.
noting with Ilushes of twat.
I was under the rare of a skilful n'troldan. from the
time I was taken sick until abeia six seeks mince, being
than about /minim, had my ft4,,toe 'aniddewd =7 ease
hopeless. or at Irost beyond coulphysician's .elll/44
the 0. of W . 141...• n./um of lend Cherry. Without my
ktiowledre, my father procured 4, and ommeneed admin.
Istering it to me. and from tha . t : l4-st day I commeneal tak
ing It my health improved. In two weeks from the
time I onattnenool using It, I was able to be mat and oror
sec my business, and labor, which I dill,rontinne ado. I
have Laren four bottles of the toodicino and slow cm:wider
myself Red.., welt '4l/111:311d/1
; ; ;; ; ;c• ; ;
Cams Pout. Lake Co., la, 300.15, 'OIL
Joss D. pan -Dear Sin. In July. 1140, I was
with • revere( tpplioidicharactar: which left me in • very
debilitated date, when, la the 11/owing winter. I was oe.
ken with • severe mild, which radioed me to such an ex
tent es to give me the appearanniof aconfrmed consutur
tire. I labored undue...ere rough-wrpectorated agent
deal, and was troubled with cold feet and night sweats. I
alai frequently nasal bleed &mainy lump I deintinnt
In th" .as.. gndooly elnkiee tinder the disease, rtntll
January. 1847, when I tr. again ...acted with fever. Sly
friend. dropairod of my life, sad my physicians thought 1
could survive but • abort time NT roPecial
ly my feet. wen corurtantly eo/d, and almod lost their fuel.
tr.. Under thee. circatesmaces it may be truly said' sir.
• living Owlet/ex I finally determined 63 unit taking rita
did." Proemited phyrichms and try Dr. Wider'. ,
sum of Wild Chem,, and nom the drat week that I aim
men rod takleg it I can data asradaal recovery. proud..
rod It, use six Months, at the end of which time I was
and eAton4 goat health ever shwa and cheerfully re
mend the Itilsamla .11 tholes atfdoted with diseases of
the lawns, and would ear to thaw commencing lee am, not
to be dlr.:lunged lf two or Ulna bottles do not effect a
core but persevere.. I hies don., and I havens doubt
but nine roses out of ten, will be blend with renewed
health as I have two liaperefully your.,
1111.02112 , 2 1 , 3 1110611 A/FtiCt. weer a DMA= Or tam uses
From Dr. Baker, Sprhaftneld. Warllngton County, XT.
Brewronitn, Er-,May 14, '4B.
Iltwere. ntartfonl 1 Parke-1 take) this O(pOttlanitT of in.
naming you of • 100.0 twmarkshlel cure performed lip=
rue by the use of Dr. WiXtlket B116.•131 of Wild Cherry.
In the year 7540, I was taken with an Intlarnationof tb•
bowels. which I lahoftd under for ale week; when I irt
Melly recovered. In the fell of 18.11'. I was attacked wit h •
~ .errro m
o kt whieh seated not) lunce.azal for llas
,0 ~..conetwl my tot. I tri.d .01
mod, of medieft,e. end every varlet! of 'ld, without hen a
lb and thus I weart...l along until lb. winten of
•hrn I In an! of Or. Wfttarbi dCll..rry. bl y
frkuti, ,flktilid..4 MO 100 r. It a tr4. l .thottfth 1 ,4 tm4 ev.
Lupo, all Imn nf reeoyery. and had Per Mr. MY If
• 111.114 e Of auother world. Through theft adleitodona
ioduepl to make IWO 0( the' detinftto Wiftare
Wll,l Cherry. The effect was trafx mtordataldd. Attu
three year, of alllktdon and cuffed S. and after
event four or Dee hundred dollar" td nn Porn°, a a`a
and mord rexpectaLla phyakeian• Droaad a ft aaa-U "
Ind. ti
W. emu 1..0nd to enure health by the, blowing
1.41•41,I the tube of Dr. A - Mani Dalai= of ftild Caerry.
May the Ideralna of God rot upo,i , provri ,
valuable • medic'. NI Wlettiee Salaam of Rik. 1214:07.
irg. 11. DAM.
gold b.
_7 l . D. N.Y. (eroestoor to Sanfordt. Park.) You'll
w 1 Walnut area. Chtelnnatt Ohio; General Agent: the
South and Weet to mtgm all order. must he. addrmed.
J. Kidd A Co.. It. A. Fahnestuek :Co.. j. A. Jon., L
I , lllmi. ir. Pittsburgh; lee A. Ikethent. Allegheny City;
L. T. humellrlgetbln,tan; L. 11. Wptle. tro.toutoya,
Kelty. Greeeshurg, S. Item...S.:utmost; Fegtt
Bedford: ltrd k Soo. 11. loatgeph g ,
k Co-. 1.11... J. H. Walsh% , Kkgewd z ,...
Ern. a co. pro.A.CI.I Wilma AF Dm, WAnuthFtri4
31,Par•Ind A Co, Callender, Koselyindr.. Burka t Co.
h t .t Yorker, Mercer: Jar. KeZly But.
tearer. J. o.Summertoie Wanzl A. aC.
el. jot.. Coudermora,...
- • • . .
f.,ble4/0.(1A/T .
fOOLJ-,Thit Li ghe t
mho b Pali bf •
riesprice, in
4 /14 iMbk.
1 1 011 CIN. •
A•brg , ViVaUtlritreitZT L e A l c i t all a c t
...i.:Pom. no Thuraday. at 4 o . eloek.ll.
( Mat. , or Paaa.aaY .W 7 onbard. .
gr:. , g' l l47r.f.M . MlDAllrtkatftit
the, lath hat,at 4 P
‘Fcrr freWht or paos.‘ro &pot) . cm board or - •
myl3 ' D. WILICti
I F E W G I U cE L P A IT R T BPLAttiCIiK ET 31LELT S asul4l6tEll-
.;ot 17.rr i. .„err iag
soul shipper' , ran derwod upon thy" tem - "
doriog the lop water ...eon. ..".aretwhailF
For frolght or DIISASZO. apple . no . board.
PACGIT,CISCIff Cbgtoha Jobitarlit
ttittchwa." Ibis fplerutid boat Toe built by
the owners of the Ammer treat :Garton and others, tbe
the Clotionati amt Pttrehurgh gotta trade. and lean
acery Wo.haorlay for Cincinnati. tn the g,
land No. 2. Tor freight or pasoge. aptly on ant
atc-kotor 4131 PRESS,Cok.rtuter,kill Lea
" Z eit
tlrlabokr Intermedlsteporta ee this d'i,
at 4 o'clock.
For froisht or paccace, apply on bosni m 6
fart runniud ataaart boat
ture, Muter. learn( therm! t Obballaghetty
(St Clair Meet.) every hour , (mtumenting at Warm*.
31_ and continuing until the ' Gardrna clan . Elm via WT
the Allegheny ride. for the Accommodation of abutsen.
worm LA, at an °thee Minh( Airl'Estra Trip at
clock. P. M.
A 1851. Ifigig
irrIIE new and fast running .str. CASHIER,'
i_ .r. S. ille3ltudis. Master—Regular Wellsville: Ptoo.
lisuellis, Wellsburg, IV heeling. Bridge Port. Captlifia, and
Sunfish Paclad—leaves Pittahurghevery li .. .dunday at
lutielock, P. 31., for Wheeling and Bridgepegt,and nrst7
Saturday. at 3P. 31., for Cantina and giutdlsh. t ur ning
& inaufah every Monday at 10 o'clock. A. M., and
i i iii.idgPort and Wheeling every Monday and Thursday, at
Pot iseiglit and pile:tags apply .on board. or to .
meld .10E11"; FLACK. Agcnt
lightdralightstestuer RENA,
D. P. Matey, master, leaves Wellsville every - ilfondaY .
Wednsay. and Friday. k o'clock. A. 31... Par. }last Liv
erpool, Was., AlePervan's Landing, Beaver. and Pitt/
burgh. Leaves Pittsburgh every Tuuulay, Thuralab and
Saturday, atlo ork,k. A.M., for Beaver,lifeFerraren LAW
ing, (Destro, East Liverpool, end 'Wellsville.
for - freight or psaneue. erydr on hoard. anti
it WHEELING PACK,l.Tals.rAilirricill
&t,l: g;'.sl7;ll."ll.Tr . • r tyl-weekly trlpleireen
h r. nit( nod Wh s = 4..i i . ea r t I . 4 =argl i nt ir,
ie>7llii ' lTAlng r. Cl,l, Tik..llV, ThursiLy and ikkozday i
in each 'reek. For Welt+ t pamize,nr . pyl nft !Kai* or h,
PORT.—The fin, ftentrivr PACIFIC,
Eor., tnarter, learr for the &Wyatt.'
termetd iate roes ti,l7 'Dawned/tr . , at .1 o'clock, P. AL
For frriglo , or Taeeahe apply on bound or to
WdO UP 4t FO,
so. CI W arn, emd Flout sta.'
Jut, SUNFISII PACKET—The fut running
steamer WELLSVILLE. Capt. E. Young,*l
run as a regular packet between Pittabranh. Wheeling.
Bridgeport. Suntish, tearing Plataburgh ever)" ElaaiaT.
afternoons iVelbnllle. bleu nenvillr, and Bridget,. and
every Thunalay afternoon for latenbenville, WheAlug,
rtgunggtbrt°4 V=;. - . ern.u:rtf,:imlZ4l
az,s.}.•llltr F°'lV(.llsVlll.4l7Eltrigt7
To Fanners.
S 1.11. RF., Funning and Grazing
431,3=vnr. within tne7in mrles ' N ' ae !Yew 14:11:1
Llso-1.000 Arres In Elk
Una terms. Ennulre of
myi mrnet of Market and Third stn.
o Gardeners,
yrjr7NTY ACRES - .5f Gardening Land, al
y under good Cultivation, within one lute elf Us
ti :"E4 l ts sold for Saga s tere—one third cash.... the
me in , tw, and than rare. roa Iwttn.dut
Ihtt..2-tt the one,
° NrriraNs 0..
myl conger of ttarket sad Taint its.
A Very Desirable BAnddenee for Sala:
"TIIE undersigned offers for sale, one of the
most desirable residences the town of . Masallion,
ut evenly, Ohio. containing about slit acres of
with a Large and COMTICKLiO. Itrlek Dwelling Dense, and
nut homes, and a good supply of choice fruit and shrub.
beep. One of the beet schwa in the country is within a
short distenee and when it Is remembered that In six
months from t it le time It will be within gray home` ridsof
Pttniburgh, Ir will be seen that here is no mall halos
at for any who desire a cheap end elegant retreat from
the city, either as a summer retirement or a
residence. A poet or the.whole of the land arlrb=l
with the huildlov. This_proterty may nowlie had foriese
than the buildings cau.. I will CS , precede title end =I.
Ter. the
CillrSV. • lot of morziltan two NM.. titll•Elld
on the hank of the Ohio CisnaLugut gout twenty nails
from the Depot of the Ohio moil Pennsylvatia Rallensd, to
woy capitalist or company who will establish thereon a
num nfectory of mo. Cotton, or Wool, which sits=
copilot of 550,000. Let it Dents In mind that
Is one of the most beautiful an& thrieloglowns west of
Pituburgh. Coal , and all the memo of livin g . as well es
Lrents, can be procund here ex law as tiny point.. Gaels
en manufactured can , of tortes, with gnat ease.
transported . hy Canal or Railroad;
Maesillon. April 17. 1551.--CapaPeaw
For Rent.
A Small well'fmished arid completely fur
!sked Ban,oft 3d neaLdlraottr
No. 731.1bn1y Ininnen A =ld 4th qty
(Part and Tribune cold')
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
'im subscriber "firs forShle the house sad
1. Mounds where he now rvddra. Pleated on Park be
low Tivmont. Allegheny. and aboot IniZlnCe walk tem
tho to.ket of thla ...dr. The 1041 lit ft-front to Perk It.,
running bark 2.52 Piet. to en —containing mealy°.
ac of ground. and houndolian every skte by lune open
ladornpl with [rem .shrubbery. The hot. le
. ...gil t or b&
i ttio. and exevolinri:i.r well arrtnged. f having
tkles 11111 s orti of t l k evVll ' " ' Vie built in test
.d moot durable team., and La a fire-proof roof, and
COLltaln. all the modern conveldenne. Two pump., with
mifidllng ettpply of hard and wift Witer, are Si the dam,
On the prees. are the neenootty out build... keniee
carriage ow., A. The
old tint Mostly . a
ihniVerit't wttb
garden The hull ti of the 1. .kind. and /I c e tree. ore I and a n
dmlt prima end yield enowth for the wants of .
&only. The altuation of Lida property.. to ming=
/suburban annforta.
ma i d s with cont. - WV to the city ,
le not ourtaiowil by tiny maiden.. In vicin /t I.
a view of the Ohio Iliver - lor over o mile. of Totoperanco.
ville, Sou. iltkem-gb, , thelnity. the two rivera. and tba
wh ine round. forming altogether a tanoramle ,Dempset
eye never wenr.d.r i llivery boat whinh..tani or
&Milt*rom tee WS of Pitiaburribron the Onto. pares It
fafl tie.. The tveidmice and arounde are alto completely
removed from any minnyasee of 4ust, deetrnetive. of
nenfort and vegetate., amaplyonle a retirement as pd.
a nd peaceful oak' located in wenn qukt nook In the emakty.
She property will Le sold at a betenein. and laiwomaton given
who. Par desired. Ellquire „IL Use Gazette ofllce.
.12 . ;,./Itf • 11. N. WIIITk.'
For Sale.
/rill members of the Fairmount, Fire Com
l. rillll'ent their Engine for sale. It le In g00d,09 ,
der ar“: be sold cheap. Enquire nf
J SIIITII, &ley.
No' 405 Penn Area.
EOR RENT—A Dwelling House on
Thiel etneet. above and near to Sadtkeltdd. It
gad. fixture., large yard. wdeh Ipnae, de. Will 2
rwuled low, and pooderalon deren Immediately.
Also—For Sale or Leas,, lot. the Muth Want.
between Senn street ~2d ti,&4l.ll.htrir.
at Benj. Darlingtnn . O. rdolth .dreetynd= Wo.a.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
RE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on
faverablo tenn the following Real Estate, in
Teitr of terms.
No. ). Their valuable three 4317 brick dwelling houses.
on Second efecet. between Market and Perry streelo, the
lots being each 10 fret front by 60 des,
No 2. Coots:us Li feet front on Tblni street adjoining
the Thint Presbyterian Church. on which Metes.] one
four t tort brlek used as a printing 011ico, and one
two story brick warehouse.
No. 3. Two lola in Falletsan. Beaver snotty.• being lots
No.:land 4, being about 100 ft resture,on which Iserents
sal one block of four frame dw ee ellings, and One somata
- fearful deep... all two stories high .
No. 4. One lot 50 feet front on Back street, opposite the
above, and extending. the tor of the hilL
No. 5. Two beach Fora, each SaLl feet front, and running
ertm the road Wier rots, mark, on the Big Beaver.
No. 0. One valuable water lot, 103 .16et on Wheel Esee,
with tels shares water rower attachot
No. 0. One • lot oporoito the wet, :et SO feel frant, and
0 0 the of tbs bill. en which is oreeted ono
two story brick atom and run. 1601,0, byfrOfect;o:nsca l e
frame dwelling, IVO 110,01.
I. one tar, lot In Nes- Buebton.Beavereortntr.4a.
lag übout 140 0.01,0 Broadway. andahout:MO tut .5.... ea,
coat:doing 15; iv, PO winch an ere,tel two large fran/t)
3 welling., and one unall fr...
Arose, used a.. an oak.,
This pruperty Yee fartnerly r ,
t o by Mr. T. C. Gould,
.11s rrry plraanity InnateU, tuuno inunedlatelyoPPosite
the Yallstort rdgr,
No. 0. Our vuter framrdlately below i:talon Bridge.
being about 1100 fret In leooth, and eztruding from Water
street to law water mark or towing path. •
The above p lonk win be eni..l re,ry Ever - able brine.
eothe SDply a[
et HoOY Older
web= (Journal and east c0P7.1
For. Sale.
BLOCK OF BITILDINGS. otstle corner oflYse 'lll
tn, end Pena
and fronnag the relueirift
syleards Canal. in the City of PittAburglL The Lot fronttt
owl hundred nod forty lour feet on Penn street. sod one
hunttnel end nine feet nine intim on Washington streeL
to twenty feet alley. Inquire D im omit,
No.loB Penn
V KIR BALE—Two loran FOsarilllila and Saw MIRO:a
Ilia Dearer Creak. with the neer:m.7 water power. Abo. •
'a well improrad .Vorm In Lawrenoreponty. Prim WOOL.—
Also, a Far of 118 acres, on oh. Ohio river,
l arva rally below Bearer, for RIMS, Also, one of 14d as., on ths
(ado river, 0 miles below Bearer. for fit= per an, Also,
OOP acres for SIM per acne Alm. farms of LW, IR% and id
aces, for UM per acre. Alva, 175 arras for MLR and 'M
nom for 115 per arr. towed., with many rithera mUrarl
ous elms and prima. Eno oire of
N. let O. L-B. FF:YTERMAN,
Attorney. at Law and Real Ilstate Agent.
10010 No lig alb at. Pitubursb.
- A Blast Fturace for Sale.
lIE UNDERSIGNED °lien for Sale his
0 BLAST FURNACE. situated to,Cass cowed. Geary:,
known ac the ',Racoons Vornacr.” with all the on,
bullion, CAW and 0111eT MULL, and.roty thina
p, , erer on the :retiring of Ore. It has .1.4,0
0,1•1 a Land snarled. with as touch more
anld Ow
arteß which con be had Rom IM. for per
the trent tarcrable location !orbs Smite. for
rearing Icon , haring the ore watin onambiall to co te.
pd. .
ling isrge .inantitho, es, to Woo, and' }
front lO TA .6 per cent. It is sae 'Ed' fredo Ito, •
EtOwab moil, Mill. when, a ready ado can ha found.fmr
sit 1. prestos. of Pro Metal: and II two miles from lbw
Western and Atlantic Railrmsb. Which One of
ate hr e s
of railroads connecting tho Tennessee River - With th e Fsn
Board. which boa Ito HA. tafiresmds mud° • out kens
it. itsbrd and under contracts W. 1.& MM. ell the Mi.
m ane Torras and Calm In Oced - gia. whore a g er..:ly agars
. ri o. cl u foyFlK Mcial. Mchinery, hollow Kam t
by Waterpower, tailor 1.5
pan et the Routh . lo , and In the ino.d. Lea:lhr
Latter may be addreesod to too at Etowah. Casa 0
or /
m 4
at any time an the prem...
ALUMS,. rt..; Warch 1,1431.
-d atifid offers for sale • hare number of valuable
ioLs. and some very dedrable me*
03.1 Borough of Btrudogham, lowed near dAr
nem MIL Selcol Booms and Lunen Lutheran Church.
The roPtd generth of Btratinscham to
.___OUnnfaegrhAealth, and the ressotuble rm. et which
trlll render them sAIA G.:74 AA4LaI• LA.
vtAtciant n perfect Ulna favorable.
Torrt.tenkr. and terrox, enir ortheuedenizaed. at
due Goat.. r. our." ~ Grant scrota, Pato
herzhe bete/ain't - WM sad lan IV:Lep!. . 0 o,r
," cl;.trt
pOA RENT—The large ancl,coeanextz 7 ,..,... - ;
It u geret= d ' n
eVA,a .
amiss • yard LW—HAW= los twa m .
of EDWARDS, xoaanyk co,
ORM N0.69 - WitEr et.
..,. --