The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 13, 1851, Image 2

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First pager—Address of the South Carolina
State Rights Convention, with the resolutiona
adopted by that body. Also, our Piew York
Correspuudence, Commercial News, &c.
008 Ithceraarross.—A large majority of our
readerklike ourselves, will be prevented by re
ribffleircrafistances, from visiting the world re
miwned Oreat Exhibition in London, one of the
must singular and important events of this or
any -_tier age. If we cannot go we can derive
muchinformation by reading and by illustrations .
Ta afford our traders an opportunity of forming
as just a conception as possible of the magnificent
palace.which has been erected with almost magic
celerity in London, for the reception of the Exhi
bition, we have been at the expense of having
engraved, especially for this paper, the fine il
luiliation3 .to be found on the opposite page
They.were engraved by Mr. Neville Johnston, of
this city, from the illustrations of the London
Art Journal, taken from drawings made on the
SPvt, land are strictly atetunte From these
teveral. designs our readers will be enabled to
forni - njust conception of this magnificent build
ing. We priblish, in connection with the en
gravings, a description of the building, and some
ay.:cunt of the work of depositing the article:- to
be exhibited.
REbtll.lol4 to Sours Caaouss,—lt most be
eonfeased that the aspect of affairs, in South
Carolina, is sufficiently serious to excite the ant- •
itty of every lover of the Union, and of the peace
and prosperity of the country. It cannot he de
nied that a large and Faswerted party, composed
of the majority of the able, influential and wealthy
citizens of South Carolina, bas revolved to venture
the terrible consequences of secession—of
rebellion against the General Government, and
tretusonto the Union. It bus be.hoied that some
thing will yet onsets nip this madlacheme in the
bud; but if it shall proceed from' a treasonable in
ception to overt acts trf rebellion, a fearful retri
bution:wit/smelt the guilty. At suet, u time, when
treason cornea boldly out to the light of day and ap
pears in the/mils of Congress, la the public press
la the Messages of Gavernors„ in legislative arts,
and in large and sober Conventions, it is no
email satisfaction to know that we have at the
head of Government a stern, unflinching Reslt,
Dean patriot, with n cool head and a brave heart,'
whowhile he will do nothing rashly, will act with
firmness,' energy and dignity in the trial—and
t hat he is surrounded with a harmonious baud
of able clear headed and patriotic advisers, com
posed of men who love the Union, sad who are
willing - to risk everythinglin its defence. To the
fact that the people have unlimited confidence in
the President - and his Cabinet, and in their wis
dom and ability for a crisis, such as appears to
be hastening, may be traced the calm quiet with
Which the secession movements in South Caroli
na are viewed bithe community at large. Al
though the danger really appears - to be immin
ent, it scarcely riffles the calm sea of the pub
lic mind. What stronger evidence could be giv
en of the unlimited confidence felt in the darn
kflity and efficiency . of our. notional Union
and free institutions, and of reliance upon the
President and his cabinet
Imminent as the danger now seem.. however,
we entertain the confident belief that it will he
averted. We cannot believe that the rash lead.
are of this fool hardy scheme of rebellion will he accomplish their object. The ••sober sec
owl thought" of the people of. South Carolina
will . veto this mad undertaking of one single
State tan:Slily the American Coustiradon.
—This interesting and important event takes
pinee nett Thursday, the 15th instant, at Dun
kirk. '.The President of the United States, the
hencinnf :astral of the Deparnients; and a great
waster of other &Ain' goished persons ore to be
present, We yesterday received the following
telegraphic despatchorhich we publish for the
benefit of oar friends, the Forwarders, and we
hope a number of them Trill accept the invite-
Bcrien, N Y , May 12th, 1951
ttizias OF Gszrris—The celebration of the
opening of the New Torh and Erie Railroad takes
place at Dunkirk, on the 15th instant. Please
invite all the. Forwarders in your place
the President, and several of the members of
the Cabinet, were to leave Washington for New
Tech to-day, and preparations are made to give
theth a 'reception worthy of their distinguished
positions, and no less justly distinguished cha
racters. The National Intelligencer says that
the President will be attended by theSeeretary
of SUM, the Secretary of the Navy, the Post
matter General, and the Attorney General, unless.
'seine unexpected event should cause a change in
the aixtinemiWbi•
ONTO AND 1351W1e Ipinstoen. —By an inter
esting communication in to day's raper, it will
be perceived that thin important link to the great
chain:of railroads from the .A.llattlic to the Far
West is progressing in the most satisfactory
manner.. It is evident that a spirit of advance
ment' has been aroused in the Middle aid Wes
tem States, the result of which will soon be ob
oared ixi the still more rapid increase in wealth
the of this already most prosperous portion of
tits country.
We have just heard that Ntettm Ii Cacio,
Esq., at the instance of some of our property
holders or buaineaa men, is about to prepare no
fmes or sketches of the history of the country
at the head of the Ohio, to embrace also a me
toe of the natural advantages which it presents
for txowutfacturfne, operations, and commercial
pursuits. Also, notices of the 'intimus routes of
ammonia' Won which nature has created, with
emplatuttiona of the improvements sad additions
Which have been 'podded and are now making,
by art.
. Siich a work, we have no doubt, will prevent
strongly to capitalists and various Classes:the
• greatest inducements which our position holds
nut to a settlement here. All who have the
pleasure of Mr. Craig's acquaintance know that
this will be no fancy sketch, or an exaggerated
description, but an intelligent presentation of
. fonts for the consideration of practical and
experiencednien. No man could be better fitted
for this Work than Mr. Craig, as he has during a
long and active life, been industrious in the col
lection of information in relation to Pittsburgh
and vicinity.
MONONGAHELA BANE, Baowsst. tads.L.-.).les.srii.
J. Carothers & Co., Bankers of this city, inform
ms that on the 7th instant one thousand shares
of the new stock of this Blink were offered at pub
lic sale at their Banking House, and all struck
off in about thirty minutes, io lots of froM five
to twenty shares, at an average of $21121, being
a little over 13 per rent. premium cm We par
value, the shares being s`23. The snore price
wee offered formore of this stock, but of course
it could not be bad as the sale was but for one
thousand dares. •
This ID the highest premium et which soy
bank stock in iVesteru Permsylranizsps
and it is mainly owing JO the veryjn4icious and
eats mums is which the concerns of this beer
ere teenaged, which gives it such eortfideoce in
the eyes of the capitalist.
Blooornic for Stine i 9 exceedingly
rich In illustrations, hating three of a very supe
t Mar character This number ends the present
volume, and the new ono to couunenep tb July,
the proprietor promises shall, if pocOle, excel
its predecessors. In the July number, .The
Ocean Robin, a tale of the Southern c 0.," will
be commenced, from the pen of S. A Goodman,
rag., of South Carolina. The postage of the
Magazine; after the fret of July, will only be 2i
cents under 600 miles.
ZOOnalt.ill eT , ras Soura.—We see that the
biatgebiary (Ala.) Advertiser, the organ of Wm.
Annoy, the Southern Bights candidate far
..'00,4711104 Erllliartrs district, Alabama, declares
, distinctly forßachamn, of Pennsylvania, for the
Presidatey. ns- "Southern Rights" editors
thirolsemt the South are highly elated with An
atomy& meat letter to an Aasix4tion at Alab
ama, V . capaind thP Parse of directly
importing ths.praduatief Circa Britain In pre
faremato tem at the li`rse
57111111 AL
We find the foliating coMmuniestion, addres
sed tothe editor, in the Pennsylvania Democrat,
published in Uniontown, Pa.. In reading it over
we were :first tempted to make extracts, but fi
nally concluded to publish it eniire,l as one of
the moot extraordinary declarations of faith is
the Supertutnural brought forth by the credulity
'of this excitiug and progressive age For the
information of readers at a distance, we will
state that Mr. Courtney is a gentlemen of good
education, very fair intellectual powers, and
high Moral character He iv a lawyer in good
practice. All who know him have the utmost
faith - sit his sincerity, and he, therefore stands as
no common advocate of spiritual intercourse. We
may hf re add Of the boastibe in good taste) that the
the pp,blic defenses of the Rappings which are
sent #:orth from Pittsburgh are vastly superior,
both , in matter and manner of expression to
those published in other parts of the country;
showing that they come from a superior doss
of men: Thus we give proof that we are mach
a logical community that even any little mad
ness which mak be caught from abroad acquires
something of method, in oar atmosphere
The recital of facts is put forward with such
earnestness that it may make a strong impres
sion on those who are disposed to believe, but
the close obse rvir will, we think, discover that lit
tle' vulnerable pointthrough which all such dein
,ons are dually pierced by the arrows of Troth
PITTSBURGH, Nay 3d, 1651
DEAR Sin: —You say you are a believer in the
of the 'manifestations' —so is every
ree and able mind who has given attention to
subject. For the la•t two months, I, with
Y , family and frieud,, have been in daily and
elAiost hourly communication with the spirits of
the.pext sphere, through the medium principal
ly of Mrs. Bushnell, though several other media
aresmol Lave been in the city You are, per-
Laic!, aware, that previously to Mr. Austin's
sleuth, hr and I agreed that whoever should
•pas . a. first into the nett sphere, should find the
Means of corresponding with the other, and
thus attest the fact of the world of spirits be
ing inter-diffused in and among us-in the natural
world--instruct and assure him in and of spirit
nal' law and life, and vouchsafe all the infornia
lion and instruction on those various topics of
spiritual existence, which so deeply eugagxl our
attention and study here, which it was in his
power to give. About six weeks after Mr. Aus
tin's death, I received a message from him through
Mr Sunderland's medium in Boston to the fol
lowingeffect: Tell brother Courtney I have not
forgotten my promise; I will respond to him in
Pittsburgh soon without fail.' Aboutone month
afterwards Mrs. Bushnell visited this city uptin
my invitation, then an entire stranger to her,
: a nd residence her home. Mr. A. says
'he influenced me to write to her, and influenced
her, contrary to the importunate objections of
all her friends in Cincinnati—contrary to all pe
cuniary advantages and prospects; to come here
uu entire stranger, in order that he might,
through her, communicate with me.
Her visit to Pittsburgh has been a matter of
surprise to herself and to all her friends Vet
it has turned out when all is duly explained,
fur theiadvantage, spiritual and earthly, of all
concerned. Hundreds hove been assured of the
reality , of those spiritual manifestations, through
,the sittings at my house, and every candid mind
`who sincerely sought the truth and has had
nu peritinal interest to 'aubserve, has been fully
smistie'd of their truth. Nor have I yet seen s
sidgle Ntional objection come from any one who
bus, to any extent, observed and investigated
the phenomena. Spirits are clairvoyant and in.
tuitional, and when they come to a person they
mad ujer his whole memory or "Book of Life,"
and ars , cognizant of ullhia most secret ways
Fuel thoughts, and can accurately determine his
exact quality They "search the reins and try
the heart"—they not only see Ed, motives and
purposes, his Im , ts, his loves, schemes sad ma.
.billtololl9, but the actions that will be ultima
ed or follow from their indulgence s in this
• ay m)• mind his been searched by M.r. Austin.
and without even haling breathed a syllable or
thought to mortal, have hod my states of mind
spelled out to me with proper admonitions, re
monstrances and instruction= So with others
whom I have seen grow pale with fright and as.
tenishmant. at the fearful revelation, ,ke More
over, our Spiritual monitors and guides, hart
been sent by us to explore the minds of others,
friends and free, just as a good clamoyant would
trace out the mind and condition of a person at
a distance, and returning have kept us advised of
their thoughts and intentions whether good or
had. What is more wonderful is their protoy
ante, for I haro had the particulars and errata
of the following day told me the evening pre-
TiOUS, and which ill every instance, came unfail
ingly true.
Hove far into the future this prerofant power
reaches I am unable to state, because, I hare not
yet experienced the future, but ithasbeendrasru
ut and portrayed in living colors by visual rep-
resentations made to Mrs Bushnell in the spirit
ual trimce, induced by Mr. Austin. When any
important instruction or information was to be
imparted, the dilatory and tedious process of
communicating by the alphabet was superse
ded, Mr. A. magnetizing Mrs. B. (a - thing of
daily occurrence) and inducing upon her, a vi
sion representative of the information he wished
to impart—those familiar with the visions or
“Memorable Relations" of Swedenborg will un
derstand this picti--e orcorrespondeutiallangnnge
Then after thus representing it to her and mak
ing her describe It, he would lot,* at my mind to
see if I had got in adequate and accurate idea of
it, and then by means of the alphabet spell out
an affirmation, correction, Emendation, tic. of it,
as the case may be I have many of those rep
resentative visions, highly instructive and edify
ing. In order that you may have a clear idea
of them, I have copied one with the circumstan
ces under which it wasgiven. One evening lhati
magnetised a young gentleman at my holm with
31ra in order to develops his spiritual vision,
and directed his perception to Mr. Austin. He
described him accurately—though never having
teen or known him—and talked with him in
thought. After many other experiments, I re
quested him to ask Mr Austin to make him see
a vision. He vaid he would, and that he would
make him see a vision representative of the
-Frailty of human life." Mr Austin then stood
before him,llooking healthy, cheerful and happy-
Suddenly he commenced to ewell hideously and
look horrid—his faceliecame flushed and red,
choked and crimson crepresenting apoplexy of
which Mr. A. diedi--hobody continued to swell
until it Lunt, when it ;tali found full of W 0119.9
eating and destroying it, during which time a
beautiful'hird of paradise (representing his
spirit) was seen to hover over and around the
body—the worms continued eating his body un
til nothing was left but a dry skeleton which was
blown to the four winds. On looking after the
bird, he found it. [lying on—and on—and on, •
until it entered. a warm, and balmy climate,
and a most delightful country, when it perched
and rested upon a tree bearing at the same
time, the must fragrant,bloesoms and the richest
fruit. On looking beneath the tree he wan sue-
prised again to see Mr. Austin looking brighter
anddrappierfar than ever, and on watching,him,
he commenced to ascend with others, a smooth
and flowery mountain (representing progression)
up whose fragrant ascent thousandsand millions ;
of happy spirits were slowly progressing, and ,
now as they ascended, circle by circle, they be- ,
came fewer and brighter, until they were lost to !
his view in the distant and sunny summit.
Call these dreams if you please;lhey are preg
aunt and apt with meaning, and tell or typify
the reality better than mortal language, oral or
printed. Thus, in a vision, my whole life has
been • rtrayed to toe, the truth of which has of I
course be proved by the future unrolling it
self in e present. tin last Tuesday a com.
p of us projected a visit to the Allegheny ;
metery.. Mr. Austin mid he would =comps
'll WI and magnetize Mrs. Bushnell in the Ceme
tery. Mrs. Courtney has a sister buried there,
from whom we have had almost daily communi
cations, and she also said she would accompany
us. Mr. Austin promised to magnetize Mrs. B.
at this sister's grave. When going, Mr. A. con
versed with us, iu the omnibus and at my office,'
and when we reached the grounds—and after
wandering some hours through them inspecting
the monuments, hc., we neared the sister's
grave, which had been purposely concealed from
Mrs. 8 . , and upuu ascending a little rising
ground, some person came up behind Mrs. Bush
and laid their hands upon her shoulders,
and she, conceiving It was some one of the con
pony, turned suddenly round, but Maw the rest I
of the company at a distance of Fs or 10 rods be
hind. She became somewhat alarmed, sod
found herself rapidly sinking into the mesmeric
trance; when she discovered that it was Mr .
Austin, and that heir was the grave of Eliza
she eau then into the graven and coffins—some
freshly laid in them, some. wholly Jemtyed, and
some only partially, old men and women, young
01en and infants—and upon withdrawing her vis
ion from the graves,and directing it obliquely
upwards, she sow the moat indescribably beau
tiful scenery, and in the midst of it numberless
beautiful and happy spirits, and among them
Eliza, who looked with disdain down at her tomb
--and Mr. Austin stood there and pointed out to
her the contrast between earth's scenery and
graves and tears, and that spiritual kingdom, 01
whieb be was then an inhabitant, I was then
standing leaningagainst a marblealab, and Mrs.
B. a few feet from it, when Mr. Austin rapped
successively and distinctly upon it near my ear.
But I must draw thin long letter to a close.—
Mrs, B. left no en last Wedneutay for Clocinna
ti—opou 'accompanying her to. my office, with
Mr. hfcriontild, Townsend andothers, Mr. Austin
spelled out to mo, after mush affectionate greet
ing am now at peace withal] tho world—l am
with you alway, even unto death—peace be un
to yeu—Fortwoll." • An arrangement, however,
has he= made, whisk wheneiie I wish to
be inforstret of anything relating to the , stagy
and philosophy of spiritual life, I am, by an in
ternal desire, to request Mr. Austin to instruct
me in the matter, when he immediately gam to
?Ire. Bushnell, andimprevasee it upon her in a
visioh, or spells it out, and she mails it to me.—
have no medium now In my family, although
the sounds are occasionally heard through Mrs.
C., who has been rendered somewhat suscepti
ble to the magnetic influences, yet they appear
to be involuntary or uncontrollable. and conse
quently cannot respond to the alphabet, though
sometimes they promptly answer questions.
With regard to a medium in your town, I shall.
have to write you again. There are media
every where, if the proper care was taken to Jo-
Nelope them.
Affectionately, your old. sem ,
"Tee Sanas: or the Fatal ' by
Henry cocktail, author of Valentine Vox,
etc., has just been published by IL Long & Bro ,
New York, with the illustrations of the English
edition. Thin is said to be, by the English Re
viewers, the ,agreatest work of 'this author, and
nperior to Valentine Vox. •
The American Bible Society held its 35th anni
versary at the Tabernacle in New
-York, on Thurs
day. Among the speakers were Rev. Mr Buel,
the Society's agent in California, and Has Theo
doreFrelingbuyeen The receipts of the Society
during the year amounted to $276,882 52 No
of bibles and testaments issued 696,435 Total
einee the formation of the Society, 7,672,967
copies. Bibles have been printed in Swedish and
Spanish, and is the Grebo tongue also, for West
ern Africa. In hie address, enforcing the neces
sity of circulating the Bible, Mr Storrs took
etrong ground;jacidentally, against the new ver
sionista Nearly all the principal Societies have
got through with their anniversaries, and the
statistics show that moral and religious progress
has been steady and gratifying.
Posr Orrice DEPASTIMNI —The receipts at
the General Post Office, for the quarter ending
last December, were upwards of $l, W0.01.1u. be
iug an increase of $2.41,811
BislioP Henn's° —A letter from Bishop Hea
ding was read to the New England NI E Confer•
ruse, by Bishop Janes. The venerable man is
sinking fast to the tomb, but enjoys deep peace
.d firm confidence in God The Bishop thought
it probable he would never meet in Conference
ituentr.. u , May
The Board of Directors of the Ohio and Indi
an► Railroad Company, and the Board or the
Great {Nesters Railroad Company met together
according to agreement, on the !at of May, inst.,
at Patterson, Hardin Co , for the purpose of con
solidating the two Companies There was a very
large delegation from ►ll the adjoining counties
and towns, along the different proposed lines,
each advocating its own route, and all wishing,
if possible, to secure through their counties.. this
•• Great IVestern Improvement"
The Board, after mature deliberation, decided
un adopting the Southern route, through Lima
and Delphos, to Fort Wayne after which the
two Companies were consolidated. The Board
then resolved to order the engineers to continue
their surveys West, and immediately locate and
prepare for a letting, that portion of the Road
West of the l& River Railroad. making, to Fort
Wayne, a distance of SS miles. As that portion
of the line EIISI ot the Iliad River Road. to Crest
line, is nearly prepared for a letting, they have
every assurance, (on the removal of the pending
injunctions in Crawford and Wyandot counties. i
that they can let the work on the whole line, at
an early day
By the remevai of the above injunctions
which the Company anticipate very shortly—the
trances of the Company will be in the mast tot
tering condition Allen county, Indians, suo
seribing $100,000; Allen county, Ohio, $lOO,-
000; Wyandot county, Ohio, $65,000, and Craw
ford county, Ohio, $120,000 ; all of which sub
scriptions ere waned to the Company. The
amount necessary to prepare the road forth° su
perstructure being $516,000, leaves a balance
necessary to be subscribed, of $130,000, which
sill be sufficient to prepare the road for she
This balance. cecesmry for the mass of the
company, can be very easily subscribed along
the line, and the friends of the road, in their
several counties, have positively promised that it
shall be subscribed at a very early day. The
Board have appointed committees to solicit stock
along the line, and to facilitate the movements of
the friends of the road, in raising as speedily as
possible the individual subscription to the re
quired amount.
From the above proceedings, our friends East
will at once perceive the easy circumstances the
Company are placed in, for the early construction
of the Ohio and Indiana Railroad, from its junc
tion with the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, at
Crestline, to Fort Wayne, Indiana- It has per
haps no equal in the country in its long straight
lines, easy gradients and curvature, and the re
markably low cost of its construction
Passing through a rich grain growing and fer
tile country, undulating sufficiently for good
drainage, it presents as fair prospects for
doing a heavy and profitable business, as any
Railroad in the country and when we take into
consideration its direction, and its grand object,
viz to furnish the most direct route East, for
the trade and travel of Western Ohio, Central
Indiana, and the great North-West, we at once
perceive that it is one of the most important lints
lo the country.
This road, being, virtually, the continuation of
the Ohio and Penney!Tanis Railroad west, ex
hibits to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, the great
necessity of the rapid completion of their Cen
tel and 'Western Railroads, which, however, we
may reasonably expect at an early day, under
their present skilful and judicimm management.
Their road, once completed—judging from the
feelings and sympathy expressed by our Western
men—you may reasonably expect a much larger
business than you first anticipated.
The President, Directors, and Chief Engineer
of the Ohio and Indiana Railroad certainly de
serve the highest praise for their judicious man
agement of the affairs of the Company. under
their many difficulties, nearly all of which bare
been brought to an amicable settlement. ,
grMcLest's Vsnwirvcc.—The populuri
t, ert.hd/ thin medicine hae acquired In Western Penn,
venia, • rare guarantee of in. errellenee. The fulluiring
gentlemen, highly rep table enter. of Allegheny tool
Bearer round.. have wed thin Veranifugn In their &mi.
lira and offer the ...wane. of Its great unedlral propertie.
Jame. Stratton, Fourth 'street 14.1, l'itubureti
Mary J. Stratton,
Mary Burk. Beaver county.
Sarah tiatbergror. Maneheeter. near httehurias
Margaret Lindsey. e
Jame Burk. kuirre ,
A.. Bark, "
Formal. by .1 I( lUD A .
mvllkda•ly,B Nn rU LP,. 1 at
Market Street Store for Rent
EOR RENT)r 'fhe Store, lls Marketzi
xt.r...t., the setwod door from tee ecruer of Altaket
l.lbe it strere , Ptareimlou giveu Mr lot a April
nett. 11140g:ea - DAVID OILYEk,
matgl3 . Peon O.
Citizen's Illumines eompaity of Pittsburgh
Ualer Nu. grtii !Her rtrert, In the Warehouse oIC H
C. U. Hussey, Prieurent... ... WrAtsiths, rev)
Wrogiiitir law. preplan' to
;II mi.rehan.lase
in or, and In tratoiltu, mewl. tr.
ea aro& guaranty for the ability anJ loterm))' rt the
itLatitiltiOn, is afronlail in the character 'of the 'Ohmura,
Lo ani all [Hitch. of Pittsburgh. Ai and farorshly
thorn to the community fi,r their heudenee. intelligence,
ant integrity.
Drtrcroaa—C II Huse, ,Wm harsh.), Wm Laritaer
Jr, Walter Brystit, Huhn It King, &Irani ilesarton.
hilie !Wreath. N. Ilarbangh. P. )1 Kier. en: 111
Scott Meeting.
tho.lace thr WI/ American, corn, of 1,v.1d
Third &lawn;
The l)aniolltra ccurlats thetnlicring gentler:two
hrrtrar:rn—!Fran T. J Bigham, Frol.U. Kay. GrP;
Charlton, Francis Earr,, John Touc,". J; . Udall
Applegate, Capt. Hubert Port., Leona/1S John, Andro. -
Harm, Ephraim Jrne Jr
T. J. DIIIIItiI, Chwrmar,
On Monday morning, at 2 o'clock. Str. Jwaa. I.ld. nal,
kaa4 76. years. The funeral will tale Pl. , on (1 ,4
nauralng, ai y 0 oalca-k. A. M.. (van the midst. ,
cf da Eon, Mr. Jots: 31ceunly. Thlni .arceu aural: . of
Qom,' alley
Sarno Annual :tolecting of the Pittsbuigh
cud Jllleckto7 Orphan wsitua So.tty, will be Ixpid thie
etenthie, in the lint Pr. 1.7 Chon-n 01 Pittabsrgh,
Lt. 7 o'cloclL El.ntecriter• ned friends to the Isutantis.c.o
••• the Vnelln lemrW7. tee lashed a nnend. The
erstehe sill be =met. and • neusber cf iIiNIiCCT =.7
Ey crier d the reari
M. W. cuts au. •
Aie:Mtl(l9LY.-1 would recommend Jog. John- I
ue Iv the nett Legit Let AN titt,
ull' -
FURORE/MR.—James _or_y . cuaid a t e
6.4. the Aloe a Rewriter. gal:lett. to the SCOOP of the Rati-
Masonic .04 Whig COLIVOO n, to be twido n the ath
Jame heat. fi.M.nJO .111 pleaue bear hlmla taital et the
Prima, Meetlneta last:Rim/Rea
t .l ,.. Aßß k A i lt o D ham re
Der do 1 Lnc;v:chtlie bai
gr.t. near liberty. All Pert..t bntl any plait.
Mont hem. see to present Mom tcoltmor.b: and
tbaLe todet,,l urt• retvottally requested to call sad bettlei
at be wish.. to rte. up Ills butts:mos If the Ist or June.
Wanted, •
APARTNER in a ante anti profitable man.
ufecturing business, with opitakaf 113000 A pp,
pi • '3.) per cent. will be trosartatfal.a w. . Zltb e h: , • prospect of
s° onerftnro ' ne%tt uP /s tPils
with ' . fear of competition, end the mein. grea adea tly in dr
-• amt Office, Pea
i1!..,:-....f)t.hertifpoost!rizstlm ls .b . lc bles,j3,ingLon
tpectazles. Wlthout%eir awls .ce,
resµitlos froth the defective sision • allege, irealicticaa,ce
othes,„causes, would be Irremediable
Prom lons expellers, and a thor 'ugh knawled,e of the
science of optic", w ern,
are prepared • sult defectles sir
tow on scientific principle,
o Spearcles, of all istuda, and the
best Wawa, constaatle on hand. Also, Ssotch Pebble
Lc., fitted onler. Nes. et In old frame,
Po t for sale, to.
o' plfr . U n e--1/r PosellA Self /tenni(
I S and Ear IL •
4rket s e rest, corner of F ourth .
• Secondarge Supply.
A MASON $ CO. would respectfully
„ call the att.:AMU of their customers and the public
uerally,l9 their second large supply of new and desira
biSPßlNG AND ItU3I.IIEII :HI great
Tfti t o o n Trtm . * ibtro.Ter m pVgn t !"T nn o ttinee =lts iif:Ll7;
rule. ere era DOW prepared to otter goo/e at touch lowa,
Price. than the, could hare been phi - chased gent early In
tl. .season oIYI 4 fa. and 64 Market. .
:"`"'irii.,` , . ° L. P ra:t . o t r h t e h t e'F t or ° llld'er a
the Widow Rugby's Husband; • humorous novel
I:he Helm of Dreeentseater novel. by glanriatd.
ma count,,' of Ueorge Yard
nhe Vis.rn a MIVPI. by the author nf - Valentine VOL •
ilea CLudie's Curtain loctures--ner odium
The Lao, by Mrs. Southaorth
Ono Barker's Wife; It 'f S. Arthur.
Wild hports to the West; by Maxwell.
. . - .
fLe C...¢11.1.91anwr •nw 31)01,1 Li P K lure, Applkuu , Nl•gmlcw..
IfortleulturLlt and Cult/rat, mr m ar.
.u.riela Hall, IL 11...,n nil Kotamee--cuuiplate
VI ACKEREL--200 bib, Nu. 3, (Largo)
4 ,131 hirarhurnyort los lo br l Nara rt .'d
aryl ha ule by '''' 3l '. kAllti a CON ' tler
Warehouse, Pa. Railroad Depot,
tally darner Papa rad Wayne eta.
• -
riIEAS-- 50 IS. dietlln Young Hyman;
•• Black 6olong nava:
for t,, DICKEY t .
" Warr and Prot. Am
I'ETRE-75 snake Crude, fur sale by
11 AMS-11) casks fur mule by
UTTER—Fresb Hull tor sale by
111 so Ir. • lEMAII DICKEY aCu
Loae* y re , Y.
••• . ,
.26 Sherwocel'; L.,
I... Lees a's, Plot
14 . ARHY'S TRICOPIIEROUS-12 dor for
sale 1,3 It L. sia.pir_.
OLL--600 ' sgalls. Flaxseed (warranted pure)
for ..le 1,, toy K. BELLEKS.
ACID—CAtO lbs. (pore) for sale by
11 aol.l J KIDtIu CO .t 2/ Wou.l
ROVI' - '201. 1 0 Ito. for sale by
I Lay', J MUD Iw3
K . E 120
, N r o i,.. 3 4 f . of i . i tt u a u le by
111 ~,is e 0 t
°L,I S .
SSE -11 R) bbL,fi'
tahna b iron
14 . EN %WC ACID--75 oz. l'or sale by
tur YAW. , ESTOCK . 2 t 2.1
(\I L CLOVES-2V lbs. for sale by
old a A FAIINESIK no,
Utt-AK.E. MANNA-150 lt.o. for rale by
`TOPE PIPES--340 boxes for sale by
MACKEREL -150 bbls. No. 3;
so cale
mo, wlcy. & MeCANDLES4
bbls. No. 1. for sale by
lart?. WICK t MeCANDLES2
V_ R 0031.5-210 40.1. Corn, for sale by
1.1 =yr:: WICK a 31:CANI , L0SS
r USS—.-6 , doz. bearer, for sale by
i my It WICK 0 Moo Otto:
B unEß_....3Llkegsfor sale by
i:i Cul:tall - NOS-6 casks No. I, fur sale by
MAIL-118 bbls. N. C., for sale by
milt %MR 2 PacCANDLVES:
VIP ICE FLOUR; • Prepared Cora;
it Fara. ' raid.. -...
561.,5 Ar0,,X9.:
For .1c 1, %TM A. U.-CLUZG a COL.
mrlS :NA 1-ItertY r.,
FRENCH GELATINE. White and Colored;
Avi Ccope'e American fur makingJellia,
far sale by
W3l. e. 11,-.CLURG & CG,
.713 , Orme= aal Ten Deslcrs
pßUNES—Bordeaux Prunes, in glass jars;
Teri-nzpritar ralaco . Sams
4.-rtaan Prur..e.7. mr ‘al. Ire
tz,yl.7 WM. A S.IeCLURG* 00
A peIiEREL--100 bbls. No. 3, for sale by
layl3 105 Liberty strreL
14 ERRING-126 bbL. No. 1 (to arrive) for
rale by mtra W. CULBERTSON k CO
TOBACCO—a 7 kegs 6 twist (superior) for
mie br larl3 A CULBERTSON I CO
BUFFALO ROBES—AII grades kept can
dant', cn b.:.-mLAmi far Ask sr
T 0 theHonorabledie Judges of the Court
of General quarter Seettions of the Peace, and for
Consty cf'easel
The petition vi 11 tn. noble. of Lower it Clairand
non,n,,Li,.. m the Cottlntl of Allegheny htimbly
eheembk. That TOW petitioner fa desirous of Vb.
lie bun,. or tater, tile bons, situate to the towns tps
abcre--thst km has provided hinneelf with LlCCenniniCS foe
she convenience and accornmcslatlt h ged trnvellersand strat
grse u?l ' ree b :=7d r. ptrac ' enteti=tilal ol l%
" d mtuf.y. that Waits. I:chic the '
atm, apphcant. ie ito ‘ c4 repots fin honesty stud leatferra
ati d It well provided with 40116 e rocm and convenieri
ees Inv the lodging and ammtammintion of strangen arid
traveler ,
Junes T hicAnnity. A tronn, Jordan:tan Neely Lit
eeld Jain Noble, Janos Brava,. John Doolittle, J ohn
Bwdy John Cunning h am.unh Peter brindle, Jr., J
J in
Clore. John latest ntylavir3tltT
lIILLIPS d MAYIIHS, tieneral Import-
J Ilsoutarturer% No 14 No nrth 'nu otroat,
rentel a
ATAmI et JVi Wail otreot,Ctly-Lorao. mitt
To the Druggists, Hardware Dealer's,
NI AKIETY nT0111: HEEPEIIh P1Tf21317800
3HILLIPS d 'MAYERS beg must respect-
Nu ) v. loform the above psalms that Mr. L. IL Phil
p, will taTo the honnt of width:kg upon them in • fen
o. ,opAul parties fur Os W. of then uolvermol sr
• .
1.. r Chloa,Ulhou, Hartle, Earth.
euu kr, uud matt, other pubatitleue. AI(.). the
A Outing Preparutiv..auproualOg foul—prodocrus If
outritiou, Bvrevt. digreUve Whito or Brown Bread, at lea*
nut mud ehorrer lito• thau heavy : uout r h , :hi lui lo r tu; a.. I.P.L
e4ble Bread. ( 71 North Fourth ' , tract,
iuyl2 '
I US. WEAVER., Attorney at Law, Furth
gtri,t, near the hlayoror Mine, PlltAburgh, Ps Col.
loettotr, att.rmletl to promptly. my/It:A.4g
White Goods for Dresses.
U r. 11 11 P11.17
t1 . 1.11...' Inv.,. such a.
Nliall ,144.1 inn:
pith, n i esubruldo,d-
- .
Awe—Printed Jaccnnehg au.lln. with =l'd embrahlorn ety lee French Lana, and a large amortowngt ur
facblonable Th ane, Ham,. Grenadines. At. tayl2
20 per Cent. saved to Country Merchants.
vvM. KING. Dealer in BOOTS AND
gliglE9. No. en North Second street, Philadelphia,
hag Juut re.. 11 from the mattufactur, .1 ...tenet'« end well
*elected enwk or the sign,. goals. which will lac sold at "X
twr neat. leas than eau be punctuwwd In the tit, f, each
nr flat nee
Dealers •111 do well to gall helure pnrchaalugs
I 1 ERMAN CLAY--204i boxes for sale by
11 ItU/11.7.ELL 00..
((1 fIEESF.-21) boo. W.II. Cream, 11)r Cole by
,$) la 0.l W.
lir BIDES-200 - (prime) for sale by
ll wrlt A. LW. IiAItHA COIL
A. Lr wi 4"I)
A b ZU . Wool Pl.
2. LEE- 411 bbls. (extra) fur tale by
1,C.: .3 area A Co.
IARD. ANIMUS lA --400 Inc. for male by '
J. hll/1) 00.
I:,itOti SA LE- -A
. guod Pedling Wagon, in
n~IL I-1 ' " 51Z1L ' 1,,, co , wood , pt.
LA RD (AL-- 10 bbla. Winter Strained, for
Lurl2 It E. SELLER:I,O7 Wand et.
1.1 EM PSEED--5 bbls. for sale by
ray It R. E. !SCUM!
P '1 I ll PENT IN E—l U bbl. prime, fr sale
I M E fi,r sale •by
AllJ 1;2 0. A. AIN I , TOCE CO
B eRNT BEII - 150 lbs. Poled. female
tuq2 B A PA 'INES - NCI:
.--0 .
14; 61;1i bay, 14 Nate by —
61 A Lt.liA 6---42 casks prime, for see by.
tirstusertn,•for bale by
Dia Asit-Lizi.c];47a.ure, for tale b •
11. 1,,M, 13 S. C. CivinnTpidfZinli!Eta
g lODFISII-10 tierces for sale by
) ."12 Rama IteCANDLEISS
g bxs. Bost., for sale by
To Eosinus lien.
AKE TIIIS DIETHOD to inforin my
Intatt ,rho bare entrusted Dodoes, to aly and and
„„ „ murmur, that I •111 start cm mondar.the
loth ion— tor various Rotate Cu the Ohio liver end ln the
ic.,„6„, and request them - N bore all tiectisatiltapans
petpar...l by that data. I will snood to the amusing and
eettUrns of any kind of badmen connected with ISYL
--• moi--ttne..l.lentlststkro al ttecardas
(0 . /
2.110814Tu1t A. MIN, Arairary at Law
_myylOtt. Wan ea lovrth st" abrm Italltbsuad.
UNTrED arLtes couar.
Before the Honorable Judge Irwin.
epplication was made by CoL Black, in the
ruse of the United States •s Joseph Stanley,
charged with purloining letters from the Post
t Bice at Blairsville, for a continuance, owing to
the absence of material witness..
The application was, after argument, granted,
and the witnesses present entered into recog
miances for their appearance at the October
United States vs Salmon Austin. Indictment,
passing counterfeit coin.
• Joseph Thompson sworn—l am a police officer .
I met the prisoner in Allegheny city last March,
when I went over for the purpose of ferreting out
a gang of counterfeiters, of whose movements I
bad got some information The prisoner showed
me some counterfeit half dollars, and said he had
-passed a good many of them by putting chemicals
over them. He told me that for fifteen years he
had been to counterfeiter He then took me to
one of the gang and introduced me to him, asking
if I had any counterfeit-coin to sell. I told him
I wanted to buy counterfeit paper money, he
said that he could get me plenty of it. Arrange
ments to that effect were made, when prisoner
was arrested.
Cross examined—l was introduced to the de
fendant under the name of Wilkins. He asked
ate if I had brought any counterfeit coin up the
river—l never saw him until I woe introduced to
him. I went to Alleg eny City by directions of
Alderman .Major. I ant tell who Introduced
John Pox sworn— am a police officer. On
the 26th of March a arrant was places in my
hsSds for the prison a arrest. I found three
cpiniterfeit half dollars on his person, besides a
qiiktitity, of counterfeit notes. The defendant
sad that some gentleman had given them to
him. He also told me that he could inform me
where the mint was.
o.klerman Major sworn—l issued a warrant
for the priamiat's arrest. These coins were
fond upon him: (exhibiting three counterfeit
half dollars to the jury.) He said he had them
for some time, and that they were not good.—
He asserted that he hod not sttempted to pass
The evidence closed here, and the jury Was
addressed by District Attorney Sweitter for the
Belted States, and by Messrs Fleming at White
sell for the defendant. The jury retired and
will probably return their verdict this morning.
NIOHLAir, Nlay 12
Before the Bun. Waller H. Lo
Joseph Pennock. arid Thomas Davidaon, Ad
ministrators. of Abraham Florbach, 'deceased,
No. 154, November, 1848, List No 288. Wil
liam. and Kuhn for plaintiffs, McCandless for
Verdict for plaintilf—two•bundred ►nd forty
nix dollarn.
•Henry Hull: re. Elunor Holtz and Lewis
o'srliele, No. 176, July, .1850, Het No. 137.
Hampton and Hasbrouck for plaintffi•, Marshall
for defendant. Verdict for defendant.
Oliver Blackburn vs Alexander Short and
William Pharson, owners of the steamboat
Wasp, No. 519, July, 1850 Flartegin for plain
151; Wands for defendant.
Verdict for plaintiff—one hundred and sixty
Dollars and eighty-seven rents
States ,Circuit Court was in AVI9iOI2 yesterday.
the lion. Judge Grier on the bench. A number
of motions were argued, but no business of gene
ral. importance transacted.
SAD A.:II/101 —On Sunday morning, Mr .
Newell, proprietor of one of the Manchester lines
of munibusses, was,shockingly injured by the
,erturn of one of his omnibmises, was shock
ingly injured by the overturn of one of his ve
hicles, which he was driving. ills legs were
broken in no less than four places. Dn. Dick
son and Mowry, who dressed his wounds, con
iiders that there is a prospect of his recovery.
FINZD.—The keeper of a MY= known as the
.2ounty Downs House. was yesterday brought be
fore his honor, Mayor Guthrie. charged with
selling liquor on Sunday. The information was
made by the wife of a man to whom he had sold
liquor. lie was fined fifty dollars.
DIS7ZR3ANCZ.-A larg,c party of Germans,
'sidle peaceably enjoying themselves at a plc nic
near the Soho bridge, yesterday, were attacked
in the most wanton manner by a gang of tow
dies, though the latter were finally worsted,
one of the Germans wail severely , stabbed, and
reversl wore somewhat injured.
lirs.trso LIQCOII os Srmoar.—The Mayor of
Allegbeny,had two tippling housekeepers brought
before him yesterday, charged with eel ling liquor
on the Sabbath. Their cases hose not been yet
ROBGEUT --Some scoundrel who stopped at
the Black Bear Tavern in this city, on Saturday,
got up in the night, and stole one hundred and
fifty dollars from the pockets of the lodgers.—
Be has not yet been arrested.
TOWNSHIP Eticrions--An eleetlgn for Town-
ship officers was held on last Sat ty, in Chor
tler, and Lower Saint Clair Townships, with the
following results
Lower Sam: C.
Justices of the Peace—Joha Patterson, Abra
ham Andrews.
School Directors—Arthar Irwin, (three years)
J Patterson, (two years) J. Doris, (one year)
Superrisors—William Huger, Wm. James.
Assessor-4. Patterson.
Assistant Assessor—Michael Knowles.
Judge of Elections—William S. Dilworth.
Inspectors of Election—J Patterson: J Cor
Omahale—Jenattinn Needy.
Overseer. Lf the Poor—Neon Rich and
Know Leon.
Auditors—J. tl. Dilworth, (three years). ti
Shriven, (two yearn) A. Ambler, (one year)
Chartters Townehtp.
Justice of the Peace—Doctor Mecaskey, ct
School Directors--William Carr, (arse years)
Alexander Carnahan (two years).
Supervisor—Jesse Parson.
Overseer of the Poor—David Frew
TAVCEN MCI-NU:I. —The following •
her of tavern licenses granted during
Term of the Court of Quarter Sessio•
pared with the June Term,
lit Ward, Pittsburgh
'At Allegheny,
2J "
•• 4
4th ••
Eureka Mining Company of Michigan.
rpm Stockholders of the Eureka Mining
onmpinu of Highly., an. hereby no that .
nascent of taranty,tive tents per share has been made
. thersoltal Hock Hurst Wading Wil m a t.,
gnit,rg.biL7.l,%myUrilleangildiNt I",:dt.t,/
pylon.; Ilsons & Co. rlnniurch.
JAMkS NI. 011111 STY, Seo.and Teens
Conk. Ml.. Co. of Mlob.
4 - g UNDRIES--
17 27 bales Llottoso
bbl. No.l Lard.
3 Dried Applet
" F. trot' ,
Pees, Pealed.
LLIk• • dle Feathers;
" Rain:
2 - Olpaeng, 'analog from auddold
aod for sale by
R-AISINS 100 Loxes (fresh Bunch) for
.1.• by mil. 1111 Alt DICKEY 1 Cu.
TIEUTTER-2 hbls. and t keg (fresh) for
sale by nib ISAIAH DICKEY *CO.
COFFEE -50 bap Green Rio, for Bale by
term 18AI:ill DICKEY o .4:0
FrAlt-100 bble for kale by
I 'kn.:FEE—WO bap prime Green Rio, fur
~lo I;y JOAN WAIT t CO., •
!Abort! . strett.
4gALERATUS---SU boxes, ---
tt oupeXiora7l.l
- na conelawaerit sad km SILIP be
not° - JOUR WATT k
-100 14..11. NA 3 blackass4 Boston Inned.l.oo;
10 o. Trimmed abut;
00 AL !IVA No,l Ntaallrlisnins;
co .! Late AO.OIATOT 00.10 AT
00710 JOHN WATT t GO.
1 1 011 14 04===kjor Pontr,
10 Er k elah and Fewirll unn d' EL% for taro
ear On* .
6 Muss
= colored atol black Eilk Rory Cutworms, Or
A sple adktom. l usortmera of El multles and LitlBll lo V est-
ERIMPED RlBBONS—Assorted widths
sad color', "toed ess Ws day. Alip, black
colored ELk Was But t ..
at ylO F. 11. tATON, ER Fourth st.
, Basins
of mo or tb WI smortmaut ditto;
ado, opmf
mrlo .lt EATON. Fourth ot. • .
IR BALLS—A full assortmentjust reo'd
sad for sale br ra7lo P. IL MATON.
*tea oil can oadol am prftth
soorizaan Liao lima, mu o pti lollth
for sale,
_wholeado or rolol4
istrur 2=4 1:11 Fount c.
VVIIITE LOUISVI LLE 4lM._,l:.l ,, tliebAr ,:
azt ! a i la go Wln dn>• 8a•h: V•li avd
~~,l'lau■h Linke sad Twice. Ink
V; tlts r d ' o .cr L`d. Cost and teat Zak , and
rmskrodse ' /Icalcicl, far sale cheap In at , social!" to sulk
eastrsnerk. ISAAC TIA.RiIIS. Ii ) K..
mrlo:ffi• • near klarket and St k.cur rt e .
E DAILY GAZETTE, and all our Pitts
-1."'" E ‘ c "
"r.b bkalT. sod wort of the Weekly. and sbooy 100
." S. , TYPsoeris from all prioelool musk
sal Slbbets's least CoantelleicDotoesors, oar for bT
5n71a.31. I.kkAc Liken, st.
t od coo p. k r e ,
Ikd. Wand—Flues t'VeZrgoirn'enT.&'="
ts, oval r be . r of ,Data met and
s b at. of all
t am
4 1 , F , 10 . 04:1
rapplled al ;bort tuctlee. Phase call at •
ISAAC IlAdt/lIN AsTnef and Intelhgence Office,
mylfrat, lA/sutra:rest, near St. Clair.
LeßfilkE Patent Reversible Water Filter
S NOW to be seen in operation at WM.
'LATE CO.N. Plumbers, No. 10 Fourth shear, be
Ferry lad Liberty and at PRTOII inue,
No.lo Market street. Pittsburgh. This Filter hammiest!
Oold Medal from the American Institute of New York,
and a Certificate from the Franklin Institute of Phlladel
fot Superiority in its cleansinkprommffim and also
certificates from those haring them in use in Philadelphia,
of which the foliontmige esmplan iu.rth
It gives me t pleasure recommen4 to the toren of
;um cher Wa ss,the Patent Reversible atm Filterm.ln
vented by Tr a msts. Liming used ons of them Co.
bi months,enabled to.ludge of their rens.
OECIROE PLITT, 187 Walnut street."
- • •• • • • • ••
March 29th, 1861
The kottot Revertible Water Filterar, invented by Mr
:mune' 11. Lewia, and coed by me for mom months at my
private residence, Is all that any Anon could wish. I
therefore mkier it privilege to have It in mY Power El
t,.commend It to the public JONAS P. PAIRLAMB,
No. S Summer street."
Uwe Filters an wanabtecl to take cot any smell or
i..ste which root arise Inom decomposed animal Sr vegeta
ble matter inCllke water hey are warranted to last two
gal ars.
tc be and
teen tb with or be a pp dinar reciatedy MR will hot tom mid remain
tai illtf r23 , Areb street,
I HAVE on hand a large assortment of
tsUrros, for curtains WA!. NOBLE,
sclylo nearly al:Tante Dim Post Mo.
%y HITE r su
for lr
turlo Water and Front WA.
A 1 UM COPAL VARNISH—For sale by
CIHEESE--nblizes for sale 61
(1 , RIMPED RIBBONS—Just reol.por x
i pres.-25 tattoos of Mime eery dertirabli tftim e ned
r bozo, for Trimming. embracing all the different viable,
bud color. The attention of erbolenla mato.. la ne
entotfitib invite.* to the above material re antortamne
W. W. WILSON, Watch Maker,
No 67 ilarAti, Corner.of Itiarrth Pittdairselt,
DEALER. in Fist WaTellL9,.. JEWELRY,
:illy, Ware, Military. Goods, .Laaie and'Ghandel
r., Tea and Table War, Canary, Castors, act Gold Pons,
atathematlial Ir.trumeuts, and a great Variety of rich.
fashionable RDEI4II, tuieful sad ornattuintal.
Watch work executed In s superior manner, suited by
toe Ensliik and French workawn..
Fine Dress Onqdl, per Express.
A. MASON x CO. hare reed this morn
nod lagwy twirl plainTissuil i r stftlful TAM. and
will tittlri , o l n t' Of Drub
s•n. they will b, mid at unusually low Jilin.. wholw
%ale or retail. at Nut g. 2 and 64 Market n.
Charnels Coal Company.
N°Tie E!—All persona having demands
nittaust the Chartlers (kW Cay . r. Inn {ileum pre
..tat them for ...Dement Z. W. REMINUTON,
1,1/7w Mana g er of lb. Chanters Cool Co
StuLled. Ground. Blue, Green, Pa rpl hubl ,
Lomon, .mad other colored tilsmt-for rerldeacom
metuributa, primate °Ma% Atc,Dtst retedStef fthat
and for sale b . r . J. J. GILLESPIE,
targht 16 Wool a..., .be FoartlL
DULY. CORN STARCH-5 bxe. forsale by
j. to,/ B. A. FAIINKSTOCK I CO. .
INDIAN RED-150 lbs.. for oak by
B. A. FALCO:STOCK A' , 2o.
DOWD EXT. LIQUORICE-1 caul for sale
b, .y 9 B. A. BA 11.11BSTOCK A CO.
OA.ASE SPONGE-400 Ibe. for sale by
M A bi " 2.l A . !3- I: Pixo E T C .I la,3„kAl'o,7;rd
V ONFECTION SENNA-40 lbs. Coracle by
1./ or. B. 6. TAILNEZTOCIEC t CO.
('ASSN-400 lbs. for sale by
!L.." mo • B. L. FAILNLSTOCLEC t CO.
rrARTAR EMETIC-50 lbs. for sale by
1. rari , B. A. 7AtIIiESTOCE • CO.
11.0-21 B. A. CATINESTOCE 1 CO.
OLL BUTTER-3 bbls. (fresh / ` in cloths,
inst rred mad for tale by IL OALZELL
my 9 Ltbeny greet.
H ONEGGER I CO., Importers of Wines,
to eves Si even
Liquo r, d
and Setth. ss Cheese, Etalthfaeld street, bes
xth an
limes. *Co's ci.lebratrl iLey sad Manure Yorke
rrmosed foam La. mennfantilmr. lohlitOriphin
scent and talc by IL W. PO/NLOLYTER.anstign-
Water Street-
For sumtnera of finish and Intrinsic mi., them Forks
neu ho mirpirseed; end the ion price at ninth they are
oldt hums, their introduction. • ennkly
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-1000 lbs. for sale
ILK. POPLINS—Now-opening At A. A.
b5....c0 a 4b. n .2(212 Pose= or the
'levet style.
Greenwood Gardens,
TWO and a half miles below. the City, on
1_ Um bank of the Ohio liver, an Ornamental Slaver
Garden, and a delightful summer retreat. Ica Cream,
Confs,tiottarles, Fruits. Temperate Drinks. Aa kept for
the aconatoodation of rialto.. Also, a hone atoortgoeut
of Shrubbery and Everblooraing Planta for sale.
The etemner Chieftain leaves t h e Dot of ISOstreet, at
Ihe beginsing of each hour, from tt o'clock A. M .until to
, M.. landlit, at the Garde. [Closed on Sunday.]
mystlf [Dispatch and Port copy.)
New Barages, Tiunes , Bilks, Lawns, &e.
M.URPHY & BURCHFIELD hare this day
(lons New York.) DI and ß ili k aitzne r =
I.grAt 7'n D,w
Doren us invited to dl beforethwielinvelinven
Goats nt wholesale in roo.v up Miry Env
Dan or Prnesartirk May Ls ILSI.
THE President and Directors of this Bank
ham this day declared • dividend of ran -Ms mark
ththe capital stock.. far the leg ale months, payable to
e Etoekhalders or their legalreprceentatarm forthwith.
taytelw JOLLY SNYDER. Cashier.
Promissory Note Found.
A tis PROMISSORY NOTE, drawn by ]lola,
Coo Co, dated Mar 7th, 1831, to the order of Dan
iel tocher. at Ear =oaths date, found to Word street.
The oyster ecut have It DT aa Oto_vvere of
roll J. U. MELLOR, el Root st
rE UNDERSIGNED, having . iad the
pleasure of Ilateningto u an Ettlf: t u te .. rhy l nologt
lilllte r gnte the Tnetten 4l2 Latetallon, by the Peal-
Jsab Mt. J. PLOORT, meat thatac man were called
away at that Urn/ b y the ;wheal of General Scott In our
,; , 14a . ablei v h . thji lect:tte treat or much eat i r e ble ice
WM+ or the easeClablern crtlf: that
to hot.. It repeated at ,00h Lane es
now abteatrau{ement. Jolt web conyeal.
:ace L. T. CVELL,
lII.NRY 1 1 / I LLL,I3IB,
Lucrus 0. 4 4100 D,
Pittsburgh, April _el 1101
coutplisuce with ttle sbovs request. GREGORY
hu consulted to deliver the Essay. in the baptist Church,
onus Unit and Sixth streets, Pittsburgh. co
th. kb lest.,<ck, P. M.
Tb, publir are respectfully tutted to arum. .
.r under of the txr,vt:v. Cm:mkt.,
J U. UtltkiMal. Seer myti
s tie hats
the !larch
, a, $ cam
EROOT-40 Its . (fresh) for sale by
PRUSSIAN BLUF,Ii eases No.l, for sale
by myti B. A FAUNCSTOCK t CO.
Juno Term
IQUORICE ROOT-150 1101. Pow'd, for
PARIS GREEN-3O cans for sale by
BLUE MASS-0 lba for Bale by --
LASORICE ROOT-1200 lbs. for sale by
my( B. A. ?LEW MOCK a CO.
SPTS. TURPENTINE-20 bbls. for sale by
Fresh Arriiiiis of Wall Paper.
THOMAS PALMER, No. 55 Marketstreet,
haa J,.t moiled from tha East, • handaman amour.
meat of low ;once( Chamber Parer. 073
m No. A Market etre., fur sale at tray lamb:rate, rs
by r • THOMAeI PALMY/b.rie
I)Jbalnta4 and natenid, itituanal on Perm meet, by
Mean ,
m.l 'treat and ()anima alley. Inquire of Mr.
Hunker, ConfectLauer. wood stunt, or of
inytult Z. W. REMINGTON.
PAPER I.IANOINGS--Frenelt and Amer
-I[can, front cants tdpor NEM, tor al* by
layd WALTER P. lIAMHN.L. 35 Wood et.
Mot Maciorrl;
tout No. 1 >foam);
til{libnore Merril:lo;
(V.:Mob rOi 'lie Li
MrocoO. and Teo Dosion
flant and Water at.
AC K.E RE L-31.0 ntiln. No. 3, receiving
hi... 1. er JAUES DALZT.I.L.
A 111) OIL-15 bbls. for sale by
mlh. JA3103 DALZELL
highest priee inoolf Cash paid for all the
dm nraden of clean leash. d ne,l
,nxrt MURPLIY a LEE.
Ee'D Tills MORNING, per Express—e
mere, emLraclog all the nolerAl and most desirable
Airy !
v ol.( llorw,ll my worn.
A ery lame eesorteneot Children'.olpsay. fAoeIOWIN
Um" end Grodd lints.
Thn alteation of plrehrteen la particularly !Aviv:A tont.,
LboTe undo. Mr.' A. A. MASON 1 W.
Woolen Goods!
2 CASES Green Mixed Jeans;
B lue
lack Baud Cloth:
1 Cotkru oab
TN dlt um Just toed from matt= maaattu.
rut, on connat, mad cbr mla Am ftvorabls time.
mir 11011.PUY • LEM-
Excatnor Duc or Premozoo, May 0, 1931..
HIS BANK has this day declared a dm
.. sewer rot ram cra. co l l i t i o o lar i l i t t o o kWoblo
0a7734 Onader.
3lor chants' and Manufactumn? Bank
P of Plnsbmati bag this dar declared dWidgmd of
roca els um.. Coo th. cavithi .Imk of ...41M.Pd,00 of
th a c ralra of Ma that ats gir Mock.
NN o r after the Mb
Plthabeir.V. 0th.1141.-1..7f
Valuable /WPM tlr Sale.,
Eimt L OTS fronti ng
acs w. tooth att u balat,
yr, and Wnit or tillitS‘ •ad 11.4:7
ZV I" • • " ZUMIOAIe.""
DY."Wta,a. for o for al. tb"
!ttwi I !!INRIWI*.a , Man.
For Rent,
Bonnets! Bonnets!
S HEREBY GWEN that au tlection fur
0_ Fire Director,. mld lb; •Pnolatment of ..och oilcan as
L.,ay be deemed ne.....seary tar cm/decline the business 01 .
the ••Ilononwahela blirooF chartered In put..
-we of au Act of Astetably. pawel the thb Ewa; Hardt.
tint. will be held at the at. Chatte d Howl. tmb. on
Wednesday, the 21st day at May. A. 1.1.1441 between the
Loan of lb A. 51 and P3l Raid day.
my7tv, w W.
B.hirtin g Mains and Irish LinenL
tfURPIIY Sr. BURCHFIELD hare again
raplenished thele ateek of above grxeas. and can imp.
WS • .Pcllol. 'Video(' eseh—the hater leareserkel
itex mei have Lim ece r eived Ptllvar Case Xmolhas and
, S,L . etta .4 • 0j ric... •41 the different. width% •whieh th•Y offer..
r 6
ti RAPE SIIA}V LS—Ree'd this day, per
oDroidctartantartanof tbose eery desirable. plain and era crape risalrle, at all A.
A p.
real A. A. MASON C CO.
(Fermerll-y the Exchange,)_
Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets,
spaciot%cetitral, and most conveni
ently located II EL. havlng been comPletelY ew .
"led, and thoroughly repaired awl inaPowed. LI dud
doen for the woOaxmalation of the politic.
The subsmiter. lessee awl proprietor of' the ST. CLAIR
IIOTEL, reepigtfully Me friends and the public
that he hoz fursitilioll It In the mow elegant and eon:darts -
Ide wyle, and employed competent wesistants and attentlre
-nd faithful 'errant'', and that be will spire no exertion.
to make it equal to any house In the conntiT
The well known ceutral incatlon of the House, sal eon•
ventage of It.
arrangements. rendering It thenwatdestra
ide either to trarekrelor permanent boarder. indnas tam
to solloit and hope fordt a liberal share of patronage:
apWlitf C. W. BENNETT
LARD—'23 kegs No. 1 Leaf, for sale by
mr7 RIMY. mArrrtelvt , a Cu
D RIED FRUIT-150 bu. Apples:
SOO Narthex. for .3. 11
ICE-10 tierces (fresh) for gale by
fLOBUON, atrrLE a Co.
my 7 • • .2.53 Liberty Mr*.
PE.,I-50 hf. chests Y. 11., Imp., and 131.3 ck.
11 Temy tbr di br,
mr7 ROBISON', LtITLF. t Co.
lIAY FAKES-4O doz. for eale by
mr7 S. F.-TON DONNIIO7I9t *W.
ETAT FORKS-50 doz. for sole low by
my 7 B. F. VON BONN If oitn
BROOMS-150 doz. for sule by
Yl myr e 11. VoN BONNIIORSTt CI)
- powDER.--tOOO lbs. Blasting;
my .1.
Icegn Ride; just . r,,J. got pale by
.1. S. I/11.1i OATH A CO_.__
bhls. it , st , r.f , e; t.....i.
goy, , J. S. unmoatn a CO.
BURLAPS-A;nuperiur article .40 inch, for
sale by sar7 MURPHY t LEE.
t 4Ax• WOOL IIAiS, ready made, for
nyb. Sr my: htunt , ftY a l E EE_
DEER SHINS r - - -'3 bales tar sale by
L'LEAD -1913 pigs Soft Galena, for sale
by my: 11ffET. MATNIEWB I CO.
DIG METAL --165 tone for sale by
.11_ eisl RIMY. 11.AMIZIVS IL.
FEATHERS--$ sks. prime Kv., for tale by
¢ly7 - RIMY, marrlinws aav
10DA ASH-4)0 casks (good) for sale by
kJ my 7 A. CULBERTAON t nci7
POTATOES -100 bu. (Galena) to arrive,
for rale by soy 7 A CULBEIMAON 0 CO.
RYE WHISKEY-37 bbls. (pare) for sale
I V, AILS-300 kegs ase'd, for sale by
11 . 1 2 ,31 A. CULBERT:3ON A - CO.
6 We. Di/r7 Skin&
30 wk. LAW PeAches:
6 cute Ilnean; jast reed .red sals
co); A. CULBERTSON . &
DRIED PEACHES-29 bbls.'on comign
meat sad for Ws by
DRIED FRUIT-400 bu. Peaches;
my: 1;0 "
J A . vl
IUTTON HA3IS-2000 S. C., for Bale by
11 my 7 7. IL CANFIELD.
~! .!l e . r e es
do dry applu
10 ucks feather
2 do. racy
Nov lar.dinc tro=ktcaszur Yost %D,, far Rids by
60 bu. Meerut,
1500 lb. Darr 1151 r.
100 dm. Corn Drooma
2 bblu 'Hickory Nutt;. on cortricomeat, far
rale low to dose, by J. D. WILLIAMS t CO.
rays ronarr Itoalioad Fifth sta.
A 2 AL A. !Woo tOw base on hand • complete stock of
tine Jsooncts anti Gosh-km span
fIOTTON-46 bales nowlanding from stair
1,..j . fr rm. ke ode bY MAL D/M9*CO.„
The most Eztraadmary ihmosery en the World is
/114 prat Anthion Bentedyfor Man and Bane
O. Farrell's
miroculims cures performed by the
F C - liablen physicians in the daps of old, wean then
100 upon as the remit of mager., but since vs Lave be
an,. intimate with th eir lastory we clan thus .mans
theirsurpriaing tom" over disease- Their attaitunents La
the knowledge of medicine were the wooden of the aw,
while at the same time the Menne of Chemistry, ertikh
with them had 14 origin. leas to the rem of ON world
sealed bock." And In IMany they menthe mod zealous of
stud.. In the beautiful groves •loch skirt the dmrtsot
Arable, aboard rem =ante and odorous woods whomeate
obtained those memoir gumsend De .t balm., of
which this incomparable Mbar= is composed, cud by
whoa atimulating urndioem petwiandlog met =MD.
I•=parties It le, wbcn applied * instanteneount =Tined
through the whole venous minuet. Waring M. rood in
tetnemin In tbo incredibly short time of 1U or lb tultnes.
Its sedan is prompt, powerful and vdecteal a without the
Mat dangm. It penetrates th e flesh to the bone, mimes
contra.= cords, venom UM to limb. Mb= hate bee,
pained for ream modes the theireled flesh to grow out
and riria blood tore oiuhile through hare= 11 rotor.
the =main Thad or Joint Water. and this Is thermion
by it hes been 100 miscreant siumedial In connicall
=men of the Joint,. In chronic tines-do. of ltte Opine,
Lire , Liman and itldneys, this greet Arabian remedy
Muds untie:Miele= be Ague Cake or Enlargmentor the
. leT ‘, llG . Itheureattmgbps peoho u.
Pein , s,L9 oult= i i s , (Dalai=
in Me m: cf Autmill= as ribp*
Ma Complaint,istemyer,Parzy nedir?d.fehTt
Lmlt, every gre rr.
nal application. 101. ILL ' nent stands th e head of all
Ibliming is from tbe ;Men= the:me of the
wealthy and blglair rinipectable „home of Emusa nt
Eh., of
Peoria, soli =min. one of the mat suceenfal cur. Iu
the thualwof medical history:
Mr. 11 U. De. Mr, Actuated bt mr=e of grate.
fulness, 1 submit the following se AM 1011LAIIIN ot the util
ity of your great medicine. My child, thrte yeereold.w ea
attacked with • terrible di....., which, tie Ithe
than sirhoer.. prodtratne it to total enhelesenat T he p
became so rigid that tutu *wed midd be beak the Mai
Um= black and cold, and antoehe atone= Vieelano-, the
eyes partially closed and altheatber bollow
hag this was &alms to ell mood: the spine Mama coo
-1 trected, and m curreil, that Mee laying on ite beck. the
head and heels only bnelord. hated, the child presorted ,
merl ithliethenee cd below deed/ Immediately on the at.
tack. the faintly phisidan was oiled loyand for three weeks
he labored to reitors It to feellng.but allin vain, although
It w. MM.= . dosev tienen, and various rubaSelent lin-
Meets •PDliwi A consuleation of phtelmthe wee th en
held, but to no =ohm. The ease was then brought be
fore the Idolical Society, but nothing =old be immee tad
which had not alerthy been done: and the dentor tbentold
me he could do =dung nth. We then commenewl ape
plying year Liniment truly ore. the entire Ingle of the
end you mei . Megiiie • Peterife WI, when. after.
Mr applications, imenind animateon 1.34 anare.t. The
:Mild [stilly rictrermd. with tbr ethaptlou a me sig
cwhich uld acet become perfect for neerly • month i r is
ow =aril and robtiet as con he
Fort other cues Of the
whit d
timer= i no y neigh
borhood plesiouely. all of which deed. when. doubt. if
your Liniment had been used , th ey would have recovered .
Panne, March I. 1951 lITNRE 0 CLELAND
Liner Camp:amt. ErynipelaA, and Rhruynatnan
Marion Co., liy.. May 27. Beg.
Mr. 11. U. Fasatil—Dear rir, Your Liniment to waWng
very welt and doing a twat deal of goal among the
It ha. * bad boa , of Erysipelas, and an ot her
of • bad pain In the brearit. A imly, who ...unit.. to
her bed for wereral niontha with Liver Complaint and Affec
tian of the Heart, was entirely' cured by the nee of your
Amid. Llohnenti She sold the doetzrs miuld do her no
gocd. It him been applied to • [real rut, and cured It in
a +hart tiakr. 1 hate been diet with Itheuntstlem far
• long time,'ffnd just before • wet veil it pained me so
much that I had a
nd pe r ub binga god in the night ..-
.eared lathing a with your Liniment, and
'before I wee dune rubbing; the pain re 1.44
Juilff 110CR.MAN.
Stiff Complaint, Sweeney, Distemper, Clads Lind
Sore )yer Cured.
03. %talon, Posi.ulatte; nu/Vida County. 111.
I 11. U. faxamat To Arabian Liniment le hi¢hly.
gli "d e be" i•Jil V t , b74l .d auOßZ m or y ge'gppbrir horse, of tba
eared one of my own of the Evreeney. uur :be:ll7, Joseph
Dikes• cuml hie here. of a Cud core with he at tried
it on a colt that bealthe Distemper very bad, and cured It
immediately. Ile asys it Is decidedly the vivant bone
medicine he ever w.f. There haeehero numben mired
Bore of Sin with I bad It a very valuable medicine
both for man and bout.
Baca, of Counterfrit,
LOWING emu:). vas.
The Public are particularly eautiormel against • Act ,
Ovinagens which has lately made ita apivesrance Lod Is
mild by the Imroeter rho matee larrell's Ambi
gua Liniment." 'thistle a darteerunl fraud and more liable
to deftlye from-bi, twine the nme of Yarndl. Them
Env be particular 'up, al// .fitr I I by the name-"Farr ell',
Liniment," for unprincipled dealers will impose the SPL ,
MOUS oliature upon you for th e genuine, bat alevayTmlk
jar H. 0. unroll, R. - tartan Lusts.rai." and fate so ether,
ea the genuine ahrops be. the letters H. G. bdon• Farrell's,
blestunstbre lb* on the ontAde wr• th e .
wort. blown In lbw bottle —"/L O. Aruba.
Limit:nod, Prorin;' ,
AJZI. wanted In every Tnsen, Village and Hamlet In
the Rolled btatm, irdarhich one IC nut established.
by letter to 0. P.,endl Pe , dia, 111., ,vith reicrence
as ta
il haracter, re.pormiLllitroae.
Ra on the auvrit"who oil! tumid" Iron of Charm, a
book contauunp mud' valuable Ituidmatiotior stem dam
Pater-2Seent, to con., and one dollar per bottle.
TA,. Oaf, 10 Manuactured by U. Lg. p a r e a,,,,,
insentur nod rietor , arul , thohTse roiritist, No. )7
Main orre, Peria. 1114 and fur rale holerale and mini: at
proprietor'' , price bY It. E. SELLtItS. *
ilolTj.VV.Tl ' . CERES, Alle g heny " . °" 4 mi." 4
Rockingham - and Domestic Qneensware.
atheturers of 'Roc/club= and Yellow Cane Want,
.Rust sprgerople Rooms,. =nor Bluth and Liberty streets,
(gourd Church building.) entrance next door to J. St
fiord, Wholesale Urocers,
Our extansaive Works enable rm to 411 orders promptly.
• competent dmlgner, being constantly employed, luso en
ables us to tap We with all the new and toonmred styls•
of the day.
Water Outs, tebers, Fumy Toys, Deesert gets.
Slower Yam% tloblets, Mantel Ornament. Medici. amt
Bung Jam sod articles for domestic nee, In great variety.
Orden mceddlitly telicitrd. utelatil
SHOULDER BRACES, of a ilea- and;su
Amiarklat4Sasfroxina gad fee we by__
K/40/4 MeDOttabor,
snal sad icetbem. Wood st, Yu
tam,* Ca. bah. Tvogired lot of mr
nor Mock and ►Pal:m.lBllk. .Lr
VORN--500 b
IL/ uurt
for sale by
BACCO-4 hhds. Ohio Leaf, for sale by
COltN-35 bb .
for sale by •
P. YO2l 803.6310118 T OCA,
FS 044 96 hontA
4ve"~ , . x .e~~i ~t?hs3~ ; "`..vim " 'S C ' ~~
-~-,' t ..
190\—Per ..& Dr' J. D. KTLll6lte 100.
MIS comer Keel and FM gt.s.
I ATIiS-25,000 Sawed ta — ths, best quzli
14 ty. for rale by 11.081bObi. Lill LEA Cibert7O.
FLOUR-106bbla. extra Family:
tays " W.
jiROOMS-50 doz. fancy, on COLLaigIIOIOEL
J 1 aid Err sale by - ROB/L 6 ON. LITTLE it CO
ttLYN No. 21" o Libertik
SOBER, industrious Mechanic, who can
tarn al kinds of Rolls, and roil ;arc of his Wm al
me RAO. For skOk'dor , avir W
Jay.T.lPc BIGAMY k CO.
i3ennett'a Monochromatic Depository,
k 7 L—Ner Paintings—She . os.rtkeu Of GetinimoN:
-6,1 due .IXA:notn7 of locOta7V - 12172
a $ EO. E. ARNOLD CO. have thia day as
`Y existed with them JOIDC D. SCULLY. The dyke!
I be firm will be as beeetolbre.
tbgeezet. May let inaL
bi t ,RORGE S..ARNOLD & CO., Bankers
1, . - eMtgra h :4l; icTiutr!f IYtdD I ,deer
of to, iled the proceed. matted to
o. pact of UN, Union
Geo. B. Eichbanm, Civil Engineer.
A I I7ILL ATTEND, in any part of the colon
lnutry. =Le wer.
Dr..% A C., for . coal or eleckwater eauloalow, =4 yin pee
l_h e ar..
re work. eyechlearions, and atioutes f cost cf way at
lie will eino stle..l the WIWI= df land, wed laying
..00 town plate: mukluk &writ= of uallat Su MeV OF
drooghte of outlawry, to
alike In Burwell's Buildtwo. arard at, um an CO=
Howe, Pitta-rag h.
Referewee—lioo. A. W. Lamle, llow. Bakewli. bed-,
!urine Bsp3lelm . Craig, Esq., Wm. Madam
VHF. appointment of WM. B. hacOLIIBB
lel. PreMerit /Mite of the iifth JaLcial District of
tril 4ST,==7:
...nol be amende to by by Mr. tioCardleen,
01, ake r.morei to .1 D. , -1/1 , 4 no....,NO.SPang
U. • """ BLCANDLEBa.
Watches !
f UST retILIT4 from the goat, and note
to cloning the Wrest sad bust &nutmeat of Waterpos,
eeoelly. an. nu brounbl to tin. eny. The %Orb. on
the most reputable annotorturcre of London. Lhu ,
poo pe l. Put% and Oruro. and
m! wernusteOhio toute t
d equal (and Ma
surior) to any tdtbuto die In
Cbronstuter Lens. Watobor; routienuo Watches of the
hoe wreath.. awning 040 keys 'Hopi/ter: and • tali
uvula.: of urn. patterns Oold Watense. varying to
acoordlng to county, from Pt awl npnAls.
ounnteed mgrs.. Mal, and aarruted ae to now sod
Omnibus for Sole.
plebe mentos order. Mr bele by_ OEO. ARTIIIIRS,
c. - ener Ponsth and bmitb.9•4l ste. If bet midst brittle
sebs, it nen be natal. Nail . Auction Ibocao,_on £.•Wday,
ebe 10th et May. • GEOBAY ALLTataI.S.
IZLOUR-240 , bbla. Extra and S. F. for sale
1! by we L. S. WATIIIII/121 s BOWL
DRIED APPLES—, W sacks for sale by
tope L. a WATEMLLN k MN&
BUTTER—In boxes (freeli . ) a r . ee'c flail . by
PEARLS -20 bbls. for sale by
INSEED 01L-20 bble. for sale by
Li Ire J. B. M.N.-MLA
QALEILA.TIIB--100 and lObbla. pure
for ale by my 7 J. B. CANTEUZ.
HEESE-100 boxes for sale g onna
Office. for Foreign Patents,
Na.,5 York, sad 166Fkd rt.,Loralara
J_ Bra.* Eakmd...a •li
man. parts at Ynsopt—the Conuisa, Cube. mod tbs Atts
run intomutlan oaths &boo, csahhajti so lkrabat
oard-Ima S Wall anat, nrer roalr.
Ak:mder Bradley,
19 Wood street, detsem Fret and
(510 N Or TILE GOLDEN non.)
XSANITFACTURER of every description
Iv", or coowo STOVESof the met upland 0.4-
tems, aod sstett as En render tam best me • seeks,.
aIso—PMOR frIOCTO-k mass which will b. Ibtaul
Jewell a Mors celebtated folding time Parlor Staten AM
Maroc Itedlatera Yrs:Latin Slams plarkaral facer Orldelb
to .hick sr* twits tin attention of bulidacTsa Nettie;
Hollow Waser, Wagon Bores, fee to all of .nigh ere knits
the attention of Sala. betas butzheidat Cambers.
Hamburg Polka..
A KLEI3ER, Ne. 101ThirA street, has just
'*rtnirsiZ d e — isas, caw of the mast prgoisr and btatt
tlftd Mikes ever !hand.
Farraell,,Old aria= and coutneeld pm =
Poster, end dadiestal to lira Hurd,. of
Once II laird Tare_ , Mary Dean & C. Rotor.
Me Little Red =IOC U.O; b
The Mountain Daisy; bz' Laney- '
1721 . 2 " De" I1:1 P '9, 7 7 J.LUT LTL. Eth o. + wenn
Hy r tiVrd r. nen tr aVis, ea rang by Jenny Llnd—osta
ber molt beautiful wont
Yerranll, If ever, nondest ware,
And attends* reboil. of new Waltzes, Polkaa, Par
otb.R.4 s. . mts th.lo. BOX a tals by Zama
. Ths:gaSiii• T. B. Alatlrcer.
Cnith No
ue=;r, =24!".
Beceived =ro t.!
Thini street. eivadt•
Heel sad Tietnity wi ll bot& it. Annual isteUg m at
i, MAT Gib) 1123 o'cloek, El. El.
. . "'s
or .al
tlde t r t s , of ye Olko .. . i r d ragack
bur:h. au .lecaUl ' XJ22s 2, 0. :Tat. r. ti
242 W. E.. W, Saa.
: • : rn ( t rove
Brick, equslat oc4 saw= to Ow Ikatrzr .
WELSH FLANNELS.—We have recall ,
.Te "=,,SriL ya
alma pandas of lineman aim, Owagy and alla Vf — ars °lv
nen lov=ll2g do; and a MI asmortakant of Dameana ng'
zaaa Ittflialfr BIISCIIIILLD.
INDIGO -4400 lb kegs Df.t.illaf
• 3 Ceres= Careen; of good g.AlitGAt.q.. ie, for sot al.; maples of various mullein cg f p
ehleh will be ealethyr Dom the samples. •
mr6 . . Water and Prtmt ate—
INDIA RUBBER TOYB—Just, received a
large essortotent, of India Dubber Toreoe boreutifttlse.
e, for sale at the lowest Fasterapriers.
3116 PaILLIPS, /mita Hotter Depot,
mpg , • • Teed 'Mood Pt
•:1 1 :
BSPREES Packet and Railroad Line for
CloreLod, unkhout tax of don br Etna.= fp=
obmlth to Beaver, la =cacti= wlt.ti alegsasly na
bbed Szpreo Nazis of Chair, Pula &Co towt Bonn
to ttortons, and the syltmdkt new Pusimgor Can of dm
Cle telo=l and CA:taboret /Wined Co. to Clovelsod.
• RE.NNSYLVA.NIA J llcyrzezi.
MAYFLOWER._ . ...... -..N. RumeN. •
Steamers tern theft [ ..dies osioeiti._ibe 144 q5.43.1.i.
L I T.ID ken
stemma% arrtelnir at Rennin in time tetb•EormeTtsla
of Can On CL. Lod Pamenvre try _this anise at
Cleeslant tine to take the Raltrn4 Line of Stomas
fat BUFFALO nod DETROIT, and the arcane for Clitea
ttn, Einnakie, Toledo, Fasidu3k7 aty, Danklyk and Lble - .
also for ...ming train of cars Sir Colornbaii, Enna. ail
Cincinnati, CLARKE. PARRS 1 . CO.. ranter.;
lalee [m a n ß.
at. Mato. 114.4
O. Y. RAW/Wt.
OR. under Moncrt=bas
or 9mi1h17.41 gad simak .
Oa the Pennsylvania and Olin Canals
aeut4E ?Akio A 00.,_........._--Ramesen4 fa
CLUMP rn z Ili, CRAWFORD a 03,- Osrzuno, O.
TIPHIS well known Line is now to
Cr=any zoinr 4 Th n 0,11.2 .13
Tbe Within of the tn. axe ' lzzHisial tanasiblja
by, and eepatity of Luau, dap:x - 10=4pr
dory &Units.
One host - learn Pittaburen and Cleveland daily,runalas
ennneitan with a I.4zu of etwenzhoots between PUTS.
and t
enet s ) , and • Lbw of Uncials WinunOcata
(propeller and tenets) on the Lakes.
Parks Ca, Pm:myna fin, Or
XL B. Tarred, Warms., CI:
A. a. N. Clark. Newton Falls, 04
C. Prowl" Hamm.. 0.
Brayton *Ca. Ravenna, 04 -
Kent Grizzle' 03., Franklin, G.;'
IL A. linker. Cuyahoga Valk o.;
Wheeler. Lee * Akrnn.
a g fsXL, '" %fA B l)"',.,, atn
U. WEllhana • Ca z waw, nokhparz
o r
laktarttl .
ib t . Fte ., Uwankie.
norms Gale,
• 4...111: osuonst, Amt.
AO ow. Water awl Entithaeld Innionzon.
FFIRUSSES, of all kinds and sizes, for the
Tend sail radical en. of Rends. az 114p4ank
Multi, on Land .1.1.f0r 11011
span Kr.SEEIt k AIeDORZLI.. 140 Wald 01..
Brandies, Wines, Fie.
RAVING completed arrangements with
In Boolean: and other Emote= Chloe, lb. ,
U altar. ir,dVairT r. rid it
sr 01 05
.Lotat descrils3oq
under rearms 1541 e 1. {Jain&
Attention le Invited to .7 It 5 . 3 .1 07 .
110 poehroces tAarnse. Bordeaux, and Ho hells Orandkw,
76 52..14C.
and medium
o fW.
Bl ow casks Moderns, t eaer7 And.
145 Port Witt, pact MY old 4017.7. ,
linaluts Siorkllng Chainto....ol be.7o.
MO boles Claret laines, asriocui brands aad vitamin.
' 100 cases Esti... atot Bona. aintscrs 17.40-7.
.44 caska hauterne mai Claret Wins.
10 plyes Old Unliand and &bop..
10 punch...UM Scotch and 1.0.0 Ohl.
4 superior Old Jamalra Ram.
50 nub stowritir London Down Siout and &Mch AU.
With a toostant any If err I .Vdt'dUgvprti such as
g ovt., Maraschino. Cherry Bran ,
A lane stock ILA CANA SECASS allow" cc hand.:
Ail of which I will crier o,aser lartontle tam.
.(rders will be executed.lll. antch .
l etomudd im i
• !moot. out Dealer, 30 Walnut sines
O do b d 1 6ala
• ;
3 W o lo 80.3 ALsoorek •.
Ordo do
taixa do •
10 do No. 1 mod NOW: co bond and
far rale b - [non JOlis WAIT
DIG IRON-66 tone Forge and FooLdry,
L catiAssoatet. 4s Sala by
an3C. . JOIDI wArs e M.
OTATOES-4.1.1 bbls. Neshartnocks, for
de 17 I=6 8. P. TON BCONEOSET CO-
iEsii c 2!=
1 1 '1 -