MEN=ln== ESTABLISHED IN 1786 ITTSBURGH GAZETTE VICIASILLD LAII,Y AND WILILY. BY & Co., Wit= =am. IMEI=I on , t7ti a tr=a errurr, aux mos 20.1 m von am, ~ D ATI.T--Sevon tollars 9.3. 13 1 e half Ta Eta D..atea if raid in advance. typ.litiLY.lro dollar, per anmint, in advance. Curas nibs' tho fallowing conditioner.— 'Virtu envie, per annum ......... ---............$ fi 00 • •I', ft:mks •lo :a 00 Tbr Went err esaqi Club to be addreinod to Ciru. wrens, beo bo .10 v invariably to dune. :do Gob Papers or nt aner tbe year rapirce. 1111iCIS the teener is nut tor •anal. ulnaOP A.DVEBSISII4O D6l 6pra.r.(lo lincr otlicrurrarell or less) one inrrrtion 6 0 60 Do. mcbs46lrtonal loarrtkrn.. 0:6 Do. D.nne month • 4 . 0 Do. ors 7 Dn. ur mouttst tuele months Illandtzte iiards. lits v e r r less. per loon= IS 00 rho, boller for earn additional line. Oror moan.. chanteshle at pleasure (P. .- oleiwki v., of the paper.... • '''''' dJ Ycr ".oh ',oar. inserte over one mouth. and Mr emir addititrualt..Mire insernd umlit the yearly rate, half prim, Advert/am...04 etiverlum a somas, not aver at.. inc... charbed no N oath and a halt l'a ". bh,lrers valeta/Amiable for legal advertisement, W- I. ..M0... chsl.stil ot thei r publication. Announcing rawllisle,.. 'kr WI,. to be chased the ran , se other ortvertisiturnhs. Arlserr.,emenm not mar. on We copy for a epertLed nanal. insertioov. orill , loolationsti fOrlilMand moot ...carted aebrodth,ly. ' • The privilege of-amoral vie... Woos is etrictly limited to their own Monediate Into:roe; and all advertiser:warts for the lanord of other troll asallatlvertimmenta not lorniviltatel/ cynnovhol wlth their oats barium, and all Ito. clam. hi Advertisement, in length or otherwise, beyond the Inni.ange6ntl, will IA chut,d St all such trawler:it ....miring. bills 'Mil be tenor... 7 enderol. and prOgnlk , 6.4 " 4 ' All islyerti.mento for charitable WO:IWO:us. ton thm. Mll.. math tonothip, d other rovetitma, and suriiltko, tuts, ener,l ha lf Price, Parahliottktif in lA . itutitim astir.. to be charred tot rent. Death otalcet Inserted villtrout charge. onle. trthritoP4 0.1 by funeral loth:01.4o or obituary Untie, art. ob. ....partied to he paid fur. " Regular atilkurtizer, and all others ambling emorontibm lupe, crt roquiring imume daairmatal to mil attentim to o.lth. :soirees, tloorects. or any public , entertainment?, tirk 'mats Po admittance—all make. Of pn. Tate manelallons—every notice designed to call attentkai solemn emerprie.. ealculwrd or Inlet4ed Pron.. Inn. Mdnalinterastocan only be Losertod with theunderOand. lama lug that the sspell to be paid for. If hatendrst to be lit to the Leal otiumn. the nsiDe chargrd at the r ate of not len thou IV , nl . l Jar lint. llllMaipot far. Noll., to ha eltalsAttriple Mice. Tavern Limn. Pet ittrons.b% eorh. Beal/MAW An.ente and Auctioneer,' alvertMements not to be clamed ondorti , orly min, lint to be allowed a dis count of WM:, thriv. and one third per rent from the amount of bllll. • - - • I.SSILIT is iItI.WECLIS IS MALT OSP &limn, three latertlem . LO • Do tom% adJihhhal ...... ST • ADVMIII.3I/.111. WIECT.Y carts 013 e liflre.7 One infiera. Oasis. WAS. AU tßasimtLl vertbsanguts said ix.. *drum - BUSINE AM)E2NaII jOHN-AvRARKINSOI , I; Alderman, Fifth Permlstriet,.l34tlrern O'Hara and tirslaut All busincs6'p.A3lAlt attendod to. - ATTORNEYS. . (Lan, or w.ontowet en , (Late of Indlrunt) LiPHANT & TAYLOR, Attortleye at low--012ce on Fettrth Area. No. MIR. between Wool sni ,. .Sfinth e r.ol,t teer,l'ittsbwnh..Po- D On nom, .tewataunioner forAtte .i tte or New 1 - crk. • 71(01137. Al tar, -S. 11. COt.Ll=l. • • - & COLLIER, Attonien at Law =is Tin Fourth slue- strovn Smithfield; • W. F. WIIITE, Aturn3ey Lale-01-* oft ETC pa Grant erect... Fourth. la Arthsre Build- Ittg. Littstbargttt4.a. mehtnr - J '4 l thrne at Law, p.own.fl armful., nf Deed,. an. ../f=ff ntreet, AA rmithtleid. 1V P..& G. L. B. I'ETTP.RMAIC, Attor ar.r.f.ttrtgAfir nod Rad Meate Agen.. No.,abtp 4.7.631 MM.. J. KUHN ; Attorney at Law. utrica, In .. 11-ILL corm no : of Urt am t. end,ls.irra • .11csebarch,.. , • TAXES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—lX - 12a SIP ea ith sh. hetu - n. Ern:U/641 wad Gnat. Pittsburgh. &.NCL C.FLANEGIN, ittorne; at rei Fc.urth etr,t. Plt'Obsul;h TOWS & WATSON, Attornoya at Law, 110 Fourth a r.e4 Pnnabur u - 1. enzn:—llumander .4 Dar: John Ftry&r. 13824 nOrrlmt Co“ Win H. nNr, Jahn conntant. Can, Patibet.m. jeltlar B E DWARD. P.' JONS, Attorney av Lame ou Foctrzta erect. between Wad szrl Rath. • - JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Las ao.ta 911111 tttaL Pacsburtb. Pr- Mn=ll . %dr. AT ; : 11. ‘VILLIA3 S Bankers ..rarE=Laxgo• Itrirtra..Nortb Emit °matt: of Weal Mreets. Pittsburgb. VrAU traimacilont made op liberal terms. and = i ll ly ottrial•A R.f•. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker, `Pntullt.etn , t, 15,1er in Bank Nana. Blue of En. Gold and 811,cr. Roclut boned and ,eld. Ile In • en. market ;rice scod in prendtrm Tor Juncrionl W3ILASIMER, JR., Banker and Broker, tlistrekt, the Bank of Plttaburgh. -- A WILKINS & CO, Exchange Brokere, a',.7,cregbeßr.eiMtLTie isT-HOLMES St SON, -Dealers in Foreign x : 939119009031.10 Bills of Zuhsuce, CertiGesteo cf,De• 1.4 taut Notes and pale, No. 09 3Sarket axon. Pat. 03..Copeetka. 1110.10 00 all tho prizelpal eioo9 Ahriman= 001.100101 tatol: V.ltAtiii, franker' and ET -0.44 H.nerc- Deals. Sn ant Dalmatia of,Certanatei Deposit4,_ Bank Notes.— . Mace, oonner a Third .4 IS ?A ansals. dU=UT MOWS 6i.asarlos Hotel. T CAROTHERS CO., Banking Honig, . No. 15 Wood streah Iltteborgh. Corona hfooei eeseed on 110civlt. Chneetlana made on the prlachltl 'title. of the United Etat,' 6=54 Lee. St. Commieeion Iterelu}nte sal 1311TIliokerit No. 314 S.eond otreet. P6llloo3l4aud r-ttato Focurites (tom Moo to $lO,OOO always.= baud WALERILON 1,111171.. tt.L.M... use. ALMER, IaNNA. §necerksott; to liollaee;l3.onns Co- Baser.% CO., isceriodis Decrisze, deflate Vorricfn and DouristleEsebante,OettifeaPes l O t of Deposit, Batt. Nos.. and epode — Norris West carper Of Wood and Third FLIT•I4S. Current 3ioney remind on Die nod. bight Checks for rale, sod collectime =Aeon nea r . all the principal prioto of tbe Dotted Stat.. Itte blibeat jecomlum prid for Varian and Jamaican Ad esnOteonadeon conclenori iris or Produce, gapped e.g,. on liberal Otrogo TAYLORCommimioner =i Bill Broker,' 112 Socosui Aron. litrkt &Mutton lo glom to all btrtions to Ws ton. Pittsburf h nuoufattutod sutlelex Woo)" on band or procured wt. aloft llortgoort, 64 stegatfoted 013 favor• aura [mit , -.6tlooDma clo , le, If required. or= BOOKSELMOS AND STATIONERS. c. STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stock im• too, flank:v.ll,r, Ststloutt. Printer. and Binder.. Ire Thud street. Pittobstrph. B..IIOL.IIES' Cheap Literary Depot, *him orrrt..ProOre the Poet (Aloe. New &mks re. oar 4 UPY hi. tiobstriptioaa received to ..r of Use or Pt earepapem publi,bed at the publisbeer laved pier: HOPKINS, ,olcseller and Stationer • Re:f9 Potsrth Olvec. Aron. BASS AND • CONFECTIONERS. pX.Vitiltowx, JR., Wholesale and Retail Raker awl Contectlonct, AG Tontib stmt. ritteb.nt .dato. Cain.. not Emmy C.tectionarr..l , ..7. All orlm4 Ruoctually .W.r.d..1 w . thlil . 9o9:Cl a:1 Vela N't(iCK , Manufacturer and Im mq rT; g-t5l r T V'V g " • ro O T V: arta 7J' WM/ • a CONEISSION AND FORWARDING RW. POINDEXTER, comerof Water and . Market street, Pitlanmsb. Conan. "000 for !boss, Ina for the puretuso awl !AO VI .r. Welton, Prod ori . , Imn. NalleL6lmunodt6eldatinfactotrl arld.s or Plttshumb.gmozolly; .- Also—Ascrta for the mile of N. Hamm a Oa, end 1. ..10,1A1 Manure and lbw Forlm a Philadelphia plum and Janklos a Co.'s mperine pocked Tem. •p of CI A. "McANULTY & CO--Transporters, sse ComtniNgoo Her:unto fr t7 4 t. Cana Lain. 401 Penn Pitteburah. seen_.:._ ritWOODS A SON, PRODUCE DEALERS aa4 Cceatnietien lttrebanta. Soil Water street. barzY. • - .• M, Forwarding and Cmcaincrt Membs..."l- V*. II &card ittsect. kER . - .JONES, ,Pirv..arcling and COM "lisg !lcn Mrrenseae. Dealen, Prodenn er.taarizant arntk, Bann . near ee Eceenth atreet...l'ntlelrabl. MIMI' /01al Ek. .P. f' IIDY. JONES CO.. Sucteseors to At- Ca. := 0,1.,itt sad famordtas t=th. 4.l.ass rittaurgh Manuf.ctanad Goods. Firs- DRYGODS IQEECHANTB i C.elliclazr: vat PA] F if. slic: SILACKLETS & CO—Wholesale N • ee, In Tc,tsn and D=ertat Dry Goo& He n 1 tad I , r^. , 1,..ta , nr b febli , _ . I , t —l f r 3f.V.4 l-: ; " i ' VO , lvh:,i` - et7. it.`l . i;t"iil'i i . ~,..D .Y'vr,4rtn.F.x.-. ada .! tarle Drr Gesd, OH Hark , t I CrY."‘E'n , 13''_ it — tritPlll 4. IiCROTIFIELD. WHOLES E 'l INt r ird 1..e...1 Pr. r' , 46 '. .der-.):AntY. cam.' et let t i.D4 "d .drr.e. . 1 ..t..t urgh . [ i a ....., .... , AST Tai ~..5 ERSEY. FLEMING &.. 4. CO.ra . o "u1""4. M , Tehri+—Far ilaa ,i,f r,,,,,,,,,, e w0n , 1 n .. 53ifm ,, L 1 Cimag .3.0 , .. 14.1-rs ID D. 'tints a Till , ll ?— jer - 1 log s, Co. 1..."9 IV‘.4 rtmt. fourth floor from flitjh r{ Pltrir! MTh ' DENTISTS MD. HUNT, Dentist. Corner oi Fourth m..= st... SW). nut Perry mem* JEVhS wW WILSON, Watches, JeweVer = cnL ult's oot m . cg4 ' • . THF, DRUGGISTS. DaA. FALINESTOCK it CO. lirholemale j °GAN, WILSON Ft CO., bnpurtens and Dim .04., and manufacturer. of 11 2 blae Lead, Hod ; _ 4 WhoLunde Dueler. In ITardwam and Cutler, tio. 17.9 A uld Llthame. eerner Wood and Front horn. Pitt.- o ' 4 ;' , "`bn , a;;- tnugh. ' a4o. n. asTark.) I.t. C. n'tgwatt. lEYSER & .McDOWELL, (Successors w I li to Karr k iley.r) and mail Dra g and 4 .. ..,.." ----- ------- ------- .- ~. , . ..T. q ,,, r1 , 1 3„. Eton , , onn , r o f tr.. ^ l atr..ct and Vir g in alley. TorIN FITZSIMONS & CO., Manillaetu phy.k.,,,e ~,,,,,,,r j o wna ogn ,l n tly compoundrcl [ugh!. and ' m rp o f FLIIIit and IlittalN fILAES. MOULDS,and all day.! . kinds et 111ACIIINERV• rake thin method of Inca-ming thaw &alma. cf henn a norh work dmae, that the )) ' . LIIID .1 ILL . prepared to do It at th e !overt m utible rater., at th q • art jKIDD et CO., Wholesale Dmigigts• Deal- ert none, and In the howt mart,r, et their ettabllnhtnent. 4 .. if r , unt , 'Mk D , ''' nuff'..n.' '''''"'"" t ' — '''7,..'". 1 .'.'1`r r .V'f . ,,1ni.,..1" . v, c ,aTi11 t ,N,',1NiTi11 ,r ,,', t 4, 0 ,:4;.7r..":2`: ~,, D l- If nu . , re. tg ii . r.2..Vl, : ar o u::e .e . rts : ll ,,, Nl r u n glap l el ,, n. L a i .7i , s. u ‘ . t red at thn notlrw, An d at tho 1000 n. Volr: , rOUTtil etrects.l . lttibttigh! ' Orderer will ht, carefully ra nk-' All I...ut ,h dp i , i ol , Johlrln g done an short weaker. ed. lad ftn-wanitel with tilt:tau-h. E. SELLERS. Wholesale Dealer in IL. Dgs, Pam., Dpt Tansishco..t, Lc.. 0..07 Wu ru xi street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Goats wars-acts& Prin. lay. 11: N. WICKERSHAM., Wholesule Druggist Imttl Dealer Iv Seeds met Agricultural Implemem. Nue. le4 and 166 Mead sterol, earner of Sixth. •111.1lICII 6611: 4.7 : 9140 i. REITER, Wholesale and Retail lJ DrugOsts, wruar ut Liberty' and St Clair eta Pitts urgh. Ps.- T.SCHOONSLAJLEIt & CO.,, Drug CV ail.. No. Wood et , GROCERS • u . roerred der, nu :V. ' ftu Pt'a Poa 11% ..,ntl,Lllrnao BO L. SHEE, AN' holemale Grocer. Commitsien J . Merchant, and danlt.r In Paltwr aaalt•l Perin and Irwin atit,toi. Patabarich. Yrr 1;1.0113EL P. •SILRIVEIL Wholesale Eacoul rUw ..c. t.nwn Kuala and Stait.olteln. " ‘ltta uralt. SU3IrL , 11,11.1 . 1.1 01IN S. DlLlVolifit .Wholesale tirocerr. T`rodu, sad COMMi O SI6II Mextuac. and 3r,, ,11, !., ,...11 , 7 0 A u t r ;;. , der Co.. a lhaaard•llle, yam., 07 a. aranateava i l URB RI Dl.l &..INGRAI/AM, Wholeaale jup umeeraam.) Commkelou Merchaut, lin fl ate tenet. and IS° Yu-atm - wet. littaliorati• # HEY', c. , :MATTHEWS 6: CO., WholeatLi Groan", CormuLaWou and Forwarding Merchants, and ton Bneaux, Cotton Yarn, NV a.r n. .11ttehurgh J ' Jona OHN warr WATT & CO., Wholesale Orfleer,, Commlasima Merchant, ond Realer, lu Pro-low and ttatintsla ?, Übertf etiM4 Sine borati,'Sw I B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio, 0 r w ind , Tzgld Yoms.Zu Meech j a i nt , , ,, :wd p ‘:h= tit) and Wertern Produce geterally Wiaer 'tree, between Smithfield and Wood. Pittaburgh. LLS. WATERMAN & SoNS, Wholesale . tiroevrs,CPmmi.snion saki Forwarrect to extroto ... Fittlug ou the attunet no tice Sod tUoet re,ousble term , Itach7at • Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's N ESTABLISWIENT TILE ABOVE Cl re4peetfully announce their IL.. vutlic ,nt•mllr. 0.1 tlinv sr.. yri.port..l to ...144,31.5., In the drxt e1y1414 tbor M, Gr nil a..rn fur :h.. Cash.. Checks. Prof..A.lo nal Cant. Mrll , _., .1 Their e.r.etAlda+Or 1, it NO 14 Merket t. evr • nalcal nod Fourth nrava.s. , mt. Inch bit • Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y• GLOVER, KIER s Cu., PRuIIIIEIORM rpuE StiiiSCRIBERS, hating 644...t1 point.] Agra. far the nLove hatned edneern, rill to:eh contently an hand • sup p of the oe,lehrste ,l Bolivar Pir,mllrtek.Crucible Fier Clar.torua , rie...thaltud I owalla Th, are aka. prepared to rawattre order, tor ..aid Brlck, to be made in . I t er r a null .put , ts,ers. *tort& shall t' .1r.. 3 ,ru ti 01.a. b .71 it Deacon 414.0t...rate the wan/ ad vantages the hell,r Fire Briettova r ell that ctfereat her .ale iti the State, [bide rove Huta+ . being ...It k.u.ore toatm., all perNatus who line llrlek. The ottSprirtors Imre det.mloe , l That the link ehall l,ur L11411` . 1.1i their preaeol enriable rern.dada and that no rxrefhe. flail be spared to mato. them rreo Letter Mau they hate heretofore [wen. Thle te the onlr 40It runnufacturlecstLhdlear 0,11./Sl , B, w; h 1 Csual Basin, o.4,rentb at., Pitts burab• Pittsburgh das Pipe and Tube Works. TE undersigned hare just completed their X ltewlve IRON . T1.111,E WORKS, "nd I.3Vv and o m h en rlrm,r i a g I a a ll l Pito ooff lilt PIPE, A WROUGHT IRON TUBES, eme tt., offer for we .t tbr mw , ‘ They.. o , o * ow rrnowni onion , . to u.— W I e i. 1A N .1 n i . .. 1 , 21 b & L., ' , N , t ; / r ~L l., ,.,d— C. i y. i t .t . , l , o ,,, %ti r i p f ICITOLAS VIVIAN ? Civil Engineer, Diltlghtsman. stifi; Ag..ot. 31.1.. rs must.. a 31odeLl for thy Pster.l I , rtlm, tleml,Ths of Mach.- Der, 'tor slin, Water Wort:, Itelhog Mlll, sr. M. Iv found betwixt 10 A NI. and ti P J.. at la, r,iirlenc., N 0.21 Marburr rtr... Pitt,horgtt . inul4.dl y• A. MADEIRA, Agent for Dolmenre ned tway legue.nce entarra.r. 42 Water rtr,rt. GARDINER COFFIN. Agent for Franklin Si' Fire Innumann Company. north rasarnro, of Wad and Thml AtTref P. M. GLENN, Booi IhNDER, Wood fitrec..t., y reeetti .1.40 r fmm 11)e . rt.rntr of Third.. .h.,. h.. Vr7t r lfirrntil% 7?- . Imund rut.tantlltlly. Boot. I, unenfer... .7 I.cuud carefully. or refourrcl SIM.. put , . in oft Ictlrr: 11 , c-c Ilsvc blrulln4 ar. turge.l fel l lon X'CORD aud Itettu'i a Mann., D,....11.1 Natl., to Car , at.] . llt furl oval r. Falb fttfe.,,. Panto,a,. t..n • va• r a pill .al .1-moot+ wool rf lot., to , fa fro watt.. arta itt. to. ho .tt 11.1,1. .ad to Ire tit.. overar chum of [LW oax[onn a .01 ro thot wal Feu oo toe at,a 1 3 r M. DlGBY..Mvrohurn Tailor. Draper v rcvi 1.k.10r Mule «r . OZtil3llll moderste FLOUR—the reeelpta by fiver and wagon were hauled. snip poittisal to a few email lota only at $3 16teil3 p bbl A rife 0r3.03 bble from etore at In 37 V bbl sod tfi bblslo more at 33 2311 bbr. It will be aeon 'abler our tel egraphic bead that flour halt mot further decline ot CV. t bbl rn New York Whether this market will be intiu• one.] br this unfavorable wws, will. we preeume, defies:l upon the amount of renepb, *Leith. at prevent lar.• ern bght. OW!. mrilhou{ any uptlOsabla change. There La a tar renuest fur Wheal at the mill., at 0402 tur Molitor. taxman. 0 for prime. gni 700.72 tar escre white. Cr * os la ho.tOe at 2400, mad Oats at SOoc.3lc, Rye la selling. at 40c I; hu GROCERIES-11oLiers of Sugar preler bn.ihrig oo to their anyollev Or the prearnt .1W we tam report no ester of C 011.1.11.. prime baba{ very firmly all, and fair at Inferior Vrall.iti at remains grin. with no warted ohmage. - We note a rale of 100 bbla rebuil din n7OreoSal an'ti. a mute Eales of oriole Y: Orleans at 371.0385. in small lola to env amt counor {rate CAIN* n inactive at 11 ill2e far filo OILS—We nottra a decided Iraptvreatrot ku lard oil—ac 470 e ,. for No 7 . and 00r for No 2 being tb. prrsetattarldlnr , rata. .4 de of IO bMa linseed at 05'A gal arbirb It an Int l , prdweroant BACON—Pritet are iturrovln a : %nth "al, all 9 cis about . dtra to lota at 7rM b. Uldes art railing at itj'and barna at EJ:Ut 9 c LAND—Supplies art email, and a.• caureport no talet of moment. We quote at S.tiadN In tddr and kg. rIODA ASLl—dala of slona at. 3ti. 4 curt Wlll.l3llltY—daler of nectleed at 21145tde cult and time. FRUIT—Tba demandl fair. with aalraof BAWDS at SZ.SO lmO. of Almonds at a/tarte 31 tb: of Ground Nista at 32.00 "al bushel: of Flllairta at tol of Cream lints at 01$ BSc; of 7.ata Currants at li4UNG and of Engllatt Walnuts Dot andtofFlaq at 12!-:(414a V , 5. Sal". of Oranges at 5 4 . 24 1 0 ba Lemons at 52.50 %%boa. FOREION IKON MMIERTS. L1T111.01.. Apta 23. We hate to report Quat Iron market; the demand ang uish. and prices rather In favor pith, brim - For lead'. hnoode the dextund Is good. and ow Ineilnattanetwarn to. to VIT,6I=,;T:TPe`„,"..ePr g rOZITOI3 . 77::•",".I)'II7:I7 I ,t; 11.1Litll as Wore. 42• PI V ton nett =oh oh. In 01e0... ... =Ws the rata tor No 1 llarteherrie s Ti, Plates be.. been pronsol topon the market. and a detline of Vha has In 1101110 owes. hemgutdooltted GS' VlOst. Tin SI tattling I Lead I. bald &only and aotstr businesatioing In Contort DEW BEDFORD OIL MARRET. .'gra Btl,lolO. blay b. (Pnr the auek.) Srtnar—W bansce a ateady Par demuLd without churn In prima; ke of the put weak mounrtc.4. - )ol,bLs at 12.5 e P Pat, . . Waastlaaatren In metes darttand 4.1:1C0 at last. and oln hate tato male (6 mood ad hemsnee to the *a taut of 10.000 , bbln at tame* radio* from 41 to ado. aa to 111: 1 3A Vllrt;' ' Cl.= e ar41.171.5 0 J . 1. 0 1t . a bb t. l UT.l4 P e n t. ' l: . .l; Obis at 42.4 c 14C41 bids at Cie, and In Falmouth a Dago of SCOO Wt. as . ; ran. at 41c la gol—dre market cloamg Mat h ulth a* demand.. PORT , OF PITTSBURGH Ft's. krt., 0 lathe: in channe br ml .calm.... and [Zu:. ARRIVED. , t 11.11,, an. Beet. ResTer. ResTer, Garden. Barer. Mien!.let Perkltem, ItreTn... - ..1.. J. McKee Ile , et,.• W nrtelqt•lctiTeNTl T. ct eo ft...ern:Lath Eireunghem. C 1 11411..tt1. Arena. Kitme.T. Tv enrol, 31e.r.bek,11.11111.. Theo&lute Clieettnatt. Jas. Neisca, blau,. Whet. Lon. hint tio2, i..stftsh. troultioghenT. MeEectroTt Pam. Bare. nichlga. boscu, Dearer, Gordon, Pndanwoo. Firowoonll.. S. Mmes. Ifeadtickan. HeKoter., rec..Ehrtver.B.lll7. Redstone. Woodard. tiroratrale Whorilag.- Youa.p. BriU.port I:Z.l , yr. Mate. ken, Cicetamsu BOATS LEAVING IRIS DAY. }OI: PITILADILTIELt AND aa.E;EIII4Ba. D E...ertk t Cais Z'ar,o4tr P.aket laraTts tlarly ac b a lat Pad E Pm. R.71 - 161.1—Pat_vc I.ol3lS—Pul. WELLIN/LlX—Axclw . rmircassmal—ua.-4.,50 Srenest.—Threthelai paths tr.= That V..« has tbsa=l bbt reVators..4.l . ..lllberotlttr. 1e re ter the here putt ever, .14,re1a., se i e'cicet. I . 11. Fbil. have, AA set ty thErbeeh .s.r.e.estt Eul C. "1111:1••• • at , •, eh:: 1:3.-mam.. I=l CINCINNATI—Pa, !:c. to D L t tc.'a 1 , D.J. 'LL - .5 IVZ4t. ' 1= ' ;111 :1 4f::;f1 ttlPl ' ; - ;•1!i.t „Ifr h . Fttotn.Nue bet wmttr t. tb,. dr , Wt. Bite.. IC. 1 Z.: kts , tot, A Culberwa , 18 Tie h it . Ic4 tv.znp ClAtt • Um, : , trUtkv . :l2 bts stove 8.41 t Llggett J LOClbrlLLE—lbsa Glare - n -1n bbls scrap men 4 boiler brads 2 Rkotler 11011 :1 pc. bcOce (runes I kir rests G t ebress abr. tempts carbon. &used tt 112, a blO funs • BHo vs Been 1 mule ion bbls lune At 31cCallp Co. 10 bble babas H Graff &Co: bls !Into bats 10 eke blis• Iles Clark t lbs.: 1 ehf4 D Le,cb A Co 5.1 W., cobras 1 do ramples ha. Arbuckle &Co bbls whisker Lambert. Raman; 2 bensrags W Dyer I bbl . alrobol .1 1.1cDr.114 11mb'els lea th er 5 cks tams GOO 13 31111entencesp bb brown corn I' enensor Ca 19 Ws lob U Graff k On 22 /Gas tab H Graff it Co. WIMELTI4O—Pr4 Dr2SSil-7.3 Lma paper Brukteld: 1 bo D lesea 1 Co. 34 bbl. killlss • Itkketson: B biota eggs 3 balkt E Ilearelton: 73 Obis door Bell Lira.; lot bacon B kleChlrks• I Co; 2 pkgs md se 1112.01. LOUISVILLE—Pm J nnlmod—dB glom Ball A 14g. rgArlf Mfg b t2 , 1: 1 10 tei w bamg 13m2Let b 4ils wrap Irms Mem.Hallman A Co. mo 12 dm 'sash boards T 11* Ob l. wtdster R W•bon: 426 Wm barley A & ♦ , 1 cod. A. A. MASON & CO., Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers in DRY GOODS No,. 62 and 64 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa, ANOUNCE• to their friends and the pub no eternally. that they eta owe rrtrat►t to exhibit stxt moet exrecatireelected sleek ENTIRELY NRIV GOODS, . . . . they tiara weer offered ha this city. itch and Whitstable fabric, as wall as in. ***'.l and •hieb will be!hanell at thy * ********* fl'a. . . . . LO POSSIBLE rrucas retail • th I.lltran b !old iZ,lol.°L,var-,c411, retail Ind, and theloi. anangod In Depattlnellt,. TIC Silk Department. All the new and (adaptable larks handfeed Ode yeas°. ineludang the beat utak. ej Bleck Dress Goods Department: ensopt n a-De Loa 111. hag Po,llag+l6 Ittnice de Lail., Imarrm. 13errLaww, Mud." Wadies, Jecocv tkerawllner, &alb=h., Alpacas, ite. Shawbl, Videdde% Contort _Crape, Elain mid embroidered. Moo, Damask. nib& Co. WM , Reimer?, Dem, Figured do , other Sheole. Also, Visetree. Patriots sth:stilly 1. Iloadery and Glove Department Win be mend .19f,1et...111, the best makes of ()Mon iodtlnk tindery. 'rho test KW Ulmer Livers on hard, Linen Department. 34. 44. and 44 White Linen. Liam Stiffen..., Plane Came hen, Nakins, Dottie, bleaeted and brown harm eat, Towelling. Leaver dc. hite Goode. Checked quad Dotted Cat:Arleta Id ta Satter, Idoot aryl Natweet klatilius. Victoria sod Diatioti Lemon, of every quality and price. Aleo. Cattalo Material, Piano laud Ta• blc Corona Embroideries, Lanes, Trimming, &c. • r=I,,TIIrTZ.: Uanaat. of all the latrerelTlu Domenuc bo. s llepnrtntent IF 4.4.4mb1y ono of the mmt extoustwe to the mutter. cm. braeing ewcrytthog kuotro as dome:gum. no. Proprietors feet 0.42114t0t Um/. wsilS stem buthame faThelon. mtd.wtcraelsw stook. Wt - onuatmlly low yak.. they memo( fall to gum perlout sasmtwetton %Vb.:U.l4 rurrb.cts oppeetfully wsbormeslthat saw will to as to rewels• Met: order, at um tam. (Or goede. at away, 'prim, alto. to .loplhwee any ift.tErl3 bttt .4 rode az the. mom esettalq. New •11-1 en r w mrals - c4 ecokaYMIT tlayough the sea,. ONL P.7.TE 0 :a. 1: sO.l .t. A. MASON b. W. UTTER-25 kessior sale by n•xt3 RUBIbuN. LITTLE L CO BUIT-3GU'bu. Dried Peaches; Joe " m. sale 17 11.01:11,i1N. LITTLE CO. 1 ILESTNUTS- 30 bu. for bale by 11011180 S. LITTLE 8 CO IG IRON-2.50 tons for sale by ROBISON , LITTLE O co 3C0N.r45,000 Ihx. HUMtI and Shoulders, Slll 6'2‘l4."‘"' f‘*. "j rATE.cni. Luxus Co. n itIED APPLES-200 bu. for rale br u” , 2 ENOLIbiLt' IiENYET t. po T A SIT- 14 casks for Bale by n EILI4II a 114:intr. Ir 4 &cowl. gild 151 rust at C ODLIVER OIL--30 kali& s_upeCior White tar Wetry m7l R. it. SELLUS.S7 Woodst. SSENCES EXTRACTS, for Flavoring J.IW fa Cnama ca Jan. O Nutatess: la Sac Vanilla &mar. m For a& by corl. IVIL . A. lb:Citric° ' 256 Maly of- • OIL PERMIMINT-160 lba. (warranted pun) be bah by mrt M.X.UMW. . . PRECIP/TA,TE- 7 26: lbs.: for ,alo by !MESE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE FRAM 118 W 10338. [Carre'pm:lei= of the Daly Pitlatmrja Gazette] This is the iast day of the anniversaries, and a large member of the stranger, who came •to town for the purpose of attending them, have already returned home, There may be a few so cieties which Will hold 'their meetings next weel& but the main portion, the most important, are already over. The The blew YOrk Colonization Society hold its anniversary Last night in Triplet Ball, before a very large audience. Speeches were made by Drs. Colt and Fyn g , and the Abolitionists were belabored in good style by both gentlemen.— George Thomption particularly received his full share of the castigation. From the annual re port, I learn that this society, in conjunction with the American Colonization Society, has sent out four hundred end twelve emigrants to Liberia during Ithe past year, and that the af fairs of the Infant African Republic are in a most flattering condition. The Forresti and Willis assault and battery case was brought up in the Superior Court yes terday, Messrs. T. B. Cutting, Edward. Saud ford, and E. nuschers, appearing for Willis, and Messrs. John Van Buren, David Graham, and H. 0. Sedglork, for Forrest. A strong combination on'both aisles. From the complex. ion of the teatinioni giVen, I should judge that Willis stands a pretty fair chance of obtaining his damages. Thearrangemeuts in progress ter the reception of the President, and the Cabinet on Tuesday next, promise something of extraordinary bril liancy. Major general Sandford published isnot der to day calling a Division parade for Tuesday when the whole of the military some six thou sand men will be drawn up on the Battery in fall uniform and will then be, reviewed by. the President and gabinet. The distinguished visi tors will be conducted into Castle Garden, and there received lby the city authorities, after which a national salute will be fired,-the guests Will be mounted and escorted through the city by the Division :of - Milita7. It has been resolved by the city to erect a imit able monument to the memory of the late lament ed Major Gen. Worth. U. S. A., either in Green wood or Cypress Bill Cemetery, and a special committee has been appointed to procure the monument, as Well as to center with the rela tives of the deceased as to the removal of his remains to remise beneath the prephsed mauso leum. The body of the late General, I believe, is now at Albany. - The Board or Aldermen last night appropri ated two thousand five hundred dollars for the celebration of the Fourth of July. Major General Scott, and Adjutant General Jones U. S. AMay, arrived here from the south yesterday. Tlie General in Chief spent the day with one of bils friends. The steamer, The Unis on brought thdGenersh Jenny Litaj Concerts, despite the discourag ing of things •st the ticket auction, will probably be billy as successful as those given here last eumnier. The first concert was crowd- ed, bait it waaJ generally remarked that a large majority of the audience bought promenade tick-etsr at a dollar apiece, and-then took posses sion of the vacant seats. This is reducing the price of the Concerts with a vengeanae. The prices tithe seats are $2 and $2, but if every Maly buys prbmenade tickets, for one stellar, they can then i occupy the vacant chairs, which, if secured beforehand 'would have cost them three dollars. ! Barnum will have to meet this rule by confining the promenaders' to h certain part of the house and hiring ushers to keep them from getting seats. Dr. Burbnett, one of the gentlemen wlio was arrested not long since, shamed with Ming a -Filitnistero" leader, has been discharged from' the accusation', and Is now field as a witness against the other parties, implicated in the Cuban invasion. The contest , in the Fire Department, relative to the election , of an asasnotit engineer. term, tinted lost Light, by the triumph of Moses Jock. son. • the Chief's candidate. The independent ineudidtree a badly Samuel & Ito , zataa,T.4, has liecl ;waisted D.tnty Collector in the Custom House bete, ti“ Illininger.,dochisect The Annivennies of the donee= Board of Comminioneri for Foreign liission, and do Amerinin end Foreign Bible Society were be this morning„ end these wind up the grout meet ings of the week. Of the former Rev. Dr. Smith made a beautiful addrese, reviewing the incidents of the week. H. Addresa and , Resolutions cr THL C. CILIOLIRS STATE RIGHT& CONVIRTIOV. The South Carolina State Rights Conventlos, which commenced its soothes in Charleston, on Tueeday, May 6, adjourned on. Thursday. Nay 5, at 10 o'clock. P M. after Sadopting ammo ; ;noway the following Resolutions and Address.— The most intense excitement, raid. prevails in Charleston and throughout the State, which appears to be, indeed, on the extreme verge of Revolution. - From the Delegates of the Southern Rights Asso ciations of South Carolina, asscAbled in Char futon, to the. Southern Right: Associations of the Having met to take counsel together. and hav ing agreed upon that course which we think It right and necessary to percale, wa wish to lay be fore you the considerations by which we have been governed, with that frankness which our respect for you, and our desireto merit your good opinion, require. We regard the position of the southern States . in this confederacy as degraded and ruinons.:— The manifest tendency of those systematic eg g-reagens. which they have suffered' foi. many years past, is to subvert the institution of slave- ry. If those acts of hostile domination, which bare been rendered more insulting by mockery of language, under the term of a Compromise, were final in their nature; and were not tobe fol lowed by any ftutheraggressiona, we should still regard them as outrages., to whiehsovereign States., posseesing the spirit of freedom, ought never to submit. Bet those measures only form part of asyetem, gradually commenced, steadily envied ronmA, gathering strength, from devel opment, and, proceeding with fatal momentum to its end. That end is the abolition of negro slavery in the southern States, and the lewer ing of the free white population of the South" to the came level with that agrarian rabble, which. already strong and dangerous, seems destined. before very long, to be the controlling power in the northern States. We see no remedy and no safety for - tbe South in the present Union. But we know that in this we differ from very many citizens a !the other eouthern States, ephited ' and intelligent, having the same intereeta. and suffering under the same wrongs with ourselves, and who cherish the hope that thti rights of the , South may be vindicated and secured without dieeolving the existing Confederacy. In this dif ference it does not become no to tterume to die ' tate, nod we hope to stand free from that charge. Up to this time the eitisens of South Carolina, aware that peculiarity of political position, aris ing from past events, rendered a certain reserve , I on their part prudent and proper, hare studiously avoided eveiT thing which might look like 1i52111,11- ' ing the lead in the defence of southern rights.— I theysdeeirod to act because they beline,cd that safety and honor required action but they hired , that they 'might find leaders in other States I whom they :might follow in defence of the evro mon cause' When the ancient Commonwealth of Virginia, the proper leader of the South declar-• i ed her detexmination to resist, at all hasardsand to the' last extremity, hostile measures then' threatened, Smith Carolina, with all alacrity, stood ready to support Virginia in carrying out 1 her high resolution. When Georgia—whose for ! me r resistance to Federal usurpation, under her . heroic statesman Troup, gave promise of on. flinching firmness in any contest in which she might engage—proclaimed her determination to make a stand for the rights of the South, South Carolina rejoiced et the prospect of rallying un der the banner of Georgia.. And what her young and pliant slater, Miesissippl, proposed the wise measure of a Southern Convention, for rho pur poise of endeaeoring to unite the elanthein States in maintaining their constitutional rights, and at the same time preserving, it possible, the exist ing Union,'South Carolina heartily entered into this measure: and she tea carried out the rens min. En a., da , ti e en , : if ef :s th ils er e c n on ip v p en i. tio b n 7 e r o rp a ,i sse dm uled n a r t a th e e election of delegates to a Southern Cor*es. to whose meeting she still looks with anxious inter , at . In all these proceedings Fe thick that ihe citi tone of South Carolina have evinced all proper anxiety to avoid the appearance of arrogance or 1 dictation, to act is concertwith the citiseus of the other. southern States, and to'do nothing se.- parately or precipitately. And now, strongly an we have expresse I our belief that there ill no hope for the South in the existirtg talon, we are prepared to give a trial, fairly mad in good faith, to any effectual plan which may be proposed by sny.sister State of the South - for obtaining mime for the peat and security for the,inture, withota a dissolution of the existing Union, If th ere b e possibility; y' of such a conenntration. B we 'find ouroohea forced to cooofder the ottostesuestloo , wltstlte JOS. to .dnif Tort -that otolitiolosionibletoporol oki•ofoic VOLUME LXIVNUMBFR. 230. - anon of any other soothern State in any etaetaal plan of relief, and the alternative in prostate:lW us of submitting or acting by ourselves. 414 • retuctent as we are to separate ourselves from our natural friends and !lilts, .we have made 140 , oar minds. Re. cannot eabmit. We know that. South Carolina 'entered this Confedera4 sorereiga and. independent State , and - that, bas withdraw frog i[ _- Her roue mmt . exoreles ths.,. - d wsrit.trgoh.etv.willanthei:. i m an ee y t u3 : i i ia,r e t ons e.7, elo g a ,: n eur. ce n s.. it if ..fro no ium othi wath er : • • ing for new outrages to arouse a higher spirit of roared, will ,Tomheenizlewd.. time; o e ntrages, batwafed no as-, surance that the sprat of the vassal will rise in proportion to the indignities' heaped upon kin head. On the contrary, we see that the South' has already borne what it would not far a ma. meat have submitted - to ten years ago, and whit the North would not then hate ventured to per-. petrate. We are not willing to try the &FM merit how long it will be before our 'spirit 'is completely broken, by gradually sad'continually - yielding to slow and gradual. but unceasing en"- crosehments. -And if the exercise of thelight • of secession is to be followed by the attempt en e the part of the Government of this Confederacy to subjugate South Carolina, it Is better that we ' should meet that attempt while we still ,bam• some spirit and some power. el resistanceleft., If we are to submit to the condition of a conquer ed people, we think it less diahonorablenot to do • no until we have first been conquered. And if any thing could add to the necessity which we . believe exists for a withdrawal from the existing . Union, it would be the denial of 'the right of etc- • cession. For the denial of that tight indicates of itself extremedangen The right of secession has heretofore, and in better days, been regarded. as unquestionable by all southern politiOimut, with the exception of an inconsiderable Etuitber 'of consolidationints. And if' ever that right can"' be denied without arousing the whole• South to' • sustain it, the South will be ripe for the moat', miserable fate which has ever befallen any . peolde. It will then, as a permanent sectional minority,. have no defence against the . tyrar ny of a cloaera meat combining ell the vices of the . corruptest . ' • democracy and the most oppressive foreign des-.• potiam. Ntw I . ?Euc, 3!sy 9. We know liielconsequences which will follow a failure an our effort to'maintain our liberty.— We see clearly that a 'triumphant exertion of the' power of the Federal Government in aubjecting a State will vastly increase that power, and gnat. ly accelerate. the chunge.,.alresdy far adsanced, of our federative system into a consolidated cm-. tral despotism. We tee, also, that , South Cam.' ling will not suffer the coneequencea of this avenge alone, but that the • rest of i the southern States must suffer. in an equal 'degree: • They will have no Safeguard, against the Central Gov, ernment; strengthened by crothing op•potation, and rendered by 'triumphant- force what cur northeen enemies have Icing been endemritringlet make if by fraudultit rtsurpanon-the supreme' government of a consolidated nation. The say creiguty of ono south ernll tats cannot be desMoy t ad without the. less of their natertignty by all the ethers. We are autri• of the responsiblity of •doing ap act Which may beet& these consequen ces We feel the respect.which we own lo Eitette hating a common interest, threatened by atom-. mon danger,. hut not equally perstuded with ourselves °Ville necessity of action. And noth ing would induce us to take,. without their con currence, a course which 'it to Evolve them in its consequences, but a thorough conriction of the necessity which urges us, and of our. right to do DO. . . Addressing citizens of southern States, associ ated to maintain the rights of the Scutt:6*e can• not immagine it to be necessary to argde about the right of secosidon. We hold it to -be be the the great State right, witheint which ell, others_ are nugatory and incapable of being enforccd - , and your position assures as that your faith can not be different from onSs. • ' Nor can we regard it as necessary any farther - to discuss the wrongs which have been raffieted on the Southern states. They diaybettenaltry • those Who shut their eyes, to them,, but you de not belong to that class. Southern, and . Eteta,. Eights inert may differ as to the I . :teeth:thy of ex- - . errising the right of etheasion :at ''particular ' throe. oa account- [hoes range. - ..Sset.asacexs , tali% ththaright rv'es thoh Sato moot pcmcm: , the right of jurizing for herself note the 0 , X1140:a and time for ha emu-case. If South Carolina de cides that hone:lth safety require her to morale,' she teethe rightto leave the Confederacy peace ably and withontmolestatiou. If the act of Er. cession is not pernanted to be potheoble, it will: r be from usurpation or' power by the Federal I Government, not from the nature of the act per- , I formed by Sonde Carolina. Accustomed. as we have been to violation.: of the Conslitutriin. and 1 of the rights of the Southern Ststeshy the Ted-;'. oral Government, Too have to look forward to" the probability of another eite-sge by that GOVVIOO mcia, In the attempt to farce the State to remain ' in the Union We suppose the, attempt will be made, if the other southern States .permit it. Those States must decide for themselves whether they will permit it. South Carolina trout deaths for herself whether it is necessary to eecode. -- - Bei sister States of the South will have us right to Oomplain. that she forces them into a podia= where they most either interpthe to prevent her. eulugation, or,' by consenting to at "abandon', them own sovereignty, and lay themselvii ot this mercy of- a despotic power. - In seceding Senett - Carolina will simply dogan act which all Smith , - -- ern; men who believe in the existence of State rights at all moat admit that, she bee a perfect.- right to do, and which she regards as absolute- . ly thee many. She who acting on her sutra riglit. She will be acting as she would have to act .f none of the tither southern - Status were in existence,- and she were the only object 'of az- - greisien by the northern States and the Federal Government She is not answerable far, the, usurpation and injustices which may. he com mitaxd:against her. And for her eister.States of . the Smith to ask of her to refrain from anther- - ciselof right which she regarde as indispensable for pelf-preservation, would be an interference with her free action of a.fardifferent character froni any with which she can be charged towards( them. Sovereigns are equals. In seceding , alone. South Carolina would be placing her the. ter States of the South ceder no constraint: If theyjsboilld bad theamedvea in a position of core— straint,it would come from the action of the Fed- " end Pavernment, not of South Carolina. Sint if theyithaist upon refraining from the CIeICLOO of her tight, and submitting to a condition which she :regards as intolerable, they would make theniselves parties with the Pederal-Government in placing an uujustifiable conatraintuporth sovs, ereigri and an equal. We wish that the necessity for separate action by Sends Carolina which we have contemplated, may be averted. We confide in the gallant spir its whom we addle.. There may be socnebope of the aseemaling of a Southern Congress to devise measures for redress and relief, upon which some of the injured Staten may unite,- we . bave heretofore been willingto cornice much - for southern union - . We stillere. We do not desins to load but to follow. Propose any effect-. measures forvinit.3ting Oat common Ilene , and providing for our common safety, end we will heartily unite with you in carrying them' out. j 'we should regretmeat heartily to incur ' the censure of friends with whom we have the strongest deem to act in concert. But we feel a deep conviction that we have not acted hereto- - fore with any precipitator, anal that we aro on the tight in the deternithation which we have. formed. The self-abasement of submission ip peari to us unworthy of men still pretending to be free. The gloomy presspeet of inevitable raiz" - to follow submission, appear?: to us more fermi. ,ristl4 than any dangers to to encounterectin ;contending alone, against whatever °deli, for our righth. We have come to the deliberate concha pion that, if it be our fate to to left alone in the - I ptrungle, alone we must vindicate our liberty by secession. • 1. Resolved, That in the opinion Of.til3 nest ing the State of South Carolina csatiot subrat to - the Wrongs aggressions which hate been perpetrated by the Federal Government and t. 1.4. northern Stated, without dishonor wad ruin: sad that it is necessary to relieve herself therefrom; whether with or without she cosopc.-stion.ofeth er sonthern Sures. . 2. :Resolved, That concert of sedan with ono or more of our sister States 9 t. the south, wheth er through the proposed Southern Congress, or in any other manner, is an object worth many imer uitees, but act the -pa - evolved hi sub mission. : - 3. Resolved, That w the'rfght of - sion to be essential t i o , th7 dom of the States of thie tte •- usfoletticy; sad that the denial of that right wptild furnish to azt.sdtur ed State thestrongeut tolditional cease' for its exorcise. 4. Resolved. That this meeting locks with confidence and hope to- the convection of the psople. to exert th4novereicti power of the State to defence of its rights, a5.44 - e earliesepractiesee period - and in the =act efecttiid manner; s;tdto the Legislactie, to adopt the raosisieedy a n 3 . effectual measures 4owards the 03=0 end Foreign imd .Americarr LOGAN, WILSON . B-- No. 128 Wood Street, HAvE,:iOIC STORE - ==MtI":'!VMWVFMM. • - • Sr / 7: • •—• Baltable = Me nains w... 0 IrtilchAbirrap:mile g as ealtr to liarclumessitliztietialleil Inceably sus .37 ol 'Wootton' efts. ESTEEM