Tax Pc BIZYSVILLe." PLASN itosa.—We had some business last week, in Roes township, and drove dot upon the Perrysville plank road, with which we were very much pleased. It is now (with the exception of a few-rods) completed, and we have no hesitation in saying that it is not ex . ailed by any plank road in the State. The planking was done under the most adverse cir cumstances, during the put winter, but the boards have all settled down, and the surface of rood is so smooth, that one appears to be - •. 'travelling on a railroad. The grade, too, is a . • verygood . nne, and jest low enough to form that agreeable Variety which cannot be enjoyed upon It dead level. It winds through some of the most pictureslue scenery in the country, and we do not know where dur citizens can enjoy a more agreeable drive. We are glad to learn that the prospect of profit 4o the company, is beyond • their most sanguine expectations. The country through which the plank road passes, looks well, though the progress of veg etation bas been a little checked, both by henry frosts, ands want of rain. On our road out-we witnessed an exhibition which proved conclusively the great value of a plank road, for we met load after load of hay coming in to Pittsburgh at a time when the Pricb is always lowerthan in the winter months, but the farmer; in, that section of the ponntry, found it impossible to get it to market when they could have got ri high price for it, owing . to the impassible condition of the old road. Hereafter winter and mummer will be alike to them, color as regards the road, over which one horse can pull a load, that three or four would . haye been required to draw on the old one. By the way Ihe may mention that there is to be a "military training' at Perrysville, on Mon day, the 19th Met., where we are sure that as • many of our smoke enveloped friends as can find it convenient to attend, will meet with a hearty . welcome from her inhabitants. We eon at least vouch for one thing—all who go, will have a pleasant ride over as pleasant a road so is in tin Union. COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. SATURDAY, May 10. Presnat—lion. Wm. B. Presides Judge, and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge. TUE LICENSE QUESTION. His honor, Judge McClure, at the opening of. the Court this morning, obserred dolt be pre • - named a large number of those who were pres ent, were interested in the applications for tav ern licenses, which had tnen.made daring the week. lie would announce to all applicants that they would learn what: action bud been taken upon their petitions, by iipplying to the Clark of the Court.,-on Monday. The learned Judge then commented upon the responsitili4, which de volved ulion the Court, owing to the provisions of the License Law, and as that responsibility was great ands fearful, he would state the opin ions by-which he and his colleague had been guided, in granting or refusing licenses. , In the matter of the application for licences to aell vinous and spirituous liquor by desa measure than one quart, we will say that we have exam ined Acts of Assembly and judicial decisions on this subject, vebetherof a general °sloth' nature, back to the year 1705; and are of opinion that all the multifarious legislation with regard to them, contemplates that licenses, by ,whateveran - therity granted heretofore, or now, in the several counties of this Commonwealth, should be limited and confined to that class of persons known to the law as ion keepers and tavern keepers. Inns, taverns, hotels, mean the same thing in most of these United States; and denote a house for the entertainment ottravellers, as well as for the sale of liquors , licensed for that purpose. `An Inn keeper is be the keeper of a common inn for the lodging and entertainment of trourffers and yurstengcn, their honer and attend ants, for a reasonable compensation. • The third section of the Act of 11th March, 1814, is imperative, that no court shall license any inn or tavern which shall not be necessary to accommodate the public., and rearston strangers end tranellero. • His duties and responsibilities are co dera ble; he is bailee for the baggage ,of his tom , .-• cm; he is liable for the not hi servants only, bat of strangers also on his s, by • which his lodgers may suffer loss. They formerly were, and perhaps now are, in strictness boned to provide good entertainment for man.and horse; but owing to the improved mode of transit and travel, by railways and steamers, entertainment for horses or other cat tle may not now be deemed.essential, except in ..- rural districts. If licenses had only been granted to innkeep ers, it is likely there would not hive been so much excitement about, or oppositiOn to, the li cense system; but from a variety of causes, this has not been the case. We cannot shot our eyes to the fact, that pla ces without accommodation for strangers or tra vellers, without bed or bedding, entertainment for man or hone, or a compliance with the slightest requisition'of the law, have been licens d. • This is against the' law, and has occasioned much public animadversion and regret, and has peen of great injury to the public morals. The lon or Tavern is the home of the stranger and traveller. Neither the Inn or the Restau rant Is the home of the citizen, nor is the latter' the home of the stranger or traveller. No law can prohibit a citizen from drinking at his own home, or the house of his friend; against this there is no law. The drinking house holds out temptation, a man's own house is pervaded with • wholesome atmosphere of moral restraint, stronger, and more cheerfully obeyed than any ,-,.municipal regulation. The framers of the law Entre this well, 'and every man is conscious of it, but the drinking house is'tio man's home, bat an inducement to escape from the restraints that home imposes and was never designed by law for the accommodation of citizens or strangers. Drinking houses, oyster houses, eating houses, dining houses, boarding houses, restaurants, Ac. are not Inns or Taverns; nor do they'come with in the meaning of the license taws. Acting upon this view of the matter, we have examined with painful and protracted care, cer tificates, remonstrances, witnesses, and beard counsel on both sides at the bar of the court. • In granting. or withholding licenses we have been, governed solely by the law of the land, • under a solemn. sense of the responsibility and obligations it imposes on the court and without respea persons or places. Guided by this nale, the Court has in many instances refused licenses to applicants whom we have latown and esteemed for more than fifteen years, and granted licenses to men we never saw. The law makes no distinction of persons, or places, nor has, nor shall, this Court. We hate endearored to know and find out the legal merit, or demerit, of each separate application; and we know, and seek to know, no more. Acting upon this 'principle, the gorgeous and gilded saloon, with its fascinating and splendid appointments, where the rich man or the rich man's eon can tread the primrose path to ruin, has been mea 'tarred by the saw rule, and shared the same :fate with the lowly and unpretending tenement eight feet by ten, whose sole stock in trade, Itir altar* and fixtures, consist of a barrel an its contents. In this State, no portion of ;our fellow-MU , tmas should be allowed by law ouster facilities for indulgence, or any thing else, than any otb ther portion of them. The wealthy - citizen has no more right or claim for the use of a restaurant with liquor license, than his neighbor who is leas,farcred by fortune. If any latitude of discretion; or bestrivial of favors, beyond the law, were vested in the breastof this Court, they should be exercised rather in behalf of those persons and places, The, after the honest labor of the day is done, with limited sources of enjoyment seek rest, re creation, and what they deem refreshment, than In favor of those whose ample time and means enable . them to' explore every avenue of indul gence. • We will direct the Clerk of the Quarter Ses eionito fame certificates ender the seal of the Cottit to each houses a we are of opinion hate been brought within the meaning of the law, aid the applicant within its requisitions. All others hare brew refused. Applicants for license to the present term can learn the decisions of the Court by calling at the ale* of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter See eons, on Monday next. UNITED STATES COITAT Ilefore the Honorable Judge Irwin. The trial of the case of Jackson Coniston and Thomas 11. Scott—lndictment, passing counter feit money, ;was ' , BUR The argument on be half of the, :nice,' States, was concluded by 'J. BORMat , Sweitzer, E.g., for the United States. His honor, Judge Irwin, charged the Jury, who retired, and the Court adjourned. , Immediately upon, the re-assembling of the Court, the Jury returneda verdict of " guilty" against both defendant=_, and they were remand ed to.prison, there being others charged against there. Httnnann.—Judge Jones has forwarded his re. idgnation of the office of, Associate Judge to the Cieveznor. He is going, we undenstana, to the World's Fair: - . s rw'_ --~- _' ~~ .a BCFSES v ?HZ 011 P 1 / 8 .51 , COLILT.—In the Or phases' court on Saturday, the cue of an d appli cation by a ward; to have her guardian ed, was taken 'up. Both the parties reside In McKeesport. and we retrain from - giving their tames, for obvidu reasons. The ward is a half lister of iber guardian, and on being sword, stated in substance, that her brother and she had some misundeistanding about the manner in which She performed a task allotted to her, upon which he struck her several times in the face, leaving marks or his violence upon it. She then left his house, and went to live with an uncle residing in the same borough, until she could have the mat ters bronght before the Orphans' Court. Her uncle testified to having seen the mark, upon her face, and that the skin of one of her arms was discolored, apparently from the effects of violence. On the other hand, it was contend ed that the currectiOn hod not been violent, but that her brother bad simply boxed her ears, which, as an elder brother and guardian, be had a right to do. Several most respectable citizens of the Borough or McKeesport, testified that the respondent treated his ward well. That she was well fed, clothed and educated, and that her mor als were strictly attended to. The difficulty, iu their opinion, arose - from the fact that she was not allowed by her brother to run round the neigh borhood, visiting her acquaintances after dark, aa she wished to do. His honor, Judge McClure, advised the parties to settle the matter amicably, and withheld his decision for the present. While the case above narrated was in pro gress of trial, considerable excitement was ob servable in the Court room, growing out of at tempts which were made by Mrs John Small, to take possession of her son, apparently about six years of age,whom his father held in his arms. The parties reside in Minna township, and are not living' ogether. The little boy was brought Into Court, in charge of his father,' on a writ of habeas corpus, the hearing of which, was post poned until some day this week. Ilia honor, Judge M'Olure, ordered the parties concerned in the .disturbance to be silent, and Mr. Small took his child to the farthest angle of the Court room, and eat down, but had scarcely been seated when his wife rushed forward, accompanied by two or three other persons, and endeavored for cibly to take possession of the child. Quite a tu mult ensued, which was ended by Judge Mc- Clure, threatening to commit the parties concern ed in it, for contempt of Court. Mrs. Small and her friends then left the Court room, and Mr. S., fearing that the child would be taken from him if he went oat, remained for some time i A police officer was finally engaged to accompany him, and prevent a rescue. The innocent subject of this unfortunate dispute ap peared tO be quite contented to remain with his father. &Luso 3litt Rtors.—The case of Sheriff Curtis, vs. the Commissioners of Allegheny County, was called up on Friday last, in the Dis trict Court, and argued at great length by Thomas Williams, Esq., for the plaintiff, and by Messrs. A. W. Loomis and E. B. Todd, for the defendants. The argument arose upon. a demurer to the declaration, which contained several comas, the principal being the, following Allegheny County SS: . To July T. 1850. No. 208. And whereas, afterwards to wit, on the day and year aforesaid, at the county aforesaid, the said Carter Curtis being then the Sheriff of said county, sundry persons, being citizens and in habitants of said county, and owners and pro prietors of rolling mills for the manufacture of iron, and of other property 'situated therein, did, upon the knowledge bad of the intention to de stroy their property and to collect a mob for such purpose, give notice thereof to the said plaintiff, I being then Sheriff as aforesaid, whereby it be came the duty of the said plaintiff to take all legal means to-protect the said property so threatened to be attacked; and whereas, it be came necessary for the effectual fulfilment of the duty of the .Sheriff in the premises to hire and retain an aimed force, and to hold the, same in readiness for that purpose, and the said plaintiff being unable to command and procure the pro Bence and services of such force, without hiring the tame and making compensation for the time and service thereof, did accordingly, at great ex pense, to wit, at the expense of fifteen hundred dollars, employ and retain the said force, and of the property of the innividuals so threatened to be attacked as aforesaid, by means whereof the diaturbance and destruction so threatened as aforesaid were entirely prevented, and the said defendants saved and protected from all the loss and damage and liability to which they were ex posed by reason of the insufficiency of the ordi nary means and powers vested by law in the said Sheriff. By reason whereof the said defendants became liable to pay to the said plaintiff the said sum of fifteen hundred dollars, no for FO much money advanced, laid out and expended by the said plaintiff for the use of the said defendants, sad being so liable, the said defendants, in consider ation thereof afterwards, to wit, on the dey end year aforesaid, at the county aforesaid, under took and faithfully promised to pay to the cold plaintiff the said sum of money when they should be thereunto afterward, requested. Yet the said defendants though after reineeted have not paid the said sum of money to the said plaintiff, or any part thereof, but the Came to pay have hitherto wholly neglected and refused and still do refuse, to the damage of the said plaintiff in fifteen hundred dollars.' PlEF's 'Att'y. Judges Hepburn and Lawrie, before whom the case was argued, did not make any decision. CIIMWE or Munora.—W. W. Irwin, Esq., made ad application to the Criminal Court, on Saturday, for the discharge of Charles Loughei7, who is at present confined in the county prison on a charge of having muttered a German nam ed Shaffer, some months ago, on the Chartiers Railroad. He stated that there was no evidence against him which would warrant his conviction, and exhibited the deposition taken before Mayor Guthrie, which he contended did not make out a prima facie ewe against him, and were insuffi cient to warrant the Grand Jury in finding a true hilL He then applied to the District Attorney, F. C. Flanegin, Esq., to say whether he expected any new evidence upon the subject. Mr. F. ad mitted that he did not, when Mr. Irwin asked his honor to examine the deposition at his lei sure, and if he did not think that the prisoner should be discharged absolutely, to at least ad. mit him to bail. Judge McClure promised to give the matter is attention, and will make his decision known some time this week. Licessals.—Several applications for license, which had been inadvertently passe(' over, owing to the pressure of business in the Court of Quar ter Sessions, but week, were heard on Saturday. C$ TUT.NIT FIVE DOLLIES 1 - 011 A HONE MAD at llnswergrans, Logo Istssu.—By reference to our advertising column. It will be wen that there b now • chance offered by which any person, although of eery WO- Ited meow, rut near* a home for blmulf and Gunny •t • men waftsl price, and within • very short dletance of New York City. By the laws of lb. BMW of New York. such a borne is fore... exempt tram the demands of rrodl tors, and the :gm moo eau Cod there an asylum from which 'Mahn west the hand of death eau &mama him. As the dlvielon of the lot. won takes plane, • would ad vise atm readers to make early applhuglon, at the °face, 117 John street, New York. LL LOT HOLDERS of the Allegheny Cemetery are informed that there nil he no admit - too to the Cemetery hereafter on Sunday...xnept by epeeist tleket, which cm be obtained at the °Mee on the penned.. JOHN CIIISLSIT. Superintendent. A. A. MASON & CO., Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers in DRY GOODS Nos. 62 and 64 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa., j NNW:WOE to their friends and tho puh lia generwlly. that they are now preparwl toexhiblt argest meet carefulli 'elected Week of ENTIRELY NEW DODDS, they hare over offered to this city. cam:wind of the roost rich and faehlenable fabrics, as well as the more 1.11M.11, and which will be offered at the (VEST I'OSSIIILR PRICES et whi losern be gold In any of the Emden! Cities. Their 1.0 aahsuormas will be devoted exclunlvely to retail trade, and the geode arranged In Departments, sir • Silk Department. All the new and fashionable styles Imported Illisesson. ineluding the best makes of Black ell.. Dregs Goods DOrtrtMera: Comm 'lslas Popllna, Dem., Thaucar, Benxn Ca Lms, Lev., &Italian, Combaters Jason'. cats, Grposcllsta, Alaccibaslacr, Alpacas, kc. Shawls Vizettes,Ae. Contort Crane, plebs s ' ind embroidered. Also, Dunaak, Thlbet. Da Isar, Cashmere, 811 k. Dalin, Floured do., and °the, /Costars Also, Caen.. kabala.. Mantillas, de. Hosiery and Glove Department Will always be booed intoplete, ditto the Idol makra of Cotton and 1511 k lloalery The lsest Kid (Dorn. always on Con Linen Department 54, 4.4, and 64 Linen, linen Sheeting. Pillow Cue Linear. Noonan:a Dollies. bleached and brown Duce cat, Towelling, Diaper. ac. Whim Gonda. Checked am! Dotted Cambric : Mall, Sella, Book and Nalnacok filnelius; Victoria and Diehop Lawn., of eery Also, Curtain!cr.!, Piano and Tie Embroideries, Lamm, Trimmings, &c. A complete auortment. Alen, Ribbons, Plower, Tab., et. Parasols of .11 kinds Bonnets of .11 the lateseetylea. Domestic Goods Department D probably one of the mod extend,' In the country, cm. bracingythltle known dot:nestl.. The P e ople.. WI confident that, with their In:ulnae* Actlltlee. large e , td ettraeti. elewk. and unneutOly lOW tbef eat. fall files perfect satisfaction. Wholesale pure awes a. respectfully insimmi that we pleased m.i.rn to reeel•e thesr orders. At ty Ivr ,fiscd• ea ale, to displace. any ponds at f a shiona b le tern tate, ° New and Goode will be recoireditocutantly through the mason. ONE PRICE ONLE anal A. A. )IAtION A CO. jaD. KING, Banker r and Exchange ro• z tr i 0:0 r:4 ;1 . 4 6 t taes In . ; a W k estegi n Fent 1 7 , 11 - = :co st lor . T . tri t ejliLaolrgrahr ,w i: r. highest market 11 LACK AND FANCY SILKS—A. A. Ail Kum • Co,. bsTo *earned .1.0 lot of 1.7 nor 81st and /my EAU. o.° BY TELEGRAPH SAILING OF THE PAOIFIC. Now YORK., May 10. The steam ship Pacific, of the Collins line, sailed for Liverpool, st noon to day. She marries out 293 passengers, among whom are Hon. J. M. Niles, of Conn.; E. Newton, of Ohio, and J. 1). M. From, U. 8. A. The Arctic, with four days later news from Europe, is expected to night. SAILING OF THE LA FAYETTE. .PIIILADELPHIA, May 10. The steamer La Fayette sailed for Liverpoo to -day, with 87 panengera and a full cargo. Among her paasengers is Andrew hlchlakin bearer of despatches, to the Court of St. James. PRILADELPIIIA ,MARKET. PIIILA!DELPMA, May 10. Flour—The market is w . e.ry quiet, with sales 1000 Ws standard, and better brands, princi pally western, for shipment, at $4,25@i54.31 bid. Grain—Wheat is steady, with sales of good and prime red, at :ilk, and white at 1010.02 e 11 - . bus. Corn is in limited request, at C43c for yellow. 5a105.32000 bu prime Penna. Oats at , Ise La bu. • • Groseria.—There is no change worthy of u lice. • Provisions—All descriptions have an upward tendency. Rice liens in email lots from store, at $3,50 Seeds—Clover is in limited request, with small sales at $6,25@6,37f - t , ./ bus. Nothing is doing in Timothy or flax seed. Whiskey is steady. with sales in hbls at 23ic NEW YORK NIARKET. NOON IMPORT. NEW YORK, May 10. Flour—The receipts exceed the demand, and prices favor buyers. Some export trade is doing at low figures, say, for common to straight state $4 25; Michigan and Ohio $4 62)4 874, and extra at $6 121 per bbl. Grain—Wheat Lv fairly supported. Corn is plenty, and offered freely at 54 for western mixed, and 60.1 for round yellow. Provisions—Pork is dull, with sales of prime at $l3 for old and $l4 for new, and of mess ht $l5 75 for new, and $l9 GB(iiil4 75 for old. Groceries—Sugars are in good demand at 4 66} for Cuba and Muscovado, 4(9i.' if for Porta Rica. New Orleans is held out of the market, and holders looking for better prices. Molasses has advanced one cent, and we quote N. Orleans at 33c per gall. Coffee is dull and heavy, and mostly confined to speculative and second hand sales. Lead—ls inactive and prices steady, at $4 62 per cat for Spanish. Linseed Oil—fine rallied, with sales 60,000 gallons English, to arrive, at 72a,74c. From store 74€,. 76e are obtained. CINCINNATI AIARRET Clacuessel, May 10. Floor—,Nothing was done to-day, owing to light receipts. Mess Pork—A sale of 2.00 bbls, at $19,50 V barrel. Whiikey—Sales at 171? gallon, with a good demand. Groceries are without change. Dried Fruit—ls in good demand. Sales 400 bus Apples at $1 1) bushel. Peaches are held at $1,85 7 f4 bus. The river has' fallen 18 inches In the past 24 hours. and is still icceding. NEW ORLEANS MARKET - Now Onassits,-.)[ay 19. Cation—Prices have declined to fc, cinder the influence of the Europa's news. Flour is dull, with sales. of Ohio at $ 3 . 94 1 4 barrel. Sugar—Market doll, with sales of 1200 bhds air, at 61@ti. Molasses—Sales of reboiled at 550 'tl gall. Coffee—Sales 5000 bags Rio at 9jc 14 Previsions are without change. Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherons, 31EPICATED COMPOUND.—The fol k" ...esitiaoulal in tram 31, Munn. 11:diuv of the , SoutiAlbe Am:km-U.l. Comment uu met. .T6Junro uo liecrsninUT \Kw itra /eh .4 lab Barry'. Trornherous Ls. article that we take ;demure In awarding the highest cominerylatlocia We do not do It own the wrommetelationof others, tut from ourown we , onal kneaded. erns etre.. own the hair. • lade it tends to keen It I:mental...ft and gloomy, n al. tor... den drolLprelen e , hale, sad Invigorate, ite growth Ina manner ocean led braidsy cat. ...anon kman lit penny • nly to Ide one bottle to be coneineni dile troth Sold Broadwa in y bead nrlie :1) tett, at IL. witainal attice N ork doll In large • •Aim. prior 3 cerd. a t irl'ara'' pry nes by F- s k inyt Sn SI It tad et IORN-5 Ito. tor sale by V.! nip. J 8 ail sa OATH FrOBACC 1 hhds. Ohio Leat, for sole by 11 CI) DILROBTU t4i C ORN It b 1; ,s . for o s N ale 80 , SIIOR,T 00, 2 036 AS and AS Front at 100IKITATO 'S-20 bbls. Neshannoeke, fur it Pale by pi SI , I'tiV DII\NUOkOT tG, t 1 IDER V N EXIAR-50 bbls (best) for sale 0214 11.001000. LITTLX Oil TALLOW ' bble. for sale by j torn 111101805. LITTLt. •CV - _ TRUSSES of all kinds and sites, tor the relief and radicalcore of Hernia. or Rupture e‘n nanny enhand I for aide by ati3o 'EI SEII. a MeIa.)ITELL, Ito lined et ItNDIA RU iIIER AIR BALLS-4tast re ceive] 300 • u autirtnl also Air Ball, w kWh we will at the who male Boatmen prime myn all PITILLIP.9 r ir OBACCO-- lihd prune Sepr Leaf. For sale by L WATI , B.MAN W.B, nay, 91 and Cl Amer, end 4.1 Front tt OIL --50 bbls. pure Linseed, for sale by 0 3 6 L 0. IiATIaItbIAN • e4..0. IVOOL he highest marke t Jriee, to v emit. wdl be paid for the different es, by mys S • II /INItALU QODA ASII casks Kurtz'. brand, for kJ ode by tore' 11400maat CLASS -fOO boxes ass'd sizes, for sae by mys o a AY. lIARIIAUtte LARD ale bbls. tor sby sirs it LIARBACtiIi INSEED OIL—IO cants (prime) for sale I;3 my 6 6. 0 A lIARBACOU FLOC 00 LA, S. ' far sale by to S R. HARBAlltlfi I.IIAMS-3O casks Evan & Swift's S. C., for bT myfa N. A W. 11.ARBAC011. YOTATOES—DJU nook, for sale by znys S. C W. HARBACKK. jr YOTTON-150 bales for sale by ) toys !salmi DICKEY X CC. I_ , DRIED 'FRUIT -400 nu. Dyke. Peach., f! ROUND UT 15 gnekm for gale by K_K my S ISAIAH DICKEY A 6). UTMEGS-1 bbl. for Hale by mys J..KIDD C4l iIASTILE SOAP-20 (Noes for rale b,7 V toys J. KIDD *CO. • drIREASI TARTAR-900 lbs. for mule by trub J. KIM,* W. C4SS , IA- 7 .150 lbx. (in main> ( . ;iir k % uk solo by} !1 UM DAMAR-:-1 ease (to arrive) for sale lir be .45 J. KIDD 1 CD.. to II not et. IVANTED--A good Second Hand SODA v FOUNT. Enquire of ENO LIFII it MINN ETT, .45 1= Nee:aid st. Ia LACK ITALIAN CRA VATS—Of all the JI JF different V.H....J. , rt ~,,I ~1 .y 5 IBURPHY dt BURCHFIELD. _ LINEICICAMIMIC 111/KFS—An assort- MOW. onto.. Goa for Ledirg, from 123.: cerpt.t.; " th'ii""re.d.' "ll;ll?Pal BOYS' CASSIMERES—Of various colors - my " s '371". ,o 'd %WEIN( k BURCHFIELD. QtAR CANDLES-45 boxes (10 to 401 b, 1...7 . 7 5 h) for sale by e.k. ( iv jutz4Nltp . 1, " ans QPER3I CANDLES—liibOxes 4's, s's, aud $0 n f r .. 6 for sate by .1. D. WI LLIAMeI a CO. FINE TEAS -03 half chests Chaim and Oolon. DJ boxes extra flue Oolmma fia asb . b s T say& J. 0. WILLIAM ! CO. HIED APPLES-200 bu. for gale by my 4, EM/LlBll t lIENNETt. r TASII-14 casks for sale be ENGLI24II nlyNNErr, mTI 171 Second, and 101 First gi !OM %TR OIL-30 galls. superior White, Tor male by myl IL E. BELLE. .6f Wuudft. ( N I YRUPS. &c.—Untlerwood's fine Lemon I: H o ma n. Undirwood's pup... do. du: Strawberry Vim, nm Eusan fur male by my 2 WM. A. McCLIIIIO II co. ESSENCES & EXTRACTS, fur Fin - 1,; - ring Jellies, !men:ems, tc. &Peace Lemon, Extent .0 Nutmeg.: . •• „ Ventllm - Jem . Gilmer: • " Roam V anilln Ikea, For mle by WM A McCLURLI A CO.. my 2 256 Liberty et. ty p i.. r. f;v o l2tMlN: y - i DEL) PRECIPITATE-2L Ibi. fur oale by 41, mu l ii. E.LIELLEILS. 1111)1A RUBBER. BELTING.—A very large stock of India Rubber machine belting on head., Width ranging from II: to 20 Inches. Thls bellied In su perior to leather ur atly other, Ihr nil °Pau helt 4 lur the tc 011., Moo.: 1. The perkyt enuallty of widthand thleguees which it w non. 2. No beat under 30U degrees. Fahrenheit injures it, nod remain. flexible in any des 1 . 0 . ( told- It is of great strength sod clurability nod does not ;din on the poilie.,,anmatly • gain of power is btained. aud when adjusted to oomhinery, does uot legate ahem floe Do In the el.. with leather or anl nther. 4. lo .W e belting the no. is much below that of Leath. or tn, elder. Pamphlets with dinette. toe use and list of mires, tu na,. With lacing leather and eamentfor Joining. on halal tai tot We at Nos 7 and V Wood rt. av:SU J.* It. PHILLIPS. YE FLOILI3-7 bb Eo lu ilso for ti s ale b y_ .4.6 co. PA/ ORPHANS' COUNT SALE. Of Val.:tale Prcporty t the City of Pittsburgh. IN PURSUANCE of an Order of. the Or -I,phans' :212PLUA,I-VILAI2 Apra 20. IZU c e e ltrAh,ztath . ejtt b. o,v,- 3., 20th ds l ai,n x. f d Estate. • situate In th e Ci m ty of thttelja. thd d :ll the same for one third cod, one third In the year. with Interest from the day of sale. and one third to two years, ultft bred fhth the day of sale, told payments to be !seethed ba bonds and morthanw. with power todleble up Into two or more parts, and sell the same In larts so dieldist. mar the or more of add Owes of ground as may be deemed noodtp etre to the interest of the estate. - • •• .• • . • • •.. All that eel - lain lot or piece of grown, below part of lot No 22., In James Adams' part of theplan of the Nor th ern dy es, now 511 ward of the city of Pittsburgh. bounded and described as follows. eh- Beginning on Penn Wen. at the distance of twenty two feet six In from Adams street. rheum along Penn street muthwardly. twenty en Got six inches, and extending the same width back to VtOl n lesi " AreTli b oro "iroVott ;17r i agi ' d . b u i logs, settneet to • ground not for ever o(sß)d per t.lttona. Parable quarterly tu Jamas Adams, his heirs and ~ g m, enigm, Also—All that certain , lot or piece of on tol, situate In the nth ward of the City of Pittsburgh. being lota Noe 134 and 135 In the plan of partition lateen, the &into( John and Fleury troth—No 214 December Term. 11 , 34, Common of Allegheny County, anal recorded In book 3d, 51 rol 61:p. =I, hounded as follows. six. beginning at the corner of antAlln and logan street; thence along Low. street one bandied and twenty sin feet to Decatur street theme ...twthlir along Decaturs st treet, Sony eight den d thence by a lime parallel with Logan reet northendl an Y, one hundred and twenty oh feet to Franklin strewn thence end oainly along Franklin street, forty eight feet to UMan street, the plain of beginning, on which am erected on two cloy brick dwelling house, hooting ou Vranklin stree, one one story frame dwelling house. and ono two story brick dwelling honor, fruiting on Logan street—being the nmewhich 11. 11. Collins and wife. by deed dated June lith, 1e45, recorded In book W. al: vol 70. P 5311 . conveyed unto the said b l ot or Nob Alai—All thin certain lot or piece of ground eittude In the S in ard of the City of Pluthurgh. 4seing rib be d lot No 32 the plan of said city, loundod and dosee follows. ris f by Third street, by Chancery Lance, by the her front o b ergiers° i!t tbe prink, of an envy three wet wide, adloining tot No 31......tefitm about in feet bark Dont Third shod, end Lot being in depth, 85 feet. more ur 1e..,• d 111 terthi width, lo the rear of which is erected serenallarne doe'. litig Also—All that certain pie., of ground, part of Lot No Jci re M 1 Thin' street, at the corner of lot No 31., thence Remy. Third street towants Markel stree, forty nue fret, more or leas thenee,juo.parallel line with Wind streennorthwardly eighty Owe more or Ire; thence in • bo r e fine with Third I n.l forty one feet. o Inr Ina Ind theme In • line parallel with Wren street, southwardtl. Vr,l2 Lool- h ; r with store room. in front: part og ' abo: r e ' ore ' lois., or. payn , '2 , ..n s o , f of of els hundnd d deceased, being S ein r per annum, during the life thne the mid Mr. Jane Sands. and after her death Um field principal Sum is payable to the laned of the end hands. Also, AU Ilikl2nwrtain piece of Wrenn. Part of 4 . N. X.. in the plan of Pittsburgh. situate In the tarn Ward of end city, bounded and described ae follow.,sir: beginning on Fourth fined. at th e corner f Lot No. 351, and thence along Fourth street westwardly 40 Lot. them tiorthwenj ly and parallel with Market Street eh feet, thetieeseatond- II and parotid with Fourth street 40 feet to the linen hot No. 311 aferesabl, sod theme by the same southwantir and wallet with slarket street In fort to the place of tenon Ing, under and subject to the payment of an annual ground rent of $.40, forever, to Job, Findley,his heirs nol on which Is en.nal one twoetory brick dwelithg house and one threewtory frame dwelling house. Also, All that reruns lot or piece of ground altuatein the Second Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. bounded-and de embed as follow., via beginning on Fourth sired, at the distance of w feet entoardly tram the comer of Chem alley and Fourth nowt, theme eastwahlly along FeeeTh etreet = feet io lot of Robert Ngody Esq- thenceakum the isms, woutliondly towards Third street e 5 feet more orb as, thence westwardly In • line parallel with Four th sireet 22 ( 0 ,., sh a pe, .long wm. Young's lot 85 feet mere er lees, to the place of beginning: with the right to the use and ;In etlev of the alley In the rear of the lot *old by Wm. Doll to le m. Young, along the whole roar of sold lot to Chem, alley, Go which la erected • thrernory brick dwelling house. /dm. All that semis Memo( ground, intone In the lirst Ward of the City of Pirmburgh, being part of Lot 10.354 In the pion of and city, bounded and described no follow, beginning on the Diamond at the dletalexee of MI feet from the corner of the Lhamond not Markel street., theme westwardly IX feet. theme southeanily in • parallel line with Market newt 110 two to an alley four fret wide, thence entwanlly in • liar parallel with the Diamond thence northwerdly In vrerellet 1100 with Market street 2o fret to th e place of becnolny. with the privilege of the lief In the and eta ert to the ye/ I/ ground not of Hs 110•100 forever, paye, e half yearly John Irwin. his heirs and assign,. on which is erected • threenory brick bank:inn. that of piece of ground in the ilret Ward of the City of Pittsburgh: bang Lot No 34 4 henna ed and dercribal follows.beginning at the corner of Litaniond alley n od running touthwartlly Meng th e Liar bonare 120 peg more or lc., thrum parallel with Line moot alley westwanily lit) *et more or lees to Decatur street. thence Wong, said ((rev( 00 feet more or len to Dia mond alley, and thence along Diamond elk., ...Meant!, Lit bet more or leas to the place of beginning-, on which is erertal one large thrw.inory brick Tavern Howe, with Dar ge stable. ho.. and one twoeitory brick Tavern. A 1.., All that certain piens of ground, one-half part of N... Ino. to the plan or the soot City of Pittsburgh, if, us. on It ater meet. In the Second Ward of said city. !mutated by Mater street. by the other half of the said lot Ao. IVY, by Whet street, and by Ilse line of Lot No. AU. be. Ong 311 Pest trout on Water street. sod extending [Omagh to find. preerning the game wulth leu Leh on which meted • Low sorry brick warehmhie, . ANNECIIRISTI', • Executrix of Robert tihrtsty, doe'd. Fcr farther particulara ruit . uhie of J. M. elheloty. at the Oihreof the Fhttaburgh t..eupa.o,. l'ithiburph. May It. 1041. say 'Zidet..lL-rritS YORKISKING MAIL LOCKS & KEYS • Post °Tins DEPASTNINT, Mitch 14, 1851. T BEING DESIRABLE to substitute locks and keys of some other kind for thus now In toi• Our to. mail wren, of the United Males, speottnen locks mat Ley, with propmials Mus t rnish the .2214. be received ant coashiemd st the Ofaccgdepartment, anti/ the Ist day of July nett The different locks ion be submitted to commiadon Po examination •Lid report Upon this Into to pomp. routine. • ill. as wino Hat-settee:gr. be entered into no furnishing mirk lacks and keys fur Our years, with the right on the put of the imanstaster General kir the Wit, being to extend end fonthane the naiad is Leaf for as atlitional term of four y• - 11, b." shs oso , rsssos a written Indic. to that egret, nu y t morethan nine nor leas than eta mouths Ledore the termination of tb. Ant term of four lt ears yh • rle• of prfouring the best lock at Um lowest prim; no Mod of lock priscribed.• standard: the Department It, rely filch a Mir tug for • a:11" comprtstiott, mph oa meth lashed. may. Y. olope. asinnal skill and Malmo. anow It Is, how-ever. proper to mama that a kick suitable for lb. ndl eartrice should poseems the fotherrlng duatilles. via Ow wuer unikonsity. light.. ernrogth. Ike the purl.e of dl lacing straniMneonsly all the tri..ll locks mai keys any In am, stead thirty thousand He locks ant twenty thousand bey. adapted Usenet, will in requared to be furnished by the contractor within men months alter the contract shall Isam been etiterml intet at termer-1v e aredu nmply will depend im the datablittr ,1 the he, less adopted, as well aethe laereasie of the all write, but it wilt nroh•Lif never famed fa amoral ree thouwand of the Milner and op. thoo.and of the lam m Mr. No Met will be considerwl If it be like any already In aerieral um, nor • 11l anyone with whom the contract mar le made b• allowed to wake, Hit or furnish thy lark Hy, stmlLit Unwe contracted ha, for thy other porpmi or tute than thst of the Pod OM, Department The Mod of looks adopted must lot patented. and the pa mote. will H require', on entering Into contrart. to make esstatimenrof his patent for the exclusive tnie and tons, ett .1 the Departm.nt. If the P.M:outer tienend stall deem such requirement ...anal to th. totemms of the sat , 11,s. la mew at the Latham at the cooler:tor at any um. to NMI faithfully the terms and conditions of his contract, lAA Postmaster tienend shall bare the right. besides • mat to the wend remedy hereinafter mentioned. to .12111 sod contract. and to contract anew atilt uty other part,. of. parties'.. h. may At. S. furnishing similar helm ant ye. In ec., upon theproposaLsani spectrum. off/m.4.010 Puessuuter ...vend may deem it ex....evitent to We theme. moils the luck of one biddre.and for the nay Ali teat of Loathe. lle reserve. the right m cum vecting with dlflereat thdlealual• each diner... blade of lucks aa b.may select, and ale, the nibs to nun all the spectrum. and propoWe, If he shall deem that mune Icy the Inter.. of the Department. The P.../ or Parte. a. ntraetmx will be required to give bond. rithample se urity. In the mat 1,1 thirty thonaand dollar..lbt a fultand p.rfurroance Of the contract- The contract I. to mown pray - Wens for the due and proper Ittereethat of the it'd , . axed keys. and also far guarding stanuast their ...Mow 5,50 Improper banete. the terms of them pfbrieil..ll to be .Lailar o•nae between the Department a.] the eneressfol redder, ./ sb..uld•lll G cm...r011( nut accompanied with net..-tory evidence of the cruet nuttily charades of the bar 5.. r. and cl his atdlity to fulfil the ccutrart. K 11a1.4 leammaeter larneraL meter.laelat:l, orith , gham and Domestic Queensware. WOODWARut.Rureta,Dk: B k LA b lIEL am d i; CO., allow , 21 1 1 , an: L o u e t,, Ohio eyeeamole Rooms, turner Sixth and Liberty stieets. (16.tiod Church bundind.l entrance neat Jaw to J. a IL ioyd, Wholesale linwers, Dor eateneise Works enable us to fill eiders promPtil A romortent dragnet twiny emistantly troployed, also en able.. us to keep pa, with all the pew end unpro.O st) ittiMrnot, !piton., Pilate., Fancy Tom DeaserfSets, flower Var.. tioblets. Man.' ornaments. Medicine and Soo! Jars. sad articles far densest. ma, in great sailor. Ord., rsprefaVy soltated. metartf (L. BOULDER BRACES, of a new and nu- P"'" "J'`"""ft7h7Lir"; eat. bLL and see the.. 140 Wtaxl riltsburah. H. D. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker. Fourth at W ESTERS FUNDS BOUGHT, and the blithest market prire paid for SILVER In par funds. Fseloinin. Bank etnek tor eels. DBES!! BUTTER-4 boxes Table Butter, Loot teed and fur sale by .624 IL DALZELL CO. Liberty st. PIRITS TURPENTINE-10 bbln. in good 1..3 order, for We by R. E. SELLERS, ap2s 57 Wood at- ATERMILLION—Z2 lbs. (Trieste) for sale R. K. SELLERS. CIIEESE-50 boxes reeniving and for tale by 4 , 7 R. DALZELL ACD., Liberty at PAPER - -300 reams Med. and Crown Wrap ping, for sale low to elnee minslamment, by ap7 JAS. DALZELL, 69 Water et. DRIED PEACHES 100 bu. for oak by ael ISAIAH DICKEY • CO. DAR FUNDS .b EASTERN EXCHANGE WANTED, and the highest premium 'paid for the MD, A. WILKINS (XI, spl2 mrner Market and Third Oa. MARINE RAILWAY—Four Shares Ma- Railway and Dry Dock for sale by son A. WILK oie a co. 1 MOLASSES-20 bbls.BattleGround, fa:Osten from Or. Jeffervomand for Ale by 1,12 010. DALZELL, 68 Water at ASSIA-100 Math for sale by _ aplo SCROONIIAKER YOU, 4 Woad BLACK SATIN VESTINGS—We have a • lew fullrsa assortme upernt. of tior he different onalitJes, Including Me very s. apt' munrinr a DURCII_FIELD. WALL PAPER OF 111 Y OWN Iif.ANU FACTURE--A Impend general sunortinent al wa)s on hand at 65 market at an 3 ROOMS:150 doz. fancy and common, fur .sis by 80 L 8 WATEILVAN t 8088. POWDER SLIP. ELM-200 lbs. just reed awl ler sine bY J. KIDD CO., ara Co Wood mt. LARD OIL-40 Burrell, No. I Lord Oil rrc'd adz day rat 2. B. North River:and for odd. by splk S. W. lIARBAUUII. GRA I N-200 Lu. O u t., " RT.; for ale to, plt WO/ ME! ; HAD AND 11ERICING—New Baltimore Nhad awl II th Q , reed and for war by itylb JOHN WAIT • CO. A NGANESE-5 , 1 thin dr,Toud, for 61nes M .11tbrz, fur sale by BENNETT, BERRY tr 1-11, aplll Water stmt. HOES-150 doz. best cast steel, for sale b yJIA apt L.A.WATERMAN A NONA. CYTII.II SNEATII9-350 doz extra and tjcom mon. for sal. at atatentfactureea Dram by apt WATERMAN a BONA. FORKS-75 doz. best cast steel flay Fork. ; tter Porta; for rata by ap7 L B. WATERMAN A 80N9. v Ma orroN-- - 4 - 2 bales now laMling from str. ‘,../ yflower, lur We by !BAUM DICKEY A CO. WWI . and Front... ____. AROUND NUTS-20 sacks, in etore, for Neey .00 ISAIAH DICKEY a W. USHTON, CLARK It CO.'o Pure Medici nal CODLIVER OIL—I cr. for ogle by 44 , 6 J. KIDD . It CU, 00 Wocd 1 ,ANTHARIDES PLASTER--25 lbs for NJ Ado by •p 2 B. A. YAIINESTOCIC A CO lbe for eale_by 1 402 B. A. lawmu. a co. STEAM BOATS AEGULAR PACKET BE :W..6EN PITTSBURGH SUNFISIL—iIia will r A W i all' L l a ' pll t". and efery Tuesday and Frld. at Scielora Stitiflah for CapGna,h.eling and Pittaburgh, ea. try W 10 &clok. A. Passenger. atl,lppen MU depend upon this boat running regular'. the low water swoon. Fur freight or wow., analy on board. a.lO OR NASHVILLE—The spier,. did steamer FORT PITT. Miller. master, l's. fur Omaha. and lotermsdhite ports an Gil. day, at 4 o'clock, P. at For freight or apPlr on boAol raylo FOR ST..LOUIS.—The fast run aloe, new steamer EDITOR. CaPt.lo al. , jgag oTelalie"A".ViTilothir .bore and Inter For bright or pass.% apply on board. my 9 • FOR. SAINT LOUIS—The Ilaht.dratight eraser PARIS. Greenin.:, , AQ waster. will Ira. Ihr the stove and all Irate. ..Beta nor.. on Saturday. the 10th Ina... at 4 P. al For InHallt or pamase apply op board or to D. WILKINS, Agt. :EOR CINCINN'I, LOUISVILLE ST. LOUIS—Th.. fast mord. 'trainer AU NEWTON.Captain Charles !mei, will learn cur te the above SW lo.rmedia ports. on Gila day, We ith s ort-, t„ at 10 A. M. .41X11log u.vokl.bly drained, "he positlrely lease For e freight nr pa.iage, apply on moan!. my 7 igEOULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET, CINCINNATI. C.Ptain Joey nltinhate. Thiel splendid boat wee built by Goo tomers of the steamer I.n tiewtoo, and other; kw the Cincinnati and Pitt...burgh Packet trade and will lea. fa7N`ll.""Msfr f Ar,tit,'°°"• P w ie R"r Log mr:lo 0. Vi!''ZILVRAZYIi, isrvot VOR SAINT.LOUIS.—The fine Aeatner ROBRET RODGERS, Butrher, master. will Ira. for the above and all later widish, parts. on this day, at Id A. M. /or freight or pa...a apply oo laadd• ruff. yoR ZANESVILLE —The fine steamer E.IIPILESS,Coa, autos. will leave 4.11010.1. and lutormnltate port , or. thla dar. .t 4 o'clock. • • . For freight or mama, apply on board. nue jr - .IREESWOOD ROSEDAJLE REXIULAR PACKET.—The splendid egly,v , fast running steam WO. CHIEFTAIN, R. T. Wutrx, Master, beams the rod of the Old Allegheny' Bridge. (St Clalr street) every bout commencing at 9 o clad, A. St, and continuing until the Oardenecluse. She mill land on the Allegheny sidO, for the aroommodation of peavey. non, also. at all Other points. Id Extra Trip at o'. edock P M. my 2 NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1851. THE new sod fast running atr. J.U. 31cMitts, Master--Regular ITellsellic.' baurille Wellsburg, Wheeling, Bridgeport Captina. and NunEvb 'Packet—leavea Pittsburgh every Wednesday at 3 o'clock, P. 31., for Whuelltur and Bridgeport, and every Satunlay P. 31., for Caption and aunflsh. • Returning, leases Natalia, every Monday at 10 o'clock. A. and r r i ldfrport and Wheeling every Monday and Thornily, at For Sri ght nod momme apply on board, or to tore FLACK, Agent- ArGULAtt PACKET BE TWEN WELLsVILLE AND PI , LOlL—Thellabt drau steamer ARENA. D. P. Kinney, master. haves Wellsville evvry 3louday. Wedu l. sday, and friday, at a o , lnek. A. M.. for East LW.. ha tf,fg'i,1 I :t7g r :..4,"Vn,ti. D y7'Mrrla d . P ''' . l . Saturday, et 10 n'eloc k. A. M. for Be:ver, eleFerratiaTtand luE. Glasfir.s, East Liverpool. and Wellsville. For Relit!. or pas..., apply nu boant. aptt IiEGULAR PITTSBURGII AND xi, IwIIEELING PACIC.ET.—Tba splendid new packet toteannu DIURNAL. Conwell. performing her regular triwweekly tripe between this ci and and Wbeeliog, leaving Pittsburgh at 10 o'clock every blowier, Wednewtay and Friday. and returning. leaves Wheeling every Tuewbr. Tho r and baturd:T. moon week. /or frelitatipags,re,applott oard, o to R 11 a CROZER. Agents. - pCgi, o i , I O I4RI T F b .TTA AND HOCK trigorte., .1 , 14 lenhl:r the aro P v A eXklamit h p t erL ..r...Z.47; d g.,ll° . V,V. P. N. ra,hlo T. WOODS k SON. No. 61 Water rd 63 Front N. 110 EGULAR WHEELING AND - W _Et SUNFISH PACKET—The I running steamer WELLSVILLE. Cant B. Young gill run as • regular whet betgan Pittsburgh. Whling. NM:report. and riutileh. leaving Pittsbungla every Monday afternoon for Well:rear, Steubenville, and BrWgrpoi; and every Thursday anemia for Steubenville. Whrelinf. Uridgrm Uua. and rlunflain returning, fear.. NM, port and Sonlish every Tin May afternoon. and Sunfish LnryMay elem.... For freight or on aslYor to f febt:ll) W. B. WIIEL P IIr A;ePtrti? The moil Extraordinary Dueorery in the World the great Arabian Remedy for Man and newt? H. G. Farrell'e CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. ZiE miraculous cures performed by the • Alai, physicians in the (Jaye of old. were thth h. upon o the tOult of mod, but ethos we have be mote intimate with (hair Motor, we can thus amount for ttoirsorprising pow over discos . Their attaltunents tv the knowledge of me dicine icine ore the wonder of the age. while at the Male time the science of Chemist. which with th em had its ortam wom the rest of the ...Id •I• waled borek Amp Iv liotany they •erethe mu.t lotions of studenta. In the beautiful groves • hkh dreetteuf Arable, abound roe plants and odorous woods whew. are °Mahon! throe are,natlc gums aml fronuo halo.. .4 whieh this incomparable liniment Is composed. sad hr whom stimulating unctuous. penetrating and goody. propertio It la. when appiled. InstateOrte.oly &lord tbrough Pb. .hole or-emea .yst.m. allaying It,. man taw tense pain In pro mpt ir than time of lu or 15 minutes. It. oak. 1. . powotol and effectual. without the least danger It penetrants Pb. Doh to the hone. relates contracted mod., mho. ow to lied, s seas have been Palsied for years. room,. the shrtseiol doh to grow out tad net. blond to Mout.< through it. ono. It restores he rynorial nod el Joint IVOer, and this le the roam by it hag tow mu universally encoottil In curing .11 dies.,. of the Joints. In elinsole affections of the Spinw. Ltor, Lunen. and Kid., this riot Arabian roody stands unparalleled: tar Ago Cake or Enlargement ol the rplcen. It Is • specific, and Ihr libconostism It hat perform. .4 rm. at the moo extrourthwary Pall. on scoff: she, 51Crahlps. erchlega, Pala., N ounds..l.lllll4alett, Marna t n eldte ottelltegn . T . nmV , Sc. It leeisla !Alllr gellesteon. r th.1...1h. and tor nearly all &eon., either ;unmet hoed. which ',tele e an ester nal application. this hutment ttanis .1 the hod Id all medicines. The tollneing it dm the principal accatintant of the ...Mr and highll respectatle hout• of nitis SAM.- of I , eala. and Presetaa one of the mutt sumemnal cures in the annals of ro'u't litetory Mr. IL‘; Carrell bear Po, Art.:must by ',ease of grate ful nes, I submit the following as am it-vb.:ire at the 8: y.! our great ni•lieln. 31,v child, three years old. era. •Addenly attaelteet with • terrible disease, whirls, in los. than no A.m. era:rated it to Mail ho!pfecenem The limbo dreams er , rigid that lu.l a bawl awed le NW: the Meta turned blare end void. and entirety d!prind the te, had, partially doled and altnaethee blend. follow this emu deVnese to all mural. the Woe became cnta. Inched, arid m caned. that abet laying On Its back. the readand herb unl, (vacant. Indeed, the chill propound ortoomun. of bran[ deal! Iressedistely on the et tat k. the family physician we, railed in.and for three necks be Lined to restore It to aeling.but all In vain, althoufh it vas blistered • doses. time, Lode's/lone eilloefsment lin imentsapplied. A elmsultatiou of physicist:a eras they held, but to no miners. Tim cape ••• then brought be. on the Medical nociety. but nothing enuld be suggested which bad tint already N.., dene.and the doctor then told ina mull do nothing mom. tae then maimenred plying your Liniment freely over the entire length of the nu.: and iron may imagine a parent's Joy, when. after • ire application., rdenamp glatlll4o.all,lC. upper/ed. The child rapidly rerreered, with the alam of the eight. which Old rot become perket for curly s month it Is tole hearty and robust u can be. FIT* ether mere oft he same kind fecund In nay neigh. berrtionl ptee loud, all of which Med. when, no doubt if tour Liniment had been used, they would have recoveral Peoria. Mara I. laNt LICh/11" O. CLELAND. Liver Complaud, Erimprias, and Rheurnatirrs Curni. Earn Ica. Marton Co- Ey . Ably ..C.'.1541). Mr II G. fattami—Deer 55- boor Liniment to Jelling very well, andAlotng a vaet deal a. aid among th• peo plr. It has eared a tad eme of Err.*eta, and .o Miser uf • bad _pain In the breard. A lady; who was contined to hPT bed for e, fu months with Liver Complaint and Mice non of the Heart. oar mainly cured by the ow of your Arabian LlnintenL Km said the doctor. could do Ler no coral It boo been applied ho • freab mit, and rural it In a anon time. I her. been aglieted with Itheumatlem for • long time. and Jiat before II wed spell it pained ma on much that I had vat peace all dar. ard In the night I com menced tudhln 1 was g rubbing •Ith tour Unlndnd. aml L. 500 1117.4 BATEMAN. SD, Co plaint, Sweeney, Distemper, Corkg and Sorg Eyes Cured %teen, Nati:water at Flat. Fulton County, 111. " bee t . 11. O. FAE. 14.1.: 1 . 0. Arabian Liniment I. highly Prired here. We cured one of my wighbnra' horses of the guff Complaint by ate,ut lour or 11" application; and I and one of my own of the Sweeney. Our Sheriff Joemh Dyke, cured 141. bone of • del Cora with lb he al. trWl it on a cult that heel the Distemper re" Wd. and cured It Immediately. Ile eays It Is deridally the ended huive medicine herrre used. There hare been numtwra cured of 60111 EJCIO with IL I Pod it • re" anlhed• Modkii ,lll Loth for man and beet. Jimare If Counterfeits. GUARD UARD AO AINRT 15 POSITIOb. READ THE FOL. LOWING CAREFULLY. The Public are particularly eautiorted going* a Ave (burstrefnt 'bleb ha. lately made its appearance and D called by the Importer who roake• WV R Farrell'srabi. an Lthon ent." This Ism dangerous fraud and more liable la deceive from his bearing on.en.. YnnwiL The "' fore be partieuiar near he fur .1 by Ole 11Q•14 .. Farrell's Liniment.. for unprincipled dealers will impuee the SIT. WOLF mixture upon you tor the genuine, but nhooge ore f••• 11. G. Ilzmlr • Arabian Lintetelef,.. and rate no efAer, as the genuine always hes the letters 17. G. before bonen* ili• gq.ature le also kna the outsidewrepper; and these wroa P a blown in the glans G. Ilurreirs Ambient Lonsunt, eorici." /warm wantelf In every Town, Village md 11 = 14 16, the United Staten, In which one Is not established. APO/ by letter to 11. U. Farrell, Pearl. 111.. with good reference ar to diameter, reetemelidlitr. Wc• Call id, the *geed .110 wi ll furnish Pres of Charm.. • hook containing much valuable Information roc every clam of 'churns. Pater—'.'Scents, 1.11 yenta, and - one dollar per kettle. The cep genuine lemanufactured by 11. U. Yarrell.eole Meant. , mol Proprietor...n.l wholersle drumtlat. No. 17 Main street, Peoria, sod fur sale wholesale and retail at pmprictor'r price be 1,14 aeon • R. X. likLl.Vlts, No. 67 Wood atte st Sold by D. NI. CURRY. Allertheny Car. A Vegetable Compound. IIURNER'S BALSAM, an infalliblo Tame dy for Mambas Dysentery, Bowel or Sommer Cone 11.100 of children and adults. A perfectly sate and ether elmue remedy under all circumetenoes. It hes been mud with heyp 3' end mom. of en., by mme sumessful prise-Moberg of studielne, wherever for the hot two or them Tee n , mper mt.-Mc.4.n..4. tomylog the medicine, in pamphlet farm limitireal• or mum, of both Rhildren and Adult., herr been cured and relieved by th• above Deem, after every other remedy hut twen tried I. tain. The following lea ropy of a oeriliknte relative to the vir tues, etc, Powe r above Balsam, need in the family of Um Rev. J. , of the kletheallet Book Concern. of this kr.r Sir, I deem U due to ' u to say. that for se vend Men th e hero bon trying man, remedies for rho,., Out with little met,, but, bearing cry*. remedy. iirocured au. bottle, which I have used, in my family. witli greed seems, and feel free to recommend it to Um so a valuable medb:lne f DI Cincinnati, June go, lbou. The !above/tyro,' or Balsam le prepared and mold whole , sale end retell at sanum, C. TER:SEWS Drug Store, northeast corner of Urchael and Main streets, at the store of ilardiner A Cu., on Main street, be Seventh and Eighth otreete, west side and at the principal Drug and "AV'f'"l the 1-1 WT I % , or so e • is ere am. Pittsburgh: Jomph Douglass, Allegheny; klcitlelland.kienctuater. Jolly Fitzgerald, South Pittieurgh; Tenn...v. villa; Jobe U. Smith. at Um Birmingham Drug Slzre, Bir mlogbann Leigidity A Gregg, Nest Newton, U. R. Kern, Ellestwth, Perry Baker, kirliempork erlykArkm-8 NOTICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN that an Election for 0 .. 'Weide., elk Managers and melt other Oben" tut mar be netwaaary to conduct the butler. of the "fir Mb:teon and Ilrovuartlle blacwdatalard tortiplita Road Cornbany." cbartered la novena:we of an Act of AwitionblY approved the 10th day of February. A.D latd, will be held la the Public Rouen of• Jam,. Brawity, In Baldwin town ler; llitiNftnaet't+f Ilootre"d'oVl.o)'.lChatthltl'il!!l.l.lii o clack, P 21, of mid dal. Clonalierioneee—Wet LARIMER, Jr., ALlailtM. 211LLLII., •at 51 NOBLE, JOHN 11.000. JAMAS BRANDY. triyllll2w7t..9 I% 01 COWAN 111 AltE7—Strayed from th: 1/11. 10 subwrib,r. th e =hut, a NOILREL 01A11 a at 10 band, high. end 10 or 127.11:11 obi, wit lidar and snip. hakl Mare waa hegry arftri oolt. Atir Peron. taking her up and laturalog her to the outer:ether, or (lei keg ardni. hint in CwiIHAWPoiLD, formatdort when mhe et r lbe liberally rew Halt Work,, Taremum Poet =ea. 2.4 Diele22•l2 .." 1, • Aniiltint7 00,2142 0020 L tbr ROUSES, FARMS, &e. To Fanners. ACRES Farming and Grating s 2: En. if n z i / o.a yer. withln twelve miles . air Also-1.000 Acres in Mt county. for ninon WO= mai. tin, henna lhanulre of A. WILKINS OO, myl corner of Market and Third sta. To Gardeners. TWENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al midi under 004 cultivation, IntrAzis on mite y t 4 b x n vgl in hs o :old thr 1:40 an acre—nne [bird rash, and the • t.n., and three year. For wt.:du, tn. quire at the Banking Ilettaeof • . A. WILKINS 2 CO.. mrner of Market and Third ata. A Very Desirable Residence for Sale. T HE undersigned offers for bale, one of the TH E desirable reeldences in the town of &Wei Don. stark county. Ohio. enntainina about eta acres of laud, with large and cosnmallow Brick Dwelling HO., and out house , . ithd • be e t etiPPly of chola fruit anal shritto her!. One of tb. beet •rhooLs in the country le within • short dietaries., and when It is remembered that in ale months frocuthi. Unto it will be within four hours' rideof Pittehtirgh. it will be wen that here L. no small induct caent for any who desire a oboap and elegant retreat from the city. either ae a summer retirement or • permanent natlence. A part or the whole of the land will sold With the huildl Thu property may now he had for leas than the building. met.l - will deo procure title mei um wry, without charge, a lot of more than two acres.eitneted on the bar, of the Ohio Canal, and about twenty reds from the Dtiot of the Ohio and lennayivante Relined, to any . capitalist or company whowwill Whirls thereon • um"'nuf:faltlllool,lZ.' udtta...7,1,T11111.71.1g 'ow! of the most beautiful and auriving town. west of Pittsburgh. Co.]. and ell the maths of lirhog. ..well rents, eai be procurCd here as low aa al .3' Poi. , Omuta when manufactured can. of mar, with ifreM ea., be transported by Canal or Railroad. DW w IGIIT JARVIS. April 17. For Rent A Small well finiAled and completely fur rl bkheal Stu*, en 1J wt, next doom to the root-olliwn. E, D. GAZZA3I, No 73 Llbertr wt. between 3d and 4[6 at, apMl if (Poo and Tribune tutu . ) • Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale the house and grounds where he now resides..situated on Park st, be low Tremont, Allegheny, MA about 25 minutia' an from the market of this city. The lot le lid ft frrint on Park Ft. running berg 252 Pet, to an Wry—containing nearly one . and Is bounded on every sine be lame open'n.4 dwith taws and hrubbery. The house near!) new, large. and ernivilingly well arrmaged, having • front of I,U feet. and • depth of 7 . 4 contains Enottwn rooms. beridds balls nine feet wide. Lt L bulk In the belt I and most manna, and by a ate-patof nacif, and contains all he lern nouverdences. Two pumps, with im unfailing upply of hard and soft sraferoire at the door, On the prorMsa see the neravisary out !buildings, stable. carriage hoods, ie. The grounds are laid out smartly as a lawn. covered with choirs fruit tre . a rigrreps. flowering shrubs,currant, goasieberries, raspberries. to., and mull garden. Th e fruit is of the best kind. and the trees are la their prime, and yield enough fur the wants of en urilina. family. Thu altiution of tine property,. to imiribrity and suburban comfort, combined with contiguity tee the city, Is net surpassed by any resider. , in this vicinity. It bee a view of tlielohin Elver for user • nal., of Temperate., elite, South Pittsburgh, the city, the two risers. and the hills timund.torming altogether • panoramic pricrivict of which the eye never weariest. Every boat which eaten or &parte front the port of Pittsburgh on the Ohio, paean In lull nine. The residence and grounds are alio contpletely removed foam any emnoyan s at i s , of ilft, destructive o rend f aeey. The property will eful as If be wild at • bans.. and poesession ewteol In some Roletaoek to the ugiven whenever deidred. Enquire at the tiatette one,. ap22alti_ IL N. WHITE. Foi --. Sale. V HE members of the Fairmount Fire Com- Party. Men. their Engin.' lbr sale. It h , in goal or der anti be sold cheap. ;ruluinrof . l i ' VC . 4li9 ! 11.1. Ptc r i'strwet. ap.l;tf ' rOR RENT—A Dwelling Heusi onfi Third otreet, above and near to Eadithfleld. It astute. large yard. wash house. At. Will be rented low. and pospearion given immediab:, Y.,.... i. Also—For Sala or Lease, sob. lota lo the Ninth W between Penn street and the Allegheny river. _ WM: ld. DARLINOTOv . at Benj. Darlington's, Fourth Amt. neer Wood. ntel...?--tt Valuable Real Estate for Sale.. THE SUBSCRIBER otrers for Sale, on 2 favorable ten, the following Beal &tate, in elly of Pittsburgh, sir No. I. More valuable thew story brick dwelling houses, on Second street. between Marketd Peery nerds, th e lota being rub 19 fest front by SO dee sa p. No. 2. Containe 57 feet trout on Third street adjoining the Thin! Presbyterian Church, on which in meet® ono four story brick k a bob used •• • printing odloe, and one two etmy brick use. No. h Two lots In Pallet®. Beaver county', being lob Noe. 3 and 4, being about I® (stetson...l.on which brevet- ed one blurt of four frame dwellings, and om separate Imre dwelling, all two stories !Ugh. No. 4. One lot 50 feet front an Back street. opPlelte above, and extending to the top of the bill. No. 6. Two beech lob. earl 50 feet front, and rimming from the road trio. water mark,on the lllg nearer. No. 5 One valuable Otte. lot, I® net on Wheel Race. with ten shares water power attached. No. I. One lot oppuite the valor lot. FO feet flout. and eatending to the top of the hill, on whisk is creed.® one two story brick step, and warelernue, by 51 bet; Woone frame dwelling. two .becks high. No. h. tine lain lot In New Brighton..Besveronuntl. be ing about 140 feet on Broadway, and about 1.1/0 feet deep. containing ems, on which are erected two large frame dwelling. and one t a li frame hoes. used as an °Mee. rel. property Team formerly wended by Mr. T. C. Gould. eM is very la our bated. besog Imenetbately ogposite the Wellston Bodge. No. le One water let, imutediately below Falb - ton Itridgo. bring abbot 100 fret In knell. and exbuding from Water .tent to low :water mark, or towing Path. Tn. above propeity •111 Lea .44 on eery favorable aerms. ter.f Vla " ek t e h t . 11 ( 11 '1 VEN T ATc,: - .ll:a r l i-4 mch2l fJountsl and Past copy.) For Sale. • - THE UNITED.STAT ES HOTEE..7 , MAXI( OF 8U1LD130.9. on the corner of Waa . ths:A . I2 l=lir & P art% the Et of e .44 t on on We frontA one hundred and forty lour feet on Penn streets and one hundos,l and nine feet Woo Inches, on Washington Wee; to • twenty feet dley. Inquire of ID REennrt- ER,I Ineh“rio . 106 P _ . _ DAVII. . _ . VALUABLE MILLS, FAR3IS,ANDLCITS V FOR PALE—Two largo Flour Mille atul • we Mill on the Bearer (Swig. with Ode neneseas7 water rowe_ Ate. well Improved Form In Lane..4.olmM. Prins 1.4.0 A I no, a Pam of Ile arms, on the Olda river, those utiles taloa Boor, foe ttLast Alen. one of 140 acre, un the Ohio river. o mils^ below Beaver. for 132 per aer brfn• Ld 11l per erre Aho, farina of OM, IRS, and 14 arts,. ter wee. Als, It:. acted for 312. and to ...rev for 110 per mere. to,rther with many other. or ous Ores and print,. Enquire of 3 I. 0. L. R. FETTERMAN, Attonteya at Law and Reel Fat... Agenta, No Int 4th et Pityburalt. . . - • • - A Bleat Furnace for Sale aTIIE UNDERSIGNED' offers for Sale hit+ BLAST Pt ILSACE, situated to tlos,vuinty, Gnryda, bengal m life - Oilstones Turnery,. withoall tbdo out hauldinu, It' end 001ST STILL; and every shied no rew•ato to carry an the Smelting of On,. It bas 1.400 Ones at Land atterhed. with as much more edjioning Ie would 1. necessary. which sse be bad fn. 7.. to per •ere. It haw the most favorable leretion so the &nth, fur Enable.. ledi. harem the ore within mle-half tn lie . r„n'll .half bdowahrlntline et whe le Rale can be found for all It. prnete . mu and IP 'Me miles Irma the IVestere and *Heyde Railroad, whirl, l• en, Ito- binn nf redlrowd•mtmeming the Veneerer , !Myer with the Ss Dowd, whirh has six hers 01 rallypels reusing nut Ibme „It. titelatied and under cmdract. mad. though the be. !.Iw , rtant , Ttdrris mei Cake in Georgie, where • reedy sale is fouml foe Phr Slarhinem, ltolLne Mere. -It ht nowle hill Glen, worked by water power. with • Bora IS I hely on • ones Whets stream, and In the most healthy mot of the ...+Mth. Letters leer hp addressed to me at Etowah. GSA no, Ga., or I ran Y. 'ern at may time on the prrod,en. THOMAS P. bTOTALL, Aueromis FCIINACL, March 1. 15.51. terheldblew,lne - up EAL ESTATE FOR SALE--The under- MoI the r V.,:ta n 'ssT:s " vsrr‘th. l trgbi,`"V:l:.l,l ° :e. tgrier. n Borough of 11 rminghtun.elocated nerd the new Public s ehoul and Luthenum Chore, The rapid ;growth of Mondial:um In ye:potation and marinfarturing wealth, and the reasonable one.. which R. will be odd, will render them • safe and profitable In vestment. Title perfect. Teams favorable. the inr efM. 1 47,01.111rino4 ' ,1•9. ut' g r Omniant=iie burst, Petween ntrd and Foam's or of R t illlam St... and N. Pattemm, Lief, at their