The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 12, 1851, Image 2

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County Convention.
t er The Wings and Antimamna of Alle
gheny County wfll meat on Saturday. %ha 31st of May,
ply,. eta* Owtal Plaeeod holdthenrintary ntattinkw la
oho Ty...ethane twpechcely at 3 o'clock- Y. M., and in the
octal Wards sad Boroughs at 7 o'clock, 37.„ N ce t,,,
two delegates from esettclection Metric, to a County Coo
. nation. Id Oa held itth" - Court How, on Ww.locaday. the
lth of Jour next. .10 oetrck, ta.3l„ m make the County
preparatory 10 the nastthencral Election. and
also to appoint &h eat. to the State Convention. to nowt
tt Laroffer, on du 24th of Joe..
ett . l2 of lbmtoltt•.
Wm. C. Fur.., See,'.
To the Whigs o
ot Lancarter, on TUMDAT,
pone or reloettng candidahmir
Canal Corosaltaloom, Mu
court; LI Erir
Jcoc,h D. Flanegin,
Y. /moot Morton, -
Wm. 11. Pllnight/I.
name! Iran,
NathaMel Maar.,
Wm. J. Robb:Jou.
Warden K. }heat...
Thom.. &Cochran.
Henry .Tnhooon.
Charfre B. Bordatan.
(Mora,. Gins'
' A. Finney
.C.O. Locania ,
John Dawsman,
)f Pennsylvania.
ioN will I. held In the Citl
June 21th, 1861. fuethe pnr-
Mr the cdtkos of Governor:and
for Judg.e of the Supremo
by 12 F
l Led!smarty,
C. Thomson Junes.
hamucl ti. Thomas.
Jobs S. Brom,
T. Taylor Worth.
Alexatol. E. Droll,.
Wm. Bat..
m. am. C att,
2herm kl.l ark anD. Phelps.
Edwin C. Mho,
John Allison.
' Daniel dleldnuly.
Ileedue Lemon.
Alea'r AL 12cClurc,
Francis Jordru.
:'LADLE ton - Tu. decretarr.
John C. Seville.
To-morrow, Tuesday, we shall ',resent our
readers with three handsome engravings, illus
trating the Crystal Palate, the magnificent and
wonderful building in which the World's Fair is
to be heldinslondon. These views have been in
the hanris of the Engraver for some months,
and are only just now finished: We shall print
an extra number of to-morrow's paper, which
will be for sale at the counter, in wrappers or
We understand that the Bents in this city, by
am agreement amongst themselves, commence to
day to tefuse checks upon each other and to re
quire payments in cash. To facilitate which they
now iteme large notes of the denominations
$lOOO and $5OO.
• The Pittsburgh Gazette, representing, we sup
pose, the voice of the-community in which It is
published, evinces a determination to absolutely
prevent any Railroad West of Erie, designed to
connoa with the Ohio line. The editor says in
attierterms, that if attempted under the charter
ei •ei • the Pittsburgh-and Erie, or Franklin
Canal Company, an injunction will be entered
immediately; and the work thus stopped. Well,
as friends to the first named project, we don't
know that we have any very decided objections
to the threatened course of procedure. The in
fluence of the Gazette, fur some reason above the
" comprehension of our philosophy," has ever
been directed against the Pittsburgh and Erie
Road, and it is perhaps best that its hostility
should exhibit itself in the form of the fast ',Tort
. indicated. The honest purpose of the Board of
Directors is to build the whole Road, in time, and
it remains to be seen whether,, in view of this
purpose, the Gazette's " injunction" sill avail it
anything. "We shall see What we shall see."
Brie Gazelle.
We now tell the Erie paper, once for all, that
we aro not opposed to the Pittsburgh and Erie
Railroad Company, or to any legitimate project
of that Company: We are heartily in favor of
the construction of the road contemplated by the
'charter, and stand ready to give it all the aid in
our power. But we are opposed to a fraudulent
use of the charter to secure a foreign object,
which the 'Legislature has repeatedly denied on
its own naked merits. Whenever the Company
builds a Railroad from Pittsburgh, or from any
point on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, to
Erie, we will not oppose the right the Company
will then possess of building lateral roads—hut
we do most emphatically deny that the Company
has any right to build a lateral road first, and
then leave the main line to the chances of the
chapter of accidents, and we moreover believe
that if the lateral road is permitted to be tom-
pleted to the Ohio State line, without the main
line being put wider a bona fide contract, that
the latter will nerer be built—and we warn the
people of Lawrence. Mercer, and Crawford coun
ties to look well to this matter.
We my nothing against the honesty of the
Board of Directors. .We suppose they are up•
right men, but we demand something more than
mere " intratitm" as a guarantee in a matter of
such importance to the whole State. Our Erie
neighbors have no reason to complain of our op
position„ when they consider that they are en
deavoring to promote the transit of the trade
of . the West through that corner of the State,
for the benefit of our great Northern rival and
competitor. Pennsylvania has spent millions of
money to make Railroads and Canals, to secure
the =tying trade of the West, and she will not
relinquish it without a desperate struggle ; and
it is not in human nature to look on calmly and
see tier territory invaded for this purpose with
out the authority of law. Our Erie friends ore
determined that the Laws of the State in refer
'ence to the width of track shall be respected,
and we applaud them'for it, and if we evince a
,detennitration to guard the honor of the Oldeom
manwealth in reference to the right of way, they
are the last.people who ought to complain.
We shall expect, from the usual fairness of the
Erie Gazette, the re-publication of these remarks
in its columns, that the people of Erie may un
derstand our true position.
Tar. Maratai-m-Law—or tee Me of Royo.- 7 A
Tale; by Emma D. E. Nevitt Bouthworth, author
of ifftetributicm," "Shavmendale," etc. New York,
D.Appleton SCo."
3rrs. Emithworth is a miter of moll° than or
dinary originality and vigor Some of her tales;
are intensely interesting, but of that
kind which leave but little for plum:int remem
brances. She seems to delight in exaggerated:
characters, who have sold themselves to evil
deeds, while they keep up a fair exterior. Her
descriptions of Virginia scenery, customs, man-!
nets, and her historical incidents Ore all interest-.
log, and relieve her works of much of their som
bre hue. •The present volume is printed in a
superior style on fine paper, matters which add
no little to the pleasure of reading a book, and
v for which the Appleton are famed. For sale by
. :- A. H. English k Co., Wood street.
Appreton's Mechanic' ti Maga:ine and Engineer's
Journal—Nos. 4 and 6; for the months of April
and May, have just been received by A. R. Eng.
llob & Co. This work ( keeps up its promise of
being one of the best scientific works in the
country. Its illustrations and general getting
up are of the most superior character.
TAe Pocket Companion for Maehinies, Mtchnniq
and Engineers. By Oliver Byrne, Editor of the
Dictionary of Mechanics, etc. New York: De
witt st, Davenport.
Thin is a most invaluable work for the objects
d a mped, and the publishers have spored no
pains or expense to make it what. it purports to
be, a pocket companion for persons engaged in
mechanical and engineering pursuits, and it
should also be in the hands of every person
sirons of much information in al smell compass,
on a great variety of useful subjects. The work
is embellished with three steel engravings of
. steam engines—the stationary, locomotive, and
Alsip engine, in the very best style of engraving,
all the parts of which are accurately pointed out
and erpilainesi" by numbers, so that any person
• perfectly ignorant of their use would be able to
learn how to manage one.
For sale by W. C. Wall, 85 Fourth street.
The Heirs or Derwentwater," a new novel, by
E. L. Blanchard, Esq., has also been received by
WolL Dewitt tk Davenport, New York, pub
Cot. Brous,—The Clearfield Republican, of
'ay the the organ of Col. Bigler, states that
intelligence enough hoe been received from dif
ferent ports of the State, to secure the 1101IdILS
ilea of Bigler by a vote of 100 delegates out of
199. The Republican expresses the opinion that
•by-the-'time the Reading Convention meets,
thetemocrets will be so harmonious, that Col.
Bigler :aria be nominated by acclamation.
Marna in Maryland and . Virginia is but tit
ian:4=l%4 hY,tho.llll?f..*ont,,keing too far ad
•lrt this region; we ikatapple "And pearl
are but' slightly injured, 'and* crop nal
Nina iivetagiono.
The county of Phi!, Vs., hoe voted to sub
scribe $190,000 to the stock of the Hempfteld
Railroad Company'. The majority for subscrip
tion rtes 900 voted. The !lean Times says—
it not: rem whit the managers of the road to
ProcurC promptip about $125,000 by printe
subscription, front this county, and then pot
their road promptly under surrey. In the mean
time Washington County, with her best men at
the heid of the road, cannot be idle."
We are indebted to the Secretary of the Socie
ty, for a copy of the "Annals of the 31 tnnuota
Ilistoriiirl Society 'for the year 1850,"—o thick
pamphlet of 1155 octavo pages—contprising an ad
dress by the President; the annual report of
the Secretary; two papers by Re, S. It. Riggs,
one on the "Destiny of the Indian Tribes," and
the other on the 'lLtakota itulguage; and lastly
of "Memoir of thellisuiry and Physical Geogra
phy of Minnesota.: Altogether it is every interest
book and will bepectiliuly useful tothose look
ing in that direction to find a home.
, Can such things be,
'dud overcome us like a SILMMer'S cloud
•Without our special wonder !"
We do not lawp bow we could more exactly
express our sensations on the perusal of the fol
lowing lamentable evidence of the effects of
mental delusion than by the above quotation
from a great drama with which every reader is
familiar :
A Pilltsouruom.—The editor of the Cortland
Democrat, in a formal valedictory, takes leave
of that print for another field of labor, under
circumstances which we shall .not venture to
state. We copy his own account of the mat-
" We will now give our readers an Idea of out
reasons for leaving them, and an account of our
future occupation. You recollect a notice perhaps,
that we gave, a few weeks since, of investigating
the spiritual manifestations, Or commonly termed
"spirit Tappings," and that we stated our be
lief in regard to the phenomena. We have
been in Auburn since them and, upon a thorough
and careful investigation of the subject, we have
come to the further conclusion that the manifes
tations are not only produced by spirits out of
' the fiefih, but that they are permitted and design
ed to communicate with mortals us Goo, for the I
vast and inconceivably exalted purpose of re-
deeming the world from the bondage and corrup
tion of sin. And, as one of the feeble instru
ments of God, in this great work, we engage our
weak talents, our time and onr all, henceforth
and forever, till the object be accomplished.
"Paul, the Apostolic Messenger, directed ns,
by means of the .O.APPINOY.' to leave our busi
ness in this place and remove to Auhuco, tbOre
to commence and continue the publication of a
paper, to be devoted wholly and exclusively to
this cause. Accordingly we have disposed of l
our interest in the Democrat, and have pur
chased, in the name of Peleg S. Cottrell A Co.,
a printing office located in Auburn, where, in a
few weeks, will be issued the first number of the
paper alluded to, under-the title (given also by ,
TOIC The paper will contain accounts of Con
versations with spirits, the history, defence, and
advocacy of the manifestations, and articles
composed and given entirely by spirits in anoth
er state of existence. It will be issued semi
monthly, for one dollar per year."
That the writer is entirely serious in all he
says—strange though it may seem—is as obvi
ous as that he is laboring under a hallucination
bordering on something more fearful. lie Foci
on to say that he has been converted from a
state of doubt to one of full belief, as to the im
mortality of the soul, "by means of the -spirits'
rapping.' "
SonßorT Cousrr.—The Whigs of Somerset
held a convention on the 29th ult. Among the
resolutions adopted are the following.
Resolved, That the administration of Millard
Fillmore, has fully realized the expectations of
his most ardent admirers, has reflected the
highest honor upon himself as a statesman, and
has given full satisfaction to the true friends of
the Union. •
Resolved... That the thanks of the nation are
eminently due to the Hon. Daniel Webster, Sec
retary of State, for the noble and patriotic man-
ner, in 'which he has vindicated the honor, and
the character of our Government, in reference to
its Foreign flotations, and that so long as our
interest and destinies are in snetvhand, we have
nothing to fear.
Resolved, That it is a matter of triumph and
,Mngratulation to every true Pennsylvanian, that
a remedy hap been (mnd for the growing evils of
the State in the election of an able honest Whig
to the Gubernatorial chair.
Resolved,. That we have the highest confidence
in the ability and statesmanship of Wm. F. John
ston, the Widg Governor of Pennsylvania, and
believe that Ithe policy which he introduced. iv
destined to deliver cm from the pressurt of our
enormous State debt.
• • -
'Resolved,' That the course of the Hon. A. J.
Ogle, our late Representative in Congress meets
with our mast cordial approbafion, and that al
though defeated by artifice and .misrepresenta
tion, he is !still the favorite of the Whigs of
Somerset,and will, if he accepts the nomina
tion, redeeta the district by an overwhelming
' The following is o certified copy of the new
law in relation to tavern licenses, and . the selling
liquor on the Sabbath, and as it is now of full
force and effect those concerned will do well to
obey its provision or prepare to abide the penalty
Sarnos 11. That from and after the passage
of this act, in addition to the several requirements
and regulations contained in the laws now exist
ing, relative to the licensing Inns and Taverns
and boasee,- for the sale of spirituous; vinous and
malt liquors, it shall de the duty of the Court of
the County of Allegheny, when any remonstrance
shall be made to the said County, against the li
censing of any inn or tavern house to sell sbirit
nous, vinous or malt libors in less quantity than
one quart, to issne a summons, subpoena or at
tachment, for the persons signing thepetition or
application for such license, who shall be sworn
or affirmed according to law, and if It shall ap
pear by the oath or affirmation of the said sign.
en or vouchers, that each inn or tavern is neces
sary to accommodate strangers and travellers
and that the applicant is well prepared and well
qualified to keep said tavern, then the said Court
may grazt such license and not otherwise.
Stoma 2. That if any innkeeper or other
pereon shall sell or retail any spirituous, vinous
or malt liquors on the Sabbath day, except for
medicinal pnrposes, he or they, upon being duly
convicted thereof before any alderman or jus
tice of the peace shall forfeit and pay for every
such offence the sum of fifty dollars, one moiety
of which shall go to the person prosecuting and
suing for the same, and the other moiety to the
use of the Commonwealth, and in case any perL
son or persons so convicted shall neglect or re
fuse to pay such fine, and no goods or chattels
can he found whereof to levy the same by dis
tress, he or they shall be committed to the Coun
ty prison for a term of not lees than ten nor
more than thirty days at the discretion of the
1 do hereby certify that the foregoing is a
triie copy of first and second sections of an act
of the General Assembly, entitled "An Act rela
tive to the granting 'of Tavern Licenses in the
counties *of Allegheny and Clarion, and to the
licensing of Billiard }Looms and Bowling Saloom,
in Mifflin county." approved the 19th day of
April, A., D. 18-51, as the name remains filed in
thin office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand, and caused the seal of my office to be
affixed at Harrisburgh, this 28th day of April,
A. D. 18.0. A. W. BENEDICT,
Deputy Secretary of State.
The delegates from Mercer and Beaver coon.
ties, who met the Pittsburgh and Erie Board of
Directont in this place last week, adopted an ad
dress declarative of their high estimate of the
Pittsburgh and Erie Bailrosul, and confidence in
the good faith and integrity of the Board of Dir
ectors, and their opinion that the Franklin Canal
charter is fraudulent and inadequate to the pii-r
-1 poses eintemplated.—Eris Condo.
Invortri and Exports of Me Port of New Pork for
the month of April, 1851.
Foreign goods entered tor consump
tionl $9,101,570
Foreign goods warehoused 1,288,313
Specie I 320,981
Domestic goods and produce
Foreign goods
Specie I
This:!tatement exhibits facts upon which an
instructive homily might be read.
It linen, thing but a satisfactory state of af
fairs when at one port, and in one month, we see
unportdtim of fdreign merchandise to the extent
of $10,339,883 against an 'Trot of domestic and
foreign goods of $4,947,660; leaving a bolance
eget* us at one port, and for one, month, of
$5,397,223, of which there has beon Paid in Ve
cle exclusiver'of stock, and other
public securities which have been. sent forward
as remittamxs.--Nat. tat.
Frain the Cincinnati Daily Time.
Messrs. Peter A. White & Co., of Pearl street,
have juat received a lot of goods fnAzi Philadel
phia through to this city in seven days. by the
Pennsylvania Central Railroad, Of which MeSsrs.
hleFaden A. Covode are the agents at Pittsburgh.
This is almost equal to the "Rxpreas Lincs."
Market Street Store for Rent
FOR RENT.—The Store, 118 Market
street the second done from the enmer of Market
and Liberty Arnett Poseeunon given the Ist of April
next Inquire of DAVID
mchl3 HA st
Citizen's Insurance iximpany of Pittsburgh
(Men No. 41 Water street In the warehouse of C 11 .
NT. . .
• .
C. U. licninn. Preeldent . W Seel.
TM, Compy now prepared in., tuereilbildlße
et and In tra2asitn. ve.e•ln. ac.
An ample.gumnty for the ability and Integrity of the
Lidltution.o afforded In the character , the Wrectun.
yam are all eitiretna of l'ittAburgh. well and I/Leonid,'
ktiOtro to W. community for their Prud ,. . ,
and inteArttY••
rWncaltien—C. 11. lnssry. µ'm.• B
in .Z• W.• "
an 6. to ".
n Irant bob D. limn. llokn.
John Haynnrcb. S. ilarbaugh, S. N. Hkr.
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A full and completeelnek of FOREIGN AND AMERICAN
huitablo !or the 'yang trade, and which they eve prnarAd
to oder to mellows at Palen that will compare
farcrrable with any of the euterti eittew
Petroleum !
56.117.16V43, Huntingdon co., Pe...Slereh 4,'>l.
U. M. titra:—Dear Sir. Your Petroleum is working tome
den la this vicinity: therefore we would think you tosend
us two dozen by the Pennsylvania Railroad. We are en
tirely out. and It L. being Inquired for almost every day.
Yours, respectfully, JOHN LONU
Harass - all. Aahland co, 0.. March lU,
S. M. litutn.—Dear Sir. Your Agent, • feu 'reeks since,
lett with us four duress Ruck Oil, .bleb ne Lave sold
Please forward to ns elo donut Immediately.
Your medians Is working ...dery In this ',don. We
can several ernellent oertilleates, if you thuds,- thou,
Your., de., NV. W. !PUTT.
Pa tale or Reiser d MeDovell. 140 Wood atm,: R.
Sellers, IT Woad street; D. A. Pmhneetnek, d 1.741, earner
11001 and Front etneeDg D. M. Curry. D. A. Ellie." it...Ph
Done., And U. P. lee-korarta, Allegheny. al. by We
Oen:, S. 01. MED,
• •01101rorT Canal Duln.Deventh et..Plttenurgh.
ter It will be seen by referring to onr
cvlumus, that 11. 11. Farrell, Justly eelebrae..l
Arabian Liniment has at last made atilsemwm .o and..
us We hail the Intmluctlou of this extraordloar, mod.
Seine among our friends..s a great blrealom an , mid to
b. the most wonderful preparation ever diseovered, bring
ernipnani of balsams Loa gums peculiar to Arabia. and
performing cures wbenerer It Fora, that astonish erTn
the must wrientino of tbe medical faculty We adriw.
families to get a bottle Immodiately.atul it may PM , . much
suffering. PIO Au. S
gerNicLoosz's VEII.3IIYUGY..—The populari
ty whieh tit& m.aiclnr ho aorauir..l iu We.:teru
is a sure guarantee of Ita execkleune. The fallow lue
getturatert. highly reopectable eltlretaa of All. , uheur aud
Bearer counties, hare laved Mi. Vertulhtgv In their Cam ,
lie, arid offer the aneuraues of great medical provrti.
James Btmt4p4 Fourth street Road. l'ittrburgh
nary Burk. Bearer numlY
daM Hsaberge'r, Manche:Aar. umr l'lltsburab
)largaret Lizuloey. "
James Burk. &uairrel 11111
.I.guee Burk.
. Forsale by
fair RECORDAR — I will be a candalute for
U.. office of lb-nad..r. potaert W Ile A...1.k0tt It big
C4'"'" tbasr
iltisbbrsh. April' .I,lbsPA.lvarS
0:13"1 - ..70UNIT TRZ....nCILEII—We are .ttaintr
-4-d In annouuno that J 11. has., of the . .1 ti nn.l COI
of rittnburttVll he a candianta for the olhor of Count ,
'I rolauter. MI to the doctatots of the Ann Ilonour tn.!
It log County AalTelll.ol3. . so .t.t.ter•
Skip ... CLERK OF TUE C 0111 1 ..--1 1,4 owo. , of
Iku Horn., of Wlltalo tz,Lto.hip. •111.0
lv,,vicev. , •l' the 3rd % , m2,1 rtt, .rf Pitt,bur,b. ,vut
utitt"l to the AntiAte...onte ,‘ ht. Count, Ccao•utum. e fur the office lt,gt.ter. sn•lwAll be earneot
s vuppurted by very )14si
adreOCSIT 140.9TEm.--lolin K. Fo , wr. 4
11•14•111 towruhlp. 1.• • 114.t.late• (Gr
ll_ rwulag Ant.t.NEL....atte .aul It LIB
Qyp ASNEXnur..—Robert Abraham., Eli
tabeth Boruugh. rein •itt.ulit his [tame G. W. Air 11,
Whist Count) C.nt•nt,n. a rark.tidat.. rw
two' to the I.,,j,tum. a se,•
gart.7 ---- " . °UNIT REGO:TER.—H."4m• alt.urieo
that 11. J traum.. , f AlleGben, .111 t.. • ra.N.lnt ,
tor theca... of 11....thaer,uNect Al
”41uoolc and Ulm; Count! Cur.r..ntlua.
CLERK or TUC Couxr.—lh•txy Ilanurn, of
Allegheny Clty, will Lot a rat:anima , ha skanins.tton t..
attaa 01 Ora of the erveral Caurt, Khrnr
twfore the Anth3tnannw and Whla County , a.ntwath , n It
jibir CoUNTY etillnle,lonf.K. —Jas. 31..,C.
W the Ninth W.f. City of rittAhnigh. Sill he • niintsda,
heftier the WhitE 4.1 Anti-Ma:tome tunviliti.4.. .
tit, of County LotnninAto tier vi
ItertiotriimrTarasear.R.-- - . l, :an V. !lowland
of Upper It. Clair totertellip. call I.arandilate
nation to Lt. ofhne, beton. the Who ti.l
County . Contest.... . te.:4
111.1r0O0NT Itat hl Blair.,
. cf the 5e0...41 'II ant. City of Alive., I. •
toate talon the A ntl..M•enni..L4 It ht. C.....t,
n tor the other of Count,
• .-
CdrCOUSTY IttlarlloNEtt..-I:ole.rt .
.1 the Setenth Ward. Ca, nt
t, the Whig and AtatoM.o.a. County Conveuttou,
candidate for County Connt.tort.r. by
F.14 , (1n
giirßecoxots.—We are itatli.rtied 'ft. nu
that WY K. VlNlttlg. of I.:ltudoti, •111
le • randidate for nonaltuttiou tu the ott. n-noNtm
lore the Anti.M•aohir slot Who t.'nuatt 1 .4 .• I . on". el.
gie - Am.ciAtt. JUDOL.—Adain • Ilentliorn,
rf tiarmingharn. nib t. • e•ndolate tor Cro the
ofPre Cl A....e.ta Judge in the Court of
of Allegben, County. before the Aral-K..4, and Wt.:
I.7ounty Corovenhon, t.tueet on the lit of Jut.
torll.4troaae • S
ShirellCNlT ettilhlthriloNEß. -11' .. M. Me
Knight of the Ninth Ward of the ell r of sr.
to •
tam e for
before the AntiM.N.. and Who Cot,
*entice., for the office of County en...(ul , nun .,
lite•Courvry CoIIIII,46IONER4—NIAj..r Jog.
Wrunea. of the First Ward, CU, Cl l'at.burgh. I.•
enuakint. before the Anti.Nlseouk and Whet. County' G..-
,ention. for the reit. of Watt, Conanoutoner
gerCLEltit OF rue COCIITti.-41 1 11rell M. Brush
will be • rand slate tor the .lore omo. , eut.yert h. the rl.,
riot of the en...* AuttNbootar ...I 4. tug County Con
lention. tr
- • .
of this lint Pant. aiirgbrily. City, •111 s ca.
,11,10. fur the office 4 tbuoty Honcinn, tc. the.
riskas of tin Wltig at Atit4..llsounic 4.111/I1 0•119elltZtAl.
at the rare 'or the Dul
y American, roraer nf Word and
Thlrri rtireta.
lvw crar..Alst , of rte. ttlow,sr.., ge...area
On brerfarernlirrema T. J Mahan, Fred U. Kay, Capt
Wm. A. Charlhar, Pratte , . Karst, John Young. Jr . Criah
Applegate. Capt. - Hubert Purter. tervaard e.Jr , trats. AuJree
Bayne. Ephraim June, Jr
mph T J. Phi AM. claalraran.
ltrocrnelt.—Johu Conner, of Upper St.Cluir
towrohip, will be woboo”.1 for the utter of it. , , , rder,
,ret to the deeh.on of the Auti-Ilawane and t•iblm Cunot/
Conve llbwte , r ntion. by
)1.01 Vont,.
AssLatut.r.—John M. Porter. of the Borough
of Tarenton, will Le a candid.. foruntioatimi (0 th ,
Aswesoldt, tubbed to tho th.bion of th n e Wt.. and Anti
11.oule County Convention.
the Third Want of lbw City of l'• wdi t<u,.ndt
for the of.. of Colnraladoner. .04.1 to the dreisiGn
the Whig and Anti4l.onic Cnonty Convention
FiliE undersigned would respectfully ikilrgitti
the Anti-Mrs.. and Whig. , of Allogheof
bs would be happy to nerve them another lnlm, nu the
official poeltlon which, through their former asinine, 0.
has the honor al prment woupy, County iteglAt e r.
end whilet be in a hone that hI, yyaw P. me
duties assigned him, and his gammn , In Mini,: tor then,
Iwo been genemlly accepted. he ye.... to promioe that
Vgaga.ln2onorege" thoir rmande . m., Lgo . devire
would i" talt:A t tsowlplZ ' i d m " l . r M ;enn h f i„' r ' tat.
gainful that es gar mg possible o tne nubile mu. have the
benefit of it. Very reepeetfully
mrlit JURY riecirf
13111LIAPS & TtIAYIIRS, General Import ,
era and Manufacturer, No 7.1 North Fourth
447rAhd at 101: Wood street, City-London. me I;
To the Ttriaggiats, Hardware healers,
-youlLLips & MAYERS beg most respect
fully Ur - inform the atom. parties that Mr. N
If al.
ion will b.. 0 the honor of grafting
thorn in a fi,
{We, 10 Appoiot perms for the mle of their mil lan
Ym s , u ,r u tior, trout, Moue, Chinn, IDA, Marble. Earth
elaw la•. Iron, and
FAM many
ILY other
FI su
llENDbstanceo, .Alna. the
A Baking Yroparatiro,supenArling renal—ProM.lrm light.
nutritious, short,db.:mange White or Liman limed, at lees
net and In shorter time then heavy, unwholeesmie, unpal
74 North Fourth .110.1,
m 712.
JOS. WEAVER, Attorney Low, Fourth
sweet, near the Mayor's OM., Pittsburgh, Pa. CO.
tenth , oa attended to promptly. Is.:Ag.tko
White Goods for Dresses.
AII i IRPI.IY & BCRCIIFIELD have rec'd a
full axsortment of the raridos t...Dor White Ursula'
Null II =or: 'h
" li
11.11 ," plain and rtobruniered.
Na.tuDok 111111116 F;
Queen's 1..41f0.1, &V. .
Mao—Printed J,Col:l*i., Mush. oith cord embrohler..
newest style. Wreath Law. and a large amrunent , 4
fashionable Tissue, Danner, tirensal l ues. ac in , I.:
_.--- -- . .
20 per Cent saved to Country Merchants.
di10r.... No. id North .. , ecoud street. PhtlablPhla
ILA Pat red'd Ram the manufactory
filchu•ruds and well
Doetoot of the above urod,. w will he rola at
psr mut- leas than ‘an be pun-hued In the city. for .-a/.1.
or city acceptance.
Dealers will do well to ~11 before porebssing
(`■ltlblA.N CLAY-2 00 boxes for snits by
3 myllo, It. DALZKI.I. i 01. Lthertr it
et :1.7 ?Al blii. W.B. Crea
RB/ for
ti sale ley
e. S ir a:ll
M... 1 • - . _ - -
Tilt lIIDES-21.10 (prime) for sale by
..1) sort: B. dt W. IlaKlSAUtilt
.. _— - —_
A LUMZ-50 this. for Bale by
4:1._ . . 042
______.). KIDD SQL. GO Wood Cl.
EA 1.j./E-4 0 this. (extra) for Bale by
l_.A uarl2 J. KIDD •ea
$1 ,66,1770
AUSIONIA -600 lbs. for sale by
G =l2 J. KIDD & CO.
L'OR SALE—Apo tu t Pedling Wagon, in
-I: 'TP l ' 4 ' Ram -° }. o co . co wata
I ARO OIL-101)lals. Winter Strained, for
.. 14 .1,, Kr myl2 I 'IL E. RULERS, 57 Wood 14-
t_II3.IPSEED--fitbls. for sale by
1.1. i 11.02 -- . R. K. SELLERS.
(i: P. TURPENTINE--10 MIL prime, fur sale
I 7 i. mrl2 R. IL SELLERS.
CIIRC:111E GREEN-8 cases for sale by
m 1
l a t URN T 0 MBER--150 lbs. PoNed, for ;ale
LIP b, ao - B2 B. A. FAURE:3MM a .0.
R,IOE GINGER-8 bags for sale by
61 A LERATUS-12 casks Jaime, for sale by
13 11412 WICK a )IcCAKULERK.
PEARL` --1l casks first sorts, for sale by
as 12. WICK a KrCANDLM.
Y _._
irrAsti—ls casks pure, for sale by
avii:tv Ica a )1,42 A N uLys,__
LI A.MS—L3I2 S. C. Canvass, for sale by
, 1.1. aria t AISANDLEM. 1
(101WIS11-10 tierces for sale by
11„/ .02 WICK a akcalitaass...
il IIIoCOLATE-130 bar. Bost., for sale by
a.) ',IR WICK d 51,CANDLESS.__
Virtue of a Writ of Levari Focilot,
Wed out of the District C.nat of Alleghenr County.
Il l to me dire... 4. will be ettwv‘ed m.. nt We C.,
House, City of Pittsburgh. on Moods, , tht 2d dnY of •ott,_.. ,
A D. 11'51, at 10 o'clock. A. 11. the following detterinon
property, nit
All that certain tnnt and ines.nage of land, rituals In
Elizabeth township, known w the - Davison Farm," boun
dedarni detwrlbed 11A 10111,0, via on the east by land of
I.use Wycoff. on the southeast by land of Koberte. Walk
r mud florid golinger„ and on the auuthwtnt by IWd of H.
P Vocable. rontalnionnbout 'wee., wore or lean being
the same tract sod tneaenage of laud which We said 11. P.
Hamilton. with Iladesnab H., his wife, by their deed bear
ing even date with said mortgage. granted and conveyed
to said Wm. B. Walker. neized end taken In eaecution
the property of Wui U. Walkor, at the rail of George P.
Ilumlitun C. CURTIg. Sheriff.
Sheriff Unice : Nay Itt, !SOL
HP Virtm; o-f-1;-;crit Q u a rte r ariWilla. e c ho aued out of the Court of wsnlona of Allegho .
ny INninty. and to ut e direeted, will be expased to rale. hf
nubile vendue or oery, at the Court Howe, In the City
of pitt.horgh, on Monday, the 0 , 1 day of June. 1651. at 10
of A. SL. the following de,rilwd rest Wed, to
Lot No. two hundred and vorrnty.throw aeooral
plan (4 lot. In the City of Pittsburgh atemitog town her
.111,1 4, T o nowt., together to
o with the e , ereditament& and
pp t ' 2lr o , " la l ' lt l li:f ' l7w " rl ' ay " , th, ;' ,37.-
~„.....L.ljoilktseuß; of intutuurgh4 for uw of 'Jou ' : nemp t le.
C Sheriff.
• 0 ellr, mar 10, 1%51
To Business Men.
". TARE Tills ikIETIIOD to inform my
hare entruatal burls... to tor caret mid
n i, generally, that I .lit sta.. on /domlaj, the
11th Ws... fur rarione volute on tlie Ohio nears.nd In the
a nd reoneat them to hare all ary nape.
',repro,' hi that Mats. I .111 attend to the an-an.rina and
ttlln r , of any amid of business Quonset...l with sit, pro
frsdon. Clli-ellnx. Examination of Reeonia,
nef. , rence - -Va., . llamas t Co.
.111oRSTON A. SHINN, Attorney at Law,
Odle". on Fourth id... ahoy. Smithfield
Eureka Mining Company of Michigan.
rIltE stoahuhier, of the Eureka Mining,
Compatit of lllclugan. ere herony nottlYal dud an
‘ VV . :f r " I;:ttrlL . 411 ' 14 " C‘ 6 ,4 1 133V:f
y able within thirty dio• from hop . .1
Ito nth, of the Company, In the boildtna st bY
• noon,Co..littabursh.
JAMES n. CHRISTY. See. ant Tye.
Eureka Min. Co of Mien
s U N 1) It 1
I.H. No. 1..2,1.
3 and Appleec
No. tu Woo.ltt
. .
111AISISS.--1 4111 Ixaes kfrehli Bunch) for
it ...awn,, o; I•AlAil DICKE.% W
• CO
BUTTER -2 talk. and I keg (troll') for
.1r b, tariti IttAlAll DICK LT• I.U.
d IOFFEE —al bap (.preen Rio, for sale by
vi out. ITAIAtI DICKLI • Alt
rirlAll---10 bbl- for sale Its
il alyo, Lauari DICKLI •CO
g IoFFEE-1011 bap. prime Green Rio, for
I . ) ..In by JOIIN WATT • CO,
tbyir Liberty itt,L
6,,,ALEItATUS- -;,i.) 101,.. a superior arti
-0 ..1....., n.uniguincra .nd ral. tale Ly
int lb .1011`t WATT A (l_
F iSil ibt, i tr• S. t Nl•eAerel . Ilw ittrbetetti , A.
It, - So I Tyttinoett itio
tit la 1,1 , 1. 0.. I Family tirrnr,
!att. ••Jotior. tor W. bt
t o JOHN WATT • Itti
Er.n.cE 1...
1- - Eng It.. tAr •4.11
Mart ary•.l,
01 Nlarwah a ard 1-tuee
t V eel-
( a ft RI BISON S—A,Forted mt idtla
ha xpr. Mix AL.:, Mack
I /,I“raal hr., Batt..
, 10 F a. It-ITaIN. rll Ituarth n
Etl.a.t. mai T.
wlth a full ...horst of Lare I
•51.,1.• 1 h F 11 EATON Fourth.l.
I It BA LI-S— A foil a.,ortment juot reed
mini .1.1,, la.. Fll 1:111 , ..
ea 1 lOSI Kit YS. LOSES—A fall
' of all 40445 •rniquallwc•nt Ilartar, , with
a ow ot Thr..l. 0111.,
I'l.'lo 11 11.111 S. Ut2 Fourth at
IV II I TV: LtIISVLLE LI )IE by the,hlar
, I . 0
eto..J F 10.... .l, ehnii au, a.oalar
, rata
P le %AL11(0 1 1 *I 11.11 v .
a Mart.LL,
Z 5- I'lo4 .1•
ILI al A ZETTE. and all our Pitt,'
' toarwh Imn. avel ma+•r of taw 01.•1t.tad about 1.1
lat. Exch... S 00 ' 1.1.r. 110110 . 11 0. ,
kaal a . o,llttatkrleit 1t...0r, for oat , Of
1.0 0.01: 11011111 S, L.,' 01
opplort 11.0 hal 111..- tor +revel 4,..1
ha. trarelk.ore tura. lahorar., and for
7.1 11 : 2 . 71'4 Vll n t. ' St ' 7 ' . aTt ' 1 1 1 "1 V„ " :5 ' 1
auf 0.1 at abort Dr.. Neu. call,at
v.allrlA 11.(1,1l1,
I.i oa, m neanev and lutell r
latt "fen,
Le l wis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
s NOW 1, he 51,51 ;II operution at 1V:11..
TATE t tO/ inaaak.r., No 10 Fourth str.t,l..
(.r .01 hrlk.rtr kla latul 11110011 WILEY'II.
11,0,1Poluhorgh bia Filler haer.......1
• 4.4.1 frnnt Atil•linan 441 1 54 1 100, of Now Istria.
atat . I ...IP.. tilun th, I rualtliu 10.41011rf Phlle4el.
,0. f.., irtlimitinriti 4. It. elearlaing prFrtart sad alo
them in 15545113
. loch the C.llovlng a...ample*
- Pini-ahat_ratt, Man( T411.1451' 1 ' 1,
Itolo arnat an,maarul to the Wren of
Par , . ,I,ar water. do- 1.10,01 Iteverkibl.Vaatvr Illterer.iti
aenual Or Mr Lewin. Ha... Cu',! one of them far rarrer
al ...I, 1 k m 0 ,1.1, of heir value.
eilalthoF. PLITT. 1 0 4 ‘Valtaut 1125v0 .
.. 4 . 1111A1ir.4.5111.4., March :Mt, 1401
Th. Itereraltalr %Cater Ville., loveuted 4.1 Mt
100141 11 Lon i• areal Ly lor route ...Mutat roz
trete. r,..te0., la all that kat, Parr.. u ,, tlJ .fah.
11.r , for. conrater It prt•th.a. bate It its sot
tecatontrahl the pub. Jithitt It VAIII.L.ASIII.
No. I , earthier rtr.t..
The.. rill,. axe arrunt4.l to tato ou, an, omen or
and rah cmtnary rare •111 la"( tam and pm..
rtql !I Arch tn..- IT pthd t
Scott Meeting•
I HAVE on hand a large assurttnent of
a I Dolt M ittN ICE, and CURT UN BANDS- tif
, , rwe'twe,` WM NOBLE,
,weell, the, Pool 0111 m.
en i u, Werr and Fro. sti
IIIEESPi. , -:17 hones for sale by
u. lu , sAlAll DICKEY • Ltl
RBI PED RIBISONS--slust ree'd perez
,ortaiiii of thm, rrm &Arable Crimped
Cods mow.. sil the ditliment widths
16.1 The atireitt s m re.
loWido thr st.ivr -,truslrr twortmeritt.
- .
W. W. WILSON, Watch Maker,
N,, ,Ifarfat, (Vrrarr of Fourth Pittibtagh,
bilv, Wu, )11114a$ (kW, nd cw,do.
Trn ravl Tibk W. Cutlyrr.e...tore,ac.; flnld Pens.
Inetrnin-ntx. and grold , m 11.17 or rkh,
rurlnun{{O.!, Inonful and nma.m.atal.
w.rk In wanner. lasisb,d by
th.• .nd Frrnett onrkno.n
Fine Dress Goods, per Express.
,t 1 A. MASON A. CU. have recd this morn
m eamortmsoll Iltlebro, ,
o, con•Loloo of ou.lNoor colored Bung., LlocA
end ho, t f.noy ooluntl plain rixnuex, bsutifol ploln sod
r Ilm,o. Layrop. India Pill,,rto.
ot.o. o worth lb. atterilloo pord. -
.. 111, .111 I- onnoof.11) vrieel, who!,
rareor sotall.ot N0...0! mod o 4 Nlorkol
Chartiera Coal Company
T f c }::--All persons having demands
the Charlie. , 0.11 Comp., will Bleee.lW.
-en them tor ...lenient. Z. 15 HEMINO7OS,
nyit.l.l Mnuager of tbe Char.* Boni Cie
1 0, 0 ,
Zhwhel..linotu.l. Blue, tinwit, Purple. ltuley,
int Ind I las, Mr rewideneen.
„ A %v
. Inn received from Mewing /Btolimet. utel for pan. 10. J. J. lIILLESPIE,
n noon :. Wntel etnwl, Move Fnurth..
CORN SPA Re bxx. for toile by
I N I kkA N / —l5O lbs. for sale Iry
tor, 11. A. YAIINEI I TOCIZ* CO.
111011) LIQUORICE—I con for solo
L) A
'PONGE- -WO lbs. for sale by
• ;I. A. BARN:I . 4I%Ier
AN6 A?; ESE-6 cake. Posr'd &luny,
sUNF}:CTION SENNA-41) lbs:formale Its
mri , • B. A Y AIINESTOCK • CO
A SSI —Wt) Ibs. for sale by
TARTAA .DIETIC-51./ lbs. for rain by
I , OItItOSIVE SUBLIMATE-2, lbs. fur
o a r ,tnyin B. A. PAIINESTOCK • CO.
1 11 te, ,,, - t - , 3 „ l ; blil it (f x. I , I . I :L T H e h ,
my" I .- Llherti new ,
I I 0 ,.. .N , : v }: „ ( r. e I Is i or
i i d f
. 1V 113 X:
Innen Meth Krtrott,.
10,,,, a, co, nlehmlod nay and Stumm Eat*.
~t from the taannfarturey'Vagß4ll T r i ra. -
meat .01 for rale LT
Water Street_
For I:watt:lett Of !titbit and lattittair value. them Forts
ra.ot be muntrated. and the 100 wire et .hires they are
rah rttnot loans their introduction. sv.v.,:ly
j.. 1 UCKWHEAT FLOUR-1000 lbs. for sale
it hT eta! ItOIIII , ON, LITTLE t CO.
`ILK POPLINS—Now opening ut A. A
Mason A Co., (Corge assortment of Silk ropaas of oh.
monist AP* siedl
Greenwood Gardena,
rrO and a half miles below the City, on
ttie bank of the Ohio Over. an Ornamental hover
fiarde_ AWL a dellatittal soma. nanat. Its Cream,
rtzdts, Tealpena• Deltas. dc„ kept la
the accommodatlon of Mattore. Al s o, a lazy. amortment
of Shrubbery and Erettikaamleig Plante for wk.
The amulet Chleftala home the bat of Pi %met, at
eke beettedu of earls hour, foam °o'clock Pi t t tinUl le
P. 31..latelltut at the thiotk. o• lnnday .l
tepid! f Dlepatfh and Post copy.)
New Barages, Tifsnes, SRL Lawns,
URPHY&BURcHFIELD have this day
open. (from le. York.) oe~ and ban4some aty4a
Lamm, Lola Wad. ' Ella ae.
el fitiM are inrited to tall before making their purchaaes
TOialt at wbolrsale in moms ity realm. myS
Dom or Porresraoh May 6, 1551..
HE President and Directors of this Bank
hare thlr day doct r ared adiridend of room pm 0005.
ha ca
"let I",l,,.`,r''zzo YD er o , ":"±,w t L e .
mytnlat Caeturr._
. •
Promissory Nate Found. .
ri6.PROMISSORY NOTE, drawn by Moss,
L and May 7th, 1851. to the coder of 1).n. 1el other. al four months date, fans,'in Wood wee.
The other ma hare d by callinu at the store of
toll J. IL?_IELLOR. 81 Wool at.
111 E UNDERSIGNED, having had the
pleasure of listening to on Essay on the “Physinioth
dot of Childoth at Roth and In the Schoolroom,"
Ltilvered before the Teacher,' Athodatlan, by the Presi
dent, Mr. J. GREGORY. north that tomthy were dial
array at that time by the antral Of °ODOM Scott ID our
ty. b which they lout a rich treat of much valuable Ire
Zimatlou. We th Won hem that the Emend. Corte
theta. of the Association will makesthable arratheruenbt
b. hare it repeated at such time o may suit hit conveth
eace• ME NE
LUCIUS 0.800018
illtnburgh, April :hi, 1051.
"a".•' t, ..41T1tii It. lid Church,
hee ' ...eixented to dell!!T 6d.y.
ava. of Grant ,n 4
mumi. ,
".""4' lixecutivil Committee.
,t. 11. Esumen, Pres t.
J. O. BUlltillEß. Seey.
RGOT-40 lbs. cfr Au
eslVfo NawK ,
tv. r c sale by
174 my,
RUSSIAN BLUE-5 cases No. 1, for sale
IQUORICE ROOT-150 lbs. Pow'.
1 A gale by myS B. A. PAII:.+EBTOCK &W.
I )ARIS GREEN-30 cans for sale by
I~LUE MASS—ZS lbs. for Belleby
11 myS B. A. VAIINTOOK A. W.
lIQUORICE ROOT-1200 lbs. for male by
J uns B. A. FAUN MOCK a IV.
PTS. TURPENTINE-20 Able. for male by
4 - 1 mOl B. A AIINISTOCK4 W.
Fresh Arrivals of Wall Paper.
rrIIOMAS PALMER. N 0.55 Marketstreet,
ba, jt rnrieed from the Wt. •• liszvioanar resent.
m..nbarf pea - cd Chamber raper. Lora
11 a: N.. 55 Martel street, for I very latekruoy efe,
For Rent,
reap nen-
Dmr=rt.7l4° Ingvin of Mr.
Gunter, tionfenionsr, Wood street, or of
nay* ot Z. W. REMINGTON.
ican, from 154 cents to ffl iyor plena, fru We by,
Moo Mackerel:
Kama No. I Marterel.
Ealliciaire Menhir
it s" Met:Lti KO lOU.
non and Tea Dealers.
IRIME BUTTER— Iast reed , a small lot
I.llVithla u -
C.ll use.
mc? 2.5.6 Liberty st.
A s !...:?(EREI,-30 bbls. No. 3, reeniting
s Ibr
5 03 Water et
1 AHD OIL-15 bble. for sale by
T HE highest price in Cash paid for all the
difloront .ndeo of d.,12 ...e..1 Wool
m,7 summit( a Let:.
•• •
Bonnets! Bonnets!
I)} ; C'll
. 1 . 11 , 1 S per . E . xp td re ni ns „, - j;
at, at, aU itfatmtir a worn
rr, lanfesmunona of Children'. fliff.Y ,hurl Lf.P. ,
',v.., awl Braid
atuntfat, of pulytt•Arrt ts putk-ularly Ittyttod tbe
fro,: A A MAW?,
. Woolen Goods!
u) c SES Green 7.4lixed Jeans;
Clwct Broad Cloth.
I - Cotton 44mA.
nK'd from ...ern mataufsetu.
r..nAratutot.....l lot low on f.rotable
. •
— Kzmu. , illSlr. at Yreassuaca. Mn 6. IZI
SIS BANK has this day declared a diyi
eed of tau Fa erre an Ito ;Arita! strek„ pa.rab le
l TIIOIIAM X. 150Wr.
my:7llar Caableo
I' 'HE lerchanbe and 31anufacturers' Bank
cf rlttabh has this sent flank ,' i of
rn+ ama (n Pb. carnal saki k out of
protlo. nf thr tot Ifs month. payable to the stork ,
holder. or their least lnerannalirely oa aftrr Pb. lath
W. 11. DENN or .
Y, L.l.llther.
Pitt st.orgb. May th. 1531.—tasylla
Valuable Property far Sale.
rT. LOTS in Allegheny City, Imnting
on dm &Anil C. 1.11.1101.1. Immediately la [mut of Dr,
cburrb 'tn... Lots aro nes, tb. Orr% of tb.
Ohio ark& Mallzosd. ore well calculated
L. ear.. b 00... or • &It. tor 1k suonfsel onot
DY. malts Lie tor toe,belbalz3 i mfa sae by the
ti.ert or bottle. au es Nast
twrl to tb. Dtaraota.
IS I[ RE BY 01 VEN that au Electiou for
5 F 144 Dlrebtors. and th. atetomWoatta of latch Moen..
may to dratted atavrsary fur 4, 44.1t4441Nt
th , ".11..gahrla (tomparty." rharynal alum
., aso Art Aaarabl44. Paafted the Wath day of Idozeh,
1,1. 141116 e held at lbw at. Charles Hotel. PllMbaralt..
tb.alanolay. the 210 to, at Hay. A. U. lea. betatea
hour of ID A. 11 .aday. _
W LAH1111411... Jr..
11. D. KAYO,
IL 11. KE11.14.
a 7.24 W. W. DALLAS.
S.hirling_ Muslim and Irish Linens.
!ktuRPHY Sc BURCHFIELD have again 1 1 ,
IT repleAlebed their .mot at Aleavegoolr. &id can sup-
gly •so veil. artt ele of esch—the letter erarrsowl all t 4
Oa, They hare .lee r,vivol PlllO,. ea. !Welk.. era
Lathes of all the .11fferent widths abbe they offer et
the went rm.. WIG
fl o t RAPE SHAW LS—Reed thin day, per
en iUTZE.Tp=4II".II v ' r r 4,"1"". D!...1 w
ai•T A. A. MASON ICO _
(Formerly the Exchange.)
Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets,
THIS spacious, central, and most conveni
ently located ROTEL. haring West completely re
Bled. and ttuisoushly repaired sad imported. Ls rum
o:son fur the ancommodation of the public.
The subscriber. lessee and proprietor of the aT LAIR
HOTEL, respectfully Inform. hie friends and the public
thst hal fundlhal It in the mart •Ir t nent and anoforta-
Lie style, and employed pleat assistants and attentis.
eud felthfol servents. end that he cou ntry, "pare no exertion
maite It equal to any house In the
The sell known eentno location of the House, and sun
... Meow of its arrannements. rendering it the mostdestrw
We either to trerelere or permanent boardoraludnees Mtn
to olebl and hop fur It • liberal sham of patronare:
apltltl C. W. IIeNNXTT
LARD -23 kegs No. I Leaf, for tale by
mgt MIXT. MATHIEU'S a 00
I) lEL
FRUIT-15U bu. Apples;
sou Fre for se/. by
my 7 MATTHE ee.
ft ii.7E— 10 tierce's (fresh) fur sale by
110111000, I.I'I7LX A Cu..
my. 256 Liberty street
- - -
rvEA--541 hf. chests Y. 11., Imp., and Black
toTtas, far le hr -
tort ROBISON. urrnx a CO.
AY RAKES-40 doz. for sale bt
HAY FORKS--50 dos. for sale low by
Cl my 7 M. F. VON BONNIIORST a f)0.
BR°( for sa l e
~: ,0,n,„,... co
11000WDER-1.000 lbs. Blasting;
:Or kegs 11111.1 rtart med . , for mar by
2- sor:l_ J. IL DILWORTH A. 00.
..l" AFETY FUSE--Ii bbls. in store;
O no 7 20 ... to Anita.; for sale sr
n URLAPS- A superior article 40 inch,. for
1- , uov hr m 77 MURPHY A LEK:
1.400 WOOL BAGS' ready matle,:,for
No b, my. 31URPHY A LEH;
ItEER SKINS-3 bales for sale by
ly ttlyt 0110 Y. MATTIIRWA C CO.
PIG LEAD-490 pigs Soft Galeiii, for sale
I. ) m,7 kiln, MATTIIRMS A CCs.
DIG METAL-465 tons for sale by
1 my,' RIMY.
I ‘BA T "ERS—'sc r I ' l eK l fbrs l"
mt . tUE...,,aws.,o. _
gODA ASII-60 casks (put) foraale
.. _
POTATOES -100 bu. (Galena) to arrive,
Mr polo by my 7 A. CULBERTSON A l'O.
pYE 'WHISKEY-37 bbls. (pur4 , l for sale
by mr) A. CULDERTSO ' a co.
10 AILS-300 kegs ass'd, fur sa4y
II my) A. CULBERT. '
Fl %ark. °terror.
2 boleti Derr. feklem
3u loirk, Dritd Pc.a"
....!,,,_:_ ti c.... , Rarow Jon rrc'd mrd for %a • by
1 kRIED PEACHES-29 bbls. on consign
.", mea end for We bl
12Aleill DICKiY !Mt
DRIED FRUIT-400 bu. Peach i "-- 7
to -
j at i at sn itaby
. 3_ 71
MUTTON lIAMS-2000 S. C. for sale by
mr7 J. B. C., for
SUNDRIES - 2 tierces grease;
2 bbls do.
2 do dry Seldere
ap3o _ Ail BIC xi it co.
~.k.. aata: B ;
2 do. ra4PG
N o v huutiug Itato Fort PM for ePr
SUNDR W IE b S--- m.
1500 lb. Deer lhar.
DM dot. Corn Brooms;
bbla. tllckutf Nutc oo eon,— mt, for
ode low to cloar, by J. D. 11 - 111.1 is Co.
y 6 _ corner Wood aod nta.
A. d Kum t Co. ham foi hand a was In stock of
one haconata oud Cambzic, aand
.1 &VOW
_bOes now landing I.(
Fort Ilt4lhr sok Orr ISAIAH DICK
Bennett's Ncroachrtanatio Depositary,
emth l.— Cemetes7 of &a ut." Now;PaintiaTheludon dOathNam."
e gety2
111.E0. E. ARNOLD & CO. have this day an
‘a treated with them JOHN D. SCULLI, Tbe.t7Se
the arm will be as hentalbro.
Pitteburgb. Mai Ist 1911. tmy2
ti.EORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers:
‘ja Dealer. Lu Bulk Nato, to, No. 74
Fourth arret, aext door to the dank of Pitaborga flol-
Itotkint carefoLly arta:dud to. tad tho armada ormltlal to
any part of ch.-001m
Geo. B. Eichinium. Civil Engineer,
WILL ATTEND, in any part of the coon
-07, tO the corny. I mut constroction of
hotilmoe..ll.Mdenized and Plank Bridge., L....
Dams, an, Or canal or elactrater furl ,ani will prof
toffs pleon eprinotione, and concludes of cost of any of
the above wort.
Ile will ale. attend to the diendon of land, sod Wing
out ton. plats
_o drawings of models for Potent Of
t ll . flice Bake well', firrigZ, Grant sty nom the Cont.
Refererwgg—Won. A. W. Loom* Thos. itakaggell, Em.,
Craig. Erg, Wm. Eithbacmg.
Law Notice.
7rEIE_ appointment of WM. B. McCLURE
PoWdeUtt Judge of the FEW Juilitial Markt of
Petunyleunis. hum diuoired the Wig wind... 4 P.t.t..tta
Wig of 31ceANDLIMS WeLUBle. The unlinteneu
nu m will be ettendettlla by Mr. McCandless.
WM. B. MceLUE.E.
My °aka In reMOVed to toy Dwelling Hone. No. 99 Penn
'"w m i 'y ' retY thy
00000 r
Watches !
UST returned from the Emit, and now
u opening the largest and finest morn:lto:dot Watcher,
dewelri. 00.,
mos ever brought to the city. The Watches are
from the t reputable manufactorters of London, Liver
pool, Paris, and Genoese end warranted- wO.I (sad rvma
superior) to any hitherto offered in Ude touket
Chronometer Lever Watches, AneOenerra Watcher of the
late tomato. dispensing with key. altogether nod • fall
polo.,ant Az i artuz . lehta , and r..e . agugA
asrepremnted, t
guaranteed reprevewarrantedand warren aft to time and
quality. W. W. WILSON,
mys • earner Market and Fourths..
Omnibus for Bale.
plete miming order, for rale by tIEO. A REMORA
corner of Fourth and Smithfield sta. If not sold et private
Weale, It will
M al a y ld at Davis' Auction Room. on Saturdef,
FLOUIt T -240 Gbh. Extra and S. F. far s
MEDIA PPLES-320 Backs for gale by
nivel L. g. WATEIMAIi a SON&
I 2 UTTER-1u boxes. (fresh) reed daily by
JP my 7 ; J. B. CANFIELD.
pEARLS—W bbla. for Bale by
1_ my; J. D. CANFIELD.
INSEED OIL-20 bble. for Bale by
m 7 J. B. (UNMET,.
( 1 ! AL ER T U 8-100 bxs. and 10 bbla pure,
17 far de by my 7 J. B. CANYIELI).
(111 EESE-100 boxes for sale bj
my 7 J. B. CANFOLD,
Office for Foreign Patents,
V 0. 5 Wall or., N. York. and 111617ert st., London.
In Grout En.nn. ?Yam, B..l4yrunt, Moriand, and all
.p.nrepitttl of Eurogn—the crown, Cubs, sad the pr.-
t ~ l Full lent...ion on the store can be but by . eddronurlng
6 Wall j e . PI N R ew Port.
Alexander Bradley,
No. •19 Irpod sired, between Fire and Second .tr.
ANVFACTURER of every description
J,T.R. of tpOKING STOBES, af the mcat spbtorred 1 , 1“-
terns, and much as render the bast sailefaction.
AIso—PJULLOB aTOVEP. am whirls trill be found
Jewell• ifnot's nielnated bolding ens
door Path= Storer. theft
dtherc Bautista= ErAtlkthl ROTC. plain nod Amer
to .I=o .. Invite the attention of butidern Tea !Settler,
Moth= Worse Wagon Botha, a. to ail of ninth ire barite
We attention of dealers before puralfanng elaenbere.
Hamburg Polka.
111 KLEBER, No. 101 Third street, hue just
• received
01,.ttl,,,I,liaxploc.,!pg Po u t= of the most popular and Mat ,
Tazewell, Old 6ortage - , written mei eon:wooed by P. C.
Torrey, and dolleated to Dn. lbszry trooge,of Pittebtroch.
l'Atire'lliolrblirdlrlTZtrta.,.. roster.
T The Motmtain Daley; by Unit,
My Mary Dear. Anna by the AlieThvhtazdi
Street Home, ea sums by Jenny Lind. with new nevem.
Fly Swift. ye TeLbfre.
By Me had See waves, as rung bl Jetml Lima—one of
her roc. beentiftil maga
Farewell. if ever Amainprayer.
And an !armoire *election new Waltzes, Polka.. Tar
maim., Preceptors, Pe
Mother-In-law, or the Isle of 8010 • tale by Emma
t. 10. reithwortli.
The Dante. Wife, by T S. Arthur.
Nethaillo iisawairc r e No. t.
liortieulturtm for hey
HOLMES' Literar tulrlr y Depot.
Third Oreet, opywite the rod Olds.
th f .
BgousyY o Moc;iay ' : ' d . cy, No. IN.
Field Book of the Revolution. No. 13.
Nell Gwyn., or the Court of the Stewarti
loten7onal Magaylne. be May.
RIM rta In the Rork by Shown..
The C plot* Stowe,. tiardenter.
Tbe Ronnie. Fruit thud...
Nay Labor and the Undoes P.
erto of the People, by Roar. Sun
The Ilsytoty owl Adventures of Pen UN.. br the author
of ''Lauele d.'
• 1111=r ateldm Aunts
Time: the avenge l r by Mn. Man).
The Conerborloyer • new noel bY O. R R. ennYo.
Third Ward School lots at Auction.
clock, will be mid. Do the area...—
Q. o' eery eel:table Building st. theurn:Perot
twamood etre. wad Cherry alley, haring nth a front of
te. ea Dianamd !In., extending tack 100 teat, with 1U
hat p•CU CO atty..
T • Onwhalf that. mad. to owe with
and mortgage °a the premier.
By • zof the twhool Direct..
re, P. 14. DAVIE, Awl.
burgh sad vicinity will bold It. Anna. meeting on
Tur y, (May 610 P at 3 o'clock. P. it., In the Loma.
• of the rind Prrebyttatha Cburch. Pat.nbent end
• Metall, to the cense are mar.. to attotal.
Y J., Pee-Pro Tent.
nu tip •c
'hotter, of tho Ohio Trap Rock Inning Company trill
Wot the ofilec of said tympany in tbe Cllf of Pill.
, uu Monday. ]meat2 o'clock. P. 11.
IRE MICK-63,000 (Cool Grove) Fire
Wick. 11,1•1 of not outwit:e to lb.
ad and fur W.
v 0
r ELSII FLANNELS.—We have nicely
ed ao mddittoaal nipply of above gwis, Oa denim.
a arrow. of their anahrlokable guality,) and of va.
j ot draw's; Lart.Oaags and 3113 Warp Flats
do: and a_ ful l
_ rasstrWarot of Dogma=
YL4IIO-4 101.1 lb kegs Manilla;
3 wail i . s errata. (onto.(onto.of good goallte, to ar.
f i ' fr . Wm01b . • 6 7,, 1
I.l7AlAst DICKEY A 1.3.1
3,0 Water wad Front sts.
DIA RUBBER TOYS—Just received a
th .r . ...rtalgatilzali, Rub!+er ri r 8, • beautiful ar
.. 1 IVI PZILIPS, Italia Abber Depot.,
7 sagl V Waal Mt.
XPRESS Packet and Railroad Line for
Las of assdh by. &Mona fro.
bbarah 11.recr, in COULlfetiOa with we elegantly du
lated IRapreso radket. of elszkr. Pasta it Co. tram Beam
to of
burghendd ra. Putwognd Card of the
clarebatui Lo Pi tt Railroad Co to e1.:T.4.1d.
Summers Gave their landing Mesita
House, at V o'clock, A. M.. rooms rig wit the Packets at
Hoover, w will leave Immediately on the myiral of the
quaver, arriving at Ravenna In time for the Expremirsin
Care for Cleeehout Paseeriffili by this hoe arrive at
Cleveland In time to take the Railroad Line of Bummer.
BUFFALO and DETROIT, and the steamers for Chid
kilimmikie. Toledo, Sandusky City, Dunkirk and Erie
ao Dr evening MA of OM dm Columbus, Kent& and
Oval:marl. CLARKS. PARKS i CO.. ProPriehme,
. •
ODRA Rater At. Chula. Hotel;
1121 re under Nn .Lei. /lat.:dr;
earned of etrahtleld wd Wake knots,
MAE 1851. 1.7
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD - 00,....C0mr.L0rr, C.
Ills well known Line is now prepared to
trenorort I freight mod swerve" from PITTSBURGH
CIAVELAND. to .or point or the Canal mid Lake.—
The focilires of the Lire ore unnurposoel in numbee.epool
., erd rsP•ritY of Root , erperience of C.F.1.% mot d
reary of Agerito.
Coe Boat leave. Pittobargh and Cleveloaddaily,rooring
Ito toe:meal= with •TAte of oteamboato Women -
lpn caller
and BEA VER. sod Lae of Bra elms otemotmeto
and 'reels) on the lake n.
Parks a Co.. lonsignown, 04
3.1. IL Taylor, K arreu,O.;
A. a. N. Clark, Newton Pails, 04
C. Prent sa s ,RaverineL Os
Brayton Co" Rarestok O.;
Kent. Gunnel Co, Franklith_Os
U. A. Lee s s
Wheeler. Lee; Co., Akron, 04
Henderson a Pettibone, Sandusky City. O.;
Peckham It Scott, Tolado s
U. Williams A Co, Detroit, Mlebbram
teousrman t Co., Milosukie, Wl ss
Oen A. Gibbs Chicago, Ills
Thomentlale o Chkago e lll.
ani ear. Wats .' r A SMIth A fte UG Id lin' Pl A g u btegh.
Brandies, Wines, &c.
ItAVING completed arrangements with
Homes In Bordeaux and other Europe. att. for
eention of my orders, I tun thus enabled to offer to
Dealen, je •.10.11 advance over Import.. co. BRAN
DIE.% WINES, and LIQUORS, of the finest deacription.
from ender meow Mr. I.k, ffdesired.
Attention L. Invited tom) Ilel, m below:
110 packages Cognac, Bordeaux, and Rochelle Brandies, In
}4, and 3i 111:2elo and dark.
76 iiboit and Makit e. MAL =limo. Sheltie. One
triedlue. a W.
al Or. nuke Maier. or every rnda
125 " Port Wines. Part werY old nod =Peg. ,
300 Matteis Sparkling Mummer., well known brand.
500 boxes Claret Wines. venom brands and vioUnes.
100 MOOS Sauterne
a me nd Claret
.5 make Sauterne and Claret mine.
15 'pipe. Old Bollard and &Implant Oln.
10 puncheons Old Sad. and 141. Whisks)
4 superior Old tamales ßue.
attPeeor London Brown Stout and Scot. Ale.
neb 111.10,211 rrllpply of Imported Idgmm, tia
Abrynthe, Maraschino, Charactm, Anisette, Cher/ Br.
A Irmo stock of lid rexe SWABS always on km..
All le which I will offer en 'err favorable tame.
Orders will be eaueuted with dematen. and .hipped id
at leweat rate. A. IL Were .1..
Importer and Dealer. 30 Wahaut Arm.
dethet3pl Phlbutelpid.
S '.1moo:
eft ..1:No. 3 Ilackoml:
as Ltd° do/ do
10 do No. 1 trimmed w
Oludioo lisad
lo `
tone Forge and Foundry,
I icor ate by
aw."'" JOHN WA to co.
an ISOST—For obl• by J. DI WILLIAMS M..
owner Irocd and TM Oa
Allls--2.5•000 Sawed 'Laths, best quali
uoinsot•Lurrts • 00-.
tnl3 No.. ZS Liberti
FLOUR -100 hbls. extra Family;
ice - Pu,rifiros for mien.
mrs RoßLaur., LITTLE& Co._
BIICKMIS-50 doz. rtincC, on consignment
mat Mr mi. Sr - ROBIt‘ON,. . LITTLE A 0.1 . ,
m 75 I No. 25 Liberty ..
Wanteif -
SOBER, industrious Mechanic, who can
turn an kinds of Rolls. sn.A roll part of.lals time at
s y3:lot. Rolls. For Pled<Wee. le
ttitI.BAGALM e Ls,
—2.2 °— FARMS, worth over $8,500,
mid 4,400 LOTS. to be &granted mum=
tinbetibers.—To supplif the demand for
Lots avid Warms et Ilermanonll.6 I hare laid out
smother tract, adloinlog the Lund bdsaLßallroa4
1.4 abeady sold at Ifermannville, to be 'Of the raitie eire.
said disposel of amt divided .moon the purchaner• in the
those twoently sold there.
_ I hare beeninduced to do this from tlin Mat number
of pianos wishing to purchase these Lots and Farms. as
the improrements In that part =ike Island are constantb
riereasing, mid large numbers Of persons hare now be.
' come interested In duo. lamb. This so
tract Is Dv
o'4l 11.Pect equal to the other, luld at the tete they
ea now ming taken they will all be eall in a few weeks.
About 600 shares are now subscribed.
Eschsubseriber Is entitled to 8 Lots. 23 by 100 Met. lrani
logther. or a PARM of from 4 to W bare. • The share see
limital et Ito.—payable, 16 when .0 ltd Mr, RS on or
Lek. the day of distribution, soi the balance in monad)*
Instalments of 111. If desires!, a Warrantee Deed will be
made out Immedhdely alter the bution.kod (tabard
Raab' after Paying the balan
The Lots are situated Is the Vlllare of HER-NUNN
VILLE, on the Long Island Rallead,County of Suffolk.
sod 60 pities front the Mitf of. :Pre lfork, and adjoins Lakes
lead, elms sew village reveulli laid out, when hand
souse bulldinmi are erected. 1
• It if one of the healthiest plan/ intim United SW., and
within one mile of Ronkonkoma Lake, a binuatifial sheet
of water. about three miles inarcumbrenoe, of singular
t tislrlr .. ,
_e_WlLLet 4 il 'f bf.7l ` ta b *diVl'tt ',l.ll, l .,"' K rea' . 1
Sono Day. • eli is I_ , re milesf wide and 40 miles ton/.
cossupplied with of Mora, claista and Rah of vat/.
cos kinds. I
Them lamb will produce as muchper acre, with the
same eulttration, as .r land within filly miles of the city
_ o
weed w ithin
"Loth' .tarnWutvr.—At th 4 theuil bootleg of the
New York Agrivilltural Bide hell at Albany, ott the
=it Instant, for, awarding premium+ on 1001 4 Crum we
Ind &Mak Minty Mande broom' best—no slight honer—
In solidus wheat. Mr. Samne2l,.Thompsth, Petauket.
calved the second premium 01_215. fur Winter Wheat. 43
bushels one peck to the sere. Mr. ThompeOree wheat lade
• satiety tchlth hen bees raised bet • few yearn on the Ts.
laud. end the yield previa It adapted to the soil.
T o ht . nriett,o.!,._7e iee h of
eig ' gt ntrerlYthe this bud (Ilermar -1
212 . ttg. ' T ' h t rlferir is= Q Z:l th tl e s e b t=l ie liffri af,
end woe sold for ;ad wheat at $0 per ' bushel , and
Thoutpoth received for the praline, ors little too. thou.
lbee.. over 8400.
Tha~hove been ratted during the past seaon.ithe vein
beet of Corn. and Pow.. 1502,thhel per acre. Rag FloSilet
and • variety of garden vegetables on land 0000 U. Long
Wand Railroad. at Lake Road, nr Lakeland. where a I'm
Witco ham been ettablished , for which premiums at th e
Suffolk [bona Agricultural Flair. held Sept. geth, 18.50.
were erect. Alto peas. buses. onion.% Putthkitt.
beet. and tomato..
The DdLowing from the New York Farmer and Me
chanic of November 7t13,12.50, a n d
written by Mr. SW,
the editor. who visited the lands. The what , . M.S." ,
sod crops, referred to in the snide, were raised at Lute
lamt, near llermannville station: -
- 11 a, Ina • few hours' leithrel duri
.04 ng:le pan week.. ,
rr y fet euuTe. r y t , he abo l' ut%4 l Miles from to
' York,
which we dad to be onside of very euctoashil ..rpTalta
bie cultivation Although late in the,
cod woo ed
under some ditairautage, we Isere surprised It the nttall
ty end abundance of the crops which had been Itothe.ti
Dona • portion of the land. a. e rho the oinks rrope,
arel ormthelly enunion.g. , Wheat, whieli heti been
n.e but two or the weeks, presented a healthful armor
mew, wh ile turnip+ , bee.. and other vegetables not yet
satherol f3r winter use would compare theautogetholT
with the teed In the New York:Market. Po.teea aloetdr
to the wllar were very fine, without • vestige of disease,
end awn mateltog in the told t hant eurp.sed by much
we saw (.10 1.111.6 5.1Y13.1 at rethethe hood./ dollars
per acre. Ireletd, the vegembleo which reverted the pre.
ovum at the Suffolk counts Fair, were rained frees a per
tion of this ground wench /ad not beenerstvhd
months. Altogether we we. very Worth' impremed
thth our twit to th eta lands. now so faccral, lettered to..
e public. et prior which maw" fe ll to double lu• few I
yews, sad we would Invite the attentio n of :hi. who die
slre • cheap and eligible three. to this location.
Ilermannville Mama is Incited ma the. Vi es bof the
boos Island Rallroad.whence khre re
torren a day
Drooklyn sod New lurk. ! The surface of the land is
smooth and level arid the s urrounding country perfect,
ly healthy. and within • fest roil. of this place. highlY
cultivated and valusble, 6.h:op-been ecteled for more than
• hundred and dsty years. end where Mehl. lonia cello
from WM m W-LO per Derr. .
The Linde are as gond . repr.c. Med. and tut Food as any
new land on the Islam/. and when eultirthed. pnsluve
in the highest degree.
The land was once heavily ;timbered: some portions are
now covered with a thirty -growth of young wood,
Warand pine. Woad le plenty, end generally dump be
that part of thilelend. Fire/wool that which.
suitable to be cut into cordwood; for the Neer York mar.
Let. le of uniform price, and dl.aa for agreed many yeere
bone alweys thuslderod • cash article on the Island.
There is material on the land for common fenelnir—good
cheehrun rails can be had wlthio • few rail. of these lands
to aburelastee. All building materials am be had at the
&wail of Dnoklynthd reeppert, and Mmy
Alplows. m the seethl market, There are nu
morons strewn, of water rising In these nett lands, and
running into th e great Routh Bay. which are rvMarkable
for awl purity; and per. ted—heiteed, dry . t.ther
ma kes we, 10.1 e change In th eta, they are unfailing. and
wells an, of 0.11000 deptbf—prObably. D over thsav new
Linde, in the . muult a verb. 4 a th e D.& the thereon
-tent will to about 23 - Den at lirqsuounlTllle, a. the mound
to blither, they are deeper. Futernbers are not compe ll ed
wh ere oll&
Th the now ch arches and wheels within toner throe
mil. of the villa,: and Within on StilegittLlUS. (adrift
Tigntrrare d h A e l r i tnlrel P tlr , l Pet ,'" rie o orniolk tv ," a ' itv
son being get] y orderlyand reti
e.. people. An otter suctere are penems of tveyee
The land can Be very easily cleared. and the cost of set.
[lenient willdtheod olthwt OthinlY noon the eettler henat
bey out 10 much or us Ilthltit or to do
of thy Moorhens to the p or to the land for mine
mein. and rye
mime labor and IndoatrY whiten make am
ounted and protherom, wettlemente in other paves .of the
country, bestheorel upon these Leda. cannot fell to pre
duce , &aerobia molts
The cluertc te In everyparticular healthy and plethent
—the roads are good, andalways sumnble at ell , sessom
of the year—the Moto, shirt mud rompared to
the wintere an the eon., to the ot he
them is seldom almkbing mare t
than two or throe weelthon
the Island.
Whatremartable. a crop is .anon hound bydrangtil
—there Is no ram of the country where there to eo UrtL
men, from draught as cm Lou: Island: nor in then any
lathery trim wet—there is no wet or cold land on the
Wand. All the laud along the soarkin of the l ining
rte be made highly valuable at • small nth, farthest le
partmach thing m a flood or • 'freshet. es iu the Werth
of the comae,. by w hi c h very :mut damelte h doom
moth an eeent thaw: earrteou oil • bridge, or the brenking
4 "',",llll,="To — Po'hlZ't
aim fowls of every Limy. '
The bind Ls ton being surveyed, and t h e lot, and fume
staked oat. en to designate net, lot th 4 farm el bud
down on the lisp. thereby anion thlsterinmeanin an 7 ea
ten:veer eurnyeth. Tetsuo
Lb. :eaves of the
es:lnaba chance for a homestead or farm Wend Store, most
applY mon.
.to euemeinmoce tf the knot number of -letters horn
• Itt ' le Ite 'e tt Z o nt= l = g eti= th tit ' c ' urintet
t,ttiVY ru ipiA l; y : - . ,o 2 .,Statkultr.l ter. aml g John cL.m.r
thereiore by' return ol mail. Ile .111 aho granaltmult illy
maps and pampbletsuf the Propene: and awfully
give such other information as may be desired.
CIiARLES trOOD, 117 John street, NY.
I .1. deals that haw [OO FAUMEM ,
weet,of my %lathe to
which I will sell in 6 acre tote
tellp.m:tantrum Sin to SAO per acre. Theft lends the
gni:seed for fanning and Yawing p.p..... .7..7
mepech and having the nivautaxe mat Prianniala of ...-
mad, when clearNsod euluvateal, they will be equal to
tht land on the island, and equal to th at 'Web s ' in the
'lnuit, of all the old villages and peellements Of
Mod min for 130 to SAM per acre.
tottlre7re N:i n .. na ' a2rJ;e z Alt e,. j.i d a l " b i.=
Institute, homes dai Braden, N C :anon,
,Fuitoa It D 1 Bream thu. Mlle of the , American
Aanculturlst, lb; tithed, NY:Ur M Peek, kief State
4 Brooklfu, ul 11
i t Crre ' ; ' , ' .ol Al if j" 4f7,71 1 ,... JA:71 0 1!•111
t ha t:gran= Co;07 et, Y: onliams. rat &than
of the Morning Star, MAIM at, corner B
erman,n st. N 1: 1./
Holman. Stationer, Lorton, Naas Liberty Clines; In
Boardman Building,Troy. N Y; Thew Klestnan andel. 11.
, L et . t e t ,' '''. ltl " . l74• C' t, t ..k 4 . .1 1 ' zt.De tre
1.• C do Ludlow et.N V ' m Pal j aMr . rh i S/nii•
and Denton
Gepresua. LAND OFFICE, April 4, 18.51.
been mate to this office for information lurefitiou
meaner In which Land %currants. under th e act of
29th of deptenther, IMO,thould be healed, the following
Men thereto hare 1 , 045 tl.parvd. so sit , •
Mere are three modeslby which thew, locations may be
Made ,
let By the %Ferrante, In pruner.
dit. By the Warren. , egencl of this Mace.
31. By an Agent or Attorney
If the Brst or ereomi! mode k .1”p1.r..1. the application
must he mule in writing. TerifyieK the tree; laud district
re weir m of cop Ear, iv; Whieh the itration in dmired. and
be uwommaded ho en Bildern according to the follow'nt
fo rm , No. 1.
Where thr third model is edopted. a Power of AttorMY
most be produced, execOred by the warrantee In the pr.-
ems of a whores, according to the following form No. ,
re Bich power of Another W. be acknowledged, or moved
g s th e are may ha, before Kam °three authorized to take
the acknowledgment of dm!, wording to form N 0.3 or 4.
In all ca.sra,the Patents will be transmitted to the 1.13,1
suer where the locatiott I , made, unless special dire boos
to the moirml be dlr. , isFrratriza.p,
F 411 No. I
Burs or
Conan or
Before me (*Jostler Of the Peace or other officer miithor
teed to take aMdavitel penoually appeared [here insert the
mun ] whe of warrantee, /wing duly .wore, deposes and
says, that he is the identical [here itvest hams of warran
tee.] to whom warrant No.—. for —amestutider the
Act of September. 111 4 was issued do the day , of
ito—, .od who thew applies to locate the al..
- [Allisers stgostara.]
Sworn to mad subserihed before me this—day Of
[Mores eleven:dell
Fonn No. 2-
Kauw all men by tlielie presents, that 1, thew hewn the
one of warhwitee,i of, the Count of -. and Maw of
-, do hereby conetltute arid elPoint --• of
fir LaV er u l
t ' r 'L. ti. rr me and m fof
land. which hewed ituder the Art of September, Iht/O.
(Power of Substitution may be Weeded if decimal.)
Sighed in presence of 1 •
(Warrantee's eh:nature.)
Fimm No. 3.
Cousre or
On this Say of.---. intl. T.AT --. • rr5°,... 11 7
npeared ilirre inserti name of vraTrAnll , ... .
na 97e2
- 71 - oe,
• - ---- Wirb::lll;a7. 7 ° th i
, IL , diii;ViiiirriC;.r, ,, ,c,,,'„.; . ,„ ~ there ...1,, ,
~u a I certlft, tit 3. 1 w '" ti, b e is ho Ike
Oh .
G ame
of vornote.4.l , 94.
7 , 7
Ls detieribol to the . .ammo nro
im,,,, .
Foam No 4
BTa.Tlt Or
Comm or .}
I hereby oretlfy, Clod on Ibis dap of
,—, In the
eep—, ronally came before tne limo, nsertthe name
Of witnesa. an d [here Inter% the nem. a ..rrentec., ] end
the sakl [ ere lancet' the name of witness.) being well
~,0 „ : , ~. me. 'no duly nworn br me. and on tag oath
declared and said tbwehe well knew the said [bete lowert
the nune of wereextme,i and that he was the soma person
duceibed Ito and wile executed the within Parer of Alt
!: - r e o b eL, fi td , LI , I: i . & . stlatn,rw , te=s u ttle=eeidence
tre] thereupon ackovelZd Mu odd Power to be w itla mi.
and deed.
apinottamew 1 [Officer', aignatUre.]
COTTON -5 bales on Steamer Geneva;
Id do do Fort Pitt; to or.
rive Did for de by ISAIAH DICKEY CO,
way Wider mid Front M.
CANDLES -100 boxes Sumner Dipped;
lb Etall for wale br
ap?..! 110/11.10N,LCCTLE It CO.
I lbs
MEDICINAL BRANDY-2 casks for sale
by .y 26 J. KIDD d
TAIL -20 bbls. NT. C., for sale by
TANNERS' 014-15 bait. by
ap2.4 JOHN WATT t CO.
URLAPS-5 lbaleg, 40 inch. rec'd and for
m. br . MURPIST a 00.
1,3 acts far de b
flew_.and old Hessian Woo
, spZ MURPHY t CO.
GERMAN PlUS—Received and fee sale
an% WM. A. an and TabIIcCLURG
1 Om Desks,.
OR-200 lbs for sale by
%A nets
Eq. AYRRPT) 01L-40 bbhe. prime, from
U 00001.4000.ty. i 5101,7
nUTTER,-6 bbl*. Fresh. for sale by
FRIIIT-230 bu. Dried Peaches; '
sp.= " "J. i i ttirtifiTtl 410.
CORN -500 be.. Shelled, for sale by
Q TEER'S OPODELDOC —6gron_i!uperior,
a - ! aala by S. N. WICKESSLM
.4 , 29 gamer Wm!! sad $.1.11h amts.
nRI E D PEACHES-300 bu. for sale by
•ap.ll SAMUEL P. SWUM.
WHITE WAXY-1 ease sup., for sale by
(101 M-25 bbh. for saleb
AKES-60 dos. Hay Rakes, for sale Ve
1.1 LASS-4(14) boxes Window. amid, for sale
Urn by ..1721 .8. 7. TON BONNUOICSS a
SUNDRIES-7 Laa . ke etre;
KO bit W. Glass, bkgeonsa net.
b.earrs Mud: .
lao bv. poysdyir!esad Ike ask by
ea wsur stawt
I.IIJOAR-59 anda prime N. O. for sale by
17 •c 7.1 7//.9. MIZELL, 611 Water st.
Mo . vesEs-213 for gale by
ONEY-14 ferkins (fresh) for sale by
RIED PEACHES--50 lacks for sale
PPLES-7 Dried Ap_plerfor sale by
'ls. oz. KY . H. JOEINSTON.
RIED •APPLES--300 bu. for sae by
DRY WiIITLNG-50 bbl& for sale by .
," nut O. ban Jail nesived pee express throe <1•11
bne Jrxecttx sad Cambric. ay]:
40C11A COFFER—For sale by
son WM. A. McCIAIRO • (o.o3roons.
fgtANGES—HaIf boxes, very apperior, and
entve,nl.ent 'dud i kY 6 .Ubtibb . 1 . by
IHROME YELLOW-4 cases.__and f o
sale bi ap3 E. mums.
- di:SLOTlTeix — tc'on, berot, closes, f inis
"iiri:""m7 =Mir'
rrOBACCO-25 kegs °edge 6 twist for &Ile
10F7FEE-150 bags prime Rio, fot 7 eiile by
Ss A. Al &Woo esses of sow stiles Um. receiving
• ' so=
UACON HAMS-14 enks on DIMLYr sale
sr 5p354 136188 CO
- -
' , EED SWEET POTATOES-7 bble on
nuo: fa de 14 ay% MAUR DICKEY fCO
I A W LTPETRE-60 bags.cde
D on S han EY /1 d;
CO fur
e ap3S ruIC
OLL BRIMSTONE-12 bbla on hand;
be le Ll ap26 lEJJAII DICKEY 4CO
L INSEED OIL-20 bbla for sale by
ap26 2.0. tO Woe:de:met
TERSE DE SIENNE-100 lbs for sale by
Aga.) J. KIDD t CO.
DHESIVE CLOTH-50 yards 'superior
quality Syr do by LAI J. KIDD CO.
- -
by bp2 ' B. A.. FAXATATOC •
OAP-114 boxes No. 1 redd. for sale 14
I N : * Pi .-A. . Agog &
I Co. igiTO 'art prod per expreOr-10017ox. of the
to..t hooch : sr=
UTTER—gO creeks and jars, fOS sale by
nail J. D. WILLIAM t CO.
CLOTHES PINS-31 boxes for sole by
spl4 D. WILLIAMS A Cu.
I BACCO-8 kegs No. 1 Twist, (}edge's
prr Rubins*. and Yr Yak by
pl 2. JAS. DAGERI.I4 68 Mau S.
riIANNERS' OIL-15 bbl} (to arrive ) for
Rae bi sol 2 J. KIDD i CO.
_lto arrive
for sale br $ J. KIDD ,t 00.
URNT SENNA-600 lbe. (to arrive) for
sale by at.l2 J. ) IDD CO.
EXT. LOGIVOOD--0: 1 0016s. (to arrive) for
mi. by &OR J. KIDD &Co.
SSE.;IIC- 7 8 kegs Pow'cl. for sale by
T AR lc. ROSIN-25 bbla. N. C. Tar,
sio23 .7AKES A. lIRITOMBON 1-CO.
FOR SALSA good second hand Ihrotax's
NC/oos. Elwin of J.IFJOD if OD.,
spl7 aPood
Norris' Celelzated Teas.
raBEST EV P . R . SLltfrall, in the Dia
t, 2J dear from alks7.' • ,
Excellent family T 60a kt,l 6 .
- The liner kinds--,....----- , -- Me.
...,---. "
b*d"--- offirack Tea that Mer mil In
Precisely the same kinds
the Old ikescary at a mad is. V li.. and soli
_mid deny at
this estalalabascut al 60 dad Mc II S. Them Ueda at
Tom cannot be otealned at wry other stare helittabsulta.
QOAP-30 boxes Rowlens & Co.'alraproved
S extra Steam OUn baa • for sal* •
4• ` '
a .14
SdiblON--30 bids. and hf. bbls. No. 1, for
by JO= WA= A CO.
ERRING-10 Dbl.,. No.l (new) for rale by
SHAD -10 bble. No. 1 (tusw) of Nab by
'plsta 116 'Attest:rest
T)APER HANGINGS—From 6:14 cts. to
jtior sale bT WALTER P. IdAVVal.c.
C 1 SAKE ROOT-400 lbs. (Samoa) for sale
br spIS R. Y.: SELL 67 Wctd
SOAP -110 boxes No. 1 Rosin;
76 " • Windom, an ankiipr
at. sad sale by CUNtiINOWAY,
RAD. VALERIA—N-50 lbs. for sale by
61,11 B. IL (=LEDA, 67 W0c614.
ALABRLA LIQUORICE-1 case for sale
1. , • rr
I red an. .r_ • e
- DENN SREETINGS reduced ? to 8 cents
RAISINS ?10S 100 bxs. B'cli Raiains;
oo " YllOO ale by
• PIL AM E"r er
m 4, Marketleet,
paper, repreaantink Manna, Marble. Oak and banked Orr
adae, suitable fur eadanlaa. Halls. and Mang Monk
ankS •
jur 10 tlera. reed tott fa do by
VANILLA BEANS—Jut received, i very
V naperior IVIL A. 24=7M CO ,
•V:Z. Llterty wt.
2500"§-81T..CureltrPryBfef' just
IWBISON, LITTLE 745 Marty s.
7a BOXES Cincinnati Palm Soap, just re,
, ♦ed and Cc Ws by 1103120N,L1TILY CO,
apZil 2.5 b Llbryty
09 KEUS NAILS, assorted, store
mut for saki by ROBISON, LITTLE
1.14 Liberty ra.
English and Irish Teas.
/HE subscribers hare just read an 3.11T01C0
and will hereafter rep sconstaat sordrof
of Tean the flavor of which is to generally referred
Iv persona from the 7 1:11d Country," and by many others.
SO sad 73 cents te
The house which Ins bent advertiring an exclusive ma
wir of these Tess. cannot. contras to do so with wit
ra of o f
We hare also on hand a bur asaurrisnt of Fresh Teen
of .11 grades and every damnation, which we Wier es.
Doi be excelled in Pittabudeb.
ma. A. wars() & W.,
raM Green units Derr=
ACON-3 casks
dKS inisso coantrl .‘t
on hand And L3r ea* ITT
LIQUORICE ROOT—.SO lba. Pow'd, for
dpale by ne; X.116.LLE39.
R11U8A2.13-;-4 cases Posr'd, for Isola by
(IIL SPRUCE-4 cases for sale by
NJ , •D 7 R. Z. EX,II/13.
GROUND TILIBBIItII3-2 bibs. for sale by
TIIO.RN'S Eitractof Sarsaparilla and Cco
aris,..rangsa sanatao.ror gtr.
• The be Green Tea in Pittabni.
Q,OME New Crop Young Hyson Tea has
met been maven. et Inn.en re. Stnnl in the
Inennend. width lbe •tn°¢W and flavor caes • bead 1.1 any
eebl In bitteburgb. nO2
BOULDERS-9000 pieces in salt, arrived
1,3 and far sale by ELIZDY JONIZ I CO.
IG IRON-35 tons Allegb . n i !o r r ra nt i tl! by
14 1 1S11—Mackerel, Salmon, and Lake Trout,
for ate • by , JOHN WATT tOO.
1 HOT—:100 bags ass'd Nos., for Joao by
• ap7 • •JolL`i WATT *CO.
BACON-11 casks Mums;
a 22 awc,
aoaboulders lAnding iram
Cap , 31 .7, o , l* IILUARDICKCY 004
807 Water sad IV= at.
COTTON -5 bales landing from str. Caps
Mar, for bale by be /BAUR DICKEYc().
7. } EATRERS-17 sacks landing from au.
Caps May, Ihr We or
001%0D-100 bbls. Chivpd, fur sale by
spat J. BCIIOOIMAIn 100. ,
ACON-25 casks prime Shoulders; • ~
s t•id lor ma; b;.
.adL. 8iewAnTE1LMt.„.4.7662411,480X11:...
PPARIS GREEN-30 cue assorted for sale
by syl6 J. 6C11002011X12 A CO.
D .1 , 1 bb ., ll7. ,x lp:u b.ty re,
firiKENTON CRACKYRS—A new ;aside
IA Mb dn, also, Banos SUL-Wind DyconsUßFAa,
sdr, meshed and In sals Ly
sacke w!'l luie oi t