UN= .• : mat Before thiNonerable .• ge . „ , • COUNTERFEIT NO CASE. "• • • The trial of the ease of • e United States vs. • Jackman Coniston and n.... H. Scott, was re au nted - this morning. • Joints Newell sworn,-1 - 'de in Perrysville. Two men came to my pa . .• home on the 21st of Janua ry- One of them .ed himself Canis. ton, the•other . Scott. Th • drank BOW liquor, and Corriston threw down counterfeit half dol lar, 'bleb I refused to ink . Scott paid for it. - - - They then went out, and . e man who called himself Corriston, went int. Mr. Ray's store.— : I -watched them, and afte • malting out, Scott and .Corriston proceeded 'gather till they • • Emma to Mr. Remedy's • into which Carrie. ' to Went. He also went to Mr. MCAleer's tavern. After coming out of Mr. Kennedy's store,lhat gentleman folio :..and caught him, • 1' upon which he 'resisted, and I want to Mr: Ws • sasistence. AfterCorriSton lime out, he hand . .d something to Scott after the arra; went dawn the road,' around the bend in IC-- Boon eerie back inabout &teen minute' after • - ho went down the road. I did not see thetuoney found.. . • Cross examined—l had an impression thit . . - Carriston was the person who passed s counter feit an me once before. - Wm. Ray sworn—l reside in Perrysville.— Jackson Eton came into my store on the morning of the '2lst of dantuery. We asked for *plug of tobaceo,, and threw down half a dollar In payment. I told him it was counterfeit, and las left the store. Martha hindlieer sworn—Evidence corrobora tive. Hugh 3 lcAneer, eworn-L-This witness testified that Bast! and Coniston were walking together when the latter was arrested. Scott th en went the tans of the road, and came beck. Suspl• clam having been exalted, a number of as went darn the road, to search it. In searching along thatence, I eaw a half dollar lying in the back ...idlest Mailable, and observed that the Leaves at 'the Item had been recently attreßoxl_trk. thtm and found reveralpackagesof what / to be money : Ooe was open; and . '.ifourtud.f-dollars Tare lymg near iL , Ilayetfleming testified to having received, on •- the tid or . 23d of January, the packages in question. They contained counterfeit half dol- Makneer. sworn-1 was atPerrysville, tin • the afternoon of 'the 22nd of January at about three o'clock saw Scott the prisoner, and moth, er person riding along. They:went to Mr. Weiss' tavern. Thomas H. Scott then left the other man and came up the old road. die walk ed and ran, and then looked around Then• be Walked on again, and got inside the fence (where the money was found) he scratched among the -leaves, and turned them over. He got outside the fence and again scratched; After this he nturned to the tavern. Sarah Leech sworn—Lire at the house of Mr. -Thomas.. On the afternoon of the 1,./.nd of Jan - nary, ,two men came to our home on horse . beak.. 'One came in and took a drink, while the other walked tip street He came back, and the IDao.who had stopped at the hone, went up, and Wax! hint ""if be had got it; 'He shook his chiati, and laid twice that he. did not gen t.. .They_then got their horses and went away. John Snee, a police officer a-Allegheny, tes tified to having arrested Scott and Corrigan on the evening of the 22nd - of January. They came there to get their horses, which they said bad thrown them on the Perrysville plank road. siked Hoott what he was doing between the - old road and the 'plank road, near Perrysville, law spot where he is said to have turned the leaves aver) but be denied having been' there and persisted in-his &nisi. . After hearing several other witnesses, whose testimony was unimportant, the Court adjourned until this morning. DISTRICT COURT. • THURSDAY, May 8. • Before the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie. The tried of the ease of•Thomes Cox va. Thos. Livingoton's . Administrators was resumed, but 'not concluded. • Hopkins vs. Forsyth. No. 554. On motion of !Thomas Williams, Esq., permission granted to enter a motion for another trial, on the grounds 'of newly discovered testimony. 0. Blackburn & Co. vs. Dawson & Co. Ex No. 246, April, 1851. On motion of C. 0. Loomis, ths execution was suspended, a writ of error be ing filed. COURT OP QUARTER 10311810N5. •• TERRUIDAT, May 8. Prevent—Hon. Wm. B. McClure, President Judge," and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge. • • Judge McClure charged the jury in the case of the Commonwealth rt. Roland Parker, and Peter Shoemaker—indictment empire:T._ to pan ociaaterfeit-asone7.- , ---- . • The jury retired, and after an absence of about two hours and a half, came into Court, declaring that their minds were made • up, and that they could not agree. They were thee dia -eharged, at which time they stood six for con- , : victims, and Biz for acquittaL The nett - mme called otp, was that of the I Cimitcawealth ye. 'Thomas Whittaker—indict. • meet hurglary. The defendant is accused of baring - entered the Store* McCann= & Ste ,Vl3ll, on Market street, and stolen a gold watch, carpet bag, &e., ftrom a room in which several yarn men . were .aleeping. The burglary was committed .on the third of March last. The stolen geode were found in his possention, and the jury returned a verdict of guilty -of grand Inc.. • The ,prisongyhen asked what be. had to say before sentenhould be pronounced upon him, declared that if time were given hint, he could •provs where he got the watch. His honor,, Judge McClure, then sentenced him to two yes& imprisonment in the peniten thu7. Hie-honor announced that all the cases 'on the criminal calendar had been Aresprosed of, •nd' thanked the jurymen for their punctual at tendance, and for the ability and proniptitude with which they had despatched the bnamems en trusted to their care. IME2= Tai Cznantr. Contr.—The Court of . Quarter Stab= will meet on Saturday morning at ten o'clock. A.DmiTTED TO BAIL.—A man named Gardiner, united some time since in Allegheney, on a charge of 'passing counterfeit money, waa yes terchry, on motion of J. T. Cochran ,Esq., his cotmsel, admitted to ball in the sum of five hun dred dollars. LirrlLlMlD.—Thoms3 Jackson, who has been . convicted during the present term of the Court of . Qtlarter Beasion9, on several indictments for larcary, was yesterday brought into Court, to recoi!e ids sentence. When asked what he bad • saj before sentence was passed upon him, he declared dud, although his trials had ail been !dr r and he had been found guilty according to law, he really was not guilty. He trusted that their honors, would boas lenient with him, as Judge McClure expressed his regret at seeing a young man who a year or two ago had borne i a good. chazeter, reduced to such a depth of #gnidation by his own bad Conduct. He thought, 'however, that he had been led astray by frequent ing bad compury, and trusted that he would re. Mum. ' In this holm, taking into. consideration that the prisoner was not a hardened criminal, hi would mike his sentence as light as possible. Jacksim was then sentenced to one year's im prisamuent on the first conviction—one on the second,. and one on the last. 1 Nam Bousar.—Robert J. Bennett, a stage driver, was arrested'on Wednesday morning last, in the monntaina„by Messrs. Ottinger and BUD.- prom, special agents' of the Post Office Deprt tnent, on a charge of robbing the United States mail. Be was brought to the city last erenitg, and lodged in jail. Atwarran.,-On motion of Cot S: W. Black, John Armstrong. jr. of Orcensburgh, Westmore land county, waa amitted to practice in the Markt Court of-the Vatted States, on Wednes day. ' Taos Butan.—The Grand Jury in the U. 8. Court, hare returned serend true bills against Joseph. Stanley, late a derk in the Poet Office at Dunoanaritle Franklin county, who is accused of 'abstracting letters from the 'office. ' Vcararren.—A,largenumber of recoguisanoes were forfeited yesterday, in the Court of Quarter samicas. His honor, Judge McClure, expreseed hie determination to acoept nothing but good end 'abets/44 bail, and in case of a forfeiture of say reeognirances, de0:4=143=4 the party who, had eiea bail, should pay the amount for which he had become Becurity. Arrear.—An altercation took place lastweek in Butler "County, near Hillsborough, batiste:olr. John McCune and Richard Hill, a tavern keeper, at the public house of th e latter. •.z.in , st bat ordered Mr. McCune to leave the • place, sad he dot at once complyin' g, the tavern knpu.nred a rile at him, the WI of which en tered his left leg, frecturbegthe bone, end lodg ing in his right itg. Hill Is said to have teen ill liquor at the thee. One of Mr. DrCrte's legs. was amputated on Tuesday, and it is thought thistle will recover. Lescsir.—llayor Guthrie yestertisy wit. tad Sarah Htzdreon, a servant to the "National Hotel, to prisbne On I charge of stealing gold •etch and chain, helot4iug t o • petyam who mu Isomiksthpoirtabllalmat. , - • OHIO AND: PEANBYLNANIA RAILROAD. Penny Over one mile of the Mack of the Ohio and nil road, ban now been laid, near gsys. Tern, eleven miles below Pittabmgh...7- On If= Captain Rays and several members of hie y, got into a car, used to convey the iron altmg theline, in order to take a ride down the railroad., Before they had gone far, several gentlemen got in, making the number altogether, 'leant Owing to some muse, the horses at- Molted o the mr, ran off, when near the end of the rails, and as the grade In that spot Mut discent ;of six inches in one hundred feet, the motion !became very rapid. A beam of wood p4Ced across the track at the terminus, over which the car was forced, and overturned on the Oilier side. All in it were thrown out, bat they fortunately escaped with a few trifling bruises.: Bleotimitso.—We are glad to learn that Mr. Wm. Noble, of Lower St. Clair township, who took a quiuMity of arsenic on Wednesday, Id,- taking it, for epsom salts, thongh still in a criti cal condition, issomewhat better, and that hopes of his reCoittry are entertained. Smmrs Durn.—A poor fellow who gave hie name:LPeter •bicQuiston, came to Mr. David Adlin 'shame, in Roes Township, on Wed. needay Oozing, complaining of feeling unwell Mr. Adhngton - abowed him every attention, but yeateidai morning at about eight o'clock, he said that he felt very sick, and immediately died. 4. The d —sensed was apparently a labOring roan, and stated that he had three married daughters residing in Philadelphia. No one in the neigh borhood irsa acounintediwith him. BY TELEGRAPH ARRIVAL OF mis STEAM SKIP EUROPA. ONE 7-E,Er LATER FROM EUROPE. a: Int :,.COTTON AND BREAD ATOM. Now Youx; Hay 8, a. as The Britiah mail steamship Europa, Captain Shannon, With datei from Liverpool to the 26th arrived 7 at her dock at Jersey City, at 7 o'- clock this morning, making the trip in 11 days and 16 hours. Cotton has further declined j to id, since the calling of the last steamer. Bread stuffs are dull, and lower. , The Canada arrived at Liverpool on the 2181 of April, inl eleven day, and a half from Bo* ton. The steamship Hermann, Captain Crabtree, left Southampton on the afternoon of the 26th Wt., with ( between fifty and sixty passen gore. I ENGLAND. 1 17tE GIIZAT =AMMON. The following notice was posted upon the 24th of April: I "All extuThitoks are requested to complete their 6ttingli on or before next Monday night —. After that day no person will be admitted, ex cept those absolutely necessary for the wrong, lug of the Roads." A postschßt is added, stating that all pack ages not removed by to-morrow night, the 26th, will be soldi, The feeling in favor of a general holiday on the Brat of May, gains ground in the city. I FRANCE. Palos, Thursday, April 24. The Naticinal Assembly reassembled to.day. A motion far allowing neanspapers to be sold and distributed in the streets, was negatived by the following vote—yeas 226 nays 403..• And another motion prohibiting the same, was adopt_ ed without &division. The uncertain state of political affairs. Mini a complete -stagnation in bossiness at the Bourse, and' funds are again lower. Fives opened at 90.20 c, and closed at 92-60 c. Threes sold at 67f. The sanoucement that M. Guirot is to be candidate to represent one of the departments in the Assembly, has caused considerable sen sation. It is not known whether Guirot has ac,: cepted the nomination. A powerful advocate for the promulgation of the powers of the President of vhe Republic has , arisen.i'n thelAsserably Nationale, which receiv ed the eontrilmtion of Guizot and other dintin gaiShed statesmen who bold office. Our adviess from Madrid are to the 18th of April. The I , ore:iv:tete Charge d 'Affairs had not been eruceasfal in preiviling 012 the Spanish Government to tender the. offer of an armed in terference . put - down ftildse - s. 'There is good retnon to before that the (1 overnment ex acta from every person aiming at being a deputy. a pledge that he will vote for the settlement of the public debt of Spain; and that those who do not assent to !these terms, may aspect to have their election contested by the min arterial candi date. The prime minister seems to be firmly resolved that this desirable object shall be the first thing which the Cartes are to pass immedi ately after the meeting{ on the fillet of Jane. SWITZERLAND. A letter from Berne, of; the 16th of April, in the Paris Journal des Debate, asp I hasten to inform you 'that the Federal Go vernment has just received a communication frosu the English Legation, protesting against refugtres being seat to England. The United States, therefore, is now the only country open to then,. The first detachment of the Efunprian and Dalian refugees, who lately deserted from 'the army of Radeislts, arrived at Bern e, on the 17th, under coninausilof CoL Doer. They are going to America Iriway of France.. A great number of them halt 'Ought under the Government of Ilossutle PORTUGAL. The following telegraphic dJapatch, ammo ing the failure of the insurrec tionary movement in Portugal, warriectivecl at the Portuguese Le garron on Wednesday:— Mamoru, April 21-6, P. ■ The ?Canister of Foreign Affairs, according to dispatches, of tho 16th, received by the Porta iguese Ambassador, caternmdirates to me, that it appears that Seblau, discouraged by the bad reception which he-met with at Coixabia, had di rected hie course towards the Spanish frontier. Letters from Midriff state-that the Spanish Government is dispued to assist that of Portu gal against the Duke of Saldana, in cue of a conflict, but that it is its desire, at the same time, to act in concert with England. ITALY. Our advices from Italy are to the filet of April. The Timm correspondent confirms tho report that Lord Palmerston has addressed a moderate note of remonstrance to the Courts interested, against the prolonged occupation of the Twain and Ro man States, by! Austria and France. AUSTRIA. A Vienna correspondent, of the 20th aIL, an nounces the appointment of Prince Bchwartzen berg to the Governorship of Transylvania, vice General Wolgeututh, deceased. It is stated that the German kingdoms will terminate the Dresden Congress, by recalling their agents. A letter frouoConstautinople, in the Austrian Lloyds, asps that Howells still nips his letters and documents isa President of the Committee of Defence of Hungary. This is a proof that he has not yet abandoned his plrojects. ananittancons ISTZLLIOICSCX. The steamer Ealtio had not arrived out when the Europa left. The Europa spoke the steamer America on the 4th of May,inlit 44. lon 51. A - splendid dinner 'was to no given to Captain West, of the Atlantic, by several European and American merchants, on the 26111„ at Man cheater, as a tesqmontel of their high appredn don of his charaer as a commander and a ge.o man- Lord Langdale is dead. The Protestant agitation is being carried on with renewed vigor, and many of the leading personages connected therewith seem weary of waiting so long for the ejectment of the Whigs. The Catholics of Dublin held an agitation meeting in that city, in opposition to the Papal Aggression BM, on Tuesday last, at which there was a large attendance. Mr. Reynolds, M. P., presided. The speeches delivered, and resolu tions adopted, were spirited and =compromi sing. It was confidently reported that - the Protec tionist party were divining schemes to bring about another ministerial aisle; and the Bud get, in Its amended form, having survived the satellite of Mr, Heroes, and the Jew biland In come tax bill, were safe in the House of Com mons, it was resolved to try a further opposition to the Papal aggresaion bill. • LIVERPOOL MARKET. Lrvearoos, April 25. Corros —Brown, Shipley A. Co.'s Circular se: that a complete panto had ensued In our Cott on market, the decline to American descriptions i , ting folly id 8 fl whilst in some instances fog m od tales have been made even at a greater es As- Title°. The sales of the week amount to 28,7 70 bales, of which 'speculators took 2,700, and o porten 3,060. The official quotations which ma rat be considered nominal, are as follOws Orleans 73d; fair Mobile 6ld; fair Upland 6I d: Middling tip, and Inferior and Ordinary 6tgti 11 lb. The stook of Cotton in this port is 67t1,0 bake, of which 881,000 are American, ageism t a stook at some period last year, of 619,000 bare, of which 169,000 were American. Trade in Manchester Is doll, and priors of yarn and {prods suitable for export are rather lower, whilst thud ban been more doing inigoodn for b oiO coinnunption. liana—The earn markets get worse and worse, without any = a bility of making eaten at fah. prices--the deman d being completely over whelmed by the imply. Wheat is quoted at Ers 10dCmfas for whits, and 81 4ile6s Gd for red, 70 lbs. Indian Com is selling at 33s for white, 31s for yellow, and 30s 11 quarter, for mixed. Flour—Flour is also abundant in aupply Prices have declined, and we cannot quote over 20s020er Gd for Baltimore and Philadelphia; 19s Gd for Ohio-6,000 bbls of the latter having been sold at that price—and 1911@205 for Cam as; Weetern Canal is selling at 18,6195, and sour at 18s 'lll bbl. . . Prorisions—Bacon hams are 'carder to-day, at a decline of 1502 s id cwt.. No aboulders are yet landed; a considerable parcel has been sold, to arrive, at full prices. There continues a moderate demand for lard, sales being to an av erage extent, and holders vary firm. In butter, the slightly improved feeling of last week has been lost, and aisles are effected with difficulty at lower prices. Tallow—Prices hare declined 6d 1,1 cwt. LONDON MONEY MASKET. Losnois, Aril 25. The market for Amerim State stocks p remains unaltered. Baring's Circular quotes U. S. 6 /y 1 et beads scarce at 110¢(°111 I. QUICK TRIP. New YOILZ, May 8. The Steamer Union arrived this morning from New Orleans, having made, the passage fr o the Bailee to Sandy Hook in six days and ten hours. She brings New Orleans papers two days ahead of the mail. General'. Scott and Jctce are among her paesengers._ • ANTI-SLAVERY MEETING. Subteen, Day S The Ameriesui Anti-Slavery, Society, whi created such a row at the Broadway Tabernacle New York, last year, met in this city yesterdaY, in the market Hall--security in the sum of $lO,OOO, having been given for any damage to the building. Among those present were Abbe Falsom and husband, George Thompson, M. P. Garrison, Meru Wright, Frederick Douglass, Burleigh, and Whiston. The principal epeaker yesterday was Garrison, who abased Henry Clay, Lewis Case sc., and praised, George Thompson. It would not be profitable or interesting to repent all he mid. The attendance is not very large; and, as yet, there is no excitement EXPLOSION OF A LOCOMOTIVE-FOUR MEN KILLED Parrxasos, (N. J.) May 8. A new Locomotive Engine, on trial at the Lo comotive establishment of Rogers, Ketchum A. Grosvenor, exploded yesterday morning, and flew thrOugh the upper floor some 60 feet in the air, doing much damage in the ascent and de scent. Four workmen were instantly killed, and about a dozen badly wounded and scalded, so much so that it is supposed that some cautiot survive. The [Wary to the blinding was $2OOO, and to the locomotive $BOOO. CONNECTICUT LEGISLATURE. ILLITIORD, May 8. The Legislature this morning, elected - Thos. 11. Seymour, (Deno.) Governor, by three:major ity. Greene Hendrick and Thomas Clark, (Whigs) were elected Lieut. Goren:tor and State Treasu rer, by one majority, EXTENSIVE ROBBERY. PUZIADILPHIA, May 8. Lest evening the store of John Klein, In. North Third street, was entered with a false key, and cleared of Re entire contents, consist ing gold and silver watches, jewelry, Sic., to the value of three ..four _ thousand dollars. SCIENTLFIC. AESOCIATION. Curcissan, May S. • The American Association for the advance ment of science, has done noting to-day, of in terest, abovrthe presentation of a large number of Geological, and other interesting papers. The meetings of yesterday afternoon and oTe. ning presented thrilling interest. Professor Price reported on Professor Mitchell's method of recording right ascension and declination with his now astronintinal apparatus. The Com mittee acceded to all claimed by the discoverer, and reported that ho had not only equalled but eurpanned all the obsereatories of this country, and Europe, although they were supported by magnificent royal patronage. The report of Prof. Pierce created a tremen dous sensation, while the whole association join ed in the general triumph, achieved without pecuniary means, and against every obstacle, by i a Cincinnati Astronomer. Professor Bache's speech on the occasion was complimentary; beiiiitffurind touching. Professor Pierce has, by his report, honored both himself and the great science of astronomy of which he is the theoretical Aoseri.a bead. i In the evening, Prof. Agassis lectured to one of the largest audiences ever collected in this city, and chained them far 'an hour and a half to the coral reefs of Florida Loyationno Drpot ;:f Pron's Railroad. THE new town of LATROBE is beautifully eatuated au el. Med level Pan. au thy beak 4 L,slb.ma eh,e. Petneyl la Radioed noses that wawa by a bandana wow bridge f opato of at feet each. It le mine east of Paul:arab. ...at of 0 reesabries. 1.1 west of Lazo... II south of Walt. Title. 3 north of tonaraorti. and 7 .oath of New A/exarr dna. The Jkaanylnotto keolnauf .111 he opened 10 the temporary terminusnear the town , early tat November neat, to eon.. with the...bona turnpike. Them.. run in ere. tralo stop to take meal at. the owe and vet... FLAIL [WAD IIOTgL. now II MCltr of nye. uns, in the mot. of the town. dlreetirte the R011....M.A.?, ....M.A.?, AI., Igen' 31tth , . ifruee. etc. to PHILADELPHIA MARKET. wractetireduttoly. The lota E 0 mewl kr /1110 P W 7 LADELTW.A. May 8 , ao tiXralleTrer ' atil 7:1;:g•At TA.b;St hour—The market is quiet. and the demand up.anla. AT:dig tn their pad.. Nme of the linear.. for 'shipment limited. Sales 700 bbla standard I rtro. 6 otif:ol ttL th* otl- i rittTot and better brands at 54,5164,371 bbl. attir-13 there ate ser ' ena 6, - “ , aly named along slut of bank or me river , will be enl.l on [tearable terms to per- Rye hour—Him dean:led to 1i3,37} per bbl. woe aelthing to build. Th. thaw. of ULU nom le do- Corn Meal—ls selling at ,8i per bbl. llghtfol , the emu. round the town la very beautiful Sad romantl. and It will no donbt be a plant of mat rewan Grain--There Is but little inquiry for wheat, froto I n deka.. als tai the mutt or tos toa.o dotting brat price+ are unchanged. Sales of 2500 ho th g.4 . :l 11 17 7„1,Itt 'good and prime white at 102®103c per bushel, i am a m nut ' tholattneere.= meet..., to eon. and WA* mostly for shipment. A small lot of Rye was sold at 70e per barbel. Comb!, in good demand. i Mucti!rTaller 'will natonlly MOM ar • turnpike and owing to the limited supplies prices hare adranced, with sales 4000 bushels Penns yellow of to. Nrot as will alm that of the twithhewhool at Gsc afloat. Oats are is steady demand, with V ....ar. i. h b Y • lank r." ' 4l " of " e na. ere plenty of the purl. .star, and th e sales 1550 bushel. at 45c afloat. beet of am! can be bad oboe to the um, In abundance Whisky—Ls steady at 28ie in bbls. 1. dece at band, an Ittelttacllt4e.ppiyot hart, of btu:ding 1:111101•11, /I[ol`. 11, awl timber. A amend grist mUI are In full ...nun, with plenty of water pow. Otal yarde4 tr ui p=t an es . tentz pick P . etior bele% =oar ' the coming mason The moll I.d 7 and rich. and well adapted to cultivation. garde...tr. The term, of tale of lota wUI barna& known on applies. lion, In penwn 07 by letter. tom. eutacriber, or his agent lo Yemornown, or at the nth.. LATIRI7Ik. where, plan of the lota :nay be wen OLIVER W. BAILNEn N. 11. A public ea. of 00 lots willthke place la helmet, euLly In the month of Jule. of •blch =lace will be elven atinArgAllwa-karg BACON—Sides, Shoulders. and Hams, for ml. I.y ap7.l S. s W. lIAMIACUII. URIED APPLES 50sacks received and for poi. by aOOl A a W Among the papers to be presented to morrow, is one from Prof. Agassis, and one from the able Secretary, Prof....Rainey, on his new theory of mathematics. NEW YORK MARKET. LULU; IMPORT. Nrw Tons, May 8. Cotton—The market bas been unsettled, and is very dull under the steamer's news. Small I lots have been sold at 4c decline. Flour—The market to heavy, with a decline of to 12e per bid. Sales of 7,000 bbls at $4€,4.- 121 for common to straight State. Grain—Sales 1,000 bu prime Genesee Wheat at at Ilfic per bu. Corn continues heavy, and has slightly declined, with sales 24,000 ha at silk, for Western mixed, and 62c for round yel low. Sales 3,000 bu Rye at 73c per bu. Provisions—The market •Is dull and quiet, without change in prices. Groceries--Coffee . is fi rm and quiet, with sales of Jam at I2c, Porto Rico and Laguayra at 10 @llolc, and St. Domingo at 9ie94c per lb Whiskey—Sales at 231C:0234c per gallon. CINCINNATI MARKET. • el/WIDOW/ill, May 8. • Flour—Very little,i3 arriving, and the market la steady at $3,68 jil bbl. Pork—Sales 100 Ws mess at *14,374 V bbl. Escort--Biles 70 hhds sides, to be declirered, at 8i , e 4 lb, packed. Whiskey—There is a fair demand, at l7ic 7 01 gallon_ Sugar—Sales of fair at Ilia ? lb. Rice—Sales 70 tierces at die 'l,l lb. • Othei articles are without change. The river has risen 18 inches. The weather is warm andcloudy. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Nicw OHLIVINA,MtIy 8-8 P. M. Cotton—The market is depremed by the Eu ropa's advicm, aince which sales have been very Ma. Flour—The market in dull, with Wen of Ohfo nt $3,90 ,e 44 j bbl. Graiu—Snles 20,000 both Corn at 48€4600 bushel. Park—The market is firm, at $14,87@515 for mess, end $12,12+ for prime. Lard and boon are unchanged. Groceriea--ftio Coffee la selling at 9.KiNc; fair sugar firm at 6i, and choice .11olasoca at 34 GE;5c per gall. . BATTER -6 bbls. Prenh. for Bale by •p 2.2 J. B. DILWOKTU a Co PRIIIT - 200 bo. Dried Peachen; ap2.2 31) " J. .11.72171•Sill'ebt,O. CORN—SW bu. Shelled, for sale by ap22 J. S. DILWORTH & STEER'S OPODELDOC-6 gross superior, Ibr uls by ff. N. WICKERSUA.II op= corner Wood sod Crib nuns. RIED PEACHES-300 bu. for solo by *PM SAMUEL P. BUMPER. HITE WAX-1 case sup. for sale by ay= 8. v. wickssu3nem. CORN-25 bble. for sale by 'an= H. 7. VON RONNIIORST a CO. RARES-60 doz. Hay Rakes, for sale by "22 a. V. VON BONNHORST a CO. CILASS-800 boxesiVindow. med. forsalo kft M sp22 &F. VON aomatoßsr • co. SUNDRIES -7 casks Cheese; ox ew Thutt As*, 600 Ina. W. GliAs, slam= LDer 100 biy:lion6vcsi.lair_ and amt. try JAE , . DALZELI4 Waurr COTTON -5 bales on Steamer Geneva; at do d. To to xi. and far Nis by MIMI DICKEYnPtt4 Ica 03, aa22. Ws= sod /met EL ribe • • 9 Midi. vane. ore e ay= .11& DALZISLI. GS Water se. kiI O LABSES-20 hf. bbL thr sale by TA. 1461 JAL LAU= 61 %W it. STEAM BOATS j' OR ST. ,LOUIS.—The fast ran- E. 117 lzvvralag2LetnLit medial« maim oo tbLo day. o.9[L'nat ant For fright pasuge. •Indr on W ar d. cat 1 , OR NASII VILLE.—The Vdid dimmer FORT PITT. BMW. toaster, trt I leave tor theaboar and Intermadlate p0rt..4 11 ork da l , at/ o'clock. P.N. _For Irate. or D awa G a .PlAlOtt_boud. tolF FOR SAINT LOUIS —The y light draught atoamer PARS, Greetdm, tower, •111 leave icor the above .nd all int mediate porta. on Saturday, Gm at 4 P. Lt • For freight or pause aped] tm hoard Cr to D. wiuma. eat- - OR CINCINN'I, LOUISVILLE L,icsTilinoTtaz.,V=f ataamer on t6""' iir PWo ag abog ugusvoklubly detalued,; tho±lll positirely leave ve. Fur freight or ramp,. &Wren poa l nl. toy: AkIGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKLT, CINCINNATI. Captain John the owner. of obh itsr the Cinefuroti and Pittsburgh Parket trade will Inge • ,, Ty W.Arkevoleq_ tor Ciarlanstl. Dlam °I A', Now NAP hold No. 2. Poirrright or t. InalfhsllslThEits VOA SAINT LOUIS.—The fine rtizasner RPHRET RODOERS: Butcher. uter. will leave Ihr the above soilLiell lett radiate porvi, .ne this thiy, 10 A. AS. jor fiwight ar peeniageapply oo Used. mlO • FOR ZANESVILLE —The fine otearner It. ll PßES;Cox,mostrrmlll tear* abore and 11 .11941.4ep011l ttlia arr. at 4 tiekek. Intiont or noorotte. only an board. " tun 411REENWOOD ROSEDALE ..7r REGULAR rACE.ET.—Th. jp.1.014 Wet running e r t.eto boat cilityrant.. H. T. Wens, Ilaster.lreves the end et the (Ail Allegheng WA" (ht. Clair stmt.) every hour, ecaonehelts el 9 e/aek, enel eve/tinning mall the Wartime claw. She will Wel on the Allegheny Ade, for the imersentmuuee, d wee. helve el., et all other paint', Air Ent. TriP 7 M 'r e. lack. V M. chyS NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR ;Mg 1851'. kirat miff: new and fast running dr. CASHIER,` J. S. i ll Slaater--Ibugulat WallertU g . ANT twurille. Wsburg. Whrollua. Eral Othilus. Ihruitth Nast-I.m Pittsburgh eve., . tif.:.‘L'MlipLitkntingirlfTbr erg iat•e• ouutlett errs, Monday st 10 , god A. gwo. r p tr i eport and warensig •v•ry kioancr god arena,. at FoLft t edght awl P•srage•"27 .lBUWWV:kgrat - KE T p g assit 11 . — Thrlightdrulghtstaser ARENA. It P. Elmer. master, Wollswills awry Monday, Wed.:main. awl Friday. at S u'rksk. A. IL. fur East LII - tilsagow, 31cPurran, Latullug. Bean, and Pitts burgh. Lows. Pittsburgh every Surada__,r T erm's L and &aunts). at luo'clook.A.ll... for hearer Stolterm's Laud. iu Glasgow, Eat Lirerpool. and Wellivills. Tor fitielit 0/ passago, apply ou boast apt • 111 E 0 ULAR PITTSBURGH AND 1.11., WiIEELINU PACKET.—Tho ITlondtaall 1,. o=l44lo,w:oar DIURNAL. Otowell. ter. Is tam pertartang her rettutar trl•Rsellyttips Wawa this city :LW Wheeling. leaving Pittsburgh at 10 oakalt !very Ai Dear, lardneally and r‘sad.s..retarnlati. V.,VV, l . l l : ert . t7 Tatar/an SA and B.oarday. toll, '" lllll*firThre " VaL''. In • ANi,4-IOR MARIETTA AND 11.00 - INGPORT.—The fine pawner PACIFIC. ~ master, will leave for the above andl te mediate porta over, Thorolay at 4 0'41.: Pala.. For freight or poseur* apply on or to T. WWI*/ sax. meta° No el Water aW 43 /front sta. p EGULAR - WHEELING SMLT— A na N D A h LU WLLSVILE Cae T Yug, gin run am a regular packet between littabargh. Wheeling. Bridgeport. and Petufish. leaving Pitteburgh oing7 Mon= afternoon foe Welloellle. theubeneillo, and ewers Thursday afternoon for gleubaseMrelno, Ilrldgerort, Carlin...a:4 Ounfish: returning. leave. Eirklge. rort and :fungal every Turalai g aflorocon, and Ilion i:ZAtido, afternoon. ror fee ht ukfranage, apply . . h o . r t , Ire= j W. 11. Wil _ L/44 Agent . .. ._ _ 11 EGULAR PACKET BE TWEEN PITT:WM(111 NUNTMILL--Zit etemar PILOT N. :2X.Crant, router. I leave Plttabori h for aline, Coptina and Baolles. ery Monda too y and Tno .at 3 U CIOC/I P. 114 returning ii - pet% . 11.112 . LattAlirth. Inr• rgt nJ 11101! th is ' best mu:lmre= For frltiant or plus., anpir oa boanl. J. Wilson & Son. WIOLESALE and retail mardifattu-4 rev, dealers in Mar ra4 pas. No. Id ond Irtreet. third door below Dimond Ark% 11.. urgb—Mere tiler odor • run and arnapida doer of lIaY sW Cape of thrir own and Eastern oawnofarturo, of every :,Vgro;,-.11);!;•Zzh°1":14%4 f"l't= that tbrr .111 veil on the mon rtwoorull• tam. ap27:dawrf Removal AMES WILSON has removed his flat f Cap Stop to Nn. 91 Won! mi.. Wllidoor loath (10-P ARTNERSHIP—Ihring - taken ;ay orrn. Llwarl 11 Wilson. tato ftartwereblo in the liar. Cor and For huenrela„w• will hereafter do bne/neas oaf,,the riaana of J. e1..1.30r1 t BON,et Al Wwd Keret. JAES WILSON. F. 1 1 .—Jalne. %Mann routine. die hot and Pan Vmr_. Se, 0 Fedantl Mash Alleatmler I.l.ll=utr.ft- Warn. t I ni • ; •, o .a new an. in b perior Gil:ad./sot mmitytti 140 Wvrd tinsbanab. TOWN LOTS rogisms. In the new town of Latrobe, Wettmoreiand County. Pa. DKIEL PEACHES-75 sacks reed and for iiiiir V! ap2l S. •W. lIAREAUOIL LARII-2.5 kegs No. I, for sale by spin S. A W. RARBAUGII. BEANS -5 tads. Small White, for sale by ap.:l 0A311:1111. P. SIMMER. GORY —7OO tat in store and for sale by •P'-'A. { ' WM. it. JOIINCTON. nit11:1) APPLES-200 bu. for sale by 11_•0 20 W & l WILSON. . _ - _ DICE -30 tierces for sale by . so'' , n • P. WILSON RAISINS-1511 boxes Bunch. for sale by li.t •Pv Sr a V WILSON. if_ ARD OIL-24 bbl. No. 2: A .Ic , . ... 9 - So I: an &tad awl for :alr ii i , WALLINUYORD & OIL r rIOBACCO—.4U bans W. 11. Grant's s's, .1. Pa ral. , by A CULP/311140N & Ll).. a 929 195 Elbert) ..I. LIMED APPLES-3Wbu. fur sale by i.ir .921 SAMUEL P. SIIRITet. illi.RY WIIITING-50 libls. fur male by IN apB .7. SCIIIIONMAKMA a TO. tAcoNtErrs k, CA3IIIItICS—A. A. ILA tlf".4"ot „ttli ' i":o h irt&?in r.. "'" l P. ' "9"" till°,l'.'" OCHA COFFEE-For sale by IV sy,l7 WO A. MeCIAIRG a 1 a., o r .", k RANGES-1101f boxes, very superior, and lUF roeTenirnt Mx.] pack iteps for famtli,, Tor male by Dl] WM A. IIeeLOILO Oft . _ `I lIROME YELLOW---I ClUleS reo'd and In oak. by .p.l R. E. SELLERK. fiILS--oii lemon, bergainot, ,dares, anie r A i.and raigivalparkag e. n. '" al.M. by AP FPO Gedge - 6 twist for sale iby , Ap2ll JAMES DALZELL. - _ lOFFEK-150 bags prime Rio, for sole by ILI &VA, JAMES DALZrLL. ,lAWNS AND IIIUSLINS—Now receiving be A A. A. NunnA On [ADM of b...r .tyles Law. md aptl, LP ACON lISMS-14 cake on hand; 1;r salo xis or ep2d " MAGI' DICKEY It CO SEED SWEET POE-7 bbh on TATOS band: We by ap2n IFAIAII DICKEY tCO G.; ALTPETRE--60 bags crude en hand; for tO wale by sp2o -ISAIAH MCKIM &CO ROLL BRIMSTONE-12 bble on hand; , for Pale by tr.% TAMAR DICKEY ACO LINSEED OIL-20 Able for sale by KIDD't CO. TERRE DE SIENNE-100 168 for solo by •p2O 3../CIDD , DIIESIVE CLOTH-200 yards superior J% quality rut we by AIM J. KIDD 1 C. GUM CAMPHOR-200 lbs for stile by apO3 J. KIDD k CO MEDICINAL BRANDY-2 casks for sale Dr .p2O H. D. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker_._ Fourth at WESTERN FUNDS BOUGHT, and the TladtaatrV Wilte Bank M ed market galprice m a kt Am MBES In Bar !Buda. ack tan PIRITS TURPENTINE-10 MAL in good I„,) order, tor We by B. Z. MILLERS, • 67 Wood R. RYE FLOUR—T bble. for sale by APZI ROBISON. LINTER CO. POPTEE-150 each time Rio: l u au -„ . ; Bo widwitax.r -r HOUSES, FARMS, &c A Very Decirable Ilesideace far Bale. r. undersigned offers for side, one of the mon daldrab In vet to le ruldennea e wn as of Mainon. ;rlth k aiorg ' t hotow.i, and tt else' nodal' of °b.'''. DOG 0d ad rob hei7. One of th• hest whool• Iv the conntrY 411 t h in • abort distance, and .hen It reowsobered that in eia nionthw from t hls Hine It .in le within four bonne ...Woof Plttavureh It .111 • 71: b lia v tlea,Le vu wall in= ell 7. eith:r u•mania retirement or • pennthez voidance. put or the whole of Coo hood will bo with the holida,. This pauetty niay noir be tad Oriels Hitn the bolldinta au. I m o r e to title and