The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 09, 1851, Image 2

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21381015tiZt; BY WIIITI * CO
1:1-tEWLY, 1441M10. -MAY
1:1- 1 1
and Antimmio of Alla.-
Whi gs ns
cowry in/ 'owl , es -Pearftf. 1-1 = M:1 - 2.
- - 1.104;1. 0 =u n l .-U,'Ott
Who. -. t the caul Phe/P 4 _,
• ] Towable. roveuTar •••• •].— • . .2!..] Leta
, 2e 002tetel Walla add Borooka a dealt. P. M. to taket
two Mast. thee eak eiutat Mea t. to Oletet,
tole heLlet the Catut Pfau, m Wedneoday, the
4th of Jae neat. at 10 o•oloat A. t 3.. to take the Coat,
o-2112.10akms peva:gory to the nest Oran.] Eh•etloo.
,e,„ippaet &leans to the Rate Carealoo, to meet 2r2 2 • 'atlarkeher, on the 224th of Jae.
..• Seep. .
Ch'. olCtmmlly.
• —, To the Whigs of Pexuisylvania.'
~ ~ A STATE CONVE4TION will be held In the City
'.fai ft- AK on TUEENJAT. June fifth. loft. for the nor
paw of Mles& .a ctodidates Tar the °Dees of Omernor and
Gaul Quo . se slm for Judges of the libtavam
poet. DENBY 31..SULLER, Chslytewn.
-,- -JOsepb IL Flenegin, Samuel blellensmy, .
• .Y. hung Marton, C. Mammon Jams,
Wm. 11. SUngier, Samuel B. Thomas,
• - ~ flamed Bell.
Naltielel Zama.. Pb.anlTirl,
. Win. J. Nahum , Alexander B. Recap,
• -• Warden E. Preston, W. Eg er.
• • Thomas Y. Cochran. Wm. M. Watts,
"Entry Johnson. James Clark ‘
, • , Cumin 11.1koWnssa. Sherman D. Phelps.
000rAe Edwin C. Wilson.
•. 1
D. A. Flu
to John Allison,
Daniel McCurdy.
. . John litummmo, George Blesson.
•• • 7 Wm. Erans.
• , JobnA4 Neville. Alter M. McClure,
Francis Jordan.
E. II NDLE SMITH, Seerstml.
It has been an invariable rule with us for ma
tay years, to maintain a strict impartiality in our
columns In relation to e canvass for nomination
by the County Graven 'on, for the various offi
ces to be annually fi ed. We have left our
Whig friends a clear field for an amicable con;
teat, and have reserved our batteries for the en
emy, and our active support for the ticket nom
inated ace Ceding to the usages of party.
This rule of non-intervention has proved to be
salutary and wise, and we have no disposition to
change it, but it does not prevent us from offering
some suggestions for the consideration of the
Whip of this county, who are shortly to enter
upon the responsible duty of selecting a very im-
•.•Is he honest, is he capable?" are questio
"wiich should always be asked, and satisfactorily
answered irtthe affirmative, before any person's
claims should be seriously entertained. leis not
. enough that a man is a Whigme thorotigh-going,
• useful Whig—and thathe needs the office, to jus
.tify his selection by a Whig Convention. There
are hundreds of unexceptionable Whigs who are
unfit for office. A claim on the support of the
• Party must be based on something more then
mere political opinions and services.
;The first inquiry dhould be, is the candidate
on upright, sober, honorable man. , Doeshe pos-
OeSS a fair moral character among his neighbors
and fellow citizens? is he such a man as we
' would employ to transact important business for
ourselves? A good moral character—this is the
first requisite, without which all others cannot
justify his selection.
The second inquiry should be, has the canal-
!late the requisite abilities and acquirements to
'fill the office with acceptability, and to dis' chiuge
its ditties in such manner as to promote the pub
lic, weal.
• The political principles and faithfulness of
the candidate, sliOuld of course be considered.
No Whig Convention ought to nominate any man
for office, unless he is well known as a Whig of
standing and reliability—but be must have the
requisites above named also, to secure his selec
tion, end to place the party under obligations to
support him.
We ore not only and merrily Whigs, when we
assemble in Convention. We are citirens of the
Commonwealth, and members of society, and
have duties to perform to the State and to com
munity superior to our obligations as Whigs.—
in this county,..where we have a• large majority,
the selection of a ticket by our County Conven
tion is tantamount to an election, and if we
should permit our partisan feelings to override
our political, social, and moral duties, we should
commit an injury for which we ought to be pun
ished by defeat. And if through carelessness or
recklessness, or from any other cause, we should
abuse our advantage, and impose upon the peo
ple' immoral ar incapable officers, we should
*dean; to be shorn of our strength, and thus
be placed In a position where we could do no
We are happy to any, that, with. very wiraex ,
ceptions, the. Whig tickets nominated in this
county have been composed of moral and capa
ble men, and much of our strength hitherto has
been owing to thin carefulAelection of a ticket.
.We hare no reason to suppose that the same
prudent discrintination will not be made here
after, but we know that the !wig poSsession of
power is calculated to .demoralize, and to render
a party careless, and sometimes reckless of de
cency and - tbe public welfare, and it is at least
prudent to contemplate and weigh our duties at
a tiro", when we are so soon to be called on to dis
charge them.
•1 4 1126 HOlf3Oll5 O F M.A.B;IAOS.—MI3. Elilftbeth
Well Smith one of that clam of ladies who are
in despair at the "wrongs" . inflicted upon women
by those wicked wretches called husbands, tells
the following anecdote: ,
"In New England, e‘en, where it might be
supposed that marrikgerirould be least adultera
ted, it has become -very much a household
rangement for thrift or economy, where a woman
is selected for her domestic points, in the tame
manner that a housekeeper is secured. Now, a
slight salary for one in the latter capacity, would
oftentimes be in better taste than the taking of
a wife. I eeenkmow of one woman, not by any
mesas low in the scale of position, who proposed
to do the labor of one of her versants, provided
her penurious husband would pay her, a wife,
tthe price of service, eta dollars per month, which
ho was not ashamed to do.
Now the fact is that nineteen Yankee w
out of every twenty are allowed to sit at h.
like queens, with hardly sufficient occupation to
sore them from ennui, while their husbands
work like slaves in counting houses and manufac-
MASS. But instead of complaining about this
system, the husbands glory in it. This peculiar
ity but been noticed by every European traveller,
and our countrymen have been severely blamed
for petting their wives too much. We are far
from backing such an ungallant opinion, but
there can be no harm in bringing it before the
eyes of .those bluestockings who seem to think
the business of providing the money to maintain
the hausehould (whlela falls solely upon the
husbands) should not be taken into account when
comparisons are made between tho "spheres" of
the sexes. If a husband could be found mean
enough to grumble against the privileges of the
fair sex, he might, sidles much reason as Mrs.
Smith, affirm that in New England a husband Is
very often selected on. account of his pecuniary
, palms or his ability to support lazy women,
trained inhcarding echoed's, too manage
their own households, antdetermined to begeilax
ladles wren' though their husbands should' be
Immiibt to bankruptcy and consequent disgrace;'
=women who regard husbands as creature. who
were born to be chained to counters, workbench
es deeps in order that they may be able
. to provide the money which is requisite to Fur
thest:cashmeres, velvets, lodise:ilk', fee. There
are two sides to ev e ry story, and we think it very
is:gable that the "pemnians husband" spoken of
by ?dra. Smith; who paid hiswife for doing the
work of ens of her servants, sum obliged to carry
on the business of providing market money with
. out theaid of servants at all. Wedo not fear, how
ever, that American husbands will over discover
that they born any "wrongs" to complain of, and
we arenas that the 'maim wives have too just
an appreciation of the customs which give them
such en inviable position in comparison with wo
man of other countries, to join Ina cry raised by
dreemlng blue stockings who, being unfit for
household duties imagine that other women are
60 'better than themselvat
Tee Fsairaim Pewits:az or tdcarzra or
Comitessa—Several Senators and Members of
Congress duet having raised the question as to
the time when their franking privilege com
menced, the Washington Republic learns that
the )1140,m.y Genera has decided that the prici
ng. onsunencreerith the urea for which they are
reepectiirely elected, and that so far as relates to
___elde :purrs°, they are members of Congress by
the - elation end . acceptance before , taking
• their Nate or oaths of office, and the privilege is
Oen to . the as members during their term of
aeerioar without sap reference to the time when
AO take their erste or the ash of 4441 ,
• .• '
ferl# tr___,. 'Yd fr 1 5 *le" s Of,_,'W
day, r4ixddres ' prow.y., -
40 of thOnnivenzW3 held on Sdiabaps ere*,
EIC - A313 4Ponziail CQeutrax liiitiot.—
ThisSodiety assembled in the Amity-street Bap
tist clinrch last evening, for the purpose of hear
ing-their .Arativersary -sermon. The exercises
sere; opened with singing, and then a prayer by
the Re:. Dr. Dewitt. The Rev. Dr. Baird gave
a summary account of the origin, design and
progress of the association. It was formed, es
our readers generally are aware, about two yearn
ago, oat of the It -Evangelical" end two other
societies, and its Principal labors are among the
Boman CatholicS. Daring the list year more
than one tandreti persons hove been engaged as
missionaries for the Union, in Franco, Belgium,
Peru, Chili, and khe West India Islands, es well
as our own coup ' . The yearly report will be
read at the regul anniversary of the society in
the Tabernacle o Tuesday morning. The Bev.
Dr. Williams theis ascended the pulpit, and de
liveredlin eloquentand powerful discourse, taking
for his text, pert] of the Gth and ith verses of the
4th chapter 0f.4 ohariali.
Dr. Potts preached the annual sermon before the
Presbyterian Board of Sliasions last evening in
the First Preabyteritui Church, corner of Elev
enth street and the Fifth avenue. The services
commenced with prayer, and - the reading of an
abstract of the annual report by' the Wet Dr.
r .
The receipts from all eotuues, as stated in the
Treasurer's report, have been $139,084 33
To which add . the balance of last year, 1,137 39
The expenditures, as Amen in the
!lame report, have been $140,02b 66
Leaving a balance in favor of the ;
trek:miry of $126 16
The Rev. Dr. Potts took his text from the 14th,
15th and 16th verses of the lst chapter of the
Epistle to the Romans. It was a stirring appeal
to those present to support the work of renn
geliting the heathen. lie commented at peat
length on the labors of the Apostle Paul among
the Gentiles, and asked who bore the charges of
his jonrneyings Who assisted him in his wan
derings'. Ills fellow laborers who did not go
forth on missionary enterprises. We should imi
tate their example, and undertake the work with
spirit, and not suffer ourselves to be discouraged
by its magnitude.
Dr. Potts then referred to the rapid decay of
the oldfaith inlndia, and the danger which threat.
ens the people of that country in being left with
out any religion. The missionaries in India re
cognized the necessity 'of instant and extended
labor. Taking the work done by the 'Board,
there is much hope for the future. The'ciinverts
ore to be numbered bytens of thousands. Within
fifty years 3,000 schools have been established,
which hove been attended by 250,000 scholars.
The Scriptures have been rendered into 200 lan-
guages, and moy be real by six hundred mil
lions of people. The probable number of native
converts who have died in the faith, is between
150,000 and 200,000. Four thousand chambell
hare been built, and 2,000 ordained ministers;
with more than 7,000 lay preachers and cave.;
chists, hare been sent forth among the heathen,
The conversions bare averaged betwogn three anal
hundred to each minister.
luroitrast rtuacaes.—Dr. Foote, the editor
of the Buffalo liimmercial Advertiser, is soon to
take editorial charge of the Albany Register.
Oren Follett, Esq., of Suoinsky, Ohio, former
ly editor of the Ohio State Journal, and more re
cently President of the Board of Public Works in
thin State, is to take Dr. Foote 's place in the
Mr. Seward. of the Albany Register, will re
sume his former post of editor of the Utica Ga
One of the apartments which will be contain
ed in the new east wing of the Patent Office edi
fice, now going up at Washington, will be devo
ted to the exhibition of the numerous models to
which the inventive genius of our countrymen
has given existence. We learn from the Repute
lie that the exhibition room wilibe in length two
hundred and seventy-five feel in width, sereniy.
The roof will be a series of grained arches,
springing from the two rows of marble oolumns
in the centre, (fourteen on each side of the twen
ty feet passage way and the corresponding pilas
ters.) Workmen have already set some of the
cmumns, which, with their entablature, are
nineteen feet in height. This grand exhibition
room is to be reached by a stairway, winding
through an opening of thirty feet in circumfer
ence—light to be reflected from a window
redly above.
Moony Rzscosrae..—A terrible fight took
place last week, near? Owensboro', Davies coun
ty, Hy., betwegn two families—Payne and Turn
bull—about a fence boundary. Mr. Payne and
his three sons were surveying the grounds, and
were met by Mr. Turnbull and brother, when a
fight ensued. Weapons were drawn—the wife
and daughters of Mr. Turnbull interfered, and
the result of the fight was the killing of one of
the Payees, two or three others desperately
wounded, besides injuring the ladies.
FROST AZT/ FRIT/T.—The Louisville Courier
says that the heaviest frost known in Kentucky
since the 10th of May, 1639, visited that State
on Thursdiy last, causing a total destruction of
the fruit crop. Ice was made swirly an inch
thick, early vegetation cut down, leaves of trees
wilted and fell, tic. At Clarksville, Eddysville,
and Niushville, Tenn.,, the tobacco slid cotton
plants are greatly &imaged, and a telegraphic
despatch as far south as Tescumbia, Alabama,
states thrt the cotton in that section wail all
The frost was not so had in this region,. but
still it did great injury, and the fruit crops will
be small. 'There will be very kr; peachesi and
apples will moot probably be a small crop.—•
Cherries, we think, are ruined.
ROBBERY !taxa BLAISSVILLIL-The ..Apalackdan
informs us that "a bold and daring robbery was
committed on the house of Mr. bl'Cres oh the
road from Blairsville to Indianaplon flattirday
week." The members of their family were all
out In the fields and gardens, and in their absence
five hundred• dollars in gold, diver, and .bank
notes were stolen. Circumstances fix the crime
upon testi women, mother and daughter, named
Barbara knd Susan Rinehart. They are Xtran
gers in the neighborhood. We copy the 4pela
chian's 4escription :
"The eldest is a stout-built German woman,
in, i .
about fifty years of age, of medium height; dark
complexikn, wi th high cheek nea r ettakell
cheeks. and eyes NOWT i 1 . to a nilgtint;
and in weneld appearance. la tt 7 icri lint
tine. She speaks broken Earn* and ;?,tern:
My abuiive when. raised. Shwaroro a ;Wails
silk dreis,. silk apron, large idea. brambasiner
cape with long fringe, and a dark yellow *net,
with light blue trimmings. The younger: is a
rather fair, good looking , black-eyed Ffad, of
about Miteen or eighteen, and era tent form.—
She had on a brown alpaca dress, ink apron and
gingham enn bonnet, • , i
Me. R 111611.1, rtte Vocettrr.—We are happy
to inform our readers that Mr. W. & Denipater,
the renCwned vocalist, will sooiapsy our city
=other visit. hie concerts hale always been
eucteesflal in Pitteburgb, and their. enecena has
been richly deierred. Such ballade as the 'La
ment of, the Irinh Emigrant,'the Itay Queen; cite,
are indebted to the genius of Mr. Deingaier for
their great popularity, and every telul, lorer of
manic must feel grateful to one who •cdfere
something better than the dishy/star: "parlor
rouge" with which the country is eonlinuallY
flooded. Mr. Dempeber'n fast concert iflf be
announced in due time.
44 No amownso."—The town Cotmella ,Uf,tho
b o rough of Indiana, Indiana candy, Pa.;.have
passed an ordinance declaring that-'•n person
shall bU permitted to smoke any cigar or pipp in
the streets or alleys of the Um& of, uthoziai
after the setting of the eon, wider *ropy of
not more than tee dollars."
Beounfmo.—The individtud subscription' n this
c ity, m this read; ltmatofore made amonated to
: s e ot m mdcaoso o,OOft w S h atu ch rd s l o a o m o I this
s ol l a o e , r o i o p o -
tin was increased . $90,000 but indfddail-sego ,
weiolatts of 10,000 eecb. This is all
keep the' "ken • etates Ges.
Jaars Bccnasas.—Several of the den
to is es thelresidency are sie4init ? ;
re f e kho.„.e t o the nothination, either
i terfien, or
throjt*x a "Text Mind," and they maii.ifeat
trte degreelitfi feverish solicitude and jealousy of
one another thit augur ill for the prudential
character of their arrangements, and their urn
mate suttees. The latest and streigest demon- .
titration is that of Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Polk'a
Secretary of State. The gentleman has lost
caste in his own State- 2 fallen out of line, and
his place has been occupied by yoiinger and
more active and courageous politician. Ile was
never remarkable for his resolution or earnest
ness, and sthce he has passed the age of sixty,
has become as timid and vacillating an any fee
ble old lady. But his ambition seems to sur
vive in full vigor, and failing to conciliate the
eupport of Pennaylvanla, he has turned his at
tention!, abrosil,, and in trying to make capital
at the Muth. No man could be worse plaCed
for such an undertaking, and there is hardly one
in the country whose antecedents would be more
Jdr. Buchanan was a noted and decided federa
list up to the close of the war with Great Britain
and his extreme' democratic course, since his
conversion, has not satisfied the South of his
orthodoxy. During the height of the slavery
agitation, in the winter of 1850, he made a bold
bid for this south, by recommending the Missouri
Compromise line, as a settlement of the contro
versy, with a distinct recognition of slavery
south of that line. We did not percieve that he
tookmnch by his motion. On the contrary, the
ides was laughed at, and his associate in Mr.
Polk'a Cabinet, Mr. Walker, was finite sucemrs
ful in throwingridicule on the project. But Mr.
Buchanan was determined to make a push for'
the great stake, and be has recently written a
letter to a committee of some election precinct
in Virginia, making a distinct declaration of
faith. And what do you think, readeris thebasia
of this platform! Nothing, less thrin the famous
old resolutions of '9Bl A thing that has not
been named out of Virginia, except for purposes
of fun or derision, for more than a quarter of a
century—a series of abstract propositions, whol
ly inapplicable and obsolete at the present time,
howover valuable they may have been fifty years
And yet Mr. Buchananhopes to galvanize them
into life, piqipt them as a hobby, and ride into
the presidential chair. Bethinks that if we were
to go back to these resolutions, exploded two
gagfirstions ago, the slavery question would Bet
tie itself, the idea of a protective tariff would be
abandoned, and nobody itould want internal
provements. All this is sheer nonsense. No
can haves look for Ile presidency, who goes
bac to the musty records of the past for en issue.
'Mr Buchanan belongs to the school of ,ftetr
politician.. Fresher and newer men have the
track, 00 840 antiquated persons as himself,
Cass,axid the lite; iqdst. stand aside. Their day
has gone by.—Buffalo tionszneiciaL •
V 40,221 72
“Ton num or 11!Slant VinnienrED."—The
diplomatic editor of the Washington Union, Mr.
Andrew datrluson Dounelson, in speaking of -the
Massachusetts coalition, asserts that the Free Soil
party and Abolition party are composed, for the
most port, of recruits from the "old Federal or
Whig party.” lie also says that the recent,tri
=ph of the Free Boilers in Massachusetts, wan
accomplished by a —faction of the Democratic
As both of these statements sr, p {Ton eu us and
fuhr, It is perhaps well anouo to state the truth
touching thisparticular potholer “history."
In the first place, the leading Free Soil Preto
in the Union, in the New York Evening Post—an
old Federal or Looofoco journal. And the lead
ing men in the Fret Soil movement were Martin
Can Doren, John A. Dix, John Van Buren, Benj.
F. Butler. and Preston King—soma of them old
Federalists, and all of them notable leaders of
the old Jackson party, and not our of them ever
was a Whig. In Massachusetts and other States,
many of the Free Boilers hove been Whigs, but
when they joined the VAn Buren and Butler , Lo
cofoco Free Eoil Organization, they erased to lie
Whigs—when they went over to Van Dunn, they
voted for a man that the Whigs have always op
Again—it is not true that a radian only of
the Deamcratic party united in the election of
Mr. Buinnerit Was the Democratic pa rt y Peep
er, that •Mid the deed.' Jt was a faction of
that party that stood out. The bargain yea mete
in a party caucus. The Free Boilers agreed to
vote for Boutwell for Governor, and the Demo
crats agreed to vote for Sumner for Senator. It
was not a faction or fraction of either party that
entered into this "unnatural embrace," but both
parties respectively and distinctly. These Dem
ocrats who did not stand by the rargain are
denounced as rebels, and factionists.—tlowinnuli
- (Tszette.
Snaaztß. F.. lignMpgdoo eo, 1 . . Olarct, '1,1•
M. Kum—Dear edr, Your Petroleum 'sorting won
In dile tidally; tbetekors wa would tbsuir yo toeetal
wo &mem by the 14ousyleaula Railroad. We are en
I y out. and It le being Inquired for almost steer day
lours, respectfully, JOIIN LON°
11/T3131 . 1111. Ashl.nd m., 0 Niarch 10, 51
-- - -
S. M. Er. Ifs.. Agent, • few wake, ,time.
left with na fol. Soren Hoek Oil. whiAl we has 'wild
Plan frerwassl . .to no sto dozen Irearvaiiitar.
low Makin. Is soaring wonders In Ada region. It.
eat ottsits arena ad:Aleut evailbowbsi. II run
For role by Rawer 1 McDowell. 140 Wood street R.
Salem 51 Word etreet 11. 0. Fahtwotock. t Co. corner
15 , e4 ned Front area, D M. Care, D. A. Elbe.. ilovenh
D.4140:4 ,p 4 It. P. sAiwarts, Aus be ths
snietor. P. M. KIF.R.
gpllidgwrir Lanni A- Pittsburgh.
loge bash:WAR bawdy fur wormr it rapidly 14,
plaiting 111 others In public cal/nation Where It Is used
It ha prolured the bat Abets. aid driven Got other
remedies. ' , lt Is the beat they have ewer wen.' I.llu. re
murk a all who hove ever wed it on their braille.
vrriur hirousiis, vv.= co ,
Feb. 19t11. ISda I
J. Kidd A received a lot of McLane's Veragore
Lon your Agent lot spring.
which I mid nut one week
and I tincdr. I couLl have sold one thousand ta.ttlye ht an ,
thne.if I cr.uld hags pat It. but nt knowing where to gst
it. had to wait until your ar.cnt CAM around Lorry
person that has tried McLane's terutilugs. Vll ins it is
the Gast they base ever seen in fart, It it imps . .. Aria Ad
one to say ten mush in favor of McLane'l4-,sll Vent:au,
.1 KIDDt CO.,
No 60 Wood sI
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
thll and coapletastockof FOREIGN AIrD AMESICLY
Suitable !or the wins trade, and nbtrh the? ars P
to offer to purchasers at vautcs that POI compare
favorable with attr of thy modern rithe.
- L—
market Street Store for Rent.
r RENT.—The Store. u S Market
street., the weeded door from the earner of Market
Liberty M u er. Poseeealou al•gal th i l ; pl ,4r ojnrl2 Eß.
aext... t. b i agulreo 106 Pena et-
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
(Mee :to. 41 Wand etruet to the warchotute ofC U.
l j a"'' 7 l• P ".. W ire" -- ed kr'l¢..:;4 l ll. Vgldue
la atom aT in t l'n'tntielte. =els, On.
Av a=olc g uaranty for the ability and Integrity of the
lustltution Is afforded In the character of the Director,
who are t elUseas of Pluabur k h. well and tahnuldy
thawll to e for their preacher: lutedllkozwe.
and Antegtity•
Ulatedole—C. U. llt h ery, irsa. i nsley,
Jr.. Waher Bryant. !lush D. Ed a n d Ileutletou.
Alba liapreadh. Ilarbausth. a. . e pVitt
AkrRECORDEft—I will be a candidat fo r
the WS. of Rerorder, euhlect to the deeksjav of the Wh
and doh...rook County
"" v iaL lIA LISTCCK.
litteldrayth. April 21.1661allerted
kireOlthirY THLASUftEII—We are nu or
teed to announce that .1. W. hatter, of the 01 Went, Cite
flueborgh, will be candidate for the oft. of tkunty
Trewarer, 'abject to the &riche of the Anti Ilmoule and
Whig Conoty CoateaUoo. ardentre•
Stir CLZAK OF TIM COURT.—The name of
John thorn,. of Willa.tonatthip,lll be preens el to
the approach'. Antitemonle thed W hit County Conroe•
hoetar noonnation to the office of Clerk of th e
StirCOUNTV 14.C.111TLIt. — Til0 KAU/e3 Ofit . ththl
ktuwartre, af the tint Want My of PlUalturgtb hill be nth
mined la the Antbkheneale and Whig Count, Coeventlan.
aeaeandklatethr the oftee of ltheletteonad will be Earn e d.
ty mypartei tiroy 'err
lithe rune,
-11fiOLliTY—REGISTLIL—John K. Foster. of
tosrashks. mill be eendidele &steer. tette"
lbe r
hatealeace4e eu4 Whig l.Lutrt•L'eeeealei ,
aratams. of Eli
sabeth torough. ssitiatarmit his name m {heitztbMersile
sod Nelda County Oxanreetben, es • candlest. for iheeine
(lon In the Legishiftew. egaiiiik•Ar.b
warCourrre Please annOutlee
that LI. ...Loom of nal t. • oandtd•o ,
for the of of/ , oglit•t, sutdoel to In. division of tb• Au.
ti-Xasonla and WM; CionntylDonvontiou.
sp2colf•rtoll •
Cusx or Inv Coast —Henry Hansen, of
atlistamoy City, wUI be • emretaste hr egad:Wk. to the .
atthee °Lille*. or twerite . and
oi_ f t
11ay•SourTa Oma
-wirrn . 7 .,•• ____•
Joviry ColliflB3loNlit.--Jat. McC une,
or the Math Ward. at/ or Pitiehoir. will be • Oatihi .
belt. the Wilitio. . U4daeo Ole toorarms,34..tru„s f
ere of Comity
of Ilppli Et Clair township. will be • otodidate tw !la
notion to Ude ogee. before the tibia wail Auti-Miwoalr
Omar Ocarention. torldsweral
Cormisluoriza.—Darid Blair,
Jr., of do Beyond Ward. City of Alifiltany, will ba a our
dilate Genre the , Mal-Italic:d and Wide County (bona
tion for tble edam of County Culazobdoner. ;
56011111111110NER.—Robe:rt King,
of the Seventh Ward, (My of Pittabugb.,blrotandaanded
to tits Whitt and aint4htalonta co.%r C=aantlon. as , a
candidata for Couddy Caintatacater, by
soyfadavrtoadt Bladwrilol4ll.
Ktdithi, of tL Ninth Nahe dty Of rittebutet.. lll
to •
cateltdate Wont th Antl•ltseonio tog Whis,Con .
'""llbe the dike ot 03unty CommLesioner. .
lir COMITY 0011111111310 NCR.—Major Jaw; tee Met Wsra c City PitubWilb_. will tw.
esiididati bellisw th e Anttliawcwic and Whig umiwiY
wwilliar; of County Cwavalidoe.n.
ri.,llleN. OF TIM COO e.Tfl. '- . -4117Cd BMA.
ece=eue the above aim euteout to the da.
Antilllaeottle 2.1 Whig Conetr_cou.
Pie et
A ; covityr l*usTlß.—Alexani e r .
s rf 4A..t bm
llj asr .
ZWXalcala 40a.ti 4:llmodils.
. it will 14- aeon by j efo t tin g to our ad-
oertroLog fiaaspihatft, o:4larreircbsitty crlibrilkt
Arabia Llithix*lns &along Made Ito opemineaaaloge
oto. tliCa b&ft . tbeLwvfacUou ifnig aitmerabolorttma•
foina ime=g- hund..Ll uid
bet. toMforomfeffill prepaistloo goer dlfflorrenol. being
eompagad of boloomb and gum. Poet." to Ac.U.• "
tatibtsobog mom goat, that altmastt avta
the moat mieutble of the medico) faculty. IV. adobe WI
Comillen to get a bottle inatorflatelhood it mai save omtoh
sa:ruing. mal:Sa3
lay sw, m An N hfti city, by
Re c. C. Cooke. Dr. J. Ntnrnr. ut Iturtritle. Ruch county.
Itang. to MittsF- J .114.1=1. daughter of Hr. Isaac
_ -- • -
srilEronnr.s.—We are authorised to an-
Munn , that Wm. K. VAattal. of Elitaltoth Borough. rill
be • candid.. for nomination to the otillor of Reconler, tT
fore the Autl..slamain mud Whig entiuty Coo reotioti.
toyckdatrte . -8 _
W. If:WILSON, Watch z a ker — ,
No. ta ilaritrt, Corner of Fourth rt., Pittsburgh,
Sliver Ware, Military . Maxis, Lampe sad Channel
, Ten and Table Ware. Cutlery. Carioca. Act llold
Metbrmatl.l Inetrumentr. mid • arta{ varier,. of r yety
curl.. fashionable W 30.11. mequl and arnarbeyd e )
Watch work oseeuted In • aurwriur manner. ashrttel by
the beet English and Wrench workmen. rayk
. _
Firm Dress Goods, per Express.
A. MASON CO. have reed thie morn
,. , log pso: Eztirra r r . ittil y = stof Dres i :
' . .T o r t . ,' " ,. °E ro o l.s o d Philo TV's. trourro Tal b td
i l ea Bars.; de Lair., afol3llltll.
Tlrs ntssre Goods &reran worth. the IttlenUort of porch.
vers. v Mos' rLU fold at unusually 10. priors, :orcb
No...Ostia dl Market
sale or retail. al
IR,V - 11j.31 PED RIBBONS--Just reo'd per ex
press-2S cartota of dim verT deshAlda Crimped
bans. fat Trlmud.nn. ninLraclng all the dilemma widths
and color& The Atterdldo of yludnenle customers le re
nnet:folly invited to the above ortenslve aneortment
Itkk o E Three Storied Brick Dwelling,
No. 52 Liberty strott, lately occupied br tiro
en •
ter. It <ordains nine large ropi tt ,pd
tug room, and Is trundled 'nth cooking rant, dud bolter.
Posneraion can be had haractlatele.
lash F. 11. CASON, Fourth mu
Chartiers Coal Company
AT 0 T I C V.—All persons having demands
11 .oh. the Cloartiors Coal Company, will plearePw
sent them for settlement. Z. W. REMINGTON,
royintlt Man - ager of the CbartiersCoal Eu
- --
. Rusted. Ground. Blue, Green, luryle, Ruhr. 0 1. f I.
Lemon, .ad they colored Whodo. Ode., for reeldenc , ,
~..t,b0 . ,, p r ie est °Moos, au,tuat merited from Elirmieur -
Lem. England. and for sale by_ J. J. GILLICEPIR.
mr9r.t 78 W.I ore. .hiss Fourth.
- DULY. CORN STARCII-5 bze. for sale by
N DIAN KED-150 lbs. for sale by mye B. A. FAIIKEATOCh A CO.
11 . 110WD EXT. LIQUORICFI-1 can for sale
'AME SPONGE-400 lbs. for sale by
VI A NII A NESE-41 casks Posed • Saxony,
for sate Fr [myill 11. A. VAIINESTOCK ACO
I.CONFECTION SENNA-40 lbs. for sale by
1 torii U. A. FA lINESTOCK ACO
9 ASSIA-400 lbs. for sale by
riIAII.TA.R EMETIC-50 lbs. for rale by
tale br Irr7o) V.A. rAIINESTOCK A CO. -
`TRAY MARE.—Strayed from the:N.-..„
• 11, m 111 .'. hu the ! ,1 4 net , . SORREL 31 AB.IIeM.
about 1/ k 1.411 arol 10 or 11 yearTld, net • s
tik& Z'AL,,,AX,f,',`
log um iolrona ' shoo •hero ytr. her .11 h e labetallt
rooardol. JO`Elll CAI%IO.
salt Work& Tartotua hot Other
Ee.o. Deer to.. Allesheor 00 0 lint 0 . I'sl.
ROLL BUTTER-3 Mils. (freeli) ilI dodo;
ILL ne4 tee'd and for .al. by It. DALZELL a t.XI,
IrlYq Llte , rty 'tenet.
. .
A Vegetable Ccanpomid,
U RICER'S BALSAM, on infallible rem&
.10rf , Illarrhee, Dveentery, Bowel at Emma, Crew
r pEnt-Lf children and adult , . A perfk.tly safe and eller
ek,th. ea.xnedr umler all eirennotrirv , It has brttl need
with hap, and never fallina ef our most
fur the
practitioner , . of niniktnn. wherever Introunovd.
br the INrt too or- three yenta ta for ...tire... amour
In pamphlet form. Ruse:trade of
of the
n kV,,Z1,7 , ;
ehived by the above Malraux, alter every other nlnedy
hot Icon tried In rah,
The tylowing r.. cope of a certilleate Malaya [alba Or
to, en., of the al.,.nowt hi the family el' the
Ker../ 1,001, of the Mett,diA nook Conners, of this
cite. vla
.If. TJrnre. - $l, I deem it due to lon to L•tr. ch.a to sa"
•rool mOtalif I have hero trt Ing many resin:he+ for Mar,
rboa. but nth little eneceie. but, hoar.¢ of your rernedY•
oronlro4 one hottle. whirl I have need. tuy Waite.
th orl•I sumo, nO.l I 4,1 lore roor twofold it to Ilse
Spublic.o• • va1k••!:2;.....0ir1dr , ..t0 . for Inarli,m,‘ , llc:LlAr
lue n
Cincinnata. June
Th. ate,. Svrop or Ital.m t. prepar...l and veld whole
ra, and rvtan C RN/WS Dr,- :+tze,
o f
eorr., vrcht and Aron stvwx.e, at the a nd
of Oar:liner S Co, 04 Mccc, .tre.. , t, tertween x•eventh and
etreeta, weal eetr; and of the pnocipal ran. ultt
1.1,01,0 the Weet..enerailv.
Man, fur axle to 8. N. Wm/Ler:ham. Pltaelorrehr. J nee
Dough., Allegheny; W it McClelland. Slaneheeta, John
Fit.gerald. South Pittaburah nee. Liana. Temper....
rine: John emith. at the Illrmingham Drug Store, Bir
nilnabaux, Leurlithr di Gregg. Went Newton: IL Kern,
Ellaabeth. Perry Laker., nrKe.orport- tnytt'w3nult
Greenwood Gardens,
111131V0 and a half inilem belt Ornamental, on
the hank a the Ohio Meer. an leL m eer
tiaiden, mat a delightful mummer retdrak Ire
Contecuonadt, Venue. Tamt*rate ded kept fat
the an0n:11,1,44u. a Meitum Alen. am.dedendat
of FldralMart and Everbleamaing Plant far dale
The means, cnoown 1n... the Mat of I," aimek at
teedionlne a ear.. head. teem 9 i.'cloet. A. M. Until 10
le IS.. - Malta< at the Carden. ;CLued ao
m rat ilitroava and Parke V
P.r.l I
lIONEGUER & CO . Importeti . ornea,
Loom, am, Fut.. 191 Msdllitield ttefeet. be
•ern Sixth .1.1,e ...tan
__...___. •
New Ranges, Tisanes, Silks, Lawns, &e.
BURCII.F I ELL) Wive this day
Tlttna - cb
Burerr are toytted to call mating thrtr.purebatr,
669iif at •tiole•al! to nom. .41., mrs
Qua or l'irrrouipa. star C. nut
gin E President and Directors of this Bank
k have tho, far arclatvr/ • thriclea4 of rock ru Cr('
thr ,ap l. ital net. e• W.ll aorat" EArmbh. to
Strrklaolglerr leral rrenralstatin. fortbrritt.
JOHN Lair, [WAN.
Promissory Note Pound.
c. r c.,. dated May 7th. 16:+1, ti , au. alder at bat,
o ”tho. o fourmonth. dor. fmtecl Itl notsl timer
Tba wrter ran ha , . It by rlalin LL(Mt. g at thr nnre ef
tayl / LIM SI Wand al
TIE UNDERSIGNED, having had the
',gnu's.' tr• an Essay on Lblealg al•knct
rsintng of Children at Umne rrad to tL
denversrl brarre the Teachers' Association. h 7 t•Lts Pm&
den, Mr .1 (tit MALL rem, that an tn., 1. can
rye ed
snar st that time Ly thr rd of tit eirTal &Mt Iv o •
b. abintr they toot a rich treat ofnth Iturbls Iv
Inrscstlnt. ore them/urn hnpot that Ur ' : FasCitt s Is. Com
mittee of the Arsesnattun maksvallableartangeMsnts
ln hose It repeatest at nosh time a. maymit onarnsi•
nEIIAT wp..clext,
0. K. !LEM:.
IltreLurch. At•rtl
In enmplianee with the above regot,t, Hr. ORKUOItI
bu eoneentsd to deliver the Dam'. In the Baptist Church.
r ni
ant and Asth streets. Pittsburgh, on Edda,.
ate iith tort- at 7 e'elork. P 51.
Tb. "ilk ate m.0./folly Inalted to attend.
By order of the fa te
renet Committee.
A.ll. g1,161i. I,ree't.
.t C. BURBUCIL. 1:111
Laiti3OT .411 lbs. (fresh) for sale by
r , 0 ,,t
.__ H. A. Vella tell)Clea Cu.
.. -
PRUSSIANIII.I2I:--5 ca.xes No . . 1, for sale
by al t o H. A. VAIINESTOCE.* CO.
Rig:ORR: E ROOT-150 lbs. .Prosed. for
L pub. by ta,S R. A. FAIINDITOCK t Or.
. -
DARTS I) KEEN—; O cans for sale by
.1111 IF: -MOSS---G5 lbs. for sole by
.ye II A. rAnsewroCK 4 co.
LIQUOIIICF , ROOT-1200 lbs. for eels by
I I'TS. T U It PE NT I N E--`2O bbla, for flak by
0 n o , li. A FAUN K,A.I. .X. 3( &CO.
Fresh Arrivals of Wall Paper;
/1111031 AS PALM ER, No. 55 Marketstrest,
ha, Jon rwtivod [rpm Dm r...t , a bauil....• maw,.
Belt of 4..atpetcvd Ch.M., Pewr. rilyel
QPl.X.aki DI r) Fli LIN CII A KLO It PA P %It, '14.1. &s, Market street, to pal* Lt wry wadi.prinZ
______ ta” TIIONIAK P .K.
For Rat, ~, v ~, L .. '
iv I, ...l a w gad is t r,rll. 0,1)411.1 - 611 PVIIII 1, br -
Is.. h.t , veyett • berrimm slier. im ia o f 11...
Minket. Coafawliom-b, Krill rtreet.. or
13A.PEt IIANGINGS—French andAt
-1 l' ', fr "" ''‘''s'Llirtil.64.2.Pone r " " I. b L'i
aly4 ,lIA MA L I., a NV_ lit
I OA. No.l lanl.
3 •• thicki Appl,
111 RSA. F.naber,
2 ( B lTast " n.r. to strive op g(•;44•1
aul .1. by
Front .4 Rodesstli.
Sii --
Nlens 5.1.40rr1:
Extra No. I 3.larktrri:
DaMalta , Ilrrritan
For PRO by
lirwern •ad Tim Dade.
.I:3llltiRE BUTTER--JuNt. ree'tl, a Ntantl lot;1
or oupertor Butter, put up In llolb of 21.' lb. for ao:
y use. , WM. A. MeeLeft. , l • CU..
MACKEREL -MO 1,14. No. 3, reeeleitig!:
n.. 1 for ale • 1011014 DALZELL
Inyb 101 Water n.
ARIP OIL--15 Moly. for Nate toy
ILA myS 10010/111•12.61.1..
ROAD , The Stockholder. of th e Allegheny and But.
Road Company are hereby edited that they me
repulsed to pay dye dollen on mob Mee. Tbe Treaumr,
James Jones, .111 attend at the home of Mrs Sweettey, la
Allegheny City. on iVedneslay, the 14th dm of Milne=
trYgl o lied i e o ltill. O o n o U ta :hth; rod of llth: et Hakcrstown, e¢tbe
glet and
mm t.
he they me sestleeted to attend aula SMI
mad luta:mat. I I le hoped the Mookholderr I»
prot pps meponding to tide call, that unnecemary delM
vr tgONTS "'la'''.
riOrell o . r L
C B"rd , RIMY.
rirME higheat price paid for all rho
- •411ffsrrntgrde• of elms% wo.ihrtflrcol by
SUNDRIES -2 tierc e s grease;
_ 2 da 222 g
.1.10. Man itpm stoma n 21122,522 W. 22
„c,O THIS . morunso, per E x p e es,—.
Ana* embratiog all tbo Mont slot snort doolroblo
of Bootleg tont tram - my, boor M. 44
sLITIr 47..1rc0ut of =Woos o
no =cotton of ourcbooont to partionlarliAvtted
shove trootto totyll • A. A-. nA.'”' W.
6) CASES Green Mixed
, -
.*k Breed Cloth;
r Ootteo Goode.
r:r!"' . 60 unjust reed from mourn =nasals.
ro or. .=
eut, end Mr =Mrleer on favorable slaw.
earl' MURPHY t LS&
- ....
Riau. k Bona Or PnTS•CII.Oe. Nay 6, ISM.
rr a lilß BANK has this day declared a divi
dend of rota rga aNe.olr o r i ll s il i Zk i krY• bh,
on ennallki. •
HE Merchants' and Manufacturer? Bank
of Pittsburgh Liu tide day d. laced a dividend of
era in vici r. 0n ta. capital Moen of said Ban.E) out of
he meta of the last ale months, Payable to the gook.
olden rie their legal represeurives, en or after th e 05th
•. li . DENNY, Welder.
o Pittsburgh, Mar Ethi /851.—ft./74"
ADMIE BONNOFFuN regiectfully in
fon. tha WWI. that her SUMMER AfILLISERY
0P.1.1 Oil Thursday next. !day Bth.
Valuable Property for Sale.
.01JR LOTS in Allegheny City, fronting
on the seete ovimen. teimemidoir in trout of Dr.
^lsrm• litinrcli Them Lote an Me Depot of the
Min end Penne r imnia Railroad, mid wed esletdatml
n• war e houses, or • site for arnaninbet estabilatunent.
mi7Nw AND (J Jr.
I=Y DI% imitable for medicinal phi
11 Mat or Bottle, at MON
1_ Election for
Flee Directors, sad the appoin. , •t of knelt adores 1411
may to deemed neoessary ho coaductlog the bud...a
the .I.louotagahela Mining (koapaoy," ellareredfa Imre-
Imo. of mt Act of Amembly, famed the !M dayalMmeh.
will be held at the M. Merle. Hotel, [taboret:4 oo
icedoeoly, the no day of Men A. D. ffn• the
home of I D A. M. and I P. M, of maid day I
7 - 2 tr • IL. KING
• W.
&hilt% lila= cud • , Lilo& .
c i
)I. u .. ll ,Atub..iter.t. R a l Le ::: a ..p:
h.„.' *g.Ta. - 1,,, 1 1 ' a Tritirj: C ad =Z i a
~ .tioce of all .• rlffavnt widths whirl they odor at
m• lowest prima autt
g *RAPE SHAW LS--Ree'd this day per
I ..T...... 0n...4m of Wee very dat=i• Pl:ht ~,,t ,
eLltraderrd Crape Maar!, at all teem
.v 7 A. A. U Yi IW. •
- - -- --
(Formerly the Exchatige,)
Corner of Penn and St Clair Streets,
THIS rapacious, central, and moat converd
ni!dciVald thoroillubly.L're=g bars
and traP4d 4e , t ril ' orTr
nte.n for lbw aerononolation of the public.
fbe enbecriber. Inure ern' proprietor 01 the ST. CLAIR
that he hen fornlidted It ta the mot elegant and einstforta
etyle, and employed cornyietennesaistenta and attenttre
aO.l faithful eerrantr. and that he yin spare no exartlnt
to mat se ll equal to soy house Os the country.
The known central tread. of the Howe and cow
Wrirer " fo ft t:= ' 4l74 . a " l:et=i 7 aValt ddrllZl
to Ai/Reit end pop. for It a liberal share of trimadel
ap22.11 C. W. ENNETT.
Alt D-23 kega No. 1 Leaf,sf r sale by
m 7
1)111ED FRUIT-150 ho. trit 6 ea; „. b
It lCie 10 tierces (tn , ) ,, ff i r T f L il: o l o
Ltherty WWI
rinTA-sena,, hf. b e chesta Y. R., Imp.. and Black
m 7 ROHIBOY, Lirrin a co.
■AY RitKES-40 dos. for sale by
`AY FORKS-50 dos. for sate low by
R00N.14--150 doz. for sale IF
1)0W DER-1000 lbs. Blasting;
tr •
I".."JW. "
AFET'T FUSE-4 bble. in Store;
de DT
ml 7 DYLWORtIn
IURIAPS—A superior article 40 inch. for
1 b y NU R P ITT a L.C6.
1 400 WOOL , BAGS,; ready made,
- 4
i )IFI f 471 1
s fft;ls co
)IG LkIAD-49 0 pigs Soft Galenn, for sole
I ss clay - ItOY. MATTHEWS CO
Ills s L —WS torsi for mai
LI .. by
1 4 1 EATIL ' ERS — a sks prams Ky., for sole by
• oss7utY, a)
QULA ASII-60 casks (good) for salo
• ml 7 A CTJLIMITL , ON Aoo
I-10T vroEs—loo bu. (Galena) to arrive,
• to reletby myl A. COLBIRTSON ACO
1111 E VilliS!(EY-- 37 , I.t . l: , t.aure2 f . T v sale
VAIL-S-3M kegs owed for sale by
4ete Drid - Pea:bea
Ce.drd Daeun duet reed and fdr 322lSO Nb 7
I)ltiL p PLACITS---29 bbbt. on cOnsigil
. cO.
DRIEIi FRUIT-1 - 0 blt. 1 5 en i cheL .,
EITTON S. C., for sale by
11/1 my; J CANPIELD
UTTER--lu boles (fresh) reed daily by
)EARLS—o_O bbIA. for sale by
m 7' J D. CL:trIrLD.
1 INSEED 01L-20 bbla for axle by
coy 7. J. B. CANFI2ELD.
4.IALEDATIJS-100 hxs. and 10 bbls. pure
for NJ, by my: J. 0 CANFIELD
1 11.hESE - 100 boxes fUr sale by
• ,a7l J.II CANIULD.
Office for Foreign Patents,
Will 'S., V. York and 1613 nett a., London.
n 1,01 Braun. Frau, Mow, 1141cmd, soul all
,t,or part. Of Europe—the Quad.% Cuba. sal the
f Informadou 013 ths above Mai b.
A. bad by abbababa
b R.ll lAnart.. Yoyk..
Alexamier Bradley,
No. 19 Wood stud, between Fire and Second oU.
ANUFACTURER of every description
jVii_ of COOKING STOT23, of the ma t icl peb
res. and =ell an will render the bat
IeTtiVEZ, among which will b; geoid
d loot'. celebrated folding deer Pula attired Ede'
tllover Radiethre: Fthriklin Ended pit h% end :they lira
t, which .. Invite th e attention of i l l s Ten itettned
Ilegew nth. %Tejon &de. art te en of which we I rite
the attention of dedier. leg. purchasing eleawbere
Hamburg . Polka.
K LEBER. Nu. 101 Third street, 6fte just
Ilsmbum POL., On• nf the mod popular sod beau.
Wu/ Pollue, ever published.
Farewell, Old Cotta eret written and composed by 13. C.
V.v.,. end dedicated to Mr..
Harr Rood Lof Pittsburtfh.
flinor I toed Thee, MsryDeall C Porter.
Thr Little Red lUdlog flood; by lover.
rjy. llo.otafo Dairy:
‘ b I h
s ne ,.. e t home, e, roma oy r Jettor s..toci: n l,l[l4 4. new sea.-
J f
'ova by
ber i oitat beautiful mays..
If liter PF:r;. wo„., Vey
Amt.= eaten:ay...election it
"‘ uy " Pii tUN OF VIE OOLIIkN
MOTOCT-ITTIAII, OT lb. I.l* of floym a we by emu,
N. eouthworth.
The WATT! Wife. br T. N. Arthur .
Meehan 51agatlue. N. 5.
llortieulturiat, far flat
I:retinal at
HOLM S' Literal., DeM ,..
TDlrd 5t..1, the f...
AlFirfi PP.d s f . ari t r! N
Diet weary or Meetsles, .
Field Boot of the Rewolotkr, 13.
Nell Gwynn...or tbs Court of the Stewart*
lotornetronal Iloarahar. for Illy.
Wild :Ingots in the Weer: by Maxwell.
The Complete Flower Oardeowr.
The Ootowleto Fruit lhorleoer.
'anion Labor end the London Poor.
' Rlyeterree of the People. by Buten, Poe.
The History aul Adventure, or Pea Ow, Ir 7 the author
or ••Lartrle
Torn H a rra Rod hi. Three Maid. Auota.
rrtarakla hell. a rhetorical Ihreuance—romPlste.
Time , Co.' Alrengtor , by Mrs. Marsh.
Tb. Corombatoner a new novel by G. P. It. Jana.. Bat.
• Third Ward School Lots at Auction.
att.:Pawn, wUI sold, on the prvutlarw—
ela vet 7 valuable thilldlog Lot.. Faust.. at the earnetol
4.3tond street and Cherry alley, hart tub • front n
fret no Diamond onreet, extending hank
k 100 feat, wlthl
feet giant lo whlen 'treat
Termm Onwhalf eartn residue in one year •Ithlntrewst
ee enyrel by bawl and montane on the premises.
fly order of 11. &had 'them
burgh and vicinity trill hold IL. Annual pi D.Pli
wads,. (May CAB) at 3 o'clock. P. E. In the I.ton
limn of the Vint Presbyterian Chard, Entoorlbers and
Ladlee tneodly to the erne anranue.tatl Wattend.
nye E &Pa lEro Tem.
rE ANNUKL MEETING of the Stock
tseldrra d the Ohio Trap flock Minion OWn1W11!!!li
he eh! at the °Mee of ant tbmpnely in We (-ley of Pitt.-
burgh. en Monday. Jane 2,.t 2 dein% P. M.
e. d el W. K. HART. den
14 . 11 RE BRICK-63,000 (Cool Grove) Fire
ann. e q ual (If net superior to the Bolivar Mee..
Notice to ContntcUm
PROPOSALS will be received, by the sub
aniber, for the einastructlon of gent &CO Cobh
1 snit of Embankment on the Railroad of the mason,
t ud c o mpany. Immediately below the erre/drag of the Stew
benville Turnpike. about 4 tele, Innal Ihttmenrkh, The
wok to be commenewl within • week, and eXted with.
cot delY• N. Y. JONES, neer
Chattlert Ca
FLANNELS.—We have receiv-
P "T,lr a gega i gUlttrrer4 gia d Oit
.10 "'grades ca males% also, Gismo snd Pllk Rap PAD
" 4, "d ' briJ U R rarTat
lIIIS - 1)100- 4-100 lb kegs Manilla;
Ornmes Gamut ot gaml oullty to ar
ca =low qualitin
w 't.thnr,f4Vp Cr i tel %be am e..
INDIA RUBBER TOYS—Just received*
Urge assorvaartatlvd Ea Rubber Tons Wyatt:du
1 Zvi V woxlvt. •
Law ri°tice*
f=tud:U n of the Midi Judicial Marled of
reemAia ara'nVali"r ie;gwbeee 'le' rr
eut° wtso!
°Moe fa twootoo to to r D. 4 1.4
iticat. row U. corner of Hai.
oaf Oaf WILSON 11oCAND1.E98.
41UST returned from the East, and now
owoow the Loused and Musa amortment Watobea
welry, te— sem brought to Om city. the motel are
Mot the
, zittlext . t . lb ,a le . tms , t , == ol iva
t zt .i . L . ya
m tor) to an hitherto offered In Ohio market.
t rome
o ett o ronotteter y Lme Watcher. tlnetieneva Womb. of tbe
late luveralan. alspe wltit Imre aloollstbsol mod • Mil
assortment of muMus patterns hold Wombat, Taxying In
prim. scoord/ng to anallty, from 530 and upwards. All
unmanteed .o represented, and unmated as to time and
totality. W. W. WILSON,
mys corner Naiket and Fourth ffts.
0:IDA ASII-32I.casks Musprates Patent
10 high test Ws Ash ( (oh.. and Soap Many' in store
and for sale hy the goatdity of 6 tons or upwerdo. sa Phi
netts 6st sash or eiltroted
osriott '-hu MP Liberty st.
Omni Nut for Sale.
plete mining order, frr do by GEO. A ItTBUILFI,
comer of Fourth and Fmithfuld out If root told at prints
grll7lMr.7.ld ""'`"lnnlriirT'arP.
--FLOUR-240bbl x and S. P. for
br L ew TERMAN &SON&
rk - !LIED APPLES-320 sacks for sale 67
.15 roe L. B. WATERMAN SONS.
CORN -500 bu. for al!e . by_
mr° I =WORTH a CO. -
rpOBACCO-4 Mt& o,..h . i . olLe asr af o , ani for . sal co e . by
anti °
th %
C 04 1 ,7-35 bbis. for sale by
93 ozd Front UM= (X).,
1100TATOES-20 bbls. Neshaiusocks, for
nle by my 6 8. Y. TON. BONNIIOIIBI tW.
CIDER VINEGAR-50 bblo. (best) for sale
ALLOW-3 bbls. ter sale by_
TRUSSES, of all kinds and sizes, for die
nfilaf and radkal rare of Hanna, or Rairtora. roar
' tp:ll I 4711 e i ZDOWELL, 140 word a.
Professor A. O. Barry's Tricopharowl,
k/ losing testimonial Is tram Mr. Mann, Editor of ttte.
Fetentito Ametimm Comment on such widened is an.
n0.M17 ,
N. Yaw. Feb. 24,1849.
Esthrs Tricopharons Lou sr Eel* that we take pleasure
in awarding the high. conmurththtlona Sc. do not do It
upon the recommendatlonof ahem but from orthown par.
aural knenrintas alb effects upon the hair, while it tends
keep It health,. salt: and ;rimy. alati renown dan
cing/. prorrota tray 13•12, and W.... Its growth In a
wanner unialualled by any other computhlon known to
.. •• person only nerds to two orie bottle to be constoned
of tblstrath.
Bold In bottles ,
Bro 1 grim th yenta at the principal oa th 1.77
adway, Ne•rk.
gold - in larka bolt a, pries 25 not; at ptopththo4a pol'
Mt by 11. E. LL
E . 07 Wood rt.
adved aao dozen mauled AlLBallsorkleh ...m
w at the wholiwwle t:wetern pA
m 6 J.i U. PHILLIP&
rOBACCII-1 bhd. prime Seger Leaf;
`9 borer
11.1d* by L tl. WATER MAN A EONS,
lb 6 MI wad 11 Water, and 62 Front et.
L--50 bble. pure' Linseed, for snle by
NVOOL !-;-cuTt:eligttdirtraarieLyrice, in
SODA ASII—N maks Korea's brand,
b sale by my 6 B. & lIARIIAUOII.
GLASS -600 boxes ars'd nizer, for sale by
mis 8. A W. ILKRBAI3OII.
LARD 01L-50 bbls. for sale by
LINSEED oaks cprime) for ea
by mys ' B. A 14.13AABAOGII.
4 LOUR -5000x. , S. F., for sale by
mrs 0. W. IteriBAUGII
111 MIS--30 casks Evan Ar. Swift's S. C., for
LI Ws by Ett y 5 & i W. WIMILIIO IL
130TATOES--'2OO sacks for sale by •
.15 A. a W. IIiHELLOIL
LIOTTON-150 bales i f s oy A ll , e D b y
tic .
kj mrs
-400 bu. DrOd ressb,
''' )b. ' priad k 9 ISAIAH DI rL GTKEY k. CO.
I ROUND NUTS-15 sacks for sale by
IC UtMEGS—I bbl. fur sale by
II Ect . s .1. - KIDD 0 CO.
CI AsT o ILE SOAP-20 eases fof sale b
e y
kJ myr, . J. KIDD a .
(I REAM TARTAII—ti.) lbs. fur sale by
11./ my,. J. KIDD a CO.
iIASSIA-150 lbs . (in mate) for sale by
[ V"...y5 J. KIDD !OIL
Brandies, Wines, &o. ,
1 tIAVING completed arrangements with
fl UM DAMAR—I ease (to arrive) for sale 1 un „,. in Bonfrnnn nnd „ in , E .. 4,,,,,,,,, ci t k, t .,
kJ by my. J. KIDD • Oa. 60 Wood IC 1i e eseeution of noy orders, lam Duo enable] to.offer to
_. .. , .. --- s z,Sici Dealars,at a small advance. over Imporlntion east, BRAN
WANTED—A goal S econ d Plana 05.5. , 1. DIED. WINES. and LIQUORS, of the finest deemiptior.
FOUNT tinuoire of ENGLISH a ISDNISLIT. ! fro. ; 0 . 1 " e1. , 9" nz .v,,,, , ,,,_4.721..
toyf., 122 nomad irt. Attention ; vo 1' 10, below :
__, .
Ito package. Oornae_ Dardsaux, and Doetielle Ornaidea, in
bb ,tu...di; . % Or
F. iziwii . d . . , trt i,,,...
owni, ens
co "l yn "'"
' "lin'. lll- , 11• Boo llP. acacrtrt Eta ,I bra n god
II or. ran. Madan.. ....17 Feed, .
1 . I NEN CAMBRIC TIDKFS--An aysort- , kr, bm •, ,e, 4z-tg4agrt m err . .4
Id roperlor.
' me, well brand.
" ~!:.,1. . .6 r , 11,,,,, : : d i tr.., t ,', =At,- 200 Loves CDs. Wine. various brands and Ando,.
min "' ' 'III7APHY A FIELD M . V.."' 5...."..' and Dante. viIll.2"; 111 , l.
_., SA casks burden. and Claret IVI. s . ;
cAssimEttEs—or carious colors , 1?,!, Old Holland and FehurdamOtn.
io nunehenne Old Insoteh and Irish Whisker.,
4 "T"."" " MURPHY • BURCHFIELD. I ot; krrobsol " or P rota l =t i rand b r each Ale.
\ CANDLES-45 boxes 00 to 40 114. ' nbarn "l" th:, ' ill ' ar.thino,.. "" "14, ==re=i h - --
...., rash, for sale by J. D. WILLLOIS AO, ' di, k.
mayS earner Wood and Fifth ets. A Iwo Mock of RArANA SEGARS *bray. sa hand
All of 'valet I will otter on very farcaable tem.
Orders .111 be executed with despatch. mod goads ablppal
at lowest role.. A. U. IIeCALLA,
anlttlaw . "4
PER3I CA,NDLEE-10 boxesk's, 5'3, an
0 MA, for We br J. I) 177/1.1.019 C CO.
o, half Chulan and Oal e ox
° .I * . i tNI ' I..LIAII.4 . I CO.
-50 be, CDrereaur
MOD Ibe. Derr Halm
100 OA Coro /Imam
2 DMA Iliekory D .7 1.11 , e ; 4,,it i v i art A grar a
"1Y 1175 ' Y1.54b
mare Word end Fifth ele.
I80:0—Vm ale by J 0 WILLIAMS a (.10 ,
mys corner Watt Arid MD na..
ATEIS-425,00u Sawed Laths, best quail
jj ty. for rile h 5 ROBThON. LITTLE t 00.
ea 53 Libertr rt.
F LOUR -100 bble. extra Fatz r iilyi
m 75 54%. CHYLE = co.
BROOMS -40 doz. theme, on consign — ment
and for al.e by R081NNa13 2 11.r,t r c:) , ... ,_
A SOBER. indnetriona Mechanic, who can
ham en 'Made of Lolls, and roll ;mil of 111, %Imo at
.1 24 tmary & CO
.7.340 t
Babbire Sue Loeder the genuine wed , .letztetreed
sad fne rale by H. L #ELLELL
Pitt Street Lots.
lIREE desirable Building Lots for sale.
ch 24 tett Fronting on Pittarnet,grgi naming back
immediately adjoining thelt4dener 4 Wm. Mc-
Knight_ For twro-s anti, to 11 McK,IIOIIT, imarth rt
111RIED APPLES-200 bu. for eale by
.11 mr= riousu d BENNErt.
PoTASII-14 eu.skfole by
To Farmers.
Al .000 ACRES Farming and Grazing
Lunts, In Warm mutt), 'anted on the
iriny deer, wllblo Ord. , toile. of the Yen York and
Also-I.oop Anna In Clk moot'', for 'Me m' ILemonnolr
no, term.. ?Amalie of A. WILKINS A CO,
on 1 mean of Market and Third sta.
To Gardeners.
. ......
VENTY ACRES of Gardening Lend, al
rinvly 'lode, sod eoltiretino, sloths one Node of the
, fl ip re the 000 1.1.1 . 0.121, eseh, ond the
one, two sad three Term , Fa r r Pertkodo” eo .
gala. at the Denting Mare of
Earl corner of blseket end Third sta.
V)'ODLIVER OIL-430 septirior White
forn4by myl R. IL SICLLNKS,b7 Wool rt.
A.LL LOT HOLDERS of the Allegheny
Cemoriery ars lothrosed that then will be Ito dog>
tit the Celoetery hereefter on iloodayeohoeht by
olewiel hobo, which can be uhtaltri 111 l at the Moe on the
frotonde. JO N CHLETT.
• toy 2t2te Superinteodent.
YRUPS. cte.—Underwood's fine . Lemon_
)...7 rim; Underwood's euper.da do: Strawberry floe.
gs,ieetroct Boom far rale b(cm. MoCLURO
a CO.
11.? S T SEIiCES & EXTRACTS, for Flavoring
I.74.t.miT.Ndzer°`''' L' EttniAt of
Joett. (linger; •
For sale py C.
otr2 TOO Liberty et.
OIL PEPPEBMINT-150 lbs. (warranted
pure) for eel . e torl SELLVES.
nv ED PRECIPITATE-25 lbs. for sale by
sib mrt a.. E. BELLKPA.
CHALK -10 bblo. for elide by
11,_/ my) IL S. SELLIIRS
COTTON -13 balca landing from atr. Cape
Day. and for lisle by
Ur 8 Imo Ohmenw,
13 - RAM now laming mai for mila by
myl Water and Front sta.
FEATHERS --5 bag. for sale by
76 Isbds. N. 0. Bug.;
SO bDlr. Batlto (hystod 3. U. Mohan=
6 bbls. Loaf Bum; landlns and for Ws by
63 Rats. and TS First et.
bu. for sale by
ORSE'S Compound Syrup of YELLOW
DOCK ROOT-23 boxer just rro'd from Prorbrroor
rod for We hr b. K. VICKKUSIIA3I, '
SAO Arent far Western Pentogylloroo.
m7l oanarr or wood and :Roth atm.
IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Election for
m e Eta
1.1.44 9 1 . 6 4.1.4 :1 . 4. ° 1. k. 8 1,1
r,gatel . ted e Tgigtll7: l l7L4l2o= " Tunela• Road
qp._ °'W ee P rer : l2=r ho opoT, — ,llWLl d errerb b ea
seem Palle now* of cam Brewer, ho oaelerte emit
Conoty, au Ilodsr, the Mb dir.of
d. EL MI, betimes the boots of le eica e lad 4
delock,T. IL. of said ddd•
R onti lt.
ja .NOßLE irwm
Wftietela . •
Bennew s ita io di r i xin etie DepollitarY,
.b 1 " • s ,n&utT
oirder 30.WS
fIEO. E. ARNOLD k CO; have this day ss-
Ift misted, alb them JOIIN D. SCULLT. TL.etYl.
the Inn will too heratorm, • !
Pit:Yam:ma. IE4I. 1.,: •
GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO.; Bankers:
Dealers in Esebsage. Coin, Etraa Now, * e _. N o . T 4
Swath guest. next door to las Doak et DittobarirD,
te. sad the Droesals remittal to
my taut or th.
Geo. R. Lietibaliil Engineer,
WATTEND, in ani part of the coup
o7. to We SurTer. local., and mastmetion of
kirscadelenised and Plank F.o.b Bretz's, Leeks,
Osseo, A e for canal or elacksaur
,ee. W, spointlmnions, and esiteinatees of ma of any of
die theme work.
Um will also lateen) to the &Meese of nand, and Wins
Mt town plats. making drawings pf models kw Patent Of
s, draughts of onschmerf
Mom in &Atwell* Buildng. Cruet et, [WV tn. gaunt
!Inn, Pittelmegh.
ilef•renow—llon. d. R. Lemones. Thew taliewell. Est,
grille B. Craig, 8.. Mni. Kiehbelnm. Ena
U. States Nail Steamship Line.
date of etestemiolp Crescent cite.)
The new and powerful Ameelltan+Ftral..
ally Lessner; Charles Stoddard. Commander, own
placed me this Lime, to ran between Philwielphia sad Lly
or,wo4 and will Scare her herth—lemloodstreet WISMT.ner
L". 2,001 Estontay May 10th, at 12 o clock.
nit splendid steamship is ;moo new reeow., ls habit to
Me matt substantlal manner, bath as seganda snits...Bs
ohlmnT. has hears diagonal braces 011 . 0u/haat, litcplls, to
Rfartonlngs a the poin t of Corn:WT.lnm and ae
.ew Impost lulls mival in of Month wt.
tics to any dna.' afloat lies accoonoridation. Ds ►
mousers are nossorpuaed tor owafort and elegamiw
Wien' Saloon State Itartzun_.--.
name going to the World's Pak are kronntal that Ea
cordon Tkkets trill be booed toe• Malted mambos of Dar
cura, thing them ample link to plat Pula and matter
the pripalMacs la !
First Mort " $175
experktnacl magma secompeal - es the abk ,
No reamswand until pad far. Freighta hemldvermoL an PM GOODS, 601. per ka.
Returelnyt, the Lafayette will 11
Liverpool 10.1...
end commenee her woad TOM , hem here ahatt the mld .
.110 of July.
U*l OF.- 5 " ntP27;..t?
U6t a l r Mß.Vlss, 37 Walnut et.. o to
JOILN L. LlNTON t _losatord Wharf,
Agent at Liverpool, Jaws
mAgents far Pittatnugh, J. IL FLOYD.
mybad Round Chord, BOHlinglLlbtY AL
atiiiiNggg. 1851 KINEM
gXPRESS Packet and Ralroad Line for
Clirreland. without 4. chop. , ar Steam., ilmn
rargh to Beaver, in connection with Me elegantif ma
mhed Rapp. Packets of, Parka. Cb , from Beaver
to Ravenna, and the splendid new POsenger Cars of the
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Co. In Cleveland.'
NIAIJABA. ............. ..—...- ......
11. 11. r. •
EIMIIIOIII Ira.* m=ll;the Slar.ruimbgt
llortse. at 9 tickek, A.ll. co tecUng With the Packets at
Braver, which will leave Irracterdiately oh the arrival of Ito
beam., arrng at Ravenna Wilma f o r the Eimer
CCare fur Cleveland Parsengers bylthis arrive at
Clerriand In time to t at. Ow ;Railroad LI. of Steamers
or BUFFALO and DETROIT, and thersteamere for Chime
to. Itillwaukte. Toledo. :Sandusky Cttr,l Dunkirk gad Erie:
alto for emetlon train of ears for Coltmob., Xenia. and
Marin.. CLARKE. PARKS &CO, Proprietum.
- •
Oftlee under SC Charles Hotel;
lltSr. under bionmant ß ityawsr.
corner of' Smithfleld j a& Warr strew.
dimtEEi 1851.'1 AEA 1
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Untie
. eitopeletoes: ,
CLARKE, PARKS k C0..._.1. ... ......Itocanuna. Pa.
CIIANIBERLIN. CRAW It I.X.D. 4.. ...etrartann, O.
1.118 well known Line is now prepared to
transportT freight and parteengers now
aCLEVELAND, to any point on lbw Paul gad l.nte.—
The facilities of Ow Line are unlearn...Wl in ntunber.qnsl -
Ity, and asperity of Boats, expertenoe Of Caphtlat. and ef.
Goer of Agents.
One Bust leave, Pittsburgh and Cleveland dally,rannlng
In connection with a line GC stearnbeete between MTh-
RITMO and DRAWER. end a Lbse - ef rat elms Desaatunts
(propeller and veesend nn the Lane.
Parks k Co., Younlotown.o4
• M. D. Taylor. Wasyen, OA
A. k. N. Clark, Newton Faßs, 04
C. P,rotiss, itoTenaz. 04
Itrartou .1‘ Co.. Ravenna, 0.:
Root.. (Monet .t Co-. Frsnalln. 04 • '
Miller. Cuyshowa Felte, 04
Wheeler. Lew A Co.. Aaron. 04
Henderson lc PettiNine, &Musk r City. 04
Peri.Laut 6 Scott. Toledo, O.;
II Wll ll omm d. Co-. Detivit.. ILlchlgew
i Douseensta A Cu.. hillwaukte. WI,
Oen. A. (lint,' d. On.. Chiewro, 111:
1 noon.. Hale, Chlago,lll.
sot cur. Water and Smlthreld .11... Pittsburgh.
The molt Eziraordinary Discovery in the World is
the gnat Arabian Remedy for Man cm( Beast!
H. G. learrell's
HE miraculous ewes performed by the
Arabian physician. In the day. of old, were then
100 th. result of magic, bin since me have be.
mese iri ate with their history we can thus scostin for
their othprising lo er diem.. Their attainmente in
the knowledge of med l eigo were the wonder. of the ege,
while at the earth time th e science of Cbcosistin ahich
with them hod tte origin. wee to the rest of the world iht
tented book." And to botany they ethrethe mad =lene of
Alathe beautiful girth s which skin the desertsot
Arabi. abound rare plants and odorcrus.eocds whence are
obtained more ertanatic IV d .gr.. ,
which this incomparable l ini m ent fragrant 10 comaposW, br
wom rtimulating unctertoth, penetrating' end nthgra
penrties It le, when . afiliftseeo
tbrionth the whole nerthus sixties. alloying the mod to
tr. .= the ineredityp i ert n tlat . ie of 10 calk minute.
ectual.wittuant the
levet der. Pr if gortnte:th: gab%) the Mee. laxes
ecintractM amts. men.; toe to limbs which hos e been
iraltied for years, outing the sbrithled Mesh to grow out
I and rich blood to circulate through ittheirts. It restorn
I:t t 7 , .?r h. lat b r . lr
&nom of the Joints. in chronic agethioth of the Spine,
I him.. Lung. and Kidders, this gees e „ Asstd. remedy
M .. ? c rx , ==
nthic 01 the mart extracrillossi cures on /wont oboe
Tor eampr Pam, Wounds, (11Iblainy Bathes
White Sidling!, Tumors,. Le- is. It is equally our
1 to dimes. of Annul. suels_osP4tnia. goy bril,Ety,
' lf C* 7 f 71 - 4 ' 7!„ - =
which '' reenthe
ly .11
eelapploation. this liniment stands at the betel ' of all
The gallowing Ye from this prineiPaP aceonsitant of the
wealthy: and highly embeds:Lie boos ,- 'ef V.dtrs * Bab e of
Peoria, and omarnte one of the mostrutresaftil eery to
the annals of rnedind hiatory:
Me. IL U. Farrell: Deer Sir, Actuated Dr assn. of Re..
Mines, I inabmit the following'as Intent. of th e MU-
lty of your groat meek:int Ily thil en
d,threeyearsold, wee
tuddenly attarted with** temitile disease, which. In less
than sir boor:, eeootmted It to late helpkuntss. The limbs
became K. ritrid the. not • joint could be tent: the Seth
turned blast and fold, and caltrdy drprfokt fuling; the
Tee hoed, partially cloned and altogether Ofind. Follow
tng QM woo doifnon to ail eon s : the spine Imam. , mer
trotted, stet m earned, that when laying on its boa, ths
head and tools only tonetni. Indeed, the child presented
geg ry .oye.ampte of bettig dent! Immediately on the st
task, the family phyalcian ma called indind fbr three soaks
hero labored reemew it to teeth:l.MA all In 1 . 0111, although
listered • Moen them, and Tssion• rubauient lin
iments applied. it consultation of physielaos was then
held, hot tow purpow. The ease was then brought be
fore th e Medi& Suclety. but tadhinw meddle saggarted
which hod not already teen done: and the doctor then told
De could do nothing more. ire then ommounned ap
your Liniment Reels over the entire length of the
rptnet. and you may: imagine • paretira joy; when. after •
w applications, rehactimo,tomMian tens apparent The
child espklly mowed, with the earmtion of the eight.-
which did pot tecome perfect for nearly a month. it Is
now hearty and robust an ran be.
Mee other Own of the same kind moored in MT
prerionrly. all of w bleb Owl; when, no doubt. if
Liniment had heed amt. th would tame recoverul.
Peer's, Itareti ey-
Lin-re Compham, Eryalpelat,- dna Rlitymati?:::,
' Cured. '
• Rave/ire. Minim/. /1,.. N47=7. 1 E 19 .
Hr. IL ti. Fmnotle—Dee• ein nom Liniment in se Ilion
very wall. enn-doklin a vast deal of need among the
pe. It has tared • bed rem of Eryaitteies, nnbon
of • bed pain to the breast. A lady, who lir. contioni to
barbed for "semi months, with Liver Complaint awl Alifora
Con of the Ewer,wee entirety tillTti by th e um of your
Arabian Liniment. She wad thr doctors meld do her no
/Mod. It heti teen ePplied to • fresh rut, and cored It to
• Mort titer. I bees been .misted with ithentnatlon tor
• oVtti ti rti 18% ett Vri =
nittimd Lothlint ett ° J canalise ar
_ r' itu your Lad/tout s odul
befory way Jona aubtinn. the rmtu. t otar l ._
Stiff Cony/trine, Steetury, Distesoper, Corks and
Sore Eyes Cured.
H ill, Mitchell.. Postmaster et flat, Fulton ,Yonnirt in.
IL Fankruz Your Arai. Liniment is highly
Etlet7tialn W t e lt7l=L o n f r ' fr e l;e lX :4l= 7 ..asst
cured one of ray own of the !Pessary. ur Sheriff. Joseph
Dykes cured hie horse of to Lea (irk with it; he also tried
It one colt thst bed Mte DiMPRIp. serf MAI, and enrol it
imateMstely. Its treys It k dentlecily the Mead hem
medicine he seer used. Then• here heel, numbers cured
of SOT. Myes with tt.' 1 And it very relnaLle medicine
S for man and besot.
Th e pulite are partlerlariiaulfileed aailnitt
coaereceht which hes lately m ade it and Ls
M Vi
celled by e Imposter who makes It "T=l. Ant+
toLiniment- . this la • dangerous fiend and mom liable
deceivefrom Ids tossing the name of Fanelli. Thew
tomb yeaelerder nes, to oaf for it by the arram"VerrrlVl
Liniment,. for unprincipled dealers will Immune the
RlotS mintsue upon 'you forth. genuine, but abonentak
Jar 'II. G. Itxrrwllt Arabian iirtAlltellq cad WA no other,
b .bo on the outdid. ud ohm
verde mown In tbe glues Futile—"N. C. normal Anthem
Liniment, Peoria.. I
AMR, wanted In Mir TOWD. Tillage sad Hamlet in.
the United htatekln which one., not tatabilithed. Amity'
by letter to IL G../erm Peoria, 111. with good reference
ee to character, responsibiity, ea
Mal an the agent who furnleb Tree of Charm •
book containlng much saleable Informeticatir even' clads
of Millen..
. _
Pame-...7.5 orate. GO cent., and ono dollar pre bottle.
no only am.< a.....t.c100.i. by it. 0. YarrelLeola
lareator asal_piotor, aad mboloaalo &Imagist. No. 17
Mallet atm& Pwrla, Ylla and Tor de labolgralaraxl retaUat
penalaeor'a Wok by, • R. Z. BELLYRB,
milaitar,N : - Na. 67 Weal atm%
Sold by D. M. Mill!, Allaghany Car.
Fl" •
t 1 .31 3 .1, 1 , 1, % o 6 I Bale=
V. ttlot 6 1 0.5 Ntseterel;
8.5 Mao -. do do
10 do Zia. 1 trimmed Eilatt_oas bud lila
for ale br tap3o] I JOH.% WATT &CO-
.1)110 IRON-66 tons Forgeand Foundry,
.11. at * ibr ga mumb. by
giD JO= ALT:MCC., .
FAR3IS, worth over $8,500,
"' and R. 400 LOTS. to be dlstraboted smog
SthaiberaTo supply the dtharel Oa
tom and Fatho Ilermannothe. 1 have laid .t
slater tract, aning the Lon golahool 1.,110.06
/and almody old at llentoovotlka. to be of the woe dm,
end disposed of and Melded aninna , the Dumdums M the
-coo manner ea thole moonily
to. bora induced to do this tn. OA cnna/ amber
web., error inad lar=l. SI
in that part or I& Mud.* 001:01=1117
Jerre...WO, .d aro nombees of moons hare now to- -
rolne Interested in Ulu. rand, Tbia additional trot la ha
no.. equal to the other, and at the% rate they
hthur tarn they will all he sold it a Ire- we. •
awns ICC , Oarma ace tow au.
Doh cubecrther Iseatltled 1,3 It Lou. Dth ylO3 Wet, if
...Aber. or a FARM of from 4 bat soma The storm ere
az-T.loln $5 whatrobwritod Mr, $5 on or
-duo the day of diOnlettion„and 000 aloothlf
, : ,,w popu ga rd gs. if d.irel. • Warrant. Deed will be
vote out itomoDthely after the
t tootle atter paying the athos.
The Lots are situated In the Tillage of 1111111./LNW
v LLE, the Long bland Railrowl, County of flallint.
soul 50 miles from the City of N. Tot. and slid. tot..
an& are. nan 'Wage Manny laid out, la.. p p m.. buildings are erected.
It ia one of•thoeathieet planate the totted -ftteu. and
Ohm ae- mile of Itookonlotous loth. • besot/lel heed
water. about three mROs
itoircumkretteel,..„ aea
_Of Ongelr i •
.nrrorfilZdleabgtlll e="=riotts
South Bay ',Web le Ore mike wide and 40 mike
thoodacol; papplied with oytternelants. and fah of
10,0 tthle calla nodose as sottob• po• acre. sett the
cultivation. so any land within 11:10" toilet of the 0117
or New tort. -
.,n Wnso.--At the thho.ll Meeting of De
Nove Tort Arrieultural Society, held at Albantva the
loth Instant, Dr awarding Perooft444 Fled we
14 ' 44 <onn , T atandS secand tren—nn 44.4
in ratan" . wheat. 31r. tisontorL.Tlotooseo, '.. 4. ' 4. "`• 4.4 "'
co lead the wend premium of fl 5. far 1h Inter Whoa. al
bushels one la,ut to the sae lir. Thom Won't wheals W '
Tnrint7 nlnen booboo robot but • fear Too, co the lir
lath, and the ylekl move it well school to the= -
agrioulturatat..aties of fang leland are
to be developed. —{Long blander.
eight miles from this land Mem= •
TRIO, and is no betterhy nature than nor lartde cow of 4
for. fordo. Thialtheit anew
10000 amnia glad •
ws• told for esedotheat. at
Thane. received fo the moth:id of • little more than two
ic over lOU
Th ren om bays bent rdse6 during the Tow youroZtho soy
MA of Corn, Mod POOXOne 150 babel per arra Zig L
rand •
And • variety of warden vegeOblea on bad mar the r l
Halitead,ad La. Bata. at !Ablaut! , where a
Mace hat been established, for which Soma at
oonorr awrieultord Fab, bold 2.lth. DON
woo even. Alarthom.bethe. ondthntOtho istotgdolno.
ice7b - lherie= * ) irtiven the New Toth Farmer and 'Kw .
<Lode a November ithr,lBso, ard e vrasitlit.l by Mt. Mar.
tbo editor, who visited the land.. The what./
andempa ramrod to in the article, were ralsed at Inks r
land, mar Iformantiville stalker
glaring a fn home' leisure during the putweetkre
weft conveyed over the Lou sr Nand / t ad, a •
mat of th e 000.1 MT, 100111 nn y mike Nom .DOIr Ter
which we End be capable Of mil' erkstemNd mad Went.
t.,.. eu tourame, Although late In the moon and viewed
muter MOM dlessiunteere, we wore surmised at, the eeoli
ty end abundance of Um eags which hal bun gathered
Won a pail. e th os land. to also the wilder mope. which
spocansi unurually ourerdatng. • -tot, whkhlud twee:•
sown but two re the weeks. Omenko 6 • W•ntlhll
meet thrtdre, beets. and other onelablea =et .
gathered far' , dater use would compare advantageOusl)
with the best to the New York Market. PotathesS •,luedit
I t the olio were f Dr" without sestio el MOM..
and corn etanding torte A
wa regrurhy d =
eaw on lands valued ed more th en me Ihweind ;
per ore. Indeed, the re:Ml.o4es which remised therm. '
the Buffett cooed Bak, were raised fend a non
, Uon of this mound wherh hod mit tea eattiosted
booth, Altogether we were on' fmorabli is c =red
with mir slat to thine land. now so bearably to
the trublie, at prim which earmot tell to double In a Bra
yeassould we would invite the attentlon of thou who dr
tiro cheep and ellOble farm, to thie Ideation
Ilennosevllle etadon le located. the bentletw or the
Long island Ballraselm hence ears ran ...malting:radar
to Brooklyn ! r ud
New Irma The rude. , of the land SO
smooth and level. ^ante sumounliug country is
ly. thealthy. and within a tor miler of tech plan, mr
euttirsted and valuble, bastugPM2l fettled for more than
Paudred and testy years, and where similar had/ sell at
from 150 to IrMO Poe atom.'
_ .
The Lands me &sword O rePrewthow emu rhi• ••• T
now Lou OD t the laa, and when minuted, w prance.
in tbs higthei degree.
TO lard wu once beastly thabereat. mane poetic. are
nor COrand with a thiny strewth of omen Out,
oak and pier._Wood 'is Meet). ma fergrollY aw.
tier panel thelelmed. Blrerweod threw thud which
suitable to be cat Moe cordwood; Mr the New Tort mar ,
ket. It of uniform oire and has. Pr • greed moot Yeelth
hen always moldered a cash ankle on the Island.
There Is =tested on the land bar oommon fencing-coup
theerenet mils cm be MO within s few miles of theme Lads
in abundance. . All building matertals ran be had at the
Pom of Brook li ... Ureeeport. and o 1111117 10141410.
drain plane. at e cruel merest prices. There are tor
morons Ammo of wear rising In them new lapis, .end
rumlog into the gnat South Da y . which us returnable
for the. r purity. atuLthe t ver tad-ludeed. dry weather
makes pry le. ego I them , they are unfailing. and
of various depths-probably. mer thou.
7:1%T...110.1.11e region of the Want the recut
dope will be about ill feet at Ilermanusille, as the
le higher, th ey ors deeper. Sulanibers are not entaWd
I to buid.
There are now aura. and pelmets witldu two or three
Volet,"aneii=vir Ata'l,4l4l, l ,`:i .";I,thlt=
emeary are to be had hennaed the people of Bedrolls county .
pride trumpet.. .we being a highly moral. orderiyand
Mous people. All 01 .07 eutrerters are Onou of reopen
Miami be very
up rana the cost of mt.
tlement +Undeterred ma minty = the utrierbe
lay out as moth or o little as he thaw. I Bourg Wow
any otelemism, to the
m to the land lite a mote.
mine and the same übc r and indestrY width Maks nun
mond and
wed settlements 10 other um. of the
FIVNIO= upon a;"!, Nn
The abort. te le eseST inotieular healthy end plesseart
-the roads SID weed, and sheath passable at all DINDOLD
the wi Om yee ters on n-the winter. an& abort mid mild. me:Mama to
the math to tbe north ot te highlands
there is n pedant edeigtisg m ore than two or h three weekeon
the Island.
Whet is remarkable... mop ire edam , inhered hYdOnght
--there is co pert of the country where there Ito Usthe
10 my draught Non long .lalasult me is them any
injury from let-there 13 DO wet or DOW teed' to the
Ir All the land ailing the margin of the strew=
ere be made highly valuable at a mull ont, for there to
tech dame o • fool or • fewhea. as in the interior
part of the conensy, by wOch seer D.DOSD
L deer.
WWI. OTLOOt slm =Mien MT • lerdits.or the MMB6 o if
Lo ne a milldam, with great daumerm,leelunet mshaern m
Lo lathed. memo
tap therenet nth MO
wild forte of esery variety.
The Leans
p row being sunned. rend the lot. tad Arms
staked out, oas to designate.esch lot and farm up BM
down on the Map, thereby wing subernitersCoren ogee.
prom or merreynne. outline thesuelves dr the
epleodld thou tor almenesicad cc faregolferrodabww.nunt
oP rei l thosme ***"' en'
of the ,osat terr of letters am
all of the room:en - desiring informatkes of Ursa
it has been toned arceraery to Lower them in Ole
WOOD.EU:timer ir Men et...
i i: — .li.JitfAi.,T:JiT.r.telSreratcaneesitlidkcward
therefore by return 414. Ile will elm Fatah:war Inr;
arab grape and pamphiets of the property: and ebesehill)
give melt other itdermation ar may be desired.
CIILRLE3 WOOL, lIT John street N T.
I atm desire to that I hue good rAluario - LANDS
west of my Village Lamer. which I will sell to h sere sou
or upwards. at from 11) to 150 per sere. Theme lands er•
well situated for farming and treeng Phltuleka. be
rep.; and having eluerantsee aw Les .9IP. of
mat, ten ci t trt i Lt eu . l 4 lkrat thogill he goal to
sietslty clan old stages Val Xthmeent w fil of iestw e g
laud &elle for 00 to =0 p the m arra.
to a dg e'":"'"se
B * • C La;=,
o. Te Wa
non o.
ert. it 'OD I oh, Fsp, o Peeks A grr.ems
g i thimilherist, IST 'retreat. hTe Dell! 3 Peek. WM DUDA
ot. lizootlys Alden 6 hymnal .3 grout et,
ttniker, Jr, 40 Breeders), 1; John ZaWe l ,V A ln lft Lth.
Insurer Co, ria,ll W
o. ltha m nwP, Brothers, Editors
l ' i= " ggeriX , lPOVre ,
Brdldleg,Troy, N Y. TPA K seal Geo on
LostenJetwez er o t Laf Delma n ello_ rand Ors Ea-
Meotkel, 5t 5 .1 . F)74 ' 64146 2* , =ry St og,
and Boone.
- - -
ORPHANS' . COURT S • :• • •
Of Valuable - Proporty in Ole City. V , pitithi rsi k
tNPURSUANCE of all (rider of the Or
plum' Crime of Alloghn.l Corinth. data April
1 will expose top nipe We at tile Come Bauman the
My of Pi tothurgh, tho 4th ilondar, '.oath day of Wy,
1851, at lb o'clock' A. 51, the following described Sod
Bode, situte in tho City of Fttraburgh, and sal thq mano.
far one third cosh, ow third Li mo. Td. Wel haterma
from the day of tol e, and ono third its two runs oath .
tenet from the ear of ells . told payments bo be mound by
Londe sod mottthann with power to Oxide up_ loth two ar
• bore parte, ended! to woo in parts so dioldol. any thas
or mom attaid pleas of ground se may be deemed theldiaie
are to the interest tithe estate.
Allthat certain lot or piece of mom& thing Act let
Lo th, In James Adams' port of We
_plan af the Northun
Libman , . ma sth ward of eity Pluebursoth boosodoll
and dmeribed as follows. Ms: Begitthing ..Form um;
thas distance et Memo two feet six inches from Moll
trn, then. along thint rues othenterdly, sweaty
on feet sth inehos i, ond exts:Mthe ni . rne
o width oma to
MrlV li nigibrellirut houses, with two two story tie=
pa to a =mod tent for oiler of 191 th
unions. parable QUirLair J• 11.1 ta beam and
that omen lot or piece or Deo ml, oltasts,a,
the 6th wont of toe City of litiaburch, being lets Nth
mnu 135 the Flea of partition 6.0x000 Oa hem of Jobs
and linothlrwlo—No 214 December Tenn. 1334, Common
ple. of Allogheny County, sad rocardel in book 81, vat
CI: p. WO, bounded as follows. 010 iamb:agog at the earner
of lruklin and LOZao therm along Logan street
one hunind and twenty eta neg. to Decatur stout: BUM*
reeleardlc thong Dethtur Meet. bete elitht Aron MX
yoyem hy parallel, with Loun street nertitherdic.
on. - athatod end twenty ail tut to Franklin Meek llommo
along Fronklin strut, Ibttr eight Lett Lof
strut the place of beginning, on which 4th erected so nu
4..ry brick dwelling Mau froth:tog on Frann than,
mu one story bum dwelling and two sloth
brick dwelling tiorme, fronting on Loth*
the same which 11 M.and wife, D7 Mud dud
_Jame ISt D. 1043, recorded in look W. .9d: vol 70.; ;
' 10— u nto tb i at e oettarlo plece iT c . f E aourultillithilibe
the Ist ward of the My of 0 11subruub. sari or lea
No 11l to the Yu et said city, bounded SW dltstaidd, sa
Math era: by Third stater br Chthesn telt . lgr
other halt of lot No 308, sad by No Batton is
front on Third strut. ntly Owen Bet. sure or lou
t h,,, r 1,11,.. ...Bey threc L et wide, mit t italng LoreN Is
BD, extending about SU fret bath then Th
Lot belog in depth, 85 fret. more or less. anA d ateett
tridth, in tho tear of which ie erected euttlii Loma tird
14W—Alt But certain Dime of month partot ff.
211 aZi t TIM= , " 'a d Li
China Meet. at that mther of MA 700 7. thence mow
Third SUVA towards Market etheet, forty ea. Met, mom or
lent theme itth x. 111.11100 with Wood strest.zuMlowerar
eighty ftho fort, more or Lou thence tri Pnthitha Ilthseath
Tithe street, thdocurdlc oth lect. more
• theme in s line Parollet eith 1 i old 0 410 , .oat' hwardly.
elglthy toes th !ante arisen to the PD . :, o fb,a ne ycwo,
with!! are emoted two toniti . 9 :th thick dwelling honsex,
with store roma s in fralth Not of the above Dm=
,l ialte ct a! o, runt of the Intenni of all
„wau suds, widowof -- Banda,
ban 839 per earthen doo l o4 the lib awl of
the ulna. Jthe Suds.anl gnu her death. the min
=Ma sum is pO3OOlO to tha belts ache, said
ea u , am that mouth pima of yound, part of lot Boa ”
350 the plan of intwaanh. at mica iii. nt Warder
us! eft, bounded sad dennibeds.begiandig
cm Fou r rth street. st Ih . atc=rof Lot No. 351, and theory
along 40 tut, ammo northwental
iyeod 4rallel with Harker street Ma femt thence corthrud
ond parallel with Fourth .that 40 feet to the llns of lon
N 0.151 .intend. and thence by the oama sonthwertalthi
parallel with Market nth. 00 feet to the plate of begina
nounder am! satheet tothe lament of an maul mead
renof 083. forever. to John Finale y. his hems thd saliva
wahigh le_theeted one menatory thick riwelLthg bo th ?.
d one threnetiory frame dwelling house.
All that rortain tato! farmer Wand dant. In tie
_040.4 - laud or the lair of rittsbargh. boarded and doe
scribed as tallow., .10 beginuthg on Fourth strata*
datum of 90 Met outwardly Gam the pother at
oiler and Fourth sheet. them asetwantly atom/
Funks feet bit at Robert Woocla.E.P.thaa.aaatt: •
11111. Knithigrall VA. Th ird that e.Z. feet mare or
thug. westersrdic in a lire parallel with Fourth strut 22
Met. thence throg Wm. Young's let 05 feet More ar ooo,
tho plocs of beyanthar. with the right to the use and }We
oily., of the alley in the whole lb. lot mold by Vox Belt
to Wax Younm along the rear of uld lot to Chem .
olley,on wthrh is muted &throw-M.7 brith Swotting boos.
Moo, All that ~,bolo thou( ground, atom* Intine Melt
Word of the 1.17 Of Nit:burgh. being tart of Lot ho. 344
tho pith of mid elth,_bounded end deurthed as Iblims,
frombeginning u the Diamond at the dletamm of 80 Lett
from the corner of the Diamond and Market dthet,thitheo
westwardly DI feet, theme oonthwanDy in a xersiletith.
With Market street feet to an all four frethrlde, %BMW
_ -
thrtwardly in a line parallel with tha Diamond lltiodiutil
thence borthwerdly in a rustle! Ilse with Market .sus
DS feet to the place of Demos:of ,wleh the priethey oftW
ell mtb.sear, ' t =tre:l7=l, w r .3=lll, l '
;bt of
en and author. en which Is trotted la Bimetal . brick
builditog. •
Alm. All that certain Pic. of Mout SituSto c t
Ward of the qty of thlitaborgh; being lecs Na 246,
ed sod described a. Salons, vim beginnings:the toms Of
Dianunad alter sod running smatirwardly slow the Dth
=ad Fours CO Bet more or less, *hum paraUel with Dim.
thond aley westwardly 135 fat mare or thus to Deestrir .
Knott. thence along said street SO feet math Or Um to Dim
mood thd theths thug Dia:MY alley
lthlcet morn or less to the path at beginnicum e =
te erected one large ththewitary thick Tacna Ethaso, moth
larriXable, St a. land 0120 roneetath thick Tavern.: r • .•
All that certain plebe ofciortalf pethaf
Lot Na 199. In the plan of tit. wth City ground,
of lliteboorgb.ths
on Water street, m tho Fethond Staid of said thy
bouded by Water street by the other half of this mild tot
No. 199, by Flat stheet, and by the lino a. /rot Na Dish. the 10 loot front on Water street, and extending
to the ulna width 1001 es% on Vottlit
orected a With eboth thick watehmon.
Jlmare of Colmterfritt
Executrix of 'wait out.
furtherprileularo coorobro of J. IL comm. of lb.
OW* of tllt. Attabargb Goa t.X.opany.
Flttfbarsti. Usy 2. 11121. • sof k414131.r.:4211
CANDLES -100 boxes Sumnier D ipped; l6
50 u IfouX• -
ebu- for fahr br
.1= .nolunt.q. vertu. k CO.
B ACON -30001 U country cured for ealeby
les Table Better,.
Jut nth% and Itre
lOW A.