PITTSBURGH GAZETTE Literati , Carioiitius and 'Recreations. LADY.— ) The word lady is derived from the old Anglo-Saxon, or rather, going a step further back, from the Gothic. The origucof this word, as also the word lord, is Mirka as having relation to bread ; yet the precise etymology, or manner of descent from the original root, is matter of some isintroversy. Lord is supposed to be de rived-from hlaford, changed into Word, then into forced, and finally into lord. !Rai, in Anglo-Saxon, is loaf, or bread; wad so is hlaibs, in Mceso-Gothie, loaf, or bread. A lord, therefore, has been under stood by some to signify originally an af fouler of laf, loaf, or bread. But as the • Gothic word Mails, from which the Saxon hlaf is supposed to be derived, is the past itrticiple of hleibgan, to raise or lift up, and as one part of the process of making the loaf islo raise it with leaven, (hafen in Saxon,) it is contended by Tooke, that Mat means nbt loaf originally, but raised or ex _ I sited ; that ord Maas source, origin, or birth, and that therefore hlaford (now lord) simply means one of high birth. A like difference is found among etymol• egistscrespecting the word lady. V erstegsn, in 1034, in his Restitution of Decayed' In. telligence, gives the following as. the origin of lady: "The name or title of Lady, our honorable appellation generally for all prin• cipall women, extendeth so fnrre, as that it not only mounted' up from the rife of the Knight to the wife of the King, but re rained' to some women whose husbands are no knights, such as having bin Lord Majors, are afterwards only common Alas, ten, as namely the Aldermen of York. It WAS anciently written Hleafdian, or Leafi diem from whence it came to be Lafdy, and lastly Lady. Hlaf or Lof was some time our name of bread. Dian is as much to say as serve; and so is Lea fdian a Bread-server. Whereby it appeared' that as the Laford did allow food and susti name, so the Lafilian did see it served and disposed to the guests." But John Horn Tooke ' in his " Diver- I :ions of Purley," contends, that hlaf or la( implying raised or exalted, hlaftig or laftig means simply lofty, without the ord refer ring to birth, inasmuch as the condition of the lady follows that of her husband, whe ther her birth be exalted or lowly. • Perhaps, to' settle the controversy, it would be well to unite the two opinions, and to claim that a lady is a lofty person age not chiefly in birth, but of lofty, ele vated principles, feelings, and conduct; and that she is not only distinguished as a hlafdian (bread-server) literally, but kind, benevolent, and bountiful in all things. And indeed, real elevation of mind and heart will not fail to develop itself in hu mane and characteristic conduct. COMPOUND AND INCONGRUOUS META PROBS.—Metaphors well chosen, judicious ly applied, and consistently sustained, often make a deep impression on the mind and heart; but it is not uncommon with those who make free use of those figures, pe cially in extemporaneous discourse, to get their metaphors involved in an incongruous atvi sometimes ludicrous manner. When a metaphor would appear ridiculous if paint ed, it will probably appear little less so when spoken, to persons of refined taste. Rev. Mr.. Yuck tells us, in his Anecdotes, of a Mr. Travernour, who preached in St. Mary's church to the scholars, and intro duced his subject thus :—" Arriving at the mount of St. Mary's, in the stony stage where I now stand, I have brought you some fine biscuits, baken in the oven of • charity, and carefully conserved for the chickens of the church, the sparrows of the spirit, and the sweet swallows of salvation." We have heard of a certain lawyer—af terwards eminent in his profession—who in youth _was engaged in an action of trespass brought by a farmer against his /neighbor, for cutting down three trees on the grounds of the former. The young lawyer had just given utterance to all the hard and pungent language he could think of against the de fendant, when he saw the latter enter the court room, and broke forth in the follow ing eloquent philippic : "And there he comes now, gentlemen of the jury, stalking into this temple of justice like an 'Minoru lie statue, with a cloak of hypocrisy in his mouth, and striving to wire-draw three oak trees out of my client's pocket!" A minister, more sublime than either of these, speaking of the Saviour, exclaimed: "The sword of justice raised to strike the offender dead, he received into his own bo som, then drew it forth, reeking, and dash ed it down at the foot of the cross, where it broke doted ten thousand golden fragments, which, being exhaled to heaven, formed a rainbow of mercy, and then dissotved in showers of salvation on a redeemed world." —Southern Lady's Companion. The Planets Inhabited. We have something more than the mere magnitude of the planets to allege in favor of the ides that they are inhabited. We know that this earth turns round upon it self; and we observe that all those celes tial bodies that ate, accessible to such an observation have the same movement. We know that the earth performs a yearly rev olution round the sun; and we can detect, in all the planets which compose our sys tem, a revolution of the same—kind, and under the same circumstances. They have the same succession of day and night. They have the same agreeable vicissitudes of seasons. To them light and darkness succeed each other; and the gaiety of sum mer is followel by the dreariness of winter. To each of them the heavens present as varied and magnificent a spectacle; and this earth, the encompassing of which would require the labor of .. years from 'one of its puny inhabitants, is but one of the lesser lights 'which sparkle in their firmament. To them, as well as to us, God has divided the light from the darkness,' and he has called the light day, the darkness he has called night. He has said, let there be lights in the firmament of their heaven, to divide the day from the night; and let them be. for signs and for seasons, and for days and for years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven, to give light to earth; and it was so. To all of them he has given a sun to rule the day; and to many of them he has given moons to rule the night. To them he has made the stars also. And God has set them in the firmament of heaven, to give light upon their earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness, and God has seen that it was good.—Dr. Chalmers. • Pedling Wagon. and anbetantial two horse wago A l art l Y ' scoa .ales, Orr sale on favorable term. br C. ARBUTHNOT, SS Woad at led atom; Lo kl. ttLIMIS, aud motive s nbare of their codas. I will ....I.Wdra.steLliriall=r2 ttilsiimelje:. —").whn.B." god ,;:, 4 . -'••, ; lti i ra 2,-k .ov ::?,14:: Baty: Dan sad every article moan/ nand in the Wed astsostv• Ma of :bba& Orden respect- MY SoLierted sad moat Drorastry filled. eel MI. NOBLE. — Third merest --- ' Papeliangizgis. OAS PA7,'.4141t, h 0...) Market street, 1 1 Warmest!, reaired • beautltal emoettawd at wall CM Sienna, Marble, Oat and Bna•ltd Ors DIIFFIELD'S KlUAlt CURED ItAIMS-:- 10 tiaras reed and,'Abr tale by_ 1020 , IVALLINOIFORD AOO SUNDRIES -11 baler Derr nine wire Dried P.M.: lcathsrs: Jost fled sal for sat. br qm LCULBUTIMINAW. VANILLA BEANS—Just received, a very mirk. Wide. WM. A.M4LaiO At 2V LBS. Sugar Cared Dry Beef, just raceleed Ana sale b N. ere 1.. BOX ES Ca a Mi Zal SAPt re E amaa se b7M Litnyc m i{EGS NAILfI. attloM IrtOte MI far AY try .111=11019 isto,l MISCELLANEOUS NAIL LOCKS & KEYS 'POST CIWICZ DIPARTICIST, March 14. 1861.,' BEING DESIRABLE to substitatelocki and key. of acme other kind for those now in we for e swath of the dated States, epoc:ow looks and Jura. With pronesale to (wadi We maw, will be received and eonefdered R th.P..t otte. Nputn.t.t. , tOlOl &h. IA day of Jw L The different locks will be eubmltthl a conitarskin for eTlOlh3/111 011 and tweet Ilpth this nr. Pod, contracts actin as 1.0011 u prankable. ion entelel into fw (washing nun leeks and key. for four yeara with the right on the part of the Powthater General for the taw being to emend and notalow the contract In item for an alditiwal term of four years, by string to the olntreciur de oaks, to that effect. out moth than nine nor lee Zb ` ..E l .lo o Immths Lakin. the termination of the first term of ` l; : jr„ r l;,... of procuring the best lock oldie lowa mien eel k llf 9 o i r 1- 2L ” v u m the me „t 7.... for compiation, uthe Invlted. mar develop , It is. however, °taverna Kan that si kick., suitable far the emit wean ehotild yawing the followingL , Warm dir. madly. unikontity, lightness. and stew . For dm purpose o displacing ri b nair al the mall loam and keya. mac In we, about thirty thousand ma loth. ela twenty thousand Wye wielded theta.. will be radaltrol to be forarbed 'by the contractor within wren months after the contract shall bare teen entered hates as. hewer& the annual may will depend on the durability of talc and keys adopted. as well an thancretheof the aura ierriom-but it all probably wirer exceed th agionol three thousand of the former aW one thassad the?at- Ne loth will be conadered If K be like any alnnly In general WEI nor will anyone with whew , the rentf. t May be nothe he allowed to make. aell, or furnish may lock or kry, similar to thaw contmeted for. for no other purpose or we than that of tho Peet Oftlee Deputrotht. foot.. be land of hake @Septa must ita patented. and the ' h e remand, cm entering into con tr act, to make an auf camera of hie .tent for Um endue'. ma ad ben. .11 a tb. Department, if the Pentameter Genera ehall deem an remain:ma esaential to the Inter.ta of the ear. Tkoe. In ca. of the fabare of the contractor at any time fithed yathftaly the term sad conditions of his manta, the Postmastertienera thallbare the right.trodder °resort ,11,* pena remedy Kerala n ee mentiowd, to smut said contract. and to contract anew with any other near or r ise ZS he may aro fit, for funalebing aural. looks am) Tdecliiing ann the proporaleand trecimens offered, the Postmaster General rosy deem It expedient to whet for the Wa i t male the kW a one bidder. and for thearay math the. of another. Ile reartrea, therefore. the right of con tracting with different lculividwls for anal different kids of lock. a, bentay sia arid allo the right to reject all We epoch:ceps ad pro k If he atoll dam that cows , for the interest of the partment The ;arty Or PAW. contracting will be required to are bond. with ample na eentity. In thesumo( th irty thousand dollar., fora nalttata performance of the folltrltt. Ms contract is to cattalo erairie°, la the air and proper Inspew of the locks da keys. amt elm for gnarling against their pawing KW lapozeir south the terms of tkeae proclaims to be ar between the Department aunt the theeeeaful bidder. If a bid should be areepted. Noy/ 7 11mile= will be a:addend If nearreatpUtkel with actable evidence°, the trortwerthy chtualoref ta der. aul e ids ablllLy to fulfil the tontract. N. IL. HALL, iroatmarter General. mcbldalkwltta • OrNu&L LAND Orricp, April 4,1851. NONEROUS APPLICATIONS RAVING been made to tu+umr. for Information torelatioo to oah:ter in which Land Warrant. under •ttiii art of hetli 01 &ptember,lXs9, should ba torated. th,l hillowitof aoswer• thereto hare born prepared, to wit: Three are three mates by which those locabous may be made: let. Hy the Warranter In paw= LW By the Warrantee throng!. the agency of lbto Office 3.1. By an Agent or Anton.. If the first or 0r.0.i . mole lo unpile:litho:. mato be made lu which'i treat, land dieteirt to pietion of ecolutry, to the legation io dwiired, and he Illmosnputled ley an oftlavit scoording to the following form, Na 1. Where the thinl mode Ls ecLop.J. Power of Attorney muff to produced, eteesinui by the worront. in tho ;roe ea. of a Witlll. , wording to the following form No. it. which power of Atto76er mast be .knowlolgol,or to Woe rage may be. hefty swot ten. outtorized to take the beknovriettgatent of seoarding to form N 0.3 or I' Jo an eat, the Patent* will be troneranted to the Land nibee when. the Ica-atlas is mule. out,,. epeeist &r .0.. t the eonnurf le bite. J. BUTTERFIELD, Colinalwiouer. I. on' No. I 1 1 Corn', or Before me la Jturtlre of [be Peace or other el:s=r author ,y„.,4 utak...Wants) perWmallY Wremwd [hem hateri the mum of warranteial who Leine duly ,worn, Opoors and mays, that he is the Identical there insert mime of warms, new' to wheal warrant—arres.under the Art of September, 1150, wee lamed crn the Oaf of 155-, and who twor applim to Mote the same. ;MUM', einnature I Sworn to and subscribed before me tide —dity 105-. Itniileses idgmoure. I Foam' No. • - timer all men try them preeenta. that I. there Insert the name of trerrenve.l of the County of—..alStab: of heroby sonstltute usl appcdut —, of e. to t [ru etl 0 ""l t . !4 "'"'", ro. tom iertd, which keened under the Aet o of IrePfenthsf. (Power of flntergtutkes may he Inserted If desited.) Signed in, presence of [Warrantee's stgasture. FORM No. 3 Srtvra or COUNTS or 0. this day of to the rent Se w n . ..lr :44. 1 17 41 be Parer ' ame of Aterne ' y to. hi . and dwni. wtul nertlfy, Lh.r I well know the roll lore Insert the Lana. of to and thst-he Is C. 11 4, most person who deseribed lo the within Power. and who r.xecuted the • lOmnr'• signature.l Foam Do. 4 Commn - or• I ber,by rrrtlff Wµ an rbb by 11 w Test—.Remuslly mar before me [bare lusert rbe owe nun. 91 war - canoe, d et. Insert the name of ardnow,] being well [noun to toe. waa duly worn by me. and , en him oath declared and ear that he well knew the Paid [here lumen the name of warrantee.] and that he wsa the same pernn &ma:tell:ad in. and who executed the within Power of At torney. and hie teirthno:Lwas 'to toe astafactory evidence ofdhat Iket , end the saki ere insert the noose of warren -44 ther e.ot. eupon oakum, the aakl Power to 1.0 his act &DlP:flaw:6w I.= Ohio Laboratory. 76 80 "al 85 99 _ . Per cent. Strength. aLOIVELL FLETCIfER S CO., Manufactu rer. of ALCOHOL; Pura Spun' fm Cologne. sad Bra. 'per DULu.d Vapor Milano" &boar.= hand. Corner of cia. and Front rtreots. Crewman. Oltio 461-111 enders from Plttaborigh min be mentelr anal at lowest market Prins" 0p17,17 Wines and Liquors. No, 157 Literty at.. Foroterly Darla cracker factory. D. nozamoN, of rittshorC.l r.r. • •TUCTI;II. of N V FICKEISEN & STOUTENEL, retspectfully kora:once to the otallegenerally, end their friends LIQUOR that they hoe artabllabal • NEW irL.NE and LIQUOR STORE es the abate fleet where .hall at -ways tow, a full arsortment of the 0001 stork—Newell* and Pooh red and whits %Vines. Alto, French dark Brandies, of the etudes. 'Onset: Jatnakw ram, Holland on, Irleh Whloney.rhampogne and in hook wine, &Ole next apygoottl broads, port ninea, Mailetre,shu andoosseat Winen Abegatbe, er. Atoteardnoa herris. ng Sofas aml Lltaborgh Cheese. All of whirl they will wilt, wholesale, cr mt.:2,u the noet reasonable terms re. of t he partnere. Mr. 9100T01201. lag, Ito, for salr by fl •plu, /1 1 A1All VICKY.% A 01 F ‘clf F - I toll • prime halves, for sale JOHN WATT a CO 6ITA 10AI - boxes (Fox's) just ho',] and 1. - J• for paL.. 1. , J. A iirrCiII,NPN t CYI boxes f y r s A 0 rulelAw a g AO,, 000 M A -4U ,,,, bb A bi i.3 \ l 'r i, t iu 3 L g„„ nr . e ,: for co., UALERATUS-- 13 casks and 5 boxes on Cl .Ts n "" . '" . "`' QT.nitn'itVV;lsiT NDIGO-3 xale by J kCIIIMNMAKER T EA - 4 0 pkgs. Y. 11., for onle bJ ISAIAH DICKE% 1g Cn, splo _ "a.ter awl }Wm. sta. S 1'13.1i1 hhEk. .Vl,, fIigGIVN KIBIitAtRICK. 110 LASSES— 150 1,1E,5...ti. 'VOOON L'tOTTON—.Lbales to arri re per Mayflower: 1. r larOlso prz ...aux,. for tall I . ISAIAH DICKEY CO.. anll W a n, and Front Pts. ! g OLDEN SY It lIP—IO hbls. for sale by .rs w s r WILSON t.'rtA(.!—'2.f bogs Sicily, for sale by 17 apY b. A. FAH N ESTOCIC,I A LAD SAUCE--Oray's Satire hot dress 017 1 1 it7t0.1.71 . Va 250 I,llmat rt aplo lOCCIA NUTS--2 laden reed and for rule_i lJ by 0 ,10 WM A. MrCLURO t CO. I, 4 I RENY.: li GOLD PAPER FOR PARLORS A • -A loautlfulroo'd and fnr sal. by •PY TIBIA. YOl.O ER, No. EL Martel. It EXT. COLOCY YriL co3i VD-10 lbs. for PSI. Iy 5p9 B. 'A. FAH N ESTOCK & Co. YtiES'I'ON'S EX . !' RACTS---Leimin, Rose, an) Vanilla. for pair by n . R. A FAURE:W(IOE & (EY • ('OD FISII*---10easks just reed and for nale 0 1 , A - i2I.II.IIERTSON A CO, 41,F DIE Wort,. strret . A LLA 01L—.2.0 Baskets just rood and )3 for hair by Lap] A. CULIIERT24ON & I s LA ItET WINE--- 1(X.) boxes choice brands V../on hand ampor pale by A. CD I.RMSON A CA). lINF t' AI forl I ' ' ')C A s i s • A • L' i t i A l'o grt e s:2' r a VVTIIISKEIf-.96 bbln. reed per str. Hunan, nunfor sal, by WALLINGFORD • CO. LIME --11X1 obis: fresh Louisville, for sale b) W. a F WILSON, 1.17 First, 5101 114 Kxond R. I joituTi MATERIALS--Printer's cop- A.. •. 1,14 tub, 1. Ay 4r pal,. C. 11A F ro ,n og 0111rx .7.r).14440wn &lark. nod Errry Amortralt ropy. I ACTIICARIUM--English imported, for A pair by 'bleb. 11,. FAIINE-ITOCK & OIL . Y- -In bladder., in assorted sired I packa g rp, for 4 41.. by _ mrh4 .n. A.FAIIN &STOCK & LEb d 101 l LIVER OlL—Warranted pure, on I_ drnuaht. Ilunbtou.Ctarko A C0,.P.1n botil44. for Isis It A. FAUN ESTOCIL COL. mpb4 rorn 4 r and Wood.. 111DES---100 DRY lIIIdES received and Al for tale by mar 0(V IIA RBA Ullll lIANIPIONE WlNE—lleidieick, and ‘, other favorila brandt,E.rpt mnalacaly on band and for / We lorsq A. CULBERTSON & CO. A,lO /KOS tons Forge, for sale by so JOIN WATT * CAE ULES & lIORSE-2. fine Canal Mules. 13 sad I Dray Bore, (Mania by ap& JOHN WATT A CO. LUE'-3 bbls. beat White, 10•• Boos: OMIS11012; to, rile by J. SCHOOSSIAISER t CO DERFUMERY—Just recd, a very choice aacretart of P.IfUSLITY, via finer Soap. Bears 011, kstraas Me the kraal kerchief. Polattles,ilkett, Paste aal Pußder, the drug et N. WICKYROIIOI. sp10; ranter of Wcal Melt ate _ _ 11V AGAIENES FOR APRIL.— ower . . t 54 7 ,. Book, for April; Orthato's ilskarigte drat. Sartain'( da do: ' , for sale at op 'IDINMIMES I.ltelluT =tar - sivdts W rau 0100,. Franklin Fire Insurance CO: of Plulad'a. rbEREGTOBB: Charles W. Banter, Geo. lalynf."Age at Grant, D. S. Lott Jamb IL Smith, Morrie Pa CHARLES F. ELLltCHHll.Preeident. gnat. Baartga, Secretary. This OnnPanY continuos to make Inatiesrac i a. pectosinent Pined, on gem denalptlon of iloperty In Won ant ,0440 tr y ., mt.. low as are nonahrtent with security. The LininPentY hare reaereed a large cintingent fend. which, pith tick Capital and Prendams. safely Invested. a gg.] sink protection to the sneurcl. The arca. of the CompanY.o. Isti Iteooo - agreeably to tn. A 0 of Antenibly, were ale follows. ' S M fA ....... . ..... ... s va i. Tranpurary 1n... ..... .. ..... . 2.060 rt.-k. $1412.7ffil Since th.lr Inncrpuralion • Vern.' Of 1 rev,. the Y Lave raid upwarna of One Million Four Hundred Thou/wand Pnliare I...wea by Fire. thereby affording evidence of the a',lvantaae• of 1 unmans, ae well as their an 4 to curet with pentoptnent Ilabllltiea. J. llAßDNffit COFFIN. Agent. .vl6 utmoik. K:o;omOo of Rod .od &i oto. state Mutual Fire Insurance Company. OFFICE—No. 64 SurinnzLo STACIE; • • • yirRE hest evidence of the success of the Di rectors he endeavoring to mate the STAYS Ja.rrt, PIRR INSURANCE' COMPANY meet the wants of osileh La m e, te t en does !bE.".1. 4 ' - i*,... 11 21 4 or r :LM.Ve.;ll u pest more than eight isvouve and sudtug over 1190A100 clatterer the company. The Directors are proud to iney, t tat teeny all the preperty Insured Is of Messiest kind le .wall risk, and • large proportion of for only oue %tar. liumber of Policies issued, . 5,065 .smount of property insured, •- $5,139,496.00 do. guarantee premiums, 57,909.79 do. cash premiums, - - 32,194.24 do. guarantee stock, - - 90,104.03 do. losses, 4,100.00 To be deducted from the balance. the Ivtidental elpenses or the tee.. ' To city or country merchants, and mews of dwellings, . 100 Laoleiall end...trY OVolierty. It{ is believed chi.... tiny affords adrantaim In point of chesPieesa *stet', mod turity, inferior to no Insurance Catepany In this coeetrY• Coeducted ou the equitable and gtvanY eis.affinaloo or Risk, elcluding all nodal aoaaN l y airing only a Limited amount In any one locality, Lo chiding the frequency and occurrence of lam firer nod mita nu bath the Stock and Mutual plan, It not only•ate epee the cheapness and accouttoodatiou of both nistla, lq.t entitles the 112.22 d leaparticipant , .thia. ,„. l ., l o ivi .b . :It Ls audit. the control of the followttett P 1 Rutherford. A. J. ((diets, John B. Ali.mso A. Carrier, Philo C. Sedgerick, Robert plow J. p. RuTIIERvonD, President aiLLErr. Eaeratart • A. A. cuarn. Amos.ry. . ca,2; l'erui Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a. GENT IN PITTSI3U ROI', W.II. DAVIS, 3 "tb. bluer ovum mc..4 . la."Nt 4 ,t 1 1,1 erdloonmsker A 00., No 114 Wool Areat, where all mars. Cuy Information will bo ',lyre and conimmicetions prompt, 1, to. Paseiohletz explaining . OP riociyalid and b•dudite Lae theme.... sod blank forms furnished ot, • loadon. • nook ore, PO,OCO end ontiotantly inereseiel PIOTI divided =mind tlioee Moored lifo. 1 101.-104 Marine, Fire, and Inland Tranapartation Ingurance r Insurance Company of North America, Philactelphisd no 4. aramitaco,oon. Asset .1-nosry I.t, W.I. 111,001,255 M. tclif make_ nsurane• ou bniblitins nod their router:Atkin this eity and virinityt nno Prunes,' of every detest ption. shinned Per .team other ..steb...,tber by Inland .or - tattoo urea It. Arthur OCo Stn. Prsil.• Tliosom P. COG.. lk/Eltlri W. Jos., Dihn R. Neff, W • Illward Smith, Diehard D. ood. John A. Dnnirn, witiiazo WelSh. uel P Smith, Francis !Winans, Ilarowsl Union,P. Austin Jahn., epliehartss Tat/or, Wm. Bosun. Ambrose D hits, 1./eorg• Aspiu..ll. J.mb M . Thonam, James N. Dtillem, N. Morrie Won, IL 0 Sherrerd, tkel. Phls.ls oklissr.lnraninne Onapany thol oltsin Mates 5.,1 from Its high ...Jinn, lung raptiesinesnimpilr sf man. , Wisi c krja; ai wggli i . , ""1 " °*" l i ffelfll:l Jo , 7p.s. A he 141 Front atm. American Life and Health Insurance Co. I== Alen, fne Pta lovryh, RAMI.. D. 'TO IDLE, ottins, 117 Fifth .t. .wee :twilittell. Pmlnaamphl at et. contalnl uflla • na all nerensary Informatton can be l the ,111741 f Western Laurance Company of Pittabragh. I A PITA L $300,000. IL MILLER, J., J Prevallenk F. /l. Mord.. Neeetaill• WM Insure satins. ell Itliala of risk, Flre awl Marine. All lostlea iliontair .11%1.4 .01[4 , 190J laiml• him. Instil utian—manawal by Laren.. who are wll mown In the encomminity, .01 who are iletermicoat I,r lrnrtw la Imam!. • tnaLcrk , .—lt. Miler, Jr , Cleo. lIMM, J. Butler, ll• Mara, Jr., Wm. B. MM.. C. Maw, Mew W Jackman, il in. II Lyon, James Llapianott. thaws. lanai, A ktlet. Alex Sicalek, 'Flaw e,at. Jame SI•. lkater street, leiarebone• of apang a Ca , 1.mM...h._ Judall Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y kFFICE. NORTH ROOM OF THE EX %) lIIIASOC, Third arm.- Philadelphia. Ft,. 1,4 - 4Nct —Bulitlllll.. tnaWT prioolly. in Mon and oiuntry, ingur.l *am.. lm. or .minagp by tin, al M. min or premium guags Isammmm—They tin. insure Vemelg Cary., mud Freight.. foreign urmeamirl..., under open or special pollriga, u theimmowl may dvairo. /..11.111. T1L.....1.7•T10N.-11, silo Insure Merohandar• nsportoil Wagorm kali road or. Canal Mate, mod gt-am boat, cio Marra and Mimic, on the moat Ilberal terms IP.ig-Joreph 11. Peal,. gdmund .A.,Mrder, John C lb,le:Hobert Burton. John It. Penrose Samuel I:D.1ml, L.-I 0. \l h alr2L, D 7 l %l ‘ Thoophilue Paulding. II Jones Henry Thig h Cralg..hlemg. Speorer i - Laclo• Heil, Juking., Wm Hay. Dr O mum..m, Solt,. Wm. Lyn, Jr inasemaa ar Primarmit—D T Morgan, Haab Crag. au... Wan, Iveadent C HAN, rat, Jar", W. Om.. itae.urela a the toca , a. ,tab MADLIFIA Aw - a3t 1:11E MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE NSUlt vd SlrsT danew St t421,(..,0,411TR1ng ram St/ to 40 pre q.v. prAtt r mama tl e nthealber vUI Ite avpthatiota by I nonce as lc a Iv the above oureassful litattnare , C=P+ o, the t'4" """° 4I ` LT.IrAV.. gent, de, Na. 141 MISCELLANEOUS • ti r IS , I2IANDELI9S AND FIXTURES; st. 4, two and co. ar ll ' irti e r : 4 11 " ;;:d i rut. St t"ss'i" p.,,..... w. w. wle.s•s`. mehlt rornir of Fourth and MArtst .t.. j QOLAR LARD LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, .3 Oritaniontal and Main gosper.skdi Wolf. f.tCbortb swounbaws. Hall. and Dwelling. Moo. now and bean titol pattern. of Crider Table, eland. and Study Lamp., all ..1 tb.. utativallmf aiiinnfaelwri of Cornelius & Co., and at .-..torn Drio.o. mail: , W. W. WILSON. i - H A HER 8E Y, COMMISSION SIER ' tiIIANT , ft. tb. sale of Dcaneatle, Woolen soul Cotton .Cog, No. lti Wad.tn.. ritubursh. . 41-4.r.611.1 at Audi nods. for any description of Wool- It.,t Mactunetrfebl7 ._,_ r i irtiE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE exit.. between the MitaeribeM, under the atTi• of 1 ..,,, vo oda,: a Co.. ro this day dleeolved by mutual a..etst. IKA ligittlEY • ANVIEW ValigNO. K. K. VLltailliti. Ira Hervey or arm /leading is authorize.' to um the mma of the 1•1.• to the !battlement of their buthalea MIA' Ill:SOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP— The yeartnerehlp heretolbra enlatlnhetveun th e xt. tom undrr the Kyle of Rust lett t Wbie., was db. motved on the ant day of January, 1061, by mutual ran. era. =her of the ant:scribers will atten namettlia up tbn hi:mines, and are null:mi.] Wale the f the tate brm toe eh" bun'''. 740. 161 W ln. 4 Bl7l . ciurrr, F.h..., 1:,'51 THAIS. IL WHITE. NEW FIRM—B. C. Shacklett and William Payne. as general partnere. and Benja=ln dlyd, ae ,ad eat 1=13.1 partner, sill continue the Wholeule hry (Joule busing.. setter the Pew, ut i,, c.. i S4tg e hrtgl . Coi d ', :i'2l . f be" L b4ble ebbbSe'd be 'ili'. e SUACKLifT, ADM WM. PAYNE. . . _ __ . ( e 06 -PA RTNERSUIP-The eubseribers have entered Into Oa-Partnership under the firm of Scalia. At won t Oltely. M. B. SCAITE. JAMES ATKINSON. 41 JOIIN M. OKELY. SLATE BOOMS PARRA'HUGHES it. CO., ProZtors of the fro ' cli tintniso remyytran. Slat< a beg . to Inform Builders, Contractor.. and other., at Pitt. ii.r..gh, Wheeling, cineinnau. to.. that they hare appoint ed As.. LACONLINI, of Pittsburgh, their Agent, whole now Cannel to undertake contracts for flotAng nitlx their beet Canned Slates. Peat. I , no 4/m u .: , en , . are liii „,,, m=ila t o of , t , b u ie hut , and , I=ll. l 2.t s es . le ' equ;i . . Ft not ,n n ,rio, teos-t-he th e 1111.1 glates--ther employ tome other hut expetienclid and P.. - Wel slaters to du their work, consequently the, hare no hesitation to Li:marina a perreeur watertight nal, neatly „,,,t h a ndsomely cammiletiel, at al remonalle . price per as as . , 110 Oa. trod I' , IL a lin partienwriy nmammend their Wet. to be VIC h" i' trre ' ll f t ~"n'lt'r '.a''btni,V:.'''of'v - R,,,,r..c,. as to their Oat.* and .1.10. min heseen--and Ur. Thomas Parry, one of the company, may also lie con • e ulted an day—at their agent'. OMmt, corner of Etna at . ami Canal. PARRY, HELIUM A CO. srAtn . Roegromptly en:6lml. IATENT MEDICINES, Be.—A large aback In store, and for gale on the most liberal terms, VIE a il lkin'e Uintroont Aromatic Salts Lemon Arid Bateman'. Drupe ' - Yawntial Salt of flabiato de Maltba ' Berle and Bone Liniment Illtmagood's Elixir of Health troodeldre. Steer's Drilla, Oil Pulmonary Relearn Carponter'a Er tract of 'turbo Pills, Auti-Billon. Court Pleat, Lee's Dalby's Carminative I - Anderson's Depurative tlyrup, fur the .. Ilimper's cure of King's ETU, Sera& Yell e Anti-Dyspeptic 01, Syphilis, to Evan.' Roane. of PePlNrmi. ii Phelps' Tomato.... iE e,, lnnrc,. , on ..Crumbeelier , Ilyglen. - Bergamot .. I LaTeuder ••Blue •• queer Quinine :: .- 'la lo it'ar' o i '""r!l"'' e=a. - Spruce, fur Beer Ron. Ointment nor Teller Eye Water timengthentos Pluters Mantel:wee Liniment /4.0.11:all ennsres uoarr.r . . cordial iTurunsuses 0515.3 • , 10010.0 Tincture Vermin... ..• Harlem till Worm Tem Hone Powder Al the Drug Store of S. N. WICKERSHAM, 1 mie norm,: of Mc...1 nu litatb enema F LOUR -1. bblx. superfine, for sole by mehli J.* IL-FLOYD. - I AND OIL —Ill Lbl. No. I, on hand and 1 A ter We by WALLINUFORD A CO., inctis Sat lister parrot Webster s 'Unabridged Dictionary. 'VEBTER'S ITN-ABRIDGED DICTION rr ARV bound in ehowly. I.ls2pp.q.rto—prieo 15.50. 2saw work bound tr: Itunglk calf, embossed bark kml shirr, ter, .leant-11101 ib obis" JOflßfl.]l6LLOY.,llWeWet. FkA'rliEfilS--1600 lb!. prime, for sale by rortaT B. * W. UARBAVOIL KM) BUTTER-14 kegs just reed and for .4 by Imeb4) nauzu a RICBF.TSON. GENTS' POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS— Milt and Linen Canabele, of ova and handsame Maim. and at various OMom, rothaBLIRCTITIELD. 1 di IENUINE PORT WINE.—Tbe purojui — ce "5: f u L b :ft ° g Irul i t'ldvigs d r l irmsrthfre. and Mint Mom east aide of the Diamond, WIZ ES-1. bbl. Chestnuts; 3 Hickory Nutt, ZS torn Mut: Camlleg RR s ky J. D. W)13..,421. I S UNDR 1 ASON'S BTAOKING-25 go. fore 1u tor akdat. J. ILEDD & Col. Wood d. IJKITABII-10 casks, warranted mire, for A. .Dr ARClALNB!—Teachdrs and Families width:u toPuto Hooka, Clasai Teal Books. to, wlli Pal bargalus bycalltm Imutedhate/Fat the ea.u...0 Book Mon, atone. moues of Market wit Fostrth This. establish. Uiyc meta le about abasing up. and pall wy of the abort vat*, at ost. or Bro.'s valusble Woks, au.tuillut .tuct for mle al out Call dating the pemout ltftu Ser*BOCCATIONAL BOOK STORX.—Thig KKOTP ,ATlUT:tigil.rootjtalcor: It has lust 1,12 rvtltt,tl EW BOOKS !!—l3uttman's Greek Gram liemtgt'' 11"..riXVIrl;„tr d b;'111:Z d u. '6. 7ar b i flottatart. Translated trms 1b....1ab...nib Orman edition. br K.lard 4 , bionrt. The Moll ConfKleratea.on.l the Rebellion of 1791, The Aubbiowrapbr nod toetnotialn of CeVa.i.. ol , l. , Cougar. Orr EIIT inn °l7erry a .":Nom -be Inland World orthe racttl. , and -Th.:Whale andtne C' lt t eMn " ut. a Franeonia by the author of lb., Rollo l'k tiLt 3 and .1 of Lt.ndon Labor and the London Poor. The obo.e , norke jolt received and for sale br_ It C. STOCKTON are= N 0.40 Xvlzel Went- 000 KS! BOOKS!—Charlus and Counter Charmr; by 311tris J. Ilelntob. The ShottLler Knob or Fketehrs of the Threr-fokl Llfe of NI.; a rt., of Ihn 1; Lb Cf. Alla, by U. F. Tett; 1 voL 12 010 . tlonar7 of tlecbsnle. N. 1%. Ant reed sod I do by K. LIOPKINS. 75 Fourth of.. 0p25 Apollo Building. 10NDON LABOR AND THE LONDON MO& In the Nineteenth Century - . Cyclontedia of dicial Condition and Yarning, of the Poorer Chimers In the British Uctropolls, in connection with the manta" , Bl If. Mabel, Wtth engravings of the ecenreand ponanle de. orribrA. R 0.4 of Wile eleellent wort has been received at Il Literary bepo., 114 rd et, nsnyaeite the yo[ oetm price 1 2 ,i , "wr On. 5p2.5 ffARPERS' SIAO AZ IN E—Volume Second of thin ea dent wort will be completed to a lbw . Perot. niehlug to b.ee the work. tun date it bestial (New York style) at FLUMES' Literary Depot, 3rd etreet; oppoalte the Poet &Mee. &tab' NEW BOOKS I—Elements of Analytical lieornetry, awl of the Differential and integral Cal cuing by Ella. LOOOlll, A. M. Nile Note. of a llonadjl. Wallace. • Yriiortiol• btorl: by the author of the Rolla Book,. London Labor and the Limidon Poor. by Henry Kerber, `olllle b t .l B. ' .d. toc3l R. C. STOCKTON, 4, Market rt. OSTON SIIAKSPE ARE, Nos. 35 and 56, LIP reed at HOLMES' Literary Depot. Third stret, op. toed. the Poet teeter. athi VEW BOOK S !—Louisiana ; its Colonial [ liblory and Romance, by Chas. I.layarrei I col., %co. Lord Illollual . .Toreign lianlnlmeacem by Henn . Rfehmd Lac t Holland: 12m0... nina. Dm& of the by dennilfillem I en1.,12m0..2.5e- Nstures Woaders.or Go-I's care oter alibi° work, bAthe author of Prep at Nature: 1 vol., limo. otm. Iteadlnwi for every day in Lent, conolled from the •rit mgmyof the .nth.,. of 11.. 11 dlo Imulue.woe. II 'brear and Latin Lexicon of the Old TeMement, Includ. um the Inbileal Chaim., atom the latln of Wm liesmiux Lr er. Robin... 010. Den. Loon T....went. by T. Beg, lamo., amt. ' Complote Poetical Work. of Robert Bun, with ....lan. 0.1.1 iilmsarial note. awl • life of the authom 1, J.. Cunt.: 1 001.. P.lnnt. won. Napoleon and Lin Id sitelialr bYJ V Head!), T. r01t.,12m0. Isyrra.t. [Hellman of Sfechanim The Decline of PM.., mod ita eau., an midterm deli. .red In the bramlway Tabenmele,btli.e• N stuaray. D lI Num'".l""" bo" ala IL lluPtitNn. TN Apollo Ituildlna. rourth VOTES AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and Arreograph , Non, and Iran.. mo.l. n .n V " etltr.VE ' lflalr v" Con' !Is*. Aral Second zln (American. Joann.] and Pent evpi WRITING INK—Arnold * * Writing Fluid. etvritiv aad R. Ink Hinter - Vs ChesndrNl Fluid A./ LW Ink. Ilarrnnn . • Colurnilan and hl.nk Hogan t Thump... u.mmcrti.l Ink—Wank. taro[, mod rrd, }Tench C.rmltn• Ink. Fcr rale toy_ NEW BOOKS . !MTH ' S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY ; 17 A nor classical dletionttry of Ureet and Ham. &do rr!fbllire.ll 7.11 = P acr • pt! ' . enrl T r it! I.y Wllheut . .`311111.n LI. LL. rdltorof I.ol,Alouarleit ofUnwa ~nd Homo. Antiquity., end of tireek:nd Romeo IllogrePhl MYtholoery resire.l, with num... rwirell4l. .4 l i .ry u t..h=luthoo, L i b. Venn of he 724, LIU :LI I..latreepond:r!;:e t e ' 4 l o , :bert ‘ 4. , :ay: I.y his wro,tb. Rev Charlee thbort Southey 11. Cu rate of Plutobland: Cuuttorle:d. Full bound' cloth :with No. 6 of the Llfe and Curr.p.leitor of Hobert 54:m -16er Ltres of the Quven3 of ...Alen& and &What Prirn munected with the neel surmsedou of Oral. itrtledu. by Aeue..4 sltrieltlend. enthor uf the !Jet... of the Queens ot ml I The lw.eltne of Popery and Ite Can;dl dell,- . red no Ohs T14.4.7.c1e... 4.01.1. 1,. IDOL, by Res. h. , llurn.Y. D. he ehore tookoyust ree*Pred, end torsothiby An:et C. sTte7PirN. No. 47 Market rt. p OOK AND JOB PRINTING—Every de .r'rl thin of '' rt lAA "'. ..?l:l " tly 'd e tnttuenue, IV. S. lIAI EN, Printing office, 50 Third rt.. Lederrell Merltet and Ferry. ITATIoNEItY—W. S. IIAr RN, corner of Sj ~.oral and Market ..1,110 fer Pelt we large ',el romo huAle en seAorment ef fame! stettonery. hag vver Iwnen ooyeoned In this maHlet LerchAnte euhplled hith'eeerY Arth.lv In thh. Hs. 0A the moyoot revoorable tern. pas_ ALAD cllL—Bedt Bordeaux Sweet Oil, t 7 fn,h.jolet reed and for exkle to, aplp Wit. A. 1.1.21XRC1 keo) AZIN'S (sucoes , .or to E. Itousell) JENNY 1.1%b HAIR HIAOSh -A New and valuAtle artorle r Arrovolng awl etnoothloA the ha,. and to Impart a beau. In! fr""" 171. 1 .77.1-L ' ah r t qoorol etre•ot etole OLL BUTTER bbl,, fre,ll 1.1 and Ave eoNie hy h I CI ehlot Liberty etre.? VIIEESE—SU boa, W H. receiving and fore-He by API 6 It. HALZELL q ~RAI6ES---5 1 1 boars ]ant r i ezv: A d 3, llnd Ara DS Won. 'Wert yoljAlt--35 bads. N. 0., for sale by L.. 7; KOS A. CULBERTSON 't CO. AILS-300 kegs amid, for sale by j Apia. A. CULBERTSON 1. CO 100 bccor•Ccort Cbreac: 400 Cur.• nal,stus. bblm Crarbo • :5 1.02.600.1 Chl•, 1)1) bushels Dry reach, 200 " Rye; 4 1,494 C hut.. Ilamtm. 100 doz. Brocum t 4•11. 801 l Bursar: 1. Ines lu bnls Br,El applet; irk nor< and far Attu t, .pin 2. H. ceoinr.L.b iv ANTED —A Situation as Book-keeper or V Clerk to a toorant.lle ormeandsetuting b 00..— Uorxrrylltatable rity rrferroe. , will be Firm, Aliar .1. 11r...114 U. 11.. cart of McGill, A no. mchtt will menhir atten. tino. • BROOMS --56 doz. for sale by mobil MILNER* RICKETSON. EGGS -7 blils. fresh, for sale by mrb3l .._ . _SASICEL r."SIIRTVER BUTTER -5 kegs packed, for sale by [6,01 SAMUEL . P SHRIN ER. DRY APPLES-10 bbls. rec'd, for sale by meti3l SAMUEL P. SIIRIVER. DRIED PEACHES-25 bu. for rale by - meb3l SAMUEL P. SIMITEII. RICE -25 tierces landing, for sale by toeh3l MILLER 0 RICKETSON. lIILADELPIIIA, NEW YORK and SOS- I T.ON WALL PAPER—From the mat ewlehrated Ise- I 1 1 1 ' J' 15` ..i ". .. "0 7 "t i:0 ".. b.-h"' " WiTS I . T P.747:II: " COPPER STOCKS— NM glares Avery filtniwg CC2lr." : Me • Coning , 100 - Flee Steel - . . • 2, .. Alg"OnqUlD .. .. :.0 .. Douglass Houghton do. do., For ale •1 the Ranking House of A. WITALLNII & co., PO earner Market and Third ecr. . VCR PIES AND TARTS—Fresh Cherries', and Plum, put op in their PIM /WC, priferring tbe : Sheet Lever of the fruit. Ala--tN.,oper a celebrated Sheet and aired Itiaelaaa ant French Gelatin, for Jellies. , Blanc hangs ao.. be ale II =ll3 WM. A. StecLURO/ CO. :SG Liberty a. IT ENISON HAMS---92 for sale by mobil J 11. WILLIAMS A CO. • , 7 riIANNEILT OIL-10 I.bls. warranted pure, J. for rale hl moolo R. E. SELLEICS. i't II ER R Y PEUTORA L. Starch Polish, Soap 1 Ij m r :g s 22" . tad ..--n-..“,natir<4; t4 o ol". fr a b k : BIUE-10 ten. (fresh) Mr sale by mehlU ..-AMOXI. P. 81131000. LARD -20 libl. N7l, in store. for rale by mt-1.0 II 2 W. HARBAUG IL gri LON'ERSEED--tc bbls. for sale by IL) mcht4 WICK a MeCANDLES.S. i BUTTER -6 bbl. prime Roll, for sale by mobil WICK t fiOOODLE9S. JONES ON LAN El onus TITLES.— • Syllabus of tbe Co. of Land Office Toler In Peon lo lead, by Joel Jon, need and for rale by R.. C. /STOCKTON, mehl6 No. 47 Market at 0 HORTS-300 bu. for sale low to close eon ° g i en'" by SAMUEL P. 0111000 R. BU e. Linker], AND TUBE-- be dor], IS dot. Tuba for pale by BUCKETS DALZELL. 11, .01... by T. LBUTTER-2 bbl 4 j , i , is . t. fr a la s nd Sir made 61 Water et. LMid) OIL-21.i bbl. No. 2, just rec'd and for vale low by WALLINGFORD 11x1. mehlll el ARRIAGE OIL CLOTH—On band, a .) large saortment of L. 6, aid 6 fir. Sheeting. Twilled, and FlVlreil Reck, Patent accuse 011 Cloth, • rnlemild article ' fur rale wholesale a low a. eaten, mien, tub 7 J. A M. PULLLII . 7I, I and le Waal et. JUST RECD FROM PRILLIPSVEZLE ex r.eiery—x,rou yd.. 4 sod b qr. Um. UII Clot1L• bob mr, and at 00.1 and VWood et, meta t 11. PHILLIPS. poT A Sll-10 casks No. 1, for vale by -•- met; J. S. I , II.WORTII a co. _ .D RIED tc. S. C., foreale by rocb6 ' ROBISON. LITTLE 1 W. . . GLASS -350 boxes W. 0., lixoed, City and atcaly brttdr, lbr vale by ta L S. WATERMAN t PONS. HICKORY NUTS—S pkg. for sale by mehs WICKA MeCANDLESS. • QALERATUS--14 casks and 23 boxes pal vcrized. fbr we br mho wici; & &tce, • , i 2 ROOMS-13$ ..116 OZ. (Corn) for saleby WICK s M.C.A.NDLY.SS MACKEREI.,-,138 bbl. No. , l, A fz i. e .s ale . by olehb WICK i x bbl. recd and for sale by _ Ltochs RuDIEO.N. Lanai& CO. M .- ACKEREL— 25 bbl. No. 3, fur sale by IVA- aubt ROBIBON, LITTLE a CU. CASSIA -100 matt3 just recd, for side by toch4 MILLED. a BICKETSON. ii , oll. SALE—Exchange Bank Stock, by j: a,ree 11. U. ELNO. Yourtb si. WEN'S PLASTERS—Lw m nd emalL "ge" bY - A. w ilts au Ticeinia. 3WP BAYBERRY-2. bbn.lsiotTxuxisalet..&l47, -me twa Wintb. PE !!?s l x r ti! l t i !P l t al t i f i. n” lL fail° , 1111111.7"1,IRTI:lir o ° £ w att retrilTriCitble reme dy SOS the mated analeation for It. to the iTIAL CIIMCKSr--lothrgroSB for sale by el.. h. 1 1 101. 1 . WY to 11...ftTalt •P Ifotlott.P. • ltn la! fain ' R. t. E ntiEgs.. 1 leis and :dep t the benefit of the poble. a.. . I i 7 1T:depth !hair ITioadred bet.. is Dtaenrel gum :aim ' tn..= livi 0 n 11 0 5! . ., h ! .., , E l i rru A . A . kN ir ß L S-- ,,, .., Pri „,i nt o rd . and s tn eli ,..