The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 08, 1851, Image 3

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Present:—Bon. W. B. McClure, President
Judge, and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge.
The case of the Commonwealth vs. Milt on
Parker, and Peter Shoemaker—lndictment COO,
'piracy te_ pass counterfeit money, was taken
np. - ~t
Mrs:Oardner sworn-1 reside on Third street,
In the city of Pittsburgh. 1 saw Mr. Parker
and Mr. Shoemaker together in my house once,
In March last. They were there separately fre
.1 opened the door of the room where
. they werei and . aaw them sitting at the table to.
other. Shoemaker had some paper
the table, but 1 was not near enough to see it.—
_When Shoemaker came out I naked him for some
money, which - he owed me for board, as he had
g„.10 much! He replied that it would be of no
Vie to me - as it was Minerva Ann Johnston's mon
ay. (Miners Johnston is well known aa a pass
er of counterfeit money). There must have
been hundreds of dollars, but I dont knOw the
exact amount. Shoemaker said the money could
be bought for fifteen cents on the dollar. This
witness was evidently very unwilling to tes
. Mrs:Catharine Ellis, sworn—l saw the defen
dants at my mother's house some time in Jamie
, ry lAA They were at a • table. Money was
counted out, by whom I do not know, but It
was lifted by Mr. Shoemaker. I saw the top
billet the pile. It was a ten dollar note on the
State Bank of Ohio. _lt was similar to the note,
(a.counterfeitien on the bank of Ohio, which
was . exhibited to the witness). Mr. Shoemaker
stated that he had bought the package at fifteen
genie on the dollar. Heard Mr. Shoemaker say
' to My mother that it was some of "Miss John
ston's" money. Don't understand the meaning
of that. (The witness hero smiled very know
ingly). He told my mother that it was counter
feit. He said something about giving this mon
ey to Minerva Ann Johnston, to peas for him.—
The terms on which he did so, were not eta-
Cross Examined—My mother was present
then' this minversation took place. The ten
-dollar note was not like that (a genuine State
Dant of Ohio note, produced by Mr, Dar.
Minerva Ann,Jobuston, sworn—l am well ac
quainted with Mr. Shoemaker, and not so well
Vitt' str. Parker, but I have seen him before.—
Saw Mr. Shoemaker first in Mrs. Johnston's
home, Mnlbery Alley, Bayardstown.
Examination resumed-4 have bought counter
feitinoney fromShoemaker,and receivedcounter
frit money to pass. The noun, were onthe State
Bank of Ohio, and were pronounced to be coun
terfeit both by him and several on whom I tried
to pass them. I got one half the money for
Fussing some; . and six out of ten dollars for oth
ers. 1 don't know bow many I passed. Some.
'times I passed notes for Shoemaker on chorea, •
and sometimes I hare bought them from him. I
hue passed shout ono hundred dollars for Shoe
maker at different times.
Cross examined—l .have been twice arrested
for pasting counterfeit money. I was in prison
when - I made the information against Shoemaker.
knew it was the only way to save myself.
A number of witneeses were called to testify
as to the good character of Mr. Shoemaker.
The .cuse was opened to the jury for the de
fendants by. J. T. Cochran, Esq. Cornelius Dar
ragh concluded on the same side in a speech
characterized by his usual animation and elo
District Attorney Flanegin concluded for the
Commonwealth. and the Court adjourned until
this morning, when Judge McClure will charge
the Juil-
„Before the Honorable Judge Irwin.
The jury in the case of the United Stales • rs
John Wheeller, was addressed this intoning by
C..W. Robb, Esq., for the defendant, who made
Seentedingly able speech.
David need, Esq., concluded for the United
States, and the jury after a short absence re
turned a verdict Of guilty. The prisoner was
United States vs. Jackson Carriston awl Thos.
Eicott—indicted, for uttering counterfeit U.
States coin.
'When Kennedy sworn-1 reside at Perrys
rale, about seven miles from Allegheny city.
sew the defendants on the 21st of July last, at
Derrywrille. Scott was not in my house, Jackson
Coniston eras ,there—Corriston came in and ask
ed me for n plug of tobacco. Ho wanted a 5
cent ping. He threw out a fifty cent piece and
.1 gave him forty five certta change. (The wit
ness 'produced the coin.; When ho come in t
tadjuStaat down '.to dinner, and gave him the
changeba a hurry. When I went in I examined
it win and found it to be counterfeit, I then fol
lowed him a hundred yards from my door. Just
I gi got up to C.orriston Scott was ahead of him,
• ileallthen stopped Jackson Coniston and either
showed him something or gave him something, I
net tell which. I tone about 15 yards from the
i:l7h Scott nn
t o :.d au ghthialcottthenwent I
ffeitta the graded road and up the old Franklin
road. I then took Coniston to Squire Itiland'a
• and he was committed.
13cott followed-Corriston to the office, and it
WIN suggested that we; should search the road,
by which he came. We did so,;and Ur. Malvain
discovered. some "packs" of counterfeit United
State coin in the cornea of the fence; it had been
covered with leases The money was brit brought
to the Squire's; office and then was taken to the
Mayor's office. Scott was about one hundred
rude from my house when I es* him first. Cor
riston was about fifty yards when I first raw him
after he left my house. The money, when we
found- !twee all tied up in packs except 75
Cross examined—There was no one in the
house when Corriston was in, except en old
MAIL The money was found on the inside of the
road.. I did not see Scott cross the fence. The
trumetwas found on tho road became up. I did
not see Scott on the inside of the fence. He
followed us to the Squires office. I know I had
no 60 cent pieces at too time Corriston came.
- Ihad at the time some quarter dollars, when
received the bandolier I put it on the counter, I
compared this with another my wife bed, I mark
ed this one. I did not, see Scott at the place
where the money was found. There woe about
$4B, It was counted in packages. We never
o • -,ed them, I was there when the money was
• dovered. Corriston did not offer to restore
the value of the half dollar to me.
The court adjourned until nine o'clock this
Before the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie.
In the case of Barrel :Magee's administrator vs.
Christopher Magee's adm., ury found a ver
dict of two thousand, six h undr e dd and eighty.
four dollars and 'seven cents, subject to the opin
ion of the Court on a point reserved—isl, They
find for the plaintiff on the plea of payment.
&.1, On the first plea by the widow and heirs, they
find fur the 'defendant. 4th, On the second plea
by the widow and heirs, they find for the de
fendant; subject to the opinion of the Court, on
a point reserved. sth, On the third plea, they
find for the defendants. tith. On the fourth plea
they find for defendants. 7th. On the plea of
accord and satisfaction, they find for the defend
Harriet Amelia How, by her next friend, F.
Snyder, vs. Joseph Hastings. No. 385, July,
18W List No: 88. Howard for plaintiff, Mar
shall for defendant. Action of trespess to recover
damages for injuries entrained by plaintiff. The
defendant is accused of having, when riding eta
tepid rate through Lawrenceville„knocked the
plaintiff down, breaking one of her arms, and
otherwise severely injuring her.
The jury reunited a verdict of one hundred
dollars damages.
Thomas Cox ye. That:nos Livingston'e adminis
trators. Addeo to recover damages tor alleged
neglect of Thomas Livingston, formerly s mem
ber of the Pittsburgh Par, through which plaintiff
lost a claim entrusted to defendant for collection.
This moo has been tried three times, and taken
three times to the Supreme Court. The trial AS,
WS concluded w hen the Court adjourned. lla
grew and Dunlop for plaintiff—Thom, Williams
for defendant.
PlatoNs.—A large number or pigeons had
bent their nests Paul's Cathedral, audit was
alto aSecting to watch their movements when
t building took fire. Some circled round and
round the burnbig pile, while a number remain
ed on their nese until the dames reached them,
when they unwillingly attempted to fly away.—
Several wore burgled, while othrra, escaping
with scorched Ouvitige, d uttered a little dis
tance, and fell to the ground.
POISOSED.-4inmn whose name we did' not as
certain, residing.n short distance below Jones'
Ferry lending, on the Sonth sido of the Monett
ga.hels, took a quantity of arsenic yesterday,
mistaking it for Epeom cults. Looter 3lc3leal
was stutnoned, but not, unfortunately, till a
contiderable limo had elapsed, and the poor fel
low is not expected to cornice.
gaper,--We regret to learnfrom several of our
agricultural friends., that the recent severe Croats
Lays injured the fruit very much.
The rune of tho mar, who dropped dead in
(Waal s tavern, in isarg . .ieny, on Monday, tree
ViriDiem Moira.
JCVlLnlig. Onnn.Elol:-..A number of young
lade were re in the Witch house yesterdy, by
order 4 .ta boner, ,MAYer Guthrie, ebargedwith
throwing .b atones at, and otherwise disturbing, •
pie do peaty, on the first of May.
We acknowledge the receipt of %lithographed : BY TELEGRAPH.
portrait of the RL Rev. Bishop O'Connor, of the !
pietsbnrg.h CatholioDiocese, from the lithograp h SOUTHEßN CONVENTION, '
establishment of Messrs. Wegner. Boechner &
Mueller. lt is a very fine work of art, the best ; CIIMILKSTON, (8. C.) May Cs
we have seen executed in Pittsburgh,
and equal
to any in the eastern cities. . The South Carolina Southern Rights AMOCip-
tion Convention, composed of delegates appoint-
ed by the various State Rights Association, of
STABUED,-A young man named Mark Lowry,enu this State. mrt this,city to day, and was duly
another person whose name we did not learn, but organised by the appointment of the following
who was in the employment of Mr. Samuel Mc- off i cer: , :
Clurkan, nf Liberty street, were severely stab- President—Ex-Gov. J. P. Richardson
bed in a fight which took place at the corner of Vice Presidents—Ea-Gov. W, C. Seabrook, J.
Sixth and Grant streets, on Tuesday, while the' H., Ache, N. S. Griffin, J . Iv . Bh:cp.,. K.
fire cc * which the Cathedral was burned down, Goodwin, B. K. Hennepin, and W. IL Gist.
wa aging. Informations were made before his Secretaries—The Editors of the Greenville
honor, Mayor Guthrie, against the offending par- Mountaineer, Camden Journal, Black RiverJour
ties, hat they have not been arrested. nal, Edgefield Advertiser, Chester Standard, and
J. C. Walker.
There are 40 Associations represented, and the
Convention is composed of 431 delegates.
The President, on taking the chair, calmly
and temperately reviewed the position of affairs.
Fie considered that Southern institutions, under
existing circumstances, could not last twenty'
years. He alluded terribly to the disregard of the
blood and treasure expended by the South in the
acquisition of territory, and her subsequent ex
clusion from these territories; and said that
when dangers threatening our existence, thus
reach our very doors, it was time to armagainst
them. It was Incite to hope that the Constitu
tion, based upon ouch legislation, could survive.
Concession could yield nothing to its enpnort.—
• The deliberations of the Convention, ho said,
should be confined to the when, where, aiod how
resistance should be made. though be minfessed
it should not be resorted to rashly. He. how
ever, would not discuss that question, as he did
not desire to him, the minds of the members.—
He loved the Union; he did not believe there wan
on amateur disunionist among them. He advo
cated union amongst ourselves. If the enemy
are forming in our rear, aid he, let es await
their approach—if on our van, let us march up
to them. It has been said that whom God and
Nature joined together, should not be put aeon
der; but the reverse may also be applied—Those
whom God and Nature has pot asunder, let no
man join together.
lie then ergned at length on the want of tan
, ity between the two sections of the country, and
advised earnest and temperate deliberation.
The Convention then adjourned for the day
The votes to morrow will settle the question of
nullification. The President is a strong Union
man. The Convention embraces many talented
Bison as A6cintra. —The Enterprise of yes
day states that, on Tuesday a little girl, daugh
ter of Me: Frew a gardener of Manchester, was
nearly smothered to death. Her mother had
sent her Out to the garden to get some beets out
the "hole." The little girl staying beyond her
time the Mother became tired waiting and went
into tho garden, when elm found her daughter
lying in a donhle posture, the roof of the hole
having fallen in upon her when she was in the
act of up the beets. Had she remained in that
position one minute longer life would have been
, Tao DIIISTISD TAVERN Licr.seas.—H. S. Re
grew, Esq., yesterday argued the questions its
to whether the licenses granted by Judge • Jones
were valid. Re appeared for the tavern keepers,
and maintained that Associate Judges heretofore
have always had, and exercised the privilege of
granting licenses.
The undersigned, in the absence of Bishop
O'Connor, and on behalf of the Trustees and
members of fit. Paul's congregation of Pittsburgh
returns his gratitude and thanks to the indefat
ble and Intrepid firemen of this city, for their.
energetic and determined efforts made to sub
due the flames, which, yesterday, consumed the
Cathedral. Although sorely afflicted by this con
-I:lngestion, which in a few short hours reduced
our beloved Temple to a pile of smouldering
ruins, the anguish occasioned by the sudden,
sorrowful calamity is partly relieved, by the re
collection of the undaunted efforts made to sub
due the devouring element. Firemen and citi•
tens, who participated in the struggle, deserve
the highest commendation. To each and all cf
you, the Catholic community of Pittsburgh is
greatly Indebted. Your heroic exertions, made
sometimes in the face of imminent, personal
danger, entitle you to admiration and lasting
thanks; and 1 take great pleasure in thus pub
licly acknowledging your worth, and subscri
bing. myself, on behalf of the congregation,
whose servant I am, your tastingdebtor.
la I r M-=3!0!1
Niay, 6, 1850
The Redden outbreak of a military insurrection
in Portugal, though not entirely unforseen ;by
those who, like ourselves, mistrusted the policy
of Count Thomars's Government, has neverthe
less, occurred sooner than had been expected,
andunder differeatcircnmstances. The Duke of
Sadanha, whose decided opposition to any insur
rectionary movement was long regarded as the
chief guarantee of the peace of the kingdom, has
now placnl himself at the head of the armed bp•
position, and has succeeded in detaching a con
siderable portion of tho army from its allegiance
to the Queen's Government For some time past
Silva Cabral, who has remained since 18111 on
terms of deadly hostility to Costa Cabral. the
Count de Thomar, his brother, has been enga
ged In connecting together by political ties, 'the
leadere,of the Septernbrist party and of the
Cartistdropposition—Saldantin, Kavradio and Ma-
galheas, who carry with them the great bulk of
the Royalist party.
The confidential agents of these chiefs and fee-
Gone have been for some in constant communica
don with Silva Cabral, and the movement which
has just • takenplace would seem to prove that a
very powerful political and military combination!
has now been brought to maturity against tI4
Court and the Prime Minister. The troops at j
Matra, Chary, and Lein bad evidently been tam
pered with. and joined on the first summons the •
standard of the Opposition under such r. chief as
Saldanha, whose name gives nt once dignity and
moderation to the movement. The fidelity of the
garrison of Lisbon, which did not exceed 4,000
men, was doubtful, and the detachment of the ;
Queen's forces vent to occupy Santarem was not
expected to reach that important position be
fore it had fallen :Mato the posission of the •
enemy. Hitherto no appeal seems to have been
made to popular sympathy. and we romainin the
dark as to .the avowed pretext, of the insur
rection; but we mast suppose that it would ,
not have been joined in the first instance by
men of so much weight and character if its ob
jects had been auperversive of thy just rights of
the Crown.
It cot hardly be conceived that the Queen of
Portugal and her consort. undefended by any
statesman or party except the Count de Thomar •
and his immediate adherent., and abandoned by
her cnnatitutional supporters and bye large por
tion of the army, will identify the canes of the
dynasty with an unpopular Ministry, and attempt
to pralong this contest by a civil war. If this
insurrection has proved . successful in the imme
diate vicinity of the capital, it will doubtless
spread with increased activity to the betake of
1 the Douro. Probably the most fortunate tenni
; nation of this affair for the Court would be to in
vest 'literal:al Saldanha with full constitutional
responsibility, and to confide in his loyalty and
moderation. Others, who may he concerned in
this movement, have possibly formed designs in
volving more--serious changes, but we have at
present no reason to believe that this inaurrec-:
tion is at present anything more than an effort
to effect a change in the advisers of the Crown of
Portugal, and in the policy pursued for some
years past. It is deeply to be regretted when a
military conspiracy is employed to accomplish 1
what ought to he the result of constitutional
government; hut there are times and circum
stances when the Constitution itself requires
strong measures of defence against the influence
brought to bear upon it. We hope the present
case will not prove to be the commencement of
more serious revolution, or of another protract
ed struggle, for at any rate the interposition of
foreign States which terminated the content of
1847 is wholly out of the question on the present
Sr. Lens, May 7 .
Advices from Santa Fe to the let, and Vegans e ItEENWOOD & ROSEDALE
to the 6th of April have been received. The 11 , "It" P bt c s k illiT l PPi3 P . k i d V
Apache Indians had been very troublestmcle, but r.E....1-V:s‘ter.leavr• Meerut of the Old Allegheny Bridge
a treaty of amity had been effected with them, 4t ylitir ..., =n t )... , :aja,:. , ( r"., i . : . i'i n s . oll. at ti t e u'Vrilit d
through their chief, Chaicou, by which he cl ti. suretien, std., fur the ecrononndatlon of paw.,
bound himself to keep the peace, on penalty of ..rc re m, a ait all other loin. /Aig• Elm Trip .t l!. ,
forfeiting his head
Tbe Mexicans are well pleased with the new NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR
government. since the power has been taken
18 .5
from the hands of the military.t .
ro idiatit
Business was quite brisk at Santo Fe. A I ripHE new and fast running str. CASHIER,
number of mills ere being constructed in the I J it. 31cAlittaN Mainer-Regular Well/vine. Bleu
neighborhood t a • n eille, Weileborg. Wheellog, Bridgeport Captive, and
urifieli Peak, 1.-leaves littaburgh every Weduceday at
An election for territorial of fi cers was to come e 1 o'clock. P3l fur Wheeling and Bridgeport, and every
off in a few weeks, e a t o rday at 9 P 31. for Cantina aral Mina& Returning,
t I Soon& retry Monday at 10 o'clock, A. 31. ancl
The mail M. met on the 16th of April at ' Briiirtairt and Wheeling every Monday and Thursday, at.
Middle Cunorona to bt and e applyon Leant or to
The Apaches had made several demonetra- i F leicld' l ' 4 ""' JOUR FLACK. Agent
lions and menaces of hostility, en the route.-
Mr. Wm. Ilent had sent out a dispatch to the TWEEN WELLSVILLE AND PITTS-
Comanches and Kiowae to trade and treat, they ,
..., ,
were expected in a few days. Few Indians j weinclsclsy. ifOcl ertgy, at 8 erlock, A 11 . tor Eaat r lr , .
were seen on the route. The party were unmo- I ••nsol. ulalow, Ma , . 's Landing, Boavr. and
.. ter
1 burgh Learee Siltation& every Tueeday, Monday, d
tested t Ilicieluek A .1 for Braver , /adreliSn'M Wad'
—....-- I ":',, l "," ra " ' • LI l i, dNI veer.
.1/lupin. rut verso° WI e
For freight a t...AA , aDtil• a , lased. aiS
1.1E , G ,
i l. , lL Fl A i l ‘ t..llT Ae l . 'S i ß r ti_ROl . t n N voi isiD
Flour-There to some little export demand, . icl'o olec, t ati.anier DIURNAL. Connell. to
with sales 1000 bbla good brands nt $4,37} %l ',if,...:,7' . r i o w .T.....lF i gr h .Z.V g ` s ,,74:::. s ni r:ll4.,`An
bbl, which is the general asking rate. ..." 7 q r d r "'"lO?et7dr)hrtli not
Grain-Wheat is steady, with vales '2,000 bu i t , ..!..;.. b "..:".: k ufi . rra o .,...,
~.0 ,
.. G , ni
u ,t,
prime Fenno white at 103 0 "pi ho. Corn is e els Aituarlitisifl tquis.n. A 5.. .,
scarce and in demand fur shipment, at 111+0 l'i ' p i, MARIETTA AND !LUCK- ..
hi, oats are in fair Yetioest, with gulch lOW I NOPOLT -The fine Peeper P ant I le,
bu Penns in store, nt 464 lt4 bu. 1 Olnt matter, Oil leer for the store and In
tenneihate porta "seat Thursday at 1 o'cla
o k. P V .
Provisions of rill demenntions are in good de- t',,, e,,,,,hi p r p,,,,,,a a e a p p ly on t i v. ,, , , , 1, , ,,
mend, and prices tend upward The stock of
tr. 010 No Al %Tan r
_and 41 armada
l'ork is in few hands, and must of it held nut of ,
it e I , G , U . L . AR W HEELING AN 1.1
the market. Mess Pork 11. held at 516,50, and
ii it PACKFT-The Mt ru I
Prime nt $l4 . 1 „, bbl. Sales 200 casks Bacortat, ,„ ~“,, ,c,I. l . i bili,i,k, p ai n. is I,,, m ,r o ln h alail
'or Home, 9 . ifir„llic v lb, for pima and fancy s i ll,' z. ~s r.:: t ir
,mt . , •,, , ..„;:.0,zj i :, ,, f,
•, •
,4;77,1ig i
onannsetl. lie for Sides, new oic7c for Shoal- ~,,,;,,,) , T,,° , ii,,11,,.i1i c1 .. 0 i,,i,,,,„1 13,, T i ratc14 . 41 ,, , , ,, , , i
dem, in cult. A sale of new Lard, to begs, at
'`,...a rr o,i l ., ' ,i7;;iin:=l:l4sl4 . . r ' ili'i u irt,l i , ' Lv. • iirn4is:
llfc, and of too pHs at 10n ..0 lb. Mil now held • ,". rt awl nuntinh retry Tuenlay afterncoo, and ounNh
9t higher rates .i.: . :7L 0 ,1 i t' "t.. j.3g "r iv f li g ti t . ig.t i lningfi ' "
Whiskey is steady at 23.}c in Mile -
...sow ' ill EGL LAR PACKET 11.E
1 te etc.. PiLOY No 2. A e maeter,
5001 e REPORT von L ea r. Pittehtirgh for Wheeling. Cantina sod Sunflah.
ter, Clardy and ltiorpho, at .1 o deck r 0, returocior
(0 ,, 1 .. Saw Y°aL • 31 ' ). 7 r n ,'Fii.l'a'r " ,. h o' . 4. ` ll . _ t '."'",:i I' , 3'7 l l°l,s'.,' d ti l .n.: ` ,!! ' ,4:, ' s
Landlords' in the lower part of the city of New Gotta)] is nomumi, ~t I lia. 12C. for middling aud ad, Pen c.0 . d . 17z upon this 27.a:running regularly
York have rather overshot the mark this Spring Orleans and Texas • unth- A 11.4e5,1 lic 7 0 lb, fur th f:;,.. - f,, th ,,10°.7, iao'cla , ou 'r t4 .. Laura
Tho Mirror says, they have stuck on the rent , i Gni ... l ,
'''-o, _
their unconscionably that tenants have quietly r
Flour-The market is heavy, with sales '2OOO
slipped off np town; and to day there are more ..., L Wilson & Son.
Ika . .HULESALE and retail manufactu-Li
obi at $4,12f€,54.26 for common to straight
bills' up in the v..cmity of Wall street than wo have
„tato, and $4,37 for Michigan mid Ohio w w rera al dealert In use .14 Lap, :N o 91
ever seen at this eenson of the year. Gram---Corn Is steady, at bac 't) bu no's' etreeL third dcor below Dpniond Alloy. Pilo.
:Lod Cha-prohrtbalthrltillond fu ll .",', l l n' m ottr l ac" ' l " re. k of a II".
Provisions-Pork is firm, and prices are better '
than yesterday., unaluir xt , ctsls. 7 ntAderale and nilaiL aod Invite tits
att.. no of their coetnotork and thA publin ustalog Dttnl
Groceries -Coffee is steadier, at 9ic for Rio, wit mei win son en the most resecluxols terms
Sieueic for St Domingo, and 10c for Laguayra i ararclevertr
Sugars are in good inquiry, with a fair trade do
ing, in I.luecavadoes and Porto Rico. New Or
leans is quiet, at Gin, and mostly held out of the
Lead-ls dull, with plenty of sellers and no
Hemp-Sales of new dew rotted at sl3oe
$112,60 14 ton.
We take pleasure in announcing that on Sat
urday last, the Freeholders of the town of Wells- i
burgh voted to subscribe in a corporate capacity,
the SIM of $50,000 to the stock of thirWells
burg and Bethany Railroad Company. To stran
gers, it may be well enough to explain that this
is a company chartered by the recent Legislature
of Virginia, to construct a Railroad from, the
town of Wellsburg by a route surveyed and lo
cated in November last by G. R. Bichbaum, Eau., '
along the valley of Buffalo Creek, through the
county of Brooke, to the Pennsylvania line die
tance of about eight miles. The object of it is to
effort an outlet to the Hempfleld Railroad char
tered to run from the town of Greensburg in
Westmoreland county, on the Pennsylvania Cen
tral Railroad, to the Virginia line; and an , easteni
outlet or connexion to the Steubenville and Loth
ians Railroad, to the stock of which some $1,000,-
000 has been subscribed, and which will strike
the Ohio about 4 miles above Wellsburg by one
route or seven by another now being surveyed,
thps affording a continuous and the most direct
practicable road from Philadelphia through the
heart of the great West.
It is announcee that the Steubenville and Is.
Road will be put under contract this summer,
mid the most strenous eflorts are being made to
put the Ilempfield or Pennsylvania portion nn-
der way. As to our portiom of 8 miles, crossing
our narrow neck of Virginia no apprehension
need be felt. All the necessary legislation has
been obtained, and of the money ($200,000) ne
cessary, $50,000 has just been taken; the N. W.
Branch Batik, is authorized to take $40,000 more
and without doubt the balance can hereadily eb ,
tained.(on the connexions being secured. In the
event of u failure oo the part of the Ilempfield
Co., to commence their portion of the road with
in two years, all restrictions are thrown off the
Wellsburgh Company. and they can connect
with Pittsburgh, if it io desired. Thesesections
of road completed and united would c o nstitnte
the moat magnificent line of railroad lathe world.
I There is a greet probability that suck will he the
There were - on Saturday last, only eleven
votes in opposition to the subscription of the
town, our population being about 2000. Write-
Inny Haub".
"Don't concern yourselves, gentlemen, Cuba
will be oars yet," exclaimed one of the heroes of
the Cleopatra when in custody the other day; and,
judging from the past success of the law against
these =renders, the remark was less , pert than
pertinent.—S. 3'. Cour.
Working Salo by a Strain Enginr.—A Alp call
ed the Meders, is about to call from Glasgow,
Scotland, for San Francisco, which has on board
small steam engine, intended to weigh the an
chor, pub ship, hoist the topsails, and do any
ether hard hauling that may be required, in ad
dition to hoisting oat and in cargo. It is placed
upon deck near the fore hatchway, and is Cat
ered by tat erection about sa large en a cook's
ST. Louts, May 7.
Receipts are more liberal, which has treated
a corresponding activity in the market.
Flour has slightly improved, with sales of
country and second brands city at $3,80C13,85
Groin—Wheat Is firm at titi(otlioc bu. Of
Corn, 10,000 bu were sold yesterday at 38@.:190
bu. deliverable on board. Oats are dull at
88(3,119c) bu.
Provisions—The market is firm. Sales 200
bids Mess Pork at $l4 lit hbl. Some prime was
offered at $lO. to arrive, but refusal. Sales No.
I Lard in bbls and tierces, at Sic "rd tb. Bacon
is steady and advanCing. Sales of Itif, cask. at
r.c. for Shoulders, Ste for ribbed, and Stediic
SICOND DISPATCH. • for clear sides, and 7i(o7ic for hams.
P.. I Hp—Sales at 1117ifo,S4c per ton, for good
The proceedings of the Convention to day au-1 prime
Whiskey—Sales of city distilled at 1710 per
thorite us to announce that separate state action o . vilon
will certainly triumph by an overwhelming ms- I
Freight. to New Orleans are easier, and the
The reception of Mr. Rbett's resolution has rates are as follows—Flour, 30 eta, Pork 40r - t
bbl, Lead 10c, and Bacon and Lard 186i,10c per
been fearfully enthusiastic. Lnagdon Cheeses cwt.
and Judge Butler, who were in favor of modern
, The ricer opposite the city, and the upper
den ' Ire booms down. South Carolina is bae " • rivers, are falling slowly, but are still in good
for secession! 4 Great excitement has prevailed navigable order , with the exception of the w e .
to day throughout the city. .ouri, which is very low, mid difficult of navign-
Langden Cheevea has addressed the Cour.- New Ontn.t.ks, May 7
don, oPPoosiog the separate aetton of South Car - Cotton—The market is dull, and only WO hls
olins. were sold this morning, at 11c for fair.
The Committee hare reported an address and Flour—Sales of Ohio brands at $46/14.05
resolutions, which hare not yet come up for con- ' 1 , 1 ,1
--- Grain—Sales 15,000 bus Corn at 41. fur yet.
The numlfer of delegates present to-day wee , low, and fillfd Ede for white. Sales St Louie Oats
3118—representing all parts of the State. rat 401., 4:lc le bu.
! tee Mess Pork—Sales at $14,75(4;515 - tit bbl.
SAILING OF THE ASIA. Lard—Sales at sot 9j for bbls, and 11(•0 11 i c
Ness Nome, May 7. for kegs.
Whiskey—Sales at Ittic - "i4 gall.
The royal mail steamer Aida sailed to-dajt, at
Bacon—Ribbed sides have advanced, to S.V.e.
noon, for Liverpool. She takes out 143 passer,
'ie. Sales prime shoulders et 7c - -ei lb.
gers end $BOO,OOO in specie.
Molasses —Sales of choice at 34fc 1 1 gall.
We have, as yet, no tidings of the Cunard .
steamer Europa, which is now due at this port.
v.ith Liverpool dates to the t.'ilth ult. She has Sri, rod I unction De.Gali —We copy the fol -
been out eleven days. lowing from the Frankfort Commonwealth:
....... The chancery •ult.ivaiitglit by Clarissa n mu-
CONNECTICUT LEGISLATURE. lauo woman. held as solace, to assert lon freedom
ii,,,, t ,,,,, , Nii,,, -, it,..rsinst B. E Ferry and wife, who claimed to be
The State Legislature assembled to day. The . Ler owners, and which has been for Nome time
lower Nouns was organized by the Democrats. Pushing in the Franklin Circuit Court, was IRA
who have five majority in that body. One Whig week dtNi ,l sii in fsvor of . eisrissii‘ Nil n d..".
member was mirk and absent Mr Ingham was rsteidishing her freed..m rvil.lrreil by inder Me .
chosen Speaker of the [louse Ilene, The chief rrmnd upon which the coon- !
' In the Senate s the i . hip have three 41190rity -ri fo r the ~implainant ,,-I MY, that some
(web", rears agotlarisea, by consent of a former
INTERESTING FRONI ST. GO NIINGi I ..wner, 'was taken to and drtained in ientoiylrs-
Ida sons
~ seen months. contrary to the
N. : Yost• Miis 7 ~r that State, which bbblisLed slaver 'HAM.
y there, and ,
The schooner C. 11.1,1a1e, Capt. Gilkey, arrived allowed sojourners to retain slaves within the
i Yesterday from St. Domingo She reports th ia state as personal attendants only viz months
q uite is commotion "3 hero ..'" i " ied W Capt The case will probably be taken to the Court of
Ilayti, and in other part. of the Island. in eon- 1r1 „, a ,,,..
' "Nuene e.f the desertion o f th e Princ e B .nic iu q u '• The suit was originally brought by Judge !tic- •
1 who had go" into the interior to raise force' for Fes c• counsel fur Clarissa, but it bac latterly '
the purpose of supplanung the block Emperor. been conducted by Messrs .1. end, W. L. Harlan, i
' Faustin I. In about six days he turned with nail I v L. Callender f, , co rop l o l ooo r . and Me,.
twenty men. With these he approached the gate' ... Reed and Leavy for defendants.
of the city. Co p e ne r i ' whe re he Pined an .. There Northern editors who denounce the fu
i cession of forty others. This'. fore. being zoo ~tire sin," law upon the ground that if n negro
' men t 'i eetif Y the ho p e of "cee” in cave of et " really entitled to be free ninuld be returned un
tack, he then withdrew, nod lvd off into the
,ter its operations. lie would have no chance to '
mountains linen bin freedom in a slave State, may End in
About the time of the sailing of the Hale. Capt. this case, and in hundreds of like cases which
' Gilkey was informed by the American ('oneol, lease occurred, a-practical and couclasive refute
Mr. Wilson, that an army had then been ten „.. n o f their teachings.
} 'lays on a march towards Cape lisytt probably to
.... e __ _ _____—__ _ _
settle the difficulty. Ha alsoatuted h. i ,
j ,1 sailing with hie family in about a week or ten
i days for Philadelphia.
So great was the panic caused by these move
! FOR ST. LOUTS.—The fast run
merits, that the Custom House had been cloned, '
Ong. nee steamer EDITOR, arum Mr
and business wan in Sinn, measure suspended. It ...,. will l ea .. for the a we, sod s ii Inter •
was the opinion, that in the event of his failure, ~..ilo. fro. dd. ibt , Ui ii:•'''.' ,
i . For ight or pauage. &DPI/ tit. iedini. nit:
onlouque, unless he could make good his escape,
would be destroyed. OR NASRTlLLE.—'rhesplen-
did steamer FORT PITS, Mlles. toaster.
fl leave for the above and intermediate
in tole day, at 4 nicks*. I' lil. •
PRESIDENTIAL VISIT Ynr frnteit , pars, apply on bolted.
, nil",
Wdo fttltnioY, May 7. FOR C . INCINN'I — , LOUISYtaIf.
The President, accompanied by Messrs. Sec- it
z A tC b. 4 l 6A7ll ' llata ' Ores ' Y ' 1.171 r 1
rotary Webster, Stuart, and Mr. Hall, Post Mae- trove tor the shore sod Intermediate port. on this one,
the litp Inst.. et 1 . 0 .. a. M.
u, .
ter General, will leave Washington on Monday detained, the Id pool ir le.
next, for New York. ss il lo l vt . .`""' ' '
For freight oe passage-apply on bnasd.
• . emmin _
tan' YOltr, May 7. Ink:wham. This splendid tat subedit bY
the osnero of the eleantsr Isaac Newton, and others, air
The Georgia brinp intelligence of the following thenncinnati sad Putannrh
ad trade, sod sill leave
deaths in California: ese ., Wisinesday for Cincinnati, In plane of the lii/ r E i tt4 , -
I 0.2. Per freight or = r ms.. only on
Wm. Anderson, Memphis, Tenn.; Lieut. W. H. '''sar , O. B . lIILTITNIIIRIJER, ;gent
'Thompson, D. S. N.; Orlando Betnegen, Akron, VOR SAINT LOUIS.—The fine
Ohio; Miss Martha B. Hall. of Vicksburg; It A 5..., ittll3llk.l . RODGERS, iuteher,jdal
Ridgeway, Mo.; S. B. Lent, Mo.; John B. SKr- 'smiler. will leave far toe above and all Inter
! want. Cincinnati: Thomas Anderson, In.; M r , adral/ f i t.u port..e. nu p tit ... l . 4 dia . y . . p a p t, T lLA 11 ... d. .
• _or _ or mss _
, Chase, Mo., and John W. Clark, ill
ef i Oß. ZANESVILLE —The fine
steamer I:slPlitnles,Ctit. muter, will leave
or sheet and intermediate parte on this day,
. .
New That, May 7.
Clotton--Priece to-day have declined to, with
sales of 500 bales.
Flour—There it a fair must, with ale, of
6,000 bbls at $4. 12/et,4 25 for onlinsry to
straight State $4 2504460 for mixed and.choice
Weston', and $4 3764 60 for Orleans. Sales
pure Genesee at $4 60®4 6Bit and of fancy
Ohio, and Genesee at $4 8761.,5 12111 bbl.
Grain—Wheat is steady, with sales 12, 000
bush Canadian at 070100 e "pl Web. Rye is
dull, with 4,000 bush at 730 14 bush. — Corn is
lower, with sales 40,000 bushels at 02(4.,6210 1 4
bush, for Northern and Wwiternyellow: and 63 }
€r64c for Jersey yellow.
Provisions—Pork is quiet, with sales 500 bbls
St $l5 75 for new meet, and *l4 95 for old:
new prime la sl'. 75(.14, and old do at $l2
7:4 - 'O3 14 Md. Beef ruled steady, with sales of
mess at $9 2f.5,11 50, and of prime at $5 256 - r
6 50 1.4 bbl. fierce beef is nominal, at $l5 50
€l6. Beef hems were quirt, at $l5 60 IR bbL
I Cot meats havo not varied, say for hams Si€
9i; shoulders diC47c.
Better—ls in fair supply, with sales at 10e,
13c for Ohio, and 14€.17 for good Western.
Cheese is in demand at 6&80 ? lb.
Lard is steady, with sales 200 bbls at 10€10}6
Whishey--Sale of 150 bbls prison at 23 ig ,
271 c jd gall.
Flour—Receipts continue light, and the mar
ket is quiet, with sales at $3,48(}3,60 pt bbl.
Whiskey has declined, with sales at 17} (6:1711
Bacon—,Sales BO Mid, at 6i.c for Shoulders,
and Sic for Sides, packed.
Dried Apples—Sales 1000 bu at 9001 100 c rtil
Easiness ie generally dull. The river has ris
en two feet altogether. The weather is pleasant
AMES WILSON has removed hie list
eee cn, staid to So. 91 IVoqd amt. thl,d door warn
of Diamond all,
VO-PARTNERSHIP—IIuviag taken my
k) .0.. IL. Wilma, Into hertnerehlo to U.'
Lau Qfpawl Per b.f.., we will hereafter do businela
under the WY= of J ' . W' 11.4kni k 110\et e l Wand street.
lons WON.
P. Be—Jatitd Wilson ecadlnues the Pat and Cep A.!.
No.Y Federal afseet. dlialarahr CUT 'kW,. kept
UOULDERI BRACES, a a ucw and at
P ,: d.lar`d•iat
WO rrool .t., Punnurga.
A Very Dedeable for Sale.
'PILE undersigned offers for sale, one of the
roso desirable ruddences in the mutt of , ht , ^ llh ' n •
Smrk eounty. rthlo. containing clout •Ie agree or land.
with • lartm aml commodious Mirk PwriliON Moon nud
amt a wind supply of theta fruit mid enrol,.
hr). One of the beet setinols In ontrY t•Mbih •
_ 4 Minnae. and when it is remembered that In els
this Vow It will within four lours ride o
went wlll ' le peen that herr I• no small Igluee.
went for
. alt wh o • and elegant retreat fr.
the city. elther as •
rummer rethrempot or permanent
r`..ider.'. •dA
Part or the whole of 101 laud
Ge had for l.•ee
will be ould
with the buildings. This property mar . 6 n
than the buildings at. I will al.
Ti.e •Ithout charge. • lot of mom than twowdres.altulted
en the e•nk •.f the Ohio t• nd mad about tweet, rods
trout the Dn. o f the t
ony nsooso.
or muttony Niro will eetablials thereon •
mannfartury of ton Catton, or Wool, which gnat emplor
[ eZttn o l f bj r IMAM. Let It borne In mind that Ma: r e:los
I.l'lttsburah..d.Z!ta?:lrtli'al •
means of . laa
lieboT w :r! well as
rent , eau he prieured hem re low as at sue Point- 6, ... ,1 .
whet, manufaetmed rap. of mvr•., with great tare, he
OwnSPorn'd 1., Canal or Railroad.
Mareillon, Abel
Valuable Property for Bale.
THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a ralua
tie idea, of property In Allegheny CRY, tinr , if. •
front on Kehmea exert of 02 fi,t..and nannlng beet 45
feet :o Ridge street. Thle property Is altuatod Immdate.
Er south nf the reeidetuns of Samuel Chard, and veer the
weidance of Williem Dilworth. There lee frame Kow of
Houma on the preenleee, which rent for MOper annum.—
The prow,rty le level arid well gonad for laying off In lota.
having front. }let and lildge idrre. .111 pa
add cheap ...I part of the purcbme money ran remain ee
umel nn 0110 'ground. Inquire of the anAscribes,on the
PiTnrite . e lepl4:ltn) JOIN
For Rent
Small well finished and completely.fur
u to A the vrt-s ce
No. 79 Liberty atbetween 9.1 and '4th eta.
ap3.W (Post and Tribune noel/
Desirable Subtfrban Residence for Sale
lIE subscriber offers for sale the house and
101 e'"" l 4l ... i h r:hh `',7rol' id'utfioor l oiti
the market o f LEID guy. Y. The lot), 1441 ft-front on Park rt.
running hick get, to an alley--containing nearly oue
Ith b-1.1 a 0 .1001 rile bJ lareye4
nearly new. fame, and exceedingly well arranges., having
a trout be 50 feet, and • dettli of 72. and Part.. fourteen
root., be ball. Mae feet .we. It is built In the best
and meet durable manner, and h. • erw.proof roof, and
Patitains all the modern conveniences Tuu limPe. with
ea unfailing . p o l y of hard mel mft water, aro at the door.
Ou the premises are lb. .00.00001 uut building.. stable,
carriage house, le- .The gromuls ou+o laid out mostly •
lawn. cowered with ehoine fruit trees. "erg..., dowerltlt
shrubs, currant. gonewberriea,,m l • mall
garden Ph. fruit is of the best kirld, and the trees are in
their oriore, end yield enough for the wants 01 .0 animary
Grandly. The situation of thls property tO INSIUbIitY mad
suburban comae, romblnel with
to the 0111.
Is nut surruesed 1; any residence In this ricinitt. it
• v.v. of the Ohio River fur OTtf • wile. of Temperance
‘llle, booth Pittsburgh, the city. tho too then , and the
hole around, forming altogether • panortmric proourot of
woo, the ei • never
of host whkh emery or
departs from the non of Pittsburgh too the Uhlo. names in
full view. The residenoe and grounds are also completely
frotu any annoyance of duct. destructive of
omfort. and vegetation: and ailunis s retirement . ante ,
Thepeaceful as if located In some Quiet nook In the ta rt.
The iwoverty Mill be Auld SI Stid pOO./k/1.101 . 1.1
w hoverer and. Enotaire at t lisartte saw.
a01t...s /if U. N. WIIITh.
For Sale .
members of the Fairmount Fire Cum
L p•py ogle. their Eosins tar salt. It is nod or
ki sr arid will La sold ch.., Eo , Vslre
.1 I 1 tioey,
• 1:lf So' 4esi Yens. street.
01 RENT—A Dwelling House un
TIAN .'seer. above and near to Fealtbarl4. Ita
ag. cm. nature, large yard. nub how, iv- Will
torecknal lon. and tooannwain even Innnentately.
Ala.—For esip or Irate, roam Win in the Ninth Ward,
between Penn street and am Alleannay river U .
Ban . Darlington's. Fourth .trot, near Wool
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
THE SUBSCRIBER offer.for Sale, on rzy•••
favorable tams, the Milne'. Beal ES... In' 't
;5 4 . 7 :iftre: t 4.l ' lll! ' re v lis r ree .tors bald dwelling house,
3vetrul rtreet. between Martel .od Forty otrtel.s. the
1..1. beingeskeh 19 had (rout by au Jar.
No Ctotalos 1,7 fret front oo Thiel street adjoining
the Third Preabyterlau Churth. .filch Is on acted um.
Lour atork b rift
bone, teed as • prinUng onto, aud One
rem ator, warthouee
No. 3. Tiro lota Io Fallsten: Beaver enmity, being lOU
••• 3 and 4. tring about lou feet aguare,ou which la erect ,
el one Lin, la of four frame dwellings...l our 00130001/
frame dlrwiling. all two vtarlea hhal
No 4 One lot kti fret front nu hark valet. oppuolle the
move. awl ea Wetting to the top of tbe
No I.lkro beach each V 9 feet hoot. and running
from the raid to low water mark. on the Big Beaver.
No Il One •aluable water lot. lbn teat un 11 her! Rau,
•Ith .fiver µtwb.d.
N. , 7 Ono lot oppoeste the water lot. 6.3 fret hunt. and
extending to the top of the hill. nu whtch erectel one
•t. awry assts eon. and earehouae. 'Pt by tO hoot: No ono
srator dj. two stern.. high
I. Ono to let In N brighten.ebrighten.Beaver tnunty.
I mg satuuk- 140 Get ou Broaden". .td .tout ,a) Let deep
1,1111.1114 .filth 113, ert etel two. large frt..
dwelling, as ono entail frame boune. tteral oftee
hi, property •ax formerly caNrupml by' 1100 C. ttould.
and • r.ry plea..antly located, being isans•ilatelT
Lbe lindire
No Om. eater lot. immediately below hails.. Bridge.
being 411.01 lob feet in length. and k. 1.0111... tun later
cr• I o, L..water mark.. r towing Path
Ti .Lee property 16111...N01d on eery fae.rably 4,111 0
hellotpL stere of It FTIJHTON, rer u.s Thad
anfils,;k ‘ et etreeta ' .1011.5 FLENIING.A . gant
mchil Jnornal and Net cup , '
For Sale.
411.X.VE OS lit I the turner of Wash. '144
,ngon end Penn ;trees, .e.l on the Peon- •
e.lowia Caw.. in tts. s`ity .4 It itsbural, The Lot trouts
v t.codred nut prtf ieurtt on Poilil Etrert. and one
.Ind and Roue pet nine o t o Washing. , ttoeL
11. t... 4
tartrity feeta • Intui DAVLD ti ft F.F.R.
meht No. 1. , Penn e
Fon em.r —Tao Isr, Flour awl See in
the Born creek, with the new water pew., Al.,'
well imprewed Sono to Lurrenc,nuet• r•see 3 5,00, I
Alm.. Isms of 115 on the Ohio nor, Moe saes
,ehar Braver. hit 44.4+ , 0 .11,1.. one 61 14U acrta. ou the
4510 river. miles ben... Beaver U., Erd psr sere. Alan, i
Va . Sta ter amt. Abe. fern. ef and tin
~ .mm, fat $2.5 per ago Als. 174 acres fur 31d. and •-t)
re Gar 314 pet con. •g .thee with many other. of ori-
J I •.:•• ‘24,". ,
ntre of
NAlt I. It. FrITEIttI4
Attorney • st law 0t..1 Ilea' Lout, .tgents. rg
•L Pittsbuh.
A Blast Furnace for Bale.
UNDERSIGNED c L ifers for Sale h
BLAST Ft'itNACY., .matt-I in She onows,
on. known as the -Allan - one Yuman," •Ith the e •
SAW awl .411102 MILL. and et try thin; -
ears u, carry on the rotaltlng of Ore. It hu 1,4
Acre. of Land attaehed. with u much own adJamini.t
sDull be nteusary. • Itlch c be had boot 7.5 c, to $2 tae
It nu the mootmootfavorabl an e
location In the booth,
alt ie;
ming Iron. having the Ore •ICIIID 01:10-balf CO ono rat „
ti. In ',ry . lege quantities, cagy to mina.
from SO to .6 per see. I from the
tdowah Mill, where ready Eels can In found Ear
its products of Plg Mesh b two miles from the
Western and Atlantic Retread. which Is one of the lines
• radnals ertinecting the Tenn:awe Elver •Ith the Su
14.'4. width has nix Ones of railroads running mat from
I it, Loaned sod nester oontort. pueng through oitb.
portant Towns and Cltio In Georgia. .hart • nub' see
I nand
Or Pig Metal. Maeldnery, Ilnllow Ware, Ae. It Is
now In lull bite- worlosi by water power with • tall 0f4.5
feet, on • never haling Memo, and moot In the mt bat
! pert of the South.
I Letter. may be aLlreses4.l to me .tpp
Etowah, Cams ea, Oa ,
r I
ALLITOO,I Match 1.
tuclard2taw: ^ ars
snows erre for sale • large numbet of valuable
to. It Ir.. land 'Wm/ eery desirable alto for manufas
unless, in the Borough of Illenlog luau. located near the
new Vedic School House and English Luttwrnsi Church.
Therapid growth of Illniinghsin In population toad
manufacturing wealth, and the roamed* prices et which
lots will be sold. will render them • sale and poottetle
Title perfect Terms favorable.
the ro o r a m4l 3 /1 , 114r ,, a an . tl putkulos of le urtleraisNi e t, ;4
burgh, between Raid atTlTZusl .. sTr ' eota. or of William
Synamo end N Patterson. Rol's. at their face. in Elm
Ingham. 1• 2 2 4 MOSES V. EATON.
TOR RENT—The largo and conimodi- . 2
sus miss. on Pon strut. Oster me . unial "
Edwards.) 'with an entire lot adjoining which
ttiwd as prod. Abs.—Stabling for two 1;0...a Enowire
o f EDWARDS, MOKEIS 0110,,
ap1:611 . No. 69 Water et.
FOR RENT—The Dwelling House, onE
the corner of South and West (.I.4mons, lee]]
useupled by Thom. Arbuckle, deed. I toner
e mmallately. Enquire of Josiah King. Eagle. or W.
M. n t Liell. Anchor Cott. Work, Alleghent . .1 ,14, tf
Valuable Real Est,ate for tale.
VOR SALE—That valuable Lot of Ground
l e altuatal at the corner of Market and Water streets,
Proont “enpled by Mulvany a Ledlle, u • 1/1.1111 Won,
house, haring • front on Market street of 31 het 11 inch
e and on Water attest of 36 feet IN Inch.
Ah. - --rt. Lot of liround adJoinlog In+tlu Wort, 6e
merle cavorted by Mr. du. Tonalimon as • Ship lank her
Mg a. front of 131 feet 04 Inchm on the !Immre:ale RIE
, er, and running lark 343 fret to Greenough street.
Persons desiroua of urthain Ivy foeller In.
format/on from P siwiTs,
Yo. 47 Market EL
Of Fort y Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
TIIE recent unprecedented sale of Lute in
the above thriving Town haring nearly eabautted
t use pun - lowly laid out, and the demand .1411 enuttratind,
the tunlemlaned has been Induce , ' to lay out • portion el
hts pmperty In tow th at ts as above, and adera theta for sale
at prices and tame cannot fall to meet the it. Of
Ulnae wishing to purchase. It le needle. to ray anyttil.
,if the location of the Town and proe pm ts (It having beau
indliclently delimited In meant advertteenientid other
that over one hundred lota have reeentil chatit l h.?".
end been purchased by those wishing to Forum • dm. -
ble loam.
The above lots are among the moat eligible and desirable
in the place, and are prindtedlY located in centre of
those rocently mld.
For Informationapply to the proprietor to Pveryescl. nr
Janes Blakely, Emu., Fourth street, Pittsburgh
FAR Llveryont. Feb. end. 10.51 fotAlantfil.
D. KING, Banker and Exchange Bea
ter:, Fourth st., deals In Weetarn Yonne.,..Slght
• •
lainthe haalerp Cita.. and makes cadlectionaln the
west et rate, a nd is nnw raying the highest market
premium tar funds tbr Amotipl) silver =Han
HKLEBER hn.s just reveived
• 3E,, Ltetie celebrated lIIRP SUMO. eung
her vitt , esteem. a1ky1..., at her Concert in Pittaburah
cetr Utkleu, hatierial,btle. r
The Kent. :Knot Hoy.
Where:are the Meads of my moth
Ilaurehnid Ward, by Illaltle,
Thr l'araller, by Oloppr
Thr National Unica, n yatriorip rung, dedicatt.l to the
Inn. floor.. Clay
lb bon talker Mendr arP round the...
1 ;o 1 ntly eigh. the toper, dueth.
Would I were with thee
think of Mop at erpnti.lP
. •
My bogie.) Mom, wmp0..a..1 by Mrs. A. Wade, nl
11 , -y Villagn Rough
bbquiv. Menne..4;l;44, l' ar
5h.r0n,1 , ../bll.
Carr:teal , tiultor Pmerplor
T,Nstl.,r thn floc seleeti,.n m ITaltr..., )larch••,
Quick SI. VS, Variation, Euy Lusone. s nor lot
of t.i.titar and Violin )lode. No. 101 Thlni strr.d.
sae." $l.l Uoldrn
FLOUR -150 bble. sup. Family, for sale by
6.,ALERATUS-25 1,1)1,M
( a ue) for 4 - ale
by pl 7 3. 4. R. I. LOVI.-
1110 UTTER-8 1,1,1, Roll, for male In
407 J It. 41.0rD.
ICON-247 yes. llama, Sides, and Shout
', den. [nr sal! by 01,17 JY a , FLOYI ,
1501 ,10
.:-41 sacks Common, for sale by
V apl7 J c ft. FLQ I.
EANS--5 bble. Small White. for sale by
apIT J. t li fly)11..
ROOMS--75 dos. Corn, for nate bv
lipl7 J. a a }tort,
Morris's Tea Mart,
IN the Diamond, mooed door from Dia
mond .lint . . This minn Is unveil for selling MP beet
tst In Pittsburgh. sit
COTTON GOODS-2 eases Cotton pant
duff, jud reccivowl and fax sde br m car " a 00.
FLAX—A nmoll lot for axle by
EttIILIPII a GritaTr.
AVM rn Eticittml. ind lit riot itre.t.
T AR Wig N-16 , bhlS.
1 85 1 .
Cleveland, Pittsburgh &Dias sill on Express.
111111 S lint. rims ill conneetion with Living-
Ci i ki,;Va ' a ' ....t S (f:V . :la r nl ' :e.:: 70=7i tl. h 2ll L l ' tl
burgb. glf nft it ad.anta., vvvr Il a oil. p.
•vjancv. In N veinal, Ohio. An F..t.rpon :11'..nd,,," ru b ..°:.
M. alvvvv ...Winn. , Pla , .v. Shndevo. W , d i ne‘d . nvo h I
Friday, In char,- a truxtv ..n.d ...ointaven, ~. v:,,, ‘ ,.. r .. 0
He will ra....,.. wal .1.111, partagre a.: the following
ii i . hvVt Pa F 1.1
o,:bvc.t:a;. • !j. ', 1a.r... Pa V'gzt•.l"oth
Ahr... Sr • • sb.„,, ' 41 ' 11: 0.
Warren. ",... Nlillerat.urgla.
Erie, Raenna. Nurse!,
Frvaterletaborgh. Wellithargt. 0v . llnclaon.
Itorlest..r. 01nnwirr. IVll,l.lvg. Va .
Franklin. Bolivr. Dalton,
StenbenviPv. Map:Lona. Zoo;
Wellariti, 01'..,..mburalt
. ;na1'... , ,.. I: rlchvvill, Svw Llvbon.
Newt , . Fail., Now•phlladelyt“a. Nvw etunlxrlard.
liold, :Ram Rank Notes. Javralr)• and nth, valuaklv
Eenf - s '''"I BIll°. rdt:t i- ;;4:0'17,r" h. .,,Y,'=.
eal to
J N lACKWOBD, Putortetnr
A ef.rdal znewnger null leave Mamlllnu on Tut...Jys of
mc h leave Cie...l:Lorton Thursday,
tar of Honer. Ae.
of b,'%!!, - .ar th
burgh, J. ICCetil alaralllon, Clarke. mirk, Co.,
Rdebeater, R. N. Parka, Youneatoun. W B. Taylor. War.
ren. A. & N Clarke. Newt,. Palle, vr..• Went. Barenne,
Rawson. Akron,Danlel Morrell, fludron. Wm. 11. BantMurke,
New Lake Superior Line.-185L
NE new steamer NORTHENEK Capt. B.
harlng everyodem Improvement for
r itr and comfort. *lll leave Cle m veland on Friday the 'at
of May nest, on her era trip—and sleekly thereafter on
Prldar, at eat o'clock. P. M.. for the dant Me. Marie.
The ...met 31ANHArf AN, Capt. JOIIN CattortrA. 0111
knee Sant rte. Marie, for the diffident landlng• on Lae
Bolded°, on the naval of tharteamer Nortlmmen making
• recta. week', Ilne, throughout the season, between
Cleveland and the COl,Pr,f..ri,lrontNines
Cleveland, 0., April 25. 1851.—df '
_ ----
From England via Quebec:
lIE undersigned. residing in Quebec, is
at i rerr 4 e. The
t r ue= of elda' ILn
,-Arl'inrutlbee balluet for
goes, pro . habl,wad..+ this mod. or Itopurtatjon
much the let. expetwire fur all has, Ile
sill pay ft. Atlantic frelithl on caraoca rottaigned to him.
and attend to so, bualnrca ennuected then...dill . . forward
lan dew rb ' trolts r Pn u .V...r Vrpirt!!7.
apiC:lnt , iood)
--lincinnah Oder..
glikE2l S 5 1.
CLARKE. YAILKS 0 CO.. Iturnwrit..
TILE PROPRIETORS of this old and well
z. known Line. 111 norm the publie 01s.t the, la*
rnJll3 opet.o.luo fur the pl,..ent mawon.. and have n..tumrtt.
nweiving Freight awl Pa......ruzers.•hirb W., ...trolls
1,711171;,.T. 1 1 .g'..t.1 - 41',Z.
. th i,;L s tlf . :LerlL l t a 'a
1.10. rill be COlll.ll/llir 1..10w M 0. .,
" rnt " .6 '5', 1 11 . 1 CA CI.IIIEY.
Odic, rt.r Water sod Ithtel..l w, l'attsborgh
CS Cunning ha Pu m holde, . Nw
Pa .,11 e,
Clan, Sharon:
J t S Sharp.harah
11m Arta. t C...114,u,111..
Wm. Baur,. Ilart.tunn;
Wu. Pon.r,C...nneaulyUl,
C. 51. R.l, Ern, P IL4
U. B Wallbridg, Buffalo. N S apl
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia.
Forty-four hours m Baltimore.
'2.SO mile4•Ruilrowl -103 milt,. Canal.
Two Daily Lines Exprecs Packet Boats.
ttsEia ?&A
QN the opening of Canal Navigation, Two
Daily Nra ESTIVAS Packrt Boat. 1.111 Ray: f-r
.1c nats•rs, them. by Ibruzs Railroad to
There takink the
NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, i Shawl and Mantilla Warehonae.
Two llualrinl ar.l 1 orty-trva. na1... , dlnrt to ! E c S. MILLS, No. t 1 CORTLANDT ST.,
P..... 1 A.DELPHIA. , • ter , ` , ..trhl NEW YORK. iv now openlnkr on. of I
the artrnrt snil rirhelt vrertuirnts of SPRING AND
Time through FORTY-3IX 1100 re. :011,151ER SFIAWI-9 rrer befun. rnrelved. Alm LACE
, ... p h ,,,,,,,,, 01, r.,.. n. Rainn t orv, tk.n. /51 001. IN and all klnds of SILK MANTILL AR. ruanufartu-
The Caro on thin mote an. raw. •pd 5c....,.• (1.{C.1 ar,ro, red front the latrat retl+l Pulnonr. rrerivrd by Ow rtrasurre
~ ..1 mnetrurtton Int rornfrrt and ranly And particularly adapted to thr Sprat,- trad,
. Ala • a •rry splendid sna.k ~f PrkRAL , ,iLS AND UM
-;,!1..`„'.`,L; ' 7. 7 l : n i r o 1 10 " „Irt " .=, ' . 11 . ,:n .r r ' . '"Y " 017111 ''''.
I'4. ! 1.R1'11.15. roiarlsttua of (ring. d and plain .1,1 cotton
and alk and Turk rrtnr Pars•olr, and Corr,. and G.toP
Passengers for Baltimore, .0 0r UnO.n.lln , All of whil, k ill lw ollarrel A I"EL - et!• IT
qr. arrlv.: of Car. at Ilarrtsi unr. la.. 11. , 1.10 sad 0.1, on i.... prp-, it r erpretally tn.., our Si retern ft-lend. toga-
'''"'4'''''''' ' I''''' ''''''''''''''''' to,
''' ' ''.'h" 050 .:, ' ;,[ 1 . ' s r l ' &;•1 1 1 1' .Ai 7 AT:. 1'1:' . 000 . , t exhil , itrig .hawle and
bur mil..) Por, FOL It 1,..5u;
No charge far handling Itaggspc on this ronto. M•nnilio , lon to. it. ~....,. for trwornortanon. - at.itit
Th. ittersa-r.l ,praat
khi- the moot entnforlaldr.. SPRING IMPORTATIONS.
...• a nd reir.:dr rnior,n., ti:nr. Prr.rern Cltn•
For ari.kria. •.r informer,. . V. B. IL.ATCII & CO., •
.1. P. II.L3IRS. Agnot. ; No f.. 7 I7ILLIAR STREET, NEW TORT., •
" '"'"'''''' 4 ti "" .. * RIVE 13.15 W in store, and-are constantly de-.
U. LERCII & CO. . "
; • oeliinn Irre stoon, in thit on 4 a.nelve sla.notatuf
~ ..1 1,. .. P.nn.r .., i l..okt•own . • PAIRRISIII.NO IIIt , R) erCS before ceurekl.
. pi h 4rn thr lat ni Jo,. 11, Pennsylvania ILolirtial: embracing the Latrltt and rirh,st erl.7t Of Crakktr4 l (hlrka ,
will tr. tund.r.l •to Lrekprx, obleh wla 4 it'r.rn th r ...e i Glove.. Watery. Purpenrrr. tiott, nuoioonn I.nadou
no . roo0 , 1). boom Ties, Stork.. °Rol (1114. Dreeelnk Ci6lrlt, Ilandken - blefe.
Pittsburrla Pvtruarr. lu. ...I o Ikr.r.o. Linen Coll., with a variety of other or
' i '.. .11 "1 par 3.". 01, to Uri One of burinera All of srluch will
la ZIA ( . 1 117: very
001 peon. Our , Weetrrn Mende..
Invited to examine etorli - .., Mender.
Manufacture -I'R Line.
ur... mt. lai . . , tlso u• ' -ars, It 1111 . 1: rtnu :
' l, of t.llar.lrtila arl
....trauma, la crust
tuns. aunt at as an
La, lasso Ma," (..r can - ring
Mar Pralatt u. Cialn.Wr. J.l.nosau.
Water Stn., Alsaarstrus. )14.0
CrY. Nee Hamilton. Mei art...u.
N...rrurt. Clark , /'err,. liarr.abum.r.a.lntalsa.azat >Huth
, lawn... Mat. !Mint. .the Pronsyltartia Canalanal Purt•
are Itailruall. I - Mortal return luiulr of Inn. ...cured from
ihs Juniata. proraptuees tral ragnianty nhiptnent,
afuntaald ' , Aut., at tha iota!! rate.. may Pt n3IN
apnn J MITCIIELL /lruprirtor.
Warabaman. Libra-me •tr.el.
meh13.17 gs.tond dlYsr anal of the taus!
TERELT BLVGJI.I.II•S LINE. 4. =l' broth,
Or. DING the lamnt..... e littrburob
ev, tr....L..1 wail, the .ttt 1, Wm. tinlbat.
Crtk " (mhl I M. HINtIII. 11.
Bmghams"riansportation tine.
1851. E
_ _ _
T HE CANAL being nspr open, we are rea
{, owara mrtil. endure SSJ
eset r aud we al pro
Freight, Ova,. at l.weet nit. , charged by reeponsitde
Produce Lod Slerchandite will he rerelted and forwarded
ran soni w.t. without any charge for forwarding ad•
1711reetiona faithfully
didd_reea apply to
to WM. 'BINGHAM a CO. Canal Retain.
Curn lrEN L AMl s l ' aCirri: 2-I( a l ir b er 4h.
La•lferll Fourth and Finn era. Philadelphia.
JAMES WlLtiON.Aateat.
No IrA North llowaul street. Baltimore.
JAMES BINGHAM, Nu. lii Men et
metal New York.
1851 Wit_imft'
Merchants' Transportation Line,
C. A. MeA.NULTY A CO Canal lingo. DA P.., nivel.
. RAYNOR, Central Block. Broad rtrr.4 Philo
We ary prepare.' to reoriee a largeount merchandiee
and preduiv to ahip on the opening of the oxhide to Phila
delphia. and all Intermediate places at lower ode, and in
r'llt:7'of Trucka pros - Med by
the 0.11 Comnidiolonera for carrying our boat. on the
State Rallrotieliq will prevent any poesilillity of➢delay at
John/nowt, flolldayebarg or Colombia. OR. awann.
febls Canal Ruin.
IriggWA 1851
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
to Aarl, rant 1,11.81.7111, Pnrtr.. 11.1110” awn 11. lOU.
• - -
ATKINS 0.. Prprietor, No. 117 Market. and 64
treat, Philadelphia
Agyob. Canal Knelt, Pittsttrgh.
JOS. TAYLOR d SON. Agents. Baltimore.
Vie are prepartd on the opening of the Pennorlyanla
Canal. to contract ht at so low nu, and alve
ablppele ma much d,...oitand care na an, 'th"fetLA7.4.,
I 21.1COPAK. tuJohn Maiden a Co.)
Cana/ Alain, Penn Strert.
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
auhaeribers hating been appointed
/hip ping agemta (or the I , narylvsota or central Rut
htfortn the public that we arenow prep:m.l to re
rely.. any tnerchaunist or prcslu, .hipment ea-I on tins
opening of tho canal.
Gond. I la ILIA MI. WM to ru rL.I thronah .n toe .laye
M all eoneigned na to• fr., ot 00.16.
lull t hat..olran. w.
112,12.1 rlgnAnranlA
rug. antuti.
D rar,„":
Saddlery ' . A ' ouf. de. 0. 100'14.
11..niwnr, gurreovrans. tinxertre, Paint,. Or. 5.P.. 0 . 1 ..
Plat,Timottly aud 4M
kr. vor
110c.o.11.,.1", , Pork. Putter. Lard. 1.01 Oil.
Colt, Tallo, Undo and LA, .01 , 101
Aehos, ,10b1,1 (rook) Par. P,;rl,. Pro,..u.(lr:olso Gis i.
Boors. 0,
185 I
Pittsburgh Transportation tion Line.
Cll , Canal
hill it.. 11111. :, (a. I,potr itri I arui at( •
nal No. 3 Soul,.
Path ntn. t Starke and tubret
1)11P./tf.TONorto rine , Baltimore.
LIAVI., I NI,i fully completed our rtrrango . -
~,,o, vr be vivo. , upon the opening of (ht.
Pentia,l(enta t•L ar, Iteight to atal from\ Pitt ,
burgh. Outlaw , . lanaleirbta Nu" r.. Doan.. P it t
Ltualartllr. St fano...owl all the hart anti 1\ ert. at
lower nitro Dud with num Line
CALM Oat% any rub
Llor. Alt g 0... At our Line are nal/ Memel
trithout any cbarge to owners. a protection
n'ot real!, 'Martini by any otner Line.
All renimunien(lonr addend mum! \es ur
Ilan Co, Cincinnati. E. Webb, Int...tile, mai Lowe 2
Oelairtie, SL Louis will Mort with in-taunt attention.
aerN. B. Our Line Aar nu w haurce a tthth.
and Pittenurgtt Trnrapurtation Lite of Ai-
A Ca feba.
QUIP STPFF—Too rack. Fur
1J ay___ ITN. JOlliSto+l
• • U.
YPEII--:;00 moms Med. and Crown IV nsp
-11 "` " 1. I° ' u tl n trDZlMVAiter it.
1 . WAh TED, atul the WO rre i argi s rl c t for tbe
earner Market awl Ildhl
j_ rine riiiiimay and Dry Derec.for nle by
``• 11. bIOLASSES-2() Ibis, Battle Ground.
teetribirthairrtr. JetSena°, end rat tele be` "
upl2 JAS. DALZKLLOSS Waterer
(CASSIA-1W Mate for rule by
1.1 eels OCHOOMIAM a 0D,'24 Wood IL
FACITRER. No, 41 farith Smola Strout ,thore
entraut ran 46 / 6 . 1 Y
• 111. DAUM. -NUN
, o 23 Marker FL. Phi .o]
1 ,.n. 16 North %flower.. Plolluiell4,l4. 66¢1
XIERCER & ANTELO, GenPral Commis
elm ales-chants, Phllvilphia. Liberal advances
nu& ronalirozo«n. of Pr.:duce generally. [janibdrAn
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopheroas,
prsosrelog and beautifying the tair,eradlos
tins scurf and dandruff. ano curing Meese.. ad' the sties
timid. and towel, stings. ruts. bruises. !Trains rte. It
seoertsined by experiment that Ruses Trkopb
er%'n% h n S. ' n iyaltessl the
and all
in curing Messrs,. of the
akin, sp. of the horse. and all the. whoa! Molars. The
LAlositur. testimoniale. eederts.l from hundreds uf similar
t at Illn71;177u sh ed
he tri; 7! " P" . P. h " olTe
siren it • trial:
Ncw Vona. Sept
Pau, tut—Dear Sir-1 ha. be. &fillted with s p
Lae.. eruption cf the aealp. of • unwt aagrarated eta,
ter, fur the. Not 14.4[11 years, sad Jut . ..! that Kekd
haw. had the advice of ...of the moat eminent physi
c/tuti and hava triad all the prep...them for the hair aud
Ain now known. 'without the hart berieilt. 1 aru advia.d
my n a tread to try your Trinophernua I dIJ of, . • last
rt, and. to nay d andlfleatio. found
mead in about two months. iluelt waa the violence of the
diwarder that at tinael I was partially bllud.
heopeetfully. )aura. I) TAI RAPELYEa
Ito Columbia wtnrt. Brookitn.
New Yon.. Oct. =l. MO.
•P 11... ' , NAT bear Str—Abouttwo yeareagn
out areal. deal...a my head W. much aMlete4
With dandruff. laza told by afnend to try your TheoPhat`
ow, and I did so, end to ut,aatentiMmeta, 6IY hale was
Maul, rooted, and all the dandruff dhempean.l, a , the
bred nor Rhone for
With reveal. I am your °heal writ.
J TIMM/WELL. tiba bruaaway.
If and I.ay or gentleman doubt+ the authentaity or the
elkm. they Will pleas. call at Protemor A C Bartl'a
ta...duay, liar York, 'ahem he proch... the orhti.
nal !attn...
I From the Military and Natal arena
'I here Is no r=edy tor the pertaaneMeure of detain.;
anJ arsees of the craulnm iretwrallY• that has reached
L b. eaioyed by the article known to Proteroor
Berry's Trinophaluna. or Medicated Compound. It la e.
t. , nairely t , ed by the upper llama.% of th e eouimuelty: Ixn
•Intoetetery , nursery In the hand It le mud In preference to
other antics of the kind. it Imparts elgor to the rtadeof
the hear. and thug {mom. Its growth to* remarkable de.
grea. It deatro3 • the dandruff and scurf. and Makes the
hale floe and gloaag. It will rum all 4imsool, of the reap.
ouch on , wala head. 'dew worm, and other °booth"ua disor
ders of the rkim In eheaporke u , well aecaltraey, atatals
unrivalled. It Is fold In larva bottle , . prim No.
107 Ilmalany, and at the Druggists geuerelle. throughout
the United State,. end Canada aP:khlf
AN W UTCHINSON St Co., Nol3 Spruce Street,
E YOIUt. Whelemle manufucturem otthe_best
se • ENGLISH PRINTING ISBN, fur Str el au/ Lath,
gruptd Prim :but, mod for Plue Book nod Job Work. which
ttol warrant to ..compared of the pored matertslu, IRA to
'''lter.'etuX!giou"Vo'utluThZlk's7•77;uch togit
Tr d t fr=:.:7ittre=Tl.°g.shrtail• scow
put op lo emu, wrol fors.ardod to rfdPr.
U. 6 Co.oduomunufPctore colored lot. of emery fltudeand
,ualitT varying from $1.0 4 0 125.00 per lb. todullt:ba
No. 7'4 8 SI lige 7I;) MAIDEN LONE,
Overfly qppottle the Old Stand.
" ivittPaVi o o f nd Dratoert—lleavy Lied. Wool. An.
Sha . lter, Buck. 31erino and Conn. Domestk and For
'".t.,cl-o—Satio, Silk, Mode; Butabasine and fancy of all
'" ..rojVael u g.!- " . ' :Fancr 5111. and Black of every latul.
114142 r. and Bosossa—of all kinds.
lranas— Fltler Silk MA tinyEnellah Madras.
s.les, Italian. Prine• Borather, laden
'" Plt, k .; . iiandl , ,..hixte - -Coras, Worn Cambrie, ae.
.liwycndere—Froncl , aod Lnalisb. n.ur style. Domestic
3 1/ZVS4I, glk, Linen, Thread, and all We latest of
Freneh andlE.oglDh m.
/briery—Shaken , — Iltrlno. Lamb's Wool. Silk. Linen and
Morn% Golena—Val vrt- Cul:mere. English. French and
Bracts f, gentlemen and ladles--a Tariff tr
attrvnon to our Domvs[ie
bun l'vaer<hiria, pr'''VellAl7.llAN
meh I r./..:Ant 70 a el Ilvden Lana
Einirphre SeMalin Advertising Baird.
The eut.seriber. enliktiug Mt , min...* of all
this advertlaeinent. heft cone of that
w.tb rbwh a new attic!, is broupbt'belort the nubile. The
asp.rmuc. Lar established their suneriarity be.
yookl an question, and he yontdently ref rn t lb. t.,..t.1ui0y
y o
bunre..3 men who hate [mil
ass] to rapidly as proof of their exeel
The following •re a, few, of the seasons ltd their PoPo.
let, on the plate oeruple..l by the_ seal. our... maY
base his name. business. and sildrata, nlnaG.nonelY and
la.autifully embossed eohired or plain, thus ab.rdinll per
'ert anronty lrand.
The flovelnyes cahoot lee oja.ned without
.N,ither was our wafers ant required to rev then,
Jth. Upon the rolwarria,e of letter, the neal
• tu,hato resort, L.. the oeuder, ionead of bring buried
• •nthe
he Dad Latter
Sth. The AAA furnished at almost the mune
: 171 re i " oe :l ttra '
leT . L i n k elut :f m :11=1::: ,21 =
" Se follovria to
taxes. .4 whkt`will Iso6t of ,rin`' ii .. Dl ,lV.:r oo".a rts. o of o
the weal aite, either •bite or haft. et rain roam epi
Gore.medns eit *OOOO, el,
sPr..q imr
of Onekiff.t
40 to .90 5,011 1000 .$4.00
0,00 alai
.. 10A0 4.130 u .......
................ ;; I nten u er forvard — szo — ou —. :t ....7"4°
~.4a n i reterrnce to a reord.bie 24.."1 71 0rk
t am¢Uoo, 11 : All .nUrs •1 t with
\0.,13 5101.13 Arect New Tort
trill Otto
tnl to
.lto Prom Uf,
ft Itd ""'"'""
N. lit rit„ 134 FrllL.= it. 'wt..' 001,nm 11.
1ti..o.at110.00"" mm
thowand. uned
° °°l°°, fro. Mi.
VONTINUES,' his usual facilities to receive
V../ on slangs, Rue. sad Transhipment. all Merchandise
ornelgont hint. 8.0. leave his &et dais tor all points
on the Lakes and the Illinois Canal and Hirer.
Iteterenees—tlessen Lnrent, etallng &
!demos. Jones & thOZSI
31r. John A.Cannher.
Prcduer. Commindon, and Forwarding Merchants, on the
Lome. St- Joaepb. Mo.
Rot, to Abram:4o Uordon, eta lateDa, SteeUDG C Co..
Plttaburgh. apPly
pAViD C. iTUTTLE. Attorney at Law,
and Cnotarolanoner Zr. Pennsylvanta. kodr, Mo.
nanamoolentlunt promptly anavered. oecandr
ORN H. RimuN, Attorney and Conn
nellor at Lao and tkoruntasioner for to. State o
t i lir rt iLattla. tLl+ , nis,O . lo i gat;.oflittsbure.)
Ntl..lndlesa rglc . Clate, Jan Pori, ltlioras a.
Smolt, McCord Po. uglily •
Yr lIE undersigned having entirely re. e-rl
built and enlarged the ahuve elm:Are...Ma
uncut. a:mutt:dog in all altant three hundred and !Inv...
rooms, •ouid respectfully give notire that it is now ready
for the rreeptiow and accutmorKlatiou of the tralellusit
An extended noUre of the onsurpaeowl cemvecleners of this
Iluum la deemed superOuous, aa IL. unmet°. Mums . ..-
m.. 1, wh..l , lu,, toode eaunnt be properly gleen
on wle,rmement tt w o . tin exp., w 'or lawn
r.p Tb ., , l to render on, ',Torment p;rfee
r.towl. exTreeely to order. regardless at
MSS- and erilwin Torlb... a it. eswitily Draartnt
roams. will le wood 1, me lanntllnr.
urc. The Inning,wnis are rat-we:on, and
hour, Int
Jewme ill be so arrau,d as to snit the convenience of the
ra d, d late.
k•warr dep.:m.lA will le conducted In art tnrw , ieept ions.
hie manner. owl the proprietor pinlcts hinter!! that the
Am' ri -on II oll,c shalne,fruly the Traveller , He.
felarniaw,roT I,Elt t oII.IOE.
tIS - .14 - 6; - rjt it - 1171(17i, T77.llTiCi
B,IOLATSSES-75 104. tO arrive. for sale b 3
Li-(SII:;';'.A.LE--.1 good Fecund hand PEDLAR'S
l' WAG., Extepal,o of J. HIIID l CO., _
sta . ;ZPW wAIL ti 1
IrEßNlELii—k...i. in.. ( Trieste) for sale:
P- F- BL L L RR&
- - temperanceville azd Nobleatawit Ilank,
• Road Company. -,
11 If EESI:-30 I.le. reediviug and fur oak j
1 . s ,- OTICE is hereby g: , iren to the toehhold- -
e, jhr ar7 . It. I'IAL7t.M. a 00.. Mort, rt. , i
..,.. , ~,,,, ~,,m , „,,,.. ~.,:, th e y t ii.i,..,,,,,,,,,,,,, tp..
ti LOVER SEED--:15 bbla.Erime for sale by Er ~ ,, , aT z. i tlltrd: ti,..t. ~...=,:, of Fig
l_, ret J° . ' N WAIT A CO ' ..el aud ev., GO , lath Lnuat. nr. uniti th• irbr , o, oßor Lit
Q-ILEItATU--6000 lbs. pure, for sale by t• dto 1111—... rt. reut , 11.1 te errod.l 104 b tor,
Su ' in ALI, MI. The toorktrartrns .re repurstrtt rLU Z Ds`
t , AO -
- .7. lucte2=tl 11. AL DLUW:S. Prrskloat , .. ..1
10 COFFIIE--150 bge. landing, for 13,;..1.
mch3l MILLER t 111T11.1:1'1 , 0 ,5 _
B ACON -3 casks rugar cured hams;
d o •do Shoulder. for sale hi
144' J. S. DILWORTH* CO.—
1 I 1100 ELAND'S Celebrated Ge rm an
JUP .• HISTEBS-1 gran bar We by J. KIDD
brb bo Woad st
CLARK & CO.'s Pure Medici.
nal COM ER 011.--. prtro Br NO br
.0. J. KIDD a C0....ji ,, ..
fi ANTI 7 IAPTiAS PLASTER—f/..5 lbs for
1 , ...) . a. by ' •
CB. ITicid
ACID—Id lbs for sale I.ly___
BORAX—tOth) lbs Refina for eale,by
EIDLITirAtIXTURE-- 150 Me, for sale
...3 by - .b 2 B. A. FAMOESTOCII. A CO.
i S9 A P-71-11b4eg.40. 1 reo'd. for sale by
EttExcu yLOWERS!—:C.I. Miaow &
oe. metier' ain! pa ralarpo,loo 63a. alba
Moth Maol6. .012
ne oo'ui • ....Idyl, Oer.rus,fovo ef the Lam's.
the L.rer. Argent. lzeurect...u, rein ,
the Berea or LVOV. end eV., .
"LE Ito not veiol to trifle AN ith the liver and
health of the aft.e1....1. I ut ple•lge nmr
.tree to make try lAN:Mi. LI {4 the Tat., this wadi
clue. mad U, bold. no hcqw t , YoNerton born 'pity, witlch
lots will out warraut.
'l,. of Ireland, sod the Pine .1.1 CterTy. ar
luatlY rwlel.lotod for the ear+ 0 all di.-ate, of lte Lung.
mid Li wet, which are /4 fosse:wily prevalent toll Norther. a
latitmles From • comblosticu 0/ chemical eattesli, nra
corrl from this Mos. 11121 Trees. tea trtos . l
sot or WILD CAM"V chiefly ta.tood.
tt Wild t'hsrry i • nue gritaat
atnntsx. comp.-NI eutin•ly ot 0,14 Cherr,. Vara awl the
aeon!. Ire`and 51001.(thetzt0r itnyortailettwee , dy the this
0w,...) the rare medical tin..., of which an air. eon,
touol Li new chemical rm...., with the extra., of Tat—
thus reml..ring lb. whole num.:m.l the ...rt.its and
eni , wasta remedy este albscos rent fur
ION?L'MITI4O 11l Tlll 11'140,
111.111EDITAKY IttiNAVMPTIL.N Carol t y 11n10o . 0 hat
oada ofirild . Cherry.—The 'following rase of Jeremiah le
grisa. of Conant:option. thee of ti. tuothen um.l.sizttr4
via, dust Colieumotiou,) I. truly sooderfak
J. D. lest—bindle:take the litexty of Sai • /41U 1. 4
tbe heneilt 1 laavedesivol from the use of Dr.. lt r iig•re.
Balmm of Wild Cherry. I sr. postratrd 01 that tetritte
110a,1104. timmunditni. 11, allay laaL TYhe attach wal lrul,
borrly,ingh.• sue. for Bre of-our teni.ty. Ituy Lrodmo4 and •
soOro.) hist died of CouluMOtiou- I •st •ith
newel, all the wood foxture.. of the I Lid n distress
Ulu rough, end expectorated o groat d..t..1 s.f LLs..l,
foyer. seren pals. in the .ide sad cold alter
'cothot with nuatn4 of hest-
I oda under the care of a skilful P r tY - oldn• h,o,time sr...taw sick nuhl shunt ris.llolll4. 1101.0. nein*
Luso about betide., sod rty ..lend.. • -a,. iderel to.?
hopeless. or at kest beyond' our 1.11)..i..iatt". sh. 1 11: tatted
the use on Wixtsie Ila. Land of 11111 cnofor Ifltt.tAit m,
linuerledae, my tether nrm.d..ys. it, sod w0n....../ adu4lo-
irterine ltto 00, and from as , fart de, ,sal tai
lug It my health Improved, •0.1 il, two wee!. term It,
time 1 cmouteured wing it. 1 ar,.. ahle W I, out 51. i•t rn
sew my Imo sew,, and lat.., which 1 i1ia...4,0,4 fr , tu 4.. I
have faxen four IsAtle. of Ile. medlrine, sal uaw ...aide,
• tat self neefertly JI:DEN111111 • 11.11MNIde
'V 'V .1
lion ram, Late Cu., Sw. lour la,
Jonx U PARK—UMW' Plc /11..t11r. 104.1, I soar sttser
w l th • trDbos.liehsracter. which b.n In.. in
dehilitsted Mate, stools the I,llawing whiter,l wax
ten wilt • ...were cal, which raduc.l mew runt , eas
test •• toOil? me ths antwaranara • continued ..•ont..inty
UT.. I labored under • ,rcre cotr.:l--expectureteds
dee', and Ira. trouhtest with bold feet sod night ma.e•ta, I
aim frequently railed I.lcast from my 11,0 4 ,. 1 esmUnued
la this state, amine/1y rlnking under [lie diem,. 50.1
J•notary, 1047, whew I.wst aanin attacked 01t1i rot, Ir. Ns
friends '....paired of Oaf IN, sod my nhysl:lans th...'oght. I
could ..urrlt• hut • short time My extremiti., 04.0151
If my feet, were csdottatilly aIJ, stet ahricst loit,di" fort
tit... circumstance, it tux: bs truly raid I wtm
-• living skids... 1 finally Jaen:due:l to quit Wang..
dtdot- t Ptetwrilust brsu.l it('i
mut of Wild Cherry, nnd frotn the Crnf that 1 .
menrol inking it, I ,an date • gradual 1000 feel'. /00110.
tied Its tue 01-1 months, el the rod of shldt time 1 OM cur.
eol and enitryed growl !health ix, elm, and chesifulli re
commend U. 6nlosol ty 511 ti0..0 nfltictal with diva ax. of
the lungs, and would /ay to . thout commencing its ow., 001
Tr le, diser,untred of two yr three bottles do 0.,t erasers
urs; hot porser.., as I hero done, and I bate tio dnitt,t
Out of ten. 5111 to tlmmed wttli.rrnewed
~with as I in,. Lese.o. Ih. , neetfttilY 00005.
JUS.LkIIJACN.: ,- 111.
strOttsnr to Tama arritrt. , wren r.,..s.tdaM Or two tran•
From Dr. Baker. flptiwbeld. IVadangioneountl3 Kr.
Srumortr-to, Kr., Mar 11,41.
Me•ers. Stanford 1 Patko--I take thIJ oppOrtualif
fortaink you of a moat remarkable cure performed übena
me br the nee of Dr. Wleafa I.leLms, of Wild cherry. -
In the year 1111 1 wax taken vitt an lotlanettion of the
bowels., whieh I tutored uudur for six ireek.a.trben I grad•
°ally recotercd. lu the of I,TI Ivu att•rkee Trill a
....were cold, oloob ttaelf u3a.,13 „my loop ...a Co the of there year. I rex n.0hn.1.1 to my Led. I triod all
I ,lnds of medical.. and crer7 t. f old.-eitbo.ut
ot- and thus I eve.m W .! al,. bola the .101 ,1
, of .1.1,1.
when I hoard ..f f Dr. here, lead Cherry. MI
frit ode permeated to, C 0.,. it a te3.l.t/..101.111 - 1 1.1 ,;trou
ap all hone,. c,f re,vne3, a::J br,abot bili.,lt.lor 17.4
hot., r 'I.. .olicitattoto I ea.
tudunel mi 1...- of tbe 3,...,113, Winne , Ilahquo ei
Wild lit - no. eaov ;col, utottlahlum AAA
throe 3. . afb...t.en and .31,rib, 50 . .1 lazairb: •
'pee Re I,oodred Dui-ope nod Ti..'
wet and e3..pertabl.: thr,-Int. , had prven.i unavell.
Ihealth Lo bler.dar oi
Clot an • or Dr. NS otor' 1e....1m of Will Cherrl ,
May th- bli,due of Grd rest ur.orektlaroprisfora of fo
ealuable a mettrien ye Motor s 1141.1.. th of 15114 Cb 1 ,17.
Teo+ , rernudialls.
W.. 11. BA.I.
fold by J. D. P...n.(ru , a-mor 16 Seaft,b.krark.lFourth
sod lislour rtrrrt.. Clnelunsll.othe, 0.'1,141 Arr.t for th•
South and R, = to uhbm all 001.11 meed'ho r tr mA 1. ;
J. Iliad S Co.. Ti. A. Film. , . :TT 2 Co.. .1. Y.
Rlicru,ir., 111..turglu Lee .03 11,44.6 Allesbeny Car. ,
L T. Burrell. Vtorle.... , :thre, I. 11. f own% .I:r.Motbeo,
Welt[, Oreourd - iuou S., :OM: 4 Intro',
Bedford: Rood k t+,ll.ll.t.l.F.clun:MroCUrnolll ll .74Vuri.
LithleLrond 1 Co, Inlionn; J. K. Rdalta. Entanalag:
Zooms 1. Co, Brookville. 4. Wilrona 0 Sod, ITltyneolrirg;
LrFtualnd ..t. Co. S. Callender. Mebdvillei Butt... d Co.
Grobout.4 Vorker, lth•roon darnel Kelly : . Co, - Blut.
ter. Bero,er. J. 0.etM1131 , 60 . 11, Worms: F. L. 4 C
0 Juite.. eto,ierxpor% P. Cr"...kPr.3 r- Droner.
Needles' Celebrated
. _
1 - 101 POUND 11.1311,0 CK PLASTER. 4.
11,) Th,,, ',w
w ay hue. , beenu made fM
more than troty }ran, don, which Cute thry hare
waturd al permanent nputatmo... the [next altiarttrua
kihrumatic and :_errng tbensog Plantar ever eared YbT
of the higLeat •wiliwner. to chum tbrir omen.-
tau lea. rub:ninon). hue.. farmthe Mort iluttrrihg.
u.s.thuornials u. to their no perm, value over all other Oa.-
.. Th em e l
Ingmlirneg of their rmepoi•lh , n. yet - re . ..irefully and
convent) . n.ll.lnra. nod., thvoip , gnharil '01 4 . 04 . 5,
yerNutv , 'marring with pulmonary -
For paine in the I..4,re.mltim, from protrorted ntib.
whonpina ochigti. aidth• varion• netiralgie
liwaara In the body, their brwr.rtal cbarsetc, be) tad
yuration or'nutr. reou , l) . In htuulaa,go, their tar
ornorltr on, ail on twv,i applinntons. 'melt na.linlettestk
hen. c...rr01.. - ..t..1hr s hr ma) tt , —ll.-tra.
A ra and pain.. to the [lark molting
from 1...1,re ram, dh..rearra of the hianwya.
aFileation. To 'mat. ruff, with rhuMatic 1,4141.. the , .
-p are rerommroded, with the
.that their toenail:tat +llowts Ve found Ter, - dc,i.lrd
liar tale, wbolemi.. and hj
tneto lt. h.15/.1.12.10)..111 Weal bLt.
11311. for giving e beautiful ghee to Lino.. M.Th. , '
hrice. chat Novels, and all OnniSi
nee prevent, the iron from mihering to the Linen. and allot
if= it Maid= nothing kli=io , lll to clothes a
f revnect The lull. have long NU. grit the nocenvit
If midi an ankle, end to tale their expectation will befit)
t reatiled. 'a3 no couipetitlon iv feared after an luipartlai
eake fill do
rFFWY Fhould br "richt. "
fer12.1. , 1 ern., per , Cal, with {O aim:
al. by matt% R. E. FELLERS. 6: ISLoi st.
• •
The Mu= Body Must Peri Are,,
G!. 0 SAYS NATURE, to have a hisithy_aie
and persotts who persidraM 4
M the moat dbansticie Skin Macaws. • bow s JCILII .
Chemical Moab mums a free perspration, and at Me ann.
tune mollifies mad softem the aide. arsita ft the Mama
of an infant's.
&firry. Balt Rheum arid crew, era oot otl.y healed,' ht.
eared b y -its use, as a u ras(' DD minas b. York. tor..ho nee it In such taus, and find it unfailing
Pimples. Matches Ymalties.trattyothry f•Pindlisaat
or la monad that the is no motes, polled Wert., - go
one trial will prove. I mold cultivate at La , abital
wain, steed of arc head, sore leg, .1.1 sore beard.
Boy it—and the nailer Is againassurte l llswild slat CM
11 It i vr t , lo o r
will bal the
. noul ara oreliable m
•bca ftestafte,tod I cat
1.. null add ued..v sollict with any of the acne,
or smilar disc., will Cad this a lt t ,od fart awn , lad '
table in
properties) than / Osse. '
SlWlllit. reader, the storm am &Med
and lar arum you ssk be JOILIe
buy It only of WM. J ACKSM. only ACtfil
brad of it sod. •
Pearly Intite Teeth, and Puio Bietti.h. to
be had for - Zi eenta—hdrauu. oho Lava babel . , 2u , . Lenora.
hly assured thatir their breath ea. !Ter au foal, ur their
troth decayed, disk or 7,110.. arol aucroated at: tartar,
that a 215 oent box of Jeaaa• Amber Teta. testa vr ,
the treat as whited soya, and the breath odor art=
Fold only at 'fat:I:MIN . & htere. 'ZtO LlVeartf th baba& Ut
A Scientific hair Tonic ; Restorer an Be i =
liotther, 313iteam not. wb e tree wed
Joe.' Coral Lair hestarer. kr,r alcohols et:althea--
aux who have not 1. 11,11 Te It te paw.a the follewleee
~aeittine—lt !woo the hair to Wo. ihr
stature itactuled hair to great Ace tt eth e.,11[1:111
ar dauthallvand make red, or eras' Lau gro..dxs.Y.
For relelorinz the ; hair 1011 01,1 Dotting ran otamet
tualtre , lt, truly terto Utah and keep ft so. 1014 ta .
deaf, the Oinetrouttualcal—, et tuporter—oshclo it; the
Ito only .t * - ] l . JACK:WYE; = . O LitenT .1004;
head of Vitehd,ilttel.uret , .
P-Icee-17..h tents, LO ant, 001 71.
JONES' S. ? l,itioti ..c Jo, a Liquid LIQP3IIII
'fair Dr, fel' the chalu . ..!,l•f abite.r J.. 0 grey
beautiful brown, ur Irlu. Jet ...el., :a a leu.furuufoe.
o.od . - woe
Pohl by
JONES' LILLY W If I TE,--LhtlierA are eau.,
tlesard agaitotu..a •
not ante ho...MghtlAly miux , r , it is tp , !
how mane,
the Wu appear.. AR, U. 1•41 mr-aretletu;k:
.11 J. 11.1. •• Ltlly i '
qualAter, 1 ..• r...Jthy. al., 14,, t. r4r2 e cyja.
mth. cs the •ana- SLL,
old by tb. Aga.. 4...t,h.,LN, • Li
bawl .1 Woo.). Puut.tira:, sent.
EAD PIPE--Cornell's improved patent'
aim .
AAueduday _ • ,
IlydrulllAtto...• . •
All eL•ell on'hund and to ArrlTP,rsale br ~: .. •
A.Lz.N..1..1., - y&l WELDON:
1.:1 Twat or,t,
nlYm& F. WILSON have remoted tb No..
ithr Wecosul t. 55.114: YrAlt rt., *tr . ? W. 5,4
4 EmovAL_ENouv. it }lmam Wholl,
Oroomi szwllleftll,L In Itcdoccilaved
to . I= Smack Pint st.t,ixt!". 2 ^ lr .
bt01t.1.56.1 Plttaburxt,
Seed Store Removed. t.'
.nbicriber has removed pie Sea Sfedie, ,
from Stoma Erre to O. bull4log roccattrateopbed
. Rood so • Tailor f !gm; .1-Totors:Met,shOon AZ
soodlstotr 091Nalt•tbo Post OtEux• • • '
apt V.
I.I.EMOVAL.-01:0. F. DIEM has ralitiired
M'o i ta D P P. igg, letr i s i gVni t"
vtaxa to Al to PlaanZt o te watt cn txma 14644 L
and dr wattle onatelly