The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 08, 1851, Image 2

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County Conventina
. J The Whigs and Antimasons of Alin
'Arm Ontnty will :meet on Saturday. the Strt or
tr.-. at the/ usual plates of hohllng printery sneetlntne.
the Tolinthlps wog...Wetly at 3 o'clock. P. M., acd to the
roma] Wards and normum.. at 7 o'clock, P. M.. to select
tiro d.lrgatea from each election Distrlet. to a County Coo.
=hon. to be held at the Court Hone, on Wedneeday. the
Ilth of June tact. at 10 o'clock, A. M„ m make the County
acsalnatlons preparatory to the next General Eleetlott and
VAG to anoint delegates to the State Conventkon. to meet
at Lancaster. on the tltth of June.
Clin of Coo if.
n . 31. C. Funo. t l / 4 er.
alaial lc.
rant page --Great Mineral discovery, How
Waahington wea made Commander-M-Chief, Rap
id Pregreas at the Electra-Magnetic Power, and
other ittereating articles, Commercial News,
Third page—lmportant Telegraphic News
Horst} Matters, Sic.
page--Litersry Curiosities anti Rcere
pidity as well as perfectness with which Railroads
are now constructed, aro Ratters of astonish
ment, whim we consider the stain's pace with
which the imperfect lines built a few yews ago
were constructed. This may be called the Rail
road Age, and it will forever hereafter bo an im
portant era in tho world's history. The Penn- I
sylvania Railroad, and the New York and Erie
Railroad are brilliant examples of great enter-
prises conducted with rapidity and safety—the
latter rood,. especially, has been urged to a com
pletioti to Dunkirk with utiessonpleddispatch.
A new enterprise has been started in Buffalo,
New. York, which promises to distance all com
petitors in vigor and rapidity of operations,
Buffalo, jealous of Dunkirk, found it necessarjr
to take some steps to obviate the evil effects to
the trade of that place, which it was feared
would result from the termination of the New
York and Erie road at the latter point. At the • THE ALLEI}HENT
late session of the New York Legislature, bills !
• rvine,
were passed giving all the authority needed, and
The following letter from lion-{f. A. I
a Company has been formed for constructing
! of Warren
county, should receive the attention
Railroadfromllornellsville, on the New York and i of all whohave any interest in the Allegheny
Erie Railroad, to Attica, on the Buffalo and Al-
! trade. Mr. Irvine is the
short ponden
time ago. In whose
bang Railway, with a provision authoriring the
suggestions we published a
regard . to the efficiency of dredge boats, we have
!company to extend their track to Buffalo, either I
; not sufficient practical knowledge to express any
:by an independent route, or by purchase of the however, that
Attica and Buffalo road. Negotiations have been P t : e siti e l e o ral Pi t o w n ht . eh W a e o p ui s r mak e '," the change i n
going forward for a purchase of the track of the
the channel a permanent one, would make the
Attica and Buffalo road, with a view to the e
operation of dredging more difficult. A loose,
tension of the track to six feet, the tics already ! can be very easily dredged, but
being of sufficient length to admit it,. but so feel muddy bottom,
the work has to be repeated eo often, that our
without success, and the probability is, that ea 1
correspondent is no doubt right in saying that
independent route will be continued to Buffalo.
se. the hard, clean bottom of the Allegheny is moth
The new company is called "th<BurTalo and !to be preferred.
York city Railroad Comparry: ,
One of the editors of the Beth ,. Comm er cial ! We hope our business men, especially those
who are directly interested in the matter, will
Advertiser has lately been over the ground, and
not overlook
the t
. the warning that there must he
We learn from that paper some important facts
! prompt action to save rade of the Allegheny
in regard to this eatezprise.
immediately after the i t.t . l , a, mutt ,.
of the I rive, The tics of our correspondent that
! a meeting should be held, is a good one, and
company last winter, the efficient Chief Engi
hould be acted upon. A very small outlay is
neer proceeded to definitely locate the route— !
alone required to secure avery great advantage.
which he was enabled to do without much loss of
No great sacrifice, no extraordinary amount of
• time, having previously made a reconnoisance of
public spirit is needed; but merely a moderate
• every possible line from Attica to the New York '
and Erie Road, with a view of finding the beet
l e
gree of energy . The improvement of t the y
hes been talked about for many years,
and most practicable one.
but the trade has grown to its present importance
The route chosen is 58i miles in length, from
A tt id a to nedneue,die, with amen,. geode of ! in spite of all difficulties, without a tingle dotter
.46 feet to the mile, and ; this oceuring at only being expended to render navigation more easy;
form different points, and all not making an ag- but the energy of our neighbors
gregate distance of but 6,1 miles. There are ; their faciliti" of transportation, will
longer b at a few curves, and no reverse cones nor
permit this indolence to go without the just p u n.
which are of a less radius than two thousand "me" of a loss of trade.
From Attica, the road passes through the
towns of Alexander and Bethany, in Gene
eee county, Middlebury, Warsaw, Gainsville,
Castile, mod Genesee Falls, in Wyoming; Par- !
'age and Fonda, to Livingston; Grove and
Barns, in Allegheny to Hornellsville.
The contract for the grading and supenstruc
tarp of the whole line has been taken by Messrs.
Leaman, Bockafellow St." Moore, a company of
the most able, efficient and energetic contrac
tors in the country. They have sublet the
'whole work, in twenty sections, upon all of
which the sub-contractors are now at work, with
en aggregate _force of 2,500 men, which will be
greatly increased is soon as the weather be- I
comes settled. Messrs. L. It. 8; AL, retain in !
their own hands only the building of the bridge
over the Genesee at Portage. The contracts for
the tics have all been made, and a large amount
of work has been done at many points through
out the whole line.
The road crosses the Genesee where that river
panes through amountain ridge, and present'
many ettiking and sublime features.
"Some 200 feet below where the road crosses,
occurs the first perpendicular fall of 66 feet. A
little farther on is the second of 110 feet The
riser then dashes along over a smicession of
rochyrapids for about half a mile, Where it is
again precipitated over another fall of 96 feet
The upper part of this fall has worn away, and
the river id forted through a narrow gorge, un
der the eastern bank, edgewise, no it were—and
the waters come rushing and roaring down,
lashed into a white foam. During the high water
of freshets the spectacle at this point is truly
grand. Jut below rises a rocky point, or island,
about 100 feet high from its base, and a rod or
so in extent on the summit, upon which are some
„dwarf evergreens. The banks here are about 400
feat high—frequently presenting a perpendicular
wall of 800 feet The Canal winds here under
the upper beak, about 250 feet above the bed of
the river. The Genesee continues to descend
rapidly, and about three miles below Portage the
bunks rise precipitously from 600 to 700 feet.
The whole formation of the country in this region
is on &grand stale, and when the railroad is com
pleted,-we think this must be a place of much
resort The falls, in all but the volume at water,
present to many, attractions equal to those of the
The river is to be passed by a massive Tres
tle Bridge, built upon piers of cut stone, elevated
above high water mark. From the bed of the
river—which is solid rock—the stiructere rises
230 feet to the rail, and Is to be bruit aa strongly
as wood and iron can make t—it being', estimated.
that itrill require nearly 2,000,000 of feet of
timber to complete it. The span of the river is
600 feet, and the bridge is to be extended a con
siderable distance on both sides, instead of em
"Messrs. barman, BACkafGBOW Fr. More, build
Oda bridge udder their ownpersonal supervision.
They have established themselves high on the
tanks above Portage, in comfortable quarters--a
house of their own-building—where they will
be near the work. They have a force of two
. hundred men now employed in quarrying stone
for the piers. Beautiful atone, and easily work
ed, is readily procured in the banks of the riv
er, about one hundred rods above the bridge. A
large quantity has already been got out, and
Messrs. L. B. & M. propose to throw a light dam
serves just above the upper falls—which are
about two hundred feet below the bridge—no as
to make slack water up . to the quarries. The
stone, a ft er being cut, is to be floated down on
gate; of which they have more than half a dozen
already built. They have also purchased a tim
ber lot of one hundred and sixty acres, near
by, from which, materials for the bridge are to
be tripplied—so that every thing is now in read
iness for the vigorous . prosecution of the stu
pendent! work, to an early completion. The
=of throwing over, at some future day, a
Bridge, like that over the Menai
Straits, has been discissed. The One built up.
' on the plan . adopted—whichis to be covered with
a xi:mm.l roof, and otherwise protected from the
weather, wittiest fora long number of years—as
It-mill be so constructed that any timber found
to be defective can readily . be qmoved."
, The road generally passes through a fine coon
try, Which has hitherto been somewhat secluded.
The influence of the prospective construction
of the tied has already been felt in the rise of
real property along the whole line—farm lands
bi g held from $6 to $2O per acre above the
price of twelvemonths ago, with a great increase
.in the number of purchasers. This is a natural
Ithsßeffalopeople now congratulate themselves
'that that city will be the real terminus of the
,Na York and Erie Railroad. From Borneo-
Tali to Dunkirk it it' 134 miles, with unfavora
ble grades wad curves. To Buffalo it is but 90
la* with a grade such as above described,
thus enabling travellers to reach the Luke by - la
ionic 4 miles ,shorter than that to Dunkirk.
Even if bound up the. Lake, it is but some four
- or fdmisiles farther to Dunkirk, via Buffalo, than
by the New York and Elie Road The time from
'ew Yet to Beale must be from two to four
bauri Quicker than from New York to Dunkirk.
2'147 - also anticipate a new trade from a anth
em cricamdion at Boznelloills,
There le now, completed, or under way, a
nearly perfect line to Philadelphia and Balti
more, on the following mites: From }fornells
rille to Elmira., by the New York and Erie road,
57 miles:' From Elmira to Williamsport, Pa.
75 miles, :the road is under contract. From
Williamsport to Banbury, on the west branch of
the Suaqttehanna, 40 mien, a charter has been
obtained. From Banbury, through the cost re
gion, and connecting with the Philadelphia and
Reading road, on the Schuylkill at Fattestlle, a
road is partly finished—the entire distance from
lioniellsrille bring 806, and from Buffalo 806•
From Sunbury, another road is being construct
ed to ilarriaburg, 66 miles, to connect with the
York and Baltimore road, to Washington, find the
Philadelphia Central road.
Another connection is from flornellsville to
Corning,' by the New York and Erie road, 41
miles. The, Corning and Blossburgh road, 40
miles, which strikes into the hoart of the Bitnm•
inons coal region, is to be maid this summer,
with henry T rail. From Blossburgh to Wit
lismspert, it is forty miles. This shortens the
distence 'to Philadelphia, from twelve to
twenty nines.
Take it altogether, this is a very important
enterprise, and must have a very do - bided effect
to the advantage of Buffalo. li is Oast to be fin
ished with unparalleled rapidity. All the con
tracts for grading, &c., ore stipulated to be com
pleted by the first of November. The iron is all
purchased—the delivery to commence in August
—and will be laid as soon thereafter as the en
perstruct, is ready. It is the intention to have
the road completed by the lot of January—and
it is confidently especial that it will be accom
The Great States' Rights Convention, now
holding its seSsions in Charleston, South Caro
lina, should no: be confounded with tho Seces
sion Convention, shortly to be held in that city.
The present convention s s voluntary unofficial
gathering of the people--the succeeding conven
tion will be composed, of delegates regularly
elected by the people, under • law of the State,
and possessing official and legal powers.
lemma., Pa, May 3th, 1831
Dear Sir—The objection you, offer to the nee
of a steam dredge in cleaning the channel of the
Allegheny; viz that the bottom is composed of
clean, bard gravel, is, in my mind, one of
great advantages that the river offers for im
provement; that its bed is not of shifting, loose
sand or small gravel. When once removed, it
will be a permanent improvement, not liable to
fill up, as in rivers where much sand, mall gra
vel, or mud predominates. As to the rocks,
when found, they can be removed by proper fit
tures on the boat; but there are not many such.
or of great extent. You are correct ea to the
singularity of the river decreasing in fall as you
ascend to its source. This was noticed by the
U. S. Engineer as a peculiarity.
I regret ht . , state, the valuable report of survey
I by Major Hughes, from Olean down, was burn
ed, with his office, at Washington, just when com
pleted. There must be in existence the report
of Col. Kearney, from Pittsburgh to Frinklin.—
: I beard 'Col. K. say that there was no river in
the United States easier to improve. Lamy esti
mation, Major Hughes' planet improvement was
the correct one; that *. narrowing the channel
where spread oat and shoal, then dredging out;
and as these ripples, (for they cannot be called
falls,) are generally near islands, a low structure
of atone and brush to connect the point of the
island with the shore, only eo high as to turn the
water in low stages into the channel selected for
dredging. Such works vat little, and are in no
danger of floods. Again, I notice a new channel
dug out, Famine for years, not filling up There
.are several each, made for keel boats thirty years
ago, remaining yet open-
Allorme to make one more observation: Many
engineers overlook the fact that the low water
channel of our western rivers is made by the ac
tion of the floods, or high water, directed by the
cour se 'of the banks or tutored obstructions the
water meets with. They undertake to improve
some such places by directing the channel else
where by artificial works, and do more mischief
than good: when, had they directed their worki
so as to follow the natural or low water channel,
they would have been sided by the action of the
high water in effecting the change desired. I
think I have noticed some failures on the Ohio
from the neglect of, or rather the want of due
observation of this law. . .
But if these things are doubted, it will be no
killing Matter to Mild one dredge boot calculated
for coarse excavation, and fixtures for blowing I
up and removing rocks. The wholecost of boat
and working it one season, could not be over
$lO,OOO , I think I could raise s6oolof it in a
day or : . two, in this county, and, as I said before,
divided between your cities and the counties,
it wcailid be nothing. The steamboat interest
would !pay something handsome, and your mer
chants engagedrin the Allegheny trade. Attack
the hard places first, and see the result. I have
underitood that this description of boats has
been very emaciated South, on gravel bars simi
lar to ours. You can no doubt get the informa
tion from some of your citizens as to their struc
ture, expense, ke. The greatest difficulty would
be to get an energetic, common sense, practical
man, to 'superintend—ono who did not want to
direct nature, but aid her, and did not wish to
but work.
Yon, certainly ought to be up and doing In
Pittsbnrgh, if you wish to make money out of the
Allegheny river trade. We can now get freight
from New York to the river daily, at about forty
cents per hundred. Is it not your interest to be
doing something? No one here will think of
going Willttsburgh to purchase articles costing
66 and 7,6 cents per hundred for transportation
to this point from your city. Just think of this.
Could 7oa not get up a meeting of the Allegheny
interests to move at once in It? Certain I am,
you Must soon lose what has been a growing
trade to your city, unless you reduce by some
means* cost of freight on the steamers, which
is 66 cenke per hundred, and 76 cents per barrel,
fur flom to Warren. This La enormous.
I hare written In much haste, but have not
time to s correct. I have no other desire than
to call your attention and action, and that
promptly, too, to the.subject
Yours respecAlly,
We learn from the Delaware (Ohio) °stet ,
that the Director" and Engineers of the Bpri. :-
field Railroad Company, seeking an eastern o . t
lex have been In that place for come days, x
ploring the country, preparatory to locating •e
road through Delaware county. The sure
"how the country to be admirably adapted to e
constriction of a road, and that it will be lip-
IV bUiltimay be regarded as a tiled fact. is
j e the Die which in intended to connect Spring
field,,Daaware, and 51x Vernon, with the Ohio
and Pennsylvania Railroad at Loudonville, and
will be the shortest route between Cincinnati IU:A
Faxcreas or A Svccrseoa TO AICIIIIIIIIIOI , C.
elsarom..--The Baltimore Bun elates that the in
suffragan Biahope, who are to elect a-bc r,
are the Right Reverend Francis Patrick Re i t .
B 1
D. D. bishop of Philadelphia; the Right Re er
end Michael O'Connor„D. D., bishop of Pi -
burgh; the Right Reverend Ignatius Repo ds,
D. D., bishop of Charleston ; the Right. Re er
end Lltichani V. Wheelan, D. D., bilhOp of
Wheeling; the Eight Reverend . John MOOT, D.
D., *Mop of Richmond ; and the Right r
end Frannie X. Outland, D. D., bishop of !I A -
Tits Reunion. Awarveussates.—This OBITUARY.
Div „,„ r y week ip New York. when the various I Masi Ass JIiT.CASKIT.—Thy subject of this
religious and benevolent moieties hold their an
nual bornmemoir , Bryan,
meeting., make their reports and elect their
It Pa. on the 21.1 th of May, A. I). 17e8. Ifer
officers. We leant from the 'inc. York COMM,- other Was a gentleman of ample means,.who
cid, that the receipts, for the past year. compared j cultivated his own rotate, was an exemplary
with those of the precedin year, are as follows: member of the Nlethodist Episcopal Church, and
lam-so lase-rd. very popular among his neighbor. and friends.
amerwao Tract Sncleti canoed to 53 1 0.0^ For seveml terms he represented them in the •
American Bible Soeletr 254A114 34 1'76.V.2 63 .
Amennn , : eguilature of thin State. Hi 9 daughter was
i n io C m r e ' S " llas i 'Too M fieri tW eTy 151:ftet 7 '.4 e Fel:2g cistinguished from an early age for great beau
/. and rondiraChnstlse Celan 6e.Se6 64.266 .
Ate end Foretell Bible tNelety 41,625 of 425.:r341 tf at pers., .d native dignity and graceful-
Am Baptist !lane Mee Sortety 31,100 12 I.t.ate
Seentan'a Friend Society 22.2e1 to 0.252 el
A York State tlelontletion Sot 1%414 71 When about twenty three years old. she em-
smerownpw.our amellorat. braced religion, and — connected herself with the
th 48 'ud1...." 1 " °° 1 " 63°. ' I Methodist Church, in whom communion sbe liv- •
e 1 and died. Some nineteen yearn a.rn, the was
united in marriage with John Memisky, Esq.,
then of Philadelphia, but for the last fifteen
years a resident of Pittsburgh. For some years
her health had been declining, but tot immedate
danger was apprehended until shortly before her !
decease, which took place on Saturday, the 29th
of March, A. D. 1851. During her last sickness.
the was tenderly and assiduously eursed by her
now bereaved husband, whom alone she would suf
fer to wait upon her, and to whom the often ex
pressed her gratitude and affection. Though
fully conscious that amend of her existence Was
rapidly approaching, she did not fear to meet
death. The Rev. Mr. Cowell, her minister, sta
tad to the large circle of relatives and friends,
who had assembled to attend her funeral, that
in his numerous visits to her during her
she had declared her entire submission to the
t. ill of and that. though the doctrine of
salvation through faith in the atoning merits of
the blessed Redeem., had always been a theme
4,f delightful contemplation to her, she felt it to
1.0 much store precious towards the close of life.
This tribute of respect is offered to her memo
ry by her affectionate step-son. J. W M. '
About two thirds of the receipts of the Ameri
can Tract Society were from the sale of hooks
and tracts.
The receipts of the American Bible Society
show a decreaseef between seven and eight thou
sand dollars from the previous year. This is ac
counted for by the fact that the legacies during
in the last year were about $17,000 less than in
1849-50. The actual business receipts are in
creased about $lO,OOO.
The receipts of the American Board arc for
eight months, the accounts closing this year on
the 3lst of March.. So with the Christian ilnion:
the receipt. being for eleven months, m:\larch
The ..t.merlean Seaman's Friend Society hail
legacies in 1849-60 to the amount of $2,133, lust
year only $2OO.
Cuaar TRACCLUNG. —The Mad R fiver and Like
Erie Railroad Company advertise that they will
convey paasengera from Cincinnati to Buffalo for
eight dollars
Among tho countless arguments which hare
been brought forward to sustain the fact that 1101 W
paper subscribers should pay promptly, the fol
lowing from the Detroit Advertiser is worthy of
attention, for its ingenuity. We would recom
mend it as n model to those editors who are
conotattly scolding their ..delinquent oubscri
berg." and publishing ocrops of poetry, witti
clams. &0., about "paying the printer:"
It was recently stated in the British House of
"One of our punctual subscribers from tho I Commons, that in Londonalono more than ID,OOO
country, lost his wallet yesterday, 9ntaining a lOns of iron meanie, had been built on foreign
sum of money; there was no name in It, and the I exco, A nt, during the past year.
finder would have been entirely without a clue to
the owner, had it not contained a receipt eigiad Petroleum!
by Duncklee, Wales & Co., for the Advertiser, SmlLLeTeursd, LivnUngdro .va.. Marrb 4, 'l.l.
showing to whom it belonged. We would. re- s. 1 . K.. -ti-or .51e, Year PrLT,lrum Is working won
spectfully suggest to all gentlemen liable to lose I ;ter. thts viciettr; tto-ud-a-e us not thatlk
their pocket-books, that they obtain a receipt " ter amenOr the Rnilr..a. W. , are
far .:mat rreir
for the Advertiser for a year in advance, as nnr :ooo
!t V be'"
I"Ui'd "Y•
1 our, reepottfully. JO/1N LONG CA).
sure means of recovering their property." Ihrtsvir- Asbiond co., 0., Mang] 10, 'GI
SIT, Iron. lc* evte
The Boston Post, the leading Democratic pa. ';' o 'ld- her"
per in Massachusetts comments on the coalition Y nur „ oo , W.
which elected Mr. Sumner to the United -States eseelbent esrtlarst.v. > , ls•tbetn
Senate, in the following strain:
T0r.... hr K. , ,Ter, 14 , 3 Wood e4....1:11. It
” The election of Charles Sumner by the conli- !..7 Wm: +tr.,: It. A.
lion which has been carried into national' as well sod Irma M. Curry. 1, A. Ellitt...J,k,pb
as state concerns, will be taken throughout the 0) the one
country, as, in effect, a dissolutim of the dem- KIEII,
' , PI , J2.l' Call, , lll.,,buret.
ocratie party in Massachusetts, and its fusion
into the free soil element of disunion. It is true , Sum- rt.- !!—MeLone'-+
that for the present the Sumner men in the leg- I -Th , 0.5 l• ra1" 1 ,
ialature have succeeded in making abolitionism / I , fl ooo k I "'"'
in oppoaitiotr to the laws of the Union, the sole °" 4w "•'' be ' ' ll oth "
••1t :• tbor b•r. tv, rooti." t• tb. r,
t.. 4 of Nlassachusetts democracy. It only re = „„ ,;,,
mains to be seen whether those democrats who son Co • ,
have reluctantly followed in this train will come rob Bab. trio
back to nationality, or whether with or without hKt 1.1 a --I al a MrLanv'. N.nrkirma.
them, there is to be, few or many, u national nom Ae.vnt WL,Ctlnz, vbieti t ruin iiot m ou.viielt
party in Slastischusetta to co-operate with the 'in'
national democracy who will nominate a Union 1 :"'; ' :" t ' s ,..! '".
~:,;,;r,' , `,: 1,0 „, 1 ,::,:, ' "'"""
anti-free soil candidate for the Presidency in •
IS The idea of a parry formed ou the htuh r,. t, aI. urpoult,l. ter
of the coalition in our legislature as it now sr, a McLane* Vvnaifvvv
stands, which has elected a disunionist to the ti 11111111 -
United States Senate, iv impracticable in any i'''""' J
relations of sympathy or co-operation with the "' ,slViviil .1
national democracy in any State in the Union. ite - 11 will be seen referring to our ad-
Such a party is without sympathy with anyv-mmin, , •laanv 0 . 0.1 ,1 : vvivi'vivii
branch of the democracy in any State in tha .m , m^
Union, and in a national convention to nominate L'• n.I; tc, , v‘n.mivm . a to 011 a ,l -
a candidate for the Presidency, its delegate•
would be repudiated asyneendiaries, bearing taitala ` tore
rsal Arv,v,
the torch of discord, nullification and disunion ' u,51 angolll-1J ..qen
It,- ~,.ourll, roma,. W•
.nia•Jini,,,al Itmaitat
L 1.0,50
Tram the Clerelnal Train Domcwrzt
Some considerable inquiry has of Iste been , Foreign and American Hardware.
made in relation to the probabilities of a still- , LOG.k.N, WILSON & CO.,
dent supply of flea cotton in-the Northern States - No. 129 Wood Street,
in cue there should be a demand fur it for man
afaeturing porposes. The following data, glean-
~ ~,..,,,,,,,,,,,,n , ;,„„;.,„ ~,,,„.,vx NOW IN :.-,..,,,,,,,,,,,,...
ed from reliable sources, will be matisfactor:, to
those interested in the growth of cotton, or the : 11A111)11rAltE.
Innauf.ture of linen therefrom. saitati , - N r 1.1.. • toot.. • 1.1.1 tf, on rtnpanut
The annual imports or fins linen average about `-'"'''''' ''''''' h.'''. " r''
4"" '''..."''''''
fay.troN , will. •:., v c I 11,. ,rtorn rz..les.
$lOOO.OOO, and the wholesale prices of these .
cloths range INY high as to average •05 rents per 1 Market Sired Store for Bent
yard; while the retail prices go up to ''..r, rents, FOR RENT -Ths ' , gore, lit , Merket e. 7.5!
and $1,20 per yard. t. ~..e.,04,1,,, tree, In. ,7, - ..ter of mare, ..,....;
a 1 of t.
1,.........1.n gen, tbi. lot nf arrdaw..
In 1840, the number of acres of land on which e,`.,.‘ 1c1uc..,..: _ z,,,vin tIIIEEL
grain, .k.c., was grown in ten cf the Northern, "`b" • tolNnce At
. _ ..
Staten wan .b." 29 . 0 . 00 , 000 : and the do. ..op' ,Citizen's Insurance C:ompany of Pittsburgh
of that year in all of the States north of the p j
Ohio river, including Maryland, covered some i , effi, N.. il Water arnnt. in ti, warehono• °CC. 11.
4,000,000 acres: I. . <•:
The overnice crop of flax lint it about 350 lbs Th ci;,.. ,, , , ;;;; 1 ,'',7z:g, , ,..,„ ~.%,,"..i,, ,, “,! , , ,,, „ , - AL.1,;,,
pc, acre. of 'Fiala one-third, Or say 120 Chn In ln 0,:n.,
en tregnAtn.....nn: , ..t.
flax cotton. leaving 120 lbs. of coarse tow for , 2 ,,,„ A L',','„',"'„.„!'„'''f . l .,„, ,;11, r ',.,t, t.
%.t ':,.`14.!;',.1"',':,,n=
paper, bagging., or any cther article it will wt.+ are . 11 ~. ..e. of P...r.b• .. ,1 .... 1 ~,,,,,/'
ltr.,ern t , 111. ..La...tugr Int rhosprudeurn. tot
make. and :rat•c7...7,
__ • . .- ...
The flaxseed iv about 15 bushels, per acre, end inai,,..,,,--.. it ti0....r. Ira, hiezaley, ICI:. hammer.
Jr, , Walter lie, nu:, Hugh h. Mitii ; }Alward llesletnn.
Is generally worth one dollar per bushel. • John Ilayieurthi. ie. Ilaauale. 3 to, nieit *rat.
We may readily suppose that in all the States ~,.."'
1 itrca ,„ 3E ,, . I odl la . a candidate far
imitable for the growth of flax, 8,000,000 of ' 40 , • ,1' . . ,„
~,,,,,,.,...„,,, ~,„„
~,,..„,,,a a , „ a , „.,,,
scrim could now be turned to that crop, without i and Anti...era, Count; trineentlia,. ~,,,,,, , ,K
at all disturbing the present eerie! crop, or di- . ~,,,,,,,,r ., .
~,,,, 5ea1'.... .,,,,,,,.,
minishing the quantity now devoted to the ettl
jiteri. 'oI'UTY TREASLIILII—We lire author
tare of other crops. . it.-d t., annonsui , (het J W Rector. of the 21 Ward. City
This basis gives its the following results: , a l'utAbisrah. will I, pi easulAuelei to the °Mee of County
8,000,000 acres. average, 120 1,.....5i.i...4 , j..-1 t, . , !....lis,s it the Ants Metiurile end
Whig ‘ , ..iiitY thire''''... •pallerte,
lbs. flax cotumper acre 960 000 ts)o lbs.
- , . , ~,
8,000,000 acres, ay. 15 bush- par CLERK or me I,OI:RT. 1 (Ifi name of
J.,h a Romer. of Wilt!. towlhlyi t will be nreeeitteel to
els reed per sere 100,000,000 lb, the apyriinching Anihie so-iW . W.I Couritz Cagayan.
8,000,000 sera, averages 230 . Lion hit turntuntitin nine ialler iif.Clark cf the Ansel,
a t
lbs. flax tow, rough, per ..; , ne • - ~•;
SW...Cut:NTT' rEieIaTER. i wane ni dons
acre, i .
I ' Slo ' °°').CPrin It". ; Mar-keit., of th• ~ 3 Word city AI keitteburgh. will be ut.
d It bu t Oiliest,. Cioneentien.
This being sulimieritly near rho amount of such ::'„r,,,, , -"i",..Lt",,t,';':i fl ~,5ea1. i t..,,.,,,,,1,,,,../1,,,,,,,,,,,,..
a crop of flax, the following figures give us the , I, eupKwite . il le, very 31 eI , T ERILII,S.
value of the same, as near AP we can determine ' ..." 9 " . ' . _.
from our present limited knowledge of I. peeper- ' gtircit)Liiel r IttutSTLlL—John K. Foster, of
ties:— 13alilietrs townehlyi will be • enreilldate for Reale. heilhtli
the anent, Anti Nhaeonin atel Whin Count]. Coneratton
960,000,000 lbs. flax cotton at 71 .1,1,.14. , te 4
per lb. at factOry, $87,000,000'. gfin - Y-As.t.iist,r. —Hobert Abrahams, of Eli
-100,000,000 has seed at , If I pur b u ... Ali Ihrrnugh. evil; eutmit lue ovine tu the lanti.Slssonie
avil W bier COI.,
bone rata.. Ai a recalitlete ear nottalon
at factory, If/0.000,000 ' t'.i. ,-. the teen. Apt,la otir-ii
1,840,000,000 lbs. coarse tow at 3 cAxtr cut Nil' ilciAsiga.- - Plc:um announce
per lb. at factory, 1e:e,200.0 0,,,
thief II J Lins., of Allegheny' City. .111 to a caudal,.
f , the Lae. of Hag:suer. •ul,iret to the 2,-Lelon of the An
ti >lawiale au! II lila huunte C.inerntinn
The cotton crop of '49 and '5O 1 about 2,• CLERK or our, Courr. --Ilcury ll:lnnen, of
000,000 balov, at say 400 he per bale: and the
price averaged Ili per pound--va1u0,:5 4 .14,400,- ;
• • •
The flax cotton would Le 2,4()0,000 hales of ggir(f.t. amt )leCune.
400 Ibs. each, giving shove the present average otthv 41. r 0! ell•stmegh. eJI ho verellilig,
hte Antl 31avleav Pe' th• c.•
or cotton, 200,000 bales. tr.. l'emtei.enev vs el ...I•yrue.s
The difference on the total value of the two,
ot I ars —John P. Rowland
crops, would be $132,000,000 in favor of the
vv. ri I,rir will he a ...militate lin- no.,
flax crop. Allowing these estimates to be high, 1.1.0 ln c, ,14,0 e the WI, [OA Anti m....ento
still $132,c00,u0u is quite a margin to work on. ""
For the new leliarity machinery, the dos may - lue - CoeNry ei
be either mowed or cradled, no that the harvest wr -
Mg of the crop may be done on the cheapest pee- ha tun offivw.uf evitinti
Bible scale. nayie-darritedhS
Farmers would do well to consider these facts, 10ifetitiNTY COIIIII eillOSEll.—ltobert King,
and act accordingly; for that there will be a de
v the
mond for their flax crop the preempt season, there ' .•
eau be little doubt. dam W.'S Maar Faitwnl.
Those who raise flax should, after threshing the M. M. ,
eeed, bind up the stalk In convenient bundles to antaht.,if the Ninth If gird on, of Put.toash..lo
handle. It should then be laid as even as poesi- wet,: on,.
ble, and in this condition stacked away anti cover- °mt T
• •
ed with straw, to dry and prepare for the roar..
stir CoI,TY CO/11,11hdIONCR•--31U ' or Jou . :
bet, • 1r11.1.• , , Ow Fire.. Ward. City of l i lltehural l i. lie . e
candidate lediire the Ante.Slawinle and (Ohio CountS
relation, 0., the of County Cornmhwiuner.
t. .T
liparT.'.l.Eith lir TUE l:overs.—thired M. 'Smell , latv for the above ofliee, ruNeet the deel•
or Ile. eitrning Autl.llervielle end M hig ChunlySon.
Star- Col NTT Iir:GINTER.-- Moss:ldes Riot,
of 11,0 Tir , t tS aril, Allegheny CH,, will lit n twin
oilier. cvianoi Itewirter, *ulnae, to the de
ewhin th. Whio and Ant,.l
.iannto County Convention.
ay.,/ .1a • 'le T
Tiffs BZLPILE HAILEOALL—We learn from the
Cincinnati Garette that a serious difficulty • loin
occurred between the Hillsborough company and
the Belpre company, which moot prove enthar
nailing, and perhaps fatal to the enterprise.-
The facts are then Mated in the Garotte: The
majority of directors in the Hillsborough compa
ny (the President of the company voting in the
negative) have refused to unite with the Belpre
company at Greenfield, to which point from
Chilicothe, the Belpre company had then adver
tised the road for letting, and have now pot on
der contract. They demanded as a condition
that the Belprecompany shou chan the lo
cation, already advertised fo r
r letting ge ,
to the
Point Palley route. Thin demand the Belpre
company rejected, hat stillcontinuo their offer
to unite at Greenfield and merge the comp..
W. A. Isivna
COPPER Mmes.—Considerable stir has been
occasioned in our quiet community for a few
weeks past, by the operations of several agent
of Copper Mining Companies from Baltimore,
Philadelphia and New York. For some years
Copper has been obtained in greater or less
quantities, in various parts of the county, but
the operations have never been very extensive-
Last summer, however, a vein of unusual rich
ness was struck In digging a well on theyroper
ty of Mr. John Miller, on Nigh stree4i:in this
borough, and the attention of operators in the
Copper Mining business has been recently direct
ed to the sobject,.With a view of ascertaining the
quality and extent of the ore. We believe the
result of observations and experiments thus far
has been quite favorable, and a number of losses
have been made already in and around the bo
rough. An Agent of a heavy Mining Associa
tion located In - New York, Is now in oar midst
making observations. The. general impresshin
seems to be that Copper does exist—euid that,
too in large . quantities and of rich quality It'is
to be bopect that these impressions may prove
to be well founded —Gettysburg Star
A farmer in the neighbqrhood of Paisley, Scot-
I land, states that by potting garlic in the bottom
of hie grain stacks he has for some years poet
kept thorn freo from rats and mice. The garlic
must be placed at a sufficient distance' from the
corn to prevent its imparting a havoc.
Jesepti!Knol Boydrecently deceased iniiash.
ington, was one of the volunteers who ventured
upon the hazardous but successful expedition to
burn the frigate Philadelphia. in the harbor of
Tripoli, to prevent the Turks from enjoying their
Al tieklny evening. the ihit Insi , l,t In.
C”, Me. II 11, 11'>t Jr I'[mwaew, a 1 thn li.sresu
finyttst Church, of ttarritt, to Mimi lactic NirmiLsoi,
ilitinchter of Jnhn Nicholson,
tlu the Itact., by It., C. Cooke • Joltyli Man, to
414 r E.. datlarbtrr of John Ecq..all of thin city.
Greenwood Gardens,
FICSI'O and a half miles below the City, on
L the bank of me Ohio river. an Ornamental Vinsrer
llanfeu and a dells:U.(l.l summer retreat. 1.. Cream.
Confectionaries, Fruits, Tempel ale brink. kept Ibr
the awommodation of visitor. Alto, • large assortment
of Fbrubbery and Everblooming Plants for rale
The otteamee ChlefteJn leaves the foot of Pitt street, at
the beginning of earl. hour. from a o'clock A. M. until JO
I'. )1.. landing at flu. ()aria., ;Closed on Sundar..l
corral llitanstela and Pont copy.)
ONEGi; t CO., Importers of Wines
Word, and Smi..Cheieee, 1 , 18=10.6.dd etre.. a
li...tin Sixth end
New Barages, Tissues, Silks, Lawns, kkt.
„X`liSc F 7„ . "7l7 , u''',T k 6L.,,°,77Lit'.dfl';::l'Et7l7:"F•tern'tft:
Lawn. IMIIO %Va.
Bar., RPu ingind to call Won. making their purrbrea
Goode at • In waine up stairs. my 9
Ilea or Prottabarta, May 6, Ital,
T 1 President and Directors of this Bank
Imre Otto day declared a dlvtdond of Fora Yu czar,
h.. li capital otork. (no tbe lut alz mouths, fayabloto
file Stoeltholdere or their legal reprovntativaa forthwith.
toyaiw Jolty SNYDER., Caabtor.
Promissory Note 80und..... _
IiAPROMISSORY NOTE, drawn by Mobs,
ca.& Cit., dated ,z. 7tll, I al. to thn ord., of Dan.
lgoglay, •. four Months dato. found In Woo.l,lreet.
Thy owner ana hare It by calling at the Mon of
,are ' J. H. n4llt, 111 Wood W.
to rECE UNDERRIGN'ED, having had the
pleb of lielathlng to an Enmq" the "Fbrd'A.Kl:
ex a n t, of Children at llama son in am Schoolroom.
~,tivered trfont the Teachers' de/Ka-1010. by the Pree.X.
at, Mr... GREGORY, regret that. go man) wort tailed
way at that time by th e anival of General Scott ha our
tot by which they Int rich treat of much valuable In.
.nostion. Ke therefore hope that the Executive Cc.a
eat. of the Attaccuttion atakesultable arrangtoneuto
t have It r e g,..o,:d ..„b C i e ... may it him mover&
L. T. CO C
U. 4°.`4 7 1r6 ALE,
Pittsburgh, April:Z. Md.
In routpllaoce with the above re9uort. Mr. GREGORY
I we consee4d to deliver the Pena, In the Baptist Church.
, ener ot Grant aud Plath atme44 Plttehetrsh, on Fries/.
9th inst., at 7 o'clock. P M.
Tlx public are reepectfullr Invited to atteod.
Br order of WeExtrelv A • Committee.
A. H. Preit.
u. C. BURGHER. Beel•tort
E _
ROOT-40 lbs. (fresh) for sale by
HI/RUSSIAN BLUE-5 eases No. 1, for solo
IQUORICE ROOT-150 lbs. Povr'd. fur
SAI Bale by • myli a. A. YAIINESTOCK a CO.
13ARIS GREEN-30 cans for sale by
1 ) 1_ myN H. A. K.AIIiESTOCK
LUE MOSS-65 lbs. for sale by
m yS a. A. reina.stoOti a co.
IQUORICE ROOT-1200 lbs. for sale by
PTS. bbls. for sale by
Fresh Arrivals of Wall Paper.
riIIOMAS PALMER, No. 55 MarkOstreet,
L hasjust re , rl,4 from the East, a hatuisataa wort
eLeut of lon plod Chuober Papti. totB
. _
IJ at No. b Market etreet. for sale at ray neaten:depicts,
For Reza,
:l. IT paint.' and Marti. ritnatart Ram strrrd. fAr
Hurt trot and Garrison alloy. lodulre of Mr.
Hunkr, Confxtioner, Wood Ern.% or of
!DIAPER HANGINGS—French and Amer
!. kat. from SH mt. to Ed per R1...n sal• by
mld \1 ALT/Ht P. MARSHA LL, SO Wood rt.
-27 Wes °Am.
1 bbL Na 1 Lard
3 Drlad
uer" Pwa.u,
15 Jacks F,ntberk
Wrung; to arri.• nn
4snan..r. sad fur male by
Front and Watwrata
Falra No. I Ms.cAerrl.
Ealllmor. Iltrrirkz
Volflilb Fors.. by
my. Orwers nod Toalk-aleirra
1.1)1RIME BUTTER—Just ree'd, a email lot
sure:tar Boner, put oy lo Polls of 2161 b. for fa
tu.lT WM. A. MeCLIIIIO It CU.,
nayfi 256 Liberty .1.
~JACK.IREL--31.) tibia. No. 3, receiving
IYI. ,n.l f, We by JAMES LZELL.
tP , Water
f AHD OLL-15 bble. for sale by
1.4 myS JAMEA Debzwbb.
ROAD —ter
.„. t.rr
•lank ,
r .ta ' n ' 2 ' ea h. l„r
Arleaheny 14' nl
edttraday, the 14th day of easy heat
at .pan:'. Ir. Work, oh the Ihtth at Ilakersbarth op the
1::th et the 1.11.1. Mill. 00 the Wet: and at Butler. on tbe
andwhere they are rt,th.eted tr. attend and hat
Inataltneut. It to hoped the Stockholder. mill be
quo In mayo.:L.llm, to this call, that uvalleamaary dela,
-r eaperum may le a.uided By order of the Board.
my , l3t - arILS hAaft:CL M. LANK, Preort
Bonnets! Bonnets!
t o l irn s, ,, e r c ;: b= u, rlu,o...est desir:ble
1 1 4001 en 000d3!
CASES iireeti Mixed Jeans:
2 - Mart 'prnad
1 .•
110. r TV analv an. lumt
reed frnm esal,ra ma:infanta, anal In W. ravorabl,
Iny7 Uni'llY a LEE
, 1 1 111.: highemt. - pri3O in CaAll paid f..r gal the
~,J , l lleretit: graded a elmn
EIC111101..• a/ 1,1,1.011. M.y t,
BANK Lat Wit day cleclan,l a divi
.I.nd iv.w mak wa It+ ea,•ltal +Wel ye) sht
drruand., TIIUMAY L. 110%
tu 7 Csahter
FEMIE Jierchants' and Jl:wufacturcrs' Bank
it Iltl.burgh has Ws day doelazed a dleldeuel or
k, • rta rag , ie the capital .art or Hank. , out of
ti, • pri,Lty of the list .It mouths. payable I the A.A.
`.•* or their legal npreststattee, co or after the lath
got W. 11. DENNY. Cashier.
Pitkehurgh,May ea, ISM —I rut 7-1.1
Millinery. •
\ I A, t'A r°„.•
v:1, Tlaurr.l•4 pest. 31.4 411
Valuable Property for Bale
- 1 1 01.7 ft LOTS in Allt , ghent City, fronting
on the Routh C•inte.n.. Imma
& front of Dr
1‘..1,r , Church. There L. .re near the 14yet of the
:.4. any Pennsylvania Railroad...3are well dentate.'
L.r',archon...a., a A:. Mr • manufsentin elnabludament
oy7,:u ANDREW L EZCU. Jr.
t7 eultabh• fr medicinal no rme.c.s_Lt We Or the
.it cf Tl,utle, at t Tra Mart,
rny7 mi the Diamond.
_ t i Notice
ls HEREBY BIVEN that an Election fur
A it, Direethti. and the apncduthwet Cf melt carer, tie
,fa 04,41., fame C.nducting the boadne to of
the .. Ninanne,thels lir.cht, Company: . elarterxed in pima.
an, rd eot Art of Awtnable, peed the 20 th .D." l,
t , /I, will de hell at the St tlheries Hotel, Pittsburgh, . m W.,lnftelay. the 21st day ot Nay, A. H. 115 i, between the
1. D. /LINO
Irish Lineni7
U S P irtin liPllc 121 :1:131 ., RCILIFIELD have again
0 7-IL . 2 2",V;rs' i t.4.l2:VrA '4 ib b itiLt g li7 l t ` ol .`tfa t tli
nax itiee . psse rewerred Pillow tau* Mutlles and
tre.4 the different width, which they offer at
O. • kn.. criewa. lent
!ItAPE SITAR' LS—Redd this der, per
I.,.el,l l ;7eicTreeeret 4 1 , :I"re " th ` t4 Pr ' u
11,7 • . A. MAI.ON A a)
StdAill HOTEL,
{Formerly the Exchange.)
Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets,
HIS epalio , u central, and-most conceal located II EL. havtaß 11.13 cemaplataly
Ar-d tbutott hl remand and Improved. ls ton
batherthe mono on of the public
thoubetaiber. I and Broprortor 05 Na ST. CLAIR
lI.Yf EL, ieepeetNur eform hlr friends and the nubile
that be hu turntsbnl in the mad dastard and manets
treflP'tgnatstritirryst" " t s ar " ;
to make It equal to any roam in the sonntlT 's .
The tell armlets anneal location of the House, and sou
nenre of ite arrantremente, rendering it the =tat dm/re
.. Zt=big bo
It . Ktkval .ban Verchattoom him
aratf C. IT. riliNt e rl'.
• •
I ARD-7.3 kegs No. I Leaf, for tale by
II .1 7 Rat El. MATTHEWS kM.
liltIED FRUIT-150 bu. Apples;
rev PA sal. by
I) CE- 10 tierces (fresh) for kale
I LiTtE• CO.
t'.55 Liberty Areal
ItNEA —5O hi. chests Y. 11., Imp., and Black
L Tom. for mle bn
A il, i ltA ES-4„" don, for ra,o by
hON tiossiiottitt 1 60.
I : lAI - F
o I t K S-70 for solo be
~ r
"4 Z i:T I.
f o or NRIe by
lOW DER-1000 lbs. Bleating;
be . RIM; init reed, for sale by
my 7 J. S. DILWORTH a co.
‘,.!AFETI" FUSE-6 bbls. in store;
" m arrive; fbr mle bt
not J. S. DILWORTH k CO.
11.1 i i t . L 4 A , PS—A ., n 7 uperior article , for •
1400 WOOL BADS, ready made, for
rate by met LEE
. _
balen for Cale by
LNG LEAD-490 pigs Soft Galena, for sale
• i.e myt It MATTIIY.WS
PIG METAL-401 tone for cold by
prime Ky., fur sale by
• turf Ill! MATTHEWS 1 CO.
L) OVA ASII-60 (good) for stile by
• alf7 A. CDPIAIERSSON a Co.
f3OTATOES--100 lat. (Galena) to arrive,
for mie by my 7 A. CULBERTSON A CO.
If - I: WHISKEY-37 bbl.. (p ure) for sale
%T AILS-300 kegs aced, for tale by
.:11 mYt • A. CULBERTSON& CO.
racks eilasenb:
5 bales Deer Bkirtr.
30 park, Dried Peach,
mete Neon; Jett reed and for rale by
A. °ULM:II7BON k (X).
. _ I " , 7
HIED PEACHES-29 bbls. on consign.
jiy inept and for nle by
DRIED FRUIT-400 bu. Peaches;
w - J . u.
__,_, L
lli 1 UTTON EIAMS-2000 S. C., for Bale by
171 mri . J B. CA:int:Lß.
BUTTER — In boxes (fresh) recd daily by
EARL- ^ _o liblu. for sale by
7 7
11 I 1` , 4 S LED 01E—.. ,
0 bbls. for sale-by
LA ..y.: J. O. CANFITID.
(.1 ALERATUS-1 00 bze. and 10 bble. pure,
si for sale by .1 7 J. D. CANFIELD.
CifEETE----100 boxes for eale by
Office for Foreign Patents,
No. 6 Wall it., N. York, and 168 Flat rt., London.
In t3nat &Vain Enna., Sebum, iforaral, an
ukurtr part, a Eurove=the Qom:,. C
ba. &sal t Urn.
Information oyr&a sta. canpg,hg . ,,
rapala I Wall OW, WrrelL
Alexander Bradley,
No. 19 Wood sired, betmeeri PIM and Second di.
VIANI:FACTURER of every description
of COOKING STOrKS, of the ineet nll l Ploviti
Grub enn eiack o se • ill mauler the tend eatitfection.
re K le6,l;;LviseM r. bleb •111 7,1 b7,;"„°,'
. Itadiatonr, Franklin Stovek n ' sin and fair txre l iAt .
itaeite the nttention of builders: Tra ' Kettlm
Baxet, Lc, to all of whirlJ we Invite
the stl, lot of dealer., keforn numhating eleet , lom.
Hatibmg Polka.
tKLEBER, No. 101 Third street, has just
Hamburg Polta„ one of the more Poe.. and IKari•
tlfut Polkas ever published.
Farewell• Old Cotte, written J composed by P. C.
Foster, and
Thu d to Mrs. Harry %nods, of Pittsburgh.
Ohm I in,. Thee. Mary Dear. b . y ti. C. Foster.
The Little
Riding 'bed: by
The Mountain Daley-. b■ Lluley.
Sweetu Des, du. y the Allhenian..
Dome, as sung b , Jenny b ind, with new seemly.
Fly Swift, r e ZePhrnt
By the Sad Sea Wares, an song bY JehoY Lind--e. of
her me:t o ne:Zl 7.enz.,
And an emensles selection of new Metes. P01k... Va.
mations, Preceptor, Sr.
Mother-Iv-law. or the Isle of Rum a tale by Rama
G. L. N. euuthworth.
The Banker. WV, by T. S. Arthur
Meehedes Mereine, No. 6
Horticulturist, fn. May
Received at
HOLMES' Litezary De t,
Third etreAt. opronite the Prot Olilee.
d streetoypowite the Post Ofacei—
lactscalary.7l"4affaZiV.;.'47l No.
Pleld Boor. of the neostlot, No. 13.
Nell Gt.., or the he
of the Stswerts.
Internathatml Msg.., tor May.
Wild apart* la the lte. by Maxwell.
The Complote !Imre, (lard..
Th• CcusspleSA Polls Gadanex.
load. Labor and the Larldost Poor.
Modem., of the Peonla by Muer. Sue.
The History and Adveatnres of Pen Own, by the author
of "Lionie Todd."
Tam Heave and hie Three Maid. Aunts.
Stactileld Call, • Historical Eurrahce--otraplata.
Tone: the Am.. by Mrs. arah.
Tbe Cciosetisstoner . pew m M wel by 0. P. A Jam. Eat.
Third WarTE — lcluiol Lots at Auction.
ILY at S o'clock, will be PO M, on the premise—
nig very remelt, geldin g Les, Maieb at the cornerof
Distronol ernet end Cherry ally, havin g each • front of
le feet on Diamond erect, extendin g heck. 101fee..1t1110
Irg iven to wickreet.
ene Oneehal. St l me g reedur in one year, with lateral:
wowed by bond and mort g a g e an the armlets.
By order of the hehool Ihrectolv.
toyil P. IL DAVIS, /met
burgh sad viclulty will hold It. Annual martins on
usaday, (May 6th) LL 8 "'clock, P, In the Lecture
haus, of the Mat Presbyterian Church. Subscrlbars and
Ladles (natal, to the mum areuested to attend.
tort J.E. J., Sec. Pea Tam.
holder], of th. Ohlo Trap Rack Mining Company .111
eld at the oilha• cf mths City of Pitts.
..n Monday, Jut.l at d o'cleek. P. M.
a.. 76 W. E. Mika, Sec.
DIRE BRICK-65,0thi (Coal Grove) Fire
Brick, eqnsl If hot sureilor to the Behr.. Bri,k,)
t.O huad ated tar eale
Notice to Contractors.
.13ROPOSALS will be received, by the sub
oce.a.,..r. for tie nunktruation stout ttano Cubo
era, of Embankment on the Railroad of the Chartlers
,1 Ccaanant, Immediatel: !miner the , TOOKing of the Sten-
F-matlie Turnylka. stout 4 =la.:rom Pittabonth. The
ark to be atanenetteed within • tweet, and cumpletsal .021-
•••If delay N JONES, Engineer
mis=t (Maniere Coal fit
W v ELSH F!ANNELS. —We have. receiv
starve goWs, ton deal.-
ble on amount of ilea unatarmksble gualitt., and of v.-
mane Kradcs of nnenettet air., Wu... sod flit Nara Vise
oula !brooding do.. and s full swortwent of Dome-Ale
torn RN( 1' A-guar:lint:l.D
INDIGO -4 lOU lb kepi 51a.n r iI
4 1u , ; . _
• , un.Cararuw.,, , I, •ti . ..,,...
'... f..r.wle, al....!.%a r mples , LI variottyuallti. o f IM
will Lw...1.1 low fn. t i lL.r A u i s v icKE,CO.C
tun C W.ater aul alb , L.G.
NDIA RUBBER TOYS—Just received a i
tar t , ...unmet{ of tad). Rubber To t ,. beautiful or.
tale at the Itaorat. ,:.nets prima_
J a It PHILLIP.. Indta Rubber,t,
• mytt and Y Woad CL I
eet lal dout as o ~sr. Air Balls. vlatelt ./111
at t a holeaato Eart.rrn A rum.
rn). J. Alt. PLIILLIPtt.
T OBACCO -1 prime Segar Leaf:
-. 9 [sera
a lut •I Water. and IP *root tt.
, w Lkyr_let_e_ Tri d_JUTA . al . e ,, b,..; : .
1 - 4 4 1.01.'R-2-1 4 1 Oda. Extro and S. F. for sale
• 1,, WATERMAN A rloNtt,
111It1ED APPT.ES--3:20 sacks for sale by
JUI ro t a t- S WATERMAN A SON,.
‘OlO.--300 ho. for sale by
• rat , J 6.1,11.1V011Tif A. CO
. .
bhds. Ohio Leuf, for solo by
try,J. s DILWORTH A (/).
C ORN—:;:.;
,for sale be
VON IION!illilRET 01:(Y.
m, F. 95 Frost s[.
lIJKITATOES—'2O bits. Neshannocks, for
I. 0:0 t o 5),e s I ttN BON • HURIIT co.
ER VINE(' Ali-50 blur. ( best) for sale
A,l-!: - . ns
OW b " itS.'or sale .,le LITTLE. A IV%
PR USSES , , of all kinds and Rixotl, for the
rstlef lad radlral et, of Remit. or Rupture. r..t.
a.aatly at bout and for &Ala try
KEN lilt a Me-DOWELL, LP, Tv,
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherotts,
I. ring lo fru= M. Munn. Editor of thr
S•ienttr. A.lncritan C,nirn..-ot on Puck rvhlencc It . un-
Nrw You. Fat,.
Tricuptiolvita &wan article that we take iilanentw
uwardirip lbw Ittpheat connoetutations. We do not do it
upon the goontaniendutionof others, boo from ouroeen per.
.Ai know:t d e. or it. Cert.. upon the belt: while It toad. to keep It boultby. volt. and rimy. It Coo miaow., don
dna, preT.CA vv . hair. sod Portporsteit urevrth in
manner nneeptallea by any atter rontpolicteti Ittiotien to
A ;cm= only nowt+ to vie one bottle to lie tonwterail
of tnistrutb.
Yold la b.ttls.. ;Tim :t7scessts, al the pritselps.l °Ma it
Breadway, Ness bark.
ha large tsystl...s. yrs,. 7.5 eslst.s..stproprieturs
sby 11. SELLERE,
usyEss No. 57 Wrs-.lyt
Law Notice.
!THE appointment of WM. B. 3IcCLURE JoU. of the Fifth Judicial Lrisaiet
vnearlraria. hae diraolved the !mg rutuietecg partaer
ship a )IcCANDLEIsi, McCLUItt: The uermiftbed to.
guess 11l uttemled br Mr. MeCandle.s.
Mr Mee la removed tv m 1 Da Wain,/ Hour, N 0.99 POEM
Orr., near the C(lllfer of Ilay.
UST returned from the East, and now
CP opening the largest and blunt aescrnanntof Watches.
Jewelry, 1.. Leer brought to the city. The Watches Are
from the mad to manufactorers of%cnden, Use,
p..ti, Pugs, and Geneva. and warranbed eqUal (anl wane
*o & 'l m o V to rVlPet ,th sr er t , „az i ati b :=Zia,...4
late Inventiou. dupenslog with key. ahourthar. and full
auorttnent.of razioun patterns Gold Watch.. ea, WC to
Welfaidlillt to quality, 4<Ml law and upwards all
guaranteed ea represented, and ledwarran Ito to turi• and
unallty W 1711- 4 .0 N,
tnlVe corner Martet and Fourth eta.
4.101)A ASH--321 casks Muiptatt's Patent
T high
tut nala Ash Onus enduen, Marrs') in rt.oni
sruf lby th• quiri.Uty of 5 toT %mgr.:lJ la
mnts for cub or appro,..l 1111 s
r6ilt n.n Liberty - it.
Omnibus for Sale.
,[ plate runnlna under. fur 'al. by GEO. A RTHUREs
fflrtlerr f Fourth asel moit.b.l.l gr. If not aold at privat.
rale t will b. •old IN., Auction Roan. on Caturdar.
10th ol Ma! (I CORO E A lITH URS.
kOR SALE—Good Yellow ood Purple Car.
prt Cbtio: Fled Oar aml by tbe dose, n-
W.I. or trisil:
, -
Agent ard Commtu!on Blerehout.
- •
Compound o Syrup of Yellow Dock Root,
0 CUPIES the front rank amon g the pro
erietery R heumy. of Ole counti7 for completely
raring Canker, halt EryoVa., and all other di...
CAM} arlaing from art Im,. el
to thP Alm& Alpo.
I.lrtr 11,,tnolaint.eatarrh. Prejada, Uradachos, Dirstnewa,
Couaba. donne. and Tightapes about tha Ch.; Bron
chi., or hos.n..
and a tickling ...ion
afoul the thtuat, anti lit mad with unpreardonted succeap
Iv all ca. or
Female Wiattnes. and General Debility.
Strengthening We weakened bod gig tonn to the
various organ., and In, lac/rating the en tir e ' ay stem.
If the thnony 44 thousands
renal u front
all parte of the country, can be renal upon. It is eingulan
it ealcacioue In curing al/ HIIII.VAZ , and motoring debilitte
td and broken down coneutottona: It la purely Vegeta
ble In Itscomposition, and to tweumUdy eaublned In Its
proportion. hoo t the cheutlcaL botanical, and medical pro-
Pereira of awl InediTnt harmoniously unite. to
Purify the Blood.
It ham removed mummy chronic diseases which have haled
Nitkill of the best physiciamm. and ham also tonal Canker.
When. Eryslyelam and &Wale, which Sampartila
Syrup. entirely failed to make the toot impression upon.
It ha. been trend In many cases of CANCZIWIUS -HU
MORS. The most obstinate Cancers hare been cured by
tide medicine. We may that It It a valuable medicine in all
the circulation. rendering the Liver Eros, attire, and heal
thy. It removes Palpitation of the Heart. and relieves In
all mem
Asof ththma
may In used 10 .11 climates, era
at all wee., . .
Thin Syrup I. prepare.] only by C..111.1R8R 1 CO, at 102
Fountain strort, Providence. R 1., and sad. whole...ale and
noiall. by
Only Adam ..
ml 6 T Wan.houre. turner Rt..t and Sloth:M.l'lW..
m OOL uaket iI V r a, 7lAri yt .ltallut
6101).1 . casks Kurtz's brand, for
0 uusbr nWr. S. d W. lIMLOAUtiII.
LASS--600 boxes ass'd sizes, for bale by
ARD blile. for sale
__J , m7h e. a W. 11A1LBAL:01.1
LINSEED OlL—lo coke prime) for sale
by myS tl. f. 11A11.11AU011.
FLOUR -500 bils. S. K. for sale by
AMS- casks Evan S. Swift's S. C., flir
1.1 rah. by roys 8 k W. lIAICHAVOII.
YOTATOES--200 racks for sale by
. -
vO Iy. i
TON---150 bales ff iu p
s A ale l i :) ( y lJ KEy
X4O Im . Dried P.whe,
"b" ApptirArr'Li'JK EY .11 OU
HOU ND NUT S-It E r u e IN!
o fli c r E a l yi
L b e y o.
UR .Y±
N UTMEGS-1 bbl. for salo
j by Kini,
VASTILE SOAP-20 eases foi !ale by
%_/ Em3G 3. KIDD a CO.
C • -
REAM TARTAR-900 lb*. for *ale by
• J. KIDD *CO.
bs. (in mars) for sale by
.1 KIDD tr t.•O
Gll3l DAMAH-1 case (to arrive) for &Ile
by myb J. KIDD & &Mom! rt. .
IVANTED--A good Second Ihud SODA
v v
out num. twin, of ENGLISH I IENfouINSIT,
192 Be ft.
U. States sail Stalinistlip Line-
1.3 CHARLES RTODDARD.Cosarntriber.
s. of steamship Creurent City.,
The nee and towerful American stenso.
ship I..srerrirs. Clans. :Sushi... Cocutusrster, haii , be.
Oared on this Eton. to run tete,. Miledelphin and Liv- P
I.V, amt ell{
llP4s't7;c2,73l:TPO'VVort7-1. WhP"'
This splendid steasesnip is '..o.o.terns
built In
the most substantial ma., both iss regards holland mu•
al 1
';',7,17.t.' i:E. ,h 7lll:!=rierp:7(ll'.7. , • LIV - - 4 91f,r_
erT respect folly equal in point of strength old sea quell ,
es to .T steamer afl
oat. ller scnornmedations for r. - I
...,,,,,,,. unsnrpussesd for entolort And elsgerins.
Untie,' SaloorrStats Rooms .......... ..-- ... -.....111n0
Seam.' Cabin. . 60
Penury ening to the Worl.ll. Fair are Informed that. F.
2raion Tieln.. erill be issued fur • limited number of pa..
ejring them ample time to sit Plitt and amt at
tne principal Pities In Europe.
Pint Cites 1171$
Second Clem 100
An experlenool mo.r.P.r." °ti t'
No rooms meuerd DAL/. kr.
Trelph. from Lime - pool, on FINE 000D0,0M. Mr to.
Notutoing, the Wardle kill leave Liverpool In Junr,
emameme mcorpl voyage from Mx mll
om.°r t.
JOLLN L. LINTON, Lombard rt. Wharf. 0..
Agent or Liverpool. JANIS Nlcarpar. FA).
Avnt. rt. Pitteborxh. J. k IILOTTA
Hound Cbmel Lihortl
mrS HOevt7Y a 1147(CHTIMD.
met of above Gond % rue Wks. from gx mats to
Y Lientloooesdo do., Iow CAPHY Je B prind end roc' URCHIIELD. by
mys • • Si
B.°Ysnsd , ,,, , C l. A . S !!d Ni b E ,.mtn nE r S-- in, O , f =L vari cuni ons
L c n ol . art
TAR CANDLES-45 boxes ,(10 to 40 lbs
..a) far rain by. ..D. WILLIAMS It CO,
my& corm. Wocd sod Mb sta.
PERM CANDLES-10 boxes4's, s's, and
g r 's g Wt. by J. D. WILLLLID3 OD-
= half charts Owl. and Oolong;
60 bn. Chogrtnnta:
1600 lba. Deer nen
100 dos. Corn 8r00m,. , .
2 bbls.,ffictory Not* on eentfiremat., for
,nk. lon to nor, by J. D. WILLIAMB 41 CO.
myd corner Woodard DPI sta.
mrs corner Wood and Fifth ita
LATIIB-25,000 Sawed Laths, best quali
ff .
for ule b ROBISON,urna: CO..
turi No. 26.6 ri
F LOUR -100 tthls. extra Family;
No -
rnys RpßltOr. .
a CO.
i t ROOMS---50 doz. farms, on eonsignment
ILJP aml fur ute by ROBISON, LITTLE a CO.
yt. Nu. T.ta Liberty Q.
SORER, industrious Mechanic, who can
rum all o! Roil.. and , tall part of Ms time at c c cALW
erior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
TONE'S EMPIRE LIR, 87 Naseau.treet,
Buildings, Nen [ark.
IMT MUM TO tin M.,.
LO nos. per dog
On di : liht. Per • ....-
This to the beet Artie'. manutrietured. It noes [resty—
le a great WPYING
—wed will not corral, inould,
precipitate or &ear, and go :maxims all th e analitlea
ed far a good Writing Ink. suitable for the Quill, and tid
ml ir
n'iry ptool for the Steel Pen.
e l utulerxigned is prepared to furnish to the trade ei
ther In extort or borne runotimption. at the shoes von'
low priory, put up as per order, and delivered in an=
uf the eft,. tree of charge. No charge for wee. 13
ur kegs are charged extra at nett e‘ T rit i .. D . Lxvr.
Naseau .L. Mao Duildivgs,
41./4 poi dot
- BaLI,IO Cosy Powder, the r tellVartreed
,33.1 tar .ale 1,,
en,l * Wool meet.
Pitt Street Lot&
lIKEE desirable Building Lots for sale,
aact 21 f.a4 fronting on Pitt street, and running bath
lua fret. Uninediawly adjoining the of :lic
k:aught. For term, apply to R. !deli SIOUT, Fourth at.
DRIED APPLES-20U bu. for sale by
Bank Stock for Sale.
OTICEIs hereby given that in compliance
.1. 7. 2111;r7q.'r:1 1
0 rale. at the 11%11 IL lag, Ilou,e. N ZnaQrSAND
NEW eIOCK A ch.. Moneehnbela Bank , 31 . Browerville, on
Wt., our. the :lb di, of 31,1 , 541. Sale 14 commence
nt &Amt., A. M. .I , y unler at the Board of DlrectorK
setae D. n. KNOX, Ciahler._,..
p O TASII —l4 casks for sale by
n Anna. and ILI Flret it.
Illessednetta of Cl...titian Purity: by Rer.lL S.F. - torn
•ith act Unruh:dd.. by I..linuntl Jule, D. one of
Itishn, of the 31. E. Church. 1 vol. lano.,
MAY of Harper , Nev. Mound) Magazine.
rude Dianna', a 51.chautea. Lutrtue Work. and En.
ginerrins-- -.
Just reed for eel., by R. 110PEINS.
nnekreller and Stationer.
TI Apollo Build:rum Fourth at
To Farmers
1141 ACRES Farming and Grazing
Er • 061_, Latn.t.... in Waaren.munry on thn
r. telth!n te../.[..1!.. of the Near lark and
Aar., in Elk count, for ea:r on-steconentntl.
tan: .arle I..aqultro of WILKINS 2 CO..
ail nom:, of Market and Third ata.
To Gardeners.
FpNVENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al-
I„ under anrel rultlentlon. u+ ,,- at on* ent . pp . ,
t at:-
autre al the itankfus Hon. of
oJt .-e.rnar a: Market ao-f TEthal,rtta.
CIODLIVER OIL-0 gal I§.. &Ls perior White,
1 for rate la yl MT- YELLEtB, CT Wood a
Ber.nett's Eronoehrometic Depository,
'Le I.—N.. Poilaimp—rbo `lisolen of Gethoemble,"
Ind Or - Crrnotery a evut.n...
LL LOT HOLDERS of the Allegheny
It Cemetery am Infrm.d that them Witt be no.admtv
to the Ctmet...ey hembiter on Suo4sYs. ssregt bY
ote gal ticket winch csu he obtsam-1 .t the Oflre on the
gsours.i jous curintendenisterrr,
fIEO. E. ARNOLD J CO. have thin day sa
to esciated with the.: JOHN IL SCULLY. The styli of'
the tiros will be se herebsbur. ,
Pittsburgh. May Ist, ISM. lbsrbt
gI FORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers:
nee.,,, in I..etiwtiir,. croln, sock Notes. N. ;a
Fourth enema, nest door to the Dock or Flttsbarah. Cot
hold°. =lfhe atUoadett th.. 4 the procredo rch:dttod to
an, part of t toon.
YRUPS, Sx.—Tinderwomre fine Lemon
Sinop; Calerwood`e surer. to. do.: Suomberry Tomo
Barr Lea= role Ire
todd W3l. dIoCURCI W.
ELSSENCES kt EXTRACTS, for Flavoring
!Mit., leo CimnF, Ate_
et, Lecoorf, 14trset of ffotccego
Coon!. " lum:
For .44 b, WM. A. NIrCLURO *Co,
mr= :Se Liberty et
ati .° ll2r, V.;"7,%tr.".Z;V:i'c'n't,h`.:l7o`,g7i
LClth c 'N ' t.7.t .c . k ,: n et b Aj' y
myl 111.111,11 . BURCHNIXLD.
1/171DE SIiEETINGS—A full assortment
V T 4 dlffermt wilt!. and briltmake 'd br
mrllivurßY a rec
t Reld T' r stteritios of buyer. tothrmartr i
()IL P
)t p ....i PEV.I.N . 'T yr 150 ,L Ib i s. , 7 1 Eir E rgited
Don'ED PREC lbs. for. sale by
it mil R. F. SELLERS.
d bbls. for sale by
lJ Ito l U.E. SELLERS.
IOTTON-13 bales landing from str. Cape
May, and IT
Must illawsla
itaFx no. I I R Ito roleb
Rat, and Trout sta.
FEATHERS- 5 bags for sale by
bhils. N. O. Sum:
FO I,birt..l3;ticUroniOd P. 11. lichosex
• ''
6 LW , I.,• risuml TWA DALZELI,
mul • C Water. and T 6 Pint R.
11,PLAXSEE1-61) ha. for sale by
NI°ESE'S Compound Syrup of YELLOW
POCK ItOref—'Lt teni.l)ll;{ ree d from Providence,
, UM tor sale A t N. E. WICK alttilleUl,
Sole Agent for Western Pent.riVertia.
my I corner of Wood and :Math of..
Ceo. R. Eichbanm. Civil Engineer,
W I LL ATTESD. in any part of the coun
y ai the sum, uyearren, and construction of
Railroads, alscadamaed and Plena lloiatea Kridar Lucas,
Dams, le., for canal or slarleater ptve
ti k r . aa..a . :7...itioadota., end “taroatee of met of any of
Ile will also attend to the division of land, mad laying
out loon plate: mating drawings of model. for Patent Of
tioe, draught. of mactainerr, de.
()Mee iti
Oißakeweburg h lfalliallainfa, Orme. st.. near the Court Pl
References-110, A. IT. Loomis, To.. Bakeerell, Eara
-13. Crate. no- Eichbanm, Esq.
bbls Nol. I Salmon:
N, do do do
W bole No; 3 !darken.%
33 Ltdn do do •
, 10 1.p d w 0 3 ,30 1 trimmed Shad: cum Land and
Liao IRON-66 tone Forge :Ind Foundry,
L on tsnlyignmenb tor min by
Ate) - JOLLN WATT a CO,_
PLASSiED OIL-10 bbla. prime, from
Ikanernet malty. be rale by
is lEEREBY GIVEN that an Election far
oao PreAtlont. Ole Mat:users. eaA mob other ofifeere
et mar be tempter. to, coudoct the butinett of the . 111 r
min/them and PrountTille leacetlanatted Turnpike hoed
Corer:inf.. eberterul terrace, p of an Act of sesetta./T
approned. the 15th day of Fehroary, 1i.1651..it1tt0 held
et the' lttP, notes uPJentet Itreedy, in Newel. town-
OOP. -Written; ConsitT, llon,loy, the lOth daLof Mal
. hetet-en Urn hcon of 10 o'clock, A. AL. amt !
*LA:, P. M, of raid aro •
theitnittionere—lnt. LAILUML Jr..
vo4 v 0131..
JAN mcgrx.
ariMEMILAN 1851 dial
EXPRESS Packet and Railroad - Line for
Zeeland, eithoott 4.0 of Ly tteattutt front
..otobungh to beaver, In atunataco with the eletrantlY Itto.
Runes. Pocket. of Clarke, Porta A - , front Beam
tne pplendtd now Padmenjtor Can or Yu
dead awl titts.borib Rai haul Cu. to Licnautd..;
PENERTLEAKIA-.... ~, Dormor.
lAGARA-. -X not.
MAYFLOWER.-- .'. —.. -..-... .. .. Il.loax.
Steamers .1.. e their landloa kldßoofakala
at 9 o'clock, A. X. 00...144 • ith the Packets at
ra, which will
t race lsodadistal, the arrival of th e
arrahlatiose for theEspremeTraht
'car. for Cleve:A.l. Palmtop+e by thig law serie• at
land lo time to take the Rata , .Idle of Straw"
BUFFALO aod DETROIT. the assascrs tar Ch.ra-
Ifllwankte. Toledo. Sandusky City. naaxi.rk antt
for evening traincars kr Cohnob., % tllll. and
4 ..dowati„ CLARK cf
E- PARKS la.,
ace under bt..Ctaries RWt
MmHg! 1851. lag
On tho Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
CLARKE, PARKS ft C 0... Itocusta. PA.
CO.-.C.nwhets 0.
rLis well known Line is now prepared to
transtote freight entsw.rourers from PITMITROH
EVELAND, town Pea.. the
The faitillUn of the Line toe onsurpaned innumbn.
IT, and capacity of Boats, experience of Captain,. and
.1y of AKerta.
One Boatlmres Pittrah and Clenterddnilheannlna
oonnwthin with of
11CliGht and /LEAVER, end e Lima araclus ineambonte
Ii mel:er and re:l.A') on the We&
Puke a el., T0mge.07 . .. 0.
A. r Para. orl le lb 0
C. Prentlee. Ravenna. O.:
11:erton a Co, Ravenna. 0 , '
nlioder; Lee Aar.).
lieerdernen a Pettibone, BsodeskT CUT) 94 . ,
Peckham I &nu, Toledo. 0.;
0. ssllll:ans *Co, Detroit. 3Lleldeen)
Toosecnen „ 0 . 0.1 :
Gem A. Gibbs Ca. Chimp. IlL; -
Menlo lisle, Cbleseo,
eel ear. Water and.:lndthilehl Pluntrurgb.
Brandies, Wines. 'le.
JAVING completed arrangements ;with
Houses In Boxleans. and other European Cum's.
We &mention of mr mien, I sat Wm enabled to tem to
Loam, at a emall Memos ores importation mat,
DIES, WINES. and LIQUORS, a th. finest d—mmiptMa.
from under modem toutt Jock ifilateed.
Attention IA imitaft. mr llrt.rc WW I
Bordeaux. and torten. Brandies. is
'al tape =lieS jade and dart
75 hbas.and gr. .aka put, gold, and Mown Mutinies; fine
and mednun.qualny.
al qr. tasks Madness, of emr7 grade. -
Irs " Port Wham part &err old and mperfisr.
3,0 baskets Sparkling Chuorsgue, &mil known brands
boxes Claret WM., Wile. brands sod ounmea
104 cmas Sauterne and Berme. &latest. 1916-7. .
IS auks Sauter. and Claret NCI..
IS pleas Old llolland end SehuidsmOln.
10 punehemis Old Scotch sod I risb
I— superior Old Jamie , . Bess.
DJ tasks superior London Brown Mout sal Satoh Ate.
With a mostant eupPlr of /retorted Ikon., wet se
0.. Ib., Martuchir.o.Cantos. Anoleolie, Chum Bran
d, ke.
A large stock a ILITA NA SEGA 72S ahem& on hanl
All of whlsh I sill cfferon sew faranWla farms.
Orders willba executed with dopea..l Frilf thivo.d
lowest rams. - .ll_ 11. I
Importer sod Dealer. St +gout arm;
4.l.o.lawCznarls) Ehlladelphla.
The mast Extraordanary Astavery in the World to
the great Arran. Remedy for New and Beast!
H. G. Farrell's
I l lIE miraculous cures performed by the
Maid.n ohystei.• In the days of old, were then
bu'nlupun as th e result of 300¢(0. hilt 01000 me lame Dr
me lothrude with their history we ran thott amount for
their surprising Tower over &riot. Their atlaintisenta
Oho keowledge of medicine were the wonder of the aim,
while .1 thesame time the science of Chemlary, Which
with them had its origin, wee to the rest of the world "a
bock."Seded And lu lilotany they weathe most zealous of
udents. In the b.utlful genres whieh skirt the sestrtsot
Arabia, abound rare plants and odcro. wools wheat:ern
obtained those .o.natio gums and fragrant balittdm% of
.blob this Incomparable liniment Is cutopteal, Mal by
whose stiaNsl i a:Mg h, itetnt i m 4i fsetw=g and Lamina
rrfifi r grthe who; ner vous sysl7.lillering Voahrg
tows/pain In itteredibly short Memo( 10 .15 Minutes.
1 whom le prompt, potierful and rthettes4altliont the
het danger. It penetrates the flesh to th e bum% mimes
en Mimi. cord% Main. use to limbo which hive ban
palsied for years, causing the shriveled limb to col, 0.10
and deb blood to
It 'attires
the tiiworild Fluid or Joint I at r, and this Is theraleoK
by it bas tam to unieerMlly sueeessful 1.1 MIMI all
dia.. of the Join. In ammo affections of the
War, Lungs and Kidneys, 'AU pest Arabian mosedy
stands unparalleled. for Arun (lake or Enlargement ol
0q,1,,, e ,y.. it la a ',antic; and far Ithenmatlan It ima peribrzie
I almos of the mita extraonlinary cures on reoried; siso
f or e ra g a ra. : s wam., Pam, Ls minds,Cllllblar=
White dwelling% TuniorLe- de. It is equally
fu disease of Aulmals. such . Fistula
hug Oartirlalnt. Dist= per, f arey.Bpralria,lirulsea,Wo
maYine. Kludgalls. Splint: and for nearly al
diseases. pither In menor bast. which moire an alt.-
, nal application. Mus liniment stands at rho
head of all
The following le rpm thescriocipil anbuintent of the
Pealthy and insibly respectable ileum of 11313 A Bet, of
eoria. and ose.ents orLe of t h e mint entresalial mires bo
the annals of medical history,
01e 11. Cf. Ferrell: Dear SM. Actuated by a rumor Vat , -
fulness. I submit the Ibllowlue as an butanm of the citil•
Its of your great nimigan
r . , lit i chtl, three yisti , 0 1 1 , 1.71.
Vil 6" sii r ;sfo ' 7.l. 'd nisrratetti t t ' to /=-11. k h:Ve
Drams so thet a joint midi( be neat tit
Direst bliOk wed cold. and mbrely dmirosed Wing. •
Usibt. gr
ri,ral.P•=l, l4 '.l`.ll o .l.l.`l: o °Neebso.
meted. mid so mow{ that when laying on Its tic the
Mad and heels osey tosiched. Indeed, Die child Prinented
Neery appearance a being dembr—Lemiallately on the ab
ma., the family- physician wad naiad Io.oodfur flusemeade
he labored to restore 01 to fee hey.lint ell ineados,akthdegh
It was blistered a dome Draws, and various
Inputs apcliot. A emir:illation of physlebuis nee ;him
held, but to be ronaY. , The TiLl. 'T. eon tdniliht tes.
fore the Ilediml racists. but nothing could betel:nein!
whi t + hod elteady breed.. and the doctor tleylitold
me he could do eribir; mom. We thee. c l emee IT;
pl lay Sour L ' nlmmt
pine amt r'u mar imapsur 0,-;:—Tvrjlor, length of
OPlitatices, ecturessy . ancieurtion woe Mitinwars:- •
child avidly inonisd, with the
of the ItIZ
which 41 not bentane petted for newly •mmith. , /t le
now hearty and robust as eta be. • • •
Flee other cites of the moat kial occiL - ed iti y meta
bothooi previously. all of w hick dwd: hen. so donft,
your Livinteet hod Gen used, thoy would have rtmeeered.
Deorin Ilarch 1, 1101, fi.CLYL-4111).
Liter Compt.4”:ll, Erpiptla:, and /Ihturiurtima
/11.7.1., Marian Co..
Ylr. a E. Ftharta—Pear Ott: Yens li mu l
very well. and dging • v.l deal rd SPA anteee the yo
ee. It hue chord a tad cue of Erysit dna, end An so bs s
nt a bad was In the breast. A lady, who was Posllntel fa
herbed ler several months with Lirir Complaint cud Agee.
ton of the great, wut entirety cured by the opt of Tony
Arabian Linent Coo sell th e dmetw could de•hetaso
good. It has teen applied to • fresh twit, and mold Ads
&abort elnia /here been alllicted with. Ithenntatlelnen
• leng tom, and Put before a wrt then is naive! Mono
much that I hod nopewee slider, co
dad thoPtght 1 ante
aeneed bathing and rubbing with your Unto:ten; wad
before I less done rubbing, the pip cesood. •
Siff Complaint, Steeatty,Disurtper, Cart and
DI. El:shell, Ftetraastor at End, Fnltan Conntrglal.
Ur. FL O. Full. Tour Arabian Liniment la •blahlr
ndr Co mp i li ng- curial one of my neighbors' Dorsal *be
atiffby about four cr re application/4 wad I
enrod one of my own of th e Swemoey. Our Itherift.l .
Dykes, mewl bta bane of a bad Own with ID lan also
It on a colt that bad the Dissemprr maw Wd a and It
InamodMiolf. • Eta ma It Is
the greaten boom
medicine be ever med. Ftwre fume beam numbers curd
of Eve gym with 11. I and it a eery serabla naedlchae
both for man and
R eof Counterfeits.
The Public ere particularly cautioned against • Base
CbunPeed which kw lately etude its and is
tolled by the loriroater arbor:mars ItTamil% Jae*
an Liniment." na. lea dangerous fraud and man liable
to deceive from his bearing the used. of Farrell. Thing
fon, b.
a bp 0......."FUTer•
Linfreena" unprincipled llcalcrs • ill impose the .S.PG
RIOCS nistun upon you La the genuine, bat dialoging
".lL G. Ferret f s do Mena Liniesent_,_ . arid Las se ether,
La the genohae db.:stable the lett.. Li. O. twine Warren's,
hss -signature is shoo tb• outside wrapper, and thew
'routs blown in the gl e e bottle—"ll.o. .kbrmirs An:Minn
Lupe/rut, Peoria:"
Ttherra .ante7l in e e
the Unital :rate i n 17 . ha To— via— - 4 li—l'l .l .
.. yyy.y.b „ ,y.
byybil one is not estabilabisl. *gni,
ea to character, reeponthlidt P ry,Te. "1-
" a ru " ° '
Call on th e agent who will furnish F
bask containing muds relatable infornsatirna sFh.ver6;
Pucp—i mar. to relit,. and OM. 1/014r per bottle.
Thr udY Otdirt t mairtfactitrril bF It EL Yaresllopir
hiventar and proprimorodl Nri:T:
Mrlit dd. Pad.. 111. ml Air do irtioicesiedtl rettnii
proprietor'. pier by IL
67 Word Strrot
Poll by D. 31. CDRRT. Midi./ City. •
Great Care for Dyspepsia!
IMllonghtuals thr true dlgartlee 1110113 x Os&
Drspepeas Curet, Innetret4 r, netk_
or the fourth Motown af th• Or ter =callow or whoa
Liebik rpm/ L'o4 , lobillaal Chettatt. by J. S. 11qto.
wonderful retortgoanollyestkaalt
trlttirty •f[4 l4 l:ture'• it ' lt method. ?Mars's o n
le the Gastric Jule.
' Lltf • trusoaanfol of Pun.. Jawed la au/Apr..llldb
at..hre jive pagoda 1,1 mut UV ill Cl/.0114100 hell%
out of the •touteh.
The Ilastrio Juke le the gmat advent of he
fast, UM yip
rifting. fitmeroton otbnolatltiur agent of the stomach and
Without it them ran be . digestion—on mat.
IrMiol/ of food Into blood--no nutrition of the body: hat
tatter a foul. torpid. painful, and dm/rustic° ocoditlon of
the whole dim.. apparatus.monk. half deed, or
stomach prodwee no good Destrio Juice. and hones
the Emma dlstreaband deUllty which ensue.
Ent this want main supplied by ettnating tha dAgni
Gn Pitt[ Itizl . P t c h ti6=l . ..e m =o r hipuiltroile re
likc the nature/ Gastric Juice, In lts ehetnioal Ti t o:it=
fundelting a complete and perfect substitute for it..
The ect of performing We processor illgankin artificially
has long been kosiwn to Physiologbits. Dr. Doubt.
claims the merit of making the applies / tun / of this art
the sum of Dyspepsia. Ina perfect and agreeable form.
Read the scientific evidroori Dan. Liebig. In his cele
brated work GU animal Cbemisury, sevo Artllleal
lIIM/1 6. a.t:legons to the Usstno maj ha
• F m.
a7rtilch various arthlTs " ;food, e as of in th
o:t and h
be a s changed, and digested, Just In the omit meg,
tier as they would to In th e hm. stomah? ,
DM/ on the Agent toe fur th er midst.. of a dialler slt
= gt routd, PE ag T SIN beer t if the Ziltin tbrralirte of
S. Hough M. D, sole ympliolor. Doti u pp.
Parnyhtetio, eontsna ru; mienliheecldenc. osagy.
Walled by V Was.
• KEYSER lit/DOWELL. Amu, •
tal Wood et, Plttsborgt.
Dealers furnished at pro=th.l.•
Also, La We by IL E. ' 5/ Wood rt. nal
be:KO: ! HOSE!! HOSE! ll—Just reel
nun tb• Manufactory In Ikuo..llCol feet India &A
site. magma rata % to SAL {War Iti dbalartiar.
Ilia llcae Is tax a titerler to aor bole intratitattettat of
„..4., foe ~,...,,....anditattna, or Fire lutita Intrpolan,
W. aat a t t it to be dlatitatly utiaeratccat that every toast of
Igoe that, goes from one ntahltaltmett ia warranted Ibr
tha planar., tutended, to Ilia Limey remade& Jen!. 4:2 .
IL ler sato at the India !tubber Dep.., No. 7 •• it w..a
ante J. 4
U. 1 11/I.lJPiti •
'STEAM PACKING-4000 pounds
Plato arid Porn India Itobber rioting from 1.12 to
Iyathock.oarranteid to tie the very beet Paohlog,of
any arter in ote, 1.. the Palming Itsahoht
?Mtn, Piston /Matt atom Reap idlaroto,(yyttmm
Ileadts,Prothniymee, tte• Per Wit Maio lair/tub
ber dent, No. imd Mood etrovt •
Associated Pitmen's Immune° Stiact. --
tcI(I . SHARES of the first 91111.trited stock
In the Amexistett ttreteetie losarance PA
as cm atth by IV.
aptlk3. Nn Wcotat.'
ONEY-14 ferkias (frf,shl for sale byr
610 Wa.l. 11. ; MOTOR:
MED PEACHES—SO saoks for sale by
ar.l9 TM. 11. JOHNSTON.,
PPLES- , 7 7 bbl e. Dried. Apples for sale by
'Dig WM. 11. JOICiBTO:i...
1 14 :. emired and fors. e
howl sal la:4os=