PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLIBIIED DY WHITE I CO P.ITTOBUROH THURSDAY MORNINO, MAN 8, 1851 County Conventina . J The Whigs and Antimasons of Alin 'Arm Ontnty will :meet on Saturday. the Strt or tr.-. at the/ usual plates of hohllng printery sneetlntne. the Tolinthlps wog...Wetly at 3 o'clock. P. M., acd to the roma] Wards and normum.. at 7 o'clock, P. M.. to select tiro d.lrgatea from each election Distrlet. to a County Coo. =hon. to be held at the Court Hone, on Wedneeday. the Ilth of June tact. at 10 o'clock, A. M„ m make the County acsalnatlons preparatory to the next General Eleetlott and VAG to anoint delegates to the State Conventkon. to meet at Lancaster. on the tltth of June. JOSIAH KING, Clin of Coo if. n . 31. C. Funo. t l / 4 er. alaial lc. rant page --Great Mineral discovery, How Waahington wea made Commander-M-Chief, Rap id Pregreas at the Electra-Magnetic Power, and other ittereating articles, Commercial News, Third page—lmportant Telegraphic News Horst} Matters, Sic. page--Litersry Curiosities anti Rcere • NVONDRR/CL RAILROAD ESTRILPRIST.—The is pidity as well as perfectness with which Railroads are now constructed, aro Ratters of astonish ment, whim we consider the stain's pace with which the imperfect lines built a few yews ago were constructed. This may be called the Rail road Age, and it will forever hereafter bo an im portant era in tho world's history. The Penn- I sylvania Railroad, and the New York and Erie Railroad are brilliant examples of great enter- prises conducted with rapidity and safety—the latter rood,. especially, has been urged to a com pletioti to Dunkirk with utiessonpleddispatch. A new enterprise has been started in Buffalo, New. York, which promises to distance all com petitors in vigor and rapidity of operations, Buffalo, jealous of Dunkirk, found it necessarjr to take some steps to obviate the evil effects to the trade of that place, which it was feared would result from the termination of the New York and Erie road at the latter point. At the • THE ALLEI}HENT late session of the New York Legislature, bills ! • rvine, were passed giving all the authority needed, and The following letter from lion-{f. A. I a Company has been formed for constructing ! of Warren county, should receive the attention Railroadfromllornellsville, on the New York and i of all whohave any interest in the Allegheny correst Erie Railroad, to Attica, on the Buffalo and Al- ! trade. Mr. Irvine is the short ponden time ago. In whose bang Railway, with a provision authoriring the suggestions we published a regard . to the efficiency of dredge boats, we have !company to extend their track to Buffalo, either I ; not sufficient practical knowledge to express any :by an independent route, or by purchase of the however, that Attica and Buffalo road. Negotiations have been P t : e siti e l e o ral Pi t o w n ht . eh W a e o p ui s r mak e '," the change i n going forward for a purchase of the track of the the channel a permanent one, would make the Attica and Buffalo road, with a view to the e operation of dredging more difficult. A loose, tension of the track to six feet, the tics already ! can be very easily dredged, but being of sufficient length to admit it,. but so feel muddy bottom, the work has to be repeated eo often, that our without success, and the probability is, that ea 1 correspondent is no doubt right in saying that independent route will be continued to Buffalo. se. the hard, clean bottom of the Allegheny is moth The new company is called "thflo.ls , ls•tbetn Senate, in the following strain: T0r.... hr K. , ,Ter 11cl.k.ar.11, 14 , 3 Wood e4....1:11. It ” The election of Charles Sumner by the conli- !..7 Wm: +tr.,: It. A. lion which has been carried into national' as well sod Irma M. Curry. 1, A. Ellitt...J,k,pb as state concerns, will be taken throughout the 0) the one country, as, in effect, a dissolutim of the dem- KIEII, ' , PI , J2.l' Call, ........th.t..l , lll.,,buret. ocratie party in Massachusetts, and its fusion into the free soil element of disunion. It is true , Sum- rt.- !!—MeLone'-+ that for the present the Sumner men in the leg- I -Th , 0.5 l• ra1" 1 , ialature have succeeded in making abolitionism / I , fl ooo k I "'"' in oppoaitiotr to the laws of the Union, the sole °" 4w "•'' be ' ' ll oth " ••1t :• tbor b•r. tv, rooti." t• tb. r, t.. 4 of Nlassachusetts democracy. It only re = „„ ,;,, mains to be seen whether those democrats who son Co • , have reluctantly followed in this train will come rob Bab. trio back to nationality, or whether with or without hKt 1.1 a --I al a MrLanv'. N.nrkirma. them, there is to be, few or many, u national nom Ae.vnt WL,Ctlnz, vbieti t ruin iiot m ou.viielt party in Slastischusetta to co-operate with the 'in' national democracy who will nominate a Union 1 :"'; ' :" t ' s ,..! '". ~:,;,;r,' , `,: 1,0 „, 1 ,::,:, ' "'""" anti-free soil candidate for the Presidency in • IS The idea of a parry formed ou the htuh r,. t, aI. urpoult,l. ter of the coalition in our legislature as it now sr, a McLane* Vvnaifvvv stands, which has elected a disunionist to the ti 11111111 - United States Senate, iv impracticable in any i'''""' J relations of sympathy or co-operation with the "' ,slViviil .1 national democracy in any State in the Union. ite - 11 will be seen referring to our ad- Such a party is without sympathy with anyv-mmin, , •laanv 0 . 0.1 ,1 : vvivi'vivii branch of the democracy in any State in tha .m , m^ Union, and in a national convention to nominate L'• n.I; tc, , v‘n.mivm . a to 011 a ,l - a candidate for the Presidency, its delegate• would be repudiated asyneendiaries, bearing taitala ` tore rsal Arv,v, the torch of discord, nullification and disunion ' u,51 angolll-1J ..qen It,- ~,.ourll, roma,. W• .nia•Jini,,,al Itmaitat L 1.0,50 Tram the Clerelnal Train Domcwrzt Some considerable inquiry has of Iste been , Foreign and American Hardware. made in relation to the probabilities of a still- , LOG.k.N, WILSON & CO., dent supply of flea cotton in-the Northern States - No. 129 Wood Street, in cue there should be a demand fur it for man oak afaeturing porposes. The following data, glean- ~ ~,..,,,,,,,,,,,,n , ;,„„;.,„ ~,,,„.,vx NOW IN :.-,..,,,,,,,,,,,,... ed from reliable sources, will be matisfactor:, to those interested in the growth of cotton, or the : 11A111)11rAltE. Innauf.ture of linen therefrom. saitati , - N r 1.1.. •I.ong toot.. • 1.1.1 tf, on rtnpanut The annual imports or fins linen average about `-'"'''''' ''''''' h.'''. " r'' '' 4"" '''..."'''''' fay.troN , will. •:., v c I 11,. ,rtorn rz..les. $lOOO.OOO, and the wholesale prices of these . cloths range INY high as to average •05 rents per 1 Market Sired Store for Bent yard; while the retail prices go up to ''..r, rents, FOR RENT -Ths ' , gore, lit , Merket e. 7.5! and $1,20 per yard. t. ~..e.,04,1,,, tree, In. ,7, - ..ter of mare, ..,....; a 1 of t. 1,.........1.n gen, tbi. lot nf arrdaw.. In 1840, the number of acres of land on which e,`.,.‘ 1c1uc..,..: _ z,,,vin tIIIEEL grain, .k.c., was grown in ten cf the Northern, "`b" • tolNnce At . _ .. Staten wan .b." 29 . 0 . 00 , 000 : and the do. ..op' ,Citizen's Insurance C:ompany of Pittsburgh of that year in all of the States north of the p j v NCOUltfitit LIt)ME INSTITUTIONS Ohio river, including Maryland, covered some i , effi, N.. il Water arnnt. in ti, warehono• °CC. 11. 4,000,000 acres: I. . <•: The overnice crop of flax lint it about 350 lbs Th ci;,.. ,, , , ;;;; 1 ,'',7z:g, , ,..,„ ~.%,,"..i,, ,, “,! , , ,,, „ , - AL.1,;,, pc, acre. of 'Fiala one-third, Or say 120 Chn In ln 0,:n., and en tregnAtn.....nn: , ..t. flax cotton. leaving 120 lbs. of coarse tow for , 2 ,,,„ A L',','„',"'„.„!'„'''f . l .,„, ,;11, r ',.,t, t. %.t ':,.`14.!;',.1"',':,,n= paper, bagging., or any cther article it will wt.+ are . 11 ~. ..e. of P...r.b• .. ,1 .... 1 ~,,,,,/' ltr.,ern t , 111. ..La...tugr Int rhosprudeurn. tot etinown. make. and :rat•c7...7, __ • . .- ... ~ The flaxseed iv about 15 bushels, per acre, end inai,,..,,,--.. it ti0....r. Ira, hiezaley, ICI:. hammer. Jr, , Walter lie, nu:, Hugh h. Mitii ; }Alward llesletnn. Is generally worth one dollar per bushel. • John Ilayieurthi. ie. Ilaauale. 3 to, nieit *rat. We may readily suppose that in all the States ~,.."' 1 itrca ,„ 3E ,, . I odl la . a candidate far imitable for the growth of flax, 8,000,000 of ' 40 , • ,1' . . ,„ ~,,,,,,.,...„,,, ~,„„ ~,,..„,,,a a , „ a , „.,,, scrim could now be turned to that crop, without i and Anti...era, Count; trineentlia,. ~,,,,,, , ,K at all disturbing the present eerie! crop, or di- . ~,,,,,,,,r ., . ~,,,, 5ea1'.... .,,,,,,,., minishing the quantity now devoted to the ettl jiteri. 'oI'UTY TREASLIILII—We lire author tare of other crops. . it.-d t., annonsui , (het J W Rector. of the 21 Ward. City This basis gives its the following results: , a l'utAbisrah. will I, pi easulAuelei to the °Mee of County 8,000,000 acres. average, 120 1,.....5i.i...4 , j..-1 t, . , !....lis,s it the Ants Metiurile end Whig ‘ , ..iiitY thire''''... •pallerte, lbs. flax cotumper acre 960 000 ts)o lbs. - , . , ~, 8,000,000 acres, ay. 15 bush- par CLERK or me I,OI:RT. 1 (Ifi name of J.,h a Romer. of Wilt!. towlhlyi t will be nreeeitteel to els reed per sere 100,000,000 lb, the apyriinching Anihie so-iW . W.I Couritz Cagayan. 8,000,000 sera, averages 230 . Lion hit turntuntitin nine ialler iif.Clark cf the Ansel, a t 2o.ditertc.li lbs. flax tow, rough, per ..; , ne • - ~•; SW...Cut:NTT' rEieIaTER. i wane ni dons acre, i . I ' Slo ' °°').CPrin It". ; Mar-keit., of th• ~ 3 Word city AI keitteburgh. will be ut. d It bu t Oiliest,. Cioneentien. This being sulimieritly near rho amount of such ::'„r,,,, , -"i",..Lt",,t,';':i fl ~,5ea1. i t..,,.,,,,,1,,,,../1,,,,,,,,,,,,.. a crop of flax, the following figures give us the , I, eupKwite . il le, very 31 eI , T ERILII,S. value of the same, as near AP we can determine ' ..." 9 " . ' . _. from our present limited knowledge of I. peeper- ' gtircit)Liiel r IttutSTLlL—John K. Foster, of ties:— 13alilietrs townehlyi will be • enreilldate for Reale. heilhtli the anent, Anti Nhaeonin atel Whin Count]. Coneratton 960,000,000 lbs. flax cotton at 71 .1,1,.14. , te 4 per lb. at factOry, $87,000,000'. gfin - Y-As.t.iist,r. —Hobert Abrahams, of Eli -100,000,000 has seed at , If I pur b u ... Ali Ihrrnugh. evil; eutmit lue ovine tu the lanti.Slssonie avil W bier COI., bone rata.. Ai a recalitlete ear nottalon at factory, If/0.000,000 ' t'.i. ,-. the teen. Apt,la otir-ii 1,840,000,000 lbs. coarse tow at 3 cAxtr cut Nil' ilciAsiga.- - Plc:um announce per lb. at factory, 1e:e,200.0 0,,, thief II J Lins., of Allegheny' City. .111 to a caudal,. f , the Lae. of Hag:suer. •ul,iret to the 2,-Lelon of the An ti >lawiale au! II lila huunte C.inerntinn aphhiielieiteiel The cotton crop of '49 and '5O ..co 1 about 2,• CLERK or our, Courr. --Ilcury ll:lnnen, of 000,000 balov, at say 400 he per bale: and the price averaged Ili per pound--va1u0,:5 4 .14,400,- ; 000. • • • The flax cotton would Le 2,4()0,000 hales of ggir(f.t. amt )leCune. 400 Ibs. each, giving shove the present average otthv 41. r 0! ell•stmegh. eJI ho verellilig, hte Antl 31avleav Pe' th• c.• or cotton, 200,000 bales. tr.. l'emtei.enev vs el ...I•yrue.s The difference on the total value of the two, ot I ars —John P. Rowland crops, would be $132,000,000 in favor of the vv. ri I,rir will he a ...militate lin- no., flax crop. Allowing these estimates to be high, 1.1.0 ln c, ,14,0 e the WI, [OA Anti m....ento still $132,c00,u0u is quite a margin to work on. "" For the new leliarity machinery, the dos may - lue - CoeNry ei be either mowed or cradled, no that the harvest wr - Mg of the crop may be done on the cheapest pee- ha tun offivw.uf evitinti Bible scale. nayie-darritedhS Farmers would do well to consider these facts, 10ifetitiNTY COIIIII eillOSEll.—ltobert King, and act accordingly; for that there will be a de v the mond for their flax crop the preempt season, there ' .• eau be little doubt. dam W.'S Maar Faitwnl. Those who raise flax should, after threshing the M. M. , eeed, bind up the stalk In convenient bundles to antaht.,if the Ninth If gird on, of Put.toash..lo handle. It should then be laid as even as poesi- wet,: on,. ble, and in this condition stacked away anti cover- °mt T • • ed with straw, to dry and prepare for the roar.. stir CoI,TY CO/11,11hdIONCR•--31U ' or Jou . : bet, • 1r11.1.• , , Ow Fire.. Ward. City of l i lltehural l i. lie . e candidate lediire the Ante.Slawinle and (Ohio CountS relation, 0., the of County Cornmhwiuner. t. .T liparT.'.l.Eith lir TUE l:overs.—thired M. 'Smell oan.li , latv for the above ofliee, ruNeet the deel• or Ile. eitrning Autl.llervielle end M hig ChunlySon. •.." Star- Col NTT Iir:GINTER.-- Moss:ldes Riot, of 11,0 Tir , t tS aril, Allegheny CH,, will lit n twin oilier. cvianoi Itewirter, *ulnae, to the de ewhin th. Whio and Ant,.l .iannto County Convention. ay.,/ .1a • 'le T Tiffs BZLPILE HAILEOALL—We learn from the Cincinnati Garette that a serious difficulty • loin occurred between the Hillsborough company and the Belpre company, which moot prove enthar nailing, and perhaps fatal to the enterprise.- The facts are then Mated in the Garotte: The majority of directors in the Hillsborough compa ny (the President of the company voting in the negative) have refused to unite with the Belpre company at Greenfield, to which point from Chilicothe, the Belpre company had then adver tised the road for letting, and have now pot on der contract. They demanded as a condition that the Belprecompany shou chan the lo cation, already advertised fo r r letting ge , to the Point Palley route. Thin demand the Belpre company rejected, hat stillcontinuo their offer to unite at Greenfield and merge the comp.. nice. W. A. Isivna COPPER Mmes.—Considerable stir has been occasioned in our quiet community for a few weeks past, by the operations of several agent of Copper Mining Companies from Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. For some years Copper has been obtained in greater or less quantities, in various parts of the county, but the operations have never been very extensive- Last summer, however, a vein of unusual rich ness was struck In digging a well on theyroper ty of Mr. John Miller, on Nigh stree4i:in this borough, and the attention of operators in the Copper Mining business has been recently direct ed to the sobject,.With a view of ascertaining the quality and extent of the ore. We believe the result of observations and experiments thus far has been quite favorable, and a number of losses have been made already in and around the bo rough. An Agent of a heavy Mining Associa tion located In - New York, Is now in oar midst making observations. The. general impresshin seems to be that Copper does exist—euid that, too in large . quantities and of rich quality It'is to be bopect that these impressions may prove to be well founded —Gettysburg Star A farmer in the neighbqrhood of Paisley, Scot- I land, states that by potting garlic in the bottom of hie grain stacks he has for some years poet kept thorn freo from rats and mice. The garlic must be placed at a sufficient distance' from the corn to prevent its imparting a havoc. Jesepti!Knol Boydrecently deceased iniiash. ington, was one of the volunteers who ventured upon the hazardous but successful expedition to burn the frigate Philadelphia. in the harbor of Tripoli, to prevent the Turks from enjoying their prize. MEZZO MLB.HTED Al tieklny evening. the ihit Insi , l,t In. C”, Me. II 11, 11'>t Jr I'[mwaew, a 1 thn li.sresu finyttst Church, of ttarritt, to Mimi lactic NirmiLsoi, ilitinchter of Jnhn Nicholson, tlu the e.th Itact., by It., C. Cooke • Joltyli Man, to 414 r E.. datlarbtrr of John Ecq..all of thin city. Greenwood Gardens, FICSI'O and a half miles below the City, on L the bank of me Ohio river. an Ornamental Vinsrer llanfeu and a dells:U.(l.l summer retreat. 1.. Cream. Confectionaries, Fruits, Tempel ale brink. kept Ibr the awommodation of visitor. Alto, • large assortment of Fbrubbery and Everblooming Plants for rale The otteamee ChlefteJn leaves the foot of Pitt street, at the beginning of earl. hour. from a o'clock A. M. until JO I'. )1.. landing at flu. ()aria., ;Closed on Sundar..l corral llitanstela and Pont copy.) ONEGi; t CO., Importers of Wines Word, and Smi..Cheieee, 1 , 18=10.6.dd etre.. a li...tin Sixth end New Barages, Tissues, Silks, Lawns, kkt. URPIIY ck_BUItCIIFIELD have Oda day „X`liSc F 7„ . "7l7 , u''',T k 6L.,,°,77Lit'.dfl';::l'Et7l7:"F•tern'tft: Lawn. IMIIO %Va. Bar., RPu ingind to call Won. making their purrbrea plworil.rn Goode at •hnl.sale In waine up stairs. my 9 Ilea or Prottabarta, May 6, Ital, T 1 President and Directors of this Bank Imre Otto day declared a dlvtdond of Fora Yu czar, h.. li capital otork. (no tbe lut alz mouths, fayabloto file Stoeltholdere or their legal reprovntativaa forthwith. toyaiw Jolty SNYDER., Caabtor. Promissory Note 80und..... _ IiAPROMISSORY NOTE, drawn by Mobs, ca.& Cit., dated ,z. 7tll, I al. to thn ord., of Dan. lgoglay, •. four Months dato. found In Woo.l,lreet. Thy owner ana hare It by calling at the Mon of ,are ' J. H. n4llt, 111 Wood W. to rECE UNDERRIGN'ED, having had the pleb of lielathlng to an Enmq" the "Fbrd'A.Kl: ex a n t, of Children at llama son in am Schoolroom. ~,tivered trfont the Teachers' de/Ka-1010. by the Pree.X. at, Mr... GREGORY, regret that. go man) wort tailed way at that time by th e anival of General Scott ha our tot by which they Int rich treat of much valuable In. .nostion. Ke therefore hope that the Executive Cc.a eat. of the Attaccuttion atakesultable arrangtoneuto t have It r e g,..o,:d ..„b C i e ... may it him mover& L. T. CO C ELL, IIk:NET WILLIAKR R. U. 4°.`4 7 1r6 ALE, A. M. KERR, A BUKTT, LECI 03GOOD, A. DOUTIIETT% Pittsburgh, April:Z. Md. In routpllaoce with the above re9uort. Mr. GREGORY I we consee4d to deliver the Pena, In the Baptist Church. , ener ot Grant aud Plath atme44 Plttehetrsh, on Fries/. 9th inst., at 7 o'clock. P M. Tlx public are reepectfullr Invited to atteod. Br order of WeExtrelv A • Committee. A. H. Preit. u. C. BURGHER. Beel•tort • E _ ROOT-40 lbs. (fresh) for sale by tnyo It A. VAIINENTOCICA CO. HI/RUSSIAN BLUE-5 eases No. 1, for solo nayB ' N. A. FARNESTOCK t CO. IQUORICE ROOT-150 lbs. Povr'd. fur SAI Bale by • myli a. A. YAIINESTOCK a CO. 13ARIS GREEN-30 cans for sale by 1 ) 1_ myN H. A. K.AIIiESTOCK LUE MOSS-65 lbs. for sale by m yS a. A. reina.stoOti a co. IQUORICE ROOT-1200 lbs. for sale by m s B. . PAIINE3TOCE AW. PTS. bbls. for sale by ruyB B. A. FAIINEHTOCK • CO. Fresh Arrivals of Wall Paper. riIIOMAS PALMER, No. 55 MarkOstreet, L hasjust re , rl,4 from the East, a hatuisataa wort eLeut of lon plod Chuober Papti. totB . _ t,,IPLENDID FRENCH PARLOR PAPER, IJ at No. b Market etreet. for sale at ray neaten:depicts, THOMAtI PALMER. For Reza, 'SPACIOUS DIVELLING_HOUSE, new :l. IT paint.' and Marti. ritnatart Ram strrrd. fAr I. Hurt trot and Garrison alloy. lodulre of Mr. Hunkr, Confxtioner, Wood Ern.% or of mySzet Z. W. REMINGTON. !DIAPER HANGINGS—French and Amer !. kat. from SH mt. to Ed per R1...n sal• by mld \1 ALT/Ht P. MARSHA LL, SO Wood rt. UND lES -27 Wes °Am. 1 bbL Na 1 Lard 3 Drlad uer" Pwa.u, 15 Jacks F,ntberk Wrung; to arri.• nn st..ar.adr 4snan..r. sad fur male by BALI II DICKEY A CO.. Front and Watwrata y• Mte-krr.t: Falra No. I Ms.cAerrl. Ealllmor. Iltrrirkz Salmon; Volflilb Fors.. by Ira. A. NUCLUIIti my. Orwers nod Toalk-aleirra 1.1)1RIME BUTTER—Just ree'd, a email lot sure:tar Boner, put oy lo Polls of 2161 b. for fa tu.lT WM. A. MeCLIIIIO It CU., nayfi 256 Liberty .1. ~JACK.IREL--31.) tibia. No. 3, receiving IYI. ,n.l f, We by JAMES LZELL. tP , Water f AHD OLL-15 bble. for sale by 1.4 myS JAMEA Debzwbb. NOTICE. LLEGIIENT AND BUTLER PLANK ROAD —ter CompanyzTl .„. t.rr tuckbors 13etle nao •lank , r .ta ' n ' 2 ' ea h. l„r Arleaheny 14' nl edttraday, the 14th day of easy heat at .pan:'. Ir. Work, oh the Ihtth at Ilakersbarth op the 1::th et the 1.11.1. Mill. 00 the Wet: and at Butler. on tbe andwhere they are rt,th.eted tr. attend and hat Inataltneut. It to hoped the Stockholder. mill be quo In mayo.:L.llm, to this call, that uvalleamaary dela, -r eaperum may le a.uided By order of the Board. my , l3t - arILS hAaft:CL M. LANK, Preort Bonnets! Bonnets! EC' D TIIIS MORNING. per Expree t o l irn s, ,, e r c ;: b= u, rlu,o...est desir:ble 1 1 4001 en 000d3! CASES iireeti Mixed Jeans: 2 - Mart 'prnad 1 .• 110. r TV analv an. lumt reed frnm esal,ra ma:infanta, mnallanzn.nl. anal In W. ravorabl, Iny7 Uni'llY a LEE , 1 1 111.: highemt. - pri3O in CaAll paid f..r gal the 1_ ~,J , l lleretit: graded a elmn EIC111101..• a/ 1,1,1.011. M.y t, BANK Lat Wit day cleclan,l a divi .I.nd iv.w mak wa It+ ea,•ltal +Wel ye) sht drruand., TIIUMAY L. 110% tu 7 Csahter FEMIE Jierchants' and Jl:wufacturcrs' Bank it Iltl.burgh has Ws day doelazed a dleldeuel or k, • rta rag , ie the capital .art or Hank. , out of ti, • pri,Lty of the list .It mouths. payable I the A.A. `.•*d.rs or their legal npreststattee, co or after the lath got W. 11. DENNY. Cashier. Pitkehurgh,May ea, ISM —I rut 7-1.1 Millinery. • \ I A, t'A r°„.• v:1, Tlaurr.l•4 pest. 31.4 411 Valuable Property for Bale - 1 1 01.7 ft LOTS in Allt , ghent City, fronting on the Routh C•inte.n.. Imma & front of Dr 1‘..1,r , Church. There L. .re near the 14yet of the :.4. any Pennsylvania Railroad...3are well dentate.' L.r',archon...a., a A:. Mr • manufsentin elnabludament oy7,:u ANDREW L EZCU. Jr. I,TRICTLY (IENCINE FRENCH BRAg t7 eultabh• fr medicinal no rme.c.s_Lt We Or the .it cf Tl,utle, at t Tra Mart, rny7 mi the Diamond. _ t i Notice ls HEREBY BIVEN that an Election fur A it, Direethti. and the apncduthwet Cf melt carer, tie ,fa 04,41., fame C.nducting the boadne to of the .. Ninanne,thels lir.cht, Company: . elarterxed in pima. an, rd eot Art of Awtnable, peed the 20 th d.lr .D." l, t , /I, will de hell at the St tlheries Hotel, Pittsburgh, . m W.,lnftelay. the 21st day ot Nay, A. H. 115 i, between the de.. 1. D. /LINO It. II KE W. W. DALI:AIS. Irish Lineni7 U S P irtin liPllc 121 :1:131 ., RCILIFIELD have again 0 7-IL . 2 2",V;rs' i t.4.l2:VrA '4 ib b itiLt g li7 l t ` ol .`tfa t tli nax itiee . psse rewerred Pillow tau* Mutlles and tre.4 the different width, which they offer at O. • kn.. criewa. lent !ItAPE SITAR' LS—Redd this der, per I.,.el,l l ;7eicTreeeret 4 1 , :I"re " th ` t4 Pr ' u 11,7 • . A. MAI.ON A a) StdAill HOTEL, {Formerly the Exchange.) Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets, HIS epalio , u central, and-most conceal ...lr located II EL. havtaß 11.13 cemaplataly Ar-d tbutott hl remand and Improved. ls ton batherthe mono on of the public thoubetaiber. I and Broprortor 05 Na ST. CLAIR lI.Yf EL, ieepeetNur eform hlr friends and the nubile that be hu turntsbnl in the mad dastard and manets treflP'tgnatstritirryst" " t s ar " ; to make It equal to any roam in the sonntlT 's . The tell armlets anneal location of the House, and sou nenre of ite arrantremente, rendering it the =tat dm/re th,i;eirir .. Zt=big bo It . Ktkval .ban Verchattoom him aratf C. IT. riliNt e rl'. • • I ARD-7.3 kegs No. I Leaf, for tale by II .1 7 Rat El. MATTHEWS kM. liltIED FRUIT-150 bu. Apples; rev PA sal. by tor . 7 KIIEV. MATTHEWS • CO I) CE- 10 tierces (fresh) for kale by I LiTtE• CO. t'.55 Liberty Areal ItNEA —5O hi. chests Y. 11., Imp., and Black L Tom. for mle bn mit ROBISON, LITTLE 1 CO. A il, i ltA ES-4„" don, for ra,o by hON tiossiiottitt 1 60. I : lAI - F o I t K S-70 for solo be ~ r "4 Z i:T I. f o or NRIe by lOW DER-1000 lbs. Bleating; be . RIM; init reed, for sale by my 7 J. S. DILWORTH a co. ‘,.!AFETI" FUSE-6 bbls. in store; " m arrive; fbr mle bt not J. S. DILWORTH k CO. 11.1 i i t . L 4 A , PS—A ., n 7 uperior article , for • 1400 WOOL BADS, ready made, for rate by met LEE . _ balen for Cale by I.)E EIt nil MATTIIIHTA k CO. LNG LEAD-490 pigs Soft Galena, for sale • i.e myt It MATTIIY.WS PIG METAL-401 tone for cold by no I RHEA% 11 ATTIISIBB a CO. prime Ky., fur sale by • turf Ill! MATTHEWS 1 CO. L) OVA ASII-60 ex.ke (good) for stile by • alf7 A. CDPIAIERSSON a Co. f3OTATOES--100 lat. (Galena) to arrive, for mie by my 7 A. CULBERTSON A CO. If - I: WHISKEY-37 bbl.. (p ure) for sale JIL LL roT 7 A. Ce LIIIMTSON aW. %T AILS-300 kegs aced, for tale by .:11 mYt • A. CULBERTSON& CO. S l; N DRI ES racks eilasenb: 5 bales Deer Bkirtr. 30 park, Dried Peach, mete Neon; Jett reed and for rale by A. °ULM:II7BON k (X). . _ I " , 7 HIED PEACHES-29 bbls. on consign. jiy inept and for nle by ISAIAH DICKEI.• 01. DRIED FRUIT-400 bu. Peaches; w - J . u. __,_, L lli 1 UTTON EIAMS-2000 S. C., for Bale by 171 mri . J B. CA:int:Lß. BUTTER — In boxes (fresh) recd daily by J. B. GANFLILL. EARL- ^ _o liblu. for sale by YJ B . CANFIELD 7 7 11 I 1` , 4 S LED 01E—.. , 0 bbls. for sale-by LA ..y.: J. O. CANFITID. (.1 ALERATUS-1 00 bze. and 10 bble. pure, si for sale by .1 7 J. D. CANFIELD. CifEETE----100 boxes for eale by J. B CANFIELD. Office for Foreign Patents, No. 6 Wall it., N. York, and 168 Flat rt., London. pATENTS FOR INVENTIONS proqured In t3nat &Vain Enna., Sebum, iforaral, an ukurtr part, a Eurove=the Qom:,. C , ba. &sal t Urn. Information oyr&a sta. canpg,hg . ,, rapala I Wall OW, WrrelL Alexander Bradley, No. 19 Wood sired, betmeeri PIM and Second di. , SIOU OF TUE GOLDEN WOVE,) VIANI:FACTURER of every description of COOKING STOrKS, of the ineet nll l Ploviti Grub enn eiack o se • ill mauler the tend eatitfection. re K le6,l;;LviseM r. bleb •111 7,1 b7,;"„°,' . Itadiatonr, Franklin Stovek n ' sin and fair txre l iAt . itaeite the nttention of builders: Tra ' Kettlm Baxet, Lc, to all of whirlJ we Invite the stl, lot of dealer., keforn numhating eleet , lom. 11a/tilY Hatibmg Polka. tKLEBER, No. 101 Third street, has just received— Hamburg Polta„ one of the more Poe.. and IKari• tlfut Polkas ever published. Farewell• Old Cotte, written J composed by P. C. Foster, and Thu d to Mrs. Harry %nods, of Pittsburgh. Ohm I in,. Thee. Mary Dear. b . y ti. C. Foster. The Little to Riding 'bed: by The Mountain Daley-. b■ Lluley. Sweetu Des, du. y the Allhenian.. Dome, as sung b , Jenny b ind, with new seemly. 'Learner.. Fly Swift, r e ZePhrnt By the Sad Sea Wares, an song bY JehoY Lind--e. of her me:t o ne:Zl 7.enz., pro cr And an emensles selection of new Metes. P01k... Va. mations, Preceptor, Sr. nun CION OF TIIE GOLDEN HARP NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!!—The Mother-Iv-law. or the Isle of Rum a tale by Rama G. L. N. euuthworth. The Banker. WV, by T. S. Arthur Meehedes Mereine, No. 6 Horticulturist, fn. May Cultivator, Received at Ord HOLMES' Litezary De t, Third etreAt. opronite the Prot Olilee. KEW BOOKSI NEW BOOKS! j p. HOLNIES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third d streetoypowite the Post Ofacei— lactscalary.7l"4affaZiV.;.'47l No. Pleld Boor. of the neostlot, No. 13. Nell Gt.., or the he of the Stswerts. Internathatml Msg.., tor May. Wild apart* la the lte. by Maxwell. The Complote !Imre, (lard.. Th• CcusspleSA Polls Gadanex. load. Labor and the Larldost Poor. Modem., of the Peonla by Muer. Sue. The History and Adveatnres of Pen Own, by the author of "Lionie Todd." Tam Heave and hie Three Maid. Aunts. Stactileld Call, • Historical Eurrahce--otraplata. Tone: the Am.. by Mrs. arah. Tbe Cciosetisstoner . pew m M wel by 0. P. A Jam. Eat. Third WarTE — lcluiol Lots at Auction. (IN SATURDAY AFTERNOON, May sth, ILY at S o'clock, will be PO M, on the premise— nig very remelt, geldin g Les, Maieb at the cornerof Distronol ernet end Cherry ally, havin g each • front of le feet on Diamond erect, extendin g heck. 101fee..1t1110 feet Irg iven to wickreet. ene Oneehal. St l me g reedur in one year, with lateral: wowed by bond and mort g a g e an the armlets. By order of the hehool Ihrectolv. toyil P. IL DAVIS, /met rilllE FE - MALE BIBLE SOCIETY of Pitts burgh sad viclulty will hold It. Annual martins on usaday, (May 6th) LL 8 "'clock, P, In the Lecture haus, of the Mat Presbyterian Church. Subscrlbars and Ladles (natal, to the mum areuested to attend. tort J.E. J., Sec. Pea Tam. TIIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holder], of th. Ohlo Trap Rack Mining Company .111 eld at the oilha• cf mths City of Pitts. ..n Monday, Jut.l at d o'cleek. P. M. a.. 76 W. E. Mika, Sec. DIRE BRICK-65,0thi (Coal Grove) Fire Brick, eqnsl If hot sureilor to the Behr.. Bri,k,) t.O huad ated tar eale Notice to Contractors. .13ROPOSALS will be received, by the sub oce.a.,..r. for tie nunktruation stout ttano Cubo era, of Embankment on the Railroad of the Chartlers ,1 Ccaanant, Immediatel: !miner the , TOOKing of the Sten- F-matlie Turnylka. stout 4 =la.:rom Pittabonth. The ark to be atanenetteed within • tweet, and cumpletsal .021- •••If delay N JONES, Engineer mis=t (Maniere Coal fit W v ELSH F!ANNELS. —We have. receiv starve goWs, ton deal.- ble on amount of ilea unatarmksble gualitt., and of v.- mane Kradcs of nnenettet air., Wu... sod flit Nara Vise oula !brooding do.. and s full swortwent of Dome-Ale torn RN( 1' A-guar:lint:l.D INDIGO -4 lOU lb kepi 51a.n r iI 4 1u , ; . _ t,‘,.... • , un.Cararuw.,, , I, •ti . ..,,... '... f..r.wle, al....!.%a r mples , LI variottyuallti. o f IM In.. will Lw...1.1 low fn. t i lL.r A u i s v icKE,CO.C tun C W.ater aul alb , L.G. NDIA RUBBER TOYS—Just received a i tar t , ...unmet{ of tad). Rubber To t ,. beautiful or. tale at the Itaorat. ,:.nets prima_ J a It PHILLIP.. Indta Rubber D.ro,t, • mytt and Y Woad CL I N Di r k RUBBER AIR BALLS—Just re eet lal dout as o nrt.cd ~sr. Air Balls. vlatelt ./111 at t a holeaato Eart.rrn A rum. rn). J. Alt. PLIILLIPtt. T OBACCO -1 prime Segar Leaf: -. 9 [sera , WATERMAN A PONS, a lut •I Water. and IP *root tt. , w Lkyr_let_e_ Tri d_JUTA . al . e ,, b,..; : . ~ 1 - 4 4 1.01.'R-2-1 4 1 Oda. Extro and S. F. for sale • 1,, WATERMAN A rloNtt, 111It1ED APPT.ES--3:20 sacks for sale by JUI ro t a t- S WATERMAN A SON,. ‘OlO.--300 ho. for sale by • rat , J 6.1,11.1V011Tif A. CO . . bhds. Ohio Leuf, for solo by try,J. s DILWORTH A (/). C ORN—:;:.; ,for sale be VON IION!illilRET 01:(Y. m, F. J.sd 95 Frost s[. lIJKITATOES—'2O bits. Neshannocks, for I. 0:0 t o 5),e s I ttN BON • HURIIT co. . ER VINE(' Ali-50 blur. ( best) for sale ROBISON. LITTLL / T• A,l-!: - . ns OW b " itS.'or sale .,le LITTLE. A IV% PR USSES , , of all kinds and Rixotl, for the rstlef lad radlral et, of Remit. or Rupture. r..t. a.aatly at bout and for &Ala try KEN lilt a Me-DOWELL, LP, Tv, Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherotts, MEDICATED COMPOUND.—The I. ring lo fru= M. Munn. Editor of thr S•ienttr. A.lncritan C,nirn..-ot on Puck rvhlencc It . un- &w Nrw You. Fat,. Tricuptiolvita &wan article that we take iilanentw uwardirip lbw Ittpheat connoetutations. We do not do it upon the goontaniendutionof others, boo from ouroeen per. .Ai know:t d e. or it. Cert.. upon the belt: while It toad. to keep It boultby. volt. and rimy. It Coo miaow., don dna, preT.CA vv . hair. sod Portporsteit urevrth in manner nneeptallea by any atter rontpolicteti Ittiotien to A ;cm= only nowt+ to vie one bottle to lie tonwterail of tnistrutb. Yold la b.ttls.. ;Tim :t7scessts, al the pritselps.l °Ma it Breadway, Ness bark. ha large tsystl...s. yrs,. 7.5 eslst.s..stproprieturs sby 11. SELLERE, usyEss No. 57 Wrs-.lyt Law Notice. !THE appointment of WM. B. 3IcCLURE ene.d.mt. JoU. of the Fifth Judicial Lrisaiet vnearlraria. hae diraolved the !mg rutuietecg partaer ship a )IcCANDLEIsi, McCLUItt: The uermiftbed to. guess 11l uttemled br Mr. MeCandle.s. McCANDLESS. WM. D. MeCLURN. ' Mr Mee la removed tv m 1 Da Wain,/ Hour, N 0.99 POEM Orr., near the C(lllfer of Ilay. torf , tl WILSON McCANDLLES. Watches! UST returned from the East, and now CP opening the largest and blunt aescrnanntof Watches. Jewelry, 1.. Leer brought to the city. The Watches Are from the mad to manufactorers of%cnden, Use, p..ti, Pugs, and Geneva. and warranbed eqUal (anl wane *o & 'l m o V to rVlPet ,th sr er t , „az i ati b :=Zia,...4 late Inventiou. dupenslog with key. ahourthar. and full auorttnent.of razioun patterns Gold Watch.. ea, WC to t.no~ Welfaidlillt to quality, 4