PITTSBURGH GAZETTE nr Me Pill rye, Gazer•• T ms night, and mid the crowded hall, The Queen of Song bee revels kept. , '.l' wan nulsies splendid fe,tical, An on her witching numbers swept. :loft Echo heard the joyom , Anil.bounding from her lone retreat, Seat the sweet thrilling cadence round Till every heart respon.ive bents. An on the •Free third' winged her way, ' rphorwe by melody and song. The entrancing power of that /tweet Ivy Subdued and hosh'd the wondering throng Till sf the lard returning strain, The swelling torrent,freely guelied, And loud applauPe—again—agnin— Through all the broad ores rushed_ And there were those who worshipped there, Who never bow the knee at panyer . On that SIIIIIP ere a lone one towed. Regardless of the hnsi• crowd. At Jesus' feet, with earliest cry She sought a blessing from on high r She pondered o'er tha tn t .' tchless lore Which brought her ,su C cone front ahoy, And mid the storms of e airy care That darkened all 4ei 3 - ,atlmsy here. - She felt 'twat all Ills bleated will, And beard him whilmer—Teace, h Ait ill' Upward on faith's strong pinions borne, , tier spirit mingled 'fore the throne, 'With the redeemed and radiant throng. Who mid these resitms . of endlet' light, Sing their triumphant, happy rung. While endless ages speed their flight. Gise toe that lone one's batter part, Ode me the music of the heart, The song. which though tiepin helow. Threurtoint eternity -hall dow l'ox.ntu • Be_tr ;Irv!. U. Whittier, the t4iikez poet in writing nboot emigrant %w,' -- Eer myself, I can eLdifess I Gel sy utpathy !,:r the Irishman. l are him as the representative i a generous. wane-hearted, and cruelly oppress , e,lpeeple. That he lorot his native land—that .moot forget the claims of his mother island, that b.o religion, with all its almeeS, is dear to nits:sfortstiot decrease my estimation of him. A strar.ger in a strange lend, he is to roe an oh ject of interest The poorest and the rudest has a romance in his history. And 'amidst ell hie gayity of heart and national drollery and wit, the poor emigrant has sad thought. of the • ould mother of him, • sitting lonely in her solitary cabin by the bog side: recollections of a father s blessing and a sister's farewell—that sister who hired so devotedly, are haunting him; grate mound inn distant church-yard, for bond the widewaters'bas an eterernal greenness in his me mory for there, perhaps, lies a 'darlint child,' or N • tenet anther,' who once loved him Glenda lough stretches beneath him its dark, still mirror he ices the same evening sunshine rest upon the hallow alike with nature's blessing the. r 1141.1 of the seven churches of Ireland's apostolic age, the broken mounds of the Druids, and the round towers of the Phcenhician sun worshippers, beau tiled and mournful recollections of home awake within him, and the rough and seemingly care less and light-hearted laborer melts into tears. It is no light thing to abandon one's country and house hold gods. How touchingly beautiful was the injunction of the Prophet of the Hebrews' 'Ye shall not oppress the stranger, for ye know not the heart of the stranger, seeing that ye were strangers in the land of Egypt ' GEOLOGICAL EXPLOILAT/059 Is Mourn CAEOIII - Salem People's Press contains two communications from Mr. W. S Dewey, giving an account of his explorations in the counties of Forsyth, Sorry, - ,Si Stokes, accompanied by eperi tens, for the Salem museum, of jasper. chalce dony, elastic sandstone, alum stoat, porphyretic and quartz chi-vitals, for mountain diamond iron pyrites, lead ore, limpil or crystal jasper. tame gem in the mineral kingdom,) and char) or black tommaline The range of porphyry ex tends, he says, nearly twenty miles through Su, ri and Stokes. in which range lead ap,,l siltrr ore have been found, particularly on the lan is of Chief Justice Ruffin, where two shafts fifty feet deep have been sunk, within six month, past Mr. Dewey says there iv a most excellent min eral spring in the midst of this interesting re gion attLe foot of Steel's mountain, in Stpk,, at a place commanding 'a fine view of the whole chain of the Sauratown mountains, the Pilot, or Mount Ararat, and other interesting paints, the sight of which would well repay the expense and trouble of half a doter( voyages across the At lantic in our birdlike stearAhips.—Fuyettertil. (X. C.) 0.5.-errer. Combustion of Oxygen m the Atmosphere Mr. Paine, who claims to have invented a me. thud of producing light andheat by the combos tionof water, not satisfied with this discovery, has bit upon a still cheaper and more abundant fuel. The Worcester Sp y says: " Although the patent of the Hydro Electric Light ban been secured, Mr. Paine has not remitted hi- investigations, and at last has discovered a process of retell, ing the oxygen of the atmosphere. and rendering it highly luminiferous at a mere nominal expense without the cost of machinery, or any other ap paraMs than an air receiver, capable of holding common air We saw it in operation last even ing in our office, examined it minutely, catalised the oxygen ourself, and read by the light no pro duced, which is equal, if not superior, to the best gnu burned in the cities. The dame is pecu liarly white and briliant, burnt with the clear steady light, in entirely inodorom, and, during the half hour that we watched its operation, we could see no consumption of the cataliting ma terial. The whole apparatus which we saw could not have cost more than a couple ord. - ill:1m and it was capable of furnishing all the light need ed for the illumination of an ordinary sited room. Weahail give a more full description of the ap paratus to-morrow, and accompany it with an explanatory diagram." Pedling Wagon. . Large and substantial two lion, wagnn fie with Iron eel, for rale on favorable Onto C. ARBUTHNOT. Wood Reread. AACARD.—I have removed to my new store. (three donee belorel nearly oppoßto the Boyle tteburgh, where I rill be glad tel tee nay friend, and fel low citizens, and twelve a share et their eurtom I will kup a my lane assortment of Unholttery. Bedeand alms, Curled, Hair, Cyril:w e M, Cotton a Hoek Hate.. ree Feather Beds. nobler, dam,'anket Quilt, Counterpart.% smut Coadortst Woad.' Chad.. of every ea rietT; Doss Mate, sad every article venally found Bribe moot. Prix...Leif° eitabliahmentr of the kind Orden...ter, rebelled and most promptly tiled. Dl W3l. NOBLE. Third vuocrt. Paper Hangings. F7EO3IAS - PALMER, No. 55 Market street, has recently reeelred `beantiful aranrunent avail • 14/.17r, ftpronsenting SionnaMarble, Oak. and emalted ora nitv, callable !dm estiboles, /tails, and Diana, ran-ran itylo nUFFEELD'S SUGAR CURED HAMS-- ILV 10 Vern, reed and fir nap br t 029 • WALLINGFORD t CO. S UNDRIE S-- baler Deer Skin 5 eaeto Dried Pesaro'. 3 • Gigue= 3 '' Featterr,o flit roe J end for mile ue oie29 A. CL"LBERTSOS e W -VANILLA BEANS—Just received. a very sopericrr article. WM.A.-McCLCRO n CO kr , 23 ^ 36 Llleerty n. 250 n LBS. Sugar Cured Dry Beef, just aj reevived w 3 tar eale by vcdb ROBLEON. LITTLE a CO 2:.5 Liberty vi. BOXES Cincinnati Palm soap, just rt I as cms4 sad Ea rale by ROMEON LITTLE& CO . arM ELS Liberty a_ 9 9 -KEGS NAILS, ussorted; in store and for gip by - ROBISON. LITTLE 0 CO., y... 50 LRAM, M. QPRING SHAWLS--Cashmere, Thihet, C . I and drag. reglad:l bY dr4S uturia et BURCHFIELD q' TRITE (iOODS—Fer Ladies' dresses, of lit all tby varlDna kinds ured--Mull Mtudin, Swill, do: Ilanaodra Que•Val.alana, an 4ro 14 rupplr Itat add by QM _ . MURPHY 0 BL-RCIIFIELD tiIENNY LIND PAPER lIANGINGS- Th co e decoration paper. like that parlor, hrr par at the ongshela llouv. Ict Salo by WALTER P 51ARPRALL. G 5 'Wad EACON—ISOO . lbs too nbooldana eOlo 4trvi nveiv...l and for as, CO:: YONNIIOII2T tiXt. app LC and V 5 Frnnt en, SARSAPARILLA -1 bale clloaduiaa,i for 5p2.5 iL IL EEL LEP.g E - NOLISII SPLIT PEAS--Keceived . 224 tor sale by %VII. A. IleCLUllli k (kb. apZ3 — Urocer• uW T.. Iheabro. redFRESH LOBSTERS do SALMON. 10 berroetlcall, r.rul for We by W. A..II.•CLUKO ♦ CU ::;o: Liberty At LAUAVA JELLY—Fresh, just received and tor We by Wll.' tIepLIIIIO •CO - _ VV RITE GRAPE SHAWLS, of varioum ""'" a Hu RCII FIELD. C,ZIETNDRIES-- b ,7 36 bal. Cotton: ID asekA Fetdberal lirn Dried Apples; n t. grase: bblik do: to aril.. 0(1 st..tort Fort DUD and for DD. by ILlAinn DICKE d , •IYM Frotit and Water rt. ~UTTER -A Small Lot of the celebrated Tour Butter, put up expreuly tor Wait, it, tut? rer =I for ale Er A. CC lAlbitirt)fi ACO Inati ARSEN IC-8W Ibm. for sale by R. H. SELIXRS. SUNDRIESIOO bbls. Fatally Fl.Ol - ; 100 fine 600 bosh. libellel Cam: O• - Shortr. • (O Obis. Tar; XXI new /Dour Barrel/ on cOzoiguoyent by spTS T. WOODS DOS, 111-Wster QWNEAS. WANTED—For 40 Carriage ii4 , , t w tur teiiii . af Bows. .111Mtt s aLkAt ft with apD 61 IVat«At. FISH—No. 1 Trimmed Shad; in bbls..und • o. Saw.. bblv tor b 7 siall JOHN wavr co. MISCELLANEOUS. FURNISHING MAIL LOCKS & KEYS POST Oalfek DCPAIITMENT, March 14, 1851. T BEING DESIRABLE to solmtitute looks aml keys! of mate other hind for h,..•n0 rve w v. a fur le nervier. of the Culted etates, amirimen Lick. and protocolso furmvb the same. win loi movircil and convnlered at ti,.lkyvt Intim hepartment. until the lot Oat ~ (July neat. The ilifierent loan Will are submitted vumterion for examination and tenor, Upon this re- Port. m rt.contracts will. a. coin as prortimble. be entered him tst furl:aching ouch looks and kora fur blur year. with the richt 0n the port .4 the Pi...toter tieneral for Melva, helog 1....at0ms mai continue the contract In form .for an aJilitimial term to icor 'ears. by gg to the rutitractiir orate...dice to that offeet. red loom that. vine our lee, I hats nx before the.teruiluatlon of the Drat tram 01 noir em' With o view of proeuriug the bat luck at thrlowest price. lvittd 01 lock is preacribedsim standard: Om inv. - Latent relying. fora *alert/ion on the meehaviral stall and Mae., Ity weilidv a Mir competitiork i.ow invited. way fey:lope. It iv. however. limper to PUP. that hick suitable for the mad oloinla pow,. llie following quallOrib via du. cobalt,. uniformity, lightness. and tiOTOS , h. For the port.. of nitaultanevansly all the mail locko mad keys u in .vive. eland. thirty thousand new licks and twenty t t lZurand key. adapted tberoto, will be required to be furnished toy the contractor 'titbit) wren mouth' , after Mb eontrart shall bare been entered Into: t terwardo Ito. annual aupply Ili dew.] on the durability "1 hr lorStit and key. adopted, at. will ne the Inenmeeof the otail services but it will probably a eae«l in amount line tbotioand of the former and ono thousand of The lat ter. No lock will be oicnsidereil if it bo like any already In ceueral owe; nor will tot our. ith whom the contract may be made be allowed to make, .all. or furnish any lock or Ve.t. ehnllar Mow. euntracted for, for any other purpose •tiae Mau that of the bovit Departtomit. . . . . . - The klud of ha... rulapted muss be paheolo.l, and the pa tent., will roquiri.l.,ou outer... Into ...tract. to mate asnignment of hie patent tor the ...lame atulu eta tho If tbe Poettaaater atiall roqulreineut essential to the Intereateof the Mr h, tothi • ire la ea. of the failure of the ....tractor at any thoo falthlully the trent sail C.11.1{%1013/lor hit ohutrach the Po.tmseter Ileueral shall have the tight, Leaklee a retort the penal few., her...after Politiount. to avuul raid . . • . coutrect.and to contract anew with any other party-er r/to,. an he may fit, for naLlint atl. •unilar locits and I r stLle.-iding lint. the yropo.aln and specimens ocored, the Poottuanter begets! ma, deceit it expedient to vele. for IL.. of lock of bite bidder, and fur the war molte that of another. lie ',serves. therelore. the matt of euu. tracting with different individuals for soda different kind‘ of loan a.l he 1140 f select. antli:aln., the right to reject all the snecimens sod onoce.alk 111,. shall deem thstcourne for the inter,' .4 lb, t,...tusent. The v.., or parte. .outrrtnig s,il is ..imc.. / lo give bond. with amide ee ' entity. in the ..cos ~f Shirt, t hon..' dollar. fur o faithful I ,, ,rforsosnoe of the contrael The contra. I. to contain otot briona fur the due and proper Inspection of the lora,. and I.eya, and elm for guarding ogainnt their Pa... Fin. o or' n f tltret.r.'n'LL:".•=futrbiLl he der. it a bid st,oula be accepted. No opplicatiao olil to considered it not ansattiantsd with satiefurtory er idenueof the trustworthy cliaracGr ot the AIX der, and of 1110 ability to MEd the contract. h. K HALL. P , attuaeter ileueral idcht."2,l.l•ll4t:ri Grrir.Fird. L.11:411 Orricr, April 4, 1851. NUMEROUS APPLICATIONS HAVING been made Lod& rdllee Tor Winn:anti., in relation h. the mner In - whirb Lend Warrent, under th e act of -nth of iw hpleriatr, IbLO. ehoulJ U. he 'be following "' ? " ll . .Ttn th7;•lrreebtrxit;VV=hlfur.e - ed. Clef Iv node lat By the Wlhrientee in Pt-ttehth - ' . _ By the X4l,* .f ILig office u it foy au Aavut or Attcrn.s ' , in. be made in iiintin44.%‘.,..igerd, • !.h , iirs dlatrlct hratlon ur notion of country. In ',filch ibe g inc:tion 1. , b ormn. . g. p r iNi Llifidawit. *crafting to thelolloning. liii;n•the third mode is adopted. • PoWet . o 1 kttornel eons[ e:produred. executed by the warrantee in the ;me eons of witnese, ...cording to the following form' No. tt. which power of Attorney mun be acknowledge& orproeed to the ease may be, before eon. ofliclEuthurlud Co take the acknowledgment of deeds. seeordl to form So. 3 drl. In all the Valente will he Man. Med to the land Othee where the location It made, unltat eeemal dtrectlone to the contra be toren J. BUTTERFIELD, Curanlasictur MEM COUNTY or ; Before toe La Joetlee of the resat or other Or author ted to take Kendall.; oerahnall, al , Peaied :here tn , ett the ame of warrantee.] who Leine duly /moth, depose taut n ear, that ha Is the Mouthed the It,ert natmo of wares. , .1 to whom warrant Sr for— under the Act Of tteptenktxr, wee leaned on the day of and who now applies to locate the same. - 'a alanatore worn to and tol,etmLed Lehre ad(A tßants day at —, FOGY No 2 1: ucw ell menl,y rhos. pnekint, that I, int./v.:wen the &mine et werreate...,l of the Cnante StdSt.tr a hervby MEW.ut,r and Appoint--,of _—. tr., true extd lawful Attorney, for mr and in my nes,, to lorrte Land %%arrant io —, for --of ,end, ehieh isr - ar.l under the Art of September, Otto [P.,,00r of eubstitntic,n mar uo tnrcrted If dreirnl I - Sirned in presence of Foxy N. 3 •TATC 4 1.44 —. the Tear perw/hatlT 1 .11 ,, w1 ;here name of warrantee.; attd ar-knowl. withtn Power of A 11011,) tw ht..o, t ad ehl I rend. th.ll well know the .44 jhete it:l...n the of warranter.] and that he te the P.M' perw.n who t• deterawd is the wlthan Power. and who ekeeuted the !Lhtt,r'..ltttnantre FUN 11 No. 4 44r.yrr or I Id.ret.y "...tit,. that on thil -- day id-. In Ph.. altcatu.. treforr tor in.ort Pb. man. . I ...yd.,. 4nd there law rt the nat.. of warra........1 aud the (( . ree Inaryt tho name uf witur4.4 twiny well known u. sue. a. duly urn by cur. and au hi. oath .....laruf and laid that he well knew tbr aald there mean Pb. tuune of wartantre,; wad that he wa.. the myna bona. In, and won executed the within Power of At. duty. and his Yunnan:ly wae to u. pan,fN•tot . ridenne that fart, and the axid to.n.inwert the nal... Id warn.. u. 4.1 thereupon. arknowl thr .ald Power to hI4 act and deea. aultudlaw I °three, udnature. j . . Ohio Laboratory. lirr. t0 44 41, b' I 4 • 11_1 dill snu h im X 95 5 9, Per rent. Strength. °WELL PLETCHER d CO.. 31anufactu rer, of ALCOHOL: Pun.