The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 07, 1851, Image 1

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arms IA ream rncrr;. SLOT P.M TO Tu. ron 4/r/C.l
7F3D19. . •
DAILY —l.l , veu ..10111r0 P.101% 10 bait ,ratty:
I?si ihiILACS it pl•i4
tr re,•• d..95ri10•*. 11101 .•
.11.- .040,110100 lb. ronditlunv—
iltee cvpleo 01“..^ I 6 00
flu cople. J.• ..... w 1,0000.. 13 00
eOP I . O
11.0 packet I, eath Club 10 be a..1.1m00,1 w 000 pento.
p.1.1104(0 . 1.. 1 .4 011 , ran0.. Yo club Paper. (•,11
litiliMaller money I. on. to
i 7 our rzs or ADVERTISING.
one Sn n (10 later of 51.nnarril or Inn)
inrrtion 0 oil
raell additional iumrtian.. Z. ,
10~...0r irrek 75
.. '
tw,, ....k. :s UO
11.,« ar.....44 . 4 U 0
on.. rn.t.ll • la IV
~ .0 ainntlia. 7 ..,
tbrro inu.til. R 011
1.1/1:1111 , 11 ... .. ....... ..... I!! in,
Z \:•.:11,nr11.13lild ...- ''''''''
1. IV,
m) • arias NO td thy p&p./ .
ZS 00
Var u
00a.r.. 10.0,41 over 00“ month, and
..Idithoul P , ltlllr hinent.,l 0w.1.r the ;swig rite,
ban prtr.e.
Aiesiosonsots eve...ding x square. and not. over 011os •
10... t.• , charged 0.. a Now, and a half.
rsiLli-lon out susounstsbls fur legal advertisements
you.l ths sstrsoot churesd fur their publication.
ots.uusiog estull‘istse
fu•r taws. to he shortie , ' the not
uther xdserrlssmsnts.
- -
• .
toarkAl on the copy fur s
"f10,...-rti.)ll., ~.tll matlnut.l I turbid, gad ps.r•
moot 4,.v.t.-.1..-rortlingir.
She tale:lea. of annual advertisers la slrieldy limited to
their own I 1111 l th(late hit:lne,A; at l all advertuathenth for
the beetent of other perwin,a. well DA all advertisement. nut
immediately wltl. their own hostile, and all
.1 advertlAement.i. in length or o th erwise. beyond
the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. For
all purl, trutogent alverthEne. hills 111 Le eepazately
rendered:and promptpayment In'deAlred.
latiodverilsernente eltaritatile lathautiona the nrAn.
pante., wan!. towthetilp. and other public meetinvo, and
!both like, to be charged i pa) able striell ad.
• allofe.
.httarying. nottreatto be charged 1,0 route.
Ulath llatic.ll,loll,l without charge, unless aremapa
mi." by fnueral tolltatioat Or chaos., ootleea. a 13.1 trto.n
a' ..onittnierd to he pal.] for.
lleg lion,, tito oa
r l
aitloz polkas Ortider, tol
desitted etra
othen rin communion.
abut., ch arge. ore male for
de mote—all notion of tot
Yale aniceiationo—errery notice den/good to tall attention to
private enterprho, retool:A..l or Intended to promote
interen, ono only 'welded atth the ondentand
lag that the tame to to be w e It, If intended to lot In
anted in the local column. t he fame trill be charged at the
r Ate of not lest thandd per line.
thr , N ;gift . ; U. t . 11. ;12..a ..1 MP!. rico.
tavern Leeoe g e.l'etldun• 32 emelt..
Real Ista. S
to he claneed under an ymnlrt.e"and An , tionaers'
rated. but to be allowedadvertiannenta tot a
count of thirty Llama awl on. third tar e'en , tram th e
amount el bi ts.
...LI", OE T6l-07:3101 t 4 DAILY PAPrE.S...
Out Siusre. *hr, inwrtiona
Do. • .-act p4.ll.nnal
—Ow " . .i;u31:.,110 Iruertl7l—
• • , --
1 • dub Additional insertion 23 cents.
All trandent Ailvertisemsnts to t. pail in adv..:
Ward. Penn ntreet. IniTlrPlll 01Ism sad Wpinnt - 111
tagFizse wmptly attraded
ALtg r ririllg.s.)
LIPIIANT 1c TAYLOR, Attorneys at
w—cietener,Featt..g..,Pt, N0.62! woo. Wood
arta 1t.1111.141Kr.0.5. Nu.,oogh. r.
D. tnlphapt Commisaiouct for the State of
2 , 1. e Tort. .315
recourro. rescrx..__ • J. R. COLIZIEL
S!JINN & COLLIER, Attorneys at Law—
OP on Fourth dret. above Emithfield.
W. F. WIIITE. Attorney at Law—Of
re. r''''"1"h"'"117:11';11'.
I HARRISON SEWELL, Attorney at Lew,
oton Statareotomiffinner Mr taking Drpohtlons. Act.
n.wlndpeon.nt. •.1 P.. 4% te. Offim—Fo urth shy Om ,
NallthlLLl Inntathwer
i ritt 11P a usb. 7at lave and Real Estate Agents, N 0.107 714 th
4AXES J. KIIIIN, Attorney at Law, office,
in Tilghman ttall, mama °Mont street and. Mammal
, • "alOolly
JADZES F. KERR, Attorney dt Law—Office
on 4th sL, between Smithfield and Grant Pittehorish.
RAN CIS C. FLANEGIN,Attorney atLaw,
N 0.170 Fourth Ptrret. 710.4.15n0g1t.
E Sl‘ ATSON, Attorneys at Law,
no. 110 Fourth strent, Fittsburnit
,fax—Ale.ruler k liar; Joh2nFder, Inn; Urt
rye, Storrino: k Cr.; Wm. 5. Purer,Jobs Fleming, no.
rots:dant Geo.. Tr, Dark , - 1.1 ttc tomb. janiar
giDIVARD P. JO IS, Attorney at , Law'
Othoo on Fourth rtroct.. , lortmeekt Wuxi and thalth
TOPER E. BRADY, Attorney at , Law,
No. freTiftti stroac, Plieb.rsb. r>
u, :EIdL A A ,L wIm , L .II
1.. H. WILLIAMS •S: CO., Bankers
13rsker, Nortb E. corner of Wood
sod ktird atrutL. PttlAburzh.
Aillzansetlan, mule un Moral terns, awl collections
Promptly attevdsd tn. jagtly
caD. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker,
e Fourth nowt. Dealer in Ihmk Not, Ells of Ex.
..Gold and Silt, no.elte teutubt and sold.
The Wheat market price paid in premium for American
Half Dollarr. and Mcalean said
eg..lllth Dollard in par
WM;LARIMER, J IL, Banker and Broker,
Y V .lilistreet, No. nA, adjoining the Bank nr Psttaburgb.
LWILKINS & CO, Exchange Brokers,
lio n Abut FAA Corner of ,
and Mask. errat. All
a tio wort liberal eau
lIOLMES & SON, Dealera in Foreign
..01 • iad UnnieFile BMA of Excbanifv, Cartifkarn or bar
paean. Bank 0040 and No. ¢u Market St*,
niAle en all Ow principal till.
...grout the
_ .
TRAM} R & lIA if M, Bankers and Ex
th.e. Broke, Balers in Foreignaria Domestic
of kixeltnnne, Cortifiente. rf lonenito. Fang Noron—
Ilin St. Gna
tinix. cornerrl... (
1140 th.rl tool 1V,e , 1 ,ot eel, dirtntir onreAn.
J I CAROTHERS a: CO., Banking House,
No 15 Wnod dreet. Pitn , bangh. Carrera Money ac
ved 011
dd ntleett.m. code on all the PelnelDni
. a! lin, United nod,.
twat. a. ant,
BAL.:b.., IRVIN, Commission Merchnnts
and 1:11111roksoot. No 114 atroet. Personal sad
Enato (non !Val to $10.0.10 alwaym on Mud
searianan rsusca.r — -1 tiaras. WV. K. BAIT.
AL3IER,-11,VSNA 041ICA &
CO., Successors to
Hanna it Co.. EiNEMOI, ESCII.GL Bto=l4,
rdealemln Foreign and Taccivetio Exchange, Cortifundin
of Deposit. Bank Noto, sod `Torn.—North Wert comer of
Wool and Third stew, Correct alouer recerml on Ds-
The hisitinet premium poid for Foreign and American
Adrimoes modems ecaseirnmenti of Prnloce, gapped east.
Ms liberal terms.
GW. TAY LO R, Commissioner and Bill
Prokrg 112 Second rtrrct.i Etsict attention wirl
girth to all boding. rntrusted to Ills cur. Pittsburgh
ges, futurnl articles Minus on baud or resound at short
notice: Poles. guide. Mortga Sc-. negotiated on Into,
ple term. Miran,. if 0,-22
RC. STOCKTON, Into Johnston & Stock
. tom Ptiotreller, itaunner. !hinter, and Bindhr, nor
tlnTa Matte% nrd Third Pittntrrgh.
JAS. B. HOL3LES' Cheap . . Literary Depot,
"Thrd rtr...L eTpe-elte the Poet ilfflee. Nei olie
carted dakr by erprneo. Oul.ecri,tion4 rreeirra 0' .1 a
or Newerepere. putrilibed It the publigheio
RIIOPKINS, Bookseller and Stationer,
. fro. 76 Fourth ,tn•.t. A,lloll¢lldirstry.
pedAip BOW W holeeide and Retail
Baker and Confertiono. PI Fourth street. Plttalmrarb.
dll7 Calm and Fumy Con nretiOn.l7..l..T. On hoed.
All order+ punctually artende4 to.
MTLINTOCK, Mrinufacturerand
ni ! Clotho. Slt:am Itost
ortboutc...o.St. Fourth rt..
RW. POINDEXTFTR, corner offater and
Market meets. Tlttsburah. Carraasida ran Fon. llorta. and for th e purrbax and nde of Flour.
Woofer. Pend a re. I ma. G Lye, nod the manufactured
artirler of Pittrbarrh rrorear
Adeo—.4,eal for the rak of N. Harper & sod I. ITU.
celebrated 'Saran. and U,.7 Fork, r rea,
pricer; and Jenkins A Cd.'e enamor ' , wired Tear. aptalf
C A. m,ANITLTy A co—Traimporters,
ca.] . t rC ;7. 1"."".
1.411111,1 WOO..
Mrrchratg, 61 Wat,
Iliirht IL JOHNSTON. Forwarding and
Cammtro MeNhont, No. 112. ro•oloof .tot.
TIER & JONES, Forwarding and Com
marten Mrrcbantr, Deal,. in Prrdnee ani Plttry
unrß Mcnnfactumi Canal na , rin. near Prrentb
thwet ritt.bumb
.. 11.11. T Irit. I, AIM
ARIA% JONES k- CO.. Succe.sont to At
'loot Jnn, R Cil. CIaMMI•AVIS and Pen+ardln. Jter•
e dr.len• in Pitt,lme
.b 51,w/fart - um/ Ore*, vitt&
• O. Pn.
tF~• De:o.l3in For• tin anrl Dlrantic Dry Onr•Dr. No. 101
stv•t, rams
A. A.RAVrY4 co..myyrrArn ... ..r • TYRO,' dco., R.Vms.x.
A. MASON k CO.. WholeAale and Retail
vla Star, Dry arr.!, 61 Market
t;,4, Mer:hsnts. ccrcier of fourth
and stet larretn.
(Anrtr, nsrva.- rtz(toro.
OERSEY. FLEMING k CO., Commission
Yl•l4tranto , -1 , 1, tb , (11. a I),mertk. Wool.n. and
( &al,. In .11 klvls of 'Nilo& Teeran.
It( " No ' . 1i ITool etr.vt, fctint• dm( Itnm H.
Denti,t, Cornfr
Sad Dreatur . bolwrm slartee F•n"
WW. WILSON, II ! whey, Jerrelrv, Silver
Warr. sod Ciloods, owner of tfarket and
Fourth str.t..l4ttabursh.N. N. e.
carafully alted.
ItIlA. FAHNESTOCK k. CO., IVholesale
Druggists, awl suanufsetorem. or IN bite Levi, lOW
1an..1 Lahmr,.. c...n., Woad omid.Ernot xtewt,.. P.tb.-
burg . Ps. mel7
tll. V. IMIS. f 13.. C. ,enorgu_
{EYSER & 111cDOWELL, (Succepsorn to
M.; La d ant Ketidl Drug a.. 1
i'mtnriolnn Ntm. c..rva, of Wood stn+.l and VlrKin idler
pmmptaatto rmfully ro,npnnvdrd vINGt ^s , d
J. 11;211, J 713
11 KIDD S: CU., Wholesale Druggists:
•rs kr. Painl‘, , Vll., , Dye 51e1n...1 In.truageotr.—
rpri,torx of pr. NI Lena•• e , jrt.rated m Worm : 4 1-I.c . :lbr : LIT .
ti ' rT.r "' • :ta r t '. .. " e• o 4rnWrrtg '
•1. • .1 famer.lecl wlth
ItE. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in
ly Drug, Paint, 11,, Stuff., Taral.hon, ke.. de..
a. Woul atrvet, Pat.bursh, Pa. fic,odol waVrint".l.
S N. WICKERSIIASI, Wholesole Druggitt
ha u4 .t . jeatr w la luspisments.
j-Z'tissue. tut, ...... ........... UtOltUr. sults
,ItAU & REITEit, Wholesale {Lod Retail
Dru¢4lsts, corner of Liberty and I , t. elsir rts . Yltts
nh. I's
.SCIIOONIIIA K.ER CO, Wholesale Drug-
Wool sr_ PlW,Gurgb.
•-•• _ _ .
IV lc F. W I LSON W holexale Grocers a 1
V • Comminlon Mrrrhants. Agroto for .le of D.
Potit,!Porrder.No. Ilft Sevoud. and 1.7 Pr
out Pls. . P t
lrL. SITEg, Wholesale Grocer. C0131131i5510
0 . Ni.ratuat, awl dealer NW, ..4 R. 1.. .‘"...r " &tut Irwin grerto. Pitta ,ln
61AMIJ . EL P.. a Sllllll' Whulesale Gro
git, Pi jt, ur t.ajfitt"ZtlYL:;7 b ra . igna l T i i
Semod arpet. b.orru Wood aud emlibueld. PittibarErb.-
/1.1.11; S. LALINILTII.. ........
411 I ;AIN S. DI ..
“ Vrh7le r s ' ale
timws. Prolure suld Commts.4. 31erch..
31 ,,,V: 4 (,, ,, r ,... 11 i 4 ,.. ..rej r , v ga., Co Ikf Onto.. trj..
/ 1..110.104
LNG RA II A'3l, Wholesale
tirontr, and Cosami-uino .11eretwats, N., no
wad 164 Find Arent. Pittsburgh
MATTUEWS & CO., Wholesale
helots wad Fororonlinu Merchant. and
'mate for Linubtutt Cotten Norm. 67 AVetur et.Pittaburoh..
Yam, wtrr JOON 1111+04
OfiN WATT & CO.. Wholesale Grocers,
• Cotaltdorion Slerdutate, rod Dialers In Produce vtud:
Pi r tsburult Muoulaclurt, ho. 2 , 0 t Liberty etreet. Pitt.;
burgh, Pr.
B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
Pond Ash, and Wourn Produer gener a ly. waxer rim,.
berryen SlndbfleLl and Word. riliaburatt.
I- V /MX.,N. RMS.. V. WATZIII...
attS. WATERJUN & SONS,. Wholesale
s firosm,.. Cobarniasion and Forwarding Marthants.
rx in all kintia of Produrn and .Ptteggirgh /1440fartn
red AMU. arid Agnate for the iialn or Ickllmdxl and
Lynchburg h 51.ufactuntl Tobauco, Nod. 50 and 61 Water
Arad, Pittsburgh.
ki r— S. VON BONNHORST S. CO., Whole
• wain bracers. Forwarding and CC1612111144011
Duelers in 31anutactonss and IThrtarn
Producr i i:i WM, corner of Front Mott and Chariot , / Lune.
JAS:TALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Corn-
Dtsmiao Merchantand Dealer In Ittalum and Pau
burnt Manufacturer—N . o. TO Water rt. tittstatrah.
11.1111 =MUT MOM',
wn. COMMIFIni Merchants. and Dealer , in
.. 50 Water. 04 15 1 Front etaver. Pntsburah.
'MGI.-gr. J. 4714 CT.
N 1 & BENNETT, late Eugliah,
OnlNkobc,* Co.. Wboletalr (kern., Ccr me arzlrod
" tj ' st. Pr ts I ^ l Fund
13.0 2.llertufactun, No. 1-....ec0
tot,ro Woad nod Nodthfudd..
c. w. airizetiow.-inerincono.
Grocers. and Importers of Broodier, Wines rid
am No.= corner of Liberty =I Irwin otrreto. Mtn
burgh, r. Iron. Neils, Cotton Tom, Se., de , consiontly
.• • coax at'orrtJ.. , P. Worm irarra C. arm
'GILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and
c org f , .....:dsioa Merchants, No. 57 Men y street. M .3
ROBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer,
Rectifying Vatlllee. dealer to Produce. Patel:lurch
iVIVa L •Vut LN . l 'd o \ i'll4' Foreign "n'''''''
. q . ors, .o. .. Liberty km, On hood a
wr,M, g „. ., , „ 0f mg..
t , , , ..1 , 1 Moupogattela WllLrkur.
RrOBEH'I lULZELL CO., Wholesale
Grocra. CommLssion Merchants. dealers in Produce
and idgbargh Manufacture. :Co. 2:.3 Mort; carved.
Grw r, Prolate, Facearding. and Commission Ms,
ant, end Dealerin Pittsburgh Manutactxmo, 3g2
lame) . street. Pittataind.
rgrn. naoxu-r
R. P. 11,011,44 41,11 Baum.
WILI—BAGA.LEY & CO., Wholesale
rvr,,,Not.. l 6 and 9D Wood sweet, Pittsburgh.
_ 1111.C.LIMUS.
WICK '8: McCA.NDLESS, successors to
L. t,l. D. Witt, WhatesaDartmersi ,ii
and Casimisnon klanclunits. denim In Iron, Dann, • Ulnas.
optima Tarns, And Pittsburgh Manufacture , Fro.r.l l Y.
Corn[ of Woiod 'nod Rarer street, Pituborgb.
cSIMTPON ......... ...... D. D;DIDED.
AACULBEIITSifig ClLUSl,Wholesale
. Grote. and Commission 3lrrrhatir Drab!. lo Pro.
Pittsburgh Manufactured Ankh, Ind Liberty
atreal. Pittsburgh. Pir.
.1; D. trimunta ..101131 k,
jercD. WILLIAMS 3: CO., WholeAalo and
• R tt etail Fondly Ureters, Fornanting Commins,un
ban.and Dealers in Country rroduee and litteretrab
Manufactures, corner of Wool and Fifth As, Pittsburgh.
Ran. .111,110.1. ....10, MN. !AM. B. 11.011111 . 50 N.
Liberty strret.. PlM'hunch, WholePulo Orteun. Pro
um azul Comminerlou Mert•h•otn, mod deal., in Psttsburei
)011, 11.0 VD MICILLID "1.0.
& R. FLOYD, Wholesale Groeere, Corn
-4 mLvrion Mrrcluults. nni Deulera lu Produ,--Itt , und
Rhu Builthuo, (rout u¢ ou Lawny. Wr..l, sod Sala ,
streetx.yitteLargla, FS. .
.1 0 1,1'.• ....
301111 PAit . . Of& . ,41,;; - •
D,,t,r, I: : saleGrocers:
er w s r i;ll .. ..rvi
tt ltztlls.l IT karate y eau%
1(ilIN ff. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes,
1" Stasis. and %WA& Im , trum.oto, , Fehr..l Dont, aLed
t‘le egeut to, Claekenog kotts , PA ,
Western P.rm.lmtht—No. 61 INfrol st.
W e
KLIMEK, Dealer_in Music, Mu
, stem lartrtmooras. and Import. of [WI. 2trito ,
1:1 ' t Witt for 11',1,.°"1 Tv ran
iENNEDY, CIIILDS & CO., Dlnnufnctu
r,, of very propellor •-t Sheeting. Comet Chola
Um 'Nine nod Betting. Penn XIII. Pitt...burnt,
QNFS & QUIGG, Manufacturers of Spring
ItP and Fllleter Steel. Plnugh Steel. Steel Plondla Win
Coachand Unlit. Erring, Ilantmerad Iron loner. and
dealer" In Malleable Carling. Fire Engine Larttne, and
Ottecb Trimming+ generally. renter of Roar and Front
Pitaburgh. P.
Doua Mapt!fartunra of Sala Ash. Blond".
••• OM* . Acid!. Warehouse,
Stte r e w eatl F or
and American Paper Hanging" arid Bardeen Window
Shades, Fire boon! Penne, kn.Printinc.
and Wrap - ping tio. a 5 Mood, nner. between Fourth
and ILamood allay. Pittatenarh. Pa_
TEA DV A T 114118
ROBERT MORRIS, Tea and Wine Mer
1.11. balac. East ale of Op Nal:anal. 13911.0. Tb.
. .
W3I. A. 51'CLURG & CO., Grncern and
vv. v.. Dealer, Ne. Ir 6 Liberty stre...4abeee Food
have alwaya au hand a lan, aaoorbm.nt of Cla2ita. Grams
les anti /The Teas. Alan—Foreign Fruits end Nat, Whole.
rale &Ad retail. Peelers nappllt4en the lowest tetras.
CV IOIIN A. CAUGIIET, Agent for tioanke
Erie and Michigan Linn. to Beaviir and thn Lakes.—
(ghee los thr corn, of %vat, and Sinitlinidd •
st(LEECH & CO., Transporiern by Canal
nnd F0r.1.7 Merobants, mrore or Pent 'treat
a ll
tho .31
tilliA. BROW N would most respectfully inform
the piddle that be keep. on hand ittlials stamina the west
feef the Diamond, Allogbeny till . , • ...Nen eidairtmedt
of Venitlan atm Vanities:l Haulier. are made to order
In the brat alyk. warranted mild to and is the Uninal
State, 111. Blinds ran tqmortd without the aid of •
ofdrianr. Having purcha re se' the stock. tools, arid wend
of the cabinet eatablialiment of Ramsay I 3lnClethind,l am
prepared to futinieti their did customers. IV the pub.
too at lam, with ewer, thing in their
Agency. Pio. I Wool steed, Pittsburgh.
tetb2O J. A. BROWN.
lUSTLlMll—Residenen, corner of Thiad Plrrel and nut
N. E.l.n Mortar. 4th, te., for wall,
ADAM HARDIE, Veterinary_ Surgeon, late
itea,lnintob. Pentland. Tarntkl revectfull, ar.
, ka!nt, thcynbtl!that• he ban commenced prsellec In tt!.
:iII,;',I,,Tr:Z.Z 7,.,;‘;' whmb.."
In with Jr..a liti e rlle, Herm Ftnelna and
on.. , tsmithi. ceneral eairlnd on. at the cornet
f Tunnel rtreet and Pennarlennla Avenue.
NY,' It P 11Y L E W6Ol. DrAUKS and
Commi , Pien Men-haat,. for the oak of amerimo
uord., Liherly Pt, Pittstruerh.
N. 11 ARBAUGII, Merchants,
and `"
iEVILLE JOEIN,SON, En grorer on Wood,
!Philo Hall. ithird mor7.) Pittst.orgh,
m a d.loary• lloadr of ' , anal. , k
Drug m colors: aea. for Isieleiont,
the am cool.
of art_ and et P. lowest prima.
te ost
. Pitt.shornh. Maps, Landatarrea. lirtralt. Fho+ hilb e
lidtsiada. (waft. [loud, ladols. Arrlaterrincyd and Machine
Dray-Inc, linolne” and Thiline Card, engraved or
anoro on Stone. and printed In colors. (tot. Brans., or
black,' In the moot apprortal Style, and at Oh. most ie..-
anly a 141,9:11
OGA-N,-AV-I LSON & CO., Importers and 1 REPOII Tit It DT • .
IA Wh01,.. Dealer. In Hardware and Catlin', Nn 129 ,
A. %I'II.KINS Sz--Co,
and ,t,net. Pittolturgh
11.111110.4.9.. PrrmillUlL..l.lY in 1531 .
4OITN razsinioNs ze CO., 31annfaetu- --- -
rer. iif FLINT •nd IIREEN ULA,S,MOULDS.and nil , ; ,:i _ :•, iis 5r1. , ..'
ad• or MACRINEItT. take thla method of luta - ming I W.f. ' ' :. 15;_....,_.y-----
(1,004 ilerirone it haring auth work dot, that the, Arf : ', flaw x ,„„. ~,, 'f,t(l 1 . 17 115 itot.nossJair
prerored la do it at the inavet wiasible rates, at the. Ow, I ~„, i., 100 1024'100 11111. Yeba A [44
r‘t Inn, and in lb. Left mariner. al their establishmi et. Pena.,„,,,,..,,
:19. /06,,,..1115 -101.Jan•Jun
ti...e.ind Wri..t, shore the Canal Bridge...3mo thnlJas Worth,. ~.
...;uu .. , 45 i-liaL Petit Aug
twee /roue lot Mark health and Inwit Forests, ann..- ' Allf fly Co. 4'n .... . lOW . 9.i, ' (0.
,y1n1111•Ya , ‘. l .
400,4 kinds of notice. and noti lowest pries, - I i,„, ~,„,,,,, , ,,,,,,a, nu I 95. de
/111 kinds of Johtiing Juneau 'bort ee do
' ruchll 'inn
Plthiburgh ell, h's... ... .. 100. 90 1 I, rittdankJuly
e'..Lio soup. ~. Ph,. 100 98 . 91 ' de .
05 lint nt.m*Nor
'''''Z''''.%o G. :, ......... lit. 87,, i he-1. 40
Rank of INuatittrgh ,50 ... os !Dir. Dor 40re
0 . 4..; Merchants' it Mann( Dank! 50 1 ~.._ . Ofi .. i, J P.
Fahloinge Dank....... : - .. , foli 52aah do
Allegheny Satiny, MI.. .... Itl2 Itii ?. i
I 1
fßlbilt 5.M.,. .
'IAEA , k c ti,.., slonongshein lirldnii. .25 24 '2l ' 1 ,1 „,./w. Intranet
St. Clair St. /fridge 21. ni XI , e , ''''' g... ''P . ”
Hand St. bridge ... 4ii 44 .
Northern L1bert1ea........_ 50 ,sy 50 j
V% Mittman.. Drab, ..... ... :21 15' I • : . '
~ ,,,N,,,,,..i1d'ff
Wiwitern Inst.-tin, Un-.. _ igi,,, 11 16 - '' -- la •
l'itltenni Donne, Ca ...' 12 . . nh Inn. Der.
A./whited IflrerunWii CO :: Gt, . .
Pitegh to Phint • 510 50 , i l . 45 I 171T11.3 Pr ri-
Pitoliurgh, a Lottorille. , (U 4; 40 : do
Lake Erie ........ ...... .. ...t 50 (o'l ... , 4 Prr.hteh
Morse • Magnetic '5O ... i ... i
RAIL 80.. 1,141,W471.1.: 1
41, Ae.
l'ittsburgh Ow 'Works.- . 1 50 51 - 1 F....), / 1 1, • y•datt. 5 Pr ii
alonungabrltt Shickwater 50 . ...2 , '
Tonghiwkway Slarkwatr. ill io ....
Penn'.. Cenral Rail Ito 50 44 t,li 44 1.. id
.., 1
Ohio 0 Pentet. Rail Raul. Stn 40 . i 87 1 1 ,
Dalt- d Ohlo Rail R0ad...1 00
illereland ,t-wrneno R. at oo .id In; ~
Marine 11.11Tay. Dry tact 100. 1 1 1 . 1-1 1 92 /0 40 . Ds , a Vrr ,
•Fayatte Mannt Co-- ...... ..1 40 ; 50 170
Era Canal Ronde, (.10)---3....1504.' -
Do. (netr)...loo. 511 .40 -
Tartly Crnek do.
Plank Road,l,.''i :Ply 10
Allen. 6 Perry...lls,l'k Rd, 20 ... ... ' .
Oreenehig,Tpraylikei lid ...! 50 Y - , ...
Charlie. Coal Co ' a ,
l'At.huneht,tkonott ...... ...:0;{;1131 164.16n0, do
North American • . 30 '27 %
grt ' i ' l 11 Y ::: , ;;...:'.... . '...
j .r ,:4 .. 0 : 1 •
_,_. l. :H a ,
l'lttalwrgh il Tele Royal. -.. ti ..• '
oliio I,le Royal-- .. ..... . . .
Ailventun... .
Douclef A 11aught0n.......
Ontormahl., nn
Rid, Trail Rork--
Gas Fitting.
Front etc... 4, I..tirreo WOOd and
Mur tot,
Would fowl. tho public to thoir
Chauddiert. Pe n d antrt Bradrtt.
&v. . &e.
They are prepured to rxecute
Us% Fitting ou the Atiortest tuv
tin, sod wort rrasotiable
• Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's
IM ABOVE FIRM respectfullynnuounee
to their friend+ and tbe public gruerrilly.that tl,,y
are. preparvd et.-ent, tlo• br. /Ay le of their art, all
,wder, tor Ebow limb, 11111 a Diplutuaa, Voat.oV
and Prufeaaional Calve. Cbarta•tnt.i.
Their ennlblnxbment to Marl. etroet,
Third and Vonati xtre,t, ,
• stairm ' welia:tt
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'r
TSUBSCRIBERS, baying been °p
l. pointed Agents for. the obure tamed concern. Oa]
keep tunstantly unhand o supply of the celebrated Bolivar
I. ire Itnek.eructible}l.Clay. Vu rnare Ileartheeml ln wol
They are also prepared to recall, oilers for mid Brick. to
p made In el, and chore to suit purchaser, which shad
tfe do notly Idl
deem It neeuuntry to enumerate the many ad
vantages the Bulls., lire Wick Depose,. over all others th..l
Lure been °tiered for sale in the Untied :.‘tat., their Intl ,-
riority being welt known to ohne. all tufeons who to,
Vire lariat. The proprietors hare determined that `the
Brick shall lose nom of their present enviable reputat/on.
and that no expense shall be 'pared to mato Omit in,ri
better than the, hare heretotbts been. Thle it the only
establishment now rannufacturing kin. Brick at Unlit.,
Kieni Jimit!,
ana: Cava Basin. tirv•nth st... Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
T HE undersigned hare just completed their
and cm noprusautneturlog all slur of GAS FITE, In
enmptlTe and 4ther flue, sat all eizu of
which they otter for sale at the lowa. price,..noir a:.
vow prepared to raccute order, to ao y extent. without
lay. SPA Nil a CO..
No: Dl and It! Water ktrvit.
frt.-lam PITTSBUIItiII. PAt
Avit.SIARTII NOBLE—City Flouring
v 3111, No. (434 Merle ror of Adams st, Pittsburgh.
NICIIOLA. • VIVIAN, Civil Engineer,
Drottihtantazt. rot Practical Moho., Arcot. Vat,..
laugh. of Male( COT the Potent Oftice. dcalgua of Mach,
oery for 3lioca, Water Work,ltoilloo Mill, Re- May Iv
fonog I.4.wtat 10 A. M. e.n.l ti P. M., at hi, rewldence.
MarhorT arreet, Pituburoh.
A.. 'MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Mu
tELl Reny lancraan. 42.1Tet,
JGARDINER COFFIN. Agent for Franklin
Yin inouran , e ComO.r.T. north ruc inn of w0.. 1
end Third ettr,..d...
WM. GLENN, Boor: BINDER, Wood street,
V second dosr fnm the error, of MI where he it
bound ettiontntialls. Bon. in p ut t s " 'or .4,1 boat,
bland carefully, or entaired. Mann, putts" In Filt Setters.
'MM., who base bbelion are innust Prices lon.
M'CORD & CO., Wholesale and — Retail
Mao ulaeumera. Intl Naas In Qat, Cape and
corner of Wood and Fifth Herd,. Pittsburgh. - Where they
offer a full .11 complete stock of Unts. Cape, Fun. to_.. of
every quality amt wile, by tti.mleeale .ud Retail. and Im
rite the ateutfou of their customers and purchasers gener
ally. efisurimt them that they led] Pell 4.13 the must advart.
tage , u. term,
N fLt u ,"'gZ a . i - lo t r a'
WbrnFy rt.
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
...elopy,* ; M. A. WIIITE & CO. would re
etrtwM I he, ere SIDS ...dung and ore provat,l to reele..
ortlerr thr ever) d...erlmott vel.telee. turbo.. Chariot,.
Ita.rnueh , r o. 'anion.. , se. wlth. frern the,
In the mu.
the' of the 2.11,th am 4.
and the fardate• the ,- h ther C.! , eht,,let.t they ar..
rnablthl to do work , ;t1 the moot n..Loonehle thew with
thew• their hoe.
String particular athrohoo to the releetton mama',
and wing ISMS not comp,tent w4rlthro.o. lb, bare on
healtathl ararrthumt their work We th.rvti,re apt. the
attention of the pubik to tint matter
N. B. /Leman. dons In beot menus. sod no the
most ream :table term, larbtf
_ ... ..
p ,
AGLE MARBLE WORKS, (4tablished
I .Nr i Ed E L'nz D pvt . . i' Jet s, k,...lttlgrli=
ulg,Tom IlfooldOroms.Ac4,6orktel rift,.. Goanloool
PI, Tom. Adonsys on toood..disikLe to order. •
N. B. A choke 'election of Drao•lace ou baud.. 'al 0
DARRY, HUGHES & CO. are prepared to.
X. do ell Einar of ELATE ROOFING.
ALEX. LAI:GILLIS. Act .00r. Erna G. k Canal.
At Wm., Wort... Pitolotrell
sir-Sbde Roof. DrOIDDGf , llrod. k0.0./4
A CARD-1851
totter of Fourth and Ithirkri etrecto. Pitheratrith.
rirti " ll:l . ;,Vhe th rikm " 474 . .77Z:t n orri “ iSittil O tre ' p i n 'u.
tu " n7 - r .
ally, for thelarier f W.f. of clarion: •tieniti 4 0, than. Fat
write the continuum, or thrlr tutor.ll•‘-ing reerntli
entarizill and nooproriil their r. tlo are ',nal,' to trop
on hood • serr rirtererve
of ;if Goias— and borer,
till bate the indranune of plenty of nicht to. ex.:alio
,ceir, sad lank.. thrlr reiretion• They deeign making
their estatil•hrnent, or for we pr•rtirable, • FAMILY
where pier, •rtirle In the Pry 111, needed
Tor the wants of t o ran lie proeured—srol in thou
continued efforts to select the boot rood, rm.! to .61 at low
they hope to make It the Intel-en of WWII. soil nu
to tarot them with thetrenitorn
va:fe; intoirirLix 0....nnn.,1 in
the num. up Ftalrs---rutrauc. In. 41. b arret, ou llinJuxil
1..., moo, tan»
Corner of 161, acul blarket 'tree* The out, char
1 7 , d . - 1241 , 1: 4 1T: 1 m.
uf Amount.
K. ettatal,ll.3. Profes,r of l'eninnanahap,ilertnntile
Computatl.n, ar
Al..a Walnut,,<ltinq r.O Coman.relad
deArinv a movie. k00.1. , 4 , KA , .
and It, appErafi.a. t...a.ry draw% of TuPtv..a. X... a an id,
Fant and rapid prnmanablp. are Inaind n. ndl and
in.. h.• arraug..menta.
L.,tu mon Cnronp.rrial Las rverd 3 1.ndar
any nf the n-ddent eitY m.reitannt. I deM
- -
• WILKINS, No. 245 Liberty at.,
head of Word street. Pittddrgh. Pa..
dilonument,lturial Voulta,Tattinaton,
ac.„ Mantle 14....a.a.Centrr and PI., Top.,
alwa,• on hand and made no order, of the
choirrst Marble., and at are, rrd0c....1
peer, A cheat. .. /. r ums iv.-inns on
lion. Harms, Tenn Clark Tiernan. EM
Ilan. Judga John Ilan+, EM.
IWm. Itoblusoa. jr„ Ego siva Herr. Arebitert.
John Stml, Eau, Cush Snus, liroker,
Pittsburgh Hank..asta.nier & Kahn, -au.
J. 11. Shornherger, Eel. 11111 & Cont.
Wilson Mc-Candle.. E.g. lion & Sargent, du.
Mimi% 31rEnlelit. F. Win. liagisir) & Co. ,
Jos. McKnight. E.g. Ertnltig. li. T. Morgan Y Co.
hay. Joshua Rhode. k. Co Frult . rs
H. Lothrop. Allegheny.
E. W. foils grateful For the very 111..ral natroinum re daring Writer. years in this ell,. having bad the
largeat and heed jobs entrust...l to his Pare up to the
limp, and will endeavor to render vatinfustlou hereafter.
j. 24
} far t 1.1 rr Wart-mow lA' SO mini atreet.
J. rrrpuctfully Inform. bi. frond. and
floret r
ho ham now romplrled the lar.-rrt
.nrid floret rdork of household furniture ~ e r beforo. tn
this city, ar he It cletermined to uphold thr quality with
well-ftaroncil ruat•rrala, tent wurltruaurlop. end nal... do
rtanor, and from the extent of bi. onlura and faeility In
manufacturing. he It enabled to produte warranted Neut.
tutu, at the lorreet prim.
He has eclapt.l the principle of id...taring tbeMrrhnn•
on' inn•reat with his man. in quality and Orin. and keeps
Mem," on hand the greatest variety of entry doreriptino of
furniture. from the ehearerr and plainest. to the moot ele
gant and natty. that • b o n, of any part of one. may Le
furnished fmte blx stock. or manufactured expnerly
order. Ile theretnee Pollens an insprallon. that the edema.
thg, of his establishment mar be known. Tbe following
articles centrist. in part. of his stock. whleh for Heiman of
ate and enialt cannot be surpaewed in any of th• Eastern
Parlor, drawing. dining. and beebrnom chair, of every
eariety. coriaisting nanwrad. mahrmany and walnut-
Elintwtheh, Conservatoire ad Euy Chairs, of every dew
Ccruebea, Senn, Tetwwtete and Divans of the latest
french awl American natter - Mg Tubers. Whebr(pn.
fancy rlor .Nud e, ts of yarrow kinds. Work marble and inlaid musle Wand, end holden. marble
mp, mahogany, rwevrood and walnut
and mt. I.
Idea eatenelou dining table., all sizes of the aloft Improved.
and decidedly the hest kind made; card. Perolunke ball and
pier naive. wardrobes, bedsteads sod ' , slur-lads of each
large assortment r cable ball and. parkrt• reeepthm chain.
ottomans and stool, wwratarwand honk caws. aide hoard,
tre screen, towel Mirka bat stand.. and mnwe surds, nibs
end eon fur childrem raper at., laid. and tee pop,
mahogany. rowwowl, and inlaid pearl Tables. de. ho .
A large awsotinent of limmon gurniture and Windiwr
Chain. Cablmt makers supplied with all articles In their
15learnbrests and Hotels, furnished at the shorten none,
, .
All ;Mien. promptly attended to . . .
tiNTY LANDS—CArr. NerLoa,
mtorn.7 LO•.N, IQ Third st.. turner of Cherry lll , hoeing mule orrangemente for the purl., •111
etTY , tre Bounty Lands for offieer• and eoldlery. their
utitioter end children. end will nttend to any other tone.
nee, ronnecten wtth the novernment or an, ”f IhTert .
rneutn, the Pettrion nOlne, or the Courts, at the City of
‘srtehintrton• in7.7:dtv
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil
eMR. D. K. SMITH is now prepared to give
itootto.uoe to a fry mu, to the different branches
e delightful 'eft. at hiemono, In WM,. &cafe g
'J t sr i kct
new Wet etmet, between Wool end
errwite. Moore of (magnet/nu, Irani 2ti
from totS, P. v.. Charge. and other loirtioularg ton be
I,,,nmrn by ceiling (Ittgroorinr .t the rooms.
Hofer In Dr liessgto or Dr. Addlerin. • )6=l-dtf
,11, 74 iOnistA p., stmd 1.. Bank of' Atlrt.trryA
Nrdm •tol Draft, collreMd OY all part, of 11. holm
I- WM. Idught and mld on eorntalmfou.feb7:ell,f
M. VCRII.I I / 1 111..
w.clts.wiNailLsi N CO., nanufactunds of irlanow
, No. :Ai Market Arm*. toMmu Vital and ..mod,
I . lltAuratt, PA
Par Ocular attention pall In 04d alma. Alm—Dnalora In
l'ltnt l ilw VtalA !Oddly. ae. daarS
ndm mandry
Q NUTLEY k COLVIN Cool Merchatttn,
and in Dor Goods. tir ' or. tm Iranau d
Cotton of Walnut ste-oi and Wag Tun Hd. it I
Tt0”,...., mrted.,..l:To
S A LT I , ETRE :44,0 KneltA for nolo h o
ItlAlall DICE POKEY 4 co
ITERMILLION-75 lbp ChisittA for toile by
iii ; jo
IR~~ S
ai j~l
misammous cend,
- 67A1NF..111'. on la, neat. Ltiellati
Children'. HAT, in variety: Halal 'Wofteag
and tlapoe. Freud; Flower, sun ti haunt... worlngeot g.t
vitb• Embru.dent, and Lam 311uttillaa, adal
a great many ether atmd• b., line. g• I •
.S.—Thre• orf•nar onod t
ap2.11( N. Filth amt.
W. Dixon's London Patent . LevtirWaiiies,
Srrenw t• awyr Ilidchra m.r.tifeerd gn Pittentqh.
1 a 1 al Market street, is
ante Agent fur the Rt.,* nanned . LeTer Watebnit
.I follovitnt guarangt. eI. !Mulled to rub irateh:
kly appointment to the Admiralty. WM. DlXo,l.7 . Chen•
num.., and Watela Mannlarturer. 15 iCht: G."
.01 'load. Land...
Thla eertifle. th at the 11^COMpallYitla
aramantell by toe to be of ing..nmufnati .4 no Watch
wan ni) natne upon It le genuine mile. neootoruadhl Of
a natificate ' , raring( OW
IdoeUro7 ' aV l pUret k" ;11 ' . ' 1710. -
Q, AMU E L KROESEN keeps constantly' on
11 hand a gond
6( trash thd tub,
Mass. staanitoad Oat fi.lbehen or Prate Basts;
trash, Moak. Chum, Dry Measures. Zhu , and Melt/
Wash Mans. and all other itiods of a n, 13.
Wiltroool. Simonds. all, Fifth street. Pittsburgh. Pa
Steamboat Agency, and General Catania
aion. Receiving and Porwarding:'
A L.DIVIN, PLUMER ih CO., hart this
day assonlatsal with them r. John Ulnae, , t 1 ogee
Fenders to the publie as Skagit's:Lt. Agents, acral
min'U and Fortsartlng Isashorm odder the yle of
Inclaant.r. Aprit - 1.1.15/d. 112151111otne Row. -
lie Cream! Ice Cream!
pII. lIUNKER, haring removed to No.
26.9 Ldarrty 0.. (IV. A. Level, old rtand.l trillopeu
for I to. vn. tbi, dee, I Mondar*ril 210,) Ida .Ire
Vanil`Joan, and rill enrofett the titres Almond rod
la Crest.
It. alao
BREAD of a11 . .11 1
u 'AK.E of all
hinag on band and noalo orderiten
S of the rhotaeet Lind oh Inuattiptiodattl'ery wamk
front then.. CalLatal try. • . ap2l
A6aR4L --
.... tagego.l.
CAMPBELL, Attorneys
I_, at La., 711ohmen Mall,amiler Or said Ina.
mond alley. lam. Bagwell halt
tglinlia 'r Pit= Him° uti
Wan., other ft/11.... 140.141./
meth." , manufacture and hoer ealotantly on hand MI
•me.. of Tara, Bead, and Sparahle, Yltatehing, Clout and
Hot. Inn tined flour Dorm) end Lathing Noll,
Copper Natl. ant P.m -I Nall,: Copper and %Mr
,hca. hall, Pattern ilaken . Pantu KIM., &marled alma,
opt , ' • II Lte 'Water .L, Pittahur.h.
Tills SUMMER RETREAT is now open
fiu /wood...did:on eittudt.
(The beauty of
0., bat been nati,n Improved by hott of
holm ihrobbert and iloderm A large eeJlectl kind ervr
M. - arming Ilan. and Stirobber3, al the rhukeat, are
Rept for wale un the pretuivo
Ire Cream, Fruit.. le.. kept In the lialttona ar usual.
Bogue. tam tefollf pod nP at shsawdee.
The not pod romfm - tableateambaat CIIILIFTA IN, leave,
the lardlnc, between till arras nut the Uhl Allegheny
Fltidge. to the beolunlng of every lautr—from 9 o'clock, A
NI until lu P. tI 9., extra ttlp erne, errand, at 7h,
ti•kting the Ftnoky dy are Invited to pay a
rto 11, 1 . perlevt Flower hard,,.
The Garden ... kept Tea...rag, • brawl Piet. and clued
ut, :oudat apldtt
J. E RS—Surgeon and l'hysician.
Quire dy..lllratt. Nun, of Ilarltritt+Yen my. No
I ..111111'.tn.rt shove I•akllhbeld Pt.
• .•
. •
lor ha. ~..rmarvutlyl/..ented Plttxburgh, and
nII ewu.l duties of MP l'rn.ylon nevi]] give
utt,nta..n said tlko .11,nuts of
awl el..l.lren mr.1 , 4.7.rtt
Tuition on the Piano.
t1111..T. II Xlt BOHM would re- •
•Intfl A il i l ! ..g . f : l a r;n t trat i; l a sr iTno f
parat tAlc.:• few more pupils on A': FIL:: Y 1
Iv, and In Singinc.
, rmne. Ihury EN.. Mrs.
tirun, (Fourths stnvt.l Mbdarne Fevtet. &OM(
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
TIIO3IAS I'ALIIER is daily receiving
from lb.. Earlrma Mir, at lb. okl t. 1311
No. d,a HAtger STIIIST,
Between 75srd trod Fourt •
strata, • Piluburylt,
La an aro...ale* to hie pentat stock, of themont beautiful
P,IPER ILINGINGS that tmon susdeardi Its thlt nurkol
i. , r a lona ' , lewd. The patterns are cannot) now, the
penuttarly rhante. and the nolant, In mint of dare-
I Atty. unrurparred. Prom IV to upwaroln, the priers
nm, To Ills attractive lot or good., whleh a mono ar
runt. judgment rah ne formed by slobs than description.
the attention of reerelmote and bona, keepers la rertnert
toll r the and. mehll
Board of Underwriters.
'l' a Meeting of the Board of Underwri
uals, the Panning reentottun wan ULISIIiMOUSIY adup
and ordered to Le patterned.
Arsared, That from and oner the publication ef thie n•
tire. no lire Ithtlt, whether original or enntinued, .10111..
entwilend ea taken 0, y lurann Office In thin city,
until the premium la whi n . n
tin order. A. W. NI ARKE.
reehintf tteeretary of the Beard.
Patent Reversible Water Filter
S NOW to IA• been in operation at
TATE A CO T. Plntairt,, To 10 rourth
LOT.I I, ete...a4 at PRYOR h WII.I:TT,
No. lo 3lor et .tveet. 1 . 00/burgh. Thin niter hearecetven
Gold Medal linta ti, Anienean lartnato rd hew York.
And a C.rtifieuto :pan tbn I raoklan Initatute Pbiladed.
Oda. for It. Aup,tier.ty in it. ohnosinsproyertutei and al, trout thoto ht.tait thein to tun in Phdladelyhia
whieh the Pllowinii u - o eauttol...
rch 1t.b.1.0
It earn no. coral pleamire to irco Ma
tem end :it
the free
rs of
rut.. ohm, the Patent haver.ible Water Ills?. tn•
vented by Mr. bow!, Ilavinit need time of them for weer
"Pnetepeleme,slarth . Zeth. till.
The Patent Iteerreible Water he r
invented hy Dlr.
oatnurl 11. Lori,. and W t
by too for Kane months at niv
ereidene*, 1..11 that any perpon to
with. I
Ihr,for.rormidAr. it •priuleas haw. it in al/ Pe. ,
roooinin.-ed It to the politic. JONA! P. YAIRLAMII.
. ~
Yn.h Forman, atroot
N 11.—Sloamboat Caytaina and Apt& would do -all m oall and oaaanno oar lartra niter,. for fdtoring nail!
Gin outering Ibe Iwolars. by whioh moan. they rill raye
at truer SIN) a year oral and repair of Antler.. All our
Fatal, are rrarrannat for five yoarr, and with rare will loot
ap1731 " Anti etre.. l'hiladoinbia.
• A Cazd.
AHAVE FITTED Ur, lon the New York
eboi.Li • very ruporior Warcroorn• kr the eats of Cur.
ne. Curtain MMArriabi. and story Orlueripserreltleg to
the Laphionahlo walla; and it... 'alerted the larrrot and
meat eurerlur aanorttnant nf Ealln Da Lain.. Ilroentale.
French •nd german Damask De 'Ai., Enitlirti ihnnaalt.
Matnnue, Chintlet. Turkey Iled tkeidr vo••••, iii•o• nf
• • Ithni. Lae., Curtann, fluurret sad' lain Muslin, Mol
ina.] of different witltba. rorniree of a different pattern.,
Mud etylre, Ikon !data. Wiri.lnw 11/Inde and Sbade,Curtain
ni,. and hand., Curtain Pinit.Tataalauut Teasel Loewe.,
Oriel. Silk nod Worsted. reed Chita... and Fringes, alsr.
wales. and Lanraeler Quilts. Counterman. and cularkl
C.,atfort p.. Marlow, Bede and Sledding.
All order, thankfully reerlard ardwoze_ptly eileit
- aplA—
Iro. your. Tbir4 ilo
Co , Partnerdup.
C, A MITELL & CHESS have this day, ATM
• oil II th. sour-mated with Item 0111710 Melt ;mar.
he Iturinege will bt enntinued under Um ytylo of thwt9-
tell, Clu.s. if lb. atilltArn
V OTICE.—AII penmen indebted to the ce
ll late of John A. no, doo d. ant !.1000tH to nt. ,".
payment to the underalgned: and thaw haying tatt? , .
egainat the estata will Present them for adjuatrnettl.
WALTER C. NOR. Tynan..
Business Notice.
LL PERSONS haring humint,9 with am
CO4l/O.APIAL CPLLF44, dolly. 0 , 010 P till 11 °Wm.. A.
If anti fnan 2to 4 P St Marabanta to want tt wait,
l.ok K' .13 . 17.4 'TEA R u n l in b at y I ntru '' atna
•PQ In 40 Mann. at . 40.0,00
PAPPII —lOO e.t.a.. .11 br. Printing NMI
700 " Pt:by
" by by az 24 41 3 4. Pt
ha 41. 'A by 4a:
44.0 •' 1110. Panora YnpT
V.t. 1011.
100 nlet ualhla e Cr.. '
wn P
.• • laaw Para:
, .
an,' Mind. Crown Hug.
...u.ontlr on h•nal and tor ..1.
‘,.1.•0re tot Itairr • larno. iso.l gruerol •••oringool
etaLettor. .•r... T..•Pa,. noon. t
ksiting t. 7 dl Mt Oohs, trtatiorootos..,
1'00..r 0r.1., no short oohs.
i 1.. 1.111". T,
nr Nan .al Irwin •I
. .
.14 -11 and 1= Many n.
litvoi.—There wen 11 r. . U inches In eliann.l. b/
pier mark, last wv.olug, and rising r>101,115
sxxl VED.
lalgan, Bolos, Braver.
lteavel, &ardor,. BaTer.
Atlantic, Parkins., llrownprllle.
J. MrKra, tlandrlcloon, McKteetoort
knlnton., Woudwant. Browner,ll..
11r111 nt.Uruv Cimfonatt.
Davis:, Loubrill!,
Diurnal, Cone..ll. Wt....tin. •
N. throblrv. Elit•brlti
Haiti, St Laub,.
illaneus, Louisville.
aiming... Boles, Bolivar.
B ..... . tiordon. Beaver.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville.
J. McKee lierutrcksoo,bloKeniport•
Thor, :quiver, Mier. Wen Newton.
Kennon., Woodward. Browniorille.
4 Iliberuia N 0.2. Batchelor, Cincinnati.
Itobert Bolter, Butcher, St. Louis
"Jas. Nebion, Moon, Wbrelinit.
Wellavile. Young, Bridaelau , .
Pilot No . L. Cron, Nunnsti.
Arena. Kinney. Wellsville.
Tumvirora, Muniork.
Julia Dean.
1. dig ins. Cincinnati. •
Mapait, Ilockinghort.
I) Le•rlaß CO.. Nor...Baer racket leaves daily .t 8 • to and
8 p m.
ST LOUlS—loam Nrptou
err I.OVlS—Witer.
go, .ttr loin.[—The splendid packet slum Isaac Newton,
Cant brae'. having bten unavoidably detained. will
rm./hely 'save this morning at 10 o'clock; A happy
chance is that offered to all who may be going in that
dirsctinn, '
WIIELL:tVILLE Pra TM/MORA-474 per breon. 2 box,
I bit bbl I Ict uhl etoppero 311)Ittrtr. I bbl appler. D Iltton
eIA: I anal machine. AV {Venom:34 ate potato, al bbb.
e.rer. 2 gal boar., In taw owners aboard.
R lIkELI NU—Prat JAltr3 tix.n3.-1 WI kettle bottom&
31 .43 boom. Marker k Forx)11.1, 31 hhl. dour, Clark
-112, .21 All& tiibacno. b 1.435 t. • (3.3 elo baton. Wro
Bngham: wpier.. barsun bpan• Co 3 1 boo. Amain:mar
Cooler, 1W 1,1.1. door, R balzull; bbl. 1.1. owner
WKI.I.SVILLV—Pta Awro.-4.4 %ks potence Cunt Dun.
..n: 42 do do. Cumming d ,Inith. 2 bolly..heep rel.. own.
er alx.rd.: 3 eaDe.. owner: 21-•nal Loma In tow.
LAVA VETTE—Pra Frg teetkr.--G7 Id.d. Inron. ' 7 boo* ,
do, 021.01 a lord 0 As feathers. Clark & Thar; 37 barnlnnk
Ira •akkal tin, 40wt.. wagon tome, eq.k, strap Iron.
loreng Sterling: la/ hhde do onunr. Mercer t Itobin-on.
.213 MA, dn. Jen A Ilutchi.on. bbl, Leech •
Co.. 0 na.pearld, I do rad. II do wool and !ratite', Thai,
kln., 24 1.01 heevalks, box... fun. fiber Slaltbewst Co;
'0 eke tucl,rs. Murphy., Wllleon a Co.
ST LOClr.—Pra BALTIC—I boa tod.e. Farr' h• k. Baker
C. cko ruhet .11ulenn, .0 Lea,the: 2 .k• lead hotter a
hr.; :Ay, 400. ivy), 4tl hair. J A I lon.hinkon t CO.
L4111: 4 11 1.1.4.-- limn 1114”..4--di 1.1.14 44,..1 ram. •
karrA 0,41 n Maim tabaro. Yeri.)tl, • hhd. d... .1 .1
Ilarnrir. I6hd. dn. I 11. •seinica. A nerd: 1 raid.. !dss.
earaan a 1114460 d: :42 i•lid do. Hardy. Jniir4 SC.: 5 1211.1..
)alma,., 1 boaa.niplir.. A tinnlon; I hal.. matna. Artiorkta
di to Lalem do, lairm A Caul:mak: la bt, 'lntl.,. a
DrOther; 4 010. tobacco, E 4 ,nu
dm 11 bawl,
• Co alum:der,. Itr3
bbl. ham, ItTaden • Comdr. 51 tibia ham., }tell • Liggetr.
Cdo lard oil. dna Kidd AC..52 do beau. 4.1 , Waterman a
ad 75 do ham ,kot bark)' Clark A Thaw: 41 do hemp fatal. I be hon ,
k, Iglar ilre • ll: 32 lital4 barna. IV
him C
.IVri4 21 da an. ff
Jao ri
ealaon: 110 Mithinkey.
Loin atarn: 40 hia.b. baron.llieh Yelirrii ts
NirOba 75 w tato rid
Ir.. ' , mirk a Co.
heroan .
.o Crabtree , oulhampton Aprll 2.1
Eur0t...._..... _..Rhannon Liverpool APril 2,
Arotivi .. . .Love Liverpool April :v ,
Crereeut , it, . Telmer .Chagree . . -Aril '-',.1
N es
orth Amen-111ethe0......... Chagrea..._
7ilerito. . . `iamon FtM a, am -Aril]
April .....:
Georgia. ..' ...Porter- throe.. \ lay :1
Urtion .-...1h01d. Sew Orlearta ..Alar I
........ Southamptsa- •.- Ma , L
Lafay.tte. Wv Philadriphia.lll , r•rt."l..
Asia- ..... --lodklos Liverpool— ..... .-May
I•satitir Nyr
L iv , rpr.l May lu
tttiplis• City 11 . 4'll , ,,trep Slay
l iVI
' I nit. flea. .... I fl l / 4 3Ve
lir Jnnathan.........llnacs CO.gre. . ...... _May IS
Ilerums. . .... ..CraLtm• ..... .„ Soutbanspuns --Slay 1:
F.sernot —lly Gronasborg, Cbambersbarg, Philadelldalti.
New lone. Eastern. Centre and Northern farted N. Yon,
r e ..,..... New Jape, sod tbs. Ha New Lapland Plata.--
I le Enlist; Proviso, of Lower Canada Nova boot., sod
w Brunswick, dally. Arr iron at 1 I. N.: Departs at I r. a.
Non= Punka —By Blairsville add Hollidaysburg. Es-.
' Including the counties of Bradford. Cambria. Center, Cher
bon, Juniata, Lt owning. Aliglin, McKean, Potter. Perry,
iad.logs, Colon, sad ban of Westmoreland. rt. Lieelmore n .
urrafertlle, Enema PI Rout., New Alexandria, sod hull.
a county. Anises daily, except Mondays, at 1 a.m.; de
dans at In r. ar,
EaM—lty Butler,
r f:i.,..Mereer, Crawford. and Jefferson
T . 4. 6 ,7;91.',7,..°` A4, - "VV: d .,:."" e— "" h4l '•
Small. Ake tir.arkth.—Lly Wanbingtop. Pa, Ofeeeek
Farcrte„ Pomenset, part of Wevnaurreband county. Virginia.
Man lead. Baltimore. 1 Vublogtou City, bouthern sad Vint.
ern pans of Wain and ladbtos. Kentucky. Illinsta' Tenant
s.... Alabama, Albaouri, Miniwipm. Arkansas. North Cato.
Boa Georgia, Louisiana, Fiorillo and 'feast, dkily. Arose,
at 4 r •.: and depart. at 6 r. te.
tarruentertn., Wino—B. Pa, stir. Mixon, fininnon, Park, 1n... lialrels.)• ( orr. T., define., !Earn.
von, Catrollyioinio, and Tuvcaraw ras countinalibio,dally.
Artyvei al 1 r. P.; departs at 1 t. a.
N okra Ktaving —By Bear., Pa., and Cleveland, Ohio.—
Beaver Co.. Itt. Columbiana, Trumbull, Portage, Ottawa
An tabula. Star A.M n. Madina Cu y thoga,:kthaeoll,Lake.
ilichland, Loran., Il a nu, Ottawa Erie. Panduaky, Wood.
and Luna counties, Obi, no. annum Ourlbero worthies
o 4 the Slaani of Indiana and Illinote, including all Alichl.
Pao. lows, and Warman, daily. Arrives al 11 a.. IC; de
arts at 6 r. x.
MtM m .
Penrsw-Mpoor—t lelrld
Pmaaorp thab'so, r F. ling .S.. Sp A r M ing A l M eld l. ,Tarem
lot,sad Clear,thillano u lo, hi•kluivita,
Agugg,. Oar
Asti,. carpi a,
tires at 7 1. a. and departs at 6 r. Y.
maando—By 1 erryardle. M enonl. Toliroople. Porten.
ellleo ltarllnaburg and New Lmige. An ne x Tuesday.,
Thursdays. nal natant., s. at li e. IC; doparta Almada),
Wtduesdm s and Pndin e. at 7 a. Y.
paaagaring—lly Sturgeons hall, Vittlertille, rah Mon
otunhels City. Anises Tondo), Frgla)s, at 6r. 54 de.
Pant. Wednesdays and babords, at 6 a 5.
Unosavga.—fly thachanati, Strtats Bun, h
e r .
(N ev i Valle, Ellrabellthwo. datable's, Itostraser. Belly*,
ums.Cookstown. Perryopolis. ts..t Liberty, Upper Middle.
ton, Pa. Arrive: Sunday,. and Thomdays, at 3a. at: de
bar, Mondays and Thomism, at 9 A a.
Ittnitar, '' . —Br Walker a m lll + ,Nobleanwo, Candor,
Burgettslowto en.. Creek Villa., Pkt.e....0 Will Pm—
ilethany; Va. Anises Pundaya and Thorwlays, at IP a 54
depart. Mondays nod Thar-day, at I r a.
Fannirw, TA.—Op Clinton. Atunlocksrolle. Moon. Mon.
tour, Yrankfort Ewing, Pro, Paints, Vs. Anne. on
Friday, at d r. a.; departs on t.atublay, sl6 A. IL
Antrim. North, Wavhingtom and Apollo,
Pa. Arrives on Wadi:madly, at 6 0. la. delartr on Aloud.]
at 6 I. si.
lempas F.
N.; departa an Saturday, at
r.r'ta rpu t. WhltevetwcaMt
r•Nmuot. Arnie. daily at 7
1,1., f.;r the dull a
befarr their deparlunn lat.
Ivolcl.emal .nktr matte, au,
wcon• thrir tleparturr.
N Artivr. on FL-Ida,. et A
Wexford . , jtreakntvQ, Upin
2elttilag arrro and Venattgo
111.. and depart, at
UM be to Om off, one hoot
..r. for the tri.vrrealy, pout
at b. in the Ugh: ball au boor
couarmt. cau.l rat 7Y
Nu. LT Jlarlyt st, &tam Thi
SUNS, Bankers.
ird and Amain Os. Pulttnert . t.
Ilrnsarb at Max. 111,1.. ..... I
liznneb u Wuorn
Branch nt Xenia
Branch at
Ilmak. Onrinuati .... .
Lnfarette Itmk. do
Ohio lar Trust
hank of wrntern Itenerin•
Y. Hank uf Pittaburgh—.--..par
f du
Hank of Corpraerra.... .... .par
Hank of North Ilintrica....par
Hank ofliortleu Inarues.per
Peunrylvani. —.pan
tank of Pen Sow eitup...par
flank urine Uultset
linutuarcsal haul
Harmon: a Merharnra' Ilk par
Omani Hank. . .......... par;
ICenalnatima 81ank.... - par.
ifiiutar., it Meek Dank.— par
in) qamor' Pink par
I'hllalrlpina Lank par
eoutharark Bank
Trd+runita Kaiak i. p7r l
neaten 11100 ....... ... . .. par
hank of I, 1
hank of Christer County- par
of .. per
PAP k Cher ter
bank of ts, pan}
ta - ,'.T.C";;Lu;e. I
Beak of MUldletcrirn.... I
Mnntavearrf Co. Rank.. par
Yank el fcartlptralarlaclpar ,
Dorlaotoin Dank tar
liialon Dank.. ......... .rar
Etta . I
I armor.' Ilk of lucks Cr.-par
Fannon' Ilk of lanes
B a nal Frmer...333ok .41toellog par
a Ilk oteenuelklllCo par
Par.t bro.. Waene.bura 1
franklln ilk. ii f arbinctou p ar
1 1 1: ' Ta r eVITIL51 B ark k- •
Laseutar County
Lebanon Bank
)(tar"' Lank nt our
al e 11
4.11 ga nfurhela ha n par
t U l) lik,.
qpirg k bk.l4'llknibarropsr
Hellrf Note. - .......
• 1
w'i;tiulA I).
MI R•I..II 11.01.r._.......... t
Near Carli City.
• .
inigntre tar
1 .4751.:Y t DLLA‘VARIK2
Al) oul w act bAnko I
VLltlil NIA.
Baulk 0 Out Vativ.. - . I
ilik 4.1 Var,i... kid.... I
ILA lianti L ye ..N,.1.11E . k
I . ',..,!;;t:;t:lT'ivl"6lTit ‘;
I.Nertb Attivra Vont I.
• • . 0 .. .. .. ..
tlr r k f It o($. . 3.
Cooortiornalik. Ittloolttfrn 2
:lerobstile Rap., Norberto 2
RE of flot Ist. of S. Omit.. 2
tank or I , ufh Caro... 2
Bonk ere...0f...1 ......... 3
M.G.,' & floolterilos . Ilk 2
Augusta I.Eo. R
O. Bao A
ou. Co 2
aok of August..__._
Ilk of Brunotrt• Aultota 1
TENN nE.E. -
''''2li9T6l(E. I
Pt 'fft,`:lT.A-1:',1:V.,,': i
:Giotto,. Ilk of hooluutty I
Soutliorn,la , f t lifiiit..oko I
Ilk of Elate oillisonial I
rate Rook sod bonsehosi.....o
Dank of !W00.... . 71
Ohio ...... 1.
Branch a Akron
Dratorh al Athena- All
Itratirb at ... dap
Branch at
Dram+ at Cleyeland.. Aral
Brawl] at Tiohalo An
Stanch at ..... dp
Oraneh at De1attan..........40
4 1: o
Bran at Mansfield no
ilttinah Ripley._ do
Uncut at Cincinnati ...... do
at Columbia._ ..... do
"'r a ncho Waditingion do
Branch at Cadiz Ao
Branch at Lancaster deo
Branch at N.:NII
..1110 do!
Bauch at Mt V.rti0n.......An
Ilratieh at Newark do,
Itranch at Elyria ...... -.._.A0
Branch at Flotiortchl- do
Oral d
at 11ariiitta
Omni. at Troy o
Pram at Ma Mammal
Branch at Zadiaomillo
Emmett at-tinrietila..
hratirli et Plana do
litataia A
Unwell at Eaton- .....
Brunch at Ravenna.. ...
Branch at Chillitaithe......-do
litaneli at Toledo. do
Branch at ...
GOFF F.l:--100 bbl, •good Ili°, ju.t receiving
and for male by JOON IVAIT A CO.
SI4A" 1.11.111 .
. •
lIE lIOUSE If tile - Seven finhlee: no'
maw. by Nathaniel Ylanthorne
At ViCttgli " lltrrat! ' y o lie 363 irat. Third atreet, c•opoei „ !!: the
Nat Mee. •
ta m ., co.
F itUIT-501.1 I
limto. 1)ritol Penehm ..
da II ESTN trrs - lot. for sale by
, .V. 12 he 1111,0 N. LITTLE • co-__
p i ; l iION • ..2.50 t0r t f , &r , :t ., n1 , 74 , - t ,
B n AcoN —45,00 u tanl Shoulders,.
i Fmoiarboiino. foze sate by
• . • .
Mario. Fire IN. Co. ehlts
. .
1' :77;3.13 " 1 . 11 . +31133V
14.31344 w naalt.. 3
{wurnome Company._ .... 3
at. Bank 3
. _ . ....
Houkß. NN. Aniatica.Toroo ton
off the Venni, Tomato .5
11..0 of Slnatroal 6
bank of It. ennatin, Toronto 5
on N... r.otlg (pr..). .....
On rbilailrlphin d 0...—. ....
On liallittont do.
I WItOTNIIN EXClrkiitii.
Cincinnati I
I.ouNvilla. I
Ft. Louis I
(lOLD AND 81150115 YA5.1315
lionbioona. titinnl6s. 111,00
doti 1 . 451103 16.60
tio. 614
r.ania, na• 10,00
Yruivrielod'ots....... ...... 7.1.0
Tan Thai. a ............. ... 7.30
1141.71110,1 A.1311e..—A5iVP1111.6.11,/ and aubareiPtio.
pet bls paper reeeired earl forwarded freer& ell:ewe. I •
Fur Us, twAh ending I% 6,1E4
tlcannat It —During the work yetabeloaed, there
hat been only a imslerat amount of buntline done, owing
in part tattre inclemoney of the weather, and partly to the
fart that the throng of spring Intelnen Is rnbelding. and
wailing down to that natOral Coe of tirade and commeree
which we always enjoy hem wheniTivored with . gown
stage of water In our riven; this weit4ve had dot hg the
week, and In fact throughout the pest and at the
pment writing the river it again rapl,ll) no the rive, with
10 feet water In the channel. Our where.' spinney! along
Its whole extent with stemssers, hr which a. scene of gene,
at activity iu Ind op in that quarter, and quite a lively
traile carried on between this point awl the ration. markets
of the West sod moth.
The arrive. of provision s have been liberal during the
week, and, notwithstanding the hear,* thiPmenti rout. the
supplies in this market an. equal to the demand. and we
notice no material change In quotations. Tb. arrival. of
dour and grain have been moderate. notwithstanding
which dour himmet a Alight decline. whilst grain remain.
steady Ai last quotathma By recent arrival. yenta New
Orleans, and other paints below. combinable lots danger
and moist.. birth arrived, but the additions; to supplies
hate not lawn sufficient to ranee any relaxation In minx
on the contrary sons. of the leading articln mantrert an
advancing tendency with a general Brame.. In ail articles
in the oratory line, with the exception of-coffee. width
has partially recedwl in prices.'
nor ravel trade with the east ba. lacen slum the opening
IA Fall continue.. in a moat flourishing 11012,11t10n. as
shown by our table of Imports and export, published • few
days ego From this table we ertraet the following list of
some of the principal articles which have been received
and cleared at this; por Waring the month of April, and
from the Ordains ofthe 0.001 to the auth April, which ea-
Mita a vast increase aver the business of a altallar period
10:1 year. with one exception, that of burn.
Art.lelm For April. slore ny'r.:
lheo,_ ~. ................ bd. 10,g72,2 S 3 1,22•27.228
Lard ma iii.l .
oil 2300.261 41..65.660
Toll., A ratalleo, 12 , 13101 2113.4.11
Wrol 10.1512 . 549.510
7.519.350 5.224.167
fistrories =1.9. , 0 59522.17
117_4% 11..591
Feather.. . .... .......... .. 90,4 n - 1.1.8,2.. , ,
111..03p. ..... ..... ...... . 6.. . - .412,11 041 . ,016
11015.0 345 . 14 A, 2,3.3,
01....0...,.. ... . 171,31 210323
70.1..^1 7,101
. 4 ff-..." .-.,173 23:1=
....... .
1:1,41 1,001
• .hr 4 ' .1 1,4 4%906
Aeal prrodurl. out , 1 ,,, G.
C 2.17:: rx,.lf.:.
11,1 , . ...),
1113 n '.1..:0(1 411.1 , ..1
l'obaLv.. 0.4 urauor. . ..3... 17,14.19
- 4..010 • bll.ll.
etzlna aar, .... .. ~.. 1.101.0 1.1 :9,450
C0i1.... .. ~ 121.11 U ::.h../.1.,".
Cnpwra, 1;1 , ....;i3 ., 1 1..... t., 1,...1.1. , .. 12,2..,1.11L4
Dro. at..l ...Iglu.. ~...,,.. 241.)
0,4V.,X1 1:1,21.1.
I il'uCerit,l., ....... ... . • .2.01. i. 1,7'40100
Tobacco uunuf.l.ll,-...1 . 'Os. 141.6.1 12_1.10u, Kr.ts .4. .. . 11.670 1n , ..e7 , 1
, :erman clay ..... ...... 174.1 ,, , • :11:7.1,A
1.11;Konn, A - Damn/. .. .. .
gar awl het I
0 , ....n :%11,
. 2,63, S., 3',.9.11...1
~ .:{11.1.3.J
Nail. sad .riken.......... 10.1.1
Tin.. 414.
F . lsh . %rds
i lour . . 37:1 wo;
off, .Ic...Kt lard ~. .. ... gall. 41:7,.: '717.013
11 ,, ,44 , 1 217.10:,
Tb. arourooloo of tone., during dm *woo vernal. or,
h.,116 , ,Z Do, And lb• amount, of toll during Arnt
AbllEn—We .-!:arms to mini... In the ashes mar
ket The market is fairly ' surinited• the
is limited. and sales have been roomed to nivel lola at the
fallowing rates—gwarlash (464, saleratus s(j j. patent+
Se, soda ash ilNe
APPLF—n—tne non, the reeeipt of several mall lot",
whirl., were mild on the wharf at tt I.M/A 37 p bbl.
ALE—We have no chance to notlee In mimes during the
put week. We notice a fair business at prima ranging frtm
go to to, oink lorluded, fur common to extra 51114iiti...
ADD)IIOI..--Salen regularly at 50aCtic. recording to
RACON—The receipts of burn, from tha lower markets
during the runt week have Men large. bon en the moot that
came forward. wair de tuned for ...tern Mimetic, euppiles
have rather fallen on in this market. and prima of some
deorriptlona have advanred. The mien of a" week have
not been 44, heavy a 4 lan, forme want o, 113114.c1 , , to op
erate upon. Among the aa.tra which bane tranetilmd,
note the fallowing:—_ eke thoulden at 6%4 4 moo. and 1.1
eke .houttEr, at 6N, mot,. with pay for eaek , . 9000 (rem
emote hone, at fl!. for ham, I for rid.. and CW441% for
thnoldem. and 11.000 Ike In luta at fi% for shoulder., 734(4,
re for ode.. and be for ham. I' eke aides, from stare at bhi.:
I4X/0 Its at 44a - ,94c for hams and...boulders. fltdm4of 30011
and 60 , 305. conntrr calmed baton at 's:e, hog round. Su
gar cored emtrassed barn. are wiling In ,(hall 141a1w Mai
AL 10** b
BUTTER—The demand for extra and rho., null and
Print, in boom, have Gen his during the week. and the
demand 4 quite (risk for thee. qualitke. while lower
oniptinor are twain-tat. Vulte a briek biminme ho. hem
doing in choke and extra at 14415 e y 5. kleilerate sale
of mammon and prime roll, at 11401 M. lfa Small Rel., of
keg at .34FSENc
IWASS—The markrt I! !matted In repply. tntb ataall
utlea at $1.2541.37 for nqatanct and tolled. and 11,62'j:t1.:5
tor primp quallt,
Ono.sllltt—Tho mark. if °I erptrylted.atht prte. raluome.
We gout.. from gni baod• al , 7e0,11 Ilduz,•od fronotar. ,
.13.11 lot. St 51.Z41,5:0..1.!.0 1 , down. arrordltig to
BL'CLITS TUBS—Rot...4tr have bean large, and
lots St
.7.7, 1
ro ;b: 0 7„"
from Br. baod al i1.b1(42 for burkrte. sod 27,Z(0 7.1.0 for
BR OWN SIIETI NON—Price" or PittabErgh manufartur
ed have bran roctured. and Penn Sbeetlntre are now selling
at Se for No 1. and IN Wr Nonatnok.
CRACK EFIS--Tbe follaartna I. a ILA or the manntietwe
Ma' pikes:
Water Crackers, Vi hare!
Suaar Craeicent. "V pound ~,
Btaa. .....rate
daring the wr..k have beam moderate:
rupppli. are naht. and prime well [want:mined. Balm
have boon ,nnned to ,mall lots. at 7 (9. iat 4 , 1, for gad
rwnown m,primeounlith...
CORDA.k—RA under. no chem. In pricy, In lb. TILIIC44I ,
Article* under thin head. The I , llovringi. n lint cl the quo.
3.1.111 a Rope, by ..... ..... .
14. do cut.-
1% bit. Rot,by
Do do cut...
Tarred Rot*. b)
lk• J.
Peckit. Yarn, 006'
llau II -
II •trip
timn prel._
7 4 , llllrmp
rnallar rittanzrgh turtnufarturre•
o r ratio ..1 loga, nn 1110 , J r: rah, and a
at 24, tr., ca.sit MAI tune. . tint old at
17e lUD.
COILS )11'..11,--We notivo a ult.lerl..• alrmand i the
market, with .nutli iulra trim jlt-t 1.102 at atid
Vow fl n. at ji I.u.
et/Tll/N YARNS- W.. baba , labObt
)eras nt,.un cent bb. The folloarlog la la curl-el-0,1 hat oP'
11. • Nu 1
• N.
-1• No In
• Nn
• - •
o. •• taicerrat rhato ',nit b.
N 1
Nt. 700 . • Candle Wink .
No .hl. II II Tenn '
N.. 1/00.• „ ... n.g dor
tits' ' la • •
1•1:1711-114 rein arnaunta flan. Ctortnnatt. and
Giber 100111, In IL. interior el Ohio. retell,. to these, silt!
of they...thee. and the proluthillt, ore ttiturorf the tout[
crop. bete owed or • oreentatli• demand at this MadLel.
wlthout, however... yet. rlktl.l2lB 4.0 Material atisannet la
rm.. :quo. the totfievemeat la the drm.nd r wa have
.ale of about 060 boa apple. from Ira! bond. at Tbetllbt
and of tlOO butt from otos' , 41% :454 t bus watt p.r Ito maks.
deb.. pal hue pitact. atom aloe,lo law, .1 it attitt 4. hI
bo fa the Cateinsatt Warlot on Tueedee tut. there Ira•
brut lIIOZIArId fro dru] fruit, with tale* of peaches at
01 4 4 61 : 4 ..4 of antic. at 050(1.$1 i bus Surplice are
full In our martot. hut übder tbe Influence of the mews
from below. We mar afloat en tatranew t 0 mere
1111060. ?IY.DICINES .0 VIE :TUFFS—We Ind
Inarortaut change to iguotanom Th. kllowlng IN a toner.
en het of prwaw:
lb* 1:i417
.. ‘3 '1 .1
ktuelhrtts .10 a ll
nal.= ('stlssis • as
BrlmatOpe 44'9 6
eatOphutCAlnri , mrd....-.16 lon
.........6 (i2.0"41
40 450 i
1 /nmeoptd. :t• :At .
.lap . 1 tel
(Into Tntg -
t I
Oli esstoolbbt
thou blot In ,, lh r.
................ ;176*: j ll.ll. 1"
ta ,' llllll
Tl/111R—Tbere ha. hero eontlelerable eurtnallon in the
floor motet domg the week, twit the rang prominent
feeling wu that vi attend td by • forams dnellne
In prima Consi , trrable quaollt.s ha*. mow Yaryan/ do. t
ring the • mt, nowt', h. de.trned for rhtpotent
evert ronw,orntly pal.. (non Oral hand.'hava bent motto.
art m.m.11 I.w. The bulk ...the pale. during the week.. UI 110.0 la on the wh.rf. 0[60.0] ...le we. mold
.11.1 IV, 1. Id At the e1...0 howtme-r, mine.. hal
the remirta. • sogbt metion tont plate. and
pr.. ranked. troipormtll. p, T ,l 1, 4 3 22.43 23 it Ltd.—
r i my atom we tome no large tile. to report. rale. heft,
omit mullnal to email lota fur elty enneuniption at 13 31
„,d 111 bbl The city mIIL. ,antanue to do • hear. Leal
ow. Their mmr.t{one at the mi 11..., most', cunfamd to
, ewt The iollmelng ate the la
.l...rtions for the month or April, by 41,Ars Ztapleford and
Ilegologruy. 'ill larmwtone
116 11l
115 U .
Nl.l.ler. 1 . .br0„., 4, 46.50
11111 1 1 1 :;$7 . 4 ' .!.. '' . : . .1 51
att,t,r7 .. . . - ...i ; . ",jA ,
. 0.0 h0d..... . . A .. , i7
'Vn ' t n a n ri; ........... ..
. .... f:7
ever! tr ine .. ...AI rell2
eau reel.. bb1.... li 46
Vostic ... .... . . Vict :,2N
1 Z.r'`'.....k'.f.4271
le.-blurs! 1.fin,,31.74
Comtemiaatt . .
4.1 val
T u r s ! of Ingiweto;•• for April 1556
ItY E 'IAMB—The amounts rowing forward are moiler
sod ruPtill.t lioilo•d• Tte quote to • unall Inky
from tiretlarsbmil2 IT. End from Aare at PI ,
PRUlT—TLdriosod is Wt. with ;anal' Italahts 5t12,80
l tam; Of eltocania at lagrak P 7.; of G=43.4.1int..t.
12,00 N buitAl; of Pillttita at Bo; at cream 1i91a.14 UL
oTa: af Latta Carraata at 9Q9s(ei .ad of E u ih ß h w.k ny y.
Be; atal °Moll VoIOSCP ItV.`Eal.• of Oranges it 12,50 II
; imam at 83,g001.80 Oka.
. - -- • •--
11011-We notlee • contirated Drumm. In the gob man
ket, at 101 l pricey. Sales bare been cosigned to small toto
at the tAlowln rates-No' I mackerel -$l3. No 2du ~t
Sibish sad No 3 Ist Il=ggS,toll lad. salmon 518 IS blank
and liD4:O 60 DI Clem herring Di 50437. shad. No I testa.
toed, VI 2:, white nth Si 26, calash St hi cwt.
FRATILERS-Xe notice a, fair demand In tree market.
with rides in swill lots at 334134 e It lb.
VIEED-86131 ,lo aellbag at city mills at 101411 e, shorts
10g'3el1 ho, acgOnling to weight, chop fords 24431, and
middlings at DglrNe A bd.
PREMIEN-. Owing to the continued good stage of water,
in the riyyr, anti the large nutuher of boats In the trade
the charm on freight Dun DID wort west-aro leer, and
mostly nonsinal.!To Cincinnati, we onote Doctor dry mod,
and 121,if216e for beavx; to Lonnbrville 12744520 G to Nteli+
Ville P:Soehlere. to Pt fouls . -141111003 i UV lte,
CANAL PRKI(IIITS--The following Are the reguia
established rates'of freight, by Canal and Railroad lo Phd
adelphis. flAillwassr. and New York whieb took effect upon
he upennam of the Canal the prewent wawa.
• I Phill Dalt.
fteesmooLani A Lard Oil 11 owl 6.2% AIN,
Dotter =I Tallow, do
Cotton do n2l, 121 s
6611 is,
Reef and Pork. 11 bbl 144 1 ,40
Plant, do 00 90
Whiskey. do - ON 22.41
Tobacco (0010 in MOO 'it rot IV!, G2y
do (Kentish,/ do
do ten bee , / do 191$ tgh,
fofds QS,
7 : 14 i I i I :(1,
Demme do
Door Jt Buffalo skins to 1 4. 1:: 7 :t i
ram t Peltries do
ha! I f l g ]
Starch do
191 Fruit do
Doe LW , do_ 157% gib,
623 s 62.4
Dry 119ef do 521, 6231
Tubacw Onantifsetured) do 7.1.1. 711:
Drown I medicine. de ', . eys; -74
Poop A Candles do foSii Laie
Wool A Yeathers do 1231 1
Sheep Pelts do 82% ir2.4 1
Seeds " 02.1g .. '
Rage do 8 , 44 1
5 I ...
Oils do
Hemp (haled) do 60 44
filageware do
" E S I 7I A
'l. ,
Dry Rides do LIM 11.03
Omen do do eVi c.v.::
Dry (1.3111 do
Vorniture 1 91% . la , 1
do • 1. ,, 1 .'1 1 431-1 I
Earthenware do
Leather obt • :2;: ' 72 1.2 1
513 s 30 V:
Booed a Horne,. d„
liosto (um baled) do ID `.
atm . tr', . 4ll
Machinate do kw l ' Aro
n/IN-Receipt.. have roam o,rward sparingly. a
and we can relent 'no bonny salow during the week.
Entband., the following I. the. ntotto 8 1 bYtt BB-,B b
0161 c. for red end mixed to prime white, rye 40e, e
Of M . 0. ", •DiQ3lel'lnt. The receipts of karim
boo considerable, but mosUppurchaoed out of the m
We quote nominally at, 02Cnfole It hu, without mine
DRUCEILIP-1--IPe notice a emit hued buoyancy in
sod toolowees. with :ma improving tendency. hake 30
N 0 sugar In 1061 0 1:41165c for
. falr to prime astir!, au
of 12 bbois pnrue 64 0!..;, cash. Molars.s are without moo
livid, but pekoe are very firm. We quota. eummod 06271
tiie rand e.t.d....1 1 1 :e .. P wallow Corm bow derlinw!
with Mir. 100 bane , emod lido at lie. 40 do, 1101, and 11 . ,
ii lb, mod ion Rio aro held by some at a diction under 1 1..
Sales 10 tow rare at .P. c 14 1... time.ethor Salo- in too mil
bbl., at 1119 41,. Pah, loaf etemor at 1411001 of pepper at
10411 c Te Pc Mollie. or 100. and of raktiO at 40e - 9 LA.
ULA.S.S-The meets of window glass are berry, and pri•
ow are dram. 01.- quote city brands at 53.00 for hby Ib.
11.241 , ) by 12 and e 3.406,10 by 14. Country bruttlY 8 by to
ll.sold at 1:.:101,. and other itt.., Itt proprrrtion.
u1101,1. -:ale best 0104.0 .31, 1:50, at 371W91,350 14 D.
RAT-Regular pates from wagoo at 110011 V ton to
lIIDES-',iitdo of dry hide. at 11,fie,
wool Utensil, •
10070 000 sdn„,ot..-W e subioin a list of prices of SCOW I.
Ws principal nearing
Icon-Flat bar
Ela board
nd and square bar-
'. Sheet
Nuto-10 to In Penny
- a to 9 penny
6 to 7 penny
: Pr is l7 l - I D
6lll'''. lll. I .S I if: ..1 I Fi5 1 .2:2,...: 1 .22: 1 . 1 . 1 . 11 . ;
The above prices am give. gni:tied, to a dlycolin for <nob.
LARD-The Most that has come forward was foe 'hip
ment east, conasqltently Minslies In this market WV tight.
with man mks in bbia at 031D1511. and to kegs at 17q.0 lie
"'543)5 ,,
LEATLIER-Wa Mike ragadar demand, at foil prices
for all articles under II& heed. Sales of Baltimore wile at
31(d=0i and of New 'York do- at 1f416c %a B.
LUMBER-The present priors at the rants an-Beords:
1111A.13 for enmmoaand 8220024 Ihr dear, * 1030. Shin
gksve void at 521.0a2.75* 1000.
LEAD-There is a regular demand In the market. at 611
for pig. anti blic for tar.
Loin PM-The present range of priers Ls 7014 c, ac old
log to Axe.
Sorry Lotts-llegular wiles at Clic by the sheet. and CV
fl b. when aut.
Worth Lug-Pore Lead Is palling at $2, and No. 1 at
HAO* keg.
MALT-We hear Of no lan. asks of malt. Wequot• at
sl* ha
OILS-Castor oil Is selling lo mohair at 0EMP501341,
gal. ambling 45: quantity and nualltr. Pals Mowed'
hove oansPited 11 gal. Sales of No 1 lard at
I.loe. and el No 2 at tt*iticbt gat.
POTATOE.b-Supplies on. limited. Bird Neatianuorti
noted bring 524650 and Role 165411/oar par lob -
POWDER-11.3M, Devout. and With t Smith's Rita
Powder may be quoted In large .acanthi., at $4,75; naLby
Angle keg. at Cl.f...ialde 85.50* keg. Rook lbw - der at $3,123
to 5.1.60. for large anA small ouLatitlei.
PIG METAL-The , reeeipts Uf metal by the lab rim in
the Allegheny were nnall. If the amounts brought down.
the follow!00 am the !Ades retwrhali-700 tons, rousiating
of Jefferson and Buchan... at 8=428, C mos, and of 140
do Had.: at VAL C mot. A sale of ma do Ranging Bock e
h. to to delivered, at 1.11, 0 Loa
RAG:a-Rags are worth 3Ue for great demo mixed with
a pool demand.
ROSIN-gale. of 70 thle at Wilel &Oes to mallet. tote
no $0.15.
SEEDS-The reaeon for me& has wood, and we can re
port nothing of Importance. Prime are altogether nominal,
and for want of males vre ran give no reliable quotations i
from first hand,
SALT-Sala In n regular war at $1,24* blob which is
the nagulul r ateablishad poke afloat.
SPICF...i-Nutmeg 11.301a1.35: Cloaca %gun., Cam , . 40c.
SHOT-Raba at 81.0,4171* b.g, and 515 keg.
SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Saba to bills at the it gall i
extra charge.
TIN PLATF--.9ales of I. C. at 811.50, and of IX at
813.101 IA box on time.
TALLOW--tinier In bids in lots boas atom at 70 1 1 D. ,
TOBACCO-There is • gold demand for a/1 dmeriptions
of manufactured bloom, and prim =Wm. very 1
The following roar he given as Oar present ruling PA..%
Virginia manufactured IHCW-Nr... 11.11, Plug. Xtc. be Doh
boron Pion Ile. Virginia twin 150. Lady's twist litc*
Oaf males:. Mgveted at 104c45, tt.,r. and Ittleneogs
are held. at St(dAiki.
WHISK/:r-The market Ls dull with =toll salie
We smote nerlidoil at Yloe3•. nub and time.
WthiL-Nothing of loatheal boa traustanst in Um mar
lot. the mason not yet having °pastel. As sea a. tha
Um- apricot. we willglro of goexaboos in thi s mar .
let. whirl. mar hi relied Oroe by our counts" friebb. Our;
of our principal dealer. to wool, nod who deats to a etbod.
able extent in cloths, latlmatet to as. that from prasout
orientates, prima to this market cannot role omit boreal
Alava of tut fall. Tib deprassoil stab of the wOOl4O tam".
41, nod the large impottanana of woolen goods. would i
bete to Indicate. that prkm-of wad adtanb. The '
Ilmr. borrev•r, very rlt.a.rly approach., whoa lbw pine , .
0111 npresr In market and mosiderable,
!male" N fett 1,,r they. totemett,l, u tO the result
21.1t14rt.t,lar slot. 5.
;:.10 • rre seta to city butri,
er.. 1,1 24.4 e . 16 P vwt tot.
ntut•—ni *hewn were offrniL eon..annentir or Ca, no
ikal. TA* nut , of dolt.. on Lost market dor, 6 . 2,000
ta• .1, u n Qualify.
II N.—A Small number were I\ •Isl4/IVZ
1111.7..1. Mar
qualltt nt the stork at thii trains nu: l lmin, -
tits salt, but the wryly tries rattier lust for thin irannin.
yore: rules ratriettaing
The <Manua reached esa hl:5 <I which worn .14
ritr butrtnits.aal liniKiidnvraan Priors ntriand
stem OA to $143.w lba boa eaa4 to pa.10,,t 5;15 act and
Mar I .
Them •era lforA_ or .tho diZersor )orit• Mario, di
Taal .ret about 1450 beor a Mot rattle. tor lahmr
OM. U. Now Yort. '450 mos mtd rarer, baga. aral
13.1 t) sator and lamdl:
malutal e. ated ".l.— . Sara I'La * t o 111 '.4 100 i:. " rO4T.
caw, ...a Wave-433n at dr7
*m ttt m 21. and (nab Cow. Vasa CAP td 03 ~d,.
Iltge—Aav la .ready e•U 'l O
bbrap add Lanabr—Tbe toroomrow. from *1 2 . 5 to 473
sad Ihr at from 01 SO to SO coal. as in .
no, hrort raSh (.olbttArtlit—obelhe of the most San
gems. s enotsrfcts its eiretilstleo. are thee, et the not.
of the . Lank or tibia We tonere • 110 bill the eth
er dee, ...Web it was ohms! tmeneslbbs to dent, an 4 none
Tut the beet suslars.lo,WWW olth the v.-olio:Wes of the
aeousue not. cull so.. odl the false'frent the true bill.—
s a .h a ea a ea theses oanisterfensar•senesa/le en the rln Waste
the Lank. W e think the pubbe rboolJ.lss far as WWI
- W proleriol frees the lams incident to tub mutter.
by the Flanks ulltses In andeaneellingall each bears
as are thee ear z,lly end so Imlostsel. A great rm.,.
thessaarol, at dollars ars non fret Er three not able W bur
if.l.r iamb xpithoos Waco. W. hope to bow . goal or .
wet NU. Wee, not easily IntltaS•o4.e.Cin. Gas
Rockingham and Domestic -41neenaware.
U n
neseSl.ool. one.
ti re
bia of II oeklegleala aid Yellow Caw.
ilia - ( ( anorlo nouns % arrows Birth and I..liertr Mtmu
(Round (mann. next door to J. a It
Ylord.l7Ctbuload erlo
Olar kiu . r,i , •• Wean mat& us to fdt orders promytlY•
rampetant &dirtier botch! enastwetly.earployed. also wow
*ht.. w.
the da to
. hatT Pare with all the nem/ and thiprwyed Mims
of y
Visdwy (Inv, SpltoinkPllebsts, Vsney Toys Dessert Sets,
Flower Why., IJoblets, Manta Ornaments.
e DJar, and artieles far docpeel.'. 0.9 e, fa t ut variety.
Order/ Verpatfuny sakiied. • •
A': I 3A I' "i ' doz.
wxzer *co'. celebrated and Yam. rots.
tesd from the tasahteetamr
I Phtlede eneutgo,
MM t h e by LW. PO NUEITIM,
ithter, Bidet
For newtons of foxiab and ortiorie valor, thew Yorks
CallpOt be enrpreartb and the low price at which they are
*old. moo Wisely their I otroductfort stracly
BuckwnEAT FLOUR 1000 lbs. for sale
3 ANDGES--100 boxes Summer Dip d;
" .. Mold: .
15 • " Star lot oda br
aR= ummusl.txtrut a QD. i
BAWN-30001km wintry cured for sale by
_ _ JOUN Warts W.
COTTON -56 bales now landing from strer
Fort Pitt. for rale by LSAIAH DICKE:CAM .
WO armor and Promat. -
___ ________—
(g - UNDRIES-2 tierc e s grease;
/....7 .2 Ws do.
2 do dry arpplag
lo mega festbur,
• 2 do. raa
Nov landing fry it s frrt Pit& for Nal. b ...
atau . id4 II . I adIICILAY A CO.
110RESH — Stotige . trTatilli &Mgt,
j: just reed and gar Ws by ... _ _
11024 R. DA! '''
•00, Mang gt.
To tly &lion, of the Boston noodle,:
An account of the
,ingenious experiment of M.
Foucault for rendering the constant rotary mo
tion of our earth about its axis evident to the
senses, is going the rounds of the newspapers.
and by found its way into yours, having been
taken originally from the London Globe. Thei
accounCis no incorrect as well ns unintelligible,
that it bas been suggested to me by several per
gola, that a correct description of it gould be of
sersire and interest to the public. 'The materials
may be • found in late numbers of the Campts.
Roads of the French Academy.
M. Foucault has acquired a very enviable re
putation by his many ingenious mechanlial de
vices for the solution of physical problems,- - -one
of the most brilliant of which was his recent
suggesticin of methods for determining th ',velo
city of light and radiant beat near the earth's
surface. But the present experiment alone will
suffice to transmit his name to late posterity.—
Probably none more beautiful was 'ever devised;
certainly few have ever attracted equal attention
from all classes of scientific men and from the
public. ,
Such an experiment had long been desired.—
It was aremark of La Place that though the :ci
tation of the earth }raj demonstrated with all the
certainty which science is capable of establishing,
yet a direct proof of the tame would be interest-
ing to mathematician.;-and astronomers. Apd
Galileo would certainly have been much indebt
ed to Mr. Foucault for the. suggestion. Thedif
ficulty consisted in finding some standard of re
ference whitth should not itself partake of the
earth's diuhial motion. This M. Foucault 100
found in the plane of oscillation of a pendulum,
oo freely suspended no to wove toward., all polish.
of the comp:tin with equal facility: For the
fundamental lOW of ,"peraisteuce of action'%ertil
prevent it from leniing the plane in which it be
gan to MUTC, milees some external force he appli
ed—no matter how the eartlOnmy more in rho
mean time.
Let IM Suppose a circle marked net on thestm
'face of the earth, and con,ider the motion
alaolw. space, which is impuited to this by the
earth's diurnal rotation. If this circle were sffl
the equator, its asii, being therefore perpendicu
lar to that of the earth', it will of course re.
voice about the edriles centre once a day, but
yet will hare no motion or rotation niatirld ire
awn axis.
(to the other hand, suppose it to be precisely
at the north pole. It will then have ea motion
Of translation, but will evidently innate round
its axis front W. to once in twenty four bears.
And via movingpenduluni be suspended creels,
in such a way that it may uscilate. with perfect
freedom in every_ direction, its plane or oscilla
tion, although aLeolu:eiy remaining the same,
will yet to a terrestial observer appear to change
gradually moving from E^to W, with such a ve
locity as to complete its apparent revolution iu
one day. •
These are the simplest cases conceivable.--
For every point intermediate between the equa
tor and the pole, the absolute motion of aneh a
circle will be compounded of the equatorial and
the polar nation. The former will nantifectit- .
self by a constant traairnission through space,
—a transmisSion which we can only observe by
meatus at the heavenly bodies, for want of other
fixed marks. The latter motion will occasion a'
rotation about the axis or the circle. itself, and
a fixed plane by means of which this rota
tion may be ' recognised and measured, is af
forded by theplane iuwhleh the pendulum oscil
The apparent rotary motion of the plane of os
cillation .becomes lets ,apick the farther we
move from the pole toward the equetor,—thia
velocity being, for any pace, equal to that velo
city at the pole multiplied by the nine of the
The pentlulum,used by Mr. Foucault isformed
by a heavy metallic hall, carrying a pointer, and
mispended by a Very long wire, care being taken
to select homogenous wire, that there may be no
I torsion. It is delicately suspended by a single
point, and when a gradtihted disc is placed im-
mediately below the a practised eye can'
detect the apparent advance of the plane of cis
eßlatlon, between two sueFessive vibrations of
BM pendulum. The time requisite for a com
plete revolution of this plane is 32h., 10m. at
Puts, :30h., 40m. at London,•3sh., 36m. at Bos
ton. It can be readily computed forany locality
by dividing 24h. by the sine of the latitude.
• This experiment suegests several interestmg
trains of thought. tribe first place, it is evi
dent that the time kept by n conical pendulum
which revolres from E. to W., must differ (rear
that indicated by a similar one-revolving in the
opposite direction. A pendulum of this-kind
beating seconds and moving with the am would,
in the latitude of Boston„ gain about 21 . aeconds
daily, compared with a similar one movusgtrOta
W. to E. Again, with apparatus of sufficient
delicacy, and due precaution beingtaken against
incidental errors, the apparatus might be used
with great advantage for the determination of
geographical latitudes.
- TO insure that no lateral impulse is communi
cated to the pendulum when it is first set in mo
tion, Mr. Foucault draws the boll to one side by
a fine thread. and when it is thus at perfect rest,
sets it in oscillation by burning away the thread,
and thus abandoning the ball to the action of
Mr. Poinset, of the Institute of France, has
sugget,ted an analogous experiment by means of
a spring, and Mr. Foucault is at present vast"-,
ged in constructing the apparatus. o. A.
Anus t. NADER .1 , Lucia N.trutites.-..The
Martinis of Londonderry, in a letter to Lord
Glengall, gives an interesting account of an
tervicw which he has recently lad with Abdel.
Ender, at the castle of Autheise, in Towline:
where the old warrior is detained .in
Lord Louden:terry also communicates oladtail ' or•
I.llt correspondence between I.oniir %%patents
nod himself on the. subject d'Abdel Katier's
confinement. It appears that the noble lord, af
ter procuring the necessary authorisation for
his admission to the, ex-Entr, proceeded to Ant
boisc, accompanied . by lady Londonderry and
one of his daughters. Being admitted t o th' R
castle, which is eituated on a very lofty height
or root, rising from the right basic of the Lore.
after a short delay the party were corobteed to
the apartments of Ahdcl Kader, when, upon
the door being onened, to We his lerdthip';
The mteresung old warrior stood before ns.
Hit bourrnoose is as white as the driven snow— •
I his beard as black as set—his projetting huge "
I eyebrows of the name hue—with troth lilts
ivory—sad moot expressive dark eye,. ebovnix
peculiarly the. white liqiid tune surrounding
1 the pupils. lift statue to tall and totamaniing
-hie gestures—softnes, and -
premien almost inexplicable. Upon toy
preaching him, the Emir held out ta v,,r a large_
bony, and deep brown hand to me, whicil,whee.
I grasped, be turned to lead me to the rota and
I the seats prepared at the head of the room. The
Icommandant and three or four of hie otEcers en
tered the roots with us, and we ill sat down. •
The conversation which ensued was carried
j on through the medium of an interpreter. and .
his lordship • having expressed the deep interns;.
I which the British empire took in the Etnir's
warlike deeds snitsis fate, and the regret whicY
WSJ telt at his being detained a prisoner. the
old. warrior expressed a strong, desire U, nee and
converse with the President; and kuovrreg that
his lordship had been on terms of friendship-sub
the Prosidmit, inquired whether he eoubl test
I effect an interview for him. His loriehin was
afraid this would he impossible, but toot. Jf s
boon could be granted by die President, he
thought lady Londonderry, and he would be like- ...
ly to secure it, rind promised to make the Emir's
wishes known to the President by letter.
The parts, after tea had been handed tooted, '
,theti took heir departure. On reaching; Tours,
his lordship wrote a letter to the President,
' which, after pleading for the liberty of the old..
man, male, who, bowed down by misfortunes and
losses, he thought would be very unlikely to in•' -
juret the great and powerful nauen which keeps
him ib captivity; and expreming this couriction
that, if the slightest. danger could restnt, it •
would be more than compensated by the glory . ..
whieh would be showered on the Prenchnation
by 111 great not of generosity, his lordship cor a . ? -
municated the request of Abdel Kotler.. .
We extract the following from the President's • '
- that which you tell of Emir Ahdel Ks-
der has greedy interested me, and I ilia mart--
edlyin your solicitude for me, the same gener
ens heart that interested you some years slice it;
&sot' of the prisoner of Ham. I confess to yea,
that from the first day of my election, the car
deity of Abnel Hader bas net ceased to occupy' -
me, pnd to weigh like a burtlea upon my heart-.
I hive alses 'often been 'oeciipietl . in seeking for
the Means that could permit me to placeldes at
liberty, without risking a eotopromiee or there..
posei of Algeria, and the security of o ur sodien
and FeLonists. To-day, even the new Anibas4- '
'ilor,jwho is about to repair to tiondantioople e is -
chatted by me to study this tjuestiont and
I hose the; my dear Marquess, no Perauq: - wilkbra;:str'd
1 ? 1 0Y, happy than I, when It will be petinided - to
OrMender liberty to Abdel"-ilider. - .1 shall ,
l'erY gad to tee the Pairs • butl
I See llpin to annourice.tuogplajdoeggasawititiotalt/414
Ibiestuntil that period - grilses, deprived of the
possibility of grandiaghis request. • •