The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 06, 1851, Image 3

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    I getIVIAL. Axe " PUBLIC JesTlCZ.q—The
Joirittl of yesterday contained an artiedk, refs
the to our answer to the faleehoode promulgated
Whelps per of Priday,coneenting a report, which
ihdared in the Gazette, of come proceedings in
, the Con rt of Oyer and Terminer, in which, as
vn ~ e xpected, the editor does not take the
cosine 'pointed out either by common justice, or
editorial courtesy. Be first insert; an article,
.11440tillig to have been furnished by a corres•
Ptindent.' in which we are accused of having
published "a libel" on Judge McClure. and our
conduct in so doing IS stigmatized as reckless
Ural aesnese," and "scarcely to be excused,
When we come to consider that the legal reporter
of that paper (the Garette,) is a lawyer."
then proved - to bin that his correspondent was
Wrong, and that we were right—nay, that the
Journal contained precisely the same report of
passcleedloge in question. After Otis, Rarely,
df my reply were made, an acknowledgment of
wertor was due for hie own take, if not for ours,
but the'ditor, finding the statements made in
bin papee' to be wholly indefeasible, resorts to his I
venal eremites weapons, and endeavors, by abusing
us, to ruse a false issue. He states, inter din,
thes„sre are "one of the understrappett of the
titeaetti." If to be engaged in reporting, an no
evillest Which has never, to the best of our
knowledge, been considered dishonest or dithon
orahle, is to constitute our claims to be copal&
trod uaderatrupper, we plead guilty to the
charge, for we are employed by the proprietors
of this . paper, in legal parlance, for, and in
oonsideration of, a certain stun," (which, as edit
int ire sometimes regarded as bad pay, we may
sdatiia punctually paid to us,) to report what
erre takes place in Pittsburgh that may prove in
testing to its readers.
.112 adopting the expedient of the cattle fish, to
conical his true position, the editor forgets that
If ;le.doce not do his work thoroughly, he rather
reeerobles the ostrich, which when hard pressed,
bidets head in the mad, forgetting that its
hody ittenposeci to slew.
TailtalSa Ann DOGGLaITS.—The Court of
Qmuier,Sessions, yesterday, was crowded with
• permit applying fort arena licenses, and with
spectators. We have not seen so large a
number assembled during the present session,
annt,tur It.. matter of coarse, there was at times
considerable confusion. His honor, ; Judge '
Clurey..commcmced by calling over the names
of thwapplicants residing in the First Ward, at
- the nits time announcing that no licenses would
then be gnuated,the Court merely wishing to
rectiveinforauntion on the subject. Al persons
having titnonstrance is to present, or objections
to tdike„.worild come forward. Meisrs. S. J. 11.
..ktolgibit4 and Thornton A. Shinn, Esq.'s, bad
been employed by various temperance societies
to ttigeobjections against a number -of dogger
lekabough, we believe, few remonstrances were
,again...vt regular taverns, or houses
provided with the necessary accommodations for
thereception of travellers. During the course
of the morning the application of the following
act of the . Anson - illy, passed, we believe, dating
the month of Aprfi,•wast: ably discussed by H.
B.llagraw, Esq., and other gentlemen:
Std.. ;L" l'hat from and after the peonage of
this Lot, in addition to the several requirements
and 'regulations contained in the laws now exist-
Ing.'reLtire to the licensing of Inns and Taverns
and housnatfor the-sale of spiritous, loons and
=Mimicry; it shall be the duty of the Court
of'thecounty of Allegipeny, when any remon
, stranie shall be•made of the said Court, against
'thiilidtagag 'of 'any bin or tavern house to sell
spliitions, vinous or malt liquors, in less quan
tity thatinne quart, ,to issue a summons, subpce-
Is, or attachment , for persons signing the petition
or application, for such license, who shall be
sworn or affirmed • according to law, ' and if it
abarapierir bythe oath or affirmation of the
nidaigners or vouchers, that such inn or tavern
is scotch:wink, strangers enders,-
eters; and that the applicant is well prepared
and wellquartfted to keep said tavern, then the
.ssid Court may grant sorb license and net other
Baci„,_2,. That if any iikeeper or other person
Abell sill &retail anyupirimous, .inoee or malt
-,ligtiliancualhasabbath day;esoept for "medical
puquilees;iteUr they, upon being duly convict
ed-thereof. before any alderman or justice of the
peace, in and , for the said county, "shall forfeit
end pay,foreicry such offence, tho sum of fifty
dollars,. one moiety of which dual go to the per-
Bort prosecuting end suing for the same, and the
Other Moiety to the flee of the Commonwealth,
=ld in 41030 any peison or persons so convicted
ahalknegiect or Ternse ouch fine, and no goods
Or otuittels can bb futurl; whereof to levy the
2111:111V.E . 4' distress, ho or they shall bo committed to
the county prison for a term of not less thanten,
net morn than thirty days, at the discretion of
the Court.
Ma honor, Judge McClure, decided that the
Ant section of the Act did not apply to petitions
whlcht.hstd been filed prior to its passage, and
innutelimmtly that it had no effect so far as the
present session was concerned. The bearing the
remmuitrumes and petitions proceeded very
&Orly; objections being made to most petitions,
and witnesses called to testify as to the character
of the helms. The hearing of petitions from the
Firer: Ward-was finished in about an hour and a
liar, Ltd the tourt began calling over the names
-of the appliaants in the Second and Third Wards.
The aftrie orlinjor Van Rensselaer, proprietor
of Willdins 'Hall, was called, when Mesita. Mc
hilllantiand Shinn used all their ezertioas to pre
vent *riling a license, and H. S. Megrim,
Paq:, 'answered their arguments with his usual
legal aidlLand ingenuity, referring the Court to
a danialtin . Judge Wing. ol Philadelphia, in
wMeb the qnrstion was as to whether the keeper
of s single room in the Merchant's Exchange of
that city shoald receive a license. It was proved
that the room was a great emarenience to r large
oninbera ofmerchauti who took a lunch there ev
ery thti, and that ground, Judge King granted
Qat Iletase.
!Item* a were then called en both rides. it
imeltrired that a great many persons who lived
cadet' town, dined in Wilkins flail every day,
while Others took all their meals there. It was
Il el
not :d eTthat. the proprietor was a sober, re - .
' .814. itmazi,' bat it was contended that he had
not the aisite mambo' of beds, and sufficient
atabilti t ioltecommodate travellers; that the sale
of Ilmtor.wu the primary object of theestablish•
ati.,44.lliin' g caloon being merely a see.onda•
Ey pogdeiation, and that therefore a license
slitrtddiiet tie granted.
Withent deciding one way or the other, the
Court ptieeded, and when the hoar of adkmrn
ment ar rived; , bad not finished hearing the ap
platten' from the Third Ward.
..9117.P.100'S SZ£LIION
The Court met after its usual midday mem,
and the appreations for licenses were again ta
ken up. There was not as much excitement
among the 'stein keepers and the temperance
men, as in the morning, and the members of the
Bar, instead of the warmth which they had pee
'lonely displayed, were inelinedto "be very fa
The Court - was entertained with several mew
ing disquisitions on the old lie , ”‘ee law; the mod
ern improvements in travelling -by steamboats,
eanalvtagocoachesote.,were demented on, and it
was otestended that stabling wan thus almost ren
dered unnecessary, except for oar market peo
ple, Who did - not strictly come ander the defini
tion of travellers. Why should it be urged as
an objection: against smaller taverna that they
had no ambles attached to them, when the Mama.
&relit Ilona', the Saint Charles and others had,
SI wan alleged, none'
One member of the Bar voted the old sign of
"entertainment for man and beast," obsolete.
dnotherinsisted that the frequenters of the house
to 'which they. were then referring, were all
beasts, and not men, while another gravely pro.
homes.pesSed to refer the - question es to stabling, to the
°totlons were made to a certain house, upon
whichlawyer urged in its, favor that its pro
prietor kept the best brans(] in town, to his cer
tain knowledge. The young gentlemen who op
posed granting ; the licenses, were frequently
very precise in their interrogatories as to the
bedding.. ita: upon which their adrersaries'
would - be its Formal in their enquiries regarding
the beauty of the chambermaids, and other
equally interesting stslistics. At last, after
having, mentally at besot, travelled allover town,
the Court the Allegheny river, up
'Which they
.proceeded to the Fifth Ward, and,
when we left them iit five o'clock, (thoroughly
Te tried of the scene.) they were still In that
blissful locality, with but faint hopes of being
enabled' to climb the bill into the Stith Ward,
before ailjnetrument.
One thing is very evident, and that iP, thatthe
number of licenses groat.' at this Term will not
be nearly DJ large up at the fast, and that none
but those, Rho. &vs./A:7,41y "aided to receive a
license, wtU be able to procnre one. Bales to
show cause why all the licenses granted byJudge
Jones should not be cancelled, hare been famed,
and we presume that this question will be argued
after the regolor application have been die-
t Penny Litol to announced to eta a farewell
concert in . Philadelphia on L Satartiq evening.'
Thsproceeds are tote applied to charitable pur
poses. She will then prOCeed to New York,
where her series of farewell concerts' will corn
•menco at Castle Garden, on Wednesday next—
the tickets are to be $3, $2 and sl,' according
to location. She is to make a tour to Canada
and the Lakes, after which she proceeds to Lon
don] where She will sing daring the great exhib
i4on. It isaaid that she has presented the six
teen members of her orchestra with a purse eon
taWng $3,200.
The United Staten Court was in sennion yester
daA Judge Irwin on the South.
The members of the Orand Jury were sum
monied and morn in.
The case of the United States vs. -
Whccler, indicted for uttering counterfeit coin,
was ;callednp, but some of the - witnesses on be
halUof the prisoner not having arrived, the case
was postponedat the request of Mr. ItObb noun
for the: defendant.
. ,
Colonel Black, counsel for the' Corrintons, who
are accused of making and, paising counterfeit
United States coin, was engaged in another
court, and that ease woo likewise postponed.
NIoNDAT, .Alsy 5.
Before the Houorable•Walter H. bowie.
Henry Sproul vs. Wm. 0. H. Robinson.; N 9, 621,
July, 1860—List No. 88. Selden for-plaintiff,
Geyer for defendant. Action of aesumpsit. Tho
defendant confesses . judgement to the plaintiff,
for four' hundred and seventy dollars and sixty
nine. cents.
Andrew Miller- os. the city of Pittabtath. No.
an, July, 1847. List No. 245 Shaler for
Action of ejectment for a portion of plaintiff's.
property through which Wiley street - runs, the
damages nerexhaving been paid. Thejury were
discharged by consent, Judge Lowrie to enter
Tux ilisimit's Wire—We aro indebted to our
neighbor sir. Helmet, for a copy of the'.batiker'A
wife, a new novel by T. T. Arthur. This author
was never a great favorite of ,ours, but we pre
stuns that the Banker's Wife will be pleasing to
those who are admirers of his style of writing.
Co.--Our reuders,will . recollect that the book ;for
oubscription to the mock of the above Company,
will be opened at Itigham and Leslies office, Filth
street, this morning.
Poiscr. Bcsingsw—Up to trve o'cloOe yester
day, one person only had been committed to
prison, and be was sent there on &charge of dis
orderly conduct- Crime is evidently on the de
crease, let Pittsburgh.
Tan COUNTY JAlL—Ninety-four persons are
now confined in the county prison. This is a very
small number compared to the crowd which gen
erally fiu. the jail at this season.
I , ras.—The roof of the building next! the es
tablishment of the Morning Post, took :fire:laat
night, but the flames were ektinguished before
my damage was done. It is not known bow the
fire originated.
Slautax ROSPITA-1, —The United States Sia•
tine Respite] has been supplied with the requisite
furniture, and is now ready for the reception of
FIRE. CitIYPILNILL—We regret to learn that
some Persona claiming to belong to the Vigilant
and Duquesne Fire companies, take every occa
sion to disgrace themselves by engaging M fire.
men's fights. We trust that the police !ill put
a stop to these disgraceful scenes.
Tae 1 / 4 5ruvrasn.—The weather yeacerdiy, wv
. .
At an adjourned meeting, held at the rooms of
the Board of Trade, in relation to the Post Office;
Custom House, &0., on the sth of Slay, 1851;
the Committee reported the following resoletions,
which were onwitniouriy adopted ,
Pirrsuction, May 5, 1851.
Your Committer, to whom the duty of selecting
a site for the new CIII3t01:13 House, Pont Office, Ao ,
beg leasee to report.—That in view of more
central position, and to combine all the advan
tages necessary to accommodate the business
public,. {hey have viewed the ground, and :made
an estimate of the cost of a front on Fear* be
tween Market and Wood streets;'ef, one har.dred
and tionty. by , onalmndred and fifty-fwd feet,
for the first sixty, and eighty feet deep far the
remaining sixty feet, the whole cost being, thirty
four thousand two hundred dollar
The ground selected is that formerly ownod hy
the United States Sank, and now belonging to
John Snyder, Esq., being sixty by one hundred
and fifty-two feet in depth, for which he asks*l9,-
000: The adjoining, sixty by eighty feet, Is
owned by IL Christy's heirs and Mr. Jonci, and
can be plarchasecl at a cost of $15,200, making
in all $0.200, as above.
It is deemed unnecessary to use any emended
arguments in furor of the central position Of the
grounds brought to your notice, which ; your
committee believe, will suit a greater number of
the businessportion of our city, thus any other,
yet they think the fact of there being on the
ground a building, (supposed to, here cost $30,-
000,) which may answer for a part of the Im
provements, or for a temporary purpose,: they
think the public interest will be greatly benefit
ted by tne ground, building and location, instead
of that offered by the conuniasioners at the cor
ner of Smithfield and En. streets.
All of (which is respectfully submitted by
W:11. LAISIRES, Jr., Committee.
A 7 A lAIXTING of the inhabitants of Lower St.
Clair to lenslafp, held at the election house, in said
township, on Saturday, the 3d inst., the thllow
hag roamed persons werenominated for the sev
eral township offices, to be voted for at a town
ship election, to be held on Saturday next, the
10th instant:
Jastices of the Peace—Abram Ambler,; acid
Jobn Pat-tenon.
School Directors—Arthur Irwin, for 1 years;
John Patterson, 2 years; T.. 1. Bigham and John
Dar* I year.
Assessor—John Patterson.
Assistant Asseseor--Ilichael. Knowles.
Judge of Election—Wm. Dilworth.
Impactor of Eloction—John Patterson..
Constable—Jonathan Neely.
AMlitor—JohaS. Dilworth, Geo. Cheevers;cuad
Abram Ambler.
Supervisor—Wm. listrger.
Overseer of the Poor—Richard Suowlsou.
Town Clerk--Geo. Cheevers.
The Human Body Must Perspire,
SO SAYS NATURE, w have a healthy'. Itp
kJ and pereess who do ot_petapire,are Satle
tome owtteddrg Skin Shrewd Now, /torso' Radon
Chemists! Soap cnowe as peorptration.and at the gatue
Ilse twilit*. and retype the skit, rlettot It the teettow
of as Infant!,
Roarer. Salt Rheum. and Sors. axe run =kr healed: but
curett by Its nor, a. at 7 phynclaral In N. Pork know.
um It In each ewe., and Sal It unettllng—a. elm. In
Pimples, Blotobea Pnwk brim, other aki n lin
reader la astotnal that BA. in no wen.. puffed nottrum.
MB teal will prove. I mend enumonne at knot eighty
It-nand of mono sore fro, and onre tawnl. -
Boy 11, . I, away wound 1 would notern
thezetve,.. unleoa , l , knz ‘ r i i . t o to , tull 1 .tat t
will find thla not only a cure, hut a pn.ventive; and 1 d . cut
now only add, that nn one afClettel with ear of thu above,
Ilnd Ohl. all. and even On.. (whin
;Lß in Ita propeftl.) than 1 state.
air But, reader, the .toret
, are doodad with haltaßann
and be aunt yon mit fur Joints 11. .CI Sratp- w
buy It only of 1011. JACKSON, only Anent In Pitt/Muria..
heed of Word.
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
be had to Yh onte—Parvons who have either : are bottom
bly assured that It their brealb to ever to fool, or m o m
teeth decayed. 4ark or yellow, and encrusted with tart ar .Olt a 20 cent box of "loom' Maker Tooth Pasta 1.111 Risk.
the teetit se white as snow. sad the breath olorlferously
Sold only at JACICSONII Blom. no Lll,rty et.. hao.l of
A Scientific Bair Tonic, Restorer and Beale
lecr.—Trial I Bat:Miff% 00010. Thee who hove Ord
Josue Coral:Hair Restorer, know Ito excellent quaint:us—
thme who have not, we assure It to palneve the folhoring
unalithm.—lt will Pone the heir togrowlin any part where
:UM. intended hair tregrrom OOP It felg off: eureseuri
or dandruff: .ard makellght. rod. of mu/ hair brew dark.
Cm render:Mt the !latest:lt and silk thing can exceed
thisit mod truly beautiln, and keeP , it so. It ih
tto mcsumiml—.yot mlfferior — wrtltle 1 " . th .
Woo to
of W only al WM. lithlCSON't Slot. 210 /4 1,11,
oo , Ilusburgh.2 •
1' 111666 .66 wow. 60 ceo6O. ed it. •
JOJNESi Solution iit7'.l,4, a Liquid !lulu=
ilalr We. Ale the chellzln a e'ar whltcy red, or any heir:We
beauti brew. eg
black jeolor, In • few minutes.
Inset—'w bleat, or
Paid try JACKSON.2.4O Liberty .treel..Lemlof
Pitts/ orgb.
JONESIIILLY urrE.—Ladieae are cau.
boned 4gatea. the , ,Pll3lorl re...omit:hulk. They
mot avant bow 1..0..11, lrourtoo. 2. to the skin'
how cm", how rough. how, yellow, and orthralthr
th. Ala app., .rerwredChalkl 'hid., ilia
INerioua s coatelamJ. a :arr quantitr or lewt!
lure pr.-vo,J a tw_autgai rceeuWearJrir..beep w.
call Jou.' hpaulsh Lilly Wilt.
It I. twrfeetlr lanoc.nt. Line punt. Of all del...tom
end tram,. , the • mturel. healthy, el.
abmter. ft,e axon hole /whim, m
melts no IL. a.k.a. ma•io. It ft sod. ammth.
Itold by the Aim., 0111 JACKI.IN. :km Liberty oar...
Dead -t itool,
ea 6.1...1..1
CARD.—I have removed to my new strait,
(rt.rev belov.)'j 0pp.14 the Dank nf
riel.obr.4ll. 1 Trill be ^~iul to we mr Mentl+ and RI
low C111T , 114 /ILL.! ree,c rbmre theta
.keep. very' emo wo,..rtment of 1.74,1.1 , tcry Itad..nd
Mpg, Orrlwiliv:s. r prin. 310, and 11u4k
Stater 110.114 N 0.., ALM Valovrn 11:anket.,
Countermove, .111.10:1M: %1112.101 v thud,. of every , T.
Dsor Mvw. and every ankle twuely founrl My.
mront, ovltyrive orstbtldlmarnts the kind. Orders msyver.
ropy voileauvraud mom. rrnmrely
, WM. NoLILX. MIA strevt.'
Paper Itsuiga
THOMAS PALMER, No. 55 Market street,
ham mostly nerivail • bespilful 1aii.1113.121t of inn
S•wr, rapnmentinf Sienna, arta.. Cima ead =Glad Gs.
nits, nicitadls fo? estibuix, M Hall; and Mawr Roma
" P 'PI ' '
... - • . BY Tin StAGAILL
DREADFUL MURDER AT ROXBOROUGII. ; ELNpusri._Very little has been done by the
TISILADSLPIII.OI, May 5, ; Engliah-Parliatuent. The Easter holiday inter-
At an early hour on Saturday afternoon, our rooted business.
citisens were startled by the newt which had The preparations for the World's. Fair go on
been sent by express to this city, o f n I smoothly. There Is a great dissatisfaction, how
most dreadful murder, in the township o f R on _ , ever, upon a new question. The commistionem
i b oroug h , i n phime g ia n count y . A & a w a it-have announced that the opening of the beading
stillness pervaded the scenethe spectators were ; by her Majesty is to be performed in solitary
almost mate with horror; indignation was de- , state. The holders of the three guinea tickets.
pitted on every countenance, and ninny a manly which, as a general rule, were purhased almost
eye was suffused with tears. . I solely on the anticipation that the Queen would
The spectacles out of doors were appalling. ! be present on the first day, and under the stipu-
A female lay in a pool of congealed blood. The ! lotion that they were to give exclusive right of
whole front of her scull was stove in, and the ! admission for that occaaion,- are to be excluded
brains issuing from the wound. A men lay op ,. , until the opening is over, one o'clock in the after
on the ground,—his face haired in the mud, and I noon being the time appointed for their admix
the back part of his head beaten to atoms, The ' shin. This is denounced as an outrageous
Loose was entered, and here was disclosed the "breach of faith," and we presume, with some
most appalling eight of all. In the corner of a degas of justice.
room, as though it hod crawled there and expie.. Tho Blahop of Exeter lons seemingly entered
ed, lay the dead body of an infant. The side, upon an open rebellion against the authorities
of the Church. He has published an addres4 in
front and part of his head had be. fractured; j
and although life had been extinct for several i which he makes his appeal from the deossion of
I ilia Judicial Committee, in the Gorham ease, to
mature, there was still such a life like appearance
the Church itself, inveighs against thin f innocence in its look, 'that it was difficult for I
1 bishops of Canterbury and York, denounces tho
the spectator to realize the idea, that it was real
ly a corps. ; former as the "second spiritual chief of Christ- .
This alarming and heart rending affair i s
. 1 endom," complains of the "vast power" he
wrapped in mystery. The facts
-and theme. possesties, regrets that be did not object to the
stances as far as disclosed, seem to be them.— 1 presence of two " such assessors" at the Arch- I
The family consisted of Valentine Butler and his bishops in the committee, and pleads In jristifi
.i , Caroline, both
of oeroion„, and cation, that he then hesitated to proclaim his
their four children born in this country. Tho ' "entire want of confidence it. the siuleee° of
mother was enoiente. ; the Christian belief of the two highest function- i
• - - - - . -...
Pan.ADELritIA, May 5, P M.
A man oalHng himself Christian Grocinger,
was arrested this afternoon, on suspicion of be
in the murderer of the Bartle family. Ile was
tally identified as being the man employed by
Mr. Bartle, sod who made threats against him.
in consequence of disagreement about wages.
A most destructive fire broke out in this city
on Saturday night lest, in a lumber yard on the
corner of Race and Columbia streets, Which de--
stroyed about twenty buildings, including the
large liquor atom of Wright S Bro.; with tide
exception, the boners were mostly- private, and
not very valuable. The .loss is not ascertained,
but is very heavy.
Our city is infested with thieves, and tide fire .
was doubtless the work of an incendiary.
Philadelphia, May 3
About half past twelve o'clock. to-day. an ex- 1
plosion occurredot the Alcohol and Camphene
works of John W. Ryan, on Washington stmt..
Southwark.owing to the carelessness of the hands
employed in the, establishment. The building ,
was completely demolished. No person was hurt
but several miraculous escapes were made. I
• New York, !day 5.
PLSIip Hone, Naval officer of the poi% mud
denly expired et Lis residence to-day.
. . N,.. y 0,„., Mny ii. The Duke of Sultana has set up a revolt in
, . Portugal. which looks threatening. The war cry
By advices received from St.. Thome., we learn i, ••Down with the Theater Ministry:* Mord
that Capt. Brooks, and crew of the British chip • Pidmerston'a petit) but ho' may memo to overact
Caroline, which was burnt at sea, safely arrived i the Monarchy itself lie is said to be very
at that port, on the 19th ult strong and it is doubtful whether the Govern
e.•• I meet will not he beaten.
LATER FlittNl NIATANZAS. This fad was sent by telegraph from Halifax,
~,tvr Tong, May J. but the proper names were so mangle.] that the
The oar. M. Rogero, from m0t..., reports whole was unintelligible, We observe that our
that continued excitement prevails there relative ; eastern exchanges were equally mystified.
tothe invasion. Two thousand men are kept MIIIeeLidOIVOI'S —Ole. A. Whitney has aerie
under arms in ease of need. eil in London. A long letter from him, deserib-
Late Barhadoes and Martinique papers speak ' ing his proposed railway, hue been prominently
of the small pox raging fearfully in those ' published in the Times. The scheme has been
i 'lands. ! considered in England to be based upon a
Meetings were held in Grenada, to take ac- sound Principle , and many persons would be
Lion against the further reduction of duty on au. eTO to see it acted upon in Canada.
All the returns from Ireland solve to show
that emigration to the United States was never
greater In the beginning or last week, the in.
Puttanttrart, May liar of emigrants was so gent at Dublin, that
A meeting of the American Association for the some of the agencies advanced the rates for
investigation of scientific stihjectv, convened sage, but this will probably be only a tempera
here to-day, and 113 session will probably last ry thing. The quays are Said to he crowded by,
during-the week. A large number of scientific Dinners, email traders, mechanics and their
gentlemen were present. lie •hall keep the pub- families, seeking passage across the Atlantic.
lic advised of their (proceedings, as they will no There none great storm in Sicily on the 13th
"doubt be highly interesting. and 14th of March. Its ravages, says the 05i
cal Journal, were nest confined to Palermo, but
extended al. to :Messina, Cefals, and the neigh
Part...ruin, May 3. bartiood. Cliffs and rock. have fallen down In
mazy places and caused Inundations by stopping,
Jenny Lied distributed $5OOO for purposes of : course of rivers already swollen by heavy
charity, being the net proceeds of her concert 013 ; rains; homes have been swept-away, with their
Saturday night. inmates; gardens, vineyards, olive plant:lions,
&c., are now transformed into deserts. At ur ic •
' PHILADELPHIA MAREET. ' temaggiore. one third of the houses lie burd
Pnit.sorusuis. May Ct. under an immense mass of earth detached from
Rut little business has been doing today the adjoining mountain; but the inhabitants bad
It our—Themarled ii dull, with limited Cu. fortunately foreseen the impending danger, and
port demand, small: sales at T 4 25 81 hid, Rye hod taken to timely flight. Another land slip
none is nominal at ti.:3 50 14 bbl occcurred at Schlafani, and overwhelmed the I
Genin—Whext in drooping, and holders are mineral baths at that place. It has not yet i
asking 100 e for red, and 103 c for white. aye been ascertained whether any lives werelost ,
is wanted at 70c. Corn is steady, and in de- The road from Ccfnla to Messina is perfectly
mend at ielfc afloat impassable. Hundreds of fishing boats have ,
Provisions—Have an upward tendency, with been wrecked on the coast, -
sales atllitry,'llic for hams; 9+ for sides, and 7/
for shoulders.
Whiskey--Sells slowly nt 23€423/o 11 gallon. : STEAiII BOATS.
tisw rusts. May 5
The unusual inclement weather check, nat
deo{ hosanna.
FlouV—The market has not materially varied
since last report; and thereto still a fair eastern
and city demand.
tirain—Wheat is in fair supply, sod prices
incline in favor of buyers. In corn a good feel
ing exists, at 64c for high raised.
Provisions--Pork is firm at the advance estab
lished on Saturday.
' Hemp--The market is quiet, at $116e.125
for American dew rotted.
T6bacco--Is inactive and the market easy.
Cotton—The unfavorable accounts from th e vir GU LAR PACKKT land
s y. id /ad
running steam boat CIII . F.I.TAIN. Id T.
ad RE
south hare given an improved feeling to the'mar- worm Pinata', leave. the and of the Old Allegheny Reda,
het, and 3000 bales wore sold at an advance of i Vi7;,„C2,ll,'"=l),,rftillg:'d="4.4'll.trt'td
on yesterday's prices 'owe Allegheny aid, Ow the nedennutodation or P.0.e.-
Flour—The market is dull, with miles 3000 !T v zis i l . w... ii at all other mints., LW- Extra Trip aL" ; ' , l 0 •
hbls at 5,1263,4,26 fur common to straight state FOR ST. LOUIS. Thy , fast run
and $4;37a..4, - 50 for mixed and fancy Western. nine new et Nina EDITO. Captain Ha. ZSII
Grain—Wheat is quiet at 114€4115 fur Gene- ...o l. .ii l . learn fur the above and all .toter
see, and titk for Ohio. lige is steady at 7tic.— 'n'7,1,11`,..Z.1-la or pasiusg, *EP"''''' w.""d!". 1 "Y
an Wand my
instantin stant ß firm at 100(emIlle. Corn is steady,
with tales 19,000 bus at (laic for western mixed, NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR
and G4G . CSi for southern yellow. 1851 . IdErig
Provisions—Pork is quiet at $15,60 for new, sgt
and $14,50 for old mess: and $18,50 for new, rilllE new fast running air . CASHIER,
and $12,50 for old prime. Lard is firm at 9}(O! 1 J. s. MedladAsi. Master-Regular Wolisdilir. !tett.
10i '1,4 lb. 'merlin.. Wellsburg, 1 1eiditr. RedirelaiTL "
Cal lllo do
dunfah Parke'-learn dtbdiurghetre: Wednesttal al
Tobacco is qniet at 111 for lieniticlq leaf and 3 Derck. P.ll, far Vileeling and Orldscourtlnd cirri'
$l3 for Ohio box.
aturday. at 31. , far Captina arid t tuna,,. alumina,
:env., etudidt ...TY Monday tit 10 a n d
A. N.. inal
Whiskey is dull at 23.1 14 gal. InT . Port and Wheeling entry Monday and Murata'. et
For freight and Paioalita aPPII OR ladaddi 0,10
nietii JOHN FLACK, Aiprnt.
111.-Tbelightdraughtsteartier ARENA.
It P. Kinney, number, leavea Wellsville er n >loodaY.
, Wertnewlay. and Friday, at 0 o'rivek, A. !IL. for Rut Lit-
: Ci u P eTt I l i'. 6 Ixf;:hltr,n"...'.l4° 'ittt 1' ~, .•;t r, ;r:jr .P . ti I
Saturday, 410 o'clock, A l . PI. Air Eteaver,.3leFerran s La n ned
1 Intr. Glasgow, Earn LiII:MAL and Wellaville.
For frataht or inissagn, apply on board. ap9 i
it WIIEKI.IIIII PACK ET.-The splendid
nmer DIURNAL, Conwell..nato-
i 1,7: f .Mtt i ' l ewrthrtalog bar regal. tridrekkty trips between '
thbi ritd and Wheeling, leaving Pitniburgh at 10 airlock
...eery Monday. Wednesday and Friday, and returning,
lame. Wleeeling every Tueoday, Thursday and Eaturday,
Ire mach wool. For freight or pasrage, apply on board, or to ,
not!, ARPINTRONd a CROZER, Anedta
truzlngham This splendid boat was built by ,
I VI:: 'Leers
l'il the
Vlifs r =ll/ ,AlTZ.7ttf ,Trr;,.°:: i
, eee7 N lT. 7, lliarpi . fo t s . .lirliatiati. in pla7 of ti . iileve tiiP ;
lan tioAt o. - rr‘
fi r tr 31YrA.R,„PHYRITUFR A . r'r
t '
INC/PORT.- The tb.te'staainer PACIVIC,IiaI
', .. ,', .i ' argit ' a r Tiee 'r ry " ';lt ' l r rty . . b Tro i' eli l ie r' k, P. Pl.
P‘L""' apply - 1 7 11,ta,5% SON,
No. fil 'Tana and CI Front at..
Flbur—Receipts are light. and but little doing.
Sales at $3,48G1t53,60 - r ) hbl.
Whiskey—Sales 1,000 bbls, at 17ic 14 gallon.
Cheese—Sales at 6(ii,,Gic ^c,/ lb.
Grain--Sales 1000 bu Rye at OLc , and of 3000
La Barley, deliverable up the river at 68c - e l ha.
Dried Fruit—Sales 1,000 ha at 854' 1 fgk for
Apples, and $1,40(iiV51,50 for Peaches.
Provielons—Very little is doing in Provisions.
Sales 50 hfuls Bacon at fito for Sides, and Cite
for Shoulders.
The river is stationary.
Mar 5.
Cotton—The market is steady, with enlo= 2000
Flour—Ohio Flour is dull at $4(441,05 fit bbl.
Corn--Sales of ordinary and mixed at 413®40
and of white at ha.
. .
Provisions--Lard is dull at 9(co9fc for prime
in bble. Bacon Sides are selling at Bic, and
Shoulders at Gfc "el lb. Sales Mess Pork at
$14.50 ®14,75 gl bbl, and buoyant.
tiroceries--Sales of Rio Coffee et lite; Molas
ses, 340; and of fair Sugar at
Ay 1U Oen,. r•—,l p.ntl rn, rztl. hr •
sruN WALLIN° ).lifirl
s Sklns
socks Drl.l
3 Chnomug:
Istbenu 1u.14.rd and for rile by
VANILLA BEANS -- .1iT0C 7 ,1v04,.-,ry
WO. A 3 1cCLCit0 .4 CO..
•P. I.o..trty .t.
2500 LBS. Sugar Cured Dry Beef, just
~..eiredl for ....1.. he
.p . . 1. husisoN, IL.
Lermt k CO 7...4, Liberty 4
7 l2 :. clnci mad Palm Soapju-t r -
-5, frr,laby notaFAA:LTLk CO.
t. yg
jniiinrt,,i, atom LlTrLi: cp.
.I( na E , G , S ,,,, ',:).
b LI LS,
l'affd 611TiVLS—Cabhm.r, ffirtid,
d ' T " *. ""'" bT MBAtU4 & BCRCIITLEID
VIIITE 600 DS—Fur Ladieb' dresses, of
v thr v.rinctp kin wed—Null 3112.111, So k+ d,
P.M. like tbkt of her parkas
=.4,u2rls ..ale DT
.per QS 11,4 at.
B . ths
€4.• •• 3bou:dere
SOO .• Ilea! 4rat tmitwl and I‘,
Vi.l": BON S 11011$it CO.
W era 9+s4lunt ste.
SARSAPARILLA -1 bale (Hon±apaq for .
wkr IA Z. sakis. "
urics of the Church," ke., tze. This is cer
tainly, on the part of the Bishop of Xxeter, any
thing but by example, the doctrine of
obedience to superiors, which he so rigidly en
j fortes upon his subordinates He also, in sub
! stance, calla upon his clergy to join him in a
schismatical diocesan synod, upon which project
1 he tells them that he has taken legal advice, and
denounces ultra-Protestantism as •lar more per.
niciouc" than Itomanism:
FILAKC6.—A “permanent" Ministry in France 1 ,
has at length boon formed, and Dna been able to
resist an onslaught that was tr.ade upon It with
a few hoarser its creation. It consists of M:11. I
Leon Faucher, Baruche, and most of the old
. party who were condemned by the want of con-
tidence of the Assembly. An amalgamation,
however, with one or two Legitimists will proba=.
lily insure them some little forbearance from that
party, while, at the sumo time, It denotes that
the policy to be pursued will certainly not be
Tess unfavorable to republi©n opinions than
hitherto. Immediately upon the new Ministers
taking office, M. SL Deuce, a Democrat and
Free Trader, moved a vote of skosure. It was
negatived by 127 to 275 the majority for the
! Government being 52. Ilut many of their eppo
. itenta Thiers being among the number) had
purposely absented themselves froth the division,
' and their success, therefore, was manifestly the
remit of toleration only. A combination rind
lor to the former one, and more powerful in ex- '
tent, could be arranged at'any moment to con
demi, them, and consequently, they are in fact
as much a transition :Ministry as the one that
has just resigned.
The Charitari, a Journal resembling the Lon
don Punch, has been seized for caricaturing the
President. It thus appears that a Republican
President may not be treated as familiarly as an
English King or Queen.
41414cner EllVRESS,Orz, lesv•
b 0... 44411 Intermallate 4,414 oa thi 4 day,
st 4 dacck
4,41114[14 or pumas, Imply on luked.
did earner IVOItT PITT, Miller. master,
Is, leave for the above Lod loterrnohate porta
ors thlr day, at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For freocht or pasaage apply co" board. .2ye
• SP. LOCIE.---The fart routing "learner
AAA? NEWTON. Captalo Charles Israel.will
- I..are for the &bore and lotanardista porn. on tht4 d.”.
the tth Ind-. at 3 A. M.
For [might or woorase. apply on hoard. Put,
Ivor. SAINT LOVIS.—TIm fille l as a
. I . : grarter F4IIIRET fioIKiERS. utcher,
touter, will leave for the thine sod all inter
oddiate porta on this day, at 10 A. Cl.
For rndaht or p.m, apply trn board. mud ,
• t PACKET—The fast naming
,t,ismrs WELLSVILLE, Capt. B. Young. .ill
rseutur packet bstgesn Ilttsborgh, Wborllntr,
lirStgsport, and Nut,Brh. leasing Pittsburgh r•rrr !trends,
sits: slots, for fCrli.rllle. Stsubrurttls, and Bridg..rrst, stai
, :sr, Iburstlns arterbonn .r &subs:thrills, Wherllng,
Ittithr,ort. Ca sn,l Sunfish: 'stunting. I Brrls
port nis r i aanlfh. es•-rr 'Sus...tilts anent., and Suulol,
. n raT . Fa
Vl ' . gt,FlTtnigtr:."t'
I , avr Pittsburgh 114. Who-ling, Caputo. a m, soon,n. r
crerr Nl”odny end Iburulay. at 3 0` , 1,1r. r. rrturnin:
Iranr,uum.n fur Canna. IV hmling Pata.hur,b. a.•
a nd yrklay. au II) o'clork, V.,
nod Ale u. N.rr. eau &ppm] upon thl* bont running regularly
durion t. Ina •atrr newon.
Efr,,ln or v....age. apply on henro
NO LISII SPLIT PEAS--11cTeived and ;
.CA Wr mar by WV. A. IIrCLURG n
npLI n-n. 3,1 end 'Ns
vrd ss
rollUS. in bniceetienlir bonnno
coAl r mar by
w. A. Me:l.Cral • CO.,
222 L4brrty R.
1 U AVA JELLY—Froth, fluAt received ana l "' lVitol r ffrrut,gpitnone.Pitehera Fan, Toys, Drerert Seta.
X_A for Pale I.y WM. ..A. mecum° 000. Flower S sae:, tioble.. Mantel Ornaments. !gag:Llama and
- :t.nul Jar, and article,. (nr demrotle use. in groat v.ti. r .
Sit AWLS. of varioue cosz ,,, ravra..falr .4..1. Latta,.
prim, fug ',mi. cd h,
su n' N '' inti
Es_ "nrnY A H YA L r IL AT El _..' D. 1
r. P .,: t ..... l , l lC lp r ; : t , Z b i e : ) .c . :; . ll 9l: C hra . L. ,,, tn it t E k,..h, F v f: . an:l K r i S-- t n an i re; r : d iFi .. .
b 4 t. ~.... ,' g,o; Watrr eirwt.
' F , a natne.s of holeh and Intrinvic value, the.. Torte
. g - Pried agl.l.r. I meant I. Por, l l/.4.; and the taw prire 1,1. 1g ilia they are
2 .. HAP, ; S.W. Mlle luxury their Intrratuetku. apitlT
Lb! , 4. 41 aryiy.. km ,I , ..byer i.Y. 1 Morris's Tea Mart,
PIN; and for sale by
YzAIA II DWREV R ell . , Alb th , Diamond, recond door from Dia
ea. lu Pittsburgh.
UTTEIt--A. Small Lo r.r t n' o ' f7l:e 'r e7l:lZted ' '''''''''''.
~...1 ' ''''''''''''
.. dil'g
Ewa knitter, pat up .pradabr fat fatally ape /OA COTTON GOODS---:: eases. Cotten pant
d and fan oat by A. COLDZATHON • OD. 4iulf.purt =but and kr NAL br
NAP fieS . EMU r CO.
A Very Desirable Residence for Sale.
riIIIE undersigned offers for sale, one of the
• I. 2 ,. .kte'smiLY in the town or 31,,,dn05.
Stark nointY. Obio.•rontalning about six saw of land.
I with a lugs, and coniumattous Wick Dwelling Bow, sad
Cal h•••••• • • ••nd eiMPly of
fruit and shrub
, bete. One of th e Len schools in the country Le within •
short slistanee, and when It is remembered that in Ms
' months from this time It will be within Pair hound video(
PltOborgils It will t seen that here Is no small holm,
FC:i t i a e r , st'i'lh'erhotisdl? .r;brPcrslditte"p_ri.'alorml from
ine tn."
residance. A Put or the whole of = t au t nut be Pow
with the building.. This property marmite La had farina
than tIIV buildings tout. r will s era procure title and eon.
trey. without charge, • lot of more than two esines.situated
on ths hank of the Ohio Canal. and reboot twentY rods
from the &Tot of the Ohio and Penntlylvartia Itadrosil.
meinso supltallsl or rany who will establish thereon •
ufsrtery of I ron,Cotton, or Wool, which shall employ
a capital of /LOAM. Let it borne in mind that Massillon
4 one of the Mast 'beautiful and thriving towns wet of
l ' lttOb.rgh• Coml. nod au the moult of a• 0011 as
rents. um . I. proeund bete tut low as at any point_ Goods when analutfa.....t of WWI, Willi oval es, be
transported by Canal or Itallroad.
iam..._.1.,n 4W . T011 . 2 JARVIS.
Valuable Property for Sale.
11111 E SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a valuu
j_ one
_ow. of property in Allegheny Cltr• heel.
front neharen street of 82 644. wyri mooing !wet 325
feet .o Ridge sweet. Thlft property is situated hunodiete-
IT south of the ntsidenee of Samuel Morel, and near the
p.Wdenne of WWII. Dilworth 71wre ly Yrtwor How of
Hmes. the premise, which rent Dar IWO per Thep annum.—
roperty Ls level and well suited for 'eying off In loth
buvirqf fronts on RR.... and Ridge btreetel. IL will Le
old cheap, sod part of the purrheee monsyran rennin w
enred OW the mond. Inquire of Yobacelber, on the
prenthws. [opwlmJ. 11105.1Pbell.
For Rent
Small well finished and completely fur ,
aLthert Saar. co 11 rt., Brat ;Icor b tfie to.trutere.
t.b, O AZZA3I,
NoialltlrT7ib=carinT and
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
9[lllE subscriber offers for sale the house and
iireb b .; °° :o7stitttr i st A r o=
the market of lids city. 7. The lot In MO IL ;coot on nark et.
run oh= Leek 202 4wt to av alley—oontaining nearly one
1% . .
of ad,
'an! I ;
I"'"'d rra arni uv
;;; rb l e ;Ps i' &I': "7:
nearly ore. large. cod elec./M=oy well arranged, Latee r. n
e Mutant MI Mt. sad a depth of 72, nd contd w fourteen
room, tosides India nine feet whin. ' lt Ist built In Lb. nod and most do: stir taanuer. and hot .1 fire/proof rent and
contains all Me waken couvetdcrices. Two humps.alth
so unfailing oupply of be nl and volt water, are at be do ur.
Ito the premien; are the ere out hoild=o.
ro.rztr,rl,,,t `,7.1"1.• net mwdlt a..
ehrubs, currant, wan/N./Tie, ranharliev,Sc o an egooe., ra'lll,4'l
garden The fruit Is attn. hen bled. tad tie ires ars la
their prim:less:el yield euoash tie the wan. of. ordinary
[Mal). The situation of Ws pavoerty, se to ealutnity and
vutntrbato eculfort, cumblmel with amthrulty to the c ite.
It not by any redden./ In this viclnitls It has
clev att." t)ble Meer hrDerr• =u,, of Temßtmrt
ms.souLL Plll•bunitt the city. the two river, =I the
bills around, forming el./ether • tdr.oramieprospect of
%Web the eye never w.wries. Leery 'best winch elders or
depart. fn.= the port of l'lttsbure% nu the Ohio, nunre la
full Mew. The //evidence and groan& an/ also contrietely
r, : e 3 t r o l d af: ' ; ', :ellti '''' sinr/Ziege d a u' i%tke '" oro t it ih t ; elq
nod peaneful if 10cat...1 Nene quiet non. l a th mu cus.
whe neve r' yoseprlly well b. =ld •t • bedlalts, and preueesten Owen
her desired.. En/tune et • lisantte dares
aplec , dtf _ D.
For Sale.
r RE members of the Fairmount Fire Coro
" fe lu r°°4 or-
J aMtzu . See).
No . 404 ken dthvt.
For lent.
Ferry Arent—. lame and substantial building,
40 t 11,n .unable na .n Academy , ne mann!).
titmea:a r, Poometliatl peen hanact i tierbk
Li t:Altar. of
teth2,3:ll' nutter Garrhoon alley and Fayette at.
VOR RENT—A Dwelling Monne on wo
Third atn'et, above and near ltk tholthnebl. 'lt
hao gam nature, largo Dna. 'wash bona, an- Will
1.. rentani luw, and nnanrealoo glven lanniedlandy.
ADo—For Sale Leae, nano into in river inth Word,
between Penn street and tba Allvjaieny
mhoat Bet , y. Darlington', fourth tmt tiffa Wuxi.
Valuable Beal Estate for Sale.
SUBSCRIBER offera for Sule, on va,
hvebrable term .. the following Neal Estate, lln t, of Pittsburgh. el.
11 No. I. Threw ralnible thnextory brink dwelling bone,
tle 6 br i ts.ett7.oll l. l ' l7rWV: " gd .'l Ferry
e ' t. • fronl y on Third Arced °luta
a...iiirdiTe.tbyt . ...riart Church. on which tee.
b us story trick how, used as • printing Mire, soul one
two %tory Leta wnretentee.
No. 3. Two lota •In Fallsten. Braver. eonoty. being lota
/1.. 3 and 4. i.eing about 100 feet enuare,on
*4 one [lock of four frame dwellings, and ono eeparnte
frame dwelling. al ltwo ebuiee hied
On. lot 10 feet front on Back 'Vert, oppredte the
sletree, and extending to the top of the hill.
No. 3. Two heath tot., each 00 feet front. and mooing
flow the rood SC Inn water mart. on the Big Hearer.
No. 1.. nue valuable water IN. ]OO feet on STlieel
with ten ettarte web e r power attached.
N. , 1 . On. lot oftPoeito the water lot. RO feet front and
extending to the buy of the bill. on which LI emoted one
tiro story LAP: .tor. and • errhover. lb by Z.O feet; shoot.
frame dwelling. two dories !lab. •
.. .. „
• • • .
f; ,, . 0. Otm Lama lot la New Ilrighton, Bearer moat,. be
about 140 feet ull Brxmlway. and about WO foet deer.,
rattail:dug IS. acre. cot • hicb are e t.eL...4.,1 tw, I , s.rg
, f . rAtr ,
dre e l litUt% , .. l^ ..:r..n P - ... I '"Z"i."ii; r v Good.
11,,,A, pj,,,,,,, 10(61",y oteupi 1
~ • ~ .. _
and I. v. ry pb-umtalf Iramted, Leine, laimedistel, txposlL:
'''. 'l"o `' I'ad '. I km Taacton Bri,,e.
No, to Our water lot.tmuum'mt. v M
b.j a . am.. 141 ;',m I. Im,.ty'aud eateudloz from Water
rtavet to /cm *mar marl. or tmemg path. r
Th "'''' .°P n77`442o ß r'rt 7 . 2. Li i . ,Vii70!: ..r this.]
a A r!tf11:.;11170.1.:1. - —1011 N Lreat.
anal42l !Joan. al and
Not oun-.1
For Sale.
--- - •
In the(rir 01 PritAbarirli The Lot Rest*
handfed and nin sing e
1 fo ,l ton hull:. rty Gar feet on
tea Wahl Penn 'beet. antt one
s twetyte fset alley. Inquire of ngton neva..
\n. 11. Pe. st
V A Lti ABLE HILLS. FARMS, AND LOTSv pOll ler.. !tour Minn and s Sr, 11111 o.
the IlLe•sx. Crest. will, ts. 111, •-•.re.”... , Weer. A 1...
• ..1141,peueed pan Lowten-omouty. Price 1.50.4.
Also, • karat of ll* .err., usk the Oblo river. the.. nat.
Frio. .•• ... 17:00. on. of IW rite. on the
pt.. river, 6 Wk. t•Io. It..seer. pe it: rer arm. .1.1. c,
mayshe SIA l.r acre Alan. fare.. of I.LL 134, sad Ye ,
men, for $2l pce •cre Alp, 175 acre. .1, 332. and
rn. , for 115 per acre .....ether • ith tan) . other. of vari
ous rises and priers. Ehquira of
76. B. A U. L. 11. YhT141131.13:,
Attorney. at Lay .ad Real Estate Agents,
foblo No 107 4th at. Pltisburrh-
A Blast Furnace for Sale.
FIE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale his
BLAST FURNACE. altrmted Our T Ge.7nn. kni,ru vb.. ".tilatoour Fornsee," with the out.
toil:dinar: SAW and OftlT MILL: and on. thing ne.
...eery L a ndry ma the f melting of Orr. It has 1,400
Amer of attached. with ma much mom •antor
would bt neneemry. which can Ir. had (run 75c. to s2 og
rem. It has the mad (atonable !oration in the !moth, for
making lino. haring the on wit Lin one-half to one mile
elf, In very large nuantlllea. Nor to MIMI. I.i yielding
hem 50 10 75 per rent It is out mile and • half Ingo the
Etowah Hollins Mill. where ready
all its produeL.d Pig Metal: Rai toi twotul l es from the
..tern and AtlantieMaitrrad. •LieL la rue rf the Linea
of nutmeg:tins the 'lenneree. Itlver with the Sea
Ilowd.which /lAA 8/I Brow of railroads running out tn m
notaheti and under 'untrue(. parsing through all the hu
=t owns and Clriee In thongi, where • retrly in
le i ; ri g flelal..Vathinery, %kr. te. It la
now in full Witt worked by water power. with a Calor lb
&wt. nn tiever falling tteeinut, and In the most healthy
part of the Booth.
I..ett•n; rrur ewe m. , 4..
"n"." 41.104 1 3 P. tea e.TOT ALL.
Frun &cr., March 1. .
At:01% 1 9 9 11:1r 7.!: 1 4 2f 9e• Rrfteithtek
torl... W. Burrtugh of Ittrminabarn. locatednr2c N. rmtv Public echnwl Ilona. and Eughab LuthcranChurela.
The 2 . 4+1 growth of ltirmingkara In ',ovulation and
manufacturing wealth, and tam mmunable pie, at whlch
lota tell/ Le rola, will render Mem • wee mai prcfltable
vestment 71 . 11.1 a pall - vet Tenho favorable.
Yor ti t:rticutan azat enrarrothemultrattnv, at
tg o tt. bgta G een " rtl " . " A ' 7 , ;.42 - .1 ° 47: " , ' 71'11111t
Nyman...a Pattrmun. at their onoleca 111
ra.o I10:4:5 KATMN.
Oli RENT—The large and cuturoodi
on. no.. l'eon listely ccenplesi by ,
~!.:Avvre.llo.l with an entire lot adysinine, which Las.*
wed i. s tanl. Ales--, , tahling for tyro horses. Eysptiro
sr.:s3f N.. 50 Water .1.
VOR RENT—The Dwaling llouoe, on ..M;',l
ju CO corner of Sonth sad West Cusamona, lately • occuptell by Tlnnuas Arbuckle. Jeed. Possession air..
...r o
Cal : tbet td or of i,st i tinalt ' stf L4q. St:l6:Tf
Valuable Real Estate for Bale.
VOR SALE—That valuable Lot of Ground
raualAw at the opener of Marketsod Water streets.
%*fUeehtTll . ::ll* - -
es, mud 011 Water strest or 35 feet IN lurk.
Also—The Lot of timnod mlyoirung the tlas Wort., for
merly areopinllty Mr.'Youtliruon an a Fhip Yard; hay.
l eZn a o l d r n t ogn l :il I.^:P'z ug..l4, — .=l'.''• "`'
Fermate deArra.e of purchasing can reeelve far th er in
formation froto • 11. C. IiTOCICION,
mall foal Market at-
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpdol, 0.
tTHE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
the shore thriving Town having nearly exhausted
oas tuvrmunly 1.14 out. and the demand 'dill motioning,
the underagnat hap Leon Irolumsl to I.y outs portion of
hie property lo tenro tot... above. and offers than, for sale
.0 prime sod Imola that cannot Oil to meet the views of
WO, wishing to purrhase. nod s
p oo p
of the !math. of the Town protract. (P. luwo
moPicleolly dmoribollo-rsmot advertisements) other thus
that over one hundred lute harp reerlyttj chimscrd hands.
and brat. by torso wisidsii to procure • deslrw
We home.
Ili. •
above. lota are among Ma Wan. eligible and dealrable
In the pia., and aye principally Ideated In the ann., of
vm thne ren/.ntly gold.
infortuntinn3 apply to tlaepltiprietor In thermic], or
t‘, June. maw,. Erd., Fourth 0111. et Pillabarch.
E.. 0 Liverreol. Fob. 2nd. Idnl. PahadantlF..
KLEBEI: has just received
Jill • LI:Ws rtiObrated IMAM rung by
er wlth rept“ruum upplauFe at her Concert In . Plttaburah.
The flea of oar Culon; National Song, by W. t'. Wallace.
The Pon !+allor thy.
IVhere are the Monde of my youth.
Ilou,hohl %tue id. he ltfrwkloy.
The Cavalier, by .0. (Rover.
The Nahonnl balon. a patnntic itrtz. dedleated the
Hon. Henry Clue.
When other friende are mond than
the brae, dtvtle.
I'll N, °II Id I were with then
think of tine of ~ ,o tf.lo.
My N.•••• England Mom, ^,M , Mril by Mr,. A. Wade, of
Allexikeny Car
Pollar—Erergreen.Liar, Tillage Relho, Rough
and heady. Pet. Hewlett, Waverley, Pretty Little. de.
sh,nehp. qolek Ste,
Carca...l , Bolter Pretepter.
with a find neleettert of Waltd, Marche,.
Ea , y "deb.:, Ar [weir[
of ()attar athl - Vtolin )112.1c. Nai. 101 Tblrd atr,et.
44:9 ti,f 0 Heiden Ilarß•
Rockingham and Domestic Qneensware.
wvwA BD, BLAKELY & CO.. 31an
ufarturtl, of I . trYstwham aculTrllevs Caw War.
Osoniamlat hot., cm", 511. th awl 1.41..rtr
Chu.h e rr
doer la, J.
optWl,lee urns.. Our ex aa.l tezoive Arorke np in WI or,kry , pe".o l l „
A mw,tria &rimer Wog
able* us W LapWuall the oew and PrI 3 '.'
185 I.=l
Cleveland, Pittsburgh 4k2daatillan Express.
HIS line rung in connection with Living ,
don. Fargo, d Cola Edelen', Ireare in, l'ontherii and
addsthurvec. at Cleveland, arid Aden. d (Ws- atilt.,
bomb. al wing .It aallantag” over all other Andra. of 11011.
the abo v e
Northern Ghia .an rat,. will leave cacb of
the above inenticnoil plares, Month,. Wednesday/I anil
Fridays In chaweof truviv and COMprieCt 111 , 401.11P111
lie will recelle bout definer paciadel at the following
liochtater.Pri., Sales. Comtuara Falb, '
Colihncthn, New (bath, PA, Von:Motown,
Akron. Newark, Iteaahille.
VV•inun...., Fulton. klithernoreb,
Erb, Decennia Navarra.
Frederickeborgh, Wellstoorah„c.., Hodvon,
N'othester, IlVeater. Wheeling, VA.
Franklin, &them, Dalton,
SteulwarriDe. Magnolia, Tour
Canton. W. , llaviliA Wayne:burgh.
Canal Dover, Crichnille. ' . New Debt.,
Newton Fall, New Philadelphln. New Curtherland,.
Gold, Silver, Dank Notes, Jewelrg. arid 'other valoanie
ciaola mceived and forwarded with despatch. The wilee ,
G d
t eri of Nolen, Dill, Drafte..and Account, ficrwortlr attend.
J. S. LOCKWOOD, Proprietor.
A sperm! C1R,..21,71/1 will leers Maertlloo ore Tueoloys or
each week. Iteturnla*. will leave Clevelsod on Thumlays,_
for tb purpose of takiuo par-kliegs of Moite/..1 ,
Ansrr-s-C. C. Cobb Clernlaodi Daher *Forsythe. PSI*
buret, J. IL Cecil Z. 611 Massillon, Clarke, Perks. A - Co,
Ihrrhester, C. Park....
Co . loungstoarn. W It. Tailor. War
ren. A. auk., boron Falls. Win. Ward, Itseenne,
Co. Raleroo,itkrust,Daulol Morrell, llccliiott.Wat. liturha
Crtnteu. sp.Z
New Lake Superior Line:-185L
THE new steanier NORTIIENER, Cart. B.
awlnot. barb. every modem httPreretillent S o t
ly romfort. •111 leave Cleveland on Fri:lay:the 2d
May neat, on her firer trin.--and weekly thereafter on
Friday, at 6S o'clock. I'. IL. for the Saul Ste. Marie.
The steamer JIIINJIATTAIi. rapt. .Inav CLLur¢L, 11
lease Sant Ste. Marie, Sir the dinerent tannin. , nn bake
Sucierior, O U T Navel:al of the eteano — Fri bntithernert making
Cl on
regular we kely
[ line, throughout the New., between
e a we
the 'ripper and Iron Mime.
Cleveland. 0.. April 5. TUltifiLli, Proprietors.
2.5, 1951.—tf
From England via Quebec.
pitTILE undersigned, residing' in Quebec, is
forrrardlniklarge quantlllee of Railroad Iron andotir
y article. to the different porta on Lake Fain. The
cumber of 'resell , arriving at Quebec In ballaet for ea,
kw. Of l =Lore /OSitiaLiT rendrn Ufa mods of lmwrtatlon
eine}, th!,leatiit artorarly • Fir all hoary froirettaMiae lie
eur ace Atlantic holed on cargo, marl to . bltn i
aM .tend to wit. b,ulorra connected theretrlth, nwsnini•
ink to ouch wootelli pore .o roar be requlrod. For further
ypvv(ttrilrY P IVI " J ;Li d HI" tOe .
' gir d ed j air apply m 6.
apriClec(ord) ti. 10. UMBORNIC.
iinotaitots aurae
if7WEiLI 1851.
CLARKE, PARKS A OIL Ilacnarrs , Pantourrotte.
THE PROPRIETORS „f - thin old and well
known Line.lll.ll Inform thy pnbllc that they are
the now
to °Pennon Po penwnt and bane c0...A .
net receiving height and Pasaensora, which they are fully
rt:2171,1 0 .zu ttzlt n a
Line will by nonetentlY at the landing eS .
belt, theiltonorr
saheb. Bridge. to 'were., fret be.
nor. Water and Stalthteld Plttsburgh.
C. 4
W. C. Nolan eharalw
J. t S. Kul!, ShartwAwareh.
Won. Ochre Co.. Onewuville;
‘ tlTtl' i tf. ' :;,' " Tea=
C. N. Road, Erie, Po
U. R. WallbrlA,Ee. Batraln, N. Y. opt
Forty-six hours to Phila.:le
Forty-four liours to Baltimore.
2841 miles Railroad-1113 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
nEige Eti32l
the_ opopening of Canal Navigation, Two
t b o:;:i br D P k I o. win lear• fur
. .
Two licuwlrrd uKlllM:lwimpcolleszu.dinwt
Time through" TOR1Y.:1711011eS.
Faro to Philadelphia SI.O. Faro to
the Ova nn thl. route - aro tea. avid or the cm:: approv
conatrvothm fhr ragatiril arot safety.
rua c , I.aro orrry moraih;, rmosiOol, Elebt-eclook.
.04 eria7 evuntug at the M. Iwur .
Passengers • for Baltimore,
On armal nI Car, at 11.nlAnr, 1,4. tL. Ynrk rtn , .l!'nm-
Iverland 1:zt:Iroa<1. but.....dt titre, to that otr,(agbty
four talks ) lor2h hour,
do charge for handling Ilaggsgo on this route.
The Irwrear•l (4*i otter. OIL the mnnn eantiorlabl,
ufr inadll.4.ruble.muleZnostto the l'
Fr•lr PIM191011•tr ttat , rmatl , .n At•pt,
J. P. HOLMES, Agent.
Canal 14. in. I , un street.
the Knuwlcants
./bleb,,tll LbarLra Lb. t.tom
.nti,ly 3f Sectvla
yi• au,l
at my low rater, ca any
Jobrsirm ...n r " l ‘ l " c r t ' lL; ' .7l ra " .
medal. Petenhurvt, Ituntir.raln.
Iturt. Mrlestoer.. I.
IT.Q l l . ll73e L rrir4tl=T d . , %11. hv
*lll return tuade t:f rr.3 na.r . urect mem
Ltneea ar.l reauJ.:lly to .ht.triemt:, to
•1r al the lowert rat, 10111, be relied
J )117071.1L !WIT, Prowl:tor.
7.cova azwzr ...1.. of the Canal
IA btrret. Alt
Creek. hew
Pr luorraPtlrst.
pire HaI'PAW.
the Juniata,
?Se alhrepahl poi
111 UV I NG
• HLATM.t.I!'S LIXt. J trmtber,
VII, the An dn... at PlMBurgh. will here
-Itin.B.r the style of .. W ha. Bingham A
..ehl 1 BINIMAIL
' Transportatioe Line
1, being now open, we me rea
, ...I Ibmard pnongaly, Produce and
....,anolle. rut aud orem.
Verietts alw. .t hygret totes t:harenl by rerpandtle
to Mel.
tta . soll. ‘ . rut
i•r;rdure mad He ~ .-I,andlco tw.rrreirml and fqtweried
cart rind irea. soy chArgr for tr - wanilu,t r.r
Bal. of Ladiri l is fuesrarded ) eu tn a roe .
A ‘ill 81g(117A4 ti. RaAn.
I."prtter I.ll>ertr wad az., " ttburgb.
BINGHAM DOCh, 103 31.irRct a.,
Iwtworn Fourtli l'hiliulelakia.
j.,,Mt.E. NV 1.,1.)5.,:nr0t,..0.
Mil ItIN North Mll,!n ' lu Wrst Ft.
meta Pork.
ildhiaa • 1851
Merchants' Transportation Line,
(Yl.t CEN - ssiLtaxi A CANA 1, AND BAILKCADS,)
C ab Aurgh AIrANCL . TY a CO., Cam huh, 403 Pratt Uric,
Cll A It LES RAYNOII. Central Block. Broad etreel,
We are mewed to
openinge =flout nendim
auclprodure ohlp on the of the Noma, to n Phila.
dolphin, and all lotorruedtate plume at lore, rah.. =4 In
le.. Alnae thou to am prerlouvneaeon.
Ser N. 11. The Itterraz-ed nu - saber or Truck, provided by
the Canal Commisaiorier. fur .-u-ryitr our 1.. t. on the
mate Ilaltrikolls will provent of '1,1.,
Johttatowt.. lioildayvhorp or Columbia, CO. aeleun.
frbls C. A. AIcAN UlaLt I\l.
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
ATKINS A CO., Provrietorp, No. MA.rket. and t... 1
Commirroer rtnrt, l'hiladvlrbla.
OBLL .t tam, r. Agent* Canal RanILI. Pittaburgb
JIIS SAYIAIR .k SUS. A,rtit, Baltimore.
. .
We are pm on the opming of the m Pennsylvania
(anal, to ennirart fur Frvieht at as low t., 1K
Ilalpprrs marl) do , nateh •211.1 4UPv .7 alter Litu..
soarssor, JuLu McFulen k C.l
caaar Barin, Pam Shwi.
Penna. Rail Road Co.--Central Rail Road.
FyilE ~übseribere having been appointed
ehlrptug. wont. fur the Pount)lrtula or C..utral Hall
.RUTedrm the putale that we am uow prettartd re•
tvlre merchandise or produce for thlroneot rest oath.
nr.ntrg of the canal.
vta L thls route will be rattled throw:li to too dart
1d rentignell to tte be forwardrd frt.,. of cumuli,
on or eharge advance,
Dry Gouts. UM. alma. Drink,Stnlionary..C.l,T.Confro.
s=l7r . y v " -- "IrA•i"glIn
Hardware, Que......are, l/Ye
Lemater,Clovtr. Flaz.Thoolly and other Uruo
rt, gOe 11 100. ,
"1.. DWI. Pork. nutter. lard. Lard on,
rk 2,ll ellne, Tall., and 6r j 1 ID°
31nrbl• (rough) Tar, Porn. Mal. German Ilay.
B o n., r. Iva
1851 "
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
JAAIYE i/C.ONNTiIt t C 1 , ., Coal 11.1.44, Pittgburgig.
SITEIt. JAME? S Co.. Depots Itt , ul nod Otr.rrr go-get,
wad N0..1 &nth Fourth glavet. Law... Mark. nod
LAVING fully completed c
. tr ...
olu.; of ulna
bu n rin a. 4.. 10. l'bilagtelphut, Neg. York, bore, Pitt
LOtlisTtrn, and itt..;
I. , wer rate. and with moo aggltch .40 car , [bur .47 r , th.
et pgglg .1,0,1 by our LLoe are fully amrretl
11. urwure. without guy. ..hgri, 4. ow uer , t.:“4.t . tfort
rot rgwl4, gronled to and t
A whirr-m.l b ourgelvng or wirents,
Hal/ 4. t,u.ionat.l. IYetb. utak: Lu.
000rr.c. it tetmon with yrtmpt attenUco.
gci-N It Our lAOII bag ouronnectiostwbututer with Zs
Ft.ll...tetyhta and Pltt,!.urgh Trxwq,rtat.lnn Line .1 AY
let 0)
STUFF-1011 6tLeklt for eale
gp: WII. n. JonNsron.
pAPER-:-101) reams Med. and rare
fur pals low Oa clew, ooloolgnooont, by , .
JAE.. DA LZF/Llo 08 Water Ft.
KIEL PEACHES—WO bn. tor sale by -
A . jr wo7 DICITY.II CO.
WANTILD, wd the hl g hes tpremintrulpitd . be the
A. WILKENS 4.00.
immer IlArkrt Tblo .
IVA. rt. Railway AAA D , 7 Dock fur
ayl2 A. WILKI.NA L CO.
41.1 IMEASSES--2ir bbis.BAttle. Ground,
1,7 rmr-irictraom lidtmeo. suld for .ate b7ltyl2 JAIL DALZEL L. O.S 1% &Ler
. _
V ASSLA,-100 Mats for sale by
V !JO J. 00110=41ta a CD. Si Mai is
1.11031A*, WHITE. BONNET ' 31,1NX
FACTURK11, No. 41 . .kzth..E.econd Str7t._
Aorth wt t!4 e.> l'bllatielrhia. '
"IN 1110 A
E. 'd n./15 • ii. 41.1.6
ji sulp Oro4rr. No. Mark.t3G. aptj
J. a 1,01,108. rt.
J k.
4 EALD, • BUCK NOR CO.. Tnbacco
memmnte, No. 11 Nor th Waloi.Th. , e4
..n..16 North if LarNeP, I'hi;4lriplth.. tool
ERCER ANTELO, General. Commis-.
Non ItM•rbants, Pbadelphi. Llbend wham.
m . mmaimmatuts of Perdu., geormay. [1 fhl6m,
Professor A. C. Bany' Tricopherous,
/AR MEDICATED COMPOUND, for re. 115 itarin,.. peverrlnc and trate:lain the bathe-radia
tes, mart and dandruff. and curing diseases of the skin,
t7W . m7ile'u b tru, rat 1 - 07'irti:41. 1 .
atom. bas praltme.l the
n ode p¢ee ' t in raring dia4sesoftb•
shin, etc. of the home, sod all the animal kblinlom. The
fidlowing tertfmmlial, neleetwi from hundred. of .1018.
impor, will serve•to show the value a the ;nepenthe,
am' the evtitestlth In which It I. held hr those who here
given It • (tie:
Nrsr Tone.. Sep MO.
Pram Ihanr—Dear—T bare been afdltu ebb, a cm
the scalp. of a meet airgravated char - uvr, Gee
" ta tivIVF" th" ""V
,adr.” /
:Iln , :: l ='.4 r titeo n uitS7P'‘`batat'itemat,it'l
14 Sired trr lour Triorpliemem 1 did mi a last
remt, amt. to My inirpMe ntLecatton, Zond mrself;
eutrd in about two moths. 8 eh war the vioietwe of the
disorder that at terms I was pa ' Aiallr
l ' .1 " . " 11 .T. 'our?. 40 V .11 1141PELYE.
140 Columba street, Linxika o.
Yet.. 1650.
lierge. Baser—My Tear Sir—Abo ew ut two yeantago my hair
mine out great deal, arid my lead Co. much aMleted
with dandruff. was told by • friend to try yourTricuphen
mme, and I did-col and to my astordrhmenk my hair wim
Emily motet, and all the dandruff ithappearrd, as the
bead saw than kw thief.
With neipeet, I me your
READ nhedit eeret.
JIELL. Brotalw
If amyl lady or gentlem 4 an T doubts W
the authenticity of er.
tlore . they will please roll at Protector A 0 Ham cam,
ihnedway, New York, Where he will produce the orliff.
nal letters
[Enna the 7111flary aud Naval Argue, Nor. 7. 16511.. j
There to to rented) for the permancut care of baldnes.
Sad disinter{ of the cranium serenely, that has reathed
the popul:poyed b y the article known at Protester
Trico us. or 51edinthel Compound: It la ex
, r.... { 1 7 me I n
elem.& .4' the entalhantt7:
eltwaitevery litireery In the had It le used In th e to
other erttelee if the kind. Jt hatarta inecr to the mots of
the hair, and that smears 1m growth to a nameable de
r.. It destroy. the dandruff and reurf, 0.1 undies the
hairline end glntey. It will rare all illticaiwt of the ends,
ouch as weld beech dew worm, and other obtuashms dizp
den of the rut ; In thetralere DJ well tutelarle , 1. It Wanda
unrivalled. It le here Lola, prier keirents, at No.
137 Ilroadway, and at the Druggisto genendly, throughout
the Cpitel Stets. and L'itnali. an2Self
UiCIIINSON & Co., \0 13 Spruce Street,
• NEW YORII, Wholeeele manuferturentof the best.
ENGLINII 11115.17ffn INKS, 5,r Steel mid Litho.
"rebid Prlulug., mai to Poe Bobo eel Job Work. labia%
they warrent to be' pant of the pureat mete/isle, and to
work emlif upon uniluary prevent
- The combinations lath. he l d , are such astogive a ebb.
la r, t
pat awe yr '441;
yullty varying in:ASIA* to per lb. ute13331n7
No. 79 & (lato76)' MAIDEN LANE,
Directly Tpatile tit Old Stand.
11 , ?..V o tr " r•dt n
rra Mule! s— ea” . an Llsbt. Irmi, An.
Shaker, flu,k4 Merino and t.Wton, d lio i n g sestle and ?Or
"Va;fo—Eallti. SOL 3194e{ Bogibestur and fatieg of all'
.fJI., and qualities,
; Vurlzand To— . me Nil And Mark of e!err kind.
ententa—Faney Nik and Saha Eneliatt >halm,
Swim, Prin. Albert Boratliens, TaLllnt IwlLn
Cbc/et Ile.
ihsia.fe—Coraa ,m oat ambric,
h tuttl Eng, new style,
and I , orrlan
Chrta4-Kid. SBkJ Llnev . Thread, and all the Ist.t of
F M= l- tro u rli, it a rrin , N u tr=l,3 Wool Silk. Linen an dlcoon. Cotton. r . Cathy/mei English, French and
I "' arnter BMW far trandemen 0;1 haliaa—a Tarittr
0, !riding .F.4 j :ts of aid analiblea.
Svit gi r garflinV "," afutirc:l Ll ax o l,. " on,
' • Wit. WA.K.A.AN k CO.,
79 k al Makin, Lave.
Shawl and Nal , tml Wareham
ir , , ,1 S. MILLS. No. 6 CORTLANDT ST.,
'~l.~. WV Stem) NEIL TOES, ha o or openi. one of
t e arg auJ riuhy, ions,
of SPICINO. .64D
htl,l3lEli FHA IVLA von. Wort, decd .' Alin LACE
MCVLIN and a/1 kinils of SILK 5 1ANTILLA.S. snannfartu. ;
rod from the lat., Pan. lash low. nwv•lre.l , , the 'lnnen' !
and particularly adanted 10 the :i o rdittedo. A
Ell A lti.A ' S:r ' o r tiofed ..- v., fartriv..:),.l - Via -,
and ....It and Turk Finn Paradda.nntl P ,C4Lon and wing.-
ham Enahrelhs.. Al. of winch Isill 1u.41, erns/ at extremely .
lon "mom. r... e.porfully luvlto our 11 1 ,n/f/a (nand. o. ea.
anund our stock 1, 13.1.: pur../...ninn. .
♦Lav WIRE hWI STA-NDLY, fur or hititina-a..1....1
/:...t/ 1, .. 4 . Pat unto On, for tranncruition. fyblLlf
SPRI2III 1111P0RT.8.7.102113. . .
C. B. HATCH..i. 13c)..,
, 1
AVE now ill Idore, and are constantly re-'
1 3
i evivin. b- !tea ..rv. The nthet exteturvPmearrotirth of
...nt plawn'e YERNOMLNO GO9OS ever bare elfor.4l,
rthr,the the, lath. itzd rth..b..t etyle•fd . thArasute.‘ &ITV, .
elovothifoderv. Etnellders. ULIdeT Garovetta. Loadoll
Tlee,Stoelts. Oiled Ilk. On.dvtg Omen, flandkes,nae...--"''-
:Licaddet Bowe. 1.1 - n ea Cothere.-erith eve:Masa new-tee. I
I It•lme , c nt oliAr , f ‘ n „, thifir aloe nr btUin e z.' wl 4.ll,7 o T r.", ,iii
invited to c - -tanine grr . 7 : i t rA - M, dote.
--e----- - _.
litirp hy's Self -6eltag Advertiaing Eri vel -
X 9. 263 MA ZI.SO P' N ST.. NEW YORK.—
.. 4 'be entrer - 11 , er in solletring the patronage troll who
m., ...... hbi, ',dem, ment, feed. nom, of Lbat heatatino
• ith Le Met, a hew sedele is brought before the public. The
VI 14 , 6,, smut... • smut.r, ns,llll4ted their mil . ..Amite be.
• ; on,/ all onestiew sod 11,. moniliently refers to rho tritium- Needles' Celebrated ,
.y of threw buethe.i. men oho have used them etivelom
1 mid to Me ninon,' Irkrormirig We, . mud of Mtn' eieri: I , O3IPOEND lIEMLoCK PLASTER.--
1.34.. A_,l These highly stedindad west, rs hate4,[ll =Win for
Th. , following fire Pftiv of the reahtem tor their porn. uLom thatt,titentY .mints auritia width ice they Lam
lerlty. mined • permanent ' , Pundit. r, dm mid on:carton,
1 5,,_ 0. 55„. y 5.,.,, „L.,,,,k„, b y 5 2,,,, ...5 . 5 ,,, y ,,,„ ~,,,,y ' idummatic pod tirmngthemoi.- /1.141 r etc, onon,d. Phi.
bars Las name, biminees, andwims, ete4oucrosly and : CH.. of the highest .niinem:-. to h bon tour rompoie
5„.5iy0u,b,,,1,„5,,,, 5 p 5.5 ., 4,.,, yroedb„. per' tion ba. teen el:tomtit. hoe , hi , er. :1., most tato - rind
feet reemitT sigatont Tad. L ' , teMbuonisla Ls to their solairim Tirlor .:rev all Lahti: plai ,
1.1. The Etre, hires aunt he opened with= being de- , ter. mid.
et med. L The ingredienm of their emapoLitien, rem ens•fidly and
Neither wax nor wafers are roguired to meld them. ''''"''''' i l ......A .
, P ,""' ... P" .. ''''' ..4 "P .P.....
4th. Cron the rolweirrne of • hitter. th e real Mon realm ferMor ruills,M.F Lt"LI. brdiLmttma u.letheL
immediate roma& to 0. sender, instead of brio g buried For tuna . tl n bt5ii 4 .......4' from Pronmeta,Teade,
month. in ter latrad Letter Oth, obrapang magi, and lad rains m the rano. zieuragki
:At The Envelop e d, mu
(onto .5 a l. e n the ..,,,,,,, . tinwares in. the body, them bet:iodic:al character L's jamond
Mire as plain o, I ' ourstlen or dlarinte. Ae a remedy. Lumbago Shi a
fah. Mob letter maned h • moot effertieff advertisement. " PL'r'.WF.T.' all .....'d .p '''''...''' ..°' m 1 ' .. ....4
fit ro to attract the ettatillon of all throagh whom hand., It . •,,i: boa is's. tally corm.. , hf, , the ...Yet.. ellectrl.
mi llie r Titowine la Iliad of het for DM., numeed on l.Zts ' ytts tt .46 LIT - aiSsTe - L 7 sTf t ilt% TLILL:', 7 4 ' IC!: thei l r a lf
10,1;Lal 7,1'°..7,11':ibrr,..r.,-,..„.....,;',0, , .;„'.:„7.-....,,.1 E=T;Tifo s il l a;;Dfitt7a r r
eto t n7TEl - ,.. - .P2.4gralg
made sapanho4evra,minte, whi
fie.: alLPllhation. To such ar miler with Hat:mate bolus. tbeee
2 ,,, . ~,,,,,
„., E ,,,,,,,,,, ,„„,,,,, ~,, ~...eters are rerommentl.l with tba mondent ssme,.
dirt letters or itw...... I- d-1.001 abate. that their Lenetleial effects trill I, tonna very deckled. ''',' ...... ....l- ' nma a ono ltd. , For mile, • holemile and retail, by
:AL to M ' 61-VOO.--.... - Td . 0 . R. E. SLLLEILS, IT Wood rt.
T.- ". 0 3,0,4, - ...... - .......... --...'" BEA.U,MONI."S PATENT STARCH POJ..-
t. so ...... ... ........... ji_luaMlotXl 1 . 1,110
00 to 100 1...1n.e0,6090.- .... .. ......... -........1tdu ISII. far nitina a I - e0n...M1 ;k r , to linens, :Andros,
When it D. 00S. ca.-M . olo. to tort n od amount of order 0.0 0 .1... WI., Shirt &soda, and Jell kinds of printb Me
,„,, ..,.,5 fly,. b.,,,b1y Ne w Tort um nreeenta Me Imo fthro adhering M the Llteltotad tha t
lionise hill he suCleisrd. All order, will meet with oratont ' lonn ecichlum it contains uothitor tnaurious In charms 111
attention. If addremel. Ism, muy/pyiy, any respect The 1.-41691 have' lung more felt the tementti
~,,, 0 ,,, m.,,,,,,,, ~5 . y,.. y,,,t . ..1 ouch an ornde. and in this the, eanentatlon 4111 Le fut.
Order , trill le &Mended to p ll.ll
fi r, 11 left at the storm ' 'l7 realized. m ~ ...Petite. !, feted .lor to impartlsl
nf Mesars..elliell A Mott. : O 11.11 street, or of Meagre It. final.
Jerolltrem A Cr, 134 William et. N. IL—lane Cake trill do thirty dozen of cloth, and no
N. o.—Buelneas Coil's. embossed In colore. rum min. family should be withrut it
TO at $lO.OO ter Moan:Lad. L fain.m.dsitt ' Price Inhi Cent!her CO,. Euebeakevelth nil direction.
A For de by main.) W. E. S.S.I.LNIIS. fl Woul st.
South East corner of life, and Walnut &teat,
NT, . •
onteAno. ILLI.NOIIt. ( InooryOratod in 1.951:)
IOSTINUES his usual facilities to receive Ph' i s ' N ß ,A, Ti i ;i7 . - , - ~,,,,„,,,„0 , 0 „ ,,,,Z=
Ili ee en , ma...S. l ..'... l Trett•ltll.:tent. nO Merchtuntixo , C.ll. %Wm. 0n71 . T. F. boat.t9.—....Assia.suts.
coga - n..1 hhn. Boat/ les, M. Joel daily Ear all poInG .`LEI S. BACON begs lease to return his sin
. the Lakes and the is Canal and Elver.
• G. , feranner-Messrs lorens. Moiling Jr Co.; n tern thanks mr the eery Ilboral patt,ox.7x Which
Nfrors4Jopes 0 QIIIS.; , has receirt-d. and libres. by IndeLatinable attention to
Mr. John A. Cane hrs. qt.inoss, to merit a eontinttaur..,,f the no prneaxeuten sot ,
"" "' lo,o• (tat tin 4 attended his efforts during the n aq iciptcr.
The utility of Institution. of this dourin bag honour
ST. LOUIS & ST. JOS.E l3ll .:tzg.'ii , tlr,nlt'4l ; ',irrt.Vs.tir.t.4l„,% , _ •
--- ett the :a vantage., of then. Instrnenn , as no 1,..,:er to re..
ST. JOSEPH, aussomu nuire either erw.tment for their support ocean:in...a
their medic:
MIDDLETON, RILEY A 3I'IIEE, Thu plan adopted in teaching combines practice with
Produce. Corogils.lon, and Porrarding ah•ornants, on the t h"" n rl , 1tu'1 , .. 4 ~ gal 1' , ..h.. the Puri! , are exercised in
tasking pr imal ovules °r evert tiny b..... tux...Loth.,
Levee, St. Joseph. Mo. Jnoeualinna. posting. Eelenctog Z... G 1.11131, and
Befer to Alexander fiord°, and Lorena, Sterling t Co,
~,,„ .„....,„,,, r ,„, ~,r,„.,„ ~..,u , i ,.. 0 - ,. ~,,,,,,,
Pi.borgh. [ 441 ' . partnerllp and indiridualAtlttnes.. Irl,tre roe ttn1n....11
AVID C. TeTTLE, Attorney at Lair, , h•• • ,, , e7 1n . ..TR...m..1. d,.., , r ,,,, n ..d tta., tl,nxi ; iffinit thx
and Cotral.t.ekoler for m.leania, e. I.atle, Mo. 'Z".,7,7; • ‘;.,,tr, ~,,, ; ,-, i inc t g, . ; , !:-.------ --•o. -....—
.... Pc'omptly ,!salvia,
'''s k il.„ The mono of Instroctson . ...n1 consist of trot:BLE EN- ,
Ili EV:PIM: eta Lrartng - t•‘ - o• de
1 OHN 11, RAN ' Kii , i, Attorney and Conn- TM, „, } Y, ~,•,..0 , 1„ „J ou ., ..,„; 1ti,,, 1 „,,, , , int a r . m . .! '
•N ...Ho t az. Lnw. nod Commi,,ion.r 1, tha Statc o ,b.,,,,„ Eu , hutoe. p..king, Nanafartlartne.'',lllppth,
Penoxyl.enla, ,t. Loubt. Mn.. fix. of rittsbur,rh. i Individual, Partner.l,,, eteamboating, andClaniroural (V
K. tavtaaodoireb: lion. IT. Forward. Iltanplon 0 Bootees. , Cneranen.dat Caleulatiowq Fa.
Miller. .XPentallsa. A )I.Clure, John E. Parke, linoells • ad Ctatmeretal Lon.
Nenanta. ifeCont • Co. 1 auglily h
at ps are In.truct.xl indi%lrdir, and Doan CIZI.S. SO
'Th "{Odell,. mar ewer at n. y Coe, and per-o,d
...„ t h e
ratio of their rapacity ...I ....alutty.
BOSTON. 'Pohl' , erandostion. ar. Lad, kaough pupil,. a, e ‘u n .
•• • _ !nod PricatelY if a..i ~- 1,.... 1,) -..h., a..a.i.c.iadri
a.....1' AVY r" , ..!..trite''hof" . l4'47leArrrt-,l=-Ait' S di l t. -
HANOVER iSICCCT, BOSTON. warns Men. nod Diplom. aa.x.rued to n 0,..• wL, are dant.
od worthy of thrm.
T ILE undeniignisi having, entirely re- re a p A rola, eau be coropleted.fn fp trk slx, tn bin nx...f...
built and enlarnedlth , ' , '" , ..ive es . h tba-t - tf.:. limo ,T 'ir,f.P.,',.'er'n.a.lth; toP7'on'tit4.',7e'.“!!'•'ar.",.'..'l.... i"....3tu'le7ts,'T
inept, containing in all about thn, hondmi and enr.... , .•
mararoh „,.,,,, aaak , that it t , ~„„ sneer and Tel, thorn chorougl . l nod vtninplithtil :.c . c..:unteng,
for Ow m.. 01.. 03111 LOAIGSMOOROOSI of tbo trate/ling .t1. h 1ir . ,..:1 ..-,... '''.'''':' . .nt . l”^ '.ortne , . ,C...te
conatounitr. etl r en a bl e Lon to prt,tra situation:, for
An materdod nonce of lite no-mm.J consetneficesa this 5 . .. , d.irm . ... obteLnolz ..“,..
,n.,‘,... „
.. perd ...,..•.., bk ,„, num ,,,„, i. n ,.„,,,.. •
_Tara.r-Yor n lull roan. e e'eroona la lint , .. NerVine,
writan • Ccovne-e'al Lry r.e.- mom.
." Td !'''... kh .)" . l , ' , : , !!!,}''`)::,!!!!f. ' lt".Y.!lll7lY.Fl7"° I ! -- ---'.------- - • - • Sta.,/
au adrettlaetnent. 48uttlee it to ray, no ...xerilo ,.. ii.;; • Cit.Z:.
'Tred tr. render any anartnient prefer,- enaT peranceville and Noble:dawn Plank
The furniture was made est.reaslr v, order. reganllearol ' . Road' Company. . •
tr.*. And certain portion: of tr., 84r...finny the Drarin,
t n.... ,„ 7 : ,.:, if ,, 1 . 1 t an tr ; l oo to m ir . % ~ ,i .= , ,...; ;N i t t; g ‘,,,,, : u t TOT icE, is herehy gieet. to the Lilikhold
. m il be ro arrange"? no to suit no, o,eepei,e,,,, hots fur , ,A,..1. T." T13,3 ...<: . r0Pa.7. ti ,,, al. nr. , ndt:r•• na. , ten , to
early And late. •
..5.,. of tiro
! L..l '''' ? %,. . ae .t‘i ' l ' ."':•' - i, ° ^..4 . "! d ,F °. ; , T ~. .
awry dcyartto".l"o"''''.'4"" L.....r " 4.n°- , ta - i . b e rm ' I;;..rt LAr;l o. i-,':,-i;i: .. ,;i3; ,,„'',.; - c'
A;raTtilo " uTe 27:11 P IVITy ' fir T s yZ e rlMlgtr " the
; told in iollaa the r,....1';;21 , ..,e ~-.v:..,1 and 1.1 -, 1 , 11 hr
- 14,., — ..4,,ardJyorCtaT 1 LEWIS ACE. . J VL ; tilt. 1 111. , ,.(:i. , -: ,, .•g, , . .‘ , 1 5 ... , ..d Is -No
lit ACCONOOCTITS.I - 1.0g71f0 - 1/11aTar li.V - e - ITy .
._inch=? ,r . 1 21 , ; , ....N. PS. kldtnt.
, T. EAT) PlPE—Cernell's improved pr.tent
I GLASSES-74 lible. to arriv.e, for sale ITy , j 12./ t , .a Hire tor irg. ,7, ,,.., : ,
_______ •
1 OR SA LI",--A good second hand - PEDLAR'S i . ` - 'si,ii:, ~..,.,.
I: WAilltN I.n.tnire of J. KIDD A Oft, ' •Irt,
aPI.7 ,t, WWI , L , All Pin, ,•:. hard and to aLr . ; ., , , , . , :gr 1 .1c 7 r . ,
kl , tit ORM:,
1 8 - 7 E .- R 3 I - IL LI: 0N A li" - 1 - I - IN ;:. -- (i' - 'rie — steifiTr - tinie 1 -''''''''''. , IZei }rant ~t iant.
by at , I P..I. Ft.LLEItS. ~TATelirEs, JEWELRY, SILVER
CIIRES.F. 7 -30 'nixes receiving and for sari: ' il Iv AI :1:. Tea K e , ...-In - nerrf Tea Sala, 1 . - t.Mtre
1., D 4 l 7.}LL dr Ci ILi b. . r t , ~, , flat.d Yorl., .t . ;... , L,.. and hurter htnr,.., 1a1.,,. Cell
. O.P. er.'
-- '.
' ..... ' i (Peen , n.y:, Lernpa .... aii ~,,e . ~ —"
i NLo‘'ER SEED - I-251,1,13. ' , rime for Fah: hy Ch..' 6, 7 , - , " ,, 1,L'... n' a" , - .r ,l lanozr: P urth,:ir.
‘... an. j JotiN WAIT 2 Cil. ' '4l,,b,;,7•l:..!,lll7;..„'lll..''..!':r,r'ffi;iniati."tZ " 'I:" e"
Ca ALERATIIS-4000 lbs. pure, for sale by • 1 ' -"' ' . ''''
I - , ~,I , . 1 30)11% WATT •CO - 1 dt t :-.l:E dil. 4' n?ern ' thn ' ! ' ,... ' ' ' rr th i ". : ' 2l . r,.,,- - . ' V
Z“. ' i . ,. , ~ , ,..L. 054 ;
1110 COFFEL--130 bp.. landing', fOr Ina;sby " ig,, , i,V,!•,:, , n.:: ; , .• 0 . ,, a. , fth. , Z:a ., :r.,..t. , ...t.1 at an,
_Le tichn ' ' 4 SIILLIIR e L.ICKET.C) , : /Q . :i . e.:4. , Pinring Flop Cl. :I. rtr.rT.
' %V NI - .. ill.Li+ON.
B AON-4., earl abgar cured ham. ii,..lit .era s 1, ,rt It end Mart, me.
'S. de .do ..d. , ,eit.e. t e roo,il l. :
Mit OVaT -
XV a: I. WILSON bar, rcnaore, • - -. V
• • . 114 Seamd rt.. autl 14 - f a t"
. a.
na nix .tha.K. ' ' "."""" W ' d
DusirroN, CL.kliK. &CO.'s Pure Medici.
it g r, .. 0 . 1 0 , ; 1 71 .„'A.L n. ....- d E L , t N . u , LJll , ailt . .:. , 7 , 7 . r b u 14 . ...11:1 0 04
ix nal oaeLevt.r. 011,--5 F.lOlll. tbr oak. I T
;.1 Is IDD a C0..!.0 Wood et. t ai..4 2 ,4i7= :a rd r.,1 lir. _ _ ,3,...n.0w and
___,,,_ __-'1"-- •
IP ANTHARIDES PLASTER-2.5 ] Ls for i -, -
Seed Ste
1......) Ha. by .r.;: Li l ). A f . FAILNY.STOCK ACO
rimitsubiber h a rt ; r n iae,M.,v'Tflti i ; 4ed Store
C ITI I 2 C ' IC11)-16 )1 1 .' e a. Fa or gg ''t7C,K A t x ) . 1 . 4!)1i.7 'l7:': 4 f TlV4 ° Z.'",.'''.4'l' fi g '''=?lt. j . ' e '
R.BAK , . It fteKntri . , or saletiy 7 • ,! ' I ' I 4` PIT a ll' • "" h " P.^' •-. 5 e- '„
F • [tre 4 4 - DEN
' .P 2 -• ~ •• • U. a. " InrES-M CK 'c° 1 - -- E' ;; '&14.11T...11.-GLO I D1.1131 - 11sa r at . ca .
i.. 2 El OLITZ NIxTuRE-Ise lbs, fur sale , L'' 1 .. 7.6 ". 1 ' '''''.... ''''' '". '' '''' '''''''' '
11 144
_I si. A. i'AIINZ.sTOCK a CO. 1 irL„ D tr., %B r ,Irn: t . : . .:. L . 1...,? rt 7 7, b , -7 . 1 . 1C Cr,.
Q IrAP- 11 4 boxes Na. 1 reed, fur sale by - ! " ` ' '',' !; „ l! ", f.',,„' 11 v . r. ": -",-'. . - ,!„ . - : .Pti t.
0 calll9 j P. kir . 1 1ARBAUtilL ,it 11. 1‘ . 1... , a.,.111111, , 1 :um -. x..lCuattge pro..
LIRENCH PLOVERS:-A. - A - 7 ili - s - o s: - tr, ! •,,..ItJin' 'tile'. '. ."' rn ' 4
Co. Itut par anno-/00 dos. of as I 44444 44 .'' r".:.. 24 ''''' ' ''''ga e llf '-', C 2411).
swam —. I
_Nr4 mamas in D. inn& for .itas Wyn n , =b4 .
nit• lIOOFLAND'S Celebrated Gonna
nrrrErs—i,. ifor.u , br KM c 4 -
ex.) Wood st.
--• • - -
'LATE do nnt wish to trifle with the lives arid
IP houlth of the al:kw& but
sit eve ornate no seder:tun ae to we .wear ntedt
eine. and tu hold no hope tn sur!,"-r..r hcciaxiltr, .which
Let, will not warrant
The Mots of /eland. and the- Phu, and WM 11=3 - , er
motif a-lebrakted Pr the tore n 1 all diseemee of the Lunn
and Urer, which wry Po tr , -.1 pre,sielit b ail Ner . .tterii
latitude, From le entobinetion of ch conioel extreme. pro
cured from thie Mose .d thokee,Treeo. nt riudelda Bete
Ltn 07 Wan Outer he ehloC). formed,
' rel - .lSletar's Palm= or snd Chttrr fr . em nu.
atrerrat. conowcwientirel; of Vi lid /]err; Ba t h and the
Rcnnine ittlandMreca (the latter Imported wrpreeslyier this
purprwer the rare urethral "virtue, tf whirl are .Lo com
bined br a new eherniralurnenter, with that:bezel to Tar—
thus randerina the whola eranrroun.l the most wrts.n arta
creation,. renvalrerer s
disorrer.l for the
" " • -
sem of WILL Cherrr.—The foliconou ore of Jon:milk Is
Sulu. of Consumption. Moe of hie Krothem sad uW ha
vino ale/ of Coroumptlou.) Is truly IrooderfUn
roost., Arrest. Llamlltuo ry Sept. 27. 1 7 e)...
.1. 1./. Flor,—.lsor Sin Z laSe the Inserty of earb:ou rso
of We Lossells / bore desired from the um of by. Meese.
bolos of Wild Cbsrm, sea pronnoted by that tinutlel4
emus.. Corwomptlon. Les/... Tb. niteet. sous Voir
horrifying to rue, fir See of our Ntlni.(6l7 bralics atd
Atter.) bod deed (Seneumptiom 1”.4 (Mictroi
nearly .111/1. onset fealume of I I.d. dimes.
log souzb e iond creeerondedi orsot deal of '61.4 tooth
fee . ..some parse lo Me side ore mid
necisg rich nosh. of bent.
- .
.V. 11.9 under the el-744, of a skilful pkysician. fmtn the
time I was taken Mk tine! clout core helm
Ilan about !wirier., and my friends oRrIRRIATE nay case
hamar, or at Meet beyond our phyKkgarr's skin; relneed .
the um of Wistarl 8.11,11. a 11iid Clrerry Without my
koowialga.MY father procurod It. and orannaungl Malin -
istming it to me. Lod from the Nat day .1 wmansneld tale
Inn it ml health imprond, and lu • tiro weeks gem the
itslon it. I was able to he out and over
humy bush., and labor, which I stilLsontitor to 6: I
e mmo four bottles or the mulleins, sad tow comider
myself perlectly well. h JETZMIAII
; ;
Mown reetr Leto Co. ...Jona Is, MS,
JOTD. /Sam—Dear Met In July, IMO, I war lacfltg.ll
with a fever of tppltoLgehareMer. which left me In R eery
dela/Meted stem, when, ha the fallowing wintry, / wee tae
ten with a eerem mid, which • rodueed me to such en eke
tel.: so to gin me the antwartorm of a mnbrmW can-amp.
tite. I labored under aem ere cough—extemorated c gnat
deal. and was troubled with cell lon sol night tweet, 1 •
coo frequently raised bland from my loot,. I fla/tllllll,l'
M this eta., gradually sinking under the dice..., mail
January, ISC, when Imes again attacked with fever. My
friends de pairs! of my life, nut my • Phyridana thought,'
multi eurrir e but a short, time. My extremities. erimbl.
ly my feet. were mrtslantly mkt, and almost lost their &M
-ing. Under these chrumstanott itmmtp hnly soil Was
a being skeleton. I finally determined to quit taking roes
an Peateribed byphyrielms. and try Di. ww..r,. Pads
Patil of Mild Chee.ry, and from the Mat wank that I mm
1 taking lt. 1 mt”late • gradual tecoresp. I sontins
11,/ Ito um air mouths, attire end of which time I RIM
and rajoyed goad health ever rime, and eheerfully roe
.snximeni the Bakem to all these Mtkietsd with diorama of
the long, and would my to three tomMeneing it, tz...Xnor
Is. discouraged If two or three Lotthw do int effect •
rum. hot persevere. m I have dens. and 1 hare 43 dauht
lot nine meet out of ten, will Le blear./ with renewed
haaltg es 1 have teen Regyettfully 3.0010,
I.POrI•NT To ICOR 011.1C11, LLSLASCII 0/ Ttli Lcmas
From Jr. Nam Spring...3,4d, Wathington Cor.ntr. Ey_
nem -, ITY.,3l:tr 14, 41.
• Mawr/. Etanfortl k Parke—T take this oppartualty Gnu
' forming yeu ors moot remarkable turn perform:Pi noon
; me by the we of tarATistar's Dakam of NITA Cherry.
10 the year 15/0, I wee taken with u innarrettimof the
; bawl, WWII I Labowl under for An wear, whoa I an:l
-' .11y remo . ertel. In the fall or ISTI 1 sae attmehm: with •
?Perm., 0011. which aea/ed 1144 f Ilren /UM.. and for tha
1 +rare of throe years I was r0uf.n...1 to MT N.J. I tried 4,11
• nada of toodiethe, aml Lrers erriety of all, w:Choot hew—
' tit. nod thus I wearit.l alwg uutil the wintry of 1(55,
when I Lewd of Dr. Wistarr Dana= of Wild Cherry. My
:mond, penuadrd me to 01, it a era:, though : had glr . ./.
; up sit hope, or nal/very, and bad properal =reel( for the
: change of another world. Through thoir.aboltatimee 1 woe
loduced to make u..n of the genuine Wistaee Dales. of
plltl4 Cheery. Th, ePleet was truly .1./MuLtting. Alta
tbs.-yea-. of a:biotin./ an.: ',fir:ha, and :011.0 Saying
, erect four or 6. - e kundrodllotian to no burro, amt the
• hert we/ mon nor. amble phyarione Ina proton unarall•
inn, l vrapeewn reemzed no entire houlth by the blenlnr, of
clod mad the nee of Dr. STlathee ital.= of 1411:1 Chorri.
Illay the Ph:rani; of loot met proprinow of en
naluable a mecololoo Winurb balls. ITiblCo/rrr.
Wu. Jr. 71...LrL.
Sold br J. W. t Lt. trnhonn,r Sar_furi I . .f.r..)Foorth
end 'Manta erect, Cinvhdrati.(thin, Gturral nt for the
Loath ml-W..n. k who... tdl arL
J Xtdd Co.. B. L. fahnestonh Co-
L. /craw. L.
Pltt..hurnln. linnklo.a. AlleoLdar Mr;
L. T. Konen. W 11. anon, Utlioll43Vl:4 If.
Welty, Gttnnglntro, Iteurtr.."Enrienot..S.ntrtt Gilman,
holfordtltt,l A Son. IluntOnntor.; Uri. Orr. Anted
1111.1ebrand A' Co.. ind Loon 3. K. 'Wright. Elttattaind;
la. 6 . 14, 1 ilnacr . lll, J ; ...11 , T , r0; Z.t . t . ,
G ham C .l.l s' Forr.., junta Itellt-j Co. but.
I. nA. rtnith. aro,. 0.dur...arrt,.:.., Warm= E. L. C.
A. Jou., Coudrr.r...r,.. P. Croact, jr...trooranilla.
mmg 7v..drib" a JPO.,"
nor Ace, Ak9n - ..2.11,r-al,i, Pains GT PGjYn J
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