The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 06, 1851, Image 2

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County Contention.
The Whigs nod Antimasous of Alit—
Saturday. the tam of lien
pnoi., es the wall plain of hoLliott Printory tooetinge; to
the T3 . mhlM mrpmtively at 3 o'clock- P. N, and In the
tel Boroughe et 7 o'clock, P. 31.. to mica
Docomeh election District, to e County Coo•
mittion, to tot hell et the Court Ilcome, on Wednesday, the
4th of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. 31.. to =Actin, CoUaT
itoe ,,lnettone yreperatou to the next General Liman. and
•113 to eyoeint delegetmt to the State Cotteentink, to meet
Uncester, on the tlith of Junk,
Clin of Coarnite.
Wm. C. TI.UMD, Eeey.
To the Whigs of Pennsylvania.
in- A. STATE CONVENTION will bo hold in tho City
d Lapelortd, on ITENDAY . June 24th, I€L5l. for the nue
= .I...ting tandldahm for tho ofltros of thmernor and
:anal Conunisalmaer. and al. for Jodoon of the Suprrme
lIENRY M. FULLER. Chalrm.m.
Jo.hh R. Rtaceitin. I eamtml 31c3lenamy, r
' T. Knot }lotion, C. Thornton Jon.,
Wm. 11. Slintluff. Mtodn't R. Thomas,
! , :sum:) Ddll. John S. Brown.
Net LA vzi.4 Elm ter,, , T. Tayhtr Worth.
Wm. J. Robin. ' 1 dies.teler E. brown,
'Woolen E. Prnsto .
r, I Wm. Ilan:,
Thom,. }nC.l.,ran, : Wm. 11. Watt,.
lterrry Johnoom , Jmnes Clark.
_ charha It. Lardtaan. i lihnrm . sta c. 11
w . i t'Z1 , , , ..,
--• floor, Cram.
.D. a. rlntm.rt 1 John dllbtan,
C. Q. Loomis, , Dantal McCurdy,
John l'andmant. . Onortm 3lrmton,
'Wm. trans, : Alles'r M. McClure,
3,4,. F. Neville, I Enamels d.o,rtlnta.
Tirol Page—Near York Correspondence;
" Sinkin of ei dicing ship;" Commercial news,
Third page—Telegraphic News and Morkets—
prnaila of Foreign limac-I.lemo Matters, &c.
Fourtn rage—roatrp •'l3irtim—Mrs. Meek of
s-non," nn amnsing article from household'
. We are authorized by friends of HENRY W.
Wit:Luz:a, Esq., to state that he has consented
to be iv candidate for nomination, before the
Anti-Nfasonic and Whir, Convention, for the of
fee of Aa.sistant Judge of the District Court of
this county.
'Mc. Williams is, as is generally known to our
citizens, a gentleman of excellent nullities, legal
lettruine, general information, untirmg industry,
nnquesticned integrity, and 'nappy temperament,
peculiarly fitting him kits.the position to which
his friends wish to, elevate him.
We ere Rimmed to find our Whig friends turn
ing their attention to the important tusk of se
lectlng their candidates for Judges. No more
sesponslblo _duty can deeolve upon a people than
that of selectiog their Judges, and it should be
approached and treated with all the seriousness
andaacredness which belongs to it.
TION...--)VC are highly gratified to learn that the
Directors of the Pensylvania Railroad, have or
tleted the Mountain Section to be put under
contract. ! Proposals will be received from the i
tltl to the 12th of June next, at Johnstown and
Summit, for the grading and masonry of that
part of the Mountain Division of the Per.asyl.
mania Rugroad between Altana, in Blair county,
and Pria l ile's Point, a few miles below Jefferson,
in camhtut—a distance of 22 miles.
The rend within this distance will cross the
Alleghely mountain, encountering come of the
heaviest &tiding offered in this country. In ad
dition toa uumber of extensive cuttings, embank
ments, illd culvertA, there win be one tunnel
1,200 yards iolength at the summit of the moan
' twin, and another of 200 yardsthrough Pringle's
By thofirst of July, then the grand work of
leveling thoMlegherty Mountain will be fairly
commenced, and when it is finished. there will
no longer be tiny obstruction from this cane, be
tweets the waters of the Ohio rind the Delaware, !,
and Philadelphia wBI. be brought within fifteen
hoqs of pleasant riding of Pittsburgh. By that
tithe, also, we shall have a continuor.s Railroad
highway tothe Mississippi, and most probably
,Is Chicago. Mlio can estimath the effect of - this
rest line of travel opening up between the East
and the. West, and bringing the extremities of
our vast country into a mere neighborhood dis
•ortre Pirrsareou )ton."—Under this head
the Cincinnati C=xyz copies the different ac
camera of -the Jenny Lind "mob," given bythe 24,000 Dime,
Patabmgh men; end makel na ray the lle
Lind *.trne attmed by the' Meeting and al-re-
pmsed laughter of seine perscni." &t.The '
1.972, 605 , 131,794.78
word 4 ` usi7 eleldersi by es ' b " ism Total Gold Bullion decosited for coinage from
into oneo f more aericul import. We let to 30th April, 1041, irslarice
ars sesprl*l to End cur Gmrnaeti conteropora- from $2,785,
2,7 orating with -holy honer cf the Pittsburgh ^ other Boraces
iwryr, is V. 4 denied that Jenny Lind hscl i 52,860,60-1
Silva: Bullion deposited in same time 18 , 1 1 00
ere&"42.4i The col-cage of, threp cent pieces has remised
aLwgisp.. Weis willing to recdre u wholesome to „ bent $16,000. andi s „ rogi ,,i ng ra pidly.—
`"<`r e4-e mei misees M ear midst ' bet By i-.trnetions from the Department, one half
theGetttte...f2. remembe r
to b roug ht f sags be no he reserved far the =Wont
ran Trinisarers and Gore =nen& Depositories in din
so 'es m t he same rotation —e taut cities, who will, by exchanges and otherwise,
Q". 035 C- 4 , - ; the. the rct does to the kettll. We introduce them into circulation. The balance
w cry iMeeede Ciesie-'ireiemierimPsthiMe2 will be paid out at the mint, in amounts of $3O,
"nth and lament ug our common tab:Corti:see, i
,sue sad $ l6O. T i e inane yin take piece on
sot abwrl-, - ; ns usrct.s.r/7 wicke d .Ti see are, the Bth instant.
we ray add, edict rides in the Vid...en to which
this role srat be applied-
HcadEs I TO Ora. !Won.
, We learn from Me New Orleans Delta that
Ex-vacemartent.-liedical men are my oft- mu, Creasman, :bbbb ., 4 ,, i4 d by Rec ,,i rde ,,
eu asked if ;At N'ACtir`it le° La EAMAitr.: to pro- ; Caldwell, Acting Recorder Faire, (Steamier Ge
,tect the system, through life, from entall-par, or ' nos being indispose-I,j Gen. Lewis, Judge Mc
how afore it is summary to hare the operation • Caleb, and Logan 4.lanion, Esq.,United States
performed? The late Dr. Fisher, of Boston, for 1 di - 'trier . i
etteruej, exiled on Gen. Scott_ at the
.1 St- Lotus hotel, n! Now Orleans, on the 24th
ti long - time gave attention to this eubject; and in I c hi me
Snouss7 last Published , with others, the folio , ' The Mayer in a few neat sad appropriate re
in: propositions, which are supported by sterner- i marks, addrlnsmiltheGenerahinformin op hini of the
ens statistical facts, and are foil y relied upon ; regret felt by the citizens at , his not Fuxin
; through the city on his return'from Mexico.-
loy tho pressitrn: .
, Be was happy, however, even at this late hour,
1. Thnt_Anc single and Pods at Tnee ln " . " i to have en opportunity of thanking the General
&es not, .10r all. time in all: cases, deprive the' f a r his distlngniehed services to our cOnIEOOP
system of itastmetptibility of 'minions diseases.. country, and, in belmlf of the inhabitants of New
2. That one or more re-vaccinations do; aid ' Orleans, he would - } ender him a most cordial wel
that coutgtudiltlY a PhYsiniall should recommend , come bed the hoep talities of the city.
re-vaeclutVden, when questioned us to its Auces" ,' Gm. Scott received the vizi', with great ear- ,
ci ty.; i diality, and replied to the remarks of the Mayer
S. The system is protected fru= verioloos con-, in a short but meet happy speech. He modest
tagien when it is a o Longer susceptible of vaccine 1 I y alluded to his leas on the Sable of Mexico
inticieuce, as tested by re-vaccination. „ as having been de the subject of too ertrarre i
Seery Person , therefore , who would be fully I gent a laudation; d then, in terms of high re-
.pro Meted from small-pox, should he not only i spelt, lit spoke of the dietiagrdtked and exalted ; vaccinated, but should have the operation : petrietient Which Louis' Inas had displayed dosing
repeated, one or two times, or until the system , the program of the Me l low campaign. New ;
ceases to be affected by the virus. For the moot i Primula, fn nartieular, had dietingedshed her
parsons one operation would be found sufficient, ; self, and the epiri. which she had meat abroad,
while ethers may require several; Re-vaccine- I had quickened into active life theimpuise of the
1 1
tion, at least once, should always be praticed.- whole country. And time, mild the old hero,
.1f this were, the ease generally,ahis dire disease , arose that martial, excitement, which ultimately
would aeon become unknown.. ; carried us so mucseemfully through cordate - the
most mankiinaryand arduous on record . The
14 .11111MACITEING SSOCes.-The NeWburyport t General then pointed to the sword which I
Ilerald publishes the following table, showing ' bee" , Presented bid by this Stele , ateh with
~,,, w as
of uncontrollable emotion, remarked that it
par price "a4mu'ket value of some e.. -° was the only one, that secompanied him in his
prominent Eastern mannfacturing companies' I present journey. i lu conclusion, ho thanked the
stock. Where asterisks are prefixed, the mar- I Mayor for the eqmpllment which he had been
kit value is that at 'chitin actual sales were made I pleased to pay him on behalf of the city of New
during the 'reek. , Orleans.
Comesnim- p.,,,,...„ , i., ~., i After remaining for some time the Matters re
' - ; tired highly pleased with the General and with
sAmoskesg, Alanebestmr,
s® 60 , ,, , ),, , , the reception he had given them. '
*Stark, - de- o i f -..-
Appleton,Lowell, 1000 800 .
, 000 bob; Tim Mate max ExpLostoX re IiCSOMIT.-A
AtlanticLawreece , 4 „ letter from lemesver, of the 3rd April, gives the
Bartlett, NeWbilrypore,
,„,, ~.74 \ following deb:tillof this terrible catastrophe :-
Boot, Lowell, ,1;;;;;; ..„:„ "This mornhig, at semen o'clock, a noise like
wffettulten, do. ;-, .r,`,,' ,„,„ , thunder was he over the city, folloired by a
i tr o : Do Z 660 . 1, sienaluthaadeelicik.toyeui.ah
fall of
w l a in; e: th ery e . window
Lawrence, do.
Lowell, do. door in
Laconia, Saco , 6 - 000 2 , 12 , 4,4,, buret
o e p e, ,i, r . e .. a th . os . e .f w . hich4ere locked,
*Lancaster, Clinton. Mass,
1000 A.' streets. and a
Mammehtmetts, Lowell, alms° Maze of smoke darkened 'tr e the
Merrimac; do. 1000 1200 , . 4 . 04 ,.,...,,,.
a 'The powder ' had ex lod
-Middlesex, ' do. 100 1 ) 560 ' a d. Ina '
fewl. magazine P
. 500 ..„; c eased, and thZcal e' Vrt aisc rew ertai e a ned th e2 t l h P e l POn w
Jl l
• Suffolk, do. -
Tremont, do_ 1000 ,'"" der magazine pear Trumylronia barrack' had
Jackson, Nashua, SOO ow.„ blown up. People hastened to the barracks ne
Nashua, - do. 500 48 . loon as the smoke had cleared away. Of the
Coehroo, Dover, 600 52.5 meguine its, a large building with salaam
`: *Great Palle, 200 194 cal walls, nothing remained but a heap et. emo
flahnon Falls. - 500 400 king ruins, from which occasionally a shell ezplo-
Cabot, Palmer, Mass., 1000 700 ded. The whele roof of the barracks wee blown
D wight, SPthi:s3eld, - 7000 4°° sway, the walls riddled with Muth' and other
d°' lOOO 810 materials, which had been thrown likewise into
' 'rettinel, 7 o °o 630 ,„„., every part of the town. committing havoc where
Palmer, at Palmer, 1 000 ~,„„"Ln " they explodedi Legs and arms and wrens, her
r/butt:Biro, do. 1000 ,"M' s ribly mutilated, were ocatterd In all direction.
*Yor Saw, 1000 ''''' The exact n2 , l4ber of killed has not yet been as -1
Bar State, Lawreltee: 1000 80 0 ~ta k md. o. captains and forty privatek
ielfow England Worsted Co., 100 76 am reported rid. Ball an hour - later a whole
' lie tee n that of the battalion would have been an eiethiSa in the
- By '`,..e'o-`•-•swri-rable, it wall
barrack y ar d, and prohablytxterminated. Thd,
thirty oomPo l°Lhed, the !tech ' el i _„„.,,,,' town gates err ao seriously damages! that they ;
' Cr ene tenth of 4te whele -number, are "''' - o re unsafe. At the moment 1 tun Writing shells
-"'" Biscriaim At LOWA iltC°Cht' patinae .td tionns.rising to a height in
gas. i• Thera ...9 - 41 .
tee-• - •••
..;.y . th.ve_ t h u , aM It pot
safeis to,vlOWUrft earthsP ePot•
e _
_,_;° et Deter ' etta *T"el llel4Ll' '' ''
eB-Mei TewhandredfWeight of Powder is at: r elied at
meander, tho depreciatiolt of the - matte of th
no great distance, but it is hoped that it will not
being. more
. varies from 3 to 60Per et• - th°" ete it e _ . _,...„ -- ,,, ; ,. --. a .be ignite& Members of some of the. unhappy
' twenty five per cent Certainly "`"' -°`°' victims were found 1000 yards from the spot.-
, - not look emelt like nialtufactureellEen/41t4th'ete Nearly all the NP•inhabitants ci have fed from the
oir=o , pro u too d wb j u i t our f ret t ro d, made eig for sell . . this diameter has yet
. WaSI
ass so land of Saki* I , •
TlSAN3rollle'S or BititlD.--Oor readers will re
ntepher an account, copied' from the Cowrie, da
Elms Una, of some internsting experiments in
the tramdusion of blood, performed by French
Physicians. The Cowrie . of Thursday last s cod - !
taliss - an account of another successful experi
meet. which we translate.
On the third of last January, a woman living
in the commune of Lancey, (Isere,) after a very
difficult oceouchement, suffered severely from t h e
loss of blood. M. Monnonnicr, the attending
physician, succeeded in checking the hetoor7
ringe; but a short time after bin departure it
commenced again, and a long swoon followed.
The patient then recovered her consciousneas
and grew somewhat better; but enoffier hemor
rhage succeeded, and left her in a longer swoon,
ard much weaker than ever.
! When the Physician returned in an hour and
a half after he had left her, apparently out of
danger, he found her in a condat aos
forbade hope of recovery. Fier relati ition that
had slmev
eral times believed her deed. She was exceed
ingly weak, pale as a corpse, her extremities
I cold, and her pulse so low thatat times it could
not be felt. All possible means were employed
to check the flow of blood, (which still continued
I at intervals.) and to restore warmth and circula-
don. There efforts were continued for three quar
ters of an hour without the slightest success. The
patient was sinking, death seemed inevitable,
! and, as a lastresort, M. liormonnier determined.
to try transfusion,although aim was so far redu
ced that ho scarcely hopsd for time to perform
the operation.
A small syringe was found in the house, and
o young girl living in thelneightsorhood consent
ed to give her blood. T e r physician, with the
usual precautions , open the basilic vein of the
right arm of the patient. The girl was then
bled; the vessel into which the blood flowed
ing surrounded by warm water, to keep up the
temperature. The syringe was then filled, but
the firattrial was only partially raccessfuL The
girl was bled again, and another trial made.
This time all the blood dontained in the syringe
was forced into the vein. l
Tho transfusion was apt followed by any accis
dent, any pain, any crisis; but, almost immedi
ately, the respiration became moriregular, the
pulse mire.sensible, and consciousness more ap
parent. The tendencrto syncope ceased im
mediately, and the obscurity cf vision which
had been ono of the propelling symptoms, disap
peared rapidly.
Applications of warm linen, friction, &a, were
resorted to; sued, in three quarters of an hour,
circulation was restored, and continued to be.
Come more apparent. Two hours after, the pa
tient fell into a sleep which was followed by a
I renewal of strength, that gave aesurance that
all danger was passed. ! From that time forward
the convalescence was rapid. At the end of ten
I days the patient was stron4enough to sit up, and
in twenty days, she was able to resume her
household occupations.
A triumph like this, says the Comrrier, is cel
-1 ciliated to modify the common opinion of the
I danger and uselesness of transfusion. An ope
ration which, in the sixteenth century, divided
the medical world into two great parties, which'
I bus been, in turn, practised with enthueieem or
forbidden by a sentence, at Chatelet in 1668,
Nebieh in fine, has met isdegree of success, should
I nut be east aside without examination. We ar
dently wish that the experiments in transfusion.
with the lower arlinals,, may bikundercaketverith
! more satisfactory results than have yet appeared.
and thus settle the wrine of this operation,and point
the cases in which it may he successfully prat
, tried.
The Secret Ballot Law passed the House of
Representatives of 'do. sachusetts on Wednesday
by a vote of 174 to 133. The law provide? that
the Lallots of voters b placed in envelopes be
fore being deposited initho box. and has been the
subject of much discussion of tate is our Massa
chusetts exchanges. , Thie law had previously
passed the Senate.
The operations of the U. 9. !fiat at Philadel
phia, during the poet month of April, were as
follows• ,
Coinagefor i April—Cots!
117,744 Double Eegl4, rate $2,334,550
21,179 Eagle, 211,790
851,90 S QuarterEr.gleu
gold Itcalax; 1
614,949 pieces
Saco . grvertge
Thmatafed from ar COurrter du Ro s er,. ,
Office for Foreign Patents.
ftsemerAwgDiscovany is AralCt -A fintlEß- WI 5 Whit et.,kof ro c k Had 145 fled ,t ,I,odoo
~.1 11. ,A 1 ,71 , ,,,E , ,,,N , .1 , ,'
~,,,B := F
~._? „ .1 t. tb,,‘,1 . ..N 7 1 . *
~,,..,,tr,„,., ,
,z , 5„,,,,,,,
~ ,2...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
C,,,,,...,,,,,, „ 1 . 6, ,, ,,,,,a,,
Jell.. It Creams. la
U. States Mail Steamship Line. • ye,. Lemon
tint, sevant, 31 Gaysa, who Is now iravelthigin Fctraet el Nu. .mice
lIP LAFAYETIT. , s fa t_ .; . H oc i .111 - teeoe- G"L'' ' v . A••• KE I • 1' Evw
1 itT cl t • ii ou.izft
A. 185 .,, 1 1 ;
pn suited Li Ty, htmsf .
the interior of Western Africa has
fi n i ng to to the Impened Society of Cletitta W3l A IIoCLUEO A CO. PITTSBVP.GII AND CLEVELAND - .
• tor' :PA Llbertr et
, i
~ . , i ., •ut nue. curl
containing information of great interest. He t COo informall.. ' b •
tall I t ''''t ore ' L ' LI L ,' ° , °••° ", 1 A. , r....,.... - .
,„,,,,„ ~,,„ , ~,, t.1 4 .,i • i re.. u. -h.,' ...A/ 4 frxr. ....row moildanl. ,rouniauder. rea Wren Parasabt.
has nand among the Kommenia a small tribe I J A 1•11 t...... ~,,,, r,, E,B rm.., tettbeed Ices /
tributary to the kingdom of Gull, In Senegam- "''''''2- It Ot•to , At t 1 • •rk - , wad, at,Ple'llllt....!'"h7r'behr-trinnotritirdiltent'4ht%Varf.f.ri N i l U.RP...11,,Y,L0r..111.TR1d....,,C111:01E1.L..D...aneb.av0..e re.d .w. 'd I ! ,.. ):; ,, , t `is b i..erne w . 7p eete •• : . ,,,,er i• l n ee .... l , o ,,,...i ltul e ... "'"'ale iro nte r tn .: " :.. i ne
bia, traces of Jacques Comp a Preach l -- . - Alexan . der Bract-re-Y. 1.,,r,,..1 • s niurd., Mar
to at ye eel...
I Tht. ',build
Idol. J. tone rm... bLilt In , :eras.. AW, Brown Black. and beefeaters. m lowest • . see t a yd.,„4 pu,,,,,,,Z 1 ,,,X,.... 1 : 8 10r ties
traveller. charged by 31. de Choiseul toward the I•° IS Ilf.. ' d .....t. 1,4,,, n h"! o " S'"`"na en., • I '' '' '4l " . " bl. ' lT' ;• ' ' l li u m ". ei n ad ne' l i t ', .. '' ' ' sirtar r' 4 'd lio .oh '•• " ' '' '' .'"(":"."; ' ' nr°". ••• v. . ewe • • - irr . TIDY...TO my!
, _.--- ~, - PACKETS.
middle or the last century with a voyage of es- I ISION 01 Tit! ooLDEN • - r, is 1„, the i1 , ....1. - 44.• nr ~..., theta. , sr c.d..: On, .nd In et : 1tt1.D.1.0111 , 11. nmals a5...-IN ow all fan - PMNSTI.V N
ploration into the lute.. of Africa, who disop- qA:cUFLiCTURER of e, try de, r• plum 1 !,'", 7,74 !, ' ..1!„, ,- ~,q^, allot.,n .11 , ,, , a a , r .o r th " "7 . '''' . 1 eLdlerrunack and Cod.. rains,,. AWN milailer NTAGARA. A-
l ' A--
-------- '' J ' Etna "'
r •.......o°. rue P.' no b relate, of newest sty les.j.t reed br
Feared in 1760, and W. Let afterwards Lean'' *•'' ' "" Li , ••rorr ••,. n. th. m . •Prr •. 'd 1•••• • •••••••••• ••••nrinn" w for c 0... end elegm. ' eel Mlif18181: Jr BURCIIITELD. - et . leare HAYi7AM ga rheiTlandinit optraDe the -N Me i retac,,,,,, ".
I s: me. and •tten .. will //II II r the le....fsetmt ,
from. I 1 " 0-1 ,sottoi riot le. aui ain .pest, will lw 11,unti ' 1,,,, .1 " ‘Tr' '' °"'"°''''F'• I e.e.M 9 o'clock, A. Et. connectau CM the ileum et
Wiehmg to complete the discoveries which had .... , ',..;? 0 a a.... all add "w' ',."• !..ri ''.'" .. 0 ~e ii. . ..ti el '', n '' ' ' ' '''''tr i ''' - 9 ' 4 ‘i li cif i llE S" n E t! ' tfthit iN an CL
b,,,,,t .i. full assortment !Laver, which win lore .... :=l ,-..,........
e Mcilat...... Imu It Ito •tov.. tun and Yu, braten.
been Made by Ins brother some years helore, Jac - i. sat.. we hay. the attenluat of ' lntide-Y, , hettlee• ~ .-sou I tsi lo co tort wor d iritY a /1111.Clei k lal). a Cara t Clernelf. Pil•MaGeig . 41 . b il ir liar .i."l'
k,UPERIOR TICKING-Murphy A Burch- .:' rii ` N d ra i to "th' sna Witt rr eb !erid ""d ree si=ers a ror st ctdes.
gees ceMpagnon left Senegal Lenard the year ' °•°••• "` L• L LL'Ment Bt. • • L• .• .. 11 of '''n".*`••• to'''te
“Irreo,,,,ernce,4c,,,tzlytir,...6‘,RLL4,„„l,'c,,, J r .t , :„.1,,..=,,,,,, ,m, ,,d ,,,, ch r a f t p.,. EY , - 1 •
~‘,1 1e, ,.,i1 d0 1 /ren t , t ek it . gb enj u s„ ,tu r ,c.t ioni ,du f briptAireZpiuthelf.ratto.,gorter.,..t et ., ,, ,,, Ltl r waUsg.. ,,,, Zo fre„ blelorliastfl o
.r. etk4C ,, ltr ; D m e t. nklek x. andTklite7
. tile , attersili.n of dealt., Lefor. t or.loolito el•rwher.
Extract from a fetter from Coltfornia. 1758, and taker visiting ell the nib. to the tor 0)
• Northward and Eastward of Ser;anthi, ho Fire Works for Forsth of July, 1851 1,":;;;;;ofe,n1,;,h,l'n ng 1 ,,,.." ~- .. ° . K P.' . •L ' a m ' LLL . Co.terpenes, .d honed terpitut Cools re.r.ny• - ' ..i....n e CLARKE. retss a 0 , , ' l . 4orkion.. "
"One class of the politicians-the dirty one- '
i I penetrated . far as the desert .1' i h 1 a tort"
about the State govemunent, is preparing,
I very curious point for Etc, r.-los RATE. TO LIYEEPO. , L AN. Ilm , R.
geogeol:LiCa‘ "' aC - 171t . ; 0 -- (1 5: :: -1 , A E l l. „T ) , L ,,, L , E r Y , ~ 4 :„ 21..!, b° }.,.., ‘ ,: ; „.. ' , 1 , 1 , ' ,, ' „ ' ,, u L 'o ,„. • i 1a (... s, sr i "
working out indeed, one a the most nefarious I
Nothing was beard of him after March, 1760, ,aoh To e sed it• t I ' bon,. oid manullquo ot and „P . : °L ,.';',,, , ,°, r • W°
schemer of roguery that has been hitherto per-
end all the research. or tic governor or tr,,,,,,,,r,,;',"1„tur,:fi,„".,,,,,".,jr,',tn-,.„11,7,1,;;,,L `4 , ‘,7„, .. ~' , ,,%,..,...r0r„r `0 7.7%,!,,TT, ; , ."'"" ""
°O l°
petrated. They have determined on an loth. 1
, the rierial pUbt of St Lotus proved utterly ...i moor. • f , f that las ...tubed honee are vow 're. eesht. from Litu • rpm!, on PI NI O.P.S. OP Per M. I
war, to be carried on by the State itaelt butt ,
e__, . rid oh !oral, b re,' 0, ...oriel, of work,' .. a s an t ° I,„ Ptioruist., the Lte,yett. odi 1,1, User mol In Jane, -, -.
be ultimately paid for out or the Federal treas. "hones. I . public or mall extzlhtons, on the most reanon ' thi: ' n'L • •'n' in ' n '''' Ins un.uil , "or.i e from L. r, • about the mid f 111 ALK-lU bbis. for sae by
COTTON -13 bales landing from str. Cape
The Kerumente are u Proliell) ctvihred people' hi oe o J aco ..Nam it un....y tot
stolid., iu 01, • of JulL,
wen eembllshett include !weld. iIl ./ myl EL E. SELLERS.
They have nut°. of religion which resemble I 1,:fge„. 1 ;;, 1 „,,v,- "--- n--. 4-, t hey - - " th. ro P . - nor
"r"'" spiv
ury. They are raising troops at to immense I
Jon" L LINT ON. Lombard et tt had mars.
Ott; ll). NM iCO, 17 Wein. et., or tu 1
cost the privates to receive frvo dollars a day ,
1 Christianity, end ore net entirely ignorant of the 0 . . ...Atoka eine. ihe in ei hoinnor motet, Rom.
and their allowances, and so on, increasing in utile , Turbultton. Len.. Ben Mat, tam. , th .., ... nt Lirerpool J.., Mellsrat, kw, , Mae. =I for MG I.
the upper gratin; a major receiving more than arty and Soignee , They have a
I lanua ge, an Il• g o g i ce ,,i I, gg .., t • i„..., ii,-,i i t:wo g , b e ,,,a, •• • ,: a d. haeon fOr ritteborgh JA u FLOin, 'TI ISAIAH DIME'S & CO. '
&di e , o f i altihnint and the art or writing. 3 Gaye, hes i .., loon. r, .r.... Cue - per, oodue, perk, ie. mt LId
discovered in one of their principal villages • 115i 11" ..... P Lam. " * 11 .r. 1".1 :5 ' ..T. 1. 0 1'1 r ' l i i •ott n'l'' s 'l'''.
W‘b4' Round Cbe.reh 11011,111,0, ideated ' •
double the pay of a major general 711/ESE'S I 'CI
the militia are us be called out, some, indeed,
small stone monument of a conic shape, covered ovum nermodir .olimbd ruyeylm•er Wl'
are ordered and sent to points now perfectly 1 - - Compound SPIV of Yellow Dock Root, 1
numerous inaeripuons to letters resembling Hamburg Polka.
r 1 • K
LEBER, No . lot Third Street, hasjust US prtetory seet he of this country for ettOpletely myl
tranrplll; to the Gila, for example, where there I ,akb s ,GCE - PIES the front rank among the pro. I
are three companies of regulars ated no settlers, i gveloillYP hio oboroell. F EATHERS-5" bap for sale by
and the Indians entirely 'quiet and smashed un- • After having studied this curious eonstructhen 1 pl ue reeehe . to , -,
~ r u taring Canktr, gait Lheom, Priet.. and all other du , . I 1 mei ISAIAH DICKEY &CO.
and. after Interrogating the oldest inhatatants of I „ h o y i , i „ i i r,,..., ° ,;„` ‘ ,O:Ntl : l,,j • I ". must F.O ...., a rmies frooi au Debora state of the bleed . A
der them protection. While thehe trooper ere or- I 'n° '''''''' ii.• mathernat r. atm., breckpna, Heeded) ,Dirtie r.., w ' 1 QUGAR, 'MOLASSES, At.-
g..,W,g, constant sets o f oatragl an the thdi. 1 the country and learning the populat traddion, I rerewell, Old Cottam written and competed by BC. • oeu ' ho Soo ~/.-• anti Tightness about the ' mt. Bp.. 1 xj - , ye, bhds..N. (La t .,
I_ • he became convinced that this monument is I b o o., nod dedicand to Oct. Harry It oats, of pitt s burgbp , totes. or hoarsen., orroms, a. a dealing eemmtlon I - So Obis . Batlte Oronnd 8.11. Mehemet
ans ere prowling retaliation that roma membs- once I Lola I / Lee, Mary War. ny S. C Foster. -boot the throan .d 13 nerd with numeontented redease 6 tibia Lod Sugar, landinemell for
role be
I erected over the gm. or Jacques Compagnea, t The Little Red !tiding Ito., by plover to all rake of JAM.O DALZELL,
bly bring Ott a war , for we cannot expect thei n• 1 the Monotala Na
by Linter
I who made captive b the Komm I - Female Werchem and Galant 69 Water. and IS Wlrrt et
ravage to be more just and discriminat i ng in his , being. 3 , ems, ii r Maly b , ar dung by the Alleghenl.l ,
" Age than the civilized man. structed them in the principle of nil b sina,unoina to wearened bcdr • lettlit to
t-e tfleful , ~a , e, Dont, as sung by Jenny Lind, a., new worn sane. ors...and lairrtlea the ' 1 . "'"
w th.
F LAXSEED -60 bus for
j slie by
Debillty. mil
"A n th e st n t e h e.. , no mone y, t h e whole o f 1 arts, and died about the year 1775, leaving a- I rstreVtn, y. , , If the L o yttlmony a th . coda of.,l4o " wit= tram I MTI ES DAISELL.
Mang them the venerated reputation of a uge IBy the Sw! , 8.. ?Fa rr' s..., sr sum/ by Jiitira Lind -ono of l'',.'„ r t.,.. tr i g r a .!,7 a ' car t g Le,,,, aa , g ,„,.% gad , ,,,/aP,' a t a t c li sa` ta . VI ORSE Compound Syrup of YELLOIF
these enormous expenditures are to be paid by
,: t e
„ io r, h u te r,.. o th ei n mai ,
rh u . n . , ,i n irry.fu to . r .: acr in n oo rs kru ni a l : r rou . .
.ii te bonds; and, although in an exigency the I Gsysa Wall turned into certainty when the chief Mid lot I' lermire seiscil. of new Waltzes, Puller. Fse 8 N WICKERSHA3I,
M litil might be called into the service of the anti n good genius. But the convictton of 31. • i 1 . ".T.".: e 1 1C i r,:„ • ,.' ~',',llf:e , p‘ ..,,, ,r
aloes, Preaotore, Ao
U . ted State!, and the expenses thus thrown on I ° f the tribe ,I ' ..ed hi m ' arm. article ' ° f E n- n nom eIGY OF TEM GOLDEN' HARP
General Govenunent, this would not suitthe ropean manufacture, which have been handed I :eit .7 : r.... nd o b t rlieri b
th d,:n o ih n e;ti k... i.atio o nL... i re t iz . re th lr ;re ' or I 4.1.. E. DOCK'Ss.OI.-u23,:u.wkrt...,.....reeoperortrovid,,...
. tort
NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS! !-The n bat retuned many chronic. diseases arlde ""m h b b i a:baffi ll''''" ' '...""d
b 7
a W'd
. • 1 Nigher • n-law, or ths /ale uf Ron, a cola by hen.. Ihe skill of the best physicians, nd has alsomered Centel. i VITLIOL AL n retail mannfactu- al
J. Wilson ad & Son.
pl deters, they
to flood the country down from father to son, and which they are nn
re" Banker. silo by T e Arthur
ITIRIIIS to part with at any prlce. Among these he 1 r - , B. Y. nouthworth
th bonds, de them to five cents on the 1. LAit c.d.. Erysipelas .d Scrofula. which Pms.sparilla
d•llar, buy them up, and receive from Congress ,
saw a Naaaraat• an ..• ••11r• ••4 al° ulme i Meehan!. Mematue, No 3 • rm. enthrtly Luc% to make impressont [mon .7,..,Ty °°-°' gad th.-- ,- s-. ma Caw, s- gida,
It fi-,.., ,-. trurd to mu r eases or CANCEROUS 111/ "Ur.4 ' '4 O4'. b.4°' DIM 41147. "444.
IlortieuininsL f •r Mar
sir fall amount in a low appropriating mone y of Jacques compagnon.
nulthan r, -
M Garin , who is a great:reveller, deugns to 1 n..... ,, e ,
~, hi. De . we n 7 that it Is a melicfno In .6 -. ' l CG " " their °."'``" }.4 " 44"-444'"444° V 4 "4"
• reply California the expenses of protecting 1101 .1 - 9 1 orrarr Depot L ' lll aS OUS Th C;7l ' ; ' L ' A ' lN b‘U TS ' . "' lt C :ll7o ," ;:; ' l7 . tott 7 tae. '"'d ne b .
i O b 7ali b ld i- ea 'b d "e sty: ' , b'reff:ho*leaslfi''el ova
":' retal P nal 'k et a te n :• I
_ continuo his explorations 1 Africa for ninny i ors Third lir. t 0p... the Post OIL. •he su et eendetir • the lever 4 free. scar .d heal- -Gent. of their custornerrend the public, aseraing then
h frontier from Indians. This plan was con tir It roam. PelpitaZon in the Heart .d ' ku e. tri , th t.g ° ' '" ••11 *a th•°"4""l'''b/."'"
e • fed ''h Washington, suggested by the Texas SO". , NEW BOOKS! HEW BOOKS! ~ ~ ~......,, of Arttims..d may . useal In all climate ' s, ar.4 ° gl " rier '
bind speculation, brought on here, and is now -whie-------- ii all sew, 01 the year.
.. , r . 110 ,
, L , N t lE , b' I , lT.F ‘ . (j it .,, ltY DEPOT, Third llue ety
m preparbt only ley C mask e c0...L1M , Removal.
', comwe of execution Ly sendmg troops to the COMM. COUNTY RAILROAD -ibis improvement 1 1
r,„... ,
~. 1 manta'n anat. /Torah., It. J. m 'solo ,wholecalo end I
f •atier; a band of lawless marauders, who bare Iso Important to the citizens of Cerro' county, is ~,,e r ~ yi .e. ,,,,,,,,, ~..,,,,,. . ~,,, j. ~,,
i , i , 5 , 1 i ii . 110 , : . 0 . f th or s ch ltri e tilu r t 1,0,,thr
sit 2.„ ''ell' he a• 11 ICKERMIA.M.
e jAItIES WILSON has removed his Hat
mar asset for Western Pennsylv.le. mni Can Rom In N'T'A W o n ' °°.°•• adLni 4...°L°1
• respect even for their own laws, na you will I progressing rapidly A large number of bands te....0.wr of Wes..., ao .i. 1 mrl v II orations, cursor Stood nal Kalb Ma Clit•g. m Diamond aliel
tire employed upon ot, and the officer' of the I .!
a e in as account of their rescue of a murderer 1 I i vroOL '-The highest market price, in 1
f .in a State civil Dines..l do not sae how their I company are determined to push the work for- Itall'n•Linnel l lada. 9lo 4 tor 31.1 pO•PARTNERSHIP -- Raying taken
.. my
11 d •onta in the 0 co, by blaserell V 1 owl, will be mid far we a s gradm, br
lan can be frustrated, for they express *per- I ward, vigorously, to its completion lu the th e eampb e i t . ig,„, gmc,„ myS M
8a W 11AlllIAlill , ;14 a.,=6„.rivbbwi1...,:1101;.,..r.,i......;,L. tn.
ct conviction that 'Congress will foot the I mods of the people, the benefits of the :old to r o btXrplete en. lienlener . ..,.. % ODA ASH-20 casks Kurtes brand, for ' 'LL.I.r Igo 'Lnir. . 14 - tra o' ; • SON 4191 .mono °Lrn•L•
and tit. Loudest Poor lure WILKIN.
.ilL'" . the town and county, ore no longer problemati - ' , lreton. , of the INuple. by Luce. 2 1.7 ro l e be nieo '' • W 010110 " -0li '' r , a..-4.... w5.....un0r0 me ma am tin store,
- n 1 There is no don. but that the basesa of rho Instory and Adventure , of Pen o .' un, by the oath. City, lately kt,A „by F. R.
, _ , - ---
a_, J---bOO boxes asA'd sites, for sale hy Su F.d.r.L4"41-411.hr4".
sum an=,nmetf.T.
CREAN Extents - res.-The Newark Advertiser
the °°°m P loat •'ll Le ,a,ti.laiocreae.o. an d .... Tom Banquet and his Three Mold. Aunts CP my". . P A IV. lIAILBAIIGII 1
I elms of Property in the count generally greatly ...Dad Gen • WM.. Romance -comple.
f the let instant has a letter from Jackson- ' • - g - -' - • Time: the Avenotir. by Mrs Monti - ,
, a A kill OIL-56 bids for sale by
1 Bone of the most Important outside- f , ggi
,e woo tour • new sothl to O . P R. Jana. Lei Blt W HARI/AC . OM
. 'lle, East Florida, melee date of the 25th nit. rations are that we will be within a few hours' I
_tors " -52-lII'- -
both says- I ride of Cleveland and Pittsburgh-we peal, in 4. '
year, be in connection, by railroad, with all the
It is evident that there are heveral points of 1
great produce markets of the East and North
lepartnre along the Gulf Coast-at New Orleans
.d Stdiary's, and from the St. Jo h n ,. „ or. , auil the way will always be open There will be
an d i to annual opening and closing of me market,
lorida. There are six eteamen at least,
irobably 2000 to 1000 men. Savannah is the '• there will be no freezing of the canal and losses
iby males on the lakes, but our wheat, and cats. 130TATOES -- r5lO . .7..icks fur solo b
.eadquarters of operatton on the Atlantic side. 3
land rye, and cor, awl pork, and beef, and all my 5 • L W HARIOLIMIL
Was shown a letter from Gen. Gonzalez, a week
redone will be corm ed to market It all ', , if toTTON-150 boles fur Sale by
ago, dated at Savannah, directing the more- 1 our l' • Y
meats of men and military soiree, but believed seasons, by 1 frliE FEMALE BIBLE .SOCIETY of Pit I g.... h
a safe and speedy route over terra , b the mr. ISAIAH DICKE] 4CC
I b.g .1 vb. any et II iota .A l )col m me•LMJ nn " DItIED ' , Run.-
th.t. it aught be an attempt to divert public at " r°6a , ~,„„ia i . Ray , Abr at 3 °cluck, 1., ~ it the Lemur. ,
Already are Its good effects visible among en 1 , mu of
Fleet Prothyyten. thumb. Jab
...byre sal OS Ma Dried Pasch.
tentian from some other quarter. ahave cue WWI will go into i I , al ,- . , °Lend , ' A• 0,0 ran. atii twltieeted to era.° i :a bu bred Apol.c fur sale by
It to now plain that the many evidences of o Serena new stems g, mr , J. ,j , ..j„. 1,„ v t .„, met. ISAIASI DICKEY a CO .
mention this spring, ...I Re do Dot recollect of f -,
movement in the States bonlenng on the Gulf of °P r- Q ui: ANNUAL MEE riNu of the Sukk I fi l ROUND r\ CTS-15 sacks for sale by
hum seen the town an Illely as It ha., been lor I
Merineeindicate an mernion of Cuba, 'wic , g • • mildneofhh• Ohio Tn. Rte . ' , Rod. Cdtrib•nl .111 1 I Oi l ~' IaLIAII DICKEY II IM.
n ' munch . ll Will be • atden for Carrel -
will be suer:opted before this reaches you The I Mr e'''''' , . t ~,,,,,,a g rr
~. • o , b ,°.,tag"'Hoe ne . 2 " . ''S f or „,' " O ( o `j r ,' , " ° ,!ld! . ° i'. l ,l "l " ' " f mu ' i lic UT.MEGS - 1 bid. for hale In
esp4mon will undoubtedly sail in the course of
county -r -° " re• for -r "r''' time, I '' ' ''' .ol ''''
- o 4 • K If t RT. bee a'S TS . I 'KIDD MCO
twenty-four or thirtyntr. hours. A inr-e t , quash- our midst
I shall c ,nae puffing and wi trato,3 into _ ,
•"...., I 0 I In, Plell. I lopa. Biticii_-_65.000 (Caul Grove) Fire I if 1 ASTILE (soAP _ 1 asses for oak by
t'ty of forage, among which were a* or 400 1 C Dr.cli equal of not satieri, to ?Le flohear Linea., t i- , tßli, J. KIDD &10
bushels of oats, 4//%9 deposited here the day be-
. _ • pelt ty,t‘oronp Iro lr • ItEA3I TARTAIL-000 lbs. for sale by Lawrenceville and Sharpsburgli Plank
fore yesterday, and this morning , I aaw put into 10-53 -Woaa SPRKITIK ' . --- MeL.DR • • erult - I ''''_" V / nor J EMI/ •CO Road Company.
__ ___
the same StOretiOUSe, =ROD, VII carnage!, ri. I Poe -Thl• IntaluaLy n•enedy to tome Is ntridn solo I Notice to Contractors. 'if , A SSIA-13U lbe (HI mats) for sale by InOOKS for subscription to Stock of the
ties, musksts,ammunitton, and the furniture of , 0...1 " .° °° " °L° i • -•°11° '''`" L " Wl ''' . a° °"°.° • pitILIPOSALS will be y,e,dc ed, theb. y .„ , "
r t It hs pron.. the beet 'Sr to
sad driven out all ether , by all uty.3 J. KID° A L.°) ' LE SLIE, Nn, peal be Opened at tireemser sm.
ah army equipment to 0 Wry large RILIOUIII. it . • meter Mr the ronstraction of shout OW uld+ - •in in rah street eituburgh en Team
hare :lever semi so mon 1 th hi '"" I " ' " " " t " . "" e ' b. " "" "."'• " 4b " r `" ...1. dr Mulankmeld ai Me hailmod •1 the l Lac.. •II ! C3l DASIAIt-1 cm,:e (to arrive) for wale tat. the Oth. *rid weirosen. t.lttis ears or liatta
- Y .. 1 •.• • ' • " ' lr. % ---" tuArt ..t all who Wee ever nod. , en thee factull.. C . .Ig.thrust Immedtately below choie...go( the Ito ' 4,P LT .rs J hIDD L CO- f. Slued et •L .0 o ' clock of told darn and at the rtom of NM. liinPrin
cepa man arsenal Large quantities or wood -TN. heliawo4, •Otraw Cu , Tx, I 6. weld. limonite. about 3 mile. ft 1.41 illUbtl Mitt The A CO_ In Lawrenceville, on Thumelay. Cm lath day of MAT
, and rosin for fuel un board the steamer , ant ~,,, , L „,. 1 ,„, , ,e.ek wt., cmameueet attbla a ee,a, sou comoetat with Air .1 NTED- A good S,conti Hand SODA u: t. • 1
0 n'elork.• sod at the thereof J. EIBt In the
am t t Hatneld on /May. the 9th doe L ad ar, at 10
i L.., itel. I 1 r 000 LI,. t non... if e hot NT rat 4 4.1 re • / La 011811 a /11.NNETT, eket. ' and at the'nore of LEWIS DALZELL 6 01./...% the
horses and men are collected to this imtnediste J 1....11 LCo -I ru , . alnof M. Lwee t•rctifere ' m , ...c l Nairn, Coal Ca.
_.„ - ' I.IL It: &wend st ye,,,,, ug s a Ely,pit.,ol, CU Parnsday. the nth of !Ler,
ocinity, ready for embarkation A steamer is ,m. your torot 1.1 ',rind, i 51. 1 ,11 I mo d nut .0 , me wwelt
1 I think I /ra bare ft... tto . butt t y tht. VILTELsti FLANNEL! , -We hate roomy-LACK. .A. LhAl A l'S-Of all the „., ne t i .
11 fr A IT - N
' ' ' ' ' arlo Welt to mutant open from 11/ o'clock. A. 31., Us
expected from New tel to marrow . M. rseh day
Oa. if I nottilwe ‘.t 1 , out um kui. , d. 7 n how atom' V V el . addltinnal maooly •f abet. g ed.. so dui. ,Lp lottrent ,u.lo .-. ~.t reed b," Consurnowars-WILSON MeCANDLESS,
The expedition would appear to be mach b e , I 1 too on ..hunt of thrtr unsarsultlile tualltr 1 and ,f sa no t. 1110P115 A DCILCII/ILLD 1'... GRAHAM.
• it .., ... uutt , • ur sent ran. &rune•l arm, ~..,. dna.. of Serowe alhe um,. and :ilk • aro I ten _ C W EE.
~.r.l ) P . mie,l• .....0 a" 2, " t ru' era2, th ao the -ieri ihet os. tried M. Lane •1 • eynifece I. II me It L 1 net., Yhr twill,: . and a full me rtinent ot I. me.. , 1 EcEs CA:1111RIC 111/KES-An cohort- JAMES BLS IR PLY,
roe that landed . ( " animas idea (awn... le the 1....1 the, ha... , r won la hit t. It is ...{..1..1e rir (.0. .Knee, • '.' '-' 11 ' 1 " A ' i.l t , , , 0. . I .•,....... L,r Leßoy hem 12.% ...the W KM. WEPLNSBUKU.
said to command, sad Loper to be the second. any one v.., c- ~,,,t , ~..,., .1" ~,,,0 , . '"., c 0r..• 6ls Ditil./-1 /OU lb 1.. 'll 11
bh • .I.LII It, 24--and Uwittleineu • d ... lee prosei ant 11.41.. reed by
lam tokl that 70,000 Weigh of jwelry, awl vi D Lultlt , t Jeer.. Cream., of ,c,ml uonsat ,to an ~,, „, , ... „..„, „., , . DOILY CHISLETT.
$150,000 In money, were meat to Gen Lopes the I , eel. or J KIDD a Co. , nos 1.0 mid alro , mnsidas of sari.. quaint.. of Indigo, t
.gymt I I 6' l 21 - .510tEn.....n-Art various colors R. L EWALT.
~,,,,,,, ~, w ar ., ,e . ~th.t. .ill lis wild low Irvin the *adapter • •°'l irtrlew, raw 410 E. ILABDISG.
ether day, from Havana, and that SSO,O O O was "'"-""''''''''''' ISAIAH PICI•I YL CO ,es mummy es DunmeTELD. .016 t.MeyWaita- JAKES SILLBP.
contrdetted by a rich planter, who to regarded Petrtiletun! , ~,,- , 1
• - Water end /that eL , -
I LIR CA N 10..E5-1 5 boxes (10 to 40 lbs. ' --- --
Front Brick and Rouse Tile.
at home, as favorable to the Goverrunent The i rinurrrecao llonttordonew.ra,Memartielli 1 NI.)I A RUBBER TOYS-Just roomed a ,Oal_a age. , J D WILLIAMS 4 ro c •
agents here seem to here piney of money, atal lla 11 Bt.-Dear Sir, Tour Petroleum Is work,. won I R large amortmen: t.f India rnbter Toy,. trauthfular air b corner Hood pod al•th et, rfillE undersigned is now menufacturing,at
1 , , r. le for otle at the It we.t Lantern mi.. Jl_ hi. Ste. Brick Pow. W Mrodeakam. tbe hermi
t. ap,. to .t It ( . They have several way, to i al.talst thit yletr.lty t.refor• we vet cbd thank loom.. Je II Pltst./JI - ••• te... gu'ber Dep. n , PERM CA :\ iLLES- - 1 0 taxes 4 . a. S's, end moms
ti ro.F i rk,
use.. over yroMmen. which be
raise the wind. One. I>f the ieree of bonds, to r^. """• • 4°.•°., ''.. r" ..., ' ...i. N.e n `e d '' • e's 7 ' . .1, and V , . od lit 17 6 • fel nee ne •J ft WILLIAMi A. CU .011 roll onewh to onottalf lees Wm handmade and
, Misty twit. et. It hi t. tn. !Diu... , .0 , .1..4 ea•rr me .wing onentlr em, near. edgs,.d a emmth, sot
be redeemed if the expeditsen a successful , an- . , I jolt, t wet, . (~, i g INDIA 11.1.1111 i EH AIIt BA Llds-J oat re. mad - - Wed sur.ate, they ram. DO dn , sOot. .d Mem , . •
Yon. IV/ petfcilly.
other by the mile of COMIDia9IOIIa. A Lieut.- • T ,
, - Has visit.a. Aattland ,o ..". March 10 iSI i !. 1 . , ~,,, . h ,„.,,,,,, ~,...,. ,„
..owl :00 loon auorled ..... Mr 11.11 s. watch w• will FINE rEAii
, bandeoute, clear bright omwrame. so men In Rev. Mr.
To., Church ;math Wtsourght the Menu.
W Was offered to a brother of tiny Shields , it ':I ti sew --De., •ir iow Awed .ww wiwii. .rate i tal c, 3: u PIIttLIPS To t eat owns ; Nolan sod Oelon:
.. , i 1e•.... tuna Une oolouin ter wale by and other botlthom being very vlsibla The Wick Inv
Le Said, at Sa.nnale, for $1,090, with a promise I Ism ........ o•tie doted Y... it ill tie has. N - 1,1 1 -
, frOBACCO --1 laid prim , , eg•tr L:4 1•15 JItIT I LLI •Mb A (NI mtkitur on. much superior to she 1131•014, the front of
-_-- - . aurridos iske a atoms' house should be of rm..' tea.
of 510,090 worth a lands. b. Ile.. lorcawl to us oda .1....03 ill
9 1. to
sUNDItti.S.- thr 0ii , 000010 , , , ..b , i......inht,
The citizens here hare peen the enterprise no 1.. ' ...I ' d. ' L. •••••'•• ••• • 1• '' • ` •'• '''' •o • w• I , r ra'. b, Lh it ATEILYA , et 5t.) , 11. , I-0 In;. t hathut. tbrutnam. in my sememon, bons rernment Officen.
o. cen
uhf n , ...era' •aoel lent certitcatra. tr You d..• noto m y r el set NI • ow. and CI !root el I.L. 11. De •r Hair, Amnia. and Architect, who hen turd shriller brink ex
dmect enconnigemeta, and no Bolted States 0..., , lesorme. mugs to their supertoetty in strength, dantialb
I•ear, ee. • it SCOTT. - Me dos 0-. thearto
e i11.,---50 bbia. pure Linseed, fur hale by .11,C1.1 11 ckury • nttc . 0n ,q,,,,,,y, ' or Ity. r.11. - tatica to frost. water era. Act
ter here has the nett to interfere There is uo I rgt ra ,. ~, ~,,,,,..„ o , r „„ •tt „ o t e gr a
.. ,, Tat a. g- 'ty . 0 6 Lc.N AM EWAN t 804. e. tale MP to elo- 1, - .1 11 • ILLIAIIS AN.
United States Marsh. here. The thing alooked g.lp,„, .- u ~,, ' c a .., 0 A r a u e .,..,,,,,k, se c o , mho , ,-- - ---- ' ' ' - , • 1
upon generally, aa chimerical, and nnUI they wa.... Ftbut, D 'll Cur" I A- ClLott.loseLh li
N.,OUR-24 4 .0 bbls. Extra and S. .1' - fur sale '''' ornate 'Yell and Fifth att. Also umnufseturlng. a foredo, article of Elarenunieh
- . ..----: er.i. be an eminent Luoilsb Aehitact, st r .yin. to Slate, 1
Ref these warlike preparationa and military DOnglaas. auJ IC C Sidomme. Abr.:only...Do Of the Dn. 1 , of coy° 1.. s MAT Ersata. a 150' , :a 4 I EI ED BEEF, MUTTON ll.kM.t, x v Un- sad numsted .t aloof us half
rdiv-ter tale by J D WILLIARN IK° • I COIMION eater.
stores, people geuerally discredited It
' mon. '' 41 , Ni•H e nEIED APPLES-420 sacks for sale by - 1 - ' • , • yam.: Wood mut Flab sta
• a 011.11.. T 11 , . "Le , enTtL. I 'LL•nntts ,
it my° L 8 b ATERMAY L 11.1•8 .t-'-'- • Alm. LOOPS Common Bekk-strenitth,durabilltYr A..
• . few days more -
Tin New York Soo ha ys- " A - ATIIS-2 , 5,000 Sawed Laths, best quell - r ..e....• P ei" i ° 'O l°M . " LILL ' W."
SUf - It will be seen by ref, rr ing to our ad. a ‘OIIN--5. 1 0 ba. for sale by I
1 _ ri. for -Ale by POIIIS•IN. LITTLE A CO. • aplll . Is . GREGO.
will ''ring as important thews,
which may prob- ~„,r na n g ~„,,,n a„ , t h,, ti G eareely ~taUr ee.oeuted . mrs J 8 litLlVohlll ALO no: , N° '' '' °°tY L- NDIA RUBBEIXBELTING. - A.vcrylarge
, _-_----
ably convince our New 'Yok S MUMS that , Arabian Losiment has et last raa , l. , •t ril i',.......00g rrBACCO - 1 hhtls Ohio Leaf, fur sale by VI- ' OUI1 - 11X) bi.l". extra Family; et.. ef Luba Robber machine Belting on kande.
ns W ball thr •ntr, I mil. or We calmanithary mol
what they discovered end conquered, was not, IS .'' - ^ , lays J S Mt% Otllll 4VD .16. 10.1 -• Eurerfime, for wale by. .is .analog Cram 12 SO D 3 Melee. MP belthtig to ace
Iron mem. our Gonda as a great l o eastnm it Ls said to • ----_----- e ,,,,, ip 4 ,1,0 N. orpty.,l CA
_ rior to leather or may other, Mr all open beaten . the fob
we said bd.ord• 0 . C= , E.Ptdit icil e o r inten d- 'bs the mad etondetf3l orsperatlon weer lito.Yrred. tel. • r , ORN--.2.5 661 w-for esle by wing ea..
P. F vol EJ• NUORST k CO- 81 ROOMS - 5 0 dor fancy, on consignment 1a rtis roma roaanty of vidthsmi thickness which It
I ,ed to be such We have several comes of ad- 1 m00... 1 of tom.. to. cum. anal. , to •Vahh , and i 1.... , . in and la Froot st .11_, avl as he.. tr• rmui,o• LITTLE/ cxx. ''' rat 3. , . 3 ,, b,.1,
I ,leg rare wherever . c 0, ,, tae tatonitha m. 1,
..-:. mL, ___________ _____ uu , & r . 20,5 Lit ,,, ..„ . o rat Hader degree, F ren It
dre.. and bulletins, the publican. of which „b„, ..,,,,,,,,,..,„,,,,, ,„ ~,„,: c, „,,,,,,„ ~,,„.,,,,,.
tee . 4 • 1 .• . 0 . pOTATOES-20 Lids. Neslannocks, tor - it, and it moat. &tibia tn ...alit twitof rata.
I Ire Ingot hoid over." I s h mthes m cos toiti.immednien.ead it may wt. Muna I I mie t. nom I! 1 N 0•1 1100•1101151 4CO Wanted ~ ii ~ of eleat strength .. u IlItT and do. rot
thie on the grulllrentonoMucutly • indu of powerm obtained.
I- , nyder,. mpl.dkv.B
ivi [DER VINEGAR -50 Obis. (best) forsale 1 SOBER. industrious Mcchatue, who can ime tett.Gusted to machinerr, dot not requlre alt ers-
I Market Street Store for Rent. iNJ by owe RuICSON.LITTLT dCC .K, tom •N tuna '•• .° ,
0 Ro ll d 0 .,11 p „. • . , td. R m . , tiro as le the ease with leather or. any 011ter.
1 4- In wide belting arc cr-lt is mu. Wow that or leaGP
Fsow T/is CoPPER Aromas -Iroring the win- ___ ____- - - ' " " r ' s ' ' }""'"'s' ."
° Vii.iACIALEY • CO ex an/ other .
'TM . CO perdom In abut. sumach shut out from the I yoR RENT.--The Store 118 3larket ....5 . rIIALLoiV--z bbls. for sale by
P _ ram _ earned.. with dlterillona fur use and liet Of priceg. to-
"nst of mankind" as the Nowa Zambia. A foot I rtlvel. the sowitid dine fn. the •erner er Market 71 1,
__ . r Tenth inion leather sio cement fur joining Mem.
Eupenor Black Writing and Copying ink. g1r,..,1 sea tor wale at Nos Land 911 ond 4. .
• tuti Llbeitr street, Piwww•don ei•en thi•lrt of Atilt
Or dog mail once a Month, Is the °MY mode '• 1 ~.... 1.5.0. et 1141110 Guam. Professor A. C. Barry ' s TrlCOphell7l:l3. 1 ONE'S EMPIRE INK, Si Nassau street, . nal ,3.c II iIIeLIIPS. ,
intmeourse with "outside barbarians •I
Thelest , =ch] inn Perin •A
--- - - -9 R -9R MEDICATED CO3IPOUND. - The ful.teP E,n Buildlov. N..• York- A. A. MASON di CO., '
thonthly brought dates from Superior down to I - Foreign and Amencan Hardware. 1 ~„,,.„ w o o d mond Is from Mr Mun Iditur of the n vorr stn at ID Tin SliOnr
A 4entlha Muert loniniant on such awtdonee lo Ho- ! Nnart• Per d.. 01 . can rer,;Lee Importers Sri Jobbers, and Retailers in
the Ina of April and the advices in - relation to I, _ :Mho r
, the prospects for mining during the coming , LOGAN, WILS'ON &CO , a xertte, NT. Term Feb 24,1449 e ..- " or , ~,o . ° ,:t. i1 Z 0 . . 4 ' . . I t o ,„,„ 16 DRY GOOPS,
, season ore very favorable All the worked mines NO. 129 Wood Street, K•r•/ .. T° '''' °°°°°°"° " U°°°°" '"' ' nu° P'"'"' " Inol th bra ' tg'Z ' m.tifect red It " • freely- •d 64 Market strut, Pane A, P
I;• awarding the highest onammulations We do not as It tP , • 'no ' d AP l'11•1$ f".41-so.l writ met eurnale. muld. t0e . 62 °a toy 0.,
offer a good show, and promise ■amply to reward '''''' Lb. r'''"T"Va"''"{e'"n"r"'"''' P '` • I rm.:stars tat -, r ...i,........n ...,...,.. m .,
ii 1% a P. 0 1 ,1 IN oTORE iiINNOUNCE to their friends and the b.
a 1
the toils of the miners • ° ' d k-kdy, ° '"' ''''=.- boor.. ' ha. 1 , "., • i ~.,. „:,...,. w„, ~ ~,. ratable for the (took •a
, • full soden:M*l.fmk of FORLIG.... :CRP AMERICAN t.. **spat.. ren. sod y • lu.y, it ole. eat, , L Il• generallr. that :Loy are stow ampar, to ex Ws
The celebrated Cliff mine looks better than , e n , }C, rthly Mae. IL r .1... run: lan. rt
oroL r*. , .... , .8"',S a b°° ''''' t " 4. '" ° ' °° _,', " Kr ''' ° ° The u......n. is prynand M f.nht to the e. 4. et • ••••(• .. e r,,,V=ll, , se k".w ca;3r ° .
ever. A writer say ' ' . in the bottom drift, South, .11A1IDW ARE ~,,„„,vinequall of ally other composwon kanan tn, , th „ y r .,,,,, 0 , h.. ...won.. al the atone
o A person only OW. M uao one bottle to be eunrlnhmt h ., ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~, c .„ „ a , ond ~,,,,„.o,,dv eer they have ewer ettenel TO'de O. Inlnt h riged. of the meet
there is a rose" of copper about ,a 0 feet in length, I Suitabletes....tal ceich they :re prepared ~,,d,utb co' the eat free nt eimrst e e No charge !be mem I. LtaL i ;:tf,L1.ViLtner1g,,,,,V,,•:r.,..1 Mi a or. common,
ezterLding as far as drifted South. about one foot moiler moornme re im pato. that Dill meow. :101l to be ZS mots. st the nriechtal °Mee 137 ce trc ,„,„ c b,,..„1 ,„,,,.„...
rroadway. New I ork LOWEST Messner k PRICES
thick, and apparently pure There is ahn favorably with env of that mew. nn.
it E. eaLtEit`, ' ''''''" ' cii - ifor - ii ,-. " Their two lower saledocens will be dreobo minstrel) to ,
another Mass a little North,
we 60 Wm . I Citizen's Insurance Company orPittsburgh I ''''' '1,02. .N 6 fit Ns ad et Ln•K'T ." •_-___ .- retell trail, .3 the goals ernuarme in De:armee% TIE
which` is now being cut up • There is oleo,! ju
another mass in the North emi of the bottom 1 4 ricesNo 41 Water street, in the warehouse ofC. 11. -
‘ AN CARNELL-In the Court of Cern 4 . ''
,5,.. Y 1 Banta • S.lar rovra.r. the gmarincartiele lustre. All the new .d mehionabie styles Imported this reams, ,
drift, extending to the end of the air ft North, I As
't G ltam, Preaalent A. w. Mawr.", fireey 0 sit: , 81... f Allettheee Count). of DoceeteZ Y. sod for rate by ic 8: SELLERS. imindlna. the bed mate , of Mart Elite.
en AD. Iseo Saga . in,' GP 1110. street Dress Goods Department:
and 80 feet in height The sheet is pure, and inn n. ,,,,,,, 0 „, ienee eo .„, eore , e. , 0,e‘e„..,,,...b...i... i I . rxzt •
4,4.4 .
A. 4
~,, _ . _ _ _
In Meet.. trrea le, te I t. Y. Aprt. loth. 1131. On motion al U . E Pitt Street Loin . n or'
Comp.. RP inalleraitm. Tinter*, RemErs , de Lel.%
Cachnierrer, De Lama Lawn*, XedMini, Cambrieli, lawn.
about eighteen inches thick. The other parts of • tax,orre.,zire u
th., . , ,
oo 1 mat ininnTitr n, the s o a pion. the Court erretet a Pativrlon. es ""
the mine lack well, - there is bona large Indityboo. ra 14.11,41i41 in th• ....ter rf the tommorr I• • Pcmniesioner to M. der.ltinos Of wane... r.... , THREE de rinible Building 1..0ts tor sale `"", ° "'" lit ""' B°°*"' '''''' ''4°L.'" ' °°-
Do aro di -itscns or iltrrbordli. well mat foronddy , i i
an3olMt of stamp work on the nurface" I w .
ir,,,,, . . '
~, 0,..
.. th.
~ d,
nen., tiro y i e ld_ Rapala to ti : e co I HA , .. •0 roct that notice of the non and Ida. of the taking th e Me Rat Imre db.!, mlyalgine there we yr 'llm Me C.taa Crape plata and embroidered Also, Daniask,
The mines in the OftiONRED ° °°--- --, and mterrtil , tp, 1 .0 „.„. ame ley een bepmetoue rub... Cli o ono weeklynewo t, 0 „,, toe tents datill to a 011T,Ftitath rt. Chiba. De Lam'e t enstawre, Silk. ea/m,Flimese dn., and'''
int well. Some fourteen have been opeped- jruisitcm.,...,..--E,,1,21=7,mi5imc.,,,,,,,...,
~,, ,,,,,,: :_ ,....1 , . ~u th, ,...,
of Allrelmy, for three. , nay 3 At ot h ar gh,.th• Also. %Last.% Patelots. Itlintin..o.
'a Pr weeks (Fn. the Sowed -
port of them very rich At the Norwich 31ine, , j„L' a m. 0.. a itarhasno. a st '' kw &paw ,v. OLO B ILI•18 Protley Hosiery and Glove Department
___ _ • lITANTED-=Placee in Stores, Warehouses, win w e* , 1., ...a ....tete.r.stl. it. 1.4 matt of
near the Porcupine mountain, a vein has hecn 1
ieft-Cotrerr Coionssioxsa.-31zijor Jons-1
z. m Asa. Ceram. Iwpondent abase named r h.., In ocr .Ite.. ono.. or much"! o‘mmi--cm , Comm and Silk Hodery. The - hen Kid Gloves always on
Foot to inches thick, nearly pure
struck from a . ce a ,,,,„, a th e if.. Will Gtr of Pittehargra sill be a i y.a., ati one. that in 1,130144,M. of the vat r ut, the fr an orrerleured Merchant who lathes employment In hand.
Acid and • bla County pen- It. at o ne of wituumw. to be ....I I • ideuee on Ihe Wad n dry Roc. or gretterr e fm' • Kelm. ..11- - Plece•
copper. Two cutlers and three laborers have got , a , sn , aid:. , !e lo t , e ,, fi , t ., et , l4 a
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ , , 0, , it„
,:, ;b.
1.. i„
..b „. l ,
~,,...1 ,
~,,,,,,,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,I , ~,,r ..,.„, Linen Department
out 60 to. of copper. , ' toinahme ter
_l4. 44. and A i White Linen, LI Shectialt. rilk.
-. '''" " 'b. al5"" cIN i'''l'l;' ) k*4 ' l' ti." Er''' ' hci FC,L 4 sti t ;13'1U0.14,1V Eg..l!':faLTr.taggt i eme Lift so, Napk oilies, bleached and brown Daoo- I
The North nestern a working s vein four feet I ___
;jl..i.a.c ovals Couars.-Jared )1. orush kir...o.l'e. l",' „c• (. t 4 U.. . /.,
nal . . sal 7o el le. I . , H o f said day, the eald ,
1'51 ,, b4"" 4' 4b4 .ere.-. otiarluilda , onathes. and carriage man, rank tin, ' sat.loire e llfur.olll7ol , le •
thick, of rob barrel and stamp work 'I he North .
wil le a camildato Lyr tbe clone ed, rattiest to the deer. • Patte-en, Esq., when and where you may steno, L PneL Sem. , r' l•L'd cr... naLm11•7 1 ,8 14 , , ••,,
_W,St• and dr/ White Goode.
Amerman will ship about two hundred tom oil 4 1.,4 of the 411/ttna. AntYLL..le and St 6,10/ tio . way . ..Cosh 0 . etdi t a p o s t er. (i E A PPLFTON, • norms, and house keep... , uPF ten . , ....... lo •., Chacknl Dotted Ceintrler. Medi Swiss. TM* old
, motion
___ _ emeeni w weei . nth . L.Jl I w_ol _ ~,.., f u , a.m.,. "• atortert notlec Also, Fanner% ...recto. ond toe pt. qm awl 1 ,u,, ~. .a ..
M • Ibe moo en 11.10.thlaorlowinvin Money berm Nand , • -'. At .„,.4 , ,7 .... • ' if •• '''r
Copper too coming season. I :Ter Ri Tt• NOTICE I.nt. Wegd to borrow-alio ra , vensl tree.tul;ys and, 'Pitt , 1 ., T e .,,.. '4 ,1r °° ' "''' C°°°°i° Pi.°°.. " ..
The goads country Is Improving rapidly llfer"' Co Vail' RFOISTELL-A.figall • Le
two faulliee , anvil Wed emeloyment. The pule 1 • .• • ' 1
Plank roads and even rail roads are talked of, i ar10.f.41Z,N1Vj.t.',1411,.."Xce7,,1.1,1,"..ttft IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Election for h,. ~,, ',ni g , ma th a t mr c 0,,, ta Lib e ee t , to ., eh, o . Embroderes, Laces, Trimmins, Ac.
,it 3 0 pu• l'rewlilent, :la Manager, and inieh other emus tier of Alarket owd 2t Clair stn. m. and patron:re 1nd...1e A complete smeetment. Mom Ribbon., Flom., Ts*
and 31r. Cash is getting oat lumber to build , ,
. de tan P the M' ''' , ''''' " L°74°°°° ' °s " °° ? °4 '''''''"•°' 44 6 noir be neereyeery M eon. the booln.e bf Gm .13Irt• lIAIIILIS at 1111.1-tency .1 Intelligence Ofsm Cr Dolan Wads
of all the latestetylea.
. spade. terT
small steamboat to be used to tow flat bottom ________ _ ____+,„_ _ ______ r .,,e aarau ,mg um n eanuis su ca micaugg l ach , g n e m a t I r yl,
boats up the Ontonagon to linapp's Landing, a ga-RICOLDSR-1. will lee a Candidate for cro.f . i. u, d . .g th
~ .
tend Its unused. of an Act of Asserably 1 „,,,
.1 r February, A. D ISSI.Illbe held maw , APPLES- OW o ort. .or silo ev ,is probably one of • the most rate:Wye lathe countre.. o2-
distimce of about twenty five niiies. There is , Una". id lloconler, Subjwa, • to the &chino of the Whig ••
at the Public Douro of u lenno Drawly. lu Baldwin town my'l Wachs e Mug known. doemstim.
ENGLISH A. EIRSNEYY- , The %ems feel wedldent that, with their badness
Antl.oonm Louuty warmt. _
quite a village nt toe mouth of Ontonagon, con- , '''" m e n'', T en,rencH, h r oo, Allot:hen,. County, 00 slotaloy.lllei 19th slayer 1101, i
D 18.11, bet. ...n the noun of le oder& An , and a TASII 7 -1.4 casks for sale bi• Winne, asel %Mutt. stock. and unurrodle low
April 1651ellerteS
taining three public Onuses, eight stores, &c , 6:c. riustoirah.z/, d Joe& P 31., of mkt day. biiiILISLI & ti r dsx Err, vn tgldeesisir m g 5 1s t"tv = th ett d .'"ll'th''''
.., -.= oderrinvner,--W , I. LAM 317,11, Jr., . 111 Second. and 161 Firet et.oily Informed that we
-Cleoeland Iltrad ALEN It IL HILLER, n'''' , sun he pleas.' to reed. them wean at .r thee, for
I NEW BOOKS! I goods at eastern ink. me. to duplicate a t dogma bill
YU ' l l fifTlt C i f I: • , of rads at Um ream eastern rata.
JAMES Illtleit , e. I 11.13.1STIAN PURITY.-The Nature , and 1 New and fashionable Goods will be readied constantly
,ytedlw2Ld II M COI% AN II tII ed f Chiba. Punt • through the season.
„---- ------- ',
yvt6l l anntr%tellon b Lin. le .17 R-,1,-.6...E--rhi ONE TRICE ONLT.
Law Notice. Me a y or the AI P.. Churn. I vet Irma. 'ine.'" A. A. 51080 N 5 00.
.... I May No of Ilwpir , . New Monthly Mairsodne.
THE appointment of W3l. IL .McCLL nu ii) roes Neuman of kleciaant. Engine • ork,-mad En- .
eta Fmildent lodge of the Fifth Judield District of . gion•rlng-K° T.
etutrinnie. has dissolved the lour subsieteng part.r Just rued tar sale by IL 1108E1118.
ship of a
he 8. MeCLURE The unnalshed bu I Bookseller .d Stalwart . ,
.Icouts will stunedd Do by Mr Mrthndlem meg 78 Apollo Builiburs. Fourth st I
• .11 11. MeCLCRE To Farmers. i
If r Steno is removed to toy Duelling 110.0, No OL Feen ~.„,,..1 "
tunot, near the owner of limy. ACRES Farming and Grazing ,
, i.( WIL-tON XeCANDLI.S.E. _ 1 UUCP Lan. in tram. moot., located on the
Watches! ii,..., rim, within twelve W. of tie New York and
brie tailmed
JUST returned from the East, and now Alm-Loon Acre. In Mk county, for tube oa t ceominaln
• 11111111/0 of A WILKINE CO,
0 , 0 100 the hug.. ad nom! easoriment of 'Watch., Lth nirj ° earner of Market .4 Third sta.
Jewelry, Se. aver batelit . to the city The Winches are __ _) _ -
... _
'AT. 1:r;! VA (V,-. 1 : f„i=n VulnltaLl,'=f, Bank Stock for Sale.
r b rz:gw1ar,rg,17,VT , ,,,,, ,,, ;Vi,„„,„ OTICE is hereby given that in comp'
1""1"*1i:i'1112Z,"7,5,7,1,tak6741=b47,:;1751',.,N. 1 .411. 1 :414 Zrt:.'l7g'lttgil:•m m gvei .. i,.
-,, , -:-..',,th to quality, rem $3O and nowarea All 1 itCl4/10 at the Banking toouse:o•llTlloUSA•DefAuaB
rumistiteed as represented, and warrant. as brim. and t`• F STOCK of the motionownela Bank of Il D torneelue,,,,ia
~,loity, 1 11, WILON, '1 ,, 1 Inset, the Via . •laytt r rae,lB,sl bale Po cernmeor
ru y;,
__ corner Market .4yourth et. t le.i p lats Is. A. 81 D 1../ of the licasni of Direct,
D P. KNOS, Cashier •
8.1,0 DA ASH-3 2 1. cauks 3 - 1 - uspnitt's Patent - - -- -
0 blob test Soda Asb ((Glad mid Soap Milers') In Oen '
au d thy asle by th•eu.nly of b L4l/4.1 Or lipwant, at :Pa ; I
cents tor r.ob or oPtrorrd oillo
Nn PS Liberty e -
- ji?th 4 l.lFAcriiftEli TtilAtt:
l;- -------
kli =0 butte VA. ire, and de Vugints Inbar..
.'„" ye p rg reen u at the ston of Moen 111014 &ROW' Cr
nty/21_.. _ JAMES SteDOITELL
We regret to esy, soya the Washes's - ries Repub.
fie, that there is too much reason to believe that
the following paragraph and letter, which we
copy from the New York Errior,ispeak the un
• Caurosids—,in /adios Weir.=We have been
receiving deplorable accounts of 'Lynch law in
California, indicating a very depraved state of
public morals there; but private letters received
here now, foreshadow to us something worse
than even these Lynch law executions. We in
vite public attention to mistier, which we will
add, in publishing, is from a highly respectable
gentleman, in n position to be well informed,
and of whose veracity there can be no ques
iIiffeCOPNTY TatithUßCll—We are author
;lost to thrgionee that J• W. Baster. uf the al Ward, City
.of Pittsburgh ill be r• candidate fir the ogles of County
. Moms or RESUOV.—At the !earnest notions- I Treat..., ...1 8 „. tu the dectslors of the mai sio.mtzstsi
HIM' of many citizens of Allegheny county and 1 ,‘l' l.l. 9.'' . !'" "°°°- aptht eve . .
Western Pennsylvania , the lastEegiolatare pass - !
Jam,Sit CiEnt or THE .COURT.—The name of
eel a bill to Incorporate an toitociatiou for the , p 11 - 4 r t l, th!. ‘ O O- ,: ,. ..,t1P N c i , J s u 1.,;20=
erection of a llama of Refuge in Western Penn - ; Con ta nicilnatio:tomir talsee of ChM of tosi!..oszt.
aylvards, and appropriated 1520,000 to be paid ! _ sPoisii.‘.6 ,
when a like amount should be raised by soloists. I - Sart:ovum- Knots - sta. — The name of Juan
py subscription. This amount has already been I Li=zugt.tts,..l,lvsg ,-„l3.4l!!i,ttor.,j;,Llivgro..!
subscribed in Allegheny counti, which secures ...cosms. tor_the otAsse or Register, el will!. earsteth
NMI Mirth. .
the State appropriation. The design is to met !it on . pzz , ol - ,, Try I
Me morale of the rising generatien—to settee. : - _._,Th - , - , , , R.
gIOVNTY sledbiTra. — tuba A. Foster, of 1
heedless youth from the fate that awaits a career
, , Iteldeln tnewhin. ells te a ...Olds. Mt Rectal., ootors
of vice and crime—to wean them from disso l ute , the ensuing Aetl•Measuolo and Ifbig Cnonty temventlon.
haunts and habits—tobring them over to the side ! soessevoiss __ _
__ -
~ , -
, ._. .
of virtue—to transform them into worthy meiz , j giStrAssumutr.—ltobert Abraham's, of Eli +j
Dare of society, and to qusllfy Mad for the hon. I usbyftl,fon!pgli. eil, to the
Orable discharge of their relative duties In after I IV,`,`Lr„`Af„Va,,,,,,.. .7,,,,nr,=,!'...!
life, The whole field of benevolent enterprise I
, - seeCouNn- ntiglarga. — Plcage annotmeo!
does not protest an object more necessary sod I toot HJ . li th o, of Allegheny City. erlll be a'
attractive, and has secured the services of some I the ottaz omtysisoz!..zzoo.:FtrLt;tlo4,oti,,,,,„ o f 11, o f, o r
of the most talented awn in Weetens l'enneylva - 1 ...,,,,=="44 ~
ti .o
nit In Its favor, who will accomplish its design. -
Corms uP vac CONNT. — lleltry llMMeli e oil
The object is worthy of the philanthrePle every j sltzzoszo Clty, frill to a cendldele for . oomlmttlue te this I
where, and we trust the building will be erected, oesoz,,of,ci,ro of W° sonovi q.v. of Allegheny Comity.
Sad its many fruits realized In this !notion of our ! b`f°,,,Ya,f,%.1!"..." " his °mot, torzatios_ l !
State. I - steConsrr Comuissiousa. - -Jus. 'lclitine,
Ou Tuesday evening lag a meeting of many 1 of th e Ninth Ward, City of PlU . shergh, will la erandldate '
citizens of this county, was held in the Associate I a1. „ 4 ,,, j . 2ll= sr . , I e Cuts er; t;tt i., f .; r ,„, tlr or.
Reformed Church, in New Castle, which was ad- 1 °I-• ..%
dressed by Res. A. W. Black and Joshua Hanna, .!, -"41007.,T,T.1tE- John —Johli'..l!sit:bnil.
Fe e t., of Pittsburgh , who !h ave bee n nin g4ubmi b Y . gtinvoP7,Tios omss, wog! ins IV . " aos Alston:Lois
the Board of Directors to bring the subject - he - I cootdr Cooveutli_atl_ znyEshthstestl •
fore the citizens of this and the adjoining doom I iweaptzsy Cumm1i,,,,,,,,,,__!!).,.id wait,
ties, and to receive subscriptions
in aid the .pro; I „Ir. of the feTed Wasik Clty , of skllyghsr , will bUethe
booed laudable undertaking. Mr. Black stated
!;tiitrortlndatre:Litt=l:l,?ottoir tele
that every county eubecrobing and paying the : myddLustesli
sum or 1M,600, would be entitled to its benefits,l a150m i......... _____ ---m --I.-
and could anoint by the County Commissioners, !
one manager. A resolution ' was, passed by the . -DIED, _.
'm toe City of 31.athOter, N. H., MI liaturd.l. EMI
me , ! _, eti l ., "commending the Commissioners to i ma, of loan fever. MU 0..F01y ehlld of C. 11. 31. the flan
"..." that amount. The lawprovides that I nab J. fitaltli,Uf this cos, sand 1 rem, a mou th ., and 12
every person who shall subscribe to the articles I ow
of Math association, and pay to the lituds of the I !
the institution the min of fifty dollars, or ten I Js
doll ars am mtalY. for the term of sin years, shall
o:oe th ::;: b 7 a7 p h .. !l y ei l cc i fo ensl oDo prdtirLil'ireuee:nb.a.dtoa""idoiletrill;ehyh'bry.oah'ittiehpemthrelsietaa''adipdiuthi; them- Ito .. - e! dofttjill6r.hh b. lt'se
jii....6o".:to'!CL"tiwllm!:dWlTjow to lviiClueottszooksterg'iiimmLA:ra7nuludcti..,....„,n'SiTfihmu:P'::°:bv.iLn'rttcato"K:::.ln"Dals7:'
______ 7_______________H ,
said association. The build/og id to be located ___;_-_,__!"-- it , - .‘,ADOLIN A liKll -- For sale by
e y• awe o e W5l. A. sal es a CO.,
Again I L`ki.A: SALL--Hood 1.01101 a n d 1' rid , : Car- ; cny r. tense . 1.114 Ten bealets
in Alleghen&iunty, and the Commons, near the ; t .! ahr Ned Cod. ard Wine. lie the th. 0.0 er re- •
Is fy"Poisi'UbeitreetV-Ityl.aVe'rga.M.2l. & gry.j4Cahiee Umbra. MM. bY the th Or ret4; 530 S --- , .
-I YRUPS, Am—Laden - rood o line Lemon
in nilagnMY slip , Miss been Used ! z'os. gsroitireal..miLm.szeiro.idithstorv‘onacar,
th. .blusl y l a ns . and o dos. 111.• Lead team. . ea. Da sais mA to a maim,
weer. du. do: Straieborrfillra.
wan as aiel4 anitible—Low. lour. 1 . OP"; tars invest Meat andOmustssioaXadman- :- .. pia IF& eI...VACLCRO a CO.
- '
. " ' • • ,
. .
~ ~ .. .
ant Sabbath morals[. Dlre. Jrm C daughter of
unc; awl Lambeth •Charuberar — ,
Third Ward School Lots at Auction.
irc.: SATURDAY AFTERNWN, 3fay 9th, I
41,/ st 3 o'clock...lll so the remises—
.ss tort valuable ItUsldust eltuste at the corverof
strset as , l Cherry sts-1. ow!. s fovea of ;
feet on Die.mrotul street. extessltess lack •111.10
t , t sierra to widen sue,
fertp Oce-half mai.. 11l 0114 }ear. wlthinte , ,t .
edead mort s -^,-e en the reetatses
111 ml..rolthe :envoi
case. P. M. DAVIS, Auet
NOTICE. -- - .
EitEennetre Zonochrometic Depoktorg,
. °AP"e"" ' "W II t a ertlng oil.. 51°01014m 1 ! ' l ' '-.--.."' . d..—Th t
VertiP„_...l3lirSU,..,A.,Ngetht.E4of.icha.itpl.lingt.tiiiliis. ,
1 'S" Pal -Gordan a act,,61.,"
Notita L betaby 1.....t1 L . 14 W .° , c0. .. v. ..,, .. and the I.:Meta/7 cl aratali._ -..
,V r tot tot ' =lt and Jltootaata 6. Mali VOLIMUIT, Win -
ba 114,1 on T tLIJR.SLA Y. lbw NW gaL;f:Lbittetlara= .
A LL LOT HOLDERS of the Allegheny
tyu'olbuindl'ha.g...rn abe d li ti r ty ' VTlAO. : Ca 7 . N. TN' , '"".4 ' AL Cametrry an 1a...4 th.t ba 160 al.,
losOlti twat!. _ ~. j R
taw, to th e Catnetory tkmattar to Nuttj o lgr c r t g
' :t'''"2d''- J:tl..V. ATAIOUGU. "'ha tic'''. 'hkh '''' b' " TOTPLIa.LETI.
; Fronde.
W. H. Went, auaatiatatatant
• ItIOBERT MORartr .
J. J. VA N Daltiii.ll/ .
t 0.7. ItJairatwSta _ .
--,------------ _
Omnibus fur Sale.6l F,ORGE' E. ARNOLD & CO., • Dant.'drs:i
,acte roonbyt order, for Lal• by 411:0.'AILTIIIIM, I y u o,te z ai ' i '''''''''66.C°V2k N ''''''' N ' T4
uner of Fourth turd f•oiltbEsl6 01. If vet cola at p4y.k 'm° • "^..., am , X 4O . "k• . . 4 b.a. . col.
e. It win b. ssid a Dtrbninetion Room. on Batmlnr • • ''' F` "f 4.1 ti• , A d ' Pr.'ol, n.Oltt.dtt
itu. NW of .Ilay. utoltat Arniur ••., "" i v...e,Z..Thioa: ~ .. . i
__ __
myfat .
. .
INSEED OIL-1U casks tprime) for eal
tt. .11.0. r
1.1 mrs
b)ls. S. F., for rate by
AMS- -30 castzi Evan•SCSirift's S. C., fo
nty6 F. A: W. RARBALT.II.
. _
To Gardeners. -
rp WENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al
ad x me seder goal ealtivalied4 sl,ka yr
to sold for st oo so ane—case third cash. the
our, twe. and three years For yard:Wads en
quire at the Buskins/ Mace of
witicrse a CO..
mtl rm. er Martel and third sta
driPDLIVER 011.4230 galls—superior White,
%—. l 7.7 gala 6r 'mil • 7 , :k: SELL EkS. wo.i.L
E.-ARNOLD—EC-O ha - v - o this day 14r.
soct.w ..
Sou.. ,CCLLY: Ths.til• ai
tLattria will La Lerttarnm
r • Pittsburgh. May Ixt. (my.;
IL PEPPERMINT-150 lbs. (warranted
par.) t, mb bi - SrLiagnk
ED PRECIPITATE—^S,Ibe..for sale by
3 bap Gittranz
- Ragg ram landing and for gala b 7
Water and 11 . 024 824
G eo . R. Rir .hatun. Civil Enginßer,.
WILL ATTEND, in any part of the coup- I
y V a,. to n th e 'toner. todo' and construction of
Manideinlied and Plank Emir" fidditha.
bwitts, an, fur raual a alackvala narigathth.ant win Pi.
Pare plant, epecincationg, and intimates if eon of say of
the above wort.
lb. will P an attend to the division of land, and Laying
iut town plant makjlir drawings of Rattle for Patent UP
t ow. a¢ Grant et s txar,lln Conti.
I throw. ittsburgh.
listforence•—lton. A. ic: Loomis, Thoo...Bakelrell. Pall:
Neville P. Craig. Paw- Wm. Enht....
• np.ICCInt -
FISH- 'do .
4 .
0 bbla Nal Sal m= ! '
do dd
;0) 'DU. Se. a )Chock
3' hi d d" St! 1 triza d° mod
o b lix lal w on ierr lmod. o rd .
It; IRON-66 tons Forgo and Foundry,
br JOIIN wArr A co.
FLAXSEED OIL-10 bbls. prime, from
Bornercet county, tar bile by
-necox,--300014, country cured for sale by'
COTTON -56 bales nowlanding from stmt.
Fort Fltt, fAr sale er IfidiA4l Di v rm.,.
NDRI E S--2 tierces grease;
2 do.
do dry Mao:
seeks feethetic
fdr b
I` 7 r " t ''''" F ' " gr l7 . 111 ) 1 PitEir i
SHOULDER BRACES, of a new and s;
petior kind,just received
n a t raeby
nCPR, Akb.
FINBUSSES, of all kiods told sixes, for the
j. relief and radicalcure of fiend.. 00 fAylorq cum.
t icDpIVELL,I4O Waal cle
Young - Ladies' Boarding and Day School
F.GsEsOKY i.t will
en •a•Sclgol
. d .
before oppl
Futtha WM...byre.
be obtabxd at tlo stogy of, A.
11. Eri,ibb • Co.. limbriirT.."4
COFFEE-1001ble good Rio, just teeeiring rale by JOTIN WATT k
.1.10 Lawny st.
rVHE HOTISE of the Seven Gabler a Re
At HOLMES' !At...71). T M. TWA Street, cs:pt4l tb4,
lITTER-2S keg.% for sale by
•rou ROBISON, LiITLB t 00
WRUPP--500 bu. Dried Peaches- - '
ILESTNUTS-30 hn. for wile by_ ' '
IG' mo's-250 torts fors sale by
IiACON-43,000 Ibs.: Homo and Shoulder!,
JJP &Lobs Upon la
L7l-150 InßtAilar c ile by
KWIMAT FLOUR-100011os. for sale
by oral - ROBISOS, LITOLB t M.
CANDL:ES-100 box
W. .1100RECAD,
091 at soder i R. t. Chula. Rad;
01!Ito nada 31.Mox;fleii 11,32;r
=a of Ealated and U.tertrreeg
1851 . tom
On the Pennsylvania and'Ohio Camila
CLARKE: PARES .4.-....P2Aisinnett. PA.
enema - mix, cflawroan a C0........ .. ,.-mmiaaa. O.
THIS Well 10101 M Line is now proaredlo
cvm,f4,ll,‘,t Canal and •
The Willem of the Lit t unapt:wet us umber. giant
s-osnd ow:Rya Boats, asperionce of Cantina. sae ke
ere of Avnts:
One Ike: knees Plettleorgh soACitedene
In connection with a Line of steamtgate be Ptla-n
-1113)16Li and BEAVEA. LTA Lim of fest elm tAtimsbaPe
(i media gad meet) on the Lags.
NA. A.CA,YountirAt.A. 04
A. B. 'raving, Warren..o ,
k. St. Cluk. Newton Pellt.o4
C. Prentltt. Wean. 04
Breslau k Co., Ravenna. u 4 •
Kent, Grinntl Co., Preaklin,o4
IL A. Miller. Covahoge Falls, 04
Mugger, Lee B
Co.. Agron. 04
Scott. Toled
At Pettibone, Bendtigtg Cite. 04 ;
Peahens o.
G. Williense t Ca, Petrol; amble=
DOWEL. eibi4
Geo. t - liibbs A Co., Mingo,
nonage Ilele,.CLiosso s pli.
00.04 A. LAMAIST, Agent,
gni cot. Water and ea: Milted ate..
• • Brandies,. Wines, &a
lIAVIva ..-
NO completed arrangements with - ':
. Eames In 'Bordeaux Lod other European Wm. rot. of •
arrant!. of my orders. I am thus enabled to of* to
1/ve/err, at • mulladvanee over Importation mar, .R. • -
MRS, WINES, and LIQUORS, of tha fLumt damtPtita..:
fr. under aeon Aassz Wok if daind.. _ ..
Anent:km Is Inviled . to my Mole lvenot l
113 paeLata, Mann Borderoz,: d od /Peelle Bread!, la . •
Id bht... d and . : 4 ol. 3i
~: lot .y. id, and ' brovra Morn* las
VI qr. maks Madan., of ere , ' Freda. . .
13 " Vort %Thus. part very old and superior.
Eck Inaba. E radk/ins Ch.:nor. , 'nail hoolto brlmd• -
Lea home Claret Ulm*, various brands and linturaa
100 mato Saularno and Barney 110todea WWI.
05 maks Sautaroe and Cloret.Wlete.
II pipe. Old Ilollaad and Sehordam OW.
30 ponclumm Old Scotch ad Irlal, IThlaker. . .
a,.. _ " mperior Old Jamaica Rama
00 e.t.a mpatior London Brown Stoat ma grata Jae; ' 'r
Kith • conalard sapply of Imported Llaoma, men S.
;Ip s ache. IS ambit o, Corm. Ansdretta Chem . Boss
.111 onrdettrvellf At 4 ' 1 ;1, r _1 011 ....="1 - " 4
Orden will ta executed .o.h...wad , arnlMlubll/tad
at Unreal. rates.
- dra " 1.27 1. ) r 4
. D4=.
= T"
aplerlso *4
' .
iharnosT Ertramlinary A:navvy in tAe Wireld u
the great. Arabian Erntedy for . Man and Beast!
. a. Fitm..ll's .•
tairactilono cures. performed: by the.:
Arabian phydels= to the dare of • old: was than •
lc.opon se th e result of magi. bet eV. a. have be-
coma lot ate with their binary we can thee =cowl _
their nerprleing power over MM... Their atalarlsoUts
the knowledge of medicine were the wonder .of thalweg,
while at the mama • time the ,demo of Chemin:Ml.l=n
with them had Its engin. woe to the rest of the world
new bockr. And 13041127 Mow tmmtbe meat man. 4,
stmt.:do /Date beautiful groves which stint the demote -
abound rare plaits and =ohms amok wheezed=
obtained thaw armour gunk end fragrant token* of
wLich this incomparable ls nemneneel. end 11 ,
alone einonisting omits.. penetrating and At ti siM,
properties it Ls when applied, lostanonkanely
through the whole nernms ullay tog the awe -
theT,mioadibb. VaniiiTlfoeftl=l,o"gtinelfttre..•
least delayer. It penetrat thhedi to which hone. =IWO
centered= =rd. - reetoras em 40 limbs hare beat -
Ponied tor yeas... causing the elvireled ankh to vow eat • •
end rich bloat to cirsulate through • It pestarek:
the yzunial Winki or Joir.t Water. and this Is thermion.
why it has bum eel universally eneennen in =nog alkl:
discos= of the Joint. In chnntle ellcctiona of the Spin. ‘.
User. Loop and Kidney. this great •Anablin•ftenadY .
rank unTralleisd; foe... Lour Cake or Eloteronotentot QC - •
• ' irsolsa i tf tte cotr ~fri pad l r rdinary cures s • •*r g rel/V•,..
W Champ. emmar. Yen. Wounds, ditlitheafort , n6N• ••'
W o hite Tomora.t. 4in It is equally_ ••••-~•mA
dial.* of
such ae Pistols. Pell Med e •
kluge. tins. h i and for Mei
ellanae.enher to man or beet - which moire. int criser , .
=.lcation, this liniment Monk at the Imo of al--
. .
The a uowtogy fro= the•••Otatrt of tit
wwealthymerldehly rogiectulS la ft:"' N ' ; '' si 'a a of a...a Um. ,
Pearls. and preeetas one of the moot sucement cores Ist: .
the meals of =WOW history;
Mr. 11. 0. Yerreit: Dewar, Astosted bye seam of vow '
Altoona submit thilario se an kW.. of the tatlY ,
Ply of your axe. Ity elittd,threa sol . Slorott.t,
suddenly a...ltott with • terettle 111... • to..leass.
benea th.' istt k or. mit l o l Teint 64a mV/re ., catr• the lash
torttel bleek ' TZ ri..od moods daroed_ et/WM, the •
aertadly elandlaal *wo.= Pouww• ,
forttdsl44 etwfiten to all found; the stdoe twat= ealet;
Outs& am eword, OW. when Wirt on Ito back:taw,
hood end mats only rsesehrW, Indeed. the child promoted
every appousueo of being
Lo to Lee eats
task, the fatally physician was celled to t aled Par armload -
he /shored to restore it to feelirw.trut all tue=stola '
If bilareirrd • damn timi
Oltenia applied. concsula Of
00 was thltii;:
held trc . t . t 3 t=tta t ose. zoo =rot then twoobt be 7,
riart bad not oixtwaMoolcoro aof fir ' elogteu= ;
me he could do nothing mare. We thou coaawnwol stle
otiog• your Lialmeat freely
tiwtostfire 'moth of
irp wet yea may
• cut's
'ohm , Oftswel
teni eppltodloos: rthemulp orouthan gods
child ruddly reeomeral, with the waeotiau of the tight,
which aid not beau. pullet Pr warty • hs
now hasty and robust as csa Le.
We other CMS of the same laud accused in my tf
twitool our üb renot b alr_all-of whirJa died; when,,
woabl ha. remmrid.,.
7 !wets, Moth lfsl. MN SP 0. CLY.L.dn.
Liwr Erysip alaa, and .12han..2tini
Mars= 32nricist Co. By.. INT Z", 12.01.. • •
Ur. 12. 0. Eir. Tour Lith.cut. If Sal/PC ,
•vi.•11,•••1401pg a eau deal ofatirO c. insing the tate , .
pie. It has enrol ban cm sit Yrysl and = WWl',
of • tad pain to the lyneut A. lady, w wee =Mit
herbed fir several months withh .
Ulf"' COSlSplalat and Alfas'.,
tam of the near% sr. entirety cured by the sue of 'Mtn
ArabLui Linkman tike rala the nectar roald do ber no. .
good. It baa tarn applied to a trash enli end mired
• short thaw.: 1 have ban *Meted with Ithanistattain
• tang Mus s awl jut Wore • wet spell It paned SO* cr •
much that I bail no pswoe slide,: and in the night l we,
wenyea tinning and rebbins with your lAPlncrit, sad
beifatwA eras dose rubbing, this Data awned.
„ -
Sag CompkW, Sweeney, Detempir, Corks and Cured. "
. Mischa), Comm:goer rat Est. Yoh.= Couittolll.,,t
aqua'] O. tan= Your Arabian Liniment 1.
rilrdo=ll472d,OrgrVirrlglVlrr, ,
Z 8"
it on a colt that bed doe DU.telaner tern oeu. wad mat n
lie rays It to ofooroor Ito greatest tarn.
medicine be ever used. Therobare been nrunben eared
of Sore Bios with It. If tad it • Teri - tenable toraletuer
both OF own cut boon,
Linear( of P ntf rfititz.
Tha Poblle are joationlerly candoned arsine -•
Bare - _'
Cbeuterfeit tale: be, later made its la —war.. andle
railed br the na:woe
le• = wbe Pea R
11 W Parreill Arai.
v .r. Tnen
Toro be la rtnular :meta coil ft' , it by the warns "Funny.
LinleumL . for unprincipled oadooo 010 ltapsoe the
WOGS smixtura upon roe far the spienbe, but obeys ask
for .11 CZ Ito-Mrs Arabian Lisincre4! est take of
Usage:mina dune bun the letters a o.beftroYerell'a, ,
We oat
lsf, , •
/ALIT'S vented to ever TO.. an d name: in' •
the Cetal beetes,_in which one is not estehlistiol id g . tt4
by' letter to IL O. Pereth Pees, In, vitt. gest
ta character, responsiLdity, ao.
Callao, the area Ens will furnish Tree of Charge - -
beak aintening :nett Ira* informstion eon:sleet
- Putt— rents. eO4 one dallepper bottia.
fly rah 7011213= 00 manntletund_br ILO. Terre , Ln
bender sel_propriethroad whe w drusgists No. 7-
Plein street. Poor end for sale vbalers..olll4
Vtoyrletvice by' IL N.
ta7l.llAutS 10.11 Wood knit—
' Sold by' IL 31 OMIT, Allegheny' City'.
Great Cure for Dyspepsia!
lionehtoestsluch, the trio dispntles flui•Gar
promota orot. pit=lfrOtOnollOr o _
or the fourth
of the Ow, alter nom of nartsu
Llebtkebeiln"..terbie.beettaleeliels bp I.B.llotgb,
b tst" r inty : ' atrt3l
wean.] &dice, Liver lionin , wilt. Mjet i l "D a
bility, e r alter widens's Pen =Md. awn e,
nit tA ryowefell oTParsis. Initsed ha water. tll2
-no„Wee pab nun reef Ye about WA:WM
tof the stostiseh.
- The ilastric Jolts Is the pest intent of the Pseel,ipsh
Ma“'" Iggfitlf=t 'CV •
dlyeation—no .
melee or hod into blood—no nutritive of the Wry tint
t .e, find. torpid. palatal, *al destrartlTe isondlinin of
she ',Wm digestive ottarattia. A weak. Olt dead, or ine
Jared inomnert produces no good Omits J nine , and home
tiro diens*.dlstteas, and debility which wee. • ,
But MI least be be supplied by entsseneg ilia Alga'; '
like b the l lastrlo J am in als etiersic k et powers. assie
Welshing a pletnd perfect substrtuta tor '
art of performingperf the elut e s.
hati long been known to Physiologists. Pr. lleetsbton
cleints the merit of ritsklng Abe application of this art ta
the cam of = Cs pep* in a perfect mad agnenble fa r tn .
Bead evidence: Baron lo Weal.
bested the
work on Clicutistry, my., Artist 01
D p t e i pVoatleTdo 01014 alldago Io to Ma CoArte lake. bo •
rr ham te•
mamas everobrena of the Wontwittof lb*
calf. Invtilch work= articles allied,. cam , and
be ellileewn. Vr. and O
tLI ral loft to 4 ,f maw mar 't
' 1:1 . 1 Agen k ra a eked
arter. it Wiring wonder, Ibr Istenchlice. 00003 beat* .
of the genuine PEPOI2I bears We written dimities of J.
0. licroistcn. M.D. solo trroyttytor. 11140.07100011.0 Y per .
. •
Pamphlets, contelning ieltutlfwerliew of ItS•sille,fere
ntsbad by agents
KEISER. it SIeDOWELt. Swerita. '
140 Wool st. . Pittsburgh. .
Dagen Ponlabed at p.rolor's prices. -
Also, Ihr esla by St Wool et. sou
OSE I :HOSE I! HOSE! !!—Just red_ ~.1.••
Mon )lattot in Dorton_ 4000 entintila ItgOn
ales ,oNa ranging from to 'LI Onoben In din:atter. :t
MN Men 'N Tor rootrior to lican tonanOsetnrod of
Ra •
u. a ra N . drants, ounktUtaillg. or Fire Engion pterpoNt. - `
orNh It to Le Wool:NON unontatcon thot grog: Nati Oe
gut gars from our riatilobsotrt in warrant.' -.:
gy.pump., intended. or the money rerun:Lot. Jut try
it: - For nate lathe India Bobber >NA. No.T It Wood .
§e'rEAll YACKING--4000_ pounds mixed, 1
Tlgn end Pule Indla 4olber Fe.eking Ilren i lia
1 butte. thk.k.verranted to be tb9 very 1,4 Pee , ,
..or , 1.. In me. Z. , lb.. renr.lo4. Vkapeees: .1:
Karr, Piston Lode, Bttern..Jointe. kiteatil Of limdrr
Hew, Brain terse. de, ix- Formate as the ledge Rub. ,
ber , dere , . SGT end 9 Mood etnnt.
11.9 W - .1
. - • . . J. & rvextmmpx, ,', ..
- Associated Firemen's amain Stock.
4.90 o
SHARES or thefirst substribed stock
u. AAA:Id:P.44 prannes lAsuratas CoOkT
rsor cub b, IV. A. 11.1,4 & co,
CINEY7 - 43 ferk,i4s (fresh) fur sale by
HIED .. .EACLIII9SO sacks for sale by
* T ea 'WM. 11. JOHNETO3t.
PPLES-7 bble.lhied Apples for "bate by
nys' W3l 11 strIP:MIN.
es Summer lagd;
IPTlLS—Reetived and far sale by
. encinsaasia •