=l . l I ltd liffilY4 iii Yf B=M9 . - To As Clergy of all_Dencrininations,in the S't4ter.tf:Piimayiraiiia, fit • :qf the Pciaz4leania Colonization Socid2i, AND DEAR BREiELREN, --4 n 'ac cordance with an established custom, we . 1 again . bog leave to call your attention, in ' view of :the apProachino• • anniversary of AtneriGnil freedom, to the' peculiar . claims of the great cause of African colonization. We are emboldened to this step, not only becatise nearly every ecclesiastical body in the Union has recommended pastoral co operation with us in our noble enterprise, but because, moreover, the developments of the past year have accumulated arguments in favor of the urgent necessity of our CalLep: j a cause, be it remarked, as beneficial to ourselves, as it is generous to, the colored . race. As ministers'of the Gospel of God's dear .1 Son, tve earnestly desire that you should be coeperators with ns in carrying out the purposes of 'our organization; the cause of colontzatiort being second to none which addresse.s itself to the sympathies of the benevolent, in vital interest and importance. To you, as guides and teachers of the peo ple, we confidently look, to have its peen liar claims made known, understood and felt by them; the return of the anniversary of our national independence affording a most opportune oecasion for'advocating our _cause amongst your several flocks. • That general and enlarged knowledge of passing events, for which the clergy of our country are justly celebrated, must have embraced within it more or less information with' reference to our colonies up - on the coast of Africa, and the means used at home for their promotion; so -that, doubt less,- your sympathies are already enlisted in behalf of a scheme which, whilst it di rectly ,tends to elevate the colored man—to provide him a home "where none can ma. tt• lest him, or make him afraid,"—has also indirect tendencies of the most momentous and benevolent character. For we conceive that our scheme, if successful, will solve a great political problem, and destroy, to a great extent those causes that seem to 1 threaten the etaNlity of our national Union. It will do that Whlch, all the fleets of Europe and America .= never accomplish, (at whatever cost of life or money,)—namely, put au end to the horrible traffic of the • slave-tinder. Without boasting do we de clare that it will prove the most successful means used, under God, for spreading the light of the GiOspel of Jesus Christ over that land, now.So benighted, but which, in the days of its spiritual elevation, gave birth to the renowned Augustine. In ptesenting, before you the cause of Colonization for your advocacy, we are not urging upon your attention ' brethren, an untried scheme, but one that has passed the perils of incipient effort,,and which= is now launched forth en the Thread sea of successful enterprise. The nimber of col onists already sent out to thtiSc. shores, so deadly to the white, but so inviting to the colored race, is eight' thousaid. The num ber of those who are immediately in con nection with these Christian colonies, is nearly two hundred thousand. The. free settlements of Liberia, added'zci that of-the Maryland colony, extend five hundred and twenty miles along the coast, with a depth inland of about twenty-five miles; reaching from Cape Palmas, on ,the extreme south, to the Gm 11 ;, ,,. A belt of civilization—a Melt of glorious gospel light—to extend within, like the fire kindled on the western prairie, until the whole land becomes "a sea of glory;"—a bejt of freedom, along which the slave-trod& dare not venture. Here there has been planted a Republic of eblored men, under the government of col ored men—not a solitary white man resi ding --"lxrmanently within the Republic— whose national independence has already been acknowledged by England and France, and soon will be, (we have the , assurance,) by our own country. A Republic which, under President Roberts and Vice-President Benson, has already issued State papers, which one of the highest political minds of our own land has pronounced to be credita ble to any nation on the face of the globe. These shores are emphatically thh home of the coloied man, where he can not only Se free, but rise to national greatness and wealth. And, that such is the estimation in Which the colonies are held, we have only to mention the fact, that ten thousand persons now in slavery were freely offered to the National Society, with which we co operate, during the past year; to be sent to Liberia; and were only declined for the want of means to send them. With great confidence, brethren in Christ, we eammit our cause to you. The noble enterprise of building up a great and free nation of ,bolored men, will surely excite your zeal. . Liberia is the first daughter of American freedom. The benevolent and holy work of destroying the slave trade, - *ill 'awaken your warmest zeal. Whilst the prospect of ecangr!i7ing Africa—be nighted Africa, with her untold millions, will kindle, surely, the fire of your ardent devotion. Our plans are large, our scheincis noble, and our promise is great. Encourage ev ery one to give to a cause so honorable to humanity, so important for the spread of the gospel; however , small bo the donation, it will prove a drop of mercy in that show er that is to enrich and fertilize the arid wastes of Ethiopia. It will be a particle in that cloud of grace upon which, by Di vine light, the bow of Africa'z promise is painted. Jogurt E. Irlar.nnotr., Presq. H Makom, Cor. Moneys collected to be forwarded to Alexander Brown, Esq., Treasurer, Phila delphia. The — right of Nataire [The following anecdote, which some lit erary resurrectionist has dug from its grave in some old periodical, is doubtless familiar to many of oar readers; but it may be new to many:] The celebrated Mr. Hume wrote an es say on the sufficiency of the light of Na ture; and the no less celebrated Robertson wrote on the necessity of revelation, and the insufficiency of the light of nature.— Hume came one evening to visit Robertson, and the evening was spent in conversing on the subject. The friends of both 'were present, and it is said that Robertson rea soned with unaccustomed clearness' and power. Whether Hume was convinced or not by his reasonings, we cannot tell; but at any rate he did not acknowledge his con victions. Hume was very much of a gen tleman, and as he was, about to depart, bowed politely to those in the room • while, as he retired through the door, Robertson took the light to show him the way. Hume was still facing the door. -"0, sir," said he to Robertson, "I find the light of nature always sufficient," and he continued; "pray don't trouble yourself, sir;' and so he bowed on. The street door was open, and presently, as he bowed along the entry, be stumbled over something concealed, and pitched down stairs .into the street. Robertson ran after hire, with a 'light ; and ; iisThe held it over him, -whispered. softly and munningly, f! Yon had better have a little light from above, friend Hume And rkieing-lxim up, he halo Lim good night, and returned to his friends. A Quaker Letter. Friendlohn, I desire thee to be so kind as to go to one of those sinful men in the; flesh, called attorneys, andlet'hirn take out an instrument witha seal thereunto, by means whereof we may seize the outward tabernacle of Geow•Green, and bring him before the lambslan'men at Westminster, . aad teach him to do its he - intild,be done by, ; Thy friend. .T:. 4: i 1. MISCE 'ILANEOIJS puRNI: 31:G . 11 .5. I LOCB9 & KEYS Posy Omen tirPARTIZET, March 14, 1851. IT BEING DESI ABLE to substitute locks and keys anons kind for them now in use for mall service of the U red States, sped.. locks and keykeys, willk teed sto f the ram, will be received ax the Peet these Department. unit the tat dap nsklered day of ] al) next. The different locks will ke. mbmitied to on for examination and town. Upon this re- Porte ...tem% will. as wein mist...tient.. be entered Into tor furnishing mach locks'end bits for font /ems. with the Tight on the part of tbel Postmaster General for the tame soli th to extend and contl . , the metract In force for an additional term of four ) t ea, bp /siting to the ellitiratrt. written notice tu that. not mere than nine not km than clamant. before the termination of the first term at Pour year. With a view of procuringthe teeth:et," the lomMtvim, no Mai of lose Is Pet er stmdasth the Department relying for a 'election on mechanithlsidil and „insure Ity which tale romped on, now invited. may OththOwi It la, however, proper to state. that. • lock mitable foe the mail earth% Monk! poseePe the follming mitimnity, llgh d LT gal strength. For the path.. of Iseing a...nevus!: the mail lecke and keys nol d we. Mont. thirty thousand new lakagnd twenty th ono key. adapted thereto...Nl be meet to be furnith e nd ythe contractor within men , months attar the contract %ball have been anterni of. terra. the extant Mpply will depend on the durability of the M. and keys adopted.. wellaa tbelnermseOf the revolts: bettlt will probably never exceed ln monnt three thousand of the former and one thousand of the lat ter. I No leek will be cowidered If it be like any already In gar al nag nor will anyone with whom the contractmay be made tie allowed tom... tell, or furnieh,thr tisk Or kel, almilarto those conincted foi, for nay Miler punk. or than that of the Post Wire Department_ The kind of locks adopted must be patented. and the Pai t00t...i1l le required. on entering into contract. tomake Lmignment of his patent for the exclusive use and 40• t or the Department . ) if the lionimaxter General shall deem nett requlrement omential to the interestoof them Mee. In cam of the Wpm of the contractor at any time to fulfil faithfully thole= and othditions of Ida contt the Postmaater thrundaall have the right, beaks %resort to the penal remedy he natter mentionsd, to annul mid contrast, and to em anew - with wyne• party or uirtlea to be may gee fa r fur Strutting toupeelockm. I:deeding upontheproposalsmdmedmens offsteththe Patmaster General mayidonn „expedient to select for the exempt mails the lock done bidder. mul flirt. way matt that of mother. 'lle regerrats. therefore, the right of rem truting th different bidtvidthits for such different kinds of leeks to he may mild., and also the right te Wien all the speck.ns and propoathi. if ha shall dam that course Cr r, the intem.„ of the Department. party or parties contlmting will be reoutrol to give bond. with maple essi rarity. In the sum of thirty thou.. dollars. for fait.. performance of the motto t. lb. contract la to Contain he re . Tooth for the duo mid proper )u n ction of the leeks mil re and or g00n.% against the„ puoiett into I =.VA'i?,:i.4=eadr=rlftag: If • bid should be mantra. Yoa houelderal If not noteMPthiei, With vatithmary evidenmoftheamerworthy thamater of thetibt der. and of hi.l SIMI the contract. N. . WALL, Postmaster general. usehtlAwlindo GENERAL LAND Orrter, April 4, 1851. lIMEROUS APPLICATIONS BAYING haat Wade to this'ottlee fee Information In retell= to the manner in which lignd Warrants. IMlttr the act of 19th of September,should be loaded. the following .answers thereto hove been prepared, to gai There are three mil. by which titi•• laatlaatmay be made: Ist. Ity the Warrimlee in person! :kb BY the Warm:Mee through the agency of this aim. Ls an Agent or Attorney. If the brat or seconci mole is adopted, the .opilwiou moat be [mole in writing specifying the tract, latm district or section of country, iul a hirh the !location L. desired, and be accompanital by an allldarlt itosuallag to the following farm. No. . Where the third mode is adopted, • Power of Attorney to pyakiceg, eaec used by the warrantee In the pres to.. of witnew, acwrding to the following form No. !whkh power of Aliases most be arknowletigai. or engren aa the 4W may be, torero some obese authorised to take the acknowledgment of dead& according to form No. 3 or A. • In all the Putents will he tranitullted to the Laud boe where the lomat. la madeo anima etweial 41 rename to the contrary tie &tree/ J. BUTTEKVIELD, Commissioner. ! ; FORY No. 1. , Sriorg Or ! CoUSTY or i / Beton me Ltt Junom or th o Poste or other °Ellett author !bed bll i lkb blad r lt l ) ll.t b r.ll l _L Y , bd=l_ other the ' arb-,:r,;4 twott the idenhral thror mtnrt ...no of wsms th) tohom warrant No.—. for —ocret,undor the Art of September, ISSO., was Wont on the dot af mat who now apsliet to locate the tame. Op [Athant's signature.) • Sworn to axed mbseribOd bother me thlr —day of 145-. • to aittraattm.l Foam No. 1 ; &now all teen by there ponenta, that I, [here invert the name of warrantee,l of the County of —. and State of do bemby constituta and appoint of ,ur true and lanial al:Loney, for me and to my same. to Imam Land Warrant for acres of land. which I,mA under the Art of September. IMO. (rower of Sabstinatlon may be tnoerted If de.ired.] Siguea in presence of Foss No. 3. STATE Of COEETY or . -11 n this—day of In the T.-+t Pon.Onanf moo Tied . [here Woe. name of warm:tee., and aeknovre ttrVil."-IV.; name of and lowerla the same person who dmmibed In the within cod who executed the FllOlO.. latticers ahruature.j Foam No. 4. STATE 01 COUNTY OF I hereby certafr,,lnd.an de, of yesr—, person al mine before me thereinmetthe name witneer, and Ibrre hunt the name of warrantee.) and the paid [here Insert the imam of 0E00,91 helv e : well known no men vas duly sworn by me, toed on Me cath declared and naid and he well Woes the Paid Dem insert the name of varrantee.) and that be war the earoe persen dew:Mired to. and who exemated the within Power of Al torney. and hie Mltlmmeraa to me eatlafactory evidence of that Lee and the mid ore insert the name of warren thereupon lettenet ed the Feld Power to be Me act sad dead. anleellaweGer • [olseer'srignalure.] Okla Laboratory. 76.1vitt 92 111-='-80' 95 Biro' Itum I Aim it • 85 99 Per cent. Strength. hOWELVILETORER & CO., 'Manufactu- Coof ALCIMOI4 PneoSpilite for Cologne and Bran o or Dlstilled 'Vapor Wllpkey always on band. Corner of Vic. sact Front streets. Clatmma t,.0m0. at low at' An mmkot mei. fromze. l'lttammth lellll be promptly 7:ly filled pri apl Wines and Liquors. N 0,157 Canty el., :Formerly Dana cracker !awry. ncrrasex. of PlttsburgA stbtOstotti of N.Y'. VICKEISEN STOUVENEL, respectfully .1` .nounee to their: T it:lle sa. w thg7,4l ,- . d largell that TOHCVIPC:A=I. :h tb — bairf si.o7l—/Yorfelle r= " pfd . a/t . d oll ubite lianea at .rar, eh dark sad rale Brandies, of the eturieurt vintager. Jamaica rum, Mimi giu Irish Whiskey, ehanspekne md sparkling bock stines, f the boat Whi s k port Nade. sherry Lid muscat iner, dbegat u he eardin., llolistal tlrrs ' elrlh ' oresal W e, a o t t 4 •. 'b 713 ' C tlrtrokt A",:t2n,th". O. of the partners, dlr. btouvenel, stillcontinuing_ his importatima business in dia.:lo,ot N York. the More bra is enabled to sell a cheaper a.I a better article than my other bones in thls city. Please give m cal, beton you purchase elambere. tre - lbustilins suPnllid tree of ertra charge. ma st the shortest sot. LACK SATIN VESTINGS—We have a full asecultuieut tr a different q ualities, Luzludituf aa ap i r ? aarl " P ' k 'iitranrx a BC-Reif/TEM WALL PAPER OF NY OWN MANU YACTITIM-4 luso and gonend ar.rtdarat a}. wawad ys on hand Kalarkot cc IRO& BROOMS -350 doz. fancy and common, for male by 1117. L. S. WATYMMAN a SONB. pOW L E . ndy. ELM-0 . 9 T 0 111 ; end CO woodTrt. PARIS GREEN-30 cans assorted for sale by spill , J. ECTIOOMILLILER t CO. FLAXSEED- IML-1.1 Uhl. pure, from Wedmorelaal Aqua; y, far isle by aO/6 . 'JUDI WATT t CO.. labcrty TRENTON CRACKERS—A new article in d e rma ttli . abo4ontou Illocultend DysTepEi• Crack yrs; for • spl9 MI. A- IfeCLUO L CO LARD Barrels No. I Lard Oil r,.c•ci (hie ders plr P. R. North Rim., and fat pale by aplS S. W. HARBAIRILL GRAIN -200 Oata; /co ! " 8T ,. ; funk by aplB MeGILLS & ROE `HAD AND i_ERRINti--Nerr Baltimore 13 fibs& end Herring, rer'd And for sybr by note JOHN WATT & CO. VI ANGANES-54 bbla Ground,for las s ITA. Makers, for tae by LIENNETT, HERBY k spl9 Water street. t_7OES-150 dOz. best cast steel, for sale by II apT L. B. WILTERMAN A SONS. ‘ l , GYMS SNKATIIS---350 doz. extra and ij ar'''' f " " 1 1 " ° ln u irA. W.V.V.V4Vozs 'ORKS-75 d z. beat cast steel Hay Forks; uo - - - four pre "6:177 Fork ; for 6 b7 L. S. WATERMAN A SONS. LIQUORICE IROOT-50 lba. Posed, for LA Late to i .97 It. E. SELLERS. lIUBA.RI3-4 cases Poled, for sale by AA, sp7 R. E. SELLERS. oIL SPRUC cases for Rile by sp7 R. Z. SZLLERS. IFI ROUND TILiKIWERIC-2 bbls. for oak by IA or; It:E. MEL LEM THORN'S F...ltract of Saroaparilla and Co rm.,* warranted on. tve, Ln• sap: B num .. ap7 • i The best Green Tea in Pittsburgh. COME New drop Young Ii son Tea has Just been maid, at Id Tee Store Is the &Mond, which .gth oad naaur g a r' a ha ' s ' .l any eold to so: lAAMP HALL—ll:wing fitted up a fine Alum num ou the coconil 0.17, over my store, I large and complete stock of Cornell. & Co...hulas Lunt Lamps—the best material, worenanship, mid DOI o. In use, Parlor, hugger, and !Rudy Lampe; 011P.Two. And Three Light Chistolelserio for Churches !tall Bolts, Douts, one Allegheny, for rale by I a '" Pd"' W. WAYLL.SO J. ig It. FLOYD. .000 pieceß in salt, arri v ed HARDY JUNES a CO. FIOULDI 13 mad for alt Pic IEO .7 FlSH—Macke el, Salmon, and Lake Trout, for we by sy7 JOHN WATTt CO. "HOT -100 b4s ass'd Nos., for sale by ar7 'JOHN WATT A CO. B AcoN_II 9nEko ihtmn; 10 " bh::ldern landing from Et Cape May.for man ItiAlan DICKEY • P 7 POTTON-5 Vales landing fnim str.Cnpe 1.../ Mar, for see bit ap7 !RAJAH DICKEY CO. FEA'rIfERS--17 sacks landing f. gan,Manta , qte b 7 ap7 •- • 1/11A1A11 DICKEY t CO. 1 00W00.II-100 ChigLed, for Sale by 14 J. 13C1100 KER A CO. BACON -25 (make prime Shoulder-a; by 5 I " • Nana FR Ole • I L. B. WATBSEIAN i SONS. a. 7 Wand el Water, and G 2 Flat atraat, BACON-- asll 3 c l en B ; w o n d m ; pier country cut ofl b r i nlo ." fnt BRAWN d KIRKPATRICK. pENN MEE INGS: redeed to 8 eente n10a~an0i....." .EENNKDY. CIIILD97CO: EiLNS j1.1.0 ;a 4 ' . 10.5=400 an tan B'en Raisins; isiiaisTiaratti DRY GOODS, &c • H os i e ry;Trinunings t . mid Thee Goods. H. EATON, 62. Fourth Etreet, between Wood,lnrites lbw attention of yd.. t and retail buyers to his large and well seleetedassert m . Cotton, Bllg and Merino nose. half 11osn, and Glorm Bert Y.: /511 Glove% and rimmed and rtgLin Bonnet 1ta1... Black SDk Trimming and Flouncing Lee,: Dreta Huta. sal Trlmmhatter, • 1:e Lore Co and ‘edleeenat, d a ~d French Wortal Clenalsettee, and Cull, iror Tr i oug 1'741%17;1V Geste Grarats. Joinvole Ties and elockey Fite Shirts. tinder Garments and Dress log (lawns, Plus, ,Tape, Dutton, and Braid: :bell, Iv., and Dorn Combs 11..41 Teeth Bruellesy Perfumer; tine and e.t.a Vans meet l'ar.oby Zephyr Worsted Canvas and ratter. LW Plippen, clatter:. and Excel:in,. Walking Siloyey with en. yarjety of mall wares and neefol Ft.). Articles, vbieh be Gila: at the Inweet rates either kr cash or aPProYed crndYt. stale I m ~ A. MASON & CO., No. 62 and 64 Mar ., . Ott street. are now 41,111ng. per e1a ,,,, .. aral-b,.. li. a Crape :bawls. Inlaid. damask, end plain. 114.. e. ryA.RLETON TRIMMINGS—A. A..l.lason It Co. bare reed per , "Tres, a large awirtmrat of ar etoa Tritamilurr. LIICer, Edging, tr. app_ __ ROSIERY & GLOVES—Now opening at A. A. MASON t CO . S. • fall •L»rtmrut of uucbrq _ WROLICHIT COLLARS &CAPES—Rec ' d Der ad aro 100 1441 Na Lana atom to Ma tradd. al soldrufachtsarf inama. • • V7NI3GAR-60 b bl i o rialiZ k l i ka i. 1)7 Pirreoutrm, OR Rock Ott. ---, .71xera aro mere Wags. bear. and rutty , . • . *Than an drinnort or In tddliaarbt , " ... VIRTUES of this rernarlmble ran T i . , 3 1 ....a u. 6....tme avellentkon to It. to thotenieirldt wee, hoe M. hint to ba. tt,not via In bottlea vith lat b ezu mnoad i. il i t w eralip_Attton , ben t. bot r i... ,. . o 7lllo. l. thstiz ... -4 , 2 . .1 . . 2 ,11M 0 g0nint .7 cbrinknl enZ ' or not ru nn . 17ii a ... ears Roca lantonio Ora. laineanaryt! }hat It nniehint ',.' trapertlen Da...4z p. number ol altioner in Depictor ei. nuan tecane , yl s tronTn th t . k . ir lick a pe unaar t itt . Man , L,thie p az nem In OS endornint. at =ring the btrc. - pc . !wattle and TM. to Dan • Wrenn, Log bat. thir trine• • motor Mount ot potting It tip In lota., It bad . ~..pytni.. non for the con at Wan. The want. t mad.' Ineratt - dna Date fdrlt. uldernetsl rannarlAile envoi It Inc. - 1. _ 11701,11 • norn 0 It4leilkek eu nt ID , D i ttjt i re tiotodamr_..l, , * len=lTids to toncal •M. Dus snotanindes ' 1 Ire we muc. =the mea nom wet Ite •a into rho Lae. of wh median l4 ad. to to ; , • naa we do uoi dal. ane It sonadmanl • Win.= In 0 tr l y n . liaw. ,Dl l . 7 ... tiairrl i tplgyzz• L Ugit In z tzemlakr b . eve.)ted—adl dna.. lit the m.o. Damen pa , = i ONIC BItONCRITIS, CONSUMPTION. On Ita nortf y i AMITMA, aail all Mama. of the airs.... Lli.. 1 Lt. WIIPLAINT, DYSPEPSLL. Dhienes, Dn.. nit Idain Bladder and Kldarrs. PM= In the Beet or ride. No.. Au. Palm Mamas. Pol., Don Emir., Audled....M ... eriri.Jaiman. donlele. tnalno. OM ICIIVIN.J Ir. L o. and of deulltr. tentldag haws a...am or i., 10. and aratnieted inn. •OM.. that ., magnet. rill: turn 0.140 It sill oat is n/ end TUNDO .1 Dai -. ATP, F. to Dien en., Iraparthat tone and 0000.7 b. rinds fti., notertne neinernota...o=ur tha tart _ ~.. i t . r d le i t ' W:Diflm r ire ": 74 ld rsiX . :1 ' 1 1U :117E4 , 111. 7 ggia.maa rlovt.r.e.' * AV ."' yinm ?.***bl— ritna to say Dawn atie Wen IL - • • . Door Dn.. •Ithout the algoanion of the treditter. - .T.: :old DT the reorentor. P. M. ELIZA don. Ba, Dr. Beverith shalt. 41... by IL P. ! Etir S. at Ward M.. sod EZTEER 0 lITONTELL ‘ - 7 corner Wont Dr. ninUTfrafin Alder, v. ans • I tiontar • Lli. bno=4 , ir •rtailided Arran. - , WOW all men who sirk and afflieta' with illreme bf the nimbler saig aithibetr;i4 hoetcgr s a nd cid aniebranal devil . , that they am he enred by taking the Mitt MU on roar talk Oceans being Tma:6lam -! " o'f l ITP, Eo onset =run t it hoc virtues altieh are nut amtattied• In anT oth r.may. The Mout DD Is yanked Lwith pain. and sulfrol.rtro.diresee, ea. j• tar GO cents; get relict from any of the old • liesidd It ions very 11 Wa to Mete a trial. TWo Petro , loam Wile mixture—in compacts. Dui elt ha the Dino , of linporing on the eorranuany-. hot It is a teutedyclatut. led by. the matter band of natnre, .4 bubbles toi [minas lon= of our mother earth. In Its original punt, and ar. Inv to suffering Min:malty a road,' remedy, a outgo And VflreniniCt ?Ilei after other pedleltier hue Mad to reader any relltt• - 1r has rniW lineunnition. or lonn i nnulthlti and of the worn and remit pained chercoter. ilea luic eared Cbolers blurb,o6, by one or too claws. lt poo .04 all arapor Inarried. h. uhleh area other: nitcl oral bas been of no . Le • lonia remedy In burns Ala better thanourtnedinalecoopounds odittmen kilo ie „of. It will cure chilblains =I Imolai trek Li a Iro: toolltittionn undoubted tratteriny ran be furalch , T of the tonth contained /n the store rialmont, lag BAUM. IL kilt. (knot Dadu.forouth street or , tither of the .&' • - lh - eyeer & Helbaen. - tomer of treat 'street end Vbitu 4 Miry; U. X. Selling, 67 Wood Amon D. A.6;11104464 p: - 34,;; Aikv.h.r city, are the agrnts. • MPORTAN'T TO THE AFPLIOTED._ RE. ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES. —IINC.IIant near, the dtecoreter and so/o proprietor . . moat molar , arid limeade melkituitalWat 40 3 t baronet. of the celebrated I nstrutneut far Inflating tha Lungs, In effecting • rum of Chromic diseases. Wu a stu dent of that eminent physician, hatter Physic, and IA& graduate of thelinlseraltr of reunsylvattlagad pu ch=r, Taus since tel been chord in the lorattigatino.of dtb. oem. audthe appliatico o remedies thereto. -Through therm of I& Misting tuba, tueordgettau tidal DL Pnrphylactic Syrup, and Other of hiss...medico, he has, pained an unparalleled autumn In curing them dradhlr oud fatal =lodger Tuberealar Contromptlon, ettutgot. rerafula. Riterattatbrn. Asthma. Peter and Ague, Pence o oil kladhclitrOrdo &rbid% sibd.•U thew obstinate Mini owes pecunar ta hratac. so.. every Ingo of diatom =Ube under the usa of libt rratedles. to with Mimosa. I ty is helr—not by the uss of arta compound only, for 14,1 nticcopotible Wi th IlliplWoolot Law, but br the am of Ida remedial. adartial to. mi. prod for, each seco/lar.• sr - - - gatch Alteratiro Pills, when Toni. are Intsria loly =lsolated to Lc superior to all °then. am a auras. tore or Lisa yW, tharatuch 'as they Imre the Dowels pan t cosily nue frum satircorsu to alro his tioldrn rilla are ad. _ toittod, tor the faculty , to pours. Mauna ,. rthroarttra. adat" + toll frtnalo dLeva but being vall,bed that a barn trial surnsientlerratahllala strut has born aid, in the schutscl• 'the nacos rarptical. alttleturue invited to; call vim - albs &oat, had prn.. , watts) one of the Duklara pasothlootorNicintt•dalint} -, letOunt'of 'rich remedy. and Its stpcnoution.' rat ago br 106 folio:minor uncut; as well am bratart CRUD I. . gists througboutthotionatryi Jareboon=aktor or Co- 21 Wont tot. liittatourgh..,7 J. Tornasuct, Ihnipsrist,in Iluke " I. Dcabssn,'DthCitUt. caw the Poet 09:lea,Allushe nr .. • . 7 . ..tre gi ttAh=rl=. Deux= co:intr. T. Adams Dom; " " - ~ . • CO PORT AND ItinallF 1 .VCR TEE' AFFLICTED will be fortriAiii' tuerit.e t trAtetities trrnitirax,inspierrrj kb barren the teat of thing 'Penns fVtgt:,'„el-"ta=lotlitia‘ t ` - 'w: 4 (l _,lll=° l a" nesse:A chancier of dense. We feel is based ettz . the, loing e tzeat this the only medicine thg hasl o ar d a • VlLlttt..34 .°"" It hastened; and it .ta" of Mang mare dinar& MOM' guy other sedan. agreed for rale we care ent• by Insane made ..sold, at D J what name- _ , -• • Ass eems sod conelating pee of the Vane M 7 that it ls the only article that has appeared lit the tem of alone that hareem bleu . pattordser mei, tlertrptalse of the elite generally.;t ea agneebbi Ymallyrdaliche era offend for sa, or need DT en of Mee fie The lin. nate 11. fennel lee ALM The HMO tint: IL Mania hathlloe.' liayrmm ohn A-DM. Mee 11 - - /Leers, tor. Willem IL Meer, Lae, _LaMar of the Spirit of the Tema and A heat at other tlainalthed• cheese of Sew Nark. who ken Italy ter,ird W meta, harp pep:Orel the: Pennine to refer to them , . • Petit in feel warelees regel The Worsen waiter Campoured has bear neate otor. '_ yawn Wizens, peahen - net fends ore pow tt stelogest, end best. This tone roadontelly ernes ler • caterlotingwenof of Inamemagel-owfulans and samtne nines, Alia were/rim, needy te n r twou=sw. rifearpailasiaa tenfolons prelliuga 'prang, b • • saA. eons. ud rbe pain mambo that rade her _ One 1.000,000 bottles tun bean and vihonerao.• . eel hare genet.' awe asionehleg nes, teller other' ,on lame fats or would • stagger belief, leed we ran mend, axed in on ennetUale the stengest poothia to. Pia lidtkillN or usinteircranli. he Tingled fella - fit, flaye. fo ym i 411.4% we h U s=c_ la • sa=re.i..al.a.,r, ete uudd %Wagons men ar Am ale. Lena whistercr n may • for to Petaltarghelly E-leters,•ll mine Ca, - end• Ogees' •huteedare sad byte:enter Dingtaer C anal ft ts p , 4 up lee fon; two. an. oiotLeglipgrar , tea To the }leaden of the Pittetraigli Quetta., 111)IIBLIO ATTENTION is, L l . 9.9peclay •11.1 to the following t ro ths. tat froth its velallon. egthedn i t LerloMorie , eddlo i lmiarn ye r ar EllM ago ohms age Ve rt Me% wes Orte=before The ee trt.t.Vair eVatre i sa=elN=. coartmunitr.' nut we allege tbat e leer it le tria the more =Loth tall its plat form rtrontd. C Janet the am , ear t doy, fete tor the age mimed. Making mow: but, one, wilds • melee. roticentinne to to need when ell is moron. bore been grogottero Tha batural Remedy, elaborated no the depths of the earth y a ;ewer and agency that laughs. to morn -at hoax* mr duty, when we write. abort g m e. that we Irrue the teutbs-that we tar nothing calms lard to deceive those who may mutt our rord4rot conV drum In statements. Th e Oct ere very . meta gtf arty Wag that p _romliec relief from dimes, 'story eau hardly be ton highly wrought to answer thebbiert s et gull; ins or Inmalsortang roma of the shad we do r.P.=;22=lrgitua.&ll lotion tar ...ling any alngle article in Oa loatroia Med. Isar P l ain an earobbeet foom-fortn that mar testimony Inter city egg mighbortuod e bear amnia ls fa vor of the Petrodeam. . ' • withw, th e tea' mon th s, two of out mers,citthera. who were twill tart, ben hero roamed th. eight Fee , ' erat caeca of at. in the Mate et Ohio, Mow Lbws; eared. And, th e ewe of a gentleman in tleaverrountlf• mem rt. atiortn tat there are cum nem bane, sad may, b. lefsvel to any Mime who have doubts on the mt. j rot. • Throe eases were cured alter they tont - tmen abarelea: .1 by uhrektons as hamlet. The Petroleum will rortsi when m g,g emerdlog to directiam-Diarchera, Pvtoy. ?Um, Illteconallen. trout, ?eel:math:la Faunlara on e Rhin, SW= mins le the i the hon . ., and bon t tot Vb . :41 """'4 aorm- ' ll . lceref Wens, Ague, Chronic Cough., dothro:, Broorrocc h . i, : d Pallinmary affections of. chromic net: tending tO'lnce Bisen ' t=lctof. dinner of the Mader not kidney,: CL th a a Imre= imrCi and Chas trtect.. in of the above disease. wilble the mat yeer wlthiles - mart perfect roma. °erotical., that wits .rtmaish grog. the hands ef the mortieter, who will take Matron. itthholth tog them to , toes , ltlittl or their friends. • in... ether may agy about their totalleirms, th. Prtredenot le the meshed Remaly of the Ha. ' , hype:long abbe). Warding in the motertkrn are beginning to me it their wattle. Thome who at gm What cm with donbg and oneertaloty, are 'clines to owe it due maim and condderation. Before soother mar toile round, all will the 10mmummige that the Petroleum la too t rod, art medicine met dmuserd. For rale, wholesale- ae. tall or • lillggift 31eDOW D. MO Wombat.— Allo-11. T. Seim, 1 . 1 Weed Meet: D. Ft CUM:all 1: Ellett, ceek.a pon,l. a gi a T z* : Also, by ths ,, ngee t.gc.rh ; all /1 . Fahnestoci.g Co. Weed and' /Am itt jell; ELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP. kJ —lt i• cheap, eat to take. and highly enleaciov..; • news ertr. Meseta . 3k • Mr. B. E. Belletz—My children. like others. hare beep .anhjecs to trushlessune coughs.. lad having used Oddment remedies to vsrt, little waelbdosed by _adve thelnents absent 7012 r C=7.....P Utla. , grgjo two of nty time, tad dso bs g:4 , l t i r d s t =nalvnull I - haws' reoemniended it to mr emiAborr. and do molt conecienclously believe that it is the oat moult. nueMeina that has ever been offered to the public. . Parostrshould not soma tbelr attires. in. caller from antgb, when they may to enrol by a 26 et bottle of tbla 27,41, • - /ryspared and sold b 7 Elf:LttltS sortilll 67 Wood at., and Druggist TAITLE - 8- sat_!l.SL CO Et FISli-8 casks rec'd and forsaleby' : s. t W. HARBATIGEL • SAMSON -5 bbla. No. 1, for sale • a