The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 03, 1851, Image 3

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    Te editor of the Commercial Journal has per
mitted as anonymons Ecribbler; of more =lke
thaiOwldna, and more cunning then sense, to
. dui, or rather Jeulge McClure over our
ahatddem-'—in the following * article, which 'W
ilma in the paper of yesterday:
sceaDALum EcioNA.Tux:
--- • -
Nos. Eurroni--On reading over the MO de
termined in the Quarter Sessions Court as report
ed tn the Gazette !newspaper of yesterday,
under the bead of "highwaymen and linen,ipuies sentenced" I observed the following:
"John Duffy, you have been convicted of Lai ,
any, =mini nod in taking the goods and chattels of
Jahn IL Craig. For this offence we will only fms
Iris air ants." Also one "Johnston wan then
sesitenced_to pay afire of siz and a quarter cenu,
and Me caytt of prosecution on a conviction of
Was there eterin the annals of all newspaper
doni, a more bareheed, flagrant instance of scan
.delant magoatum, libel contempt of court and
irhat-sati than thief To publicly print and air
chat° 'that Judge McClure holding a Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, after trial and
conviction of two thieves by a competent jury in
la derogation of all Law, Mad especially of the act
of assembly requiring n party convicted of grand
larceny to be Insprkoned "for any term of
"yearn not esceeziing three," and of petty
larceny "for a trees not ,exceeding one year,"
did only ecnteoce them to pay a fine of ,iz
Such reckless earelassaess is • scarcely to be
estunsed.when we erne to consider; that the 1.
gal reporter. of that paper in a laWyer,
and must know that the tendency bests& reports
- (should they be believed) is to utterly destroy
all confidence itt a Jodge who holdstbe lives! and
property of the good. people of this county in his
hands. Our reputation abroad is mean enough
already without publicly charging' our judicial
officers with impeachable offences; a public ex
plitrustioe is at least demanded by
Pon= Joanne.
If the elites had not been completely blinded by
msnia for attacking the Gazette,he would have
discovered that the same statement for which he
permits his correspondent to assail us was made
ha the cohanurra - , his own paper, and that the
Whole article was intended no an attack upon a
werthYpublio officer. If he will examine the
cohunat of his paper of Tharsday,,he will find
the following statements :
"John Daffy and [teary Johnston were brought
foriard to receive sentence for the various
criMes of which, during the present term, they
had been oohvi cted.
"John Daffy was first called."
Alter sentence had been passed for several of
fences, the acionet proceeds:
"Larceny of the property of John D. Craig—
file and a fourth cents fine."
Henry Johnston was called and sentenced, and
the sentence for larceny, according to the Jour
uaritaccrofitt Was as followm •
"LarcenY of the property of John B. Craig—
' Six and a fourth cents and costa."
This is substantially the same statement, and
- ' - there can be no question -that both 'papers stated
facts. The upon us, then, resolves itself
into a most Maglignant'essault anon Judge Mc.
Clare, and that the editor may settle with that
forlorn= himself, who is a terror to eritdeera
both large toad small, and folly able to Than
_ case himself. a
Before the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie.
James McElratb, Se. the owners of the steam
boat Cincinnatl—N. 678,:_april:.Term, 1850.
1* n No. , 255. - Ainon to recover damages sus
tained by wharf boat at Hanging Hook, Ohio,
owing to alleged carelessness of the stvamer.
• Verdict 'id' three bandied sad fifty dollars far
the plaintiff.
Aril Milliken and Alexander, vs. Sam'l
man et al: No. 402, November Term, 1847:
List. No. 245.
pan called up, but trial not commenced.
• FLIDAY, May 2.
Present-Ikm Wm. B. McClure, President
Jsuir., and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge.
The PM of the Commonwealth vs. James Rob
inson, indictment pejury, wee Liken up at 10
o'cleck, and occupied the entire drip, as it bad
the previous one. The evidence was of no gene
red Interest whatever. The case is not yet, we
believe, concluded.
31zryna of 711 t: AM...ULF:PP COONCIL3.—The
Select and C,oromon Councils of. the City of Al
lele:May. tact on Thursday night.
is the absence of the President, Mr. Dalgell
Sltan celled to
"rhe following • communication was received
VOID ihe gm:urgers or the House of Refuge:
• Prrrenrnalt, Apil 29, 1891.
ro Seied and tornmcn Coursits of
, 81re . -1. Lave been !e-truired by the I , lneelperS
cif the ileuet Weitere Pet3:l4l - ot4-
ittii, to eemelunie.ste cuvy of the reiroitant
paned et their tutetiLG Lehi on S..turduy
• . Sr F.• Bocry.
Retrolrode—Tbat tide Botird will accept the lo•
titian on tha - Conannu,adj,.thing the %Vence=
Penitentiary, at the ti - e for the Rouse of Refuge
...provided 11.0 asemt of the Council& 'of ARA
slimy City can be hint obtained.
Tho CaUtumuicatioa wus referred to , & nit - 4C
teentheatter, &nut:in u„Tof trio froai the B. C. and
three front the C. C.
Messrs. Nloiht and Marahall of the Select, and
Ileum egeley, Parke, and Walker, of the Com-
Mon Connell, wen appointed for the told tom-
A petitioa Was presented frornproperty hold
en on Isabella stroet, praying far the grading
and - paving of said street between Federal and
Anderson streets—Laid on the Table.
A petition relative to the laying water pipes
dawn on Jackson street, ens to the Wa
ter Committee.
The amount disbursed by the t commis
sioner during the month of Apri4wasannounced $66,75.
The Committee on Fire Engines to whom was
referred ,the petition of citizens of the 2nd Ward
asking the WO feet of hose, reported that in con
'lndexation of the want of funds is the city trees:.
ury,the committee recommend
that it is inexpe
dient to grant the prayer of the petitioner. Re
part accepted, and committee discharged.
. The Select and Common Councils held a joint
meeting in the Common Council Room, for the
election of Tax Collectors—Mr. Dalsell, Eresi-
The: fallowing perions were nominated and
unanimously elected. -
Ward--Davhl Smith.
2mi Ward—James Ramsey.
. ard Wald—A. C. Alexander.
• 4th Worti.-7etn6 Groben).
On, motion, the S. C. adjourned to their
The Committee on City troperty reported that
thenewer on the Nest Common boa been commie
trlttid that the - Mayor be authorized to draw a
t to favor of the contractors for the pay-
Mad of the same. -
coxitos couscu.
Mr. B. Banter, member elect, was swam la and
toot Ms seat. .
petition from citizens living in the Fourth
Ward sakhrg Councils to have the water plpe laid
itt Carpenter's. Alley. instead of Sonth - Canal
stre: referred to. Committee on Water; with
power to grant the prayer of petitioners if
they deem it eipedient; concurred in by Select
A petition [m s undry ndry citizens ramonstralit4
against the construction put upon the Ordinance
!lor the prevention of erecting of wooden build-
In preventing the removal also. Refer
sad to :Committee on Ordinance with instructions
to revise the Ordinanee so .ho to prevent the re
tina as well 03 the building of frames, and
thStcthe Mayor be sustained :ln lilt construction
of the already existing Ordinance; concurred in
by 8:
, Oc
Os motion - of Mr . Logan the following resolu
tionyntil.:was adopted and concurred in by= Select
- Beeolved, That the Committee on City property
instructed to inquire and report at next meet
' lug of Councils, whether any portion of the city
.77 has been taken for a street, by the Dor.
o Duquesne; and, if so, by what authority,
street,has bcan located.
•d oordeouniclition from• Henderson & Co., mks
aved:relatlng to filling over the sewer 'on the
•Vist Common : It..fermi to Committee on City
roprty with' power to not. Concurred in by
40. N
- A:petition asking y; hare Ohio greet, from the
aaat;ddo of the Eate Common, graded and paved.
.414.tcrter far the prerent
'Poems BUS:. S 4EMI.—We arellappyto announce
trittluipolles offmera are of dm preseattme al-
MOO Neirittr tho ltlayoritf Pittsburgh nor
alegittany . has bt,i say criminal business of-tbr
illetteetlpportaare tottto days...
Etturscr or IVLAL7H.TIIII
4104 1 i 011 ratty Dad made Mutant:lac dons
taus to the pmr y... ; ; , tof Ctr.eionstl, bacons
ober heart tray t enart tho sparatocle
iiiilaszi'vq.csiz4 tire& where seen' to tbs.
o f; bus last bm Pose in her pocket, while In
froltderille,. bananas there -sbe found :every body
tar hloPf." Aceordingte, thin rule,
trittsburgh Euty,banst us largely es Lutdrnille, for
Wile J ena) . l .yiud dotAire - the iligblost tad
used dist sliS IlinugliPthere were any objects
of amity In this siciaiti.
11, BOSOCGll2l.—Accordiog to an act of the
• tore, prior to the erection of any new
the members of one Grand Jury mum
A make a presentation relative to it, and the
neit Grand Juey must approve of their action.
This has been done with regard to the new bor
o of Etna, in Shaltr township, and Wilkins,
to Villeins township.
recruiting office Las been open
ed in Market between Second and Third etreets,
forl purpose of enlisting soldiers to serve in United States Cavalry regiments.
of the Coon of Common Pleas will commence
upon the third Monday of this month. The
trial list has been made out as followai
Ist. All anuses at 154110 beginning at klatch
Term 1849, down to the time of making out the
2nd. All other causes at issue, of which list
may be furnished Prothonotory up to April 2Gth.
mous counterfeit note, of the denominntion of
five dollars, en the Clinton Bank of Colutuhue,
Mated July let, ISIS: - Letter D--old plate. Wm.
S. S. Sullivan, President; D. W. Deshler, Cash..
ler, has made ita appearance in our city. •The
engraving and filling up, are both admirably ex
ec mil.
IMPORTANT Tr.w...—Rolaral Parker, who was
lately acquitted of an alleged conspiracy to pasa
co.. terfeit money, will be tried again nczt week
on a similar ckarge.
DT inZSDIAIIISX —Two young lads
. arrested yesterday by tbs Ilayor'r police ou
!hargo of attempting to fir° flokelirell's Glass
knee, on Thursday night. They trete dischnr.
1., the evidence being insufficient to varrant
it detention.
' tae.—lt has been ascertained, we understand,
t the bre at Mrs. Murray's tavern status In
mond Alley, by which so many horses were
•ed, wu caused by the carelessness ofa per
who wan putting his horse up.
I tarrr.—Two of the colored firemen on tho
l'oper No. 2, had a battle royal yesterday, up
which one took the usual remedy for a crack
crown, and sued his opponent for assault and
tery. The matter was compromised in the
t yor's office.
.x.rrrED.—On motion of the Honorable Jas-
E. Brady, IL H. Criswell, Esq., was yester-
I. admitted to practice in the several courts of
egheny Counts.
Lrvcs Puts.—These Pills, discovered
by ;Dame, and whleb bear his own name, were Ern
thll in Ms own make. in a few years they attracted
attention of otherdthysielans, nnd thence RAM into
gegen! osa. For curing all discern of the liver, they art
with certainty and regularity. The patient soon feels the
regioml of discos.. until he Is well. The effect is almost
misses': and after mellowing drugs tuti mediebeas of ano
ther description, the colorer Ends himself relieved at mune.
Diseases of the liver are very common in this muntry,arul
are m frightful in their eheraeter as they arefbament In cc
eummine. dm you, troubled with my of the numerous
complainta which alginate in a dbmini state of the Overt
Plirebnee Dr. STLVepis Pills, end be rebored ra once.
Fermis by J.KIDDa CO,
in26.lberlw63 Do. 60 Wool st.
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
1 .ileampletestock of FOREIGN .C.VD AXERICJN
•le !Mr the erlatog trade, and which they min prepared
to orer to purcbsiftry at rums thmt mill 0 0.
brambly with shy of the eaters
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
Ms Zia 41 Water street, in the ...choose of C. U.
. •
- C. 0: licasrs,YrraMent—......A. W. lianas, Seer.
liaßeCompartr is tam limp:wed to Ware utertimmin,
e. and in then:situ ; T
u rf , e . Lit a t i
.00 intx,vit too
hi . ti Pl' ffal t i o nt chantetar the BUttas.
all citizen; of Pittsburgh. 0,11 and twomthtt
knont to Um mnithautilty tor tbeir prnderme. Intelllgertre,
ID p intrrritr.
pin IL thgale . r, Wm, Lalmor,
Jr: Walter lirrthUltzl i f!. B. Karrard et.r.
John llartrorih• B.
Land 2.2 FARMS, worth over :::8,500, .41"
4.40 UY/1, to te Sitar:than-4 among
• ' Sulteribern.—To supply the dema ndfor
Who and }octet at Hermannstlle. 1 hart laidout
*nigher trannad,liCill G the Lonensland s. the
land tinted, - ttald et Ilermennaillc to he of the tame nine,
and diapcool of end divided among thn nurchantre in the
mtne manner 1.11 th ose reosntly sold there.
Ogre been Induced to do tlds from tbn great number
of • r , VO3 wishing to pareltane the. , USA and Terms , an
th Improvements In that part or the Ford are reontantly
badreasing. and large umbers cf aven horn now le
eway Interested l and lands. Mb additio ue
nal tract It le
everyrtsiset soma to the nther, and at tbe rate they
ant note bring taken flier will all le cold loaf
Abbot 600 ahem are now auLneribrd.
Lash stabsoelber le entitled to B Lola :a ltet Pen lying
togther, or s FARM of from Ito 31 erre+. The ,beet err
the I.2s—payable. ertanattacrlted far, cm Of
Whs. day of Albtributtou.and -the hatanre manthly
ingtatiorot. cf Sn If denim!, w.rno , .. Lined will LA
matte Ott antandiately after tion dttLnibutton. arAl &aver"
dirretly after paring the hlae ,
The Lots met Was! to tha ,'vita-. i1 , 1 , 100t!•••
VILLE.. on the Lon., Inland :tsar:ad, to,lnt, tanti , ,t,
and f.O miles from the City of Nen naln
Ito a n-so rt.:Ant% not_ nl.ert tan.
trotne banana., ere ernend.
. 4 1f.°•;•1•
. I „ Lb r c;: , • . " ,".
:'''4 '
. ' fol. "' .
Lac. I._, is •••••1 emit,. r e 9. 1 .. .-.
:Ver IttalaOr:.l
:dow Tara di:o.r. ...ado.. Lad ....... - -.4, ~a ...:
.... t. :4- ...rd..: 1.1 - L149, YOI.I arc , . ••••
c.loil. et...a. w,t• b...t—no •134.4-
112 19. - . Wh...... :,.::. ~...1.9 Am L. i 1 ., , ,, ,, o'L'Lmlc.: r
.i .
. 0.4 11. pratuium . ell fir 0 weal , :...1, ..:
bib.. due plea to t. a al.. ' , I r. Thamreari. vrtont 1. 0
a amt. wt... boo bal m ran. but a .I.or rear. c., the I.
le .I, end :1..:
; v ' ial.: giaves it ...II stn; °,l a ton a.u. sa.—
Ilr e rdg tda el " t ' .. et 1... laldul etc 141du--
uk; iaLul.gflfsou :lna land a1, , ,.....-
v .. and °OO nen, by ti CUL. tut. 1.... .new e!
feral farade. Tbieveht at to anew v ru ti of rat cr dr kna•
Lind wan soul for .well wheat . 45 Per bad va and nal
T4g r. moorecteindfor the pruluct ol a tally inure than two
or. $100.•
have beett raided daring rho Part mum., 0. mil
be. °Morn. =I Patotoesl6o bushel pet ams. Egg Plants
and a variety.' analien vmtahles on load near the Lone
blind Railroad, at Lake Hord. or Lakelami. where a Post
OSem bas been mtablished. for which yrcualetao at the
Er County Agrkultural Felt, be11 .. Re . 1.10,
w given. Almizas.beans.onions, ei • pumpkin,
U end tentattoes
The following la M. the New York Termer and Mee
dank of NOvember ttli,itsl), endues, written by 31x :tax.
the editor. who visited the lands Thewheat, Ptealoe;
V d ttN'Y'Sglibtrett,o4l o =. l e , ware rain.' at Luke
pliaving n few hour.' I . chnun during the rut week, Ire
Ttg " c 4 on ° ,l4 r ;Atn i ftl,llV.D* '" f i rTrt i. (l,.° I,T
which we and to be capable of very ...mast. and priata
hle cnltivatioo. Although late ha the P-a-1011 and 'viewed
under mme diaadvantage, we evre rurpriml at the onall.
til and abundance of tbe crop, whleh had 15<a edthend
. f=co=g i t4le p land. ae . lLea ‘ t i be wiart cr0 , r , , ,, ,,ac1.
awn bat two or the weel., premntATlca 4 ullful. app.;
arker viable turnip; Wets and ed. r vegetables not yet
gilt= let:i. rr i l ' t e lte . ba '''.. ew York Stoned. "1""'" =f
In.the eellie were very One without • vestige o llama,
add corn one
in the wee not surpluned by mach
we saw on lands valued et y m a re Mau one bun... dollar,
pew acre. 10404, the vegetables which reeelv<l the pm-
I th, no at the Suffolk mulaty Fair, were raised free a por
01 of tiale ground slut. nee / ant Gem cut:tented as
. Altogether we were veri favorably tom.reseril
with our vial[ lo them laced.. tow eh favemblv orter. to
the public, at prices which cannot fad to double toa few
years, and we would Invite th e attention of than who d<
sire • cheap and eligible farm. to WU locathin
liermannvllle station is located.. the borders of the
'PIM leisnd Radraad,wheren ten ran aneral time e a day
to:Brooklyn and New York. The nano of the land le
=tooth and leveh sod the sumounling enmity la pert.,
i hitl=nial ' i d all t a= it gl'n alb s
' 4111 ' 4 4.1 -0 r. , ;,V,V1L
• b......ukt .00 duly fears, and where shall. lamb tell no
from 550 to =0 per acre.
Th. land. are wood am repreenged, and as
ae nor
nkOr lan on the 1e,....t when cultivated...nil produce
Mahe highest de...
The land was once heavily timbered: some norther , are
no* coveted with a thirty growth ../ young wttod.
oak and pine. ;Wand Ls plenty, and Teuerally
t eheeP in
aTtar tfia d . ' euk ' tit 01 1 .7=1: ' ,,r.toti - o ' re h"
ke is of unilbran prim and hat. for surest many years
br4 abeam madder. a ceoh article on the laderuL
Them le material hadeld for common tencing--go°l
chi.Utut rails can be within • few mil. of the.elan.
hallsbundanne. All building materials can be had at the
F. of Brooklyn and Greenlee; and at many Intern.<
plea., at usual meek. prices Them arc no.
eons streams of water riting in these new land; and
Mainz Into the neat South Ray, wbich as remarkable
that x posit,: and never tati—indeed, dry weather
nukes very 11:tle change In them. they no.. unfailing, Lod
wells an. of various depths—probably.over there now
Weis, in the 001441. region of the Bland, the average
?e e rgt i el. b t ' eetr - i'="Eluir"= ll.. .ern rDtth° gr t=
to hula •
Them &renew chureb. and salmis within two or three
toll. of the village: and within Pair mile; milir. fervid.
star., al. vi11a.... All the privtleuos of an old nettled
=try art bah istl here:soil the people of Suffolk mu eta
themeelm on being a highly moral. orderlyand n. ii
glove people. All of my rubserben are perste. of mom<
The laul can be very tartly clesnel, and the cote of wt•
tie*ent will depend almost entirely utan the pettier hem°
lay out as much or as Little aa he chooses Ido not know
op oy ohiectiem to the place or to the land for a sattit -
mut; and the awns labor and Industry w hid, make .I=l.--
p.1)4 and pro-Tem. settletneute In abet pane of the
OPOLI then. lands, canea fall to pre
duce favorable yeah..
The clitarte la in tee. partkulta hatlthy at. piessuit
--the rode ste good, v./ always pinoublu at all meal..
c;11 yeur—the Winter. ate abort and nifid„ artimdtml to
lb winters on the main 00 the north of Ike highland.—
om sleighing =Ore than taro or three w.l. on
= bt remarkable.- crop la seldomlnjured bill rau gbt
is no part of the rountay when. three is m little
lotorpfrom draught no on Lulu idatußattor le there on.
l l = from aut=e7, la ortzeLt; g zlfl ,, lN•Ld 4•1 . 1 ,.. t . t0 , 1
cut be made highly valgtle at a small and. for 'bete Is
. 0 1.=h t
ea .. flood or . fm4.- , - , lo in the to '
wt.( tbe.unny, by width very gratdur le dour .
euth at
event all° marling oil a rut., oath e bre.l.t..
at a Wilde= with µmet datosuer,ol anima valsrrarl o. nu
Long Uln. The and be. abound lu fah and I
wild Ards of every varlet,
The Woltz new being rurvry.l. and the lots and fern.
raked out. re ne to eeturat. each lot and fano a• lad
loam'. the lisp, thereby eating PM bpml.r” Uom soy 1-
rnproor nurrerlos. Per
*veal hog theme... ul the
alliendid chance for •homesird.dor Um oacmlet.v.. mutt ,
:iv room 1
onosequrnen of the goal number of letter. , foe-
lantrltlcla '
the 00000,.
t '' oo o o. oo l o ° ,. •: . .:ZTVL l t " e n e! U tau ito tj b7. 1
fonm. 1
reeip-Apply to CIIAX it laali. 5tan...117 John 0..0. a ,
Penn 111,111 ~• er..Leer era ~.,vell 1eM03..,
tVLeek retort, at medi Ile ,11. ea a 'd.b.a.,/ tat 1
nu t p..”..l ~..m 0. =tr 01 C. • 4,1=4:t . n• .1 "...latl: , :.
jalq atlCh other ita , Mete 1. Mi. Mr.
..L.r.1.1 •.r.t!
kslnu dean , n t:tt tf, '' ... • :.:: - t . ..;,;.!::.:.y 5 , '`' .1 . ..
.....‘ 0. .„, = ~...., =. -. 2.= I.
‘..- ... r - .=-,• ~..
':, "”
'7 -.". .. .a f.: : r ..1.! ,- '.
-." ~,,,.,' „t; ,:,-, ...—. - •
• - .
Utuat:33: Ale.ou 3 Yeralt u tt
Sulker. Jr. 78 tutaul.a3, 7440113 In, L,
Insurance C:711211 N 1; 1 11414aus ilruUser. 14164;
urtLp Nyuruing Nu.. at. corner Aux. rt.
fitaiwuur, liostou. Law Linens Gillen, Br
uonde, , ,,Teg. N T . /t1
wirlArele klt; deo C D lVollen.
To 3 awko. 19 L.061n• SI,N B Barnsr.Blludalphja
MA Dana. apl2.ttwis
A misunderstanding occurred yesterday be
tween Lieut. Nicholson of the Nary, and Capt.
Chambourg, late of the Nary, which ended In
Nicholson coining Chambonrg. A challenge is
confidently expected.
The National Intelligences has information
from Georgia, to the effect that Honorable Alex.
11. Stephens, Whig representative to. Congress
from the I I th District, declines beings candidate:,
and recommends the Union men of his party to
rally to tho stipport of Honorable Howell Cobb,
(Democrat,) Speaker of the House, during last
Congress. The Intelligeneer. expresses much
pleasure at this evidenee of fraternization of part
of the leading men of the old parties of Georgia
an the great platform of the Union.
New Task, May 2.
In the Court of Oyer and Terminer, this morn
ing, Judge Edmonds sentenced, Aaron B. Stuk
coy, convicted of the murder of Teddy Moore,
and .k . _ . V Wade ee- 'ed
o meg Wade convicted of the murder of
Jame, Carey, to be executed on the 27th of Juno
Jenny Linds concert last evening yielded
$3,700, after deducting the exper sea, which was
given to sariou.s charitable itutitntioaa.
A zerere gale occurred here yesterday morn
ing. and in two hours time the rater in the har
bor rote three feet, and in the canal orer the tow
path. Much injury was anatained by the ship
ping in the harbor.
tires Yong, May 2.
At a eery early hour this mon:tin& a man tu
rned Michael Mulveny entered the eating saloon
of Geo. Ricketts. in' Gluten= street, (or some
refreshments, whith being refused, he shot the
attendant dead on the spot.
Cracurawrrt, !day 2ad, 6 P. X.
The river baa fallen 6 inches in the hot 24
There was a serer° frost here last night, and
ice was formed nearly a quarteruf an inch thick.,
It was supposed this morning that fruit of all
kinds were killed! but it is now thought that
most of them escaped, peaches and apples being
unusually forward. We are threatened with
another frost to-night. Holders of dried fruit
have advanced prices considerably.
Flour—There has been some export demand
for flour, with sales 2,000 bhls standard brands
for shipment at $4 31}®12 32 per bbl. Sales
for city consumption at $4 4405 for common
and extra brands.
Grain—The demand for wheat continues lim
ited. Sale of a lot of white at lo4c per bush.
Cortiis in gOod demand for shipment, with sales
at 64c afloat. Oats are unchanged.
Provisions—Of all descriptions are in good
demarucant4 pork andlard are held higher.
Whiskeyis less active, we quote at 24e in bar
EFour—Sales 1600 bbis IL S. brands at $4 27
b b 1
Grain—Corn is selling at 60601 i; oats at
40® 42 ; Rye 68011 bu.
• Provisions and groceries are steady.
Whiskey--Sales at 26e(24 7el gal.
[sooN upon.]
Flour—ls improving, sad roles are making at
$4,1804,25 V bbL Receivers nro storing free
Cirain—The market is heavy for common
wheat: prime white in firm, with sales of Ohio al
'3selooc. Corn is active and firm, with a fair
shipping inquiry. Sales weotern mixed and yel
low at 6alEr;64c 7,4 hn.
Provisions—Pork is held higher, and no ad
vance of 25 to aic h., been freely established
during the week. Beef is dull nod heavy. Cut
meats are quiet. Pickled hams and shoulders
are selling at Pc and 7c 1-1 lb. Lard is firm at
last evening's prices.
Cotton m firm, and advancing.
ICtir Yana, Say 2.
Cotton—The market in nteadv, with sales 2500
bales middling upland 104 le fr.
Floisr--The market is Itmer, bat with change.
Pales bbls at 71 . 15(.4. p( bbl, for con,
loon to straight state, and $1,2065-1,50 for
tintin—Whest bad declined. with sale, 2000
prima Gennesce at 114. .ad of Oilla at
ka is FOGG
st 7Ltj Cats is eteati; uatl^. unto.
iC.C(O bu ut for
Fated, wit?: helve
, • , :".1.5 , 5.14.2:;
d - nt. 11,:d at Sl2.-
, • , tccf is dn.:.
$9,37 Fr!tr-c at
Lb.. Cut mcute arc quiet,
r ter....rQ .t Sc for Laws, umi 7c tors
,rn 48;sia Lt.tte: Inta 1.1:5 at
Bauer fb .
.Lct Cliccul—Prima new Butter is in
3,,0d di.inand at 15 Gino 7 , - 3 lb. 'Cheese is
Csffitc—At auction this morni...,g EOOO bags
al° weru offered. and nOO begs went off at Pio
when the sale wee stopped by owners in view of
better prices at private sale.
Wool—The market is dull at 40646 fora:•
tra pulled country.
Whiskey—Le quiet, at nic fax prizma.
Four—There Is a fair demand for home con
sumption at $3 5063 65 per banal for choice
hlakey—Sales at 19i ®l7l/ fel gaL
,Grocerirs—Sugar is firm at 6 1 coei for fair
arid prime. Blolasses 13 now selling at 34cta
1 2 Ka-
Linseed Oil--Sales at 950? gal.
Provisions—Mess Pork has advanced, with
sales of 150 bbls, at $l4 25 1.1 bhl. Sales 50
hhds shoulders; in dry salt. at Ikic, pickages ex
tra. Bacon shoulder, are held at 6-toll lb.
Great Cure for Dyspepsia!
Dr. flonnhten . ..Prrent, the true/lA./Ivo flntd.DY Gm.. edling agon.
um Juice, Uri Dytne.pola Cum. DMILIVti [tom Rennet. A Largo unesubstantial two hone wagon
er the [north stomach of the 0a elle - , direction, of Baron , wall Iron riles, Lc tale m tosorable term. by
Llebl i t thereat Phystolngteal Chetah., by J. 8. Donee • • C. ARBUTHNOT,
n. D hiladelphle, P. htt Wood Btrert .
t .. ..truly rootterful resonly tbr Intlign . ttlert, Py. - "'"
Depth. kantlicz. Liver Cliental°. Onnetlpation. end De.
- -
AticciFtiridt;r : meture'; own : method.
agent. the astric Juice.
Half a teaspoonful of 'Meng. infused in water. will di
gest or gown/. of Tamil,/ Maoist two Plows,
out of tho stomach.
The limbic Juke I. the great solvent of the Wad, the pm
rifying. prewerring. stimulating agent of. the inconach and
intestines. Without it them can be tiodigestkos—no eon
venial) of fmd into blood—no nutrition of th e hot but
rather a foul, torpid , painful. and destructive rendition of
the whole digestire apparatus.. A weak, half dead, at in.
Aired s
tomach rood no goodi'lliutric Juke, and brace
the disome. distrecmiind debility which mune.
But this want may be suppikul by attracting the diges
tive PrindPlo. WWI., from the stansache of animals re
sembling man, thus forming Digestive flukt, precisely
like the natural llastrie Juice, In its chendeal powers. and
funtisblng a eugenicist and perfect subsUtule for IL
The art of
too long been kn performing to dm promsro
olowif digmtion
own y dsts. r. Houghton
Woe the merit of rucking Ph Um smiladion D
of Ms art to
the cure of Dyspepsia. in a perfoct and agreeable form.
Head the relentifle evidence! Harm in his mite
brand work on Animal Chemistry, says: An Artificial
Digestive of analaitons to the Outdo Juice, may he
M7.10•1!TIT tiotraiglrkrl,lo " Xl e aragt h igur i t
lc maimed, changed, and di caned, lust in the same mam
our as they would be in tbu humm stomach..
Cell on the Agent for farther evidence,/ •similar char
acter. It is doing wonders for Dyspeptkw. E'er). bottte
cf the geDuinr PlOl3lll hems the writton signature of J.
F. Houghton. )1. D., sole proprietor. Prim, On. Dollar per
tdttle. . _
l'amphirta, aaatahalng stiantiacalidtaca of Its raltia.far•
niAl•ad Ly aaar•ta area ,
140 wood at., rittentrab.
Mahn furnohed at proprietor's prices.
Maw far easl. by K. Z. Seident. 57 Wuxi at. a.p3o
In the new town of Latrobe, Westmoreland
County, Pa.
The Loyalhanno Depot of the Pson'a Rai/road.
THE new town of LATROBE is beautifully ,
!natant on an eleeitted lercl plain, on the Lank of
Lc yaltsanna Mon, where the Pennsylvania Railroad
me., that /drea bye bandwdrin elan bridge of three
!pane te of 40 feet ea c h.
h. It Is 4 1 111nlien 001 of 1 / 1 14.1'0,.
nnst of Ineeushorc. 11 west of Licauta, 1) south of Wain
ride, 3 north of 1 ouonstown, and 7south of New .1110XXIn
The MAiirced will be openod to 1/10
tnotonay !tandooi!war Ihn town, early in NOrentber
nesk to runn.rt with the southern turnpike. Thalltwect ,
re in erer) will 'ha to lake a meal at the dew 'nod
n.tonore !LOAD !as/ r es qf'on. of cow.
thn Mtn. of tilt town. din t)) n oodle the 14 u i:.
d to , tp.nrjo Ititfrr Ahaint, L'rysolc de., to
to ,ntnl intronhaten. lbe War oow °final for •ale or
c, n! , It, !runt - do !niece A/1,1. Ind, and run lea.k
1 0 n1 fret to 5Zf (tad nll., the, will loony !!.! price fret. Sad town, ,broih,t !hat walnut, nnbt of the lent ON
~.4nt then it 41.0 forle fnan ft.!, lUilabmi al int It. in
111.• “Int, of the 14.4 41,- 0410-.41..614. 0.011.000 0/ 41 , f
:deb Iltie er, Don 'to hocanaten Ith aid along oth
ul .he f.vninl.l4 11a11 , 4.1".1"
•4,1 n1,...11.; 1. 4,10 .1. lt be
-11.4hi.u.. 444 r, Total! !L. nut, Clj . be...Cleat/14
A.. le a 1 , 4,5 a. .1-al 104411
1:010 itr. IL.. tots:. f../tin.o
404144.1,414, Is t 4... 1.0.40 Lf the UOtaL.,
14141.1. 41.7 .1.C11111'11140 •: 1./1115 14101 14 41,110n114
sod Innikaae.
4t-:. ,30.3.a1t Lai -.t.trt at.l Has
1...1 44. 4. 414 0,. a 1..... tat 100! nod n/114,1nade
..IL.r_ily.ton. ttrtti.t:
tkp ot 0. tbcnout abo
, Lbal of
to cul .•t!.
a 1,, n !La sl.• t! tn. n
: b. )n , I 011, o.!eu. a! ...Indent*
ot hana. all Mel, watt ...Lida, ul 4.1 &WO
-4.1:41,1d ann 11=4, raw 1011
i.. 51 .100 1.11. 1/3 otxratto, 3,4,, If wak r
tat u' w 04:0:. "
rit • nn , n• .11/ 14w.1 1 a l•f.n 4nlalct n 1 lip
okrn c Issoltufgocs. ho t‘‘V
-111,r e '1,4 11 " orito .c OPItil ;:tri u to ts . Zetr ., Vo . ttelapild.
pornnu r, to the initatit4. .sett
t. l tgreorel ' y a 'Lt U.
Cro UL.I% W..l , Artte l t "'
11. • A potato wee hf 50 tote 1.111 take tOoot et LAeloo&
ootly is the month of J was , of ertiloki nottoe will to
*teeth eplCOWltEtlwt..ta .
Njt ROdeLdlt PACHThe aplemild
Oat rennin,* Aram boat CIIIESTJJN, H. T.
NV intr. Muter, lama the end of the Old Alleglimalillrl2l6 ,
ftit. Clair stnct,) every holm. ronammicion CI . 6 " 0 “ A i
IL. and cnoilmoltm until Me Cushman". Elva land
on the Allrahrny vide. for Me accommodation a
gm,. slw at all other points. Ar o - tame i hiP et Sti
ItOR NSIIVILLE.—The . Epic°.
did drainer 11.111 T PPM 3111kr. utastrr,
learn for the above and karma:diode lain.
on M onday, ot 4 o'clock, P. 31.
For freight or Damage lipid, on board
- -- -----
A S r. LOUIS—The lAA moult. otoomer
E.."-Tos.cateooCharloo inroolo•91
leave .for the above luol intormetlia, I , orts. oa thle dal.
the 34 lan, at 9 A.M.
For frelght or toooLage. apylr on board. ettl___.
tamste boat ASIA, floyd,X__ 4 l-1
la/tater, will hmve for a and all B o y d
a:telltale wort, thin erten:mon. at 4 o'clock.
For freight or parrto. apply on board. =73
r , KIR CINCINNATI.—The fine
ed.nmer 1011RVT RUGUEMS. Rtcher,
mast, will 11.n . rr. for the aboTr and all Int,-
raltli.n, Rana. on this die. Id V A. M.
Far fratilbt or passage a...ply on board. toy 3
' ht)111:1—Fho a v.AD.
ArtlN. Lucas, rosatar,sp le
willd hl
Irsre far aryor
'Kul a/I latormodtato parts on this day.itt S o'clock C. at.
For freight or psgage. apply On
1851. E
rrHE new and feet ramming etr. cAsinER,
69t0 ariri wte.wut "
3 o clock. P. for irto..lno ox.l
Sat...too. at 31e• s!.. for Conn.. Enr,rb. Retaralan
Wa" , g 'r A a` vat ZV:O7, t, o o. l l;lgetht—G,..,
(Or mot#.t porrarre ropl7 on board, or to
011.—Thellablrauhtstramor Anx,A,
D. P. &lowa, muter, leaves %Venn Ina every MOUDLY•
Wednuday, and Friday, ate o'clock, A. IL. for Laos LI,
t= ° Mr. ' Vo; °. : „L .,llll ' ,la
&stonily, at 10 o'clock, A. As.. for neare r,
ills. Lard
ing, Glargon, &art Liverpool, and Welluille.
For frvigist or pas:mar, spar on board. aP2
111,, WILPALING PACHET.—The eplendld
nen putket etaseser DIU &NAL, Cnowell, se
n.r, Is now Istrforsoltut L/n. rcnvler tri-w mkt, trips between
et& tit) Inul Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh at 10 delunk
neer, Afeuday, Wndnesday and rriday. and retnrnlnli.
1 1 . .w . .: . es h lil ,, b . ee k. 11env o eselT
. Tuenisr, Tburslar and Entnedap,
nolS r '" 11 1 01 4 grtirlf"il l"'
, IZER. Agent.
ntrighnto. Tide splendid boat war Lollt by
the owner, of tbe preen:ter Lome Nenton, aria othere. P,r
the One-naafi and Ilttaborgh Park. trade , and arid Imo.
earay,a4 .. elooty ir fg lan: r lnTratt, in pLce of the No v Err
erarrn 2 O. il7 - ;Trat CIEVG b it, • " t " '
L &nor
INGPOAS.—Tbe ton ateumer PACIFIC,
rr n iz a tool i to x ygT , glmf=Lbore m o rel
t ellok Plt
Foe freight .e casue. 444 Oo 'Ltd.., In . P.
mchlo No. 61 Water apt WI Front ate.
.1.1,5.11NF1N.11 PACKET—The Lost naming.
untrue, WELLSVILLE. Capt. B. loong, •111
run d.d • regular watt Woven Pittsburgh. Wheeling.
rri.t.pert. no! Nuondb. lenotoa Plaaolsoh evury Monday
atternooo fur Wellrrille.tteuld.olllk....l Brl4 or
rdery Thonntoy •Itornoco bteubruolll•, aka. a.
laidoNfort.larthns.and loofah; vturolon. leases Ildids,
port sal suinesh every Tonnta i an..ndoonn'and nuntlin
C-7 1 1207t0 r
allerosm. I'w ,
Arai& mar No. E. A. N. Crane, [castor.
...111 haat. Planbundlt for Whadling.Captlna and Sunfish.
.s t 7 Moaldlyawl t3t o'clock r. Y: Morning
Wises unfan for Conn., Who.llnt and Flttaboran.ov
dry ToraLty and Friday. at 10 &duct a. Plasma:,
•dnl dniOada , dq.dr.4 ova Wild lama runna;tentllarly
tbe lou rakr
.E.,,,i ai;:bi .r r.; , ......i , i.i7 ,::. hoard. Inehlll
11. States Nail Steamship Line.
i j . . . , ,
s a t
th e of etwarnebtp I.4ement City.)
tee new uml powerful American Meo-
I •61 i. 1.1131,11. 01.611.5.1.rtid.Ri. 00.101Faidel, kW f2Oll
pl On able Line. to run between l'ltilalelphis ani Lb,
• wi, and le 111 Irma her berth. Lombard street Wheat fur
L lerpcol. On Wed matey. Its y ith. at 12 ocltrk.
1b le •Identlid aleaniship 4 Zan Wm matoPe. 4 built In
thtlinost .001050 hl mariner. both um tegarb halls,' raw
dither=, boo heavy &Menem, Impel. throughout, Matti. to
. thelfsinernum of the steamer. of Cantor' Lin, amt In ep
•mliver...4 fully .-ruat in p•ut a etwength and 1.1 qtl 111-1.10,40
1.10 , 40 are ebtanter ant.. tier ancomotortalloto Tor pue.
, waren are unsummamt for comfort aml elrrance.
I moot Piton to the Worbla fair are Informed that Co.
eunion Tickets 5111 tw hayed Pr a litelt,l number of raw
oetern 01110• them ample time to visit Item awl nutatof
the oriralpal ran,. in Europe.
!Sem,' C 1..... - .. 10,1
I , verweientwl carmen, tweompautes the Ably.
• , rpm. wenrwl until paid f.w.
/ tub. trum Liverpool, ou fl 'SE GOODS. CO, pm taw
stunner, the Lab,. will have Lievoinel in June.
It comment, her emend voyage hum hem about the miti
-4 0 f Jul,.
ir freight orlw-war. apply to
OM. blell•N RI & CO.= Welkin at, or te,
J,IIIN L. LINTON. hesitant •1.. Wharf. Phil's.
4 bleHas r E
.1 71V0 0 14 1 1= L e. 4 1, 1 . '". . .I 4 ri.. r ton),
arrlfod Zonal Church Buiblirgs, Liberty M.
. ... . .• .. . .. . _
IitOSE! lIUSE e. ! 110 SE : :—Just roc'd
tom tbe Maw:ft:tory In r,•O 3030 fw:IDLe Sot.
lew. MP. Dolants Tr , 1. if WT.% Lei.. nt.vmter
:Lit Lit, li ft: •ttlerhr Le our L.... mil im.t.o:ai 4
Esc.... fr. ! .. c1, tm.... o 1.,.,:t... hat,,,,
T'. ::‘.. ,• •,.1.,....., t cd.,ozoban c:
ice IC,. ~,... •Tr 4 . ...1 . -:.,.., , ~ wortvv,..., .:
P Me , o't to, ,-1.,.. etch.- :`,...p.... 'F , ... 7a. • %pat w.
Q , PACK!Nti— Wt . :o mixeci
I t.
- .
:•:••• a 1.11,4:.
s• - - id: r:.:d :41:4
d • :. : 41 at: acrd
J a 11. 1.11111.1111..
ACIL—Se ot. icr vale
1 - 30W'D COLOC
itS. , ..:.,NlC— for t.11z1:2 - „,,,
mo LEA. 'au 7.lzaz
- catra ••
103 Cbc
600 bush. SllcUri 00c;
Ccb "
ILO - Pctstoba
60 bbla. Tar:
300 usor Flour DazreLN an road o=rat t
ace 3 T. WOODS 8uN,61 Water st.
9WNERS WANTED—For; 40 Carriage
nub.. and 1 auk a! Dome, k; e, without mas Dft sit!,
, the wheat:nate!, ' WOODS a N.
.12S • 61 Water re.
ACO?i-7000 lbs. Hog Round, receiving
_UP and far sale by JAMES PALZI:LL,
&A CS Water .tree[
FISH—No. 1 Trimmed Shad; in bblz. and
lsalf bbla.
Nu t rkminb - f. is tbl,.i
Nu 1 Salmon, rec.-lying aml for tato
by ap2.l JOIL% WAIT a CO.
AR--20 Ibis. N. C., for j Fag by
'FANNERS' 01L-15 bbls. for solo by
. 4,24 .101 IN WATT CO.
TAR & ROSIN-25 b 613. N. C. Tar,
25 2 &RID; foe tale by
steZt JAMES A. IIVTC111505; a CD.
LEAD & SHOT-100 pigs Galena Lead;
40 kA sred Shot; for sale Ly
2 / 1 311:11. A.1 gs
SII BUTTEI3,4 boxes Table Butter,
OoS reed and for sids
*O4 IL LIALZELL t CO, Liberty . sL
F LAX -A small lot for sale by
sem 1m Second, end 221 Wird 1.11.. t.
English and Irish Teas.
HE subscribers have just reed an invoice
d wUI hereafter gory aeon/dant supplY of tho above
Te or Time. the flavor of which to so generally preferred
br .one Gam th.
; . ; ,0 d
hen 7 . ." sod by many other..
no bowie •bleh bas " been ailterthing an exelodra mo
nopoly of there Teas, cannot oontinue to do go with any
Aow of troth. . .
. .
We been also on hand a Loge amortment of Vrevh Trµ
of all grad. and every deeerlpOoro Which we bell.e care
not be expelled In Pittsburgh.
ay= term and Ten Oftlers.
The Human Body Meat Bemire,
Q.O SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy are
manner; and promo, who do Potpereplm me liable
lu the mom disgmetlart Skin Dirmeet. Nov, JOItCI .
Chemical Soap MINH • fay percyleatlam mot at te s tlde
time mollifiee and calcite the bkill • liitlOA It thate
of en
. .
Scurvy, Salt Abeam, and Soree, are out only healed. not
cured by Its we, . at blurt 7 psicians. in York Imo , .
who nee Ito each Cin[ln, and hod It unfailing—. aleo,in
ph, Blotches. Freekles or any et her akin disease. The
reader Ls assured that this is no wale.. puffed metro., as
one trial will prove. I could enumerate at lead eight 7
pretests cured of wan head. eore legs and ears beard.
Buy It—asul the seeder U again ancured I would not ern
elly veil It for the above. unites I knew it to be all I nate.
Thom oo n liable to chafed. eneked.or chapped feat,
will find add,ot onl • cure, but a pnnentivto sod I can
now only that anyone enlisted with any of the above.
or similar disettect,will nod thle all, and oven more hulnah
retie!. Its properties) than I state.
arllat, mules, the nor. are &Med with Imitation,
be sun inn ask des,
for Jove ' ltaliantlbentired Soitp—and
buy It onlywf ISDS. JACKSON, only Agent in Pitteburnh.
head of.Y. rad.
Pearly White Teeth, and Pura Breath. to
be had for Ze cane :rPereans who have tither, are honora
bly uxorial that If their Meath Is ever KI foul. or their
to,tkr deco . od • dark or yellow. rad euerestai wlth Wear.
out box of Join' Muter 'Meth Poeta will make
the teeth ea white ea mow. and the breath telarderonslt
mat. . . .
EoIJ ouly at JACE.S ON . III Eton, 240 Lite,tv 4 licad of
A Scientific flair 'runic, eteeiu; ct
tOot.—lrzw , *.loro wbo
Cor.l nu/ 41:01.
tw,e too wwnerr 11.• noo,rtew
~uo!tt:cr —!:rill 1.1, La.r u'.;:..• eat 4.:,:.hcr.
4.4 , grow: •top 1traJ.1.14,......3, core ,cor•
or ..o woo tar3o• ror )r •J or . o.
. • .
r ultr rl!k„
LL to- IL
, e. 11,1 u.c.LL L.LL•er...7— . .,1<:..a tor V.:.,
*." 41. •
dOl EJ' .t , :t;t:Ltiou df jet, It Liquid Humt.z
:Le 01,.,34• .4 writ.. cal, ZrTy ba..loa
,i.. JLt
j'... , YEG' LILLY W1111T..-I..thos aro cut.
the rrt.yar.l Che2Jt Th.)
1, tuittritaik ,tinth. akin
L. A
` al l
Cal ca.
:pima laity \tittle.
It Is mrtoctly Ittheptut. belog etuttul of all dalatarlotta
Outdid.% arid tt impala to the Alit a .Inm. healthy, al.
ilvitt,t wht. at heroma time sotto.: tut eOll.
mantic eo the 410. touthittNA 'oft end oeuth.
Bad Ity.theAgutit, WA. JACKSON, Liberty advs.
head 4 Wood,rlitsburigh. Yriai. “ot.
A Very Desirable vi.clAPace,for Sale.
rtundersigned offers for sale, ono of she
ui E adt desirable residences in the town of Massillon,
lark trotintr. Ohio, amtel.ninu shout tin acre s of land.
nib a lards and commodlons Brick I:Y.111nd Howe. and
Vclfh."ol:. ud.• flood .
:1°,2 . fg"i:Vi h b r e",
rant s ir.., and when it Is reyumbers,i r that sla
month front this time it will to within (oar hours' ride of
Pitichorab. It will be men that b....fano =dal Induce for .7 who; esire • cheap and elecant e.t.a from
the city, either e•summer retirement or • permanent
hen the out cost I aria pliscore tale and mo
for lea.
sey. without charge. • lot of more than two acre,. situated
on thy bank of the Ohio C4.11a. and about twenty rods
the Vofoh of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. to
say capitalist or combs.. who will ectsblich thereon •
rtVrt?";lot,li Ctton, or Road, which "hail mtder
i it boors in mind that llaadllno
is one of the tarn. bcentiful nod LLB.. towns went
Pittsburgh. ,Coal, and all the means of tiring, so well Mel
rents. can Lap rocurcil he, as low as at any point. Goods
when tosinafieflovri es., of course, with Vest own, be
Bansported by Canal Cr Itaßroad.
Massillon. April It . 1851.L-FayttOWIWIT JARVIS. iw
Valuable Property for Sale.
Fr IHE SIiBSCRIBER offers for sale a value
j. Lm 8. , !4. of prop t 2 Ajlegbety City, baying I,
front Kohdf , ,,rtrort of 82 fret, and roman:, back 478
6.8 ZO Itldge Btretc. T'nb Come oitnatal Imtoollato•
la moth of the"n•eldonu of Soloucl CLurela. end [woo the
r-videtwo of Willi= Dilworth. :hero lee Frame of
ore thy orotuirroothich rent Ibr mo per axolaon.—
'p:%r l rw o rty 6 level and well 'cited Le:. butt s It In loin
jd.dSv tq
.P.'e t 'iOrgTti . o'gre'llftooriwe'r'sa. rer It
nolo Bc
oorcol co Lto good. of tbe
noolsoe. (oala] 3011 N 7.IIOXIVON.
A Small well finished rind consplotaly fur
"44 s°".
No. 73 Itbertr rt. tattreers
Tobtrn. enttrt
Desirable Suburban Iteedenoe for Gale.
$l l ll.l. subscriber offers for sale the house and
h t; ° "...7 l4 "aboti i r t e"trTe'niel: :ft VA
the br
market of this vity. r. n. 13 140 ft. front on Park eke
rilimingtrack 253 feet. in au
-conteicing neall7 ntv
acre of pound. and is bounded cn every side by Isrge
lota, adorned with trees end ahrublary. The house
.991 kit., and•
exceedingly well arrange 3, having
• &ant of 50 for/. end • depth of .2. and mutable fourteen
rvoilmb Wide halls 13926 toot wide. It Is built In the best
end moat durable mans., and Les • breproof root and
contains as themolern oonveniences. Two pumps, with
Oaunfailing supply of hard and waft water, arc at the door.
Oa the premis e s .re the necessary out buildings , stable,
curiage - houn, to The grotuids are laid out mostly as a
lawn. cowered with choice fruit tract, everrreonst towering
shrubs.currants. goo... Jerrie, riepterrinate... and small
garden. The fruit le of the den kind, and the Uvas are
tacit. prime, and yield enough far the wants of an orlinasT
Lamar • The situation of tide prsTartri e• to mihibrill etrd
sabutton comforts, combined with contiguity to the tilt.
is not intryluotel by any residence in this vicinity. It hes
ovlew of the Ohio Brier far over a mile. cf Temprronee.
rile,:loath Pittsburgh , the city , the two roam. arid the
urouut taming altogether a panoramic prcepect of
arhish rho eye weer wearies. Every boat which enters or
depart , bona then port of Pittsburgh mo the Ohio, 19199 to
MU view. The residence and grounds are stn completely
removel from any annoyanoe of dult, 39 destructive of
comsart and vegetation. and a ff ords a retirement. iwt quiet
d yviceful as elevated to Rune quictncok In the country.
proivrty bveold at • bargain. cod piMet.ti.2l2 given
wherever Enquire at the Gagette °Clan
ablZidtf D. N. ti tare
membera of the Fairmount Fire 6ina
...1.14.0, r, nirrn their Engine (or sale. 116 ca
In coal ,
atilt.. soli cheap.
co~nguar alsey.
athltf Ns . 40u Penn rtrszt
CT Rent.
Ferry rireet—a large and aulatantial
F hlreet trnt.suirable fur an Academy, or manoractu
ring prarietaim, Porretrien given immediatel. Erojuira of
mcliMMI earner Garrison alley and Fayette M.
OR RENT—A Dwelling 'lowa on : 0 .
Third rtreet, above and near to ibriltheeld. It
extnreo. large reo. largeyard. rub home, to. Will
Iv and gemaeation given Immediabdr.
Ahoy-For Pale or Leue, Annie lulu in the Ninth Ward.
bettreell Penn street and the Allegheny river.
at Deri.Dwangtoes, Fourth etreet, IN
nea GT r Wood.
LE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, onri
onia. teems, the following Rent Mato, In
Clty of Pittsburgh, rlss •
Na I. Threw valuable threw ottrfleiallwelling bow.,
o brood ame, between Market and Ferry steweLe, the
lots being eult I 9 feet front by SD de.s.
No.ll. Cantwin• 57 feet front on Third Meetsajoining
the Tblrd Preahyterian Church, an which Iv enacted on.
soar Mary brick ben., nal .5 • prwttag all, nod one
too ft:ry brlek
Na 3. Two Ic.ta to 5•114.4 Bennie oonntr, bein
Now 3 sob 4, being about I OR) feel woure,on wbiebteereeb
* ft o m7le k rAnl,tl ' teo r o '‘ l 'e rilet i g. '". ."
, . • -.
No. I. floe lot feet front e o Back street, oppoxice the
chose, and extemllng to the top of the hill.
No 6. Two teach lots, each 60 foet front. and runnlog
from the, road to low water mark, on lb. 00 Bearer.
No.o. Go, valuable water lot. 100 feet on Wheal Baca,
with ten Awes water power attached.
lot oPfewita the water tot. SO
extending 0, the top a the hill, on wldel. Is ratted one
two story brick stars and warehouse, 28 by 60 foot: alno ono
frannadweillne. two stork. high.
Nult. Ono lane lot in New lltighlon, Bearer county. tos.
log about 1,10 het on Broadway. and awn! feet deep.
conW ning 11G arra. on which are ended two large frame
d•eilloge. and 000 small frame house. .11 00 an after.
This property win, fonnerly mrupkd by Mc T. C. Gould.
a t i . ..l l l . tr u T . P=tly located, bcing Inunadtat..l7 opponde
ei , lot-Itarnotlately bolos Penmen, Bride,
brine about Ile fort le Tangle. and rstreeinj (Nut Weer:
ittroot In low oretor ee,rk or towing retti ,
aii! , ..:ELV"tr b kttigariA7g=
rt.tchil fJortntal and Put copr.l
Fo Bale.
ELOCR or nUILDLNO. tbe comma trlmlts
Ina Itan ttlx4/.. /di OU
!:SIROIa Oial. LIM lity 1,13341/m,M. Itse L3l :mom
hsrodmt aul fort,. Mur rem: elmti wad
4313.13.m1 s3l IK. fmt lo am Sla3bloglma
1.4 • tenkt,
"LuArsCEILLLs. rAipl, AND LA - J - 1
—1 rot .3,:0 tiaw
ImaysT Rte.: am... , 331 w 134 1. " . 3•33 1-e
:cmemm.3 13r_413. 1-1,....4wem5;.. km, 0..1,
3 . ... 3
tier:4: 4: 111
• 4mms. at L.,
o 3.4 m 51.: pc: tem. .323 4
, :13 mr .L. 4 333 m: 3: .34. 133. =el
-mt. ft: •=l.
..3 . 33 4 :4 - .3 - =1.3:14 . ' 534.33
A 33, 3.3...03333
two t.4:1,41
pb:u No 14713: IL
Mast. 3taraoct far Bale.
UNDF..I3.S.iGNE.D ffers fcr Seas his
I. 11...6 LT I.HIACF, ititiothd Geore - -t.
Lou itheiro ea the ith o leinoto Ittrouw.. .. a O. al: c ,
ithildlofa saw orol G za,z out
to terry oo 01 a Iseltklu of Ora It tae
terre of Lthl wi th ith much lora thorthlr e o
evut/ Le tserroarr. irPkti tan Pe had Pone IL, to 12 per
=dlt has th e moat faworithle to th e tro th . Ito
ingre Iron ; bailout rota ore within othelolf to one
lo tort thrywinantitiei. 43..0 .0 mina. ora l L.e:Cuic
Lt. MI to .6 par rapt. It Is ors mile and a Prof fro. the
Liken!" Rolling XIII. what* • reedy sale con be fecalkr
•1 its prod u ct . of Pig Zeal: azol is two Puha troth IL.
icutern sod Atlouto Laileriol. wilier to roe of to Mara
^f ntdrusil- cionneiCeltth th e 'Loaner., Ilvar wi th th e ess
ear 4. wie bar Et. lithe of ratkothe tuonln• out rem
ILLthrPed sod utder rontrict.pairtra through lto.
portant lowa. and thtlar In tilicruk. wham • malt to. is
fouul for Pth 30.1.5 t, Ilarblnary Lotto* Mac. •
ku It k
now In full 61tht workol by wafer po.n. with • fella 15
feet. an • holm( elm.. oat Po Um most healthy
part of the oIIL
Lettere mar 5o
to wilressol to ma at Itowth.Cath to.. Ga..
or / oth tr teen at any time oo the prethlwa.
NTII--..,u lb. for salo by
AlLATM,ltaktl2tmr....trtFcr,aci, March 1. U:1
FOR SALE—The under
',naive lots, rod' ewe Teri destr:ble cite. Dar ownullth
twice to the Ecrocorti of thrthlocham, located near th e
nth . c Ecliool House end nthileb Lather. Cloarch.
Thenk wthrth f Barwit.hani In population and
inthurottoritlrealth . ,end the reasonable prices at which
loth int et,44, rill render than life and profitable in.
..tilaeLa. Title Kant. To m
oss thrombi.
Youctrticulars and terms, 4,11.1111.0 f the uthlrrted, at
the moo of licorge G I inn, 1,5., Oak OM" rtri•el, Pith
burst, between Third and Fourth erten, or of
zlyttoxicx and N. Flat tenon. Ewer, it their oMr., In Birth
inehatn. )ICr4 MOSES T. CATON.
Covington Iron Works for Sale or Lane.
lIIIS ESTABLISHMENT, Bituated on the
Ohio river, olllthlte Cincinnati, heel. in n, limiest year
nsects thareopth repair,. In new rs,
Aeo being one of the wow eitxible ',show the Union
for the manufacture of the vatic. slew wod kinds of Iran:
conthinin, many, if not mere farina. than thy ether
I n..,, iehment to the at, Is tom army for sale or hew, on
to gull appilcuate. It d e all lb. &frontages of
th esiothllidanent situated in the wed desirable part of Cin
cinnati, In thdltion to the taxes being much lighter—hav
ing all facties for Chwithth trade. It thnhthe of wren
Puddling Furnace*, three nom Nobling Fires, troll,
[wry hp, six Hestia,. furnaces, with Engine and Ila
chlwry to wake from I. inch Iron up to 4 inch, round and
m i a , Nami . all the-weal Cat Iroin With coW Sheet and
Ea S w a , — .l6l " ,n Lt ; ' ,A7:th a t '' &gßgre,=gi t e r a
.Iditio., them t, Nei ne.r. with
mutainisti If Ilfatilama ein tocreaaed to
any etoountmutual.
Iter at to ILBUCUANAN,CIucIuaII; or 3. 11.31eNICREE,
Mit ecULL:—.‘ ye/amble iron Fatabllntuaent situated on
tbe Ohio yleer. In oounty,olllo, madding of a Your.
ootualuing Nobling_ar flurry hem throe Bolling
Furoaree, one TM out Flee. taro pair Unitas Hotta. with
rapacity to make ten tonal,. witedaf. Thetptet contains
10U Berra of Coal Latt, of two .0100._ rack Zie feet deep.—
The tattanoe all the Dtifta or Ma It from 60 to 400
( „ tdtgant t l ‘ tr u tcuir iii. ., Li one of the twat the
I. BealftliAll,Cluetuttall; or.). O.3IeNICHLE,
large brick Ilre proof Toundry, aser rent,
adjoining the Bolling HUI front, /I stories high ,, OC. wide,
blaulding Bluer 100 IL hy NI Beier as above.]
PUlt SAIX--That desirable Tract of Lan& eltuated on
the Allegheny river, about 9 milts above the thriving Bor
on,* of Kittanning, In Arautronst co., Pa., known an the
Allegheny run.. ptoperty contalniug 30 di about i.O
sores. The land abounds I n Iron, (kW, Linteetone, Fin
10161010/11. tailaufao-
Ftl n gi:P=Q: I ' lrper 'd ilfgly Wattling.
foramens adveatages fur terming loftiest.; olariteio ' rn o on
of th e bottom laud Is now under cultivation; the big hauls
are y
suaezl.llll o :41 h halog h ighly l h i ntrueotrords are alma.
tet ! : geget n ed Ithe ' prrn a teriFt r!
nage. Stone. Engine, and Bituttappa4st ' upfer making Iron;
with all the buildlogn appertaining thongs.. Ala,
Vilna Houses, Item, Stables, ao. The •hote will be ,11..
pored of upon favorable terms, or It will be divided Into
tract, to suit porthsecrs. A plot of the property and fur
ther parnelthere oan be obtalned by addressing
apteod:lta 11. BUCHANAN, Cleft:lath .
rOR RENT—The large and conni)dl
ea. Boum oa Nan ntrtet. (lataly otwatat4 14
. er . l
Ittlwardo,) with an entire lot attlolal n g. which la
uac.l as a yard. Allio—Stabllna tot two bona. 1:114alra
of EDWARD& mounts 0 co,
apt of No. t'J Wator
FOR RENT—The Dwelling Ileumev.
the earner of South and Weft Cormetem lately
occupied by Thumoo Arbuckle, deed. PosetealOugt,Ameo
en immediately. Enquire a Josiah King. kAgle, t Wm.
31. EMII Anchor Cotton Works, Allealeur. splhaf
Valuablo Real Estate for Bale.
'OR SALE—That valuable Lot et tiretu:d
,Iteaba Luc ..,rats at )tnkt: sad War.;
s yrs csa.cuplad by Nails.). s. Lcall ass
.1(ILAII ay's: LI !s, ;-n Marl:street c: Ist 1.
s. sat \taarr Cl fat. 7Si ' , SS ,
e sat al Gs LAIALZALELtILY If,/ Gas Way...:
od', Cfo lt.Lr. LI ti...L/r. `”:”
• lie .Lll., 12 fart tscl..e es. 11..
cr, f.s2
~ascass.qaa; ass, recurs
.1:11 2:a 47,275:ter r-
, _______=,..
Of Fizty Tarn ?acts is East lavorpool, 0 - ' 'HI? .‘11.1..
~[111.: rut un?rficeannte!l 38.10 . ?f_kt, i. r,i -,
~ 7::..— . .....,,
~,... .tr,v. str:rtra room hsr.oo otstr c :`!!..,.. ti i....?..." Lt . , .5% 7,f. ••
.. a ~,,
I, .1 .' _p.
I!..• PiCCA.,ir WA o,t, oaf Lb. derosuu . ~ '0 , ._•.,.•_.•• i .,,.. cc cccc o _ c c .
~....., ,
to off 0r+1;C...1 b. ball ioduoud to 410. 4 P. ,,, - ... . ~ :I
rsi of,. truso • LI s
IT P r rh .t hr
.¢.1 .1 t,! h" ...jAt " * Ctn . : , - 2 • ... th '' ' rth ' : " i )/ . 1.6 r) Pi:ACII...— , JiI, • '
'.:. :O. : ale t,.
....'‘ ' ' 4 .."lrr.itu . t.O .' proCiff .h . It la oftturni to .> 00, of , .
NI lii 7.11: is 6.: t IC
.t Ira k...t!ou of tbs I own :11,.rre......,.(,,1vr.t. s
th m. .'
ist so t o
m e w " -
";- . ..r0.
;.., 7 u ,d cisz a z = rlt , thcc Z
, c :',.., 0i to mew" o s‘ , .. 1 .
Le lso Me. . ,c, tee ~,,,,,:f gibLo t r od !1.:7;e
o lt,
~,„T , ': t ` ,„. ' ,,,, `" ,!:nt ''' ‘.-ndtarz)T I. ' o° ' `-`
‘ l ,lAkti.Nr, r...aumAy--r,,, ~.:„,,,,,, , 1 ,_
traon rocontly so/O.
~,,o ti n . „„,.. r =.prinAtilVV.,242."'7 4 ' h . " IT 1... ,, ,r , int !ta , roar et 4 Dr: Dr: k : Lt . 4 ,, :b.
us ;um. Blakely. t0r... , ‘ 4 72 ; ...J.:4k A. WI.Lti.EI.S tC 1.
Zoo Ltrunsuol. fet. 1e11.111.11. ''' 'otorit•tos. s
..I!;.;ilUASDLt.fil?r, 1 Gnaw. J.
• •DI: ' . JAIL D.'ll.2k.LC, of lAt b Air .t_
COFFEE -150 sacks prima Rio;
0 0 Mata.for sale by
"juAreaMfeer: VASSTA-1
%,/ sale J. IBCWON.ILLICEtt Cip. 21 Wad
For Rent
For Sale.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale
1851. 185 1.
Cleveland, Pittsburgh &Massillon gapresa
THIS line runs+ in connection with Living:
_IL pion. & Coe linen-on. Western.•Fonthera aril
(Almada liaprer. at Cli.veland, and Mame , 4 CO, ot Pitts.
burnt. girl.. Ir ddv.intiums ee..r ail attp.r mode.. •or cete
A::`,T.T. i ."1:r7.1" 0 1 '' .4 .',',.,t - ,-'z' V.'ll r i;Tr h a
Friday% la einvire of e lan-.
ad cen.Pereei m....enm . r.
Ira will rmelre and &direr rackei, - ro at the following
lioehreter. I', Sake,. Cuyahoga Falls
Ciaelibetio, Ni, cai.tie, T.. Yuntieetnwn.
Skeen. Newark, Mendellle. •
Warm, F.dltrn. 7 , 1 Ili...brush,
Erie. li e , r.n. Nae•ere,
Fredinick-bure.l.. Wellidiurgli. I'i, lin.t,n.
lloehr.stm 1‘.....ter. telieelin, T..
Franklin. Belli:ie. Dalton,
gleubenvil: e. 1 6 1.,-riidi. ?Aar
Cannel, trol..riile. WI, iieid.urab.
Canal.Lkieur. CHO xellie. New Llobon,
Nrerelnu Fall, Nen i'liilleklitLi. Xi. Cumberland.
Gold, :deer. 130.111 ! . .ateii. Jr.ii vier. act Otir, V idnable
a 4.1 . tereived and fureard...l with, do.mteh, Tie co n.,
' of Noted, Bill% Prins. rdl fi
Prins. aticounta, p ro mptly Wend.
3 Noruieto,
A wood tneem.r.ifer rill km': Mer nununll. of
eh. fek. Itetwct.c4weiletr., , ItLacn Tturadafs,
Lr the purpow cf takma of nlcev. i.e.
Aar,f-e-C. C. Cobb, Cle•rhut
bareb. J. It.! c )larsll t C: C.,
rri..f...11L - ;6.*=l lL k
17.6 w Lake Supericr Line.-185L
rrlll new stcn=er INOF.TIIENER, Cant. 3.
' D. S. harlot every ctedern tulTrtuaata - at Or
/474 tty lutd curator .4 ,21114,7- C1.140.r.r4 4 on fr'.4la, 04.14
- 4:41
EAU,May tnt• 44
bcr rtt th
on erratt.-
tia taut A,. )4r.rte
rut attataur .aIA.4 , IIATTA 444, Capt. 47...t.4‘ CauDr - Z. - tt - 41.1
14.4.ta taut NV, !Uric. thu dr:erect Inadlurn oalke
Earer:cs,atz tbc: StriTti tb , .etcer:ls Yarceeruct. 4t144
nm-a!er vre•klr ltee. tt.evat.'Alt the .0,0, t , t...12
Ch:1,01.1 sc.] tha Cut raod Iron Mitte,
• 5. A. Prc4;tittcra.
Clsaalaza. 0.. A pall .15.1551.—.1
From Engl2=l via Quebec.
TIE undersigned, residing i:. Quebec-, is
ferwordinglenre neantitier of hilltrod Iron nod
re P.,' article, ta the cliffemnt parte on Leto Erie. - - The
Demme of ',mein arririun et Quebec In ballest ear'
ram of lumber. prebahly hr
=deer import-et:ma
ucl:k tenet eme.mlee Mr all Seery a:wrote:mils. He
will otter! Atlantic !night ou eammee conelmned to hire.
end to pop Lain, connected 'therewith. ferment.
'og to erieri weetern ttxx..rte no may be renulred. Earfurther
LlVET l ClT, T {lWa r u ' efl r ill . f. the undrl.4ml'Pr apply
erMlni(eed) (-Imre .1)
--Cinmkuuli Gagne.
CLARKE. PARKA a Cr., Rt./Line, l'norrrnal. .
TIIE PROPRIETORS of this old and well
known Line. wntild Inform Pablo dint oLor are
'4 l ". r i e ' o t ettLl ti roVi..: , l7l l r.e..Tirtefin l iNrogrig:
L . = t .",,no.'S. c .v,'L,n=V,l7,
Lino will to conatantli - at the landing, below the Mower
iiahela. Midge, to nceive
Office, cor. Water wid Emithticid Mae Illttabiargir.
IL W. Cunninehani, New Castle, ro.:
IL C. 31nthews, Pularki. Par
W. C. Melon, Charon:
J. & S. Rut. rharrnburch:
Wm. Aohns d Co.. Uroonvilic,
Wm. lion,. Itar.towna
Won. honor, Connoautsille;
C. M. Rood. ker. I'd;
• 0. L. Walihridge. Buffalo N. Y.
Plwll.l** WWI f‘:ns MOJA a
~-~.~ :.:
Forty-six hours W Philadelphia.
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
280 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
J9N the opening of Canal Navigation, Two
nta t Liner New
Ifxrrrr• Pr•rkrt Imre fur
ostown. ;twine by Portage Rallroul to
Tro unwind and Forte-fiT, dirert to
. •
Timo through FORTI-sl[ !fours.
Fare to Philadelphia. 010. Fare to Lattimore. .V. 75.
The Care on Ulla mule aro um, and of the 1. 1 / 1 I approv
ed renetrnetion foe comfixt and eatety.
Packets Ware every morning uneieely at Elzht oeloct.
and erery eeeolng at the came beer.
Passengers for Baltimore,
On arrivnl of Ct." r ilarrirtnim. Lit , Tort and Cunt.
Irrisiud it.c.arnAd. tun.. liniPL,l).lin, U. that at,. (tight,-
four tniir , ..) 1.11.t0. nit to.or:.
No charge for I:anage "Nthio route.
mak, ti:. the tru. mtatvrtable.
ear. amt d..rubi, route,:unw to Om et4vs.:
Vor ove‘ge rr :nfurrriutu.
J. P. 110L3TES. Arent.
Mcnon,t,, , n !Inns!.
Or to D. LEECH or CO.
m.,.an n. i...^ r
N. 11. On the !rt r.: July. ttCo :
I, , •,-,:..,
.I{l be tnlsl.l.-2. I..v.kport. R_... • .1. :.. rt,. • k.:l t
~ t, .urt. SIX ho,t,
ir.11: 4 -I'.Zl3lr . :T. 1 . •
Se.A43.A...rag 41(.1-L-telg I:
TO. o 3 MAir.t.'3N Sr. / -
E„ . f.
a- la also a r.ear boo o. "l
du ZS.• - r
(Spa, c paa.a y
•I•r.< • - I • ama sant:. : a ...
• . - a° to { . .io .
• - - • a r6.41..1,12 , 1a Of i•
• ^ . . " • , ,,r1 ra r I r. id 'l,
~o- b owrowe _ e O . a 1.- 5 " "
-la, Pia. - ale 1 • '• tb p 1.., outlet o, ton witi, a pew, .7
' ' 4 • ar. sad Cid the.. , . conellou
--a I . .ract , nod, :meta Cr au-la r
" - o• as waabsi frau
At! W o da loe:op. outot optowt •
Otd Wai WOW?. tre. t . ./ 12.t,N1 tO
t. ---,as a a . ...Var . the seal saurr,
aa %arbor isWeal of lebog ter
lb. Jac ). Leto ettl,l.
at qui are 10. - 00' td ai fact :Po woo
Is -Crave •
aws o:actida of alltaro-At *brae 1... ad It
is a a. of ;tree Car oadoseed
Loom era walodo lost Ibr wart. m . 0 Ilitartotw • of
tto was] wbo, al,ber re of caal paw. wad
rude we ees, writ La'
ow qf . 1 1 ,r , 42.•pcs 1.4- .4
, et r.
t S., o:ri 04011003 --.11400
Irian it 1. not oinveviont to lawnid. amoorit- ..1100
Of artier
per mail or erporoe, a evil maw to • evayerodole New lark
lows. will be aallident. All codas alit meet arlth pivapt
W-weatoon. addrerocil IC7tallt.
No. 2 , 4 . 31ad100ri meet, New ork.
radon will be attrodod to promptly, if }et at the Korea
of eitall a SIM, id) II oil strati or of Mesas IL
deo:dia. L Co. 150
3.—Bwirmar Cara, embeetiod in colors, from tame
Diee.atSlo,oo per ttoopotod febMolaca
DlsPosEr. LF
1211 , c11.131.11..
THE CANAL *einr ncm ,ter., 170 arc 1,1-
Sy in trealvosaad rerica.,l
reharnitr, cut awl slat
Fracgt . tti - ea. aiwa ' a ai . slowcat ratua cbarzel by reaturadhla
Ptcduce and Meacham:Ear will be rzartewl end inwntedrci
azd Chia./ boy 0111.17, I.rsudlrtg ad.
'Tfit'oratit,n4=','rinif7iimt.3 faithfully
attended to. Ander, ot .Trio • to
W)1. 11LNCIE0NI a CO.. Canal Iltuln.
Comae I.lbretY etntiltatna IlllFFturytt.
BIM:11A! * It(W.3g, Ilarket
between Fourth and 1 wth sta., Phtlacelphia.
1 , :o. 10' . North Ha
to et, Italthnora.
mcht JA - 311.:S No 10 West Ft,
New ITyk.
Merchants' Transportation Line,
OCT 111,SI1le9'TNO.
, A. aIcANLLTY a CO.. C0n...1 C les ram otmet,
t;VIATIYIS RAYNOR. C. ctsal Bleck. Elreal street, Flan.
Selph ,
We ate PRPAred to motive a large amount merebandias
oral pnaluee to atip on the opening of Um eznals to IttiLa.
delphia., aml a 0 Itmerrtediate thmee at toecr ram, atal to
low. thne than In any r.-e51.. 1 / 4 .st.ttan.
Vairß. Tho luemased number logick. providial br
the Carts] Comordsloners for mrm our laette nu the
etate hallrmula. .111 preeent an, pae2blllty of delay at
Johnstowa, HolblaYebura breol..'''.q.'''Pi.u°.
Causl Basin.
Wa,gg 1851
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &e..;
AN now errrottwon, IRMA— lIALRIAOIR AND 7. TOAD.
ATICINI3 A CO., rrnprietorw. No. Uarket, and bt
C0...Te0 lemon, PhlladolrbLe.
BELL Y Lworrr, Agents, Canal Basin, Ettaborgh.
JOn. TAYLOR t SON. Agent, Baltimore_
We ore PrePortel. •m the - opening of the Penneyleanla
cwawl, to o,Rtrarl for Freight at as low rates. and glee
atdppersids notch despatch and care ea any other c hlne,
•• - •
Purees.. to John WEl:act - I a Co.)
Canal Burin, Penn Street.
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
lIE subscribers having been appointed
shipping mutual for the n o ironer Central hall
ir lJrul.•recant rho public thou no ere gear prerared to re
ceive any merchandise or product for elaproeut eon curl,
opening of the mush
tiowls oh this route will be carried through hi flre dare
nd consigncal to US will ho forne-nlect free of
ion or chum,
,The &drat:um
PATTI or 1101001,1rPIPTPO
Dr tt
814.11147. WOW, .to. a. :AAP 511411 a.
lianlwa.w, linwtTiea, f'23nt,
Leatber.Clorer. liar, Timothy awl .I,nr orsv. E•wo
Damn. MA', Pal , . Tart 611. aaro
11 ,
Coffee. Tallow. titaln and Ka:
21.111011. Nlartdo (rough) T.. l'avh. 00 7.
lb ac.fe,
1851 C!1 -7 , ..2-fl;
Pittsburgh Traasporta EiLae
JAmhb • , 1P • ar b
1.0.3 .
7 ' , AR F SDS c.. S'l
WA:VILI, and '-bo np Mann. a
FACTURER. NA. 4 . 11 South 1300.4 Atmrt atom
14.4 ION) PhltobAPlAttla. f r b f
Y. EL 130D1M1M.,,,,,.411 11..,. ipAGALET, OODBABU & Co., h
s/ vale arca...N0.9:2 Mutetst. PhlladelAblat .01
aatlco. 16 North %num& aul
ANTELO, .oeneral Commie
1.1012 Merchants, Philadelphia. Liberal mammas
ma lon consignments of Produce generally. pan9slnee
Professor A. C. Barry's Triecrpheress,
-I_, etortiot, preemies and benutifylng the halr,eredkni
tine scurf and dathLruS, end elating disarmer of the AM,
Aland, and notaries, stair thl
s. ts, brirht msreine, et, It
bee ties easertatimi by enreniment, that Zany'. Tel
seethe has ynefueeil th ereat° sheet In sari Wend. d tea
:hie, ay. or the bqthe. and all the enamel kited."... The
fullowing heotrathlais,seleeted from hundreds of Simi's?
:sport erlll serve to a-ow the VC. of the yr:m.lU,,
end the sot tonne In *Lich !A Is Lei 4 by tthee utia base
given It a trail:
Nrerthn, 15,14.204 M;
?Tar. Baser — Dee: here Tern ail' :led • a , th•
terms emu:en of the arso7. of a =al .;401/ ,, tad obo.+
act., Out sietseth year:, end domeg that mod
hare had the estelnsof mate et the sent ar-tarnt
cline, and hese teed all the thethersts Eu ‘z , erar
IVan nun nown, enthout the brit teult.. I nal advised
by,a friend to trir noor rr.s.rscsno„ no, ea het
to thy 10.1,,r0 grattlkl±l.. (rend 5f
elan: Tin - abe - th two thiths. Ent'
etientai of the
e..=aer tint It tithes wee pttel!r
rot.- 1, (5 X WEL=
aln Cislutha Arta, Becalm
rani Tatar- s ,y.Dai Iler—Zte7tt Y nnlaar , 43' 1 1 gan' ,
=oak a aarat sat.. teal Leerd was numb aClot 4
Can . I +eV add b., a feenlto TourTrlsopber•
on, arrt I de.l so, tat m lay azlonabancert. tor Inds ease
gsz i ge felt-4%141r dairtrull dontererared, as the .
With rommet, It
'your Oxen
5 TFLEADWELL. Broadgar.
If mil inely or gentleman doubts ths antbentkltY
aDore. then please all at Professor d C Barren (dm,
ITT lireaan
seal letters. are New Tort, whs. he well produce tha =irk
JTrons the Halts, and Naval Argue, Nor. 9. 11.51)
There b or remedy ter the permanent cure of hpiduces
and diseases Of the mai,., generally, that has reached
the mulalit. etnoyed by the article /CROWD as Prinnsor
Lisprp'm Tricophertnia. or blelkated Compound. It is en ,
Jennie', wed by the mar duets of the ccetzeunityi is
slam:every =nem In the bind ills used In preneenor to
other articles of the kind. It Inverts vim to th a
Metal. mad the, promotes Its growth to a remaakable
Frta. It drr[m7a the initguttlri r iaLieet d ot9h k eTc2 . o,
each ea wee' need, den norm, and other obnoxious dleao.
dery of the skim in ehoepurse as eroll stamb
ontheind. It oPid in iorne bottler. peva —menu. at he.
lil7 Dreadinvy, and at the Drugyhaa geueedl e,
the Coltedetatesand Canal. ap—Otf
UTCLUNSON &Co., Nol3 Spruce Street,
NEW YORE. Wholmale manufactutors of the boat
rpv Priniism . ap4 fur lsto ot t s k p aml ot n Job t rMit : LW ,
wort Roofy upon al ordinary pmem.
The comblnatiom in them lake, era ouch esteem • Mob-
Peva porganeney to wort superior to any otberinke now
in m Sold nt priers varying from :5 Cs to 0400 per M.,
lII.p irl cans, aml forawnwied to orMm
fixolsomnimbictursoolortil into of army simile and
%natty varying from 51,00 to 1125,00 per lb. nick=ii
No. 79 81 (late 76) .111..uoz_v LAN.;
Directly opposite the Old Stand.
f—lleavy arri MEM, Wool, An
,013, Bjok. Morino ozul Como , Do e and for
Stookr—Satiri, ntk, Ma:lg Ilomba.d. =1 Lacy of all
[WWI mut ualltka.
4/ roof
w.lart and T AVII7II-0? all 11.1iza—Faner Nak,
odr.Black of every kind.
Crarer—Faney NUN and fratla, Iletry Englirt,
Swim, Italian. Frt.& Albert Ilorathers, T Iljcd Indian
bat.lo, tr.
itact . /famitt.cchiefe—Coras. Linen Cgmbrk,
.I=t li
r.—French and Engsh, tress style, Ingest
Glaree—Tid. alit, Linen. Thread, mist all the latest of
French and tingltsb importation,
lierkry—libritere.alerina Lamb's Wool,Bilk. Linen gad
Yumirrpp Cocas — Volvet.CashmereiEngUsh. French and
Aliotti?k . " Bram fur gentlemen and Luiles—a twisty of
/Mints Ettlls of all qualities_
We would Intim particular attention to our Domestic
Knit Undershirts, Drawer. and 'Modem.
mchl9 . nto(D) 79 a gl Malden C Lan 4
Shawl and Mant i lla Warehouse. •
(Up R . talre,), NEW YORK:Ia no . ei proir4ottz w of
before n t :ori ed 1 21,10 Lid
MUSLLN and all kinds of SILK MANTILLAS, tonnufact.
red from the letert Perin ferhkno, received by the steamers
.ml particularly adapted to the Stuitut trule.
Abe, very relendil 'doc Na nd PARASOLS AND UM.
lIKELLAS, rumbling of ftinz a plain ,did cotton
and Pint and Turk Salle Num.!, andC.A and Ging
ham Ibulnells, All of which trill b• offend a .
lon pricer, We etpW-ally uoril- our Wertern Ltieralt .s
our Pluck b , fore porehotunr.
Al., WIRE SHOW STANDS. for rib:biting Shaul. and
Mentilb, rut op ht cue. for trangurietloo. fehllitt
C. B. BATCH & CO.,
AVE now h 3 cturc, and ASS constantly o-
DbiK•gik,`?int^it Z.Tit;ZT:
r of er.5.; , .•
cr;i.,.. of dor .1
. s• •
Ter,: ••st rstcr. UL Serums f•••..
• 1-
VONTINUFS hisusual facilities to receive
on the n tthee end the 1111 sole unit] lel EST IN,
Leterencet—llefere. Lorene. Sterlins 6 Co.;
ST. JOSEPH; 31188017 U
. 41; M'GEE,
[induce, Commission. and Porn liercbmide, m the
Lever, lit. Purpl, •
Hafer to Alasander Gordon, any tam., Sterling d
Pittsburgh. aptly
PAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
and Commissioner for Pentaylvanii. at Louie.
antomobutione promptly answered. caZ"kly
d y anti:Com
o oeflor tlAm, and Cotatointeer ,r the State o
Bento , yltoni4 B. Lou, Mo.. of Ilttabotgh.)
Itoforetwoo—PlOAboarto Iton. W. Foroold. Itantoton
MlllAr. =atm/less a 31cCluze, Job. F. Parke, Moons. A
Somplt. /Wool I Co. sueltly
MILE undersigned having entirely re-=',l
j, built and enlarged the above ex tensive eineadiehlit
nient, containing in all about three hundred and aft/
monis, would respectfully Rive notice that It is non ready
fix the Trend:on and anwtomodation of the tratenitla
eaten .
Aned notierof the tuvrorriell,...lconven.letir. of *Lb
lionee is deenieil -superfluous. Fa the
nieritA which Lave been made eannot prof...elf glean In
an Advertisement. Evince It to say, no expense hen been
,psn...l to render any anartmentperfect.
The furniture vas made expressly to order. regararelio of
and enttain petition.of IL everially the Eratelun
'eons. soil he (coed to ho of the meet teantlful nienufael
tore. The I,lllllnt Mary an, .station!. and the hour. fet
meids ail: tow arranged aa to inut the navel:de:ec of the
early and late.
. Eve, departrt he oundueted la an unelreptiona.
Id, r.. proprietor_ pledge. himself that, the
Boum s a1ne.41117 the Trueelleria Eerie.
lehnitinerd.txrfienT LEWIS RICE.
Temperenceville. and NoblestowL P 1 xY
Road Company.'
VOTICE is hereby give!, u, tbe Sted.±,lbb
cf raid Caufacy. at 111 c rl.: to
L that
el 1.. r:ual• ,
Dollare on earl. dbro , cr 1)..c nn....1k.
each and ccery .onth !•••r. A• 11., t.t.t, a, LL,
f..:41 in full—al. th. , 1.1 • .1.0 r 1 y
July M. 1? - .f..1. IC/ •1
prccunt porrica{ ;
CIL iSSES--0 — Abb. tr. arm 1.. KIIIO b} VI ummearer.• SIN_C3IIII-Cl. I L
lbe.drogßound, for rale by
-LP , 11,0 f..131U rt. P. ETIRINT.R.
Lan af/ J a CO..
rc, W.rn L
i t ..Nr:L.L:o:\ —5.2 ib.. il ittar ) :c. s..k
:07 : i tI: 1.
_ _ „___,, —_,—_. ,
ii ..E.L,-, ,,, n,tgl re.a,,,v .la and ta, a. ..,,,
b. ~ ,7 1..41:i el.:- 6 , Lik...rt..
_ , ___ __.... _
LC %. ~ .R. fil.F. , )--t.5 bob:. : o ...),
1. 'I% 4.'5 Is. IT re
, .
. : FFi
; , arkt. zugr.r 2:. Sr F. 4 :
e 4% ,
. '
a lt 1.100 - Y D'S C'&l,l7avie.
iLY 8l':.1.128-1 . 1 : J.
CLARE P.. 1 1. 1 LIONu: CJ iL - •
'L C4):411. ru CAL-4 by
C I 11.. k• •• v,
- c • m.., -
b /thbrbri•ibi;Cet; . ? ..l YI " - • V `•• 4 "
OITABID:S PL.151.111-1:6 As
71!. i N,ST)C C
1 ' ITA I C .A.(, 7 L - .)--in :Os for S ...1.. ;,...) -
v ...... , ( 9 'TSE,Z.7. P- . ~' t
r ,' — i i " .r. I. 1
1.1.`1'.;.,(.1-'....s' . ..i'fk k r!ic:
• • D 154 v ,- 1 ----
1 .,-517 1 : ,I TG —e, CT BE e
0 Lc 3 q : P. A. ItAii•ZlSTriCt .1....:V. .
SOd?- 114 tawo-Np.l ?red, icr sale ir
EitiNGEFFLOWERSI-A: A: Idurox" &
Co. hole toboind per espres.-100 do, a pr
re, er e , rn nun lyA r J rh :Arnrr. Atrecrtnn
tee Lirer. Lrrnce , ..l., f4iv rr treneerrsof
Lee Brext ur Lvnu.enl . MA, ..uff vtiora . of Doe
1 5 411,17.31
donut wish to trifle With 6elives tttdd
s h th of the Let vr rinerreir pledge erer.
selinitoM i nkr no nen,tion ns tc the vino. of this mod
ant to bold nn Lupo to suC.itc; hescanitr. liana •
bens will not warrant. ' •
Thy ?lons of Iceland. and the tine ..t Iv - Ha Chan,
hs.Wy cadcbmsed for the curt Of an.,l , ..ccs at the Luz=
sod Liver, which arc o fcartntly tn , w.,!cnt t all Northern
Zran sacldn.nca it citracas,
carol frc'n this Noss and Oa, lowa, On. %four% nu...
ssY or Wm:. Cans.? is :Lk f.;;;Etrd. ;
at Will Cherry b • lan mast
=an, cetuTgud antlytly cf WCI Chersy Dark and the
gratabatatisad Xoss.(the tastes latported erptessjr Lg th ig
cussfuse.) thirsze =dicta virtues of seblub sra elm eclat-
Ws:al by s Lew eheee'est mugs,. with the czbetet of Us--;
thus rendering the whakt ~ .saustal mends and
se-ar-Des rennly eras dia.:rod rer the . .
3ZILBOrartY CONSUMPTION' Cured br1T14,.. 4 .,T4
=set Wlid Merfy.--The -fatlcrwistat taw of /smsh T 1•
grigg. of (Era c: and 4.usts.s.
slag 2,1 et' Ccasuciptlon.) :3 teats. wands:nib .
1.-tsu.ur Ibtr.::tue to., ga5e.:7!, , 1.1
J. D- Past—lcar Sin Ise.= the 11,4-17' of suletsing You
e the ber,lt I base derirea fru. ti. srte a Dr. Vl•tar's.
.Ellesta of LTiM C'u'm'. t vv.s prUittst , l by tb.a terrible.
excuser. Conscript:au, to Nay tau. Thu attack was teed:
horsitsigts see. Dr Geo of our family, (my becihors bad
sisters) had died of Cuisa.r..;:tian. I was eroleasl with
nearly all thy worgbfestuu-s et the r t.Ttrse, I hada dastss•
Ing cough. and expectsestuel o gret 4 . ”.1 alit:rd. beetle
Saver. severe Writ In the eats ssiss ths , , euld'uLills, alter.
sating with dusheo of 1..).
I was studer-tbq care eta tkilfal Dnynleinn. Qua the
tisto I mu taken .4SO. Six now'. since, belts
then above helpless. and my frierain - tonsil...anal ay mai
ttopelema or at least beyond oar play richt:Vs skilltbdfttoti '
the tam of orates Balm. if Wild Cherry. • Without WWI
knowledge, my father too and it. anti. matuenced Mallon
Lsrering In to me, and from Ow gent day I itonarat•matflob
ton it my health improved, and in two netts tom the.
time I commenetttmlog 141 nu able to Lc call alai ant .
we my busiums, and Labor. whith I ,tail oeutinue to do. .1
tune token four bottles of the a:wilt:Me, null now tinsidce
mynelf rerftxtly
;s ; .`% ;-
Coon - , man, Lake Co.. June le.'4•• •
loss D. Put —Dear Sin In duly, loin, I one ottocke
witll'•fentwof trothoidicharuchnt which left um in ti Teri
debilitnts I ante, when, la the fcliowit& wintai. I wit to-,
ken with a savers coll. which zed cool me to suet on ex.
taut as to tine me the abire.rittee at terontemod entsathlf,
Une. 1 tabard thiern macre anagb--trapet . .doratoi agreed
dud. anal was Mt:ratted with cold Itht egad night sweaLa I
aim frequently rinsed blood from toylthqs. I thq Itimient
in thin etnte. gradually Kinking under the dinette, until
Jallwaff. l • 4 o. who./ was again &Miami with term '
frith& dauttalred of my Itfetwnd ittufteinna• datanlil'
mold sumine but a then hoe. Aly entounitlen, cereal:4. '
ly my fee 4 were oonstthtly mkt. and übs.Cloot their feel
ing. Utder theseeltaroanthoes it maybe trulyntaid I was
a Urine skeleton. I Lusby determitth to quit taking me
Prearribai by rhmicithn, axed trine. Wlstees Dal.
sato of Wild Cherry. and from •the first week teat I ma
men.' taking it; I wan data eke-Meal retwery. I comb, -
nod Its use CM months, at the end of time I wax cur.
ed, and enjoyed good health 'tier thaen. arid cheerfully re
oxrunend the Balemn to all it'd. aftktal with dinewma of
the longs, and would my to thorn commencing Its one, sot
to be dirthnnaged 'if two or them bottles do not digrt a•
cart but persevere. on I loon done, nod I bare no-doubt
but nine cases out of ma, will to blemal with toostel
health on I hare been. licipeetfully SOU.,
303Eili JACKSON.
CITOITAXT TO rnarc ASSLICTED Olin D. , ••• , OP eat toms
From Dr. Baker. Spring - Laid. Wadd aeon - Caman Sr.
brottromant a Er. Way 14. 4.9.
Etanford t Porto--1 Lobo tido opportunity .0.-
terming you of a nowt ntroarlotble run. performed upon
ate by the 000 of Dr. Wistor'e Dairant cf Wild Cherry.
10 the.year 1540, / two. taken with an intlantaCon of tha
Waal.; which I labored coder ter six weeks, ,Shen I grad.
nally recoseraL In tile roll cf 10411 was attackod with a
Rover, eohl, which sated itself ufwn =7 fungi. and Dora.
none of three years I watt toothed ID MT / WIWI all
undo of inedichie, nal every variety of all, with/nab...-
It. and Ulu, I wearied along tooth the • inter of 1844.
when I loeswi of Dr. Wistar's of Wild CLerrs
frionla persuaded tog to dive Its trial;though I bOO giTen
up ail hope/ of recovery. nr.l had prepttred.minttf for the
chance Of another world. Thotoutb their solicihttions I was
inducts/ to =take use of the nooldne Wistney - PalAart lot
Wild Cherry. The turret on, truly a : oho:LI/biog. Afl..
throe Testa of afttirtion and tuifering. and titer having
olnrct feu: or bye hatotrwl dottare fo no Pato., ...Lilt*
brat and mint Itxportabir phy.tcluns had proved unavall-
In,. 1 watt nun return,' to enter: health hi the blowing bf
tied old the use of Dr. 11•1.tarl !lob= of Wad Chwvi.
nay the }doming of lin.: n.t tocirwtora of no
nano Lle a to..diric.e 0041 ,`. I:a7,cotut 11c:cherry.
L. wiz,
. .~_ '4. _
-: ..,.. .t.
_ ~-::.:
L.— • - ' s
~:ctraae. L
-vat:. 1
i.LErr.}.4t: I'. . - •
Seed cs ' G era ed
a. I.:f u.c.q
.1.:114 Li.. LO
re, Lek:.
cf the=
c.a.." ccs.h....ccd.
cur .2.C.1t
t= 00c
c r
w t • f •
r - •-_ Rs
i 1•
pedityztta,L emu:
ci7l,ticu. Tor.,C.r ,d
ins:ta cra
Cc. sac,
ISH. for Mein:, teau gieew to Linenoi.MttslM4
brte, Collar', Shirt liotonw, and r f fth
mon:rem= tto /ion from mlbernini to the Liam, .ad do %
from width:tit It centstm outline Int ore.mi o ce.stmi in
any respect. itio ladie• tare Ion.: &Mee felt MI • norms:llr
of atteb an article, an,l in thiAtlkm, worectaVem will
ly milted, nt no comp.:tram' in fenme otter an trematial
n.--Oue Cake sill do thirty dotelrzf cloldscs,
ruhilr'ha" "babbr 'h per 'End, bmb'
Ciket aut
dith [di! dirceti.
rd i ; r .ldl ch a, ta ‘ cit• It E. 61iLLEI15, 3. 11ood .4. s
South Eat corner of FORA cud IVoinut Strati,
(Inoorporo.ted 1.851..) ,
Era---,l;ettir-ron - 6173nottiaI Lair.
C. 11. NV AILDLON aactT. MocAra-...-...te,nalte.
eIrS. BACON begs :cure to return his.sin
. cart thanka tor the crry !iron] ratrarmgr
hi L ax treetccal, rand horaa, Irsatlist..l4l, 41.11.000 10,
bull •r to merit n
econosimo of the on recarchnucl
ea. that haa attend"! 11, thorn , ducita thy ran winks.
The Utility of lurtautiere of thr , de,crl prim. hosticoma
mrohleteir catatlifhod yractlca:d. amnetraia to, and
Leen 00 lcaully atte,hA the 11.11Iva:a who have
oil the advantage., of thole Ingrocilen. to/ ro loi r ocr
vice elthrr argumenttor 10000 torpcct hr 01,000 00400
choir nirsitt
The ph. adoptod to l-ockana ecrothohi poetic.with
theory; Inetead cf half, la.-315A. 070 1,111,11,'i1 11- rcivrtl
making prigmrl coon, a:ce,rl do> U1t11.04 troo,
Journalizing, l'o.dlna, ito!onein a - Areconta. ard
clorthr: a gcrat Cactot) at Loth lc:
thartuerahip and itairildool abort. Clot hocumaa
hag. been rmjarcoe awl :alit tr. mai thoe arallh. the
,Indent Mr coterie; into tha 1 , 1004001 01 It
countaht is find of hu,no,..
The coon., of inctructloc,cf Lot BLI: EN
TRY 10000 embra,hoa very anturct tt
male anA 3lecoaotile accent., vv. 111.3,h-we.
h,achange, hanalt.. Nanulaclurirr, rhil plug,
Ittlivldnal, harloarahip. rt,uml,al,c,hat.lCrmh,,LALca
Dualness. Lonaneertal Calndlationc. I radical Panto - ulna,*
and Commercial Lair.
...i`nidl; ;Iv Instnart;dl individually. and not lnch..; In
ital. stagier. ra, CI:WI et a• t• tur.e, gad lavot-elt
ratio of•opattly elxid * olty. •
Public ristnittatat_tto aro had.. (though purilv• tat , csetta•
hard ptirrat Iv if they dr,let IL) attu tl.c otOdt uttl.l ,
guea ri.-Id old thomoglt nn L 3 U.. el t
oulp - trof by a rotamittm Anmtutteht. end Itu•
ax Men. orat'Dipluass atrazdttl tht...v. Ito axe deem
worthy of Ora,
A course MU L complets.l is fr,m is Mien weeks.
And in conchs...ll,e reihripal Itouhl otmo terry
thing in his 10...r0r sill be ,;one to nAleanec TMde.ts,
onJmeoe then thoruomh an nreodool6l.n.lsmeountehM.
ontl his ealeteler sequalmoreo with the cost
ciL, o . .enrea/le onob:e him rrocure yeamom.ll,s
tboao, closhems .1;5..k.. ,
Termo-I'or o full mum.. .4 le.
"teritine.Ceentomots.l Los, le._ V.,'
TIS i 111
• ".
r. Iv IL U 1; tlll4
• Fete. •:
s F.— SS6O.
a. r I! e
. I.
t, r, : :1,
/01-LIV. ; . In , a-
II D. KiNG itar.l,:. owl fil..elzare
To rt .,tlwrlr ,-. 1,1. n ',4118.1
Zu r , i t", "ILI mat., , ollectuwas la nos
vox t at low raters, an d yatilort tslghtrZ
IWwwloa. la par bads loc4"..wrown giver.
c~ .+
iii r
.. _ i.. a....