Efi PITTSBURGH- GAZETTE -1 2 / 3 ,4r0n0 Itanartr•XVIINBANK Er. I PUENISKING NAIL LOCKS & KEYS Y . JAXIS .LL‘EN. O. *bait hap. Pe bent 4 al) . Akita/auto balm. - U. arbattz baa y• Dam to t MT ithtmk . " . "potut by Om griatt.bitaib a 61.10,1211012 to learn. Aa ided Path.. and Calmat my Wank-- An ptdd Je (ban pita dowara, my taloab." "iThat icars:re sane bb.b. to *Pak. 0,1.110.400 t dam my desr hada drop! Wye blarbt banes Llath like a . mar Gs your eturpt At a traribip tblaas briebt ha,your op— 'An s tftr4Trip shlneibrieht In Tour " , ayebearri air notanirt been tai.lP Telmer a'. rhea nevi ig tity Mamie: tireith ' mg Inge 1... t should ye adth e'er kethis, Or something nune on., ye no emote— Or maudlin:in mine inner ye no tannin.- - lit bye he your comfort. an eye Le your prkle, Pyre think as u* things Oars uo ramie: The blush th. ye tee Is the blush re the laid, I. far nu yen uo Slue yunr Nattuir_.. yet fey, as yell no tine your Nasal, “While gltttlN grasp raebes aLoctsz the =III dam. I.r op U. lift espy, the lark eherrie; • lieht Lint sp winstaa• walks yhung Willie ram' An fondly be ca'd me Ws tlearie 42statully he and me his deprive'• Ye pals slay thing yell tilla daf mirir rue: The bird's son wad neer enter my door C.. n. thing tak tent. there's nae gold end to vie.- When the rich folk get grit is? the poor— When the rich folk get mit nt the pro," trait )0. lasi Wild, I bit ar'er The Lanka eon 5. Lll bunt enter sour door: rr bee crauln' at givamirt , wi' gold end. In view ra wed me, an male mth i the poor— to wed mo., gm mat nett ti 00 pour. . 'ilia riVil me bin dantie, he rii,l me h dro a bit bits at our panto' embrace: I crate us. VON. for MT heart II Woe by my saucier he road in my rare-- By my framer he real in toy tare.' I rtith•rvs4 lire in any rot than Lu nutr rot. !wk.. whaur To WA, turn. Ye ranal foe rare ter, although T. W blur For tag hoick nunpro,e hag its tig.ro— T , r the bonnie niorkruse liar it, thcra. the rune cam, en 1.11 St - tliir bulked fine. Itie JDung cottag•Artar .Nanale, to claim: int's nu tare that . . human , er looted maindi , In Th re pl It did. ohm ate tack hid proud name— Than It did. when the 14. t td• proud name. That, were thlrle and mirth In 3lnvii-Bant lii An Ilkn knr.pled.ml • fu' twain To th- ..riio young , w boodle, the falrl , to The c.lttager•vidow*P so lonic - The corta;crt widow's w Urrie. The •t.Lxular (.dln m inkstla mouymmlu 014 In stun• The long light ,huke• sena) the lel:, And th. slid eitaraetAzakrs in glory— Mow, bogie. blow: eOC th. sill.,Lne. flying Dlow, Vials AnWer ecEcrl, dfiny, diing. elfin 0 hall" 0 hear! hole thin utl cl,r. A thinner. clearer. farther gala: 0 welt arld far, from 6111 lad. se.. The Lams of ClLland faintly blUiring Blow, let 03 beer the purple glans raplyorg; Blow, bugle: Lamer rzhoes, dying, dying, dying o lore, they die in Ton 'ton .ky, They felre. ea bill, pan nail, on river. Oarixhoes roil from sent. soul, And crow forever and forever— Blow. Magie, Mon net the mild erhoee dying Ant onsiror enigma. answer dying, dying, dying. Great bucaLery. —The English Railway Times t. 43 the following: The decomposition of water has at length been obtained, and that at merelynominal cost and with unerring precision. This great discovery, originating in America, bee been perfected by the experiments of an eminent German chemist, and patented in the three kingdoms by Mr. Shep ard. The carburetted hydrogen may be formed to any extent, which, while possessing an illumi nating power equal to that of coal gas, is capa ble of being itself applied to the same purposes as steam at a remarkably high pressure. This gas is 41a capable of producing an amount of caloric equal to that of lire coal, and consequently well and cheaply fitted to act as a combustible agent in the conversion of water into stew:L— -i hLs tremendous power has been for some time 1- - engaging the attention of our:moat eminent eagl e i• noera, and will, when sufficiently tested, be es t • peril:anted upon before the public. If suecess l. In], as there is every present appearance of its being, the revolution it must effect in the econom ic working of railways, and indeed in every brAnch of trade and manufacture where steam is employ e! as a motive power, in altogether incalculable. It almost opens to the wondering gaze the Utopian vista in which unskilled manual labor shall be no longer necessary. It is sufficient for us te. state that several of the leading railway compa nies are in treaty with the patentee, and that, consequently, if anything whatever is capable of being made out of the discovery, the railway interest, poses at acme the brat benefit and chief honor in its realisation. Magnificent Pietist from the Kung of Pnatia to Profenor Mares.—We have just had the pleamire of seeing a present sent by the King of Prussia to our countryman, Prof. Morse, in acknowledg ment 'of his success in perfecting his Electro- Magnetic Telegraph, which is pronounced by bis Majesty's Commissioner, after comparison and okperiment, to be the most efficient of any in the world for great distances. The present con -51126 of a magnificent solid gold snuff box of ela borate workmanship and design, enclosing" the Prussian Gold Medal for Scientific Merit. The medal has on the face, the medallion head of the Ling. Frederick William IV, enrronnd• et hy exquisitely executed emblems of religion, jrui:Trudence, medicine and the arts; on the re vcrre, Apollo drawn by four fiery steeds in the chariot of the sun traversing the iodise, while from the head of the god the rays of light are •dirtmg abroad.—N. EISEIOVS PATEST Boost DE EIIIICR'.---It is elated by the Now York Express that the parties in , l'. eston who have contracted, for the sum of $50,- 000, to remove the hull of the late 11. S. eteom frigate :Missouri, which lies sunk in the harbor of Gibralter—will accomplish their object by the means of Bishop's patent Boom Derrick.— This machine, adds the Express, has within the I , ' lost year been employed with great sneem in ' t raising wrecks, and in other heavy work in and • 4 about the harbor of New York. It has floated I-.' frpm place to place upon a hull of oufficient buoy ancy, and since its introduction has superseded ! . the use of all other power for lifting heavy weighty ' Boilers and bed plates for the oce an steamers, weighing thirty or forty tons, arc by , it put in place or removed. with as much ease I and accuracy as eggs are thansforrred from one basket to another. Wrecks lying in any depth i: of water are raised and carried into dry dock in Jess time than was formerly required for .plan ning their removal, We learn by the Buffalo Commercial that a , Company has organized in that city, with a cap itol of $OO,OOO to build one of the Derricks for ' hoisting wrecks &v. upon our western waters.— The officers ,are Lucius B. Pratt, President; A. D. Patebin, Treasurer, W. A. Fox, Secretary; I. A. D. Patchin, L. fl. Pratt, John Newman, A. ' Dc Bishop, W. A. Fox, C. M. Reed, and R. Lef ferts, Directors. The stock is nearly all taken, . and the Directors'are receiving propositions for r building the vessel to be ready for work by the let of October. Two ‘ engines kayo been contract { ed for of 600 horse power each. A Soriay ia about to be formed in Paris, under the patronage of the Archbishop, the object of which is to supply bread to the poorer classes at 25 per cent. under the regular price. There can to no doubt that glass will be brought greatly into architectural use by the success of the building in Hyde Park. Colime! Pew, of the Bengal Artillery, is dead at 8e *pure. In 1845, be Was a great Indian speculator, and Worth .02511,000. In 1850, be died s bankrupt. UIIOTA'fOES-100 Nest:law:leek, far male L by ablb n. t W. LIAILLIAI.7OII. Cur S-50 be e llw F " e...ar.l'eSP 7 W.1410;0-100 bble..No: 1 Gibbed, for aut'b.r • ‘4, A4KE --- REL--50 bids. No. 3 Lurp, -- for j. oia by apli k w a.Ekat.4ll. KOS bbls. (soap millers') foir - (Tale to . pl B. s W. lIAILLIACGII. C" S. 2") lbs. for sale b • fi &IT U Rifiton IA.M-100 kegs for sale 1;y 0. a b. lIARBAUaII n i0 1 ,0 7 1.1111 7 -110,,.e gli p it r g e sis r g n . , for ule lt* Liberty 0_ e: 100 bb a. . . or sa a • A. CULBERTSON k co. ," A fresh supply of the celebrated ub Pr •• NM ow, for &a.lly 11.4", Jurt rec and ar br • apls A. CULBERTSON t CO. LEAD-1 cad; White for sale by at. a J. ECIIWNIIARER & CO. LIRSEI) 01L-13 casks, n'arrantetr for ul• • apl6 J. Et.:III)ONMAKEIt a co. ITALIAN CHESTNUTS—just rec'd at 15G I Meet br • CHESTNUTS—just k CO. Orccers sal Tee Learn.. y sa ias-6400 drums Smyrna Figs; .1 60 boxes Extra Verse do. 'receleal and . l* vs Loa m m,cinao s CO, . gala t, • E.; Liberty same r IMO • : SEED-2 bu. prime, for sale br j sy9 HILLER A RICKEISON. n UTTLIt'r -14 kegs on ecmelgnment. for sale _us by ap9 MILLER t EICKEIWN. , ('!OD NISH-9 drums for sate by 11) sp9 MILLER A RICKETSON. L'OIL- 7 12 bbls. Conicling's No. ". anto wb Dr " suLLETia SICSETSo‘ SARDINES --5 canes and 300 halre3 and Irmo B. Osamu EarlitadiWpr omisox SP9 "FIOPS--7 bides Ist, sort Wes. N.:Y. for sale br esor - MILLER HI N 1 I rg bbls. fl ua es o lob .11-11. HELM t =ES MISCELLANEOUS. Pon Orrll7l DLPAIIIIIIXT, March 14, 1851. T BEING DESIRABLE to substitutelocks mal ke ervicern of of sactthe e other ki fo throe .o. in me fur cosil s Un nd Rates r , spernmen locks and kers, MO" proposals to furnish all. Z., will bp received .°, 4 5. it h."4 n yi r . " U Tlm P‘ irldlet l '" lnr . 00th th " 4 ;o1 romeoLon " ,or emmination aorrep w ork. b.. U " rit this re- Kr4=2:'w li kt:AT=l4=VgV.'4lt: right itLe g P4rt of the ea4r4 he time 1 , 11 .. n$ estenclaml cootie. the rontmet In hove for no r ' ll:T;rt= !Lirthet4l'l': l e a faur years. With .•ine of Deur oritts the !net !octal the 10me.1.1 ,, ho kind of lock In pntecrlhrklakastatulart the Depkrinakeot Only for pflortlota otkthe mechkull ko.d.lngrno. iYirhlerataireto .'r lseirtaZ L "L t r 9 lTr/:.:17;;;I:;Cair. It la, however. proper ..to state. that :lock, arrlnthle for l 4 e mall rewire should peak. the following rabillty. oistainalbrillglituesa, mid strength. , For ttui purpose of displacing irhaultaneoriall nil mall Locks d now in use. about thirty theorem! belocks mad bent, thrassand key s adapted thereto. will be reoutred. lobe furstbdust hythe contractor wino. ^e'en nroriths after thy °antrart shall hare teem entered mita af. .rwaids the annual supply will depind on the durahlit of the Locks and keys adopted, so asthelocreaseof mall genie. tint It will probably newer emceed In anion. three thousand of the thrums and one thousand of the tal -INo leek will :be cor n If It be like any already in I an one with whorl tb• ...rct may VoMe l u ll ' artriVi j t mitt, .11.. furnish. any look or literirainillar tollose contracted Mr, air any t, purr.. ur use than that of the DeputromiL The kimi of /inks adopted mart be parental. and the pa tentnv will herequired. nn entelleir no rontr a t. to make ..Ignmetit b. potent for - the oxeltineenee nut ben efit of the Department. If the Poitmaster General stall deem .inch eniuln.ment easential to the intern to of the act to In ewe of We failure of the sontrastor at anytime to fulfil faithfully the terms sad conditions of hie contract. o.n e oend shall hare the right.berldeff a resort to the penal remedy hereinafter mentioned. to annul said contract.and to contract snow with any other party or tarn. es he unix see Pt for fltrlllYht, simil ar leeks std In de.,lltor upon the remounts and c.imenr....fforeit, the ir e per a l de.. It tipedirlit la select for the through matte the hick of one bidder. mutt, the woo malls th. of mother. , lie reserved, tberrfCrs. the rialit of cow traction with different individuals for such different kinds tf locks no be may stele., and also the right to notet all he ...ho e. and propoteal, if he deem )) that .arfe for thethe Department. lite pato or wain, .ntrarting n•Quired gore bond, wiih ample In the stun of thl:l:thoitynd dollar, for fothfitl ,fir 111.130.• t contract II to 0.14011 reoTl+lolo tor thc due nisi proper Inspection of the looks and ken, and IL.. P.O ...antler; et - purist their 1aa.411,4 im hauds; We term. ul` yieernlous he no- LI, Iwtve.,l3 Ow Department and the to.. codul !Alder. if a bid should he accept. ti No appluatistati will he considered if out actomPaninl with satisfactoryesidenor of the trustworthy ✓ eharacter of the bid der. and of US ability to feltl the contr., h. K. linhh. Pochniuder InehV.idatel.trn OENERAL LAND °Flit E, April 4. Issl. N UMERO4 7 S APPLICATIONS HAVING Levu made to thte .1111. e rot I.l.rtzepon tAzttirm to t e tow., in wbleb Lend IVerrata, n th. eet of 2Stl, of Eepteraljez. 0b..111 b.. 1 , ...,1 untrwren th eretollave been prepared. Cr. wit. Tl,t, are !Atte m 4or hl • Ida tlr•ve linaLon.l mxy I. made: • DT the Wrrana. ...11 11, the lt tl-mut, the !mem, o LIN Geller Ity no Agrot ~,Attornry /' the fart of we- ml mode it to:• the oN-h..nti-lt talt.t he made lit vrtik.mr.,..elf, tog the tract, Innd dtstriet re-t cotintry , m which the lm-att.m to th-dred, he to . ,b 11.14 teadarit arconitog to the IMIO. form, l. %11;;.rert.. thlni mode v,rloitnd. a wee , f Attorney Moot hr Irmlur.J. e,cut..+l by the W. 117101, in tbe Am, esor al a wittp,f, arrt We foan.i.. N.- ', the which po ralewer of Ato+o art be ..attomau thonted r.r proeed as may be. tar h • • name tato 1b..n...1g1u...1A eocte, &ern:Aloe h• tonn in nilour, the Pateuti. will In trattemitl., to the I..nuti Ohre where the hate:lon I. made, utiles. el...vial dier.ctloto• to the courr•ry pheo. J. 1111:TTEltrl Cotoml,,,cer Foust So. I. STATE or Coroor or 8.f.,. ma La JAlec of the I.eeoo or other officer author Thad totate aZdatits) polonElly apposnal Iher.in,ert the name o t enter,arr) who bein¢ larr•ru. derqw, eat r.sye, that to Is the identical then: !men name of learran te.,) to whom warrant No —. re•. under the Act of Eleptemhr.r. 1550, was t,ned on the— d.Y ct en 4 who cow whittle, to Coate the value Plakiscitn I.:nature . .S.woro to and kobFcribod before Ina thaa —Jay of i0L9....e. ••Innst ore ; Fun No. 2. KU./ all mrd hy ',remora, the( I, (herr Inorrt the tume cf th. COMM . t , / do money etnotltut. 004 portwAttt tuy tru. ar,..1 Lawful artt,rne,. tar cur and lo mr InEne,l.4 . loratel ll'arrmtat No —, for —,cree 1.011....hteh ts ed under the All a I ,eptember. [Power of 131hititutiou tuay IT ftw.ertni if .Irmt..l j - Signed in peeeence of ) vr•ntre olguttunr FORM Noy. =MEI Oo do, —J ror—.l the year —, restme . ll? t 1.1 I nollTy. dat. I well kzatra! t o nd nano. of clzradle.] sod that he liao same pers.! ohs. 64 steacrilml 1n to within Pmser. and sq.. the came ~J9lmr • rito,ars FoEal No. 4 STATE OF • CpCNTS OF i hereby rertlfy : that nn Any of In the year —, kenema4; .itur le,re , net Iheett th• wan. cd• arid' ihere tu...rt the tun,: of and the .aid :het, .neert the name of witar,..l ne,co; !mown tar me pa, duty rworn by sue. gad on ht. ,r,lth declarp, and ,aald that he sell knew tht pall [bete 10 it thename of watran..., and that hen, the onie p•reot. tn. and who eleenual the a sthln 1,-er , 1 At. to .41 trntiny yam to me •atiffactor, egr,Jeuee. of that tact, na4 the raid here ineert the um., aerr teel therenwt.. pektaml ,e.l the sund 4,1,e hi• t and dent.' - .449 - 4.11 , Grz ) *. Ohio Laboratory; 11 *-' 92 11 111 %ICE .95 lito ). • Per cent. Strength. jOII'ELL. FLETCIIEB. A: CO., 3lnnufacte :en, of ALC3/101, Pure Spirltt Mr Can,. sod Bran. C.pper Dirlihed Vs . p.,e Whiskey alms,. !mod. Corner of }toe sad r mot atm., ClNCl2,l.lthoo. 83-All order, tram I . l.burei ,tit 6 promptly 011-4 .0. lenri , 4 ruark'xt mit.« ,17-1,. ;Wines and Liquors. Au, 167 Lil.ol y rt., Form.,ly Dtuns rrsc actory. b.nttLllf,. ollPlLLibkar,L; J a t - .ocv Er^.— of V "VICK EKES S. STOE V EN F.L. respectfuliv 1•0114Ubnll VlLlin 1.7V0r :r. t.: st! Oat e kcep • 1411 anurtLyntot 1114 , 1,e.! sod French an whstr S . . Ab k 11411 n Brandi., of J,tu.:1,.. rum: IL.lland gin Isten Whl key: shat laud ,markinur honk wine, nmd brand, pen wttu, ,herrY a n d must Ur!, Abegatbe, AlNLearclices. IfulLaml herein..., Psi e and Limburg Cbee.e All .i rr.ltr.ll.n , uf which thr, 11 7,1"1!'"' m tannin h 4 Importattuu Ink toe city of Nluek. tuabled to a ll • es and • I.tter artiele than ,koy other - bou.• I duo uity Neu , . ,ose u• • roll , ta.fure , „,,,a parch... obwv(here. rupplkd fret of tLltra et.....rze : end at,L. node/ LACK SATIN I'ESTINGL ,, -We Int,. et fon ar, Woe:A it the Menem nn ,nehuliu• )iSt 121,CM, bupertne NI f.ilfV F , CRCLITTOI.I, - I,trALL I'APER OF MY OWN :11 AN P. 1 ,% FAC#IIE—A large ...m1 rad aisurtmeut .1. way, on hand,. in market et. 41).1(5. RUO3le 36U A faun; and common, for ap: LN WAY/1101/1N TIOWDER SLIP. EL3l—'2.oo lira. iust rec'd sat tsr este by J Mitt , 10 11.,.1 .1 . PARISIIREEN-30 can n..o..urted for sale by ••1 t, .1 J. SCIII/oNIAIi Ell I 1 . 0. FLAXSEED OIL—II lAA, pure, from Weetuyoieltml exyunry, for eel , . by aplf• JOHN WATT t , Litwety at. TRENTON CRACKERS—A new article • .09 " Wll. A. MrCLUIU) 6 al. LARD OIL-40 Barrels No. 1 Lard Oil rtv'd this day per 8. B. North Rtrrr, amcl fur r.l. hy apIN A. W. lIARBA G RAIN -200 1,11. Oate; kr, ror sale Cy apßs McGILL:3 a Rot, QUAD AND EfE r tßlNG—New Baltimore NOrd and Ilerra 'd sod for Fal.. by .plf JOHN WATT & CO MANGANESE - 54 bbls around, for Glass Matt, far ask sr) BENNETT,BERP.T a Corr .plc 11 oer rtrurt. HUES --15 0 doz. bTaicast steel, for sale by ..pt . L. B. WATERMAN a eons. C , CYTHF SNEATILS-- , -350 doz. extra and 1.0 common. : for ASIA at Jr . r_4ur t u ir riT ß lp A n . 4 , 7 V ow, apt FuORK.S:4-7li doz. best east steel flay Forks; 90 - '' .. - four prouP.l attune Forks; for rale by .pi . I. S. TY ATERMAN t SONS. I NUOa r ICE HOOT-50 lbs. f'on'd, for EA ...le by , ap7 It. E SELLERS.. P !JUBA:ail-A cones Poted, for sale by I_ll, apt R. E. et:Luls OIL SP4UCE---I cases for sale by sia It. E. SELLERS IROU ! TeRIERIC-2 bbls. for sale by se7 it E. SELLERS. T'IOM'S Extract of Sarsaparilla and Co pswis. vrirruart.l genuine, for ca7e R. E. sr.LLEite. The beet Green Tea in Pittsburgh. QOSIE New Crop Yuung llygon l'en has be.ro r‘,,, , lvrd, Mani, Ire Hose , sn h laman e S, br me:4,th 414 fleet. . hem any an 2 41.10 U LOERS-9000 pieeee in ' , alt. arrived 47 and tor L T MARDI JONES & [ILO 1R91N . -35 tans Allegheny, ta sale by a 4,7 J. 4 L k 141141 Suiruon,and Luke—Trout, J : for 441..1 , 4 JOHN WATT en bUg,. ass'd Num., 11,r _ WATT a Or B ACON -II cask:, Hamm; 10 " Shoulder. : Lama, tram rt CYO May, foe sale RI •D 7 baler landing train str. C ar OTTOS - ,;--4 May. foe Ly_ap7_ ISAIAH DICKEY e LS, seekir binding from rtr. e.er 347, br wla b ' ISMAIL DICEF.I l 1., an% • - Witt . 6l:)-10 1 ) bbls. Chipped:fur mtl.• h, aps ! J. et" 1100NNLAK Lit • Co. B ACONt--25 etuti;primeS6 , .7tiltierti; id••. ter . 4 1, S, W A T r.1014".1 . /I SONS, .. ~ ~.0 ...I st Maer....l C.l f a-4i Rireet B ACONT--3 . 3 . 813, casks Hams; 3 - tamale.: Pri... muaa , .".. '" 6'nd*r.l ('' '''' t. BLOWN k K I NE PATRIC , . art , ' . PENN iiIiEEI'INGS r e duced (33 8 cents. .11oNaTc....n 7, , i .. pt" , KENNEDY. CLIILDN A Co. ... ------- - ItAISDW& FIGS-100 Dx. B'eh Raiesine; .0) i J. I....rkiffee DRY GOODS, &c 1i0 1 4 31 9 , TrOullingg. mid Lace Goode EIL EATDN..62 Fsurtb street, between Market and Woad. invites the attention of whoiet nd retail boyars to Yds large rflul Well selecrod argon. ""rfaßirdalikArsti „jo il r eri ,, an am ilose md . 4. half u lf . ra i. and nine. slanted and Plain soat.thihhaarr. Mack WM as sal Flouncing Leer, Dress Mamas end Trinuningr ii lore Carom tJadervieeves . and eibg mated full : Premien Worked Collars thecae...ilea, and Cuffs F4 1 4 ::111 t don tit Fr ' TigiVndTtotte r tine .hirta. Under e. and Dressladt /owns: pr,:prea r tlea, Tape. Hutt and braid: Shell. Ivory. and Wan Craa/vr 11.1, and Teeth Brushes; Pathan/Ty:Ow a nd coranom Fano and Parasol; Zephyr Worsted Canvas and Paim.l i /mil.' SNOW.. traits, and • ifteelelor w a lking Shim. with a great lariat!' of smell wares and earful Fancy Mild,., which he offers at the lowest rates rUhoe he earn or appeared credit arehilso A. MASON & CO. No. 62 and 64 Mar s tat Goon. are now opellille g per enigma, another et el Crape Shawls. emb'd. limnast., and plant. dpi Irr A ItLETON TRIAIMINGS--A. A. Mason d Co. fume erred per express. • large assortineat of Tarlatan Trimming% Lam, Miriade. *o. 5u.7.3 11 , 0SIERY GLOVES—Now' opening at A. A. MASON A COS. a full mannment of Itedery and i .P:ra RoutiliT COLLARS & CA PES--Ree'd •of ~ t ex • amen, at it A. MASON a CO'S, • new assort. meat the above good.. INED PARASOLS--A choice lot of the j latest style% for eats to .A. A. MASON A CO. apTI Cr and tiS wstastia. LACK SILKS—We offer Gtr sale every Jurl.: Led price g•I w. ditlerent mak ny of l.litek so= ow A. A. MAAIN t 01).. Marini al. or iSSINIERES-90 piers Caney and black. IL) for Md. hy apse. C. AI[BUYIINOT. HESS LAWNS--4 eases printed. a great variety of Pattrrns fur rale ap= C ARDItTIINOP. BERAGE UE LAINS--2 easeA demiratde tt d les for sale to non C. AKIIIITIINOT. 111BBONS--300 ps Bonnet. .25u Cap, for L e AItIn!TIINDT. JUST 11Elb"11 .IND Is;OIV iI'IINING 1T CI WSJ DIGDY - S. Nn.138 .5 eery lar., mat tutprrad Paden td Fanhionable thud, ,4aperd tt. Gent kmu r n Wear for it vine' rnMPrhnntf t the newest In Amerman. Enalish. aet french Canal tvrt a very tpl.nuild Latartmeut of Veethans and Chdhe td every Lmln,lablr 'hada and radar; ahlrh,tonether loth largoand toll manufactured rack of READY 31ADE Istal,s one of tier largort and best enlisted • tncks went of tea Allogiumtvc all of which the Proprietor it dendtutned to nerr at sneh pride. as will means all ho fat er hitt with rnil. that not only tint moat aupertar ..dothtur en told at this ....t.a.lolnhtnent. lout also at Ilse the und at atrial. In the lc. t p0,11.1r manner. end at the ah..rtrnt tv.r.• orbit Straw Bonnet and Etat Warehouse, NO. 105 IIIdIIKET STREET, I, 11. PALMER °Wen+ for .le, 'at very E ;dn...., a full aF•nrtund :di,. and dldlin Ta ';'' L ' Si: E al4 llL .lin F l ' P ' 2 3 rAPVllll t' t ' ut n ,lfa; '' r ' : . P= ll :t 7 . Ldrn, Le HA:ll , 7Nlplio, lout and Bop.' L:gborn. Lewdanl Maiol , traar. Pnnatna. an,l Pain; Lcaf. In- Lon:born. I;ratd. ai d , 11,, r Jvnur Utz& and eller !dr.., in gnat odd .dy •halv an 4 material. /i/R/107tich Rounet end Senrf. rlsln fadin and ra nk thr IC n crtun, sot, . . . • • . .s, .ill" 1171.11.411..VC-9—{"cmd, Ta•teir, dh.trc d .,, Brp.ds 1-.lenderr. dc , . PLO 117RS—Imacti and Amen,an nalgr.hunthes and avarate, neh and novel odyle. EOV%PI SILKS AND SA TINS-4lare. Om de Na in, Urn. de Rhin, ikracce, and ctler HJlea, ae•onni q.line. and rt,lnta. 111.9—A.awanni nualdiee and color. nleo—lllch and low yrind Itna.4l/1 and Caribrellat, Band oachlY CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Fu. • W. MeCLIWTOCK I. u.,a ..,11.41130) recol,ing Li! epring :it:AA of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & TRIMMINGS t2c , onrisin, in Nan the f:4l,miug varleti44 • CARPETS ARD-20 kegs NO, I Land, awl 2 I,bla Can, 11110 Velvrt hie C. 4n. do. T.t...tri Lira. decor b) It, I.ALLELL A C d.. Jo tiro•nek ..stra .12Prl 3 ply. .uvrtin, 3 J “tra oar J.. coo ; do • rottoudo, - • • 4 4. 3. S., ayd 34 Vetiltlona. UALLiiALLS---1..!.. boxels and 10 lobl,for pirdo do • 44, vool 424 ...non Is ..1.7 try it DALZLLL A CO. RI:OS, MATS, OIL CLOTHS, sc. .In . ch2l Libart7 sUrot. Extra Ch..'11,, }War. fin. dd- du.run tutted dr, .. cur; SIJNDRIES -4,.. do , outatnan du n.. (trai 1.4:0r M at,, tufted do do .: , ~.r , ..,..„ ;c r ...., p,„ • Mt. :ism do. do; Adrlanle do. do, Thrum do do ,i, dot BA! Cords Crutob Clote Ittn, dn. Barking 12-4, , i-4. and 24 1 14 kegs d's stunner Trba- , t, Al.o-theet Oil Cloth. rot to 114 any rite hall or ro.-m aki La. C.L..., . 5-4,7 4. t. 4, a I. 4.4. And a-4 oil ci.stna. :.5..0 cats c...., sTAIR RODS, R 1 . 0 TABLE COVERS, se tot 5,a(..,,,.. AI,- eimr Itnds.ol all .114, Carl* , btralMA. 1 . 44, Car• , .1 bhla Vinegar. In awry and I, rale hy 1...50L1: 4 -U BENNETT, I. •ts Rs, So., 6.4,44. and:,.. 11.anumps Table Lthen. Crub ~,,, 00.1 Diaper: hurkel.m.k dr, Tratoparent lllndarr 021.1.4 . t't'.-'. ll2 bromd. and 151 Irma atzr..l. ____ 1.,,t1 Window Holland. Vomit:au litindc Xl:aboard hat-. C ....... .1,, T.Alr dt._ do. :Wad drl4 Burled Table th. I/VEINED SUGARS, ke--- 11.00 c Imparted and ratrrhamod our A.-Yd....4.4 from rt.. , 'A/ boleti Et 11 LarCa Lmt NW , . Im,-. r4lobrated 1act.,11..., purr ing of th. L... .0.1 Imo. •I• , 2V., bbla Cru•hed Bogor. r rated otyles mad 0.. ort. yrt•Parwt, to .tell to ott,, 17i , • “ Pr•adend •• 1...nd. and ru.totort• at 1.4,x, 01 .. ,4 44 a 4 . 4 1. mn t.4',;,,,,,' ot., •• Clatiewil - 44 , 4 d may n qr t.,.• 2.141,14 (Vut :t, - i/ol Ito and Clanll:4 ed - rttpn It e rspltally p in to all to tall 4,0 , 1 cra.lnr cur .t.. 0 ex .• - ~, ii Srruy. Si,l4/43-1, 6.51 -.^/ 4Li The Gtr .e t Warehouse, t.. 5 Fourth strtet. .... JA.5.11:e A tIICTCIIIW . N A Cll to.,L-. 4,41. t. et i...... 1. fo4g•a.: it.ll. ri ulehlli - W. Mck,`LINTOCIi. i„UGAR- 9 2 hhas N u. to arrive this day. L.! IIAW LS St 111(E17S tiOOIOS—IL CA It t,13.5 4 7 tar W., by 4,4:1,24 , 4 4lt 11,11,11.4 14111 a- t -1 1 .. ,:P t ‘ r,',,',..' t tt k . ' n . "l ' -‘"'",;•• ." ° ".,‘ , , e r. r• "f ."'• ' I.IOLASSES- 2 140 LLD. N 0 for salt, bv ..d nr .14.1 t La u.r. Par, ..,...a Pot,llu , , C.totta a :rvi Jac, r....t4.. .44 14 -1. 0(124 0 AST 11 thilAL i4ll - .. ti o i rrnc LACK FRENCH cLOTLIS--.Mcseat S. ' 1. 4 GGs-- A ft, - Oils (fro hll for rule lot Itzr.rnrird.o ha,. n• , ...,,..0 ant St.rts,a iait.l4., , 1.4 0.121 .4 - 4, AIN 11.41111ACtill h ,21.314., 4.44,..1 t•Lltti areat ca.rr. sr.l, m•da th. ...11: 4 erothnorn a 441,140 , I , 4,4pl , 4thrmuler• atth.,. LARD- -10 bhls. &75 kg 3. No I Lard, in c.. 1 ,••.:.1 .1,,, an./ 1,4 ...l. r , , mchlt , A IV lIALBACI/44. 'II,IIFITER.-ItO crocks and are, for .ale hy , RD shit J 4, it 1LL44451, a CO.' RICE- 10 tc. 1 5i kcc 3 c ,,,,,,,..1,, ‘ 1,..1 - ,- , , if , LOTIIES i'INS--31 111124•41 1".. aah. by , silo alto ,ti A k Illl(Parli4Cl.4 NJ ayl 4 J. It Si ILLIAII, aco g k tlt ED A I'I . LES • I a 4 ha. for xalo by PPO lIAIXU , --' , kegs No. I Twist, G0dg.,..... I IL' apt , . 144t41 "., a liIithPATILICC I, brandsr,-*lrmar t.., ii a.4tsneton. aml for oat by ' 4,,S 1 Ith I' SIuLASSE.' -,1.1 WS- s II , 1.. r 4012 3.4.0 Da Li-4,1. 1 4 Wat, At 1 ~_,.,.; ~ 4 0 t 1 0 .11.:0' . . - _.. . -. ji . ripANNEI-01' tilL-1 , . bhls. Ito arris'e) • ILO' ' triLf. IstitEß-10 11,1 s. ; c04..i 11, gain . : ..by oat IA t 3 D', aCo p I sows to Art c t',o TIVIA.KEI 1.-SIIILII-100 11 lbs. (t, - . arrire(- lor Aci,N .i. 10r Nal.. hr at.l2 J lan , a co. 131 10UltNT SENNA• -ev” IL,. (to arrive) for . ' ''.... , 0 .11_, ...hi, •pl 2 J KIDD a Co. . ` C:. 1.1,111 t --, , ,,(0 t,,,, V IT. LOG WOOL/I-200 Hos. (to arrive) for 3 , ~, 1.210 ~, i fl:4 rale 1, apl2 J 1111/1. , A Clo • ' ~ /".; - . . i RSENIC--s kegs Puts - 'a, for ,al, by 1 I.IEANS 100 101 IV ~.Ik, .y. I, A. FA/1144EtTi4Cli 4; 4:4, •1) I. .2 , .• • au. 1.. Pala A,i Morris' Celebrated Teas ' - TILE REST IN I'ITTSIIURGII. in the Cti,t ond .1 , 1,...r fmto Inamond .411.1. TS :: '.' ttr l,T.n' I;:;:ri. . * Pr..-1..1, lb.. , 41144 am.t. 0 . 1 111 art Ira that er... , .1.1 la t• , .. Ild 4:mint,. .• 1 40.1 ..• 14 1 , •0,1 .11 .01,1 dad, at 1,., . •141 ~, a 4,4 01 .1 -.../ and ..,... I. rt. P.,. taldt ..t T.,. ~.4,,... 0.., 41,,,,Jr..., at an, other ..t..r. iss Eitt.,44,-.2, . . . S, :;v r. Lune, Ht & Co.', improved ' Pa:Lill:l ' AV. A 1N4.11.4.11AN1, ,14 No tic Warr stn.., J ) HIED t,pl ' Wou.: HA, blot No. I. t, I - 3 by tIPI , AWN WATT 201. ELI KRIIIN‘; II) lad.. N. I (new) for.alc by oplo I:CHA:IIKit, Y. -4.11A1,-- No. I (neg . ) for rtlo Icy INUI(RANI. lllllT.terstre..t. IJIAPEIL 11AINGINGS----Frnin C. 1-4 en, to JJLL so. for by VI ALTE.It I . .3IARSHALL. .t. f. CAKE 1 . 1()0T---104 , 11.3. (Son.-a) fta tali. 1.3 a.ll It E SEL.IO:IIS.:, \Corwin. OAP-110 boxes N? . . 1 Rosin; went oka4 for mule Dr II A.1'4111;11r.441‘1rAZ."4 aplb na Liberty it It Ai ALE"' A 25 rL i n ' t i . t 44 fi ,.!w " , 0 2.7 1 , 0 i l ls ALABRI A LIQUORICE—I else for enle 00 Ilia , it. E. kail.t.as. MINK I{ool —2OO Ito f,r role by a n te 11 .11.1.LMIS VENNEL SEED-- 93 the recd and for tulle br You' it it eta-Lana I lON—i2 bales now lutultnr from au. May flocr.r stle t DI( Kt 1 /1 CO oplb U Met tut brunt eta. ifIROUND NUTS-20 sack', in store, for ho agile ISAIAII DICKEY L CO likrALL PAPER—Just reed, unotberlarge lot ut bittern Paper .1 beautiful frattenia, tad at rerylmo yrsur, fur bed chamber., Wallis 100014, hal* of tl es te 400 f 111 & PALM Ell, 15 Market sl SOAP-30 bat, tor ,ale by ra.nutu.asisnat CO . t.ARBONA'f}: Alq310&IA--1 cask ,jot . rc•ivrd and I, t,y apl6 J. ECTIOUNMAKER I CO FOWDER OF UINUER-1 Ipra. reed and re par b, a a. SELLERS, giplo No. 57 IVuud • • • _ bbls. reed awl fur sale by soa . m. r wibsos, 147 Front rt. 11, tfinATie 1T lund and for .ale by apt: lIENNETT, la:1110i 1 80 .q()Q v. m LINTOCIVS. ptrpet arehouse, luurtn rtrect. . _ _ * DEAR] , ASII-9 enoko for sale by ant: W ILSON. 147 i . r4.nt nt PLASTER -20 bbls. White, fur sale. by .ply V d 1. W11.....0N. IC Mut •L BACON -25,000 lbs. prime Shoulders; 10 *0 Hats.: 0r gale b, apl7 ]l.ll LLS l It. LAMP ILALL.---Having fitted up a fine dhow licoto 10 thr Arotut itor). won rof bola? 110 r. arat Lottapirte rtoct of Corurilt. At Go.'a bard Lwops— the brat material, wtainawhip, end light uva orw. Parka, hopper, and E.dr 0•011 , 1 tkr,..Two. sod Stn.: Light Vhauool.,3, Chur - -bra, !Wis. Haat" and 010,7 low prooo. W. W. WILTON. apl7 EAS CIIANDELIERS s. FIXTURES-- Aft The lervat stock In the city. andat pte , n ata: W. W WILSON. , PL F:N1)11) FRENCH PAPtiit INC.: , In: Patlor• and Draartlin --tinid and Vei ilquet and Decoratom Prouch Paper. ~br u t bnlbanrr nf coloring, Plenan..of aryl.. and pup.rlorify 4.1 nn,: h. 4-an hardly b. aurpaaara,uat n.e'd and for pal, am-unamodzunc h-em., PALMER. 0017 SS Market atrret. 13111/NEEL:A very superior quality, seldom In 'O .r.d .r nf " e'd fl` .:rt 4 aple 131. A. Met L 14 4 e- WII ITE WAX-1 rase reed tn E d f4raale , by IQUORIOE ROOT --OW/ thr sale Ly 1A 4011 it E sI.LIIII 1101V1) ALOES-50 Itis. Ibr ears - 4EiViNo 1,1,1 A Baltimore 9, Nan. Lute. , mn n • ore .n4l : : 0 ; k I 1 IYAI4II LICKEI t London Pickles and Sinces. U r.teiveil at No. 2.5 G Liberty street, voznew 4 lOneavveire relell,ted PA/. nwl :nue., 4menag on" be knoel PitlOnlOcztins. One. we/01On :'sore. Walnut., tn-Lorr Put.. 3;l::"ll'ulu'r'.""'.. 31n1 i C at i e n . I n • Eno. of AnctrOVltA W "A. Io MeCLI3.IIO CO, llWit 111.1.1 s and Tr Le• Jan. GROCERIES, &c ph Streets, Pittsburgh, ORE, and to arrive Chia of Miro. ntroat the etto. rettow.lB Wm. . 118 down Yount Zit. 11 soh to W &volt, e , ...a Pore Starch. 8•1.8388, 5 note. N. 0. m o w. • • 13 8. 11. ennui. of Wood and F H . AVE NOW IN STI rouTrlos Isamu me Gamed on t 110 catty Ludes Deem deem em 4.5 hi. t sheds d do. " Melees tCLnlex WO GAP RI. Codes IS " Lug:tea Lod Jam: ts./ beam Ifs, I. ded 1. 11 . lump Tobacco: .S !sat. 1 ess.l3 Slat. Ssmq da o. do. 2 si uf I, do. Psilmom Go Ma gelded Ilerrilur. I lee Iladdse. 3 I,dl lluvee bags pepper d ensue, 1.612.1..?5.utms - a!olden nap; 2.5 Crcuthed. awl P0wd , ...19041.r 35'0 I. teedleuli k drum. Exuma WilniSoNas. mPruper, WI. Sicily • L LUIBA Huck 10 Cl. , 4atdr, Ovalle k LP: 12405. 541111 arr bbl. Pup. Cub. 1 Cr..., Tama; I com, rem I Sag, ----- 10 Mu= TO ••• Canis; lo ° Cloy, 2 bble..larrett's Snuff; 15 lone! Stearin Caudle, 1.1) ° Star Sirs!, ana ibetiood .‘171.1 1t...[, EMECIIMI bbl. Floor iiulphor. 100 rows Motob, lu dos. Extract. of Lefoon • IUo 41:1e0 Blarkicu. ♦ lOU b.. ruroordt•like Flour. lOU •• 8.1% lud.x, 20 doz. • • 5.1 Vanilla, 5 Latroa, Suva, I rasa, Sal Sala: •• . • . IGu Coz-n Broom, Ohm. Nall, Wbite led. L lUNDRIES i 2.47 Ws. prlcan It. Cake; 1 pkvl , lLl-1., 1111 P rlack 110 1 . 0 0. 1.r5 T 11.... and m, 10.. We: DOM Culdsh: 200 box.o. 1000011 N. C. Thr. 50 " Loaf er'd :Wear. 100 rah, nava.. ttn Ses.rn; 2 0010. 312.1 d., 4 remoir.t. 10 ,1 / 1 0: ,150 by, 5110. 10112 100 Lr: s r , e . t h eztl i rt. Flg.kv! ;Alto Lip. N. 1,2 ' lCcereal: fit , 1,10!! Nu. 1,2, NA kodl 0.111,, , a Mt ..ll.lmin 1i! . Tatmorelill; 101 1 0 inn. Lamp 110, ion .101.• Burke.; Tub, N o.l.+ogur and 3lnlalseA,. • :al a...041c0.,rit For K/ leht mr1414 80u 1.. M. E. d L. Ital_•lns :4000 Ae Altunudog :15 b.lae Matti \IIO, 3 •• Eng. Wnintoo. 0 0 Onund Nora; :00 drums etMZ:= , - h •• Loni. Rugs,: lon.tulirtehulr, . • rickh,, 0.000 Pt.nrlN :.,000n, r.yuti =WE • . lOU 1311 K4.trr. 2uaar and Water Owl:re, 101.13 Ale; 111 , -, C. &. II Taw,. lin. cut •• 2011 tinned Itu.lu .200 j P. • M.entull.c , . Lted firoutnt and Un. rating and 11'rapping Paper. cwirn and T•nnt: , nitn n grn. allx knia In nun line. KNOLLnII LIENNE3T. ' nacond, and 151 groat ft. RDON, U. L. S. G Produce, Commitsio JI ERC No. 78 .Nosh S and Forwarding [ANT. EffMl=l ►KITE undersigned, reft "s h .'4a . . usonarn. for travrnolakK I4EENAL PRONEEE I ronoomiort vrlth the F.) 1-1;17:11;litir; Agent for the Penn wing n nu a l ha ~ n m et utd. nu CO.V.V/S . N/ON ORWARDINO UL'SINE.un maul 111,1•11.,1 IT hitt.. . I tour. dram. L GORDoN. Prt.roloAr. March. 1841. 001., fur Ornrenr%, Visit. A( DrvmDtif exenatrd lIETERENC24. Los., John Sullleen & Bun%SC. B,err 4 B , n+, TB. J. t arm. A Co., John McColloirb A Co, Write Wilson, David !lays&G Purell.llalettler• Doreee, Miller A Mr. L. Turnbull. Dad & Sled. Robert liarrutt Bone, J up lif•ome—ltaltlmare Mews. It. Crensle & Wbnallue. V. Nitoar. Clerk Thaw, Henry' Urid. Mt J. IC Kerr, liarritburr, Jam.. Cowden, DK., Columbia 3IO.". vArrs 31 P. A. A ullbol R. SAW, lan k Rat, Blairsville M York. Mean" James dteel A Co., Lod. • Butler, Ituledelphla mehMhttagram UG AR AND 310 LASSES-• 7G hhd~ MIU P " . Vot,%, tn , 13::5 • JAMEI lIUTCIII,uN a Co LOAF SUGAR—a* bls. Small, for nal. by 2S JAMCe w. lITTCHIBOti a CO NI 0. SUGAR-25 hluis. for sale by • mebtS JAS DALZEI.L. a 1 Watar _ . _ ISM AI All DICKCY R C Dtiwl ApplcE; Pearl Ash' I Potash. Pr 14t., ‘1 I 1 arnrl LISII A FlF.7iNrrt atA Fi4l, ' Why 12311121=1 OLAJ: L.lllll LAM PS. CIIANDELIEES Ortuktortital anal 1 . 11:n :urprosuc Ladipan,ChUrrh Neat, eoh.y aut... ma And AL,. new and beau. ptttrro , ul Cn]. sod mode t.aaup., at , ti the itnrivulted maotife., tor,. C , rneltua t Co , and at W - 4 11 .1 II E SF. 1". COM3IISSION the •ute rf Dr.serttr, IV,len. awl Ciltoo .treet Pittsburgh utha at .I.ml o. 0,0 any h•arrintiuti of 11 - 0;,1 Ia 1 , 12,1.,1•0, febl7 /1.111: 10-P,IRTN ERSII I P IIEItETOFOIIE' I...twrrn the mbreylbers,under Itu ay!. ot this day diarultrrd Ly ututuai Illt VLEIIINII, IL PLESIInJ. Ira Iler-a, .a II L Fhquinn I. authorised to um the I. Cr' the tat , Urn, to Clot artUrtneut ~1 their Lualtr.ra PM: - • V m ISSOLUTIIJN OF PAItTNERSIIIP— , ~,zief hip hry..4.forr ealatiop bets:ern air ntr taut , it, -We rharlittl a White. waa tm the Ire day ..1 January, 1001, by toutua.l cuo. r.ot. Eltbry anal.rep h.ta will attend to aettling up n. trteino... uttiorl."l to um thenause of theta.. """N'_"" ar Februy IT, 'IA EW rittii•--If. C. Shacklett and William It ° ea . ...Li: uuder the Iltm of 11. C. Phactlett t ,h, at...n. lately orruplett hy Pharklett Whitt. No. 101 Wont eteret II C silackulrr, lebl I %Val. PAVNR. : COTTON —l2. bairn to arrive tler :llayth.wer; aubmeribera bent. landloa pry hlrwratner- 00 teal. Lioal , red lot.. C,PaytarraLlpander thy arm of naafi., Sry let NICKEY h CO.. At 1000 t .5 B_PCAIFE, anti Water ani Front at,. JA3IES ATKINEON, JOIN St 01( ELY. irjOLDEN SYIIII P-10 hf. bbla. for Bale too R. t T. WILSON. Mia= MEW COMEMENE Watcr tit, !rt. 0... HICKL‘ t _ . rime taker, Tor Hai JOHN NrArr *Co VEACIIES-200 S „ TAliell— 15 hoze3 AtiK t, EltEl,- ,, • 4(j .t ! , 17 . • s ,:r Fax . r.iluat reed ,trAd ale l.r.v he A urtalil N 1 Cu. .1.. N. Largo. 1%,r A I 01... .ks and 175 ...,I.pwrza. • trrazatol aaml h••• J Si./I..nN3I.AKER •Co LNDIGO -3 CLLSCS Manilla, for oak by ON J. 601,JONSIAKEit s 4241. rrEA--so Y. IL, for Yale by 12AI All DICKEI ° & CO, Um,r and mat S till A 11-41 i tihily. prime N. 04 111 apio instilled. for ' , slob, toWN a KILIKPkTRICK S—,-150 bills. N. O.; . for g.ln br xplke BROWN 6 KIIIF:PATRICK IWOIIES A co , Proprietors of SUMAC -25 bags Sicily, fur sale h's it A PAIINFSVOCWA Co ' -111C11 .1... , : t i w b i tl a l L' i o l r .d• -'- '4" il t ,.....y c V l 4 = ii.. ... Si t i ge d er .. h V ii t bea t .. S A LA.D SA lICE—II ray's Sauce fur dress I I Tria..7 .. 7 , 1 , 1 ,711,,!rA1t71 : , , gr r ' A b i g.l"• • ll= alt.. ' tb-r hest j ' n ' 2 ‘ l". itll ,711:ttlif "'°- ° 1 I '..d ,„..d.r.h,..a. L'ilme., L °-, arty nACO . ihd Libor's et ., „L„, si a t '''"" ' 'tit: " ACO ans In posereelon of the beet and t 1 000r1 NUTS-2 bales reed and for .le 1 .I . "`,''J,,, I,jr arlee in . the Coded etat the quality of %_, Er said " M ' Mr ‘ Lt ' " '"' I it:ar:irate; is lad), If lad Nora, to the Nat 11 chill LIRENCII UOLD PAPER FUR pAIILTORS Vut i l 4* eia. ' t h, 7." t b. ' ll., 3 tl, "'", ir " ..?. ‘ r h k7essn ' assi ' ''aP'et4tr"dthP.2.l.lae.... ju -A bsautlfut article. jun re , d alai for *ale by I rAtatirso Itt Wearing a yet - drily tratertqa mot Death ads 1110 e PA LIMP No 64. ilartet et tas t ueli completed at a• reason• le a plea par and h4 u ,.. eis the trade . FVI XT. COLOCENTIT COMP'LI-40 lb, for I ''' ' '., ' ,qt - Lt: tirnlarly recommend their siaos to be 4 sate by . pd IS A FAME/al/CH ACO I tut uu lath iststetlgi nglt , t , ther b t , t ti rll be of adrantage 1011liteSTON'S EXTRACTS—Lemon, Rose, 'l ,l '.l:,,t , ts . nfr t 's mrns. .4 slaunrous beseen-stol jj and Vanilla, for ou by I Nlr. Thomas Yam, one or the rmwsni. May &lath, am- P! It AFA lIN ESTOCit A (NI , sidled anj 0 0 1 — di o .' o ' . d v T . ZATt u rdr i 'avjs. 4 •g . Op FISH-10 eask's just rer'd and for sale . sr costestuurnpnnons no.. A IT LIIEMTAON t CO feb26ll2tior lut ‘j ap b, / - - --,...._ . „ .„ rATEN T MEDICINES, &c.—A large stock L ALLAH 011.--21) Baskets Just,tee u ttnid. , in at m, and fur ..It on the malt Ifberal le/Mfl. vi.: 1.3 for We lit [apl) 'A. OULIikaiTSON 2OU I miliitio °Mamma lArintialle falls 1 eimui Amd. i , ,A404k1e• Drone i ILARET IV INE-100 boxes choice brands i - }Mantis' tall ot bst,sm es Martha l,_) on hand and for pale ts 1 Perm. and Bone Liniment Bloolgood's Vail st health 60 b CULBETSCIN* C.O : 0 Pala" , 'L . '. e° British 011 CarpontsesExtrareof Bnebn glocul.NEAL-15 2 . A lls , ..f u o z z i La T l oc e Conti Plaster 1....) e _pp liallirs Carminailee Denoratlee tlyrut for the IWIIISKEY-96 blas w . A r i le: N d ol p v e n r hY :s:tr =w l" .. ° 7l- 34 : 1 r i. l. .... !: : : : .:" ::::: : E ., : r f' sei .:7 B : : ;:: : : ' ,i7o 3 , :y o . p e ptle e n u'. la, SlpKhrle.vilL tress T china!, Mid for sale by L ' ... tif NlMermlat I , apu :: 912111•010,1 I IlltE--100 bble. fresh Louisville, for sale !! 'Zub."” I 0011 .' -Jaime " Ilerannint sa W. dF. WILSON, .• iierman lit First, and 11l Second at i. •• Mile " Lavender i ••• likives , _ • )HINTING MATERlALS—Printer's cop- '' ~,:,;Q,.,,'l,'ltts°S.. 1 .: lirmtssi per and wooden galley., alied• galleys. fam il ial, res• ~ .. tieldbM 1 - Sarum, (Cr Beer tr.eiab.k.....= roles, i mi n d , . ‘ ii , ieli c o L rY E rLn r a, l; s • in e gi rfA e, il , icab y le s and rft er,. . o oi n blii ir i e n n ,:. p ft , T tr e , it , er 3 E = TO ,7: M . ,..,, lgif en. r .Livr, S•sum's P.oartm Printing Uttea 3rd, between Market mat Ferry ate ) turlington'y lialnam Lliolden Tincture febLli Ametimn eidry, , 1 ermifuge Inarlem 01 1 ' li arm Ten Morse Powder 1 ACTUCARIUM—EngIish imported, for At the Brag store of ! Wend N. WICKLMMAM. 1.4 Pad, by roehb B. A. P AIL imported, 2 I.V. •^4 nntoor of Wood and Math stride 11111)1r IC—lii bladders, in assorted sized 1., m packages, ter wile LT .. . _ lib B. A. FALINESTOCK 101) LIVER OIL IJ ,Irangla. Itthtext.. Cis A 'Warranted pure, Tner iiryt muut HIDES received rind t. L W. lIARBAUGH jj IDES-WO DRY j tor Kul. br mar? CIIA3IPAGNE and f ..„ Tr i t , Drcwle kckt ngtahtl,y on 13.4 runt for sole hy 1.01 A. COLBEHT,frIN k CA Y l. lltON-200 tons Forge, fur sale by AMIN WATT a A . 7' LEs s. H kl-- , OliS2 fine Canal Mules, I May nom. far .21, 01 __.pS JOHN WATT LUE-:3 bide. best White; 1.11 Don.: ormori far rale I,t-• .1. 91.1:10011.11A},. FR 2 Co ree'd, irvery , !hoiee agrortuf Perfuuvry t rig Fgury gu.g. g. gns .rtrgute fd th. Ilaultsdchirt Pomsdes, Tooth gurt, Ydr,d.r, the drug store or s 11. ITICREILSII/131. spit, corner of Word and girth rt. NIAGAZINES FOR APRIL.- li,loyo Lady', Dock, for April; tirobaris Mogozitir do; Sartain'. do. do.; For oal•ai !MMES . ILimu, Lwy t t. Third an 4.1794.19 No Port Wt.. INSURANCE Franklin Fire Immune Co. of Philad'a. nIREaTORS: Chtirles W. Backer, Geo. 4 17 .i " W!= Jarobs CIIAILLAt , C. a. cal & Preehlent. entatei tl. itaactsa. Oomrany continue. to make Inouranees. pert:morn! • r eTer7 deocriptlon of Pros.' , / 1p town .ml . ovr , fal rates . I. Sr. emoistent wlth u eec . n2 ,.4 which. wittithe r ir b r. eapital SVPrlnalume,c'stleff Invested: Vont .mete protection to the moored. The sleet. of the Cimpany. Jenuarr , tat, WI, a; pub. l‘sbed agree-4,1y to tha Act of A-aenthly, leery at folltnea .... ........... "11;1 122 ;T, Temper.) . Last. _ nmko .... . . . 61,34 A dinre iocaryoratlotk, • ise!ld li cYlFPeatt., they Zrarl 'd ".. G " rt a,•apfp.e of rommove, oo !ell the.,:Mary •nd du. J. UAtWNI.I",',Z4V; 101 ' ()face S. X. eonawr of Wocaltoal 1300 : !Rate MutUal Fire Insurance Com p any. anANCti OFFICE—NO. 44 SmintricLo grana, PITTSBUROII. THE evblenee of the auceesa of the oxide:ay...Mg to make the ATATE UTL , AIRE INSCR A.VCE COSIPA IVY moot the tanis of , rtmounity, la the unparalleled mnount of business ' , Alen , hn Las been dune: having lamed over ELMO Policies In more than eight months: and riding over IBO,COO • ..pital to the Company. The !Menton an proudlota • tLat unrlr'oil the property Inured is of the West Uridin null risks, nut n• large nromirtlon insured for only one I Number of Policies - 5,065 .lmotint of property insured, - $ 5,139,496.00 do. guarantee premium., 57,909.79 do. easli premiumq, - - 32,194.24 do. guarantee sleek, - - 90,104.03 lOsecti. ---- 4,100.00 Ti. Le deducted from Cl,, shore Wenn, the incidental . Too n,: td• the othn. To city or Fenn ry toeretints. and owners of dwellings, •knd !tabard 0101 country property. It Is believed this cum. ,411/ affords advantages In point of rheapnesv, safety, and ..vtirot. inferior to no Insurance Company In this country Cunloc../ on the nuimble and gently Imptoved ontern .•f Claxeip.tlon of Hicks. excluding all synial haunts. Iti• onyx only a limited amount In any one locaUty. Pre: . ng the frequenn and necurnace of :oleo nu both the block and Mutual plan, It not only .•11. the rtompnen and accommodation of both method.., .11 entitle/. the lentil to a participation iu the prolate. It t. under the control of thy follontrug Direnono—John t• .I:other - odd, A J. tfillett. John 11 pastor I'. T. Jones. Lbiarn .1. Carrier, Phil., C. Fedgeririt, Bonet Klotz. .1. P. RUTIILItFORIL President. A. .1 011.13.1% l'iuretary. A. A Canis., Actuary. feted 7 Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a. A GENT IN PITTSBURGH, W.U. DAVIS, loner Perth tbe city, the agent may al.. Le found dally. trail 11.12 and J to 3 o'cl,ok. at the minting ot .I.:Atuoticatiker .tr e at . Vb.. all urn - , • try int.ontation 0111 iUren a.t.uoutunnicatlon• prompt , attneb-,1 to. Pamphlets explaining the lulu/oinks scut 1... rt. of la. duaurat.n. .eel torm. furnished on , ordination. I Capital rtan. over 1.00.000 and constantly Increasin4.— Prof to Menai annually amongst those Coen for ILL. • Pittabunrh. Jan. Marine Fire, and Inland 'Transportation i . Insurance. • TIIE Insurance Company or North America, Philoadelphia—Charteredl794. CapitalSsl3o,ooo. Leant ...nary 130351.8.001.'..55 m 5O. Ma mak. haulm. on ann:a and their contents, In this 011, and alatnirr, alma prarwrrt deacription. shipped per dtElYllbo/011 dd other reaada, either by Inland trarnparrallen or on the Dlrt,olll. Arthur. Fi. Cutlet r,',. Thomas P. Nye, Famuel W. Jones Jahn H. Neff, Etwart Mudd, Richard D. Wad, John L. lteuers, William Welsh. -- Samuel F. Maid, Francis ticakins. - Samuel Pumas S. Martin AlLitasm, INCliaster Ta7lor. Bowen. Ambit. D bits, Deans Anil:mall, Jamb )1 Thome,. James N. Mason, 8. MorrisWalu. 11 D. hberierd, heel . . ;This Is the shiest Dieuraneu CesuhruiT Di the lad .1 SWAY - . froor Its high emninx4, long orpllte .d tion m •o 1 srotiloLial err. of an ortrs piewrun o t or t o%to r ig t It .. '" Jce&s, Asml4 ,nt.l No. 141 Front 41:root American Life and Health Inimance Co OP PHILADELPHIA. ( Igthi for AttaS✓,h, SA DTO IrLS, IN; Ptah gt, ascre Padtbial. Kennu cettatMLi all mermary Lakmaatkna cm do i,tairopee at tLe gal!lica 141742 f Western Lunnume Company of Pittsbn.rgh. Q'APITAL $300,000 It. MILLER. JR., I PratWent. I M Garden. Secretary ill Insureestnst all anode et risks. Fire 4.1 Marine. A Il 'feces will a le liberally adjured and hrtanply paid. (home lnstitutxn—manassd by Directors who are .ell atowo in the ectnoauntty, and who an determined 15) T.-wan...ea ant Ilherality to maintain the eharsaar bleb h.e., hare asaumed. offering tl'as tea. ytobeooo to thou • ho dealt, tu insured. . . Mag•• -- • enta—lL Miner, Jr., Lieu.'olack, J. H. Butler. N DJmra alt , IVio. B. Ih:bars. t- nun.. Om W. Jactocu. M. Li Oa. Janie. Llppicestt,Alw,rge Danl.. James uky.•les Thay. t.cote (itara. No te... Water Mt.t Award:maw of Evans J Co, li .stairao.Pitsstur.ch. Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp ' y NORTH ROOM OF THE 'EX %Lp CILIA ThieJ Inece-iiicit--BuiMivi• Merilian.lise, sad utter my, tr-ien as..l num:Re,. Insured oval.t lee. C , 7 I,rts,p. t, at the row premium. Mauve Permulcu —Thee al- , !emirs Veasols. Cargo, aut FeeLibtx. fuerign ce mart. tie. unil..e op.ui or special ail the anuml mar desire alai trout, Meech...lW t•ensp..ruil by R a.rona. gall rood ears. Canal Gaeta, tat 14easn boa, ...peers and lake,. the must liberal wpm'. Luarr•roa , ..--mph :eel, gAmuit.l A. evader, John C. Darla, Nolen lertun. Jchn IL Peanut, flainuel-Lilsrarla Ono.. Isaac IL Darla WI) =Vcf s erf , rl, 4' .4lll .4 TiVelin. lir IL Al. Ilona. Names C. 1113.11.1. Paulding. 11. Jos. Nnuk.. Mew, Hush Craig. Wove.. aneilL bp...me Wilma:, Chatie• Kelt WIL lest. Ur Tbuna> , En Nein 14 re.-le 510 t... Hugh Craig. J.-h. 0 If. LI Oar, C(tats VI, per.: J IV 041 T.: street. Pitts ! irah k Aamot I:11E ,MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSTR. A.NCI. , COMPANY, No. V.l Market litermt, vain. •. . . ecl Nn II Mall N. I Act...llmnd ...setts 1' Cerra to 10 puepat proft pet annum. 100 .ol.rrtb , artli ,r,41 , 11.{,ini Cr lantrante it the le...trance Catriptcritb , whole nova.. the N ILLIAVI P. JON!. Avert. No. Scout :11 SC'ELLANEOUS nn .IS Ili A NDELIERS AND FIXTURES. Ctlarete:terr mutt trnrketn. of the barn/ rtyler n trz.. son '.m.• hilt tlrlanna,ntal Inctulentx nl ruler, W W. WILLS/N. r cf fourth anal Math., eta OOfIND plouß-101.1 bl.a.ouperttue, fur pale by inclll4 J. & R. FLOYD. ARD - 01L-10 bbl. No. 1, on b an d an d IA guy itsk WALLINGFORD & Wstre otpret. ii T i W rl iF l o s s . te i , F rs t ,l L n t a s b A ri li te i d uG D E ic D ta p otul7 im lOA- At Y. boutllll , sy . w . 1?.. , 11r1 "W. embot.llmck .nd slam vrrr . al l rr rk rt."JI r .101 IN II " MELLOR ' 6lSr 14 —WOO Ihs. prime, for sale by F , ,GIItI',I:TER =7I . 7I kegs just reed and for 1 „„,,b4 m ILLES ILICISET6ON. - _ _ - RNTS' Pi ICKET lIANDRERCHIEFS— •"."I"'''''"'" "' n " t aTili b la ncReIIFILLI lo CatabrlO, of flow and boodoome . k t4fl NE PORT VINE.—The purejuice pt the aioPrf : ortro : t, r zild. of the ifebiS 4 LI UN DRIES -1 bbl. Che,t Maury 24 Loy, et me k. C V01k..., for solo tor J. tucLl3 ASON'S BLACKINf3-25 gro. for sale g mehlb J. KIDD a CO, W -- 1ji02' . .e4 . 11-IU . casket, warraft:2 Artfor MEE BOOKS, MUSIC; &c tAItGAI N Si—fenchers Ulad i glijf Yamilin lirlsblt, to purettoe rains ho.l flook., Clawle rear Books. Le win nt.t b.ll.ths hymning Impedlaitlrat the iklucattOcia 'Book. litont, .104. Dr. l'azoni. lftma etorr, corner of thkrket and Fourth p. Th. eltablistb ::',.t.t.ix-ntf 4 .4.11 UD, ..a .1111.0 MU of th..bov. & valuaLle rxealleut rteal. for .1a at tuna. Call dariaa the pm...at week oalY• borEDUCATIONAL Eoo STORE.—Title More MOTUIe INJW for twin, •ery low. It has Jun 10 II refitted with • boantlful front. ac. 000 TNEIS' BOOKS !!—Buttmatea mer Gm the axe of blob schools sod atm ..ndlles, by P Battman. ond calory,' bt Alcx Bauman Tnnslated Gana the clithteenthtlertaszt In Edward Robinson. Tho I rnsh enlinnier . atot, and the Hobe to of 1795, bn li' Tbo urr nl M M2 64 ,larra . phy and memorials of Cillteln °bade/I th, Ten mariner and elaliannastey from cougar. e ' ne il trk; by Re .11enry T. amen author ol r•Tro t Inland World of the Rade and - The Whde AMU. e =n - ut: a Franconu story, try the authrsof the Roll. Book, Noe. 3 and 4 a London Labor and the Leave Pao. The acme •htke Jut naiad sod foe testa HC. STOCKTON AL, apT.l No. 48 Market area. 1111OOKS! BOOKS!—Charms and Counter Charton b Maria J. Mclntosh. 1 1 ,,e Shoulder boot. or Sketches of the Threefold Life of %law •story of the 17th Century, by b. F Tefk 1 vol. 1, no, Loos, 75e Dirtimpty of Mechanics, 00 thi. Jost reed and for 02.1. 1.0 It. 110/ . 611i5, 75 Fourth et., and:. Apollo %Waive. ONDON LABOR AND THE LONDON POOR. In the Nineteenth Century:• Llyclopaidis.oi I w• :Lariat Condition and Laminas of the Poorer Cl aneee In the Brltl hLelmpollj Ie connection with the country. 31 13, U. •liew . With eilirraringe of the Peewee:off protone de acribetl. No.lof e ea.:elicit work has been rendred bonne? Literary Dpot, Third el., opposite the oust other, prow IMie roe Net • ap2.5 ARPERS 4 SIAGAZINE—VoIumeSecond of Chic eaeollent work will he eiampletial tti • fen hlii to hare the work, eon hound (,Ye wY ork rrylei 01 lIOLNIk.I' Depot, :rtl tux.. oppoelto th l 70.2 OM, apVir VEW BOOKS!—Elements of Analytical tietannitri, and of th e Differential cod Integral Cal . Lonnie. A. M Nile Note( of a flowed,' I. Wallace, • Vrancoula Storr; by the author of the Roth lraldon Lnkur end the Lomb. Nor: by Ilrary irayttrar wlth ditguen,ra ysa raugra ttr, vra ultras hi' Beard. Para I The Once Iw.nta ,u.t rra.%l and be mar by Loeb.Sl B. C. RTIRK.IXIN, 47 Marl., mt. 11,P OSTON SIIAKSPEARE, Nol. 35 and 3d, JIP re'.l to. HOLMES' literary IYp.t , Thitd ntrret..ep p0..1 /he Ptot Wrier. np9 EW BOOKS!—Louisiana; its Colonial ni , tor, and H 0..., by Chu , liayarre: 1 ml., Oro Laid Holland, Forei,n ItomluDiene, b 1 Henry Rid:L.2ll Lonl Holland; 12rn0., mus. ~ . • llr,ln th e Bible; by Grall,or I v 0 1., 12m0..2..5e. Natitre',l undere.nr :are over sll his works, brittle author of Pri3,1.1. Nature; 1 vol.-ISn, mu.. .., • . hotaliaTs 1, ovary day fn Loth compiled from the writ • of Bishop Jeremy Taylor. b vol lOmn.. mar Mary Francountatort the aatt 'al of the aeries, bi the author of the Kolb, haute, lamo., mu, lllire. and Lades helicon of the Old Teetament. Induct t na the Uiblkal Clddee. From the to of Wm atr.ltalaa. by Mar. litenneoni Becaa Latta Teatantentx by T./toga; muy Camplete , Poetleal Works of Robert Bunts, 'with by and blow notes and of, a hat artho author . by Jae Currie; 1 1.11 mos. Nerulron wallas .11.111aly tyJ F 2v01a.,12.0 ru tty hyrte lje ch la Po hichonary of Manhood= 2.5 th No. Th• neof tter: . and Ito M.P. m aldreaa ereddi Iticilraedway Taberuttela t itry flan N. 3lttarayt.ll. 1:le Harp a er'. 'Yews:lna for A pril. Numtarialan yt Co haaatt rtasetted,ac.l far le by sa ap2 110PKINS. 78 Apollo handing, Fourth at. NOTES AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and stem,ph Notes mut Draft; iDf mat beautiful de :Tot or treamoaizrok•geol;. jaalla . . , CCT. Market ILIA en...lst. [American. Journal. and Peg copy.) WRITING INK—Arnold's Writing Fluid ilakl i' 4ll Red Ink. fi ' arrison'k Columbian Isek—tal and black.. ensugm irmeh Cumlna kit. far We bi mcw BOOS& QMITH'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY • kJ A ore cloesicid dictionary 01 Gluck ent Doman id , : r b t t p:tr ' . by NVIIIIL r LL. waitocof Los usctlitiaries ofdreca sod HoweinAlittpultiminid of tireekand Nomad Morns aid Mythology, revved, with onnueroue ottrwotiona fmail eAlltIon• by Charles Anthoo, LL. reser of ;U. Nowt sod Lexuro Cnisstb. The LID and Our I 11 1 0. - 55 yr. casks Part Wide. 2.5 do Madeira Wine. *AI do Sweet Wilma Whoa 21 Pry herry Who. do. do. ' 10 do E 2.5 bates Bordeaux Claret. Iu store'and for de by JOKY PARKER 0 CO.. janl 331 Llhersr stmt. ItiIeANKING, COLLECTING AND EX CILOGE HOLMES NOM. No. 61' ket etteet, Pittaborgh. St change on all lb. Eastern anJ %Tonna nties for aide. Colleen°os made in all the far 4" rilsiDlA RUBBER Ii'ASIT, 4 gross of that Weer.su ticle for boots and oboe, em pe ectly proof. sad pliable aa • plweei I' cloth. T. article is warranted to sneerer the porlarnee terry - muted. or the tdonry refundeo. tor rale who:eaale and Mall, at I" and 9 Wood street. I Jay -J. 9 U. PHILLIPS. TEA WARE—Eng.lish & American Britan nia T.. [WI- Plateet da d ;Plow! Baskets, Cardlentils. . T EA and Tr.. Plated C:itir, bort onalikr Irory Bal ance Handle lank Sudery.. tither Yorks, bppo., .4 g ot , ter ;Snivel, Plated and tleznia Silver lorka an& Smoak Tasl ., 3 ,..„ . -r,„ re,. of t ne Btratinebaut =mutants., blear arauttrnted , Pla Trays of beautiful liattertts. eery superior Powder fcr ,clearnek and , A , ar ,. ace, for cleaninkr. Chamois'bkdr P eatlies ii.ill kr, I `o—Fiat Ilauatosk—koiser's celebrated Magic Kitchen, thout me . dire cfr a bat, a/hien will make Mho_ bat, ..hiOk Win Mate 1,0614, MAI beei. Fpr sale hi Wattgleine in • kw .Ingtes, W. W. Wii.4. 4 03. • _ _ _ _ OW.ll4,ket upi koarth its MERICA.N WOOLLEN GOODS. —Ono bundnd sod fin/ Pn Umge dud Bed Blankets. MN pairs Crib 13looken ouperior snide. alldo Flom Hut BisnUts ribbon bound. mo TT unattg blanks arr 100 do Drab do l• do 6' W do 60 do Bluedo I do do 3 cues Wank Binkincloth, do • Ido Honer Wet Allced. di/ 3 do eaporicr Bloe lt Freon% Bronleloth. 3do all IrOOZZAr inonina n 33 3. --- 3 do Jenne, mhos. 3 do I .6MOcututo. black mist lump colori. 1 do banns -Us. blanc and goer 3 do White Twilled Flszussl i Tord 1. 4 4.• 4 do eras bland . do do The abose described goods are all co consignment from rarinne MallufactUlVll. cad 11.134tilt,WWI sr* tar al. WI liberal deg taus to the Mon, I unsufonuren• prUs. 11. LElt. b ri Alea 4i fa i lte,.by =EMIN2ZI or eale by J. t IL FLOSI). • KNOW all men who are sick and afflicted with &see. of the Binithr and Kidneys, with rhea: polio in hark or limbs, stiff ycsats, at sores, running oleera, to. May Mt be rum( by taking th e PETfirT LEG .11. You may talc bo ut ito Whig a nostrum, as mot as you pints, but - this one not mate It, bar t anp ron lya n , to the We of so honest ninortattity, 'that it Ma sirtneni ahith In not roatoinett In any nailer bonnie The ink & rho is nicked with pahr. and sulterinw from home, 50 canto, set relief from arty of tha ills irmairteratAL above. • . Roeder! It wets eery etue to maks a trial. Tlris PAro s leum is no rut eture— no ocalyound. put tip ST the purpose' f impaceug on the community; but it ta a remedy slabs. tad by the master hood