LT DAT: —As we predicted, May Day Unica, oat to be we t in the morning, and cold and au plawat is the afternoon.' -or course the plea sure of the lads mad lassie, who had intended to celebrate the holida y, 'from morn till dewy eve" u ucnal, in the wcads, wee somewhat] checked- but it was not In the power of elm ele menta althgetiler to sae their light hearted flow I of epirim , nod mumps garland of bruits and bins- Soso wu wreaihed r in the woods when the inn and wind of the afternoon had dissipated the damps of the morning. Baauritt(Ltruoossrm—tre are indebted - to the Messrs. Wegner, Beecham. and Muller, en eminent Lithographic firm of dila city, for a . likeness of J. D. Beid, 'Esq., superintendent of the Telegraph Line, which is finished in the first style of their arc We have before taken oacesion to call the attention of our readers to the merits of their lithographic establishment, which, although in existence but a shoit time, is in ferior to none in the United Suttee. Mr. Wig -1 au is an urtist of superior abilities, and he Meade deservedly highaoth as a painter in oil color, and a draughtsman. It is to be regret ted that the little encouragement, to be met with in the higher walks of Lis. profession, has Lode zed him to turn Ifis attention to the more lam -lice, though at the same time less elevated ex ' mutation in which .he is now engaged: Mr. &Lochner is an admirable lithographer,as well as a good draughtsman. Trained up in the best t~ah r ools of Germany, he has profited by their in liliections. We tako great pleasure in recom tattadnag this firm to the patronage of our sub , =Abets. Their place of business is in Gamin's traildinge, entrance on Market street, between Third and Fourth. Luse di..unt.—Tho alarm of fire, last night, Wu false. Tux Oaonts's Eli/L.—The German ladies of our, city aro now giving a fair at Wilkins Hall, Itte the benefitof the orphans of Allegheny coun ty.. We trust that their efforts in so doing may tweet With that success which they well deserve. EXAlll362lO,l.—The examination of the stet dents connected with the Western Thelogical Elem. inary, took place on Wednesday, in'the lecture room, attached to the First Presbyterian church. Tax Puatic Scuoots.—The amount to which the nine Wards of the City of Pittsburgh, will be entitled in the year '1852, out of the annual State appropriation, is .$3887 11. Allegheny Pity will enrol,, $1572 08, and the whole of Al legheny County $10,704 01. TAKT.N . TO vas P,ExtvErnesx:—.Duffey and Alinson,whose trial, conviction, and sentence we havcalready noticed, were taken to the Western Penitentiary, on Wednesday, by Sheriff Curti; and jailer Fox. dluffey laughed and joked quite Pleasantly alt the way over, at the same time ling of tho many infamous crimes ha bad committed in this and in other States. He Is an atrocious, hardened and cunning villain, but we think that he will find it difficult to eleipe from this, as he 1189 from other peahen:dub- Johnson wept bitterly and. seemed rery hum ble and contrite, his demeanor affording quite a contrast to that of Duffey. The sixteen years . Imprisonment, the which the latter individual Lam been sentenced, will, we trust, make come change in Lim: Ile is now young sod may lire to come out. If so, we trust tlust the solitray coafuserrient ho will bare endured, togetherwith the religious admonitions of the Bev. A. W. Black, the moral instructor of the prison, will Lin made him a better man. Tae Ranamtn Dkror.—lt is probable that all tb• houses, which stand on the ground where the dewt of the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad is to be located, will be torn down this week, and dui digging of the foundation will then be imme diately commenced. A/lAM& aro Barrier.-IVentey Ray was Wad . yesterday committed by his honor, Mayor Qnthrie, charged on oath of AIM Johnston with !assault and Battery. Arrzarraso To PASS Coots Tamer: Blos - rk— Amme.was-branght befoewhis-3onert- Mayor Flaming yesterday, charged with attempting to pecs a tea dollar conaterfeit note on the Bank of. Bentanky, in payment for a pair of boots which ho had purshased from a ehoemaker on ado etreet As it was probable that be did not Itttow the note was a bad ono he waa discharg ed. - Enn a / a rr.—The dwelling house of Thou. 31c- Coy, a pollee officer, mtuated at the corner of penmsylvania Avenue sad Federal street, was entered by burglan, on Wednesday night and a Docket book takco from his coat, which was hanging in one of the rooms. The book only eantained about tea dollars. but dire are the coa mquences which will result to the cause of jus tice, or at least law, from its loss. In addition to the money, it contained about ninety ftve axe- Cation!, as many warrants, and subpoenas innu merable. COURT OF QUARTER SEUZONS. THURSDAY, May 2. Present—Hole Wm. B. McClure, President Judge, and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge. The Court met at lOw'clock. The jury in the ease of William Jackson, vs Thomas Bogue retired. Com- vs. Jas, Robinson—indictment, perjury on oath ofJ S. AlcClaren. The defendant is ac crual of having committed the offence with which he is charged, in swearing before Alderman Me- Masten, that the prosecutor had defrauded him in inducing him, by false promisee, to purchase ' the one third of the Bolivar Brick Company. The evidence was long and not of sufficent,in taut to warrant us in publishing it- Thejnry in the case of Wm. Jackson vs Thos. Bogue, indicted for larceny, returned a verdict of guilty as to Jackson, not guilty no to Bogue. This is the fifth time that the former has been convicted, and the latter acquitted during the present session. AATERSOON SESSION Thepedury case, commenced in - the morning, was continued in the afternoon, and was not con cluded when the court adjourned. DISTRICT COURT. May tot Before the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie. In the case of Andrew,llopkins vs. John For ts)* noticed yesterday,, the jury returned a yar ding of $1619 41c for plaintiff. Shale'. tand fife Octant for plaintiff; Williams and Kahn for defendant. John J. Mitchell * vs. Jacob Hartz. No 669, Apt -term 1850. On motion, leave granted to pilings, to liquidate the judgment nuns pro tune (Without prejudice to other creditors,) at the amount of the penalty of the bond $4OO, and to Vrbreaches, issue airc facial &c, according act of Assembly. Donahue vs. Jones. No 665, April term 1850. On motion of John Mellon, Esq., attorney for defendant, judgMent opened and defendant let into& defence. Writ of enquiry set aside. AZ davit Med. demos rot Xlatrasctice.:4 eau which pos sessed conaiderable interest for medical men, was. tried yesterday In the District Court. It Was that of . Roger ;McDonald TS. T. Meeaskey, D. a practitioner maiding Tempel-env:mile.— landaall and Geyer appeared for the plaintiff, and A. W. Loomis for defendant • The following's a synopsis of the ease Muth 1849, the plaintiff woe in the employment of Mr. Hobart Nixon, and engaged in running esti - dOwn a re. Broad leiding from Coal Hill to the river. While standing un the lever, to which the pan are attached, a descending car ran from the tn.., and pitched ihim off, throwi ng him from the place where he was standing, a dlstanie of sixteen to, twenty feet. He fell on his bead and right shoulder fracturing his right arm, a little anterior to the joint of tho shoulder. Dr. Meesskey was called in to, !educe the fracture, and Dr. Johnson, non a 'resident of Cambria County was prevent at the operation.' The frac :tare wan reduced, awl the plaintiff alleged that ft tray dune so un;killfully, anti treated svirh so much negligence, as to canto him in a great mea sure to :use the use of his arm. It appeared in evidence that tale plaintiff had actually lost, to a great • extent, the• of his arm, and the qu,tion was as to whether the in jury had been produced by :ouihillful treatment. A number of reelical witnesses were examined, who proved that the injury resulted from a con. traition of the muscles of the arm, and not from aay.waat of skill in the physician. The jury after addresses from the Counsel, and a shortab3 Once, returned a verdict ,for the defendant . Executors' Notice. ' - A LL. PERSONS Lavin. , claims Against the Rhoee.d ,z— n „. L.t h ltu r n 4 tean,torozpazt, the aftd estate, will tan with either of the un derefaitatd• t"traiNlVGll is.. tiVllgl.l. bur?. tp.. apipmeol BACCO--50 bo liad for sale by .oxes w pncad 5 s, rec'd • DRIED' BEEF-102/ x ljuv i f a aids _ ,camer 111L0 larl Wool 11Za MZEME ONLY 1125F0R A 11031ZSIRLD. An 22 FARMS, tvortj 1 over fjiS i Erob s od 4.400 Llart. l to be dbitnibuted among ! Lots ersd r!=l:t Ile-r olonVtliat . rd it enether thud mijothing the Ileig.lslandlialtroed land already of at Rennanellle. to be of the'smne ere r roirl dtelMeed of and divided anima the purethowto In tar um, manner ione recently mid them. ! . ar.4 1 11 .... th butt.i.lwridio p to m, d i i . s .. thlo th.... from i. the greo ... I n t ..... uniber . th hoprovemarits tin that pert or Um bland am .lillitill in .g. end l ot pa rt of recommit hate now blie more Interested In those bal. Thb additional tract Is in o•;e7to:irLmndPu.t.';*.irarf, L".'d.a.lo,„ter.;:et. A ut 600 !therm me Waif subscitscil. . Leerrubocriber le retitled to 9 Lobs li Ls he fret. lying ,or a PAM! of from 4to ill torn. The thane are Li t. 4 ", t 2 . 9— Pliyable. fie when ruliwirlised In m on or before the. ay ofdistributiou and the betimes In monittY Withdrawn. of 11.1. If desired. a 1% arrant, Ilemt IMO 1 0 made out inumehabli after the dirtributiou, and delivered dlnictly after paying the Imbue. The LEts are intuated In! the Inge of IikIItMANN VILLE, on the Long lelord!limIngol . e ntity o of Suffolk. and 40 mile. from the City of' New York ndsi/mef La.! lead, also a new Till., recevlly laid out where band sole, building. are enetml. 1 b oue of the halt blest p: ems I nth, United St sued awl Ili ill onetoile of honknoknois Lone. a 1...0utg0! sheet of water. &Lon three miles ineireumf...o ( P. of Moots°, trantherency, and of great depth. wi th an ebundante ot ilshi The Miles. ni boo I mile, distant from the iimed South limy, winch le ate miler were and Is. miles long abundantly acippned with oysters dams, end nth of •eri. olio i kinds ° Titl i ttVtit " rr t ..' .l " teitin h tllr 0 2il ' ,..o; r ee i ' 1 4 ,1 of New York. 44..3 4". .54.. !' "Irmo bid. 'lf ntor..--At the annual meeting ff the : , , 9 York Agricultural &men, boll at Albany, on the blatant, tor awarding premium.. on 1 Phi Coors we Cm Suffolk moo, standee amend best—nn •figlin hmser— ie:l 'doa:-.°—,;,%-='.-ii-IT.T.,—;',,i2kft.n.Ati.Z.. b Is ono peck to me UT, 11r. Themp.on . , wheat t. , of a land am which has teen raised but a few rears on the Is. land and th e yield proms it. well adnetml to the mil , re.— ‘,.‘ d the rithltural caplet°, of Lone thrun are beginning to develoed—ttring Islander. Se nket la ithinot eight cram free this land (Ilermann. „ i ng villa , and II no better by lentture than thece lands new of. fe foetal.. Thb wheat pew vans ty, of superior kind, sod as end for fisted wheat at S , . per Gimbel. aid Itr. Thotopeon received for the 'induct Life little req, than two arrest °ter Stud M Th re h i ve been mired during the pest reason; the very bet (Corn, and PoMtimit 110 bushel ter acre. Egg Plants, and variety of garden vel i etablm en bud me. the Long /WWI Railroad= Late third. or Lakeland. where • that Offied has been rstabtlehmt, for which premium. at the Stiffjg. County Agricultural Fob. held Sept. fath, Iffin, this • Abo peas, beans, onions, agl..ther. Pdortikum. b r e 7 e 4' mai tormators. Tll following is from the New York Fanner and 3le c of November 740150, Antihero written by .11r. Star, the minor, mho 'WWI' the lands The wheat. potatoes tad referred to in the uncle, were raised at Luke lend treat liermamiville modem "II ring • few board leisure doing the part week • we were Tined over the Long Island Railroad, to a large tract the montry, about fifty calm thien New York, which e find to be minable of very micemsful and prollta ;pis hie milvatlon. !although late in (ho reason and . 1,.. - hie under 00100 dimarantage, we wens surprimel at the quer te ..41 abundance of the mem which. had teen Tethered a l t r = r t 4 " I ' l 4* P l''d i 4.4 T .L . '44 l4 o s 4o ea w l., 4"k i t i r giltl 44t l= sown rut two or the weeks. premium, • ore ' offal appear. anon while turnips, beets-end other vegetablee not yet Tethered for winter , nee would compare mbaritageourly wltli c itie hem in tbe N.. York Market. Pinata., elresly cellar were very hoe. without • emtige of driest, nod ru standing in the (Lehr one no surpamed by much we saw on Lerida valued at more then one huodied dollars p e r T a. e . . Indeed, the vegetable. were myeloid the pm mlumiat the Suffolk County fair, were robot thou • tor Umi n.. 4l this [round reAich Aral cwt been cut:mired ma m . Altogether a dd ,.e very favorably impreased twith our visit to there la now to favorably offered to he pnblth at piton which canton fail to double In a few Ythise.ithd we would invite the attention of time +rho &- Mee • amp and eligible fano. to ads locatkin. lienhannellle 'Lotion iti loudest on the bonder* ,of the Long Wand Nei Itailbeiree ears ran revend Urn. • Mar to /bkini end York. Th.s surfam of the land IA mono met level, lord th e surniutaling country Is perfect ly h ealthy: and within • few miler of thisplace, 'Wahl) . thillthred and valuable. having been wattled for more than a hundred and (hay y te ears. and wham than. lands Nokia The laude are m good as !presented, and as amid as any to the an when cultivated, will produce The land was once heavily timbenth moue portions are .0.4 _4.. 4 with n thilfr growth of young weed, toams pine. ;Wood b _plenty, sod plimmil7 rump in il Actor tho Island ffirareactil I, cheep: that which is sonata!, le be nit loon corthrecoli for the New York mu ket, la pfunifiartit prim, and has fur agree/ Mitt) . years. been alwaya considered • cash article on the Island. Thank le material on thalami for common fenting—Tosi chestrtht mils can be had within • few miles of there lands In abui•lance. AU bulldog materials can be had at the depots Of Brooklyn and °remnant, and at many Interme diate plum, at the usual market prices. There are no. merolartllMS Of water rising In them new lauds, and curial Into the great Smi th Bay, which ere remarkable for r purity: and neer Wl—indeed, dry weather maths very 10Je eha . rige In them, they are urtheiling, and ratUdt.4F of de-0,.—.1-.bei1gr. , ,,, , , , , , v "-. _ regi era. dept of I bllfot :IS foth at_llemnannville, ar t the groom! bra"' an deeps. 444'4".144"44 4". to are now churches and schools within two or three MUM of the riti/MrM nod within Mu milers dills faCtories, stores, 4.4 I - Wages All the privileges of an old settled conutrytare to hthed berm and the peopled. SoffelkeountY pride °SenselM on being • highly moral, onlerlyaustten ni.. people. Allot my oaths:Mona ere Pus... of tesPee tabilllty4 The land cur be very easily cleared...rid the cost of mt. Uthientriellldepend almost entirely upon the wittier hymn Jar out as much or ite little as ha othures. Ido not know of may objectlatio: to the place or to the land for• ttle. beet: and the man labor and Industry 'ditch math se toe. cmafitl!ritui PonMertios settlemente in Other Darn of the dome 4 bestowed non theme bads cannot tall to Mb duce astable remits. The r et! b. in ever/ buticular healthy bud pleasant —the me good, arid always pearable at all Masons of they • winters are shortud mild, mortared to the winters on t at to the north cat the highlands— thaw la Uhl:. Meshing more than two or three meet on the Island. 14/Pf.t I.O : lecoarkable, a crop Is seldom Injured by draught —there Is no part of the country where there Is MO little Injury Conn draught at on Long Isleruhl,tior Le th ere any Injune from wet—there at no vet or mid laud on the latt. [All the laud •long the norginof the ,II , EMB to 011 a, O VI. 1, ethable at a small cost, for where is no such litho as tlotel or a (melon. Iv the terine p.n. a by which very gnat damage is done: such an, reet ~. roe carrying elf a triage, or the teeaktng oft nall-thafe ah grvat dal:ogee, ia athoet unheard' fon Vfact,.ll:ltft, wed lays ateand an and The 'ad 1.. he. being suroye. and the lots and ferns etaltal oat, a. to doignate each lit and farta as laid down on the Ihip, therety earthy euhierltaraten n aloe, pause or Persona avaafling theru..lvo of the S . P , lr . lance for • honnestrad or farm ithave. t uenea of the crest of from ratigithaige'n' rm:ll'-dinarAiLtn"Nrgml.n%l: lona airA z eijr r a ,?/ reaej , 7ol)D. Statinnerall Johv near therefore ld; return Of mall. rem /le siTl e fe s .l% d arra k' r.. rd ton ‘ ,,jrn lash norm end pamphlets of th e property: and cheetah, gin sorb loth. Infortnatiou as 04 y Sr desired. I CLLAItLES. WvOD, 117 John street. le V. I also deire to ray that 1 have goon 7.0: 0 11NG LAS D 3 trot . Land, *huh 1 -MI at acre lots or upwards. at from SW to 530 per anza detals a, 11 situaPnl Lir farrow and grata PcfPnla in ro ad., o /LW haring the advantage ar.d rlet.cee f ro when cleared and cultivated. they roll lie co.tal to, arty land d the Irland. and equal to that vihh. In the visit:ate ai the old villages rood erttleml use of Led, 1,- had sells I to Jr.o to 12.1 n par sere. t0 rr 1 , ;' , 11:. t r.7, - Lx.,! . .2yaiti,„'f,,;!':,.'r. 01;:',I::L.° - ',.; Institu Ful te, coon., boodwirr C ‘' rat A , 0 0 0 0 Brookli.. Alden Spoon 3 Front et. Brockton 11 Shilunr. Jr, 78 Broadway. N' Y; John Ladle, Jr., V 6 I.lfe Insurance IC, 27 Wall et, N Y, Wham., heather, Editors of the 51oFting Star, Narou al, corner dam et. ln y 1 0 Bolcom, tenon,. Boston. Bar., Liberty falbert. db Botuicniunßalldton.Troy, N The Kin.. and Geo D lernan l Jerry ,t. teed 147. of De i d e nt , r r Cot ircV44l77ltialdlo;, et, N 19r tiTilec ' ter. htn sad Baton. eel:hated INDIA SILKS, SATINS, ie.—A. A. MA sox are opening eases a India bags and • "tue al.. Dress Ukstow s striped. plant and clime style, apl7 NOTICE lIEEEBY GIVEN that the undereigned arm th i t legally 0000teoa,d Aoluduretratorr of the E. of W 16. Rayne. late of the Clty nf Attaburat, del& Alllpenehrs ha t i .c ri , a p g etalta i e h r:f n alt v et oe llul . d u truste i .rF ' '"'l7 ==lereto r ate "'n l l eourrod to make Immediate the subscriber. AEHARET BATS.:. THOMAS MITCHELL, Arita in 4t and for Sale. s bscriber offers for sale, on the pre. rn r ifewaran Monday. the =lb of May nest, at o'nock, • that valuable and end! known Farm. intuaded But entrap township, kintlegtoonty.abont nine Lona front tale, the rood leading to lharroony, and one mile from the old on Franklin Rood, containing 108 Acme; with the allowance. . About 10 scree eleared.9 of which are meadow. The impiovemente ern a commodioue Drink Howe, and double with other out building. There le oleo a good eels Apple Orr_baul. The Jenne will be eas made yto purchaser., stN l gt.stell to the on the day of de. , I aphter2d,S XOTIQE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the to ts the lesallf antborlted adtritotio a di estate of Robert Plegthenr, late of /Ender [amenably, deceased: and all persons having delete egalost addmtate ma hereby requested to present them for mills. merit. mid y 1 these Indebted Menlo are desired to make Imaleallme Peen:Lent to the subscriber In the borough at harpshurei ablekorateS JAMES CHYLE, Administrator. Administrator's Notice. VOTICE is hereby given that the under astr.tleg:Mr - tguorpt,tr:,=.o r Alt! gi./ ...IT , deed: tbereiore, all persons teeing claim. allulUst add estate are requested to trnradd Owes I m mediate adllee aunt, sad Mom Indetaed are re Ind to snake Immediate saysteat to then:inscriber DAVIDSON, aaller6CS Adtaltd.trator. Plums ta JN.aricie,.—All persons who am indebted to the estate of r ftwneky,.. d o ed, . r ...,,,,Mp ir 1bt1At ‘ i: 1 .. . , 1 „4 :4 Loner da mediatedy yttb th e outzertber and ee r itle them and all Wne,..lllo a neglest wool, with the atemroo: zin,n=:7l,:r.l l ,2w , ""L may etYert W tad the band, of the masers of the to. for rolleOpn. ' (MUM! HAIM]. Adner, New [toper%t= Factory', L. hL Olaf t • [IV Ih.l. atilthe.6o , l3 ou P'' P Very Valuable Steam Grist and Saw Kills AT PRIVATE SALE. IWILL', SELL MY MILLS, mituated.. directly on the Monongahela River. (known as Pleasantville Steam Mb., four mile. above Ell. §:KWh, and i firr miles below Monongahela City, in Colon township, W hbgton eounty. The above property is in good numb order. The Mill. were built in lOU. Then b two rim o Monett and power for another run. There Is one of Pommy'. Corn Breakers in the MM. There coo l:metal with the Mille Bye acre. of front—a yery grad eitu. aMimi for • Boat Yard ors Slam Eatabliehment Thereat,. lto threegood Houma and • Saw Stable end about eight aervie of Cold ItininedieEvb In thenar of the Mille. igap"*"ttor boated In " A l y ". l: n tilile ' T ‘ h i y t. w b ati and 10 b t y ga repent the quality of the Flonti rw. r. y e , any one 'ebbing tu purchase, to the City Flour Imre, tom, ard Fiona Merchante genendly. Title intlimmtable. Pliwaession can be bad on the Int of April. or eociner. Terms mote known by the eubecribe w e si l . iv ti iilt i lah T epro- PertY. bneb&w3rtie.SJ Executors' Notice. • ALL pereons indebted to the tstrac of John z.l4"Xii:i'f.FaLt F V:41,11''.1.7/1.,t7 i y 4 claims are restineittd to preent them duly authentmated for eekk. cot, If lit'ef of 111. Al 1 MeCLESTER. meh2Riw6riS , 11000 TAU" ItT. 'James E. Breading, ILL continue ~o transact the «llm, b.=ACi Stool street. A LEx. W. FOSTER, Attorney and Coon Fourth area.: near Market, nerinall anal 7 - Executors' 'Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to the estate o Tnoni. tonioon, er Pitt toyon•h!P. n0t1114dz1,...t... a . „ t ... p rpa ttm e . al .. . u:t o r d . t u n trggt. , l for rettlymentSn eith.r of their ob.-ribert. or to Erma,. Liq, t. worth ,t . TIIO, D. WII.IINTi. 11, tl n°ls ljet:inr.. BURLAP,S.—The tort article always on inith:lll4VJe tbr Prt, wand STEAM 3f.i.fatzNtbEtt -- WW. WALLA , 319 &321 Liberty st., ai =1", T. h gle T MaDoracturad . 4;oa ' aetiner, Uonomen s • told at racrood o :rm.... p . ' " mwacs••,r TOLASTEfi. PARIT for Larid, rm. Rale at M 9 Liberty Area, r W.W. WALLACE. mch2a•rMs9S ugua - T4gg , n .and at 319 M=!lM tBENCH BUR B - URRr - LAUREL mu, MILL NM. utlgirt , .." - -, - t =l' d ZZI.2 • gw,1'at,4.....u. . Stouts and &Ms% on MM IM End. to order. ♦tl olden rdl7 stteattod to as altlitherlLotnieL ..........w ida W. W. WALLA= .-. _ j - - FOREIGN - NEWS. - i LATER Dr THE STEAIII3RIP NIAGARA BOSTON, ilfay 1, 1860. The steamship Niagara arrived this morning, at quarter before 7 o'clock. Borings' Circular,. dated Loudon, April 18, aye :—Transactione in American stock. were limited, at 106 for U. S. 6 7r7 cents, inscription bonds, redeemable in 1868. Perm's fie are quot ed at 8'24(03. The political news is of little interest In Enr land, theit Beldam in the established church is widening', The Bishop of Exeter proposes the convening of a diocesan synod. The Graham • question is at the bottom of the difficulty. Lady Franklin is again fitting out the ship prince Albert, for FL voyage to the Arctic seas, in search of the miming expedition • The Moniteur publishes a decree convoking the Consul Genera! of Boulogne, for the ath of May, to deliberste on the expediency of admit. clog matter free of duty, for export. RUSSIA. The Berlin Nlittisterial states that, besides England and France, Russia too, has remon strated against the Anstrian annexation scheme. Russia has likewise desired that all the Ger man states should accede to the Frankfort Diet Rumors of a ministerial crisis ark rife. PRUSSIA. Dates from Berlin to the Dith, elate that the upper chamber has rejected the Ministerial bill. AUSTRIA. It is etated that the Austrian Govenummt is inclined to accede to the Frankfort Diet. Prince Schwarzeuberg is opposed to the continuance of the Dresden Conference. There is a deficiency in the ficutnces, for the year, of 77,162,625 florins. The Emperor had granted an amnesty to seven political prisoners. . . The Government demands from Sardinia, a passage for its troops, in-ease of a rupture with France. .TURKEY. • The Austrian Ambassador Nas received the as surance of the Porte, that Kossuth, Messere, and Batlipid, shall be detained at Kutayah.— The other fugitives, some sixty in number, will be released. BOSTON, May 1, 1851. Samuel E. - Sewell, the Free,Soil candidate for Congress, in the 2d district, is written a letter, declining to be a candidate, at the next trial, which takes place on the _"6th of Slay ; and re commends Mr. Rantoul, the Democratic candi date, who, he says, has borne such noble tes timony against the fugitive slave law. lle sap that the Free Boilers should unite in support of a than, upon whom they eau rely for his seal and ability in urging the repeal of that km. w.• NEW YORK MARKET. [soca IMPORT.] New York, May 1. Owing to the annual moving day, the city is all bustle, and but little business doing. Flour—Western and city brands are heavy, with no sales of consequence. Grain--Corn is losing firmness, though there is still a fair demand for export. • 4 r or 7 ;ri t h k uniTy' ..... C47lo7k - P St. frovisions-Pork is quie t' with no change in 1 rlii - vi . atit cr mulls nor ottlit s ni: r to ' . prices. Pickled meats are plenty, at 76.9 c for, T. li OOPS • sou, era al Water and C. 3 Pruitt su. shoulders and hams. Lead is firm at last even- ' a 10 legs quotations. yp EG [Mfg - WHEELING AND Lin.a oil—Sto c ks are large, and the market it a ' " il ,7 ll,Psrtfar&j._ b* D. h i/ oo ' n o"',° 1 :11 ALI dull at 73c 'il gall I run as • regular ;waft belvern Pittsuurgh, Wheeling. ridarixin, and aunfloh. learnt. Pittsburgh e Teel alteaday CTEXISI3 REPORT. afternoon for Wellsville. Steuheurlide. tun iinariTcl.i.ind tutelar alleynoon fur Steubenville, St beau& New lona, MAT I. 't rri."l 7 g•p e . l A Ogden... 4 Suntan returning. leatostu e . Cotton-The marketopened this morning nth - ' T.'" . 4 „,.:,....b .........." 1 . .... 4 n .. f r9,47..rr.....,...„'• "'",, a . ".jr.,, a Cr unsettled, but closed something firmer, with 1 Uo.t r ,"/ - 6, - ,' fabbT K. It trtr 'xi:LER:44a - - sales et 1800 bales_ FGUL AII PACKET BE- Flour-Tho market has Improved, and prices # ' - jiaa rI.F.N PIITSBUBOILI cr an e FISR. are firmer than at the opening. The sales were ; etesmor PILOT N 0.... A. & muter. 5600 bile at $4 121(04 25 for common to . 1 " "'" Pftt .b.l " Wb.`ll..".l""'""fta' ...try Manday urnlity at 3 delve . 4 rsturaimi straight state, and $4 25®54 37} for Ohioand }...... 2.lmilsh for Cape.. "kbesling lael P u ffe d urah. see Michigan. , try need, and treat. at 10 Velma. • K. Pa...engem , eud admen, ran &rend up. this boat running regularly Orain-A'heat Is steady, with sales of 1000 1 aortae the zow .ster •etoon bushels, at 102 c. Corn is firmer thatt yesterday , - '''' n. " l.n ' 6 '''''''n'annly on b "' d ''''''' with A fair export demand at 03®64c ?bushel. PHILADELPHIA AND javEgpoin for Mixed and yellow, with sales of 40,000 barbels.U. States Nail Steamship Line. Prorislons-Pork meets aim a better marlet„S TF A 3 ,/,Sinr LAFAYETTE. 6 A• and 1100 bbl. were cord at 015 25(4513 50 far ' .. ,' ..i A !i.: -- i r ti .M. t.Te ,'L n ' l c i .. ll7: ." . '''' mess, and $l4 25€ :314 50 for prime Lard is a ~,, , ,, - 7:7" r't 1 ", ~.'''') , ".„. . Z.;;°;:, . " , shade better , with sales 250 bhis and tierce s at . a ' ; '. lol 7 . ' idne'.'W;un tetire;n PlillZTigialtee' - '17.7:1 If ®loe 'l lb erpool. and elli eves art berth. Lc newt Wharf. fan Lst• en VI elneedar. limy 7th. et tleillA .. Whiakey-Is dell at 23c 1? &alio.: mt. .0.,,til ....tat:, ix gat. tw. mow. il bent In O.- m...rt tutetantril manner. both ...regards ball aact mia, mamma riureee. has ti•aey diagonal bre.. thtnetoulesiadier s e I 'ha faaienterp. el - etre IMAM-, of COMM,' 46.. •ud or es-/ ca - cm - yArz MARKET ' /;',.: ` 417::ItT&:'21.1117. P t' nr n '''''''' ''' d '""'.'" ll- r nee:mods:lime au awe CIaCLVNATI, May I , ..^..*, vr•• , mvurv.o.vd to , =mt.& sv 4 vlecumvi , 1 RAILS or r.fSe•AGL. 1 • Flour-The market is inactive, but prices aro i„,,,,,,,, w „.,„.,„„.... il , unchanged. oo Pronsion--Very little was done, but the mar- titeral Cabtn * , IvORIP ' r, La 1 a. het continues Sim. i.e.,. m i c a 1...1 etl -.1.i • r.- .r C.riniel tbs.. Os Wh.elej-SalCa at 17i 7gl gal with a fair de- •unecn Tekets en , l le 1ert...1 fr a nzl,l a,max.r ~ rt in-, th. el maid. ton. , . e.• re- st. / .... .• f vend. the nnn.irt , in, le Groceries-Sugar has further improved, with Tu ETC: altos It tT1.... lltt.hl ri..t. ,0.6 bast:. sta. .ale, of owl fair a t I n i ond of fan- Mt 61 V 11l },r, its,. art 1.., ode.: is dull m 103 Irk ~,,nnm.: Nro., n .....f10rmu1t......, 0 , Dried Ipnlee--nre in limited request 111 hod ~. re. ent ;retired own pea fa, in ...Lt. nem Ltetri...c. , n 1.12..000ne. te. 2... r t. n. - r ) 00 le.turnitid, the lefay.dt• trill leave Liven-eel theute The river has fallen 6 inches in the last 24 , s; eoium-e--. h., xenn.l eed age mom beer elan trod hours, and is mill receding. The weather 13 cold uk s',','l ex l „ , , ,„,, . and clear. tact- 1: or 5 C0.:7 Walnut et , Sr la Jain L LINTON Linintard M. Wharf. Phira. ------- - ---- t-- --- - Agent ILigriorl. Joins /lan, r.t.l.eri J Flan. El ACON--5000 lbs. Ilog Bound, for sale by A TAr,„r u " Ito ca. n ,t, liendlLaLdi d y • t JJP ... _ artn _ S.ollial P SUMTER 4 ' VI GLASSES--75 bble, to arrive, for sale by .v ..a. apll BUILBRIDGB • INGLIRAIL The Human Body rust Perspile, FOR SALE—A good second hand PEDLAR;* SO • SAYS NATURE, to lore a healthy aIVA. T. Costar< of J . Kipp A co,. t Marmon ma persom who do not pereptre, ue liable •P 175 0 Wood n. ft 0, ... , Zurtj , i.g....1.r.s Bain titems.., No, Joao' Italtan VERMILLION--62 lbs. (Triceps} sale us.. ssolars v :7:l " t.r.,=ll'":ll7dit.isthr the Tby . ap7 R. R. BELLE/SP.. " .=, ' ,2i Rt,..,....a ...a, "'vet Mil bee taL but C lIEESE:-.50 boxes reeei vin r and for Min mred by its use , ao at least 7 phyelcims In N. York know, by ap7 R. DALZRLL t al.. Merl th° '''' " "L "'th '''''' '''' ''''' " '''''''"g"-'" ''''' 'Ylt u T TT. , Pimples, Blotches. freckles. °reared/5u skin dismae. _s SUNDRIES—. - reader IP swerved Ulu wok m wakes, putted nostrum, as am trial will prove. I ropld enumerate at I t eititt7 5 Ws. Butter. person cured of are laced. sore kza and Imre get% 1. 5 sacks Drled Apples. , Buy It—eM th e reader is amin'sslaro I ,ould macula ell_y sell It for the above. unit. I anew It to% all I state. 43 . boxes Chen, eteeivlng per L. E. IM. WIT , Those who are Bails to chafed and tot sale by JAMES DALZELL. . will Pad this not ordy • eure, b o b a crmk" e l eg,ir and Chapped lie'''. too ap7 on tat Water et. now only add. that any ma attliet.ed with any . 0.. ; 1' the Our . (1 , -- LON'ffi SEED-25 bbls. prime ro ,r b ' "'''''li.."'" ' '111""" '''' '''d "" f ". inft:}% arl a y ; rable In Its prerpertles) than I etate. V_ ap7 307 Ly wArr a C o. , St But. reader, the Acres an Ilmated what b a ttil Qn ALERATU —'— S---6000 lbs. pure, for gale by ' Z 4 'l. It ZijitivieLVCiMiallir=tVPlLls aria. 1,7 eta 4011 N WATT a fol. I 114 of Wreet. 11 16 COFFEE--150 bins. landing, f metal MILL= A RIM --- hy Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to be had kg 23 mots.-Pence. who have either, are tumor. 11l moored that If their breath 10 ever In fool or their teeth decayed. dark yw. and encruebel with tartar s Mu el 3 cent boo o J oo o.' Amber Tooth Plots will Make . the Meth as white fut mow, and the bored odotifermisly R. 1100FLAND'S Celebrated German " Zia only at JACIIhOrS limn.. 240 Liberty et, b4oood jt & BITTERS-1 thou for tale by J . KIDD ./a. aoll, CO Woad CO .. et -- A Scientific flair Tonic, Restorer and Beau- Dissolution of Partnership . Iher.-Trlal Bottles. 3711 cent. Thom who have used .. . Muni/ Coral Ilalr Bestorm. know Its excellent qualities- HE Partnership heretofore exis t ing De. those who have mt, we assure it to p00r.., nallowl.4l i r [weep the subwriben, under the style of "Bremling fualitim It will time the hair to p , ..nw on may part when/ o k , b / ,. /gf.' fa..././lalvellir mututeg b m, , a , nX , /e2fillf . wr i A• i L f Z i i:./4ott ‘t b= l :lla . r a: ~. .t. r i ,, go,,fall=. curaermw ag ri. '" .ll 00 .tl." th... , 75LNyta,m0,;,.e. , , tgfinutm .?7,, , A.,-.,... , :trg....kik.1..4.1,-1,7..v. /mum melim3mWS ygli E s a Imo deed. the must morionthed-yet supertor-suticle for the hair. pARM FOR SALE.—A Foam, situate in ' ~..ti „%ij , A r tt A r C ES o r , ,10 ./. 2,0 Ith.thr tits..t. A North liorilmadon township. fin ertrameland coo, p-s s .s_m: osn a s . en pn.t., sn a pi_ mute/Wm( 24 are of good lead, bounded by laade of Jr b s ~,'' ..,.., i , , ,• " heel. rainier - • b ° ,,,,.. i1 1, inT scar. y cl , 7 . d ', , g.,. 1 JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human 00, Mack V ate, two Mire from the Penmylvents Rail ' nod Dye, for the chmoring of white. rel. so grey hal,to• Road. end one tulle from Jacknonville. Iseprommeme con- i imautiful brown, or black jet color. lo • few minutes. Mt of a two story Low Dwelling Rouse. bank Ikunche ine b e - tozo j te ic a i lk ..bni,..b, of word, frame btable, sad neoem out building., Apple Cider Prem. go . Title .tiputable Ever tertroweaquirer s O Plltel urjat. thenremines, of ROBLICP 8 BTERLES .anners JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Ladies are cup AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, ginn ed athinet ming the common prepared Chalk Tbw7 not aware bow frightfully inJurioutl it b to the AM FOR the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- Ir..Zirriii i iir " tain Intr h 'n b at ' n ' s n rt i r! n t:Altikin:atlitl Kn.. Brtmcbltis, Croup, Asthma, P . in amok injuiotu. containing a large nasality of lead! ad Coomoption We have prepared • beautiful fregetableartiele.wldeb we The uniform mgrs. which ban attetakd the um of OM call Josiee . novinteb Lilly While. P'''l.."*l'-'....T .flees-It. P... to 0.11,. . d . beet r, i ' . ' attlli=tibtiViltl ' l fi na l g n 1 1 , 1 11 6 :11V.71 ' . cure affmtlona of the hangs, hare gained for It. celerity abeetZ, , Brion white, it. ths some tune acting as as equalled by no other medicine Re offer It to the afflicted mune en the n skin, funklmilt soft nod romoth. with enure enottlenee in Its virtue, a., ma (unbelief that b : a. i f b4:4l '. Art.,t,l'hi l'ACKV'laill....t..‘ It will subdue and remove the interest taterte of disease' ao &davit/ 8 two the llaroet thd Lungs These remalts, RS they be. I come publicly known, very neturallyattrewt the attention ORPHANS' COURT. of medical cornwhatmad philautbroputa , everywhere what 14 Weir opinion °JCL/ars Pre torsi ma, be .en m the tol ÜBLIC SALE—In pursuance of a de laying - cree of Om Orphan.' Court of Washington Comity, I ALFNTIN L. MOTT, 1.1 E. ; .IV al,bo of a derrwe of the Othhans Court of Alleniten o r Prof Sor.e.• 3 h& Cnißr. '.... */..• "mfr- C'.':.:til'aelr tvi'4"in't'en.:;',,A.Z.n.lTC'-,;;;,l,"s_rcenilil. ttr"lt gh...,Fh....",. ^o,l,irtp th .„.. 1 . , ...d .U..., of • on the 2.1 List Li 31ay next A I , le ti fa in o'flock, A i45...0?..10.11 . . r t0 " :4; . th . 5. TI/VX, '" anrl /.7, a it ' : 'll' . ' - '144. ' m • ''' the 1 ' .4 ' .. • .4 the '` , r 0f th 1 .3 ;• ,,, r0 , 0 .r ... .• ~ TI C.• at a.. t..... iii. u.t Jaen nrin.. In . 4.„., to in. 7:11 '..:nr,'.'''' ve 7.7tri''t7=1....'r.):71.1....= Irmod, who erne het mallet. noJer .0 thmtiou of Oh. tritheumr bd. situate 01 the mouth of Lawny and Nosier Lune:-'Try On Cherry Pertural and if any medicine can 0 nee., In the iminediate vicinity of the termini. I f the .4 , ve you reheL with the blenehag 'lOOl that will." areat Central Pthumlvente itadmad s end within on grove! Cum 4 tn.: grail:Lot Loomitha mime - rn‘t • 7.0.4 th. de'' , . 1 ^"i 4 r° ,ol . tor tfonmdce di .. ,- ..iion, Of o b. ~.,,, of nn. C ., ~,,,,a. o f s e em e d attac k . o f 1(:,,,,,, b y property, the •Ithennoer won 1.1 r. • ft rto hand Gala that run the - Churl Pf floral 'We orcemnal at tile more. So. .0. wan Old n of th e D emend. ASTIDIA AND BRONCHITIS Pour 10 'the numb. r of Ifate aro ow folhows I, ...-/ n. ~ Y. th 10 11. 12,1 .. and 14 all Immtine on I.llw rte, il ooh., Ilie Lenahan Jetiruel of 11.11 cal beieure gams, -n e t and } root stnets those on Llle.rtj and It atm range from Whim and Bronchitia m ormaleut in Um Inclement .1 / .4/ to ...a Mt trouLarith tbe ea. mtlen of No IP, which In 14 ma..., has iselaol with eurpritung rapidity to Ayer s Liter 6 '...L. f..t. .". " nPr's' ri Pectoral end we cannot too e t mwmnaend this . •t'"" . I .' '.. 0 . 1 ~. 1 the nu whe'e ton.. l. he sklitful tenon nahun . [he r • lnfes.ibn and public gen,. Paid en the t 1.1) f r .4. and the. residue thereol al 1 , er. ally with Intro-a :mm tt s ..- •-• sea. it s tonal end ...e.ure. t oe on the ironer, ',tn porebeaer• tin gee ounce, Let the nal, est auffetwrepenc for himself - t i ''' iti ' CI Pt S lib trli • Ad linistrator of Ilwarrota, Jas. 10. 144 . / ~,j, „ fs e the r ..,., . • .;„ 11 1',. 0. ,_.,,, ~ I Dr. J. t t j . r- hear bir-liffe e ig been 'mound Mau • , . 1,1 ...... d.... h i . ''...•'''''`‘`'' .... Wt.. I f lea rl'S BU RC II CO3DIERCI A L Cm , ODD, ovomos. sue 1G Ile./ iou lira or noith,ll.lll,ll, not only 4 ...1,00 to ,0., l tat for the loMituation of other. in IlLe , , (orner of Third and alari/ct 00,0 tlatelest ti , t D ai t , c , aa ,0 The way Vaal. red InstatiLe a the knot Or 1. no A slighe colfhutmn the lunge, n. simted et first. became et / min/min thee stetting of blood • a eiolent mugh end onatme PA, 1.17-Jo, FitYINo, Principal Itrtrurtor In the ciwlat ewenie folios ed and fastened neon me. I Gwyn,. a P. ,nu oe Of ArvOUrllt, ram 0001, miuhl not steep. sem dm. wed by ma cough, end , 0 K. Lowwart.i.v., Prof. snot of Pennotenelm. 31 / maa. a pain thrOUl,ll 04 stmt. and In abort hadall throb/nun, . Ole Computatomee , nap.. of eonloantarcia ,No [ te d at all , Attu... alt 0 AlWre, Eau . I ectun ron C. cermial ,j, mash so y ems. until I nrmidgotally 000,02 your Chewy i Ime occtorei. wrier non rte. ml and nue bon earn! me Bog,. or Tenerres -Hen Wm. V tithe,. Ilan.Jnrom lours with regent. a A. eTi_va ALT 1 Buchanan. Hon John Borden, lien Charles Baylor, lion m„.„., l'. April 11. 111 , limes liamougi llon II II Lowrie, Dr. Jll Mefilutoeh. Dr. Ayer . Lowell-Dear Air -1 have foryea.rolemo [®lo- John Autrson awl., fren J K 3E4archead Jame. Dun owl with *Agana to the wort form. m that 1 hate been m .3 p • ;• • •, ,,g,:1. „ =, , nal . , h • At.r ~ hliged tosiceP,th e'l . 1../ ..." & ;:i 1• Ti . ..7. , ,.,_,2 011 . 4 0 .. e. - La; ' Yemen Taawy, M ' e r robant. " ll T f ( l4 ' : ". aersenutTri r t got 0nab1.W.t..`...° `,.. lr o m ....-4 • a_ . •//,_,.. 04 7 . ptudente ran enter elm Inetitution • t " n . lime, and oh ...nein. to no PorPme e • n.'41.°4&;:ii... B r.-.. ../ . tern In/dm/Mon individua ll y. both de; 171Zr/setting when atil I:awn:tient, YOU , 01. n" . At ffrst it teemed to make coo worse, but in Ism than a ; . 7 M 7L7V 1 , 1 7.=. • diPlema signed by the nsoulty and week I begin 10 ........ I..:. r .Urin g .11dir° ' Thom dmirlOg • thmough amain". or hook kething. .g.. nee, and now, Ili (our ..... ' l. .. t• Mini) ..v • Pennthatehio, Ac e will bear in mind that thls le the onlY moved lan rimy on my bed with comfort. mad enjoy a o steta of health Mad/ I Led mrer exported to enjoy ‘ ,.._ .. wharteled Collet 8f K the c kl i.. od b.. ln hu. Pittit . b il u i r . .h .t Com ,.ith n4 = unintw v, GEORGE 8 YARKANT. tint !rpared by J. C.ATER, Chmost. Lowell, Lem non seS id in Pittsburgh. wholesale and retail. ar 3231 TOM/. ud, fit litho /Mart end Jomph ...Elam. alanchana city. sal by Dealer , . lo Weilcine eVerT. • theve . . • • •• B ACON -43 casks sugar cured hams; a do do Shod Wen for cdeby P: J. K. DILWORTH & 00. Military Bounty Land Agency. %NILE UNDERSIGNED, residing in Edgar Cemity, Illinois, la its to locete Miter, Laud is arrant* hi peal bath. stable following na rip sere Warrant., Me bt , sure Werra:l%lFr: 40 Nero Warman, re—which... be eurcifeed with Ibe .Warrerd; or, It jpre. fernd by dem mewing NO am Warrants. sand or the late! wail is, reavlired for the oerrire of the aribatuted with met af the recarde la Ma vies, the eubwrnber bits peculiar adreatarts imtlag atruna. Addr.s. (p.d. paid) HIRAM SANTORA Poo, ILL ton emcee 00, Whitman 1111644,tv. • GREENWOOD t ROSEDALE - REGULAR rACßEl'.—yb e , g pt i .gig hub miming steam boat CLllFirrAlls. l. T. Rum Alaeher.leaelltbeinnl of the Ohl Allegheny Firbli.T. j'LL gegrgn=ln7tifitlliV'Orett=tr. " titn ' Vilitt O thr Allegheny aidr.. DT We 're:mm.3 , 4om of ri, Kenn al.. at 41 other Pniitu. Ai- Extra Trip Id , 1,1 0 clock, P. M. • to 2 - FOR CINCINNA4I.—Th e fine Mesmer ROHRER. R041.F.112, Duteher, .. t= r ; ' i n e.ls7t WA; IT , V. It!' j ot" For frlght orineuLl•Aint . l2 o_t_, board, n/l Foil (,'I.&CINNATI ANO ST, ' . Lrs--The vlealld steamer J. 4 P e.S. Lucas, mutter, .111 Iran. for thc oe am all int.rtardata pot an thla day.•t 4 n'cluek. Y. M. For freight Ur peonage, npply on beard. , __,, n , EOR NSIIVILLE.—The splen did steamer FORT PITT lini . r. mann . .. LA . 4 . ...,,.,e the above mid inlet -Inedible poru • an C1113 , 1.7'. at 4 o'cloek, Y. IL F._ (night or pamwa 0 00 1 0 ht , h..d, mr: LIOR crxcINN , I, LOUISVILLE AAC ll les, for the store and Into rl port, on thin the 31 lost. at 9A.M. kOr freight or rwrla g d.. Fl9:4ll Loud, noi2 . rj OR Itlwill muter. will les, for the shore mui all intcr• mediate parts tide afternoon. at 4 ciehielz. o For 1,101 or ;int ade. apply on hoard. FOR ZA 4 i ihean t e ri;: t lPlLEnS,Con.troatter,wiil har e ° j4F . ,44 4 ,0,147,44nd iuternieatiato ports on this ilaY. For freight or twang, apply on board. aliat Fox CLVdIN7TratTISVILLE. r.l liftSON• Ca Pr mire for the shore and littcrmettlalo fort, thli day, at 4 playa r. For freight or paetaiiii, apply on boanl, isp3o t•Oß did LOUISVILLE --The NOM otonrocr NAVIGATOR qp. prim. yeMna ro m r,at ' A. LL For freight or poottago ntigir tiAnt. or to J. FLACK. Agent. FCINCINNAYEEffLOUIS ji: The fine steamer AAZONIA, Mcßride. router. Irnre far above and Irdertordiate SAforiar, 26th Ind. at 10 a. N. , For freight or Inissage, apply on board. apT3 NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1851. .4E2 :KIIE new and fast running str. CASHIER, S. ats.ner— Regular Wellrrille, Start n.. Wrllrbur, Wkarllnk. Bridgeport. Capita...33d Sunfholl°P.-ket--I.atre. 'very UW..0.1 . .3 3 o'clock, P. IL for Wheallna and bralarporr,aaar7..7 daturdar. at 9 P. M., fol i Capllckk and SunWh. 1 4 1 1d ve ir . laaa -' t b d %' . lTZin,,Tver r y. floods, .n.l Thurrday. at '' o r irjght ''""PP. l ° 37lhl l C th . Agent. .11 1' i AK PACK T BE- ll. — Thellchtdraugherdrscrr _ 1 0 P. Kinney. mmter, Warr. ellarllle earn , Mo . n dr %al arse:Lay. and I.3IJaY, at .1! a:r_l,:rdt,xA, .rvitit; L r . 1 , " 11: Patunlay. of IO o'clock. A.M., for Doure r, 11 erran log•Glasqoa, Loot I.lrarpcal, and Wcl .vllle. For (might or mama, aPP l rkk bo.N. spy EGULAR PITTSBURGH AND W11F.711.1N0 PACHET.—The mleralkt new Inapt Mem, DIWINA Cnowll, rhrlii i lT Wlß.t i rg e iZt, ' l;tl.l=llV=l: ~,, Monday. Wednesday and May. and returning . . I Wheeling every Twelar. md Saturday. In each week. For freight r peeing, an ea board. or to lIMITRONO A C Arent& I E ,, AGcKUrr.L WEDNESDAY owners ht. etdentld bonit r n t : L . ' l.lll j Ve the owners of the steamer lame Newton. all other, kr the Chernmati and httabetrith I'mket trade, and will Ines e‘ery_irellneelay (heat:mint:n.ll.lo place of the New E n =- ! a r'lre r " rot-m:6=n - I°. 0R MARIETTA AND HOCK- . LNGPOIIT--The YAC/FIC. ~ ,rl toA. ..m itener,,will Imre tbr tko,ton. and In >tl ItU n TITBK, CLARK lc CO.'e Pure Medici .o co %en om .T. sgr i er z loyli.J.. br CC. CO li«d lit (IANTHARIDES PLASTER-25 lbe for .‘_ pale by .02 O. A. VAIDOUvroOIi aCO ITRIC ACID--18 Ibo for sub. by •e 2 IC A. FA IC:E.SfOCK t W. BORAX -1000 The Refined, for sale by •Le. U. A, YAMS - I:STOCK 1 CO SEIDLITZ MIXTURE-150 Ibo. for male 11...7 by ' atgl B. A. FAIMESTOCK • CU. `OAP-114 boxes No. I reed. for Belo by 1,7 Wag IL •W. ILLRBAIVOIL Deniable Resilience for Side. irrnE undersiiltiell offers for sale, one-of the 'IL Most deaßithlwreekbettom In the tewn of blawlllion. hurt county. Obi*. rontedrilnu about eil arr. of land. with a /ark. •I• 1 f01116111(111,11/1 Bela Dwelling Howe , and nut homes. VA gout supply of ehnim fruit nod throb -011• th e beet .hoole In the einantry 14 within a ebort dliamiee..and • hen it in reinembernl that In ala months from tide time it will be ,thin four boom' rid...of rittebarkh i it will to even that beetle 00 mall induce ment bar soy who de/ire • cheap awl elegant eetmat from Abe tit?. either 11. a summer tetirrinent or • permauent midden°, A part or the whole of the !awl will ie wild Ith tho bulldlnsv. Tbirpropivt r mar now be had to Iran than the boilillnee met id. procure title and con ker. without rbarne, a but of morn than twosome*, situabel Rthe hank of the Ohio Canal , and about twenty rods ,ns the toned of tlae Ohio gent Pennsylvania Railroad. to any capita/Mt ne company who will ertablish thereon a mmitsfamory of Ron Cotton, or Wool, which Mail employ a one of SAW.. Let it borne in mind that Maasillon it one of the most beautiful. ami thriving towns won of I Pittoburgh. Coal. and all the means of Itelog. so well to ' ran he procured here Ea low sent any point. Goode when tranlifletared east of ream, with great rime, be transported by Canal or Railroad. 11osDWIGHT JARVIS. 1 I==EMffl • Valuable Property for Sale.. TIIE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a V3111:1. , . t.. rum, of rrruirrty in Allegheny City. having feJtit cm Itrlisertt :rk.Vl of 82 feet. and rannin4 hark fm - trtreet Thir rmprty ritunted immrdiale is !meth eY the rerttleere o f Fa me' Church and rudr the the rent The toryte m r , ty liyel nnd troll rutted for Layi Sid ng off tyole, hcs and fart of the purhan. maiwr nn cored on uie ground. Inouire c o, the encerriher. on n thr Initial_lniti JOHN T110311..50N. A s. .;mall well finibhed and completely fur. cs, usst door to thr_posEurrtre. E, D. GA7ZA3I, 3 , 4 and dth rts. aPltf ~ o lPut.rn TrL - wur) Desirable Suburban R lin. Sale. THE subseribor offers for sale the house and h tL f iT T . ovewhe r s h he now rlsta, t rintetan I:ent i t y be the untrke r t of ill ' enr .IVe rfltaToz77`ark't ronolog bark 2.52 feet, to so Ilea every one acre °lnvalid, and it, an d on every tido by large nen Inn, adorned with trees and shrubbery, The ?wow is neut.,. new, lune, and anceedinaly well arranged, ban. n freed of fk feet, ink • actin, of 12, and meld. fourtieu room Leann hallo nine feet wide. It is built in the be nod moat durable manor., and has finwproof most. and containe all the modern eonvenlynees. Tamps, with thlialy of hard and eon e at the door. On the prumnot are the merman- out b a ge, natio , marriage boo., 71n. arsiutichi are Ind out Muni, aa a lawn, covered with choice fruit thew evergreen, Clowning italeit.'uTrPrtirl'rgzttr=z inch. prim, 41.1 i yield enough for the wants of on nolltan. fatally. Thu attuation 0f this property. mto adubritY and suburben atmfnr ti combined with contiguity to the city, la not ounlamand by All, n-01d..,, Is this vicinity. It has • new of the Ohio /liver for over. ladle, of Tvotpsninco, vlll, Smith I l ltlaborwh, the city, the two riven. and the ttaround,formingall • th ebtie r ye if=6lcl'"'enTr! oar toll su the :pin. pain l i n rairaciva . from run. annOt'asise? ' Of dat=giv,C.f. neuron nod vneetetinn. and affords • retirement v quiet J pioneful av if located Inatome quiet none ha the manotry. The property will le sold at n bargain. and goasirmion given whenever ilesind. Esquire et the Gazette once. atinaltf D. N. WHITE. For Sale. TILE members of tho Fairmount Fire Coe dy,wavy, often. their Engine for sale. It Is in good or er and will be .14 the, Enquire of J SMITH, Frey, No' 41M Penn street For Rent X IE ACADEMY BUILDINGS, oni ri ~ Tcrry .tenet—a large and subillantlial Dung, suitable an Academy, or mthtifectu Poeseasion Oven imnie j e ri l Ja L tr . lA ll3 lr i tpulre of *roclat4l . corner Garrison al . am! Lamas st. ANOR RENT—A Dwelling Howie on 2 .tort. abase and near to Smithfield. It gfu Ihnues. large yard. wash house. Ar. Will bet ranted low, and yard. amen Immediately. Abo—For gale or Uwe, sense lots in lbw 'Muth %Tard, between Perm Weet and lb. All. river. WM. M. DARLINGTON. at Benj. Darlington's, Fourth Anat. near Wood. noumor Valuable Real Estate for Sale. TILE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale on M. fa eoraLle terms, the following Real Last/. la ve City of Pittsburh, rig No- 1. Three valuable thrne tory brick dwelling houses, on gamed street. between Market and Pm/ .erect.. the lota baths each 19 feet front by an No. Contains 61 feet front - ou TUI4 atreat adjoining the ThirdPreebyterith Chursh. on whkb Is atected ono anir an, b rick boo, used 4 priming OA* unl on. two story twirl sarehon.w. No. Two in Valls WM, IldaVer eounty ‘ laeing lots Nuad and 4. h,ins about 10Q feet aquant.on whir-nisi:Test. .1 one Week. of lbw. frame dwelling", and one seeparats Icarus dwelling. all two stories high. No, 4. One lot 60 feet (mot on Back greet. oppwita the .tarp, and extending Id the top of th e bill. No. 6. Two trash lota, each 10 6.1 front. and running as the TOW n , low water mark on the Mg Dearer. , No. d. One sal uale water lot. 100 feet on %Thee/ Ram, with Dm *bar, water power smathed. One lot orrnow the water lot. SO feet from and emending to the top of the hill. on which is onll two rimy brick more and worrbouse. Pi by 50 fern alsoons frame dwelline. two Mort. high. No. F. Aloe ler, lot in New Ittigbion. the shorn 140 4.t on Brestdway, and about Sc: frt deep, the I.Msere. ' bleb IN I, rvrtM keve tram dwellings. and one on frame bet., e• so Mlle,. This pro,rty was femme; tewupinl ley Mr. T. C. bra idol. and I. Ttxr ples,ntly Ineafed, lying inime.tatei 4 oneiwoc , the Janne. grids, 50.1. Ow vale, lareebsiely leehm aurteo 11,1,1ge. hrin,c abort 1,0 knelt, and extending Orb, truer to In= vat, mart.. or lon • r.,,rete will t. 1, re iaeorable term, Arnie st the I 1 bird '•I • • and Ratite; suet. JOHN 1 562 , 11 , Agent 1.01,11 -room.. and Pent For Sale. lIEUNITED sTaT 110T,...- , ...„„ BI,OCK Of 1-11.711 PINGS, Comervl -es* Rae ard co the he vtraa umal, tbe City Pk...buret, TI, front,. 3 o.rt, inur 1.. t NOP Ptrevt. agui co nunll-4 inrd rearll "^ • I , n a a Oo tv , ..l 44 mil, otrt. r lA.I.CA 311LL:s. AiZ S., A N LOIS • rnl, —T-.:.F. -u• •nl . 33+ wn triipremwd in-r, 1.1 4 6*rrn nt 11 4 the Olyo mcr. three tole! P..•cr, for . 01 110 Av.r... on M. ~b t, riser. 6 Entl,. w r. I r pyr ken Also. urre fr.: 115 {or 1,. $4.1 5,4 El for 31:..1,i 45 tll gape. kr.ethcr with oiLi s r, 4110 s ar.d pncee. Lnquiry . si L B t ETTLioLkx. utao A Blast Furnace fdr Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED ofTero for Sale his BLAST EUILNACE, eitualsel Is (his known .FARlana Fu with an the out. iudlennsw ral GBIST MILL: aery aloe ne ....ars to carry on the Soacitt. of more It hae I.tuu Am. of Land atauleed. eith as mue.t. more isboloins eould b e new... which can bo man tod per am, er It Pm the nowt favorable location in the Youth, for making Iron , having the ore vithin one-halt to one rolls oE, to veil lane ouratltles. ear, to mi., sod yielding recut .50 b, 1 per rent. It is one mils and • half from the Etowah Rolling 11111. where • ready sae no he found Ow all Its product.; of Pig Metal: aul two talks from the tratrro and Atlratac italleral , .Lich one of the lion of nitro... connecting th e len... Braer with the Sea Bow d. which has rte line. of railroad. roaming out from It. finished and under COntreet p.slog through all the In,. portent Toone end an. In elown4a. where a needy sale L. found tor ar MeLel. Machinery, Iloilo+ Warr. la It is now in full LLA.I. worked hp water power, with • 1111.11 part of fret, no • never ooth. falling etzeam. and in the most healthy the b Letters may be address.. to me at Etowah. ass on.. Oa. or I on, be seem.l any time n o rgtIIII747;ioTALL. Ausroon• Pus, Match 1, lat. neciahatawnlne REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—The cinder aimed often for male • lerge number of tamable tr. int, fat, med4o b ra jef i r de i tna,11 . .11. 0. 1% manut TT; E i z i b Lutheran (larch. roanurootorino eala..rrie rromonntio Wet at whkh lot. will he soW. rend. them a wife and profitable In. vestment Till. perfec i !. Terms favorable. lb. ' .lllMrg 4" e n t ll . (.31Tott;,,em 'i" . c= a :ree 4 rtrPlitt rgh, betwero Mixt and icairtn ' strotto, or of AI name. and N. Paterson, at their eke. in Ilinne teetharn. jara MOSES P. EATUet. POViSigton Inn Works for Sale cr Lease. THIS ESTABLISHMENT, aituated on the Ohioan!, opposite atelmsall. havlnglia Molest tau te ergo. thorough repairs In new foundation. machinery. At bang ova of the meat efiglble localene in the train. Mr the manufacture of the various slic. and kinds of Iron; frellgtr rot:re:Xl:Tetra' c7c4,l4trraTertesreryaZt; tonne to gull applie.M. Foram. I thewerantage.of lugtahllehntrat 5 , 10.001 In the rant desirable pato( ale al. to addition to the taxes Wag mush ll (statics tor Cincinnati trade. It Mnelete of .soap geggv!..":neittr.rrite=e.":lg."lr• sr Mt chlttera to make from inch Iran op to b lob, nametape' Il i ah si se i t i .ll all lb. ..I flat Iroa 1 •Ith • good Sheet and Itn A gtoe. oftnVlL 'd trutoll ' o d ans pe P r i day Sheet Inns Jn Wdwom , there Ie • Nail Factory, with Penetrate ro ; gine. moralising It Machines, arid. rat be tuatara to '' lterrTr. 171 9 2rA d it AN, Cincinnati, or J. D. McNICKLE, at :;l l ' Lle—A valuable Iron Establishment eitnatod on the tralu river, In tiollia county,Ohio,eanstsang of • 101%0 wmtalning three Nobll, g or Finery Fires Woo ikehm= Tensors, one ruut dire, ono par Thei s!luau Bolls. with asperity to make l onins Iron pod ay. slet suntans 'ore. of Coed Land, of two veins, rack SS feet deep.— The outran,. to all the Lana or Me. 10 {rem ta to 400 prel t .,fTt i llafterv. T, It is one of the bat lomtUousin the Crfetarton/ . MeNICXL.E, ALtlO - Abrick pre proo f r w6Dir s llnallie ' lt7lll ' s . c . NOtv,a with anoldlng I , IIZ 11. oi ow . (Berra QM/ th! .° 4 l ll• S F—r_iTtr", a d ietti l tkra t bge tt l' e ' at o rl U v o lng o B: Allegheny of niZoing, In A rm strong co.. Ea.. knows ea a r e Allegheny Purnae property, mutant. at all about 1 7.a arClr•ea The law m On Lim...ncufcr a Mr* ers for fur, man, adeantag... irtnana t, lot./ pt.111..n n 1 the betlem lend now rultrretu•n: Chu high arc ...table of Lane lushir imPrwodi maid are 0111 . - ,ty arena to all e lte_priorus.l mint. ,4 the land and tht setraw. Thor oro eftclat anti. ma.. Fur nw. nen., Enninc, sod lele...•pparatue, for Iron: together all the budding, 91%,ri.efolng 0.1.0• Sum lion, Dane, Maid... a, whole all le die. re;eerl of upon favorabl., tern, or It will 14 , ..e.ded foto tr.t. to suit porchaetr w A plot of the or 1 ,0 5 . 5.1' nod far tber particulare can he obtained br addrmang apl.el: isu to. 111,01 A NA S. iFOR ItENT—The large and fl eumnumE-24 ot. ow.. ha Penn atmet. Edward...) lth at matte, Int it:P. lll dt, . 1 . 1101 t0n.,1 .0a t ant. Alms—tintiding for tarn hnrata. * tllllllll. l l Co.. 00.1511 AiilOß RENT--The Ihvelliug Howie. on err!: ihr M 171,7 nf Sotin mad• Wont oinmona, odnuidrd nt drhurkk, deed. Pons. &Mon 16 ,. .a n /I , dr !moth. King. Cad:, nr Wm. In 1,. A n.-I.or Work, All.nihenv Valuable Real Estate for Sale. POR SALE • -Tliat valuable Lot of tlround enoood .t 0,. corner of Market mad Want lort...nt rictium..l hi 31 , 11. any I .. , 11t.i. ao a 11 1,, 1 111., .1... having • (rum tio Marl,. Orr. of Lit II inch.. ad on Mater niter( of 1i fort l Slm , ll rs Alan—The Lot of litutud initniunig tha t1h , r1... und) .r,t1{.,,.1 ii 31r..100 Inmmihn a. a in^ 1 frnid of CM ft-rt on Oh. lionototh.l., 10 , er7and running nark :Ltd lett to lin...tough etre,- Persona &alto.. of ran revelle, [tints, In fur formation Wm IL C. nTOCISTis.e, No. 47 ]larlat ADDITIONAL BALE Of Forty Taint Lots in East Liverpool. 0. tT.. recent cuipreeedented toile of Lote in the above thriving Tovrti imolaiu nearly szhatodod session:oily laid out, and the demand Flail ountinulus, the undersisned has been Indy.' to lay out • tOrioti his reinvest/ to 1.1 lots am above. ..1 a li en 0... 1 " at ;micro d angertms that cannot fail to meet thn They. of thioe eto purchase. and needises to vay sorthlon of the location of the Tinen and involved... (It Lariat hoe. Weueleleatly described In recent advertisements) other tat. that over one hualevel lots have resontir ebang.' hoods. bidbeen pi/mt.:Pod by those vrithing to Pro". tu ir ..... " L om. The shove lot, are mons the nod eligible =admirable to th. F l3 " , and PrlndpWr !waled In the contr. of [boas recent) y sold. oso For inforniotion apply to dm proptietne to LI"FF"ii" to James Blakeir. Es, - Fourth street. Ficietursh. JOilie B. mans Fast Liv.rpool. Fob. 2nd. MI. • hhi'dkittfEL COFFEE -150 sacks prime Rio; lo au " # l, ll l reMagey , :-,,.. -----_.------___ ---------- , ____________ _ 851 ~ , , ..i .„ . , ~ ..,...... 18 c i nomAs InirrE - llox --7 :, , i -- , -,. -,4 +NIT - • 1 y FACTUfslin. Nes. AI ..:uth tevi. e i . i bi s .„:, - , - ,.... 0 : ' . • ' on: t. teen ride., l'bilaio'lphir. .'" - reb - ip, - ' - ' LOCKWOOD'S Cleveland, Pittsburgh &Massillon &press. I 13 AG Atli', -w6Oliv A Id; Ze''''''v A 1 ......... r e No ... fi M kti • - -'''' in'le. :fins line runcin connection { l7th Using- i ---- - - 1 ---- . . - ---" r 'l2.. l _•P`dorad ~41 ! non. Fargo, .t . Cubs Restore. Western. Southern ..1 . ' f''. - •,..",•••• lolrotr. .....107— anode Express.. at Cleveland. end Adams' Is Co'. at Pitt. ! .' - k `‘...."••• • ........ •• ..-• --.• "• • W. 4.. liTburgh. giving It tilvenlag. over all other ....d,. ~f elm- 1 lI N P.A LI ) , lit, .k. CO., T0v,,,,,, ~..,; ...y. 0 . 4 . z. , , , , r gn u N,.,,,.. A !:,, , ,Et.i .. , :g . . 74,-,:, ,, ,, , ,: , ,,rh a . .ft . ; cr i 7i ,, :Al „ . q ,Mprk-Inar l .,,No. 41 North Wat s , stn ., : Feeley. in chargenf Onaty.d compete. fornonger. '''---. ---"'---• .. -2-.'..‘ j-".".". 1 1".'"4 . 0"'. • ” .1 Ife will receive and deliver pa Lace. at the fallowing ! ti ERCEIL A ANTELO. Genend enn --- T - m — ,,i platr • I non Merchant. Phildidphia. lithe., ailvana. . . lt.hester. Pa . Faissn. CMadiece Fells i so u no const e mmuints of Poe., genet.. ffonfedem '. ' fl. 0., ,n , lea a ~ -, ......;:.f.(-7,77,0.001,,:fai...,... eithat.v.o; tains. AA?... ~, j. ? „,„, , ~..._,,,,,/, Coshocton, New Castle. fn. Young-town. I vs ' Akron. Newark. Sleagmlle. Wen.. Fulton. SliDeriburgh, ! - ---- - --- -- - NE NV YORK . . 1117: : ilia no t tr l i 4' h7 l' .) tylilsi with the live., ..itx;d PI . • fiascos.. Navarre. ' Tr enekrbOrZbi l' . ellaburitb• V•-• ,1,1Y,de.11.. - ----- -- _..r-- --- - /tech.., {ruing, n si g, Ta.. i Franklin. D 01... Dalton" . Professor LC. Earrys Tricopherous, .v T r `•• l ' .1 " 10 .factali but wa .• ' , i ,. ....i..,1„.„ ° „„,,,,,, ~ , , th. -... ., ,,, 1r nimse eat. Ft... wife. '':moll,. Canton. Wellsviile. Ib L .rnesturgh. . cat MEDICATED COMPOUND, for re- rein •314 ta bold eie t virtu. of this small Canal Dover , Crichsville. Noy bon. I ILY •torioss. pr,.rwin., Cud heautifrine the hair...radii.. ! ~...... ~ - ...• '. ...Tree,: hutimmi, atad i Neel. 1.11. , Teo finlaCeiribin N. te Cuntleriand. . tut sour( and dandruff. and euris,i.dirsease. of the am -- - -'" not warrant Doh!. Silver. Beak Note. Jeweire mil uthse i.luterie . glemis end m. 0.. songs. L. bruise.. e rre., s t a , ye . The Mae of Iceland. and the hira gouda.iloolval end f' • drer..h. qt. eolia • has Nan ...ei rtunnl by egfeerntht. that Barr •n Tricoph- ;son, .ele i.ratal tor them...o fall. 1e,...1 nd ,92.'" 7 . • " tumor Not,E. Bill. Drafts. isfi .l +y. nt, The rat...tvi• , - .11. h.s prodeeed the ,„,..r eff,t to surto. dic.... i i o f t t, , Li s , - - - nee. Of the Laile, Cl to. •I. in, eL of We har... and oil the ammo larm.lot. The ~". :'' 7''" ~, ' ' '' , l . '...f.n r•il • •• , ctt to • MI MOrtheru J. . LOCFO , OOIt. Ih - yrti•tcr ' f...ining fivtmnials. selected from of d. ofeimiler ••••-• /r • r • • ...... of Omni,. • .e... m.. A ~, ,.,-9 , 1 0y, . ., . ...,,, , ..i, ! . ; pg. T .: 3.1.0.• , .: . 100 . ,1. .!.0. - .. .1•!...'f . mrt , ll, ~ I I serve to .bow the vaine of the preparation. 't cured from this in, and Ow. Tom. Da Tema • - 12... e f a; .1 : 1 7 . 71 r ,t , ,, ,, ,,,Tg.2 ,,,,„ , . , ,; ~r , • ~ r :; . ;ig. ,, , t! 0 . , , ~ h... r.., ' s4f , ..liecist , imatior. lu which It_ . held by those who hare , s.s t or With C0r....r.r L• ehleny Ramat. '" - Arita t v-C C. Cotil f'.. , eintd: hater it . liener he. Imt. , - .t.,,,,,,. r ietftee feel Mon a mid. ctm-y t. • y ea (tin. boo-,],. J. It Cesil Mune/lien. l inrl.... l'aike. 0 Co.. , Pi,. lisrav-Dear Sir-I he. Leen with •cm ' ...1,-• '' ,. r ...d. nnr ,, lr of ni 3 .l ebefriT Lint =I th• ' r; 4 . l' h t- dla i k ' t r 4 . ..w r i `“ Er r ii - ' 4 7 Ytr . 7°:: • IT-'7.";.;rW:rti..clri. i. "'teTt'Py' c r l). ' d " stt= "'"d th''' 1 r7,,',......W'.:,h0..":r,..,...31'‘,i,„.i...i(th'it.":„.iri'17i1.,_.i...T.MT10r tb. E. 11..... Akron , Daniel Sl a urvoll. IluEvat Wm. II nurse. 1 bum the ' •drlce ."' nf e entra e o ' fVfmcst eminent Ay.. ,---.- --- s ---- . • '"'''' . '•••....' C. 1 Canton. er2l , , Hons. and haze tried oil the preparation* ir the haer and L'f.. La' • .. •b... ..f.......itb the extract of T.....- • ----- '-' I skin now known. without the least benefit. 1 wee advLs.l th. rendering the whole Pou 4 tae ,mat j bf.• fli