The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 02, 1851, Image 2

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County Conmzilni
Siiir•Tfao Whigs and Antimasons of Mk
. .
cuoic,oxiir Will met on_ , ,Aurday. ahe 31st of Mar.
pm lb
~ at . usual 01•cfs atliolding Dr/m=l ntsetm,p; to
l'onnahrkrespectively at 3 o'clmk. P. IL. nad to the
several Werdi Mad Boroughs at 7 o'chmt, P.A., to select
delenktei frOm each election District, to a County Con.
eestlot,'to be heid at the Court Mose, On Wednesday, the
4th of Jam next, .5t.,10 o'c/ock, 31„ to make the County
r.c.m.budor.s preperatovg to them.% Genteel Election. snd
Loo to SIMOIJat delegates to the- Attie COISVC2UOII, to meet
.at lantaster, on the 24th of June.
Ch'n of Ozahmine.
Rm. C. Punin, Beer.
To the Whigs of Pennsylvania.
JP-A STATE. CONTENTION *rill le. held In the City
of Lanentrlor„on TUESDAY, June :nth, IE4I, fur the P. ,
C., ,,, f,......ka1 . a4r umiLlo r egfor_tt. onion of nenettutr and
Ibiert.''' u'''''''
Joss,h IL neneellit Samuel Bleolenamy,
Y. tenon Morton, C..Thonnon onto
11. S.Ungluff,
,- Eantuel B. Monona.
Bennet Dell
John S. Brown.
Nathaniel Ellmeker, T. Taylor Worth.
Wm. J. Ilstbinson, Alexander E. Brown,
Worden E. erosion. Wm. Eater.
'Moues E. Cochran, - Wm. M. Wane,
!teary Johnson.
Charles 11.13orttment James Clark
Charles D. Phelps,
(hone Crew.
D. A. Firmey, Edwin C. Wilson,
John Allison,
C.O. Limon. Daniel MrCardy,
ift Itr U'al. Coo
J FIIT''. ,
John C. Nerille, Franordan.
R. It YULE tIMITII. thundery.
If proof were Wanting previously, of the too
tire which actuates tile editor of the Journal in
his bungling attempts to propitiatethe adminis
tration by traducing the Scott movement and
its friends, it was given in that paper of yester
The rambling, wordy rejoinder—reply it is
not—the editor makes to our remarks of Wed
nesday shows that he has been hit between wind
and water, and he resorts to his usual subterfuges
to hble any evidence of damage. The main ques
tion at issue, which he'rnisel himself in attack
ing the friends of Geo. Scott, is almost wholly
loot eight of, and the controversy as he conducts
it has dwindled down to mere personalities, nod
ispid as,tortions. For this sort of work we have
- neither taste nor fines!, and we must lea , e him
the field until we find it necessary again L ad
minister a little wholesome castigation. T::ero
is cue portion of our neighbor's article, ...r
-ower, so ridiegoesly complacent, that we can
not depriro our readers of, the amusement it rill
afford them.
We may, however, plume - ourselves on the
soundness of that judgment which enabled ua a
low days before the Scott , Meeting, in writing to
a friend of President Fillinore'e, to any, in effect,
that --the Gazette lame Scott-wise but can be drio.
on Look to Fil/snore by a littleseasonable hammer
ing, and as it is desirable; it ahould continue to i
support the Administration, I will see what can be
done in that way."
Yesterday's Gazette registere that paper a sup- '
garter of the President and hie administration.
Of coarse our task is done.
The siffy - vanity and serene self-complacency
of the above can scarcely be paralleled. We
were indebted to it for as hearty a laugh ac we
have lately enjoyed, and that is something El
though it was purchased at the, expense of our
important contemporary. It seems that it is de
sirable, even in our neighbor's opinion, that we
should continue to support the administration,
and he kindly volunteers a little "seasonable ham
mering," us a wholesome discipline to keep us in
the traces, and he now complacently strokes his
chin, mad oracularly declares, "our task is done,"
the Gazette "is registered as a supporter of the
President and his administration." We suppose
there is no disputing this high authority; we
are now under the effects of our neighbor's "sea
sonable hammering," eerier in curia, once
more, and man has a right to aisputo our "al
legiance" to the administration. Little boys take
&mit delight is erecting card houses for the
pleasure of demolishing them. Our neighbor
desires to show his burning real for the Whig ad
ministration, and he seta up a fiction of his im
agination, fights it most lustily, demolishes it,
and thea,rejoices over the spoil. The Gazette is
Sight, "our task is done I" .Pity, also, he could
not add, and the "printing , is won," for that
is the'origin of all this exhibition of zeal for the
Not only overweening complacency and Tel&
ty are shown in the above extract. It shows
theimpertlnent, officionsintermeddler, the obtru-
Wvebtaybody in matters beyond his concernment,
and the shallow pated politician. If the whole
thing is not a fiction, similar to his base asser
tion that the Gazette is opposed to the adminis
tration, it presented:dm in a new light not more
enviable thansatcay other salient points of his
character. -
Bct enough of this controversy. Our neigh.
bor line gratified his vanity, and if he has not
rendered himself ridiculous by his absurd posi
tion, and his manner of wooing die administra
tion—it is not his fault
. .
He displays an ignorance of Pennsylvania
it-tes, and Pennsylvania opinions, that a Beano:-
. boy reader of a daily journal ought to be asha
med off. The other day he - commended an ar
ticle 'in a Harrisburgh paper in relation to the
friendly understanding which exists between Gov
ernor Joie:mon and the President, in a style to
create a broad grin to the taco of every well in
formed, politician in the State. Nobody doubts
that the best relations exist between the diltin.
gab bed chiefs of the Whig Governments at Wash
ington and
,Harrialaugh, but every body !MON'S
enough& to know that the Scott movement hea
met with the approval' of nearly every Whig of
pnitisinence in the State, of all the Whig 1.1711-
13 , 75 s of the Legislature, of t ho mains at large,
of nearly the entire press, and of the paper, in
particular, which the Tanned declared spoke by
the authority pf the State Government.
As the Journal insinuates quite broadly tint
we have an 'adjunct" in the labor of preparnsg
etlitoriala,-a common trick with him when occa
sion sores—and a matter of leas importanc, to
113 then to the gentleman moat unjustly thrust at
—tre may , be permitted to suggest that he would
do well to adopt the idea contained in his int cods,
especially when anything nada and pructicel
is to bo &amused, whether na regards • politica,
or any thhig else.
Beaver Argis publishes a report of a meeting of
the citizens of Beaver County, held in the "Bridge
water House, on the 26 alt." Archibald Robert
son Esq. was called to the chair, and Dr. T. J.
ChM:dace, and David Brown Esq. appointed se
cretaries. A preamble and resolutions were
adopted in favor of "a communication by rail
road between the Ohio River and Lake Erie
within the borders of Pennsylvania," and ex
pressing the opinion that the matter Is of "great
importance to the citizens of Beaver County, as
the vallejra of Beaver, Sheuango, and Conneaut
present the moat advantageous route by which
this object can be acccomplished, being shorter
and mare easy of construction than any other
route between the Lakes and the River; and al
so Admitting of more uniform and easy grades
than can poesibly be obtained by any other
In this view of the Matter, it was determined
to assist the Pittsburgh and Erie Company in
building the road. A committee was appointed
to confer with the directors at their meeting in
Erie on the lit instant "as-to the propriety of
putting under- contract that part of said road
between New Castle and the Ohio River, at the
wiled day practicable. , •
The name committee wan empowered to ap
point - another committee to obtain releases on
the route through Beaver Comity.
Tam Emir hisasacas.—The Centreville Times
has • letter frtnn Wilmington, Del., dated April
24, which sage:
"his supposed that one of the realmurderera of
the Cowden family, is imprisoned in Dover jaiL
Ms name Is Taylor. He contemn to harnigas
slated in the murder, and says there were eleven
Adhere - engaged in the bloody deed, a part of
whom are in Chestertown jail, and a part in Elk
ion Jan
Stet= AT TIM Sot-tn.—The election of the
aleelltioniat Sumner, to the Senate, from Massa
ehatette, has raised the ire of the South Caro
alum. The Charleston Mercury sue
"The execution of the fugitive law has sud
denly raised the violent anti-alavery party to
- supremacy... The 'triumph of the law" has
uteenly 'Fended the triumph of Sumner. It has
broued, the matter to a test, and tide is. the re
sat." •
In,writiog to a Preach . „faunal, =a defending
his mousy transaction; Ledo& Bal4 states that
his wink on her ismariaim, Incogtoants a !aroma
Under this title, we find in our exchanges:from
all pike of the country, the most exaggerated
desertiitiomt of the "noise andconftudon," as. Mr.
Barn; called it,lrhich issupposed where driv
en Je y Lind frbm Pia . 4k; .rgh.. We gave, at
theme, a brief account of the conduct of the
crowd which, since all the exaggerations and pos
itive fabrications have been traced up and detect
ed,ti;:rna out to be perfectly correct. But the
adCO lis very different from the initiated stories
told some other city papers, and editors at a
distance naturally suspect that the Gazette, and
otherlPittaburghjournals agreeing with us have,
for the honor of the city, suppressed the worst
of the story. Wewould remind our distant eon
raries of a fact which they may have over
look , Tit: that some newspapers owe their ex.
isten e to popular excitements, and have thus a
dices interest in-st i rring up tea-pot tempests.
The rst wild reports vent forth by a portion
of our press, and by telegraphic reports, are
widely circulated,, while the corrections that slip
in, one by one, arealtogether overlooked.
: . ,
The truth of the matter is easily' understood.
There are blackguards and homeless boys eager
for eXcitement, in,Pittaborgb, as there . are instil
Ma We have our share of these plagues, but
no more than our share. No city in the Union
has a l right to reproach us on this score. When
Jenny Lind's concert was about to commence, the
bystreets and alleys poured forth their streams,
and Fifth street wax crowded. But there was noth
inexcite the bad passion of the people; no one
dreaded a disturbatice,and there was none save the
i shouting and coarse jests which are always heard
in stith gathetiar, But :ell were determined to
see the woman who had set the country crazy,
even at the-risk of suffocating each other. The
roofs of the housed around Masonic Hell were
covered with Fieople who had obtained theirscats
by payment, or special favor, and the atones
thrown in at the windows were little pebbles
pitched at random by some boys in the rear,
who wished to enforce the rule of 'diets off in
Trout,"' against the fortunate holders of "secured
seats' on the combi of the roofs Some of these
pebbles struck - the glass, but we have not
been bble to End that a single pane was broken.
Yet see read in our', exchanges the most fearful
ace '`f is of "excited mots cad windows:"
WU:, the concert was over, Mlle Lind prefer
red gOing out in the rear of the building, to en
counnwing the mass of pecr:e who were more
than ever desirous of seeing her, as they had all
heard her touderfal, as distinctly as the
audience inside; but although they Were disap
pointed by her retreat, there was no disposition
thown to make a disturbance.
To tom up the whole, there were a few rat
faits in the crowd,,who behaved in liccordance
with their trno character, and would no doubt,
have been glad to create what id their slang,
they call a muss, but the people, having no other
feeling than an intense curiosity to sec-Jenny
Lind, had no inclination to second Meru.
Will our contecoporariee abroad, oblige U 3 by
noticing this correction
This stereotypid phrase, which has been sup
posed insepurable from reports of steamboat ac
cidents, has at length been discarded by a Coro
ner's Jury, in Genera, New York_ A gentleman
named Riley was killed bithe collision of two
trains' of ears on the Railroad, and the Coroner's
Jury, after giving its opinion of the immediate
cause tof the death, Odds the following dechira-
tion : 1 •
And the jurors ir:foresaid, upon their oaths
aforesaid, do reprelaeMd the carelessness of • the
government of the said Rochester and Syracuse
Railroad Company, in not furnishing such proper
and necessary preventives to such collisions,
as would warn approaching trains of the pre-on
cupatinn by another train of the a sta
tion. •
And the jurors aforesaid, upon their oaths
aforesaid, do also say; that the above stated col
lision and accident occurred through the gross
carelessness of Robert Dixon, the Engineer of
the locomotive Republic, attached to the said
Accommodation Train; and they do hereby re
commend to the Coroner of Ontario county to
issue a warrant for the apprehension and com
mitment to the jail, of the said Robert Dixon,
Engineer as afOresaid.
Pens the Marcel. hes Presbyterian, of IV ednitsday.
Ptrreacaan 431) Ease RAILIIO/11).—Acircular,
enclosing the following resolution of the Board
of Directors of the Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad
CoMoony, was received by several of our citizens
• few days since:
Ruolved, That the citizens of Mercer, Law
rence, and Beaver counties, who feel an interest
in the . conatructien of the Pittsburgh and Erie
Railroad, be requested to scud a delegation to
meet this Board at Erie, on the lot day of May
next, to consult as to the propriety of setting
under eontract that portion of said road between
New Castle and the junction with the Pezudsyl
verde and Ohio Road
Sec'' , Pittsburgh sad Eila R. IL Co
To comply with the invitation given, a meet
was held in this place on Monday evening, and
a large delegation was appointed to represent
Mercer county, in the contention at Erie. Del
egations, we undentand, have been appointed in
other parts of the county, and we have no doubt
but all the counties named will be represented.
From the spirit exhibited by the directors,
and the interest manifested in the prosecution
bf this work, we have strong hopes that it will
now be undertaken in good earnest, and pushed
forward to an early completion. One great ob
stacle to the prosecution of this work, as our
readers arc aware, was the strife between the
rival companies—,the Pittsburgh and Erie Lail
road C 9. and the i'maltlin Canal Co,—both con
tending for the right to connect with the Ohio
line; but an act passed just before the adjourn
ment of the Legieiature, destroys the latter and
and loaves the fernier iu full possession ,if the
right of way to Ohio as well as to Pittsburgh.
F 17.773151 ACCOt N 75 01 THE MICHIGAN Orr-
LAlvd.,The Detroit Dail Advertiser of 3i onday
last contains the following additional items con
cerning, the arrest of We band of scoundrels
which has been a o fortunately broksn up:
U. S. ,3larshal assisted by Lie Deputies,
Rio. S.. Dygert, Andrew Stewart, and John
Warren, City Marshal, mode another haul on
Friday evening about nine e'clock, in the town
of Salem, Waehenaw county. They arrested one
Van Sickles and another person, whose name we
did not learn, for being engaged in counterfeit
ing U. coin.
On Van Sickles' premises they found about a
peck of bogy, coin in , half dollars, five franc
' pieces, qod quarter eagles. They also found a
beautiful net of dies for making half dollars.—
The disk were found buried In his coal bowie,
(he being a blacksmith,) and the coin in the bel-
Fivrs of the shop. The cola was well executed, and
had a pretty natural ring, but rather light in
weight. it was no perfect, however, that it
would readily pass among any but sharp business
men. Vim Sickles has long been suspected of
being engaged in kindred operations The past
two weeks have been hurrying times for a certain
class of gems in this State.
The Cross Bar Hotel, kept by Sheriff Baldwin,
is exceedingly well patronized just now, and yet
there is room (or "a few more of the same sort."
Two Moan or rumt.—Constables Jno. Dumas,
of this city, and Henry Ifolden,of Jackson '
in an the Saturday morning train, with John
Ladue add Robert M'Cann, two more charged
with being among the Railroad conspirators.
They were arrested et Tecumseh. During
Saturday, officer Boyt arrested a gent of color,
named John Jordon, for gelling flour from the
warehouAe of Bridge& Lewis. Two other ebony
gentlemen, one named Cook, were also arrested
daring or day, as co-partner,.
Movairar roe Gnu. Scirrr.—Not of the least
important indication of the popularity Gen. Scott
is a large meeting recently held by the Whip of
Fittaburgh, the proceeding of which we:copy in
to our paper to-day. It will be then that it in
propelled to bold a Western Convention in that
City, in August neat, which all the Western
countiewof the State are invited to attend.
committees of Invitation and Arranpran'zits
were lip inted by the meeting, composed
of the ri t sort of men, end we doubt not all
the p • arrangements will be made on a
scale every way worthy df the occasion.
We promise our Wing hrethern of Allegheny a
h eart y response from Washington County. Th e
Hero of !Andy's Lane is their favorite, and when
a Siting Occasion is preainted they will be found
rallying eround his standard with a unanimity
not once ••ed in the memorable campaigns of
1840 an. 1848. Wathin'gron Broom.
'•Ced, a few dap ago, commencement of
er at the Freedom ship-yard for Capt.
the Nelson; intended, we presume, for
trade. The new boat will be over
--• feet long, and of proportionate -
Pad power. OM. Freedom artisans are
turnthg out firs► rate boats, each, for
u the Keytsonti State, the Cincinnati,
• undotabtedly' i give to Capt. Moan*
Wo no r
a Sae l
blows, o
the Whoa
two h•
noted fon
We give below an interesting narrative of 4 I
recent treaty made by . Commissioners of the Bi- I
public of Liberia, Messrs. Payne Iliad Brandee,
with some of the interior tribes. These 'rend,-
men wersrdeputed by the Government to visit
Cape:Monnt, Sogaree, Mannah Riser and Ho
lum", to make payments to the chiefs for those
territories ceded to the Government. The Com
missioners were also charged with the duty of , '
visiting the seat of war In the Vey county, to
offetthe mediation of the Liberian Government,
audit possible, put an end to the mercenary and
cruel war, which for years has existed between
the Vey, Glslah and Boosey tribes. The Liberian
Herald repOrtettLat the efforts of the Connie
sinters were crbwned with gratifying nieces*,
and publishes the following extract from their
report :
December 19t11.—After settling with the chiefs
and obtaining title deeds for the whole of the
Grand. Cape Mount, Sugaree, Mannah River
and Solemn territories—we communicated to the
chiefs present the wish of the Liberian Govern
ment to terminate the war in the Vey country
and informed them that we were commissioned
and directed by our Government to visit the seat
of war, and offer mediation to the contending
parties. They expressed great satisfaction and
warmly approved the object of oar visit, and
promised their hearty co-operation. The vener
able old King Sandfish was delighted a the proa.
poet of seeing peace restored to the cot ntry, and
regretted that his infirmities would not allow him
to accompany us—but that he would send his
son to represent him in the council of 'chiefs to
assemble on the 22d inst.,:r at tho camp of the
On the morning of the 22d, accompanied by
Captain Cooper and o small detachment from the
00 , L schooner " Lark" and Meson. McGill and
Johnston, we proceeded in boats to the Vey
camp. At about 10 A. M. we came in sight of a
large barricaded town which had been captured
from the Veys, nod garrisoned with 400 men,
under the command of Dwane Bay, a Golah
Chief. All the men of the town upon its cap
ture, had been put to the sword, and of its
original inhabituats. only 240 captives, women
and children, remained.
The town had been closely besieged by the
Veys for two mouths, and was reduced to much
distress.—The Booseys, however, a - h• are can
nibals, principally composed the garrison and
had been living on human flesh The garrison
was daily expected succor, and a sanguinary
conflict was expecting On approaching the
town re raised a white flag, which was reccg
nieed as en emblem of peace and friendship,
and a large party of the besieged rallied out en.
the river side of the town, one Belated us with.,
mettle on their rode instruments. After return;
ing their friendly salutation, we passed on and
reached " Fully," the Vey camp, at noon, where
we met King Freeman, Prince Cain, King Bum- j
boo, young Sanifish, and other Chiefs and Head
men—who received us
The usual preliminaries over, we presented our i
commission, and proceeded to explain to them
the object of our visite and at the come time gave
them distinctly to understand that the Liberian
Government hod determined to put an end to the
cruel and lithe/man war. After much discossion,
an armistice was agreed on. Early on the morn.
ing of the 29d, we returned to the town, and had
an interview with Dwaroe Bay, whom we in-
formed that our Government had Bent us to the
Vcy country to negotiate a peace between the
contending parties, and that the Veys had agreed
to our propositio..of peace, ond that hostilities
would cease until his determ ination was known.
At first, he expressed himself rather unwilling
to conclude a peace, as he felt that he was then
in a position to enable him to conduct the war
sruccessfdly, and especially, as hitherto the treys
had been more successful than himself, and he
wished to continue the war, at least fora month
or two, that he might recover the military glo
ry which he conceived had been loot We assu
red him, however, that the Liberian Government
had determined to pat an end to further fighting
—and would mediate, and settle amicably their
disputes and difficulties. lie finally agreed to
the armistice; and after many ceremonies and
and much talk the aecompariying document was
signed and formally exchanged."
The following •are the principal stipulations,
lst. The Liberian Government it pledged io
maintain peace in the Vey country, and to pro
tect the Veys in their lawful intercourse with
other tribes for the purpose of trade.
2nd. The captives taken by either party, du
ring the war, to be delivered to the Liberian
Commissioners to be returned to their homes.
Bnl. The Liberian liovertunent shall pay the
Golah Chiefs $BOll
4th. The garriabn shell bate safe.conduet out
of the Vey country.
6th. The chiefs of the Veye, Golahs, and Boo
eaye, are to assemble, on a day to be named, to
meet the President, to errangs and settle • per
petual peace.
At noon, of the 24th, according to previous
arrangement, we seeembledat the barricade and
re ceired from Dwaroo Day 203 captives—women
and children—all that remained of the original
inhabitants, numbering according to the atte
stant of the Veys, about 500 persons. The cap
tires were in a most miserable condition, and
the scene inside of the barricade was truly re
volting. From every ride leaned the groans and
ceilings of the nick and dying; and the stench
of petrified bodies coon In every direction, was
almost intolerable. At 4 o'clock, P. AL, the
garrison,--preceded a few yards by Mr. Man
tosh and a detachment of our boats crew, with
the Liberien,Qogflying, marchedentof the barri.
made, and wan conducted safely across the Little
Cape Mount river. Haring Pn . . far anteceded,
we paid to the Vey chiefs s7oo—and to king
Robin 8760.
Haring received intelligence that the principal
GoWs and Boy chiefs were assembled in the
Little Cape)lount cnuatrywe determined to bea
ten thither to obtain their consent to a general
peace ite.
December 27th—We arrived at Little Cape
?fount, and found mumbled at Tom Gum's
town, a cumber of chief4-we communicated to
them. with a little ceremony as poseible, our
nu informed us that nothing could be done
without the consent of King Jan-ah, and request
ed that we would remain a day or two, to al
low them to communicate with him respecting
the object of our mission. To thin we consented
and in the meffiitirr.a paid a visit to Bamboo's
town, to confer with him respecting a general
peace. He promised no hie hearty co-opera-
Eon. The second day we returned tuTom fitien's
to know what message had been returned by
that powerful King, Jonah. We received , the
gratifying answer, through Tom Gum and Put
lithe, that the King—though he had much against
! the Veys—at the instance of our government,
would consentto a perpetual peace; and that he
would send a deputation to Monrovia, at once,
to see the President about the murder of some
of king Bootswain'a men by Bumboe, and if that
matter can be amicably arranged, 'he would put
his hand in cold !Water with the whole country
forever.' It was agreed, Enally, that all host&
ides should cease until the deputation had seen
the President. And if the President will meet
the kings and chiefs of' the whole country, at
Little Cape Mount, to investigate and settle all
the disputes in the country, they are all 'ready
and willing.'
While at Little Cape Mount we saw - several
persons from Barre, and learned from them, that
en effort, just now, on the part of the Govern.
cent might be successful in terminating the'
war in that quarter.
The. Ilan. N. K Flail, Posttancter General, ar
rived in Richmond on Saturday evening, in com
pany with the estimable Lody of the President
of the United States and other members of his
own family. The Ilan. A. R. 11. Burnam Sec
retary of the Interior, arrived at Richmond on
Sunday evening. All the party have takenlodg
ings at the Powhatan Rouse—Times.
The Fire at Ilona&le, Pa.—The following is
a list of the buildings burnt at the great fire at
Honesdale, Pa, on Friday night, an accuount of
which we gave by telegraph—
Edward Murry, 2 stores; Dr. Strong, 2 stores;
the Delaware and Hudson store house, a. very
large building; Wilbur & Patmor's store house,
also 2 stores under the same roof; Mr. Murray's
large boarding house;: S. G. Troop's dwelling
house and law office; a blacksmith shop; one
eating saloon and grocery; Kwton & Hornbeck',
stores. P. Miller's 2 stores; J. J. McLaughlin's
dwelling house; Isaiah Snyder Sour and Stare
home; Bennet & Moor's tin shop; Richard Hen.
wood's large meat-market, Mr. Delesenne's 2
stares; Snyder & Bowers' 2 stores, dry goods
and tin shop, the finest establishment in the
town; Mrs. Skinner's dwelling and'inilieuery
shop. Probably more than ono half of the value
of Merchants' buildings and property in the,
town is burned and destroyed. The Canal bridge
on Main street, was completely burnt up. At
a rough calculation, the loss is estimated at
$150,000, at least. The insurances are not yet
AM"( of a
• Sla ne Abductor. —A young man
named Stephen D. Williams hap been arrested
at Richmond, haring been Indicted in bin' case
Ann county, Va., on the 3d ult., for few:dowdy
taking away from said county, on the 4th of Feb
ruary last, • dace named Dinah, the property of
Joshua McClazaan.
ire Ma on old friend from the country today,
"T. the N.Y• poet, in Wall street, and asked him
what 'scale he hnd for being in such a place.—
.. Why," cold he, n 1 have come down to BCO if 1
could not borrow $20,000 here, without contract
ing a debt."
Lord Manly says there is a falling or he Brit
ish tonnage to the extent of 113,000 tons, and
au increase of foreign tonnage of 030,000 toms
Hetidaka this shows a decline of British pros-
The Washingum itepublk, speaking of
ner4 election, says:
Mr. Sumner, we apprehend, was net. known
as a Whig. It is possible that he may so , ' eddies
formerly have voted the Whig ticket, but • • was
never known as a party man, and wa- never
nominated as a Whig candidate. His • • ap
pearance as a candidate was in the cha ter or
Freelfoiler, in opposition to Mr. Winth;Op, fur
the representation of Boston in the lowe House
of Congress. When the Democratic Ekee-soil
organization In New York brought out Mr: Can
Buren in opposition to General Taylor add Gen
eral Cass, Mr. Sumner went with them.'lAthat
Democratic Abolition connexion he has rkmain
ed to the present day. He was Instrumental in
making the bargain by which the Democracy of
Massachusetts were sold to Free-soil—the recip
rocal considerations being the Governond choir
for Mr. lioutwell, and the Senatorial seat for
Mr. Sumner. In this bargain the holy td the
Democratic party of the State were implicated.
It was a Democratic transaction—though we see
that ffreffy seven Democratic members or the
House In Massachusetts voted to the last against
Mr. Sumner. In this connexion we should state
that the Boston Post, the most iniluential and re
liable Democratic journal in New England, has
taken strong ground in favor of the twenty seven
and-Sumner men, who are denounced by, other
pressed as traitors to the Democratid par
ty. f
Tho :Whig party cast their votes to a man
against. Mr. Sumner. It would seem unneces
sary td' make this etatement, but the attempt
has been made to fasten a portion of the ig
nominy of this transaction on the shoulders of the
"Suer ce.ftwto ray Fricadr."—The " Moron-
city" a Locetrico paper at lililwaulde, speaking
of the. treachery and hypocrisy of Goal Cass
and other Locefocos, in defeating the River
and Harbor Bill, says: t. In contemplation of
each outragetius injustice, there is but cne senti
ment-4;if deep, earnest and irresistible indigna
tion—throughout the West; and the evets
who hive thus sold themselves and thei con
stituents, will be damned where the hand f res.
arreetiOn cannot reach them."
Ranioun.—A second instalment of Brit.
ish Iron was brought eo by the steamer Waal:,
ingtois, last week, andTanded here for the use
of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. Iqo ob
serve also that Large quantities of 91E5 anduross
tiro have been distributed along the lint, for
which the track will now soen be ready. The
work of laving down the timbers Ins corn
mencedilast week, near to Ray's tavern, in
thou county; and tho Iron will Boon follow. In
every depratuieut the:work is and will be pushed
forwardiwith vigor, and we anticipate with con
fidence tlio running of ears to Pittsburgh in the
month of Luly.—Brarcr Argus.
Haan, the Linda of Miss C. Hayes no
most admired; Rome ehe was preferred
in Lucia; at Dublin, her fellow countrymen,
ani women too, swear by her Norma and
Market Street Store for Rent.
L l Oll RENT'.—The Store, 118 Market ...7!"
etteet. the!ercrtel deer (Foci the cern, of Nterheta
Led Liberty meet& Pueeresion eieee lb. Lt of
het, truire of DAVID ti MLR.
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
HAVE NOW !N stunk:
A full snA &Napier of FOREIGN AND AMERICAN
Onnsblo for the spring [tale, and which they an prPpand
to sen, to purehaser. tt PM.. that will rnmsr.r,
favorsbh. am of the faXIMI
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
. 1. , 4: /elce :So. 41 Water Ilrett In Lbe varrhouae tf e.
C 0 11 rrire, . W. .I.l•Ran.Yor'y
114 o.y Irmo, prepare..l to Insure all inerrtlaraits*
In more. and top In ast tranettn. TIIVFPLA.
An atanl.guaranty far the ability and inalenty of the
la*Utnuan. affordal In the eturactrr of the lithertnra
91.° are eitttene of Pittehurgh. *ell and favorably
known tr the easamunsty for their pruienra. intellinnee.
and Int.-Mr.
11. homy. Wm. Bagsley, Wm homer. Walter. hriaot, 1113. h D. 111.¢. I.‘lward 1.1.44.. err ..rl.4ort.
Jahn 1 worth. 4. flutAugh. Sire.
3223"'Ll egg Pills, diacovPrnd
by Dr Mamas, mid hob toax m, , oun nsm.. re CO
wed In his own prarri, In aP. 'ear. they we
the atmntlnn of other physician, .01 them+ gewesi Into
general um. For curing all dleone.• of the liver, they art
Intl certainly and regularity The patient PLCO feel. the
removal of dimes, mall he is well lbe eff , rt I. almset
magical; and after drum ant einlecinge of ano.
thor deserlptlon, the sufferer ands himself relieved at cum
Thames of the Ilea an eery common in thm country. old
aro es frightful In their character Whey arefnaguent in re
currence- An yw troutled with any of the numerocs
complaints whirl ceiginata Ina diseased slam af the Wrest
Pursing Dr. Irlaria's 111.14, and be teamed at onre
For role by
J. KIDD a CO..
No. GD Wcal at.
Petroleum .
Surtorremo. Huntingdon co. Pa. 31144cb 4, n.
S. M. KIM -Dear nir, Your Potrolorm is waiting sooc
dom to the tberelDre ire woul.l Mara you tont./
us 4.41.40 by lb. Pormuylossils SJlma.a . kV. .r fa/
only rol. • tr.i b !glom /Moira/ foe aimgmt or."' dAr.
P^olll. rospectfully. JOIIN WNO & CO.
/Immo - sus, Aiblrayd go. 0- March 14,'51.
5. 11. Enmi-Door Sir, Tour Arent. • few wooks .:n a y,
left with to four doom Dock Oil. wo Core m5l.
name forward bur cis damn Immogiately.
hour me 11.40. to working wooden fn this rouicia Tre
ran attain smog/ ancilmt motifs:Malt you dui, dom.
beam. lc, W. W. scon,
rcr ask by Erytor I 11cDowor. ItO 1 , 3 , 1 moot R. E
Sailers. 57 Wood Ftryet n. A. rehn-rVAk..I Ca, oorugt
Won! mg Trout .tr-im D. M. Curry. L.A. Elliott.Jetorb
Duos/ors, m.l U. P. Sobworit, iLllightay, by row
pratoo. 1.. 51. FZIED,
Canal torit.S•oroth •L i'itaVrurgh
On? $25 rout •—Ur Charles Wood, meetly
Crokirisclor of the ettlace of lirrosamorilie. on Lem: Waal.
to aurply the demakils far his leoda bar laid al. addl.
Loth.' curelAr of loth. maul thkfte tad claaistf..d issl
rarclak t/30,0 recently disposed of at that plan., whish 0-e
th to veld and diridecl sorra, the rarer:sat, letho roots
slows. That. lands are of gaol qoalltr—ysra.r and
real oro th s th t—end they he directly va the.Lor.r. Island
:railroad. flit miles:yeas l`t_Tork. flanhooltoma Lake, with
abundance of fah and brsisttfrl C•astrisarrot avatar. 13 an.
nil. to tor rent., Great Booth Day. with Ira cams. oysters
sad era flan La our tall., to the South; whist Lakeland, •
Tillage recently rsartecl. whams nosy haadsrose betlitinks
ore thrody created. instaalLotely akielos licrnaanrtlle
Is therefore a dethable Wait La, the eye of the oarithhrt,
the gssatisaath. a, thy meelithie, •Lshlar. a country mi.
come to rest an We loathe their atheraisti to it. and to Sir
Wood's eclyertaemers In see thertalums. spit
ger COUNTY ColutualosEa.—lnjor Joni
Wll,l=l, of the Ilre. Ward. City a Pittehurgh. atli 0. g
reaviltleite Yeti re the Artndaretne and Wt., Conet7 COSY
replier, f.r tha oPina of County Conamirenneer.
air"CLERK Or TUE COL:KM—Jared M. Brush
.11 bea mad.. for !la &bare ogle. subject to Lead...
a.. of ea, ensuing Antral...a a. Of big Catnap Can.
V. aritealawar•T
Ciiif — REconata—l will be a candidate ftr
the otam of Rethr+ler,th*.et to th e dceibloc et the Whig,
and AsaLr....ortL: Count/ losrratP7e.
liet3ll. rAusrsiccs.
l'auburah. 2.4.lS,slaLtertr.l
'Cot ay YREASCR.IIt—We are author
ial to announce that J. W. / 1 1.41".41 . the 24 Ward, Co,
of l'atalurgb, bn conga., for the lio! of County
Trearurer. outject thn tle...ltlon of the Anti notoulc and
Whig County Ceitiferktion. • ap,lit . wtrS..
ar'CLERK or rim Conu. —The namoof
John Horner. or It'llklion toorsahlp_wlll 1. pr“ented
ithe anymnebing Antmantonic and Whig County Coo,.
ron for nomination to tae Mitre of Clerk of the Court.
/05MOUN TY itrGISTEH. -- -The flume of Jon
Mu-Amy. of the 3rd Ward city of httaborgh. 7111 I nut,
taltbni to the Ant,3lasonic and Whig County Convent....
a. ecandidabe for the allica o 1 iteghtter. and gill to enrnrste
11 supported by vet, 31,1,
SW ... COUNTY RZOISTER.--John K. Foster, of
Baldwin townehin. will be I, ealelitlate for Itegivter, before
the ensuing Ant, !laconic &131 St big Gustily CUttventlvrt.
gelr Assaiints.—Robert Abrahams, of Eli
zabeth Borough, .111 submit his name to the Anti-Manus&
and Whig County Convention. re a ma:tidal e fur tomb..
Bon to the Legislature. np2l.'4l4.:teat
iiiireonnTY itmerna.—Plense announce
that It. J. ist.3ll,of Allegheny City, will be candid..
Fn. the QM. of Register, subject to the decision of the An
ti-Masonic and Whig County Convention.
CLERK or RITZ COURT. — Henry 'fanner', of
Alleghroy CO,. will be • candidate for nomination to the
lothea of Clerk of the hyena Courts of Allo•Leny Coma,
.before the Anti-Mum& and Whig County Coaeention.
• Zer COUNTY nEUlßTEß. — Alexander Rich
arta.. of the linit Wawa. mieshmy City. will be can
didate for tbe otßce of County Regiater, oubJect to the de.
anion of the Whig and Antl-tdanootda County Qinventiosi.
T3.2l.lthysflaClinfmPitt•bute4rill boa,andblato
two of (bunt) . Smablinlof;r. t i r t ' n fgA . of.
jerit, will be seen by referring to our ad
'taking columns, that 11. U. Farrell i ejustly celebrated
Arabian Liniment bas at hut mute its anycaratow uoong
Re hall the Introduction of this extraordinary met-
Wine among inar nimbi. as a great blesalwm It is mid to
be the most wonderful preparation ever discoverul, being
tvaolusul of balm= tind gums peculiar to Arabia, and
p e rforming cures wham., it go that astonish !TWO
the most ocientig• of the mulled amity. Ire advise all
&millt to get • bottle Immullatelmand it mar ago. mmd,
entitling. mpluLliw:g
At Col. W. L. 21111rfo, Monnninaula Moor, on NT,doey.
April 301. b. UcTAT J. ULNDT. With dimes.
mato...tea In Itaxleo. mT2
SfirCOUNTY TithellUittlt.—John V. Rowland
of Upper Bt. Clair township. ►III bolt =Way tbr homl.
nation to this aka, beton the Whig awl AnWSlssonis
Conntr Convention. rerhdstmeze
DRIED APPLES-200 bu. fur solo by
POTASH -14 casks fur oak by
my: 122 &cond. Auatl 151 First In.
Bennett's Monochrometic Depository,
HAT I.—Nrw
te,rPaincloa—Tho . Ciarthrz of Gothzcipac,"
.t.s tkutsrL"
irisisadoasa of Christian Purity; by Bay. It 5. Foster,
IP. l Ch Ea= ntetVl .4 igt. ' lti b o.: l 7 . i.o. "*
N o . 0 1 Raper New -monthly 31linsin , i
Bytne's Dietioury of I,n•. e. Zaino. trish. end E. ,
pt —.lo.
Jost N
awl nast
TS Aiello UM/up. resas
Fyn the Port 0010 nus.
us. Ilay.
Jot... Aloe Maaart ry , ib r
tlotey's Lady's Book, for Gay.
I.lllhana's Olagsaha s ,
Wks' Nat West, ••• •
. Wild Boone In the WesU Dr 'Laren.
'The Onreplete Bknrer Gardener.
Ltic,r&bor th.l.tad e r, Poor.
• lete Fruit 0 .r
ifireteria of the Ilh.ople, by Eugene Rue.
Theillatory and Ailventures of Ben Ovrn, by the author
of - Laurie Todd."
remrem Ilacquet and his Three Maiden Aure..
Hall torked Rtenenee—omoPlelo.
gime the Avenger. by Mo. Marsh.
The C. 1.1.12•10.1, • • nee' novel by O. P. IL Juan...,
ROLL E RS LL LOT ROL N LERS of the Allegheny
t eLe t Tgz . ry ce are t ieWr aml that lb.!, .11.1 b. no don
IRpt by
around nolo% ornrcart7=l,lt
myt - thr noperintandent.
• - -
EO. E. ARNOLD & CO. have this day as
a ',minted with theca JOHN U. SCULLY. Theta/Ili lir
the Om will be heretwfort,
mitsburiiii, May 1.1. ISSI. Im.e2
EORGE E. ARNOLD k CO., Rankers:
.jr Dealers to Exchange, Cotn Dank Notes, de., No 74
r..orth street. nest door to tho tank of Pitteborgh.
I , .todu earefoilttemissl to, and the proceeds remitted to
e part of the CoLalon
II y VIIVE of a ' n C O 3 rder S ot l t e he Orph '
g p Court of Allegheny County, to me directed. I will to public cola upon the premise. situate on the
1.-ir beano. Road. Ohio unship, about One and a half
m.:ee from the City of All hens. FORTY ACRES of Um
hod of Alexandey Taylor dued. The
Lo of a good
vallty. and the
offs a Mae opportunity to .23 t h=
a 4 doom. of obtaining eligible location for
.1 cardenlng purpesses
lute upon Friday, the .oth day of flay, 1111, at 10 ...
cl , clt, A. 31. Tsonts, =A, pm. money, I. soon as the tale
I, confirmed. .
• .
for furtherr. particalarr. enlulrs of 11171117 PUFF, Exrcn-
Alltrlsooy City-, or =VS. 31.11AN.SI1ALL. Attorney
littaLurgh: myl.:.4tr3
MI. A. 31eCLIT it CO..
Graera .r.d T. a Dmlery.
14 1 SSEXCES ,i. - EXTRACTS, for Flavoring
J ENll7O,7,g,"' 4 ' l " P- Eztratt of Nolinerc
- anilla; Jsm. Gib=
Vbbillt Br.=
. Row;
ror .12 by WM. A..I.IeCLUCG i Cp.,
b 212 252 I.lborty so.
(~, Y RUPS, &e.—Underwood's no Lemon
STr.O: Ccdererood'm Fur,. Oa Strambtrry lino
m,e'ug"-• bfv.m. A NUOLCIIO & CO.
,•IL a mann,l7 Csrretd. M =rim pl ue ...d
raa,L. AL, Brown. 11:xla, and Lead Colon, a lowcat
111ERRIMACK PRINTS—New styles fan.
sf.',h`rriL7.l'Z'rnt:Vt nyric
say 1 Nit) ;wt. A MLR, uFIELD.
J y 11):: SIIEETING b--A. full assortment
sndth ;ll7l 4 .lV Tthiltraidian.
k.l TICKING—Murphy & Burch
1.7 tt in,. the attention of hums try thee oret:tient
.; suretior Tichinz.liust nucleoli. Mao. I'lll°lre:se Liu
lira, Counterpanes, awl house keeping goals =tray.
To Gardener&
'TWENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, al-
A. read, und.r Food oultirntion, seitkin vy ntite'ce the
nth ill Go Fold fur SSW on am—one thi t tl am] the
ionce 11111 tso, and three year. }or port:calm en.
~ Iro at tho Banking azure of
myl earner efAillukLaLlSltitTAto
To Farmers.
~.t afi;S FarT , i,o n l a nd Grazing
gh•ny rie.r, within twelve nall. of de New IoAL and
t. 4
i . P.. se.“'
klro-1.000 Arrm iv Elk manly, fur role an ancommods.
"La term,. EnVulrt• of A. WILKINS A CO..
myl roma - of Mulct cod Tbinl rtt
sODLI VTR OIL-30 galls. superrhite,
IL) for redo by myl It it ziELLIMS, 01 Ronde.
4 44
DUIeI for ,i .T .E..ELLER
tEDPRECIPITATE-25!b943rte byl
1L L.
bbls. for sale by
lOTTOS-13 halos landing front str. Cape
31xy, Rod br..10 b,
my I BALA n DICKEY Cr). &
-3 Lamy tiimmec •
1, Itmgy: pow landing mad for Yala Ly
mod Kozel. end Front ytm
baKRTor satoby
mrl IOC&ff1 CO.
A, 61,15. Bottle tirtYini N. IL M 0...
5 NO. Lai 814, latallug and Gayula by
t^) l 68 Wa.r. and :8 Pir.l 41.
I LAXSEED--4/0 bu. for Rale by
I,,,fIORSE'S Compound Sirup ur YELLOW
PUCK IWUT ~ I,i /114 mt. d from Proyhterrer,
- and tor by 11" EILEIIIA 51,
hole .4,4ent for Ve4terti Petturylvarate,
ml I corner of Wood and h4ll. sta.
lifay Day at Greenwood
11 YERLY'S BRASS BAND will give two
IP trruhleunocrla It liners:mood Gardinthoralturrhu.
i 0 7 b, 1147f 000 . 1 .11 41 2 hhicolt In the ultras.o amt
b Admittannt 10 cents, childhata to the elherten. Carmert
:be .44m0.r Chleflam lace. her hatding Whom. Mt
mg. th. old All brut lindge et 4 4ectook, a. ea— had
:rtf=rltet= i ttl b t ' 4:.:l; ' !All W lo of
J. Wilson & Son
and retail mncufnctu
irVpr?Ln,i 53,4,t1E,„ of
a and rt...t. thin! 4one twin. Diaricod Anulkilli
a t -1 thee edfirr • fail .32a .tuck at 11.4 ,
thru nna and knninsi cuutalaietunt,ef n*
ch i d styl. hy nholeaal. and retall. nal Unite Lbw
anntien et theft custuomers.d th. path.. emus,' them
nin they will ea tha mood traentiablo try..
- TAMES WILSON has ressoreti his Hat
c.; Nee Wm! Area, third docs .oath
et Disacci
fiG-fl—llazing taken me
4 hveineH
c .Jer of J WI t IZON d SO.N . inWiriztzt.
P. , —.llmes VrrsPr. the .0 2p
Fcdcral stryet. ATlrdhaq" C tr, by t
leave:le in the Wcrid
the race ..eirakan Bevardy for ,Wan and Beast:
H. G. Farrell's
r 1 7 .11 T, IdirtettiOUS Cllnel performed by the
Arateno rhlyl-Lone In the d. _a of old. nrro then
pon the nettle. of magi, hailstone nu harm bi
oe u
their hbrore no at floe .mount for
downs. Their attainments in
rotator er tee e"
ele at mom hero the eelenre of , Cleemistry. veltieh
..tam them bad its crogin. the
to the met of as world "a
s;ed tvok Arol forge they acre the meet sesious of
udent, In the tennat wroees uhirhiskirt the delet.of
ratan. ahound taro planm and niorowi oteab , thrower.
o'aiained throe. %toenail,. gums and Yrs.:nett halm., of
0101, tho ineolooarable liniment is comprool. ailed by
onor rtiMilaing unetunus. yonietratirof and Anodyne
oPerties it le. +sten. amino/. Instantaneously diffused
through the alio. wren. eystem, &Miring the Ment
1, %
ascot:in in the inrwollbly short time of 10 0.15
orb .'
arroue Prompt, *lawful and effetrosl, ulthnut
nano, it pauetrabea the Stab to , the bone. ethane
rontratreol rola], restores ore to Inabe which beer been
yeleied fur yeoro. ranting the ebrivelni flesh to erns not
...I rich blood to eireulate through Ito It regrores
.roe n , Fluid or Joint Water, and dhis la the reason
a -Tact be., Leon NO nolversialy •IleCcalul In t he
e .of thedidnta. In chronic affenloot of the EOM,
L.Yer. Lungs and Kidneys, this arta:. :Arabian remedy
:wax unrrallelroL lon Ague Cals or Enhugementoe
Awn, It r eutatUict mad kr ithennutisin it has perform
c I uror n the loot , 5A11.01114111, Clitt . an INVolntalg
f r C.-unpa Paros.
s ow s.. dcello,. Toinura,in. kr. It le signaler eftenacious
Li dowse of Animals. roach a ruled& Poll dtvel.lineeney,
• "ear mplaint, Innemper.rrey.blldtdeht.Kruissa.WOrolnlY,
Or.anat.. and for nearly all
d &ram, either in manor bast, Willaz Ironclli• an eater.
rat application. thift linigueni stand. at the bead of all
The fsllowlOg In from thr princrpal accountant of the
I • and highly nepectabl• house ar hon., a Ono.. of
I cotta and priacote one of the moot komessful corer to
Or. senate of medical hljtory; II
Mr. 11. 0. Farrell: Dear Sir, ArtuatOd 6r. setuwofgray.
folOrwa I submit the followlnwalien Dictators of the util
ity of your worst inegloitm. My child, three Team olden.uldenly attacked !with a 00011.1. which, In ions
Cmo six Mors. prrutrated It to Leal Ad max Thellotbs
twaton no rigid that joint kw brats the bosh
ee t trued black n ot cold. and wdo . ..)y doprinwl c:flitling,. the
rced. partially cloud nod alua,ther bloat Follow.
tug this ices dtqfness to all wound; the opine became cow
liarttil, and an cucxxxi, that whs. layirus Quits back. the
aced Aeds coin loan d. hotrod, the child prawntml
aptwarunce of being dead!' Inameill•lety on the aF
lon t wk. the feroilT Physician was called In, sod fort/Urn meek. labored 10 nutore to Deling.but all In van. although
It wan blistmed g dotes Drawl, and Valittla etibstatitial llo
'maw. appllad. A rommitatlon of ph:1100os was then
Lill, but to no purpow. The owe waa !thee brought he.
the Statical Society, but nothingcOuld be notallated
which bad oat alrvady been donor arid the doctor then tOld
tie be could do nothing Mat. We then onsometwwl ep.
your Limiment freely one. tha entire !coati of the
calor. and you may Imagitto aperient'. joy, when. after •
aPPlkadluzia, rthirni untmasom was disco - rub The
child rapidly mccrternl, with the exception of the eight. I
allot, dal Oct lawoms perleet for near y • month. It b
o jb•arty mad robust ea can le.
live Uhl, rasa"; of tb• Faroe kind am rod In my neigh!!
t Larhood previously. all of which dint w en, no doubt. If
u olment ha d 1
511 used, the have recovered.
' Pee r 110, March 1.1551 H ENRYNR 0. CLELCID.
Liver Complaint, Erpipdag. and Rhninatim
Hennes. Harlon Co.. Ey.s.tay 27, 1549.
Or. ILO. ./.11.—Dear It Soar ...iv pelting
rf ..11...1.daing a not dealof good? °rig the w
ile. It he. cu. , a bad ewe of Crytilge and o the
b s o. polo ln the bract. A lady, wh oo v. mu no g./ to
herbed for several months with Liver Cosi taint and Ade,
(ton of We Mead.vr. entirely ..tred by gb r one of your
Arabi. lJnitnetw b. mid We down. enuld do her
good. It has bven applied to a fresh cut, and eund It to
• short time. 1 have lee. •filleted with Ittieuroatitm for
• long Um, •nd /net before • Wet •pell it pained me ao
much th at 1 bad no get. all day: and in the night 1 ram.
111 need Lathing and rubbing With your Liniment, not
Le ' fore . I oat done nabbing. the pain
Stiff Complaint, Sweeney, Distemper, Corks and
Sore Eyes Cured.
tm. Postmaster at Flat, Fulton 'bout), 114
" qi.. ) 11. O. Farm.. Tour dreSaa Lledramat Is highly
yelled here. We mired one of my oeighbore harm/sof the
Eller CompLMot by about rot. or flee ayplltattona,
surd cos of my own of the aceeney. (Mr herl6, losspb
Dykes, cured his bora x of a had Cork with lit he also tried
IL cm • colt that bad the Distemper very had, and cured it
Ile says It la decidedly the Crested hone
well:lns be trey mod. There bay, don :somber. cured
~f E).11 with bu t t Mad It . very eelttalac medWw
Lab Ge h l and
Rewore of Counterfeits.
LONO CaltaTel.T.
The Public be pubs uty eau Mel %Rabbi . Ban
Cyunk Jai which has lately rude its appearance and b
„n t d hp the ltntter who snakes It Yurnirs Arabi
en Liniment.. T h is la • dangerous fraud and man liable
to dKclea (non his blaring bee name cr parbah
tire bi particular lbw Watt! fora ty
I..innlft," for unprincipled drnlen sill 'ADO*. thirSPC
RJOIS Inf r lztzaor=u,tholuadsoans ark
j :tht u 41. altenes has the letters E. ritattnafirrelat
his sixnature b also on the outside wrapper, .d thce
wonis bnnon in tn. glans Douro—"!y G. Insras Arcthrn
finonert, Actin 7 ,
da. , 4 it Intel in seer; Torn, 41113., and Malta in
the United Kates. in winch on• b not astalsilthed. Apt
by letter In LI. O. Farrnliaccri /IL. with pod intathra
as to character, resPenalblUr, ie. -
Call ea the spelst who will farulth P. of Charge, n
Inca containing much valuable Warman= for !pity clan
Yogi—%s unit ID amts. tad CU dollar per battle.
gica.t.:4 4 .l=frauLa..nokfti. n d
rzolgiqoe! er 1th11.4
Cnc.6f Wooncant
. .
. .
.. .
Gee. B. Eichboam. Civil Engineer, I. A. i 'IMO & CO, , -'•
.-. •
ATTEND, in any part of the coma- `i. . Importont, Jobber s , ad d Eda m , in
WILLt to She sure y. Smitten and menttrurtkes of ,
Imilroadta Arace4smised Ltd Plank 11.A . Bridgest. Leek, DE. Y 0 00 D 9.
11nn.% Eve for meal or elackwater nevi ,aml will pre- Alm. 62 ...,1 6.2 m t . d ... t
tun.t. pia.6774, pit,
. 111Mem=tiftommona, and estimates of cart of any of , __
• CUNCE to their friends and the imb
ue will elm attend to the division of land, and laying : 11,5 mete d
u yi,
out town plata leaking drawitury of models for Patent O r : 1,. ...,..k.....4 . 1.7.,,,,,,,,,, t .., t ..A ttut
tam draught. of notehlnery, fee y Warted Meek of
Ofli In Bake ell'. Building, Grant ate nem Qs. Conn i ,v, l et
city GOMM, .
llone7PittsburN. el" ha. ever calmed let Ude city
e m e, oe.a. ~....
Refruesterw•-llort. A. W. Lomb. Th om. Bake. ell. Esc, e ll ,rhk. d bni k ' nb u b. tv,,,,,,j b d i t 1 ..'"8 st the — maw common. —.
Neville B. Craig . -1 a.. WM EU:a.... Bal. LOWE-57: POSSIBLE PRIM? I
spEthe .
.. _, e t which good. tun be mild In any of the Lettere Mime.
t Their two lower salesnewm will be devoted •cl vele . I
Notice. $ n all trsde, and the good . arranged . larue.A:44" - 6 - "i : I
THE "Ed uoational Association of Allegheny 1 Silk Department. .
Allegheny,ll mad In the Ist Ward Pubik Sem& tubing new and fmMonable Mylee leanorted oil. season,
actm city, on Pride,. Iley at, et 7 ~..a.s., r. , m the ben makes of Black eats.
SI. when maiden... will be deliver by J. P. Dak, M. b.. ! • Dregs -Ts ,
arbll Mr. LA. Walter. Cha Saturday addresses will be de. 1 ' 43°°d.'
''C TIO . : ---"— B e tv nt.
livAv e d i b r r st...r. J.J. Wokutt and L. T. °nail, 1.. Cll.ol4.lkftl.CS.r.:l.l',T,..irA c=1....L.14.,
f olurallort a ra respectfully inettel to at- , m wm.
kW. ! ett, tlrenadlem, Bombazines, Alps... Au
By order of the Egventi. Committee, 1 Shanis, Vizettes, Ac.
lirmits JC. MIMI:1M See'y. I
• Canton Clam plain and-embroidered. Also, Dentask,..
•• - - - -- ---- --
nave; D. Leine, (Submere, SIM, Palm, Figured du. mad
.:he. Silawlg Al o, niuttes, Pittelot.. Alantill.e. Az.
Hosiery and Glore Department
will elwap be found complete, write the best make. of
Cotton end Silk limier). Tee best-Hid Gloves always on
Linen Department. •
.4, 4-4. and 64 White Linen, Linen Sheeting, Plllew
•.:a.a. Limns, Napalm. Dosilm bleached and tevorn Detre
...A., Towelling, Diaper. Au
White Goods. -.
"INDIA BELTING.--A very iarge
stork of I mho Rubber machine Beltlok o haul,
lb rangi. form 1:':m20 inches. This beltioa is
/ •
yerior to leather or .y other, for all belts for the fol
mak neSXMC
L The perfect eq.llty Of width aral thlckiess It
will retain.
3 Nu heat under 900 degrees. Fahrenheit Waren
and it ' , maim flexible in any deg tnonf cold.
3. It Pof net strength and durability and does not
nip on the 7Juni...recently a pain of power te obtained.
Idad when adjusted to machines. nom not enquire item
ace as is the are with leather or aoy other.
4. In .1011 bolting Lbe cost in touch below that of leath
or aim other.
PamphleM with diroctions for no. nod linof prima, teo
nether with latin4 leather cal elment Err ponaing.aleaye
on band and for min at 101 7 and 9 Wood et.
sp3o J. a IL PUILLIF3.
VIG IRON-66 tons Forge and Foundry,
.3_ on yak by
0140 JOHN WAIT & CO.
FLAXSEED OIL-10 bbls. prime, from
Somer.sot =lnn for ode by
ap3o .70FIS WATT b CO.
LOTTON.--56 bales now landine• fromstmr
Fort KM Ear solo br ISAIAH DICKEY& CO
orZO Wove, and Front rt.
S U.NDRIES-2 tierces grease;
2 bbLI do
10 rac k. (d.b.a.:
de. rads ,
Q, EIOULDER BRACES, of a new and so
lo actor kind, Jost rere. Irrd and G., r..l4br
ga"Call and 444 thr , ll.
5030 ' 140 Wood et., litbsbnrab.
"TRUSSES of all kinds and sizes, for the
mild and radical rani of ilarnia. or Munn., no'
mrantir on hand and for rale be
iip3o killYSElt a 3IcDONVELL,I4S Abed AL
Young Ladies' Boarding and Day SchooL
Y.S. M. F. GREGORY will open a School
IT of the &bona description, at 240 Peon 110101, Pit..
burg 31 notlnY. APPii +nth, 1 , 141,.4.4..ere Pte awl
0 nand.= reqUeeted DJ call ankle...ran. for theunnier,
be on applying o] hare.
Further Informatlno map be obtained at the ,lure of A.
U. LoolLeh a On. Bool.4llere, Wood eL
R OSE! HOSE.! I HOSE! 1!-,Just ree'd
from tho Mmufartory Boton. 3400 fret India Rub
ber ose. alleirranglue frt. Xto ILX ladies In diameter.
nisi Hose Is Car superior to my hose usauuLvtured of
loather. for hydrants, conducting. or fee Engine purpose•.
es wish K. 1,11 distinetry undereccel that every lush of
hove that goes [tom ourestablishment is warrautre for
the purposes lutetulsd. or the mimes. refunded. Just try
It For dent the India Rubber Dope. fro. 7 9 Wtoe .E . kEL PHILLIPS.
Great Cure for Dyspepsia!
Dr. lloughtmesPertua, thetruedinertithfluidior Gs.
tno J wee, • areal Dyspepsia Corer. prepared from fennel,
Ai the fourth etsmach of the 00,kfter dtheaorte of Baron
l ir ttrit tt i =ol . .olitiocal Chemists. by. J. & acme.
This le • Only wt7Zerful =red y ludthertioo. Pp.
pepel,Jaundloe, Liver Cot:upload, Constipaott, and D.
hi ,.. llye u te . tist . f . oiler
... uy to 'a ow r. me th od. by. Nat We% oleo
lief .
teaspomfuirol asted In other. will
scat or dia.:dye .Ste pomade re' r ock bet" in Wand two Alnaq,
oc.t of the thicoath e
The tiartric Juke to the =solvent of the food, the Po
tersiao of foud hats blood—no nutrition of the hair, but
rather . foul, torpid, pabidul, god destroctine condition of
dm whole digestive apparatua A oak, hair dead, Grillo
:I/rest stomach produces no good tiadrio Juke, and hence.
the Pones. diAmm, sal d. lied which ensue.
But this wont May he supplied by extracting the Mins
tlre principle, Perth., from ttte surroachs of animate re
sembling me, thus forming • Digestive fluid, p.risely
like the ostmialtimale Juke, In Us
powers, end
funarldos • complete mul perfect autetitute far t. I
The art of perforation the graces of digestion artificially
bee loon been known to Phygologiths. Dr. lloughko
claims the merit of meting the apalmtloo of this art to
;the ' rtg !le rTOr: t i ; ' ' r " ll =bl. t ee born.
.ce I c
heated work,. Maud Chemirtry„ tura ^Asa Artibothl
Dineethre glulLarealstrous to the Gastric Juice, mai, be
=Leh ...riots ark= kod, as °f utlTt . rod " will
be eof.oeti. changed, 4./1.1 illnertsd , lost to the early loth
tier the would be be f
ord., man 11.1110,"
Call ott the 44.01 for f erldeace, of a aloalth it char
= ti d ligr.t r b . ean r tit r :e P l tor' sroamp s X"t ' b"U j e .
S. Hanh ' utur NI D., sole proprietor ri lhi.. " 4, !Joe DalllV . Ptr
Pamphlets. ocataisthth eclenatio evidence of !Leah:raft,
coshed hr agents grail.
• xrrems XoDOWELL, Anentr,
140 Wood Paisburgh
Dealers funtAbed at oprietor'e Deem. AL ALB, for tole by La. ns Sellers. 67 Wood a. ey.3o
In the new town of Latrobe, Westmoreland
County, Pa,
Tice Lo. , Depot of the Pelted Radrocrl.
1 1 .
If:renew town of LATROBE is beautifully
svuoted on an throated
piton on the loonk of
Laminas. River, where the l'ennrylmma Raolroad
roma that cream by • bmdmme none bektoe cf three
pm. of SA feet each. 11 la 40 collet am of Pittsburgb. 9
at of Greensburg. it west of Li=mer. Id Soother Liam
'e. 0 north of Iconortavat. and 7 south of New diem/n
-il] The .11-Ansyescr,.. Rmlrond will to moend to the
temomary nominee Pcar the tow, curly to november
nest, to eermort with the mothern turnplle. Them-men.
sere in every train will MP to take • meal at the vv. nod
xtmolve RAIL ROAR
now Iti proven
to the renter cf the lawn. direetly ogimelte the Ref ,
mad thooyona's //mod, Mt, Sam.o,' I.Elipurc Noway eft. to
bo erertmt Itotriediatoly The Imo now offered tor age or
team are AO feetnt ;n will moos da and rim Lack
loa foot to • 16)all 3: they in prim from 0)
cumutto areontin t to their protium. erne of th e lutes,.
mot than 100 t ord. from the Itallmod De go; which is In
entre of the towel plot Onlelotti and cottage gad. of
•hteh them aro several handsomely taunted along the
1 book of the river, will be sold on twin-able tonne to per wishing to build. The dims. of Mb moon is de.
llobtfol, U. scenery rontsl the town to very beautiful and
roomatio. and it will mdoubt tee plam of crest resort
from the cities. its it bin the rode. of the Ithret Caging
sr.' bootleg rswithc In this Dart of the State. Cuomo/
aid...onto oder thearelms at Oil paint to , I .
mn, oninufortomrs. and mechanic, to mom and setlla
the catt and Immediate boom-. ac.l emylomeent,a. this
Depot will be the point to whieb the Iron and &A U.. tr..%
el thicocurr Vallee will noterallemole, by a tom-pike .
through th e tuns o.e asp of the Chestnut Haien. and
a plmk read of three mile, from Alexandmthdoseton Roe,
to the 11e[...Y. will alto tool of the nelabhahrod of New
Alexandria. by a fasilk tend along the valley of the Inc.
betd h 0... nem to on ly of the rumot water. and th e
test coal tee Le time LI the town, In abundance.
There to M ooti ng
at hand. Inathatudthle supplier all ldiod•
cf Mooting motorist, Lone : stont, and umber. • as. mut
smut mill mein fall operatics, with pl. am .4 water t- - •
or within ''...C4 yard. of lbw Depot, ml an exter.eice bock
yard alto in eyeratiati, will furnish a Lase number of ate_
porter briek donna the mooingmemo. The oat! or dory
end nth. saes well adapted to cultivation. garden., Se.
The tarots of wale of lola will be Mad* knows nu applies.
gen, le meson ar by letter, to the mbarriber, or Ma agent
In Younmatown, or at the °Moe in LATIOI9 E. whores plan
of the /me may be errs , OLIVER W. BARRE,
N IL A public sale of 60 lota will Mk. place at Lamest.
way In the month of Juno, of which due collo, will be
glees. ap.lo,WA3MmtLits
TEAM PACKING-4000 pounds mixed,
1. Plain and Pure lolls linbtvr PoeSava from 142 to
iJa Inches LLlck.warravtal to be the very he t Mackin.;, of
anr now invon, for Ow tollonanx Pon... , llaoLok
Nat, Pintou Rod. Stet. ,Joicts, Steam Vbests. daintier
Stolliug !Harr, he, tr. Yor mho at the Intl. Rub.
b*"" r . n"
COFFEE -100 bble good Rio, just receiving
mkt,' nslo by JOUN WATT &
&WO Llbertl
ITIHE HOUSE of the Seven tiablee; a lie
A aattriti wpot, Third dreet. oppcolle the
N" Office.
BUTTER --25 kegs fur sale by
F RUIT --500 bu. Dried Ponchos;
022 u
luo Apptv.:
rr & for ma ix le by
VIIESTNUTS-30 bo. for sale by
IHON'-2517 lone far sale by
W'=% /U)IlL901. LITTLE a CO.
BACON--45,000;.1b5. Hams and Shoulders
AI J. Smokettouae , fur sale br
FLOUR -150 bbls. sup. Family, for sale by
sp= ROBisoN, LITTLE t co.
UCKWHEAT FLOUR-10W lbs, for sale
it Li ap?• ROBISON, LIT/Lti • CO.
CANDLES -100 bores Summer Dipped;
Wr: " ROUIrOW, tillltE b i
rI I IOBACCO-11 hhdo. Ohio arol Va. Lea;
Lr ado b, ap22 J. S. DILWORTII & CO.
D ACON--45 casks fur sale by
A... op= J. S. DILWORTH a CO.
Bti UTTER— bbls. Fresh. for sale by
sid2 .l. 8. DILWORTH * Co.
FRUIT -200 bu. Dried Peaches;
o= - 2 "' - "s. e ° . VihttriPaq.o.
G _
ORN --SOO bu. Shelled, fur sale by
(; , TEER'S OPODELDOC-6 gross superior,
$0 hr sale bjF. N. NrICILERSIIIASI,
coraer IVossl and 811th strarta
n RIED PEACHES-300 bu. for sale by
WHITE WAX-1 case sup., for sale by
• sr—! s. S. WICKERSHAM.
I B. Orsaa y
AKES---50 do:. Hay Hakes, for Bak by
LASS-800 boxes Window. axed, for eale
aollo o. T. TON r.O N 0 H .t CO.
- - -
SUNDRIES -7 casks Cheese;
hu Dried Aim
WO b. W. au& 31 cEeztasa Etc:.
heart's brand:
• 21P2ATAW.!•;iO4.Z.'"1.1° DL
COTTON -5 bales on Steamer Geneva;
61 do do Fort Vltk to ar
ive 104 fur ludo by Udldll DICKEY ett,
arZil Water and Front St.
1.10.1LR--S9 Wide. prima X. 0., for sale by
nn • JAS. DALZELL: 66 N6a6re sc
ICIOLASSES-20 hf. bbl. S. 11., for sale by
art!. 7 l JAB. DA tar.LL, ta WaL-rst.
'HAMS--10 casks Etas & Swift's S. C., for
nie 1 , 78. k W. IIAILHAI:0(1.
BACON—Sides, Shoulders , aid, for
tab/ by abn S. a W. 11/0111AVO If.
DRIED APPLES-50 eackg received and
tbr Web,. ap2i. 2. &W. I.I.4ItDAtGIL
RIED PEACHES-75 sacks rec'd and far
a. a Sr. HAM M=
Ag-25 ke g' N° ' 110s.r&541.°21,Arau
EARS-4 bbia. Small 'White, for 'sole ' by
eon IlaXl3l. P. MUM.
Irob N0 d ..1 6.12n0rd
0010 No. 3 Nlookrool;
10 do
do N o.
1 adoolool Shod. on bond od
(o 430) 30111.' WATT &Cu.
ACON-3000 lbs ccuntry cured for talc by
-•- - • •-•
Checked and Dotted Comtelea Moll, Plrin, Boole eod
,synaook Muslim; Tim/wit and Bishop Lase., of cma7
iaallty anal priee. Alm. Curtain Mater/ale. Piano and Ta•
Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings, &c. •
A complete menetment Also, Ribbon. Protect", Tabs,
to. Parasol, of all kinds. Bonnet, of all the laud Myles.
Domestic Goods Department
probably' aye of the nut ertennve In the country, Sr
meting everything hnown as domestlca.
The Proprieton feel conedent that, with their Modem
.'sollltles, Mega and attractive meek. and unnenally low
.4.eest tieeatmet fail to give perfect mile:anion.
Wholeml y e
poretuawes are reopeethilly informed that we
old be pleeeed to receive their enders, et any time, foe
{Mb at eastern prime: Mat to depilate any eastern bill
f t
a s
at the •lIPIP Mgt,'" V, •
New n 4 fa.ahlaratla Good , 0411 be reatleed constanDl
Meongh the reason.
ap'M A. A- St ASO! 100.
Slimmer Blooming Mowers:
LHE subscriberroffers for rale.= extensive
variety of Monthly Plover - I. Planta.
og in thy Tulsa. Gardena of the Citla.
o part of 11l varietiet of the monthly Verbena.. contain
. Rome nave and brilliant colon, 0 60 e from $t t. 51.50
ore dos.. ilelitropes it SI,SO pre dczen. Leer Blooming
doses tn. 82,2 Z to $7.50 per doter, according to site.
Seraniornc. Fnaticins. Titans Plante, An. llahlftu, war
cned of the fluent free towering aorta, from tl to V.,50 per
kc.. Order. left nt our nand on rearkst days. or Or
rnall to kittabargli Post Mee, will be pronapt/y attended
JAMES WARDROt. 3Loncheater.
KLEBER ht at"
ITeived •
L e. v p 3 :q - auan h r go p ' g i g ' /tit tsru g mrl r .
lye Flag of our C uiou; ' Natlausl Sang, by W. V. Wallace.
The Pour Pallor any.'
Where &rolla friends of my South.
Ifousebold Ward, by:Bloekley.
The Caroller, by E. Glocer.
The National Lnion, a patriotic song, dedicated to the
Gore. Usury Clay.
When other friends are round lbw.
(lcut lS Would Ver,. th wittr7Le.e. d " g '
I'll Mink of thee atesentide.
My New England Horne; composed by dirs. 6. Wade, of
urzy. Bough
int Prude, Pea lienlieldZlVarsrfey, /W K / Little. ar-
SistP,tthi (NI& Step.
VArtiumr• Guitar Preceptor.
Torp's "
Together with fine'election of Wallres, Idarcbsty
quick Stem. Tariatlanragasy Lema, da. MOO. •S. lot
r Suitor mud Violin Music. N o. lol Tblol street.
spZSign Golden Harp.
(Thst copy.)
DRIED APPLES-300 bu. for salo
E)RY bbat,tr
Co. bora juilt remind per exproso tbroo ems
one Jacookotto Ind Cambries. sol 7
IVA apl7 W : 11. L 110CLUR6 1.41.., Grocery.
RANGES—HaIf boxes, veri superior, and
ecnrtenant sized p . wksv m fb , , A. V o tta va r
' 4 HROME YELLOW-4 cases reed and fo
V Jule by .p 3 E. E. SELLER&
ChILS--Oil lemon, golDot, cloves, anis
Il i fiszemnonv in n i willa P.UresTriVor
Amended Firemen's Insurance Stock.
Arici SHARES of the first subscribed stock
th 'b r ''t 4 ' 4 krfr ln
Na. 64 Wood st.
HONEY-14 Cerlins (fresh) for sale by
DRIED PEACIIES-50 sacks for sale by
APPLES -7 bblz. Dried Apples for sale by
CORN -700 bu. it store and for sale by
APYLES--200 bu. for sale b
is.* F. WILSON.
RI.CE-30 tierces for sale by
apZ W.
RAISINS -150 boxes Bunch, for sale by
.4,,Z W. s F. WILSON.
CORN—So bbL Shelled, for sale by
1.,/ .p Z . E r : WILSON. 147 - Sint W.
reed IQ,. tbs. eV by_
L ARD OIL-24 bbl. No. 2;
er 9" “ No. I: on hand and fdr Bale
TOBACCO -50-,boxes W. H. thanes s's,
Pl* .2, by e. CLUML/CT:5O:i t CO.. •
ap.'S - 193 Liberty rt.
UTTER-..A Small Lot of the celebrated
A r p lime Ileum, rat ¢y expmealy frm family eve, just
tee d gad fOr rale by .ra.CULtifltTso, dCO .
Q, UNDRI. E S - , •
~..." • 8 bales Deer SAlsin
,i enks imed PrAlAr:
b " FeetherA inet reel led bit& be
VANILLA BEANS—Just received, very
v %%IL A. 144 13 :88 A C 0...
GOO LBS. &Tar Cured Dry Beef, just
km" rnd ale CO..
rt.% F. 08150 . LITILE it CO. SS Liberty rt.
7 g, BOXES Cirmirmati Palm Soap, jut
el ctitcd .ud fcr ealu by ROBISON, LITTLE& CO.
=y2, 2.1 b Llbettr et
300 KEGS NAILS, 11.19110rted, store
a=l sa bey by 11081b0N, LIMEs co,
Zbs Llbertr
LENTLLS—Receiva gi n t fz eL iic by
Ap23 Orteers and 'l'm Deem.
TIERRA'S' PEAS—Received and for sale
Ll , l br WM. A. bIeCLURI3 CO,
arll Omen awl Tea Dealers.
• .
1 - ,7 NG L I SII SPLIT PEAS—Received and
for rale be j MLA. McCLURO &
723 Often and Tea
i- do SALMON. in bernoctinar OOAA Low,
CeMed and for We by
IV. A. 1110CLIIRO & CO.
254 Libertymt.
GUAVA JELLY-111 : received and
for da y J
w. xeCtELLY,—Fresh,
•E l "' ius ` r `"'" a lIITHPUT BURCEITIELD.
SPRlria SlTAWLS—Cashmere, Thibet,
ar, cram recelyed by
oral 111712 PUT k BaCtIVIELD.
WrUITE GOODS—For Ladies' dresses, of
ail Iha i T rAo_us kinds 0..1-311211 8•132 404
The decoration paper. likeNr :ale i that of her parkas at the
°L'44.b21.110u.f.W LlTlt P. MARSHALL.
- - GS Wool A.
BACON -1500 lbs Sides;
990 Sbanklenc
SOO Hamm just smarm' and far
sale by sa. TON /30NNI1ORST OD.
apl.9 193 and 93 !haat ista
BURLAYS-5 bOles, 40 inch, rec'd and for
can by aiM MURPHY t CO.
M:KS-1000 new and old Hessian Wool ro. W. ,
by spa 11171tPllY ton.
IIVINE--500 lbs' Wool, for sale by
11112.1 31IMPLIT co.
—-- - - -
CIILORIDE. OF LIME-150 casks for Bile
`AL SODA—.I l casks for sale by
001$ • BENNZTT. 11¢AkT & OD.
COTTON GOODS-2 cues Cotton putt
stuff. Just scce/..1 and for salt tat
Morris's Tea mart,
IN the Diamond,) second door from Dia
mond slits. This store Is noted ha selling Us, best
blow t Co's celebrated Hoy and Manure Forks, from th e mannfarturer n E.hiladelphit t on moats*.
moot and for We by ; IL W. POINDS.I.TEIt
Water Street
For neat.. of finish and Intrinsic value, than Forks
canuot be eurprosed; and the lon lake at which they ate
rot& must brow. their Introduction. agrAhly
Paper li
T1.1031A S PALMER, lt, o...4l M arket street,
bu reamed, twelve] a beautiful ankortneent °fuel
=';‘ , 7 , 117.7 , Er4.1=,Wi1Z•.V11.1=
Rockrt92 and Domestic que,ensware,
ufse p tuttr A l ß oPlica ll kinghs k m E a L n . d Y Tet :I ) ;:ta 3 4 an-
EMIT Ltrutrot, Obits
ifarßanirls Rooms, corner Bluth 3341 Lawny ost,
(Round Cburch banding/ entractes nest doer to J. L
Ou Wbollmal• Grocers,
r estenster Worts enable 43 VI 411 orders promp tli.
A gauguer being constantly employed. also et,
pgns with all the tan and Unproved atrial
of tltsWat dar.
er Urns, Syltoons,Pltchars, Taney Tot; DeactLlSta..
Florae Vase• tioblas. Ornunenta.•blelleatua and
Fpur J 3.31. ' 3lO stOcica for del:rout/a use, in great oariaty
o,k, noreotfulia roboircd. madam "
SUNDRIES --1100 Each Corn;
to v . ... Defect rts!.,,hin •
a Pared Ar ray by
—ap=n=oJAKEB DA.L7X.I.L. GS Water
1,2 ACKEREL--60 bblo. No. 3;
hlf dc; do. for nagtfy
.131. E
.403 .7S DALZELL
3ftsoa Co ban mairect a Luso lot bt
nue si.r. mkt n.) , Balm oLa
SILK POPLINS—Now °peak. ta
F INE JACONETS AND CAMBEJCS- A. A. Maicrtit Co. bun ca band • =Aft stack ofl
nu Jam and Cluat-ric. 11,15
CARD.--I bail+ removed to thy newatore,
gbre• dal 1420 p 1.7 Orpadia neat of
vb.= I es, = =7 Sands and lat
lon allisem, and motive a saat of their cnsicam. I •111
awn a 1.7 laMeassorlsnent of gpbotinel7, Padiand Bed
ding. aniad Hata, arena. Um. Canton wad Hoak alarm.
var. Fulhat Bads, Dalstals. and Maw; Blankauk quilt;
bloat and Gouda= Wisdom Fa—..a. aawy
Doar. and sacra ankh, asnalizAand In the
=oat esaarudva late ottani kind. =mew*
fully aolicitad and nazi
aid I WintaSLW mg.
aTißig;R 1851. EWEN
XPRESS. Packet and Raihnad ;Line for
LJ Olordand. afthad tau
latobutzb to Waver, In roloactloo lab dot elatintly an
t nod lizoors rickety of Clarke. Porto a to., from Mayer
th• f/Pkildia hooonforporftd the
4C:coda:ad and rittonotsti Itattrood Ca to CL rand.
- - •
X Urn,
hair lanai. 0p... tint Mossurallais
ItP " 11, r j) 0= A. IL. with Qs Pastutt at
I. whkh will Mare kamalialtir cu Ilia arrival alb*
• • Cartittow at Ravenna In Use art ltrynsaTrala
ara for Ckvaland. Pautnows br dna Inaa n m,
:tuna. In M. to takrtha KUM.. Lt. or littatetara
s• r hurray) LATENT, and th.
Near.lo , l I. Chin. •
s...ll•llwattkat. Toledo,Citri Innakirk. aul Erie-
P for nutting train of tart f/r- C01t... Suds. e 1
ooCLARKE . rA.IIK/3 A cm, IWprid.,
W. It. 3111.11111EAD,
05Les ladder tit. I.lArlot hotel:
U. 31. /LAWIOII,
- 016a> wader 3rocangsloaa RaurS
rornar, of Smithfield sad W atm
apt 1.1/TI,IWZGEt.
nagiEi. 1851.
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals,
lI A ) WCo..._{ , =: 0.
'Tam known Line is now puTpared to
transport ffeight nal pane:aorta from Pl=4OEllOB
r.• CLEVELAND, to any paint on Inc Canal and Lakes.—
loe facilities of the Line am a:worm-Peed nuatteromal
n and capacity of Dolan, expel - mace of Copulae, end O any of Agent..
..Ins Boat two Pittsbnegk ani Cklttikt dall7.runing
In connection with a Line of etcatabeaU beta.= PITEt-
I .111011 and nt.evEr.,•ad a Linn of-5.4 du/ . stankannosta
foTaLle, and emelt) on the LIR.,
Pane A Co-, ronnatlmtn. 04
31. N. Taylor. Warren, 04
A. :a. Clark, Ketruan Falb.o4
C. Prentisa HATCIO9.. 04
Brayton Cm, Ravenna. 04
Kent, G rinnel A Co . Franklin, 04
or, Cutalon." ral Lc 04
Whetter. Co,e A• Co.. Akmn. 04
Ifaideeson & Pettibone, Sanduaky Can 04
0. Willis Ate /I Co., Detrull. Mlenktur.
boneconm Ca.3.lllwankle. Wle4
• • Geo. A. Gibbs & Co.,G Chicago,lll4
" 110737L'a'GEERY, Amt,
apl oar:Water and Szeighfiehl eta, Plttabauth.
Brandies; Wines, do
itiAMINO completed arrangements WWI
Ilooses in en d ers,d•other European Im
xecution of m. am thus enabled to oiler to
Islets, at • small advance ofer importation coot, BUN
TIES. WINES, and LIQUORS; of the Snout deusiptiont
•f•usa ensiercutfom house loc4 -- Xfolairr 6
• Attention is invited to soy list, as beast
110 packages Cognac, Bordeaux, and Roche ll e Brandies, In
Ali pipepuie and dark.
75 hints. and qr. nets e gold and brown Rherrieu
and pollens goad ty.
t Icut!, ?Ode.; of avernazda.
IXS " • Port Wines, past very old sod superiss.
baskets Sparkling Champagne, well BnOsn loormal" ,
lek) barn Claret Wines, various brands and vintages.
los) cues Sauterne sad Benne, vintages 1846-7.
43 make Sauterne and Claret 'Wins
/ 5 Ores Old lloiland and Soho:intern GM. -
'id puncheons Old Socoimb and Irish Whisbei.
4 " superior Old Jamaica Rom
50 asks .00.+100 Loud. Brown Bloat and Bouteh Ale.
With n conduit supply of Importni liquors, such as
V urt . ttoe. Esrasehlan, Curama, Anoint e, Chem Brass
, Mgooflc of 1141: 3 1 , A;A SEOARS:Isays on hand.
Orders will be executed witiot er fr i an% tar
at lowest rates. ,
Importer and Dea ler, 30 Wahaut Mucosa .
aplo3morgnot:P/ • Ehliscleigoisi-
FrOBACCO--25 kegs Gedge 6 twist for sale
.1 by a 02 6 JAMES
TOFFEE-150 bags prime Rio, for sale by
auZ5 JA3112
,AWNS AND MUSLINS—Now receiving
l ~br A. A. Mum t Co. oases of nor stiles lawns Lod
im. RON
SUNDR igs_.
66 bales Cobb=
10 stets Faatbann •
2 Draatippla,
tlanoes E Trease;
va y . b b bp dct to arrive on ataanntr Font
Front and Wotan ata.
ACON lIAMS-14 oohs on hand; for vale
(i.iEED SWEET POTATOES-7 bbls on
1, - / bout; be We by apW ISAIAH DICKEY •CO
(aALTPETRE-60 bags crude on hand; for
1.3 Ws by aptif 1801,111 DiCHET 000 •
DOLL BRIMSTONE-12 bbla on hand;
for able by .p HALM DICKEY ICO
INSEED OIL-20 bbls for sate by
eo woof . KIDD a CO,
• •
►'EERE DE SIENNE-100 lbs for gale by
• /JUDD 00.
ADHESIVE CLOTH-200 yards Superi or
loolity for sale by ayt.M J. MEDD & CO.
Grum . pS A.3IPHOR-4.'00 lbs salentho
- IL/lEDICLNAL BRANDY-2 csmicsfor isl e
by .➢2 J. KIDD & CO. '
H. D. KM, •
Banker and &change Broker. Fourth it.
bet wic• ka sus= in par :clads.
.IPLRITS TURPENTINE-10 bblz. in good
A.. 7 er, fa Wit '
atas 57 Wood 4.
A LC01:101.-1U bbls. for sale by
, aces x-suums.
CLARSAPARILLA-1 bale (Hondura%) for
t.J Wl 7 114,25 L. E.t.ELIZIta.
BENZOIC ACID—,SO oz. for sale by
g gs
COLOCYNTA--50 lbs. for sale by
ar.7.5 r. BELISBEL
AE.SEN/C--1500 lbs. fur sale by
ZOO bbla Fatally nellll
100 " extra
lOU " 000
both. sbellrl Coot
100 " rotabst;
" /Thong
50 bbr. Sat
=0 now liour Barret etrieobrigaroordb7
a 145 2. ITOoDO & 54,N, GI Water et
.• _
(kWNERS WANTED—For 40 Caning°
I ' Z ' lg.trUl,L k ... " B "'"1 7
.`ivlliTl k st4,"iu`
na.s 11l WO..
ACON-7000 lbs. Hog Round, receiving
J. nut for Ws by .T.LUES DALZELL.
ap9.4 SS WM, street.
- - -
IM? . ?l6l&=A;ii=
VOI lierrin=, in bblad
/ En/Zann. " O aeft vn^ nd A. ale a2l JU.%wlrr
All.-20 bbls. N. C., for sale by
.144 JOHN 1h A
TANNERS' OIL-15 bbls. fur sale by
sun_ 3013 N WATT A CO.
CANTON Presented Gingel'in Syrup;
" Dn . ;
Clow Chow. (a eatateiro of
n'd n'itL)
V)t r lttLUT(o & CO,
aDIO Orewere atul Tea Daler&
- - -
CORN -150 ba. (Shel= aide by
_ _ .
YE-5 bbls. knit roc'd and for sale by
aplo W. t P. WILSON. UT Ant .
VRESR BUTTER-4 boxes Table Batter. reed sad fbr sale b__
aVA, IL DAIML a CO, Llterty
F LAX -A small lot for sale b
554 • ' 122 &wind, mad 151 /int irtm
English and Iriah Teas.
rofsubscribers have just reed an invoice
ad will hereafter teens ontstantainply of Montana
Lisa the flavor of erhkb le gene:WV preferral
bri: from the "CMCountry,. sad by many others.
' prk.. 60 and T 6 tante la.
The boast which has been ll
advertising en exclusive =-
&hoer o
rawly f
f[nat. thaw Tess, amnia continue to do ea with any
We have Alm on had • Lave U.:tenni of roma Teak
of all grade. and every description, which we believe can.
as excelled in Plttebargh.
.a= Otteers and Tea Dea/en.
ARD-4 bbla. and 6 kegs for sale by
sa= WIL M3ollllBl'o.
REEN APPLES-80 bbls. for sale b
- -
2114:1 .munlnue
BEANS -30 bble. prime White, for mile by
mos ENGLISH It scxxstr.
HIDES -100 (Dl7) for sale by
GLASSES-25 bbl 3. N. 0., for sale by
,e 23 H. t. itARBAUOIL
Q UOAR-31.1 hhde. N. 0., for sale by
s. w. susseusiss.
ACON SHOULDERS--7 casks for sale by
S ODA ASJl—Asuperior article of our own
4f. " 4 "T'm 4:7w470000M 41/: . lk ' br
SUGAR -197 4 , 1 8,* iL r :TiTg . c.Wgrksg° by
uEMP-17 Wee pp rime Dew Rotted Mit
wort Jun reed swl kr rob, by
p6l t. ik 00.
POFPEE—SO , ba ,, a mime Rio, b y
. p .1%311f A.11131V11160N t 00. 'sr
ti ICE-10 emirs prime, for sale by
ap= JA.It es A. IIVICIIISO:k
- _
ROSIN-25 bbla. X. C.lnr, -
25 " N. 2 Hokl.w. for co. by
3A 311:8 A. lICTCIII.SON & co.
LEAD & SHOT-400 pigs Galena Lead;
sze.3 .7.1-nanilTalF;!!±onral."
Pedling Wagon.
llLarge and subatardial two horse nava
witu iron axles, fzr sa:.• oalsvar.ble urms Irr
co& *Argot
lie bopsbops an and Sa. JAns a brand;
M Se, Putnam brunt:
20 Robe
,t 6 at. Warrick lkm CAW, bit,
rt is
40 '• Se. T. J. Txtwares •
• frATEILMAN nE1):0$
60 and ICI Wattronq 42
0 ALB-100 bu. fur bale' by
•it.-200 boxes (pr , t. in lb. pa-
SDm) for ale by . .p 2 11. Dir rr & 03.
• EMD APILES--20 ba.p for sale b_y
yr zt__ Z. - DALZIML • Oa.
m :mind pa cgams-100 dos..o the
mesl_i Vends yna.
tp YE PLOUZ-7 bbla. fur ride by
AA. ego . 30.1LUMN. tinr.c a 00.
'`?M4~...,f ray ':-