4,a~y~35u.,~[~"~ .y"'•. ,, "rn'"'~ . ; "'_'ms`s. ESTABLISHED IN 1786 P TTSBURGH GAZETTE PuoListieD DATLY Avo Witeattar, BY WRITE & CO. (ILWILT. RUM. =II OTT. eN TOMO TILEIT.Ifire TO= TO tag POT! OTTICT DAILY—Soren dollars per etemtnt. Dafable halt Yearly. Dos.u. it /laid 10 adranoo. WEEKLY—two detiors roe . 6 ./".1. .d... 1 1 . 65. etc. Otte oupplie.loa the (-Ileum. aut./Mows:— Thnee maks peronnum 00 Pia royte di ....... .... 900 Ten coplea do 19 00 Twenty cook.. do 'dl 00 The packet Mr each Club to bo addromed to one perm., rod °sit inyarishly In/Anna° No Club Papers will be sent after the year ettiml.. utiles. the mom, b eon[ for arm/emit 8111411 OP ADVIRTIBING. On. g 00.... (11) lines (if Nonpareil or Lau) ono Intern. • $ 0 50 I'.. elsob Wlddionallemertton.. u Do. ka one ......... 1 76 It:. two weeks. ...... ..... 3DO Ib. one one month ...... ..... 00 Do. Isle month. 7 00 Do. three Months 9 00 Do four tuths ...... ..... 10 00 • s. to th]. 12 00 Do torts .months 19 00 Standing Card.. OI hoes or lees, per annum-13 00 One Dolkd for men additional line. One 2 , otare, changeable at /deism. (per an num)sesolurive of the paper ffi 00 For each addltional Num.. iruerted aver ono month. and ' W eaeh addlUoual square Inserted under the yearly rate., ...half price. A ., to emweding .quern. sad not our fifteen luso. to be obargwi a. a winare and a bolt. Itnbliebers not aecnuntabie td legal advertisement. Le. Tout the amount charged for their publim.Uom antsoutimng candidate. Me °thee, to be chargal the awns se other ad. raise/nen.. Adrertiwtneum rad warted GO - the copy fora epecified number of low/lora. will le motioned till forbid. and nay. merit exaeted secorditigli. ' The privilege of annual wirer - Own 1. strktly limited to their own itromoliste twines.:awl all Ade itemeotli for. the 1.0. M. of ot her yarwele, m m all adrectlermenta not immedimely counwuol with their own Dolor., and all limits ...treed:mem in length or otherwise. beyond th engaged. i l l 1 .. charged It% the usual rates. For. all snob trannent advertising. Lille will be **motel, rendered. and prompt net meat deeired. • All advertisensents for cberitable Insittiptions, fire men- Dr , MeA. ward. tow - whim and other ;labile meetings. end mob like, to be eharg.4 hale PH., Pedeble in ad vance. Marriage n0e1.... to Le chargni IA went.. Death hotter. Insert.' walkout charge. /Mk. Mod by funeral Mgeflonans or obituary =Mon; Mkt When eo ale mapenks/ to oe told for. Regular atrartirers, and all otbero sending communiew- Mous. or requarlud outieesdde igned to call attention to Palm, charge. (Montle, oe ypub enteeunenta where charge. are made far adouttanws—ell nu 11... o( pel t. aase u t........—e. r y °Ake deeimied to call attention to private entermis, crdeuhded or lutendwi to promote hull. etlual interest on ouly be inserted with tho undentand- I NVlts‘t= L°.,fgr.,roV 17k; tato at not kw than 10 anam'per line. Bishop or .11..7 - /gotten to be charged ttipl. I. Tavern Llocuse'Derltions =each. Real Pstste Agents' coat Auctioneers' sdrertimments not to be Mewed 0040; yearly rote; but to be allowed • die count of thirty three and ono third 'per went from the =punt of bil l.. wskor oa mPorrrigtr r 9 mar rant. One Square, three ..... 10 Do. . each adlitional inaertion.—.— Si AOTtAIIIOII.2IIII El WZILLY Oar Square,(lo Linea)one insertiou---60 cents. • Do. each additional In.sertion.--.2.5 weeds. Milt:rat/Mont advertimuncute to be issid In Weiner. BUSINESS CARDS. ALDI MAN. AIIN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth War Md. Pn en Arca. bedolton= =I Wt.lout. All ont/ attpo to. - ATTORNEYS it MM. OLIPIUMI, I 0.13.6112. MUM, 0 Late of Uniontown, Va.) (Lore of Indians, Ps.) LIPILANT & TAYLOR, Attorneys at Laer—Oftlee on Fourth street. N0.6:5' ChrtwornlYrnd tholthtleld moon, Pittablugh. Pa.- Y 11---8. D. Oliphant lo Corunicricater for the State of Neer ork. spin SHINN dr. COLLIER, Attorneys at Law— WS. Ga Vonrtb Axe!, Owe Entlthfleld. I IV. F. 'MUTE, Attornefat Law—OP g l it tgarrptreet, near Foortb,:nArthurs:gad. - I HARRISON SEIVELL,•Attorne et Law, et Oblo State Commixdoors Ikrttakinff Attole . rootf of Ikod, to- Om n i —fourth .4eMzlro . N .. P. ,E 0: L. B. YETTEBAL&N,, Atter s at Lan and Meal Estate, . betas, N 0.107 Ath Plc cT tsburgh: 1610 LJCLAMES . J. KUIIN, Atterney at Law, office, Tilel.ll3. MIL narar manta atrect sad Disatma ,Plttntralt. J.1.5.711/ TAMES F.. KEfilt, Attorney at Law—Office IN .1 61.13 fa:, lztl4:s4ill.Staltbfald oaa Grant. Pittaburgh. FRANCIS U.FLANEGIN, Attorney at Law, N 0.170 Fatah stmt, Pitt.bargh: 6,41,1 D. !ROWE ' -&—LLICE. •. WWl3O2f. TOWS Z:. WATSON, At torneys at Law, No. 110 Fourth ct,ol. Pitt/largh.' t=l: —1.1,1:01,1er * 1,0, - ; John 1101ydan, En.; Bei. ton. 31orrition : - .1 . CO.; IVm. IL Pus,r, John flaming, Ae. eettatant. 0 ea: W. JarlJon, rittAburr,b. j.a1:17 giDWARD P. - JONES, Attorney at Law: Cate OD Dearth street. teteeen Wand and Saab. JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law, Zia 84AM. rtret,-httstrcregtq 1.1;1:43:11razplinqi)3:4:1:41 %leI: IL WILLIAMS- CO., Bankers astAllschsturt Itrokrau,Narth EAst earner or Wood tadnl-strorts, Pittsburgh. • All transestiont nua4e on Merl] terns, and collrrthonir Inumpti attrnded to. . jakly n: D. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker, e Forth elect, Dinkel= Bank Noies.BILIA cATM Gold and Silver. Sleeks bought and mad. The hishost market prim mild in premlran for American Half Bohm, and Tlektart and _rakiehAlolhich.gr.az /LTA W3I:I,ARIMER, JR., Banker and Broker, W. - adjoining the Bmai ul NkAmt.4t. AWILKINS & CO, Eiehange Broken!, South la.ottorarr of Third owl AU Mo.g At matt liberal mum Tli,.. HOLMES a. SON, Dealers in Foreign ... cad I:fp:arra- Ms of Esdisifize Craft:ales of Foreign Ilank . Notes and spe,e. No. 69 Mutat trees. Plas. ifoert=ilM-Collertons reads els all as street. deist Stew:shoot ass Cliited Etafra. '''''''''''''''''' Broker.: Dealer,. in foreign and l*Oleatia of Eselangn. Cerrlfien,s Depaaite. Butt Note.— Odia, oarzier of and Woul rrrecta, directly appiailta abe St. (illailcs Hetet T CAROTHERS A: CO., Banking House, cli cltim e g i of INNUcuted Stab,. SAWN ) OM Olint. All A .1 RVIISI, COMMiligiOn blerchant3 wet 011113rolorm No. 111..Serotel street. Pa•Nlai Est•te eremitism &te 11140 m 8111,000 a..n tttt-bettd 11,1733.01 LW. orALMEII., _HANNA & CO., Successors to honer, Delia & Cts, desilers let Foreign lout Domestic Esclisameestifiesics of Deposit, neck Notes, Ppeois—Nortis West tamer a Wood sod Pits. streets. Current MOW/ ...tea O. lk podt. Pight Chests f, ride. seel solleetions mole. mono 1p *LI the mine 1.40. of the Uolted The titet premium pslO for Paivigo soil American iterasinestoodeoo tooisiotimenteot Proluee,shiPtioi cut. on liberal Semi. • • W. Y LOH; Commissimaer and Bill Broker, 112 Steoul m trod.. Staid attention .111 yen tev all Millno.mt emtrutt.l to hitste. ' argh claattfaithated talkie/. sly= bind o r proeurrl Pittab st•tuat Oak. Nat., Honda, hlo nogalatal on War- Isblk taw. Advances mad«. / 1'1 , 11 , 11. 1 1. / • 1 1.22 ' ' of:47fle1511: .sd p :111 RC. C. STOCKTON, late Johnston Stook uo, Soul:sr-1m Statinuer & Ptintur. sug Mudsr.eca , urt of Market Auld Xhird streets, Pittsburgh. 1 TAS. B. HOIfeIES' Cheap LiterarY:Depot, .T4l4!street. enhrtafte tine- Post Mee. Nes ikoki th•t&rs===l i anr= loweittprioe.. . HOPKINS; Bookseller and Stationer, sre.72. Fourth •Cvet. Apollo But Minim I:Ect:4iqo , l duraßt :(40 irVID BOWN, Ja., Wholesale and Retail Lkeiored Coafestioner . ES Fourth greet, Pittsearth• lei Cokes. and Forty Confrolloam7, Wow, of baud. adorn met:dolly otteadod to. ri.1:11:04100:41Aall andA...MTLINTOCK. Binaufseturenuld Ira- et if= a capc.. Oil caotto. Eteaxe' Had Trim* fibluter, kr. -Warehonse„ N 0.65 Four th K. st., Pittobursh. : , • COMMON AND FORWARDING. D W. POI NDEX'f ER., corner of Writer and Th...lhartet Macau Pittsburgh: Coaat•lteu aro Tin. vaster. Horn. sad for thepurchase and al* of Pinar, Western PLochich.lron.Nailr. and the nienufectured articles or Pittsburgh generally. Also—Agent for atm aide of b. Deeper k Ca. ettyq• "celebrated Man..° end nay Parke. at Ph' i cress;.awl Jenkins a (We solar:arrogant Teat. • "tf C. 3/e/LNULfk & Co _ jrr. .. b.rg can&n3,l7:zy,nuri 31 --1.. m i WOODS I SON ; PRODUCE DEALERS &. 4411 , 1b7nattalen . Merehaa., Ka. el Rata stmt. M. .1;, 1.1 1 . 01 , 1;,5...:5T0 , N i,,,, F Forwardin g and Pittebtiralt. RITR, JONES, Forn - nrdjng and Coin r,rl...tint, Dealer, in a - rwor. and Pitts raw Maim:animal artklen Canal Basin. near tiaTaniki •tnet; Pittsburgh. A. LIU., ME. t. JCCLILL jaARDY, JONES & CO., Succeitions to At zrt 4 0, ivi t i g, i; - “ C r c s a gV and TonnazdiaiStet , bath. • in*trind Goad.. 00:vgdowi.:(wicc,0 1 C. WILKILLI. ---'"- IrIC. 'arra. C. SHACK.LETT /a CO—Wholesale 41ersi D g:r.iett= '''' 4D( ''q u ' D " G00d. '1,% .. ,1 11 A., 4.1.1110,& CO mrsecano c 1.. ' ,(1110` , T £CO. II CM. A A. StAgON 1,. Wholesale and Retail at ivg, 74 ., :. ~..,, and CO. , hint& D. Cionhc (.'Market ant .`,. BURCHFIELD, WIIO7.ZSALE and WWI Dry cow. m.rcteeas. corner of feetrth cod nat art.,, PM:thumb. ne LIERSEY, FL - EMING & CO., Commission Mercharda—rnr the rade eDennertle, Woolen. and to to also. &oho, In all beds of Tahoe' Trout*. M r. 129 W greet, fourth door front Fifth. Pitt. DENTISTS r . mew -D.- HUNT, Dentild, Corner Of Fourth &. twtween Mark.l and FMT IY, WILSON, Watches, Jewelry, 80 6 v -Wars. sad =tart OoMA,eorsber of flicke r Toortb littabarithr. N. u.—Wattbaswialodu THE DRUGGISTS. 'A. FAIINESTOCK & CO. Wholesalo • Drus u r. 'nod onnuracturer:uf %Alto Lem l, Red ill Ps. rim Wwd acul.Frout. stmeta, .... Wholesal. Druggiet eml Agricultural corner of Sixth. R, W holesale and Retail 11..rty and St. Clair •ta., Mt* & CO.. Wholesale Drug Paa.burgb. GROOMS n. 1r1.441,411 runal wnzon. & F. WILSON, Wholesale Grocers and CO.:Minion Merchant, ka,nda forr4d4 of Do Pont's Iroarder, No.llB ..1.4n0d, and 147 Vront at, apl SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commission • Mcith•lit, and defiler In Payer .4 amr, Jun Ohl lurth stuwts. PaUtatuth. AA itiEL P. SIIIIIWER, IVholeslile Urt 10 or, PrOdure and C.mmleisica; Iresch.ts, uld Dval Fto tabury - h Al.nufartorni •rtlcleft, Nos. DO and IV ood:etreet, brtweeu Wood .ml ScalthGeld, Pittzbra.gb. t.11.1(Olttl-.MPH W holesale jOnN S. DILIVORTII & CO.. Wholesale r , rostra, Produce arnl Commission Merchants, and •Agnt i tl for Simard Ponder Co.. of Inmanlathe. (Mon., No. 31 Wood ol..llll4nwirb. O . IIMTME & INGRAILISr; WroVile oFocer. and Caanakerlon 3lorchant, No 111 Irate 5 5. sod 150 First MINA, l'ituburgt, AIII,EY, BLATTIIEWS & CO., Wholetwle 0..0 , , ComL/5550 srui Forwarlltsg Nara/Ant, and cuts 50r Brightiat (55/100 Yerwt. 67 Wat.r st.,lostaburgh a. 41 - 01iN WArr & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Minna/minis Marchanta, and Male. In Proinea and tabnyetl Id.ufsetures. Nn. _tin Liberty Street, Pitts. bursa, H. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio, etre:i.= and MeForeeedlniL reme, and VV.', in Western Reserve lance, Putter, Put and Penel Abb. wtd Weetent Produce ...rely. Weer ere.. bettered Staideleld and Weed, Pittaburgh. w N km' &: L' go - N —w S, '' l w iT A lT ""' olest& 4.• o tiarion and Forwarding MI Match ' "'- .. irrwh. b Us urgh banih- Zdanuaacatamd Tobacco, am. 80 and 81 W:ttl stm t Rt F. VON BONNIIORST ac CO., Whole • ks . Stag anti Ccamraca il Marti -7 na 'Baden la Pittsburgh Maradketmes and Wraara Pl Padua. No. VS, ear.. of ISont !rear!rearand Chu., y arbanh. JAS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com redid= blarchwit. matt Near In Prolues sad Pitts. bargh.llannfaetmso—Yo TO Wstsr at., Pittsburgh. j[B4i DICKEY CO:, Wholesale Gr, rem O®midm 3=" '. P"4"—.' e 00786 MKsr. dad NO.llll l rliEgikETT , lato EnFlinh, Chrrs. Co m1.114..1 harsh Idamtfaeture.A. Sim 1.25=1.111- wari e and :a betweeri Wccd sad SmlthEell. U. masa rammes.....c. LOS. "mammon. MILLER RICKET SON, Wholesale brcetrs, Impart:ea of Ursaln* whs.. sat Na =1 corner of Libra" sal Iran strata. Pia,- Ifarnti. 4. boa, Nails. Ciottia ans, 45.. ke .=saintly mo bond,. mitt rm.. wrung a bac ,VrOrriTS k ROE, Whalesaio Grocers and Iccaaananon Nerehabtri No. 2:,7 Liberty street. Altatargh. rot Era MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, I;l`rolotro. d itileuri,L Vino aoli..lovot, No. 31:o Liberty ati-oot ' On )7=ll = d v ia ? Mosioogahrle Whiok,r. OBERT DALZELL S CO., Wbule.iale t racer,. Cornann Mrorbont.. tlioarre In Porlo, 111..natob MosufacturrA. No 1..:3 Übe., 'trot. INtloburgh. U 1 0 MIN A. CUNNINGBAIII, Wholesale , TOG., Prmluce, Forrnalltut. strut Comairoloa Ifer. t. rl lkalr., In ritintrurer Manulicture, So. Z-7 Iribrrrty . ay., L..z.h..trirb- ...1,.. B. P.Wi11.J.17. W. BAGALEY & CO., Wholesale Gro es.... Nos. 18 sod n Wood air..., llttabur.h. & IticCANDLESS, successors to w , s.. J. rt. WRY. Whotesadilitoorts. Vosmadlos sod Coonstotimo .11•Munts. dealers to Iron, NOW, taws. Cotom Tuns, sod PlMborsit Manufactures smerall, owner or Wood mai Wstm . streets. Pittsbursto ACULBERTSON: CLOUSE, 'Wholesale ...tem and Couguitrion Neribuits. Dealers In Pr, . Pittstriugh tiszavturk A :II lig. lawns strust. Pittsburgh. Pu ............... ...... rum D.! WILLIAMS & CO., Wholesale and • UWI Wamil7 Grocer, Vomarillt. stol J Crnami m •A 7 rm errinaU, nal 1... rt lo Colmar, and Yitaab Manufacturrksprner Wow sad Fifth rrh eittaltlrK.• ORINSObaty.N,,LAITLbnrI & CO. SS'bvtw. , No Omre;., AcTaad Conamisaitha Ur:Thant.. as.. Maz • • sum • /O. two sers.ss Mal,. jr..4lR. FLOYD, Wholesale °rivers, C0m 1ia4.4012 MMUS:MN 1.141 Dealer.. hunter — R...l 4"th LOldLibirn. frlxting on Liberty. Ward. nod blur. Wee& latnrbartlb l'a Jog 1 PARKER sr. CO.,WholesaleGrocers: or In Pent., Foreign Wt.:. Liquors. Old Maw '3114:1:%tr/MILW"*"--" ' C° ""' d. ' h''... AICAL DISTR cN IL MELLOR, Dealer in PianoFurter., Mudk, and ,Matleal Itnartartenta, Schad limas, ate! b