The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 01, 1851, Image 3

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MAT Dsv.—We tuiderstanii :that the scholars'y
cotmeeted with sigeitit-of our public and pri
vate schools, inteifii'going In a body to the de-
Lightfal groves, which surround the city of Pitts
harsh, to Celebrate file first of May. Prom the
'appearance of the weather as wicwrite, we fear -
that there -will be rein, and that Dine the inno
cent pleasure of the parties who proposed going
it Keying, will be damped. To.tell the . truth, ,
May day in our climate, is not so pleasant as in
the umerrie England" from which oar forefath
ers came. Vegetation there,at season, is
'father advanced. The trees are covered with
lean% and every bank and hedge aide is border
ed with fragrant wild- Mowers. The birds have
their nests built, and are tending their young,
before ours have paired. Our rigid observance
of, May (lay, proves how strong is the Anglo
Saxon feeling in the hosotas of our people. De
spite the fact, which cannot, be concealed, that
it is generally somewhat bleak , and dreary,
and that the dowers concealed in the recesses of
:the forests, are as yet almost as rare as Angels'
Thrice, it is the day on which our forefathers
danced round the - Maypole on the village green,
andit is hallowed in the remembrance of - their
"Mtn b 01.1.1411 May. that dad Inrplr•
idirth,:and LOT, and rano deare.
Words and groves are ot
trill ..4 dale dnth Wax thy blextinno"
COURT OP QUARTER 1(321810810.
Present-lion. Wm. B. McClure, President
Judge, and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge.
The Court met at Id o'clock.
Commonwealth vs. Roland Parker-Indicted
for conspiracy in attempting to make and utter
counterfeit notes, intending thereby to defraud
the public.
On the opening of the Court this morning,
Judge M'Clure over-ruled the objection to the
teething of the testimony in this case refused by
M. Darragh yesterday.
John Sine reeolled-Went to search the house.
After the officers unbarred one of the doors this
man (Parker) came out of the other where I was
Wanffing, I told him he could not go, but must
go back where he came out of. A short time af
terwards James Mason, shoo maker, came with
the box you Cur yesterday. When the officers
bad done searching, Mason came and laid down
the box in the entry. Officer Fox broke the box
In and opened it. In that box these Meet bank
note plates were forind. Part of the contents
undated of engravings of Jenny Lind (the plates
and boxes were here exhibited). After the box ENGLAND.
vas pecked up again I carried it, and Fere earri- Nothing of interest had occurred in Pulle
t& the plates to Alderman Major. The box. was went Previous to the adjournment for the Bel
direcU to Mrs. David Ellis, Pittsburgh, Pa.- idaye, a motion was made for going into Coto-
Had known Mason for a year. Know him to be mittee on the bill for the assessment of taxes.
ashoemaker: Dont knowirhere he now is. En- Mr. Disraeli moved the resolution'of which be
411110 Ted to arrest him but without slimes& had given notice, that in the relief to be granted
Samosa examination. by the remission or adjustment of taxation, due
John Major Esq. sworn-Mr. Parker was / regard should be paid to the depressed condition
brought to my office on the 10th of March. Had HICITIWAYI47.IIAND INCI3DIAREES 81121TiNCED - of the owners and occupants of lands in the Cal
tuned a search warrant that morning to search JoiinDuffy and Henry Johnson, convicted on sev- ted Kingdom. He here commented, with great
the house of Mrs. Gardner of Third street. That end charges of highway robbery and larceny, severity, upon the comma pursued by the Goe
bel was brought to my office by officers Sneed wereiyesterdsy called up to receive sentence.- eminent during the present session in reference
Thomposon,. Boyd, and Adams. The box laid Johnsen had likewise been convicted of arson, to agricultural interests; inveighing against
plates on the table consisting of Jenny . Lind co fitted in firing theboard pile of Mr. Reeves, their
which they acknowledged e a dP"
acme that were left with me. Those impressions His honor, Judge McClure, asked Daffy wheth- pointing the hopes which farmers had been led
were taken from the plates Impressions of notes al he had any thing to say before the sentence to entertain by expressions used in the Royal
ofthe_denomine lions of 5 and 10 dollars, par- of, the law was pronounced. Speech.
porting to be of the Blink of Connecticut &c., /Duffy, (smiling,) I have nothing to say. Pass He intimated, before he sat down, a dlsposi
were exhibited. the sentence, which will not be the first that ben don to agree to the repeal of the window tax,
Police Officer Fox sworn-About the 10th of b 'l en Paste d upo n me- but his determination to oppose to the utter-
March we
Mrs. Gardner's house and I After a solemn and emphatic address, which most the imposition of any kind of income tax on
found Parker there. Mason came into the house only seemed to excite the derision of the prison- farmers
slid talked ten minutes with him. I brought er, Judge McClure said, John Daffy, you have The speech was received with loud cheers from
the box into the room and searched it. We took been convicted of highway robbery, committed in the Protectionist&
Mr. Parker to Alderman Major's office. Search- stopping Mr. Henry Kleber, and taking his gold Mr. Labouchere replied, and argued that the
ed him but found nothing on his person. watch. For this offence, the sentence of the law relief afforded to the agricultural clauses, by the
Cross Examined-llasoia came in after I got is thatyoutuadergo an imprisonment of ten years repeal of the window, and the modification of the I PHYLADFILPHIA APIs
reship ..-_
to the house. in the Western Penitentiary, to be fed and treat- hoase tax, would be greater than would nsult I U. States Mail St.s Line.
Police Officer Adams sworn-I went to the ed ai the law directs. from the measures originally proposed with that
lumsein Third street, where Mrs. Gardiner lived. , John Duffy, you have been mended of high, object, or then wd be afforded by - the repeal ~7
~,,ceite ~ .
.I. went intothe front room while the other officers way robbery, committed in taking-the purse of of the income lawns reommended by Mr. Her- i tlitg e o , f ,e re e ff,a , i c a
e ti= er %tv e ) ,. ... ,,sm. - .. "!.....7 ew .
Were searching the rest of the house. Found Mr. Wm M Knight. For hie offence, the sent ries . I •titip Ls, Krorr, Charles Susliard. C•im non or. •as limn
Mew Hardinr and Parker in the front room.- tence of the Court earst you undergo an im- Lord John Russel complained of the delusion- vi5q.,A.iit.,!,..,,ii1ig.,....,J,,..41.7.1.....e,,,,,.. T.pagi,,,,wobattet,t.;
When I went into the entry, she woe standing prisonment of five in the Western Pad- practiced on the country by these motions, whep s irercout, /so Ii .dereiov. s i i.3 .,, an, tin o i liv. l.,
ta, ,
there, and said there was a box in the entry.- tentiary, said sentence to take effect at the expi- brought forward in Parliament. He had del- , sh l l. 4l,?r e ,l 4 , o s ti e r ro Vo. s .. torit tn us es l :4 - ..1. 6;11 and
Fox came and carried it into theroom. lie then radon of the former sentence. tinily disclaimed tiny' intention of changing the ehlocb4 r tmar dlaumnd !traces th ro ughout. shrill. to
broke it op!n. It was afterwards taken to Al- 1 John Duffiyou have been convicted of Grand free trade policy the E ns of the item:item of Co•ihtt tin's. nun in ~.e .
try respect ally t he
t at. I.lnt of strength and sea quad.
Berman Major's office with the contents. Larceny, committed in taking a gold watch from The motion was lost by 13 majority. uerto any Welton . adost. Iler aceonintolatiow roe 1.-
MSS. Ellis sworn-Resided with my mother, Mr. Alexis Bonnet. For this offence, you an A petition wan presented by Lord Stanley, in 'angora ere uneurperind far mrnfort and elegance
Mrs. Gardiner, in the city of Pittsburgh, in the renten to undergo an imprisonment of one the House, from the inhabitants of British ram , sseen, nisi. neon,. _
.. stop
manth a March. Parker passekt.hrmigh the year, fined the Western Penitentiary, sentence, to Guiana, praying tar the alteration of the repro,- / 0,,,, .... __ ea •
• cilq early in that month, On his way to the east take effect at the expiration of the foregoing seated., system.
On Ids return, he told my mother that a tax for maw. WORLD ' S FAIR-
Enyl Grey agreed with the noble Lord in 1., . //,, Ps
ne ming to the World .Par art inform that .
him would be left at her house, to her eddies& I.lYohn Duffy. you hare been convicted of lane. thinking that Guiana should have free institu- eine. Tickets will be !mood for a Iltoltol number of pia
Mrs. Parker requested a gentleman, whose name I :ty committed in taking the goods and chattels tints as soon as the country was fit to receive , i tt=l i iig n itern e., in reig e tnn to salt Form and =wt.
I don't know, to go for the box. The gentleman pf d B. Craig. For this offence we will only them EXCURSION RATES TO LIVERPOOL AND DACE.
t l 0 carried the box to the house after he had fide you slx cents The income bill will be read a second time, r,,.,,,,,,.., ails
I gone for _ it, returned, saying he ' had not mon- , , The Judge then advised Daffy to beware when Parliament reassembles on the 28th e-emi mi.. Ivo
Au experienced curgeou amtororanlei no Alp
sy to pay for it Parker gave him the money, I bow he trifled with Maj. Beckham, the Warden COMMERCLAL. No rooms .ecurrd until fund Otr
sifter which he went and returned with the -a the Penitentiary Freight.. from Li. rot.. an IINE GOODS Lt. per ton
IKE, 100 the officers were in the house . Had The prisoner dbaerrtd- - It will be me sea ' From Drown/ Shipley A. Co's. Circular of the wawa:or, .n. toil , ette will Itase2.ireaml laJutini :
nd commence bet second rcoage trout toe ut •in
, 17th, • elquote as follows
Ititheseen the parties together before. Before Ibiza for it then, as I am not to be trifled with sti r or Julr
Cotton Wehave to report a heavy cotton lot ftrighArgrakw ika , 7 w. „ . . t . t,
r.l is
the arrival of the box, Parker told me that abet. either." market, and • decline in American descriptions Joan 1.. LI 't TO \ Lombard et • Mai, Phil u
vaald be brought there from the Express Line, 1/ /Judge McClure ordered Henry Johnson to I
iof iti 14 lb, since the last steamer, and Se since Agert at Livetwol. Jour lwelivottly rt.
; containing prints. He requested me to go to Ilstand up, and and that he would take his can- the date of our last circular of ho Bth instant.- A 'o r eVt l .l .n P'Ub' P r ju h nd Clotrch Illolthrlas. day M.
the office of the Express Line, and enquire wheth- ,Or in pleading guilty into account, in sentenc. i
cr the box had arrived. While we were talking , log him. I The market is in that depressed state in which
prices must be considered nominal; and it would
entire subject, the box was brought to the house. / The prisoner was then sentenced te eim fee" Ibe impossible to effect sales in large quantities, The Human Body Must Perspire,
Had heard the person who brought the box from imprisonment in the Penitentiary for firing Mr. ' even at i s t 11 lb below our quotations-public Q 0 SAY S NATURE, to Lave a healthy ap.
the office to the house, called by the names both Reeve's lumber yard. SO
lre.artr l 'llable
opinion being decidedly against the market, in to the 9 7n m n•l dla;uling Lal . n . Etc ' x d : ' '1,73.7./ona.• Nana.
of Mason tied Myers. I Be had pleaded guilty to highway robbery
~ consequence of the continuance of large receipts Chemical rem na ses a'rtrerent , .. , aeo et the wine
No cross examination. committed in stopping and robbing
Me Ilene ' . in the American ports. The stock of Cotton in oda.
, j ,, :fi , 11 . 111.: mites. me . ie. ,twime li the texture
• Thtunes Thompson, sworn-I am one of the ffileber . On this charge, he was sentenced to , this , co , cnc
of which 3fo em
port al u.d.....,,,, ,........, are A mer-- &tiny • salt Yo n R, and eon not "sir healed. tool
• PoliceOfficerewho Beached Mrs Gardineishouse, three years imprisonment in the Western Pen,
icon, ' t 670,0001:Let year, of which 105,000 'X . '. t i ne ne . itr,4 V e i n .
W saw itt N. tort ,istiow ,
about the 10th of March. Mason brought the tentary. Johnson was then sentenced to we it in rush env. nod nnd It unfalllngt--.. ax.t. in
pay e wira A me rican. Fleapit. Inotehe. no
Grant other Windt... Ti,.
• UK, left it in the hull, and went up stairs for a fine of in.r. and a quarter cents, and the costs of
Trade in MancheSter is quiet. and ICF3 , 3 5ca 1 e'.:1"';',"rh,! . ."1',1T,T,1M"....'7. 1 1= 17 : 0 ;
few minutes. lie then came down and went into prosecution on a conviction of larceny He seem- doe, .
gal goods and yarns, with a downward ten- r e eta lute!: oflnt heat , ono lids, end see beard
the room. Mr. Parker came out of the room, ed very ranch depressed, and his demeanor was „ nu in prices. Buy it-and the wader 0....ain staurcd 1 would nate.
ellv .11 3 Mr the abot, unlem I Lue. it to Le ell 1 state
sad wanted to go out, too. Mr. out
stopped very different from that of Daffy When the
Flour-Our foreign market is very dull, being Times who orm noble to chafed, ....ket , ortharnellerh ,
him. Be was aftenrards taken to Mr. Major's f udge? swore passed, Duffy said, Anything more
office. Had a eonvertatiou with Mr. Parker,, Judge! overw helmed by the enormous receip t s from L fi v i Tal i , Lt al s eit:t n . ' slies'g'.7erVitel i s. i . il2 :11 1 .7r :2TO I sbo ese ,
France. The receipts into this market alon., ev snail. 41 ......• win n. l tn.' an. .. 4 . 1 .... w. 7 F
relative to these plates. lie made a confession!! Judge McClure-Nothing more, John. tub) , In Re r epen t km) than t mate
from that country, during the past week, have sis-not e w...i...... tteeet with Ind
to me, and I made a promise to him . cannot tell: Duffey-Thank you sir, you had hatter girt me
which was made first. i a few more when you are at it. been equal to about 40,000 lAD, amides quanti- ' ...I Ir re , v.. see 3 , er italisenteteral see n'
buy it only of WM JAChnITN, wily Agent Is see urea
I ty forced on the market so far exceeds the de- head or Wood.
- Further testimony on this subject was objected I He was then taken out of the court room, hi' mond, that prices are quite nominal. Western
to by the prisoner's counsel, and the objection I the tipstares, threatening that he would break a
Pearly While Teeth, cad - Pure Breath. to
Canal is quoted at 10620 s; Philadelphia arid
was sustained by the Court.
out of the Western Penitentiary, as he had done
Baltimore 2.05 0d€:216 od, sad dull of sale: Ohio ilTtbarr.24trantli-jiLefrre eon ' I , tarre ' rir
Michael Jones, sworn-I ma a broker. The I oat of several before and;Caneda 208®20.3 6.1, and sour at 18619 s 't,
,bas e s e.varea. dark or yellow, and encniet.l with tartar,
is • State Bank of Indiana. This purports to be / __..„,,,,,-- bbl. ,.feet boa of poll dlsasT Tooth Post. will mate
the tooth a• white u ow.. soot he Wrath odariferawly
• two dollar note on that bank.
, •Evidence objected to, and largaed at gre4 Anna= FOROZILT. -Joseph H. Illuaefelter I ftrffin-Corn is quoted at Sin for White, and srr o ti.,,
at JACKSON'S stare, 210 Lib .,,, „.. ~.„„ el
was committed to prison on Tuesday, by Aid. I 8101182 s for Yellow. to guzzler; Wheat 53 8d for woes '
length on both aides. Objection overruled. Major, charged on oath of Mr. F. Cooley, of the I Re. sad Ge6s 2d for White.
Am familiar with the two dollar notes of firm of Cooley 8. Laird, with obtaining some arti- I ippon Meal is selling at 14s Gd ii? bbl. A Scientific Hair Tonic, Restorer and Bean
bank. [The pinto was here handed to him, whic des of clothing from him, by means of a forged teer.-vvid H .
J7l( costa cow
who hoer •.•••S
-...-....--- Joass . abed /Lair Rettorw, know it.. esonlint qualities-
I he examined.] / ffhis is not the plate from wide I Dote. I lase who ham Ine. we wawa it to pout. the following
1 th e notes of too State Bank of Indiana we _...._.. / THE CUBAN EXPEDIVION ,teelitiev -It tar firm the hair to grew on any wet where
~... tutu. , totemes hair to now: MOO O. Laidig Olt rumour'
gin& This impression from the plate Is not WASIILWOTOII, April SU. lor Quad= and Make light wi r ed way hair grow aut.
Tan Finn Pi:num-Rua CIIIISCII.-All pro - 1 ae tie hair soft and was eimions mn •
• ng t s o f the Slate Bank of indinas ' It is a had postal, for rebuilding the Fifth Presbyterian The Republic of this morning, publishes a tel- 1 e a.. e fit maxi; it Only beautiful. and lows It so. It ia, lir
limitation, but would deceive many. I judge -1 Church are to be presented to the Board of egraphic despatch, dated Savannah, April 28, I 11... : Olin mod wionwiLml-fet eulierior - terecie or th.
votes altogether from the engraving--not from Tutees te... at he
s offi th ce of or m t y. ll. ring, Liberty et, which states that an expedition spinet Cuba has -bo only at WM. ACKSON'S atm., 240 Liberty sweet,
the handwriting. The banks throughout We Oor been set on foot, and is marching south, across herea.rr&p.i.e., JAC K....., el.
country erase numerous that I cannot tell theta the states. To intercept and frustrate their de- i ''''''':-...
all, mud do not know, without further cm:o34, 1 _ -- w .--- cha rtered,and GOT- JONES' Solution ' of Jet, a Liquid Human
atet there is a State Minket' Connecticut. Cur , A ,
4' Saligo COUNTERFEIT 1110SZT.-Mgry Ann signa, a steamer has been . ... ,
men officers seat south. Han Dye, tint! . oomounirai woim. no, or ireq ono , w.•
mot tell whether this impression presented to nr
Smite was committed to prison by alayor Guth- eru , beautiful Wawa, or black jet color, In a Prw minute*.
• t rid, on Tuesday, charged, / on oath of A. Barclay, usu. Prisea-60 cents, mad SI.
ism co
or a spurious note, but it 19 n . I Sold by WI!. JCKSO SlOLlbts•trwa, bad of weld,
- ooprared by those whoee names are appended with posing counterfeit money. :Now Tom:, April 80. / MAW =IN
' 20 it —...,, Nearly 9000 emigrants arrived here, yesterday 1 JONES ' LILLY WIIITB.-Ladies are can
Cittlained-I am not so familiar with Laurar.-Hie honor,Mayor Guthrie, on and to day. Coned &Wing mina the 00=1011 crowed Chalk.. Tbos
thle note as with others that I handle everyday , Tuesday. co mmitted Thomas Myers to jail, gem= a re tot aware tr
ough. trig tautly urious Ilk to the also
I ow wane, bow rWm ealloW. Yelliwit mid at e
kettbsve no doubt that the note is either co nu- charged en oath of J. Leighton, with stealing Waenntivrox, April 80. the okbi appeal. aflur sung preparettChalal 11041.. lln
befelle or emu / contabidng a Wee quantity of lead!
I a lot of 'clothes. John C. Alelloy, of Penn's, Clerk in the In- - Ir s luteerpar l ed , a rantlful vegelableurtielo,wileb Int
John F. llopffins, sworn-Ann clerk in the of- dian Bureau, was seised yesterday with epilepsy - mn
sets ert/taigAiiitszliegtriir 'willed of all del•totions
itia Of Adams & Co.'s Express Line. This bdx and died in one hour after the attack. amliti.r. and it Imparts to the akln a natural. 11.101.4 .
1114 shipped from New York, and arrived Were anstar, char, living yid* at the wow time mans of co*
tAI tha ith of March. The signature of the per- male on CM skla, nuking It •oft and sumotb.
Sold by Um Agent, W it.JACKSON, 140 Liberty stmt.
Ilan who tooklt away, J. 11132011. Ido not head i Wood, Pitteburgb• FA.. 2 . 5 ... 14 .
ksow Meson, but the man maid he was J. J. MS- so das•fly.l
no, an was the person who was authorized to
Melee the box.
Cross esarathed-The box arrived here on the
idea of the Gth, haring left Baltimore on the
might of thefal. r
Court adjourned for half an hour. I
- 1
67719.5003 3Z.1131 . 05
MI. Darragh. addressed . the Court upon 1
gantlet as to Itbetbei toe conspiracy had been
established by the evidence. No overt act had
been here charged.. The graramen of the offence
wee the conspiracy, and surely ituill not be con
tended that any of the witnesses hasmade out the
One, with the exception, perhaps, of Mrs. TA-
X% aod 'Tray the Court to look at the evidence '
it . ll , tes,,Ws., and observe whether it does not I
trove the innocence, rather than the guilt *tithe ,
planer. - Take every thing that you pltise
ingebn•Parker, and who proves that Mason en
a oestiptrator? Ho goes without, the moneyfor '
the box. lf he had known all about the business, I
Would he have gone without themoney, when he
knew he would have to come heckler it? ' Itow,
they was he a conspirator? Did Meru know
th contents of the box? Has it been proved,
itt. will you allow it to be inferred? len mit
thalthere is ne case of conspiracy proved..
. District Attorney Flanegin hoped the I nit
would not assume the responsibility of to 'lig
*eyes. off the hands of the jury. Itltwas their
province:to judge of the facts in all minden:Fel,
re, gook he trusted that to them the decision
wankd be left.
The Court desired that the case should - gent I
the jury, upon which Mr. Cochran opened'
for the. defence, and was succeeded bi 'Mr.
Darragh* his usual forcible and eloquent•usn-
District. Attorney Flanegin concluded da be
half of the Commonwealth. Judge McClure
ebergedthejm7, and in the courseof his remarks
observed, that although the prisoner was no
doubt a great rascal, a villain, an incubi's and
a muaberer -of the earth wheresoever he went,
... et h e stood before them—not charged with at
,."'' and . passing counterfeit notes, ban mere,:
ii l ath conspiracy to utter and pass ---
- -- - •
Irna,lionor here explained to the jury
WU required by law to prove, before the exiir
ildenee ore conspiracy could be estebliehai-
Yr= the begisoung to the end of the trial '
hid the greatest difficulty possible, in pre*tl
mW from coming to the conclusion that
i;sisonss wee guilty anyhow. Bat the
.230 _ 17 1 1 4 !lib!! .M.. 1411
. c ~ ` ~
th a es meet be a Makin of at. tout two guilty
smaid_His this been proved In the present .
easel pu it been proved that there was a con-
'piney between Mason and Parker! Mason
may hte been guilty, but we most convict upon
:the evi ence, (The Judge here read the evi-
dance Of Mrs. Ellis, relative to the interview be-
titan these pullet.) Is there any proof here
dbleldnson had any - knowledge of Me contents
of the hoe The euspleion on Parker Is extnme
ly riolOt, but then we mutt convict upon the
proof. I In order to convict Parker it is Demu
ry that he should be a conspirator--that is, that
Maso was bare on his trial instead of Parker,
youcsold . convict him on the evidence before
you In order to convict of conspiracy it is ne
cessary that there should be a combining, "a
brel4lting' together, for the purpose of effecting
anegal object. Of this man's intention we
have doubt — but sti ll though the suspicion be
violen against b:rii, yet, before the Common
wealt4 can make out the case, it is necessary
thee they should offer ouch proof as woald be
a t to: convict those persons, with T are con-
I nee with him in the offence and on trial
liffte un
with • • .
Tto Jury retired at a quarter to 5 o'clock; end
1 a ft er lan Usenet of an hour, returned a verdict
of no gulity.
Th prisoner *as remanded, there being an
oth charge against him.
Coitontrealth vs. William Jackson and Thos.
Bogu Indictment Larceny. Alleged to have
been committed in stealing several kegs of lard
and powder, the property of George Swindler.
Mil S. kept a wharf boat on the Monongahela
river,. and the articles were stolen on the 29th of
December last.
Se;eral witnesses testified to the identity of
the k gs of lard and powder which were produc
ed incourt and stated that they were found in
Jack:eon's house.
Nci verdict was returned when the court ad
Before the
April 30.
Before the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie.
.... . _
In] the cue of Harvey Griffin vs. Wm. Noble,
Suer. et aL, the jury returned a verdict for the
is leiter vs. Sed.ley—No.2l6, July Term, 1850.
It ordered that the defendant paythe costs into
Court, an or before the second Monday of May,
or that, in default thereof, judgment be entered
for the plaintiff, upon the verdict.
Abdrew Hopkins vs. Aphn Forsyth—No. 554.
November, 1847—List No. 252. -Action to re.
l a rplaintiff 's share of a surplus resulting from
the le by the sheriff of the steamer Circassian.
Cu not concluded.
Thou Donahoe by his next friend, us. Nelion
JoMes No. 665 April Term, 1851. Judgement,
for i ;sti . utt of appearance, and a writ of inquries of
dam ordered to be issued
et al, vs. Hayden et aL No. 621, April
Term, 1851. Rule to show cave why judgment
ehituld not be entered for plaintiff, far want of a
mach:nit affidavit of defence.
Butler et al, vs. Pryor. No. 186, April, 1851,
Exi Defendant appeals from the taxation of
Bh'- ; s costs on thU 11. fa.
Acctnincr.—A little child of Mr. Barnes was
knocked down on Wylie street, on Tuesday, by
the lines in a wagon, which was passing along,
and &merely injured. Its escape from death was
Tun Now Itansrr HOTlit.—Tn the selectmen:t
oil on Tuesday night on Motionof Mr. Bruce
the ordinance entitled " An ordinance for the
erection of Market Houses," was taken up.
On motion of Mr. Loren, then= was amend
ed by striking out the amendment ado o pted on
the 26th of February last, by adding to origi
nal draft a 6th section.
On motion of Mr. Lorenz; the Ekl section was
amended by adding thereto the words,
Provided, That before a dividend le declared
in favor of the subscribersto the Market House,
or Market 'louses, in the Diamond, the Treasurer
shall retain for the use of the city, from the pro•
ceeds of said Diamond Markets, the sum of four
thousand 6ve hundred dollars, annually.
And, on motion of Mr. Edgar, the ordinance
as amended was read a third time and passed.
A meeting of the Common council was called
to consider the above ordinance.
Members present—Messrs Bissell, Black, Car.
dell, Cunningham, Drum, Friend, Garrison,
Gribben, Hammond, Harper, Holstein, Eels Rid
dle, And Scott, Shrom, Tindle, Wilson, and
'T o ung a
The Clerk of 8. C. communicated a report
front the special committee on Diamond Market
together with "an ordinance for the erection of
a Market House.
In 8.C., report read and accepted, and ordi
nance read three times and passed.
Mr.' Friend mooed to poMpone for the purpose
of publication. Motion lost.
The ordinance was then reed a third time
section by sectioniwnd on the final paasage was .
adopted by the following sole, viz:
Ayes.—Mesers Diesel, Blank, Cordell Garrison.
H arper , Holstein, Riddle, Tindle, Wileon and
Young—l o
Nays.—Messrs. Cunningham, Drum, Friend,
Gribben Hammond, Role Andrew Scott
Shrom- 18 .
Mr. Black presented a report from the coin-
mitts on markets, together with an ordinance
regulating the market.
Report read and accepted, and ordinance reed
ich three times and adopted.
On motion, Council adjurned.
4 ;4 -----
Executors' Notice
ALL PERSONS haring claims against the
Meat. of Jahn Ben. late arrnakkha towaship,dea
prams them duly autbanticated kor
taw they owing theme este" eill mil eith e=rl un
re. denidnel. and semi* the mine.
D. , ...WL, niI:INGHAM, las tp,
DMZ MO i ,
."!.,!".• . ,_. . _ t
1 :
I,' LOCI:I—The ,plendi.l Oosyner J. Q. All—
-------- SAS. Low. unvior, •111 lease f..n lite strore . ,
sJui all Intorinedia. pOOl 00WedrIl" , . Id 4 .`T ri 7, ' 1
1L51.114,21 TILEGRAPIi Otrtca,.
For freight or pam onaa g e. apply ~
Tuesday Evening, April 29.
KOR NSIITILLE.—The splen- itv .
The Royal Mail Steamer Niagara, Captain ! did Mourner FilllT PITT. IlilZr. Punter. ~...g . 41/gitt,,
Stone, reached her dock at 7 o'clock this even- 1 7„' 11 ,17,7., L . r .', 1 1Z.trA . ."Pe rm 4th. "'
ng, with Liverpool dates to the 19th ins[ Fur freight or paemage 49141 os Iss..d. 1.1 1 _
j & woke—The WI runuluv rteamo!
LIVERPOOL, April CI 1851 •zAAC NE TON. Caldalo Char'''. 14 .. , 'lrhi Fr i da y,
nave for {l2O above and nateralnliate port, ou
Cotton—The markee is gloomy under the in- the I.d lost .atS A. 51.
&mace of the a
nd from the United States I Fur froight apply . , -__oad ai, l ____
by the Arctic, and buyers have obtained a con- i - li l a 5T.1.01.3§AN: 15 ILLINOIS --
cession of id V lb. The sales of the week EI .—The ate= boat A.1.1A. Boyd,
amount to 25400 bales. -I- I L ' ! r voil ' icare for the abme and all Inter
. _ , ...hate ;art, this oflerno.. at 4 o'clock.
Corn Market—The market is very dull. West-
• for frei g ht or t aw., spat, an Loa.i. !... , .7._—
ern Canal flour is ceiling at 195T208 341'11 bbl. 11. 4 1 0 R ZANESVILLE —The fine
Wheat is selling at 6s® 6s 6d for red, andEser. 1 steamer EMPRESS.tkot,mmter.wirx .
6s eci for white,"gl lith Corn is sold at accoas ~:',.,1,r "a---""'P'rt' "° u` . 1
- g1 quarter. Indian meal at 14s 13411 bbl. For treisbt or pe e wee, spiv on board. I!P.: 3 !'
Money Market—American stocks remain un- )F• 1 01I CINCIN. & LOUISVILLE. j ag
changed. English stocks are unusually steady; I The *O. XII/ lElloOZ: ,; Capt is tron;vrill
and the variations during the week, hare not ex- I ag,",17:., h ,%t.,.: 0 ; ! ':,'!..''''' '. l ''' 0°
oeed i to' i for money. Consols closed at 97} Fur freight or watt,. apply on board
fur account, and 97 to Ki for money.
r j , r a tIOR LOUISVILLE--The splen
ro eva
Pvisions—Transactions in beef are uniropor- I did atearner NAVIGATOR. Card- IV. In r an.
tont. The demand for pork is limited, and sales 17. ,I„, I r. th b f . , 2 . 41 ~ ,t .v. , , ,, „2,?,. A. m,
Ito moderate. The demand for Bacon is not SO, yor freight or I. .. go apply an booe d 01 to
.1. t.
LACK. Agen
active. Lard is hem. Cheese is in moderate. I " :1
Tallow—The market is unchanged.
The Niagara brings 42 passengers, seven of
whom are for Halifax.
The United States steamer Arctic arrived at
Liverpool on the 16th instant, at 7 o'clock P. 31.1
The newt generally is unimportant There is lit
tle of interest from the Continent. Parliament
had adjourned over • for the Holidays"; to meet
again on the 28th.
Her Majesty, Queen Victoria will open the
Great Exhibition, in state. The public will be ex
cluded during the ceremony.
An insurrection, headed by the Duke of Sar
dine, had broken out in Vinieuthia. The insur
gents were 6000 strong, and well armed. The
King had taken command of the troops.
The overland mail from India had arrived.—
The political news from India and Chins Ls un
important Business was steady, but inactive,
at Bombay; at Canton, freights were CI per ton;
a decline was expected.
The last accounts from the Cape of Good Hope
state that the British forces bad gained a decis
ive victory over the Koffiers• still their was
little prospect of a speedy termination of the
April 30.
About 4 o'clock this morning • destructive fire
occurred in the nicking and packing establish
ment of Butcher Broe, provision merchants,
Front street, below Race, an immense amount
of meat was burned. The fire blared with great
rapidity, and could not be entirely extinguished
for two hours. The building was entirely con
The loss is between five and siz thousand dol
lars, with no insurance.
There has been very little doing to day, owing
to the wet weather, and the unfavorable tenor of
the Niagara's advicet. The Cotton market is
exceedingly dull.
Floor—The market in quiet, with sales of one
nr two lots standard brands, for export, at
$4,37} bbl, which establishes a decline of l2i
t? bbl.
Rye Floor—ls held at $3,60 La bbl.
Grain—The demand for Wheat is limited, and
no sales have been reported. Corn is in rather
better demand, with sides 400 bus yellow at 64. c
"gl Du, afloat.
Whiskey—Continues in good demand, at 24c,
Corner of Third and Market etre.. autrtel A. D.
. The only Chartzred Institute of the kind in Yen*.
Venue—Jon, PlAteura, Pro:ideal Inetruetor in the
&learn <I Account.
O. K. CiteeterAty, Protector of Ponnmanehlth , tic" .. "
tile Caropotedion. to.
I.e. AL.Aeota NI. Weren't, Kai..
ou Comaterolel
Ocean 4 Txuerree.—liott. iVrto. Wllkinth lion. Jam*.
BALTIXO Rg t April MI r hit" p i t i o naZ i reitt.Vrt:t i h r l .l.Nr•gga.
Floor- - Sake 700 bblo II:B. brand ., at $4,37 1,, ,....A.FiZp i 1 t, 9' o ' l ~. ..M.'"b c ". " 01 " 00 '
11 bbl- ettao Gotegr.l-John T. pram. Attorney at
9c, of Coro at 60€.61c 13 boob: of , L'7,..„:1:::',7:7.'nf,:,.31;;;NVE,P,ijA„;,P,A1,";.tr.,Z1 oa.
Eye at 69c, and Oata at 43 2 7e2 bd. 1 tein Inatruction inglividnally. tnth day and evenlnir: when
Whiskey --Sales at 2861200 gall. , ee tstird. .111 recelea a diploma. eigned by the itnculty and
I heurnininit COVISILLeO.
Proviaiona and Groceries arc without change. 1 Thom. delitin t r . a dim - m.ll dye of Kant k erPg
Er '..g..0a 4,-.- Of me b krni n lir :12,.".V"'CrOST1:11111K.
Liooll SddllASlsi 00 O. iiChamberlin,niuMeet with Pn2nrpt
attentimt. - ruai.,B
New York, April 30.
Cotton—The market is heavy, with sales of ,
18 bales at yesterday's prices.
Flourls again lower, with sales 6000 bbls at
$4,12€.4,124 ? bbl.
Groin—Wheat is dull, with only o limited de
mend for middling. Rye is better, with sales
bri at 700. Sales 6,000 bu mixed ea'
toad yellow at 631®69c? bu.
Provisions—Pork is quiet at $12@13 for old
and new prison, and $14016,2 5 for old and new
mess. Lard is better, being latimated by advi
ees from New Orleans, sold 700 bbla and tierces
se9}can lb.
Wbaby—Asles of 280 bbls at 280 13 pl.
al.amer 1311 BRET 110111:11a, Butrber.
mama,. will testa Loa the guy. anit all in.,
She tine atosawr AMAZONIA. Mcßride,
mama, trlll bare for above and ttnermedLato
porta ort Saturday, '.1.111 last. at 10 A. •.
Far Getßbt ur ronnu...rvir ev boar‘l.
185 t. Affitl
TILE new and fast running ate. CASHIER,
MeNlttisa. Master—Regular Wellsville. Stau
b...ern, Wellsburg. {Meeting. Bridgeport.
dui:dish Packet—leaves Pittsburgh every Wedneedat
3 <Meek. P. M. for Wheeling and Bridgeport, and era?
Saturday. at 3P. M., forCertinst and hin:lab. Returning ,
leas'. Sunfish every Monday at lu o'cloek. A. 31, and
Bridgeport and Wheeling eeery Monday and Thursday, at
4 P. NI.
For freight and passage apply on board, or to
meta JOHN FLACK. Agent.
011.—The light draught eteatner ARENA,
Kinney, roaster, leaves Wellsville every ottaan
Wednesday, ma Friday, at 8 o'clock. A. M.. for Eaat Llv-
IleFerran's Deaver. ant
burgh. Leaveail'lttsburgh every Tuesilse, Thunder, anti
Satunlay, at 10 o'rlak„A. 31.. for Deaver, SleFenan's Land
ing, filmrovr. Litt Lrpool. and
Fee &nicht or y ive easage. apply on board. aP9
• -
ya, WHEELING EtCALL—The rkkrulid
trr=orglng het rewalw=arkly trips Woo..
thit Cit 4 loorbOr P,l r i' b°r ELt i xal
svoamor• Thlanqiy BWordo
relk weetThr freight or emr ,oPPIroo Lot t;
colt • AILMer ON a citozEß. AW.t.
_CINCINNATI, Captain ;Rho
roshaghena This splendid lent was built by
the owners of the Ammer Isaac Newton, and others. for
the Cinclunatt and Pittsburgh Paoket trade. end will leave
every...Taineaday for Clrdunati. in place of the New fog.
fr i g Or Far
freight (7. r e ptf e at.gl3M t Eltlg e e e n t
INCIPORT.—The fine steamer PACIFIC,
. master, Win leave for the above and
tanned's). yrorta every Thursday, a
.t 4 delock. I'. 11.
for freight or passage aPPIy on haul, or to
meltlol Na Al Water and 03 Pruett .u.
SUNFISH. PACKET--The fart running
wEtasrurt, Capt. B. Young. will
ran ae a regular packet between Pittsburgh. Wheeling.
Bridgeport. Aral Sunfish, leaving l'lttehutta , every.
afteracentfar Wellnille.fiteubeuttlle.and Briehr f i n , : l and
e l y tt e kl eT reh r ort, Cap Eu t h re. d=nf i s h il e n Ihe t t=elt . ta o p rml.
v t .
port Lint !unlash every Tunas,' atterncoci. Sunnah
goaFol d tOr .nriZT "
team. PILOT No. 2, A. S. Crane. master,
will Imre, Pithburgh for Wheeling. Gantt. and &KRA.
every Monday and Thuttdar at 3 o'clock r. 114 returning
leaves 5u.11,1, for c.yu I
va, t - heeling and Pittaburgh. et.
cry Tuesda and Prides, at 10 o'clock. A. ' Passengers
and s h i p pere can depend open this boat rurningregatter
iiltninas the low water *neon.
For freight or Dusan, apply on bono.
non 1004, are now opening ears of Indio Mks and
Drew Minor striped• plaid mei ebene Apia.
- -
RUBTIC SALE.—In purruaneo of a da
endof the Orphans' Court of Wallington County,
es° of • deer. of Coort/LAportr,4
Co nl'ack ti" . F"'ltte'llNF4Magel•Zafurty, deed. win.
on ßc'" ho 224 da y o } nay next, A. D 1041. at 10 o'cloob. A.
il., t ou Dm prem o lar. In the city OF Flttebtirgbv e_slovor.
ode by labile vendue, or outcry, tbe. follfloriat
real estate , to win all the re:alining Porto of th at 7,11
o,l o oouloy lot, situate at Oho month of Liberty, an 2 .01
rtroeth In the laimodlate victy
the dn ' tvfn °oo frdar
great central Pentivylvalla Ita.lroad, an d w
th p
d' rt M y t Of
a"h4b7rldic r 7 .7,:krZ, " t r b bru
proenfl a nix store. No. 2..4 West likle of tbekszort
k. 0, 1 0 01 3 0 . a n d l m PI! alll. lore ate
01.= t ole; •
and Front etreeng, throe on Liberty and %Ater. nog ,
114 to :hi foot
the exception of No 10, .bleb ton.
fort, fronting on Water dart.
Terme of hale: One half of tbe purrbson mOO • I.
pad an tile cloy of ralczAr..,l . tbe wham. tbereor b y l yr.;
Inlcrecn from e .7 -- up
""Moristaca. rmlnlntrotor
rs , gg._.., !No. .e Mock,
very Valuable Steam Grist and Saw
directly on the Morton web. In River. (knwn am
taw Ali
it Iltdt.fint=at•krAr:V,illVT‘", Pylon
t e enseldp. Washington mu 'r peoPerty is in
gest rlnalitly, order The Male o r built In 1543 Then
twol nen of none, and Ismer for another run There le
trtlrtte ' r " . iteNdl 'IIIt!'
ala three ilia
acre. of
induedtately In
rear of tbo 11111. the
property it waled in ft.', rich ebettleweent, and b but
step to the Witteburgle amt.—only nellewley water.
and 6by Isal. AA respect. the euality th.l Pe
ter caw o. nishbur to lrtil.o, to thee City Ylour gen.
to, sod near Mnts generally. Title indlapatalelo.
Pareeston ant be bed® the Ist of April. or sooner:
Taw sub kb" ratiallken itLitMtErM, Rff ,
prat ma.
A Very Desirable Resilience for Bale.
TuE utniensigped offers for sale, one of the
mor desirehle resident.e in thu town of SlP , .iloo ,
Perak county. Ohio. containing about sts act. of land,
•Ith • Imre and commoilimis Mick Dwelling uoom .d
7:P!'"0,7f.; a e
e " t :AM ut 'h11,1= 1 :
eta. dietante, and when It Is reoremterod.that in six
moths from this time it will be within lb. More ride of
Pitabursh. It will be .en that bete is nu imcall Induce
mcnt for any who desire atrium and elegunt retreat from
the city, either as a summer retirement or apeman..
... the A Pert or the whole of the land 'sold
eh. the boildhig.. This onar.tyrnaynowbe had fork.
than the buildings r nit %bn proc urol4llo ood
lut• ehm.e. Int aurora then two
and arms. Pru e
If.rt:i b the b' il- ' t ,, r
1.11( ermitallia or couicy •ho mid thereon a
msoutsetory of leo, ton, or Wool,vhlets shell employ
rapital 150,001. let It borne in mind that Masnllon
ie sore of the suet israntlfol thrtting a t
west af
Pittsburgh. Coal, .d all the means of lhing, as .11 as
rents. esa pmcured here as low as at any point. Goods
etun nantifsctured c.o. of mores, with gnat ease, be
transr.ted by Canal or Ilallroad.
tilsorilion. April 17. IXsl—rap=4..
Valuable Property for Sale. -
PILE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a valua
i: Weide.. of property In Allegheny City. harindt
mint oil Roberta greet of 82. feet. soli running lath 45
Peet io Miro Ann.. This property la situated immediate
thof the renidenoe of Samuel Church, sad weir the
warnerV of 'Willi= Dilworth. There is s Prune How of
I lours on the prrotiros, which mentor HMO per 'wroth— .
Tbs. property Is Isrel and well suited Prohyin I
g ff In lOth,
Iseity: fronts on lixbroes and lodes . wring IQ will be
"1....P1 ...I Prot or the pun-W.III=OILO Milllol`
mired on the nyrouuni. Inquire of the enbroriber. on th e
Feminine. (aphilmi
. For Rent.
Small well finished and completely fur
IV oled Starr. on 3d et., next dont to the
No. 79Ltberty tetheen 9d hod '4th stn
an.l4t IPoet and Taboo eon)
eatable Suburban Residence
rrlIE subscriber offers for sale the holism and
gfrondawkwire he now nu/dm Wl:Lird= Park st., be
low Tremont, Alleghmay, and moot 20 minute? walk 0=
the market of thls city: The lot is 110 ft-front on Park rt.
running hack 202 feet. to an alley— conteg ag orm
:1111 1 Z to:.:11:1 0 :0U1 1 ..-s. ig- O P7II
ly lots, y
yew. large, and exceedingly well erran,ged, hatind
front bead feet, and • degthhf.l..
tonne, betides halte d
nine fest wide. It la built in the butt
and mat durable menweroind has a Ilropfrof Mot and
coutaine all the
Conyentenees. Typ pmp, with
supply of hard and soft eater, are at th e dear.
du Me muds are the ocomeary out buildings, gable,
carria boon.. ge le. The grounds are laid 010 madly •• •
lawn. mitered with shots fralt trees, evettimense/bnemdag
hruii, currants, gomeberrleet resobettles, in, and a small
garden • The boll la of the luxe. Uzi, awl the h.. el'. In
their prime, and yield enough Vor the wants of an ordinary
The eltuation of tide property, ae to talulnity and
cohort.. unlike', combined with coutlituitY to the ell.
L s , lo w t. ondrewd ,..ka b o y a lr y weeldetwe ra
crftrin. ha.
Ilk, 00001 PliAninaigh, the dry, the two tilers, and the
hills azourid, forming altogether • POgitundo .Prnfrwrt of
slosh the edit never weariin. Vrery imat widen enters or
dent frot4 i llie T i t r=bornh
ff-rdust,"s da=l ,
removed any araloyanes o re o f
d unfort and vegetal., in
affords • rodrutuard as quiet
o od peaceful ea If located in mom maletneok in the country.
The property will be sold at atm:vale, and rommulon given
whenever desired. Miquire at Um lim y celea.
eserfrdtl • . WRITE.
_ _
For Sale.
lIE 'members of the Fairmount Tam Com
pt.}, offers their Engine tbr sale. It Is In good .
1 7 gad vill be sold sheep. Tagil's of
.1 SMITH, Seer,
• No' 4.0 goon stmt.
Vor Bent.
Fsrry nnet..a large and substantial building.
(tont, suitable for an stead Mar. ntert
glean immrthArtra, r
InelhAtt owner Ousts= altar arid FAretta
pRENT -1 Ilona onn
Third street, abase and near to Smithfild. It
as gas flatures. Ism ard, wash 0une....1.
b. rental low. and Demasukst given I..=oftstelr.
Also—For lisle or Lame. name is the Ninth Ward,
between Pet.l Area and thallhn i =",
at Benj. Darltustoten. Fourth street, near Wont
Valuable Beal Estate for Sale.
TaHE SUBSCRIBER offers Cos:Sale, on
favorable leans, the folloning Ileal Haste, Inn
City of Pittabunc h. elm
t No. 1. Three valuable three Amy trrkk dwelling hon.&
qo.r dd"'obr'Yort"dl."7 street..
VNng=l9r at 0780 L
57 fret treason Third street edjoinlng
the Third Pre. 1186111.0 Church, ots which Is elected one
toile streytaith...... used se a witstbir office, a. ow
tens Mom Mick warehouse.
No. 3. Too lots fp POlston, Dearer nouisty c hedeur lots
Not. 3 and 4. being . abont 100 feet eputscnon o 6 l . l .
ed sine bleek of four - frame dwelling,' sad one WAWA
frame dweill..sil two amt. 10g1f,
No. 4. (the lot 60 feet front on 11.3 Meet, oppceite the
•bove, and extendinato the top of the hill
No. 6. Two Leath lots, oath L.O feet front, and running
from the rued to live water mart, on th. Dig Dearer.
No. 6. One valuable water lot, 100 feet on 15:9.1 Dime!
with ten therm water power antached.
.W4= capPlNPUttfefsl4irbrMradw
two story Mick etore end warehouse. DI by 50 DM
fume dwell.. two MM. hitch .
No.& One Isr. lot in New thrgot.. ll .ver nintinf. l . -
log about 140 feet on Droadway, and Mont 'Mu re...,
mintaining tin me. on whleh are erected two large than.
Mel.. and one !Mall frame Mo.. aped - . m oo9e.
Thfspeoperm ea.. Wrinerly eneumed by Mr. I. c. Gould.
Qtry ploaamtly located, belag itomedlately minalte
the Falivion DM..
N 0.9. tine enter lot. Immediately below lalletoulledge.
helm about lou re. hi length, end extending trona Water
Meet to low aster mut, or toeing Pelt.
A_ plz . ' ergs TN ra" To u oVTAt'AW47, —w g' 47 A
a nyket atreets. JOHN V4.4th417.J414e.e . e. •
uselithl !Journal and Pint .0,1
.1 .
'......... - . --..-- , For Sale.
MAWS, OP BUILDINGS. on th e corner of Wash
la and P.m M.A. and final. at the
ey rads Penal. ln the Olt? cif Pittsbuzghe
hundredhundred and nirty lour feet on Penn a.. au
and nine feet tithe inches on 'Washington St.&
th a twenty feet alley. Inquire of -. .
each P ,
ro ir0.11.0 Penn st
8011 SALF--Ten lathe Flour Dille and aDaw HID Ms
tb. 11, ercek. with the mnemry water power. Al"
• well HOpecere,l Prom In Lawreececonnty. Nice lOW.
Alm,. /arm or 110.0002,00 the Ohio Hrer, three miles
below Deaver, for 51.130. Al.", Owe of 140 acres, on the
Otdo Aver, 6 toll. below Dearer, for KM per sere. AIM,
Coy 401,4 for 810 per Me. Al., fame of 020, 110, and 96
acre. Me S..M per 441 Q. Alm, 1:5 ems for 312, and 20
.0000 for 115100 eel, together with 0(001 others of oaf&
oils sin-ie. pries. Lninlre of
N. P. k O. L. D. rtrrtimAN.
Attorneys nalsaw .ml Reeilistate Agent.
[chin No 107 fth at. Pitteborich.
111 W. Furnace for Sale.
lIE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale. his
BLAST VOKNACE. sittatel Ourcouniy, Georgia.
' r ar known .01 the * lamite
Allaloona E," •ith all the oat
buildings; PAW sal (MUST MILL: and erery thing nu.
mummy to carry oa the Mmeithsa of Ore. It has 1,600
Acres of Land attached. with its mach more uljoialpyr
wou be mmiscary. which ears be had from the-10 IMlier
sere. It has the meet farorable loathes: , In the &sorb. Mr
makirm Iron. baling the ore within one-halflope mile
off. In very large quantlUes, they to mine, yeld/WI
Chun 60 ta 76 per cent. It is One mile and half the
buiwah Itolliag Mill, when a ready rale can be (mod tear
all Its products of Plc Metal; and is too mile* from the
Weatana and Atlanne Railroad. ono of Wt nom
of mhos& connectin the Tennessee River with th e Sea
Bikd. w has sla g cf railroads running cut Prom
it, flolsbethoul ander oontract,kimalug thremliballthothr -
F=lo7l 7 th, " .
_Ni'crtaalagrogri°4°F, I.
now In full mah. .
wonted by . water power; with • fall of IS
feat, on curter falling stream, and to the inns healthy
part of thefiouth.
or lie May be adthemed to me at Etowah, Cur co. Cie.
hewnst any time EEO.
ALLMON VCILTAC., Much 1.111.61.
dared oda" Rd sale a larie number of valuable
:rt... In 1.4470716.1..21V1t. mat=
T1MT144.t 4 h "" V rattartshenin p9=lnd
toanurect wealth, and the mec& anon xhkh
lett trill be PO render them a eatt sad tnotltabU
teetatent. Title perfect. Terme tarorsble.
...):t:Lunlare waif term, *never the ntl e dantt.t
tit - rgb. betereg l itte;Pand Ihiultielte, or—TRIM=
NM.'" 'nod N. Nee* at their ne. In Ulna
ivas mats v. K,FroN.
Covington iron Works for Sale or Leese.
/MIS ESTABLISIIMENT, situated on the
Ohig=iiNdlo ancinnahito=thelsot roZ
' ITog one of thine. .M 1 locationo_ to thit
far the manufacture
I fo the Tarim. duo and Muds of
conitithinit ....Y. f not surto than any *hate
lishment n tho West, to nos offsral %WV: kW, on
terms to out% applicants. It
ut atablisturientmituatat In =ro;dd2MmM e rr
citutail, d
es to the tares m lira
ins of
facilities for Chicinnatt trade. It =Who of Pirrail
Puddling 00rnaino, threw finery or Nohling Men, Mnitim.
Orloff Ilessois Hosting If nroamm, with StKino .ad
Milner" SI nuM. Irmo M inch Iron op Slnem.r.u.d=
sad all tlwanal Iromi' with gaol nod
DOlleT Mill.
AlmMI—A. wants Moto! sad WiermN4 nomDi.b. sots
Engin. shah'. of producing tram 3 to 4 men psydaytibomet
addition, there I. . NMI TaMMTi wiett siri.r.ra tom
gine, containing It Machismo, which can Do
"IIotoirNIVIIAMAN.CIOCIrmstt or J. LneNtelELE.
skix—e tamable Iran lidithilaltennt situated on
the Ohio hem, in hallia couttly,Ohihmusimtingarf to
containing throe Noblinsi:ifineyy Thws three
Pommes, ono run out It ono per Itng
...11 4 r.t r t I,2hr:A
Rho anusace to all dm , Inrfts,ta ..30 to 4.1)
tent. 6Dnt to. Yore. IL I. one of Umbra .in the
Macao IL. DIMIANANXInetazegth l.
,Colinti. .
ibleVi bckh
ling II 4ont, not Yves VlllTlTyl l itlrid. t.
with Moulding Thor lUD It. by Illefteam
FOIL SALM—That desirable Tract of Land situ on
14EttijitlitinIg¢:01nblr=g, ylle,.),Flen4-.1.13;
Furnace property, containing about I,OMm
tfT2'll..!.7ll=ele. ILllrrStio‘eshotir
tunny potPosen hot: itm " pecnilarly besotind I.=ost of.
nntagtW••• fur taming tants% lase
odirna ninisrculthottioentho big&cts
1 9. 0 ".`t a T
toe ynod ire l el =1 on i thipiloribmnpuit
vac. Stack. Engine, and 'hest orphans, formaking Ituth
welter with all rho buildings appetainlngthoreto.
Yam Hous Barns Stables, . The whole win be dit.
posed of upon fachnble tenth, or It o ill be &Mod lib
thee suit purchamere. A plot of the Sad fur
thee particulr. can be obtai.' be seldressins
opPoodhm CfreII.ANAN. (Incinnati.
______ •
'EOR RENT—The largo and anunodl-g .
0. „„.... Peon egret, (lately . Pled bY
wanlt,) wi th an entire lot saga • ,g, which le
°.m( oaa 1.1. Airs—Sibling for two bone. gagutre'
N 6l) Water St
tiOR RENT—The Dwelling otuse,;o
I: the corner of Booth and Wtot —.mons, lately"
°catbird by norm Arbuckle, deed. Boaerelone
;fltleigi , gitz,Vgelitf,Vlh td". Aado
te goy.
. .
Valuable Red Estate for Sale.
FOR SALE — That valuab
le liLot
of Ground
Otoatol st i t4.,Tqlof Myket .
." o P" li n a t vrui ' a Itont MaCiatatreat aas 4011 inch.
l ee arid on Water sues[ o( feet 111 inch.
Aleo—The lot of (hound edjoinius Cim 'or:
os ceiy occuyied.Or Jo.. Tomlinson as is MID
b., tmot. 1 , 11 . fiotliti !Floe," She 112210 . n t gteroto",
er v an=ma rou .L.. o ',7 , ,,,,wax= ,„„ nolor
formation from "'me. bTOCKTO N .
sot/ 41 !hetet et.
Of Forty Town Lots in Bast Liveroool; a
WOE recent unprecedented sale oPLote in .
=r, tbr,;zl.-
tam. OW. etratot%ll to meet the 'torn of
..b*"':gattgtrela%t7al.ur7l.ll.""arsanit".. ar/ i •
that at we ha
t:dr/al o. bare
n „, ..,,h. b bd than wishing to
bg:MOTerlbt• art among Ma ' am/it ellgthl.ataldedrable
In the Mace, maul brhadvsll7 I=llo4 In the mats. of
thaw rerevtly Pad.
t.7r . z wrfahT. wa• of
'lc a. n ILLT.
Tye Live:we. Tod 34.1113 L fahadhattEL
VOIVER--1 50 iscia fle Rio; by:
851 .gg.Mg7o 1851.
Cleveland, Pittsburgh &Massillon Express. ,
ITS line rung in connection with Living=
n, Fargo, t Co'.raninT, ItglilfTLl. Southern and
Krum., et Cleveland. and Adam? t. C. 4. at Putte l
burgh, ring it advantamu over ail other mode. of MD
TIVIT.IICII in Northern Ohio. App Ent Will lel,. molt of
the' &Ave ,Ille . tinned places, Monday, re..
Wolneadave and
41-kla-Min charge et Wane and rompetent sneverourre.
lii wilt receive and deliver factures et the following
tt i tr . t .teter.llts., Salem. • Cufalmmv Falls
Crubototon, New Castle, r... Young.taw.
Akron. Newark, Sleadville.
Warren. 'Fulton. Ilillemburub.
• Ravenna, ' Navarre,
.Frederictehurtb, Wellsburgh, Ta., Hudson,
orhester Reelect, Wheeling. Yu-
Small. • Bolivar. Dalton.
Steubenville. 31 agnolle- Zr'za
Wellsville. Rgneahurgh. ,
nal Dover, niebnine. New Upton.
Newton Falb., New Philadelphia. New Cumberland.
Oold, Bilwr, Batik NOWA Jewelry. end other valuable
zombi received and forwarded with desimtelv. The millet ,
lion of Noire, Bills;Draila..and Amounts, ProMPLIV attend
ed tu
J. S. LOCKWOOD. Proprietor.
A IT-eilal meettertger will/use.: Ilamillon on Tue.lays of
each - week. Returning. wilfleave Clevol”dou Thurulays,
fa the purpose of taking packtures of Money, e. .
AGM-S-T.. C. Cobh. cievasto: Rater 1 torn - the, Ihtte.
horch, 3. 11. Cecil t Cu. - 31msillon. Clarke. Parke.
Roeheeter.Parke. • Youncstown, W B. 'Dub., II
A. t N.Clarke, Newton Sall*Wm. Ward. Ravenna.
E. Rawmu.Kkron,Danlel Morrell,. Ilmluon, Wm. W. Burke,
New Lake Superior Line.-185L
THE new steamer NORTHENEE, Capt.
en FB.
O. Swim Malan every m el and odern In/Provo...
ty I F.'
and comfort will leave Clevriday, the nd
if Mat o.t. on her Out trip—wa
H'ldaf. at d weekly . thereafter on
0,1 o'clock. I'. M.. for the Snot Ste. Marla
The manner MANHATTAN, Cant-JOU , C.g.Dwru.
VZ:Zr:to the ';',V P4PArr: °:,1111
t i = weekly . &ne, throliftlt di the rewoun,
°Pet . f.`: A. 711104374 .
Cleveland. 0.. April :Ca 1.451.—tf •
From Ragland via Quebec. •
lIE undersigned, residing in Quebec, is
erll forwarding large quantities of Railroad Iron az:drab .
rimy articles. to the different ports on Lake Erie. Tho
ttomber of masts attiring at Quebeo in ballast for esr.
gees of lumber, pmbably renders this mode of Imperudio.
much the Wet experwlve for all beavl . merrhanslise. Ife
will par the Atlantie freight en meats. runsignati to hi ed ,
and attend to any
ronneeted ltivrew AN. Leaned.
OO "2= rh m gd be nntrler l r l er jo h, A r
111061. ' 0V. Voirunt-11111. * ' PP
—/TV=Visstlr. G .
MaiOa 1.551.
CLARKE. YARDS & CO, lincamirem, Daoriurroal.
TITLE PROPRIETORS of this old and well
known Line.ld Inform the pallet that they aye
no. In operation foe the wou pl. Ma.. and belie rommen-
Taleleitaing Vrelyht and Ilasecrigrell, which they are fully
to awry to all mints on the Canal. and Lake Erie
aTtraisan, at the lop ut Orie of the Boats of thin
Line will be menstantly at the Imioling, Woe thet.lionon
td'h'JOß. A. VACUUM, Agent.
One, we. Water and Smithfield ets., Sett/Marsh.
R. W- curtg.k "G o Wen , tle 1 . a4
D. C. Mathew& r mask!.
W. C. Idolare, Sharon:.
J. lc N. lint!, Sharfeburals.
VA.• tar," . 7 .kif= 7 .7"''
, AVM. Pore& Conneaut - v . olm
C. ff. Reed, Rote, Pll4
Wollarklga Buffalo. 'N. Y. eta
• Forty-sir hours to Philadelphia ;
Forty-four boors to Baltimore.
280 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
' Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
(Ex.cLuan - Ety Colt PASSENGERS/
Q . N the opening of Canal Navigation, Two
Daily Lines D Emma Parket Baas till leave nu
Jo arn, thence by Porwo 8.41.04 to
Two iluraseit ind Fortv-Pra znfl.o. direct to
Timo through'roare-sitt Boors.
Fan to Philadelphia. 110. Faze to.Baltinton.
The Can on Lida mute en near, and of the attut approv
rd constrontlon Pa comfort and safety.
ackata leave every t o
precisoly at Eight o'clock.
and every evening at the tame hour.
Passengers fur Baltimore,
On SITiVILI or Can . t llarrleborg. take the York and Com-
E. e tand Railroad. (now Cadahed) direct to that dtr. 141:1.Y
Ins Mil./ Time. Mg how,
No charge fur handling Baggage on this route.
The Increased tipngt _maitre this the most , romantable.
OA sad dealrahlt==to . th7 ItsAtern
F "7" 's. J. P. ifISLAES, Agent,
Canal Paella. Penn rtvw.t.
N. 11. On the let of July, the Pentpaylvanta gnllmeJ
will bea t e lhed to Latium,. which will florten the time
thrug ha rr-
Pittsburgh. February 19. '5l
Idanufacturer's Line.
gatam=a 1851.
L 7 that this LINY-. oomtiosal entiroly Of act i on Boats.
mwr MU operation, with twilit' , to awry n largo
q wmuty, to Philadelphia and Raliiroore. witiamt
' lraohhiPhr... in sheet time, amtm low rah's , m mor
'irprodrarna- at, have elm b mails far riarrtinn'
Way Freight to WalrsvUle. 70hr:disown. liollidaystuni.
Water Strew. Alesimdria. Petersbornit. !biotin:don. ?lit
Creek. New litunlitor“ MeVeylown, Lairismn.
Newport, Clarkis ferry, Ilarrishurn.Celtunlimand oil oih
ler irrairrlillTAlW'lnrd',3l:ll"e'Z'Ot ig;
0.0 Joann, promptness and ranniarity in shipment.. to
the atormaid points, at the lownt rah" mar be mind
rn.. J. lILTMELL StliTT, Proprietor.
Wantons. litern nowt.
niehtlif Samna door west of the Canal.
. TEREST IN EINGII.4.II'S LINE. In ary brothn.
CIE DINOII.OI. the badamee at l'ittebararbotil tar ,
be Irsorsetrd andpr the style of "Wm. Bittahmu a
Os." [mehll 111.!;q11A11.
Bingbanus' Transportation Line,
atel% 1851.
rj[IIIE CANAL being now open, we are rea
, dr t
naoij.,,r7.l.l....rwoOrikra postoptly. Prolong tad
jtvights ot 'mat rates &sm.' by Csepel:sable
Mu sad Ilerchandip sill be received sad forwarded
cast sattessl, withoot say aurae for fortratainz str sd
"":l37lrof leil t atf farXrtilTl.,Perdnrilreetions fathfallr
attended to. Adana or 1 t
DlNa p edi o a
Corner Liberty and Warne Os, tstotrab.
1112401 1 / 1 11 t DOCK Ifia alartet et,
betw j er u t Itataad s att-Philselclplots.
21 ' 111.17111N= gr.tVne2r".
subl New licolc
EOM 1851
Merchants' ;Transportation Line,
. A. afrANULTY & CO., Carol Bash% 405 Penn arr..
P 1.1=3 RAYNOR. Central Block, Broad street, Phil.
4L. I . Mre ureya4. to mien spine orno nt mrrh.ndi.
.4 prod.a to. yam opening of the ' rana. In Ph s
delphla,.4 all In late pl.. at Itorrr eau, end In
Iwo Uwe than In Inla y
gra'. W .
She Inernaaol number of 1 . 19014 yrioldol by
gI. L 4 .1 C..i."... I. nutlion oar honte on the
stat a lg4
. 11
...lureaXgrr7.743.:%pziLi.llty of delay at
Carnil Dalt%
. . .
figiWa' 1.85.1
T. Shippers bf Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
00 CM neog nirvana n. rata.. tom.. Aso 0. ram
ATKINS k Proprietors. Na T 27 Market, and II
Commerce hibidelphlw
BILL Al .LIOG TT, Agents, Canal %MO, rittabllTO.
a re BON, Agents, Baltimore.
We wow*, Otl the opening of Oho Pennsylvania
Canal, to eontreet Ica freight Wu low rates, and give
shiDrs. muds despetchanst care as my other Line„
b[c iffi '& COVOD E,
.. .
On re to John Merslenl'Co.
- Cana/ Baain, Penn Steed.
Pena. Rail Road Co.—Ceatral Roil Road.
PIE ~,ib oribers busing lieen appointed
. =l ,
p ir b ae a t Pr. toyiroa I=o J.:1 .. t .
Vire any Iner+dtto or proLoetfor I.6rorleut east on the
Ore= or Oa al.
04 ° 41 00%9 4 tArroltI l lt 7u7rttl th er e 4 .1 t x. d :rl:
ion or clam fir ......-.
'11.1.T13 OP runtlir UT.= P01.111...PU1A I.NO prrenitiOn..
Dri Goods, Illii, Sham gooks, litattouary, fte•
Waar, Fraltr, Feathars, Furultura• Dm.. koull- 1001 .
laddlen . , w001...U. to. Wet V 10u to.
nardware, lltrioaoserare , 0 ntec - les. Paint& Dry, stud... olo .
Leather,ClOTer. Flan,Thnotby and Ot.bor Owe heeds,
le_ wee 10 0 . .
Baron, Beet, Toth, Butter, Lard, Lard 00. Tottoeo d eaf
Calm Tallow, Onto and Rae, tO.V , V 100
lobar, lambi, trough). Tar, lota, hod. llerna:t Ctrk
i ttr. la. , . )14 . ADEN / C01"031.1.
agsAW. 1.851 .IIERAL
Pittehrgh Traiisportation Line.
JAME'S O'CONNOR A CO.. Canal Resin, Pittaburgh.
RITAII,JAIMS Co.. Dopot• lima and therm vtreets,
mid N. n Smith Fourth street, liaiiven Xarket and Cheap
'll'i!RefNritti!TOnNorta street. Baltimore.
lIAVING fully completed our nrrung,e
manta. e will be prepared n orm the opening of the
buitif.'="'.. ItieWT:itilid tf:r.
IgetimUle, St. Louts and .1 1 too Rave and West. at
1401% nW
dirgrair.'34'ati EtTAilytr'L•ti.
tv.,==.4bw..1724.,;1410e........ prcßectiou
All. cruUnmilcatttnia addressed ourrelvva or sgruts.,
RaU t Ca. Cincinnati: E. Weld, Louisville. and Lowe
o g hogne, H. Louis will meet with prompt attention.
AO9-Ne R. Ong Una haa noconneetionichateveg with the
ruadslphia sad Pittsburgh Tssunartstlou Line of At.
o. totm •
SHIP STUFF-1 00 racks tor eale by-.
Arfa- , :ioo reams bled. and Crown Wrstp-
DiMg. for W. low to dono coast gomont,
sot JAIL DA t 681,V010r rt.
DIED PEACHES-600 bn: for sale by
ju, k IRAlkti DICKLY k CO.
WesTED:X.Luolblekt . i i rANwi c a o., tr tW
apl2 mart Third
MAItiNE RAILWAY—Four Sharer Ma r .
rim Ballyray ard Dr: Ikck,b,
SH. MOLASSES-20 1,1:415: Battle Ground..
41141351A0-100 Mole for sale by
/ 44 ! `, 5 1 % PININNEANSIt CO, Yt Wood rt
vACITIIER. No 41 licrtittt Second Street, tsbe.
eut 40,1,..1 Philadelphia. St4Say
• - -
ww.rictur.. ... : . ... .......... — nem
AGALEY, WOODWARD 41, Co., Wholt ,
II *sir Groorr, No. Mnart
ALA . .. , FICAP4 1
I:ji , A LI), BUCKNOR fr. CO. Tobnic.4,
Comml..alon no•rchait", No. 41 North Water street.
1,13 . o. 16 Nortln Wharve:lllllo4rlplds. ougl
11.1 illiClß r, &
m AN; t r a t . W --- caLral Co.,l3lllliS
magjon comlgamruts of l'rmlueo grnerally. Ljatadtto
Professor A. C. Barry's 'Tricopherons,
r‘i Viat b cti r ign r :C.
lathe and male tints, cote. Maws, PIRMIU, *M. •It
her bvenmeertaintd by .M , MIO.W. thO , .
mons lisp moduaof the name effect in easing dlseatesof the
skin. •tr. of the hone. and all the animal kingdom. The
following testimonials. neleeted firm lamdreds of similar
imsog.. ; to r .„ to show the MtlIM of UM .M-MMiatinu.
kna le which It held by those who have
Nye's - it a trial:
Puir. BOLMI—D,ar Sir—l bare been ellicted with se •
taneoun cruption of the sralp. of a most aggravated eh:V
at:ter. for the last nitteen years, and dosing that perlui
hese hod the :strict of tome of the matt eminent phiai
dam, and hove triad all the prop:Melina. for the hair mut
skin now known. without the lead benefit. I was advised
hy a friend to try your Tricopheroasi I did no. la • lait
mport, oml. to Mt mrprise and gratification. found in ymlf
cured in about two months. Such wan the violence of the
disorder that at time. I was partially blind.
Itecpectfully, foci, V it EXPELTE,
Columbia strevt,./Itooklya
Iroon. Ceti = MO.
Mot, Bacrr—My Door Etc—About two years ama hair
Kithout a treat deal, and my brad wati,ruttrh idnktul
with dandruff. I w ee told 'bye Ideal la ire your Trinotiben
one, and I did 1..6 and to ray ray-my hair wait
firmly rooted. andall lb. dandruff 11Jappearod, as the
bead now Anita for
o ut
3nur.nbeirt orret.,
With."4"'t. J TILEADWM. 6 Broad Way
ly any Duly or grntlemarkdoubts the authenticity' of the
above. they will picnic mill at Prof...war C Barry orate,
137 Broadway, how York, where be will prod.. Ma origi
nal letter_.
[Fnitn the Military and _Naval Argno, No, 9, iambi
Tbi.TO IS no roinedy toe the permanent eon of bahluero
g g divisses et ten cranium genendly, that hart reached
igi gularity.enjoyed by the artkle known as Prof:ewer
Barry's Trioophenoto. - or Medicated Command. It to ea
tenoieely used by the tipper elates of the community: In
almawoorrynorwity in the land Ills uwol pretstence
o ln
ther article, of kind. It Impart. rigor to lbe roots of
the hale. and thou pramoteo Regrowth toter:mutable de
gree. It deeteoye th e diaultur and :woe: and makes the
s onti and adotoy. 'twill cons all dioceses of the scaly;
ouch ocald head. des worm,and otter obnoxious dime ,
111 V l i t ' s ' ,, ls Litru;:b " ottle!!;:e ' ros M V eliltts,4rNdn
rxi,rmalway.raarc the DruWißoto Wenserdlw , thro 4 i
the - United Stat. and Canada. abetiti
PRINITETGIN/it 3 .• .. •
UTCHINSON & Co., Nol3 SproceStieet,
NEW YORK. Wbolerale aimnfileturen of the ben.
graphl Etinitin. and for Fine Book and Job Work,
the w ..asst be cornmeal of tbentinfst materials, anal to
work easily 1:11.13 all ordinary
The onnbinations in theft. Wks, ore such as Nero a rich.
go,"lrp'wz...w, — tT,;3llrAtu , Vap k 'olr.
put up
lit.trggurtzVcolcolirgra.of ovary abode md
oadity varying from 51,00 to Sfj,oo per lb. racialato
U. WAXEICAN - 4 CO., •
No. 79 81 (late 76) MAIDEN LINE,
Miertly opposite the Old Stand.
Ik A G Y ; 1 1 F L J .1 ( 11: Il i gutu N i;C j
A SIII3ZASo n f .
Drawn—Heavy and Light. Wool; An
poi. Shaker. puck. Jlotices cad Caton. DOIDLIde and War
'g.stecke—Fistio allk, kind.; Bombast. and fano! of ail
stcleiremd oualittra
:Were, owl Ties—Fancy Ellk, and Black of every kind.
tillarsomfilicormr—Of .11 Linde.
(inmate—Fan, Wilk and Satin. 11.1wr Matti. MOT..
Swiss, Italian. hint" Albert tioraLtion6 T flooLlndVa
Ostia. tc
'teat liandl,rchift—Conr, Linen Cambric./10..
Stormirrs—French and linglieb, new .I'l.. Dom.t l t .
Gloora—Kkt. euk. Ldaea. Thread. arid all the latest of
French and Enolleli impartation ,
Thanimu—Stiakerst.kicriun, lamp's
Cocoa. Linen and
.Vorning Catows—Velret.thishmare.Engilati, Preach and
Whet rule+.
Siva der limas •fur gentlemen and ladles—arktiatT of
Byzna Iticf, Iltia of all onalitic.
attention to oer Tomespe
iicVliirl&;ile -- ifa'
Knit Undo-Add, Pr& 11.. at
_ riq.VKVTiAN
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
a (Up Stairs.) NEW YOKK. nosy otordwuruf o 1
StrA l lTL i i c t b. e%r b'efrt!'re'"2:ti;jle4PllllNU AND
MUSLIN and ail kinds of SILK Meta IshLAS, A oL 's iftLu E .
red from the latost Paris fashions. received by the summers
and particularly adapted to Um Spriag trade
, Ala, n eery splendid sus It of PARASOLS ANltt.
iItELLAS. consiation of fringed pool Plain al..
end silk and Turk Satin Parantis,arul Cotton aisl (Awe
ham utbralue. Allot .wl to steered pot ealT=ol(
100 prises. We especially invites oar Western Trienths to eat
Amine out stock before pnrchnetron
Also. WIRE SHOW SPANDS. fur erhlbicin, Shavla and
Mrstilias, trarOlOnlnticorh febllAt
C. B. ILITC.II & co.,
I_lAVFAkomin gore, owl ant
MV:et CP, 2,' DIZAT.IirRT=mr.d - zporz
.etolossedud see latest sod 6r/test Styles of CrsyslaABl.l4,
Flhdary. SushulerT, ;Coder Garments. irs
Mt... Elba, 011.1 SILO. Droning lihrons. lisAdkorrhlets..
ShouldtAllrares. Linen Collars.olith rosier of
tides peculior their One of licitness, All of 'shsill:
sold Ow scrr lowest Woes. Our R.Ateru hien& so ,
invited to month.. our stock febtkll=.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
TONE'S EMPIRE rs.;N., $5 Nassau street.
ti New cork.
$l dm 000 <kis— ---40 50
or..lzotloht., "D U-
This I. the beet article mannfloturee. It Uwe frnely—
Le a pool C01•111D bl—and will not corrode.mould ,
ertaipludn sr .Isery, and free ail 10,0 emi ll tlee rrquir
oMfr a mind Writior ink. suitable for the . Quill, and ed
milrably adar.Ml for the iotrol Pen.
The undeomned le prepared to fundth lotto trade el.
Mir foe export or home coneumptiom at the ahem ern
I°w noel. irzeordi tlg red t part `
~ c fro of
or teal me chariot! extra at nett oA tompjt , LEsT,
fehily $0 Name et.. Hew Toth.
IdurphyiSelf:Sealing Advertising Envel
rolleitlns the parroting* of ell lam I
may see
this edrertriereent. male of tint n hesitation
with witch n new article is toramitt bet. theptiblie. The
experamor of ream bar retablished their eumerlotY
Toad all questiort. end be a:infidel:oly refers to theteal.?
o n of th om builders men who hero used there earth:Tea
ed to Ms rapidly loureaains Wes. ea ;reef of their excel.
los, • ,
The Minx:lop area Sew of the room. Pm their pool
ryo i the,plote °peopled br tie eeal. a pcnom 711
have hie nthre. bueitu te. and address. oenetuommuY 'mu
beautifully eitobeed. colored or platen. Oxus offer:lin per
31. Ti-Ve l l ' o ' pea fro' cat‘of. be'opened vithout ltdml de
" V.leither wax fere on , requirni e. , 1 the
edi ct tin inis ‘ ZAN ‘ -e of a 'Mum the seal Klutti :'' its
immedia return to the sender, bathed of Wag borlad
wool.. t o the Dead Lotter Wm.
sth The lloveloyaa tusubta k ataori the woe
Fritriilf‘Vhlett4.taalloll la a est Tectlie strertimment.
sury to attract the attention o f ttrOTl.Thr I. hoes bonds It
91Ufillowing to a list of mires foe Dire, enereeed ar•
tram col which lit lust for yeurr. end of famous, of
the usmit etre, either whiter La. YAW , ...Od
made ao above, with nameolldrour.
Pr. , •-• of DM , l i Pruks Dree/Ppo wade a. I
V.O lettere bet...a-m-4400 oho.,
0.1) to Z. • 100 OCO 4. :o 400 0.0
. •
ao to ..... 0, 10 00 SUOC—." --.....10.50
tO to.. . .....
II ben It i; not coneenient to Parasol amount of co
frofure..-117f telruMo'n7.'7ll7.T.V.VratV:lrrprlnli
tdtonuou, If addreseel. MUI:PIa,
liadisorratrears New Nora-
Ordirre will he attendortopelly. if lett et the Moms
Cl Desire. Sawn Motto "A Wall Meet, or of lierior.ll
- Co., 114 Leath. at.
11.—Duriners eerie. Prolmscd. toles hoz moo
Thus at slo.oo . per themoid.,
Quarts 1. ,
CH1%5,00,11.0 NCO,'
itts usual facilities to receive
j Storage. Falooissit Tystlatilydiarrit.all 3 lrrehap ilire
rousirned May. 11,aUdrsar Tia dark drily ioi all paint.
tlir Lakes and ;haCu:island litre,
liefartirizalefts. yidasil i tr i llari Ai Co:
Produce, Ccsariti,cdon. Aril Fcnlnnllng Mombasa.% on the
Lett, , Jov.ta, Mo.
11, , ,, to Alelithler Card., am! Lorene, Stcrlloo a Co.,
Vicoactrch. . • _ atraly
it)Avii,. C. TU'rTLE, Attorney at Law,
~m 1 Controluioncr Mr 1 - cnoirlyrada, ct. Loci., Ma,
a coranon:rallent promptly arcrorend. oct—' ,'•.'•ly
or 'tor the State o
TOifN 11. RANKIN, Attdrney and Cowl
1t'..,111:`,.tt. :!,.! . 7..,,,f'm c onfottf`N..L.,:h.) •
Itet.rroccs—llt.burclo 1(00. forward, Macao° a'
MIIIrr. M'Caratterr 0 McCltmr, John .7.1 . 1ake.111E. 1 1. L
F cruptc, McCord a Co. .. auglaly •
11 Y It ST-FEET,
T HE undersigned having entirely re- te4. l - .
b „ n ,, m
ten iary, the atoreeltensive estaldlsh
e,eut, w oteln,ng in all about three hundred and 1111. y.
en... could peep nie,e ncUcethat It ts non ready
ne the reeeptlort and accommodation of the 44,41111 e
•A n catandol notie.Ol the ustrurpnwolcornerdcnces of Ude
nos,. la darned superfluous, as therunnerbou r improve.
evens *Met, have beer , eagle cannot Le properly given lo
1,11 aaaartlvno , Fake It to say, no enrenve has b...
eyorobto remiss any sante:OM reofect.
The furniture pan wade erprooly oak, mgsalt ,,, al
not. awl certain portloto t 3 it, especially me I/ravine
nums, wi ll le found to to of the mart beautiful manes°.
Pno. The Dining rooms are capacious, and the hours
welds will to re> arranged a. to suit the convenience of fire
early and late.
Every department - Ell De conducted hi an uneseelnionw
hie manner, and the prep .. .ars-pledges hinaelf that
A merino. Llano odtaltDatruly the Travelleer.
-nooddlrCroT •
L ..4. °.
61 3.11.M4Y!6
60 and Wavy. madl
Q n 11. 14101.1.SSES-2 0 bbl". for 6.010 .
liCtA es
CON—A;few casks of prime Sid aud,„
XJIII Abonktert. for rale , A , A
House Keeper: r
tbe Paper St," Market 1.
ezaicp. arrived and for
FLOUR -157 bble. S. F. and extra, for salt
F sacks Dmed Nachos;
14145. 2 APE/` tr
so' 14.8..wertiouot • BONS:
Ise now landing from str
c.t»>saP.for ale _
mutt DICKEY & CO.
ARD-13 6 Vale. Iso. 1 Leaf, _ •
: 13 ari irip X;firlfnixiMM7l.l4N2l:
Ms Bernd er floor, end mice uffietilass al C , •
14,1.... ma, (°eooo..
WE do not nighto trait , With the liter and
health of the atfixted. but we Oncemly Maims our
selves to snake no assertion as ts the rirtoce of this medi
Moe, and to bold em bops , to uremia; Ismossnity, which
Lets will not *mans
The Mora of Icelmd, end the Pins and Wild Ctwrry, ar
lastly celebrated for the cured all dams. of the Lungs
' and Lim. which are so rest-fuer rrevalent to all Northern
latitudes. Foos a combination of rlionical emus; Imo
mind from this Moot and those,Trwes, DV. Worthslim
e. or Wrm Calmar is chiefly formal.
Srirtalstas's Balsam of Wild Cherry is a Ina 1.11.0
mamma, cempami usual, of Wild ebony Mark and the
genet. Wand Mose.l.the latter lauwiteleigresily for thts
purpose.) the 711111 matiral virtues of which Me also com
bined by a new rho:Moot 'scams. wills the extract cf Tar-.
thus rend:Ong the stoic fOillINU.d the mad cerfalo and
elleacions remedy ever di-revered Cro the
UMHEDITARY CONFUMPTION Cured by It'atae. Dal . -
earn of Wild llicriv.-Tbe following ease of Jeremiah ls.
grigg, of Coneumption. (en of 'his brothers and ratan ha-'t
rink died of Comaimptican) Is truly wonderful: . ..
fesassar Rant, I isunitton c 0... Feld.:4lo.
J. 1)- Psar-Dear Sim I . .take the iliorty of alvidaz you
of the beneet I have doh.' from the use of Dr. Wide?.
'llaiream of Wild Cherry. I wog 'exuded by that tUribla
Komar. Caosuloptirm; to Cloy lath. The attack ellr truly
horrifying's , DM Its fire of our fans if, (ray brothets - and
sisters) had died of Coasumthost. • L was Melded with -
nearly all the worst features of t h e &Wane, I halm distress
log mogli, and caprotomied a greet deal of blvd.. herdic
fever, severe pains to the rile mad Awe., 0041 chills, alter.
mating with dolor of host. '-' ' -
I' was sander the 0007000100101 piptiOar., DOM lho
time 1 wmt Mimi sick instil about sirs seeks elm.; being
thin .boat Islidess. and as friends. Mustard' ity two
Impel.m• es at least la woad our phyriclam'i am; stals.e.l
the nee of Wiatar'a_llalsap et Wild.Chortl. . Witibiaittoy'
Ithoaledge,iny father mit.pirril. It, and onsiumanl admin.
Waling Mb me, Mid from ths fret day 'I conansneed tat.
Ina It lufbealttNiMored, and In tan weelM remit the ,
time ItesaincaMal users It. 1 moo able to be out and Pair
. my Onsincsa s mil Islam *bleb 511111;continea tido. 1
hare taken (on;blttha of the ancdirdria 119klu0M 'Consider
myself partectly well i ... , J
~ Mil T.SyJiIuGL
A -• C 'V
em lake -I'4li-A
. . Caowv snirr. lake Eh, a, June 1 ND
Jou D. Paver-Dos Els, In'July, Mile. 1. ars .sta.'s,
with, a Deer of timboldictualatess which loft* to is tIM7
debilitated state, wbei(4lths following lrlocr,l ar! ta
ter, with ft severe coil:which seduced motto ouch' 00 ex
tent m to give me tbe appear:toasts! i ansfumal cousumpv
tire. I laboredundma 'everts Moglo-expectorated sigrekt
deal. and was troubled with cold frets," night sweats. I
also froxiientlilridea_ Lblood ram my Moot if Conthused
'ln Ills atoe. - gradnidly *thing nodes the 41.4ase, until
January. 154T0r ben 1 was again altork.l with fuer, My
Mende closaind of cattle. and my elitist:nue thought I
mold .orrice but • short tins. My extra:Mem. especial
ly my feel. scam constantly cold. abed aloud last their Awn •
log. Calm them WM...tames It may be Maly 04.11 was
s Deism skeleton. I finally debsrminal to colt taking me
disines prescribed 1,1 physiciati .V. maul try Lr. 111thaes rsl
- or Wild Cherry", and from the first wswk that -1 aim.
mama' taking lt. Icm dote a gradual reascry. i contln.
no' Its Me six months, st the rod of which limo I was oar.
ed. and enjoyed goad health ever stoma and 011.00 filly Or.
C 01.12.4 the Balsamic , ail them afeletal with Masses of
the limo, amt would ear to those omosamoing its use,aut
- to be dlmouragal It two or thrm bottles do Ink oftat •
mis but persevere. 0 I bars dom. and I have no doubt
but nine roam out of ten, will Ge Wald with; roistered
, health es [Dave limn.' licumotfullTToartts ' •
gildithll JAIJECSON.
. . , to anon AriLICM , WUO Pals= Or too Luaus
. t Aka 01,0000. ,
Frain Di. Baker, SprinMield. Washington County, Ky.
• Sumunctu..l{o., May It, 'VS.
Slums. Stanfccd k Pukr,4 take ;bpi ofmorttinitynf 10.
(erotism you of a martmmarkable 'MM. performed 'Maw
me Is thus use of Dr. Wham' e Balsam of Wild Chuff.
1u the year 1140,1 was tatex with an irdlossationd the
beerale, which I htlesal under for ear weeks. when I grab
uarl y Mapiered. •lo the fall of 1511 1 was attacked with a
severe cold, whith 'Meted tcait aya,a3ar Jaa.7. , ... 1 for 0 .. ,
mace of, three years I was motto.' to nay tvd. I Wed
.. .0 •
kinds of rsedleirie, mad mem . *aattrat aid. Without hobo'
at- and thus I wearied along smelt/0e 'Motu of - DAS. ,
when 5 beard of Dr. Wastais 11d/snot -Wilk Chem. Sly
(rinds postnatal me to aim it atrial, though I hod giros
up ell hopes of recovery. and hal prepacal myself for the
I eLsnms of mother...odd: Through their solicitalions ;was
induced to make use sit 000 'actuate.' Willa? , Bali.. of
Wild Cherry. The- cffent vas truly astonishing. 'Ara
three years of athistlon end valerian, out aftei . Darfert
*melons or am hundred. dollars to DO jirsoso, area tbe
best and mart rupectablegiSOMana issialna , ist'
itr. 1 woman restored to entire health ItS the bloating Of .
sod and tho vac of Dr. Wtstafslialsurs, er_Wild cherry.
slay the blessing of Ord rot Mconelsciarojnietomodau
valuable a medicine es Thrusts POW. oPspillcbarfi.
Tours: s..sie,Stestigy ". ' 7 -* •
.. . .
_ ... . .
Doll by J. D. Pao.. 6111,M0 ir 1..5101f.1ira1:01 ,433 trit
and Walnutstrests, CinsintathOltio, tlensvol its:a-tufa the
South and Wart to whom alt °aler t s mustba ,"dream"s'
J. lOW tr,Co- D. A. Falinestlek a Co.. J. .5. Souse, L.
Wilcox...iv. Pittebersin Ds, 'A. 11,1thasia, AllogliengCligx
L. T.- Board!. Wasbiligtont 1,. 11. Distr.' Uniontown. 11.
Welty. Oreemburm S. Nouute,Famerun Poott a GIMPS.
&Slant:Reed a Bon. liontinghtufMmOrr.TlonkisrobtUM
Eliblebraml a Co., Jet , ltsov J. 11. "Prit...lMaxnaton:'
Erma a Co, Broolcrillm_A, It Ham a Fon, .Waynceins2l
Ma sk
rsaind Co, Y. Wlender. Meagre's.; Mariana Co.
Erie; Limbs. k Pother, Memen James NellT k at. Ilea
lean. Sudan Bowen J. O. Summery's', Warness F. L., a C.
S. Jones. Coudersport; P. Crooke. jr,III.OIMATMA . .
feblautstw lira • ' - -
• Needles' Celetirated—
'They mallcatsl Plartirs bovo boen made for
IllEM; d than twenty yeess. i p i r Ise
i. ablh t i ll; they have
f f,:...1.i l'affl'?...tresjg•urn ..I'llistor suer otlefrd. Phr.
sit:Unto( lbw blobast .cusior co. in whim their rola pm&
rims has born submittal. hare vino the :net thotevissit
tortizoontels as to their Superior vat. , 0000 all °thug's ,
The immailente of their composiths. very ...faille:a
correctly cambium!. nuaer Owns yrtullerlr ePPlicalde to
genera smearing with rulmmaryr Menus. . .
For palm its the breast- n...aitsug Won partmeled midi,.
whooping eough. md local ystra In the various
"demotes le the Doty. thor tomisiedsleasseer islasywd
question or dispute. As a remedy su Lumbago,. thoseaus
v : ae . is, neer
hot twee f a , id i rtesnrd=ettis t i t :, cool so la=
der weakness and gains m the Dick and side, resulting
fano severe main. diseases of the tonal. at, that ou
-1a over all o th er plutors toe been amply . Wessel 1.. y
hosuireds who hare rulwrionctil maraud roue. from their
application. To such as miller wltb thutosto laths, thaw
tire - ire! ft ' : nr !'' c ' e is 's l 'er ?VP. , I L I / tn a t=7 , s !
Fur all. wholesale aO r si. retold, by ' • - .
mere, lt. Fs EFLIZIIIi, 51
v b e ll '..ftb l i t ir"t ; rot k %4llF i gt" ."l g -,12711" d da c es/ 1 2 '1 Ft
tron uae a sclebisig; rion n tatne nettle:7 intent. So clothes ha
.T respect The ledielinve lothre.te telt the steceaatir
of melt amble. .4 in ibis their expei.treien trill be Mb
•, as bo com • m fensiqUal
:St /1-4lton Cake trill do tir i atT ataela oithebtet.eeeileit
Wa11y . ..11 lir without it. -•
• hike Ltie antes peT.Cs. it ,
Cebt , eith IeTY
tztle'bi a.= . It. D. btaiLFAS, Weed trt.•.
South' Eart corner of 'Fift.V . cind:lritlistit
coucufNArl auto
•B. killCOTpolft-t, 4
ad in - 85 A
1' •
IL KNOW. ..Lectunren CotonternalLaw,_..,
C. 11..Wattrann and T. r
gS. BACON' begs lerre to tie toa .116 min
ax thantA nr_theterliftimd ,51101:ril
hat. racked. mod horoal. by ...Kat:gable attcndOts Vg
beisiums, to merit a muting...of the unpnonsl.ttel mad;
eet. that has attendAl hie effort ,- during the Tv: whack'.
The utility , of Institatlont of thir dectript.n hot beengm
so completory , establiFhed prorgettriSi9.o# WWI
been so toothy attested hi- the thorn:sada st
o eLlitals notate
zi2rxt=ta.:...' 'Pt;
their merits. ,
~,ie rg e d Ip' tootling et.ndonee procticiwidh
theory; triste...l of Wit:W.lA, the ponds tun est reiced
mAtitg origami cringer GI cscrydoy buiLocht Van
Joorn4leing. Meting. Balancing Atenuntlcota..=
cluing a Angst .abet} of different ?chi of - Book,, ugh too
outnerehip and lutheldnol where the to t .lntrg
ha. been proeperc , US ndecesci null this; tintilift lug this .
...dent for votering into th e vr4clfeed. duties. of tin to,
coununt In an kind of button., •
The mum of.instruction will cotAitif IPADLE
ln)00 °mite:rim t.rf elermgment. Af
trade and lief... Ade strconto, sin 0 linintgle,
~ E t cher., ralll{ll.4. 7 , 10 h la:U.l.6llhr. `1,11.7,1
Partnerthip, White MIVOLLIA C0 . . . C0
Badness. Lemarcrelol CalnulttleacellraceJeal
. Pupils aretastainted tnilisidna/lyleind
titot uld/ =Mr rxcuse. in trio
ratio cd their mpacitr t;
Public etsminatlons err hod. (11Angb - p4iTe tett tpittek
tool privately If they Ord., wb•st ttnicrit =fit
c ob rigid awl thorough le. erogatknAld -- ,.1
unisted by a Conordttim of Prnettoal.Areguntantil and 1..
ellSten. lApiontas awnroeu to Mtge ch. 6 netlor
ed worthy of thrm. -
A mum ten be rompir4dla from fi< tM14,11, !I --
And to eigginstoto the Yriumpni wouid rtoot tganenll7
thlng in Ida ruse. vial to to teivenett =dents,
alnl make th em thortingh and ters.lopliAlcit omormtarm.
and Its attentive acoutdohn co with the Insinesseonnoth
nay will generally onottle h.:. to pant
re tile:slims for
theca tinder , . of obtaining tot., , - • ' /
Term.—lnr a fall mum: of I, tr o t
Writing. Commercial LlN...ex-I-nut, • '
Tempexanceville and' Noblestown'.Platk .
Road Company. :...
TIVOTICE is hereby Oreh to the Steekboid;
•_k er* of Bahl Coraratat that On, mat, r.,:.olPmt
ban.b.Trartattrt•ra of th e tread tab:P.. , of tied
Pollan on each abart• of the< t Monday-in .
tech sad month h., :do r, nnt.:
5141'y to toll—es
'prompt .nd s p7anctual e ll3 nor: ,
patent cuL
1 . • EAD PIPE--Cornell's imprqvcd - tt
:LA Lomat Pipo for liattrant , .
k irtigt7Cle
All slaps on band And to arm., by. •
IM:tt offiDON.
1:4 Front: th ree: •
6'A rra E Ware.B.
• el ' n.erripdAce. Aes
P - Z t h VI" 11A11.. re-l'aeruct 11aa•
Jaw, 'r,. =.2.. Use 'l2lree• 1 1111lanl"endn of di
• Gald Penn L'llalert . ant
Latter.' Disagade,
de de
eqe-11'111e Icy stone'ulderguanrerair. Sena, car
mers 1.111 Ond me In 'Le erne c.a odere, Getz-nee la
eau, largo deck et clew' seeds , and it tag
u - °all. Ina A— - • -
ng,-Match malrleur rben en the .euxml. etury.
mel' ...rare tear*. lled Mll , / 1 4 '
• ,
& F. WILSON has c.remitTea to -N.
3 . -111 .t.. and iv tend ¢., teemeen.W.Ant
eroltlatleld. .91
4 . E310VAL.--ENcu B
su &r:, NErr,Witole.
ale °recent and LI ale. In Prwlae, bale , A
naw. 122 Second, and 121112 rel stew, tetarea Veal and
SttithGld filnabanen.
Seed Stare , 13.enioved. -7
HE subscriber taa removed ids Seed ;
tram Second &rept witeboilatr.,•bericcenk4
r. }Cad en , • Tat* 0...t....1rma Da- • -
...ewer ancalla Ma 1 . 115 c.
1114 Y. L. EL'2OISIDEL2.
EMOVAL.—GEO. F. Llll3l has removed
fo h4 D lTtow, htrirstraet. f tram t . r l ? 31
below P.m to'
Dare h .., be pined to wait on hi, former enstorotes
dad the public eeberelly stalaa
jj D. liING, Banker and Faehange Bro..
ASR rat4=e, noy_raj_l2o=Ask
•-•••• :a*