The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 01, 1851, Image 2

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1 ..7J
etratiscrED lIY WYIISC & CO
VWEt potmty Ccanumtion.:Vr-'.
i yam- The Whir and Antimaie us of Alle
gbenr County .111 meet on dates by, the 21si of Ns&
bros. et the usual piton of bolding prwary no,ourw, to
the Tonithlfd feePooftfoi , at 3 o'clock. P. kl. mild in the
tempt Mild, end Bcaotuthe at 7 o'clock. P. to, to .elect
tgo delegsto from esch eleetton InatrLd, to a County Cow
oubtion, to to held Of the COLLII House, on Wedneedar. the
4th of June nest, at Id delta, 6.31. to =au the count,
nomineticute porparstary to the next Gummed Eleetbn..2
also to oneoint delegates to the state Convention. to most
at Lononder. cn th• 24th of Ana..
f3•n ct Omualtte.
Wx. c...4k . exx, Eery.
To the Whigs of Pennsylvania.
<sr•-' , . 1 7,...„_ ° 119:7"11: 17 .?"Atr 1001;1 in the C"7
.tr,114' , 0. , ,, . , , ,, " camlidatee . her glom of f uoremLind
the Supreme
COMA. - . 11EBB,T M. FULLI.A, Chairman.
Joseph A. Margin, &moot Idellenamy,
S. Knox Morton, C. Mts.. Jones.
Wm. IL Sllngloff, Barromi B. Moms.
damsel lie{,
. 1 . , John S. Brown
WOO. ' T. Tajlor Worth,
J. liobbsson. alewroles E. Brown.
Worden E. Preston. . Wm. Baker.
Thomas E. (Bohr.. Was. 31. Wets,
/dewy Job... Junes Clark,
Cher ry B.
Sherman D. Phelps,
George Cruse, Edwin C. Wilson.
B. A. thrney, John Allis. ,
C. O. Lomas, Daniel 314:Curdy,
Jilts Beaman, (horxe Beason.
Km. rearm. . M. McClure.
~.. Jan C. ZieriEle.
IL IlllSDLEY'nfilliTel"V'decretatT.
1110., The beentrlng of an interesting original
emAribution, from Mr. J. C. Behead, will be
forted on the firat page.
1 .
F . enrtb page—An original 'May Day Song'—
Flory of • First Bina, by Miss Bremer.
Thini page—Foreign News, Markets, ke., by
Telegrapb--Home Matters, &c.
EXTENSION or rue Mosososutta SLACK IVA
xen If.sesusrms.-,We learn from the Morgan
town Mirror, that a meeting was held in Mason
town, Fayette county, on Friday of last week, to
take measures for continuing the Monongahela
Slickwater to the State line. There were about
dice hundred persona in attendance, and able
speeches were delivered by Messrs. Morehead,
Dawson, Tower, and Griffin. A delegation from
Morgantown woo in attendance.
A meeting for the came object has been or
shortly will be held at Carmieheeltown, Greene
county Pa.
There i 3 now a reasztable prospect that Ohio
iportant - work will go forward. ,
Tan Mlcutcan OCTLAW!. —The Detroit Tri
bune publishes a list of forty-five names of per
sona who have been arrested as members of the
great band of cutlavra. Two of them Were keep
em of the State prison at Jackson, two are set
tisni as lawyers, and it is said that several oth
ers held responsible offices or were in good stand
ing as gentlemen. The Tribune says
What an awful exhibit these charges of or
ganized villainy present! Fort jj-jine persons ar
rested—all indicted by a Grand Jury, on the pre
sentation of evidence which would not permit
even a doabtin their minds, as we are informed.
We give the information in sorrow ; nor have we
any disposition to comment upon it. To give
currency to the various reports in circulation,
would, perhaps, be prejudging their cases before
idol, which should be impartitd. As the trial
progresses, we shall giveit, as it transpires; and.
istlic meantime, keep our readers advised of
ony arena which may hereafter take place.
On . the reading of the several indictments
to fens of the pelmet:try et the bar, they
platui not gutify to the charges alleged against
Counsel for defence tendered the withdrawal of
the.plen on the answer made to the fifth indict
- 'Court denied thtiarithdrawaVuillias tufficient
cans. shorn. Judge; granted that the puitionere
have time to prowl* Colonel, but could not set
aside the plea 'Of tinaprisoners. •They vere then
taken back 7 to prison.
Since writing the above, we are informed
thabdiax,pr seven /MS persons have been arrest
ed, mid Arbtihroted into night.—biwod Tri
A correspondent, residing In Warren county,
Pa., whose knowledge of the peculiarities of the
Allegheny river and its tributaries is very anti
, rate, offers the following suggestions, which we .
take pleasure in publishing
In a few days, the New Yorkand Erieliailroad
will be in full operation. Do you realize, in Pitts
burgh, that from Little Valley, where that road
leaves the river for Thinkirk, flat boats can be
built at a moderate espenie, (worth their cost in
your market,) in which merchandise can be
transported at a trifie of expense to your city, di
rect from New Sark? We, of course. look for
other and better communications in Ilicelisture,
but in the meantime, here is a descending navi-
Vice, ready at hand, for your use. Goods min
bn brought to your city in this tray, in February
and Starch very cheaply.
The Allegheny river must be improved, and it
does not need the large expenditure by some
thought oacedsary. A few steam dredge boata, ef
fectuelly used, would, in one season, make a
gnat' iraprovernene in the navigation of the riv
er. We May never get an appropriation
Emmen United States, but it would be magnet •
undertaking for Pittsburgh and the counties in
terested to build and employ two or three ouch
beats. Probably thirty thousand dollars would
build had keep in use three boats, which, in one
season, would enable steamboats to ascend the
river to Warren at almost any reasonable stage
of water. What would thirty thousand dollars
amount to divided between Pittsburgh, Allegheny
rity, and some • elie or tea counties!A mere
trifle to each, when the benefit is resulting is
considered. I wish you would allude to this sub
ject in your paper.
' We are not sure that our correspondent is cor
rnt in el:Limning that "dredge boats" could be
. employed toauch advantage. .The bottom of the
Allegheny, on the ripples, is clean hard gravel,
in which heavy rooks are found solidly imbedded.
'SO,: we will pot contend that the _plan is im
practicable; and et all events feel confident that
the navigation of the river might be greatly im
proved, at a trifling espouse.' Every one eho
watches this and similar streams, will find that
Mier floods, the dailyffecrenso, of water gradual
. becomes less. apparent, auntil at last, when a,
Aseitoin,point irmisched, the common rains cheek
the fall altogether, and there aro rises and falls
of two or Ittree Writes, which continuo until the
,Oughts of summer, and the beginning of an
- littOittlgtlut draterdown to “low water mark"
ow; *Aare noticed that stage is
jet at the point, or a little below it; where the
light draught steamboats . are compelled to lie up.
But the navigation of the Allegheny is not thus
checked on account of the general shallowness; of
the channel, but because there are three or four
prorating rapids, in - which there id scarcely soy
_uatuunl channel at all. The first, and nearly dm
worst of these, is "Patterson's Fella,' between
Eittanaing and Freeport, not more than forty
milts from Pittsburgh. If the channel were
deepened in these few places, (as it could be with
llttie diiliculty,) one to two months in the year
would be added to the seasons of navigation.,
The cleaning out of the Allegheny forests has
produced a great change in favor of navigation.
Its former. times, the river closed early in the
winter, and did outbreak up until the opening of
spring. Now, the ice is reckoned buts slight
obstruction, and the change in favor of naviga
tion is apparent every year. At the same time,
then is less complaint about low water in sum
mer- and finis there is a regularity which was
not known a few years ago.
• It is worthy of remark that the Allegheny does
sot altogether fall under the common rule of be
. touting more ahalloi is the navigator ascends,
- Between Franklin and Warren, the channel is
lot so tankard as it is further down, and might
be made rather better. Above Warren, bower:
sir, the difference in the volume of water becomes
more apparent, and, we presume, that part of
flue= could not be made of much use for steam
nerigalion, without the aid of dams.
If • survey of the river should prove that, our
cerrespendent's estimates are correct, or should
prove the correctrunts of the statements we have
0 16rned, there should, assuredly, bean immediate
nine made to take the &steep in improving the
inie, by cleaning out the few very shoal ripples
amide!' we have spoken. We feel eon that.
_ate now making throughout the
ansdzy will yield a greater advantage than thls
In prepoxtaon tb ; ehe expense.
!The Allegheny liver was surveyed twelve or
.herteMirearflaim bYsn able corps of engineers,
bat tbei buyearemeuts. made Mace then - in the
O ng of 110 draught' steamboats, 144 i s.
• moved the neeseldt/ of same espedientsfor deep
ening the Aimee, which at that time were
darned indisPitisable. Still, their report is vis•
sy ulna* sad cos regret our inability to obtain
. * sabormsta
OHIO ASO INDIANA O.AlLipeo..—The prom:wets
oL this important work are now very flattering.
MI the commies along the line have voted
to take their shares of stock, except Van Wert, I
and that. comity-will hold en election for that
purpose, in June. If Van Wert votes for the I
Railroad, of Which there is scarcely any doubt,
the whole amount of stock to grade and bridge
the road will! be secured, and the whole line.
from Crestlinel to Fort Wayne, will be put miller
contract. The. Engineers are busily at work
locating the road, and the probabilities are now
that the road will be let to contractors in July,.
and the work! be finished by the time the Ohio
and Penusylemds' Railroad is completed to Crest- I
The following article from the Syracuse Star,
shows that the •liochester knockers,' the origi
nators of a delusion which has seized upon the
minds of suporatitious dreamers all over the
country, will not be allowed to sneak into re
tirement without a full erposure of their shame
less imposture. It will be perceived that this is
no idle rumor, , but a straightforward account, in
which the names of all concerned are freely
AN Erposz or rue RAPPINGS.—Mr. Burr, who
r ecently favored our citizens with several lec
tures, exp.:ming the most monstrous delusion
known as the 'Spiritual Rappings' last week vis
ited Hydesville, Wayne county, where the spirits
first manifested themselves. There Mr. Burr
was put in full possession of all the facts con
nected with the history of the imposture. A rel
ative of the Fez family residing there—a lady of
unimpeachable character—told Mr. B. in the
presence of witnesses, C. O. Pomeroy, M. D.,
and Rev. D. S. ;Chase, how the rappings were
produced by the For family, viz: by the toes
and knees; thrit she was taught by one of the
Fox girls how to produce the sounds; that
the secret was given to her on the promise
that she too would become a medium, &c. -We
understand that Mr. Burr will soon give this mat
ter to the public. While its entire truth cannot
be doubted, it most effectually disposes of the
whole humbug. The lady who gave Mr. Burr
the information is Mrs. Norman Culver, of the
town of Arcadia.
The humbug is still sustained in Pittsburgh,
but it cannot last much longer. An imposture
of this kind cannot be carried on without fear.
ing some traces which must eventually lead to
its detection. The pretended miracles have ne
ver been honored by any great number of true
believers, among oar own citizens, and we hope
that, before long, common sense will cease to be
insulted by elaborate defences of supposed man
ifestations, which are not supported by evidence
that would convince an infant believer in the
history of Jack, the Giant Killer.
ontown Genius of Liberty contains the following
paragraph announcing n new ticket for 1852
"We have heard a number of Democrats in
this comity recently declare in favor of the fol
lowing ticket: For President, Ben. Wm. o.'But
ler, of Kentucky; fur Vice President, Col. Bairn,
el W. Black, of Pennsylvania."
Blackwood, for April, has been received by the
agent in Pittsburgh, W. C. Wall. bE, Fourth
It is a good number.
CASEo.—Capital and enterprise are being free
ry expended to wall out the water. and build up
this notable city on dry land. Four miles of
!stone embankment have been built along the
llississippi and Ohio river banks, from their
junction. A wall three miles north of
is to be built, from river to river—the wall is 28
feet at the base and 18 feet at the top, and 5
feet higher than the water rose in 1844,—C m.
[Arroyo the National Era]
What will be the conditas-af-thtelklwholding
Stajim at the end of the present century, should
they cuaintsiki the eystem of slavery'.
In the year 1800, the free population in those
States, counting New York, NewJerrey_ and
Pennsylvania, as non slareholding, was 1,, 12,-
000 - ; the slaves, 860,000.
In 1860, the white population le the alive
States is 6,410,000; the ta&Til, 2,076,u0d. We
use round numbers. The increase of the free
population during half to century has been at
the rate of 260 per cent; of the slave, 243 per
Should the same ratio prevail for the next
'half century, the free population will amount to
23,072,000; to slave to 10,513,000. This calcu
lation assumes that all the States now holding
slaves, will continue slireholding till the year
MO; but this in not to be supposed. Already
the free population is gaining rapidly on the
alarm in Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Ten
nessee, and Missouri ; while the reverse opera
tion is going on in South Carolina, Georgia, Ala
bama, Miasissippi, and Arkansas. The following
table shows the tendency of thing. strikingly e
nough in Virginia
1850 1840. Increase.
Whites, 894,000 791,000 103,000
Slaves, 476,972 440;988 26,984
Free colored; 63,757 49,941 3,616
In Maryland the total population la as follows:
412,803 whites; 89,178 slaves; end 73,158 free
negroes. The total increase in the State since
1849 is 107,573. The free negio population in
now 73,158, in 1840 it was 61,937, showing en
increase of 11,221. The total slave population
in 1840 was 89,719; it is now only 89,178! being
an aetnal decrease of 541 In ten years!
On the other hand, in South Carolina and
Missisaippi the slaves have far outetripped the
freemen. In the former in 1840 the free popu
lation was 266,305; in 1850, 283,737, showing an
increase of :17,232; while in 1840 the Oaths
numbered 327,934, in 1850, 384,720, showing
an increasej of 56,786. The ratio of increase
for the fres is but 6.1 per cent; that of the
slaves 17.6 per cent. In Mississippi the ;slaves
numbered 20,000, more than the freemen. In
Arkansas Ova ratio of slave increase for the that
ten years Ira been 125 per cent.; free 83 per
In view 4 these facts, it is not to be supposed
that Maryl u lad, Virginia, liscitucky, Tennessee,
and Mingo i, will be slaveholding states much
longer than lwenty-five years to come; and it is
probable that States which now contain one half
the slave population will be free before the year
1900. -Thewhole of the slave population at that
time, unless; slavery be sooner abolished, will be
concentrated to tits amount of ten or eleven mil
lions withialStates which now contain a free pop
ulation of only three millions; the increase of
which is destined to proceed in a diminished ra
tio, while (lie ratio of the slave increase cannot
be expectedlo fall off in any considerable degree.
Indeed, welmay fairly presume from the facts'
above stated, and from the tendency of slave la-I
boy to drive out the free laborer, th at by the
close of the 'present century, if slavery continue, I l
a slayeEar=atlVAll*44".willigewolketd
ed within al 4e19111111Y, ewe:ll*g a ou-1
merically hiferiatine population- : . - [
Within tear Issfientury, slaves hare steadily.
Improved in intelligence. Have the causes of
this improrement exhausted themselves, or are
they not Working with increased power and_
through additional cheenols? .
The nextlfifty:yeare will; witness changes in
their diameter which, wandered in connexion
with their great inieterical force, , most awaken:
int :
our gloo ' t appreltmdone, should the hand of ,
power oil hwy, upon them. - lint, should,
the South p safely . thclacreaelog per.'
ils of the n xi fiftylparalean, it. Melt dream of'
the possibility of ten Millions of .men, who hare
had the benefit of white instruction and free ex
ample so many generations, :eithmitting moth.
longer to tale dotainaqii - Of a less physical force
than their Own? • '' - '
had what then sillthe coalition of the slave
holding; section in: otber•xespects? Recollect,
Virginia,' Maryland, Kentuckr. Missouri, will
not be embraced within it CEMBeI with a re
dundant slave population; ate, son 'exhausted by
thrlrdethrlWture - , ite Maple tingled Intim markets
of the world by a prodwdon now coming into
notice, andlwMch can be arevywhere by
free labor,) sash, di returns' flora its
crops, to be preyed upon by an Sauteeing war:
Ono of lalkaVll4, who must eat or be decimated,
with no mere slays territory to'being temporary
reprieve tile, slate holders would, be compelled
to emancipate their slaves, or cipetriate them
„„h.,,. Let the a 4 trite - paint the , gloomiest
pictures aftthe conswineneee of Emus Ide
fancy ~,E, araa, a far deeper glotim heap about
the tremendous realities of *ashtray. that shall
ala 4.
Wink , lh year 19001 f It ' l wOontlanadrro long.
' The steseneeewaresota, bele:gag
IX) the T tiantepias Company, : which left Nee
Orleans some time ago . ie the liver PM .....,,,j,,,,,
burether boiler on the 29thaltitco, whilst Of the
bee at Taiapico, hllahig theVolloote and• tern
meo, and materially itleriter vas meta
Mairrectice—Thejth . SittimieSee of the Smith .
at Borten,, for killing two children by maiymm•
ime, col not acres in cat 171".' though ready
toconrict in the other, and.Wiretheteditre dis
charged. 1
The &matt of Hastbrag haelineketed Mr. H.
H. Moore,] the first officer of dievacket ship DOT
QIIIthin. Of N. Y., with a gatiheihll; - 'at well ei
the captain, for his exertions la WAIN? thew
'Bulger' al the Helmut Mom= ' _
thriller Bads—Little doubt is,eatertainsa in
Bicbsoaci r ' that upon asking thslst± ... itUn ., !t_te
Cativetilich epos the Beek of
ihat. the Nude pziaciplo 71 bekipt,
wd. -
. .
DEATH nos 1110110171 OL
The following account of an accident which
lately occurred in Lonhirill' e, with the mtinahle
remarks appended, is taken from an artiele'itC
the Looisiille Journal:
The accident to which we allude, and which
low created no little excitement in this combats
silty, originated in an attempt of the German:la
borer referred to above, to tap an old privy_lpit,
in order to letthe contents out into a pit, which
be had dug for that purpose. He went down into 1
the new pit, after bating pierced the wall of:the '
old one; there was a rapid disengagement of.the
gases generated in such places, the disengage
ment being materially aided by some tali- or
twelve buckets of water, which .were thrown
down by the laborer, before be descended. When I
be reached the gas, he fell as if he had been
struck by lightning. Mr. Hugh Fergana, :the
owner of the
,property, who was standing onthe
edge of the pit, forgot every thing in his anxiety
to ease the sufferer, and be descended the pit,
in order to give the necessary assistance. He of
course fell apparently lifeless as soon as he seine
in contact with the gas, for it is one that may
destroy life even by being applied to the akin.
Mr. Atkinson started down the pit to assis t
Ferguson, but, upon seeing the disaster and eel
lug some of the effects himself, he had p nee
of mind enough to hold hie breath, escaped to
the pit, and gave the alarm. To this Di iof
good fortune, the two victims in the pit are In
debted for their lives.
In order to know how to proceed on the te
m/menet of such accidents as these, it is netts
miry to know the nature of the gas which is to
he' conquered. He that attacks inch a giant of
disaster as this should be very certain that he
has the proper kind of wespon—ho that makes the
attack ignorantly may do a great deal more harm
than good.
In mines, foul wells, and ouch places, the gas
genet:sited is generally carbonic acid gas, the
presence of which is easily discovered by lAting
down a lighted candle into the gas. If calbonic
acid gas Is present, the candle will not burn, and
the gas may be destroyed by throwing down
lime or water Into the place containing theloi
salons atmosphere.
Bat it should Deter be forgotten that carbonic
acid gas is not usually generated in cesspools,
sewers, and privy pits—the fetal gas produced
in such places Is emlphurettal, hydrogen gas,
hydrosulphuret of ammonia, and nitrogen, which
require very different management from that
detailed as useful for carbonic add gas. In the
accident which we have recorded, sulphuretted
hydrogen gas was the agent of evil, for its
smell vies manifest, and is too striking in its
horrible odor to be mistaken. Neither lime, nor
the throwing of water upon this gas can do any
kind of good; neither of them has any power to
destroy the gas, as either would destroy carbon
, it acid gas.
The most convenient method for the destruc
tion of sulphuretted hydrogen gas is that 'em
ployed in Paris and London, under the directions
of masters of sanitary science—it is to let down
pans of burning coals into the pit iis soon an
this is done, the presence of the gas is manifest
ed in a luminous circle of feeble dames artmed
the pans of fire ; the gas is rapidly destroyed,
and a pure air is made for the victims. Chlorine
gas rapidly destroys stdphuretted hydrogen pa,
but the burning coals are the most eligible for
the urgent emergencies of the cue, audwe hope
the recent evil in our midst will Indelibly engross
these truths on the minds of the readers of these
ifslancholy Suicide. —The Philadelphia papers
a few Jaye einen recorded the fact of a ycauig
woman, belonging to a respectable family there,
leaving her home and going to Neff York city
in company with a person who hod beau pay
ing his addresses to her. Fier father traced
her to a house of ill-fame in New York, and
conveyed her back to Philadelphia. Thii was
on Monday last The paper of-Friday state
the unfortunate Victim committed 'suicide on
Thursday night by swallowing .dote of lauds
Anthracite C.ll Trade.—The Schuylkill Navi
gation Board, at Philadelphia, hare reduced the
rate of toll on all coal pawing fsirmonalock
IS =its per ton, making that precept yeti 30
cents. Negotiations are in moue ltdititeri the
Navigation and Reading Haßand. Boards Pt re
establish the old rate on coal. Cbstcpal brdnght
down by, the Reading Rath-cab:lst weeklll3lotlldll
to 32,030 tons; Canal 11,860—previous Week;
Railroad 34,000; Canal 12.000
Nile War Strarar4ir —a)rdere from Washing
ton have berm received et the Charlestown navy
yard, tbe the construction oh 'tanner at that
place. She is to be laigsy than the Funnels.,
which was broken up • year or two elate. And
will bare the same mode 'of Frrepplition. Plane
are to be forwarded to w.lhizigton• -
...VavaL —We learn that orders hare been Issued
from the Nary Department directing the United
States frigate Cumberkuld, Capt. Wm. E.J..ati
tour, of the Mediterranean squadron, to return
home without delay. it is understood that •
court martial will bs ordered for the trial of Capt.
L., upon hie arrival in the United Btates.—D'or•
folk Aro.;
Ifinot's Ledge Light.•—The light boat fortirrly
t - d on Brandywine Shoals, hu been ordered
to be placed. off 1511not's Ledge, below Bodoni,
and in the meantime a spar thirty feet high has'
been erected upon the site of the late iron light
house, to warn sailors of the danger.
From Cardrans.—:By the arrival of the.barlo
Phoenix, the New York Commercial learns from
Captain Mason, that the inhabitants of Carden
as were in the same state of apprehension from
invasion, as the people of Bavaria The basi
n.s was consequently dull, end freights tolling
Seven Fuyiti‘t Siam, says the Nest Ilampanire
Statesman, paned through Concord ma Tonadny
for Canada It adds thst dna is a commoo oqur
rent!. •
Mom., the Forger.—Thomas, the Lend war
rant forger, at St. Louis, was discharged horn
custody, the U. S. Circuit Court, it would seem,
having no jurisdiction in the cue.
Another lirpritee.—The Indian now coujhued
in the jail Of Cole county, Missouri, has been
further reprieved for thirty 1371 by the Presi
The Pantheon in Paris, which has long beep
bone of contention between the Clergy atuilleoQ
lar authorities, both desiring to possess il,; has
at lest been irreverently destined to public we,
and the government has set aside a coca of Li,
200 for the purpose of decorating it with superb
paintings. For three years, M. Chummed , bra
been engaged on them, and they ere sitokinOW as
very fine.
The &rodent Right. 41106160 Z of Rob coon
ty. Ifissisaippi, has been eonvicted of eattiesib
tog for several copies of the vilest abolition &eta
published in the country, for the purpose Of Air.
culating them among the people. The object, of
course, was to heighten the exasperation (ft to
wards the North. Such conduct deserve, unitrer
sal execrstlon.—Richsernd Was.
Recent inielligniet frock fetn.kccoein's_Land te
grants the suds - a Cent colony as bocasslng
,21silg ware enbelentile. The cenifiggpsee,
°immolating on the hands ef mereenesit , '
'chants' stones were hind When the "WA °D
eices, and in the female liestarg,,ll4nofTcern
thine are seven Inuniredelnifeei- 0 o ,SO
, .... . .~.:
tigers." . -
At a &natty rroedirtr datiA 14
Emend, tba Earl of Wiadialut a te."lo
lead the ripple." "It thorpeoP - , k• mik ~
their Inder, he would mi -=,.- Lla t ideom- -
fort sad dotoestirliapplaWatil - ; kW
lament Of ttliplettga gm in 182 E gr ater
agitator for Putesteal vtia4lam,- -indoolgamat
ooteleola awl arkikerlea." 4 ' -
Aft ettrtiordificW‘i,igdyretWilitio4 k
formerly *ail corm= A th#,B :
its inteneitYlme, bonni!le bean y', '
flied by reoe WhYille nil 'Am i in
oin V io
South 'AIDIZICII: 'ln Iliabolie - Aires; ' '
was for 11011natime baked tobd
. 4chmi
whooping cough se veins enuill. ,
- Sectufim in Bona Cari#lmrril b. that the first movement in Anoint sec in mr nevi
lotion, in the &alarm Mail , 0/ot4° In
the city of Cbubsue, by a •roano -cr con
vention 4111 tbe ficsites',llloitr - of
Einitt Cwilins. whiCh : Is if .be bekl kr in. Th.
month of May next for tbspiiiy
the grcel question of as , rP• ) . ; '4'
Prise Pigs for the Greatatntaddize—Atoottg tew
settees wet to the Great Eshittition; Pena aqt
thee are pdp and one bundle afl Wett4-'—
Now, tit and twenty pipe/ heti titt endive
my /up ety; and we it say put out
web pig would• beesatheitet *Often, of the
Portdgn end Americat BardWate.
No 129 Wood Street,
NOW en= -
Am .1d Wateetri m
adiel rditlatif AND ./WOUNAN
. 11 ARDWIME•_-_ -
SWUM. sxe Rtml Whig trals.suid übletssau-an Pr '
to car tom:6mm nue Oa eassion
limmikbrietti =re thseinera ettlis. •
eftinnta . haranos Compaq at Pittakuth
smoso.avekt staid, aturagam. ow. 11.
: ntiaiirawake - -:...÷ w. zusa. wier. '
in nose=tmustiet7,'"
AhAvvsty...4 .a "tor=
.b. ~, Wag= a war and . =
kaolr• 10 eCat= lll4l, waft..
...1047. a
w. jartit.,
grialit=4lll F lll6"..... "Wr.
rills, discovered I
ler PlLLa.—These
by Dr. MelikareAawlwlakia he.r his ow* tem, errs ant
1.. la his wet taw Doe. Ina fee year. th ey ;
the attn.= of other Se m... and thotoe e yw.ed into
wane are. Dar curl= all dime.. of the gin., they set
with tenith4Y 1314 secularity. The bathe. room feel, the
Of ellen., .01 he le welt The effect Is alroces
magical: and after nrallowing drop and ...w oo . of ;
doe. deerrlptloa, the nailer. bade himself M 1... owe.
Dimon of lb. herr are eery cacao= la fhb ocomr,oha
are sehiehtfol to their threader eatheyarehrownet oar
carmine. Are you tioraihnt with .y of U.
eempleinte velaleh arigimte hi dlseeeei .toe. ef I
Pemba. Dr. Wiatees PD4 aral he nth..d at once.
For sale by
Petroleum !
Paremorcgo. IleinUegdon m ar ,.
S. IL Kith—Dew MI, You Petiole= 13 Working won.
den in shit vicinity; therefore we would thud; you to tend
two dozen by the Peneurylvenia Railro a d. We are en
th,l7 Out, an d i t i t boug Inquired for almert every der.
Yours. respectfully, JOHN LONG A CO.
Hamner; Ashland 10. , 0., Me h l 10,
H. M. Hih.—Dear flit, Your Agent. • No weeks since,
left with co for dom. Rock oil, which we have told.
Fleur lbrward tout dozen immediately.
Your hoolicint It workbag wonders In holt INMOD. We
as obtain 1...M1M1 excellent entire:abet, U you doom them.
Yours. Or., H. W. SCOTT.
for ode by Keyser t McDowell, IQ Wood .tree[ It. E.
PAM. 67 Wood street; H A. Yabootock.l Co. moor
Wood gad Front hreeth D. L. Curry, D. A. Elliott. Jowl&
Douglas. and 11. P. &Imam, Allegheny, also by the pro
victor. 8. M. ICIPII,
aptheittrel Llnal ilasin.betenth et-. Pittsburgh.
Oar I roe a 11.1KLITI...—Mr. Charier Wood, reelnlt/i
prophetor of the TWage of on Long Island,
to supply the demands for his land a. ha s laid off no addi.
Urinal number of lota, equal In el. nod quality, and
thume.nehtly disponed of at that pls., which are
to besald and divided among the purchasers in the tame
manner, The. lands are of good quality—rater and
wood abundant—LW they Ile alertly an the Inns Island
Manned, fifty milasfrom N.York. Rottkonkotim Lake, with
abundance of ash and beautiful transtiatent water. is one
mho to the north; Great South Ray. with ha hams, ors.r/
grid aearisit, is four miles to the South: while Lakelana, a
Tillage recently startati, where many handisame bolldinV
are windy erected. immrdlaa•ly adiains. Ifermannrille
le therefore a desirable point for the eye of the capitalist
the gentleman, or the mechanic:, withlng a counter reef
den. to rent on. We inelte their attention to It. and wide
irooks uirerthemen to anorbercolumo. &Pik
Market Street Store for Bent
OR RENT.—The Store, 118 Market,*
next Irguilnoi DAI4 (MEER.
WILLOCt. of the First Ward. City of Pittainuir yin he
candidate before the Auti4lasonlo and Whig County Con
ventioa, for the office of County Como:Lind.rr
girCLIRK OF TUE CoCitTa.--JSYdd M. Bllleh
will bet a candidate for the above office, eubleet to the dad
rm of the Minting laitrliesonte end Whitt Conntr Con
•entleta ep3daledner
Marßccoutrn-1 will be a candidate for
the oflke of headily, etiNect to the decision of Ito Mk
and Antbstesorde Catntr tatorentlon.
8.411.1. FALINIZIXE.
Pittsburgh. April 'Z,ls6l,l*trte,
ser;COCNTY Titinnnltlß—WO are author
tad to ansionnoe that J. W. Barter, of the 24 WWI. City
of Pittstraritti Nb• • earidt.tate fer the calm of Cituntf
Tretunner mkt to the iteridon of the Anti &twain onn
Whig County Tenni..
giarCi.saa. or rat Corar.—The name of
John Horner, of korrooltip, edit be rreseuted
tho typtottoktlng Attu:morale slat Whig County M.
bon nomlaation to the &toe of Clerk of tbe Co=
ma-corNty giursTEß.—The name of Jon::
31=Leirr, of the Std Ward dlr of Plttlburg6. sill be sot,
mated to me Anti-Muoule end Whig County Consentlon,
seam:4lWe for the eke of Reeler, sod snits inane.
lf supportedtArm,yer 01110-10
„, 011KTY Rcoana.—John K. Foster. of
fh. l4 ,r..lnrepira n b. 4
nem . , nic ‘lll-isCounty Lonrentica
j®rAter.mnir.—Robert Abrahams, of Eli
ttteth Betpagh. will submit hit natme to the AnteMelott.
and Whierte=entlere, se undhlate for [mamba r
lieu to th e ep.2l.lterte-2
jje.Conaire RlGl3l7.ll.—!'lease announce
that LL. J.
Mr dm MlleLom o e f
n Allegheny
t L l o S T .11 . 1 E. • stdure
tb.liasosic aWiz e Coun u s Contveuk m esisu of Am.
CLERK OF TELECoral. —Henry illinneJa. of
M • ...lulu O norminolkto tEr
also, of Clerk tbe .4eTtn.l oourt , of y
lei. the AURRlssook. wad WU; Coeutf Cuar All rghtnrot Cocoa,.
Ler COUT;rIr REGlSTElL—Alexander Rich
ardson al M. Iltsairara. Alairbamy Clir t will b. a tsar
dal.lot Me &ace of Comity korai.; .bject , to tb. dtr
= 14 , 121, bal antl-74...11c law.> llinsent.Sen
Re- ft will be seen by referring tp our ad
vertising salaam , . that W. ai. fartella y orgy seletratea
*rata= 4almegi Ilse atjast made MI alligemaym among
as W. hall Me latgadastim oalase` huge
smash our haMbis, ea •gzesat It a MI to
Le the moat 'asolJechalgereparatioa gitgowned, Woe
tosapowal of balsam sal gum lemulist a I.4Lia, wad
serassaabag cum eelsermy it goes, thataestoutela
the mom eclentires of the eneallrea faculty. We aids all
faaahiss to vet a balls lamoliately.s CA It may am mode
embalm. mpla.taval
IfirCourrY Compricsicoas.-4as. McCune,
at d,iNtattrWintolti ru.o.AMESt
NM. Wlsr=awat .
.at of MGM,
To Bolwol Teathas
11 1 .44' . 'Fi1l be 31er:tint:et the School
o C tlat i el 4. l4 ftb r:
the purr,
opoin kr 0 sonalm a
a"Vw. " ~,V • M.4.,:t''
AS:ALL BUNDLE Lost. , coiltaia' a Lady's
&wing Caw a (1./4 caitai . ll. A. L." to mist.] will bi /*SW
uRPICT & KUCHFIRIThhare reed
cif 3 Clferb i =lll4s Cbtlt t o=
pee. mri
ERRIMACK PRINTS- 7 , Nelayl . e , s r ftrk . -
IjtAISCLIC nc' :??ttnent
turi mummy ri t acnyulv.
_ _ _ _
livite the egitkaka emir ittlarinlatha.urtatu,
To Gardners.
rrwENTy ACRES of Gardening Land, al
az?l'. U ellarrYJOl l = -,1 .1 " V12 , 1 ' egg:
4...t ig=re w =rwl. Stir partico(sr.
su; I ear= Adart..t Jur ttifq.')g.t.
To Farmers.
AOOO ACRESjtirming and Grazing
tii , oar .. .or, Within twit. =Una( tie Non Vora !saki
Aloo—LW .arsi Ito tlk [olll3th Ls Pala on arrow axda
,l3, oonont Enquiry af •
_4l!. WILKINS C4I.
iari :, maw at Market and Thin! A.
Oen Hattissil .Also, at nusaber of Cana o.nd
'f.o4t i la. •n;ni g enalea troag U ttto a. lb B'.'b"",ill.
.0:1, ! - ..; o• :- . x.y. JUNCS, Engineer. :
g lODLIVE N 011.-30 . superior White
Mr ale b 7 mil R. . 5ELLE11.9..57 Wood a.
JAIL PEPPER:MN - D.-150 lbs. (Ararranted
I y Fare) for oak by my) R. E. SELLERS.
RED PRECIPITAID-25 lbs. for sale by
my) IL 6. ti.ELLERs
CPAI'/C- 10 bble. for sale by
- rosi 6611.669
CDF4'4ON-13 bales laudipg from str Cape
m 44.14 .; 11141441 DICKEY CO
-3 t '`` G ' ; i Mon nut for wale by
1 . 1 4 ' 44 ly12:1? DIVILIa &CO,
--, o
.• Water ntut Front str_
.FE - 71 ---- TRE - HT '- s4 l kigs - TiiTaleTY
: ~ Mb I - 19A1All DICKE! a an.
t mapa t ‘k
ii c- ..
S , - e .. 11. Dotson=
' • • . ' att • And id cb T
s'l°3 15 AU f" L ' LL,
- , • : tJADI D
GEAVater. and IS Finn or
_ ...-
- ENLAXSEEI.A.' ) 1.4.16 r Bali by:
I' ..r, .
' .lA3Ltil DALZELL
MORSE'S Comrjtd Syrup of YELLOW
tri,ll ° l Ei I LE C grN wicKEHMI A V,
Pala Ural* Western Pennayirsula.
aryl tar= at What awl Sixth xu,
awaits' Notice,
vAI. mason indebted to.the Estate of
lkintimierr, lete of the dty of Pittsburgh tee,
mi b arecAl==l . l7 null..
". Ibt - "".'4. • OUTHATIPE7
myterets o 2 ibb MoCLELAND, Len
ay psy st,,Q;eenwood.
YERLY'S• BRASS BAND will Bite two
emu, and= to the arum= Concert
6 cents
The chieftain long her landing between Pitt
lAl v a . 4 ""tga gßull
.6 IL th. w . elkftdattltlr.
J. Wm& Sox
riOLESALE and.tetail manufutu.
is Han
fit, tLW dam tylar. NA t OI
lbey offor opoopb.M.lnktf Into
of Indy cnro ouLtfuln .d mauunctu M n
oad i, of .117 .
qz a = o l==. ° .... o opm. niuggibein
z jr AMES WILSON has removed hie • liat
lg2PZov to No. 91 Wood stmt. tbird door 'moth
EOTARTNERSIUP—H.aving taken' my
son. =wont IL Mann. Into paincroldp 01 the
co pal Sur baalarl l / 4 2, will Santaltar do Inia.,
otoda SW NW Of J. Wu.naJoi d on.; at 91 Wood street.
• %Wan WILSON.
P i ll iardWant Au=rati . ta• li t' t'd t e r Pit
kb. , - - ' LAAlum
,Young ~. ' , /loardillg. tad Day School.
eMI:t. IL J. MGM will open a School
ir s is VMnpke M:l=slutt.•
g 44 . 1 . 1 .p1i0 : _t0 - aiestdeliatt r t. fixr thaw.%
Mtlf ul... he t . . . .
MieVt 3 =
tram tbelrtambreary Iskuton.9oou ..... _
gme wain !Tout Jig to' 9k, Inch. In iem, .
Is lIM MOM. tu Sur 190, a manufactured a
..Zatentikst a rgsFlit=t
pr ra1..., tr .
~ alr : ::w
la 1 , 4j o riass raritabaar — ra:mtirkt a 9 91'
The mat Exelarordierey Dip:Query in the World is
the great efirrileint Remedy for Nan and Brae
R. G. Farrell's
rir i.dh. R8 A,...,b m r i:04 4 ut , z.5 ..., rx
t r i e .,: r t f o iz: .. d : ia .e tti t... :
olooe Intimate With theiethetory ti nth thus account for
eheireurprein power user Woos. Their all:alumnae in
the knowledge f medicine wen the wonder of the age.l
4 .
while .0 the e time the Menus of Chemistry. which
with then:thud tr• origin. au to the net
of UN world "a
‘,..i.e bock.' min 11..7 it.r ..rtb.... 4 main.. O . '
endents. In lb beautiful greet vide!. ALI the desert:Sof I
sable, abo i i rare pl fragrant ants
owns end domes weals whence are
.tOtalLued Mo u o
• . c awl balsam, of
add. this I ' parable liniment Le annposed. end by •
shoove ninth lug uncle... P.3.1.110Z end atedyne ;
ropsettee it I I vr ben applied. thscantanecuely diffused I
.gy,,,,,,h mew a n ~,,,,,,to !plena, allaying the most be •
des pain in Incredibly short. Use of 10 or IP shorn.
Its salmi Le re pt, powerful and effectual. withont the .
ImM danger. t penetrates the flesh to the bro., relaxes
...Attracted coni releases cue to Mato which hare been
,alaied br y , mush. the ebriveled Sob to gnaw oat
cut rich blood • circulate through iteveina. It even:ere
tne Synovial F or Joint Wateryand this is the root..
Oa It has ea universally eueemetul In curing all
bosses of the j nts. ln chronic ISUCtIOI2/1 of the Bp i...
Bear, Lungs i d Kkhreya this great Asablan remade
, 00015 unparal • eat tor Ague Cake or EnlarFeusentof the
:'.Nisei. It is a.l ifiu and ka Rheumatism It has peritens.
el some of the [most extmonlitary earn on most aim
y,r cramp.. x , Mega Paths, Wounds. ChilMalua n thurne,
Whit. Swell rumors, Se. Or. It le equally ethoocious
•n disease of A m ale , such as Fistula. .Poll leil.Bweener.
thiff Complain l• ligempre,Farey,Spatheeeeemougdf...
yaw. bps • Mindifalla Fidint , red le nearly all
boas. either! mut or Mat. when dye as eels,.
usl application this liniment Marsh at the loud of ell
1 onelle-ines.
' The folloaiti Is from the yr - I=lW accountant of ths
pgealthy and hi MT nopeetable house of Vlll3 a 800. of
p o or* and or ' b fib Out of the most .useful cures in
ille extrude of • e.d highey,
Mr. IL O.? II: Dear Sir, Aolnated by • semen: grate- 1 1
fulness, I 50b..1 t the followinif AS an Instance of the ail'.
or of Your gm t Waldo, Sty [241, throe years old,was
• eldenly at 'ed with e terrible dthism. which. to leo
in. Az hours, reetreted it to Mal Ad plessnun The iloste I
Loam..on rig that rut a joint mold b teat the tech I
turned blackcold, and relvelystsoread effiefino• the
ro lured. ally closed and altogether Med. Follow
ing Ohio eras deb to albeounth the eying bream& core •
...Aced. and carted, that when laying on its back, the '
',ad end reds' My nd
foureed. leed, the child presented I
. eery sera •e of baler Lmmediatelr on the se-
le . t a t...h , igezlll Melt: ate:V i tt: l cl far ll:g h ee/Le ,
it was Lib • claim time, and variousnrcieurlfu
[alents aPPlla A consultation of Pie.debee was then
held, but to urpoo. The ease was then brought Le.
sire the Moll Society. but melting could Le suggested
L Lich had not Imoir beet. dosw and the doctor thentold
....e he could nothing more. Re then commenced
yivite your trent freely over the entire Length of the
. pine; acid yo •ay imagine • plcrengs Joy. when , after a
ye. applies .. returning cinuenthra tens uppaeni. The
hild ilkpidly •vened, with the reception of the sight.
L.ich did no me protect for nearly a month, It b
Low hearty • n robtot as cants
11. other Wes of the same kind wore! in to neigh.
lerbool leer. wr. all of which deer wheu, no doubt. If
:our Linen= had Lin deed, they would have Ta. Tend.
Pct., 11 1, 11.51 • HENRI O. CL/ILANI..
dee, Com ; holt, E r ympel al. and Rhannati.nn
1 - . Cur.!.
I HA ,. Marion Co ILy , the 7.i. 1110
Mr IL U It—Desna gir- 7. ye Liniment L. selling
eery well. and eoing a earl deal of goo] among the
ito It bes eun te e the mu of leyeiscies, and an other
lLea bad pain to breast. /. lady. oho aro confued to
ambed Le sound mou th s with weer Complaint and Stree
t on of the limo, ran entirely cured by the no of your
Arabian Lent- She said the dans. could
minder no
bond. It has been' applied to • fresh cut. see lt in
ehort lbw. 1 have been afflicted with Rhenenattens for
• /014 M.., and just before • wet spell It framed me CO
much that hod no r.... 114./: ma 1n the night / ocof•••
recced bathing and „rul:dee with your Liniment, end
Lettuce 1 wice done robbing. the pain rased.
Stiff Complaint, Sweeney, Dotemperr, Cora and
Soqytt Carat
Portateiter at Flat; Tut= County, ill..
fl. l'anam: Tina. Arabian Llniment is hi hl
pith '
-", , b7=t'avf°gas j ob'''' t"'""
gVes.eVa i lltra o 63 " Wo[ritad h r ;Z•e ' t " A
It on r pelt that hal the Distemper evrr eau. and cured it
Immediately. S Para It le derWedlr tb• greaten burr
neeiliclne he ever nadd. Tharp harp been numbert curet
l oth for Sore
MA I. XI and with I dud it • eery valuable Inedielne
Boucre of Countrafrtts
LOWING ciauFuLiv.
Ib. Puttic am rearticulaely riationeat again. ¢ Boas
timamme. attach has lately mad. Um appear.. la
c aka by the Importer alto make it "W - 13 Yarnell /nth
au Liniment." Tlela is • ilangtlOUl hurt and more Retie
auxter !tom Ws teasing the man*. hmU. 11. -
-r ~ tw wtiro.i. nem, to can fo* U by Utr ummegUrr.r.
I intment." br unpatuttipled dealers will leopm. thy SIT
):7OC4 airfare upon you rar the unmatte, tut always ask
,1., - II G. lizrrraa Litneara Ina fair apex,
• thy grunt= ah.trut IS lettrrc a abetter r.r,vii
1 .101.10* Is atm on Um outride wrapper, and the.
cras tiavret to the gLtea bottlr—•' Farrell's
imam!, Prong"
Aocrott wanted In ever} Tams, Chlarre and Hartict. In
taa Cahod kat...l,th which ogle U not twtablishel. Ant,
Uttar-to Li. 0. - Y.1444 Pooria, Ili., with oat Moreau
aota character, wagattittlitiatta
eat tot aroma who wlll fanhatt now of Ourge,
awhonists moot attloatlo informattow for worry el. ,
Psnd-25 amts. !Aerate, surd out &Harr:it...ld
1 . 4 g only P.4afil u jaanutantoded by IL U. t F 11, sole
Idventat atdd ip.l.lluar, and wholesale draggle,. Na 17
1/aln Meet, Pws - Uld and Ut salt voleaal. and retell at
dronaielor'e I, BELL/112.
ini>l4l,S No. 57 Wood .Vert
Oeo. R Richbaum, Civil Engineer.
WILL ATTEND, in any part of the coin
v • m t . tb• •urrry. I•c , ttoo. and rootrtroctiou f
rail, Xenothustlx,t and Woad 4 EddOO, Loci•
Pax:, to, tot canal az •I•ck.•••uus awl will
W z r-ultiors. •ita cstaddis of say of
th• •
7littteal , atilla .14.1, =I Was
cut UMW Vi/141% =Leg dra•ritgrod. =XL.% Ibt . Vegeta W•
Le, draughts of cosebinert.
OgtutgtAttr• Battaiow• war 1 Ls Coon
11Zrencw.—it..31. A. Sr Luna's. 7hoa Dakteeti, Lao
Ntmlie h. Craig. Esq.. Woo. Matron. EN
FER "Ed acatiotd u Aseminuon of All eithPny
••Ontsiry,....lllamort. In the Li Wsbl Public - Psba.l
1 Allegbnar elth on Friday. Stay 2.1. at
.!arrestwill be deli - err by J. P. vom, - 111. A.
•od .111 r I. A. Walks). Or Petards) blares. will be de
livered by Mesas. J.J. Wolcott a6l T. Covell
rrit....b of education us seep...ULM} Invited to at
seder a 0.. Eze,utlee Committm,
aprirAd J. C. 81.11011131, *es')
ttiDIA RUBBER BELTING.—A verylusge
th Root
main= efla Bo
Loch Belting or, hard,
from:ll2 to "4.. 'air brlLlorf no.
jrnOor to leather or any odor. FL.; Open Delta for the f01..r100.
..rloo. enamor
• • •
L The tmliet motility of .I.lth and tbk k erLicti it
sill pdair,
No heat under "X 0 dogma, fatimakottt Wuxi
11..11 II remain. tittilbla to any deg rem( coII.
It of =eat e.magth and durability mid &MD%
4 ;i 4 , emue raillaa,conveturatiy a gain of powealt obtained.
heti attnittd to dia.Mlocry. a r my
rad moire *ltem
tinti is toe mac with laatber or any calacy.
4, to wide taltir.o the :oats moot Ulm that of loatt•
distettma for Ira and of Demi M
t...te: loatr.g loattn and orrientittr ' toiator:alalift
ou band ate for tale at Soo ittal Wood rt.
.03 , 2 J.& H. P/lILLIFS
Nd 1 Salmon.
4, d .
o Ao do
tiO GU No. 3 Sl•ekerek:
lu[ado do do
d. No I trimmalthul. oo Larul ' .oo
r iodor [lloo] JOHN WATT CO
1016 IRON-66 to. Forgo and Foundry,
, 1 2„ mipcmeot, I,y
i,j I LAXSEED 01L-10 bbl s. prime, from
JL tbmcrAct for uta br
13, A CON--dOOO ibm ccuptry cured for sale by
.1.. IaIIN WATT t_ Co
g lOTTON-56 balea now lending from etmr
k_J Fart Mt: tar rale by !PALM DIMES& Cu
ap.Z., Water and Pratt ot.
S WlCilitiE lb t i,in " To - me
2 do dry •PPI. ,
Id six/LA festiterr.
do rulc
Now 1...1111,, franstraMer iorifouk CPO p hl t V .
Great Cure for D3r9ePsial
Pr. Ifousbtun's Peseta, tbstruedlssethe flulti,te Chu
j. Jots, akireit Dispepsla Cupp, prepared front Rennet.
or the Pura slinuscla of tbe Ox, after dirction• of Baron
ifettifilt the itYkdaketiont Chosolst, by J. P. Bought
tin M
-I' Vrwr iP tte p rtul mad foe Pill
compa.. = D a
nrUtytownws taw nature* own surthod, ny Nature's own
t,t he nudes Yule,
" i'y ' e na teaspoonful id Puns, larded Ln water.will 11-
sat or dissolve .4re poun d , y soda 1.1 in stool ilia asses,
oat of the Mama,
I tie nastric Is the great solvent of the foot than.
pngerelng, atimulatirm agent of the stesoseh and
Menlo,. 11 Itbaot It there mu fe e no dlmartion—uo eon
:onion of fool Into blood—no nutrition of tb. r. but
y am, find, torpid, painful, and destructive nandlnon of
the whole digestive appeasrus. A weak, half dead, or In
awed stoinsch psoltices ho goal thistrk thd hews
2210dirimmi, wad debility which mum.
But this wtht mai be entitled by extracting the digew
tire pinciple, I'vrin, from the stomachs of animals
mbhnir unin, thus Aspoing a Digestive /laid, prwinely
bite the ont.idUrarieJtllm, its clithalcal Dove., and
f irrilaking a complete and perfect .00022101. fur it
The p i t of ,Erurcuing the savarete of Omni= lath:is/alb
LaO loth been known to Physlolimlall Dr ilour.hton
Mahar the toent of magi. the al:Wm-Won of th is art to
the mare of Drapusda, lo a perunt thd aggssableform
Read the tale t ine evidencel Damn Ybla, ho his mile
trand work on Animal Chirsolstry,
O saym - An Artinsial
big,stive fluid analmirow to the Own*: Juke, may he
tar:tfaw o
"ft—d, dz.., and Alsodad,
r to , they would be In the Mouth stonmehl .
' Cull on the Agent for farther evidence, of aninflar thw
arter lt Is doing wonder. for Dyirrelat.M. Brorr battle
the genuine MOWN bears the written signature of J
E. Boughton, D , win proprietor. Prim, 00. Dollar per
.S b ani ,si rthr , :griv ve l t. ing s :l l, 7l l, 6o lcDo esi wzu.. dthce of A t . tii . ral t :e.for
140 Word st , rittabmgh
Desien fornskied at propyittor's prices
Also, fora_ ale by K. IT Wad 4 W.
CYHOULDER BRACES, of a new and au
Tga t l ricti4iirELL
. .
'yap • 140 Wood et, Ilt4bargh.
airQd. l- aul Pee them. •
IrittISSES, of all kinds and sizes, for the
1 relief and radical :ore of Hernia, or ittiptare, cca.
town} 011 hood sad for rale rir
ariao WhiYISEIL lid/OR - ELL, 140 Wood q.
In the new fraudCo mit I,atrohe; wietinareilud
• , Pa.
The Loyalhanna Depot o y f Me Peran'cf Railroad.
l e
new town of LATROIIE is beautifully
enlisted on all elevated level plain. on the Lankof
toyalhattna Rimr, when the Pennsylvania Ralleend
crone. that Omani by a band... moos t e mp. 0 1 M.,
nooks of so feet each. It 40 mile. east of Piusbuhrh,
met of dreensburg, 11 west of Lhonkr, amethof dhhvi
vine, 1 moth of Youngstown, and 7 moth of New Alezan.
drUL The itetruylvonsa Eat/ma will be °phut' to the
umporary terminus near the tower, early in November
that, to humeri with Cho routbern turnpike. Th•Penerm
e ra, train will hop to take • meal at the new and
ettandre DAIL ROM lign i i r.c auw in peognee of ere,
Vo to
n In iLer Beak", 21,X71"
be .smelt
foot The lota now offered Mr P the a
l e .. her 60 front on greet& TO het wide, mirth Met
o feet to • feet alley: they will range to ..=
ard according to their path°. None of pones Wean
more than 400 yards front the Beitruad Depot, width In
the centre of the town plot. OW-lots end maw hue, of
which there are several handrunelt net
along the
Mark of Wu WM be eold on favorable terms to per
h uhu, to bad. The climate of this mho Is de
ape menery mond the town is mu brantifill nerd
, a ntic, hid It will no doubt be • Plate of great reeort
' fr t o% the aim tar
. . Le in the midst of the.linest thhlag
booth,' legum La part of the 00010. U 041198.1
.01Z1110117111...001...e.i.t.theear.1.1 Lat.altat 00. to mme lbr.dbutzervo.....
pe th' o p e '' Alr trpoint whit:the IrTi k thrt r rietrtit
Of Lllonier valleA,n . tottatalll e ctegor, • turasto
r i Zerga " lts li tel c Alessnass.ton,
Tit h e Doot, b r . :lll l.. gar , e i gg•
Li tr i g=d i g
becktwth Omar a Ow west watt: sal 4.
bect of coal can be bid eke* to the town, in tbrdulaire.
yraulagr. a=l.A.,thZ=learZyolag=
gri t s ' t milks. in tun lath Asa, a tramp.-
. r w ith'. don wds
tlaa viu n t = ..e..e tz
c rick
Irarhr Irrtnir the eon= won. Trotoll d:trr
. 11fe kb‘ 'd
era ont= rin =16, 1 '71%.4 . 11,...
in poem or by letter, to the subeeriber, or his regent
to Toongstowm or at the sass ta Weave pl.
" yr t !'elalceir ao Intgerillthlte ideal aS Lanallik
ustiT in the month of Ilona. a hits due Was war 'o*
QTEA3I PACKING-4000 pounds mixed.
1.1 Min and Fare India Robber Nekton how 1.12
I% Inch." tidelorarranted to be lb* eery best P . aritlax L
gsW;II% we
t li a b etes=l . . t i rum* ,
Muds. Stuffing INnunl. le-, t. For talent tbe Ind. Ruh.
her tio, and 9 it ood atreeß plumps.
COFFEE --100 bblego6d RtOjtlnt receiving
and.tur Pale er JOIL'i WATTCO,
at , 3o Lit & ertr ft.
FARMS, worth over $8,51111,
end 4.400 'I.OTII. to b. distmboted among
6(e) Pubetibera—To rupply th. demand for
Late and Farms , at llermaniveLlie. I bete lakt 001
another treettilning the lonyeltdondltallmal
land already so at ilermannotMe to be of the same M.:
and diepreed of Vgal divided among the purchasers in the
mme manner ar those ncently Fold there.
I have barn 113111.9 d to do thle from the great number
perfloll4 .14/7100 to purchase Wicer. Lots and as
the haprovem.te ID that pert at thelmand ere conetantly
'large Ontober“f venom bare now be.
MC. interested ho thed• Tbfr erbiltional tract L. In
eve., moped Nue to the other, mei at the rate they
are D. , Pll4l taken they tall ell be mold In • fir. weeks.
Abollf 400 sh.le are now euNrbrd.
Each subertli.r is entitled to eri Lam 2) by DO 5.417100
weber. or a YAWL of from 4to 20 acne. The sham are
Malted at 1725—payable, erheurnbectibed am $5 on ot
brave the day of thstriburlofr and the Cala.. to monthly
stalments of 13. If Medved. a Warrantee Deed .111 be
med. out immediately attache dletributkai, and delivered.
domed) after paying the balance.
late are altuated in the illlevre of HERMANN
VILLE, on the Long bland York . unty of 807010,
end NJ 0111•11 fn. the Clty of :Lew and adjoins Lake
land, also a am teeenlly lald out, where Load.
eome building* are erected.
It is ow of thejtewitblesialsots lochs United eltates.snd
within tuts cats of !Lasko oma heentilbti sheet
of . ..rater. about three mass hictrcumfmnits, of singular
MtWellsits 'A i; 'f liftT tah•drmt.n.u.e.;
South Bay, tith4lt Is tire miles wide and SO tulles tool;
abondsutly supplied with of sten , . dm., and fah or
0. Irina%
••- • •
The. laute .111
touch pee seer, erith the enltlvatinth al any land within fi fty miles et th. tit)
New York.
.Lowo Luso Wissat.—.At the anneal meeting of Mu.
View Yoe+ Ak rirultural 'Society: held at Albans, on the
ho me d
Meant. for awarding mbeatn Yield Csopn, we
had Suffolk county . stands toto u dno Might honor—
hi musig t h einak PanyimPL.Tbounrom Of betanket.
salved eeeond pnmulum of sls,Wee %Inter +(beat, 4:
bushel. one peck to the erre. ?dr. Thompeon . , wheat Is et
• variety which him been raised but • few rear+ on the is
land, and the yield proem it well ads td to the moll.
The ansimMtural ospartUeli of Lang blase( sr. loannina
to be develped.^—,Lonk islan d r.
Petanket la about eight mile. from thin land au....
01110. and In no better by nature than Meer Lands new oh
fermi- formate. Shin wheat le •011• P varlet - S.of napes/or Mod.
.and was sold for beet wheatat $5 per bushel, and Mr
neompwo received for the product of a Mulemore Mutt two
Thato haw. been raised duang the past esanow:the very
test of Corn. and Pommel ISU borate! per acre. Egg Plants,
and • satiety ofd gaen vevtablea en laud near the Long
Island Itallnyad, st LW Rued, or Lakeland, where • Post
(Moe hu been established, for widel premium+ at the
Suffolk Coeuti Agricultural fair, held Sept. 25th, lfibu,
%rare re Abo
atur ve., oginsabcs. pumpkins.
Earle O re n
The following 4 Rom the New York Farmer and kler
attune of November ith,ltill, and, res written br tic Btu,
the editor, who visited the lands. The wbtni, Potato..
and crops, referred to in the
Were raised at Luke.
laud, over Urreoannetile station:
- Having • few hours' leisure doting the put week, we
were conveyed over boutg Muni Rallond, to • large
Wart "the couttwr, a My miles from New York
which we And to be capable of very succesaful and broil..
Lie cultivation. Although late In the - m.on and viewed
under some disadvantage, we were surprisol at the quail
ty and abunimme of the clops which had been getreel
tram • portion of Mt had. as also the winter crops. which
appearedunuaually promising. Wheat, which Ned been
men but two or the weeks, presented a beentiful sower
anon- while turnips, beet, and other vegetables not yet
gathered Por whiter tom would ecnnore advantageously
with the best In WA New Vick Mutat Potsdam already
I a.the cellar Were very
fieldt a vestige of diat om hand corn .landing the was not eurpaseed by much
we sew on lands valued et mom than one hundred dollars
per acre. Indeed, the vegsnebirs which received the pm
mlinn a:the hunolk county Pao, were rat
lion of this ground ichvh hui not tocultiva t e d cis
wailer Altogetherwe were very Amenably Imprmard
with our visit LO Mae lends, now so favurabty °Perot to
the poblic, at mimewhich =toot Lill to double in a foe
year; and n wont' halite the attention of those anus de
sire • cheap sad eligible Ikrns, to this knailan.
tiermannville station is locals' on the bottlers ,of the
Long island ileilrondochence can run several times a day
to Brooklyn and hew York. The Milan. of the land 4
smooth sad level, and the surrounding country Is Berke,
ly ,healthy, and within a few miles of this. Meat kinkily
cultivated and valuable, Intel u• bout settled fur more thus
• hood.' and Our ream: and where similar lands selint
from SAO to ilillg per ure.
The I as good
sums epresented, sad u gook 23 eel
sew land on le. evising cultinted. will produce
in the highat
Theism* was. one, heavily timbered; male portions. are
now cowered with a thirty growth of young wood.
cob and pine. Woad It
_plenty. mat amerallY cheap la
that put of the . laltuad. Flmomod tatheau that winch is
suitable to be cut Into cordwood, ger the New York mar.
het, Is of us:alma prim, sad has. fur • great many you.
Moo always considered • cash snide on the Wand.
Thera is material on thalami for common fencing—good
ebeetnut rills can be had within • few miles of these lands
In abundmos. All builditg mahnisla an to had at the
devote of limaklyn and Oreearort, and at many InUnme.
Mem glares, at the usual market prices. • There are u.
roam. menu of rater rising In than nee Wads, and
mania* into th e moos South Bay, which are remarkable
teat e Purity: and timer WY—Maned, .41 weather
maks. very Ittle change In them, they are unfailing. and
we t sew of rt... dePth.—protabty, over these new
lands. in Ws middle mcian of the W.Va, the memos
ltedet will Mahout Bei feet 52 ilermannrille, the ground
b e igber. they are deeper. Subocribers are co t compelled
There an not rhorno and erten& withio two or three
mile. of tho village; stad within our ogles., male. fectorlea.
store. and 'ann. the priellen. of n old settled
7r:gre=crvroba.l7.Tda o P o rrb a rotry
.. =ll
0.1)1 WoOlprie. jill of say onbacrisera are persoo. as respec
The lan/ on be very eerily cleared, nil the not of en
tlettent will dented almost minty upon the sett/sr he eso
LW/ O. an met or Le ohe snow, 1 on Iran
of uty cbseetleor, to the place or to the land for a watt,
meeS atol the sm. labor ts:id Walley whin non Rn
soda sod Prenetaus entillitettll to at parts of the
otentry, baton! upon trene 0.0000 fail m
duo recant.. revdts. . . .
. ._ . .• . .. .. ,
She arms is a rem plirtkahtr healthy and phasasil
-stkia wale are good. and always wimatile at MI mum'
pia-4b. Enters are shoal and a toild. nrusParri to
t Is Mris ' s ' br ' H " r " tiatOna Peat snap ma
sy7lmath . 'ff
What La mmarkable. • mop is milm alma! brk5...8 1 . 0
—there Is no tart of the country.hen them la to unit
''' g ' s:o Lth .:=: ' ls L : ‘ 'esi, "".'"i fltt ,' i h ria . Vie
Alt the WM Mug •the iiilLa n the ammo
tan to mi. highly Maeda at • small met, 00. ther.D.
Famia thing as • Amid or • [Kart. ea in the Interior
rt of thatonntry. by sada my great damage Is 'Moe
ma . mat mat',merlins off •brldge, or Lb. attains
ni:=. ' A h eirassas " %rai hi?yl h isVo t ifiln " l 4 3st, " an/
silld kiels array ranerr. - •
k fka Walls me bang tarteral, and the lot. anal Man
al oot, ao as to Mignate each lot mil (am as IMO
n cm the Nap, thervbf M. 114 siasEntars 07.11 gni oa
kmem 'arming. Persons
animism of the
nilll ehansa for shommteador tam offered More. mod
a ly mon.
consiaynare of the great imam of imam faze
ta of the coUtll7, desiring lafnmation 0 oleic
at has Immanuel morasary to answer them in this
Apply to (DIAS WOOD. Stationer.lll John oh, lieu
I ar N. 0., .0.1 reeds. ramlttaners mai foramd 'rectlipas
fart by Mum of mall. Lawn' also gratuitously far
ZS; tosti c ag r liamplffeta of
m tbe peccerglr d ff artfully
CLIAIU.P.3 WOOD, ril John strert, N T.
I Ma dmire-to my that 1 have 0.1 MUTING LAB D.S
met of my Image LeMia sr rich 1 alli sell in fi acre lots
or F ronts at h® SA/ to $BO per me. Them lands am
mil Massed Dr farming ar.d =May WiIIMM. in eemy
tenant and haling the alma= and Prialleilge 011401.
road, when clear al and millitalal, thee will la equal to
winosand on
Lala and KM to am shia, in tht
vity of all the old h oo d mad reffirtnenta of kMg te
-Ref for UP to yer m.
toii '' l 1:s: th a e lTet ail I.9 ' b i ;let 0 / it ' eTh.til
Inetttlite, ''' Z ' issa ' ,al Ih ' nedway N 1; C ' ..a °a ton: padre..
.Erik a at, N 1:1) 1 Bram, Esq. Mare ot Mir American
AgriesitUrt, IS7 Watstaet. 3 V: Dr E F Peck, 3:81 sitate
ea Brooklyn: Aldan 8 Matter, 3 Front st. tiroaklysk 11 II
Ream, Jr, 75 Broadway, 1 li John ladle, Jr..
.1 8 lAD '
Lomat= Co. 21' II all st, 81 li: William. Baas Edam
of dm laming F.t.a.r, Nassau 01, mom Anna:. 0: 1: 0
Delman, mime, Mum, Slam Lately 011Iart. 10
Boardman ihniding.Troy, N I: nos 1110 man anal Deo D
Lyman, Jeras Citi: Levi DMffe, of Dcalgamul ilkia ED.
prees,ll3 It en et. 3 V: lia C Ilormaa. Jr. ffil Pearl st N
'V: C Meta 7) Ludlow 4, yi 1:1 0 Palmer. Philadelphia
and Mann. ap12.4001.
TUE IiOUSE of the Seven Gables; o Ha
mm: me by Nathualel Ilswthorne
ttell's LivingAg,363.
At 111.)L31V-v Llternat DePot. 1 bird nuret, oppolte the
B. kegs or e v
FRUIT— 500 bu. Dried Peachea;
.p 22 Ku - aii.W.TA.VeVo
CITESTNUTS--30 bu. fur Bale by
PIG IRON-25U tons for sale by
se?, nottv.ON. crrrcf. 0 ce
i.p ACON-45,000 Ito, Hama and Shoulders.
111 Smokebause, fur 0E - •
FLOUR --150 bbld. sup. Family, for sale by
UCKWILEAT FLOUR-1000 Mo. for sale
C ANDLES -400 bo!ez! Summer Dipped
for sale by
TOBACCO -11 hhds. Ohio and Va. Leaf,
for eel, by a J. B. DILWORTH &CO
ACON-5 casks for sale by
BUTTER -6 bblo. Fresh. for solo by
apt: .T. FL DILWORTH s. CO.
FRUIT -200 bu. Dried Peaches;
27 ' • " ..
C" —5OO bu, Shelled, for ealov„..
SIZE . R ie T T OPOpELDOC-6 8.
w Ar u o9Blfi t irriOr,
61322 comer Wood end Sixth meet,
TIRED PEACHES--300 btu for sale by
5p21 . PAldtlEt. P. SEMI V
WHITE WAX-1 ease sup., for sale by
VORN-25 bbls. for sale by
AILES-50 doz. Hay Rakes, for sale by
GLASS -800 boxes Window, ass'd, for sole
by ay= 5l. VON 80101101t8T a CO. '
SUNDRIES -7 casks Cheese;
DX/ bet. Dried Andre.
brand. Wm, llama= 'gimp
been: •
100 bre. Boark •• receiving and for We by
ern MO. DALZELL. 61 Weyer mum
COTTON -5 bales on Steamer Geneva;
Cl do do Port Pitt to ar.
lorr• and for do bT ISAIAH DICKNY & CO,
arM Water and Front LH- •
SUGAR -59 hhda. prime N. 0., for solo by
On JAM DALZELL, Q 9 WsLtsr st
MOLASMOLASSES -20 bf. bbl. S. 8., for sale by
atal JAB. DALZELL 69 Water rt.
HAMS- -10 casks Ex an 8 Swift's S. C., for
wad br .p2l 8. 0 W. IIAHHAUOII.
BACON—Sides, Shoulders, mid Ilams, for
UP male by ~n s. a vs. suutnatan.
DIED APPLES-50 Backs received and
We by aplrl S. IIV LIARDA7:OII.
111RIED PEACIIES-75 sacks reo'd and for
.deer .p 2/ 8. A W. ILAILIIAGOII. •
LARD -23 kegs No. 1, for sale DT
.01 s. a w. usaustioo
BEANS -6 bb4. S Tet.lTP. f ,7. r .ve: by -
N-50001ba. flog Round, for onto by
11111 ED APPLES-300 bu. for sale,by
.15 .021 - SAIWIL P. SIIILITEit.
I) BY WRITING-50 bbla. fur sale by
so • • J. dC/100:11IA KEIL at CO.
ma a Ca just ncelvid per .1.'6 , Lk....
Jr:Duette sod Cambric*. soli •
OCIIA COFFEE—For sale by
apIT WM. A. IIeCLUD a 4. cc, Oromnp.
ARRANGES--ilelf boxes, very superior, and
'""4." P"bWineleTrial
g LIROME YE LLOW —4 cases rec it ana fo
ILS—Oil lemon, bar:' "ot, cloves, axis
a ^,: ~ ~ ~ ~`u
'T., r~ 1
L L itesoit a co,
Importers, Jobbers, ;and Basilan in
.Yor. 62 and 64 Mir t fit pa. ;
IN . :OUNCE to fheir friends and the pleb
-13. insaanglly. th at tin, snit new nsynnund to o/slblt
t at and moot csonftllr selsetod stock of
'tn., fuss en" offend In Odnlnny, notopsimel of the mod
rift and Whim:able Inbrlca vt y s n r e a ß the more mamma
sad whlnit lan bn offered et
rowzrr Po NIMES
t widen goods on be sOld in any ot the Cutarn Mins
Thrit two row salasnannis sallt be devoted multudvely to
retail trials =I the goods annonsd 4 1lel"11192011b. Vim
- -
Silk Department.
All the bono EMI fuhlocoablo stria Imported this moon.
!Galling tho boot make of Molt cell.
oplins, Goods Departm Doc ent:
osop Dem" Moms, do W=o.
eulttooreo, Do Loolnee,•Latram, Mmllm. to m Eta, larsor
Gretullolea. Bamboo:lam Alpooos..flo-
Shawla, Visettes, cte.l
Cuba Caw, Titan ehd
Thlbat. De Woe .ftrhttere, nen
other bbserle thettee, POodott,
Hosiery and Gloya Departimmt
win always b. Lodi oottple* mint the beat. =lore of
Cotton and BIM Hosiery. The beat Sid Wore. tansy" oa
hand. .
Linki Depakmant.
34, 4-i, sad 34 WNW Linen; Linen frtrestkOh - Pgloir
Use taw., Napkin. DWI., bitetrhed b . v. e n D. "
art, Towelling, Diapar, th
White Goods.
Checked and Dotted OtestaincMull. Onto. BO* Land
Rah:Goon Moslitur. Victoria- end !Bishop towns.of weer,.
quality anCovers, ;nce. Also. Cortatirliabspals, Rianaend Ta
Embroideries, Lame,, Trimmings, &C.
A eozoolot• assortment. Al., Ribbons, MIN., Tent ,
Ac. Parasols of all kb:ids. Rounds of all the West GO. ,
Domestic Goods Department
It Drobobly om or lb. man extensive In the OalltdiT.A...
truin g wren thing known as dosentice, '
The Propnetore fool =ado., that. with their business
foellltiey large and attractive stock, and unneuelly
triers, they cannotbil to glee perfect nolefactlon..
Whalen)* parrhosen aro rotpootfully hafanned that we
ill be pleued to receive their orders, at am rime , for
inods at eastern priewn also, roles, te any wertern hill
of pocels at the wee eastern
No+ and fashionable Goole will be received eon..stir
Growth the meas.
ardll A../1. MASON t CO.
Bummer Blooming Flowers.
"RE subscriber offers fbr sale an extensive
variety of Monthly Flowering Plante, suitable Sar
log lu the Yards and Omdens of tb. (Attu, atimPued
hi part of 21 rulaties a Le monthly Vittinume.,,,gratlisl,
um same wet and brilliant ealtina Priu from ba •t•uh
ter darri. lilaror r atlleSo don= ith
EbtA ,
Geraliums, m
Embalm Thigg 'r lftsitts; Cc. 000010. mar
booed of the linnet free licurering sotu, from slta 1;$0 est
dozen. Orders left at out stand on market daTi. b 7
Dud to Pittsburgh Port Me, promptly allamthal
JAMES WARDROP. hissi&alder.
KLEBER has just received
her •
e cram Lenre relettra.d, BIRD BOSO al gong bY
angled:tea at b. Concert triPinetrorgh.
The Flair ' of o'or Union; ZiationalSong, by W. F. Wallace.
The Poor Baler Bor.
Where an the friende of soy youth.
Household Words, by Bleekley.
The Caealler, b R. Glover. •
Th e ... 1 s IteDisSis datleated to the
Bon. Henry Clay.
When other friends an round thee.
Gently sighs the reer. dn.*
Would I were ed. thee.
I'll think of thee at eventide.
ByNen Ruedend These: by Bra. A. Wade. of
Allegheny City
Polßrergreen. Bosse LL-ry. Village IDA% Rauh
.d gad, P&L
_Boni... Weserier. /hater LIM., itt ,
Shritersl'e Gast Bt.,
Carcessi's Unit. nor.
Together with a fine redaction of Waltswe
Gnirk Stem Variations. Buy Lasteons, An Ales.=
of traitor .d htnele , Third street,
ap.M Edge Golden Han.
(Port corr.)
Associated Firemen's Insurance Stock.
(U Im. ear vas.a .
HARES of the first
. supeciibed stoc i k r
mit, by ILLLL W ee dCO,
ap.%.3w Nto. OAst.
lIONEY-14 ferkins (fresh) for sale by
II nab WM. 11. JOHN Mei.
DRIED PEACHES-50 sub for sale by
A 'PLES—T bbla. Dried Apples for sale by
Li ottaa- WM. JOHNSON.
VORN-700 bu. in store and Casale
D RIED APPLES-200 bu. for sale:by
w. W1L80.14.
J'ICE-30 tierces for sale by
-- apZ - W. ik T. WILSON.
RAISINS --150 boxes Bunch. for sale by
AORN-50 bbl. Shelled, for tale by
I_l .14:5 Is. YP. WILSON:I47 7, Ira st
10 times rec'd tad Any cab , b•
L ARD OIL-24 bbl. No. 2; • :
No. 1: oa band 1.1 intal•
1: t. ran a 's,
ZitCo •
it UTTER—A Smell Lot of the eelebre
etWa 4 ll 44 ""' 4 4 r 1 . airma n ; ree
• ,
s toles Deer
3 ...Inssaic
a l'satberz Jost 'vett ala kr sat by
. .
' -
RT A YOUNG MAN, a situation as clerk,
Soak keeper or Saanurr i g ri. thorn..t. obar...
7: .1
.. k . I %Ws Doe m ll ia
.., ~d poebesr
54. a m ger
f. laeleateestabllerervent or forwarthrwiLl ' a
home.. The cust resprebßle rOy rerenrc..4 (h• 4
Add Sam W. B. C.. can Mx. 3.. Y Smith, b. 1 Prat Of
boo. , •
VANILLA BEANS—Just received, a very
. nierior article. R - 1 31. L.II4:CLLICCiI i t 00.,;„
500 LBS. Sugar ,Cured Dry Beef 'as*
' a , - 256
P./ g BOXES Cincinnati Palm Soap, just ie!
.4 roc .ROBISCr,'S',LITYLY CO.,
arCi Liberty mt.
300 KEGS NAILS, assorted, in store
sat rar rsre 'sr a:omm urns ea;
146 Libestr st. .
LENTLLS--Receired and for sale by
WM. A 114-CLMO A-CO.'
•DZ tiroornsaa Tes Dealces.
GERMAN PEAS—Received and far gale
br W.M. A. IIeCLITRO t CO;: •
ap..l Gruen and Tan amen.
a r x. 6 by W3I. A. IteCLURG CO.. '
Vaal LOBSTERS- - •
2, - do EAMION, In bpsaotieLLl) staled bags, ;:e•ed and for We by
ar.V , 2.50 Larrty st.
GVAVA JELLY—Fresh, just received and
far Wu Cy RY, k. AUL.VRO k
V v
~,,r'''''l ' 9 " """d a oLemr a 81111.d17113.D.
`SPRING 'SHAWLS—Cashmere, Thibet,
I,7 ,Lat is 43-11 e, remind In utrami . * *mteartma.
AVIME3??DS—For Ladi e s' &en, of
, mnlr.
Thgvvtk.rar i jik. that or her par Las .t tb.
ap29 66 Wood gt...
B ACON -1500 lbs Sides;
600 " thouldrnr
600 " Herrn jut: [retired aintitc
GO sad lin Front An
r bales, 40 imebarp;liyaliler
lACKS-1000 new end old HeindJui
sackx for 1.4.. .nom MINIM A - CO.
TWINE -500 lbs, Wool, for sale by
.Pn mama a a),
fIEILORIDE OF LDS-150 casks for sale
sj by aplB aft EMT. DERRY OD.
QM. SODA—I.VO casks for sale by
COTTON GOODS —g cam Cotton pant
sing, j oat remind and for sale by
stpZ ^ urnetrz a no:
Morris's Tea Mart,
N the Diamond, second door from Dia
amid slier. This store Is noted nor selling the best
n. in Pittsburgh. sr=
.rgAY AND MANURE FORKS-125 dos.'
Harper- k Co's celebrated Hwy smut Mumma Fort,
a r
Street 4.
For oratruss or Stash .4 Intritudo rst WaSer ., them ludo
Amoot b rammed; usul U. low Dries espy art
; must Wars their handout.. ‘141.417
T .
Ba rt
11031 AS P P a MER 0. Marketstreet,
nu rearritlf rweived bewstifill snort:turd Ova
imPer, rnrereralrig Weans, Marble. Oak and Brunel
nice, an for estflroles, Halls. ard IMAIng Lamm
Bood*ghain and Bomestio Queemswara
ufacturen of llocklughaut ehdTellolc Want
Ram Lteraroof, Ohlo,
4511-Sample Room, carom SIMI
nest d
(Room! Church bolldloraj mcranom rust doer to I. A IL
Floyd, Wholem/cOrocers,
Our entendre Works enable us to 1111 orders ulmWly.
A competent destruct behureonstaatly employed, ata
ales ttfuP. Wet wale all the :emend Improved sill.
of the der.
Weter,ffro. Spitooakkitebtarta.
Flower lam. Goblets. Mantel • Kw.. end
o uQ Jan, sad OMera =tor 1061.1.1 C uso. is era earietz.
SUNDRIES --100 sacks Com;
xo bu. Drl 1 Peaslag • r .
3 Yanzl • for saldAry
apM J LIMES DALZELL. 611 Water et.'
MACKEREL -50 bbis. N 0.3;
2s Imam. ao.
ap2.15 JA.llkll DA/2ALL
JUP Mao= a C.. holt rewind kluge to of .941101
nor Black add Pone). Bilks.
ILK POPLINS--Now opening 'at
to Mum &
a lug" amostmaziof Silk Poplins at tb•
t. A. Hawn t Cu. Imo On hand 1. mold H of
:du Jaconata and Cambric..
A CARD.—I have retnovedlo my view store.
t f aib “ vt'' . l. l :lirt;! 0 0.4toww , pym a "
low citnesia, and moire a ayn of flay =sm I artll
rlnrCl7 7 ad h ir; ' . ?ping, aU=sidi Utak .11atnuo.
C o . /alba Beds, Bast. and Pilkrven Blankatoodoll%
C . Vra.,
_and Comfbrta; Window Mazda. of on77at
fn i okarrinio)== " crta= lasun!qoydtralvapan.
folly ollinikd
yhltd stip&
TOBACCO—a) boxes low priced s's, rec'd
sad for Isis 67 isl 4 - cr. ar. RIMS.
D RIED BEEF-1,700 lbs. prime, for dale
J. D. MILIAMB a co.,
aawn• Fifth and Wad rare.
OLASSES-75 bbls. to arrive. for sale by
jpOR SALE—A good second Land Pranan's
la. tome.. of J. =CD • CO.
• • Onrgoil et.
witrie , nuas Ta emmlwa).
EWIMM)E. 1851.
,-- -soma auwainizer urrweicx
KXPRESS Packet and Railroad Line for
cwood, without toss W laws., by Stmosoars tom
arab to Doom. la conowd.owith tboolessatly at
tom. Pectets of Moto. Put, a Co , bran boner
to Bamisoi and th. .... PoLvoror cas a tae
0.4=4 sod Pittsborgh Holkool Co. 60 Cbielload.
alak I.OWEIL:
Steamer* Lave Wax iabiatas abpailla klountealtale
wehn.k, JL M. am... 4 villa the haste at
Waver. which erUl leave llntnedlettlr on the wend alba
-ears, s.s 1391ba
flaw Sar Ito mi.
of Cars for Cleveland. Psseentivallts Una mite ea
f3eeted Ulm to take the nantotd Line of &twain
for DU IMAM' sad DETROIT. sal the steamm Ibr Chloe.
Billeaukie. Toledo. 2...lneky Qtr. Death* sad /rel.
Rillo tor eventaa . train eare Colutoteage . t ... th, and
eind..l4 cLABJCIS, PARES Cu,
Amman, PA.
A. MOWLS/40, ,
WWI cram ` M . Mules ucui;
O. /1-4.it10,
019 e• nada .11nottla n ava..
wait of Biallitield mu!
MEM 1851. lag
On the Penturydvania and Ohio Mille
CLARK& PARES. itwasstre.,
CliWettOti.lN CRAW FORD 110,- o.lveusto,
[PHIS well known Line is now . twAr i tl to
nod P(Volsof poe sei nto ' n b anal lettS to .
r isaitt-- U
be radians of tint Line surpaiend to .
Cy, and enmity of Boat, as - retinue or and af-
Ilast A =s Yitteburgb and Cleseland dell Tare"
le memeetion with • Line of steamboat between
'Whit and BEAVER. mid• Line of grit element.
timelier end meals). the Imam
_ Parks t Co.. Totincsbern, 0. . .
IL B. Taylor. Warren,
•..0. Oak. ti.ton kale,
Prardlas, 114.1:10.
Beast.* Co, listen.. 0.,-
Kam, Unpaid Co. Crank.. 04
H. M. Meth, • • ,
• Wheeler, Lea e Lamm
Itenderson • Pettibone, 2..d01•kg Cite. a:
Peckham it Bea; a'oleeM, 0
Wm . man • * Co ° . ' ll, Grnts, lila -
flee a. Gibbs Cm, Mingo,. 1114
Thome blab Chloe.. .
Jents c.suoa A.Za•
01 PM Water and Smithfield eta, Maar.
Brandies, inns, dm
AVING completed arrangemmits with
j_k Hawes in Banleans =I Mbar Lamp.. CMS. for
t. a...nal= of saLcoden, 1 .pi Moe enabled to eller in
l k itnittig " inal nig orer
glirr 2 "44
from fader outran &u tow o. *mired. drMiP"
Attention b Ineltedlo 107 net, as lximr'
lb) yeast.= Bertet . ..Ml4"-Indle nisnyea, In
sods'. ot.. e, gaid, andlnown D.errlog llns
and medium q
61 co..Faska Yodel'.. nor"' ;sada
1,5 Part Wine. Pad trtr old and naIWOY ,
ado dukes lilparidlog Champagne. well known brunt.
CO) bans Claret Wines, vatic. brand" and vintages.
146 noes Seaters andßinar.ointsnes
.41 antes Sealer= and tDaret Wine.
la ph. OM lialland sad Sehoydsoi Clo. -
10 inmehinas Old Yatch and LOA Whanr. '
4 - • Old Juasies Ems. •
90 asks superior Landau Wow. Yost and Health Ala.
' insh const.t 1191,1,17 of Imported nosh ma
M en. klarsichho. Caracas. Annieetl., Chary Bran
large6lo.o of HA VANA SWABS *lva'. anhand.
All of welch 1 will ndar on tam.
Orden will be clesulad with 6 .ten. 4.a0d14612604
at lowest rdes. A. u. DieOALLA. •
Lad Desanr, 10 Walnut .bat.
9 1 10BACCG-25 legs °edge 6 twist for sale
X br RP% .a.VES DAWIL.
br A. tnamoft I Co. we. of :um ay les Lawns
. .... .... .
i,, E,.. .Dri.a Anbsr.
2 dd. t ~.
tansies dinar
2 Obis '
... ii ...... i. by o mire m stenzta Part
. " . ". 020 1441 AR Dlar.EY d Oa. ''.
Ynat sad Watts Va.
ACON ITANS-14 aka OIL band; for ale
_UP ar= ISAIAH DIM= a 00
pUFA% 3YO 0) (11)"4:Ma !Mr
SALTPETRE -40 bags crude on hendi for
ca. by • . p 26 - 18A14.11 DICKEY it-. 00
BRIMSTONE-12 bbls 'on
- 111, Ira =as bi %PI 'BAUR Dian
L INSEED OIL-20 bble for sae by '
J. KIDD I opl,
S. W Wadming
ERRSSE 81MiNE-100 for ral&by
iv duals-km mlo br ina6 LK EDD
'DY-2 au&tfor
• D, SING,
Raker Efts "Broker. l'anitik-d.
L maYbA
STEX.N_ 8917311 T, lad e
wo•al pal art lII.TU.
Bask Stock Basaie.
QPIRITS-TURPENZINE-10bbbr. in good
to kt, facade BXLY:B2I,-2
4 , LCOHOL-10bble. for 1e by •
IrDZ IL L.B7fLLY/311.
SALIWAR.W.-1 bale . ast=fo_
StENZOIC 'ACII/Z . O oz . for sal=
11/ :-10:5' • R. r-
W'D COLOCINT.II-50 lbs. for sale 3>y
r. z. SELLIMIL -
for salllff
A45X1C.7764)43 lbL
" -r•
Lao .
c o b ri C.zr.zr,
was. im
""'"' rot : l=r .•
61415 6l Watervt.
3/.)ICON-7000 lbs. Hog Round, receiving
"jj Auad for W. by,„ IA DAISILL,
68 Wsta stret. .
Shad; is F ISH-To. 1 Trimm ed in bb
by - 44"
TkE,--!?Abbb3. N. C.,
.forzg by
TUTEES' OIL-15 bbiadtlkwEala
u fIANTO Presssed Ginger .1
c C •
(a atlitarstrt
ainger.and Freled,) reed and for tele br •
• • WY NeCLURCI oa.',•
apio - Orocers seri Tea Dastars-.
11 YE-5 bbla-juat reed and far sale by
AA, arm Ivr. kF. WILSON. 147 Mot st.
FREtPUTZIRT 4 bcaes Tau° Sutter,
wn azet e
v. DA 71 - ur Ea . mat,
small lat for We laz rri
•'' • ... - Englishjand
E embscriberel have - lust reed sain*Gice
Ida banana korparoastaat napply of thaabor•
ern of T. the natoyof widen ta ma ganoranf
by=frgia , tiotrit Connie,. sat b 7 maa l ;=
TO* bomb vtireg its=thartitina an alrioalvarmo%
novity- of theta losa, taltoot. motto. to now stamp',
WA two to twos'. Lisa asoneinont tfillt . Toaa.
of au grades zoo eva77 damorlytton, 'lnd! Ira Dalin/coo
not to atinilad to bit:tabula,.
AR b!ile : , and 6iw 13,ii.rAugs.Nrx.
• Jr • A14.:•••:Ti e •
Inf. U. Jairfong.
:F.S7-14 bbli. S. B.,ff ) ir
zp i1kU.... 72 / * / 0 bbl 3. rmiff o e uB Wld u
(pry) foreitl4%iumiae,
Q 110.4.11..-30 hltds: N. (i.; to sale by
cozs - 8. t W. lIIMULIUGZ
if t /LOON SHOULDERS-7 etas forsali by
S ODA ABll- 7 A superior articleof our rnik
UGAR.-197 hhds. prime N. 0, for sale by
.4.7 443 .uatga 1. rturciusca
H EMP -4T bales Dow Rotted Xis
- ssii
UOiTEE-40 bags onme Rio, for sale by,
ay= null A. lIINCLUZON /Ca
• U casks sartme, or
ss.m aura wrrctuso. sco:`•
ILOSIN-2.5 bbla.N. C. Tar,
Y.;Etel... jtrtigya.
JAWS A. : uU
L EAD .E..9110T-4OO o tgalia, lam" .;
Paling Wagon. -
ALarge and entritantial two horse %non.
vith azisa, far ~ia on
.101 ll4 Woodateer-
.11. 143 Wen 6a oxl Es, IS3=t Lest? Isesst ~ •
3: W. Yutaam
ti C. /..us44 Wsrskk 041'1 brand, RoS.4l3tunia -
g.„ T. J. mewl
~..sgsmest=clczacsl ..NlLTschbus
- sad 6115 attr sod Francst
14..T5-1W bu. for s.ale by
ILI op= • • X /MIZELL* CC1.,1-
igALERATUS—Mi boxes (mt . in lb. 011'1
pers)*4gale by • 4402 ILL DAT 'LA CU
BLED APPLES-20 bags for sale by
EnftEltiCil FLOWERS!—A. A. MasoN &
Co. luiTsJact rearind ennex.-1.10 nics- of Me
roach Novara. as:2
YE FLOILB.-7 bble. for sale b •