PITTSBURGH GAZETTE From the Trumbull W - hlx. I'VE A HOKE IR larz GREENWOOD. nr r. a ramproN .T:Te a homo - in the Greenwood, Dora, A cot in the aylvnn shade, Where the robin sings, and the young grass springs , llo'freidi in the sunny glade. The swallow builds in summer lerlmt 'neath the friendly eases— Ilow fragrant the sod, dire bursting bud, And the tender green spring leases! It cheers my loneliness, Dora,. And sweetens the toil of work, In the jocund spring, when the wild woods ring With the notes of the matin lark. I have taught the vines to clamber Round the bower, o'er the fountain deny, • Where, love, we can fly alien the sun is high, Or the evening shades draw near. And now in the pastures,' Dora . , The flocks and the herds delight ; And the young kids graze, mid the• clorered • ways, Far op on the mountain height There's a halyton quiet round zoo That reminds me of othe - i - days, When my heart was clear of the doubt and fear, That shadow My present ways. Stay not. in the city, Dora, Nor envy the rich or great. For the lack of health is the lack of wealth, And health is our hest,estate. But come with me to the greenwood, To my cot in the leafy grove, And our life shall be like a peaceful sea, And our home tie that of love. From Oar giATiflnary lrma , CIIINA.—The following interesting let ter, together with th, translation of the Essay. on Prayer sumeding, are communi cated by lice. M. C. White, of the Full- Chan Mission, China. They are taken from a volume of Essays and Prayers, by Keying, recently published in China. Dear Brother,—Thinking it may be in teresting to you and the Christian public to know what views in regard to Christianity arc put forth to their countrymen by the dignitaries of China, I send you for publi cation the accompanying translation from the works of Keying, the Imperial Commis sioner, who took the lead in the foreign policy of China .It.t recently, and who May probably be considered one of the ablest ftStesmcn and most learned men of his time. AlthMfgh the essay which I have translated, stands among prayers to heathen idols, it is exceedingly interesting to see ~such clear and correct ideas of Christianity, unshaded by any tincture of Romanism, published by one of the highest officers of China, and thus scattered far and wide through the empire, where no missionary can yet go to publish the cospel. The geographical history of foreign nations, by the governor of this province, (Tukeen,) also states the principles of Protestant Christianity so clearly and favorably, that we can but hope that the walls of supersti tion, thus undermined, will soon totter and fall. The day teems already dawning when China shall be redeemed. So clear — do the indications of Providence appear to my own mind, that I often find my heart throbbing with joyful anticipa tions of that glorious day. Yours', in the Gospel of Christ, M. C. WRITE. Felt-Chan, (.71;na, .Inc. 15, Issl. [TRANSLATION.] Essay on Pray, to (Fion Shin) Cl•o of Ilooron, 1y Keying, tho Jat, Gnp. rial Coinnzinsioner of Chino, Gorornor Itaanyiuny and Kuanyse. Ranghi's Dictionary says that ‘• Western nations call Jesus Lord and Saviour of the world." Western men have translated (in Chinue) books giving account of his nume rous miraculous deeds. The worship of God (Shin) and repentance are the leading features of his religion. The explanation of this is, that :—ln all the world only this one person is Creator God of 'Heaven, (Pieta Shin,) powerfu Lord, ruling over all things, everywhere present, knowing all things, who,' looking down with compassion upon mankind, sent Jesus, the Son of the (supreme) Ruler, amongst the_ wicked, to suffer and die to save the world, and after death to live again, ancton - this need:int to perform these numerous Wonderful works. Those wholiclieve in him will, on no ac counti,wershipany image, either openly or in the most secret part of their dwellings. They purify the heart, repent, and reform their lives. • With the face directed towards empty space, they kneel down and worship God the Creator, confessing their sins, and praying for blessedness. Thus is this reli gion. Some years since, having gone to govern Raangtnng and Kuangse, I peti tioned the imperial throne in favor of the people from abroad, and the religion of western men, to know if this religion may •be considered good, and according to up rightners. Previous to this, and also sub sequently, I learned that this religion is in no respect not good, (i_ e., altogether good-;) I, therefore, as in duty bound, memorialized the throne hat said religion might be in no respect-restrained, but that an edict of tol eratiotimight be published far and wide. A man of rank, surnamed Le, told me, that during the winter of the previous year he was attacked with a violent disease, which the whole retinue of gods, doctors, and forttrile-tellers. (diviners) failed to cure; whereupon, having he.ard.of the manner in which western men pray for blessin g s, he , went.to a vacant private place, and called upon the God of heaven and the name of , Jesus.. On the morrow the disease abated.' After that time, whenever he prayed his: prayers were granted. On this account her requested me to celebrate, in an essay, the, excellence and compassion of God; where-, upon I wrote4he following us a supplemene to the above : Only God is not selfish, Who expanded the heavens and made the • universe, All things contained iu myriads of forms, Living beings and moving things. Ile is merciful to the human race, Looking down upon the earth There Is nothing he does not hear, Nothing he does not see. • How sublime is the work of God! His glory is from everlasting, • Praise him, ye people. Will ye not know the Lord God? Learn to give thanks to God, Who clothes you and feeds you to the fulli Ye wicked, deceitful, avaricious and wratlij ful, I.',.mr ye not an angry God? And death just at hand, with Darkness, punishment, pain and tormeno 0 that the world of mankind Would heartily repent and reflect for them at which is good and ho happy, .g.to the ancient teaching. nceforth worship God, Work t Aemord . From h And he ,And sa `will answer your prayers, re (pull you out) from eternal pun ment. 1 correct (or iuide) your thoughts, ling, blessedness will come to you. For this I pray. E.—ln the above ode the word . God is Shin, uncombincd with er term, except in one case where .'llO is rendered ,, Lord God. Each the original (Which is in hexauMter •translated separately, and as near , .25 is consistent with clearness apd C. W., Translator.l big; [N . transla any o i Shin C 1 line of Terse) , 1y E:. preetsi, ! ntANCLBCO.—Some time since ' in a Rev. Wm. Taylor, we said, Give mre ci of San Francisco. The folldw go occurs in a letter from h r , 1 . . sth : , ask for Yu picture of San Francis. am not an artist, nor have I thee drani a picture so complicated. 15 if you imagine yourself, on our telegraph _ hill, rill may see a city spread out over more than "SeverVhillk, ' exhibiting every variety, of architecture, containing many large and beautiful brick buildings. Seven miles cif her streets are planked, and very solid. . Her wharfs extend from one to six hundred yard.; into the bay. Her general I appearance, with her bustle of business, I will remind you of a flourishing city twenty 1 yearsVd. Look out upon her magnificent bay, a a you will sec a fleet consisting of 550 s t ea vessels, besides small coast and river vessels unnumbered..., Nineteen ocean Isteamers and nineteen river steamers are constantly plying to and from her port. Well, sir, this city, in the opinion of some 'thinking men, is destined to become the center of the commercial world. The mineral resources of this land are, I pre sumel, almost inexhaustible..s . Gold is spread over surface of many hundreds of miles, i and s now being taken in rich abundance from ;depths of 80 and 100 feet. Its agri lcultural iesources are ample. Its position and population give it a moral importance above that of any other land. Here, with in the compass of a single voice, the Gospel may be proclaimed to "all nations," or, at , least, to the subjects of all nations. MISCELLANEOUS FIIIiNISEING MAIL. LOCKS & KEYS POST OITSCR. DCOARTINENT, Much 14, 1851. AT IBEING PENILE to kubstititte locks tind keys of some ind for those now In use for AT mpil service of the Dulled States, specimen lock, awl keys, with prt.poeals to furnish the mule. will le received and c•Suesdered at the Poct Office Delmrtment. until the let day of July nett. The different 'r k. will le. submitted .s commiamon far examluatiort and ref... Dtam Uto de re . port, nontratts wi11... soon as precticahle. ho entenol into for furnishing such luck. era key. fur four ye. re. with the oo the lwrt nf th e Po•nnuter Orneralfor the tune beingm ext,ml and continue the contract In fore. t'or an ahlitional term uf four year.. by giving to ins sonssk ,loo . written notice thaf.effect. Ind more thou nits. nor les. than Ila months before the termination of tbs. hot termer burr yern. With a elew of procuringthe best leek at the loweet 00 kind of lock is prescribedasa standard: tbe Department rt; l - 1 1411.: f l ' i ' a ' f:11 ' n, " trr . et ' lle! L n . . m s. '01.1" n VitIP. It le. , however, prote, to state. that stock eudahle her t -s. j mtillserviee stioula poks,ss the following nualitire.rts , du. reblry. uniformity, lightness, and stem 11, purpose of displacing simulitheon..y all the to.ol locks and ke, now in use. about thirty throi.eand stow looks stet twenty thomount keys adapt.] thereto, will 00 ni•juired to be forialthed by the Dlutractor •Ithin seven months alter the contract shall have be,. entered Into. af tenr'nnls the annual aupply will depend on the f i t durabit) of the loeks and keys adopted. as wellaelte lucre., he inalf s..reice: but it will probably never *aces ., " in .100001 throe, thou.and of the forum . and one thousand of the lat. ter 1 :qP lock will be nonsidered if it he lite .11T already In general on: nor will anyone with whom the contract may In made he allowed to make, sell. or furnish any l o ck It try{ similar to those contracted for. for any other purpoor or tow than that of the Prot litfirc tionartnatot. The bind of boks adopt...lmm.. be witeuted. and the Ps teon* yre.t, on mitering cyan - art- to make . :Pitro'PThrre;fatam"erjrilltte"lZlTmat.";*oo.l7end she% deem such requirement essential to the into tit. •er vh, In of the failure of the contractor at an, thoe co Intel faithfully the terms an.lcondition..ol mut.. trt the Poetnmeter Ileneral shall have the right,1a..1.1.... • n.. 0 to the penal remedy hereistafter mentioned, to annul Last contract. c ud to contract anew with any ether I ' loll .ar lot es he mop see. fi t, for forntsktuk simika locks and In denditlf upon thy sPed.h'. 4 .f fered • the Po•tmaster lamirral may deem it etprthent to aetra for the lock of on. hiJJre.and fur the Rey m.fh that l tr ;ling with dilfegnt I:l7rl.luals for rb .I:dermat lett WI he may sett... and aho right to reß:t. all the steamer ,. mid proposal!. If he shall deem that rwili-e tor the intereat a the Department. The part, or Parnee r;fit'irs=7o;Vehed c oVflr p'ropeihr'irsit''•etio‘o"oftZli7e oVa a nlis,s. and also for guarding agutnst their !Me nTkrTt'oeilt:Aribthl,Set'TaTtinenil t"arTrtEern'surr,"'°=b't7tLrr. If • and should be accepted. tio applicati width.. considered if not accompanied with salisfactori . eyidenre ft o he truatwortby character of the hid de . and of his abiliky. tm pier , mehT....d/wlitA GENERAL LAND OFFICE, April 4, NUMEROUS APPLICATIONS LIATINO 1, - 1 beets made to thia office tor tnlormatlon In relation to the manner In which Land 1% arrant, under the art of 241:1 of September, ahnold Incatml, the folh.wln; ann.rers thereto hare teen pre y srol. to lei, There me three mo , k , by abut thme Immticns mar be Of the IVarrantt..• in perton. Ity thr 11.rr.ntre through the nosey .1 Ott. i. Hy no Agent or Attorney if. thy` 13171 or ....cot mod.. in adokrted. the pvlacaln , n M 1131 1 , 4. mode in torTitinc.rt.... , trYitnt t.ne Imet. a toction of country, telneh the lEN,IIO/3 ,levied. oat In, orrumnanied LT .13 affulot tt iterordirtz to the 1. W WI It-re the third mole sJopted, • Power of Atu.rne moot preduerd. rseented by the to the Pr. e en, o afro:dint, to the refl.:mina F.OOl So . 1. tthiell potter of Attorney tun. arLoovrle.lgnl. or proved tt. the ca, me, he- of totee otters. authorit"l to , tot.. the a. no of deed, aceonling to form 3or I b. all ot.tes.. the [tatty. tall be transmitten . to the I.otoi 0111, where the leat.tfon Ls mole, nitli;r s 476i l , l : a . tsoste to the ,Itt”.ry br given. enutousattiter. lona No. I Corm or r . ante nf werrattler,J who being 9 • • oMa• ?Vow , ew that he la the Identical [bare merit name of "'ran tee,l m whom warrant Nn. —.— serer. under the ne t of M•yhendleer. IMeh me. _homed on the Jul "-'". and ' b° ?morn to and etldwrrihed before me the , — J•J of--• FORM No. 2. linawall men by thew , prewenta. that ;beet; troert the name of warrant...l of awl:mad, of and lwate do hereby constant., and m of y true and lawful attorney. 04. me and In my to locate Land Warrant No. —.. for acres o name. f whleh booed under the AM. of W•entamber. ardrer of tiolwdltutlon may be itmerted If deeinai 13igned in presence of 1 (Warrantee , . en•nature ; Foam No. 3 STATE. OF Comm OF On Una day of —. in the year —. pareenally n twarnnte. awl saltnow :5iir::472..(47;`,i."ii7;,`.r°,7'.....,,, So bY, 5.1 I certlay. that l well that b sept Mara omen the name of warrantee.) and that be II the eama perein Who 19 a.-.abed In the *Rhin Power. awl who exaellted the [Where. fignature ! FORM 'S. ', II STATE nF COUSTY OF I hereby certify, that On ,11/1 -. In the perennally came bend' , me here nerne Of entnere. A and ',here ineert the name of sarranteYl .nd the Raid iwert in. 04121.0 of sitne-ed • 5. FU - 0171 by me, snd bi el‘th • •-•- ' • ---• wen ver the enld there Inner, the name lnd . ;al.l:l — th;:i . li ) e well that he vrarqne F • , , fa' warrantee. aname perenn defetihed tn. and whn erecuted the within lOweer ••f At torney. and hi. teettmo e y gram to eaurtawtory erideure of that fart. and the here inert the name of wgres• twej thereupon woknowl the call Power lobe •ort and deed. aplvAlaw-ow 1016 ..r$ ..tust or., I Ohio Laboratory. *IW 76Wrk 9 6 ) *. I•• - • 1 111111 S O viii 9 5 litt 85 99 Per cent. Strength. OWELL FLETCIIER & CO., Manufactu rers a AkeAnitn.,, Pcre9pirimtotcoicct. ond Om' Cov, r alma, on hand. vs rtrreu. (..Y.V . 1N04 11 , 0010. {j-All urdert (rum Pitt.l.umda .111 L. pravtdir l aird at Inweet market prim, an 17:1, Wines and Liquors No, 167 Liberty et., Formerly Davis crock, factory. o. Maus., of Pinahoribl V Y. eretrrasirt , of N VICKEISEN & STOU VEN EL, rempeetfull4 I 411.0.11.1rDiOnE as'lne' re eet.bl above eland, when. they sh f the bbolo; Comounny: . 100 - Collins " . • , 100 " YireStrel " " 15 " Algonquin " " GO " Donelew Houghton dodo: l'or tab eitho Banking House of A. WILKINS • CO., ern i cornerllerket an Third ate. DIES AND TARTS—Fieeh Cherries and Plume top la their owl:dairy. preserving th e °Ertel ntrnr o f the the fruit Also—Coovvreeeletrtehet Sbect end Shred bloater+ .on Fnueh tielatine, for Jelling. 111ane Ilene, Jr.. kw rely by cortai WM. A. 11+CLUNG 4 INi. =Liberty at. VENISON 11AltIS-03 for sale by owlll3 . J. D. WILLIAM& t CO. TANNERS' 011,-10 bble.warranted pure ; for vele br rar•l2 IL K. BELLE. e. • - . . lIRRRY PECTORAL, Starch Polish, Sonp j on,t'"' Stagarlitalt. E-10 tos. (fresh) for sale by m,sio sAMUEL C. ISHII'S' ER. 11RD-40 bbl. No.l, in store. for Pale by s. a W.llAiticAron. LgVERSEED--8 bbln. for nate by L./ - nwll4l, • WICK & :51rCANULEZ,S. B UTTER-6 bbl. prime Roll, for sate by WICK lk 11Le/V:IMM. 1 ONES ON LAND OFFICE TITLES. Cr ,11 h rhi limoo l f'he Lam otaLlud o O m Clo. b lliti fn ren • H. C. STui.:4.ll.lN, NamcLiS l7 Marketat. ttOltTS bu. fur sale low to close con :ra. 01 s &MUM. :11.111%T.1L AND 7 TUBS :JO dos. JOAat. Tit= VAL_ ructil9 LOLL BUTTER- 7 3bbl. just reed and fur. ode by • T. WOODS 411 SON. • .1 Water At. I Alt 1) 011.-26 bbl, N 0.4, Just reed and 44 fur Kale low 1.7 AV ALLINWOILD & CO. 1411111.10 E, OIL CLOTII- on hand, a ) larar arsortarnt of 7. 5..4 G r. Sheeting. Twilled. rvl Vigeml Back. 1./dealt Carriage Oil Cloth. • apirodid Pr Asia whle:ode aaa esolena rieea. üb: J. IMLIwPti.I p Wcaal at. UST REc•D FROM 141ILLIPS1'ILLI. 110 VaetorT-2444) yds. 4 cad .5 qr. OrdenChl Cloth, whole we AO mein. at Nn. 7 and 9 Woodst i i tmulps. 130TAS11 - 10 cooks No. 1, for ealo by coda IL DILWOILTII k LN). ThjilED BEEF-5 to. S. C., for orals by Ay m rbe • __140111Y.(1N, LITTLY. it CO. I:ASS-350 boxes W. 0., aaa'd, City and Countrt brands, do .lo I. L. w ATERMAN t SONY. iIOE.OItY NUTS-8 pkg. for aale . by • mch3 W ICI, tIIdCANDIASS. Q.ALERATUS-14 cask and 23 boxes puT- Teel.l, fur tale by orhS STICK a 11,41A9DLy.::9. _ IIitOOMS-138 dna. (Corn) for sole by ACKEREL-138 bbt. No. 3, :for ale by I 1,415 ,NICK aNn Ay DLLs II W t-25 bbl. reed and for talc by mobs A.MPI.I:—Z Ede P.:. fibl 0 SELT.P.RS, I }VT BA Y frta/ VIAL f,, C iO ORKS7- 1 0 0 A) VI OUSE DE LAMES—Printed anlFolid gil-.ll=-I:NilitrAtPkwhVg;,t'D.°° FOPS-5 tales for sae lre' Ix &bill Nr31.11. JOLINVIVC RAINING PAPER---300 Slieets.(eisperi -11114 m.llO On isab , by rd...111ZW1,, WOODIS—' ^OO.. doz. domfr A sal n. ; Lo bl ya. t.hl4 UESTNUTS-30 bu. fur matt iIOLASSES-25 bbla. S. R.; 2.50 N. 04 in wk ; bbLa. tr"a*b 'ea.nedfisaluk.n so'xit.. • EneU kr ' "631Tront nt. bbl. pnme larviackeral , • boaloo 10 •• DalUmonillerrlmr, for ibibt by' sehs L. fL WATZKxI24 .1801115. DRIED, FRUIT-725 bll.l/2teiii ; mcbs L.TOWATTJULA§ROMS.I7 P " "I°I3..bEARL STABCII--,, f Y. JONES CO. Y . LARD IL-20 bbist uiiici466 e.bid. •250 tone Soft Tenn. for sale by mdaso4.lAl7x `AF ETY FUSE-150,0 00 feet Bacon, Sick• to card Cm% makeorsznaltad, Re do mr.#7 R. DILWORTH & OCL iILCLOT.IIS-1100 0 1ardalloorOil eloth, here y and medium. from to 0 yards vitae, of the Dewed patterns, witieb will be as tow at xi:holm/el as meters , inake,and retail lower Wan to sun. p th e city. Ire We attention of ra the bove Hoekat our ware room"; N 0.7 4 9tH et. L Pll 99. AltDI7 kegs in store and tor sale by i_j mehtt WV. JOIMITIVN. ABLE OIL CLOTHS—A very large as. sortment of T,bl Coronb on band amt fur sail at a 7 Y \ t street mold 1. PAILLIPS. f LOVER SESO & TIMOVITSiEED— tf tags Clover deal: - 4 Timothy - 10. n soed and tor sale by meld J. B. DILWOHTII t CO. glom LEAF TOBACCO-2 hi& for sale br mane W3L f1..7013211M0N. • , . GROUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly Alt up ta tip cans of. Ib.to 10 lbs. each. amen • airtd Martha Omen , Paris Green., Bieck. ' Tells. Maws, - Terra de Mama. Pramimtßlas, i ~ Umber Saw, Burnt Umber But B. A. peaNysrucs a co.; carver Wet and Wood U. AND CRUCIBLES--100 nests for sale by mehZl .l. KIDD C CO.. LCOHOL-12 bble. for sale by me= ll. g MIX= 67 irocal.t. MOANED PILL BOXES—Assorted sizes oe .es y B. A. 11.1114 Faro= i co. • VNTRACT INDIAN HEMP—English im- ILA ported. Dr We by a. A. rviszrrccic•co. OLL BUTTER—A few bbla. on hand and for stsia hi ENGLISII DRIED PEACEES-550 bu. for war by BOBIBON,LITTLE * amta '4 55 Liberty st. DRESSED SPIKES-160 k AT eg! (*proved) for itaa. by mehl9 iiIIEY,3IWSi CO. IQ DISTAL.-440 tons .for sale b . • : .4. . t 1 QUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES-40. WI. L 7 St, Louis Rellnem, lust i s Q i reisaarremi. by neon Illebud CALLOW -20 bbl'. prime, for Bale by L mam &t W. iIARTIAUOII: PPLES---I Or psi , . br ' girt= I _SWEE;I' , OI 71!.._. , Arte z i , t i , c; . r z, fcjIt i lt . by - as.ortment to • • fur Ntle lry • l giu^,• ‘ ,l rod re.ce2l 11. 1. .• • . • Iy. IIITE :IV I :CF: - v•L'F tr:bl.l Ilac Lfsible 31edi . tuu IsnsUnz Jrnt r , e , / S 3, Lcor_tg . 11AV am. Second end 31 .elt.et. roc la. ISAI All DICKEY &CO. iIiEESE-50 Ixa.ci fur sale by / mehl9 JAMEn)ALZELL. EGGS AND APPLES -20 env. Ire•h AVM 1W Um o[een yor tza . APP. n . . WOODS 50N R O b S y IN-1 . 00 , pbls. to avi a lo w to-< 1 l i mf l oz i ttale VINE . G a I.II--20 bias. (CitidAks_al.e 'MINTING PAPER-70 . ji kn. t.ap. tOSIAKILID:p:rI tdt,i , a co., 2 , wood n. J St:1100:01AA. T ANK) Rs OlL-15 bbls.l , :o. 1; ' io gar ...le br me 112.5 I. VC IVIONMASSAL A . CO. L INSEED 01L-30 Ws: for axle by • J. scumnuar.a co. ICES tierces Carolina, for sole by_ roctU., JAMES A. lIUSCUIFON tco. LEAD AND SNOT -- 400 M. By loul. metal JA ' 1117Varigg CO. GROSS Rushton, Clarke th CO.'s Ke'MAD! Col Livor Oil, KT d• Dy J. KIDD CO., menu' 00 Wad ' GUM OPIUM-1 Pm for sale by mad° MOD & CO.. GO Wool M. MANUFACTURED TOBACCO-1501m. vs. Manufacture, of ttle s rdi meal? CO. SIGNDRIES-1 case Gum Shelac; 1 bbl. Silver Band; and bby sal. by meta- _ _.l CYDER-4000 kegs Hazard's Blasting; moo do. Mar. fatal* mehl9 J. S. DILWOPZII t 00.. Cl POLKA DE CON CERT e ea performed by Pear:dein Fro. CtO Vl= .omwee ,Vi,S.t="4" • ethe, a great variety of new compoidtlons by th nmh Arst all the late popular Musk, hensed by publishers, resels ,, d and fur sale by 3. n. sintort, Agent fbr ChlelerhAswirlstot 1 , EW MUSlC—Where are the friends of :°..4Trth' bT e . Harker. Ton. The Robin. I'm thinking der the Day, Wary. My New Nnaland licene,e new song, dedicated to the Leek. of New England. She I love to far Away. • Oh, meet vie on tha Ether Share. (hod Welt. kl home's on the Ralrlo Lee—Wohlbury. Lily Rimy, by B. C. Koeter. Yee left mbga . thre 111 age, by 0. Har t er.Yr, 1!?, ' I ' IV the Clack Nbakeef Sons andliolka. Would I were with thee—he Unita. Leo Adieux. Or Roir. • • An extensivreotlectlon of new Polkas, Walls., Tart. Cone. an Alw, a new randy •of "New Carrnina P.m r_ Cantles I Cambia, and an excellent new wort, called the "Melodist:: • oallontkntof mut. arld odd.l .WO. harmonitoi , w 4 .1 arranged or a..tg. Webb and W. Ilaroor—comettlexed one of the best viorta ever publlabod. U. 6LEaOR. 4014[beside[Carp, No. 101 Third et. .117.1 Ck KERBlNGhores(fresh) for jlj, mile by nichs WICK i 31cCANDLI148. 1,11A1,3i nih. in store, for Cale by =chi TIMER k ItICKLTSON. CLARET WINE-14 hllds. Bordeaux; ZI balers • " MILLER I HICKETSON. lIAUT SATURNE WINE- Ib tibia. Etta. Satarne Ranet fotimi. by. :curs a kucKgrn__ =au EVOLVERS—Just received, an addition• ',BANDIES, WINES, GINS, &O. A 17., Mil( pipe, Cocohto Brandy, "PIo and Ds.r2.' . 1 e.k. "Polo" 11,11011SvInt'A . . In 0t3,1,0 r• I,Fralrvi bron.ld. 1. Over -bol:Ioo• Anchor . ' md imorho-o , 1 , 60 ch Itort,Wlnekof. Ili I.hb . N . . 1,. .1., 4.'. :If• jr. 1.5 I , vl ii , Maleirs Wine. SI . Fovet Ulu, 1., Dry , IO• • do. In J , Fherry 11 , bolo , llonlyous Clary, .„ /1111tait Md for rale by JOH: WI I • WI Llbortr olrrot. laul - EY AND 11. MANGE OFFICE.—N. 1101.11E3 .t.dra Ewt noda;l:slorgi:clitnor t2:Salloedgnln.l. In t all OIL Iteinripal in in th. oir.. Note, onny :ts dimmuted. Nonv and Time bills jab, INDIA RUBBERPASTE. 4 pysa of that 7:7::::gl fi LYV: 6l artirLe Li WM7..4,1 to *weer the revreeeuted, etr the money ref.4e4 Vor Rae erbolesele .4 At., eh I Bl itan r , knell • 4E A WAR E—English East e ta Candlestick, ulo Y l . rattler:or best cilality tem Bal:, ILtdm i.Wit c decc, Meer Works, Spoons, and Bah i ;Kart. NSW rZtlairi=gFalta,:g= `Valle MIA T'' . arpeeted Trag. or teauteut pdterns. fa ensigns tad pollehbas plated artnlckg. Cheroot. litho, Feather !Yin , 1 , ..,,,../Nnumeoene—itorar's celebrated little Kitchen, t „,„„ • bah wlatcb 111 make melee, ccolt beef. maws. h Wog etas to • t. 61/11:1UtrIL 8. W. II IMAM Cbr.rdarlet. tut fond at. ERIOAN WOOLLEN GOODS.—One 11, hundred and Mr hrs large `ltd Bed blanket. pads Crib .13.1salut2za u ic ashcie. e boat dn. to aid 120 do do . tar *ohm Wanks bears.cesaL 100 do Drtb do do do td do Blue de do 4. 3 mem Risen Blanket Clothe do I do llearer tires Mired, do • 3 do aupettor Black Irmscb hosekirdb. 3 do all wool Dowd& ansarted mew. 3 do " Cat ""'"llaVi ,Ikam -do a& and 3 do WNW Twilled Manuel, rant . plecre dement L eonia are all on condturoent from ustualbetusers. east Ind iretteldelare Int tat cot Gael ter= to the Ueda. al Mann= $ _ VINEGAR-SO . . . . ..VEZERALEITIC OR ROCK-OIL ..Theeaaathln. In brawn sal estils ' are dream I tt er t ;lab, oar.. rrlilE - VIRTUES of thui reparkable iesne dy,:tut thy oceoltant , andieotioa be it, to the proara V= u 7awli b* bli tntb la; nle uvritotzum is procorrct &In will' in tha.N . ry, ..depth Innr burodod do. d • ram onsdalana, „ .„1 .ebolndal tharge,but yall'ao It vt coono :raw. s Ore. LabrabnyN ybat to natal. wporties mi • number el' diteoses, to no loam • leatter unorrislty. Tbele ...my hin. la the ad • .n to of tostnoe. baowni taribt.. a rant and teownna oho bloom o. I•ultb wool since ta =say • waterer. Le. bean the bro. thoug s, ~.ttio g it ne In dettle, bwl • rep.. ,13311 foe tbe ears nion. The towitant ...Ur twos] 'lns odd foe it... Wet. tesnowlablo carve It ha farmed. is • owe ladowdook urgto res.hetui,s4 -Itirgneth mrrlot4:l4.re'cro.llll we at. conseloas thst then:edition con peon wort 9 „on the favor of Manor oast, and s job to do Whil. sr do acit