The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 30, 1851, Image 3

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TUT3DAT, Apiil29.
'Present Judges McClure and Boggs.
Mrs McCutcheon sworn—l - am the mother of
James McCutcheon. My son was born in Scot
land; I cant say how long we have been in this
country. my son will be nineteen years of age
on the 10th of next May. My husband is sick
at Brownsville now, which is the cause of his
absence. I never beard any one prefer a charge
against my non, until the present moment.
The bar keeper of the sitar Spangled Banner
House, was called, but his evidence was unim
Miss Adams sworn—l was at James McCutch
entesthouse on Prospect street, on the evening
of .the first Sunday in January. I remained at,
thehouse all night, m Mrs. McCutcheon was BL
Her husband was there all night. There was art
alarm Of fire about ten o'clock. Mr. AfcCutch;
• eon wanted to go to it, but I said if ho left the
house, I would do so too, and he remained. Mei
McCutcheon staid there all that night. There
int., no other man there.
Marcus McCunn sworn-1 have known James
McCutcheon for three years. I became acquaini
ted with Flint when I was on the night watch.—
Never heard any imputationngainst his charge;
• ter when I was a watchman. He then lived on
my beat at the point.
The case rested here ou behalf of the defence,
Police officer Fox. sworn—Have known the le;
dy sworn ak Miss Adams Her name is Ann 1).
Connor., Have known her by that name for three
or four years. She has been several times be=
fore the court.
Police officer Barton sworn—Never knew the
Woman who was sworn going by any other name
then that of Ann Conner. She came to Alder;
man Steel's office when McCutcheon was brought
from Brownsville. She said there that she knew
a person Who wool I swear that. McCutcheon set
a building on fire. tie was then in custody on a
charge of burning a, bridge. Don't know her
r.baracter fur truth. Beards man named Miller
'say he would not believe her, she was such 'a
The case was opened to the jail on behalf of
the Commonwealth by John H. Hampton, Esq.,
who was followed by L It. Fetterman, Esq.
The case was . concluded on behalf of the defence
hi W. W. Irwin, Esi., in a very able and mss•
WV manner.
The court then toot its usual midday recess.
-District Attorney Vlnnegin, concluded for the
Commonwealth, in a forcible and able speech.:
•• Hilt honor Judge McClure, observed that siker
the Able and careful manner in which the ease
lid beim tried on both sides, be would not detsin
'the jury long. and would merely state the gen
"end principles of the law, hearing on the case.
The prisoners screen trial for an arson, alleged
to have been committed in Bsyardstowir, on the
pat. of, January' last Henry Johnston pleaded
dpailty to the indictment,. and James "McCuteh
.eorthad stood hit trial. With regard to the tes
timony, be might any that the first fact which it
was necessary to establish was the corps., de ice{,
body of the offence. It must be proved accord
ing ba - the indictment, that there had been a
burning in the night time. Mr. Reeves, Ithe
owner of the lumber yard, in which the arson
was said to have been committed, had preyed
that there was it burniv on the night in qcf es
don. There could he irk doubt as to that 6rit.
Now, were the hoard piles Oct on fire or did Ithe
conflagration commence either accidental or
spontaneously. It was for them, as men of om
mon reuse, to say whether or not it woe li ely
that such was the case. 'A house might, it 'was
true, take fire accidentally, on a cold night in
J ,
, from the sparks proceeding from the
place, or the chimney, bat though a . lamase '
10 • kthus take fire, was it likely that s board
' • would do so?
. • e belt question wai, who set it on fire. i , Up
this point they had the evidence of Henry
J.ton, an accomplice, and John Duffy. Ina
la • . Mood before the jury in the light of a bad
• Now when villains or accomplices tame
• • a court of justice to hear:testimony against
• • fellows in crime, they were competent wit
ed their _credibility. They must look at all the
• • lances nr they bore one upon the O ther.
ey must eciutinhe the connection b ween
th e circumstances, and form the best judgment
• - • the subject they could. The Commonwealth
di • not scout the testimony of persons who' turn
. States! evidente out of Court. These per
• • ft was true. incurred the deadly vegeance
o their accomplices, but it was equallyf true,
when "rogues disagreed. honest men got
• rights." If they did not inform o* each
O er they might frequently go marhipt of Jos
ee. Of coarse, however, their evidence should
carefully examined. Now the body If this I
• • thee had been dearly established—that only I
il• cation was, as to who did it. Relative to the
cos which had been made that Duffy was
.`moped convict, he.would remark if this were
• e. — csa4 the record should have been produced.
' imprisonment in the Penitentiary did not
•• qoaJify a mon from being a competent wit
.._- Intiffe evidence was therefore to!be re
sell for what it was worth. Now let the jury
• and eee if the testimony of Johnston ann
‘ • coincided.
They were strangers to the city, yet they gave
long and minute description of the route by
!itch they had reached the lumber yard, which
an fired. They described the hill and thestemi
•an which they came, the canal bridge, din,
They were
th great precision and accuracy.
• corroborated by Mr. Reeves, relative to a
rare accident which happened to Mr. P.tewhrt
t the fire, owing to a pile of boards falling on.
• . Duffy said that he and Riley hidlbehind'
wagon to watch Johnston add SlcCutelmon.—
r. Bevies declared that there was awagon in
• a :.ensition described. Duffy showed the man
.., in whichthe spirits of turpentine were pour
. on the cotton. wicking. The testimony of
f ohnston corroborated him in his stateMent—
Nay, they even went further, and told the posi
tion-and vise of the board piled, in which Mr.
Reeves corroborated them. If then, taking the
Whole evidence together, they believedTeel:ach
e= be to guilty, they should convict him—if
they th ought him innocent, let them xenarn a
verdict of acquittal. If their minds ere I,dher
reseed by torturing doubts, they Shaul give him
the benefit of those doubts. Johnson h plead
ed guilty. He declared himself to be an same
plice of filcCutcheon. The jury wont' recollect
that his confessing his crime did not g t
nd tam off.
To the surprise both of the court, every
one present, he had confessed his gent He was
doomed man ! Was it kel then thai he spoke
the truth, when he had n oth in g to gain or lose
lueithew instance? It was for them to look at
all the circumstances, and judge. TM& had an
other duty to perform. They ishouldl carefully
examine the defence. An alibi hod been set up,
and which if clearly established wee GA best of
all defences, since no one could be in the places
at the same time. (His honor then commented
at some length_ on an alibi which had been
established darbag the present session, n the case
of 'Edward Speer', accused .of arson.) It was
either en unanswerable defence or itmaie the
ease worse for those who failed fait, and it would
Ifive keen better, had they let it alone sltogetber.
Who had the defence called to establish their
alibi? The proprietor of the Stari3panledßanuer
home whose evidencegsras not maters , cud Ann
Connor, orAiss Adams, as she w variously
called, whit testified that on a certain Sunday
, evening, in the beginning of January,l IlicCtitch
eativas in his house and remained the 7 all night.
That a tirebrehe out that night, nixie she after
wards ascertained to have been caused by the
burning of Mr. Reeve's lumber yard.l
The jury retired, nod after a shot tabs ,
brought in a verdict of ti MITI', accovara
a recommendation t... merry.
The prisoners are both young men neitht
Ing,, apparently, much over twenty years of it,,,
Johnson la froni"Virginia—McCutchion has beet
brought op in Patalargb.
During the progress of the trial, filiCutel
female relations who were in court, wept bi
ly. Among then was his wife. to tc a
girl, with a child of some month old
The prisoners were remanded:
Commonwealth es. Roland Parke*
foi an alleged conspiracy in attempting, to m
utta•and pass counterfeit money, thereby en
deavoring to defraud the public,
District Attorney Flanegin forCommouwealth.
Darragh and Cochran for defendant ,
John Sore aworn—l rim a pollee !officer of Al
legheny, city. I bare seen the deferlnut before.
Together with several other poli e officers, I
went to a house on the corner of Third street ern ,
Redoubt alley. I was placed at nn entry doo•
while the other officer's searched tt(e rooms.
At this stage of the proceedingT, the wit,
was stopped, and Mr. Darragh mitered if
long and able argument. maintaining that'
I c
the Commonwealth could move a step, it
be proved th at there was a emapi y, or a
ajoint act or combined admission
Mr. D. was auswerell by Mr. lanegit
the court adjourned without deci ing
or receiving any further evidence.
Mr. Parker, the defenders.% is a eased o
lug been. concerned in bringing the steel
for the manufacture of counterfeit bank
which were so skillfully ferreted but and
by Alderman Major, police Officer !ox, ant.
officer% 'to Pittsburgh.
The trial will be resumed this morning.
--.---- , J , „,..,.„,
SIXGCLAB DUSSCE.— Neste raah .. an ••••co --
rnent which took place in the C Mt of Quarter
Sessions is rho ca.. ,of a person hit is accused
of conspiracy to pass counterfeit c
notes, a learn
ed counsellor maintained - that it sing illegal to
email notes, and a punlshme!At baring been
provided bi a later act of the 17embly should
any person so offend, the connte citing such 11. ,
legal bills was not an offence.pi th could be
punished as other cases of co o n rfeltlng. The
point was not decided, but would seem' to have
. .
i t~~jm~l~.
ixach irilett
TUMID/a, April 29.
Before the Honorable Walter 11. Lowrie.
The case of Harvey Origin vs. William Noble,
Sr., et al, was continued but not concluded.
McCollister et al vs. Nixon—No. 54, April
Term, 1851. On motion of A. W. Foster, judg
ment for want of en affidavit of defence.
Cochran, for 1114 D, vs. Eliza D. Cochran et al.
IL appearing to the Court, that the personal as
sets are insufficient to pay all just demands upon
the estate, it is ordered that the administrator of
decedent shall make application to the Orphans'
Court for the sale of his real estate.
Adam 8. McElheony vs. Wm. King (non resi
dent)—No. 245, Nov. Term. 18:0. Foreign At
tachment. On motion of Mr. Hasbrouck, judg
ment for wont of appearance.
Notts. Paestum—Wilson M'Candless, Esq.,
yesterday read in the Court oqQuareer Sessions
a recantation, Ague' by a number of persons,
relative to charges, derogatory to the character
of the Hon. Wm. Kerr. late Assc,clate Judge of
Allegheny county, which were made In She
burgh, regarding an alleged improper granting
of tavern licenses. These charges were after
wards published in the Gazette, without the
knowledge of the editor. With the consent of
Judge Kerr, a voile prorequi woo entered. as 'to
the persons who were concerned in the publica
tion, against whom a true hill had been returned
by the Grand Jury, at the present session.
The recantation was full and ample, and was
signed by A. Morton, .1. G. Comstock. John
White, Henry Griseoer, D. 11. Pearce, J. C.
Lewis, A. 0.-Loyd, and Thomas W. Stephens.
who had participated in the passage of the res
olutions injurious to the character of Judge K.
The recantation was ordered to be filed.
FIRM—A fire broke out at about ten o'clock,
lest night, in the etabling, connected with S.
?iturray's tavern in Diamond Xlley, on the cor
ner of Ferry street. Unfortunately, as it was
the evening before market, the etables were full
of horses, some of which were severely injured
in the removal. Four horses were either suffo
cated or burned to death. A great portion of
the stabling was destroyed, though the loss will
not be very severe. We never saw our firemen
work harder than they did on this occasion, and
their exertions raved much valuable property
from certain destruction.
Boor FOUND.—The body of one of the unfor
tunate persons who perished, owing to the ex- 1
plosion of the steamboat Fashion's boilers, above
the first dam, some months ago, was yesterday
found floating in the Monongahela river near the
point. Five bodies were recovered, but one
could not be found. These were the remains of
the missing meti. His name was not ascertain
a:O2 FARMS, worth over $8,500,
and AA. tors. to be diettabuted among
Suberthers.—To supply the demand for
Lots and 1.00.0 at Ilermamavilic. I bore laid out
...bee tenet. ashothlng the Longhband Itallthad t e
/and already sold at llermanneille. to be of 11., name ,t he
d e dispoeel of sr. divided snaking the porthole/re in the
mete manner thane recently .Id there
I ham been Induced to do this from the great 0
pcumns wishing to pnreluae tbeee Lou and Perms, as
the improvements that part or the Wand are es/octant.
thereasing. and Image numbers of persona ham nom be
come interested In M.. lamie. This ea/Mon. tract la ha
every nape. equal to the io th er. and at the rate they.
are 01. Wag taken thoy will all le sold In a few weeks.
About 500 !harm are now aubenibed.
Rachenbscriber is entitled to b lota. by 100 feet. lyirm
tooth., or LRAM( of from 6 to
o M ears. The shares Km
limited at klb—peyable. 14 whe subscribed fur, IS an or
befons the day or distribution...l the Wares to monthly
Instalment. of Igl. If decimal. a Warrat.. Deed will be
made out tnamediebilyafter the distributor!. at. &laved
directly . et. Polloo the baLutee. I
The lota are situated in the Village of DERMANN
VILLE, on o. Loug Inland Railroed, County of Suffolk,
and la) milesfrom the Qty Noe Vork.and alpine Lake
lend, elm • new village ravenlly 1.4 catt, ether. 1.11...
...Donde." are rected.
It le ems of thekt.lthieet places lo the UnltealStates,.d
6/11.610 one mile of Ronkonkoma Lake. a bauttlful sheet
Mate, about three relies inelreumferenee , of singular
of gr.. depth. with . abundance 01
thitt'TST'fi le but 4 miles daunt hem the great
Routh Bay. • Ich Le five mites wide and 40 mtl. long
ataandehtly .pplied with oyster. and ilsh of tare I
Thaw iMU win Dredum asmu
m sh per um. with the
same euldeation...y local eta n ally ike of the elty
of New York.
°Lam 101.•02. Woe. —Pa the annualmeeting of the
New York Agricultural raiery. held at Alt.., on the
:kith ...I, for .0001204 Damao.. ina Yield C 004.. .0
Mel Suffolk county stand, wend beet—no alight honor—
, Intaising wheat )Ir. SonankL.ThomPmea of
0.1,0000. rt
wraved tba tem. inceoluna of 111. Mr hint. Wheat. 4 . 3
e e
cm* peck tothe were. Mr. Thempaon i s wheal It of
• variety bas been raised but • few years on the Ire.
land, and-the yield proves it well adapted to the
The agrkulturel capademe of long bland are beginning
to be demloped."—(Limg
Pets/Act Is age. mgt. miles from tta. land tilennana.
villek and Is no Letter br nature thou thee Lauda mw of.
fen. Thie wh.t au. 11!1.4.1 0. of Kure.. kind,
and was sold for heel wbeat et to per both.. sod 110.
Thomp.n fervinaltor the praduct of a little more than two
acres, our "Pa.
There bare beeuralsed dating the YMT
beet of Corn. sal f•totues lbo bushel per sere. Egg Planta,
ware variety of garden regrtald. on pe r
near Ilia I.lltg
OM.ndßeDroad. at Lake R.A. or L..... where • Part
ORSO bas beet, ...abet, far which premium.. the
e n . Agricultural F.. held r 0 pt. Rah, ION),
were given. Al. pot , bean* colons, squa... poropktne.
Legit. and tomatoes.
The following Is from the New tart 'farmer and Na
than. of November 710.10.0, itilfeae written hr 1 1 4. Star,
000 editor, who vLaited the land" The whad. poteuree,
...W. marred to in the article, were rale. O. Luke- ,
land, near llermannyllle atatiow
°Raving • few benne leisnne daring the put week..
ofd over the Loa. Island Railroad, to sm
trset of the country, about fifty miles hero New Y ork.'
which we find to be mel4 of ye. eueceuful .4 prollte
hie cultivation. Although late in the maron and viewed
Mae/ SOOa tII3I4IOIIOM,Xe, we .',blebprieed to
.0/1 abundance or thr crop+ ', hod been galbend
frnm • portico of the land.. also the wthier mope. which
appeared unusually plomPone. Wheat, h been
met be. two or the ormia, preariaa a beautiful ae.
awe ertilir Tornio, beets. sal caner emerahl. .0 01 rot
gathered for winter 140 .0111 i moth.. advantageonelf
the test in the New York Market Potato,. already
10.10 e cedar were very ets, without a volike of 41... e.
and coca standlog In the field was rat tiormaredbY mush
we taw . lands vidued . more than one bumlred dollars
acre. lode., the ...hies which received the pre
mime sat). 001410 county Y., were raked from • tom
tion of tale ground afnah 1.1 met tow eartfiroh4 an"
e•setha. Altogether we were very faeorably impose.'
with our Obit to thew 1.11. Do.. feeoratile osbeel to
the public...prima whlett cannot talc todouble In 4.
yews... we would 10014 the atbintiots nf those who Ab
air. a cheep and eligible farm. to this toe...a. •
liernmouville station b healed on the I..dere /of the
10.0. Wand hadroaLw hence care ran sever. linos • day
to Brooklyn wad New York. lb. nat.-of the land Is
mint and fere!. end the surrounding moot. leDsrfeet
ly healthy, `nott within • few Vales of this plum, nigh.
euitavated .4 valuable, having teen nettled for more than
• hundred I listy peers. aml 0.h, .11.1. .11:00
from 120 to &DO per re...
, - At
The 1001
I7:770 1 11,111;:
In the z
The land was once heavily timber.; come paella. are
now mitered with a *nifty growth of young wood,
t ae kesine. ;Ward lo plenty • and ern... cheap In
uof the Islaral. Vire-wial is
foreheap that
eel te rat Into cordwond; tie New 0 ort mar.
ket, 4of uniScrm rife. AD4 for great mane Yearn
bmm elwwle
• east/ artirle the Waal.
There le melee. on the 1.4 fir common feneiug-erood
cheanut rape ran be bad within a few miles of the. band*
Let tboodance. All building materiels eon be had . the
depot" of Brimkifo and dreamport, and et nuany hater.-
dies places, al th e untal market price" There are ow
meth. Stemma of teeter 010100 in th e. nee: land, and
ruordoginto the great donth whleh are remarkable
for livery rity; and nen. tall—indeel, dry sowther
make letle change In them. they' are unfailing. and
wells Lee of various deptba—probably, over thee new the middle region _of the O t
te ammo
stsrig.bethe.r. tat 1..14.4%.01181=n4
Dot swat
to build.
There are now chumh.andmhoola within two or three
miles of the village; and within four miles, nallls factories;
stores. and 11 , 30 . Q.
AR lho
pricl=elm 101:a; • highly mot!,
k{ou. people. All of my sulecrans see persona of re...
The find can be rely 0.117 elmard. ,and the cast of set
Dement will depend elmart enerely upon the rattler beam
lay mat aa moth or ea little es he chows. Ido rant know
Of any obi...4ns to the phone ur to the land for a settle-
Went and the Pante labor Industry which make sum
teerful end prosperous settlemen In other m a
of the
country, lectoweal upon the. land, cannot fail to pro
duce *aerobic reulto.
The climrte is In every p.ticolar health,. and
ble at all
—tbe moods are good. end always panty ma..
cf..* year—the winter* .1 abort mad mild, compared to
the winter" on the moth tbe math of the hlghlande—
then seldom eleigblng room then two or three weeo4 on
the Islard.
What is relnarksble, . crop I. seldom Irdured by/4.1W
—there 4 no part of the conntry when there io
n II W 0
In:from draught as on long lalan.4.or Is them tiof
I nry from wet—them it nu art or cold lend cm the
Islavd. All the lam elong the morgl/Kof 01,0 elmmtla
can be mode highly vabable • small mat, for them.
no Math thing u .good or a freshet. am in the toterib
part of th e country . , by wid th very . great th e
such . Mot am she carrying off • bridge. or the breaking
of. 0111.daso.eitit great damages I 0 almost unheard of cm
Long let. The Weems and bays abouml in Deb and
etld fowl. of erery vagietf.
The las.. now being annoyed, and the lota .4 forme
staked out. ro .to desigoato each lot and Wm laid
down on 3167, thereby saving from any ex
plainer ntrveylog. Peraons amalling themselem of the
orplimdad theme". almateented or faro offered above. myst
apply Ng.
coon quence of the or. number of letters from
all parts of thy cotattry. It/formation ot these
Mak It hatc been found neamary to Lune. them in this
Avvy to CHM WOOD. 5t...m.117 John
Pearl. N. , 11l remise remittaners and forward 'reel is
therefore by return of mall. Ile will aim gratuitously fur
• rd. map and pamphlet* of the pronyi i and ebeefulll
'nee ah`rtraMitroTrliP`lard...7s N v.
byed ape doe". to .o.r , that I have . iteed FARM'
west of my Village lands, which I will tell ha 0 aere o lots
er 'reriP=illairr=l?iirat pjalin"i'Dorrasseeir' Ind s an
age. ;sneer. aml haelug the advantage aim prt'lledlie of
toed. when elcarml and cultivated, they will be equal to
any I.d the Wand, and equal to that winch, lo the
.f oe l the old villages and /settlements of Long I.
tem'!" Wad I,ella f I , tt.l et ter
u arsa . .
tho Lrof
toTllro'ry Dolga and lien. Clandler, of II ' : American
into Institute. Ilooms &SI Broadway N CII Asrlon
pvlhm 101,
N ti I Brown, Vt I tom of the
merles olo
1 7
U A i.N.•
w II
ali., hv ' — ',.',..ehr;i„ 7
N 401 1 "
, cted 7`,: b ° rglifo 0
='l= l .
take, o .nar;: r afj 5
.1 4 . 1. 9 :11 ) .
two C Moroni Jr. 2:1 Pearl et N
pper • a 70 ial Wer7 00.
ow Y; j r.hoer.
BUTTER—=S kegs for sale by
stets aosisoa, & Co.
VRl.lll'-500 bu. Dried Peaches;
too Arpin, thr ...h. t.
1101t1.,41h. 1.1171,h
AIiES'fNUTS--30 bu. fur Bale by
avr- ituub.,.oN. LITTLE t
°Y" .1101116 IRON-2.50 tens for Kilo by
,efore -1-- ,
't m ast R — A - coN-45,0n0 Ilst Hams and Shoulders,
-''' '''' 'lP'''k-'''''''''''''l7lg
at least lsos, isrvut A CO, _
- 12 1 LOUR--..:150 --- bbis. sup. fititiltr, for sale by
a, but
_rat=_ R0D101331, I.lil 1... E t CO.
p olnt ' I V AT FLOUR:LI6M lbs. for sale
by as= ItOlUsoN, LITTLE a CO.
tt. - .. - sloulit,
IS .. Star- for Aalr At
up= IH/BlatC4, itrrt.i: a co.
rrOBAOCO--11 hits. Ohio and Va.. Leaf,
1 tar sal. by apt: J. E. DILWORTH a CO.
ACON-- , .• casks for sale by
ap.22 3. 0. DILWORTH A CO._
*I UTTER — C) bids. Fresh. for sale by
.. up .apT2 J. S. DILWORTH a CO.
- . . ..
FitplT-200 bu. Dried Peusbes;
'''''' - -J. s A titii•tn r cßi"i'isi
4-10i1N--500 ha. Shelled, for sale by
. _.1,..---..—*---------..
Qn—TEER'S OPODELDOC—fires surrior,
.I , u,r2w by
.conic Real
PEMICES-300 bu. for isle by
.11./ as arm r. assivia.
Jenny Lindl; indisposed, and the coutert to
night is postponed until Thursday night.
BOrtirS, April 28:
The barque A. G. Hill arrived this morning
from Hamann. The Captain reports laving
spoken on the 2.5 t fromat. 27, Lon. SS, the ship
G. C. Humphrey,New Orleans for Liver
pool. She took from her the captain and crew,
nine in number, belonging to the brig Tongaln.
from Cardemm, for New York, with a cargo of
sugar and molasses. she having been abandoned
Off Rum Key, on the 76th, dismastea and in s
sinking condition.
• CU. EMRSTON, (MASS.) April 29.
The large morocco factory of Christopher
SeeliLs R. 25 destroyed by fire this morning. Loss
$15,000: insurance $lO,OOO.
Washington, April
We hare nothing further respecting the Inv*.
slim of Cuba. The vessels of the Home Squad.
ron on the leek out, are the Sarauak, Albany
nod Decatur. not the Germantown, which ou
its way to the East India Station. The Sus;
quehana remains all In readiness at Norfolk till
the matter blows over, least her services should
he required. It is supposed, however, that the
attempt has been abandoned. .
The Attorney General will act or Seoretafry of
the Interior during Mr. Stewart's absence..
After a full investigation, by the . Atuirney,
General, and Secretary of the Interior, of the
charges against Commissioner Ewlank, they
have all been dismissed as frivolous and untrue,
and written statement to that effect given Mr.
Ezra Williams, Whitney Stanley and George
Lucas were removed from the Land Office, the
first two are Democrats. the other a Whig.
Easton, P., April 29.
A young man was arrested here last night,
barged with having robbed Bowen, at the Mee
haul's Hotel, Philadelphia, of $2,200; $1,600
.f the stolen money - were found on his person.
Ile made full confession, and will be immediate
y taken to Philadelphia.
Flour—The market is quiet, and the demand,
both for shipment and city consumption is limit
ed, and receipts moderate. Sales 400 bbls good
brands, for export, at $4,50 131
Rye Flour is held at $3,50
Cornmeal—Sales at $3,00 11 LbL
Grain—Wheat is ittt limited demand at 100 c
for red, and 1040105 for whitet Corn is in ra
ther better demand, with sales 4000 bus yellow
at 64c afloat. Oats hare declines! th 450 for Ps,
.‘1 44 for Southern.
Whiskey is in good demand, with sales at 24c
iLicruroni, April 2
Groceries—Sales 300 hhds Porto Rico Sugar,
at $6,80®57.35 'l4 cwt., and 143 bias N. 0. re
fined Sugar at $7,50017,45 licwt. Sales 40hlids
Molasses, at 300 to gallon.
Flour—Small sales of Howard St., at $4,44
Provisions—The market is steady, but rua ,
.---- --- -
New Toes., April 29.
Flour—Prices have declined Cc 11 bbl. The
market opened languidly, and but few sales are
Crain-19 hest is in limited demand, but prices
are steady. Corn is in good supply, and prices
are easy. Western mired is held above the
views of buyers; sound yellow is selling at Co3(0
Gic TES Ism
Provisions—Pork is without change new is in
fair demand at yesterday's prices. Old prune
is iu speculative request. Ilsoon is scarce, and
in demand, with sales of western middles at laic.
Pickled meats and Lard are quiet
Tobacco—ls in moderate request, with sales
at 9(Stl 1 c "fi 11).
Linseed—Sales to country at 770 , ,1*5c, and
in good demand. i
Wool—la dull and heavy, and holders anxious
to sell. Domestic ilinr,e, with light stocks, is WORLD'S I,la.
pressed upon the market; arinneets few buyers Person. aniot t. St. World's rate as. 1_.14 ,,, a'5 , ..V r-1
itt. 416syltee: Polled, No. I, is quoted at 36(„ . 437, '2,7;1,..:r.,1,;,5° ,V=pr.1117.2=',.7.:,72j.,:t0
and superior country pulled at 39G 4 2c - el M.— ill. pew-INa nil. In tures.
Foreign wools are in good request. IV:G(1,110N RATE, TO LIVLISPoOI. •Nt, BACK.
Whiskey—ls dull at 22}(in23ic. , Fir. Cia... .
Coffee has declined itt ;-with sales of Rio at ' An .sperletwed ru rp.....in5.... • • • 1t..U - W. W 4
Vigilie /2 lb. no t.
n-.. artrit4rltDr.. •
Folght. n-.. Live las 1.1.5 t GOOD°. Ws. per to..
- -- • txturnisor. the Lefty.. •ill Garr lasorpwl irt Jur..
.'. 1 ... . h...^ , . 1 ...grin. h.r. abolitti.m4i.
Nail Yost., April 29. ' O5 '4I:IV. lifiViirPors% , 7 IC•loot .O. ......
Cotton—The market is rather firmer, with ! ' ~,,,I=.l.4l;:ioSlsbionglrti. rt . Sub t;} . ,
sales 2(40 bales at 10001 c for middlings' ion.. for Plitalrgb. 1. t3ITWY IN
pls:tl 14.0 Ct.mb 13.11.1i9D.A.torts .I.
, o f sw
Flour—The market is heavy, with a decline to. __--------- _
ti to 12c lot libl. Sales 4000 bbls 4 $4,2564,37 ; The Human Body Must Perspire,
for common to 80 - sight state. ;I:. . ;g, 0 SAYS NATURE, to hove a healthy at
Grain—Wheat is firm, with sale+ of fd.loo bus 1 10 ritoordeo and Poo. sal' , d 0 trrOalsr• 4 . 1i...
Genotti at 114, ..a of Ohio at lccic la bushel. ;1;?1-11.:11.141,r.".8.8r,.....,D=71.1„,=,,.,,it=
Corn is steady, with tales of 50, 0(u) bus western i tin v osin...nrionefaii th• skis. solos KO: , tolum
soloed at cAie.Gsc. • of an infora _
. Crey, nalt Rheum ova Roe. ids not only healed. but
Provisions—Pork is firm, with sales 1000 Mils enrol
la nee, atior_.i.l enriioomi,m., N. Y011 . .k .... .0.
at $15,12 for new mess, nod $l3 for niw prime. j1t4,1,7,,.=;,•,.:1,•17,'; ',„=„it?r,es.d—Lr.....—lrg
Demon i dl e
s m and in demand; ' sales western i renter Is ~erred that this to oo inter, Pew neer e imias
clear mde tit
Sic . iet It,. Pickled meats are r,.,' ."411=1,,,1"„07.. b!..„,,i,,„r„...,471:4 ,:: 0 1.7.;„' ~- 5 ,
scarce and quiet., with sales GU talks dry hams at , our 10--ima the reader le ego. w ournl 1 wouLl ergots
Sic It? Ito . Lard is firmer, with sales of 100 bbl. "4titkilitio"Sli:tireo Isar-,z.v...itt.
at 9ieit 9iF..tit lb.. win too das not only • cure, bat•• prootlee: old 1 on
now only add, that ay one ableted with ay of the shoo,
or similar disono,will find this al. aoi corn mare (On&
rata kilts proprOIO) than elan.
Snroar. oder. the stores are flooded with linit
CINCINNATI, April 29. .rg tiiii only
rim aa. tor Janie usiddinnemorsi NA
oat, of Nfld. JACK:USN. ooly Agustin Pim re,
The riser has fallen 10 inches since last re- . hsit l' a %.: 4 •
port. Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath. to
Flom•—ls steady, with sales of 1300 Idols, at ' be bad for 25 cents.—Senons who Imre either, aye honor.
$3,47@3,50 liii bbl. bly wooed that If their troth to mar so foul. or their .
..., teeth demyrd, dark or yellow, ad enceusted with tartar,
Whiskey—The market is firm . at 18c 1 4 gmr. that a'A cot bou of Jose Amber Tooth este will sake
Provisions—Bacon shoulders ;are in good de- i
. Ito. t o •• emu •• 5000, ad the beeath oilenttionosir
mend at o}Crifoic 14 lb. Sides are in limited re- :
V en wt) at 'JACKSON'S Rom 240 Liberty 05.. bob of
quest. oid.
Groceries—Sugar is firm, audio good demand, A Scientifio Bair Tonic, Restorer and Benn
ett 9@o}e for fair. 'Molasses is quiet, with sales , iser—Trbot Kettle, 01K ova. Theo who have need
at 33i6 ; 9340 18 gall, with a fair trade demand. , t...e., 01 71.1 .0 ;4 1 ....r ri =e ...4k t g e1 1 ;
Sales of Coffee at 101 a, uoalltieve—lt will firm the Oslo So grew Do ay partwber•
Lend--Sales of 50U pigs at 410 11 lb. nature intended hale to ht
stp it falling ea, cure Weil
dandruff: and make light. rol. or mar bd. grow dark.
mil= , ea r rendering
the b
soft end silky, nothing can ooeed
this—lt ma. o. truly tuuotuol. awl lour. it o. /it is" io
NEW ORLEANS MARKET. deed,m.moot .......i.d—yst operlor—.rude farm.
; NEW CALLAO:, April 28. ,M . oydr id WM. JACKSON'S SUM 210 Liberty ave.
Cotton—lle unchanged , with sales of 200 bales.. b' otilt, ' °L—Vtlttb,Vints, sod ft.
Sugar—Fair is selling at 61€1i6ic 14 , lb.
. JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Remus
Igoi.sses—Sales at 83e3tlio for choice. Heir nye, for the ebaglng of white, rod. or gray btoa
Coffee--Sales :MOO Kegs Rio, at Sic - ti Th. tie•uttfet brown i f black .t color, In .tea minutes.
Flour—The market is fine, with sales of Ohio t.'el , i i.
orau ' uy 14%1. JACItdON,aW Liberty stmt. head of Wood.
at $4,15 - t a bbl.' POW urgh.
Corn-1s improving, with sales 1000 boo, at 60 ;
6iO4c. JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Ladieq ore c00 ...1.4
... 1.4 00100 the ...los rinaroi Chalk. They
Provisions—Small sales mess pork, at $14, 60 ; ti nned
5. roe t mu+ how frightfully injurfous it Is to the :AIM
611,14,76 11 bbl. Bacon is active, with sales or , r =.b..7...X. l : l l,l7 l ,=l,7iiem ot iaaltz
robbed sides et Si, of shoulders at fife lil ID. iiiirslious,veretdodos • rare .' gummy of twat
Lard is selling at. lto in bids, and 1 lot llic in i ,j,ll3o,hrf al,LPTAlnbrgiV;*.B..i..ll.l.o°ll.b."
kegs for prime. I onilitiVlll
.hodter, dear, lirlog wh1tritt . 2.1.=..... ,. ..
--t4f.-°1.114.:kg4,,T1c,kW4./.1. JACKtON, 040 Liters,. stmt.
Foreign and Amelican Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A full andcompletastoeltof FOREIGN AND ALXVIIaII 9
Baltabla for tha opting Undo, 4 which they sr. yeaparlinl
to offer ta purchawn Maw that will compare
laeocable with cur of the asslorn
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
Mee No. al WWr street. in the warehatue ofC.
C. 0. Hum", Preetdent. A. W. Ataaia, Seely.
Thn Corotany la now prupued Insum Inorehandlae
In end., and In transitu, eelowle, to. ,
An ample wtkarailty for the ability and Intevity of the
Inntltution , la enbtned In the character of the Directors,
w ho err all Minn. of I'lltxburgh • well and favoreLty
known: tl i r , coolutuulty for their Prodenn'et
1111441L.C. it. nupd , r.
Yotelltrwrog,":.l.lgruhglib:li!‘tt "a7Z.r.
WHITE case sup., for solo by
• gIORN-2.5 bblo. for sale by
r 0 doz. Rakes, for sale by
S. Y. lON ItUNN HORST k ‘7O.
I,ASS---4400 boxes NV indow. ass'd, for sale
e l.r 1%,,Y2 Y.Y . VON BONNIIORST a CO.
• _
i cankt) Cheetah
ou ban. nor
bearts brand:
10 , 1 Holy, receiving and for
- • •• star street.
babb.!. on Steamer Geneva;
rue:ied.for vale by a ISAlAla r fijeKl 4 l 7 , aa Pl 7,: a
rime N. 0., for by
siiFt JA.. DALZELL, OY Water rt.
GLASSES ---=U hf. bld. S. IL, for !Tale by
JAS. DALULL, t. Water
161 S---10 casks Evan SL Swif&S - . C., for
1.1 ...12227 .--"''
BACON—Sides, Shoulders, and Hams, fur
„,„,„ ap2l_ W.IIARBAUtiII.
DRIED APPLES --5U sacks received and
for rale byW lIARBAIJUIL
DRIED PEACHES-75 eacks rec'd and for
mai s. A W. lIARILUI.III.
sale Lr
A No. 1, for solo by
V..* V B Ullil
I kegs—
[2 FANS - o
I Small IVhite, for eel° by
apiil 2013.113 EL P.
ACON-Lo " 000 lbs. lloglio_urid,
_for MYNA .. by
AAP tlif MYNA.
Ilk HIE D APPLES--300 bu. for sale bv
Jur 1,.e21 OW. r. knurku.
Y WlUTlNG—r ec bblsi umica
for ealo b
11 asa
Fat ciN0031149 fatO ASA
staitoor ROM.
gir0..74 . 11 14 / OIL 1 ' 1. 13 7 ' A g:
For !Mellor pa...0 0 . 4 *h: 0 , 4 t. otoio
(11, Zr:,:n.Va11=1.`,`,1;1V..14."]:4011011
al 4 o . thoek
pVor freight or pomokalo. otVt! hoh! ,l !`f 4.l .
oOlt CINLIIN. X W116111.1*
g The ittr JI:V1111.101.1%0 I~h4 '± N VIII
loave rbr th,
thin thgr, at 4 o'rho.k y •
For !might or wow., hil 1o?9 otoOl
. .
.yoR riN , & Lou 1 MVII.I,E,
r 1 le ',rut ..IrAtort 144.44 . .444. , 4...0
1,,,C. 4,111 lellt• too MP .11... ArtiAll 1,41,4•
llalr p,ro , ort Iltig ,1at.. 1 1 , .. , 10 1 c . VIA
ior Might or r.go 414 , 4t1t .111 , 0,44.
I'loll I,OIIISV MU: Tlio bilt011•
tll.l rlrAttwr 14 AII4IA 11144,004 W luau,
II loAr• lot Ow g1,.r. , ,,i44 All tlirl4tr, ,, ll:!lr. ol .
pint. 1.11 044 tlat , 1110 .41111114,i II u sti r .,b, A Al.
V. , 4 IttotAltt . 4.^..tir l4Pl.ii . 4 10' 44 4 . 4 9
AWN 3 F 1406, A... 1
rm ONOINNATi ANII !Tr I.l st"
LOMA 'fltr t4.1ch.4 , 1 rlratito4 ,I ‘i AI,
gri, I. tray, utrrlrr, 14111 1 , mita llq, b1...t5 .. . .
awl All 114tcruamlialr. { , , , t14 ~4t 1 rattanlo , AI 4 . t !or!! •
Vor 146141,4 or pa... 0., .il, ,‘..!...1 Ole,
FOR NBLIVIGI.V.—TIie ' . 430 t - id&
.114 rleatitor Wl4l . l'1 . 11:, ,, k1111.4, 444+1."tr•ri i k i . , "irtVl"
. 1 . the I . I a la .x. .
__ _
- .
VCR N ASI I I 1.1. E --The , thro l dsUr i
14 t: A, Ilaalolt, taa.tat.
• 11 learr tot the ala,.• and tantaieiat•lawl ,
tut l'lturwatat Ina ,ani t , .11 l.l
VOit t' I NON N ATI & Louts
Par Mama. AMAZONIA, 5 . •
tuolct. learn tor an ,, , and lA,
Itanl .0*• 1
lAEA ISS 1..
Ttul .. fiLt ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1•3•111.. Wellitbunp, Wlo.lina. 141401‘.11,..C,1 ,11. .. 4 ;71
" (2 ' C i l h ;I Wi.4ltr f b tfa b
1 oaturnaj. •t 3 t - ..w.„ for Martina and Sunda., Ileturntos.
lotrea Puntlatt ...very Monday at 10 &rivet, A. Id.. And
llridgnurt and Wbrollta Ivory Monday and Thuradat, At
LE: 0 ULLA it PACK ET BE- l a d
-11.—Tballabt. animal:lt...limn. ARENA,
D. P. Kinney. minter, Iraven Wellm - 111. noon/ 3•• 11 1 , 131
W•doetiday. and Friday, atlndordt.A.4l,.; fti , r . Fit
pl a i t ..
Loth. UMWl`iti'arenrith avery'Tite4ll,•,7Qunal.l.•lld
Satan's). all+) &clock. A. M., tor 111111 TV, SleVernas Land-
In Ml•tow,,Fialll.l•erpool. and Wollo•Ille.
' Pon frelght or paw., *PPD. , . 1 . 0 " - .P 9
s. WHEELING PACKET.—Tho sphodel
nen Whet gtearner DIURN AI., Connell, mar
rhtslCl':s7.lllll'4ll:gblea"=l46l.tortarst‘ir trtrl.otV'el"orol
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. and re...i11/ I .U'.
leaved Wherlinft every TnesdnY. Thltraln7 L nlh=nrj!
mri.gaß. AnY;hl. ''
Thle /splendid boat was built by
the owners of the Warner Isaac Newton, and other" fur
id leave
the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh Parke r trade, a. w
every Wednesday hd Cincinnati. In P 1.,. or
tNaron.—Tbe Ono "tearner PACIFIC.
oonool master. will lenve for the above sfadire P.
ports every TklUrrear
For heighlidnO ... .. ° ."4 oo T. WdOlsti A SON.
mehlo N. Al Water and 63 lin:101s0a
I. SUNFISH PACKET—The flust running
roamer WELLSVILLE, Capt. B. Tonne, will
van as a regular packet Waves , Pittenvirgb. Wheeling.
Bridgeport. and Stinnett, leaving Pittsburgh every
.eft for tstentesn•Le=tvcrit,,..t
fYis[ina.and S Thatch .ftero
nuff& returning. ler i eg=
port end unhah every
rt apply oo
i.anl. 7 V olt ' -vat W. B. W tlot l ' llilaskir Age. ,
PlT steYor PILOT E. I T R IIVa r i m z
.I.Pil'b Inti-".;slWria'rfiri?rr'.'n‘fdre't:AM
ave ounneu * . 04
for Ceptina."sibeellna and Pitubunak. Av
er, and Friday. et 10 tirloelt. 0. as. Phesensors
and shippers ran &wt.' upon ltd. bold runt:Ling regularly
during the low water mason.
10, lO'ntldnr Pneteste.apislr on (*sent earbla
11. States Mail Steamship Line.
(Isle of steameldp Crosnent CM.)
The new and, yonerful American steams
.hip 114rAwritx. Charleo Natlard, Coaanntsiter. ran
' r•prot i'" '' ss ol thi. ll 4 l7a . ve ' tjerhe t7 :4.r nsWeget=hUf,:;
' l.sver t incs ' 1, on'L•sednosley. Kay .th. all 2 o'clock L
Thu •rkra.a t,r.o
Inc mw y .01.uuUa1 eutraier, WO 10 Mar& ki.1 . !..!10.•
rhinerfahas biry diagonal ismer* through. ..I . h , iff . r .
the fasthsin .01 the steamers of Line.
try teaport fully Mud In point of stresmith
I r w in eruali
y* to any sissearr afloat Iler seesuntunlans 0* pas
sen,orst are unsurperaed fur reanfort and elAgsam.
1.41.' hlisicant State 11.ottrne .......
OentienostO ,
...hod Cabin.....
jadytb• ^ , ••••in ur i;g:'
head 4 oed. MU
CARD.—I hove removed to my new store,
A(throe dmn balon,) air OPPneit• thel Btulk 01
bornta stbora I will to glad to ma my Wends sod lob
tow citizens, and twelve a share of that . awls:. 1 will
At .C7rallarr,TlaVrillUltittral ht.„-,:e.tti.
e•o_ri''.th"e:Dl, tlt's.l,lo74_\Cdno!ralr,kolt'a
riety,l.l= slats, ann every article usually Ramo in Um
most ostensive establishments of the kind. OoklarmPeti
!oily solicited and moot yortlifi,m, Thivi
FrOBACCO--20 boxes low pnced s's, rec'd
.ll_ and for ode by spit 0. AF. WILSON.
I)RIED BEEF-1,700 lbs. prime, for Sale
hr J. D. WILLIAM'S & CO..
spit corner Filth alelAVroll stroote.
- -
MOLASSES --75 bids. to arrive, for sale by
sal& DU R&M DU It A I NEI 1111A11- -
FOR SALE — A good second baud PcoLss ' s
w,...5. Eratnim of J. KIDD it 0,-,..d
apl7 no Woo
son A Co.. are tom opening rases of India talks and
a .also, Urn s knits of stripal, plaid a nd o pen. stylta.
'Ai:won:Ts tr., CAMBRICS—A. A. Ma
lt in„tti:nish.l"=i,la.7" P" "r"" th Z11 ""
moo' A COFFEE — For ,00h by
0017 OW A. ttcCLUtiU & AO., Greeers.
/ARA NClE—littlf boxes, Tory superbir' and
mu, rooroolent sfird tockakes?lf familiva.Tor salsllT
`t 7,..
eeLUILIS • (V.
H-3 I cask," forj.7l,
- 11J1EARI. A
L pI7
A LERATIJS--25 Ws. (Adams) for
bt J.& R. PLOVD.
BUTTER -8 Ibis. Roll, for rale by
opl7 J R. viAnn.
MP.N. 4 0.75 - -41 per. Hams, Sides, and Shou'
dip!. Lo sole by ael7 J.& R. FLOIII._
1 ,1V05-3 racks Common, , fo lal r e u lg o.
111EANS---5 bids. Small . White, for sale by.
.07 J. a R. ELOYD,_
ROOMS-75 doz. Corn, for sole 17
Paper. ,
'PAPER-3:10 yeams2l by 30 Prlutfull Ptlen
MOO 24 ar 36
30 " 12 by 32
600 13 by 24.224 by 32, 24 by 34 23
by 41, ..13 by CP,
Mue. Warhol,. Papal
• P.llO Wle. 61tatle 4.lnaro Ktra• Palen
340 Slealum pot Slagle Croon Rag.
The tmdrrsigued keep. eoustaldly au band mud Pa maim
et . e4.11.a1t. Ibuta,_ ll and
gee amatioeut
Ruled, Cap, Lotter, Mallow., gni tea
Welds, Co., am
Also—Valtlutt of 41 MN, few paper osanufgrturrn.
hinting Paper oitol• to ordat au .2.441,
*026 ;coma of Pews sadlortei ons.
A Very Desirable Residence for Sale.
undervigned offere fur mile, one of the
wort desirable rerblenc. Iu the balm of Munition,
C tlt county. nOO.. containing about Mx acres of hand.
told. a large ast.l eon... Moue 11,01 Dwelling Hour, and
out hou., end• good •upply 00,20 fruit and shrub
in') ..f the heat erloode In the rouutrt Is wittun •
.401 diolanee, tand trlien I. remesolored that. In six
nua.ll.• (nmt Iht• tun. It will he •ithin fuur hours' ride of
illtet.rith. It nlll eerstlhat here is on small Induce.
went Pr any Who 13•01 f• • Fire•• •Istraat retreat 1020
Oell*, either sa • etinoner red...cut or &permanent
reel.b... A 1.1 U.. •bole e.l the land mill be Pold
will. loultdinar This pr.4..rty [1317 oo w lo had for 14.10
I boll tie enal. 1 011. 1 . Pr... , Mae . 4 coo .
07.1 I....r"l:ll.**.h.f'ffoo I.le of
to. O o w b"tg o of th andrel 10.71•••0
;ID yp4lf .
rsynat ao l .l o o lot !Chonginnat ut
at Marsloon
the moot beautiful and 1001100 toottatunt of
l'itt•butgh. Coal, and all the tomato of 117,00. 0 .
rent , ...L. t• {around tore to Icar St at any point. thuds
when uinnufartured run. fd mum. ulth great
!UHT J/ilt%
II .41109, Arrll 11 . , IE4 .-I.st4tOr
• .
Valuable Property for Sale.
ri‘111; SUISSCRIIIEIt ,dire fqr male a valua
-1,6 p 1.., a property la Alleahrur CR
(not Itetacra street of t 2 feet. nod mulling l• bark •
tert to stre,t. TIAN ls.situated lb
ty goad) of the reolletire farlswel Church...l wear
teoldeure 41 , 11;11am Dilworth. Mere Is • Frame Itaw of
lloue , nu the premlresi odsleh relit for Waal per &EMI/M. —
Th. proterty ir•Vi athl yell muted for laying ill
barloy frrmts lon Rebecca and 111..100 Ktrt , to. it •Iti ••••
rural4ehsp,stul part of the purchase matey rah remain
ou the ground. 10.01 re of the eutocriber. on the
prrtal.s, kph:lml JUIIN 1111.111YeUN
. _
For Rent.
Small well finished and completely fur
okteo Mots. on 0.1 et., nett door to
the pott-ofll o .
M. D. t
No. 73 Liberty rt. between 3d and 413, its.
ass:4f (Putt and Tribune copy)
Desirable Suburban Resilience for Sale.
rr Ilti ElllbHeriber offers for sale the house and
smusuz where het now midden, Masted on Park st., be
low Tt'nmst. Allegheny. and abourlM minutes' walk !nun
the market of this city. The lon b 110 ft-trout on Park M..
running lurk .252 Ina. to an alley--esditaining nearly rme
acre of mound. and 15 bounded on every side 1,7 large open
lots, adorned with trees and shrubbery. The bonne in
00501 1 new. large. and emeedinsll . 7 well arranged. basing
a (loot of GU feet. and . depth of .2, and contain" fourteen
rman, teeides nine feet old., I. built In the best
and molt durable manner. and has a gm-proof rmf. and
contains all the alarm murrnlences.. Two pumps, with
I an anfalling mop!, of hard nod mit water, are at the , dsor.
On the prenit•se are the neorarary out building, stable,
emTiage Lou, Lc. The grounds me lahl out us.MIT m •
entered with choke matt tyte,,,nmess. An.eM oo
shrub, currants, raspberries, ge.,and a am.
garde gi.:Vdthorr
san hele Palma. and
Lion of Out p amou lt r
roperty, as to salubrity-max
suburban ownfor4, couddued with rentlirnitr 00th.
ITels ' o u frtl) Ite;ylr...r"folirr:r Ina Vat ' trltpjr t a h er- a s
ville, tiouth'llltsbumoh. the oily, lion Mr ' s, Meer, andlli.
'VelebnMrt7esienrgw:l:=.thlr.:rr &°rt.t.llllo7titr:`,l er
. trees .l th ie . re w" .l. tde of
r' u rb nr.
the Ohio. pewee. In
mew :Teel from MO' mummume of dust. ro Umtrnctlne of
comfort and semetation, and affords a retirement as Oniet
and peaceful self In 1.1615 quiet rtooP. iu the country.
The property will be sold at a bassala. and Ponemrion given
whenever r•-iml. Enquire it the ue. aloe.
apthdtl- _ 2N. WILITE.
rplIE members of the Foiimount Fire Colt
I. platy, ollors their Engtne for sale. It Is In good 1.
dmsod veil be sold cheap. ElTlT,;liis .
For Rent
9 HE ACADEMY BUILDINGS, on ^.e''gTa.=';ro ..°th4
toehnXtf effrosx6errison slleT sn4 Esr . ftts
lOR RENT—A Dwelling :012
third are.. above sod near to Smithlleld. It
s l xne fixtures. lune Tanl, wash house. to.
be rented low. and rwesesion even hanseallsbelT.
Alro—For bale or Lemon keno lute In the Ninth Ward.
between Penn street sun the
ffi.•lhfrilwittoree. Vourth street, near licerl,
Valuable Real Retate fart Bale.
FrlE SUBSCEIIIER offers for Sale, ana
rorable term., the`following Real Estate. to "
rioC.l.TArPargruirgeZea story brick dwelling bwww...
on frool etreet, between Altunket and /eery streets. th e
lot. bes each 19feet front 1.1 SO den..
N 0.2. Contain. 67 feet front on 1 bird Meet anlng
the Mild Pretbyterian Church. on which Le elected Yu;
Four aux y Inlet b total on a printing old., and, o
two story brick warehoonne.
3. Two lot In Yalliton. Bearer muntl, bri ng
Now t and 4, being ahonst 100 feet tquarwon w Ichiserecti
ed one btek d diur Raton dwelling.. and one ee1...4
frame dwelling, all two 1.31"). , high.
No. 4 tine lot Ni feet front Baek Meet, oppo4llie the
ratlffleeb; hill.
and running
R the to low mate. mark. on the Big Beaver.
valuable water lOU 100 feet on VI heel lime.
with ten .6.0.. water power attarbel.
No . Oyu
oopoaite, hill Wt. 50 feet trist , and
extending to the toti of th, on which In eree one
two story . twirl More and i 111.1100., 2, by fwirr..r...ts.a.
frt%!iir,"."'sfie`..T.:'`,attitb...ll..,..,b. t,
So o t about 110
(art ea Broadway. and anal 200 ;:et Ace,
naining acre. on whieb are erect.] too lug. feinn•
dwellines. an ouesniall frame boom. wed wi en onlet
ml. poverty was fortnerly oncupted by Mr. T C. Gould..
and I. very pleasantly located, bun, immediately oppoelta
... 0
ell glue
B a id te e.
Wt. Immediately below rellgon Bridge.
Leine about Bo feet lit length. and ratewthig front 51 ater
to low water marl, or towing Pell.
1 1 5 ; 60, tr r Vito rr ." 111. 01,.;1,4 ov
1i KS) .`r t r ' ;:r uer Tbaol
it,&;!alar"lttetlit''reets " .1111115 YLLSIINu. Agent
eteli2L. iJourn_al and 4511,411103 •)
For Sale.
BLOCK OF 13 111..D1N OS, as th e .rne r Wash. •
' ,ltvalre and
.00 burnt and forty Pia feet on PIMP street, and One
hundred and moo rot Woe Inches an It estiloglon Oral.
mat twenty fret alley. Indninl.ol.,„ oRELER.
.1/ TOR RALF—Two hire Flour 11010 and a P.O 11111
Iso, on
Mu Beaver Creek,. with the nervy...ay water powa. A
• wet' Impleneed torto in ismrenveromm. Pear 4:AO6F
Alm. • karat of lis are, on the Uhlo la, th ree miles
Eden Bearer, for Abu, one of 140 arre., on the
Otdo river, 6 mike below braver. ar LEI Also,
OM at, for US we aro. Alm, farm of VA l:ti.
Wes, 125 per acre. Alto, 1:5 KIVA tor
000110 per serv l rtat f erith many other. of
" 1 P 011". N. 1:!1 r ri. L. LI rryrreald.iN,
Attorney. at Law No
Beal Estate P i ttsburgh.
Rl.lO No ID: 4th st. Pittsburgh.
A Blast Furnace for Sale.
IE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale his
BLAST FURNACE, dtuatedlh tbssomonly,
faxmo the vAllidoons Faust,. with all the out.
tallftingm :VAR end 'GRIST MILL: and awry thing nr
alma to vary no O h s Swelling of On. It has 1.100
6.0.0 of Land attached, with so moth more &third.. to
woohl Ls nerestary. which can be had from 750. to Et per
sae. It has the woes favorable birstlou WAR. Routh. for
making lroo. having the ore ottedielf to one mile
g.."l...v;igag.. 'wt. ! ."R7. - zT.Z..trVal gr . :
.0-A 0... le n t.
where • ready sale can be found foe
all its prcdnets of Pis told o o ne
from the
] f and Atiattle wle one of thi'llnea
osl T.;°,;,7= i ;ZTZ 'Or fel .
finished and un olxn
der contra.. Purling Uthongh tho in. -
=loT°E.4; 77
oow in full blaei. worked by water power. with • Calla( 15
on • weer falling stream. and in the mat healthy
part of the South.
ariletters way be addremed to trie at Etowah, Coes to, Oa-,
to time IlihssmonTOV ALL.
Att.N4trr......40, Mirth 1. 1151.
llow The under-
SUOMI offer. for rude a large bi namiter of valuate
roltore..l=47lTrittl'Olstri. boated hear the
ae Tbe pfd grown f waNl,ltz L g b gpi c r.i'g th i d
1 1 ;741'
lots .111 he add..lll node, Lbrm a tote nod pm. .
to,evL Tills
For ryrlkulan soot jjr Te rms
Ett.notv sod iv• Fatter... Era's. at their tellices 111rni
, Ingham. 510SES V. EATON.
'Covington Iron Works for Sale or Lease.
ESTABLISHMENT, situated on the
Ohloriver, opposite Cincinnati. bailment the lett tea
um ageing thorough repair - sin new Worolation.mabitiery ,
lc • being one of the matt eligible location. In the Union
for themanufacture of the 01101000 NM. and kinds of lroo,
glttint u li ' Vl.:4 l l= o o lo' ..ii o r tnerl"./fr o r,r:os?„''n
Wm. to Pull applicants. It
P 0.. ., ail the advantagenof
th evtabllthruent eltualwl_ln the most desirable r.rt a Cin
cinnati, in addition to the Mica Wiwi much liglitor—ba
ing all facilities for Cincinnati trade. II
coristets of 00100
Puddling Furnace, three Finery or Nadi. Flew, 10011.-
ll.tiog FOthays , with Etittin a m Ma
chinery to maim Mum t. loch Iron up to 4 ittc . mond and
win., and all the usual Bat lrom with a good dhoet and
Boiler Mill.
ALSO—A separate Sheet and Boller 51111, complete:tetra
Engine, capable of pnsludng from 3 to 4 tone porday Short
In addition, there lea Nan factory. with separate Eso
One. contallstng Id Madame, which can ha Ine ‘ searei to
"grefe=lNillANAN.Clncinnatl; or J. B. 51eNICKLE,
Cll/3riaLE—A Tall:sable bon Establistuneen situated on
tb . a d %linn st
001010 rtg. In l? „ 11 , 01 son: 0 10 0 1) . 1:I r . ognsfsUN, of Ll 3 . 4ilwe
Vornacea, owei i tos outi ' i i lte. one fin er(
Honing Rolle, alit
capacity to ntake ten
tw o per day. The Wert canton..
100 arty of Coal bawl, of two eine, exei 3); feet deep.—
The entrance to all Use Drifts. or ra.. Is noes RI to Son
jrar.distrztallitonilit, It la one of the best locatlcose In th e
Refer to R. BULIIIANAN.CIocIututI: Or .1 .13 .111eNleISLE,
C AW-TA large brick. Ore proof Fonlalrl.fsratle ' or
011 0.
Vlrtnr/tlrnaK;rbflol.(lo7_ .
(Olt PALK—That desirable Tract of Lend, gloated on
the Allcsbeny rivet . ..boa 'Janes thelbrlrlng 11nr
-03%110;1; It tuning, ry otat,
all .boat
Tge land abt ' otrata f; 1000. coal. Lltnotone. fire
ItrilN,.,:e.;ntinnarg ;:rr deraßle i Lteallost maw:the
reto olaity .400:1140Xliw ragitn i a i l Y nter:rr alarx i'i't rf4ll;
of the bestow land lo now under eultleattom tne hign 1.0,11
are etzeorptitl,;loeirthteeblllltslyprotrOzi=dare.wllo,7l.
tistwot country. Tiler. &erected the premises a Fur- .
wee. Stacks, to awl ilißat appar 'f aTuA, furl:risking !rota
together with all the bundluse apportalnlnts thereto. al..
1.00 Hoar., Darya, Stalks. 10. The whole 0111 be .Ile.
rZtde of
u ni i ipu r giV.Z iiAitttoui I 0 0111 f
bi' l itd a i n 4 4 l lll th
Uwe particulars can be Ataluel by uldres P nr4
aplasatlm N. BUCILANAN. ...Nachman.
IE'OR RENT—Tim large and commodi-2
nue House on Pena 'lime. natal' ...Oen b 7
. sg d er . Ito entire lot wlsornt a
niatl .0. '''—'llVt Aß ,MirRATINII.IfIOO"
of No.)) Water st.
FOR ltENT—The Dwelling Ileum, on 2
the on.o of South and Weer Qom .lath
r...cupled by Tbomna Arbuckle, deo . d.''Posseanfougle
en iurmnliasely. • bumultv of Joelab Riot. Raki, ee Wm.
M. 1.441. Anchor COMIU \Yorke, Allemhsur• cWttflf
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
EOR SALl:—That valuable Lin of Ground
,itelitet at the corner of Market and Water street,
nt.nt crumpled by Mulean7l Ledlie. as • 01.13 Ware
' houne. harlot •front ou. Market amt of 30 feet 11 Web
., and on Water street of al fret 1S lark.
Aleo—Tbe Lot of Wound noljoinlng the•
O. Works, for
merly curuple4 1.0 lb.. Jce.11.1101.0 an • fool bar
lug a trout of 131 Get fIN 'glebes ou the Mouougabela
er, sod warming hark 343 feet tuOreemough ,1l 0b .
Pernowc dealroua of PUltbsrlOg rati reeelte inr!tirr
formation from STOCKTON,
apl4 m* R. C
No. 47.11arket rt.
"N;), rird,
Of Forty Town Lota in East Liverpool 0.
HE recent unprecedented Bale o r
f bout ID
the bore thriving Town baying ne
T., previously LW out, and the demand maan ulvgS
the underslowl has been Induced to 1.11 °OM:
ids propertFln u lots as above, ami the
Ore, and terms tlint ntanot tp
s osthlon
!nose wlsblon rung.. , n 7 z .cut t bsring pen
of Os location of dm Town nod 'amePte _ ther tb . p
ondlolanny deserthrd la recent adre
teat OTTT ono tiOndred lots Pa, mectdlY
and been purehaird by Mom ',Milian to Kw.'" "
bls bora.•
among the most ell ebbe and &Arable
I.lll)tee"ilastl".are heated la the mars of
lelnrolltrZaspold. Leah, mcdltietor In Liverpool. or
rice t'"""rth laTinaktx. •
I.lreroonl. fablldllwtSß.
COFFEE -1 50 eseys prime Rio;
10 = An k v iki v ai a,lbi:
1851. g 1851.
Cleveland. Pittsburgh &Massillon Express.
HIS line Bunn in connection with Living-
Ld'an. Y coo' Lutrrn,, Southern and
raper.. .t Cleveland. aul Adams' .t Ole. at Vitt.
burgh. alma It ad ...tau, or.. all other . modes 0f
yr,. .
to., NurtFern 061... An F.a.}.ren. vr2ll . tave er r I: i r
•111 rend,. and 1-1100. wank , * as :the Ilidlualnd
ter. Pa, Neu!, !.:uralnra Palls
Akron. - NewarlL.
Warm, Fulton. 311117";;Inrnh.
Erie, Ravenna, Navarre,
I'mdcricl.hurgh, Wellsburnh, %u. Lludenn,
Ilwheeter. Wow., Wheeling. la. ,
Franklin. Mira',
c.. m. lr ''''' ' '. lltir.;lte. N i rs "" :7 ,. hwrgh
0,,,a1•150...r, 11rir104111.., New I.l.'hon.
Newfound' , se. l•hila,ll.lvhia. New Curnbrrland.
041, r'llcel. Ca o\ Notj d a. ,, J;zl , r i ntl fr tbev ri l , .alre,
vg,..iTot , , BIN Draft,,and Account,. Korni,tly atunwl.
ed to.
J. r. LOCRWooI, Proprietor.
A e prim memener will leave Stmeillon on Tue.:lays of
h week. R a tnomng.wlll leave Cleveland on Thurria).
Me pumae of taking pat doges of Money, Co. -
00017-•-C. Cobb, Cleveland: tinker Forsythe. Pitts- I
. A' Coo himallion. Clara, Patin, A Co,
t° li, ' , ' Ct i et ,°, l. j er, l ll.. N. Park, DounuMnwir, W R. Taylor. War.
ritatoV.AVrtl:frarl Falls - Wm. Want. Ravenna.
_e_terell,llll.ll.un.Vf to. 11. Burk"
Crmitot, ' apl9
New Lake Superior Line.-1851. •
TIIE near eteluner NORTLIENER, Capt. B.
u. Swam. hoeing every modern improvement tor
eti and romfort. will leave Cleveland on Friday. the 'At
S dal. r on her ant trip—mod wrrkir tben.ifler o 0
e% Y. 11_ fear the Panl Ple. llarie.
The Reamer mANAASTAN. Capt. Jona ~,Pwam.. will
Irate eet Ste. Marie. for the 110,000! landings on Latta
Superior, on the anima of theeteamer Northerner. 21111ii.R
' • regular weekly lino, throughout the reason. between
Cleveland and the entry, and Iron Mines.
N. A A. TURNER. Proprietor ,
Cleveland. 0.. April 2 5 . IFSL—W
From England via Quebec.
'IIIIE undersigned, residing in Quebec, is
fore ardiug hale sutit tee of It llen:II I ro u e Tit
umber :,11`!"'it.".g.1,11.7;";n1V.:,,T, tel ent
rt,:lat 7,:;":17 o.l;7=Utlit-r". ile
Win ear the Ade:title freight on cergur : e ruttelgued to him ,
end .[toad to cop hush:lees ronoretut therewith. forerun:l
-'M' r u4 r
ne'nM, or afTn!wAr.
spSeluvfeal) . IV. VSOORNS.
--Cincinnati Gazelle.
1851. .k!rgEe
CLARKE, Cu.. Raatartea. ranralcruak
TILE PROPRIETORS of this old an
th d well
known Line. would Infurrodlu! public that ey are
pow in arwratinn far the pnuent fesum. and liareeumfoelmn
rerziving freight and I,...enuer, which the,' ar m
wed ly
rarry to all roll. on the Canal. and Lake Ene
Mlrkii nd " gan, at the 10.. t rat.. One of the Duds of tills
Line wlll'he cyrutantly at the lanolin;;. below the Ilonun
'.l6' trlVb-1: Agent.
Mee, roe. Water and Stnilbteld ate.:llttaburgh.
For Sale.
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia.
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
280 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Linea Express Packet Boats.
g IN the opening of Canal Navigation. Tw ,
y Daily Liar. ?int Loprrat Packet 13oat , will I.T.e to
Jtatt.towt“ iheom by Portage Ilailrowl
Tbrni taking the
Tan Hunan , ' atal fortv-no ABEL PHILr mil.. direct tn
Time through FORTY-SIX HOlllll. -
Far. In Phibaletnbia, SlO. Fare ta Baltimore, f. , .75.
The Corr on this mute are net, arid of the meat avow+.
ed construction fig comfort and rafotr.
~,Partot• In every morning titriciiwiT at. Eight.
and eter, evatang at the au.. !Kin,
Passengers for Baltimore.
On arrisal a Cars at Ilarriiihunt. take the lnrk atal Com
Wieland itattrind, (how tinidwit) , hrmt 1,, that city. (eight
four Wire.) Time, TOUR twat: -
No clarge for hatadliug Baggage on thin route
She Im-reared :peed makza this the moat tit
safe and &Amble route;pov h. Ito k:airnirn
Woe rutin, or information apply tn
J. I'. 110LNIES, Agent,
Cunninham. ha Caatl.
LE C. Mabel. g .Maki, w
W. C. Wilda. Stamm
J. d b. Hun, ihgronburgh,
Wm. Aare d Cw.. Greenville;
Wm. Ileum - . Ilarmhorn:
Wm. Power, ConneantMCM
C. 31. howl, Erie. Pa,
G. 11.-Wallbriolge. Ilutfaln„
DILMTI. Paola Monet.
N. IL Oo I.t of July. the l'eunoylvattla 'Whoa.)
111 b flulahr.l to. Lockport_ whlob olli .horten the
brougla brurs.
I'ittsburgh.l,l4.rulry 19.'51
leanufacinier 'a Line.
EflS6,-- 1851. Oil/ERA 1
guil. that rhE I,LMRE,HER o.mot EHT .1 , N ,,,, Fr1t3 i !E ,,,, D
le now Iv foil operation.. with radial.. to adore • large
nueotay of freleit to l'hiladelphla li Di; 4leltinnore, ard , ett
tenarauceng, ILA short Uwe, end et 0(100 raw, as taw
other regular
epeelal arrangrtnente beer /0,0t...en zna,le rot earning
Way Freight to Blalrovlll , . Johnstown. Holli.laythurg,
Water SreeL Aleweirie. l'etersdm,h, Ilontrogdort. Mill
Creek. New Iranalton. McVertmen. I:red. - town. Mifflin,
Ne , wyewt. Clark's Ferry. Ilerri•Lurg. ow arab,. and all rah.
:Fr r'lrgr,Zild!"fiVeVtlo:st;tiTlTlo'frgl'W .ret a t Po gr
the Jurnsine. promg 3 ne , and regularity in slartnenta, to
the aforesaid twin at the !overt tete, Insy ba relied'
urea, . !MITCHELL SCOTT. ItOprietor.
. Werth.", Liberty etre..t.
tne.hlXtf 6nund dr p.rrt of the anai.
TER IN BINGI7AM'S LINK to too brother,
t A It: ItINGIRIL the hurinrra at Pittrl•urgh writhe...
after be trenserted u ht I nder thy etyle 0f... .Won. )llnghem ll. A
',nic V,DINHILPi
Binghams Transportation Line.
T HE CANAL being now open, we are rea
dy to reet he and Ent.lrvil promPBT. Pr*du...ttd
rate. elistved by re.ponelble
Preduer and hlcretionditelll rpr o lvrel ,,n. ar ani l fo . rw 4,, ard r
to t a l Ig...rt. without any chance
v'ml"g fr.ighL m.vit
Ultof Lull% forward an
"U-nded " CO.. Court Bad.
r Liberty and Warne 0f,.. Pitubargh.
BINGUISI k DOCK. Ihd Ilarket
fourth and Filth eh... Philadelphia.
t't7l7l%l:WlLLq ' N ' A 'l '. .et. Italtintore.
Merchants' Transport.ation Line,
c t,
. A. Ile-A-NULTY A CO, Canal Ileum. MO Penn street.
CHARLES RAYNOR. Central Elak. Ilrovl street. Phil.
We are prepared to reveire a lace amount oterehandlae .
and pnaluor On [611..11 the opening of the coals to Phila
delp and all Intermediate platen at Inner rah, and in
lam time than In any previonatrazon. •
114- N. B. The inotavol number of Truck' , prosidetl 00
the Canal ConstaLesioners
rarryina our home on the
Mato Railroads trill prevent any poaslbility ol dela,' at
Johnetorrn. Unit's...burl: or Coltuutaa. lld..eltt . n.
C. A. 31cA NULTY a CO.
Canal Ruin.
Ut-.11:1 1851 -71
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce,- &c.,
now rneraran a. run, nomatortr. once.. Tint.
ATKINS k CO.. Pr,itirktore. No. Market. and 51
Commerce rtrect. Philadelphia
DELL A LiatiErr. Agents, Canal Motu. 11W...burgh.
JOS. TAYLOR a SON. A t 0..p..11.1r00m
We are prepared. id. the o . pening of the Prmarileania
Canal, to contract for Freight at. low rate, and glre
!Wren all much dentate!. and rare a, any other Line.
tio..IF,LX Mr.&
(Surtrwit to
Canal John MrFeAleu 1 Col
Basin, Penn Street.
• _
Puma. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
11111; emboaribert haring been appointed
ebipping manta (or that rwanay Ironla or Central 'gall
inform the public that we am wow orernmti - In re
ceive am worclunalise or ',redo. for 'blowout wart nada
Oreb uf the canal.
horde w* Ulla route will to eartied through In are Ilk) ,
wl all rotaion' to tar will be Orwonlea tr.. 0 t0r1,13....
1 lon or chars. for ialranmw
.71.11. or rarlant arrarrn 1.111034. 111 Ana rerrnanann.
Dry Grols,lll., Mho., Ilea. Stattonac, ,cull..ry.C l4 . l fer ,
tlonary, Vrtrlts. reathora, Furniture, Drug, Medicine*,
Saddlery, W.. 1, lc. ac. $l.OO ? lOU era
Hardware, Queelywatw. Gron-rira. Paint, Dye Stufn. , olla,
Leather,Clorer, FL., Timothy and otb , r ann. Seed.
Damn. Itrof; Pork; Bolter. lard. Laid Oil, Tobacco Leal
_Tallow, Drain land Ran.. ttle it It*
Ash., Marble (rough) Tar. Ditch. Ikeda, tlennan Clay.
Prima an.
boa lOU
taanlo ItIeVADIN a Ctl:Dt! l. .'
—__ h
Eriffigo 1851 EfEgig;'a
Pittiburg Transportation Line.:
SATE.., wods Non a co.. Coos! /1215113. Pl.ttabursh.
SITED., JA)IES A Co.. Depot.. Ilnoal loul t berry Wee..
and No. 3:tooth tourth eterat. betworn Martel *ad Chest
-o'34lgtiondr:.J.P,YtNonn atrerl. naltimore. . .
LI AV INO fully completed our arrlnge-
PourT",i:.: ..4. 1;. t ,
,""grif_ g::et`t h f :l7l'" 14'4'..._
.10„,,Y, alumnr, liillauelpuia, 11ra lock, Buena, Ctn.
Onnati, I.:an:will, eL Look and all the Vag) and • West. at
low , r rate* and anti. more dlrpar , h apd care thanabe cob.
or Mom All gmala obinpnl by our Um. are fully mmrTed
by Duna:woe. without any rbaran to owners, a prvtechno
002,,ai`0,==lubh,-,7,l2V;et'nmr,i.,,, ,r aOnta.
Ilall A Co.. Clononati: L Wehh. Loulovllle. and Lowe 1
°. * '''" r l .P . (I:l;dr.l'dn Art 11 withcn To ' w t Itre ' : r
, U e ' ' with tha
rhtltel.phla mat litrabur;h Trau•wrtatlon of As
-1!T . !... C' . ------- fetal
_• -- --...
Sllll' 'S sacks for s
Il. ale liy
ap2 Wll. JOIIS
PA PER--300 reams Med. and Crown Wrap
j_ ppm, for nip law rock*. cortrigurnnt.,
rr. J AP. DALP.P.1.1.,69 Water it.
DRIED PEACHES—WO bn. for sale by
ipl • MAIM! DICKEY k CO.
WANTED, and the blithest
WILK meal= lai
CNI., d for the
A. INS 2
apl2 corner Market mod TAW ea.
rim Railway Ana Dry Dock.for yak by
apt 2 . A. 'WILKINS it CO.
IL DIOLASSES--W bbls. Battle Ground,
r.1, ,, 1ng from str. Jean., .4 Tor g.d•
•pl 2 JA&DALZEL46B ester J.
CASSIA -100 Math for sato by
vicrurz s
n, . 41 S"uth 4 4 4.e.444 t above
C 011,1 Phll.lel
_ .
ter. s' :..........
JOALEY, WOODW ARD A Co., ivi,,,l,
.-,-.. .r Oman, No.= MarleyMarleyst.., Phalan-labia anrl . • ..
D. C. iller-klflON J. F. WAT,[II...
tt EALD, BUCKNOR A. CO., Tobacco
- alnantirrion Merriman, No. 41 North Val, street.
• ra 16 North Wham., Phllailrlpina- • . .501
Nit i . ke t ß .. &
sdr-. nn rnnalgtnnente of Prn.l me generally. [Anna.
W 0
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherons,
011.thriMEDICAITED 1......0.11,1Z.1.1LNh.11t:.:0r re
erad, -
live X.nrfiadang.lf. and ruling 1t151 . 11 ,3 •4 of the Nth , .
keo. trriigoleV. 'l trai ;tardy ' t gentg
crow ble profile,' the RIM! rarrt runng diem. of he
pkin. of of the hone. and all the animal kingdom. Th..
following I I whaled from hundlrds of almilar
k I Nerve to oboe , tfo+ valor of the. prrporation.
a . l Thi o t n tir rat ' imotion %lth It Is het/ by 0.... ha ban ,
0 , .1 It trial
Nutr Your.. £ . IIM. r4r o .
Pam. /luta y —Dear hum. rafill , = , a b e . r. u.
tantrum eruption of the addp. of a
arter. for the Imt - .lateen pears, and du%ng that period
hare tout' the advice of Foment' the mat mulpeat phyTb
clam, awl hare tried MI the preparation, toee TairvaiZ
.kin now known, withent the lewd benefit.aa ad
art. ant . ' , Wand to try tour Trlmpherone. I did ao. an L o art. ,
m in my aurprire and gralfiestion, Land
na koi about two months. Such true the violence of th e
dirorder that at time, I was matialid . k.ltal timmixr.. .
0""" itu Columbia atmwh.ltrooldyn.
Poor_ Ilatet—M r lint llr—lbouttwo years.. mr.A.IT
CALLIP o great deal. sod my head was much rtMlelted
wait dandruff. twee told by Mend to n . TorTriroph oas
ono and I did ob. rod tn my astordthment. 613 . hair
Orally motel. rod all the dandruff Lib:appeared, the
head bow show:4cm dwelt.
With reer , et. 1 a j m,
.ttgtr Bmwwar.
If our lady it geolletus l the authenticity o l a th
o bove I they will blew. rail al fledesarat C Barrfa oriel
tr New lark, where *III prainew th.orbff
7. [Lmt ,, ll .o ll=ag Argu
Ne ~1.N.:0r. 9ate 4 =l '
anil disease. nf the eramum generally. that has reached
th e ,erpulatite enjoyed he the article Known se PrOfrl4o(
BarryNt Trieop'hennot. or sledleated Compound. It Irex
tetedvely used by the unpin' clam, of the ...Immunity: In
a l...toren MITITTY In the land KIS need to Preferenew th
ther ; articles of the kind. It ImPartn rigor th the ewes of
theg r a ent2yl ' ll 7d m agrro l rl Q'T'<:4.°.7d9,l1 1 4:Af;
issdr.nne and a1...T. It will core all dlseuee of the vealn
curb as amid bend. dew -worm, and other nbnotionadlaor.
dere of the Kahn in eh
an well a. eilleaey, It stank
nrivalled. It In eold In large bottles. price
110 Ilrmulway, and at the getterall , tbnOmthoot
the Prated States and Canada aP 22 : 11
UTCIIINSON & Co.. Nol3 Spruce Street,
SOW YORK. Wholesale matufartun•ri of the hest
Y 561,1011 PRINTINO INKS, FT Steel and [Abu.
&tenni SrinSna. and for Fine Rook and Joh Work. which
they warrant to he compared of the purest mansiale, and to
it upon all .44..7 recta.
. ": 17re ' VembInatIons In the. lake, Pro .irh as Maier a ri l ch.
neer and permanency to woe.. nuyetinr_to
In ore. Soklat prim` , ra . l . TgliAr
0 4.7.• th Y , `"'" P c-T
"Itlllraginatt"au=nra mimed InlioreVerY thedeanal
‘nanty varying - Irmo $l,OO to 525,00 per lb. 110.1=1.1
No. 79 & 81 (late 76) MAIDEN LINE,
Directly opposite the Old Stand.
tItEIt en o
.G 4 r,
Llglat Wool, An
coli“ bbiker. Back, Merino and Cotton. Domeatio and 10
ag etela—S.atin Fllk. &helm Sontbasine and Lame' of all
styled and quafitiew
.S=rfs and rtea— Of
Silk. and Slack of every kiwi.
Wave nod lamana—Of al
and aindsit
SePtal-lan.P"'glet Albert Itrait!ers, Twil OT led Indian
L r
ter my 6 l ' ; a lkitetettle
I.27pentm—Vreneb and • •Its . •
"‘ Celetve 2 i n tid. Silk, Linen. Thread, and all the latest of
Cotton. and
Awed* Come—Telmt,Caelgoore..Enallsb, Srentit
'4.=Broces for gentlemen amf Tvietr 01
• tTle.
Itcwia Riding !kits a all stualitica.
e would invite oartkuior attention to our Donyeati.
Knit tralmt-s.bizto, Drawer*q.d4.l. o.a 3ll.l4m Lane.
iAN k
tochl47art(iA) 791'61
--- Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse: •
„,. (Up PiaLra,) . NEW YORK, Is no 7 orau . on i Ntil
rill'.arl.r.SrdWr.hrrer.l'Ethr?.o 'n r,. - ,;,: ,, r. Afro . LAW.
MUSLIN cod all lllo4,fif .SILKM.ANTILLAP. mantharru.
m* from lb. tate. Park fashion, rerrived by the AeISICTI
r‘rld"d".". Cd"d'd
'ldi?glreLti AY UK
IllgrEA‘c.a.i=ittl 41=1 " al l ut bo l o edgel D rottno .
awl eillt and Turk Patin Paramla, and Cotton aal Iling.
I,.Umbrella , All of whkh will be ufrereJ at ettermely
low urines. We repeially Invite our {Verbena friends to et.
amine our stork before porehmint , .
Alm, WIER FLIOIY FrANw.. for rslialting iillitiag and
Mantilla* put up ill MA. for transportation. • "
—.,_— --
CO.. tic, 90 trtudAtt STREET, NEW YORE,
TIAN' E non - in store, and are constantly re
iViti!):iti:lii°: t-Litrilli ;at" iligiire'r . ::`=":cii.t i .
aro omelet the latest and richest sty ler of CravalsYntdrta,
• Ilerea, Hosiery. Feet yudenr. Under tiarmenth Londm ,
Tim. Runt,. Wiwi hilka. Drendun Gowns. itswitmehlafs...
Phoulder Draw, LIM] Collars, with a yarktY of other tw
tides peruliar to their Rue of burgh - Ler , All of .huh will
he sold at the very Lowe
at priers. Our Westrru friends aw
tootled to carmine eur stock . fehad3m.
Supm - i. o" ralack.Writing and eopynag' Ink.
TONE'S E.MPIRE 5 Nassau street;
•n 1.. York. INN, s
NCR rructs TYR 7.4414.
LO os rwr
14/0 4cl
Qu•r[F.Por d
P olt •
On draught, per gallop . 0 cent,
TM. is the to article manufactured. It doer freelT—
le • mmd COPYING INK —and will rot corrode. moold.
precis...le or de it y. and posse... all the quallthe req.' ,
ed foe a pool Writang Ink. imitable We the .Quillo eset ad
mirably adapted for the Steel Pen.
The undersigned la prepared to furnish to the trade ei
ther for export or borne /11115.16110. at the abate vcrY
low prime, put up as per order, and delivered. In any part
of the city free of charge. No charge tor .o.- Parsed.
" keg. '" "'"" d `"`" .4 '""" * l'l r
fehdlY 65 derma et.. Sr. York.
Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel
0. 263 MAIS
V 4r57.; NEW YORK—
. 1 The
title ic a e d r e b rt r is emesoltl.eit.n4ga
the pea o n h ge
o h f e a.iltla w
wth hono
.huh a new article Is brought before the rotate. The
experieum of)on bee established . their ,anpenority be
yond all question. and he eonfslently refer. to the Meths. -
IIY of (hoer busineaa men who have used these envelop. ,
and to his rapidly increaving .Jet. ns proof of their exert.
The Pdlowinu are a few of the rearm. for their Mot -
lat. On Om place occupied M. the seal. a person may
have Ms name. bustnese, and tiddreas, eonspicuously and
beaufthllly embossed, colcred or plain. thus attention Per
fect immity against fraud.
ltd. The Envelop. cannot be opened without being de
51.qvither was nor Warr, arc mulled to Peal them.
Mb. Upon the adecarrhage of a letter, the coal insures Its
Mumellate return to the sender. Instead of belug booted
months In the Dead Letter Oiler.
15th TheEnvelopee arc furnished at ohne , the rase
mailed is a moist effective aa vertimmeot.
to W attract the attention of all threuith whose hands it
m TV•Tilowing 4 a list of prime for Dirs. ennramd
brae. and 'which will lasnfor ream, and of Earrsorts. e
the usual sire. either white or butt. of itosid Puts, aud
Susie se aline, with name, &Adm., an:
Au.lrma .Enrelemer made w
letters or less 14.taii abort..
.16 i; W........._. ::: a.OO
to 60— _...10&0
10 0
80 to 100 11.00 SOW
When It le not erearenlent to forward statourdi,f
YorkMoZ,*l.l`ifffal:.lo:frsfiff,r,tAztrttT:riY. l
etteutiort. if Addrnewl...
'4)3 Medi ." 4:t it.
Orden will be attended to pr‘olptly, if f
or et ape,
Jt 31onre. Co - . Mort. Medi etreet. or of 31enn.11.
Jerollmun Co-. 104 et.
Runivens Conte, 0=1.401 10 GAOr. from game
et COM/ pro theoneml. feld'a-erm
CONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
on Stamm, Sale, and Transhipment. all Itterehandiss
consia•l him. Boats leave his dock daily far all point
ma the lakes and the Minot, Cae and Itkvr . r.
Jontn.%u r l i tr i' ^ g 14'
Mr. ' .lonn A. Cau.;hsy'.'
Mfr ,DLETON: - ItILEY & 31*(IEE,
Proaure. egclalkat.. 3ultnreaggo,Serchauta, oa 11,
Itch}} t '
Ateragdgr ' anion. and Lar.-ux. Starhug a Ca.,
PULA rgh airily
P 4.1 - in C. TUTTLE, Attorney at, Law.
1 atta Cornmaraer Ila Peroa.lwauln. at.. Lame. 310.
eurug.uokatlon, raarnprir auar;red. ...e2.3:1y
, . .
1011 V 11. RANKIN, At fa torney and Conn
-0 knor .t Law. and Coinnrii ~,, er t,
Pertrofrivatga..,t. Louis, Mg-, Oat , of
• Pittehurgh 4
NtlaNn--1"-°1-sl.-1"". Y . '‘ . 7•^ l . ll—, .t
Slap .. 3,z ,,, ,,, ,, rc0 ,.. tar. Jahn L. Parke. t,gelbs a
TUE undemigned having entirely rn
1.01. sad enlarged the above ealflllliT* eetabilah.
roeuti cont ./Mot in all about three hundred
morn.. would reoPeoifolil glee notice tbat It Is now toady
for q/. reeeptiou and acconanuAlatlon of the travelling
men unity.
An stendnloothoof the unturpaasedennvenletwea and.
Ron. , I. &nowt eupertluoue, as the nootenans improe.
we nn. which bare been wade ranoot be ptoperly given In
an advertisement. Sum. R. to ray. no est/cube has •
itralrli to mode! ..7
Thl• furuiture woe mode etPrteealf urder. regardiwee
mrl rut , er t a jo portico. of It, esi.clalif tb. Drawing
rtauor • ill be rowel to be of the coon beautiful totnubw,
tore. ra
cooing room. Riepeoloot, and the hours for
meal will le FO arrantod ea to suit the cativo:demo of the
early and late.
Every department will he nundoeted in an eloereegtiona
ble manner, awl the proprietor pledgee himself that We
Marries. Woo. atutl 801-votE tho Travollte.em
AA or brand. for !lite by OIL-31 1
SO and hi Water, sod ..10 groat et
MOLASSES-21) bbls. for sake by
)...3 • *Ol L. S. WATERIIAN t EONS.
BACON—A:few eaaks.or prime SHIM and
s :r ld " ...l ' vfld ' l
Home Heelers
WISUING to employ Paper Hangers, will
b*""b'''''''" Pti4?"l4d3ltlir .c
lb* w.‘ll ram. etole of
.pjfroxVorkot Meet.
(aIiOULDERS-64 casks, arrivell and for
ij weer - fnal [LUDY JONE k CO.
F LOUR ---157 bbla. S.F. and extra, for Bale
r1"1.1:-260 racks Dried Poaches;
5 , •
nit 1.5
W ° c?i, / .7:;'ttt ka .bi n°w landing from .otr
LARD -13 Ws. No. 1 Leaf;
16 tep " tor ale by
03 0 -
Th. mat rnand,ilvr a.nstonti. of ILi LW; Afktm
lArer..AstAr..l l rrrichitis.lttina R
tAr ilmast Lowr.azd &Am qicrtion2 Mr
Paiwsurr,Onx,,s. •
W i n w f o , t b s: s h , tw 3
.t t but wr 2r,l,iTes.iind
.1,-, to make TX , nrsert~ LL i6n u to t&1 'teams or dal :Whit
En, told to bold no h.Pr to ruttortng litstanitt. whkb
fro .111 not vrarta..:
The Mo. of Ireland, arid the Plot and Wlld Mann rir
navy celvbistarl for th, cure of all Mira.. a tini Lasts
and Lir., which area Kr fearfully revealed In dlliertlearn
Latitude... From a rertablnallon of chesakal eatraeta,pro
canal from flail Mw and thore.Treira, Da. {{nit . 's SW.
!ma or ITtan Coeur ebirnr farad. •
igir•Vrt.i.are Bal.= of wit.' chary Le a Dna Nana
ri aaprived entirely of Will Cherry //Alt and the
genuine Icciand Mont Übe latter imfartod raprearly Ere Ms
r0ta.....) the rare aidical Orton n(2thleti are al tow
bland by a new chemical rovers. with We extract of Tar—
rdie rvaderitavthe whole Nil:aroma the wan .41•10 ant
olir.riou remedy ever dineneired for ilia
EitEDIT OP/ CONSUMPTION Coral' ,y With., Dal
awn of. Wild therry.—The follow'. remit JtreMl.
Wing. of ConSumptlen, (ire of his brothers and ridere tua
riug died of Oorwaroptina) IA truly woblerful: .
Pau Dear . Pin I take the liberty advising 706 0 f the benetel hare derived fain the u. of Dr. Wistar'a
Baleen of W 4 ,1 Cherry. I 1.11. Pr...USW:Mr that terrible
mange. Constlmption In May, Lilt Tke attack was MIT
horrifying to be, for Orr of per tamp (my brother. aid
sisters) had dial of Consumptima I was. afflicted with
pearly all the worst features of th,.4llinaz.l had adiftrra
lag sough. and expectorated a mat 6,4 of his., beetle
fere, swim Paine in thee., and 00*. mad dab, chi,
aiding with dashes of bail
' I was under the ears of IL skilful fr Os
time I w. taken eta until shoot Fix sookerince.lsetng
them about helot., and my Mends •ansidered my as*
hopeless. or at lease beyond oar physktaxis .111.: advised
the use of Wittaes Dal.. of Wild Cberry. Without my father proemad it. stal nowneriad
Istrring It to tan and from the first day 1 extricumeal tak
ing it my health icirroral. ant in two was. Item the
time I corarommoi using in I was ablito ho oat and Mar
Mk m y bwiness, and labor. which I snilsontin. to da. I
bare taken Mar bottles of the mediclue, and now conslder
smelt perfectly well. 31.111:111A11
ea a ;1 4
CBCISN Lae Co., June 1 ~.111.
—law Mr: I aJaIY. 1. 0 .
o topboilkharanter. which bolt ma tn a Very
sped , - 0. ohs, in the tollowing• winter, l was
kb a se erymil, winch relwal me to such . *-
co to yin, 191 . the 6,1,0.1111,1te a • contrateal...p .
. 1 lath under era re cough--rexp -gator.. siert.
001. and was obled edit adi feet sOd'sdah . t meat. 1
also Caveat! raised Math Iran my 191310. e=tha.... ,
ILI (hit ...I.: wally sinking nrder the disease. until
January, 181 T. slant I was again attacked with Ike.. 317
friends dmpilred of my I ife„mal my ph raids. Illongh l 1
could mmir e Mit these 4se. Sly extremthe ,
to my feet, were inwardly void, and almost lost their Dal.
log. Under them eirromotanua it MST be tMdT med/
• Wrist., skelem. I finally detarminol to eine balms M. -
&doe, Wi
ld by physician, and try Dr. Wistar's
fiII, of Wild Cherry. mad Irma the first week that 1 maw
moused taking it, I nut Md.; agradual remmuY: Iwitthas
ued Its UPI eta months: Lithe end of which time / was tar
ed, and enjoyed coed hatith!-Weer rhiLCO. and cheerfully re.
pommel. the Balsam to all those &filleted with diem. of
the lung, and would asy to those ersinmetelng tta me, not
to be discouraged if two or three tattles do not MUM
cure: but persevere.. I haws done, nod I hare no dualvl
but nine caws out of ten, wilt be blymod with renewed
health 1 hate lam. Deimeetfully yowl,
nrierarakrTp 090S1 AITLICII. true MM.. or mix snug
Pam Dr. Baker, Spring/el:1, Washington Count7'.ll7:
Premium, Kr, /lay 11.'19.
!boars. Stanford • Perka--1. take this oppo rt unity dia.
forming you of a most remarkable cure' perform. ttPcm
me by the we of Dr. Wistm's Datum of Wild Cherry.
In the year IE4O, 1.. taken with an Indamationof the
bowels, which I labored under for six week, when I grads
natty recovered. Iu the fall of 1841 I was attacked with •
wren ,
cold. salted Itself upon My icings. cod Me the
spare of three years l was confined to my bed. I tried all
kinds of medicine. aud every rariely.of old, without bens
at and thus I wearied atom: until the winter of 1843,
wben I heard of Dr. Winter's lialsaso: of Wild Cherry. SIT
friend, persoadal ow to wire it t trial, though I ha l given
up all hopes of recover. apedl preparethkaywif /nib.
changer f another world. Throne] their solicitatimm
indoned to nuke Orthe 'genuine Wistties Balsam of
Wild Cherry. The erred. wan truly outo m ithing.
three yaks of atdirtlon and suffering, sal aderliaving
spent four or fire hundred dollars to no pea
and the
lath awl most rerportable physicians had paired uromall
ing, I w wan restored to entire health by the
Ch e rr y of
0,1 ilk use of Dr. Widar's lieleam of Wild Cherry.
Slay the Mewing of.Gat rest upon (the proirrietamrof so
voidable a nudielne es Wlntax's rs Calm. p
-anal, of
You C a lm. 1' • -
Ws. 11. MUM-
Bold by J. D. PaMs.(suceensor Panford Parlt)Ponath '
and Walnut streets. Cluemoithdlilo,UenaralAgent for ths
South ind West. to whom .01 ,04000 Erll33t. be eactrrar.d.
Xiddi Co- D. A. Talmedork • Co.„ J. A. Jones, L.
Pluaborths; 1. A. Inekban;Allealmny City: •
L T. Russell, Wmisingtora L. 11. Bowie, Untottown.
%/elev . . Greensburg: S. NountS,Souirrsen Seat • 11110,00..
Bedford:Real • Fon liuminglon;llmOrr, liollidersbarg
1111.1ebrand • Co., ladianm J. li Wright, Wikamithill
Ravens • Co, Brookville: A. Wilson 6 Pon, Wayncebnes:
Meksralud t Co. h. IMllmater. Enr Ga.
Bole: Orathan t Porker, Mercer; James Kelly a .al co. 11.0
a vaith. Bearer. J. o.numme o ton. Ran= P. L. it C.
Joi , e , t i t . irdid;nut; P. Cnoiker.yr.. Broiramills..„
JOM D. P .
with it fi
• Needles' Celebrated • •
hiatar medicated plaelers have hem iamb 1
v`AVbfin7trjallyeorrqatiLthvg. ;Uhtiti =ors
~t,eommdc and ~,,trert,l.heillug et:rodent& Phi'
rids/. of th e hiieheet eminence, to teboatibalreaddidad,
ties Jam been rabadtted. have given that:amt. dattetiat
texamonials at to thcir ruperior virtue seer all other
. •
tent told.
The Indret,llenta of their compodtion. very carefully old
correctly oombiurd. rendo them terelioly aolicaltde to
omit. twittering with pulmonary diet....
For otn. to the brewt. from Obtruded add&
dapping couxh. and local pinny Ute various neurdide
tot he laxly, their lacbcPclal character Is beyond
doodlers or disrute. ..10 a rrnie. in Lumbago, their ant
TerittritY.Cr oetwod appbeatione, each . Malden%
iee..h. bed:telly rorraborrted I, the many curer effected.
rpr we.kneen tad ye. , in the tuck and Fide, resettles'
fro racer strain, thaewet of that kidney.,
ll th
oo en .
I toast by
L'utra7w.hro.laethe'ltre'r':..l4V,;r'eo;lll f theft
application. To ouch wite rho.. pain., the.
plethora ere roman:tended, loth the contultut neenrance
that their henelleial Old. will be toned r. 7 &hided.
kboale. wboletalc end
ILL. by
niche. It. k.L.LEILT. 51
-1011. for oiled a beautiful iduatalt Linen, TWO.,
Collers.'datt He and iTt kind. of prindlita
e Tarrant. the Inte fn.]. to the Lanett, zed dud
Ro. Kicking: it tanatuna radb.ttt in)... to riothes In
any merest. The lad. , have ttuto nareafelt the netwasity
of twit an article. ..I in thta their aurae - halm will Lash.
of ',abut& au compel:bon la feared after art impartial
. 11.—OveCake will Ie tlorcr doren of clothes., and wo
Calmly rhould Or wlthoot it. •
Prier 1:lN mote her Cale. La:the:aka with frill thravtiour.
For male'', roeh26 E. SEIJX.IIS. b 7 Woul rt.
South East corn, cf F fth and 11 - a/put Streets,
(lneori,orated in 1851.)
C. It Ire .AS a. T .
S. BACON begs leav li t er al his sin
. twee thanks n r the serf patronage
fafimable u oa to
arz 7.,
.1. 'gri''ndee'n'Tg;labler';:rtte ur-pne..dcwUd site
teas to malt
ued his effort , . /1/thrnh . the past winter.
The utility of Ineldutiou , tot tht.aileemptlon has 'Femme •
pletete estable.bed 1.7 p: retired demos...ions. wad
been ro budly art( 01 by Ito th,l/aaits who hare
.1 the ad, antaoo.4 of their lir.tructlont m
gulre either argument for 11010 support or,. ulhgy 'nen
then .
TL, pl. adopted in teaChiM, Labince tactlre with
d u , r , /n// 1/ pu/d5 are vaerriced In
making original entric, of ecem flay I.ior” traaractitaig.
JournallUinh Po, ti g , Balanemn AO7attotP. opening and
Toeing a great variety of ddlreent let. Of nee... both for
a rineu.litp and uulicidnal 1.1. Iron. where thl. 1.6 U./
h.. teen proderow and a.lern, an.l thus guallfrlng
etudent I, entering into the dallee. of the as
in may lurid of barriers.
The couree m liutruction will roam Of IrOVELI:
Toy BOOK KEL1•11 , 11. roil enel U «ter,. department of
trade and !Ilercantileuruninu, Whocturinit...als,ll,l4l.Ceur
frasnon. Esehangc. 10,,M,tag, Manufag. mupping.
Partnership. Meamboatlnd, and Condauind.C.
Insofneas.Commerial Culctilatg.ns, rraetieal YentastulalP
and Cruilmnia.ll... ,
I.oll!6arr imtrurted Oati./oaltrt and not lacier..., to
that Itinhnta may eater at lie y and hu.a.l. In the
ratio of their ea:Nolte and 'n.ehlullr-
Puhlte examinations are bad, (I.llchmh puplla are exam.
'Med orteltel i T , If they dedre when the !indent under.
rlot IYInA d.
: ‘' e h o oill'reeticarAcce urns b trt.t h a ' n ' ts and fin-.
Men. 004 awardul to tho,e who are derm
al worthy of them.
A course can be completed In from Ida to ten week.
And In conchniou. the Principal w on/4 state that dretT
thing In hi/ patter will le dune to 'dean, his ft:Arch,
and make them tbornnuls .11 aecomplithed accountant,.
and his extend, menuainmine 'he hmtures comma-
ro t
denrrallr nahlr Rim TfOcare rithattolla WS •
de 41 . nu. at ohtannaa them.
Term•—lar a full mune 01 Inwoun In Freping,
Writing. Commerrial Law. de.. 510.1.10. ap . ..tJaa
Temperanceville and Roblestown Plank
" Road Company.
OTICE is hereby given to the Stockhold
rs of mid Commoy. that lhe‘' ma].
law :argent. Treasurers of the hard (Seaspanr, of D
o ee
Dollars on barb ahare of the on the hut Idonday In
each and e'er, month hereafter. until the whole stork La
rat . in full—as the food ern! I e graded and budged by
Jn lahl. The Strrkholgirra are Wltat•td to ho
prompt Mad punctual In th , it y.llinent.
11_It, 11114.114 - N Prealdent..;
LEAD PlPE—Cornell's improve ,
Lead I'tt for
A irlrelte Haase,
"'"" h'tt'd and
°W.L ; Ligr , t ,' o . oltDoll.
134 recall street.
WARE Tees Warr, Britannia Tea Sth, belt tilher
Titated FOAL, F.roos • and Stutter Kaiser, Table Culbert,
I tin,iet qualities telly,/ Lard". a all deerriptlarte, tor
thureltiee. Morett i Baam, anti Dwellingas Oss
liaa IlmekeLe. Use Ylisturats'alititary Oasts. a .11
Hold Year. Glaslertd and Won Cutters'
ara-Wtlfr ftnye undergidhE riiialm In frissh car
tamern will Lad me in the rtir if the More, tentnance In
r ri a,s) a large Cloak the above actudeodal at Usti
Ake WI <I repairing rhop . ew o-eted Amy.
W. W. 147.1.A0N,
mruer Fourtts andllinke.l4...
W &
WILSON hare removed. to No.
.115 tiemnA rt., and 147 Innit M. Wenn= Wad
ttEMOVAl..—Esicusu A; BLIcIrM, iVhOldt.
• tale Grocers and beaten. In Dralace. haw remo•d
us . a► 1= eterdd. and 121 Find on, I...tercet:Wad and
Stoldtheld Pitesbargh. ....,
- - -- ' - § — eitgioTe litinaiiii. -77
RE subscriber htte removed his Seed Store
Ttram Srectxt steett to the Intlttlia recently arcuated
tr. Reed aa a Sador MD. an panel greet alma.. ten
DrslialrlY.ePpeaite the ritet Otte, F YO6DIi • n
and • . • ~ Y. L. &NTS VC ..
AliarAL--G, F.OYDIAM has rem
1 , hi . Dry Deeds :tate tram he. lIS Market sterit. la
, the BA, L imit Oro, tissedoce. below Penn et.
s . bare he arDI be pie .1 ta 'Fatten Ins fens. entletnern
arld thaVIOIDAt aalnlist
*P. KlNG;Autki.e.'iand; Eschangeßro
• wdoiansite2 lri= yeedy.rht
law relt tatal la nu._ 1.04 the hlahent =lila
tom= tow , f.d. Y. A= o " .. laW.r. nada