The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 30, 1851, Image 1

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'll '•
• 4 . ".171 1' • DAILY GAZETT E .
- :
D.. s. ‘runs. ," Du= eumrt.
, •
On= Of ttIOLO DTEIXT. NtaT Dail TO vat.rose MICE
' "D.P.IIXI-Seeten dellast p. notlunl. Pbrsble Leaf rstrlT
art Mattis. Itrcahl lo sdranco.
WZRKLX—Two donas , Per cum. , fn sbnnos Cl-0.1
1111selnpplhel on the fdlosins conditions—
Thucreoples net so ooo3 6 00
ntr. conks do 9 00
Teutonic. do 13 09
Twenty *mples do
The racket - SR each C3ob to te addressed to In,
° al 00
111.1 (taw mid ioractshlc In advance. No Club Pstallf ' St
In mot niter the year expires. union the money I. sent Ihr
RAT Es OP Annansnro.
OW Nunes In e es h3 l . :lllte .DI .
tent setnitl;;lftn.. 0 5
one weelt ..•.:—. 115
Do. two wean 9 00
La. three torelte..— 1 U 0
Do. oo month— bUO
• Dn.
7 PO
Do. throe mouths- ..... 9 00
Do. tote month....._ _... 10 00
Do. • six .. 12 00
110 tort. IS 110
Btanding Can., (L. line. or Ir.. Par ammo—lP 00
On. Dollar for rest, additional lit..
One Ware, choose:able at pleasure (per ao-
exclude.. of the 00
NW nett additional aware. tweeted over on• month, and
Oar each additional square inserted wider the ..17 rata
Adv nth,
ertisement:l rzer.ling o wthare, and not test Oftwot
Irises set be charged is a .limo and • twit
yond b t l h i e th a e m rs
te n m ot t ehore d t f oT
e t fo h r e irle ga b liavteior n ti . sement be-
Announcing candidate fur onto, to be charged the same
as tenor ethertimments.
Atleertifemeuta not marked 'on thscopy to • specified
somber of losertionß, will be thothailed forbid...l Pal
oteut exachal
The privilege of ennui' aderrtisers le etettly limitel to
their own Immediate tonduens: notall siren...Ws for
the bonen( of other pemons,.well al ell esiverthements not
immediately oonnerted with their an and
els.. of .1 wertifements, In length or
the Waite engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. For
all stith trandeut sd.rtidne, Pills will to reParatelr
rendered. nod prompt payment IR datred.
All ahnotisoments hi., charitable irwtitutiwas, Are- emu-
Pith.. ward tow ushfo and o th er pub. meethato, thd
such like, to he charred . half peke. Parable etertlY to .1 -
T:MU. notices to ha therged PO ante.
Death not.. Ithertel unbent chentet. onlee. aemmps
Mod by funeral inviestiona or obituary notices, and when
aerompanied to be paid for.
tegalar advertiser, foul all others melding ctammomic.
lion,or requiring notion desiurual to cell attention to
Val, noted. Onwerte,or thy public entertainments.
els thermswhe are made for athnittanee--all notices of vi
e., .i. s od a tions—weery notice destmed to tall attention to
pie.. enter..., calentatol Or Interrht to promote int
eldnal interest, eau one be ineerted with the nodemtand
log thoi the-smme is to ba mid for. If intended to be he
merged in the local coEI, the retOr +ill be charged at the
into of wok less thanl P
10 cents per line.
Mau. or lit Notices to no-ch0w...1 triple price.
Tavern Lioense Petitions VI each.
Reel.thitate Aran.' azol Auction:were
be not
to be cLused order yearly rated, hot to be allowed • dis
count of thirty three and ono third per cent. Prom the
ash.. of tuna
• • tem.. Oa 1111-OISILT CO MILT P111.12L
t o.ll3quare. three insertion. 91 60
1/o. each wldittooal loserthan•--...... 37
4 One Elquire, ea c h hos.) ono irocrtiona......6o onto
Do. eac alditional insertion 2.5 meta
;All adrertionnents to be paid in wham..
T(1IIN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth
Ward. Penn nt...A, ladar,d, 011ara and Walaul All
bananaplamrllr adead. , l tn.
131.0,10L1V11., ISI67IDIA TAtloll
die ofUninnyogn.,P . l.l 1 (LAP of Indian+, l'a.)
LIPLIANT t..... T AYLOR, Attorneys at
LvOtSlim on P•nrti. •trefq.
51%. betvrotri Waal
11.12 Santhneld e1t , .... 1,1. brgl,, Dn.
. N. .-115. D. Oliph.nt . C.imnimione. for ttn• Slallote of
• York. sy
1•60.41 . 0 l A. AIU%' • 1.11.00LL111.
& COLLIER, Attorneys at Lan - -
to Office on V,,A th Alfr..t, strOtt• Emithad 1..
F. WIIITE, Attorney at Law—Of-,
l it t igtg .s trt etre.; near FiKrrtb.ll3 Arthttreßaild
1 - HARRISON SEWELL Atto r ;:lat,Law,.
._o,hlo Kota Dontoirrionrr for rstlug boor, Art
fumb•Oormoorr of Droll, Lc- 021,—Yourt Mot, atom*
P. G. L. B. VETTERMAN, Attor
mragg. 'bat }lrtsfe Agoatt No- 44 1 4th
a IAALES J. KUHN, Attorney at Latr. taken,
Trigtonnn Irall. cl,rszer,<Grant meet is
. ia151117
-4-A3/ES KERIt. Attorney at Law--OtEtee
Aily 1 1_ Smlttlf,l , l ..11:taUt. rambornh.
Dic,lTClrourtl. Farr,. I.llt:Lurgh
5: WATSON, Mtn - 60p at Law .
Ho. 110 Fourth strett. Pittsloargo
- Doe; Jolla Srrnhq.
roe, ELITIIOO3I & Wm. B. Puser Jam Del:V . 24w
Maas.* OM. Jearam,Pituburek.
I 'WARD P. JON MS, Attorney at Law:
att. oa fourth tire., between Wool at& autttb
ITASPER -E. BRADY, Attorney at
Na 89 Pitt.burgh. Ps.
17:A:s:cfs'ill101113:1 - 0:4:4:01
• 71. IV LLLIAMS do CO„ Bankers
'mid Yichang. Bruton, North Eug moon of Waal
Thirdst•Wn, bn4 b.
Alltrabalmsnarkh, ou term ; and colloetlous
ITC=SITILLIzudad to. issue
. ..... .. . _
D.KlNG,Banker and Exchange Broker,
• raKoh etrnet, Deal , in Hank Nam. 11111 s of La.
Gold and enter. Mocks Imuntrtand sold.
'Ms highest
. .tract prim paid In Memnon fr. Anmaimm
Bat! boilers nd llextcan an d
Spanish Dollar* Lot jar
f ands. i• 24
VITM. LARIMER, JR., Banker and Broker,
VV athstreet. N 0.601, sclpclrdng the Bank of Pittsburgh.
iIi , I . X.EgS 4 CO, Exchange Brokers,
a South East Comer of Third and lia r streets. All
at most liberal roe..
HOLMES .k SON, Dealers in Foreign
• and Datocetle MN of Sart lam Certificates of De
tail Dant Sates sad assnio. Pm. e 9 Muted street, elit
mft...ftllretkam rood, on all elm principal elites
Ithis tfrdinl FAmen
OROE' E. ARNOLD k. CO., Rankest':
lum -Dmargr fn Ealleoge. Cot, Muth Not. L., No. 74
Polath stmt. veal door to the Rank of PitteMitiro• I:ka•
I wafts eacernlly_attended to, end the proceeds remitted to
Wpu .tor Ito Union.
=Er MN= •STue .. -
hRAMER A: RAlliki. Bankers and Ex- i
ofe t=l3rolec=er: ( ll2=an .
B l= Nzirti m.r. e . ,
'M%oribird w ad Woc.l strwt.. -- N i 1
llotel. ,
4CAROTIIERS & CO., Banking Hoase,
No. IA Wood stmt. Pittabsugh...C ., ==
AIR & IRVIN, Commissign Merchants
I sad BM Brokers. T. 111 Fecund street. Personal shd
, rt Wears secreting trout $lOO so $lO,OO. always on hand'
ALNER, lIIONNA.A. CO., Successors
arElanney H= an a Co, Busts . Busts . rannanantiffn
dcalors ,
Fandan and Donun.Ue
of Depaatt, Haat !iota.. and E pnnie—Nnab
Wood and-Thlrdateenta. Canape at seusiven to DO
posit Sight Check. for ell, lout collections =el=
17 all the prin t eipal points at the United Sten.
c ar MO. prang= pain Ihr Panel,. !Lod
'Airahebe mate on ocanignmanianf
W. TAYI9.II, Commissioner ma
.1.11 Brow, 112 Second ,t t. Strict attention will t.
IP. to all Vastness entrusted to hlc rare. finnan ,
Mannfadared artlelesal ware on tiamt or proemial at Mom
notkr. Note.ltoml. Uortmicos. nennninCed on favor
able term. Athass , antadc. if ro7uircl. 0e22
. .
. .
7 Tel c • STOCKTON. late Johnliton & Stoat
.lllA, ton, flookaller. hiatemer. Prinhr. and Hinder, tvt
• neraiGhtarket erohTload ,treoto. Piahhor=h.
lks. B. 110L.NIES' Cheap Literary Der,
• -na..4 rtr.,4..r.rmite tho Po,: Mee. Nos, 'Books ra.
tared dell, .hainoo, hilbacripthoin roertrod aor
the Mairarineo or :4 , wren", robibtod at the publiatol
• Itorret prlee.
.111 HOPK Book Heller and Stationer
SialS Fcurib rtrrk.. Apollo Buildwas.
&YID BOWrs', 4 .1
We, ettul rattrbutgri
eddirg.:t arwy h*
All order. wirr , rmllr Att.-31:!...1
t ni Moat tdW
saTnit, V ~r nl7Q ' ,kx:lfm?.:T. '
nil l ' lnehr .
anA 79 wx.k rt., ett,birgh. •
1.1 t: - orner of Wo,ter
• lisrket. gr.+, Fitt.l,orgh. ColomM:a Ama T
ilouas. :or purcha.aa and 1.1. of
iitaterti 11.11. r. elanulactarol
articles of Yattaborgl. grafraliv.
Allai—Agant & Co., and 1. Wil-
Ple•Ot141.•103 Man's, awl flay Fork.. at /IQ/Jr/Ala
ftn•lienkioe sorrf
"AiTideANULTY E CO—Trrunioorte
I); I,rarm , ling a., Cotlar.Th.r... :Drehsots. D.
4,1 rinm ae et. Plttaouroah.
1NY , • ,,,,,, •••• • • •- .......
e loot Cutatui ,, inn 3tervhan.. So. 01
L A. Form
E ,. ,Cmatgal t . 3k dart, Nn. 112
r I . .- e x . °mar ing an 0
. 4„,. admoid n 217shanb, De..l.:ni in
L Plr . oen nt
RAY. JONES dt CO., Successors to At
wood, Jowl eteMnissi. Ond Vorlranfingr
In Manuttriural Gords,
- -
tem 743 . C.:
a . C. SIIAC KLETT & CO—Wholesale
A Doilerclii Fictico otol Domestic DryDiciADA Nll O l
Amt. hitsimmelo ¢L4
. ......_
A. AlADies k OIL Yttif1....C........e. /- ANI110" Ow, 21. sp..
iA. MASON o 4 CO., Wholesale and Re Lail
licielin In rani T sad Staple Dry DANIA 1 IlArlist
PlitsbArch. I
iod Retail n, Goals Merthttftloonta of forfth
arkat Amts. Pittoborgb.
11. .—trtatt. rtzwrot
irßag.f, FLEMING & CO., Commis ion
Efertbsats—Tar tLo =do of Dnotortle. W mod
lioodß 0!.0..41.?rxee1l ofger riet , z-
W . ". L7'
R. — D. HUNT, Dentist, Owner of Fo'
I I FAHNESTOCK & CO.; - Wholeanle!
i I . Drugging', and manufeeturerf or wbi.
• ' and Winne, corwr Wad asulyrcen Ntre.t.o, Pitt,
Da 0. a. rrgesa:i It. c wtowstt.
EYBIO. lt McDOWELL, (Successori, to
to 'Kerr a geyser.) Whoaisle aka adall Drag : sna
~,,,r ipa. . at ,. ~..., o f IT,ia itara MO M a in 41,.
M a gid... p r e g er6l.l.• casual c05.....1 olata and
bru gg i.e. Deal-
'ire Valetta, VaA, Dre Ruda, and lustrumeung—
*Mtn= of M. Sl'Lana's avian...tad Wynn numatt LI,.
er. P 111& mad Lung Elyrupt Nat GO. came* of Woad and
Vanatt anatta, riadturgh. Olden will caudal* . Puck
a:l. and Coraudtal •Mbdannaah.
11E. SELLERS, Wholesale De:der in
tiTio's,l4 vri""T.trlLt:
Qt N. WICKERSHAM, Wholeasie Druggist
and Dealer to Itri4l+ and Agricultural Implement,
Na. 104 and 166 trret, inororrof
ace miser.- - [WM 11.11,
RILAUN & REITER, Wholeash) and Retail
eirat, Dras n risilirorrier of Litartr and ft. Clair sr, lima.
al" No. 24 if et.. Pittaburatt.
& F. WILSON, Wholesulo Grocers and
Ply . m.rch.ta. Ageoto for 'alas D.
Powder. No. lie oef.ood. lind 147 Vroot ets. art
AL. SIIEE, Wholpnnlo Grocer, Commission
Hr ee thant, mai defier rated and /lamb corner of
nn A .n ll m a ti lm EL in it t 7ta s ,
u lfitteb ‘ u , r E ntl i s t,
e.r. Produce mei Colompolost Mercillite, es 1:4 t IZ•
cm In Plttab.rrli Manufictuml 505.130 and 1-g
Senitel Anti. between Wood WS Smithfield. Pituturgt..
Itonm a nu.woate aoir.en oitimate.
401iN S. DILIVORTII. & CO., Wholesale
ORICen, litioloa. end C01310.14401t Metehante. aid
nt. tut Ilasard towdar Co.. of 11.2.1ardville. tin.
3 Wood Ft.. l'lllAburuh.
I. ucununa_
B ,
lIRBRIDVE rN GRAtha.m, ruGeotile
..I_l/ Grocers end liintoridiatou Msrehents. H 0.116 Wets
and 164 First stneet. Pittsburgh.
yHEY; MATTHEWS & CO., IVholesalo
racers, Cotaudesion and Forwarding Merehindn
te to: BriwAtan Cotton limns, &7 Wntet
rar NCII7 WIL.N.
TOIIN WATT & CO., Wholesale Grocers,
Cttmationlon Le/vim:AA, and Nader. in Prulacesal
obaratk Manufactures, No. '' tjei Liberty weed. Pitue
burgh. Pe
-- B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
• Co6lolllsSian Foremedilti Mreettant. and Whole.
Dealer in Weetern Renee. t..beeee l Itutt,r. Pot end
Petrieetkrltdi:ertrert y . ‘.‘".
d ontLyittabaratt.
IL s. sc. wsrulaus r. tt star..
LS. WATERMAN & SONS, Whole.•nle
Groom. Coussulaniou aul Purristitrig Ilerrtunts.
in kinds of Protium .not ,Pitsburgh Nheinfactu.
rd.:Articles, .4 Amass for the tale of ale... and
ban. Montifactuirti Tobacco, Nos. Su l and SI Siittsr
sheets Pittsburgh.
• no. Grocer. Ferranti. tubt Cowart= Marsh
. pesters in Pittsbuigh ManishiPtorrs Wegtsto
nn, No. Cd. esrnsr or Front stre.stul Clutngtsr Pius.
• MAJ.... .
VurghlFiniti 31.rrtutul. mrl l. rln arr. An , l tilt*
31anufActorrn—Nr. 70 Warr rte. •
N .. . .
0.. bonus , .101.4 P.I. DCI '
)SAIALI DIC,Ii EY & Co., IN - Gr,
vers. o.maluomion lierr_hanta. sod Dealer.. rmlur.•—
d. 56 Witter. and 107 Front street FittrMrgb.
1 Wlir. D. ...I
t ,
i 1 NGLISII & BENNETT, litt, English,
081Ingher i en.. WholenOr (1 rorer, Con:min... ad
arling Merchant , . stul Dralers . Pr.i.ore sod Pitt ,
.nres MAl:ll3aCtlirtD. No. 122 Samd rt- ml 121 Viral at.,
Armen .1 , -1 m 1 emithEeld. -
- • •- •
11 Orc,r, and haporterAof lirs.stales. Wine, a.D,I
N, =I corner of Liberty tad. 1r. , . xtreeta. l'ate-,
urSh.D l l. Ir., NaiD.C•atort lxrorr. ar , to , con.tordir
L.2' - ---
- ---------
i ''l l ' .i . iti. i i - i ' iSi .. ., ' I '' ' ' V::l • . ; : it i . ..;j,i7(le ' D ' g ' ari r
1 C413:10:11E.4i141 Ilier , l,..rkt, ID,. ...:.: I.ll,ersT drett.,
'au arch.
OBERT MOOItE, Whole:l,de Grocer,
Bertifyiny Distiller, dealer in Pro.Dlee,
.ufartalra, mod All kinds .1 Yort•Dro asol Ik.narstv ,
iue . u....1
. 1 , .1.,.zr.r., , ! ,, , , , , ... ...1 , 1 „ p
, 1 , 11, , i '. ,,. .. , trert i On ,, 01:1 ..,
Wch TD iLuidlow rej'cli...h.. ' ' '"
" •
C..OrAifl6oll Morrhante,.l,lr•lv Predur
A. 4 flit .. .. rtr,e
rtoTI.P.Fif A: -
Grrwrr. 1,4-yrartimp..tri Corntrt,- ,
ant. s.l 1,3:•• ,ta Maucfra:turres. NO. .4
Libvrty strect, l'it.burgh
Jkartr . S. r.oralavc.
w. Ynu
wootowJan .11.11
WAL. BAGALEN CO., Wholesale Gru.
, Nor. a awl DJ Irtal Nn.l. Pitatntrwb.
WICK McCANDLESS, succestord
L t. J. D. lark
.ad Comst&sion machanta,tirsaer. in km. Nana 4.114 a,
'Oettoo Yarn% and Pitabom.b 512mufstrtturs 10 , ..m 11 7.
carearof Waal sal Water anv”.l , ,lahutwlx.
• • •• • • -
• Groner , Conntai-..n n.t
arni htnlturgh Menuf n
ertonri 1., 14, La e,
ntrert, Ingt2burih.Pn•
jD.WILLIANIS & lk:iinlesnle and
• Retail Family Or.r., Forwar snd CommL , lno
rclanuts.and 1/valet's in Count, Vrottur , mad Pitt,turptb
munanienun, rtsruer of IT c.,1 atal st, ittaburgh.
• •
K. .16.1:106....-TSIC6 trrll.l t. 16 6 •011131 , 616
1101.1INS'ON. LITTLE S; CU.. No. 255
Liberty elptet, Pittsburg, WboirAsle Ormwe, pro
nen am/ 03.131340 n liereL.b.,ln4 desk'' , in I'lltoburgh
=catty. N.V.
b., IL FLOYD, Wholesale Gtoeern, Corn
!. raw.. nveranno4 nnd Leh littildirigt, fr.:ding w Liberty.
street., Pitiaborith, Pa
l-011N PARKER s. CO.,lTholesalebrwer.:
healers in Protrri.vFaionin—,ln. l&bors, tarl i
21VA L :eilttue.rgb.
OHN FL MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes.
3fiak, tnd naamid r agr b rcera srh p aa2lacz.F.l
re.= I,:etrl=a'a I'floal at!
LIENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Mimic, Mu
dad Instruments,. and Importer of . ltallan Strtoza
entVErestP=‘llraclUn'=4 ren..2r 17arttn
LE , NIMDY, CHILDS & CO., Mtuaufactu
tees of Teri surerlor 1-4 Eheeting. Carpet ChM.
Twine and Batting. Woo Mill, Pittsburgh.
muC .roMM. ri .
JIM, VI. -.13)
CIES & - QIIIGG, Manufacturer. of prutg
' and Trllster Atari, Plough Reel. Puri Plough %logs.
gad Clip* Springs, hammered Iron Aztec mul
&alms is 11411mble C0m1.., Fir. Engl.. lambb mu ,
Comb Trimmings immoral,. comm . of Ito. sod grout au,
Pittsburgh, Pa. .
r.t. Berrgli Co., nooufartr.l 4 of Solo A ph. Blench
oirdomMilltutic and holphurio Alia, W arehoute.
No. CS Witter lit, below Ferri. _
Na.u.i C. llill—lmrurrer aria Dual, in French
tal*M7r;un . 7lWirlTV ' AlV d
awl WraPSurru i'sper, N. SN INunl twtwuru r .r . ourth
srul btaturuld Firtzturg h. i t
11012 , E! 1 ;1 .... '
4 S, Tcn
13 p 1 . 1 „ Wine :11er
IVbl, A. ~:$11.11,1.31iG
T Tea Pealerr. N.Y. !Array 41... I, at+ r
h a a r a ttea t ro baud a Larc, -.-attut.atc Pt (11,,a,
a, and Fla.. Tea-. ront• Nut— WI,
ule au4 tul. bralcro 110' loarr-t rta,
OJEC A. CAUGIIF.Y, Agent f Laic
. Ern-
the La.
Ern- sal Illehlqan. 'Ayr. to !leaver an the Later
hoe as !hemmer of Haug. and MeulthlSeld nt,
jILEECH & CO., Trausporterp Ly Canal
b • t o r lizomrlinz Mewl:twit% owner of Penn ftfni
A. BROWN would most respectfully n form
tberthllethat hehrepown hand Kale gland on thelee , gt
Oleo( the Dltuoud. Alleabn) city. a cotolilete aewortment
VemltlealdlmlK oleo Venitiatt Shutters are nakll4 .Under
to the larot ,ty le. warranted wtual
to Our tu the. United
Stens., Um Winds eau he removed without the old of
art , driver. flaring Dun tit. Flock, tOole, and wood
of the cabinet ertabllflnuent of Jtasalawkdlet'lelland. I too
pm - pared to furuleh their old cu.unnetw ow well me the pub.
llc large. with aver, thing In hoir. tine.
Nos. b Wood mtreet, ritt•httfgh ,
J. A. mows
Purromp—Residence,rorvr of Thl,l strrot and not
• N. 8.-1.4c0, Nand, Mortar. Lath, Se.. far sale.
mcbtly .
A DAM fIAItDIII, Veterinary Surgeon, late
nv=, Eamarga, &tabula, woisll renwtfoli the
quiunt the public that he too eunnwoced prattiee In
shore, pre it tu awl. rueful attention to whatever le:
1711..A.T.:a".1:aMIL:itt,.1T1'.411.1not Old
Illatlrionithing in general stiffs earned oth at the eraser
of Tunnel etreet and l'eunla Avenue.
ILP II Y h L kl, Wool. DEALERS and
e e Cormlnion /defame. fsr the Fair of Amalie.
oro trout., N 0.155 hihertr inlnburen.
Q k lIA BMA AU( 11, Wool Merchants,
0 Denier. In Phour end B ore
reenerelln, and For
tran:ling andeammlreion Wm:haul, N. 115 l'lret t,wi.
an , 1116 &nand amt. Itteburgb.
- •
EVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver on Wood,
nil. MIL (thinil otry,) I:lttshurch, P.—Tielrig of
Z 1 tlnv4 Slartanort. l l:s. et
dot Nr . rot r y,
of .rt. and at lb. toned ink..
XrIiatTAMSC HUCHM AN'S Lithogrrerth-
Itortabllsimont. Tbild dart. alrymlL the
Portman. Maar tent
Babll.darla Arthiantoral and Madan.
priditiza Wainer. and %%titian Carla ka, amana
drawn an am. did waded Ist mitna Odd. Banda at
Illackota th mat spprovad strlih.ild at ibe ma=
W:tti , 101 , 1 , , , eir . e f iLlti e lnr i .
Fourth ntrwt, ,asiutryti . a. N. li.—Watebrou34 Mao ,
ruxfullT mr.hml,
- _
WILSON & CO., Importeni and,
tsb u Pg•slars rrh. In Illnrdurnre and (Nairn'. lin. 19
• m 1..1 Pit
serstrismns dt. a. 201114222.
Pass of FLINT and GREEN tiI.APH,IIOELDR,and all
k ads of MACHINERE, take thisthod of Informing
those demise. of having sorb work me
dose, that lb ep ass
prepared to do It At the lowest passible rates, at the abode
sat nutlet: mud lu the best manner. at their establish...kb.
Fervent elhelmet. the Canal ktrielireatear the Ow Work.
Twee m oo , for inark Pnalth ulst runtame, men.-
. .. • •
m! at Ihr hortut notice-, trul ki the lowest rui . n.—
kinglo of Jobbing duo.. un obort mtg.,
OEU Fitting.
Fru° 13719:1411:174t7.1V,_ " ' '
Would lovito th• Pdoll. Ld. 4
sarortmenat of
CAoaddiztt. lindasfs. Brackett,
U. mod run, ,u•ottabin nn , ImehLtf
Wegner, Baechner & Nneller'e
THE ABOVE FIRM respectfullyttnnounce
to their friends and the public inenendi),tbat ttieX
are preparedto execute, In the trot te, style of their set. all
enters for dhow Cards, Pinions, Cheek*, Wield.'
and Professional Canis, Slaps, Charts. Labels. Ste.
Their establishment is at Pio. Gd liarket street, between
Third and Fourth garrets. LIP stairs. smite:Li _
Bolivar Fire Brick limo:doctoring Comp.y.
rr lIE SUBSCRIBERS, havAi been rip:
j pointed Agent. for the above coneerm
beep constantly outland teepply Lathe eels rated Bol i var
Clay.p ly Ileartheandlnwalle.
They are also preparixt to receive order. fur raid Rea, to
be made in Mee nod shape to cult purchasers. which shall
be tri7de P ca l d li e l e 'k.
m it necessary to enumerate the tn.; . 1.
'matzo, the Bolivar Fire Brie\ posiesesi over all other - ell:tat
have been offered for lu the Bulled States, their Nut,
rsalty being well known to minuet all persons who use
Fire Iffirk. The proprietors have detennined that the
Brick nhall lose none of their present enviable tnPulatiiiii
d that DO expense shall he spared to nuke them even
booths then thei have heretofore into. fir Is the only
establishment now manufacturing Fire Brick .t Bolles,
tochT Catuil Basin, Seventh et., Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
IIE underaigned have just completed their
d aro cup.
other E lam
all sises of GAS PIPS. La,
asal other Elam alai all riles of
addch they offer l'or sale at the prices. They are
[...P.m ., ' to ela..ute to am ester., ...about de.
SPAM.' a t' , o_
feta .1.1. \,.'01 and 9t Pater areal.
tent PA.
itv Flouring;
Lilyny car ' , I Ada.... Ptanbotrub.
(CHOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer,
It '
)11m. a Aaera Make'.
I.aught, Mash L. lot the Patantufli......dektzus of uarlu
.erILAF Mine.. Water Work, Nailing Mine... , Vacta
utal I.eterta IA A 0. and o P. at Ala ITPvlence,
Atreet.. Pataburuh. panliall ra
I) A. MADEIRA. Agent for Delaware Mu
ted Safety hymnal , . Orm a tany, 42 Water sdre.t.
N ER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin
to Fir. hourarrn Comtrnr, onrth rant earn, of Wand
and Thad ernmt..
C LENS, Boos. 13aNnEn. Wood street,
V V te,etsi door from the corns of Thad, vb., he la
,n. o arod n iLi ev.ry devqiptiru of Binding 'nth ...h....!
r o t..dpr . tt i llity. ‘6 lghtt rnkM in
n lo w a r zyrttnn said
found carefully, or r.psa.,l Mau , P... In Litton
Th.,* who bay. Mud.. lae mraml m nil.
NI CO., 11 11 u r .l and Villa , a nd krtail
uflur 1411 evit4p.c.• •‘,1"..0f Mt% Cape, Vur, Ale .
••!n, ouulity mot ••tt sod Betas!. nu.l
\1.,/ 01,4M:urn beta parrOuule goner
them tbut day nail pro or. 11.. e mm't .4nn.
hues, lurt.u•
ik‘r 3 . 1 od ! : ) ,, 11 , : % 13 , 1
L l i ta r ret , .
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
M. A. 1(111 it; ok CO. would 1.4
II), that 11,1 W.
a - luoun l..tuuun stal batuluuty
Tlvy an out tuukine no.I tan. pTetu.r..l Or rt.,. e
*Mel, irolu;tlur
lung lzperlenru an tounuluf tun. of It, urn,
/Purl th•
furslstro Lb, Lao., they contdent they an,
enubled tu tbu no.ut ruuson.alla term. will
eh our wunon.., urtu•Sol lu tbulr lane.
ot: tun ua 'tient/up to tbe eulectson of 11110.11dr,
slo l f loa•Itot nut, lust couspournt liorleturn. thry bale no In warrant/tut 1111-Ir work. 'We tbertfluu lb. of tbe public to thie tosttor.
It. Ilepaili ng Soon In the. Juutt manner. awl 012 !be
=rut rux..onable tornm • jul.V.ll
AeP AGUE MARBLE: . WHIMS, (eshibli hod
7.4 I,th by liriSiliND WILKENS No. 104 Liberfy
at of Mod qr.... Fittsburyh ' Monuments, Untie
Fool?, Tombs. Headstone, ar; Mantel Peso, Centro and
Pier Top-. ;quays on hand. rind mate to order.
A dna.+ wri.,,,n3 ul lirawio or GO baud. Jain
. .
VIAII It V, 11 UOIIES rt (Xi. jar preparoi to
do all tin/. of SLATE ROOFINJ
A LEX LA N. A .our. Etna rt. • Carol.
Ai TV at.t Work,. Pittsburgh.
/67 - 51sie guots promptly repair , -d, ifst_
. tv.rnerod Fourth and 'Market streets, Pittsbnegh.
eg ear, at the commen,ulent of the Neer Tear. to re
turn their thank , to their etiotsviners and the public one,
idly. for the lame share of custom extended to them, and
knits the soutinusiste of their favors. Having renently
eulars,l and imi.nerol their ram. ther ••••asbikl tgiLerp
hand • very extrusive issoortutunt of Oinds- and buyers
.111 bare the advant.µ, of ideuty of light to examine
im mix, and took. their &elections. They designmaking
their rotarholor,rnt, so far as practicable. a FAMILY
sl'ola, where every article in the MT Banda !Ma i riesolivl
for the wants of famine., can be procurol--emi n their
Untied e ff orts to soled the best awls , end lo all at low
ern v .
they Lope to make It the bitterest of fleadllre and to.
, rts
Poluals, to favor them with their custom.
1y9..2be WHOLESALE benINPSS •111 be continued in
the mans uD stairs—entrance Irmo lth sitriast. or
lower room. Sand:
j_ Corner of Third Ana shvato. The onlY ooCt
tend ingthation of the kin d le Pittsburgh.
Facggrr.—John Venda. Principal Instructor to this
Metro of Acrounta.
0. K. chautherur6 Professor of Prnumanahlp,Mereantils
Also. M. Watson, EN, Locturer on Commercial I.•iir.
now deshing a irgoplete knowledge of Book KSePing.
and its application to ev.,ry ,, br•orp ollo , nsitiess.a . iL i o en tin
ratlVentnaushi . , are In a to mai exam.
IruLectu the
re on tont::::enJ Lan rem. Monelny erenlng.
Betel-turn tn airy of the resident city trirchanta. yileM
WILKINS, No. 245 Liberty St.,
fowl of Wood Areal. Pittiburrah, Pa.
le— Mantle Hee., Centre end Ilea 'rum
las, on hand and made to order, of the
chnireat A Marbles,
s and al •ery reduced
da.. 4.crxm alifeennnea on
(mut Italy
I fil_ It. F. II Altßofillf would ren.iiimors.,
T apertfolly totnto thoeltlmennof Pak.
fir , and AlleAlmny that he k owe prr.
Pared to take a taw Ilona pupils ma the 1,-7 t Q - g
,k...h.-ea—Cl I . FLpanw. Enr. Ileury Irwin, E....,.. Ira
I;ent. trourth .I.rvet.) Madame Freud. apto3f
~,..„ rt,,,,,, w e (Leon, ~.... tiara Iternau.r. , ..,. . .__ -- -- -_
Ilms. dud,. Wiltar , John Itarper. Ear,
\Vat. Itoldoeou.rr.. E.-. 1 44,1.. W., Jrert, E.., . ‘rehttert WALL PAPER.
John t , urder. E..,. Cad.
P, ton,h honk. - " ''''"'' B" '"' Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
s•I •410, 1 Itabet. .1.,
'' rI I IIOMAS I'AL3IER in tinily receiving
3 11. alpwoherrer. M.., MIT *Curt,
W l tr.... '''' C . l '''''''' L'l . n " ." ''" . "' L." " 1 fr. , m the tiaelern l'lttr, at the oh stand.
llobert Meg tn.:ht. F., Wm Itattairr Aye..
4 , .. , ilrliot :Iti. Eeo. kirmtne. It T ‘l,rxen 0 Co Ni'. r,r, MARKET STREET.
~r ,,, ,, t 7A h r .....1. . .n . ; 1 ` . .. C" rr " Wr ' ' ' Beier.. Thin! ,rnd Fourth 'merry, l'iltrhury l4 .
1 , IV f.... 1. . rmt. 1.1 6.r LI. , vet r lllwrat ontr.amge rt- tarp' arta-winn. in him Ororaat rbmdt. of tberrovlbmwatlfal
~.....t durohr - ohnerta read • in thle
a re q had the PAPER 11.1N(if.IUN that hare appeared In ILI. market
t o pe . et awl i ll- pdw rotro..ted 11.1.1. ear. up. the prweut WI a
prroal. The p4torstm are entirely new, the
time. end will emirate. , L.. render estirfarilou hereafter. 'l' Ie• roraiterlY Cbaek. and the retort'. In polut of dun..
tm..J.t . Wit , . on , From 10 .rote upward., Lbr lOW ,
-- IPII, 1,0 tht" attract.. lot of no,l, of which • tatur se.
JAMES W. WOODWFILL. curaL,tl.l.llrot ~ LO I. Srt,' by tight than dmcrtothm.
lb. al oentam of wombat, aryl bourn ktmwm I" oo.po ,
(lAIIINET I , IIIINITIME m.‘rcr ' ,. .it
-x y in•.-1.
r,„, wad.
.", , t...out
aror 0 7 1 ma Thlnl rtnrl. I :
3 W Si re.perttully Inform' , hi. Dirude and
rd'lorarta that he bam or, rompleted the largert ... 1
and hue. neck of hoorehold furniture ever Wore ores le
(Ina city. as he I. dotennlncd touphold the nullity with
well.e.looned material., beet a orkmanehlP;and onweat Je
tta", aml from the extent of Lk ordrrs sod facility In
mmufarturhor. he I. enabled to produrt warranted turol.
turn, st the daunt prune,.
Ile. han adopt.] the goinelrle of Identirrlna thr rarfmn
re? Interert with his ....My and Prlca , and r. 01 ,. i
fulsrooTtlW, handf ' th: TlF4l t :tl i llt ' alu . 74. Tro d r,„V,7.;:!
„,,, and enarty, that • atmo, or any part of
may he
forolthetl font hit. Mort, or manufactured es premly to
inter. !lc ao r•lan. "olleiPtan Inopmtion. that the ukl yam
article" uht. t atohltrlttnent may ta. known. Tito. following I
a eonalat, lh part. of Ide st.elt, whirls for riehoema of ,
it I. and (Minh cannot he eurparged in any of the Ea...tern
Parlor, draw dlnlnp, and tint 11%/113 chair,. of VTLIS7 i
~lety, ~.0.,4 Atha of rowewnwl. mahogany gad walnut.
Ellubethen. Coorervelolre nod Eaor Chair, of every dee.
rriptlarn Courbee, Fof.. Tens-tete and Divans of the Ittleet
Fmuch ROO Ameriegn patlrrtoe. Twhore, Whnl,Notm,
Lat.,' parlor Wetting Ihr.k. of VbfifiLl, klud2; (1 ark Table"
and holey 11110'1 alma., tun-rie. etandr, mod holders, marble
On, 191121Ogaoy, rorrior , .l sod aslant retiltv and sofa, ta.
We , eako oo n dining taldre: ;II eliemof the mtrd.lmProred.
gu d ., the lei.t lona in•nc entd.rntio. , c.. hall awl
pier {abhor. wardrobe , I... Wee& md washstand, uf eaeh •
large stwortment; Fl3tble bail SOO parlor nreptlon halm,
annum' and atonla...ettLtare nal honk marg. Ida, , aod,
' tire , rota o• rack,. hat "WOK sod mute Male, nibs
aud rota for childrom psinn . ethh-twol tom pop,
. e b00.,.,....... 1, net. IOW"! pm rI Tattles, Pr. 1,.. le.
A ISM, Impartment of Ckantana rurniturn and 'A indoor
Chaim. Caltltod. makers oupplled with all artlehm In their
litcamtmato and Ilottls, turalrbed at the "haricot mil,. I,
All order, promptly attended tn. Jan
-- -I
OUNTY LANDS--Cninr. CuAs. NArrs.ost, '
DAttorney at Lam. NO. I 0 Thlrd At., corner of Cherry
y, having made arranfirmenta for the kolatoort i Vti
ppocuya Bounty Lando tor olbtars to
oomwro. 1 . a
'tido , awl children. and "rill attend to any utbrr to ti-
ter, rOnnerted With the government or my of Its D er e i t;li
manta. the Peumcda veer, or the Cotitte gt 1.1t7
Wrahlognm. •27kitt
Drawing, Perspcctive, and Painting in OiL
NI: R. D. It . S3lllll is now prepared to give
lostrortlon to ales pica it , troi AV: m m . l .. hrityll
c ck " d ' I I na w ' b tr' _
n i Illt:._ t V . l i r; t " = " 1. r.„.- Wood MI
Sl t ar ir kot a4wetrt.
Munro of.fustruetdon. from t0454.1: 0 . 1
front inWWI, x. Charge...tad other p , a , rtlablars . can
. _
...t f
Notre and IMOLA nollentml on ell rte of Eli:_
Sweep teeoom eert
.....t,...... .._ _. .......
._ ____.
um, CO. Msostuturemr= Marce wave, DetWeei Ftrrt a
Pitiohm,h. Ps.
hulk-131u atteraloo paid to Met slam Also—D. l w to
Ilint Ulu.. Viala Bottlef, ac.: d.twk____________—.
- --
• • •• •••
Q in glIZET .... - eoLtilV,Thual blerahnnti;
and IxoIn" In Dry Goal. artMliee, boo and
career of Walnut .treot oso.l Wublairtos TuroOto Rood
'human oolgAffvflelS
ecknraln:Oi MAIL!th AND TIMID STS.
United §taber c.
Do. Vs
Allitir Co. V
. ...
roup-s. •
Pitttburgh city ....
11.0 r
k Tlttargh.--
bleulanti Masa Barth
Erebsugr twt.... • .... ..
All,hroy N• Isavg
111111141 • moon. I
Mann b l Lridp+_••_
IL Cl.f i .0 lJgr
Ih d BL 81141+-........-
Willi...capon Bridge..
.• • .
iVmdent hmommte C0....1
Caludo' Ineueedioe
keerimed Flernav'm Co'
Nft b O ti i ` i iiie
Li. rr
cum tr.
PUlaburan this Worka—...
nanCIL Slmkreater
Tetiab hemp nhAlmeida
Penn's. tral Ball Road'
Chin t Primes. Bail Bond.
Balt.* Olido Pall Huai...
Cleveland A Wellielle 148
Marino IL Way; Pry Dock,
Do. do. (neer)..
Turtle Creek Plank Rood
Allan. A PrirrTridDi'n
Unvstelers eiling.
(Nal TurnOn....pike Rd....
Pittsburgh Boston
North American
Pittoburgh 14.'1410.
Roti • •
11/IRS. A. LEECJL invites the atten-V
tlon of . her friends to a a dialling o Sprint
IL lI , ERII on 'Monday neat Ladies' and
in eery 7
stral l'apa Preoch Flower.: and handootoe a...14113ml of
aida Ribbon, a:lady:dart, tdik and lArt
j. +l. tunny Ulm,. idd.ln 1, , ,r
a —nava or four idaal Milline,laantPd tunnatiotelr.
ap2ld! Na. 9 Filth Anat.
W. Dixon't;London Patent Lever Watches,
Se m... A. ally Ili,chre reef ktifirerf en Pille.drgA.
I itiCilAitDSON, Market street, is
A .It,nt tnr tb..t..,. maned later Watebt.s.
loilworin.; -Austen., I. 1at4eb....1 in rarle Watrlt
•,,,..inuomat to the Ailmiralty, WM.'DIXON. Cbro-
L... let •ml %Catch 31.10•eturer, 43.1(.1mg boasts, U..
well /tout Lamdost
Th.l. tairtlfii-i , lbst tilt aoromo•orlog Walett L•
• - •rtnot , td by the to hr of my manufacture. aut noltatel,
Nil soy , usto• upon It le genuine tmlees ste.ompauSed
• rertiocat, bearmg . my eivnittore•
I lot rent.. the Match No. ---, to keep that to the Yl
1tta..1105 the'porehmer. WM. DIXON.
KROESEN 'keep constantly on
lk hand • rotawortment Of Wii,h fhth 'Pubs
I urse. L'iesunboa, Usk %fell, !Kitchen or Draw Buckets,
Ireoaton Bov4 Churn, Dry Idegvnireii. Zinc .4.1 diem
Wash li.urtis, sal all Min ikitia of MVP in hi. line.
Warrraotia. Filth street. Pittsburgh , P.
(Formerly the Exchange,)
Corner of Pean and St. Clair Streets,
HIS spacious, central, and most conreni
eon, located lACITk:L. having le•ert rompletely re.
arid thataughlt repaired arsi improved. till to
0pea,..1 Da the ex....Vain] of the public on Thureaay
at the :qt
l o t eubert Imree .04 prt, r 0.1 the it CLAIR ,
it In the
I.le ..Iy , so I els ph... tromp tout minium. eta ottealle .n 0.4 no sloe e
todfeahtal meteorite, arid that he mill eyare caortloh
to tr.dr.. It rotp.l ear boos, Iu thr munirr
II 6.nown ,rutr:l of the Rusts, sod ran.
of RI arrangement, rendersh4 the taut de , iree
etther teat eleto or permsornt Warder, laduas Imm
arid hupe f: •r It Itheral elm v r7iif .
Steamboat Agency, and General Commas
don, Receiving and Forwarding.
tViIALDWIN, PLUMER & CO., hard thin
day asiociat.d with them Mt. John Laertoa.aad offer
r eertlces la the public a. ateszotaat Snots, Ger:send
Comemo.ahm. sea laterardaliAroyleg. R tar e teßa ,
Locetenti. April IS. 11 . 2 Williams' Ron.
Ice Cream! Ice Cream!
11. HUNKER, haring rvinored to No-
Libeete rt, \Y. A. old Mand,l will o
rist4 tb..f.,. Ar 21et.), •111 frni.pla pil
V soul. Cr,am.
It. elan 14k1.1. !MEAD 01 all ear.rty CAI:E of all
baa.l anima. tobJrrin ahori time.
VICCITt W do , tLds.e bloc on Lard, frrel e'er/ week
from exil•2l-1 .p2l
111 KEW ELL CAMPBELL, Attorneys
ip at lan, 'filen°. Ilan, menet Ilrant street and
nnnad alley. Wm. Itatewell baa beer( appointed commis
re to take depnsitton. arknontedYments. le. tor tie.
Yk, tlarstatul Virginia. Ohio, Illssonth Itentml7. Lb.
Isla.. tot other state. apt.'l:lnt
- •
eceibere mennfaenser nod keep ronstantir on Wuxi ell
sole* of Tact., Brad, anal eipsnel.he. Finishing, Clout, and
Hob Neil., flue blued Flour [ferret and balblng
Copper Nails and Tackle Darrel N inlios CM. , wet Fain.
Shoe PUtern Makers' Point,. itivets, assorted else.
C•511 , 111;L , CIMS • 00..
teller Warehouse. be ater ea. Pillsansrgh.
Lo the anitrenntod•Uott of Mellon. The branty of
OL.. boa teen much hammed by the addition Of
tihrubliery and Pitmen , A large cullertWo of aver
blooming Plotkin end ebrultherT. of the fienneet Unit. ore
kept for nolo on the amulet-a.
lee Custom tinilla. le. Mot In the Pelloons nutaL
Iketuete tastefully pot op at eh. , taoti.-
The neat and comfortable Aromiest CIIISPIAIN. leaves
the landing, better. Pitt street and the Old Allegheny
Iteltl un em at the beginning of bow—from 9 delta*
at. A.
id, til lo P. M. Line extra trip ovary evening, at
litratiou Milting the enmity City are UMW to MP •
.felt to ILI, aerie. Plower tlarden.
The Garden I. lent on Temperance art:minim. Mail elated
on Stuiday.
PR. J. J. 31YEJI S—Surgeon and Physiciai.
Mee and theellinet earner of Ill•rlington's row. NI.
rhlnl one ,her etnee Stall/Meld et.
Ur M re, b. permanently located In Yttphorgh, ttol
ataeutt tu the duties or hie Yroltweitn, Ile will Atte
twaticular etttnallon 61,0416:11. end the tlb...seete of
~wr, end aildreu. eple;:laz
Tuition on the Piano
; 1 1 -I[ll
Board of Underwriters.
AT o Meeting of the Board of Underwri
ter... Lt. Hdinwing resolution was unanimously . odor
nd rtkrfli IO be publielosi:
RevAlml, Tbat from and after the publication of Ibis un
tie,. no Firs itisk. abetber +original or rootinued, shall be
cou , blorot as taboo by any insurance Office in Line city.
until the premium 1:7 paid In rare
lir order
lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
s NOW to Le neon iii orration at WM.
' TATE & CO.'S Plumber, No. 10 Fourth ntrcel, bc.
lwlwn Ferry and I.ltertr sit, and at I . llVOlt & WILEY'S.
'No. 10 Market ntrost, Pntsborah. This Viner hasnwwir.ll
a landedal (mu the Auserteut lustiluta New
and • C
rtificate tram ll Fraultliu Institute a
of Phlladel
phi.. Cr IU auteriority In ItaeleonlingproprottleW an/ al.
ertilicanw from lbw... baring theta in weal Philadelphia.
of which the followlusgr
t, 08mb.
11 girra roetweet Fleenor,. la recommend to the lure. of
Fun, clew water. the Patent Reversible Water FlNerrl,
vented Its Mr. Lewitt fission ussd eon or thew for serer ,
al otoutba, 1 Eta ..nabird It of their value.
(JOOItIIF. PLIIT, 197 N stout street"
Tultaurtruta, !larch =Oh, 1151.
The Patent Reversible Water Faster. Invented br Ur.
Paulus! U. Inwi, andnewt br um for ammo month. at =I ,
11 Mr public. JONAS P. rAI nt,A3lll.
Nu. 11 Summer street"
N. 11 —Steamboat Captain, bud Agents would do well Y•
call au/ea.:ins our large Filters, for filterla 9 water fF
now entering the boiler, by which means Mar will wee
leant lOU 'war in coal and repair of Warr, All our
Fulton are warranted to nos t earn, and with care will last
1Z29 Arch atroot.PhiladelPhia.
IRAVE FITTED UP, (an the New York
plan.) • very superior Warsranm, for the sale of Cur
no, Curtain klaletisti, and every thing appertaining to
the febinnahle parlor: and have "elected the larrdt
most superior so•tutinent of Patin Dv Won. Itrcutels,
French and Unman lkitataalt DO WWI,
Mamma Chlntsr!, Putter tied Cal,, Flies, M.P. of
serer kind, Lae. (.urtains. figured and plain nit Muslin.
.04 o dittnt width Corni. 3O
nt pla o te fl n at
style's. Do or Mau. Windom Blinds an dl lh m es,Cartain
Itordere and )land, Curtain Wm. Tarsal. and Tasse l Loop,
Card, Silk and Worsted, lint Chintzes nod Fringes, Mar
seilles and Laneastcr tjuillk Counterpanes and colored
Comfort", Matram. Beds and Redding.
All omen N" atiltirE, T ahinl strve
T alfr4k
cABIPBELL CHESS have this day, AV
`( Tomb, eitiociated wi th them Comte Meittinierr.
14 bWill[ll3 trill be continued under the style of Camp.
bell, Chest et Q+.. aplinlin
NOTIC.E.--.A.11 persons ndebted to the es..
tab of Jahn 6. Rot, deed, oe requested to reeks
psyment So the underdsued: thsod thaittasisut claw
sAtalust. the Mete will M ann wat nstema.
erpl7 WALT= C. E. Trustee,
ittLg, L PEASONS hovittg Imetnees with the
nenivesigned. either eirPoWie Areirenteat.'inetreetor
Keeping. or °Mambo, trill ed Mtn N the Mrs.
mon 000.131gtaltInases, Mon W1110'4.1..4..
N, and from to P. 31. 11wobna
ing aw . tom,
In Au Mende of &court&
Arnemaga. A
fr.! 117 111
ta l
lOU 00
Udf 07
l i
100,V'J V 7
103 bl bd
00 01
4U b . " 5-
loc. vea ass
litt " bi j AZ
iuLJact *July
IntlHai a "l*
• • •
what 11..
totems to the
mutt to prepta
tbmger n os,
must bspreculd
Mutes M *! d .
lisunalmt ,
pall !bur rests
lotssd POMIg.I
to Uss Guttman
Div Niav 4pord
IDly. 1 , 14 r 4 11 et
. D. Jao &pro,
24 21
cnl 4. 44
25 45 I
1. , 11U
1 1 /i
C. 4.
sc utsUtters by t
ter. half hs
Uses/. Illixtm
DIY Qr. 3 Or a
tdvA pre erao
frO, ,
50, 47 44
50 00 •
Essim.—Brrsonsbars, Clombmburg. rhilairiplM
Nevr Yon. Um...v.0/PM end parts of N. York,
Delsairalisvr rotary...Ll the six New EuirMd Ntok. —
The livitlsh
dally of Loam 111/MA. , Departs EM sad
Ns. ilmarriek, . Arrives st r. a. et le. a.
Kos= Elsirrrfflo add li d. Arm/. 1...
Including the ponnUes of Bradfortl v Ombris, Crave, Clio
too. Jaoists. ',rooming. &MEN. Maims, Potter. Perry,
nog. and of WorMarelsvol. via LiMmore.
Bomrstilla Balm s hads. Nor Alessadrisoupi 1.11-
ms musty. Arrives dell. arrovia. B.r 1 "1% ".
P.M doll 7 Obi P. st.
40 31 I
lou,y?, 6
110 0
1 W
.Ito 2,
100 46 40
1.10 46 40
2/0 221, 22
20 /
.i 1-6 131
30 27'1
. )
. -
1 3 0 7
. 6
17 '4 1
- • •
Eart--D7 Bottom Po, Mercer. Crovrford. end J.+
rountka,Mootentirirt of New York and triverearuirlo.doll,•
Arrtron 419 ..1.4awl depot. et 9 o. tr.
Notratats Arm 15"uar9N.—Ity Woohlogtrro.
ntrottot. Notrieroot, port of Wrotmoroland county, , Virtrinia,
Mory hunt. Itoltlakorr,Wartattortott etry ‘ Notalwrst nod Wert.
orn part.. of Oblo otkl ludlort. lieutorNY.lllhWo.
Alotaros. 311Ariorippl, Arkansan, North Coro-
Ilea ueer~ta, Loolslans, owl Tex.. ddly. Amy.
at 3,1.; and departs at P..
tirmosSonu, Cnno.L-By noel., Ramon, Baulogtnn,
Florence. ;WU, Ps, Iliffll4•7s Va. Jefferson. Mad
men, Carroll,liames. and Tuersrsvrensbountles.ffinu.daffr•
Amis.. &VII P. deports at 7 A. M.
Nueut Wszeute.—llt Draver.r.,..d Cleveland. Ohlo.-
BOIBI . rI . Co, PA„Columblani“ Trumbull, PortAtte,
Antstablllsjlarlt.Nl a)ne.3l.llns, slogs. humtnit,le,
Webl.4. Lorain. Homo. llttal.a. !tie. , dutk7. Wrvel.
sod Lucas countirs. extreme nonliern counties
of the Mates of Indisni and Munk. Ineludlng ell 311eld
inn, lows, and Wkanuln, dally: Arrives oft II s. st.; de
park at d t. at.
. 4 .1.1.
Krre.rno.—lly Elarwburg.llouston, SpringlicLl.T•rere
Com rrnegnet. Kittanning. higkiminitas, Arniitrong. Clar•
sud Cleorgeld conegica, eggnpt• Ar
tivei at 7 r• dep.. at 5 e. n.
!Into—lty Perrwrille. Wexford. 7.+1 , 4T . 0p1e,
Ilaylitrlburg and New Lod,. A Yrs SneadaYL
Thursday r, and natonlayr. at r. ria 3lnirdayw
Valor ay and Fridays. at L. ta.
Itzah.rtua.—b,, ttornevrio Hal h and biro
mt.:211..1a ('ll7. ArM to ors. bndas.. at r.
yaw. IVeduerdae• em pt y tuhy at
oar Ilurbanaa er Han. Melte...yr,
}al \"a11... • Gyaltrirs,
non. CnAsVoen. Layry,.. (11,141...
P. Arrinr.: !outlays Lad Ihurolay e. at L Nt.: der
parse )!soda • an.' Shun-lay, atU s. bt.
ItcroLvt. Va Wolkerbt n,Htr :ruble-don, Candor.
Ilurgettotoon.Q.b.Crrolt Par.teraun , PL.--
btathany, ArrlrrsEundaro and Thural.yn. at 111 IS
deports blondayaand Thuyalay. ILI I r
Fataroto, M , urdnrksalllr. Moon. Mon.
Worm, Prankket Spring', Pa, ' , Linde, V. Arrive, on
Ifriday. at 4 a, or deputa rot Eaturder a 54. 1.
liarborra..-11r Antrim . North, bramhingt.. and Apnun.
PL. Arrlre 3 on Weda^eda/r. tl b Y. a.. davartr .0 Mond.,
alt L. a.
latryaYau.—hly Lozatta Ferry. stylus on Friday. at C.
Y. ; departs on Y:atordar r h
l'aLachyr.-11, Perriatillo. %Sett - Ird, lirrnkne,t, Ogle,
Pr...port. I% hlteatnon. 44, Ineltutil. IS arrest and Vans..
.nuntlea Arrive. , dad,. and departs at 4.1.• a. a.
Lettera Loth. daily rail. no. be In th• OM.. onahnor
Lena.. their &twit., irttert thelrto..drlY. rera!
reer. and denu tor. tu and awkly Istall.,tat no the Otte, halt an hour
No 07 Marl , at Macmillan:l and Tl.urfa rte. 1 . 0:000/u4.
PENNSYLVANIA.. ltranch at Murillo.. 1010. 1
Bout Of Pit.Lursla .-..--par Branch at Machos...._ _! ....1c
Eachaoo Bank of do .-per Branch at Xenia. . do
Iles. .0 .2 Ma. 4 4... --par Branch . l'ouncolown do
think of Cominctc.----...011r Call Lank. CluAnneu. ...Jo
hat. of North Amertra--pat Conteueal Bk., cinctonando
Bum of.SorttsTo Litareceskar Vrsottln Bank.. . ... ...... do
Bonk of PectoFylrwata -fru Lafayette buil., .. _ ~.-do
par. cf P.nulotruattp- par otau Life Inn. t Inset Co do
hack or Ow Lanai those. 12 Western Reran,. man.. .40
commercial Bank of Pa-par Bank of 1t..111, .. do
Barrosro . 4 Itcrlac.dca' Bit Par Small N05e. . ... --...-1(
thrord Butt ... .-.- -.-.... par NEW ENOI.A., O.
Kt naincton nk.t. ... __purl ulivelal bout. --....- I
Manufsc.*ldeutt hank.- par piny y oK k.
Ileeganie.' Bulk.- .....-dar Non York City Par
kloymen-ins Bank .....-par(..tunl,7 3lAltlLL,4l , c 1,oo Rant.----soul
Soutbout . B..k... .. - . pat Badthnor....--/-......-...par
P. 7 I . 4sTIZOL k - ....1.1 ."" l ITINFIXT a iiiLAiFillY...
Bank of Clanabersbutleh- 1 All solvent font. ...... 1
Pant of Cheater 43.toty-par %I 0114117.
Haut of pacril.....--...P. Dank °Ma "alley 1
Haut of Dot. C., Ctwatar-Par 01 . 1 V l, lO , I. . k 4glr a I
Dank of
Pant of 13.371, Partners' .of
alcutati 1
Doak of Lsorlatonta... ..... - Merchants' Mort, Book I,
Bank of hltddlenurn....-. I North We rn Bout 0
O. Bautti—pas Branches
Vault le
Carlisle Bank-. .. —..- 1 Dant ores Pm,. ..... . 2
Ltdurobla Ilk k Bridge Co.par no! Ph . Carotin.- 2
Dejl o eita.l3l.tank par Cosomece Bk,,... , Ailtutsuen 2
Erie Bank I COL T 1 LIA.II LIN 4 '
Parcae& iiii,iiiliali - ctiCiumyk . i tbe out of 8. Ca'rottit 3
p ar ...o' Bt of Lancoator.parOsant of South Carotin.... I
Fullers' Bankollteadlos parillacdc of C a 2
Vara. 111 ofSchuylttllCo pviViatt.ri a Itechanics . Ilk 3
Es.r.*Drag.Wayautmroc. 1 GEtithilA
Ynnttlla Bk. It saltingino par A u trusta Ins. a Banking CO 11
11=1:il,'I k---- 111r.'01,;!°a7.tii --- ,.:.
111343 , 111?. '
Laneseter Canaty Bank-.par Al! advent bank--...........- 3
babel:tort PAW,- .. ....... par . KENTUCKY.
Misers' Bank of ottsville I Bap( henuuty.LoulevUle 1
Ilotoonsaltela Bo ok par in of Louisville. Thurston 1
West linnet: Rack. I iNotthem 9t of Kentucky 1
B a n 91.1ClIkaabarrepar Southern Bk of Kentucky 1
Tort Bank 1 of 310
Bebe Notes-- 1 Ilk orate., of 3109.1131...... 1
01110. ILLINOIS.
Ohio State 8ank......---- lEtat. Bank and
Branch at AMT.— do Bank of Minn' a 70
Branch at Atheu...--.....40 . mat0..)2510.
Branch at Bridgepart.--....d0 Marine k Fire In. Co. elks 6
Braneh IA ChtlW.ha- do If 1C111035.
Branch at ClevalaraL do farmer.' itochardra . Bank 3
Brloch at Totedo-____-_do khavarrunent Stock Itank..... 3
Branch at Dayton...----dn renhasalar Bank 3
Branch at Dalawara-........d0 ItouraticoCottlP=Y---• 3
Brand:gat Colombo. .do Mats Dank 3
Braila at Ashlabula---do CANADA.
lunch el halm .
d -. --.-do B
ook ol.N. ArnericaJoronto3
1 hunch at Manalleh. .do Bof the People, Torvattob
O.OOW sr. litpley--....-do Bank of 1tn0trea1........ ... . . .3
,lnnach at Clortnnati----do Bank oat. Caental. Toronto IS
Branch .Colotribent. ..In EASTERN rxelikNuz.
Branch atWastdostats..--do On Noy Pork (pre.). , i .
11 ranch at Cadiz ........-do On Philadelphia do-- ...... P s
ranch at. Laiar.stry.......-dorp
_Daltlroore do-- t,,
Branch .0 Mt Vernoti..—do ClocionaLL ...... -...- ...... -..1
Branch at Nevark.-...-....d0 / Lotandllc-...- ..... - ..... _ -..1
Branch at Fyrls. ----do 1.1. 1 - 000 .... - 4,iiiiii;:ii:ifl
1=1: 1:1 . f.r,'o:l' 1- ..... 1: 1 a L P,XP., - ,b _lN.'',
Branch ...TSUI. .--- ..dol do Patriot. . .15.50
Branch at NIL. PTeacanC.:_doiEsate. old.- 10.01,
Branch at 7.....111... ..... do Eagle, nen ...... .......... .10A
Branch at Norwalk---.. .do Prederkkahn.
Branch at Piqua clolTestitiLlera. ..J
Braurh at Porteroottat......doMulneto .00
9.3 0 -h ..AOOO-
....... .do .reerewn.a.-... ..... - ......
~a 3
Branch at narenua. do
10. 4 00
Branch at
do Napoleons 3.10
Branch at CoyaLosa....-.. Ducats 2.16
Branch at Tolodo lot
t4 ,- retary of the hard
Ittuineu Notice.
Port — of
Ile.. York.
New York
New York
New York
Now fork
I • 1 4 1 :rifehm
o Its#ltlb •
Vista ,
1 Britain
U. atatralll
U. Inaba
U. 17
U. Slates
U. States L
IU. lan.
hand tux Va 11,12.1. Jr. --
drat otemoner. no nutter
lo•oi Y.oropn, by tbe Hoe,
+may one orot• • dogle except fbr .
re.l to to prepaid In. ull.
•uticutot of Eozope by tb• Cosasbl
to mots tot, to aw
prepal..l ill full.
ratter line, babe Cootioeut. muet be pee-
. .
mart be lidded an letters and neveiniern
of tome. by the linen. end Bremen
am • line, touct prepail tvrentr four
. Waal postage te be Ward. except to
;In , York. April 12
Mt 11.118 elit,S, CT
811N5, Bankers.
C. 2 4 ,7. MOST
'Link 01 Pittsburgh
Nottliorn Lthrrtitt.
eier E. A
E. \R.
ANO br
LDI Cu. 74 fourth rt.
—.Monongahela Bridge
101.1, a c, y. E...,th
Bank Stock foi Sale.
OTICE i,,liereby given that in corn pliane ,
. 1 4 or ~. L y 11.1., 41 an Art 1:1 ataclnt.4.44pro•
rit the tt.- , lla, rf Itt,t het.,TIIIII *HUT offrml i nt rrq .
W e.
rt , t tbr 711. day ' .4A1e .1 T:=3l3.Z .
el 1U o'rb.ri, A. II attire of the Hoard or Vire , torr
44,411.4 II a. KNOX. Cstrlare.
Life Insurance
nesultANCE SUCtIrrT of Incnton. u 1 Sri
..afe atul prttunortit lustltntltnn, rombiut. the mutual
Tw1n..11.1 wilt. th at et a ernoratir. r , "....t 3 rare tel
tatitnp lo wiltkog t"
tha f.)l . WeArro I'e t rat thr
Rankine Mow of
apk.3lr 61 Wood pe_
Lawrenceville and Sharpstrargh Plank
Road Company.
00K8 for Anloctiption to Stock of the
above Clnnyany atll to owned at the °Moo nt BM-
A a 1.001.10, :tn. 81 t7N moot, httolsufalt, on Tn.,
the Gth, an d Mi. atoolda,, the 71h, day. of Mat OP%
at 10 rald .13,R and ot the Auto u( SBllTh
CO.. In LaurennocUle nu thtcm.t, tho Bth 0.201
00a1..110 ,1.• and at the ?lore td .1. 00:4L0n, In the
. 11,8 i 8 liodod , , on idaOr ? On 9th any of May, at to
t, c .., ' , ‘ 7;t4ih o' r ' d ' lll . lr b lol . •ltllll ' , r o L n ' ag,Pi: L ! z e.vra t ßt ' a b y . ,
al.lo cic,l6, .lo opon Ijo'clork. A. M., to •
o'olock, 7 , 1. ro, day.
llomotattoBcat—WlLFA)N 81OCANDLESS.
C 10. gittif;ZT,
AllllB MA 0 MY
WIl. ltElLtIF.111111.1),
CH AU t&t,n-reatsuN.
JottO CI2II4.eTT.
It. L. 8,1011,1".
anlo.l.llay:alAwS. JAMES SARI".
I)AI'ER U Aka ;INOS---Quakot kylen.lust
rod and for tale by W.l'. 31ALfilfALL.
aplf, B.lloond ot.
rrEsTER CENTRES, of Gold nni Velvet,
oo Hour, raper, Tor sale by
eptS W. le MARSHALL. aS Wm/ m
Front Brick and House Tile.
Yr HE underoigned la now innnufneturing at
1, hie Steam Brick
In Birmingham, the Bind. Front IBM. for Houma, !VC( 1.1414,114. width he
mlll omothtol to onc-half Icce than handmodr, and
goammlng perfectly even. Banat ado, and a fruolab. pgb
grAed eallsep they catch oo duct or mot, end Femmes .
h... 11 1 ,2; ! it tpcmirA i. u. e‘vo In ROT. fir.
L otter " bdldlngt being eery visible ' . " The Lock p u t t
atlaß are much mperbr to lb. forme. • no nora of
like genteel house abonld to of premed brick.
the Walthm] esocues being m
Certltkutce In me posemalm, from uorecument Officer.
Agent. end Arad...who ham I n d s slender brick ea.
e cu pecty, nertift lo their superiority tmugth. durabll-
Bf. maimed.. to Met. water. Bre, Se.
Also namufacturlng. a mperior arUcle of Tile. mecomm
red, by an eminent Englleh Arehltoct e augertor It &Me,
and furnlrhed at atekt ormhalf the euponse.
Also, 300.000 Ilahomm op Moto-strength, darablllty,
guaranteed. rtiCes 13 l 10(M, at the %Vint,
Kola 18AAC•01ILIII.
FRENCH CHALK-300 lbs. for oak by
A 1
.OLOCYNTII-2.5 lbs. Pow d, fur sale by
AFEL3-60 lb. sup. Pea, for sale by
M. Li., , bu. reed per L.E and
tp9 sale by JAun DALzzi
68 wider street.
Bi°°BlS- r -ZX) tons-Teruii,,,fgl33.*4lu
D AIN , WHISKEY—WO bbls. on consign
ad. tr I.ljl ' HILLER. BICKMAON.
• 00 sn sari szsr. y st;
I 111111110“ ANL&la2C—Jittvcrtimentl and suberaiptions
far 11f4 paper recelvid and Mrlrarded her of expeme. from
A. the =dr ending .4p+il V. 1851.
tingsast Itsanes—Tbe market dating the pad neek
bid been etnaparatively dull. owing to the tadeateney of
tbd "rattler. arid to tb:a fart that the throng of Dullness
Doe partially stibehied. Nothing of Pastiordsr 1.t.n.: by
transpired in the market. and dnotations generally dam
eery li Wa donee tram ma last ',port
The opptittnee to goad atter torriteataboathob and
linainese on the wharf daring the week.' his beennoita
brisk. A heavy business Is thAng ontheciatal. and a Wire
amount of merchandise la pasahtg both gays tbnosgh that
"bonny. •
.• •—• •
The receipts by stew hsee been — lllidesate. Dacus hes
con. forwent I assudderable iftiantrilet most of which
however. Is for shipment east Home awsklerable lots of
sugar and molasses. have .mind. tint sakillewars yet Itm•
Itwt and prlosa well sustained.
ABll4-11". have no new feature to notice in the rhea
4haneto notice In prices. A. sale 41:I are
ends amh at 34ie, 4 me.. Kate, by 6241041mA at y%.
94 4,1 44 h I. eeUlap at toot =lento. at 5t.5.1i. and ye4ath at
44 , 434.
APPLES—The 446.44 Fee Qrten •OPlo es uvar, and re
napes during the poet week have been moderate.- $.1441
hay. tramplyed an the .had at n0g5w..1.25: and from
nom at 61.25011.0(41.F2..
. -
ALE—AU have no clisaira to notice to prima clarify'tLs
part W. wawa talc buiittions .t prim noising from
46 to 58. mark Included. for common to extra qualities.
ALCOHOL—PaIes requlsrly at fAC4OOc. ace:Tann to
BACON--Supplka have fallen off to • considerable extent
In etrasepuenee of • bleb sal. have not been SO heavy ea du
ring the preach week. The following are among the
which has transpired—lt, eke ebe.lders et t”.ir
and 4 eke do. In ota nt. (be time; bo eke western end rite
eared at, for eji, sides Ili. and shouklere et ft)iri:
lb: li ele awortul at a% tor hams. It for side, arid 034 e for
shoulder, 10,0. he country eared at 414554(ki1i and St,.
for shoulders skies and Immo. Holes front enodehouse of
9,000 ne prime enotildere et C,!..i. 4 ms. 14.101 Is do, In lots
at WV time; and g.lant be barns at 8 3. vit , l , . W.ut , rn and
ear cursed ride's are now intxtly held et be Al h. V.i Itxvlnt ,
hero refusuil fora large lot. Hugargurml raw...x..4 hale
'B sold at lon tb.
ULK NEAT Wee bo.nno Ds at 1,4,4411, hog run.l.
BUlTEll—lLereilds have not Icon so full, daring the
part week. and supplies 'of the better 49alinee nre rood,.
ate. tie quote from store et Ihn,lt , for chute. 40. i giltn
roll and print, 110021: for good and prime nualitive. Keg
la nominal at 7 . .itar`e . 0 b.
ItEdNtt—The market is lienitnl In Ming., with ...11
gales at 111:..t.t' 4,1.37 for common ...Intlx , d. and 51.1:21.. I
for prime qualnir •
111t110.11e,..-11.1e market Is overstocked, annum,. ntdneetl
We quote from fleet hands at Knufl".h.,,,..autl from ,lure
In email dot. at 5t..256r51.37 , ,k1.. , ., hi tin.u. n.rorthog to
111:CnET 4 LID TUBS-14,7w haw. r.o 344
.1.1,11 1 , sr. fun a qt... (nun , t , man at
zu nu . hu.h....1,,•1 nu,S...=, tutis. don
inua lint bawl a: 51,742 wr ba k,ta,an,!
ho/lETlNolh—?tiooro oof Po It. l000rt;lo nuantola our
ul hay. , bovon rholoho,ol. 14 , nn elhnotitto, me two.. 0,1112,
at •,,• tor ,o. I, awl 3.1 hor Noce u•t.
CRACKER:—Mr hollowing w • 10-t o•autola-Itho
rare prluow
rTIAIT tk ad : " " " ......
btorar Craczat, r p?uutL.. ........ 4 . , ,c
CA.:ULF-4 Sal, of etarmo uld tallow at 10e.kod or dlptwml at 9e IF ID.'
CuI:DAI:E--WP LIMY.. us chauF. W.
undo.t. Ibis bort. lb. tAlowingb, a lot of Lb. nu.-
Dlavllh Rule. by call..
vrt.. RA,. by call
Tarred Rope, by coil.—
Parkin4 Yarn, .
in dw cuatcwa
• •
41.5742510Z,1S r dos.
:i:~~st "n°~'xr
- JR,
WYPEtt—The mgular PltMhurgh trumufacturvet prim
of rate .ad too., sm. 19aMte: adlee brattier', aml of
ettrattaing at 2.'47*.:, mod tmm and of Ma ,upper al
17 eFtfb.
CURS HEAL—We uot.ce a moderate daromd to the
maze.. with small mart from Met Lands at lsuttoe, und
fmtn et,r. at 00455 e M to.
COTTON TAXI—We not, • ',winch= on not.]
Term a one ern, Tb. ful Inning Is oerreetol Liet of
" No.
Na.l , . _
• hti leandle Wit*
CliEr,q:-' - 'rhr 1.41 e. of use 'wren Stllol3. ootne nn ,
Mae. In lots. at prin. rnon-itnt Enna 71. ton tar commou
DRIED FRUIT—Var. r...a.mlet r.utione. rarlarr SWI, mal
ran rwrrart tar..ammr from lint lamsln
Ear marlrea, orml rarar,:or ror .11./mr .aa
mill lIM from Mom $1..' , 41.1.4 rvr rrual 7 .4 7 . 5
or ratark,. . .
DRIED 11ELE—nales lv paull in th i nnia .t ,yitZiac
Important change in quotations. The following is a .rre,
ed list of Primo:
Aloes, Tbs.- ..... ---15 417 !Madder. Velbro.- ...IS €1:54,
Alum $74 , 0 , 4 Myr.l4. Turkey.--A1 [LOG
!6 . ta oil ...... f.;44.
' otN
2raa.resr.l .26 l ' irPt.... .. no Z.
Baboon I:squads.- -3.5 (n.lij .......1, fOO.
lirinustnne 41if.n 5 iTartaric.tend .....
Canna:Ka., Vitriol Woe 11 Q. 12
Chloride Liam SS, Cann wood. in )
Max.- en T
Crrain Tartar .25 43.z14 Fuetic '44,4
liiue, in ;
'tom Ars ..... _s4)
_ !ed.
611 5 1 5
Gum Trawartath..—.lo Lutor. 1141.0 U
thial It 61:1 1 1 " Cawht
Litt:tray, 1.513 t, t 4.04,
Upson...lllml 7 ha 41 " loquon
11.11 'lll Ea . ././ I'e tint...
Lae' Dr. ....... aa41.1 Opium Turkey 4.1kaea..00
t .
COO Qulruuc
EtillS---ialr• tot fair r4tartt hart. Era:lap:l,l on Ihr
wharf k nNita.alio. and from etorr at 7 1 .i..1t71ir 11 dna
i'l.ot;K—Rec<ipse darlo4 the are ll . l l lll, h 1,11 . 11111111, °•
rrt we have to Lk... a further cle,han In pno.. aeon our
I.t rankly rrport. .6ame , aW tibia hare brrn sold on the
. I . ll b and from wagon. at .1.3.2545 , 3,31 131/1, the snarkrt
..I ,, alua • Ith a declining traJoury. from done .ahn. Lave
I..riarotdar.l In lol..lfUr home ronsannP llo .• at fibi
lug quallti and brand. :Le
boxiove.. Orincist.llY by toted.
extra}. 0. , . C.noolor-
ti N bb4 acrtmll
at{ -mllla •te dui.: • Ivlell
at 61.7:, fi.r Ulm andi
.ur Nt Idrrd rocs
h. &um w .perlor quality.
able lote uur city Panel
thr cart and arc+t, for er•
with calaa of 1131‘1. at
of Gr. , tand Nut • at
at Crmus Nuta at 61,
' , R: an: mud 0I 144 11 al, Me.
D. Sales of Orange. at
. barium. 1.3/.0 4 5‘.50 Mr..
uf ..11.1.suls xi 1
1 FlllO.
..f 7.antrCurrante at
and ufllR• at 120tIF,
I sluol Is«a .locuan.l at full rri-
No I mackofel.ll , .. No
0 441. u... 17.
r Lite 1,11 C...., 0 bbl.
Gs The usual raw
f, a ,kal
from lir.l Immir 316,0'
FEKI,-11ran Ic.rlpme
city mill, et U4, , ,.77.•, .boot,
«tell: chop 1,4,...,7
lo• tvat:uto.lipt.l.,ta.,. of rater
t,tltaber til I.nita In the trail,
it wrrst• ary h.r, stPl
041.1. wit quotr . .11r fit .Ir, 0• , .. 1 '•
to Math.
414 . 0 ' . la too
he . I..lltming aro 124.. rogula
I. by.Cattal ana 17431run.1 101'101
..•Tork. Wok ell,: 000 , 0
a preotent stm.n
In the liv..r, end the In
the rhergt,n freight ft
nalr wailml.
and 1 . 2.46n1, f.te In.ser;
wale VAllhor. to St Louis
stattllnited ratos of treigh ;
adellohla. flaltltuon, and .;
he owning of the Canal t
Bacon, Lard & lArd Oil 'lO
Butter and TalL,v,
Beef and Pork. 'D bhl
!lour. du
Tobaero (Olgo In lihde)
du klieutuok) ) lu
.10 (10 bar.) lo
Ileeperoa. do
Deer & Buffalo skim, do
Yu. & PelerDa do
Sh do
pry Fruit
Dogs h
. air ' do
Dry 11«1 do
Totooro Imanufarinerdl do
Moak-luta . 11
Boa,. & Candle,. , do
Wool a Fe...there
Seed treet, Pata do
I page
hemp (haled.
Mr , . do
Dyoal .
Fo ll
kartheimare do
Bove. t kerma do
11= ; holed)
do .
4. Oil
Machine,' do
011A1.(—Thareelota of otole heon to
light dation the weak, and we nava oo hr.
Fort. Fmne It in MAX boa wheat .bau. be.
at the city mill. at prima tannins, amoral:2a
from OW Ste bo; Sal. 40d boa rte at 400 - 015%.
Cora 1. In moderate demand. and will tot comm.
ahritinGo on the oboit gots, from fiat bands will tot,
enSla? bo. Cory Utthi hat mt. Fumant i amt., b,
to. roles to room.
ItOCEKlM — OttoOlka otattaat and toolatarat are ou the
decrease. and prices are very lino. Saki 40 Mali Food
amd prima qualities, ha differtot lots at e:ads...a of
blab fair st O`titeeic. time. Mot.. I. tau Cory Eno ,
at /ma 'rook'. prices. ISt mokr 5.3)(3.17,:rj In ornreta"
nod oak phi.. .Met Wok WOW/ mantled to mill 'loti to'
aft nOa atantry (rata Coffee. If oar thbutt Is Imam,
rub small .1111. of Rio at 111igl114.aa to quality. Sales
loaf augur at 04411(610e ai B, and of lien ini.Mna it tati
and bb(.. Tau continua Itt coo" dams." at tall pro,-
Re oottoe an advance In Y Iltson. In' the coot, af 6. it B.
PVT.' It font It been. aindeo at , 18, and 000010 it ti~
• • •
1.1LAP.3 4 -Thh nockiof wiinsk! *lon we bowl. &Di yr
-1-640401.1tib1m".14: 0 0 1 14 , 4 "3. kw
iika sold It 52.71*3r mks athoit , :bell In Waiartrati.
now—:+k. Lr.t Mnrn wet. Isre. at 315:3433e
LlAli—llegular oleo ham wagon at $10412 I. too for
of 125 dry hide. at 1110. cob.
good timothy. .
DUO ago NA/LS—We aubolo a lint of prima of tome n '
tbr prnmipal unclog -
lao3—Flat bar "Sloslie
Round and .store Don.. thiatsec
Nana-10 40 23 penny.
d to penny
" 5 penny ........... t.Z
3 penny... 550
BSM-8.1 2:11 •
Cot 6 w r ....
The above ptieea are gfoon. subject to a &son, for cash.
LARD—Thera la a better feeling In too motet, but for
rant of aupplka. Wee hove torn moderate. Palea love
peen moyml b small la. at 840,e in bbla, and 8020
LEATEIES—We notice • mint. &among, a+ fall primp
• Ibr all attic!ae order this head. Palm of 134.1nourm s5lO at
1104" , and'of Ideo York do., al.lO3llFd ?D.
LITIMER—The proent . prime at the Yard , are—B ooo4o .
611012 for oxamon,and r. 124021 800 clear. VI 11300. Shin
gles are wig at 62,(1.452.75 ld 1030.
LEAD—Three to a regular demand in the =that. at 15.':
for pfg, am! 540 e for bar.
LEAD Pmn—The present range of mice. la 744140 r 00001
tog to edre.
Pftm Istn—Rogolar We at Illie by the sheet, and 63:e
vrtten Wt.
Wrim Laan—Puniecol la telling at 820 and Eh. 1 'at
lIIALT,—Ire boar oino large role of malt. 'Wenuoie at
$1 bu
(MS—Canoe oil Is selling In regularly st• othgt.Sealll
p gal, aerordlng to neurally and quality. Baled Ilneeed
bare tranorpinal at o€/fMO P gal. Babe of No 1 lard at
50, and at lfo 2 at n.l4ablo`o it pl.
PIG METAL—Nablus of consequence has been doing In
lb. market. There lela sW. of 150 tone of Iterorr Co.
metal. on private terms. .
POTATOES—S glyylics arc llmital. Good Inadaannocke
would bring 11 . and Gedea.s4': , oc per bu.
Inoorlt. and Win 'Smith'. Elf
Ponder may Le quoted fo large quantith, arat;by
,Ingle boo. at /5..V0t.45.50 2 beg. thok Powder at 83,12::
no 11100. fbr large and mall °tannin,
itaoy—.g,, g e ' nee north•2,;cl for good clean mixed with
a good demand.
FELTS—TIe re s.. being neer for wed.. re have not).
Inn of nroyenuenea to nouns. Wemar nun...M.l l r at
$,..1"045.7:1 for doer, and r-2:, - 64,2.;.4 for timothy. We
bear of no fn. hand .ales. Flat rood may b.; quoted at
from arson, at 51.0551 ho.
Gen.ll,---Snice of 7t, bbl. at 10.50. Fake in manlier lore
al tarn.
sar;r_ Feb,, in a regular way . at a 1.2.5 bbl, labdcb I.
the regularly establiebtal mire alma
SI . IOEY.--Nutnrig 11.3.41,..1Z; Clay. 2.560.30. r. Cauo abr
eimr—so,. at 51,624170 2 bag. an.l §l3 beg:
TIMPENTOTE—FaIcs In bhlJ at 55n gnu
—Mb art., rharge.
TIN PLAAtk.--,alre uf 1. C. nt 311,:•0, 8230 of IX a ,
s3.ln p lox on tnnt..
TALLOW—SaIo/. ju hbl. In Irt, from On, et Tc V 1,
I),11 del.Mti for all de,ript:ua:
..f man fra,an-1 CAP. a . m.l prim, enatlnue very bra,
Thr f , t,e.te.7lnki . h. Ir.. tike pr. vat rulln4 pr':
\ truko mL.6. - taml Wl._.- Plug. te.e. arl,
halgh ama
W.. In.lf r tail 19 ,
, 10..1, and Roblmoi ,
ar• brit, vrfi r
vuul.nt valth :4e
W.. 111. , and
Wt 5...1. c.v 4
I. nal ^rt own. ve bara
j..iva .or. , ...Winn, In s 1 . 1
n.c. ca. conunla' tp 21.• ere. ng
.rt. ti
CATTLE 31 . t1Ui T. Iprll
itta7rn—The number uffrren at tbn n. Aar. na
linnitvl.strt 911 tbat u•r oT•:. , 1 um Aid rr dilS 1.• •
buldwrs ITIL. Ott.
bout 150 head wen ollarcd. whirl .4d M
r. 50 worling . , r •
11.c.-8.41. of La hood st 53
At Loma 70 , 0 MAI cattle, tto Morm. 4
OTPO. As ruin and calve, MX , sloey no Labe, ad :::am
eftWe—Extra Tmt 'quality s4:to. meal do
thlisl do C42,A.2 ,
WrrtltlnKalm.n—Sade, et $ O, Sdd. [`.re $lOO. 014:
c. al Calma—ealra at ta1..2,1, Z, 30.31, 15,ad au
Sheet. ad Labe—Sabot Om. extra Mt of
11 rdl i ttirSle . tot ohoire lot., onlimatilgßo. At ta
ta ham 6.1 . 1 c,
CAisarrot. Arra
•• • •
At ntaritet n5O yattkattaut 700 tenet and 130 stores
,tttlytitta• or lolling 4roa. rt,lst sod Mil,. two t.rul
year, old
‘l,ttketll..i—Etr. SI it .t. let quality $ O •• 11:p
5r..71... Id .10 15Y.Z.1.orillttetry Sk,6o. - 141. - • I
Tallow FL :A
I.lTra-1151 4 and 5.
Mans—Working oar° T. Si and 100.
ekqrs and Cat . , 5te,.61.
Sherp and puik-1475 at market , nearir solt.t. Pri
era--Extra Sd(dl By lot 3,30 a.W.
Itatnaoss. April 25.
esttlo—The snPPIT of beeves st the wales on 'llondsr
/hosed aO lucre.. over that of lest Monday. and Won
conwootonly ruled loner.
The offros needled LOO hes& 430 of which were sold to
rSy tar prod 70017,1 , 0 i'Lllsalelphis. Prim, moot!
trout 53.':,t.14.r. , on the twol, equal to se-sog,sas net tam/
everegaot 44 croot
I los—We to
al s4ho(a4".
PmlrOaratt, April 17. apro°pe
ut nal at the different yriElne_orlott g*
odinz ,
sal ralveN oy.P. avJ
la. plAreaemt lamb..
lad rattle—Are to fair reamer, wcel pricer stealilY
tualmaitpd. ralre !rem SO,:d11 to SYM) 11)0
eLas and Calver—ealea of dry caw, (roma': to /4. PYriee
mr.. EP to . 2 , P. mai freelp Gera frum VII to 30 each.
Howe—are iu needy demand. and Pell at VW:SP - MT&
tOprep vat Lamte ranee from 32.75 to 55.75 for %beep.
and 11.00 to 10.00 <arta for Lamle.. trproplitr.
nur.e.—Them .ems feet, 10 inebew w elwrirel.
Pier mark, last ermine. end rellit4.
Itelligen. Bole, Beater.
Dater. Gerdou. Bezerr.
Atlantic, }lath:teem. Bravo,. ille.
J. McKee, liendricksoll.'
Review., W,wlwwril. Draw:x.lllw
Urilltaut.lineee Cineineutt,
DiuroAl. enowell. Wbeellre.
Serena/. No :4. llebetyre, New ()rivet.. !Glazers. Dutcher, FL Inures
Ca-hler. fi,Uilliv. Suntell.
Aei4. Lovi}.
nel.l4Ao. Botts, lieavcr.
Be3vse.ttoni..4. Brevet.
t!nutie, Browns - nil.
ehrtver. Bailey. West Newteu.
I, , l+tons, Wtaalisarti. Brennutetll..
Hibernia No. 2. Ilatehel^r.
J.... Nelson. Moen, Whe..ling.
St Lout*.
As:ord., et
v Meld. Junk, Meelette
la:tuet, ItoeklnglieTt.
Navigat,r, D. au, Louisville.
D L0 , c1..t CO'S r. 6•12,0 1. Packet Icaver et 8 la tu wW
I ':lSVlLLE—Glenican.
C:NClNNATl—Cincuanati:lo A. M.
lon Cmcgcs Art —Tbe :magnificent packet
Capt Llicsalnetrtm..ollh , act ,, tble morning at In
clicting a line opportur•t^ far cue 0041 comfort to 0, p.m-
ton —The regular rackot Cattnew. Cara 3ln.
1111111. iI I lea.. &love, this afternoon Si S o'clock.
or. ..,,ING—The reltalsk ra,ket plmr Diurnal, C•pt
as &bow,' this man:dui. 10 eielnek.
et,ittxaTt—l tad Immt.. I trunk.
Vial, a. 2 pada,. laws volute. Curtrue Bob,'
t.ntl A ft, 20 It If 11.34110 - IV 001, loam, .. h .1r,1 Mot. 23 le. , ham.. 11 tit'. .
St.ller , A
do. 1 . el, 12 WO, 1:11....u2. 1 tat .1. 1 I -11 .I , r elms ,
It I t...t.h Mgt iron. Lltttlt.....
XI .10 hum, 11.. lrn Earn 0 L . . 15 Sit , 3 ' ,
rt1711 1 ....4rt e 1 n . ' r.1 " 2717. „1 = 3,
tt.•Pvltaltl I . billyt._; 1.1,
b,..” ^lt ttlttortsz..) dr. was.
. Tisrta.. penis. I les 'lntl t.,t.f.
II ltrtiff 4 40, .I,olF,ltlskter, r 31ari1n....1.t.
11 1 I.c. bout... ID vatts Nutt !irk vale, LC Illuttbant 6 et - r, a
Iltutsky . 6 Cc, 3 WI. ,kutt.. 1113.7 31611mrs
Phil Awn. 11 Y
t'' ' ,. ~.' l , P
Sii: lx4 01
~A. 1.1,1 i 1. , /
In Wo I.ln
i! S : tit:C i 'i. vl, 6iti '
IP. rt!l 1 •5 .
.iti 7.ft 1.00
1.4 I"
;i:': 00 ' %
WO. lisN 71
0751 o7i. t.
• 6251 ate ,
~i t'
lit": hi: 06
int. :ol _
.71 . „
rt.i3: 0.7 51. 24 tilt '
it.l., 6.t. 76
50, In 1. itl
76 71
0 to
14 75
7 W7.t. ..
X5OOl. 7 . 4. s
c 1..(n ..
6151 62):
livi. ii_n, 76
5151 VIN 1.21
1.8.1 100 1.65
c. , , 471.2
1; . 11 1 Li 1: . 1 21 '"
s '47 i)i !' 11...t'i1l ''''
i been otagarativel,
. liwawr wiles twni•
h•wo Finn 3500000n1
according to/153.1107,
aat 40111160 b. ,-
11 not command mar
t hands will king 11l
Jrwartl, .ml .e bat..
Ntt.soN-1 bblx Fred. 1 b
Lb& tnlosro.. P tre , b a C.: :II 1.41.,
la C . ‘ 2 , :44 ' :1Z
vlo driest pea ben. C Ileac rltuu; l et b lit
bozo. er : , latt w.
S7llClF—data Atrsa-1 61 ralf rain. 741 1117 Wee
W arrant; 44 rune leather. .T/d9 ma bulk runt, Clark .9
I ha 90 bble ham/ :Al eke shoulder,' I) Lerch Co; SO blade
baeoo shoulder* Bingham; 30 do, lima a err dO.
ler a dower 12 bbla hat.. It Dram a. Crr. U Ale fur.
!Lays Black; 9do doer Ain. Baker it ForArth; 1 Tb.ot,
Forsyth Ca 1 bt4 nututrr tuoLuaraJ C P.n.* Ca.
pr. Annear Knooran-266 dry bido.. D Leeett Co: 930'
Ja tionoogabela lioelirntloo C0:73 blo bona, Llopronott
• tee I mole lead Ore. 1 br lead. J W Buller 2 Bret 131
bble =ad. DV pigs bad, linkman • Pare: 1214 fore .1
oleo:um I Co: 10 bin do, It (Ind lOt bola.baron, 810.
Violen • Cnrre.
NED OILLEAIO II - , Vta StablerEO-40 pkgr Oneida Carry
L Smith: Lenrringn and hornet?. earls sod apdogn, Tomo..
eW Carr I Co: to bbd. normr. Waterraltil f long'49 bbAr
do. lilirdek 2 Co, El do, DV bbls elottEJ kooks I Ox Ohba,
moor. toolanoirst, InE lid do. J • IL Fiord. 33
do, Brown , I Thillpie 12••• dn, 3 dbhdnrogar..3l We loaf do
It Dalton 2 lie nu bble molasnes 76 bbd. sugar. 3 Wils lost
d0..1 Dalsnll 77 do roolludon, McDevitt Og 3131 do, 77 blobs
nunar. bf Lb Pimp, oa I bg coDee.l do salt. l'Jbl =gar 1 b 6O
eiond, JlO 31 Tbrrnen:-1 roll earyetting. IV Bingham
sea • • •
WELLEVI LE—Pra dren-91 Dkp, W Illaghard 6On
lelin Ede, 6 do baton, trConanr Jr to: 33 Wan :girl:it;
lorbert: 3 nett do lobo% DA Grier • Co: 3.5 eiroant
Corry 2101 It 4 do potatoes.W Entltt: 3 erste. lok
O'Connor2 Y bdleleathe.. JD • mrty trees.
Bennett 213= lot hickory sale tree.. narneng la DID door.
Vankirk 21.1010 as applaa. E Moulton:ln tow 00001 at
Prix TvA•Apol= - 4 b 0 Ai.AAAA... Wallacel4o 4
t 3
pearl:ob. It Daisell h. Co: 71 ors baron, Cart
nom broo t =6libla batter ashlar sot r ge on
leber o bbls boohOlel• Entlr
Want 7 boo espyy, /I bbls mut , latde
do*Toe 60,d0, 8 Lindner, DI eta ml”l °
or. It Oa rngroterner.
Taunt Ladies' Boarding and. Day School.
dallatat examine tattotouttrat
two Oast:rod at thee:eta M' d.
11. Entll,b 4 Cr- itoolu4lett, At ov.l
r iF2
, 1;4 "Pthinghl.
W h hahive Lt. DO ef s
i.e. a ai. ixtevt.44l..
—4. i -triter of the hoard of Director&
-• UEOILGE SitintrPON. Tres& sad Beer.
Tareom. April nth, 1141.-1,14,164,2‘44.
rattans° SCE3II.
The following description, by an. eye-witness,
of the terrible steamboat accident opposite Cin
cinnati, in 1838, is from Arthur's Home Ga
uCemairt of the 'l4l- 7 —,
"Cr for Cairo and New Orients, I see."
1 t eo."
..W en do yen leave 1"
"A three, this afternoon."
"Please book my name for Cairo."
"Be aboard before three or you'll: be lett%
"1 will," said 1, though I knew it wooldbe •
wonderful thing if a boat ahotild lease at ita ad
vertised time
The 1.1------wee a new; elegantand fast boat:
ehe had yet never made a trip, brit her command•
er intended on this day to show her off 'to the
best advantage.
Itefore three o'clock I went on board, she was
thronged with passerigers, many of them the
elite of the city, all in good humor, anticipating
a delightful voyage in this palace of the wags.
At Fulton, a small village about two mileanp
the river, were a large number of • emigrants,
German, I believe, consisting, of men,. women,
and children, wife were to be taken aboard the
M-at that place.
'•Cast off there," shouted the Captain, on the
hurricane deck. _
"Aye, aye, sir."
"Draw in the plank"
Right gallantly did ahe walk the .water; her
shariac utting ;Stow dividing theatre= so stitooth
ly axecarcely to cause a sparkle of foamon her
breast; but a-highway of milk-white foam lasu- •
ed.from 'neath her rushing keel, marking her
course to the destined lauding, while her rear.
lug steam pipes hardly drowned the deploring
ehouti of the excited and admiring spectators.
An hour was spent in taking aboard the emi
grants end their heavy lu gg age. Many an eye
then brightened with hope aril rested on the
noble craft, which, they thought, would so soon
bring. theta to thepromised land. Not. a tear of
regret was aged on leaving a strange abore,
where no ;sympathising friends stood to wave
'them ass adieu. Alas, that there was. Be Ben,
cause for a thousand eyes to weep. _
"Captain, we ought to blow - 01f steam, the
boilers are very hot, and the gunge truncates ex
traordinary- pressure:: said the engineer, as he
came upon the huriicaue deck and :deed near
the Captain by tie wheel house.
"I told you: au, to blow wino steam while we
lay berm, enough, sir: go below." ,
••Rut. sir,"—said the engineer.
"1 swear, sir, that 111 not blow off etsam, and
Mom. her to rather the fail of going pant
the city faster than any other boa:Lhateverfloat
ed thesematers. To your aut. : 3'. air." '
The engineer reluctantly Obeyed. Myself and
several others heard the binsplienty, and were
shocked beyond measure. - T':ere avhiEFcr
log among the passengers, n4l many, myeelf n- •
molly the nmnbcr, ordered our baggage. ashore,
and left the teat, fearing the conseoneutes sire
mauling. We had bXrely time to leave, ere the -
, plank was drawn aboard. .
.Nlajestically she swing. around her breast to
, the current; proudly the Captain Moods on-the
dizzy edge of the hunicaue deck, enjoying
admiration of the spectators; one revolution of •
her publics, and then. - 0 horror:.! au explosion
of amain, as of the whole "artillery of heaved,"
shook the air, miuglod with the noiso of o thou
sand crashing oaks.; A breathless moment of
silence, and then ehrieks upon eharieks, groan!
upon groans, wailiogs and yells of despair, pier
cod the horror-struck ear. Riveted with terror
to the spot, around as fell in fearful and eicken
ing shower, fragments of haman flesh, parts of
arms, legs, headlees trunks, none:lastly front
less heads; blood splashed in our faces; bits of
furniture and pleura of the wreck covered the
uoitro,, April
about the ill fated boat, living and deadp .
dotted the surface of:the rhos, most of theta to
sink forever.
She shattered bull floated down stream a few
rods, and sank close to the city water works..:—
Terrible woo lie scene! And 0,• what thoughts
must have fired the brains of more than a hun
dred human beings, blinded by steam, stall crowd
ed in the crazy hull, as the rushing wattra
through her shattered sides reached higher and .
higher, till their gurgling throats were silenced
in the deep!
The sank to the depth of her cabin -floor.
Boats, planks and every other available mesas
were put in requisition to reach the wreck and
save the life that yet might be. Few were sav
ed; come in the cabin were rescued, also, some
who were thrown into the riyerby the =cession
but wide of the multitude that crowded the
steerage ever looked on the scene of the disaster
I again. All that afternoon and for 'Emma] sue
eeedi: g days, men fished for the dead through
lee'es .•ut in the cabin door. Hardly a soul of
the ur fortunate hand of emigrants was left to
mourn the sad catastrophe, or weep over tho
mangled dead. A little boy, belonging to them
stood wet and trembling
ou the river's brink,
from which he had jut.tbeint rescued: I spoke
to him kindly, but he only answered with a will
and vacant stare, and pointing to the wreck upon
, which he was gazing, gave an unearthly shriek
threw his antis aloft, and spurng into the boil
ing. flood beyond. the reach of human help.
The ill-fated Commander was found, shocking
ly disfigured, a few days after on the lientucky
shore. Engineers, firemen, pilot and clerk, en
ded their life's voyage here .
More than ono hundred and seventy-five his-
man beings were thus rverrficed on the alter of
Unhappy man thou didot keep thine oath
but too faithfully. The force of the explosion
was terrible: the six boilers of the boar were
burst into a thousand fragments, and cast at
great distance, wounding severely come of the
spectators on the Landing, and in the street
Tho body of a man was blown high in We air
and coming down head foremost burst. through
the roof of a brick house, and there hung, part
of the body on the roof. and part on the inside.
A small hatchet, too. woo cast with such violence .
as to enter the window of a house, penetraia the
partition, and pass through another window on
the opposite side of this house, into a back yard
where it was found.
0, bow wretched the scene in that littlevillage.
of Fuhen ! scarcely a house but contained the:
wounded and dying: crowds of eager eyes were
kbout every door, and peering in et every
dow: come from idle curiosity, others, perchance
seeking some friend or relative who had been on
the wreck.
The noise of the exploiion was Lean! in the
heart of the city, and as soon as th. , Lwful expla
nation was givenetflous.d rushed to the - spot.
Many of the beautiful and brave, the dearest or
naments of their happy homes in the Queen city,
were numbered among_ the victims. ifildly
throbbed the hearts of father:, mothers, broh7 .
ere, sisters, buslandv, and wivesoln they ap
proached with •3Trifl. • not tree (sling eters;
the wretched scene, enc,cr to learn the fate of
those they loved. But who shill . paint the av
ue of those .100:11C11 'behoid the mutilated and
scarcely recognizable dead or living remains of
those they sought, or the despair Gr those who
never found them' But let no drair ' thf veil. •
the rzahhatb: a pall of tuouruiug 'mugs
over the afflictca city; crape Metier at thu:ca
trance of many a rlcaymnt home whose doors amt
uirrlowe uotwitrtouanr: the !lIIIIIMCI3 heat, Der
solemnly cloac3, the.picture of desohtion. '
Sabdued and plaintive 'inic roans tremble ou
the air, and the silent streets echo to the tread
of Y. solemn death train. Forty hearses and oth
er vehicles, shroudal in black, bear the remains
of the human sacrifice! Thousands of citizens
follow reverently and silently the gloomy pa
geant, to the last resting place of man. Dust to
its kindred dust, and all is over. db, no: for
'the death wan is yet to he home to distant lauds;
causing fresh hearts. to bleed, and woe to hang
her darkaome drapery around many a brolum
hearth circle. •
Blessing and come, Monster and Frierul, thou
subtle element, how fearful is thy power! '
Nu salmons. —The Journal - of Commerce quotes
the following !Teeth pf 31r. George Thompson,
in Canada. Re rarely read Mr.
speeches and have not met with the passage our.'
selves. If hie words are correctly reported, the
speaker is—beyond the pale of decent society. :
-I do clot believe there is ono minister in the.
United Stems who believes what he says. 1 know
enough of ministers in that country to Winn
th„t they preach wilfully and designedly what
th e y know to be false ! These . men deliberately
go to their closets and, for wisely political and.
pro.slavrty purpoam, write eermens for the Bab.
bath day, which they all the while know to be
palpably and damnably untrue! •
. _
• What must have been the feelings of Metier;
elling companion, the Rev. Mr. 3loy, 'of ?Yin
ewe, formerly of Ilontee I Could- that gentia
n= keep his emit and hear such sentiments ut
tered "! Such wis not the ease with Mr. Storm, -
the senior - editor of the Neve York ()Mercer, who
happened to be in Vondon when 'Mr. 'Thompson
pee utterance to statements eq. elie false. which
Mr. .31oent vedradieted I nt vie -liefemer I.
.• wp'4o Pat ik.lrll
prostriptiou orfarti4ler tu.i.t;joi..
teittfre. Our Banks were never inbetterregnia;
--Bartou Trauscript