PITTSBURGH GAZETTE [Frees the German of "Fred,* Balm."] POEMS ON A nova. ny JOUN OXEEPOLI). X.—MILADOr' AND WOOD. 'See, bright-green is the meadow, • And &irksome is the wood; And still I love the meadow, And still I love the wood. The fair one Or the brown one, Which Mist thou moat, pray tell; Nay—mach I lore the brown one, Allll love the fair as XL-15 ME CONTEST. She stands 'within the cloister, lilloseom-ielute is her gown, The monk is Blanding by her, Clad in his garb of brown. Young spring with all hit lustre. Seems off her cheek to glow, The monk looks like the winter, With beard of driven snow. With youthful hope and gladnet, Her soft eyes brightly gleam ; But oh no more with pleasure, The monk's dull eye can beam A nmiling, careleaß infant, She green, the deye to come He', weary or life'n desert, And long, to rent rtt home. She kneels ;against his garment, Her ters - ent lips era press'J, His aged hands to Mail her, Upon her fair head rest. They form a perfect picture, But I—l cannot bear • To see life's rise and setting • Together brought go near. ! Hydrophobia,. Many different modes of curing this ter rible disease have been suggested in late years, but none that teems to be so simply* as the one mentioned below. If, says the 'Washingtee Republic, which journal copies from'a Southern paper, and M. Buisson if person worthy of credence, the informa tion which it discloses is of grave import, tune, not only to the medical faculty, but to the whole human family. The statement• is as follows: ' " hi. Buisson has written to the Parii Academy of Sciences, to claim as his small treatise on hydrophobia, addressed to the Acadeniy as far back as 1835, and signed with a single initial.. The case re ferred to in that letter was his own. The particulars and the mode of cure adopted were as follows : He had been called to visit a woman who for three days, was said to befinffering under this disease. She had the Usual symptoms—constriction of the; throat, inability to swallow, abundant se., cretion of saliva, and foaming at the mouth., Her neighbors said she had been bitten by a mad dog, about forty days before. At her own' urgent entreaties she was bled,. and died a few hours after, as was expected. M. .Buisson, who had his hands covered with blood, incautiously cleansed them with a towel which had been used to wipe the month of the patient. He then had an ul ceration upon one of his fingers, yet thought it sufficient to wipe off the saliva that ad hered with a little water. The ninth day after, being in his cabriolet, he was sud . denly seized with a pain in his throat, and. one still greater in Lis eye. The saliva was continually pouring into his month ; the imprmion of a current of air, and the cr. sight - of brilliant bodies, gave him a painful Yk. - tensata — onj. his body appeared to Lim so !,..I'.Xfali,t:::that'llifelt as though he could leap .i...-Prodigious height. He experienced, 'he mid, a wish to run and bite, not men, ".but animals and in , nimate &Ales. Finally, he drank with difficulty, and the sight of. water was still more distressing to him than the pain in the throat. These symptoms. occurred every five minutes, and it appeared to him as though the pain Commenced in the affected-finger, and extended thence to ! the shoulder. From the whole of the symp toms, he judged himself afflicted with by-li drophobia, and resolved to terminate his i life by stifling himself in a vapor bath. Having entered one for this purpose, he! caused the heat to be raised to one hundred 1 and seventy degrees and thirty-six minutes, 1 1 Faltrenlleit, when he was equally surprised and delighted to see himself free of all complaint. He left the bathing room well, f dined heartily, and thank more than usual. II Since that, he says, he has treated morel' than eighty persons bitten, in four of whomit; the symptoms had declared themselves 1 and in no case he, failed, except in the case, of one child, seven' years old, who died in the bath. , The mode of treatment he re- I commends is, that the person bitten should take a certain quantity of vapor baths, (commonly ailed Russian,;.) and should in duce,, every night, a violent perspiration,` by wrapping himself in flannels, and cover ing himself with a feather bed; the perspi-,1 ration is favored by drinking freely of a'l Tat= decoction of sarsaparilla. He de-; clam himself so convinced of the efficacy; of his Mode of treatment that he will suf.' fee himself to be inoculated with the dis ease. As a proof of the utility of the co-i pious and continual perspiration, he relates, -the following anecdote: A relative of theJ mrmioian Gretry was bitten by a mad dog,' at the same time with many ether persons,, who all died with hydrophobia. For Lis, .'Pazt).fsPl i ng the first symptoms of the dis-, ease, he took to dancing night and day,l, toying that he wished to die gaily. He recovered. N. Buisson cites the old sto-, ries of dancing beim -, a remedy for the bite', of tarantula, and draws attention to the. fact that animals in which this madness is most frequently found to develope itself spontaneously, are dogs, wolves and foxes, which never perspire:" Good Advice. Dr. Waugh lived to see his sons fixed in ZtMa stations in the world : and , it en his object in preparing them for eternity, to lushly them also for honorable end useful conduct in the affairs of this life. He inculcated that fear of God, that justice and benevolence, which are the best security for rights and for the happiness of social life; and taught them to be frugal, not mead; prudent, not subtlo; complai sant, not servile; and active in business, but not its slaves. There were four habits which he recommended earnestly in his counsels, and by his own example, and which he stated to be essentially necessary to the happy management of temporal con =as these were punctuality, accuracy, steadiness and despatch. Without the first, time is wanted; those who relied on ns are irritated and disappointed, and nothing is done in its proper time and place. With. out the second, mistakes the most hurtful to our own credit and interest, or that of others, may be committed. Without the third, nothing can be well done; and with tut the fourth, opportunities of advantage are lost, which it is impossible to recall. Such were his own habits in so eminent a degree; that ' , his cash book, from the date -of his settlement in London to the day of his death, is in existence, and exhibits every item of expense he incurred, and every sum he received. IP I could do for myself what I ask of God,l should be a god to myself; I should hare little dependence upon or regard to the God who made heaven and earth; st!ould'ltardli believe there is such a God. •:Tale orthodox 'sues of a sermon at the Riga Chapel of Queen Victoria is twenty tnitottes. George IL fixed this standar IS pould pot stand a longer discourse Without going to sleep. , blB.BO thee was not a Protestant in Bidic`iuni. there are thirty Protestant ..selithdeTs, - and thousands of the Belgians hair) reruniric.ed &monism. The Bible sw vieoiii have Sent thither their colporteurs, -who are graudin, religkuo truth on every . . ME= Tae Sunday School Journal has several interesting letters from Texas,ahniving the progress of schools established by the Amer ican Sunday School Union. As an evi dence of Texan liberality, one of the mis sionaries recently traveled three hundred miles at an expense of less than ono dollar. Another paper assures Its that the Sunday schools are opening the way for common schools. DRY GOODS, &c Meal's Spring and Summer Wear. IVIMIILt BUR . CHF r gI...D invite,,ttr,itt .manaraer Iremr.Sar{nan luemmutbling of bar s...o ltfano,t2Matbstrnot. Entotattemeslmees„Kounth :le", Telllnaton Cute, Satamer Cloth; l eveed", our fey)," Vadmmulu tut btu; Ntl",.._kln" ! Vrenclt Wren. Alum }me. ON% e r t'Pleek. Muth.% Ifieh LIMB, warranted au flax. ent . " EMI ILdkft. faller Bilk "„M Gingham" Crststa. KM Lielf Litti.7. "outmost forum of Fourth mud Markt tenet. Olt COLLARS, CUFFS, .Ic.—A. A. SIAsoN I Co. aro now opening. real Valentin Wrowght 41 Cud; 11,1 do., also, Mime:motes, Capes, Laces. Cc. aDli . Parasols. A. MASON & CO., 62 and 64 Market et., .111 0.12 sr..urttl,g. 01 cases l'ameolg, of all xpl4 New Spring Goode, at No. 85 larket st LEXANDER & DAY would respectfully barite i the. attention-of the public to their very large lar A-choice Stock or NSW tiP/CLAW GOODS, which Om, - °MOW. • nits 'stock bait been bought at tbe Unmet Ember's Auction and Importer . . rates, and will be told at . very mull advance to cash buyers, byitoimale rt talL ALY—CANDER DAY, b sMarket ta, anikliersrk Northwest corner Of the Diamond. Wholesale Dry Goods A. MA SON CO., G 2 and 64 Market •. meet. are lion creadnd awl ',nearing their n. romprinidir the taunt nate asive and varied war. CityX. tTrthVgi , A T l ,e7ll=2; b :g'.llfr:f . .i arid Country lidembaota. • New Spring Goods. A A. MASON & CO. - will open this morn gs,l:tFt-nel=..eggrelrteentielet=.DlE; they nolidt the attention of their patrons and the rablie spi IRE SUBSCRIBER has commenced carlog • id mare destrabloadoek of FANCY TETT and DRY GGODS than be ever bronght le tilt. market, eon:hang in Part or Pew., Printed UMW, sifni. de Diner; Gingham, Al. Pne c r,Tiotoria, Serie, Math nod look Mcalles barred and •%11 m .'lll l ,TaLlo t rl'ottAV" — irt e . - . Mile and Cmeeds. Thlbe, Moue. de Woe, and Cotton teflon!, Hosiery. Glove, Itibbaro, Lace, Vol!, : Combs. Britton, Sompender, Parssol, Umbrella, Table and Pork. ot Cu Cere. Clock, Jewelry, Watches. ae., which he rmeartfully inane, the ettenelon of men-haute...l podia.. ap2 C. Anent:on% ES Wood et. JUST RECD AND NOW OPENING AT IT.II. DIGIST'S N 0.130 LirtraYr &ram. t ry ,: od c of Fashionable tlattia, i ' a d ewest in American. EZlis - t 'ir44- . arat c°' FWa th tal h et4 ma= a wary splendid assortment of Testing, and Cloths of sorry fashionable slide and erdor; which... Tether with a large and well Manufactuml stock of FiI.APY !IAD!: CLOTIfING. makAs'ons of the largest anst lolected stocks weat of the Allaghenira all of which d tint hurristor Is determined to otter at sorb prices al will cousin, all L fasorblut with a rall, that not only Cho most superhw Clothing is told at this establishment. but alto at the low t'qAcir'ncri t r ' ; lir brat possi s ble man g er s sPlittg:kf:,74l 4 ,;Al '""L i ° 000 mthly Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse, O. 105 31.416.F_T STELCT nII. PALMER offers for salt., at Very ..low rico", . full. imortinent of Straw and SIIWu err .., rir al fancy ,Z4varasaF, Ley hero 17.4t2-I . l'etrn. Youth'', and Bay.' 1. hero. fancy and yylnto , Panama, Matillo. and Nina Loot In leglionrinkt. Stsaw:Lilr, thaw, Lane, and flat" n : llia Lind, and idler Farina. to anal earl. '' .13T231 f =lileli Bonnet and :cart, plain Satin and Tat !suer, vidtha and colon , . Waryand Cniti"Capi LAM'S—Plain and flgured white and :ilk and Clotion.:iwtta TR/.112/2VGS—CowI, Tassels, Hu..., Braid, P' ISTIPALI±F . rench Bpd t ivertext Spng, awl " Flounce, apd other .trice, e.o:rkG SA ThV'S—A"''' . sod color!. mbr ear Alec—Rich sad low wind PalluoL• I , nm tc_. Ar. Spring Bonnets. q7ll FIRST LOT it received • and e opened. comptising• in part. Um following Alboni Chip queen 'a own, Whn. and Tallow Lau, near and Tulip Milian Chip. Jenny Lrnd and Fatln. Engllth Chip. PULA :truer and emiii. Firm ticraw and Diamond, Pearl .41 Loop Patin, Florence Crimped, American Lace, English Pearl. rllunmarian Mixed, `. All,ne. 1 Fluted Manilla. " Pplit Straw, YU! A. A. MAR/N a CO . media G.: and (1.1 flaritet et • atiIGLU CHINTZES.-51oRrur & Buncn- Mtn invites the attention or the Ladies La some cr. beautiful stylea of Light and Drab Chintus i just re ceived. TbarEharis also oprn this monsing i additioul idapply of SPRING NNET% selling very knr—acias at 37fa eenta. Hi ts, BwnetCato, 0. Veers eery DE LAINES Light and Dark, including a faer beautiful French. ..rid . Pres clad for chldren, ree 11C10d arid willin llY g lotr by = CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. W.mournocic , lo tna , nounantip receiving 61. dining arer. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, A TRIMMINGS, Cc=prOlng to pantile following Moieties: CARPETS. Extra Rdyal Sahvlßlla Carpet , : do. dm rareetrT Er . ..- retie do. do. Boolielg extra super. ply; roper:die 3 ply: do. Inoo-olm extra Ron dm; Bow dodSod COM11(10.; 44,34,64, and 24 twilled tienitism: 44, 14, 6-8, and 1-4 Plain doe 44.34.6-6, soul 2.4 Wool and cotton:66m RUGS, MATS, OIL cLo:ras,',&c. do's IlogN Elm do; do.; extra tufted do., tn. dm dn. Cleenthe Doer Mae, tolled do do. ebeep alio do do.. Adelaide dm do.: Thnoin do do. Cromb Clotba. Reitlng dn., Reeking 114,64, and 24 Alao—nbeet (Al Clothe, rot to At any atre ball or room 64.7.4, 64,5.4,44. and a 4 Oil Clothe. STAIR RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, &.c. Alec-fdalr Rode, GI all ahem Carpet Blodince. Li 4 Car petr. Ruda; 64,4-1.. d 14 IllattlumeTableLLurnr, froth eull Wiener: lluekcbcel do Treanor.. Window Mann Coven: 'Window Hollandx. Venltlon nude, Embuaned Plasm Coven: dA Table do du eland do. Womunt Table do. Raving Imported and purehaeed our rtentdireet from the most celebrated raesnriem Wing of the latest and meet or. proved styles and colors, ea pmptoud to 101 l to ou,f ft-muda anal sod at mum co Imo 04 tAry we M wad in sop Eagern We eordudly Ratio all to call sod examine our cork at The Carpet Warelomee, 85 Fourth street. mehl9 W. McCLINTOCK. RAWLS—A. A. Nimsco: & Co. havej er Ottatrle- oFt reed rer erpres•-•-hO carton Printed Cashment. Co wed TIMM Lmbroldered dn. Fancy cic Lai!. and oth apt SIIBBONS—A. A. Means & Co. will exhib it, Ws morning, tholnifr. if Rm . Smith. L. D. Loon o f the i ts;. 3 ms . of Scotland and English Ilincesses. P . f H. of R Soothe — . EXt bin mo, the Rey H. C. Southe ' y, M. A. I vol. ' avo.. m u nt. by Revhe Deakin of Popmy, Ha Cameo. An Addrees de. ved In the Brmviway Tabernacle. on Wninewlay even ing, Janitors 11, 1601, by Rey. N. Murray, 1). D. Jost received and for sale by HOPKINS. feb3 70 Apollo thaillings, Fourth et tbiT EW MUSIC— LevAr Malden. celebratml &tett M ' ogj,tilt "F iTtl i th b fiOlo r l hr e., by b Fatter Sweetly she sleeps my All, W a r; by S., t;;F: j dur. ' IVerffer the this hood of mine, Ohne maidens rano, or Trancadllin , IC..mer be happy yeti from the Danghtere of EL /Wk. Onegn florial. faeorite and touching hailed. Thou hest gnu:Wed the erring that loved thee. Den Bolt, or Omit you remember. sweet Mice. noire, Polka. Fatter. The relahrsted Potts Danner, Jranytt and Jranoti—;cl.lplele Fth7 bluolnlles,by Erneyt Faybick Polk. Betty Polk. by Barymbller Chit Chet Palk. leik Palk. llatct.luy • Polk. Lilly Quadrillevertu...7 aukt pntty. Rowe Qttadrillew Rangla9lPolUk.. Allegheny Cotllllona A new edition of Bunten i Idstractlous roe naun, with ata Chadrdk fug. uf new lemti. Catechlem fur the Nunn. au w .. kal;c; Porte Hirrter . .. Rpresvoll to-day by JOILN `IIELLOIL td Wood a N. 13.—A very lane eta* of New Yuma artivihk, i athi be open for sale this week. XE: BOOKS AT lIOLMES• • Litemyetroti Thizzl elgootoonlwalta JOB?" et wi — • Bowe Influence; a Tale far Mothers and Daughter.. By Oran Aguilar. lilottorW ltecompon.o. By Grata Agu ll ar. Danboro . Magazine for J•nonn. Whig AIIAIIIME far 1051. The blolhora Reoutaponwo, a Th By Ora ce A gmlar. ne al nc o e Or ort — w an o Eglsh—ory.oel. To Loon and to be liovrg--• talc Can Boalsh aan. of Br Coonletaional. mwich. By W. M. lloynoLts. The A Leit9l, On the Junks. By Dr. Berg. Dr. Berg'. It(DIT to Bishop flughos, an the Doellno al Protratentiona. Home Journal. N4l of now 'DUMP. Ogre. a novel, by the author of ^The Ogilvie... No lof the American Illuminated-eolith= of Warerly NOTOLL New Books, just received. HE Bards of the Bible; by George Gilfil lam 1,01. 110o. Treekletelart,. bolg • krogreerlya elakftlon of the dreek Cirfaamarole•firneJ far berdaarre t o Week, and lea te look of ear. Lee• far aewleades an 4 miry.. By Mabel C. Kendrlrk. 1 rol 12,0. muk . •. •. 'rhoYouth'r Comma/. Byllanoob Flagg 0.1.1. Ivo! 18mo 1 .01. 211:111. Charm. Couomr Charms. By 31suia J. Brltottoh. .. • Tb• - 31...1.1u•rU Ronompenni; a reQUA tO .. Plonie Hy time Aguilar. Mashauko jua Sta i rasine and Enginvari: Journal. }ten number l melted. Byrne, Dictionary of Mei:haulm and lingt. ing. No 22. Jun mei! for de by K. HOPKIN writ S, jujil ; lll Anollo Buildings, Fanrtb 0- 4:IDREWS' LAM, Malan LLIICON—A .oNola and ethical Lin, English Leitrim, founded on Uri:atilt German lexicon o Le f Dr. William Frrurd, with a a rid corrections from the xicons of thews; Vocciolath eller, idecimes. by-E. A. Andrews, 4L U. Tita MA. wawa ov use varam being the parotid oar Mere and melte of travel through the Sandwich er shad Wand, and other plates( tWyarria. ur ROT. Hem T. aliftwiver, &utter of "The Whale and bleCalidora' With i " C ri g 4 [Vs artowerft= a sequel to flame bilinear.— by lime ler. Seadrift' awl Sae We by chronicle, Pro. sot Amtr C a SoT oOCpK.T.ON, 47 Market on. .r A PER,ItL.A.NK BOOKS& SI'ATIONERY . 11ro c r of all oho, awl qualirwit ruled ind pb.., blur MZ= EMS= ttathatery—Englbh, Frrnch America% fancy sal tbs4r, for by W. 8. 11AVN. OS sLuket rt. cortmr of Second. I )lik C. AND JOB PRINTING—Every de .7iPtitla Lonnl. Coasmeinl, gteaynnost, Cara" and I Road printing. ena•cule.l *ln. notips, nod in the Beet manner. by W. IC hinting Untion. b 0 TLiN ot. betnevu Ylarkat and Perry. Jain New Books! Svi s ATIONERYIV. S. !barn corner .31 &mutt and Alsrk.er rts., luks fbr kka lards arvi tom. Pr , . ask sasketukklld cf Vann . data:wry as 'luuk rver been uPsord lu this market. Mere/mats supplird krith errk7 vtiele la this Due on ths nukd tsrorable Um, ' 1.11 NEW 'STOCK OE PIANOS.OFir tha Galati nary, No. 101 Thlal ELE.OXIt OZTI melting a fresh lot &ceieraknAlr , . r . by :Scam w.I.IAAC. °aro rit4 ' dcApa" :r7grr la the Rocco* lark, in vonle hs the m " " XV. Also, a n ew Ict c ot ta o f and t . Meal. - 1 .". and us ctt4ttthe selection of Brea Inecrusents, thaltars. blelcdowas, and every wartnT dlse. QUTLINE MAPS--Pelton'a splendid Out 1100 mop, th e cow being tntreitneed le . oll th e lealigg ec mi. jo hew England and New leek. ii • have rb - " them tn Pittoburgh. and barge tezchre. Nand retool oransoltwes to thll end exam!. Muth. 1-Ithp do or Enge the Western lizzolo do h M' 8, "do 2 tr./...; 4 m d to North Alsteei.. TO 0 lb 4 be United nth.. 70 i 82 a de EeoPe. . ,) 0 b: ' 1 1.?, A N 4'4 ., 11 Mole it al . • Pelee orti;.les:ilg 8 74 1 or M t I bl t ". n.r 4 i , . 0 1="24:gIgs:44ohthIt- Mat•d to the booty of the pthigthg ... oe dtthfs "d eg Bhlted Brats. • I•• .. s.. — wittura i allimottraidd •"=", 0...., logl el M ii. ... _ - - NEW MUSIC! BOORS! BOOBS! EIEIMEM NEW BOOKS. HEW BOOKBI MISCELLANEOUS GU"D lIA INTS, in, Oil, neatly_ _u in tin mat of .1 e.t.a /0 L. meta anima .111.411.1inv0, ' Pula dream Black. Tallow Terra dr Men.. Unamkialiluir. Gette r - Umber Raw, timber Bung. U. A. PAIIALSTUCK t CO., canaarkimit aml Wood - 1 CRUCIBLES-100 nests for sale by b met= J-KIDD a CO. XTRACT LVDIAN I.lEMP—English para.& tbr Bala by mebS B. A. TAILNUTOCE CO. OLL BUTTER—A few bblo. an hand-and for We b; ENGLISH t BIANNEIT. Smoot tad 151 tint ,t. DRIED PEACIIES-550.bu. for sale by -: 110112.0ti, LITTLE it 00., t0r.:113 155 tibenT DRESSED SPIKES-160 kegs (i mproved) , foi Yale by mebl9 • AMY, NAL nu.% H i CO. DIG METAL-4.40 tons for "sale by mebw RIMY, =MIMI k CO , UGAR HOUSE MOTATS'ES-1.0 bbts 0 I. Louis Refinery In stare and 4yr male by_ _ ineb4 MILLER a RICEETEION. MALLOW-20 bble. prime, for sale metal e . W. [GRIMM IL APPLES -20 bbla. Russets and Pi ! pins, Or sale by A. Y. TON BONNTIONST k mett22 . • • • . WEET OIL-2 casks superior, for sale by S meb22 R. E. HELLEBS. Wad it- ~IYiALL PAPER—Largest assortment' in the }West—eonefathag of !reach .4 Masifan he r esticloge MIL., kationt and (34.11.21. DO., '" Vet;2l "' 6.4 '"dti't*. $ 5 see, MT. Wool • t . WANTED -45,000 Allegheny Co. Coupon Bonds. to Oil so order, tor. ieb the bighted mar faigZlAL-Vioi 4717. V3r. rlParr i dr " =tad - . , WIIITE WINE VINEGAR, of superior 1:11Cvu Orocems.l Soo Dealers. • WRAPPING PAPER - 500 ienaul.Med. Reseal= Paper. Also. flab supply of lacb23 Helios Vilbar v er N r : J . nst reed by Seemed and Market. DRIED PEACHES-500 bu. for sale bj , JUIF mch2s ISAIAH DICKEY k CD. IiELBE-50 boxes for sale by - tosSl9 - JAMES DALEELL. EwsAND APPLES -100 • Wm. line Fregb EFT'S ADP, ray bd. • • by . racta) Omen Ael:. woops t SON R O b S y IN-10( 1 b2 tpls. to orrliiewt=floorn!ale frAIR--561,615. (Wilmington) to arrive to day,lnr saln bT mail.; e. 4 W. frAaafißcey_ riANNERSY 01L—.10 tils. No. 1,. for sale mr-h24 S.h W. 1111.111a0OIL lINSEED 01L-2Z bbls.reeg. and for aale 41 mc424 ROBISON, LI/TLE 4 CO G REEN APPLES-11S btis. gu a an ; Just reed and far Isle by metal ROBISON, LITTLE IC.J. I rINEGAR--20 this. (Cider) for sale by metal C. ILALZILL k CO. lIIVEN — G PAPER-70 Reams for eels - 1 —.017 ` l `.7. ge6IVIWAViR CO., 24 'tiro:a TANNERS' OIL-15 Ltda. No. 1; far er Ade., J. 2.CH - OONIIAICIEJI t CO. LINSEEO OIL-30 bblg. for sale b; mehl4l J. BCI/00N51LK ER CD fp ICE-15 tier,.. a Carolina, for mile by 17 mcb2l. JASIES HOTCERSON tr CO. EAD AND 8110T -4i • • Nix) pigs (ens Le.a: al .VO kco Err sae by melV2s JA504•4 A. HUTCHISON A CO. r, DROSS Rushton, Clarke Co.'s ; genuine chlu Wool f.D..r 011, for sale by J. REDD IVO.: ru sr. N U3l OPIU3I--1 case for see by N mrhlo J. KIDD & lb» (*.Wood A.. MA NUTACTIMED TOBACCO-15u Mtuattneture, urtbr brat bratitlr.lhr raJr low by r 617 ISA7III Dle/11:Y t CO. AIiPER'S MAGAZINE, for March. re ceived r. 0.1 tar rale at J. IL lIOLSIZIP, opttulte Lite Putt Mice. UUNDRIES—/ 4.:U3C Guth Shelac 17 I /Ad. Ellver E..d; IS=2l I bale !aria 141 d; 'Cort,, I two Llgvficafill i .or . dyed awl fur .y br achl2 corzcr Weal and Slula U. PEARLS --14 eases (first sortayfor stale by WICK • AIKA...NDLESS. pOWDER-4000 kegs Hazard's Bleating; IQ)• dm RIM; fbr !ale I‘7. oachl9 J. &DLLS - OEMS CO. New Inst. VIAND POLKA" DE CON VERT as runionsted br TWIRL: Sto• • Cti=fll= l4 . F' ie2 be Alto. a mat Tartar of nor compocition., th =nit Aud all author the, lose rod:Attar Nutie, brood i,i the _st - crn pntaltatom, trorirti and !brute br • =;2EqSI -NE""MUSIC—Where are the frienda.d mr Tooth; by O. Bao ker. ee tentalhlng Street Cu tell Toe. late IWbbt. thlnkitm the Day,3lary. My Hen England Home, a ore mug , dedicated to the Lull. of ales nualend, • Sim I Gat Ls Gm Away. Oh. meet mo on the Hirer Dittos. (bed titcht. Ilostm't on the !Raki,., Lea—Woodbury. Lily Wiry. byS. C. Tarter. rTII left my Native Village. by CL, Berke, • Tim Spirit Dore. Va. hi. he. Me Black Shekels' Momard Dolt/ Would I sere • - lth rhea—hit Guitar. • • Adleoz, by Harr. Au extenxive collection of new , Pol tans, tr. km., , Waltzes, Tarla- Alen e e !tartly of "New Carmine E. ...tmejl Cantles Lanai*. end en earellent ore work. naked the .Blelallet," • colimboo of pop ular and aortal maim, harmoulaed and erretand by U. 'Webb nod IT. Haeotr,—omakterrd one of the beet ante ever botabhal. H. KLEBNIL frbli Golden Vary. Ho. 101 Third st. , THE HISTORY OF PENDENNIS, No. 8, by Wm. M. 7131u-tarty wl the Queteftvo &Ochre, o ....4.rereLliistol . of Ito Court . : e of Louie Sa - Gomth, biAl Mg% Dor ' 4 C . No. ° : ° tven 4 Mini ft =d "0 " latin- Soos on bushels Dried Apples, for sale by feb2l , .T. S. DILWORTH k(J A GIRL wanted todo house work. Apply . ft. of this ofilm. r 1 ,21 LARD -4 kegs for sale by teb.l2 , DOB SON. LITTLE . ft CO. TOBACCO -49 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by fell MAIMS & HOE '5 CARLET CURTAIN CHINTZ, of differ ent alit h, and at lolrolayrlera. toed at the Apra of 03 OIL 111•1 BU/ICIMELD. IIROWN FLANNELS, a Domestic Article: und /thi at n Nfld.. of Barred. O. and Madsen. Blue. to Ike Fiore MURPHY t BURCHFIELD. DRY HERRING-300 boxes (fresh) fur 'tale Dr tnchS WICK I McCANDLI.IS. PALM OIL--1000 ]Ls. in store, for sale by mrl,l MILLOI s RICRIMON. CLARET WINE-14 hbds. Bordex; Ai braes Nedoc, meta MILLRRd RICKETZON HAUT SATURNE WINE -16 Haar Penn,. Wkw a.N - - In noir forral r mcb4 MILLER d xaciaTswe b ItEVOLVERS—Just received, an addition -7.411,1Y arulur Colt's The Old Printing Establishment, ATE Johnston and Stockton - a, and Blank ROOK 0111 tilotion.n W 5.71410., b. ILA I' liff Is prepared to cseente every style of Lsgal, Commercial, Canal, and :Steam boat Job Prialsna and Ikmk Bustling;and furnish earn . sans'. In the Bt one Parer and Ma:innery line. at the shortest notate, and an the must reenortable t,nsts. BI Haut; a 1 ScstlOnery if arthouPe, corner rt Marla ==2:T=3=!IMMCI BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, AC. :4 half plum ttigniart Brandy, 'Tale:and Dark." 15 eke 0 gr. mks do do "Pale, various glut'.. 10 do do. and moat relebnited blmoda 5 pipes lloiland Ulm, "Bottlins Anchor" end "Fieb 2 puncheon, DIM end Benteb Indakey. 2 do Jettuties Rum lu Lb. Pl. E. do. ,10. IM pr. raid. Pert Wine. M do Madeira al do Street Malaga Wine. dp Dry U do. lu •. do Blain Ulna. do. 25 bore, Boniest. Claret. In store and for sale by JOllit PARKER t CO. mud . .. 331 Liberty street. HE SUBSCRISEE IN YATES TIIE summon of =rebinds and other. to Ida latest and aasurtnl stock of Hoelery, Under Shirts, and Drawara The *tore articles In Silk, Wool, Merida, sod Cotton, of aU tin. sod ernes, constantly on band and for tale low by es= E. 11. EATON. GOLD PENS. We have now on hand a large suck a the belt cold NMI nom [km . l...flag taantafaetrulea In a.. - fork. and made rxprenly to ontor. Al. eleasot Gold Paned Camon and Italllolders. .511,14 Cann. In every'ari ry d, Portyplzr Yen Ifolde , =all do. All lb. Pal/ al/Wel:ale and tail at her rock de, - ... - , %V.% .14 - 11.eleff. DANE:MG, COLLECTINGANY 7 EN.- nnA-NOE LI/FICA—N. 111/LAMS a YON& INIO. C 7 oket Ittrert, Plusburyh. iltellanze on all tba Eastern and Irtltorn eltles b. r.ale Collection/ made In all th e =l.l ilsoeft In the Von.. 1.4 on 1111 mak./ Banta . Notts and lltaa tau nesottated. pay LeNDIA RUBBER PASTE. • 4 groisof that nperb mettle fur Game and shoe, rebibierina than per. water proof sad pliable ea a woe. f dotty , a.t. artlele Y trarratibel to grower die”vorpowea represented, or the merry relatinl. For all. •tioletak apd Sabajl, at and t. Wieal atreet. [ tar] J. it H. FIIILLIPS, ..TEA WAREEngliah .t. Autericaiißritan. nia Tea Pcto Plato/ du; Pistol gaskets, Candlesticks, dere. and Trays: FlarogOrns best qualdi lvx hat. :duo ILandle Table Cutlery, dip 's , y o ,k, 0.. n ,_ u.s. to Kuhr.: 1 . 111,4A1 and °lnman Over fOli - i — ltd Pptonc-, .. rb ,„ if., Tea 'hays of our laltenustztnanutarit highly ornarcencsl: Plated Trays of CM pads= Amy auperior Pcoder for dawns and 'polishing plated gys. Brushes for Oroutug ' Chagas Max; Pr Dusters ac, . ggy-For DAICULIOE' eclebrato-1 Magic Eltchen, adult the the of a hat, rhich silt mak. mem, 'cook bast d = s, ye.ers, cr any thing si ft in • fear tuba tea. tor sale by , Mirka WAZON, pg 2 Coy. and Fourth cts _.__________._____ ATRICAN 'WOOLLEN GOODS,-{h2 e w h in do c4 :2Ltit sc. r u.rge s rcea ...6...bbun iNd LIS do Dray Codling Blankets, berry. 100 do Drab do do do - do Moo do do do 3 cur.sl.ll.l.l2lsaket Clotb, • 1. do lantrer Blzs-d, • 3 do typal,' Black Protteb Bnwielcdt. .1 do all wool Tweeds, wwerndl colors. a do dodos. swortod color. It do Cusbnews. bloc} and finer colons 1 do Fatlnetts, thick .2.4 grt - T a - do Wblte Twald glioncl, earl vide. 4 do Crow bural .do do degnibsd goods ub all w coedit t, from micas nostintwonters , east and west.ar4 are tar sal* se Ilterrdl teems to the Duda. at nownsfartment o cr. 410 a . LtL V/NEGA.B..S 0 b . blwa r rin i gt sale by it, CO. -1!.. MEDICAL HINT TO DYSPEPTICS.— • DIC. ANDRAIIveoMBS Ox •LCMC74.1790-Tl—Dr Oombe, hiArsinsisk IffinArkina the - Prijklottcr of bp ~.estiotor @bone+ that a dime:Antos of the tn._ nosallty of Ozark Jake, is prominent vet al prersiList mama °moots: sad to stems that ft sdisthmeishedprohooor of , nedreine, in LOO,lOO. Attto eat rever stained Eth lids lineasie aka. =o t os the t lou Su, trot Daze a: whleirprenned completeir anewhe, D. liormhton's Pres; the free dhinstire dua, ch. ni..l man . Din rft Cora, premed frats Unet. oneth an,.., of the os, after diontinit• of Duos , Liebl ma tb ear i m=o i tra , Mender; 4 Duly vondertni rented for Indlleekton. a/7de, Jimarsike, Idirer Cotordsba. sad Doe hhttl. etudOS alter Name's own method. y wands out erst. Um Gastrin Juke. The tiestrk Juke le the pradsoirent of the 14 the rifyArrtamerant. ot i komoung a era rt of the stosseh sad .I%l=j inPVlttn=o , autritba ' til l ttry: taxi s (Art, tomdd, asinftd. sad dertrartire of shoie re appiraftut. 'A veal. half or !a orer au=nees d ebility gad aurae Jtainn, hewn the disarm; and whirl rem. • pat this not may be suppliod era:tomb( tie dist* tiro pe ratora O rinciple, Pe (tom the nom du of Sidatart .o emading th utdo Juke. to rheveue Direstikoliflukt,prort= :Ike th m :arnistitog it ampler and whet antalltute Ftftt The art of perforretne tA•prOore.o(diAffthm has .been known to Phyriologiste Du 000gpka .ishms thenit of rookies the spplicatom aphis, art to Aim arm Tyr , s perfect sad sArerable Arm. .X.esd the eridemeel Demi Lablip.inlas ode levied work on Ardrosl Chemistry. enc . -An Arthkia Agonies Plaid Luelskons to the Gana. Jokik: mg be mrL...l-4.2l:=ZT Z .I TY= line Atoned. Jost in the saatrOlSS. ISGI mar as they Imola Lein the rostasta statruth. 7 Dr. limatistoo. of Philedelphis prepares at madded' dr. drain; titdd milat PYIIII4, from the theatre stomach of toe Os, which atm* an edrolserde remedy for Indineeriom. coring after 'mamma own me th od. by atone. aitteo the 4 priadride. Coll sod me the extraordinary eel. tidy aldose* of its vane. SMILER t IfcDOWELL,..*Musts, 140 W it „ Pittsburgh. AIX glale by ..11 47 Wood st. meld • . 1 1 1 .7 1 /A=Mg. OLROCX 4 41 , 'bere sr. own thlAu b la heaven ettlesetti, THE %%RPM(' this remarkable reams dy, and the mutant applbertioniult, to the nem+. rum, his lodated Idea to hays it pet ep hi bttle., w l th la I Lois and allrettionk_for the bath' of Mae ppThOlduill is procured (MIA Vta new ding to.~ at a depthof lbw hondreil fmt, is a psi, enadeltast 'PQ article. without so - theist.' thuds. bat dart u it • rows from NeMurte • Oreat b. l t ru t rmite=ntef:kkett ' VT imin k rh • cies of ff./ram Initet be or vast ie.ht% * rdiesishot Nadeau& and 1115 , 0641; the Mum at ustta ssAvr sssikr _tms the vs • t Ott car t eiff rir= 0 rt.....7.17. fillffl mils feria, mod rural remarkehle etteez`not pm% airtoml, r isA rode i..ll, :aant= ref Ite a foluro di Te7oltrit • gth tertoake fogirp..6 of certillifates, we an torsion. that thee:olivine MD loon cork ,9 Ito the favor of Uwe who sulfur. And 'olalt tote Whiter we de not Mahe for it Wurzel applindloo In • "rry Maus!, we onheettetbuty esy, that re • umber Chrielo Aloes. at is unlevelled. dreveti o,, ttma mare ernmersted-all demo. of the emu. rot, auto CLIRON/C BROJCI7I.N. tht Ito Te n t: le toot. a ' PLAriii,TYPPEPPlA o 7ei.artosa, searTg M er the bladder and Kidneys. Paid in the Peet teak, Ileums PillaMel, I etalgia, / l athy, Ahnuatie Palos- Groot. &pan clas, Tramilintrworms, norns,43ealds. Esther, Old sue, rit,te. ewes of debility, romlrleir friu immure, ut or borinot pretested nue of:d ~t b.fe,tits_hoodkerya w ER hole RIM ' e, ining obstrartaons. opening the slogeleh funetione, whi r Teatuse Maw L anai Uokert'eoutiothon aoti Firingset rtraewel energy bean thar orm 1144 Th p er opietor know. of several cues of P tlmat nimble:l emery other mestounatiet well under t h e nu c f the PETROLEGiI for p Mort 11.1 The. mot cao a Men to any per.oll who desires None tmt owe without the !laterite= of the proprimor.— ho 4 asst R.A. Pereßth Au., 36 8 1.141M,F00t et, Carta Wood Mom and Vivien Allfto nov2dly he regularly appiinted •mott.. • PROCLAWCIOI - 7. NOW all men who nee sick =lit...afflicted sniff dime.. of the Bladder And Kidney. with rheu m pat. to back or limbs, stiff Joint., otid mreit, mooing Leers, to. th at th ey ran to mast In Md. Use PkTO..B 1•0031. You may talk about its bet mt ahnlgum.as much rota phase, tool th ts does not make it far. omen.. In the loot of . Mopert community, that It tas virtues . Meth an not remained In any other nserdy. - Ths moo ho u raek.l with halo. ..1141 sues./ from dims., el., bit ter nu mot e get fn m any of th e illo snomerated Re.ler! tyro t vafy Ilttle to maks a Mal. • This Petro 101= is me mirnine—no eornpound, jll4l up Its the purpose f Imposing en the commuutm but it is rentolyeiabors ten by Ilm nosier hand Of net.. and hubbl.up fnint the Lamm of our mother .era, he Its origlita WllnYs,lnd off hes t o o suffering humanity • ready rem.sly. a erstalo and thes re. su It Mu curwt MI.. after other medicines hays dalled to rend. any miler. It hes and fthrumotls. of loos sumdion, and of the vont and nicst panful charism. It has mired of Mane. bl nue or nth doensi It has eared old eases of Mantua.. to erlikh every othn_rn.ly bit been af anti As a 0001 remedy mad sends, it Is Int. than any.xlind sehinlioseit that..' taine of. It mill rum elthhlstua and frogyd het, tows fewLoolleatio. updosibted yd heft:obit . of the truth sootnirl i in_the abi l statelostilsby call. KI e C - nef ; stresnov Keyser t gnomon eor.r of Wood street and Mkta li., It Betters, 1, Wool sheen D. de 1011...nd D.ll. eurry.Allanlisoy My, ass the malls. • • • IMPORTANT TO THR . AFFLIVIND.' R. JOSE'S CELEBRATED REVADIES. —De. Jam Ron; the dhroteregand eolleirogrleter the,. mint popolar and beneficial mectiolmg and .lm the inventor of the eclobratad instrument goy W•thas the Letece In effecting a carer of-Chronic diselacts, fro o Mu • dont of that moiromt pltygictan: Doctor PhystplaralAs a irmoloate of the Chltereity Poonsyloullee mob pi Wet/. yearseloce has hemengaged 'the berestigatien of dl' ewe. and Om opplicatlon of remedies thereto. Through the use of his kalatfog tot:4ln ocoonedlonefth his Proyhylactle Pyrom, and other of his EIMMEIVIII, be ha. galnedon smoralleded mulnames la curing timed melba nod, fatal might. l'obefoular lkmantaption,. Calms Perth:llg Itheumatlem, Amtcom. rarer a O 4 Agus."Tevers o oil Mfg Chronic pygmies, and a/11Mo obstbafte der Wi U lftrer . ' tb;4l . l" ffirkholgLi-"• ber,oot by ths use of offs magma Only.that 'ls lomaraffble with Physiological Log, hop hy the um of ids remedies. slanted to, mod mmerfbect for . ..melt becalm . . Dr.licZer 'Soule Alterative - rile. when alio& asa Greaten tay ackemerhal,l to be enparlor to au other, aa • purer nee or liter loomsch as they : leave the Wools per featly free fOaos coothreneer. as aim U 1 Golden Dint cm ad odeuakbrtbo annler. to imam pecan oropernee, odor tad to female dime... belt befog entlelled that •We trlal to entlielont to eeteldlait what boo been oskt, in the Wade of • _ Tie.U.rrilire Invited to rn upon rho lorrit,,trol goo, earn (m it... of Um Doctor's trua nrileta. rtos A data.. rd .do of . manly, .ad Ma For 0010 by trio follorriorrirotr,. troll oa byroad drat. mute throusbnat the room : J. Portooroasker a. Co.. 2.1 rod K. Pittrbvtlt: . .1. M. Twarsummd. 44 /LAS it., . Led Bee... IV l T 'l l ''l l,6l,ll , 1.. the PM 02...Allestos orioitti , , rt :lobo illirtWuran n i= p4 l n t! ' t a ' ). T. Adam. licarr.r, augl2stly . , COMPORT AND RELIEF''; EREDIk! TIIE AFFLICTED will bo foundd is r. Dewitt O. Kellinger's INPALLIBLW VENDIMIT, plaid, which Ms stood Oa tea of thirty yean im patience, end has. beyond • doubt, been tha memms of my. tog donee, of thousand. of Individuals, In a/mmd elan and character of disarm. We tbel that we lament no thing in sayinctbat this is the only medicine that las been That It Is sold for offered to the k.Ud. that does, in every sense Of the word. It has ennid, Ism:table of ear) marodaansi than any Mbar mediednaoffered S. ode, we arty hot by whom made or wad, re by what name. As strung lad cominetna proclt af abaft, YY that it Is the only article that bag oper,cd p oi p o y lAni i ic o npledicit&thAt i aias ems Iweem . pqpidiodand 'egg, Faintly IledAne ever arid (or Y jale. or . ' in ' : br ".b any 1 1 4 Ulna, els • lion..l.laws Otionell,: late Zydd :C oaor C, Ti Ran Sat. W. Warta, late Slay.. Won, John d. Lab IL Pena. Me:aati9T . titit V..tiseVtlfh th . Teak, rho ho at folly tatted Its menu, have permitted the Promietca to refer to then,. do it Is known that Patent Mollitosy its siot room. AI lal4vniard by ? * y_a k"''d. rlo_ saVe l d thY '4leanii atrtea Oozed. nu ° . wc.ia.lrm g t Ca:mound our been 7 .1.11; maim years befewe thaverib Ita Dim Mend. see now Its stranovet and toot. Thie mad undoubted/7 to strata and conyinang_proof of Its mime Weefulneta and amiative noalltlee. /t aoireMen remedy Sz all prey°. aim., rheumatic pains. antaNlmis mango mowlns, braises, old wee% and all 1.1. paha and sehmi Illeab Is belt to. Oyer 1.M0,000 bertha hare been sold arlatinut emir Wet, and bare iyerfretedeh moiciablng asses, after MI other 'rowdies have haled sn , 0. would •PLIWZIT ballet bad we not offered, and in nor pomenion, the =ingest pomade eel. demo This medicine, or macaw', reitiedr, viewed from vea tables, for Internal as well as ewer.' tue. It acu direct lyopal the dleweaal_part = giving It health and strength la it . en...re for Diarrhea Cram . .., 'Bilious Cholla and all epumrelk affection. &emu - of .he Sidney; and Weakrue. Its male or &toile, Bout whatever MY= It may vet I t orZ=trebutnit. by lb U•.. 1 'Kidd Co., and Ogden a bouseden; and.by the retail Drugaleta generally. lt le pot up in four, two, and one 'Wing bast ratairalne To the Bead' of the Pittsburgh Gazette. IaUBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully ill y. Intact to Ws following truths. Pet ...111 W.n to one of the nom hiliertant remedies of no Min. I . KFROLEUTC ROCK OIL; It Is not more th an om. mor ago Blear P.m. remedy wee brought he" the to Publ. PW the relief and tun of ate.. Its great wme beal. hare. Hone then, ...me folly amrscUtect y the emomuolty, awl we allege that the lotigrrlt Med the more rtaln will its great fame mount It le not th e reed. ftly o f dee d rot np for the .4 portok of nulking bat. O. Windt we emotive. Matti... to be mkt when all a.; nonttrattut hate been forgotten. The Petrelen. Is a Natural Remaly. deb.:ll l lA the t d o ePthe v.v. earth " .prn " t r ic% n i t =du b ., • htf'..',..4.,°71.4 IT= eine, that we write tho truth—M. we em mt.:a c.c. M. to &mite those WhO May heart OUr Ward or 001., a n donee In or elateineno. The rick are werr apt to catch et lthing that prOtonwe miler from ilimeae . . • ofd tan olr be too %Or wrought to Lamer the Otteet of gull. ogo.emu rm. of Tu.. do not dini. to do thl. we ere. only that the retallon to zrowesi, b. told. Ln ad. to Pe.. far 14 rept. talent far eiceeding say tingle ankle in the Inateria mad . Plain ...O. IMO—fact. Met ntly recertal.l in of eml nighbor... hem =Ms Wt.., In fee Tor of the Petroleum ho wen MetiO at y blital ""o ha 'mnh' 're teen iv .. * "'" e4 tr U ciptiteene rd ea. of blindness. in 1.1.• Male 0f.0.0. hen Men Aod, ape, tha cam or gentlesugn Bellear Mud/. There are other. but these alw came near hoer. may he referred to by any perk. who bare do.. on the sok P. Them eaun, were cur. atm they had teen abandon.' physittens es hope.. The Petrol.. will MIL b when tried according to diumilons—Diarrhase Dysentery,RbenmaBio®,U\g eeald 51 tee ban. [:[took 11PRa C oin Rif odd the Oona deal Zdftrkarr: Bend, Ague. Crawls (kw., de... end PiOnomary allectio. of • throttle nat., to to pa da., Con. tion Bard and Reold,, M.arr of the Bladder and Skim.. C.a. Rands, Kum.. Nipple. Corns and Boob. In it la • OIL, Ittetwer , and by Te. t ri ed lo of the above within the mat year with the ntoet perfect sum.. Cottlikat. that will estonlah ere. the hen. of the proprietor:v.o.h take Pte... t. bUalePerr nr •Mk ttl i rea tbe' alZra t tr OM the Pettnienin L. toe weal. Resmaly of the P of high etamilag la therofession are MitimithU pre In their pre.. Ther ewho at OM Junked CM and uncertainty, ani willing to aesol day mu. and catudderation Before mother year rot. round. all win to compellel to scknowledge Mal the Petro.. la the V.I. est WNW. Veer dlerovertaL For yak ehMaitelve,r4m -501b24t. t o t t om u ? . , Jimph Dou., u•ssmr r utz " " ' am rnlot Tg. and B QELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP. 1.7 —lt to rheeh, salt tat.. and te w. . klt. E. L.Sellim—lly tits othert7itave boos rostrect to troublerome moot. sad haviod Nord diffnotit remedies to eery little porkteori ots we e ,• themerds shoot loot L0tr0!r. 5 1.4" tt . t . e.. „ l trarit=di Ts . s . iriaTt Atri=d. • 1 - hoes torostriendsil 0 to my onighborsi ohorrietstoutly hillere tut it is !Mr =WI hattitthe that has tier ar••4 P itrotzer Anarmi._ p u ,z,„b„.sa permit ctiltd , rtri to mike tram cough. oh= they mei road , txttio.4i thIO • s. SEISM; reeparc3 and cld tor.h.tl • .prEINGI3I7II are 'sod creel a g r a= awedyloa d V, by room or hot yrotri; lOC km trneum. fail KA/ ATlrlbMilr?""T. LCOHOL bblo. for wile by =tin J. KIDD 2 CO., c 0 Waal gt. NG % • 3 s *at br J . KIDD•CD ~,,a224 , . extra for .1, nab J. CIO. rOTAIII-6 cola (pure) for sale _by. meta WICIL 31.4.ANDLE.M. BLACK LEAD-1200 lbs. perwiteret; but L..naurrecsage Eii=l