The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 29, 1851, Image 3

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    HOME MAT ij
• lintsorcuid.r Dssrit.—We t to announce
the death of Dr. J. H. Mackey, j bleb took place
yesterday morning. Poor fellOw I he bad but
just commenced the practice oil a noble profes-
Idol, which be was well talented to adorn.—
'We graduated at the came Celle with him, and
hate ever since watched his career with a lively
Isterest, proceeding from person's' friendship.—
Adler having completed his elnislad education,
ha commenced the study of medicine, and grad
itiitea at tbo .7efforion Medical College, of Phila.
delphia, at the close or last Istvan. Returaidig
hone, Ire opened an office, and bade fair to spend
en honored mid useful life amongtites, but Pray
- Mance had decreed otherwise. 4 few lays ago,
.the daughter Of a friend woe at eked with the
. scarlet fever, and he was called in to attend her.
' attentions were unremitting, .end no debilita
led hie system as to supetinduceSu attack of the
same disease, which prow:rated him at his pa
tient's bed aide to instantaneously, that he could
DOt bo removed from that house i ,o his home.—
The fever 1763 of the most maliPmant type, and
thoOgh the most eminent phynicians were in at
. lenience, medical aid could do nothing for him.
He had at least the proud satisfaction of .
]mowing that be died in the perfrmance of his
. duty—like the knights of old w th his harness
cm. Pelee to his ashen.
_ The fur.eral will take place t three o'clock
this afternoon, from the resideade of his father,
on Fourth street, above Smitbfild.
Mon .cr, April 22.
The Court of Oyer and Teritiner was opened
yesterday afternoon, Judges McClure and Boggs
ou the Bench.
TRIAL FOR Artsi)s.
The case of the Commonwealth vs. James Mc-
Catelseon and Henry Johnson—Audictment, ar
son, iron taken up. The Ilefende t nts are accused
of netting fire to a lumberyard, m Bayardstown
on the night of the tub of January.
Johnson pleaded guilty; McOutcheon, "not
ray." Johnson had previously pleaded guilty
to a charge of highway robbetcommitted in
robbing Mr. H. Kleber, in the s fin Ward.
F. C. Flanegin and J. H. pton for the
Commonwealth. Messes. Irwin, and O. L. It
Fetterman for the defence. )
B. C. Reeves, sworn—My pian o' of business is
in the Fifth Ward.
• Mr. irwin'here objected to the validity of'tbe
indictment in an able argument, but the objec
tions were held in consideration by the Court,
and the case continued.
A fire occurred on Sunday night, the sth of
January, between ten and eleven o'clock, in my
board yard. Thepilcs of lumber appeared to
have been fired in two places. The fire seemed
to have been thrown between two piles. One pile
gas entirely consumed, and the other was half
burnt I tare no knowledge of who set fire to
John Duffey was called, but his competency
objected to by Mr. Irwin, who stated that he
vas a fugitive from justice, in a neighboring
State. He bad not the records of his conviction,
but wished the witness to be examined on his
10ii dire.
Adz. Flanemn =untamed thaVne witness was
bound re criminate himself.
Judge McClure decided that the record must be
produced and that that record should show that
the prisoner was convicted of the crimes falel.
Duffey was then sworn—l know McCutcheon
and Johnson. On the night of the 6th of Juice,-
ry - ., I wan going past the Star Spangled Banner
tavern, in Fifth street, and not getting in, I went
np to Mceatcheou's halloo on the hill. There, in
the basement, 1 saw McCutcheon and Johnson
with bona of cotton wicking, pouring spirits of
'turpentine on thein. leaked them what they
were going to do, and McCutcheon said they
Were going to elm (or sot tire to) a board pile.
He asked me to go along, but I refused, saying
that limas the meanest thing he could do, even
if he owed the owner of tho lumber yard a spite.
'Ube wanted to steal I could help him to do that
IVA I would not set fire to anything. A man
tamed Riley was with me at the time. They
then went out with the balls of cotton, and go
ing up to a board pile in the Fifth Watd, they
threw them under and oat them on fire. The
Witness and his companion, Riley, followed them
secretly and watched the whole proceeding. A
1131:1 was very badly hart by a board pile fall
ing on him at the fire.
Before they returned home, Watch.= and
Johnson saw us, and drew, one a foots:ruled
revolver, the other a double ,harraled piatol—l
drew a bowie knife, and pricked JleCoscheon
petty hard ender the heart with it, and Riley
who was pretty well up to such things, for it was
his businen, and my trade too, knocked John
.= down, and was about toplunge a bowie knife
to'hito. when I interfered, and saved him.' We
took the pistols from them. was only s few
weds in the city at the Ante and do not know
the position of the wards nor names of street.
The witness proceeded to narrate a scene of de
bauchery, which took place on their return to
McCutoheon's house, which is of so grow a na
ture as not to bear reporting.
CIDSS Examined—McCatcheon said that if
wit would go along, we might steal three or four
gold watches. I first knew him on Christmas
night, When he saved me from being beaten by
some of the Pittsburgh rats. My name is John
-Duffey. Hare gone by other names—have three
names for every day in the, week, and one for
BOlLfil7. Ito person advised me. to come into
court and testify, I chase to do so myself. My
motive was to convict the prisoners, or any one
that would set fire to property. lem the eon of
• property bolder myself. :Yon need not try to
get me to =ROT any illegal. or improper Vali
tons, for - I know what is correct and what
Hairy Johnson :sworn—(This man had preriz
.ouily'pleaded guilty.) 3lcCtitcheon and I went
into the cellur on the fifth of January, when Duf
fek, lad another man came in. We were getting
balls of wicking ready to elm something, when
they mane in, and asked what, we were going to
McCatcheen told them sad asked them to go
.along. .They refused. We then went up to a
lumber yard in the Fifth Ward, and I threw the
'Wicking, wet with turpentine under a board pile,
while lifcCutcheon set it on fire with matches.
We afterwards Imet Duffey and the other fellow,
and knew theihad aeon us. 3lcCatcheon told
me fo draw .my,pistol, and put them out of the
way, for dead men told no tales. I did so. The
witness then proceeded to describe the combat,
which ensued and ended in their defeat We
afterwards went back to the fire, in a body, and
then went to McCutchean's house in Pros
pect street.
Cross examined—l was introduced to Duffey
on the first of January, by a man nameitEdward
-Sporn I didnot kindle the fire, but fixed the
Ore balls, and
_stood. watch while Blcentcheon
e r :s.d, them. 3fcCutcheon made the proposition
He saK that he had made some money
et the cOkat Foes, and wanted to make some
wee Le t i n same way. I hod known MeCtitch
etin but a few ... 48 Y e •
In reply to a cv ,:lstion from Mr. Irwin, as to
kaw, after so short an acquaintance, be trusted
hint in the commission o.f a "line, the wit
ness answered that 110Ict, uf,cheon) knew that
ha (Johnson ) was a chanu..e r '
Mu Irwin—Well now, ~ I
don't ~ant to wound
jean feellngs—
. Winteas—l gases you can't.
_ _to
_nutn Tray tell ins how you were introdu.N .
Witness—An a regular sharper.
Duffey 'refused to go with Mcentcheon. He
Said be would rather Imock a wale's brains out
this hie *petty. We mole nothing at the
The Conunonsfealth rested here, and the
court adjourned until this morning at nine
Honoar, April 28.
Mehra Om Honorable Hopewell Hepburn.
'Hersey Giffin vs. Wm. Noble, Sr., at. el.—
ilogandless and Woods for plaintiff, Sheer,
iHlliiueis;aied Shinn for defendants. Action rel
ative to a boundary lino in Lower St. Clair towp
ath. Ciao not concluded.
Raw= for use vs. Sampson, No. 280, January,
' 'Same 714 tame. No. 281
aohytli for um re. mme, No. 282. Oa motion
luf lei. Paster, judgment absent° for want of a
. admit` of defence.
i• w oL . L'riab Loughlin, lio.lo, April,
o s . motion of S. W. Blseic, rule to show
amo of eb !ion, and why defendant should not
'ies discharger,' on common ball.
Tho sta a cwo es. Hugh Sweeny's admin
istrators, N o . 84 January term, 1851. Judi?,
-taint absolute.
: P•T,Coerrr.—lCe Coderstand that a little boy,
lig years of •age, yesterday brought before
111131.11yar charged with cutting a
companion. twelve yeari of agc, on the left arm,
dirt butte. The occurrence
• • malt place in a - scuttle hetK ten the two, and in
tir"Hg 4to have been accicir. tota w.
. the knife ha
._ d
been open; but the' po.•lotaion of each •
by a boy so young. is 1 . ..• itself cri=inal.
v•ocg to' the youth of tlso patties. the case
-s:-litttstintr. Downes:res.—A Outcast shoema
'' itittnattica Demme, residingin Lawrenceville,
yeetardny moralng Bred a. pistol loades't with
i- *Sines at - his own throat, lacerating it in a
-;A Weigel manner. Ho Isas a widower, his wife
,Itasing died a age. dim, ago, =dints. In tiro'
.• ierstand, somewhat addicted tc , the use of tutus
leash* gqmarn.' "At *Le o'cladt last night, the
tirlieleked . zep erte - liTlZig, th ongtillo hoict If Ide
MONDAY, April 28.
Present—Hon. Wlil. IL McClure, President
Judge, and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge.
The Omit 'met at 10 o'clock.
Commonwealth on. Joseph George, indicted
for having, as woe alleged, driven one of Brei
&meal's Lawrenceville omnibuses against an
other of the rival line of John Noses,
None of the witnesses on behalf of the Com
monwealth were present, and the jury, without
leaving the box, reterned a verdict of not guilty,
the prosecutor, John Nun., to pay the costs.
Commonwealth as. James Bain, indictment
receiving 'stolen goolia. No witnesses were pres
ent, and• the jury, without leaving the Bo:, re
turned a verdict of not guilty.
Commonwealth vs. James Bain, indictment
receiving stolen goods, knowing them to be sto
len. The defendant is a dealer in old iron; cop
per, and brass, and is charged aid having re
ceived several stolen copper cool scl:titles.
For Commonwealth, District Attorney Finite
gist, for defendant, Colonel Black.
Mr. 00021 testibed to hosing had a coal scuts
tle, which was produced in Court, staler. from
Police Officer Marcelhis found it in the defen
dant's house. •
1M=:( 00Y 2Z6810)
There was no evidence that the defendant had
stolen the article in question, and it was proved
on the part oftthe defence that it had been
bought by Rain l e wife as old- copper, for twelve
and u half centa a pound, froha a c boy, in tho ab
sence of Mr. &dn. A large umber of respec
table witnesses testified to the , goad character of
His honor, Judge McClure, claarged in Kain's
favor, and the jury, after a' ,short absence,
brought in a verdict of "not guilty "
The prisoner was discharged by proclamation.
Commonwealth vs. Jacob Drake. Indictment
Assault and Battery, on oath of 4amee Nichol
son, Arthur Nicholson, the prosecinor's brother
testified that one evening in January, the defen
dant came into a room where Nicholson was sit
ting, and drawing apistol from his pocket seised
him by the throat, swearing at him, and struck
.him twice. The defendant woo' accompanied
by two Constables, who interfenid, and saved
him from further violence When Nicholson
Raked the defendant by what authority be com
mitted this assault, he mid he 6113 his authori•
ty in his pocket, alluding to a warrant lie
had struck the prosecutor before Ihe said any
thing about having the warrant. The assault
was committed in the house of the witness, in
the Diamond. 1
The case woo opened on beholfloc the defence
by Mr. Bruce.
:David Fenvrick sworn. The defendant came
rutted to the Mayor's office some Lib. in Janua•
ry„ and asked for a constable or two, to accom
pany him to make an arrest. The warrant by
virtue of which the arrest was made was here
offered in evidence. It was directed to Robert
Holmes, a constable, for the arrest of the prose
cutor, and Holmes deputized the defendant.
The first blow that the witness ants struck
caine from Nicholson, and then: Drake struck
hie. I saw the pistol in his hands. v.
Cross examined—l thought 3lr. Nicholson
was the constable named on the fine of the war
rant. When I got in, Drake had the prosecutor
by the throat He might have hhd the pistol
out before. Nicholson wanted him to read his
warrant. The prosecutor's brother and 1 tried
toi keep pence. Bail for his appeirance was of
feted, I was not in the room hen the affair
commenced. • I went in; attracted by the noise.
The prosecutor was sitting on a ch ir, and Drake
bid hint by the throat. 1
The evidence closed on both sides, an d the ju
ry-was addressed by Col. Black foci the :Common
wealth„ and Mr. Bruce for the defence
A. verdict of not guilty nos rendered.
From orenight the following cad of Mr. Bar
num did not appear yesterday:
A. Csan—Jsxxx LISD.—The public are re
spectfully informed that the noise land confusion
occasioned by the immense crowd outside the
:Masonic Hall last night, no unnerred M'Ue Lind
that all entreaties and assurances from His Hon
oree. Mayor and myself were unnvailing to in
done her to give another Concert this evening,—
She would have been pleased to do no hod not
the tumult en the roofs of the building , adjacent
to her retiring room (although I an confident no
harm was intended by the -outsiders - ) thrown
her into a state of excitement whibla else_ponld
not control. and which must made? t impossible
for her in sing until a few days' sec: on has re
stored her to tranquility. She left ' morning
for Brownsville —a nd on our visit Cleveland
early in July, 1 am happy to say, she will hove
thb honor of giving another Concert or two in
Pittsburgh, if proper arrangements era, be made
to secure the audience and herself from dist:tu
The Public's obedient wrens,
rittobargh, April 26, 1851
Correspondence of the Pitt bugs Gatette
Ile term "Keystone State" has heen so fre
quently applied to the good old Comuronwealth of
Pennsylvaniaas to be almost milversally regarded
as proper, and in several points of vilest it ie cer
tainly very appropriate. . Among tie original
t urte
" en," her geographical =caw= seemed to
en 'tle her naturally to the designation —Kee
s at of the Federal arch." Pennsylvania, stands
like-arise, in a peculiar attitude with respect
to ;the two distinguishing claracteristies of our
whole people, Her territory defines and bounds
the elave lino reaching up from the Swath. say
in i "thus far mayist thou go and p o further."
B e touches, but without handling, the peculiar
institution; and whilst enjoying the benefits of
the freest government on earth, she sympathises
with her less fortunate neighbors who ere still
trammelled with the incubus of slivery.
Oat independently of all political ' , considers
tides arising from her relation to 'her sister
status, Pennsylroada now holds, and mast for
ever hold a most commanding place—must for
ever possess great social and moral power from
hek position on this continent
The Atlantic coast, our vast and beautiful
snide= of riven, sad oar magnificent chain of
noeth-western Lakes, form the three great fat
tartasof the United States, east of the Rocky
Intimately associated with these leading fea
tures, we find all the great interests of the coun
try I Commerce—the commerce of the ocean.
of the riven. and of the lakes, is the grand
aggregate result of [the business of oar whole
peqple--embracing the mechanical, the man
nfactuntrg, and the agricultural interests.—
Wiptout our noble ocean front, and our gnat
Interior rivers and lakes, we should dwindle to
a fifth rate power among the nations of the
earth. . . .
To these graiel and . striking features of our
eo4otry, we may refer most of the great public
enterprises, which have caused our people to
advance with such rapid strides in wealth and
population: and to them, in connectimi With our
extended front upon the. Pacific, may we look for
still more noble efforts in the future. If so much
ts. i
h ' been accomplishedwhile our republic is still
an WA, what may we not hope for from the
fa grown man.
d Pennsylvania Is the ydoway through
ph ch moat naturally lions the vast life-currents
engaged in the transit of the commerce of many
millions of people With oue arm upon the ri
ve*, one upon the Lakes, and her feet upon the
ocean, there she sits
1 "Her right there to none to dispute."
go the north, her noble mister, New York,
Mode her most practicable and advantsgeous
railroad thoroughfare, paselug through the
so borders of Pennsylvania. On the south
o enterprising mister Maryland, in pushing out
h great system of internal Improvements finds
j i• twat route to the Lakes in connection with
t h e I . o ennsylvania works; sad even to the Ohio
t i„ ot . , he best end most natural connection
wotild hay's, hrought the Baltimore and Ohio rail
to p oon ,;vivania's western workshop. The
al of B,l t i a i . or ,,, ,111 now only 236 miles from
PI burg, by the ritilroads of Pennsylvania, pas
eini through Idarrlatc.,g; whilst she ii 290 mile,
bklhe Baltimore and Oh:erailroad, tram Wheel
i fifty-Jon? r at, &ether, and by a route
which the nature of the country forever 'catch.
lichee ao one of the heavier grades and harder
ourycs. From the city of Baltimore, through
Harlaburg and Pittsburgh to Cleveland, ,on
Lake Erie, it is only 471 miles; which is but 61
miles farther than from Baltimore, by the Bai n
motie and Ohio railroad, to ineelinl. To one who
merely glances at the ordinary map of the coon
try,ithiewould seem to be almost Incredible; yet
sac is the fact. Again; the railroad distance from
the Icity of New York, through Philadelphia and
Pitisbrivii to Cleveland, is actually 81 mike
shoyter than: the shortest route running through
New York State and along tho Lake shore to
' 'CleVeland. o
These striking facts point most emphatically
to: ii r great destiny of Pennsylvania, as present
i to the whole continent westward of her lim-
Ste (eveniss far as the Pacific ocean), the Pin
oval gate to the Atlantis trade.
„o her
to that
Thus happily situated, it most be the fault of
ifia rro *Y ud l' n ' tlin ia ,
should thhe .
,K e e v y of
skine of tim Arent; M
D , mMardon Pa.: Marsh 4, 'SI.
e. M. fm:—Deat Ear, Tory Petroleum to ',oral., won.
des to tbis statelier timeline 116 would llama T. to ssed
qr.'s dams br the Pesuarlearla itailr.4.
ekes out. sod It is being laculnal Sue alrourt seen , der.
Yarn, respectfully. JOKY LONG a CO.
Haman. Ashland ca.. 0.. Marell
/I.lm—Duar sir, Your Agsot.. a law week, gone,
pat with us four dozen Back 0i1..00t have sold.
nit.m forward tons ax Conn
Year msetictue is working wonder. Ip
can 00111/0 toms) excellent certificate, If rou Cain them,
Yati" te., W. W. EC:O77.
Tor WA b 7 Ssywr t McDonill. 140 Wool ezve.:lL. Z.
15•11tret. 1.7 11 1 kood Wavet; D. A. Vshneetoek, t, CA, . or .,
p is ymt It D. M. Cam, D. A. PRIM, Jeorph
and FL P.llarriflis, Alkeway, by ttLe
IV-I ' B / 1 14 6t0n. April 29. ft ' s= 1131, Pa Tili Cu artlio l 47.
It appears that a formal Complaint by the !,,,,c` l i i ,„. ° `,l,.'"'
Mexican Government in relation to the repeated 1 "IF ---O.R. LOUISVILL E ,-c,7N"c9""lN:Pi"'lT''"m. ' ''r
Indian outrages on their frontier.
Tn. str. JESCERSON. Capt. Joh.. eill
By the treaty with Mexico the united States e_ aye for the eine, and internmellate ports on
agreed to protect the frontier between this ' ttde do,. at. 4 &deltic P.C.
Conn try and moil. from : lpda. „oiom_
en hoard.
Congress, it will be remembered, hut `session tIOR Clisi. tit LOUISVILLE—The
failed to allow an app
lower department for r° th P lir i ;e ti rronitutre ßke l o b f y th th is e ; emituat'd'ilrernikti":•*mllfd7":thilrb't7A:l/4'"'dlCL:4'C:o?:
duty, and consequently it hal not been attended ' parr ire` or r''''''s ° "ply on
43.'" '
, tOR LOUISVILLE—The plan-
Mexico now request* us to ratify the Tehtnua• ! dia. ream r Nee/GATOR, Cert. W . ...e.
tepee treaty, unless the provisions of the peace I i ,„, ; „' l ant ° ,7 r al b y * , ea ob rzitie w' ins a t., il e l l ' l " o ' ' ''U'UL o docile A. 11.
treaty are carried out. Per freight or menage arab , oe hosed. or to
Mr. Webster probably hastened his return' r"P2' J. 'FLACK. a/Tent
here in consequence of this dilficulty. VOA CINCINNATI AND ST.
The President , if he deems the matter of suf. i l I L ,da, L a r eu, is Ta rb ari s ar n '', l ; nd ill i tattr er th l 'e g elicov AD-
Seen t importance, may order troops to be paid and an intermediate Tarte on Wednesday. et 4 4 . 410414 P.S.
out of the beret service fund. , Per (Mobs or :mange, Apply on (Mod. sp=a -
. _ .
did stea mer FORT PM. Hiller. muter,
Pa. April 28, i• 101041 theobare and intern:Alain nn
The 3r. E. Church was struck by lightning its miti 4 o'clock. P.M.
daring yesterday afternoon service, and Mrs. , r . • NASHVILLE—The flue'
Geo. Peusyl instantly 'killed. . etruner GENET A, Illielett , master.
n I Immo for the aboveuid intermedintenortre
Wdthindni 30th. at 4 P. M.
tor (relent or panne, apply on Imarl. Ar to
&tint, (11:10.,) April 26. FOR CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS
By the barque Argentine, ihich strived at 12 . , b ....1n=7.‘1, 4 t z giti o m r g' m f'eatit
this port this morning, we have advicesTrom Bo- ver. kettodU. Tan Ont. at td n
enos Ayres to March 21:The resignation of Pre- dr U.. 4, anDly benrd. .T 2.3
iloent Rotas had assumed a disquieting promi- NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR
nence. The people of the Buenos Ayres canted-
erstion, of which he hi Director, protest warmly 1851.. tift4
against his reeignatiou. rIPHE now , and fast running scr. CASHIER,
The opinion in well informed circles in Rio, i stew
is that there will be war between Buenos Ayres 1 teircutr, weintars. Wheeling, Bridgeport- Cour,. sod
and Brazil, and that preparation. Ire making .b Pltteburitt eve Wielossday at
for such tin event. The Brazilian Dosernment I n ls, it
ac forWrfaa n tad U gifi e hrleVi 7irV 7
had issued its treasury warrants for $4,000,000 . i r!AZ°.=
P. 51.
For frejght rad mange epply
FL or to
nich, 301L0 FLACK, Agent.
I WI. —The light draught etrenier All ENA.
D. P Kinney. taut, leaves Wailsvllle every ioaccer.
Weiner:lay. and Friday, at 15 o'clock. A. 01., for Teed Liv.
erpool, thsegoir,_ :Ec.Ferran's Latilitg, Deem. and Pitt.
'burgh bares every i.4.31.y. Thursday. and
Carnality. at 10 o'clock. A. 51. for Ter, Ifererran e Land
log, Olaurow, East Liver,ol,•ted Weller dlr.
For freight or peanut, alTir on lour,. 0P
. now packet eleanter DIUIiN AL, Coo well. ni
tee , la naw Pee/ming her regular la weekly Dine tetu...r
' this city sad WI.. elltig. Darin; Pittabursh et lo o clack
T ' ;l e l l g s ni; 024 bursas.
•In rasa, week sor ' ire ' I 'ht or tv,rion board or
tual IL% • •
A IST lON I L Agents.
ll7o d yge b ertf tl! ' at?l 6*L reir b" t nthers, far
the Cincinnati sad Pittsburgh Packet t ' .4.le, and will leave
every Wealtocelay for Cincinnati. phsee of the New /:ng
luat No. For freight UT 119...N.,11L1r;i1y on board. or to
mrai 11. U. 51/LTENBEROEII, Agent
INOPORT.—The fin. steamer PACIFIC,
te=ire ( po ..l ;t7 l e ' rntti r rtty . . b° oll " go ne th k, P. M.
medilo N. 21 Water and 2.1 Front etc
Cl SUNFICII PACKET—The fast trattiltig
Ates/1115 WELLSV/U-K. , tp:.. , %1An . t:i114Y ,
aftemoon for Wellsville, Stenbenealle, and ridepcu:, and
creel Thursday afternoon for Steubenville, - Whetting.
Bridgeprt, LlpllnAand Ptintoln returning, lintree Bridge
port and Sur.Asti every Tuesday afternon. amt eeth
everydry ' n r,rltTi . r- afrtvirk..Tir 4.1:? 00
stestrir PILOT No. 2, A. A L'e. maeter,
will het. Pittsburgh far It heeling, Captain sad Sunfish.
every 31onday anti Tburtday b e e l ine eek r. a: returning
leave. StinAsh for Cantina, i n and Pittsburgh... ,
err Tnewday and Fralay. at 10 o'eltek. a. Paezengers
chipper. tan depend twat this boat running regularl y
hiring the low crater *mean.
For freight or ~..LF4 IDIOT 0a1...0t.
NER' YORE. April '2B.
The Niagara, with a week's later iniellgence
from Europe is due at Halifax.
PnlLADEunia, April 2.?
The tire at Honesdale. on Friday night, de
stroyed about forty buildings
Bishop Nirad, of Virginia, was, at the !agog%
dates, lying dangerouilly ill
The market has been very quiet to-day, in
consequence of the inclemency of the weather,
and there has been very little doing.
Flour—The market has undergone no change.
Holders are asking $4,50 for standard brand's.
There is no export demand, and sales are con
fined to small lots for city consumption at $4,50
to 4,62. ? bbl, for common and select brands,
and $4.75€5,00 for extra and fancy brands
Rye Flour is steady at $ 3 , 40 7 4"' bbl.
Cornmeal--Sales at $5 ? bbl. . .
Grain—The demand for wheat is limited, but
prices are steady at 100 e for good red, and • iO4
to 105 for white. The last sale of rye was at
70e. Supplies of corn are limited with sales at
C.;,3e afloat.
Groceries—The market is firnfer, with moder
ate transaction.: to sugar and molasses at full
Provisions—Are in demand. Sales of mess
pork at SIG bbl, cash. Bacon is active, and
about 100 can smoked sides sold at Gc cash.--
Lard is selling at 9} q 1 lb.
Seeds—The market is shill, with sales 100
bushels prime cloveneed sold at $5,371 7 / 2 ha
Whiskey—ls is steady demand at 24c is bile.
N Tom, April 28.
Cotton—The market Is drooping, and no sales
hoes yet transpired.
Flour—ls easy nt. S 4 Ed. for good Orleans;
3:@s4. 44 for common to straight elate, and
*450634 62 for Indiana and Michigan.
Grai;--Corn is firm rel tie 65 for yellow,' and
70c for white.
Prorisions---P , :vlc, if anything. is easier, nt
12 for new mess. and $l4 for old—iil3 for new
prime, .at 511.78 for old. Clear =win held at
:$16,50 per bb.. Cut men's are dull at 8} for drr
{ baited hams. Lard is less buoyant at bin par S . .
Whir.key—ls quiet at 23e.,231 per gallon
Cotton—Priers are cent lower, *tits sales
1000 bales at 10c 'l2 Th. for middling
Flour--Ie declining, with Wes WO bbls el
$4.37 for common fortnight elate.
Grsin—Wheat is . armer, with sales of EOOO
busbies prune Genesee at,ll4e ' t 3 bu. Corn Is
gt O . O Y, pith eales 3UOO bushels Southern jallon
at Gsic ? bu.
Pronstons—Pork is unchanged, with sales of
1200 bbla at $11,75 for old prime; $15,121 for
new mesa, and $l3 for new prime ? bbl, and
016 for dour mess. 7 ". Beef is firm at $9,37i0
11,60 for meta, and 55,37(0,50 for prime.—
Prim Mess is dull at $15C,,16,50 ? bbl. Beef
Dams are dull at :515815,58 ?
Bacon is more freely offered, and is held above
the views of buyers. Pickled meets are more
plenty, with =les of dry tailed hams et die 1.1
lb, Lard hitt fair demand.
Oils—Linseed is steady at Tic IP gal.
Iron—The market is irregular. Scotch pig is
generally hold at s2l
Whiskey—ls dull at 23.1 c for prison.
Waal/101M, April 29.
flour—Soles 200 bbls 11. S. brands at $4,50;
r,d 250 do., at $4,44 bbl.
Grain—Sales of Cora at 68C,E.Gic for yellow,
.d 63@„,t,5c for white Soles Oats at 40a,42c
e bushel.
Provisions—The market is firm as last quoted.
Whiskey--Sales at 23}Ce2Sc 17 gall, in hada
and bble.
Flour—The market is unclisaged
Whi,key—Saies at 17i (;.:1;18s 10
Groceries--Sugar sod Molasses are steady Isoii
. .
Provisions—Sales of Shoulders at Gfc
Sales 1,008 kegs Lard at 18c ? Ib, and of 100
hbln do. at 8;c. bales 1,000 bbis Pork on pri
vate [EMTs.
The river isstationary
VHS. A. LEECII invites the atten-0 2
4 ,
„ MAI: .
own+) in..): Ninini _
ni and her nun!, her
I . M.Lltiren ' or tour Kota .anted Imwrvllntrlj
Nu. v Falb .trwen.
A3.11.1EL KROESEN keeps constantly on
bands soul asanstrnent of Weak and - Boil; fobs,
/ ores, SteambGat. dna Well, Kitchen or Dray Bucket,
Woulen ikrid, Churns. Dry. Measuras. eel Chekrl
Wash [loud, and all Otbe, Mods or Iran Iv his line.
Wand-pool. Masonic Ilsll, Fifth leltlaburkh, l'a
Young Ladies' Boarding and Day School.
, ti k f lßS. M. F. GREGORY will open a School
• sr the shoe. description, at 248 Penn Street, Pats
ux , on Monday, April 109tta, ',ben Barents mut
Jo Annan. aro requested In call And examine fOr themselves
ben" applying
Further Information may be obtained .[the flans of A
II tinsllab k Co, Bookseller& Wood at
ap514215..34 , T . __
- •
T HE STOCKIIOLDERS of the "penned-.
amnia nett Mamas/A.113g Compan y ,. int not
hattaknent of Twelve Hundred and Fifty liotinta
se= sham it required to L« peg! on the 10th dap of ?day
ext, at the office of Chazlea h.q.. FhiinttlFb!.-
By ore, of the Board of Dinecture
Fyt ta.Oltar. 711011PSON, and
E. •
.annitam. A prll 11th. . •
W. Dixon's London Fitent Lever Watches,
• Suportur to any Waicha efered in .45tiantild ,
RICIIARDSON, 81 Markbt.strect, is
By appomun4nt to the Aninfr ' a CMS , '
oremetni end ?iamb Manufacturer, 45 Ring Nun.,lice
well hood. London.
Thl7 nerilihm Witt the neentopanylog Watch. No.
m• to t. or m 7 nmnufectut4, and neWttelt
j me r4 =l. , ,l y le tcrito r e ,.. nales: smetepthled
I ruin...* tof4teh l kr--. he4p that tetbe on
141ect4.e of the purchni, WM. DIXON:
ehlGa h
INSEED OIL-30 bbln. Gutbrio's eupori
iL.I or
brand, to No by L. B. WATERMAN &SONS,
AO .Bd NI MM., and BI Front id.
H. MOLASSES-20 bble. for solo by
U• ar2l L. E. WATP.N.MAN BONE.
BACON—A:few naairn of prime Sideo and
Eboulaers. fur b
rra r
L 3 ITATZR3I•3I A.1103:E.
"V O. 3 MACKEREL-190 bbls. Largo
Nowboryikal. Nu. Z oalre . rom6o.
Canal Thorn, 146-6tY
. Also-10
95 0 bbbbjsbabmalire'
and enmn, lied and for rids irbolecale or rtrall by
*old 'TM. A. MrCLUILO • CO.
TIOLDEN SYRUP-10 hf. tblb. roc.'d and
VA for tale by mntuartior a INGIIRA3I.
.yro 116 Water otnrat.
TOBACCO -20 bonen Mooklenr & Child
-416/46'" 6 .fortItItTuDGEA INGUTLAIT
Q, .11. MOLASSES-130 bbla. arriving. fur
.ale Ay aplf, BURBRIDOE a INGIIPA3I.
T O LET—A larT Roan in the third awry.
Kau ii• t LEE, 139 rt
ma, at
WOOL --Cosh paid for Wool, by
apla MURPHY a LEY, lB9 Litm,,rty at
,!..k tttat ulo cud ha liti . ol6 astati " -Tca tew
&Wane einoagigio." d. flit 60 — Will
001 . a 6 Thr TM on Ina % I ra
11. States alp Steamship Line.
time einescuhlp Crewirat CUT.)Wei
The new and uffeerful American -
thip Warier; Charles Braided. Coranianner, i 0
plaotel on this Line, to run between Phileleiphie e nd
d Lie
runlet and nil!) leave her berih t "vet Wharf, for
rs d lVitaill ' W h io ' n ' e L"' l k ! ls balk is
the most eistetentisl canner, both se and nin.
etilnery, bss k...avy diagonal Imes througbont,
tbe W.:duper the stseb--ers ef Line. mid in re
re moon fall,- epusi In point of atrennth and gringos:l
-nes to ens steamer stlest. tier screustootianosis fer re,
tenser. ere unsurpassed for ronfort sod es e anlie.
Lute: Yoloim Pie. Lentos ..... SILO
iietenl Cabin.
rrrands ace.nig b a.* World's lair art it:limd Wit T.,
r-tirtton"lll boi.satd fur *lnadid dumber of r.
Viing them szlidr tame tr. rldt PA* wed sow of
the pituridat aides la Curor,
April 23 /Ira r a.c..
I , l4tr.DA .. 11)
. .
All 2 expericnred c
tnm ar,.. - ecu acecalvtaki tb.•
o•enil 12 nth aM
=ll27l, ' L l r '•
itrc mat.
Gle of Jul,.
ii t C",,RV l 2 7 g t .;_
51c"" 7 . 1 V L,D) D,
aphid It DuiLL.T. I.lhrr. rt
The Hnman Body Must Perspire,
40 SAYS NATURI:, to has, a healthy ap
pra--anrer. .41 loceverte be de not are aoae
4u weal dftuabna 51E3n Iheeguee. bee, JeN 11,bee
Chrvainal kap raue.a* rm. perapkratten. aud tbe earn.
larre mollitke. an 4 oaten, Me *km. etrina it the Valero
er inflars.
. .. • • .
Ewurcy Ithcnna, an.: &c r.. • not only hcalwl.
run•d Ito uw, a. at Ica,t 12,,, .1 In N. York know,
who ore It In such rum*. and hodn nnearlinp—ao Wo, ln
Blotch.. Frucklwa, c. hn skindlcea.... Th.
ruder 1. ar,ured that thla la no puffed ontrum, ao
tnal flyer. ronkl annr.erata at law! clehl.>
"crwatta cured of wry hew& son lc,. and *ore Ward
.•••••• • • - - • • -
Buy 11—.0 lb.:v.6er la Itg•lo ~.
.ured I •oulduot cru.
.141 . hZ . it fw IL. elan. tArk , 11 . 1 ,z ).."17 , : 0 t i. 0t• ;11 I
sill find tbu only a rum but irr..rullTr, sad I nb.
only add. that.,yout/ a:Ban! .Ith any alit. above,
LA. similar sill Bel 'his all. burl 0,0 mon. 011:11-
rabin to its prwortlea) than I slut..
afar But. reads,. the stores sr• floodni .111:1 Imitations,
bo<l bn s yuo sat for Jl,lll . ItalienCbsuMcs.l bate—awl
uy It only ure
of WM. JACK:3ON. oral' A•Tut is httsbuttitb.
Lead of IA
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
te bad for - Z
tenta.—Pertoon wha have either. are Ecnorre
bly united that If their breath I. ever eo foul. or their
teeth desayel. dark cr Cell.n, amt encrorted with ham,
that a 25' coat box of Joan' Amber Tooth Nate will male
the teeth so whit• as root, nod the breath taltrifetuthtlY
Bold only at JAC:I.:NITS ttcn, .w Liberty et. heal of
Vt "al
A Scientific /fair Tonic, Re,ftoret Lind &all-
Boturr, Z7).‘ emir Thar. who hay..oprd
I.,tcre 11. - cral Hair krms ruvileot qualities—
rho..ho harr ant..r a:parr t , to,cca th e
rtil tome the hair to cum on an' port whrre
Lattn tr4ndr4 hair togroa. t, it 'ttn , rottra
dandrolt awl mate light. rod, or gray lair crow dark.
ins rendering thy hair tan wad ulty, WM.:Ur ra '•rd
orak.• It trot,' trautifsil. so] keep. it go lii.. On
dor 510.1 oconozaiwl—yrt ant•rri,r—artlrle l' the
to <n th' .1 Wit JACKi,tti'e , Etorn, etrrat,
pwl of llttsburgb
cvnta,bUcrtata, and {I.
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid ilumun
'fair Dye, for the ChallbriD4 of whit.. rN, or 00.0 hair. to •
nlatiftal ••7 t4..0 lot color, iv • 0. inlcute.
Prte—>o o.ot awl al.
Hold be If 0 JACK,ON.2.lll.lbartrotrmt.l,slof VC.4.
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Ladies are can
oe/se spun. toning the ruttugict. yreywrod Chalk. They
ore 0. swrn now frightfully twirl°. It le Li the rkint
bow ownee. o bow rough, bow sallow. yellow, land unhowltby
the akin syywars. atxr oxi. powpoixxxliibell.l Dedde• Ills
'-" r! sh T.? a k i :oit r ftlYrx t ! " twi. l l l :7ltl - Riad, we
?.o . " . 11 Lilly Ohio.
It to porfoody inoomd... being purified of andxletooriona
quelltitox end It hutootu tb• okin • onion,, loreithy.
aboixbor. riosr. ox whitey the MIN Moe Kende,. ow.
wile on the akin, trialniitt. moll and =moth.
Pold bt the Agent. Wit. JAClifx , N, Yht Liberty &treat.
fond d Wood, Pitt•Lorgb. hire.
AOA RD.—I have removed to my new Inure,
(threw door below.) nearly newer. me. bank of
taburgh, caner I will be glad to ne and •"-
low eitiaen.., sod melee • .hare of their custom. I will
keep • eery large town/moot of Cpboidery, liedo.d
ding Curled flue. Iprity, 51.• (limn and Hoot Metres.
ono Feetber Lwta4. Dodders. and Pillow. Weaken , . Quilt.,
Counterpane, end Comfort.: Window Shade. of every
riety: Door Mai,end every artlclu ...oily found la the
rook extenolve 011tablialnusoto of Eby kind. Orderltwxlewi
fully rolielted and moot promptlyllll.3.
aid Wit . NOBLE. Third note:
TOBACCO -10 boxes low priced s's, reed
and for Yale by . .04 W. & F. WILSON.
- 11 - E 1) BEE LlTT . tjtj. e
~J for 3. b WILLIAM& & CO., •
spit corner Fifth and Wood otreete.
NiOiIASSES--75 . Lbls. to arrive, for tittle by
I. gold 11011DRIDOE INDIIIiAM.
FOR SALE—A good second hand Pr.m..sW's
W• 01,1 Enquire of J. KIDD &
epl7 OO Wuxi et
Co., err om opening men of Joaoand
Silks a
also, Dm. Mkt a atripod, plaid and thane sty
g" gab • Ca. bar :vowed per espri , thrcr ba.i.
hue Jammetu and Cambria.
MOCHA COFFEE—For sale by
.17 W3l. A. McCLliko t I 0..
NGES—llalf boxes, very superior, an,l
111"-k"P"'"IrP%ore rul e by
a 1 vicm. CO
EARL ASII—;.',I casks for smlo by
spIT J. a FLOYD.
I ALERATUS-25 bbls. (Adams's for sale
10 by .07 3 R. }LOYD.
UTTER-8 bbls. Roll, for salt by
II ACON-247 pcs. H ' ams Sides, an 4 Shoo!.
SLAT der. Dr male Dy 4 0 1: J. 6IL FLOYD.
lirooL-43 sacks Common, for sale bx
epli J k I 1 . FIX o L 117 .
BEANS--S bble. Soi.llWhite, for self , by
BROWIS-75 doz. Corn, for stile by
oplT J A /I_l/LOYIL___
CASSIA -100 Mate foh talc by
aplo .1. 13r1100.NMAJLEI: t CO. Vin.d tt.
PAPER.-32,0 yaw= 21 bY 36 " Pntal.,S
" 21 by
60 3 lb by 'll. by 32. 21 bY
by 11. '2 by 4:b
400 Factory
• bdb , . (20.1 , Mrs." P.P. ,
SOO Doobbn " "
700 ilndiuro "
arto Medium arid Single C.:W noir.
Th. undorithrowl I:owps coostoralf r.. t p . ird ood for Fed:,
WIZ: re at and Too Zo.t
=11.% of alcilVe.. fb ot‘f ,, rfur".
Printing Paper goa4o to oftle r r 00 .tiOrt notice. E
or of Non UliirlinEito.
DgY WILITLNG-50 bbh. for sale try
sot a. KIRK=Ain • in
A Very Desirable Itzeidenee for Sale.
! T HE undereigned' °fere for sale, one of the
most desi ra ble reddens. to the town of Massillon,
I S county. Ohio. containing about is sures of land,
I •Rh • large and comma:bow ]beck Desiring Roos. and
out holism. and a steal supply of °balm fruit and giants.
herr • One of. the tat eel:mole In the country I. wittily,
mont h since. and when It it remembered. that, In
mon from this Cale it will be within gnu hours' rideof
Pittsburgh. It will be seen that here is no smell adds
.••• ear any who desire • chmp and elegant retreat from
the cite, either as a rummer retirement PT O.PerlTl.tra
Weldenco A part or the whole of the laud will b. raid
ith the buildings. Th. prnnerey CIST MOW belied for Les
than th e building. me will she procure title and con
vey without charge. • lot of =MY then two cores. situated
cn the lank cf the Ohk, Canal. and about twenty rade
from th e Rego: of the Ohio and Ponnsyleanle Railroad. to
any capitallat
f I r on,pany who will establis
l. which h thereon a
rer, '" o ' l=Efde.Of? l.ct It borne Iv m:ud that lfawilloe
leof the moat beautiful and thriving town, net Of
Pittsburgh. Coat, and all the Penns of llama. LB 0.511
eta be procured here es law asst any point. Ocpd•
when manufmtund can. of course, nth great ease. L•
transported by Canal or Railroad.
Massillon. April 11. 111111.--fa Ow
'gettable Real Estate for Sale.
FOUR LOTS, fronting SO ft. on Liberty st.
by Ito R. deep te,EnrwerT k.ard7.4
"old =Ur...We T . t.le property Iru.
low• If apol:Al for soon, ) :n In Of
_ bon
.Intl:. AST CO Li
Value le Property for Sale.
TELE SUBS WIRER offers for sale a valua
ble_pietr of roperty . In Alleaheliy City. hAT , iOa)l
treat er- PeNtres or of t 2 feet. and martini; N1rd.. , ./75
fea Mu t h d, 011,1. Shia pror<rry 1 0 tttatt ,,,,
nf the midanee et' &mod tires Cl. and near the
re nk
aidoora of William Dliverth. Thera Frame nen of
Iteutot en the premix,. which rent for t'1 4 1` , .) per r ii nn . urn.-
o::lZlVOTabZit ' giT= l = ' 7, 10101' ^
eti ohms and part of the porch... , mot-ape. natadn.te nn the grenne- If:moire of the notarriber. or. 1110
prcminla J PSON.
For Rent.
I\ Small c.ell finiAlled and eumpletelv fur
laishrtl ~ I rrr, dcnr to the
E. P tiAZZ.I.II.
No 73Laboly tArArronl,d brd ith .
spit( ^ (Post bud Tribuue
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
lIE su b ri be r offers for sale the house and
e.i j i7 u mo r t. 11:Zz b o .. "7ru r ratt;l'LPto . '"W I LT:, i:. " ' Il t i
the naartet u nt thiv ett ' t ' The PIP., a-front Cal Park at.
rtuauing bed. =,l: feel. to su --cant:Arcing nearly cmn
e..r. of ground, and ill bounded on evert' erde larVe dPen
ter., aeorned wlth at. ahrublren The boner 6
cearty new. tare, •nd ...Tr...Mingle well arrangsl. haveng
• fhaut of :gt Yu and a depth c.l 7'2, end euntans fourteen
run, beude. hal manner. d and
It it built in best
and wort durable and had a hre-Proor rne-e and
runta.a• all (hemodern rouvenienee.. Tau pump., .11/1
U. "t , L , llina vucely of haul and soft water, urnat the door.
u the prettily.. are the nuretwary out bulldnlga, stable,
rarnage bon, dr. Th. ground.. are laid rut nioetly as •
lawn...vertu! with lose. fruit tree, espeureetts. Coneriag
shell!, current, anueberrles. •, and • small
Kardeu. Pb. fruit in .:f the beat kind, and the trues are In
their Prune. nod yield enough for the wants or an ordinary
(mull, te situatio of au, property, sa to sal to the übrit)
suburban mmfarts. c n ,mitaned sal. contiguity city,
nut eurparwri by any nwaleuft. fen thls alcinitr. It hav
rte. of the Ohio dune for
So ~,er.
mile. of Stropernce.
title, South Pittsburgh. the . the two etre
. and ti,.
tulle around. (.rum. altuwetber • tAnorantie p nrooet of
• inch the et enever wear... Ever, boat which coke , . or
dep 7 a r r~t. from
removed * horn en, annul anee duet_ nu destructive Da
comfort and wrgetation, and allord. a rettpunent eta quiet
anW peargful as If located townie quit.t m..k in the country.
The property will be odd at n I.argant, and pouwevion given
whenever desired Enquire at the 1 -ntrt tte
For Sale.
r mem hr the Fitirmvunt Fire Com
" in nnini
.1 S3IITII. Ere},
No . 40. Peon
A (loud Opportuni ty
. for those who want a
pubacrtter otlnr• we the followli. 1.e.. , of
,round: 'Tv
N. 1. Your La. In Prile't , plan 44 tote. In We F.ightit
Ward. each lot belt), L:t fart by .104. Thew. lota art Wear
oath' situated. and will beabla at • barnaln, we the owner
Ilen at a til•tanua. and w vibes to dupe them.
- •• .
No. I. Mite Lot. at the .ever of Band 'tenet snot Du.
num. W•.—..ivatitageotui, loNitrol for estLer bouncoror
private Ten
No. Ten Lote In the Boronah of Le wrenetefile, well
suited for priced. realeuret-
No 4 Twirl.. Acne of Land no Pecnlo townr.ktln. nit
property L• admirably I=o.l for country "cam het.% but •
ohort dietance from the rlty Ilnc.and ad.tololug tbe Ratln.e.l.
No. O Our Let cn Welastrt stmet. ricer Llm, 24 &et by
N. lit it 13, and will be told con long (Ism mole a
small putvcoa of the purolaam mone7 will roputrei in
ha..l . . .
A tbm norellou, near the eornrof W•boter and Etta
Ann; wutamlng 11 mono, will he rotted ran low to •
gotal E.E.mtly It la to onastructed that two Wailes ma co.
mt tt ndy . Ato
b27:1 looßtin er WRAY.
Webat god Etto wens.
For Rent.
!err> rtr...—s largo and sub./Wm.'. braiding.
PI !mat. valuta. f.r. an Arsdenir, or rrisattractu- 4 .-.•
or Garri.tent alter and I z- merr
I t `
OR }<ENT— mrn A ikwrairv.: Firm uit 77.7
Tb;rd sm.r. btd cAar i=ithrle. /1
t. n iltad monled:sneiv
leu in ihe Ninth Kr: J.
fll . .3.l'l,lftrelYG,To
Icqath rr. , ar ttoa
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
levershle tern, the felleeetne, Ex.: Crete. !,
ca.v.t....:Crgh.. ' • doeeie
l of 1
o. I. I bre. reletatle theee eta, te:-II ieellths beer,
e e Fecund street. heereet, Mare. and len , envy, the
• •
Tesni PeeterteTtaa Chem, at whleh etereel eve
h-er cher ! !mei hew., MY. • ertatte, other. and cle•
,eo otpr., tvnek •ssobo,se.
No. 3 . Too ley In 7‘35..a. iwzvor eognty. Mtng ;. - 4.•
n. 3 ..II a I.;nc 30,, ,v. , t ., ~,,,,,,,,,., , ,ch,.,,,, , ,
al I..ect.: ,tl , fr.., n.• •t,..,. tne. an< .. r. • :,..,
frtm01 , ...14,. IV. t, ,, 17.:,...1.x,..
co `',.• /IA f.. .t frr , 2l, ftxiet. rry-..g. tire
and , t,f,,
Irtm L. L•.luau, raef on iFr
r.or veinal , . salty Ft. trt an M La,
witla ten ..bana water power arta. laal•
'a I Una I, t oPlactr r an lan Rm.. and
• a.nd tt, tothe try :f thr FM, on wh,rl,
tan stre, Frlek dr,. and 1...b00m...f CO fret, ale , out
rttne d wrla. twa
No a One l am e lot tn Nfkr Tribton.
•.lout IC. 1.. t or. Itra.d.., acd .Lout Gat deep,
rrntattat. 151 Arne. on which an eyrrtrd two large frame
lwolllttra. awl mar .mall frame hf:nor, nerd ar an 14Fr*
Thte proper", wsu former`, nrenrir: Fy Mr T C Could.
and k layntfr.l. twing immadistrly opposite
n. Tallrlon ItrMac.
No 9. Ono vat., lor.Orkroedlate!• below Folletonitrirtd..
boor. shoot IOU toet to leto,tb. and exteadino from Water
•treot to luw water rout. oe r-oth.
Voner ,
ACI IT .t tbe Ilenk :O.ore of 1.. C. SI, . ,re•
FLCUING. etir..nt
and Poet CCM , I
Drug and Prescription Store for Sole.
lucent In n an.l MI , a t,/
~ Inr . dolnq . r,LlsLiv IA cf+.4.
fnrd for ODIC 1.1,13 rsal Lem.. let futtb, nortleal.r,
nPVII to 11,111:1) IRWIN,. I
Inch:4 114 ,rer.. ft.
rl l O LEL--A 11 AkEtititSE, situated. 4
on Wiiter a, betureuv Thula. :Jul Ferry
ca W, Yr.liuie bu i slue.. For ti.rnie.
quire of
No. CA
Witter ct.
'mock; Or PUILDINC,.. the tome: of Wexit
mitton and Penn nnai. nod (renting du the, reun
•7.tanth Can.!. th the l'Ett of Iltttburot. The Lot trout.
any bubdred and fe Idos ots
Milo ' , treed. adt one
buutred out nine feet Litho wet,. in Mae/111430u L
too twenty !not wll,. Inl`Otc.
I,lClr. dfiLLY.,
ndli4 eod No Iv: Penn et
Pull tan, F l our M 1111.114 a taw Millen
U.. Creek. with the twooLsar, water p.w.r. Mao,
• vr.II inlDrvved Form 11, l.awn.orrrounty. Prier
Alw, • Farm of lb, arr., on IL. 1./Rio n..., threw roar,
It..tow 8e..,,. for 5440.1 Al.. oon of 140 azr..., on the
ohm. river. twlow rr, for f.r arm At.,
OWarr.. fur lIS arn, tortn• If., 17:, .ad 9A
refor 11,151wr awn 1:: scna r 312. and :
. for Sit twr wltlf worar fo ottrra of ear n
o‘v. arse. mot lwAutr.
N. I'. I 11. L. 11 FETTIIiIIAN,
A Itozn., at law >al kcal Este. Awrat , a,
feta., Nu 101 ith it PittoLstrab
A Blast Furnace for Sale.
1 1 HE UNDERSIGNED offers for Solo his
BLAST FURNACE. enlisted in stria morn,. rce.dym,
SAW - Allatoona Purrise,' ( lo ine out
bullditio: and GICIST 111L14 sod ever, g t
nee.eary earry on the Yr:netting of Ore. It hes 1.400
der. of Land attached, with much mors adtoinlng
•rwsld be necessary. which can be had from 75e. tor: per
+et., It the nu, favorable location to the routh. far
maktne Iron. haring the ore within r.neinalf to ono mile
oft eery jar. quantal, rut in mine, and rteldhut
froM tois per rent. It le one tulle • half from the
Etonah Hulling 11111, ahem a ready We ran be found to.
II If, products of Pin Metal. and I taro out. from the
1C extern and Atlmnic Hann-ad, which Is ono of the hoes
of ralroad. connection Ohs lennens,‘• (
running .ri the . tes
Ihm , d. which _11..1x 111... of toihoud, out Unto
it. cooled auff under contract. ps.s.lon throngh ell the lin.
=LT rli7.l%9l9l`ac`llk'in'er,‘"':ilt;tione.r.7.Q.,.ir rile II:
lotsn full .I.d:en . ..kcal slicr. power, wltu tall of 15
feet. hi a never foiling 'dream, cod rho moot healthy
part Olt the t.:outh.
Lecture mar On adan,r,..l to or. at ttotrah,Cass ec...
or I ean be seen at any tome on to. P•em , e o .•
Attarnnea Pcand‘l, March 1.1551
r t Erii..ESTATE FOR SALE—The under
°lOoffodrs for mtle a d larne bi nuVr ib of +ante
lorlel, F. Abe . s iblot7:l7nfilfna7nr 'etTti;
now rutalt and Eunitob Lott:moan Cikurrh.
Th., rapid gnnwib t of klirutiontnan roprdatlon and
naannfacturlnn w.,lth. and too roasunabla Dews at 'ankh
Into 11111 ho Mad. wilt render therm . all , and rrottable to
"POtparto" leTtlgigrte . tmi. or e n. .it r
ar " o7g n a . undit__ Runt
e a
place (toogo F. tinrocre u . ',Ton
or , hut!
botch. beton. Third and
F ••
r ]
or of (VIM=
girtmen and N. l'attonton. ...1"00110 otflorn It Birm
ingham. irda MdttlOS 0. EATON.
Covington Iron Works for Sale or Lease.
MS ESTABLISH:qt.:NT, situated on the
Neroopp Clocionatkhavlng to thalast ycar
largo. ugh modesty ucw foundatstn. toacblnetr,
fG; teltsa one or the moat ullgstsle locations In the'slSnion
ur the menuMeture of the rations rites and lunds of Iron:
duthsting as tan ,. if not more radish. than mty watt.
In hment the Wert, Is nu. oifensel for s i tge or huoth on
formal CO snit etitslfraott It psotewm all the siva:gigmot
an establishment "ltustol Su the moat desirable part of lisos
et:math aldlthu to the hmes murk ligh ter—Lev.
mg all frutillties for Csnonmml trade. It tonsure of toren
ruaaiins Furnsooe, three iin^r> or Nohling Firer, two tie.
emery, Tam, six Il.nose Furnvsts. with hews. and 31s
ohinst7 to make from 14 km h Iron up to I lab. round awl
V 3111•21, .4 all th e 0.041 rat Imo. with 0,1 Fleet and
Boller MM.. ,
. zn A g h.Xt - s . - . A ro xtrr i s . 4r . t . lt , ssl r il:stler ousel ate, ta
f tu Atom rergar thaw
; " ..
. . ddn.... 'b..* ~ . Ne ,, i gn:tonr. with ~.,...t. E.-
i. - ±.: mroalning In Mechlin s, which ran be incrtweel to
' iltinjr.llV.CllA SIA N. Cinnunan. or 3.11 MeNICII Lt.
'''''F4l" ton.
Isluable In n gAtablulclret ritnAn. , l on
1,, • , n, fleet...a GAllla mu n te,0h,,,,,,,,yg01. of
n Fr•rKe
rant tan,. three NoLltng or gine, gnee, ',,, `" " : .,:g
gut..., one run cut Fire , one nelr gulling Rollo, en ,
r.spettty In mein ten too.lrsn per do , Th e ,rart ennteatut
VA , Rene of Cell Lunt. of two e.,,1. 3S feet , len ,
The entrants to all the Drat, or gin. le trent J.O n , 400
nende Man the For It Is one of ake be. knatlens in the
Weat,tor I Rolling Mil
Renato P. BUCllANAN,Clurineuttl. el J b IIeNICKLE.
ALO—A large brick ere neon} Foterrlrr,fcr eAlc or rant,
ieltor the Rolling Mill 'mot, A stone. pcb...,_K , R. w r ,
, nlth ooldlng Plow 1001 , 1 , 7 no ll '''" ''.7r,:trl on
FO A l deeter.ll , e TrArt ,1 0 1 i ant i.1 . ,:in. .... „
the Allegheny neer, %tn.': tnnee abr Le
I' kneel, ee the
ong4 of ElltattnAltg, lt , An r '''''''' ' '...t; eli An.. 1 ''
Vgt h We 'u lae " tr:l=;: ' i...‘=°e4f. t....... glee
Cley. Ad. mak:u; tt n nee,' . ISnrl' l '''lV,lY:,%',. e ,,T,l,...Z.
tnrlng Punnets froze Ito
i renn1 , e7..,,,,,,,,, . i .,,, t0rt. ,,,,,
fern meny sd•Antsg,‘,. ~. anal, . ... th .,,.. L .,,,,,
of the bottom lani u , nu., under ,olunat , n , n. „ -
' A L * ' n U to " .ji 't i lp u' r ' rh:r4'bilrrolOtrOli,=4ratidi the
' ...., °1 n ' teenntry th" tn ' re n see erected on the premtn. LF.
gar b i z:l ' e th' .. E .l:l c m tll . ,,' : Irtlll4 l lliin ' o tr:, , , , ,i 'r i:, ,, ,i; . — m ,i i,„ i r: ` , .;:4 l :i
-1 ,--- -- f :,„.. - 1 -", „ ~,„, ~, th, peeper , / =line
men' to putt nu— "1, ,b. Addresallig
th" . "*.ni t , lnod " Vi '..°
° It '' . It.7C.nANAJN,.4And.....u..
LET—Eta Office, with or without Wan
111/ IEOI tt.
FOR RENT—The large and commodi-5:
ow. Holm on
enure ont, ad j oining.iiid rtl,
Edwania) with au kt abich is
and.inf da* a Tom. for two hdrsaa EtinitWo
or EDWARDS, 31.1111115 co.,
No- 69 Water et
TOR RENT—The Dwelling llouie t1:71
the earner of South sod Weol Complain t I;Ari
occupied by Timms Arbuckle. died. Name.=
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
. . .
VOA SALE—That raluable Lot of Ground
rttuatrd at the corner of Market ruld Water pin S,
at present ncoopled by 3.lolvany Iddll ea • Glans Wan.
hover. baring • Root tn. Market atrret if Z. 5 fret 11 barb
en and on \Valor Meet of ZS fret Inch. •
Alpo-711e Lot of Ground ad,obalng tba Gas Wake. for.
nterly orrnpled by Mr. Joe. Tam hod. as a.Ehlp Yard: h. , -
lug frrAlt. of 131 feet Inobts on the Monongabela &In
or and running back Sit fert to tereenougll stn..
Persons di...lrons of ,seal nerve fares ler
formation Rota 1- P.NTOCKTON.
apl4 No. 47 Market st
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
trfIIE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
the above thnvinc To havin7 ocarl. exhatutrul
se previously laid out. and the dnnand stllfecnnntrina r
the tuulerelined born Induced to tar oat • prrtluu of
his property in town lOW an atone. and °dm du= fur vale
thprl(Vll and term, that cannot fall to hong. the 1 - buss of
ocurrtshing to purchase. It Iv tp any anythlnu
ct the lucttinn of the Totrn and pnutpectc (It ti
vutheicntly derenbul in rceent selvertirementsl other than
that or,' one hnudrcd Into hare recentl7 eh.cel bath,
at,' brom purthaved by thou , nivhlug to brccnre •
t , hunt..
• .
The 0T lov ca,araccg the mmt elfribl,nd ier.lesbie
to Liu, rince. and nee re-mei - 1111T located io the e,otet of [boo. mewl) sold.
Fcr infornattoo •pplz . .l•l the proprietor to LJTerpool..
to Jiar.,l r.reft. Pitt.,l , ttrzh
JE.,011!: e BLAIt ELY -
Lie.rrny , F•L
Cleveland, Pittsburgh &Plassillon Express.
IBIS lins , runs in connection with Living
' A... Varna. 0 Co'a Ean,rn, 2outhem and
In.tuala Kanre,.. at Cl..,thnd. and Adam,' t (....cee.. at Pitt&
bumh. kw.. It ad.antage , ov,.r all other kucle,of eon
ne. ,n Qklo An Fawns. wlll irate each al
the y i.e.,, mentioned Pin.:'., M ,, nday.. W.dne , dar , and
}Ha.", in cLar,,e of tru,kr and CnO , Petent M....h . ...
Ile will rerehe ..,1 d..invi• rnekaten , at On. following
{Lxheeter, l's.. lest,. ettyahOva Fall,
Cenbnetnn, Ten t loth., I'n.., Nnuniestown,
trio,Akron. Neer.k, MeadrllN,
Fulton. Nllllorekurgb,
Frt., IlaTenna. ',ram..
tr.terlra.kur,t. NV..I I.bu.r,h, V, llnd,on,
Kotherter, V. owter, ll'hilog. Va..
Franklin. Bolivar. e Dalton,
'-',''''"'"."' ' 4 ° .51 ' ,:t...
Lan., Ztar
Canal Dover. Friebrrille. Now Lotion.
Newton Fall, New Philadelphia, N.. ennal,rinru:k
noia, Sflrer, Hank Notre. Jenelrr. and ether valuakie
coot• revelred and forwardeNl with dennatch. The
tlon a S pt.., Bill.. Draflk.and Acrounta, prumptly attend
A sgrelel tor.i..twr wili lerve .Sllumiton OK Tucklay• of
mrh .1 ruing. le ID Imre Cler.l3nd or. 713 urrd.,
fur Do. rmt. - of
C. Cobh Clevelkod; Bakrr A torsithr. Pitw
owllion Parka, Oa.
W B. T•Tior.'
u. A. A N. Clgrke, Newt. loll!. .1V1:11. WV
Dune! 31orrell. 11.1.0 n, W.. H. Durk,
CaJalt.n. era)
New Lake Superior Line.-185L
yr II E new steamer NORTHENER, Capt. B.
haring ewe, Ittnaiern impro.em.nt mr
-.APO' and comfort. will leave Clprelated on Prida the 2.1
.1 May next. on her Prat trip—and weekly thprrallpr nn
Freda, at r÷; o'clock. P. 31.. for the Saul ate. Nam
The. eteatupr NIANIIATTAN. Capt. lan .111
I•ar* Saul nt... Static. far the dintrent dlwra on Lake.
Sup^rior,no He...reeved of thegtenruer Northerner: making
neulnr week!) line. throughout the mason, between
Clere g lund and the. Coupe, eaed Iron Miner. .
A. TURNER. Prc.prletorr.
it. April' S, I,ll.—cf
From England via Quebec.
IHE undersigned, residing in Quebec, in
forwarding !Lyre quantlt•es Rallroad Itan androttr
vy articles. to the different
... nor. an Lake Erie. The
natabwy of Tont+) arrleing at xuet, in fallout Ito car.
ar...4 of proLabl, nnden Min.:dee( impertallap
much the leant expeneive for all heavy marchatwiea. Ile
will my the Atlantic freight on ear zoot nam-ned to him.
andattend to any business ccunectevi they co ewith, torwenl.
hut to mach western pane to may la..Wins:l. Y..cfunaw ,
laugip,r,!.q-7,4lLT;','th" "thr' , -"'• apply to A.
CLARKE. PARKS A Co, Rto - cum..r.. 17.esterma.
Mil E PROPRIETORS of this old and well
known Lite. vr..u!d It.f In; 1.1, putlie that they are
eln op. rant.n f., tha re.,..ent .e......rn. nd baraeommen.
ndraremag lin „Li. and nip., ai - ici, la biebY n. folly
rat-nr,r:qt ,T.e.i=r-:...,-,... '',],..c,--774.5fri: Lake
' tl " ..; ..01 ..,:w..,nt.y at tl, =o.n.. tell+ lue •i. non
'II ho:e trAcr. , A rect., fre.l,,
1. , 1 , ! , 0 CAMBIA", ~ . ...-,t
.... -, Nr..,...,, *no sc,nzA"..l tr., 'ent.Lne.rt.
f. w CnnnaLgt-ana,,kc• Ca., , , fa •
D. 0 Mat.brwa. Pulse,. Pt.,
W C 51,4,-7. 401410
4 : re a '. 1,1 . 1 .. t E kt: r fi . :;.7.9'....,
W. Bear!. ilarteun,..-
Wm. vex, ConneautviCan
r •I'heat
A. F V.l.:tr,: - ... 1.,na1.. N 7. ail
K s7RIEE:3 - 7 7 ,.T&1•11747..Tin ST.,
• tVP ~,. ....trs..) NEW SOER. 11. any ,21Atatay ran nf I
. ..Id rielect usertzt., of c•FRING AND
i.'...1 FPRING AFITIANCiI•INEE.NT. 1 . '51 t . t i-1,0 . 4`„,.. - V i il l T,t - L," o 7,= A rdin,.itit".„LACT,
Forry-m hours ts) Planadelphta. ...t.. trcla tbe littegt Pull fa.!.tc.... metred Dr 0.n...en
mad pard,lrly adevact t , Up, of P a
Forte-four hours to Baltimore. Alm, . rerF spler.lld rt. - 4k of PARASOLS AND t)I
-PLELLAE. cca.t. - -Ing of (mod ear plztz on
'..'t) mtl•••:• Rnalycad--103 ts,let. Canal. - ... •1 - :=1 Turk Satn -entt.. end n.nF.
Own Embr•l'....,. SE ..1 which will be cfkreel et e t •
nr re er,..*111 , mei, mor W..•t•rn 16cir ' 117 ").
TWO D'a] , y i IP*F. .F.,ETTE,4 Picket E 0913. 1 L711•7 ' . , •.; .... 0.. .:k bet•nt pp Y b' .: - '- 4 to.
nC'-DI., ' , HOD' I ;SD' •:. • bib' c
illt.t - 1R U ' ir: tra ' 24f4 i. s i•it4 '"' -h•"''' tad
..07,...• • ,
.0 2!?eii '-'
r on. a.1....1ti•
ExcLu,i i UV FO, 1 ~.....••• I:, .
C. B. HATCH & CO., •
NEW YORE. NO 97 tv11.1.1A31 STAZET. NEW TORS..
L I AVE now . .in store, and ars constantly m.-
4 1 1. 1... e L n i,1:.V., " r. "" ,... 0f p, ' „ "1 i,: n .T.. 1 tr.r ` i ' iTt.,- T .. `" o. ` , ' Ot‘t7i"..l l P'..„ I.'i•t&frat" TlVlre7 ".. b:rx ' t• i '''''
J. nnown. thrust A o P•rria, keitenad 0,. embracing ~... latent sold rialset tyt•is. of " emvatalShists.
HOLLIDAYSBIIROR, cadre., Itepirry. Stupenacre . Cade, G•rmentr, L• min°
roes, stost.,oo.l Eats Drcesing Gown, lituadterehle•fp.
nzr '..' , th:...-........... - .....- .;, :`._'.',°.'i d 'r..i'...rr. , .17'.'11..c0i1..9 , ... , , , th "Trt , ofVP san
NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ' '':l-,-..' r aziotivi-r1L.7,2•76-....-- 7 • 7 ii .4 f -4 1=i , . - i; . . , 1 7 !
~ .01 at eery rmest priers. Our Western !nand. are
Tel hundred and Forte.ftee nrMe , __
_...dir -• to . Intl:eat to manila. nor stork febadlar.
pHILADELPIII A. Saoerior Black Writing and Copying Irk
Tin, throtigli et:RI:m:10 iirturs
IrliNE ' 6 EMPIRE INK, SS Nassau stroot,
Far to Phlad,lphta. :16. Tem to reMmoure, (1.70 ' 0 N.,.a. sock .
The Cam on thui root, axe new. and Cf the ..:Cat ammo, ' TETT cairn C, Tn.. 'MDT.
ed wont - 1,1.1m fur coml., and setts.. Quarts, ram dor. ..... -SI .50 6 arc- per doe-...---$.l 10
...Parke. las,. eery morning Prem , e/Y tt r,..-s , n rleet. Mum m .1 00 4 cr. m "t 4
nod rarer' riumor at the same hone
Passengers for Baltimore, ~ dmumrht, rc o._ .0. .. -I'o cents.
Thle v the le, article manutsetnned. It news (beady-
Or. areieal of Cam at Ilarrianurr. mlo. On loOh and Cpl.. ' IA A e nrol COPYING 12 , 11-and will not edreole, mould.
heriatet lialtrowt. , now duidiml ) direct (o._n. me,. might,.
PremildMte or dem, ad (cascara all the quelitiemi
1...0r milt. / Tlme. TOGAhuntad for • glad Wetting Ink, imitable for the Quilt and ad.
No charge for handling Baggage on this route. mimed, adapted for (Co rm.,,,.1 p...,
Ti., Incram .1 0 f t,.... make. thms the mom.remfurtable. Thu linden Ward b prepared to funanda to the Mel
trade .
ate. arrl deetrablt route:now to the Fdlatern Cities thrr (Cr rap, Cr Come consumption. at the ebot , cool
IC7 ~...-u,Ago or information ,Lepi, h. 3 los prior, put up.. per order, and delrrered in WIT Tart
J. P. HoLmEs , A„„ ei ..„, of the emy Mee of charm,. No charge be or .Y. tiarrels
or hel, aro ehuged extns at nett COM
Mommoahrla House TILEODOSX LtNT.
Or to D. LEECII :i.. CO. feb4l r 8.5 Nusau at., Sew Tort
Canal Itado, Peon Halberd • Murphy ' e • .11 (Co the tut er July. r ho remmylvanla .-. ...1"-•. 1 .. Self-Sealing Advertising Mingle
will he Eni.h.l to Leckport. • hmh wOl thori4n the (use
through SIX bony.
lkT O. 263 l i IADIS I g L ST., NEW YORK.—
I • titsturga. taro., 1. . ,1
, h m i The enberriLer. ie. eolleitlng the patronage of all :rho
Mannfactarer's Lire. , q ..." mu odooosiwomat, fool.. none or tag t,Tiieloa
• Ti,.. which a new artSirre la Drought before the public. The ,
iga 4'- '' '''' ' ' 185 1 . . 4. - .-'' ' 7orel ri a 7u:e f tion ' . ' artrhele bL itl h e h nlyZe r er% P flu k :ge tT erta '' o.
iiII I PPERS ARE HEREBY INFORMED :: r g„,7”.7,...4, u ,,VM,g, ` L ' ,Zir,,, '"' ..r d t i ' .74,'.'i . ,...t a r.i:
that this LINE, rum,med entirely of f,ectrott Botta. , Immo •
is now In full operation. with frit:tics to carer a large Tbr following are a few,gf the reasons for their poen.
quantity of freight to rhiladaphes end lialtimore • witAvat luity,
trandurpino, In ~ abort Gmo• and at as low. eater: as soy , Ist. On the' lace occupied br the real. a perm= Mar
other reauly Lip, htme Ida Cri m . larders, and adder... conapinuously and
a ra ,,,,, .rra,,,,..eute bee. ni-0 been Ina 1. me marline heautdrully emboesed, colored or plain, time affording tar-
War Yr.ialat td Illntrovlllc. Jobortown. Hellidayelmeg. feet ....curdy agrangt !Maud.
Witty rter.t. Aleaandne. Num.-burgh. llontingdon. bill W. The Lovelemu Cannot he opened wathord being dw.
Creel. New Hamilton, MeTemnrn, I. menit,..en. Mifflin.' itru; ed.
!gawp,. Ciart's teem. Itarrid,org. Colt:mil, 4. and all oth. al. Neither was nor wafer , are required to and them.
er Intermediate tarots on the limo, Inoue Canal and Port ' 4th. Clam the miecarriage of a latter. the foal inauresitg
age lholreual liming return lead. of Imn and tom , Immediate return to the urndre , nuked of being buried
the Jumata. onnnotoree and rigulatity In ahlparenta. to mnothu In Con D." 4 Letter Whoa
the •foreasul porn.. et the towel vat, oris be rellt.l yth The Envelop., are fuentsliol at ahrmat the eater
upon J tIITCIIELL :COTT, TTopneb34 I prlee n., plain ...a
Premarital.... Llleert Arta. uth hach lettermnalled Is alnagt effective advertiwyment,
whillf found ddr cent of the Lanai i anns to attract the attention of ell through whooe handl it
- -
M. o. pricy ibr Totes tograced on
t.l A VINO DV - POSED OF BALI ' NIY I\ • 1 :IZZ ' ' l7, i ' . Z.t ir g; ~.i .j il L i ' ~,,,' ,
. 4 a y. , ... 4
a et.IIL.,T IN P. V 011.1.1 1 .8 1 7..Nr1, to me broth IM. 1 the 1111.1 aim, either white or buff, of mod raper. and
ailltll, 111•141/1,..., ‘,.. Immure, at Pittsburgh ..linen, 1 ins.• 10 , Sob., with narar white.. ae.:
after ta, tranmetrd undo, the My le a ..11 m 1.11b,*.. Priers ,f Di.. ' 'Prima of Londoner mode 03
(UT:0 1 . " SI " 1N"... i . 40 lettere or kw ....... --Steel rd...
Ilingharas Transportation Line. , 30 0140
; w to 0
iw• • tat an
aa_4. ..:g .'"'-'2 l :i 18 ;, l. p.-.! s. to
..--...--------n.=:::—......-= - ::: - .3.7112t
BETWEEN , 4 When it la not renreruent to forwaro oZotialt of orArr
Nen core,
PITTSBURciII .4 TILE EASTERN CITIES. , fr,Zhi cr tf t... ,,,, -7,,nr,v,, , =t„,„ ,t
TIIE CANAL being now open, we are reit- i et.'n ,, .. 11. 5 , ::7k.,,,n 14. t,
da ii revel.. and ferward rrnraPtlt. Prrythrr and ' c.;nlera will be attendeti to rrotortle,lf lef t at tam ac m es
erehandlaa. tut and west. ; of Yr... albeit 0 Most, n 3 Wall rim.. or or Meru, 10.
Fretatad otes. • at lowan rate. cbargto by rert•on.ib , a ; Jent - dlrsan d Co.. 131 William at.
L '''' . I I:. 11.—Businere Carl, enoboated in retlOrstfff a lnao
Praline; and alereband iso will tee received kOl krwarded ; pi„ ; aL glom ,Perthoa,,,,a,t ,
east and weld. without ant eh... for forwarding or ed .
'tench, fre.ght. contenerien. or etcratte.
Ind. of WI forwarded,. arid all direction, frattfully
'attended to., A rent or nerd". to
Wa1 . ...81ai0E6,1!t CO30031 ; 0 Boole,
CpONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
} 0, ,V 1 1 1..,.. Sale, awl Trsorbipateut. all Merchandise
curfigund Itim. Itata . leave his dec k dt.tly I.A. all 'points
' an the Laken a.l the I.linola Ca.& awl Liver.
kilti— 1851 Wi3.- i .----4V-1-..;;,r;.,_',itigB'
lierchepts' Transportation Line, .1 Mr. Jobe A.,auahey. aretra
A.MeANIJLIN 4 CO-Canal C. 40S Peon rt.,. t. — T LOUIS'& ST. JOSEPH.
, ,----
S R.AI N OR. Ceptral Il.ock. 'treed rusts.
1 Prat., luzatateutiuct, and Pergradtvg Alembante, we the
dd t ‘ C l"' e l' iire peeled tuleeelve a tar, Amount ulerohntutt. Levee, SLJO•epb, XO.
, f V., rand. VI phis- Rear to Mozart/. r Gortlint, and /Areas. atcrtitg 1 Ca ,
atltl prod., t. or foY th .^ , '" '.° ,• . anal I. ri 4, h
delpeta, and sit utAreteduue On,. at Soars re., 1 M. ung • ulqtl Y
lona tltne than I an. t q... etnup mason _
~,,, h, .
Lia N R n ..,.....1 ...o, ~r Teo . .
~.,., .... I l ya ID C. TUTTLE, Attorr.,eT at L;
~t ...u.a.t....tuere for earn otZ
, e, , v t?: r ,„_ , =,, , : , and Cocuclatlntor fuv PermiryPririle. Its Louie. 3.10.
e t ,,, L 0 m ,,,, .01 urt rent. nu/ 1,T , •,;-.1" ,
.., . , •, , unmutuniestunts promptir antteled . ._ _ ....A:3:i!
J.l. ''' ' ' . li'''''' ' ''''' ''IrITIC),S ta , Vl 5, A ) . WOIIN 11. RANKlN, — Atuirtey:'an - d C
_174 .. i . .." .. . - _ sit aelnr at La, and Commisearter fee the EZte7e .
, 141.,,,,1r.0z, ft. Lout, 1.:A., Gat. uf Patatturteh 1
i 1..4.... , Ref.....7,-.-11t.ALuzght Hott. W. .1.•,:,,........m. u n .,,,,,, y
tgb.W '7 _ -_
21'.." 1851_ .. ," '111.111141 , 11231111214 1tTc 4;.. , 3 ,7",.4 7 ..t . WC/am Jam t: l'ark.e..ll:e.-11. d
To Shipiwre of Merchandise, Produce, <4...0., i
~ ~,,, iur..a. , Au. -..,..... r.,-.*l• AND N T. Nt.
z., 51edket. and 04
‘T eu k"' Re. ' ...."..I.IDIT:= Nn
C '' ''' . "" .I.A , t ' vETT ' tzot.., Cane , Rahn, Patel . ..ugh.
n " " . bp i 4 • - I , 4ldmor,
j ,, T tyliAlt A i.nt.•n. •
vat nu
....Awe.' .... ',.., nr the I , nrutryteauta
Csval. nu r. ntraet fur I night l
ug. tate. and RI,.
a ht,...r , a, tuurtt d..2.1.t.1aund tare At .ty other Line
c'" h.rwii kl'irEgm f,',ll, l :lltpfnidAi..
No 18; No
North Ifimppi Atro , i i rwcr
JAMES 1117,41/AM. 1 or
-- rfre,'"fAiiEß
Cana/ Jiwin, Penn Street.
Palma. Bail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
11, it
RE bubseribers .ving Lun appointed;
Ker.. for the Yenrodlrrnia de Central Flail
inform the petite that we sawruler tweyarr a i en y e ..
Mee any mere:land:at er Perdu , " for shipment east onthr
spent oa tln , canal.
iiswrs via this ran. will be carried thiroyh In I'i .. dare
to us r forwardtd SAW of <l. m .
to or chlate Fur adranres.
" Yin OF 1 . 1311.CL1.111l Ain PITTS2I.I3III.
Dry Gorda klrts, no, nooks; Station .Cutle7.Conflw I
Weary. Props,Yeathera Ynroirtur.
Saddlery. Knot. as to. ltr/
Hardware, Qurenrware, Grew:rim Paiute. bye birdie. iala
Leather.Chrrey, Slas,Titoothy COO other Gnus e=nds,.
te. • I 1,4,1 , K.
Damn, Beef, Pork., Datier, UM. Lard Oil: lobutzt Lad.
/Asp. • 00c la 1 . 1
ligiaNartgl 1MV.04" rito.n. Biao.Ogripart&
to Doe
kirsalus COI
• 1851 . takEA-,
Pittsburgh Transportation Line. _ _
JAMT-S O'CONNOR I CO, Canal Darin. Phi. torla. Citailke
' SITEIL JAMES 1-em. Depots Broad and Ch.;
and \o.: South Fourth street betweee Marl. mid Chen •
nut rewrote. Philadelphia
eTCONNOIIS &CO., stre...l4l.ltore.
11AVTNG fully completed our arran
rtente.ere cc prepared upon the °petits of the -
.ITania Carta, to carry freight to and from PP.
burgh. Baltimore,. l'hilade/Phin, New Tit'' , BoAtml. CI.. • AR
dvvu. big Louls and ell the Lest and West at '
=tor with
any ours.. - 0rrF .197 , •
4P4li and
OKhd •.1 , 5 4.4 ; pl/4
. e:lm
to owners, a protection
not rtLIIT eget:tied by .7 ether Lira.. i)11
_4ll cinununitaticar addressed us e.raelyes or wen.
Ces.' Cinemas. E. Webb. LonaTille. and Lowe • pg.
Whom% Pt. Louie 1,111 meet with prompt attention. few Lime, ,Aghotet. /r , nrebeis. PM. cr Wads..
TPITN, B. (Par Line has no eatatrotiow whatever with the . .
Philadelphia mid Pittsburgh Transportatlan Lite or vv. i Br,¢g was cam alestutes' er Me
Yd. t Co. • febe) Pul,ur-urp Orme.,
E do not wish to trifle with the lima and
v b.. W. of tho atezetml. but we vistortelr Netts, VW'
kivee to mate no asscrtlon 0-9 to the airman of thle melt
do, wad to hold mahet. mite:tag humanity. whirls
Gee will not warrant
The Moons of Iceland. endthe Lame wad Wild Chum. at
inetly celebrated for the cure of ell dieemes of lb. Lungs
s t aid... which are so fmrfolly pre:al.% In all Neallutra
,leUttdes From a ormEnatitt er chend.l extracts, yrs
<trod team this Meet am! those Tn., Da. Wen... Rae
saw or War Como is chiefly IS, rood.
erl-Wleter's Latta. of Wild Cberry is • Eta mu.'mi entirely of Will Cherry Bark and..
le,and Ow. (the latt^r Ir/7.led expmaely for ibis
tbrrate na./1/,_.1 ctrtor. ^f which are:WM oleo
timed be a new Chemical =or:es...Lb...Le oßtars cf
thus roleruns the whole ctnlyee.....: the most rwisio e gg
AlleaclOus milady ever diem:creel fee rho
11 be EDITADY C'ONSTIMPTION Cored by Mears /WT .'
of Wild a.erry.-21. frito.tag .04 or Jertatlakt Is.
.inn, of Consumption: (gm of kin...hers and bee
Ting Med sf Cooromptiond It tetly wenderfue
Platte. Eme... ifetilltot
4. 1./. Pus—Dear Sin I take the, lib.y of edrians you
of :b. t.wew I ham derived from the use of Dr. Wicties
11.1exm of Wild Cherry. I vas meestretal lortt u li
scourge, torestimption:in lwx The allaeT Bas mar
bOffifriolto me, t o too of oar fondly. (ear tertlen vetd
sisters) hat died of Consumption. f ...111 , ..1 with
nearly all the worst features of ths diseew. ib e ,:a da.t.y.►
lug onto., and expectornte,/ tepee. 4 , -.1 of blood. hectic
fever, reTem ;wino id Ito sib 00.1 eh- % told chills. alter
nating with Utah., of host.
I was utsier We camof e. phretraaervom the
time I wee L...n stark until about els - .eke being
thee About helple., and .r ntrix, - e.iderrel, on cam
hop.. cr at least beyunl oils phr piclat's edri.ed
the use of Ulster'. Dab.. of thl Cbrrrt. - Without my
knowledge,my father procurer, ft. and onutentrel a4mha•
tertering it to inn. sad loon Ur, der I Canrellat,l tato'
'hog it my health improved. rod in two eree..D.o.rd the
time I rotunetaced u/Ing It, I wag able to be aak.aad mar
see my.b.itess,.d labor, which l still mntithe fodo. 1
taro tahro room tottlr4 of the medicine. sod tow craisider
myself perfectly veil. Jill:Eli/AU Iscluao._
FACTURIR. II Botith Second ELIN.; (stay.
Cliestma. es-gt n.) Philadelphia. febls,ly
,llUP No Grocers, No. VA Market 51,.. Philoaloblo. opt]
D. C. .leCll[C , lr
, CO.,_ Tobacco
er114:16 n i , rttiis=ntilinala7 th w"-` 7 ‘•
MERCER k ANTELO, Gene:alCommis
olieAe m. Ilerehante, Philadelph labelal inere:ea
on eeroianenente el Prednoe g en e rally. fienita'n
To Southern and Western Merchanta.
. .
110jSEI , L , 'LPRE31191 , i 'PERET3I , E ,
e 1,,„
enx.k 0 r P1 7 .71=4...4 4 :3,g11t:Cre57m:5.
. to vnleb sever haver and nro Golden Ittidals Liam
thin the last air pmts. beer awarded by tbe/ortltutes of.
hoe York. Barum..lllll.lelrbia, the latter being ap•
only thslden :Juntas ever awarissi for peritimesi. either in
Eine, or nn W is eatintry.
Ike <wale C:ranatun tistavvvo CRAP, tAIMDItd. ROM
and .leabrostal,ieisnrsersally arknowledged mbewperlor tu
any nbartan trie=n in this emontry R, Stripe. •
Otter.. rot Barra—Baantlfully transparent, and
texpesaluir highly Sart:race°. and eirolllent properties,
Enponntr.ons Compound: Ambratial flossing 'Natick-Milita
ry Shasina.ivaa
Sure REML Teart,tveirs—Aleciond, tome. killletente. Dow
n l';nachin. Musk. ratebously. inaisibus, Winstmg.
Transparent. Out. Wisalat. and flip-sash.
er, de Carolina. Gerarennt Jenny Lboth 31ouseellr.e.Joek.
g e e/ 4 s b ititt ' agl t rty 9 d r ie t =
in Wrmoi—ltlorida Wear, Eatt do Toilers, amine
Fla. Water. and a vent variety of Colognes and Laver
der Werra.
rol liAli—Oannine Orers'oll. Antique
Oil. Ilardolnto, Eau kustrolo, Oldrda, Coropoodd Mao
ror Dyess.liquid and In rotodet.
nine, sad dently Lind Poinadr,t.
OLONIALGIC FILTOI-4,10,0- Elixir. floe Tooth
Pate, Chary:di Doutrillop. ()dotido. Tooth Pad, mid Tooth
ecsatirb,y—regetal,le Punnetls Cream. dosandlne for
chapped hand,t`yed Cream pf lnwarrYde Pone, Lip
Valve, Raspberry Cream. As.
Depilatory Powders, for syntoringsupstsrfluottsbalr. Patel
Powder, Vlrsekrro Ronne, Arynutk Vlnagar, Victoria
lUD Camp. Won. Preston `alto, taw:Wean vest variety of
other articles. too numerous to be natant In tins salver - Dar
The enteeriterhote• to maintain thd ospatatlon which
Ibis establishment illlB ...lulled, by dish.= of notbion
but first rate article, and will be happy to forniab Lbw
who may whh to varmint tam, either wholesale or retail <
on m rsonombh. Mims m my establiobrnent. In the United
huscemar 0. and Ammer Director of the Laboratory of
• - st.
Ilr. Barb* Perfumery I. for Wet by ll4
all th e pria ranut cipal
Nyasa.. iv tberountrr.
11.1107C111.NSON & Co., Nol3 Spruce Street,
NEW YORK. Wholanle manufacturers of tit. best'
Lmeit ENG Ll2Il PRINTING INKS. Sir Keel and Litho.
rennin rTin_ing, for Floe Rook and Job Work, which
t hey oarrl.l2t m bo compoand of the purest anteliala, and to
work ensile upon all ordinary
The combination" in than ittkr, are such tato ere • &b
-ursa anJ pattaanevey to wort toperiorto any other Juba now
pot aold prim, oving Iron •J et. to UM per lb,
lek t0.r.1% . '''' d .rctu::Vogdqgria'cd every shadeszul
cosllty earylEd han 51.00 W12%00 per lb. me 1121.3.1
11 - 10 VAL
No. 79 &...81 (late 76) .3Luetx Lase,
Directly opparite the OW Stand.
17:1J.5.=aror Prawn—floor, and Light, Word. A tt
role. :haler, Bock. Merino oral Cotton. I)outerr4 end For
00.1-. Node: tlarobarthe end fancy of all
sty Ir. and dnal!tica.
ar.fs and Tire—Fancy Silk. and Braid of every kind.
C.elars and BoannOf all kinds.
Orteatk—Faner ailk. and Satln. Unary Ensilab
ttairt. 11.11.0. Ponce Albert Barathara. ivridad Indian
:nun. At.
Iland:traida--Cora.. UM. Cantl.i:n
arpenedra—l meth .taiEnt.-!irh. near gale. //dated..
arm y ! en tzr..
Gdate.—iiaL . sllk. Leven :tread. 13.1 al: the tate.: of
Fnneb and Enenn impartation,
baktri. ZIT,. Lamb%Wml.Silk. ld nand
Caebraertaneda. frandidand
1.1 tt,-1•4.
.41,:er Ben. ,treOtneu and 1.141.--a ranee - of
:inn a /Mtn, neu et all dualities.
r.atdd :tone puntenine =canon tt. ertu Ornaettle
I:ntt Caderenn-ta. idawere. and Hoer,
rachlactO 6111814P0 Lam.
ITlZr , rm nim7mmlm
fIat:OVER. STA.EZT, nornOtt.
T HE undersigned having eneaolv ri-t. tam enlarged the almeaSiensitetatiltlnh...l;
no-nt.auttaining it all atom no--re handrail mditftatit.t.
room could teartottallT Inn mtM that it la nat. ocatlf
for the reception and ammudatior of tLe trartLisit
co.o.ied =tree( th• unturranctienwttronnee•rf ULU
wan.. aa Lb. runtecom Immo.
:meta arlikii ban , isrannnt rrnne,lr punt in
saveruperacnt Par fait to ear. an eITVIRO has born
. ii eepl to retain nap apaornentterfact
Tbe huntlim tea. mete mhzeuly to order. yeradlact at
met 15.1H1 octal. peon.... t. 14 o.renialln the Doming
ic found Inbar the teat tau:Aril tran nem
t un , Thc rualg oome ate encitima. MI the Donn .':
meal.lll be mural:44 as to nut am conv,A,n,,, o r the
Curt And
&lar w
i; amer: eorincted it an tustatentinng.
ble • met add tbe prepolObit P.Ages %Manic Nat Lh.
A •ran Ilotrat altairte Mir the Teavellere Hem,
le ittoctextra •LEWIS RiCE
• •
New Kuria!
FRESII gupply of tlia Airzsi 0r.72 &No.
ra, a complete ae l
ltrUou of accolar Dad : . aiicial 'Zulu
Pot to tour vocaparts, with at mune
i.e.], for the cultivation of Ohs voles, auf for i mpon,.
to zone:cal atotatioll,ti- Wahl], bradharr. •
T=rolers.4b 'd4
;for ELI ~ .11 juitchteutosuald f=talola
. .rig 40,6 r
. SLEIVIL, In Third
of Ito Goan Harp.
; ° 'V 4 '5 ° " ;-ti. ;
Cuero Yk•lNT,Juned.s.
Jo. D. rani—Deer Sim in July. 1 040, I sr. Altura
with n fevered kiniboidltheinettr. ;Mob left tow iii• .wary
debilitated state, when, In wihrter. t WWI tn.
ken with a seven, coll , Ohio? minced me to wick an I.
tent as to glee 03c the onnearktterfu confirmed celiaindiD,
thee. I labored under a kerme gough—adoeitorated •grsat
Mak and was troubled 0 ith gold foot end night weak. I
also frequently raiaed blood from my longs. 'I
tide state. gradually sinking under the Mauer, untli
Janus,. 1547, when 1 vm.r agoinettmked wlth.fjecr. My
friends dmpalrei of my sad IVY idtrelelaol thought
could au red buts sbort time, my eaLlemitica. especial
Were 0t.5 . ...413tir C. , 141. end ...on loot thrir foal
inn. tinder Umso elmornuatin, it may be truly.snid I was
a lieina skeleton., itually determined 00.1011 toldag toe
d/dm:l Prmeribed bymbyilete.., and try Dr.-Wittar's HaY
ram of Wild Cherry, and from the CM neck that- I nom
meteed taking It. I re-n date odruintl mocrery. I contin
ued iti ass ea months, at !I'd oat of which time I •ies cur.
ed, and enjoyed goad ittelth err: tined, and chteriltily roe
commend the Italluan to all titre oflllenid withelmetam of
tbe lung, and 'meld my to Lilo. cemmeneind eta one, not
to be diacouraged if ten cr [hero bottles do not effect •
hat yersetere.. 1 bate Jung, and I hoer no doubt
bot doe caws out of ten. will to , Meucci wttk 'renewed
luslth ea I hove boon Bence:7,llly yours. ,
prIVITIOR TO rnon 0170 0000004 of tt2 10101
Iv o ,. Dr. Daher, EyrinLvelL. Weehinstan Gotwry. Ey.
=MD. Kr, 5167 11..'42.
Itecors. Stanford L . Pmkt—l tahtt this oppo,ttmity Of
formthif you of moot rtamilabin NO. Yeethemed al=
toe by the et, of Dr. Wistar'a Balsa= of Wild Merry.
In the year 184 d. Ira. tsiten with an inEsmationof thee
have's. which I labored under far tia weebs. wbon'l grad.
ally racoeerad. lot thr till of 1:111 win athteluth aith a
weer. cold. which ...edit...if too nmr 1 .4.. 4.4 15, the'
.iwee of (11,15. yrars I irr, I. my DA: I (rind all
km& af medicine. and or, ry er, o ; of aid, withwitt Use.
Et. and iresruZ. 11414'
.hen I heard of Dr. Wiwar's Eilentm of Wild Cherry. My
friends pennagird no to girt it n tr:aL thonzh had airs
np ell harm of reessen.y. Lail hal prcrt , r4 .ymorfor the
rhance at enobtur . ...L1;r• 1.417 obooo,ttaoa Iway
indared to Linke 11. ol ~taatha W Istafa 'ilibairt of
Th. •••.' • -
Wild Cherry. The ;lea era: ten;y astontedenx.' a.
chive year* a en; /0!o0 arAi and eitet .111141:12
en-e erto na putnr&e, and the
eag and reerennel a ThystlA-is had pantie tins•lol.
er, ~ t..-Lnaltit by the. Lleleirgat
.1.1 the ease. if DI-. 11:1.14 Cherry.
Met the tifLeain. - ..-
eslusble m s gem Wit Car
Yo ecif,lll. •
F , ll n JD. PL. - A i:lnA—. .T, l i- 1111 - roetrh
:=AWalenllehne•te.Clneinnen.Cin,..lieneral-Ageitifar tb,
South sad Wes, 1* eltnm crAere raisi aLirteanL
J. Kidd C. Jicts,L.
Lee 1..ALi.% Atietter:Teltr.
L. T. P.3....11, W...Met:en; 1.. 11.11aele. I.lnionlnne. IL
WeltirGreeneber, - .1n131110 - .01/tacce.
Be-ford: i:eed :•jn•
Illklebrend * Co.. It-Attain. J. Irright. Trittinalnen
Evens S Co. lire - ate - Ih, A. WileAh ...el. ii4oltesbals:
Mane-sled k en.alrlln Dement Cu. lirehem Torte, Mernt. Jame,/tent Cl, Bete
Enna, Te , seen .1. 11. nun en: L- & C.
Z. lor,-,llsudereiNirh thnoter.w.: UMIrTISTin.
Needles' ClEbrafid.
Them hitzbly olr,tem have bean rotttitt
moor than twout, es, whteh txmo User bare
oaten s Lerman,: rotumthm. ay the moat ethane.
Ithenuadm and Smug: I,rdou l'lntter Miami. Pha.
Amain. of the higheet t-tottoom to 4Ltuu =tint;
.11 has been. soh - m.54,1, have g.ten 1010. mrcttaurin.
etstimorials as to their ',cot, rit ey e ,. aher plas
ter% sokL
Tha innroalanta of Mete remt•tuiCtott. eery carefully and
correctly odablued, ror.d, tnim Lt , dintsLY afPlinhle
wee...olMb. with puim•oary
Foi pains isa the bream, er.uluit4 front p, yet colds.
whoottine 'tough. and local pen , t sartoust neuralgia
,IL.e h um to Ow Net, tuns I et.ruchtl el:ander IsLeyma o
queer,. or duytute. As a tutttof 10 Lumbago. tilers In
perionty• over ad outnmul opy:underts, Loch ue ilnlmmats,
an. Las Lech folly. corroborated Ly tLe many co.maefeeted.
tor tentteis and rains to hot lath ,nu ic,resolting
fromarn meer , e4n i tt , n i tt i tee i ls U.,
at iLyneys, eth, their so.
exp ' e ' rte= h atet n al ' r . 7tTeig= y r
application. To such or tuff, tattYl rLumatle lairaL,LtKe
plasters ere moimmetalcd. lora!, the omnatent tinefrastc•
that their beneCelal teems sal lc L.lthd accitiod.
,For sale, wholoyale and nhil. OS
'may . SELLT.Itft..4I Weal st-
1211, far giving. a. Leattlifui irk. to Li..., 21.13.4
_mica, Collars. rhirt. Boor., and sll Lindsof via. its
u. prevents the Imo from adhering to the Lamar., and dun
fro....kinga It oantal. nothing /Ilj1111,i1.• cloth. la
sn7 fonineh The I.lia. hava lonr;felt thc aseemity
of such smartie., anil thi& their itepentatlonvoll barn}
rvalisrd, Ls no m.p.h.... fraud &Mu as Inapail. 1
• .
12S ctn. per (slake..Farb Cato with falbilmettazs.
For talent meta' SELLI:B6. Ward et.
South East emu". f Frith and iValnut • S.treets,
(Incorporated in -1851.)
ILS. BACON.. . ........... ........
IL SNOW. E,......—/sekurtr Commercial LIMe.
C. H. WARLI.OII 4tt T. T. ..... olaustanta
S. BACON begs leaye to return his sin thanks
to Um very hbotai patmenava which
rem.reed. and her, by indefallponle ottentiost to
ttlaillol., to merit a cesstiosomeo of tLe unpremtutted
nese that hm attended hog egos, Juno^ thy toPt winter.
The utility of Institotiona sal stersiialon has become
PO OULU plttety bkrru.u.idemeastrotiona. sod
been to Madly ottested by we tLo.`aods oho Our. enitl
ed the a the:r lostrartion. as .lonatre to m
ssies either argument be- Itch - toppon or eulogy upon
their enynts.
Th e wan adopted essublice maim. with
theorylnsteadusOra teas , the Puuth. ere era s:Med Us
tusking nriLinal entree a: Jen - cloy tpsinsm tronsmtlous.
e j l7sl74 a Pirm . t .%%1 1 ; Oft ..17. 5n eZTt s s i . 7l,& ° t d ,,
partnershm greet
indistaual outdoes, tellers ,e'llatiarmr
E bees prosperous soil tolm , rse: and thus quahfrina the
student ontemnp aPo the dotter of the ase.
countant In any tiara ,
The mama of metruetion 0111 tense! sor ECILITILE
TRY 11400 I: EPPING. mobroame s em.
trade sad Mercantile acenun 'Sr V. Imfe - eao,
mime, raeloome, Rant
101.1404, Partnership. St... Lorraine. indlkoespeanct Ctp
Buonam.Cotanervial Calculutious, kraCioa. kessusa.thlP
end Commermal lame.
. -
• Pupil, ara rMrtrnctcd cony, and not;ltieloo.eoz,
that •tttde.rilP Ma) ann , at a , ) Va.., anti latutnlio the
ratio of their mpocity and r...dolty. • ,
Yublie c1er2i011.1.3, tru hod, oro roan.
natal priTniciy if they giceleo oltisi the itudelit urder
soos And thoioneh ricyt.toz.; to. thy l'tihotoi.
amnedby errnnittaa et Pra, Arocunt arta ana
:Meta Nom. and D:Vcr.a.a antudial t i..ttarn n).. tate Gnat..
att nOrtby them. • •
. • • • .
A. neuron can If enuiplcu.d lL fr,.. L'c to ten emir.
end in conelnal.on,V, urn% rte , , ;Ls: ere 7
th.lan ln
ti des aern0...,14,..ttud....
and make thou nfnc.7ll and
end his entendre eur,,nalnutt., :th
steneralla tneLit lurn w ;.rocuru ...natio:m[lz
these deslrnu. of Atsuninte ttec..
Ternu—Fm . • fullcnur, litaiAng.
Temperancoville' end NollestOga : Brak
• Road Company._i
OTICE is lit7d - ,5- given to the ' Sthekhaid.
cf raid Cnoncali. 1 , , b. =SO.I.3 0
.Zotut to
. ban-exit. scruns, riros
Ponare an each 'tam • f k. nu the ralt.)tola7
..duterr month
=snort and innetual In 11,4 r
EAI) improved : patent
A./ Low] for ll•rdraza,
rr cat.
.1.1: en.=
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ju t , d Epwr, itiiV.7 ; i : l%',. * Tribio Cue:.
glncet oh:st) I,mi., 0: tlvettripttem, for
htrrn, at. 4 Irtmathut.. Gas .Cha..,
Gss Ern,lx GI, Gas i
,MG.tarr lacoda. Of all
kind,: Gold NoK Culterb'burtnortr,
tre-Wlll. Wy teradri .
mm. .111 ETZ C3e tpe. rwrc, fres r tram. It
frmal, rah block the xhre ttcAlt,' tatul
tvutdlE . low
'sir. tlAtiLatltt , , tc=htl Fu-tr.
• • '
th,h7 r.“l to' ;Ad llafas
F., 'WILSON to No.
• lis Eesxrd •,.1 147 NYnNI .
M0VA.1...:--ENGLIST BES.N2I - 10Vb01C.
nr.:ll/..51er,0 li.r.Cuce. lure rerew.l4
oa. 123 Peccril,
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Seed Story Eamova' '' .
Tu1 ,, 1 . E subscriber has liii'Sciati Store
fr.. Pe ,,, ,1 curt to the bu:Nting ireentlr ..e• - •fied
1.7 •He•l z• • 7a::.-'•• . . •rn 'ft , roi eeee.C.....t im-
C.e.dtately ervaile the l'uthi,Cre. : - • '-
1' I.- ~ i eslttEs.
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Ik EMOV AL.-GEO. F. DITIN haifernortel
G,crc so!.iirtiarket etri4t. to
o. 0 seottht Rim. burin mutet.X.matsUurrbataurcuust•
•t.rre De edit Le• 10exat..1 to eta oe Die inesnerotetasiete
am tile public cesp-r.:&• - : • Make • •
d: Banker artd - .lircha ngafrt i. 134 %
.. I:cr d. l , L annb .. tt -
Miallua to zar fan&