PITTS C URGH GAZETTE EMI SIIED BY WHITE t CO ITTSBIIBOH til4:l - 17‘4 MORNING, APRIL 29,1651 ,nnty Convention. ige and intimasons of Alio, 1 weft on Satdrchr. the nre of 5110, place, of holding or/Ittorl kaoctlncr; In .5 ,....ac e ty at 3 o'clock. 31., and In the Burcukhr. at: o'clock, P. M.. to Paled nob 01401100 IHstriet.'ku a County Cole us the Court Hun., on Wrdroaday. Cu. at 10 o'clock. A. 31.. to wake the County ser The 11 Oozy Comity pot— !alba lut • the Tiromablio severe Word. I t.o doirottoo f votticot. tot. 1.11; dtb of Jime not soot/Wk. • •• • oho to appoint dol lUL...tor. on tort to the next General Lhmtion. and I(srates to the state C32l,GOtit/11. 14 meet 1, • :Ith of Jose. JOSIAH NINO, 4:Mu a C.031111t10. 174 C. First page—New York correspondence ; Rail road Wpoting in Mt. Vernon be ~ .Rotation of the Earth rendered visiblef'Parisianand Loa d= Fashions, &e Fourth page—Poetry and MineelLeneous arti eles. Third mo—llome Matters, and Telegraphic News. General Scott arrived in New Orleans, on the . 23e1 instant, and was warmly welcomed by the citizens. Jarcr. LIND. —The Buffalo Commercial can not:Laces that Jenny Lind will sing in Buffalo, in July. She will also, it is underaistal, 'visit Cleve land and the Upper Lakes, and will then again suit Pittsburgh, if the necessary preparations are made to hare. the hull in entire readiness. The ship:Mary Hall, which had been given up as Iva:, arrived - 4 Baltimore, on Friday last. Tan :caw rosrApt •oratrps.—Messrs. Toppan, Carpenter 6 Co., Of Philadelphia, bank note en grants, have obtained the contract from the Post Oita° Depart/gent, for engraving the otamps ordered order theSnew Tostage law. Winn, lifrestvo.—On the ith inst., a large meeting of the Whig citizens of Cauibria county, was held at .Ebensburg, at which Daniel Lit .singer, Esq., 'presided, and after, a number of eloquent speeches front several 'gentlemen, the following re-solutions were unanimously adopt - Resolved, That Geis. Winfield Scott is the unan imous .choice of Cambria county, for the next Presidency. Resolved, That WC have every confidence in the administration of Presidentpillmore. Resolved, That we have undiminished faith in the justice and wisdom of the State Administration, and hereby instruct our delegates to the State Convention at Lancaster, to' support for renonsi. 'nation Wm. F. Johnston. Unsolved, That we heartily unite with our sis ter comity of the 'old Tenth,' in recommending the Hon. Thus. White, to the State Convention, for the Supreme Beach. 36111MCIIIIBLITS USITZD STAItS SESATOS.— In ?elation to Mr. Cnsatas Scaste, the Sena te.r elect from 3ts lassachuset, the Boston Trans cript remarks • • "wears not prepared to proclaim tho.country ruined in comae:lumina of this event- Mr. Sum nails &forcible and eloquent speaker, an opt scholar.' a man af superior abilities, of polished address, and extensive acquaintance with the =mead events of his times; and he may become & !esteem= of ntarh iu the political arena. Be will probably set and work with the Whig party on all questions but one—a vital and momentous 'aria, it is true, as he will find when he gets to Washington. Mr. Sumner will find on reaching the Capitol, that Ma4sysbusetts, and even New England, are but a friction of the United States ; that there are interests besides theirs ao be looked after, that under his oath of office he is bound to legis latefor the whole Country, not n, sectional part; that the constitutional rights of others must be respected; and all this his good geese will soon teach him, if he needs to be taught. The speech of Sir Henry Bnlwer, the British 'Minister, at the St. George's dinner, in New York, is published in the New York papers. Sir Henry appears to have been jocose, and from the iMrenthetical notes of "great applause," ..cheers," "laughter," rue., the company most been in.* humor to - appreciate anything Itke fon, or ri other wpide, they innstinure been dbeigiotionfl humor... In end or two portions of Me addien• however, he grows eerie= ' Here Is . • dipinto pditical economy:' .I.:My; therefore,' that I delight to End myself nes* this Society, because I could not summon • better' witness to contradict the most vulgar mid 'am:Onion of all fallacies, vie: That of sup pordnithat in every transaction between State and individuals, what one Party gains the other nandlose! ' (Applause.) What, let me ask you, M 1... President, has been taking place under your eyes? Have yotinot Seen the foreign capi talist wanting employment for his capital, the fineign laborer wanting employment for his a do:try, and the - American farmer and manifac -Surer wanting railroads to faidlitate - the transit and enhance the seine of his produce? Railroads Which were likely to return great profits, if once made, but which be (the American) wanted cap ital and labor to make. Well,lave you not seen the foreign capitalist advancing his monkfto 'Ding out the foreign laborer to construct the American railways? and has any one been a loser by these transactions? No air! The foreign mmitaliat his increased his capital, the foreign laborer has maintained himself and family, the • Anterican•lininer and manufacturer has doubled lam= cases quadrupled the value of his prop y. My reverend friend on the right has spo ken of the blessings of peace. I concur with him but I don't confine those blessings within, the Mere fact, tkitt a man is to die a little later by &- warm the gait, than he would do otherwise by tim sward or pistoL" . The folloiring 'Fessage is curious. However trail the assertions may be in a general sense, the : reader will be very apt to remember India • SO hew governors, especially Warren Hastings: Were conquest, gentlemen, is a vulgar thing. There were the Tartar conquerorm theyawept 'OM' the eirth. Their march was • marked by ~ter, end their trophies were raised up by (Applause.) There , were the Belin conquerors, the mightiest "aey". of all IMSlguity; but how does the Roman historian Saks his saclmt•Britons subjected to their sway gad describe the - end and aim of all their con geal? He says sadly: they make. a „solitude Sad can that----peace. (Long emotion and loud appl►ase.) Long will that phrase of Tacitas he the fame of his 4ountrymen! But we En -004 instead of making solitude and calling that peace, have made ran that haso peopled SOU • Sir Henry made a digression to nail to the lallatei the forged “Intercepted despatch" of the postern Celt: He speaks most enthusiastically of Lie belief that the friendly relations which ex ist betweee the United States end England will amr be broken. We have not read the speech closely, bet from a glance we think it a very cre atable performanceior the oedsaion. , Farr&also Vssera.s.—WO learn frum the •Courrier dot:Dant Mir, that the project of a trial . of speed between an English and an American soiling ship , of the same tonnage has excited the ressieb ship builders. A cortlesporident of the J . 41, • Havre, Mr. Corbiere, Proposes to , Work* hundred thousand trines by subscrip- Man, far the purpose of building a ship of the Vows settled upon, and enter the lists, o7 with thradmericans and English. This proposal:has balm warmly seconded by the editor of the Jour '. wil, who shows his faith in the project by h ea d. istiths list with s wery liberal subscription. Locitwoon's ExPltnea—This new Express, haws Pittsburgh and Cleveland, Massillon, sad interverdeg, totals, which Is advertised in our taltaans, will be a great convenience to the peo ple of thiatity. Tho public may place the ut. Pea oonCiee ain the promptness and fidelity of this line, which runs in connection with some of the beat established in the country. Among its -other eamvenisnees, it' will give ns a supply of rah, huh from the Lakes—a great luxury, as all boom who have partaken of White Fish and . 31Lladdraw Trout, fresh from their native ele. • =oat.. We understand Mr. Lockwood expects a -supply of lidtthree times a week, for the market haw ZitsllloDlaTlurCll Bu#.—This much faked of case, a revolt of the separation of the itch, has finally been set down fora hearing in the Vaiterotata Court in this city, on the 11121 - of May next. • ! ! far the complainant, the Methodist Chnrch South, are Daniel Lord, of New rarklerady Johnson, of Maryland, and Dan telWebstar, of lilassachasetta Far - the . defence, the Methanol Episcopal Ckizeb, B. L. rancher, andGemv Woods, - of Ivy Tat, and Bubo Cm% 04 Mamcblulette• rPott. ! - • 5110 P Ecalarros.—The followiag brief memoir of the late , Archbishop EmitMotl, from the l eitholie Expositor: ..'vent mixt° was born on the 27th , l, in Kent County, a few miles from , wn. His grandfather was So John who emigrated to this country, from 'Englandlnfew yea;a prior to our struggle for independence. His father, Samuel Eccleston, was a wealthy farmer of Kent County, Maryland and was liistinguished for his highly cultivated mind and manners.—Borg of parents who, at that time, were members of the Protestant Epis copal Church. he attended worship in that de- ; nomination until about the age of eleven years ; when he was sent, as a student. to St. Mary's College, Baltimore. In this institution he con tinued LS a day-scholar until his fifteenth year; I suit, during this early period, displayed shin ing talents, and a peculiar toot for learning. By his sweetness ,of disposition, amiable deport ment, and graceful manners, he secured the friendship and attachment of his fellow students and professors, as well as all who had' the plea- , mire of hie acquaintance. It was the intention I Of his mother to direct his studies towards the profession of the law. At sixteen years of age, he became a boarder in the College. He soon manifested an ardent love of virtue, and other dispoeiti 3 lne which,in a few years, resulted in his stud of divinity; in which pursuit, by his ,i. assiduity and talent, he advanced so rapidly an to be con 'tiered qualified for the order of priest hood at n earlier age than that order is general ly conferred. Very & I ron -after his ordination he crossed the , Athantic, and visited. England, Ireland, and France.—Be was, however, suddenly recalled to America, (after a sojoun of about two years in Europe,) in consequence of the death of his step- father, w ch happened about this time. From abroad h brought back with him a large !tore n of usefuli knuwltlige on ardent zeal in the cause re re of his gion, and au incased attachment to republic institution.—Upon his return to his native country, he was received with affection 1::ti by hie n errata Mends; and, in a short time, received arks of their esteem and approbation, by his elevation first to the vice-presidency, I and sutlequently, the presidency of:the flourish-' ing instil - titian - in which he bad been educated. —This slice he filled with much honor to him self, suit advantage to the college for several years. The late Archbishop Whitefield becoming in firm frond disease, it was thought necessary, ear lyiin the year-1834, to appoint a coadjutor or assistan bishop, in order to lessen the burden of his d 'es. The choice fell upon Mr. Eccles ton, whiCh was no ordinary mark of confidence. when yell consider that he had hardly attained his thirty-third year, and that there were so many others in the diocese, whose age, expe rience, aid talents would have qualified them for the4tuation. Upon the death of the late archhi p, he succeeded de jure to the title and honors oo'ff the see, on the fourteenth of Septem ber, 188:. As a reacher of the word of God, the arch bishop bad always been regarded as eloquent, graceful and persuasive, displaying great zeal and piet i , in all be uttered; and was sure to en list the i r ndivided attention of his bearers. In perrn he was tall and commanding, and reanarka le for his graceful deporttaent and ease in conversation. No one ever approached him familiarly , without being pleased , with hirtf;or Without en increased respect for his person. His piety was of the highest :Order. No one could look upon him without being impressed with the idea that he was a true , prelate of the church. Ever rolostenuatious c and Unassuming, his grew S aim was to dog ood to all men, seek ing the dill of his great Master. ,:iiis study was to pleas Him, .1 .,.., regardless of the ; - - world , which be would ' gly heap upon him its choicest honors id he not studiously fly from them. Such was Archbishop Eccicston, the worthy successor of the Carroll. and the N'eales; end a il i model, ' suavity and elegance, as well as energy and ecel iastical deportment, for the hierarchy at who s head he stood. 000 - Le Fllll Dale.- I We 'GSM that Messrs. McFade. and Cavode are now 'receiving goods regularly in five days from Philadelphia. This is a gral improvement orer the old slow coach mode, mid is almost fast enough to satisfy even modern • patience. 4 . !—We refer our readers to our local col I. fall report of a case of arson, In which ace most palatally demonstrates the • of the incendiaries on trial. "WIT . SPORTS OF THE West, by Wm. H. Max welL" new edition of this pleasant book, de scriptive of the sports of the West of Ireland, has just een published, and is for =lc at II olmes' Depot, • ' . street. . , TEM RAND IR VILLAbiII IN IfICRIGAN. We pu'blialted a telegraphic despatch OIL Fri- Alvin-nil containing en account of the breaking up of mma organized band of outlaws iiiirchigan. Wewop the (alloying particulars from the De troit Tribune of the 2lst. instant The "notori ous JoelDova" spoken of es the leader is now lying in the Allegheny County Jail: "We *idly announced on Saturday the arrest of a gawp of men in Jackson County, who were orgazuzsd for the most nefarious purposes that depravaf, could suggest. Our readers will re memberithat for the last two years the Central Railroad Companyturre been constantly annoyed along thhir line, by persons whose sole occupa tion Beaked to be in placing obstructions on the road, and otherwise destroying the property of the Company. At one time, no systematic had their work of destruction become, that the Rail road Company were induced to employ a couple of shrewd persons, whose duty it should be to travel along the line and detect the offenders, but so well organized were the band that for tO months they eluded the most persevering inqui ries. Some four weeks ago One of the persons em ployed y the Company obtained an inkling of the o nization, and by adroit management succeed in worming himself into the confidence of the initiated; hat before they would trust him to any chusiderable extent it was required as a proof o his allegiance, that he should fire the Depot at Niles on a certain night, provided it .was not previously done by an individual from this city, who was to be sent on for that pur pose. The night came, and to ward off suspi cion or betrayal, as well as to secure full confi dence of the gang, the Depot was fired—all ne cessary Lprecontiens having been made to avert any serious damage to buildings. , The news that thMDepot at Niles had been net on fire, but fortunately discovered in time to prevent its de stritetiort at once gave to the new recruit the fullest confidence of the gang, and be was forth with adMitted into the most secret counsels of the leading desperadoes. Counterfeiting, horse stealing, Incendiarism, burglary, robbery, and the smallest petty lar ceny, wirethe sworn objects of this monstrous organization. One of their designs was to blow up the track and cars by an ingeniously contriv ed torpedo, so arranged as to be fired by the lo comotivi, and explode while the passenger cars should he over it. ... . _ .. The informant continued to act with them until halhad procured the names of thirty or for ty of the conspirators, and their places of reri- I deuce, 'conbned principally to Leans, Center, Jackson, Michigan, and to this city. Before plans had been matured for their arrest, the no torious t oe Down—who, it is said, was the gen eral of e concent=was taken from this city to Pittstrarp,h,. on a requisition of the Ooremor of Penneylyaam. and themanagement of the gang ' devolved upon - a felicrvrtalling himself O. D. Wil liams, then in this city, bid a Nedra of the State of New Truk. This person It is ascertained, was to leave Detroit or Buffalo on Thursday night; and se his arrest 0 that time would be the signal fora gen eral disPersion of his accomplices, it was deter t. . mined let him proceed, while an officer funs ithed wt the requisite papers should accompa ny him, d make the arrest during the passage thus giving time to perfect a capture of his com panions lin this State. That arrest was made by Wm. H. Goodnow, of the Cdstom House, who was acting as United States Marshal, and Williams was brought back to Detroit on Saturday night, under escort of that offider. Op his way up, Williams requested officer Opodnoir to mail for him a letter at De- troit, as Soon as he should get there. This, when 1 they gotj to the prison, Mr. G. consented to do, but received a reply thatit was not then neces sary, sal the gentleman to whom he had written had alsS become as inmate under the same roof. I ' On Friday night, the time it had been agreed to ma* the arrests in the interior, an extra train of Mirs was sent out fram this city, with a large number of officers and assistants engaged for the tecaafon: and each were the arrange ments made and carried out, by leaving squads along !lie line, that at Leona, Michigan, Center and -Jabber,, thirty-three men were arrested Simusly about daybreak on Saturday mound brought in and lodged in jail on Sejor4 , P. Id. Arnoug the prisoners arrested are three 'Jus idea of the Pests, fi ve man called Doctors, one Judge, , d four Catutablea—the latter belonging to the t wnship of keeps, not an officer of which from Supervisor down to Postmaster, but is said to be' In city Washington Gay and Brutus Smith ere arrested on Saturday, and the house of the Ormer was found a variety of implements for burning buildings, and so constructed as to lmut bit-boar, or three days, before setting fire to the bbilding. '.. , By one of these machines, it has been du' coy er. t 'tl , / vi m d epot of this city was tired last fall, which in the loss of one hundred thou sand worth of property. The arrests were made. on a writ from • the United States Court, fOr stopping the mail and for. counterfeit ing United States gain, and the . prism:Mrs will 1 probahte bolt detained tmtil the next MAI= of 1 theDisitiot carte ~ Jl M . BY TIM PESSID.I . 09 TIM UNITCD STATE 3 A PROCLAMATION, Whereas there is reason to believe that a Mili tary Expedition is about to be fitted out in the United States with intention to invade the [s tand of Cuba, a colony of Spain, with which this country is at peace; and whereas it is believed that this expedition is instigated and set on foot chiefly by foreigners, who dare to make our shores the scene of their guilty and hostile pre parations against a friendly power, and seek by falsehood and- misreprc,votation, to seduce our own citizens, especially the young and iocousiti erste, into their wicked schemes—fin ungrateful return for the benefits conferred upon them by this people in permitting them to make our country an asylum from oppression, and in flag rant abuse of the hospitality thus extended to them. And whereas such expeilitions can only be re garded as adventures for plunder and rubbery. and must meet the condemnation of the civili zed world, whilst they are derogatory to the character of our country, in violation of the lows of nations, and cxpressely prohibited by our own. Our statutes declare •' that, if any per ' son shall, within the territory or juritAietion ' of the United States, begin or set on foot, or ' provide or prepare the means for any military • expedition or enterpri-se, to be carried on from • thence against the territory or dominions of • any foleign Prince ir State, or of any colony, dir ' trict, or people, with whom the United States ' are at peace, every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and • shall be fined not exceeding three thousand dollars, and imprisoned not more than three Now, Therefore, I have issued this, my Pro clamation, warning all persons who shall connect themselves with any such enterprise or expedi tion, in violation of our laws and national obli gations, that they will thereby subject them selves to the heavy penalties denounced against such offences, and will forfeit their claim to the protection of this Government, or any interfe rence on their behalf, no matter to what extrem ities they may be reduced in consequence of their illlegnl conduct. And, therefore, I exhort oil good citizens, as they regard our national repu tation, as they respect their own laws and the laws of nations, ns they value the ble...ing, of peace and the welfare of their country, to dis countenance, and by all lawful mean, prevent, any ouch enterprise: and I call upon every offi cer of this Government. clod or military, to use all efforts in his power to arrest for trial acid punishment every such offender against the lava of the country. Given under my hand the ttrenty.fifth 1,13. of April, in the year of our Lord one thno,md eight hundred and fifty-one, and the seventy fifth of the independence of the United States. MILLARD FILLMORE By the President: W S. DERRICK. ...4cre.g Serr.tar7, MB.. WEBS - FEE% REPLY 10 TEM BOSPON COUNCIL Bosms. Apni 2. The reply of the lilort. Daniel Webster to the invitation of the Common Council to meet the citizens of Boston in Faneuil Nall. was read I,e fore the Council last. evening. It is as fol lows: Mx-Afield, Su:urday Ap, 19. ISCiI To Francis Brinley,,f.sq., . . President of the Common Council of Boston: Dear Sir—l received your communication transmitting copies of the preamble nod resolu• lions adopted on the 17th inst. by the Unanimous vote of the body over. which you preside. I shOuld be incapable of all just emotion if I de layed a moment to express ray grateful thanks for n proceedings° friendly and so honorable to wards myself. I wish my stay in this vicinity could be suck as to afford me an opportunity of calling indi vidually upon you and all the member+, nod pay ing to each my personal regard.. There are, I know, members of the council who entertain political opinions different from my own, and this makes me more anxious to signify in an em phatic manner, my sense not only of this kind ness and courtesy, but also of the manliness and independence which characterizes their votes. I shall not have the pleasure during sly pre sent Plait of meeting the citizens of Boston What I have dune during the last year to main fain the Union, and to preserve tile relation. or peace, friendly intercourse, commerce and business among all the States, has not been tibiae in a corner, and I shall not go into a corner to perform -what may remain to be done. Nor stall I enter Faneuil Hall until its gate4shall lee thrown open wide, not with Impetuous grating harsh thunder, but with the harmonious sound of golden hinges, moving to let in freely, and to overflowing, you and our fellow citizens. and all men of all parties who arc true to the Union, as well as to liberty—men who can look around on the faces cf dm Patriots which adorn the walla of the sacred temple, draw in with their deepest inspiration, and stand upright and erect upon its pavements, in mind and heart elate in the consciousness that they toe ire Amer. karts, lovers of their country, and their whole country,and not unworthy to follow in the foot- steps of their great forefathers. If Providence but pleases to spare my life and health until that hour comes, I shall meet the citizens of Boston, and my voice shall be beard once more in the cradle of American liberty. Till then, again thanking you and the members of the council, I bid you and them farewell. Dams]. nns i re, COXPLETION OF THE ERIE RAILWAY. The Erie Railway is completed. A train has passed over the whole line from the litelsnii riv ere to Lake Erie. The cars reached Dunkirk on Tuesday evening, amid great rejoicings of the inhabitants Freight trains are forthwith to testers° the entire road, and regular passenger trains, connecting with Lake Erie. will be or ganised and put in operation early in May. The Journal of Commerce gives the following histbry of the building of the road: The New York and Erie Railway Company wan chartered in 1133,3. It was then estimated that the read could bebuilt, graded for a rloubl and laid with a single track, from the river to the lake, for less than live millions of dellatU and no one anticipated that a period or nitre than six or eight years would be consumed in ?Ai construction. Nearly nineteen years hare ed since the Company was organized, and e road is just completed, at a cost of about my s ty millions of dollars. It was not, however, till 1835 that the million of [loners required to ena ble the Company to commence operation, vine subscribed; and from that time, fora period of Um years, so little was accomplished, that. in 1846, when the present Board was organized, only fifty-three miles of the four hundred and sixty-five, which is now the length of the track, including the Newburgh Branch, mus completed and in operation, and for seven miles of that distance the present Board were called on to de fray the cost. Even this fifty-three miles was in 00 dilapidated u condition that it had virtual ly to be re-constructed Indeed, till the present Board of Directors assumed the managemeut of its affairs, misfortune or extravagance seems to have perpetually thwarted its progress arid threatened " with a calamitous destiny. Half the capital originally invested in it was lust, and notorioustaismanagement had so weakened ptt,,, lie confidence in the practicability of the entit . prise that nothing but the faith which can merle mountains could be relied on for co-operation ip effort to resnscitate it. Happily that faith exit ttd, and its fruit has matured in au achievement which, for magnitude and commercial impor tance, has no parallel in any similar enterprise yet accomplished on this continent This result is due &the public: spirit of those of our mer chants and others who, in time of need, advanced money in proportion to their means, to the lib eral policy of the State Legislature, and espe cially to the Board of Directors , Who, in their corporate capacity, have manifested the same energy, effiziency, and wisdom that the individ uals who compose it are known to exercise sev erally in the conduct of their private business " After the subscription to the new stock had been completed in October, 1845, nearly a year was lost to labor in waiting for the legislation necessary to enable the Board to avail them selves of the most desirable route for the eaten- Sion of the road; so that, in fact, but little more than four years has been consumed in the con struction of this great work. A Paorrostuo Conntontse.-111r. Botta has submitted a eonipromiso in the Virginia Conven tion to settle the vexed question of representa tion. He proposes that the llourie of Delegates shall cansurt of 160 members, 76 from east of the Blue Ridge, and 76 west of it: the Senate to be similarly divided, and elected by districts.— lie also proposes a uniform ad valorem system of taxation, except where specially exempted by two-thirds of the Legislature; and to prevent the creation of a public debt, without at the same time providing for its payment by increase of taxation. Appropriations exceeding . a certain mm, before, becoming a law, must receive the Tote of a majority of all the members of each branch of the Legislature. CONTESTED ELECTION CASE IN PT.NNSTLYANIA. —A contested election case is now before a spe cial court at Danville, (Fa.) Judge Jayne presi ding. Hendricks - , 13. Wright, the Democratic candidate for Congress In the district composed of Lucerne, Columbia, Montour, and Wyoming counties, contests the right of Hon. Henry M Fuller, the member elect, to his seat. The point in controversy is the omission of the votes from Montour county. "The majority for Mr. Fuller in the district was 66, 'Montour county having given him 1,717, and Mr. Wright 473. Mr,. Wright alleges frauds in the election, and that. illegal votes were received, and, immediately' upon the assembling of the judges to cast up th votes for Congress, protested on this ground against the vote of 'Montour being received-: The certificate of election, however, was given ,'to Mr. Folks, and the present issue is to ascertain T hither Depltotes mere polled" N.Y. Corametrl,t AdverUser. ....ipoxices of-the United Statute cover his depor, • THE 'WORLD'S - tatioMof:the fugitive out: of that State. The Teri Baari. -the skimmer of the ocean," is report also alleges that Commissioner Hallett daily expected at the Southampton docks. The I disregarded and ins - tilted the Liam of Maseachu- Sultan of the Turkish Empire has beard of the I setts. as also its legislature; "' I the City Mar fame of the great exposition, and applies for for- shall is rebuked for disrespect to•the committee. mad admission for his country's products within I The Sheriff is exonerated, as acting under .the the Crystal Palace, even at this late dor. She advice of the Attorney General and District At sailed from Constantinople on the 27th ultimo; corny. Two bills accompanied the report pro this :steam frigate Tei.ei Lauri—having 012 board I riding against a similar recurrence of the evils Vice Admiral Pasha, Gemandin Pacha, Sail) complained of. Effendi, and other tailed functionaries of the • Turkish Government, bearing such specimens of the wealth and taste of the harem, the bare cat alogue of which has served to whet the female curiosity of the 'Weld end to the utmost It ap pears that the Spltan, in order that the produc tions of his kingdom may vie not ...worthily with others at the Great Exposition. hai made large purchases throughout his dominions. Car pets of the most magnificent deecriptem, tapes try that France cannot rival. textile fabrics that have never before been suffered to leave the country, and have been for thy exclusive use of the seraglio, stuffs of silks and wools exquisite beyond compare in fineness and finish, and shawls invoiced at £BOO sterling, arc among the arti cles of Teisi Baari's cargo. Is will be a late day for the estiihition when these goods reach Lon don, but in consideration—l hardly know of what—perhaps of special compliment . to the Salton, because he has at last awaked, p erhaps through the paramount influence of the ladies of England who will not hear of n denial—the deci sion of the Royal Commissioners to receive no contributions after the 10th of April will be re versed, said special counters, tables, and fixtures, will be prepared for this unexpected offering of has Sublime Porte. It is amazing what arrangements are making throughout all the world for a pilgrimage to this ehrtno of universal industry. Every day brings now intelligence of the crowds that hasten bith e-. There is prohtbly not n civilized nation on the face of the myth which will not within the next three months have its representatives in London. Even half civilized India, in the per semi of minces and nobles of the East. has 5411 t a large deputation. and almost any day at the "palace" there may be pointed out, not only Payne merchants, but the nabob of Nizam, the Rao of Catch, and the Rajah of Travancore, the attest .lelegotbn of half-Anglicised East Indians it is said, that ever visited Great Britain. The aspect of the interior of the industrial building changes every day. Only nineteen working days note'riinatain for the arrangement of the goods within the spaces allotted for them, and each nation represented is urging forward its work with redoubled eneto. No one can form any idea of the amount of labor to be done au less he is personally engaged in it. The mere corpeuter's work an our United States division is greater and tic Much in coot ns the building of n house in a Nett England village. and when this s finished—when every counter, sad table, and elevation and fixture is completed, the work vein he tot half Commenced. Every table along the central avenue must to covered uniformly, and es the British division is first completed. at whatever expense, we and other foreign nations are ohliged to follow, their lead. There all the other tables and counters are to be covered with some tasteful material, the fixtures to he hung, tie rough legs of the tables and counters to be concealed, the disposition of the immense Minn her of goods to be made, the show cases and cshinets of individual contribution to be allotted and ten thousand other things done, which math hag but their actual necessity, as they are met with in the process of work, can fix upon the mind. You way form some idea of Lion super ficial foot tee hues to cover, when L tell you that 1 yesterday purchased 21.09 yards of bleached , Muslin, with which simply to voter the fixtures, f oe winks of the writing applie7l W the cylinder that is. the uprights behind thecounters. Nearly of the transmitting instrument, were received in as many yunts of another material will he re- I. Lothbury in the presence of gentlemen connected goired for the elevation tables, and counters. with the Telegraph Company. The writing, Then come the decorations of the tour enlemble. formi by was With the least national pride—with the slightest I dignnen, legible , and the signature could re' regard for the interestsof nor " aribut `''' cognized. The rapididity with which the trans ter oil their labor and expense—indeed with even mission tuns railed from 120 to 150 let the mere form of obedience to the reqninitions of ten per minute, according to the size of the wri and rules of the Royal commissioners, Mr. Rid- I ling-, and we understand that Mr. Bakewell ex ,lie. our commissioner, could not have foreborrs pecta to accomplish more than 200 letters a min ."; the expenditure he is now mnbtog. ; nth with a single wire when the telegraph is in If the goods or one exhibitors were to be exhih' regular- work. The messages transmitted were it :a, in the most common justice to those who written in full with capitals, points, and figures, loon 'oat them over tome thousand but contractions and even short•huid symbols and oftentimes from " ist ' ri ", o ' mo r e might he used. No manipulation is required to than thousand mile , Miami. th ey .ag" to he transfer the copies of writing from one instru exhibited to-advantage. To place them in all meet to the other at n distance; therefore this Wear labored texture and exquisit^. finish, `Von telegraphic correspondence is free from the lia- Ivr.cht, of enplaned boards, such as were given bility to error which always attends the manual u' incur divisien of the building, would thanhas° operations of other telegraphs. The writing been even .oreohaa.slaaatransmitted in an exact copy of the original, to have gout them home again without opening.' therefore error can occur. T. exhibit the it w as ama" undesirable position in which Mr. peculiar means of secrecy which the copying tel- Riddle Comet himself upon his arrival here, but gg . rgp b pre„g„, ounce o f the messages received he has extricated himself from it by the ennead' from Brighton on Wednesday were impressed in of a shrewd business man, and in doing to,. ho risibly on the paper, and no trace of writing hue the approbation of every contributor in Lou' I , could Ice seen until It was washed with a solution don, of air our American residents here, and of . thatinstantly ma d,, tho whole lagibin_EgAth our Minister, iron Abbott Lawrence. who 'from I We onset, has been untiring in his labors for the honor of his country iti the exhibition, , SEntnit Carr...SlN Tits Sates.—By the recent I suppoie it is no secret —it ts cortain.iy rot i death of Commodore Barnes. the teniorityof rank here, fur the project was unanisr.or i ly reemalder- t in the Navy of the United States devolves on Com el by a meeting of contributors, that Mr. Rid- I 'galore Crleglesi Srewwar , who is a native of die has peroour.Ol acivonced Abner. xlO , OOO, r Pennsylvania, and appointed from that State, with 'which to complete the arrangements for though at present a cajun of the State of New the proper display of the goirla, from our coon- , dense. Commodore STEtrio.gri catered the aer try lit has dens this. I understand, upon his ; site es licutennut on the same day ts the late own personal responsibility Coder every con , Commodore Ilium:re—to wit an the 9th of sideration it is highly honorable Whim. Should l March, 17,n---tuad his present commission bean Congress make no appropriation to reimburse the date of April 22. IbOC. Commodores Mon him, it is of course undotstcod that he wilt ht4tl Wane:soros, and Dovnet.3 are 'next in the all the goods sent here, no security against iris series of those sterling old American naval he own peroonal loot It iv sold that he took the roes, whose prowess in and previous to our etc boat legal advice upon the subject before giving ! and war with Britain, no lets than their high I his name, and the opinion rendered was deci- mental qualifications manifested In ixtrionsetnero cite, that in the emergency of the case, consid- geticies before and since, have challenged the critic the polio, of which tho goods were rent admiration of the world, and given them an en the rules of the Royal Commissioners in regard during niche in the temple of Woe. —Bcpuitlic to u proper preparation of the builciing, and the ; itamcdiaate necessity of the case, he was fully ; Robert R. Rbett has removed his Eon from warranted, in law and equity, in raising .upon the Harvard University, in which he was a mem tbe goods the amount of money requisite for , her of the senior class, on ancowit of the anti-' their proper display In slow of all the circum- vlavery agitation in Niaszachusetts. stances it cannot be that Congress, will decline : Which suffers the most injury from this ope to make the accessary appropriation. i ration, young Mr. Bairn or the State of Mas i intended to make a.begining. in what I mean ' eschusetts! Biting ones own nose off, though a shall be toy weekly description of curious things I difficult operation, in its literal sense, is easily in the Crystal Palace, in this letter, but my and very commonly dons., symbolically usual space is nearly occupied. The most woe, derful thing I have seen to-stay, is the Liverpool l glarß/Connut—l will be a candidate for gift to the L'gposition--a model of that city, l tomete of neozoles, sithiat to the deciationt the Whit, tit.LLIOIIICCOttIIty totocntinn. containing. no shape nod corrixtly reduced pro- BAWL saIINTZTCCK. portions, not only every bacon, church public ratitsirch, Atoll W,ibitativitcv building, dock and ship yard, but innumerable SiErt'unrcry Tarascatit—We are author carts, waginsii, horses, donkies, men, women lied w troalarsi„th,tt hart s , of the na ward. Cot end children. in most admirable workmanship. " v '''',.,:',!li o id7.4 4 , o l,2'="Z o hale,„n: r County wtic gad The cost is said to be over £1,200 sterling. One County Cor.vention. A poor woman, a self-taught artist, decrepit Vir Curti: OF Tar Corar.—'flie name of from the effects of a fall into a pit of one of the' Jain Horns, or Wilkins towashion ravened to Cornwall mines, , t,V=r i m :ll whose livelihood, it seems, has l,,,, l. , :o th 'r'„ ek ,d ; r j m i .,l l o ,9e V b° ,,,. ‘ '''' been obtained for many rearsby preparing taste- •P26'otnetc'9 _ fel work for the shops, presented yesterday se, ere" specimens of shell weak in dowers and wreaths, surpassing is beauty all that I ever conceived. The, Hovers are placed upon a ta ble composed of 7,000 pieces of wood, embracing pieces from the oak of Glasgow Cathedral, the foundation of old Stockwell bridge, Queen !ilary's boxwood, Allowny Kirk pulpit, Highland Mary's thorn, Millie's Mill, the wreck of the • Sopa George, London Bridge, and the old Bell Tnie of Itosermath In addition to these there are a. large number of native and foreign woods. The top of the-table is four feet nine inches, by four feet sir inches , in the centre of which is a profile Of the Queen, surrounded on the corers by the arms of this three kingdoms, with thenrms of the cities ,of London and Glasgow interspersed. On the same•style also is a chitTnanicre, cOnsistiog of 5,000 pieces of wood, and a ten caddy of 1600. On the back of the latter are chased In the ye neer the likenesses ofdher majesty and the ray al consort: L L E The Roman correspondent of the /inner:, the I ; arisinn "organ of Pius IX., gives the following information The statements in reference to the American Mission at Rome; norwiihstandlng the high source from whence they come. we think rather eipocryphak— "lt does not-appear that the elwvation of the Most Rev. Archbishop Hughes to the dignity of Cardinal Twill take place as soon as expected a few weeks ago. We have heard two reasons as slated fir this delay—one, that the Sacred dol lege is at present nearly full, and that there are no•vacanetes but such as are indispensable; and the pecond, the difficult arising from the remote, neskinf4n American Cardinal when a conclave :is necessary. • We believe that the presence of Pr. Hughes, at Rome, has been the means of expediting the ne gotiations opened some time since between the court of Rome and the Government of the United S totes for en interchange of : ministers between the two countries. We are assured that this measure already decided on in principle. will be speedily carried into execution. )jr. Case, the present American Charge d'Affairs at Rome, will, when the arrangement is carried out, change his present tide of Charge d'Affaires for that of Plenipotentiary, with a complete American le gation installed at Rome; and the Nuncio of the Apostolic See will reside at New York, as being the most important seat of Catholicism in the United States. It is added that the Holy See may send three or four inter-Nuncios to other cities of the Republic. Finally we are assured that the government of Washington are most de sirous that a Prelate of the United States be in vested with. the character and prerogatives of the Cardinalate TILE BOSILIS FECIITIVZ SLAVE test.—ln 6 re• port of the proceedings of the Massachusetts Legislature, we perceive that Mr.' Robinson, the nkoter of the inquiry into the conduct a the Sheriff of Boston, in the case, of the for„ittre days Sims, and the Chairman Wf the committee of investigation chosen by the Senate, him re pOrted that the city authorities of Boston, in the part they took to support the United States laws grossly 'violated the statutes of the Com monwealth, and that the Marshal of the United States also was guilty of . greet contempt for the ~ereigaty of 2dassaabaseas In timing a criadail Comvondence of the Mu... nrk Erprcre. A RENCONTRE WITH A WHAtt Rio DE JANE/RO, Feb. 14, 1651. The following statement of the exploits of a whale and Lis attack upon a vessel, is abstract ed from the protest of Capt. Joseph Dies, of the o hale ship 'Pocahontas," of Tisbury, made be fixe the 15 S. Consul at Rio de Jtmeiro, in Jan. ISSI It is said to be the second instance known . rl a direct attack on a vessel by a whale. The. other was the ship 'Essex," in the Pacific, etiich was entirely lost Capt. Dias says that .oa t the 12th of December, 1850, in latitude about 33 47 S.. and long. 48 35 W., at 5 P. 11. ',taw a shoal of sperm whales off the lee bow, lowered two boats—the larboard boat struck, and had been fast 15 to 20 minutes, and after the line was hauled in to the boats, which line tits whale had sounded out, In the attempt to' lance the whale, she turned upon the bait and literally crushed it to atoms with her jaws, and all belonging to it, except the crow, who swam to the other boats—the whale all the time stay ing round the fragments. The starboard boat come down, but pulled back to the ship, in com pany with the waist boat and two crews. After they came on board, and boats hoisted up, the vessel was squared in and ran for the whale, (which still continued about the place where she stove the boat) fully prepared with lances, Sc. ready to make a dart. In about 15 minutes, wore the ship's head towards the whale, having everything ready to attack her, vessel on the Ir.rboard tack, and whale coming to leeward of the ship. When about two boats lengths off, the whale rounded towards the weasel's bow, and muck it with such force as to start one or two planks, and break one or two timbers on the starboard side of the bow at the waterline, caus ing the vessel to leak at once at the rate of 260 strokes per - Immo Under the circumstances the Captain tem np Rio, when proper repairs were made. Ile sailed again on his cruise about the 10th of Jan It Nether he will meet his old foe is doubtful, hat if he does he will give him batik. R. The jury in the. Woodworth Planing Machine use, 9u lung pending iu the Supreme Court, before Judge Grier, in Philadelphia, was on ethiesday decided by the jury. Spring and others, the defendants' in the case, were deci d•'d to have infringed the Woodworth patent. Judge Grier said that if witnesses came again into that court tu swear that Wm. Woodworth one not the inventor of the patent, he would hold it to be prima facie evidence that the wit nooses interidA to perjure themselves, by swear ing so what they knew nothing about. This question has now been decided in the aline way by every Circuit Court in the Union, involving an immense outlay in litigation. Tun COPYING Exturan TIGLZGEAPII,—A trial of Mr. Bakewell's copying electric telegraph woo made on Wednesday last, the 2d instant, between Brighton and Loudon. An instrument at the central station of the Electric Telegraph Compa ny in Lothbury was plated in connexion with a corresponding instrument at Brighton, and com munications in writing were opened between "lose stations. Several messages, which were isarComin• HEmerot.—The name of JOHN Mr.C.LNISZT, a the ant Ward city o( Pattabwrgh. 1w tub mated Atllol4.ropie Whig Count, Conveution. +acandidlet.f, the ,th, of lt,lALtr, tad will he earn., mpporsed 0, eery ap.12.3/1, 11•-'W Entree. se-Coestry RCO . IBTF.R.—John K Foster, of R.tawh. too nehig, *III be • extaid ate far Rrgleter, boron. the ensuing Anef.llamaie serf MU' Ceunrr Caureatlou Ry2kdprles ArAssEsinLy.—Robert Abrabamp, of I.:li .bettatnrough, sill anhault hl, immeto the AntSNllipss 1 Whig County (lowest •• • cm:Kildate for noulliss ciao t• to. Lrglidature. — Xliareo CS:TY REGISTER.—PIOIIite “1:1117:11 lteP thatlJ Lames. of Allegh.ny ett•, will be catlklat« fog thv office of flogiwor,lahipet tleclakai of thr Ao 11-Nla.oute and Whlit County Contention. I=ll=l CLERK of lac COl:RT.—Henry liannen, of Alla,Lamy ory..iu to candidata for =mutation to lb, akar of Clerk of the several Court. of Allegheny County. before the Anti-Mseonic and WOk ()aunty Content= eyagdate.t.a. serlivEß Pm..s.—These Pills, discovered by Dr. McLane. and which bear his own nettle, were find wt.! In lids own practice. In a few Inn, they ettravved the attention of other thyliciene, and thence. paned ludo general um. for curing all dlveagra of the liver. they get with certainty and regularity. 'The patient FOOll feels The remeal of dlsatee. until he le well. The caret In elmoet megican and after 'y1410131, &Inns and medicines of anov they description. the sufferer Enda Kunkel( relieved at Once. Diseases of the liver are very common In this country. and ere eafriatiThal In their character Lethey :trent...vent to oe. egyvencr. Are you ennobled with any of the numerow oopplalnts which orlatiuto to a diseseed state of the Henri Pemba* Dr. WI-one's Pals, sal be relieved at once. forsaleptry J. Kiwis cp., No. CO Wood rt. ikarket Street Store for Rent. FOR RENT.—The Store, 118 Market,. t i 9:4, 7 11r seecjEd p =canti v e e ner i tif . l4,l:kilikr o. 121121..2x . ii :lin of 01 49 .7 tun Peon et Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO, No. 129 Wood Street, HATE NOW IN EMU A fall cr.d .Oletoetock cif AVIIIION.LVD ANENTGAN • HARDWARE, Sailo :tn. the wing Ina. atail wh theT masted t tab o oNcr purchanna at rum hic that will cataliaye farorablv with any of the eartern citita. Citizen'a Ineniunee Copipany of Pittsburgh jrCOURAGE LIO3IEI INSTITUTIONS 001ce N 0.41 Water street, is thenambouse ofC. W. ti. intim not. A. W. Mears, SW:. Thie company isnot, prepared lo insuntall merchandise In store. and to tranein vesels, Jte. Au =pie rtISIS.tT for ability.d linearity of the institution. is ailordvi Mo obannter cf Dinsunirs. ho ititiwas of Pittsburgh. well and favorably Imola= to Use OintituunW7 WV their pradenee, Intelligetwo, liVjAalysery. W. RUM eTi F Ol rttr•lrtgillit‘ D . Kr CdeW UZOtr. —•- • • • o u 11.namothlil7th hut. Dr. 1tar5 , ? .. 173=, t . the ni year of h 4 .se_ Ma funeral fro= hla.late residence. corner - of rcarth streat anll7erry a 11574.447. r,;,,,der, mat, at 3 o'clock, P. If The Limit of the (=Xi are Davitial to wood. , Var COLIVIT Commeoi6:on.-31njor JOU:: Mucci. of the ' , rat Wank Pii.l or PlttahnraS, wlll to a candidata before she Anti-amonlo and Whig o,aut7.Con reneloacqf W , r 4 re or 4 , 4.4 Voraaatodoner. " Ccium iticaris- - :—Alemuider Rich ardson, of the Fineefordalleay Mr,. will be • use e o r es SS of lb tee, stout nu de otettamWAS eWon stion. • LA NELSON & CO. Importer, Jobbers, and Retallen in ; ' • DRY GOODS, - . • i NO.. 62 - and 64 Market stme, Pitts l .7 4, P '• SOUNCE to their friends and the pub ' I "...lir , dhat.they are now preposed to exhibit helot and most %weevily selected look of i ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, ' 1 they hoe ow offered in thin city. eoto7elov 3 " the ."' Y h and fottionabi tobrio, as wall as the bier: ,00lmon, • and which will be :Toed at the LOWEST POSSIBLE' PRICES - o which goods CilSl be wad in any Or the Elaterla elle.- , Their two lower salwricOns will be devoted Oelee , /j. . road Wad, and the goals isawiged In DvoaxentO ~,' ' % Silk Dep All the new net fashionable mho let tment. Dodt.od th ' 4 " .. "'' isoltolind the best makes of Dina Silk. o Dress Goods De pastm ent i G Cm on P s dKDopinODeraGeo.Tama.Dow , de Lain. oin.. Loww, Molina, l'anzdes, Joon% 1 duo, Gee... Aloes 80Mb11421., MAMA. 60. Shawls, Vizettes, &a. Conlon Crape, plain and ambroldarad. Abo, TtdOea. A Aid, Ashmore, Silk, AA, Figured do., and utter Stialrla:. VLoattas, Atelota, f:anWlaq cu Hosiery end' Glove Departmenl Wtil waTo Cotton ud ...ta mnplete, tho boa =atm of Silt Haien . . The bett Sid 4.llores alWaTo on howl. Linen Department. 6-6, 4.1. 4. 6-4 White Lin= E5. 46 .8..PM° . Co oat, a Linens, Napkins. Mr-Hu. elneh"l.O ron. Dam- White Goods. Checked end Dotted Cambria Mall, Sidra Boot and not:text Mcollun Vwtorta and Bids, Lawns, of seal au e ality r o d Sc.prim. Alec. Curtain Materials, rano and Tr hi Curer Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings, &e. A entiiplete ateirtinenk ALIO, itiblas, F:oven, Saba la Panatela oi all arils Lantnote of ad the latest etylet. Domestic Goods Deportment Is volubly.. of the moat ratentuve In the country, am. busing everything known as doinestwv. the Proprietors fr.! contdent was, with *ad . basin." Willits., large and attractive stock. and mussily low Lew, oh. y cannot tail to giro perftvt ratiafaction. Wholesale percbasicre are respectfully Informed that we will be pleased to rewire their olden, at any time, for er.g= a pripie also, to duplicatplicatee any eastern toll at thy riEls tlla trill Pates. New and faaddonable Omit will be received cotatantly through the eras.. OYE PRICE 0.:17.1'. ep27 A. A. MASON Z co. - Ninv MUSIC. KLEBER has just received • Lten'a celebrated BIRD SONG. as rats by 1117. R 1 4 157 P o ' f m aZ " vt ' Z l .Mlo ` .t ' S.;;Tyli,. l" ll l 2l7as h : The Poor %lick Bay. - Where are the friends of me youth Housiho).l Wails, by Liloclac. 'lb. Gentler, by 5 Mikker. lion. The Li en Nstlonal Cl tulkn, a &atrial.: mog, .I...li•ated the ry ay. Winn other thertd• are round thee uently rthr:rett-ettrra re think or thee St eretaide My Nan England Home, a=pcso.l by Mm. A. Wed, of Alleilleny City. Morse.ltoigh dna Read., fiennetta, Wereriey Pretty Little, de theieinl's tinick,Stehe oidn:•...et's waiter Preeeptor. llu Together with • eeiretlan of Waltz, Mareheib Quick Step, Isriatloue, Leesous, de. Ali a. Unelut of Mortar ••..1 510110 1.10.1 , No 101 Third Are., glint Golden tarp. Summer Blooming Flowers. rrE subscriber offers fur sale no extenSive va In y of liontbly Finuering Mau. .ultebb , for p satiny I the Yard. aml Uartlen. the CAI., comPoeed In part of U) warietles of the monthly Verbena.. contain lot .ame now ana, brilliant color.; price from al 10111.50 per .100.rn. Helltrapes at al,bo per donna. Ever F3lOominit OOOPO from 112.25 to $1..5.) per darn, areordlng ta tlerarannia. kushelan. Vining Plana., Dahlia!, com pose.] of rho floret free flo.ering tram Ot to sl..bn per doon Orden. left at our stead on market day* or by toto ..itteburgb 'Poet Cirace, will Ur promptly attemlea to • JAME.? WAD.III/P,lllantherler. sp”,i3t• THE HOUSE of the Seven Gablee; a Ho ammo, be Nathaniel Ilartborps. Ag. Na Ua. riODIES' litrrAs7 Demi, 'bled street, oincilse the Pest Meer. rP29 Associated Firemen's Insurance Stock. I QQh. SHAKES 4 .. do tty subscribed c fo k , ex+l4 6V-9 - .66 No. 64 1V6.1 64. HONEY -14 ferkins (fresh) fur sale by •,:e29 WNI. Ih.romignA DRIED PEACIIES-50 sacks for sale by sp29 WM. U. 1011NSIVN. APPLES bbla Dried Apples for sale by .perW. H. JOHNSTON ((BORN-700 bu. in store and for sale by .eIJ .a ism. JOILNSTON FARIED A.PPLES-200 bu. fur sale by jj apt, AI. WILSON. ICE---30 dorm' for e.sle by car.WILSON AISLNS—rISO boxes Bunch, for sale by is apv w. aF. W7LS,IN. ( 1 08.3-50 . bl. Shelled, for sale by Sr. a F. WIISON. 147 iirst rt. fIUFFIELD'S SUGAR CURED RAMS _LI 11 tierces and earl for roLie try .7 ar , IVALLINGFORD a CO. L ARD 01L-24 bbl. No. 2; 0 " No.): co habil and for ale by WALLINGFORD d CI. TOBACCO-5U boxes W: H. Grant's s's, a fa sale by A. CCLBERTSOS 6 CO., ;4 , 29 1;.; Llberty rt. I,UTTER—A Small Let of the celebrated Zaar ➢utter eat tap czyrearir Par fm:] are_ , hot r d sea tee lir A. CCLBERTEON 4 00. SUNDRIE4- 3 WO De, Men= übNabth . ..llP.sztnr. Cdnty . • ••, ivAlsera valo d CO. Professor . C. Barry's TrieophorHoos, Doi MEDI ATED COMPOUND, for re- NJ/ Morlng, ytiaerring and beantlfyley tba hair, miles non muff and dantirtZ. and elated Mackin of tb• akin. gland, and minalrk, mean. mita. beeline melee are It Laub oon aroortabral by wpm:runt. gut Uorry'a Treopb.. emus ban pindu the ram. *NM ourink dlmerea odd. kit, ate. of to. Were and all en maltnel k. in. Tb. follow - mg tendamoiala relettal from bobdteda of similar t =k eVtris " ; . I . ' git TAIT ir f f I s m aroVft 04111 •• trial:, 22, Put, 131=21;tety dly—T be N arblen " tEd s Z rlthson tarl.ll! eyoyUou of the scalp. t met lf.lcrlnSfd that , sago, for the Its bx, nattan revs, and dunng that Mad hsre bad th ? ricesoma of dm oton phyab nuts, and e n . 11 1 re the pytratlont fdr theatnneno her and Ilan now known,'whhout tha least bmett. I nes adrlatf by t Mood to toy row Teleaphoroun. I did so, ae lost rem ot, =I, to toy aurntiyo and nrallEettloo,found tnytalf oozed lo about tau, month. Eoch sat the VlCan.f. of thr. ;Wonder that at t•dart I sat parnall blind. EydpectfUlly. room la) Cola:obit etym.; Bruoldyn. Pro. Toni. Oct ?Z. 16f0. Paul. Bssai—Dy Dear Sir—About two yea:sago me heir alma out a •hyt{t drat, and my head was tunoh affloted with dandruff.. S was told by a friend to try rota Trloophan out. and 1 did wa and to my A5t.:11.b.i.4 my , hair ~ 1 11. firmly rovad...d all tho dandruff dirapprated, so the heal now ehowa for limit. wa [Pith "" I '4 J CbS Broadway. if soy l.Jy or gentleman doubts Ohs authenttolt y of the' Itoms, they wllboloses =II at Professor A C Barree office. 57 Do [way, New Bork, whore ho will produce the encl. nal letters. gram the 3111,tary and Naval Argos. roe. 9. 1590.1 'them Is no rfenel tor the permanent cum of L.:Wheat and dlemera ol total ;ohm - ally, that has maenad the PuP 9 latitY in/o) , d thr article knorla ...Pram= bm-i••Triooykerocr, or Medicated tboll.atal.. It It ex it-ad\ lay head bi , tho upper a.m.. of the .amutannity; Ir. almasterery •ry to the land it le used In preference to other articles of the kind. It 'Myer. vigor to the mot, of the hair. and time promotes it...growth to • remarkable .le- Eg s o t tTIE the It tilt of R.et, of raid Id. deco roma, tad color obnosimi e r unt., dem of the skin in .3mayhem tut tell 'mettle..., It stands undrall.el. It sold In large bottle, P.m 4 ..c'enta. et N. lirmlstaT, toot at the Dillgrif aancrallr, thmoytunat the Culled Stehriatal Canada. ap“,a - tr Wanted, A Yet NG MAN, a situation an aerk bock keeper or Selena., Is thesmogior ronreroot v. it Bout 'Locally by Paubl9 Chlrf. sal toltiMlCll.• gen, ml bueinem IchoulAge, would La happy to enna...e moth soy erholt,alrettabllalmoont or fvraardsng and enteunission had.e. The coact respectable ritf references given. Addrre, W. li. C, pare Mr. J. Exult!, box la Poet Of- Pee. apaalSto J. Wilson & Bon. 11 ‘ i r. 11 , 0 , L . F... , 5. : 1L K. E „ u ‘ n ,, d ii r l e u tail t ult , :ipufirtu- r 2 inl marvel. third door belay 'Almond Agi: \ Piu C a l all burgh- alien (bet offer e MI and compete goth of Hats and Cana 4 theit: own and Instnna rasnotsrtaren of uteri i qualltr and at) in by wholysale end Math and Troth the Stl n t ' .l:y r lt t li ' : ' ll7l 4 =aat s l 'd the r ' d ' k u b b l l a i'"" y '''' '''''''' hut .I.r,.dawthT. . ' • I -Removtd. • T AMES WILSON has removed Ids Hat ",ant Cjp al Wood Meth third d'air south 10-PARTNERSHIP—Haring taken my 1-1 t o, El'lVaii.7u—VZ.DVz,rlo,l the 1 ,1:L . g.,%., a J. WIDO 0 Y SO; at 91 iNlabd_a_treet dAIIEr! W11.591N. NO% S a4t7:tXe l i. ' AllePreUre! ' llatrVit e tl . :7l... al , ..airdaarta. AN'ILLA BEANS—Just received, a very V a - root oi•tich, Wll. A. McCLURCI It CO.. did Liberty fi n Sypr Cured Dry Beef, jag G n0e.1.4 and far rein 67 p 2.5 - tOBISON. Larru: e O. 2:Ali,it.rty tt BOAS Cincinnati Palm Soap just re di l7.d and for tale 67 ROBISON LITTLBACO, Llbettr 3rkniEXOS NAILS, unsorted, in noire 1,/ty and for nth br ROBIEON LITTLE I CO, .12,..5 mat,. 8 LENTILS-ießaceiretl and for sale by tf >KWH° ap:24 Orocersand The Dagen. LIEBMAN PEAS—Received.and for flair bVf i ii7d. A. II aCLUEO a CO, Orows and Tea Dealer,. LINGLISEI SPLIT PEAS—Received and j 1124 for sale by RN. A. )IcCLVRO I CO, ap2l3 Cream and Tea Dealer,. ERESII LOBSTERS do asuoN. in beractically sealed tvam rc had faille br A y.e. zwitrao & CO. Litextivt. CritrAVA JELL Vi fa: sale .117 mil, just received wad )IcCLCIIO d CO. VVTIIT CRAPF. SHAWLS, of carious og i " 4 ' k lIVRCIIFIELD. SIIAWLS—Co-limere, Thibet,A 10 sad cramteadred by area ' . NYURPHY t BUILCHTIELP. WRITE; GOODS—For Ladies' dresses, of Y V all the4ratoux kindo.llsed.- . 3.l.ll.llualagisr WRVlNnif;NaliVirri. JENNY LIND FAITH HANGINGS— Lam Th. dKaration paper, like that a parlors at ilia r. mAssa.u.t.. • wmxi B ACON r-' 1500 the Sid ' foe - ea ism. SA Li= • just micind gal for Ws b 7 I s. I. VON BOLti o liStap . c& ___ezt , BURLAPS -5 balee, 40 inch, rear and fo sea by erg . Air !MIT a CO. .g — TC — K - ;-1 1- 1. k 000 ryeii and old iiehai • .!Wool 0 sacks; c. 4 eao, cr .4720 HURPt..... &co -,-................. ' P . HLOltild, OF LIIIE-150 tip - for e *pis BENNETT. BYE' ' Yt OD. CIAL SODA-200 cask' For ini4t_by •pui 83.32M5T. .1.=1'44,1X4 POTTON {,GODS-2 c.siee Cotton pant auff.iaotrweiTed and 6t sate er gap IMPLIA k N. -- Norris's Tea Mart, jrN the Diamond. second door from Dia 1, mond allep. TILL. state to Dotal fur sell'4a tins kola ru• In Pittsburg!, nP LIAY AND AIANTRE FORKS-125 - doz. ji Warm 6 tles celebrated Way and 31ariure Forks. rectartal from the manufacturer. Idulatielph meat and far Ada br - W. I , OIND Water Beet, Forneatness of !lath mad lutielnik KW, these Fork. cauctot surpreaal; and the lon prim at which the/ C. . mast Menne their trdroduction• .926:17 Paper HEui,gings. THOMAS PALMER. N 0.55 Market street, Inu recently centred • besatiflal tglartmend ornall race,pr, representing Sienna, Meat, aak tail Situated Or. suitable Lir Vestibules. Linn& and Dining Bon - dn•dii Rarkingham and Domestic lanectosware. VirOOD t WAID I TILAIIa t Y 2 ,I2 ; aIB.I2- tarmumn. Ohl. ora tilileMarople Rooms, corner Sixth arei Liberty Meet, cksturd Cloumh bulklllusd =Man= tot daor b ' 3. a a Flsd.holesaleGrecers. Our extent,. Works enable to to ell orders prom PUT. s. competent rimer being euturtantly emploSmarlsbn mt u• to keep pare nail all the nor anal lammed mires a i l .' " " Z . Spitoona tlkbet.s, Ori, _Dewed Sett, Flower TAX; tiobrers, 'Mantel via=te, Maid. and Snuff Tam and tutieles tor do um. in trant tallarf • Orders renal:Wry suliarerl. noels22if SUNDRIES -100 sacks Corn; 10 bit. Dded reach.: 3 - Fared " f"r tsla 5731 JAMES DAUM/I.GS WAter et. rrOBACCO-25 kegs Gedge 6 twist fox sale if_ by , e.:I2V TAXES DALZELL. CIOFFEE-150 4 br.ga prime Rio, for sale by AIMS DALULL VIACKEREL-50 bbls. No. 3; np2o 25 hlf de. far 160. by JAMLS DALZILLL.• iILACK AND FANCY . SILKS-A. A. LIP Hawn k Co., have readatal a large 1 , 4 or . n. 7 a, Black and Fancy Efts. SILK POPLINS—Now opeaing at A. A. -31.m01a c Co., a Lana smortm.r. of Silk divaof t be ^w -eat Ft yles. nal" VINE JACONETS CAMBRICS- K A. A. Ma.. Co. hare on hand • oomylata stoek LAP& laconeto Caaubrica. . AWXS AND ..Nosi• receiving luta,A by A A luAca co. Mts. Of UM 1.4111115 nu] ) ADZS UNDRIES-- 56 talcs Comic 0 tack, Yealbersc • !hied Applax • • • 2 EA= tierect UMW': • • 2 ECU do; to vrlve on 12colner km' p..a4 cut fur talc by TE/11A71 DICKEY t ayai Front YAEON HAMS-14 e.ks on hand; fur sale bS •pJ ISAIAH DICKEY ACO QEEI) SWEET POTATOES-7 bble on b 7 band: fur Jade by.. sp23 IS.AIAI.I DICK= tCO ALTPETRE-60 huge crude on hand; fur ap% ISAIAH DICKEY a CO D OLL BRIMSTONE-12 bble on hand t fur -ale by apM ISAIAH DICKEY aCO No: au iv . oce isi4c PTIERRE DE SIENNE-100 the for sale by .._ •p2. J. JUDD 1 CO. A DIIESIVE CLOTH-200 yards superior yu•titr fur sate by . sp33 J. KIDD k CO. GM CAMPHOR-200 lbs for sale by •r 4 . ,.. J. KIDD 1 CO XIEDIC.UVAL BRANDY-2 casks for sale 111 1 , 1 .r , 33 J. EIDD t CO. IL D. KI:NO, Banker and Ihrehange Broker. Fourth at. %ESTERX RINI'S BOUGHT, and the ttlitden markct prior paid Or SILVER I.lr•rrur 4, - Exchartgo Bealk Stock for ule. I.IOOKS ! BOOKS!—Charms and Counter Cbannia br afar: J. 11elnbush. ehouldn Knot or bketchea of the Tbave•fold Linea 'h.; .."7 nr the Fan Cautnril - b7 if. F. Tett, 1 vol. 12 n,Tan Dictionary of Meclualea, No ^e. Jest reed and tar Tale by K. I.IUPKI.NS, 71 Fourth at..., by • Apollo Brlldtatip. • 200,000 lbs. Rags Wanted t K4OR which the highest market pnce trill Llb be pold otrret, —'h. the Paperarid Beg Vivo-iv...X. roty rev the Where can be hod Weiner. Letter, , WroPPWW. and other tads of Paper. obeepor then cut be found at any other store In Pittsburgh. sp:Cato FONDONLABOR .AD' THE LONDON POOL In the Nlneta oath Cer.tarn Cyelopthtla of ractal Oorditi on and F.Al9llllt. of tho Non. •I••••• the Watch Hetronotts, In evanternen with the =snap, Bt IL Mahe., With ongrartsan of Badmen. and pantos da ft:trite-a. Nh. 3of this ceeilent work. has been :salved al liolmos' Literary Depot. Tlard opprota the pan odicw prior 123fc per N. ahZ Lui ARPERS' MAGAZINE—VoIume Second of ills excellent work will be annyleted in a for ce,t 2 i ipzeree m ar k le . l o tlng , 11? sat r l i nn !reek. MI thoetn, It fed meet. opalte the / 1 0:X linen PIRITS TURPENTINE-10 bbl& in good 17 cedar. fu ala by a a 6ELLZBB, ar.:s 67 Mad at A L . C .2 1101" . -10 bills. for sakoA Q A.RSAPARILLA-1 balo (liondaros,) for 0 sale try ae..5 It. E. SINES. I ENZOIC ACID-50 oz. for salll 1.) cga POW'D COLOCYNTE-50 lbs. for sale by ap2s it E. SZLIAIIa M AIiSEC-600 }be: for ealo by szurP.s. - --- Hosiery, Trimmings, and Lace Goods. 11. EATON, 62 Fourth street, between . martin end Wood. Inetton the attention of whole. we and reta:l buyer. to ttia latgo and well wactsd awn* merit of Slk and Marina floe. half Kae. and Glarern Hen P a t s Kid alone and Riding titbit: }inured .od Plain Bonnet Ribbann . Black Trimming and Plowssling Laden Dress finnan§ and Than- inns Lacy Capra Undersharenrand Valle. nuked Mktg French Wcrhal Cellars, Chaninnen. and Gran Inaertnn Inning end lacep,,l elan Kiln Dirait, karate and Wrought l';ouncinr, • Gents' Cranats. Jolneal• Tiesand Stake: Pine Shirts, Under Garment. and Drasslnn Genus, itns.' Needn't, Tape. 'Dutton; and Braid, emu, Inry, and Hera Carat= limn and Teeth Graeber, item:arm ers .an coma.] ran, and Pawn!. Zzphyr Wanted Canvas and Pattern., Slippen, Gaiters, and Vaceislor Walking with • m '=let/ Wwtli useful I may Anions, .hit ! kr °Erns at the lowest eatn either far cash ur sr eren.rl credit. S UNDRIES— bbIi. family flout; 100 Ostia" - 100 - 800 SOO blth. Ebollol c0rn:.5,00 Cob 100 " Yototoor. Rio ••Ebom • 50 bblo: Tv: N>4 now P.a. Barra* at robnigroboot by S. WOODS a SON. Cl st. QWNERS WANTED—For 40 - Carriage Dub, and I cask of &wee, without markt, left with ithe who:o=Am T. 1000110 SCLN, arill 01 Water it. ir t ACC/lc-70W lb.. Ling Round, receiving AI and for enln by DALZELL, ab:bl GS Warn. rtraat. F"ll—No. 1 Trimmed Shad; in hbra. and half bble. `'sm I Here:34z. Ic bbL, • No I SAltuon, recelling end r sp24 JOHN wAri & CO. T - bbk. N C., for Ale by .p 24 JOILVIiATr a CO. A TNNERS' OIL-15 bbIlL for sale by ap2i JOHN WATT a CO. ?AIiTON preserved Ginger in Syrup; Chow Chow, (: I ;lznaro ct k ,pia Grocers u 2 .4 Tn D•wOro. (7 , 150 bu. (Shelled) her aaleby ob= SIIBIUM. bble. just reed and for aye by JA, 14,10 W.l F. WIL.wON.II. Float ot. 111101 -. Y E. FLOUR fib bbß. for tale by . oplo BROWN A KIRKPATRICK, FRESH BUTTER-4boxes Table Butter, June meal and tee mile by epae R. DALZELV A 00. Lflnet R. BACON -4 casks for sale by . .r='• J. 8. DILWORTH & Co. BUTTER -6 bbb3. 'fresh. for Bale ap22 J. A. DILWORTHA 00. FRUIT -2001,u. Dried Peaches; a. J. .o ' . ( tin& r dti e t b &. A A. MASON & CO., No. 62 and 64 Mar- I'I.ORN-500 bu. Shelled. for sabl. by ~, A .,sc l r.,:a.Xtvo Z gy, 0g..1%.1. We W 1 7 ..., lo i g. , l_./ ,...... .P21 ._ _ _ _ J. E. DILICOrITILI CO. XAF . ILETON TIII3I3IINGS—A. Muoti co. hall; teed por ecyrocr. %largo cosortineat of oc' Trim:Woo, )44c.0.0. c. ap=t ttOSIERY I GLOVES—Now opening at A. A.. W'S, a toll 191117atment of llosiery love. ma= WROUGHT COLLARS & CAPES--Ree'd javtortzem,,r, &Itool A. MA.....??; COl3, new assort. LINED PARASOLS--A choice lot of the latest styles, for sale by A. A. ALLSON A 03. Wes_ 02 and C 4 Ilarket st. • BL K SILKS—We ISfter for sale eveu ...de and pike of the diCvlent makes of Clack SUL eV= A. A. MASUSt OU.,3larket NEW BOOKS !!—Buttinan's Greek Gram pßater the age of highrthools and nufrersilleh b 7.• tman. lievheel and thlethed bY ta• Bumer.mb Traoelaral ham thr.eigbtouaGcr,.........4, by Ulm,' Noble... The lrieb Orsilederatee, and the Rehahms awn. b 7 llenry bf. The Autoblohrephr mad mecicrials of C.ptato Cougar, pri yap.. soth. and shipmaster tram the port elf her Ecre: br 1t ... Ifsery litheerrn author el ins bleed World of Use Pechle thd Whale andhle C l= " Booth. Frenciordemery, bythe eraser cf the Rollo • 7.4 n. 3 and 4 of London LabCT and th. Lqndou Pam The aura vorks Rat remasol sad for 40 . e.by ar.23 No. ifa I R C. STOCRTION, laztet rtneet. VLA2i 7 A mall lot for rale by • ENGLIEII a 1.5 Et:n:lT, aeye,F , C=d• and lilmetreet. - EriglLh Eut Irish Teas. of Tow , , thohanr, bleb frrr , 'r k;r4V,Talf.f "- sVtirg.' T 11.0 Wm. Mat hu beak admiltlng mo. 4..m:.51y 0r 0ti4V0 Thu, cannot =lath:L. to do Trith haj.d.,Wa meat cf Tribit Tax InYittiburou ' btth `!". WM. a. addo a co. Grcccr Teo Dealer, TTdatl)-4 bbla. and 6 kegs for sale by all= wa. IL JULYS/)N ... .fj.R.E.EN APPLES-80 bbls. for sale by vim'w IL IL JOILCSTON. MOWSES--14 bbls. S. fLsl:7ju.ol . . BE42obble. p "S-30 White, for wile by eem EN 0 LIAI * EN:VET!. HIDES—Ioo (Dry) far sale by Vu JUL on= a aw. Aarataatt. MOLASSES—?S bbla. N. 0.. for sato by srr.n. ILLEDACGIL .Q,ITGAR-30 Itbds. N. U., for salo by roZ S. d Sr. HARBAL:4IL BACON SHOULDEIS-4 mks far sale by .02 JA.7.1/..1 A. lIVIVIIISON CO: 410 DA ASH—A superior. article °tour oink Insaubc-Wlltansna hand sal lbr tab WAS Mal =SAX Oa, Wasagr- ONLY 28 HONES TO =MLA= gaglBsl. OMB .r 3131101. AILIULIOGEIdENT Erllllllol PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. XPRESS Packet and ILailroad Line for Cleveland, oveneut Ler cr adv.?, ty Etegamers a k a briah to lleav rm It: r t zrzo k e3e a vatti , te ears. ;Vrellda, led the epleodld ore llonotorer pH of the ieeeladd and Pi Itallaced Co. atTellid. - YCLAGAItA MAYFLOWER. Dams. _Steamert /ease their landlag °Wrens ?be Monongahela at 9 o'elork.A. corammang with the Packets at yates, whirkerilllarre iretm,dimtly m the antral a** 'rmtar, arriving at Ravenna in time ihr:halnareseTrain fa Cleveland. Pante:wee by tloa line artier at I Irraland in time to take ths naltroad• Line a r BUFFALO and DETROIT. and the abymere Ire Milesukie. Tbiedo , EandrAty Car, Dunkirk an d ‘, for erenitny train_qfxre fir Colornbue. Xenia. sal • r.rimatt. ELARKL, PARRS A CV-, y.k.r.11. Eommttra. Pa. • W. 11.. M0011117.A.D, Orne• under Et Clitrlps G. It. UAIMON. "11"' cadet Nan IL~, Hook art earaer,of A=lll2tld wnd Water Pr1474511t0 iltiM 1851. UNION LINE . On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. PROPRIETORS: d CLAT.L7., PAILS ,t.. toenurre, Pe. CHANIB=LIN, CILIMEOND . ACO.,....LIsseLenn. Q, TKIS well. known Lille is now prepared to was freight and peranegers from P/ITSBURODI Otheo any rant or. the Canal enlLaßea.••• 1 he funnies of Lice ere nottnnaireil Amu:ad:Gl:lW. DA and reranitr et Beata, ermitsra of Centeine. end d i' rot atv.4, o fPitt:har and Clereand I, connect:on with • Lim f L a o betereenlM FUR 011 and DEAVER, and • in of fro dangles:nal:Os raageller eref 'ewes) on the Lakes. CONSIGNEES: Farts &Co., YonnEstonn, Al. D. Tesler. Worm, 04 0. A. a. N. Clark, Newton FICIAC.: C. Prentisz. Ilseenne. Bra ten & Co., Enterani. 0 Reit, grime! a co., rrssafis. It. A. Oilier, Curahose tale, 0.; • Irterlet. Lee 0 Co., Aaron. 04 Henderson a Pettibone' Sooduelrf Or, 0.; Peckham & Sea:, Tnlaiolo.: 0. KIM= Co.,Dentl hliehigen: • Done an a Co. Milerentie, ITis.; Ii eo. A. oil,be & Co., arms% Ill,; 'om. Hale, Map. 111. JOIN A. CAUOILEE, Amt, eh: ear. Water and Exalthtreld et o, PAnoburgA Brandies, Wines, &c G completed arrangements with LI AVIN in Bordeaux and other European Olin', t w o ILe eirentlau of toy order, 1 Loa lino t i e oder to 1 , AL., St email advance over bnportatton cost, IRAN- I, LES, kn. and Lit/rolls, or tae taunt dractintione iron under nernme. house A.:, &tired. Attention fir Invited my Net eu being: 110 pslikarna Cogran Ltontelts, o4 artftenello Bralallos, idea .4 ' P lL. i s rate gold. and bi.ownSbarrna; . %aimed am o rr. , 1 dr. make Madeira', of every grade. • Irv.` . Port Who.. partrary old and anparLu. 3 , 01 baskets Sparkling Chansmgne, w.. 11 known brands. :en beam lilarrt lint.% runt,. /wands and rintaaes. 041 eas. Sauterne and Sulu, •intages Ib4B-7. . . 45 cask. Sauterne and Claret Wine 15 pipe. Old Holland and SehuydansOla IU Dun Leon. Old Stanch an i d Deg, Whiskey. • 4 .• bowline (lid ainalca husk no cut. superior London Inothlitout ant Scotch AL.. With • constant supPiP of4ultswteel Liquor., Witch S A Coquille, Slaruelhas , Cnranak Annisette. Cherrl &W dr Larne stock of HAVANA SI:GARS always on WWI AU of which I will offer oh very firowaLle term. Orders will b. executed with desinsteh. aut o = shlPPdal al lowest rates. Die linparter and Dealer, n Walnut Street. spilhiseraindkPl Phdadelphisk - ULES ILAUEL'S SHAVING CREAK— ex When LP the man who does not aopreciate the luma7 may Maud It my there be, re do not .dd,o aa mar St ITC) LO the.. But to all Ahem we my, If 'you with t• Alemum.. • ohm., ffarchme • box of Juke Hamra ditnnad Pistachio, or Ambrosial rhatlng Cream It le gar lo G.l med. to &mite the feelings of • perms—who has 1.4.3 100.1 to !Miring with ordinary...l.y yon nuking trial of ltd. for the first time. It I. a eom y j. ZiatiOn of wonder adult meow and of Rums. 11.1.' 'S 811111.101 CREAM ls useedltagln. emolleent, rendering the stiffest and moat Wirr heard sots sad plied!, producing an esimlrable Lather. sad tor tre m. nemely mod tutore adoring the lust:Mow and brommag that Implement and rtiff ruling of the skla :reach b uffen ...perfumed after diming. eentlemeu ...lug Jules lime'. Shull. Crepe, may P. the teldwg 'and metylereing winds Immue e t e ly g a g e . g um without Mr Mint w•sedng Mapped. :,yd thme toit, we eau safely my, will 1.141. roe ao7 Mbar. Um great adranttge—whleh will ba sff pedalty appncle. tsd „ those who wear whiskers—la the fort Matta willow* the baud, which met eave W r aldo s atelart armee rosty appearance to the ellife et Like WM4.4 Jobe t iled 000 ommoanded with 01111, to the utff e r tulaywotallartlem ea/rotated to rendre the operation of sharing to=lasit. ~n g will he emulated by all who maks WU of Pres.nd FlA:uEL.Pcfamei sad CE®le, Cheroot Meet, 14.Usdalphia. For tea, wholesale gsal rote]. trr /thus. cg and B. E. &firm I%n:shore. am John WPM. aa6 , Rebel. MUM,. r Cliff S.GAR -197 hhds. prime N. 0, for sal by RP= JAIL L.B A. lICTCILISON CO. EMP-47 bales prime ll6w Rotted, mul.jstet :Ted awl Lyr sale by sg.2JAMLB d . titlynasoN t CO. . _ C — OFFEE—TO — btxx , i'me Rio, for sale , Co b? ay.= j A. ERITC/lISON ICE-10 casks prime, for ago by , .e 23 - JAMES A. ratERAOR CM TAR ct ROSIN-25 bbls. N. C. Tar, 25 :Ca 2 amino An Ws ar ap'M SAItZI3 A.. MTICECSON a CO. 1 HAD .£ SHOT-400 e' c Li Galena Lea dertd; . asect tbri 1- I.= JANE Sh. 11180$ CO. ••tei S. . t 'e • rib • r fan 6.0nb,..1 of the =rescue vaUtl... InebuUlle r".7 " P "'',iiriPara Luanne= gon. - A Largo and substanti Wa al two .horse wagon z 1 woo rain, far ale on favrrabla Lam - C: ARTICTEISOT. apn ' • .66 Wood Street "TOBACCO -1411 torn fa and Is. Job= L LAMY - brand; , 26 - 66, rutrutta braze: 6,, /larders 38, L. Lerty, Warwick k Ohre. briDd: Robert Mortis • 40 " fa, T. T. Edward' - 18 " 6a, A. JaArou 8 " Ba, P. L. Dudley's, Trutt :we'd on oturtptwatut front Itlehusea4 andlentabbityg tuantzfareurer., atat for ale by , L. S. D'ATEIIYLL'i•WiSp, mar 60 and 81 Water, and C 2 PronB at- OATS -100 bu. for ealo by , een &pa +• &e:O.v AIERATUS--200 boxes (D. ' n pa : pen) for Ws be at= AD AIXELLa CM. RIED APPLES-, _q2-1 -20 ba for sale XBENCH FLOWERS ! -A. Mum. Co. have pat received per ear/era-100 dos. of (la French Flyers. pLACKWOOD'S bLAGAZLNE, for April; nail Llttelre Living Aga, reed at ROLM= %W . , /*Dot. Thi.4 oppovite thp Putt Oace. YE FLOUR—,7 bbls. for sale b 012 ROBIEON, LITTLE CO nUTTER-25 kegs fur side by Jup arv. • 110111E0N, /TITLE k CO. - - - F RIIIT--500 bu. Dried Peaches; - - aSt: LB/ P.raftealgO. f UTS-3u bu. for sale • +d1"• ;.RuBISON . LITTLE a CO- PIG IRON-250 tons for sate by Br= ROBISON, 1.117.1 S lc CO, BACON—}S,OOOI6s. thms and Sbcn*ders. for anlig , tsoN. LITTLE „irco. FLOUR -15u Mls. sup. Family, far sole by aptisoN. 'atm E a co. SUCKWHEAT FLOUR-1000 tbs:for sale 4.27 EAULSON, Lintz t CO. bones SuT.t . r.er s D i i . pxcl; " 71.1 r nZ,ut/ o. Ohio and Va: Leaf, J..s. DILWORTH & CO. ==a STEER'S OPODELDOC---_6lrossimeriur, for ado by 3 N. "....'N33 • orn.l -- Wood end Stab streets. WAX-1 case sup., for sale by WICZERSII4II. _ _ V bble. for sale by v,) S.F. VON BONNIZOROT 400. D AKES.-50 doz. Hat Rakes, for wile by ap27._ E. P. TV:JIM:MOROI & CO. .L.ASS—S.OO boxes Window. ans'd, for sale by ap.o B. Y. VON ISONITROAST CO. SUNDRIES--Cheese; 7.10 bn. Dried Anra; 604 bxs. Glam. lieZentan t rpm """\ . hterC.brzad •• ~111reatTE.VP'4 ('!ASS ... ptfes Ama&d,cl3,l - RESS LAWNS-4 cnaes prictted, a great rinr. Cr Paiteral far I tan ar22G ARIIICTILVOT. HERAGE DE LAINS-2 rases deairabls DG C, Cr set C. ARBrITMOT.. /! 3 15 . ? ? 3:2-30 . 1a Bazule c t : 250 C:tr.&? COTTON --5 bales ea Steamer Chum; dt do Rag Pat to ma and fa ale try Milan DICIKEY 00,_ at. al= wen sad ?rent, EL .SUNDRIES—' 6ra-14 - 1 Lard. 5 Fagg Dl7 Alprlc, , • • 1 do do .r.Norbos. 1 do do do retied. i do Is W rer s 4. 0 lo en. _. 1 do aturtz,nor Itoodlot•frompo, Coatorioarro.2. and tor coJe by apt' 'SALMI DICKEY & CO,: SWR-59 Ude. prime N. 0., for sale br JAIL DAUM.. ea Vat= st. MOLASSES -20 bf. Lbl. S. IL, for toskbr nel SALS. DALL'LPI.L, 6 3 Waters:. AM& essts Eras & Swift's S. 0., far Pi/ 1.7 apl.l B.* W. lIARBAUOR. BACON--Sides, Shoulder's; and Haas, th We by & R. IZARILMIL TtIED APPLES—Su mire received - ea ap2l 8 AI". HABBAZOIL RIED PEACHES-75 sacks recd W. br ♦p2l & *Nr.- HassAvoN. 11)-2-1 kegs No. 1; for sale b • soa s. sr.:goyim*. 7NS-6µyiLp for sge mot • 1 1. 1 . 3 MEL`P.8EIB1FLit. • , A . Cr --5000 , lbs. lisAirtibimt.d. DRID APPLES-34.41fsttil HIED PEACHES _4300 lat. for silo by 841.111314. AUNT=