The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 28, 1851, Image 3

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    -- -- • HOME-IVIATTERS
Ll•tof—JelinylLind left l'ittabaret ce
Satarday . ro9noing, on hoard the stetuner Adam
tir—' We regret to learn that through the anxiety
of those permute who were tntable to obtain ad
mittance n, the concert, to nee the fair. socffween_
the coffered come incontenienon .baring be en .
detained, cuing to her fear of the crowd, in tbe
concert room, until' nearly twelve o'clock. She
was then taken down the back staircase
by a dmymnn of this city named Heating, and a
plank forced off a fence, through which aperture
gut was taken by her protector Into a yard, and
thence to Virgin Alloy.
They then went up to Smithfield Street, down
which they were proceeding, when has Lind
spin 'taw the crowd, and Mr. Heating, at her
solicitation took her back to Virgin alley, up
• ar ida t h e y pro'ccealed to 'Cherry-alley, and go
ing down it, rieched a cross street, up which
they went Grant--down Grant to Water 1
Street; : +d !benne to the Monongahela House.
The rumor which was circulated, relative to
the windows in the back part of the Masonic
Hall baring. been 'broken with bricks, during the
'concert, Is incorrect.
• ,
TABLE or DISTASOES.—TO are indebted to
MA. L. Y. Clark for a'very useful "table of die
t,. tanees on the 'Ohio and Missile,' ippl. Hirers, and
Navigable tributaries," which must become
most indispensable to all persons in any way
connected with the navigation, of the Western
`it is the most complete work of
the kind ever ;published. It wan uompiled
math Care and trouble, and the information
embarked in it, has been collected atom con
documents,and other reliable sour
- 'eute. One should be bang up for reference in
the counting room ofevery business man, and
,seeill halls of steamboats should beprovided
with them. Row many'llresome, and provoking
questions would one of them save the pilots and
other officers of steamers St 'All who . have ever
travelled on theM, know the endless interroga
tat* put - to the4facers regarding the diatan4
feOm onifplace to-atother!. A glance at this bla
"void satisfy the most inquisitive. From
the hetid waters of the Allegheny and Mononga-
I hula tire's to the Mississippi—from the sources
of the Missouri end the "Father of Waters," to
the Guiroflifesico, the distances are correctly
kid down, and can readily be found.
The table is elegantly printed an fine paper
sad u lien adapted forframiog.
FINII COCUILIEIt.4.—ITO' saw the other day
comer remarkably fine: encumbers, seven and
eight inches long, and this novelty In the market
st this early 'season, led - UM to inquire who Was
the toicoessful:Mutiratoi, when we foundthat
they came from the ' garden of Cleo. Lammas,
Who seems to succeed well in everything he un
dertakes. "May„his shadow never the less!"
Rio gardenels' name- is' Mi. Mines, and if all
his vegetables areas fine and as early maids en
cumbers, he is a cultivator worth having.
Tuc CIIIMINA Cocer.—The session of the
criralial court will probably be finished during
the present aieelc.
A uoon ILD}M...--4 Yankee is now In this city,
ibr sharpening knives.—
On Saturdsy, instead of,' as the!rszor strop man'
Ina 'in the: habit Of • dab& gathering crowds
around him to the obstruction of the public thor
oughfaree,hecollected his audience on a vacant
lot in Third streetouzd commenced descanting
on the naiziriief his wares. This is the proper
method., No'person ehoidd be allowed to choke
. np the streets to the annoyance of our citizens.
SATT.TDAT, April 26
Before the Menorahle Ilopewell Hepbttra
. Cochran, for use es. Alfred Corkin:is Admin
• istitarix=No. '4l7,.•April Term, 1810. Sri. Fe.
' , Ori motion of A. IS! Poster, judgment nisi, no of
the 29th of ]lay,. 1810, cud judgment absolute
'in default of oppesoanco and affidalit of defence.
Be'san, Todd A-Co. O. Gregg. No. 162,
grareinber Term, 1847. On motion of C. 0.
Maoists, Attorney for defendant—ride to show
Amuse why the verdict Amid not be set aside,
.soda now : trial grante4l. • Beckon filed.
Hohneect 01. en.' Woods. Er. Attach., 141—
:30y, 'thi Motion of S. H. Geyer, the
c m ,,,M. order judgMent aptitist the defendant, for
.th e ..,Nouat admitted to be in the hands of the
gsvg i b e t.t. by his 0.0.1re111, 110tWithnittalg , the.
PUS . of al/.Oa toi e , : and aleo judgment ngellett
Conned ••• •
Th • •
e eere of Quarter " 31" ' , met on Balr:
but'no , businces 'or bnn ert ` Inter"' "a
Jrnons.—The jurors-who were .4152"3ed on
Friday last, will be in, attendance, am . ng
adjournment, at 10 o'clock to-day.. Th 7, we ek
will probably conclude 'their lnbois in Court.
'easy'-Coeur.:—;Tbe Orphsee Court woo in
sessionin Satnri grand tbe usual routine of
business transacted:
DIVOHCZS.—Then Wen e 0 len than three ap-
V ications for
.111ioreei,..made to the Coati on
Fps.—The alarm of Ere at an early hour
yesterday morning, was owing to the burning of
s sisal two story. twist; house inthe Fifth Ward,
toter the WaterWoiki
.130LOM OTTIL.--1.0.3 honor, Mayor Guthrie, TX
smiiked. the paitiet on Saturday, who are =n
utria participating in the riot on the Chattier!
coal 'railroad, in Which Mr. Joner, the principal
enirinetric, wee tererely injured,, and hound
,them orcr,for their "appearance at the next term
of .the Criminal Court. We forbear from all
comments Until the trial takce place.
Lantrarr..--Polies Officer Fox. on Friday arrest
ts.oerratin named Theodore Lowrison, who is
acepaed:ort oath
. of - Adolphe £ der of stea li ng a
slim witch from him. Lotumson was stopping at
the '.time'lit the public house •of Zr.l Ithinebart
.in Third Street, and the watch was found in his
trtmlf- lie was finally committed for trial by
Major Guthrie,. on Saturday. •
New Music!
AI . .FRESH supply, of the ALrutr. tie SING .
lA, inTotrre'ogal""'n. alrleou'reael"ofittei'
kw the oultleancn of the ettina and Ate lanorovw
iW r vanind notatkah by . ltto. Ltnaltetel.
varlet: teleallon of new odd faahkozeble
amp, 307 7nW e ft.
sig. g it the Golden Harp.
. _
• NEW 800 NE! NEW 80018
etssehOPpculte the Past M.: —
caves Lady's Book. for X 137• -
`r,tlrdisett's •
Zadire ••
Wu , Critantlarlabere ben • uovel by U. P. U. .14.11..,
Dlntloars7 of Airelataku,lCo.M; .
11Ekrl,Yrn7Te,iloAil. r"'•
isetheiTio. •Ilete• • _
Raw Ix or it, Autoblograpby of Minister's
Dmiatir. -
nose la aartim.s TAU' fur Mothers zed Ilstothtersi by
Matber•s Piers'aneheet be Grace Aguilar.
Itiobaat or or the - White Rose of Ma d.
• The I.llgAri wy AA...trim...l P. Meru, T the author
af "Laurie Told: . •
Tans Itserout and Tbrai Madden Aurae.
Pal. Paso . bill. 11 • M.
t Naomi., in
UM.* ha 'Stand*: oy outiolusion of the iron Mork.
fissateld Matls lliktorVal haohthee—ourithlae .
• The Veer/irk Secesll.4ei DI Death rarleed. l. •
The gickle`tr , tot t .,.. 4 . 5.i 5s p=ay TbsekatUT.
' TAT Peablossorn:s I.l2ustroted by DarlY.
Student; aa.Jo
BeAlt 'a Marrero. Nardi •• 11 lit
ItereerieS of au Old Melt urinate hi o Taltail
'Orgon .2.4 Californi.
o.l.temeres Lthusisr, 4)..unt D•dr•ear
Lathe fitivoitte Toilet Pe.k. • • •
Layslesrio the Soda - Aar—the y Pi:o4--b?
Borow; author of th e elllblein Peal' if .I•
Cruising la the Lail W.. by C. 4. PittegreMPLet.
ifieeory of Ponder :as. 14 Tbsokarey —complete.
Wolin.. of Bruusuielz Reynold. spill
IICIUTTgIi;--21.1 crocks and jars, for sale by
.11a J. Di WILLIAMS t CO.
CLOTHES PINS-31 boxes for sale by
- -
rrieCo--S kegs No. 1 Twii,t, G oc k,. e
1ro.!. mvi , iog
apl DALth.LL, .t,
MANNERS' 011,-15 bbls. (to arrive) fo
Wet. ntal J. HMO It CO.
rruKKEY WiLlll3l,-10 00 lbs. (to arrive
[DT ...I. by +1,12 K° a co.
5k...). NA-TA) lbs. (to a rrly
gin fo,C: • J. JUDD
EXT. LOGIVOOI3-2000 lbs. 0.3 arrive) f
wile by ^e'_ J. KDD-AGO.
a..HAIVLS S; DRESS GOODS -4 5 eartods
of tho most insllLoottble saLawls. now opening at d.
0:t CO'. AL,. cs.s.• rber slyto bs LAW.. bre
' WtSPOSilDts Cambric , and .laonettold
IC-6 brg< Ror'd. for rale by
......-11---____,.... _ _ _
- - . Morris' Celebrated Teas. I
E BEST IN PITTSBURGH, in the Ilia'Tivoe, ed. door (me. Plesinta slieT• .
b _' _ _
Essellect Emily 1the....------------ 111. - 11.-
rethetr the same i17;61 of 01;a2res thsters k .7
th is 016 txmatry at 4 net be. 11 I:ll,'ssd we NC dail . st
e stabtletaerst sit tri and 76 , --11 11. The..
Teat.. be °Waimea wan, ether Wee IS Pith6l6loo'
OOAP-3110116 , ! , i , ? l P" ed
=Us EtesmOli” fa , for rale bE i so
N 0.116 lirsurstralt.
ii[llPlsl) APPLES -7 b bu. for wilelui
sat .., i.. .:. . ,p. , ~ WI 1111,.°P,1t,
- - , The Haman 801 l Must Perspire,
if SAYS NATURE. to have a healthy ap
po.rattiw' and retranue who 4o out 'perspire. am liable
in meet disgusting. to Vixen, Nov. Jeanie Italian
etweakal Hoag
a free paninisatka t and at the oulllr
um. mama. and ...tun, the ekin.iirivinti It Ow .- 44 ."
' of an luntatNi.
Scurvy, l.balt Rheum. and Form, are not only healed. bat
etirld by Its ant am at beet 7 thrideition in N. York key,
Who use It in such cue, and lied It unfailing—as elm. In
kuujika. Blotch., Freak.. wear other akin illicaae. The
Rader Is soared that Rib Ii• no twiny. putt,' nootriun. wo
one trial will ware. I weld enumerate at tart mithir
pentium cured of tarn head, sore sego and ewe bard.
Dar 11.—ard the reader la again muurwl I Irtmll act pry.
lili b a o. all tfr.bfif the
are atr t = I kne k w ., A;ri c te . ; , ll 1
aeon. ' lll find this not only • cunt bit a itma;attlet tial I ran
Rine only add, that LLI, oat tanned with any o f the sieve.
et Atoll. Menem, will rind Mb all. and owe mom ialme
ratite In Iterroyertier/ than I .data.
ii.6 4 Tr ß ;u d re .r sTt to, if ' l4% . l " tal f ialTh d wi l=i—tiri * n
bay It catty of Vt - 'll k . JACKeON. Pally amint in Pirmienah.
of ood.
I Pearly 'White Teeth, and Pure Breath. to
to had far 25 mail.—Pawn.. who hare eithpr, an Lenora.
ba h auarra thanif their breath Is ever en -taut or their
, decayed. dark or yellow. and encrypted ,a nd. Wt.
that it 75 mat box of Joins' Amber Tenth Pub will make
the teeth to white minnow, and the breath odoribincialy
g in &ay at JAC/WONT Ron. 240 Liberty et. bed of
7f ad.
• A Scientific Hair Tonic, Reetorer and Beau
ler—Trlal Bottle, 37Iaincite Maw who have wed
Zane Oral Hale Reatomr. know lb excellent oimlltiow
Ride; who have not. we meant it to paeans the following
tittalltlen—it wtfl force the hair thyme on any yartwhere
raintended hair til prow: ihrg ii. Yelling ail; vutnevnri
trofft and make light. red, or par Mr gene dart.
er ream:nu the hair aoft and silky, nothing mn exceed
thle-41 maw It truly beautiful , and keep. it to. It it. he
deed. the most econtextical—yet nimicrior—orticie for the
I s.
only .t M. JACKSON'S Um% 210 lactlY =met
head of Woad, Pittahurgh.
lwiltes--M.15 cents, 50 cents. and IR.
JONES' Solution of Jet,', a Liquid Human
Date Dye, for the dancing of eindte. ed, or pity heir, to a
heanUfni brown, in black jet color, in a few minutes.
Pylees-60erenta, and $l.
Suld by WM. JACKPON,NO Liberrystmet. head of Wood,
trararghr •
JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Ladies are Cap-
Wel.* usftg, the =man prepared Chalk. Th.
not unto how hightfully injurinus It Is to the Write
mane, haw tough, how sallow, yell..and unhoulthy
skin appears. after 1.. preparedChalki ll.ides, Mr
Winto; containing • large quanta, of lesdi
We ...raw. • bwintifni rekreableartiele,whieb we
Jan. pant. Lilly White.
It is perfectly I.ceent. being milled of al deleted°.
ry.lniew and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, ak
m ater, dear, Del. whites at the name time acting am cos.
Metie on the akin, making It soft •114 smooth.
iiSold hp the Anent, WM. JACKIRL'i, !Do U.., nrg,,,,
twd 4 Ward. Pittsburgh. Prim. Zto cents.
• 64awirgl •
4 , M FARMS, worth over $8,500,
and 4.400 LUI S, to be didwahnted among
- ... Saketihress-Ib sarmly the demand bar
Lott and Panne at llermattedille;/ ham Mid oat '
Ottother tang, aAMlning the Lamlialand Railroad au t a
Mad already Ald at lienn.nville to be of the same Mae,
kod dialoged of ad divided among the purcbasete In the
Tre matter ao goose recently Fold them
im., boon Induced to do this from the greet number
CI MAW whiling to purchase those Lots and Farnot, g
cue Improvements In th at part or the Island are co.tantly
1 imeetetthr. and large numbers, of perm, have now lee
opeat luterettUal In thew lands Thle additional Mart is in
every respect pug to the other. aml at the rate they
abortmow being taken they will all le sold In • • tee weeks.
About .500 abates are now subaeriled.
I Each subariber to entitled tot Lou. 'Si by 100 Leh lying
thither, or a PARR of from .1 to Mt scree. Th eabasee are
limbed at t2.5.-payable. $5 when .beeribed for. IS on or
tat re the day of diatfibution..d the balaisee in monthly
ibenalMenta of sa. If desired. • Warrantee Deed will be
made out immediately after the distribution, and delivered
EILr aft.. v•ring the t.t....
rg to an. tuated in the Village of 118104ANN
LE, . th e L ong Island Railroad, County of Suffolk,
150 mil. nom the sty of New York, and adiedna Lake
land. alto • new village recently laid out, where hand
o..bullgtme are erected.
It I .
of the.begthiest plane In the United Stat.. and
a one tulle of Ronkonkoma Labe, • botittiful
of water, about three milee lueireurgentuce, or singular
MfTt r : u v r iliar d br hot 1 0 gall ' el ' dlatiiTg i g n it ' s " r ' etV,
South Ray, toga it dm miles wide and 40 mil. tone
• ekkol.tlY singled with oyaters, clams, and fah of •me
Tb"collt=catnasPasltind..wlrXisbfigrroll'ePeftl6,e the . E .
ti , l beer kork_
^Loved Istaten Warsv—At the annual meeting of the
. saw
Sock Agricultural Satiety, held at A n= the
talledifolk i _ eu . a'r uctty ‘ stand! pee
bee on
loss M--.
wheat 11r. Som.SL Thomism. of retaultet,ree
ie4eivtVWse ma t hl,
of $l5, Ar Wilder Wheat, 42
bualtele one peek Co the Ave II r. Thompeotre when, Is of
a Variety *bleb ILA 11.11 imbed but • few years en she b..
land. end the yield pence, It well adopted to the *Olt, 14,
. ~.. tr4v.r.d. ..7 altlet tf , rug blood are beginning
t Valout el ;ti actile ' s ' fn . . Mb laud ill n
et ish and le no biter by nano' than these land:a w'ef
filed forage. T
bard la anew rudely. of ruisnior u klnd,
end woe Add for bard wheel at $5 per bushel. stul 31r
Thompeen remised Ibr the product of a little more than tee
WeTe be. raised dodo the paid :the v eer
It*of Corn " rotatory 1.50 Juliet pe pi.. 6,
• satiety of garden regetables on IL none th e Long
.d Railroad. at Lake Road. or Laketand. where a Pon
Milt. h r T = - 1111 . 1`Kirnt P;f 1 1:1'41,147.
a ll t ri . llll.. t /WO paw beano , onions , atimmues, pumpkins,
tn. following it Prom the New Vork Fanner and It.
rUnie of lierember att,, gid s was wriliMu by lir. Star,
the ed it or, who gaited the hugs The whoa. potatoes,
arldstote. refernal to In the article, were raised so Loa,
ill.bol, Dear ilf210•170111110 01•1100:
rli••1.0$ • Pre house' leisure during the teet week, we
wire conveyed weer the Loos bland Itallrool, to • Perk, ;1• of th e country, about fifty miles from New leek,
h w• And to be capable of very successful arel profits
bye enltiratlem Although late in the Aeons and Mewed
aer tome diaedrantage, we were surprised at tbe quali
ty, a nd abundanre of the empe which het been salami
folm a port s <tithe 11.1. or oho the whaler ,ope. which
•IlPeared unusually (stymieing. Wheat. which bad been
butte or the weeks, presented a beaunful ap pose.
, awed vial* Magee, been, awl other vegetables n yet
lintlinoted ihr tonWr use would compare edva.noesosair
with the been in the Ye . York Market Potatoes. already
Ini,ths cellar were reel fine, wi th out a resign of dieease.
'add corn stamling in Ow field was not co by maw
wen. on /ands ealitedlt more than toe Lauded dollars
lAir awe. ltgleed. the Yegetables whlchateeired the Nes
Egon atthe Suffolk county Pah', wen. raised from •• Poe
tidy of Ride ground skied /ad not tern cult:ruled Als
Wage. Altogether en were very favorably kmteeteed
lei bear visit to geese lands, now eo bearishly ortored to
lb • publics at prierswhich eonnot fell 10 double In • few
yes,, and we world lnvite th e attention of theme who do'
sire • cheap and eligible WI. 10 this leseatkot.'
Ihirmannville station is located on the herder. of the
• /land Ralional.whance cars rsltio 4,,,, 0
m' wskijllllideeNlitittkili p f
- . rated and namable, Laingbeen egged forme.
a • • • deed Awl Arty veers, and where wail. Grel ogre.
from 060 t 9 intr. .9,
fitl: i a - " • , 7.4
b 0 r the ea} as Ithresented. and as mod veal'
frrgaL4h..g.......1.....t when connected, will produce
Tee Loyd bbb caw Othelly trootthed: more baritone are
nth covered with • thifty th,eth of youth,
tit [ ' Attn...LlL " r ks l r. cdt l eir all njli ttr i' r,
en tthle te be cut Into cordwood; for tit, neer loth " to
krt.. le el unth.din vice, and has, for a great moor Tram.
alwaye considered a melt article an the Island
are is materLal on the hod tar actuman torming—grod
ot rails can be had within& few miles of
in abunance. All building warned ram be had . the
d af
and Utheripwl, and at many tntenne
=ahem, at the anal market prime. Them Ittft 114
IL StrIMIOn of water tilsi. in MOM 0.11 , Ithds. sad
i r nA , l i tr4 ; that Ert , h Hal, NO . r r e y roarkt , le
trt. eery ICtle change in them. they are ollbilin e. g. and
Lls are ar ..i.thl 4.010.--Prothbl, Y. tn }hese new
74 ,,,,, „:, tz ....{ddh. r.g.t..n of the bland, the • ,•
d p liw ai b e ,,,:it feet; at Tiermanoille, as the Wl,ollil
.. t.... the,. 30.1x1. Sulam:them an not compell.l
to Indict s •
mt...,,,,,, } d,..d o e pad rthralsWithin two or thee.
.:,,,, „ Lw; d , r iLraln lionfmtile.factotie
nUT . " trul h Ali Tro'gwrthot oT le of rattl el ' ot t nty
,Loe, =re on being • bight y - 5320. 1,0 t. ,1 )... 0 00 ,
people. All of m! eutthrbere ath Pen". of row.-
Trlind ma be YOO7 CLOY cleared, And the cost of sat.
•Imaent , willdepthd Minna entirely ape the miller booth
lay out so much or Le little so he chooses. Ido not Ithow
of thy oSiodUnt to the place or to the Mod bor 0 veld,
ninth amt the name labor and indrunry which math sue
<meal and ptorturous tettlerneute in other tam of the
oboddry, thetowed upon there land, cannot fail to moos
d i the favorable null.
The climate It in every particular healthy }al pleaterd
-,-I.lth roads ore good. nod
s hoel potable at all pl
en a
cif the year--the winters are hort and mild, compared to
t irgrx on the mail t; , the north of
alp& rce kits..
0.040 on
i riL . MU4biTlr"'rjgrittet W o b t ' ll ' ere 4i t= ' l7}: a f ' ll h le ,
l- AD
on ' t m on r g r Istand=rcr is there coy
Isom wirt—blier ' s is 00 wet °tooth land no the
=AD Use land Mang the margi:of the stream ,
r - Made highly vtlthble at • .mallcoat. for ere! i.
;ATP ttr.4 .v . L " " r "' AZ freshet, I"'"` : ''' " '''''
til‘h 55 e'en. thro:o eit . rTithif so r e b1 0. 1:1 0 ge. or the Dr . ..12. ' 4i
tif • rani-duo, eriagreat a..:,,,n.,..,=4,1m1.1
fowls of them . variety.
The land is now thing th.eyed, arth the lots and farm.
tooth DI as designate each lot and farm as hod
an theap, thereby reel. thLactitrethith . L o iaf
00 Thi r "V . .b l ::::=Tran..n r d " . ll7, ...ur i
T mgt.
'''." l ' r :1 Try,Thi d rln u' ig b eltnt d Ctlr c r l 4,``,,::
It h o e. bent foretl .sac
to autwer them In that.
Air /Ay r a g I . l . l4B i, WO r gi a r s t i y . t.T . /Ig r Zo/u,A r t.....r.1x.
t.: hy return of math Ile will elm yrrattntanety i'd7
. 'cash =pa and pan:lolo.a of the promar gr d ly . -. 4:11 chnothilr
glee ''''''
ca" C i lltalr 41 - trOD. 117 Jaho_therit. N Y.
1 Moo damn} to en that I hare good FAIIstII.I"LANDS
west of my Yilbrge Late. which I will 'ell In 6 acre lots
cm upward. at. tram CAI to 560 per acre. Thaw 1.04. are
' Gtlli i kriu= l ,llZ= iTgrZitfTa
siTliy :t i tan
,'"ittnielandd,72lh"lral the
tlial i ..htb: g ettr:
Tioltaty of WI a; old .1100 m, .11 ..0.1 , 0..0. of ..ii le.
land sells for ASO to 6210 prr sthe.
I 0 aUt elegy'd aiml aZ . Oc t . ° 11 =111.,V• t tf r A t b t e icTlV:r
Institute, gam. dot He tt V: o ' 3l 5021013, publtds
er Fulton et. N Y; D I Hamm, Keg. aide of the American
A} Wnitorriet., 151 . Watera. N lt; 12. E Y Peck, alo Flare
erDrooklyni Alden 5 51. 0 71 3 T...l zi ti wri t % T x
e="bb."yhb;°l'.47tl.l: 0411 . thie. Iraiithen !into.
. !the Naming Ftar, othosot et, earn.. Ann cr; N. 1: 0
16... inatlthth Boat., Ibuth Liberty Gilbert, lir
Boardnith horildipf.TEm N D , L; Th0 . .7 Klorrosn.istc&thor
L7r"""'" D 4 ' Y• 1.: 0 17' J OO " I ' ' I rear) " 1,
..... 111 vc.., A. • . . . Imgen. r. — et
Sci no...k.J. 71 Lathy tt,6l 1; I• B Palmer, Fbiladelidth
and Iththu. aplitdaer.
SALMON --30 bbl.. and bf. bbls. No. I, for
by spit JOII7I WATT * CO.
HERRING -10 bble. No.l (now) form e
apt 6 BORIS WOE k
SIIAD-10bile. No. ew) for sale by
• o. 116 Water/I.meg
6 1-1 cts. to
AP 111 PA Weal 0.
SNAKE ROOT-400 lbs. (Seneca) "' for Bail
bylb IL E. BELLER& Ord rt
No. 1 Rosin;
A' _ro t
OAp-110 tK'r
osuntt fbr sals by
AD. VALERIAN2SO lbs. for solo by
.112 F 3, LT %rued o.
ALABRIA LIQIJORICT..--1 case for sale
IIINK ROOT-200 lbs tornalo by - •
FENNEL SEED-9.3 lbs. ree'd ß. and for sal
VOTT N--4 . 2. bales ROW ridingld from btr.
;or min biT W
_ &DM surt sod Fruul
_ .
- _ .....
IROIThiDNUTS-20 sacks, in store, for
Ifi salo b" Ds ISAIAH DICKEY At CO.
--- - - -
11tALL PAPER—Just rec'd, anotherlarge
lot of EFatera Paver, of be.O.KY/ P•tt. 1
r---.P"':ar ;tr.- di— , b011 ,, --.°
s. DA LADE , 60
CASTILE SOAP -31: . tir!• - k . r_ i s k ala t tl oo,
reielved and kw We by
apIG I. SLlloo!;3lkra.R k CO
130WDER OF (ANGER-4 bi.e. reed and
J_ Lrr ula Lr ' It. K SELLERS,
!in. 5T Yl and .t.
FLOUR -100 bble. recd and for sale by
.pl 4 W. k P. WILSON, 147 Yrant. at
CARD.-4 Gave removed to my new Mon. I ,
(time , :ro b.k..1 tonflT Moon. the Rook of
tuhmih,.hen 1.91 ba glad to unto, ftiende nod lot.
ion dq r, and Meth* a than of then co nom. I vill
Imp ite Ontortmont of 14holstery, Ilednunt 11.4.
.... = M non= and Rusk ltatror
Ptlkorg Blanket,tiodte.
opontomonoeT,Goolltols; Window Midge, of entry var
14471 pfer 11014 sad every snide W.
nonellt *tont In the
mot istesstss altaidis of th• k Otgoll !egret
taxitritui as most pant
ll'Amtriorox, April '26
President Fillmore, under apprehension that a
military expedition is being fitted out in the
Itited States, with the intention of invading
Cuba. has issued a proclamation, warning -all
who than engage in such expedition, that they
will thereby subject themselves to theenvie:s.
penaltiei of the law against such offences, and
will forfeit their claim to the protection of this
Government, or any interference in their behalf
—no matter to what extremity they may be re
duced, in consequence of their illegal conduct
lie exhorts all good citizens to discountenance
and prevent by their influence such an enter
prise: and finally, calls upon the civil and all
other officers of the Government, to use every
effort in their power to bring to trialand punish
ment every such offender against the laws of the
CHARLESTON, (S. C.) April 24
The steamship Isabella, arrived at this port
yesterday, from Havana, via Fey West. All was
quiet in Havana, and in other parts of the
Island. There were no signs whatever of an in
vasion, though the authorities were on the alert,
and had the military in readiness to act prompt
ly upon the first alarm.
The Captain General is continuing his mesa
urea of reform, and rapidly gaining popularity.
Business was at a stand'at Havana, in come
queues of the Easter Holiday seasons.
Hon. Daniel Webster arrived. here this after
noon from New York; en route for Washington
PintAura.rmn, April 2G.
This morning, about three Mr. Clint.
Bowen, of Vaabington comity, Ohio, was rot,-
bed in his room at the Merchant's Hotel, of
$2300, consisting of $lOOO in bills on the bank
of Baltimore, two $5OO bills, and three of $lOO
on the Bank of Pennsylvania. The money was
taken from. the watch fob of his pantaloons
while he was asleep. The robbery was perpe
trated by a fellow-lodger, who has vuddeuly die.
A Treasury notice has been given, that the
awards for the Mexican Indemnity will be paid
in cash, otter the ltith of May, either to the
person in whose name the awards are made, or
to their attornies. No money is to be paid while
adverse claims are in litigation. The Union and
Trinity Land Company scrip will not be paid uo•
til the holders of said scrip establish their legal
WILIESBASIM, (PA ,I. April 26.
We bare just learned that en extensive tire
occurred at Honesdale last night. It broke out
near the hasin, and continued to burn through
out the night, reducing the principal part of the
town to ashes, and destroying property to the
value of nearly $200,000. When our informant
left, early this morning, the dames were not
quite subdued.
lk.rom, April
The reply of Daniel Webster to the imitation
of the Common Council to meet the citizens of
Boston in Faneuil Ball, was read before that
body lam evening. Ilesaya, after erpressing his
thanks for the kindness manifested towards him
—"I shall not have the pleasure. during my
present visit, of meeting the citizens of Boston"
He also nays, that what he has said to maintain
the Union, has not been done in a corner, nor
will he enter Fanellil hall until its gates be
thrown open wide—not with impetuous
grating harsh thunder—but with the harmonious
sound of golden binges. moving to let in freely
all men, of all parties true to the Union
April 26.
Flour—Tim market is quiet. and standard
brands are freely offered at $4.30, without Bod
ing purchasers. except in mull lots for city con
Grain—The demand for Bleat is limited, and ,
prices are lower. Sales of 0000 be good and
prime Penna. white at 103a104. Sales Odd be
rye at 70e. Com is dull, and prices have de. l'.-
cline& with sales 2000 buyellow at 63(ii , G:8; 11,. Mtarkiossi:rmhit :.= . 1,71.10 be. prime, for Utz
'far, afire ttLkgridociettruireitymt error? - bbl, 'll br - J. D. SILEIAMS & CO.,
eornar 11111 asAllNted streets.
for new western mess, and $l3 for prime. Bed
is unchanged. Bacon has been in fair demand, ;Xi GLA.....SES-45 bble.t9 arrive, for sale by
with sales of hams in salt at Ste, and of smoked •LI-.2_,_.-114 C111110311,111NCRAII.).
do at 9.l•Rlic ? lb. Sales of sides at 71-c, and , V 011 SALE—A good aceond bandPkokaa's
of shotaders at The ? lb. Sales '2.000 kegs old IC
~, , ;*sx's cavort ‘it J. KIDD CO,
nOW•rail et,
sad nevi lard at 11e.,01--tacist. holdem uow ask. 1 ~.,‘ , 2 L „...... _,
a .. l ; rr k ar.l .n i , i.S , _ .. lSATl, INS
_, itc..-- , A . - 4 .. ... 11 iM5:
ing o: 4 'E r r.loc ? lb, in bbis anti legs. ..i _ w.
Groceries—Coffee has been quiet, and priers „ - ti r ,, . 1 ,, p r ,,,,, g a,„:17,4,1,37,11:,r461 . 41, - ;r:
steady. Soles Laguyra and Rio at 101-(ii.l le - t , err/
lb. Sugar is in fair demand. and prices are 1 ACONETTS k CAMBRICS—A. A. ',Ba
llwin, with miles of Cuba, Porto Rico and N. Or- !!.. r: k C.; . tr!.. .10g i r c, ....1r. , / per comma thrze j awri•
leans at fil®6le; of Buena at tictefc, awl of _ _ _ ___ __
Bruil at itc ? lb.
Oils--Linsecd sells slowly at 79650 c ? gall. t
Winter Lard Oil is selling atl - 0(t)72o ? gall, on i eIiRANGES--lialf boxes. very superior, ant
Tobacco—The demand is limited for both leaf .
pEARL ASH-3I casiu, for sal e
. try
and manufactured, and prices are firm. • 'spl: J & RLA/111
Wool—Stocks are light, and the demand limit- i n.
ed, but prices are firm, at previous quotations. 4s;
—... i L
50011 REPORT. ACON-24 ' t pea. flame, Sides, and Show
Nm Your, April 26.
~..„ ~,,... t0 ,..„i, , or „ ~ o R . nori,
Flour—The market continues easy, under
IWOOL-3 sacks Common, for sale bt
heavy receipts and a moderate demand g v slat - Ja U. abate 4
Grain—Wheat is firm, the receipts being dim-
f r.A NS---.5 Gi l a. Small Whitt); for male by
ited. Corn is scarce and open , firmer, at 64! fie •
- ,pl 7 J t Ft. YttlYD
135 E for yellow. BROOMS -75 doz. Corn. for saleby
Provisions—Parkin steady and in fair demand„ sat;
_J _a a•
at 515,12 for new. and $l4 for old mess. Pick-
with t oles of hams ot 9g . it !ASS - Lk- - 100 Mata for sale by :
led meats are active, aple, J. S.CtIOONWARKR 03, at nad A
91c, and of shoulders at 7c 1 0 lb. Lard is firm, I 1 .."
at OW10; for bbla and key. Paper.
Linseed Oil is steady, at 77€676c. ! ILIIIIINTINiAIWRITING, and WRAPPING
Sugar—ls firm, with sales of Cuba, at OW!, ' a_ f , v 111,-- • wt!us3.!>e 26 Printing Pv*rt
fdsc r e lb. v. be
Whiskey—The market is dull, at .2.3ifi. 24r 1J , ft :: ri tj ' 14 2 , 241 T 22, 24 by 11. 15
gallon I by 41, L6l 0.6 . 49:
400 - Blue. Ihrtory Parer.
Emma It,oo WI.. Engle Cro” Etna Pati,
CINCINNATI MARKET. 400 .. nattily
70ti " Medium ,
:so ''. Medium sad 610gle 'Cross Ito
eigoINNATI. April 26. • The underOgned beer onottantly on band and far tat. ,
Flour—Thexe is a fair 440.. d• with '': 11 " of • 7.1%. ° V.7, I.l.o.ll:o l l V:ricrr: l3l, :ut
about 2000 bble, at $3,60 'i,a bbl. , gourds. tc., re.
Whiskey—Sales at 1749174 c lil gail. 1 . Alan--fe lli ng of .11 rive, for P.P.. tuannfactureri.
, Nino.; Purer mad. to order on mart notice.
Provisions—Sales of lot) bids mess pork, at , r.. .. LE.. BURR.
comer of Penn mid Irwin ,u
$l4. B6C01:1 is inactive. Lard is firm, sun ttic I , e
Is refused for prime in bbls. r Mil W lIITING-20
J. SCLIDONII bbls. for sal a Y
MEER fw.
Groceries—Sugar is firm, at 4E661, and Mo- 1
lasses at :141t611 3 4 . 1 j gall.
Linseed Oil—Sales 150 bids at 90c--now held
at 95c it gall.
Coffee is selling at 10letille ? lb.
. .
17 tj'
100 ton:Com. Cheer,
VI Pure Ealersluc
al DOD Dindlc
Linlnncl OR;
..200 bushels Dry DnprDc ,
bbl. B.C. Hutton Ilmic
• 100 doz. Dronnun
10 bbl. Roll 11101. Dr.
lu tdolz vczn apple.; In Corlapd
11L)KliATS:400 bu. Nealiannoek, for sa e
Al_ by splb ri. OW. lIA.H.BACCIII.
.11.)RIED PEACILES -- 50 hags for sale by
' s. d W. RAOBOOIII.
LII ERRING-100 bble. No. 1 Gibbed, for
IA rale by 8815 0a W. 11.1ftlIALti 11.
Ai, AOKEREL-50 bbls. No. 3 Large, for
.J..VJE. oal
.e by *Ob. 2. II 0. .LoRBAlliitf.
._. . . I
VIP OSIN-100 bblx. (coop makers') for sale
101 by 14816 0 0 0.11AR1101.1 11 1 1 .
VODFISH —2OOO lbs. for said by
X.,. apli S. 0 0. XIA.R.BAUII 11.
Lilil./-100 kegs fur scaleoplb
11011BAUG 11.
__ -------
Bio.-COFFEE--150 sacks
_prirne green, or
_La, tato by A. CULBERTSON a CO..
Ib' Liberty M.
FLOle-100 bbls.S.Ak'afzni,,,,,oq
FLOUR—A fresh supply of thy celebrated
Pulsed 31111 Floor, for for y 11.. , j11Nt reed and for
r eby scab A. CULBERTSON t CO.
ialitiA It LEAD—.I cask White for sale by
LI a`l6 J. scitoosmAKEn a co.
.ed fr
IN SRell OIL— le
13 casks, arisult.,.. for'
Lnalr hr , apPt J SCiIoONNIARIM a CO.
ITALIAN CII BSI NUTS—just rec'd at ltai
Lib..rty st. by WM A. dIeCLITRO a CO.
aplb On. . wad T. Dealer ,
4;qI.GS7-1.00 drums Smyrna Fibre;,
so tares Fat. Met. do. ; reccired aul
tue .le very to by I& 11. A. UcClA.ltti t Co.
P/E., 247 LarlLlar...
`ALAS 011—Beest Bordeaux Sweet Oil,
sj____4_7_____freeb,just reed and fur se,l v e,h i r
A. M. eCLURCI it CO.
ALIN'S (successor to E. Rousell) JENNY
WM> ItA.U. OLOPP—A New and valuable article
or dreesteg end smoothing the bale. and W Impart a beat.
taut *Petrel free Ss= kr0'" ,... ... WPo""i'
.05 • _ 111',?!,1.1.140i,C.7 V "rl2Oeet.
ROLL BUTTES—lobids. fresh receiving
and tar sale , by . O. DALZELL A CO. '
spld Liberty street.
Ii.IIEESE--50 boxes W. R. , recoiling and
I_, n:rr de by Lyle R.DALZELL .t CO.
diARANGES--50 boxes just received and
15 for ale by BISH.BHIDG a Isamu!,
lapli ''ll 'Wateratm..
~ . .
SUGAR --3 5 bhas• N. 0., kir
ERTSON sale by
OULD too.
IU -.A.11.8-300 kegs &Ned, - for sale by.
13 alb ,LcuukarraoAccr.
d.:ll4WafP Vlattiir=6l l
o 4. at 4 tieleeC
4 F n „, 11. 4 1 4 b , ar 14 444 444. 4 404 44 14. N.
me papa
diate port. on thh. day. at 4! ink
1 . .. r freight or appli hr..r.l
dkl .trarner t h e
Capt. Wlll.l.
les cu-
I leave fur the atore .4 all latertordhap
port. orr thla daT, the Mit Init., at 10 o'cle.ok, A. 31,
For freight or {W.A. apply on hoard. or t,
Sta .,
n e AMA7.O.NIA. Heßilde.kM4
merlm, will les. fer &bore ad lammed..
M. Faardwr.2C4ll. lat. alO A. AI.
For freight or passage. ggolf ott Ward. nels
noterVa tearaeAH S m lTA od , aRI Tnlute,
dim. Loadings regularly - .
For freight or pump aPPIT oo hwd. stir
THE new and fast running etr. CASHIER,
McMilutyt. Muter—Regular Wellsville, Mu
benville, Wellsburg, Wheeling, Bridsepott. Carotins. and
Punthh Net et—leavee Pittsburgh eery Wednerday at
3 o'clock, P. M., for Wheeling and DritlgePort, and .err
Paturday. at 3 P hl., for Captlna and liuntoli. Roturninir,
Iva,. Sunfish ovary Monday at 10 o'clock. A. M., and
ladsport and Wheeling every Monday end Thunday. at
Fur teal ght and PURIM. apply an boanl, or 1,
mi JOHN FLACK. Avent.
'H.—The light draught Reamer ARENA,
D. Kinney, Master, learn Wellavillo ovary Monday.
Wednesday. and Friday, at 6 o'clock, A. it, gar Last LIT.
tr, DcFotes Lauding, /Davey. mud Pitt.
h y cZl i i. °L rta
Lames Pittsburgh every Tucalay. Thursday., aod
Faturday, at 10 o'clock, for Braver, Darman'. hand
ing. Ulaagou, Eau Liverpool, .4 WelhAllie.
For freight or ;am., apply on board. avg
rwvr pack. stnamer DIURNAL, Conwell.. °
l a r
ttr. le , u gwor t rrto b rzfl v lng her regda trt-weekly trip
1" 4. 57 0 " 10
i le . l . l h lc4e: k lib o rroi T h a t ee r day, Th r' ur l n4s . r s'l lkad r Lha t"' rrt g.
toll ' Ai_m;rrilifilfe&c&lVTgig. _
uche. This ople,lnt boat er. built by
the onnere of the eteanter Learel Newton, and Whey.. for
the Cincinnati and Fituburgh Parket ...h., ../".in Cret e
l i ziy N ilepll o v tr tr Ethcionati. In place of the New Ku.
4 (7. ritit.P4l,ZWAV.t!
INOrORT.—The the.taco.. PACIFIC,
.Z.tiittrtrof;t7 l .l:",rgtrrV,
.. h 7;t o ,gA", p
rot (retch, or pseca, apply OD 1•01• Ta or to
T. 1% OODS l SON. '
ntekilo No. 61 Water amt 03 grunt a,
La, SONFIELI PACKET—The &et ronnlngliaa
eteanter WELLSVILLE, Clap. B. Youn. will
r i tirAn.:44:vv , hr ,u partt i l:e ., treen Ihttetrargh. Wheeling.
od n a
aftenucon for Wellaville . Stout:et:lV s u Z i al " ge n io M i n '
every ninny's:, a ft ernoon for Steubenville, Wheeling,
V2l b' ""'"ln' Bold W. port .03 Panbah <rer> afternam, and `run •ti
f o r afternoon r Ml,l bt
lewodi or to ' W. gl. a ktlil.r.lVinr Al
ea dial
will lve urgh tinWhiv e lir.l.l " p7l t :a r. arel Sunfish
every Monday and Tharaday. at 3 teapot r returnl
leave. Sunilab for Cantina, Wheeling and 'Pinata gh.
ery Tuesday and May at 10 o'clock. N. l'ae r .etige o r "
:Ti ri ftuitc•f k . , - , :r . tl7:esid ' upr Ml* Lost running regularl;
Vor (mat or ptviage. anti/ on Lard. malls
11. States Mail Steamship Line.
• Oslo of gran:talon Creneent City.)
The new and powerful American
.hip L. every; Charing Stoddard Command., an t ern
on thin Lino. to nay betworn Philadelphia anal Lir
,triu! nftl inn ba7.igth";:ra.
Thin spaZtial ...tun In -won Lou. matoier, is built in
Che ery. t oulatuttial manner. both so regards holland ma
chn Ran hooey diagonal It...about. 4.11. to
thu fastennurn of the nteamere Oulline' Lam. nod In em
ery e.peet fully mond in paint of areurth and era quall
tn-e tu any steamer ad.. Her nencenninhdlons •rr gus
Veranrw ....Ward for comfort and e 1..,
Lahr+ , Stamm State 11.nrue
Gentlemen , * "
Lunuad 1./Irin
livronne room to Mao World's role me Inflamed that Es.
cond. Ti
,t .111 to booed fbr a limited oomtor Ix.r
tb venyvent, giving alma ample tame to mkt Porto mid mutt of
mioeipal ritmo lo ICorop.
non CI Aro
An expert...v.:l ntrgenn acenctratles the Lip ..
No mutts Peeve/NI until pakl for.
Freight, front I..trel - ponl FINE 000DS, N.J. jre on.
Returning, the Lanyette .111 ksve June.
anal entuntexim her Arwood rortge fn. hen nknit the mid
of July
r " l "" j UT:=lgni'V.'o4-C. w.intt .0., 0,
Jou:. L. LINTON, Lombard st. Whine. nil
Agent at Liberprol. Jars
noorio. ,
tonic Plttatiurvh.
Round Clinrch Buildings. Liberty sti
l iki oC .pl iA i COFFEE—For Nolo by •
WM. • McCLURIi ,Oroorr•
( I .2i.LERATUS-25 bblm. (Adamm . ) for male
17 br agar .1 a R YLOYDr
_ . .
BUTTER -8 bble. Roll. for sale by
a R. IiLOYD__
• -
-100 DLLs. Chipped, for sale by
'I U 0 W 00D—
itACON- moil an prime Stiuulders;
60 .6 151 Water. and 62 1 , 1r6t. othbot.
LAIID--1:1 bids. Nu. I Leaf;
1 6 11..66 for ale by
PLOUR—IS7 Ibis. S. F. and extra, or .
14 NRU IT-260 sacks Dried Poodles;
l IS
ay7 bbi..
W e9'2L
-5 sacks now landing from str
_Law May, basal. by
ISAIAf roomy
00 , _
IP STUFF-1W sacks for mile. bv
3AI'ER-300 rearm 51ed. and Crurn Wrap
nRIED PEACHES-600 bu. fur aale by
WANTED. and the Weir
, trarriwk s r . ic tl o.. for
api2 carnet Illarket'apd Third Ate.
/11 rioe Rrilbray nod Dry Dock.fa WILK N r rale
I y_
opl2 A. S & CO.
Rm .
IJO Sack); prime, y
COFFEE---r,n m o,o j, Vat
BROWN a Klitla
RAISINS & FIGS-100 bxe. B'dh Raisins;
100 u Er for rale by
B ACON --3 casks Hams;
rollevr. prima TmOT
" ba7l4o"d b
DENN SHEETINPS reduced to 8 mut
The best Green Tea in Pittsburgh.
QOME New Crop Young 11±son Teo Lae
lure melted, at Monies Tea Store ill the
ounand, tebleb for strength Ltd flavor goes .
he s t
• hewl •f any
'old littoborgh. .
SIIOULDEES-9000 pieces in salt, arrived
and tor nip by HARDY JONES dt CO.
1G 11t01 , 1-35 tons Alleghn h foAt or al a s by
F lSH—Mackerel, Salmon, and Lao Troni
br arr JOHN WATT A CO.
SHOT-1011bags ass'd Nos., for sale bp—
BACON -11 casks
nom er.
MT. Or oda I:7 b ale
Io I a RLIA fr M om
S s
E t Y r.
WEATHERS -17 aacka landing from etr
1 . coo Nor. Ibr W. bi maar, incur aW.
A Very Desirable Residence for Sale,
undersioned offer,. for rate, oho ot . '
j_ coat de.dratd. realdenees In t...wn ataaaillo
Vaitka7=l:raVoont='firittorw.:lll.:.ft of lan,l,
hooma. and a mural ruMdf
Ira.,,tue of the beet whoola In the e.onntrl anhtn
:ft:ut tli,tante, and when It I. retemherra that in at
, Montlta fet.m this time it atll on t l olo four te•orr. 1,1- t
will be wen that hose is no amall Inane.-
..meta for any who doors cheap and elegant ...neat (rm.
'the rltt . ed.h.r , !mower retirrment or •permaneta
reindone, A part or the whole of the land moll be told
with the hull.lino. ThLaprof.erty may now be bad fur
than the Lull.litorn ro-t. [sill td. idlarttre sit. ard•evet
vey. wstbont therm.. a lot of more than two situated
nn thp bank of the Ohio Canal. and stout twent, rods
from the Itetw4 ..1 the Ohio and Penn4)/ran}a Railrvail. in
= o at:l ' l ' 7. o 7 7
,net'plzat'n.l let iite.rne In ' mtral that Th um ' no o n
In One or the. wort Laautlful thlielna . we of
Plinghurgh. Coal. and all the means of thing. no ion to
ran Iry procurnl here as low as at . any (had..
when Inattufacturnl can f w ith greet came. be
unwported by Canal or P-ail
71 1aattlloo, ...Fri] 17. 15.51.—1ap2213u
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
OUR LOTS, fiontin.• 80 ft. on Liberty at.
tp Ito ft. 4,.." In Brrwery.ll•T.oommordr komrn
t...01d tomgatine ,ot Ti,l g prorkrtr wi ll bo irorY
if .14 , 11.1 for emu. Euquire of
•nif. JOHN WAWA CO.. Ut.rtr et.
Valuable Property for Sale
THE SUBSCRIBER offers far sale a value
r&ble_ocre of property Allegheny City, aa , dar,s
•rout on Kelmera street of 82 feet. aml ruinalug back :1,5
Rot do Ridge street. This property le eltuated Immediate
le south or lb° residence of Samuel Chnrsh,and near the
residwace ofe
mi th. There Is • Frame goer of
llouset oa the preses, wh ich rent for fag. per annum.—
The proprny Is level oaf well eulled for laying as In lots,
baring honk nn Rebecca and Ridge streets. It will be
Fold cheap. and part of the purehme money ran nmain
on the dround. Inquire of the ne-Aber, en the
IdeMiwu lap9 . lml dolls_
For Rent.
A ; small well finished and ecmpletely fur
raArds , tsie,....d nt ~ , ,dr. r ztAtz t , tr.".
t:{'7 Lihorty rt. Leittht 3,1 nad 4th
*Ott /tad Tritune eon,/
Desirable Suburban Residence for Side.
tilibscriber offers for sale the house and
'l4=7 ° . n Za r ti'c u ttnillTlnVotV it'kt
the market ✓ of this inty. Y The lot 0140 ft. front on P.M. a[.
...dna hack 1:52 1•01.. to nu aUoy--enutalning . nearly min
12:."`„=„T'Alit, LnunJwl
iseol7 0 0,1. g, and eareedinply well arranged. four te en hones , la
a (Mot of 5 , 4 i and a depth of 2. and motilit. fourteen
tome. Lendes hall nine feat ode. It is built In the bold
and man Mandl.manner. and hal. n nmornof roof, and
eotitaLtie all the malign miavenienr.'. Two pump, with
notsilitur mild,. of 1/..1 and sat water. ore at the
On the pe, nu-re tr.. the orrer.ary nut buildlnga. Math.
earriagelunoe, 5, The (round, ern laid nut comity se. a
'alit, cowered with Wee nruit [repo , evergreens. floworing
gaol, rorrati, atroaberrie, raspberrhni, • small
satilen. frail I+ of beet kind, and the trees Sr. in
their 1000.'. and riold rtl.llail for the wants of an onlinary
fatuity. The situatkw of this In'ypertr. ant. ••Inhrlt ,
nuhurbitn eom.fnrt., eanblond with fOrlti,oll4 to the riti ,
it not surpaneed tn any- nvWem< lu thi.lloolll. It han
a slew of the (Nilo River for orer It wile. of Temturatie..
South Plttehorgli, the dry. Ili , two river.. sod the
hills around, forming altogether a onion/ale pro.peet or
which the e, e never wearle, Mee, Nat which einern or
departs frow the tart Pitp.horgh uu the Ohio. pains It.
full slew The mddence and gmoodx tire also muiplately
removed sonar, des rustler of
ma.ifurt mod 1.0 , 100150. and afforda • retiremeut as quiet
awl peaceful ulf located in wane quiet bout to the moot,'
TO. property will he +old at • bargain, and reweeerton gireo
• Letterer Enquire at the ilasette nicer.
ap'2 . 2,111
Li N.
For Sak..
THE memberg of the Fairmount Fire Con,
J ,711111.1.1.. e,
stat! No' att. l'etto
Allood Opportunity tor : those who want a
R multaTlL., oder* r, tale the 6,lll.witilt Pttet.
' itur Lott la Ptia 1 (1 '
War:l, e.t. btioa 2.3 fot.t n.
.I'. l2ta7ta th. ""'
No. Thrt. at
at the twat, . tut., and Ur. — Ws) —Nalmoturautitl, loraled 0, either Latin.... or
N.. N Teu h.o In the llon.uuh tan - zeta:el - 111, • ell
cultedFa u
No. .1 Telwe A Lam
'ln cor La' 1,.1.1.. lorn,hlp. Thir
Puled, to Pelinfrably kuuted Cot country en., beius but
Motet. di..tatu. trunk Use rity the Ralrnutl.
No . tine Webelor .I.reet. near taw, 24 fret by
1. and 4. will to .1.1 on lcmg tic... .1 , •
rtuall 4.r1.1m.1 16 , .. pmelts..• moo, will rrqulrodm
A Mr, Aorr Munn... near lb.+ rgArnerol W•beter and Elm
etsoaasscl,ntainlor 11 tun]. win be tartest rimy law to a
.n.val Wail. It I. .., a4utructeal that Iwo &mil...a Onoe
ennr It Apply 1..
ineh27.ltoßODY.lll' WRAY, 31. D.,
eorlaer liltroter and EA. inne.ota.
For Rent
(Runt.trerta large awl cohAtantlal
4, nuitahlo fur . Aewbcort thr mann beim..
Ficaewina given Itattlalrth l y i rtire of
meYJAtf MITICT Gamic. alley and Fay mi. at.
OR EENT—A (Mellingll . 9 •
third atnwt. aiwere and Drat to. I.l ' • °n tg
wa ma Axton, lage rani. crash 19.71:• " .
be rented km. and ;ll amen lintoteliarrl Y.
Abw—For Cale hr le taw •CIDOP lota In tbe Moth Ward
betwrco Fran hn et and the Allephenr
c : ,,, 11 . 7/.llariloy•Luiho. Fourth evert, oc•s•
rj E
~}; . 1 i, ,,i n ,0,,,8 1, :0rumi4,1 17- 1 , ,,,,,,,; :. 1 , ,,,,C e r .,re1 , R ea1t . i1 . ,1 1, brE . L :n E : 0rt:71 zf f 0 0 r r ! .....a8 : d 1 e.., :e . 0 1 0n .
No. a l w r
U. iWo iota in Yaqui., licwittgati nir..ll.lrm lota
Itat.ll 0.14, biting about 100 Oct ittrillra•ou whlchiscreen
pal t. Work of Ibur trams dwellinSW•and On. "Pam.
Damao dattilingt all two rterin
Na A. (1171. Int LO fast Front on ILA oPP9d l w the
abaci, and catenating Wt. tol of the
No. S. Two beach law twat fcct running
nom tbn nawi to low water owth.. lb.
Na 6. Onc colonial* water lon 0)0 11 , 1 , 1 no Wheel
Nth ten Marra water pewee attached.
h 0... One lot the wider wt. an hat Front. and
ratemilno to the top a a. hill, no whielc Is or our
two Mory briet atore awl nachdem., :Why 91/...W. mene
frame dantincm. i.e .06. inch.
Y. Ono Larry lot in New ileinittort. Cameroony. bah
Mit Mem% 140 feet lireaulway, and alwml ho
containing 11. sem ce cr/ideb are marled .0 lan 0-ama
....Ulna, and oar all frame boo, meal no
tootmumm wAA thrmcrly oteupled by Mr. T. (1 (I.od.
very plawantlr lomted. being Immallately [ 'owe.
th• Fall.enw DM.
9. One water Ict.lretomediatrly below Fallatonßcidno.
heir. &Una 100 In length. and miewttion Fttun Wider
.lien to low gator mark. or (cwtte path.
Tbe abr.. onty faucrabl• term,. a ' far ' S ' ia ' r ` kl. t ratiweia. wt,zsi Rein Va.
mann [Journal and 1.1 moral
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
10421441 in • lloutistatt4 1mpm44.41. orA
fralt, Pl'lntig7iul4.ll l4l
dAlw a 111.(1:4,
114 :woad It
rro ,1% ARVALOUSE, situate:li
ALA?. Ve , r b a d t., F tLyr = i 1 t c ket ,... .“l,Ftrry. Amu. 4 "
quire of n'
anolOl No. 68 ]dater pt.
For Sale.
_a. BLOCK OF ruiLbrsue,' on tOo cornor a ic.h.
i t k7C`fiTti a llitltt:r `rh, , at
tra;ti a rA " V.:l3= i.'l%! r 4
to • trout] . foci ahoy. lonoDo
• .
rneht.tha 10111 Peou rL
VORHALP—Tw.. huge Floor 1111 Is szol Male Mill to
the 14.sver Crret, with the nereanstrr water power. Ale,
well itrfpx.ool Von m to lawreno.count.,. Yrlor POW.—
61,0. • SArto of 11g acres, on the Ohio titer. tame mile,.
below 11eArer. for 5.1. 1 . , A1. Also. roe of 140 seer. oo
Ohio river, mlles below 'terror. (or IT: per arm AL.,
OW acres for 814 te.r sere. AI., farms of 11+0. 134. 1 . 1 .. 1 1111
sere, f0r112.5 ser sere. Also. 175 sem , al2,ma
art. for Sit pr acre. together with no...troth , . of •sli•
000 'l4. lid ortres. Enotlite of
It. P. A 17. 1..11. FfrEll.llAti,
Attorney, st law s , u o .l l lt tr .. I Ertste
feblo , ith et. l'ittshorwh.
A Blast Furnace for Bale.
FriIE,UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale his
SLAPS 1/1111NACIL, @Masted C004:11, fhiortno.
am known ex tbe Aura.," with all the out
buildl.loo PAW and 0101001 MILL; and every thing to..
.1.1111 Id tarry au the Rae Mug Of tire. It ha. 1.400
Land attached, with - o4 much more adjoining as
wood be • hicli eau Le bad from 100. to per
It ha. the moat favorable location In the Booth. for
making Moo. having the ore wi th in ...half to Due Mill.
A. la veryilarae quautitlex, ewes totillar. Mal ~'tddlag
from 60 Li 5 per erut. It Is me toll. and a half from
Etowah Molnar, MITI, where a ready wale MD be Pmnil for
all It. pad.. of Pig Metal: and in two miles from the
Irene. and Atlantic Railroad, which Is one of the lines
of railroad. natinectiug Teunease• Hirer with the :km
' Pond. width hu sit liens of railroad" , ruralng oat from
: Palatial arid under rontrart. Wring through ail the Int
' portant Mown. and 1:111.10 Georgia. where ready 6.6 bl
founil for,Pig Maahltiery, Hollow Ware. .te. It Is
now In full blait. worked by water ;Mae, With 6 ,10,11
reel. on wriever failing etre., .4 to tb•• mmt healthy
tart of the South.
Lettere:msy 1. eildevenal lo roe at Etowah. Cu., 11,
or I es. 0511.1 mu time the Preridee,i-
ALIATXMA longest. March 1. 10111.
tniVgr.' uff'd- riles 4 1 :fP".1,1',.11 1 'bq nntrute- 1.
torten, d.; ' l7 oZg u r g r ham. cc . .tood near the
new l'oblle School House and ltngt.h LothennaChurr.h.
The !wild nrowtti of Hirolingtolio to I . 4 o. li at°° ,.. °A
manufacturing wealth, and the reasonable Woe. at totich
lots will be wild, will render theta a Lee and probtable
Ir ' DlL ' Ai ,T l.l i l " re " 1 " : 1;11!: T r n en
the oftus of tioorge Gilmore, L. on Orillttreet, Plow
burgh. between Third and Fourt hstreets. or alit ililato
dynonee and N. Pat - Wrenn. Esql, at their emcee In
lonham. 1.010" - MOSES F. EATON.
Covington Iron Wir i Fts for Sale or Lease.
Obto river, opposite cis •Aunati, baying in the last ye.
ergo. thorough repairs n new founilation,machlnerT,
lie: Wag oue of the roust eligible locations In the Union
for the manufacture of the Salim. tires and kinds of from
maohiniow many. If not more facilities than any °oats
ilehment In the ISest, Is nowt offered for sate or lam, on
atuus to Cult applicants. Jerome. all the advardapeeof
an establishment situated in he moat deairable part of Cuo
dorsal. in odditloo to the L• 1..1 being much lighter—be,
tog ell °militias for CincimaU trade.,lt consists of roreu
Puddling Furnaces, three kitten orFirma two Ite.
finery Firma ell Ilentlng Femmes, with Unglue and Ma hum I. inch Iron up to 4 inch, round and
7, 4, tl i aAnt . all the usual decimal; with a good Sheet and
Th ati . T . A „. l7 e afflto p abec uc t4rl fr al . o . ll;rll . ll , l=V ; gin
• •
lA. there lea Fludritl• Ath Minna. Ev
gine. containing 111 Mactilnes. Alfa can be increawma to
)(data IL lILCUANAM, Cincinnati; or .I.II.3IcNICKLE.
Covington. "
FOR PALM—A valuable lon Eetablisbnient situated on
the Ohio Mei, In Quillen. ty,Ohlo, coneleting of • Forge
contalnlng three Nobling ur Finery Fire*, throe Dolling
Furnace, one run out nee. one • ale Rutting Rolle, alto
ir2,7,;:r ' etf ifilr7r ' a u e
r r°,l°. ou
The entrance to all tile Dr one . Pl 4. le 'from rei to P Pou
yard. nom the Forge. It le one of &mtg.:it locatimiela th e
lAA for a lballitig
Rrea° R. IMICIIAMAN.CIudnnatt oril• D. IIkNICKLE'
liver brick Pre proof Toundry,lbrealoor rent.
withthe Riffling Mlll front. 3 elorie+l.l3h. 1111* - wain.
with Plilubllng Ildwr PM ft. id n. [Keret A lma.)
FOR RALE—That derirahle Tract of
. Land. ailltalcil
the Allegheny river, .boot 2 mil. above the dee!. It.r;
AlihpdOiltlawning. In ArtnetrOng coo !!i;
t. petty Furnace property. efflAlnint.
acre The land abound.' In Iron. (411. I.ltr,(ope.
. 11.41 k ; ,' 000050 ''" 11 1 :na '
_riaLl.'llra'rtivi'l'eng Vait'r,A,ll,ol'o7.
:nimr Aventine, fii ' v ' toted..< alarge pongee&
of the Wheel land Is now ulster cultivation: the highland/.
VI ...Dome of lt.lo highly 1. ,0 •11`....'
drOpmetl to all they oloolpsi print ? . O. land an the
adjacent rout:Ay. There are erected out]e premiera
and ii.,dapparalum.fortnakinglrOng
LT:i.r!`"l7i,9llr.nd`.., Airei
Farm fi r o w inar.lartl!. gabe, Pe. The whole will Le dis.
Mor upon o h/Ad, Wreck. ot A ded into
AAP suit porch/Ad, A Plot o ath. Prin.ttl.lit
ther pAtleolare tun be obtained br afflirraelng
• .
. .
FPO LET—An Office, with or without Ware
liaeme Room WM EL JOHNSTON,
11:421 , /IT Sempst rt.
- --_.: - - - Wiz .. _ ~~
1 4 -1 0 It REWT—i'he large and comma& pp
i! - EdtrAti t lirarliVA =.. 7 Vtin b i;•a
4 , 4 Al.-8.1,11; for two ;eer+ Euquitv
+9llutor 14.
RENT-7Tlle House, on
: , 4+14 nod Weld Commune, tAtell
,„„„ 1 ,,, rr Arbuckle. deed. hoorror e gi
IbIL A _____ tiellu tCattrlTo ° ll‘.s. "' fl " ll,44l K o l u n t. 4Y 51,1
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
1144011 SALE—That vuluable Lot of Ground
T0!1 , .4 at . tbe corner of unmet 141,1 WI., street%
by 3 1 , 41 , kny IV.•
[la an 31,rtet elmet fret 11 Wel,
... A. ,,,..241 h :r t 0Nr, , et of 3., feet 1,1; inch.
itterly reout.i.d by 3r. Ve'. a
n ru U, 2 "
lug a front at 131 feet 43.. LorLes ou the Slouo Ship Lel .
er,..and ruuninst tack 343 foot to4recnocul st " ieet. 3
rUrrlthilog ran revel,. further In
n. u... , ,T0171011N,
_ et.
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, O.
THE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
Iha Own. thriving Town haring nearly exhausted
o mwriourly laid out. and the demand etill routlintion s
th e rnulerciatisd her been indonsl to lay out a portioo o f
kis property). town lots above, sod oase s th em roe
&alnico" and terms that cannot fall to meet Oho views of
thoso•lshiun to pure/ow. It IA I.OdICAA tpsay anything
or the location of the Town and prtoperts haying boo y
solliciontly described In mood advertisements/ other tican
that row one hundred lots hate renin, raw.' hoods.
W boen purchased by those wishion prison, a drain. h ome.
. .
The Abaco lots are among the most ellUiltirotoldeeitabl
the pls.. .d aro principally . berated in tloe centre •
•me recently Ict.
Tor'lnformotiou PIPI rto thpprOprirtor Llverrcol, c
• „lame. Blakely. foOrtil stet, Pittsburgh.
has[ I.lretonni. Feb. Tut. ISM. tchbleeitS.
New Lake. Superior Line.-185L
THE new steamer NORTLIENEB, Copt. B.
o Cooat. baring every modern Improvement for
..tety awl comfort. will leave Cleveland on Friday. the 2.d
f May next, on her Ant [rile—and weekly therratter n
En ite r 't ' will
leave /out Pm f.,r the different landings or, Lake
euperlor, on the arrival of lb esleamer Northerner. making
line, throughout • the 0.:00. between
Cleveland awl the Copper and Iron Mine,
a A. TURNER, Proprietors.
Cleveland, P., April Z. I SZ,l..—tf
Prom England via Quebec.
TiE undersigned, residing in Quebec, is
fcruarkllru: loran quantal:tor 11:ti o tosi u ll . nr ,ri edoth
' a r lttOrr Y I.
uns. in Pollan for roe
fj 44.4 lumbfm, pm motirrx thin mode of importation
mh awl... V. 1,11.1, for nil heavy tnerrhantlir, Ife
will uc par the Atisatie (might oo cargo., mnrign..l to him.
mat att..] to toy burinern crnmert...l thenorith. P4rlng.l
- to Ouch grenrrn 141, so may Ire ...I..r p fnt o lte A r
V tlff
t,nr I)
gpftimlood) U. Ii" I,SitultNE
-1851. 4%4
CLARICE, PARES A (X), Rocirgat PilolT.tMas
known Line. woutti ing:tm tbe public that they are
nme nygratinn fhr the present Neason. and hare rummen
r.4 nretrina Freight and Pl....agers. e bleb they are folly
al ITguirn l TVelt. th g."Atlot. ". .gi:
oe .111 or. g,eut-saitty at the landing. honor the Mono.
r AA* lirl4lge. tu retvlee freight
JOH:, A. CA[11111E:T. Agent.
um,.. ear. Water and Stultlagel3 eta.. Pittr.burgh.
K R Cunningham. Kea Cagily. Ps.:
1.2 %abeam. Pulaski. P.;
C. Mules, Shaman
.1 a S. Hui!. Shlargrburah:
Wm. Arlin/ A Om,
Wm. Henri. Ilartatowm
Wm. Purer. tkoneitutt
C. AI. Reel. Erie. Pl 4
c‘. kt. WallbriJge. Buffalo. N. Y. eoI
Futtydiix howl. to Philadelphia.
Foitj•four hour, to Baltimore
ttzso , index Itailmatl-
-10:1 miles Canal
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
JI)N the opening of Canal Navigation, Two
Daily Line+ tirw Expmaa Packet Boats will Inca for
ostown. it,ore by PIMA.. Railroad to
Two Ilviartil Feltv-tme ,
Time through rmin-six Hours.
- •
Fare m phlladrlPWa. $14.1. Fare to Baltimore. Fd.75.
Th. Car on Mir mar are., and of the nu...t
ronstruett. for andort and rafely. •
~.Partetaleere av'ery moray:, Eight o'clock.
and every credal= at the =rue bon,
Passengers for Baltimore,
On arrl•if nt Cars Ilntrlobum. Lk* the Tart ../ !rati•
berth.' flalirmi. “lovr flalibtdlll,ll2:44ol7 - c.• ,
Monona Ilona.
Or to COD. LEECI .
N. IL Qv Um let of July. titeivrnailf•nia Railroad
will to flulahml to Lor_kmt, which will abortori lit. lime
tbrongh till. hours
Ilttso7ch, Vabrunry 11. '5l
8 "
full ovreston, with facitlll;• tn ale of 'esrey n
,uy,tity of frel,ht to and Ilaltimenv, wat/100
f,wwilairinv, in a.. 113,1 time, mut Si an low revs. 04. ant
otter r,vwlar Lino.
Sooeiul gam:lg.:Deal liner al. Apr!: meaty Ow cairr , nc
War Frright Johnstowe. IfollidaSatug,
Wmor Alexanilna. Peter, burgh. If lon.' M i n.
Greet. New Ilazolitaa. MeV, Winn L 00101.1.
Nr.wwei, Gloria a Fa.rry . Ilarri•burg.enlurntr a. end all ath
or intermediate 1 . .. MU on the PonnnylvanisCamalurll.rt.
toe Reilllo.l. !laving ,oturn loot, of Iron •eirtirol [ow
the Juutst6 prompinews and rtgularity in.
bu r ro hipmet,, tu
the m1br01...1 poloto, St the loweft rat, ma, lled
.1 MITVII ELL SCOTT, Proprietor
Semnd went Ur banal.
. .
ITILLT Iti IfINGIIA.V'S LINE. 14 my I , roth.T.
ti the businr..,,t litlaburgb rill hem
trannetni umltr the et rle of "Wm. Ilmghlim
Bitighaxas' Transportation Line,
giRiAMPAN 18 5 .
prrrs - Butulli h, TIIE EASTERN CITIES.
II g CANAL being now open, we are rea
dy to ro tivr and n 11.iiard
elvt. and ant
V.. 1044 alt., at 1c1...A rates ellsrgrd re , powit.le
Erfaluce and llncimulise be r... 1•4,1 for.ntrtled
ut and tatit. without Eay chart , forwatdlpg rLe 10-
. .
dug !might. rocurniFrion, or rlorar , .
Dill. of I.adnut lorrran.o. nof all dirertloor faithfully
1....101 to. /I.ll.lrnsa ur arplr ho .
hornet I.lbrrty ooU 1 1 ;,400 Iltt.nbur;:h.
/111 , 04 . 11A..11 1/01-0, 18.1 Mn 111.44., rc.orth 1001 1111t0...,
JAIIOIO W11.1.1114.1.nt.
Nu. 1101 Nurth 1100nr.1 o.otimorr.
JAMES UINGUANI. 00.10 West rt..
tarta Nor York.
MNlgg .1851
Pittsburgh Transportation "Line.
JAMES ll'Odlitiult L CO-. Canal Ilasiri.PittsbuPgb.
SIT!:IL JAMES N Cr, llepota Broad and Chen . , en... ,
and No. prltattb lionrth etreet. tretworn !liar! and Cheet
3Nortb street. 14)011p/re.
"itill fully completed Our atTILIFIge
co uw; we will 1.7 e preparedllphi the opening of the
Penuort an to Canals , to earrylreiglat to and form Plll..
burgh, altironre. Philadelphia. New York. Wan, 0.710-
rintialLinnlarille. St. Louis and all the East adal Wert, al
boor rah . . tool Wi th diVech and moo than any nth.
er Line.' All an.als shipped by our Line aro folly covered
by trauma, without any charge to owners. a protection
tout really afforded by any other Line. .
All edumuoleattous addreesAl to oureelres or agent ,
R (io
all A .. llineinosta: S. Webb. Loolsrllln. and• Loire di
Oat ,one tot. book will went with pnnupt attantlon.
yrep•N B. Our Line has whatßrer with the
MOM.' plata and Plltstunal 'Transport/01nd Urn of Ah
klld. • trial
/i 15321 1.851. ats=7. l
Merchants' Transportation Line,
C. A. RIcANOLTY k CO.. lkinal D. SOS Nun curet.
C ph HARLES RAYNOR. Central Block. Broad Meet. Phila
We ye prepared to math, a large amount merchandlai
and produce to Hap on the opening of the Male to Philo,
delphla. Lod all lutermirdiate place. at lower rem, and In
how thue then In any Pn•rloM memo. •
. The In numtwr of Troika provkled hT
the CAna . l
ComntlystMerre for 01117111 g one boat* 00 the
State Railroad, will prevent any twaYMllity of delay . at
3 " 1 •L8.t.'“ 4 HadaYakurt: or Colombia. thle mason.
C. A. MeANCLTY . O.),
febls ciLaittliMato.
&WPM 1851 Osi2
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
ATEIN4 at CO.. Pmprirtora, Na :1 Market,' and 64
Commerce attret. Philadelphia
JUY.We orgy prapared. om the °awning. of the Pennsylvania
Canal, motes
for Frvight at ao hoar rat, Li m e. Rive
ahlppe Co much dcapatch and care as an/ oth , r
JOIIN len°.
Leumt.,,,m,,, ',John Mandela
Canal nazin, renn Sired.
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
r[E subscribers having been appointed
rfilp th
plog agents for e Feriogylvarda at Can al Hall
atom tho pu& that we an vow - pre rarwl to re.
orfre Inerthandlle or produce for shipmat east oaths
opening Drew awns!.
r,oitr • 111 tw carried Wrought]) flea data
od movlgned to on will U. forwarded fn's of rogosuia
ion or chargo for ademr,,
.- - ----..
RAT. or rkuotrr arms PU1L....1 1114 Ast, rftisacson.
Dry. Goode. Ilrta. &boo*. Ilookr.patirrarr.entlarr.COnfec-
ZIVr.r!Voo"11 /rt. !' ' r'''
7' 1 11. n Vitra i re '
Ilardararc , Que.:lava! , o:nacrie... Paada. Pre aura % 011 a,
bealbcr,Clorer, Elaa,Timotbr and °lbex trrue beeda,
ak Wei , HO:
Paco%fref,_ Pork, Burin, I,ard. Laza' OIL Tobacco Leaf.
par , Tallow. brain au& Lafs, . . - . Me i& PO
Cuban. Marble troor.b) Tax. Itcb, Roalb.Garksan Clap.
Pane &a. bac bk Iko
tamp NIcHADO & POkODE.
-- -- .
. • re
KING, Banker and Exchange B
- •,,! fourth ot, deals In Western Sundt, tight
on the =ars mast n' In the
wad. al lon Wes, and w DOW paying tho highest... Whet
pr It
In par funds for American
House Kemal,
ISHING -to employ Paper' ElOngees,u'ill
• hare their orders pnanatl . r attended try.ll at
the V.O Paper Mora of • PRUNUS PALSIOI,
• 65 Market Amt..
QHOULDEItS- caaka, arrived and for
1.7 [w2] IIeIDYIONO tCOal
- ---
FM:TURF:IL N. 41 'South Seeceki Strom late, re
in. not aide.) Philadelphia,
. -
jui oorll!rxers, 221 Market st. Pb ay.
ZPIC 0...
.LtRALD, Bi:i131i1170.8 k CO., 4 Tol>acc ,
Commirsion Merchant% No. 4 North Water sox •
_a Itl North Wharves, Philadelphia. • Pool
[ion 31gram:its, l'biladelplila. Liberal¢01
no eoniklari=ooLe of Produce smneralir-
To Southern and Western. Merchants.
„ ibo rftretriAly Ririe, public. altentkol
n exteistre + - locket' I erfularry.Scaps.Sharing
to to .bleb gem. NRrrr slot Iwo Widen Modolohare,
..soda b 7 th e loottaxteo of
New York. Dorton. lind-Ro4elobla, lb. Wier being lb.
only Golder. Woad., vror vrardrd
Nuropo or Kt
Roomas U...szo Mar= Qua. (Ajo ooo d. R."
on,l Azobrom.L.Jorrersally seloomlodg n .; ,,., obo . superior to
.07 StureThr emus in fhb. Omar,. or
01.X0 1.81. rola orsoryaront , aid
roman.. re..1.13-p=
rr Flntving 'Mem.
'den re Taxi Sanes—Almond, B. Ofainieurs,Doo
Musk,Palehously, Omnibus. Mooting,
rravapatene 01Ire OIL Windsor. ad Clelan..
titre ore ma rut Ilanduweilin.—Roes. Jambi, Beep
titan de Caroline., Gemmed., Jenny Lind, itouneelide,Joek
er Club, id ageolLs. Claudlte.Qtronelle. Pont. and many
other veliellev. In all sixty different perfumes.
Ton,. Warms—Florida Wenn% e Tt:e t: Orange
Flower Water, and • gnat fenny W o nlaanti Laven
der Waters.
Prayaknotva rum lea horn--Genulne Beare'OiLA taiga
Oil. Badelino, ran Lortnaa. Oki., Compound Oti !fu
. Dyes, liquid and In powder, and Philookue,Riel
rade, and Jenny Lind Pomades. • •
Orkenunto Pawmanoan—indsamle Mien, Roe Inotit,
Pule, Chemin N•ntritice, Odootlna,Tcoth Paste,and Tooth
Coarten—Peatible Connote Cram. Amman., for
harped heals, Cold Cream of Posey, Cram de NM. Up
Saito. Itacpberry Cream, te.
DepPana Powders, for remorludapeadonalalß Amyl
Powder. I Main,. do Poo, 111.11 X, kWh.
Heir Wien...Pio. Preston Salt, bevkle_ a • great Tanta Of
other ankles, too numerous to be named 14, this Weenier
The nuevenber hopes to maintain the reputation which
thie estebliehment Tax acquired, by hilspoting of nothing
but PM rste erten., and grill be hap, to funidab name
who may to patron'. blett, either wlioletede or mall,
o n a naeonable terms as any establietudent In th e Paned
State s
s. EAVIEB, 13,121.4 i,
nom,o, to and tomer Director of the Laboratory of
114 Cheaut principal
sir. Pool,', Petfumea It fee role be all the principal
Dedaket In the oat try.
Lir LITCHI.NSON &Co., Nol3 SpnneStreet,
It& irlialtißh&Tirdi&w.ln4=a th os
w att emit e P4 ll B ate t tn=tolni - Z. "to
watt entity upon al ordlnutP,Prnen.
The mutblttatkuut tn.. Inks, ore such no to give ekb-
I n tr= 4 ,
put up In roux. and nuunurdod to arder.
11. 2 Cu. abotosnufactunt oolontd Wu orpry ramie ntul
ualltr 'wring from 11.1:0 to MOD per lb. mchntUrn
• WM. WALICEIIiAtr& "co.,
No. 79 & Si (late 76) Nimes LANE,
Di/way opposite. tte Old Stand.
'AlhV.trA gat Den U and Man Wool. Am
rola. &Wm., Rork, Merino and " Oo7tott, Dom e Lon For
anetr—liarlo. Silk. Sloth: Bombazine and fairy of all
atylee ant qualities.
oral 7:ter—Fairy SM. and Black of even trial.
(Warr and .linmata-. Ural.
Ontrott—Yancy flit'and Salin. !teary Enallell Madrar,
saint, Italian. Prince! Albert Smatter; Yelled Indian
rano, Ar.
y ß~Ziff iknorthoeftr—Corao Linen Omarl ,
EugliOto. sow toil e,
e. &Month
Glow—Kid, en, Lime. Thread. and .11 the 'afoot of
Ff""` L b ."
Wool 911 k. /lam and
( 2 , to:e . ry—Shto . tw. • Ram.
911 k.
Gworts — Telret.extbmera.Englitb, French sof
~tlo: kyle.
Shoodoler Boace• for gruiletueu =I hullers yvi•ty of
IT /Outoo /Wong &Its of all quolltluo.
We would Itolts parficutar atleolloo to our Domestic
Knit Uuder - otorta.Drawer, and 'foolery,
WdliEllitlot (9)..
tod9l9=thd 79 k 81 Malden Lome.
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
...Ls. No. 6 CORTLA.NDT ST.,
. NEW TORE, la sum opening one of
WAIWir ElTANit h le . g . t a lt n r 'U o FirsP.PRING AND
DUBLIN and all kimla . or SILK HANTLLLAS. manubstm
zed Irmo the letiol Paris Whim, received by the eteamere
am! pertictdarly sdapicti to the blidosigisada
Al,. a stuT aplendid stock of YANASOLS AND Wl
titicLiats.o.otooo, of Dimmed and Lula. edged cod=
and silk and Turk eatin Parasols, mak Oottim and Climb.
ham Umbrellso. All of ONION will be offered at extremely
low Prima Ke expeciallytovita our Weetern fkieuda to ex :
amine oar Male Wore purchasin.
AI.WINE SHOW ETANDS. for exhibiting Shawls/ and
Mantillas. put sip In mees for transpottation. • debit:ft
• :ii; G 4...11'1 : . I/ I
C. B. HATCH & CO.,
AWE now in store, and arc constantly re
eiving by Munn,. thereon enezniveamortationt of
a um', i'.ISIIING GOODS era. behre a eta
nnbat the tor .l t - • .^ -1,
t%.pir 4 . 2.- ''..---' .7•11: ••• . af.. •.: . 1
NE'S EMPIRE IN : 85 Nassau street,
Nor York.
Mutt. per doa----1
.. 1 CO
CO 4oz C. oz. .
Ilan .........-- oz .....—SO 80
a oa. ". tug a.. •• ......... 23
Os a... Zing.. ono.-- -.- 2 0 ...t".--
mill. the bed artte tumufaciuna. It to.s treL-Ir
is a wog COPTltai INN-mel will not emote. mould.
Lilo= el r girM,..Vin ktr=. e d ir ' ll . 4 - artt s aVII:
=habit , adapted for toe Steel P.O.
la Ignored to forth= to the trot. ea
Mar fee =potter home oonaimptlon. at the above eery
100 prin., rut ap as per order, and &Nonni ht .7 Pot
of Meaty five of Marge No charge Re man. Barra=
or kom me Manta. en= at nett ran .
14 10malt rt.. Nem Took.
Ilimphy's Self-Sealing Advertizing Envel•
N o ihe 2 . 6pl lL AD .i. lSA i s zat. NEW
may rev this advertisement. feels nem* of Lb. besitonon
cith which a new article is boo ht Wore the moth, Thc
cookie.* of years ban establial.l their soiperksitl
romi qtkattoy. and tie conlidently refers to lite teatime.
Of of thew: business eseo vho have used them erivelopec
sod to hi. rsphtly imervimins sake. as proof of their club
The following ere* few of the mamas Ihr their pogo
larity :
let. On the plaes myopia.' by - the seal, o Parton maT
here bLa rams, booltmes, and attires% conspbuinuely nod
1'am0nf011y..t.... 1 , 00 10. 01 or Oath annlina be ,
feet mYonty against hood
2/1. The Tameloam cannot be opened without beiog.lo
Seither waa nor/mien an my aired to sea them.
Otto It tam the mt....arias. of a late the seal Maarmits
immediate return to the Mader, Instea r, d
of being buried
;au/Attain the hood Letter Meal.
fah The Korelemy are funiblied at almost the rails
Pri.v Oki
ah. hotel, letter mailed Is a moet ribytive adrertaement,
sure to stmart the Ittklltion of all thew/Kb whose battle It
lum , •
bdloaring fa a bet of prim... Abe EOM engem/al on
bra,.. and which mill 'ma far pear"; au.l of F.TVLDOPO. of
' the usual arm. either uldleter hoof, of good paper, and
Omit oo %Wee, with name, addreeP,l<.: -
Prteit et' Ma_
, P"f"
of. jP"°l4" "0" "
I to .1
iutufal -. 0.00 0 , (10 - 14 . 1.50
MI to BO
00 to 100 —.....--11.00 6000 14.00
When It la tot totrrcnb.lit to fore - art astationVof onber
ilo o inTtel r/gfiTitiet r L 4" ;:lrorreA ;ITI:Z I tt . eI N IZrotn O II
attention, if addressed. WM. MURPHY,
• No. 2.6.3'Bindleoti street, Yaw Tort
enters will be attentled to promptly, Of left at'Ule stores
of Mean, Ebel' d
Willi 111 WaU area, or of Melvin, U.
Jerolltumh Co.. 134 am at'
N. ft.—Dugile.s.. Cards, emboseed 113 calms. from mum
Dies, at IItT.OII per thousand. ' • fett.643.
GONTPCITES hid usual facilities to receive
eteraue. rale. and Transhipment. all Merchandise
ronsigood Boats 1P6,0 We deck day for al 1.1..
no the Lakes and the Illinois Canal and Meer.
Referensit-edlessra. lAirsoJonesz. Steranii A
Mews. &Quin;
Mr. John A..l..)ingher. apioCra
Cro.loce. o..ounterloo. owl Torn.. .lion Merchants, on the
Levee, St. Joerph. 310.
Rorer to Alininelor Wotan, and Lorene. Stern..., t Co,
Pittaborgh. enlaT
VIAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
and Comtolostoner for rezintt Iron!. to. Lool ,
communication , promptly' anraered. orettly
I'AOLIN H. RANKIN, Attorney and Conti
'rellor at to.. and Comonerloner for the Rate .0
ntrylvonLr. St. Lords. ht., (tote of Pitteborrh4
Itrferenen.—lnneteargto Rom W. Torgrard. llempton
Miner, srearrnem s lloQnre. John N. Puke, Blown'
Semple. McCort a Co. sonl4;ty
THE undersigned having 01
t enlueed Use above a:toast's aftablisdo2
u mlauting In all about three hundred and any
reu s enald evapectfully give notice that it is =muddy
for the receptton and accommodation of the Unveiling
An e u xtend nity ed noticeof the tinuttlinelvd rtheventelthes of this
Moue whiched enpufloons, as the ntourroue imProva
ments have been wade inumot be properly even rio
an advertisement Peke It to any. bo esyenw has been
fund to render any apartmentperfect
Tbe furniture nu made expected) to orillu. regardlost of
na.., mad °WWII trnitioal Or it. othienially tlu DTZWiTIS
found to be of the mut, beautiful isninufac.
tine. The Dining root. am condone, and the hours for
maim selli be an arranged as to snit the currendends of the
early and late.
Every departypept will be conducted la an Unctorptlonee
it, manner, arid the
_frontlet:re pledgee himself that the
American Howie shalPe:tainiy the Traveller's Home.
febs3avilitoefmT LEWIS DUCE.
WARE T. We., Britannia Tea Etta , Ent Sliver
Plated Fork, Spam, and Batter Kure., Table Cutlery.
Ono. q usi ill. man) L.D. , or all
Cburch.. Btoma, Mat, Merlnireillnalo laa
wk., Ga. Braeketa Gsla Firtarea GoOdke or .11
Made: Gold Poor, Marian' and Glair Cutters' Diamond,
to- ae
ajeWk.lle my atom Is undergoing regal.. kr , tmnt.
Moen will god me la the tear of tae wore. (marsoca
tonal.) with • large stock of Mt Alcove good..
.ad at
usually low prima.
LW-Watch revelling *bog ear th;Mdrlg/bN,
meh7 Mme. Fourth and gerkoc ate
Weita& F. WILSON have removed to No.
t a 1113 Seeond Et, and 147 Frew a., b e t e ., w... 1
beekl. apl
rIOVAL.LLEsot.tstrABaNNErr, , WoIt ,
...1.•orootr. and Dealers in Produce , lave emote'
. 22 Eieeend, end 121 fleet sta.. between Want and
- Seed Store 'Removed.
Ilt,,nbseriber tuia . remoied Wit Seed Store
Tram Record ntrent to the bnildhog tumtlr orandott
amt. elsogrAhm..
horlintely opporito the Prat OAP. •
.14 .
EMOVAL.--GEO. F. DIIIM; Ilia removed
of. Doi Clads St= fr No. fl Kota Argot, to
0 Rotes Boa, Moto Moto%boon Wow Ann a..
lama ho• win ploondio NM on lois Nmasscootoocum
ji k :.
7t.. vr.nearvwr:
nmroapfinn theLreet. Airmtan
tAr Linrr, Aztho.n. ltroochiNr. ittiA4 or,nr •
LL Bram or 1.10421, and oar, Midi.. 4,
%TE do not .P.SiOnrl.7 Orjarq.
11 st.t.kito the l tires 'raid
Mtea to make no amertion so to Um. a ds
eine. and to bold no bop, to nelcring hunoanitt, arU'h'
facts trill noi learrant.
The Mom of feclarel, and the Pine and ;Mt Qum. ar
Maly celebrital for the core of el divans of the Lungs
and hirer. which are or finrhilly nretalen els xtl firatthanr
withd„,. prom a combination of thorniest extracts, saio
carp{ from this Lora sal thfne Trees; Da Wirtstos ou.
.nut or WWI eiralla is thistly farmol.
ilf/r-Wistars Balm. et RUA Chi-err l a fore Ma"
maim, Of Wild Cherry Bark .4 the
grin:tine /Muni (the letter itnportede...realy rattle
norpont) the rani ISlOliail rlrtorx a which ate aim ona
blued by a now chradral mono, with the extract at To—
th. rendering the whole coropoun4 the moot aerials, and
et/reclaim reined, ever illievivernl t/r the -
11 EftEDITA RT CONSC - 31 PT/ON Corea br Alsiar's Ell
Numof 1111.1 Chem,' .—The following came of Jvincol. It.
irrh., of Coneurotio, (flee of bit troll:ova and riven ha,
ring OW of Clouvronation.) L. truly wonilerfal:
P.antito !Wino. flatallt. cc, Sept;T:,
J. P Pass—bras Sin I Like the Illiertysif .11Unirlon
of the benefit I hare desired from the use of Dr, Alstara
Hainan of Wild Chem.. I WW: l pritstrated by that terrlbla
mount., Consumption, in Mar last. The attack Imi 11111 T
horrifying to me, for bor of our hardly. (my brothel, .4
shunt hal dial of Consumption. I was attlirtal with
warty all Mr worst fratdmee of the dbastue, I had a dimes.
in, mush, and expectorated a groat drat of Waal. huothe
fere, mesh.. pains in' the aide and ehree roll shills. alter.
OStillg With fob.. of heat.'
I was node, the core of • skilful piyoizion. - fmm
time I was taken rick until *lout Fit ...Om Were, brink
then about helpless, and my Mends ronsidorrd MY Cue
hopelers. or Itt lean beyoml oar physic-bull stilt
the use of Wistnex Bale= of Wild Cherry. Without tar
know Wye, my father proutergFt and onaneorrol atlraln
burins; lite Me, and Ora the Ent day I commenced tat.
tog It my besith'lmprored„ tad iu two nth, from the
nut* I cromnentsd using it, 1 was obis to Is out and over
wr my Imainees. sod Isles, which, stilLeontinne to do. I
hare tate. four Loth,. or the malicine s and nos consldir
,toyertf ye-Kelly
; ; ltlont b lortZlle Cot tune ls , WI
Jon, D. Pisa—Dent sir: In July - , IMO. I worottarke
watt s ferrrof typholdjcharocten, which left me in Try
debilita stale, when. In the following winter, I vs* to c
Inn with s severe cold. whlclineducal sir to ouch an tr ,
tent os to give melte sprearsury of a conflman.l ronancop
tiro. 1 labor rd under &severe eougb—ripeclorated *stint
&ab and was troubled with cold fort and Nest seteuts.
also frequently rsisuri hlrnlfo,.m mflungs. I canthaird
in this otate, gradually oinking under. rh• disease, until
January, 1117, when rm. nobs attati.i. 'With fryer. 11l
rebottle deepalrsdrif my . lik, and my physicians thought I
mold enrol, e but • short lime. - lily ertorialties, especial
Iy toy fret, were ranstontly add, and ilmtellat lidir &l
ing. Under thswe elrcutostraters It Maria Duly bed/ Wu
• living skeleton. I &tally determined to quit taking me
dic-Imq. preceribed by phymicitoe, and try Dr. Win... BSl
urn of Wild Cherry. sod from the first wait d i nt I com
menced taking It, I ran date a gradual recorerr. Irani/a
nod Ito use fix month, et the r which time l war evir.
oh and enjoyed good health ricechews-full
rummend the Halm. to all those afflicted w Yes i(
the lungs, and would say to those commencing Its , an.
to Ise discouraged If two or three bottles do not r
C 1.4 but prrovvemeis I hare done, and 1 hare no doubt
but nine rata out of Len, will be blessed with renewe,l
health as I hors Wen. Ilecyoctlally Toms.
...ANT TO TED. Arrumn WEED lasusizor ODE
From Dr. Baker, Springfield, Washington County. Ky.
Kr.elday 14. '4e.
Medue..9tanford k Parke—l tate this opportunity of leo
forming yonnf a most remarkable owe performed open
me by the um of Dr. Wistars Balsam of Wild Cherry.
lo the year 1940, 11., taken with an innamatkakot tto
bowels. which I labored under for eta necks, when I grad
ually recovered. In the fall of 1941 I was sttarladsith
ervere cold. which seated idea twn my I for t*
ewe of three years I was &mg. d to my bud. hied oil—
kinds of meelleine, and every variety of dd. sithout book.
It. amt thou I 'routed along until the winter of ISI
when I heard of Dr. Wield,', Balsam of Wild Cherry: 3yt.
friends parodied me to give It a tot I. the:near hod given
op 211 hopes of rowed-. an.l hod prepared milted/ or the
change of soother world. Through their solidtatima Inas
induced to make we of the genuine • Wistdre 'Balsam of
Wild Cheery. The aged' was trot, extmaidiing. Afte
Duce year .of affliction and sedicritage.and rdtdr having
spool four or Bre hundred dollars to no porptue, and We
but and mod megectable physidenr hid propel wawa
log. I was doe restored to entire lodide ify the binning of
God and (Ito use of D. Widnes Balsam of Wild Cherry.
May We bleseing of dal rest upon f the pottrletcra of to
valusblo o medicine as
L. T. RawlL Wadi:anion: L. 11. Powio, Uniontown, U.
Welt/. Greenobard S. Eotinta.scinarien Scott d illimorc.
Milford; Red a San, linutingalora Urw.Orr,floUMiyablail
Iliblebrand d Ca. Indiana; J. IL Wanda, Kittatadnat
Er.= k Co.11rook•111.; J. d Son. ITarnoinunn
M.Pananit ECo Y. Callender, Ileadvillet Inarton a Co. a
Eric: Graham d Evart. Mercca Jame Kelly ASA. But-
kr-, S. smi th , Beaven-J. Stannartan. Wan.; P. AC.
S. Jones. Onolonepart; P. Croaker. jr., Kro.nniik
Professor A. C.Harry's 'Triolherous, '
for MEDICATED CO3IPODIs. ,!infallible
O lt for renevriun, Invigoration, and beaitUlyleiti the hair.
anremoving the maid stamina. end all nacctionwof th e scalp, •
d curling eruptions on the skin. dismaes of the glands.
mosaics end inta•gunithite, and miles ism stinge, eats. Ord- •
opraine, de. With. this preparation "therein to anch
wool as MI.. Ttlr Emetic - mm.le In •Atorthrt. =din-a men
of the highest eminent... pitunincot citizens of all woks.
almul, aid IWkawho Lore oral it for :corn In their dm* .
slag mucus and nurser - am. admit It with one aeccrd. Witt for
Impeding rigor. gimm. leartriareie. and cothito the hon . .
eradieding scurf and dandru ff : beating wounds, =flag
entitled.. Sprisies,(lriar. at. mat Meiling dlsekses of
the shin. the glands, and We 'lalerle, it Jaw no mind
among the mu ltitude of compounds. noivertined in the pub
lic prints, or used in private practice. In chcapnem as welt
no efficiency. thirrt's Theopheroue is unrivalled. The Ina-.
mum each pales cif the article. hate enabled the inventor
to supply It at PS cents ;sr bottle. which is from PO to lOU
less then the price' of any other preparation lb:
the hair now In um. The edema - 15e treatise ern the hair
and the skin embracing the valuable direstimth for the
tare and preservation of nature's choieestortemient, in
In which each tattle iss.othoetd. is alone wroth .the money.
The affinity letween the Mein tiriatai which enuatitum the
skin and the hair, which .Irawe It. sustenance Rom this
triple envelope, to very them. Ali disensen of the hole ori
ginate In the shin of the bend. -If the pores . of the scalirr
see elokred, or if the blood ate! outer fluids do not tircu•
late freely thnsugh the onsti which feed the•root
with ErOlettins nod imilmet lb. to the three; the -result is
scuff. dandruff, shedding tu the hair, gr...., dere.,
sad 14.1.b0r. of the ligament, and entire baldness. tie the
bee may he. titlmultde the din to !laetrile! artnel with
TrirOpherOtte. and the torpid veneeb, mannerism Gel
activity, nIU thoitilinte the imam. !nail affethode or the
Aim and of the eubstmta of =colon mad integument...the
process sod the effect are the same. - It Is upon the can,
the Muscular arr. and the glands, char the Trlmpherons
has its speethe notion, and in all affections, and tomer of
threw organs. It is • sot emign nesnetly.
told In large had, price I..cente, ar the princifed oi; Broadway, hew York, and by the principal monde
ants cod throttglennt the I.nited Sta./rand C.-
• Needles' .Celebrated'. ,
The. highly modicatiel . bee Made her
more than twenty 3 eadc,luring..Shigh time: they have
groat peomsnent evputation.. the meet erimeiour
annurtle am! Strengtheniou 11•44.1 ever offend: ISO.
Arians of the-highest eminence. to aria. User comp./-
lion Nu been submitted, have given the =A Centering
terilteonslala ea to their .petior virtue over WI other plas
tent said. •
The ingredienta of their yomporilkst. very earefolir and
correctly ramthined, render them peculiarly applicable Lo
wrey. suffering with pulmonary
For halos In the breast, resulting from protrarted enLia,
whom - dug mu gh. toml halm to the murala
to the body. thrir bet:tenet. 'character Set beyond
guest on or Omuta. AA a remedy - in Lamb am'. their au
perioriey may all outward middles..., emit v lintemmta•
he has lama fullyrol.uted by th e omoTeur.effeelmab
For rakucu and r tati. In the Gaet mad side...Wog
from trey. amain, Aisne, of the kidneem Aly. them eu
application. To each . writer ulth adman tl
tlo ' Va.. those
plaate. are recomstrialed, •ith the monde. syuriure
that their beneficial effects Suurst very
For role, a holyale and
.m 4.
mehnE. SELLERS.S7 Wool st.
L,ra Inautiful Gl*. to Liner, ItosUna,
azuhrlos. Colar& k.birt l'Aeoup., and all Unita of nylon, its
use pretenta the Iron from nihdrinr, lathe Lint]. sad dust
from smelting: it rootaine nothlud injurious to eledho,* in
any retepeut. The Lida, hate lona ' - sure. foil tho nanuaity
of surli an article, and In Ow their exyrciatii,n inn
ruldleol, as no competition hi fgarul allot an Impartial
N. 11.--Oon Cate will do thirty &nen Of dolhey mid no
faintly should it without IL • ,
Price 12. N; e.t.a pi•r (lake. Lath (Islip...lth toll ditstelto:ll.
Fur nth. hy = 4,28 -11. Wand at
South Feet tg7 iir‘ Fifth and Walnut Streets
"I'VI#JATICATI, 01110. • -
(Incur gratedpin 1851.)
uIL SNOW. Jqintwal.
. .I—•—•..Lecturwron Commemal Lem.
• • • • - •
RS. BACON begs leave to return his
• ueru truute me the very liberal rat:thews which
es received, and hypos by Ithefatigehle attendee to
blueness to merit a emelt:moms of I he uupreoedentrd sw
that has attended M.G..; during the peetwintrr
. he utility of inetitutiont o t de. booth«
so completely estahlighed by greatest dethengrations nod
been m loudly attested by the a...candy wit thee relay
ed the/deems/tee of their instruction. thlcmgor to re
think either argument for their tuPPod. thiugY upon
their merits.
no {Ann adopted in teaching mnthinet ctke With
theory; ineteed of nail, books they:mile ars thercieed
making original entries or every - day tuetheth Oa:teeth/ore ,
Joornallthog. pectins, Balancing Acmuntei opening end
closing a great variety of diderest eels of Wake, both for
nartuerthdp and Individual tvlithe, where the bodnee•
lith then mother°. and edvoren and that quelify log the
student for entering" into the yothic../ duthei of Abe ac
countant In any kind of Moine.. • - •
The ethos of Imtrurlfon wio moist of Dfll.l3bE EN
TRY BOOK KEEPINO, catty... Jug ovary • clethotteunt
trade and Kerthralle thomuto, s in• Wholesale. ItetalECome
nthudon. Eyebaths. Bunting. Kthutecturing:
lvaleklual Partnership, Steemboulthg.thui Command Co.
Moines, Commercial Calthisuons, Practical Penmanship
pupils are mmr
lustructed end not (Velure:b.
that .trennu. .rn.r ar . tune, and.preeced in the
ratio of their esythity end ethidult • • ' •
Public thamineduksthe hal. (though qopiwi,ti...
hied mthately if they dealre It.) when the atudtht under
goes rigid thd thervasetinterromendrorty t aste
thisted by a Committee
ge e se Ken. and Diplenua awarded them whose
ed worthy of them.
.0 course rev be am plated In tom ell to teikaula • • '
And in conclusion s the Principal would Awe that emery
thing in hie power esdnotthatmthajihremithir.
and make them thorough and accomplished stmetuthutes
and hie ethensthe acquaintance willt.thelmaithes crams
iity will genethlly enable him to .prucure eittithcas
hthc &therms of obtathinethera . _ • •
Terme—Pot s comma bf lesotheir Book Letni mg,
W iltive. Comment Lando; -
Temperance , ' e Noblestmer Plank
Road Company.
()TICE is heretwgiyen-toOeStockhold
• ers'of odd Contyviny. th at thi7 t ask ' N.., tlargenlvin.urrre of ‘ thi. said Cosacens„D Ilse
handn each smith f the 'socon isrtlthlstor
every her until theveholo Stuck is
pak h full—as thy mut and be graded and bridged by
July 4th. 1551. The btackhoklers size reennneod •th
Inslnnt and panctnth In thrir morns.
" - Inchand • =OWN. Presidstrt- •
11 . FAD PlkE=-Dernelre ,inifreed patent
.32A a c r , eV:i)et'' • '
oxa hand4 .l{Dza
Ilar,hraT Ot!'