The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 28, 1851, Image 1

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puvLik4l..D WEEKLY, BY
lemma rums?.
OTPICE umr. srstrrt, SPI . 2 MCI TO 111;1 POST 077113
dn!lar• per anotiM. parable WI 7 004 3.
102 DoLittn If tmvl in advance.
• WrS , li.LY—Tw ,, •lullmr• per annao. In advance. Cl3OO
in be nnpnlinl on , l , .•Mlooring cmlitlons
Threr tk .
oi3 .10 .... ..... ......- ..... 900
13 00
Th.. , 111 t. a..kinamol 10 ono
0.0 , 1 1 , 00 11 ,, r0.31y it) advance. No auto Pape=
be pent t reAr 'onlgna the Inemer 1.5 sent for
r.. 0.1.
One "loner , (10 Ilem of Nordrami . or less)
one inaertlon 000
/mob eddltlortal insertlea. 045
• Ib ten weeks 3 00
Do. t bren... ' 400
lhn - month '''
Do• eo m a •
• 00
r m 10 00
ound,. 1400
o 8
Etandinz CAN.. 4,5 Myr relre
or ler tun I SS 0 00 0
One Dollar for al) additional I
One eblm‘rm 0 0 /roommates/A ;deem.
. 13 oloth.mad
t i iegl fr Vidlltnenl •11mro Mader Me rearlT rein.
Advertliernente PT , 4%11{1 and mot oder Moen
Iner, rhareed ee a *mama and a half.
Publehers not arrow:l.Mo Mr Legal edrertleenornta bee
lkold dho *WWII chltr,M.l 101 . their mddleation. -
Ammon/dee mallitates/4er care in hr Merged the llama
aiL other edsmaleenienm.
Advertbornente not mooted ea the mpr for •
number or Inrerreem. rrill be =W.. , 611
mina onsonlinalr.
The d
prielleza or ennual rolvartleere Is strictly limited to
their own immediate booklet.; end ail adrertatements Oar .
'the benefit of ether...ram, ameell nail adrertieements not
lartandlately motored • erlla their•Oem Innen.. and all
Classes Of advertisement,. to oath or otherwise. beyond
the limitreminked, trill be choreal attlM usual rahm. Par
allsuch . transient mdrertlsinrit
o eePlead/
rambecd; . .lind prmant nolrnm•t o•r•o-
All ildrertammeem fir. chwitoblo institutions, Ore mem
beinieM ward, te•rmlilmand ether publie•meethirm and
rL like, to ha etre.-7,1 Ulf prim, payable &Uri, in ad.
TaS Starrier.. node, to be SO cents.
. .
Death saatlck.o i:g•rt.".l 411hout charge, unkto Imozape
rdrd try Longest Invitations owehrtnary none, mid when
so aenomptolot In be pull for.
. Recut. alterti,ort kr/Jl.ll . 036.113r9 111,214b,_5 0.1.1131121i1.
non', ur renturime anieme.dreirreed to mill Attends= to
Fair,. Salim,. trtneertu. or any pulalla entertain:Ll:teats,
hare rbnron• or mode for mindttance—all turtle. of pi
purate euroelalions—erery notice designed to call attentkm to
ts enterprise.. cell:elated or hatuntled to promote fedi
reldual only he irreertol with the understand
lax that the mac is to he raid-fur. If Intended to to ba
llerina in the local enigma. the same will be charged at the
rt. of net kw than 10 Ponta per lino. ..
Bishop or stir tiottwa m he charged triple price.
Tweem Lireiree Petite]. nisei,
neat 11.1eure Arent, and ALL(1.2.11,1" . advertisements not
•to be uttered owl, parry rate, bet to he allowed a" ai
r:met of thirty, tlrpi not crow third per amt. foam the
amount of bills.
'Mi. TIII.IriCEIS talli PAM. •
One Loewe • threw ineertrocur.—. •-..—..01 bD
Da.. . earh litumed ineerithra.
sormermluen rrs ss wt.= POPII. ai
• ling..) istarticen.---..50 meta.
Do.—:7-Im.rb Inmertmn 2 cents.
All tratokut nd vrt ti,navnts In be pad to advance.
011 N A. PARItINSON. Alderrnan,,Fifth
• Wont Iron Atrret. tety ern 011ars and IS'Aitzt. All
toptittrAt promptly rat-toled to.
(Laif', :;"=1"..)
A• TAYLOR, Attorneys at
:r;--test; on Fourth tried. Naltii.W i liettreeit Wood
Stitittrfielit streets. Yds
W:-11.z-D. D. OliDledst Ls estainisdiatier tbr the &Me of
'New York. spit.
‘ l , lIINN :4; COLLIER, Attorneys at Law—
UP an ntre..t. above Smitherl4-
111V.1"..11 , 111TE, Attorney at Law—Of
nee on anal aret.t, nnleYourth. in Art.bkaff,:aonlLl
lIAIIRISON SEWELL, Atte , rr x w ,... i.t Law,
°kn. Role mbWoner Or taking Ant.
nontedgcrnento 01 le. Ortsow—Vo sand. nnonss
-N. G. rErCERBIAN, Atter
. e • ... FA a Agvnts, No. la i tth
Ie . 4AMES J. ,KIIIIN. Attorney at Law, office,
In Tilghman Mill. /4,414 r ni Want etreti and Olsztiond
• y, Piliiihurgh. .0415.1117
ir A 3IES 'F. I, Attorney at Law—Office
../ on 4th st_, fii.tiri.iin Smithfield and Want. Pftubnz;h.
FRA:IN.:O I S I'. F NLA Eti I.N,Attorney at Law,
2:0. 1:0 }Mirth Ftreet. l'it4burgh.
STOWE fc WATSON. Attorneys . at Law .
Vo 110 Fourthu h
La John
Burden lg; in
ran Iloorloon k Wal.
• 11. Nam John Yleming. At
-conntonn den s..larkoon. loinoto=.
A DWAIM I'. JONES. Attorney at Law:
ORm ao. ro.nh otroot, toolreee {Baal sad &WA
TASPER. BILUY,.-Attorney-at Law,
, 111 N0..94:11.4 Pitte.burcl. P.
• ‘I73L 11. WILLI A'ltS & CO., Bankers
- •., • • aml Pyrrane” Protery,,North Let tamer of Wood
• turd Third stre , tr... Pitugnmpb
All trenmeriont made nn libyral terms, and - colleetkam
Promptly strentlld'
Iti D.*.KlNG;Bariker and Exchange Broker,
a Fourth st.n.,t. Dealer In Bardallotr, MD of Er,
TlTilrsi ' VaNll -
7,Z t r. - ITP‘,VIT. g1....1.-
Mir Dninn e O, and Marina . and Epardah Dollars. In
VW, R.
LARIMER, J, Banker and Broker,
'y 4tbstmet, Mn. G6o.ljolninx tbe Bank anti:A.lrd
i2tifflCOK'S4l CO. Exchange Brokers,
Eanth lom Corner of Third and Marketatraeta All
mu. meat Iflaral rates .
"pluodi HOLMES SON,7Dealers •in Foreign
eeo oore,..ekoto• of r.reie* I>rtlf lest. of
Dmk Dotes ead Aneeete, No. ITI• Market Meek, DID.
borgtr..„'"ll3l.C.n . llMlnue resets on Mt the mine:kW cities
threngbeeet United Ste... • •
GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers:.
Dealer, in tixehrinco. Coin. Busk Notes, te, No. 14
Fourth street +art fluor to the Bonk of Pillatairigh. col
/ ortlons
put of Ho. eorefall
ti y atanit,l to, MA the pseuds remittal to
n? n inn.
-.lll'.a.ri RAHN.
hRAISER RAIIM, Bankers and Ex.
<asap Draliarn 'Valen Total= • ant Dos:feel,
of ErrhAn,.lAntifir,tr ofhawdira
the Et Mari
earner o
o, f. Third and Wood Ferrets, thrall). oppoaite
• '
CAROTITEIY.S la CO., Banking House,
No. 15 Wood espet. PAL-numb: Current Mowry
..1 Ilet . a.y. (!nlleltione mass on 411 11,. plincipal
,dtku, alttrAinnatntaten. •..
•• atatal • • ' • Pm. a. tun.
: 1 1§AJR0 ; 1 / 4 IRVIN, Commission Merchant,
„,„, i But rt,, herr N n.lll &mut street. rettouol and
sseur ft, ',from Sit* tatlo.LO saw ars oo bad.
.111ALMER, HATN'YA CO4t . aecessomtcv
k X.M0t1"... VSCELL.WII.BI%.O.4.
' dealer/31u Pot kL tottl be:ttetioEsebstore.:Orrnandes
Ve r enrod ' agt Vt4r7ri ' ri N' th ZorrolietT } e t
SIVA Cheese for o f
ava co2ettloste W. MI mar-.
i t all' the tttinoipel point.. of tho liollo4 Attie*.
The hiollest premium M id for !motor , and • datetieitt•
Advances male on eenri cmosots of Prodstre,doPtsl sort.
on talent lortOP. ,
..41 - 1 W. T A V LO It, Commissioner and Bill
Brok Pr. 112 , tqtriet attention !HU be
liana to all totra4+:l to ht. non. Plttiber.s.b
xuarkofectnml artiona aloe, on nano or tatannal at don:
none, :ton, 141.1, Mortgage. At, vegotisied Wen
;Oda tvrat, nyulred.
lot 0.• STOCKTON, late .Johnston Stock
... Le. tot, 7461.1..11,, Prlntez'and Binder,
rin of ilnrkFt. end TLinlrnv. d, PittAbunth.
LAS. -B. HOLIIIES' Cheap Literary D
ob epot.
nril till. , Not - Office. NOM BCOILII re
NHOPKINS, Bookseller and Stationer
• N 6.75 Foortl. ttp...t. Apollo Building&
Berms mirD coidEurroasils.
peAVIT) DOWN, di., Wilelesale and Retail
• Bak.r ails! Ciorrt tior,r, P 6 Fourth strnet.Pittaburgb.
lliog Fahl•y4.l.uf.vtlouzz7,l”7. Cu tram.
All ordtr , punctoolly•mxtpo.f..l to. •
meet:tier . 41
Tx"s24l; gul?,;"","' .X I get%
• 10.1 Vitpd:r4,..Y.'h...e, NO. BS 17.7,tb
VC: POINE/MXTE 1.74 . 74;rnerof-Watig and
• ll Nmelvt Clitoboryt.'oDlnunolt axa for
••1 Viz the T•mlomasod ale of flour.
'WeettrO P•A". -• •
oatirlAl of Cittol , urrll perwrollr.
4,,,,,-Agrut re, 0f IlarpireCo-wY. WII.
:Ilan,. and Ilar Forlut. a! Pkaaddplria
prim: tesul Jent:lnfi r•upre.0r,A,47,..,
& CO - Tranaporters;
F,,xmo.r raml entoenNolno Newt:moll. Zara
(Nast Xlmin. , o:. 1 Aar, rtrnst.yit!4...n. 6b it.
• ll , rebaou, N?. GI Rat, ANeet,
M. 11. JOIINSTON. Forwarding and
Cetatalralon 31-,13.4 No. 11.2
litt.&7o N ES. Forwarding . aw) Com
rolArkm I.ft
Ilere ha Forwarding
re end PM.
• 51.ortfarter...1 ('snap OMIt. hem. Seventh
street- itittnimrvh.
AItLFV, - (f6. Successors to At
. Onna,!lron en , lFororanilnOter
nt, 1.1. n. V:tt4oat,h Matactlk Cl
tared adß. Pitts
DRY GOODS Nizeduks
c, snncrrr.
MM. Pan.
It.C.,,ST.ACIcLETT co7.WhOlealile
D.ats°. lel
ta, At IWO, it tn.. r61,...11 ..... ...-. 416.. y a co.. N. MI.
AC.A. MASON Ai CO., Wholesale and Retail
11..... , 1.11 1 , ,,t,...y im.l .et.uple D. G. 44 63 MarketL llttsburs.. I
~..3ELCRPIFY .1.- 11111:CILITET,D, 'Wninziatz
,- 1..1 mull Dry. Goal • 11.6.6 a..., corner of Iremth
md tr5t. ! ..,.. klmtl.r.A.
_. I,_
..Hail , M.., P.L.-..7...1 --
IrRSEY; - VIMITIVIIt. OP., 00111.MindOn
dinni..t.-7 , 1v t.t..Jt. ~r no.i,,n+.-... woou_ ~, .aa
a,„„„ 1 ,,., A lm, At....,, lu oil Unix not W..' Trim.:
~t , 6 4 N o , :1.• Wm% ttcur:L. fr. 1.1.4 Amy from 12tati Pltto.
- DEBT-1618:
IL" D: MrPrr. Corner ofjr4artk
..nainecotaret:, Wire= Xarket and Tem
SOO. •
~., .....-....'.! 17- . DAILY PITTSBURGII GAZETTE.
in A. FAHNESTOb • & CO., liihnlft.le
snd niamen.nrer. of Whit. Leal.
and Lthar,. nuntryTor. , l sttilYmpt driotA.
FM/raft, P. szuli7
M 0... nr!U.I I le. c.retorrem-
EtoYS i
ER . ,t 31cD0 .,, , , 741 1 1.,...c i 5 it u .. 7 .1 70: .. t0 d
lion Skier, commr of Wm..' street end Airha oiler
' Prostrirdlorm retrerdlif MmpOnnded led and
• —.4._
4Krbp & CO, Wholesale Druggicoi:Heal
eMln Points. Oils. Lird.fitaffs, and lirstrinwialre—
gmt, of tie. Lt•Lses , ormisbratsd Worm omit, us.
kr I And Lemir tOMP , NO. Lti. roroor of 11 .0 01 and
rlnb arr., Pittsburgh. Orders will tor mmfdllrmst
d frowoosird with dimaroh.
pra k,
1 E. SELLERS; Wholesale Della _
: , Denim, Pains, Dc Fittills. Oils, Varnish,,,,, , , A,
o. a Wood MIT.. Idttsbeitrth, Pw Good, witrstroi
w low.
Qi N. WICKERSHAM, Wholesale DrigSst
Ifnser.....ox _ . MM. lIIIIVR
-4111.&UN & ItEITEILIVInIemIe and lictdd
Drwrad.l. mew. of Lllrty god $ .. Cf., .3.. MN.
and,. Pa.
. 1 SCHOONMAKEErCO., Wholesale Drug
aids. No. f 4 Wood 3t... Mita:dea,.
VV. i11b...14..........
i l y b. F. WILSON, V. holesale Grocers and
1 . Commirdon 3lerchailts. /gents for ter of DU
Ilmi /I Powder, 0.1113 4 .4 and 117 Frnto stn. .0.
Llj •
SELEE, Wholesale CrOier, Commission
Merchmt, 624 dmOro 11 - -PaPrr lad Hogs. mr - twr of
And Irorto =vet. Pittab reh: . .
S:OHM P. Skißll{llll., Wtolesale Gro
cer, Malacca:ld Coammtsalcu
en Pittsiburcla Manufactured Articles. f.u.c.1.10 „ n d 1,2
sc. i scsit sturt, name. Irotaland etulthil±l,sttsburan.
1.10. IL 1:411.11 , 0M1_,..... -... 31 ‘'11
, DILN S.. DILWORTH & CO., li6o em l e.
g=zw i VI% at a co ' . e 'Vr E ., qtlrcP"' 1,°,, d
Is•cmt - n... Pittsburgh. ' :
4. M. 8012131.1310_...]
i '. c‘F .
JUP Grooms end ColtuaLksioul Iderchsuc., No. 110 1 - ', e
meet, end 130 Pint stmt. Pitteurgh.
- 13 UEY, MATT BMWS & CO., IV holest.
At't:g . :7=Ctig:ll Vl i ntfrln42:4l.
1 -- JoiiiTrArr JOlOl IMAM.
. - •• •
i!cli t l . 3flN • WATT & C 0.,; Wholesale Grocers,
Comminima Dierebaami, ant DiAlete iv Shalom an
borsch Manufsetume, No. Liberty Meal. Pitts:
r B. CANETELD, lat , of Warren, Ohio,
I,.trumr.- rhar, Vi .b a ' Xrd .
Pio:rlAah. mul Wen.. Piplumoietteralty. " Water ' street,
betweeh Smithfield and Wool. lo h.
il..a lummox. -IL et. 11,11311i1.13 R. 4 .11)1/0,
S. WATERMAN d. SONS, Wholesale
4 000eins Commission arid Enroardine Merchant..
min all IcludA of Produce and Pitrburgh lianufacur.
red drtiolea aod Aurnta Re the Gala of Richmoud and
lirpcliburdh Ilarinfutared Tobacco, Noe. SU and el Water
riiirt, Pittsburgh.
5... F . VON BONNIIORST & CO., Whole_
• rale Grocern. Porerantlue and Commlimon Meech.
Durbin in Pitteburgh Manufacture. mid Weaoern
Ihr o tt .i, e, !ha X. corner of lr'ront Kent and Chaim., time.
.11 - AS. DALWELL, Wholesale Grocer, Cow
ell mink,* Merchant, Mal Dealer in Produce and Pit,
harsh Manufleturea--Nii.7l) Water rt. Pittrboro h.
- - - • -- - - 'col,.
SJ .-. bICKEY & CO., W I ' l
iTe ;are Gro-
L -
i WY.. .01.1111.. ... ..... SOUS I. ...mar,
ANGLISII &- ifiSiNEtT, late English,
Gall.scher k Co..lTholoroloUrnrers.lkurtrubulort arid
ormirling Merchants, and Dwarro lo Produr. alld I'M,
baiirla Mnnufactuma. NO. l''.Ll mulls. & and 121 Pint...
we. Wad and Sl:cat/4AL ,
Groollll4 sad Invortrnt or 11ra.1 . 1.. 11.10, run. Tio. r2l corner of Liberty_ anal Inalu .cos..
burgh. Pa. /ton. No.ll. Collar& lan.. ke.. ae . cwrdaotly
AIM 1 . 0111......1.5.S D. )1 . 4.101-.—.lralTis c.
M'GILLS 8 ROE, Whojetal.l!9r b o t e r rn
Gbmmt n . rants. Na I a •• t.
J'OBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grauer,
tbictifying Diattikr. dealer In Produce. Pitnnurgb
afecture l maci . 1 0, 1112 d t t .pr b;o , n;lta
, liseN . liinnii:
r nee i
ai .took pc r . opArior e d elonou r aeeLs Whi,krt. bi.
OBERT DALZELL k CO., Wholesale
Omer, C0M11i...4021 Marc/mute. dmleri In Priebe ,
.dtto teh blwinfactu. tite ..Y.3 I.lberti. vire,
Plburyb. Pillebta rrs
brow. Produce, Fomenting. end Coml.:ll,nm !Jer
i. and Deeler in Pitirburgh Manurecturin. No. Ybi
Liberty amt. Pitteburgh.
11M ILLOALIff... .i....10WX B. C 24011- 1 ,9.
W. 00,001[0 . . 11 111..0.17.
M. BAGALEY & CO., IVholesale Gm
- airs, Noe. IS and 3] Nrcezretriet, Pitieborgb.
--- .
Jong D. wow-- . .... ....silo "Cracow+.
WICK. & MaiiNiii;ESS, emccesa+ors to
L. 1.. J. D. Wkk. Wltakcale Omens, Forvardlnx
sad Catoralasion Merchant, dealers to Iron. Soil., tlk..
COW= Yocum, and rtrorborrb, Monufactrens gsacsoll,
elm of Weed and Water street, Pitraborgh. ' _
Manes Lß .
CUERTSON & CLAUSE, Valois...hale
. Wooers and Comododon Mcic hoots. ikakr. to Or..
atut Plldsborgh Manulkelorsd Articles. 115 Litscit
a t. ?Mahon:l3.Pa.
D. D. 11111.11.111. DOD D".
. . D. WILLIAMS & CO., Wholesale and
• Bean Fatally Gnaws, Pomona. and lkooml,sruo
3 ts, and Deals. In Country thssluns and Pitcsburkh
corner of Wald and Filth M. Pittsburgh.
NSON, LITTLE i CO., No. '2..!,5
Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Wholes:oc Grocers. kr.
and Canutbschro 'Merchant, and dealers In Pittsburgh
.ciuna nor°.
tIL:IL FLOYD, Wholesale Groeera, Com
. 11014i0111 Mernbantia and Denier. In I'mlner—Round
Milldam front 011 Liberty, Wood, and :IWO+
in. Pltiabargh.
• OLIN PARKER & CO., WholesaleOr C
Weider, In Pioduce, POreliin White , liquor! . Old !lon
ia ao4 'Leda/L.4 Widstx, —No. 6, Coninit4risl lion.
Li St. Yitlabar4h.
----- --
=mu. tinsiiiiiith. •
.. 4;'6d
r, IN H. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fertes.
1p M ac e. a . Musks' Instromrots, &tool Books. and
Is • Sol e agent for Chkkerina's Plano Fortes, fur
'if sorskirsolo—No. II Wool
.1 L -
g .,.
ENRY RIBBER, Dealer in Music, Mu
deal lustromeals. end Importer of TOW. Prrlom ,
omt kr Norms 41. Clark's and soll souks Cook,
(Coleman's Nakao Atlschnoost. Also. for Duahser
ENNEDY, CHILDS fr.. CO., Manufactu-
Trs of aerp_ruporlor 44 Ehrecitur, Curp.t taiiiith
rim and BaMag. Perin 11111, Pittsburgh_
_max r nano.
TONES & Itiliiiio, Slanufacturers of Spring
1 11 kmd Mute r , m arl. Plough Pint :WO Plough
t.aseb sad I=4Phiga linumripl Ina Aairai
" it l e V u !r'erft7g7 , gtTiamiagalunerirorn i 0.04 yri ;1.
Pittptusa. Pa.
t. Berry k Co, Iffenufeetarers of &di Art. Illewb
bgowder, 3llni•Lie anti tfolpbeule Add.. learebouee.
N 0.163 Wider et, below feen•
ALTER P. MARSHAEL, Suceiseor tu
. . Eamaid C. 1111F—Importor and Dealer n Pirnsh
end Ascruican Paper Hangings and Bonier,. Window
rs. Fire Pisani VTION, tr. Al.—Writing, Printing.
and Wrapping Pamir, N 0.85 Wood street, tirtageti PsuriN
and Diamond idler; Pittsburgh, Ps_
______________ . .
I OBERT MORRIS, T e n and Wine Mer
chant East Ode of the Diamond, l'ittsbotsh•
ow x ilol, -
ITM. A. M'CLURO & CO., Orneers and
Sea Dealers. na 2an Liberty street, stove Wood
ha always on basal a isrue woortment of Cbolee lirnorr
I. Fhb, Tau Altn—Fortlan
and 2: ue.ll bole
sale sod wan. Dollen supplied o n Ws lowest tr..,
Y, Agent for the Lake
Clr,Ker awl the Lake,—
.nd timutekhi..6,
, rantrporters Omni
erelong.. corner of Penn stnn4
ApAm. HARDIE. Veterinary Surgeon, Into
M3t mm
the eabila b inthe hm, roninlep2l r " ..t t !! ' l i n 7 Ir.
t in
in'taiiinin mul, hr t o atttatlon to whatever ii•
en to him, he hop. to Air! astiolattion,
In tonnoillon • aillb Jil9,4' htniln, Hort, Flin , inn "
Bt. ithing In mm.ral will hyrarrird on, at the poplin
Of 1' ••• stroct and Patinniaintia t ot,
,1.0 It Plf ?.4, LEE, WOOL DEALERS and
Campalrdoo 31errbants , for the sale of American
m Ooada, No. 139 Liberty et, Pllttburab.
Sk. W. itARBAUGIL, Wool Merehant.P,
.Dealers in Floor and Pluto. qraersllr sod For
hag sad Oomml.siou Aferelmts, No. 111 Illrot etet,
enof Id becond etreet,4lttobargb.
- ---
- -
EVILLE: JOHNSON; Engraver on Wood.
puk, (tbh ., Pittabonfh, f . ..—Vlnn of
. M.nb e y 'nlLrrrag=g; ^`'m
k....funt; Coteo Btanars, la Um Ent ctrl.
Of oft sad at the lootht rem..
Mr.,retagetteralsuel 2.llthine
3""k ,Virithut Lirdee.
.1s), roomed or
printed lo Mon. Irma. threw, or
=4 Ur
meet eVirrthed ogle. sad at the sum. hew.
Able Flaw Jaattly
liriViSet 3:11
MT V. Iv I LSON, Watehes„lewelry, Silver
uhd 31111t.r, Gontt. rorm.t . of 3fitrkct and
fourth err, rut, IL— and Clock.
iCI(AN. WILSON & CO., Importers and
111ohowle Donlon. ho IlaMvam nod Cutlery, No. 129
t Plitoborch
JOII.N . II'ZSI .NION CO., Man nfaetu
rasa of V1.1", , T and (11:FEN CAFE, MOU Lpe. told all
hied. at MACIIINEnIi tal.r thin artlual of InSarmlnn
tbnae a. , lroug.oe lan Lag an , ta nark done, that tiler are
nr..narrd to do I,: the kareat pra,lble rater, at the abort.
.nt nau,. am( In 11, , vat moons. at their rAabliAhmet..
al,va tho Canal Itrldaa.aenr the (h.. Warka.
Tart in. tar Black Smith awl }:loot Furnace., mann
firtured nt the ntsortaet nodes, ant at ihn Innaaa prken
AIL kftvla of Jobbing ankle on abort natio..
Gan Fitting.
Fro otreek, brtween irocct end
Would Invite the public to thrir
oft.ortment of
Chauddiers. Peodunts, firack4a.
The nre prolulrtil to carat.
lit -r
Fttung ou the shortoot ury
toe 1101 MR. , ros.o.tdo torn.. futehirlf
Wegner, Ihechner & Mueller's.
THE ABOVE FIRM te.4pPetfully nnuounce
to their friends and th, putilk gr.nerully. that they
end Prtrs.,local Canis. M ', 6,
ane. Chute. La.o
Thrtr,tal,h.Ntnent to at No. to Sterk.t sttret. ht.twe,ti
Third sal Fr,urt h atrerta, tnchSaf
Bolivar Fireßrick Manufacturing Comp'y.
THE SUBSCRIBERS, having been rip-
Ag..nts thr ed... -word concern. trill
Itrep ecrndantl, on hand a rtn.ply of the cArbritted Nulivor
Vire Ilnrlt.Cratablr Fin.Chir, Forum , Hearth., and 1nt...11s
Th., are ale prepared wrmdrr nrders fur said Brick. to
p Lamar In Around nlispe 0,01 purrha..rre. which nhidl
to roolv 1.
IV., doout d.oln llll.- It neer.ot, rr to enittnorate• thr many ad.
tttnta,..... Fire'brielt ov.r all others that
h.rn.ffrrrd f rah. In Ow United State, their nut,
rlorttv lylnr r!' loon. to alto°, nil prraoti• who ivr, trick, The proprietors hair det , ranut.l that Ow
'irk tool none of their pr.«-oavnriahlr repatunon.
ad ths: no expoa, elan hr 'Tared to ntle theta ereu
tare than thy, - hase herutatore I,ru. Thi. the only
'Nblizhinent nom tunnufnetunng Yite Erich at Ik.livur
t t. JOSE,.
Canal ka
•••• • • :
ittsbuigh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
TES underAigned hare just completed their
manuttrturintf all nix.f of GAS
••••sl•r Fle.n, ewl ell ntz, of
••• " • -
u‘r kNo a vu.,
Nn god n:Wider strfet,
g•lsltlra BOR. i'ds
I NOBLE--Cirr Flouring
V Mil,. No.a I.tberty our of Adam. Pittsburgh.
N.c..LAE - yßim:. Civil Engineer,
Age(t. 3 . l (Xn
dnlngn.s. , r the raw, tiveigu• of Start,. ( lr
Min.., Wets 4
It.tlbsitt This le.
A and I. }I.. et his :eridenot, No. :a
ltgrhury l'lttst,t, paul4,l/,`_.
I- ) Al -11)1 :I-it., Agent for Delaware Mu
& IntlFatah)4. Water street
ARDI NEIL Ct....FIN. gent for Franklin
0/ Sir's , Csdultn.. names of Wool
Third strtg.t, _
M. GLENN. - llorr. Et,. ben, Wood street,
V sfoond sbur from thr ,rner of Third, (tan , be L.
tsss , d 1 ” everr ttfaceihtb, of Binding (nth oeatness
Cu d iSrZesTiStits74 l . " I it'ltrgtteVn.VoT",!fri=
Istund esitt,fusit retsn'd. Nutife put uti gilt letter.
Those rho bare binding tgriti•iw call. Prices 1.,
iry Tout)er:dle:uul ReLit
11..11 Matautsettrrrn, at , / N.alerot h Ilah.,CaluatO
or am! Fifth [mt., NU...burgh. Wht . r.. l / a , l
Wirt a tallimdfillaphlt ath lata. Part
q.ahtl at./..1, Id • /.1R1014,410 sad mod
the attrtawlUielr , Au......, hwd rww.hwarea Keno,
th..¢l that Um will w:11 ow lbw moot ulna•
1r1.4 Ikl:!*.tnt ,,thg ~,
T i :ilor :
u M m
! 9
New Coach Factri—Allegheni.
,, u•cawk pr. , .1
Nat. 6 'r " v `r" iThartet l,
. .
attention of th nnithe In thin no , tt , t.
tt'.~.refni.vk the
N I , ,,airintr ia the tx.
cao, , nod tat tM
nable tom, • kartf
gAGLE MARBLE WORKS, ( ~I. lllhell
1.:1/ , 11.N10 11.1il NS. No. 1.4 GMr lr IL.
! .1..4....1 '
0 m.&, to .ml,
N. h. A mot., lomirtu. Ina hand.
'ARRY. 111:1111E & S (7(1. sue prcprd to
c du .11 S 1.111; IttX•YJNO
ALFA LA CU i i LIN, AO, c..r Etna et t
At 11ttet St orks. PlitaldlLL
luuu, try rupdirvd.
A CARD-1851. .
URl'll'i BURCHFIELD, North Lao
eurr of Fourth end Market xtreet, Pithiburith
te.l ne
.e. at thenummentrotent of the New Tear, to re
turn their thank, to their curtain., and the public gener
ally, fur the large 'amyl of custom extended them. and
Invite the contitsonner of their favor. Having reereitly
enierued and tratmerrel their maw. du, are•riabh.lto ben
rn hand la very extetmlre tumortment of thulde-- and but.,.
ill hale the adeentaun• of plenty nf light to exemlntioge
guru's, end make their wdectionr. The, &om
thytr t,ttabliehruent. ILA fur as hreetieubJeM gr& . w FAMILY
sTiUth. whem ever., article In the Dry limb , line, a..1...1
no the cants of ran he procurte.—end m their
continued elh,rte 'elect the Wet gteeL, and h. sell at hue
the, hoie to mete It lh r 1 of familia,. nal ht.
dividuabt. lA , PO or them with their engtom.
• • • • . • •
CA-The t , HOLE-YALE BUSING: , will he nnutiourd lu
the tumult up rtnin.--entrauno frt. ith •trreS ur uhrcrugh
lower nonn. rum
Corm, re Third sod Market Wert, The ants char
d I ogAntion ut tha Lind to rittrhurgh.
Ittertrt. • John Plenninc, Ininotkal Inotrnetor in the
feienee of Amount,
0. K. (lx.mberlio. Pmfotoor of l'enntuatuthlp, 3lrrcautll.
Computating, lc
Alex. St. N~at..m. Lociurvx an Cournexclal La W,
. -
drm.rtn“ a f=l.4ertr alma'lodm of !molt h."...imr.
alai it -4 applimtion 1.6 every branch ot bwrinel, m
Fmt and rapid pont...ll4pp. u•Mit et•ID
so. , the arrancter,nto.
• .
rrnamrxis/ Lem err,. Mr•ndar thr rrrldrut mera.n. .1,23
r ~
et - Ar.k, . F.,..1.15111:0 1%32, by EDMUND
• WILKINS. No. 245 . Liberty et..
b•nd of Woad etty, Plttsburt[o. P.
Mr.namente.bnnal linultl.Tona•unvs.
0‘... Sinnlln Pienl , ntrn and Ntr . Tut,
i nlnain on hand and amt. to order. e 4 the
clinteekt . Marldr.t, and al wwry ,iIPWI
win,. .1 thmir selerlann of Drarnnp: ,
1. , - v.
~, # =1: . :1 ' ; '
• ....,.
Ilartnar I. not tiennan, t:no
/I!Jn. Jthipt John I . l.aspri., Esq.
A rrijiCert
J0hn 1111 . 6 , 13(n!x1:12 . 7r 1 ;1L 1 . n-
J. Sho..nbyrger. Corry .
llrCon4L.nn, 11. , ai rxxx..ol. dn .
Itatrwrt SlcKnitthi.l , , rn , ..)
Jos...llclio.l4ol,EN.Lirrtlina- Li. T. Alorgan Co.
ban/ it 1,11••• a Cu FruiCr.
14. Lolbrop. A 11,11.-1,
E. W. fnin unthful wrived 1 1,1,, 1
durinx oint..l.en 'rant in rr
city. loaDinK had
ariTrt nod best joiw In hi. son, up to am 1.n...ut
x. fanturer. Wan..nedne friend. reet -
.1. W. W. reopeethilly Itafortna Ida and'
eurnunern that iv , Ilu unw entuplenal the lariteat
and finest stuck of houwehuld furniture weer before men la
t Ilia rite. I. he ix determined to uphold the quality with
well-aetwoned material, tent workmanship. and newest 4.-
tlena and from the extent of his order, and Ituility
manufacturing:he hi enabled to nnaluor ....antra tarot
tat re. at the lowest prima.
lie Lan rlopte4l tha_prlneipie of Identify - Ina thn'clittetv
ree intern, with Lk own. in quality and prior , and knew
always nn hand the trreateat vainly of every dn.clintion of
furnyture. from the rheope.t and pinions, in the [best eh
17aut and netly , that a hon.. , or any part. of our. may he
Inrulshed from 'lrk abed, or nanufartured eTpreuty
opt,. then.fore solid nan . that the advau
tees,. of id.. eand.lininnent Mar 1 0 11 .5.0
erUrlee ron.i.t, In part, or Ilia atek, widen fur richness of
,tyle and finish cannot be aurp.ard in WI, of the pattern
drawinu. dining, and bed .mom chair al t ne7
ronal..tina ria.rene.l , inaltecan er t,
y and al
lillashethen, nantervaloire and Easy Chair, of evprt der
oiption; l'Auteltee, lief., Tete-a-tele and Dirs. attn. lateat
Vntneh srul A inerhan pattern , . Mahar., What-Note, and
lattlex' parlor Writina Pe4lol of kind,, Work Table,er
and fatvry inlaid ...ands. roust, .01.1, and bolder, marble
top. trtiboitany., r055.w.4.1 mat walnut rentre and onll4,
b 1 ^.....V... 1 .'/Ininle elder: all slum of the MO( improved.
and decidedly Mr 1.... at kind mad, card. l'emtnoke hall and
I.ter table, wartirohns, 1e.1.4.ada and washatanda of each •
.00 assortmenh gothln hall and parlor r.aptiou chairs.
:Ir ottnutana and Moot, reeretary and lama rids hoards,
hart reek', bat atatel.... and music elite
and cots for eliildn.: pntwath, table and tea po yr.
mato:atm,. rerawrosi. and In laid Marl 'Feld.. a , 4 .
A large saeurtruent of Cl.OlO/1 Furniture Sad VI Indoor
Cotton makers eupplied with all articles In thoir
• •
t+trainboata and 1100, fttrni , lsrd at dm ahortest node*.
All mkt" promptly at tmule4l to. Ja9
Attm-nry at lam. No. lto Thal ro-, comm. of Chrrry
y, haring toad, erran,rrownta for Ito purpo, 1,111
prornre Ilnuntr ~ Irmera noel- aoldtlera, (bolt
widow. UPI and ,rlll all..nd to any other boat
aro:,nounrrt..4l with tho ,wwrrstn.lit or say of It. Depart-
Uotta. Panoion otnon. tho Coorta (ha CII r of
'soblowton. ta274.t1
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
Vitt. D. R. tiMr . tH is nosy pnlntred to give
Alkin.on , new building. Pint bvtr,n iVtxxl il, In 11l dß•rtnl brooch,,
Market Atrivni. !loon of Innruelion, fmm 41 1. sod
ftonn tit to , V P.. jinagrx,, and nth, partkulsts ran 1..
rJg rdtor ' Js2l:dtf
01616 k. E. AliliOLD & CO.,
No 74 14.0 . . +R. nest Io ItankPatst° o s.h.
otes and Draf. all part, of dm Union.—
ol an 0c4 , 1 onmi.inn. ft4,7,lLver
W. lIIMNINGIIASI k W. Ntantlfkrtnren of WLNDC Z
~fta. No, r ktkr.l etrwl. Ikkreks. nrst
Partatsi niikkaln paid to Odd .1 as. Aboo—rondakk lv
V tab, 14tlek. ke.:•altirS
- - _
------ owns.
e6l;tlD4 - 70 . 111,e.tellalititi
arttl'ltealrrs to Orti Goods,_annertro. Iron 'and MAIN
rner Of Waloot otreet sad Waddogice Taroplks
impusa TUN
ilrrearr;ii. April 31.
,FO4 , 117
100 10250100
100 101(1 1 05
100 90 J 5
100 95 92
100 96
100 VY
11001 VS I b" .
100 95 .7
100 95
109 97 0
United Sta.,. 6'. ' i
D. a.,
Penueryleaola 80...—. .... .
D. ..1.. tr...
Do. coup.o . k.--.,
PitDtborgb city C:n.. . ...I
D. .006.6'., Phil...
Alivehrny city 6'..
D , cou.trn Phil .
60 I
LO I 5
ItP " ItE
2.51 21 I at
.6 56
60 ,, 0 144
1.6 IS
Rank - 4 - 74. -- bsTiph
Biththentr . k Id thtLflleni
Excluthrr fr 8 .....
S MAI L : (;1•1 : ? : : T i l: B / 7 . ;d;o L'-
Hand St. drialsre
Northern Wroth.
Willithrrport Bridge
. • .
Wesirro lontrartee
L'ltizetot' loeusanca Co
ANAXiateli leirrman's
I 12...1 iix
, kg 4. l Iv. to
Litit:bCr~.h, a Louistre.
home•. &buttetlt.
tau at m., xuctwlltta•
W! 60 o
(.01 7 ., 1 44
60 i
44) 44
LU G Li iv
: 4 4 40
Rittabu43 Oa. Works—.
Mono Slackma;
Yongli nehrtir Rlar.k•str
Penn's. Central Rail Rnad
Ohio a Ppntia. Rail Road j
Belt- 6 liklo Rail Road.. :
Cleveland t Wells'lle R.
Marine. R. Way. Dr] , Dmir.
Pap,. Manuf.
Rrie Canal Bonds,
Do. do. Pl ne..
Tu Creek ank R w o ) ad i
All,. t R.mrTsvllle Pk Rdi Turnpike
Chartirrs Coal Co ....
001 443.. 44
00) 40
su. 40 Is
1 Ito ILO:).
40 30
1133 40 44.
Igo, ti
hitt.tursh Boston ....
North Atarriesti .....
North W.et_
North Weaterti ......
trhn ......
hitthhortih itorai_
omD I,lt. Itoyhl
tilemitant .....
Ontotthhon .......
Ohk , Trap ......
Fir+tt.h . tri
I 2 3 112)
1 , 1 •
1 , 1
T s
1 . 4
4 3
miscEileismous cens, ac.
(Formerly the Hiehange.)
Corner of Penn and Stu Clair Streets,
HIS epaeioutt, central, and matt e onyeni
-1 eiely locatri 110 TEL. havin u t a ten ...view' re
to.heei. and thoroughly repalnel Unarmed. inn le
opened 6. , r th e strostunalatlon of public en Thureday
nest the 24th Inst.
a l ..
The suburiber. 1t0... and prop h.r of the /VT. CLAIR
HOTEL, merest:oily infer.. hie rienda and thaw:lLnc
that he hae furnLbeddt In the mu elegant and rotatr.,
Ile vty le. mut VITIplo) ed competent stuns and alumni,.
and faithful servants, and that ha will 7. no exertion
te make it penal to any bens In noun .
The well known ventral location 1 the ease. end eon
Lae e i ther
dm arrangements, rends' ng It the most drain Lae either to travelers or iwrtnam•nt Learders.indneen him
ha ealleit and I.{oslo ihr it a liberal a of t stream
Steamboat Agency, and General Commis
sion, Itecemstg and forwarding.
IiALI/WIN. PLITMER .1) CO., hare this
day ageorland with them Mr. John Lull., and user
r erevirm to the public.. Stounheat Agent. Unmoral
C''''''''''' '
r'"...rd l i al/TilrUel7gll.ll th ;C:) l .. h. of
Lornutu, April to. lan. 14: titillami Row.
100 CIVKLEI! Ice !
I) H. lILINKEIL having removed to No.
t.1:61 %e La n:L ( o'4 ' .
_. lil=7 . o fi j p4MT) * tils Or gk
beam 84..3..4 1•111 tarnish the hOlaat Almond mat
Vanilla Cream
Ile al. hake. BREAD of an v Hely. CABS of all
vim,. on hand and made to order in vet time
FRUIT/la the eholust hind un ha hub every week
boo the Last (WI and try. ap2.l
„UP at Lug, Tilghman Ilan, comer rant street and Dia.
nun) alley. Wm. Rakewell has fewn appointed num..
uover to take deposition.. acknowledgment.. at, for New
Vert. Marrland..Tlrgieda OW klicutturl, Kentucky, luau
in..- and other states. I
- - - - awn:lm
.t.t. I 1,3111.
j. manufarturr and It", cotmantly on be.? .11
•,r.ea Prstl,..lSparshlflr Vln.lehtnß. Mont, and
Hob Nallg 6e. Mord Ylncnr Harrel awl I.lll.Cir ;
CA ..0111:11.. C1TE.1,4 t CU..
Walybaus.. 59 \\star Pitubureg.
[h. amommodatk. of risitore The besets 11
Tpla. hee beim much Impend br
• hotro Sltrubbery sal Flower. A 41,0 roll.<l.lon off
fk•runtig PI.L • and flarutLeff • tLe.chOoeiktfafe.."
kept for eale ot. the promote..
lea emu., truly. Zv kept In the tvual
10quets taml,fully put up at ebnyt ono., t
Th.. vo•at and ,anfortable acemlek. CtunrrAi N. kw , *
the landil lotween etrort antl the Old
Midge, a t, i••• teuteDiee.f ern, hour — f-m. ,,. .'wk. A
untll p. 51 one extra trip every
•• the smear at, .n invited to par •
on Sunday, ya on Tem per•oca rrincl,l, amlelowl
R. J. J. MYERS--Sargeun and Phy
(rake and darellhan. earner al Darlingual:Co mar, tin
i 7 7tW annet one door above Smithfield et.
Dr Myr.
permanently Icant...l Pitlehttroh, and
.dterel to the duties of his rvnbesion. He will give
ree..olar attention to Scsoma. rare., and the diveave,
emu. and ..hlldren. aptftant
Tuition on the Piano.
L F. I , ll.RllO Mrm !...D2 . 71 . 1 . ! 11: .t re- t
C - 61 hil n ALlT.homy that brt is
' k.". • fen imPUR
to and 11181,011 IYfrrtn g.
P. Ppao¢. 11<siry tag,. M.
( / Madams Free-
Fresh assortment of Spring Goods.
THOMAS PALMER is daily receiving
from the hatcrn Dinea at the 'Ad stand,
Bdw.. Ttira and lotortA threts, Pittsburg&
I A: I r EM , fit; - '4' . rb".7t1:."4,="7:11';',".1t1
• •••• Period. The patterns are entirely neer. the
TT In Pe , wheele eh.. , and the cedar, In mint tit aura
bility. lennt 10 eel. upward', th e ptiras
inn., To tbl• axl.ractise tot of of which tn.,. ac
curate Judgment ran lon.rtned by eight than tiereption.
l. att , otton nawrehata and Lorne to reaper":
rally , nue4l.
ItkA KU A 1 1 1 ;SI—leachera and iga is
Camille. wlyttlaut te jai rebus wawa
ehnot 11... a, Chum.. Tag hook, te..
wilt and bargatn• by eallino tenor:ha:ply at
the fkluentlonal Flint Store, ...lintel.. Dr. Thorn'. Dr u g
riDll, runt, of Market and !numb ,rta. Van edabliah.
went I. about ekaina up. an. wilt erli any of the abet ,
earta at cost.
A locp—Carter ,tv.k
Evnt. Call Junog the trti.ot •.ek
u le now thy frit% Tell low. It h,. pot brow retlthal
%rub • twautiful (mat, a•- •P•
Board of llndertivritets.
L I L T n Meeting of the Board of Undertrri
, di. (Wowing romlutlem ens linaultunuely
and ordered to be publialtett
Itooltrd, Mit Mum andAdtar lh. publlcallon of tido no-
Mr. no )'lre Mak. •bether wlainai to mollvuW, Omit b.
rhuralered a. taken by aid humane* Ware In thm elty.
until the premium 1. paid In pasn.
Hy eider: A. W. HARKS.
Porrettary of the Hoard.
Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
SNOW to be eon in operation at WM.
'I'ATE A CO.'S PluAlben. So. IV Fourth evert. bet
Iwrm P. Loa UV sta. and at PRYOR alt tagve,
M pa
Parket ned. thlureb. ml, Filter bat
n (101 l Model from the American Indltuter of Neer Yee*.
and • Lbrtiftrata from the Pranlelin Institute of Phllainb
Phia. for Ite ...drolly In im cleandnapertie.rtlem and deo
eortlacatm I n Win. teeing them In tor In Philadelphia.
of thfrh the fullowlorf arc es.mpl.c
plealoare to reeenntnentl
the loner, of
punt, clod water. the Patent Harennitt. Water Pliterer, In-
Tented by Mr. Lembo. Haelng wed utteed them for weer
al runntbr, I am enabled id judge of their value.
In Walnut Areal'.
... • -
i•lienbtpargie, his/eha, lent.
The Potent Reversible Waterltere, invented by PI,
genteel Leal, and need by me for row* Month, at
private residence. Iv all that hereon mold ebb. t
tlarn.lon• trauldar It • privilege to have It In my power to
ivnanntend it to thy due. JPN AP P. FAY/MANIC
N. 11 Sommer Mere.°
N. 11.—Ftevalibeat Captains and Agents would I,
call and examine our lavas Niters, lb
Melina 'este+ tw
bre entering the holiest , , by wtdell means they will pave
ati cut $l6O yeas. In coal and Maio of Polio.' A l l o °'
Illters arc warawnt.l Sr. resto,and with rate will lan
sptrif = Arab street. Phlladelibl.
I HAVE FITTED UP, (on the - flew York
o pl e ar u sg o rezt , orze , lor W i srectiorn. for the sae of
oo Con
the Llitonable . cerlim s ' air bare l=
superior enartment of Oaths De Lelnev. Drixotels,
Venial and German ' , meek Da banes, English
o Datemit,
.Ih/0011/.. Chintzes. Turkey lied Oood., airs, Olippi of
s U ldVil i re ' s l iVSe
atil l' a r or,t,,lll l , n pT.A 2'. P b"d araitf "W i.
Cord. link Ausl Worsted , lied zselases and
Fence.. Der.
pielllee and Lesiosetec Quilts. Counterpanes and colsre4
Cam fort; grimes, BM. end
All order' thankftilly reorient aridprtmlitly OHM.
aplh WN . NOBLY- Third street.
Ohio Laboratory.
It -L-2- 1111h 80 ' Wit" 9 5 INF.
„ 85
• Per cent. Strength.
140 WELL FLETCHER ec CO., gannfectu
'on of ALCOHOL l'ore plrits Colomoo and Mu
-1 d;;FPf D l r gel i 3PAr.. rh"k lzl " 7 g i .bat
aTAI, onto. from Plltaborgh +abet romrtif dn.!
I at lomm morkot odor, SPIT:I
LL PERSONS having business with the
underpinned. pliber naPublfe Accountant, luntruttor
cintook Heaping. r otberwine, will and dim 0 lb. Ihirr
Krau Coirion.:Cougris, daily. horn till llo'clock. A.
11, and from Ito 4 P. 11. llerchanta In want of comps
tent neck gee pgre ran be ranged by calling=
rig../11Ntl. Principal 100010
_non ma Mama of AceounUi.
.t, CIIESS have thee day, Ap
ril:llth, remodeled with Lb= St
Cbezaza e&warm
be buelnete erlllbs'eautmeel under the style of am,
CAesz ti , Cb. sphelei
- /VOTICE.--A.a.persons: indebted to the es
.tade orJohn' A:Itool. deed, '414 rooneetal . lb malts,
Pernonnt to the ondendgnod: end thaw 'having dabs,
eltninet the estate 1.1.11 neeeent the. fbr edUnstment.
WAIT= O. WM Trustee.
40VEMENT8 - •
OF TUE F4A.l%r
No ofiDate 01l
Deltic pril 16i i L
lANew York C. Stativlvenrol
weepineure April lito NeW York P. F.tateeinrem A erooth.
Africa April= New York ii Britain- Lieeppool
Lafa.ette..- April VI New York U. liner.. A Attie
0hi0 . .. April 2a Yew York U. meat., N 0 11 1 , Arb
Americo. -...lApril 3 - 114,t0n 0 Britalta Llverrw.l
Cherokee—. April New York U. States Clowns
Prornethu. April Tew York U. State" Chagnvi
Paritka ..... Nay 1 New York U. etatem Liverriool
!Tombola.- May 3 New York U. State. flarreAStbro
Ado May 7New York li Britain Llrerpool
Lafayette . .. Illy' r l Ptilleile-Va U. Mater Liverpool
it July
I. Fob& Ann
Int. enn lln
Int.F A
In ,r.r.ctuir
InL.NI6Y*I , "
All legen sod newspaper% on hand for England. Ire
land and Scotland. are nerd by the first tinnier. an matter
ol what tine.
Mr Nov dyn rt
. ,
Letters Continent of Europe % by the Collins 1
muet be peesudd twenty one rents &single rate. 00 , 1. for
Uwe.. places nstulred to I. prepaid in full.
Lettere to the I:radicles. of Europa by the Cunard line.
must be prepaid floe nub. • single rate, except to thoee
places emluired to be prepaid In full.
Neeal.Pers by either line., to tboCoutinent. must be pre
paid four cents each,
Inland peerage moot be added un letters and newspaper,
to lb. Coulluent of Europe• by the liovre and Bremen
Div Mar 4 led
'utr. iill tv,,
DieNorS:R§ re
Div Dec.Ni
betters by the Havre line, must to prepaid twenty four
areas in
pßrita , hal Imof ounce. Inland pushup. to . bided, eitt pt G~
Di, %111 . 2 Pr ct.
11,11, IPr ~..°
ASIA—LW' for New York. Mail 12
EllTllol.-6y Greettnburg.Chambersburg, Philadelphla,
New lork, Enatena.l..Slntre and Northern par. of N. tot.
Delaware, New Jen., and the 1.1% New Lowland Stan,—
The Brithh Pt - ovine, of Lower Canada. Novo Scotia, nv.l
Newt Bruturwirk,thdly. Arriree at 4 r lieparts at Iv. K.
Nonni trrr.—By Illoareville add Ihdlideptury, Pa-.
Including the ennuiie. uf Bradford, Cambria.,l.lfutre, Chu
ton, Jun Lats, Lyrorninw, lllmlu, Metirso. Putter, Perr,
Tioga, Union. and put of lVeatraurn4nd. via Idvelroor...
Murwaville, ,alreu e New Alexandria, and lad..
an. rowdy. Arrive...ram, except Monday., at .1 .11.1111 ; do'
part. daily at It.. P. IC
Eats--Br Itntl, Po., 51errr, Crawford. and Jrarrrou
muntlrr,il antarn part of Nrw York and apprreanada,dally.
rriret at 10 r. add departs at H A. M.
• .
2. 4, 1,1tt5.Y, upWhstta,..—lty 11nyhingtou, ha, limn.
Fayptte, Y4uncrat.t, patio( IYektourelaud county, V iruinla,
Maryland,'timbre, a...lllnyttom Cu,, [..outhernamlll4l-
ru part. of Mao and Indmus, Kentucky, tlilno4, Trutt.,
Alabama, ML-pourl. Artamoo, North Caro
lina, licargla, Louisiana. Floral.. awl Tex, dully. .tyriv....
at S P. and dryarto at d y., rap.lle, Barron. Barlngton.
alumna. ktirls, lIE.IIs.L. a Cos.. Va.. J.llem.n. Ban'
me. and Tao arsorac
Arrtv , . It 11 r. x.; 7 . 5. w.
Noatn ITOTTMta —UT Bit...T. P.. and el;seland. Oloo.—
Boater C 0,,, It, Columbia°. Trumbull, Portas, licauga.
A•htabula. Stark,W ay ne, Molina, Cu yam,. Summit .Lak..
Uictilmsd. lorain. Huron. Ottawa Eric, eat...tusk, Woal,
alai Lucas entmties. Ohio: IM extrrm. nor th ern counties
of the SUL..of Italians and Illinois. Including all Michl
tan. luau. Wl,ormaits daily. Arrives at 11 • lc: de
parts at* P. I.
SZarjobur, II ou
Cum. Fy , erit. hittan KiAiwip
Wu. tol C eartlehl nou nth, daily. eat:o eat
rivt• iLL t v. Y. and depart. at 8 r
Nlcact.a.—Cy Perristille, Wexford. 7, lienonle. Porter , -
Ilailltwburit and Yew Ind,. Arrive. 'en...1.0K.
rituradaya, and MOlrd3". Si J r depart., M00d.)..
%ie./ 6, 4*Yr and Ma) ateiiii'n 7a. Y.
Blau-It - nit —By Ntor 11511, rinleyvtlla. and MOD
align/iota City. Amy. tivialayo, Pridays. at to r
part+ Wnlne•abiya and rialunlayi. at • N.
tiritonrotra.—lly Linehan., titr•etti Itun, ‘lcKeent.rt.
Cual Gamble', Itoatrater, Deliver.
tun, Ciailutown, Perryotailit. last Liberty, 14,r 311,1.31.-
1,,n, pa. Atli., Simla, au! Tburota,r, at D a II: a...
VW , Mood. and Thurimlay, al it a. 5.
Va.-11, Walkeir nilIL-, Sciblealown, Candor.
lionrettatinre, Crerit Patteriiraiii will, ,
Bethany 0. Arrisra zunilaii. and Thureilayn,st 10. is.;
4rpart-t Ileitalaya and Tlatirtiday, at 1 r. Y.
PalltValf. O• —Bp Clinton. Minslitelvville, Moon. Men.
wan., Frankt,,rt :tyrats. Pa., Fairview Va. ArytTe. un
Friday, sr 6 P. 04 daparni c•ti Oattinia., at 6 • at
Stittiatra.—et Aitlnto. North, IV . ..Milan., pall Anvil!.
Pa. Anires no Wttluetalaym. al Y P ileicirtr tin Monday.
Lszent.c..—nr Lugan't Ferry. Arne, nn Ptidar. at 6
1.,: &rob eatneetaY, .60 •-
kleaset,c—lle Pert, ertlle; ICeafunt. Brea...wk. Ogle.
Prnepeen. hitestown. 11161/Ilitl, Warren and ....en,
ountles. Aerie, daily at A 111. and dep.,. at 0.14 •. ht.
Letters Air the daily mail. amid Le In th• °Mew one hf.ur
Wore their drew - Cures letters fur the tel-neealS. aa , ne
neekly,atel weekly mailo.tanat Le In the °eke half . hoar
baton their departure.
DADS T. 04... r, IT
N. HOLMES & SONS, Banker,.
Ns. fil llarld /4 bet.oe Third and 7letraes.Pattfetnr,.l.
PENNSYLVANIA. Drench at lilwaillon.- ..... .. I
Pant of Pltudiurgh_.. ... pa/ Branch at Went,. ~lo
Eachannv'llank , f du. ...par Branch at Nerd,- ... ..... .do
Mn. and Ilan. of d0.......par Brandt at Younptuarn So
Bank of Ckantacter..... —.par City had,. Cincinnati do
Bank of Nantk Amerlm—par Commerrial Bk.Etn.innall do
Lt of North'. LI bartlea.par , Franklin Bank do
Bank of Poonsyl•anla---par.Latsyrtla flank. .....-.._.__do
Pank of Penn Toarnakdp—par Ohl., Life Ina t Trunt (k.. do
Bank of the Poltnl States 11 %ann..= Resarra Ilant.—.-d0
Commenial DunkofPil—pox Bank of Waoaillna.--- ..- do
farms,A limhanPle Pk par Small Mae, .. . . . .. _....._....d0
Girard Bank. --
..-...p0r, N lON BNB LAND.
Ketudnaton Bani.. . _.Sac ill a 4.nst Bard, I
klanataw. A alt...h Bank.— par. NEW li IRK.
. .
11 , n.qusl. ...... pnri New
Ma. saarrolug 'tank. ;al Coutary. - ..1.,. .
k'hasaalphla Batek-...-. -par SIAIITLAN
. .
:4uttv•Nrk 1..
111.1•••atuis aml, • E.wr,,.,,,mtry 1
Wolters, ..... - . pan N. 1/,11.,EY I•CIaSVAItE
114.0. Cb••=l.l , sbur,h- I,AII .E.lre bv,lc. —.. 1
Rank of Cb*A...r C,Juaty par
Halsk ef 1.134111.. .. tot I Rook ord. -......
hank a 1.1. Co.. C . h.larr-psr,ltk of V l.!nta, Richmond 1
Dank at tlersoaut,wll....-psrlEs. liar.J., V... Nrriolk- .. 1
ji. k uk of i;,ttrol , urgl, , 1• , um,,11.' Kan of 1 agrolla 1
Bank of lantintoun Dank 4
Ilank of N1,111.0.m. ll:North %netorn Dant ----
Montg.a.r.• .. ___ 1
llaak. tivrthumberlszed.rorl SURTIi ciitanais Dank . r • • 1 Paall of Cap. F .
13,11sallola 111 a Bililgoc.o. for',llk. of St. of N. CAITAiTi...
,„, •,,, .mvn.n.h.l Ph. 11
Canoe luarilikrchent: tank_ !•••• Lyra
Erk flank 1 SorTII I , l‘ pl Ducts .yan- th. Vntonna
/armor , ' Inc , 11.arnan4.k‘nt,I , kuk ,a 4 t •
Varnvan . Dan or of par ./Cbarl..rtcn,
hkr.• Ilknf par•l•lannr•' 41. kl,taru , s' Lt
Farkt ne.bnk4. IA
Franklin Blt. ash Ington parl nnuota Ink Pan km.' Co
llardkbara Bank. • .. I hank of A untn.ta
. 1.11 l 4 Itrunowirk,
llo.rdaln Ilant_
Lgairse I:3att
on .
Lebanon Bank pot'
Aineni Bank of Pottsville I nor Kentucky. Lonikvills I
M o nnn,bels Hank parflk of Loulovtlle, Thutttan I
West Ilranch Walk I ,Northeni ilk of Kentucky 1
Wytuoln,lik.ikilke.vbarteks, ,k.utbrrn Ilk of Kentucky I
Bork .... I 11.1,ktIVILI.,
. -. ..-...._ .... .... •.. -:
Pone(' Notro___
01110. I Itt of Sta ILLINt.. of 31...bif I
OIS. '
Ohio st.b. Bank 1..1 I tatr Bank wad braneilea--.50
Brava. at Akron-- ..—....thallank of llllnais- ... . -....73
Ilnarb, at Itridp.port 411.111a:inn lt Fin, lon Co. elika 3
litacult at Clalkothe ..... --do 311C/110.t.N. ,
13rawle at Cleveland do,Farm•ra' 11..eharkka . Itaak 3
/traarb al 71.4.40....... ..... 40,(1,.....r5aarnt 5t...3. pool—. 3
Drarkth at INytm,... ........ .do resa.ular Bank ..... . ...-.... 3
11...11 at INlaware— .... lazaraue.C,lllP..l- ..... —• 3
Ranch e. Columba.. ... do Sta. Hank
Manch at 4nbOtbula..----.Jo liA NADA.
. -. . . ... _._ .. . .•
Brand" at Falrni . ... ....Au Ilk ail N. Atangie,Torontod
branch at .14.n.firl 1._..._. Awl:lank °tem Yonple. Toronto b
Bnrch at Itlple, .. .. „do l Raul of I.
fhanth at elndonatl-..-....1018ank of U.Canada,Tometo 0
Branch al Colurobna. do l F.A , 3TERN EXCIIANOE.
Branett at Nlmhington -.. dn On Now Zorlr (prmo . .. ~
broochat 111,11.....-.. - On Philadelphia da-....-.. , ..
Itranrb at LannAter.........dorn Baltimore do-.... .- .0
Itraueb at Mt. Vrroott. ..10.111,Innati .. .. . .1.
In 1.3..11
id 11.)L0
• • h
ihvot Newu • •
Iliaarh at Mai airfield- --11. OULU Midi r 5 1 ,1,116 I A Le
llearwh •%latletla. do INouhlo.ur, Spas:deb_ .. .14,00
Itratal al ..... . do Valrint
'lmpel at 111. old-.. . ....... EOM
Branch at Tantrrllle... new.. .10,te)
}lnuach at Norwalk ..... 7m/
Branch at Illqoa de. Tea Thelat, _ . ,
Braarh at Eaton
tlr,inett at Raton ..da IP4 JUGdcn .. 4.0 U
Brandi at Chilll , vtbe.. .... Nap! run
litutrh at Cuyahoga.-- do Dural.
Uruath at i4d1,40.... do
ig 'POCKS WANTED—Bank of Pittsburgh,
1,3 Norllieru I.llwrt,
ap7 Mit, Alosoll,l. 7.1 Vomits A. •
TOCK S FUR SALK—Monongahela Bridge;
15 . Nortlt 15 , ,t0r0 11.1 t of Witt...ling: by
UM H. A ItNi MI, 0 01.74 Fourth At-
Bank Stock for Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given that In compliance
with the nwtultitions nl an Art t,f Awnltt.,.•prn.
Ir 'ZA tiny nf Mart+, I+4o. w.II offered at pa,
flnnliing llncnte. ON IL: TIIIIthiANII It II AItLY
NEIV.STUCK of the Mount ,nhela HAWK or Ilrowuntille..
WEOURSDAT, lbw 7th dity Fnl. tn eon:lmm+,
wt IU tickxit. A. ft. Ifr order of lbw 13.Atnt of Dirnrturs:
pit I , n. lit,.
PECIE.—Thu flight:4 tuarkat pricy paid
fur Anwrican tun! Yurni..,ll.VEK. and fur Vonlan
II LI). al Or Etrlumwr MI, of WM. A. it ILL k Co..
apl:r4,l Wr.lrL. Aldwr who, Fourth.
. Intt,rnretl oily intprrty. Apply I ,
!ttn rICO, t:. AltrioLl, a W..) Fourth nl .
Life Insurance.
ASSURANCE SOCIETY ;,1' London rdA New York,
safe and pernoownt nAlltion, rotubininu Ow mutual
prinelpal with that ot thwit Pre"nO rare
vantage,. Le tbow nioldng to hour,
01111 re ur the 0,31,,nuy EnOerT, lentoyEranix. nt the
flAnkinK thaw of WNI A. RILL A CO.,
nrA , ../w AA Winn) .{.
Eastern Exchange.
() N ""()N e'ew VOILE,
ITII. A. 111 1.1. a Co..
Lawrenceville and Sharpsbargh Plank
• Road Company.
11100EG for mobsoription to Stook of the
• abase Companywill to. opennl at the 01110. of 010.
IN • LESLIE, No. NI 1100 dread. Plttaburuh, on Tuns
da the GO, and WORILIP./11, the. rth.daye of 3lny next,
tabua 'ctk of gala days: and at the *tore Of WSJ 6111T11
• (.1.1., Lawrancovllle. Thuranty, the nth ,t t r uf MAY
neat, at to o'clock' and •1 the, store of J. EIJ, 1.011. In the
Val; 1241 4 a 1 Pg!'s ' t . :rtrfl i f d tii1lt It h li.Va r PlYk. 1 . 0 1 1:e
Ilorounh of Sherpsbuesh, on Saturday. the 10th of May,
• at 10 oelock,• to rams. open from 10 o'clock. 4
oelcok. P. NI.. each day.
Ootonanioaten—Wll.PON 11rCANHLESS,
IV M. IVERN Eu if tot,
0. 110.11111 NO.
I)Al'Elt flAlsaliNGS....-(blilkl.r ol vl.e,
,i list
"toed and for file tir IV I I
apls Al, Wo.el
. .
T 1 0 : S . T
P. l• l if o i.
far ~S ; , (1014 Iltrd
apl6 W. P. MARSHALL 01 Wont et.
Raw Goods Now Arriving, . .
Cats . ttzyz for yak by
jvi. 17 nlenlu¢ their iter.nn.l nuridr or .; rar lb.
Aeluon. and Writ.. Lb. rallp of thoir rPgaine ,u.tannerpt avid
i h , o n N t.Pultl i l morning. BONN VI'S and ntiNNVT,
Opened on Soturday, nr. 0.21, , . of Al..Vlnswl: Printe:
abri=tnitllhb Jo.. only
Linen and en, 410.. oter!
klw,QUllts and Countorpsnr., ✓Yurnltnropimity. Indovr,
Cnrtaln de.n (.11 and uurcn
&nth End enthrr Fourth anti :.!tarlet
1 4 ACES, &v.—A. A. MiSON k CO. Inlye
ru — • • • opl.l
PM by
4111il. KINDLINO-100 packs Cheever's s
j ..... j.3r sat 19:
I.IIZASII-10 casks for sale by
pl 4 . J. D. WIILIAXI3 I Co.
ors Axr r . c.r. l . — Ad.ertirr;:oL•alut outrca-riptfor •
f, this paper rr , ..1‘,1 eavl s,tynarded frig of eimn•••• frnra
{ICI• • qt...
Orrwr Prrrsnnuttt Gtxrrre. t
Arrril 2,,
Mark,-t;4lol—.i.ty quiet...—
Exite were comperativoly nnl queN,Con. 4
0o me •rlal rban,
I.l,otat—ltuu.lptr do tistvrdsr were rot, Fula end
Wet. either t:oto Prat heed. en harm wrre rt.rflosi
to =toll Intl. W. quote From lb. wharf end C:om vrvzon
etFW3,al, stud :am =tore it •i 3 .31ik1.41 lad abe t
the ruling figurer, with • dull market
FLOUR—Ytoall tulrt'-ozo P-at h.trtlr et su 47. and
$3 (tom
tillAlN—We tare tau chat., ln the uncle
toarktd. hate tweu aw , lorat,.. and
to .mall lot, of for wheat 62.6if.afate, rye al, corn 3 7%.
on"! a4:11, and barley N. r. 'Nana. - .L.nrn pro 1.3.1•1,
iiROCERIES—frir, ol the 1ea.1 , -; rl• under
herd lOtititllla very frtr, but we hea• I of un d-n.--
atn , d , of tug, and Buda , • arp modal.", with .mall
..lea at fd„aatdi fur Lt. nod prima radar:ad:4,7u fur N
0, and if.idlti I.e sua, ton , taularA,allremunpara
lively doll, and little I.e dolna In I We quot,-
Rio at II * 4, 1 ,01140 1 2)-io. an - drdlna 00 OttaNa and
ret,:ortablo Li
, n er ar,ci.
A 911 torolt
ES—The et io d oth
01l and ,al - .eonfined •a tmall
at fdr toz la ..l..:1 0 ,. -art,..h and
pot.b al itdalk, it,
WHISK El —The upirketl.lo. v• r, pa.
rhang..l. n.i d *I rd,tst the .
A 1.1:- - have uo rlun.. to o.llr. lu Jitrit,
plattt re.k rtntin. o fur inr. runglr, that
ft t.s . l..antt 1w tvmtnntrto'extr.
1:1.;114:11—Vurth, .al etor. 01 <llOl, lull .11,1
'print rat au.l .1 .1,0111 ...I Pt .t 116 . 11 . 1.
- 0. v.,
ItAt',l.l4—Rel'mard nl uo Salair•
.11. y. Sale, • anu smoky two, .414,titn, ZApr.m. rbutthl,t,
at 1 taw . ."- SAR:,h, at C', and barn, at
LAILD—rkt,IN arr Nht. will no Inn, ra , • q. I ,oule iu
LLIe nud 15..1.1 al Y , ti4aYty , lower qualiti., e
C. from ..n,
,sl,• at at HI, of No 1 !ant at Of,
amluf No, at tt. ~aln 1W Turn., n all In
lot, at t11C,17 ti
Itirmt.—Thr, wen. I: 1,1.. • :nrbr• It. rbpaart. 1.7
Vier mark, la.t aml fat.,
Amnc rn
Michigan. lAA,.
olt,nl , xt. ittwtt.r.
AClnutM Paritineoti. Brevrtntrille.
J Mehomport
Itt•ininne. fin•vrts , vlll..
t:ttit.t.ain. 11 T itW., Itray.r.
I.lttrita , . ion. ell, Wit. •ilts
Ititirrttin tt. Hatelmita.
111”..N. •—• Cranee:inntl.h.
1-‘11Li1,11..., Cluck
1,,r, Melt, 511anik.11, , 11a..
lkr.ttrl, 11.0. tn. rt.
Cotntublan m Wahr•h
DEl'Altrk. to
&tat., tionitort. 11,taTer.
Atlantic, Parkin.nn. ttrivtrn.wille.
71..• Phriver, 11 , et
Itral.totte, 1% ort.itrarti. tirtett.tville.
C 61.427,111. It T 12 . bit • li.uver.
J , nnt I.ttol. Hunt. 7stn.-tt
ltat tt.l..ois‘lll.
Wanhington, 11,114 , ,. 1.4.4z1-101.•
ksnrox. Ibuttell. LI Louts
ll.,ett,r N., Fight, l'ineitin .t..
aneltryt• State. Nat, encottuati.
Jan. NniNutt, 21.nre, Whevllint
tt • t••tt.
ite.l lilt,. et Low..
U loch 1 Co's Peurraget Packet leaves daily al tl a o• ouC
wutrvlLLE— , t.t
er LOllS—Amer.mais
Pall. F:PORT—
111:AVF:It-1, -1 U. rrgar, Miller
!t,..krta,o, I 14,1 4:1,1 tralr. I. S Wmcennnrc list :.3rn..t.rtre
11.•Ler Von, t.h.214.1fit - to. lOr Cr.:rid, I lAA
hult r. f
ST 1,1:13-1 . , rtz. ha...a1.1 001
et: bartm. hMriictl..7lLt 10 do. J tirrnr: SI
bs, 14. tira!l 10 17 Lama.
Lroo "herb: II Inther.l‘l.-Paolrn ',."1 et,
Itatartia.n A 114-I,:rt, a hu. tubas-et:. R
dry .t 1 ter hoar!
IS b:f •kln., pl"r* ..vads k1,.-rarn.. 2
malt-I,U I ba 111 db, V; Rr...7a1e7 is oaks
bourra%llifer , ta
t sboahler.A.. II
otmg . * 111;7 P.. 1 t.% fur., V: Ilahaer 111.1.1 n Las (mob
era. tcs land. l 0 fur.. 0 .In deer sk•na. Lerch* 1.:.=
R T 2 ab.l.lAu 10 Of 0,2 boo,
11.17 . . A A \l',v-1: haTley. i alr 001..87 01
41,7 bbl. ale. I 010, 1 la sittlllr. 8,7 .ka bar
* ,s, 11,0, I..lairr.s.
UMW Jr4.l4lPAAthrt. 1 .t Adtwitt4.l.lroonor
it tt.tri 1 ii
Mil, A Di, twin. od 1. / 41. r4l--tr t
:dolt twwww. IV Id .lot,. Bator S Tdr-
I 11. Isi ./ Pit litid...nown, DAD rict
LAM moat. i. A A Tarn. .44 liAt4 witthr, 4,1.,. ph ; t h .n.
.4onirk A 1,1, dot, .4 In, I Uhl rAntrii..T I bx
tiiirphr Ilsoh A 11, 7 Llt d.wr Drz.Sier.ll.4‘
mit, I 44 441 Is Ani. Dilworth kr,
WELLSVILLE—PTA AArA —A I lihlt 14Ati. 3 41 ronitthr
A tIo. ii Ma httni, IdurAL W7Dau A ltd.; L kelt, lard. 1 al
Lutter. I do land. 1 Ll do.z.,rm., A.
Smith; 3 bhl4 roe Ilwor. 3 Welt k Err 1 TA wird,' do hut
th..„thin. wow, .1 Illawrlt. 3 Pols hob, C
IV Ilatnbright I orAto I:Alward- A IS, Sit 441 A Aryl,*
Arwritintw 4 griwori IA do flour. Ilwitrn 4 tiff twattrwit: 81
laur. awl IA empty 4414. VI Lou,,.
IMIDGEYOIIT-1, ,Lirt hhh Ilma•t k
I M It Itn,wr• ~In: 11 A l'a.n4-
h 411: 1.1.14 fir., II Ursa A rn; 1 crare ra, 4. 4 44 a r,,,h,
:quilt, a Sinclair. a /4,1, flhur. rnh4rnn, Cr.., 49 kln
L Waterman,. Snug Ilar..maqh.: 124 do,
har.on. hlhh. .t.nn , 111 , 0,1 , St en: h,,h,.a. r k
Thaw: 21 An, b lash a r.x rtorronty llrtur CIAr Wilnlarth
WELLSVILLE- l•ra Traut , s. 4 1.;.0 1•LI Maur. Clark
Thu, 7 du Irma., 12 an dour.. art klunlmk:
k“., au. :PJ Csi ott. S t NV ilarbao;h: 13 eta
,Irlura 1 prior.% Iv lek • tluutu McFa.l.Pa
a Om.. I cr. k• au, II 11,a1,,
Jt• Nrn,lN-
A Thaw: lIA 111. , ,A. AII Enaliah Ns,. tn, Itsk<r A
I'...rryth. 1 Ira, boaer, orr
a raLE--1 . 01 FOCI' h... o I !or • .4
twl4 carat :al Mir how, W hddt; halo, t.r
Verlro A C 0.., 1 1.4 old., I,; t k y
torot. Clark t Thi: Id kr.oo .hot odd Rod. R Fro, c.
rottort. A L hbl• u• • 0..0‘
h1•10 . 11.ororl I. Sold- .21 rt. hor.tro 11 . a 1,L,K..
111 J nrk . ~ 2 1.1% o4ro do
.',ll drool I 110 In looihorm .In root , hl.
o •o. I Dirk, d'u; dor .04/0 .4nl-. 11.4 thorn:
110 03, I M Pronord I Ls o. I •1.,11.
NI A WTI NS Vat 1 • 27 No : ,rdwar•
I:, hr. arr twit.. 'ay. boo., 1'0,11,,1 , 2 'ha. role .v
lAre , h 12 dn. II lima Co. hp Dour 11.11 A
1 ,, ,,114 1 OV fira, HrtuN A Klng,
PIM Nn - , 1,4 nd,, Fleenor
Jr. 71 1,,,,,, , f,tpen, 1 / 1 .1,1, A u,.. 4 ex., pkg. I 1,14 pen:b
new, 11.1 t ,, bbl trpla. J it irk l3
Cat bhds haw.. 1.150 A l
ines;w2 bbl 4
Ik, ,r3l, lt,n. Lynn Short, .14, WI.
1.. & 0kbi , ...11 , .+, I I, tap.. .1012 A, 111 1,1 , 1,
kr) .11 , n1111, I! Iltm,l. Ilworn A 30 du
./ A Knox 4 Om . : las boks. 11;new.n: bbd. , lawn,
4 N1,,1, II borwv,,nstur
logrun: bbis shlskor. Millar A HIrWL In hlulx tab.
rl al,, t le, Iswon, 11 1.,11 A C. I I.s ball ks, a Nlclin. A
On: •Au1 , 1,1/1 Von, II lirsiA Om 1 In %/Id/v..1 11or, 120
141.. r.Nr, P Nlers11.11; 4. Übt, 11.3 r, S
ll , Clurklo fa * I
IAIUISVILLE—Pra lerryt Co— titalt rthrtao,
Mow - Iw, Lblt Lunt/two: I tr. tit,. 10 Mutt rada J
ardent: It As mrds ash. tir Id alirbeltna,rdo lard all.
Long Dud A 0, 41 Jo littrow. b lowtdi A Ca: 1 bit! pram
41201 yr bulk pbonlolers. I,larg A Thaw. na Iwt
atilt whlty,
N' ladnner A I,'t.a S 5 do. J Idelltwritt A law t . ./ do.II A Wt..
ter, Wu rkalrannt.
ALUIPOI.I 1 4 --Pta nor 110d0.-4172 Uhl. medal:o, euor
Samna. N hid, it L;mii AMg s do : II O, 2113 Isk
feather, 2 00 100.401. 2 his deer akin.. i LSI% anal... 1.
1:112J1 tob. Clark 2 Tao, 21 do, IV 11 .101 wing 1,1, 53
Isla do 10 Hingham einotr hbla, :t d.. reed. 4 elm , rode
wt. 12 Mal!Dilworth: 49 as fr it,u 10 K
Irk ant... 1110, Mathews Cm I In ut
mfr.. Iha Mg., n 020 0 .3 ibis do, Richards,. •
Cl 801 8% ATl—Prr. Ima candle, Kier
Jonme IP tolla leather. 1 task A Thaw: Jr Mils, lard oil, 1. 1 and
Ilatimugln On tra hams, 11 Grad and Cm. 17 W.I. alsonl-
.1000 and Nicol, 1141 Md. hnom, Mmly`rn nO,l Dane:
30 end° l 7 kcal and (lust le; 02 ,k. Clark gm
thaw; 15 sir awl, IV Darker; 10 tall. lightning n.da 1 bog
AVM., It A Cunningham, Vi lira amp, II Arth
hwther. 2 Mils 111. Lick. water, 11 lima and ung
laid, 4
tar 1,10 1 bhd twoop. Clarkand Thaw; 13J Milo whisokny,
It Moms,: lo rtaMII,T Arhgralm 1M km +lse candles,
1111th sugar. All bbla 1,111, brown and Kirkpatrick; 111 do
pork. J lloctland; baa candle, J PaMtar 81121 00: d
raga,Rhey Slathows and Co. 21113011 a Heti and Lig•
0 011 : 5 pkbs. ltalirr and Forel - th: 2 dm polmh. I roll ear Pat
. 300 Las candle!, M I..mrls and 2 lam also, Baker and
Vora, th.
lIMIK 1 INIKT—Prat Manger-1S bblaesrm and butter.
In 6mn:um 3 Mds egg,. I do ben', .1 Patton; Mt its
30 do mrrn, a do rag, s liT !dump. 1, bga
alma. WM:nulls 2 Nob,., 0 111. do, Wilmarth a Noble:
a crind.atonml, Lippincott .sal 4,0: 11 11111. corn, 4 do pota
tow, 13 I' 01,11 Pointlintod; hlida Wham-, IV 11,1obmgarr.
19 bhda de. Clark :0011124, 9 h hit. do. Atwood and Joeiel.
197 banana, TlV.ala and lion.
6ILII.MIENRT-I'tn IVritaVILI.II-73 bbdatlnmr, Iw
hhl dour, Wtu Illy ham: I/ 'Ada trlb.w. , o. 14.1a11a leather,
Clark and Thaw: It, laid. I,l.acm, It !handl: s hhdl do. to
Leechand Cc; at aka and to hbo. wheat. Wlltnarth and
Noblc. Lt. halo leather. II Graff =4 . OC. 12 flour. ate
arples, Arrnstrown and (Ten,. 1.0 1.11.. pap,. 8ah1...a,
lAttle anal Cot Ith Wle do, NI Frank; tAt bold dour. Capt
Front Brick and House Tile.
TILE undersigned is now nonnufacturing,at
ht. Stwam Prnt. Ilttas. in llitatinallatn; the hand.
Front Brink, tor Mwn, rt., ft,larttl, which Ino
will nodl on...thin] nnrhalf ant than hanfltunoht and
two...sing mart ly rams. MO a AMINIIb. twin
. a t,tl lw• ,atei, no ton tt nont. and Inwtwrre
onnt • l'bon t•woth Ihttnlnnwn. the ',natant l.tanan It
ottot 611, ntr• rhita. TI Inlet now
mat Inv ,nu' h .t 3,1,1 1. In Ow lartnor riNni
.nythnnt ,nawl nimuld in , of prna n .rd to nt.
Acruta ....I a rr1at...1.. n to ii.ntninalar tank
t tb,r ni,..(0n1,11 niw.ngUo, dumb,
•••••itasw , t., fetwt. ant,. !Ito. an
rntljlnanallsoO/rog . , n onror ',Kirk of Tile. ‘,..p00n.
‘,,.1,1,;1,,,,.11::7;.,;.L.,Ln:rj0r to
A l a , normato-l'otarnov Braok — t atin w nV , lt i dorabllity, Br.,
„.,...aterd. 1, ".. 3 .4 i''''' ISAAC - UHF:GeI.
ii — O ' NNKTS7.:LA. A. M.t, , ..; & Co. l u t~•c ju st
r ..ed per elan., a now lot of the mod Iltahlanable
'Kinn awl satanur Ilonradr.ontnprlaltur la part the
Lind. .1, ha. litre bunt,able. Alboal anal Jeripy Lind.
roarl 'd
Satln, Pearl, Ithn
Patin,, ita& tilp. r y.
~,,,,,,,A.tun t a . horn Kral , Ileurarla anal Vlonot
th,,., ih,r,aryn, Tripoli and Cuntue, Tuba and ettettis.
and Prrnr•t, lair. Alto. :qrs. Mutating and Man..
ttONI ) ON LABOR and" the LCradon Poor,
Tit.. :L.
s uysu.u,.. of the Poopte; hr-E.ntepo Son
laotuart lartnandedet a novel.
Yoe =Oa at 110LNIES' 1 41eVary Dapa, Thlrdstrent. orpor
At. dni lin.conien.
• •
halt, remtvoi 800 Pim.. Jaonnotr, Catriblics. Tape.
Chart, Victoria latiros,Ninsook'r Sign Mural. licok
Mato Dotted Mat/. Idaori lICLIM. Lawn Jn. orll
MESTER'DECORATIONS; of the richest
mince sad riewort Valta=krrrjr,:,aT“'
014 .
I.o....poWmftadm l M4RMtronhil.,M;A
New Yoax April 23.
The tlaruburners got the better of the Hunk
ers, at the election for officers of the Tammany
Society, the other aiming. They ran a mixed
ticket, made up of moderate men - of both see.
tions , of the party, and so carried all but their
Wiskinkie. TEis dignified officer was electedby
the. Hunkers.
The Mayor has Ordered one star-police, to
show their badges of office wherever they may
be, on the pain of being cashiered. -Formerly,
whenever there was a rev the "M. P.,!' if he
happened to. be in the neighborlitexl, buttoned
his cost over his star, until the fuss was over,
and thus saved his own pate from blows.
Quite an affecting scene took place in thirCor
oner's office yesterday. On the 19th of March,
en unknown man, a stranger, was burned to
death, at a fire on West street, and nobody
claiming the body; it woo sent to Potters Field.
Yesterday the widow, who liss since been look
ing for her absent husband, called, iu great grief
at the Coroner's office, and having satisfied her
self that it was her husband who had thus come
to Ws untimely end, requested the - aid 'of the
Coroner to remove thettmthins to Westchester
county, where she resides. I need hardly add,
that this was promptly conceded by the official.
The Erie Canal has been open now for some
days. and several boats have come through.—
There are prospects of a busy season.
The address of the Whig members of the Ler
istature, on the angle-et of the late stampede at
albloy, appears to day, and attracts much se
tentiod. it Le a very long document, and pre
sents calmly and fairly, clearly and forcibly,
the great issues between the parties in this
State. It exposes the revolutionary and (=OD
['Stational character of the action of the Loco
focc. Senators, elates theireasous on which the
proposed Canal enlargement law Is based, and
charges to the Locofocos their real purpose end
spirit, vitt - an tmeradicable opposition to that sys
tem of internal improvement which has tarried
New York to the enviable position she now
holds among her sister states. On the whole, it.'
is pronounced an able state paper, of great im
portance in the present condition of parties in
New York.
Within the pait week, seven sea steamers have
arrived at this port: the Pacific, Philadelphia,
Alabama, Southerner, Prometheus, Cherokee and
Asia. The latter having just landed her passen
gers at Jersey City.
A lady at Hoboken, who is =enthusiast in the
cause of the Conine line of eteamers, wan cured
of a dangerous epall of sickness, on Sateuday—
according to the Son—by the joyshe experiential
at the extraordinary passage of the Pacific--
Rather a tough story.
The Welshmen of the city and neighborhood,
have a meeting to night, to take measures pre
paratory to nenditig a block to the Waehington
Tho Polish Refugees, also have a meeting this
evening, but for the purpose of devising means
to ameliorate the condition of their conntiymeth
who fought in the Hungarian struggle, sad who
have newly arrived here.
Mr. J. F. 0. Wilber ofGreenteirough, N. C., •
Southern merchant of some property,' who Ins
un here for the purpose of beying goods, was
Interly enticed with et mock auction attor. in
Wall street, bY the criesof "going,going, gone!"
where in a abort time be wan done to the tune of
s226—yeaterilay, hoverer, he made complaint
before the Police Magistrate andmay re:our his
spoils. Thin ii.the second southern merchant
who bus been &hie in the same shop within three
Messrs. Day & Nowell of this city, have sent
Bank lock to the World's Fair, which is quite
curiosity m its way. - It is susceptible of
707,674,868,000 changes, and the time requited
to go through them all, allowing ono done to
be made every two minutes, taking Milhous" for
a day, and omitting Bzusdays, would be 18,926,-
214 years, 127 days, and 2v) . hosing
The 81. George's 'Society, before partaking of
their dinner, marched to Trinity Church in pro
cession this afternoon, when Re.. Dr. Vinton the
Chaplain of the association preached a charity
sermon, before them, ands collection was taken
up for charitable purposes.
A second advent convention commenced this
morning in Crosby street; the sittinp 'Elbe ems
tinned several dap,
The heirs of the late John Jacob Mat are at
loggerheads with each other, sa to the share of
each, to the property of the old gentlemma—
Woodbury Langdon, one of thi heirs, has insti
tuted a suit in the Supreme Court, to compel his
brother and sister to a partition of property,
under tho Will of Mr. Astor. A motion made
yesterday to stay proceedings, to await the trial
In another Court, was denied by Judge Ed
The "Asia" arrived just before the "Africa"
sailed. The news of the arrival of the Asia will
be carried out by the Africa, but there was not
sufficient time to answer the Asia's letters.
From theHoms Journal.
in my last I was speaking of the means to
attain congruity between house and landscape;
I will continue the description of the home I
was endeavoring to deicribe. I had- sketched
the general arrangement and sire of the several
moms, and had commenced the attempt to de
'ermine its entente' character. The verendah,
which would itself form no important a feature
as to.alotte give character and beauty to the
building; I directed should run on three eider,
stopping at the entrance porch on the eaat, and
on the end of the dining room wall at ad" west.
This verandah, twelve feet wide, and the height
that the rooms themselves ehaded by It would
be—say twelve feet—must derive its architectu
ral mode 'of treatment and finish from the de
termination we come to after diacussing the fol
lowing consideratians:—
The naturtiof the scenery ia eimply .ruraL—
The featurmi are not marked or bold; the lines
are mostly parallel, though the Endue occasion
unduLstes; the house, therefore, to harmo
nize with a, matt )» simple rather regular than
picturesque; must seem stable aid permanently
fixed upon the ground; every accession lmust be
fitting; and, although, if the :ineahs permitted,
ornamental construotion would biz perfectly ad-
miasible, the general centour.of the building, of
the details or the masses of decoration, 'must I
be such as not to disturb the eye, or 'break the
simple charm of quiet, unobtrusive beauty.
The vicinity of the building to a town, the small
means allowed for expenditure, and,:we will tray, •
the readiness with. which the material can be
obtained, letermine us upon aelecting.brick as
the substaneeof -which the hens* shall -be prin
cipally built; and as the use of this material
obliges the necessity of a -simple, regular plan,
and uniform outline, we will conclude to adopt
a building in the modern Italian style as our
type for erection. •
I will first detail the entente, or eastern front.
The porch I would like to see built of brick; with
open arches trout ands* each aide:simply laid
in the ordinary manner—nor:alumna or pilasters
attempted, but merely en open archway, say
projecting a foot beyond the verandah, and nine
feet wide inside. Let the archway be seven- or
eight feet aide in front, and divided into two
opening' on either aide by s pier twelve inches
square, supporting arches of eaehfive feet wide.
The reason I would offer torso making the parch
and giving it this solid, substantialeharactar, in
stead of letting it form a part at the verandah,
is, that the porch is a part of. the building, not
a screen'or protection, or covered walk cermet
ted therewith; and, moreover, as In winter the
open arches in the sides would be filled In with
glass, and a double door put in -the archway in
front, amore massive erection would be necessa
ry than the verandah would effort The porch
would be built up just so high as that the era
ping roof of tne verandaltirould stop aglinet (to
straight side, and then it might-either be finish
ed with a metalled, and a balustrade or para
pet enclosing o balcony, entered on bytt window
from the floor above; or it might be “hipperr
back on ill three, sides, and with a oornicebrack
cited in a manner I will detail when I come to
speak Minot the roof of the main house.
The floor of tho porch I would make level
with tint of the veranda—potting, however, the
steps necessary to reach it. from the ground
meliately commencing with and within the arch
. ' l° P asb 'll in.froet, and I would also climt steps
to be so made on the north aide, unless that aide
be prefeired always closed - up.with . ew l 2l
hall doors should be simple hairy doors .
down the middle, each half being, two feet three
inches wide. The hall being • nine feet,:there
would be a room, for windOws on- each tilde of
the door pests, about fifteen inches wide; ',theta
I would make ronndheaded. And intlaucllrge 4
the same height as the. doors, shore I them
all a row oflow transom windowe, as they are
- called, each rounitheaded , and an spaced out as
-that each may be the mime viidth as. the I Aida.
lights below. These transom windows - mint be
made to open—the eimplest-warrillbe timake.
the outer once slide into the casing on :enciliddo
and if more openings be needed, the eon& one
may elide up into the casing and greer
head. - •
The eastern window, .urtdar the. from.
the library; etteld hum Freida wiadowv *sing
in the middle, and either hung open or
made to elide into the wills on either side. If
hinged in the ordinary manner; take care to di
reetyour carpenter to provide Woodbridge's
Patent Weather-Strip, which will not only make
them tight at bottom, and exclude all dust, wind
and most driving storms, but will make them
more easily opened and closed; from the simpli
city and durability of the apparatus that both
fastens and protects them. Over this window,
another would be required in the chathber of the
floor above, end another over the orch. These
windows may be as simple as you p lease. Above
them, again, I would rakes gable In the roof,
just over the porch, containing a nanow and low
window, lighting the attic or apace wader the
roo f. Here, with the kitcbenlmildings, stretch
ing out north, and of course of a lower elevation
are all the feautures we have on the eastern
aide of the house; now let ,us see what can be.
done with them to obtain the desired effect
In the first place, we will settle the character
of the veranda, which we can, now do, having
grounds to go upon. The building being near
ly regular and of even surface, from the nature
of the - material, a rough, rustle veranda would
be out of keeping, as would also bee classic
colonnade,. or _ . a light trellis-work. The pasta
supporting its roof may be thus made. Put to r
gaiter studs, tweinches by three, In the form of
a cross, around a centre stud, four inches square;
the other studs 14 be furnished with sot brack
ets at the top and bottom, extending say four
inches at the bottom, and six at the top, se as
to form (nips and bases; and the edges to be
chamfered off until within three or four inches
lof the top and bottom. The cornice of the .
motto be very simple , consisting of o fascia, and
above that a heavy roof moulding, and, Humans
willafford, to be enriched withbracketa. The roof
to be covered with metal or shingles, and the
under aide to show the 'rafters, and to be coiled
above them, and not straight across. These
posts would be so arranged as not to come in
the wayof windows in the rooms, and might be
placed in pairs, close together, and each pair
about nine feet from the next. Where ; the ve r
rands runs around the bay windo' In the draw
ing -room, 'on - the western aide, the spade above
would afford a good opportunity for a balcony
entered from the chamber Icor, which might
again be protected by a ligh roof, supported on
brackets, over the window leading upon it.—
Simply directing that the floor of the veranda
would look beet if laid in. narrow strips of sooth
e= yellow piste, oiled., and that some - of the lame
tihtt ands that the Horns /mud has shown in
its pages, end procurable at the Berrien', be
scattered here and there, I shall not bare occa
shut to refer to this portion of the building again.
The roof, hipped, as it is called; to the centre,
with a gable aver the eastern window, in a line
above the centre of the porch;.and with s simi
lar gable over the window above the balcony on
the western side, needs very simple treatment to
secure the desirable effect. , The chimneys in
the main hoese are gathered exactly into its
centre, around a ventilating discharging flue,
which may' be terminated with an ejector, as de
scribal in my letter on ventilation. The roof,
projecting over the wells three feet and a half,
wilt elope each way, (excepting where thegs
bles break in upon its regular 'tnes,) towards
the stack of flues in the 'centre.
The projecting cornice of the roof ;Will be sup
ported by brackets four feet deep, arta arranged
in palm, each bracket fin inches thick and fif
teen inches apart from the next, each pair being
four or five feetfrom the other; these 'brackets
resting on a baud of brick-work one foot deep,
projecting three inches, are to be simply sawed
out of some graceful form, . say that oil an 8,
with a head above and below, and the cornice
tote merely a' circular or roll moulding of a
heavy character. ' '
A good effect may be given to all the windows
in building the walls,..bymaking a projecting
face of two inches and one foot wide, all round
the opening, resting on the stone slii below the
window; this fete, howeier, world be only in
the way if outside abutter blinds were Mesh but
as the manner in which I have in a fernier let
ter directed brick walls to be built; nudely, hol
low, would allow of blinds to elide ri gh t and
left, I suggest this mode of fi nish, anadvise
that the Wadi should be made inside; - iMd to
We have now before us all the outside features
of the house—the building is simply treated—,
'browlth of effect has been gained by_ thopvoid•
since of all obtrusive features, and thecharacter
Of this home is perfectly congruous with ',that of
the landscape. The quiet tone of coloring that
pervades the natural " objects eronnd, wlll best
be harmetnized with by painthig the; bykkwor.k
of the hatuie wiib a warm gray sanded paint, as
spoken of before, and by giving to the wood
work a more lively tint, marking the difference
of the materials without producing too violent
• The wing containing the offices and• reathuild
ings, must of °gorse be of the same character as
the main house; the roof and cornice similar in
treatment, tho Ugh subordinate in design. The
stabling, barns, &c., should also present the same
character of finish, though only where such.finfth
is essential, and not merely ornamentaL The barn
do., may be built of wood—thaplanking at the
sides perpendicular, and the joints covered
with battens, the roof projecting, but • without
any cornice, the rafters being cut at the ends
into the form of an 8, and the - brackets: to be
simply struts at the proper angle against the aides-
of the building.
Now I have given you the house and snits de
tails, and in sketching them have thought ofthe
mature of the scenery that surrounds, let us,
dear reader, walk down the lane, and see how
such a home deserves the character of a. homm
how it will meet the requirements I have, from
the first insisted constitute the claim to that ti
tle. We open a substantial gate, heavily. fram
ed, and its timbers chamfered, and walk towards
the house. Its view is at first concealed by a
belt of shrubs and trees, around which the road
makes a alight detour. As we walk on, its front
opens out upon our sight, and, first, thq la.-ge
and open porch hospitably invites us to enter
the building; the porch seems fitting,. is simple
honest and enduring,. cheerful, light and yet
massive, like the stately trees and sturdy hills
around. • •
We step upon the veranda; and as we take a
seat beneath its shade,. &peep through a window
disclose* a cheerful room, fair, not fine
Seated in . Our chairs, we look down the green_
grassy meadows, eloping towards the boindary
dividing as from our neighbour's lands on the
south; and we notice hew, by means -of.} sunk
fence, and by the skilful planting of & few trees
here and there, similar in character to those be
yond, we have connected his grounds with ours,
and bow, without robbing him of a single acre,
we base increased our sense of occupancy, in
looking around.
A few sheep are quietly grazing, and •
birds are hopping about near the house, and
.twittering as they.j light Upon a crumb or an
earth-worm; the stream is beard fitthily An the
distance as the Bart wind comes and goes, and all
we see and hear incressea our sense of simple beau
ty and quiet enjoyment.
Stepping out upou the lawn, we tarn anti look
upon the home. The broad veranda seems like •
a base to the building, and gives mandrenesi
and apparent firmness to its foothold upon the
ground, equally as it imparts lightness and va
riety to its outline. The overshadowing roof,
with its varied light and shade,' from the brzek-,
eta that supple eeema slitting finish to the
building; and the leading parallel mina , .
remands are reproduced in its unbroken iteeiton
, MI line of cornice, and in the uniform' elevation
of the windows. 'There is s peculiar' stamp of
, fitness upon the whole; and the building and the
grounds, the natural objects • and the rerolt of
art, are in perfect congruity, and their tmlia prZ.
duces a Bens* of that most charming elan excel
lencies—Homo:4)mq'. •
In my nett number I will endeavor to
for my readers another scene, and * different --
hone* I.hope that in this I have, so far as I.
have been able to go, made the rules by which
congrcdty between scenery and hones is scoured
pith: having selected as my method of doing in
the application to general mill of Pareinizr in'
atances. . G.
Cilium's Insurance company of Pittabuigh
4114' star One; hs the arataboaaaatC. LL
O. AM.. Precidarth— W. Musa, WT.
Ibis COLOV.7 Ur.. Pawed to insure all haantuadhir
in gore. ana Callba
rautr. l 7 kr the ability aad lataetaLthse
LesaUtaUca,L. afforded in the character of tba"
vho aro all ritlaras of Plttehargh.
tbn eactusmaltr an• their prostrace. late
.4 Intoartir.
D .A. Dessau. Wra- .
. wo" rpust D Ric Edward
loha LtuarsaSh• aubaelh..B..ll./Liar
Ain YOU, A FATELUR,-Ittherhiglee the
nt . up ea te n It . ttet r a rze i a .."
,1! eve o ,: ' real die
we fw. & D. Dene — bb Ace BereauL 3 fite,, t"" ? ,
Me r... • bloihier. eofferios lib= dizeoree . to which fa
=lee ate
boll :I= 7 D. S. D. Dort's . &akar
at our dpot, or cua cue of our agouti, sad get •
perophieu grail. who, you will Orel that the Muter W
as prersrecl br Dr. n o n. Three; t w o
teem the
=ft perpatoeutlr corinc Ohnetowel. to which Dom
burner lemur ere etelthooally Mood., thaw awr 'oar"
on .ar of us
ever yet brought before the
Cdr h. eetatehed ID highretothibloo by it.
TA' re *n p t 11 '4 011 '61 0 " t% " Tod ii Di_
_era; trineriii•
art •eufect Doe laver. Whi7 mud Mmo it- the Norm
lime. which rereSers It woe valuta@ to . every
eo. particularly to teroalet
' Ise acre and mantra ee'Dr. A -D. Itommanuas
foxAtestume. arai Oak* sonther ~ 4 r ..,,,
him in 1M bottle-4 bettLe ffor fa, '' ' '''. .
roeueiebw . . • ..:,.: rsl4 . tt
, .
.1 t'lkiry.X4727.7roarfa
To... An .
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