ESTABLISHED IN 1786. ITTSBURGH GAZETTE puvLik4l..D WEEKLY, BY WHITE & CO: ' lemma rums?. OTPICE umr. srstrrt, SPI . 2 MCI TO 111;1 POST 077113 dn!lar• per anotiM. parable WI 7 004 3. 102 DoLittn If tmvl in advance. • WrS , li.LY—Tw ,, •lullmr• per annao. In advance. Cl3OO in be nnpnlinl on , l , .•Mlooring cmlitlons Threr tk . oi3 .10 .... ..... ......- ..... 900 13 00 Th.. , 111 t. a..kinamol 10 ono 0.0 , 1 1 , 00 11 ,, r0.31y it) advance. No auto Pape= be pent t reAr 'onlgna the Inemer 1.5 sent for r.. 0.1. BATES OF ADVERTISING. One "loner , (10 Ilem of Nordrami . or less) one inaertlon 000 /mob eddltlortal insertlea. 045 Do, • Ib ten weeks 3 00 Do. t bren... ' 400 lhn - month ''' 00 Do• eo m a • • 00 r m 10 00 ound,. 1400 o 8 Etandinz CAN.. 4,5 Myr relre or ler tun I SS 0 00 0 One Dollar for al) additional I One eblm‘rm 0 0 /roommates/A ;deem. For . 13 oloth.mad t i iegl fr Vidlltnenl •11mro Mader Me rearlT rein. Advertliernente PT , 4%11{1 and mot oder Moen Iner, rhareed ee a *mama and a half. Publehers not arrow:l.Mo Mr Legal edrertleenornta bee lkold dho *WWII chltr,M.l 101 . their mddleation. - Ammon/dee mallitates/4er care in hr Merged the llama aiL other edsmaleenienm. Advertbornente not mooted ea the mpr for • we number or Inrerreem. rrill be =W.. , 611 mina onsonlinalr. The d prielleza or ennual rolvartleere Is strictly limited to their own immediate booklet.; end ail adrertatements Oar . 'the benefit of ether...ram, ameell nail adrertieements not lartandlately motored • erlla their•Oem Innen.. and all Classes Of advertisement,. to oath or otherwise. beyond the limitreminked, trill be choreal attlM usual rahm. Par allsuch . transient mdrertlsinrit o eePlead/ rambecd; . .lind prmant nolrnm•t o•r•o- All ildrertammeem fir. chwitoblo institutions, Ore mem beinieM ward, te•rmlilmand ether publie•meethirm and rL like, to ha etre.-7,1 Ulf prim, payable &Uri, in ad. TaS Starrier.. node, to be SO cents. . . Death saatlck.o i:g•rt.".l 411hout charge, unkto Imozape rdrd try Longest Invitations owehrtnary none, mid when so aenomptolot In be pull for. . Recut. alterti,ort kr/Jl.ll . 036.113r9 111,214b,_5 0.1.1131121i1. non', ur renturime anieme.dreirreed to mill Attends= to Fair,. Salim,. trtneertu. or any pulalla entertain:Ll:teats, hare rbnron• or mode for mindttance—all turtle. of pi purate euroelalions—erery notice designed to call attentkm to ts enterprise.. cell:elated or hatuntled to promote fedi reldual only he irreertol with the understand lax that the mac is to he raid-fur. If Intended to to ba llerina in the local enigma. the same will be charged at the rt. of net kw than 10 Ponta per lino. .. Bishop or stir tiottwa m he charged triple price. Tweem Lireiree Petite]. nisei, neat 11.1eure Arent, and ALL(1.2.11,1" . advertisements not •to be uttered owl, parry rate, bet to he allowed a" ai r:met of thirty, tlrpi not crow third per amt. foam the amount of bills. 'Mi. TIII.IriCEIS talli PAM. • One Loewe • threw ineertrocur.—. •-..—..01 bD Da.. . earh litumed ineerithra. sormermluen rrs ss wt.= POPII. ai • ling..) istarticen.---..50 meta. Do.—:7-Im.rb Inmertmn 2 cents. All tratokut nd vrt ti,navnts In be pad to advance. BUSINESS CARDS ALDIOI.3IA7I. • 011 N A. PARItINSON. Alderrnan,,Fifth • Wont Iron Atrret. tety ern 011ars and IS'Aitzt. All toptittrAt promptly rat-toled to. ATrORNEYS (Laif', :;"=1"..) A• TAYLOR, Attorneys at :r;--test; on Fourth tried. Naltii.W i liettreeit Wood Stitittrfielit streets. Yds W:-11.z-D. D. OliDledst Ls estainisdiatier tbr the &Me of 'New York. spit. ••,• ‘ l , lIINN :4; COLLIER, Attorneys at Law— UP an ntre..t. above Smitherl4- 111V.1"..11 , 111TE, Attorney at Law—Of nee on anal aret.t, nnleYourth. in Art.bkaff,:aonlLl - lIAIIRISON SEWELL, Atte , rr x w ,... i.t Law, w, °kn. Role mbWoner Or taking Ant. nontedgcrnento 01 le. Ortsow—Vo sand. nnonss iordstilver -N. G. rErCERBIAN, Atter . e • ... FA a Agvnts, No. la i tth l'ittAsrgh. Ie . 4AMES J. ,KIIIIN. Attorney at Law, office, In Tilghman Mill. /4,414 r ni Want etreti and Olsztiond • y, Piliiihurgh. .0415.1117 ir A 3IES 'F. I, Attorney at Law—Office ../ on 4th st_, fii.tiri.iin Smithfield and Want. Pftubnz;h. FRA:IN.:O I S I'. F NLA Eti I.N,Attorney at Law, 2:0. 1:0 }Mirth Ftreet. l'it4burgh. STOWE fc WATSON. Attorneys . at Law . Vo 110 Fourthu h La John Burden lg; in ran Iloorloon k Wal. • 11. Nam John Yleming. At -conntonn den s..larkoon. loinoto=. A DWAIM I'. JONES. Attorney at Law: ORm ao. ro.nh otroot, toolreee {Baal sad &WA , TASPER. BILUY,.-Attorney-at Law, , 111 N0..94:11.4 Pitte.burcl. P. SAITEERS AND BROICEIDI. • ‘I73L 11. WILLI A'ltS & CO., Bankers - •., • • aml Pyrrane” Protery,,North Let tamer of Wood • turd Third stre , tr... Pitugnmpb All trenmeriont made nn libyral terms, and - colleetkam Promptly strentlld' Iti D.*.KlNG;Bariker and Exchange Broker, a Fourth st.n.,t. Dealer In Bardallotr, MD of Er, TlTilrsi ' VaNll - 7,Z t r. - ITP‘,VIT. g1....1.- Mir Dninn e O, and Marina . and Epardah Dollars. In .inU VW, R. LARIMER, J, Banker and Broker, 'y 4tbstmet, Mn. G6o.ljolninx tbe Bank anti:A.lrd i2tifflCOK'S4l CO. Exchange Brokers, Eanth lom Corner of Third and Marketatraeta All mu. meat Iflaral rates . "pluodi HOLMES SON,7Dealers •in Foreign eeo oore,..ekoto• of r.reie* I>rtlf lest. of Dmk Dotes ead Aneeete, No. ITI• Market Meek, DID. borgtr..„'"ll3l.C.n . llMlnue resets on Mt the mine:kW cities threngbeeet United Ste... • • GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers:. Dealer, in tixehrinco. Coin. Busk Notes, te, No. 14 Fourth street +art fluor to the Bonk of Pillatairigh. col / ortlons put of Ho. eorefall ti y atanit,l to, MA the pseuds remittal to n? n inn. • -.lll'.a.ri RAHN. hRAISER RAIIM, Bankers and Ex.